happyface_0 | hi again jamesstansell | 12:48 |
jamesstansell | hi happy | 12:51 |
happyface_0 | jamesstansell: I think I may just remove 6.10 and put on 7.04 | 12:53 |
jamesstansell | that sounds like a good option | 12:54 |
jamesstansell | are you thinking to upgrade or install fresh? | 12:54 |
happyface_0 | I have to install fresh | 12:54 |
happyface_0 | since its USB | 12:54 |
jamesstansell | btw, I saw you mentioned eclipse - is that the main thing you wanted to run? | 12:54 |
happyface_0 | yes | 12:54 |
happyface_0 | which won't work without JRE | 12:55 |
happyface_0 | or JDK | 12:55 |
jamesstansell | the package in the archive should run OK with the default JDK (gcj or whatever) but since you mentioned 3.3 I guess it wouldn't have been in the archive | 12:56 |
happyface_0 | yes, the package ran OK | 12:58 |
happyface_0 | but I could not compile and it didn't recognise any syntax | 12:58 |
jamesstansell | :( probably closely related issues ... | 12:59 |
jamesstansell | I hadn't heard of livedistro.org before - thanks for the link | 01:01 |
happyface_0 | :) | 01:02 |
jamesstansell | you said it required a new install - doesn't it ever support an upgrade? | 01:03 |
happyface_0 | maybe, but I need a custom Feisty because the normal one has a glitch where you can't save stuff when using USB | 01:04 |
jamesstansell | ah - ok | 01:07 |
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happyface_0 | This iso is 820mb... I wonder if I'l have to burn it to DVD: ( | 01:11 |
jamesstansell | too big for a CD - I assume your USB is big enough though? | 01:12 |
happyface_0 | yes | 01:12 |
happyface_0 | 4GB | 01:16 |
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happyface_0 | be back later, jamesstansell... hopefully in feisty | 01:51 |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-java: Ubuntu Java packaging matters. For Java coding questions please visit ##java | ||
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tmarble | doko_: have you taken packages.ubuntu.com down for maintenance? | 05:40 |
jamesstansell | tmarble: don't know about earlier, but packages.ubuntu.com seems to be up now | 06:09 |
tmarble | thanks, yes, it is -- several people reported unusually long response times (but whatever it was has been fixed) | 06:09 |
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happyface | hi, jamesstansell | 09:10 |
happyface | I'm now in 7.04, and still get the same error installing sun-java6-bin | 09:10 |
happyface | so I'm guessing it might be a USB drive problem for some reason | 09:10 |
jamesstansell | maybe properties of the filesystem? | 09:12 |
happyface | who knows | 09:12 |
happyface | I just need it to work, though :( | 09:12 |
happyface | what to do... what to do... | 09:13 |
vil | jamesstansell, can I help? | 09:18 |
happyface | help with what? | 09:20 |
vil | he seems to have some sort of problem with installing sun java package | 09:23 |
happyface | let me find that forum post | 09:24 |
happyface | ok, I found it... vil I'm having the same problem with 6.10 and 7.04 (both run from USB drive, though) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=414851 | 09:29 |
vil | happyface, let me take a look | 09:31 |
happyface | ok | 09:31 |
happyface | thanks... but I'l brb in 10 mins | 09:31 |
jamesstansell | hi vil - I had just been trying to help happyface | 09:49 |
jamesstansell | here's a little more about what he wants to do: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3263924&postcount=125 | 09:52 |
jamesstansell | except he doesn't care about the sun download if the package would install and run for him | 09:53 |
vil | happyface, are you running on i386 or amd64? | 09:53 |
jamesstansell | he's 32 bit | 09:53 |
jamesstansell | but running on a 4GB USB drive | 09:54 |
vil | also, if you need java just to run eclipse, you can stick to gcj although it is considerably slower | 09:54 |
vil | I don't see a problem with USB drive | 09:54 |
happyface | hi I'm back | 09:54 |
happyface | vil, gcj opens up eclipse, but syntax correction and compiling doesn't seem to work | 09:55 |
happyface | unless I'm missing a gcj- dev kit thing | 09:55 |
=== jamesstansell wonders if there's a separate ecj package needed? | ||
vil | well, it might be handy to have sun java | 09:56 |
vil | but the problem you are reporting is rather strange | 09:56 |
vil | afaik you don't need stand-alone ecj package to run eclipse | 09:56 |
jamesstansell | ecj-gcj --> standalone version of the Eclipse Java compiler (native version) | 09:57 |
vil | the problem is that when it tries to install the sun-java it also runs it for a reason, but doesn't find the needed library libjli.so | 09:57 |
happyface | yes exactly | 09:57 |
vil | at my system | 09:58 |
vil | vladimir@sirius:/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin$ ldd java | 09:58 |
vil | linux-gate.so.1 => (0xffffe000) | 09:58 |
vil | libpthread.so.0 => /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libpthread.so.0 (0xb7f15000) | 09:58 |
vil | libjli.so => /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- (0xb7f0c000) | 09:58 |
vil | libdl.so.2 => /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libdl.so.2 (0xb7f07000) | 09:58 |
vil | libc.so.6 => /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6 (0xb7dbd000) | 09:58 |
vil | /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0xb7f46000) | 09:58 |
happyface | java -version | 09:58 |
happyface | java: error while loading shared libraries: libjli.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 09:58 |
vil | so can you do ldd /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin/java ? | 09:58 |
happyface | no | 09:59 |
happyface | I only have up to /bin | 09:59 |
happyface | nvm hold on | 09:59 |
happyface | linux-gate.so.1 => (0xffffe000) | 09:59 |
happyface | libpthread.so.0 => /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libpthread.so.0 (0xb7f6b000) | 09:59 |
happyface | libjli.so => not found | 09:59 |
happyface | libdl.so.2 => /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libdl.so.2 (0xb7f66000) | 09:59 |
happyface | libc.so.6 => /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6 (0xb7e25000) | 09:59 |
happyface | /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0xb7f8f000) | 09:59 |
jamesstansell | my feisty install shows :/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin$ ldd java | 10:00 |
jamesstansell | linux-gate.so.1 => (0xffffe000) | 10:00 |
jamesstansell | libpthread.so.0 => /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libpthread.so.0 (0xb7f7e000) | 10:00 |
jamesstansell | libjli.so => /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- (0xb7f75000) | 10:00 |
jamesstansell | libdl.so.2 => /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libdl.so.2 (0xb7f70000) | 10:00 |
jamesstansell | libc.so.6 => /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6 (0xb7e2f000) | 10:00 |
jamesstansell | /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0xb7fa3000) | 10:00 |
vil | jamesstansell, that looks good actually | 10:00 |
jamesstansell | happyface: do you have a /usr/bin/java today? | 10:01 |
vil | can you try to run /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin/java ? | 10:01 |
vil | /usr/bin/java is just a symlink | 10:01 |
happyface | I ran it with -version | 10:01 |
happyface | and got the libjli.so thing | 10:01 |
vil | I mean if jamesstansell can run it with full path specified, because his ldd looks fine | 10:02 |
jamesstansell | mine runs fine | 10:03 |
happyface | god damn libjli.so... it's breaking my balls | 10:03 |
jamesstansell | /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin/java -version | 10:03 |
jamesstansell | java version "1.6.0" | 10:03 |
jamesstansell | Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b105) | 10:03 |
jamesstansell | Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 1.6.0-b105, mixed mode) | 10:03 |
jamesstansell | happyface: what does "locate libjli.so" give you? | 10:04 |
happyface | locate: warning: database /var/lib/slocate/slocate.db' is more than 8 days old | 10:04 |
happyface | I'l have to update my database | 10:05 |
happyface | locate -u? | 10:05 |
jamesstansell | sounds right | 10:06 |
vil | happyface, I would suggest to reinstall sun-java6-* | 10:07 |
happyface | ? | 10:07 |
happyface | it does the same error | 10:07 |
happyface | if I reinstall | 10:08 |
happyface | locate libjli.so | 10:08 |
happyface | /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- | 10:08 |
jamesstansell | I think you might have an issue with the shared lib linker | 10:09 |
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jamesstansell | well, I expected "ldconfig -p |grep jvm" to show me something but it has no output | 10:11 |
happyface | same | 10:12 |
vil | jamesstansell, the same here | 10:12 |
vil | :) | 10:12 |
happyface | any other ideas guys? | 10:13 |
jamesstansell | somehow though it's getting /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- in the LD path for me (and the similar one for vil's version) but not getting it for you | 10:13 |
jamesstansell | the java command used to be a shell wrapper but I see it's an ELF file now | 10:14 |
jamesstansell | is your /usr partition ext3? | 10:16 |
happyface | well, I'm using casper-rw | 10:17 |
happyface | but bsically its ex2 | 10:17 |
jamesstansell | found https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/84591 | 10:19 |
happyface | bug 84591 | 10:19 |
happyface | no no | 10:19 |
happyface | I have a patched feisty with persistence working | 10:19 |
jamesstansell | so this is what that patch was supposed to address? | 10:20 |
happyface | yes | 10:20 |
happyface | it uses some casper files from 6.10 in 7.04 | 10:20 |
happyface | http://www.livedistro.org/release-announcements/gnu/linux-releases/ubuntu-feisty-fawn-patches-for-persistence | 10:21 |
happyface | I'm using iso #2 | 10:21 |
vil | happyface, the best I can think of right now is to try | 10:22 |
vil | strace /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- | 10:23 |
vil | to see, where it fails | 10:23 |
happyface | ugh | 10:23 |
happyface | so much output | 10:23 |
happyface | http://p.opsat.net/v/xi | 10:24 |
happyface | does that help you decipher anything, vil? | 10:27 |
vil | happyface, can you also do | 10:28 |
jamesstansell | is there anything in /cow/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- ? seems like earlier locate found the libjli.so there, right? | 10:28 |
vil | strings /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- | grep jli | 10:28 |
happyface | locate libjli.so | 10:29 |
happyface | /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- | 10:29 |
happyface | libjli.so | 10:29 |
happyface | $ORIGIN/../lib/i386/jli:$ORIGIN/../jre/lib/i386/jli | 10:29 |
happyface | I don't have a /cow | 10:29 |
jamesstansell | the /cow/... path had jre/bin/../jre which ends up being jre/jre which isn't right ? | 10:30 |
jamesstansell | /cow came from the strace output | 10:31 |
happyface | I'm not sure what you mean | 10:32 |
happyface | but there is libjli.so in /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- for me | 10:32 |
jamesstansell | and thats where this points: $ORIGIN/../lib/i386/jli | 10:33 |
vil | happyface, if you look at that strace output, there are lots of lines begining with /cow | 10:33 |
jamesstansell | I see it now earlier in the strace output | 10:33 |
vil | that is the problem | 10:34 |
happyface | ah | 10:34 |
happyface | yea, it says no file or directory | 10:34 |
jamesstansell | does the jvm ship with some library static linked that the persistence patch fixes for apps that use the system shared library? | 10:35 |
jamesstansell | ie for file lookups? | 10:35 |
happyface | I have no idea | 10:37 |
jamesstansell | this seems to be where it starts going wrong | 10:40 |
jamesstansell | readlink("/proc/self/exe", "/cow/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-" | 10:40 |
vil | happyface, now I have also found that cow is something from casper | 10:40 |
vil | looks like #ubuntu-motu might be a better place to search for help | 10:40 |
happyface | hmm | 10:41 |
happyface | what's motu | 10:41 |
jamesstansell | "masters of the universe" | 10:41 |
happyface | I mean... what's the channel for | 10:41 |
vil | motus are developers of all kinds | 10:42 |
vil | here people focus mainly on java | 10:42 |
vil | and this is more about linker and casper | 10:42 |
happyface | ok | 10:43 |
jamesstansell | although it might have a great deal to do with sun-java6 packaging | 10:44 |
vil | anyway, if nobody answers you, feel free to come back | 10:44 |
vil | I have already spent enough time with it to be currious how it ends ;) | 10:44 |
jamesstansell | too bad icedtea isn't further along - can't really recommend that to you yet | 10:44 |
vil | jamesstansell, doko_ would be surely gald to hear you comments | 10:45 |
jamesstansell | well, honestly, it might be as good a thing to try as any ... | 10:46 |
happyface | vil, where does your strace output point to | 10:46 |
vil | ? | 10:46 |
jamesstansell | here's my strace output - http://p.opsat.net/v/xj | 10:50 |
happyface | ok | 10:57 |
happyface | hey jamesstansell and vil, motu pointed me to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sun-java6/+bug/103933/comments/8 | 10:58 |
jamesstansell | :) | 10:59 |
happyface | but still doesn't help me | 10:59 |
vil | happyface, imo that's not wrong that it uses relative path for lib look up | 11:01 |
vil | I still suspect that casper thing | 11:01 |
happyface | this isn't worth it... maybe I'l try gcj more | 11:03 |
jamesstansell | does "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/lib java -version" do anything different? | 11:04 |
happyface | no :( | 11:06 |
=== jamesstansell was afraid of that | ||
=== happyface is afraid of everything | ||
jamesstansell | what does "LD_TRACE_LOADED_OBJECTS java" give you? | 11:09 |
jamesstansell | oops - meant "LD_TRACE_LOADED_OBJECTS=1 java" | 11:09 |
happyface | bash: LD_TRACE_LOADED_OBJECTS: command not found | 11:10 |
happyface | yea hah | 11:10 |
vil | happyface, can you also show us the output of the mount command? | 11:10 |
happyface | LD_TRACE_LOADED_OBJECTS=1 java | 11:10 |
happyface | oops | 11:10 |
happyface | linux-gate.so.1 => (0xffffe000) | 11:10 |
happyface | libpthread.so.0 => /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libpthread.so.0 (0xb7f82000) | 11:10 |
happyface | libjli.so => not found | 11:10 |
happyface | libdl.so.2 => /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libdl.so.2 (0xb7f7d000) | 11:10 |
happyface | libc.so.6 => /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6 (0xb7e3c000) | 11:10 |
vil | the bug is suggesting that remounting /proc helps | 11:10 |
happyface | /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0xb7fa6000) | 11:10 |
jamesstansell | same libjli.so not found | 11:11 |
vil | and the strace logs shows that it all starts at /proc | 11:11 |
vil | readlink("/proc/self/exe", "/cow/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-", 4096) = 49 | 11:11 |
happyface | unionfs on / type unionfs (rw) | 11:11 |
happyface | proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev) | 11:11 |
happyface | varrun on /var/run type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=0755) | 11:11 |
happyface | varlock on /var/lock type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=1777) | 11:11 |
happyface | procbususb on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw) | 11:11 |
happyface | udev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755) | 11:11 |
happyface | devshm on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw) | 11:11 |
happyface | devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620) | 11:11 |
happyface | lrm on /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/volatile type tmpfs (rw) | 11:11 |
happyface | tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev) | 11:11 |
happyface | binfmt_misc on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc (rw) | 11:11 |
jamesstansell | I guess that adding an extra mount for /usr/lib/jvm might help | 11:12 |
vil | "Making sure that the /proc was correctly mounted in the chroot caused the error to go away." | 11:12 |
vil | not sure what that means... | 11:12 |
happyface | let me ask motu | 11:13 |
jamesstansell | "mount --bind olddir newdir" or maybe "mount --rbind olddir newdir" | 11:13 |
jamesstansell | where olddir is /usr/lib/jvm and newdir is /tmp/jvm | 11:13 |
happyface | /tmp/jvm? | 11:15 |
jamesstansell | then try /tmp/jvm/java-6-sun/bin/java -version | 11:15 |
jamesstansell | must mkdir /tmp/jvm before the bind command | 11:15 |
jamesstansell | sudo mount --bind /usr/lib/jvm /tmp/jvm | 11:15 |
happyface | same error | 11:18 |
happyface | libjli.so | 11:18 |
vil | happyface, my guess is that your casper runs in a chroot located at /cow | 11:19 |
vil | and readlink("/proc/self/exe", "/cow/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-", 4096) = 49 gives the java binary feeling that it the jvm is installed at /cow/... | 11:20 |
vil | however, I have no idea how to fix that | 11:21 |
vil | the problem is not in sun java itself | 11:21 |
jamesstansell | I think the problem was before the readlink call - whatever gave the java command the /cow/... to start with | 11:22 |
jamesstansell | hoped the mount --bind might get around that | 11:22 |
jamesstansell | I'm not sure how --rbind is different | 11:22 |
jamesstansell | or what a "proper way" to mount /proc in a /cow chroot would be | 11:23 |
vil | see you guys | 11:23 |
happyface | bye | 11:24 |
jamesstansell | see you | 11:24 |
jamesstansell | happyface: ltrace java -version ? | 11:25 |
happyface | I removed sun-java6 for now | 11:26 |
happyface | all I want is eclipse working in the end... so I'm trying gcj | 11:26 |
happyface | even though I think it uses an outdated java version | 11:26 |
jamesstansell | the feisty version might not have the java5 stuff enabled yet - I'm not sure | 11:28 |
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happyface | well | 12:05 |
happyface | supposedly eclipse uses up too much memory anyway... I guess I'l find a liter editor | 12:06 |
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