
DavieyI do agree that we shoukd keep away from donations atm; but i don't think we should rule it out in the future01:12
superm1if you look at other similar projects, which ones actually have a donation system?01:14
superm1not a bounty system01:14
superm1but a donation system01:14
tgm4883_laptopother than it has been "added to"01:17
tgm4883_laptopthere is a donation link at the bottom01:17
tgm4883_laptopHow do you setup URL path setting in drupal?  Do some themes not have that?01:37
superm1you need to turn on the module01:38
=== tgm4883_laptop smacks head
tgm4883_laptopI didn't think i had to turn that on for my work site01:40
tgm4883_laptopthanks superm101:40
superm1you shouldn't have had to01:40
superm1that's odd01:40
tgm4883_laptoptheres a chance that I didn't know what it did and disabled it01:41
=== Tari_ [n=Tari@CPE-72-133-204-1.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
superm1Daviey, any luck with apt-mirror signing02:11
superm1figure it out?02:11
superm1tgm4883_laptop, you here?02:16
superm1digg this module, and what is the torrent one called?02:16
superm1i'll pop them in right now02:16
tgm4883_laptopbittorrent :)02:17
superm1is there a new version of it02:19
superm1since you had issues?02:19
superm1or did you just mis-install it?02:19
tgm4883_laptopno, the issues I had were because I was using php4 instead of php502:20
superm1ah okay02:20
superm1anything else to pop in02:20
superm1or just those two02:20
tgm4883_laptopi think just the two02:20
tgm4883_laptopcause we will have forums on ubuntu forums right?02:21
superm1as of the release after this one02:21
tgm4883_laptopunless you want to make forms02:21
superm1i want to activate the forums at the same time as the beta02:21
tgm4883_laptopah ok02:21
tgm4883_laptopso unless you want forms for any reason02:21
superm1what about the IRC02:22
superm1sort that out?02:22
tgm4883_laptopdid we ever get ahold of jumpkick?02:22
superm1na he still hasn't popped in02:22
tgm4883_laptopok, then it probably still doesn't work02:23
=== mode/#ubuntu-mythtv [+o superm1] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu-mythtv [-o superm1] by ChanServ
superm1tgm4883_laptop, okay they're both in02:27
tgm4883_laptopok, you still have to activate them cause I don't think i have access to that02:30
superm1i did that too02:33
tgm4883_laptopOk, so we should be setup02:35
superm1tgm4883_laptop, awesome02:36
superm1tgm4883_laptop, okay as for when we'll announce: as soon as new PPAs are announced, i02:54
superm1'm going to build your mythstream package on a ppa02:55
superm1and the meta and control centre there02:55
tgm4883_laptopah ok02:55
superm1since none of the three have cleared yet02:55
superm1but the ubiquity stuff cleared02:55
superm1and both our changes are in gutsy right now02:55
tgm4883_laptopwhen should .20.2 clear?02:55
superm1it's cleared already02:55
superm1in gutsy02:55
tgm4883_laptopah ok02:55
tgm4883_laptopwhat about feisty?02:55
superm1feisty, hm.  i dont know how long archive admins take to ack SRUs02:56
superm1keescook might know better than i02:56
keescookshouldn't be much more than a few days, I think.02:56
keescookprobably be in -proposed by the end of monday02:56
superm1keescook, do you already have an edgy vm?02:58
keescooksuperm1: yup, I use one for testing security updates02:58
superm1let me dput the edgy sources somewhere then02:58
superm1and you can give those a spin02:58
superm1i haven't got the space on this laptop to setup another VM :)02:59
keescooksuperm1: cool, I'll get it running.  :)02:59
superm1keescook, i'm not gonna dput the .orig's, since my upstream bw is horrible.  they are the same ones used for the gutsy packages03:00
keescooksuperm1: okay, cool.03:00
superm1keescook, http://home.eng.iastate.edu/~superm1/sru/03:02
superm1all is stored there03:02
keescookcool, downloading and building now03:03
=== frank23 [n=frank@CPE001839c1904e-CM00080d26a042.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
frank23what is the easiest way to get mythtv to work with schedulesdirect in ubuntu? I just signed up03:05
superm1frank23, new packages will be arriving this week on the feisty-proposed repository03:06
superm1they were submitted this weekend.  if you are on gutsy, the packages already support it03:06
superm1if your on edgy, they will be a little bit after the feisty packages arrive03:06
frank23ok. will they be in feisty-updates eventually too?03:06
superm1that's the plan03:06
superm1they need 7 days to clear -proposed03:07
keescookFrom what I can tell, datadirect is still providing date past sept 1, so we'll have a few days of data overlap.03:07
keescooksuperm1: did you encounter any weird issues with channels, scheduling, or duplicates when you tested the switch-over?03:08
superm1Not at all03:08
superm1the only issue i had was something present with zap2it prior03:08
=== keescook nods
superm1my hidef channels weren't configured right since i dont get callsigns for some channels03:08
superm1you have to match the callsign and the channel number up perfectly03:09
superm1to get the data03:09
keescookweeee  Expires:  Sunday, December 02, 200703:13
superm1haha.  you think you'll get data that long?03:14
keescookno, no, that's the SD account.  :)03:14
superm1ah i still haven't paid for mine03:15
superm1on the trial period right now03:15
keescooksuperm1: ooh! you got motu? awesome!03:15
superm1keescook, hehe you didn't realize?? :)03:15
superm1how you think i uploaded the sru?03:15
keescookI didn't see it happen, but have been (obviously) hoping for it.  :)  congratz!03:16
tgm4883_laptopaparently keescook doesn't frequent the test mythbuntu site03:16
superm1thanks!  i somehow get the feeling i inherited more responsibility than i bargained for, but i like it :)03:16
dhrI have mythtv on an Edgy and on a Feisty.  I need to use SD.  Do I take it that a normal update will get me a sufficiently fresh version on Feisty in a week (after clearing -proposed)?  How about Edgy?03:16
keescookI saw the mythbuntu-control-centre_0.1-0ubuntu1_source.changes is NEW email03:16
keescookand saw: signature from "Mario Limonciello <superm1@ubuntu.com>"03:16
frank23wow. I was thinking of finally setting up automatic backups of the mythtv database but when I checked the ubuntu wiki I found out that this is automatically done. ;-)03:17
keescookdhr: that's the goal.  do you have an edgy myth box?  we could use someone testing with a "real" system.  :)03:17
superm1frank23, you still might want to setup a cron job to copy them somewhere else03:17
dhrAs I understand it, the database schema for myth have (has?) changed -- will the update work anyway?03:17
frank23superm1: that's right03:18
superm1dhr, yes, the update updates the scheme automatically03:18
keescookdhr: that's the expectation (but also the reason for needing some testing)03:18
superm1they are incremental updates03:18
dhrkeescook: I could test but the edgy box is not the master.  The master is even odder: Fedora Core 5, no longer supported.  So I have the work on that myself.03:19
=== superm1 still has a dapper backend he has to do packages for too :)
dhrOne problem is that current (open source) X server for ATI does not support TV out. The Gatos patch for TV out works with old X.03:20
superm1dhr, i thought heard that patch was being merged into X?03:20
superm1is that not the case?03:20
dhrMy understanding is that much of Gatos was merged but the TV out was too much of a hack.  In the last few weeks, the copyright on the TV out patch has been made suitable for merging but I don't think that the code has actually been improved or even updated to current X.03:21
dhrI think that there are no public specs for the TV out feature of the ATI card.03:22
superm1even the R200 cards?03:23
dhrYes.  My cards are 9200 family.03:23
superm1considering ATI scrapped support on them, i'm surprised that there are no docs on the tv out features03:23
dhrI've also had nVidia problems.  I started with a 5200.  The nVidia closed souce drivers dropped support.  The latest version had a bug that TV out chopped the bottom ~30% of the picture.03:25
superm1yikes.  really getting the short end of the stick multiple times then03:25
superm1foxbuntu, u here?03:44
dhrkeescook: I would be willing to test on edgy.  Nothing much to lose since the recorded programs are on a different machine.  Timing is unclear.  I might be able to test tonight, depending on luck installing the version I've built for the master (FC5).  Do you have a pointer to edgy .debs or test repo?  Would this cut me off from using the normal repos afterwards?03:47
superm1dhr, as soon as keescook acks that they work in his edgy vm, i'm going to push them to edgy-proposed03:48
superm1they should be available as soon as archive admins ack them03:48
troy_ssuperm1: Did you see the latest flip on the log?03:48
troy_ssuperm1: logo.03:48
superm1troy_s, no?03:48
superm1i haven't read all of IRC scrollback though between you and foxbuntu03:49
superm1been focused mainly on these SRUs and a few other items03:49
dhrsuperm1: can I enable just myth stuff from -proposed or do I get everything?  I guess I have to use synaptic or apt-get to be selective.03:50
troy_ssuperm1: There isn't much IRC between myself and him.  Lol.03:50
superm1dhr, i dont anticipate much else is sitting in proposed, but by turning it on, you do get everything03:50
superm1you can be selective via apt-get or synaptic however03:50
dhrOK.  Glad to see progress on this is being made before the clock runs out!03:52
superm1it's going to be close for actually making it into edgy-updates and feisty-updates since it takes 7 days to clear -proposed, but anyone who needs to will be able to enable -propsed by the deadline03:54
=== rogue780 [n=rogue780@pool-70-22-56-208.balt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
tgm4883_laptopimbrandon is over talking in the ubuntu-motu forums if anyone wants to talk with him04:07
=== superm1 [n=superm1@ubuntu/member/superm1] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, imbrandon alive in the ubuntu-motu 6 minutes ago04:12
superm1tgm4883_laptop, really...04:12
=== superm1 shrugs
tgm4883_laptopdid he just ignore you?04:18
superm1didn't msg me or anything so i would have to say yes04:18
rhpot1991anyone have any idea why deinterlacing gives me a "shaky" picture when overscaning?04:19
tgm4883_laptopwell im really glad we rebuilt the page now04:19
superm1me too04:19
=== mode/#ubuntu-mythtv [+o superm1] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu-mythtv [-o superm1] by ChanServ
=== tgm4883_laptop gives super cool status to superm1
superm1well i invited him to come join here.04:21
dhrsuperm1: how do I add -propsed?  do I add something to this line in /etc/sources.list: deb http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-updates main restricted multiverse universe04:44
superm1just switch the words updates to proposed in that line04:45
dhrThanks.  So does that mean that normal updates will be suppressed?04:46
dhrNo problem since I will switch back rather soon.04:46
superm1well you can have both lines04:46
superm1with updates and proposed04:46
superm1in your sources.list04:46
=== bendailey [n=Jackie@] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
tgm4883bendailey, whats up05:15
tgm4883superm1, whats up05:16
superm1hey bendailey05:16
=== tgm4883 brings people together
superm1hey tgm488305:16
tgm4883I remember you saying you needed him to update the dns05:17
tgm4883or something to that effect05:17
foxbuntusuperm1, you in on donanting to the server HDD fund for our new mirror I am working on?05:17
foxbuntutgm4883 already has05:18
superm1well Daviey and i need to sort out how we are naming things05:18
superm1everything will be at atrpms for the moment05:18
tgm4883lol, foxbuntu is using peer presure05:18
superm1but i need to set up apt-mirror first05:18
superm1foxbuntu, No.05:18
superm1remember my stance, i'll give money or time towards the project but not both :)05:19
tgm4883nah foxbuntu, thats a fair stance05:19
foxbuntuand then you can be a bronze member05:19
foxbuntulol...I know05:19
superm1foxbuntu, i give enough time towards all of this :)05:20
foxbuntusuperm1, you Know I have to bust you05:20
foxbuntujust gotta pick on you some05:20
tgm4883superm1 doesn't give enough time, he was signed off for almost an hour today :)05:20
superm1i had two routers die on me today, a cat5, and my mediacom dns servers dont work anymore....05:21
dhrI'm looking in http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy-proposed/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz and the MythTV things seem older than .20.2.  That is where the new version will show up, right?05:21
superm1not exactly fair.05:21
superm1dhr, Yes.  that's where they will show up05:21
foxbuntusuperm1, holy crap my desktop just showed back up05:24
=== tgm4883 needs to start auto backing up his mythtv database
foxbuntutgm4883, I could give you some space for that when we get our DC server online...since you donated to the project and all05:26
tgm4883since im a bronze member ?05:26
tgm4883i'll just back it up to my local fileserver05:26
tgm4883if my apartment burns down, then i have bigger things to worry about05:26
tgm4883after all, I have many computers to save and only 2 hands05:27
superm1keescook, any luck with those edgy packages this evening or no?05:27
foxbuntutgm4883, I know that feeling05:27
=== jumpkick [n=GED@bas2-toronto47-1242397704.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
superm1tgm4883, ^05:29
tgm4883jumpkick, whats up man05:30
tgm4883superm1, can you load that irc thing back on there so we can troubleshoot it?05:30
superm1tgm4883, i dont recall what i loaded before05:30
superm1cgiirc was it?05:31
tgm4883or cgi:irc05:31
superm1well jumpkick can you comment towards setting up cgi:irc on there?05:31
=== troy_s [n=aphorism@d206-116-6-170.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
tgm4883:( jumpkick is away05:34
=== foxbuntu [n=nick@12-216-16-102.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
jumpkickcgi-irc was painful last time I tried to set it up05:35
jumpkickit's easy to set-up but somewhat brutal how it works I mean05:36
jumpkickkeeps connections open all the time05:36
tgm4883we get no connection or something to that effect05:36
tgm4883is there a different IRC client we can run from the website?05:36
jumpkickyou can run java plug-ins05:36
jumpkickor maybe flash05:36
bendaileyhello superm105:37
bendaileyhello tgm488305:37
bendaileyany need for DNS changes or additions yet?05:38
superm1hi bendailey.  very soon this week i'll have a change to make05:38
superm1i'll mail you with the info on it05:38
bendaileygreat, I will get it done asap05:39
tgm4883jumpkick, i'll check into something java based I guess, any recomendations?05:39
jumpkickI'll look around05:39
superm1bendailey, still need to finalize a few items, so the mail won't come until mid week05:41
tgm4883:( I have the worst time with java apps on my setup05:41
tgm4883what about php:irc?05:42
bendaileysuperm1, I will just wait on your email then05:43
superm1k :)05:43
bendaileysuperm1, have you come up with a host for mail?05:43
superm1bendailey, foxbuntu was going to be the MX, but i dont know when he will have the box up05:44
superm1bendailey, do you have somewhere we could use as an MX (maybe just forwarding to existing addy for now)?05:44
superm1and what happened with your deal with your ISP/05:44
superm1as for mirroring images and such05:44
bendaileyI forgot to ask05:45
foxbuntusuperm1, I need to work out the final details and get some parts ordered but hopefully that box will be live soon05:45
bendaileyfoxbuntu, feel free to shoot me an email with mx details for you can pass them along through superm105:45
foxbuntubendailey, sounds good05:46
bendaileysuperm1, I will get in touch with my ISP contact tomorrow or Tuesday05:46
superm1okay great05:46
superm1bendailey, we're looking to do alpha 4 sometime this week05:47
superm1so if this turns up soon, that can work out well05:47
bendaileyok I will see what I can get pushed through05:47
bendaileywhat kind of traffic have you been seeing on the current mirrors/servers?05:48
superm1bendailey, the only remaining mirror for cd images is at polorix.net05:48
superm1i'm not sure how much has been going through on it05:49
superm1i'll mail my contact there and find out05:49
bendaileyok it would be good if I could at least give them a heads up on the traffic flow05:50
bendaileyhave you decided on push/pull for images? foxbuntu05:50
superm1bendailey, just shot a mail to him, as soon as i get a response i'll let you know05:50
bendaileysuperm1, thanks05:51
foxbuntubendailey, what do you mean push/pull?05:51
tgm4883superm1, can you test this05:52
bendaileyfoxbuntu, are you going to be the one dealing the getting the images to mirrors or am I confused?05:52
tgm4883java doesn't work on my system05:52
jumpkicktgm4883, that one looks pretty good to me05:53
tgm4883jumpkick, did you test it?  I can't05:53
foxbuntubendailey, I hadn't been told that...but I suppose I could be05:53
jumpkicktgm4883, I opened it05:53
tgm4883ah ok05:53
jumpkickyou have an error in your config05:53
jumpkickAnonymous Erroneous Nickname05:54
jumpkickError : Closing Link: (Connection Timed Out)05:54
jumpkickDisconnected from irc.freenode.net05:54
tgm4883i only changed one thing05:54
jumpkickmaybe it doesn't like the nick05:54
tgm4883ah, you can't be anonymous?05:54
superm1eh doesnt work for me either05:54
jumpkicksuperm1: doesn't load or doesn't login?05:54
superm1but wont login05:55
tgm4883ok, reload and try again05:55
jumpkicktgm4883, connected...   status "Superm2"05:55
=== Superm2 [n=Superm2@bas2-toronto47-1242397704.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
tgm4883that what the nick i put in05:56
=== Anon693 [n=Superm2@12-216-45-174.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
bendaileyfoxbuntu, how ever you, superm1, etc want to deal with mirror distribution I should be able to make a go either way05:56
Superm2tgm4883, this is from the java client05:56
Anon693it didn't auto join the channel though05:56
tgm4883well, i'm looking for how to make it auto join05:56
tgm4883as that wasn't in the default config05:56
tgm4883but this should* work from a drupal node right?05:56
jumpkickyeah should be fine05:57
tgm4883ok, one more, try it again05:59
foxbuntubendailey, not a problem...I was thinking of just setting up a single link to something like images.mythbuntu.org and creating DNS records for each mirror using CNAMES and then using round robin to split the load05:59
foxbuntuand then just build on one and use a script to push it out to all the others05:59
superm1foxbuntu, the problem with doign that, some of the mirrors really are inconvenient for some users05:59
superm1say Daviey's mirror05:59
superm1in the uk05:59
foxbuntusuperm1, indeed05:59
tgm4883killall superm206:00
bendaileyfoxbuntu, does drupal have sourceforge like functionality for file distribution random mirror based on location for set preferred mirror?06:01
=== Superm2 scores a saving throw
tgm4883superm1, jumpkick, can you two try it one more time?  I should have it setup to auto join the channel06:01
Superm2yup sec06:01
Superm2reloading now06:01
=== Mythbuntu [n=Mythbunt@bas2-toronto47-1242397704.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
superm1"Mythbuntu nickname is already in use"06:02
foxbuntuMYTHBUNTU IS HERE!06:02
Mythbuntutgm4883: doesn't auto connect06:02
Mythbuntuperhaps you should change it to something like mythbuntu-guest06:02
tgm4883maybe it doesn't need the # in front of it06:02
superm1well maybe better to be mythbuntu-guestXXX06:02
superm1where it gets random numbers06:02
tgm4883it is set like that, or at least I thought it was06:03
Mythbuntuthis window is kind of small06:03
superm1and ugly06:03
Mythbuntuthe ugly I don't mind06:03
tgm4883ok, try again06:03
=== Mythbuntu864 [n=Mythbunt@12-216-45-174.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
Mythbuntu864Still didn't autojoin06:04
tgm4883but you got a random number :)06:04
Mythbuntu864but at least got the random client name06:04
jumpkickoops my firefox crashed06:04
jumpkicktoo much java... haha06:04
=== Mythbuntu864 is now known as superm1_
tgm4883I really think it will work this time06:06
=== Mythbuntu413 [n=Mythbunt@bas2-toronto47-1242397704.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
Mythbuntu413<param name="command1" value="join #mythbuntu">06:06
Mythbuntu413tgm4883: you need that ^^^^06:07
=== MythbuntuGuest72 [n=Mythbunt@12-216-45-174.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
tgm4883I just added that06:07
superm1worked for me06:07
superm1i autojoined06:07
Mythbuntu413i'll try again06:07
tgm4883Mythbuntu413 didn't reload :)06:07
=== MythbuntuGuest51 [n=Mythbunt@bas2-toronto47-1242397704.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
MythbuntuGuest51works now06:07
tgm4883superm1, does it tell you which channel you joined?06:07
tgm4883i'm going to change that to #mythbuntu06:07
superm1tgm4883, well #mythbuntu points to #ubuntu-mythtv06:08
superm1so you cant06:08
tgm4883i wasn't sure where it was telling you that06:08
tgm4883but we should be able to upload it now06:08
MythbuntuGuest51oh cool, I just realized I could pop off the channel window and then resize it full screen06:08
foxbuntusuperm1, I am the man06:08
tgm4883foxbuntu is the man06:09
foxbuntuthats right06:09
=== tgm4883 gives the man status to foxbuntu
=== MythbuntuGuest51 is now known as jumpkick2
foxbuntuI fixed the bug with the GTK colors06:09
superm1foxbuntu, go ahead and commit the changes06:09
superm1i'll take a look06:09
foxbuntuok...I have one more thing I want to look at with it prior to that...but Its pretty much done06:10
superm1okay well just do one commit06:10
foxbuntuyeah...thats what I am planning on06:10
superm1tgm4883, so you want this to be popped on mythbuntu.org?06:11
tgm4883yea, i'll figure out how to point it in the right direction, just let me know where it's uploaded too06:11
=== jumpkick2 is impressed this thing has definable smilies
tgm4883jumpkick, jumpkick2, should I keep those in their?  There is also a simple version that I was thinking of using06:13
superm1link me to the source tgm488306:13
tgm4883superb-east?  does superm1 know superb?06:14
jumpkick2tgm4883: I think it's kind of cool to have them if it's not too much bother06:14
tgm4883jumpkick, then also try these 3 and let me know which of the 4 you like best06:16
=== MythbuntuGuest66 [n=Mythbunt@bas2-toronto47-1242397704.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== MythbuntuGuest80 [n=Mythbunt@bas2-toronto47-1242397704.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== MythbuntuGuest78 [n=Mythbunt@bas2-toronto47-1242397704.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== MythbuntuGuest56 [n=Mythbunt@bas2-toronto47-1242397704.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
MythbuntuGuest80ooh, are colours going to get me banned?06:18
superm1disable the colors tgm488306:18
tgm4883in heavy?06:18
superm1i won't ban you for them right now, but dont do them06:18
MythbuntuGuest80change nick box is handy06:18
MythbuntuGuest80yeah heavy06:19
tgm4883you checked JS?06:19
=== MythbuntuGuest80 is now known as heavy-client
=== MythbuntuGuest56 is now known as simple-client
tgm4883would color be this06:20
tgm4883<param name="pixx:setfontonstyle" value="true">06:20
tgm4883or one of these06:20
tgm4883<param name="pixx:highlight" value="true">06:20
tgm4883<param name="pixx:highlightnick" value="true">06:20
=== MythbuntuGuest25 [n=Mythbunt@12-216-16-102.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== heavy-client is now known as saymyname
superm1the first i'd think06:20
superm1of any of those06:20
MythbuntuGuest25wow...this client is pretty nice for a web based deal06:20
saymynameI'll say my own name - saymyname06:21
MythbuntuGuest25<-- foxbuntu06:21
saymynameline goes red, that's handy06:21
superm1for info, you should make it say "Mythbuntu.org User" when they are /whois'd06:21
foxbuntusuperm1, I am pushing my changes right now06:22
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tgm4883superm1, does it not say that right now?06:24
superm1--- [MythbuntuGuest25]  Info: Mythbuntu User06:24
tgm4883someone is using the normal one still, which should report java user as I forgot to change it06:24
tgm4883so I have 1 vote for heavy and 1 vote for simple?06:25
tgm4883we can probably mix and match06:25
jumpkick tgm4883: I like some of the stuff from the heavy06:25
jumpkickbut I don't like, the background image, choice of font, colors06:25
jumpkickI mean color pick box thing that will get very annoying06:26
foxbuntusuperm1, the new version of GTK is up06:26
foxbuntuREV 4 is what I am showing06:26
superm1tgm4883, mythbuntu.org/pjirc06:26
tgm4883_laptopok, thanks06:26
superm1should get you to a root of extracted files06:26
tgm4883_laptopi'll do it as soon as im done with dinner06:27
jumpkicksuperm1 - Forbidden06:27
superm1jumpkick, directory browing is off06:28
superm1but the files are all there06:28
jumpkickk, cool06:28
superm1foxbuntu, everything is executable again06:28
jumpkickI guess at the end you'll name it something intuitive like http://mythbuntu.org/chat06:28
superm1are you doing these commits from windows or something06:28
foxbuntusuperm1, I am not sure how I am doing that06:29
superm1foxbuntu, well what is your commit process06:29
superm1what machine06:29
superm1and what do you do to commit06:29
foxbuntumy Ubuntu laptop06:29
foxbuntubzr merge, commit, push06:30
superm1did you edit these files somewhere else then?06:30
superm1other than on that laptop06:30
foxbuntuoh, I bet I know what it was06:30
foxbuntuI had to change the perm's on the files and stupid me did the chmod 777 instead of chown06:30
foxbuntubecause I pulled it all down with a root key the first time and fixed that but hadn't reworked the files yet06:31
foxbuntuwhat's the perm level they should be at?06:32
superm1what they come down as06:33
superm1from the branch06:33
foxbuntuI figured it out06:33
foxbuntulet me fix it06:33
superm1No i got it06:34
superm1i've got a few other items to update in here06:34
superm1related to the version bump06:34
superm1your email @mythbuntu.org is no long valid06:34
superm1since the MX isn't around06:35
superm1so i'll put your gmail06:35
troy_sfoxbuntu: Did you have a peek at the chromes?06:35
foxbuntutroy_s, yes, sorry I didn't get back to you yet06:35
foxbuntulet me pull them up again06:35
troy_sfoxbuntu: Tis' ok -- horrible weekend for time.06:35
troy_sfoxbuntu: Although learning how to do chrome in inkscape took me a little longer than I expected.06:36
troy_sfoxbuntu: So as it stands, if you are more or less happy with the chrome idea, we migrate to finding a palette06:36
troy_sfoxbuntu: and building outwards (I have _zero_ idea how to mix the chrome with a 60s pastiche palette, but again -- that is what the experimentation is for)06:36
foxbuntuyea, I think I like it06:36
foxbuntujust need to work out colors and lighting I think06:37
troy_sfoxbuntu: I showed it to superm1 and he said something that I already thought -- it was a tad wide.06:37
troy_sfoxbuntu: So that pretty much means I will need to finigle with the font and customize it further.06:37
troy_sfoxbuntu: The lighting for the chrome that seems best for me is the one in 'logo'06:37
foxbuntuprob have to narrow it up a bit06:37
troy_sfoxbuntu: The homogenous chrome is a little too cliched.06:37
foxbuntuI would agree06:38
troy_sanways, version 'logo' seems pretty solid... i'll show you a better res version... hold.06:38
troy_sfoxbuntu: The palette is the real cruncher.06:39
troy_sfoxbuntu: As more or less everything evolves from that element.06:39
troy_sfoxbuntu: That chroming turned out better than I expected -- I think it will work if we can somehow bridge that 'car' to the original pastiche idea.06:39
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, ygm06:41
tgm4883_laptopcan you load that into the pjirc dir and test to see if you can connect?  I want to make sure we have firewall permissiions and such to get out of the server06:42
foxbuntutroy_s, great, no concerns from me06:42
foxbuntutroy_s, I will give you whatever you need06:42
troy_sfoxbuntu: Ok ... so assuming I don't have a crap ass week like I did with this night shooting last week, I will hopefully get a little more done.06:42
troy_sfoxbuntu: I'll try to hammer out a few palettes and apply them to the television.06:42
foxbuntutroy_s, Thanks again!06:42
foxbuntutroy_s, that sounds good to me06:43
troy_sfoxbuntu: It also might be worth considering a sublogo with the chromed myth from that link I gave you with06:43
troy_sfoxbuntu: with two knobs below it -- channel and volume (as in olderskool television sets)06:43
troy_sfoxbuntu: and a pair of antenna stemming from the text.06:43
troy_ssomething simple that delivers the communication quickly and effectively.06:43
foxbuntutroy_s, that might be cool, see if you can get a rough sample so I can see what you are thinking06:44
troy_sfoxbuntu: Okie.  Out for now.  Crap ass next week starts too soon.06:44
foxbuntutroy_s, lol, catch you later06:44
=== MythbuntuGuest64 [n=Mythbunt@12-216-45-174.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
MythbuntuGuest64you guys should visit mythbuntu.org/chat06:48
MythbuntuGuest64i found this really neat applet there06:48
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superm1_i'm back06:49
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foxbuntusuperm1, thanks for fixing that06:52
superm1_foxbuntu, for which?06:53
foxbuntuthe perms on that commit06:53
superm1_oh you saw it already :)06:53
foxbuntuyeah, pulled it back down too06:53
foxbuntuto have mine the same06:53
foxbuntuso its right06:53
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superm1_from now on i think that we should always bzr pull among one another06:54
superm1_so as to not overwrite anyone's changes by accident on the branch06:54
foxbuntusuperm1, the deal I have been offered from the decision makers at the ISP is that their DC is full right now, but I can put in some bigger HDD's into one of their VM servers and have a full access VM on it to use their bandwidth, which I found out is actually 145MB each way06:57
superm1_sounds sensible06:58
foxbunturight, I like the idea anyhow...just gotta dig up the money for the parts06:58
foxbuntusince 2 or 3 500GB Drives isn't exactly pennies06:59
superm1woah um foxbuntu this still doesn't look right07:00
foxbuntusuperm1, what doesn't?07:00
superm1load it in gnome07:00
superm1and take a look07:00
foxbuntuI did07:00
superm1okay let me show you then07:01
foxbuntuwhat part is off?07:01
superm1i'll open ubiquity and set all the defaults for this theme07:01
superm1and you can see07:01
tgm4883_laptopanyone know java?07:02
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:02
foxbuntuit's the retarded brother to C/C++07:02
superm1look at the title bar on the terminal and any text in the window for ubiquity07:04
superm1and you dont want to see what the control centre looks like.07:05
foxbuntuI guess I am not getting what you are getting at07:06
superm1in that screenshot?!07:06
superm1can you read anything in that07:06
foxbuntuoh you mean the menu bar?07:06
superm1menu bar, background color, text color07:06
superm1all of it07:06
superm1do you see what i mean though?07:06
foxbuntuI need to drop that blue color  back like 5 shades07:07
superm1its the same color as the buttons07:07
superm1which is also trouble07:07
foxbuntuwell there is an issue with the GTK theme all around that I am trying to work around until I can re-write the whole thing and make it less retarded07:08
superm1well currently this is a step in the wrong direction07:09
superm1tgm4883, now what you really should do i think is fit that java applet into a drupal node07:11
superm1drupal supports full out html, so you can probably fit the code to include the applet right on a node07:12
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, working on that07:12
tgm4883_laptopbut it's not working07:12
tgm4883_laptopfoxbuntu is looking at the code for me07:12
superm1in which case i'll probably move the client over to a different directory07:12
superm1so that you can still use mythbuntu.org/chat07:13
superm1to point to that node07:13
foxbuntusuperm1, I made it a super ugly shade of purple want that?07:30
foxbuntusuperm1, I will have to put more time into this to find something workable07:38
foxbuntuI gotta get to sleep however07:38
foxbuntucatch you later07:38
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tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, is /chat/ a directory on the server?07:56
superm1that can be changed07:56
tgm4883_laptopdoes it have the pjirc files in their?07:56
superm1all of them07:56
tgm4883_laptopdont suppose you know java07:56
=== superm1 hides
superm1what'd you need to figure out?07:57
tgm4883_laptopall the files are also in /pjirc/ right?07:57
superm1not right now07:57
superm1they were07:57
superm1but they're just in/chat/07:57
superm1right now07:57
tgm4883_laptopok, sec07:57
superm1just tell me what you prefer07:58
superm1and i'll put them that way07:58
=== MythbuntuGuest66 [n=Mythbunt@bas2-toronto47-1242397704.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
MythbuntuGuest66http://www.mythbuntu.org/chat/ wfm08:02
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tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, I can't seem to find the main engine file for some reason08:02
superm1where'd you lose it?08:03
=== tgm4883_laptop shrugs
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tgm4883_laptopit's strange, as now atleast im pointed to the right directory  ;)08:04
=== MythbuntuGuest73 [n=Mythbunt@bas2-toronto47-1242397704.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
MythbuntuGuest73tgm4883: my page says "Test page for IRCApplet Class" at the top08:06
MythbuntuGuest73just fyi08:06
tgm4883_laptopMythbuntuGuest73, yes, although im trying to integrate it into drupal node08:07
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tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, from some reason im unable to find main IRC JAR file08:08
MythbuntuGuest73oh cool08:08
superm1whats it called?08:08
tgm4883_laptopi think irc.jar08:08
tgm4883_laptopbut it is there08:08
tgm4883_laptopas when i have the site checked at /chat/ it all checks out08:09
superm1so whats wrong?08:10
superm1are you using "filtered html"08:10
superm1on the drupal page?08:10
tgm4883_laptopwhen i check the node it can't find it08:10
superm1or full html08:10
tgm4883_laptopit's very strange08:12
tgm4883_laptopthe only thing I can think of is the code is wrong08:12
tgm4883_laptopbut it looks fine to me08:12
tgm4883_laptopits located at mythbuntu.org/Chat if you want to see08:13
superm1k lets see08:13
superm1ff froze on it08:14
tgm4883_laptopyea foxbuntu was saying that too08:15
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:15
tgm4883_laptopcode ^08:15
superm1shouldn't it be ../chat/blah08:17
tgm4883_laptopwhat be /chat/blah08:18
superm1well you say /chat/blah08:18
superm1where blah is say a class name08:18
superm1or cab name08:18
superm1shouldnt it be ../08:18
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tgm4883_laptopi dont think so, as /node/29 isn't a real directory, and when you run it though http://www.pjirc.com/check/ most things check out08:19
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tgm4883_laptopyureka, it works08:20
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MythbuntuGuest54okay so what i'll do is move the pjirc source to pjirc08:21
MythbuntuGuest54and then you can call this node chat08:21
MythbuntuGuest54rather than Chat08:21
tgm4883_laptopsounds good08:21
superm1good thing you know magic08:22
superm1was it something silly?08:22
tgm4883_laptopseriously, i have no idea what changed08:22
tgm4883_laptopi did change 1 thing, checked it, no change, waited a few minutes, tried it and it worked08:22
tgm4883_laptoplet me know when you have changed it to pjirc08:23
tgm4883_laptopok, try it again at www.mythbuntu.org/chat08:25
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MythbuntuGuest80hello world08:26
superm1tgm4883, you know you are somehow 2 of the 3 users logged into the site right now?08:26
tgm4883_laptopi'm that good08:27
tgm4883_laptopi'm so good, that I spill over into a second me08:27
superm1good job08:27
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tgm4883_laptopok superm108:31
tgm4883_laptopnow links to http://www.mythbuntu.org/chat08:31
tgm4883_laptopright now it's just the simple version, but i will add some heavy stuff tomarrow08:32
superm1i would elaborate upon that a little more, and say if you don't have an IRC client etc08:32
superm1ah okay08:32
tgm4883_laptopI was thinking of moving all the IRC stuff below08:32
tgm4883_laptopanyway, i'm off to bed now08:32
superm1night night08:33
superm1thanks tgm4883_laptop08:33
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cornell_workAny word on Schedule Direct?02:52
cornell_workIsn't it Schedules Direct that's supposed to be a new listing service to replace Zap2It?03:17
lagawhat do you want to know?03:17
cornell_workI was wondering if anybody knew anything, like when one can register.  I'd hit the site last week and it said registrations are closed.  And the site seems to be down since Sunday.03:18
lagaTMS is having problems, according to their website.03:19
cornell_workYeah, that's why the site's down at the moment.03:19
lagai guess they'll be back up soon *shrug*03:20
cornell_workHave you registered, laga ?03:22
lagai'm from europe03:22
cornell_workSorry...  I spend too much time in a chat room for a local lug.  Get to forgetting that not everybody's from around here, mea culpa.03:27
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spinkhamHas anyone tried to migrate to Schedules Direct yet?04:13
spinkhamAs far as I can tell, the CVS revision of the weekly build from mythbuntu is before the SD changes were added...04:14
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gandi see there's now 64-bit version of mythbuntu, is there any benefit of using this, there's not 64 bit version of mythtv is there?04:15
spinkhamgand:  I'm not sure, but I don't see them in the weekly builds, only a 32 bit edition...04:19
gandok thanks spinkham, i'm pretty sure there is only 32-bit version of mythtv, so if gonna use system mostly for watching tv, i don't see that 64-bit OS would make sense.  I've read that there can be problems when 64-bit system drops into 32-bit emulation mode04:24
rhpot1991I thought mythtv could be built as 64bit binaries04:52
rhpot1991just going off of words I have seen though, so take it with a grain of salt04:52
spinkhamYes, I believe it can.. Directions here: http://patrick.wagstrom.net/tutorials/mythTV64/mythTV64.xml05:01
spinkhamBut I haven't seen any premade packages for 64 bit yet...05:01
spinkhamComments on the mythtv list seem to indicate little to no benefit to 64 bit mode at the moment..  http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/users/210421?search_string=64;#21042105:04
rhpot1991well the rest of your system would be running 64bit, so I would guess you would get some boost out of that05:21
cornell_workWell... if it's a 64 bit box, shouldn't it be a 64 bit OS?  And if it's a 64 bit OS, shouldn't one use 64 bit applications when possible?05:24
spinkhamNot necessarily.. 64 bit binaries are larger then 32 bit, so less code fits in the cache on the processor, often resulting in a net slowdown.05:26
gandi'm building a mythtv box at minute and have amd64 processor. would you recommend i put 64-bit version of mythbuntu on there, even though i'll mostly just be using system for mythtv?05:35
spinkhamI would search the mythtv archives at http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/users/ for "64 bit" to see what's current05:39
spinkhamSEemsDOn't run 64 bit myself on 64 bit hardware I have, because of some kernel drivers I need not working correctly..05:40
spinkhamDepends on your hardware, doesn't really make much difference either way unless you need to address more the 4 Gig of memory05:40
gandok thanks05:43
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hendrixskihey, quick question06:14
hendrixskiif I installed mythtv, and messed up the install...06:14
hendrixskierr, the config... then to uninstall and re-install it do I _have_ to re-install everything?06:14
hendrixskithere seems to be a lot of residual stuff when I uninstall06:15
rhpot1991mythtv stores everything in a database06:22
rhpot1991you can just back that up if you don't want to lose it06:22
hendrixskiit's not a problem of loosing it06:23
hendrixskiit's that I fill it up with the wrong crap06:23
rhpot1991well then you can just delete the database06:23
rhpot1991and your good to start from scratch06:23
rhpot1991dpkg --purge should get rid of everything, if your really woried about it06:24
hendrixskiright, but the configuration generates a new password and all06:24
rhpot1991I seem to recall it only generates a new mysql password if the account doesn't exist (I could be wrong though)06:25
hendrixskiright, we've tried apt-get uninstall --purge mythtv and it didn't help.... that calls dpkg --purge right?06:25
rhpot1991I have always uninstalled then purged it seperately06:25
rhpot1991I think "complete removal" in synaptec does the same too06:25
hendrixskithat's what I would have anticipated, but somehow didn't seem to work like that for us06:27
rhpot1991mysql db might be hanging around06:27
rhpot1991if your removing myth it probably left mysql hence the db still being there06:27
hendrixskihhmm, maybe it would help if I knew what it was doing under the hood.... I'll try it again and pay attention to mysqldb06:28
hendrixskiI should probably purge mysqldb as well, before re-installing?06:28
tgm4883_laptopwhat did you do wrong?06:29
hendrixskitgm4883_laptop, hell if I know... it just doesn't want to work if I try to re-install it after uninstalling it06:30
tgm4883_laptopright, but what info did you input wrong that makes you want to redo it06:30
hendrixskiprobably running mythtvfrontend without running mythtvsetup first06:30
tgm4883_laptopwell you can always run mythtv-setup06:31
hendrixskiI think that's what hozed it,, and then running mythtvsetup afterwards doesn't do anything because it's not granted the password like it usually is06:31
tgm4883_laptopthat doesn't require a reinstall06:31
hendrixskior something like that06:31
tgm4883_laptopare you running it as the mythtv user or the user you specified during install?06:31
tgm4883_laptopdid you follow any guides?06:32
hendrixskiI've installed it before without problems off of the guides, but this time was going off of memory06:33
hendrixskiso I did things out of order06:33
hendrixskithe problem is it's not forgiving when you do that... and I'm wondering if that isn't a bug we can't fix on the packaging end?06:34
tgm4883_laptopthe thing is, im not sure whatever the problem is that it isn't fixable06:35
tgm4883_laptopwhat is it doing?06:35
hendrixskiit won't access the database06:38
tgm4883_laptopany error messages?06:38
hendrixskiand when you run mythtvsetup it's normally supposed to show the generated password06:38
hendrixskibut this time it doens't06:38
hendrixskiumm... error messages  were like "couldn't connect to mysql databse"06:38
hendrixskithat sort of thing06:38
tgm4883_laptopwell thats an easy fix i believ06:38
=== hendrixski is all ears
tgm4883_laptoplaga do you remember the command?06:39
tgm4883_laptopi think it is06:39
tgm4883_laptopdpkg --reconfigure mythtv-database06:39
hendrixskisweet... I'll give that a try06:39
hendrixskithanks tgm4883_laptop :-)06:40
=== hendrixski has never used dpkg --reconfigure before but has heard of it... should probably read up on what it does
tgm4883_laptopok, i'll be out for some coffee for a bit, but keep me updated on any problems and i'll look when I get back06:41
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superm1keescook, any update on the edgy packages testing in your VM?06:51
keescooksuperm1: had some issues with my build (duh, requires newer mythtv) so I started it again today, I think it just finished06:52
superm1oh do you not have a pbuilder hook to use old built binaries?06:53
superm1or wait you use sbuild, don't ya :)06:53
keescookI use sbuild.  yeah.  but no problem, I just spawn a chroot and install everything.  I just forgot about it when I went to bed last night06:53
keescookI'm also trying to figure out how to test the install once it's installed in edgy...06:54
superm1well perhaps test just the frontend (assuming your backend is schedules direct ready)?06:54
superm1that's what i did in my feisty VM, launched mythtv-setup and launched the frontend, made sure they could connect to my backend outside the vm06:55
keescooknot a bad idea.06:55
keescookI haven't upgraded the feisty mythtv yet06:55
superm1too bad proposed still hasn't cleared06:56
superm1at least i don't have a mail that it did yet06:56
superm1i dont know if i should be expecting one or what not06:56
keescookdid you catch seb128 or riddell online?06:56
superm1last night seb128 was online, but i didn't want to poke too soon06:57
superm1since i wasn't sure on an eta to expect to this06:57
=== keescook nods
keescookso, it's been forever... in edgy I'm flooded with database errors when I try to start mythtv-setup.  I'm already in the group, and the db has been built, so the mysql side must be working...06:59
superm1are you trying to connect to an outside backend?07:00
superm1or to the one in the vm?07:00
keescookthe one in the vm -- I want to make sure the upgrades and all work07:00
superm1just in case you hit that weird bug that sometimes the db is corrupt on the first run, perhaps remove them, drop the sql table and do it once more?07:01
CBiLLanyone got UIRT USB?07:02
keescooksuperm1: odd, there are no tables.07:03
keescookand a dpkg-reconfigure -plow mythtv-database didn't fix it07:03
keescookah, mythbackend needed to start once07:10
keescookstill can't run mythtv-setup07:11
keescookhmpf, works as the mythtv user.  ;)07:12
superm1perhaps you had a ~/.mythtv directory07:12
superm1with a bad mysql.txt07:12
keescookwhy yes, that's it.07:13
=== keescook is so used to the feisty way
tgm4883superm1, i updated http://www.mythbuntu.org/support07:14
tgm4883in case you want to look at it07:14
keescookargh amd64 vs i386.  rebuilding myth again07:16
superm1keescook, see why i wanted to backport more of the packaging :)07:17
keescooksuperm1: yeah, I know; it's tempting, but best not to introduce further changes, even if they're almost certainly safe.07:17
superm1tgm4883, i don't know that the bullet points still make sense to have07:19
superm1i think they can go.07:19
tgm4883Consider them removed07:19
tgm4883other than that, look good?07:20
superm1worded well07:20
=== tgm4883 has no JRE on his computers so he can't test it
superm1tgm4883, oh i just refreshed, i meant like take those lines out alltogeterh07:21
superm1So we'll just have people joining our channel and redirecting as needed if we can't help07:21
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tgm4883fixed again07:22
keescooksuperm1: did you see mdz's reply to your SRU TB email?07:23
tgm4883Daviey, you around?07:23
superm1i made sure to include all of the things he asked for in the SRU request07:23
keescookcool; does he know the bug #?07:27
superm1I'm not sure.  after i submit to edgy proposed, i'll respond with the two bug numbers07:33
Davieytgm4883: yep07:36
tgm4883Daviey, I can test that download if you still need me to07:37
Davieyerm.. cheers07:37
DavieyGive me a little bit.. playing with server07:37
tgm4883let me know07:37
superm1keescook, to pull a newer version from debian into, I just dget from debian the dsc and dput to ubuntu correct?07:49
superm1assuming i test and all in gutsy :)07:49
keescooksuperm1: do you mean a debian sync?07:51
=== Tari_ [n=Tari@CPE-72-133-204-1.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
superm1keescook, yes07:52
superm1or is there a motu tool to do this already?07:52
keescookin that case, use the "requestsync" script, and the archive admins will do it.07:52
keescook(since it doesn't have Ubuntu modifications)07:52
foxbuntusuperm1, did you see the buttons change in the GTK theme?07:52
superm1keescook, where do i get the requestsync script?07:52
superm1foxbuntu, No, when did you update?07:52
=== keescook looks
keescooksuperm1: it's in the "devscript" package07:54
keescooksorry, devscripts07:54
foxbuntusuperm1, they were in last nights update07:54
foxbuntuI meant check boxes07:54
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superm1keescook, woah cool tool :)07:57
keescooksuperm1: yeah, quite handy.  :)07:57
tgm4883foxbuntu, we got the problem fixed from last night07:59
keescooksuperm1: mythweb failed to install07:59
foxbuntutgm4883, what problem?08:00
tgm4883someone (nods towards superm1) moved the folder from /pjirc/ to /chat/08:00
superm1keescook, any immediate explanation as to why08:00
keescooksuperm1: ah, found the error08:00
tgm4883the java problem that you were helping me with08:00
keescookpostinst failed to cp some files08:00
tgm4883so it's all up and running right now with the simple version08:00
tgm4883I will add features probably today08:00
foxbuntugot a link from the support page then?08:01
keescookcp: cannot stat `/usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/includes/config.php.dist': No such file or directory08:01
tgm4883check it out08:01
superm1keescook, okay i'll double check with that08:01
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foxbuntunice work tgm488308:02
tgm4883now if I could just figure out the inline image module08:02
foxbuntuI am finding that the GTK Theme I have been working on needs allot of reworking to get the colors to match up nicly08:03
foxbuntuer better08:03
foxbuntuI am getting pretty close to just trashing most of the theme and starting over, this theme is so messed up08:05
foxbuntuand I now realize why allot of the GTK Theme's are lighter colors08:06
=== MythbuntuGuest24 [n=Mythbunt@cpc4-sout2-0-0-cust715.sotn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
MythbuntuGuest24woo.. it works08:06
superm1keescook, hm well that packaging might have to be upgraded a bit08:06
tgm4883i want some input on what features i need to add to it08:07
superm1keescook, i'll look at maybe bringing it up to feisty packaging at least08:07
superm1since config.php isn't used still08:08
superm1everything else appearing OK?08:08
keescooksuperm1: well, I think fixing the postinst to avoid the problem is sufficient, the feisty packaging is pretty radically different isn't it?08:08
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superm1well i'll meld the two and see08:09
keescooksuperm1: yeah, near as I can tell, everything loads and runs after I fix that postinst with a || true  :)08:09
lagahendrixski: got your DB issues fixed?08:11
superm1keescook, it is indeed radically different.  the htaccess isn't prepared at all on edgy packages, and directories aren't made08:13
superm1nor symlinks08:13
keescooksuperm1: yeah, I'd just || true it and skip everything else.08:14
keescookthe configuration bits for the plugins can get a little odd; I know mythweb was still broken in feisty too (I had to manually move some things around when I upgraded), so I'm not very concerned with these things.08:15
keescookusers of these plugins will know how to deal with breakage.08:15
hendrixskilaga, we're still working on it.  thanks for checking up on us :-)08:15
lagahendrixski: good.08:15
superm1that feels like such a dirty hack to do here. okay i'll switch it over to add the || true08:15
lagai'll leave then08:15
lagahendrixski: you might also wanna dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common... just a thought, dunno if it'll help08:16
keescooksuperm1: well, that or figure out where the config.php file went?08:16
superm1keescook, can you try it with modifying the place it copies from to be /etc/mythtv/mythweb-config.php08:19
superm1if that works out, i'll use that instead08:19
keescooksuperm1: that's the path of the target08:20
keescook(i.e. $CONFIG)08:20
superm1keescook, the target should be /etc/mythtv/mythweb-settings.php08:21
superm1not that08:21
superm1looking at the top where CONFIG is defined08:21
keescookoh! duhrn08:21
keescooksuperm1: yeah, that seems to work08:22
hendrixskigot it working08:22
=== Tari_ [n=Tari@CPE-72-133-204-1.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
seabagwe formatted (lowest common denom), re-installed mythtv and this time ran mythtv-setup first before mythfrontend08:23
hendrixskiso, is it a bug that we can allow users to run mythfrontend before mythfilldatabase is called?08:23
seabagrunning mythfrontend first was the problem08:23
tgm4883hendrixski, what if it's a frontend only?08:24
tgm4883then you don't call mythfilldatabase08:24
seabagi suggest we have a message appear when the user tries to run mythfrontend first, such as "please run mythtv-setup first, otherwise your system will be hosed. if this is a frontend only, then ignore this message"08:24
hendrixskitgm4883, is there a way of knowing that when the package is installed?  if so then it may save a lot of peopl ea lot of pain08:24
seabagyou still need to run mythtv setup even as a frontend only, right? to tell it what the backend's IP is?08:24
tgm4883hendrixski, you may be able to see if mythtv-setup has been ran, and if not then run it08:25
tgm4883superm1 would know more08:25
tgm4883as I just do what he tells me :)08:26
superm1seabag, mythtv-setup already offers to run mythfilldatabaes08:26
superm1at the end of setup08:26
keescooksuperm1: are we supposed to subscribe a motu-sru team to the SRU bugs?08:26
tgm4883superm1, they are talking about how they were able to start the frontend without doing mythtv-setup08:26
seabagright, heh wish i had a whiteboard to draw up trees of possibilities08:26
superm1keescook, I didn't see anything about that on the SRU page08:26
hendrixskiah, so mythtv setup has to be run in both instances, just mythfilldatabase is called or not depending on the setup?08:26
keescooksuperm1: yeah, me neither08:27
tgm4883seabag you do08:27
tgm4883openoffice.org drawing is a good one i used once08:27
seabagoh no i meant on the fly here08:27
superm1keescook, but my gut feeling was thinking so too.08:27
seabagso whether you have a front end or a fe/be, you still ought to run mythtv-setup first before mythfrontend, right?08:28
hendrixskiso... if mythtv setup has to be run anyway, can't we put a binary bit to check that it's been run before anyone runs mythtvfrontend?08:28
hendrixskiso... seabag and I may want to file a bug/feature-request about this... should it go on Ubuntu's Launchpad or Mythtv's Trac?08:30
seabagi'm guessing trac?08:30
hendrixskiyeah, because that's probably requires changes in the sourcecode...08:32
tgm4883probably trac, but you could always ask over in #mythtv-users08:32
hendrixskiif we file it on launchpad08:32
seabaghendrixski, fyi, http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/wiki/TicketHowTo08:32
hendrixskiwe can modify the package to automatically run mythtv-setup on install maybe?08:32
seabagalso hendrixski fyi http://mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Bug_Tracking_System08:34
seabagbrb guys08:34
hendrixskiseabag, I know... but I was hoping that superm1 or tgm4883 may weigh in on the possibility of having that handled in a package for now until upstream decides that it actually wants people to use mythtv08:34
superm1hendrixski, the gutsy packages do prefill the database now08:35
superm1upon install08:35
superm1so mythtv-setup isn't "necessary"08:35
superm1but this doesn't happen off the mythbuntu install disk yet08:35
superm1only when the packages are installed08:35
hendrixskiso it is fixed for the next release, but not yet backported?08:36
superm1well all of the packaging stuff won't be backported to feisty unfortunately08:36
superm1but it is in gutsy08:36
hendrixskiaha, Ok08:36
superm1the new mythtv version will be showing up in feisty repositories however08:36
hendrixskicool... as soon as seabag gets off the phone I'll tell him... he'll be extatic... he lost days trying to figure this out and when I told him it has an easy fix he was like "F*ck Ubuntu, nothing's ever easy"08:37
hendrixskisuperm1, ah, you mean .20.2 :-)08:37
hendrixskiI saw on the mailing list it has a few solid fixes in it. :-)08:37
superm1it's a shame that all the cool stuff will only be in new releases :)08:37
=== tgm4883 salivates for the release of mythbuntu
hendrixskilol, I can't wait08:38
tgm4883it'll be like the windows 95 release all over again.  People camping out at stores, parades, parties being thrown08:38
hendrixskiwe're thinking of starting a company to make an appliance, where one of the components we'll use to build it will be parts of mythtv... but there's such a learning curve on researching this stuff08:38
superm1keescook, things look good to push to -proposed then to you?08:39
tgm4883what kind of appliance?08:39
foxbuntusuperm1, I really hate this GTK theme08:39
hendrixskitgm4883, the loco teams could throw a release party again08:39
tgm4883a toaster?08:39
tgm4883that would be sweet08:39
=== tgm4883 salivates at the idea of his toaster running mythtv
keescooksuperm1: after that little fix, yeah, go for it.  (though these procedures are a bit vauge)08:39
keescooker, vague08:39
hendrixskilol... yes, a toaster with mythtv... kind of like the gas pumps with TV's on them, or the deep-fryers with RSS feeds08:40
superm1keescook, yea i know.  Well i pinged Riddell in -devel, i'll double check with the procedure with him, and see if he could ack these given the whole no data upcoming so soon08:40
tgm4883although he just left, you may want to talk with foxbuntu about that, as i think he is doing something along the same lines08:40
hendrixskiwell... I dunno that anyone made dee[-fryers with RSS... but I know Linus was absolutely shocked when in the 90's someone showed him a gas pump running LInux so that customers could watch CNN while filling up08:40
tgm4883yep, i think they have those in SoCal08:41
hendrixskiah cool, I'll def. have talk to him then08:41
hendrixskiwe've been at the idea phase for a long time now and think we finally have the business model, and now need to get the technical things... and neither of us have enough linux experience... so we'll be hiring :-)08:42
hendrixskibut talking to others doing similar things always means good opportunities for collaboration08:42
tgm4883what kind of appliance though?  strictly pvr or more?08:42
hendrixskitgm4883, making just another pvr isn't a successful business model08:43
tgm4883well, mythtv isn't just another PVR08:43
hendrixskilol, I know08:43
tgm4883so in terms of MythTV vs any other PVR, i would think that MythTV could be very successful08:44
hendrixskiand there are plugins that allow it to do RSS stuff, so it already is the next generation... but you have to build on top of that, and make a long-term model08:44
tgm4883also, remember that the more things you have it do, the more potential conflicts and things that can break occur08:44
hendrixskivery tru08:44
tgm4883whats your target market?08:45
hendrixskihhmm... I'm trying say as much as I can without giving away our edge...08:46
hendrixskithe target market would be...08:46
hendrixskipeople who aren't necessarily technically capable (which is the mistake that many appliances that use linux and others that use mythtv hvae made)08:46
tgm4883hmm, an edge would mean that your going into a market in which no one has gone before/doing something that they haven't done before08:47
tgm4883and since mythtv is part of it, im having trouble seeing this idea08:47
hendrixskitgm4883, :-) exactly08:47
hendrixskiwe'll create a service that nobody has created before08:48
tgm4883what country do you live in?08:49
hendrixskiI'm in the USA.... but we're looking at European markets too08:49
tgm4883I'm having trouble seeing your service, as everything im thinking of has either been done/attempted or is illegal08:50
tgm4883pm more info?08:51
hendrixskitgm4883, are my responses to the PM coming through?08:55
tgm4883are you registered?08:56
hendrixskioh right08:56
hendrixskisuperm1,   hhmm... so if it's in gutsy, but not backported to feisty.... will that be backported to dapper LTS?09:02
superm1hendrixski, give me a few minutes. i'll respond in a bit09:02
hendrixskisuperm1, I'm just wondering at this point... no hurry... and if it's not at current, I may try to find time and offer to backport it myself. :-)09:04
DavieyIs it really worth the effort?09:04
tgm4883yea, why not update to gutsy?09:04
tgm4883although it should be in dapper09:05
tgm4883my opinion, not any fact ^09:05
DavieyYou are welcome to do it; but i can't see there is a demand09:06
rhpot1991tgm4883: how is your name showing up in the side of the mythbuntu page?09:06
DavieyPlus it makes support potentially more difficult09:06
tgm4883rhpot1991, im logged in09:06
rhpot1991logged in where, I don't see any register page or anything09:06
=== rhpot1991 might be blind
tgm4883rhpot1991, there isn't one, it's just for updating the site and such09:06
rhpot1991ah ok09:07
rhpot1991is there any reason for me to isntall mythbuntu when I already have a working ubuntu setup running the weekly builds?09:07
tgm4883IMO< probably not09:08
rhpot1991from the screenshots I gather that all that would give me would be a gui for setup09:08
tgm4883the .20.2 package should be backported to dapper, only because of the changes with SD09:08
Davieytgm4883: good point09:08
DavieyBut seriously.. how many people still use dapper+mythtv?09:09
rhpot1991the .20.2 will hit the weekly builds right?09:09
Davieyespecially as gutsy+1 will be lts09:09
tgm4883Daviey, I don't see why not, I would use dapper+mythtv if I was around back then.  Why upgrade the whole system if it isn't broke?09:09
tgm4883just upgrade every LTS09:09
=== hendrixski wasn't talking about ackporting .20.2... was talking about backporting the functionality that it calls mythtv-setup automatically
tgm4883hendrixski, why use dapper on a new install?09:10
rhpot1991seems like a waste of time, does it tell you to do that when you install?09:10
hendrixskiDaviey, do we know for a fact gutsy+1 is?  'cause I remember hearing during open-week that it may just be gutsy +209:10
tgm4883yep, gutsy+1 will be LTS09:10
Davieytgm4883: yeah.. i see your point.. but personallly i cba as i see little demand.. Maybe a poll? :D09:11
tgm4883every 3 - 4 releases are LTS, gutsy +1 will be #409:11
hendrixskibecause people who don't want to have to face the horrors of updating every 6 months09:11
Davieyhendrixski: i don't know for fact no... that was last i heard09:11
tgm4883hendrixski, feisty has support longer than dapper09:11
DavieyO RLY09:12
hendrixski??? doesn't dapper have support for like another 2 or 3 years?09:12
Davieyhendrixski: check the link09:13
tgm4883whoops, my bad, brain freeze09:14
tgm4883it's not 6 months though, its 1809:15
tgm4883so feisty will get you into Gutsy +109:15
hendrixskiso yeah, 'tilll 2009, meaning 2 years09:19
hendrixskiso backporting it to dapper means it would be around for longer than the support time of feisty09:19
tgm4883yea, feisty will get you into the next LTS, Gutsy will get you into 2009.  If your using LTS, wouldn't you upgrade at the next LTS?09:20
superm1okay i'm back.  keescook did you see in -devel what Riddell said?  I'm hoping that the TB does approve this.  I'm not sure what other convincing will still be necessary after my last mail to them09:20
=== tgm4883 agrees with Daviey, demand is probably very low for this
tgm4883expecially combined with the advances in hardware detection in gutsy09:21
tgm4883and feisty09:21
hendrixskicool, the hardware detection includes tuners, right?09:23
tgm4883just to be clear, im talking about ubuntu detecting the hardware, not mythtv09:23
hendrixskioh, k09:24
tgm4883hopefully, mythbuntu can auto detect hardware for mythtv in 7.10 + 109:24
hendrixskigood deal09:25
hendrixskinow, mythbuntu will come out the same time as gutsy, right?09:25
hendrixskior will there be a delay?09:25
superm1depends on the release date of 0.2109:25
superm1if it is going to be far off, then it will come out same time as gutsy09:26
superm1if it is a month or so different09:26
hendrixskiah, so mythbuntu will be tied to the mythtv release cycle, and not canonical?09:26
superm1then we'll go right after 0.2109:26
superm1well its still tied more to canonical09:26
superm1but mythtv 0.21 is big enough that i would say its worth of the delay09:26
hendrixskifrom what I've heard, that sounds like that's the case09:27
hendrixskilots of new features, etc. etc.09:27
hendrixskisome serious branches that are still waiting to get merged.09:27
=== hendrixski is excited
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keescooksweet.  I'll pull and test feisty as soon as the builds are done10:11
superm1keescook, whoops on the version numbers, eh :)10:12
keescooksuperm1: yeah, I forgot about that bit due to the cross-pocket copying10:13
cornell_workBTW, Schedules Direct seems up and running and accepting registrations.10:13
cornell_work(And I hear good things about the mythbuntu interface to it ;-) )10:14
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=== henkpoley [n=henkpole@poley.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
henkpoleyHi, i've migrated from an old Gentoo installation to a new Ubuntu based setup, but now mythfilldatabase isn't automatically run by the backend10:45
henkpoleyAlso running mythfilldatabase from cron doesn't seem to do anything10:46
superm1henkpoley, You need to set it up in a frontend10:46
superm1there is no cron job for it anymore10:46
henkpoleyanother one ?10:46
superm1because Zap2It didn't want it ran from cron10:46
henkpoleyIt runs a local frontend10:46
henkpoleyI'm not in the US10:46
henkpoleyI use grab_tv_nl an XMLTV grabber10:47
superm1well mythfilldatabase was removed from cron because of US users :)10:47
superm1in the frontend setup section10:47
superm1there is an area to setup to schedule regularly to fill the database10:47
superm1if you don't want to do it from there, then add a cron job for the mythtv user and you'll be fine10:47
henkpoleyAh, I had entered a /usr/bin/myth.. with crontab -e myself10:47
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henkpoleyI *have* set it up to run10:48
superm1its better to do from the fe though10:48
henkpoleyIt just doesn't run10:48
superm1can you already run it as your normal user?10:48
superm1have you tried?10:48
seabaghey laga if you're around i've got something interesting for you and superm110:48
henkpoleyyup, I run it from SSH and from a terminal under X10:48
superm1well there is no reason it *shouldn't* work from cron then :)10:49
superm1did you get a dead.letter explaining why it didn't?10:49
henkpoleyI'd like the backend to run it btw10:49
superm1yea then just configure it in the FE, and that schedules it to do in the BE10:49
henkpoleyI know, I did that, it doesn't run..10:49
henkpoleyIs there anywhere besides the dev-ML where I could ask?10:50
henkpoleysomeone with XMLTV experience here10:50
superm1well have you checked the backend log?10:50
superm1to see if it tried to launch10:51
superm1but just didn't work10:51
superm1or something to that effect?10:51
superm1and do you need to have something like a .xmltv directory for that xmltv grabber to work normally?10:51
superm1if so, then you will want to add such directory to the mythtv user10:51
henkpoleyI read that there was some change in the -fixes branches that it requires some file to exist "for the grabber" (even though my grabber doesn't need, nor generate, that file)10:51
superm1hm didn't hear of that myself.10:52
henkpoleyyes I have a .xmltv directory10:52
henkpoleywell something with a bug report of a guy with multiple frequency setups10:52
henkpoleyso they now have different -forced- config files for all the different grabbers10:52
henkpoleymultiple different cable connections I mean10:53
henkpoleyso they each have differenct channels, that need different grabbers10:53
superm1well i can't say i can comment much there myself - as i'm US bound10:53
henkpoleyI just don't know what the file should be named10:53
henkpoleytried about 4 names10:54
superm1you can ask some of the overseas guys perhaps: laga Daviey jono10:54
=== Daviey ears are burning
henkpoleylike '.xmltv/tv_grab_nl' etc.10:54
Davieywhat have i voluntered to do?10:54
henkpoleyCurrently I have a .xmltv/tv_grab_nl.conf10:56
henkpoleybtw, the backend logs show no errors with mythfilldatabase10:57
henkpoleythe mythfilldatabase log stays empty10:57
Davieyhenkpoley: how are you calling it?11:00
henkpoleyLike the backend does (?)11:01
henkpoleyOr from the commandline like: $ mythfilldatabase11:01
Davieyah.. i manually cron mythfilldatavase11:01
henkpoleyMy old setup did everything by itself, which meant it ran when the system was online11:02
henkpoley...and not when it was shutdown11:02
henkpoley(tried to run when it was shutdown)11:02
Davieyif you manually call the mythfilldatabase does it work?11:02
henkpoleyIf I call it from the commandline it works, yes11:03
henkpoleyBut it gets kind of long in the tooth to do that every 4 days..11:04
Davieythen add it as a cron job?11:05
Davieythen it will do it automatically.. that's how i do it11:05
henkpoleyDoesn't cron try to run it at a set time, and when it couldn't that, it doesn't run at all11:06
Davieyanacron ftw11:07
DavieyIf it misses it, will do it on reboot11:08
henkpoleyIs the 'cron' package on Ubuntu just a dummy package, or do I need to figure out if regular cron takes preference over anacron (which is also already installed on my system)11:09
Davieybut AIUI anacron providers the /etc/cron.daily etc... Just drop a shell script in there and it will do it daily11:13
Davieynormally 6:00am - or when the server is on11:14
Davieyin /etc/cron.daily i have:11:16
henkpoleyCan I just run mythfilldatabase, or does it need QT libs specified or something?11:16
Davieysu mythtv -c "mythfilldatabase --quiet"11:16
Daviey(which basically makes it run as user mythtv, rather than root)11:17
Davieyerm.. shouldn't do11:17
Daviey < Daviey> #!/bin.sh  *should* be: #!/bin/sh (obv)11:18
henkpoleyOkay, will try that11:18
Davieyremember to `chmod + x thescript.sh`11:19
henkpoleyalready doing that :-)11:19
henkpoleyIs there any setting for cron so it can mail me, or does it end up in some logfile?11:22
henkpoleythere is no /var/log/cron11:22
DavieyI think you can just add an echo "myth's listings done" and it will email that to root@localhost11:23
henkpoleywhich means you need exim4 or something running..11:24
Davieynot for simple mail11:24
henkpoleyoh, then how do you open that mail?11:24
Daviey`sudo mail`11:25
henkpoley'mail' from 'mailx' or 'mailutils' package?11:26
Davieyprob mailutils11:26
henkpoleymailutils is a IMAP file editor afaik11:27
Davieyi don't know tbh11:27
henkpoleyI've used that on a shared server account before11:27
Davieyprobably provides the same binary11:27
Davieyuse mailx11:28
Davieymailx = "A simple mail user agent"11:28
henkpoleyyeah, seems to be a 'mail reader' according to apt11:28
henkpoleypulls in postfix? hmkay..11:29
henkpoleyLet's hope it works that way :-P11:29
Davieyaptitude or apt?11:29
henkpoley"No mail for root"11:30
Davieyaint ran yet.11:31
Daviey cat /var/mail/$USER will do the same11:31
henkpoley'anacron -f' doesn't do anything11:31
henkpoleyshould force the tasks to run11:31
=== Daviey shrugs
henkpoleyWill check tomorrow11:32
Davieycoool.. lemme know11:33
henkpoleyThanks for the help :-)11:33
=== Tari_ [n=Tari@CPE-72-133-204-1.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== rogue780 [n=rogue780@pool-70-22-56-208.balt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
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bdmurraysuperm1: I wanted to help out and test the feisty-proposed packages.  Is there anything I should be aware of before hand?12:38
superm1bdmurray, you need a SD account :)12:38
superm1that'd be about it12:38
superm1I wonder if the buildds have finished them yet12:39
=== superm1 checks
superm1i386 is building right now12:40
superm1bdmurray, if anything they might improve your HD situation, considering the lower memory usage :)12:43
bdmurraysuperm1: right, I saw the memory thing. ;)12:44
bdmurrayIs there a preferred way to give SD feedback?12:45
superm1feedback upon the service?12:47
superm1they have a set of forums12:47
superm1at schedulesdirect.org12:47
=== spinkham [n=spinkham@cpe-024-163-082-168.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
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=== keescook taps his foot, waiting for mythplugins to finish building
superm1keescook, be glad your not on amd64, hasn't even started :)01:12
keescookhehe, yup, that's just my desktop.01:12

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