
DanaGOh, I had to kill xfce-mcs-manager.01:16
TerraMasterhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35322/ Please read and help me (details inside also see the post correction thing for easy readings)01:19
scizzo-ysth1: it seems that the only formel site is the one about the releases01:23
scizzo-ysth1: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing01:24
scizzo-ysth1: thats the one I tried to follow when using update-manager -d01:24
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cwilluI'm having some difficulty with video;  the player crashes when I play any video (including the sample video loaded on the cd)01:31
scizzo-cwillu: do you get any error msg if you try to start the program from the terminal?01:32
cwilluone sec01:32
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cwilluX Error of failed request:  BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)01:33
cwillumajor opcode: 140 (XVideo), minor opcode 19 ()01:33
crdlbcwillu, using compiz?01:34
cwillugutsy, I guess so01:34
crdlbwhat video card?01:34
scizzo-he means desctop effects01:34
cwillulspci says Intel Corp Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML01:34
crdlbI've heard of that happening with Xv + intel + compiz01:35
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crdlbyou can use non-xv video if you want01:35
cwilluya, it works if I turn effects off01:35
crdlbrun gstreamer-properties01:35
cwillusweet, any idea if it's fixable in general?01:36
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crdlbwell switching to X Window System (No Xv) "fixes" it01:37
crdlbbut it's lower quality and uses more cpu01:37
cwilluaka, a workaround, not a fix01:37
Arwenwhat problem? the compiz xvideo failure?01:38
cwilluI guess so :p01:38
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Arwen*shrug*, been that way for as long as I remember01:38
Arwenyou can try OpenGL video if you want01:38
scizzo-is it source code problems in general?01:38
junminhi.. somebody can get usb0 LAN work in gutsy??? please ... i plug my device with the laptop, but gutsy cannot detect the device which should be usb001:39
cwilludidn't see opengl as an option in gstreamer-properties; something needs to be installed first?01:39
Arwenyeah, there's a gl plugin01:39
ArwenI recommend mplayer for what it's worth01:40
ysth1well, I updated the copy at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Tribe5?highlight=%28Tribe5%29 anyway01:40
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crdlb!info gstreamer0.10-gl01:40
ubotugstreamer0.10-gl: GStreamer plugin for OpenGL output. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.5-1ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 36 kB, installed size 104 kB01:40
cwilluI see it, thanks :)01:40
ArwenI would still go with MPlayer for video, way less headaches01:41
cwillusorry, not sure I follow01:42
cwilluoh, different player01:42
ubotumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs01:42
Arwenit's really nice. Doesn't address your problem, but it's really nice01:42
Ramunaswhy is udevd taking up 90% CPU?01:46
Arwendunno, I think it's a known issue01:46
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scizzo-Arwen: problem with mplayer I guess is the license of it01:47
Ramunasis it safe to kill it?01:47
scizzo-Arwen: or the code itself...01:47
ArwenRamunas, NO01:47
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RamunasArwen: its doing something important?01:48
Arwenudevd is responsible for the /dev/blah entries01:49
Arwenbetter to find a way to fix it01:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 130818 in udev "udevd causes high cpu-usage" [Undecided,New] 01:50
Ramunasbtw, when booting I'm getting tons of messages like this: device-mapper: table: 254:6: linear: dm-linear: Device lookup failed01:52
Ramunasis this normal?01:53
cwilluis there any way to force the x11 output to be higher quality?  the cpu usage is around 20%, but it's noticably blocky01:53
Ramunasnevermind, I just read the links01:53
Arwencwillu, higher quality?01:54
Arwenlooks fine here01:54
Arwenlooks in fact BETTER than any other vo01:54
Arwensince it's all software01:54
cwillujust looks really blocky01:55
cwilluone sec01:55
cwillulet me make sure I'm not crazy01:55
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Arwenoh wait, totem right? maybe totem is broken01:56
cwilluturning off effects and setting gstreamer-props back to autodetect looks way better01:56
cwilluvlc looks the same01:57
scizzo-cwillu: what happens when using normal compiz with --replace?01:58
scizzo-get the same result?01:58
scizzo-turning of the effects and then use compiz --replace...?01:58
cwilluI get the blockyness with unaccelerated x11 with compiz on or off;  not a compiz problem01:58
cwilluother than the fact that I can't use xv with compiz running :p01:58
Arwenfile a bug. x11 should only be slow, not crappy01:59
bur[n] ertotem and vlc just crash here if compiz is enabled.  i have to use metacity or mplayer if i want to watch videos02:00
cwillusounds familiar02:00
bur[n] ercwillu: intel?02:00
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cwillumplayer works with compiz running?02:01
bur[n] eri think it's a known bug.  RAOF has told me about it many times and just says "use mplayer"02:01
bur[n] eryeah... albeit shittily02:01
cwillui.e., slowly, or ugly too?02:01
bur[n] erthe right click menu isn't worth a damn with compiz in mplayer, but it works02:01
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bur[n] eryou can at least watch stuff... and flash still works for the web :\02:01
bur[n] erbut i still miss totem and vlc02:01
Arweneh? back when I still used beryl, mplayer was able to play using xv even02:01
Arwen(and totem/vlc both kind of suck anyway, so...)02:02
cwilluvlc's gl seems to work, no luck even seeing the option installing the gstreamer-gl plugin though02:02
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ArwenVLC GL just segfaults on me :-\02:02
chrisjs169is it possible (without using the terminal) to mount a samba share in a directory other than the Desktop?02:02
ArwenATI ftl02:02
bur[n] ervlc's gl/02:02
bur[n] er?02:02
Arwenyes, VLC has a opengl renderer02:02
cwillupreferences|video|output modules02:02
cwilludoesn't play well with other windows though, only useful for fullscreen or non-overlapping windows02:03
cwilluand I get pretty bad tearing02:03
cwilluwell, visible tearing02:04
Arwenyou can force vsync globally on to fix that02:04
cwilluooo, gconf-editor, or what?02:04
Arwenxorg.conf more like02:04
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bur[n] erooh... gl mode on vlc makes the video work, but the whole top 1/3rd of my screen is hosed up where the desktop wallpaper used to be02:06
cwilluman xorg.conf intel and i810 don't have any hits for sync other than a couple monitor frequency settings02:06
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Arwencwillu, shame, guess it can't be done02:07
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=== bur[n] er will be excited when he can finally switch to compiz
bur[n] erhope it's before gutsy02:09
cwillumplayer looks to be doing something useful, but I sure hate the lack of toolbar02:09
=== bur[n] er just likes totem becuase you can press "h" to hide all controls
chrisjs169where are shares mounted when "Connect to Server" is used?02:14
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cwillumplayer has the same software rendering blockyness,02:15
crdlbchrisjs169, they're not02:15
cwilluor rather, it refuses to show it bigger than about 1/2 size02:15
crdlbthat's why you can only use gnome-vfs-aware apps with them02:16
chrisjs169crdlb: ok, so if i wanted to have a samba share mounted in a directory, i'd have to use the Terminal?02:16
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bur[n] erchrisjs169: or use fuse02:21
bur[n] er!fuse | chrisjs16902:21
ubotuchrisjs169: FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems02:21
bur[n] er!fusesmb | chrisjs16902:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fusesmb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:21
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=== DanaG can't use Totem because it doesn't show options for subtitles.
DanaGOr rather, it shows them but they're disabled.02:28
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cwillubur[n] er: still therE?02:33
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DanaGWow, that's a useful message.02:35
bur[n] eryo02:35
bur[n] erque paso?02:35
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cwillujust trying something;  did you ever run across "LinearAlloc"?02:36
bur[n] eroh, mplayer isn't working either eh?  i'm not sure02:36
bur[n] erI haven't... that an xorg.conf option?02:36
cwillumplayer doesn't work any better than vlc for opengl, and fixes the blocky software rendering by not allowing resizing from a fairly low resolution02:37
cwillubah, it's only for i810, not intel02:37
bur[n] eri wish this little part of gutsy would go smoother, but other than that, I don't have any showstoppers02:38
cwilluya, it's been running good for me so far02:39
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junminhi.. somebody can get usb0 LAN work in gutsy??? please ... i plug my device with the laptop, but gutsy cannot detect the device which should be usb002:48
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FrankHis anyone else having problems with flash and konqueror in gutsy?02:50
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Kill_Xjunmin: what chipset is your usb device based on?02:51
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junminKill_X, Bus 002 Device 004: ID 04f3:0210 Elan Microelectronics Corp.02:52
cwillubur[n] er: what do you make of this?  http://launchpadlibrarian.net/8823695/xserver-xorg-video-intel_2.1.1-0ubuntu2_source.changes02:53
cwillubur[n] er: it looks like they thought they fixed something in the driver, but that's the current one in the repo's02:53
Kill_Xjunmin: that output does not help me in any way, please state your lan chipset manufacturer and model02:54
junminKill_X, mmm ... it's the Motorola A1200 Linux smartphone02:56
Kill_Xso you're trying to get your mobile phone to work02:57
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junminKill_X, i hope to telnet it now ..  one friend has SUSE, and can detect it as a network card when i plugged it into ..02:57
cwilluin the compiz keys in gconf editor, what's the name of the 'windows' key for an accelerator?02:57
Kill_Xjunmin: how exactly do you "plug it in" ? USB connection? Bluetooth?02:58
Toma-but imho, its not that super.02:58
junminKill_X, usb connection02:58
cwilluToma-: so <Super>tab should do want I want?  because it doesn't :p02:59
cwilluwho made that tab case sensitive?02:59
Kill_Xjunmin: telnetting will most probably not work because the hardware is currently not supported at the moment.03:00
bur[n] e1junmin: doesn't it typically works as a modem?03:00
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bur[n] e1junmin: you need a usb driver, your phone is not a router03:00
bur[n] e1i think, i could be wrong, i have a windows mobile phone03:01
Kill_Xbur[n] er: that would habe been my next question ^^03:01
Kill_X-b +v03:01
bur[n] e1that said, i dual boot into windows if i'm ever on a road trip with only my cell phone and laptop and a usb cable03:02
bur[n] e1i'm not sure how bluetooth works with devices yet either.  I'm waiting on the mythical phone that does wifi, usb mass storage, 3.5 mm headphone jack, ota sync of contacts and calendar to exchange, imap email, and sync with evolution03:03
bur[n] e1s/exchange/exchange or zimbra03:03
Kill_Xjunmin: a little more info on what you're planning to do would be ver helpful to us to determine, what your problem actually is03:03
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=== Kill_X is still fighting rt2x00 ... :/
Kill_Xspeed stalling @ 100kb/s sucks way...03:05
junminbur[n] e1, Kill_X , i flashed the OS of the phone, there is some options for USB setting. one is modem, and there is another is USB NET... as what i understand, i just need to set it to USB NET, and then gutsy should detect it as a network interface usb0, then what i have to now is to assign a static private ip address to this interface and start to telnet into it. that's what i want to do.03:06
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happyface_0can anyone confirm to me if persistence is fixed in Gutsy tribe-5?03:08
Kill_Xjunmin: did that procedure work on previous ubuntu releases?03:08
junminKill_X, really dont know... but it works on a SUSE... automatically detects the interface03:09
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Kill_Xjunmin: this is ubuntu, not SuSE. SuSE uses conderably modified kernels and modules.03:10
Jordan_Ujunmin, What piece of hardware is this?03:11
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Kill_Xhappyface_0: please be more specific?03:11
junminKill_X, i was google-ing ... and the result told me it works good with ubuntu03:11
Kill_Xjunmin: what release then?03:12
junminJordan_U, it's a smartphone.03:12
junminKill_X, feisty it should be03:12
Jordan_Ujunmin, Ethernet or Bluetooth?03:12
junminJordan_U, usb connection03:12
happyface_0persistence... it's commonly used with ubuntu on USB so you can save changes (to a casper-rw partition)... it was broken in feisty03:12
Kill_Xjunmin: well, are you at feisty or gutsy at the moment?03:13
junminKill_X, gutsy....03:13
Kill_Xand it worked on feisty?03:13
Jordan_UKill_X, No persistence was / is broken in Feisty03:14
junminKill_X, as the result of google... it should work on feisty ... i cannot have a try, i dont have feisty03:14
Jordan_UKill_X, Nvm, cross conversation :)03:14
Kill_Xhappyface_0: sorry, I can't help you, although I've read about some casper improvements on gutsy...03:14
happyface_0ok, thanks anyway :(03:15
Jordan_Uhappyface_0, Why not test it yourself?03:15
happyface_0I'm sloowly downloading gutsy03:16
happyface_0if I find out, I'l add it to the wiki (since the wiki is outdated form tribe1)03:16
Kill_Xjunmin: you should try that one on feisty, gutsy is still highly experimental. (read topic)03:17
happyface_0It is currently unknown what is the problem with LiveCDPersistence and Gutsy Tribe 1, testers are needed to pinpoint the problem exactly. By reading the persistence problems with Feisty, I have guessed that Casper is at fault.03:17
Jordan_Uhappyface_0, I think it's now initramfs03:17
Kill_Xhappyface_0: Gutsy has reached Tribe 5 :o03:18
Jordan_Uhappyface_0, live-initramfs that is03:18
happyface_0I know, I quoted the wiki03:19
junminKill_X, http://www.modmymoto.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39540 there is some suggestion to do .. but it just doesnt work for me.03:19
ubotuGnome bug 447544 in gst-plugins-base "[xvimagesink]  support compiz composited video plugin." [Enhancement,Resolved: wontfix] 03:19
Kill_Xjunmin: as said, please try Feisty. Gutsy is highly experimental and there have been sincere changes in system base and drivers03:21
junminKill_X, ok.. thanks03:21
happyface_0thanks Jordan_U, now I'l have to find out how to get live-initramfs to work :S03:21
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Jordan_Uwontfix :(03:22
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Kill_Xgn8 folks03:23
Kill_X*looking forward to another day hacking rt2x00* -.-03:23
Jordan_Uhappyface_0, I think it is the same procedure, you might need to change the label, I am not sure if it still looks for "casper-rw" considering it's not casper any more :)03:25
happyface_0exactly what I was thinking03:26
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happyface_0hey Jordan_U03:36
happyface_0 At boot time it will look for a (read-only) media containing a "/live"03:36
happyface_0 directory where a root filesystems (often a compressed filesystem image like03:36
happyface_0 squashfs) is stored. If found, it will create a writable environment, using03:36
happyface_0 unionfs, for Debian like systems to boot from.03:36
happyface_0so I guess just any partition with /live03:36
Jordan_Uhappyface_0, Nice, I hate dealing with Disklabels :)03:36
happyface_0but I wonder what "squashfs" image file it looks for03:37
=== happyface_0 researches more
dankhgreat, linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-10-generic updated, now I have sound , cool , love using ubuntu alphas :)03:38
Jordan_Uhappyface_0, Wait... that /live is only for booting the liveCD, not for persistence03:39
happyface_0oh :(03:40
Jordan_Uhappyface_0, It's unionfs that does the persistence, not squashfs03:40
happyface_0so how do I do it?03:40
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rancidlm hey all, i have a dell inspron 1420 and the hardware support seems better on the beta of 7.10  is there a way to do a distribution update via the net ? (its currently running 7.04)03:41
Jordan_Uhappyface_0, I don't know03:43
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mattyvanyone else not have tracker search in the deskbar anymore? Last I looked it was, not gone, still installed03:45
mattyv*now gone03:46
RAOFrancidlm: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Tribe5?highlight=%28tribe%29 - check out "upgrading from Feisty"03:46
RAOFmattyv: Deskbar API has been changed, and the tracker plugin hasn't been updated yet.03:47
rancidlmk thnx03:48
mattyvthanks RAOF, no problem but was interested03:48
=== DanaG [n=dana@66-169-236-47.static.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aclocal - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:53
rancidlmRAOF: thnx!03:53
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roeany idea how I can figure out where my system load is coming from? my cpu is near idle and my HD isn't being thrashed, but I have an average over 2.003:56
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DanaGI wish Metacity had the compositing features that XFCE has.04:07
RAOFOr even kwin.04:10
DanaGThough it's possible to use xfwm4, metacity comes back at next login.04:11
DanaGxfwm4 doesn't do "--replace".04:11
Jordan_Uhappyface_0, Looks like the label needs to be "live-rw"04:13
=== DerekS [n=DerekS@cpe-66-65-46-91.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
DanaGwtf?  The "hald" service is required but not currently running. Enable the service and rerun this application, or contact your system administrator.04:14
DanaGNote: You need Linux kernel 2.6 for volume management to work.04:14
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DanaGOh, hald crashed for some reason.04:16
DanaGAnd yet I didn't get an offer to make a bug report.04:16
roedo I need and what is evms_activate?04:19
DanaGOh, if I want to enable the compositing in debian/control for metacity, how do I now build the package?04:19
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scizzo-people are still alive at this hour?04:27
scizzo-is anyone else but me having problems installing Tribe 5 from CD.....that the install hangs when Ubuntu logo comes up and then gives 1 beep then hangs at black screen continuing beeping all the time until you actually reboot....?04:28
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RAOFDanaG: You'd want to either use debuild, or dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot.04:31
RAOFDanaG: And do you have libcm installed?04:31
RAOFDanaG: And it's essentially a less-well-tested and featureful compiz, right?04:32
RAOFDanaG: Still, interesting.  Go for it, and report back :)04:32
DanaGI see no "debuild"04:39
DanaGAnd I'm missing some build-deps.04:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about linuxmce - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:41
DanaGThese settings cannot work with your current window manager (unknown)04:43
DanaGwtf?  I'm running xfwm4.04:43
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ysth1 DanaG: proof by assertion?04:46
DanaGHuh?  If that was a joke, I missed it ... I was paying attention to other things,04:48
ysth1DanaG: This guy (gal?) keeps saying settings can't work with current window manager.04:49
RAOFDanaG: debuild would be in devscripts, and unless you've picked up libcm-dev from somewhere you will indeed be missing build-deps.04:50
Jordan_Uysth1, You do know that proof by blatant assertion is the only truly valid proof don't you ?04:50
ysth1I can't remember who did it, but it wasn't the president or vice-president04:51
ysth1and I take full responsibility.04:52
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DanaGmetacity --replace           <newline>  depth: 16  <newline>04:56
DanaGWindow manager warning: Log level 16: Using INDIRECT rendering because LIBCM_DIRECT is not defined04:56
DanaGWindow manager warning: Log level 16: Using non-TFP rendering because LIBCM_TFP is not defined04:56
DanaGAnd then I get a bunch of big empty boxes.  Oh joy.04:56
DanaGSo that's why it's disabled.04:56
DanaGIt simply doesn't work.04:56
EndlerI'd like to test gutsy, but I can't because there was a bug introduced in kernel 2.6.22 that makes it not work with HTP374 controllers.  The bug was fixed in 2.6.23, but apparently ubuntu has not backported the fix, because Tribe 5 is not seeing my drives.04:58
EndlerAnyone know if this is being worked on, or if a 2.6.23 kernel is available?04:58
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EndlerI am referring to kernel bug #8791.05:00
ubotuLaunchpad bug 8791 in pcmcia-cs "pcmcia locks upon install process (dup-of: 9472)" [Medium,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/879105:00
ubotuLaunchpad bug 9472 in linux-source-2.6.15 "CONFIG_IDEDMA_ONLYDISK should be enabled" [Medium,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/947205:00
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happyface_0Jordan_U, where did you find that it needs to be live-rw?05:00
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EndlerI'm talking about Linux kernel bug #8791, not ubuntu bug #8791 :)05:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 8791 in pcmcia-cs "pcmcia locks upon install process (dup-of: 9472)" [Medium,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/879105:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 9472 in linux-source-2.6.15 "CONFIG_IDEDMA_ONLYDISK should be enabled" [Medium,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/947205:01
ryanakcaWhat is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running05:02
Jordan_Uhappyface_0, I don't remember now, it was some Debian mailing list05:02
happyface_0I'm about ready to put Gutsy on my usb05:03
Jordan_Uhappyface_0, http://www.mail-archive.com/debian-live-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org/msg01550.html05:03
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Jordan_Uhappyface_0, Also, you don't need to have Ubuntu on the usb drive, you can also use persistence from the liveCD with the thumb drive plugged in05:04
happyface_0ah yea05:05
happyface_0that would load faster... but having the usb drive only is just too portable05:05
hrp2171im downloading the iso for the alpha. could it be mounted and used to upgrade 7.04?05:05
hrp2171i would like to do it without having to waste a CD.05:06
RAOFhrp2171: As long as it's the alternate CD, yes.05:06
RAOFhrp2171: Oh, in that case just use update-manager.05:07
RAOFNo CD image required.05:07
hrp2171well, running gksudo "update-manager -c -d" yields no results.05:07
hrp2171i get the dreaded cannot initiate dbus msg05:07
hrp2171then update-manager opens and nothing happens05:08
hrp2171which i saw somewhere on the net that lots of people are getting the same msg05:08
DanaGRun without gksudo.05:09
hrp2171hence, imdownloading the iso and hoping to upgrade from there05:09
hrp2171same results with sudo05:09
bigboyhrp2171: update-manager bug.  first do "sudo touch -t 200701010000 /var/lib/update-manager/meta-release"05:10
bigboythen update-manager -d05:10
hrp2171omg, thank you so much bigboy05:11
hrp2171bbl later after the upgrade05:12
hrp2171i mustve been searching all over the net and forums and nothing about that workaround came up.05:12
bigboyyou're welcome05:12
bigboyI just figured it out today05:12
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DanaGIs there a nice way to open the gnome launch-box (alt-f2) via command line?05:17
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DanaG ooOOooh: http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/index.cgi          [Debian GNU/Linux device driver check page]    Just paste the output of 'lspci -n' into it.05:40
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RyoOkay, I have a small issue.  I just got Ubuntu Studio for Gutsy, and everything works, save for the theming on the windows and on the panel05:45
RyoIt just ends up being solid black.  Anyone know why this might happen?05:45
RyoAnyone at all with any clue on this?05:49
troxorRyo: the infamous black window bug?05:51
RyoAny fix?05:51
RyoBecause from the screenshots I've seen, they're not supposed to be THIS black...05:52
DanaGHeh, don't you love sites that pop up in Google results saying this:05:56
DanaGSome site:  We were unable to find results for your search term SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM BLAH BLAH YADDA YADDA05:57
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Ryoah the fun of miserably bad attempts at marketing05:57
Ryowell, I suppose I'll use blubuntu while I wait for the Ubuntu Studio theme to love me.  I have to get sleep.05:58
DanaGAnd by "SPAM SPAM SPAM", I mean a bunch of variants of what you were searching for, anyway.05:59
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happyface_0Jordan_U, the initramfs is too confusing06:04
happyface_0plus the gutsy has a casper/ dir in it so I'm gonna try casper-rw06:04
Jordan_UOk, I may be wrong, I know that Debian replaced casper, but Ubuntu might not have yet06:05
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happyface_0I got something here06:05
happyface_0I booted it up again from USB and it halted06:05
snadgewtf is wrong with gFTP.. what a brain damaged piece of excrement of a program.. can anyone recommend something like gftp, but doesnt suck?06:06
happyface_0its like an initramfs cmd line06:06
DanaGTry the "connect to server" thingy in Gnome.06:06
DanaGThen you can use Nautilus.06:06
snadgeneeds to be able to chmod, support recursive transfers etc06:07
snadgeis nautilus up to the task?06:07
happyface_0I think initramfs wants me to show it an image or something06:08
happyface_0which I don't have06:09
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rikaithat doesnt seem right06:25
happyface_0what doesn't06:25
rikaignome-nettool and traceroute uninstall each other. So if you want traceroute, you've got to uninstall ubuntu-desktop. :/06:25
ysth1rikai: I think that's cause traceroute is out of date and conflicts with modern versions of other stuff06:28
ysth1try traceroute-nanog (sp?) instead06:28
rikaiahhh, i see.06:29
rikaishouldnt traceroute be made into a virtual package to install traceroute-nanog then?06:30
rikaitraceroute google.com06:32
rikaitraceroute: icmp socket: Operation not permitted06:32
rikai...i need sudo to run traceroute now? O.o06:32
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ysth1rikai: for traceroute-nanog, sadly, yes06:34
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rikaithats silly.06:35
rikaiAnd this is supposed to be what makes traceroute out of date? how exactly is tracerotue out of date? :/06:35
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ysth1it conflicts with ubuntu-desktop :)06:39
ysth1I dunno the details, sorry06:40
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defendguini'm having a few problems with some gst based programs both totem, gst-properties, and cheese crash with the same error06:42
defendguinusing gutsy of course06:42
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ameyerPici: I wanted to say I'm sorry for my stupidity earlier06:44
ameyerand now back to your regularly scheduled gutsy discussion06:45
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu+1.log
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- You do not have channel operator access to [#ubuntu-boot] 06:48
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-server] Ubuntu Server Discussions (development and support)06:48
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-ops] Welcome to #ubuntu-ops - Home of the operators for official K/X/Ed/Ubuntu channels. Questions, requests and complaints about Ubuntu related channels and their people can be filed here"06:48
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=== Topic for #ubuntu+1: The In Development Version Channel | Please *don't* run gutsy unless you are familiar with dpkg and dependencies, bug fixing, etc | Ubuntu 7.10 - the "Gutsy Gibbon" | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | Do not use development versions of Ubuntu on production systems | For support for Dapper, Edgy, Feisty please join #ubuntu. | Go Ape! | Tribe 5 released!
=== Topic (#ubuntu+1): set by Hobbsee at Fri Aug 24 09:54:50 2007
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu+1] Please read the topic. Especially if things are broken!06:48
(ameyer/#ubuntu+1) not that it matters, I'm probably on /ignore06:48
(ysth1/#ubuntu+1) I suspect traceroute doesn't actually conflict with iputils-tracepath06:48
(ameyer/#ubuntu+1) shrug06:49
(ameyer/#ubuntu+1) someone should file a bug to see what the official explaination is06:49
ameyersince it's been broken for weeks06:50
ameyerhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/iputils/+bugs and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/traceroute/+bugs don't show any actual bugs relevant to this issue I don't think06:53
ameyeractually, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/traceroute/+bug/13434606:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134346 in traceroute "Please sync traceroute (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] 06:53
ameyertitle probably needs a little bit of work06:53
ameyersomething like "Traceroute is uninstallable, please sync from Debian unstable" might be more appropriate06:54
ameyerbut what do I know, I'm actually semi-seriously considering switching to Debian06:55
ameyeralthough less than I was a couple hours ago06:55
ameyermmm, dead06:58
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hrp2171yeah baby!  running tribe 5 now!06:59
hrp2171screen and graphics kicks arse07:00
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ameyer!ohmy > ameyer07:01
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hrp2171i wish that i had saved that command bigboy shared with me07:03
hrp2171i wonder if it's still my terminal history07:04
DanaG(08:10:11 PM) bigboy: hrp2171: update-manager bug.  first do "sudo touch -t 200701010000 /var/lib/update-manager/meta-release"07:04
=== ysth1 is bigboy
DanaGYay for logging and searching in Pidgin.07:04
ysth1I put it on the Tribe5 page on the wiki, and as a comment to the open update-manager bug07:04
hrp2171thanks, i also ran history in terminal and it was still there.  even after the upgrade07:04
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ysth1funny, I meant 1970, not 2007, but either works07:05
Raystlin_FManyone having issues with kontact (kdepim) crashing on launch? it happened with one of the updates in the last 2 days07:06
hrp2171i just updated my thread on LQ-Ubuntu with the command.  many thanks ysth1 .07:10
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dfgashmmm, runs good07:30
dfgasi just wish i knew why when i enable the first 200gig harddrive that i have that 7.04 and 7.10 do a kernel panic07:31
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cdm10Isn't Gutsy supposed to have a PDF printer enabled by default?07:36
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cdm10Right now, you can add it, but it's not added by default.07:36
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cwilluanyone with any first-hand experience getting vista refunds from acer?08:00
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jscinozHow can i make network-manager not ask for my keyring password on login in gutsy, the method i used in feisty doesnt work.08:26
DanaG!info libpam-gnome-keyring08:28
ubotulibpam-gnome-keyring: GNOME keyring services PAM module. In component main, is optional. Version 2.19.91-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 36 kB, installed size 100 kB08:29
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cwilluit seems like I get download hangs once in a while, where apt will stop downloading until I bump the mouse (the screen saver _hasn't_ kicked in however)08:38
jscinozGutsy is due out oct 17 right?08:38
DanaGbug 1323508:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 13235 in ndiswrapper "ndiswrapper should go to contrib" [Unknown,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/1323508:38
DanaGLaunchpad home page is missing a "jump to specific bug number" entry.08:39
DanaGargh, and I entered the wrong number.08:39
=== DanaG goes to /msg now.
snadgebug 1234508:46
ubotuLaunchpad bug 12345 in isdnutils "isdn does not work, fritz avm (pnp?)" [Medium,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/1234508:46
snadge12345.. what kind of an idiot would use that as a combination!?08:46
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happyface_0bug 108:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/108:52
DanaGbug 008:54
DanaGError: Launchpad bug 0 could not be found08:54
happyface_0bug 208:54
DanaGDang, they should put something funny on zero.08:54
happyface_0meh, 1 is alreaty hilarious08:55
DanaGHmm, 3 through 9 are about Rosetta.08:57
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happyface_0bug 308:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 3 in rosetta "Custom information for each translation team" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/308:59
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carbonfreezehaving an issue in kubuntu 7.10 tribe4+, anyone availble to test for duplication of issue?09:51
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aroonihello friends09:58
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arooniim having loads of trouble having eclipse not crash09:58
arooniany ideas on how to fix?09:59
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aroonii.e. eclipse is crashing too much09:59
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scizzo-arooni: try running it in a terminal and see if you get any error msg from the program10:00
Hobbseearooni: the gutsy version and feisty versions will differ - you've been warned about asking feisty questions in here before10:01
scizzo-I would like to get some help to comfirm something that I might consider a bit of a bug when it comes to dekstop effects in gutsy if anyone feels up for trying?10:02
scizzo-need to confirm with another person running compiz from apt-get to be able to tell if its my system or the program itself that is doing something crazy10:03
arooniHobbsee, well i'm talking specifically about gutsy10:04
arooniHobbsee, i made a mistake with the feisty question earlire10:04
Hobbseeah right10:04
aroonii'll try to keep it just to gutsy10:04
arooniits challenging becuase i have a desktop running feisty and my t61 laptop running gutsy10:05
Hobbseeheh.  then keep 2 channels open :)10:05
ameyerit happens...10:05
aroonialready there Hobbsee  ;p10:05
=== ameyer has a Debian lappy and a Ubuntu desktop
Hobbseearooni: exactly10:05
=== Hobbsee has a gutsy desktop, a edgy or so desktop,
arooniCould not create /usr/local/lib/eclipse/.eclipseextension. Please run as root:10:06
arooniis that a problem?10:06
Hobbseeer, s/desktop/laptop/10:06
Hobbseearooni: where did you get eclipse from?10:06
arooni Hobbsee sudo apt-get10:06
ameyersounds like it may be a bug...10:06
Hobbseearooni: if you run it with sudo, does the problem go away?10:07
arooniHobbsee, yeah i ran it as sudo once and pro blm went away10:07
Hobbseeameyer: a bug?  i dont think so.  although i'm not sure why it wants to add files to there.10:07
Hobbseearooni: there's your solution then.10:07
arooniman this is weird; my vim plugin works in .rb files but not in rhtml files10:08
arooniwhere it does work just fine on feisty10:08
Hobbseedo you have vim-full installed on both systems?10:08
ameyerwell, Linux software mostly shouldn't need root...10:08
arooniHobbsee, yes;10:08
aroonibut im having eclipse crash all over the place10:09
aroonieven after running it once as sudo10:09
aroonishould i pastie errors?10:09
Hobbseearooni: check if it's in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eclipse10:09
ameyerthat file should be created by the package IMO10:09
Hobbseeameyer: then it's not a bug.10:09
Hobbseeameyer: er, i think.10:09
Hobbseeeither way, ubuntu doesnt touch it, so you'll want to file bugs ind ebian, i expect.10:10
arooniHobbsee, there are no gutsy bugs there really10:10
Hobbseearooni: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eclipse/+bug/8190010:10
ubotuLaunchpad bug 81900 in eclipse ""Could not create /usr/local/lib/eclipse/.eclipseextension" on startup" [Undecided,New] 10:10
ameyerso, the flash player version that didn't actually install flash isn't a bug?10:10
Hobbseearooni: what gives you that idea?10:10
arooniHobbsee, just a glance10:10
Hobbseearooni: most dont actually mention which release they're running.  that doesnt mean they'r enot there10:12
Hobbseeregardless, no on in ubuntu touches eclipse (much), so those are likely to get ignored.10:12
arooniare u sure10:13
aroonino ubuntu users use eclipse?10:13
=== ameyer grrs at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/134116
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134116 in flashplugin-nonfree "Konqueror is frozen browsing some pages as youtube" [Undecided,New] 10:13
Hobbseearooni: oh, plenty of users do, but until one of them steps up and actually fixes it...10:14
Hobbseearooni: there are other torrent apps, which tend to crash less10:14
Hobbseeameyer: does that happen with klash?10:14
=== coNP does not think eclipse is a torrent app :)
ameyereclipse is an IDE, I think10:15
HobbseecoNP: oh damn, i thought it was.10:15
coNP!info eclipse10:15
ubotueclipse: Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.2-0ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 124 kB, installed size 412 kB10:15
Hobbseethat info is out of date10:15
Hobbseeameyer: gnash.  i think klash is the kde plugin for it.10:15
coNPHobbsee: no. But there is azureus that uses the Eclipse Tool Platform10:16
coNPThe info is outdated, but the short decription is still valid I guess :)10:16
ameyerHobbsee: no idea, but gnash... how can I put this appropriately... works about as well as GNU/HURD10:16
Hobbseewas meaning the version10:16
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Hobbseeameyer: then you're stuck.  no one here can fix flash-nonfree, obviously.10:17
ameyerat least it hasn't been under development for like 20 years...10:17
=== Hobbsee sets the bug to wontfix.
ameyerhow do we know it isn't konqueror being lame?10:17
_4strOhi there10:18
Hobbseeameyer: does it crash with firefox?10:18
ameyerworks fine, but it seems to me that any plugin freezes konqueror10:18
Hobbseethere's already a bug on that10:19
ameyersemi-similar to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/6657310:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 66573 in kdebase "nspluginviewer hangs up whole X server" [High,Confirmed] 10:20
ameyerexcept it doesn't hang the entire X server10:20
Hobbseeyay, bugs10:22
=== Hobbsee drowns in the bugs.
=== jussi01 offers Hobbsee a helping hand...
jussi01how are things Hobbsee?10:23
ameyerhonestly, I don't know why I bother with Konqueror10:23
Hobbseejussi01: i'm tired, and ignoring all the bugs.10:23
=== jussi01 hugs Hobbsee
ameyercall me when it quits without an "OMG SIGSEV" dialog box10:23
ameyerhere we go... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/13189110:24
ubotuLaunchpad bug 131891 in kdebase "flash player freeze in konqueror" [Undecided,New] 10:24
ameyerI'd be shocked if it was fixed before Gutsy+310:25
ameyerlike, apparently there's a bug from like hoary I'm experiencing10:26
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Hobbseewell, kde4 hopefully will fix it.10:26
Hobbseeameyer: feel free to help out.10:26
Hobbseeameyer: in fixing, sending upstream, etc.10:26
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Hobbseethere are probably easily a thousand bugs in kde on launchpad at hte moment.10:26
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ameyerwell, this is just slow USB MSC, don't know if it was ever officially reported as a bug10:29
=== Hobbsee wonders if that's gone up or down recently.
=== Hobbsee hits one with the "wontfix" stick.
Hobbseeyes, there's a reason that a program is otu fo the repositories.  filing me a bug that says it's not there is quite pointless.10:33
jussi01so now we have the longpointy stick and the wontfix stick...10:38
Hobbseejussi01: please help out on that list if you have time.10:38
jussi01Hobbsee: sure, my boss is in meetings and I have not much else to do ;)10:39
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jussi01cripes, where do I start...10:39
Hobbseepick a package on that list10:40
=== DeepB [n=Joe@15.Red-88-1-247.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
ameyerthe USB bug I'm complaining about might be https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/1998210:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 19982 in linux-source-2.6.20 "Low performance on usb-media and DVD-RAM in sync mode" [Medium,Confirmed] 10:40
ameyerseems to date back to at least breezy10:41
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Hobbseewouldnt surprise me.10:42
=== jussi01 slaps lp for being so sloooowwwww
ameyermight also be the same as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/10523210:43
ubotuLaunchpad bug 105232 in hal "Kodak USB connection stalls" [Low,Triaged] 10:43
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ameyeror https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/120517 or https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/10424110:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 104241 in linux-source-2.6.20 "[feisty]  default sync mount of external usb is *slow*, how to reverse?" [Undecided,New] 10:44
ameyerI suspect these are all the same bug?10:45
Hobbseei'd guess so10:45
ameyerwith the possible exception of the USB->USB transfer bug10:46
jussi01Hobbsee: we could close this one, no? bug 11507510:46
ubotuLaunchpad bug 115075 in knetworkmanager "knetworkmanager source doesn't compile" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11507510:46
ameyerthat may just be unfortunate expected behavior10:46
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Hobbseejussi01: i think so10:46
jussi01Hobbsee: ok, Ill do it then :)10:47
ameyerI think https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ktorrent/+bug/117418 was fixed upstream in 2.2.110:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 117418 in ktorrent "ktorrent crashes with SIGSEGV when deleting downloaded torrent + data" [Undecided,New] 10:48
jussi01Hobbsee: I think you have to close it... it wont let me, or should I assign it to me then close?10:48
Hobbseejussi01: you cant close bugs?  are you not in QA?10:48
Hobbseeameyer: is 2.2.1 in gutsy?10:48
ameyerI think so10:49
jussi01Hobbsee: QA? dont think so...10:49
Hobbseejussi01: you want to look at joining ubuntu-qa - although you should be able to close bugs anyway10:49
Hobbseejussi01: you're hitting the drop down arrow next to "new" there?10:49
jussi01Hobbsee: yeah and it gives: You are not the bug assignee nor the maintainer of knetworkmanager (Ubuntu), and therefore cannot edit this bug's status.10:50
Hobbseejussi01: they didnt put in status control, i thought.10:50
ameyerHobbsee: yeah, gutsy has 2.2.1-0ubuntu310:50
Hobbseeameyer: then you can mark it as fix released.10:50
Hobbseeand comment on the bug10:50
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ameyerI don't even have a launchpad account...10:51
Hobbseealthough, if permissions are mangled on the bug, it'd be good if you could comment saying that, then i'll close it.10:51
Hobbseeameyer: you're running gutsy.  why not?10:51
=== ameyer runs and hides
Hobbseehow do you expect to be useful and report bugs without one?10:52
ameyerI'm registering right now...10:52
=== Hobbsee closes that one
=== jussi01 slaps himself for being.... STUPID
Hobbseejussi01: you were trying to change importance?10:54
jussi01Hobbsee: no, Im on the work computer and it didnt autologin like at home.... :S10:54
=== jussi01 is very redfaced....
Hobbseejussi01: ahhh....10:55
Hobbseethat'll do it10:55
jussi01Hobbsee: bug 119818 they just need to use the wpa supplicant right??10:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 119818 in knetworkmanager "wpa does not work with networkmanager, WEP works" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11981810:58
Hobbseejussi01: knm calls wpasupplicant.10:59
Hobbseejussi01: it should "just work"10:59
jussi01Hobbsee: oh, ok then. gah, Im not being very helpful am i...11:00
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Hobbseejussi01: sure you are11:00
Hobbseejussi01: a lot of those are the fault of the network mangler, so most of them wont be able to be fixed.11:01
Hobbseejussi01: perhaps the most useful thing to do there is check for dupes, mark a whole bunch as incomplete, and go thru and set importances11:01
Hobbseeie, "do you have this problem in gutsy, there's been a major upgrade of network manager in feisty and above"11:01
jussi01ahh, ok then :)11:02
Hobbseei wonder if the big ooo bug is actually fixed.11:02
Hobbseeooh, look, it is!11:02
=== jussi01 does a bug dance :)
ameyerwow, it's late11:06
ameyerI just read kdeadmin as k dead min11:06
Hobbseejussi01: bughelper may be helpful11:06
Hobbseeeep, arts bugs look nasty11:06
jussi01Hobbsee: bug helper?11:06
Hobbseejussi01: for the backtraces11:07
jussi01Hobbsee: iirc bug 128769 has been fixed correct?11:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 128769 in knetworkmanager "[gutsy] knetworkmanager cannot be updated by apt because of the new naming convention" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12876911:07
Hobbseejussi01: ah, yep, that's fixed.  marked as such, as i had the console outptu there.11:08
Hobbseejussi01: although it should probably conflict and replace as well, maybe11:08
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ameyerumm, wtf? "Ubuntu Breezy 6.10" + automatix? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kaffeine/+bug/7705911:09
ubotuLaunchpad bug 77059 in kaffeine "MP3 Support is Broken In Feisty" [Undecided,New] 11:09
jussi01gah, Hobbsee stop it. I need lp karma also... :P11:09
jussi01ameyer: mark it as wont fix... :P11:09
Hobbseeameyer: WONTFIX it.  definetly11:09
coNPOh, Hobbsee gets enough when she triages Gnome bugs ("use KDE instead")11:10
Hobbseeameyer: that's a dupe, actually11:11
Hobbseeameyer: happens without using automatix too11:11
Hobbseeyou can probably close it as a dupe, though.11:11
=== ameyer can't find how to close anything
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jussi01ameyer: click the status up the top11:13
jussi01its got like a little drop down thingy11:14
ameyerok, now what?11:14
ameyerdo I have to assign it to myself or something?11:15
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jussi01no, wait, its a dupe? click mark as duplicate on the left11:16
=== Hobbsee mass dupes
Hobbseejussi01: i dont remember the number of what it's a dupe of though11:16
Hobbseei think it's on the beta list11:16
jussi01Hobbsee: where do i find the qa thingy11:16
ubotuTo change the importance of a bug, you need to be part of the Ubuntu QA team.  see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuQA11:16
jussi01Hobbsee: ty11:17
Hobbseewoot!  20 bugs gone.11:18
=== jussi01 hugs Hobbsee!
=== Hobbsee hugs jussi01
=== jussi01 has to report a bug... (I just cant be bothered right now to look for dupes...)
Hobbseewhat is it?11:19
=== Nicke [n=niclasa@ua-83-227-140-135.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu+1
jussi01in ark, when you go to extract it comes up with the last path, not the path to the folder where the archive is11:20
jussi01very annoying11:20
jussi01but quite low on a bug importance list11:21
Hobbseefile it upstream, not in launchpad.11:22
jussi01oh, ok. :)11:22
Hobbseehooray, down to 1611:27
=== jussi01 hi-fives Hobbsee
jussi01gah, got to run, back in a bit to help....11:27
=== Hobbsee ^5's jussi01 back
Hobbseehmmm.  it looks like arts is completely unmaintained. good thing it wont be used in kde4.11:28
pvandewyngaerdeeverythin audio depend on phonon,11:29
pvandewyngaerdeand phonon will have some backends11:29
ameyerthe whole kde3/kde4 thing seems to be a huge mess to me11:29
=== Hobbsee knocks another 2 off.
Hobbseepvandewyngaerde: true, but it wont be arts, thank goodness.11:29
ameyerKDE4 looks to be fairly immature/unstable/unusable, and kde3 is becoming unmaintained immediately after kde4's release11:30
=== Hobbsee knocks a third off
Hobbseeameyer: it's not looking too bad, actually11:31
Hobbseeway cool.  cut the bugs by 2/3rds.11:31
Hobbseeameyer: and they're focusing on kde4, then presumably will do a bugfix release of kde311:31
Hobbseealthough the architecture changes so much11:32
=== ameyer questions the logic of arguing with Hobbsee since he's already angered one op tonight
pvandewyngaerdeby 2010 KDE4 will be in an LTS version, i cant wait11:32
Hobbseeoh?  who'd you anger?11:32
Hobbseepvandewyngaerde: yeah, that'll be fun :)11:32
ameyerHobbsee: Pici11:32
pvandewyngaerde2008 to soon, bummer11:32
ameyerit was total stupidity on my part in offtopic11:33
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ameyerI believe my exact words were "Die in a fire" after he/she had already kicked me11:34
Hobbseehow useful.11:34
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ameyerif by useful you mean useless11:35
ameyerI'm somewhat surprised I wasn't banned from #ubuntu*11:36
Hobbseeprobably because pici doesnt have ops in #ubuntu yet11:37
ameyerthat might explain things11:37
ameyerwell, I don't really have any objection to anyone with ops doing whatever they feel is appropriate11:40
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ameyernot that you need my permission11:40
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ameyerwell, I probably should be going,,,11:46
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=== Hobbsee wonders why people insist on running gutsy if they dont file bugs.
=== coNP runs gutsy so that he can add new packages with new bugs in an easy way
=== mikl [n=mikl@pdpc/supporter/active/mikl] has joined #ubuntu+1
miklone of my pet hates about Ubuntu is that it is more or less impossible to find the images for Ubuntu+1 :(11:53
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pvandewyngaerdewhat do you mean mikl ?11:54
Hobbseemikl: is that an entirely bad thing?11:54
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miklHobbsee: well, I don't think it should be impossible to find, just difficult :)11:54
Hobbseemikl: cdimage.ubuntu.com11:55
pvandewyngaerdedo you mean screenshots ?11:55
miklhttp://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate/developerzone would be an obvious place to have a link :)11:55
Hobbseepvandewyngaerde: cd images11:55
Hobbseemikl: the links keep changing, though11:55
pvandewyngaerdei downloaded tribe 1, and kept updating, i hope this gives the same result11:56
ameyerpvandewyngaerde: it should11:56
jsomersa tribe is just a snapshot of a current state11:56
miklI usually reinstall when the final comes, but not before :)11:56
Hobbseepvandewyngaerde: it does11:56
ameyerif it doesn't, you've got bug11:57
jsomersI've been updating from a dapper install11:57
jsomersup to edgy, feisty and gutsy11:57
ameyerhonestly, with almost anything computers "it does" really means "it should"11:57
jsomersand I don't seem to be missing anything :)11:57
pvandewyngaerdehttp://ubuntu-unleashed.blogspot.com/2007/08/howto-completely-transparent-shell-on.html < digg it11:58
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cwillugranted that if you upgrade all the way from dapper, you're going to get every workaround along the way12:05
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pvandewyngaerdecurrently i have very slow unplayable gnome-games12:11
pvandewyngaerdecan i benchmark this ?? check what is wrong ?12:12
FrankDTWIs Flashplayer working under Type5?12:13
pvandewyngaerdetribe 5 ?12:14
pvandewyngaerdeit works here12:14
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FrankDTWThank you.12:16
Jared-Moorehi guys, i'm having some problems doing development work on gutsy12:21
Jared-Moorewhen i do "apt-get source gucharmap", "./configure", "make" i get a weird make error12:22
Jared-Moore"Makefile:107: *** target pattern contains no `%'.  Stop."12:22
Jared-Moorethe same thing happens for anjuta, both from the ubuntu repos and gnome svn12:22
Jared-Moorei've done "sudo apt-get build-dep gucharmap", and added all the dev libraries i can find, installed all the autotools packages that i can find, etc12:23
Jared-Mooresame thing happens for building alacarte12:26
Jared-Moorecompiling pidgin works though, so it might be a gnome thing12:28
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Jared-Mooreok no ideas? or nobody there? :/12:38
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snadgejussi01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV280 [Radeon 9200 SE]  (rev 01)12:58
jussi01snadge: ?12:58
snadgeoops.. i dont know how jussi got in front of that lol12:59
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snadgebut anyway, that card/chipset is a festy piece of poo12:59
snadgefeisty does not support it.. at all (in any 3d accelerated capacity)01:00
snadgeneither fglrx, or radeon driver works01:00
snadgehowever, fglrx driver did work in edgy01:00
aimazI have a 9250 and it works01:00
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snadgenow the problem is.. i cant easily revert to edgy01:00
snadgehowever i could theoretically update it to gutsy ;)01:00
jussi01snadge: I also have the 9250 and its great. the 9200 should work with the opensource driver01:01
snadgeradeon driver? i think it complains about something or rather01:01
snadgeit uses shared system memory and doesnt have the specs for that.. or something like that01:02
jussi01snadge: it would help to know exactly the error01:02
snadgefglrx whinges that its too old01:02
jussi01snadge: it is01:02
snadgeand to use the legacy driver.. legacy driver wont install because its hard coded to support edgy01:02
snadgei tried to force it with not much success01:02
jussi01the opensource driver is the correct driver for it01:02
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snadgeok i will try the opensource driver.. (is this ati or radeon?)01:03
aimazSection "Device"01:03
aimaz        Identifier      "ATI Technologies Inc RV280 [Radeon 9200 PRO] "01:03
aimaz        Driver          "ati"01:03
aimaz        BusID           "PCI:1:0:0"01:03
aimazthis one works fine for me01:03
aimazI use beryl and it works smoothly01:03
snadgemy mind is boggling.. i'll try it01:03
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snadgeok, screen just goes white when i run beryl\01:06
jussi01snadge: I would suggest thats a setting issue, rather than the driver.01:06
jussi01try asking in #ubuntu-effects01:06
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tuxcrafte1 how can i disable the new aiglx in gusty its causing errors on my system01:18
cwillutuxcrafte1: aiglx, or the effects manager?01:18
cwillu(aiglx has been on by default for a couple releases now)01:18
tuxcrafte1cwillu: the aiglx driver in xorg01:19
cwilludid you run feisty or edgy before?01:19
tuxcrafte1xubuntu feisty01:19
cwilluit's disabled the same way as before01:19
tuxcrafte1i believe its disabled on xubuntu feistu01:19
cwilluno, it's been on by default for a while01:19
tuxcrafte1but on gusty its on by default01:19
cwillubut the compositing window manager is new01:19
cwilluno, that's something else :p01:20
cwilluappearance | desktop effects, set it to none01:20
tuxcrafte1I am running xubuntu01:20
tuxcrafte1how can i disable aiglx in the xorg file?01:21
tuxcrafte1or remove it from the system01:21
tuxcrafte1its conflicting with my video card driver01:21
cwilluMake a serverflags section in xorg.conf, and add Option "Aiglx" "False"01:21
cwillubut if it worked under feisty, I'd be surprised if that was the problem01:22
cwillu(xubuntu runs the same xserver)01:22
cwilluwhat issues are you seeing?01:23
tuxcrafte1cwillu: my openchrome driver does not support big textures01:23
tuxcrafte1(==) AIGLX enabled01:23
tuxcrafte1(EE) AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/lib/dri/unichrome_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/dri/unichrome_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)01:23
tuxcrafte1(EE) AIGLX: reverting to software rendering01:23
tuxcrafte1i have successfully compiled and installed the driver like i do for years now01:24
tuxcrafte1i will also file the issue of on the openchrome devel list01:25
tuxcrafte1however aiglx is currently not supported bye the xorg driver01:26
tuxcrafte1but know its killing all 3D rendering support01:26
tuxcrafte1so i need to disable it01:26
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tattersafter updating to gutsy my webcam and TV card are failing due to error   "X Error of failed request: XF86DGANoDirectVideoMode" it seem there is a switch "-nodga" does anyone know if it possible to edit xorg.conf to include that switch so need to type ?01:45
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snadgeFatal: No GLXFBConfig for default depth, this isn't going to work.02:02
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Wousserhello, i upgraded from feisty to gutsy but now my system freezes after the ubunu loading bar, before gnome. What can I do?02:05
jussi01Wousser: run in verbose mode to see what the problem is02:07
cwilludid anything change in gutsy re: bitmapped fonts?  I've got a custom font that I need for an old dos package, and I can't get it to pick it up for the life of me02:08
tuxcrafte1how i found some possible issues02:09
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tuxcrafte1the permissions on /dev/dri/card0 are wrong02:09
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tuxcrafte1ls -hal  /dev/dri/card002:10
tuxcrafte1should be crw-rw-rw-!!02:10
tuxcrafte1where do I report this bug?02:10
tuxcrafte1against what package02:10
jussi01!bug | tuxcrafte102:10
ubotutuxcrafte1: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots02:11
jussi01xorg i would imagine....02:11
cwilluwhat are the permissions actually set to?02:11
Wousserjussi01: I don't see any problem02:11
tuxcrafte1jussi01: yes i know how to fill bugs, but against which permissions02:11
tuxcrafte1cwillu: crw-rw----02:12
Wousserjussi01: i starts correctly and I get a command line, if i want to start gnome the system freezes and my screen goes black02:12
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jussi01Wousser: what gfx card do you have?02:12
Wousserjussi01: ati 980002:12
jussi01Wousser: you need to install the fglrx package then02:13
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:13
B_Mangood morning02:13
=== Toma- [n=e17@i156-171.nv.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu+1
saispoit's possible to use the feisty kernel under gutsy ? suspend does not work with 2.6.22 :-/02:13
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coNPsaispo: I guess we have 2.6.20 kernels in gutsy as well02:15
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coNP!info linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic gutsy02:16
ubotuPackage linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic does not exist in gutsy02:16
coNPNo. Maybe only in my local package cache...02:16
saispo!info linux-image-2.6.20-16-generic gutsy02:16
ubotuPackage linux-image-2.6.20-16-generic does not exist in gutsy02:16
saispocoNP: yep but don't boot :/02:16
saispoi don't know why suspend don't work with this newest kernel, must inspected...02:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 119423 in linux-source-2.6.22 "Suspend to RAM (Sleeping) not working on DELL Latitude D520" [Medium,Triaged] 02:18
saisponot fixed since i report...02:18
cwillusaispo: where does it break?02:20
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saispocwillu: i see on kern.log02:22
saispoAug 28 12:35:03 venus kernel: [10907.072000]  ieee80211_crypt: unregistered algorithm 'NULL'02:22
saispoAug 28 14:06:22 venus kernel: [10910.964000]  PM: Preparing system for mem sleep02:22
saispoAug 28 14:06:22 venus kernel: [10910.964000]  Stopping tasks ... done.02:22
saispoAug 28 14:06:22 venus kernel: [10918.900000]  Suspending console(s)02:22
saispoAug 28 14:06:22 venus kernel: [10918.900000]  lmpcm_usb 4-1:1.0: no suspend for driver lmpcm_usb?02:22
jussi01!paste | saispo02:22
ubotusaispo: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:22
saispoexcuse me02:23
cwilludoes the machine stay up there, or does it power down?02:23
saispocwillu: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35383/02:24
saispoit power down02:24
Midknihtis there a channel here for testers02:24
saispoi must press the power button, and it reboot02:24
saispobut gnome-power-manager indicate that it's failed to suspend, visit quirk web site02:24
RAOFI think that may be a g-p-m bug, since my laptop suspends & resumes fine, but displays that on resume.02:25
saispomaybe RAOF02:25
saispoi think too02:25
cwilluyou have a mouse plugged into the laptop?02:26
Wousserjussi01: you fixed my problem, thank you02:27
saispocwillu: yes a logitech mx1000 for laptop02:27
cwillusaispo:  what happens if you unplug it, and then suspend?02:27
jussi01Wousser: great. :)02:27
saispocwillu: will try02:28
saispocwillu: work fine but the same bug in g-p-m02:29
cwillusaispo: improvement?02:29
saispoi can try hibernate if you want too02:30
cwilluit didn't work at all before, correct?02:30
saispocwillu: the laptop suspend well, but i think i same as i have the mouse plugged02:30
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ubotuLaunchpad bug 135273 in xorg-server "gusty - xserver-xorg-core - wrong device permissions on /dev/dri/card0 (crw-rw----) instead of (crw-rw-rw-)" [Undecided,New] 02:30
cwilluthe kern.log entry was benign then02:30
cwillutuxcrafte1: they'll probably want to see your xorg.conf attached02:31
saispocwillu: it's a g-p-m bug, must reported it upstream ?02:32
saispoi don't inspect the code to see what it check for displaying this libnotify error02:32
cwillucheck if there's a bug already on launchpad, I'd expect that there is02:32
saispoyep, and RAOF have the same :)02:33
saispoRAOF: have you reported the bug ?02:33
RAOFsaispo: No, I haven't.  Please do so.02:33
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RAOFsaispo: It seems harmless though :)02:34
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rockyhmm... is deskbar currently undergoing instability?02:40
rockykeeps crashing for me02:40
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Raystlin_FMis kontact crashing on launch for anyone else?02:45
tuxcrafte1cwillu: thanks for the corrections02:46
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shirish!download manager03:06
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive03:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wget - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:06
jussi01!info wget03:06
ubotuwget: retrieves files from the web. In component main, is standard. Version 1.10.2-3ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 233 kB, installed size 1924 kB03:06
shirishjussi01: do you know any other download manager, having a GUI front-end & nice.03:07
shirishjussi01: and powerful, I used gwget and its lame to say the least :(03:08
jussi01shirish: I think some of the mozilla extensions work...03:08
shirishjussi01: looking for download manager having segmented downloading03:08
jussi01there is curl, but i dont know about a front end03:08
jussi01!info curl03:09
ubotucurl: Get a file from an HTTP, HTTPS or FTP server. In component main, is optional. Version 7.16.4-2ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 170 kB, installed size 284 kB03:09
jussi01!find curl03:09
ubotuFound: curl, libcurl3, libcurl3-dbg, libcurl3-gnutls, libcurl4-gnutls-dev (and 17 others)03:09
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jussi01!nfo wmget03:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nfo wmget - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:10
jussi01!info wmget03:10
ubotuwmget: Background download manager in a Window Maker dock app. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.0-2 (gutsy), package size 35 kB, installed size 140 kB03:10
jussi01could try that one shirish03:10
shirishjussi01: sure would do03:10
jussi01Ive not used it though03:11
shirishjussi01: curl has segmented download properties?03:12
shirishjussi01: meaning it supports segmented segmented downloading03:12
jussi01shirish: no idea.03:12
jussi01shirish: install it and: man curl03:12
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tattersBeen trying to get my webcam and Tv card working as the did previously in feisty running xawtv -hwscan gives me many errors  http://pastebin.com/m763fbec003:22
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shirishjussi01: do you know any software to analyze what a file is, I mean a kind of decoder for .mp4 to know what encoder was used, if you know what I mean03:24
jussi01shirish: no, i dont03:24
shirish!info mp403:24
ubotuPackage mp4 does not exist in gutsy03:24
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:24
LazyJayshirish: does 'file' give this sort of info?03:24
shirishLazyJay: I haven't tried that, if it gives good, I do remember seeing an app. somewhere which did precisely this job03:25
shirishLazyJay: lol, it shows the file as an ISO media03:26
LazyJayshirish: NM, lol03:28
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miklWhat has become of /etc/iftab in gutsy, I wonder03:32
mikljeffferrari: in favor of what?03:32
jeffferrariin favour of /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent net something03:33
jeffferrari70-persistent-net.rules to be exact03:33
miklah, ok - I never managed to get my head around making proper udev rules - perhaps now is the time ;)03:33
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jeffferrarilinux eventually forces you to learn everything... no matter how long you evade it03:34
miklgutsy server is looking very promising so far - I like that we get AppArmor out-of-the-box03:35
jeffferrariaye - are you needing just to do static interface aliasing?03:35
mikljeffferrari: yes, I just need to make sure that eth0 is always eth0 ;)03:36
mikland so on with eth1, 2, 3, 4 etc.03:36
miklbut the documentation in 70-persistent-net.rules is quite good actually03:37
jeffferrarimikl: unless I'm mistaken, you don't really have to learn the udev rules syntax - I'm only using desktop and the static alias entries are already there03:37
mikljeffferrari: yes, I've just discovered the same. Neat.03:37
miklthankfully, there are some things Linux does not force us to learn. I tried to install FreeBSD on a test box, just to try it out - and suddenly I found myself knee-deep in trouble and harddrive geometry problems :)03:39
miklAnd I just wondered why FreeBSD can't do what Linux does and03:39
miklso I don't have to worry about the geometry of my harddrives :)03:39
shirishguys a slightly offtopic question, does anybody know what that tool is called which takes a multimedia file, reads it & tells what encoder was used & what decoder is needed to see/view a multimedia file.03:41
shirish Looking for terminology here atm03:41
jeffferrariooohhh old school - like when I first tried to install redhat about 10 years ago and ended up reading half a book about sectors etc just to get past first part of installer03:41
jeffferrarishirish: gspot in windows03:41
mikljeffferrari: yeah. I don't know what Linux does now, but somehow it makes it work without asking me :)03:41
shirishjeffferrari: found that out, any idea of something similar for ubuntu03:42
shirishjeffferrari: I did read there is something similar in the latest gutsy-changes-report but don't know what.03:42
jeffferrarishirish: hmmm03:43
robtaylorshirish: you can use mplayer03:43
robtaylorshirish: or gst-typefind-0.1003:44
jeffferrarishirish: mediainfo?03:44
shirishjeffferrari: came on the last one myself, just this moment, mediainfo03:44
jeffferrarishirish: my synaptic is busy downloading daily, but http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=45312503:44
shirishjeffferrari: same here, and the same thread too ;)03:45
jeffferrarirobtaylor: that gst-typefind is the winner - is that what mplayer/gstream uses to figure out required codecs?03:47
robtaylorjeffferrari: yep03:47
robtaylorjeffferrari: well, gstreamer (and hence totem) does03:47
jeffferrarirobtaylor: well that answered one of my unasked/one day when I'm bored questions :)03:48
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robtaylorjeffferrari: only downside is it wont be much help for formats gstreamer doesnt understand yet ..03:49
roewhat was Tribe 5 released?03:50
__timgst-typefind will only give you the top-level container, it usually doesn't tell you much about codecs03:50
shirish_tim: actually alongwith with the container I'm also looking if it can give something like proper EOF or not03:52
robtaylor__tim: hmm, the typefind stuff in gst certainly has the capability of finding what the codecs are, i thought typefind spat that out as well nowadays03:53
=== robtaylor doesnt actually have any media though
shirishrobtaylor: I downloaded an interview from archive.org , its 1.9 GiB file, wget says its completed, but I'm not able to play it in any of the players, can hear audio only in vlc but that's that.03:56
Arwenshirish, link please03:56
shirishArwen: http://www.archive.org/download/20070226-CambrianHouse-DonTapscott-Wikinomics-Presentation/DonTapscottPresentation-v20-vbr2800-a256.mp403:56
Arwenwill analyze it, one second03:56
shirishArwen: its about a book called wikinomics, community oriented stuff03:57
KetsubanOkay, I'll come out and say it: I'm completely stumped. I'm perfectly okay so long as I'm using the nv driver; if I try to enable nvidia then the system just doesn't do anything when I boot - there's no Xorg.0.log to analyse, and there's no command-line. I have to reboot into recovery mode to replace xorg.conf with the backup. I'd really love to know why this isn't working, because I need my 3D acceleration. :(03:57
shirishArwen: here's the output I get from wget if I try to continue the download http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35390/03:58
jeffferrariKetsuban: while you can boot disable compiz and retry03:58
Arwenshirish, it's got all kinds of proprietary codecs in it03:59
Arwenlooks like some combination of uncompressed audio and video03:59
shirishArwen: that's strange, I thought archive.org was like free software or something on those lines.03:59
Ketsubanjeffferrari: That's changing the option to "No effects" right?03:59
Arwenno... archive.org is an ARCHIVE04:00
jeffferrariKetsuban: yeah04:00
Arwenit makes sense to use the most efficient formats, not the most free ones04:00
KetsubanAlright then, let's give that a try.04:00
shirishArwen: true, but if you read the wikipedia page you come with the understanding it will be more open to free formats04:00
shirishArwen: did you download the whole thing or how did you analyze?04:00
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Arweneh, I just called MPlayer on it, I don't seem to have enough of it to tell anything for sure though04:01
jeffferrarinice net connection if he downloaded it in 30 seconds04:01
Arwenblah, my net connection is faster than their upload capacity it seems04:01
shirishjeffferrari: yup, same here, it took me 3 whole days to download the whole thing just to know it can't play on my machine04:02
shirishArwen: 30 kB/s here too, but while downloading through wget it gave only 13 kB/s :(04:02
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shirishArwen: on torrents I usually get 24/25 kB/s04:03
robtaylorshirish: works for me04:03
__timthat's really smart, that file has all the stream headers at the end of the file ...04:03
shirish_tim: thanx for telling me that ;)04:04
robtaylorshirish: its h264 and mp304:04
shirishrobtaylor: what works for you?04:04
shirishrobtaylor: h264, I don't think I have that installed04:04
robtaylor mplayer http://www.archive.org/download/20070226-CambrianHouse-DonTapscott-Wikinomics-Presentation/DonTapscottPresentation-v20-vbr2800-a256.mp404:04
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Arwenclaims to be uncompressed dv04:04
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shirish!info h26404:05
ubotuPackage h264 does not exist in gutsy04:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about h264 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:05
robtaylorshirish: just install mplayer04:05
Arwen...H.264 support is part of ffmpeg04:05
shirishrobtaylor: I have mplayer, and it sinks04:05
robtaylorshirish: actually totem should be able to play it04:06
shirishrobtaylor: have that too04:06
Arwenrobtaylor, playing the URL, I get a bunch of domain not found04:06
robtaylorshirish: looks like gutsy is shipping both x264 and ffdec_h264 plugins04:06
Arwenand it is most definitely not H.264...........04:07
shirishrobtaylor: don't have it04:07
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robtaylorshirish: gst-inspect-0.10 | grep 26404:07
Ketsubanjeffferrari: No luck. :(04:08
robtaylorArwen: not sure what you're looking at, but i just had it playing and streaming here04:08
Arwenrobtaylor, oh really? unless you have some kind of evidence to back your statements, kindly keep them out of here.04:08
jeffferrariKetsuban: so compiz all off and still bailing?04:08
shirishrobtaylor: http://pastebin.ca/67352404:08
robtaylorArwen: you want a screencast?04:09
Arwenno, I want some terminal output04:09
Ketsubanjeffferrari: I changed the setting to "No effects" like you said and it still didn't load anything on boot.04:09
robtaylorArwen: http://pastebin.ca/67351804:09
Trewasyep that video works fine streamed with mplayer (some svn version though, not what is in gutsy)04:09
Arwenrobtaylor, funny, I get http://pastebin.ca/67351704:09
Arwenmaybe we're not looking at the same file04:09
jeffferrariKetsuban: does it hard lock?04:10
shirishoh oh, guys wasn't/isn't mediainfo packaged for gutsy, I did read about it in gutsy-changes ML sometime ago04:10
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robtaylorArwen: probably if you stream it, it searches out the stream headers at the end, then starts playing04:10
Ketsubanjeffferrari: No, I can toggle the lock lights on the keyboard, but I have to hit the reset button to reboot.04:11
robtaylorwhich is probably shirish's problem04:11
Arwenrobtaylor, now I'm just getting a endless loop of "could not resolve blah blah blah"04:12
robtaylorArwen: local dns issues?04:12
Arwenno, my DNS works fine... oh wait, finally got it04:12
shirishlol, I'm stuck here guys any answers04:12
Arweneither way, that's a Broken File (tm).04:12
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Arwenshirish, you have to play the URL, the file is broken so that you can't just download it04:13
shirishArwen: I already downloaded it :(04:13
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jeffferrariKetsuban: hmm, dunno man04:13
jeffferrariKetsuban: fresh install?04:14
robtaylormplayer is smarter then gstreamer here,it seems04:14
robtaylorgst is going through the whole file to find the headers, whereas mplayer jumps stright to them04:14
Ketsubanjeffferrari: Won't help anything. :P This has been a problem since I installed.04:14
__timyes, GStreamer won't seek to the end of the http stream for the headers, but try to buffer the file into memory until it gets to them .. :)04:14
robtaylorthats an interesting test-case file for gst :)04:14
shirishcan somebody find out if Mediainfo is packaged or not for gutsy? on packages.ubuntu.com using gutsy doesn't give anything.04:15
robtaylor__tim: definitly suboptimal ;)04:15
robtaylorshirish: nope not yet04:15
__timrobtaylor: sure04:16
shirishrobtaylor: any idea if its in a build queue or something or not at all.04:16
Arwenthat's wonderful, f***ing webserver trying to stream video on 30kB/s of bandwidth04:16
Arwenthat's less than I have04:16
robtaylorshirish: what happens when you run mplayer on the file?04:16
shirishrobtaylor: this is what happens when I run totem http://pastebin.ca/67353004:17
Arwenwe said mplayer04:18
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jeffferrariKetsuban: which nvidia driver are you using? the repo one?04:18
shirishrobtaylor: mplayer crashes, here's the output http://pastebin.ca/67353204:18
robtaylorshirish: woah04:19
robtaylorshirish: i guess somehow that file's got corrupted04:19
Ketsubanjeffferrari: yeah.04:19
shirishrobtaylor: that's why I needed that mediainfo, guess I'll have to put up a post about it.04:19
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robtaylorshirish: it wont tell you any more04:20
robtaylorshirish: its h264 with mp3, and mplayer will stream it just fine.Totem wont.04:20
robtaylorshirish: and your download seems to have got correupted04:20
shirishrobtaylor: that is what it seems04:20
Arwenyou could also try svn mplayer and see if it fails any less04:21
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shirishArwen: I deleted the file sorry :(04:21
shirishArwen: robtaylor: any ideas which is a good download manager, which will give me something like 30 kB/s04:22
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Arwenyou could try leeching with aria2 "aria2c -s4 url"04:23
Trewasubuntu's mplayer is ancient, but that's at least partially mplayer's fault because they do new releases very rarely04:23
shirishArwen: what's the -s4 about?04:24
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Arwen4 connections04:25
ArwenTrewas, that's why Ubuntu should sync to svn04:25
shirishArwen: cool and it does resume stuff.04:25
shirishArwen: I meant that as a question04:27
shirishArwen: wtf aria2 doesn't have a manual :(04:27
Arwenman aria2c04:28
shirishArwen: saw that, did a dpkg -L for that ;)04:28
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shirishArwen: have you used aria2 quite a bit?04:30
Arwennot really04:30
Arwenhard to justify using it over wget really04:30
shirishArwen: does wget maintain a log or has option for log?04:31
Arwenyou can use bash redirection for that04:31
shirishArwen: aria2 seems to have support for that04:31
Arwenwget blah > file.txt04:31
shirishArwen: so it would be wget url > soname.txt04:32
roedoes setting the appearance -> Desktop effects to "No Effects" load metacity instead of compiz?04:32
Arwenyes, can you stop highlighting my name pelase?04:32
shirishArwen: again that last sentence was a question04:32
shirishok cool, sorry04:32
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Ramunasanybody know of a repository which has screenlets for Gutsy?04:33
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shirishAnybody knows what would be the right way to write the log for aria2, I made a pastebin for it04:59
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mikkaelshould i choose the daily image for a fresh install or the latest tribe ?05:29
ArwenTribe is probably more tested, and you can just update it immediately anyway05:30
Arwenso unless you're really cramped for bandwidth, don't bother with dailies05:30
mikkaelcan someone paste the link to the daily images ?05:31
mikkaelnvm, got it05:32
shirishArwen: I'm really saddened by not having logs for aria2 even though the man says its possible :(05:33
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ubotuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html05:46
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sharperguycould i have a link for a gutsy mirror? because i cant seem to find one05:48
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ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive05:48
gnomefreaksharperguy: whats wrong with archive.ubuntu.com?05:49
gnomefreakthey work fine here05:49
sharperguynever heard of it i don't think05:49
gnomefreakatleast gb and uk do05:49
gnomefreaksharperguy: its in your sources.list05:49
sharperguyi meant to get iso's05:49
gnomefreakthe topic holds that info05:49
sharperguyi dont see it05:50
gnomefreakatleast used to05:50
gnomefreakHobbsee: changed it05:50
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sharperguyhmm, well i read that first so blame hobbsee :P05:50
Hobbseewha?  i dont recall doing that.05:50
gnomefreakHobbsee: i dont know who did it but you werte last to change it05:50
Hobbseegnomefreak: yes, but i s/tribe 4/tribe 5/05:51
gnomefreakah ok05:51
sharperguyyeah releases.ubuntu.com only has stable releases05:51
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+105:51
gnomefreaksharperguy: hold on05:51
sharperguyah ty05:53
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gnomefreakif i get free time today i will shorten that and put link in there05:54
gnomefreakor better yet05:54
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+105:54
Hobbseesharperguy: cdimage.ubuntu.com05:55
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=== mode/#ubuntu+1 [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
sharperguyHobbsee, cool05:57
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu+1:gnomefreak] : The In Development Version Channel | Please *don't* run gutsy unless you are familiar with dpkg and dependencies, bug fixing, etc | Dont use development version of Ubuntu on production systems | Ubuntu 7.10 - the "Gutsy Gibbon" | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | For support for Dapper,Edgy, Feisty please join #ubuntu. | Go Ape! | Tribe 5 see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Tribe5
=== mode/#ubuntu+1 [-o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
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jeffferrarianyone here familiar with the libpam-gnome-keyring package?06:21
xtknightjeffferrari,  not really but what about it?06:22
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jeffferrarixtknight: well, I'm just wondering what thats about - the pamkeyring module works well, and the guy from gnome made clear his intention with their integration was SSO for keyrings in gnome06:23
jeffferrariI saw that package and hoped that just installing it would have the same effect as pamkeyring06:24
jeffferrari(with the additional /etc/pam.d/gdm changes included :) )06:24
xtknighthmm no idea06:25
jeffferrarithis is the apparent derivative http://live.gnome.org/GnomeKeyring/Pam06:26
kalon33jeffferrari :  I installed it and test it, but it doesn't open automatically my keyring at Gnome session startup, I continue to search why !06:27
jeffferrarikalon33: yeah, according to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-keyring/+bug/129346 I figured it would be alpha06:27
ubotuLaunchpad bug 129346 in gnome-keyring "Please build and install the new pam module" [Wishlist,Triaged] 06:27
jeffferrarihaha didn't know ubotu did that06:28
kalon33ubotu does a lot of useful things :p06:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about botsnak - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:28
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!06:29
PiciAnd alot of not-so-useful things06:29
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kalon33lol :p06:30
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kalon33Pici: like apt-get, have you ever made it mooed ?06:30
knixThere's a bug with acpi in the 2.6.22-10 kernel, my headphone switch no longer works, and sound comes out of the speakers in my laptop as well06:30
knix(works fine in -9)06:31
sharperguyapt-get moo?06:31
kalon33yes ! ^^06:34
kalon33not a very useful thing isn't it ?06:35
mon^rchis there a compiz fusion guide somewhere with gpg keys and etc?06:41
mon^rchthere used to be :/06:42
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects06:42
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mon^rchoops, wrong chan06:43
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ScislaCis there a commercial repo active for gutsy yet?06:59
Arwenas of 3 days ago, no06:59
ScislaCcool, thanks06:59
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CydeSwypewanted to let whomever cares know that this morning's update fixed my audio on intel hda07:18
CydeSwypewill report same to launchpad...i think there's a couple bugs open about that07:18
dfgasCydeSwype, what one exatly? i have a stac 922007:20
CydeSwypeerr not sure.  it's whatever comes in the dell latitude d82007:20
scizzo-anyone else but me that does not find the restricted-extras in the add/remove program?07:20
CydeSwypedevice manager says: 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller07:21
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ArtimusHow does one typically work on Gutsy?  On a separate partition/chroot? A VM/different box?  How many people run it as their primary OS?07:26
nosrednaekimI have it on a separate partition07:26
scizzo-nvm my comment before07:28
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CydeSwypei run it straight...on my whole hard drive ... cuz i'm an f'n nut  =^)07:30
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pvandewyngaerdeArtimus:  i run it as my primary os07:36
Tomcat_I only use the LiveCD... usually I install & dual-boot (but no time + hard drive crash).07:38
c00i90wnwhen I want to install ubuntu-laptop-mode apt asks for removal acpi-support, is this a bug or should I allow it? (this also removes in consecuence ubuntu-desktop)07:40
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kousotuMY sound is gone...07:56
kousotuthe update kiled it...07:56
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CydeSwypekousotu, this morning's upgrade?  i actually got sound back thanks to this morning's upgrade.  two steps forward, one step back i guess08:00
CydeSwypethere's a couple trouble tickets in launchpad about sound...but i'm not sure which relates to what hardware anymore08:00
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kousotuwill it's odd..08:01
kousotuI updeated, ad UNTILL I resarted my LT my sound was fie08:02
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ysth1I got sound back too08:07
ysth1kousotu: check for more updates?08:07
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kousotuI did08:08
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kousoturoot@laptop:~# apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade08:10
kousotuCalculating upgrade... Done08:10
kousotu0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.08:10
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libata - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:33
shirish!info libata08:33
ubotuPackage libata does not exist in gutsy08:33
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_AzraelHey, when I enable gldesktop, I loose decorators (i.e. title bars go away on windows), anyone know how to fix this?08:35
scizzo-anyone that can confirm that vmware-player is uninstallable in the source tree?08:36
scizzo-_Azrael: if you go to System->Preferences->Appearance08:36
scizzo-do they come back?08:36
scizzo-_Azrael: I have had problems with using gl-desktop also08:37
_AzraelIf I just go there, no, nothing happens.08:37
scizzo-_Azrael: a suggestion is to use: compiz --replace08:37
scizzo-_Azrael: turn off the Dekstop Effects and then try to use normal compiz in that way08:37
tehkgtk-window-decorator --replace08:38
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scizzo-tehk: the desktop effects was actually the main problem08:40
scizzo-tehk: it seems that the cube was gone completly whe n I tried08:40
scizzo-tehk: I couldn't change the number of workspaces...only the rows08:40
scizzo-tehk: so I had 4 rows but only 1 workspace08:41
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tehkdefault does not use cube anyway08:41
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scizzo-tehk: when turning of the gl-desktop and desktop effect and using compiz --replace with options from the fusion manager you can download it works just fine with everything08:41
scizzo-tehk: the effects added as standard was really buggy though08:42
scizzo-at least for me08:42
tehkLets hope your the minority08:42
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scizzo-tehk: yes...I would like to see if anyone else is having the same problem before doing a report of it08:42
tehkAre you updating from feisty?08:43
tehkOr is this fresh?08:43
greengiantis it possible to upgrade from tribe4 to 5?08:43
tehkYou do not need to08:43
tehkit auto upgrades08:44
Arwengreengiant, yes. With apt.08:44
tehktribes are only cd releases of the updated system08:44
tehkDo not use apt08:44
tehkuse the updater08:44
greengiantvery nice, so just use the updater08:44
ArwenTribes are just arbitrary snapshots of the same version.08:44
Arwentehk, apt IS the updater08:44
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tehkThe updater uses apt08:44
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tehkbut it does other things besides apt08:45
shirishhi all query time08:45
greengiantthanks guys08:45
Azrael1Hm. After resetting X, using compiz replace and gtk-window-decorator replace the title bars are still not back08:45
greengiantdon't fight because of me !08:45
Arwentehk, um, no it doesn't. Except when changing distributions, it just calls apt dist-upgrade.08:45
tehkAzrael1, do a glxgears for me08:45
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Arwenwhat's glxgears have to do with it?08:46
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tehkTo test if compiz was actually enabled08:47
Arwenhow would running glxgears determine if compiz is running?08:48
tehkIt wouldnt08:48
Arwenuh huh08:48
tehkIt tells me his 3d is working08:48
Arwenno it doesn't08:48
Arwenglxinfo would sort of. glxgears doesn't tell anything.08:48
=== Arwen gets 40000 fps on glxgears without dr. Wanna guess why?
scizzo-glxinfo | grep direct08:49
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Azrael1When compiz is running, if I start glxgears, x crashes08:50
Azrael1when compiz is not running it goes fine08:50
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tehkThats bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/13091408:51
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ubotuLaunchpad bug 130914 in compiz "[Compiz/nvidia-glx-new] Running glxgears while using compiz restarts x (dup-of: 130325)" [Undecided,New] 08:51
ubotuLaunchpad bug 130325 in xorg "glxgears, 3d apps, crash X when using compiz-fusion (gutsy) (nvidia-glx-new 9755)" [Undecided,Confirmed] 08:51
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knix_Hello all.  When I do a "function F5" on my toshiba laptop for showing a presentation, I can't get it to get my screen back on the laptop.  Any thoughts on how to get it back, other than rebooting or killing X?08:57
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yuriyhi, anybody have bluetooth working/not working on kubuntu gutsy?08:59
rbanffyHi folks. Where did gnome-cups-manager went?09:00
yuriyrbanffy: system-config-printer?09:01
rbanffyyuriy: Thanks!09:01
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ameyeris the new firefox plugin finder thing supposed to actually install plugins?09:19
DerekShave there been any problems with the nvidia drivers? I have an nvidia gpu yet the logs say that it failed to initialize the module09:20
ameyersince the plugin installer seems to not be working at all09:23
=== ameyer fires up konqueror to look for bug reports
scizzo-DerekS: what module?09:24
scizzo-DerekS: libwfb?09:24
sparrwlets see how gutsy likes booting with a kernel from dapper  :)09:24
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=== ameyer stabs gnash and/or ubufox
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DerekSscizzo-: no idea, but i just noticed an nvidia-glx-new module09:28
DerekSi installed that instead09:28
DerekSand it somewhat worked09:29
DerekSgnome won't load09:29
DerekSbut gdm does09:29
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DerekSscizzo-: yes! libwfb does not load09:32
scizzo-DerekS: yeah that is a known problem09:32
DerekSscizzo-: is there a known fix?09:33
scizzo-DerekS: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20/+bug/9864109:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 98641 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20 "[nvidia-glx-new]  NVidia driver missing libwfb" [High,Confirmed] 09:34
scizzo-DerekS: you need to download the package from the website then extract it and copy the libwfb from that package09:35
scizzo-wget http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_1.0-9755.html09:35
_Jaak_How is gutsy doing in persistance mode?09:35
scizzo-well in some way....go to nvidias site and follow instructions that is in the bug report09:35
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aantipopi thought dolphin would be the default file-manager for kubuntu gutsy ?09:41
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chrisjs169what package is needed for rhythmbox to play m4a files?09:44
__timchrisjs169: try to play your .m4a file in totem ("Movie Player") and it should try to install the missing packages automatically; after that it should work in rhythmbox too; you'll need probably need gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad*, maybe also -ugly*09:46
chrisjs169__tim, ok, thanks09:46
DerekSscizzo-: hmmm, ok09:48
_Jaak_anyone test herd 5 on usb disk in persistance mode?09:49
Stormx2Has anyone experienced X somehow making the keys "Sticky" occasionally.09:52
Stormx2I go to open a tab in firefox, and it opens about 100 cause it thinks I am pressing T over and over again.09:53
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ameyerfsck, gnash is refusing to work properly10:01
ameyers/properly/at\ all/?10:01
Arwenwell, then use real flash10:02
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ttf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:02
ameyerArwen: well, that's not helpful in this case10:02
shirish!info ttfonts10:03
ubotuPackage ttfonts does not exist in gutsy10:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ttfonts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:03
Arwenshirish, are you looking for msttfcorefonts?10:03
ameyerI'm trying to prove that a bug's in konqueror and/or nspluginviewer not flashplugin-nonfree10:03
shirishArwen: actually I have a ttfont, now it needs to go ~/.ttfonts dunno how that can happen.10:04
Arwenhuh? move it there10:04
randy026_whats the url for gusty medibuntu w32codecs stuff?10:04
Arwenrandy026_, medibuntu.org10:04
randy026_Arwen, im on there but I dont see any gusty repos10:06
ameyeractually, there's other ways to prove this bug10:06
Arwenjust replace feisty with gutsy10:06
randy026_ok thanks!10:06
ameyersomeone link to something with embedded media that isn't flash10:06
Arwenrandy026_, warning: medibuntu hasn't synced with official packages, so their stuff is old.10:06
Arwendoesn't matter for w32codecs though10:06
shirishArwen: is there a way to know if the font has moved there or not?10:07
Arwenshirish, ls ~/.ttfonts10:07
randy026_Arwen, so after I install it should I take it out from my sources list? I mean it wont pull other stuff from there and mess up my system if I do apt-get upgrade or anything will it?10:08
shirish ls ~/.ttfonts10:08
shirishls: /home/shirish/.ttfonts: No such file or directory10:08
Arwenrandy026_, it's harmless10:08
Arwenshirish, guess it's not there then10:08
randy026_ok thanks10:08
shirishArwen: what could be the issue, it shows the file there as done, but still it doesn't work :(10:09
_Jaak_by default compiz-fusion is loaded now right? What happens if i load the restricted official ati driver, will it fallback to metacity or does it work with that driver now?10:09
Arwenshirish, *shrug*, you never explained what you were trying to do,10:09
shirishArwen: I am trying to use a presentation tool called mgp (magicpoint) and the presentation uses a particular font called timesbd.ttf10:10
shirishArwen: now that file needs to be copied to a ./ttfonts10:11
Arwenshirish, apt-get install msttcorefonts10:11
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Arwenthat's a Microsoft (TM) font.10:11
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kousotuDoe gutsy automatically update tribes?10:13
hyljeiirc it prompts you to dist-upgrade when new tribes appear10:13
Arwenkousotu, yes10:13
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Arwentribes are just arbitrary snapshots of the development branch10:14
kousotuArwen, I mean like from tribe 4 to 5 etc.10:14
Arwenyes, read what I said10:14
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shirishArwen: bbl :)10:15
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kousotuI did, just wanted to make sure you understood my question clearly10:15
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lastenthi, how do I upgrade to the beta release??10:39
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Arwenread the topic10:48
randy026_Is firefox broken for anyone else after the last FF update?10:49
Arwendunno, I use generic Mozilla Firefox10:49
randy026_my download and add-on panels don't work :/10:49
randy026_just gives me a xml error10:49
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kfoltmanis frequent crashing of firefox and thunderbird a well known bug in the freshly updated version of gutsy?10:52
randy026_mine doesn't crash.. it's just broken...10:52
kfoltmanI can get thunderbird to crash in 100% of cases just after running it, and firefox is usually put down by reading a few pages of digg10:54
kfoltman(not that it's particularly bad in itself ;) )10:54
kfoltmanneedless to say, it worked pretty well in feisty10:54
randy026_hmm my firefox works fine its just the download and add-on panels don't work .. they just give xml errors10:55
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kfoltmanthunderbird crashes in gklayout11:07
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Kyusshi people!11:20
bdgrauemy kubuntu-gutsy compiz fusion dont work right, can someone help please?  http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/14260/  <-- the paste of the error11:20
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kfoltmanhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mozilla-thunderbird/+bug/135386 anything to add to the report?11:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 135386 in mozilla-thunderbird "thunderbird crashes in libgklayout.so" [Undecided,New] 11:23
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kfoltmanoh looks it was my fault, because of copying tahoma font from windows... I got what I deserved for using MS font ;)11:31
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ohadhow do i install a patch -- .c file? i am running ubuntu gutsy on thinkpad x61s11:39
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ohadtrying to fix sound and hibernation / suspend11:39
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SeveredCrossNo idea TBH.11:41
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cwilluI'm having some trouble font trouble11:45
davmor2cwillu: go on11:46
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cwilluI've got a font that I need installed;  I've tried putting it in ~/.fonts, /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc, and /usr/local/share/fonts, but I can't get it to pick up anywhere11:46
cwillufc-cache -f -v seems to skip over it11:46
cwillu(i.e., it'll say '0 fonts, 0 dirs' when I put the files in my home directory or in local/fonts11:47
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SeveredCrossI think you need to do some stuff with defoma but I'm not sure.11:47
cwilluI've done this a whole bunch of times under feisty, edgy and dapper11:49
cwillubut it's just being ignored under gutsy11:49
cwilluI thought it might have been that bitmap fonts were disabled;  I replaced /etc/fonts/font.d/70-disable-bitmap-fonts with the enabled one under font.avail11:50
davmor2try installing dfontmgr not sure exactly what it does but it says it is a gui to defoma11:50
cwilluconf.d, conf.avail rather11:50
cwilluokay, I'll give that a shot11:50
davmor2failing that one way to get the right folder is System/Prefs/Appearance, click on the fonts tab, then details, then goto font folder,  check if you font is in there if not add it11:52
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DrakeJusticeanyone in here have a copy of /etc/ati/ati-fglrx.sh?12:00
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macacocan any one help me how run compiz on ubuntu 7.1012:02
macacocan any one help me how run compiz on ubuntu 7.1012:05
cwillumacaco: it's not running already?12:05
sparrwnormally you ask again when someone joins, not when someone leaves12:05
macacono all12:06
macacoi just open iopen on terminal type compiz -remplace and work but wen i restart ubuntu back againg normal12:07
macacoi install compizConfig but nothing work12:08
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DrakeJusticenobody is running the ATI crap drivers?12:08
cwilluwhat about preferences | appearance | desktop effects ?12:08
macacoi see windows config and try anything to find to run compiz well12:08
sparrwcwillu: compiz is integrated with gnome now?12:09
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macacois there and is working but cube and desk wall no12:09
sparrwbetween kde's lack of an on screen keyboard and compiz in gnome, i might try gnome on my tablet...12:09
cwillumacaco: okay, that's something else;  you probably need to turn on cube and turn off the other wall effect12:10
macacono working12:10
sparrwanyone here using intel or i810 xorg video driver?  does xrandr resize incorrectly (or not at all) when you rotate your display?12:10
macacoonly working wen i type compiz --remplace12:10
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CydeSwypehey all.  so...now that compiz fusion is built in, i'm getting the black boxes of doom.  in the past i could edit the line that startsup beryl/compiz to add an option to keep that from happening12:14
CydeSwypebut i'm not seeing a call in the session manager for compiz on startup...so don't know where to add that switch12:14
kalon33for people trying to activate compiz on gutsy : use the appearence manager in System > Preferences there is a tab dedicate to desktop effects12:20
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kalon33for others trying to enable some effects, etc... use the compizconfig-settings-manager that you can find in gutsy universe repository12:22
kalon33hope that it helps some people12:23
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CydeSwypekalon33: yeah i got that stuff.  i just need to know where it's "turning compiz on" in the boot sequence...if it's something in some init script or if there's something inside x i can hit.  just need to add a --blah switch to the invocation12:42
scizzo-macaco has the same problem I have with compiz....12:43
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Azrael1CydeSwype: If you don't care about hackity, you could modify /usr/bin/compiz (just a script) to pass that arg additionally to compiz.real12:44
Azrael1Hell, there's a variable in the script called COMPIZ_OPTIONS you could just append to12:45
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CydeSwypeAzrael1: perfect thanks!12:49
SeveredCrossIs AppArmor control enabled by default?12:51
SeveredCrossI see a lot of audit stuff in dmesg, but don't know if that's AppArmor or not.12:51
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