
Ubuletteline 14+01:10
Ubulettebtw, it's while signing debian/libnss3-0d/usr/lib/nss/libnssdbm3.so01:11
asac_the_2ndok so shlibsign is not properly linked against the sonamed lib01:13
Ubuletteno, paste is wrong, i touched ld_library_path01:13
asac_the_2ndwell look at ldd path/to/shlibsign01:15
asac_the_2ndits probably wrong01:15
Ubulettesee how it works well for libssl3.so.0d but not for libsoftokn3.so.0d01:15
asac_the_2ndyeah ... we probably dropped some piece or something01:15
asac_the_2ndthat was important in this regards01:15
Ubuletteldd is correct, but libsoftokn3 is not linked01:16
Ubuletteyet it's loaded at runtime01:17
Ubulettebut without soname01:17
asac_the_2ndwell its not directly linked than01:17
asac_the_2ndlook at libnss01:17
asac_the_2ndor something01:17
asac_the_2ndits definitly linked by something01:17
asac_the_2ndyeah libsoftokn3.so.0d is linked by libnss3.so.0d01:18
asac_the_2ndat least for stable nss01:18
Ubuletteohoh, it was in NSS_3_12_ALPHA1B, not anymore01:21
Ubulettethat's nss trunk that I'm trying to build here01:21
asac_the_2ndyeah if its really gone ... just remove it from rules shlibsign for statement01:22
Ubuletteoh, they now compile with -DSOFTOKEN_LIB_NAME=\"libsoftokn3.so.0d\"01:22
asac_the_2ndwelll we did that before as well01:23
asac_the_2ndit was in manifest.mn ... look for DEFINES01:23
asac_the_2ndso is it officially gone on latest trunk?01:23
asac_the_2ndthen its most likely just that we can drop and don't care about it01:23
asac_the_2ndactually ... i don't understand the problem here :)01:24
asac_the_2ndmaybe its that they didn't adapt shlibsign.c code ... now that the lib is gone?01:24
asac_the_2ndthat might be true ... nobody knows if they really care about that binary01:24
Ubulettethe signing is done by us, not them01:25
Ubuletteit's in debian/rules01:25
asac_the_2ndyes i know01:26
asac_the_2ndbut we drop it ... search patches for CHECKLOC01:26
asac_the_2ndwe have to do it because we strip libs after build01:26
asac_the_2ndso chk files would be bad01:26
asac_the_2ndline 20 in security_build patch01:27
asac_the_2nd maybe our main problem is that we move the dbm thing01:29
asac_the_2ndmaybe it should be sonamed ... and placed in lib ?01:29
asac_the_2ndis it linked into something?01:29
asac_the_2nde.g. in libnss3 ?01:29
asac_the_2ndotoh ... crazy01:29
asac_the_2ndi would have to look at the full code ... can't see from your diff01:30
Ubulettehere are my logs http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/nss-trunk--1188161291-1188161584-FAILBUILD-3.12.0~cvs20070825-0ubuntu1--3.12.0+cvs20070826t1341+bbot-1.log.gz01:30
asac_the_2ndok so who the f. loads softokn ?01:35
asac_the_2nddo you have an ldd of libnss3.so.0d please01:37
asac_the_2nde.g. how it looks like in debian/...01:37
asac_the_2ndthere it should be -lsoftokn301:39
asac_the_2ndbut i don't see it anywhere in log01:39
Ubulettemaybe compare with ppa logs01:40
asac_the_2ndthere is something broken01:40
Ubulettereally ? :)01:40
asac_the_2ndis NS_USE_GCC defined?01:42
asac_the_2ndgrep in coreconf/config/01:42
asac_the_2ndor config.status01:42
Ubulette./debian/rules:         NS_USE_GCC=1 \01:45
asac_the_2ndanyway ... it doesn't obey rules.mk then01:45
asac_the_2ndbecause rules.mk adds -lsoftokn3 to compile01:46
asac_the_2ndfor SHARED_LIBRARIES and PROGRAMS01:46
asac_the_2ndif NS_USE_GCC01:46
asac_the_2ndand EXTRA_SHARED_LIBS should contain -lsoftokn301:48
asac_the_2ndbut i don't see that anywhere in your build log01:49
asac_the_2ndjust plc4 plds4 nspr401:49
asac_the_2ndlook at line 4000 in your build log01:50
asac_the_2ndcan you verify that the config.mk file really looks like the one i posted?01:50
asac_the_2ndi can't see where it would take the libs without the softokn3 from01:51
asac_the_2ndin those files in lxr01:51
asac_the_2nd(which is what they think is currently trunk)01:51
asac_the_2ndis your trunk checkout really the tag they pull from ff/xul trunk?01:52
asac_the_2ndUbulette: you don't checkout a tag01:53
Ubuletteplain head01:54
Ubulettecompare with http://librarian.dogfood.launchpad.net/7816314/buildlog_ubuntu-gutsy-i386.nss-trunk_3.12.0~alpha1b-0ubuntu1~mt4_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz01:55
Ubuletteit does -L/build/buildd/nss-trunk-3.12.0~alpha1b/mozilla/dist/lib -lsoftokn3 -L/usr/lib -lplc4 -lplds4 -lnspr4  -lpthread  -ldl -lc01:55
Ubulettemine is -L/src/buildbot/nss-trunk-3.12.0+cvs20070826t1341+bbot/mozilla/dist/lib -L/usr/lib -lplc4 -lplds4 -lnspr4  -lpthread  -ldl -lc01:56
asac_the_2ndwell then you wasted our time somehow ... HEAD just doesn't make sense for nspr and nss01:57
asac_the_2ndthere is no problem that i see01:57
Ubulettea trunk is a trunk01:57
Ubuletteif we waste our time here, we also waste it with ff-trunk01:57
Ubulettei'll have a fresh look tomorrow, i'm tired now01:58
asac_the_2ndpoint is that trunk nss is something else ... its not what ffox-trunk needs ... but i see your point :)01:58
asac_the_2ndquestion is if its just a transitional thing we are hunting here01:58
asac_the_2ndif not then its not wasted time01:58
asac_the_2ndmy point is just that ffox-trunk should not be build against nss trunk ... but the tag that client.mk names01:59
asac_the_2ndi always thought that nss-trunk tracks the branch needed for firefox-trunk01:59
asac_the_2ndand nss-granparadiso tracks the one we need for paradiso01:59
asac_the_2ndbut then i have no idea how the real trunk should be called02:00
asac_the_2ndmaybe nss-ahead :)02:00
Ubulettegp is close to trunk so nss-gp could be used for ff-trunk too, at least for ppa02:01
asac_the_2ndas you saw in gp its not the case ... trunk now has other tag then trunk02:02
asac_the_2nds/in gp/in nspr/02:02
asac_the_2ndanyway ... lets think about it02:03
Ubulettewhat a mess !02:03
asac_the_2ndwhich is why i never wanted to build real trunks of those libs ... the difference imo is that a bunch more people might want to track firefox trunk than nss/nspr trunk :)02:03
asac_the_2ndbut then i am not a man who diliberately ignores minorities02:03
asac_the_2ndso ... no idea02:03
Ubulettenight will tell02:04
asac_the_2ndpersonally i don't really need nss/nspr real trunk ;)... i just like ffox-trunk because we can see issues early and tell upstream about it ... which is actually what they would like to see from us.02:05
asac_the_2ndand there are a bunch of people that want ffox-trunk of course ... but i already said that02:05
asac_the_2ndok ... i say 'night ... tomorrow i have far too much to do to stay awake that long :)02:05
asac_the_2ndi can't tell ... what is going on ... but it works for me02:43
asac_the_2ndasac@ubun:/tmp/nss.ubuntu.trunk/mozilla/security/nss$ cvs stat Makefile02:43
asac_the_2ndFile: Makefile          Status: Locally Modified02:43
asac_the_2nd   Working revision:    1.3502:43
asac_the_2nd   Repository revision: 1.35    /cvsroot/mozilla/security/nss/Makefile,v02:43
asac_the_2ndso its untagged trunk02:43
asac_the_2ndbut build succeeded02:44
asac_the_2ndi just migrated all patches to apply cleanly02:44
asac_the_2ndUbulette: here the patch against your latest trunk02:45
Jazzva asac: I'm working on that change in ubufox... Well, I got the table... now just to organize it and add the label :).02:45
JazzvaI suppose it will be finished by tomorrow...02:45
asac_the_2ndwell ... lots of clutter because of timestamps ... stupid me02:45
asac_the_2ndJazzva: cool02:46
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Jazzvaasac_the_2nd: Do you have any special variable naming policy you would like me to use?02:59
asacfor what code?03:00
asacin general we follow upstream convention when touching upstream code03:00
Jazzvaasac: For ubufox... pluginInstallerWizar03:00
asacits like camelcase with first letter lower-case03:01
asacfor variables ... and functions i guess03:01
asacclassnames are full camelcase with first letter upper-case03:01
asacbut you should see in other code segments03:01
asacmaybe i messed it up though :)03:01
JazzvaWell, I noticed that camelcase (btw, I didn't know it was its name :))03:01
JazzvaBut I thought more of something like03:02
asacyeah i think it is ... maybe there are other names ... but camelcase describes it well :)03:02
JazzvatablePlugins which would be <elementname><what is it used for>03:02
Jazzvaand then cellPluginName which would have the same form03:03
asacyou mean semantic conventions03:03
asaci think it should be reasonable03:03
asacprobably pluginsTableElement :)03:03
JazzvaOk, I'll use something like that :)03:04
asacor just pluginsTable ... if element is the only representation for that03:04
asacbut often there is another datastructure for that ... like a hashmap/array, etc. ... so saying xyzELement is good03:04
JazzvaHuh? :)03:05
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Jazzva[03:04]  <asac> but often there is another datastructure for that ... like a hashmap/array, etc. ... so saying xyzELement is good03:10
Jazzva[03:05]  <Jazzva> Huh? :)03:10
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gnomefreakok this is getting old :(09:45
gnomefreakif anyone is here can you please see how much mem and cpu xorg is using in gutsy unter top?09:48
jeromeggnomefreak: 2 seconds and I tell you09:50
jeromeggnomefreak: CPU varies between 5 and 20 % and memory 3%09:53
gnomefreakhmmmmm ok ty09:53
Ubulettegnomefreak, cpu 0%, mem 3%10:11
Ubulette  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND10:13
Ubulette 5559 root      15   0 79128  63m  11m R    1  3.1   9:28.74 Xorg10:13
Ubuletteah, 1%10:13
=== gnomefreak still thinks its updatedb causing my issue but have to check everything :(
gnomefreakbrb smoke10:14
asacgnomefreak: there? you have your dput.cf entry to mt ppa?10:32
gnomefreaklet me get it10:32
gnomefreaki thought that was the file10:33
gnomefreakoh wait i think i know why10:34
gnomefreak[ppa-mt] 10:34
gnomefreakfqdn = upload.dogfood.launchpad.net10:34
gnomefreakincoming = ~mozillateam/ubuntu/10:34
gnomefreaklogin = anonymous10:34
gnomefreakasac: the fqdn line will change once released (cant think of it atm but it will be somehting like ppa.launchpad.net)10:35
gnomefreakasac: i used ppa-mt because i made a personal one as well so i had to give them different names10:35
asacgnomefreak: you know the date when this will be switched? tomorrow?10:35
gnomefreakasac: noone knows atm10:36
gnomefreaki will ask when people start to talk more in #launchpad10:36
gnomefreakdont forget for your personal on eyou have to register it10:37
gnomefreaki already reg. mt10:37
asacyeah ... i registered my personal one already10:37
gnomefreakit would be nice if LP was more of a place to upload things10:38
gnomefreakthat doesnt make sense because its before 5am10:38
gnomefreakand noone knows what happened to apokryphos :(10:39
gnomefreakoh btw i fixed my sunbird branch10:41
gnomefreaktoday ill look into the update thingy (i figure its not a waste if i fix it :)10:42
gnomefreakasac: do you have ff source handy?10:48
asacgnomefreak: for what?10:48
asacand which version of ff?10:48
gnomefreakthe ubuntu-look-feel patches10:48
gnomefreakim wondering if one of those had the disabled update button10:48
gnomefreaksince they failed to apply in sunbird i think we dropped them10:49
gnomefreakhold on a sec i have a list of patches that we dropped maybe you remember what is in them?10:50
gnomefreakcould that be the patch we need?10:59
gnomefreakgrabbing ff2.0 branch hopefully its still  in there11:01
gnomefreakweird thing is that patch isnt in iceape either that i have found11:04
gnomefreakasac: just out of pure concern, would it be defined in say mozilla/toolkit/mozapps/update/src/Makefile.in11:19
asacgnomefreak: yeah ... but is that one actually applied?11:22
gnomefreakin ff it is i think11:22
gnomefreakwell its in a ff patch11:22
gnomefreakasac: build-system-garbage.patch from ff2.011:22
gnomefreakifdef MOZ_UPDATER DIRS = updater endif11:23
gnomefreakEXTRA_COMPONENTS = nsUpdateService.js11:23
gnomefreak+GARBAGE += nsUpdateService.js11:23
gnomefreakthat is the part that caught my eye11:23
gnomefreakEXTRA_COMPONENTS = nsUpdateService.js11:31
gnomefreak+GARBAGE += nsUpdateService.js11:31
gnomefreakthats in sunbird garbage patch11:31
gnomefreakha i found the problem11:32
gnomefreakim betting it was failing to apply so we # in series11:32
gnomefreakgonne test build with it enabled11:33
=== gnomefreak wonders if it failed due to the file names in patch. example build-tree/browser
gnomefreakthats odd11:37
asacdamn damn damn11:46
asacremind me to never pull a branch of someone else ... but only merge into my branch11:46
gnomefreaki didnt do it this time but i think i know why the patch faild and why we dropped it but still testing11:47
asacits not about what you said, but beacuse ubufox is broken11:48
asacapparently jazzva elminated some important bits while merging11:48
gnomefreakha now to figure this out11:49
gnomefreakyep found the issue11:50
gnomefreaki can have this fixed today it looks like11:50
gnomefreakcan i drop all the mozilla/browser patches?11:51
gnomefreaknot patches11:51
gnomefreakasac: here is full patch http://pastebin.mozilla.org/189520  only parts we really dont need are mozilla/browser/.... hunks afaik can i drop those hunks and try again?11:52
gnomefreakall hunks that build showed to fail on were the mozilla/browser11:53
gnomefreakscrew it lets try it :)11:53
gnomefreakasac: if i edit patch by hand do i have to do anything other than just build?11:58
gnomefreakcross your fingers for me ill be right back going for smoke while i wait for pass/fail12:00
gnomefreakasac: patch applied :)12:05
asacsorry no idea at them moment what all this is about12:07
asacgnomefreak: build system garbage is almost certainly not responsible for your update problem12:08
gnomefreakasac: if this fixes it can you upload today12:10
gnomefreakasac: only one way to find out :)12:10
asacgnomefreak: well ... the garbage patch will not fix the update issues12:11
asaci am 99.9999% sure12:11
asacits just garbage12:11
asacthat nsUpdateService.js is in that file is just a coincident and has nothing to do with the update button12:11
gnomefreakthan why do  we have it if its just garbage?12:12
asacwe are talking about sunbird?12:12
asacgnomefreak: its just garbage that upstream forgets to remove on clean12:12
gnomefreakyes sunbird12:12
asace.g. its not garbage ... but its not cleaned on clean12:12
asacsince sunbird is embedded tarball build we do not need that garbage thing at all12:13
asacwe could drop it from firefox as well12:13
asacit was just needed when we had not tarball embedded because otherwise the diff.gz would grow when you do two builds without wiping everything12:14
asacgnomefreak: it should be easy to verify: is the update option false and locked now?12:14
asaci doubt it is12:14
gnomefreaknot sure of either12:15
asacgnomefreak: debian/patches/disable-default-setting-for-app.update.enabled-and-app.update.auto.patch,12:16
asacthat one looks more promissing12:16
asacbut i think we have it12:16
gnomefreaknot in sunbird12:17
asacwhat is in that patch?12:17
gnomefreaknot sure yet where did you get it from?12:17
asacgnomefreak: you pasted it ... seee above12:18
gnomefreakasac: i dont have that patch in firefox either12:18
gnomefreakasac: we dropped it from sunbird/firefox ect12:18
asac10:59 < gnomefreak> debian/patches/disable-default-setting-for-app.update.enabled-and-app.update.auto.patch,12:18
gnomefreakhold on ill show you where12:19
gnomefreaksunbird changelog12:19
gnomefreakfirefox ( gutsy; urgency=low12:20
gnomefreak-- Alexander Sack <asac@ubuntu.com>  Fri, 8 Jun 2007 01:11:00 +020012:20
gnomefreakso our first build of sunbird was missing it as well12:21
gnomefreakI have no way of knowing what revo that was to grab it12:25
gnomefreakearlest i have is 7412:25
gnomefreakhmmm maybe i do12:25
asacwell we don't use it in firefox anymore as well12:26
asacin firefox we just have firefox.cfg12:26
asacand firefox-prefs.js12:27
asacaeh ... debian/firefox.ubuntu-prefs.js12:27
asac(which tell firefox to use firefox.cfg)12:27
asacplease verify that sunbird.ubuntu-prefs.js is installed to the same place as firefox isntalls it12:27
gnomefreako// only define lock file12:28
gnomefreakpref("general.config.filename", "sunbird.cfg");12:28
gnomefreakthats what was in there12:28
gnomefreaklooking in .install for it12:28
gnomefreakdebian/sunbird.ubuntu-prefs.js usr/share/sunbird/greprefs12:29
gnomefreakis that same12:29
gnomefreakdebian/firefox.ubuntu-prefs.js usr/share/firefox/greprefs12:30
gnomefreaki would say yes the same12:30
gnomefreakthey are identical12:31
gnomefreaksunbird.install and firefox.install12:31
gnomefreakdebian/sunbird.js etc/sunbird/pref12:31
gnomefreakdebian/sunbird.cfg usr/lib/sunbird12:31
gnomefreakalso are the same12:31
gnomefreakusr/share/sunbird/js usr/lib/sunbird/js [is in debian/sunbird.links but not in debian/firefox.links12:38
gnomefreaki  dount sunbird.links is of any use though12:39
gnomefreakasac: how do you use bzr clone to get a certain revo?12:48
gnomefreakpref("extensions.update.enabled", true);12:51
gnomefreakwonder if i should add for update to be false12:51
asacgnomefreak: yes12:51
asacbzr branch -rREVISION ...12:51
gnomefreakmay not need that if this works12:52
asacin firefox we probably have the same setting ... but still its locked to false12:52
asacwe have to fibgure out why the locking mechanism doesn't work12:52
gnomefreakwell that wtf12:52
gnomefreakthe lock itself (if you mean cgf.source12:53
gnomefreakit has them both set to false12:53
gnomefreakwait a damn minute12:53
gnomefreakthe cfg only has 1 iirc12:54
asacgnomefreak: what is in debian/sunbird.js ?12:55
=== gnomefreak trying to figure out what file i was looking in wher eit only had 1
gnomefreakpref("extensions.update.enabled", true);12:55
gnomefreakpref("intl.locale.matchOS", true);12:55
gnomefreakpref("browser.shell.checkDefaultBrowser", false);12:55
gnomefreakother than comments that is it12:55
asacgnomefreak: can you post a strace -f sunbird somewhere12:56
asaci want to see if it looks at our prefs/cfg files at all12:56
gnomefreakwhere do i do that from?12:56
asacjust run strace -f sunbird12:56
asacand paste the output12:56
gnomefreakoh k12:56
asacinstall strace package (but you certainly have it already)12:56
gnomefreakoh boy12:57
gnomefreakther eis alot of output12:58
asacgnomefreak: just12:58
asacstrace -eopen -f sunbird12:58
asacshould be less output12:58
asacand only what matters for us12:58
gnomefreaki cant seem to get it to pipe to a file for some damn reason01:00
gnomefreakcant pipe less either01:02
asacgnomefreak: its going to stderr01:03
asacso you have to capture thta as well01:03
asacand you damn know well how to do ti01:03
asac2>&1 | tee /tmp/out01:03
gnomefreakyes and its not working01:03
asacyes it is01:03
gnomefreakoh forgot the >01:03
gnomefreakshould i close sunbird after it opens?01:04
asacdoesn't matter01:06
asacwhat we want to see happens on startup01:06
gnomefreakthats the full log before killing sunbird01:06
gnomefreaksmoke while you read01:07
asacit opens sunbird.ubuntu-prefs.js01:09
asacwhich is good01:09
asacbut it doesn't attempt to read sunbird.cfg01:10
asaci will try whats goind on01:10
asacok i found it01:14
asactry to add pref to the --enable-extension01:14
asacconfigure option01:14
asace.g. =default,lightning,pref01:14
asacplease try if it helps01:14
gnomefreakin rules01:14
gnomefreak--enable-extensions=default,lightning \01:15
gnomefreakyou mean that one?01:15
asacyeah ... add ,pref01:15
asaclike above01:15
asacthat should fix this issue01:15
asac(for sure)01:15
asacunless the build fails of course :)01:16
gnomefreakill let you know :001:22
=== gnomefreak crosses fingers and goes to make tea
asacgnomefreak: tea is good ... better than coffee (which i will now start to pour into me)01:46
=== gnomefreak cant have caffeine and decaf coffee tastes gross to me
gnomefreaki might head to breakfast while this builds01:51
gnomefreakasac: what ar eyou doing with bug 121734?01:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 121734 in thunderbird "orig.tar.gz has binary-only files" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12173401:58
asacno idea02:03
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gnomefreakdamn it again :(02:12
gnomefreakok going to grab food bbl02:19
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gnomefreakasac: ok just about done building ill install and see if its fixed than i will push the changes that i commited to branch03:27
asacgnomefreak: are there any bugs open that we should fix?03:28
asace.g. some packaging issues, like missing icons et al?03:28
asacgnomefreak: is there a bug for that preference things?03:28
gnomefreakasac: the bug i filed i marked in progress along with the menu bug03:29
asacok .. remember to document it properly in commit log03:29
gnomefreakasac: only have orig bug and locales03:29
asace.g. with LP: #BUGID syntax03:29
asacso i can just copy that to changelog when plumbering the upload03:30
asacgnomefreak: you don't need to modify changelog03:30
asaci will do that in the end from bzr commit messages03:30
asacgnomefreak: can you try to figure out if there are .xpi files upstream?03:31
asacfor locales?03:31
gnomefreakthere are03:31
gnomefreakis on the bug03:31
asacplease post a strace -eopen -f sunbird if its still not working03:31
gnomefreakhow the fuck does "pref" stop it from opening03:31
gnomefreaktells me to see admin03:32
asacgnomefreak: can you start sunbird from dist/bin ?03:32
asace.g build-tree/mozilla/dist/bin03:32
asacanyway ... strace like above is certainly helpful for this problem as well03:33
gnomefreakther eis no dist/bin03:33
asacthere is03:34
asacunless you cleaned all03:34
gnomefreakther eis tab complete screwed me up03:35
asacyeah ... ok lunch break03:36
gnomefreakyes it starts from dist/bin03:36
asacyou need to install that in sunbird.install03:37
asacits probably missing03:37
asacprobably the whole autoconfig folder is needed03:37
asaccopy it to /usr/share/sunbird/defaults .... which should already be properly linked to /usr/lib03:38
asacok out for lunch03:38
asactry to copy the folder by hand to test if it helps03:38
asacyou can see in strace that sunbird tries to open it, but doesn't find it03:38
gnomefreakok so i just add that to the install file03:39
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gnomefreakok building again ill be back03:56
asac_the_2n1gnomefreak: could you verify that its enough?04:02
asac_the_2n1e.g. by copying by hand?04:02
asac_the_2n1otherwise a build would just take precious time ;)04:02
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gnomefreakyou want me to copy usr/lib/sunbird/defaults/autoconfig/ to /usr/share/sunbird/defaults?04:03
asac_the_2n1or just rerun debian/rules binary04:04
asac_the_2n1instead of doing a clean04:04
gnomefreakfirst one is in debian/tmp?04:04
asac_the_2n1its perfect to test fixes in debhelper files04:04
asac_the_2n1you never need to rebuild until you have all fixed04:05
asac_the_2n1if your issue is with debhelper files04:05
asac_the_2n1(so just for future)04:05
asac_the_2n1well ... next time try to not rebuild04:05
asac_the_2n1but use dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -nc04:05
asac_the_2n1should boost your test/try cycle by hours ;)04:05
gnomefreaki dont see a /usr in build-tree/mozilla04:06
gnomefreakthere is no /usr in any of the debian folders04:06
asac_the_2n1gnomefreak: no its beneath debian/tmp obvioulsy04:06
gnomefreakwould be good if i had a /tmp04:07
asac_the_2n1well ... if you restarted build those directories have been wiped by now04:07
gnomefreakmaybe because i just killed build04:07
gnomefreakthat would be why04:07
asac_the_2n1yeah that makes no sense ... there was nothing to rescue for you04:07
asac_the_2n1its all gone if you do a full rebuild04:07
asac_the_2n1so you have to wait now04:07
gnomefreakeh ill wait :( i have it spinning again04:10
gnomefreaki have house work i can do while it builds04:10
gnomefreakbug 13506604:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 135066 in mozilla-thunderbird "Thunderbird doesn't use Ubuntu icon theme" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13506604:11
asacyeah we don't have such a theme ... so.04:25
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asacAdmiral_Chicago: us that an achievement?05:43
gnomefreakasac: /usr/share/sunbird/defaults is also in debian/tmp right?05:56
gnomefreakor not05:57
Admiral_Chicagoasac: yes, it was broken for a bit due to my profile05:57
gnomefreakonly thin in debian/tmp/usr/share is idl05:58
gnomefreakok found and copied it now ill dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -nc and see what happens06:03
gnomefreakasac: i cant use dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -nc since im using bzr bd it seems to want source06:04
gnomefreakshould i do that inside build-tree maybe?06:05
gnomefreakor better yet build-area06:05
gnomefreakbuilding in gnomefreak@GutsyGibbon:~/gutsy_builds/work/build-area/lightning-sunbird-0.5 seems to be working06:06
asacgnomefreak: its in build-tree06:07
asacaeh build-aread06:07
gnomefreakhow is this a perment fix?06:08
asacin tmp its always usr/lib06:08
gnomefreakcoping the autoconf fdir06:08
asacbut we sort things to usr/share06:08
asacyou have to copy it with debhelper files06:08
asaclike every other file as well06:08
asaclook in .install06:09
gnomefreakall those have to be copied over as well? since they are already symlinked06:09
asacgnomefreak: i have no idea what you mean06:09
gnomefreakeh symlink maybe not but you know what i mean06:09
asacjust copy the damn autoconf folder ... done06:09
gnomefreaki did06:10
gnomefreaklong time ago06:10
asacthen you are done :)06:10
gnomefreaki just dont see if its in debian/tmp how it is gonna carry over to next build06:10
asacjust verify that defaults is properly linked from usr/lib/sunbird to usr/share/sunbird06:10
asacgnomefreak: its in debian/tmp06:10
asacread above06:10
asacthere is no SHARE in debian/tmpo06:10
asacmofo people install everything in usr/lib06:10
asacso we copy things to usr/share from usr/lib and set link06:11
asac(well they install idl in share ... but you already found that)06:11
asacso where did you find it?06:11
asac(you claimed that you found it)06:11
gnomefreakin build-area/debian/tmp/usr/share06:11
gnomefreaki would have to look again to make sure06:12
gnomefreakthat is where06:12
asacthats bullshit ... its definitly not there ... you might have done it manually06:12
asacwhich is wrong06:12
asacyou have to fix sunbird.install06:12
asacnothing else06:12
asacand just verify that the defaults dir is properly linked already to usr/share/...06:13
gnomefreakan/tmp/usr/share$ ls06:13
gnomefreakhint look06:13
asac(in sunbird.links)06:13
asacgnomefreak: yeah ... and?06:13
asacgnomefreak: debian/tmp ... is just the source ... the target is debian/sunbird/06:13
gnomefreakso even after all this i have to fix something that wasnt broken to begin with?06:14
asacyou never modify debian/tmp06:14
asacit stays the same06:14
asacyou just sort things from debian/tmp to debian/sunbird06:14
gnomefreaki didnt touch sunbird.install either06:14
asacin debian/tmp ... all is below usr/lib/06:14
asacyes ... which is wrong06:14
gnomefreakasac: yes06:14
gnomefreakthats wrong06:14
asaci don't know what you did ... but you definitly either did nothing ... or did something wrong06:14
gnomefreakok if its wrong why has it been ok before06:14
asacits OK to have all in usr/lib in debian/tmp06:15
asacthere is zero problemo with that06:15
gnomefreaksunbird worked fine until i added pref to rules than when installed it failed to start remember?06:15
asacyeah because the autoconf dir is not copied to debian/sunbird06:15
gnomefreakso you told me to copy autoconf over and i did that06:15
asacgnomefreak: from where?06:15
asacgnomefreak: tell me exactly what you copied ... from where ... to what place?06:16
asacand more importantly ... HOW ?06:16
asacby copy i always mean sunbird.install06:17
asaci just told you to test it once manually06:17
asacbut that has nothing todo with it06:17
asacrun a find debian/tmp -type d  | grep autoconf06:17
asacis there a match?06:17
asacthen run06:17
asacfind debian/sunbird -type d | grep autoconf ... is there a match?06:17
gnomefreakhold that thought06:17
gnomefreaki think i copied to itself06:19
asacdid you run the two finds ?06:21
asacyeah ... you have to copy debian/tmp/usr/lib/sunbird/defaults/autoconfig ... to the same dir in sunbird/usr/share06:22
asacdo that in sunbird.install06:22
asacgnomefreak: one more time :) ... maybe you remember ... debian/sunbird contains what get packaged in the end ... so you just have to take care that the autoconfig dir is there as well :)06:23
gnomefreakthan why did you tell em to copy by hand06:23
asacgnomefreak: i never told you to copy in build-tree06:23
asaccopy by hand in your install06:23
asacjust forget that06:23
asacjust do it properly06:23
asacwith sunbird.install ... and just run dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -nc too test ;)06:24
asacso *no* need to copy by hand ;)06:24
asaci am sorry for that confusion ... but i thought it was obvious06:24
gnomefreakdebian/tmp/usr/include/sunbird/autoconfig sunbird/usr/share06:25
gnomefreakor debian/sunbird/usr/share06:25
asacgnomefreak: not the include06:25
gnomefreakoh yeah06:25
asacdamn ... it can't be that hard :/06:25
gnomefreakyes i just cp'ed the wrong link06:25
asactis just the same path but in share :/06:26
asacgnomefreak: no link ... *copy*06:26
asacor *install* ... however you want to call it06:26
gnomefreakasac: when i pasted it in irssi i grabed wrong paste06:26
asacyou just have to verify that the defaults dir is properly linked... because i am not sure06:26
asacbut it should06:26
asacok ;)06:27
asacgnomefreak: if you look in .install ... it should be obvious ... there are other dirs copied that way as well06:27
gnomefreakthey are all usr/share/sunbird*06:27
gnomefreakgive or take06:27
asacdebian/tmp/usr/lib/sunbird/defaults/pref usr/share/sunbird/defaults06:28
asacdebian/tmp/usr/lib/sunbird/defaults/profile usr/share/sunbird/profile06:28
asacthose are so close to what you want that it should be trival to adapt it :)06:28
gnomefreakthats not what is in this file for all the rest06:28
asacits in my sunbird.install06:28
gnomefreakdebian/sunbird.cfg usr/lib/sunbird06:28
asacline 706:28
gnomefreakdebian/tmp/usr/lib/sunbird/defaults/pref usr/share/sunbird/defaults06:29
gnomefreakthats line 706:29
asacyeah you found it06:29
asacits exactly what you want06:29
asacbut with autoconfig06:29
gnomefreakyeah i knew that and i had that in here but you told me to do it by hand so i removed it06:29
gnomefreaki even commited it06:29
asacdon't get confused to quick :)06:29
asaci would never ask you to copy something by hand in the build tree06:30
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asacwhen i ask for manual copying its always in the real insatll ... just to test if its enough to fix our issue06:30
asacwithout the need to build etc.06:30
gnomefreakoh ok06:30
JazzvaHello... Just passing by... asac, I won't be able to finish that plugins menu today...06:30
gnomefreakdebian/tmp/usr/lib/sunbird/defaults/autoconfig usr/share/sunbird/defaults06:31
asacgnomefreak: be more self-confident ;) ... i am sorry, but i cannot really look what you havfe on your disk06:31
asacthat looks good06:31
asacJazzva: plugin menu? you mean plugin table?06:31
gnomefreakasac: thats what i had to  start with. ok lets see if its better06:31
Jazzvaasac: That :)... I'm having problems with my HDD on which is the /home dir and I'm in a light panic state... Backing up important stuff...06:31
asacgood luck06:32
JazzvaOTOH, I should get new HDD tomorrow, which is a positive thing :)...06:32
asacyou should merge the mt tree into yours06:32
asaci fixed another bug there06:32
gnomefreakstill have to test build in build-area06:41
asacwith -nc ... just work in build-area until fixed06:41
asacthen copy the modified files back to bzr06:41
gnomefreakthey are all commited atm06:42
gnomefreaki have been commiting and uncommiting as i go06:42
gnomefreakim assuming you mean those files :)06:44
asac... i better stop guessing ... i have no idea what you are doing ;) and will probably just cause confusion06:48
gnomefreakasac: nvm i know what you meant and i figured it out sorry been up for almost 10 hours already06:52
asacyeah no problem ;)06:52
asaci am not really at my best atm as well :)06:52
gnomefreaki fixed it in my build dir but i forgot tht running dpkg-buildpackage i would have to fix it in build-area :( so when you were telling me to fix it there i was fixing it in build dir06:55
gnomefreakextra spin or 3 not like today was the best of days to begin with06:55
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asacgnomefreak: yeah ... one only learns from failures ;)06:57
asac... or pain06:57
gnomefreakbut hopefully it works that way all i have to do is build and push06:57
gnomefreakalthough if it works all i really need to do is push06:58
=== gnomefreak wonders if there is a locales dir
gnomefreakwould have been nice to have one07:01
asacwhat is fixed?07:05
gnomefreaksunbird is fixed/07:05
asacoh cool07:05
asacclean up ... push to bzr ... i will merge over to mt ... after reviewing that no cruft slipped in and upload07:05
gnomefreaklocales i would have to do inside source tarball or make a locales dir in debian07:05
asacgnomefreak: where are the locales shipped?07:06
asacgnomefreak: if they are not shipped in upstream sunbird tarball we want a separate source package for locales07:06
gnomefreakin the build-area/mozilla07:06
asace.g. sunbird-locales-all07:06
gnomefreakits in upstream07:06
gnomefreakbut only en_us and generic it looked like07:06
asacthen don't bother07:07
asacwe need a source package wil all .xpis07:07
asacjust like firefox-locales-all07:07
asacand en-us is alrady properly shipped07:07
gnomefreakits in toolkit07:07
asacotherwise sunbird wouldn't have any text ;)07:07
asacgnomefreak: yeah doesn't matter07:07
asacits everywhere07:07
asacevery component has a locale folder07:08
gnomefreakoh ok07:08
asacbut they just have one locale inside (the default)07:08
asaceverything else needs to be packaged outside07:08
asacso sunbird package doesn't need to be modified07:08
gnomefreakoh well the bug gives like to all locales07:08
gnomefreaklist of ~10 of them07:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 130807 in lightning-sunbird "sunbird langpacks doesn't exist yet" [Undecided,Confirmed] 07:09
asacwe should just package all that are avaialble on upstream ftp07:09
gnomefreakthe reason i didnt is not sure wher eto put them07:10
gnomefreakwhere to*07:10
asacgnomefreak: just start with the firefox locale package07:11
asacshould be fairly simple to adapt07:11
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gnomefreakits a big damn circle07:17
gnomefreakbranch == diverged says to use merge i merge i get conflict in changelog i fix i run bzr resolve and try to commit changelog wont let me try to push again diverged07:18
asacgnomefreak: you have to commit changelog after resolve says "all conflicts resolved"07:19
gnomefreaki cant07:19
gnomefreakbzr: ERROR: Selected-file commit of merges is not supported yet: files debian/changelog07:19
asacgnomefreak: you didn't resolve the conflict07:19
asacgnomefreak: you cannot commit just one file07:19
asacmerges are always "file-less"07:19
asacread the error... it says all07:19
asacjust say bzr commit on top07:19
asac< gnomefreak> bzr: ERROR: Selected-file commit of merges is not supported yet: files debian/changelog07:20
asacif you read that carefully you will see ;)07:20
asacall at once is the procedure for merging07:20
gnomefreakah i see07:21
asacyeah :)07:21
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gnomefreakthere that should be good07:23
asacubotu: mergecommit in bzr is always without files, e.g. bzr commit -m "your merge comment"07:23
ubotuI'll remember that, asac07:23
asac!mergecommit | gnomefreak07:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mergecommit - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:23
asac!mergecommit | gnomefreak hmm07:23
gnomefreak!forget mergecommit07:23
ubotuI know nothing about mergecommit yet, gnomefreak07:23
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:23
asacubotu: mergecommit in bzr is always without files, e.g. bzr commit -m "your merge comment"07:23
ubotuBut mergecommit in bzr already means something else!07:23
asacbut why?07:24
asac!mergecommit in bzr07:24
ubotumergecommit in bzr is always without files, e.g. bzr commit -m "your merge comment"07:24
asacwhy is ubotu smart?07:24
asacah ... i think it looks for 'is'07:24
asac!forget mergecommit in bzr07:24
ubotuI'll forget that, asac07:24
asacubotu: committing merges in bzr is always done without specific files, e.g. bzr commit -m "your merge comment"07:25
ubotuI'll remember that, asac07:25
asachmm not happy :)07:25
asac!forget committing merges in bzr07:25
ubotuI'll forget that, asac07:25
gnomefreakasac: its !fact <reply> than what you want it to say07:25
asacubotu: commit merges in bzr is always done without specific files, e.g. bzr commit -m "your merge comment"07:26
ubotuI'll remember that, asac07:26
asacgnomefreak: why?07:26
gnomefreakif its for this channel only its !fact=#channel <reply>07:26
asacits good that way07:26
asacwell that is for all :)07:26
asac!commit merges in bzr07:26
ubotucommit merges in bzr is always done without specific files, e.g. bzr commit -m "your merge comment"07:26
asac!commit merges in bzr | gnomefreak07:26
ubotugnomefreak: please see above07:26
asaci have no idea how to name it with just one word07:27
asac!bzrmerges are always committed at once - without specifying any file -- e.g. bzr commit -m "your merge comment"07:27
asac!bzrmerges are always committed at once - without specifying any file - e.g. bzr commit -m "your merge comment"07:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bzrmerges - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:28
asacit doesn't work07:28
gnomefreakhint use <reply> :)07:28
gnomefreak!bzrmerges are07:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bzrmerges are - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:28
asac!bzrmerges <reply> are always committed at once - without specifying any file - e.g. bzr commit -m "your merge comment"07:28
gnomefreak!bzrmerges are always07:28
asacit complains that i think its intelligent07:28
gnomefreakyes i see that07:28
asacubotu: bzrmerges <reply> are always committed at once - without specifying any file - e.g. bzr commit -m "your merge comment"07:29
asacreply doesn't work most likely07:29
asac!bzrmerges are great07:29
gnomefreak!no bzrmerges is <reply> are always committed at once - without specifying any file - e.g. bzr commit -m "your merge comment"07:29
ubotuI know nothing about bzrmerges yet, gnomefreak07:29
gnomefreak!bzrmerges is <reply> are always committed at once - without specifying any file - e.g. bzr commit -m "your merge comment"07:29
ubotuI'll remember that, gnomefreak07:29
gnomefreaknow !bzrmerges07:29
ubotuare always committed at once - without specifying any file - e.g. bzr commit -m "your merge comment"07:29
asacwhat the hell is !no for?07:30
gnomefreakto change factoid07:30
asacand why was ubotu so confused?07:30
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:30
asac!forget commit merges in bzr07:30
ubotuI'll forget that, asac07:30
gnomefreakah ok07:30
asaclets see if i remember when you complain about not being able to commit next time :)07:30
asacthough it probably won't happen again now that we did this extensive bot training ;)07:30
gnomefreakit should all be pushed07:31
gnomefreaki need a smoke07:31
asacpulling your branch appears to take ages ... ages and ages07:33
gnomefreakpulling any branch take forever for me07:35
asacnothing is happening07:35
asacwell it works pretty well if you can use bzr+ssh://07:35
asacbut it sucks with http:// or sftp://07:35
asacanyway ... nothing is happening here atm ... maybe lp is down?07:35
gnomefreaktell you in a minute07:36
asacgnomefreak: rev 87 ... your comment reads: "Updated accordingly" ... next time name what was updated ;)07:36
asac(looking at web interface) ... branch is still not here07:36
gnomefreakok i hope thats the latest one :)07:36
gnomefreakim pulling your ff one07:36
gnomefreaksort of07:36
asacgnomefreak: maybe its better if you use the mt subscribed one?07:36
gnomefreakits on 1 of 407:36
asacmaybe you can peek that with bzr+ssh ?07:36
gnomefreakdont know how to use bzr+ssh07:37
gnomefreakand if you cant pull it how am i going to07:37
gnomefreakstill stuck on 1/407:38
asacoh you did a merge of your own local branch :)07:38
asacok that explains a bit of the comment07:38
asacmaybe just remember that you won't see the nested comments on lp ... so redocument on merges07:38
gnomefreaki commented on all but changelog07:39
gnomefreaksee revisions 83 and up07:40
gnomefreakff still isnt moving07:40
asacyeah ... wait a bit longer :) ... you should keep a branch around and just update that07:41
asacits a bit faster then ;)07:41
asacgnomefreak: can you please run a dch -r -Dgutsy07:41
asacand commit changelog on top with comment07:41
asacdebian/changelog: 0.5-0ubuntu3 gutsy upload07:42
gnomefreakwhy do i want another changelog07:42
gnomefreakit will conflict07:42
asacwell now its UNRELEASED ... i reviewd and usually i would add that on top07:42
asacwhy would it?07:42
asacjust commit on top07:42
asacits important to have on commit that can be identified to be exactly the state that goes up07:42
asaci can run dch as well07:43
asacbut then i will be main changelog entry holder07:43
asacand you would get a [John Vivrito]  entry07:43
asacwhich i don't think would be good given that you did most of the work07:43
asacif you don't care i can do07:43
asacjust let me know07:43
asacactually you got the idea of UNRELEASED a bit wrong07:44
asacthe idea is to add a new changelog entry with UNRELEASED when development begins07:44
asace.g. for this case it would have been before rev 8307:45
gnomefreakok so all you wanted me to do was change the unreleased to gutsy and than just comment on the commit07:45
asacthen when we upload we flip that to gutsy and document the changes07:45
asacgnomefreak: yeah ... and use dch -r ... so the date gets updated07:45
asacit will automatically flip to gutsy07:45
asacif you are in gutsy07:45
asackeep an eye open if it uses the right email/name for you07:46
gnomefreakit changed07:46
asacchanged what?07:46
gnomefreakunreleased to gutsy07:46
asacyeah ... and updates the timestamp07:46
asactake care that your name and email are correct07:46
asacthen commit ... and push to mt directly ... or to your brnch07:47
asacwhatever you want07:47
asacoh wait07:47
asaclet me push first :)07:47
asacok mt brach is pushed ... just push to your or to mt ... e.g. with the comment above on checkin the changelog entry07:47
asacgnomefreak: well mt is now on your revision07:47
asacgnomefreak: so not really important07:48
asacyou could have pushed all as well07:48
gnomefreakpushing atm07:48
gnomefreakshould be good07:49
asacwhereto? mt?07:50
gnomefreakno mine07:50
gnomefreakwant me to push to mt as well?07:50
gnomefreakwhy does your ff 2.0.0.x branch not have lang. packs07:51
asacyeah ... just do it07:51
asacgnomefreak: because the lang packs are in a different package07:51
asacthats what i wanted to explain to you07:51
asacthey are independent from firefox07:51
asacif not i can do it now07:52
asacok i pushed :)07:53
asacto mt07:53
gnomefreakyes pushing07:53
asaci already did :)07:53
gnomefreaki killed mine07:54
asacalready building sources for upload07:54
gnomefreakwhat was the name of the firefox locales package?07:54
asachmm you didn't close the bug in changelog07:54
gnomefreakno i didnt close the bug you told me to put it in the commit and not to change the changelog07:55
asacwell ... but you changed the changelog ... didn't you?07:55
asacnevermind ... remember to close it the old way07:55
asacby pasting changelog entry07:55
asacthe idea is to copy changelog entry from bzr to changelog right before the release07:56
gnomefreaki planed to07:56
asacwhich is why i asked you not to modify changelog ... usually i would do that in the same commit when the flipping is done07:56
asace.g. "debian/changelog: document xxx upload to gutsy"07:56
gnomefreakill just add changelog entry to bugs nad close them07:56
asacyeah thats fine07:57
gnomefreakfix commited?07:57
gnomefreakor released?07:57
asacno idea ... just set to fix released once its build07:57
asacno need to use intermediate step07:57
asacfor me fix committed is when we have a fix in branch07:57
asacbut plan to upload later07:57
tonyyarussoHello all, we have a bit of a question regarding the debian/copyright for KompoZer.  Should it read "2007, Fabien Cazenave", "1998-2007, Contributors", or an exhaustive list of the hundreds of people who show up in a 'grep copyright *' on the source?07:58
asacsettting to fix committed while things build just doesn't make sense for me ... might make sense for sponsoring ... but not for us :)07:58
asactonyyarusso: no ... just the main licenses07:58
asactonyyarusso: do it like firefox ... or like iceape07:58
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asaci think iceape is better07:58
asacfirefox might be a mess07:58
gnomefreaktonyyarusso: look at iceapes since it includes what i think is kompozer08:01
gnomefreakbest to go off of that one08:01
tonyyarussognomefreak: iceape is in gutsy I take it?08:01
gnomefreak!info iceape gutsy08:01
ubotuiceape: The Iceape Internet Suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.4-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 28 kB, installed size 84 kB08:01
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gnomefreakwill look into the locales sometime this week08:03
gnomefreaki have the ff package atm08:03
Ubulette_asac, i've fixed nss08:05
tonyyarussoWow, iceape's copyright is pretty messy in other ways.08:12
gnomefreakyep it is08:12
tonyyarussoUm, does that mean I should try to copy in all of those "The following files are under such and such, etc" sections into ours, or is it not necessarily the same?08:14
gnomefreaksorry havent had a chance to look in iceapes ina  while08:17
=== gnomefreak going to lay down for a while its been a long morning
tonyyarussognomefreak: It basically amounts to a very lengthy note saying "I've tried to figure out what license things are using by looking at where they're placed and guessing a bit, so here's how I'd group them:  MPL & GPL $files, MPL/GPL/LGPL $files, MPL only $files, otherlicense1 $file, otherlicense2 $files, and so on (very long)08:19
=== Ubulette_ is now known as Ubulette
tonyyarussoI'm thinking perhaps we'll go with a combined "2007, Fabien; 1998-2007 Contributors" for now, and perhaps change that after things like IceApe find a better way of doing it that doesn't look like guesswork exploding a box of copyright notices in front of a fan.08:27
=== asac has to run bbl
gnomefreaktonyyarusso: problem with that is mozilla decides the license for kompozer iceape is not mozilla so it has parts of everything in it.  still not here08:39
tonyyarussognomefreak: KompoZer is separate from Mozilla now.08:40
gnomefreakoh ok08:40
tonyyarussoDoes that make it all better?08:41
gnomefreakim sure it still has some mozilla license in it as does iceape08:41
tonyyarussoYes, it is tri-licensed with the MPL being one option available to any person interested in forking, along with the GPL and LGPL.08:41
gnomefreaktonyyarusso: im sure mozilla found a way to tack on some MPL as it is the moz deveolpers that made that08:41
gnomefreaktonyyarusso: with that many its gonna get messy sooner or later08:42
tonyyarussognomefreak: Hmmm.08:42
=== tonyyarusso doesn't have a good answer
gnomefreakpart a you can use but under MPL part b you can use under GPL ect..08:42
gnomefreakthere is no easy way to do it08:42
gnomefreaktonyyarusso: i would ask asac when you see him again08:43
tonyyarussognomefreak: I'll keep that in mind.08:43
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shirishUbulette: you up m8?08:48
Ubulettemore or less08:49
shirishcool ;)08:49
shirishnow tell me about nspr, I know its related with firefox but don't really know how08:49
Ubuletteit's the crypto lib used by all mozilla products08:49
shirishah, its used for encryption stuff08:50
Ubuletteit's usually bundled within each product08:50
Ubulettebut we split it so it is shared08:50
Ubulettehttps mostly08:50
Ubuletteplus all certificates08:51
Ubuletteand there's nspr too08:51
shirishso there are 2 libs. one for encryption one for something else?08:51
Ubulettethat does mostly the networking, i/o, threads, shared mem, etc08:52
tonyyarussognomefreak: btw, Nvu's copyright file only listed one person, with no file details.  Granted, the copyright file for it is significantly lacking in other policy terms, but it was allowed in the repos for some time in that state.08:52
Ubuletteshirish, now, i'm trying to split ff3 from it's gecko core08:53
shirishwow, that would be tricky, but why are you trying to split ff3, xul is used with other apps. as well perhaps?08:53
Ubuletteas xul is used by many other things (totem plugin, liferea, etc)08:54
shirishthought so, so basically its lessens duplication08:54
Ubulettethat's the idea08:55
Ubuletteit should also suck less memory (though it needs to be proven) and be easier to maintain (like security fixes)08:56
shirishUbulette: so if you are able to do that, then the firefox bugs triage page would also need to be updated.08:56
Ubulettewe still have time, it's not working that well at the moment08:56
shirishUbulette: lemme know as & when you have done the split, so if you need I'll be more than happy to also do tests, although you might have to walk me through them.08:57
Ubuletteshould be automatic08:58
Ubuletteand invisible08:58
shirishUbulette: I meant tests for sucking less memory (as you said it needs to be proven).08:58
shirishUbulette: you have my e-mail id, even if I'm not online a short mail should be good enough to have my attention as I check my mail atleast 5-10 times a day.09:00
shirishUbulette: one query, how many apps. do you guys have in your mirror/repository now, apart from ff3 which gets built frequently?09:06
Ubuletteabout 4009:07
Ubulettei just lack time to add more09:07
shirishUbulette: my oh my, at this rate you will have a mini-distro soon ;)09:08
shirishUbulette: is there a list I could look at to know the exact no. of applications?09:08
Ubuletteit's designed to be added on top of another distro09:08
Ubuletteso i don"t have to do the hard work09:09
shirishUbulette: I'm guessing you mean just like ff3 is?09:09
Ubulettenot really. i mean like totem, gstreamer, nautilus, exaile, xine, rhythmbox, etc09:10
Ubulettefor ff3, i also participate in the packaging09:10
Ubulettewhich i don"t do for the other stuff, i just reused the work already done and apply that to fresher sources09:11
shirishUbulette: ok cool, I built my own exaile, that's a very simple app. to compile ;) it did require few dependencies.09:11
shirishUbulette: right now exaile is at revision 2842 at my end ;)09:12
Ubulettedon't know yet, it's a the end of the queue09:12
Ubuletteand ff3 + xulrunner suck ~2h09:13
shirishUbulette: agreed, but they have the most appeal I guess ;) and I'm guessing you are using ccache or no?09:14
shirishUbulette: ah, that's why it takes so much time, at my end after using ccache, /usr/lib/ccache, the compiling time reduced drastically09:15
shirishUbulette: I compile the new svn of deluge almost daily, sometimes more than twice, before when I was not using /usr/lib/ccache it used to take me 10-15 mins to compile, now its usually within 2-5 mins.09:17
Ubulettemaybe but we're not supposed to be waiting for those things. it comes when ready :)09:19
shirishUbulette: true :)09:19
shirishUbulette: any idea when the swfdec-mozilla plugin would be ready?09:27
Ubuletteno idea09:27
shirishUbulette: isn't asac the maintainer of that or not?09:27
Ubulettei don't know09:29
Ubulettei kind of new here :)09:29
shirishUbulette: I don't believe that for a sec. but still :)09:30
Ubuletteyou should. 1st came here 2 weeks ago09:30
shirishUbulette: wow, then you made excellent progress, I been in ubuntu 1 yr. & only now I've started to push a bit into compiling, then also simple stuff only.09:32
Ubulettewell, i didn't say i did my 1st deb here.09:35
shirishUbulette: true, are/were you a debian user before this?09:38
shirishUbulette: or a Ubuntu user who graduated to now where you are? Or used one of the derivatives?09:39
Ubulettedebian since late 9609:39
shirishUbulette: wow, that's a lot of history09:40
Ubulettei've used some other distro before09:41
Ubuletteand many other unix too09:41
shirishwow, wow in that case I'm sure there is plenty I can learn from you.09:44
Ubulettegnomefreak, i've prepared a new nspr for mozilla bug 39285209:51
ubotuMozilla bug 392852 in Build Config "Upgrade Mozilla trunk to NSPR_HEAD_20070820" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]  http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=39285209:51
Ubulettegnomefreak, you can use that for the ppa next time09:51
Ubulettegnomefreak, pushed to mt nspr.ubuntu.granparadiso09:54
shirishUbulette: do you know of any software, which is simple to compile & uses Arch as repository?09:54
UbuletteArch ?09:54
shirishUbulette: its a distributed revision control software, like subversion is09:55
shirishUbulette: correction subversion is centralized, Arch is not09:56
Ubuletteobviously, i don't know of any software maintained that way (as i didn't even know what it was). sootyy09:56
shirishUbulette: its known as GNU Arch09:58
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Ubuletteasac, there's something wrong with ff3/xul. i've tried with --with-libxul-sdk=../../../xulrunner-1.9-1.9a8pre~cvs20070824/mozilla/dist and run ff from dist/bin/firefox, just to be sure that it's not caused by files missing/misplaced in my debs, no change at all.10:28
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UbuletteCould not find compatible GRE between version 1.9a8pre and 1.9a8pre.10:51
asacUbulette: what was the problem again?10:51
asaca right the overlay10:51
asactry a flat chrome or a PR_FORCE_LOG build10:52
asacUbulette: yesterday i just migrated the patches in your nss branch and it worked out of the box10:52
asace.g. libnss3.so.0d was not explicitly linked against libsoftokn .. however shlibsign worked10:53
Ubulettei'm quite sure it can't work unless you already have nss installed.10:53
asacso what was the fix?10:53
Ubulettethe signer explicitly load this lib without soname10:53
asacis it in your branch?10:53
asacUbulette: but how would it work with installd nss .. shlibsign is linked against the dynamically loading libnss310:54
asacanyway let me look10:54
asacwhat is the new patch?10:54
Ubulettei think this is caused by the security patch, that disables -rpath10:55
asacwhy would we do that?10:55
asacjust for being able to run inside debian/tmp ?10:55
Ubulette731 +    SHLIB_PREFIX"softokn"SOFTOKEN_SHLIB_VERSION"."SHLIB_SUFFIX".0d";10:55
asaci think the problem is that SHLIB_SUFFIX is not proper10:56
Ubuletteit is for the other libs10:56
asacisnt that set in manifest?10:56
Ubulettethose in /usr/lib/nss/10:56
Ubulettebtw, it's all good with that patch10:57
Ubulettei put it in the soname patch, not in the security (/usr/lib/nss) one10:57
asacits ok  ... though i think it should be defined as a define in manifest file10:59
asacto do it proper10:59
asacbut since 0d is also defined in multiple places it doesn't have a practical benefit without cleaning up more10:59
Ubulettei've tried to change that once, but it's difficult as it's not for all .so10:59
asacUbulette: actually i think it should be put into nss11:00
asaci mean into pkglibdir .. and not versioned ... as its now dynamically loaded11:00
asacand previously it was already just implicitly linked  ... aka linking directly against it was never really allowed iirc11:00
Ubulettethat's what i think too but it's used by other apps11:00
Ubulettelike gnome-panel11:01
asacwhich app links that directly?11:01
asacthey should link libnss311:01
asaci mean do you see it in ldd ?11:01
Ubulettemaybe they do but lsof shows they're using it11:01
Ubulettetry on your box11:01
asacwell using is different from linking11:01
asaci install liferea now11:01
Ubulettei know11:01
Ubulettewell, on my box, it's no longer used as i'm now running my own nss debs11:02
asacliferea doesn't even depend on libnss11:03
asacand i didn't found any direct linkage to nss11:03
asacso its loaded by something else11:03
Ubulettebut on firefox for gtkmozemb11:03
Ubulettewhich itself needs nss11:04
asacyeah but firefox/gtkmozembed don't need softoken directly11:04
asaci think its safe11:04
Ubuletteto un-soname it or to keep it like it is now ?11:05
asacok might be wrong11:06
asacis it shipped in /usr/lib/nss atm or what?11:06
Ubuletteas /usr/lib/libsoftokn3.so.0d11:06
asacah sorry11:06
asacyeah misread11:06
asaci think its just a try and error thing ... see if firefox fails if you move it to nss without soname with proper loader patch ....11:08
asac(e.g. ffox trunk)11:08
Ubuletteseems there's also an issue with libnssckbi.so11:09
Ubulettewe put it in usr/lib/nss while xul keeps thinking it's in /usr/lib11:11
Ubulettebut that's not the cause of my problem11:11
Ubulette(no XBL binding)11:12
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Ubuletteasac_, hmm, i had to disable javaxpcom, could it be related ?11:21
Ubulette(in xul)11:21
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Ubulette-1211234624[805c000] : Loaded library /usr/lib/libsoftokn3.so.0d (load lib)11:29
Ubulette-1211234624[805c000] : Loaded library /usr/lib/nss/libnssdbm3.so (load lib)11:29
Ubulette-1211234624[805c000] : Loaded library /usr/lib/nss/libfreebl3.so (load lib)11:29
Ubulette-1211234624[805c000] : Loaded library libnssckbi.so (load lib)11:29
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Ubuletteasac, still there ?11:29
asacfirst connection down ... then phonecall11:30
Ubuletteseems your isp sucks11:30
asacwell ... thats probably true11:30
asacbut actually i think its my modem11:30
asacnot always ... but frequently11:30
asacfor instance yesterday or something high had a ping of 2 seconds11:31
asacand resetting modem helped11:31
asacbut of course i got reconnected as well ... so i can't tell if my previous hub/switch/whatever was borked11:31
asacits probably one of the first adslv2 modems with one of the first firmwares  here in germany :)11:32
asacso not a good combination to be an early mover11:32
Ubulette-1211234624[805c000] : GetScreenBounds 0 25 | 994 862 | 994 86211:35
Ubulette-1211234624[805c000] : nsCommonWidget::Show [8415f40]  state 011:35
Ubulette-1211234624[805c000] : file (null), line 0: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIObserverService.removeObserver] "  nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)"  location: "JS frame :: chrome://browser/content/browser.js :: BrowserShutdown :: line 1002"  data: no] 11:35
Ubulette-1211234624[805c000] : file chrome://browser/content/places/toolbar.xml, line 60: TypeError: null has no properties11:35
Ubulette-1211234624[805c000] : nsWindow::Destroy [86b7e40] 11:35
Ubulette-1211234624[805c000] : nsWindow::~nsWindow() [86b7e40] 11:35
asacwhats that?11:37
asaca debuf buuild?11:37
asacwith all logging?11:38
asachave you set NSPR_LOG_MODULES as weell?11:38
UbuletteNSPR_LOG_MODULES all:511:39
Ubuletteasac, http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/ff3+xul.log11:40
Ubulettethat's ./build-tree/mozilla/dist/firefox/firefox -safe11:41
asacwhat is in linke 60?`11:43
asachmm that exception appears to be during browser shutdown11:44
UbuletteI can't find anything obvious, for sure12:01
asaclet me finish this icedove desaster :)12:12
asacpoor debian users should at least have some icons ;)12:13
tonyyarussoasac: When you have a second could you glance at the copyright discussion three and a half hours ago?12:13
asacany specific question left ;) ?12:14
asaci don't think you need to add Fabien :)12:14
asacjust Contributors12:14
tonyyarussoasac: In short, whether I can have a simple copyright file or if it needs to be a massive mess of grossness.12:14
asache is most likely not the sole copyright holder for most files12:14
asactonyyarusso: well ... archive admin will bug you12:14
asaclook at sunbird12:15
asaci had to add more info ... than that of iceape12:15
asacso yes ... you need all in iceape ... plus maybe more12:15
asacits not important who the copyright has ... its just important that you tell which subtree has which license12:15
tonyyarussoEeesh, that's icky.  There'll be as much info in copyright as in mozilla/ :P12:15
asace.g on top ... all files but the one specifically listed are Trilicense (tell about tri-license here)12:15
asaci think the iceape/sunbird thing is a good start12:16
asactake care that you remove all binaries without a source12:16
asacmaybe run the iceape remove.nonfree script to clean the tarball12:16
asacfurther remove everything in other-licenses/12:16
asacor document licenses in their properly and cross-fingers12:16
asaci am sorry for that news, but you are walking on itchy ground here :)12:17
tonyyarussoother-licenses/ ?  /me looks12:17
asacarchive admins are pretty allergic against mozilla trees12:17
asactry to be fast so riddell reviews your tarball ... instead of pitti12:18
asacwho will certainly harangue about all the files12:18
asacit was always a pain for me to get a new tarball in12:18
asaci promissed that sunbird is probably the last 300 MB of clutter tarball thats coming12:18
asacbut well ;)12:19
asacnow here comes another :)12:19
tonyyarussoasac: The sunbird copyright file is far more pretty than the iceape one.12:20
asaclet me look12:20
tonyyarussoI'm wondering if iceape may have missed the part about "Some files may still contain licensing notices claiming licensing under12:20
tonyyarussoother combinations of NPL, MPL, GPL and LGPL. They are files that were missed12:20
asacnot that i am talking bull-shit here12:20
tonyyarussoby the upstream relicensing script, but all the permissions required for12:20
tonyyarussorelicensing were indeed provided.12:21
asacyeah ... try to start with that one12:21
asactonyyarusso: oh yeah12:21
asacfor your tarball situation is probably even worht12:21
asacthere should be a bunch of files not yet relinsed12:21
asacprobably something in unicode12:22
asacbecause you are older12:22
asacso maybe the iceape copyright which was probably derived from mozilla-suite one might be better12:22
tonyyarussoHow does one find out?  Read every file manually?12:22
asaci would start with iceape file12:23
asacthey already list those files12:23
asacit should be pretty much suitable because its almost certainly not right for the current iceape (read its for older branches)12:23
asacso its your copyright file12:23
asactake it12:24
asacmaybe try a few samples for just NPL et al12:24
asacif its really true12:24
asacbut it probably is12:24
asachmmm nice ... those NPL only files are really non-free12:25
asacand there is a bunch of them12:25
asactonyyarusso: what branch is kompozer based on ... 1.7 as well? or did they get the track to 1.8 already?12:27
tonyyarussoasac: 1.7, yes12:28
tonyyarussoLooking into updating, but not yet.12:28
asacis it possible to open web pages in it?12:28
asace.g. from the net directly?12:28
tonyyarussoSeeing what will be necessary for an as-yet-unspecified future goal.12:28
asacwith javascript and all that?12:28
tonyyarussoasac: It uses x-www-browser for that.12:28
asacwhat happens if you want to modify a think from net?=12:29
asacwill it open it completely ... e.g. with javascript et al?12:29
asachopefully he goes directly for xulrunner 1.912:30
asacotherwise he is probably finished with 1.8 when support for that branch has vaned12:30
tonyyarussoKaze says it can open stuff, but suspects it would inhibit javascript12:31
asacyeah .. suspecting is good ... knowing is better ;)12:31
asachowver there have even been pure css exploits on 1.712:31
asacwithout js12:31
asacwhat 1.7 versio is it?12:32
asacany idea?12:32
asacwhats in milestone.txt ?12:32
asactonyyarusso: ^^ ??12:36
tonyyarussoasac: 1.7.512:36
asacscroll a bit down12:37
asacthere you see the vulns of 1.7.5 and above12:37
asace.g. 1.7.6 1.7.712:37
asacno idea if there is something that might affect you ;)12:38
asaccool http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2006/mfsa2006-27.html#12:38
asacAn anonymous researcher for TippingPoint and the Zero Day Initiative reports that an invalid and nonsensical ordering of table-related tags causes Mozilla to use a negative array index. This invalid memory use can be exploited to run code of the attacker's choice.12:39
asacAlthough JavaScript is not involved in the vulnerability itself, disabling JavaScript may prevent an attacker from effectively preparing memory in order to carry out the exploit.12:39
asacthough ;)12:39
asacLocalstore.rdf XML injection through XULDocument.persist()12:40
asacmight not apply ... but certainly a gem ;)12:40
asacor 2006-25 ... Georgi Guninski reported two variants of using scripts in an XBL control to gain chrome privileges when the page is viewed under "Print Preview".12:40
asacThis vulnerability exists even if web-content JavaScript is turned off.12:41
asactonyyarusso: at best grab all patches from debian old stable seamonkey :)12:41
asacaeh mozilla-suite of course12:41
asacin debian12:41
asacthere should be one or two hundred patches :)12:42
asacthat might give you at least a bit security ;)12:42
asacbut i am not sure when they start12:42
asacmaybe they include patches starting from 1.0.8 ?12:42
asacaeh 1.7.812:43
asactill or something12:43
asacno idea when i stopped backporting12:43
asacat least there should be all 2006 mfsas12:43
asacand maybe a bunch of 200512:44
asacand a few from 200712:44
asaci think i stopped in mar 200712:44
asaci think mfsa2007-08 is the last i backported to 1.712:44
asacwhat a mess :)12:45
asacits definitly bleading code12:45
gnomefreakUbulette: is this another rename? nspr.ubuntu.granparadiso12:46
tonyyarussoYeah - hence hoping to just modernize the whole shebang if possible.12:46
gnomefreaknext question: why do you keep renaming the branch?12:48
asacgnomefreak: we discussed it12:48
gnomefreaki didnt12:48
asacthis should be more or less the right name12:48
gnomefreaklast i saw was hte tag rename12:48
asacno me and Ubulette ... yesterday night i think12:48
gnomefreakif i knew i would have waited until renaming was done12:49
gnomefreakwas nss done as well?12:49
asacthe curent idea is that the name contains info for which ffox branch its suitable12:49
asacso you can use .granparadiso for granparadiso12:49
asacwell and .trunk for trunk ... but there we are already at an impasse already12:49
asacas we have tag for trunk + real nss trunk ... which is not yet used at all by ffox12:49
Ubulettegnomefreak, yep, sorry12:49
gnomefreaknss nspr shouldnt change from trunk to gp12:50
gnomefreakthey should be usible for both12:50
Ubuletteyou mean the branch name or the package name ?12:50
gnomefreakdont know what the package name is yet i havent looked12:51
Ubulettesrc is nss-trunk12:51
gnomefreaki think im gonna wait a day or 2 anyway12:51
Ubuletteas you want12:51
gnomefreaksince PPA should be public by end of today (not sure whos time)12:51
gnomefreakthat way i can go back to mt112:52
Ubuletteyou scripted it, right ?12:52
Ubulettemaybe you should12:52
gnomefreakto do what change control file?12:52
Ubuletteyes, and bump changelog12:53
gnomefreakeh thats 2 sec worth of work12:53
Ubuletteas you want, you're the ppa boss12:53
Ubulettei just hate to do the same thing twice12:54
gnomefreakUbulette: well if i dont do it everyday (since you update it everyday) than it wont be that bad12:54
gnomefreakim trying to find out ETA of PPA atm12:55
asacgnomefreak: we found that they may differ12:56
asacits not given that they don't change12:56
gnomefreakwe did?12:56
asacfor instance atm nspr is different12:56
asacfor trunk vs. granparadiso12:56
asacand probabyl soon it will be different for nss12:56
asacgnomefreak: not we as in you and me ... we as the mt ... yesterday night12:57
gnomefreakasac: so i have to have 2 versions of nspr in PPA?12:57
asacyeah at least when we have paradiso in ppa12:57
Ubulettei think the gp one is enough12:57
asacmaybe in feisty for paradiso12:57
gnomefreakgp is in there atm12:57
asacand in gutsy for trunk12:57
asacin gutsy we don't really need gp imo12:57
asacwe can upload to the archive12:58
asacfeisty gets gp backport12:58
asacgutsy gets bleeding edge12:58
asacthats a good compromise imo12:58
gnomefreakbut i would like to know so i get a day to get to work12:58
asacwell first we need a final PPA12:58
gnomefreakok PPA gutsy will get -trunk and -trunk nss nspr?12:58
asacyes i think so12:59
asacand maybe even -realtrunk nss/nspr12:59
gnomefreakasac: but i need to know before than so when it gets released i dont have 35 packages waiting12:59
asacbut i think it should be enough to have those in branches12:59
asacyeah ... now you know ;)12:59
gnomefreakok so nss-ubuntu-gp is for gp only?12:59
asacthats the idea of the name12:59
asacthat branch tracks nss for gp12:59
gnomefreakwhere is trunks located?12:59
Ubulettei should be able to maintain *-trunk as i'm daily building those from HEAD cvs, so i can react to any new ftbfs before it even hits the ppa12:59
asacUbulette: well we should not build ffox-trunk against trunk01:00
asacso you would maintain -realtrunk ;)01:00
gnomefreakok i see nss.ubuntu.trunk01:00
asacif we really maintain ffox-trunk against trunk then we should submit changes that need to be done for ffox-trunk to bugzilla01:01
gnomefreakthat is for ff-trunk?01:01
asacso upstream has use of it01:01
Ubuletteff-trunk could use nns/nspr-gp as gp is just following trunk with a month or so delay01:01
asacas we will do things that even they don't do01:01
asacUbulette: well ... you never know01:01
asacUbulette: nss might be pushed ahead one tag01:01
asacthen we would have the libsoftokn transition01:01
asacUbulette: further nss.gp will be in feisty archive01:01
gnomefreakfeisty ppa?01:02
asacat least not necessarily01:02
asacgnomefreak: we just talked about that?01:02
asacgnomefreak: paradiso only in feisty01:02
gnomefreakarchive got me01:02
asacyeah ..so nss gp is required in feisty ...01:02
gnomefreakok i know what is going where. what nss nspr am i using for gp and what ones for trunk01:03
gnomefreakboth use same branch?01:03
asaci think Ubulette disagrees though ;)01:03
asacquestion is if we want ffox-trunk build against same as gp01:04
Ubulettewell, if you don't want {nss,nspr}.trunk in mt, no problem, i'll move them back outside m-t01:04
asacUbulette: i just  say that we should have another branch ... and the probably don't want the packages in ppa01:05
Ubuletteanother branch ?01:05
Ubulettewhat for ?01:05
asacso we do active development on .HEAD ... once they tag we merge current HEAD to .trunk ... once paradiso is released we merge .trunk to .gp01:05
asacin a perfect world we won't touch trunk and gp for anything else than merging01:05
asacso all development goes into .HEAD01:06
gnomefreakim almost tempted to say PPA gets updated once a week unless there is something critical01:06
asacUbulette: for trunk applications build?01:06
Ubuletteyou seems to imply that ff-trunk is not HEAD ?01:07
asacUbulette: i don't imply ... i know it :)01:07
asacits never nss/nspr HEAD01:07
asacits always tagged01:07
Ubulettei said ff01:07
asacUbulette: and remember that if they move nspr/nss tag on trunk ... they do it often because some new api element becomes available that they want to use for ffox-trunk01:08
asacso trunk ffox will fail to build against nss used by gp01:08
asacso we can either ship gp.nss ahead of time ... or maintain three branches ... from which when done right only one is really used .. the .HEAD one01:08
asacUbulette: no i don't imply that ffox-trunk is not HEAD01:09
Ubulettemozilla bug 39285201:09
asacUbulette: why would i?01:09
ubotuMozilla bug 392852 in Build Config "Upgrade Mozilla trunk to NSPR_HEAD_20070820" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]  http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=39285201:09
Ubulettethat's why i updated nspr today01:09
asacbut you build nspr against real head01:09
asacyou don't keep the branch on the state of that tag01:09
Ubuletteno point in doing that, it's static01:09
Ubulettethe tag01:10
Ubuletteit's not a branch, it's a tag01:10
asaci think we talk about different things01:10
asaci think i see what you want01:11
asacbut i don't think it will work flawlessly ... in the sense that we all know what is going on where and when01:11
Ubulettefor me, nspr.ubuntu.granparadiso is now frozen with sources tagged with NSPR_HEAD_20070820, until they bump the requirement again01:11

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