
=== jrib [n=jrib@upstream/dev/jrib] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== Pumpernickel [n=Pumperni@about/essy/bacon/PuMpErNiCkLe] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== AndrewB wants fries
=== nalioth tips AndrewB into a vat of hot oil
AndrewBIt burns01:46
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AndrewBCould we add a table of contents to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines so that we can direct link to a certain rule?01:52
PriceChildAndrewB, i'll take a look at doing that01:53
PriceChildbut links would have huge hashes after them?01:54
AndrewBI can add it in quick01:54
PriceChildby all means :)01:54
AndrewBThough you are right on the hash thing..01:55
AndrewBTakes time to create them01:58
jribcreate anchors02:05
PriceChildenlighten us jrib :)02:05
AndrewBI don't like it with a table of contents actually, 14 is too many02:06
jribhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpOnLinking [[Anchor(anchorname)] ]  in the wiki page, then link to w.u.c./foo#anchorname02:07
AndrewBOk bugger the contents, I could add easy to remeber anchors? would that benefit?02:11
=== Vorian [n=Steve@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.active.Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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ubotuPici called the ops in #ubuntu02:33
PiciI feel kind of silly calling the ops when it lists my name ;)02:33
=== Jordan_U [n=Jordan_U@h-68-164-93-32.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
PriceChildPici, tough :P02:34
=== wolferine [n=profx@unaffiliated/wolferine] has joined #ubuntu-ops
wolferinedid I do something wrong Price?02:39
PriceChildI was simply requesting that you didn't publically accuse people of trolling in #ubuntu02:40
PriceChildSome people could take great offence at that.02:40
wolferinewell, I have been assisting this guy for the last 3 hours in three different channels02:40
wolferineim sorry it was offfensive02:40
PriceChildA better course of action would be to pm an active op.... !ops if they're breaking channel guidelines or just ignore them.02:40
wolferinewell, I dont think he was doing it so much it required an op02:41
wolferineelse I would have02:41
wolferineanyways, sorry for 'fighting' with yu in the channel02:42
=== wolferine [n=profx@unaffiliated/wolferine] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Leaving"]
jribPriceChild: did my anchor comments for the wiki get through?  the combination of compiz and dial up have made my connection slightly unreliable?02:47
PriceChildYeah you gate the helponlinking page02:48
=== Jucato [n=jucato@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Jucato] by ChanServ
mneptokPici: oy03:37
mneptokif you care, my internal speakers work when adjusted with alsamixer. sadly, they *always* work, even when the external jack is in use.03:38
PiciI got my first backlash from someone earlier.03:38
mneptokPici: when your house gets egged, the +o has come home to roost03:38
ubotuPaladine called the ops in #ubuntuforums03:43
Vorianbotman1 and botman203:44
Picilooks like c1h2e1s5 triggered it.03:44
tonyyarussomneptok: Has that happened?03:45
mneptoktonyyarusso: how close to my house are *you* willing to get?03:45
tonyyarussomneptok: :P03:46
PumpernickelI think I'm about three hours away... I could maybe build a rocket-based egg launcher.03:47
PiciThats a scary thought03:48
mneptok"Rocket Based Egg Launcher" was the title of my rejected "Women's Health Week Issues" term paper.03:55
nixternalin ubuntu-meeting, someone has a logging bot...dunno what the rules are Jester_bot04:21
nixternalerr, Jester-log04:21
naliothnixternal: go get 'em!04:21
nixternalbots aren't allowed right?04:22
nixternalunless they have been reged?04:22
nixternalor approved04:22
naliothi'm taking care of it.  i know EXACTLY whose hide to stake to the anthill04:22
naliothnixternal: did you /whois the bot?04:22
naliothnixternal: you didn't see that?04:22
nixternalwtf is up with "mom" jokes tonight04:22
=== nalioth slaps nixternal with a /whois
nalioth /whois the damned bot04:23
naliothand read it04:23
nalioth1188267718 21:21 -!- Jester-log [n=yourmom@vidd.vidd.us04:23
naliothit was not a joke04:23
nixternalthought it was04:24
naliothdid you kick it?04:24
nixternalyou did04:24
naliothi did not.04:24
nixternal<   Jester-log!n=yourmom@vidd.vidd.us [requested by nalioth04:25
naliothit didn't show up on my screen that i removed it04:25
naliothjust the ban04:25
=== tonyyarusso sees both
nixternalme too04:25
=== nalioth has had dealings with the owner before
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apokryphosnalioth: better? :)05:32
naliothapokryphos: see? you've even got a welcome mat here05:32
apokryphosmore bots, less people? ;)05:33
=== apokryphos wonders how things have been going
apokryphoswith the people of course :)05:37
apokryphoshi Pumpernickel 05:37
apokryphosouch, so late, /me -> bed. 'night :)05:39
=== apokryphos [i=apokryph@unaffiliated/apokryphos] has left #ubuntu-ops []
elkbuntunice 0 victims05:49
naliothelkbuntu: it wasn't lethal05:51
elkbuntuat all, no05:51
elkbuntuthat is pretty excellent05:51
naliothno, you misunderstand05:51
nalioththe syntax was wrong 05:51
elkbuntustill.. he got no jollies05:52
elkbuntuand theoretically a kline to boot05:52
naliothi'm attempting to see about that05:52
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-ops.log
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Topic for #ubuntu-ops: Welcome to the home of the operators of all Ubuntu (and derivatives) channels | This channel is for operator/abuse questions only | Support in #ubuntu, #kubuntu etc... | IRC team info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam | The IRC council reserves the right to remove idlers from the channel
=== Topic (#ubuntu-ops): set by Hobbsee at Sun Jul 15 18:07:02 2007
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ubotuIn #ubuntu, Irreducibilis said: ubotu's link is dead07:38
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ubotuIn #ubuntu-motu, norsetto said: !ppa is <reply> With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.01:47
ubotuGirls dont exist on the internet.  See http://www.escapistmagazine.com/print/17/2702:18
Hobbsee!no girl is <reply> Girls dont exist on the internet.  See http://www.escapistmagazine.com/print/17/27 | For more interesting reading, see http://pandagon.blogsome.com/2007/04/13/how-to-not-be-an-asshole-a-guide-for-men/02:18
ubotuI'll remember that Hobbsee02:18
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs02:21
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.student.PriceChild] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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jussi01Hmmm, can someone tell me the commands for banning and unbanning people?03:39
=== jussi01 pokes PriceChild ;)
Jucato /mode <channel> -b <host or nick or whatever03:41
jussi01Jucato: thanks.03:41
Jucatoif you're using konvi it's much easier :)03:42
Tm_Twell, in irssi, /ban or /unban03:42
Tm_Tand ofcourse /help ;-P03:42
jussi01Jucato: how so?03:43
=== Hobbsee has aliases for all of this
Hobbseejussi01: you've found out about ban -d i take it?03:44
Jucatojussi01: just click on the icon beside the channel topic or Window -> Channel settings for ______03:44
jussi01Hobbsee: no....03:44
Hobbseesorry, jussi01 03:45
Hobbseeer, Jucato 03:45
jussi01Jucato: how cool :)03:45
Hobbseealthough you cna use it too03:45
=== Jucato is now confused @_@
jussi01Hobbsee: what is ban -d ?03:46
Picirealname ban iirc.03:46
Hobbseejussi01: er, ban -domain, iirc03:46
jussi01ahhh, gotcha03:46
=== Pici could definitly be wrong
=== jussi01 learns lots.
JucatoHobbsee: ah that... er... slipped my mind :(03:46
HobbseePici: no, that's /cs mode #channame +d <onewordwith*and?sasnecessary>03:47
=== OgMaciel [n=omaciel@foresight/developer/OgMaciel] has joined #ubuntu-ops
PiciHobbsee: I havent had the need/chance to use it yet.  I should read up on the freenode modes some more.03:47
ubotuJimQode called the ops in #ubuntu04:15
=== Gary pulls a face at Hobbsee
=== mc44 pulls a Gary at Hobbsee
Garysorry, my fingers slipped on the keyboard :p04:21
PiciYeah, h o b s and e are really easy to mistype04:34
mc44tab completion typos can be pretty far from what you intend :) Not that I believe that Gary for a second ;P04:36
GaryI wouldn't either04:36
=== Hobbsee definetly wouldnt
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
=== Gary [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has left #ubuntu-ops [requested]
=== Gary [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Gary] by ChanServ
=== mc44 misses GazzaK. He was fun.
PiciYeah, I havent seen him in a while either.04:42
=== Gary is now known as GazzaK
GazzaKoops, thats just nick spammed everywhere.04:43
=== mc44 pets GazzaK
ubotuJack_Sparrow called the ops in #ubuntu04:49
=== maxamillion [n=adam@ngl-1-14.shsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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ubotuDjViper called the ops in #ubuntu04:51
gnomefreakdid someone in here add the !ppa factoid after kmos asked?04:51
ubotuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.04:51
gnomefreakPici: you did?04:52
Picignomefreak: Hobbsee did.04:52
Hobbseegnomefreak: i did, norsetto gets full credit for writing it04:52
gnomefreakHobbsee: ppa hasnt been released yet (this is gonna screw people up04:52
Hobbseegnomefreak: i ignore the crack that kmos comes up with though04:52
Hobbseegnomefreak: the quick start guide and all that is still there - i thought they moved it04:52
gnomefreakthey will upload to dogfood and it will be removed from dogfood in a day or so04:52
gnomefreakthats one of my dogfood accounts04:53
gnomefreakthats how i know it hasnt been released04:53
gnomefreakmultiple architectures is a bit misleading as well04:54
gnomefreakx86 and 6404:54
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PriceChildHey jono.05:32
jonohey PriceChild05:32
PriceChildhow goes?05:32
Hobbseehi jono 05:33
jonogood thanks05:33
jonohey Hobbsee05:33
=== Hobbsee wonders when the ops council will actually get set up
PriceChildI put it on the agenda again for weds05:33
PriceChildbah not weds... 3rd05:34
PriceChildso similar05:34
Hobbseeoh, drat.  there must be a kubuntu meeting in a week05:34
Hobbseei knew i was goign to put something otu a week ago..05:34
ubotuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, MTecknology said: !!! :@ !!!   Windows is starting to really piss me off. So are my coworkers that believe everything just works in windows.... despite all the shit they need to do for work arounds when viewing the site in ie6, ie7, and despite the shit they need to do just to get a simple application isntalled.05:34
Hobbseewe have a meeting on the 3rd, or something?05:34
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@host-82-211-220-24.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Hobbseejono: we gave up on kmos, to save sanity, FYI05:34
PriceChildMTecknology, please watch the language and be careful of use of !s :)05:35
PriceChildYou never know who's listenning ;)05:35
MTecknology<ubotu> Your edit request has been forwarded to #ubuntu-ops.  Thank you for your attention to detail05:35
MTecknology^^ that's why i'm here actually05:35
PriceChildBecause you used a ! to start omething, then used the word "is"... so it thought you were suggesting a factoid.05:35
MTecknologyo, lol05:35
GazzaKdon't think we can use that though :p05:36
MTecknologyi thought it might be b/c i edited the spelling on one of the wiki's?05:36
MTecknologysorry, I hate having to deal with windows systems...05:36
PiciMTecknology: Ubotu isnt that smart.  Yet.05:36
PriceChildIs there anything else we can help you with MTecknology?05:36
PiciMTecknology: Just watch the language, k?05:36
=== gnomefreak gave up on him long time ago
MTecknologyi will05:36
MTecknologyPriceChild, make my company develop web apps for linux instead?05:37
MTecknologysorry... I'm offtopic here, i'll shutup05:37
mc44isn't the point of web apps that they are OS independent05:38
MTecknologymc44, I meant the server05:39
gnomefreakmaybe browser independant?05:39
=== gnomefreak never seen one that was OS independant
MTecknologywe're using ajax, ms sql, reporting services, ajax extensions, and asp.net05:39
MTecknologyand other bs we really shouldn't need in this manner05:39
MTecknologyit's browser and server dependent05:40
MTecknologyI'm trying to install a hack for SQL to get it to work with asp.net the way we need it to05:40
PriceChildIs there anything else we can help you with MTecknology? (apart from your company's internal workings)05:59
MTecknologysorry- want me o leave?06:00
naliothMTecknology: if you have nothing further, please :)06:01
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@host-82-211-220-24.midco.net] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Leaving"]
=== fluebug [n=c0cb88fe@astra.techwareit.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
fluebugmy computer is broke, can anyone help me?06:06
mc44fluebug: please use #ubuntu for support06:06
fluebugisn't this ubuntu operations?06:06
fluebugdo you know java?06:07
mc44fluebug: please read the /topic06:07
fluebugi am in your cpu, hugging your cycles!06:07
fluebugman, this is nixternal06:08
Picifluebug: ...06:08
fluebugI am stuck in class and they locked me out from ssh'n into home :)06:08
mc44fluebug: imposter!06:08
mc44also, evil trolling :P06:08
fluebugask me something that mr. nix would know06:08
mc44fluebug: whats your favourite colour06:08
PriceChildWhat is your root password?06:08
fluebugkubuntu blue baby!06:08
fluebugdon't use root06:08
PiciPriceChild: good one!06:08
PriceChildfluebug, can't you /nick to your linked nick and identify?06:09
fluebughrmm, let me try06:09
=== fluebug is now known as nixternal_
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v nixternal_] by ChanServ
PriceChildThere we go :)06:10
mc44I'm still not convinced :P06:10
nixternal_didn't event hink of that06:10
nixternal_plus I wanted to have a little fun with this stupid cgi-irc crap06:10
nixternal_alright...I need to take a nap, this teacher is killing me06:11
nixternal_cya'll later06:12
PiciHas there ever been a case of someone impersonating an op?06:13
naliothPici: yes, attempts have been made06:14
PiciUsually doesnt last long, I'm assuming.  06:14
PriceChild*remembers the last time he left his pass on a different machine*06:15
=== nalioth eats imposters
PiciI've come across that once before on a game server, but the person failed to realize that the person that he was impersonating was on dial-up and didn't live in the united states.06:15
pleia2Pici: no sympathy :)06:15
PiciOh, it was a very quick kickban.06:16
mc44Pici: hello, this is irc support. Looks like we lost your personal information. If you just send me your nickserv password we can get this sorted out.06:17
Hobbseemc44: you want http://community.livejournal.com/techsupport06:17
naliothHobbsee: are we repelling boarders?06:19
Hobbseenalioth: sorry?06:19
naliothyour hat, Hobbsee 06:20
naliothyou have your captains hat on06:21
PiciIts a swirly hat.06:21
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
Hobbseenalioth: oh, meh.  just abusing GazzaK 06:21
Hobbseeseeing as we cant in -offtopic anymore06:21
naliothwhy not?06:21
naliothhe's got ops there and can defend himself06:22
Hobbseethat's why06:22
nalioththat makes it more fun06:22
GazzaKHobbsee, it's not a fair game unless the victim can defend himself06:24
mc44GazzaK: you enjoy being the victim ;)06:24
GazzaKand on that note, i'm going to the bar :-D06:24
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=== Gary [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Gary] by ChanServ
PriceChildGary, wo you finally got it :)06:57
Garygot what?  a voice06:57
naliothPriceChild: yes, we didnt want to tell you, but we'll be taking your v away soon 06:57
Garyhad that for days :-D06:57
=== nalioth runs
PriceChildI suppose its only fair :(06:57
naliothPriceChild: you talk to much, anyway06:58
=== nalioth runs faster
=== PriceChild stabs nalioth in the back as he runs and takes his access
=== mc44 casts an imperius curse on PriceChild
=== mc44 feels shame, pretends not to have read Harry Potter really
=== PriceChild sets mode +m (no magic lock)
GaryPici, i'd do a ban for that07:39
PiciGary: I was trying to digest it.07:39
PiciGary: I have no idea where that came from.07:40
Garyme neither07:40
Garywhat a weird comment07:40
Garyi'd not worry about it07:41
Garythat nick is 26 weeks old, and the last registered user address is not the same as that ban ip07:42
PiciThe part that disturbs and confuses me, is that this same person is quite helpful in #ubuntu07:48
Garyas I said, i'd not trust the nickname, check the ip07:49
PiciI did.07:49
PiciI checked my logs.07:49
Garyoh, thats sad07:49
Garymust have a hater already Pici 07:49
Garythat happens07:49
Garyi'd not worry07:49
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mc44Pici: Take on me?08:35
PiciTake me on?08:35
PiciNo, I was actually referring to Davy_Jones08:35
Priceythat's a big ban......08:37
Pricey*reads backlog*08:37
PiciI have more information about that.08:37
PiciDavy_Jones. AKA: Abu_Hamza, Azul, GoFcukYourself, nuked_omen.08:37
mc44ah, him08:38
PiciAll are *!n=ad@87.10908:39
Pricey*reads bantracker as backlog is rubbish*08:39
PiciAll have at least 1 kick/ban in bantracker.08:39
PriceyPici, Gary, have you been introduced to the bantracker?08:39
Garyseems like a nice fellow08:39
PiciPricey: I have.08:39
GaryPricey, only when Seveas was laughing at how many bans/kicks he had done to me08:40
Priceyhehe :)08:40
Garydo we have logins?08:40
Garywhats that do?08:40
Garyahh, it fails :p08:40
Priceysee if that gives you anything... but I'd guess that won't happen until we let you into the ubuntu-irc group...08:40
PiciI think it lets us add comments to the bans.08:40
Priceysorry... "if"08:40
Garybut yeah, I've seen the bantracker, and very good it is08:41
Priceyhmmm bantracker only shows first ban on *!*@ and nothing more...08:42
Garyrefresh it, it shows the latest to me08:42
Priceyyeah and the one after...08:42
Priceybut I thought you said there were others?08:42
Pici87.109 shows 4 bans.  08:42
PriceyOh I just searched on your name :)08:43
Garythats hobbsee's fault :p08:43
PriceyPici, I still only see the two bans by you, then a couple older from may and july?08:43
PiciOne of them as nuked_omen, so I grepped my logs and saw that nuked_omen and davy_jones both shared name and partial ip address.08:44
PiciSo I looked through my logs for ad@87.109 and compared those names back to the bantracker. The names I listed above are the ones that have kicks or bans attributed to them.08:44
PriceyIn my opinion that ban is covering a little too much though...08:45
Garywell it is restricted to ad@ too08:45
Priceyah so it is08:45
Priceysorry :)08:45
Pricey*will be quiet now*08:45
Piciokay. ;)08:46
PiciI was concerned about the dynamic IP really.08:46
PiciAnd I definitly wouldnt ban an entire ISP of people w/o some other qualifcations.08:47
PriceChildHow dare I doubt you :)08:47
mc44unless they are turkish ;)08:47
ompaulmc44, they really want your stash :)08:48
=== PriceChild disappears for a little
mc44mc44: it all went at Reading Festival :)08:48
ompaulmy job is mad, my mates are madder - I am remotely updating a 6.06 box and locally doing gutsy for a mate08:48
=== ompaul should lock self up in a box
GaryI concur08:51
=== Gary hides
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Garyhey Amaranth 10:23
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.student.PriceChild] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PriceChild] by ChanServ
PriceChildI still don't think I've had expenses back for Sevilla...10:34
=== Gary [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has left #ubuntu-ops ["now]
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-184-60.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-184-60.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops

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