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rustylMithrandir, is adilson in Boston with you?01:53
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mawhalenrustyl: you on?03:52
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=== Topic (#ubuntu-mobile): set by mdz at Thu Aug 16 15:19:37 2007
alek_mjg59, u there ?07:23
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alek_xdu1mjg59, u there ?08:34
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mjg59alek_: Hi10:01
jussi01Hmmm, is the a vague release date planned yet?10:01
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ian_brasil An Unofficial Guide to Creating01:47
ian_brasila Most Excellent01:47
ian_brasilUser Interface @ http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dfrtdqv5_7hp33bq&pli=101:47
ian_brasilthis is for maemo but it explains things much better than the official docs i think01:47
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Mithrandirrustyl: yes, Adilson is here03:35
agoliveirarustyl: No I'm not, this is just a very smart irc bot :)03:36
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ian_brasilthe start-hildon script has 05:49
ian_brasilTHEME=${PREFIX}/share/themes/plankton but this theme is not there...i changed the theme to mobilebasic but it seg faults05:49
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alek_laptopmjg59: Hi06:05
mjg59alek_laptop: Hi06:05
alek_laptopSo the CONFIG_VM86 issue will be fixed in next built ?06:05
mjg59It should be, yes06:06
mjg59Thanks for looking into that!06:06
alek_laptopOk, thank you very much!06:06
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rustylagoliveira, did you the hildon-desktop bug I submitted related to startup notifications?06:38
rustylagoliveira, I pushed a fix to the ubuntu branch of the hildon-desktop bzr repository06:38
agoliveirarustyl: Sorry, you're asking if I saw it?06:38
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agoliveirarustyl: Ok, I saw it now. I'll se to have it uploaded.06:41
rustylagoliveira, yea, we have had a bug that few people realized exists because none of our apps are correctly using the X-Osso-Service desktop entry06:42
agoliveirarustyl: BTW, your boss is right here in the same room so be nice with me :)06:43
=== agoliveira is seldon confuse by this construction...
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mawhalenyea Rusty07:18
mawhalenrustyl: you available?07:19
rustylyes, i'm here07:24
mawhalencan I call yer cell?07:25
mawhalenor the special phone07:26
mawhalenmy machine is locking...have to wait to get the #07:26
rustylmawhalen, my cell number that I have had for years is working07:27
mawhalenok - 07:27
rustylmawhalen, i see i have a missed call... was that you?07:27
rustylthe phone was on the other side of the house07:27
mawhalenno, wasn't me07:28
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Charliefjohnsonmdz: Are you having email problems ?? I just had email to you bounce.07:33
Mithrandirrustyl: care to set email=$yourname $youremail in ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf ?07:33
Mithrandirrustyl: so your commits are going to have a proper committer?07:33
MithrandirCharliefjohnson: fyi, I just got a fix for the moblin-image-creator problem and am now in the process of building new dailies.07:35
CharliefjohnsonMithrandir: OK. Thanks.07:36
MithrandirI'll tell you if it works on my mccaslin here once it's built and I have downloaded it.07:36
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CharliefjohnsonMithrandir: You'll try it on your menlow too?07:43
=== rustyl updates his bzr conf
mdz_Charliefjohnson: no, what you saw was *my* email to *you* bouncing07:51
mdz_Charliefjohnson: I forwarded you a copy of it and asked that you use my canonical.com address for all Canonical/Ubuntu communications07:52
MithrandirCharliefjohnson: no, I'm in boston sans my menlow system, so I won't be able to test until Monday.07:53
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Charliefjohnsonmdz: I think auto completion in my email client bit me. 07:55
MithrandirCharliefjohnson: build complete, so if you could test on menlow, it'd be appreciated.08:14
CharliefjohnsonMithrandir: OK. I'll let you know.08:14
CharliefjohnsonMithrandir: I assume that you still have to manually install the nonfree flashplugin package?08:16
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wasabiHmm. I installed the mobile stuff, and now in Gnome when I login I get an onscreen keyboard. Which is cool and all. It raises two questions: why did it open when I logged into gnome-session, and why can't I move the window (it seems to close and reopen if I click on teh titlebar)09:43
wasabioh i see, it vanishes on it's own when i'm dragging things09:43
wasabiwow that's really neat actually... unfortunatly I can't drag it.09:43
wasabioh i see, it's only supposed to appear when a text field is in focus.09:44
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Mithrandirit's a gtk input method, yes.10:08
bspencerMithrandir, did you set it up to run with --daemon ?10:17
Mithrandiryes, or rather -d10:19
bspencerMithrandir, do you know if it is possible to toggle it on/off ?10:20
bspencermeaning, turn off the auto-launch 10:20
MithrandirI don10:21
Mithrandir't think it is.10:21
Mithrandirbut you could ask the matchbox/OH people10:22
bspencerright, or just stop the daemon.10:22
Mithrandirthat'd work, yes.10:22
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wasabinot sure what's launching the daemon10:36
wasabiit's not in my session startup10:36
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Mithrandirit's done as part of startx.11:34
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