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kshahcommand line cmd for the active processes? i need to kill mysql, it just crapped itself12:59
Kamping_Kaiserwhats your question?12:59
kshahI need to kill mysql and restart01:00
kshahit just went nuts01:00
kshahlspci I thought listed processes01:00
kshahwhen I try it, I get input / output error01:00
ajmitchno, 'ps aux' would give you a list of active processes01:01
ajmitchbut you don't need to kill mysql that way01:01
ajmitchsudo invoke-rc.d mysql restart01:01
kshahunable to execute01:01
kshah(i just tried it, thats what i got)01:01
Kamping_Kaiserajmitch, is that a upstartism or a way of restarting i havent seen before?01:01
ajmitchKamping_Kaiser: no, it's a debianism way of running the initscripts01:02
Kamping_Kaiserajmitch, neat. never seen it before01:02
kshahnor had I01:02
ajmitchkshah: what did you try & run?01:02
kshahsudo invoke-rc.d mysql restartt01:03
kshahwon't work01:03
ajmitchI hope that 'restartt' was a typo01:04
kshahit was :)01:04
kshahI'm using drupal (a LAMP based CMS) and I just started getting mysql errors, someone told me to repair the table01:05
kshahbut I can't even restart mysql, or shut it down, or apparently anything01:05
ajmitchmysql from ubuntu packages?01:05
kshahyeah, I used the Ubuntu Server 7 guide to install everything01:06
kshahso it came pre installed i guess01:06
ajmitchok, and what did you say you got when you tried to run that?01:07
ajmitchand what do  you mean by mysql going nuts, also?01:08
kshahthe error was:01:09
kshahunable to execute /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d: Input/output error01:09
ajmitchsigh, I'm being called away, I'll let Kamping_Kaiser help :)01:09
ajmitchback later01:09
kshahk thx01:09
Kamping_Kaisergah. i'm only here for 10 more min :S *reads up*01:09
Kamping_Kaiserajmitch, catch you later01:09
Kamping_Kaiserpity i almost never use mysql.01:11
Kamping_Kaiserkshah, can you stop it?01:11
kshahdon't think so01:11
kshahkill -9 mysql ?01:11
Kamping_Kaiser/etc/init.d/mysql-server stop01:11
Kamping_Kaiserouch, my RSI is kicking in :S01:11
kshahuh oh01:12
kshah you may have been right01:12
kshahwell, scorpking might have been01:12
kshahRead-only file system01:12
kshahhow can I check diskspace?01:12
Kamping_Kaiserdf -h01:12
Kamping_Kaiserand df01:13
Kamping_Kaiser(-h is human readable, but the rounding may confuse things)01:13
kshahno, less than 1% of everything is used01:13
Kamping_Kaiserwhat about `mount`01:13
kshahI just logged in, it said new mail, I wrote mail, it says 'read only'01:13
Kamping_Kaisercheck if anythings marked ro01:13
kshahoh the TEMP folder maybe01:13
kshahcould that be it?01:13
Kamping_Kaisertemp is ro??01:13
kshaha memory leak, causing the temp folder to be filled, unemptied01:13
kshahcausing other bad shit to go down?01:14
Kamping_Kaiserif temp is full, thats a bad look01:14
kshahtemp is ro?? I don't know what you mean01:14
kshahI'm new to linux01:14
Kamping_Kaiserro=read only01:14
Kamping_Kaiserkshah, can you put the output of `df -h && mount` in pastebin for me to look at?01:14
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:14
kshahyes, temp is RO in that case, the error returned from the 'mail' command was /tmp/mail.Rx(some other chars here): Read only file system01:14
Kamping_Kaisertemp being read only is a bad thing01:15
kshahI can't run mount command01:15
kshahInput / output error01:15
kshahdf -h works01:15
Kamping_Kaisergive me the df -h output then01:15
mathiazkshah: do you see any hardware problems ?01:15
kshahI don't believe there, this is a server running off of a laptop thought01:16
ajmitchI/O errors like that generally aren't good01:16
ajmitchusually dmesg will have more info in that case01:16
kshahgoing to pastebin in a sec01:16
kshahKamping_Kaiser: ^^01:18
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Kamping_Kaiserkshah, i'd look in dmesg like ajmitch suggests - `dmesg | tail -n 30`01:18
=== Kamping_Kaiser tried to tab complete dmesg *slap*
ajmitchif dmesg will run :)01:19
kshahI can't run that command01:19
Kamping_Kaiserajmitch, quite *heh*01:19
kshahI've already tried at scorpkings behest01:19
ajmitchsounds like you have some far more serious issues there01:19
Kamping_Kaiserwhat about `tail -f /var/log/syslog`01:19
kshahthat works01:19
kshahill pastebin01:19
Kamping_Kaiserwhen i started getting errors like that i put the drive in the fridge and started data recovery stuff.. :|01:20
Kamping_Kaiserthat was a laptop hdd too01:20
Kamping_Kaisercould you run with -n 30? `tail -n 30 -f /var/log/syslog`01:21
Kamping_Kaiserer, no -f01:21
mathiazkshah: yeah.. it seems that your hd is dead01:21
kshahshut it down ?01:21
Kamping_Kaiserkshah, what season is it where you are?01:22
kshahsummer, i'm in in NJ01:22
Kamping_Kaisersummer, your going to have trouble finding somewhere cold then *heh*01:22
kshahit is in an air conditioned office, I guess its just too old and too much of a over heating laptop to handle it all01:23
Kamping_Kaiserdrive doesnt look good01:23
kshahhow can I shut it down?01:23
kshahsudo halt?01:23
Kamping_Kaiseror the power button01:23
kshahlol input output error01:23
Kamping_Kaisertry method B01:23
kshahI'm not there01:23
ajmitchlooks like it can't run anything not in the cache01:23
kshahit's about 20 miles away01:23
kshahinit 6?01:24
Kamping_Kaiseryou can try it01:24
kshahinit: not being executed as init01:25
kshahI don't know what that means01:25
Kamping_Kaiserit means you need to get on the phone :)01:25
kshahoh NOs lol01:25
kshahoh jeez... this is going to suck01:25
kshahkill -9 kills a process right?01:25
Kamping_Kaiseryes. term, iirc01:26
ajmitchecho O > /proc/sysrq-trigger01:26
ajmitcha truly evil way of shutting down01:26
kshahif it works..01:27
Kamping_Kaiserits still evil.01:27
kshahwhy is that?01:27
Kamping_Kaiserajmitch, is that 'shut down' or 'die now'01:27
kshahpermission denied (ran as sudo)01:28
=== Kamping_Kaiser wonders if `kill -15 `pidof init`` counts as 'shut down' (as i think about it, no it doesnt)
jdstrandkshah: sudo sh -c 'echo O > /proc/sysrq-trigger'01:28
=== Kamping_Kaiser debates this as a reason to look into ramdiscs again
kshahcommand didn't do anythin jdstrand01:29
kshahwell, it may have..01:30
kshahi'm still connected ssh01:30
Kamping_Kaiseri'm heading out01:30
ajmitchthere's always the option of getting in a car & going there01:30
Kamping_Kaisercatch you all later on01:30
kshahthat is what is going to happen it looks like01:30
kshahthank you all for the help01:30
ajmitchalways a nice time for a scenic drive01:30
jdstrandkshah: I was addressing only the 'permission denied' error.  try 'tail -f /var/log/syslog' and see if stuff is shutting down.  I looked at your errors in pastebin-- my sympathies...01:31
ajmitchjdstrand: triggering a shutdown that way should just do a poweroff, no gentle shutdown01:32
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brianspI'm trying to install postfix and somehow I seem to have deleted /etc/init.d/postfix02:39
brianspapt-get/dpkg complain that its missing, so I touch it, remove, and reinstall, but its still just the empty file I created02:40
briansphow do I get a completely clean reinstall from scratch?02:40
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leonelapt-get --purge --force-all postfix02:50
leonelups ..02:52
leonelbriansp:  sudo apt-get --purge --force-yes remove postfix02:52
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mignishCould someone direct me to a howto or some documentation on creating a user in proftpd05:59
mignishi'm having trouble with write access.06:00
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mignishDoes anyone know anything about proftpd user privileges?06:29
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-server: Ubuntu Server discussion and support | for general (not server specific) support visit #ubuntu | Seriously good guide to asking questions on IRC: http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html
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mwh_Hello, I have a simple question on installing ubuntu-server11:12
mwh_during the setup the installer halts11:12
mwh_writing: Initializing gfx code...11:12
mwh_then static memory: 0x40020 - .... etc11:12
mwh_and some mallocs11:13
mwh_0, 1, 2, 311:13
mwh_then it just halts11:13
mwh_any idea what might be the case?11:13
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sorenmwh_: What's the very last thing you see?11:23
sorenmwh_: And which version?11:23
mwh_latest stable11:24
mwh_the very last thing is malloc 3: 0x0 - 0x011:24
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sorenmwh_: What's the hardware? Does it work with a regular (non-server) Feisty CD?11:26
sorenAh, no, forget about trying it with another CD. It's the same kernel. I forgot.11:26
mwh_fails on both desktop and server11:27
sorenWhat's the hardware?11:27
mwh_let me see11:28
mwh_its not a regular pc ...  that might be the problem11:28
mwh_its a tiny box11:28
mwh_anyways working to get some hardware data11:29
sorenEPIA motherboard, perhaps?11:29
sorenOr even tinier?11:32
mwh_its not that tiny ... 30x25 centimeters I think11:33
sorenIt doesn't sound like something I've encountered before. Could you try with Gutsy Tribe-5?11:35
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mwh_Its called Mini Pc its a K6-350MHz, socket supe r7, with a cyberpro2010 gfx card11:39
mwh_anyways .. we are thinking about buying a small box designed for linux11:39
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mwh_soren: anyways, thank you11:58
sorenmwh_: Did you try with gutsy?12:21
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jordiI'm looking into customising gutsy server to do automated installs, or at least no-question installs, and I wonder how different is the ubuntu server installer from the etch installer02:18
jordiI'm guessing seed vs tasksel changes will be in place02:18
jordiare there any docs out there?02:18
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sommerjordi: here's an article about kickstart...it looks a little dated though:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KickstartCompatibility02:41
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sommerjordi: also clonezilla may be what you're looking for:  http://clonezilla.sourceforge.net/02:43
sommerjordi: There was a presentation on clonezilla at Ubuntu Live...I think this is the link:  http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=103766635508932585102:45
jordijesus, SF is *slow*02:58
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jordisommer: will poke at these two directions, thanks!02:58
jordimy initial idea was to make the necessary changes tp the installer02:59
jordiI don't know what clonezilla does yet, but the idea is that debian-installer is flexible that you can do network, cd, usb, etc installs02:59
jordiwhich is good, specially network02:59
jordiclonezilla webpage downloads me a php file. yay03:00
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nealmcbless than 2 hours from now: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting03:09
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halcyonCorsairi'm trying to run bind9 on a system with about 759 vlans over two interfaces, but from 497th vlan onwards, bind says it can't listen because there aren't enough free resources03:28
halcyonCorsaircan anyone help?03:28
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BenCquick question, what is the default firewall GUI for gutsy?03:55
mathiazBenC: I don't think there is one.03:58
BenCis there a suggested GUI?03:58
nealmcbBenC: with a "no ports by default" security policy, firewalls are of less value in general03:59
nealmcb...no ports open by default....04:00
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BenCI'm not asking for a lecture on firewalls, I'm trying to answer a customers question :)04:00
nealmcbwhat sort of firewall needs do you have?04:00
BenClike a local firewall, like windows offers04:00
kshahmy temp folder has become read only, something bad happened and I may have a hardware failure, how can I clear the cache by the command line?04:01
BenCkshah: sudo sync04:01
nealmcbBenC: you may get a better answer on that in #ubuntu04:02
BenCkshah: but that may fail if you already have a failure in hw04:02
kshahBenC: it did indeed fail04:02
BenCnealmcb: I'm not trying real scroll through on #ubuntu, I'm hoping the server team can answer a question for the kernel team :)04:02
mathiazBenC: there are a couple of GUI that exists, but I don't remember them right now.04:03
nealmcbI've heard of firestarter, kraal (mentioned in an old note from a blueprint I have), etc04:04
nealmcbbut I can't recommend anything personally04:04
mathiaznealmcb: are these in main ?04:04
nealmcbno idea.  I don't use them :-)04:04
nealmcbBenC: moving up the stack, I see :-)04:04
BenCnealmcb: yes, but basically it's reality already matching title though :)04:05
nealmcbi've uses shorewall years ago and liked it, but it may be more complicated than they want04:05
nealmcbwasn't gui as I recall04:06
mathiaznealmcb: correct. shorewall has a set of text files04:06
BenCyeah, this customer is looking for a desktop solution, and even though I agree it's a "warm fuzzy" sort of thing, it is a selling point for getting users to switch from os-competitor to ubuntu04:07
mathiaznealmcb: to describe your network. It's then translated into iptables rules.04:07
mathiazBenC: you could point him to firestarter04:07
mathiazBenC: it's in universe04:07
BenCmathiaz: ok, thanks04:07
mathiazBenC: and it seems to be maintained upstream04:07
mathiazBenC: However I've never used it - so I don't know how simple it is04:07
BenCmathiaz: customer mentioned that program, so I'll let them know it's in universe04:10
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sorenjordi: If you're familiar with preseeding d-i, just go with that. We use d-i, too.04:28
sommersoren: is there docs somewhere on preseeding?04:35
sorensommer: Yes, hang on.04:35
sommerubuntu specific anyway04:35
sorenKnock yourself out :)04:36
sommersoren: genious...thanks04:36
sorensommer: np04:36
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nealmcbany thoughts on ifolder?  I looked it up after the question earlier on.  packaging status: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/8712204:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 87122 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging]  iFolder for Edgy and Feisty" [Wishlist,Confirmed] 04:40
nealmcb20 minutes, in #ubuntu-meeting:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting04:42
kshahserver (aka laptop) bit the bullet yesterday, hdd fail, recommendations on a sub $500 machine? where to?05:04
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lynx_hampHello all05:35
lynx_hampI have a problem trying to install a S5000VSA board ... can't detect the SLI Raid05:37
lynx_hampany ideia ???05:37
mralphabetWhat cd are you trying to install off of?05:37
lynx_hampI try with Ubuntu 7.04 Desktop, 7.04 Server and 6.06 server05:38
lynx_hampS5000 (ESB2) SATA RAID and LSI1064e/1068 SAS RAID05:40
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mralphabettoo new?05:42
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lynx_hampmaybe ... but SuSe and RedHat already have support05:51
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Yahooadamive got a problem with my server (again)10:50
Yahooadamgetting grub error 24 (again i think)10:51
YahooadamHow would i go about fixing it, if i do a sudo mount hda1 /mnt/temp10:52
Yahooadami get a wrong FS type error10:52
Yahooadamand dmesg logs - "[  843.992000]  EXT3-fs: hda1: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (1000100)."10:52
sommerYahooadam: not sure if this applies to you but:  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-330229.html10:57
sommerlooks like the grub 24 error is bad news for your hard drive.10:57
sommermore from the grub manual: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Stage1-errors10:59
Yahooadamdang :(11:07
Yahooadamu mean i have to re-install again :'(11:07
sommerYahooadam: possibly.  You might try booting from a CD and seeing if you can access the partition.11:11
Yahooadamim on a booted CD :p11:12
Yahooadamand when i try and mount, thats the error11:12
Yahooadamno way to repair ?11:15
Yahooadamor atleast recover my hda1 ...11:15
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sommerYahooadam: sorry I don't have much experience trying to recover hard drives...if you have a backup you can restore from backup.11:24
Yahooadamfraid not :(11:25
Yahooadamdont even know how u would backup ...11:25
Yahooadamit was on my todo list :p11:25
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sommerheh...ya that's happened to me too.11:26
FibresHi all11:26
FibresHi can anyone tell me where the kernel sources on a standard install of ubuntu server 6.06?11:26
sommerYahooadam: you might try another LiveCD...are you using Gutsy?11:26
Yahooadamzomg theres a new revision ? :o11:27
Yahooadamim on feisty11:27
Yahooadamfiesty - or however u speel it :p11:27
Yahooadamnever could get it right11:27
sommerGutsy isn't out, but there's test CD's11:27
dho_ragusFibres: /usr/local/src11:27
Yahooadamwell new case, new HDD caddys, and a new HDD on order :(11:28
sommerYahooadam: here's a link if you want to try it:  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/tribe-5/11:29
FibresDoes not have anything in it.11:29
FibresDo I need to install them via apt-get. If so what do i need to install. Name of package would be good.11:29
mathiazFibres: linux-source11:30
sorenFibres: linux-source-2.6.1511:31
FibresAh thanks hopefully might vmware installed soon11:31
sorenFibres: And then it's in /usr/src11:31
Yahooadam700mb :(11:32
FibresWhich would I be better installing linux-source or linux-source-2.6.15?11:32
sorenFibres: Either.11:32
sorenFibres: :)11:32
sorenFibres: Installing linux-source will also install linux-source-2.6.1511:32
FibresAh thanks11:32
Yahooadamadam@ubuntu:/dev$ fdisk -l /dev/hda11:33
YahooadamCannot open /dev/hda11:33
Fibresahok it has now given me a .tar.bz2 file. How do I unzip that. Im used to tar.gz11:34
sommerYahooadam: try fdisk -l /dev/sda11:35
Yahooadamforgot to sudo it :p11:36
YahooadamDisk /dev/hda: 41.1 GB, 41110142976 bytes11:36
Yahooadam255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4998 cylinders11:36
YahooadamUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes11:36
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Yahooadamif i get a new HDD12:06
Yahooadamhow easy is it to transfer the OS drive over to it12:06
Yahooadamand have it bootable and all that jazz12:06
sorenIt's not that hard.12:08
soren...if you know how. :)12:08
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Yahooadamany good guides around ? ;)12:08
sorenDunno, actually.12:08
sorenI've never done it, really. I usually have my data stored in /home (and /var/lib/mysql) and all my config is in /etc, so I just grab the list of installed packages and install them on a fresh system.12:09
Yahooadamyou can grab a list of installed packages ?12:10
Yahooadamdang i need to learn linux :p12:10
sorenBut moving it to a new disk isn't really that hard. Install the new disk, partition it, mount the filesystems where they should be and restore from the old system.12:10
sorenYahooadam: dpkg --get-selections12:10
sorenYahooadam: That's the machine-readable version.12:10
sorenYahooadam: ...which you can feed to dpkg --set-selections.12:10
sorenYahooadam: 'dpkg -l' is more human readable.12:11
Yahooadami just fixed my problem :o12:14
Yahooadami think12:14
Yahooadamw00t :D :D12:14
Yahooadammke2fs -S /dev/hda112:15
Yahooadamok how can i backup HDA1 b4 it breaks :p12:15
Yahooadam(or prefeferable, HDA)12:15
halcyonCorsairhi, i'm trying to run bind9 to supply dns to either 759 (over 2 interfaces; 253, 506) or 1012 vlans (over 3 interfaces; 253, 253, 506), but am running into resource issues, can anyone help? syslog is displaying this: http://rafb.net/p/M9xUdJ51.html12:16
halcyonCorsairotherwise, what alternatives are there to bind9?12:16
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