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sbalneavEvening all04:00
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johnnyhi, i'm noticing that when a client autologin they were getting the wrong username, and it turns out the clients were using the contents of /etc/hostname to decide the username even tho it was assigned via dhcp06:13
johnnyif i chmod 000 /etc/hostname, then all works as expected06:13
johnnyand leave it empty06:13
johnnyam i missing a proper dhcp option?06:13
sbalneavNo, probably a bug.06:16
sbalneavThis on gutsy, or feisty?06:16
johnnyi'm currently happy that everything works tho :)06:20
johnny1 box went online yesterday, and another today06:20
johnnymy install is certainly one of the more limited LTSP installs :)06:20
johnny4 boxes total06:20
johnnybut i can see myself deploying it again in the future in more educational situations06:21
johnnywe're gonna setup a "hack lab" so ltsp seems like a good choice06:21
johnnyand doing it with gusty edubuntu right from the start should seriously help06:21
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=== Topic for #edubuntu: Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | feisty (7.04) is released, see http://www.edubuntu.org/Download | Tribe5 development release is out: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/releases/gutsy/tribe-5/
=== Topic (#edubuntu): set by ogra at Fri Aug 24 09:56:09 2007
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Kamping_Kaiserbugger, no sbal09:32
Kamping_Kaiserquestion to the room:09:34
Kamping_Kaisercan [ia32/amd64]  systems host ppc/sparc clients for netboot? i know the chroot has to be created on the relevent arch, but will endianness get in the way?09:35
RichEdKamping_Kaiser: good question :) sorry that I have no idea09:36
Kamping_Kaiserhehe. i'll try and search out an answer - i was just about to start writing up some details on hosting/creating ltsp chroots for [other then server arch] 09:37
RichEdlogically ... I'd say that as long as the clients can see the host, and load the correct o/s that they need themselves, it may work09:38
johnnyi almost had ppc clients working09:38
johnnybut managing the software that works on both arches isn't really worth it atm09:38
Kamping_Kaiserjohnny, so they can boot but apps dont run?09:39
johnnysure they will09:41
johnnybut you'd have to heavily manage the versions so they are as similiar as possible09:41
johnnyif you wanted the config files to be compatible09:41
Kamping_Kaisersorry, not sure i understand why theres going to be versioning problems09:42
johnnywell there was a reason that ubuntu withdrew support in ppc for a time09:48
Kamping_Kaiseri dont recall it involving ltsp chroots ;) more number of systems in use09:48
johnnywell if you have say, important gnome package X at version 2.18 for x86 and then only important gnome package X at 2.16 for ppc09:49
johnnythe config files between both may or may not work together, depending obviously09:50
johnnyor any other number of programs like pidgin09:50
johnnythe list goes on, it just depends on what you're running09:50
johnnynot everything compiles on every arch09:50
johnnyor runs for that matter09:50
johnnyi actually chose to go all x86 so i didn't have to deal with keeping config files in sync at all09:50
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Kamping_Kaiserno, but since the chroot is a fairly minimal setup i assumed the same chroot built everyware09:51
johnnyand if i had to manage them seperately, it's just not that worth it09:51
johnnythe base chroot may be fine, but i assume you'll be wanting apps :)09:51
johnnyso in my case, i need flash,but flash isn't available on ppc09:51
Kamping_Kaiserbut since everything runs on the server, why is it relevent to the chroot?09:52
johnnyso people who were using the imacs we have get less functionality than those using pcs09:52
johnnyi couldn't get it to work :)09:52
johnnyi had to install firefox 3209:52
johnnyeven for the server running uhmm09:52
johnnyit still runs the proper kernel09:52
Kamping_Kaiserhow anoying. *is shattered*. my writings just got harder09:52
johnnyi could be completely wrong, i just know i couldn't get things to work the way i wanted09:53
johnnywith some serious time spent09:53
johnnyi finally got rid of the imacs and now everything is fine09:53
Kamping_KaiserI *may* try this out later, but installing a server with gutsy and making my old macs go just doesnt really inspire09:54
=== johnny tries to remember the problem with flash
johnnyand how it got resolved09:54
johnnyi didn't do that part09:55
johnnybut i know that we never could get the 64bit stuff to work09:55
johnnythe server is amd6409:55
johnnyand clients are normal i38609:55
johnnyi wish i had access to the box09:56
johnnyright now09:56
johnnymy chroot is definitely i38609:56
Kamping_Kaiserflash has issues on any !=ia32 system09:56
johnnyflash is necessary for public internet terminals tho09:56
johnnyreminds me to install the flash plugin :)09:57
=== Kamping_Kaiser sits happy with no flash on his not public desktop ;)
johnnyi put two live today without flash, but i'll have to fix that up09:57
johnnyand need more codecs in general09:58
johnnyi hate dealing with that crap09:58
johnnylike ms codecs09:58
johnnybut even i need them occasionally09:58
johnnyopen source implementations were getting better last i checked09:58
Kamping_Kaiseryou stop caring after the first few weeks09:58
johnnynot really09:58
johnnyhad my gentoo box for 4 years09:58
johnnyi haven't stopped caring yet09:58
johnnythen again, it is easy for to do it09:59
johnnysince i only have i38609:59
Kamping_Kaisergah. i just opted to go out this evening. doco on building chrotos may have to wait09:59
johnnyi looked in my chroots that i do have09:59
Kamping_Kaiserhm.. what are Edubuntus offical archs? ia32+amd64+sparc?10:00
johnnyseems to be pretty full installs, which is what leaves me to believe my comments10:00
johnnyis sparc?10:00
johnnyi don't know10:00
Kamping_Kaiser544M    /opt/ltsp/i386/10:00
johnnygo to the site :)10:00
johnnyyeah.. seems a pretty full install, and you'd have duplicate on ppc10:00
Kamping_Kaisernot sure where i'd look *tries anyway*10:00
Kamping_Kaiserfull = 1.5gb surely10:00
johnnyi don't remember it being that big10:01
johnnywell, plus swap file10:01
johnnyand minus open office :)10:01
Kamping_KaiserTwo architectures are provided and formally supported:10:01
Kamping_Kaiser    * PC (Intel x86) classroom server CD10:01
Kamping_Kaiser    * 64-bit PC (AMD64) classroom server CD10:01
johnnyyeah.. that's what i thought10:01
johnnydidn't think that sparc was supported10:01
johnnynot enough peeps have sparc or ppc boxes that aren't running apple stuff10:02
johnnysee that as two seperate statements .. sparcs obviously don't run apple stuff10:02
Kamping_Kaisersupported as a port, not offical though10:04
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alexIdoiahi there; I have installed edubuntu on 15 computer in a class room, everything went quite smoothly expect that I have only a screen resolution of 800x600 maximum10:30
Kamping_KaiseralexIdoia, waht video cards are in the sytems?10:31
alexIdoiaI went into /etc/X11/xorg.conf and there are plenty of higher resolution there, so I don't understand why they don't appear in my Preferences>Screen resolution utility10:31
Kamping_Kaiserxorg on the server or in the chroot?10:31
alexIdoiashould I type lspci ?10:31
Kamping_Kaiserthat could help10:32
ograthat would help, yes :)10:32
=== ogra guesses intel onboard cards ...
alexIdoia00:05.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C51G [GeForce 6100]  (rev a2)10:32
ograor very old monitors ...10:32
ograah, k :)10:33
Kamping_KaiseralexIdoia, is that server or client?10:33
Kamping_Kaiserhm... is that question relevent?10:33
ograKamping_Kaiser, workstation :)10:33
Kamping_Kaiserogra, ah, right :)10:33
ogra(is what he said above)10:33
=== Kamping_Kaiser didnt spot that
alexIdoiaKamping_Kaiser: there are all independent machines10:33
ogrago to: System  Administration  Restricted Devices Manager10:34
ograenable the nvidia driver ....10:34
ograreboot ...10:34
alexIdoiaok that simple :)10:34
alexIdoiathank you10:35
ogra(assuming you have 7.04 .... for older releases see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia )10:35
alexIdoianeed to reboot noz10:37
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sbalneavMorning all!03:07
RichEdhey sbalneav03:08
sbalneavHey RichEd03:08
sbalneavogra: Hey, have you merged all my stuff yet?03:39
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ograsbalneav, no, but i'm on it (RL is a desaster today for me ...)04:35
sbalneavOh, nothing bad I hope?04:35
ograone of the guineapigs died this morning ... susie doesnt cope atm ...04:36
sbalneavOh noes!04:36
sbalneavI had hampsters when I was young, so I can sympathise04:37
ograbeyond that there is a lot of other stuff going on she cant cope with atm and i have to04:37
ograwell, it was only 3 mounts old ... its pretty odd since we just got it04:38
sbalneavWell, have strength.  And give her my regards.04:38
ograwill do, she just picks up the corpes from the vet ...04:38
sbalneavDon't worry about it today, but the question came up in that ltspfs bug about a backport.04:40
sbalneavWe can talk about it when things settle down for you.04:40
ograthat will need an SRU and plent of testing in proposed-updates04:41
ograi fear we wont get enough testing ...04:41
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sbalneavHey bddebian05:12
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bddebianHi sbalneav05:13
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moquistogra: working on Moodle right now07:28
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cliebowmoquist:that must be the longest response time ever..gives real-time new meaning 8~)08:20
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moquistcliebow: I don't follow... you mean b/c he asked yesterday, or something? Yeah, that's a while. :)09:00
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eandres25Hi! I need to Know how I can use edubuntu in Counseling, vocational o educative?09:08
eandres25Can somebody help me?09:11
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LaserJockeandres25: hi09:22
LaserJockeandres25: can you describe what you need a bit more?09:23
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moquistLaserJock: I'm also working on a native package, and I've got a debian/install file that seems not to be doing anything...what is it in debian/rules that actually *runs* that file?09:31
moquistI'm looking at the dh_install stuff, but it's not yet clear to me.09:31
moquistK. and that should probably be run under the install: target?09:32
highvoltagehola LaserJocko09:33
LaserJockmoquist: yep09:34
LaserJockhighvoltage: hola me amigo09:34
moquistLaserJock: thx. I got going on the moodle stuff and realized I needed a *gutsy* test system...losing that vmware server sucked.09:38
eandres25LaserJock, ok, I don't speak English, but I will try.09:40
eandres25I'm student and I want that my classmates know about Edubuntu, but I need to describe it like a toolboxes for counseling09:42
eandres25Or if you know a technological tool for counseling it will be ok09:43
LaserJockhmm, that is somewhat hard to answer09:43
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eandres25mmm, that's a big problem to me...09:45
LaserJockyou might look at some of the material on http://www.edubuntu.org/UsingEdubuntu09:45
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eandres25LaserJock, thank you!09:46
LaserJockeandres25: I don't even know what kinds of tools would be used in Counseling09:46
moquistapt-ftparchive is complaining in gutsy:09:50
moquist  smbldap-configure has no source override entry09:50
moquist  smbldap-configure has no binary override entry either09:50
=== moquist should google first; please excuse him
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