
BluesKajok, obviously too many cooks here ... BBL12:36
DaleksUnitedBluesKaj: ah, thanks12:36
ubuntu_mkdir Checkit && sudo mount /dev/devicename Checkit -o umask=002212:36
rignesDo any of you guys know what runs during start up in Kubuntu that checks for updates?  I'm wondering exactly what the executable is that puts the green ball in the bottom by the clock.12:36
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ubuntu_rignes: adept_updater I'll warrant12:37
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smithyhi hi12:37
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smithyje tu nejaky slovak alebo cech???12:38
BluesKajDaleksUnited, be sure not have the # sign in front of any of those copied lines12:38
rignesThanks, I'll check.  The reason I ask is because this system connect via wireless and I have to type in my kwallet password before it connects.  The check is gone by the time I get the password in. :P12:38
ubuntu_smithy: What language?12:38
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ubuntu_DaleksUnited: where device name is the partition of your hard drive12:39
coreymon77ubuntu_: probably slovakian12:39
ubuntu_coreymon77: what's the code for that?12:39
ubuntu_sl? sk?12:39
U238Willy[18:39:42]  <+U238Willy> .sk12:40
U238Willy[18:39:43]  <%Xut> The top level domain .sk represents Slovakia.12:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:40
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ubuntu_drat :)12:40
DaleksUnitedubuntu_: hdd1 I think12:40
ubuntu_mkdir Checkit && sudo mount /dev/hdd1 Checkit -o umask=002212:40
ubuntu_what's close to slovak ?12:40
DaleksUnitedczech republic12:40
rignesubuntu_: Hmm, adept_updater just opens the adept package manager.  I guess a better question is, how can I initiate a check for updated packages manually?12:41
ubuntu_Yeah I was thinking that too but I meant the code :)12:41
ubuntu_rignes: check the flags you can send it12:41
rignesubuntu_: I already did.  Nothing looked right.12:41
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rignesubuntu_: Of course, I could use --help-all and then check that. :P12:42
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theverantanyone know why edge+edge button combos aren't working for compiz fusion in KDE?12:42
DaleksUnitedubuntu_: thanks for all your help12:43
ubuntu_DaleksUnited: that works ?12:43
rignesubuntu_: Still nothing sounds right. :/  I've googled but I either am searching the wrong phrase or it's not to be found...probably searching wrong.12:44
theverantor rather, does anyone have them working?12:44
ubuntu_nixternal: poke :)12:44
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DaleksUnitedubuntu_ - yeah12:45
ubuntu_DaleksUnited: ok sweet you have more work to do if you want the drive to automount on startup12:45
ubuntu_manchicken: ping12:45
rignesWell, I'll have to look later...dinner time. :P  Thanks.12:46
ubuntu_rignes: stay online12:46
ubuntu_I'll shout you when I get the answer12:46
DaleksUnitedubuntu_ - a challenge for tomorrow :P12:46
Ardinoh oh how do you shout someone?12:47
ubotuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.12:47
Ardinis that what you mean by shout?12:47
=== Ardin shakes his head
manchickenubuntu_: pong12:48
ubuntu_it highlights what I say so when he scrolls up it's easy to pick out the answer12:48
manchickenubuntu_: You may want to select a more useful nick.12:48
ubuntu_manchicken: what makes the green orb when adept is doing a update check?12:48
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ubuntu_manchicken: I'm going home in 10 minutes12:49
ubuntu_Packing up the office now12:49
ubuntu_notifer. Duh!12:49
ubuntu_thanks :)12:49
ubuntu_rignes: it's adept_notifier12:49
ubuntu_manchicken: how does it work? it does a diff of the servers and your local cache?12:49
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=== ubuntu_ stalks Ardin
manchickenWell the cache updates from the server and keeps track of whether or not there's a new candidate version.12:51
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ubuntu_manchicken: but when you open adept_updater it has to pull from the server again. Why doesn't it use the local cache if it was updated?12:52
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ubuntu_Or is that just insurance?12:53
matthewgialichhey can someone help me, i need to transpher some files to an external drive, but it says that i do not have access, how do i do it12:53
ubuntu_matthewgialich: What file system?12:55
level1Hi, according to system guard, Xorg is taking up no less than 1.1 GB of my precious ram.  How can I figure out whats going on?  I've closed most of the windows on my desktop12:55
manchickenubuntu_: It does as far as I know.  But it periodically triggers an update of the cache from the server.12:56
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ubuntu_level1: No idea but I've almost never found that to be the problem in terms of system lagging12:56
ubuntu_I just leave it alone and it sorts itself out12:56
level1ubuntu_: yes, but I'd like that ram back! :)12:56
ubuntu_level1: simple. don't run X12:57
level1ubuntu_: yeah, I'll just irc on the command line... haha12:57
matthewgialichubuntu_: im using ubuntu, i ran it from a cd, so im trying to save the data off the cd beacuse windows became corrupt,  so i need to back it off to external12:57
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ubuntu_level1: irssi12:58
manchickenlevel1: What driver are you running?12:58
ubuntu_it's actually a very very good IRC lcient12:58
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level1manchicken: nvidia proprietary 957712:58
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ubuntu_matthewgialich: Yeah I'm asking what file system is on the external. What is it formatted as?12:58
level1manchicken: I had to manually install it, because the ubuntu installer didn't work for me (TM)12:58
matthewgialichubuntu_: ntsf12:59
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse01:00
ubuntu_!ntfs-3g | matthewgialich01:00
ubotumatthewgialich: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions01:00
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W1ZrDHow can I give full permissions to ALL files under /home/username/folder ?01:00
ubuntu_W1ZrD: Woooah there. what's this for?01:01
level1W1ZrD: thats not always a good idea, but basically, chmod 777 /home/you/folder/*01:01
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ubuntu_level1: -R01:01
W1ZrDubuntu_, some stupid .sh files that won't run :s01:01
matthewgialichubuntu_: ty01:01
ubuntu_W1ZrD: sh name of file01:01
ubuntu_so sh ~/bin/stubborn.sh01:02
level1W1ZrD: chmod -R 777 /home/you/folder/*01:02
W1ZrDubuntu_, have tried but they give permission denied, even though they have 77501:02
ubuntu_W1ZrD: What do the scripts do?01:02
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ubuntu_it's likely it's a command inside the script01:02
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W1ZrDubuntu_, supposed to make image thumbnails through imageMagick01:03
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ubuntu_W1ZrD: how are you running the script?01:04
kgxanyone ever got "System I/O error" in cyrus?01:04
neptunepinkIs it possible to put linux on a linksys router?01:05
matthewgialichubuntu_: i dont get it it isnt working? what do i type beacuse im not understanding this01:05
ubuntu_matthewgialich: where are you?01:05
W1ZrDsh ./tbn_imgmGk1.2.1.run01:06
scorpkingneptunepink: http://openwrt.org01:07
matthewgialichubuntu_: i dont know how to install it im not a linux user how do i install ntsf-configuer?01:07
neptunepinkscorpking: yayo!01:07
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scorpkingneptunepink: :-)01:07
neptunepinkscorpking: But the question is, if I hose it, can I revert it back to the original firmware with minimal fuss?01:08
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:08
scorpkingneptunepink: not sure how to make a backup. give me one sec and i'll check what model i use.01:08
ubuntu_matthewgialich: do you have universe enabled?01:09
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matthewgialichubuntu_: i dont knw01:09
ubuntu_matthewgialich: are you on a kubuntu live Cd?01:09
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matthewgialichubuntu_:  yes will a ubuntu live cd, no one in ubuntu would help me01:10
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ubuntu_matthewgialich: ha ha :) of course01:10
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scorpkingneptunepink: WRT54GL01:11
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neptunepinkscorpking: WRT54G; but I'm not sure whta version.... hmmm....01:11
ubuntu_matthewgialich: open synaptic and I think under tools look for repositories01:11
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scorpkingneptunepink: let me check...01:11
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matthewgialichubuntu_:  so serch for repositories?01:13
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scorpkingneptunepink: WRT54GL_4.30.5_US_code.bin is the image i have.01:13
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ubuntu_matthewgialich: no the menus at the top file edit view tools01:13
ubuntu_I think it's tools :)01:13
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neptunepinkscorpking: Is that the linux, or is that the factory install?01:14
matthewgialichubuntu_: ok i got to that part01:14
scorpkingneptunepink: got it from openwrt.org. don't have factory image01:14
ubuntu_matthewgialich: ok do you have a bunch of checkboxes?01:14
neptunepinkscorpking: I think you can get it from cysco's website or something01:15
matthewgialichubuntu_: it says download form the internet, then there are 5 chrck boxes01:15
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matthewgialichubuntu_:  and also a few tabs at the top01:15
neptunepinkscorpking: But my version isn't fully supported01:15
ubuntu_right is there a checkbox that says Universe? Make sure it's checked and close the dalog01:15
scorpkingneptunepink: which one is that?01:15
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:16
matthewgialichubuntu_: ok checked it and closed it01:16
ubuntu_click ... relaod?01:16
ubuntu_that thing to fetch updates :)01:17
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matthewgialichubuntu_: i dont see a reload buttion there is a revert buttion and a close button01:17
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ubuntu_mathewgialich: on the dialog? or the main synaptic window?01:18
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matthewgialichubuntu_: i dont see it were should it be?01:18
ubuntu_main synaptic window there is a button to update01:19
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matthewgialichubuntu_: k it said i could not download them01:20
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matthewgialichubuntu_: im guessing i have to be on the internet to do this, it is going to be on the cd?01:20
ubuntu_matthewgialich: umm ok. I'm assuming you are on the internet :)01:20
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matthewgialichubuntu_: no im just trying to get his data off his comuter for him, it dosent have a wifi card in it01:21
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matthewgialichis there anotherwy i can do this01:21
ubuntu_ah you aren't. no you have to be on the net.  I guess if you want you can pull them down on the current machine and move them across01:21
ubuntu_USB drive or such01:21
matthewgialichubuntu_: im jsut trying ot move all his data to a usb drive, and it says i dont have permission01:21
BioVorEif they have serial ports.. you could ways kermit or zmodem :-P01:22
ubuntu_matthewgialich: Right. Kubuntu won't write to a NTFS drive out of the box. It's a easy install to get it working01:22
BioVorEmatthewgialich: probably have to do it as root01:22
matthewgialichubuntu_: but i have to be online right to get it to install01:22
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neptunepinkscorpking: v601:23
matthewgialichBioVorE: how do i make myself root01:23
ubuntu_matthewgialich: that's the easiest way. You can pull down the install filesand just copy them across01:23
BioVorEif your writing to NTFS root won't help..01:23
ubuntu_BioVorE: he is01:23
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BioVorEyeah.. probably going to be a problem..01:23
scorpkingneptunepink: not sure if that will work. check the forums first.01:23
BioVorEHe running of the live CD?01:23
ubuntu_matthewgialich: there is no wired way to get that box on the network?01:24
matthewgialichubuntu_: alright ill jsut try to burn it all to cds then01:24
ubuntu_matthewgialich: cause then you could put up a server and pull it off across the network01:24
BioVorE^ best solution really..  use ftp..01:24
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matthewgialichubuntu_:  i can do that jsut form booting it form a live cd?01:25
ubuntu_BioVorE: I don't think the live CD box is networked in any way or form01:25
BioVorEsure it is..01:25
ubuntu_matthewgialich: you can do anything that you can do from an install as long as you have the RAM for it01:25
matthewgialichubuntu_:  beacuse i can plug it in, i jsut got to move it downstairs01:25
matthewgialichubuntu_:  alright ill try it01:25
BioVorEbut if your copying off ntfs to like a USB drive should work..01:25
ubuntu_matthewgialich: yeah please do :) you can join back here when you do01:25
matthewgialichubuntu_: thanks for helping me, all you kubuntu guys are way nicer01:25
matthewgialichthanks every01:26
BioVorE(USB Drive formated in FAT)01:26
ubuntu_matthewgialich: kubuntu is cooler too but shhhhh01:26
matthewgialichthanks guys ill let you knwo how it went01:26
ubuntu_can't let everyone know01:26
ubuntu_matthewgialich: When you get on the net downstairs01:26
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ubuntu_matthewgialich: Click applications -> add/remove -> search for Xchat01:26
ubuntu_matthewgialich: you can join back here and we will help more01:27
ubuntu_ I have to go home though01:27
BioVorEkonversation is installed on kubuntu live cd by default :-)01:27
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ubuntu_If I connect back at home (h8 my ISP) I'll help again01:27
ubuntu_BioVorE: I just said it's cooler i think he gets the point01:27
ubuntu_alt+space ftw!01:27
BioVorEyeah katapule is kinda cool.. stolen from mac though..01:28
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ubuntu_BioVorE: Shhhhhhhhhhhh >_<01:28
ubuntu_respect mah authoratai!!!01:28
ubuntu_matthewgialich: if you have some spare space on your computer consider a Linux demo. It's free :)01:30
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kgxdoes anyone know how i can convert emails in a cyrus folder to mbox format?01:30
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scorpkingcheers ppl01:32
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dewitti need to know how to fix adept. will not update01:36
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ubuntu_dewitt: connect to the internet :)01:36
seanpcrowe|hey peeps =)01:37
seanpcrowe|http://rafb.net/p/itb6sY47.html <---- could someone have a quick look at that output from mplayer and see if the reconise the problem???01:38
seanpcrowe|i am stumped...01:38
seanpcrowe|cant play anything 720p or above :s01:38
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BioVorEseanpcrowe|: 1080i is 1920x1080 resolution..  But other then that it should work..01:40
BioVorEseanpcrowe|: mplayer plays 1080i and 1080p stuff here just fine..01:40
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Arwenseanpcrowe|, do "xvinfo"01:41
Arwenmaybe your maximum overlay size is just too low01:41
BioVorE^ that is it..01:41
BioVorEno hardware scaling.. have to force software.. and that will eat CPU like crazzy..01:42
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seanpcrowe|Arwen, http://rafb.net/p/FjOOxR21.html <----- xvinfo01:42
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Arwen    maximum XvImage size: 1920 x 108801:43
Arwenhmm, looks like it's a different issue01:43
seanpcrowe|yeah... i am trying to play a 1280x720 video01:43
ArwenBioVorE, software scaling doesn't actually eat that much CPU01:44
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Arwenmaybe 10-20% of a Precott01:44
GoodHabitHello. I need help, I need to move my os to other partition. Is it realiseble?01:44
seanpcrowe|i have to use 915resolution to get kubuntu to reconise my GFX can do 1280x800 (native res on my lappy)01:45
BioVorEseanpcrowe|: try changing the video out to gl01:45
seanpcrowe|could this be related?01:45
BioVorEmplayer -vo gl01:45
ArwenGoodHabit, yes.01:45
GoodHabitArwen: How i can do it?01:45
Arwenyou'll have to re-install grub, but it works for *nix01:45
Arwenseanpcrowe|, hardly01:45
Arwentry gl01:45
BioVorEseanpcrowe|: most defently yes..01:45
ArwenGoodHabit, boot a live CD. Mount OS partition as /mnt/blah and the target as /mnt/blah201:45
Arwencp -r /mnt/blah/* /mnt/blah201:46
BioVorEseanpcrowe|: 915 is know to be weird..01:46
Arwenthen reinstall grub (no idea on this one)01:46
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BioVorEyay net split01:46
seanpcrowe|yeah i have a intel GMA945 chip...01:46
seanpcrowe|everything plays fine in vista01:46
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:46
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GoodHabitArwen: And what i need to do with /etc/fstab ? I dunno howto write by UUID's...01:47
BioVorEseanpcrowe|: trick is getting X setup right..01:47
ArwenGoodHabit, /dev/disk/by-uuid shows the symlinks between UUIDs and block devices01:47
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qontrashow do I make an iso of a CD image?01:48
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Arweneh? that doesn't make sense01:48
ArwenISOs are CD images01:48
BioVorEdd if=/dev/<cdrom device> of=/home/<username>/filename.iso01:48
BioVorEthat will make an ISO01:48
BioVorEfrom a CD01:48
seanpcrowe|BioVorE, i "mplayer -vo gl" and it didnt fix the issue01:49
BioVorEtry mplayer -vo x1101:49
BluesKajor you can use' kiso ', qontras01:49
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GoodHabitArwen: I can be shure -r for cp is ok? What about cp -ax? Or it is does not matter?01:50
Arwenhmm, that's a good point01:50
Arwenanyway, with cp, just make sure permissions and ALL files are copied01:50
GoodHabitArwen: I am a noob on *nix, help me please, I think to do cp -ax. Am i right?01:51
GoodHabit*I think so after reading man cp01:51
Arwenyeah, that looks right01:51
seanpcrowe|BioVorE, shit it worked dude... i was doing something silly01:51
Arwen-a is -dpR01:51
GoodHabitI also googled, and there is dd-way, but i don't think what dd is write method.01:52
Arwen-d keeps symlinks, -p keeps permissions, and -R recurses01:52
seanpcrowe|BioVorE, "mplayer -vo gl filename" works...01:52
Arwen-x keeps it from wandering off the file system01:52
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BioVorEseanpcrowe|: ah ok cool..  that renders the move as a series of GL textures :-P01:52
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seanpcrowe|BioVorE, can i change something then to stop having to type -vo gl all the time?01:53
BioVorEcheap hax I did when I was using a cruddy ATI card..01:53
seanpcrowe|default setting or something01:53
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BioVorEum.. there is..01:53
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BioVorEthere is a mplayer.conf file somewhere..  maybe in /etc01:53
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angasulethis is weird, my CD/DVD burner has /proc as a mount point? either that or the system settings are broken heh01:53
qontrasthanks I got KISO too01:53
BioVorEseanpcrowe|: or you can  put it in ~./mplayer/01:53
Frederickfolks anyone else is having problems with the network manager messing configs or loosing it?01:53
BioVorEFrederick: sorta..01:53
Arwenangasule, yes, that is a problem. Pastebin fstab.01:54
GoodHabitAnd last question, Can i resize ext 3? I have installed kubuntu at 3rd partition. And i want it on entire disk, How i can better?01:54
BioVorEFrederick: does weird stuff here sometimes..01:54
GoodHabitSorry for bad english01:54
FrederickBioVorE: I just lost my wireless configs thanks to this shit01:54
seanpcrowe|ok BioVorE & Arwen.... thanks very much for your help =)01:54
angasuleArwen: nah, actually I don't care, it's working fine, but I have another pc in which I'm running Dapper and the burner isn't working, I wanted to compare the settings01:54
qontrasWTF!!! You have to start KIso as root first01:54
Frederickis there any alternative to it?01:54
BioVorEFrederick: I havn't lost any configs here.. but switching is very glitchy..01:55
BioVorEFrederick: wireless assistant..01:55
BioVorEOr command line..01:55
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FrederickBioVorE: the problem is that I dont know the pass of the network01:56
BioVorEwell on the command line you can put in the WEP KEY01:57
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FrederickBioVorE: so I lost my configs01:58
Frederickand I need to call this dude from my dorm to do it again01:58
BioVorEwrite it down..01:59
FrederickBioVorE: I cant cause he uses a shared key for all users01:59
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Fredericksho he only inserts the password with the *********01:59
Fredericknot very smart02:00
FrederickI mean02:00
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:00
Fredericka kid a a keylogger can get gim02:00
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qontraswhat can I do with a Bin Cue file?02:00
qontrasburn, mount or what?02:00
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Frederickqontras: both02:00
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!02:00
josiahanybody here installed nvidia drivers on Feisty Fawn?02:01
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drifjosiah: binary ones?02:01
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josiahdrif: I dont know :). All I know is that glxinfo | grep rendering is returning "no" and I need it to return "yes". I am told I need to install nvidia drivers. I tried following the !nvidia site but had to reinstall kubuntu because I guess I did something wrong.02:03
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drifjosiah: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:04
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drifok, so that didn't work out?02:04
josiahdrif: no it didnt02:04
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hydrogenI've been using restricted-manager recently02:05
hydrogenits a gnome product so you need to install a lot of mess02:05
hydrogenits makes it oneclickstupid :)02:05
josiahdrif: But I had to follow the directions 6.10 because Im running kubuntu02:05
josiahdrif: so I dont know if that had anything to do with it or not02:06
drifjosiah: kubuntu feisty?02:06
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josiahdrif: I am pretty sure at least... any quick way I can tell?02:06
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drifjosiah: lsb_release -c02:07
hydrogenthen why are you using the 6.10 instructions?02:08
josiahbecause the directions say if you are using kubuntu follow the 6.10 instructions02:08
drifhydrogen: because 7.04 instructions are based on restricted-manager02:08
GoodHabitHow to resize ext3 partitions?02:10
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josiahdrif: I see there is a script a guy wrote: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=432056&highlight=nvidia02:10
wordIs there anyway to flash an SPD on linux?02:11
josiahdrif: think its worth using. It would be great.. if it worked02:11
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josiahdrif: here is the scripts website: http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html02:12
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drifjosiah: I've heard of that - not all positive though02:18
worderm, crashed...did anyone answer my "Is it possible to flash RAM to change the SPD in linux?" question?02:18
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drifword: you mean performance?02:19
josiahdrif: well I guess ill give it a shot and report back :)02:19
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worddrif: performance? I'm talking about the ram I was sent has a faulty spd...and the app they want me to use to reflash it is for windows...i'm wondering if there's an equivelant app in linux?02:19
mimagyc_je cherche a installer les pilote de ma carte graphique NVIDIA02:19
mimagyc_comment faire?02:19
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.02:19
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drifjosiah: well in the same sense as SPD can be optimized when rewriting02:23
drifjosiah: for example SPD-Z, but that's for windows as well02:23
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drifsorry :D word I mean02:24
BioVorEwell technicaly you can do it in linux.. no one has written a program to reprogram the SPD on memory devices yet.. because most of them are not flash02:24
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drifword: well in the same sense as SPD can be optimized when rewriting - for example with SPD-Z02:24
BioVorEonly the newest OCZ sticks have that..02:24
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worddrif: yes, that's what i'm talking about...OCZ wants me to use SPD-Z (i believe)02:25
BioVorEyes.. you stuck on 32bit windows for now..02:26
drifword: well that's the case then02:26
wordwell i was told that they would 'get me the files i need to flash it'02:26
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wordmy windows install I intentionally attempted to destroy02:26
wordit took 2 minutes...half of the dlls blew themselves up...02:26
wordtranslation, i have no windows install :-/02:26
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drifblew themselves up?02:27
wordyah somehow i made windows think it has a bad sector..and chkdsk deleted half of the dlls and didn't care :-/02:27
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hayamianyone here knows how to run XGneogeo?02:27
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hayamiit's for emulate arcade games02:28
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josiahdrif: it worked great!02:29
hayamianyone knows how to use it?02:29
drifjosiah: evidently..02:29
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josiahdrif: im just glad thats all over with.. what a pain in the butt it was.02:30
drifjosiah: on the contrary - it's rather painless - but just dull02:30
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josiahdrif: you mean installing it was dull? No challenge?02:31
hayamianyone knows about gngeo?02:31
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drifjosiah: usage02:31
josiahdrif: i dont understand02:32
wxrknyIs it possible to use svideo out with an ATI/AMD card in feisty?02:32
drifjosiah: when compared to functionality of linux for example02:32
drifI managed to mix two conversations :D02:32
drifI must be tired..02:32
BioVorEwxrkny: no ati's drive for linux is very crappy..02:33
drifjosiah: so forget those last few lines ;)02:33
josiahdrif:  haha02:33
josiahdrif: ok02:33
drifshould cook something02:33
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felipebwich program can I to cut a file jpeg?02:33
wxrknyi've read of people getting it to work but I cant find an easy to follow guide02:34
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BioVorEfelipeb: gimp?02:34
NickPrestafelipeb, I like imagemagick. `display` and edit the image...02:34
felipebmmm another more easy and simple?02:34
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worddrif: there seems to be a function call wine doesn't have that's uniform across any programs that involve things like spd (everest, SPD-Z, SPDTool)..I wonder if i could get a wine dev to put it in ;p02:35
felipebtanks NickPresta02:35
drifword: kidnapping one of their staff member?02:36
worddrif: that would be illegal :o ( do you know a guy? :P )02:36
aaron_in my XFCE windows, i have a mysterious little "o" in the top left corner next to the programs icon... anyone know what that is or how to get rid of it?02:36
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nixternalaaron_: try #xubuntu for that one02:36
aaron_sheep are sleeping in that channel.02:37
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drifaaron_: yeah, most of us here are XFCE illiterate02:37
aaron_suckers ;)02:37
drifeven sheeps then eh..02:37
drifaaron_: does it bother you - other than in some estetic way?02:38
aaron_if it's there, it's there for a reason, and i'd like to know that reason.02:38
aaron_i'm sure its' a useful one.02:38
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aaron_mayyyyybe it pins windows to the desktop02:39
aaron_ah. yeah. pins it to each desktop02:39
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vincent__allo ?02:40
drifhow can gfx on laptop card make such a racket... and I don't mean fan02:40
drifgfx card even02:40
aaron_what is it then?02:40
drifsmall clicketi-like sounds02:41
drifvery rapid02:41
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dthackerhi, I installed kubuntu on a friends computer and now he's getting grub error 1702:41
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BioVorEhmm sounds like a bios problem02:42
dthackerI fired up parted magic and it says that /dev/hda1 has no label.  Can I fix it?02:42
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drifdthacker: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44294502:42
ubuntu_BioVorE: Matthew came back?02:42
BioVorEI don't think it needs a lable..02:42
BioVorEI havn't been paying that much attention.. maybe..02:43
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DaSkreechOk My Wifi card thing is acting very strange02:45
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dthackerdrif: I have Max UDMA, ULtra DMA, Enhanced DMA, and MAX PIO.  Which one is closest to the forum thread's advice of auto02:47
FrankHanyone else having problems with flash and konqueror in gutsy?02:47
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DaSkreech!gutsy | FrankH02:48
ubotuFrankH: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+102:48
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drifdthacker: hm, not sure about that Max DMA but either that or Ultra02:49
dthackerdrif: It's not working on Ultra DMA02:49
DaSkreechhydrogen: monkey type thing02:50
Arwendoes ext3 support any kind of filesystem-level compression?02:50
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hydrogennot sure about that DaSkreech02:51
hydrogengibbon: Any unusually handsome, tall and long armed proponent of archery.  Rawr! Did you see that Gibbon on target 3? Think I stand a chance with him? (1/9)02:51
FrankHwill check in #ubuntu+1 thanks02:51
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FrankHr there any other kubuntu developer channels?02:51
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FrankHDaSKreech: thanks again02:52
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klobstermy system has started running unbearably slow over the last few days.  any ideas?02:53
drifdthacker: http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm#1702:53
n30hello all ...where's the acrobat reader package? i couldn't find it in adept, or add/remove programs02:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about acroread - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:53
hydrogen!package acroread02:53
hydrogenkpdf can open pdf files02:54
n30i know it can ...02:54
hydrogenbut its not acrobat reader02:54
n30but i'd rather have acrobat like i do in gentoo :)02:54
DaSkreechklobster: Ram usage02:54
hydrogenits stupid slow on linux02:54
n30not on my system it isn't.02:54
drifn30: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-adobe-pdf-reader-with-plug-in-for-mozilla-firefox-in-feisty-fawn.html02:55
hydrogencompared to xpdf02:55
n30acroread does not exist.02:55
drifn30: although do not use automatix like the page insist02:55
n30yeah, i wouldn't use automatix anyhow.02:55
drifn30: so you tried medibuntu then?02:56
dthackerdrif: I have kubuntu or alt install cd.  Will either of those let me boot and see grub.conf?02:56
n30Dragnslcr, trying that now.02:57
dthackerdrif: I also have parted magic.02:57
drifdthacker: liveCD could be ideal02:57
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dthackerI could not get hda1 mounted from livecd, can you help me if I try again?02:58
klobsterDaSkreech: any ideas how to fix it?  I haven't been running anything new.02:59
drifdthacker: yes02:59
DaSkreechklobster: It depends on what's making the computer slow02:59
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dthackerdrif: booting from kubuntu live cd03:00
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=== genii sips a beer
=== dthacker sips a coke
=== qontras sips a tit
=== aaron_ sips jungle juice.
klobsterDaSkreech: how do I find out?03:02
geniiAll we need now is a bartender....03:03
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DaSkreechklobster: hunt down things that are out of whack03:04
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aaron_does emerald require compiz/beryl to run?03:04
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=== n30 *sighs*
n30lately i've had adept_manager and add/remove programs hang on me (fail to launch)03:05
n30anyone had this happen?03:05
drifbut you have handled the lock?03:05
drif!aptfix > n3003:06
drif!aptfix | n3003:06
ubotun30: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 03:06
dthackerdrif: at a command line on the live cd.  How do I look at grub.conf?03:06
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ArwenIf I run out of disk space, I won't be able to boot, right? Does that still apply even if I'm only running out of space on /home?03:07
n30drif -- it still failed to launch03:07
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drifn30: saying?03:08
n30it starts to launch, and then the screen disappears03:08
drifyeah, kde sometimes acts strangely03:09
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driftried apt-get or aptitude?03:09
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n30looks like i'm going to have to reboot to get rid of this error ...lol.03:11
n30be back in a bit.03:11
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geniidthacker: First, you want menu.lst not grub.conf. You need to mount the partition that normally would be your / when booting hard drive. If you know the partition then mount it somewhere, like make a dir in /mnt like mkdir /mnt/temp    then mount the partition there. then you can find menu.lst at /mnt/temp/boot/grub/menu.lst03:12
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scribblesWhy is it that it says I don't have permission to edit a *.desktop item with the nice gui so I have to go to Edit as Root and edit it in Kwrite to make changes? How can I just use the gui?03:13
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xerois there a way to share a dialup connection with other desktops from kubuntu with a softmodem?03:14
xerosomething like ics in windows?03:15
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BioVorExero: well vnc and rdp03:18
BioVorEif you can get an IP connection..03:18
xeroanything else?03:18
BioVorEdepends if the modem it supported in linux..03:18
xeroyes it works03:18
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xeroi can dialup03:18
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BioVorEso..  use krdp03:19
xerothatll share my connection?03:19
geniixero: Use method here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91370   but replace outgoing ethX card with ppp003:19
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xeroanyone know about firestarter03:21
neptunepink!firestarter | xero03:21
ubotuxero: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).03:21
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neptunepinkOur goal is eventually to be able to say !issue; and ubotu will show a wiki page up the person's nose. :)03:23
intelikeyok i have two nic cards one onboard one pci   they are both ifconfig up but i can only ping the server through one card, if i plug the cable in the other card no route to host,    anyone can trubble shoot ?03:23
intelikeyneptunepink then you change your goal...03:24
geniiintelikey: Since there is normally only 1 default route obviously it's selecting the one which works as the default by whatever means.03:25
intelikeygenii ok,  now what needs changed ?03:25
geniiintelikey: They are currently both dhcp?03:26
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albertmkhave you ever seen a kubuntu woman user in life?03:27
albertmkthere is even a kubuntu project development for women03:27
intelikeywhat is life03:27
geniiintelikey: So each is static and has a defaultrouter entry then in /etc/network/interfaces?03:27
albertmkthat answer my question03:28
intelikeygenii errr yes and no   nothing in /etc/network/interfaces  it's not even used03:28
Jucatoalbertmk: the Kubuntu Community manager is a woman. and there is an ubuntu-women channel or mailing list if I remember03:28
albertmkyeah like 4 women03:28
intelikeyalbertmk is there a point to this ?03:29
geniiintelikey: OK, if neither is using dhcp and no interfaces entries... are you "statically" assigning by mac from the router's dhcp server? Or something else then entirely03:29
Jucatobut this is really offtopic now. If you have questions about women's involvement in Ubuntu go ask them03:29
intelikeygenii using  ifconfig eth1 ***.***.***.*** up03:30
drifintelikey: got both devices up then?03:31
geniiintelikey: eth0 will likely work OK this way, but for eth1 you need a mac entry in the file /etc/iftab03:31
intelikeydrif yes03:31
drifintelikey: what was the prob in the end?03:31
intelikeygenii ok i'll look into that.   mac addy for the card or the server ?03:32
geniiintelikey: eg:  eth1 mac aa:bb:cc etc   arp 103:32
intelikeydrif one can ping host other can't03:32
geniiintelikey: For the nic03:32
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geniiintelikey: Also if eth0 has an entry in /etc/network/interfaces   duplicate it for eth103:33
drifintelikey: I mean what solved the hardware prob03:33
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intelikeygenii there is nothing in  /etc/iftab  nor  /etc/network/interfaces03:33
drifintelikey: or just using on another machine than previously?03:33
DWonderlyQuestion. Netgear WG311v3 support....03:33
intelikeydrif </blush> module.03:33
intelikeydrif has  to load before other modules or it fails03:34
intelikeydon't know why.   but do know it works.03:34
geniiintelikey: if there is not even an eth0 entry in /etc/iftab then it's surprising even eth0 is working03:34
reuschexcuse me, may I ask where might I go to find help with an issue I'm having? I don't want to interrupt you guys03:34
intelikeygenii there isn't even a file  /etc/iftab03:35
drifintelikey: glad you found the solution03:35
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intelikeyreusch interrupt,  by all means.03:35
reuschthank you03:35
intelikeydrif yeah   i am in contact with some friends on that issue.    but it seems that a conflict in drivers is the root of my problme.03:36
geniiintelikey: Hmm. I would suggest first to touch the file (sudo) then restart networking, look into the file and see if at least eth0 entry there.03:36
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intelikeygenii restart networking ?    ifconfig * down/up ?03:37
geniiintelikey:   sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart03:37
intelikeyno such critter03:37
reuschI recently downloaded ubuntu ultimate 1.4. and downloaded all the upgrades it was supposed to do. But, the default theme seems like it doesn't want to change. I've now downloaded KDE and booted into that, but the theme still won't go away03:38
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reuschi like it, but beryl doesn't like it :/03:38
geniiintelikey: Aaah. did you have to insert some network mudule then before the nics were seen? Would explain networking not being installed03:38
reuschthe top bar, with minimize, maximize, and close dissapears when i change it to anything but Metacity, the GNOME window manager03:39
intelikeygenii yeah,   can you help reusch ?   i don't know beryl03:39
geniiI don't know beryl either :(03:39
reuschi suppose my question is, how can get to KDE03:39
reuschI'd like to use compiz fusion if possible03:39
speaker219reusch: have you picked "Sessions" at the login screen, then picked "KDE session"?03:40
intelikeyreusch oh   at the login there should be a option to choose session03:40
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects03:40
reuschyes i have, I'm in it right now03:40
jhutchinsreusch: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, but beware that there will be problems with beryl & kde.03:40
reuschbut this theme that ubuntu ultimate came with just won't go away, and it's the GNOME tastbars that are on the top and bottom of the screen03:40
geniiintelikey: did you add the nic drivers into /etc/modules so it loads at boot?03:41
intelikeygenii ok. nah  just a modprobe for the other "onboard" nic03:41
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Mahdihi can someone help me with adsl connection03:42
reuschI would assume when you boot into the KDE environment, the taskbars become KDE's? lol, mine are still GNOME03:42
geniiintelikey: I suspect the entire networking subsystem is being bypassed since no adapters are being found during startup. If nic module in /etc/modules it may get a bit further03:43
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seanpcrowe|http://rafb.net/p/qgYJC376.html <----- could someone tell me where this extracted to please????lol03:44
Mahdiwhat it "ppp authentiocation failed" when i want to connect to internet03:44
drifseanpcrowe|: I suspect Desktop/Downloads/03:45
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reuschMaybe I will have a solution, if someone can verify that this will work..03:46
geniiintelikey: That there is no /etc/init.d/networking is worrisome. Likeley means installation choked on finding network adapters then networking setup was bypassed entirely03:46
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seanpcrowe|Drif, no dude... they aint there...03:46
intelikeyok i'm on the other card now.03:46
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drewcipherseanpcrowe| : not the best way but should work:   sudo find / -name "discovery.channel.ultimate.10.mm.pdtv.avi" -print03:47
intelikeylet me swap cables again and see if i loose connection03:47
reuschin Ubuntu Ultimate, they have a desktop configuration file that runs scripts to download everything included in Ultimate from all the repositories. If I were to install just straight Kubuntu, would you reckon that config file will still run scripts?03:47
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seanpcrowe|drewcipher, you are a legend sir...03:48
seanpcrowe|it was in /home/sean/discovery.channel.ultimate.10.mm.pdtv.avi lol03:48
seanpcrowe|for some strange reasone03:49
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intelikeyvery strange.03:49
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drifseanpcrowe|: you were there when you ran unrar..03:49
intelikeygenii i have an error to work with...   route add default gw
intelikeySIOCADDRT: File exists03:49
drifseanpcrowe|: sean@sean-laptop:~ <- home03:49
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geniiintelikey: Then it already knows your default gw is that then03:50
geniiintelikey: You could tell it that there are routes to that gw from both adapters03:51
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intelikeygenii ok that's what i'm wanting to learn about right there03:51
seanpcrowe|drif, ah yes... i see now03:51
seanpcrowe|thx for clearing that up =)03:51
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intelikeygenii if i eth# down then   route add   it works with which ever card is still up  but if both up then can't add the route03:52
intelikeyso what am i looking for ?    bind maybe ?03:53
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geniiintelikey:sudo route add -net netmask gw eth003:54
geniiintelikey:sudo route add -net netmask gw eth103:54
geniiintelikey: AFK a few minutes03:55
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drifgenii: btw, am I able to choose which ethX I'm using for example when pinging? could be asking something rater obvious but it's late..03:56
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!03:56
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geniidrif: Usually it will use them in order eth0 then eth1 if no route thru eth004:01
geniidrif: you can force interface with -I ethX04:02
drifgenii: yup, obvious like I said :) thanks04:03
intelikeygenii it seems that i'll have to do some real reading on this one.   and i'm not up for that now.    i have noted all your sujestions  (that i saw anyway)    and will resume later04:03
geniidrif: np04:03
intelikeygenii thanks.04:03
drifgenii: although the man page I found on google didn't include that -I04:03
geniiintelikey: Yer welcome :) I'll be here local work hours tomorrow for 9 hrs if yer around04:03
geniiintelikey: So 10 hours from now for 9 hrs04:04
intelikeyheh  not me.04:04
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intelikeyi'll be around here for maybe two hours   but off and on.04:05
intelikeythen maybe back tomarrow about this time04:05
intelikeywould like to hang   but life gets in the way04:06
geniiI could do about this time again, it's 10pm which will be after my 2nd work04:06
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=== genii sips a coffee
BluesKajI admire your caffeine tolerance, genii :)04:12
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drifthat's just doping..*shrug*04:12
underdog5004genii, still around?04:12
geniiBluesKaj: :)04:13
geniiunderdog5004: Yup :)04:13
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geniiBluesKaj: Since it will take 79 cups to kill me might as well not worry about drinking the 25 or so a day04:13
underdog5004genii, I just got back...I checked all my logs, no signs of intrusion...I've only got a few ips trying to gain access now...I'm starting to think it's just a botnet-type attack04:13
Angeluscan somone help me with the folowing error please ? http://rafb.net/p/YI0Z9H81.html04:13
BluesKajgenii, LOL04:14
foo25How would I modify this part of my startup script to launch after adept notifier? "X-KDE-autostart-after=kdesktop"04:14
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geniiunderdog5004: There are a lot of automated spiders etc that randomly poke into IP addies. I get that a lot at work04:15
AngelusBluesKaj:  i formated and re-installed kubuntu, and i installed my ATI card (7000/VE) but i dont have direct rendering on it ., btw do youhave any idea bout this http://rafb.net/p/YI0Z9H81.html ?04:15
qontrasI am getting this error "This processor may not be powerful enough to run VMware Workstation with good performance.  Your estimated processing speed is 90 Mhz.  Refer to http://www.vmware.com/info?id=4 for this product's minimum requirements."04:17
qontraswhich is false04:17
qontrasI've got a p4 here04:17
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BluesKajAngelus, , i do know where you can get help with DRI on ATI ( http://www.howforge.com/how-to-setup-fglrx-for-ubuntu-feisty), but the libdl , or the linker prob I hve no idea.04:17
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Angelusah BluesKaj, there is only an opensource driver for my ati04:19
Angelusit doesnt supportfglrx04:19
Angelusalso, on the live cd i had Direct rendering04:19
BluesKajAngelus try it , it might work , this driver is modded and patched to enable DRI and 3D on ATI cards04:20
AmyRoseIs there a way to configure sudo to not remember your password for 15 minutes? I've made a couple of mistakes I would have been able to take back if I had the password prompt...04:20
BluesKajon feisty04:20
BluesKajAmyRose, try using the up arrow key in the konsole to get back to your original commands04:21
AmyRoseBluesKaj: HUH?!04:21
AmyRoseThat's got nothing to do with sudo remembering my password for 15 minutes04:22
AmyRoseI'm trying to get it to always show me the password prompt04:22
geniiman sudoers04:22
AmyRoseI hope that's possible because it gives me a chance to take back dangerous commands04:22
BluesKajwell, if you want to change stuff ,what are you worried about the 15 mins for ?04:22
drifAmyRose: so it prompts password for every action taken?04:23
AmyRoseBluesKaj: Because I once wiped out my /etc directory by accident because of a loose keyboard connection04:23
Angelusand i added myself into a group to use /usr without a password :/ lol!04:23
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AmyRoseBluesKaj: I would have been able to stop it before that happened04:23
AmyRosedrif: Yes. Exactly. That's what I want.04:24
BluesKajsorry , i guess i don't understand ...continue04:24
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AmyRoseBluesKaj: I just ran a command with sudo, entered my password, the keyboard came loose while I was typing another command that started with "sudo rm -r /etc" (I was trying to clean up a directory *under* /etc), but it thought I hit Enter, and since passwords are extremely unlikely to be entered by accident, the password prompt would have saved my system04:25
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rc-1so what verion will detect monitor resolution right?04:26
geniiAmyRose: You can set in the file /etc/sudoers many things. One of the things you can set there is to always prompt for sudo password, for instance. It is documented in manpage for sudoers as well you can find numerous examples on the web thru google04:26
drifAmyRose: try timeout in sudoers04:26
AmyRosethanks, genii and drif04:26
rc-1every install i have to manually edit xorg.conf04:26
AmyRoseI really would rather have to enter my password all the time...04:26
josiahany good open source mmorpgs?04:26
drifAmyRose: http://www.gratisoft.us/sudo/man/sudoers.html04:26
AmyRose(though a common n00b question is "I want to get rid of that annoying password prompt!")04:26
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AngelusAmyRose: if passwords make you anoyed doesnt mean your a noob04:27
Angelusi dont like a password everytime and i dont like as a matter of fact, doesnt mean im a n00b04:27
AmyRoseAngelus: No, I am not annoyed by having to enter mine--I just asked how to make it so I *always* have to enter it04:28
AmyRosePlus it's not easy to explain to some pedantic ex-Windows users why you shouldn't log in as root04:28
Angelusyeah but as i said, if you dont like the password ( like me) doesnt mean your a noob04:28
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AmyRoseAngelus: Yeah, but I find it far more tolerable than Vista's "cancel or allow" dialogs, or knowing that anything on my system can wreck it with one bug04:30
BluesKajwow AmyRose , bummer :(04:30
=== intelikey would never login as root
intelikeyonly as init04:30
Angelusit can be fun to re-install04:30
AmyRoseBluesKaj: Yeah, that's why I am asking how to make the password promt always appear--it gives you a second chance04:30
Angelusi have blowed my system 2hours ago and re-installed04:30
AmyRoseAngelus: Not when you are someone who just needs the computer to work =P04:31
AmyRosebelieve it or not, some of us actually use the Linux that way! *gasp* *gasp*04:31
intelikeyAngelus i used to reload twice a week whether i needed to or not..04:32
drifAmyRose: passwd_timeout 1 atleast - 0 means no timeout..04:32
Angeluswhy intelikey?04:32
intelikeyheh  well that's hard to explain,04:32
intelikeylets just say safty and leave it at taht04:33
=== genii senses a disturbance in The Linux
BluesKajI've been trying to convince my former employer to switch over to linux (large paper co, from which i am now retired ) and after thelatest MS offering they thinking seriously of switching once XP is no longer supported .04:34
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drifBluesKaj: no longer supported?04:34
drifah, in the future you mean?04:34
hydrogenthe question still remains is it more costly to retrain everyone to be able to use linux/port custom apps to linux or is it more costly to just bite the bullet and upgrade04:35
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BluesKajyes drif , like W98 is no longer supported , or will not be shortly04:35
josiahI have a .bin file that I want to install/run... what is the command to do so?04:35
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intelikeyjosiah bash file.bin04:36
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intelikeyjosiah sudo bash file.bin   if it has to have root perms.04:36
drifBluesKaj: I guess 98 support is already dead04:37
kubuntunewbieis there a way to make konversation remember your user tag so you dont have to type it in every time you load konversation?04:37
josiahthank you intelikey04:37
BluesKajdrif, some ppl are still using it and runs quite well on older pcs04:37
drifBluesKaj: as it is, yes04:37
BluesKajlinux would be much beter tho04:38
geniikubuntunewbie: File...Server list ...Edit04:38
josiahwould it be best to install a app to /opt or /home?04:38
AmyRoseWow, you can get sudo to insult users?! *laughs*04:38
intelikeyjosiah welcome,   and i would have said     sh file.bin   which is more posixly correct   but lots of idiots anymore refuse to follow posix on the very basic things like installer syntax ...04:38
drifAmyRose: naturally04:39
geniikubuntunewbie: Then edit the default nicks it uses from there04:39
drifAmyRose: superior is superior in any possible sense04:39
intelikeyjosiah you'll need root perms to write in /opt    but not in $HOME04:39
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kubuntunewbiegenii: tyvm04:40
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AmyRosedrif: I can see that! I turned it on so I can laugh because "Password incorrect" is so boring04:40
josiahintelikey: ok. I think home would probably be best so that I can change things through KDE rather than through konsole... wouldnt that be accurate?04:40
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geniikubuntunewbie: You're welcome.04:40
kubuntunewbieWhen i load Gmail from Konqueror it comes up all mumbo-jumboish is there an update i have to install or something?04:41
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intelikeyjosiah yes for thing you install from .bin files i would agree.04:41
Skunkkubuntunewbie: shouldnt come up garbled04:42
Skunkdo you have firefox installed?04:42
kubuntunewbieyes i do, but i like Konqueror04:42
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kubuntunewbieand i want to make it work04:42
kubuntunewbielet me check and see if it works with fox04:42
intelikeyGOOD ANSWER kubuntunewbie04:42
Skunkwell we need to find out if its just the browser or if its your kubuntu04:43
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drifhey, someone tell me what those character boxes scattered around web page mean on konqueror?04:44
drifanything useful, I believe accidentaly pressing ctrl surfaces'em04:44
Skunkare they like little squares?04:44
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hydrogenits access keys04:44
Skunkah o.o04:44
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hydrogenit allows you to navigate without a mouse04:44
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drifSkunk: yeah, rather annoying ones04:44
hydrogenctrl and then hit the letter04:44
hydrogenand it opens the related link04:44
drifhydrogen: how do I enable/disable'em then?04:44
hydrogenits a really cool feature04:44
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drifusually cant' get those boxes to disappear04:45
kubuntunewbieodd. it works fine with firefox04:45
hydrogennot sure if its doable04:45
hydrogenjust hit ctrl again04:45
hydrogento make it disappear04:45
hydrogenbut you can't permanently04:45
drifhydrogen: are those boxes customizable?04:45
drifimho those are bit too chunky04:46
Skunkkubuntunewbie: then we know its something wrong with konqueror04:46
Skunkso we've somewhat isolated it04:46
hydrogennot really sure04:46
hydrogenI just know what they are :)04:46
drifI like konqueror in general - just those boxes sometimes get to me04:46
kubuntunewbieSkunk: okay, would you mind helping me fix it?04:47
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kubuntunewbiei cant wait to rid my life of windows04:47
intelikeySkunk or it could be something wrong with the web page and not konq   seeing that konq is standards compliant  and a lot of web pages aren't04:48
kubuntunewbiei went out of my way to re build a pentium 2 with a 7 gb hard drive and bought extra ram for it so i could make this box run linux well.  if i learn it good i will put it on my AMD 64 370004:48
kubuntunewbiei bet this runs speedy as hell with 2gb04:49
intelikeywhy would more ram make it run faster,   if you aren't into swap then more ram should not speed it up any.04:49
kubuntunewbiei run liike 45 programs at a time04:50
BluesKajSkunk, for example yahoo doesn't work well with konq04:50
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kubuntunewbieis it a hopeless cause?04:51
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BluesKajwhat is hopeless , kubuntunewbie ?04:52
kubuntunewbiegeting konqueror to run my gmail04:52
kubuntunewbieit comes up all screwey, but gmail works fine in firefox04:52
BluesKajtry kmail , it's the kde equivalent ...you can transfer most settings i beleieve04:53
hydrogennot sure how I managed this but I like it! Timing cached reads:   5148 MB in  2.00 seconds = 2579.39 MB/sec04:55
=== matthewgialich [n=matthewg@pool-71-105-171-186.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
matthewgialichhey can someone help me with a problem im having04:55
kubuntunewbieBluesKaj: is kmail google owned?04:55
matthewgialichi am using knoppix thought, and no one is in the knopptix room04:55
kubuntunewbieBluesKaj: or is it a whole diff thing04:55
BluesKajno kmail is the kde email client04:56
geniimatthewgialich: Well, kubuntu and knoppix are similar but not identical. If no help here yo may want to try #debian since both come from that04:57
matthewgialichgenii: thanks04:57
WaltzingAlongkubuntunewbie: konqueror handles gmail fine for me but perhaps better with chat disabled04:57
kubuntunewbiekmail comes up in japanese......04:58
kubuntunewbieWaltzingAlong: how do i disable chat?04:58
BluesKajgmail is webmail , kmail is native to kubuntu ..2 different things , yes04:59
WaltzingAlongkubuntunewbie: there is a link across the bottom of the web interface to gmail04:59
WaltzingAlongBluesKaj: yes BluesKaj but googlemail also provides free pop access04:59
kubuntunewbieBluesKaj: i need to not use pop3, i need to use webmail04:59
WaltzingAlongkubuntunewbie: you coulso use the standard html interface04:59
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kubuntunewbieWaltzingAlong: ehh, its prob just better off that i use firefox for my webmail, no biggie05:00
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WaltzingAlongkubuntunewbie: which sorts of issues have you seen using konqueror to access gmail?05:01
matthewgialichhow do i mount a drive?05:01
matthewgialicha usb drive?05:01
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WaltzingAlongkubuntunewbie: worse for me is that the names in the quick contact/chat extend past the box's boundaries05:01
kubuntunewbieWaltzingAlong: it comes up completely jumbled.  it shows all my e-mails but they are not in hyperlink form and they are crammed together with no layout05:01
intelikeymatthewgialich  sudo mount </device> </mountpoint>            translate  <>05:02
icdoctor-1(math) just plug it in05:02
BluesKajWaltzingAlong, yes I'm using pop3 access with gmail to kmail05:02
WaltzingAlongkubuntunewbie: i see. i am using konqueror 3.5.705:02
icdoctor-1(math) then look for the icon on your desktop05:02
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matthewgialichok how the hell do i get my data off my harddrive using linux and put it on an eternal, anyone know what version of linux would be best to use05:03
kubuntunewbieWaltzingAlong: how do i tell what ver of knoq i am using?05:03
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kubuntunewbieWaltzingAlong: nevermind i found it.... i am using 3.5.605:03
intelikeymatthewgialich you "cp" it from one mountpoint to another,     and the linux you like.05:04
kubuntunewbieWaltzingAlong: to upgrade it do i just type sudo apt-get install konqueror?05:04
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WaltzingAlongkubuntunewbie: you could need to add the kde357 repositories05:04
WaltzingAlongkubuntunewbie: you add the kde357 repositories, i meant05:04
icdoctor-1anyone have evolution with gpg working05:04
kubuntunewbieWaltzingAlong: im like 3 days into using linux and ive come a good way since i installed but i dont know how to do that could you walk me through?05:05
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enzo_Can k3b recognize Nero's NVC files to burn?05:05
matthewgialichintelikey: i have no clue about linux and no version seams to work in ubuntu it says that i cannot write to the harddrive05:05
DaSKreechmatthewgialich: duuude05:06
intelikeymatthewgialich cause you don't have permission   but root does05:06
intelikey!kdesu | matthewgialich05:06
ubotumatthewgialich: In KDE, use  kdesu  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use  sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo05:06
DaSKreechintelikey: It's a NTFS USB drive05:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nero - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:07
DaSKreechintelikey: he needs ntfs-3g05:07
matthewgialichubotu: im using ubuntu, not kubuntu, but everyone in the ubuntu room wont help me05:07
intelikeymatthewgialich ntfs  ?     yuch05:07
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matthewgialichyes it is ntsf05:07
intelikey!ntfs-3g | matthewgialich05:07
ubotumatthewgialich: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:07
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse05:08
matthewgialichthe computer im working on has no internet connection can i download it on a diffrent computer and then install it?05:08
intelikeyyou can but you  may need interdependant packages05:08
intelikeyi.e.   more than one lownload05:09
matthewgialichis ther some place i can get the whoel file on my mac and put it on a tumb drive or something05:09
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enzo_Didn't there use to be a nero app for Kubuntu?05:09
DaSKreechmatthewgialich: packages.ubuntu.com05:09
DaSKreechenzo_: did you try nero's site?05:09
enzo_Wasn't it in the repos?05:09
intelikeyenzo_ i think so   but not the official repos05:09
DaSKreechenzo_: No it costs money. apt and dpkg haven't been patched to do credit/debit cards yet05:10
intelikey!find nero05:10
ubotuFile nero found in dvb-utils05:10
carbonfreezeIIRC you can use your non-OEM nero key for nero 9+ on linux05:10
enzo_Thanks DaSKreech, I'm trying nero's site05:10
enzo_intelikey: Ok05:10
enzo_DaSKreech: Any clue as to when? :P05:10
DaSKreechenzo_: sorry?05:11
enzo_DaSKreech: apt and dpkg haven't been patched to do credit/debit cards yet05:12
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JustRobIs there a way to see throughput in adept05:12
DaSKreechenzo_: oh yeah it's coming out with apple's distro05:12
DaSKreechiTuxTunes and all that05:13
enzo_And then m$ is viral-free?05:13
orientI have trouble installing Kubuntu 7.04 on computer with nvidia motherboard and ati radeon x1300 video card05:13
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BluesKajInteresting when using konq to access my gmail acct I see amessage at the top of the page that i should use a "fully supported browser" ...well i see what ineed on the page so far so good ...no dumb adverts bothering me :)05:14
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geniiBluesKaj: I get the same thing when I try to get to my canada.com email05:15
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BluesKajnvidia mobo and ati graphics ... must be ahome built pc or addon graphics card05:16
DaSKreechenzo_: what are you? High?05:16
enzo_BluesKaj: translates to "Please use a bugged browser so as to infect you with adware and non-stop popups to make your system come to a screeching hault"05:16
orientBluesKaj: addon card05:16
carbonfreezeit is possible to set user agent in konqueror settings for individual sites05:16
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enzo_DaSKreech: Haha!05:16
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BluesKajenzo , I luv it , carbonfreeze ...I'm too lazy to tweak right, maybe when i'm feeling more ambitious ....much later :)05:18
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JustRobSo, no throughput display in adept?05:21
BluesKajgenii, i just checked out the canada.com site ...whoa , what a mess!05:21
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DaSKreechJustRob: like a speedometer?05:21
carbonfreezeJustRob: only for downloading packages (select display detalis or somesuch), which will show wget output05:21
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DaSKreechThat's an interesting idea05:22
DaSKreechDon't know of one...05:22
JustRobhmm...forgot I have package installer open and not the full adept manager05:22
JustRobcause I know apt-get shows the wget output from cli05:22
JustRobbut this one package seems to be taking forever when most things are done in seconds05:23
JustRobwhich is what prompted the question in the first place05:23
geniiBluesKaj: On that one, the "New Improved" Webmail only works with IE or FF, not even Konq at all. the "Classic" email seems to work with all tho it warns on Konq and elinks05:23
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DaSKreechJustRob: You can just cancel it. It will pick up from where it left off05:24
carbonfreezeanyone having issues with kde-automount in tribe5? I'm no longer getting spammed by the kde storage daemon when I insert USB storage devices05:25
DaSKreechcarbonfreeze: that's an issue? :)05:26
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carbonfreezeDaSKreech: yeah because I didn't tell it to stop spamming me; and I need to put some junk on my iPod with amarok05:26
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ubotugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts05:27
=== DaSKreech can sign you up for spam :)
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DaSKreechalthough if you asked for it I think it stops being spam05:27
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enzo_carbonfreeze: My fiance has an iPod. For some strange reason, when she puts a video file in her iPod, it's all audio with a black screen. Have you had this issue?05:29
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carbonfreezeenzo_: I have a ghetto iPod so I have not run into that issue yet. It may be in a format not playable by the iPod firmware.05:30
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enzo_carbonfreeze: It happened to the video she had on there before as well. Not just the new video05:30
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DaSKreechhow do I remap my multimedia keys?05:32
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speaker219Does anybody know if there's a fix for the Flash Player crashing bug in firefox that happens every so often?05:41
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Jucatowhat bug?05:42
Jucatoon Feisty?05:42
speaker219every so often, firefox crashes on flash05:43
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NickPrestaspeaker219, welcome to Flash on GNU+Linux05:43
elpezso THAT's why firefox crashes?05:43
speaker219Yeah, it sucks05:43
speaker219Linux is great, except for that one minor flaw05:44
NickPrestawhich is?05:44
=== Jucato is thankful he's still on Konqueror...
speaker219i've customized linux to my liking, but flash pisses me off05:44
speaker219the flash bug..05:44
NickPrestaspeaker219, poor support for flash is not the fault of GNU+Linux. Send emails to Adobe, tell them how important flash is to you, etc05:44
DaSKreechspeaker219: It's great except for adobe?05:45
elpezi've always wondered why there isn't a free alternative to flash...05:45
speaker219elpez: there is05:45
ubotuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/05:45
speaker219yup ;)05:45
BluesKajKonq is a bit clunky to setup (needs some terminology/nomenclature streamlining), but once one gets past the arcane-ness of it , it just works so fast and clean05:46
speaker219It really kind of sucks though, no offense. it would be great if it worked05:46
DaSKreechspeaker219: that's isn't an alternative05:46
DaSKreechthat's a replacement05:46
DaSKreechnot the same thing05:46
speaker219gnash=not stable at all05:46
DaSKreechn alternative is like Gif <--> PNG05:46
speaker219try watching a youtube video with gnash05:46
speaker219its all screwed up..05:46
DaSKreechthere needs to be a OO.o type shake up05:46
DaSKreechBet you adobe would suddenly be chummy then05:47
DaSKreechYou know what's strange Adobe is real big on standarfs05:47
DaSKreech look at PDF05:47
Jucatocan you make firefox consistently crash with the flash content of a particular website?05:47
Jucatoor are the crashes just random?05:47
DaSKreechthey know how to make something a standard and welcome suggestions and still make money from it05:47
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elpezin my case its random05:48
BluesKajyeah speaker219, i tried it ... so i reverted to konq plugin defaults in kcontrol and now youtube plays flash NP.05:48
geniiJucato: There is one site which when open in 3 or more tabs at once consistently crashes for me.05:48
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speaker219Jucato: mostly youtube, but any time you are watching a video and go to another video, it crashes randomly05:48
Jucatogenii: on firefox? hmm...05:48
NickPrestaI must say, Firefox has been quite good to me. I watched over 30 videos on YouTube yesterday and it didn't crash once...05:48
=== Jucato is actually surprised to hear Firefox crashing with Flash at all...
speaker219the flash bug causes a segmentation fault: http://pastebin.ca/67308905:49
geniiJucato: Yes, hardwarecentral.com05:49
speaker219NickPresta: are you on the same system now?05:49
NickPrestaspeaker219, yes.05:49
speaker219NickPresta: can you go to about:config in firefox and tell me what flash version you have?05:50
Jucatogenii: ok let me try05:50
geniiJucato: They have large flash ads down the right of the screen there05:50
NickPrestaspeaker219, about:plugins, you mean?05:50
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speaker219gah, yah :P05:50
NickPrestaspeaker219, Shockwave Flash 9.0 r4805:51
speaker219NickPresta: can you send me your ~/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so file?05:51
NickPrestaspeaker219, sure05:51
speaker219thanks ;)05:51
Jucatogenii: I have to open hardwarecentral in 3 or more tabs?05:51
BluesKajspeaker219, also have you tried the flashplugin-nonfree ?05:51
speaker219i don't know if you can send them to me via irc, or upload them to http://localhostr.com/ or something05:52
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speaker219BluesKaj: yeah, that's the official flash player...that's the only one i've used05:52
NickPrestaspeaker219, http://nickpresta.ath.cx/temp/libflashplayer.so05:52
BluesKajit should work in FF and Konq05:52
speaker219DynDNS ftw ;)05:52
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geniiJucato: I just noticed they made the ads smaller since last week now. I have 1 tab open there now, will do 2 more and see if it does it again for me05:53
geniiLast week every time like clockwork05:53
speaker219BluesKaj: it "works" but crashes occasionaly05:53
=== DaSKreech still thinks there should be ODF for flash
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DaSKreechThough I think that Adobe is probably moving to make it more like PDF05:53
NickPrestagenii, I have 11 tabs of hardwarecentral.com. No crashing for me.05:54
Jucatogenii: 5 tabs. nothing...l05:54
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geniiI have 3 and still OK today05:54
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carbonfreezeadobe pdf for linux sucks, it loads an 80mb binary into RAM every time you view a pdf. much easier to use kpdf05:54
geniiVery freaking weird05:55
NickPrestacarbonfreeze, I agree.05:55
bob_4_a_dayhmmm i'm here on three boxes05:55
elpezi heard adobe included in its product's spellcheck the word linux as a mistake... with suggested correction "why don't you use: windows"05:55
intelikeyi fixed my networking the way i "think" i want it05:55
elpezno love for linux from them05:55
carbonfreezenow, if kpdf could only display inline on firefox, like adobe pdf; that would be cool. maybe an addon in the future for ff? =)05:55
Agent_bobso i'll go now and let you fellows alone05:56
NickPrestaspeaker219, it's cool. It's fairly public. I don't have (much) to hide. :)05:56
DaSKreechcarbonfreeze: huh?05:57
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DaSKreechelpez: article or it's not true! :)05:57
carbonfreezeDaSKreech: wouldn't it be cool if FF could use KPDF for rendering pdf files within the browser? KPDF is much faster than adobe (its not an 80mb binary blob)05:58
DaSKreechcarbonfreeze: PDF is a standard just implement something05:58
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NickPrestaspeaker219, http://nickpresta.ath.cx/lab/php/recur_dir.phps I use a custom script that looks similar to that.05:58
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elpezDaSkreech: i know.. i was just told by someone close... seemed weird05:59
carbonfreezeDaSKreech: well I'm just saying thats a possibility until FF can render PDF without a plugin or external application05:59
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DaSKreechcarbonfreeze: It does it with konqi that's good enough for me :)06:00
carbonfreezeDaSKreech: yep, FF is bloated enough anywho. OpenWith:kpdf works for me06:01
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dkillianhey i just upgraded from edgy to feisty and now my wireless device isn't working06:02
dkillianit shows up in lshw and sais UNCLAIMED06:03
dkillianit's an atheros desktop card, it worked out of the box before06:04
dkillianit doesn't show up at all in iwconfig/ifconfig06:04
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:04
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BluesKajsacktime..nite all06:19
cprmptis it possible to connect to my KDE desktop remotely from a windows XP machine?06:20
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elpezi think you can do that with vnc06:21
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hayamiwhat is the command to move files to another in console06:23
hayamiC=o thanks06:24
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DaSKreechWhat do I need for yahoo Webcam?06:26
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hayamisomeone here knows how to use xmame?06:29
hayamii have problems06:29
elpezdoes anyone here now about trouble reading audio cds on kubuntu?06:29
elpezim helping someone on the spanish channel and theres not much help over there06:29
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:29
elpezwell.. this 06:30
intelikeyelpez rip'ing them ?06:30
elpezsorry... this person says his kubuntu mounts data cds alright.. but with audio its just random06:30
elpezsometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt06:30
DaSKreechsometimes it mounts sometimes not?06:31
elpezno.. not ripping06:31
elpezyes... just playing.. but he cant06:31
hayamisomeone here knows how to use xmame?06:31
intelikeyelpez you don't mount audio CD's06:31
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intelikeyelpez oh  ok.06:31
elpezperhaps i used the wrong word then...06:31
wordthere's only one of me :-/06:32
elpezhe wants to listen to them... but his kde doesnt recognize them06:32
kubuntunewbieis mounting a USB hard drive hard?06:32
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intelikeyelpez never had any problem playing cd's   but you could check that he is in the cdrom/audio/disk  groups06:32
elpezintelikey: wuth he you mean the user?06:32
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intelikeykubuntunewbie no.    sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/disk     but ntfs is a pain imo.06:33
intelikeyelpez yes the user account in question06:33
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elpezelpez.. ok i'll translate that for him back in kubuntu-es06:34
kubuntunewbieokay, it is ntfs so its going to be a pain06:34
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NickPresta!ntfs-3g | kubuntunewbie06:35
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ubotukubuntunewbie: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions06:35
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kubuntunewbieis there a verson of AIM for linux?06:36
elpezintelikey: sorry for the noobness but... how do you check if the user is in that group?06:36
NickPrestapidgin/kopete work well, kubuntunewbie06:36
intelikeyhave the user type; groups06:36
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kubuntunewbiei hate kopete so far, is pidgin better?06:36
LinuxReignits just a matter of taste06:37
intelikeyit's "gaim"06:37
JustRobI love pidgin myself06:37
intelikeyit's "gaim"06:37
kubuntunewbieoh great06:37
kubuntunewbieim geting it, thx06:37
intelikeyonly the name has changed06:37
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LinuxReignhave u guys tried Gutsy?06:37
kubuntunewbie!info pidgin06:38
ubotupidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info.06:38
ubotuPackage pidgin does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas06:38
elpezintelikey: thx06:38
carbonfreezepidgin is nice, like using finch on my zaurus06:38
kubuntunewbieI would like to kill AOL06:38
kubuntunewbiei just sudo apt-get install pidgin but it told me that it couldn't find package pidgin06:40
kubuntunewbieam i doing something wrong?06:40
Daisuke_Laptopthat's because the package doesn't exist in feisty06:40
Daisuke_Laptopit's still gaim in feisty's repos for now06:40
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LinuxReignnot really, i thonk is not on the repos06:40
kubuntunewbiedoes that mean it wont work with fiesty?06:40
klobsterDaSKreech: it was ktorrent06:40
LinuxReignu need to type gaim instead of pidgin06:41
NickPrestaI should've been verbose. You use gaim from the repos right now. Or, you can get a custom/unsupported deb from getdeb.com/06:41
kubuntunewbiebut it will work fine with FF?06:41
LinuxReignyes indeed06:41
Daisuke_Laptopwhy wouldn't it?06:41
DaSKreechklobster: sorry?06:41
klobsterDaSKreech: my memory hog06:41
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DaSKreechklobster: Oh right. What the heck are you downloading?06:42
kubuntunewbieone thing i loved about windows was that i could see how many packets i had sent/recvd since being connected to the network.  Is there a way to see that in kubuntu?06:42
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klobsterDaSKreech: nothing, it has been running since I downloaded the 4400 last week06:42
LinuxReigninstall knetstats06:42
kubuntunewbiety LinuxReign06:43
LinuxReignno worries06:43
DaSKreechklobster: Did you see yesterdays?06:43
LinuxReignthats why we are here06:43
kubuntunewbiewell in the 3 days ive been using linux everyone in this channel has been great06:43
kubuntunewbiei thank everyone.06:43
kubuntunewbieive learned a lot but im still a big noob06:43
LinuxReignwe all are06:43
klobsterDaSKreech: yeah, it was pretty good.  I like where they are going with the marked06:43
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intelikeynot me,   i'll never be a noob again.   it's too expansive,06:44
LinuxReignspecially if u spend money on Vista06:45
LinuxReignwaste money i must say06:45
qontrasfor ntfs what kinda program do I need06:45
NickPrestagoodnight guys.06:45
kubuntunewbiemy dads new lappy came with vista..... yuck is all i can say06:45
DaSKreechklobster: funniest episode ever06:45
DaSKreech steve jobs06:45
qontraskubuntunewbie: destroy vista and install linux06:45
DaSKreechYeah check if he has promicin06:45
hayamianyone here knows about xmame?06:45
hayamiplease help06:45
qontrasok why isn't NTFS mounting automatically?06:45
LinuxReignqontras, the easy way is by installing Automatix06:45
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klobsterDaSKreech: oh yeah, i forgot that part, the death threat. lol06:46
kubuntunewbieqontras: my dad would throw a shitfit, he would not even understand the first thing in linux06:46
LinuxReignu can start from there06:46
kubuntunewbieqontras: its not my computer, i dont have to deal with it ;)06:46
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=== Topic for #kubuntu: Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.com/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs!https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please. | KDE 4.0 beta 1 -- http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta1.php
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by Riddell at Sat Aug 4 17:44:53 2007
(qontras/#kubuntu) NTFS please how on earth may I monut this shit06:48
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(hayami/#kubuntu) lirc disabled06:48
(intelikey/#kubuntu) !ntfs-3g | qontras06:48
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(ubotu/#kubuntu) qontras: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions06:48
(hayami/#kubuntu) sfix.sfx NOT FOUND06:48
(hayami/#kubuntu) SP-S2.SP1 NOT FOUND and a lot of problems like that06:49
(hayami/#kubuntu) what should i do?06:49
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intelikeyinstall ntfs-3g and   mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/<*> /media/<*>       interpret <>06:49
DaSKreechhayami: does it need lirc?06:50
Daisuke_Laptopwell, this is something i didn't really want to do, but...06:50
Daisuke_Laptopcurrently installing XP in vmware :(06:50
hayamii don't really know what is that :S i'm new here man06:50
intelikeydaisuke    uh06:50
Daisuke_Laptop!language | qontras06:50
ubotuqontras: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:50
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LinuxReignwhy in the name of God u want to install XP?, j/k06:51
Daisuke_Laptopintelikey: unless you know where i can get jbuilder foundation for linux.06:51
Daisuke_Laptopcorrection, jbuilder 2005 foundation06:51
=== intelikey squrems and fidgits
intelikeyah     well       ah...06:51
Daisuke_Laptopoh it's not for my own enjoyment, it's required for my cs class this semester06:52
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LinuxReigni was kidding :P06:52
intelikeyfigures.  cs can't function without M$   and there is a reason for that...06:52
LinuxReignwhy dont u use VirtualBox its easier06:53
Daisuke_Laptopbecause...  vmware's already set up?06:53
LinuxReignhumm ok06:53
Daisuke_Laptopintelikey: they're actually getting better06:53
intelikeyany sciense would be 'ignorance' if it ignored the largest section of it's field06:53
Daisuke_Laptopthey're moving to jbuilder 2007 (possibly during this semester) which is based on eclipse06:53
Daisuke_Laptopso yay! linux version06:53
intelikeyso i understand the basics   just don't like it...06:54
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intelikeyoh that's good06:54
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intelikeyi'm going    gooday and good luck on your pinguin06:56
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s1r4twhat can i type to zip a folder and all of it's contents in the terminal?06:56
s1r4ti'm doing : $ zip file.zip folder/*06:56
intelikeytar -czf filename.tgz  /what/ever/you/want/zipped06:56
Daisuke_Laptopand last semester they had this arcane script that fudged a wpa_supplicant.conf to get onto the campus network (and on windows you had to use this horrible oddyssey client that wouldn't let you connect to your home network after you installed it), but they've revamped their network, so networkmanager handles it beautifully06:56
s1r4tbut the zip has empty folders06:56
s1r4ti'm missing the -czf ?06:57
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Daisuke_Laptops1r4t: recurse, recurse, recurse06:57
elpezhow can i change permissions on audiocd:/ ? My translate friend gets this error saying check permission to acces06:57
elpezhow can i change permissions on audiocd:/ ? My translate friend gets this error saying check permission to "access audiocd:/"?06:57
elpezperhaps its not the same as cdrom?06:58
elpez(sorry for reposting... but i hit enter accidentally)06:58
elpeznot the same as media/cdrom ?06:58
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kubuntunewbieokay so i installed knetstats and i got it running but how do i tell kubuntu that i want it to run whenever i run my computer so like have it run when i boot my computer up?07:00
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DaSKreechelpez: Whats s/he trying to do?07:04
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elpezDaSkreech: eject the cd using the right click command from kde07:05
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kubuntunewbieokay so i installed knetstats and i got it running but how do i tell kubuntu that i want it to run whenever i run my computer so like have it run when i boot my computer up?07:05
elpezbecause now he can play cds... so big thankyou, intelikey07:05
DaSKreechelpez: can they type eject from the command line?07:05
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sanzanricis it possible to upgrade from 32bit feisty to 64bit gusty?07:06
elpezDaSkreech: works correctly from command line07:07
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qontrashi no luck with NTFS07:09
qontraswussup with it?07:10
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT07:11
sanzanricqontras: what type of problems are you having?07:11
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qontrasis mounting with root permissions07:11
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qontraswell is not automounting in the first place07:11
qontrasthen when I try to change the premission07:11
qontrasit reverts to root07:12
qontrasand I can't even open the directory07:12
kubuntunewbie!info pidgin07:12
ubotuPackage pidgin does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas07:12
sanzanricare you using ntfs-3g?07:12
kubuntunewbiecan someone help me install pidgin from the source code?07:12
qontrassanzanric: yes07:12
sanzanricjust get it from getdeb.net07:12
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qontrassanzanric: who me?07:14
qontrasoh my god07:14
qontrasthis is giving me a huge hard time07:14
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kubuntunewbiesanzanric: do i need to create a login name?07:14
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kubuntunewbiesanzanric: and also, what makes it diff from downloading it from getdeb or from pidgin.net07:15
jhonhi alla07:16
sanzanrickubuntunewbie: no you don't need a login name, getdeb has pre-built debs, pidgin.im doesn't07:16
sanzanricback to qontras07:16
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MeowmixiscooHi. Can anyone point me to information that might be useful to someone who is thinking of switching to Kubuntu?07:17
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elpezi think the best info in that sense is a livecd....07:19
sanzanricok qontras, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions/ThirdPartyNTFS3G -the parts you don't understand, come back here and ask07:19
DaSKreechMeowmixiscoo: from?07:19
MeowmixiscooDaSKreech, Windows XP and Vista.07:19
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sanzanricqontras the main thing to do is edit your /etc/fstab07:20
MeowmixiscooI'm waiting on a cd, I just want to look up more info and be sure I'm as prepared as I can be.07:20
DaSKreechMeowmixiscoo: You won't be prepared enough :)07:21
DaSKreechMeowmixiscoo: I think the first thing is to make sure your hardware will work and after that just remember that Linux is not Windows and will never be07:21
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ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras07:22
kubuntunewbieMeowmixiscoo: why are you waiting on a CD? it is an easy download/install and you do not even have to install it in order to try it out.  You can boot directly from CD with no commitment.07:24
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Meowmixiscookubuntunewbie, No CD burner on my laptop and my desktop cant connect to the internet atm. Windows refuses to detect my ethernet port.07:26
kubuntunewbieMeowmixiscoo: ahh yes, your in quite the bind ;)07:27
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sanzanrickubuntunewbie: pidgin?07:28
kubuntunewbiesanzanric: yes, can u help me07:28
kubuntunewbiei downloaded the deb file07:28
kubuntunewbiewhere do i go from here?07:28
sanzanricright click it07:28
kubuntunewbieinstall package ;)?07:28
kubuntunewbiehaha that was a lot more simple then i thought07:29
sanzanricdifficult, eh?07:29
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kubuntunewbiei was all like, loading adept manager and trying to add it to repositories07:30
kubuntunewbieim a huge noob07:30
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sanzanrichey, you have to start somewhere.07:30
canllaithHi - can anyone in here tell me what exactly to install to get a KDE4 session in kubuntu fiesty? :) the packages are there, but I can't seem to get a session in the login manager07:31
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canllaith(if there is a session package at all)07:31
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sanzanrickubuntunewbie: if you do want to install something from source, it's really not that hard07:32
kubuntunewbieokay so i installed knetstats and i got it running but how do i tell kubuntu that i want it to run whenever i run my computer so like have it run when i boot my computer up?07:32
kubuntunewbiesanzanric: the install package thing is telling me ...07:33
adeebhow can i play  rm &ram music file ?07:33
=== DaSKreech jumphuggles canllaith
kubuntunewbieerrors were encountered while trying to install pidgin07:33
kubuntunewbiesanzanric: so it wont even let me do that07:33
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:33
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adeebi can't install real plear   why ?07:34
sanzanrickubuntunewbie: are you ruuning 32bit feisty or 64bit feisty07:35
kubuntunewbiesanzanric: 3207:35
canllaithDaSKreech: hey you :)07:35
canllaithDaSKreech: can you tell me how to install KDE4 kubuntu? :)07:35
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DaSKreechcanllaith: Isnt it on the website?07:35
sanzanrickubuntunewbie and you downloaded the correct package?07:36
canllaithDaSKreech: maybe!07:36
kubuntunewbiesanzanric: yes07:36
canllaithDaSKreech: kubuntu.org is down at the moment07:36
adeebgive me correct package link please07:36
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Jucatohttp://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta1.php canllaith try it agian. worksforme07:37
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sanzanrickubuntunewbie: ok, open up a Konsole, and spell out "sudo apt-get install gdebi"07:38
canllaithahhh Jucato awesome07:38
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=== Jucato thumbs up :)
kubuntunewbiesanzanric: geting it now07:38
kubuntunewbiesanzanric: done07:39
kubuntunewbiesanzanric: wait no it did not work, it said unmet dependencies try apt-get - f install07:39
sanzanricok, try that07:39
sanzanricwhat dir is the deb in?07:40
kubuntunewbiesanzanric: on my desktop07:40
sanzanrichell, lets just build this from source.07:40
adeebthanks man07:41
sanzanricKubuntunewbie, konsole - sudo apt-get build-deb gaim07:41
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kubuntunewbiesanzanric: i dont want gaim, i want the new ver of pidgin07:42
adeebalso i have problem in talker07:42
kubuntunewbiesanzanric: i had gaim and wanted to upgrade07:42
canllaithkubuntunewbie: sanzanric 's method is correct, the dependancies for pidgin and gaim are the same07:42
kubuntunewbiesanzanric: i am installing that gdebi now07:42
sanzanrickubuntunewbie: there dependendcies are the same07:42
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kubuntunewbiewhat does that mean "the dependancies are the same?"07:43
Maksyari4fuck .... trouble trouble ..... use Windows stupid arrrrrrrrrr07:43
kubuntunewbieE: Invalid operation build-deb07:44
canllaithkubuntunewbie: try build-dep instead07:44
kubuntunewbiethanks that worked, but can someone explain what that just did?07:45
kubuntunewbieand what do i do next?07:45
sanzanrickubuntunewbie: dependencies are something a program relies on in order to run07:45
sanzanrichttp://downloads.sourceforge.net/pidgin/pidgin-2.1.1.tar.bz2 -download07:45
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canllaithkubuntunewbie: in order to compile from source, you need certain development packages installed. Becuase pidgin is just a newer version of gaim, you can take advantage of the fact that gaim is already in the ubuntu packaging system to install everything you need to compile pidgin that way07:46
kubuntunewbie168 MB of dependencies?07:46
Chousukeprobably all the dev packages.07:46
ubotupidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info.07:46
kubuntunewbiecanllaith: ahh i get it thanks.07:46
ChousukeWhy do people always want the latest and greatest?07:46
adeeb<Maksyari4> do you talk to me ??????????????????/07:46
Q-collectiveis there a kde app that can scan, configure and use wireless networks automagically? KNetworkManager is lacking in this imho.07:47
ChousukeAre you not satisfied with software that works?07:47
=== SuprUsr [n=andrew@dsl-206-251-12-226.dsl0.crls.pa.net] has joined #kubuntu
ChousukeOr is there something broken in Feisty's GAIM?07:47
kubuntunewbieummm, it is asking me..........07:47
MeowmixiscooChousuke, never.07:47
canllaithChousuke: well actually, Gaim doesn't work for me. Pidgin has more robust support for the stupid proprietary protocol I have to use at work.07:47
kubuntunewbie 'Kubuntu 7.04 _Feisty Fawn_ - Release i386 (20070417)'07:47
kubuntunewbiein the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter07:47
Maksyari4<adeeb>         07:47
ChousukeWell, that would be a valid reason.07:47
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adeebwhat ??????????07:48
adeeb[08:47]  <Maksyari4> <adeeb>         07:48
sanzanrichum, do you have the cd?07:48
Q-collectiveadeeb: he's teasing you, just ignore him07:48
kubuntunewbiesanzanric: hahaha, i dont even have a CD rom drive ;)07:48
Chousukekubuntunewbie: you could remove the CD from your sources list.07:48
kubuntunewbiesanzanric: i used the power supply of 1 computer to power the cd rom drive so i could install it on the second computer07:49
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ChousukeI don't know where you edit software sources in KDE, but...07:49
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canllaithYou can manually edit sources.list07:49
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kubuntunewbiesanzanric: totally ghetto rigged07:49
Chousukethat works too07:49
Q-collectiveChousuke: /etc/apt/sources.list07:49
canllaithvi /etc/apt/sources.list and remove the two lines at the very top with 'cd' in them07:49
kubuntunewbiecanllaith: how do i edit the sources list?07:49
ChousukeQ-collective: I was asking the GUI way07:49
sanzanrickate /etc/apt/sources.list07:49
ChousukeQ-collective: the command line isn't KDE :P07:49
canllaithoh, maybe not so much with the vi07:49
sanzanricsudo kate07:50
Chousukekdesu kate07:50
Chousukenot sudo07:50
Q-collectiveChousuke: sure, just write that down in the alt-f2 runner ;p07:50
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sanzanricyes last i checked the runner is part of kde, and konsole is too07:51
Q-collectiveat any rate, could anyone hep\lp me out?07:51
elpezchousuke: adept can do that... adept menu>manage repositories>third party software07:51
kubuntunewbiesanzanric: what do i do now? am i shit outta luck?07:51
sanzanricwhat? no.07:51
sanzanricok, best if we bring this to a private con07:52
canllaithkubuntunewbie: hit 'alt f2' to get a 'run command' box, then type 'kdesu kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list'07:52
Chousukeelpez: right.07:52
kubuntunewbiesanzanric: well i dont have a way to get the CD unless i totally tear apart the other computer to steal its power supply07:52
canllaithkubuntunewbie: It will ask you for your password and then open the file for editing07:52
canllaithkubuntunewbie: then you can remove the CD rom drive from it's configuration and it will be happy to use only the internet to install packages07:52
kubuntunewbiesources.list not found.07:53
canllaithare you sure you typed it exactly ?07:53
sanzanrickubuntunewbie: its to much here,07:53
kubuntunewbieno, i fixed it07:54
kubuntunewbiebut now nothing is happening07:54
kubuntunewbieoh wait, there it is07:54
kubuntunewbieslow computer07:54
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kubuntunewbieits up now07:55
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sanzanricpost it all07:55
kubuntunewbiepost everything in there?07:56
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kubuntunewbiedo i delete the line that says... deb cdrom:[Kubuntu 7.04 _Feisty Fawn_ - Release i386 (20070417)] / feisty main restricted07:57
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sanzanricno just put a # in front of it07:57
kubuntunewbiethen save it and get out?07:57
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kubuntunewbiegood deal07:58
kubuntunewbienow what do i type in konsole?07:58
sanzanricjust hit the up key07:58
kubuntunewbieto get the compile program?07:58
sanzanricyou still need to install the deps07:58
kubuntunewbieits telling me that there is another process usingit07:59
kubuntunewbiebut i dont think there is07:59
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canllaithyay thanks Jucato KDE4 :)08:00
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Jucatono prob :)08:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ricoh - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:00
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nixternal!language > DaSKreech08:01
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kubuntunewbiesanzanric: it is telling me that another process is using it? but i dont think thats right08:01
kubuntunewbiesanzanric: what should i do?08:01
Q-collectiveah, wlassistant is looking promising08:01
DaSKreechfrankly my dear....08:01
canllaithwow, konsole is pretty darn nice08:01
Q-collectivecanllaith: it sure is08:02
nixternalcanllaith: the kde4 konsole? ya, I use it all of the time now08:02
Q-collectivewhat's new with konsole4?08:02
Jucatosplit views :)08:02
hayami__what is kde4?08:02
ubotuKDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4>. The Release Schedule is available at <http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule>. Alpha 2 packages can be found at <http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-alpha2.php>.08:02
canllaithalthough I think I broke krunner already08:02
nixternalcanllaith: the krunner in the kubuntu packages does not work, at least it hasn't for me08:03
nixternalworks like a charm in my svn build though08:03
canllaithnixternal: it ran for me once :P08:03
canllaithI think I shall have to build SVN08:03
nixternalahh, I don't think it ever ran for me08:03
kubuntunewbiecanllaith: hey, when i did sudo apt-get build dep-gaim and it asked me to put the cd in i quit konsole and now that i updated the sources.list it is telling me that it cant lock the administration directory is another process using it? am i doing something wrong? do i need to quit something?08:03
nixternalcanllaith: wait a couple of days for some stuff to level out08:03
canllaithnixternal: yo, I'm a developer08:03
nixternalI just rebuilt from svn today, and there are some broken things yet08:03
canllaithand have been for 3 years.08:03
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nixternaloh ya08:03
nixternalI knew your name looked familiar08:03
canllaithkubuntunewbie: is the graphical install/update applet open ?08:04
kubuntunewbiecanllaith: no it is not08:04
canllaithoh golly the oxygen style is.. different08:05
canllaithnixternal: do you know if there's an oxygen window style yet ?08:06
hayami__is kde4 finished?08:06
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kubuntunewbiecanllaith: im going to reboot08:08
canllaithkubuntunewbie: can't hurt08:08
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t4m1n0A dock-like bar which sits at the bottom of the screen tracking open windows. It requires a compositor to be running, or it will not display properly. Has stcks feature, like in Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. This is a note for installing Avant WIndow Navigator (AWN) I've installed all required packages and I also have avn icon in system settings. Just don't know why it won't start? maybe becouse of compositor? and if where can I get or what 08:09
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hayami__i lost the folder desktop that was in my home08:13
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hayami__how do i put it back?08:14
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hayami__how do i put my Desktop folder back?08:15
Jucatotry to go to the Trash and see if it's there08:15
Jucatowhere there files/items on your desktop?08:16
DaSKreechHow did you delete it?08:16
Jucatopresuming that's how he "lost" it...08:16
hayami__i don't even remember08:16
hayami__is not at the trash08:17
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hayami__now what should i do?08:17
Jucatowhere there files/items on your desktop? if not, just create a folder named "Desktop"08:17
hayami__i did, but, it is just like a common folder08:18
hayami__i started do download a video08:18
hayami__and it doesn't appear in the Desktop08:18
hayami__just in the folder08:18
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hayami__so it doesn't have any solution? :(08:20
Jucatoperhaps you would need to logout and log back in first08:21
Jucatonot really sure. sorry08:21
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intelikeywhy doesn't this work ?   http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/3922108:22
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intelikeybash'ism ???08:22
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intelikeysh doesn't do arrays ?08:23
intelikey$ Q=(1 2 3)08:23
intelikeysh: Syntax error: "(" unexpected08:23
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Murlishi there!08:24
ubunturoshi Murlis08:24
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dimhello all, is it possible to make applications and other stuff in desktop 1 not to appear in other desktops? I couldn't find such an option in the system settings08:26
Jucatocurrently? no08:27
MurlisI'm kinda new to ubuntu and I installed ubuntu 7.04 as a server08:27
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dimJucato: so it is not possible to do so in kubuntu?08:27
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MurlisI also wanted x windows for easier management (which is not, command line is still better :)08:27
Jucatonot possible to do in KDE at all. not sure about GNOME08:28
dimJucato: hmm, didn't notice that before08:28
DaSKreechWhat is he asking?08:28
Murlisand I installed KDE but I don't want it to start everytime I start server, I want to start it manualy08:28
DaSKreechdim: You mean on the taskbar?08:28
dimJucato: but i remember I made the apps not to appear in other desktops when I used debian08:29
dimbut not sure whether it was kde or gnome08:29
Murliswhat needs to be edited in order not to launch xwindows on system startup?08:29
Jucatooh wait08:29
intelikeyMurlis "x windows" ???08:29
Jucatosorry.. dim did you mean in the taskbar?08:29
dimDaSKreech: yes08:29
Jucatolol sorry that is indeed possible08:29
Murlisintelikey I mean kde08:29
dimJucato: how? i couldn't find it in the settings08:30
Jucatodim: right-click on the panel -> COnfigure Panel -> Taskbar -> uncheck the "Show applications on all desktop"08:30
intelikeyMurlis update-rc.d ?dm off08:30
intelikeyor something like that    i just rm the link in /etc/rc2.d/???dm08:30
dimJucato: :-) yes, it works thanks, gosh, i was just looking for it in the system settings -> Monitor and Display08:31
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intelikeyya don' wan' a display manager, ya don' gotta have one.08:32
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Murlisintelikey thanks, I will try to find that file08:34
DaSKreech!find ricoh08:35
ubotuPackage/file ricoh does not exist in feisty08:35
DaSKreechbloody ell08:35
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Murlisintelikey do you know the location of rc.d?08:42
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Murlisjoin #ubuntu08:43
Murlisdoes anyone know how to prevent x windows from loading in system startup?08:43
DaSKreechMurlis: take your Dm out of the startup sequence?08:44
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MurlisDaSKreech yes, prevent kde from loading on system startup, I want to launch it manually08:45
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DaSKreechMurlis: take out your DM08:46
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Murlistake it our from where?08:47
Murlisthats what I'm missing - what needs to be edited?08:48
DaSKreechalt+space -> system settings -> advanced -> System Services08:49
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Murliswhich runlevel I need to change?08:51
DaSKreech2 I think08:51
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MurlisDaSKreech thanks! I changed the services startup at runlevel2 and now will reboot it08:56
Murlislet's see :)08:56
Murlisoh, shait!08:57
MurlisI see kubuntu logo.....08:57
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harolddongdont we all mutlis08:58
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Murlisany ideas how to mount freebsd partition on ubuntu?09:03
DaSKreechWhat file system?09:03
DaSKreechin anycase it shoudl be sudo mount /dev/devicename /path/to/mountpoint09:04
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MurlisI took that hdd from freebsd (yeah, I like to experiment) and want to mount in ubuntu09:05
Murlishow can I find out what fs it has?09:06
GuHHHdoes anyone knows where i can find drivers for motorola mot pci3?09:06
DaSKreechMurlis: Shouldn't matter mount should make a proper guess09:06
Murlishow to find out the dev name for that hdd?09:09
DaSKreechMurlis: It's going to be /dev/hdX#09:11
DaSKreechwhere X is a letter and # is a number09:11
DaSKreechmight /dev/sdX#09:11
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MurlisI don't see any hd* in dev folder09:13
dimhello All, i've just installed LAMP and when i try http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ and login, i get this error09:13
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dim#1045 - Access denied for user 'dimash'@'localhost' (using password: YES)09:14
dimwhy is phpmyadmin not letting me login?09:14
dimalthough i have installed all the recommended stuff09:15
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dimapache2 mysql-server php5 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 phpmyadmin09:15
MurlisI see the hdd under /dev/disk/by-id09:15
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=== prohna is having issues
prohnaanyone available for some quick questions?09:16
MurlisI see scsi-1ata_samsung_hd... etc09:16
prohnawhen i was first installing kubuntu09:18
prohnaeverytime it would finish09:18
prohnaid get the missing operating system message on boot09:18
prohnai manually set up the partitions and now it starts to boot09:18
prohnathen i get an error with pxe saying something about checking my cable09:18
DaSKreechMurlis: cool mount that09:19
DaSKreechprohna: what kinda drive?09:19
Murlismount that long name?09:19
prohnanot totally positive09:19
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prohnakinda crappy09:19
DaSKreechprohna: Hmm09:20
DaSKreechmight be a grub issue09:20
DaSKreech!grub | prohna09:20
ubotuprohna: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:20
DaSKreech!tab | Murlis09:20
ubotuMurlis: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.09:20
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prohnanice bot09:20
prohnai have a feeling it may be grub from google searches09:21
prohnaim not trying to keep windows09:21
prohnawanted to get rid of windows actually09:22
DaSKreechprohna: that site should help09:22
prohnais this common?09:23
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DaSKreechenough :)09:24
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MurlisDaSKreech it can't find the fs type, ends with error09:26
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DaSKreechMurlis: Hmm09:27
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prohnahmm i can get into the bios fine09:27
DaSKreechMurlis: Is it Sata?09:27
franz_anybody knows how to configure  VPN in kubuntu ( see http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3084844.0 )09:27
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Murlisno, its pata09:28
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franz_my thread has been there since last month, but still no reply to it09:28
DaSKreechMurlis: and you have no /dev/hda1 devices?09:28
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ubotuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD09:28
prohnapxe media boot failure09:29
prohnacheck cable09:29
prohnathen it says operating system not found09:29
franz_DaSKreech, thanks. i'll try that09:29
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MurlisDaSKreech no, I don't09:32
code_xhello, can someone help me? everytime i run a program that uses X from the command line i always get the following http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35344/09:32
MurlisI have sdb1 for external usb drive09:32
DaSKreechJucato: can you step in?09:33
code_xanyhelp will be greatly appreciated09:33
ubotuIf you are receiving an error similar to "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168", it can be safely ignored. If you want to get rid of the error messages then please visit this page: http://seerofsouls.com/wiki/How-Tos/BadDeviceErrors09:33
Jucatosorry, writing mails. were you too busy in #kde? :)09:33
Jucatocode_x: you can safely ignore those erros09:33
DaSKreechno I'm about to collapse09:34
DaSKreech In eed ot sleep09:34
=== Jucato slips a mattress under DaSKreech
Jucatocode_x: as long as the app launches fine, no need to worry.09:34
DaSKreechprohna: can't boot and Murlis needs to get rid of KDE on start up and mount a freeBSD drive09:34
MurlisDaSKreech :)09:35
DaSKreechOh that was at Jucato btw :)09:35
MurlisDaSKreech thanks, kde issue is solved, now only freebsd disk09:36
Jucatono idea... :(09:36
prohnacould it be the default grub placing?09:36
prohnai left it at hd0 when i installed09:36
Jucatoprohna: Operating System not found?09:36
Jucatomost probably it can't find the linux kernel image that GRUB is supposed to be pointing to...09:37
prohnaand im wicked new at this09:37
Jucatowhere is Kubuntu installed? which drive and which partition?09:37
prohnaonly one drive09:37
Jucatobtw, you are able to get to the GRUB menu, right?09:38
Jucatono not the bios. the menu where you get to choose Ubuntu from a list?09:38
prohnait gets as far as pxe09:38
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Jucatoouch... more complicated that I can handle right now... :/09:39
=== Jucato is still out of it...
Jucatowhere did you install kubuntu? you only have one hard drive?09:39
DaSKreechJucato: I don't think it's a Pxe boot09:39
prohnait says media test failure09:39
DaSKreech I think that it should pass pxe and boot from HDD09:39
Jucatoer sorry... I actually don't know what pxe is heheh09:39
prohnathen it says operating system not found09:39
DaSKreechif not then he should probably change that in BIOS09:40
prohnabios is set up to cdrom, hd, floppy09:40
Jucatoprohna: in your BIOS settings, have you set it to boot from your hard disk first?09:40
Jucatoer... is the cdrom empty?09:40
Murlisprohna how big is your hdd?09:41
DaSKreechprohna: can I be clear on one thing? you have installed Kubuntu already and are rebooting to get back into it from the hard drive?09:41
prohnathe original prob was after intall09:41
=== DaSKreech passes out
prohnaitd say remove disc09:41
prohnablah blah09:41
prohnathen it would shut down09:41
prohnawhen id boot09:42
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prohnaright away i get operating system missing09:42
prohnai tried reinstalling manually setting up the partitions09:42
prohnaand i get further to pxe error09:42
DaSKreechJucato: Run a check through the BIOS to make sure it's picking up the HDD and then make sure it's first or second in boot order09:42
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=== Jucato wonders why it's taking him an hour to write an e-mail....
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about raspi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:43
DaSKreechJucato: is it a wedding proposal?09:43
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Jucatolol no :)09:44
Jucatoa letter to our LoCo team09:44
mecannotreadguys i have  game  fileblahblah-1234.tar.bz2 but  i dont know how to install, tell me please09:44
DaSKreechmecannotread: what's the name of the game?09:45
mecannotreadtank and thunder09:45
DaSKreech!b-e | mecannotread09:45
ubotumecannotread: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)09:45
prohnabios test sees hdd fine09:45
DaSKreechThere should be a README and a INSTALL in the tarball09:45
Murlisso any ideas about mounting freebsd drive under ubuntu?09:46
mecannotreadubotu, ok thanks for the link09:46
DaSKreechmecannotread: I'm gonna assume it needs you to compile so you need that link09:46
DaSKreechread thsoe two files and follow the instructons09:46
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prohnaGO TO BED daskreech09:46
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carbonfreezeanyone running 7.10 tribe4+?09:47
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DaSKreechcarbonfreeze: Please ask in #ubuntu+109:47
MurlisDaSKreech good night! :) And thanks for your help!09:47
carbonfreezeDaSKreech: thanks09:47
DaSKreechMurlis: come tomorrow we will sort it out09:47
etherI remember hearing that there is a way to wipe out all kde settings and revert to the original kubuntu themes n' stuff, is this possible? which files do I delete?09:48
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Murlistomorow will be too late :( Oki, I will search once more google09:48
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prohnaso jucato you think its grub?09:51
prohnaor maybe i installed wrong09:52
Jucatothat's only one possibility09:52
Jucatothat's the other one :)09:52
prohnain the install does it install grub?09:52
prohnaand maybe im putting it in the wrong place?09:52
prohnalike what partition setting should i choose09:53
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franz_DaSKreech, sorry, but i don't think it's what im looking for09:53
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prohnaanyone else have suggestions on how they installed kubuntu?09:59
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adeniciohow do i check to see if my webcam workin10:02
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adeniciohow do i check to see if my webcam workin10:04
adeniciohow do i check to see if my webcam workin10:04
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jhutchins_ltadenicio: Is it making any money?10:14
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jhutchins_ltadenicio: Usually, you ask to see a pay stub or something, completed timesheet, whatever.10:14
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adenicioi just install compiz im not seing it10:17
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_4strOhi there10:17
jhutchins_ltadenicio: Ok, don't confuse compiz with seeing your webcam.10:17
jhutchins_ltadenicio: Ordinarily, if it's a true webcam, you'd just point your browser at it's IP address and you'd see the video.10:18
jhutchins_ltOtherwise, you might need to set it up as a direct input video device in kubuntu.10:18
jhutchins_ltSince most people call those "webcams", after the fact that they were originally used to put video on the web, we have this:10:19
jhutchins_lt!webcam | adenicio10:19
ubotuadenicio: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras10:19
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yannick_au secours !!!!10:22
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yannick_j arrive pas  installer amsn sur ce putain de Kubuntu10:22
Jucato!fr | yannick_10:22
ubotuyannick_: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:22
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Phantom_DEi need a xorg.conf for a logitech mx70010:24
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adeniciowow everything freez up when i try to run the 3D thing10:24
jhutchins_ltadenicio: Yep.10:25
jhutchins_ltyannick_: There are other programs that work with msn, like kopete and pidgin10:26
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adeniciojhutchins_lt: i do i find out my ip for my web cam?10:26
t4m1n0what GNU letters means?10:27
adenicioim going to install beryl im not seing compiz10:27
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waylandbillgnu's not unix10:27
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=== Jucato waves to waylandbill
_4strOt4m1n0: google is your friend ...10:27
JucatoGNU  = GNU's Not Unix (recursive acronym)10:27
ubotuG(NU's) N(ot) U(nix). A project that aimed to develop a complete operating system of Free Software, which Ubuntu is based on. See http://gnu.org10:28
Jucatooooh there ^^^10:28
t4m1n0tnx Jucato10:28
waylandbillHi Jucato. I'm off to work, so I have to say bye at the same time. :-)10:28
Jucatohahha ok10:28
JucatoI'm off too. see you later (after your work)10:28
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jhutchins_ltadenicio: How is it connected?10:28
jhutchins_ltadenicio: Network cable?10:29
jhutchins_ltOk, it's not a true web cam and doesn't have an IP address then.10:29
adeniciotrue webcam lol10:29
jhutchins_ltadenicio: You'll need to read the documentation on that link I sent you, because different cams requre different procedures, and I don't have your cam.10:30
adeniciowat do u mean true?10:30
jhutchins_ltadenicio: (I have one that doesn't work.)10:30
jhutchins_ltadenicio: A true "Web Cam" connects with a network cable and "contains" a web server.10:30
jhutchins_ltadenicio: Most cams need a PC to make them a real webcam.10:30
adeniciosend me back the link stp i couldnt click on it becaus the 3d thing freez up everything10:31
jhutchins_lt!webcam | adenicio10:31
ubotuadenicio: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras10:31
jhutchins_lthttp://randycam.com - one of the original webcams.10:31
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jhutchins_ltN'mind, randycam isn't a cam any more.10:34
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adeniciojhutchins_lt: how do i aply for them with emerald?10:38
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jhutchins_ltadenicio: Dunno, emerald/beryl/compiz is in #ubuntu-effects10:39
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adeniciojhutchins_lt: is there i list of graphic card compatible with linux for the 3d desktop?10:41
jhutchins_ltadenicio: The problem is that it changes from day to day.10:42
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jhutchins_ltadenicio: 3d isn't stable yet, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.  For some setups, it always works, for others never.10:42
jhutchins_ltYou have two choices:  3d, and play with making it work, or 2d and get work done.10:43
adenicioi dont have a ati or nvidea but i hopoe it works for mine10:43
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jhutchins_ltadenicio: What do you have?10:44
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jhutchins_ltProbably not then.10:44
jhutchins_ltIt's mostly nvidia, because nvidia worked with Novell on it.10:45
adenicioso nvidea is more comp?10:45
adeniciothen ati's?10:45
jhutchins_ltYes.  ATI does not do 3d well in Linux.10:46
jhutchins_ltSOME ati cards do ok, but most have driver problems.10:46
jhutchins_ltMost Nvidia cards can be made to work, but some also have problems.10:46
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adeniciocan u give me one thats works good with linux in alll10:49
jhutchins_ltNo, I only work in 2d.10:49
jhutchins_ltAgain, check in #ubuntu-effects.10:50
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adeniciojhutchins: can u give me another msn manager i dont like kotepe it goin crazy10:53
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jhutchins_ltadenicio: Try pidgin10:57
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adeniciojhutchins_lt: pidgin dont have it in adet10:59
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jhutchins_ltadenicio: Try gaim11:04
jhutchins_ltpidgin is gaim renamed11:04
jhutchins_lt!info pidgin11:04
ubotuPackage pidgin does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas11:04
jhutchins_lt!info gaim11:04
ubotugaim: multi-protocol instant messaging client. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.0.0+beta6-1ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 1700 kB, installed size 4808 kB11:04
guilleAnyiudea how to make a Genius webcam to work?11:04
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guillei've been trying for 2 days now11:05
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jhutchins_lt!webcam | guille11:18
ubotuguille: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras11:18
jhutchins_ltIt might not work with linux.11:18
dhqwill an ipod work in linux11:18
jhutchins_ltdhq: Yes.11:18
dhqi wanna buy an ipod which one is good11:18
jhutchins_ltdhq: The blue one.11:19
dhqshuffle or nano11:19
dhqwhats the diffrence11:19
jhutchins_ltdhq: Linux supports the basic iPod music database, and can treat most iPods as storage devices.11:20
jhutchins_ltAmarok is a collection manager, and it interfaces well with iPods, providing a iTunes-like system11:20
jhutchins_ltOther utilities exist for dealing with iPods and other players.11:20
jhutchins_ltdhq: If you just want a Linux compatible player, you can get more for your money without the iPod brand.11:21
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dhqwell i wanted an ipod choices are nano and shuffle but since my net is too slow cant load the pages please tell m e11:22
jhutchins_ltdhq: I can't.11:23
jhutchins_ltdhq: It's up to what you want.11:23
dhqok thanks11:23
jhutchins_ltdhq: Shuffles will be cheaper.  They will have a different storage capacity, and will be a different size.11:24
jhutchins_ltdhq: OTher than that, shuffles are white, nanos come in color.11:24
dhqnano is small i guess11:24
jhutchins_ltNano is a matchbook, shuffle is a pack of gum11:24
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guillehi i got a simple question11:37
guillehow do i change the order in what my GRUB comes up11:37
guillei amen i got kubuntu and then windos xp,11:38
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guillebut kubuntu is the first possibilyti and windows the secind how do i change the order?11:38
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tmskeguille: you can edit the file /etc/apt/sources.list and change the order11:46
tmskemake sure you make a backup first!11:47
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andrew_what is a good server/channel for a python question?11:51
Jucatomaybe there's ##python11:51
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blekoshi, i've seen in Ubuntu Tribe 5, that there is a new management tool for output to another sceen (crt??)11:52
blekosis there smg similar in Kubuntu?11:52
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andrew_hmm just 2 people that dont look like they are there11:52
guillewell this is my second day in linux11:53
guillemaking a backup is it the same way as in windows?11:54
hnsnandrew_: #python maybe?11:54
guillecopying the file to anotherplace?11:54
andrew_You need to be identified to join that channel11:55
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hnsnandrew_: /msg nickserv hello11:55
hnsnor something11:55
guilleand how do i change that? i mean the grub order?11:56
blekosinstall simple backup11:56
guillein that file source.list?11:56
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blekosgo here for a good tutorial11:57
blekosapplies to KDE dont worry11:57
guillei guess i am gona keep using windows11:57
blekosjust be sure to exclude /media11:57
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blekosguille I'm still using Windows but Linux worths a shot11:57
guillewell i want to use both, i admit linux works fine a lot better than windows11:58
blekosif you persist u'll see its only matter of beeing used to Linux differences11:58
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guillebut certain thigns just dont work11:58
blekoshmm, sad but true,11:58
blekoslike what?11:58
tmskeguille: backing up the sources.list is just copying the file11:58
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guillei want my pc to boot directly to windows, i want to be asked if i wnat to boot on kubuntu no the other way around11:59
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Q-collectivehey all, if I put the kubuntu install cd in an asus z92r laptop with a radeon 200M, it doesn't do anything besides having a cursor blinking... Other distro's aren't doing much better, I've tried the Gentoo and Knoppix livecd's aswell but get a unresponsive black screen when trying to boot those... can anyone help me out?11:59
blekosbacking up the sources list ensures that you'll be able to re-install the same software11:59
guillein linux my webcam is not suported nor is my printer11:59
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tmskeguille: and to change the order you just need to place the windows entry before the ubuntu entry11:59
guilleshockwave is not adapted for linux either11:59
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guillermske how so i do that?11:59
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guillei opened the file you told me "/etc/apt/sources.list" but there i dont see how to os anything the only i get is a list with several internet adresses12:00
tmskeguille: internet adresses?12:00
guillei copy and paste what i get12:00
tmskeuse paste-it, not here12:00
tmskeguille: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org12:01
Q-collectiveanyone, please?12:01
guillei paste a little12:01
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PocaeHi All12:02
guille# See http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for how to upgrade to12:02
guille# newer versions of the distribution.12:02
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guillethat is what it says ofourse the text is a lot larger that that but every row is some text and the an http adress12:02
tmskeguille: open the link I have you and paste the file there.12:03
Q-collectiveare there known problems with booting from ati cards?12:03
tmskeguille: my fault, it is the file: /boot/grub/menu.lst12:04
tmskethat is the file you need to edit, sorry12:04
PocaeI toasted my new install of Kunbuntu trying to setup the nvidia drivers now i only get a _ in the upper left corner, is there a fix without uninstalling Kunbuntu and re-installing it?12:04
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guilleno problem i am gonna check that file12:05
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guilleoh shit12:05
guillewhat would happen if i make a mistake?12:05
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tmskeguille: make a copy of it first12:05
guillehow do i copy?12:06
guilleand by the way i tryed to write something but i could not12:07
Pocaeive read the online documentation butno luck so far12:07
tmskeguille: you need to use sudo to open it.12:07
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tmskePocae: ctrl+alt+f1 brings you to a terminal, there you can replace your xorg.conf with a backup and try again.12:07
guillei am gonna kill my self soon12:08
tmskeguille: sudo kate /boot/grub/menu.lst12:08
guilleto copy it do i need sudo?12:08
guilleand i writte that in the command window?12:08
Pocaethx tmske, ill see how it goes12:08
tmskeguille: yes12:08
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ubuntuAnyone have success with Flashplayer under GutsyGib?12:09
tmskeubuntu: beter ask in kubuntu-devel, but it doesn't work for me12:09
ubuntuThank you.12:09
Jucatoubuntu: please ask in #ubuntu+112:10
tmskeQ-collective: looks like some hardware problem, have you tried the alternate install cd?12:10
Q-collectivetmske: alternate? no12:11
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Q-collectivewhat's special about that one?12:11
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guillea question i programmed several years ago12:14
guillethe text after # is comments12:15
tmskeguille: yes12:15
guillethe text without is code right?12:15
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guilleo yeah12:15
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guilleyesterady when i installed kubuntu12:15
tmskeQ-collective: it's a text based installer, it could work, but is harder to install12:15
guillei got 2 options12:15
guillei got kubuntu i got a memory test and the windows12:15
tmskeguille: text without are commands yes12:15
guillebut afrter that i reboot the pc and i got 5 opitons12:16
Q-collectivetmske: ok12:16
guillei got 2 of kubuntu and 2 of kubuntu safe mode12:16
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tmskeguille: that's probably because you installed updates12:16
tmskeguille: when a new kernel get's installed there are new entries12:16
guilleo shit12:17
blekosusually u can safelly reomove the last (bottom) 212:17
guilleil try that12:17
blekosI'd suggest keep em for a while12:17
guillei am at the end of the file12:17
guillewhat do i do there?12:17
guillei read something about changing the order with numbers12:17
blekosif I am not mistaken the file is smg like linux-kernel-image and can be found in the synaptic anager12:18
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guillebut none of this ir ordered as i epected it to be12:18
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VSpikedamn my font sizes are wierd12:21
guillewhere it says root12:21
VSpikethere seems to be no rhyme or reason to them12:21
guillethat is the dmi driver adres right?12:21
guillenothing i should change12:21
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yeniklasorrHow can I set auto mount my partitions at startup ?.12:22
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VSpikeyeniklasorr: add them to /etc/fstab12:23
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yeniklasorrVSpike : OK, but ubuntu always checking when startup disk sectors and this is causing waste of time when booting. Is it possible to skip?12:25
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VSpikeyeniklasorr: yeah, you can use tune2fs for that12:26
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yeniklasorrVSpike : just install it ?12:26
VSpikeI've never done it myself, but the man page looks pretty comprehensive12:26
VSpikeyeniklasorr: should be installed already12:27
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VSpiketry "man tune2fs" at the console12:27
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yeniklasorrVSpike : Any option for ntfs and fat32 ?12:31
VSpikeyeniklasorr: ok, maybe I misunderstood you when you said "ubuntu always checking when startup disk sectors and this is causing waste of time when booting." ... i thought you meant it was running fsck on file systems12:32
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VSpikebut it should not run fsck on fat32 or ntfs file systems12:33
franz_anybody knows how to install safari in kubuntu?12:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about safari - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:33
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guillewhat i did with the grub list order file did not work12:34
yeniklasorrVSpike : I mean it is checking, xxx clusters, xxx blocks etc... for fat systems12:35
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zipperfranz_, guess you could try installing it with wine, but i doubt its worth it. You should use one of the native browsers instead12:35
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tmskeguille: what did you do exactly, maybe post you grub file to the paste link I gave you earlier (or see channel topic)12:36
guilleyou did not gave me any past link12:36
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guillei dont get it12:37
guillei am tired12:37
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guillei have been sitting here almost 2 days now trying to make this wokr as i wnted to but it does not12:37
guillewhen i writte in commandline that i want to open the grub file list using sudo12:38
guilleit asks me for the paswrod12:38
guillei writte it12:38
guillebut the an amount of error lines comes up12:38
guilleand then the file is opened with kate12:38
guillei guess it stills let me to change it but it did not work12:38
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tmskeguille: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org12:39
guillei paste the last past of the grub list file12:39
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VSpikeyeniklasorr: it's running a dosfsck on the fat systems?12:40
tmskeguille: if you pasted your file there, print the link you got here so we can read it12:40
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guillei am pasting what the comand line tells me after i writte sudo kate /boot/grub/menu.lst12:41
guillehte link i got is12:41
llutzguille: use "kdesu" instead of sudo for gui-apps12:42
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guillehow in the name of god am i supoussed to know that!!!12:42
guillewell i tryed with kdedu and the same thing came up12:43
guilleafter that kate opened the file and i can edit the file12:43
guillebut it is th same that happened before12:43
VSpikeyeniklasorr: Have a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=393320 -- it might contain the answer12:43
tmskesudo should work too12:43
tmskeguille: can you paste the code in kate to paste.ubuntu-nl.org12:43
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yeniklasorrVSpike : ok thanks12:44
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:44
tmskeguille: the error message you get is normal, it's nothing to worry about, we need to see the content of menu.lst to help12:44
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guilleil do that12:44
AdamHello all12:44
AdamI am new to Kubuntu12:45
AdamAnd I am just 14 years old!12:45
guilleHi Adam i hope you get better luck than i am having12:45
AdamWhat you on?12:45
guilletrying to make this work for 2 days now...and counting12:45
AdamMines work - I am running it virtually but the net connection is a little slow12:46
guillewell that works fine12:46
AdamSame version12:46
guillebut wait untill you want to do more advanced stuff12:46
guilleand not so much adavanced like installing a webcam or a printer12:46
VSpikelearning a new OS is really frustrating12:46
AdamI will have to use the konsole terminal - I use a tutorial for now12:46
guilleor trying to get the right codec to listen to a radio station or to see a movie12:46
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AdamJust getting the basics...12:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kubuntu-fr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:47
VSpikeit's also very satisfying though12:47
guillei live in a fourth floor soon you might hear in the news about a guy that killed himself12:47
AdamYup! When you achieve something its great !12:47
VSpikebut yeah there are days when you want to throw it out the window12:47
tmskeguille: this should be the correct file: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35369/12:47
VSpikeguille: or yourself, true :)12:47
blekosanybody know if i can have an output to my TV from KDE using GUI?12:47
tmskeguille: I've put windows before ubuntu like you wanted12:47
AdamHow can I change the kde theme?12:47
blekossudo kcontrol12:48
guillecould you explain to me what you did so i learn?12:48
blekossudo kcontrol12:48
nicolashi all!12:48
AdamOk...... I just know how to do stuff like cd and mkdir12:48
AdamThanks Blekos12:48
VSpikeAdam: for me, it's under Settings->Appearances and Themes-> Them manager12:48
blekoson the left are a banch of options you could change12:48
tmskeguille: look at the changes from your file, you'll see that the windows entry is above the ubuntu ones12:48
blekosu could always download icons etc and install them12:49
AdamTrying everything you guys say12:49
blekosit could be there, but in kcontrol you'll find a coupole of options not available in settings etc12:49
guilleyeah i am comparing them12:49
AdamBy the way I am on Kubuntu12:49
nicolasi've a question, do i need a firewall for my laptop?12:49
yeniklasorrVSpike : I understand this from that topic. "UUID=1C80-28B0 /media/hdb1 vfat defaults,utf8,umask=007,uid=0,gid=46,auto,rw,nouser 0 1" must be "UUID=1C80-28B0 /media/hdb1 vfat defaults,utf8,umask=007,uid=0,gid=46,noauto,rw,nouser 0 0" true ?12:49
guillesoon i am gona get an abilyti to rea 2 files at the same time each with one eye12:49
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nicolas( i'm on Kubuntu)12:50
Jucato!kdesu | blekos12:50
ubotublekos: In KDE, use  kdesu  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use  sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo12:50
VSpikeyeniklasorr: yeah, that's my understanding too.. I didn't know that before, would be interesting to see if it works12:50
tmskeguille: you see that the windows entry is now almost on top12:50
guilleyes i notice that12:50
guillei noticed that the #end of debian systems also changed place12:50
guillebut it is a comment that would not matter right?12:51
yeniklasorrVSpike : Checking it now :) will be here soon12:51
tmskeguille: that's a comment so that doesn't matter12:51
AdamBlekos: kcontrol works good12:51
guilleand at the end i got this 2 ubuntu options having a lower veriosn of kernel i should be able just to delete those entries right?12:51
VSpikeguille: sudo apt-get install kdiff312:51
tmskeguille: grub will as default boot the first option in menu.lst12:51
guilleif i had wrotten as code non system, it would have not boot at all untill i told it to?12:52
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tmskeguille: you can delete thoses, but that's not really necessary12:52
AdamNext thing...... when I browse sites the connection gets broken. How can I fix it?12:52
guillei am gona let them be there just for safety, i feel like i am walking on thin ice everytime i do something to this12:52
blekoswhat do u mean the connections gets broken?12:53
blekosis there a chance only firefox crashes?12:53
AdamI am using Konqueror12:53
blekosthere was a know bug for firefox to crash on flash sites12:53
blekosi c12:53
guillei'll be right back rebooting12:53
AdamAnd a error box says connection with www.dfgh.com is broken12:53
AdamJust an example12:54
AdamI was trying to go to the kde-look website and the connection keeps getting broken12:54
blekosdo u have a firewall?12:54
AdamYeah, but that firewall is in windows - you see I am running virtually12:55
AdamIt will load half the page and then say sudo kcontrol12:56
AdamConnection to host www.skinbase.org is broken12:56
blekoswould u mind trying firefox?12:56
AdamI dont have it on kubuntu?12:57
blekossudo aptitude install firefox12:57
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AdamI am trying it wait.12:57
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blekosor perhaphs u could deactive firewall for 1 minite and hit reload to one of your web pages12:57
guilleI back12:57
guilletmske you know i got a problem12:58
AdamRight now I am installing Firefox - will let you know what happens.12:58
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guillea minor one, funny aswell when the grub list came up the first row was the one that said "other operating systems" and ofcourse ti did not do nothing12:58
guillei am gonna delete that row now and i am sure it would work12:59
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OutoLumoHih, all!12:59
tmskeguille: yeah, ok, one more thing, you see the savedefault after every entry, this means that when you boot into something that the next time that will be the default12:59
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tmskeguille: so if you want windows to be default always, you'll have to remove those lines01:00
AdamE: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/f/firefox/libnss3_1.firefox2.0.0.6+1-0ubuntu1_i386.deb: 0 OK01:00
AdamIt failed on installing01:00
guilleaha, ?01:00
AdamShall I turn off the firewall?01:00
guillei boot in kubuntu now next time this one will be on top of the list?01:01
OutoLumoI'm trying to get wireless work. I have an laptop with atheros card and latest (feisty?) kubuntu.01:01
blekostry to do the follong01:01
blekosexit the knetworkmanager01:01
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OutoLumoKwifimanager sees the network  I want to connect, but that's all.01:01
blekosi'd suggest wi-fi rada01:02
blekosAdam r u there?01:02
AdamWhat shall I do?01:02
OutoLumoI have01:02
guillewell i have done that i guess that is a problem less01:02
guilletoo bad my cam wont work01:02
blekosright click on the knetworkmanager bottom right , icon with a cable and chose exit01:02
tmskeguille: what cam?01:02
Adamdone that!01:03
AdamNow what ..............?01:03
blekostry conqueror01:03
OutoLumoThe wireless network is protected with a psk. What should I do with that? Where do I edit network settings?01:03
OutoLumoblekos, ok I have exited knoetworkmanager01:03
blekoshmm, I'm not in a linux system now, but i believe you go to start menuu->seting->connection01:04
Adamblekos : same problem01:04
OutoLumokonqueror wont find internet01:04
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AdamI am on kubuntu through vmware player..... is that why?01:04
blekosadam disable firewall and try again01:04
blekosadam u r on this channel right?01:05
OutoLumoK-menu->System settings- Network settings and then?01:05
blekosadam u r on this channel from kubuntu right?01:05
Adamblekos - on this channel in kubuntu01:05
tmskeguille: I don't think I'll be able to help with that, have you searched the forums and google?01:06
blekosthat means you have internet in Kubuntu but you cannot access webpages01:06
guilleo yeah a lot01:06
blekosany luck with disabling firewall?01:06
guillesome said i hade to install from adaptmanager some drivers01:06
guilleand i did that01:06
guillei checked in the infocenter if it was intalled and it was01:07
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AdamIt loads the web sites menu and everything but towards the end of loading breaks the connection01:07
guillethen i tryend some program to see if it works but not01:07
guillethen i got a page where it said what cams would work but mine was not there01:07
tmskeguille: does it show in dmesg or lspci?01:07
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OutoLumoIn network connections I have enabled wireless network device. What should i put for router ip-address?01:07
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guillewhat is that?01:08
AdamI used Damn Small Linux and internet works fine on that01:08
guillethe cam i got is a Genius VideoCAM GE11101:08
AdamKubuntu loads half and then messes up01:08
blekoshmm, dont know why this is happening01:08
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OutoLumoOr rather: default gateway. I have a lan-switch connected to a network.01:09
AdamShall I go to my windows desktop, download from skind from there , then plug into kubuntu?01:09
blekoswell, I could suggest you dual boot your machine...01:09
blekosI know its extreme,01:09
blekosbut i've done and it's perfectly safe01:09
AdamCant afford to01:09
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blekosnot enough space?01:09
AdamI am 14 remember, and I can do it but its my dads pc01:09
guilletmske, i rwotte those lines in the command line and i got01:09
guilleuff a lot of lines01:10
blekosoutolumo your router ip, should be the one you use to access it's menu via a web-browser01:10
guille"usb 3-2: V4L2 device registered as /dev/video0" could it be it?01:11
blekosAdam have tried a live cd to see if you have the same problem/01:11
blekoslive cd doesnt mess a thing01:11
tmskeguille: it's probably that device, but I won't be able to help much as I don't have a cam myself and no experience with it either01:12
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guillewell dont worry i am still using XP as default01:13
AdamI have donnloaded the file I want from my windows xp connection and will plug the usb into kubuntu01:15
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AdamI have a kde theme file which is .tar.bz2. How do I install it?01:18
guillei am noe trying to install java01:18
Adamblekos: are you there?01:19
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sitoin firefox with mplayer reproductor for radio, when i put a windows over, the sound fall down... a idea?01:21
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guillesito, it has to be somewhere a configuration that says that the sunds keeps on when you minimize01:23
sitowhere the configuration is?01:24
AdamJust installed a new them01:24
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guillehow did you to open the .gz files Adam?01:24
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AdamI just richt clicked and did extract01:25
guilleextrac with ark? where?01:25
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AdamAnywhere you want.... desktop....home etrc01:25
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guillebin files then?01:26
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guillea what ever i am off this01:28
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AranelHi, I can't use my ttyX consoles, when I CTRL+ALT+F1 / F2 etc. It only gives black screen. Please help me, this is very problematic for me :)01:32
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AdamI got my theme changed01:33
AdamJust need to find some icons now01:33
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AccessThis the right place for n00bs to ask questions?01:35
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AccessOr is there a designated n00b section?01:35
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llutz!ask | Access01:36
ubotuAccess: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:36
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AccessHey, its better to ask a question then get banned for not understanding where I am01:40
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llutzthe topic tells you where you are :)01:40
AccessBut thanks for the generosity. I seem to be having trouble getting beyond 1024x76801:40
OutoLumo_Access, on the other hand, you might not be able to judge the level of your question. Newbies are known to have asked most dazzling questions ;)01:41
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AccessI edited xconf file (I believe thats its name) and cappended 1280x1024 and it didnt work, however 1280x768 for example did.01:41
AccessUnder the display 24 depth part01:41
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AccessIt recongises my video drivers fine01:42
AccessGeforce 7800GS01:42
OutoLumo_Ok, now I have a wireless connection from my kubuntu-laptop (hooray!) The downside is, that it is not password protected. (Not so hooray.) Any ideas?01:42
AccessBut my monitor it cant idneitfy01:42
AranelHi, I can't use my ttyX consoles, When I use CTRL+ALT+F1 / F2 etc. combinations, It just gives black screen, I tried It in my old kernel, and it works! But in my  new kernel, I can't use ttyX, please someone help me, this is very problematic :/01:42
AccessIt is a Auriga ColorPro 19D and I cand find the vertical/horizontal values anywhere on the internet for it.01:42
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Accesshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto <= I tried looking at that, but I none seem to yield a result.01:44
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OutoLumo_Access, this here: http://www.calaisturbo.com.au/showthread.php?t=113161#post147034701:44
blekos1. how did u get access finally?01:44
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blekos2. to password protect your Wi-fi you should enter your router interface -->wi fi options01:45
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blekosand add an Network Name (SSID) and a passord01:45
blekoswhat router do u have?01:46
OutoLumo_blekos, I changed the password off from the router and accidentally rebooted.01:46
AccessThankyou so much Outolumo!01:47
OutoLumo_blekos, I know how to password protect the router - I just had it password protected. The problem was, that I couldn't find a way to connect my kubuntu-laptop to it, and could only use it from the windows laptop.01:47
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tatters my webcam and TV card are failing due to error   "X Error of failed request: XF86DGANoDirectVideoMode" it seem there is a switch "-nodga" does anyone know if it possible to edit xorg.conf to include that switch so need to type ?01:47
OutoLumo_Only when I set the password protection off, I could connect to the internet from the kubuntu laptop.01:48
blekosgot a sony szxp, didnt have that prob01:48
blekosthis make sense since u need to enter the password to connect01:49
blekosmaybe you could try installing kwifi01:49
OutoLumo_So essentially: where do I set the network password in the Kubuntu system?01:49
blekosand kwifimanager01:49
OutoLumo_I have kwifimanager installed and there is no kwifi-package in my repos.01:50
LynoureOutoLumo_: knetworkmanager is pretty much the easiest way01:50
blekosoh yes, that I meant... :)01:51
LynoureOutoLumo_: it will ask for it and if you want, store it for kwallet for you.01:51
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blekosI'm at work and I use windows...01:51
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flo___is there a special room for gwenview questions?01:52
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OutoLumo_Lynoure, I just started knetworkmanager, and it doesn't even show any networks...01:52
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LynoureOutoLumo_: then it might be an issue with wlan card not being supported. or in any case something that requires more time for troubleshooting than I have now... sorry01:54
OutoLumo_Lynoure, I have an atheros based lan card.01:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about atheros - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:54
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LynoureOutoLumo_: if I recall, should be well supported cards, through and through but don't take my word on it01:55
OutoLumo_And since I'm using the wifi on kubuntu right now, it should be working... Passwords are set somewhere on software level.01:55
LynoureOutoLumo_: well, why didn't you say so. They indeed are. Try configuring the essid manually for knetworkmanager01:56
LynoureIt's often a bit sluggish on detection, and many people's habit of hiding the wlan name does not help.01:57
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DaleksUnitedimporterror: no module named pygtk?01:57
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LynoureOutoLumo_: any improvement? is it a WPA or WEP wlan?02:02
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AranelDoes Gutsy Gibbon have Turkish language ?02:03
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:03
ubotuTurk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.02:04
jussi01!tr | Aranel02:04
ubotuAranel: please see above02:04
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AranelThey don't know :)02:04
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OutoLumo__ok. I set the password manually in KNetWorkManager and it wont connect.02:09
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Aranelhow do I reinstall a package ?02:11
Jucatosudo apt-get install --reinstall <package>02:11
LynoureOutoLumo_: WEP or WPA? no MAC limiting, by any chance?02:11
Jucatoor in Adept, right-click on the package select Reinstall02:11
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OutoLumo__Also, KNetWorkManager still doesn't see any networks. Kwifimanager does, bun only allows switching to ones with no password.02:12
OutoLumo__Lynoure: WPA-PSK. No mac-limiting.02:12
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OutoLumo__Hmm... KNetWorkManager only supports WEP?02:14
LynoureOutoLumo__: and you are not missing wpasupplicant02:15
LynoureOutoLumo__: no...02:15
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LynoureOutoLumo__: been using knetworkmanager with WPA since beta dapper02:16
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OutoLumo__I have it installed. Should I make config-adjustments somewhere?02:16
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AranelJucato: thanks :)02:16
OutoLumo__Anyhow, device configuration dialog, where the ESSID is asked for, only prompts for WEP...02:17
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LynoureOutoLumo__: if under Use encryption it only gives WEP, then you are probably missing something02:21
OutoLumo__But what?02:22
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jussi01wpa supplicant?02:22
LynoureOutoLumo__: I'm at work now, and on debian, not ideal probono troubleshoot situation02:22
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Lynourejussi01: just asked about that 5min ago02:22
jussi01heh, ok02:23
OutoLumo__jussi01:  it is still installed, and I'd appriciate any advice as to its configuration....02:23
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:24
LynoureOutoLumo__: once upon a time emptying one's /etc/network/interfaces helped, but it's no longer needed, really02:24
jussi01read there.... then you know more than me02:24
LynoureOutoLumo__: no harm commenting out your wifi interface, though, for trying it out. you can always uncomment02:25
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OutoLumo__Lynoure:  that WAS clean, I working on refilling it somehow now...02:28
LynoureOutoLumo__: http://www.lynoure.org/blog/index.php?/archives/76-Solving-the-common-NetworkManager-problem.html02:28
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BluesKaj'Morning Folks ;002:32
BluesKajerr :)02:32
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LynoureOutoLumo__: hmmm. Interesting. Unfortunately too busy to see this through. Good luck, please tell me what the cause was, when you figure it out. If you still have this problem later tonight, I can try to help you more directly from my kubuntu.02:35
OutoLumo__ok, ty :)02:36
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nosrednaekimmorin' BluesKaj02:38
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BluesKajhiya nosrednaekim, quiet today02:40
nosrednaekimyeah.. a little02:40
Jucatothat's good right? :)02:40
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BluesKajjust checking out the ati drivers on the upcoming gutsy release , so far the compatability issues don't look promising02:41
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nosrednaekimdid they fix the GPL problem?02:45
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BluesKajjust trying to find out if it's going enable XGL by default since fglrx doesn't use it02:48
nosrednaekimfglrx doesn't fork with XGL anymore?02:49
newzenhi all, im traing to migrate my hard disk from pIII to PIV is there something like kudsu from redhat for adjust modules and other change's from architecture02:49
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nosrednaekimnewzen: you shouldn't have a problem with that02:49
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nosrednaekimnewzen: we understand ;)02:50
newzennosrednaekim: why dont't have problem, that dont start up02:50
nosrednaekimnewzen: what?02:50
newzensome divice or drivers are not reconized02:51
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newzenor not charged02:51
newzennosrednaekim: Kubuntu make this automatic?02:52
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BluesKajXGL is used by fglrx02:53
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BluesKajI misread the article02:53
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BluesKajbetter have another coffe02:54
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Allooshhi guys, I want to paste mysql file in mysql using the terminal but there is a limit to the number of chars, how can I reach the mysql consol and avoid the terminal02:54
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newzendisk architecture migration " you shouldn't have a problem with that" why Kubuntu make this automatic?02:56
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=== genii sips a coffee
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newzenshort history, i buy a new pc ( PIV) i want to use my old disk on pIII to boot, but i can't Some tips or recomended reading??02:57
=== genii slides Jucato a large coffee fixed just how he likes it....
Jucatothanks! :)02:58
geniiJucato: Yer welcome :)02:58
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newzensome one please :)02:59
geniinewzen: Do you still have the old motherboard?02:59
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stamenwho can tell me a good program for audio capturing03:00
longmanhi stamen03:00
newzengenii: what can i do with my old motherboard?03:00
geniinewzen: I would try putting the hd in there like before. then go into bios and write down how many heads, cylinders and so on the bios sees the hd as. then when you put it into the newer system, go into bios and specify there the same numbers. Also to put it in the same position if possible (eg: master on first IDE or wherever it was previously in the hd arrangement)03:00
rjune_stamen: audacity03:01
stamenrjune_:  ok, I will try it03:01
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stamenis ti simple for use03:01
stamenor it is professional03:01
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newzengenii: and about new audio system, new ethernet port etc etc, kubuntu reconigze it automatic?03:02
newzenor i need to charge by chand the new modules / drives?03:02
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uakkerihow should i partiotion my disk for kubuntu? 160GB disk, 768MB memory03:02
stamenrjune_:  thank you03:03
rjune_stamen: np03:03
newzenuakkeri: what is your primary OS?03:03
uakkerionly kubuntu03:04
frederici was afraid to read windows03:04
uakkerii have ubuntu now03:04
uakkerii want a fresh start03:04
uakkeriold habit from the time i was using windows i guess03:05
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newzenyuskkery: you could use partition magic for do the job03:05
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uakkerii've started installing already. i'm doing the partitio manually03:06
geniinewzen: As long as it has drivers for the new things it should see them OK. But you may need to tinker with ethernet settings since the mac address for instance is recorded in a file. So the eth0 at first of the new box will be eth1 instead until this is sorted.03:06
ubuntucould anyone give mes ome advice?03:06
fredericanyone has managed to get an xbox 360 wired controller to work ? I've been playing around whit this lately but no results 'til now03:06
milesif you use yum to DL a package, would you be able to remove it with "apt-get remove --purge [package] "?03:07
newzenok, thanks genii, im going to try yopur solution03:07
Mr_Sonoma!ask | ubuntu03:07
ubotuubuntu: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:07
uakkeridoes kernel need it's own partition?03:07
ubuntuok dokey!03:07
milesuakkeri: no03:07
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milesuakkeri: many people reccomend putting /boot on its own partition03:07
ubuntuhaving a bit of dificulty installing! well actually i cant install lol!03:07
uakkeriso swap, /, ...03:07
newzen uakkeri: What vesion are you using? alternate?03:07
milesyea, all you need really is a partition for swap and /03:07
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=== frederic can't wait for gutsy :D
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rjune_miles: I would try yum remove <pkg>03:08
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rubenhi guys!03:08
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frederichi ruben03:08
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=== Menda is away: Gone away for now.
geniinewzen: I will be here for the next 8 hours in-between my regular work if you experience difficulties03:09
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milesi dont even think i have yum installed, i was just wondering if they could be used interchangeably03:09
uakkerinewzen: i'm doing the kubuntu GUI installation03:09
Jucato!away > Menda|AFK03:09
Mr_Sonomaubuntu, what error are you getting when you try to install? how are you trying to install?03:09
newzenuakkeri: miles are right but you can do a better instalation with alternate cd, for create a LVM install, in this way you can expand in the future your's partitions03:09
ubuntuhi there all, i'm trying to install kubuntu 7.04 for the first time, after downloading and burning da iso to cd, i have booted up and whilst booting up it brings up many errors about the "hdc" and "buffer I/O errors" but does finally boot up and i am now seeing kubuntu, however clicking the install button only makes it look like it's going to do summit for awhile and then does nothing and closes03:09
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milesif im not mistaken, kernel source gets placed in /usr/src03:10
milesbut the kernel image is in /boot03:10
milescan someone confirm?03:10
frederici had the same error as ubuntu, but when installing gutsy tribe 4 O.o03:10
fredericI/O Buffer error03:10
rjune_miles: that's where it should be03:10
frederic4 or 5 of them03:11
uakkerinewzen: maybe you could give me an advice... 160GB sda and 768 MB memory. i'd be very appreciated.03:11
milesuakkeri: make your swap 1.5GB03:11
uakkerinewzen: order would be nice too03:11
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milesuakkeri: ill give you my opinion ...03:11
ubuntuerrr..... dont think i  understand03:11
rjune_meh, give it a nice round 2G, odds are you won't hit swap for a while.03:12
uakkerinewzen: i have all free space now03:12
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Mr_Sonomaubuntu, what kind of system are you installing on? an older pc? what processor and ram?03:12
uakkerinewzen: thanx. so first i make what partition?03:13
rjune_Mr_Sonoma: I think you mean uakkeri03:13
ubuntuerrr... Celeron 2.4, 512mb RAM, 32mb TNT 2, 180GB HD03:13
milesuakkeri: "/boot" = 1st03:14
uakkerinewzen: primary and from the beginning of the sector....03:14
milesuakkeri: "/" = 2nd03:14
milesuakkeri: "/home" = 3rd03:14
Mr_Sonomarjune_, nope ubuntu *grin* 2 instances of the simmular issues looks like03:14
milesuakkeri: and then swap03:14
uakkerimiles: i hear you03:14
milesthats just my opinion03:14
milesuakkeri: sorry wasnt tryin to be rude03:14
ubuntu errr... Celeron 2.4, 512mb RAM, 32mb TNT 2, 180GB HD03:14
Mr_Sonomaubuntu, you say the installer closes? thats more of a system than i have an i was able to use a live cd to install without issue03:15
uakkeri miles: me neither :) language wall you know03:15
milesya haha03:15
uakkeri miles: size of boot?03:15
milesif you make /boot its own partition, make it no larger then 1 gig/1024 mb03:15
ubuntuinteresting, i do however get a lot of errors occuring with what i think is the cd drive (hdc), apparently there are buffer I/O errors03:16
milesif its larger, the MBR might not be able to boot it, it has something to do with lo memory and hi memory03:16
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uakkeri miles:done03:16
milesmaking /home its own partition is optional, but reccomended since almost all personal config files get placed in the users home directory03:17
milesthough me personally, didnt make /home its own partition03:17
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BluesKajall these partitions isn't as wonderful a prctice as ppl make them out to be IME03:17
uakkeri miles:i have an extra hda 80 also03:17
ubuntuMr_Sonoma::: interesting, i do however get a lot of errors occuring with what i think is the cd drive (hdc), apparently there are buffer I/O errors03:17
Mr_Sonomaubuntu, have you tried to run the "check cd" thing when you first boot up, you know when you get the option to start/install kubuntu or do a few other things. you may want to run the check cd utility, just a thought. i burned a alternate install cd i had problems with once and it turned out that i had a bad spot or something. anyways it didnt pass the cd check.03:18
frederictrue sonoma, when i had the same problem i burned the .iso on a dvd(cd .iso)03:18
ubuntuMr_sonama::::: i'll try running it, and i'll let u know in a tick.... i have to reboot right03:18
BluesKajif the guy is new to linux , don't confuse the partition with all these / and & /home and swap ..let them learn about them later \03:19
Mr_Sonomaubuntu, yes you03:19
Mr_Sonoma'd hve to reboot03:19
Mr_Sonomawell i fat fingered that one03:19
ubuntukk.... in a bit!03:19
uakkeri miles:so do i make now / to the rest of the space and then /home logical?03:19
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Mr_Sonomafrederic, i havent done that one yet03:19
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AngelusBluesKaj: morning, i changed my driver from ati to radeon and edited a bit the xorg.conf and god direct rendering working03:20
fredericok, plus it was gutsy tribe 4(kubuntu)03:20
=== BluesKaj shakes his head ... takes a break
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fredericAngelus:  welcome to the crapy world of ati03:21
BluesKajAngelus, congrats! :)03:21
frederici have an x1600 pro03:21
fredericand is hell of a job to get working properly03:21
Angelusfrederic: good, i have a card that its not supported by the ati's driver03:21
frederici can just install the prop. drivers and pretend it's ok .... but it's not :P03:21
Angelusonly an open source driver works03:21
frederici just ordered a new puter, with GEFORCE :P03:22
Angelusim gonna recompile mesa from source again, probably i'll blow my system again.. another re-install lol03:22
Mr_Sonomai want to upgrade ........... but cant afford to right now =(03:23
fredericyeah upgrade costs a few bucks03:23
BluesKaji have an older modded and patched fglrx driver , written by some dedicated guys, i got on this site : http://www.howforge.com/how-to-setup-fglrx-for-ubuntu-feisty03:23
Angelussteal from the rich, give to yourself!03:23
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frederici payd 300$ CAD for a Intel P D 2.8 1go ddr2 NoVid03:24
Angelusyeah BluesKaj i tried that many times but no luck03:24
fredericall boxed03:24
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BluesKajAngelus, it only works for the low end onboard graphics03:24
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Mr_Sonomai could do what i want for round 250 and that would be replacing everything but the case, powersupply, and optical drive03:24
fredericyeah well i love having more than 1 cpu at home :)03:25
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uakkerimiles:come on....03:25
AngelusBluesKaj: i wonder why ati didnt release a driver for the 7000 , they release for 7100 and 7200 but for 7000 not. they hate me103:25
uakkeri miles:i can do this but not without your support03:25
fredericAngelus: awful03:25
BluesKajyeah , we discussed that before Angelus , an oversight maybe ?03:26
fredericbuy a 710003:26
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Angeluswhats an oversight?03:26
fredericlol kidding ;)03:26
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Angeluslol frederic03:26
BluesKajforgot it unintentionally03:27
Angeluswell i'll f.. email them then03:27
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fredericactually my video card never workd 100% funtionally, for beryl, i have to log in xgl session, but in xgl games (wine) doesn't work03:28
uakkeriok i rtfm03:28
fredericso it's a hell of restarting X(changing session) each time i want to do something03:28
BluesKajI am worried about Gutsy ...I think i may have to invest in an intel or nvidia graphics card to run 3D and DRI03:28
fredericBluesKaj: im running gutsy tribe 4 with the ati prop. drivers and it works WONDERFUL03:29
frederictribe 5 tho messed the whole thing up seems less stable than tribe 4...03:29
Angelusfrederic: well youre lucky you only have to change an xsesion, i have to reboot to windows everytime i wanna play a game03:29
Mr_Sonomafrederic, why not run two gui log ins...one for beryl and one for gaming then just cntrl+alt+f7 for one the cntrl+alt+f8 for the other?03:29
=== Mr_Sonoma grins
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frederici play cs source, wow, oblivion, etc etc... :D03:29
geniiBluesKaj: On my new box I got a Nvidia 7600GT for about $12003:29
fredericonly cs source is a bit weird03:29
fredericbut can be handled03:29
BluesKajfrederic, which ati card tho? ....some are more equal than others :(03:29
geniiBluesKaj: Works great with Gutsy so far03:30
fredericAsus EAX1600pro(ati x1600)03:30
fredericdoes the job well03:30
fredericcould be a bit better tho :03:30
uakkeriif i choose to do the manua-use-all-disk option installer can i be sure that it left no other OSs in the disk?03:30
BluesKajcool genii , isn't that an older card ?03:30
fredericuakkeri:  get a wipe boot cd if you want to be sure03:31
fredericultimate boot cd has nice such features03:31
milesuakkeri: sorry im at work, i had to go talk to someone real quick03:31
geniiBluesKaj: Not too old :) Has 256Mb ram,tv out, dual DVI out etc as well03:31
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milesmaking the 4th partition logical would allow for the most expansion in the future03:31
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BluesKajyeah UBCD lets you boot directly into linux without grub so you can fix it03:32
fredericBluesKaj: eureka :)03:33
BluesKajgenii, that's cool ...tv out would be neat03:33
uakkerimiles: 1st primary sect 1GB /boot... then what? :D03:33
Angelusok guys wish me luck03:33
Angelusim gonna try to compile mesa7.1 and dri from source03:34
milesuakkeri: you can make a swap partition now of 1.5 G03:34
BluesKajwhat? 1G for boot ?03:34
milesBluesKaj: yea03:34
=== Angelus hopes his system doesnt blow to pieces again
fredericAngelus: good luck :P03:34
milesno more than 1 gig though03:34
BluesKajthat's not necesary03:34
Angelusthankz dude03:34
milesi read 1 gig from the O'reilly LPCI certification book... just passing on that knowledge03:34
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milesboot cant be larger than 1 gig, or else system might not boot03:35
BluesKajall this excess partioning stuff doesn't make the filesystem any safer if the fstab screws up ...I found out the hard way03:35
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pCarstenmiles: have you taken some of the LPI certification exams?03:36
milesno but plan on it soon03:36
milesas soon as i get out of school03:36
mileshave you pCarsten?03:36
milesi hear they are gaining momentum, getting the LPI certification is like getting your drivers license wheras getting RHEC is like getting your license to drive a bmw03:37
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fr3di know peeps who works for ubisoft montreal who didn't even graduate03:37
fr3dpapers are only confirming knowledge :)03:37
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milescollege has only talk me how to make stuff up to get an A03:37
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milesit didnt teach me proper verb placement03:38
ubuntui'm back....03:38
fr3dubuntu is your CD Check fine?03:38
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uakkerimiles:i give up. i'm going to learn this one the hard way too03:38
ubuntunope..... boo hoo03:38
ubuntuit had 1 error03:38
milesuakkeri: bare minimum = swap partition and the rest of /03:38
fr3dwell should be happy you know where the problem is :D03:38
milesuakkeri:  im not sure how specific you want to get03:38
BluesKajwe get 50 ubuntu's in here per day ...how do we know which one you are :)03:39
ubuntuyeah but does that mean my iso is dodgy or my cd i burnt on was03:39
uakkerithrust no one! (seen too many x-files episodes)03:39
ubuntu...and cant find where to chang my nick03:39
ubuntu....havnt really bothered03:39
ubuntu...to look03:39
miles"/nick [new name] "03:39
fr3dubuntu for the .iso, verify the checksum(MD5)03:39
fr3dif it's ok03:39
fr3dthen it's the cd :)03:39
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milesyou love it03:39
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Turazoordo what/where? lol03:40
fr3dTurazoor: to check that, load the .iso in K3B(sudo apt-get k3b)03:40
Mr_Sonomayup, now to either try to burn it at a slower pace or to redownload the .iso and try again....maybe burn it from the live cd using k3b then can compare the md5 checksum03:40
fr3dmy bad03:40
fr3dsudo apt-get install k3b03:40
Mr_Sonomalol fr3d we were thinking right along the same lines it looks like.03:40
fr3dsure there's 100 ways of doing it, but that's how i do03:40
fr3dhehehehehe sonoma :)03:40
Turazoorapparently k3b is already the newest version03:41
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Mr_Sonomak3b i think is on the live desktop03:41
fr3dyes right03:41
fr3dsorry mistaken i ran so many diff, distros lately lol03:41
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Mr_Sonomaso he could use that utility to verify the .iso if the md5 sums check out then a new disk burned at a slower pace would be in order03:42
yaccinanyone knows a good cd-ripping frontend for MP3 where i can adjust the bitrate and dont have stupid quality-settings?03:42
BluesKajhmm, getting a driver's licence is one thing ,but the ability to fix the vehicle when it breaks is something else again :)03:42
fr3dTurazoor: wich file did you download(.iso)03:42
Turazoorkubuntu 7.04 i386 via torrent from the main site03:42
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fr3d1ad3c003dbcbe27b3265da23b886d047 *kubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso03:43
fr3dhere is the checksum03:43
fr3dverify in K3B if your .iso is the same03:43
milesBluesKaj: were you referring to me?03:43
Turazoorso i'm downloading the above checksum using torrent, right?03:43
BluesKajjust carrying you analogy to it's end03:43
fr3dTurazoor: no, download the .iso from the website03:44
blekosanybody tried Tribe503:44
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Turazoorkk, so what that checksum about? lol..... me = dumbass03:44
mileso, so you agree with me or not?03:44
fr3dblekos:  i did03:44
fr3dcrappy for me03:44
fr3dtribe 4 more safe03:44
Turazoor...well i aint a dumbass, this is just all new to me03:44
milesim coming in and out of the IRC, work is hectic today03:44
Mr_Sonomano Turazoor  when you open the .iso in k3b (the linux cd burning software) it does a md5 sum check automatically.03:44
seanpcrowe|hey all03:44
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Mr_Sonomacompare the 2 numbers should be the same03:44
fr3dthen open up K3B, select Burn CD Image, select your .iso, and let the soft check the Md503:45
Turazoorgotta download again then cos iso is on win partition03:45
BluesKajnothing to agree or disagree , just adding some reality to the theory miles :)03:45
fr3dTurazoor: it should be theses : 1ad3c003dbcbe27b3265da23b886d047 , if everything is same , burn it , boot the cd but run check before installing03:45
seanpcrowe|anyone know if i can stream a movie from another computer on my network without having to copy it ll to this machine first??03:45
fr3dthen if everything is ok, you can say you have a good live cd :)03:46
Turazoorkk cheers for this03:46
fr3dno problem happy to help03:46
Turazoorcool, i'm now downloading03:47
fr3daccording to your questions i assume you are new to ubuntu/linux?03:47
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hansseanpcrowe|: you can with "VLC"03:48
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seanpcrowe|hans, how? do i paste the samba share address??03:48
hansseanpcrowe|: you can also share the directory with samba03:49
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hansseanpcrowe|: But I thought you wanted to stream it03:50
Mr_Sonomathanks fr3d, im sick so im a little slow today, aside from that handling some personal buisiness also related to bills that the phone company roaly mucked up.03:50
seanpcrowe|hans, could you explain a little further please??03:50
Turazoorsort off!... i'm new to installing ubuntu, had red hat and suSE running before, and when it comes to the irratating world of windows i can do just about anything03:51
seanpcrowe|hans, yes... i only have a wireless network.. so copying first is not an option (i was able to just browse to and then play a movies from my server suing windows)03:51
fr3dMr_Sonoma: ? Sorry i missed a part of the conversation, why thankin' me? :P03:51
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Turazoorbtw.... i have another question... when it comes to wireless networks, am i missing software/protocols on the base live system?03:52
hansseanpcrowe|: VLC Will allow you to stream to a port on your machine and you can then open that port with your media player of choice (VLC, Xine, Mplayer) on another machine03:52
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Mr_Sonomafr3d i was originally helpin before we decided he needed to reboot then run the check cd. thing at boot. when he came back you jumped right in, for witch i thank ya cause like i said, im a little slow today03:52
fr3dMr_Sonoma: oh ok, no problem :)03:52
fr3das i said i'm always happy to help as far as i can03:52
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seanpcrowe|hans... ok i sorta understand... but why can samba not stream the file itself... (like in windows) ????03:53
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Mr_SonomaTurazoor,  uh your gonna need better help than i on the wireless network thing...last i had network trouble i wound up lookin for help in #networking03:53
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hansseanpcrowe|: Because samba is for sharing the directories, you can also do that03:54
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hansseanpcrowe|: Then you just open the share and play it with media player (or better VLC) on windows03:55
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Turazoorkk, errr.... i'll get that wen i get this prob outta da way03:55
seanpcrowe|hans... have i to "map" or "mount" a network HDD in order to stream movies??03:55
spiroodoes anyone know if there is one good application/compiler to coding C++ in?03:55
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hansseanpcrowe|: Samba does NOT stream, it remotely "mounts" the directories (and files)03:56
fr3dTurazoor: in october i think theses problems will be fixed, by GUTSY :D03:56
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seanpcrowe|this confusses me >.<.... lol03:56
spirooC++ anyone? :P03:56
Turazoorwhat problems specifically?03:56
milesspiroo: workin on it03:57
fr3dTurazoor: wireless networking03:57
Mr_Sonoma<---- trying to wait till oct to upgrade03:57
fr3dpersonally i don't use wireless, so as Mr_Sonoma i stand away from that one, just giving you the tip :)03:57
seanpcrowe|when i browse to a network drive in windows and double click a movie... its opens and plays stright away... samba doesnt do this... it likes to copy the whole thing forst... does this make sence to you hans???03:57
hansseanpcrowe|: So if you want to use samba, make a share on with the directories that contain the films, "mount" that share on windows and click on the file (film) you want to play03:57
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fr3dMr_Sonoma: i'm running tribe 4, as i prone since i'm here, tribe 5 messed up bad for me03:57
spiroomiles: what do you mean with working on it?03:57
milestryin to learn C/C++03:58
hansSamba does not copy the file, windows migth try to do that03:58
Lynouremiles: Which of those two? :)03:58
spiroookay, but I just need an application to code C++ in03:58
Turazoori'm not so sure what the problem is, cos linux detects and installs the wireless device.... it just seem to have any useable options lol! and the KnetworkManager seems a complete pile of s**t03:58
milesC first, then take it OOP with C++03:58
Lynouremiles: might be confusing to try to learn both at the same time03:58
fr3dspiroo: can't you code in text editors?03:58
seanpcrowe|no no hans... my server i can stream in windows, but not in kubuntu with samba (perhaos i am not exolaining right??? )03:58
milesno no03:58
spirooI just started myself btw with C++ in school03:58
Turazooras it says im disconnected now... but i obviously aren't03:58
Mr_Sonomai tried tribe 3 i think it was on live cd..looks nice but im about to start a online class so i cant afford to risk stability of my primary computer over running bleeding edge OS03:58
milesi am learning C first, but C++ after03:58
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fr3dMr_Sonoma:  true03:59
hansseanpcrowe|: I do not have windows, nor do I use samba, so I can't realy comment on that03:59
fr3dbut seriously, i'm amazed by tribe 4, everything is quite nice, exept konqueror wich freezes up sometimes(use mozilla :P)03:59
mileswhat I have learned from C already is giving me a better understanding of programming in general03:59
spiroofr3d, maybe, but my teacher said we should use dev c++ which is a windows disgusting app. i need an application which is better and which can compile and run the programs I write.03:59
seanpcrowe|all i know is that samba will not stream anything, but will copy first... (not what i want)04:00
fr3dspiroo: ok, you "could" use wine to run the windows software .... *sight*04:00
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spirooI have great knowledge in PHP which is based on C so It is very easy for me to learn syntax.04:00
fr3dgood good04:00
spirooBut anyway, a good application anyone?04:00
hansseanpcrowe|: Sorry but I can't help you with samba04:00
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spirooNot ever gonna use Wine on this computer04:01
seanpcrowe|hans, np... thanks for trying dude =)04:01
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hansseanpcrowe|: try opening the file with "VLC" on windows04:01
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Mr_Sonomafr3d, i dont use kon for anything but a gui file manager anyways...04:01
spirooI wanna use a kde software if there is anyone04:01
fr3dspiroo: http://www.linux-center.org/fr/development/tools/index.html essaye ca04:01
seanpcrowe|hans, i dont use windows any more... i use kubuntu now...04:01
fr3dmoi je m'y connais pas trop en programmation mais ca semble potable comme rescources :)04:01
spirooany repository then in adept which is available?04:01
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seanpcrowe|btw hans, playing movies from a network when i was using windows worked perfect... they streamed...04:02
fr3dsorry no french here lol04:02
fr3dtry that link spiroo04:02
hansseanpcrowe|: Lol then run VLC on linux ;)04:02
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spirooI did, in france :S04:02
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milesso you guys hate C04:02
fr3dyeah sorry lol i'm speaking in french channels04:02
Turazoor40 mins left..... lol04:02
fr3dmy brain went crazy04:03
fr3di don't hate c04:03
fr3di don't know it04:03
seanpcrowe|yeah hans i do... the problrm is that the movie has to copy the whole lot to kubuntu first before playing... it wont stream...04:03
seanpcrowe|this is very bad04:03
milescorrect me if im wrong, most kernel code is doen in C, right?04:03
hansseanpcrowe|: But with VLC you CAN stream04:03
fr3di think so miles04:03
milesyea i think its most C and some assembly04:03
spiroohehe nice then, maybe I could code me some code apps :D04:04
hansseanpcrowe|: But things like pausing is a litle hard though:(04:04
seanpcrowe|when i open a movie in VLC in kubuntu, which is located on my server... it does not stream hans...04:04
seanpcrowe|it must copy the whole thing forst...04:04
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hansseanpcrowe|: Have you tried nfs to share the files?04:05
seanpcrowe|with is very bad on a wireless network with 4.4GB 720p movies lol04:05
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seanpcrowe|nfs hans?04:05
hansseanpcrowe|: Network file system04:05
fr3dneed for speed04:05
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seanpcrowe|could you explaine a little more please hans?04:05
hansseanpcrowe|: You could run VLC on the "server and output to a network port, on the other machine you can use another session of VLC to connect to the port on the server.04:07
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hansseanpcrowe|: http://www.videolan.org/doc/streaming-howto/en/ch07.html#id29795504:08
hansseanpcrowe|: Just an example04:08
seanpcrowe|hans i know i can do this... but if i use another player... or another file type in another app... the same problem occurs...04:08
seanpcrowe|and i dont understand why...04:08
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hansseanpcrowe|: must be a samba issue then04:10
fr3dany one has tryied gaming whit kubuntu?04:10
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seanpcrowe|hans i just found how to set up a nfs...04:11
seanpcrowe|thanks for your help dude... =)04:11
seanpcrowe|( think that will sort me out)04:11
hansseanpcrowe|: good luck04:11
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Kyusshey someone know...if it exists one version of "Prorat" for Linux?04:13
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Jucatowhat is it04:14
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taryaneverybody know how to install pidgin on ubuntu 7.0404:16
ubotupidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info.04:16
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Turazoorfr3d... do u know whether i can take the live cd out?04:17
WaltzingAlongtaryan: or you could get the .deb from getdeb.net04:17
BluesKajseanpcrowe|, one question ..are you using the smb4k browser04:17
hanstaryan: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47407104:18
Turazoorok fr3d.... nother question, y does the bloody ktorrent keep closing lol04:18
fr3dTurazoor: take the live cd out .... it asks you when you reboot to remove it04:18
fr3dand for ktorrent, it closes?04:19
Turazoori'm having problems again lol! GRRRR... the KTorrent windows won't stay open lol, and just realisd i am using my cd-burner drive to run live cd04:19
fr3dok .... did you burnd and check your new cd(md5 everything..)04:20
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Turazoorah ha lol!04:20
Turazoorerrr.... apparently i'm full lol04:20
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seanpcrowe|BluesKaj, no... koncerer04:20
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Turazoorhow do i get to a "My Computer" view?04:21
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fr3derm there's no my computer04:21
fr3dbut we could say the / directory O.o04:21
Turazoorwell.... how do i c how much space i have?04:21
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fr3dclick on the little computer, choose the 2nd option04:22
seanpcrowe|lulz i had the same problem Turazoor #04:22
fr3dmy OS is in french that's why i can't say how it is in english :P04:22
spirooI got big problem with internet. It trying to open .html files in my texteditor. Quite annoying, how to fix so for instance firefox or konqueror handles .html04:22
fr3dspiroo: lol04:22
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fr3dspiroo:  save blank .html to desktop right-click open whit, select your browser :P04:22
fr3dand save the setting04:22
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seanpcrowe|Turazoor, right click properties on your root folder04:23
fr3dor in system settings04:23
spiroohaha yes, just as that simple?04:23
fr3ddefault softwares04:23
spiroolinux has been more complex before so just wonder :D04:23
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Turazoorseanpcrowe, it says 2.7kb lol!04:23
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Turazoorand the Free Disk spacee is empty04:24
spiroobut also the thing is that I wanna open on the computer/desktop the html-files in a texteditor but on internet it should work as usual04:24
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fr3dTurazoor:  open conqueror04:26
fr3dtype in the adress bar : system:/media04:26
fr3dit should open up your main disks whit cd's(if any inserted)04:27
Turazoorfr3d: is empty04:27
fr3darf you run the live cd?04:27
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Turazoori ran the cd of the iso, i assume the live cd...as i haven't installed yet and im seeing kubuntu04:28
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Turazoordo i need to mount?04:28
fr3dok well first of all you must install it :P04:28
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fr3dyes you can mount it too,04:29
Turazoorlol..... i cant04:29
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fr3dwhy can't you install?04:29
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Turazoorthe install icon on desktop and all it does is bring up the icon in the task area, and then disappears again i dont actuall see it load on screen as such, i fort that was due to this cd error04:30
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fr3dok.. O.o but this CD shouldn't have any errors you tested it04:31
Turazoori haven't burnt it yet, i ran out of space, i think, as kTorrent keeps closing after i open i, i think its cos i ran out of space04:32
Turazoori have found the filesystem windows04:33
fr3dok good04:33
Turazoorapparently the only fs im using is a /tmp04:33
fr3dhow much disk space do you have?04:33
Turazoorhaven't found that yet lol04:33
Turazoormy cd drive sounds like it's about to die lol04:34
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fr3ddownload this file04:35
fr3dand tell me what happens04:35
fr3dthe problem could be because you are running from live cd04:36
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fr3dif you try to put the file on the desktop im not sure where it really saves it since it's livecd, i'm afraid i cannot help you any further :(04:37
fr3dyou'd have to try to save the file on your hard disk04:37
Turazoorerrr.... asked me to "open with" so i chose k3b04:37
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fr3dright click the url04:38
fr3dchoose copy04:38
Turazoorit's downloading to /tmp, which is i think my mounted hard drive04:38
seanpcrowe|Turazoor, did u find out how much HDD space u got??04:38
fr3din terminal type wget http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/7.04/kubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso04:38
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fr3dseanpcrowe|:  can you handle his problem? I'm getting quite lost and i don't want to confuse him :/04:39
seanpcrowe|Turazoor, system menu >>> home folder (beside the "start" menu)04:40
Turazoorubuntu@ubuntu:~$ wget http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/7.04/kubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso04:40
Turazoor--15:39:45--  http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/7.04/kubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso04:40
Turazoor           => `kubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso'04:40
TurazoorResolving releases.ubuntu.com...,
TurazoorConnecting to releases.ubuntu.com||:80... connected.04:40
TurazoorHTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK04:40
TurazoorLength: 727,867,392 (694M) [application/x-iso9660-image] 04:40
Turazoor 0% [                                     ]  0             --.--K/s04:40
TurazoorCannot write to `kubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso' (No space left on device).04:40
Turazoorkk sean04:40
seanpcrowe|Turazoor, the hit the "up" navagation arrow... then right click that sucker and select properties...04:40
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Jucato!paste | Turazoor04:41
seanpcrowe|fr3d, if he needs to find out how mucg space he got i can04:41
ubotuTurazoor: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)04:41
Turazoorit says size: 694mb, but no free space entry04:41
AboSamoorhi all, my task bar  disappeared , how I can restore it ?04:42
fr3dthat is your live cd04:42
seanpcrowe|your HDD is 700MB???04:42
Turazoornah 180gb04:42
fr3dseanpcrowe|:  he is running from live cd04:42
fr3dthat is why he can't download a file(kubuntu live cd tryes to put it on the cdrom O.o)04:42
Turazoorright peeps hang on04:42
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AboSamoorhi all, my task bar  disappeared , how I can restore it ?04:43
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seanpcrowe|i see fr3d, can he not stipulate where the file gets downloaded too??? (asumeing kubuntu can see his HDD)04:44
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fr3di'm not sure, he has to "mount" his hdd if i'm right04:44
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Turazoorbasically..... i have downloaded kubuntu 7.04 i386... burnt the iso to cd... booted the cd, and whilst booting get several errors about "hdc" and "buffer I/O errors".... so i checked the integrity of cd and it says it has 1 error.... however the system is still booting when i go to click Install on desktop, it flashes up in taskbar for a little while, and then close without actualling bringing up anything program like on the04:45
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josh_anyone know how to eject an ipod in amarok?04:45
AboSamoorhow I can restore my taskbar , it disappeared :( ?04:46
seanpcrowe|Turazoor, "wget --help" <---- see if there is an option to select here to download to04:46
seanpcrowe|you want to download to your HDD and then burn that sucker... yeah?04:47
fr3dno no no confusion!04:47
seanpcrowe|kubuntu ISO04:47
Turazoorbasically yea04:47
fr3dwget downloads in the directory you're in04:47
seanpcrowe|fr3d, yeah thats right04:47
seanpcrowe|in his case he cant04:47
Turazoorso am i typing that ^04:47
fr3dmeaning , using cd ls etc you can manage to put the file wherever you want04:47
seanpcrowe|cause he booted from a live CD04:47
fr3dhe would have to mount his hdd04:48
fr3dwich would be located in /mnt/04:48
drifalthough wget -O destination/file04:48
fr3dtho i can't get him to mount it04:48
seanpcrowe|Turazoor, can u see your HDD?04:48
Turazoordont think so.... no04:48
seanpcrowe|is it formated in NTFS ??? (cause this might be bad)04:48
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Turazoornope as far as i know... it's empty and possibly FAT3204:49
seanpcrowe|mmmm, i have not managed HDD's in leenoox yet so i cant really help...04:49
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Turazoorjust removed windows from PC and formatted, going to assume win formatted into FAT2104:50
Turazoor***FAT 3204:50
seanpcrowe|the installer manages your HDD... formats etc for you =)04:50
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josh_anyone know how to eject an ipod in amarok?04:50
fr3dhis cd is corrupted..04:50
Turazooryeah but cant install04:50
hansjosh_: umount?04:50
fr3dwait up Turazoor ill see if you can format a partition whit the partition editor04:50
seanpcrowe|Turazoor, you might have to go to a friend box and redownload theh kubuntu image and this time burn the fecker slowly...04:50
Mr_Sonomastill working on the korrupted cd?04:51
Turazoorindeed mr sonoma04:51
drifI'd suggest using good brand media04:51
seanpcrowe|and slow burns04:51
fr3dMr_Sonoma:  yes the problem is that he's running from livecd whit formatted HDD so he can't download the .iso to burn it04:51
Mr_Sonomadid the md5 sums check out?04:51
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drifseanpcrowe|: haven't noticed speed being factor when using quality medias04:51
Turazoorkk peeps.... i have one Mr.Data CD lol04:51
Turazoorso low brand lol04:51
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Mr_Sonomahe cant mount the hard drive and check the md5 sum on what he already has?04:52
seanpcrowe|mmm, perhaps drif... i always burn slow becuase i use tesco value CD/DVD's... rofl04:52
Turazoorbut never had problem before04:52
drifseanpcrowe|: :D04:52
drifverbatims have always been good value to money04:52
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WaltzingAlongjosh_: pumount ?04:53
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Turazoori'll boot the ancient PC up, and download again and burn and c if i have same problem peeps04:53
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Turazoorkk.... i'll c u all in a bit..... Thanks for the Help04:54
Turazoor.... tis much appreciated... reckon i'll get a t and fag break in first tho lol04:54
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Mr_Sonomai've been using durabrand cd-r thats like 5 years old without issue Turazoor04:54
Turazoorwe shall c hey04:54
fr3dTurazoor: hope you get everything to work04:55
Mr_Sonomayes i sincerely do hope so too04:55
Turazoorme to04:55
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Turazoorkk peeps bye04:55
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janko_Poraz pierwszy w zyciu zainstalowalem linuxa ;-) i chciabym si dowiedziec gdzie w ubuntu moge znalezc jakis odpowiednik gg04:56
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fr3di must go, goodbye 'til next time :)04:58
Jucato!pl | janko_04:58
ubotujanko_: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl04:58
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janko_thx ;-)05:00
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spiroohow do I backup with Keep in Gutsy, always give me error about rdiff backup directory does not exists blablabla ...05:01
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milesuserspace = anything not directly related to the kernel05:06
milesuserspace sits above a shell, right?05:07
milesor userspace = shell05:07
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SlimeyPetemiles: shell runs in userspace AFAIK05:08
Armagguedescan someone tell me if Tribe5 is stable?05:08
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stdinArmagguedes: no, it's not. it's Alpha05:08
Armagguedesyeah, but i've used alphas that were perfectly usable05:09
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stdinArmagguedes: it can, and probably will, break05:09
Armagguedessince i cant use my Kubuntu right now (internet is not working), i thought of instead of formatting, just upgrading to the next05:09
mileswhat is AFAIK?05:09
SlimeyPeteAs Far As I Know05:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about afaik - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:10
stdinArmagguedes: #ubuntu+1 for gutsy questions05:10
Armagguedesok tks anyway05:10
cvstrati freshly installed kubuntu, updated, and logged into the new kernel, i install and enable the nvidia-glx drivers, x wont start, i run configure xserver xorg, and enable vesa, then log into x and enable the nvidia drivers and it works05:11
Armagguedesbtw, I cant access the internet, but i can ping everything inside my intranet; what can I check=05:11
cvstrathowever my restart and shutdown buttons are gone, and there is a system error w/power management when i boot up05:11
Armagguedesi have it laid out here :: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=319914805:11
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cvstratmy question is why do i have to enable the nvidia drivers twice for them to work, and why does changing my vid driver mess with my logout options?05:12
sparrwi am going to have to downgrade to ubuntu 6.06 to get a proprietary driver to work  :(05:12
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TaladanArmagguedes: do you have a router or an internal DNS server on your network?05:16
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mikkaelhey guys..would you recommend me to install kubuntu-desktop or kde-core with kdm and xorg on a command-line system ?05:18
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Armagguedesmy router is my modem05:19
Armagguedesand everything works, except for my kubuntu boot05:19
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Armagguedescurrently i am on my laptop, but in XP instead of Linux05:19
Armagguedesand it works, as you can see05:19
Taladanyeah?  try doing an sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart05:19
TaladanIt may not be picking up the DNS servers correctly05:19
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Armagguedesdone that05:20
Armagguedesa very long time ago05:20
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ArmagguedesTaladan, have you checked the forum?05:20
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TaladanGenerally, no05:20
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TaladanWhat am I supposed to check the forum for?05:21
dabblerHi all. Is it possible to export akregator 'bookmarks' ? or just copy them ?05:21
FeudsterAnyone feel like helping a linux noob  get mp3 working?05:21
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:21
llutzFeudster: ^^05:21
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Taladandabbler: probably under file->Export Feeds...?05:22
Armagguedesmy post05:22
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Feudsteryes i have just installed ubuntu for the first time and because its all open source no mp3 codec05:22
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Armagguedesi ahve posted this issue there05:22
Armagguedesbut noone knows05:22
llutz!mp3 | Feudster05:22
ubotuFeudster: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:22
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Armagguedesor at least tips given so far have produced no results05:22
TaladanArmagguedes: nope, I generally don't spend a bunch of time on the forums, sorry05:22
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Feudsterthankyou kindly05:22
dabblerk.  will try05:22
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U238Willywhy is it that most large tomes on ubuntu focus on gnome and not the best window manager ever, KDE?05:23
Taladanwhat do you get when you try a 'route' on that box?05:23
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ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.05:24
U238Willyyes.. treu05:24
TaladanU238Willy: Because Ubuntu uses the gnome wm by default.  If Kubuntu wants to publish a book, then I'm sure they can ;)05:24
U238Willythere should be!! is there one?05:25
U238Willyi'm looking to tweak my Kontact.. any suggestions?05:25
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Feudsterthe restricted package failed to install   arrrgggghhhhh they dont make it easy for noobs05:27
TaladanFeudster: do you have the multiverse repo enabled?05:27
Dr_willisHmm... I dont suppose anyone has ever used the SIRUS radio site web site/online radio player with linux? it wants a pluign.. and it says it needs 'unknown plugin (application/X-oldobject)'05:27
Feudstererr not sure what that is05:28
jhutchinsFeudster: Actually, the do.  You're not recompiling the kernel.05:28
jhutchins!repos | Feudster05:28
ubotuFeudster: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu05:28
=== Taladan hehs @ jhutchins
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TaladanRecompiling isn't that bad...if you know how to make a bunch of mind numbing choices and then have several hours to wait for it to recompile05:29
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sparrwwhat sort of pain am i inviting by installing an old debian kernel package on an ubuntu system?05:30
Feudsternow my add remove is broken05:30
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Feudsterthis sucks05:30
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Feudsterive had it without add remove havent i05:30
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neusoncegrrrrrrrrrrrrrr guys my adept manager  is tell me "You will not be able to change your system settings in any way (install, remove or upgrade software), because another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one." but iv just booted my computer 2 times and left it off  for while ????????????????????? so angry05:32
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ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 05:33
Dr_willisdata base is locked - is my bet. :)05:33
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sparrwwill i have problems having multiple ubuntu versions in my sources.list?  feisty+edgy+dapper...05:34
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llutzsparrw: sooner or later, sure05:35
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rustalotHow do I get the .deb file for the package xserver-xorg-video-intel?05:36
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garyhello i need help i installed kbuntu on my laptop works great  everything works till i do updates05:36
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iberthi. Can anyone give me a hint, how I can split up an string to a list in the bash?05:36
llutzrustalot: sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg-video-intel05:36
paggary, what's wrong with updates then?05:37
paggary, OpenOffice.org font-thingy, maybe?05:37
garymy sound does not work after update05:37
pagoh... tried rebooting to an older kernel?05:38
rustalotllutz: I can't do that, because I haven't set up the (broadcom) ethernet card, and I don't have a wireless network05:38
milesdoes anyone know where main.c is located on a typical ubuntu install?05:38
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milesim looking in /usr/src/linux but cant find it05:38
rustalotllutz: so I need to get the .deb file so I can install05:38
garybraod com in not supported05:39
rustalotllutz: because I have no GUI05:39
llutzrustalot: you will also need all the dependencies05:39
rustalotoh, crap05:39
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ibertmiles: /usr/src/linux  should be a link to the recent kernel-files..05:39
llutzrustalot: setup you ethernet05:39
jason__10Hello people05:39
garyi have it had to right  a  new driverbroadcom wirless05:39
rustalotllutz: how?05:39
milesyea i know i didnt feel like typing it out05:40
milesmy understanding is that main.c is located inside the init folder of the linux src05:40
rustalotllutz: it has no drier; I can't use it05:40
ibertmiles: sorry.05:40
milesno im sorry05:40
llutzrustalot: no driver?05:40
rustalotllutz: it's made by broadcom05:41
llutzrustalot: my notebook-ethernet is broadcom too, works perfekt05:41
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garycan you use rpm on  debian distros05:42
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)05:42
llutzrustalot: which card is it exactly?05:42
jason__10gary:  yes but you have to use alien05:42
rustalotllutz: I'm not sure05:42
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=== neusonce [n=neusonce@C-61-68-187-14.bur.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
llutzrustalot: lspci05:42
jason__10gary what software are you trying to install?05:42
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garyok what about tar ballz05:42
milestar balls are your friend gary!05:43
rustalotBroadcom Corp. unknown device 171305:43
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garymy plugins for mozilla05:43
jason__10gary i see.05:43
milesyou can install plugins for mozilla through mozilla itself05:43
neusonceguys i just did e fresh install after coming from suse , adept manger locked me out now its saying if i install i will  mess with my machine05:44
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neusoncei just need to install java05:44
neusonce dummm dumm dar05:44
miles!find sun05:44
ubotuFound: iiimf-le-sun-hong-kong-chinese, iiimf-le-sun-simplified-chinese, iiimf-le-sun-thai, iiimf-le-sun-traditional-chinese, libapache-mod-tsunami (and 27 others)05:44
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miles!find sun-java05:44
ubotuFound: sun-java5-bin, sun-java5-demo, sun-java5-doc, sun-java5-fonts, sun-java5-jdk (and 12 others)05:44
jason__10neusonce:  sounds bad05:44
llutzrustalot: try "sudo modprobe tg3"05:45
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llutzrustalot: if that doesn't work, try ndiswrapper05:45
neusoncesarcasm is lame05:45
jason__10neusonce: do you have gaim?05:46
ahmedshaheenHi I want to see my GTK+  applications look& feel in kubuntu looks like it's look and feel in Fedora05:46
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rustalotso after I do the modprobe tg3, do I just plug in the ethernet cable05:46
llutzrustalot: try a "ifconfig eth0" then05:47
jason__10whats your msn account05:47
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ahmedshaheenI changed the theme & fonts from the gtk-qt plugin in kcontrol but it is not the same as fedora05:47
garyi have tried it takes me too mozilla site to download plugins then it gives me option for rpm tar ballz and yum05:47
neusonceThere was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.05:48
neusoncegod dammm05:48
jason__10neusonce:  i might be able to help, can you add me to your msn05:48
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neusoncei just wanna add java-gcj-compat and count_lucy@hotmail.com05:49
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rustalotllutz: nope, doesn't work05:50
llutzrustalot: "doesn't work" is not a helpfull errormsg05:51
jason__10neusonce:  you logged in amsn?05:51
rustalotllutz: it doesn't have an assigned ip addr05:51
llutzrustalot: sudo dhclient3 eth005:51
neusoncejust did05:52
llutzrustalot: or do you use static ips?05:52
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rustalotllutz: I'm using dhcp; it didnt work "No DHCPOFFERS recieved."05:56
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llutzrustalot: are you sure, you dhcp-server works?05:57
llutzand cable is attached05:57
llutzso try ndiswrapper then :)05:57
rustalotllutz: I'm going to try going to my friend's and using his wifi05:58
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rustalotllutz: thanks for the help. I might end up getting an ethernet ExpressCard. bye05:58
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llutzrustalot: just wait a while, someone will modify the drivers to get it working05:59
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nosrednaekimkinda quiet here06:03
jason__10nosrednaekim: I can actually hear a baby screaming where I am so....06:03
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bjwebbmy x is broke :S06:05
nosrednaekimbjwebb: ok... what did you do>06:06
bjwebbnosrednaekim: not much06:07
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bjwebbunalbe to write to /tmp it says06:07
bjwebbit happened when i logged out and then logged in06:07
bjwebball ive done recently is changed mtab06:07
nosrednaekimbjwebb: hmmmm it gave you a text login?06:08
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bjwebbi get kdm login06:08
bjwebband when i log in i get an error from x06:08
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jhutchinsbjwebb: been running gui programs with sudo?06:09
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bjwebbjhutchins: i don't think so06:09
llutzbjwebb: changing mtab is a bad idea06:09
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jhutchinsbjwebb: disk space available?06:09
bjwebbllutz: hmm yeah06:09
jason__10bjwebb: hmm have you tried going back to the original mtab, linux should have saved the previous version06:09
jhutchinsbjwebb: mtab is generated on the fly.06:09
bjwebbjhutchins: o rite06:10
jhutchinsjason__10: Won't make any difference, mtab is generated on the fly.06:10
jason__10jhutchins:  what would happen if you removed the current mtab, rebooted06:10
jhutchinsfstab is the control file.06:10
DaleksUnitedinteresting question about KWallet if anyone has a spare minute or two06:10
jhutchinsjason__10: You'd screw things up.06:10
pagDaleksUnited, ask the question, and someone may answer.06:11
jhutchinsbjwebb: make sure there's space and that /tmp is writable by all, clear out spurious files, if you find nothing shutdown -F -r now.06:11
bjwebbjhutchins: o rite06:11
jhutchinsbjwebb: I'd suggest that you shut down kdm from console before clearing /tmp06:11
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DaleksUnitedI have a wireless network set up, and when I put in the WEP passkey the first time its saved it in this KWallet thing06:11
DaleksUnitedso now every time the PC boots it asks me for the KWallet password before it can connect to the network06:12
bjwebbjhutchins: clearing as in deleting files in it or delete /tmp itself?06:12
jason__10DaleksUnited:  whats the question?06:12
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DaleksUnitedis there any way to just make it connect automatically?06:12
jason__10DaleksUnited:  have you got msn?06:12
llutzDaleksUnited: edit /etc/network/interfaces06:12
bjwebbDaleksUnited: use a blank pass for the wallet?06:12
jason__10whats your account id be more than happy to help06:12
jason__10bjwebb:  the wallet is supposed to secure all your passwords06:12
bjwebbjason__10: lol06:12
jhutchinsbjwebb: don't delete /tmp06:12
jason__10DaleksUnited:  add jasoonthebaboon@hotmail.com06:13
jhutchinsbjwebb: If you're in console, no reason not to rm -rf /tmp/*06:13
nosrednaekimjason__10: congrats... spam coming your way06:13
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llutzjason__10: try to help people here in the chan, so other can read soltutions too and maybe learn06:14
seanpcroweanyone know how i can disable that ghey kwallet???06:15
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pagseanpcrowe, kcontrol -> security -> kwallet06:15
jhutchinsThat's two in three minutes.06:15
jhutchinskwallet == Do Not Want!06:16
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seanpcrowethanks pag06:16
seanpcroweyeah jhatlelid is pretty ghey06:17
=== pag likes kwallet :)
nosrednaekimI like the Kwallet.06:17
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jason__10llutz:  no problems06:17
nosrednaekimnice for storing all my email passwords06:17
pag!tab | seanpcrowe06:17
ubotuseanpcrowe: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.06:17
jason__10llutz:  the things is Im asking people if I solve there problem to look at my website... which is to support my sister with cancer and I dont wanna look like a spammer06:17
seanpcroweyeah pag thats an awesome feature =)06:18
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FeudsterAnyone here good with graphics drivers?06:20
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nosrednaekimFeudster: why?06:20
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jhutchins!ati | Feudster06:20
ubotuFeudster: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:20
nosrednaekimFeudster: ask your question and maybe we can help06:20
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Feudsteri have just reinstalled ubuntu and my graphic cards fan is on max all the time06:20
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Feudsterim guessing i need to install a better driver06:21
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=== bjwebb_ tried restarting
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Feudsteri have a nvidia 7900gt06:21
bjwebb_what were you saying i should do about /tmp ?06:21
seanpcrowedoes kubuntu come with an email app like outlook does anyone know (that can handle hotmail)???06:21
Feudsteri will try a restart06:22
nosrednaekimFeudster: ah...ok. not sure if that can be fixed..06:22
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bjwebb_seanpcrowe: kmail?06:22
=== bjwebb_ is stuck without X
nosrednaekimseanpcrowe: if hotmail can do pop... yeah.06:22
seanpcrowehotmail is http based... no pop06:22
seanpcrowekmail... ok bjwebb_06:22
bjwebb_seanpcrowe: how does outlook do it then?06:22
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seanpcrowebjwebb_, i dunno, it just handles http mail accounts as if they where pop06:23
seanpcrowe>.< katapault no longer loads on boot06:23
seanpcrowemmmm, kmail doesnt appear to be installed with kubuntu06:24
=== seanpcrowe goes hunting
llutzit is, just n menu-entry06:24
llutzuse alt-f206:25
nosrednaekimbjwebb_: can you login on the command line?06:25
=== Feudster [n=nick@cpc4-hitc1-0-0-cust596.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
FeudsterHelp my graphics card is set to self destruct06:25
nosrednaekimFeudster: you doing anything graphics intensive?06:26
Feudsternothing at all06:26
Feudsterjust irc06:26
garyim getting tired of trying to figuer this out06:26
garyi need my sound to work06:26
milesdoes anyone know a java dev channel on freenode?06:26
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garyit worked before updates06:26
nosrednaekimgary: ok.. be a bit more specific.06:26
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nosrednaekimgary: do you know what the updates included?06:27
garyi think its the sound driver06:27
bjwebbhmm can someone help me with my X problems?06:27
nosrednaekimFeudster: try touching your graphics card to see if it is actually hot06:27
garyor the kernel06:28
nosrednaekimgary: did the kernel get updated?06:28
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paggary, does it still work with the older one?06:28
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nosrednaekimgary: you know you can still boot the old kernel06:28
FeudsterIts not hot at all06:28
Feudsterbut fan on max06:28
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garyhow do i boot the old kernel in graphic mode06:29
nosrednaekimFeudster: hmmm odd.06:29
Feudsterit didnt do it the first time i installed ubuntu06:29
nosrednaekimFeudster: might be a bad Nvidia driver.... so it just annoying right?06:29
Feudstershould i install nvidia driver06:29
Feudsterit will wear the fan out06:29
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jason__10gary: try in grub06:29
jason__10gary:  wait  asec06:30
garyif it does not work06:30
bjwebbi can't get x :S06:30
garyooh ok06:30
Feudsteri havent installed any drivers  just using the ubuntu  drivers06:30
paggary, you should have 4 options on boot... new, new (recovery), old, old (recovery)06:30
jason__10gary:  in grub you should be able to just choose the old kernel, you might wanna edit the menu.lst file to automaticall boot into old kernel06:30
paggary, of course it doesn't say "old" or "new" but you can figure it out - which one has a smaller version number is the older06:31
garyyeah lol06:31
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rustalothow do I tell if a package is installed?06:32
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jason__10rustalot:  open adept and search for it06:32
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rustalotfrom the cmd line06:32
pagrustalot, apt-cache policy package06:33
jason__10DaleksUnited:  that was the worst excuse ever ! :)06:33
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DaleksUnitedare you the jason from my brothers msn?06:33
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jason__10DaleksUnited:  lol yes06:33
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jason__10DaleksUnited:  don't worry (Y)06:34
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DaleksUnitedi just phoned him - he says dont sit around 'like a tit' - he'll contact you on IRC if he still needs a hand06:34
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seanpcrowehow do u make kopete run at startup??06:34
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seanpcrowei can find no option for it06:34
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pagseanpcrowe, don't close it ;)06:34
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jason__10DaleksUnited:  its just the fact that he removed me from his contact list... I don't stay on IRC all night and I know exactly what his problem is06:35
bjwebbcan someone help, X won't start - and says it can't write to /tmp06:35
seanpcrowelol pag, i mean when i reboot...06:35
Taladanseanpcrowe: put it in your autorun directory06:35
seanpcroweTaladan, thats something i aint dome with anything yet... how do i do it?#06:35
pagseanpcrowe, most (KDE) apps launch itself, if you haven't closed them manually06:35
llutzseanpcrowe: session-management will start it again after reboot if it runs when login-off06:35
llutzTaladan: no need06:35
jason__10bjwebb:  I think its because you wrote to mtab06:35
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jason__10I would re install and just try and keep your home directory06:36
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Taladanseanpcrowe: cd ~/.kde/Autostart;ln -s /usr/bin/kopete .06:36
garyu there06:36
seanpcrowellutz, no, it never starts again after a reboot... i have to start it manuallly06:36
pagseanpcrowe, but if you want the manual way: ln -s /usr/bin/kopete ~/.kde/Autostart06:36
FeudsterCan someone babysit me through installing an nvidia driver please06:36
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seanpcroweok guys... thanks for your help =)06:36
jason__10gary:  hello06:36
llutzseanpcrowe: enable session-saving in kcontrol06:37
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bjwebbjason__10: hmm maybe, but it might also be because i have no space06:37
garyhey that worked thanks06:37
jason__10bjwebb:  ahhh06:37
garyit was the kernel06:37
seanpcrowellutz, i disabled that... when i reboot i like a fresh session06:37
jason__10gary:  no problems mate :)06:37
garynow everything works06:37
Taladanllutz is right though.  If you save your session, it should autostart whatever was running last.06:37
garythanks dude06:37
seanpcrowei dont like that though Taladan ...06:37
jason__10gary  let me guess, you updated... then realised not all your drivers were configured in the new kernel, but they were in the older one06:37
garynow if i can get one last thing to work06:37
garyi will be totally hapy06:38
jason__10what is it gary?06:38
garyi have a broadcom wireless and it will not work06:38
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garyany sugesstions06:38
nosrednaekimyeah... just a second.. let me find a link for you06:39
Taladangary: http://www.lclue.org/forums/index.php?topic=329.006:39
garygateway laptop06:39
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jason__10gary unfortunately setting up wireless can be a long effort of trial and error. Have a look at my website http://stimulus.newsit.es If you still having trouble06:39
garyrunning kubuntu06:39
garyfeisty 70.406:39
Taladanread that06:39
jason__10Taladan:  that looks like a great link for gary06:39
Angelushow can i install AIGLX ?06:40
Taladanjason__10: now that you mention it....06:40
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jason__10Angelus:  if your hardware supports it I think it is just a feature isnt it?06:40
=== Taladan smirks
nosrednaekimgary: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40599006:40
nosrednaekimjason__10: yep06:40
Angelusjason__10: then how can i enable  it?06:40
jason__10nosrednaekim:  im better than i realised06:40
jason__10Angelus:  Try and update your gfx drivers06:40
jason__10or try a different version.06:40
Feudstercan someone point me in the right direction for installing a graphics driver plz06:41
neverbluecan you get pidgin from anywhere? not compiling from source...06:41
jason__10Feudster:  what hardware do you have?06:41
neverblueFeudster, type of card ?06:41
nosrednaekimneverblue: yeah... www.getdeb.net06:41
Feudsternvidia 7900 gt06:41
nosrednaekimor maybe its org06:41
Angelusjason__10: but what must i add in the xorg.conf to use it?06:41
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Feudsterit didnt do this last time i installed ubuntu this morning06:42
neverbluethanks nosrednaekim06:42
jason__10Angelus:  hmm, are you trying to get beryl working>06:42
nosrednaekimneverblue: NP06:42
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Feudsteri really want to continue using ubuntu   but im not prepared to kill a 200 graphics card06:42
Angelusyes jason__10 and i looked at the wiki on kubuntu.org in the configuration sextion it just says how for edgy and dapper06:43
Feudsterany help would be much appreciated06:43
neverbluenosrednaekim, get it to install yourself?06:43
jason__10Angelus:  have you tried the built in desktop effects?06:43
garyok how do u navigate in konsole to the directory i need to install a tarball06:43
Angelusno, but i wish to use CompizFushion06:43
garyim new to linux06:43
garybut hate windows so06:43
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garyi have to learn06:44
llutzgary: use tar -C /path/to/extract06:44
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nosrednaekimneverblue: nah.. I just stuck with GAIM06:44
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mileshow do you recursively change ownership of a folder and all its contents?06:44
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ArwenHating windows means that you live in the dark doesn't it?06:44
garyi type that06:44
llutzmiles chown -R06:44
Arwenmiles, chown -R06:44
mileschown miles [folder] 06:44
Arwencareful of symlinks06:44
milesthats what i had06:44
milesk thanks06:44
garyin run or k konsole06:45
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garyim a mac user06:45
nosrednaekimgary: to change directories you do "cd <directory>" and "cd .." to go up one directoery06:45
garybut i like linux06:45
garyim used to using mandrake06:45
nosrednaekimgary: mac and linux are pretty much the same when you go to the command line06:45
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TurazoorMr_sonoma: downloaded and burnt off, and integrity check shows no errors, and the install is working lol! Shud of used common sense really lol, and checked b4 i came on here lol!@06:46
garybut it does not work on my laptop06:46
llutzgary: cd/tar and all that works exactly the same way in mandrake06:46
garyso i have to use debian dont i06:46
nosrednaekimI guess so :)06:46
garyok it time to feed my kid so ttyl thanks jason10  very much dude you were a big help06:47
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jason__10 btw anyone here who thinks I Have helped them with their kubuntu.. can help me by giving some nice karma. http://stimulus.007ihost.com/jenna.html  and donate 1 to my sister who is dying (sorry about that)06:48
garyi use to use rpms06:48
garyjust click and they installed06:49
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Turazoorpeeps.... quick question on setting up partitions.... i have 200gb drive, i wanna save 50gbs... but hows should i setup the other 150gb for linux to perform best etc.06:53
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nosrednaekimTurazoor: but the 150 gigs first..06:54
nosrednaekimthe close to the begining of the disc, the better performance06:54
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Turazoorkk... shud i just have the one 150gb partition then?.. or do i need to setup a swap disk.. or anyother partiontions with like /usr /boot /tmp etc?06:55
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nosrednaekimTurazoor: yeah, one swap, and I reccomend having a separate/home partition.06:56
Turazoorhow big shud i make the swap and primary linux partition then, and i'll use whats left for /home06:56
Turazooras i beleive the /home is where u store stuff.... yrah?06:56
nosrednaekimswap should be about 2 gigs.... 15 gigs should be plenty for /06:57
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Turazoorand setting the swap, i change the Use as: to swap, right? to i have to specify a mount point, and what exactly is it?06:58
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bjwebbyah it works :D06:59
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jason__10hmm I have 1 gig of ram and 700 meg swap... the reason why was because I had 2 gig swap but ubuntu never used it, it always used the ram... any idea?06:59
nosrednaekimbjwebb: sweet06:59
nosrednaekimTurazoor: yeah, just set it as swap.. no ned for a mount point06:59
Turazoorkk do well07:00
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bjwebbnosrednaekim: i had a 16GB log file :D07:00
llutzjason__10: 90% of the users with 1GB ram never need any swap. but if you want to use suspend-to-disk or use apps causing high mem-load it's nice to have more swap07:00
drifbjwebb: which app or general login?07:00
bjwebbdrif: time-vault07:00
Arwenllutz, swap is needed no matter how much RAM you have07:01
llutzArwen: no07:01
Arwenbecause having more available RAM is always better07:01
llutzArwen: RAM != swap07:01
Arwenbut when things are swapped out, you have MORE RAM07:01
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llutzArwen: thats why i said 90%, they never use any swap-sapce07:01
nosrednaekimjason__10: if you ever compile something and don't have enough swap.. well, instant computer freeze :)07:02
Arwenllutz, even if they don't "need" it, it will still improve performance to have it07:02
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jason__10uh huh07:02
Turazoorkk tis setup as such: /dev/hda1 | ext3 | / | 15002mb           /       /dev/hda3 | ext3 \ /home | 183045mb         /      /dev/hda2 | swap | | 1998mb07:02
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llutzArwen: it won't because it isn't used07:02
Arwenbecause inactive threads can be swapped out and ones that would benefit from more cache can use it07:02
Arwenllutz, ^^07:02
Arwenif your swap isn't used, it's malconfigured07:02
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llutzArwen: no improvement at all: Swap:      2441840          0    244184007:03
Arwenif your swap isn't used, it's malconfigured07:03
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nosrednaekimTurazoor: looks good I guess :)07:03
llutzArwen: not if you have enough physical ram07:03
ubuntu_Hello, i really need some help with this problem. Windows XP wont startup anymore, so i inserted the kubuntu live cd which I am using right now. It wont let me go into the harddrive it says "hal-storage-fixed-mount-all-options refused uid 999"07:04
nosrednaekimTurazoor: you don't have extra 50 gigs yet though...07:04
ubuntu_its very important that i get it to work as it is the only place i have my masters thesis saved07:04
Arwenllutz, you can never have enough physical ram07:04
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Turazoorahhh s**t well reminded lol!07:04
nosrednaekimubuntu_: do you have linux installed?07:04
llutzArwen: buzzwords, not helpfull07:04
Arwenif you treat RAM as something that you should use as little of as possible, then you're wasting your resources07:04
ubuntu_no, i am only on the ubuntu live cd right now07:04
Arwenrather, you should use ALL of it, 100% of the time07:04
ubuntu_windows doesn't startup anymore, i get a blue screen07:05
Arwensame with CPU time07:05
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nosrednaekimubuntu_: ok now, do you know if you have a serial ATA HD or an IDE?07:05
ubuntu_ide, its a laptop07:05
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MilhousePunkRockHello everyone!07:05
MilhousePunkRockAdressing the older people in here: Which video card is better, an ATI Rage Pro or an S3 Trio 3D?07:06
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ubuntu_any suggestions on how i can get access to it so that i can email the thesis to myself?07:06
ubuntu_i would really appreciate this07:06
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nosrednaekimubuntu_: ok, run this command from the command line "sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt"07:08
llutzArwen: 100% RAM usage is ok, but unneeded use of swap slows down the system and, at a certain amount of RAM the administration of cache/buffers will slow the system down too07:08
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cris_someone help me pls07:08
cris_i need the 3d efeckt07:08
nosrednaekimcris_: beryl?07:09
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nosrednaekimcris_: help for that is in #ubuntu-effects07:10
Arwenllutz, but that's a lot different from saying "no swap is needed". Would you like bigbloatyapp #1 to have every single part of it in RAM detracting from actual useful applications?07:10
ubuntu_nosrednaekim: it saysdevice /dvd/hda1 does not exis07:10
llutzArwen: read again what i wrote/said exactly07:10
nosrednaekimubuntu_: DEV, not DVD07:11
llutzArwen: hint: it's not what you mention07:11
Arwenllutz, I saw you trying to dodge your original point of "no swap needed".07:11
Arweneither defend it or admit that you're wrong07:11
llutzArwen: for a lot of users, true07:11
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llutzand theyr normal pc-use07:11
ubuntu_nosrednaekim: it says; "could not enter folder /mnt"07:12
Turazoorawesome, it's only taken me 9hrs to get to the stage of actualling pushing that install button lol07:12
ArwenRather, I think users would notice the improved response time from having more memory as cache instead of holding useless data.07:12
nosrednaekimTurazoor: lol07:12
nosrednaekimubuntu_: ok,. run this command then " sudo mkdir /media/windows" and then "sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/windows"07:13
murchadhI use swap on my laptop which has 64MB (123MB swap) but not on my PC which has 1024MB (No Swap). My 2 cents!07:15
ubuntu_mount: /dev/sda1 already mounted or /media/windows busy07:16
ubuntu_mount: according to mtab, /dev/sda1 is mounted on /mnt07:16
ubuntu_thats what i get07:16
nosrednaekimubuntu_: oh.. ok. do "cd /mnt"07:16
ubuntu_Permission denied07:17
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ubuntu_is there any hope you think?07:20
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nosrednaekimubuntu_: run "sudo cd /mnt"07:20
ubuntu_sudo: cd: command not found07:21
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ubuntu_i typed it in correctly07:21
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nosrednaekimubuntu_: this is on the command line?07:22
nosrednaekimthe konsole?07:22
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korielany program to start a camera session with kubuntu and windows?07:23
ubuntu_maybe it has something to do with it being a live edition07:23
ubuntu_i havent physically installed kubuntu yet07:23
nosrednaekimubuntu_: doubt it..07:23
nosrednaekimubuntu_: try this "kdesu konqueror /mnt"07:23
bauer_gvim don't color hightligt my files ?07:23
murchadhubuntu_: You can't sudo a cd as far as I know. Try sudo ls /mnt.07:23
Turazoorkoriel: Kopete has a netmeeting plug in that will webcam chat07:24
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ubuntu_sudo ls /mnt worked07:24
nosrednaekimubuntu_: your files there?07:24
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ubuntu_i can see them using sudo ls07:24
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cris__i want install it07:25
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ubuntu_but i still dont know how to access them so that i am able to send them through email07:25
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murchadhnosrednaekim: I don't know why sudo cd doesn't work but I've had that before, and your kdesu konqueror is my usual workaround. :)07:25
cris__i want install beryl help me pls ^07:25
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nosrednaekimubuntu_: run "kdesu konqueror /mnt"07:26
nosrednaekimmurchadh: yeah.. its odd07:26
bauer_cris__: ask and bee paitient07:26
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects07:26
cris__thx ^07:27
ubuntu_thanks that worked07:27
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jamauranybody know of a good hosting company in the US for a dedicated server?07:28
llutznosrednaekim: read "caveats" at http://www.gratisoft.us/sudo/man/sudo.html  there's an explanation why sudo cd doesn't work07:28
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savetheWorldor rather why it works but doesnt give you what you want. :-)07:30
llutzsavetheWorld: ^^07:30
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nosrednaekimubuntu_: did that work?07:33
nosrednaekimubuntu_: NM... I didn't scroll down ;)07:33
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nosrednaekimubuntu_: now... can you email it to yourself?07:34
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ubuntu_i just tried but when i try to do anything with the file it says: file doesnt exist07:34
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nosrednaekimubuntu_: thats probably because you don't have read permissions for them.07:36
ubuntu_yes, i dont understand why its being so difficult07:37
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nosrednaekimubuntu_: ok, if you can see the file in that file broswer that you opened, copy it to you /home directory07:38
nosrednaekimso that you have read permissions.07:38
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Vospergreetings and salutations07:40
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ubuntu_nosrednaekim: i cant copy it to the home folder, its says the file doesnt exist07:44
nosrednaekimubuntu_: but you can see it in konqueror?07:44
nosrednaekimubuntu_: not good:(07:44
ubuntu_its strange07:44
nosrednaekimcertainly not good..07:45
ubuntu_do you think the file is deleted?07:45
nosrednaekimor corrupted...07:45
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nosrednaekimtry just opening it up..07:45
ubuntu_doesnt work opening any files upp07:45
nosrednaekimits a doc I assume?07:45
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jhutchins_ltAm I redundant in asking what it shows in console?07:46
ubuntu_i think i see a problem here07:46
ubuntu_did that command only let konqueror access the files? all the images and pdf files opens since they can be opened within the program07:47
ubuntu_but documents need to be opened in openoffice07:47
ubuntu_could that be a problem?07:47
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nosrednaekimubuntu_: hmm could be, though I never had that problem07:48
jason__10hello, you know the desktop background can draw a website transparently?... Well how do I set up a working shell to be in the background07:48
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mezwould someone be able to talk me through using Amarok with my MP3 player?07:51
murchadhjason__10: Have you looked at kuake or yakuake? Maybe not really what you're after, but they're pretty damn useful.07:51
jason__10ok thanks murchadh07:51
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mezwould someone be able to talk me through using Amarok with my MP3 player?07:51
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jason__10mez:  you can set up amarok to open automatically when you plug your mp3 player in07:52
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mezhang on a sec07:53
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nosrednaekimubuntu_: letssee what else you could do..07:54
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BluesKajoops , my num lock was stuck07:54
jason__10anyone know how to integrate a shell into the desktop background,07:54
Feudsterpress really hard against your monitor!!!07:55
BluesKajjason__10, scrnshot ?07:55
jason__10BluesKaj:  is that a joke lol07:55
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Feudsterwas poor i admit07:55
BluesKajnope , no joke07:56
jason__10I want a terminal on the desktop background that actually works BluesKaj07:56
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mezok... fort'd b harder than that.... can anyone tell me how to "safely remove hardware" as i do in windows, or is that not nesceary07:57
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LinuxReigngood morning people07:57
jason__10mornin Linux07:57
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mezno worries found it lol!07:57
BluesKajoh ok, jason__10 ...I just click on the panel icon07:57
nosrednaekimubuntu_: not a clue..07:57
ubuntu_thanks for your help07:58
nosrednaekimubuntu_: go into system-settings->advanced->discs and partitions07:58
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murchadhubuntu_: I recommend sudo umount /dev/sda1 and then we'll try and mount it with full user access.07:58
jason__10BluesKaj:  yeah i think I need compiz or that kuake program... I sort of want a terminal open all the time like a desktop background.07:59
nosrednaekimmurchadh: I was trying to see how to do that  but I couldn't find it in the man page07:59
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nosrednaekimall I saw was "mountable by user"07:59
ubuntu_okay, what is the command to mount it like that?07:59
jason__10Also in kde you can set a website to transparently integrate into the desktop background, anyway to make the site active in the background, like search07:59
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LinuxReignwhat do u need to mount?08:00
LinuxReigna HDD?08:00
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LinuxReignyou need to creare a mount point08:01
jankowlasnie zrobilem tak08:01
jankoze nie widze juz nawet tego co tam bylo08:01
murchadhjason__10: I have kuake configured to come in from the left of the screen; it has emacs running erc on it the whole time. Yakuake comes down from the top and covers the whole screen; this has multiple terminals running different things including a root term. Win+\ for kuake and Win+` for yakuake. Reeeaaal handy! Worth a try.08:01
ubuntu_nosrednaekim: im in advanced settings now, the cd burner has a green light saying "enabled", the harddisk has no such mark08:01
LinuxReignsudo mkdir /media/linuxstore <---linuxstore is an example you can write the name you like08:02
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jason__10thanks bud08:02
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter08:02
nosrednaekimubuntu_: murchadh has an Idea.08:02
mezhey, errrr... My MP3 player needs to be synced (apparently the recommended prog is Win Media player...GRRR) but seeing as I aint using windows no more, how do i set Amarok to sync with the MP3 player, and in so doing create the Albums conf files, so that it works properly08:02
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ubuntu_what is the command to mount a harddisk with all permissions?08:03
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mezhey, errrr... My MP3 player needs to be synced (apparently the recommended prog is Win Media player...GRRR) but seeing as I aint using windows no more, how do i set Amarok to sync with the MP3 player, and in so doing create the Albums conf files, so that it works properly08:03
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nosrednaekimmez: which player?08:04
nosrednaekimmurchadh: care to help ubuntu_?08:04
jhutchinsubuntu_: Have a look at this; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MakeFloppyDriveAvailableToEveryone08:04
jhutchinsubuntu_: It's for floppies, but the settings will work for other drives.08:04
jhutchinsubuntu_: See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions08:04
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jason__10murchadh:  its good08:05
mezSamsung Yp-Z5... 2gb08:05
murchadhubuntu_: sudo mount -o uid=000,gid=000 /dev/sda1 /media/windows is worth a shot her (I don't know what your partition type is, so you may need -t ntfs or -t vfat after mount before -o)08:05
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meznosrednarkim:::: Samsung Yp-Z5... 2gb08:06
ubuntu_okay ill try it08:06
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jhutchinsmurchadh: that'll make it root acces only.08:07
llutzmurchadh: "uid=000,gid=000" <- sure?08:07
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murchadhjason__10: Take some time to configure them to your liking. If you're only gonna use 1 I think Yakuake is the better option.08:07
nosrednaekim!tab mez08:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tab mez - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:07
nosrednaekim!tab | mez08:07
ubotumez: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.08:07
nosrednaekimmez: google it... some don't work with linux08:08
mezkk nosrednaekim08:08
ubuntu_i cant unmount it because it says sda1 is busy08:08
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:Arwen] : Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.com/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs!https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please. | KDE 4.0 beta 1 -- http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta1.php |
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nosrednaekimubuntu_: close that konqueror window08:10
kubuntunewbiecan anyone suggest a good video capture card to use with linux?08:10
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nosrednaekimkubuntunewbie: HD550008:10
nosrednaekimmade just for linux, HD capable08:10
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kubuntunewbienosrednaekim i have a 500 mhz computer, i dont want HD capable08:11
nosrednaekimkubuntunewbie: :) well they are still nice cideo cards08:11
jhutchinskubuntunewbie: You're not going to be happy working with video on that.08:11
kubuntunewbienosrednaekim will a video capture card even work with a 500 mhz with 256 ram?08:11
murchadhjhutchins: Would it be umask=000? I'll have a look at my notes.08:11
nosrednaekimkubuntunewbie: ram is a little low... but yeah.. it should08:11
jhutchinskubuntunewbie: I wouldn't try it.08:11
nosrednaekimcapture at least will08:11
kubuntunewbiejhutchins hrrm, ur prob right, i dont think i will bother08:12
jhutchinsnosrednaekim: only if it's on-card encoding, and you're satisfied with fairly low res.08:12
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kubuntunewbienosrednaekim thanks anyhow, but i doubt it will work well with this box08:12
nosrednaekimjhutchins: which is what the HD5500 has08:12
kubuntunewbiethis computer is worth 40 dollars max, i doubt im going to put a good card into it08:13
jhutchinskubuntunewbie: I tried to build some stuff with a 750 mhz, stepped it up to a 900 mhz, user was still not satisfied with playback.08:13
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ubuntu_i still dont have permission to enter the disk08:13
meznosrednaekim: is there anywhere in particular i can find a list of compatibility? The player can be browsed and everything is there it's setting it up that i'm confused about.... i'm not sure what plugin to use in amarok08:13
ubuntu_i dont understand why linux have to be so difficult, cant even get access to a disk that is there08:14
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nosrednaekim!media players08:14
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs08:14
jhutchinskubuntunewbie: seeing what you can get for less than $500 these days, I'd wait 'till I could get a better base system, close to 2Ghz, 1G RAM.08:14
nosrednaekimubuntu_: did you read those instruction pages?08:14
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ubuntu_i didnt see the links ill check08:14
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jhutchinsubuntu_: It's a pain-in-the-neck security decision that non-linux stuff mounts root-only.  yuo can get around it.08:15
jhutchinsubuntu_: Conversely, you can't mount a linux partition on a windows system - it won't even see it without special drivers.08:15
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owli've a short question about the install...08:15
RichardHanyone know why all my desktop icons vanish every time i restart, and only reappear when i add a new one?08:16
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owlare there known some problems with files when installing? (e.g. 'this is corrupt, coud possible be a defect cd...)08:17
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RichardHowl - have you checked the CD before the install?08:17
kubuntunewbieokay since the video capture card is out of the question i was still looking to get a PCI video card for this p3 450mhz with 256 ram, can someone tell me if http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=716810&CatId=319 will work well?08:17
yannick_bonsoir ! quel est le seveur pour la discussion en franais svp ?08:17
owlRichardH: i'm currently doing...08:18
jhutchinsowl: Only if you have a defective CD.  Did you verify the md5sum of the iso?08:18
murchadhubuntu_: My last mount was off from memory. :0  umount again and sudo mount -o umask=000 /dev/sda1 /media/windows08:18
yannick_j ai un probleme de mise  jour08:18
owljhutchins: yeah, i've done... the md5-sum is ok...08:18
yannick_merci d avance08:18
BaubalI am running Kubuntu 7.04 configured to use an LDAP server for authentication with NFS mounted homes.  Local users log in fine, use apps fine.  LDAP users run apps like firefox or click logout, KDE freezes up. Any ideas on where to look to see what is causing these crashes for LDAP users?08:18
RichardHi had a problem with my CD08:18
RichardHiso verified ok08:18
jhutchinsowl: How's the md5 of the disk itself (or whatever verification your burn software offers)?08:18
RichardHprogram i was using to burn it verified it ok08:19
RichardHbut it was lying08:19
jhutchinsRichardH: You must have a very unusual system08:19
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RichardHdunno what it was08:19
owljhutchins: dunno... my burn-software offers no md5-stuff (my damned slackware died before i was able to burn the iso... so i was forced to use win...)08:19
RichardHi reburned with another program and it was fine08:19
jason__10murchadh:  I really like that Kuake software, how do you get it to load from the left08:20
owlwell, i burned the CD twice...08:20
yannick_au secours !!!08:20
owlthe 2nd cd i'm checking now08:20
ubuntu_murchadh: Thanks alot, that worked. That command should be posted somewhere easy to find!08:20
owlwell, there are some icon-files missing (tells the dialog-box...) when scanning the cd. or after ~50 % of 'copying files'08:21
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nosrednaekimubuntu_: so you can read the file now?08:21
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murchadhjason__10: right-click on the edge of it and you'll get an optios dialog. You can also right-click on the terminal when open to select transparency font etc.08:22
ubuntu_im just about to see if i can ftp it now, i dont want to open it because openoffice takes a while on this live disto08:22
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nosrednaekimubuntu_: ah..ok08:22
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jhutchinsmurchadh: Sorry, I got thrown by the gid.  Good note, I'm gonna keep it.08:23
yannick_allo ?08:23
jhutchinsmurchadh: sudo mount -o remount,umask=000 /dev/sda1 /media/windows08:23
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jhutchinshannes999: Don't shout.08:24
jhutchinshannes999: try nvidia.com08:24
murchadhjhutchins: Cool, as long as we got ubuntu_ to get at his thesis. Nice work nosrednaekim too.08:24
owl*squeak* i'm blind now08:24
yannick_y a t il un forum de discussion en franais svp ?08:24
yannick_chui perdu :-(08:24
nosrednaekimmurchadh: eh.. i didn't do any thing :)08:24
ubuntu_yes, now it works! thanks alot nosrednaekim and murchadh, i was quite worried there for a bit08:24
jhutchins!fr | yannick_08:24
ubotuyannick_: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.08:24
yannick_oui merci :-)08:24
nosrednaekimubuntu_: now wipe that plague called windows off your computer ;)08:25
murchadhnosrednaekim: Hehe... Now he decides to help. :)08:25
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ubuntu_haha yeah, maybe after i have i have held my defense08:27
RichardHhmm - this is a puzzle08:27
murchadhnosrednaekim: Every little bit chips away at the problem, until someone actually gets some inspiration. Still good work.08:27
ubuntu_which will be in about 3 weeks08:27
RichardHwhy dont my desktop icons appear on bootup?08:27
owlhmmm. simple question: what should i do, if the integry-check doesn't fail, but if i get some other 'cd corrupt'-errros during install?08:27
nosrednaekimubuntu_: I was really just kidding. I'm just happy it could recover your thesis for you :)08:28
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ubuntu_in my opinion, that command should be on the front page of kununto.com, it must be one of the things most users are looking for the first time08:28
ubuntu_kubuntu rather08:28
murchadhjhutchins: Interseting link - more indepth on mounting permissions/issues http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=35255208:28
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jhutchinsowl: Hate to say, but probably replace your CD drive.08:29
owljhutchins: *cough* IBM will kill me...08:29
jhutchinsowl: It's possible there's a problem with the HD, you could check that.08:29
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owl(and: i never had problems with the CD-drive)08:30
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owlhmm. problem with HD - i assume not...08:30
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nosrednaekimubuntu_: eh.. there are many "first questions" :)08:30
nosrednaekimthey can't all be up there08:30
owl.oO( manchicken? that nickname is really weird )08:30
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owlok... checking: no errors found... *sigh*08:31
smarksonHi y'all...08:31
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nosrednaekimmanchicken_ is the man! :)08:31
owlok... if there would be any errors with my cd-drive those errors should even appear, when i'm checking the cd, no?08:31
smarksonanybody with a Santa Rosa platform already fully functional?08:32
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ubuntu_thanks again, now that i know the thesis is safe its time to tackle the windows issue08:33
owlwindows... >:/08:33
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owlhmmm. what about mounting the iso.. (accessing over nfs. mounting..) would that be a possible way...?08:34
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fannagogannayes, it should be mount -o loop <device name> <folder name>08:35
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owlok... are there any howtos out there? anything special?08:35
fannagogannasorry, it should be mount -o loop -t iso9660 <iso file name> <folder name>08:35
owlyeah, that part i know... ;) but thanks anyway08:36
fannagogannano...i don't think so.08:36
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fannagogannawhat appears to be the problem?08:36
jhutchinsowl: I mount iso's via loopback and share 'em over samba.08:36
owlthe problem is (ok, are 2) a cd which has problems... integrity checks says: ok. md5sum says: ok. but some icons are not able to be copied and my installation is corrupt ...08:37
owljhutchins: hmmm. another possible way ;)08:37
fannagogannaare you trying to copy the files? Does it mount correctly?08:37
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owlyeah, it seems to mount. copying: right... the first cd got issues at about 50 % and the 2nd cd got issues at 'scanning files'08:38
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fannagogannathese are actual CD's?08:39
owlit is - wait...08:39
fannagogannait could be a problem with the CD, with the drive, etc.08:39
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owlyeah... i burned the iso today...08:39
owland never had problems with my CD-drive08:39
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LinuxReignwhat would be the burrning software more similar to CloneCD?08:39
fannagogannaso i guess you mounted the ISO, and no problems there?08:40
owlnah, not mounted the iso yet08:40
owli first want to try installing from cd08:40
fannagogannatry that, maybe it was just a borked CD burning op08:40
llutzLinuxReign: readcd/cdrecord (cli)08:40
owlhrm. i burned 2 cds...08:40
LinuxReignBrasero, then?08:40
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DZIKIsudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree08:43
owlno such file or directory >:)08:43
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fannagogannatry sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree08:44
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BluesKajI installed bootcdwrite , so i can run my setup on diff pc with with a live cd, but I get this error ; /usr/share/bootcd/bootcd-run.lib: 144: Syntax error: "(" unexpected . I tried removing the offending "(" , and , ")" ..but no joy . Suggestions ?08:46
ymsgfrench room pls08:47
owlgoddamnshitcrapARGH. now openoffice...08:47
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BluesKaj!language | owl08:47
ubotuowl: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:47
owlubotu: sorry, but 2 days fighting with software makes me angry08:47
coreymon77!fr | ymsg08:48
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ubotuymsg: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.08:48
ymsgty ubotu08:48
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ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!08:49
owlokeeeeeh... wtf...?! even an ls -l /rofs/usr/lib/openoffice/help/en/simpress.idx/CONTEXTS gives an I/O-error. *ARGH*08:49
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owlhmmm. after mounting the iso... where are the files, which are normally located under /rofs ?08:56
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drifowl: where did you mount the iso to then?08:58
owl /mnt08:58
owl(in loopbakc and stuff )08:59
drifowl: why it should affect /rofs then?09:00
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owldrif: aeh, i want to use the mounted iso for installing my kubuntu09:00
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drifowl: not sure about this /rofs09:01
drifexplain a bit09:01
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owlhmmmmmmmmmmmmm. sr0: Current: sense key: Medium Error ASC=0x10 <<vendor>> ASCQ=0x90 end request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 1292008, Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 323002 SQASHFS error: sb_bread failed reading block 0x9cee0 SQASHFS error: Unable to read cache block [273b7779:119]  SQASHFS error: Unable to read inode [273b7779:119] 09:03
bb__hi everybody09:03
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bb__i need some help09:04
bb__is there somebody to hel me09:04
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drifbb__: usually people just ask the question09:04
driflike describe their prob09:05
AngelusBluesKaj: i  compiled mesa and libdrm from source, and this time they worked with Direct rendering and everything, i even got beryl an compiz to work on this ATI card!!!09:05
sparrwi need to downgrade a feisty box to kernel 2.6.17, whats the "right" way to do that?09:05
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ArwenAngelus, o.O09:05
Arwenheh, libdrm?09:05
bb__okey, sorry09:05
drifbb__: nothing the be sorry about09:05
seanpcrowehey peeps...09:06
bb__im new to all that stuff09:06
bb__i just installed kubuntu09:06
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jason__10The Purple 8 Ball says:  Certainly09:06
bb__now i wnat to know how to get the samba server running09:06
seanpcrowecan xchat see what mplayer is playing and output it here (not in this chan lol)09:06
BluesKajCongrats Angelus!09:06
Angelusyeah Arwen libdrm from the dri project09:06
seanpcrowea script or something09:06
jason__10seanpcrowe:  Pidgin can do it with Xmms09:07
ArwenAngelus, I know, that was a joke09:07
AngelusBluesKaj: so i dont thing what hapened yesterday was of compilig mesa from source , it thin it was all cause of my chipset09:07
seanpcrowejason__10, i prefer xchat and mplayer lol09:07
Arwen!samba | bb__09:07
ubotubb__: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT09:07
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jason__10seanpcrowe:  lol09:07
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jason__10whats the best way to have a program startup with kde?09:08
sparrwjason__10: save it in a session09:08
sparrwwhat is the best way to install xfree86 in ubuntu?09:08
owlok. now i'm smarter... other people have the same problems like i have. so it doesn't seem to be a defect cd-drive on my side, right?09:08
bb__okey, thanks, i'll try09:08
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jason__10how do you save a session, cant you just add a file to a start up or something?09:10
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drifsparrw: easiest route is first choose the desktop..kde/gnome/etc.. which would you have in mind?09:11
AngelusBluesKaj:  i have only one issue now i dont have toolbars on any of my windows with compiz.beryl09:11
sparrwby default kde will save your session every time you log out.  if you want specific programs to start, then go into system settings, advanced, session management, and turn on 'manually saved session', then youll have a k menu entry to save your session09:11
sparrwdrif: i dont care.  lets say kde.09:11
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drifsparrw: 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop' that's it09:12
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sparrwdrif: thats gonna get me xorg09:12
drifsorry, mindfart :D09:12
jason__10sparrw I dont like the whole session saved, so its disabled, I only want a program to start up everytime no what i mean09:12
sparrwjason__10: so, close everything, start that one program, save your session, then dont save again.09:12
BluesKajAngelus, sorry not a beryl-compiz user ...to me it's nice eye candy window dressing that i would prolly seldom use.09:12
drifsparrw: I've completely forgot xfree86 these days :D09:13
sparrwso had i09:13
tsdgeosjason__10: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Autostart_Programs has a good howto09:13
drifsparrw: what's pulling you to that direction then?09:13
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sparrwdrif: ive got a touch screen with drivers designed for ubuntu 6.06, that means kernel 2.6.17 and xfree 4.309:14
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drifsparrw: ah09:16
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jason__10The Purple Stargate Ball says:  Ask me tomorrow09:16
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rignesHello.  What is the "kubuntu way" of mapping softkeys on a laptop to run a certain application?09:16
jason__10erm kmilo?09:17
rignesI have a tc4200 tablet I'm trying to set a button to do screen rotation.09:17
sparrwrignes: global shortcuts09:17
rignesI already have a script that does it.09:17
sparrwrignes: i recently set up the same thing.  dont upgrade to gutsy (if you were considering it), xrandr breaks09:17
rignesglobal shortcuts?  Forgive me for being a complete kubuntu noob.09:18
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rignesUsually I run Slackware and xfce on my main system at home so I'm not even all that familiar with KDE. :P09:18
sparrwK > system settings > keyboard > shortcuts09:18
sparrwi assume your hardware buttons send keyboard events.  if they are ACPI buttons then its harder09:19
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jason__10OK little game.. whats your favourite or most used Kubuntu App....09:20
rignessparrw: I'm specifically trying to map the presentation key to run the rotation script.09:20
rignesLet me poke around and see what I can get it to do there.09:20
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rignessparrw: I don't see a way to make a new mapping to a command. :(09:21
sparrwhang on09:21
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rignesIt has to be something obvious somewhere that I'm just missing.  I'll keep looking.09:22
sparrwrignes: oh, my bad...  i forgot about the kmenu integration.  give your rotation script a kmenu entry (right click on K, edit menu), assign that entry a global shortcut09:23
rignesAhh ok...let me give that a go quick.  Thanks.09:23
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sparrwlets see how gutsy likes booting with a kernel from dapper  :)09:24
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rignessparrw: That was exactly what I needed.  And here I was looking for more complex ways of doing it.  Thanks.09:25
sparrwi actually put the rotate button on my panel, so i could get to it with the stylus when im really really lazy  :)09:26
Misza13Question: is it possible to install a library from a newer distro into an older one?09:26
Misza13Specifically, I'd like to install libmtp6 (available in Gutsy) under Feisty09:26
rignesThat's not a bad idea either.09:26
rignesI have to say, I'm quite impressed with Kubuntu on the TC4200.  Nearly everything works out of the box.09:27
sparrwhave you set up an onscreen keyboard yet?09:27
rignesNot yet.  That was to be on the agenda soon.09:27
sparrwwell, its less than straightforward09:27
rignesYou have any tips before I tackle that one?09:27
sparrwi can tell you how i did it, but im very open to suggestions if you find a better way09:28
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rignesIf I see anything better I'll try and pass it on.09:28
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sparrwok, what i used is xvkbd09:30
rignesI just saw that just now on tuxmobile.09:30
rignesIt's the first on the list.09:31
ainessoI have a new problem installing Kubuntu Feisty09:31
sparrwturn on manual session saving in kde, launch xvkbd with the proper settings, then save the session.  that way it will always start up.  alternately, put a button for it somewhere handy, like the panel09:31
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sparrwthen, to make it play nice...09:31
ainessoAfter a clean install, I let the update manager get all the latest updates09:31
sparrwxvkbd has a lot of command line parameters.  you need the one thats like no-click-focus or something, so it doesnt lose input focus while you type.09:32
ainessoBut it exits with errors: can't install some openoffice stuff09:32
ainessoAfterwards, the whole system becomes incredibly slow09:32
ainessoand adept wn't start09:32
sparrwand then you need to right click the xvkbd title bar, go to advanced, application settings.  then turn on the overrides for how youw ant the window to behave.  i have mind always on top, on all desktops, forced shaded (with hover unshade enabled in window management)09:32
ainessodoes anybody recognize this, or have any advice what to do?09:33
rignesHmm, tha tall doesn't sound to complex.09:33
rignesJust learning what program to use to provide the keyboard is a big step in the right direction for me.09:33
rignesSometimes just knowing whwat to use for what is the hardest part.09:33
sparrwthere are other onscreen keyboards...  mostly quirky.  xvkbd is the best all around i found.09:33
rignesSounds good enough for me to try it out.09:34
sparrwa lot of research being done lately into handheld touch screen input, eventually that will trickle up to the 'desktop'09:34
sparrwyou should check out Dasher, thats a novel and good input method for writing09:34
sparrw"writing" as in english sentences09:34
sparrwi wish there were some good free stroke-keyboard systems.  there is proprietary stuff and crappy stuff.  but its coming.  :)09:35
rignesdasher = handwriting to text recognition?09:35
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uakkerihi all09:55
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uakkerii'm trying to install ati radeon drivers (fglrx) on kubuntu 7.0409:56
uakkerii'd like some help on how to install them09:56
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uakkeriit did't like of me changing the xorg.conf file :)09:57
cigahow do I exclude directories so that the find command not to search them?09:58
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cigaI hope my sentence is still in English :)09:58
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cigauakkeri: maybe 'aticonfig --initial' or something...09:59
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felipebjaja... yo creo que te equivocaste de canal..09:59
felipeby entraste a un canal chino..09:59
drifuakkeri: did you follow this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI09:59
BluesKaj!es | felipeb10:00
ubotufelipeb: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.10:00
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felipeboops" sorry10:00
drifBluesKaj: minne ajattelit minut ohjata? ;)10:00
felipebnow multilingua10:01
BluesKajdrif...svensk ?10:01
drifBluesKaj: close..but no cigar, finnish10:01
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BluesKajnot even close , finnish and swedish are worlds apart ...usually10:03
driftrue ;) but atleastt geographically10:03
BluesKajmy parents spoke both lingos10:03
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drifBluesKaj: and you didn't recognize me? shame on you :D10:03
BluesKaj<--- parents were swedish-finns10:04
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uakkeridrif: no... i start from there10:04
uakkerii used another wiki10:04
chosmoSantoshow was that onliner to create an ISO image outta a CD?10:04
drifuakkeri: try it out atleast10:04
BluesKajtoo many ppl changing their nicks in here for me to keep track :)10:04
progress0rhey all, im getting kde 4 running - is there an easy way to switch links or similar to get the kde4 env setup? I want to obviously keep kde 3 around. For example im running kde4 desktop now but im still running kdm from the kde3 env. i need a way to point all kde calls to kde4.10:04
llutzchosmoSantos: cat /dev/cdrom >/tmp/file.iso10:05
chosmoSantoskde4 w00t10:05
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progress0ryeah its wild looking already10:05
chosmoSantosllutz: W0000TT!! does that work?10:05
chosmoSantosllutz: that's amazingly easy10:05
llutzchosmoSantos: on pure data-cd, yes10:05
uakkericiga:btw the command you suggested worked like a charm... thanx for you too10:05
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chosmoSantosllutz: gawdDAMN!!10:05
chosmoSantosllutz: just beautiful :-)10:06
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llutzchosmoSantos: calm down :)10:06
drifchosmoSantos: minimalism :) small is beautiful - tiny is striking10:06
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drifanyone using klipper - and is it sometimes buggy?10:08
progress0raha i found it10:08
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BluesKaj.....<drif> BluesKaj: and you didn't recognize me? shame on you :D  Am I supposed to recognze you other than from the last week or 2 ..if i am i don't remember, unless you changed your nick10:11
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drifBluesKaj: and that supposed to..prove klipper works?10:12
FireCrotchAnyone else using Gutsy?10:12
=== BluesKaj sticks wit 5alive for now, but thz anyway genii :)
jhutchinsOk, in Amarok, I just played the first two tracks of an album, then I clicked to add it to the playlist - and danged if it didn't skip the two tracks already in queue!  Amarok ROCKS!!!10:13
geniiBluesKaj:  :)10:13
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chosmoSantoswhy kiso needs to start as root?10:13
drifBluesKaj: I mean sometimes (even with limit set to 999) it just doens't get more than few into clipboard..I need to clear klipper history contents before any copying succees10:13
chosmoSantosthat's kinda retarted10:13
Torchafter i install my nvidia graphics driver, i get a black screen on reboot. can anyone help?10:14
BluesKajdrif, nothing to do with klipper , whatever that is.10:14
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drifBluesKaj: what that paste then? :D10:14
BluesKajoh that10:14
NickPrestaTorch, you probably have to edit your xorg.conf and change your driver to nvidia.10:14
drifBluesKaj: and as 'I' I meant my language..having one parent speaking it10:14
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TorchNickPresta how can i do that when i can't see anything10:15
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chosmoSantoswhen is KDE4 desktop upgrade?10:15
BluesKajbeen in Canada for 60yrs , so my swedish is practically nonexistent and my finnish is worse :)10:15
drifBluesKaj: 60 years then.. no wonder10:16
xevioushow will kubuntu react to me shutting down the computer, unplugging the PS2 keyboard and mouse, and plugging in a USB keyboard and mouse.10:16
FireCrotchxevious:  it should detect them when you boot10:16
chosmoSantosxevious: you don't even need to shut it down10:16
llutzchosmoSantos: don't tell sh.t! ps2 is not hot pluggable10:17
drifchosmoSantos: I wouldn't plug/unplug ps/2 while power on.. just in case10:17
xeviousyeah that'd be bad10:17
xeviousbut it'll autodetect the change10:17
xeviousthat's good10:17
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NickPrestaTorch, when that black screen comes up, press Control + Alt + F1. This should bring up a console. Login and then type in: "vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf". This will bring up a Vi, a text-editor. You have to press the down arrow/page down to scroll down to the Video Card section. Press I (that is an eye, not an L) to insert text. Replace your driver with "nvidia". Then, to save and exit, press Esc (escape) and then t10:18
NickPrestawp in (wq). Then press enter. Type in "startx" and see if all is well.10:18
chosmoSantosllutz: I am pretty sure it worked sometime ago with me10:18
drifxevious: it doesn't even know what it's missing ;)10:18
llutzchosmoSantos: it might work, but you might damage your hardware10:18
chosmoSantosllutz: I've dealt with plenty of computers and linux enough to not talk sh.t!10:18
chosmoSantosllutz: damage??!!10:18
xeviouschosmoSantos: it can work, but it can also short out your motherboard10:18
chosmoSantosllutz: how's so?10:18
drifchosmoSantos: yes, damage10:18
chosmoSantosoh shit10:19
xeviouschosmoSantos: PS2 is a legacy connection. it initializes when the computer boots10:19
xeviouschosmoSantos: it's not designed for hotplugging10:19
chosmoSantosthat would explain something :-(10:19
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drifchosmoSantos: no s.it..10:19
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chosmoSantosone of old pc went kaput after doing something like that10:19
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BluesKajUSB ports carry voltages , better not to plugin on the fly10:20
xeviouschosmoSantos: old systems were more succeptible to it10:20
chosmoSantosin fact that would explain two cases10:20
llutzBluesKaj: usb is hot pluggable10:20
drifBluesKaj: what are you babbling about? :D10:20
BluesKajllutz, be my guest :)10:21
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chosmoSantoswe need to move into all wireless gadgets and rid off cables10:21
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drifchosmoSantos: just a mental note..when something goes kaput..usual progress is not to repeat same error again :D10:21
BluesKajnot millivolts like line level , real volts, above 1 or 210:22
xeviouschosmoSantos: there used to be massive warnings in motherboard manuals about hotplugging PS2. (i'm thinking back to 486 motherboards that i bought) but i don't see it much anymore. maybe the motherboard manufacturers realized people would try to hotplug it when USB came out and made the boards more resilient...10:22
chosmoSantosdrif: I am glad I found out now :-)10:22
xeviousBluesKaj: of course USB carries voltage. how would it work, otherwise?10:23
TorchNickPresta thanks, i'll go and give it a run through10:23
BluesKajxevious, I repeat ,not millivolts like line level , real volts, above 1 or 210:23
llutzusb = 5V10:23
drifBluesKaj: to what?10:24
xeviousBluesKaj: i'm not an expert, but i'm pretty sure the USB hub monitors the ground connection to detect if something is plugged in10:24
xeviousBluesKaj: and only brings up the higher voltage connections when there's something attached10:24
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llutzthats the reason for the longer ground-connectors in usb-plugs. they lose connection last10:24
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drifBluesKaj: would make using those flash memories a bitch, eh?10:25
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xeviousBluesKaj: one of the main reasons for creating USB was to make something that was safely hotswappable10:25
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chosmoSantosthanks god cables will be a thing of the past soo. Only those wireless keyboards, are those encrypted? I mean somebody could sit a few feets away and sniff every keystroke you make much like a keylogger10:26
xeviouschosmoSantos: my logitech wireless keyboard was encrypted10:26
drifchosmoSantos: I don't believe those are10:26
llutzxevious: nope, main reason was to push something different than firewire into the market (by m$ &co)10:26
drifxevious: was it?10:26
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xeviouschosmoSantos: you ever used a wireless keyboard and mouse on a regular basis?10:26
xeviousi did for a couple years and then went back to wired10:26
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drifxevious: these's truely are strange..sometimes they just go heywire..and nothing has changed - not my location nor transfer/receivers location..10:27
NickPrestaxevious, I know what you mean. I hate my wireless keyboard. My wireless mouse is fine until I have to change the batteries ;)10:27
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BluesKajblah blah ... fine dowhat you want ...see if i care but unplugging and plugging equipment of any kind whaile there's power at the connect is not a good policy ...take it from an old audio guy whose blown a few components over the yrs taking shortcuts10:28
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owloh noez. it workes.10:28
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sk1t3llescan anyone tell me why in my kdm settings I have ServerArgsLocal=-nolisten tcp set, but for some reason X still listens on the tcp port, why is this?10:28
drifNickPresta: I like Logitech G7 for that reason :D takes 5secs to get a fresh one10:28
owldvd was the solution for every problem in the known universe ^^10:28
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xeviousllutz: no. if you recall, usb1 was 12mb/s, whereas firewire was 400mb/s. they were not initially designed to compete. firewire was intended for digital video and to possibly be a replacement for SCSI. usb, being only 12mb/s was intended for things that didnt use as high bandwidth. then they made usb2 and it all got confusing10:28
xeviousmy friend has a logitech wireless mouse and get this: if it's too close to his _WIRED_ keyboard, it gets interference and won't move correctly10:29
llutzxevious: they could have used firewire for all those things, but the patents weren't owned by m$, so they "invented" the crappy USB110:29
drifxevious: I believe that's my reason as well10:29
geniiI like how my UW320 scsi drives are still faster than my sata2 300 drives10:29
BluesKajRF interference10:29
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drifxevious: actually same prob with my philips wireless headset10:29
owldamn. i guess i need a new cd-drive..10:29
drifxevious: ran out of livingroom :-\10:29
owlibm will kill me...10:29
llutzxevious: enough ov conspiracy :)10:30
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xeviousllutz: MS didn't invent usb...10:30
llutzgenii: s-ata drives are much cheaper10:30
llutzxevious: true, but they forced it10:30
xeviousllutz: ever seen a firewire mouse?10:30
sk1t3llescan anyone tell me why in my kdm settings I have ServerArgsLocal=-nolisten tcp set, but for some reason X still listens on the tcp port, why is this?10:30
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xeviousllutz: there's no established protocol for a firewire mouse. USB has all the HID descriptors for generic devices10:31
geniillutz: Yes :)10:31
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ArwenI've got a package that refuses to purge, what can I do about it? Synaptic fails with "error running post-install script"10:31
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xeviousUPS is too slow :\10:32
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alejandrohow to apt-get with the gpg key?10:33
llutzArwen: no hint, why post-install fails?10:34
xeviouswell thanks for your help, everyone. and thanks for the debate, llutz.10:34
Arwenllutz, no.10:34
xeviousi'm gonna hook up this KVM switch now10:34
llutzxevious: just kidding10:34
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xeviousllutz: it was fun :D10:34
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llutzArwen: try aptitude purge and hope for more verbose error-msg10:35
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Arwenah screw that, I just nuked the script to make it finish10:36
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drifalejandro: you mean something like on this page? 'https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu"10:37
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sacaterhow do i stop kde from loading things up when i start it, ie: compiz10:38
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evri2Anyone know how to change background of kio-sysinfo?10:39
miketalancaI have quite a large problem. I was moving some things between two hard drives and Konqueror stopped responding. So, I went for the GUI restart, but after the screen went black, nothing happened. So I restarted the machine, and now i get no login.10:40
miketalancaThe "nvidia" screen comes up to show tha the drivers are working, but nothing more.10:40
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miketalancaIf it matters, all that was running at the time was Compiz Fusion and Firefox.10:42
joey382what's the command to change the volume?10:42
alejandroyes drif, i woul to encode apt-get/aptitude network traffic10:43
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alejandrosome answer?10:44
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miketalancaIs anyone there? o-0 I have a huge problem.10:46
drifalejandro: that page didn't tell you?10:46
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drifmiketalanca: this channel never sleeps..10:46
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NickPresta!patience | miketalanca10:48
ubotumiketalanca: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines10:48
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waylandbillmiketalanca: all problems seem huge to the person experiencing them. :-)10:49
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jason__10Hello. Im creating a Kubuntu blog. If anyone wants to have a look at it so far.. http://jayskubuntu.blogspot.com/2007/08/edit-your-kde-menu.html  This is one is about creating your own kde menu.10:49
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drifmiketalanca: can you get to console pressing ctrl+alt+f1?10:50
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jerome_hi guys what can i use to get video support in firefox? much like wmplayer does for windows firefox10:52
jerome_what is the kubuntu equivalent10:52
llutzjerome_: mplayer-plugin10:52
alejandroyes drif, but that page it is only for medibuntu.org mirrors10:53
drifalejandro: I was after general idea there10:53
jerome_thanks llutz10:53
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jerome_flash plugin for firefox is called what undep adept manager?10:55
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llutzjerome_: flashplugin-nonfree10:56
jerome_weird first time really using a linux box10:57
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jerome_so meh i prefer gui10:57
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jerome_any good newsreaders like grabit? i heard klibido was goo10:57
jerome_bit worried about command line only unpar programs, took par2 for now10:57
miketalancaI have quite a large problem. I was moving some things between two hard drives and Konqueror stopped responding. So, I went for the GUI restart, but after the screen went black, nothing happened. So I restarted the machine, and now i get no login.10:57
miketalanca <miketalanca> The "nvidia" screen comes up to show tha the drivers are working, but nothing more.10:57
drifmiketalanca: can you get to console pressing ctrl+alt+f1?10:57
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Daisuke_Laptopklibido is decent10:58
fannagogannafor good newsreaders, there's knode10:58
sk1t3lleswhen I have ServerArgsLocal=-nolisten tcp enabled for kdm X11 still continues to listen on the tcp port 6001 why is this?10:58
drifmiketalanca: well, that's atleast something10:58
Daisuke_Laptopjerome_: par2 is (in my experience) faster in linux than windows10:58
jerome_well something that deals with pars included in 1 program + grabbing nzbs etc would be cool10:58
jerome_i use quickpar in windows10:58
jerome_but i hear par2 and klibido are the way to go10:58
jerome_so ill try those out im used to grabit and quickpar, tried altbinz etc didnt like it10:59
Daisuke_Laptopquickpar is nice, but a slow implementarion of the algorithm10:59
Daisuke_Laptopif you were looking for a more agent-like experience, try pan10:59
Daisuke_Laptopi always favored powergrab2k myself10:59
jerome_i heard pan was only in beta stage10:59
jerome_from what i googled10:59
sk1t3lleswhen I have ServerArgsLocal=-nolisten tcp enabled for kdm X11 still continues to listen on the tcp port 6001 why is this?10:59
jerome_what is powergrab?10:59
sk1t3llesanyone have an idea?10:59
Daisuke_Laptopthen it's been in beta for several years10:59
Daisuke_Laptopwindows usenet binary downloader11:00
Daisuke_Laptopthere's also BNR2 for linux (and windows, for that matter), which is nice, but it's slooooow11:00
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jerome_question : if my linux install is on a partition and i wanted to take windows off would i just copy all files to new hdd and windows would boot?11:00
jerome_or would i need to do a reinstall11:00
Daisuke_Laptopif you can get it to work at all, it's been discontinued for some time11:00
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sk1t3lleswhen I have ServerArgsLocal=-nolisten tcp enabled for kdm X11 still continues to listen on the tcp port 6001 why is this? anyone have an idea to what is going on?11:00
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Daisuke_Laptopif you want to get rid of windows altogether?11:00
jerome_linux/windows share hdd atm partitioned11:01
fannagogannaalthough knode, integrated into kontact, is i think better than these alternatives11:01
jerome_so if i was to say get a new hdd, could i just copy all of linux partition on it and it would boot fine? or is there a need for a program like ghost11:01
Daisuke_Laptopuse something like qtparted or gparted to format that partition, then use it for storage, or whatever you'd like11:01
Daisuke_Laptopah, there's the rub11:01
Daisuke_Laptopit can be done, but i don't know how11:01
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Daisuke_Laptopi always go for the reinstall in an instance like that11:02
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jerome_snore :P but i just got it like i want it and if i can get wine to work im going to  kubuntu fulltime11:02
fannagogannaor just add this disk to your LVM partitions11:02
alejandrowere is the ubuntu.com gpg key?11:02
sk1t3lleswhen I have ServerArgsLocal=-nolisten tcp enabled for kdm X11 still continues to listen on the tcp port 6001 why is this? anyone have an idea to what is going on?11:03
jerome_is it just me or does my skype have less delay in kubuntu than windows?11:03
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jerome_ewww mplayer plugin is lame - you cant watch a clip till its buffered 100% - not like wmplayer where you can11:04
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jerome_any option to watch partially buffering clip?11:04
waylandbilljerome_: copy the partition and use grub-install to put grub into the new drive's MBR assuming /boot is on the same parition as /11:04
jerome_k thanks bill, and nm its only buffers like 20% then it plays11:04
sk1t3lles when I have ServerArgsLocal=-nolisten tcp enabled for kdm X11 still continues to listen on the tcp port 6001 why is this? anyone have an idea to what is going on?11:04
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adenicioqui peu maid pour fedora?11:05
jerome_question: why in windows can i set whole screen to be used 1024 mode, but in umm kubuntu i keep needing to readjust my screen caus it and windows align in diff spots so when i restart to doze i need to readjust again its really annoying11:05
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llutzsk1t3lles: what does "ps -ua|grep X" say about used options11:06
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sk1t3llesllutz: let me check11:07
sk1t3llesllutz: /usr/bin/X -br -nolisten tcp :0 vt7 -auth /var/run/xauth/A:0-UQDVjY11:07
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llutzsk1t3lles: and what makes you thinking it will listen on 6001?11:08
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sk1t3llesllutz: cause if i scan it from another machine I see the port open and I can connect to it, thats why11:09
llutzsk1t3lles: you restarted kdm after changing kdmrc?11:10
zgmf-x20ahey does anyone know a really really really good website for explaining very clearly how to install .tar.gz files?  like very clear, baby steps clear, lol11:10
jerome_wikipedia.org :P11:10
Daisuke_Laptopmost of the time you're not installing them - yet11:10
drifzgmf-x20a: you don't install tar.gz - you jut extract'em11:10
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sk1t3llesllutz: change what in my kdmrc this is by default11:10
Daisuke_Laptopa lot of tgz files are source archives, etc, that you need to first extract11:10
drifoh :D11:11
drifzgmf-x20a: sorry :D11:11
_blix_how do I mount a floppy?11:11
_blix_no jokes please11:11
Daisuke_Laptopwhat's a floppy?11:11
bdgrauemy kubuntu-gutsy compiz fusion dont work right, can someone help please?  http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/14260/  <-- the paste of the error11:11
zgmf-x20adrif: hey wahst up!  lol.  so ive gone round and round in circles trying the other things we went thru... and im just going to try and get this driver plg installed step by step11:11
Daisuke_Laptoptoo soon11:11
_blix_a floppy drive11:11
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Daisuke_Laptophaven't used one in years11:11
_blix_yeah I know11:11
_blix_but this urgent11:11
Marfihey hey! does anyone know of a way to get iCalc onto a ubuntu / kubuntu install? if not, does anyone know of a good equivelant?11:11
Daisuke_Laptopbut you could try mount /dev/fd0 /<whatever the mountpoint is>11:12
_blix_spent the last 40mins trying to find a floppy earlier11:12
_blix_murder I tell u11:12
zgmf-x20aok, well, then what about a webiste that will tell me how to extract, and then how to install from what i extracted11:12
The_Machinei'm logged into the kubuntu live CD at the moment.  i would like to expand the ext3 partition kubuntu is already installed on to use all of the disk space (of which I have 200 GB left), but without creating another partition.  I don't see how to do this in gparted or in qtparted. Could someone help me?  :)11:12
zgmf-x20aanything like that out there?11:12
jerome_we still get lots of em here in south africa11:12
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llutz_blix_: use mtools instead, no mounting needed ;)11:12
Daisuke_Laptopzgmf-x20a: what are you trying to install, first11:12
_blix_Daisuke_Laptop: that doesn't work11:12
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_blix_where is that?11:12
Daisuke_Laptopthen go with llutz's suggestion :)11:12
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jerome_any good apps that are a must have on linux?11:13
felipeb_blix_: clic right mouse11:13
_blix_on what?11:13
Daisuke_Laptopzgmf-x20a: because if it's in the repos, you're wasting a whole lot of your own time trying to compile and install :)11:13
felipebon desktop11:13
Daisuke_Laptopjerome_: as far as?11:13
felipebcreate new11:13
Daisuke_Laptopamarok for music, that's a given11:13
felipebacces to floppy11:13
_blix_there is no 'Create New'11:13
jerome_anything, i mean windows i use, mudmaster2k-skype-firefox/opera/grabit/quickpar/winamp/mirc/11:14
jerome_anything useful11:14
felipebi have kubuntu spanish..11:14
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jerome_does beryl take lots of resources and can ya please explain what it does/why i would use it.11:15
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felipebbut I can mount my flopys..11:15
Marfiamark ftw!11:16
bdgrauejerome_: http://www.linux.org/apps/11:16
jerome_thanks bdgraue, any reason i would want bery?11:16
uakkerihow to configure ati redeon 9600. i'm having troubles when enabling anything but mesa. i.e. tv doesn't work11:17
bdgrauejerome_: http://www.opencompositing.org/11:17
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Daisuke_Laptop!equivalents | jerome_, this might be of interest11:18
ubotujerome_, this might be of interest: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant11:18
jerome_bookmarking both11:19
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jerome_how do i make firefox default broswer of konqueror11:19
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+111:20
jerome_how do i set ffox to default broswer?11:21
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jerome_man kubuntu keeps opening up and i dont want it to11:22
jerome_when i click a link from konversation11:23
jerome_i want ffox to open11:23
judgenanyone having problems with BT878 cards and fglrx?11:23
holzmodemhi, how can i change the font for the desktop icons?11:23
uakkerijudgen:i am11:23
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Daisuke_Laptopjerome_: that's easy to fix11:24
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jerome_where do i do it tho i know its easy but i dunno where to go11:24
judgenuakkeri xorg goes black?11:24
uakkeri judgen: exactly11:24
Daisuke_Laptopgo into a terminal and manually edit konversation's config files to point from konq...  just kidding :D11:25
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judgenuakkeri ot does not seem to be a problem with the kernel though....11:25
uakkeritake options from /etc/X11/xorg.conf off and everything work BUT 3d11:25
jerome_where do i set it?11:25
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Daisuke_Laptopgo to settings / konversation settings / behaviour / general11:25
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Daisuke_Laptopcheck 'use custom web browser'11:26
judgenuakkeri hmm i dont need 3d for anything but my screensavers but i still would like it all to work.11:26
Daisuke_Laptopand enter the following (without quotes): "firefox '%u'"11:26
padihi all, why isn't the field "tcp-ip printer" in the printer-add wizard not highlighted? I need that, because I have a printer connected via lan...11:26
uakkeri judgen: me also11:26
Daisuke_Laptopfirefox '%u'11:26
padiI'm talking about kprinter11:26
uakkeri judgen: let me see11:26
judgenuakkeri im sure i could use it before when i was using an older kernel.11:26
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adenicioi need help for my web cam im on kde 7.04,i have a webcam creative but its not install11:27
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uakkeri judgen: look the options you have in xorg.conf11:27
adenicioi need help for my web cam im on kde 7.04,i have a webcam creative but its not install how do i install it?11:27
uakkeri judgen: for the ati card11:27
chosmoSantoswhen will ther ebe KDE4 desktop upgrade?11:27
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padiWhen I want to add a printer with kde print, I can only add local printer/smb or "other", but not TCP or HTTP, etc!11:28
padiplease help11:28
judgenuakkeri: Driver"fglrx"11:28
judgen#Option "FSAAEnable" "yes"11:28
judgen#Option "FSAAScale" "4"11:28
judgenOption "VideoOverlay" "on"11:28
judgenOption "OpenGLOverlay" "off"11:28
judgenstupid client11:28
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adenicioi need help for my web cam im on kde 7.04,i have a webcam creative but its not install how do i install it?11:29
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jerome_so i installed beryl now what i dont see much difference11:29
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uakkeri judgen: the same as i have11:30
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras11:30
jerome_how do i get that beryl cube effect to work ,its ticked but nothing11:30
speaker219jerome_ have you tried holding down the left&right mouse buttons, and then moving the mouse?11:31
jerome_nope :P11:32
Daisuke_Laptop(middle mouse button will give you the same effect)11:32
judgenuakkeri ill just get an Intel gfx card, that will solve the issue11:32
jerome_it just brings up menus11:32
Daisuke_Laptopand unfortunately, gl accelerated desktops aren't working that well with kde yet (to my knowledge)11:32
jerome_also how can i make sure windows key and d bring up desktop and windows k d brings up explorer type thing?11:33
jerome_any way to do that?11:33
chosmoSantosoh I was having this question... about KDE4 Desktop??11:33
jerome_windows key and e even11:33
chosmoSantoswill it be release for Kubuntu?11:33
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glennii used beryl once and when i removed it, it tok something from the graphic config whit it and then it was done11:33
uakkeri judgen: :)11:34
jerome_any way to setup windows key shortcuts - like desktop / explorer etc?11:34
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adenicioi need help for my web cam im on kde 7.04,i have a webcam creative but its not install how do i install it?11:34
judgenjerome_ hotkeys?11:35
judgenjerome_ simple, just use the kcontrol applet. and set any combination of keys to whatever function you desire.11:35
jerome_but i want to set my windows shorcuts as 10 yrs of using the doze doesnt drop easy11:35
padikdeprint is such a bug-whore... I can't even load any drivers, not even in super user mode, it says, they don't exist... eg: Laden des angeforderten Treibers nicht mglich:11:35
padiErstellen des Foomatic-Treibers fehlgeschlagen (HP-Color_LaserJet_4500,Postscript).11:35
jerome_is that extra or does it come default installed judgen?11:35
judgeni think its default.11:35
adenicioi need help for my web cam im on kde 7.04,i have a webcam creative but its not install how do i install it?11:36
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judgenjerome_ click on run in menu and type kcontrol. it should load, if not you might have to install it.11:36
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jerome_thanks is it kinda like a device manager menu in windows?11:36
jerome_or more along the lines of control panel11:36
padiwhat a sh**11:36
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:38
judgenjerome_ yes11:38
jerome_so where in k control is this menu to make shortcuts?11:38
chosmoSantosanybody got an idea of when will KDE4 be available for Kubuntu? Thanks11:38
chosmoSantosI kinda wanna have it11:38
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judgenjerome_ in the swedish version its located somewhere in language or pheripals i think. I cant quite remember right now.11:39
jerome_yep keyboard shorcuts in regional11:39
sumguy231@chosmoSantos: There are already packages for it in Feisty for development versions, though I don't necessarily recommend using them.11:39
sumguy231They're in the Universe repository.11:40
jerome_what is it called when you go to desktop? show desktop shortcut?11:40
chosmoSantossumguy231: ok about the WM?11:40
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chosmoSantossumguy231: you know the new look SVG icons and so on11:41
sumguy231I haven't installed the packages, so I don't know if it's a new enough build to include Oxygen, sorry.11:41
chosmoSantossumguy231: something more complete other than scattered packages11:42
jerome_im trying to set show desktop to windows key + d - i cant seem to find the right description under keyboard shortcuts what would it be called11:42
chosmoSantossumguy231: but I am talking about KDE4 you the complete DM11:42
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sumguy231It depends on what you mean by 'scattered packages' - if you're asking when they'll have a kde4 virtual package that installs everything, I don't know. But just installing all of the kde4* packages will do you if you really want it. They probably won't bother with formalities like that until the RC versions.11:43
judgenjerome_ sorry, i have no idea. MAybe minimize all or something.11:43
chosmoSantossumguy231: k thanks11:44
sumguy231@judgen and such: Is "Toggle showing desktop" what you want?11:44
chosmoSantossumguy231: do you think it'll be kewl?11:44
sumguy231@chosmoSantos: ^Probably. :)11:45
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judgenkde4 is cool11:45
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jerome_so far ive managed to make it minimize each window individually with win + d i want it to do all11:45
jerome_any ideas?11:45
judgenbtw is compiz-fusion as well integrated and easy to setup nowdays for kde as it is for gnome?11:46
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sumguy231I didn't have much luck with compiz-fusion, I had more luck with Beryl. But it's supposedly included with Kubuntu Gutsy, so maybe it will be more integrated then.11:46
jerome_nevermind i found it11:46
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judgensumguy231 nice11:46
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judgensumguy231 do you remember the release date?11:47
sumguy231@jerome_: setting "Toggle Showing Desktop" to Win+D under "Global Shortcuts" does exactly that for me.11:47
jerome_yeah i couldnt find that :P11:47
sumguy231Did you now?11:47
jerome_where abouts is that on the menu11:48
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sumguy231@judgen: No, but it's something like a couple months or something. Which has me worried, because it doesn't seem like it will be ready by then. Maybe they'll delay it.11:48
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sumguy231@jerome_: It's in System Settings/Keyboard and Mouse/Keyboard Shortcuts/Shortcut Schemes. Once you're there just type 'show' in the search filter.11:48
jerome_i cant get win key + d to work11:49
jerome_its set to that but its not minimizing11:49
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judgenGutsy Gibbon, who will be succeeding11:49
judgenthe Feisty Fawn as the focus of our development love in a few short11:49
judgenweeks, for release in October 2007.11:49
jerome_its not doing anything11:49
jerome_its set to win + d11:50
jerome_but it aint minizing11:50
judgen18 october to be exact11:50
scorpkinghi ppl. how do i check the connection speed of ppp0?11:50
sumguy231@jerome_: Hmm.... I guess I don't know then, really. It works fine for me. Sorry. I assume you hit 'apply' after that, right?11:50
Daisuke_Laptopsumguy231: you must not have been around for the high-speed feisty launch :P11:50
jerome_win e works11:50
jerome_but not wind d11:50
sumguy231@judgen: Oh, I thought we were talking about KDE4. Oops. :)11:50
sumguy231@jerome_: That's really weird. Sorry, I don't know.11:51
Daisuke_Laptopah, and no, kde4 (as a whole) won't be done, but kde4 != kde 4.0.  look at the improvements to come up gradually on kde 311:51
rignesIs there a way in KDE to have the "alwasy on top" option set every time you run a program?11:51
jerome_snore win + d dont work11:52
judgenjerome_ have you looked at both pages that no other function is mapped to the same "win+d" combination?11:52
rignesI can do it once it is running manually, but it doesn't stick between closing and then rerunning it.11:52
jerome_but win + e does11:52
jerome_its default install11:52
jerome_so i dont see why it should be11:52
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jerome_and i removed minimize from win + d11:52
sumguy231@rignes: Right-click on a window, go to 'advanced', and then go to 'Special application settings'.11:52
jerome_resetting defaultsagain11:52
judgensumguy231 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+specs is looks pretty on scheduale to me (gutsy that is)11:52
jerome_works now was some issue with it not having registered that win+d wasnt in use anymore from minimize11:53
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jerome_even tho id disabled it and set it to none11:53
sumguy231@judgen: Oh yeah, I have no doubts about Gutsy. I'm really excited, looks like an excellent release. :)11:53
jerome_thanks sum11:54
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judgensumguy231 seems to be the best release yet11:54
jerome_ok next question - is there anyway to make my wifi connect by default with a set passkey?11:54
sumguy231@rignes: Then go to 'preferences',  check 'keep above',  change the dropdown to 'apply now', and check that checkbox to the right. I'll admit I don't really know what it's for, but I think it makes KDE happy. :)11:54
jerome_caus i hate having to do it manually but i dont see an option11:54
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rignessumguy231: Thanks, that is exactly what I needed! :D11:55
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=== merle [n=merle@p54A6405F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
merlegermans here?11:56
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:56
owl<- german. at least my passport says...11:57
merleIs hier ein Junge, der Lust hat mit mir priv zu chatten? Bin auch m ...11:57
jerome_the desktop menu  - is there anyway to force it to show my firefox bookmarks ? atm its showing the konqueror ones11:57
chosmoSantoshalo is a m$ game11:57
chosmoSantosas far as I know11:57
jerome_was is das :11:58
judgenhaha private chats...11:58
jerome_i dont sprechen zi deutsch :P11:58
jerome_so i wont be any help11:58
merlewas is damit >jerome, judgen ?11:59
judgenowl is german11:59
owlmight you should switch to english, merle?11:59
jerome_owl is lying :P he understood less than i did :P11:59
jerome_hence his wtf11:59
merleowl: why?11:59
judgeni understood, but i cant answer in german11:59
owljerome_: hehehehehehehehehe, no further commets ;)12:00
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alejandrohow to change to nvidia binary module?12:00
owlmerle: it's more polite to speak en in an international channel12:00
judgendamnit i need to get up in 18 hours =(12:00
jerome_ek kan afrikaans praat :P maar my deutsch is aaklig12:00
judgenJag kan ven prata lite svenska om det hjlper.12:00
merleis it possible to chat private?12:00
scorpkingi'm using a cellphone for my internet connection. if i use konversation or kopete i can connect but konqueror say 'could not connect to host htt..'. any ideas?12:00
U238Willyand hereyes it is12:01
U238Willy.. /query <nick>12:01
U238Willyto chat in private12:01
jerome_was that swedish or swiss judgen?12:01
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jerome_heh i actually understood a bit of that due to afrikaans :P12:01
judgenthere is no language called swiss12:01
jerome_yeah well swiss german/swiss french, italian etc :P12:01
jerome_they speak funny :P12:01
judgenthey speak german, french and moranic in swizerland.12:02
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!12:02
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jerome_!buzzkill :P12:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about buzzkill :p - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:02
jerome_anyhow thanks for help all when ive got more time to spend ill port my games to linux and clear windows12:03
jerome_but not till the weekend its time consuming12:03
judgenbtw, what is the even more stripped down metapackage of kde? kubuntu-desktop is the large one and kdebase is the smaller one. But what is the name of the smallest one?12:03
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jerome_what can i do with an amd-k62 550mhz , 5 gig hdd, 256 mb ram pc?12:04
jerome_any use as a server?12:04
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judgenjerome_ yes12:04
Sannejudgen: I think it's kde-core12:04
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jerome_what would i make it do that this pc isnt doing already tho12:04
judgenSanne thanks12:04
sumguy231@judgen: I don't think it gets more minimal than that short of just installing the kdelibs.12:05
judgensumguy231 it was kde-core i was looking for.12:05
scorpkingjerome_: my server is 200mhz, 96mb ram12:05
sumguy231Yeah, you're right. Sorry.12:05
jerome_and what do you have it do for ya scrop?12:05
judgenjerome_ i have an ir-server at 33mhz and 4mb ram.12:05
jerome_a firewall box?12:05
jerome_or what?12:05
jerome_what kinda use could i put it to12:06
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scorpkingjerome_: 320gb hd. file and web server. :)12:06
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judgenjerome_ you could have it as a fileserver, webserver, router, firewall, vnc, ssh, ftp, nsf you name it12:06
judgenbut i think you need a larger harddrive for some of those things12:06
jerome_yeah, im thinking i dump a 40gig hdd in it and keep it as a media center, connected through to the tv12:07
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judgenmy 33mhz server has an 80mb harddisk.12:07
jerome_why bother keeping it jud?12:07
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judgenjerome_ it will be too weak to play HD content though at that clockspeed, and the lack of sse in k6 processors-12:08
Feudsteris it easy to set up a web server in ubuntu?12:08
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Feudsterwhich app do i look for?12:08
judgenjerome_ it runs fanless, and 33mhz is plenty for running my infrared remote server.12:08
judgenFeudster apache12:08
scorpkingFeudster: apache12:08
jerome_one issue i need to sort out in linux is routing, lemme explain in south africa where i am bandwidth is EXPENSIVE - you pay an arm and a leg for bandwidth here, and small caps like 3gb on most accs. - so what i need to do is route bandwidth as local is cheaper i buy 2 accs , 1 local, 1 int, currently in windows i have a program called routesentry that routes the 2 connections so that local uses local, int uses int etc, how can i do that12:09
jerome_in linux or do i need an ipcop box or something?12:09
judgenjerome_ no idea, i have 1000mbit in the wall.... i dont have that problem.12:09
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jerome_here 4mb is fastest connection and say a 4gb cap costs you like R500 , so that  about 80 us dollars12:10
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jerome_just for the bandwidth12:10
jerome_never mind line rental etc12:10
adaptrjerome_ ipcop *is* Linux, one can do anything the other can12:10
Feudsterdoes apache come pre installed with ubuntu?12:10
Feudsteror available through update12:11
adeniciohelp i got a webcame usb name creative i want to know how to install the pilots for it12:11
jerome_so i really need to find out how to route traffic12:11
adaptrjerome_ indeed :)12:11
jerome_or else i cant use linux its too expensive12:11
ThothraApache comes with the LAMP install of Ubuntu.12:11
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sumguy231@Feudster: You might want to install the server image, since it will also install MySQL+PHP and most other things you might need.12:11
adaptrjerome_ if you know what "local" means then you can set IP ranges quite easily12:11
Feudsteris it hard for a noob to install apache?12:11
adeniciohelp i got a webcame usb name creative i want to know how to install the pilots for it.its not working12:11
scorpkingFeudster: sudo aptitude install apache. put your website in /var/www/.12:11
Bizzehhey, if i install kubuntu 7.04 and then install xgl and compiz-kde, what do i need to do to have it work properly?12:11
adaptrFeudster that depends on what you want it to do12:11
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Feudsterjust want to serve some simple html12:12
adaptrBizzeh xgl is not needed12:12
adeniciohelp i got a webcame usb name creative i want to know how to install the pilots for it.its not working12:12
adaptrFeudster that's what they all say :)12:12
mayecosudo aptitude install apache12:12
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jerome_well see my int comes over my wifi from a router not at my home - and my local i use bridge to connect12:12
adeniciohelp i got a webcame usb name creative i want to know how to install the pilots for it.its not working12:13
inaetywhere is support for compiz-fusion?12:13
jerome_http://antibody.za.net/new/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=15&Itemid=32 - is what im looking for , if you can let me know how i would do that12:13
alejandrohowto use nvidia drivers?12:13
adaptrI think you eat them12:13
adeniciohelp i got a webcame usb name creative i want to know how to install the pilots for it.its not working12:13
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scorpkingalejandro: download it from nvidia website and install it. that's one way of doing it.12:14
judgenjerome_ i just plug it into the wall and its costs me 22eur a month12:14
judgenjerome_ 1000mbit no caps12:14
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alejandroi dont want to do that12:15
judgenbut i think they have some limit on bittorrent though. Seems to never get into same speeds as my other activities, like ftp and such12:15
adeniciohelp i got a webcame usb name creative i want to know how to install the pilots for it.its not working12:15
alejandroi wana charge modules tat are already installed12:15
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alejandroand run12:15
jerome_thats not helping :( its making me jealous12:15
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jerome_if i have a list, databse of all local ips (south africa) how hard would it be to router that thru 1 con and int thru wifi default con12:16
adeniciohelp i got a webcame usb name creative i want to know how to install the pilots for it.its not working12:17
jerome_anyhow time for me to sleep and boot to the dreaded windows box for scanning12:18
jerome_thanks for all the help ill bug ya with routing sometime12:18
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judgeni think ill crawl to bed too, cya dudes and dudettes12:20
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scorpkinganyone know how to check the speed of a connection? irc is the only thing i can use my computer for and it suck. :/ i think it's too slow12:21
ubuntu_i have a problem after windows instalation grub boot disappear and when i try install it agaain i fail , also the partation that ubuntu install on seem to be damage anyone  can help me to repaire it ?12:21
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scorpkingubuntu_: you have to install windows before linux to make things easy. windows will replace the mbr. not sure how to fix it.12:23
=== JohnFlux [n=JohnFlux@cpc3-brig10-0-0-cust96.brig.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
uakkerihow to remake xorg.conf?12:23
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Thothrauakkeri : I think in the file it tells you the command near the top to rebuild it from scratch.12:24
hayamianyone here knows how to use XGngeo?12:24
hayamior Xmame?12:24
=== bogdomania [i=shok@] has joined #kubuntu
hayamiany help ?:P12:25
uakkeri Thothra: yes12:26
=== lkjlkj [n=lkjlkj@pool-141-156-214-83.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
uakkeri Thothra: thank you12:26
BluesKaj!grub | ubuntu_12:26
ubotuubuntu_: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:26
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=== NickPresta [n=nickpres@CPE000625f47ed2-CM0011e6c456e3.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
ubuntu_thx i will read it and if something needed of course i will ask again :)12:28
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hayamianyone knows about XGngeo?12:31
=== john [n=john@cpc1-papw2-0-0-cust294.cmbg.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
scorpkinghayami: what is XGngeo?12:32
NickPresta!ask | hayami12:32
ubotuhayami: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:32
=== kkerwin [n=kris@74-134-110-116.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #kubuntu
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hayamii know about it dude :P12:34
hayamijust that there's a problem with something about called Bios12:34
hayamiand other folders i can't find it's an emulator tu run some games like king of fighters and a lot of arcade games12:35
=== Scotty [n=Scotty@unaffiliated/scotty] has joined #kubuntu
scorpkingnever heard of it. will look it up some time...12:35
hayamithanks buddy12:36
hayamithere's another one called Xmame12:36
=== ulmolavender is now known as purpleposeidon
hayamibut i can't read the roms that's weird O.o12:36
lkjlkjcan I adjust the brightness on my laptop? it's really bright.12:36
driflkjlkj: which brand?12:37

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