
Davieysuperm1: did you get hold of bendailey?01:16
superm1Daviey, he was in yesterday01:16
superm1i also found out how much we've been averaging i month from polorix.net01:16
Davieyyesterday... hmm - since i last spoke with you?01:16
Davieydang timezones01:16
Davieyf' me!01:17
superm1well yesterday my time01:17
superm1(the only time that matters of course)01:17
DavieyUTC + 1 ftw01:17
superm1well anyhow.01:18
superm1i got somethign to work on atrpms01:18
superm1with i think a signed release01:18
DavieyMind you... when the mirrors and beta's stop coming out it should ease of a ickle01:18
superm1i have the pegasus gpg key01:19
Davieywhere was it?01:19
superm1i was smart enough to back it up to ~/.gnupg-mythbuntu :)01:19
DavieyIf you sign them on the master server, i shouldn't need to aswell - just mirror, right?01:19
Davieydid you sort out a subdomain with ben?01:20
superm1let me try right now and make sure the signing worked then01:20
superm1i'm not sure if i signed the right Release files01:20
superm1there were two that i found that seemed like they should01:21
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superm1na signing dind't work01:23
superm1i still dont know what to sign then01:23
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jumpkickhttp://www.mythbuntu.org/support - typo "support support"02:40
jumpkickduplicate h1 headers02:41
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frank23I was looking at the Mythbuntu features... Is it capable of setting up a mythtv backend/frontend/desktop (with kubuntu as desktop) with an nvidia card and separating the mythtv frontend to TV-Out and showing KDE on the monitor?03:13
superm1frank23, at this point, setting up a desktop isn't integrated into the installer03:13
frank23All with the configuration menus03:13
superm1its possible to do03:13
frank23I know how to do it by hand. I was just wondering since the installer lets you install a desktop and a frontend03:14
superm1Well not in installer03:14
superm1in the control centre03:14
superm1that is something i'd like to explore for the future though03:15
superm1more advanced setups like that03:15
frank23It already seems to offer painless mythtv backend and frontend setups. I guess that's the main thing for a mythtv distro03:16
superm1with the control centre, you can easily add the backend and frontend roles too03:16
superm1to an existing desktop03:16
superm1through a full out gui03:16
frank23ok. is the control centre a separate package you could just install on a basic ubuntu/kubuntu install?03:17
superm1i just submitted it to gutsy a few days ago03:18
superm1you can see some screenshots on mythbuntu.org03:18
superm1of what it can do03:18
frank23I see :)   Yeah that is what I was looking at (the screenshots)03:18
superm1yea since we redid the site, i lost all the other screenshots and didn't take time to redo them03:18
superm1but since i just wrote that recently, i did screenshots for it03:19
frank23superm1: are there others that help you with mythbuntu? I know you also did an awful lot of work on the wiki03:19
superm1yea the other folks in here help out03:20
superm1but yea, i do put an awful lot of free time towards this project :)03:20
frank23In gutsy will the control centre be a dependancy of mythtv?03:21
frank23Thanks alot on behalf of all mythtv ubuntu users!03:21
superm1it will be the preferred way to install things though03:21
superm1since you can see it tries to touch upon configuring a bunch of other mythtv related items03:21
frank23yeah... samba, nfs and everything03:22
superm1in its current rendition, it replaces samba and nfs configuration (and backs up the old one), but in a later release, i'll make it act a little more cleanly03:22
frank23can you setup a mythweb password with the control centre?03:22
superm1not at this point, but another thing i wanted to touch upon :)03:23
superm1you can via debconf though03:23
superm1sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythweb03:23
frank23oh yeah?03:23
superm1yea thank laga for that one03:23
superm1he got out a bunch of the code on it03:23
frank23were you able to use stuff that knoppmyth created as well?03:24
superm1which stuff?03:24
frank23I have no idea.... I just know that it's one of the popular mythtv distributions.03:25
superm1honestly never booted it up03:25
superm1i downloaded a mythdora disk, but it never worked in my virtual machine03:25
superm1always froze the vm up03:25
frank23Oh heh, me neither03:25
superm1some day i probably should set up a box to compare us to them03:26
superm1and find out what they've got the edge on us over03:26
frank23Do you how to setup a myth frontend (or something equivalent) on windows?03:27
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superm1don't even have a windows box in my appt03:28
superm1so nope03:28
frank23superm1: well thanks for answering my questions. Maybe I'll try testing mythbuntu on my spare partition sometime.03:30
superm1frank23, well alpha4 will be this week03:30
superm1so give that a spin if anything :)03:30
frank23ok. Where should I report problems if any?03:30
superm1on launchpad.net/mythbuntu03:30
superm1or in here03:30
frank23superm1: just out of curiosity, what video capture card(s) do you use?03:32
superm1pvr-500, air2pc hd5000, silicon dust hdhomerun, pvr-350, pvr-250mce03:33
frank23I have 2 pvr-150, I had a hard time getting them to work in dapper but no problems at all in feisty03:34
superm1i had firewire at 2 points also, but not currently03:35
superm1yea the goal is to make it out of the box for most cards supported03:35
superm1ivtv is in the upstream kernel now too, so for most people even in other distros things should be a lot easier03:40
rhpot1991anyone update to SD yet?03:41
superm1rhpot1991, i have03:41
frank23yeah, I know. much less annoying after kernel upgrades. I still have to rebuild lirc modules everytime though.03:42
rhpot1991any words of wisdom, anything I should know?03:42
superm1frank23, that's fixed in gutsy03:42
superm1rhpot1991, if you have any digital channels, make sure your call signs are set right03:42
frank23superm1: even better!03:42
superm1rhpot1991, and channel numbers03:42
rhpot1991just regular cable for me03:42
superm1then you should have smooth saliing03:42
superm10.20.2 for feisty is in feisty-proposed now rhpot199103:43
rhpot1991apt got them for me not sure where from though03:44
rhpot1991I have the weekly mythbuntu builds in my apt now03:44
superm1rhpot1991, yes i added to those today too03:44
rhpot1991looks like its from them03:45
rhpot1991grrrr, mythfrontend still wont take itself out of my updates03:45
superm1you tried to remove that package and reinstall?03:51
rhpot1991did a complete remove from synaptec03:51
rhpot1991dpkg --purged it03:51
rhpot1991schedules direct seems to indicate I am under a trial, will my grab work now or do I need to pay first?03:52
superm1it works for 7 days03:53
superm1i'm still on my trial03:53
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-mythtv:superm1] : "Welcome to #ubuntu-mythtv:: MythTV 0.20.2 Information at http://tinyurl.com/39hgnz :: See our website at http://www.mythbuntu.org :: Paste logs @ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org :: See our wiki for setting up and troubleshooting: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV "
=== mode/#ubuntu-mythtv [-o superm1] by ChanServ
superm1bdmurray, keescook they both cleared the buildds04:04
superm1if you guys want to give them a spin04:04
superm1please file comments in the bugs, including "Works for me"04:04
rhpot1991I always seem to have a hard time getting my channel names to stick instead of "adding channel 2"04:05
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superm1what do you mean?04:09
rhpot1991when I scan for channels04:09
rhpot1991I end up losing the channel names and they end up coming up as "Adding Channel 2" "Adding Channel 3" and so on04:10
rhpot1991not sure what the heck I do, but I do it every time I am in mythtv-setup04:10
rhpot1991darn, broke my channel icons too04:10
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superm1hm odd.04:11
MythbuntuGuest44question for anyone, just did a fresh install of Mythbuntu, trying to get it updated and apt is going to autoremove all of the myth packages, what gives?04:14
rhpot1991has to be something I do cause I remember having a problem with it before and schedulesdirect is listing my channel names04:14
superm1MythbuntuGuest44, that is fixed in this weeks upcoming alpha04:14
superm1MythbuntuGuest44, it snuck up right after alpha 3's release04:14
superm1MythbuntuGuest44, if you could hold off a few days, the next alpha will have mythtv 0.20.2, that fixed, and a whole slew of other things04:15
MythbuntuGuest44superm1: hmmm well I guess, the box hasn't been working for a week any ways :-D04:15
superm1MythbuntuGuest44, watch the RSS feed on mythbuntu.org :) Thanks04:16
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rhpot1991superm1: I forgot to mention, when upgrading to the weekly build packages I did a dist-upgrade, not that it should effect anything04:18
superm1na it shouldn't04:19
rhpot1991it just wanted to replace mythtv.20-dev with mythtv.20 or something along those lines04:19
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tgm4883_laptoppeople are already using the website client04:20
rhpot1991now I have done it, scanning for channels is crashing my box04:20
keescooksuperm1: sweet, thanks -- good email too.  I will get it checked out, but I might be a bit delayed -- I have to fix my mother-in-law's machine; her drive failed.04:30
superm1ouch keescook04:30
superm1keescook, hopefully some other motu will speak up and test now :)04:30
keescookbdmurray, myself, and bryce will all be testing it in sort order, have no fear.  ;)04:35
rhpot1991mythfilldatabase --do-channel-updates: fixed my channel problem04:40
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MythbuntuGuest60superm1: sorry about that, wireless went on the fritz.  So in a few days a new version will be out?04:45
rhpot1991do I even want ubuntu-mythtv-frontend installed?04:52
rhpot1991when I have mythtv-frontend?04:52
rhpot1991its the meta package, no reason not to be using it04:55
rhpot1991hmmmm removed the weekly builds repo and it stoped asking me to upgrade that package04:56
tgm4883_laptoprhpot1991, it should setup auto login and such04:57
rhpot1991tgm4883_laptop: ya it works good and all, but the sytem wont stop updating the package04:57
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foxbuntutgm4883, how goes it?05:11
tgm4883_laptopit's good foxbuntu05:12
foxbuntutgm4883_laptop, good deal05:14
foxbuntuwant to re-write the GTK theme for me? since I am feeling lazy05:15
tgm4883_laptopcan't right now, heading out for ice cream, we have family in town right now05:17
foxbuntuwell have fun then05:20
rhpot1991seems ok, right?05:30
rhpot1991thats from /var/log/dpkg.log btw05:31
rhpot1991updated: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35339/05:32
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rhpot1991superm1_: this look ok to you: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35339/05:37
superm1_rhpot1991, looks right to me05:37
rhpot1991well I'm stumped05:38
superm1_i'm really not sure what can be causing your oddities with it05:38
superm1_doesn't make sense to me05:38
rhpot1991ya its just that package05:38
rhpot1991if I go into synaptec and choose properties of it then view versions05:38
rhpot1991I see the same version listed twice05:38
rhpot1991once with "(feisty)" following it and once with "(now)" following it05:39
rhpot1991when I remove the weekly build repo, it stops wanting to update it05:40
rhpot1991all the rest of the myth package just have the "(fiesty)" version05:40
rhpot1991just some other background info: this is happening on 2 boxes here, both had fully working mythtv installs on ubuntu feisty before I added the weekly build repos, and neither have mythbuntu installed05:43
superm1_woah that's particularly odd.05:44
superm1_considering my frontend has that same package installed05:44
superm1_and no issues with it05:44
rhpot1991only thing I can think of that I did obscure, is that I installed mythweather revamp from source long ago05:44
rhpot1991might have some junk hanging around from that, but I don't see how it should matter05:45
CBiLLwill Mythbuntu support UIRT USB?05:45
superm1_CBiLL, what module is needed or it?05:45
superm1_you know off hand?05:45
CBiLLlirc is one05:46
superm1_which lirc module though05:46
CBiLLand 8.2 or above support it05:46
CBiLLlet me get that info sec05:46
tgm4883_laptop*cough* imbrandon *cough*05:47
superm1_tgm4883_laptop, yea i msged him05:47
superm1_no response05:47
superm1_CBiLL, yes that should be supported since it looks to not be a kernel module05:48
superm1_but rather shows up as directly by lircd05:48
superm1_you will probably need to modify /etc/lirc/hardware.conf to point to your device05:48
CBiLLyeah MythDora said same thing and couldn't get it working 8-/05:48
foxbuntusuperm1, can you save me from GTK2 Hell?05:48
superm1_but that should be it05:48
CBiLLbut I should be able to do a mode205:48
CBiLLand aim any remote to it right05:48
CBiLLto see if it pick up the ir05:48
superm1_CBiLL, well in theory yes05:49
CBiLLbut it doesn't =/05:49
superm1_i dont know if perhaps only certain remotes work with it05:49
superm1_i know that for the hauppaugge ir sensors, you can only use hauppaugge remotes05:49
CBiLLworks perfect in Windows XP hehe but I don't want Windows =/05:49
superm1_they dont have a spectrum to see anything else05:49
CBiLLUIRT use any remotes05:49
CBiLLI got one that support both 50mhz and 55mhz05:49
superm1_ah okay05:50
superm1_CBiLL, do you have a gutsy install right now?05:50
superm1_or a mythbuntu install?05:50
CBiLLnope just download it now05:50
CBiLLgetting ready to burn it on cd05:50
CBiLLand pop it in05:50
rhpot1991CBiLL have you tried running 'irw' and aiming a device at it to see if anything is happening?05:50
CBiLLI tried in MythDora yeah05:51
CBiLLI have nother usb the SnapStream one and it works05:51
rhpot1991lirc can have a few points of failure if you don't have configs set up correctly05:51
rhpot1991though I only have worked with hauppauge stuff05:51
CBiLLbut I needed this UIRT working too to tranmit to my cable box to change the channel on it05:51
CBiLLcan lirc handle more than 1 usb tranmitter and receiver?05:52
rhpot1991superm1_: do you have feisty or gusty installed?05:52
superm1_rhpot1991, both05:52
superm1_in multiple areas05:52
rhpot1991ok hmmm05:52
CBiLLI downloaded feisty .. is that latest alpha?05:52
rhpot1991feisty is stable05:52
superm1_CBiLL, alpha3 is the latest, but alpha4 will be coming out later this week05:52
rhpot19917.10 is gusty05:52
CBiLLgusty is the alpha?05:53
foxbuntusuperm1_, when are you planning on building Alpha 4?05:53
CBiLLdoing this one then! I like living on bleeding edge!05:53
superm1_foxbuntu, all i have left afaik is a lirc change05:53
superm1_to add udev support05:53
superm1_and a fix for lirc_serial05:53
superm1_so probably in a day or two05:53
superm1_and need a day or two to test it05:53
superm1_before announce05:53
CBiLLcan lirc accept more than 1 usb tranmitter and reciver plugged in?05:53
superm1_yes but not easily in its current packaged form05:54
foxbuntusuperm1_, ok, I am working hard on a rebuild of the GTK garbage to get the colors to look right and be usable05:55
superm1_okay foxbuntu hopefully you can get it in time :)05:55
foxbuntusuperm1_, I hope so to, but this really became a bigger deal than I though05:56
foxbuntuwell I just made some good progress...new butttons that are much easier to read05:58
CBiLLanother important feature to me is Closed Caption or TeleText as euro calls it06:00
superm1_CBiLL, depending on your tuner that may or may not work06:00
CBiLLit works06:00
CBiLLgood too06:00
CBiLLin MythDora .. got a PVR50006:00
CBiLLthere is one feature I hope to see in MythTV one day is to write the CC in mpeg file as open caption .. ie write word directly on top of the video itself06:01
CBiLLlike those movie where folks speak china but words are displayed below06:02
CBiLL66% iso burned so far .. (this is done on an old old window computer with old cd-r player)06:05
CBiLLthe main cpu is tied up as mythdora atm06:05
CBiLLrebooting .. goodbye MythDora Hello Gusty!06:08
CBiLLnice install gui btw06:10
CBiLLI am at the part where I choose a remote06:13
CBiLLdoes it have SnapStream Firefly remote?06:13
superm1_brb sorry06:14
foxbuntusuperm1_, take a look and see what you have to say about it so far06:14
foxbuntuCBiLL, I don't believe that remote is supported06:15
CBiLLcan be added later then?06:15
foxbuntuMythbuntu currently only has support for the remotes supported upstream by Lirc06:16
CBiLLsnapstream is supported in MythDora on lirc06:16
CBiLLright out of box06:16
foxbuntuthe remote?06:16
CBiLLand the usb tranmitter/reciver that come with it06:17
CBiLLwell i got the conf for it06:17
CBiLLso I should just plop it in then?06:17
CBiLLvery nice remote btw06:20
CBiLLRF signal06:20
CBiLLno need to aim06:20
foxbuntuI use a universal RF that I trained off my base remote from the PVR15006:20
foxbuntuum..send me the config @ nickj.fox@gmail.com06:21
CBiLLfor the snapstream?06:21
CBiLLok sec need to reboot back into Mytdora and get it06:21
foxbuntuand I will try to add it to my list of to-do06:21
foxbuntuand build support for it06:21
CBiLLit come with a usb RF Tx/Rx06:22
CBiLLit very nice remote06:22
CBiLLperfect for mythtv06:22
rhpot1991I have heard good things about it06:22
rhpot1991I just use a hauppauge remote for my main box, and an all for one programed to work as a hauppauge for my other frontend06:23
foxbuntuMy universal is nice too06:23
foxbuntuworks well with my mythbox06:23
CBiLLproblem I am having is that I got the uirt to transmit to my cable box but I can't seem to get both firefly usb tx/rx and uirt tx/rx to work with same lirc  heck I can't get uirt working yet06:24
superm1_okay i'm back06:24
superm1_so what was questions now?06:24
superm1_snapstream should be listed in the installer i believe06:24
CBiLLnone for me yet 8-P06:24
CBiLLdidn't see it06:24
foxbuntusuperm1_, take a look06:24
CBiLLhrmm let me reboote it when I get that config out06:24
CBiLLfor foxbuntu06:24
foxbuntuCBiLL, thanks06:24
superm1_foxbuntu, i dont see any gtk dialogs there06:25
rhpot1991superm1_ are you using feisty_proposed on your feisty box(es)?06:25
foxbuntusuperm1_, I am going to add the Snapstream buttons and config into the lirc gen.06:25
superm1_rhpot1991, i'm using the weekly builds06:25
superm1_feisty proposed just opened up today :)06:25
foxbuntusuperm1_, notice the buttons06:25
rhpot1991I just completly removed all mythtv packages and purged them, started to install fresh and I am still getting it constantly wanting to upgrade06:25
superm1_i tested feisty proposed in my virtual machine06:25
CBiLLhey do you want the whole mythdora conf for all the remote they support zipped up?06:25
rhpot1991well for the rest of the system06:25
foxbuntuI will get you better sreens in a min06:25
rhpot1991thats about the only ubuntu repo I don't have turned on06:25
rhpot1991this is drive me crazy, it makes absolutely no sense06:26
superm1_CBiLL, ah it would appear that upstream lirc doesn't have a config listed in their lirc hardware database06:26
superm1_i was thinking streamzap06:26
CBiLLyeah I saw that06:26
CBiLLbut it's snapstream =/06:27
superm1_but you use the USB UIRT Receiver06:27
superm1_do you not?06:27
CBiLLyes for tranmitting to the cable box to change channels06:27
foxbuntusuperm1_, we can add that config to our DB can't we and submit an upstream patch with it in there?06:27
CBiLLsnapstream to control mythtv06:28
superm1_CBiLL, what kernel module does snapstream use?06:28
CBiLLUIRT is not just receiver06:28
CBiLLsuperm1_ that what I am doing right now .. looking in lirc conf doesn't seem to use any module06:28
superm1_okay well what driver does lircd use then?06:28
CBiLLI don't know about drivers fully yet but it doesn't seem to be using any06:29
superm1_well lirc has support for native "drivers" that dont need kernel modules06:29
superm1_or for devices that need to use a kernel module too06:30
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CBiLLwould it be in lirc.conf?06:30
superm1_i dont know anything about mythdora's config files06:32
superm1_so i couldnt tell you06:32
CBiLLemail sent foxbuntu06:39
foxbuntuthanks CBiLL06:39
CBiLLzipped up all the supported remote conf file06:39
CBiLLthe file are named based on remote it supported and basically you rename it to lirc.conf I think and put it in /etc/06:40
CBiLLfor whatever remote you want to support06:40
CBiLLbut trying to determine how it support the usb device that come with snapstream06:40
CBiLLI think lirc latest driver support it out of box as well too06:41
superm1_CBiLL, you can see what kernel modules are used via lsmod06:41
superm1_typically lirc_*06:41
CBiLLthat it06:42
CBiLLwonder if it the atiusb that support the snapstream06:42
superm1_well try it06:43
CBiLLwill Mythbuntu let me recomplie lirc if I had to?06:43
superm1_CBiLL, the lirc_atiusb module is shipped06:43
superm1_you shouldn't need to06:44
CBiLLok cool06:44
CBiLLso just slap in the right /etc/lirc.conf and it should work hopefully then06:44
CBiLLso what do I pick at the remote part when it ask me which remote to support? choose no remote?06:44
superm1_CBiLL, choose the ati remote06:45
superm1_and it will load the atiusb module06:45
superm1_you can reconfigure remotes at any time with sudo dpkg-reconfigure lirc06:45
superm1_or you can overwite the chosen lircd.conf by dropping it in /etc/lirc/lircd.conf06:46
CBiLLI will be new to sudo but I am a fast learner thou06:46
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-mythtv: "Welcome to #ubuntu-mythtv:: MythTV 0.20.2 Information at http://tinyurl.com/39hgnz :: See our website at http://www.mythbuntu.org :: Paste logs @ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org :: See our wiki for setting up and troubleshooting: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV "
=== Topic (#ubuntu-mythtv): set by superm1 at Tue Aug 28 04:00:48 2007
(CBiLL/#ubuntu-mythtv) there 2 ATI to choose from06:49
CBiLLthe first one seem to have the same driver choosen by MythDora as well too06:50
CBiLLhrmm for PVR 500 I choose Hauppauge PBR-XXX Series Card and set it to 2 tuners and choose the second one again same string?06:52
=== superm1 [n=superm1@ubuntu/member/superm1] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
CBiLLhrmm 2 of superm1 hehe06:53
superm1my laptop froze when switching displays when i docked06:54
superm1so the other one isn't me06:54
superm1its a ghost06:54
CBiLLhrmm for PVR 500 I choose Hauppauge PBR-XXX Series Card and set it to 2 tuners and choose the second one again same string?06:54
superm1don't worry about tuner selection06:54
CBiLLwell it choosen06:54
superm1in that alpha it doesnt do anything06:54
superm1the firmware finder backend wasnt done06:54
CBiLLit formatting partitons now06:55
CBiLLI choose to let it do it for me using the entire disk06:55
CBiLLgraphic could use some work and I would sear clear from Windows 3.1 looks =P06:56
superm1you mean the GTK theme?06:57
superm1or you mean the mythbuntu logo?06:57
CBiLLthe default installer theme06:57
superm1yea that's what foxbuntu is working on06:57
CBiLL"installing system"06:57
CBiLLah cool06:58
foxbuntuCBiLL, you can come join in on my GTK Hell if you like :)06:58
CBiLLI am struggling between MythTV and SageTv .. both so good and sweet but need UIRT working in MythTV thou07:00
CBiLLSageTV have no problem handing more than one STB using UIRT and still allow firefire remote to be used07:00
CBiLLan error have occured while installing package07:01
CBiLLfailed to fetch http://mirror.cs.umm.ed.ubu**** (very long string) ****404 Not Found07:01
superm1CBiLL, oh - can you do it without network cable plugged in07:02
superm1i forgot to warn you about that07:02
CBiLLshoot I cancelled it and it still going07:02
CBiLLshould I start over?07:02
superm1well your nvidia driver might not be setup07:02
superm1that is all07:02
superm1let it keep goign07:02
CBiLLok restarting07:02
superm1and see how it comes along07:02
CBiLLletting it keep going07:02
superm1its because a newer version was released of the kernel modules07:02
superm1since this disk was made07:03
CBiLLlauching mythtv setup07:03
superm1stuff like that shouldn't continue to happen with future07:03
CBiLLyeah s-video is all screw up07:04
CBiLLbut still can see it fine on my computer monitor07:04
superm1did the Nvidia logo pop up?07:05
superm1upon boot?07:06
superm1or was it nvidia?07:06
CBiLLit have not rebooted yet07:06
CBiLLI am at the stage where I set up Mythtv07:06
CBiLLI assume it going to reboot after that?07:06
CBiLLit doing datadirect now07:07
superm1well we'll see what happens after reboot :)07:07
superm1i'm not sure regarding that missing package since it couldnt get to mirror.cs.umn.edu07:07
CBiLLit going to ask me to reboot when I click finished on installer right?07:07
CBiLLI seem to be locked up07:08
CBiLLat the part were it try to get datadirect07:08
CBiLLstuck at 50%07:08
CBiLLoh there07:08
CBiLLwe go07:08
CBiLLit running fillmythdatabase .. brb getting a drinnk07:11
rhpot1991thank god mythtv stores all its info in mysql07:11
CBiLLI think the right path is to allow installer run all the way then reboot and then offer to setup mythtv07:13
CBiLLit look kinda odd setting up mythtv before a reboot of a new os install07:14
superm1well the idea was that you do it on a normal monitor07:15
superm1whereas when you reboot you might have tvout setup07:15
superm1or something to that effect07:15
CBiLLthat a good point07:16
CBiLLlike what I am experincing right now07:16
rhpot1991learn to love vnc CBiLL07:16
CBiLLhey I just want a nice working PVR07:17
CBiLLI am currently using RelayTV 5040 very very nice pvr but take forever to transfer file from replaytv to computers07:17
rhpot1991nothing beats when you boot your pvr and need keyboard interaction and your standing there with nothing but a remote07:17
CBiLL100mbit I think07:17
CBiLLDirectData so boring and a long wait hehehe07:21
=== CBiLL snores
rhpot1991you know that datadirect is going away in a bit right?07:22
CBiLLI know07:22
CBiLLthere a pay version coming up07:22
CBiLL5 a month was it07:22
CBiLLthat the place07:22
rhpot1991initial is $15 for 3 months07:22
rhpot1991they are hoping to get it to $15 a year I think07:23
CBiLL20 a year07:23
CBiLLwould be worth every pennies07:23
foxbuntusuperm1, here is one with the working FF07:23
CBiLLif MythTV works out for me07:23
rhpot1991I just converted to it earlier, went well other than me being and idiot and screwing up my channel names07:23
CBiLLyou subbed?07:23
CBiLLso it open to be sub now?07:23
CBiLLok it done07:23
CBiLLswitching my tv to svideo and clicking Finish07:23
rhpot1991I'm working on the trial now07:24
rhpot1991they give you a 7 day trial07:24
CBiLLoh cool07:24
rhpot1991as soon as I see that its working they get some cash07:24
CBiLLis it working yet?07:24
rhpot1991well it did today07:25
CBiLLuntil you messed it up?07:25
rhpot1991I'd like to be more convinced than that though07:25
rhpot1991gonna wait a few days to make sure its all running smooth07:25
CBiLLok tv booting up07:25
foxbuntusuperm1, and here is one with menus07:25
CBiLLcan see the boot up bios on tv07:25
CBiLLworking nice on TV07:25
CBiLLnice curved box07:26
CBiLLbut color well look kinda of gloomy and gothic =P07:26
CBiLLfailed to start X server07:26
superm1foxbuntu, looking better07:26
CBiLLyeah grey07:26
foxbuntuCBiLL, that grey is going away07:27
CBiLL(your graphical interface)07:27
superm1CBiLL, probably because the nvidia driver wasn't installed07:27
CBiLLso it is something I can install now?07:27
CBiLLor redo the whole thing again?07:27
foxbuntusuperm1, any thoughts?07:27
superm1well its probably easier to redo the whole thing, because that deb isn't on umn.edu anymore07:27
foxbuntuor should I commit and you can try it in Ubi. and see what you think07:28
CBiLLok so unplug it from network then?07:28
superm1foxbuntu, well you can just install ubiquity07:28
superm1its in apt07:28
rhpot1991why not just change his source?07:28
rhpot1991and get the deb?07:28
superm1rhpot1991, its not available anywhere anymore07:28
rhpot1991ah ok07:28
superm1its been removed since a newer version is out07:28
superm1but its on the CD07:28
rhpot1991sorry didn't understand what was happening07:28
CBiLLok popping in cd and unplugging it from network07:28
superm1foxbuntu, purlple ish?07:28
rhpot1991can't he dpkg from the cd then?07:28
superm1CBiLL, either that or wait until alpha4 this week07:29
CBiLLno I enjoy doing this07:29
CBiLLrebooting it07:29
foxbuntusuperm1, yeah, it kinda turned out that way due to the color blending issues I have been dealing with07:29
CBiLLI have nothing else to do07:29
CBiLLwould like to check this remote for you too07:29
foxbuntuwhite looks like crap and gray makes it hard to read07:30
CBiLLto see how it turn out and maybe you can add it in alpha 407:30
superm1CBiLL, yea i have one more lirc commit i want to do this week07:30
superm1before alpha407:30
superm1so if that remote needs somethign changed07:30
foxbuntusuperm1, how do I put the theme into ubiquity?07:31
CBiLLgoing to try atiusb and putting that conf in but Ill let you know when it done installing .. probably another hour *chuckle*07:31
superm1foxbuntu, just start ubiquity with it set as your theme07:31
superm1sudo ubiquity mythbuntu_ui07:31
foxbuntuI did that but it came up all default looking07:31
superm1after installing ubiquity-frontend-mythbuntu07:31
foxbuntuI didnt do that however07:32
foxbuntuI grabbed the wrong ubiquity too07:32
foxbuntustill all default07:33
CBiLLwhat the different between ATI and ATI (userspace)?07:33
superm1CBiLL, one uses a kernel module07:33
superm1and one doesnt07:33
CBiLLah ok choosing one that use kernel module then07:34
CBiLLsince it was using both dev and atiusb on mythdora07:34
CBiLLthat DD is gonna be boring again lol07:36
foxbuntusuperm1, it won't show up with the theme07:37
CBiLLone thing I notice when I started over it asked if I wanted to use free space on my disk which have 55% left07:38
CBiLLand does it mean last install only partition 45 % of the disk?07:38
superm1just take it all up07:38
CBiLLI did07:38
superm1no use having two installs07:38
CBiLLyup did that07:39
CBiLLbut was kinda wondering why it saw I have 55% free partation to use unless that was meant for where video are storaged in07:39
rhpot1991how does mythbuntu partition the are used to store the videos?07:40
CBiLLno idea07:40
CBiLLoh a question07:40
superm1rhpot1991, nothign special is in the installer yet for partitioning reciped07:40
CBiLLonce I am done installing system and setting up mythtv07:40
CBiLLdo I plug my network back in?07:40
CBiLLneed it for Datadirect07:40
superm1oh thats right07:41
superm1that's okay to plug back in the07:41
CBiLLsame error popped up07:41
CBiLL(network is not plugged in)07:41
CBiLLclick on "OK"?07:42
superm1woah really.07:42
superm1you might have to wait for alpha4 then07:42
superm1shoudl this still happen07:42
CBiLLaw shoot07:42
CBiLLstill installing07:42
rhpot1991superm1: a nice LVM with xfs would be a good choice for a video partition07:44
superm1rhpot1991, LVM is not going to happen07:44
superm1not in this release07:44
superm1upstream installer needs to have a huge huge overhaul07:45
superm1for that to be supported07:45
CBiLLgonna go ahead an reboot it07:45
CBiLLwithout setting up mythtv07:45
rhpot1991IIRC ubuntu makes you use the classic debian installer for LVM07:45
foxbuntusuperm1, I must be retarded because my theme won't apply to ubiquity at all07:46
rhpot1991I'll have to check out the installer when you get the next alpha out, so I can know what the heck is going on07:46
superm1foxbuntu, try another07:46
superm1and see07:46
foxbuntuthose apply07:46
foxbuntubut when I switch to my custom one it goes default07:46
superm1i dunno foxbuntu07:47
CBiLLdarn failed to start X server oh well07:47
CBiLLit was a good try07:47
superm1rhpot1991, we dont use normal d-i07:47
superm1we use a frontend that i wrote derived from the GTK frontend of ubiquity07:48
=== rhpot1991 doesn't even know what ubiquity is
superm1rhpot1991, okay you'll see at alpha4 :)07:48
rhpot1991I guess so07:48
CBiLLlook like I have to wait until alpha4 =P07:49
OpenMediasuperm1: what additional themes are included in the community theme package?07:50
superm1OpenMedia, that package is gone for alpha407:50
foxbuntusuperm1, want me to commit and see if you can make it work?07:50
CBiLLCrux looks good07:50
superm1foxbuntu, i can try it07:50
superm1but not make it work07:50
foxbuntuwhy do you litteral me everytime?07:51
OpenMediasuperm1: Wanted to take a look at what you were considering. Got a link to an older version I can suck down. None of my mythbuntu instances are running at the moment so I can't use them to pull one down.07:51
superm1OpenMedia, that box was just a place holder07:52
OpenMediaAh ok. Got a quite a few customers who really don't like any of the standard MythTV themes. Keep getting requests for ProjectGraham amongst others.07:53
=== rhpot1991 [i=rhpot199@] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
foxbuntusuperm1, is the gtk branch locked?07:54
superm1foxbuntu, shouldn't be07:54
foxbuntuhow do I break the lock again?07:54
superm1bzr break-lock07:54
superm1you might want to try to bzr pull07:54
superm1to see if you are just out of sync07:55
foxbuntuI did bzr update and it says its current at rev07:55
superm1yea that's rightg07:56
foxbuntui am getting a whole bunch up this07:58
foxbuntuCannot lock: transport is read only:07:58
superm1foxbuntu, you cant push to http07:59
superm1only to bzr+ssh or sftp07:59
foxbuntuthats just from bzr commit07:59
superm1sounds like you are bound to a http branch only07:59
superm1when you did bzr co yesterday07:59
superm1was it bzr co bzr+ssh://, bzr co sftp://, or bzr co http://07:59
foxbuntuok I got it now08:01
rhpot1991hmmmm, how hard would it be to make a 2ndary backend be a master backend?08:01
superm1rhpot1991, not too hard08:01
rhpot1991seems my master is having some hard drive failure right now08:01
superm1rhpot1991, especially if you can get a mysql backup to it08:02
rhpot1991mysql backup is on the master, let me see if I have a knoppix or live ubuntu disc lying around08:02
foxbuntusuperm1, rev 6 is online08:03
cannmorning =)08:05
rhpot1991hmmm actually came up that time, DMA errors on the hard drive can't be a good sign for the future though08:09
superm1woah um foxbuntu this sitll had a really odd look08:10
foxbuntusince mine wont theme08:10
foxbuntudid you see the check boxes in there?08:10
superm1i just mean in general08:10
superm1its got a odd look08:11
superm1ubquity is themed by it08:11
superm1its like a weird combo of dark and light08:11
rhpot1991I'm off to get some sleep, have a good night guys08:11
superm1ah needed to set default colors08:11
superm1its all purple08:11
superm1thats why08:11
superm1let me pastebin something08:12
superm1and you'll see08:12
superm1what theme engine is this using?08:13
foxbuntuand default08:13
superm1maybe base it from clearlooks?08:14
superm1to give it a better look08:14
superm1there are still a lot of dark grey menus08:14
foxbuntuis clearlooks an engine you have in the disk?08:14
superm1it is easily added08:14
foxbuntuok well..I am going to do a full over on the theme then based on clearlooks08:15
foxbuntusuperm1, yeah, thats one of the things I have been figting08:16
foxbuntuidk...it needs alot of work08:17
superm1yes it does08:17
foxbuntuthe thing I am trying to avoid is changing the desktop BG that we already have...but I am starting to think its going to be unaviodable to get this to work08:18
foxbuntusuperm1, anyways...I need to hit the sack...long day tomorrow08:19
superm1okay night foxbuntu08:19
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TUX_FLhi all. i went to dl mythtv and there is a file patcher.sh.  how./when do I run this and where do I find the documentation?  I found nothing on knoppmyth forums08:56
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Davieysuperm1: go to bed!10:09
superm1i'm not really awake10:09
superm1i'm sleep typing10:09
DavieyI'm going to email bendailey later... what do you think as a subdomain then?10:10
superm1well lets just have the uk.weeklybuilds.mythbuntu.org go to you10:10
superm1and weeklybuilds.mythbuntu.org go to atrpms server10:11
Davieyuk.download.myththbuntu.org or maybe uk.archieve.mythbuntu.org10:11
superm1and then for cdimages10:12
superm1uk.cdimages.mythbuntu.org ?10:12
superm1give me the IP, i'll shoot the mail off right now10:12
superm1before i get to bed10:12
Davieyfair nuff10:12
superm1and he'll get those up tomorrow morning then10:12
Davieygrep: addr:: No such file or directory10:13
Daviey          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
Daviey          inet addr:  Mask:
Davieybah.. that's what you get for trying to use irssi's "/exec"10:13
Daviey212.13.194.26 <-10:14
superm1so Daviey uk.archive.mythbuntu.org or uk.weeklybuilds.mythbuntu.org10:15
superm1i guess archive makes more sense10:15
Davieyhmm.. don't mind - but yeah.. seems so10:15
superm1but then again, axel's already got things setup as weeklybuilds.mythbuntu.org10:15
superm1lets do weeklybuilds for now10:15
Davieywe'll need to structure it with stable and non-stable|weekly10:15
superm1well the way the PPA architecture works, that's less than easy10:16
Davieywell if people use PPA as a repo i agree; but i'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to script a few mv's10:16
superm1ppa automatically superseeds though10:17
superm1and removes old packages10:17
=== Daviey doesn't know much about the workings of PPA
superm1you'll find out after they go live tomrorow10:17
superm1i've had to work around some big annoyances with them10:17
superm1they are supposeed to go live on wed10:18
superm1version numbers10:18
superm1having to manually requeue some builds10:18
superm1for like mythtv/mythplugins10:18
superm1unsigned packages10:18
Davieycan you ask ben to CC his return mail; so i can get it setup faster10:18
DavieyCC, me10:19
superm1sure i'll put you on a CC10:19
superm1as soon as PPA goes live, i need to push ubiquity, mythbuntu-control-centre,mythstream to it10:20
superm1and then we can build alpha410:20
Davieyhow does PPA packages get to atrpms?10:20
superm1at this point, i have a wget script10:20
Davieypushed or pulled?  apt-mirror or scp?10:20
superm1that grabs it all10:20
superm1apt-mirror seems to only work as root?10:20
superm1unless you know how to do it as a user?10:20
Davieyhang on10:20
superm1if you can do it as a user, i'll have axel install apt-mirror on there.10:21
Daviey$ apt-mirror10:21
DavieyDownloading 22 index files using 20 threads...10:21
Davieyapt-mirror: can't write to intermediate file (index-urls.0) at /usr/bin/apt-mirror line 174.10:21
Davieyis that the error?10:21
superm1something like that yea10:21
superm1i messed around with a local mirrors.list10:21
superm1in a home directory10:21
superm1but couldnt get it to work10:21
Davieyoh.. looks like it needs a tmp write permission or something10:21
DavieyI'll have a play.. i'm certain it's possible10:21
superm1wget -nv -nH  -R index.html?* -np -m http://ppa.dogfood.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/10:22
superm1is what i settled on for wget10:22
superm1especially since you have to re grab all items10:22
DavieyThat's the most complex wget line i have ever seen10:22
superm1i spent like 10 minutes crafting it10:22
superm1finding the right paramaters10:22
superm1or even parameters10:22
Davieyheh - i'll have to `wget -h` to see what the heck it does10:23
superm1still don't have signing working right either10:23
superm1if you can get the repo signed correctly after mirroring10:23
superm1let me know10:23
superm1i'm not sure what files i'm supposed to be signing, but i'm obviously doing the wrong ones10:23
Davieyhmm.. i could play with that today.. can you check in the script you are currently using?10:23
Davieycheck-in or email10:24
superm1wget -nv -nH  -R index.html?* -np -m http://ppa.dogfood.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/10:24
superm1gpg -abs -o /srv/weeklybuilds.mythbuntu.org/www/mythbuntu/ubuntu/dists/feisty/Release.gpg /srv/weeklybuilds.mythbuntu.org/www/mythbuntu/ubuntu/dists/feisty/Release10:24
superm1gpg -abs -o /srv/weeklybuilds.mythbuntu.org/www/mythbuntu/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/Release.gpg /srv/weeklybuilds.mythbuntu.org/www/mythbuntu/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/Release10:24
superm1that's everything10:24
Davieyerm.. i don't think i have the private key tho10:24
superm1so obviously using the primary gpg key on the box10:24
superm1use your own10:24
superm1to test it10:24
superm1once you've got things right, then we can sort out where to keep the private key10:25
superm1maybe have each of us apt-mirror from the PPA10:25
superm1and then i'll sign10:25
superm1and you wget the Release.gpg10:25
superm1or both of us sign10:25
Davieyyeah.. that can be sorted later.. I'm keen to try and keep all the mirrors as uptodate as poss10:26
superm1well and with apt-mirror10:26
superm1that's really freaking easy10:27
superm1once its set up10:27
superm1okay bed for me.  hopefully you get apt-mirror sorted out :)  ping or mail me with what you find.10:28
superm1i mailed ben and CCed you on it10:28
=== DaveMorris [n=dave@cubert.itri.bton.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
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lagasuperm1: any idea why lirc_atiusb.ko doesn't build with lirc 0.8.2 backported to feisty?12:27
Davieylaga: he's gone to bed12:29
lagai know12:32
lagano lircd.conf for my remote. sad.12:33
lagaoh, ati_remote.ko has a repeat_filter parameter, that could be useful, too12:38
=== dablitz [n=root@bas1-london14-1128758280.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
dablitzgood morning channel12:45
dablitzis there anyone around12:45
DaveMorrismorning dablitz12:47
DaveMorrisDaviey: when you ordered those IR receivers what was the delivery time roughly?12:48
dablitzcan you help me out with something12:48
DaveMorrisI can try12:48
dablitzhow to I dump my current myth database so I can start all over12:49
DaveMorrismysqldump -u<username> -p<password> <databasename> > dump.sql12:50
DaveMorrisnot sure what the db name is atm, let me check12:50
dablitzwill that erase the current mythconverg12:50
lagaDaveMorris: mythconverg12:51
DaveMorrisno, it dumps a copy of the database into the file dump.sql12:51
dablitzno I want to erase the current and start fresh12:51
lagadablitz: no, use "drop" in mysql for that12:51
DaveMorrislaga: thanks, saves me looking it up12:51
dablitzok what whould the string be for that12:51
lagai'm still amazed how many people misinterpret "ubuntu" as "let others read the manuel for you"12:52
dablitzok i get12:53
DaveMorrisdablitz: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/drop-database.html has the syntax for dropdb12:53
dablitzso mysql -u XXXXXX -p XXXXXX drop mythconverg;12:54
DaveMorrisseems right12:55
DaveMorrisalthough you may need to be root12:55
dablitzso sudo ........12:55
lagayou mustn't have a space between "-p" and the password12:55
lagadablitz: you shouldn't IRC as root, btw12:55
DaveMorrishis gone but for the logs.  root on mysql isn't always the same as root on the system, so instead use -u root12:56
lagafsck LIRC12:57
lagaback to inputlirc it is.12:57
laga[620276.010314]  ivtv0: All encoder MPEG stream buffers are full. Dropping data.12:59
lagapoor backend :(12:59
laga[620276.010322]  ivtv0: Cause: the application is not reading fast enough.12:59
DavieyDaveMorris: dunno <2 weeks iirc01:05
Davieybah.. somebody wake up superm101:06
=== DaveMorris hopes they've just been on holiday somewhere nice
DaveMorrismaybe if we all shout at once01:06
DavieyDaveMorris: my last set of shipit cd's went via uganda01:06
=== DaveMorris back to work now
Davieybah.. DaveMorris is tooo busy to talk to us01:07
DaveMorriswell it is lunchtime in a mo, and food comes 1st :P01:07
Davieywhat are we having?01:08
DaveMorrisCoronation chicken sandwiches01:12
DaveMorrisFTSE100 is down again01:15
=== cornell_work [n=40096ac9@ion.openthoughthosting.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
cornell_workMorning all... just a reality check from a novice, who doesn't want to screw things up too badly.  On www.mythbuntu.org, it says that myth 0.20.2 includes support for Schedules DIrect, and Gutsy users can upgrade through "standard apt methods".01:54
cornell_workThat'd be sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade, right?01:54
lagaif you have to ask, just use synaptic or adept or whatever GUI frontend is used at the moment01:55
cornell_workIt's just that, one reason I'm on mythbuntu, is I trashed my knoppmyth by doing a apt-det upgrade, don't want to trash mythbuntu.  Using synaptic would be like simply hitting the update, or do I have to go through and check the 0.20.2 packages?01:58
cornell_works/a apt-det/an apt-get/01:58
laga0.20.2 should already be in gutsy universe, so a normal upgrade should be OK01:59
lagait's unlikely you'll trash your mythbuntu install, but it's possible, of course02:00
lagaget a backup if you're worried.02:00
lagaor don't use experimental software.02:00
Davieycornell_work: knoppmyth will openly admit that at times their repo's are in a mess.. you should be fine upgrading on *buntu02:00
=== bendailey [n=bendaile@mail.bhmsd.k12.in.us] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
Davieybendailey: o/02:15
bendaileysuperm1, Good Morning02:15
DavieyDid you get superm1's mail?02:15
Davieysuperm1, is in bed02:15
bendaileyDaviey, yeah02:15
bendaileydns is updated and resolves properly here02:16
lagamorning bendailey02:17
lagawhat DNS?02:17
bendaileymorning laga02:17
Davieybendailey: you *star*02:17
bendaileymythbuntu.org records02:17
bendaileythanks Daviey, glad I can help02:17
lagato where are they pointing now? do we have a new web host?02:18
Davieybendailey: resolves here aswell02:18
Davieylaga: I'm being a mirror02:18
bendaileymain site is the same just mirrors for weeklybuilds and cdimages02:19
bendaileyDaviey, thanks for checking02:20
bendaileyI am going to drop superm1 an email also02:21
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Davieysuperm1: go back to bed02:36
laga" We may not always agree, but03:01
laga      disagreement is no excuse for poor behaviour and poor03:01
laga      manners."03:01
lagai can't possibly sign the code of conduct03:01
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cornell_workThanks Daviey03:14
Davieycornell_work: what have i done?03:26
Davieylaga: where was that a quote from?03:26
Davieylaga: doh.. the CoC which i *have* signed03:26
lagano yelling "RTFM" for you then ;)03:27
Davieyf'k off03:27
DavieyWhat's wrong with, Read The Friendly Manual?03:27
=== DaveMorris has signed the CoC
DaveMorrisbut not Daviey's ;)03:30
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gpdpossible faq: can I add the mythbuntu repository to my regular ubuntu feisty machine to get latest packages of mythtv?03:50
Davieybut, they are currently not signed packages03:51
DavieyThey will be later today03:51
gpdok - so i just add feisty-proposed :)?03:51
Davieywell later today I or Mario will post to the ML with details, i expect03:52
gpdok - thanks03:52
Davieygpd: what arch are you running?03:53
Davieyi386 or amd64?03:53
rhpot1991gpd if you do that let me know how it works for you, I did it and I have ubuntu-mythtv-frontend stuck and it keeps updating it constantly04:05
Davieyrhpot1991: is that a mythbuntu or ubuntu install?04:07
rhpot1991ubuntu install with mythbuntu repos added later04:07
rhpot1991its really strange, since the package installed fine and works fine04:08
Davieyhmm.. that is odd - i haven't heard of that issue before04:08
rhpot1991ya I have been talking with mario about it, apparently I'm the only one04:08
DavieyHave you tried removing + reinstalling?04:08
rhpot1991purged the package and all04:09
rhpot1991also, I have this happening on 2 boxes04:09
rhpot1991I went and completely removed everything mythtv on the one last night04:09
rhpot1991and reinstalled, same problem still existed04:09
rhpot1991the only thing I have done different at all is that I installed mythweather revamp by hand a while back04:09
Davieyhave you tried removing that after --purge?04:10
rhpot1991did remove then purge?04:10
rhpot1991no ? there04:10
rhpot1991I can try the other way around, but I thought remove then purge was the way to do it04:11
rhpot1991let me see if I can ssh in04:11
Davieyit is04:11
DavieySorry i mean't manually remove any mythweather stuff04:11
rhpot1991I did make uninstall04:12
rhpot1991and then went and removed files I saw that were mythweather related04:12
rhpot1991I could have missed some though04:12
rhpot1991not really sure why that should effect it at all04:12
rhpot1991if I remove the weekly build repos, it stops wanting to update04:13
Davieyafter purge, sudo find / -iname myth04:14
Davieyseems the package isn't installing correctly04:14
rhpot1991sudo find / -iname myth04:15
rhpot1991didn't return anything04:16
rhpot1991that doesn't make sense04:17
rhpot1991is that searching for files with myth in it04:17
Davieysorry.. poorly formed search04:17
Daviey sudo find / | grep myth04:18
cornell_workDaviey, you answered about the knoppmyth and that buntu'd be ok...  I'm at work and so sometimes don't get to respond in a timely fashion.04:18
Davieyah... ok04:18
rhpot1991hmmm thats a whole ton of results04:18
rhpot1991Daviey: you looking for something specific from those results?04:21
Davieyrhpot1991: i need to dash.. sorry04:22
laga^^ comparison between mythbuntu, mythdora and knoppmyth04:44
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superm1laga, yea i  just saw that04:45
superm1interesting read04:45
bendaileysuperm1, just shot you an email04:46
superm1bendailey, okay great.  just got up, so i'll get it in a few04:46
DaveMorris"The GTK theme, however, needs replacing -- not for the aesthetic reasons I usually complain about, but because the on and off button states are too difficult to distinguish. That is very important at install time, when a bad selection can hose your entire hard drive, and doubly so when running a live CD with its slow user interface response time." - worth noting04:47
superm1Yea indeed.04:51
DaveMorrisalso the part about when we are jumping between OS/mythtv questions in the installer04:52
DaveMorrisprehaps we can change the order04:52
superm1well with the new installer changes going in alpha4, changing the order isn't very difficult04:53
DaveMorrisI actually run the retro theme myself, what are the new themes like that have been added?04:53
Davieysuperm1: arg!04:54
laganew installer changes? anything nifty? :)04:54
DavieyI'm on my way out..04:54
superm1Daviey, anything on apt-mirror?04:54
superm1before you leave04:54
DaveMorrisalso, we use openbox, I was wondering weather using xfce will make it feel and behave more like ubuntu (gnome)04:54
superm1DaveMorris, wonderful!04:54
DavieyCheck out the uk repo ;)04:54
DavieyBah.. i do the work and DaveMorris gets the thanks04:54
=== DaveMorris redirects it t Daviey
superm1wonderful <tab><tab> Daviey04:55
Davieysuperm1: I have automated the apt-mirror and signing in a script04:55
Davieyand cron'd it04:55
superm1Daviey, can you shoot me a mail04:55
superm1befroer you leave then04:55
DavieyI literally need to go04:55
superm1and i'll get it on atrpms04:55
superm1na no you dont04:55
superm1your lying.04:55
Davieyproblem tho04:55
Daviey.. the pgp passphrase will need to be stored in plaintext04:55
superm1i'll sort htat with you in a pm.04:56
superm1later on04:56
Davieyscript is pretty straight forward04:56
superm1laga, all installer steps are debconf'ized now.04:56
Davieybe back in ~2hrs04:56
Daviey - but uk.cdimage and uk.weekly' is working04:56
Davieyhave a look04:56
superm1er they have different roots. but yea okay04:57
superm1later l04:57
lagasuperm1: cool04:57
superm1DaveMorris, you mean full out xfce?04:57
superm1DaveMorris, or just xfce's window manager?04:57
superm1laga, so consequently the installer is a little slower, but can be fully rearranged04:58
DaveMorristhe full out xfce is quite light I beleive, and may fit on the cd04:58
superm1after alpha4 this week lets experiment04:58
lagasuperm1: is it easier to add new questions now, or do you still have to hack ubiquity?04:58
superm1laga, well yes/no04:58
superm1i mean you still need to put them in multiple places04:58
DaveMorrisit'd def very light on resources, running it on a 366mhz machine with 128Mb ram and its quite responsive etc04:59
superm1but it feels less hacky04:59
lagasuperm1: k04:59
=== tgm4883 thinks we should have a concentrated effort to pm someone
tgm4883superm1, if it is any consolation, his website is still down05:10
tgm4883so he may just be ignoring you because he doesn't have an answer yet05:10
superm1tgm4883, you you mean brandon.05:11
bdmurraysuperm1: I'm not sure the new mythfilldatabase (feisty-proposed) is working for me05:11
superm1bdmurray, can you check the consistency of your database?05:11
superm1bdmurray, there was a report already that someone had broken sql tables, and needed to run the contrib/optimize.pl05:12
bdmurraysuperm1: alrighty05:12
tgm4883superm1, when 20.2 clears feisty proposed it will be in feisty (or feisty backports) right?05:12
superm1tgm4883, feisty-updates05:13
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superm1okay kids i'm out for now.  be back later05:21
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=== keescook begins -proposed upgrade
keescooksuperm1_: errors:05:34
keescookSetting up mythtv-backend (0.20.2-0ubuntu0.7.04~proposed1) ...05:34
keescookmythbackend already running, use restart instead.05:34
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keescookbdmurray: I got the same warning in the status display, but the mythfill seemed not to have errors05:45
tgm4883superm1 superm1_, when your around again, I forgot another module you need to install in drupal05:45
laga Standing alone for the world to see05:46
laga Non-starter - push harder05:46
laga He still believes his time will come05:46
laga Small wonder - old thunder05:46
lagaoops, sorry!05:46
lagastupid fingers05:46
tgm4883laga is a poet and didn't know it05:46
lagathat was an (accidental) quote from the song "bad to the bone" by running wild05:46
laga<3 speed metal05:46
tgm4883cue terminator05:46
bdmurraykeescook: did you check you schedule data?  mine had empty information at the end last i checked05:47
keescookbdmurray: what do you mean by "empty"?05:47
bdmurraykeescook: "NO DATA" at the last day of scheduling information05:47
keescookI have the same (it's the edge of available data)05:48
keescookwhat I should have done was see how far it went _before_ the fill.  :P05:48
keescooksince the DD fill happened at 2007-08-28 07:37:42, it's not a giant surprise that nothing new got pulled when I tried SD at 2007-08-28 08:43:4805:49
bdmurraykeescook: better catch bryce then05:50
tembaone quest, how can i install GNOME after installed the mythbuntu ?05:55
tembavia console ?05:55
tembahi tgm488305:55
tgm4883is the control center in alpha 3?05:55
tgm4883sec temba05:56
tembahmm when i "exit" mythtv, i have a desktop with stop mythtv , restart mythtv05:56
tembaand so on05:56
tembai can login with user i added at install, but i cant choose "gnome" for session05:57
tgm4883let me look it up real quick05:57
DaveMorrissudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop will pull in the whole gnome desktop and OOo etc05:57
tembaah oke, and how setup network settings ? also console ?05:58
DaveMorrisit can be done on the console, not sure if the gui tool is installed05:58
tgm4883DaveMorris, i was looking for the control centre, is it not in gutsy yet?05:59
tembano gui, but its oke, i am bit experienced with console05:59
tembatgm4883 i have this 7.10 from mythbuntu.org05:59
tgm4883temba, why do you need to setup network settings06:00
tgm4883mythbuntu is based on gutsy06:00
tembain mythtv i clicked something that opened a browser and it couldnt conect to www06:00
tembaahh gutsy = ubuntu 7.1006:00
tgm4883the network settings should already be setup, as thats how you get your schedule06:00
tgm4883open up a terminal and to lspci06:01
tgm4883see if it see's your network card06:01
tgm4883and do ifconfig06:01
tembai wondered at setup 7.10 it only asked for uip of machine, it dont asked for gateway and dns06:01
tgm4883temba, what does ifconfig say?06:05
tembatgm4883 i can paste later, at moment i am at work, and pc with myth setup is home06:05
tgm4883ah ok06:05
tgm4883well when you do paste06:06
tembais samba also included, or how do i put films onit06:06
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:06
tembai know pastebin well06:06
tgm4883samba i believe is installed by default06:06
tgm4883i'll also find out where the control centre is for you06:06
tembau work with remote control on mythtv ?06:06
tgm4883as that makes installing the desktop easier06:06
tgm4883yes, i have remote06:07
tembagreat if u find out , woul dbe cool06:07
tembawhat remote u can recommend ? i am not firm with this. i read anything about LIRC or so06:07
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tgm4883I really like the MCE remote06:08
tgm4883it's a really good remote that superm1 recommended to me06:08
tgm4883although, if you have a serial receiver, you can use any remote I think06:08
tembaoke , i finish at work and on way home now06:26
tembau found out where the mythtv control centre is ?06:26
tgm4883i think i know though06:27
tembaanyway , 1-2 hours i am back in here06:27
lagais the control centre already in alpha 3?06:37
tgm4883laga, no06:48
tgm4883alpha 406:48
tgm4883but it should be downloadable into alpha 306:48
tgm4883i think it is in superm1's ppa06:49
=== fxfitz [n=fxfitz@roaming-172-81.nss.udel.edu] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
fxfitzHey there! Are the weekly builds fixed? It looks like on mythbuntu.org there is a test server?06:52
tgm4883weekly iso's?06:53
fxfitzNo no, like... umm... package updates I think they're called. I don't use Mythbuntu (regular Ubuntu) and I used to have it set up so I can get updates from Mythbuntu for all my MythTV stuff.06:53
fxfitzDoes that sound familiar?06:53
tgm4883were they broke at some time?06:54
lagait's not ready yet AFAIK06:54
tgm4883it's still on the ppa test server06:54
lagaWeekly Builds06:55
lagaLastly, weekly builds on the current test server, ppa.dogfood.launchpad.net have been updated. These include the gutsy packaging, but are built for Feisty. We're still waiting for PPA to go live to migrate to the new server and include signed keys. There was an unanticipated delay in it's roll-out. The new URL will be announced as soon as we're ready.06:55
fxfitzGotcha. Thanks a bunch! I'm just dying to update these 20 packages. :-P06:55
tgm4883well don't do that.  It's hard to update from beyond the grave :)06:56
fxfitzHehe :-P06:57
lagause a cron job07:00
=== tgm4883 stands corrected
fxfitzActually, http://www.mythbuntu.org/auto-builds took care of what I wanted! Woo!07:04
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rhpot1991fxfitz: did you updates via the auto builds yet?07:09
fxfitzrhpot1991, Yup, sure have.07:09
rhpot1991do you have ubuntu-mythtv-frontend package installed?07:10
fxfitzrhpot1991, Nope. Why??07:11
rhpot1991I am having a problem where it will not get out of my update list07:11
rhpot1991even though it is installed correctly07:11
fxfitzHmm. I don't know.07:14
fxfitzI'm actually not using Mythbuntu, just all the packages, so that might be why its different.,07:14
rhpot1991thats what I am doing too, just wanted to see if you had that package and if it worked ok07:15
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superm1Daviey, have you returned?07:46
superm1i'm here for a little07:46
lagasuperm1: looked at my bugs/feature requests for the lirc generator yet?07:48
superm1laga, No, want to point me at them?07:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 135275 in mythbuntu-lirc-generator "Can't change capture cards/inputs" [Undecided,New] 07:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 135277 in mythbuntu-lirc-generator "repeat/delay not handled for lircrc" [Undecided,New] 07:49
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-51-185.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
superm1laga, the repeat one, how do you decide which buttons get repeat?07:50
tgm4883superm1, http://drupal.org/project/views07:50
lagasuperm1: i imagined a global setting for now07:50
superm1laga, in my experience, repeat is only a good idea on buttons like volume and channel though07:51
tgm4883i also figured out why i need g2 drupal integration07:51
lagain my experience, it's a good idea on all buttons :)07:51
superm1tgm4883, looks interesting - do you have it up on the test site?07:51
lagai'm using a self-made lircd.conf though because the lirc stuff wouldn't work with ma ati remote wonder I otherwise07:51
tgm4883yea, i use it for the bittorrent plugin so i can see some stats07:51
tgm4883it was recommended by the bittorrent author07:52
superm1tgm4883, doesn't break anything by installing it right?07:52
tgm4883i don't believe so, seems to work on the test site07:52
tgm4883we can install it later though07:52
superm1well if it didn't break anything by installing it i'll pop it on right now07:52
superm1laga, what's missing of your lircd.conf?07:53
superm1odds are it affects other people too07:53
tgm4883yea, didn't break anything07:53
superm1eh i don't have my public key on this machine.  i'll have to do it later from my other machine07:53
lagasuperm1: the whole conf was missing ;) userspace driver only had a lircd.conf for the remote wonder II; kernel space driver was not built (!) on my feisty install - i backported lirc to feisty07:54
superm1remote wonder I is difference?07:54
lagasuperm1: i built the kernel space driver manually but didn't get any irw output either.07:54
lagasuperm1: it would seem so07:54
lagamaybe i was just using a different channel, though - it's got 16 channels07:55
lagadunno how i'd select that in lirc, though. i was not really keen on investing too much time since my setup was already working.07:56
lagai'll submit my lircd.conf upstream once i added some missing keys.07:56
lagaBTW, lircd.conf has "right" and "right_click" buttons. the lirc-generator assigned config = "right" to button "right_click". do you think there could be some more sophisticated matching algorithm?07:58
superm1well of course07:59
superm1file another bug :)07:59
lagalater or tomorrow, gotta run now08:00
lagai could even try to add the repeat/delay stuff myself. global option would be simple08:00
=== Daviey sneaks back
Davieysuperm1: I'm here...08:04
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lagasuperm1: what exactly does "triage" mean?08:14
tgm4883laga, isn't that the urgent part of the emergency room?08:14
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lagatgm4883: i haven't watched that in a long time08:16
tgm4883laga, well i meant the real ER08:17
Davieysuperm1__: ?08:17
DavieyWhere'd you go?08:17
superm1__Daviey, my laptop froze08:17
superm1__can you just post the stuff in here in case it happens again so its logged by superm1_08:17
Davieywait 108:19
Davieydaughter needs me08:19
cornell_worklaga: "triage" is the act of determining which injuries are more serious, and hence who gets attention first.08:21
tgm4883it's french08:22
tgm4883so we probably shouldn't use it08:22
cornell_workoops...  seriousness, and likelyhood of survival.  That is, a seriously wounded person, might not get attention because his wounds are fatal.08:25
Davieysuperm1__: so you saved mirror.list?08:26
Davieythen mkdir /home/malimonc/mirror08:26
cornell_workCan also be used to reference sorting other things.  See http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=1673608:26
Davieythen mkdir /home/malimonc/mirror/mirror08:26
Davieythen mkdir /home/malimonc/mirror/var08:26
Davieythen mkdir /home/malimonc/mirror/skel08:27
Davieyapt-mirror /home/where_you_saved/mirror.list08:27
Davieythat's it.. for mirroring08:27
Davieynow.. what problem did you have signing?08:28
superm1__what files do you sign?08:28
superm1__and how08:28
DavieyI signed all Releases08:28
superm1__every one?08:28
superm1__so you just listed them?08:28
superm1__or used xargs or what?08:28
Davieyfind -iname Release etc08:28
Davieywell i used "-exec" of find08:29
superm1__can you paste your line u did it with?08:29
superm1__minus passpharase of course08:29
superm1__or just make it XXXXX08:29
Davieywell passphrase is 12345608:29
Davieyfind /home/mythbuntu/apt-mirror/ -iname Release -exec sign.sh {}08:29
Davieythen sign.sh:   cat mypgp.txt | gpg --yes --passphrase-fd 0 -abs $108:30
DavieyYou cat fix them back to one - i had to use two as passphrase just wouldn't work from find directly :s08:30
superm1__and it auto outputs Release.gpg08:30
superm1__in the right place?08:30
Daviey*not* Release.gpg08:31
Davieyshould it be?08:31
superm1__i thought it was supposed to be Release.gpg?08:31
superm1__i dont know for sure08:31
superm1__but i thought08:31
Davieybetter chek08:31
DavieyThere is a package called debsign...  That i tried to use08:32
Daviey"debsign: Must be run from top of source dir or a .changes file given as arg"08:32
Davieywhich is hardly possible eh?08:32
Davieyon another note.. I saw you winged about uk.* pointing to two different roots..08:33
DavieyIsn't that how it should be?08:33
Davieyconsidering they are different sub-domains?08:33
superm1__i want them to be identical mirrors08:33
superm1__as the ppa.dogfood.launchpad.net08:34
Davieyfair nuff... just seems odd to have two subdomains for the same thing tho :s08:34
superm1__well think of ubuntu mirrors08:34
superm1__thats how they do it too08:35
Davieyokay.. but i might add.. you are a pain :)08:35
superm1__of course i am :)08:35
superm1__are your friend08:35
Davieyyeah.. i as keeping it neat tho08:36
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=== MythbuntuGuest65 is now known as florin
superm1__well  under that directory weeklybuilds08:37
=== florin is now known as florin_andrei
superm1__just use mythbuntu/ubuntu08:37
Davieywant ssh access to do it yourself08:37
florin_andreisupport page suggestion: http://www.mythbuntu.org/support08:37
superm1__hi florin_andrei sure,what you think?08:38
florin_andreiit indicates the IRC channel, but there's no mention about the IRC server :-)08:38
superm1__florin_andrei, good call.  tgm4883 ^08:38
tgm4883on it08:38
Davieybah.. who uses anything other than freenode?08:38
florin_andreiyeah, but still08:39
tgm4883florin_andrei, i dont know what your talking about.  It's right there ;)08:39
florin_andreihow long will the first release be supported? I'd like to build a server, and then upgrade only when absolutely necessary08:40
florin_andreiI was thinking to install CentOS (very long release cycle) but I may use Mythbuntu if releases are supported long enough08:40
superm1__florin_andrei, same time as ubuntu releases supported08:41
Davieysuperm1__: refresk uk.*08:41
florin_andreioh look, the support page is fixed! thanks :-)08:41
superm1__Daviey, my laptop is about to go dead.  i'll be back in ~30-50 min.08:42
Davieyflorin_andrei: but we promise that out packages *rock*08:42
florin_andreisilly question: how long will Gutsy be supported?08:42
tgm488318 months08:42
Davieyflorin_andrei: Gutsy+3 will be 3 years tho08:43
Davieybah.. gutsy+1 rather08:43
florin_andreiso which one applies to Mythbuntu?08:43
tgm4883mythbuntu is based on gutsy08:44
Davieybut you can upgrade to gutsy+1 when it comes out08:44
Davieyrememeber ubuntu + myth rock08:44
tgm4883and i believe that it will receive gutsy updates for 18 months, but only mythbuntu updates for 6 months08:44
florin_andreihm, this is not quite optimal for people building dedicated machines. that's pretty much a DIY appliance, you don't want to update it too often08:45
=== temba [i=tem@e177116236.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
florin_andreiI mean, a security update here and there is fine, but the whole OS, or even just the whole Myth suite... that's a bit too much08:46
tembatgm4883 ? u there ?08:48
tgm4883florin_andrei, im not totally sure about that08:48
tgm4883ask superm1, as he knows more08:48
tgm4883im just going by what I thought the wording meant on mythbuntu.org08:48
tembaback again. i tried to connect to my pc to tv and get only weird screen, seems it cant sync with tv. ati radeon 9250 here08:48
tgm4883is your mythbuntu updated?08:49
tembau mean sudo apt-get update ?08:49
tgm4883sudo apt-get update08:49
tgm4883sudo apt-get upgrade08:49
tembamom gotta set ip shit08:49
tembau find out where control centre is ?08:49
tgm4883ah thats right08:49
tgm4883what does ifconfig give you?08:50
tembajust firing up machine08:50
tgm4883im assuming mom means moment?08:50
tgm4883just checking08:52
tembait shows eth0 and08:52
tgm4883ok, and your system doesn't get the ip from a dhcp server?08:53
tembamy router has fixed ip08:53
tgm4883ok, how are you connected to the internet?08:53
tgm4883through a router which goes to a modem?08:54
tembathis windows pc is also on the router08:55
tgm4883can you open up a terminal on the windows pc and type ipconfig /all08:55
tgm4883is the ipaddress that it shows something like 192.168.x.x?08:55
tembanope cant connect via ssh08:56
tgm4883click on start, then click on run08:56
tgm4883type in08:56
tgm4883then press enter08:56
tembacant ping the machine08:56
tgm4883does a dos prompt pop up?08:56
tembaya sure08:56
tgm4883in the dos prompt08:57
tgm4883ipconfig /all08:57
tgm4883hit enter and tell me what the ip address starts with08:57
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tgm4883lets try one thing on the linux machine first08:59
tgm4883in the terminal08:59
tgm4883type in09:00
tgm4883sudo dhclient eth009:00
tgm4883hit enter09:00
tembai tries several things now09:02
tembaNO dhcpoffers found09:02
tgm4883then lets do this09:03
tgm4883sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces09:04
tembavi i like more09:05
tembai am in09:05
tgm4883do you know of a free ip address for your network?09:05
tembanormally it should look like this09:05
tgm4883well yea sorta, but thats not quite right for your network09:06
tgm4883first, can you ping from your windows machine09:07
tembaits free09:08
tgm4883ok, i think if you put this into that file it should work right09:09
tgm4883once your done editing the file, save it09:09
tgm4883then do this09:09
tgm4883sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart09:09
lagasuperm1_: watch #mythtv ;)09:12
tembahmm restart no result09:16
tembai reboot09:16
tgm4883ifconfig eth0 | grep "inet addr"09:17
tgm4883can you ping the windows machine from the linux machine or vice versa09:17
tembayeah i can ping the linux machine09:18
tgm4883can the linux machine ping the windows machine?09:18
tgm4883or better yet09:18
tgm4883can the windows machine ping
tembayes it can09:19
tgm4883can you ping www.google.com09:19
tgm4883whoops, can the linux machine ping
tembalinux machine can ping router and win machine09:21
tembamom i try google09:21
tgm4883can linux machine ping www.google.com09:21
tembait can ping the win and router09:24
tgm4883thats fine09:24
tembabut not any inet address09:24
tembafine ? :d09:24
tgm4883means we need to work on the dns09:24
tgm4883are their more than 1 dns address listed on the windows machine?09:24
tembadns it get form
tgm4883what kind of router?09:25
tgm4883can the linux machine ping
tgm4883so it is a dns issue then09:26
tgm4883because the ip address i gave you is to www.google.com09:26
tembaresolvconf ?09:27
tgm4883what kind of router?09:27
tembasmc barricade09:27
tembadsl router09:27
tgm4883i've never used resolvconf09:27
tgm4883this is kinda uncharterd for me, as i use dhcp on my network and configure everything on the router09:28
tembaah k09:29
=== foxbuntu [n=nick@75-167-96-45.desm.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
tembahmm i can try a sudo apt-get update09:29
tgm4883probably wont work09:29
tgm4883but you can try it09:29
foxbuntusuperm1_,  you around?09:29
tgm4883foxbuntu is here :)09:29
foxbuntutgm4883, afternoon :)09:30
tgm4883just barely09:30
tgm488312:30 here09:30
tembadont work09:30
tgm4883figured not temba09:30
temba21:32 here09:30
foxbuntu14:30 here09:30
tgm4883foxbuntu, do you know much about configuring dns servers from the terminal?09:30
foxbuntufrom terminal?09:30
foxbuntuas I recall09:31
tgm4883yea, from a mythbuntu setup09:31
foxbuntusudo nano /ect/resolv.conf09:31
foxbuntuand add them in the format shown in there09:31
tgm4883so add nameserver
tgm4883get that temba?09:32
tgm4883vi /etc/resolv.conf09:32
tgm4883cause foxbuntu is dyslexic sometimes09:32
tembamaybe its that , i CANT find any "resolv.comnf" in /etc/09:32
tembashoudl i add it ?09:33
foxbuntu.conf perhaps?09:33
tgm4883no /etc/resolv.conf?09:33
tgm4883not comnf?09:33
tgm4883i'd just add it, as mine says it was generated by network manager09:33
tembamean cant find any "resolv.conf"09:33
tgm4883and the only thing in mine is09:34
tgm4883so you should just add09:34
foxbuntuwon't hurt to add it and try it...however I think that file is auto gen by the interface conf09:34
foxbuntuso the root cause might be something else09:35
tgm4883mine says09:35
tgm4883# generated by NetworkManager, do not edit!09:35
tgm4883but we are going to edit09:35
foxbuntulike I said09:35
tembaCOOLIO it works now09:35
tembaadded a resolv.conf with nameserver09:35
foxbuntugood deal09:36
tgm4883so now you should be able to apt-get update09:36
tembau think apt-get update will fix the tv prob i had ?09:36
tgm4883probably not09:36
tembaand then apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ?09:36
tgm4883but we need to apt-get update09:36
tgm4883then apt-get upgrade09:36
tembai do09:36
tgm4883no apt-get install ubuntu-desktop09:36
tgm4883unless you want everything that is installed by default in Ubuntu09:37
tembaok apt-get upgrade now09:37
tembathe flickerign tv out is not fixable ?09:39
tgm4883well, probably not with just an apt-get update and apt-get upgrade09:39
tgm4883but it should be fixable09:39
tembainstalls the upgrades09:51
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tembatgm4883 , updates installed10:27
tgm4883sweet, and you rebooted?10:27
tembawhat could this be, that i get only flickering on tv10:27
tembaya rebootet10:27
tgm4883describe the flickering?10:27
tgm4883is it only when playing back video?10:27
tembawhen i start pc screen is oke10:28
temba(bios and such messages)10:28
tembafrom the moment where the mythv desktop is loaded , screen only flicker10:28
tgm4883how do you connect it to the tv?10:28
tembavai s-vid from the gfx card10:28
tgm4883what resolution10:29
tembai set 1280 x 1024 on install10:30
foxbuntuthats too high for a TV10:30
MnDBnDrdoes the 20.2 package change the xorg.conf?10:30
tgm4883it may be that it is too high for svideo10:31
foxbuntuwhat refresh rate are you at on the TV?10:31
MnDBnDrI don't think so.  That is too high for TV10:31
tgm4883as svideo can only really do about 576i pal and 480i ntsc10:31
tembaso what screen reso i have to switch to ?10:31
foxbuntuMnDBnDr, 20.2 myth package?10:32
temba640 x 480 ?10:32
tgm4883well 640x48010:32
tgm4883unless your doing widescreen10:32
tgm4883which i doubt10:32
tembawhere can i set this, there still no gnome desktop here10:32
MnDBnDrI don't think it does anything with xorg.conf10:32
tgm4883ok sec10:32
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:32
tembaok i wait tgm488310:33
foxbuntu!pastebin | tgm488310:34
ubotutgm4883: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:34
MnDBnDrhe needs a xorg.conf that have tv out via svideo enabled10:34
tgm4883temba, you need to edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file10:34
tgm4883there is a section called Screen10:34
tgm4883mine looks like this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35456/10:34
tgm4883actually wait a sec temba10:34
MnDBnDrCTRL+ALT+F2 will get you a command prompt10:35
MnDBnDrif you have no xwindows10:35
tgm4883look into your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and tell me if you have 1 or 2 screen sections10:35
tgm4883foxbuntu, i don't suppose you have ati?10:36
tembahmm cant10:36
tembai started a video10:36
tembanow ESC dont work anymore after update10:36
tembawtf !10:36
tembacant cancel the vid10:36
tembano respond10:36
MnDBnDryeah restart x10:38
tembaalso no response10:38
tgm4883can you ssh into the machine?10:38
tembaseems update fucked something10:38
tembamom gotta reboot10:39
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tembafor what shall i search in xorg.conf10:42
tgm4883well we need to see if there are 2 screen sections10:43
tgm48831 for your primary display and one for the output to the tv10:43
tgm4883what kind of tv?10:44
tembanormal tb10:45
tembanormal tv10:45
tembai connect from s-vid to scart10:45
MnDBnDrwhat video card do you have10:45
tgm4883see that would be a second problem10:46
tgm4883your tv is PAL?10:46
tembamy SCREEN section is like yours, but on every depth is "1024 x xxx" " xxxx x xxx" "xxx x xx"10:46
tembathere is for every depth 3 resolution10:46
tembai have a ATI RADEON 9250 here10:46
tgm4883what video card, and what country do you live in10:46
tembavideo card ? no only the gfx card radeon, country DE germany10:48
MnDBnDrthere is a good how to on Gentoo's wiki10:49
MnDBnDrfor ATI10:49
tgm4883well i don't believe that 640x480 will work for you10:49
tgm4883as i think germany is PAL10:49
tgm4883do you have 1 or 2 screens (including your TV) hooked up to your mythbox10:50
MnDBnDrI think 720x576 would do it for PAL10:50
tgm4883720x576 only works if it is widescreen10:50
tgm4883640x576 i believe would work though10:51
MnDBnDroh yeah.  you are correct10:51
tembaonly tv was connected as i tested it ago10:53
tgm4883how do you plan on using it?  with a tv and monitor attached or just a tv10:53
tembai planed to use only on tv10:54
tgm4883MnDBnDr, actually I think you are right on the 720x57610:55
tgm4883temba, what you need to do then is remove the other resolutions in the screen section and in it's place, put in 720x576 so it looks like mine10:56
MnDBnDrI think 704x576 would work too.10:56
tgm4883its either 720 or 70410:56
tgm4883you looking at wikipedia?10:57
tgm4883heh, i am10:57
MnDBnDrgoogle groups10:57
tgm4883identifies a vertical resolution of 576 lines (usually with a horizontal resolution of 720 or 704 pixels)10:57
tgm4883^ talking about 576i10:57
tembaokay put them all to 720 x 57610:58
MnDBnDrgot this from Cisco.  With an aspect ratio of 1.33:1, 4 x 3 PAL has a standard resolution of 720 x 576 pixels10:58
tgm4883save the file as xorg.conf.new10:58
tembatgm4883 umm saved as xorg.conf now,,,,,,,,,11:01
tgm4883i suppose that will work, i was going to have you save your old file in case we needed to revert11:01
tembaanyway gotta leave , hard tommorow, but if u like we continue tommorw11:01
tgm4883well do ctrl-alt-backspace and that should load the new settings11:02
Davieysuperm1_: what's the plan with the repo then?11:03
superm1_Daviey, i just got back.11:04
tgm4883superm1_, what is the length of support on Mythbuntu 7.1011:04
superm1_as soon as PPAs go live11:04
superm1_then we both need to clear the mirror11:04
superm1_and agree upon a regular update schedule11:04
superm1_i'll with apt-mirror it only updates changed files11:04
Davieysorry, last statement didn't make sense11:05
superm1_when you apt-mirror a repo11:05
superm1_it only grabs new packages11:05
superm1_so we can frequently run apt-mirror in a cron11:05
Davieydaily should be nuff, would think11:06
Davieyalso apt-mirror doesn't leave it in a mess mid-upgrade11:06
DavieySo it won't break people's current apt-get's11:07
superm1_yea i guess daily would suffice11:07
superm1_did you work out yours so that it will always look like the structure on ppa.dogfood.launchpad.net?11:07
Davieysuperm1_: can you scp me the key?11:07
superm1_Daviey, can you get a DCC?11:07
superm1_i'll send it that way11:07
Davieypossibly.. using irssi.. not sure what will happen11:08
Davieytry it.. possibly not the most secure way tho11:08
Davieypgp encrypted email?11:08
Davieyor scp to my server?11:08
=== tgm4883 foresees the internet crashing
superm1_Daviey, what's you GPG key11:08
superm1_i'll encrypt an archive11:08
superm1_Daviey, key?^11:09
AlowishusIf I'm currently running Myth on straight-up Feisty, will moving to Mythbuntu be an option when it goes live (as opposed to dist-upgrading to Gutsy)?11:10
Davieysuperm1_: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?search=davewalker%40ubuntu.com&op=index11:10
tgm4883Alowishus, well, Mythbuntu is based on gutsy11:10
superm1_Alowishus, when you go to gutsy, you can install the control centre11:10
superm1_and then activate any mythbuntu items through ti11:10
Alowishusso it's really just a superset of packages for Gutsy itself then, huh?11:10
tgm4883superm1_, i think he wanted to have mythbuntu on feisty11:11
Alowishusoh no I don't mind going to Gutsy11:11
superm1_Alowishus, assuming that we get all necessary changes in before the archive closes :)11:11
tgm4883ah ok11:11
AlowishusI'm just coming from a Fedora/Mythdora background where it's expected that the "special" distribution of Mythdora is basically installed from scratch and not upgraded against any of the production Fedora sources11:11
AlowishusI'm happy to see how well integrated Mythbuntu is11:12
=== MnDBnDr [n=MnDBnDr@cpe-204-210-188-132.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
DavieyAlowishus: early on we commited to try and get as much as possible into the offical ubuntu repo's11:12
Alowishusthat's just smart ;)11:13
superm1_Alowishus, that's a big point that ircks me about these other mythtv distros that you have mythtv on the box and thats it, and you need to go through hoops to upgrade and such :)11:13
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Alowishussuperm1_: exactly...11:13
Davieymythbuntu distro still makes installation easier tho, or will do when released11:13
AlowishusI thought the Feisty install was wickedly easy... testament to good packaging :)11:13
Davieyyeah.. it *shouldn't* be this easy11:14
Davieywe need to make it harder11:14
AlowishusDefinite props to superm1_ and others for your quick action on 20.2 and your exceptional communication on the status, including your posts to the Forum, your bug updates on Launchpad and the Mythbuntu website11:14
AlowishusDaviey: lol11:14
AlowishusDaviey: it'll seem like we're getting more for our money!11:14
Alowishusif it's hard to install it *must* be good software11:15
superm1_Daviey, should have gotten it.  Never sent a GPG encrypted mail before.  Hopefully it went through right11:15
Davieysuperm1_: recieved11:15
superm1_Thanks Alowishus. :)11:16
Davieysuperm1_: worked fine :)11:16
Davieysuperm1_: can you tell me how to add it?11:18
superm1_Daviey, no.11:18
superm1_i just wiped the .gnupg directory on axel's box11:18
superm1_and put that there instead11:18
Davieythat'll do11:18
DavieyI've got a dedicated user 'mythbuntu'11:19
Davieyso, i'll scrap the dummy key11:20
Davieysuperm1_: that should be done now11:23
Davieyi386 signed11:23
superm1_Daviey, add it as a repo locally to your box11:23
Davieyyes sir11:24
superm1_and see if you get authentication problems11:24
superm1_or if it worked11:24
DavieyHmm.. what should i install..11:24
Davieysomething that doesn't have lots of depends11:24
=== MnDBnDr [n=MnDBnDr@cpe-204-210-188-132.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
superm1_keescook, do i need to go through that same amount of trouble as previously SRU wise to upload a newer revision?11:28
keescooksuperm1_: no, I doubt it.11:28
superm1_keescook, because in #mythtv, there are 3 SD patches that need to be cherry picked in11:28
superm1_keescook, what should i do version wise though?11:28
superm1_since ~proposed1 already hit11:29
keescooksuperm1_: I would drop the ~proposed111:29
superm1_and what if another ends up being needed?11:29
keescookand if further revisions are needed, just add a .1  (.7.04.1 .7.04.2 etc)11:29
superm1_ah okay11:29
superm1_like how security updates work11:29
keescookbtw, I did the feisty update today, and everything still works.  I haven't figured out how to verify that SD is working, though.11:30
superm1_well if you've still got guide data, then it worked11:30
Davieykeescook: drop listings, then mythfilldatabase?11:30
superm1_because it all gets translated over11:31
keescookDaviey: that wildly frightening.  :)11:31
keescooksuperm1_: I do still have guide data.  :)11:31
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DavieyHmm.. somehow my UUID of my swap has changed :S11:49
Davieysuperm1_: nope.. seems signing was incorrect11:52
bdmurrayDaviey: really? I've seen some reports like that but don't have any idea how it happens.11:55
superm1_bdmurray, did you end up having to optimize your db?11:57
superm1_or determine what the deal was?11:57
Davieybdmurray: naa just changed /etc/fstab to point to /dev/sdaX rather than the UUID11:57
bdmurrayDaviey: right, but that is wrong I think.  You shouldn't have to do that.12:00
bdmurraykeescook might know better though12:01
Davieybdmurray: that is correct; UUID shouldn't change unless you mod the partition12:02
Davieybut ahh well.. all is good now12:02
bdmurrayDaviey: right, but I wonder what the root cause of the problem is because I have seen it more than 1 time12:02
keescookDaviey: very weird.  use the new UUID in /etc/fstab just in case sda moves on you.  :)12:03
bdmurraysuperm1_: in the machine information part of mythweb it still says "did not insert any new data into the Guide for 1 of 1 sources."  I think I am supposed to be patient though.12:03
=== superm1_ nods
Davieysuperm1_: yah!!!12:04
Davieyseems to be working12:04
superm1_Daviey, what'd you have to do?12:04
Davieyi forgot to add the public key12:04
bdmurrayThat might throw other people off though too though.12:04
Davieysuperm1_: maybe not..12:05
superm1_keescook, ugh.  i pushed the patch to -proposed on edgy and feisty and i need to get approval by a distro manager' again :(12:05
bdmurraysuperm1_: my system says there is guide data until "2007-09-10 20:00" - yet after about 17:00 on 9/10 is No Data12:06
superm1_bdmurray, hopefully that sorts itself out tomorrow :)12:07
bdmurrayOkay, I'll try to be more patient.12:07
superm1_Daviey, okay so it is supposed to be Release.asc in all cases then right?12:09
DavieyIt aint working.. i thought it was12:11
superm1_you just said it was?12:11
Davieyi thought it was.. but the package i tested it with was from universe12:11
superm1_see falcon makes a few Release.gpg files12:12
superm1_is one that i see12:12
superm1_and it appears that Release.gpg is just a signature file12:13
superm1_not a full out Release file with a signature at top and bottom12:13
Davieywhere does .changes come from?12:13
superm1_there is no .changes12:14
superm1_on a repo12:14
Davieyi know.. but where would they come from?12:14
superm1_i've wondered that too12:14
superm1_but never investigated12:14
Davieycause `debsign` might be the answer - but need .changes12:15
superm1_.changes are made during debuild12:15
superm1_for a package12:15
superm1_one of the steps of debuild makes them12:15
Davieywhy can't ppa sign?12:16
superm1_it is a planned feature12:16
superm1_but not implemented yet12:16
superm1_that's why i want us to keep the same structure as PPA12:17
superm1_so that when it is implemented12:17
superm1_we can just be mirrors for PPA12:17
Davieywhat does PPA stand for anyway?12:17
superm1_Personal Package Archives12:17
superm1_they go live later today as just said in #launchpad12:18
superm1_unless they have any last blockers, so at latest tomorrow12:19
DavieySo, what do you submit to get it there?12:19
superm1_Daviey, sudo gpg --output $BUILD/dists/breezy/Release.gpg -ba $BUILD/dists/breezy/Release12:20
superm1_from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization/Scripts12:20
superm1_that is how to make the GPG signed releases12:20
superm1_currently two need to be made12:20
superm1_one for feisty and one for gutsy12:20
superm1_at script runtime12:20
Davieyheh.. i was just looking at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization12:20
bdmurraysuperm1_: incidentally I found this in my logs12:21
bdmurray[mpeg2video @ 0xb71f32e8] invalid cbp at 3 2712:21
bdmurray[mpeg2video @ 0xb71f32e8] ac-tex damaged at 1 2812:21
bdmurray[mpeg2video @ 0xb71f32e8] mb incr damaged12:21
superm1_bdmurray, during a commflag i'd guess?12:21
superm1_or possibly hd playback12:21
bdmurraysuperm1_: during hd playback.  I was thinking that might now be the cause of the audio blips I hear.  Does that seem reasonable?12:22
superm1_bdmurray, that is caused by a file with some corruption, very common on digital streams12:22
superm1_especially OTA12:22
superm1_if you run an mpeg2->mpeg2 transcode on the file, it will clean up most of it12:23
superm1_that can most definitely be a cause of audio 'blips'12:23
superm1_are you currently OTA, or QAM?12:23
bdmurraymplayer seems to play it fine though12:24
superm1_myth is a bit more finicky on these sorts of things, i've noticed that too12:25
superm1_which is weird since they both use ffmpeg....12:25
bdmurrayHow would I go about doing the transcode?12:30
superm1_from the frontend, choose the recording, and just queue up a transcode with the default settings12:31
superm1_by hitting right and picking transcode12:31
superm1_or the menu key12:31
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