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=== Topic for #ubuntu-classroom: Ubuntu Open Week info: Information and Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek | Ubuntu classroom transcripts: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts
=== Topic (#ubuntu-classroom): set by nalioth at Fri Jun 8 21:28:23 2007
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jribdid you read the README file?01:28
Laughok, listening01:28
Laughi read it01:28
jribyou need to address people in #ubuntu or no one will have any clue what you are talking about (including me)01:29
ubotuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:29
Laughi finaly could install it i think01:29
jribLaugh: and did you try what the README said?01:29
Laughjrib, i tried it, opened the terminal, found the commands by myself to start the installations, it started, said succesfully done01:29
jribk, and now?01:30
Laughjrib, but i could not find the murrine configurator nowhere yet.01:30
jribhow did you install it?  paste the command you used here01:30
Laughgive me a second01:30
Laughhere it is (the command): sudo /home/alimurat/Desktop/newmurrineconfigurator/install.sh01:31
Laughsorry, jrip, here it is (the command): sudo /home/alimurat/Desktop/newmurrineconfigurator/install.sh01:31
Laughsorry, jrib, here it is (the command): sudo /home/alimurat/Desktop/newmurrineconfigurator/install.sh01:31
jribk, now what does this return: 'ls /usr/share/applications/murrine-configurator.desktop'01:32
Laughjrib, it says, "no such file or directory01:34
jribLaugh: pastebin the entire output of your 'sudo /home/alimurat/Desktop/newmurrineconfigurator/install.sh' command01:34
Laughjrib, i'm a new and a stupid user01:35
jribactually, I think I know what may be wrong01:35
Laughso, the things you write are sometimes too complex01:35
Laughpastebin for example01:36
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:36
Laughjrib, done, here it is: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3537501:37
jribdo this: cd /home/alimurat/Desktop/newmurrineconfigurator01:38
jribthen run it like this: sudo ./install.sh01:38
jribthen pastebin the output01:39
Laughok, give me a second01:39
jribyou can have more than one01:39
Laughjrib, ok, here it is: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35378/01:40
jribthis install script is not the smartest...01:41
jribrun: ./install.sh --uninstall01:41
Laughjrib, all of them?01:42
jribwhat do you mean "all of them?"01:42
Laughjrib: i mean, should i write all of them to the terminal beginnning as: run: ......01:42
jribno, I just mean that you should now execute the command: ./install.sh --uninstall01:43
Laughjrib, it says: succesfully uninstalled01:44
jribgreat, now run this command and let me know the output: ls /usr/share/nmc /usr/share/pixmaps/murrine-configurator.png /usr/share/applications/murrine-configurator.desktop01:44
Laughjrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35380/01:46
jribdo this: cd /home/alimurat/Desktop/newmurrineconfigurator01:46
Laughjrib... done01:47
jribapplications that you install outside of the package manager should go to /usr/local01:47
jribso now to install, do this: sudo ./install.sh --prefix=/usr/local01:47
Laughjrib: again...:(, all of them?01:48
jribjust the stuff after the :01:48
jribsudo ./install.sh --prefix=/usr/local01:48
Laughok, i meant about the prefix, maybe it should be something else...01:48
Laughjrib, it says succesfully installed01:49
jribnow check your settings menu01:49
jribprobably in system -> preferences01:49
Laughok, give me second01:49
Laugh:), it's there... i hope it'll work and worth to give headaches to me and the helping you..:)01:51
Laughhey, jrib, can i change the language of it to english?01:51
Laughit looks like it's latin or something01:51
jribyou'll have to check the program's source01:52
jribit wasn't in english here either01:52
Laughjrib: ok, thanks a lot01:53
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sebahi all07:21
sebahow can i change keyboard setup on ubuntu serrver ?07:21
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jribarghh2D2: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list for me11:34
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arghh2D2jrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35466/11:36
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jribarghh2D2: try 'sudo apt-get -f install', pastebin the output before agreeing11:37
jribor at least read it before you agree11:37
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arghh2D2jrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35467/11:40
jribarghh2D2: and when you agree?11:41
jribhmm weird11:41
arghh2D2liscence agreements in ncurses stuff11:42
jribk, agree (if you agree)11:42
arghh2D2jrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35468/11:43
jriblooks ok now11:44
jribdoes synaptic still complain?11:44
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arghh2D2jrib: nope11:45
jribk, not sure what went wrong there, but you should be good to go now11:45
arghh2D2yeah, i think so, thanks a million pal.11:46
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