
asacyeah ... but we have a branch to maybe enhance packaging ... or adapt or something01:12
Ubulettewe may touch debian/whatever if needed, but not orig.tgz01:12
asacUbulette: who keeps track of that?01:12
Ubulettethat's not my idea of nspr.ubuntu.trunk01:12
asacso what is your idea?01:13
Ubuletteanyone aware of the bump requirement01:13
Ubuletteand willing to react01:13
asacso i want to build a package for trunk now ... how can i do that without knowing any details?01:13
asaci just want to go ... get a branch ... produce an orig with the info included there ... and build it.01:14
asaci mean i want to build ffox-trunk today ;)01:14
Ubulettethe two -gp are enough, before i've kept them up to date01:15
Ubuletteand of course, ff-trunk should bump its builddeps01:16
asacagainst what?01:16
Ubulette"Upgrade Mozilla trunk to NSPR_HEAD_20070820"01:16
asacand then ? how do i get the right nspr for that?01:16
asacthe right bzr branch ... commit01:16
Ubuletteso nspr >= cvs2007082001:17
gnomefreakthats for trunk?01:17
gnomefreakor gp01:17
asaci have no idea01:17
gnomefreakim looking for trunk tarball for nss nspr01:17
gnomefreaklike right this sec01:17
Ubulettegp a7 is older so it can still accomodate with previous nspr01:17
Ubulettegp a8 will not01:17
Ubuletteas a8 will be more than what trunk is today01:18
Ubulettewell, more or less01:18
asacso you want to maintain the trunk nss in the nss.grapnaradiso branch?01:18
gnomefreaknspr-trunk_4.7.0~cvs20070820.orig.tar.gz  and nss-trunk_3.12.0~cvs20070825.orig.tar.gz  for ff-trunk?01:18
asacUbulette: what i read now is that you really want to maintain the nss trunk branch in the granparadiso one01:19
asacis that correct?01:19
asache? but that is what you are saying ... isn't  it? e.g. when ffox-trunk needs a new nss, you will update paradiso branch ... as both trun + paradiso have to use nss.paradiso package01:20
asacotherwise i still don't get what you want01:20
Ubulettei maintain nss trunk (ie HEAD) so I know what is needed when moz guys say "hey, you now need cvs xyz", because it will be a date older than my freshest build01:20
asacyeah lets call it HEAD please01:21
asacUbulette: ok i understand that01:21
asacUbulette: now what happens if they need that?01:21
asace.g. when ffox-trunk says we need nss from yesterday01:22
asacwhile ffox-gp still officially needs nss from 4 weeks ago01:22
Ubulettemerge is an option, pull too01:22
asacok ... lets stick there01:22
asacmerge where?01:22
asacon which branch?01:22
asac(pull in case that branch has not been diverged)01:23
Ubulettegp merge head or head rev n-101:23
asaci can't parse that01:23
asacwhat is gp? nss.gp ?01:23
asacok ... now gp branch is nss for ffox-trunk01:23
Ubulettefrom nss.gp, bzr merge nss.head -rev x01:24
Ubuletteor latest01:24
asace.g. nss.gp branch is for ffox.trunk01:24
asacso nss.gp tracks nss for ffox.trunk ... which is all what i said above01:25
gnomefreakatm his branches dont reflect that01:26
asacdo you really have issues to just name that branch nss.trunk ... and the dev branch nss.dev or .HEAD ... and then merge down as needed?01:26
asacUbulette: ?01:26
asacimo it would just be one tiny step more ... and would make things much cleaner01:27
asace.g. it would just be cd nss.trunk; bzr merge ../nss.dev ... when trunk needs new nss01:27
=== gnomefreak going to dinner its already getting late. PLease explain what branch is for what build and what tarballs are for what build in morning
asacand cd nss.gp; bzr merge ../nss.trunk ... as soon as gp needs new nss01:27
Ubulettegp<-trunk<-head/dev ?01:28
asacyeah ... all main debian packaging development happens on dev01:28
asacwe merge down as needed01:28
asacand if we need a tiny chnage on gp we can do it there ... and maybe even merge that up to turnk or something01:29
asacbut usually the direction should be just down01:29
asacand since the probably don't bump nss/nspr tags that frequently, the .trunk and the .gp branches should be quite stable01:29
Ubulettei don't get it. what will be in the repo ? ie, i've installed both ff-gp and ff-trunk01:30
asacwithout much noise01:30
asacUbulette: well ... first ... if you are on gutsy01:30
Ubulettei am01:30
asac(or whatever is current dev version)01:30
asacthen ff-gp is in official repo01:30
asacand ff-trunk in ppa01:30
asacfurther upon request i would like to keep our gp backport we used to provide01:31
asacin old mt archive.01:31
asacfor feisty01:31
Ubuletteso i end up with gp running with nss-trunk, right ?01:31
asacin that case probably yes01:31
asacbut if you just install gp you just have gp nss01:31
asacbinary backward compatibility should be guaranteed ... its just source forward compatibility is known to break01:32
asacUbulette: so maybe you understand better ... when gp.nss is in official archive ... i want a dedicated branch to track that .... so i can always make changes for the released version01:33
asacwihtout the need to do a mini-branch fork from the past01:33
asacimo thats reasonable?01:34
asaci just fear that at some point we need to fix something in gp ... and gp has already moved away ... not a big issue, and if you really don't want that branch we can go that way01:35
Ubulettewhat if dev is far ahead trunk and suddenly, moz guys decide for a tag in the middle ?01:36
asacUbulette: well ... by admitting that we will merge down ... i implicitly say that its ok for me to track down the commit we need01:36
asacdev should have daily checkins or something i guess01:36
asacor at least one checkin for every day where cvs has a checkin01:37
asaccan we do that with your bot?01:37
asacso we can verify that build works ... and maybe even run some tests (later)01:37
Ubulettewe svn/git/hg/bzr yes, cvs is trickier01:37
asacUbulette: you can use bonsai01:38
Ubulettei do01:38
Ubulettebut it's seamonkey01:38
asacUbulette: i have perl scripts i used to work on the bonsai checkins01:38
asacit allows you to extract single commits pretty easily01:38
asacwithout all this cvsps crap01:38
asace.g. extract atomic commits with comment time et al01:38
Ubulettei'd like a kind of commit id for nss, another for nspr, etc01:38
asacwell thats simple the perl scripts alread yhave all those fields01:39
asacyou can just concatenate something like project.datetime01:39
Ubulettenss is 4 trees, not 101:39
asacwhy is that a problem?01:40
asac(you can list multiple directories) ... in bonsai01:40
asacthe perl scripts i have just need a bonsai url that have the commits you want to be extracted01:40
asacfirst you get lightweight summaries ... which you can then say .. produce_patch01:41
asacor something like that01:41
asacmaybe i should even try to sync to our debian git tree that way ;)01:41
asacbut that is more tricky, because its diferent branches for different directories ... so real work involved ;)01:42
Ubulettei've already hacked around bonsai too. look at the rss dir in my web site ;)01:43
asacthen when you have what you need ...fine ... if you want those scripts, ... i hope i can resurrect them somewhere01:44
asacthey apparently are not in my p.d.o account anymore01:44
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asacwell that really sucks soo much01:49
Ubuletteasac, done. my bot will only fetch/build when there's a new commit since the last build01:49
asaconly chance is that they are on my other system01:49
Ubulettedoes not matter01:50
asacoh how i hate me ... see what happens if you clean up ... you remove your 10 fold redundant bits everywhere01:50
Ubulette..and you loose everything in the process :p01:50
asacUbulette: yes then autocommit ... and refrain from new builds if build fails somehow01:50
asacso we can fix the last revision ;)01:50
asacmanually ... then bot will resume01:50
Ubuletteno need to autocommit, most of the time, there's no reason to update debian/*01:51
asacyeah ... apparently yes. i can just hope that its on my old system or mike has it01:51
asacanyway ... my git history is definitly lost forever01:51
asacno its not :)01:54
asaci found it ... on my laptop01:54
asacredistributed to multiple places :)01:54
asacwith a bunch of data garbage :)(01:56
Ubulettespreading is also my method to backup my stuff02:00
asacyes ... but i have a bit of a backup thing here ...only problem is that really old stuff is apparently not included :)02:01
asacand for worst case scenario i have real solution :)02:01
asacso spreading is important component of my data life :)02:01
Ubulettei still have everything from back in the late 80s :)02:03
asacthats luck :) ... i definitly lost my atari games :(02:03
asacfloppy discs just suck02:03
Ubulettecd too02:03
asaci mean my own games :/02:03
Ubuletteme too. i only keep my stuff02:04
=== Paddy_EIRE is away: Away
=== Ubulette will be away soon too
Ubuletteasac, tell me if you have any idea for my xul/ff3 problem02:10
Ubuletteasac, if you're lazy, you can get my latest builds there: http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/minirepos/xul/02:10
Ubuletteor the apt-line : deb http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/minirepos xul/02:10
Ubulettebed time. see you.02:11
=== Ubulette is now known as _Ubulette
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=== Jazzva [n=sasa@cable-89-216-132-153.dynamic.sbb.co.yu] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
Jazzvaasac: I've finished the plugin hbox -> table transition... though I have two minor visual glitches to fix03:53
JazzvaBTW, it was a simple change, but first I tried to do it the harder way, that wasn't really working...03:54
JazzvaAnd it took me some time until I saw the problem, which was quite obvious...03:55
JazzvaAnyhow, here' s the screenshot: http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/59/screenshotpluginfinderste2.png03:57
JazzvaThe first glitch is that the missing label for radio causes that little selection square in front of the logo. The second one is that the plugin name label is not correctly vertically aligned... I tried with valign, but nothing :/... Will try to fix it.03:58
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Jazzvaasac: Pushed the new revision... I'll fix those glitches in the next one.04:37
=== Jazzva off
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=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-mozillateam.log
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-mozillateam: Home of Ubuntu Mozilla Team - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam | Bug Triagers please read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/ + https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/Procedures | Firefox trunk package source : https://code.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/trunk | Mailing List: ubuntu-mozillateam@lists.ubuntu.com
=== Topic (#ubuntu-mozillateam): set by asac at Tue Aug 21 12:22:59 2007
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tonyyarussoasac_: wassamatta?10:09
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gnomefreakhas anyone played with system-config-printer in gutsy yet?11:32
asacgnomefreak: i have no printer :)11:44
asactoo spartanic for me11:44
asaci print right in my head ;)11:44
gnomefreaki do but im scared of SCP11:44
asacits new, isn't it?11:45
asacafaik it should really rock now :)11:45
gnomefreaki cant believe hes blaming the pc instead of updatedb11:45
asacat least thats the idea11:45
gnomefreakyeah new11:45
gnomefreakbrb tea11:45
tonyyarussoasac: what is ubufox?11:46
gnomefreakgives you settings to cchange in about:config in ff afaik (i have it but never changed settins11:47
gnomefreakif updatedb runs daily and takes alot of mem (with system minimum atleast) its the systems fault that it takes >5minutes to start11:48
asactonyyarusso: yes it contains the default pref tweaks we have11:48
gnomefreakthats gonna piss me off seeing its not mandatory for it to run at all11:48
asac+ its a staging area for new features that need to be cleaned up before we can submit upstream11:48
asaclike the new plugin finder dialog/wizard11:48
tonyyarussoasac: got it - thanks11:48
asactonyyarusso: later today i will move ubuntu default bookmarks there as well11:49
asactonyyarusso: why you ask?11:49
=== tonyyarusso saw it mentioned somewhere with no description
tonyyarussoasac: ^^11:49
asactonyyarusso: please don't blog about  it ... i still have to talk with mofo about that11:49
tonyyarussoasac: noted11:49
asacthe more press-coverage this gets the more difficult my talks will be :)11:49
gnomefreakasac: using his test cases i still cant reproduce this to save my life. what do we do next, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/iceape/+bug/124365  i doubt closing it would satisfy him11:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 124365 in iceape "Iceape-Browser: Theme setting reverts on restart" [Low,Incomplete] 11:58
gnomefreakbrb smoke11:58
gnomefreaki might have a clue on something12:05
gnomefreakasac: if you have iceape can you check your chrome.rdf to see if it has info in it12:07
gnomefreakyeah see mine is empty12:08
gnomefreaknew profile and old profile12:08
gnomefreakwhat would cause chrome.rdf to be written to?12:10
gnomefreakhere is his .rdf http://launchpadlibrarian.net/8914245/chrome.rdf12:10
gnomefreakhere is mine file:///home/gnomefreak/.mozilla/Default/wugqljj5.slt/chrome/chrome.rdf12:10
gnomefreaki attached mine to bug report. but that makes me think maybe somethink he has or is doing is writing to it when it shouldnt12:13
gnomefreakor its a PPC bug12:13
gnomefreaktonyyarusso: you have iceape installed by chance?12:18
tonyyarussognomefreak: No.  I have the source, but not installed.12:18
gnomefreakok ill tag it and see what happens12:19
gnomefreakwould be odd that its only a PPC issue12:22
gnomefreakasac: we might have issue give me a few minutes to check12:26
gnomefreaki dont think the checkfor updates link is gone12:27
gnomefreakreinstalling to find out right now12:28
gnomefreakadding "pref" failed to fix update issue12:35
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gnomefreakok the "pref" fixed part of the issue. what file holds the menu entries?12:53
gnomefreakok now i need to figure out what to add to .desktop file to fix this half of the update issue01:01
=== gnomefreak not so sure after thinking about it as that is for menu/submenu :(
gnomefreakif i ever get my sid chroot up and running i can look in that01:04
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gnomefreakasac: having connection issues?01:08
gnomefreakok im gone for a while, ill find the file to fix when i get home [i hope] 01:21
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asacgnomefreak: i am now back01:52
asaconline :(01:52
asacthas really no fun here01:53
asacpochu always pings me and then he is offline when i want to pong him01:54
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asac_Ubulette: we saw a preference checkin on trunk that switched to use serif/sans fonts instead of times helvetica, right?04:15
asacyou still have that in your backlog?04:15
gnomefreakasac: im here for a minute but sunbird we fixed the update thing in prefferences but in help> check for updates needs to be removed greyed out from help menu04:20
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ubotuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.04:21
asacgnomefreak: why? thats for extension updates, isn't it?04:21
gnomefreakasac: no04:21
gnomefreakasac: its used just like ff update checker in menu04:22
gnomefreaklet me check to make sure04:22
asacgnomefreak: what is the setting for:04:22
gnomefreaki checked this am but i was kind of pissed off atm04:22
asacand for04:22
asacif you look in config editor?04:22
asacboth false? with the former being locked?04:23
gnomefreakboth are false04:23
gnomefreakboth locked04:23
asacinteresting ... for firefox only the former is locked for me04:24
asaccan you ack?04:24
asacbut that shouldn't make a difference04:24
asacwhat happens if you try to do that?04:25
asace.g. check for updates?04:25
gnomefreakboth locked here in ff as well04:25
gnomefreaksays there are none04:25
asaci am on feisty ;) ... so that might be the diff04:25
asacmaybe sunbird code is broken for that?04:26
gnomefreakdont know where to check, i was hoping there was a setting in .desktop or someplace to remove that option04:26
asachehe go dream :)04:27
asacwhy would .desktop influence mozill apps :)04:27
gnomefreakmy sid is borked atm so i cant see if sid has it disabled04:27
asacthey usually ignore anything that is not their own04:27
gnomefreakthe synaptic.desktop has option to not show in kde menu (but more i think of it its for main menus not app menus04:28
asacbut thats something completely different04:28
asacon the one hand its gnome/kde feature ... for us we are completely in land of mozilla here04:29
asacor where do you see that check fo updates?04:29
gnomefreakmore of a main menu placment than an app menu04:29
gnomefreakopen sunbird click help its right there. foxes is greyed out but for some reason ours isnt04:30
gnomefreakam i missing something (we used firefox as template for sunbird04:30
asacgnomefreak: sorry ... i don't get why its not an app menu ... aren't we talking about the menu in top of the application window? or do you see that somewhere else?04:31
gnomefreaksee the menu check for updates is enable in upstream mozilla products (all of them) so maybe one of our ubuntu patches we dropped have it in it)04:31
gnomefreakasac: yes that menu04:31
asacok ... just to know we are talking about the same04:31
asacits a mozilla menu04:31
gnomefreakasac: open sunbird click help04:31
asacno chance to fix it by other means than mozilla04:32
gnomefreakor open firefox click help04:32
asacgnomefreak: iirc we don't have a patch for that04:32
asacmy suspeciion is that sunbird and firefox don't share the same code, but forked the code for that menu entry at some point04:32
gnomefreakbut isnt it always enabled upstream and we fix it in firefox thunderbird ect...04:32
asacand sunbird now ha a bug that ffox has fixed long ago04:32
asacgnomefreak: no we just set the settings04:32
asacif the update settings are falsed it should be greyed out04:33
asacso sunbird doesn't honour that04:33
asacfor whatever reason04:33
gnomefreakso should i file it upstream and attach to our report04:33
asacno ... we first have to be sure04:33
asaci mean ... this is by 60% likelyhood a bug from us04:33
asacand 40% a bug from them04:33
gnomefreakit was there from first build of ours04:34
gnomefreakfrigging debootstrap04:35
gnomefreakW: Failure while installing base packages.  This will be re-attempted up to five times.04:35
asacsid has the same issue in iceowlk04:35
asaci verified04:35
asacbut sid didn't even receive the latest patch for prefs extension yet04:35
=== gnomefreak wouldnt know sid it borked here
asacso its borked anyway04:35
gnomefreakonly problem with that is iceowl is built from our sunbird04:37
gnomefreakso its gonna have the same problems without knowning anything more04:37
gnomefreakso what do we do about it? im gonna assume if 1.1.5 is released that will upgrade people but fail since its a ubuntu package not upstream package04:56
gnomefreaksorry fixing others screw ups atm04:56
=== gnomefreak needs to move to uk, so many more holidays that here
gnomefreakok trying to build sid chroot using feisty deboostrap now05:06
asacis holiday in uk today?05:08
asacah right05:08
asaci remember05:08
gnomefreakthats why ppa wasnt released05:09
=== gnomefreak still working on sid chroot
asacgnomefreak: better get a real sid install and tell me how well network-manager works for them05:10
gnomefreak1.0.1 is failing as well but atleast it is retring05:10
=== gnomefreak wayyyyyyyyy too pissed at n-m atm
gnomefreakseems x11common is failing to install05:10
gnomefreakasac: you pushed tbird to feisty right?05:18
gnomefreak!info mozilla-thunderbird feisty05:19
ubotumozilla-thunderbird: Mozilla Thunderbird standalone mail client. In component main, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 10660 kB, installed size 29752 kB05:19
asacgnomefreak: all fine with tbird?05:27
asacgnomefreak: what nm problems do you have?05:28
gnomefreakever since latest upload i cant keep a connection05:29
gnomefreakit happened in PA and here05:29
gnomefreaknotice last few days been the worst05:29
asacwhat chip?05:31
asacwired? wireless?05:31
gnomefreak02:0c.0 Ethernet controller: 3Com Corporation 3c905C-TX/TX-M [Tornado]  (rev 78)05:34
gnomefreakneither win pcs disconnect all 3 pcs 2 win and this are all on same router& modem05:35
gnomefreakit could be freenode but why only me05:35
asacgnomefreak: well ... od you see actual reconnects?05:40
asacor just disconnects from freenode?05:40
gnomefreakjust freenode that i can tell but im not refreshing browser all the time05:41
asacthen its not nm05:42
gnomefreakif i saw it on other pcs i could go with that but i know the card is good and none of the other pcs have connection issues so maybe it is freenode but only me ?05:46
gnomefreakbut some days it happens all the time others it happens once or twice so far today none that i know of05:48
asacdo you see anything interesting in daemon.log while this is happening?05:51
gnomefreaknever looked05:53
gnomefreaki have 5 of them05:54
gnomefreakbbl lunch time06:00
gnomefreakmake that 7 daemon.log06:02
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Admiral_Chicagoalll peers is awesome08:17
asacdoes it work properly?08:18
asacUbulette: which branches nss/nspr do i need for xulrunner trunk?08:19
asacis it .trunk already ... or granparadiso for now?08:19
Ubuletteboth are fine. take gp08:22
Ubulette(if you use my orig for xul)08:22
Ubuletteif you fetch yourself, you need the new nspr08:23
asacUbulette: nspr has only gp?08:23
asacfurther it fails to build here08:23
asacbecause maintainer isn't ubuntu, but changes suggest it08:23
asac dpkg-source -b nspr-trunk-4.7.0~cvs2007082008:24
asacdpkg-source: error: Version number suggests Ubuntu changes, but Maintainer: does not have Ubuntu address08:24
asachmm so nspr in gp branch is already ahead of gp?08:25
Ubulettei did that before our last discussion08:25
Ubulettei still need to rename accordingly08:26
asacok i will push .trunk (or .fortrunk?) ... and uncommit gp by one afterwards08:26
Ubulettei'll do it08:26
Ubulettejust pull and uncommit once08:26
asacUbulette: i will do it ... i have to fix the build ;)08:27
asacnspr fails here08:27
Ubuletteare you sure it fails on the email (which is yours btw)08:28
Ubuletteit's usually just a warning08:28
asacyes, i am sure08:28
asacthe maintainer has to be an ubuntu address if you have a ubuntu version08:28
Ubulettelooking at nspr.ubuntu.granparadiso commit 14, it is your email08:30
asacthat sucks08:32
asacUbulette: ??08:32
asacread error above ... for me its still debian maintainers08:32
asaci mean it sucks that lp is down08:32
asacor at least i cannot pull08:32
asacneither ssh ... sftp ... http08:32
Ubulettereally ?08:33
Ubulettefta@ix:~ $ mkdir /tmp/gru08:36
Ubulettefta@ix:~ $ cd !$08:36
Ubulettecd /tmp/gru08:36
Ubulettefta@ix:/tmp/gru $ bzr co http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/nspr/nspr.ubuntu.granparadiso08:36
UbuletteWARNING: the 'deb822' top-level module is *DEPRECATED*, please use 'debian_bundle.deb822'08:36
Ubulettefta@ix:/tmp/gru $ l08:36
Ubulettetotal 408:36
Ubulettedrwxr-xr-x 4 fta fta 4096 2007-08-28 20:34 nspr.ubuntu.granparadiso/08:36
Ubuletteworks fine for me08:36
asacyeah now its back08:36
asacok i pushed nspr branches (overwrite for gp) ...  and fixed nss.gp ... which should be good for xulrunner-trunk i guess08:47
asacnss.trunk i didn't touch yet08:47
asacplease merge down the last nss.gp commit (e.g. maintainer fix)08:48
asacthough i think you will do automatically ... please merge (not manually redo), because then later merging down from trunk to gp will not have conflict08:48
Ubuletteok, but i still don't get why it failed for you but not for me08:52
asacno idea ... how do you build?08:52
Ubulettedpkg-buildpackage -kB6EE20E8  -rfakeroot08:53
asacif you build manually (e.g. without debuild dpkg-buildpackage) ... it probably doesn't fail08:53
asacif you build in feisty ... it won't fail either08:53
asacif you use debian dpkg toolks it won't fail as well08:53
Ubulettejust gutsy08:53
asacthen no idea ... it should be enforced08:54
asacsince gutsy08:54
asaci build with bzr bd ... but had the same errors before ... maybe its not enforced anymore, but bzr bd has not been updated? no idea08:54
asacits really strange08:57
asacmaybe its indeed the way i said last08:57
Ubulettewarning, `debian/libnspr4-0d/DEBIAN/control' contains user-defined field `Original-Maintainer'08:57
Ubulettedpkg-deb: ignoring 1 warnings about the control file(s)08:57
asacanyway ... the maintainer field should be fixed anyways08:57
asacUbulette: ok its probably a warning which is fatal in bzr bd ... no big thing it needed to be fixed anyway08:58
asacUbulette: afaik that warning is harmless08:59
Ubuletteit is08:59
asacimportant is that the Original-Maintainer field is available as package meta-data08:59
asacif not i have a typeo in control08:59
asacUbulette: you want to update Maintainer field in xulrunner.trunk?09:00
asacah its already motu09:01
asacswitch that to Mozillateam09:01
asacwhich hopefully will hold people off from just sponsoring things without checkin back with us09:01
asacUbulette: i think you can be X-Original-Maintainer: (if you want of course)09:02
asacotherwise just drop it as its our own package for now09:02
Ubulettei used Maintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com> for xul09:03
asacyeah ... use the same i used for nspr09:03
asaci don't think it will prevent all accident ... but hopefully some09:04
Ubulettedone. rev509:07
Ubulettewell, tell me what you find, it's still broken here09:11
Ubulettei mean ff3+xul09:11
asactakes a bit :)09:15
Ubuletteno need to tell me, i know :)09:16
asacwell ;) ... i should get more cores ;)09:16
asaclike 4 more or something09:17
asaci really want to fix system cairo09:18
asacthis is one of the greatest challenges i currently see09:18
asacupstream appears not to care at all09:18
Ubulettethey will next time they bump cairo09:19
asaci doubt it09:20
asacthey saw it09:20
asacand fixed it by patching internal cairo header09:20
asacits not that their version is too low to see it09:20
asacits just that they think its good to have it that way for now09:20
asacso it doesn't get too critical for their own development09:21
Ubulettelast time i've checked, they only made assert() print without dying, everything else unchanged09:22
Ubulettebut running their cairo doesn't even show the warning09:22
asacwell ... thats strange ... it definitly popped-up for us at some time that definitly was close to that assertion fix09:22
asacbut maybe you are right09:23
asacthe reverted the cairo bump09:23
asacbecause of some issues ... i think it was performance issues, like a 25% drawback on their test machines09:23
Ubuletteyep. hopefully someone is still working on fixing that09:23
Ubulettemozilla bug 38837109:23
ubotuMozilla bug 388371 in Location Bar and Autocomplete "Text in URL bar moves because it has ligatures when host highlighted" [Normal,New]  http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=38837109:24
Ubulettei'm sick of that copy/paste bug in trunk09:28
asacfix it :)09:31
tonyyarussoasac: I'm guessing you're probably enormously busy as usual, but if not, would you be able to have a look at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=130 to supplement StevenK's comments?09:31
asactonyyarusso: that sounds a bit like i would constantly ignore you :) ... hope thats not the case ;)09:33
asaci might be blind but i don't see any comment yet09:34
tonyyarussoasac: He just gave some in -motu, not on REVU itself.  And no, you don't ignore me, I just try not to burden you too much ;)09:35
asactonyyarusso: what comments/critique did he bring up?09:39
tonyyarussoasac: see just pasted again in -motu09:39
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asactonyyarusso: i think the point about not using a patch-system is a bit valid ... the other point about commented stuff in rules is not imo09:42
asactonyyarusso: but use quilt as dpatch is braindamaged for mozillas ;)09:42
tonyyarussoasac: Yeah, that particular patch line is useless now anyway.09:42
asactonyyarusso: but you have kompozer.patch as well09:43
asacthat should either be dropped (if not applied anymore) ... or moved to a patchsystem09:43
tonyyarussoasac: Being dropped.09:43
asacsetting up a patchsystem is definitly worth the effort09:43
asacshould be unlikely that you can go completely without patching kompozer09:43
asactonyyarusso: yeah then remove it from debian/ ... so it doesn't pop up in diff.gz09:44
asactonyyarusso: do you use mozconfig.debian?09:45
tonyyarussoasac: what about point 1) regarding copyright, and 3) about a manpage - (do you have any idea what he was trying to say here?)09:45
tonyyarussoasac: yes, we do.09:45
asactonyyarusso: i didn't read anything about that in that post09:45
asaclet me look again09:45
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asactse ... bzr is again down10:09
asacshame on lp10:09
asacwanted to do the last step :)10:09
asacget latest ffox trunk :/10:09
Ubuletteasac, still fine here10:10
asacnot for me10:11
Ubuletteso maybe it's you :)10:13
asacno idea10:13
asacwant tell why10:13
asacnormal launchpad works10:13
asacjust bzr has issues10:13
asacso the genereal route (read within the realm of my provider) should be fine10:13
Ubulettetried bzr, bzr+ssh, http, all worked as usual10:14
asacno idea10:15
asaci wait 10 min then try again (well i keep it running, but i don't think it will get connection)10:16
asacoh it finishe :)10:16
asacUbulette: its not on mt branch10:17
Ubulettewhat ?10:17
asacthe one there still doesn't use system-nss/nspr10:17
asacso its probably not the latest you have10:17
Ubuletteoh, it's not committed yet as it's broken10:17
Ubulettewell, not pushed10:17
asacok pulling from your branch then10:18
asacUbulette: will you rename the branch? i see that yours is not named trunk anymore10:18
asacah there is no difference ... can you please push what you ahve to "trunk" in mt?10:19
asacyour branch also has the --without-system ... things10:19
Ubulette-        --without-system-nspr \10:19
Ubulette-        --without-system-nss \10:19
Ubulette+       --with-libxul-sdk=/usr/lib/xulrunner-devel-1.9a8pre \10:19
Ubulette+        --with-system-nspr \10:19
Ubulette+        --with-system-nss \10:19
Ubulettejust that10:19
Ubulettei don't want to commit something broken, as you said you just want to pull and have something working10:20
Ubulettemozilla bug 39405610:21
Ubuletteubotu> Error: Could not parse XML returned by Mozilla: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error10:22
Ubulette<ubotu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:22
asac(just nss/nspr for now)10:23
asacnow let me build after the tarball is here10:23
Ubulettetake mine10:24
asachaha messed up :)10:24
Ubulettehmm, last tabmixplus-dev is perfect with trunk, but now broken as hell in gp-a7 making gp unusable10:25
Ubulette>= 4.7.0 will not work10:28
Ubuletteas 4.7.0~cvs is lower, right ?10:28
asacits fixed10:28
asacthought i was fast enough10:28
asacotherwise shame on me10:29
Ubulettegot a diff by email10:29
asacyeah i repushed10:29
Ubulette3 mails10:29
Ubuletteoh, i didn't know about about:buildconfig10:30
Ubulettemozilla bug 39405610:30
ubotuMozilla bug 394056 in Toolbars "double click on urlbar is no longer copying the url" [Minor,Unconfirmed]  http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=39405610:30
Ubulettethanks ubotu :)10:31
Ubuletteasac, are you done ?10:33
Ubuletteit's quick10:33
Ubulette...with --with-libxul-sdk10:33
asaci already saw that error ... yes.10:34
asacthe xbl one10:36
Ubuletteso you have it too ?10:37
asacwhich i never doubted ;)10:38
Ubuletteso, what now ?10:47
Ubulettemissing or misplaced files in xul ?10:47
asacnot yet sure10:47
asaci think it fails to find the base definition of browser10:47
asacaka xul:browser10:48
asacnot sure where that is in10:48
asace.g. not the browser.xml10:48
Ubulettebtw, i've --disable-javaxpcom in xul, hope it's not that10:49
Ubuletteseems unlikely10:51
Ubulettehmm, print preview in trunk is now broken in gutsy10:55
Ubuletteasac, so ? any clue ?11:56
asacwell ... build xulrunner flat now11:57
asacin the meantime i do enigmail security upload ... and its scary ... its a regression fix that was introduced by thunderbird sec update11:57
asacinteresting thing ... about 30 days ago ... i applied the fix to dapper, edgy, feisty ... and build against thunderbird dev package
asacinterestingly build still worked in feisty11:58
Ubuletteis songbird in ubuntu or debian ?11:58
asacbut was broken in dapper + edgy11:58
asachad to fix build system11:58
asaci  want reupload to security (previous went to proposed which was not really right)11:58
asacedgy builds fine ... but feisty fails in exactly the same way as dapper edgy before11:59
asacwell i have it fixed now ... but its scary that it came exaclty one thunderbird upstream version later in feisty than in edgy/dapper11:59
Ubuletteasac, songbird ?12:04
Ubuletteis that something already packaged ?12:09
Ubuletteor rejected for some reason ?12:09
asacdon't know it :)12:10
Ubulette(a xul media player)12:10
asacis that an official mofo project?12:10
Ubulettea xulrunner app12:10
Ubulettehmm, don't think so12:10
asacis it different to "listen" ?12:10
asacexcept that listen uses gtkmozembed i think12:11
Ubulettelisten is like exaile12:11
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asacUbulette: didn't you get an exception with debug ffox+xul ?12:52
Ubuletteyou mean an abort ? no12:53
asacdidn't you show me some log from a debug build once?12:53
Ubuletteeverything's in the logs i've posted yesterday12:53
asacyeah places12:54
asacmaybe thats it ... it prevents browser.xml to load12:54
asacits not even attempted from what i see12:54
Ubuletteplaces ?12:54
Ubulettethe sqlite thing ?12:54
asacbut now that toolbar.xml throws an exception it might be true that it just doesn't apply that anymore12:55
asac-1211734336[805c3e0] : file (null), line 0: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80070057 (NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE) [nsINavBookmarksService.removeObserver] "  nsresult: "0x80070057 (NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE)"  location: "JS frame :: chrome://browser/content/browser.js :: BrowserShutdown :: line 1010"  data: no] 12:55
asac-1211734336[805c3e0] : file chrome://browser/content/places/toolbar.xml, line 60: TypeError: null has no properties12:55
asacso exclude places from build or fix that null value12:55
asacto fix the build :)12:55
Ubulettehmm, i thought that places were now mandatory in trunk12:56
asacwell ... its all #ifdef'ed ... so unset MOZ_PLACES will exclude it most likely12:56
asacbut look in browser.js which property is accessed ... then see why that is null12:57
Ubulettemozilla bug 39229112:58
ubotuMozilla bug 392291 in Places "add a preference to disable places in xulrunner" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed]  http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=39229112:58
Ubulettehmm, no12:58
asacfirst problem is12:59
asac-1211734336[805c3e0] : file chrome://global/content/bindings/findbar.xml, line 304: TypeError: this._browser.fastFind has no properties12:59
UbuletteZarro Boogs found01:02
asacfindbar is document.getBindingParent(this);01:04
asacaeh fastFind i mean01:04

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