
tonsofpcscosmodad: it only shows the keys for my current connection12:02
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Bielekewfb is unknown12:03
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Bielekebut x asks for it12:03
cosmodadtonsofpcs: tell the user to do the same on his machine12:03
Bielekedon't blame it on me :-)12:03
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tonsofpcscosmodad: the user is on Windows systems12:03
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cosmodadtonsofpcs: you can do something similar under Windows, just GUI-driven12:03
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blix_right folks12:04
tonsofpcscosmodad: no, you can't, it masks the keys12:04
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TerraMastermy Harddisk enclosure is not autoloading, any help?12:05
blix_I've probably annoyed alot of you all day12:05
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blix_but I now have a USB stick with the right SATA drive12:05
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anevilgerbal2so can some one help?12:05
anevilgerbal2hello i have a netgear wg111v2 and need help connecting to the internet i have ubuntu 7.04 alternative intalled12:05
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blix_and the primary partition alledgely to FAT3212:05
blix_here goes12:05
rick__Can someone help me with getting my wireless card on a hp pavilion ze4500?12:05
blix_exiting the live cd12:05
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cosmodadtonsofpcs: then just hard-reset the router12:06
TerraMastermy Harddisk enclosure is not autoloading, any help?12:06
tonsofpcscosmodad: they can't12:06
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cosmodadtonsofpcs: why not?12:06
rick__Can someone help me with getting my wireless card on a hp pavilion ze4500?12:06
tonsofpcsthey lack the know how and it will cause collisions because it is on a complex network12:06
johnficcahow do I remove adobe reader? its really messing up my system.12:06
tanathwhenever i drag something in epiphany or firefox, even accidentally (!), X crashes. :( can anyone help?12:06
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MrCollinstonsofpcs: what is the prob?12:07
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TerraMastermy Harddisk enclosure is not autoloading, any help?12:07
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ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers12:07
cosmodadtonsofpcs: ok, so you could try to crack it. It'll most likely take you longer than next time you will access that router physically anyway12:07
ubotuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu or !qvm86), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications12:07
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cosmodadtonsofpcs: and since you're not in range for data traffic, you cannot crack anyway12:08
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yamyogurtquick question whats the command to mount an iso image?12:08
cosmodadyamyogurt: mount -o loop12:08
tanathjohnficca, sudo aptitude remove acroread12:08
ubotuVirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox12:08
TerraMastercant you use deamon tools?12:08
TerraMasteror is it for linux...12:08
rogue780_is there a way to get wget to download files recursively via http, and not just download the directory listings?12:08
cosmodadyamyogurt: more specifically: mount -t iso9660 -o loop /dev/cdrom <mountpoint>12:08
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johnficcatanath: I didn't install it like that12:08
AwsoonnI've got a lucent Winmodem, and installed the restricted drivers, so I can dial ( I hear the beeps ) but then I hear the operator tell me I havn't dailed a number, please help12:09
johnficcaI used the installer12:09
cosmodadrogue780_: wget can do that only for FTP12:09
tanathjohnficca, how did you install it?12:09
MrCollinsAwsoonn: swap wires.12:09
cosmodadrogue780_: you need to get a HTTP spider or something12:09
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cosmodadrogue780_: some "rip off HTML sites" tool, that is12:09
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tonsofpcsMrCollins: I set up a router elsewhere and I need to recover the WEP key because the end user forgot it.  I know my machine has it stored, I just don't know where.12:09
TerraMastermy usb harddisk is not autoloading, any help?12:09
johnficcatanath: I used the installer12:09
yamyogurtcosmodad: thanks alot12:10
superkirbyartistI fixed wireless problems by moving a candlestick that was on the same small table as my router's.12:10
johnficcathat you download on the adobe site12:10
AwsoonnMrCollins: tried that, also hooked up an analog phone to it to verify the conneciton to that point12:10
tanathjohnficca, this should get rid of everything regardless: sudo aptitude remove acroread mozilla-acroread acroread-plugins12:10
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cosmodadtonsofpcs: didn't you say before the key iwlist shows isn't the key you're looking for?12:10
tanathjohnficca, unless it installs under a different name12:10
bulmerAwsoonn: you are using the hayes AT command to dial right?12:10
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MrCollinsAwsoonn: what strings are you sending it?12:10
tanathjohnficca, try that anyway. won't hurt12:10
tonsofpcscosmodad: iwlist for keys shows the keys for what I'm currently connected to, not that one.12:10
MrCollinsAtdt *number*12:10
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rogue780_cosmodad, ok here's my problem. I just moved. went and set up my network again with the exception of instead of 192.168.1.xxx it is now 192.168.100.xxx (due to the DSL modem's default ip address) For some frickin' reason samba won't work now. I need to get my itunes library off my fileserver to my windows box. Any ideas?12:10
AwsoonnMrCollins: I don't know, nothign special12:10
cosmodadtonsofpcs: see /etc/network/interfaces then12:10
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Awsoonnbulmer: I'm using Gnome PPP12:11
TerraMastermy usb harddisk is not autoloading, any help?12:11
tonsofpcsI'm using NetworkManager Applet 0.6.412:11
cosmodadtonsofpcs: or whatever GUI tool you use to log on to that network12:11
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MrCollinsAwsoonn: you gotta send it At commands......12:11
tonsofpcsit's the included thing12:11
MrCollinsATA is for pickup12:11
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MrCollinsATH is hang up. etc etc.12:11
bulmerAwsoonn: how are you telling the modem to dial out? what command?12:11
tonsofpcsinterfaces only has info on lo12:11
rapidhow old school is that12:11
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Awsoonnbulmer: I use Gnome-PPP and give it a phone number, username and pass12:11
tonsofpcsrapid: would you rather ATDP?12:11
MrCollinsrapid: hehehe :) i used to be on the BBS's back in the day12:11
kurosakiPulse.. lol12:12
cosmodadrogue780_: how's that related to http downloading?12:12
TerraMastermy usb harddisk is not autoloading, any help?12:12
TerraMasterI really want to know how to mount it12:12
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=== nickrud can read 300bps natively :)
AwsoonnMrCollins: I'm using Gnome-PPP to dail and asume it is doing all that for me.12:12
bulmerAwsoonn: you may have to use a command line to send the commands..like using wvdial12:12
cosmodadtonsofpcs: I don't use the GUI manager but I guess it give you the key somewhere12:12
MrCollinsAwsoonn: in the gnome-ppp in the number section add 3 commands like ',,,1234567890'12:12
kurosakiTerraMaster, Google is your friend.12:12
rogue780_cosmodad, well, I found that I can still access my webserver from my windows box...so a symlink later and I can browse through my itunes library...thought I had the problem solved12:12
MrCollins3 commas not commands12:12
Awsoonnbulmer: link me some info on that please12:12
Bielekecosmodad: found the solution12:13
AwsoonnMrCollins: will try that12:13
bulmerAwsoonn:  i have nothing off hand..other than  google.com12:13
Bielekeis in the bug-report12:13
MrCollinsbulmer: but how does he get tcp/ip if he is using wvidal?12:13
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AwsoonnBulmer: I'll google around for it, thanks!12:13
silvertip257I'm getting a limited shell error when I try to boot to a live cd ..12:13
scorpkingAwsoonn: just got here. what modem are you using?12:13
blix_brb folks12:13
cosmodadrogue780_: sounds like an access problem, like firewalling, access rules,something like that12:13
bulmerMrCollins: the command to get to ppp mode is control ~ i believe..its been so long12:13
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Awsoonnscorpking: it is a Lucent winmodem, I'm using the restricted drivers.12:14
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MrCollinsbulmer: ah. ok cool12:14
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VSpikeDoes anyone know of a program that can do two way syncronising of files automatically between two locations, and flag up for manual action any conflicts (i.e. file that have changes at both locations since last sync) ?12:14
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scorpkingAwsoonn: mmm... can't help. :/12:14
cosmodadVSpike: unison12:14
rogue780_cosmodad, any idea what might cause it?12:14
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Awsoonnscorpking: Thx anyways! :)12:15
Thurstyi'm following a beryl install guide and it's stuck at12:15
Thursty$ wget http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/root@lupine.me.uk.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -12:15
Thursty--18:08:35--  http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/root@lupine.me.uk.gpg12:15
Thursty           => `-'12:15
ThurstyResolving ubuntu.beryl-project.org...,,, ...12:15
ThurstyConnecting to ubuntu.beryl-project.org||:80...12:15
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MrCollinsAwsoonn: do you have voicemail on that line?12:15
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neverblue!pastebin | Thursty12:15
ubotuThursty: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:15
cosmodadrogue780_: I need to know more about your setup: first, how many machines?12:15
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cosmodadrogue780_: where's samba server located and from where do you need to access it? what IPs?12:15
AwsoonnMrCollins: nope, too cheap for that stuff, there is nothing special about the line. xD12:15
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johnficcatanath: ok I think I did it I found it under /usr/localAdobe, so I just rm that folder .12:15
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MrCollinsAwsoonn: get a hardware modem or external modem12:16
tanathjohnficca, yeh, that should do it. and rm any symlinks to it12:16
VSpikecosmodad: awesome.  totally awesome.  Thanks!12:16
cosmodadVSpike: :)12:16
cosmodadThursty: if it hangs there, try if you can wget some other site, like www.google.de. If that fails too, the beryl server is currently unavailable12:16
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Thurstyi'm following a beryl install guide and it's stuck at the wget part, this is what it says http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35315/12:16
johnficcatanath: thanks for the help12:16
ward_hi all, i want to get the latest development source of a program, but i don't know how to get it, can someone take a look? the latest version is 0.4.4 and they use arch: http://arch.gephex.org/12:16
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tanathjohnficca, type 'which acroread' and rm that too12:16
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tanathjohnficca, np12:17
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AwsoonnMrCollins: Not an option currently, I'll be in Japan on Friday12:17
cosmodadward_: enable the src repository where the program is, then get the source with something like: apt-get source <program>12:17
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tonsofpcsMrCollins: any clue where it stores them?12:17
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ward_cosmodad, can i do that if they use arch?12:17
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tonsofpcssomeone suggested in my 'keychain' earlier, but where would that be?12:17
CaBlGuYwhats the deal with Azureus and the UDP ports not workin?  Also, we gonna be updating the package to 3.0 any time soon??12:17
rogue780_right now, two. the samba server is this computer that I'm talking to you with. its IP address is the windows computer is connected via a Linksys WRT54GL router12:18
AwsoonnMrCollins: The software aperass to work, and is in the HCL12:18
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cosmodadward_: the method works if the package is in the Ubuntu repositories. Is it?12:18
ward_cosmodad, i need to compile the source (wich is no problem) the release comes with a bug, thats why i need the latest sources12:18
MoezHello ! Question : An USB scanner is automatically detected by XSane ?12:18
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tanathCaBlGuY, i'd recommend going with ktorrent. it's more efficient12:18
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rogue780_cosmodad, my last to you12:18
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cosmodadward_: oh I see12:18
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ward_cosmodad, it also isnt in the repos12:18
tanathCaBlGuY, i used to use azureus, but i find ktorrent is faster, and less of a resource hog12:18
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CaBlGuYtanath:  true but, I don't get the speed out of Ktorrent most of the time..12:19
VSpikecosmodad: do you know how well it will cope with things like deleted files or moving directories?12:19
cosmodadrogue780_: can you ping each other#s machine?12:19
ward_cosmodad, i'm just having trouble finding out how to get the latest source from there, i'm not familiar with the systems, i'm not much of a coder12:19
phenomcablguy/tanath: rtorrent :)12:19
cosmodadVSpike: not sure, but it's *the* program to do synchronization12:19
GInI'm only browsing the web and chatting with xchat, and my cpu usage is jumping around 30 to 45% :S Does firefox really eats up that much of cpu resources? Is there a lighter browser?12:19
tanathCaBlGuY, if you don't get the speed with ktorrent, you wouldn't with azureus either.12:19
ExitonIm haveing a problem with ubuntu server.  Im running Apache2 and OpenSSH and the servers will only receive connections when im activly browsing the internet on the server machine.  If i let the server run idle for a length of time people stop being able to connect to it.  Any ideas?12:19
cosmodadVSpike: so it should be pretty sophisticated12:19
CaBlGuYtanath:  I will get it now..  see how it does..  thanks..12:19
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tanathphenom, rtorrent is terrible :P12:19
VSpikecosmodad: thanks, i'll hit the docs in depth12:19
tanathCaBlGuY, np12:19
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phenomterrible? :)12:19
tanathphenom, text only, and non-intuitive interface12:20
TerraMasterAug 27 15:03:52 haaf-desktop NetworkManager: <debug> [1188252232.925869]  nm_hal_device_added(): New device added (hal udi is '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_5e3_702_noserial').12:20
TerraMasterAug 27 15:03:53 haaf-desktop NetworkManager: <debug> [1188252233.153883]  nm_hal_device_added(): New device added (hal udi is '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_5e3_702_noserial_if0').12:20
TerraMasterAug 27 15:03:53 haaf-desktop kernel: [90362.542910]  usb-storage: device found at 212:20
TerraMasterWhen I inster my usb device I get this in the system moniter... And my usb is still not showing up! any help?12:20
tonsofpcsso any clue where my 'keychain' is stored?12:20
cosmodadward_: I don't know arch myself, but it seems like you need an arch client and possibly an account too12:20
cosmodadward_: there seems to be at least 1+ arch client, like archzoom12:21
rogue780_cosmodad, my windows box can ping my server, but my server cannot ping my windows box12:21
phenomtanath: I'm old school I guess. rtorrent works for me. :)12:21
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cosmodadrogue780_: check the Windows box' firewall12:21
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TerraMasterAny help?12:21
tanathphenom, it can be handy if you don't have or aren't using X, but that's not most people. but whatever works for you12:21
trs1join #kubuntu12:21
ekomcould anyone help me with my lost window borders after installing compiz fusion?12:21
ward_cosmodad, i allready looked trough their sources with their web arch client, but i don't see anything from 2007 in there (0.4.4 came this year)12:22
phenomAzureus open up some funny ports, and requires additional firewall tweaking, or deal with a lot of warnings.12:22
scorpkingrogue780: nortons on the windows box?12:22
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tanathekom, try running 'compiz --replace'12:22
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tanathekom, or sometimes, if you run comizconfig settings manager, and disable, then reenable the window decorations plugin, that'll fix it12:22
cosmodadward_: sorry as I said, I don't much about arch.12:22
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ward_cosmodad, ok no problem12:23
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boklhow do I force ubuntu to always open files with an extension (.url) with a specific application?12:23
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ekomtanath, still nothing12:23
tonsofpcsdoes anyone know where NetworkManager Applet 0.6.4 stores keys?12:23
ward_can anyone tell me how to get the latest 0.4.4 from http://arch.gephex.org/ ? (the released source comes with a bug)12:23
tanathbokl, in nautilus, right click on the file, choose properties > open with..12:23
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tanathekom, any other plugins working?12:24
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tanathekom, sure you installed it right?12:24
tanathekom, do you have emerald installed?12:24
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ekomemerald is installed12:24
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ekomi believe everything is installed correct, followed directions close12:24
Teknoenieany shell scripters out there?12:24
tanathekom, some guides are better than others...12:25
phenombokl: system/preferences/Preffered applications?12:25
floresc7whats the status with using SATA hds with Feisty?12:25
ekomive tried two different ones12:25
dho_ragusTeknoenie: shell script help is best found in somewhere like #bash12:25
tanathekom, sure you have compizconfig settings manager?12:25
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bokltanath: tried that, didnt work... I set firefox. Doubleclick a .url then gives: "cannot open [---]  file is of type "application/x-mswinurl". "12:25
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ekomnone of the other plug ins work12:25
tanathekom, not just the default configure thingy that it has by default12:25
ekomi definitely have the compizconfig settings manager12:26
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cosmodadbokl: some right-click accessible context menu entry possibly?12:26
bokltanath: ...but when I drag drop the .url on firefox I got it to work12:26
MoezQuestion : An USB scanner is automatically detected by XSane ?12:26
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jribward_: try googling for 'arch version control tutorial' or try #arch12:27
cosmodadtonsofpcs: I think it's in your keyring: http://live.gnome.org/DarrenAlbers/NetworkManagerFAQ#head-db70c07a5d8c88d63faf6b9b98d94cec5307cd0412:27
boklcosmodad: I dont understand what you said12:27
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cosmodadbokl: if you right-click on a .url file in your file browser, is there some menu entry where you set the default opening application?12:28
floresc7Anyone have experience with DRBL and Clonezilla?12:28
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rogue780_cosmodad, you were right. it was the firewall. when I changed the IP address scheme I forgot to tell zone alarm12:28
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tomerhi pppl12:28
tanathbokl, strange. try setting it to epiphany or something12:28
tomerwhats up12:28
tomerhaving some issues here with vncserver12:28
CaBlGuYallllrighty tanath, you were correct...   started right up..  thanks again.. ;)12:28
cosmodadrogue780_: there you go12:28
ward_jrib, i foudn out they apperantly use darcs now... lol12:28
boklcosmodad: yes, I've set it to open with Firefox12:28
ward_jrib, sorry for the trouble but the website stated arch12:28
tanathekom, if none of the other plugins work, then compiz likely isn't running12:28
jribward_: ha12:28
ward_jrib, http://darcs.gephex.org/gephex/gephex--main--0.4/12:29
tanathekom, try running 'compiz --replace &' from a terminal and see what it says12:29
tomeri login to vnc from remote. everytime i try to run some app, e.g. synaptic, i get:12:29
Exitonso no one has seen this problem before?12:29
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ward_jrib, with darcs its just "darcs http://whateverurl" right?12:29
Al00Hi folks -- I installed compiz-fusion and put in 'compiz --replace' in my session startup -- now my desktop no longer has icons on it and I cannot right-click on it to get any menus12:29
ekomsudo apt-get install xserver-xgl12:29
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tomerinvalid request code blah blah blah12:29
tomerany ideas?12:29
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Bo1what the hell i thought u guys said that ubuntu supports nivada] 12:30
ekom/usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Error: Can't load plugin 'ccp' because it is built for ABI version 20070708 and actual version is 2007082412:30
ekom/usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Error: Couldn't activate plugin 'ccp'12:30
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jribward_: darcs get foo  it seems12:31
boklstrange problem this... .url files are just plain text files with a .url extension... Windows use them to store URLs...12:31
PanicBytehey, is there a way to make my Core Duo laptop stay at maximum processor speed on AC power, and minimum speed on battery power?12:31
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dho_ragustomer: you get the "bad request" on the vnc-client system?12:31
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coz_guy has anything changed in feisty?  I cannot get the nvidia driver to stick I have to reinstall everytime I restart  and I dont want the glx drivers because the nvidia glx is old and the g,x-new is the 100.xx series12:31
Bo1i have a e-GeForce FX5200, my ubuntu freeze  when is loading on loading screen12:31
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dho_ragustomer: anything in the logs?12:32
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cosmodadPanicByte: usually using a power manager is the best solution. Think of the environment!12:32
Bo1is a pci deivce12:32
boklcan i set file association to somehow bypass the warning window and FORCE firefox to open the .url? Since it works fine when I drag and drop it on firefox...12:32
tanathekom, i'd recommend you remove all the compiz & beryl packages, and follow this guide: http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthread.php?t=101212:32
jribPanicByte: if you use gnome, /apps/gnome-power-manager gconf keys let you set the scaling governor appropriately12:32
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ekomalright thanks ill give that a try12:32
tanathbokl, is this warning from firefox or from nautilus?12:32
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Bo1i have a problem, my ubuntu freeze when loading12:33
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boklnautilus i think12:33
orudiewhen i go to system-preferences-sound the test sound seem to work, but doesn't work anywhere but there12:33
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tanathbokl, did you try setting it to epiphany instead?12:33
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tomerwhich logs?12:33
floresc7I am trying to setup clonezilla on a ubuntu machine, but the client computers have sata hds, thus cannot be mounted.  Does any know where i get help with this?12:33
dwbrhello, I have quick (hopefully) question that I am hoping someone can help me with. I am running 7.04 and installed beryl as per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beryl/ATI/Feisty?highlight=%28beryl%2912:33
nj786my printer doesnt print properly it only prints out half a line12:33
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nj786anybody help?12:33
dwbrEverything works except emeral12:34
Bo1be right back12:34
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rignesHey there.  What specifically runs to check for updates on startup?  aka, the little green circle thing.12:34
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tanathdwbr, beryl is dead. it's compiz fusion now12:34
bokli dont have epiphany... do i put that under "custom command"?12:34
tanathbokl, are you not running gnome?12:34
dho_ragustomer: /var/log/*12:34
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boklthink so... default ubuntu 7 install12:34
tanathbokl, you should, unless you're using a different version of ubuntu, like kubuntu or xubuntu12:34
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boklits ubuntu12:35
dwbrtanath, should I uninstall beryl and install compiz? Or is compiz just a new name for the same thing.12:35
tanathbokl, then unless it's specifically been removed, you have epiphany12:35
dho_ragustomer: best way to find out what logs are being updated is to generate the error, then immediately do `find /var/log/ -mmin 1`12:35
dho_ragustomer: that'll show you which logs have been modified in the last minute.12:35
tanathdwbr, beryl was a fork of compiz, but now they've remerged into compiz fusion. the executable name is still compiz thouigh12:35
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jmesquitaGuys, I am looking for a print server to buy for my new HP multifunctional printer. Is there a printer server fully compatible with Ubuntu that would use all the 2 functions (scanner and printer) of my new printer?12:35
tanathdwbr, yes12:36
boklwell it does not occur in the "open with" dialog and when i enter it under "custom command" it does not work...12:36
PanicBytecosmodad, watch this http://divx-323.vo.llnwd.net/stage6vid/1174924.divx12:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dev-c++ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:36
dwbrtanath, so is emerald still used with compiz fusion?12:36
tanathdwbr, yes12:36
abyssanyone know if a dev-c++ package is aviable on ubuntu ff?12:36
cosmodadPanicByte: what's that?12:37
dwbrtanath, cool. I will go look at some docs for installing compiz. Thanks!12:37
PanicByteabyss, i think monodevelop might work for you12:37
dho_ragusjmesquita: i'm not speaking from linux experience here, but HP multifunction printers have print servers built in.12:37
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dho_ragusjmesquita: *most hp....12:37
PanicBytecosmodad, it's a documentary entitled "The Great Global Warming Swindle"12:37
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jmesquitadho_ragus: Yeah, mine is the really low-end one12:37
tanathbokl, hit ALT+F2, to get the run dialog, and start typing epiphany and see if it comes up...12:37
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jmesquitadho_ragus: Has nothing but an USB port12:37
tomernot sure if you have the right syuntax12:37
dho_ragusjmesquita: ah.  you can't hook it directly to your linux box?12:37
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jmesquitadho_ragus: Lame, I know. But I do live in Brazil. Those things get quite expensive12:37
KopfgeldjaegerGood night and bye12:37
boklno, no epiphany12:37
dho_ragusjmesquita: nah, hardware is hardware, we work with what we got. :)12:38
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jmesquitadho_ragus: I can, but I want to connect it to my wireless network router12:38
nickrudjmesquita, hp provides drivers that are built by ubuntu; search http://www.linuxprinting.org/printer_list.cgi?make=HP12:38
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dho_ragusjmesquita: right, but what i mean is do you have a stationary machine that you can connect it to and use the machine for a print server?12:38
jmesquitanickrud: But this is for installing locally, right?12:38
tanathbokl, strange. did you install ubuntu yourself? how was it installed?12:38
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cosmodadPanicByte: you want me to provide you a link with "An Incovenience Truth"?12:38
jvaijmesquita, i bought an hp photosmart c4280, that ubuntu didnt have drivers for, so i gogled for the CUPS version of them, but still, no scanner config fore me12:38
cosmodadPanicByte: inconvenient even12:38
jmesquitadho_ragus: No, I have a mac (notebook) and a Dell laptop running Ubuntu12:39
PanicBytecosmodad, i've seen it12:39
jmesquitajvai: Uh! That sux12:39
jtui used to be able to play dvds in my cd/dvd combo drive, but now i can't. i can still play cds. has anyone else had this problem?12:39
mjancaitisI need to find the text version of my startup programs for gdm, who knows where it is?12:39
dho_ragusjmesquita: i had terrible experience with the buffalo print servers.... i recommend staying away from them.  the airport express was good, but you'd need os x or windows for that.12:39
floresc7Anyone? Clonezilla and DRBL experience?12:39
tanathbokl, if epiphany is missing, i wonder what else is missing, and if that's causing your problems12:39
bokltanath: yes, from the standard cd... are you positive I need epiphany for my problem with .url files?12:39
phenombokl: what browser do you want to open when welecting .html files and the like?12:39
nickrudjmesquita, if you have only a usb port, you'll need a computer with a server on it, unless I'm missing something from your posts.12:39
scipiotanath, isn't epiphany optional? at least that's what ubotu says12:40
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nickrudmjancaitis, /etc/gdm/gdm.conf12:40
Aishiko_I'm wondering where the drivers would be hidden in the file system?12:40
cosmodadPanicByte: you might wanna consider seeing it *again*12:40
tanathbokl, it's the standard browser that comes with gnome. i'm trying to determine if it's a nautilus/gnome prob, or a firefox prob12:40
PanicBytecosmodad, al gore is a hypocrit, he tells us not to drive an SUV, then he flys around on his private jet12:40
boklphenom: ?12:40
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phenomnm I'm lost.12:40
tanathscipio, i thought it was in a standard install??12:40
mjancaitisThat's where the startups are listed too?12:40
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phenomepiphany was not installed on my ubuntu base install.12:40
bokltanath: ok. But can you open .url files without problems then?12:40
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TigranHi, once I login my desktop icons dissapear and it freezes....how can I fix this?12:40
jmesquitanickrud: Thats what I want. A print server supported by Mac OS X and Linux Ubuntu for the HP C3180 Photosmart printer12:40
abyssany coder out there? if tell me what your favourit ide for coding c/cpp!12:41
tanathbokl, i went to check, but i don't have any .url files...12:41
Tigranabyss, eclipse12:41
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tanathphenom, hunh, ok. good to know12:41
scipiotanath, i think they changed it in feisty. not 100% sure though12:41
boklits windows .url files... plaintext files...12:41
dho_ragusabyss: most of my guys use eclipse12:41
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jtui used to be able to play dvds in my cd/dvd combo drive, but now i can't. i can still play cds. has anyone else had this problem? i'm using feisty12:41
tanathbokl, simple enough to make one then... hold on12:41
kristofermine is the last post there.. but my custom screen resolution won't even show up in System->Preferences->Screen Resolution http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=420185&page=4 again my post is the last one12:41
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ph4mp573rabyss: I don't do much C, but both Eclipse and Komodo are VERY good12:41
Tigrandho_ragus, my pc freezes once i login and desktop icons dissapear12:42
Chinaski1hello i have problems with Azureus12:42
dho_ragus!dvd | jtu12:42
ubotujtu: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs12:42
Chinaski1may i post my output?12:42
kristoferabyss, check out scribes12:42
Pici!paste | Chinaski112:42
ubotuChinaski1: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:42
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kristoferabyss, it's textmate-ish12:42
dho_ragusTigran: have you tried a different window manager at login?12:42
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kristoferabyss, many coders are fond of scite too12:43
tanathbokl, ok, i set it to open in firefox, and firefox is asking me what to do with it, lol12:43
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[diablo] Hi and good evening12:43
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[Exodus_Ciruit] allo'12:44
Chinaski1ok but first i nee a tip wher to find a log file, because is stated in output: # An error report file with more information is saved as hs_err_pid10294.log12:44
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[diablo] does anyone know why vncviewer screws up the mouse x/y offset and also does not work with spanish keyboard please?12:44
bokltanath: found this now... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281123&page=2 maybe its an unsolved problem ? Seems weird though... its just a plaintext with a URL to extract12:44
mjancaitisCan somebody help me with the pastebin? I'm trying to show what my gdm.conf-custom looks like and it thinks it's spam12:44
tanathbokl, nothing but a url in it?12:44
dho_ragusTigran: also, you could try booting to single user mode, then reconfiguring your window manager or your .... phone call12:44
Tigrandho_ragus: seems like its working now..eh hate this kinda random problems12:44
jtuubotu: that did the trick. thanks man12:44
tanathbokl, i seem to remember windows url shortcuts having []  around them or something12:44
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[Exodus_Ciruit] how do i downlaod a KDE gui for my navi12:44
abyssHow i link the libs for SLD in eclipse?12:45
Tigranjtu: ubotu is a bot lol12:45
jtuTigran: a very useful one it seems12:45
[Exodus_Ciruit] computer12:45
tanath[Exodus_Ciruit] , sudo aptitude install kde12:45
boklyes, sorry, theres a [InternetShortcut]  on the first line... se link above12:45
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jtudho_ragus: thanks12:45
cosmodadubotu finally passed the Turing test :)12:45
Chinaski1done done12:45
tanath[Exodus_Ciruit] , or use synaptic12:45
jvaiwill, 8.04 be the sccessor to 6.06 lts?12:45
tanath[Exodus_Ciruit] , (the add/remove thingy)12:46
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jtucosmodad: even with a name like that. lol12:46
Explosifhey all, is there an application i can use to browse samba shares on my network?12:46
PriceChildExplosif, nautilus12:46
cosmodadjtu: it should run for president!12:46
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jtucosmodad: it would have as much a chance as dubya12:46
tanathcosmodad, hell no... might win :P12:46
mjancaitisHey guys - right now my feisty refuses to get to the login screen; it boots and loads correctly, but right before it gets to the login, I get a black screen and the "thinking" spinning cursor; my gdm.conf-custom file's tags are pasted here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35320/; this happened after I had a lot of trouble with VMware, anybody know what I can do about it?12:46
[Exodus_Ciruit] thanx tanath12:47
mjancaitis(Dubya has no chance at all this year, thank God)12:47
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jtumjancaitis: he's tenacious12:47
mjancaitisLike a bulldog... or a monkey.... a bullkey?12:48
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tanathubotu, what do we do about the oil situation? "Sorry, I don't know anything about the oil situation- try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi" :P12:48
ExplosifPriceChild, thanks that worked great!12:48
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cosmodadis there a ubuntu-social or somilar channel?12:48
cosmodadsimilar even12:48
PriceChild!offtopic | cosmodad12:48
ubotucosmodad: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:48
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bokltanath: found another page on the .url problem... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=324517 trying to follow that instruction now... But again, since it works when dragged onto firefox I just need som way to force ubuntu to open it with firefox!12:48
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tanathbokl, i dunno if that'll help. i got it to open in firefox just fine, but it just asks me what to do with it12:49
jtuhas anyone here watched se7en successfully with ubuntu?12:49
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mjancaitisAnyway, I do actually have an issue :( :right now my feisty refuses to get to the login screen; it boots and loads correctly, but right before it gets to the login, I get a black screen and the "thinking" spinning cursor; my gdm.conf-custom file's tags are pasted here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35320/; this happened after I had a lot of trouble with VMware, anybody know what I can do about it?12:49
matthewgialichi need to tranpher files to a external drive, but when i try to it says i do not have permission? how do i get around this12:49
T-ConnectAnyone got this to work? VirtualBox?12:49
tanathjtu, watched plenty of other dvds with it...12:50
T-ConnectI can't get that to work.12:50
Chinaski1Pici: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35321/12:50
tanathjtu, i find VLC the best for that12:50
Polygon89hey, does anyone know the commands that make it so that sudo applications share the same theme as your regular ones? its something like sudo ln -s /home/whatever/.themes /root/.themes ...12:50
bokltanath: I set firefox to always open it or something like that... after that, dragging and dropping it there loads the URL12:50
jtutanath: same here, but se7en seems to be getting me12:50
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jtutanath: it's not even recognizing the disk12:50
boklits doubleclicking it that gives problems12:50
matthewgialichcan someone help me plaese, i need to knw how to gtthe files to move?12:50
jmesquitaGuys, does the IPP protocol support scanning?12:50
tanathjtu, maybe it's scratched, or you got dust in your drive12:50
matthewgialichto the external drive12:50
luisbganybody knows a program to edit pdf's? or transcode them to editable formats like OpenDoc?12:50
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tanathjtu, see if any others still work12:50
jtutanath: i'm able to get other dvds playing now12:51
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henghaanyone can give me some tutorial on configuring Nvidia MX/MMX 40 with TV-Out under dapper ? basically I need to tweak its TV-out feature12:51
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PiciChinaski1: Yikes.  Are you completely opposed to using any other torrent client? I've heard of many users with similar issues.12:51
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vashey how do I install themes for Gnome GTK 2.x that I just downloaded off gnome-look.org???12:51
cosmodad!tvout | hengha12:51
ubotuhengha: For help with enabling the TV-Out, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaTVOutNewbieEdition (Nvidia cards) or http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Tvout (ATI cards, *untested*)12:51
Pici!changethemes | vas12:51
ubotuvas: To change your themes, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu users should visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu.12:51
lgc_hengha, 'man xrandr'.12:51
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vaspici thnx12:51
jtutanath: it probably is broken.  i did try playing it in another player and it wasn't recognized there either12:51
tanathbokl, hrm, even dragging & dropping my .url makes firefox ask me what to do with it, so maybe you're right12:51
s17encewhen do "su" in a term, it doesn't accept my root password but i've use this same password to install programs through a terminal, when updating ubuntu, etc.12:51
T-ConnectIs there any good virtual machine that doesn't have any problems?12:51
henghathanks, checking it now12:51
nj786hey can anybody help me out on my printer problems?12:51
s17enceand i dont know why12:51
Pici!sudo | s17ence12:52
ubotus17ence: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:52
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jvaii'm having a tyme getting gnomebaker to work on my SATA drive, i'm always resorting to nautilus for the burns12:52
jtuubotu has all the answers, maybe it knows what we should do with iraq12:52
abyssundefined reference to `SDL_Init' <---- How i link the SDL libs to project in eclipse?12:52
tanathjtu, yeh. sounds like a disc prob. try toothpase? ;)12:52
jtutanath: toothpaste?! never heard of that one12:52
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vontuxis there a reason why Windows XP and Ubuntu 7.04 throw off each other's system clocks?12:52
bokltanath: firefox asked that the first time, then i set it to always open or something like that... but ubuntu itself cant handle it12:52
tanathjtu, yeh, fills in little cracks. you put a bit of toothpaste on it, and wipe it off, going from center outwards12:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about iraq - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:53
s17encethanks pici12:53
jtu!iraq | jtu12:53
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ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...12:53
TerraMasterHA! beat you12:53
TerraMasteroops XD12:53
TerraMasterhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35322/ Please read and help me (details inside)12:53
=== ward_ [n=ward@114.226-66-87.adsl-static.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
SpudDoggs17ence: all you have to do is go 'sudo su', use your pass, then once logged in as root just 'passwd' to set a new pass12:53
jtutanath: that works?12:53
Namechello there everyone! :)12:53
nickrudjmesquita, according to http://hplip.sourceforge.net/supported_devices/inkjet_aio.html your printer/scanner is supported by hplip, and sane; and http://penguin-breeder.org/sane/saned/ explains how to scan over the network12:53
tanathbokl, sounds weird.12:53
jtutanath: i'll give it a shot, but it sounds gimmicky12:53
tanathjtu, sometimes. it's worked for me a few times12:53
vontuxis there a reason why Ubuntu 7.04 and Windows XP seem to throw off each other's system clocks?12:53
jtutanath: any specific brand? i use colgate12:54
T-ConnectIs there a new VMWare build that is in deb?12:54
PiciSpudDogg: s17ence Its much better to do sudo -i than sudo su.  the latter sets up some environment variables oddly.12:54
mjancaitisGoogle, vontux: I had that issue before and can't remember what I did to fix it, but there is one12:54
jtutanath: might the baking soda scratch the disk?12:54
tanathjtu, there are kits you can but that basically do the same thing, but toothpaste is cheaper. :) i think i saw it on lifehacker12:54
boklthe solution here ( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=324517 ) doesnt work for me either... Or it works when I right click a .url, "open with other", custom command, and enter the .sh path ... but when I associate that exact same path to the filetype it just gives the warning window...12:54
cosmodadvontux: Windows doesn't like UTC IIRC12:54
tanathjtu, shouldn't matter12:54
cosmodadvontux: you need to set it to local clocks12:54
jvaivontux, it's the way xp sets up time , it isnt right.. i read a link about it some time ago12:54
jtutanath: ok, here goes nothin12:54
tanathjtu, don't think i've heard of using baking soda... i wouldn't use a powder12:54
TerraMasterhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35322/ Please read and help me (details inside)12:54
tanathjtu, lol :D12:54
SpudDoggPici: really?  i never had a problem with it, but next time i will do that12:55
vontuxmjancaitis: thx, I'm just glad to know that there is a solution to google for ;)12:55
mjancaitisnp bucko12:55
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Explosifanyone have any luck using madwifi on 7.04?12:55
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jtutanath: i'm referring to toothpaste with added baking soda12:55
Chinaski1ok i'll try gtorrent , it has the multiple download feature that i was looking for12:55
=== RoboticTao [n=clearzen@c-67-172-249-29.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nameccan anybody help me with asus167g wifi config?12:55
GInwhen moving a window around, the cpu load is 90%. is t his normal on Ubunbtu?12:55
jtutanath: for an extra white polish12:55
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tanathjtu, well, if it's not in powdered form, how would it scratch it?12:55
tanathjtu, that should help actually12:55
nickrudvontux, /etc/default/rcS , set UTC to no12:55
ExplosifGIn, do you have the desktop effects turned on?12:55
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boklis there no way to just bypass the warning ubuntu keeps throwing at me? To force Firefox to open the .url files?12:55
tanathjtu, you just need the light reflected back12:55
jtutanath: baking soda is still abrasive when it's wet12:56
GInExplosif, nope,12:56
TerraMasterhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35322/ Please read and help me (details inside also see the post correction thing for easy readings)12:56
tanathjtu, hrm, well, don't wipe too hard then :P12:56
=== whitespace [n=brycehou@75-134-219-42.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
mjancaitisnickrud, issues with login: right now my feisty refuses to get to the login screen; it boots and loads correctly, but right before it gets to the login, I get a black screen and the "thinking" spinning cursor; my gdm.conf-custom file's tags are pasted here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35320/; this happened after I had a lot of trouble with VMware, anybody know what I can do about it?12:56
jtutanath: well, it can't damage it much more12:56
tanathjtu, just make sure to go from center outwards12:56
RoboticTaoHow can you execute a command via ssh and have it continue to run after the ssh session has been closed?12:56
lnxmomohey, i am tying to get some 3d acceleration effects on my desktop, however, i dont want to use compiz or beryl, what options do i have?12:56
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macdRoboticTao, 'ssh host command &'12:56
tanathjtu, least chance of damaging it that way12:56
jtutanath: around in circles?12:56
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tanathjtu, no12:56
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jtutanath: straight strokes?12:56
jtuthis sounds dirty12:57
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tanathjtu, do not go in circles. straight from center out...12:57
TJ__how do i install video codecs using sudo command?12:57
Exitonok one more try, mabe someone new logged on.  Im haveing a problem with ubuntu server.  Im running Apache2 and OpenSSH and the servers will only receive connections when im activly browsing the internet on the server machine.  If i let the server run idle for a length of time people stop being able to connect to it.  Any ideas?12:57
mjancaitisjtu - out from the center to the edge12:57
TJ__i know its sudo apt-get install12:57
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phenomHas anyone heard of a proven method to stream video throughout your LAN or WAN, as is possible with audio via: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/145  ?12:57
TJ__but i dunno what the codecs names i needa install are called12:57
tanathjtu, it reads in circles, so you don't want a big streak along where it's trying to read12:57
jmesquitanickrud: Let me take a look at that. Thanks12:57
scorpkingRoboticTao: or use screen on the server12:57
phenomUsing netcat or the like.12:57
Pici!seveas | TJ__12:57
ubotuTJ__: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages12:57
jmesquitanickrud: Yes, but this still need an actual server connected to it12:57
lgc_How can I reconfigure my startup at the point where it looks for RAIDs? I remember it was the default option during the Feisty install, but it is the wrong one in my case and it keeps looking for it.12:58
PiciTJ__: w32codecs, which is probably what you want, is in that repo.12:58
nickrudjmesquita, yes.12:58
macdphenom, there are a multitude of streaming servers for linux, apple makes a nice one, and its multicast (so everyone can access it simultaneously)12:58
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boklcan I somehow access the "properties > open with " in some other configuration tool (a .conf or something like that) that allows for more options than the gui?12:58
tanathjtu, so when you're done, use a little water & wipe it all clean, then dry it completely, and try again12:58
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jmesquitanickrud: I am looking at buying an inexpensive printer server (appliance) and connecting to my wireless router12:58
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tanathjtu, use something soft12:58
macdphenom, http://developer.apple.com/opensource/server/streaming/index.html12:58
jtutanath: i'm using soft tissue12:58
macdworks on linux fyi12:58
tanathjtu, like a fuzzy cloth12:58
cosmodad!medibuntu | TJ__12:58
ubotuTJ__: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org12:58
nickrudjmesquita, pick up a garbaged pII and put ubuntu server on it. Cheaper12:58
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kshahcommand line cmd for the active processes? i need to kill mysql, it just crapped itself12:58
TJ__Pici, do i just use sudo apt-get install seveas ?12:59
cosmodadTJ__: medibuntu's got w32codecs if you need that (under 7.04)12:59
tanathjtu, erm, papery stuff might not be the best idea. a facecloth would be better12:59
jtutanath: and the toothpaste is crest extra whitening. maybe that will help it shine12:59
TerraMaster http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35322/ Please read and help me (details inside also see the post correction thing for easy readings)12:59
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nj786im getting really pissed becuase my darn printer prints out TRASH12:59
phenommacd: Thank's. I'm glad one doesnt have to have up nc to do such :) thanks.12:59
nickrudmjancaitis, neither do I ;)12:59
nj786can anybody help me?12:59
jmesquitanickrud: Problem is I don't have the server and space for that12:59
phenomhave to "hack up"12:59
GInit seems flash in firefox is huging the cpu. :(12:59
GIndamn flash12:59
scorpkingkshah: top12:59
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org01:00
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jmesquitanickrud: Old computer are a hassle for the wife and for space01:00
macdphenom, I assure you, you will love darwin streaming server (it even streams to Nintendo Wii)01:00
tanathjtu, oh, i just remembered something. i heard varnish (i think?) works better. if you have it, and this doesn't work, try that01:00
jmesquitanickrud: 2 things really expensive in Brazil01:00
kshahscorpking: input / output error, same for lspci01:00
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TJ__is medibuntu a player ?01:00
jmesquitanickrud: The wife and the space! :)01:00
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jtutanath: now that just sounds insane01:00
mjancaitisI hate spamming :( Hey guys - right now my feisty refuses to get to the login screen; it boots and loads correctly, but right before it gets to the login, I get a black screen and the "thinking" spinning cursor; my gdm.conf-custom file's tags are pasted here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35320/; this happened after I had a lot of trouble with VMware, anybody know what I can do about it?01:00
ward_how do i completely remove a installed source? i did sudo make uninstall and apperantly some files stayed behind01:00
scorpkingkshah: if you run it as root?01:00
PiciTJ__: follow the instructions on either the medibuntu site or the seveas site to get the codecs packages.01:00
nickrudjmesquita, 2nd is a show-stopper, yes :)01:00
cosmodadTJ__: it's a repository, a collection of packages01:00
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tanathjtu, more insane that toothpase?! ;p01:01
thedashanybody know why the mail-notification plugin for evolution doesn't correctly load the folder it starts in ?01:01
cosmodad!repository | TJ__01:01
ubotuTJ__: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource01:01
mjancaitisward: sudo apt-get autoremove <name>01:01
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TJ__thanks guys01:01
kshahscorpking: unable to execute /usr/bin/top: Input/output error01:01
lgc_RAID help?01:01
jtutanath: well, toothpaste you can get off with water. varnish?01:01
scorpkingkshah: might be your hard drive. run dmesg | tail.01:01
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Picicosmodad: read what ubotu said above.01:01
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tanathjtu, whatever that stuff is you use to polish furniture01:01
ward_i unisntalled a program because the GUI accidentally got deformed, so i reinstalled the prog and i have the same problem01:01
jmesquitanickrud: Yeah, that's why I was looking at buying a small device that would fit any shelf01:01
TerraMaster http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35322/ Please read and help me (details inside also see the post correction thing for easy readings)01:01
tanathjtu, not varnish?01:02
jtutanath: what about glass cleaner?01:02
cosmodadPici: surely not, I'm aware of its contents :)01:02
kshahscorpking: maybe, dmesg didn't work either01:02
tanathjtu, no, it needs to be something thick that leaves a residue behind01:02
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kshahscorpking: command to get available space?01:02
ward_how can i remove a installed source please? sudo make uninstall didnt delete some config files (and i don't know where i can manually delete them)01:02
Picicosmodad: Er, my bad. Sorry.01:02
lgc_RAID help?01:02
cosmodadPici: np01:02
scorpkingkshah: mount or df01:02
jtutanath: my fingers do that01:02
tanathjtu, there's something that's meant for polishing that leaves a clear layer on stuff01:02
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mjancaitisward: sudo apt-get autoremove <name>01:02
tanathjtu, lol01:02
luisbganybody knows a program to edit pdf's?01:02
scorpkingkshah: lol, not mount.01:03
tanathluisbg, open office01:03
luisbgtanath, doesn't do the trick01:03
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phenomAple requires Authentication for dl of their streaming server :/ Blasphemy!01:03
tanathluisbg, why not?01:03
kshahscorpking: yeah I knew that was a type, but df shows that i have massively unused space01:03
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luisbgtanath, openoffice exports to pdf but if I open one it goes crazy01:03
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kshahscorpking: /dev/sda1 Use 4%01:03
phenomAple :P Apple even.01:03
TerraMaster http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35322/ Please read and help me! (details inside also see the post correction thing for easy readings)01:03
TJ__hey guys so i just run this command?01:03
TJ__sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update01:03
tanathluisbg, odd... define 'crazy' :P01:03
scorpkingkshah: if you are out of space it will say read only fs or something.01:03
luisbgtanath, I see the code of the pdf01:04
lgc_RAID help? Anyone? Gee whiz!01:04
cosmodadluisbg: there's one to add text to PS files (which you can PDFs to), but it's not very sophisticated01:04
nj786can ANYBODY tell me why my printer is printing out TRASH?01:04
scorpkingkshah: try touch filename01:04
cosmodadluisbg: it's called flpsed. Don't expect to much though, it's really simple01:04
kshahsudo touch filename -- bus error01:04
neverbluenj786, has it worked before?01:04
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jtutanath: i think i scratched it even more with the tissue01:05
luisbgcosmodad, gonna try01:05
tanathjtu, more toothpaste? :P01:05
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cosmodadluisbg: you can convert pdf to ps with pdf2ps01:05
scorpkingkshah: check ur hd and cables. does not sound good. if u need to recover use dd_rescue01:05
nj786neverblue, not properly01:05
neverbluenj786, but it has worked?01:05
jtujtu: it's very soft tissue. maybe the baking soda is what did the damage01:05
cosmodadluisbg: flpsed supports direct exporting to PDF, though01:05
nj786neverblue, yes01:05
neverbluenj786, then you have the correct drivers, I imagine01:05
TJ__cosmodad after i run these commands in terminals i should have video codecs?01:06
jtutanath: oh well, back to netflix it goes01:06
neverbluenj786, can you try and print from command line, and see if you get successful output?01:06
nj786neverblue, yes but why is it printing out trash?01:06
cosmodadTJ__: you will have most common01:06
nj786neverblue, command line?01:06
neverbluenj786, im sorry I cannot reply to that question until we try a few things01:06
TJ__ahhh okay should work then01:06
cosmodadTJ__: if it's the ones you need depends on the videos you're you'd like to watch01:07
tanathjtu, no polishing stuff? there are resurfacers you could try01:07
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jtuit's ok01:07
jtui'll just reorder01:07
jtuthanks for all the help guys01:07
nj786neverblue: ok, what do i do?01:07
neverbluenj786, yes, in linux, all operations can be done via the command line, and its great for debugging :)01:07
tanathjtu, oh well, i tried01:07
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TerraMaster http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35322/ Please read and help me (details inside also see the post correction thing for easy readings)01:07
=== N3bunel vam }{ si nopate buna all
neverbluenj786, i believe I gave instructions, print something from command line and see if its the output if should be01:08
tanathluisbg, hrm, i just tried opening a pdf in openoffice, and it's hung on me :-/01:08
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nj786neverblue: i don understand what a command line is01:08
kshahscorpking: command to restart the server remotely?01:08
neverbluenj786, heard the term shell, command line, cli ?01:08
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nj786neverblue, nope01:09
tanathnj786, there's a program used to enter commands, like the old DOS on windows01:09
neverbluenj786, are you using ubuntu ?01:09
luisbgtanath, :( sorry01:09
nj786neverblue, lol oh u mean terminal lol01:09
scorpkingkshah: you might not get back in. sudo init 601:09
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dho_raguswell, this is ubuntu?, linux for human beings?01:09
tanathnj786, go to Applications > Accessories > Terminal01:09
dho_ragusnot everybody should have to use the CLI...01:09
shamdotcomanyone here ever have trouble with rhytmbox and discovering daap servers?01:09
cosmodadis there a list of packages of the seveas rep somewhere?01:09
nj786yes i know01:09
neverbluedho_ragus, 'have to use', no thats obvious, is it helpful, you bet01:10
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tanathdho_ragus, it's good to have though01:10
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nj786neverblue, ok what do i type in the command line?01:10
PanicBytedoes anyone know what LM and NOLM mean (not lan manager, something to do with hard drives)01:10
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neverbluenj786, thats for you to find out yourself01:10
neverbluenj786, i dont have time to spoonfeed01:10
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nj786neverblue, lol im soo confused  i mean i dont know what to type i dont even know what my problem is01:11
dho_ragustanath, neverblue: definitely good to have, and i don't like that the terminal isn't in the task bar thing by default, but then i mostly run my linux boxes headless.  my mom, however......01:11
tanathnj786, what _is_ the problem?01:11
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neverbluegood luck tanath01:11
nj786tanath: my printer is printing garbage01:11
cosmodadnj786: what's the symptoms?01:11
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tanathneverblue, heh01:11
TerraMaster http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35322/ Please read and help me (details inside also see the post correction thing for easy readings)01:11
PanicByteoh, LM means laptop mode, lol01:11
nj786cosmodad:  my printer is printing garbage01:11
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TerraMasterdo you have wireless?01:12
tanathdho_ragus, what do you mean? no shortcut on the top panel? just drag it there from the menu01:12
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leonardoi need some help with installing wine01:12
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dho_ragustanath: yeah, i know how to open a terminal or add it to the menu.  i just wish it was default.01:12
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perequi me suce la bite ?01:12
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tanathdho_ragus, meh. make your own distro :P01:12
tanathdho_ragus, you can call it 'dhubuntu' :P01:13
dho_ragustanath: actually i began using a mac with quicksilver as my gui, linux is mostly done through CLI now, or Xnest when needed.01:13
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foo25Anyone have any experience with Beryl? I have a tiny hitch =P01:13
cosmodad!fr | pere01:13
ubotupere: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:13
cosmodad!es | pere01:13
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ubotupere: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:13
tanathfoo25, beryl is dead. it's compiz fusion now01:13
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:13
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foo25I know...01:13
foo25I just don't feel like changing01:14
foo25I should01:14
Pici!effects | foo2501:14
ubotufoo25: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects01:14
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tanathfoo25, CF is better. more plugins & more stable01:14
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Namecqualcuno pu aiutarmi con WPA+ASUS167g wifi usb?01:14
foo25Are there any guides for a quick set up? I would also need to remove Beryl01:14
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luisbgcosmodad, not working01:14
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peremerci ubotu01:14
luisbganybody knows a program to edit pdf's?01:14
cosmodadluisbg: what's not working?01:14
foo25Thanks Pici01:15
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scipio!it | Namec01:15
ubotuNamec: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:15
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luisbgcosmodad, it stalls at opening... just hangs there01:15
andrewfashionhow is everyone :)01:15
tanathluisbg, apparently you can edit them with gimp01:15
cosmodadluisbg: you converted to PS before?01:15
Namecok scusa ho visto che avevi risposto in ita e mi sono permesso ;)01:15
andrewfashioni was hoping somebody can help me a bit =] , i am having some issues installing NVIDIA drivers =[01:15
cosmodadtanath: apart from brushing over PDFs you mean?01:15
tanathfoo25, yeh: http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthread.php?t=101201:15
luisbgcosmodad, no01:15
tanathcosmodad, dunno. saw it here:01:16
andrewfashioni keep getting an error from the nvidia drivers about not having libc headers installed or something01:16
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maxagazWhat's the name of the best firefox extension for developper, I forgot...01:16
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tanathcosmodad, dunno. saw it here: http://www.wikihow.com/Edit-PDF-Files-in-Linux01:16
cosmodadluisbg: apparently, you did not read what I said before01:16
neverblue!nvidia | Andrew6701:16
ubotuAndrew67: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:16
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luisbgcosmodad, :( can you explain yourself01:16
tanathcosmodad, you can do text in gimp too01:16
neverbluesorry, that was for you andrewfashion01:16
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andrewfashionoh okay, thanks01:16
cosmodadtanath: I didn't know gimp would open PDFs. nice01:17
andrewfashionwill this solve my libc problem?01:17
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cosmodadluisbg: either use pdf2ps on the file before opening it with flpsed OR follow the link tanath provided me with above01:18
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cosmodadluisbg: tanath link is the gimp approachj01:18
kbuntuhello, i want to enable Desktop Effect.. but it gives me the following error "Desktop effects could not be be enabled"01:18
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xIkeis there a way to add a "open terminal here" command either to my contextual menu, or somehow to the file manager01:18
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tanathxIke, there is...01:19
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xIketanath: sweet, how? :P01:19
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tanathxIke, looking it up01:19
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tanathxIke, you add this to your userscripts in nautilus: http://g-scripts.sourceforge.net/nautilus-scripts/Execute/Open%20terminal/Open%20Terminal%20Here01:19
KlrSpz_hey guys, any idea why xubuntu would be lagging when playing videos via mplayer? filesystems are ntfs and ext3, both lag out (both partitions are brand new so there's 0 fragmentation); comps specs are amd64x2 4800, 2gb ram, 320gb sata01:20
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tanathxIke, one sec..01:20
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dho_ragusKlrSpz_: are you downloading stuff over the network too?  i heard there's a problem with listening to audio and using the network at the same time01:20
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dho_ragusKlrSpz_: haha, just kidding, that's Vista?01:20
leonardocan someone help me??01:20
cosmodadKlrSpz_: possibly some audio problem... does it play smoothly with mplayer -nosound ?01:20
tanathxIke, sudo aptitude install nautilus-open-terminal01:21
KlrSpz_dho_ragus: well i notie when i AM downloading, it does lag more, but when i stop the downloads, it still lags out every 10-15 seconds for about 1/3 to 1/2 a second01:21
tanathxIke, :D01:21
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cosmodad!ask | leonardo01:21
KlrSpz_cosmodad, i'll have to try that01:21
ubotuleonardo: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:21
JamesinatorHello, when I try to start the apache2 daemon I get this error: "apache2: bad user name www-data". Help, please?01:21
KlrSpz_cosmodad, if that IS the case, what's the solution?01:21
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cosmodadKlrSpz_: then you probably just need a decent alsa configuration file01:21
xIketanath: very nice.  thanks01:21
KlrSpz_Jamesinator, add the user or change the user_id in your conf file01:21
tanathxIke, np01:21
JamesinatorKlrSpz_: How would I add that user?01:22
kbuntuHelp! Can't make Desktop Effects word! Please01:22
dho_ragusJamesinator: did you delete the www-data user from your system?01:22
KlrSpz_cosmodad, hmm.. ok... i'll have to bug you more about that later, i'm in windows (ugh) for some minor work01:22
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KlrSpz_Jamesinator, man useradd01:22
Jamesinatordho_ragus: I have no idea what went wrong, it was working previously01:22
leonardohow to install wine on the 64 bit ubuntu??01:22
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cosmodadKlrSpz_: fine with me01:22
xIketanath: gack, it says "couldn't lock list dir"  I'm running this as root...  ??01:22
JamesinatorKlrSpz_: It prompts me for a password and other stuff -- I don't know what Apache expects for it01:22
cosmodadJamesinator: better adduser01:22
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tanathxIke, make sure you don't have synaptic running while running it01:23
dho_ragusJamesinator: you should try doing `sudo dpkg-reconfigure apache2`...01:23
cornellEvening all...   Any opinions about a good money manager (well, mostly checkbook) application for Ubuntu?   Is kMyMoney as good as it gets?  (Opensource)01:23
tanathxIke, if you do, just install it from synaptic01:23
nj786cosmodad: can you help01:23
andrewfashioncan anybody help me, i know this sounds dumb, but i am trying to install nvidia drivers, i just followed the help file01:23
cosmodadnj786: no, sorry01:23
dho_ragusJamesinator: i think that's the right command.  basically what that's saying is the www-data user doesn't exist, but it should've been created during install of apache.01:23
xIketanath: yeah, this is it.  no package manager running.  I'll try synaptic though, thanks01:23
andrewfashionim on a 30" monitor, and i cant seem to get the max resolution01:23
Jamesinatordho_ragus: Thanks, I'll try that01:23
andrewfashionit worked on fedora core 6 though01:23
nj786tanath: can you help?01:23
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:23
tracercornell have u tried gnucash?01:23
tanathnj786, printer prob right?01:24
nj786tanath: yes01:24
dho_ragusJamesinator: worst case you can add the user yourself then `chown -R www-data` on your web directory01:24
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tanathnj786, only thing that comes to mind is a driver problem01:24
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tanathnj786, make sure you're using the right driver01:24
nj786tanath: i dono why it prints our garbage i mean it prints out half of the line01:24
Jamesinatordho_ragus: Yes, but it prompts me for a password and other stuff, so I don't know what Apache expects me to give it01:24
cornellNo, tracer ... I've tried kMyMoney and wasn't impressed with downloading/importing qif... I tended to get dups.  You like gnucash?01:24
leonardohow to install winehq on the 64 bit of ubuntu01:24
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scorpkingcornell: turbocash runs on wine but i don't think that's what ur looking for. :)01:25
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dho_ragusJamesinator: yeah, that's why i recommend the dpkg-reconfigure option.  not sure if the package is "apache2" or something else01:25
reallyjoelHelp, I did a boo-boo. I stole from one partition to create a new, and now I messed up both Grub and the whole linux installation. I dont mind formatting my linux partition and make a new install, but I need to save a couple of files first..01:25
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Jamesinatordho_ragus: I just did the reconfigure command... It returned nothing and it didn't fix the problem01:25
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cosmodadanyone has any idea why I can run amarok remotely on my ubuntu server just fine with one user while with the other user the window hangs indefinitely after the wizard?01:25
cosmodads/the other/another/01:26
p0sshi there :D01:26
dho_ragusJamesinator: try it with apache2.2-common instead of apache201:26
tracerhad it recommended to me but huvnae had the time to get into it much, i have a pretty good excel sheet setup n it'l take a lot to move away from that01:26
cornellI understand that quicken runs on wine  too, scorpking, but I've not done wine and am not certain I want to open another "can o worms"01:26
tanathcosmodad, likely some kind of ownership/permissions prob01:26
p0ssso im finally doin it! after years of consideration i am finally installing linux :D01:26
phenomandrewfashion: Sounds like an x config problem, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:26
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mjancaitisHey guys - right now my feisty refuses to get to the login screen; it boots and loads correctly, but right before it gets to the login, I get a black screen and the "thinking" spinning cursor; my gdm.conf-custom file's tags are pasted here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35320/; this happened after I had a lot of trouble with VMware, anybody know what I can do about it?01:26
dho_ragusp0ss: awesome. :D01:26
Jamesinatordho_ragus: Lol. james@james-ubuntu:/home$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure apache2.2-common returns: chown: `www-data': invalid user01:26
reallyjoelp0ss : nice one01:26
cosmodadtanath: where? even if I skip the wizard and keep it unconfigured, it hangs01:26
dho_ragusJamesinator: LOL01:26
tanathp0ss, now's a better time than before :P01:26
cosmodadtanath: and the other user's $HOME perms are fine01:26
boklok, i asked running .url files (like .desktop URL files but made in Windows) earlier... Found this thread... Can someone help me through the steps there? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49513101:27
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kanhhi have a Packard Bell USB WiPen 802.11b/g and I cant get it working...it seems it cant authenticate to the router01:27
tanathcosmodad, is your other user in the audio group?01:27
Jamesinatordho_ragus: I might just end up having to do a sudo dpkg --purge apache2 and rewrite my httpd.conf01:27
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scorpkingcornell: mmm... i don't know of any other programs u can try.01:27
p0ssI am feeling fairly lost, i was wondering if i could ask a couple of questions01:27
randy026I switched my screen res to 1440 X 900 and gnome looks fine but the fonts in firefox are so tiny its unreadable! How do I fix this?01:27
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dho_ragusJamesinator: back up your conf before you undelete it01:27
reallyjoelp0ss just ask01:27
vashey i write PHP alot, and what is a DEAD SIMPLE text editor that will display PHP easily... I want it to have some sort of code completion features01:27
cosmodadtanath: no, he isn't. I'll try that01:27
dho_ragusor just add the user to /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow01:27
p0ssi should read the faq, but windows is severely dead and refuses to open anything01:27
acetechcan someone please help with printer driver setup?01:28
dho_ragusJamesinator: on feisty my www-data user is #3301:28
p0ssok :D01:28
cornellSo scorpking, gnuCash and kMyMoney are it...  And there's not a clear winner?01:28
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kanhhwlan0 Scan completed :01:28
kanhhCell 01 - Address: 00:80:5A:37:0A:0701:28
kanhhFrequency:2.437 GHz01:28
reallyjoelHelp, I did a boo-boo. I stole from one partition to create a new, and now I messed up both Grub and the whole linux installation. I dont mind formatting my linux partition and make a new install, but I need to save a couple of files first..01:28
kanhhSignal level=-142 dBm Noise level=-160 dBm01:28
dho_ragusJamesinator: same with gid01:28
kanhhEncryption keyn01:28
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acetechi have an hp LJ4l and nothing is detecting for parallel01:28
dho_ragus!pastebin | kanhh01:28
ubotukanhh: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:28
Jamesinatordho_ragus: Thanks for the tip, I backed up my conf files already. I'm just gonna blast away apache and remake everything though. :P01:28
p0sswell, once i've installed ubuntu, and have deleted vista, will my torrents resume from the same point?01:28
acetechi am able to setup printer as network printer but not local01:28
scorpkingcornell: i'm afraid not, one of those will have to do...01:28
dho_ragusp0ss: yes01:28
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RoboticTaoreallyjoel: boot from a livecd and mount the filesystem then take what you need01:29
cornellK, thanks all01:29
acetechdoes anyone think they could help out with this, Please!01:29
p0ssand i guess a more pressing question is, will i need to reformat a partition to install ubuntu?01:29
bokl... more specifically, can someone help me on how to create a new MIME type?01:29
dho_ragusp0ss: no01:29
bokl"I then 'associated' .urls with my script (I ended up creating a new MIME type for this, because trying to work with existing ones was giving me no end of grief). "01:29
cosmodadtanath: great, seems to work know. Thanks for the hint, would have never tried that01:29
reallyjoelRoboticTao : thanks ill try that, hope its still intact and readble01:30
cosmodadtanath: works now even01:30
scipiorandy026, idea: increase the dpi in system-preferences-font. or change font size in firefox?01:30
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tanathcosmodad, :)01:30
dho_ragusp0ss: it's possible that installing ubuntu will b0rk Vista.  i've had TONS of vista mutli-boot problems, even between windows systems01:30
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cosmodadtanath: rather rude behavior, amarok/the server shouldn't have rejected me like that01:30
randy026How do I enlarge the font of the title bar in gnome?01:30
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scorpkingp0ss: make sure u backup all the torrent data before u format.01:30
kanhhi have a Packard Bell USB WiPen 802.11b/g and I cant get it working...it seems it cant authenticate to the router...can any1 help ??01:30
randy026Or a DPI setting?01:30
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acetechi have an hp LJ4l and nothing is detecting for parallel....can someone help me out with the setup?01:31
Don64randy026: system -> preferences -> font01:31
RoboticTaoIs there any way to issue a command remotely that looks like it has been issued locally? I tried appending & to the end of my command but it still attaches the process to my login.01:31
scipiorandy026, system-pref-font click details - at the top dots per inch01:32
boklno one knows how to create a custom MIME type for a file extension?01:32
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mjancaitisLittle help, guys - gdm is busted, hangs before login with a black screen and a spinning mouse cursor, and I can't seem to reconfigure it01:32
tanathcosmodad, lol01:32
PiciRoboticTao: `nohup commandname &` will not die when you close the terminal.01:32
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randy026Don64,  yea i enlarged all of those but it doesnt affect the title bars or even this text in xchat01:32
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nj786tanath: i am using the right driver, but i have no idea wy it doesnt print well01:32
RoboticTaoPici: Thank you01:32
mikebotWould it be inappropriate to ask a question about RhythmBox in here (even if I'm using it in ubuntu)?01:32
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kanhhcan any1 help with my wireless usb adapter ?? i cant get it workin =///!01:32
p0ssoh dear, my connection seems to have died, i am sorry i cant see your responses. Vista has indeed kicked the bucket for the last time.. lets hope this ubuntu download finishes before vista dies completely01:33
cosmodadRoboticTao: if you need to resume such a remote session, take a look at screen or dtach01:33
Jamesinatordho_ragus: Oh puh-LEEZE. After purging it through dpkg and then reinstalling it I still get an error where it expects the user to exist. I guess I can try blasting the common files too.01:33
dho_ragusRoboticTao: `screen` is a really great way to leave apps running01:33
tanathnj786, maybe there's a hardware issue with your printer, or your driver is buggy. perhaps reinstall the driver?01:33
acetechi have an hp LJ4l and nothing is detecting for parallel....can someone help me out with the setup?01:33
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andrewfashioncant figure this out01:33
bulmerkanhh: what have you done so far to troubleshoot?01:33
phenomandrewfashion: no luck with my link?01:33
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andrewfashionautodetect thing is the first step, and its losing me already01:34
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boklI've been at this for hours now... I can'01:34
andrewfashioni went through the first step01:34
nickrudmjancaitis, have you tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm yet? (stab in the dark, I know)01:34
RoboticTaodho_ragus: Thanks, I've been looking at screen for that today actually01:34
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andrewfashionand im already lost, the config pacakge appeared01:34
acetechcan anyone help me out with setting up my HP printer?01:34
andrewfashionand its asking me all kinds of questions i dont even understand01:34
phenomthe ddcprobe part is the important one.01:34
tanathanyone know why dragging stuff in browsers (firefox, epiphany) would crash X?01:34
andrewfashionit says its "auto detect" lol01:34
bulmeracetech: you have the right cable? plug it in.and tell us what you have01:34
kanhhbulmer i've tried to install drivers rt73, to change the wlan.conf myself and make some changes in another files as i search through foruns01:35
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mjancaitisnickrud: says it's reloading config, changes will take effect when x sessions have ended, and then says "invoke-rc.d: initscript gdm, action "reload" failed"01:35
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phenomandrewfashion: sudo install xresprobe,, then do the ddcprobe.01:35
bulmerkanhh: which other file?01:35
joey383my mouse on my ibm keeps freaking out, I get this in my messages log: psmouse.c: TrackPoint at isa0060/serio4/input0 lost synchronization, throwing 1 bytes away.01:35
acetechbulmer, i have printed from the printer using LPD on remote computers01:35
boklto create a MIME type to force nautilus to open .url in firefox (or wherever), do I edied freedesktop.org.xml ? Or some other file in urs\share\mime\packages ? Or somethin different altogether?01:35
mjancaitisI've tried commenting out my gdm.conf-custom file, replacing the actual gdm.conf with the factory-gdm.conf, nothing works01:35
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usserhello everybody01:35
phenomandrewfashion: Your x settings are just off I'm fairly sure.01:36
kanhhand i couldnt install ndiswrapper cuz it there are some files missing...i've installed every pakage that comes with ubuntu 7.06 =/01:36
Don64randy026: for xchat font size Settings -> preferences -> change monospacet 9 to whatever size u like  ie monospace 1201:36
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bulmeracetech: whats the problem now then?01:36
nickrudmjancaitis, then you might want to consider cd /var/cache/apt/archives && sudo dpkg-i  --force-confnew gdm<tab>  (--force-confnew will force installing the config from the deb)01:36
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andrewfashionwhats ddcprove?01:36
acetechbulmer, i am trying to print local01:36
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andrewfashionphenom: ddcprobe? sorry01:36
kanhhbulmer one at the network folder01:36
bulmeracetech: umm the printer has its own ldp daemon?01:36
acetechbulmer, it is not detecting lpt1 or a driver for the printer01:36
kanhhi dont remeber the name right now w801:36
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mjancaitisnickrud - just hit tab where you've written <tab>? and then enter?01:37
malkav__So I got counterstrike working great this morning, it was full screen and looking fine, now for some reason it's a small size window on my desktop, and i've tried the game's resolution, my desktop resolution, i cant make it stretch to the full screen anymore and dont know why01:37
phenomandrewfashion: It will display your true resolution settings, so you can correct x.01:37
acetechbulmer, cups detects the printer.....01:37
bulmeracetech: how is it connected to the pc?01:37
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fooHm, I am trying to mount an nfs mount and it says: mount: RPC: Timed out ... this has been working fine for a while, and all of a sudden it stopped working... as if some upgrade broke something. On the server, I can see that that the mount was authenticated in the logs... I have tried restarting portmap, nfs-common, and nfs-kernel-server... with no luck... any ideas?01:37
andrewfashionphenom: how do i ddcprobe?01:37
randy026Ok that works but title bars are still tiny ... Im using emerald.. does that have its own font setting?01:37
acetechbulmer, parallel cable01:37
malkav__bulmer:  is it an HP?01:37
nickrudmjancaitis, yes, that's tab completion: it will fill out the rest of the deb name01:37
phenomandrewfashion: Has solved a majority of my x ills.01:37
malkav__there's a special tool HP made for linux01:37
acetechmalkav__ it is an HP LaserJet 4L01:37
malkav__you're in luck01:37
tkoodawhat's the difference between dist-upgrading dapper->edgy->fiesty vs. fresh fiesty install from iso?   (is "startup" init stuff not installed or something?)01:37
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phenomfollow that link I gave you, start at undetected monitor specs.01:38
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malkav__acetech you want the package "hplip"01:38
randy026found it ... yes it does! thats why lol01:38
andrewfashionokay, thanks phenom01:38
leonardocan someone tell me how to install wine ??01:38
andrewfashionbrb 1 min01:38
p0sssorry i dropped out, vista has died completely01:38
andrewfashionthat seems to be the exact issue i have.01:38
acetechmalkav__, i already installed this01:38
bulmeracetech: thats pretty much straight forward to install then01:38
kanhhbulmer dunno if this helps http://img160.imageshack.us/img160/6863/screenshot1ml3.png01:38
mjancaitisnickrud: dpkg-i: command not found and tab completion did nothing but give me a system beep01:38
andrewfashionim on a 30" monitor, and my resolution is 2560 x160001:38
malkav__acetech so whats the problem01:38
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etaleIf I want to do  echo * > **, where ** requires admin, is that the same as echo * | sudo tee ** ?01:38
phenomandrewfashion: Gl. If you x is working,, all is well, it's normally a misconfig issue.01:38
nickrudmjancaitis, sorry, space between dpkg & the i01:38
bulmerkanhh: is the usb nic card detected at all? see dmesg01:38
leonardocan anybody help me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!01:38
p0ssso will i need to format a partition? and how much room will i need. I am sorry if this is on the faq, explorer and firefox have died01:39
phenomandrewfashion: I bet ddcprobe will return something different. ;)01:39
acetechthe drive is not detected when going to "/usr/bin/gnome-cups-manager"01:39
nickrudmjancaitis, space between dpkg & the -i :)01:39
malkav__leonardo:  I already gave you the HOWTO for installing counterstrike on AMD6401:39
scipio!wine | leonardo01:39
ubotuleonardo: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.01:39
malkav__leonardo:  did you read it?01:39
kanhhwlan0 Scan completed :01:39
kanhhCell 01 - Address: 00:80:5A:37:0A:0701:39
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kanhhyes i think so01:39
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kanhhotherwise it would be able to detect the router01:39
bulmerkanhh: yeah i see that now..is your AP active?01:39
acetechbulmer  the drive is not detected when going to "/usr/bin/gnome-cups-manager"01:39
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mjancaitisnickrud: got it; dpkg: error processing gdm (--install): cannot access archive: No such file or directory. Errors were encountered while processing: gdm"01:40
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malkav__leonardo:  there is no way that you had time to read that article after being in wine and asking the same question 3 minutes ago01:40
bulmeracetech: the cups manager can detect it noh?  on web browser you can configure it with  localhost:63101:40
mjancaitisSorry, should say I got it to run, but then failed as you see there01:40
phenomandrewfashion: also, that link you gave me,, is doing what i suggested,, but use ddcprobe to find those variables, to add to xorg.conf01:40
kanhhbulmer sure it is i have another pc connected to it at the same time01:40
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bulmeracetech: and log on01:40
sparkieevening guys01:40
p0sshello sparkie01:40
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acetechbulmer, i am able to detect on cups web admin01:40
sparkiei've just installed ubuntu on my laptop, but i dont appear to have any sound01:40
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bulmerkanhh: but the other pc connected to it, is it also wireless?01:40
sparkiei've been into the sound properties and tried each option and tested each one, but to no avail01:41
malkav__acetech thats odd that it didnt work on hplip for you oh well as long as it worked01:41
kanhhalso this pc on this WinXP is also wireless01:41
bulmeracetech: then from that web page, can you do a test print?01:41
kanhhbut when log on to ubuntu... =/ !01:41
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p0sscan i ask where to go to check wether my hardware is supported?01:41
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nickrudmjancaitis, ls /var/cache/apt/archives/gdm* , is it there?01:41
malkav__p0ss NEVER ask to ask, just ask01:41
nj786can anybody PLEASE PLEASE help me with my printer issue01:41
acetechbulmer, testing now01:41
nj786its PISSING ME OFF01:42
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bulmerkanhh: did you try dhclient wlan0 ?01:42
boklOne last attempt to get more feedback on this... don't know how to phrase the questions better so it feels like a catch 22... I want to set ubuntu to open .url files (plaintext windows files containing a URL) in Firefox... This thread instructs on making a script and creating a new MIME type... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=495131 im lost on the latter, MIME creating part... If...01:42
bokl...noone can help with that, perhaps you can recommend some other IRC channel I might try with such questions? Thanks.01:42
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acetechbulmer, yes it printed test page01:42
kanhhi think so01:42
Al00Hey folks -- installed xgl and compiz-fusion on ubuntu 7.04 -- now I have no desktop icons... help :(01:42
_tuxspakie, go inside a terminal then type: asoundconf list. It will show a list of available sound cards01:42
mjancaitisnickrud: No such file or directory :(01:42
sparkiedid i miss anyones reply?01:42
bulmeracetech: so what do you mean you cant print locally?01:42
kanhhwell...ive done some many things...staring yesterday's night...01:42
andrewfashionphenom: ddcrprobe returns nothing01:42
p0ssvery well, where can i check if my hardware is supported?01:42
andrewfashionjust blank01:42
malkav__acetech: if it printed the test page, you're fixed whats the issue or are you good01:42
andrewfashionphenom; im running through the steps now though, reading it01:43
acetechbulmer, i mean within gnome programs to be more specific01:43
sparkieit shows nvidia01:43
phenomandrewfashion: try again without the grep01:43
bulmerkanhh: you have to prefix your responses towards me with my nick, or else i miss it..too many text flying by me01:43
Don64sparkie: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-205449.html01:43
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andrewfashionphenom: it returned a long list01:43
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_tuxsparkie, After that type: asoundconf set-default-card "NAME" whereas NAME is the sound cards name01:43
phenomSometimes the grep pdoesnt catch it the first time(for some reason :/)01:43
scipio!hardware | p0ss01:43
ubotup0ss: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport01:43
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acetechbulmer, gnome in general is not detecting my printer as being setup or there01:43
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destybon plus l parti mater la tv xD01:43
phenomandrew, now follow the links instructions.01:43
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nickrudmjancaitis, then sudo aptitude reinstall gdm ; that will download and reinstall it. apt has a setting for how long to hold an archive, and how large the archive space is; it's been lost. Then, do the dpkg -i --forceconfnew gdm<tab>01:44
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andrewfashionlet me try it :) and lets hope it works, hehe01:44
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phenomadd the monitor range variables to your xorg.conf.01:44
lurkingcould anyone tell me where i can change the default application that launches for a particular file type01:44
reallyjoelUsing Live CD now.. I cant back my data up, becuase I cant write to NTFS. Can't find any package to install that lets me do this either. Any help_01:44
Al00Installed xgl and compiz-fusion on ubuntu 7.04 -- now I have no desktop icons... help :(01:44
bulmeracetech: umm cups broadcast those services internally..so am not sure what additional configs you may need to do to have gnome see that cups01:44
=== nickrud has removed that annoyance from his apt config
sparkie_tux: done01:44
mjancaitisnickrud: thanks, will get back to you in a bit01:44
scipiolurking, right click on the file-properties-open with-select your preffered program01:44
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_tuxsparkie, Once you set the default sound card type: alsamixer if it doesn't appear to be installed use sudo apt-get install alsamixer01:44
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leonardoi think i'm getting through01:45
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nickrudmjancaitis, I'll be out of here in about 20 minutes01:45
GoodHabitHello. I need help, I need to move my os to other partition.01:45
acetechbulmer, could  the drive is not detected when going to "/usr/bin/gnome-cups-manager" .... have something to do with it?01:45
lurkingcause i have a new text editor and dont want to use gedit anymore01:45
GoodHabitHow i can do it?01:45
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_tuxsparkie, from there you should be able to raise the volume on the default sound card01:45
sparkie_tux:  its installed.. and is now running01:45
acetechbulmer, nm....01:45
mjancaitisnickrud: then perhaps I won't ;) here's hoping it works, else I'll talk to one of your colleagues here01:45
_tuxsparkie, by using the up and down arrow keys to raise or lower the volume controls01:45
phenomI(am prolly by myself on this) have never had any linux other than Knoppix['s]  boot and config x correctly on any of my hardware. My monitor nor sound cards are never configured correctly.01:45
lurkingscipio thanks, is there  a way to do this to all text based files01:45
acetechbulmer, in cups i see.... "Backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/hp does not exist!" ... could this have to do with it?01:45
nickrudmjancaitis, the only other thing I'd recommend is making sure your gdm-custom is gone01:46
phenomI had to tweak Ubuntu as well.01:46
dho_ragusphenom: are you using wacky hardware?01:46
mjancaitisnickrud: how exactly does one delete via cli01:46
bulmeracetech: hang on..let me check..01:46
reallyjoelUsing Live CD now.. I cant back my data up, becuase I cant write to NTFS. I Can't find any package to install that lets me do this either. Any help?01:46
mjancaitisI just don't know the command01:46
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:46
_tuxspakie, you can also test the speakers of your sound card by typing: speaker-test inside a terminal01:46
nickrudmjancaitis, rm <--01:46
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sparkie_tux: ok.. done.. lemme try speaker-test01:46
Bo1thank you guys my ubuntu carshed01:46
scipiolurking, if you do it on a txt all your txt file will open that way. but i guess you have to do it once for each doc/txt/whatever else you have01:46
dho_ragusman, what's with all the splits today?01:46
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mjancaitisnickrud: so rm /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom and /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf-custom?01:46
andrewfashionphenom: i cant find my vertical sync, and horizontal sync on my monitor01:46
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andrewfashionnot in the manual or on apples website01:47
sparkie_tux: nothing yet :/01:47
mjancaitisnickrud: cuz there are both of those01:47
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dho_ragusyaaaaaay, together again01:47
dho_ragusone big happy family01:47
scipio!ntfs-3g | reallyjoel01:47
ubotureallyjoel: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions01:47
nickrudmjancaitis, yes01:47
kanhhfreenode flipped01:47
andrewfashionphenom: i cant find my vertical sync, and horizontal sync on my monitor01:47
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ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:47
mjancaitisnickrud: ok, thanks01:47
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bulmeracetech:  yeah that could prevent you..i have that directory01:47
GoodHabitHello. I need help, I need to move my os to other partition.  ) Sorry 4 repeating,01:47
mjancaitisnickrud: catch you on the flip side01:47
phenomdho_ragus: well kinda :) An old MAG and AOC monitor and a new computer. In my experience, your hard pressed to get support for new hardware.01:47
reallyjoelscipio: thanks01:47
h1st0adrenaline: it should be on the sticker on the back.  If not you can search for it on google to find it.01:47
nickrudmjancaitis, interesting that there's two; I'm gonna look at that01:47
scipioreallyjoel, you're welcome01:47
_tuxsparkie: On the top right corner of your desktop right-click on the volume applet and click on preferences try setting the default card from there01:47
dho_ragusphenom: yeah, and mac hardware too.01:47
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Bo1some1 help me out01:47
dho_ragusphenom: oh.. you said mag...01:48
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lurkingscipio, anyway to do that to all text based files?01:48
mjancaitisnickrud: I'll stick around for a couple minutes while you check then01:48
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_tuxalso make sure the volume isn't low or muted sparkie01:48
reallyjoelscipio: needed to select universal packages.. sigh01:48
phenomYes, MAG brand of monitor01:48
acetechbulmer, i wonder if it is missing a "class" from the cups webmin01:48
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lullisHello, everyone. I am trying to use my desktop (running ubuntu feisty) with two ethernet cards to share the connection with a laptop...01:48
scipiolurking, if you do it on a txt all your other txt file will open that way. but i guess you have to do it once for  doc/txt/whatever else you have01:48
andrewfashionany idea phenom01:48
mjancaitisBo1: what's your question?01:48
Bo1going 2 eat brb01:48
andrewfashionwhere i can find my sync rates or whatever01:48
lullisBoth cards seem to be working...01:48
nickrudmjancaitis, just do the one in /etc/gdm; the other is a symbolic link to /etc/gdm;  ls -l /etc/X11/gdm will show you what I mean01:49
p0ssmy laptop isn't supported, so am i to assume that it wont work?01:49
phenomandrewfashion, so ddcprobe shows you no monitorrange chars?01:49
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sparkie_tux: yeah tried all the usual basic stuff.. still nothing01:49
mjancaitisnickrud: gotcha, thanks again01:49
bulmeracetech i dont know..but the drivers should be in that dir01:49
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dho_raguslullis: if you don't need NAT, just use `brctl` to bridge your two ethernet cards01:49
_tuxsparkie, Do you know the name of your onboard audio or sound card01:49
phenomandrewfashion: I had to double check,, twice my self. :)01:49
andrewfashiononly shows the modes01:49
acetechbulmer, should i do a complete removal of cups and re-install?01:49
andrewfashionill try again01:49
lullisand I installed firestarter to setup the connection sharing.01:49
sparkieits an nvidia HD-audio01:49
lurkingscipio, thanks again i was hoping for a more general fix but i guess that will do01:49
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:49
bulmeracetech yeah, why not, it should be painless01:49
lullisBut everytime firestarter starts... I get a "device eth1 not working"01:50
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scipiolurking, sorry that's the only way i know it :) others might know a better way01:50
dho_raguslullis: do you need NAT?  brctl is pretty simple to use.01:50
dho_raguslullis: i don't know what firestarter is though, but it does not sound easy to use.01:50
notwenso no one knows if connecting to a wifi or wired network launches a process that runs as long as you're connected to that network?01:50
reallyjoelscipio: but now that ive installed, i still cant write to ntfs partitions, even though i unmount and then mount01:50
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Bo1mjancaitis: i enable "e-geforce fx5200" from restricted drivers manger. now my ubuntu wont start01:50
dho_ragusnotwen: no, that is not the case.  creating a network connection does not start an independent process.01:50
bulmerlullis: ip a  and see if your eth0 is on the list01:51
lullisFirestarter is a app to setup the firewall. I guess it changes the config in ip_forwarding.01:51
_tuxsparkie: did you set it correctly when you were using the command asoundconf set-default-card or were there other cards available01:51
wweaselHey: I need some help getting my laptop's VGA external monitor to work at a different resolution from the internal monitor in xorg.conf01:51
notwenwireless nor wired does?01:51
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acetechbulmer, which drivers do you have in this directory?01:51
lullisyeah... eth0 is on the list...01:51
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bulmeracetech hang on..lete me check01:51
lulliswith an ip assigned.01:51
MrCollinsI havea  package I am trying to install and it needs ubuntu's "libc" packages....01:51
bulmerlullis: ip a  and see if your eth1 is on the list?01:52
dho_ragusnotwen: i'm not sure about linux wifi, that whole area seems to be a mess, but fundamentally, *nix systems don't need independent processes for making network connections.01:52
lullisbut ip1 has just MAC info.01:52
p0ssso guys, my laptop isn't supported, should i assume that ubuntu wont work?01:52
sparkie_tux: just one card..01:52
dho_ragusnotwen: networking is built into the kernel itself.01:52
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_tuxsparkie: any playback errors when using the speaker-test command01:52
lullisMay I paste the output here?01:52
mjancaitisnickrud: still around?01:52
MrCollinswhich apt-get install will let me get the libc files I need for kernel interface recompilse01:52
kanhhbulmer can it be cause of the drivers?? i dont know wtf is happening...it just cant connect to the network on ubuntu!01:52
nickrudmjancaitis, yes01:52
acetechbulmer, i am wondering if i should symlink something to hp01:52
dho_ragusp0ss: if you want to know if ubuntu will work, boot up a livecd and try.01:52
notwenwould gnome invoke any process once a connection is detected?01:52
mjancaitisnickrud: how do I enable networking while in recovery mode's root cli? I can't connect to the aptitude servers01:52
sparkie_tux: doesn't seem to be, although it keeps testing front-left only :/01:52
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dho_ragusp0ss: the livecd will function almost exactly like ubuntu will after it's been installed.01:53
phenomandrewfashion: Ok, I have never not seen ddcprobe give the refresh.horizon rates, lets see.01:53
kbuntucan anyone help me with desktop effects ?01:53
dho_ragusnotwen: gnome might have a process that is actively looking for known access points and checking for associated auto-join configs.01:53
bulmerkanhh: its possible..but when you do a iwlist wlan0 scan  it detects anything?01:53
mjancaitisnickrud: should I be using startx and going into a root x session to get it?01:53
nickrudmjancaitis, good question, I've never had to try that :)  you can try invoke-rc.d networking start01:53
p0ssso i spend 4 hours downloading the livecd just to see if it works?01:53
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kanhhwlan0 Scan completed :01:53
kanhhCell 01 - Address: 00:80:5A:37:0A:0701:53
dho_ragusp0ss: you could spend 4 hours sleeping, then wake up and see if it works.01:53
bulmeracetech: the hp file on that dir is not symlinked on mine..its a file of about 18416 bytes in size01:54
andrewfashioni know its weird01:54
dho_ragus!pastebin | kanhh01:54
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ubotukanhh: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:54
sparkiemmm sleep01:54
andrewfashionapples websites doesnt even show them01:54
p0sslol ok ok..  i guess anything is better than this vista mess01:54
kanhhdho_ragus c'mon...01:54
KlrSpz_wireless is a pain01:54
bulmerkanhh: there you go, it detected on AP..01:54
KlrSpz_in linux01:54
kanhhbulmer yes it detected01:54
_tuxsparkie: go here and see if your sound card is supported http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Main_Page01:54
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kanhhbut it cant connect!!01:54
phenomandrewfashion: It would be advised to back up your xorg.conf first, but if you know your way around vi/nano you'll be ok if your x doesn;t start.,, go ahead and add say:01:54
dho_raguskanhh: if we were all pasting in here and saying "c'mon" then there would be a flood of redundant config data01:54
nickrudmjancaitis, and if that doesn't work, when you start in normal mode, hit ctl-alt-f1, that should get you a terminal01:54
mikebotIs there a program in ubuntu that works like a post-it-notes type thing?01:54
acetechbulmer, what is the name of it?01:54
bulmerkanhh: next is to   dhclient wlan001:54
kbuntuHey guys, please i can't start desktop effects!01:55
bulmeracetech:  hp01:55
mjancaitisnickrud: configured network interfaces correctly, still can't resolve apt servers01:55
RoboticTaop0ss: I would be very surprised if your laptop won't run linux. You might have one or two problems if it isn't "supported" but I bet it will run it fine.01:55
mikebotLike digital post-it-notes..01:55
phenomTo your xorg.conf under the monitor section, and restart x01:55
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mjancaitisnickrud: also no chance to get a terminal under normal boot, it goes to that black screen and everything's unresponsive01:55
Random832with beryl, how do i get window decorations01:55
kanhhand then ? (i have to reboot and go to ubuntu...)01:55
Random832 [19:55]  []  [1] 01:55
Random832[(status)] 01:55
mjancaitisnickrud: is this something I can get off the CD?01:55
andrewfashionthink thatll suffice 2560x1600 resolution?01:55
nickrudmjancaitis, yes!01:55
andrewfashionor work*01:55
acetechbulmer, that is not something that is easy to find :|01:55
mjancaitisnickrud: yes to the CD?01:55
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nickrudmjancaitis, yes!!01:56
MrCollinsdoes anyone know which libc libs i need in order to compile a kernel interface layer for NVIDIA drivers?01:56
mjancaitisnickrud: sweet, back in a bit ;)01:56
acetechbulmer, do you have a LaserJet?01:56
nickrudmjancaitis, good call, I was brain dead01:56
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_tuxmikebot: Something like Tomboy notes click on Applications >> Accessories >> Tomboy notes01:56
phenomandrewfashion: I would believe so.01:56
bulmeracetech it may have come with the install of cups..it includes bunch of drivers...01:56
mjancaitisnickrud: have yourself a good night, thanks for the help01:56
Lightenixhi, anyone knows what package i must install soo i can use program "deb" ?01:56
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phenomandrewfashion: But, again, try to add the horizon and refresh lines to your conf.01:56
bulmeracetech:  i have the 4si and another laserjet 401:56
ClearzenLightenix: uhh, dpkg will install .debs and work with them if that's what you mean01:57
nickrudmjancaitis, if every thing goes well, congrats. If not, well, I'll be around after 9pm utc01:57
mikebot_tux: Thanks.01:57
PriceChildLightenix, what are you really tryign to do?01:57
acetechbulmer, i have done a re-install of all cups, hpoj, hplij. and foomatic01:57
nickrudmjancaitis, tomorrow, that is01:57
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andrewfashionphenom: default is already 43-6001:57
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GoodHabitHelp please with migrating-to-ubuntu...01:57
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mjancaitisnickrud: gotcha. Like I said, here's hoping this works, thanks again01:57
bulmeracetech..hang on..let me think of where you may be able to get that01:57
kbuntuPlease guys help me start Desktop Effects!01:57
wweaselHello: I need some help getting my laptop's external monitor working at a different resolution than the LCD in xorg.conf01:57
Lightenixwell im trying to follow that guide :) http://vorian.org/?p=8201:57
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acetechbulmer, thanks01:57
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MrCollinswweasel: whats the problem01:57
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PriceChildLightenix, those aren't commands01:58
_tuxseems I really need to organize my bookmarks in firefox lol01:58
PriceChildLightenix, those are things you should add to your /etc/apt/sources.list01:58
PriceChildLightenix, further help with vorian in #ubuntu-effects01:58
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Lightenixohh right01:58
Lightenixthanks :)01:58
PriceChildLightenix, be careful01:58
wweaselMrCollins: Both screens are detected, they are displayed as identical images, but I would like the external at 1280x1024 and the internal at 1024x76801:58
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bulmeracetech  it seems like it came out of one of the hpij ppd's01:59
kbuntuPriceChild, can you please teach me how to make Desktop Effects work ?01:59
MrCollinsjust edit your xorg.conf file01:59
PriceChildkbuntu, ask in #ubuntu-effects01:59
mjancaitisnickrud: real quick, if I have to go into the LiveCD to get back into a networked interface, how do I overwrite all my regular install's GDM files?01:59
dho_raguskbuntu: did you read a tutorial on how to enable desktop effects?01:59
MrCollinssudo nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:59
phenomandrewfashion: Not to be repeative, but you don't even see monitorid: frwd09196322 via: ddcprobe?01:59
wweaselMrCollins: I know that's what has to be done, I just don't know enough to do it without aid. I only have one Monitor and one Screen section01:59
dho_raguskbuntu: that's how i got them working.... step by step instructions.01:59
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Puppy_are virtual machines legal in the usa?01:59
dho_ragusPuppy_: yes.02:00
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bulmeracetech for example /usr/share/ppd/hpijs/HP/HP-Color_LaserJet_2550-hpijs.ppd02:00
Puppy_dho_ragus: really? are you sure?02:00
willofthewisp_tm.msg nickserv identify password02:00
MrCollinswweasel: google ubuntu dual monitors02:00
dho_ragusPuppy_: yes..... vmware is an american company.02:00
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wweaselMrCollins: I suppose I need two, one for the internal and one for the external. And then I need to tell it how to treat them in Server Layout02:00
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Puppy_dho_ragus: ok thanks!02:00
acetechbulmer, i am now deleting from cups webmin and reinstalling printer in there02:00
bulmeracetech okay ..good luck02:00
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wweaselMrCollins: I have. Mostly explains how to have them as an extended desktop, focuses on either Nvidia or ATI (mine is intel).02:01
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wweaselMrCollins: Also, my laptop would have to accept it as being hotswappable, if that's possible02:02
kbuntudho_ragus, where can i find that tutorial ?02:02
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_tuxI've got a question is there anyway I can make the font bigger in xterm?02:03
MrCollinswweasel: have you gone through the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?02:03
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MrCollinsto reconfgure X?02:03
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wweaselMrCollins: No, why should that be necessary?02:03
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dho_raguskbuntu: google.com02:03
MrCollinswweasel: it lets you setup your xorg.conf file02:04
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MrCollinsit will auto detect your monitors02:04
MrCollinsmake a backup first02:04
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phenom"try" to attempt your monitor. And lies to x if it can't.02:05
MrCollinssudo cp -r /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf-backup02:05
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wolferine_tux, i dont see why not02:05
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wweaselMrCollins: I'll try that! thanks :)02:05
_tuxwolferine: Seems I already found out02:06
PriceChild!away > Paddy_EIRE02:06
MrCollinsdoes anyone know which libc libraries i need for recompiling02:06
wolferineah, good :)02:06
_tuxeasier on the eyes now02:06
MrCollinswweasel: make sure u make a backup02:06
MrCollinsdont say I didnt warn you02:06
_tuxit was likeat 9pt or lower it seemed02:06
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wweaselMrCollins: I already do have one02:06
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MrCollinswweasel: cool man.02:06
wweaselMrCollins: Thanks02:06
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dho_ragusMrCollins: when i'm not sure what libs i need, i just try to make it.  when it fails i grab a keyword from the failure notice, then `apt-cache search keyword` and install that library or whatever02:07
_tuxugh it seems it didn't make the font-size permanent02:07
dho_ragusMrCollins: repeat ad infinitum02:07
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xIke"could not resolve 'us.archive.ubuntu.com"  ideas?02:08
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acetechbulmer, could classes in cups webmin have anything to do with this>?02:08
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gluttonydoes anyone know how i can access my linux files from windows?02:09
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bulmeracetech: i dont think so02:09
MrCollinsdho_ragus: just asking man sorry if I repeat hah02:09
bulmeracetech: what if you do   lpr -p nameofprinter sample.txt  ?02:09
nephishhey gents, i have a huge folder that i would like in its own partition, is there a way i can do this without wiping out everything in there ? i only have two partions, / and /swap  right now02:09
dho_ragusMrCollins: no problem man, you gotta get an answer.  i was just suggesting a possible quicker way to find out02:09
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mjancaitisHey guys - I'm stuck in the recovery mode's cli, is there any way I can tell aptitude to pull from my CD drive when it fails to get it from the network connection?02:10
GoodHabit How to resize ext3 partitions?02:10
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ron_ogluttony, I heard of an application that can read ext2 and ext3 from windows. But that was some years ago. Can't remember its name.02:10
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ron_oGoodHabit, gparted.02:10
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xIkeis the ubuntu apt site down?02:10
MrCollinsdho_ragus: cool man. i did some digging and apparently i need some nvidia-glx-legacy in order for this gf2 card to work heh02:10
nephishGoodHabit, ron_o thanks02:10
ron_omake a backup and go to bed when you do. :)02:10
acetechbulmer, it is unable to access file or directory for "hp"02:10
mjancaitisno, just can't get networking to work in cli02:10
GoodHabitron_o: Gparted can do that for sure?02:11
bulmeracetech does that file hp exist?02:11
ron_ofor sure.02:11
nephishThis is a one shot pass / fail , 49 GB of data02:11
mjancaitisSo really either solution will work for me02:11
ron_obut it has to be in the GUI.02:11
ron_ocfdisk can't.02:11
Jordan_Umjancaitis, Wired or wireless?02:11
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xIkeapt-get and aptitude aren't able to connect to us.archive.ubuntu.com.  any ideas?02:11
ron_obut it's best to make a backup of the contents. :)02:11
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ron_oI did it w/o a backup, but I knew the risks.02:11
acetechbulmer, i did "sudo cp HP-LaserJet_4L-hpijs.ppd /usr/lib/cups/backend/hp"02:11
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ron_omake sure you dont have a power outage or have a UPS.02:12
Jordan_UxIke, THe us mirror goes down every once and a while, try the canadian mirror02:12
xIkeJordan_U: how do I do that?02:12
mjancaitisJordan_U: wired02:12
bulmeracetech:  no not that way..thats now where ppd file goes02:12
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Bo1jordan_u:i got another problem from listenning some of this guys02:12
bulmeracetech you have an ftp server? let me transfer what i have (hp) to you02:13
Jordan_UxIke, Actually, I just tried and us.archive.ubuntu.com works fine for me02:13
Bo1jordan_u:can u help me out02:13
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ron_owow, this channel has really slowed down from when I was in here 18 months ago.02:13
acetechbulmer, can you email it to me?02:13
ron_oI guess most issues are solved and the user base is maturing.02:13
bulmeracetech sure...give me your email02:13
Jordan_Umjancaitis, Do you know what the ethernet cards ID is ( most likely eth0 ) ?02:13
mjancaitisron_o: and google is our friend02:13
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Bo1can some1 here help me out02:14
ron_omjancaitis, and it hasn't always been?02:14
mjancaitisJordan_U - yes, eth0 definitely02:14
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xIkeJordan_U: hrm, my internet was down and I had no idea.  thanks :P02:14
acetechbulmer, jonathan at ipanzica dot com02:14
Jordan_UBo1, Ask your question, if anyone can help with your problem they will02:14
mjancaitisron_o: so many hits to every problem nowadays though; I dunno about in the past02:14
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ron_othat's true. The wiki is paying off. It was quite the organized wiki too.02:14
ron_oit *is*.02:14
doug__!ask | bo102:14
ubotubo1: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:14
Jordan_Umjancaitis, Then you should be able to just "sudo ifup eth0 && sudo dhclient eth0"02:14
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mjancaitisJordan_U: thanks bud, I'll try it02:15
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Bo1how do i disable a drive that i enable from the restricted drivers manger useing recovery mode02:15
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andrewfashionandrewfashion: Not to be repeative, but you don't even see monitorid: frwd09196322 via: ddcprobe?02:15
andrewfashionphenom: no i dont =[02:15
freezeygod dammit i am getting some errors when trying to install this dam OS02:15
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freezeyBuffer I/O error on device sr0 logical block02:16
doug__Bo1 sys>admin>restricted drivers02:16
Jordan_UBo1, You enabled a drive with restricted driver manager? Are you sure you don't mean a Video or networking card?02:16
freezeySQUASHFS error: sb)bread failed reading block and uable to read page block size 4aa102:16
pheadhello all, I have a newbie question: I downloaded an app (powerjournal) so now I have a "setup.bin" file on my desktop. How do I install?02:16
rickeyhello is there a way to make my chat window text bigger so i can read it better02:16
ron_orickey, it's called fonts. :)02:17
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mjancaitisJordan_U: works wonderfully, thanks a bunch02:17
Jordan_Umjancaitis, np02:17
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Bo1jordan_u:i enable  a video card, and now i cant start my ubuntu02:17
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rickeyron where do i contorl them from02:17
scotteanyone running ubuntu on innotek virtualbox?02:17
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andrewfashionphenom: i changed the numbers02:17
ron_ofrom the preference section.02:17
doug__ron_o,  at the bottom drag then box02:17
ron_oread it.02:17
Jordan_UBo1, Ok, ATI or Nvidia?02:17
andrewfashionphenom: restarted GDM, nothing yet02:17
Jordan_U!anyone | scotte02:18
ubotuscotte: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:18
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wolferinehow can I change the resolutions in my tty's ?02:18
rickeythank you ron02:18
Jordan_UBo1, Ok, in recovery mode run this command and choose "nv" ( not "nvidia" ) as the driver when asked "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh"02:18
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MrCollinshow do I install kernel sources?02:19
rickeymuch better for ma now02:19
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kbuntuhow can i activate more workspaces ?02:19
Jordan_U!framebuffer | wolferine02:19
ubotuwolferine: If you would like information on framebuffers, please visit: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer02:19
doug__!kernal | MrCollins02:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kernal - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:19
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doug__!kernel | MrCollins02:20
ubotuMrCollins: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild02:20
ClearzenHow can I determine the incoming and outgoing transfer rate via terminal?02:20
rickeyron as you can tell i am a full newbe to linux and ubuntu02:20
scottehow do i make the virtualbox running ubuntu under xp have a proper fullscreen ie no black borders?02:20
Jordan_UMrCollins, What do you need the kernel sources for?02:20
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phead hello all, I have a newbie question: I downloaded an app (powerjournal) so now I have a "setup.bin" file on my desktop. How do I install?02:20
Jordan_Uscotte, The resolution dialog doesn't give your resolution as an option?02:20
Bo1jordan_u:am going to try that ill be back in 5 mins max is 10mins02:20
Clearzenphead: You want a .deb package instead02:21
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troythetechguyI just installed Mint, and upon running updates, I'm told the software cannot be authenticated.  What's up with this?02:21
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rickeyi am upset about not being able to use yahoo cahtroons any more02:21
Bo1jordan_u:what about fixing it02:21
ShockUBT_why does "sudo ./executable" not work for me?02:21
ShockUBT_./executable tells me access denied, but sudo ./executable tells me "command not found"02:21
bulmeracetech its forwarded to your mail box02:22
scotteJordan_U the resolution is fine, its just that when i go into fullscreen mode there are black borders around the edges ie the fullscreen mode is the same size as the window mode with big borders02:22
troythetechguyShockUBT_: do you have read and execute permission?02:22
pheadclearzen: I assumed so, but there wasn't any .deb available on the project page. No other options?02:22
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MrCollinsJordan_U: It is asking me for libc libraries02:22
Jordan_UMrCollins, What is?02:22
MrCollinsi am trying to install the binary package from nvidia02:22
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Clearzenphead: you can download the source and compile02:22
rickeycan anyone here talk about that?02:22
Jordan_UMrCollins, Just use restricted manager02:22
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Clearzenphead: Or make your own .deb from the source02:22
ShockUBT_troythetechguy: ah, no i don't.02:22
MrCollinsand it needs some libc stuff in order to compile a kernel layer interface for the legacy drivers02:22
ShockUBT_troythetechguy: thanks02:22
MrCollinsJordan_U: doesnt work man02:22
MrCollinsi have been down that route02:22
troythetechguyShockUBT_: You're welcome.02:22
MrCollinsthe drivers for the nvidia-glx are not for my old card02:23
MrCollinsI have a Ge FOrce 2 card02:23
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mjancaitisson of a beech02:23
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pheadClearzen: ok... can you give me some advice or a howto? :)02:23
andrewfashioncan anyone help me fix my 30" monitor screen resolution, lol :(02:23
wolferinehow can I change the resolutions in my tty's ?02:23
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MrCollinsJordan_U: any clue?02:23
mjancaitisJordan_U: dunno if you know how to fix this, but right now my gdm appears to be screwed up, and when I try to remove and reinstall, nothing different happens; dpkg-reconfiguring it gives me this output: invoke-rc.d: initscript gdm, action "reload" failed02:24
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rickeyboy i wish i had a 30 inch montor02:24
Clearzenphead: Yeah, what do you want to install?02:24
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wolferineandrewfashion, what video card?02:24
doug__i wish i had a 30'' on this laptop lol02:24
andrewfashionit says geforce 7900 GS02:24
MrCollinsI got 30" >:)02:24
andrewfashionim trying to get the resoltuion 2560 x 160002:24
andrewfashionwolferine: NVIDIA Gefore 7900 GS02:24
MrCollins*laff :)02:24
pheadclearzen: http://sourceforge.net/projects/powerjournal/02:25
troythetechguyDoes anyone know anything about Mint Linux?02:25
wolferineandrewfashion, did you install the drivers, and how?02:25
Jordan_UMrCollins, There is also nvidia-glx-legacy02:25
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Jordan_UMrCollins, There is also nvidia-glx-legacy02:25
rickeyanyone here use yahoo chat sence the new changes02:25
=== wolferine uses a Mint Linux toothpick
andrewfashioni followed the instructions NVIDIA gave, and it worked with fedora core 602:25
rickeyand how02:25
andrewfashionthe drivers installed fine02:25
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andrewfashionresoltuion worked fine02:25
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andrewfashionbut i got rid of fedora02:25
wolferineandrewfashion, keep the posts to one line please02:25
andrewfashionnow im on the new ubuntu02:25
andrewfashionoh sorry02:25
Jordan_Umjancaitis, sudo killall gdm02:25
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wolferinenow, please answer my question, directly02:26
troythetechguywolferine: Any idea why I receive the message, "software cannot be authenticated"?02:26
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andrewfashionnow im on ubuntu, same machine, did the same thing, tried to install the drivers. but i got the error "ERROR: cannto find libc header files" or something02:26
mjancaitisJordan_U: no process killed02:26
HarkinsWhat's the name of the app that locks idle desktops?02:26
wolferinetroythetechguy, you dont have to direct questions at me, thanks02:26
Clearzenphead: Download the source code from that sourceforge page02:26
silvertip257My live cd keeps crapping out and stopping at the "initramfs" stage ... it says cannot "accessy tty" before that ... please help02:26
Clearzenthen sudo aptitude install build-essential02:26
kbuntuCan someone please tell me how can i use the desktop effects cube? Is activated and running.. but i can't figure out what do i have to press02:26
troythetechguywolferine: Why not?02:26
wolferineandrewfashion, please scroll up and read my question again, and provide a response, thanks02:26
mjancaitiskbuntu: control + arrow02:26
MrCollinsJordan_U: how do I make sure nvidia-glx-legacy is enabled?02:27
wolferinetroythetechguy, i hope your not here to cause trouble02:27
salotronhello, I am a new UBUNTU user and I want to ripp a CD to MP3, what package o librery do I need?02:27
mjancaitiskbuntu: if it's anything like beryl, anyway02:27
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wolferinehow can I change the resolutions in my tty's ?02:27
andrewfashioni followed the instructions NVIDIA gave, and it worked with fedora core 6, the drivers installed fine; but i got rid of fedora, now im on the new ubuntu,  same machine, did the same thing, tried to install the drivers. but i got the error "ERROR: cannto find libc header files" or something02:27
pheadclearzen: ok, done02:27
kbuntumjancaitis, ctrl+arrow didn't worked02:27
troythetechguywolferine: Not at all, just looking for an answer to my question.02:27
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mjancaitiskbuntu: sorry :(02:27
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Jordan_UMrCollins, Install it through the package manager ( though Restricted Driver Manager should have chosen it if that is what you need, if RM installed something else you should file a bug )02:27
wolferinetroythetechguy, please direct further statements/question to the entire channel02:28
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Clearzenphead: tar -xzf file.tar.gz; make && sudo make install02:28
rickeyanyone go time for a newbe02:28
kbuntumjancaitis, that means? :)02:28
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mjancaitisJordan_U: Killing it kills nothing; dpkg-reconfigure gives me that "reload" failed thing; I restored the gdm.conf from the factory-gdm.conf and completely erased my gdm.conf-custom, still no dice02:28
andrewfashionso now ive been going through these help files on screen resolution, and have tried editing the xorg file or something? and changed the vertical refresh and horizontal refresh rate, nothing yet...02:28
wolferineandrewfashion, sorry, I cannot help02:28
doug__salotron,  burn ur cd with cd ripper and thn just change the .wma or what ever to .mp302:28
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Clearzenphead: There may be a configure script. If there is run ./configure first02:28
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andrewfashionwolferine: okay =[02:28
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wolferinehey jrib :)02:28
Jordan_Umjancaitis, What happens when you run "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" ?02:29
jribwolferine: hi02:29
andrewfashionanyone out there have any idea why i cannot get my 2560x1600 resolution with ubuntu?02:29
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Clearzenphead: you will have to change your directory to the folder you untar before you run make or ./configure02:29
Jordan_U!resolution > andrewfashion02:29
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:29
doug__!resolution | andrewfashion02:29
Clearzenphead: Stop me if I'm not making sense02:29
ubotuandrewfashion: please see above02:29
xIkeandrewfashion: holy crap, what size monitor do you have?02:29
pheadclearzen: ok, trying that02:29
wolferinehow can I change the resolutions in my tty's ?02:29
rickeyi could get help and anwser if i could get into yahoo chat  dran it02:29
JiZZyxIke:  he's obviously using a projector02:29
mjancaitisandrewfashion: usually it has to do with editing your xorg.conf and adding manual screen sizes in there02:30
Jordan_Uwolferine, I already gave you a link to that info02:30
andrewfashionoh okay.02:30
=== ABCD [n=ubuntu@pool-72-86-40-163.clppva.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
troythetechguyCan someone please explain why wolferine does not want me to ask a question directly?02:30
kbuntumjancaitis,  ?! :D02:30
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JiZZytroythetechguy:  wolveriene don't take shit from nobody02:30
xIkeJiZZy: that or a kick-ass display which he should donate to me :D02:30
Pici!ohmy | JiZZy02:30
ubotuJiZZy: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:30
mjancaitiskbuntu: I got nothin' for you, I use beryl, dunno how to use the desktop effects you're asking about, sorry02:30
Jordan_Uandrewfashion, Actually, in my experience it is usually a driver issue, not an xorg.conf issue02:30
wolferinecompletely missed it Jordan_U02:30
kbuntuah ok ...02:30
=== Bo1 [n=ben@cpe-76-174-84-42.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
doug__hey pici02:31
Jordan_U!framebuffer > wolferine02:31
JiZZypici how come i can't say shit but he can say kick-ass02:31
pheadclearzen: i get: bash: ./configure: No such file or directory02:31
wolferineJordan_U, I am aware of how to scroll :)02:31
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troythetechguyJiZZy: Who is wolveriene?02:31
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PiciJiZZy: Because I saw yours first.02:31
Bo1jordan_u:how can i make the nvivda card work?02:31
kbuntuCan someone please tell me how can i use the desktop effects cube? Is activated and running.. but i can't figure out what do i have to press to animate workspace switching02:31
dho_ragustroythetechguy: he's a super hero.02:31
rickeywhere can a newbe go to get newbe help please?02:31
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Pici!ask | rickey02:31
uboturickey: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:31
Jordan_Uwolferine, Sorry, you never know in this channel :)02:31
Grungebunnyboy I tell ya, kismet is a complicated piece of software.. I understand about a third of the readme02:31
wolferineJordan_U, tell me about it :)02:31
=== Kill_X [n=kastit01@p5B166C7C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
pheadclearzen: I'll try you first thing (tar -xzf file.tar.gz; make && sudo make install)02:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about graphics - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:32
wolferinekbuntu, #ubuntu-effects02:32
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doug__Grungebunny,  hey pal02:32
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MrCollinswe need a google bot in here haha02:32
kbuntuwolferine, nobody`s there02:32
rickey ubotu i did back up in text02:32
Grungebunnywhatup doug02:32
rickeyill askit again02:32
Clearzenphead: One sec. I'm looking at the source02:32
doug__nothing much Grungebunny  ur self02:32
wolferine!patience | kbuntu02:32
ubotukbuntu: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:32
dho_ragusMrCollins: seriously...  one that would respond with justfuckinggoogleit.com02:32
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Grungebunnydoug__ chillin like a villin02:32
Bo1how can help me about installing a graphic card02:32
tomerwhere is xinet.d02:32
JiZZyi mean try and have some fucking consistency with the language, i mean holy fucking jesus tits and logs and logs of putrid green asshole mud butter in a dead babyshit stew, i don't see what kind of bitchtits ballsack cock dick cunt penis penis penis logic is that02:32
tomeri cant find it02:32
rickeyhow do i get in to yahoo chat sence the changes02:33
doug__lol same here Grungebunny02:33
pheadClearzen: ok, thanks02:33
tomerfiesy fawn02:33
dho_ragustomer: /etc/02:33
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o PriceChild] by ChanServ
Pici!ops | JiZZy02:33
=== JiZZy [n=jizzy@CPE-24-31-243-62.kc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [requested]
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@CPE-24-31-243-62.kc.res.rr.com] by PriceChild
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o PriceChild] by ChanServ
kbuntuFirefox can't find the server at bots.ubuntulinux.nl.02:33
wolferinekbuntu,  I am in that channel, and ppl are supplying you with responses02:33
=== andrewfashion [n=andrew@ip68-107-4-5.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuJiZZy: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici02:33
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wolferinekbuntu, you appear to be trolling02:33
Bo1thank you02:33
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tomernot there02:33
kbuntuappear to what ?02:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about troll - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:33
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about trolling - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:33
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Bo1who can help me install a graphic card02:34
wolferineBo1, which card?02:34
PriceChildwolferine, please don't acuse users like that in public. Message an op if you have a problem with a users /ignore... or just !ops if they are breaking guideilnes.02:34
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doug__!installing a graphics card | Bo102:34
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PriceChild!nvidia | Bo102:34
ubotuBo1: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:34
wolferinePriceChild, i was pointing out a fact, maybe your post should be directed at him instead02:34
=== RickH [n=rick@c-68-58-106-180.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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doug__lol thnks pricechild02:35
rickeyis leaveing  cant seem to get help here02:35
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wolferinei similar to you, am trying to help02:35
kbuntuPriceChild, i only want a key sequence to activate the cube workdesk switching... i don't want to know how ubuntu was built02:35
RickHDoes anyone know what version of NTFS-3G will be included with the Gutsy Gibbon release?02:35
PriceChildwolferine, No. I directed it to you.02:35
RickH(if any)?02:35
PriceChildkbuntu, ask in #ubuntu-effects02:35
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mjancaitisJordan_U: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart tries to boot gdm, gives me my nvidia splash screen, but then goes to the black screen with a thinking cursor (the spinning circle); mouse moves, but the login never loads and can't get back to any cli without restarting02:35
PriceChildRickH, #ubuntu+102:35
kbuntuPriceChild, nobody's there02:35
dho_ragusRickH: i'm willing to bet it'll be the latest stable.02:35
PriceChildkbuntu, they are, be patient.02:35
RickHIs that the 1.3x version with Feisty Fawn?02:35
Clearzenphead: ok, do you have a java compiler? because you will need one02:35
wxrknyIs it possible to use svideo out with an ATI/AMD card in feisty?02:35
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Jordan_Umjancaitis, Even with ctrl+alt+F1?02:35
wolferinePriceChild, I realize that, thats why I said, maybe you time could be more well spent directing it at the troller, rather than the accuser02:35
Clearzen!java | phead02:35
ubotuphead: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre02:35
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dho_raguswxrkny: yes.02:35
kbuntuPriceChild, i'm patient for the past hour02:35
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mjancaitisJordan_U: ctrl-alt-f1 takes the mouse away, but doesn't give me anything02:36
Spellycan anyone tell me the default password that is set when installing linux mce to login to the admin website? is it not 1234?02:36
iconeneed a litle help here ...        I've installed sereral i386 machines with ubuntu 7.04 livecd.  In 2 machines, during the normal boot (after choose language for boot) it reaches the graphical manager and asks 4 a pass ....   This is odd .. during the instalation asking 4 a pass ??? any ideias ?02:36
wxrknydho: is there an easy to follow guide?02:36
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fooThe following packages have been kept back: linux-image-server02:36
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fooWhere did I specify that?02:36
aaron_in my XFCE windows, i have a mysterious little "o" in the top left corner next to the programs icon... anyone know what that is or how to get rid of it?02:36
mjancaitisJordan_U: But apparently retyping /etc/init.d/gdm restart to the blank screen does actually restart gdm02:36
Spellyi cant find this information in the wiki or through google.. :(02:36
wxrknyi cant find anything on google02:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kismet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:37
mjancaitisJordan_U: but yeah, still does the black screen/spinning cursor02:37
pheadClearzen: aha. with synaptic I suppose?02:37
MrCollinsJordan_U: question how do I know that nvidia-glx-legacy is in use?02:37
dho_raguswxrkny: i'm not sure, probably.  ubuntuguide.org is great.  that functionality has been in linux for years though.02:37
=== DerangedDingo [n=john@24-113-250-73.wavecable.com] has joined #ubuntu
RickHThe latest stable is 1.7x and Ubuntu is still using 1.3x.  There are lots of issues with 1.3x and I'm wondering if anyone knows the process to contact the appropriate people to bring this to someone's attention?02:37
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Clearzenphead: Also you will need to install ant with sudo aptitude install ant. Then change your directory to the source folder inside powerjournal. type ant. It will generate a build folder. In the build folder there will be a powerjournal.sh file you can run with ./powerjournal.sh and that will install it.02:37
wxrknyit works for nvidia cards very easily but i've heard its difficult for ati/amd cards02:37
dho_raguswxrkny: well i did it with an ATI card 7 years ago...02:38
mjancaitislinux on nvidia is so much easier than ATI02:38
Jordan_UMrCollins, If you have "nvidia" set as the driver in your xorg.conf and have the package nvida-glx-legacy installed then that is what X will try to load, if you want to know if it loaded successfully run glxinfo02:38
PiciRickH: Gutsy has 1.7x02:38
MrCollinsJordan_U: ok thx man02:38
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RickHPici:  Thanks.02:38
ClearzenPhead: Personally I would look for something similar a little better supported through ubuntu. But if you want to take the time that will work.02:39
rexyyanyone knows any program that can sync my n95 in ubuntu ?02:39
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donnawhat java do i need to use java inside my browser?02:39
=== Kill_X [n=Kill_X@p5B166C7C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
iconerexyy its a celular ?02:39
jrib!java > donna (see the private message from ubotu)02:39
rexyyyes nokia n95 .02:40
jribdonna: you need to install the sun-java6-plugin package from multiverse02:40
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donnathanks jrib02:40
=== bagualas [n=bagualas@201-34-88-123.cslce701.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
pheadClearzen: whoah. Thanks very much for your help, but I'm gonna copy your text and have a go at this another time. I'm really tired now as it is 2:40 here. :) Good advice about finding another app anyway. Good night and thanks again02:40
Jordan_URichiH, You should read up on Ubuntu's release schedual and version freeze policies02:40
mjancaitisJordan_U: did you catch my messages?02:40
bagualashow may I listen to .amr files?02:40
Jordan_Umjancaitis, Yes02:40
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RichiHJordan_U: you, on the other hand, should read up on tab completion ;)02:40
Clearzenphead: Cool, good luck02:41
rexyyicone: got any idea?02:41
iconerexyy i think if memory doesn't fail that there a program 4 linux, that handles celulars02:41
iconerexyy let me see if i find it02:41
rexyyicone: ok, cool i w802:41
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ClearzenHow can you monitor the incoming/Outgoing network speeds via the terminal?02:42
Grungebunnyhow can you tell if your wireless card supports raw monitoring mode, and can sniff 802.11b, 802.11a, and 802.11g traffic ?02:43
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=== Bo1 [n=ben@cpe-76-174-84-42.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
spanglesontoasthow do I resize an ext3 partition02:43
DerangedDingoGrungebunny: I don't know, but have you taken a peek at Network Tools?02:43
Bo1i got a problem with my nvidia card02:43
wolferineClearzen, i installed knetload02:43
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DerangedDingospanglesontoast: it gets complicated02:43
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briansp_I'm trying to install postfix and somehow have deleted /etc/init.d/postfix02:43
Paddy_EIRE!gparted | spanglesontoast02:44
ubotuspanglesontoast: GParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type  sudo apt-get install gparted  in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php02:44
=== denreaper [n=denreape@74-138-137-148.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #Ubuntu
spanglesontoastyea gparted has the option02:44
wolferineClearzen, works perfect for that sort of thing, plus there is also the command, top02:44
briansp_aptget/dpkg complain that its missing, so I touch it02:44
spanglesontoastbut I can't resize even though I have empty raw space to resize to02:44
iconerexyy "mobile phone manger 4 linux" ----->   http://wammu.eu/02:44
briansp_try to remove and start from scratch, but the initscript is still missing02:44
DerangedDingospanglesontoast: ext3 doesn't support resizing in some ways02:44
briansp_how do I do a real clean remove and install?02:44
rexyyicone: thx alot man02:44
Clearzenwolferine: thanks, I'll check it out02:44
GrungebunnyDerangedDingo, naw that just has finger, whois etc..02:44
Jordan_Umjancaitis, What happens if you run "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" then "startx" ?02:44
DerangedDingobrainsp: sudo apt-get remove --purge02:45
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WaltzingAlongbriansp_: sudo apituted purge _program_02:45
spanglesontoasthow the hell you mean someways ?02:45
WaltzingAlongaptitude sorry02:45
iconerexyy you can google it   with strings      mobile phone manager linux02:45
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mjancaitisJordan_U: right now startx works even without running the gdm stop line because I'm in a root console02:45
briansp_yeah that worked02:45
briansp_apt-get vs. aptitude?02:45
Bo1how can i install nvidia card?02:45
Grungebunnyhow can you tell if your wireless card supports raw monitoring mode, and can sniff 802.11b, 802.11a, and 802.11g traffic ?02:46
wolferinebriansp_, google it :)02:46
iconerexyy know anything about ubuntu 704 asking 4 a pass02:46
Jordan_Umjancaitis, You rebooted?02:46
briansp_yeah but you're all so nice :-)02:46
briansp_thanks folks02:46
DerangedDingospanglesontoast: I had to make a new partition int he size i wanted, and copy my partition to that one02:46
wolferineBo1, do you mean the driver?02:46
mjancaitisJordan_U: but of course it's a root startx02:46
iconerexyy during boot of livecd ?02:46
=== bud [n=dave@adsl-208-191-180-86.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
rexyyicone: pm to mush people talking=)02:46
WaltzingAlongbriansp_: really can use either or, i just prefer aptitude02:46
doug__! raw monitoring02:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about raw monitoring - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:46
=== Bogaurd [n=rootkit@122-49-149-69.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
mjancaitisJordan_U: yeah02:46
wolferineBo1, Feisty ?02:46
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spanglesontoastwell from what it says on google02:46
doug__!wireless card02:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wireless card - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:46
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wolferine!nvidia | Bo102:46
ubotuBo1: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:46
spanglesontoastyou need to move the partition to the front of the hard drive to resize it02:46
spanglesontoastcould this be true02:46
=== tech13 [n=tech13@71-90-24-252.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Bo1wolferine:what do you mean02:47
wolferineBo1, which part?02:47
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rexyyicone, check pm, =)02:47
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Clearzenwolferine: not exactly what I was looking for. I want something I can use via CLI, it's for my server. Thanks though.02:47
Jordan_Umjancaitis, apt-get remove gdm and reboot regularly ( not single user mode ) then try startx02:47
wolferineBo1, Feisty is the latest ubuntu release02:47
=== zxc [n=alex@150-209-126-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
Bo1wolferine:which part of what?02:47
andrewfashionim trying to isntall the nvidia drivers on ubuntu 7, and i keep getting the error "libc header files missing"02:47
wolferineClearzen, what services do you want to monitor, you may consider top02:47
iconerexyy  pm ?? please translate ... portuguese here ...02:47
wolferinegood luck Bo102:47
Jordan_Uandrewfashion, Did The restricted Driver Manager not work?02:48
Bo1wolferine:i still didnt fix it02:48
Clearzenwolferine: I want to be able to monitor the outgoing/incoming data rates for each interface.02:48
iconerexyy  pm ?? please translate ... portuguese here . ..02:48
Bogaurdhmm, does anybody know how to have wine reset the location of a window?02:48
andrewfashionjordan_u: I enabled that, edited my x11 file, and still nothing02:48
zxcwhat's a good application for capturing an application window at 25/30 fps and store it as mpeg/avi ?02:48
=== decay [n=fiction@c-69-251-192-192.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Grungebunnyhow can you tell if your wireless card supports raw monitoring mode, and can sniff 802.11b, 802.11a, and 802.11g traffic ?02:48
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Jordan_U!br | icone02:48
ubotuicone: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.02:48
decayI have an icon of a mounted drive on my desktop. How do i get rid of the icon without unmounting02:49
denreaperhey... when i include libraries from /usr/include in Code::Blocks, it throws build errors, even after including every dependency.  is there a better way to do this?02:49
jrib!icons > decay (see the private message from ubotu)02:49
tech13after doing a dist-upgrade I can't boot normally any more.  It doesn't find my root partition automagicly.  lilo.conf has the line "root=/dev/mapper/main_vg-main_lv" in it.  I use LVM02:49
jribdecay: the gconf key will let you remove all volumes' icons.  Or, just try mounting to somewhere other than /media02:49
tranthorkkanyone can helpme with anope irc services ? im trying to install in ubuntu with bahamut02:49
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decayjrib: dont know how, im ussing irssi, new to it02:49
Jordan_Uandrewfashion, You shouldn't have needed to edit your xorg.conf if you used restricted manager02:49
mjancaitisJordan_U: stupid thing decided to force a check, be a minute02:49
decayjrib: alright thanks02:50
=== kieron [n=kieron@cpc1-pete1-0-0-cust349.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
jribdecay: at the bottom there should be a red number, press alt-NUMBER02:50
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iconeJordan_U already look in several forums without sucess, google and some other search engines ...02:50
andrewfashionjordan_u: i opened restricted manager, checked the nvidia box,r estarted02:50
wolferineClearzen, sorry, thats all I know of atm02:50
andrewfashionno luck02:50
=== tehk [n=tehk@c-69-249-157-157.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Clearzenwolferine: I'll figure it out02:51
decayjrioh thanks :)02:51
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sear_yodaHey folks - I'm messing around with powertop, and it's suggesting I enable certain kernel options; I'm wondering what's the proper way of doing that in ubuntu. will straight up recompiling my kernel screw over future updates or anything?02:51
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jaimonohi everyone02:51
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kieronhey people02:51
andrewfashioni just cant go past 1024x76802:51
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Jordan_Uicone, I don't understand, why were you asking about portuguese ?02:51
andrewfashionjordan_u: i just cant go past 1024x768 and its driving me nuts, lol02:51
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Grungebunnyhow can you tell if your wireless card supports raw monitoring mode, and can sniff 802.11b, 802.11a, and 802.11g traffic ?02:52
Jordan_Uandrewfashion, Did X fail to start after you rebooted?02:52
kieronpor favor?02:52
andrewfashionjust fine02:52
mjancaitisJordan_U: rebooted normal user; logged in with my info; tried "startx;" got 6 xauth errors and one xinit error, all permission denied'02:52
MrCollinsJordan_U: I did all u requested02:52
MrCollinsand now02:52
andrewfashionjordan_u: starts up just fine, it enabled new resolutions actually, but ony smaller weird resolutions02:52
andrewfashionjordan_u: so something did change02:52
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MrCollinsglxinfo does not say 'Direct Rendering: yes" it just gives a ton of errors....02:52
mjancaitisJordan_U: "error while loading shared libraries: libXau.so.6: cannot open shared object file: Permission denied"02:53
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iconeJordan_U  no ... lol i didn't understood.  I ask rexyy to say what the letters "pm" stand 4.02:53
Jordan_Uandrewfashion, Try reconfiguring X and choosing exactly the rez's you want then...02:53
jaimonoI have a question: In amd64 (AthlonX2) system which version of ubuntu should I install i386 with an amd64 kernel, or the amd64 version? the question is 'cause i've heard that is better to use i386 'cause there are more packages for it and is updated quickly02:53
Jordan_U!xconfig | andrewfashion02:53
andrewfashionjordan_u: how do i do that?02:53
Drk_GuyHow to vnc another guy?02:53
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MrCollinsJordan_U: I have nvidia-glx-legacy installed....02:53
Drk_GuyI have his Ip and port02:53
mjancaitisjaimono: never had any problems with the x64 AMD version, I love it02:53
ubotuandrewfashion: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  - To configure only the driver and resolution, type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh  - See also !FixRes02:53
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andrewfashionoh, i went through that step on the help files02:54
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Jordan_Umjancaitis, Have you been using sudo for GUI apps by any chance?02:54
KlrSpz_jaimono, i suggest to use i386 if you need windows drivers support (ndiswrapper) or if your hardware is not fully 64bit compatible.. otherwise 64 bit on a dual core is pretty nice02:54
wolferineDrk_Guy, sudo aptitude search vnc02:54
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mjancaitisJordan_U: I don't thiiiiiiink so, but I'm not sure at all02:54
Drk_GuyIsn't it install and apt-get02:54
wolferineDrk_Guy, its a command line02:54
Drk_GuyI know02:54
KlrSpz_aptitude is a wrapper iirc02:54
Jordan_Uwolferine, No need for sudo just to search02:54
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jaimonoKlrSpz_, it is a Presario F500 how do I find the hardware compatibility stuff?02:55
iconeneed a litle help here ...  ubuntu 7.04 livecd, during the normal boot (after choose language for boot) it reaches the graphical manager and asks 4 a user and a pass ....   This is odd .. during the instalation asking 4 a pass ??? any ideias ?02:55
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wolferineJordan_U, true02:55
KlrSpz_jaimono, youll need to do an lspci and look up your hardware02:55
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wolferinei just forgot the exact package02:55
KlrSpz_mostly, wireless devices are a pain02:55
Jordan_Umjancaitis, Do you know about gksudo ?02:55
Paddy_EIREjaimono, you will experience trouble when trying to install flash and other multimedia codecs... some app arent available in 64bit also so it ends up becoming a redundant option...My philosophy is if you had to ask then stick with 32bit i38602:55
jaimonoKlrSpz_, I've read that there are problems with the wifi02:55
jribicone: did you verify the cd?02:55
wolferinesudo aptitude install vncviewer02:55
mjancaitisJordan_U: a little bit, I used it recently for something, I think wireless config02:55
slimjimflimhello.  is there some sort of event log by default on feisty?02:56
KlrSpz_i'm having a pain with my wireless.. i have to have my router unprotected, AND broadcast02:56
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KlrSpz_which is annoying, but i set up mac filtering02:56
KlrSpz_so hopefully i'm safe02:56
iconejrib it works fine. it's the same cd that i use in several other machines too.02:56
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Jordan_Umjancaitis, Ok, permissions can get screwed up if you use sudo instead of gksudo for GUI apps, I think this is what has happened to you02:56
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Jordan_U!gksudo > mjancaitis02:56
jribicone: still, did you verify it?02:56
mjancaitisslimjimflim: yes, dmesg is usually useful, there's also an event viewer in the administrative menu02:56
jaimonook Paddy_EIRE , thanks the hardware and multimedia reasons are good enough for me, i386 it is02:56
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jribicone: you're right that it shouldn't be asking for a cd, so this should be the first step02:57
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slimjimflimmjancaitis, k ty02:57
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mjancaitisJordan_U: how do I fix this? Full reinstall? I just got everything how I wanted it :(02:57
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jarjarbinksanyone know how to run adwords editor once it is installed?02:57
Paddy_EIREjaimono, I have 64bit harware although only run 32bit OS's02:57
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Jordan_Umjancaitis, If that is in fact the problem then you just need to reset the permissions to their correct values, I am looking for what those should be right now02:58
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mjancaitisJordan_U: thanks02:58
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b_e_r_t_d_hey is there an app for ubuntu that will sync folders?02:58
dho_ragusb_e_r_t_d_: rsync02:58
DJ-Xenoci have a verry n00b question if someone has the time02:58
jribDJ-Xenoc: just ask02:59
mjancaitisDJ-Xenoc: what is it02:59
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dho_ragus!ask DJ-Xenoc02:59
DJ-XenocHow long does it take to install02:59
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask dj-xenoc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:59
jarjarbinksanyone know how to run adwords editor through wine?02:59
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b_e_r_t_d_does rsync have a GUI?02:59
dho_ragusb_e_r_t_d_: i'm sure thre is a gui available.02:59
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slimjimflimmjancaitis, how can i use that output to find a crash?02:59
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jribDJ-Xenoc: depends on your system probably, but usually <30 minutes for me02:59
jarjarbinksinstalled  it, can't find it tried whereis02:59
slimjimflimand an error code for it02:59
b_e_r_t_d_Ok, someone also suggested 'unison' have you tried that one?02:59
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dho_ragusb_e_r_t_d_: sync should be an automated thing though, so setting up a script would be a one-time thing anyways, then you'd just double-click or let cron handle it.03:00
mjancaitisslimjimflim: just wade through it, man; find a reference point that you remember and go from there03:00
dho_ragusunison....  that sounds familiar.03:00
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=== Pelo learned something today : humility
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wilson_Br_2007good evening, folks03:00
DJ-Xenocwell i let it go for 2.5 hrs and i had to turn it off the endless scrolling i killed it at no 723403:00
b_e_r_t_d_SWEET, so rsync can run under a CRON, that is what i want03:00
dho_ragusb_e_r_t_d_: looks like unison is a gui for rsync.03:00
DJ-Xenocis that normal03:00
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b_e_r_t_d_ahhh, ok I will go and install them both, thx guys03:00
bk1is there anyone who can help me out with wireless drivers ?03:01
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dho_ragusb_e_r_t_d_: actually, no, it's not a front-end for rsync.  and yes, rsync can be done from cron.  that's a *very* common thing03:01
rexyyicone: is it x64 version,?03:01
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Pelobk1, did you check the wifi docs ?03:01
mjancaitisbk1: what's your hardware and software version?03:01
b_e_r_t_d_gotcha, thanks again03:01
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mjancaitisbk1: ndiswrapper is your friend, most likely03:01
dho_ragusb_e_r_t_d_: i definitely recommend going the rsync route because you'll find rsync on almost every system you sit down at, so being familiar with it will be nice03:01
mjancaitisheh, pwned03:01
jarjarbinksanyone know what dir wine things install uder?03:01
bk1wifi docs03:01
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:02
wilson_Br_2007i have a problem on playing dvd. 7.04 feisty dont play nothing on dvd03:02
bk1I have a RT2500 chip for wifi03:02
mjancaitisThere you go, bk103:02
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Jordan_Ujarjarbinks, .wine in your home folder03:02
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs03:02
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Jordan_Uwilson_Br_2007, ^^03:02
DJ-Xenocso does anyone have a clue whats going on with my install?03:02
boshausanyone familiar with setting up a counter strike source server on ubuntu?  I keep getting the error "WARNING: NNET_OpenSocket: bind: Cannot assign requested address" even if I run it as root03:02
iconerexyy no, i38603:02
Pelojarjarbinks,  you are not in windows anyomore  ?  execcutable are installed in /bin or /usr/bin , the configs for wine are in  /home/username/.wine    you need to show hidden files t see it03:02
Stegeranybody have a fix for AIRPORT EXTREMES?03:02
Pelo!wifi | bk103:02
mjancaitisDJ, what's wrong with it again?03:02
ubotubk1: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:02
dho_ragusJordan_U: if your install seems frozen, try hitting ctrl-alt-f603:02
bk1but the problem is, I can find the wireless network using the Knetworkmanager but when i want to connect it doesn't03:02
iconerexyy i've playing with linux some time now, and never apeared anything like this ... :S03:03
dho_ragusJordan_U: cycle through all the F keys and see if you can find a terminal that's showing you some kind of log or status03:03
Jordan_USteger, Not all airport extremes use the same chipset03:03
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DJ-Xenockk thanks03:03
Jordan_USteger, Do you know the chipset of your card?03:03
Stegeruhhh, not sure03:03
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wilson_Br_2007ok i'll try03:03
Jordan_Udho_ragus, I think you meant those comments for someone else03:03
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iconerexyy i'm running cd test integrity right now03:03
danillohackerE AI GALERA03:03
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mjancaitisJordan_U: need to eat some dinner, send me a pm please if you figure anything out; thanks a lot03:03
danillohackerBANDO DE COMEDIA03:03
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Jordan_Umjancaitis, Ok03:04
jrib!es | danillohacker03:04
ubotudanillohacker: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:04
dho_ragusJordan_U: shoot, you're right.  i guess it's about that time... time for me to stfu03:04
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Guest36890i heard that there was an alpha version of gutsy gibbon floating around03:04
Guest36890where is it03:04
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icone!br | danillohacker03:04
ubotudanillohacker: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.03:04
danillohackerMAS NAO PRECISO DE AJUDA03:04
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jribdanillohacker: aqui so ingles.03:05
danillohackerTO ZUANO03:05
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Frogzoobreak_: -> #ubuntu+103:05
Jordan_UGuest36890 No offense, but if you do not know where to find the images you probably shouldn't be running Gutsy03:05
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bk1ey guys I just went over the docs,03:05
break_i found links to it, but none of them work03:05
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Frogzoobreak_: we don't discuss gutsy in here, as noobs will go and install it03:05
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Paddy_EIREJordan_U, break_ agreed03:05
joey383the mouse on my thinkpad r31 ocasionally freaks out, anybody know what could be causeing that?03:06
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Frogzoojoey383: clean the track ball?03:06
break_how about you guys stop being such dicks and actually help me out for once?03:06
bk1Normally it has to run out of the box, but I can find mu ra1 and i can find the wireless networks, but just can't connect to them03:06
aaron_does using emerald require using beryl/compiz?03:06
Frogzoo!patience | break_03:06
ubotubreak_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:06
Paddy_EIRE!ohmy | break_03:06
ubotubreak_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:06
Pici!gutsy | break_03:06
ubotubreak_: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+103:06
DerangedDingobreak_: Please.. don't... what do you need03:06
Pelobreak_,   if you want help with gutsy go to  #ubuntu+103:06
joey383Frogzoo: well my log reports it: psmouse.c: TrackPoint at isa0060/serio4/input0 lost synchronization, throwing 1 bytes away.03:07
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iconePelo hey man03:07
joey383Frogzoo: it's a laptop trackpoint, not a traditional mouse03:07
Pelohello icone03:07
happyface_0can anyone confirm to me if persistence is fixed in Gutsy tribe-5?03:07
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siskelhi , im on feisty , trying to connect to windows boxes , in places>network i can see mshome and workgroup but i cant browse any of them , i get "could not open destination" (I usually can access these boxes)03:07
jribhappyface_0: #ubuntu+1 for gutsy03:07
Frogzoohappyface_0: -> #ubuntu+103:07
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xjkxwhy it happens on glxinfo: http://www.pastebin.ca/67277603:08
iconesiskel you should see if win machines have firewall03:08
samadcould anyone help me with a port forwarding problem I'm having in Feisty?03:08
iconesiskel do you have samba ?03:08
slimjimflimhey, can anybody tell me how to find out why my computer keeps randomly crashing?03:08
Jordan_U!anyone | samad03:08
ubotusamad: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:09
Pelosamad,  can you be a little more specific ?03:09
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slimjimflimi'm looking at log files, but i don't know what to look for03:09
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mike__Has anyone had issues with header() in PHP 5.2.x where octect-stream/attachments (using files like gzip, zip, tar, c, etc) continually download incomplete/corrupt in most browsers?03:09
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ubuntuthis is bad03:09
ubuntuthis is bad03:09
jrib!enter | ubuntu03:09
ubotuubuntu: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:09
siskelicone , i do have samba , i bring my laptop and can connect to these machines often , they have a windows firewall but it allows samba (my friend's mac can connect)03:09
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ubuntuwhen i watch flash and now update it freeze the ubuntu03:09
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Jordan_Uslimjimflim, In what way does it crash, can you get to a terminal with ctrl+alt+F1 ( ctrl+alt+F7 to get back to X ) ?03:10
bk1can anyone help me with my wireless RT2500 drivers ??03:10
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iconeslimjimflim already check inside the box if the fan is working and made memory tests ?03:10
samadI have 2 ports open on my Linksys WRT54G, one UDP and the other TCP, both enabled on the correct IP address, yet in Network Tools, when I do a NetStat, it shows both of those ports with for the Source IP03:10
Jordan_Uubuntu, Does it freeze Ubuntu or just Firefox03:10
rafaelscjIs there anybodu here that play starcraft under wine?03:10
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ubuntu!enter | jrib03:10
ubotujrib: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:10
ubuntuepiphany freeze the sound03:10
Paddy_EIRErafaelscj, /join #winehq03:10
ubuntumake some update03:10
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Random832in screen, when i type backspace it emits a null character instead of either ^? or ^H03:10
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Random832how do i fix this03:10
ubuntuthis prublem is from much time03:11
KalleDKHey I got a Netgear WG311v2 wireless netcard, shouldn't it work out of the box with 7.04 feisty???03:11
jribRandom832: what terminal?03:11
slimjimflimJordan_U i don't know...i've never tried those shortcuts. icone, nope, i didn't think of that03:11
iconesiskel mac's automatically detects network settings...03:11
Random832xfce itself emits ^?03:11
kpha1hi guys, does anyway successfully configured tun/tap with wireless device? because I always failed to reconnect the wireless card once activate the tun/tab03:11
Random832*the terminal itself03:11
jribRandom832: in xfce terminal preferences you can change it03:11
Pelosamad,  ???03:11
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Frogzoo!hardware | KalleDK03:11
ubotuKalleDK: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport03:11
samadpelo: yes?03:11
Random832the xfce terminal is doing ^?03:11
slimjimflimi'll try that next time03:11
Paddy_EIRErafaelscj, !enter Random83203:11
Random832which is what i want. screen is mangling it to a ^@03:11
Pelosamad,  what is the problem you are having with port forwarding ?03:11
Jack_Sparrow ubuntu a channel in your native language might suit you better.03:11
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Paddy_EIRE!enter | Random83203:11
ubotuRandom832: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:11
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about graphic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:11
jribRandom832: is xfce terminal emitting ASCII DEL?03:12
Random832Paddy_EIRE: you know, i got your point the first time03:12
Picikbuntu: What are you looking for?03:12
siskelicone , feisty detected the network , but for some reason cannot access the boxes in the network, is there a way to connect manually ?03:12
iconeslimjimflim try to enter your box's bios if there is a temperature control03:12
Barr1How to I play a .nsv file?03:12
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Random832jrib: didn't i just say that?03:12
samadthe ports don't seem to be opening, it's not helping my Azureus, and under network tools, when I do a NetStat, both the UDP and TCP ports are listed, but the source IP is
Paddy_EIRERandom832, if you did then I wouldnt need to send it again03:12
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kbuntuPici: make desktop effects cube workdesk switching work03:12
soyportimy Nvidia screen is no longer there when I start my pc, I reinstall the driver 9755 but it still doesn't show the screen NVIDIA at start03:12
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iconesiskel you can try to mount the partition manually03:12
Pici!effects | kbuntu03:12
ubuntuJack_Sparrow: i don't think to stay here long.Repair this prublem with this ubuntu .03:12
ubotukbuntu: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects03:12
Random832Paddy_EIRE: I'd also _stopped_ after the first time :P03:12
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iconesiskel of the remote machine03:12
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kbuntuPici: ne.. nobody there03:12
siskelicone , do you know how?03:12
Picikbuntu: be patient03:13
soyportiMy LCD monitor its recognize as a CRT monitor03:13
Random832the next line i sent, and the only before you repeated yourself, was a complete thought.03:13
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Jordan_Usoyporti, The nvidia splash screen can be disabled, it doesn't necessarily mean that the driver is not working03:13
iconesiskel looking 4 .... don't have memorized yet03:13
notwenanyone know if linux and/or gnome invokes a process whenever a wifi or wireless connection is established and continues to run as long as that connection is established?03:13
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iconesiskel already did that at work03:13
Random832jrib: so, any ideas? yes, xfce terminal is sending ^?, screen is somehow turning it into a ^@. TERM is 'xterm', but i've tried it with other values too03:14
iconesiskel w8 a minute03:14
Pelosamad,  if you are forwarding a port this is something you do in you router,  and you need to set a static ip in ubuntu (admin > netswrok )  and forward the port in the router to that static ip , the static ip you will be using is one that must be out of the DHCP range of your router,  so you'll need to reduce the DHCP range in the router and the available ip in ubuntu for your static ip03:14
siskelicone thanks03:14
KalleDKFrogzoo: Thx, its on the list, though throws an error on boot about not finding the driver (this is server edition)03:14
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Pelosamad,  I don'T allow private msg  pleast talk to me in the channel03:14
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samadPelo: sure thing, sry, okay sounds good, how do I statically assign my IP in Ubuntu?  and also if my DHCP range starts at .1  and is up to 50, that means I would want to statically assign ubuntu and my ports to something .51+?03:15
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jribRandom832: nope, I had the same issue and forcing the settings from "auto-detect" sorted it out, not sure what's going on there03:16
Barr1Anyone know how to play a nsv file?03:16
Jordan_Usamad, System -> Administration -> Networking for a static config03:16
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kbuntuPici: i`m telling you, nobody is there :(03:16
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mikubuntuhelp, guys... who's here ... got x loaded on the laptop but screen resolution is terrible... went to settings and the highest res in the lineup of choices is 800 x 600, but i know the res is cabable of better ... the xubuntu splashscreen is much clearer, but when i get to the desktop, omg is bad...03:16
kbuntui`ve been patient for the past 1 and a half hour03:16
Random832jrib: any idea how "auto-detect" is working? could the terminal be sending a different thing to screen than it sends to other apps?03:16
mikubuntui got a terminal open.  can someone help me get this resolution right before i give my friends computer back to her and she commits homicide upon my self03:16
tech13flash freezes my firefox and konqueror when trying to use sound.  Started since the last software update.  google is only finding old fixes.  Advice?03:16
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Pelosamad,  I recommend that you reduce the DHCP by one so it ends at 49 and use 50 as your static,    in ubuntu ,  menu > system > admin > network , in porperies  change from DHCP to STatic ip ,  enter it there , save restart03:17
jribRandom832: no idea what it does03:17
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pcinistrodoes somebody knows a program that opens a txt document showing the content in ascii code?03:17
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yulibuenas noches, alguien sabe como configurar un modem avvio 8000 con ubuntu 7.04?03:18
Paddy_EIRE!fixres | mikubuntu03:18
ubotumikubuntu: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:18
Pelosamad,  honestly if you are using Azurues to let you know if you are NATed it doesn't always me you are nated in your router,  it might be at your ISP 's end ,  AZ is not the most reliable on this stuff03:18
xero is there a way to share a dialup connection with other desktops from kubuntu with a softmodem?03:18
slimjimflimicone, is there a way to go through a log to find the time and possibly an error report from the last time it froze?03:18
KalleDKI got this error with my wireless card http://pastebin.org/1267, does any of you know what the problem might be (netgear wg311v2)03:18
Random832jrib: i think i found it03:18
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PeloKalleDK,  can you summerize the error ?03:18
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rafaelscjxero, I think that firestarter do it03:19
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tigranhow can I change a folders permission that has only root03:19
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samadPelo: thanks for the info, I wouldn't put it past my ISP honestly, but it seems to work okay in Windows, I'm just trying to become 100% Micro$oft free :),  do you have any recommendations of a better native bit torrent client?03:19
jrib!permissions > tigran (see the private message from ubotu)03:19
Pelotigran,  which folder ?03:19
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KalleDKPelo... Well I made a new clean install.. And the driver seems not to be there.. I guess.. Best guess acx: firmware image 'acx/' was not provided. Check your hotplug scripts03:19
mneptoktigran: what directory?03:19
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SeveredCrossOkay, why would I have two users logged in, one at :0 and one at :0.003:20
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silvertip257I'm trying to boot to vyatta livecd (router distro based on debian), but I keep getting this message "/bin/sh:  can't access tty"03:20
xerothanks rafaesc03:20
Pelosamad,   the azureus wiki has a list of "bad" ISP  you might want give it a look ,  ask in #azureus-support then can direct you03:20
jribtigran: Pelo and mneptok ask a very important question03:20
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not_benhhello all03:20
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Jack_Sparrowsilvertip257: Why are you asking that here?03:20
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PeloKalleDK,  have you reviewed the wifi doc this is probably covered03:20
mneptokSeveredCross: all X users have 2 sessions. a shell and the X tty.03:20
MajorPoopyPantswhat would be the advantage of using ubuntu over debian03:21
yulibuenas noches, alguien sabe como configurar un modem avvio 8000 con ubuntu 7.04?03:21
tigranfat32 shared partition03:21
SeveredCrossOh, right, I forgot about that.03:21
Pelo!wifi > KalleDK  check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu03:21
silvertip257Jack_Sparrow:  I'm desperate :(  I can't figure out wth to do ..03:21
SeveredCrossI always forget about that X tty.03:21
not_benhI have an older palm T3 that I've been trying to get up and running on my desktop I'm trying to use gnome-pilot.03:21
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mneptoktigran: reursively change the permissions on the mount point.03:21
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not_benhit syncs fine with my apple but I cant seem to get ubuntu to see it03:21
jribtigran: you want to set it up correctly in fstab03:21
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Jack_Sparrowsilvertip257: Reburn your iso at a very slow speed...03:21
abhiis there any other command like wget?03:21
acetechbulmer, thanks for the help I got it03:21
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jribabhi: curl ?03:22
mneptokabhi: curl03:22
silvertip257Jack_Sparrow:  already checksummed & burnt slow ...03:22
Pelonot_benh, lookup your model in the forum  www.ubuntuforums.org03:22
jrib!vfat > tigran (see the private message from ubotu)03:22
not_benhk thanks Pelo03:22
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abhijrib: is it better than wget ?03:22
jribabhi: better in what way?03:22
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Jordan_U!better | abhi03:22
ubotuabhi: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.03:22
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=== Pelo takes away Jordan_U 's trigger
soyporti<Jordan_U> My LCD monitor is show as a CRT monitor, could that be a driver problem?03:23
rafaelscjHow do I to give write permission in /etc/fstab?03:23
abhijrib: in speed and front end.03:23
Jack_Sparrowsilvertip257: try getting into grub and making some changes to the boot line... unplug any usb devices etc...  alt.. go to see the people that made the cd..03:23
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mneptokabhi: speed?03:23
ubuntuwhat shit03:23
Pelorafaelscj,  why do you need to do that ?03:23
Jack_Sparrowrafaelscj: Why.?03:23
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mneptokubuntu: watch the language03:23
ubuntuthe sound continued to freeze03:23
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wol - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:23
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tritiumubotu: language, please03:24
ubuntumneptok: watch the language03:24
hvgotcodeshey can someone recommend a smooth font for non-terminal stuff(I use terminus for terminals)03:24
silvertip257Jack_Sparrow:  haha ok ;) .. you guys are much nicer03:24
mneptokubuntu: pardon me?03:24
abhimneptok: that making multiple connection to sever just like dap and download manager in windows.03:24
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Pelomneptok,  he probably meant the bot03:24
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ubuntumneptok: ?03:24
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orbisvicisanyone know a wake on lan package that can work of internet03:24
ubuntuno fix for this things03:24
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rafaelscjPelo, I don't want to use sudo every time I want to write on /dev/sda303:24
Peloubuntu,   ubotu is a bot , we use it to send quick info03:24
ubuntufrom much time i write prublem with the sound,freeze in epiphany and firefox03:24
mneptok21:23 < ubuntu> mneptok: watch the language   <----  huh?03:24
iconeslimjimflim    http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-monitoring-a-server-with-munin03:24
ubuntumneptok: then watch it huh?03:25
soyporti<Jordan_U> how can i fix that resolution problem if my i just reinstall the driver and my xorg.conf it seem to be ok?03:25
hvgotcodesand also, i installed the gnome-theme-extras package but dont see any dark themes there03:25
ubuntugalpa: #japan03:25
Pelorafaelscj,  don'T give write acces to fstab , give it to the /dev/sda3 mountpoint03:25
mneptokubuntu: do not use profanity in #ubuntu. ok?03:25
ubuntuPelo: i didn't say it03:25
ubuntumneptok: galpa: #ubuntu-es ?03:25
Jordan_Usoyporti, I don't know03:25
retourHi all! To fully use potential of Mplayer is it enough to install it from repositories ar I have to also manually install codecs packs?03:25
orbisvicisalternatively, how can i encapsulate wol packages for internet ?03:25
=== Biohazard [i=mahdi@blfd-4db51bcc.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu
kazolHow do I move the top panel?03:25
Jack_Sparrowsoyporti: Post your xorg to the pastebin....  someone can then check it out03:26
soyportithanks <Jordan_U>03:26
Pelokazol,  drag it03:26
mneptokubuntu: will you stop using profanity?03:26
mneptokubuntu: "yes" or "no" are your choices here.03:26
rafaelscjPelo, can you tell me the chmod's parameters?03:26
soyporti<Jack_Sparrow> where is the paste bin? sorry i'm new03:26
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:26
Pelorafaelscj,  what is the mount point for /dev/sda3 ?03:26
ubuntumneptok: i'm not using it,when i finish to watch the Naruto i will stop to use ubuntu,when someone fix the sound i will use it again03:26
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rafaelscjPelo, /media/sda303:27
Jack_Sparrowsoyporti: then post the link back here... it keeps the channel cleaner..03:27
ubuntumneptok:  the choice is your.03:27
iconesiskel read this http://www.debuntu.org/2006/05/31/58-how-to-smbfs-smbmnt-must-be-installed-suid-root03:27
Pelorafaelscj,  what FS is it ?03:27
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rafaelscjPelo, reiserFS03:27
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soyporti<Jack_Sparrow> where is the paste bin?????03:27
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Picigalpa: escribe /j #ubuntu-es03:27
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kazolPelo: Thanks, didn't realize there was blank space where I could drag it.03:28
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Jack_Sparrowsoyporti: I just sent the link... look up  !pastebin03:28
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soyporti<Jack_Sparrow>sorry sure i miss it cause my screen has now 640x48003:28
soyportii wil look03:29
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Jack_Sparrowsoyporti: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org03:29
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yulibuenas noches, alguien sabe como configurar un modem avvio 8000 con ubuntu 7.04?03:29
Jack_Sparrowsoyporti: then post the link back here... it keeps the channel cleaner..03:29
jrib!es | yuli03:29
ubotuyuli: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:29
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Pelorafaelscj,   in the terminal  type  sudo gedit /etc/fstab   ,  copy and save this line  /dev/sda3 /media/sda3 reiserfs defaults 0 2        save and restart03:29
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yulithank you03:29
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Jordan_Uretour, I think all that Ubuntu's mplayer is missing is w32codecs, which can be installed via the mediaubuntu repo03:30
soyportiyuli: entra a ubuntu-es03:30
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rafaelscjPelo, wait a moment03:30
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=== Pelo puts pressure on rafaelscj : NOW !!!
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soyporti<Jack_Sparrow> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35335/03:31
gerromy cd drive doesn't seem to be functioning, Although I know it did before, I haven't upgraded or anything and am using the same basic kernel. I can use usb sticks fine just not cds or dvds or burn anything03:31
=== bruenig [n=bruenig@ip-129-15-131-246.fescfwsm.ou.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_Sparrowsoyporti: Ok... looking now03:31
soyportisome help with this xorg file http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35335/03:31
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Pelosoyporti,  what is wrong with it ?03:32
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soyportipelo: my lcd is show as a CRT on the Nvidia driver Gui03:32
Piciicone: ?03:32
=== joey383__ [n=michael@adsl-219-18-74.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
wilson_Br_2007someone knows this problem: vlc cant read dvd03:33
BakefyCan someone help me remove something from the ubuntu "start" menu?03:33
Pelosoyporti,  and does it cause you a problem ?03:33
soyportimy resolution is 640x480 and it should be 1440x90003:33
Jordan_UPelo, Try not to use sudo with GUI apps when giving instructions, even though it is safe with gedit people you help may use it with other apps and no longer be able to login03:33
rafaelscjPelo, this is my fstab -> :UUID=8b6a5cae-46e3-41a7-a5ec-50e26524fd2a /media/sda3     reiserfs defaults        0       203:33
iconePici yeah ?03:33
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jribBakefy: tried  right clicking on the ubuntu icon and going to "edit menu"?03:33
Piciicone: I dont know, you keep saying Time!03:33
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Jack_Sparrowsoyporti: I am looking up your monitor specs.. do you know the sysnc rates H/V ?03:34
Pelorafaelscj,  this is how it is now ? and you can't write to it ?03:34
PeloJordan_U, it was a mistake, I usualy do gksu03:34
retourJordanU: I love manual control so the best would be to download full codecs pack from Mplayer website and copy it into appropriate folder. The question is Which One?03:34
soyporti<Pelo> i think that the part with the server layout is wrong03:34
wilson_Br_2007message error from vlc [00000298]  dvdread demuxer error: fatal error in vts ifo03:34
wilson_Br_2007[00000298]  dvdread demuxer error: DvdReadSetArea(0,0,1) failed (can't decrypt DVD?)03:34
iconePici     lol   ....   I'm learning yet ....   trying to explore a bit of this irc prog ... lol03:34
Bakefyjrib, there is a wine program listed under the wine menu, its uninstalled, but it never was removed from the menu.03:34
Pelosoyporti, I don't know how to fix this , sorry03:34
jribBakefy: did you try the menu editor?03:35
NemesisUKwilson_Br_2007, you need libdvdcss2 to decrypt bought dvds03:35
rafaelscjPelo, there is no -> File > New folder03:35
iconePici   pay no atention.....     in fact, I'm going 4 a cafe ....03:35
Jordan_Uretour, Most likely just w32codecs03:35
soyporti<Jack_Sparrow: what is H/V?03:35
Bakefyjrib, yeah, it makes it not show, so i guess that is all i need.... but its really just hiding it.03:35
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Jordan_Uretour, Ahh, and libdvdcss03:35
rafaelscjPelo, It's disabled03:35
Pelorafaelscj,    look into  /media , so you see a  /sda3 in there ?03:35
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freezeySQUASHFS error: sb)bread failed reading block and uable to read page block size 4aa103:36
freezeyBuffer I/O error on device sr0 logical block03:36
Piciicone: You might just want to do your experimenting in a differnt channel, like one w/o 1000 users ;)03:36
freezeyseeing those errors03:36
freezeyanybody can help?03:36
=== FreeLanceTux is now known as H4Tux
soyporti<Jack_Sparrow: sorry to be late but the letters are to BIG03:36
jribBakefy: doesn't really matter but checkout ~/.local/share/applications/wine/ if you really care probably03:36
iconePici just ended experimenting ... sorry guys03:36
Pelofreezey, when does this happen ?03:36
wilson_Br_2007nemesis_ i already installed libdvdcss2 and nothing03:36
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xjkxwhy it happens on glxinfo: http://www.pastebin.ca/67277603:36
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Bakefyjrib thanks!  I got it good enough.03:37
retourJordanU: Mediaubuntu=medibuntu this 1 I have already03:37
freezeyPelo: when i try to install after i select install ubuntu it goes through the ubuntu screen then stop and goes to that screen and just keeps scrolling that03:37
Pelofreezey,  what is your video card ?03:37
freezeyits onboard03:37
Jordan_Uretour, Then there is nothing mplayer specific you need, just grab w32codecs and libdvdcss203:37
=== eajac [n=eajac@cpe-24-209-44-72.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
soyporti<Jack_Sparrow: any idea?03:37
freezeyPelo: its for my laptop i already have ubuntu installed on it i am just trying to reinstall03:38
Pelofreezey, odd,  I suggest you try the alternate install cd03:38
freezeyi just burned it?03:38
rafaelscjPelo, yes, there is. I think that the device is /dev/hda3 instead of /dev/sda3 but it was the auto-detection (/dev/sda3)03:38
=== deanlandolt [n=deanland@pool-71-191-176-112.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_Ufreezey, Can you removing "splash" at boot on the cd?03:38
Jordan_U!boot | freezey03:38
ubotufreezey: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto03:38
Jack_SparrowStill looking up your monitor.. My net is slow ..doing other things...  we need your scan rate/refresh rate..03:38
rafaelscjPelo, I'm not sure03:38
Pelofreezey,  check the cd for integrity03:39
=== rancidlm [n=rancidlm@linuxfordummies/RancidLM] has joined #ubuntu
Pelorafaelscj,   terminal    blkid   see what is it listed as   /hda or sda ,03:39
soyportianyone knows if the modem avvio 800 can work in ubuntu feisty fawn?03:39
freezeyJordan_U: are you sure thats the issue?03:39
soyportidoes it need a driver?03:39
Pelosoyporti,   look here  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport03:39
soyportithanks pelo03:40
soyportiis for another user03:40
=== ward_ [n=ward@151.38-67-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
rancidlmhey all, i have a dell inspron 1420 and the hardware support seems better on the beta of 7.10  is there a way to do a distribution update via the net ? (its currently running 7.04)03:40
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Jack_Sparrowsoyporti: Found the info I was looking for..03:40
roehow do I find out which program is accessing one of my HD03:40
ward_what's the ubuntu channel for compiz etc again?03:40
Pelorancidlm,  ask in #ubuntu+103:40
Jack_Sparrow56-75 and  36 - 8303:40
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects03:40
ward_ty :-)03:40
Jack_Sparrowsoyporti: 56-75 and  36 - 8303:40
=== Babble [n=wardc@cpe-24-161-205-69.bak.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_Ufreezey, No, it will just give you messages at boot that may help you find out what is going wrong03:40
rafaelscjPelo, sda, there was a advanced option (during installation) that sad "install grub on hda"03:41
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lizardorbI need help getting my printer to work. Installed, but won't actually print.03:41
FREELANCERninguem pode helpa eu no???03:41
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Jordan_Uroe, lsof03:41
gerrohmm lshw says clockrate of my NV34 [GeForce FX 5200]  is 66mhz. Is that correct? seems horribly low...03:41
Pelorafaelscj,  not hda   grub idenfifies it,s hdd diffrently,  don'T worry about that03:41
soyporti<Jack_Sparrow> those are lines that i put on the paste bin?03:41
jrib!br | FREELANCER03:41
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ubotuFREELANCER: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.03:41
Thurin1Would a monitor that was manufactured in 2001 be 'safe' in Ubuntu? - Because I have had Ubuntu trash an older monitor at the refresh switching when it boots up03:42
soyporti<Jack_Sparrow> those are mistaken lines?03:42
freezeyJordan_U: its boot for install tho?03:42
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Pelorafaelscj, are you the one that made the entry for your /dev/sda3 manualy in fstab or was it made automaticaly when you instaled ?03:42
Jack_Sparrowsoyporti: Give me a minute... phone call...03:42
Jordan_Ufreezey, Can you rephrase your question?03:42
gerroThurin1: look up monitor details here http://www.monitorworld.com/03:42
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Thurin1gerro, I know my monitor details ;) - What I am worried about is Ubuntu killing another monitor, so does anyone have a monitor from 2001-2?03:43
rafaelscjPelo, I created 3 partitions during installastion03:43
gerroThurin1: enter info you find there on your monitor here http://www.x.org/archive/X11R6.8.0/doc/xorg.conf.5.html in /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:43
=== Andy80 [n=ftrewgg@host227-200-dynamic.9-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
freezeyJordan_U: well listen i am trying to reinstall and i am gettin those errors i can boot into the OS with noproblem its only when i get to the install screen and select install i get those after like 10 minutes03:43
Thurin1gerro, I thank you but that was not my question03:43
gerroThurin1: my monitor is from 199803:43
=== theshadow [n=theshado@c-67-166-15-168.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Thurin1gerro, oh yeah?03:43
Thurin1gerro, What is it's max refresh?03:43
freezeyJordan_U: ok so while checking disk integrity it seems to have found an error in 1 file03:43
Jordan_Ufreezey, Oh, I thought that you never actually got to the desktop on the LiveCD03:44
Pelorafaelscj,  ok,  rafaelscj , just to review here ,  your problem is that you can't make folders and files in /media/sda3 ?03:44
Thurin1I believe that my old one had a max refresh of 60hz.. Ubuntu killed it haha03:44
rafaelscjPelo, / , swap, /media/sda303:44
gerroThurin1: http://www.monitorworld.com/Monitors/optiquest/l700.html03:44
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Thurin1This one can do 85-100hz, I suppose that should be good03:44
rafaelscjPelo, yes03:44
Thurin1gerro, :D Mine should be fine than03:44
Jordan_Ufreezey, Probably a bad burn, check the md5sum of the iso though to be sure03:44
freezeyJordan_U: well no not on the cd i cant get into the desktop but if i choose to boot normally (computer already has ubuntu installed)03:44
Pelorafaelscj,   goto  /media   right click on /sda3   and check the permissions03:44
freezeyJordan_U: just downloaded it from freakin distrowatch shouild be cool03:45
gerroThurin1: yeah you can turn up a lot of settings that could trash hardware, like clockrates and refresh rates etc etc03:45
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Thurin1Because I like Ubuntu used it for a year or so, but than I re-installed and it literally broke 2 seperate monitors... both from 98, but later I realized that both had max refreshes of 60hz.03:45
DownixYa know, I've never maaged to accomplsh the one thing I've wanted to with Linux, make a cross-compiler03:45
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Jack_Sparrowsoyporti: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35336/03:46
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gerroThurin1: by default isn't it like 33-66 or so refresh rate?03:46
Jordan_Ufreezey, It was either a bad burn or a corrupt download, it's probably the former but I would check before making any more coasters :)03:46
rafaelscjPelo, ower: root, group: root03:46
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Thurin1gerro, I have never gotten a straight answer on what refresh rate or rates that Ubuntu tests on startup...03:46
gerroDownix: try using mingw or wine03:46
=== gepatino [n=gabriel@200-127-6-252.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
freezeyhow exactly do i check if its a bad iso03:46
ubotuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:47
gerrofreezey: if the md5sum doesn't match03:47
Thurin1From Xorg, it would seem to test quite a bit - so I suppose once it gets to high it can trash an older monitor - which of course will not preempt the attempt and stop it like modern monitors.03:47
Downixgerro:  for an m68k cross-compiler?03:47
rafaelscjPelo, so, I can't read/write03:47
theshadowAlright I'm stuck I can't launch Firefox, or a shell window. Everytime I do it acts like its starting up then just ends.  /var/log/syslog shows cnxthsf_OsWaitTime(f7411b80/HDAUnsolicitedMessage,40): returning OSEVENT_WAIT_TIMEOUT. Can anyone help me?03:47
=== joey383 [n=michael@adsl-219-18-74.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pelorafaelscj,  try this , gsku nautilus  /media   ,   then check the permissions again and change the group to your nick03:47
gerroThurin1: it says in that link on xorg.conf that it will use a default refresh rate if none are specified03:47
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Thurin1theshadow, It's taking to long - perhaps something is missing in your Firefox install.03:47
Pelorafaelscj,  forget that03:48
=== kaneda [n=diablo@c-24-10-13-12.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tyler-wylieWhat is this madness with ubuntu 7.04.  It's actually not bad!03:48
Thurin1theshadow, what is your CPU/RAM?03:48
rafaelscjPelo, ...03:48
ablysstheshadow, what is your computers hostname ?03:48
soyporti<Jack_Sparrow> i don't get it03:48
Thurin17.04 is out?03:48
notchNICKhi.. I keep getting this error whenever I try to install ubuntu on virtualbox "The creation of swap space in partition #5 of IDE1 master (hda) failed." ........... can anyone help please?03:48
gerroThurin1: did you custom install video card drivers for it? perhaps it over wrote that section off xorg.conf03:48
Pelorafaelscj,  I thnk you'll need to change the group but I don't know how you would do it03:48
nephishwas here before, but got kicked off my network, can i  create a new partition without overwriting anything ? i have a rather large folder of media stuff that i want to put in its own partition in case i want to tinker with my os03:48
soyportiwhat do you you mean by those numbers03:48
theshadowThurin1: Alot 3.4Ghtz with 2Gb RAM03:48
Jordan_Utheshadow, What happens if you run "xterm" with alt+f2 ?03:48
Thurin1gerro, So do you know what is the default refresh rate for Ubuntu?03:48
gerroDownix: m68k? never heard of that03:48
Jack_Sparrowsoyporti: I added your refresh rate....  and I questioned that one other entry03:48
rafaelscjPelo, chmod?03:48
Pelorafaelscj,  what are the group permission ?03:48
Thurin1gerro, No I edit my XORG's manually - I have a Radeon, and prefer the Linux driver and my options as opposed to the horrid driver ATI supplies...03:49
soyporti<Jack_Sparrow> refresh rate you mean frecuency? Hz?03:49
gerroThurin1: as I have said the default is whatever xorg sets when you don't have a rate specified03:49
Downixgerro: the motorola 68000 CPU, one of the landmark processors?03:49
Pelorafaelscj,  you can try    sudo chmod 777 /media/sda303:49
Thurin1Actually Linux + Radeon's = Teh suxers.03:49
Jack_Sparrowsoyporti: Yes...03:49
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gerroDownix: ohhh yeah I remember some people talking about that before03:49
nathan_anyone ever use VNC ?03:49
nilihanthI need help with Beryl; it seemed to only half-install03:49
Thurin1gerro, I should look at Xorgs docs, perhaps the default it falls back to is 70hz03:49
Jordan_Unephish, Can you give more info, are you trying to copy to another drive for instance, or just another partition?03:49
Pelonilihanth, ask in #beryl or #ubuntu-effects03:49
ablyssnathan_, i do about once a week03:50
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Downixgerro: used in the Apple Mac,, Commodore Amiga, Atari ST + Jaguar, the PalmPilot....03:50
gerroDownix: you what you working with embedded linux systems? I usually use cuts on my cellphone to access home server03:50
rafaelscjnathan_, I used it03:50
Jordan_U!anyone | nathan_03:50
ubotunathan_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:50
rafaelscjPelo, I will try it now03:50
xjkxwhy it happens on glxinfo: http://www.pastebin.ca/67277603:50
nilihanththanks, Pelo03:50
nephishJordan_U, well, i need to create a new partition. i only have /   and /swap03:50
nathan_Jordan_U: because I was expecting to be referred somewhere else like usual03:50
Jack_Sparrowsoyporti: Before you do anything...  make a backup of your xorg.03:50
gerroThurin1: depends horizontally or vertically03:50
Thurin1Windows is somewhat intelligent when it comes to refresh rates, at the loss of control... if your monitor cannot do 70hz, it will let you "pick" 80 hz, but will still keep 60hz as the real refresh.03:50
Downixgerro:  actually trying to make apps for my old Amiga03:50
tyler-wylieUbuntu is like Rush, once you get past Geddy Lee's vocals you find a great operating system.03:50
soyportii have one backup!03:50
=== HiuCD [n=hiu@pc-235-97-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
notchNICKanyone using Virtualbox in here?03:51
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soyporti<Jack_Sparrow how can i use it?03:51
gerronotchNICK: I used it once03:51
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=== Pelo spots a canadian
Jack_Sparrowsoyporti: Ok... you might want to remove that one line for now and make the changes I showed you.03:51
soyporti<Jack_Sparrow>  I have one backup how can i use it03:51
gerroDownix: never understood what an Amiga is, isn't it spanish for girlfriend?03:51
notchNICKI cant seem to be able to install ubuntu with virtual box03:51
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=== theshadow [n=theshado@c-67-166-15-168.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nathan_Anyways, I'm having trouble with VNC. It works fine as in connects and everything. If I set windows to be the server and view with the linux machine, no problem. But if I use Linux as the server and read with the windows machine, it *WORKS* except I can't see the changes on the windows box..03:51
mjancaitisJordan_U: I'm back if you're still around03:51
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=== ablyss uses vmware server
Jack_Sparrowsoyporti: Just replace your existing xorg with the backup03:52
notchNICKthis error keeps showing up  "The creation of swap space in partition #5 of IDE1 master (hda) failed."03:52
Thurin1Last question since you seem to be quite plentiful in links ;)03:52
soyporti<Jack_Sparrow> what lines did you changed, i don't like to bother is just that this resolution is unconfortable03:52
theshadowOk so it starts up Xorg but I can't run anything it just stops launching anything. I'm currently in the emergency shell03:52
Thurin1gerro, Would you know any sites which would explain on how to install Win2k/Ubuntu on the same HDD? -03:52
Jack_Sparrowsoyporti: I am running short on time... one sec.03:52
wilson_Br_2007thank you guys forwhile03:52
Jack_Sparrowsoyporti: Lines 115 11603:52
Pelotheshadow,  an actual install or the installation process ?03:52
=== jaycuse [n=jaycuse@CPE0014517cb344-CM0011e6c44431.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
Downixgerro:  it's a computer, decades ahead of it's time  One of the most advanced computers of it's day  So of course the owning company mismanaged it into oblivion.  8)03:53
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theshadowPelo: what do you mean?03:53
gerroThurin1: I usually don't mess with that stuff but I have tried to do that. Its usually best if you have win2k installed then install ubuntu. But I think you have to edit some settings with grub03:53
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Jordan_Umjancaitis, I am, havn't looked further into the permissions yet though03:53
Jack_Sparrowsoyporti: I would love to help but I really need to get dressed before the wife shows up...03:53
Pelotheshadow,  are you having this problem when trying to install ubuntu or is it already installed &03:53
mjancaitisJordan_U: no problem, should I explain it to some others?03:53
gerroThurin1: just read up on anything you can find related to "grub" if you find a guide for linux on general dual booting don't listen to them they might be speaking of lilo03:53
rafaelscjPelo, Do chmod work with directories?03:53
Thurin1gerro, Ok well thanks, maybe I can find more information in the Ubuntu docs, or forum where I am sure someone has already asked the same question ;D03:53
soyporti<Jack_Sparrow> don't worry i got it already03:53
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mjancaitisrfaeilscj: yes03:53
Thurin1Im out, leter...03:54
Jordan_U!dualboot | Thurin103:54
soyportithanks a lot for your help.03:54
nathan_anyone with experience using VNC know what might be causing that?03:54
ubotuThurin1: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty03:54
Pelorafaelscj,  just  chmod to /media/sda303:54
soyporti<Jack_Sparrow> see ya.03:54
=== Skreet [n=Skreet@c-24-91-74-2.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pelorafaelscj,  the line I gave you , should take care of it03:54
=== searayman [n=puller@ool-4350dd8e.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
searaymanwhere can i get help for gimp?03:54
gerroThurin1: that info he recommended is kind of good but best to know how to recover if you trash the system as well03:54
Pelosearayman,  #gimp03:54
theshadowPelo: this is a dell preinstalled. Its worked fine up till today FF froze so I xkilled it. Then everything stopped responding so I had to hard reboot it. When everything came back up. I can get into X but nothing will launch. And if I go to the emergency shell (like I am now) and swap back the system completely locks up again.03:54
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Jordan_Unathan_, Are you using Beryl / Compiz03:55
searaymanPelo, thanks!03:55
nathan_Jordan_U: yes sir, Beryl03:55
Downixgerro:  I just thouht to get the old beast running again, but with a 7hz CPU, would be smarter to let this machine do the compiling03:55
xjkxwhy it happens on glxinfo: http://www.pastebin.ca/67277603:55
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Pelofrom the recovery mode      sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:55
Jordan_Unathan_, It's a known bug, there is a workaround on launchpad ( in the comments for the bug )03:55
gerroDownix: 7hz?03:56
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gerroDownix: for 7hz why not just count with your fingers a little multi tasking wouldn't kill ya03:56
Downixgerro:  yup.  The main CPU is 7.14Mhz.03:56
nathan_I get you but what is this launchpad of which you speak03:56
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gerroDownix: ah 7.14mhz that little better03:56
star1Can anyone help me get my Canon MP510 printer working?  I followed the instructions at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=282096&page=403:56
tonyyarusso!launchpad | nathan_03:57
ubotunathan_: launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's Bounty and Bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/03:57
Downixgerro:  actually, it multitasks fine.  But that's neither here nor there03:57
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)03:57
=== Pelo mutters about the damn bot getting all the glory and how it's gonna get it some day
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theshadowPelo: so am I SOL?03:58
Pelotheshadow,  SOL &03:58
tyler-wylieAnyone know of a good program for temperature monitoring?03:58
tonyyarussowatch acpi -V ?03:58
=== devil [i=devil@201-74-232-84-am.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
Pelotyler-wylie, xsensor03:58
rafaelscjPelo, should I change the directorie's group?03:58
Jordan_Umjancaitis, Can you tell me what the permissions are for your ~/.ICEauthority ?03:58
Pelotyler-wylie,  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty03:58
theshadowpelo: sh*t out of luck03:59
=== mario [n=mario@102-13.126-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pelorafaelscj,  does it work now ?03:59
mjancaitisJordan_U: illuminate me as to how and you shall receive all that you desier03:59
marioll themes from beryl website on ubuntu error message appears03:59
mariohow do i instLL03:59
Pelotheshadow,  didn't you get my suggestion ?    from the recovery mode,      sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   ,  always select the provided defaults if any04:00
=== pistolsnipe [n=pistolsn@RESNET-28-141.resnet.ucsb.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Pelomario, do you have beryl installed ?04:00
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Pelomario,  ask in #beryl04:00
marioWERE DO I GO04:00
Pelomario,   type /join #beryl04:01
Peloand mario take of your caplock04:01
marioo ok04:01
=== Krumar [n=Krumar@resnet-237-220.resnet.UMBC.EDU] has joined #ubuntu
=== Pelo tried to install xubuntu alternate cd on his aunt's computer today, , he never stood a chance
=== Johnuah [n=johnuah@] has joined #ubuntu
=== TheShadow [n=theshado@c-67-166-15-168.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
BucketfaceI had to reinstall Ubuntu today because the repartitioning broked it04:02
=== Curs0r [n=doc@ip68-228-38-31.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_Umjancaitis, ls -l ~/.ICEauthority04:02
star1Can anyone help me get my Canon MP510 printer working?  I followed the instructions at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=282096&page=404:02
=== IndyGunFreak_ [n=IndyGunF@user-0cdv00n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pelodamn anthy on a 64meg RAM system ,  too much to ask apparently,  no internet , no easy solution,  6hrs wasted04:02
=== dafan [n=andre@ip70-178-80-250.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
BucketfaceYou can't run anything on that..04:02
TheShadowok well that was fun. Apparently something wasn't removed correctly with Compiz-Fusion/Beryl and after I did an apt-get remove beryl* and compiz* everything is now working04:02
mjancaitisJordan_U: -rw------- 1 mjancaitis mjancaitis 1352 blah blah blah04:03
nathan_where's xorg.conf?04:03
BucketfaceIn etc?04:03
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BucketfaceDon't mess with it though04:03
PeloBucketface,  you can , but there is this small bug with the  oriental character thingy,  so just need to bypass it when I go back tomorrow04:03
mjancaitisnathan: /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:03
iconenathan:       /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:03
Jordan_Umjancaitis, Ok, that is correct, which means it may not be the gksudo problem04:03
=== wolfsong [n=wolfsong@cpe-76-187-174-77.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
mjancaitisJordan_U: bummer04:04
Pelostar1,  your printer is listed in cups, why do you need anything more ?04:04
star1Mine isn't04:04
star1For whatever reason04:04
Pelostar1,   what distro and release are you using ?04:04
star1Ubuntu Feisty04:04
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Pelostar1,  look further down, tehre is a word before  the number , it's not just   MP15004:05
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iconeone question :  why I turn my modem up and after that, if I try to set network cards the net simply stops working (but the connection doesn't drop)04:05
Jordan_Umjancaitis, You could remove all X related packages then re-install them ( backup your selections first so you don't have to keep track of / worry about other things that will get removed with X )04:05
Jordan_U!cloning | mjancaitis04:05
ubotumjancaitis: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type  dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type  sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade  - See also !automate04:05
star1Pelo: I have the MP510, though, not the MP15004:05
=== boyam [i=boyam12@166-82-81-31.quickclick.ctc.net] has joined #ubuntu
iconeone question :  why I turn my modem up and after that, if I try to set network cards the net simply stops working (but the connection doesn't drop)04:06
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Pelostar1,  i see  MULTIPASS MP150, the first in the MULTIPASS MP series,  right after the multipass CS series04:06
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star1Pelo: Right, but that's not my printer.  My printer is the MULTIPASS MP51004:07
=== mjancaiti1 [n=mjancait@c-76-31-12-110.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
star1Pelo:NOT the MP15004:07
Pelostar1,  my mystake hold on04:07
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: wow, got pwned by a power drop real quick, I'm back04:07
mneptokstar1: that printer only works buy purchasing a partially functional proprietary driver04:07
star1Pelo: It's ok, I appreciate the help04:07
mneptokstar1: http://openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Canon-PIXMA_MP51004:07
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star1mneptok: Canon released their own drivers for the printer, though, I just can't figure out how to make them work04:08
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ubotusvn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/04:08
iconePelo  one question :  why I turn my modem up the internet and after that, if I try to set network ip's on cards the net simply stops working (but the connection doesn't drop)04:08
ubotusubversion is an open source application used for revision control. It is sometimes abbreviated to svn in reference to the name of its command line interface. Look here for a Subversion How To on Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Subversion04:08
=== Distro^Junkie_ is now known as Distro^Junkie
matt3453i cant get real player to play any audio, video works fine though, anyone have any ideas?04:08
iconePelo  one question :  why I turn my modem up the internet and after that, if I try to set network ip's on cards the net simply stops working (but the connection doesn't drop)04:08
iconePelo  one question :  why I turn my modem up the internet and after that, if I try to set network ip's on cards the net simply stops working (but the connection doesn't drop)04:08
iconePelo  one question :  why I turn my modem up the internet and after that, if I try to set network ip's on cards the net simply stops working (but the connection doesn't drop)04:08
Pelostar1,  try using the MP500 one,  I have a bj-230 printer and I have to use the bj-200 driver ,04:08
iconePelo  osorry04:09
preaction!patience | icone04:09
ubotuicone: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:09
Peloicone,  you'rre gonna get banned now04:09
iconepreaction sorry04:09
mneptokicone: please don't do that again.04:09
star1Pelo: I tried the MP500 one, but the test page it printer was really messed up04:09
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iconeit was unintencionaly04:09
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mneptokstar1: where is this driver?04:09
geniiicone: The ppp (modem) takes over as default gateway04:09
=== Kevin` [i=kevin@kwzs.be] has joined #ubuntu
=== cafuego waits for AndrewJackson
Pelostar1,  what's that link again ?04:09
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cafuegottuttle: ssshhhh04:10
star1Pelo: I've tried changing the rpm files at the link I posted (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=282096&page=4) to deb, but I can't figure out why they don't work04:10
Distro^Junkieis it safe to remove gaim and its dependencies ? to replace it with pidgin ?04:10
Peloicone,  this would be wifi ?  I don'T know anythinga bout that04:10
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ttuttlecafuego: ?04:10
Distro^Junkieone of the deps is ubuntu-desktop04:10
IndyGunFreakDistro^Junkie: sure it is.04:10
matt3453i cant get real player to play any audio, video works fine though, anyone have any ideas?04:10
IndyGunFreakDistro^Junkie: thats a meta-package, don't worry about it.04:10
Distro^Junkieok thanx04:10
iconepreaction I was trying to pull no messege I sent before and erase it till the nick, but the fingers did'nt obey and kept working ENTER04:10
=== greenjenny [n=sls@phobos.asee.org] has joined #ubuntu
mariohow can i download limwire in to ubuntu04:11
Distro^Junkieits a fresh install so didn't want to botch it up04:11
=== Haz is away: .
Stormx2!limewire | mario04:11
ubotumario: limewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.04:11
iconepreaction too many hours here04:11
IndyGunFreakDistro^Junkie: oh, you'll botch it doing something other than removign gaim..lol04:11
iconepreaction :s04:11
Pelostar1, I don'T know, sorry , I can't help04:11
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Distro^Junkielol thanx for the vote of confidence04:11
=== devinderbhullar [n=devinbhu@fs-203-114-10-66.f-secure.com] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2russe11: You should use frostwire :)04:11
mariothanks ill try04:11
iconePelo it does the same thing weather i connect wifi or wire04:11
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=== Pelo is just plain useless, he should just stop comming here, it's bad for his selfesteem
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star1Pelo: It's ok, thanks for trying04:11
Stormx2Not russe11 >.> I meant mario04:11
devinderbhullarwhwre can i find the syslog file04:11
Peloicone, I don'T knwo04:11
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iconePelo ok04:12
mneptokstar1: did you read that whole thread?04:12
=== EvanR [n=evan@ip68-227-135-172.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
BucketfacePelo, you were useful to me the first day you helped me for sure.04:12
iconePelo tnks04:12
Pelodevinbhullar,  /var/log04:12
IndyGunFreakDistro^Junkie: just a fact of life... i hosed Ubuntu at least 4-5x, by my own carelessness, before finally settling down when I first started using it.04:12
mjancaiti1Pelo helped me yesterday wonderfully :)04:12
rafaelscjPelo, It didn't work, must I restart?04:12
PeloBucketface, yeah but what have I done for you since then ?04:12
star1mneptok: Yes, but nobody else on the thread seemed to actually have the MP510, except for the first person04:12
Pelorafaelscj, can'T hurt04:12
star1Oh, and Pelo helped me out greatly the other day :)04:12
IndyGunFreakPelo: don't you feel useful?..lol04:12
=== hogansghost [n=hogansgo@c-24-63-151-176.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mneptokstar1: only 1 person of all the posters claimed to have it work, and even then he couldn't make it work for others.04:12
Distro^Junkiewell I'm use to using gentoo so hopefully I won't hose it too bad04:12
=== Pelo is 0 for 6 tonight
=== etzerd [n=etzerd@pool-96-232-52-242.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
etzerdHello all04:13
IndyGunFreakDistro^Junkie: oh you should probably be ok then, once you get used to the debian way04:13
PeloIndyGunFreak,  xubuntu alternate cd got the better of me today04:13
rafaelscjPelo, drwxrwxrwxrwx04:13
mneptokstar1: honestly, in time savings it's probably cheaper to just buy a supported HP.04:13
Pelorafaelscj,  ???04:13
star1mneptok: The original poster was the only one with the actual MP510, though, and they were the ones claiming it worked04:13
IndyGunFreakPelo: happens to all of us.. what was the prob?04:13
etzerdis anyone here use the version 7.10 already?04:13
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: any new ideas? If I missed a message, I apologize04:13
star1mneptok: You're probably right04:13
=== foo25 [n=foo25@88-111-55-126.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_Umjancaitis, You could remove all X related packages then re-install them ( backup your selections first so you don't have to keep track of / worry about other things that will get removed with X )04:13
Jordan_U!cloning | mjancaitis04:13
ubotumjancaitis: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type  dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type  sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade  - See also !automate04:13
=== foo25 [n=foo25@88-111-55-126.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
rafaelscjPelo, directory's permission is 77704:13
star1mneptok: I was just hoping to avoid that (college student and such)04:13
rafaelscjPelo, I wll try mkdir04:14
PeloIndyGunFreak,   got stuck at 65%  on confuguring anthy,  I had no internet to check it out ,  turnes out iT's a common problem04:14
Distro^Junkiefigured I'd install an easier linux distro so the wife may take more interest in it04:14
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, But before you do that give a shot at asking your question again ( of the channel )04:14
IndyGunFreakPelo: hmm, i never had a prob w/ xubuntu alternate04:14
mneptokstar1: the original poster actually says "i can't get it to print"04:14
=== Caplain [n=shane@adsl-75-45-224-90.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pelorafaelscj,  don'T think it's gonna help but try it anyway04:14
BucketfacePelo, not much, but that's due to being on a different times usually, and any time I have spoken to you, you have always given me some kind of base to start from if I'm clueless.04:14
hogansghosthi, any apache2 wizards out there? trying to run cfm scripts on an ubuntu box04:14
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rafaelscjPelo, It worked on terminal but not on gnome04:14
BucketfaceHelping is good :D04:14
abhiI having problem in amarok in ubuntu. it does't play the restricted media files. i have already installed the codecs required for ubuntu. help04:14
=== Haz [n=dot@88-107-103-130.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has left #ubuntu ["."]
PeloIndyGunFreak,  it's a  compaq pressario  Duron 700m,  64 meg RAM ,04:15
devinderbhullaris it var/log/messages04:15
devinderbhullarmust it be chmod 54404:15
etzerdis anyone here use the version 7.10 already?04:15
Pelorafaelscj,  do you have a real need to have it  reisterfs ?04:15
star1mneptok: Oh, wow, somehow I missed that... I guess I misread the thread after all.  Thanks anyway, though, I'll try to figure something out04:15
IndyGunFreakPelo: hmm, i've used xubuntu alternate on a couple PC's, no issues.04:15
nomasteryodaetzerd, ya04:15
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mjancaiti1Jordan_U: am I just doing sudo apt-get remove X* and hoping it catches everything? And what selections will I be trying to copy and restore?04:15
rafaelscjPelo, I'm not using windows so...04:15
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Jordan_Uabhi, Amarok uses xine, make sure you have the xine plugins and not just the gstreamer plugins04:16
PeloIndyGunFreak,  anthy is for oriental characters,  I just have to kill the process when it gets to that point or make remvoe it from the installaiton options,  I have instructinos, I'll just do it tomorrow04:16
mneptokstar1: "attempt 1 at install didnt work, printer is added but nothing happens with testpage...to be continued"04:16
mneptokstar1: then nothing04:16
etzerdI install the version 7.10 on my system and it failed to give me the option to load windows xp or Ubuntu at the end of the installation.04:16
Pelorafaelscj, so just make if ext3 , it's ubuntu's prefered FS04:16
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IndyGunFreakPelo: oh i see, must be why i never have problems....lol, go figure.04:16
FezzlerHas anyone ever heard of or used udev to create a file that automatically runs when a usb device is plugged in and identified?04:16
PeloIndyGunFreak,  it's an old computer04:17
etzerdmonasteryoda: any idea04:17
rafaelscjPelo, mkdir worked in terminal04:17
=== Xerora [n=Xerora@pool-71-106-164-109.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
mneptokstar1: HP LJ3055 :)04:17
star1mneptok: I guess I misread who the author was or something... I'll probably just go get another printer, or try and find those for-pay drivers I've heard about04:17
abhiJordan_U, : could pls tell me exactly which xine package required?04:17
PeloIndyGunFreak,  the problem is well documented in the forum04:17
Pelorafaelscj,  hmm,04:17
rafaelscjPelo, "gnome file manager" -> not04:17
IndyGunFreakPelo: i have no doubt..., i seem to recall hearing that issue here a few times.04:17
Pelorafaelscj, I'm stumped04:17
=== j_ack [n=j_ack@p508D8909.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
star1mneptok: It's actually not a huge deal, such that I need a new printer.  I have Vista dual-booting, I just was trying to avoid the hassle of a restart04:18
mikubuntuplease can someone help me fix my screen resolution settings?04:18
PeloIndyGunFreak,  i just looked like an idiot in front of my 2yrs old cousin04:18
mneptokstar1: even the pay-for drivers don't work too well04:18
Pelomikubuntu, what isthe problem exactly ?04:18
=== david__ [n=david@bas3-sherbrooke40-1177645183.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
IndyGunFreaklol.. don't take it personal, we all do at times.04:18
mneptokstar1: you know for next time you spend money04:18
mjancaiti1To everybody: I've apparently screwed up gdm interestingly, to the point where when I boot, I get a black screen and a spinning mouse cursor; we took GDM off entirely and now when I just log into my account in the cli and try to do startx, I get permission denied errors, can't load shared libraries, libXau.so.6: cannot open shared file; anybody have an idea without a complete reinstall?04:18
mjancaiti1Also, how do I get my regular nickname back?04:19
star1mneptok: Well, on the upside, the printer was a graduation gift, so I didn't actually have to spend money on it04:19
mneptokmjancaiti1: if you removed GDM from the system, why does X breaking surprise you?04:19
=== praveer_fedora [n=praveer@unaffiliated/praveerfedora/x-094982] has joined #ubuntu
star1mneptok: I'll probably just live with it, or go back to the drivers I was using before for everyday stuff (it printed things, it just printed everything TINY)04:19
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etzerdI install the version 7.10 on my system and it failed to give me the option to load windows xp or Ubuntu at the end of the installation.04:20
mjancaiti1mneptok: Well, the other errors were equally interesting: when I tried to reinstall GDM and just run over the old one, I keep getting: invoke-rc.d: initscript gdm, action "reload" failed04:20
mneptokstar1: .. ... .... ... .. . .... .... ...04:20
Pelomjancaiti1,   goot the live cd,  back up your /home folder and clean install04:20
mikubuntupelo: i have a new install of xubuntu on a dell laptop.  install seems to have gone well except that screen is very splotchy, don't know ezackly what res is rendering on default, but i'd say it's not even 800 x 60004:20
=== jughead [n=jughead@c-68-47-231-107.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mjancaiti1So we took it off and tried to reinstall it and no dice04:20
=== carter_ [n=carter@74-130-18-113.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
star1mneptok: Not unreadable, just smaller than I'd prefer04:20
praveer_fedoraI need to fix the broken download of ubuntu 7.04 using zidrav, if someone can provide me .cdp patch file, it would be great04:20
BucketfaceOh ya, Pelo, I haven't got a Windows partition anymore, so how do I go about running the virtual system and stuff. Link me to some good reading pl0x :D?04:20
mneptokmjancaiti1: what was the "took it off" procedure?04:20
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, The selections basically describe what packages you have installed, by backing them up now, you can always tell dpkg to use the backed up list then tell apt to do whatever needs to be done to get back to the exact same package selection as you have now04:20
star1mneptok: Good for just about everything but term papers or things like that04:20
rafaelscjmikubuntu, what's your video card?04:20
geniireload will fail in the part of stopping the existing instance before running a new instance04:20
star1mneptok: :)04:20
=== Hammerjack [n=asdf@c-67-172-139-121.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mikubuntusomeone told me to install mc, but i did sudo apt-get install mc04:20
FezzlerI have a USB-to-Serial cable I'm using as a transfer cable to send files to/from Ubuntu<>Tandy Model 100.  I have the Linux client program running well.04:20
Pelomikubuntu,  not all that familiar with the menus in xubuntu ,  did yo try chaning the rez ni the rez dialog box , where ever it is ?04:21
geniiespecially if no pre-existing instnce exists to stop ;)04:21
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mikubunturafaelscj: i don't know ezackly, how can i find out?04:21
searaymandoes anyoen know gimp will i need soem help04:21
praveer_fedoradoes anyone have ubuntu-7.04 iso?04:21
=== kaneda [n=diablo@c-24-10-13-12.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
FezzlerNow I heard something about udev or udev rule that once the cable is plugged in I can get client app to load automatically?04:21
PeloBucketface,  is your windows xp cd oem ?04:21
mneptokpraveer_fedora: it's on the internet04:21
BucketfaceThink so04:21
mjancaiti1mneptok: I did sudo aptitude reinstall gdm and then I think just a plain apt-get remove04:21
=== Ritterrav [n=rav@ool-44c7cbed.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
mikubuntuits dell d300xt laptop04:21
mneptokpraveer_fedora: why are you asking on IRC?04:21
marioubotu i dowloaded limewire and ran runlim.sh and colorful words came out what is the next step04:21
praveer_fedoramneptok: I got the download md5sum wrong twice04:22
mikubuntucpi dell d300xt laptop04:22
Pelomario,  ubotu  is a bot04:22
BucketfacePelo, Yes it is :D04:22
IndyGunFreakmario: why didn't you just download the limewire.deb?04:22
praveer_fedoramneptok: I dont want to download again, can u provide me the patch file, pls04:22
mneptokmjancaiti1: you can't remove gdm without a force. ubuntu-desktop depends on it04:22
FezzlerWhat would be cool is a script or something that IDs the USB-RS232 cable and prompts me what to run!04:22
mneptokpraveer_fedora: what?04:22
PeloBucketface,  you won'T be able to authorise it in a VM ,  why did you remove yor windows ?04:22
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mneptokpraveer_fedora: there is no "patch file"04:22
praveer_fedoramneptok: using zidrav u can give me a small patch file to fix broken download, instead of entire iso04:23
mjancaiti1mneptok: I was logged in as root04:23
mariobecause that ubotu told me to so i can downloade music why indy04:23
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mneptokpraveer_fedora: what is zidrav?04:23
BucketfaceI removed it because I liked linux, and the repartitioning brokerzed everything!04:23
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mjancaiti1Pelo: if I don't actually have any documents, is there a point to backing up my home folder? does it have program settings and junk in it?04:23
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Pelomario,  to run limewire you need to install java04:23
FezzlerLike "If USB0 = Belkin F5U109 run menu then menu select program to run, etc.04:23
IndyGunFreakmario: ubotu tells ou whatever users tell it to tel you.. but my point is, if you download the .deb file for Limewire.. you can jsut double click it, and it should install04:23
Pelo!java | ubotu04:23
ubotuubotu: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre04:23
mjancaiti1mneptok: I forgot to mention I couldn't get into anything but root when all this was going on04:23
BucketfacePelo, Isn't there someway to emulate windows :D?04:23
Pelo!java | mario04:23
ubotumario: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre04:23
ubotuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning04:23
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rafaelscjmikubuntu, you have 2Mb of video memory04:24
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Pelomjancaiti1,  just settngs04:24
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Pelomjancaiti1,  well if you are going to clean isntall from scratch,  use the manual partitioning and put /home on a seperate partiton,  you'll find that very usefull in the furtuer, can reinstall with no back up04:24
searaymancan anyone help me with soem gimp questions, i need a gimp expert04:25
PeloBucketface, you can run some wndows apps on wine04:25
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mjancaiti1Pelo: ok, any idea how big it needs to be?04:25
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Pelosearayman,   you wuld need to go to #gimp for experts on gimp04:25
BucketfaceProbably... Depends, what about Ragnarok Online :D?04:25
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: are the commands from !cloning exactly what I need to type or are some of those variable names?04:25
mariohe told me to downloade this look mario: limewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.04:25
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searaymanPelo, no one in there is helping me the only peron to respond told me to go use inkscape....04:25
shrimantshello. i am thinking about installilng ubuntu on my vostro 1500, but i know i will run into some pretty huge problems04:25
Pelomjancaiti1,    5-10gig for / ext3  , 2xRAM /swap, the rest for /home04:25
FezzlerIs there an easy to use program like AppleScript or Automator for Ubuntu?04:26
mariohe told me to downloade this look mario: limewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.04:26
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mjancaiti1Pelo: should /home be ext3 too, or Reiser, or does it matter?04:26
Pelosearayman, well you can try here but no promisses04:26
Pelomjancaiti1, make it ext3 ,04:26
mjancaiti1Pelo: k04:26
shrimantsi know that nvidia 8600m gt wont work, and i might not be able to use live CD because it will give me a cannot access tty, job control turned off error04:26
=== Pelo does't know whay ppl use reiserfs
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=== mjancaiti1 doesn't either, but figured he'd ask
shrimantsfurthermore, i have an intel 3965 wireless card but i have no idea how to use it if there is no GUI04:27
Peloshrimants,  there is an alternate install cd you can install the nvidia drivers after04:27
Pelomario,  I donT' allow private msg  please talk to me in the channel04:27
marioPelo what progrsm you recomend to download that will work with ubuntu to downloade music04:27
BucketfaceI recommend Nicotine+04:28
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Pelo!frostwire | mario04:28
ubotumario: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire04:28
nomasteryodamario, amarok04:28
shrimantshow tho, if i dont know how to connect to my wireless without gui. and what nvidia drivers do i install? the one provided by nvidia?04:28
Pelonomasteryoda,  he wants to download04:28
mariohow do i get it04:28
mjancaiti1shrimants: hardwire04:28
BucketfaceCheck the link04:28
BucketfaceMario check the link04:28
nomasteryodaPelo, well there's Magnatune ... to download from within amarok04:28
shrimantshardwire didnt work either04:28
nomasteryodabut i get the picture04:28
shrimantsit didnt recognize the broadcom card04:28
shrimantslast time i had to use some insane work around04:29
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, That is the exact command ( my-packages is just the file name and can be whatever you want )04:29
marioPelo what you recomend04:29
Peloshrimants,  the alternnate isntall cd will install a vesa driver for your nvidia card, that will get you gui , you can then try the restricted drivers first, if that doesn't work then you go for the binary04:29
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Pelomario,  frostwire04:29
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: all right, sounds like I'm in for a fun night04:29
FezzlerI must be flagged as a pest on this channel as my questions never seem to get a response04:29
mjancaiti1Thanks guys, I'll be hanging around04:29
nomasteryodashrimants, if you want to bring up the network you can do so with "sudo ifconfig"04:29
mariohow do i get it04:29
mjancaiti1Fezzler: what's your question?04:29
shrimantsdo you think it would be better to wait till i get in college? there is a group called the linux user's group there04:29
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shrimantsi move in 2 days04:30
PeloFezzler,  sometimes ppl get lost in the traffic, sometimes we donT' know the answers04:30
mikubunturafaelscj:  ok, what do i do next? :)04:30
mikubuntuwith the 2mb of vid mem04:30
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nomasteryodashrimants, and see if it has any IP address.... if not, then try sudo dhclient to get it to try and grab from a router or other dhcp server04:30
rafaelscjmikubuntu, are you on gui?04:30
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Peloshrimants,  I think you can try the live cd, you'dd hve to do the same in college anyway04:30
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Jordan_Ushrimants, Depending on the model of the broadcom card it could be very easy to get working ( ndiswrapper is not needed for all broadcom cards )04:30
Fezzlermjan:  I want to explore if it is possible for me to write a script or use udev to have a program run after my USB cable is plugged in and recognized04:30
shrimantsi'll do that later tonight then04:30
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PeloFezzler,  what's you issue,  keep in mind I'm 0 for 10 tonight04:31
mikubunturafaelscj:  not sure what you mean... right now i have synaptic and a terminal open04:31
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searaymananyoen good with gimp in here?04:31
shrimantsim allright with it04:31
shrimantswhat do you need?04:31
PeloFezzler,  what do you mean by usb cable ?  you need a device at the end of it04:31
Jordan_U!anyone | shrimants04:31
Pelosearayman, just ask your questikon04:31
ubotushrimants: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:31
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FezzlerPelo and gang: I use a USB-to-Serial cable to transfer programs downloaded off Web to Ubuntu to transfer to old computer04:32
rafaelscjmikubuntu, did xorg work?04:32
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mjancaiti1Jordan_U: new question: since I presume I can't log into my hard drive account from the liveCD, how do I mount a USB thumb drive in my cli so I can run those cloning commands?04:32
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searaymanwell i found out how t oobend an image in gimp, with distort>curve bend filter, but when i try and use it on my image its graye dout along with every other distort filter....?04:32
Bakefysometimes i get a message when trying to start firefox that says "firefox is already open, please close it before opening another window"  although no windows are open, how do i solve this without a restart?04:32
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Jordan_Umjancaiti1, You assume incorrectly :)04:32
PeloFezzler, that's abit overt my head,   I suggest you look this stuff up in the forum  www.ubuntuforums.org04:32
shrimants...i didnt ask if anyone could help me tho...that was searayman04:32
FezzlerPelo: When I plug in cable, Ubuntu automatically recognizes it and runs driver for USB-to-Serial cable USB=ttyUSB004:32
mikubunturafaelscj: i think it didn't because that's maybe why i have such poor res? but i don't know for sure...04:32
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: ooh, teach me04:33
searaymanshrimants, what?04:33
PeloBakefy,  sudo killall -9 firefox04:33
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shrimantsnvm, i think jordan_u missed04:33
Bakefypelo, you're the man04:33
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mjancaiti1Pelo, new and improved, 1-11!04:33
mikubuntuPelo: 1 for 1104:33
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mjancaiti1(I win)04:33
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, You need to do what is called a "chroot" ( for changing what the shell sees as being "/" basically )04:33
shrimantssearayman, what do you mean greyd out04:33
FezzlerI'd love to write script or (udev rule??) that goes "If ttyUSB0 = Belkin cable, run ./Tandylink04:33
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rafaelscjmikubuntu, So, you are trying to change your screen resolution...04:34
searaymanshrimants, i cant choose to use those filters, ther eunselctable...04:34
PeloFezzler,  and you want it to start a script, got it,  I've tried to so something similar but the script got statted on connect before the device was mounted,  I was trying to write a udev rule04:34
rafaelscjmikubuntu, Did you try to change your /etc/xorg.conf?04:34
abhifriends I got one of best download manager for linux. try sun download manager. download the latest version from sun.com04:34
shrimantsallright, well you need to make sure your layer is selected04:34
marioThanks alot pelo i download it succesful thank you for ypur help.04:34
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: so boot into the LiveCD, get into a console, chroot.... to what? and then I can run those commands?04:34
shrimantsif thats not the answer, then try to ctrl+a to select all04:34
Pelomario,  np04:34
FezzlerPelo: So udev is what I should be exploring?04:34
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shrimantsor use the paths tool to make a selection04:34
mikubunturafaelscj:  no, i complete dumdum, can you tell me how to access it and what to do?04:34
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arghh2D2I forget the file to edit to cause grub to default load windows rather than linux on a dual boot, anybody?04:35
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, For a basic chroot, where the chroot has no direct access to the hardware, you can just run "sudo chroot /wherever/your/install/is/mounted"04:35
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Jordan_Umjancaiti1, Yes04:35
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rafaelscjmikubuntu, in terminal type -> sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorf.conf04:35
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: so sudo chroot /dev/sda/?04:35
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Jordan_U!gksudo | rafaelscj mikubuntu04:35
uboturafaelscj mikubuntu: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use  gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using  sudo <GUI-application>  See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo for more info04:35
mikubunturafaelscj:  k, hold on04:35
PeloFezzler,  should be,  but like I said it failed for me ,   even adding a sleep line in the script just caused a delay untill the next  action (ie the mount) ,  best of luck04:35
c0mp13371331337So when I start Ubuntu, before it gets to the login screen, it says that there was an error mounting a partition by GUID and brings me to a terminal as root, telling me all about the error, that fstab failed, etc.  If I type 'mount sda2' (my home partition) and then hit Ctrl-D, it takes me to the login screen just fine, no issues after that.  Any ideas?04:35
shrimantsg2g thanks for the advice everyone04:36
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geniiFezzler: http://reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html#external-run04:36
Fezzlergenii: Cool, thanks.  I'll check it out04:36
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Jordan_Umjancaiti1, No, that is the device node ( a direct connection to the hard drive itself basically ) you need to use the mountpoint ( the directory where you can see the files from the partition )04:36
Peloc0mp13371331337,  try taking out about 8 characters at the end of your nick ,  some of us use xchat and you just resized about  500  member list04:36
rafaelscjmikubuntu, gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:36
arghh2D2anybody help me please? I forget the file to edit to cause grub to default load windows rather than linux on a dual boot, anybody?04:36
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: guess I don't understand; any webpage that can guide me so I stop bothering you guys?04:37
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Peloc0mp13371331337,    in the terminal   type blkid to see the uuid for your /dev/sda2 and copy that to the correct line in  /etc/fstab04:37
FezzlerBad form to say thanks folks, see ya..04:38
arghh2D2anybody help me please? I forget the file to edit to cause grub to default load windows rather than linux on a dual boot, anybody?04:38
Peloarghh2D2,  /boot/grub/menu.lst04:38
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Pelothings are looking up04:38
mjancaiti1Nowhere to go but up04:38
arghh2D2Pelo: thank you kindly pal04:38
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wolfsonganyone familiar with using cabextract/unshield to open cab file?04:39
mikubunturafaelscj:  gedit: command not found04:39
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chroot to understand it ( you don't need to but I think it is interesting and shows the modularity / flexability of a *NIX system )04:39
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mjancaiti1wolfsong: just get in the directory that holds the file and run "cabextract <file>"04:39
=== Pelo once had a bad night , his advice resulted in 2 pragnencies , a divorce and a ... change of lifestyle
mjancaiti1It'll just dump the files in that directory04:39
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rcbaxterDoes anyone own one of those Dell 1420ns?04:40
wolfsongmjancaiti1: so i don't need to worry about unshield?04:40
Pelorcbaxter, you cn try to check it out in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport04:40
rafaelscjmikubuntu, press alt+F2 then type -> gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:40
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mjancaiti1wolfsong: can't say I know, never heard of it; better ask one of the gurus here04:40
ninjabob7does anyone know of a good text editor for python programming? i need to be able to collapse blocks04:40
rcbaxterI was just looking for opinions... I haven't even looked at them yet.04:40
Peloninjabob7, the ppl in #python probably have their favorites04:41
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Jordan_Umjancaiti1, This howto is for setting up a chroot so that you can run commands to fix grub, you can simply ignore the grub part https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#head-bf0ad184b84304b51996a11111a1901667529a8004:41
Pelorcbaxter, taht link will let you know if ther are any issues04:41
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Ultrafacebye ;d04:41
rcbaxterPelo: Thanks.04:41
c0mp13371331337Pelo - Just verified with blkid, and the UUID from that is the same as the one already in /etc/fstab04:41
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: looking, thanks04:42
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Peloc0mp13371331337,  then replace the uuid with the devtree  that should solve it04:42
mikubunturafaelscj:  no output04:42
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mikubuntushould i try again?04:42
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Jordan_Umjancaiti1, Then anything that you run will act exactly as it would if you were booted into the installed system, but the Live environment won't be affected at all04:43
Pelomikubuntu, please don'T use  the enterkey for punctuation04:43
rafaelscjmikubuntu, in terminal -> sudo xedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:43
modocWhen my wireless network blinks, I have to issue "/etc/init.d/networking restart" to reestablish.  Is there a utility that will handle this?04:43
c0mp13371331337Pelo: UUID with devtree?  Sorry, not sure I understand what that means...04:43
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Peloc0mp13371331337,  in fstab  , remvoe the uuid for /dev/sda2 and put /dev/sda2 instead04:43
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nj786_im havin truble with gtkpod can somebody help me04:43
NinjaI need help remastering an Ubuntu CD04:44
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Pelonj786, you've been here long enought to know how this works,  JUST ASK YOU BLOODY QUESTION , DON'T ASK FOR SOMEONE04:44
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c0mp13371331337Pelo: ah, gotcha.  I'll give it a shot and reboot.  And also find a different nick. ;-)  Thanks!04:44
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p0sshi again :D04:45
SpanxHi everone, I'm new to Ubuntu and Linux in general, but I'm setting Ubuntu up for a computer illiterate friend who wants to play games, but cant afford Windows04:45
Peloc0mp13371331337,  best of luck and thanks for the consideration04:45
DrMitchi can't get the dang (x/u)buntu 7.04 to install, it freezes completely right after the installer starts X. is there a way to log to a file the install process so i can find out wtf driver is causing it to stall?04:45
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PeloSpanx, any actual question ?04:45
SpanxAnd I'm having trouble setting up Wine04:45
nj786im having trouble putting songs on my ipod it gives me an error: /media/NAJIB'S IPO/iPod_Control/Artwork/ArtworkDB is too big to be an buffer file04:45
Ninjahas anyone in here remastered an Ubuntu CD?04:45
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nj786and ti erased all my songs04:45
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: so should I be mounting the partitions into temporary files and then just the "chroot /mnt/root/ /bin/bash"? don't know what the /bin/bash" is doing04:45
PeloSpanx,  ask in #wine04:46
KlrSp1!seen cosmodad04:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen cosmodad - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:46
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KlrSp1who is he?04:46
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SpanxOk, thanks04:46
Jordan_UDrMitch, Can you get to a terminal with ctrl+alt+F1 ( F7 to get back to X ) ?04:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about haskell - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:46
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about haskell98 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:46
DrMitchJordan_U, nope, nothing works. numlocks button doesn't even work04:46
mikubunturafaelscj: xedit: command not found .... what's up with this machine i have a fresh install04:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hugs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:46
Pelo!info haskell | rafaelscj04:46
uboturafaelscj: Package haskell does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas04:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about reconstructor - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:47
rafaelscjmikubuntu, terminal -> cd /etc/X1104:47
Jack_SparrowNinja: google ubuntu and reconstructor...04:47
PeloJack_Sparrow, http://reconstructor.aperantis.com/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=104:47
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Jack_Sparrowthanks pelo...04:47
DrMitchJordan_U, i tried using the alternate installer for xubuntu as well, it froze too04:47
NinjaJack_Sparrow: Thanks04:47
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, /bin/bash is not really needed, it is just what program will be executed within the chroot, if you did "sudo chroot /mnt/root nano" then you would start running nano, but since bash is the default if no program is given it isn't really necessary04:48
mikubunturafaelscj:  just 'cd /etc/X11'?04:48
rafaelscjmikubuntu, then -> vi xorg.cong04:48
PeloDrMitch, low memory computer ?04:48
DrMitch1 gig04:48
logreevalHello, I am building a computer and accidentally got a 64 Bit processor, what are my limitations with a processor like that, instead of 32 bit?04:48
DrMitch64bit 2000+, (but i'm running 32 bit)04:48
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Jordan_Urafaelscj, vi is not for begginers :)04:48
mjancaiti1logreeval: 64-bit processors are more powerful than 32-bit ones, you're not limited04:48
PeloDrMitch,  I thoguht you might hve had the same problem I had earlier,  but I was on a comp with 64meg RAM so probably not04:48
Jack_Sparrowlogreeval: Run 32 bit and dont worry about it.04:48
Jordan_Ulogreeval, None04:48
mjancaiti1logreeval: you can run a 32-bit OS on it if you want, or you can run the 64-bit one too04:48
rafaelscjJordan_U, tell me another04:49
Jordan_Urafaelscj, nano04:49
PeloDrMitch,  you could try one of the fix i found might work,  alternate cd,   command line install,   then  apt-get xubuntu-desktop04:49
c0mp13371331337logreeval: your limitations are many billions of GB of RAM, as opposed to the 4 that 32-bit processors allow. ;-)04:49
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NinjaJack_Sparrow: This looks really cool!04:49
mikubunturafaelscj:  now i have 'xorg.cong' (new file)  ... u did say xorg.cong and NOT xorg.conf, right?04:50
rafaelscjmikubuntu, nano xorg.conf04:50
Jack_SparrowNinja: I worked on the original beat... nice job on his part04:50
p0ssjust wonder how to set up a boot prompt04:50
Jack_Sparrowgoodnight all... play nice...04:50
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mjancaiti1Jordan_U: is it going to be a bad idea if I write something from my linux partition to my windows partition? It refuses to mount my USB drive (probably no media in the drive) and I have no other place to move it04:50
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chris32680maybe off topic, but maybe someone can point me in the right direction...how do i update nexuiz from 2.2.3 to 2.3?04:51
xIkeanybody tried affinity?04:51
rafaelscjmikubuntu, right, it's xorg,conf04:51
NinjaJack_Sparrow: I've been trying to remaster a CD by hand. I keep getting errors. "Release" file errors, ubuntu-keyring errors etc...04:51
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=== Pelo is gonna go to ,
mono6jordan: should be no problem. what problems are you having with your usb stick?04:51
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Pelog'night folks04:51
rafaelscjmikubuntu, press Ctrl+Shitt+Q04:51
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mikubunturafaelscj:  so how do i go back and fix?  it already says xorg.cong ?04:51
KlrSp1anyone use mplayer? if so, what VO do you use?04:51
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Jordan_Umjancaiti1, You don't need to actually move the file because you are going to be "restoring" on the same drive you are backing up from, just keep the file in your home folder04:52
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logreevalmjancaiti1:sorry for late reply, I can run the 32 bit Ubuntu?? :)04:52
krammerwhich program is good for backing up my drive?04:52
p0ssmy mate has just put a new hd in as his primary, but its now booting to ubuntu wihtout prompting to ask for xp, how can he manually set it to prompt which one o boot to?04:52
mjancaiti1logreeval: yes04:52
mikubunturafaelscj: is that the fix? control shift q?04:52
rafaelscjmikubuntu, yes04:52
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mono6kramer, command line tools are actually best (believe it or not), like dd04:52
logreevalmjancaiti1: wow, cool, does anything chnage or work diffferently?04:52
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mjancaiti1Jordan_U: I thought I was completely reinstalling? right now I'm trying to copy my home folder and then get that cloning working04:53
krammeri would like to do a Image04:53
mono6krammer, dd is perfect for that..do a 'man dd'04:53
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abhihow can i give the class path ?04:53
nestppl, does anyone which is the command that i have to put in conkyrc so the windget apears on every desktop?04:53
mjancaiti1logreeval: no change. It'll run fine. 64-bit OSes are supposedly more efficient, but you won't lose any functionality from running a 32-bit OS on a 64-bit processor04:54
p0ssanyone, a little help setting up a boot prompt?04:54
mikubuntuk,, hold on omg, now i'm back to a new terminal ... lol ... let me back up and see if i can redo this04:54
geniikrammer: dd is good for backing up a partition or drive to a file on another drive for instance. so long as yo have room on the destination for that of course.04:54
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Jordan_Umjancaiti1, No, my idea was to try removing anything remotely having to do with X then getting everything back using the backup package list04:54
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krammerok thanks04:54
rafaelscjmikubuntu, cd /etc/X1104:54
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logreevalmjancaiti1:  Awesome! Thank you :), you just made my day! :)04:54
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rafaelscjmikubuntu, then -> sudo nano xorg.conf04:55
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: oh right. So I can just move this package I'm making into my home folder04:55
orbisvicisif i ls a really long list, how can i scroll back up it ?04:55
newmanalguien habla espaol04:55
ckin2001use ls | less04:55
KlrSp1anyone use mplayer? if so, what VO do you use?04:55
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: sorry, got advice from bunches of people and got mixed up.... so now to figure out this chroot04:55
ckin2001spacebar between pages04:55
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, You aren't making a package, it's just a text file04:55
orbisvicisckin2001, perfect. ty04:55
mjancaiti1Also good!04:55
daytona89how do I get ubuntu to recognize/mount my NTFS partition again? It was doing it until I installed gfxboot...04:56
mono6orbisvicis: export it to a file with "> outputfile" or use gedit04:56
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orbisvicis that works too04:56
mono6daytone: mount -t smbfs04:56
ckin2001better - if you know what you are looking for - ls | grep "text here"04:56
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, And just so you know, you won't be able to see your thumb drive from within the chroot04:56
orbisvicisis it possible to turn off that annoying terminal beep ?04:56
nj786can anybody tell me why i get this error in gtkpod : /media/NAJIB'S IPO/iPod_Control/Artwork/ArtworkDB is too big to be an buffer file04:56
mono6ntfs might or might not work...04:57
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cishpixPlease help me....., Can NFS be a PDC Server like in Samba??04:57
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Jordan_Umjancaiti1, But you can copy the file from the LiveCD normally with nautilus of another terminal if you also want to back up somewhere else ( even pastebin )04:57
daytona89mono6: no go...04:57
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mono6cishpix. no, NFS is a little different.04:57
mikubunturafaelscj: i don't know where you want me to input 'nano etc...' gotta lot of output onscreen now, should i pastebin it for you to see?04:58
orudieis there a way to add ntfs partitions into picasa?04:58
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freckledporbisvicis, Edit>profiles > edit > uncheck terminal bell04:58
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mono6daytona: have you tried "mount -t ntfs {partition} {mountpoint}?04:58
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: so confusing! I'll get it soon04:58
WaltzingAlongorudie: mount them04:58
geniicishpix: NFS is a networked file system A PDC is a Primary Domain Controller. they have little to do with each other04:58
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daytona89mono6: what might I put into those variables?04:58
daytona89(sorry, I'm a newbie...)04:58
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mono6cishpix: yea, NFS is more to share folder and files. it does not really do any authentication like LDAP or AD04:59
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rafaelscjmikubuntu, okay, just type -> "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" case sensitive04:59
mono6daytona: do a "sudo fdisk -l" to view your partitions04:59
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mono6daytona: then choose the partition that you would like to mount04:59
mikubunturafaelscj:  there's no 'blank' space to type in05:00
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daytona89ok, it's hda105:00
abhihow can i give the class path ?05:00
orbisvicisfreckledp, where is this? im on feisty05:00
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Jordan_Umjancaiti1, I am probably making it harder than it needs to be, but hopefully you will learn some interesting and useful things from it05:00
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mono6okay...now do a "sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt"05:00
cishpixso... what should I do if I want to make a server like PDC in linux system??05:00
freckledporbisvicis, if you open gnome-terminal, then go to the options I put above05:00
mono6or what ever folder you want to mount the partition at05:00
mono6cishpix: samba!05:00
viverantany good channel on here for compiz-fusion?05:00
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geniicishpix: Are you connecting linux-linux machines or linux-windows machines?05:01
rafaelscjmikubuntu, pastebin05:01
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Jordan_Umono6, You usually don't mount directly to /mnt, it doesn't hurt but the convention is to create a mountpoint within /mnt ( like /mnt/sda1 )05:01
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: I never had anything against learning before, and I am nothing if not incredibly appreciative of your help05:01
cishpixgenii: linux - linux05:01
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mono6jordan: you're right, was just an example05:01
abhiis there any application just like adobe page maker?05:01
nj786can anybody tell me why i get this error in gtkpod : /media/NAJIB'S IPO/iPod_Control/Artwork/ArtworkDB is too big to be an buffer file05:02
daytona89mono6: so I tried 'sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1' but it didn't do anything...05:02
scottDkoDerI'm confused by the w32codecs pkg.  sudo apt-get install w32codecs returns with 'Package w32codecs is not available, but is referred to by another package.05:02
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scottDkoDerThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or05:02
scottDkoDeris only available from another source05:02
scottDkoDerE: Package w32codecs has no installation candidate     Any help?05:02
mono6ideally you would want to use frequently accessed mounts into fstab05:02
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mikubunturafaelscj:  can't seem to get a 'copy' command , not under the edit, only 'paste'05:02
cishpixmono6: samba just for linux-windows machines, isn't?05:02
astro76!w32codecs | scottDkoDer05:02
ubotuscottDkoDer: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs05:02
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mikubunturafaelscj:  same with right click05:02
viverantscottDkoDer I would try a 3d party package like automatix05:02
orudieis there a way to add ntfs partitions into picasa?05:02
viverantor that05:02
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geniicishpix: By PDC you mean some machine which needs a password to connect to shared folders on it?05:02
mono6cishpix: no, samba can act as a BDC for Windows machines, even as a PDC-clone when using LDAP05:02
tonyyarusso!automatix | viverant, scottDkoDer05:02
ubotuviverant, scottDkoDer: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)05:02
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orbisvicisscottDkoDer, medibuntu has them, also x6405:03
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org05:03
HeyPeteDoesn't Medibuntu's repository have w32codecs?05:03
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HeyPeteOh...ubotu beat me to it.05:03
mono6daytona: make a directory where you want to mount the partition05:03
Tom-MillerHey, I am using ubuntu 7.04, I am trying to enable my restricted nvidia driver, but its not enabling05:03
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Tom-Milleris something wrong?05:03
mono6daytona: like "sudo mkdir /mnt/windows"05:03
scottDkoDerThanks guys, I will look in to it05:03
cishpixgenii: yes, I mean it05:03
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: when I put in "dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages it tells me "/home/ubuntu/my-packages: No such file or directory" - do I need to make one, or tell it to, or what?05:03
mono6daytona: then do 'sudo mount -t /dev/hda /mnt/windows'05:03
freckledpTom-Miller, is your kernel updated to the lates?05:03
Tom-Millerit worked now05:04
viverant!envy | viverant05:04
HeyPeteTom -- it always happens whenever you ask for help. Happens to me all the time when I'm at the car mechanic asking about a scary noise. :)05:04
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viverantguess there isnt anything on that :)05:04
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mjancaiti1Jordan_U: I correctly executed the chroot, I think, when I ls from the new prompt I see all my folders (bin, emul, etc, home, blah blah)05:04
mikubunturafaelscj: please don't leave me yet, i is lost05:04
geniicishpix: Then NFS is fine for this. You should read up on the file /etc/exports which is where things get shared from, and the syntax for mounting network shares05:04
Tom-MillerHeyPete: I think it might have something todo with my opening GAIM then trying05:05
rafaelscjmikubuntu, okay05:05
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mintee_i'm trying to install the lastest mythtv from svn but it's complaining that freetype isn't installed.  I'm not sure how to go about installing it05:05
Tom-MillerHeyPete: maybe since it was the first time I was running GTK on this system, it didn't want to work05:05
nj786can anybody tell me why i get this error in gtkpod : /media/NAJIB'S IPO/iPod_Control/Artwork/ArtworkDB is too big to be an buffer file05:05
Tom-MillerHeyPete: GTK is funny like that sometimes05:05
mintee_apt-get install freetype does nothing05:05
orbisvicisjust a Q: /.ssh/authorized_keys2 is only for rsa/pubkey ... so if nxclient presents a private key not listed there .... shouldnt make a difference as long as pass auth is enabled?05:05
rafaelscjmikubuntu, open a file manager05:05
demonsporkhow do I make a .deb package after compiling from source?05:05
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nj786can anybody tell me why i get this error in gtkpod : /media/NAJIB'S IPO/iPod_Control/Artwork/ArtworkDB is too big to be an buffer file when i connect my ipod and i cannot even add songs to my ipod and i have no songs it erased them05:05
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orudieis there a way to add ntfs partitions into picasa?05:06
HeyPetePerhaps. It just worked automagically for me.05:06
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, Ok, to make sure you have the hardware visable to the chroot ls /dev and /opt and make sure there are things there05:06
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mono6demonspork: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html05:06
leo_rockwhello everyone05:06
geniicishpix: On the server the shared files are specified in the /etc/exports file, then you mount those remotely on the clients with similar method as mounting a drive locally.05:06
nj786anybody in here know anything abt GTKPOD?05:06
mikubunturafaelscj: ok, what's a filemanager and where do i find?05:06
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freckledphaha, editing a file, orbisvicis05:06
cishpixgenii: can u give me the tutorial link about it??05:06
orbisvicisfreckledp, yep05:06
rafaelscjmikubuntu, are you using xubuntu, right?05:07
kriticalHi there, I keep hitting Ctrl+S by accident in the GUI Terminal... can anyone tell me why this keeps freezing vim?05:07
freckledpI can't tell you how many times I've typed that in an email :)05:07
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mjancaiti1Jordan_U: big ol' list for /dev (dsp, dsp1, rfcomm, xconsole, etc), smaller one for /opt (acrobat reader, azureus, swiftfox, etc)05:07
cishpixmono6: does ubuntu support like FDC (fedora directory server)??05:07
freckledpmy boss just laughs05:07
geniicishpix: One minute, I will look for you05:07
mikubunturafaelscj: yes but i just looked through the apps menu and don't see a 'file manager'05:07
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, Sorry, typo, I meant /proc05:07
kekkritical: press ctrl-q to resume05:07
mono6cishpix: i am not sure, but i just might say: i doubt it.05:07
mjancaiti1ls /proc gives me nothing05:08
mjancaiti1Just a new line05:08
orbisvicishehe . ah well05:08
mono6cishpix: i would just to with samba. it's really relatively easy to install and their tutorials are great05:08
ckin2001you have nothing in proc?05:08
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kekkritical: it's just standard05:08
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, Did you do the mount -o bind command for /proc ?05:08
kriticalkek, cheers, looks like thats the XOFF signal?...05:08
leo_rockwmikubuntu, i believe it is called thunar05:08
mjancaiti1Haha, I will05:09
kriticalkek, thanks though, that was doing my head in ;)05:09
mikubuntuleo_rockw: k, i saw something like that; brb05:09
rafaelscjmikubuntu, so, the only way is to use terminal05:09
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: do I need to make those extra directories, or will it take it correctly?05:09
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, You will need to do it from another terminal05:09
kekkritical: yeah i think so05:09
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: got it05:09
orbisvicisanyone know where the user nx should be?05:09
mikubunturafaelscj: i found file manager05:09
rafaelscjmikubuntu, cool05:10
cishpixmono6: but I know, in linux-linux machine is good to use NFS but in linux-windows machine is good to use samba, isn't it??05:10
rafaelscjmikubuntu, navigate to /etc/X1105:10
Frogzoocishpix: nfs > samba = true05:10
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mono6cishpix: correct...NFS is better for linux-linux. you can just use openldap to create a directory server for linux-linux05:10
geniicishpix: This will get you started: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=193408&highlight=file+sharing05:11
cishpixgenii: thanks for the link05:11
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: ok, ls /proc gives me a bunch of stuff now: scsi, vmstat, etc05:11
rafaelscjmikubuntu, is there a "file manager open as root" opition?05:11
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cishpixgenii: I'll study hard about it05:11
mono6cishpix: it can provide you with a single-sign-on server (like AD, samba, etc), so you don't have to maintain accounts on every machine05:11
mikubunturafaelscj: i see a folder called etc05:11
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, Basically you are making /mnt/root/proc actually go to /proc, which you need to do because otherwise the chroot cannot see anything outside of /mnt/root ( because it thinks that is / and nothing is higher than / :)05:11
cishpixmono6: do you have a link about the tutorial??05:12
rafaelscjmikubuntu, open it, then open "X11"05:12
Frogzoomono6: you mean ldap with kerberos? or something else?05:12
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: I see; I'll try running those lines again now05:12
mono6cishpix, http://www.openldap.org/doc/admin23/05:12
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, Which lines?05:12
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: the dpkg lines; same thing happened05:12
mono6cishpix, not really a tutorial, but good info05:13
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: do I need to redo my chroot command?05:13
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, yes, it won't affect grabbing the list since that doesn't require knowlage of the hardware, you will only need that for when you re-install X and other packages05:13
mono6cishpix, but keep in mind that openldap and NFS are two seperate things. LDAP is for authentication, NFS is for file sharing05:14
mikubunturafaelscj: k, got x11 open05:14
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demonsporkmono6, the source code I have already has a debian/ directory?  what do I run in it?05:14
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, So now "sudo apt-get remove --reinstall xserver-xorg"05:14
rafaelscjmikubuntu, now find xorg.conf05:14
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mjancaiti1Jordan_U: I dunno what happened, I'm gonna close this terminal (haven't done anything besides the chroot) and start over05:15
mikubunturafaelscj: k, open?05:15
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: that's not going to ruin anything, right?05:15
rafaelscjmikubuntu, yes05:15
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Jordan_Umjancaiti1, No, it won't hurt anything05:15
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mono6demonspork: good, you probably just need to do a 'debuild -S'05:15
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mikubunturafaelscj:  open with mousepad, abiword or other app?05:16
raf256why installing software is so horribly hard in ubuntu/debian?05:16
demonsporkmono6, in which directory?05:16
mono6demonspork: after that do a pbuilder and point it to the .dsc file to build the binaries05:16
rafaelscjmikubuntu, abiword05:16
ckin2001raf256 - have you tried synaptic?05:16
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mono6demonspork: do it in the source directory, not the debian dir05:16
rafaelscjmikubuntu, find Section "Devices"05:16
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Jordan_Uraf256, Because it's not?05:17
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raf256ckin2001: yes, it sucks a lot when I need several applications; and one application needs other versions of lib, so it wants to remove the other appl i need, WTF05:17
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raf256Jordan_U: so how to install few applications if each needs other version of libs?05:17
Jordan_Uraf256, What applications?05:17
raf256On normal systems like windows each program can have own libs as needed05:17
Jordan_Uraf256, That shouldn't happen for the most part05:18
raf256Jordan_U: take any application A and B where both need lib X but in different ver05:18
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mono6raf256: that's the beauty of linux, you can have more libs than just one05:18
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raf256mono6: so how to solve it?05:18
Jordan_Uraf256, Can you give an example of that happening? You should be able to just have both libs05:18
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mikubunturafaelscj: is it 'input devices'?05:18
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raf256system should install both libs (both versions) why it doesnt do so?05:18
mono6raf256, it really depends on the app(s)05:18
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geeki've got a quick question05:18
Jordan_Uraf256, Again, it should not need to be solved by you, it should be automatic, can you give an example where it is not?05:19
raf256Jordan_U: actually its about debian, installing gaura removes styplhed-claws email client05:19
geekwhats a good program for burning mp3 cds?05:19
rafaelscjmikubuntu, no scroll down05:19
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mono6raf256: libs are different in linux...different versions have usually a different extension05:19
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File13!seen IntuitiveNipple05:19
Jordan_Uraf256, Debian stable?05:19
raf256Jordan_U: no, debian stable is acient; debian tewsting05:19
mintee_is it normal for mythtv to just not work in ubuntu.  I get a seg fault everytime i try and start anything myth related.  I just want a front end.05:20
raf256Jordan_U: upgrade of GTK seems to be to blame05:20
Jordan_Uraf256, Debian testing is not stable :) There are going to be some packaging problems05:20
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mono6geek, gnome cd master05:20
File13is anyone familiar with the RTUtility for wireless in ubuntu05:20
mikubunturafaelscj: there a section 'Monitor', and after that a section 'Screen'05:20
Jordan_Uraf256, Though it should still be very rare05:20
raf256is ubuntu as fucked in this manner as debian? (unstable dependencies, unable to install both appl A and B)05:20
tonyyarusso!ohmy | raf25605:20
uboturaf256: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:20
mintee_raf256, i'm thinking so, hehe05:21
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raf256so which distro isnt?05:21
rafaelscjmikubuntu, what's the Identifier on Section "Monitor"?05:21
densonapt-get problem here. I am trying to remove ejabberd apt-get remove ejabberd -V , but the remove is failing. I dont really get much of an error. Where can I look to get more details.05:21
mikubuntumonitor says horizsync 28-51, and vertrefresh 43-6005:21
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mikubuntuGeneric Monitor05:21
Jordan_Uraf256, You might like Arch, it keeps up to date but is stable ( no descrete versions )05:21
mjancaiti1denson: dmesg might be useful05:21
raf256Jordan_U: hmm ok05:21
ckin2001@raf - sabayon05:21
mintee_does anyone have a simple mythfrontend running on ubuntu and stable?05:22
ckin2001bleeding edge05:22
rafaelscjmikubuntu, What's the device on Section "Screen"?05:22
mono6Jordan_U: agreed, Arch is awesome, but more technical than Ubuntu05:22
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Distro^Junkieis beryl still supported or is there an alternative ?05:22
mintee_mono6, i don't really think so, i think arch is pretty damn easy, especially with pacman beign searchable05:22
Jordan_UDistro^Junkie, Yes and Yes :)05:23
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mono6Distro^Junkie: Compiz-Fusion05:23
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Distro^Junkieis it easy to install ?05:23
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mikubunturafaelscj: Screen>Device> 'Neomagic Corp NM2160 magicgraph 128XD05:23
rafaelscjDistro^Junkie, /join #Ubuntu-effects05:23
MrCollinshey Jordan_U I got q3 working smooth man05:23
mono6mintee_: yea, but not really for linux newcomers. it's easy, but the wiki is a bit of a mess.05:23
Jordan_UDistro^Junkie, There will be no new versions of Beryl but the current version will still be supported until compiz-fusion is finished05:23
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MrCollinsall it was, was I needed to take out a 'composite' command and comment it out in the xorg.conf file :)05:24
Tom-MillerDistro^Junkie: Beryl and Compiz fused back together05:24
mintee_mono6, name a wiki that isn't a mess. heh05:24
mikubunturafaelscj:  says 'modes 1024 x 768'05:24
Distro^Junkieahh ok05:24
rafaelscjmikubuntu, What's the available resolutions on Section "Screen"?05:24
mono6mintee_: hehe. true. but still, nothing compares to the Ubuntu wiki05:24
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aphroguy116Pelo - Not sure if you're still here or not, but just wanted to let you know it worked like a charm.  Any ideas what would have caused that?05:25
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: omg, the dpkg package move worked :D05:25
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mintee_YAY, for apt-get...  /usr/bin/mythfrontend: line 18:  7878 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) /usr/bin/mythfrontend.real "$@"05:25
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Jordan_UDistro^Junkie, But is is not finished yet, if you want stable stick with Beryl or Compiz05:25
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, It shouldn't have let you do that05:25
aphroguy116Pelo, BTW, this is c0mp1337133133705:25
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cishpixmono6: thanks for the link. U mean that, the best way is still use samba like PDC in linux-linux machine, isn't it?05:25
Tom-Millermono6: I like ubuntuguide.org or what ever it is05:25
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mono6Compiz-Fusion works great. The have great documentation for Ubuntu. However ATI cards are a pain to configure (XGL)05:26
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, Has it actually been removed yet? What is happening?05:26
pvl1is there a disk defragmenter for ubuntu?05:26
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Jordan_U!defrag | pvl105:26
ubotupvl1: defragmentation is not needed for Ext3 and ReiserFS filesystems. They are much more efficient in their allocation of storage units.05:26
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: I didn't mean move, my bad: I followed the chroot stuff on the grub pretty much solid and then ran the "dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages"05:26
rafaelscjmikubuntu, now you can pastebin your xorg.conf05:26
cishpixFrogzoo: nfs > samba : true (I don't understand)05:26
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: and that was the first time that's worked05:26
mono6cishpix: linux-windows it is Samba, linux-linux, openldap/NFS05:26
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Jordan_Umjancaiti1, Good, removing dpkg would be BAD :)05:27
mikubunturafaelscj:  has bunch of subsections, they all have an entry for depth, and modes.  under modes, they all say 1024 x 76805:27
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Tom-Millerman, I am inpressed with Wubi05:27
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: so now I have a my-packages in my ~/ directory and I can run the apt-get remove stuff, what exactly am I removing? sudo apt-get remove x* ?05:27
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, Oh, it was my mistake I read remove, not move :)05:27
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mono6ubotu: depends on the partitioning..if you partition for seperate /var and /home dirs, defragmentation will be less of an issue05:27
mikubunturafaelscj: no, cantt pastebin from that machine not online05:27
cishpixmono6: I've read the tutorial about NFS, but it doesn't support like PDC05:27
rafaelscjmikubuntu, What's the DefautDepth?05:28
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Tom-MillerJordan_U: when you use use apt-get, never use the '*' in it, its a quick way to break your system05:28
mono6cishpix: right, because NFS does not do authetication (like a PDC), that is handled by openldap05:28
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, First just try apt-get remove --reinstall xserver-xorg ( nothing will actually be removed, but all the packages will have to be downloaded again )05:28
Jordan_UTom-Miller, He has a backup package list05:28
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mikubunturafaelscj:  default depth 2405:28
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: one sec, I'm gonna get me a network cable then05:28
rafaelscjmikubuntu, all appears to be fine...05:29
mattghow do i get it to read my dvds?05:29
mikubunturafaelscj: then each subsection depth is different05:29
mono6mattg: what kind of dvds05:29
cishpixmono6: Can the other user open the another user data in NFS??05:29
mattgmovies, mono605:29
rafaelscjmikubuntu, yes05:29
mono6cishpix: it is possible, yes05:29
Tom-Millermattg: you need to install dvdcss2 or something like that to be able to read encrypted formats05:30
Optimus55anyone know a good site dedicated to ubuntu/linux gaming?05:30
mono6mattg: movies require restricted drivers. hold on for a link.05:30
rafaelscjmikubuntu, can you access a apps menu like "screen resolution"?05:30
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Jordan_Umjancaiti1, The reason that I had you make the backup was more for if you end up having to remove more than just xserver-xorg ( if you remove then re-install it doesn't need to re-download the package, but if the package is what is corrupted that might not help )05:30
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mikubunturafaelscj:  but it's not fine, because that machine is not resolving at 1024 x 768, i think it's more like 320 x whatever, i'm telling you is VERY sloppy05:30
mono6mattg, https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html#video-badformats05:30
mikubunturafaelscj:  let me look, but it seems like i've been there already05:31
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: it's removing now, so I'll let you know what happens05:31
mikubuntuvague recollection05:31
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mono6mattg, just be careful, some of the restricted codecs might not be legal where you live05:31
mattgusa, mono605:31
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rafaelscjmikubuntu, I think that your monitor isn't widescreen, right?05:31
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: It had "removing" next to all of them, and then gave me the prompt again, doesn't look like it reinstalled them05:31
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mono6mattg, well the libdvdcss2 lib is not legal here, but everyone seems to be using it05:32
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mattgmono6, who would know about the restricted codes?05:32
mikubunturafaelscj: no, don't think so, just normal screen05:32
mono6mattg, that's the lib to decrypt encrtypted DVDs05:32
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: can I just apt-get install xserver and gdm and see what happens?05:32
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, Ok, You might want to write down the commands you ran to chroot, you will have to do it again if you want to reboot and test if just re-installing xorg worked and it turns out it didn't, but then again I forgot why we need to do this from a LiveCD anyways :)05:32
mono6mattg, you'd be surprised... ;)05:32
mattgi want this on lockdown now!  how do i do it?  i want it so NOBODY can find out what i'm doing!  LMAO05:33
rafaelscjmikubuntu, you have less video memory, but 2Mb supports 1024x76805:33
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Jordan_Umjancaiti1, You won't be able to test the X server from the chroot ( OK you can but it is not worth the work to do it :)05:33
mattgmikubuntu: what kinda system u runnin?05:33
mono6mattg, g'luck. the RIAA just busted 2 student in my college with a $350k fine for file-sharing05:33
mikubunturafaelscj: display prefs: default, 800x600, 640x480, and 320x24005:34
viverantHello I am trying to write a bash script to use sudo for multiple commands but when I try and do multiple line commands with a | separator  it doesnt pickup sudo and I cant figure out a way to pass it the sudo password05:34
mattgouch, well, 1 of my boss' sisters got that kinda fine, too05:34
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: how can I make sure it's installed? Like I said, all it looks like it did was remove everything, and let's not forget I don't have gdm installed at all, I don't think05:34
rafaelscjmikubuntu, did you try 800x600?05:34
mattgi dont share my files, so i haven't a problem05:34
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Jordan_Umjancaiti1, Did you run it with --reinstall ?05:34
mono6mattg, right the codecs are kinda a different legal (grey) issue05:34
rafaelscjmattg, he's running xubuntu05:34
mattgahh, rafaelscj05:35
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mikubuntumattg: dell laptop rafaelscj: 800x600 doesn't change the res05:35
pvl1is there a way to find unused files and folders and delete them?05:35
mattgmono6, can they determine what codecs i am running?05:35
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: "apt-get remove --reinstall xserver-xorg"05:35
mono6mattg, probably not. if you're really paranoid you can encrypt your file system05:35
mattgwhat dell laptop model, mikubuntu?05:35
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Random832is there a UI for setting xkb options that's not tied in to gnome?05:36
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, Then X should be there, you can install GDM again though before you reboot05:36
rafaelscjmattg, http://www.baber.com/used/used_laptops/delllatitude-d300xt-2.htm05:36
Tom-Millerpersonally, I think if you bought the DVD, you should have all the rights to free codecs to play it without have to worry about anythign legal, your paying for the movie, not the dvd encryption format.05:36
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mattgomg that's a junker, rafaelscj05:36
mikubuntumattg: dell cpi d300xt05:36
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mono6Tom-Miller, agreed, but the legislation in the US is (pardon) f'ed up05:36
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Kevin`just ignore the insane rules and get what you need05:36
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pvl1is there an app thatll find unused files and folders and delete them05:36
Kevin`nobody cares05:36
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mattgwanna see mine, mikubuntu?05:37
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: BALLS. "apt-get install gdm" gives me the same frigging "invoke-rc.d: initscript gdm, action "reload" failed." error again05:37
grandyhello, an anyone tell me how to add /usr/local/bin to the path for all users?05:37
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Jordan_Umjancaiti1, OK, we'll hack it to shut it up :)05:37
mono6grandy: export $PATH:/usr/local/bin05:37
mattghttp://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/genericDocument?docname=c00847958&cc=us&dlc=en&lc=en&jumpid=reg_R1002_USEN  mikubuntu rafaelscj05:37
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Tom-Millermono6: I sometimes wounder, the US government supports freedom, free speach, free press, etc.  But not free software, or open standers?05:38
mikubunturafaelscj:  in that terminal you had me open it says: if you have edited this file but wsould like it to be automatically updated again, run the following command: sudo dpkg- reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg05:38
Tom-Millermono6: thinking about it makes me puke.05:38
mattgthat's my baby!!!05:38
mono6oops...export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin05:38
Random832Tom-Miller: wait - which of those does the US government support?05:38
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: I'm game, but this is the same error that seemed to have started this whole thing05:38
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Random832[i know, i know, it was a cheap shot... sorry] 05:38
mono6Tom-Miller: well, i am originally from Europe, but live here and feel the same way05:38
Tom-MillerRandom832: lol. ok "claim" to support05:38
Milk_hey guys, have you ever heard of a process or command named 'datacenter'05:38
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Jordan_Umjancaiti1, Yes, but in this case it actually makes sense that it wouldn't work :)05:39
pvl1US has one of the least democratic forms of democracy05:39
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: all right, tell me what to do :D05:39
Jordan_Upvl1, s/democracy/republic05:39
pvl1we have 2 main parties to vote on05:39
rafaelscjmikubuntu, you didn't do any change05:39
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kanhhcan any1 help ? I have a Packard Bell USB WiPen, it can find the router but it wont connect05:39
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atheodohi all05:40
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mikubunturafaelscj:  i know, but WHY am i getty such a cruddy pic?05:40
mono6kanhh: have you checked the Ubuntu wiki?05:40
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atheodojust finished installing my ubuntu05:40
grandymono6: where should I put that so that it gets run each time a user logs in?05:40
Tom-Millerlol, sorry, didn't mean to turn the channel into ##politics05:40
atheododoes anybody know how can I activate the ftp service?05:40
ubotuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd05:40
mono6grandy, somewhere in your init-scripts...lemme look05:40
atheodoi want to be able to use ftp to backup some documents on this machines05:40
mjancaiti1atheodo, check out those clients05:41
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nautilus - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:41
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rafaelscjmikubuntu, :(05:41
pvl1atheodo u need an ftp app05:41
mikubuntuTom-Miller: ya, really there's only one viable party for the next election, and its NOT bush's05:41
atheodoubotu, these are servers as well?05:41
speaker219Does anybody know if there's a fix for the Flash Player crashing bug in firefox that happens every so often?05:41
mjancaiti1ubotu's a bot05:41
rafaelscjhow do i to install a ftp server?05:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about s a bot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:41
mono6grandy: /etc/rc.local would be a good choice05:41
mikubunturafaelscj:  thanks for all your help, i know you did every thing you knew05:41
pvl1atheodo uboto is a robot, but you need to get an ftp application that will manage and offer the service05:41
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grandymono6: ahh thanks!05:42
speaker219Does anybody know if there's a fix for the Flash Player crashing bug in firefox that happens every so often?05:42
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: should I be rebooting, and into regular mode or recovery?05:42
mikubuntuand still fell short :)05:42
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Jordan_Umjancaiti1, Stay in the chroot for now, I am looking at the script05:42
pvl1so does anyone know of any application thatll find unused files/folders and delete them?05:42
atheodook, how do i find the applications? do i have to go to the ubunty website?05:42
Tom-Millermikubuntu: I disagree, I think both parties do the same exact same, and the US population keeps jumping back and forth between them, thinking that some how or another, it got better in the last 4 years05:42
rafaelscjmikubuntu, try using k/ubuntu :)05:42
mjancaiti1atheodo: google's your friend05:42
atheodook i see05:42
chris32680atheodo: or just add/remove apps seems satisfy most needs05:43
atheodothanks, I will google it right now (cannot beleive that google has become a verb !!! these days)05:43
pvl1Tom-miller we dont give others a chance, thats the main problem05:43
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rafaelscjmikubuntu, or try google05:43
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, Ok, first quick fix to try, run "nano  /etc/init.d/gdm"05:43
mono6Tom-Miller: yea, the 2-party system sucks...i am from Germany and we have 2 major parties and 2-3 smaller one...makes it much more dynamic05:43
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mikubunturafaelscj:  this is my taxi partner's laptop, and when she gets it back, she's gonna knock me over the head with it.  she's a republican thru and thru.05:43
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: in it now05:44
pvl1mono6 the us has many more parties we just dont put any focus onto them05:44
Tom-Millermono6: we have many smaller parites, more then 2 or 3 smaller ones05:44
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Jordan_Umjancaiti1, And near the top there should be a line with "set -e", put a "#" at the beginning of that line05:44
mikubuntuthe screen looks like a 2nd grader is drawing it05:44
mono6pvl1, right, but it won't happen any time soon05:44
Tom-Millermono6: just that they normally, all together, make up about 3% of all votes05:44
Frogzoospeaker219: flash works best on feisty, if you haven't upgraded - also, increase flash's cache to 10M or infinite05:44
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: got it05:44
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uniqueis there a room to go to for noobs?05:44
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pvl1mono6, aye i agree05:44
mono6unique: here? ;)05:44
speaker219Frogzoo: i use feisty05:44
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pvl1unique u can just ask ur questions here05:44
mikubuntui imagine this is what the 1962 one laptop per child looked like, tho i was not fortunate enough to have one AT THAT TIME05:45
mozart_I'm new to Linux and Ubuntu, been a windows user and it feels great to finally have rid myself of that trash OS. Feisty Fawn is running smoothly and the compiz/beryl eyecandy is stunning. Now as with all ex window users all my USB external drives are in NTFS, getting the read/write ability with Automatix was easy, but now here is my problem the drives I plug in are recognized but I have no write permission, Feisty re05:45
mozart_ally should have a right-click option inbuilt for this, well I need something with a gui which allows me to change and set the permissions as I need, the command line usage is still new and daunting to me, also the family members in the house would appreciate that.05:45
uniqueok thanks i just switched from windows today still figuring things out05:45
mozart_ooops now I screwed it up a bit by right-clicking the desktop icon and changing the "ro" into "rw" and now it won't even mount the USB external disc! throws up this message:05:45
Tom-Millermono6: infact, some times I think, if all Mac and Linux users voted on a party of then the major two, we would double the number of votes for smaller parties05:45
mozart_Cannot mount volume05:45
mozart_invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume "Music"05:45
mozart_Help please05:45
mono6unique: welcome. don't be afraid to ask!05:45
Tom-Millermozart_: what command are you using to mount it?05:46
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, set -e tells the script to stop completely the moment any of the commands it runs fails, removing it will hopefully let it continue and although it will still "fail" apt-get / dpkg will think it has installed fine ( which it in fact has anyways :)05:46
mono6mozart: try chmod ('man chmod')05:46
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pvl1can i remove the files in cache/apt/archives?05:46
mozart_ok thx i'll try now05:46
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: Ok, what else?05:46
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, Then quit and save the file and try apt-geting gdm again05:46
varghi and how do i install my grafics card?05:47
Tom-Millermozart_: wait, you need Linux to change permissions on a NTFS filesystem?  I am confused???05:47
File13!seen IntuitiveNipple05:47
mono6varg: you board should install fine on the install. what kind of problem are you having?05:47
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: gdm is already the newest version05:47
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Jordan_Uvarg, System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager most likely05:47
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uniqueas far as visuals for the desktop what should i use i got compiz installed.... but im not sure if its working05:47
atheodook found it05:48
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mono6Tom-Miller: he might have mounted it ro?05:48
varghave no problem...kinda wierded out that everything just...works...05:48
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, That is where you got that error before isn't it?05:48
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Ashfire908how do i install two ubuntu systems on the same computer so that grub gets updated with both systems (like if the kernel gets upgraded)05:48
atheodothere are a couple of them, but it's getting late, so I will try them tomorrow or something :-)05:48
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mono6varg, welcome to Linux...it 'just' works05:48
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mjancaiti1Jordan_U: correct, that's where it kept throwing the invoke-rc.d, went clean this time05:48
mozart_Sorry i got logged out05:49
mozart_Now as with all ex window users all my USB external drives are in NTFS, getting the read/write ability with Automatix was easy, but now here is my problem the drives I plug in are recognized but I have no write permission, Feisty really should have a right-click option inbuilt for this, well I need something with a gui which allows me to change and set the permissions as I need, the command line usage is still new an05:49
mozart_d daunting to me, also the family members in the house would appreciate that.05:49
mozart_ooops now I screwed it up a bit by right-clicking the desktop icon and changing the "ro" into "rw" and now it won't even mount the USB external disc! throws up this message:05:49
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vargso u don't need to install all the diffrent components?...like grafics and mobo components?..05:49
mozart_Cannot mount volume05:49
mozart_invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume "Music"05:49
preactionmozart_, do not do that again please05:49
atheodoby the way i am running ubuntu as a virtual machine under windows vista using vmware desktop05:49
mozart_Help please05:49
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, Ok, delete that "#" again then reboot05:49
snarferDCC SEND "HAX" 0 0 005:49
mono6Ashfire908, it's a bit tricky...just take the entries from the last-installed OS from 'menu.lst' and copy paste them into your current grub05:49
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mozart_sorry what?05:49
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atheodothat things really rocks, it took care of all the driver installation for me, this is the first linux that I have that has sound and works with my network card right out the box :_)05:49
Ashfire908mono6 there's no automatic way of doing it?05:49
Jordan_U!automatix | mozart_05:49
ubotumozart_: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)05:49
atheodoand it's running pretty fast05:49
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rafaelscjis there a gui ftp server?05:50
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atheodoanybody else using vmware desktop in here?05:50
preactionmozart_, you spam the channel with your question and it's disruptive. just state your question once. you already did so.05:50
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: rebooting into normal install, right?05:50
mozart_ok so shouls i uninstall Automatix?????05:50
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, Yes05:50
mono6Ashfire908, not that i am aware of, because the install will overwrite your current bootloader. some distros will include older recognized entires05:50
pvl1rafaelscj yes its called gproftp05:50
atheodorafael, from what i can see no, all ftp server are command line, but pretty easy05:50
atheodotry this one05:50
preactionmozart_, doesn't matter anymore, it's too late now.05:50
elkbuntumozart_, the damage is already done05:50
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mozart_i know05:50
Jordan_Umozart_, If it has done any damage then uninstalling won't help, the damage is done05:50
mozart_i used automatix to install lots of things05:50
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: installing05:50
atheodoit seems pretty straightforward05:50
mono6mozart_: Automatix is not really something I would recommend05:50
rafaelscjpvl1, thanks05:51
preaction!paste | mozart_, paste your /etc/fstab. there's something bad in there that mount doesn't like05:51
ubotumozart_, paste your /etc/fstab. there's something bad in there that mount doesn't like: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:51
pvl1rafaelscj no problem05:51
mozart_slowly please05:51
preactionmozart_, do not paste to the channel, follow the link ubotu told you about05:51
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, Installing?05:51
mjancaiti1Er, booting, Jordan05:51
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mjancaiti1My bad05:51
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, ;)05:51
adastra23I've got a buddy with a DVD/CD driver issue - I'm stumped - thread here - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53649805:51
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: ok, it got to a tty login prompt again, and then brought up the blue "failed to start xserver" message05:51
preactionmozart_, once i can see your /etc/fstab, i can help you use ntfs-3g to get it to mount correctly05:52
Ashfire908if automatrix is so bad why do people use it? and what exaclty does it do?05:52
pvl1is there like a disk cleanup tool in ubuntu?05:52
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mozart_sorry how do i get the info so then i can paste my /etc/fstab as you asked me05:52
Tom-MillerAshfire908: it can sometimes help install software that is difficult to install05:52
mono6Ashfire908, I would consider Automatix to be "beta". it does a lot of automated tasks, like "YasT" in SusE05:53
kazim59I've a .chm file that does not render correctly.. text is block-block-block-block... but when I copy this text to somewhere else... I can read it ..05:53
Jordan_Upreaction, ntfs-config will set it up automatically05:53
Tom-MillerAshfire908: but it also has a high chance of breaking your system05:53
mozart_ok i have the ntfs-3g05:53
Jordan_U!ntfs-3g | mozart_05:53
ubotumozart_: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:53
mjancaiti1For what it's worth, automatix has never broken any of my installs05:53
kazim59the gnochm output in the terminal says PangoWarning: shape engine failure, expect ugly output. the offending font is 'Arial Bold Not-Rotated 6.99902343705:53
preactionmozart_, there's a file called /etc/fstab, you open it in a text editor, paste it to the http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org website, and give me the link05:53
Jordan_Umozart_, Note that link also covers configuration05:53
mono6Ashfire908: the beauty of Linux is the transparency and tools like Automatix take some of the control away from you05:53
mjancaiti1Well, not true; Automatix's VMWare install always screws it up05:53
elkbuntumjancaiti1, count yourself lucky then05:53
mozart_Automatix to me came through MYEASYUBUNTU, somehow so then i just used it05:53
demonsporkhow do I install a source package that has a /debian folder in it?05:53
mono6demonspork, still didn't work, huh?05:54
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Jordan_UAshfire908, Not to mention Automatix is poorly written, defective by design, and dangerous05:54
preactionJordan_U, yes, but if you were following the entire conversation you'd see that won't work here. mount is barfing on a bad option in /etc/fstab on a USB disk that is trying to automount05:54
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: do I need to run some nvidia x configuration something or other?05:54
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demonsporkmono6, I don't really know what I need to run05:54
Tom-Millerpvl1: what do you need to clean up?05:54
SunmanXIIhey guys i have a problem - when i plug in my external HD it reads as a read-only for some reason05:54
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: or can I just go poke around in it for a minute? (I got pretty good with xorg.conf a while back as a courtesy of stupid laptop displays)05:54
mikubuntuJordan_U: you made some comments about this screen resolution  prob i'm having earlier ... i think i wore rafaelscj out for the last three hours and we still couldn't fix it, do you have any ideas, or better yet, a QUIK FIX05:54
mono6demonspork, read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html05:54
preactionSunmanXII, NTFS hard drive?05:54
Ashfire908Jordan_U then why do people use it isn't there a DANGER DO NOT USE message?05:54
pvl1tom-miller idk like unused files05:55
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daytona89when linux boots, which file does it use to keep track of which drives will be mounted, etc?05:55
uniquewhats the best desktop ui to use?05:55
preactiondaytona89, /etc/fstab05:55
mono6demonspork, a complete walkthrough would be a little bit to extensive in here05:55
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demonsporkdaytona89, etc/fstab05:55
Jordan_UAshfire908, People do a lot of things they shouldn't and there is a lot of ignorance about Automatix05:55
mozart_i can't get to /etc/fstab it says permission denied even when i did sudo before05:55
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Tom-Millerpvl1: the only files you really need to worry about keeping clean, are files in /home/username05:55
Ashfire908unique, depends.05:55
mjancaiti1I think you want to type cat /etc/fstab05:55
SunmanXIIpreaction, yes05:55
preactionmozart_, type this in a terminal: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab05:55
Ashfire908unique, there's GNOME, KDE, and Xfce05:55
mjancaiti1That'll give you output in the terminal05:55
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Tom-Millerpvl1: by installing and uninstalling packages, the system will keep the rest of the file system "clean" for you05:55
preaction!ntfs-3g | SunmanXII05:56
ubotuSunmanXII: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:56
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pvl1tom-miller what about cache/apt/archives, id like to free up some more space05:56
rafaelscjdo you like EnLghtEnMent?05:56
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mono6unique: GNOME, lightweight, powerful; KDE, more powerful, easy; XFCE: VERY lightwieght, not so powerful05:56
mozart_ok i got it05:56
SunmanXIIthanks preaction ill try05:56
daytona89in /etc/fstab I have '/dev/hda1 /media/hda1 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0' yet my NTFS drive does not mount. How do I fix this?05:56
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer05:56
Jordan_UAshfire908, And the developers claim that it is perfectly stable and has never caused any problems, which even if it were true would not make it any less of a hack05:56
Tom-Millerpvl1: sudo apt-get purge     I *THINK* will delete old package files, let me make sure first05:56
mozart_can i paste it here????05:56
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tonyyarusso!paste | mozart_05:57
preactionmozart_, no. once again. paste it to the paste site05:57
Jordan_UAshfire908, By developers I mean Automatix devs, the Ubuntu devs condemn it05:57
mozart_# /etc/fstab: static file system information.05:57
mozart_#  -- This file has been automaticly generated by ntfs-config --05:57
mozart_# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>05:57
mozart_proc /proc proc defaults 0 005:57
mozart_# Entry for /dev/sda1 :05:57
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Ashfire908mozart_,  noooo05:57
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uniqueok so what is compiz05:57
preactionoh hell05:57
ubotumozart_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:57
ubotuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.05:57
mono6Jordan_U: yes, just like YasT...I don't like it..Linux is easy enough the way it is AFAIK05:57
Ashfire908Jordan_U, figured that05:57
preactionnice catch tonyyarusso05:57
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adorablepuppyWhat is the package name for ndiswrapper? The suggested ndiswrapper-common didn't work.05:57
mono6unique: Compiz is a "window manager" add-on....search for "compiz" on youtube.com for a demo05:57
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Ashfire908mono6, could you help me understand https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto#head-44a5805eeda20ec1b6bd6c274cbf3a74230675d105:58
PoofDaddyI just inherited a new computer and not too familiar with computers and I'm a new Ubuntu user. The computer gives me the following message: http://www.nopaste.com/p/asQKbvLKF05:58
Tom-Millerpvl1: no, hold on, Ill find it05:58
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pvl1tom-miller ok, ty05:58
mono6Ashfire908, sure what's your question?05:58
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Jordan_UAshfire908, And I say defective by design because they admit that they are trying to make a package manager, but they don't have a package format, or dependency handling, automatic updating, version tracking... they basically have nothing that a true package manager would05:58
preactionPoofDaddy, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver i think05:59
preaction!xorg | PoofDaddy05:59
ubotuPoofDaddy: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:59
daytona89can anyone help me with an NTFS mounting issue?05:59
Jordan_U!xconfig | PoofDaddy05:59
ubotuPoofDaddy: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  - To configure only the driver and resolution, type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh  - See also !FixRes05:59
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Ashfire908mono6, it's not worded too well and even though i'm learning alot (like how to use a CLI to do stuff and commands like ifdown) but i just don't understand05:59
Tom-Millerpvl1: sudo apt-get clean05:59
preactiondaytona89, try to mount the drive in a terminal and tell us what the error is05:59
pvl1tom-miller ok tyvm05:59
Tom-Millerpvl1: that will clear your apt's cache05:59
preactionmozart_, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org <- paste your file THERE and give us the link05:59
daytona89ok, what command do I use?06:00
uniqueok can KDE run on ubuntu?06:00
preactiondaytona89, mount06:00
tonyyarussounique: yes06:00
Jordan_Uunique, Yes06:00
tonyyarusso!kde | unique06:00
ubotuunique: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu:  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE) . Latest KDE version is 3.5.7 for Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org) for more information.06:00
mozart_hey u guys told me paste it here, look its my first time here and first time with ubuntu so go easy on me instead of kicking me out, i'm not here to annoy anyone,06:00
daytona89the NTFS partition is on the same drive as my Ubuntu partition.06:00
Tom-MillerIll brb06:00
Ashfire908mono6, sorry i'm in the middle of a alternate CLI system install and i'm at the grub part06:00
preactionmozart_, no. i told you three times to paste it to the website06:00
mono6unique, yes...'apt-get install kde'06:00
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Jordan_U!ntfs-3g | daytona8906:00
ubotudaytona89: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions06:00
preactiondaytona89, what partition though?06:00
mozart_ok sorry06:00
mono6Ashfire908, np06:00
uniqueok thanks06:00
PoofDaddypreaction Jordan_U: I can't seem to get to the terminal on that computer.  It looks almost like a BIOS setup window.  I'm using a different computer.06:01
adorablepuppyndiswrapper? Anybody know what the package name is, or how I can get it if there is no package?06:01
preactionPoofDaddy, when grub loads, choose "recovery mode"06:01
mozart_thx guys06:01
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murtadashahHi guys: I am wondering how to access myw indows files from UBUNTU... do I install samba on UBUNTU & I'm good to go?06:01
mono6adorablepuppy: 'sudo apt-get ndiswrapper'06:01
tonyyarussomurtadashah: On the same computer or a networked one?06:02
leo_rockwmurtadashah, lan? or different partition?06:02
adorablepuppymono6: Doesn't work.06:02
Ashfire908lol who maintains ubotu? !kde is ugly06:02
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murtadashahUbuntu is on the VM06:02
murtadashahsame computer06:02
preactionmozart_, there's no entry in here for your USB disk at all, which is a problem06:02
leo_rockwAshfire908, that's your opinion06:02
murtadashaheach has its own IP from the router06:02
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mono6adorablepuppy: hold on06:02
mikubuntui can't believe i've been trying to get this screen resolution right for 4 and a half hours now .... arrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhh06:02
adorablepuppymono6: Additionally, the terminal suggests I should get ndiswrapper-common, whcih also doesn't work.06:02
Jordan_UPoofDaddy, You can get a terminal with ctrl+alt+F106:02
Ashfire908leo_rockw, no the responce for !kde06:02
murtadashahtonyyarusso: on VM, same computer06:02
murtadashahleo_rockw: same computer, on VM06:02
leo_rockwAshfire908, oh, ok. sorry06:02
Ashfire908mono6: you forgot the install part06:02
PoofDaddypreaction: I don't think that it's an option on that machine cause I tried that and it didn't work.06:03
tonyyarussomurtadashah: shouldn't need samba for that then.  Should be able to do it by default actually.06:03
mikubuntutime for cigarette break, whether or not thats politically correct06:03
preactiondoes anyone know if lsusb will show the /dev node of a usb disk? or would i have to parse dmsg?06:03
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mono6adorablepuppy: ndiswrapper-utils and ndiswrapper-common06:03
Ashfire908mono6: you put  apt-get ndiswrapper06:03
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preactionPoofDaddy, are you sure it's an ubuntu machine?06:03
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: I reconfigured X again, and did a gdm restart, and I get the same symptoms that started all this: a black screen before the login prompt and a "thinking" cursor, the spinning one; doesn't do anything06:03
uniquewhats some favored firewalls?06:03
PoofDaddyJordan_U  don't think that it's an option on that machine cause I tried that and it didn't work.06:03
preaction!firewall | unique06:03
ubotuunique: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).06:03
mjancaiti1unique: firestarter06:03
daytona89preaction: hda106:03
adorablepuppymono6, all seem to not work.06:03
PoofDaddypreaction: yes, but i was directing that to Jordan, not you06:03
eulallia1>.> how do i install linux on a different partition without it overwriting my current xp boot, and if photoshop is on my 2nd partition, will it be overwritten? >.>06:03
mono6really? hm...06:04
titancompuHey, I have two internet connections available to me. My personal one and my schools. I have two NICs available as well. Is it possible to combine the power of the two internets together?06:04
Kevin`eulallia1 resize it06:04
adorablepuppyGives the E: Couldn't find package ndiswrapper-blah06:04
eulallia1resize the partition?06:04
preactionPoofDaddy, then why is my name at the front of it?06:04
Kevin`the installer can do this06:04
eulallia1the partitions are over 50 gb each06:04
PoofDaddypreaction: I didn't see any line of kernal for recovery mode.  in fact it only loaded Ubuntu up and had no options for anything else as far as I know06:04
Jordan_UPoofDaddy, If the function keys have alternate uses ( mine control volume / brightness ) you may need to use the fn key to get them to actually act like function keys06:04
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: I'll be around for a while, but not constantly, so pm me if you have any ideas, and if not, have yourself a good night and I'll tackle it again later :)06:04
murtadashahtonyyarusso: hmm... is that a VM thing or Ubuntu setup? I click on my places then the windows network is empty06:04
eulallia1plenty room06:04
eulallia1i just dont want it to overwrite XD06:04
leo_rockwdo you guys know of any ntfs defrag app for lignux?06:04
preactiondaytona89, mount /dev/hda1 <- since you have an entry in /etc/fstab, that should give you the error message (or just work)06:04
mono6adorablepuppy: worked for me here, are you using Feisty?06:04
PoofDaddypreaction: I'm sorry.  My mistake.06:04
adorablepuppy. . . .  OH! I forgot to set my source list!06:04
preactionleo_rockw, ntfs doesn't need defrag06:04
tonyyarussomurtadashah: just mount the partition instead of using the network06:04
adorablepuppyIt's still at default, silly me.06:05
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ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines06:05
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leo_rockwpreaction, i think xp should be informed of that then06:05
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Kevin`eulallia1 resize one of the partitions06:05
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eulallia1it needs to be?06:05
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Ashfire908mono6: in the grub wiki page, what it talking about symlinks? i know what symbolic links are but i have no clue what that does06:05
eulallia1theres only like 3 things on it, some sql >.> and my photoshop pics XD06:05
Kevin`well, unless you have unpartitioned space, which I doubt you do06:05
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mono6Ashfire908: i never used symlinks with grub06:05
eulallia1and my photoshop will be deleted?06:05
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preactionPoofDaddy, fiesty? when grub boots you should have two seconds to press "esc" to see the full grub menu06:05
Ashfire908mono6: what they are trying to do06:06
Kevin`eulallia1 why would it be deleted06:06
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eulallia1its on the partition which linux will be installed06:06
daytona89preaction: Unexpected clusters per mft record (-1).06:06
daytona89Failed to startup volume: Invalid argument06:06
daytona89Failed to mount '/dev/hda1': Invalid argument06:06
daytona89The device '/dev/hda1' doesn't have a valid NTFS.06:06
Kevin`that's why you should resize it06:06
eulallia1psh how06:06
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mozart_can someone please help me and post a little response to this mail http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3265109#post326510906:06
Kevin`the installer can do it06:06
eulallia1without overwriting either06:06
Kevin`or use a gparted livecd06:06
Ashfire908!pastebin | daytona8906:06
ubotudaytona89: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:06
mono6Ashfire908: grub is really pretty simple...you have ONE master grub that you use and you just add entries to menu.lst and that's it06:06
preactiondaytona89, are you sure you have a valid /dev/hda1 partition? is windows still on it? can you boot from it?06:06
PoofDaddypreaction: I will try that now06:06
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eulallia1wow ubotu should do /noticeses instead of /msg $chan06:06
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Kevin`eulallia1 the resizing is non-destructive. just think with common sense06:07
eulallia1psh i havent used linux before06:07
eulallia1dont ask me :P06:07
preactioneulallia1, most people don't listen to /notice, really06:07
Ashfire908mono6 i'm not too comfortable messing with it06:07
eulallia1they would listen to /msg06:07
preaction!enter @ eulallia106:07
daytona89preaction: yes to both. Fdisk -l yeilds: /dev/hda1   *           1       20669   166023711    7  HPFS/NTFS06:07
Jordan_U!bot > eulallia106:07
mono6Ashfire908: after that re-install with grub-install /dev/hda (or wherever you have your bootloade)06:07
mattgmy mouse theme wont change... :(06:07
eulallia1lol i installed xubuntu on an old laptop, lagged XD06:07
mono6Ashfire908: you cannot break it, really...if it fails you can use the install disk06:07
eulallia1256 ram >.>06:07
Kevin`did you configure at least 2d accellerated video drivers?06:08
eulallia1is it already configured on install06:08
Ashfire908eulallia1, resizing a ntfs (windows) partition is tricky cause windows lets the files get fragmented06:08
kazim59Hey ppl.. wish me good luck.. because I'm gonna start reading the book Linux Kernel Dev... lol hehe06:08
Kevin`the unaccellerated/framebuffer drivers are slow/laggy06:08
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mono6Ashfire908: Boot the Live CD...mount your /boot partition, do a chroot and a grub-install06:08
eulallia1i have a sata and ntfs06:08
kazim59the font problem was fixed, thanks06:08
preactiondaytona89, then try specifying the type: mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/hda1 <mountpoint>06:08
leo_rockwAshfire908, do you know of any defragmenter that runs on linux?06:08
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uniqueUnable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?06:08
Kevin`Ashfire908 it's not tricky at all. the program can handle fragmented files06:09
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eulallia1rofl is there a linux that acts like a mac06:09
mono6leo_rockw: there is no defrag to my knowledge06:09
Jordan_U!defrag | leo_rockw06:09
ubotuleo_rockw: defragmentation is not needed for Ext3 and ReiserFS filesystems. They are much more efficient in their allocation of storage units.06:09
Ashfire908mono6: the system it's on (a server) doesn't like livecds and dumps me onto the command line06:09
daytona89preaction: what do you put in <mountpoint>?06:09
leo_rockwnot for ext306:09
leo_rockwfor fat/ntfs06:09
leo_rockwto defrag a win partition from linux06:09
Kevin`eulallia1 I hope not =p06:09
mono6leo_rockw: would not be really wise to do it anyway...you can still boot into Windows after all06:09
preactiondaytona89, the mount point. the directory where the drive should be mounted06:09
uniqueinstalling kde06:09
eulallia1lol kevin i hope so06:09
eulallia1<3 mac06:09
Ashfire908Kevin`, oh. oh! it was really stupid with the space recovered.06:09
leo_rockwmono6, i don't trust those win apps, lol06:09
uniquewhats should i do Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?06:10
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panfisthey, i have ubuntu installed on my HP laptop and its behaving weird...all i have open is the file browser and a PDF reader, and im not doing anything..yet every 30 secs it reads or writes to the disk. im not sure why, i just want it to stop so i have some longer battery life. how can i find out what is accessing the disk? thanks06:10
Ashfire908Kevin`, least it was for me06:10
mono6leo_rockw: then get rid of NTFS....bad, baaaad filesystem06:10
preactionunique, run sudo apt-get update?06:10
mono6leo_rockw: ;))))06:10
preaction!repositories | unique06:10
Jordan_Uunique, Are you connected to the internet?06:10
ubotuunique: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource06:10
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leo_rockwmono6, i will on my laptop. can't do it on the desktop tho, it isn't mine alone06:10
PoofDaddypreaction: i did it when i saw the option to hit esc, but it just boots to Ubuntu immediately.06:11
Kevin`Ashfire908 the intent is to move it using the least time, not to make a perfectly defragmented filesystem after the resizing. do that after.06:11
mattgthere i got it figured out.  had to restart x06:11
PoofDaddypreaction:Doesn't give me an option for the recovery mode. I now what you're talking about though, because I'm using Ubuntu on this machine and I see it everytime I boot.06:11
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mono6leo_rockw: i hear you....well, use Win to defrag... ;)06:11
Ashfire908leo_rockw, you can't defrag from windows. you can do a safemode boot in windows and defrag. should get most of the files moveable. i screwed up though you DON'T need to defrag it06:11
daytona89preaction: still same error... I wonder if something about that partition got messed up...?06:11
mignishCan someone direct me to some documentation or a howto... anything that will help me configure a users write access in proftpd?06:11
preactionPoofDaddy, looks like someone configured grub to skip that menu. you'll have to use a live CD to recover your X06:11
preactiondaytona89, try with -t ntfs instead06:12
leo_rockwAshfire908, ok06:12
panfistis there a program i can run that lets me monitor hard disk access?06:12
Ashfire908Kevin`,  no it would fail to resize if there was too much free space after the drive06:12
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PoofDaddypreaction: that I have and that I will do06:12
Ashfire908panfist gnome-monitor06:12
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leo_rockwmono6, either use win to defrag or make it a tinny partition so there's not enough room for fragmenting anyway :-P06:12
mono6leo_rockw: correct ;)06:12
Ashfire908panfist but it just shows how much is being done06:12
Kevin`not enough room for fragmentation? that's a contradiction06:12
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Jordan_Uleo_rockw, Less space means more fragmentation06:13
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Ashfire908leo_rockw: windows is more stupid with fragmentation than you think.06:13
mono6leo_rockw: well, NTFS will defragment in a heartbeart, because Windows' HDD cache management s***s06:13
panfistashfire908 i dont want to just that it is being accessed, but what specific programs are using it, and what they are doing06:13
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leo_rockwAshfire908, yeah, i just realized that. i'm not the one that will be using the win box anyway. i'm fine w/ my lignux06:14
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Ashfire908panfist do a search in add/remove programs or synaptic06:14
Kevin`I personally ignore fragmentation, on both linux and windows06:14
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mono6quick poll: what do you feel is missing in Ubuntu?06:14
Kevin`mono6 arm support? ;)06:14
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Jordan_U!offtopic | mono606:15
ubotumono6: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:15
Ashfire908leo_rockw, you will need to have windows check it's ntfs journal cause windows is even more stupid with that.06:15
mono6oops, wrong channel ;)06:15
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daytona89preaction: still thinks it's not an NTFS vol. Gonna go reboot and make sure I can still boot windows...06:15
Ashfire908leo_rockw, it will do it automaticly. just boot it aftr you are done partitioning06:15
preactiondaytona89, sounds good. sure it isn't fat32?06:15
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mono6time to hit the sack. g'nite.06:16
Outlanderwhat's the easiest way to rip dvd to xvid?06:16
Ashfire908does windows even check it's journal? or use it at all?06:16
daytona89preaction: yes, definitely. I'll bbiab to let you know how it went. Thanks for the help!06:16
whtaidling too long in ubuntu now completely turns off my computer to where I can't turn it back on. I have to flip off the soft switch and turn it back on for it to work again. windows does not do this. what's going on?06:16
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leo_rockwAshfire908, i already installed kubuntu on my lappy a long time ago but it wasn't on a partition. the whole hd is ubuntufied. i'll keep that in mind for the desktop, tho06:16
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astro76Outlander, try dvd::rip06:17
Outlandercool thanks06:17
Ashfire908whtm sounds like it's either failing to suspend or hibernate06:17
doug__can u run nintendo emulators installed on ubuntu to run in xp?06:17
Ashfire908leo_rockw, you can't NOT have a partition06:17
astro76doug__, huh?06:17
leo_rockwAshfire908, well i meant that i only have an ubuntu partition (and the swap) but no windoze06:17
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uniqueok when im done with the kde installation should i reboot?06:17
teKnofreakwhta, check your Power Savings Manager and stop your system from moving to suspend or hibernate when it is idle for N mins06:17
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Ashfire908leo_rockw, that's a ext3 partition06:18
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uniqueor is there something else ill have to do?06:18
teKnofreakunique, restart X06:18
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doug__astro76,  if u get a snes emulator install it in ubuntu and thn get on xp can u play it on xp while its installed on ubuntu?06:18
leo_rockwAshfire908, yup... but i wasn't thinking about installing lignux on my desktop. i never had to do the whole xp rezising and stuff before.06:18
GmrAddccan anybody help me install a ati X1650 video card?06:19
leo_rockwAshfire908, i WAS thinking*06:19
=== CaptainMorgan [n=CaptainM@c-75-67-233-82.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ashfire908GmrAddc, did you try activating the restriced drive?06:20
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astro76doug__, linux and windows run entirely different software. That said, zsnes is available for both windows and linux.06:20
teKnofreakleo_rockw, if you have a free/can be freed E or F drive (extra partition) then use it for installing linux06:20
GmrAddcyea and next time i restart it jsut stays at a blank screen :(06:20
doug__astro76,  thanks06:20
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Ashfire908GmrAddc, blank screen? the whole screen?06:20
gortba_Hi everyone. Can someone give me some guidelines on how much space to allocate the my 250 gig hard drive for /, /home, and /boot partitions?06:20
wolferinedoug__, back for another round of leanin' linux06:21
GmrAddcyes the entire screen just stays black06:21
leo_rockwteKnofreak, i'm probly going to do that, thanks06:21
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Ashfire908GmrAddc: oh after you enable desktop effects?06:21
leo_rockwGmrAddc, i made a post in the ubuntuforums once about an x1400. it may be useful for you. lemme find it06:21
teKnofreakgord, its your wish, depending upon how much stuffs you want to save, /boot needs to be 512M max IIRC06:21
teKnofreakerrr... gortba_ ^^06:22
GmrAddcnope just when i enable the restricted drivers, then i reboot, and it goes past the loading screen but never gets to the login screen06:22
GmrAddcit just stays black06:22
teKnofreakgortba_, and have something around 15-20 Gig /06:22
astro76gortba_, I'd make / 15-20 GB and /home the rest06:22
teKnofreakastro76, ;)06:22
Ashfire908GmrAddc can you get into the computer?06:22
GmrAddcno not at all06:22
GmrAddcim reinstalling ubuntu at the moment06:22
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gortba_When I install software, does that use up / space?06:23
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WaltzingAlongugh. this is not ms windows. a reinstall is not the first option. lol06:23
astro76gortba_, yes06:23
leo_rockwGmrAddc, check my post on this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51683506:23
doug__wolferine,  lol i been on linux06:23
=== unique [n=unique@c-68-81-253-45.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
teKnofreakgortba_, yes unless you are building from source and do the install in /home06:23
uniqueok i just installed kde how do i know if its running?06:23
leo_rockwunique, startkde06:24
teKnofreakunique, in the login screen select Sessions --> KDE06:24
PoofDaddypreaction: ok I got a live CD running.  What should I do now?  Open a terminal and run some commands, right?  Which ones?06:24
GmrAddcashfire any ideas?06:24
gortba_So, I like to install a lot of software, should I make / bigger that 15-20 GB?06:24
astro76gortba_, you can fit a metric ton of software in 20GB, linux programs are not as bloated as windows, in large part due to shared libraries06:24
mikubuntuleo_rockw: i have been having this problem for the last 4 or 5 hours since i did a fresh install of xub 704, cannot get proper screen resolution to render.  we checked the xorg.conf files and everything seems to be correct in there, everything set to 1024, but yet the actual res is nothing close, do you have any ideas?06:24
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WaltzingAlonggortba_: that should be plenty06:24
teKnofreakgortba_, 20 gig should be ideal06:24
GmrAddcleo rock thats for a  x140006:24
gortba_ahh I see06:24
XdorotaXhow do i log in as root?06:24
astro76!sudo | XdorotaX06:25
ubotuXdorotaX: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.06:25
teKnofreakXdorotaX, why you need to ?06:25
preactionPoofDaddy, the first thing you'll want to do is mount your hard drive with ubuntu on it. then you want to "chroot" to the place you mounted that partition. then you can do :06:25
leo_rockwGmrAddc, i'm not 100% sure, but i think the drivers are the same06:25
preaction!fixres | PoofDaddy06:25
ubotuPoofDaddy: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:25
GmrAddchmmm ok ok06:25
GmrAddci will try this06:25
XdorotaXteKnofreak: to run apache06:25
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leo_rockwif it doesn't work just uninstall the packets and that's it06:25
tondarhey all06:25
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leo_rockwGmrAddc, make a backup of xorg.conf, tho06:25
teKnofreakXdorotaX, sudo /etc/init.d/apache or do it from System --> Admin --> services06:25
tondaris there an app for call waiting in ubuntu?06:25
GmrAddclol im  a newbie, im trying to do this for a friend06:26
GmrAddci use nvidia in linux :)06:26
GmrAddcso much better06:26
teKnofreakXdorotaX, sudo /etc/init.d/apache start06:26
=== daytona89 [n=daytona8@CABLE-72-53-60-45.cia.com] has joined #ubuntu
leo_rockwGmrAddc, sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bkup06:26
tondaris there an app for call waiting in ubuntu?06:26
GmrAddcthankyou :)06:26
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daytona89preaction: that partition appears to be broken. What are my options for attempting to fix it?06:26
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leo_rockwmikubuntu, i was going to suggest to go through xorg... other than that idk06:27
gortba_One last thing. I want to try using logical volumes. Should I not allocate some of my space to allow my partitions to grow, or should I allocate everything as an LVM of some sort?06:27
omeHow do I delete a directory and all the files in it from terminal06:27
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teKnofreakGmrAddc, whenever you want to edit an existing config file, back it up06:27
tonyyarussotondar: I'm sure asterisk could do that somehow, but no idea of the details06:27
GmrAddci tried editing xorg and it just fucks it up every time06:27
preactiondaytona89, beats me06:27
GmrAddcive tried so many different forums and crap06:27
tonyyarusso!ohmy | GmrAddc06:27
ubotuGmrAddc: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:27
GmrAddcits so annoying06:27
Gaidinhow do i allow rwe access of a folder on an ext fat32 hdd to a windows machine?06:27
GmrAddcok im sorry06:27
astro76gortba_, with just those partitions, you won't really need to do shuffling06:27
daytona89I have a messed up NTFS partition. Is there any linux software for attempting to diagnose/fix it?06:28
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tonyyarussoGaidin: I don't remember the syntax offhand, but look into changing the umask in /etc/fstab06:28
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leo_rockwGmrAddc, you should always keep a backup of xorg.conf06:28
mikubuntuleo_rockw: is it possible or likely that it is a problem related to the install?  if i did a reinstall would that possibly help?  or some kind of upgrade to xorg?06:28
Gaidinheh? plaease not i am very new to linux06:28
tondaranyone any idea?06:28
astro76daytona89, ntfsfix in the ntfsprogs package06:28
GmrAddcany other ideas lol :P06:28
tondarcall waiting under ubuntu06:28
glguywould anyone happen to know of a solution to my Dell D630 dropping to a busybox shell when I try to boot the liveCD?06:28
omeHow do you delete a directory and all files in it from terminal?06:28
GmrAddcfrom anybody06:28
onatsis anyone encountering problems with the 64 bit version fo ubuntu?06:28
GmrAddcgod linux and ati are like......ewwwwwwwwwwwwww06:28
astro76ome, rm -r directory/06:28
lgc_Does anyone know a curve digitizer?06:29
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tonyyarussoGaidin: Google for "umask /etc/fstab fat32 0000"06:29
teKnofreakome, rm -rf dir/06:29
werkkrewI have just installed Ubuntu on my spare pc for the first time and when I boot into recovery mode I am getting the last line as "v2.6:USB HID core driver" then it dumps me to a shell after about 5 minutes - Any ideas?06:29
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daytona89astro76: I installed ntfsprogs. How do I use it? It's not in the menu.06:29
leo_rockwmikubuntu, this is not windoze... we usually don't need to reinstall. you can try sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade and see if that solves anything... but idk06:29
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swarnacoud anybody tell me how to mount partition in kde desktop06:29
tondarcall waiting app in ubuntu??! any ideas??06:29
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PoofDaddypreaction: that live CD hasn't finished booting.  There seems to be an error.  I'm using Helix, since i lost my Knoppix.  It says HELIX IMAGE is a squashfs compressed image.  Does that mean anything to you?06:29
teKnofreakdaytona89, man ntfsprogs ?06:29
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astro76daytona89, it's command line, you need to unmount the partition then sudo ntfsfix /dev/whatever06:30
wolferineswarna, do you know the type of the partition ?06:30
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teKnofreakswarna, sudo mount /source/path dest/path06:30
preactionPoofDaddy, nothing whatsoever. any problem with getting a new live cd?06:30
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GmrAddcok bye guyes06:30
lgc_Curve digitizer, ala WinDig, for Linux? Help?06:30
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imbecilehey all, I was wondering if there were any apps or anything that checks pucntuation.. I'm emailing this girl & I dont want alot of errors06:31
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daytona89ntfsfix advises me to run chkdsk...?06:31
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teKnofreakimbecile, doesn't your email client have a spell check ?06:31
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imbecileteKnofreak:  nope :(06:31
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gortba_astro76: Thanks for your help. Then here's what I gather. 512 mb for /boot ext3, 20 for / as a logical volume and /home the rest as a logical volume with / and /home under the same logical volume group. Lastly, what should be the primary partition?06:32
astro76daytona89, daytona89 from windows06:32
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PoofDaddypreaction: helix is knoppix-based: http://www.e-fense.com/helix/index.php06:32
teKnofreakgortba_, the root06:32
imbecilei was just going to c/p from gedit or something.. does gedit have spell check?06:32
astro76gortba_, what about swap?06:32
blackestfor some reason one of my ubuntu pc's is acting as a win server any idea what needs altering so it doesnt its creating chaos on my lan ?06:32
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uniqueok my mind just went out the window06:32
uniquethanks guys06:33
daytona89astro76: so... put win on another drive, boot it, and use this one as a slave drive and chkdsk that way?06:33
preactionimbecile, because hiding your true self and your true inability to spell will really impress her 6 months down the line06:33
astro76gortba_, AFAIK they all can be logical, someone correct me if I'm wrong06:33
gortba_astro76: ahh...yes 1 gig for swap under the log vol group06:33
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astro76daytona89, why do you have ntfs with no windows?06:33
imbecilepreaction:  I just want a 1 night or so stand.. I dont want to date her06:33
preactionimbecile, at least you have an appropriate nickname06:34
daytona89astro76: my windows partition is ntfs, but it's on the same drive as Ubuntu, and it won't boot. Grub says the partition is not recognized (though it worked yesterday before I installed gfxboot)06:34
imbecilewell that does'nt exactly answer my question though06:34
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astro76daytona89, maybe you can do it from the windows cd06:35
gortba_astro76: and teKnofreak: thanks much for your help. Installing a fresh system is always refreshing.06:35
gortba_Catch you all later.06:35
teKnofreakgortba_, you are always welcome :)06:35
Tom-MillerI tried installing compiz-fusion, and now it says something is wrong, and only lets me run apt-get -f install06:35
Tom-Millerand when I run it, I keep getting this error: "Errors were encountered while processing:06:36
Tom-Miller /var/cache/apt/archives/compiz-gnome_1%3a0.5.5~git20070824+3v1ubuntu0_i386.deb06:36
Tom-MillerE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"06:36
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preactionTom-Miller, #ubuntu-effects can help you06:36
daytona89astro76: I'll give it a shot. Back in a sec.06:36
panfisthey, i have ubuntu installed on my HP laptop and its behaving weird...all i have open is the file browser and a PDF reader, and im not doing anything..yet every 30 secs it reads or writes to the disk. im not sure why, i just want it to stop so i have some longer battery life. how can i find out what is accessing the disk? thanks06:36
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teKnofreakTom-Miller, the installation had some problem, remove the package using apt-get and then try to freshly install06:36
lgc_Flannel, you there?06:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about top - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:37
tondarcall waiting app in ubuntu??! any ideas??06:37
teKnofreakpanfist, is it slowing down your other things ?06:37
Tom-MillerteKnofreak: I can't remove, it says please run apt-get -f install06:37
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teKnofreakTom-Miller, do apt-get -f install.. what happens ?06:37
Tom-MillerteKnofreak: it gives the error message posted abot06:38
panfistteknofreak: it is not slowing them down, but it is draining the battery. in windows when im reading a pdf the hard disk spins down after 5 minutes and i get at least 30 more minutes out of my battery06:38
lgc_Jordan_U, you there?06:38
teKnofreakTom-Miller, try apt-get remove --force gnome-compiz06:38
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Tom-MillerI tried doing sudo apt-get clean, then update again, but it didn't help06:38
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Jordan_Ulgc_, yes06:38
teKnofreakpanfist, there is a possibility that it is running updatedb06:38
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Tom-MillerE: Command line option --force is not understood06:38
leo_rockwimbecile, did you try the OO spell checker maybe?06:38
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teKnofreakTom-Miller, ah wait lemme check06:39
leo_rockwimbecile, i don't know of any app that checks punctuation, tho06:39
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imbecileleo_rockw:  I'll give it a look06:39
imbecilethanks :)06:39
leo_rockwimbecile, np06:39
leo_rockwhello macaco06:39
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panfistteknofreak i dont see a proc named updatedb in top or the gui monitor06:40
Mr-Snickay, 2 questions;   1. anyone know a good firewall for ubuntu? 2. I have icons stuck on my panel, how do i restart just the panel to remove these dead icons?06:40
teKnofreakpanfist, hmm06:40
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Kevin`Mr-Snick the normal linux netfilter works fine..06:40
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teKnofreakpanfist, check your services and remove the unwanted ones06:40
astro76!firestarter | Mr-Snick06:41
ubotuMr-Snick: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).06:41
Mr-Snickah ok, how would i go about accessing that?06:41
Mr-Snicknvm .. lol06:41
macacohey guys how i can install amarok 1.4.7 on my ubuntu 7.0406:41
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werkkrewI have just installed Ubuntu on my spare pc for the first time and when I boot into recovery mode I am getting the last line as "v2.6:USB HID core driver" then it dumps me to a shell after about 5 minutes - Any ideas?06:41
leo_rockwmacaco, i think it should be in the repositories06:41
lgc_Jordan_U, hi! I was wondering if you could help me out with 2 things: Do you happen to know of a Linux curve digitizer? And the other one is: I used the gtik2 applet all the time up to Edgy. And then some smart guy must have decided it was not good enough to include in Feisty, I suppose. Do you know how can I include it so I can place it on the panel?06:41
macacoi have old version06:41
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Tom-MillerteKnofreak: ?06:41
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leo_rockwmacaco, ooo. you want especifically 1.4.7? then you probly need to wait if it is not in the repos already06:42
teKnofreakTom-Miller, try to remove the particular package "gnome-compiz" and do an update06:42
leo_rockwmacaco, or compile it yourself.06:42
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leo_rockwmacaco, or upgrade to gutsy which i don't recommend if you're a newbie06:42
File13heres a question....ive seen a torrent for like ubuntu ultimate before with all this stuff preinstalled, etc if i installed all the apps i wanted in ubuntu and got my wireless working by updating my drivers is there a way i could make an archive of that state so if i ever messed up i could just install ubuntu w/ those programs and the wireless configured properly?!06:43
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macacoi no like it that version i use Ubuntu06:43
Jordan_Ulgc_, I don't know anything about gtik2 or curve digitizers, sorry06:43
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leo_rockwmacaco, gutsy is ubuntu, tho. but not recommended anyway06:44
lgc_Jordan_U, perhaps you know something about the functioning of the panel?06:44
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bullgard4What is the function of the file /etc/inputrc? "global inputrc for libreadline" does not make it clear to me.06:44
astro76File13, I think ubuntu ultimate also uses automatix or envy, so stay away from that06:44
teKnofreakmacaco, go to OO's home site, get the deb package if available and install it with dpkg06:44
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raddyHello Everybody06:44
leo_rockwteKnofreak, i didn't know there was a deb available. thx for helping him06:44
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leo_rockwhello raddy06:44
mikubuntuleo_rockw: ok, so now i'm having this other problem, can you help me with a wired connection?  automagic dchp din't work.06:45
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File13 well im not saying im gonna use ubuntu ultimate, im just saying can i make my own ultimate distro or whatever, with what a save of my present state in ubuntu so if i messed up or reinstalled on another comp it would come with all the stuff preconfigured06:45
Tom-MillerteKnofreak: dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/compiz-gnome_1%3a0.5.5~git20070824+3v1ubuntu0_i386.deb (--unpack):06:45
Tom-Miller trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/compiz/libgconf.so', which is also in package compiz-plugins06:45
Tom-MillerErrors were encountered while processing:06:45
Tom-Miller /var/cache/apt/archives/compiz-gnome_1%3a0.5.5~git20070824+3v1ubuntu0_i386.deb06:45
Tom-MillerE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)06:45
teKnofreakleo_rockw, probably there should be a deb06:45
vHello -- I am looking for information on how to find the Compiz-Settinsg-Manager in ubuntu 7.04, my compiz is working fine, everything works, I just need to change the colour of the sky.06:45
macacowhat is the addressee web site?06:45
brad016I try to install the "vmware_server" through "Add/Remove Applications" and it says "Cannot install 'vmware-server'06:45
brad016This application conflicts with other installed software. To install 'vmware-server' the conflicting software must be removed first. Switch to the 'synaptic' package manager to resolve this conflict."06:45
FrogzooTom-Miller: use pastebin06:45
teKnofreakTom-Miller, use a pastebin06:45
raddyIs there any apt sources out there for latest fglrx for fiesty?06:45
teKnofreak!pastebin | Tom-Miller06:45
ubotuTom-Miller: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:45
mikubuntuleo_rockw: if i can get connected maybe the upgrade will fix my screenres06:45
astro76File13, you can save a file with your package selections and then restore on another system06:45
Gaidinhey it ia acting odd i told samba to share one folder but when it is accessed from ther windows machine it accesses my home folder the floder i want shared is on another drive!06:45
tumblewee1I'm having a weird problem with GRUB, can anyone help me?06:45
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leo_rockwmikubuntu, well, what i did for not automagical wifi was to set a fixed ip. it will probly work for your case too.06:46
Bo1i dont know how 2 install my graphic card06:46
Jordan_Ulgc_, I don't even know what package would contain the applet you mentioned06:46
tumblewee1here's the deal06:46
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ. | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by PriceChild at Sun Aug 5 18:04:23 2007
(Jordan_U/#ubuntu) lgc_, Is it now called Invest ?06:50
(stewpower/#ubuntu) for nvidia i found it easiest to use the driver package straight from nvidia06:50
(WheelDweller/#ubuntu) Bo1: I have an Nvidia too, just older one.06:50
(macaco/#ubuntu) ubuntu Media Center RC2 were i can find it? :(06:50
(teKnofreak/#ubuntu) macaco, google06:51
(Bo1/#ubuntu) wheeldweller:my PCI card crashes my ubuntu if i dont install right way06:51
(Bo1/#ubuntu) i crashed it 2 times06:51
(tumblewee1/#ubuntu) nobody?06:51
=== bryan [n=bryan@d36-55-212.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Bo1leo_rockw:are you going 2 help?06:51
brad016Can anyone help me? I can not install Vmware server, it tells me I have to use 'synaptic' package manager to resolve this conflict.06:51
=== slackman007 [n=dave@71-91-222-96.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
leo_rockwBo1, read the site ubotu told you about06:52
teKnofreaktumblewee1, when you connect your external hard disk it is hd0 ?06:52
warblertumbleweel: from the live cd run sudo grub then find /boot/grub stage106:52
tumblewee1it's sdb06:52
Bo1leo_rockw:i dont understand what is saying!06:52
WheelDwellerBo1: Ah, you might be trying/avoiding the vesa driver.  I'm not an expert, but that's the kind of thing the faq/wiki will have.  There's a procedure for newer nvidia cards, I just don't know it. (Don't have one.)06:52
File13if i have a wireless usb card how can i tell weather its in spot wlan0 or wlan106:52
Jordan_Ulgc_, The package gnome-applets ( which is installed by default ) claims to have a stock applet06:52
tumblewee1I want GRUB installed on my internal hard drive anyways06:52
warblertumbleweel; in a terminal06:52
tumblewee1ok, what command?06:52
lgc_Jordan_U, no, it should be similar, but the application is broken. There's no way to configure it.06:52
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Jordan_Ulgc_, And I see it in the accessories section06:53
teKnofreaktumblewee1, you can google to find out how to install grub06:53
warblertumbleweel: sudo grub06:53
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brad016 Can anyone help me? I can not install Vmware server, it tells me I have to use 'synaptic' package manager to resolve this conflict. Can anyone help me? I can not install Vmware server, it tells me I have to use 'synaptic' package manager to resolve this conflict. Can anyone help me? I can not install Vmware server, it tells me I have to use 'synaptic' package manager to resolve this conflict. Can anyone help me? I can not inst06:53
brad016all Vmware server, it tells me I have to use 'synaptic' package manager to resolve this conflict. Can anyone help me? I can not install Vmware server, it tells me I have to use 'synaptic' package manager to resolve this conflict. Can anyone help me? I can not install Vmware server, it tells me I have to use 'synaptic' package manager to resolve this conflict. Can anyone help me? I can not install Vmware server, it tells me I ha06:53
brad016ve to use 'synaptic' package manager to resolve this conflict. Can anyone help me? I can not install Vmware server, it tells me I have to use 'synaptic' package manager to resolve this conflict. Can anyone help me? I can not install Vmware server, it tells me I have to use 'synaptic' package manager to resolve this conflict. Can anyone help me? I can not install Vmware server, it tells me I have to use 'synaptic' package manage06:53
Bo1wheeldweller:can u just tell me step by step06:53
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tumblewee1GRUB is installed, but I get error 21 when trying to boot06:53
File13how can i tell what my wireless usb card is, wlan0 or wlan106:54
Jordan_Ulgc_, That's Gnome for you... they probably don't consider it broken even if it is useless for most ( like screensaver preferences, or the lack thereof )06:54
WheelDwellerBo1: No, actually I can't...it's involved and I don't have one.  Go to the site; that'll get it for you.06:54
lgc_Jordan_U, I don't think I have them installed...06:54
Bo1some1 help me install my graphic card?06:54
Jordan_Ulgc_, You don't see "Invest" as an option to add?06:54
WheelDwellerBo1: Can you not get graphics right now?06:54
Bo1step by step06:54
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dugI am trying to get zaptel support in my kernel but I keep getting the error: http://pastebin.ca/67312306:54
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lgc_Jordan_U, yes, I do.06:54
cishpixubuntu can run if the spec of computer is Processor VIA C3 Ezra 798 MHz, RAM 256 Mb (Share 32 Mb for VGA).06:54
warblertumbleweel: finding grub is a start to fixing it06:55
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lgc_Jordan_U, it even installed itself in place of gtik2.06:55
tumblewee1ok, I've typed sudo grub06:55
tumblewee1I'm at the grub prompt right now, what next?06:55
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T`hi.. anyone here has a core duo?06:55
lgc_Jordan_U, but my question was if 'gnome-applets' was something I should install...06:55
T`does your top show two CPUs?06:55
warblertumbleweel: find /boot/grub/stage106:55
T`'top' that is06:55
Mr-SnickThanks Astro76.. i've set the firewall up :)06:56
tumblewee1it's at hd1,106:56
Jordan_Ulgc_, Ubuntu-desktop depends on it, so you should have it installed by default06:56
tumblewee1strange, it was supposed to install to hdo0....06:56
tumblewee1or is that just the MBR?06:56
warblertumbleweel: what device is hd106:56
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mikubuntuleo, i only have one ethernet wire, the one that's on this computer, i have the network connections window open on the opther machine i'm trying to configure and it asks for ip address, subnet mask, and gateway address, where do i find these?06:57
Jordan_Utumblewee1, (hd0) would be MBR, (hd0,0) would be a partition06:57
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tumblewee1hd1 is my external drive, sdb06:57
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tumblewee1hd0 is my internal drive, I'm guessing06:57
lgc_Jordan_U, it doesn't seem to be under Applications->Accesories or anywhere nearby.06:58
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mikubuntuleo_rockw:, i only have one ethernet wire, the one that's on this computer, i have the network connections window open on the opther machine i'm trying to configure and it asks for ip address, subnet mask, and gateway address, where do i find these?06:58
tumblewee1oh dear06:58
Booneshd0 is the drive where you're system starts from06:58
tumblewee1I want this to be able to boot without my external drive plugged in, but GRUB is installed on my external drive06:58
logreevalHi, i just built a computer and went to hook up my monitor, but there is no monitor connector thing??, is my monitor like outdated or something??06:58
T`no one with core duo?06:58
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warblertumbleweel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub/+bug/8978 try this06:59
Tom-MillerteKnofreak: ok seems I got it fixed, thanks for the help06:59
vHello, I'd like to know how to change the colour of the cube / access the controls for compiz in Feisty-Fawn. Anyone know the command to access the compiz-settings manager?06:59
Booneslogreeval let me guess.. your monitor is a small connector, but your graphic adapter only have those white big plugs?06:59
teKnofreaktumblewee1, you can install grub on your internal hard disk and ask it to boot, but if you want it to boot the linux in external hard disk then you have to plugin the ext hdd and configure grub accordingly06:59
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leo_hello again06:59
teKnofreakTom-Miller, welcome:)06:59
tumblewee1I don't use a RAID controller07:00
Jordan_Ulgc_, It shouldn't be, it's they are just applets for the panel07:00
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Bo1can some1 help me step by step how to install my PCI graphic card07:00
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tumblewee1well, here's the deal, my BIOS doesn't support booting from USB, and I'm the only one who likes to use linux, so you have to be able to boot without the external drive plugged in07:01
logreevalBoones: i guess...the place that i thought was the monitor, doesnt have the receving end, it has the plugs07:01
lgc_IIRC, you told me it was under "Accesories".07:01
tumblewee1I don't care if I can't boot linux, because when I want to boot it, the drive will be plugged in07:01
Booneslogreeval, thats the serial port07:01
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teKnofreaktumblewee1, if the OS is in external hard disk you need it to boot into, grub can be locally but the OS is where ?07:01
VICMHello -- I am looking for information on how to find the Compiz-Settinsg-Manager in ubuntu 7.04, my compiz is working fine, everything works, I just need to change the colour of the sky.07:01
Jordan_Ulgc_, Accesories in the Add to Panel area07:02
Booneslogreeval your monitor is analogue.. i assume that youre graphic card is dvi-i07:02
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Bo1hello somebody help. me step by step to install my PCI graphic card07:02
tumblewee1well, I have windows on the internal drive and everyone but me uses that, so I guess I want GRUB on the internal drive07:02
lgc_Jordan_U, Oh, i see.07:02
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Booneslogreeval there should be a adapter in your graphic-card package07:02
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logreevalBoones: so, can i plug this monitor in through and adapter?07:03
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logreevalBoones: ....let me check..07:03
lgc_Jordan_U, you don't like Gnome, do you?07:03
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logreevalBoones: what would it look like?07:03
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Jordan_Ulgc_, Overall I do, they just do some really stupid things sometimes07:03
Bo1somebody help. me step by step to install my PCI graphic card07:04
tumblewee1so I guess I just need instructions to install GRUB on my internal disk instead07:04
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leo_!repeat | Bol07:04
ubotuBol: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:04
teKnofreaktumblewee1, man grub or google for install grub from Live CD07:04
Booneslogreeval one side big, other side small.. something like 2 thumps long and a half thump thick07:04
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tumblewee1ok, I'll try that07:04
warblertumbleweel:go here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=321732307:04
arunwhat are the keyboard shortcuts to switch between workspaces?07:04
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Jordan_Uarun, ctrl+alt+ arrow keys07:05
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lgc_Jordan_U, what's the way to report them a bug or present our beefs?07:05
arunjordan_U: thanks07:05
Booneslogreeval you should be able to connect your monitor cable on one side :)07:05
Flannellgc_: what's up?07:05
Bo1somebody anybody help. me step by step how to install PCI graphic card07:05
teKnofreakarun, you can look at preferences --. keyboard shortcuts to know more07:05
logreevalBoones: i dont think i have it :'-(07:05
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logreevalBoones: >> http://www.outletpc.com/c3515.html07:06
logreevalBoones: that is what i have07:06
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Bo1come on guys what about me07:06
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arunteKnofreak: alright.. after using kde for so long, i'm used to different keyboard shortcuts :) i'll check out the keyboard shortcuts section though, thanks07:06
Fezzlerwriting a script.  If I want to run file ./dd in /home/dad/files/dd can I just use RUN+=~/.dd07:06
leo_!patience | Bol07:06
ubotuBol: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:06
Jordan_Ulgc_, http://bugzilla.gnome.org/07:06
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warblerbol: what's the card?07:06
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Bo1am a windows user not linux am not good understand!ing ubuntu command07:06
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bullgard4What does 'rc' stand for in /etc/inputrc?07:07
brad016How do you install the Leopard version of Avant Window Manager07:07
tumblewee1that doesn't help me much07:07
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astro76logreeval, you don't have a video card?07:07
lgc_Flannel, I was trying to find out why gtik2 was wiped from the applications of the Gnome panel and some stupid replacement took its place.07:07
Booneslogreeval, okay thats the mainboard07:07
tumblewee1I can't use the bios boot selection, because my BIOS doesn't support booting from USB07:07
Booneslogreeval, which graphic card?07:07
Flannelbrad016: runtime config07:07
warblertumbleweel: which that07:07
astro76logreeval, that board does not have onboard video07:07
logreevalBoones: i dont have a graphics card O_o07:07
lgc_Flannel, but then I sort of remember you favor barebones installs...07:07
Flannelbullgard4: runtime config, even07:07
tumblewee1the ubuntuforums link can't help me much07:07
sanzanricis  it possible to upgrade from 32bit feisty to 64bit gusty07:07
brad016Flannel, what about it?07:07
Flannellgc_: Some stupid replacement?07:07
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teKnofreaktumblewee1, google can :P07:08
dugwhy I am I getting this error? http://pastebin.ca/67313607:08
Booneslogreeval, that could explain, why you can't connect a monitor ^^07:08
Flannelbrad016: sorry, miscomplete07:08
Bo1somebody anybody:how do i install step by step my Graphic card?07:08
warblertumbleweel: tells you how to shift grub07:08
tumblewee1I've tried google a few times07:08
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logreevalBoones: so i guess i have to buy a graphcis card, eh?07:08
tumblewee1maybe a better idea would be to get NTLDR to load ubuntu?07:08
Jordan_UBo1, What Model?07:08
Booneslogreeval :) sure07:08
fulat2khi folks, anyone here knows how to get a usb wifi stick working (tagged to rausb1) using (k)networkmanager?  i'm currently hardcoding all entries in interfaces file.07:08
Booneslogreeval for there board a AGP07:08
logreevalBoones: dang, well, tomorrow i will run over and pick one up.......is there anything special i should look for?07:09
Fezzlerany ever use udev to auto mount usb device?07:09
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Bo1jordan_u:e-GeForce FX5200, PCI07:09
warblertumbleweel: let's try something - what is it not doing that is the problem07:09
logreevalBoones: AGP, what does that mean?07:09
lgc_Flannel, yes, something that you can't do nothing with, except do away with it. It's called "Invest".07:09
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brad016Flannel, so how do I install it? I've tried everything but there is one broken link on their website07:09
Jordan_UBo1, I assume Restricted Manager didn't work?07:09
tumblewee1true, but I've just now thought that I'll have problems starting up grub every time I start my computer without the hard drive plugged in.07:09
Booneslogreeval its the slot.. like PCI, your mainoard uses a AGP slot, newer boards are using PCI-Express07:10
astro76logreeval, the best video card you could get for your board would be like a nvidia 7600 gs, around $120 or so07:10
teKnofreakdug, the kernel you are trying to install needs a header which is not matching with what you have07:10
Booneslogreeval but you already have RAM and a CPU?07:10
logreevalBoones and astro76 thanks :)07:10
uniquethis may sound stupid but in the kde interface where is my computer07:10
logreevalBoones: yes, i thought my board had integrated graphics, silly me ;)07:10
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leo_astro76, a nvidia 7600 gs is 120??? omg! i need to get me one now! lol07:10
teKnofreakdug, check for the header version required for the kernel source you are trying to install07:10
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=== Coole^ [n=justin@71-212-52-231.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Booneslogreeval okay :) .. so try your graphics adapter and have fun ^^^07:11
teKnofreakunique, my computer as in / ?07:11
dugteKnofreak: I am not sure why my kernel is 2.6.20-16-generic and so are my headers07:11
leo_rockwastro76, i haven't been checking prices lately... last time i saw a card like that was like 250 haha07:11
tumblewee1so I'm either going to have to find a way to install GRUB to an NTFS partition, or I'm going to have to figure out a way to get NTLDR to load ubuntu07:11
astro76yeah everythings pci-e07:11
logreevalBoones: thanks for the help :) i cant wait to get this going07:11
teKnofreakdug, the error was in wacom-kernel-source not generic kernel07:11
tumblewee1seeing as windows is the os on my internal drive07:11
Booneslogreeval you're welcome07:11
Flannelbrad016: the leopard version?07:12
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logreevalBoones: see ya later07:12
leo_rockwtumblewee1, i think i'm understanding your problem. one question: would grub on a floppy help there?07:12
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brad016Flannel, yes07:12
=== ion [n=ion@70-58-119-250.phnx.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
uniqueto view my drives07:12
teKnofreaktumblewee1, grub on NTFS pasrtition ? install it on MBR07:12
warblertumbleweel: if grub is on the plug in drive then ntldr should load when hd not plugged in07:12
tumblewee1hmmmm, I'm not sure, I don't really like booting from floppies, but I guess I could07:12
brad016Flannel, the one that is all Leopard-ish07:12
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Flannelbrad016: what is the leopard version?  I have no idea.07:12
tumblewee1my floppy drive kind of sucks07:12
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faileasfloppy drives suck ;p07:13
brad016Flannel, do you know what Avant windows manager is?07:13
Boonesi do not even have a floppy drive07:13
leo_rockwtumblewee1, you can't boot from the usb one, right? and you can't leave grub on the mbr cuz it complains when you take the usb HD away... so i guess a floppy is a decent solution07:13
tumblewee1I can't boot from anything at the moment, I get error 21 when GRUB starts up07:13
faileasBoones: i have a USB one. kinda just in casish07:13
leo_rockwi know they suck, but it's a way to do it07:13
brad016Flannel, if so, they made one that looks andacts like the dock in the OS X Leopard beta07:13
Jordan_UBo1, I don't follow GPU hardware, is this a relatively new card?07:13
tumblewee1that was the original problem, moving GRUB was just a sidethought07:14
WheelDwellerAny DNS guru's?  I have bind9 that resolves my local names.  But nothing else; it can't lookup google.com, for example. "Recursion on" is in there, and it's been restarted.  What am I missing?07:14
fooHm, when I try to start nfs-kernel-server... mountd fails to start.. but, I don't see anything in syslog/dmesg/messages about it failing ... any tips? Hm, I could strace it, I suppoe, last resort.07:14
Boonesfaileas , yeah a good USB-Stick is my friend ^^07:14
Flannelbrad016: You'll have to check the AWN website.  We don't support it here (and obviously, none of us know the answer).  You might also try the forums07:14
brad016Flannel, thank\s07:14
murtadashahHey guys: I get this annoying loud beep in UBUNTU occasionally (ie. when I hit backspace on terminal and it's at the front) how do I stop this/07:14
WheelDwellerfoo: Does IPTables play a role?07:14
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Bo1jordan_u:is a new card i .buy from store07:14
=== NTTP [n=NTTP@2416413hfc113.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
faileasBoones: i don't use floppies except for bios and mbr repair. I think i got my workplace onto these awesome things called usb keys. FINALLY07:15
tumblewee1murtadashah: system -> preferences -> sound07:15
Jordan_UBo1, Have you tried the nvidia-glx-new package?07:15
tumblewee1then click the system beep tab07:15
NTTPI have a really good question here concerning upgrades.07:15
WheelDwellerfoo:  I'm running NFS here, too. It's pretty solid...07:15
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fooWheelDweller: I don't think so, how would I know ? What port is mountd on ?07:15
fooWheelDweller: I have too, for several years, on these same boxes, same setup ...07:16
WheelDwellerfoo: Do you have portmap installed?  :)07:16
boolai just acctidnetly remove my postgress install on /var/lib/postgres/7.407:16
boolahow can i redo this directory ?07:16
fooWheelDweller: yes, for years, I have.07:16
WheelDwellerfoo: (I had to ask....)07:16
WheelDwellerfoo: What's rpcinfo -p tell ya?07:16
fooWheelDweller: np... I am stumped.07:16
=== Calus [n=calus@0x50c5bfaa.rdnxx5.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
lgc_Flannel, Jordan_U ,how can I reconfigure my startup at the point where it looks for RAIDs? I remember it was the default option during the Feisty install, but it is the wrong one in my case and it keeps looking for it.07:17
fooWheelDweller: -su: rcpinfo: command not found07:17
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Jordan_UBo1, install nvidia-glx-new with synaptic / apt and restart X :) ( make sure your xorg.conf is set to "nvidia" as the driver07:17
tumblewee1ok, so I should do a fixmbr from the repair console on the windows disk and use a GRUB floppy to boot from my external drive?07:17
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Bo1jordan_u:how i do that07:17
NTTPDoes anyone here have experience with server upgrades?07:17
WheelDwellerfoo: It should show something, even as non-root. Program number, version, protocol, port.07:17
Boonesfaileas i just use it for files and a repair-system, cause i use linux and windows07:18
warblertumbleweel: error 21 is a device not found error - so moving grub to the plug in hd might be the solution07:18
Jordan_U!boot | lgc_ Hope this helps07:18
ubotulgc_ Hope this helps: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto07:18
fooNTTP: Just ask your question07:18
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@adrianDHCP-171.216-254-248.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu
WheelDwellerfoo: this might be an important part of the problem.07:18
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fooWheelDweller: Program not found...07:18
leo_rockwtumblewee1, that was my suggestion. it will work. idk if it is the best solution but it works07:18
Gaidinok no luck07:18
fooWheelDweller: I'll use apt-file, see where it's at07:18
NTTPRight before I went to Ubuntu Live, I decided to upgrade my edgy server to feisty. Yet when I go to log in it still says 6.10 on the screen.07:18
leo_rockwwarbler, tumblewee1 can't boot from a usb device07:18
faileasBoones: took me 2-3 years to talk the boss into switching over. and it was kinda like... "OOH, FLOPPY DRIVE!"07:18
tumblewee1warbler: it is on the external HD, it's just installed on the internal drive's MBR07:18
NTTPand lsb_release -a says I am using Debian.07:18
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faileaserm, "OOH THIS IS BETTER THAN A FLOPPY DRIVE" even ;p07:19
Boonesfaileas lol07:19
Jordan_UBo1, run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh" and choose "nvidia" when asked for the driver to use ( Do you know how to install packages with synaptic ? )07:19
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Gaidinto be precises it is sde1 that i am trying to share a folder on07:19
sacater[sacater@neo ~] $ compiz --replace07:19
sacater/usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Error: Can't load plugin 'ccp' because it is built for ABI version 20070708 and actual version is 2007082407:19
tumblewee1I'm not even sure why I'm getting this error, I didn't get any when doing the exact same thing on the exact same HD with my laptop07:19
sacater/usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Error: Couldn't activate plugin 'ccp'07:19
sacatercan anyone help me with this07:19
warblertumbleweel: oldish comp?- nothing in bios to let you boot from the external07:20
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NTTPI'm running 2.6.20-16-server07:20
tumblewee1it's from 200207:20
andrewfashionhey everyone!07:20
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leo_rockwhey andrewfashion07:20
Irreducibilis"Linux and all derivitives are copyright (C) Microsoft"07:20
tumblewee1no USB boot option07:20
andrewfashionanyone here have issues getting a higher resolution?07:20
andrewfashioni have a 30" cinema display, and having issues getting the correct resolution, i am trying to install the Nvidia drivers, and keep getting a LIBC header error message07:20
ghosTM55hello alls07:20
NTTPIrreducibilis: How many M$ft programmers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?07:21
IrreducibilisNTTP: ?07:21
tumblewee1I opened my menu.1st in gedit, nothing seems to be amiss07:21
=== Planet-X [n=joshua@cpe-72-230-22-26.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
NTTPNone - they just declare darkness a M$ft standard.07:21
tumblewee1I don't know what the trouble is07:21
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Ashfire908can multiple ubuntu installations share the same swap partition? (i don't mean at the same time of course)07:21
SeveredHeadandrewfashion: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new?07:21
SeveredHead(That may or may not be right for your card)07:21
leo_rockwNTTP, what's the ft in m$ft?07:21
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-226-31-216.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
SeveredHeadAshfire908: Sure as long as you put it in all their fstabs.07:21
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:22
IrreducibilisI was wondering if I could run Ubuntu in 1920x108007:22
warblertumbleweel: & windows won't boot at all? - time to make a boot floppy07:22
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Bo1jordan_u:xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration07:22
Bo1   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2007082813215107:22
andrewfashionServeredHead: ill try that, ive been through so many docs, and stuff now07:22
NTTPm$ft = microsoft.07:22
tumblewee1well, I can't boot anything, because GRUB won't start07:22
leo_rockwNTTP, oh, gotcha, thx07:22
Bo1jordan_u:i go this message07:22
Ashfire908SeveredHead, isn't that a given?07:22
IrreducibilisMicrosoft makes office software overly expen$ive07:22
keelvarracould anyone recomend a good 3d moddelling tool for linux?07:22
Irreducibiliskeelvarra: Maya07:22
NTTPAck - lag07:22
=== Sayers [n=steven@c-76-20-182-119.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
leo_rockwblender + yafray07:23
Jordan_UBo1, That is normal, Have you nvidia-glx-new installed from synaptic?07:23
SayersHello. How do I add my user to group07:23
Bo1i think how i check] 07:23
NTTPany ideas with my upgrade issue?07:23
Bo1jordan_u:how i check07:23
IrreducibilisPossible newb question = Which is better, GRUB or LILO?07:23
keelvarrai tried blendler, and I really don't like it, I really like maya but I'm looking for a free solution07:23
Jordan_UBo1, If you checked it and hit apply in synaptic then it is installed07:23
FlannelIrreducibilis: GRUB is more flexible (most of the time)07:23
tumblewee1my real problem is when I boot my computer, I get grub stage 1.5 loading, Error 21. Then it stalls, I can't load any OS, all of my drives are plugged in and menu.1st seems to be correct07:24
Jordan_U!better | Irreducibilis07:24
ubotuIrreducibilis: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.07:24
leo_rockwkeelvarra, wings 3d? k-3d? but i never tried those07:24
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tumblewee1I'm really not sure what the problem is at all07:24
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leo_rockwkeelvarra, i never tried maya. i tried 3dsm and lightwave and imho blender + yafray is as good as those 207:25
Bo1jordan_u:i install nvidia-glx-legacy and nvidia-glx-legacy-dev07:25
NTTPtumblewee1: boot a live cd, mont your drive under /mnt , chroot into it and then do "sudo update-grub". Maybe that might help.07:25
leo_rockwkeelvarra, really good fluid animation too07:25
Jordan_UBo1, You don't want either of those, remove them both and install nvidia-glx-new07:25
tumblewee1which drive, the external, or my internal?07:25
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tumblewee1I'm on the live CD right now07:25
warblertumbleweel: the problem seems that grub is looking for the ubuntu os but your bios won't boot from usb07:25
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NTTPtumblewee1: Which erver one you are trying to boot from.07:25
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keelvarraleo_rockw: I just can't get used to the blender interface, i have given it an honest try and find it to be incrediblly hard compared to maya or max3d07:26
warblertumbleweel: a boot floppy for windows will let you get into windows07:26
Jordan_UBo1, Unless by new you didn't mean new technology but rather a very old card that you just bought?07:26
keelvarradoes anyone know of a good 3d modeller that isn't blender?07:27
tumblewee1yeah, but I need to be able to get into ubuntu, or maybe both without a floppy07:27
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NTTPAnyone have any luck with the p4m890 video chipset yet?07:27
=== dfgas [n=dfgas@adsl-68-254-170-85.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_U!grub | tumblewee107:27
ubotutumblewee1: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:27
Bo1jordan_u:am installing  both of nvidia-glx-new07:27
=== sauvin [n=sauvin@74-141-157-109.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
warblertumbleweel: has ubuntu ever booted07:27
NTTPI got OpenChrome to work, no love on opengl though.07:27
leo_rockwkeelvarra, that is true. but i was coming from lightwave, so it felt really easy for me.07:27
IrreducibilisIs there a way to change the boot sound?07:27
Jordan_UBo1, You don't need -dev, it doesn't hurt, but you only need -dev packages when you are compiling something from source07:28
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leo_rockwkeelvarra, i have a friend that's into opensource like i am and you can't move him from 3dsm07:28
tumblewee1no, ubuntu has never booted07:28
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Jordan_UIrreducibilis, There is a way to change *everything*07:28
IrreducibilisOh good.07:28
tumblewee1as soon as I rebooted from the live cd, I got grub error 2107:28
=== NTTP says "sudo rm -rf / is your friend"
leo_rockwkeelvarra, you can check in winehq.org how maya runs on wine07:28
IrreducibilisI want to change my friend's ubuntu boot sound to an annoying mp3 that goes on for a few minutes07:28
dugteKnofreak: how to I tell what kernel version it is looking for (i upgraded to from generic to server and still not working)07:28
phpcurioushi, how do you do find files containing a specified string in bash?07:29
warblertumbleweel: you can't boot from an external drive on your comp - time to find another way to have ubuntu07:29
Jordan_UNTTP, Don't make "jokes: like that in this channel07:29
tumblewee1can I use a floppy bootdisk?07:29
keelvarraleo_rockw: maya is suppossed to run fine, I just don't have that kind of money right now07:29
Bo1jordan_u:when is done installing ill im u.07:29
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ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate07:29
tumblewee1err, grub on a floppy07:29
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tumblewee1because my internal drive is pretty small07:29
IrreducibilisThat reminds me, can I boot ubuntu from a slave disk, completely separate from my master one with Windoze on it?07:30
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Jordan_Utumblewee1, That is why I directed !grub at you :)07:30
IrreducibilisSo I dont have to fuss with dual booting07:30
leo_rockwkeelvarra, oh, i thought you already had it. well, i learned the basics of blender in one week. if you follow the wiki it isn't very hard (particularly since you already know a lot of 3d stuff coming from maya)07:30
warblertumbleweel: your comp won't find the usb hd - that's not a option07:30
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MTecknologyMy stylus doesn't work, hibernate doesn't work, and sleep doesn't work. My stylus isn't going to work... can anybody help me with the other part?07:30
warblertumbleweel: can you put another hd in the comp?07:31
Jordan_U!doesn't work | MTecknology07:31
ubotuMTecknology: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.07:31
tumblewee1noe, there isn't another slot07:31
phpcuriouscan i install ubuntu using a virtual cd drive software?07:31
keelvarraleo_rockw: well that gives me some hope, I guess I'll give it another shot, do you know of good resources for it?07:31
=== h [n=h@digcoop1.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate07:31
=== ryan8403 [n=ryan8403@rrcs-70-62-254-122.central.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
teKnofreakdug, check the package info07:31
hcan anyone help me install flash player?07:31
Jordan_Uphpcurious, No, you need to boot from the CD07:31
ubotuVirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox07:31
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ubotutumbleweel: please see above07:31
NTTPphpcurious: Wouldn't that mean that  you're mounting the ISO as something? If so wouldn't you need to be running an OS first?07:31
Jordan_Uphpcurious, You can install Ubuntu from windows though if that is what you want to do07:32
leo_rockwkeelvarra, this one is pretty good: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro07:32
MTecknologyJordan_U, What I mean is i get just a black screen when it's resuming07:32
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tumblewee1I'm going to the PC shop tommorow, so maybe I can buy a 5.5" to 3.5" drive bay adaptor and buy a 40GB HD to install Ubuntu on07:32
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dugteKnofreak: not sure how to check the pkg info07:32
tumblewee1seeing as I have a free 5.5" bay07:32
leo_rockwkeelvarra, wiki.blender.org you can check that too07:32
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mike__how do i remove an old kernel?07:33
Jordan_UMTecknology, try installing uswsusp and then run "sudo s2ram"07:33
mike__i have .15 and 16 installed07:33
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hhow does one get youtube to work/ install flashplayer????07:33
mike__only need .1607:33
NTTPwhy after an upgrade to feisty 7.04 would a system say that it was 6.10?07:33
Jordan_UMTecknology, That will use a different method to suspend07:33
leo_rockwkeelvarra, unlike lightwave, there are a LOT of tutorials for blender (it being opensource and everything)07:33
tumblewee1mike_ : first go into a terminal07:33
tumblewee1sudo gedit07:33
Flannelmike__: just remove it in whatever package manager you prefer.07:33
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MTecknologyJordan_U, I'll try that - thanks07:33
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Jordan_UMTecknology, If you want to hybernate then "sudo s2disk"07:33
warblertumbleweel: k07:33
Flanneltumblewee1: no. the kernel will come back.07:33
leo_rockwkeelvarra, i was still on windoze when i switched to blender cuz it has a better community. a lot of tutorials and people to help you07:33
=== varg [n=dawwe@90-230-103-106-no136.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelmike__: But, it's a good idea to keep two kernels at least.07:34
tumblewee1that's what I did07:34
mike__so i need both?07:34
Flannelmike__: One that is 'testing' and one that is known good.07:34
MTecknologyJordan_U, Will those commands execure the hubernation?07:34
byonixhi, i succesfully install windows xp in my vmware server,, and it took lots of my space, how do i resize (make larger) my ubuntu partition, i have installed gnome partition editor, but it seems doesn't work07:34
mike__grub is so ugly like that07:34
Flannelmike__: need no.07:34
IrreducibilisI wonder how the average person affords Maya, its $7000...07:34
leo_rockwkeelvarra, just make sure you install yafray. blender is not as powerful without it07:34
Flanneltumblewee1: next time you upgrade your kernel, you'll have all your old ones07:34
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hdoes anyone know how i can get professional support /dont mind paying????07:34
tumblewee1I know07:34
leo_rockwIrreducibilis, there are reduced prices for students07:34
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tumblewee1but I leave them in case I need them later07:34
NTTPIrreducibilis: The average person gets it from other places.07:34
tumblewee1for testing07:34
WheelDwellerFINALLY.  A power surge must have knocked me off.  Weird.07:34
Flanneltumblewee1: remove your old kernel packages, that'll remove them.07:34
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tumblewee1oh, ok07:34
tumblewee1stupid me07:34
Jordan_UMTecknology, Yes07:35
uniquei just switched to kde now i cant see my second harddrive what should i do?07:35
tumblewee1I just removed them from the grub menu07:35
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byonixhi, i succesfully install windows xp in my vmware server,, and it took lots of my space, how do i resize (make larger) my ubuntu partition, i have installed gnome partition editor, but it seems doesn't work07:35
Jordan_UMTecknology, Sorry, I should have been more clear about that07:35
NTTPunique: is it mounted?07:35
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dugteKnofreak: I dont even need the wacom stuff can I just remove it?07:35
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NTTPbyonix: How large did you make the virtual drive?07:35
uniqueif i mount it will it erase my data?07:35
WheelDwellerDNS Meta-question: I have a bind9 box that serves internal name lookups fine...but it won't recurse to Google.com and others.  What am I missing?  I have "recursion on" in there...07:35
MTecknologyJordan_U, if that works how would I modify my system to use that?07:35
dugteKnofreak: nor do I need the cpad stuff07:35
leo_rockwunique, mounting is like loading07:36
tumblewee1thanks guys, I'll buy another internal HD tomorrow and install Ubuntu on that, you guys have been loads of help07:36
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Flannelbyonix: you can only change unmounted partitions, so you'll need to boot to a liveCD07:36
NTTPunique: you can mount it read only if you want to prevent that. What format is it in?07:36
gustavoi know that its ubuntu related channel, but can someone help me with amavis + spamassasin integration?07:36
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byonixNTTP, just 5 GB, after that i only have 4 GB in ubuntu partition07:36
uniqueits ntfs07:36
unique320 gig07:36
=== Jettis [n=h0h0@a88-112-65-238.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
uniqueit worked in the gnome07:37
tumblewee1I'll just do fixmbr in the windows CD repair console and boot back into windows until I buy my new drive07:37
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NTTPunique: NTFS support under Linux is buggy at best. I would not reccoment using an NTFS drive with Ubintu.07:37
hdo i exist?07:37
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byonixFlannel, i have booted with Kubuntu live cd and use Qtparted, it didn't work either07:37
Flannelh: you do07:37
lgc_Jordan_U, thanks, but seemingly, it's not what I'm looking for. I just want to reconfigure the right file so RAIDs are not searched for.07:37
leo_rockwh, are you asking in a phylosofical level?07:37
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NTTPh: yeah, you're right here on my keyboard.07:37
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=== Gaidin [n=Mitchbba@unaffiliated/mitchbbaker] has joined #ubuntu
uniqueany idea to get it working to view files?07:37
Jordan_UMTecknology, http://blog.paulbetts.org/index.php/2007/02/11/fixing-software-suspend-hibernate-with-uswsusp-in-ubuntu-feisty-and-edgy/07:37
Flannel!flash | h07:37
ubotuh: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash07:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about exist - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:38
Flannelh: have you tried the instructions on that page?07:38
hthanks flannel...believe it or not just that helps07:38
Irreducibilisubotu's link is dead07:38
Flannelh: Your name is hard to search for.  It's impossible (without scrolling and checking manually) to find out what you've been asking.07:38
MTecknologyJordan_U, thanks much07:38
=== atlas95 [n=atlas@AVelizy-153-1-74-225.w86-217.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelh: I suggest you change it to something more unique07:38
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NTTPh: original - yet not unique.07:38
=== xstasi [n=xstasi@85-18-14-24.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
MTecknologyJordan_U, that gave me a 500 error07:38
sauvinUnique, what are you trying to do?07:38
Bo1jordan_u:am done07:39
Jordan_UMTecknology, np, read the comments, there are other proposed solutions, and some drawbacks to the one given07:39
uniqueaccess the drive07:39
sauvinAccess what drive?07:39
dugI hate that I have to reinstall ubuntu because I am getting these errors ...  I was hoping ubuntu was better than fedora...07:39
leo_rockwunique, is it ntfs, ext2, ext3, fat?07:39
MTecknologyJordan_U, you mean the comments ppl said here?07:39
Jordan_UBo1, OK, restart X and hopefully it will work07:39
Gaidinok i am trying to share a folder on my external hard drive (sde1) to a windows machine but though it shows up the windows computer cannot access it (i want rw) any ideas on how to fix?07:39
uniqueim not running the os on it07:39
Jordan_UMTecknology, Yes07:39
NTTPunique: do you just need files off it or are you planning on working with the drive under linux?07:39
sauvinunique, is this drive usb?07:39
shasbotwhat would be a simple way for me to fetch the contents of a folder on a windows machine from my ubuntu box?07:39
uniqueits secondary07:39
MTecknologyJordan_U, i suppose i shoulda paid more attention07:39
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sauvinOh... I don't know jack about sata :(07:40
uniquejust get files off it07:40
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Flannel!scp | shasbot07:40
sauvinDoes fdisk -l list it?07:40
ubotushasbot: SCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/07:40
Jordan_UMTecknology, It's not a problem, just that the files might get replaced on a package update07:40
uniquei can see the cd drives07:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vmwareserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:40
shasbotthanks Flannel, i'll check that out07:40
sauvinunique, does an fdisk -l see your drive?07:40
uniqueif i go to the gnome interface i can view the hd07:41
sauvinBut you can't navigate into it?07:41
Bo1jordan_u:howi restart x07:41
MTecknologyJordan_U, aight - i'll try what you said when i go to sleep tonight and if it works I'll come back to finish a solution07:41
byonixFlannel, NTTP , anyone about resizing ubuntu partition with Gnome partition editor?07:41
=== LT1Caprice57L [n=cullen@c-71-207-183-62.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
unique   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System07:41
unique/dev/sdc1               1       15740     4029424    c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)07:41
Jordan_UBo1, Close all important apps and press ctrl+alt+backspace07:41
NTTPunique: How to mount NTFS partitions with write support ; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1424807:41
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Jordan_UMTecknology, np07:42
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leo_rockwunique, if you can see your partition from gnome it means it is mounted. just use konqueror the way you use nautilus07:42
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NTTPbyonix: is that the virtual drive you're running Ubuntu in?07:42
Jordan_U!ntfs-3g | unique07:42
ubotuunique: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions07:42
scratchiihey anyone knows of a mediawiki ripper ? i heard there was something like that running under fuse. -and yeah i checked the mediawiki channel, no one is there-07:42
byonixNTTP, no, i install vmwareserver in ubuntu, then i install xp in my vmwareserver07:43
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lildebhey any know how to possibly help me with a router problem?07:43
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Jordan_Uscratchii, http://wikipediafs.sourceforge.net/07:44
NTTPbyonix: I see, you're running xp as the guest under a host linux.07:44
NTTPlildeb: What's up?07:44
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scratchiiJordan_U ty :)07:44
lildebi just bout a linksys wired router and it comes with a setup wizard disk07:44
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NTTPlildeb: throw it away!07:44
Flannelbyonix: you need to use gparted from a liveCD07:44
Jordan_Uscratchii, np :)07:44
keelvarraleo_rockw: thanks for the help, about to finish the download07:44
lildebhaha that bad eh?07:44
NTTPlildeb: It's useless - even for xp07:45
scratchiiJordan_U its actually in the repos !!!!07:45
=== scratchii apologizes
lildebwhat kind do you recommend?07:45
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NTTPlildeb:  what, as a router?07:45
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byonixFlannel, i have use Qtparted from Kubuntu, but cannot resize07:45
bluebananabluefish users: Tab makes the text shift Right. But how do you make the text shift left (Shift Tab is not it)?07:45
lildebNTTP, yes07:45
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leo_rockwkeelvarra, no problem. i've been hanging around here lately so if you have any question just ask me. i'm not a blender guru but...07:45
byonixNTTP, yes, i make xp the guest07:45
Flannelbyonix: You CANNOT resize partitions while they're in use.  You'll need to use a liveCD to resize.07:46
Bo1jordan_u:is still in the restricted driver07:46
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lildebhaha well i dont think that is an option for me at the moment07:46
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Jordan_UBo1, It should be07:46
scratchiibyonix: however i see a challenge here. format the partitions while they are in use07:46
NTTPbyonix: Well I don't have much experience using VMWare under Linux - I would guess there would be a way to make the virtual drive larger using some of the VMWare toold.07:46
Jordan_UBo1, Is it working?07:46
byonixFlannel, but can't i resize with Qtparted in Kubuntu Live CD07:46
Bo1jordan_u:now is disable in the restricted rivers07:47
scratchiibyonix: if you load the necessary progs in cache (ram) and unmount the partition, you may be able to partition it :P07:47
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Jordan_UBo1, Oh, that's strange, is it working though? Are you getting 3D acceleration?07:47
corevettedigg's new layout, woot! http://digg.com/07:47
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Flannelbyonix: What does your current harddrive look like?  Do you have any freespace?07:47
byonixscratchii, you are dangerous07:47
Flannelcorevette: please spam elsewhere07:47
byonixFlannel, a lot07:48
scratchiibyonix: bah, if you plan to format it, youre gonna loose ure data anyway :P07:48
leo_rockwi think i'm going to bed. i'm gonna try and wake up for the eclipse. everybody have a good day/night07:48
lildebNTTP: me?07:48
byonixscratchii, not format, resize it07:48
Blauhautplease tell me some popular partition setup program on linux07:48
Flannelbyonix: pastebin the results of 'sudo fdisk -l' please (that's an L)07:48
scratchiibyonix: ah. yep.07:48
Bo1jordan_u:i didnt tell you i have 2 graphic card the old 1 is a onboard and the new one is the PCI07:49
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scratchiibyonix: however it could be a good experience to try. this way when you want to do the same on an online far away server, you know :P07:49
Jordan_UBo1, Ahh, I have never dealt with two cards.07:49
lildebwell i got it outta the box and hooked it all up, but my isp thinks im trying to connect for the first time07:49
lildebi have a school isp so i believe thats why07:49
mike__digg is still ugly07:49
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lildebso idk if there is anything i must do first07:49
byonixscratchii, you are dangerous07:49
NTTPlildeb: did you have a different PC hooked up to it before?07:49
Bo1jordan_u:just my luck07:50
lildebfor it to help07:50
lildebbrand new07:50
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NTTPlildeb: I am assuming you are on DSL/Cable?07:50
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lildebyessir i am07:50
lildebT3 i believe :p07:50
Bo1jordan_u:tell me this if i restart my computer and disable onboard card and enable PCI card will ubuntu load up?07:50
doug_what is the n64 emulator for ubuntu called?07:50
qazibasithey guys my c compiler is not working properly07:50
qazibasitit always shows missing libs07:51
lildebi had problems with that too07:51
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scratchiihow do you know ?07:51
Jordan_UBo1, Yes, but X ( the GUI ) might not07:51
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lildebi had to run build essentials i think07:51
NTTPlildeb: If you are on cable you need to have your ISP reset the modem to accept the new MAC from the router. Residential service only allows one MAC>07:51
Flannelqazibasit: what are you compiling?07:51
scratchiirhaa lag :'(07:51
warblerwith basic drivers07:51
byonixFlannel, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35343/07:51
qazibasitlike my c codes and other stuff07:51
lildebill guess ill have to talk to them about it tomorrow07:51
Bo1jordan_u:i just press enable in the restriced driver and is removeing nvidia-glx-new07:51
NTTPlildeb: Or you could leave it unplugged for about 5 minutes and let it reset itself.07:52
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warblerbol: it will with basic drivers07:52
lildebso that should do the trick?07:52
Flannelbyonix: you have no freespace there07:52
scratchiiqazibasit: perhaps your c code is broken07:52
Jordan_UBo1, If it doesn't just run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh" again ( you can get to a terminal with ctrl+alt+F1 ( F7 to go back to X )07:52
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NTTPlildeb: unplug it before you go off to bed. that should do it.07:52
lildebjust completely unplug it. power and all?07:52
NTTPlildeb: Yup07:52
scratchiiqazibasit: im not attempting to insult you. C ansi code is actually a pain in the *********************07:52
CortneyHi could anybody tell me how i find out if im using 32 bit or 64bit.07:52
byonixi have 22 Gb of free space with gnome partition editor07:52
lildebwell i was hoping to get it all done and try it out haha07:52
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Jordan_UBo1, Let it, you probably don't need it after all, I think disabling the onboard video will get it to work07:52
NTTPCortney: What color was your install CD?07:53
Flannelbyonix: free space inside of a partition.  And, inside of which partition?07:53
Cortneyi downloaded it.07:53
qazibasitno scratchii i have compiled some pre written codes that were compiled on  fedora07:53
FlannelCortney: Which iso did you download?07:53
Cortneyi forgot which one i downloaded.07:53
qazibasitbut on ubuntu it is showing error07:53
byonixFlannel, free space out side partitions07:53
Cortneyis there a command i could type .07:53
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xtknightis there a way to copy all files with the pattern "*.in", recursively within a dir?  essentially, i want to mirror a dir, but only the *.in files within it to another destination with the same tree structure.07:53
scratchiiquazibasit: then check out the needed libs ! this is biig problem #107:53
NTTPCortney: try uname -a and see what that says.07:54
Blauhautis there a tools for ubuntu to backup all system ?07:54
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NTTPBlauhaut: bacula, arkeia, or rsync07:54
uniqueis ubuntu the same as kunubtu?07:54
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xtknight!kubuntu | unique07:54
ubotuunique: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE07:54
CortneyLinux courtney 2.6.20-15-generic #2 SMP Sun Apr 15 07:36:31 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux |07:54
qazibasitscratchii: is there a way i can reinstall my libs or the whole compiler07:54
BlauhautNTTP; your suggestion ?07:54
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NTTPunique: One uses GNOME for a desktop, the other KDE07:54
DerangedDingounique: it's the same, but with different GUI's and libraries07:54
Flannelbyonix: ah, I see it.  You can't expand partitions forward.  Onlybackwards.  HOWEVER, with the way this is setup, you can create a new partition in your freespace, copy the ubuntu partition to it, and then remove the old partition, and expand the new oneback to fill it's space.07:54
scratchiiquazibasit: i never broke a compiler. however the compiler did fail many times, making me angry, destroying equipment, etc, ....07:55
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Flannelbyonix: gparted, I think, will automate that process  I guess qtparted doesnt.07:55
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scratchiiquazibasit: no, you didnt understand07:55
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uniqueok.... do i look in media for the other hd?07:55
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scratchiiquazibasit: libraries are also called dependencies07:55
NTTPBlauhaut: Bacula is a pain to set up but works even with windows. You could also try clonezilla.07:55
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byonixFlannel, in human language please & be sequential please07:55
qazibasitok yesterday i also compiled an ethernet monitoring tool and i got error in that too07:55
scratchiiquazibasit: except if you dont have a ./configure , then you dont realise it unless you take a look at the code07:55
DerangedDingobyonix: whadya need help with?07:56
qazibasitya i have a config file in that07:56
Flannelbyonix: I was sequential.  Freespace == new ext3 partition, copy old contents to new partition, delete old partition, expand new partition to fill new freespace.07:56
byonixFlannel, how to copy my ubuntu partition to new one07:56
scratchiiquazibasit: how do you exactly compile stuff ?07:56
NTTPYay! I have my Atheros wireless in monitor mode now!07:56
Flannelbyonix: Try gparted.  I believe it automates it07:56
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DerangedDingouse GParted07:56
qazibasiti first configure the whole thing07:56
thedashcurious, why can't I remove comments from entries in the 'quick-launch' panel ?07:56
qazibasitthen make install07:56
qazibasitsometimes just make07:57
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scratchiiuse mkext2fs. this is the good ol' way07:57
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NTTPemerge -pDvun world is easier IMHO07:57
byonixFlannel, i have open my Gparted, then?07:57
qazibasitcommand not found07:57
Flannelbyonix: see if you can expand your partition forward.07:57
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qazibasit1 min07:58
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qazibasitthen i will explain the whole thing07:58
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scratchiiquazibasit: ok so if ./configure fails, you need to install some extra stuff, then you have to run make, then you have to run make install07:58
byonixFlannel, how, no operation for ubuntu partition is available, i only can make new partition with the free space07:58
scratchiiquazibasit: you need to check the configure log07:59
NTTPAnyone have suggestions for a p4m890 chipset?07:59
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scratchiiand the software documentation (for the thing you are compiling)07:59
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wolfsongi'm not too familiar with grep...does it output to the screen by default?08:00
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qazibasitok am back08:00
qazibasitwhen i execute the ./configure file08:00
qazibasitit is saying08:00
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byonixFlannel, if make new partition it will be placed in front of the ubuntu partitiom then when i restart i receive GRUB error 17 or something08:00
qazibasitaclocal missing08:00
DFMWhat is an app that i can use to pull the music off my wifes ipod so I can add more music and resync with out clearing what is on there?08:01
qazibasitautoconf missing08:01
qazibasitautomake missing08:01
qazibasitautoheader missing08:01
Ashfire908how do you install LTSP onto a server (no i'm not using edubuntu)08:01
Gaidinok i am attempting to share a folder on a fat32 external hard drive sde1 but the windows machines can see it but not access it i want r-w access. what could the problem be and how would i fix it?08:01
NTTPAshfire908: aptitude search ltsp08:01
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ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal08:02
NTTPAshfire908: then see what you can install08:02
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thedashwhy can't I remove the comments from the [default]  top panel ?08:03
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NTTPAshfire908: try "sudo apt-get install ltsp-server ltsp-manager" or "sudo apt-get install ltsp-server-standalone"08:03
DerangedDingoGaidin: the most user friendly way to go about fiddling with permissions might be running "sudo nautilus", finding the flash drive in /media, right clicking, selecting properties, and selecting the permissions tab08:03
Ashfire908what's the difference between using aptatude and apt08:03
uniqueok what do i do after i install the ntfs 3g08:03
ironmatar ok   i ran sudo ldconfig in terminal  then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop   then autocomplete dident want to work so i input manuelly the nvidia driver into sudo sh    and it says it couldent run the driver install  what did i miss?08:03
uniquei still cant see the drive08:03
qazibasitman sometimes linux sux08:04
qazibasitbut at times its the best08:04
NTTPAshfire908: Aptitude has an indicator on the left side that shows if you have already installed it.08:04
kimmey2k3why doses it sux?08:04
GaidinDerangedDingo: ok08:04
DerangedDingoAshfire908: apt-get is... basic... aptitude is extremely powerful and user friendly, but... sometimes not as detailed as to what it's doing08:04
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NTTPAshfire908: if you want to use apt-get to search you need to use apt-cache.08:04
qazibasitlike problems08:04
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qazibasitright now my compiler is not working08:04
Ashfire908nttp i know08:04
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NTTPAshfire908: It's just a wrapper to make it easier.08:05
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DerangedDingoAshfire908: also, if you run sudo aptitude without any arguments, it brings up a nice command line interface08:05
Gaidinit just sets it back08:05
qazibasitsince i am using ubuntu i cant compile any thing08:05
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Gaidinit is in fat 32 and is an external hard drive08:05
qazibasitthere is always error08:05
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qazibasitsometimes the dependencies are missing08:05
NTTPDerangedDingo: that too!08:05
Flannelbyonix: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/01/29/move-home-to-its-own-partition/  Except, you're copying between the two partitions08:05
qazibasitsometimes compatibility difference08:05
qazibasitalways a hell08:05
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qazibasitmy fedora was good in compiling08:06
Flannelbyonix: It might be better to just use your new partition as home.  anyway08:06
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ramza3can I go out on a limb and say that the gnome file manager/browser really sucks08:06
DerangedDingojust kidding08:06
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Flannelbyonix: in which case, follow those instructions.  (It will give you more space too)08:06
DerangedDingoramza3: why does it suck?08:06
kimmey2k3sure its a way to get it working again ;)08:06
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Ashfire908so basically use aptitude when i can?08:06
NTTPramza3: get gentoo - not the os - the file manager08:06
byonixFlannel, i have just created the new partition, then how can i copy the current ubuntu partition to the new one?08:06
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NTTPLOL - apt-get install gentoo - i wish it were that simple!08:07
decayi bought a 24'' monitor this mornign and its sooooo bad08:07
qazibasitit sux coz one should have his computer online while using linux08:07
MTecknologyJordan_U, you still around?08:07
ramza3DerangedDingo, unresponsive on large files, doesnt follow symlinks08:07
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qazibasitcoz one doesnt know what else u might need08:07
ironmatarqazibasit:  only with the difficulty in direct help for installing stuff so things work properly  but there seems to be a prevailing attuide around linux that even though they want to tromp on windows market share, everyone has time to somhow do everything manuelly08:07
DerangedDingoramza3: i've never had those problems...08:07
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t4m1n0A dock-like bar which sits at the bottom of the screen tracking open windows. It requires a compositor to be running, or it will not display properly. Has stcks feature, like in Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. This is a note for installing Avant WIndow Navigator (AWN) I've installed all required packages and I also have avn icon in system settings. Just don't know why it won't start? maybe becouse of compositor? and if where can I get or what i08:08
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qazibasitwhy the difference b/w diff distribution08:08
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DerangedDingoramza3: i think you have to create a different type of link.. a relative link or something, if the folder is changing directions though08:08
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WheelDwellerOK, I hope I'm back, now.08:08
DerangedDingoplaces i mean08:08
qazibasitwhy all distributions doesnt have the same libs and stuff08:08
ramza3DerangedDingo, open a large file (> 20MB) from the file browser.  Navigate to a directory with a bunch of large files, I dare you08:08
MTecknologyJordan_U, the hibernate option works now - but the suspend doesn't... I try to use it, it asks me fo my password. Then I get a message about it not working properly after it logs me right back in08:08
NTTPironmatar: installing "stuff" under linux is easier than with windows08:08
Ashfire908what is ltsp under08:09
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Jordan_UMTecknology, Did s2disk from a terminal work?08:09
NTTPAshfire908: try "sudo apt-get install ltsp-server ltsp-manager" or "sudo apt-get install ltsp-server-standalone"08:09
Ashfire908btw i like aptitude a lot better than apt08:09
MTecknologyJordan_U, ya08:09
DerangedDingoramza3: i've honestly never had those problems.. last night i dl'd a 120 mb high def trailer from the COD4 website and it opened fine from the file manager08:09
Jordan_UMTecknology, Strange08:09
Ashfire908NTTP what is it under? what section08:09
MTecknologyJordan_U, the other one is the one that didn't work08:09
=== iblicf is now known as rainman
qazibasithey tell me if a package needs other dependent packages then how to install it08:09
lwizardlI'm having problems with vlc, every time I move the window or press fast forward or rewind I lost the picture08:09
ramza3DerangedDingo, I only have 1.5Gb of ram, maybe that is just me08:09
DerangedDingoramza3: i have 512 ram08:09
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Jordan_UMTecknology, Oh, sorry I meant s2ram08:10
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DerangedDingoramza3: PC2700.. 266mhz08:10
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NTTPAshfire908: if you're using the aptitude interface, I'm not sure. just run that command in a terminal.08:10
ironmatarNTTP:  then what did i do wrong since auto complete dosent want to work when i want to install the nvidia driver with sudo sh08:10
Jordan_Uqazibasit, Just install the package, apt will deal with dependencies08:10
ramza3DerangedDingo, here I have a picture; http://www.flickr.com/photos/berlinbrown/750473492/08:10
MTecknologyJordan_U, http://pastebin.ca/index.php08:10
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tarntowjust installed realplayer but doesnt load from menu...?08:10
Jordan_UMTecknology, It may still work08:10
NTTPironmatar: I will assume that you are running a gui - Gnome or KDE?08:10
qazibasitok and what if the dependent packages are not on my PC08:10
qazibasitwill it find itself08:11
MTecknologyJordan_U, ?08:11
eddie77preety cool  ubuntu has like 30 percent of the market share of linux users08:11
Jordan_UMTecknology, That paste is index.php :)08:11
ironmatar64 bit ubuntu08:11
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MTecknologyJordan_U, look right below that08:11
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Jordan_UMTecknology, This is the link you gave http://pastebin.ca/index.php08:12
WheelDwellerDNS Question: I have a name server, serving local names/zones fine.  But it won't access the net for things like Google, and I have to refer to the ISP's broken nameserver.  Is there something I'm missing?08:12
DerangedDingoramza3: interesting...08:12
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MTecknologyJordan_U, two lines below that08:12
MTecknology<MTecknology> http://pastebin.ca/67317708:12
MTecknologysorry about that08:12
expertninjaso I have a pretty annoying xserver error that I can't seem to fix if anyone can help08:12
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Prez_how do I get the mac lookalike panel at the bottom?08:12
expertninjahere's the forum post about it08:12
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ramza3DerangedDingo, happens all the time, and there is something in ubuntu/gnome that reads large files when refreshing a directory.  Basically, my file manager is useless08:12
ironmatarhowever my vidio card gigbyte 8500gt is not in the driver list for ubuntu yet and requires a  gdm stop  manuel install gdm start   and i did it once a few days ago but i seem to be missing something before gdm stop as i had to replace my hd08:12
Jordan_UMTecknology, uswusp uses a whitelist, if your hardware is not whitelisted it may still work, but by default s2ram won't even try08:12
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MTecknologyJordan_U, how do I override that?08:13
Jordan_UMTecknology, -f IIRC08:13
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NTTPironmatar: Have you looked at this link? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=359367&highlight=nvidia+howto08:13
DerangedDingoPrez_: There's a few applications to do that. AWN is my favorite08:13
qazibasithow to install a .deb package manually08:13
DerangedDingoqazibasit: use the dpkg terminal tool08:13
bulmerqazibasit: use dpkg08:13
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Jordan_Uqazibasit, sudo dpkg -i /path/to/package08:13
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MTecknologyJordan_U, I just tried with --force08:14
Prez_DerangedDingo: thanks, will look it up08:14
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MTecknologyJordan_U, how do I make that permanent?08:14
Jordan_Uqazibasit, Then "sudo apt-get install -f"08:14
Ashfire908there some how-to for ltsp?08:14
Prez_DerangedDingo: uses compiz fusion?  that's what i'm running08:14
NTTPironmatar: if your card is not supported yet then you're probably out of luck. I have a similar issue with my current vid card.08:14
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DerangedDingoPrez_: Any composite window manager will do. xcompmgr if you wanna be ghetto, but yeah, compiz works great08:14
ironmatarNTTP:  no  and that starts with teh restricted drivers list08:14
Prez_DerangedDingo: thanks08:14
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NTTPAshfire908: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=368869&highlight=ltsp+howto08:15
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t4m1n0anyone familiar with avant window navigator? I can't get it running..08:15
ironmatarall i really want to do is surf the web some use me email  and run cedega for eve-online08:15
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DerangedDingoramza3: the file manager in question is Nautilus... if you want a different one, there's Thunar, which is a lightweight, and Konquerer, KDE's file manager/web browser08:15
ironmatari cant belive its going on two weeks iv been fighting with this08:16
ramza3DerangedDingo, which one are you using08:16
NTTPironmatar: Cedega will require a configured vid card.08:16
vargneed help..kinda confused, think i need to install my grafics drivers (gf 8600) but i don't know how08:16
Jordan_UMTecknology, Change the script /usr/lib/hal/scripts/linux/hal-system-power-hibernate-linux look for s2ram and change it to s2ram --force08:16
MTecknologyJordan_U, k, i found that one too... THANKS SO MUCH... last thing is my stylus...08:16
=== JessicaTaylor [n=chatzill@123-2-136-58.static.dsl.dodo.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
NTTPramza3: sudo apt-get install gentoo08:16
JessicaTaylorlol sorry babes wrong channel08:16
MTecknologythey stylus is fujitsu finepoint... that one sucks08:16
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ramza3NTTP: how would I update the file manager08:16
ironmatari had the dang thing configured  n them my month old wd250/16mb cache went futsy08:16
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eagle1Hi, I am issuing this command "dd if=image.ext2 of=/dev/sda2", image.ext2(120mb), /dev/sda2(800mb), after dd command "df -h" shows that /dev/sda2 is 120 mb and almost full. How do i avoid this?08:16
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NTTPramza3: what are you trying to update?08:17
DerangedDingoramza3: Nautilus works for me... Konquerer is a bit clumsy, and thunar is good, but they come with extra libraries.08:17
aroonihey folks08:17
ramza3NTTP: the file manager08:17
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aroonihow do i get the libsdl package?08:17
DerangedDingoarooni: Google.com, my friend08:17
ramza3DerangedDingo, I have konq, but don't use it.08:17
NTTPramza3: there are many file managers you can use. When you say you are trying to update the file manager - i don't understand what you are trying to do08:17
ironmatarNTTP:  i seem to be missing a get apt libs or something before gdm stop08:17
DerangedDingoNTTP: he's just having problems with Nautilus handling large files/directories08:18
uniqueok when i go to the device manager i can see the drive it says blocked08:18
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NTTPironmatar: just a sec - let me check that howto08:18
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ramza3DerangedDingo, hmm, may go with Konq, do you know how to switch to the default08:18
Jordan_Uramza3, You might like PCman file manager08:18
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NTTPironmatar: what step are you on?08:19
ramza3everytime I update my ubu system, I always can't stand nautilus08:19
gRaCiOsOi have a problem with a bluetooth on feisty i can see the device name from my movil and i can see my movil name from the device but i cant send files someone know why?08:19
NTTPDerangedDingo: Aha08:20
lwizardlnm i fixed the issue. if anyone is having problems with videos in vlc displaying the black screen check properites then output modules, then advance, then change it to x11 video output08:20
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lwizardlworked for my machine08:20
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NTTPDerangedDingo: I have a 1.36TB server here and Nautilus is fine with it.08:20
blackgothwhat is a movil?08:21
mjancaiti1All right guys, interesting problem:08:21
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DerangedDingoramza3: I dunno... your whole desktop is controlled by konqueror... it may be harder than opening "Properties" for a folder and switching "Open With" to konq08:21
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NTTPmjancaiti1: go on08:21
gRaCiOsOblackest,  just a cell phonr08:21
gRaCiOsOblackest,  just a cell phone08:21
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ramza3DerangedDingo, I bet I have some default nautilus setting that is causing me issues.  I will play with for a while more (but continue to make fun of it)08:21
xoRocki got error key everytimes update, trying to add the key but it ask for a key file (i have key number), what should i do?08:21
gRaCiOsOthat is a mobile sorry08:22
mjancaiti1Right now, when I boot into my regular ubuntu install, it starts going to the login screen, stops, turns black, gives me a rotating cursor (the "thinking" one) and does absolutely nothing08:22
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DerangedDingoramza3: possibly. have you skimmed through GConf-Editor?08:22
ironmatarNTTP:  before issuing the sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop  thenlogin  then sudo sh NVIDIA.xxxx.run then sudo/etc/init.d/gdm start  that brings the gui back08:22
ramza3DerangedDingo, nope08:22
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Jordan_UNTTP, Did restricted Manager not work?08:22
NTTPmjancaiti1: I've necer seen the rotating curson on an install08:23
mjancaiti1It seems apparent it's a GDM issue, but when I try and reinstall, it gives me "invoke-rc.d: initscript gdm, action "reload" failed"08:23
mjancaiti1Man, you should see it, it's badass08:23
NTTPJordan_U: ironmatar is having the issue08:23
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mjancaiti1Oh hey, Jordan's still here?08:23
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ironmatarNTTP:  i ran sudo ldconfig before doing that sequence  nut that sosent appear to ahve done the trick08:23
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DerangedDingoramza3: Alt + F2 "gconf-editor". Gconf is GNOME's way of keeping a registry for every setting for every application that you run. it can get complicated depending on what you're doing. most of the time it's OK though08:23
slap_megod, how i missed ubuntu08:24
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slap_me= X08:24
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=== slap_me gives ubuntu a hug
qazibasitjust like u missed fedora08:24
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slap_menever used fedora08:24
slap_me= X08:24
Jordan_Umjancaiti1, Yes, and considering that startx doesn't work either ( unless you are root, which you shouldn't be :) I don't think GDM is the problem08:24
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ironmatarNTTP:  serenityuk originaly helped me do this but i appear to have missed writing down one of the commands08:24
mjancaiti1To be fair, I haven't tried startx again, I'll do that now08:24
NTTPironmatar:  I don't personally use nvidia anymore - Jordan - ca you grab this one?08:24
qazibasithey what hapened to slackware and mandrake distributions08:24
qazibasitare they still alive08:25
qazibasitor they are no more08:25
qazibasitcoz ppl were crazy for both of them in the past08:25
=== NTTP needs to head off to bed - eyes glazing over.
ironmatarthanks NTTP08:25
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mrignsqazibasit, madrake changed it's name to mandriva08:25
NTTPironmatar: I tried - remember - google is your friend08:25
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mjancaiti1Hey, that's new! Now hitting ctrl-alt-f1 actually gives me a terminal!08:26
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qazibasitand what abt slackware08:26
mjancaiti1Jordan_U: damn, startx still fails :(08:26
mjancaiti1Permissions again08:26
qazibasitand why ppl switched to ubuntu08:26
qazibasitcoz i saw a majority using ubuntu08:26
=== NTTP spins around and DISSAPEARS!
mrignsqazibasit, http://www.slackware.com/08:26
qazibasitlike if 30 % of total computer users are using linux08:27
mrignsstill doing well08:27
mjancaiti130% is a REALLY high number there, bucko08:27
qazibasit80% of the 30% are using ubuntu08:27
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mrignslol linux is not even used by 2% of the pc users...08:27
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DerangedDingoit's at 3% I think.08:28
mjancaiti1I'd be surprised if it's hit 1% yet08:28
DerangedDingoIt's at 3%, but only 1% are dedicated, the other 2% dual boot08:28
mraustin1337I've tried the nvidia chan, can anyone here answer a question about an nvidia card issue real quick?08:28
DerangedDingoI believe that's how it goes08:28
mjancaiti1Whatcha got, mraustin?08:28
mraustin1337I have a computer with an nVidia GeForce 7900 GS and I've tried installing the nvidia-glx package AND running the kmodule compile and it keeps crashing saying there is no nVidia or the files have been created improperly.08:28
mraustin1337mjancaiti1, ty08:28
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qazibasitwell i am using a nividia Geforce  5200 and its working fine08:29
mjancaiti1I've got two nvidias and they're working fine :(08:29
ironmatarits going to get higher when all the people now running XP attempt to re install their os and have to deal with sp1 not being avaliable anymore and calling ms resuly in a stupid run around ending with  oh you ahve to buy a new os cd for that08:29
slap_memy nvidia is fine08:29
mraustin1337Well are there any known problems with the 7900GS's?!  =/08:29
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mjancaiti1I honestly don't know, unfortunately; manually installed mine once, for which there's an article in the ubuntu wiki, and I used automatix for the other two08:30
mjancaiti1And I have a 7950GTKO running on it08:30
mjancaiti1So I would guess no problems08:30
ironmatarand idiocy called windows genuine advange validation tool08:30
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:30
mraustin1337My friend is in Cali and I am trying to walk him through it and he gave me ssh and I can't figure out what he might have done.08:30
magi_hello! does anybody know how to deal with google eath? All the chinese character turned into blocks in google earth!08:30
mjancaiti1That's the article you're looking for08:30
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mjancaiti1But I'd give automatix a shot, despite all the interesting things it does sometimes08:30
mraustin1337mjancaiti1, *reading, thx*08:30
mjancaiti1Hope it helps08:31
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SukoshiThe scim package on Feisty seems to not work with Java/Swing (and possibly other non-GTK toolkits?). Is there a fix for this?08:31
wolfsongi'm not too familiar with grep...does it output to the screen by default?08:31
mjancaiti1Outputs to terminal, wolf08:31
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uniqueok i have a hard drive i can see it in the device manager of kde it says blocked is there anyway i can unblock it... the drive is ntfs and it worked in gnome08:32
qazibasithey how to scan a tcp v6 ip08:32
qazibasitis it possible08:32
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wolfsongthanks mjancaitil08:32
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slap_mei <3 gnome08:32
qazibasitme too08:32
Prez_avn seems to rock..08:32
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slap_mei dont like kde08:33
slap_metoo bubbly for me08:33
DerangedDingognome is great, and all the apps are a billion times better than their KDE alternatives... but QT is a much better language08:33
xorkxfce for teh win08:33
DerangedDingothan GTK08:33
ironmatarJordan_U:   are u awake?08:33
wolfsongwhen i try "dmesg | grep ndiswrapper" i don't get anything08:33
wolfsongis that not right?08:33
=== Jordan_U_ [n=Jordan_U@h-68-164-93-32.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
mjancaiti1Jordan's back!08:34
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal08:34
uniqueok i have a hard drive i can see it in the device manager of kde it says blocked is there anyway i can unblock it... the drive is ntfs and it worked in gnome08:34
wolfsongwarbler: that didn't help08:34
tom17bombadil_i try to use jdbc08:34
wolfsongtried looking at that already08:35
warblerman grep08:35
ironmataroh no peer has attacked jordan_U agian08:35
tom17bombadil_it is said, that i shall copy some driver to the jdk-dir08:35
wolfsongwell my question about grep itself was answered really08:35
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wolfsongnow i'm just wondering why i don't get anything when i pipe to grep08:35
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tom17bombadil_when i do 'find / -iname "*jdk*" ' i dont get some usefull dirs08:36
arunI can't paste any files. What do I do?08:36
arunAs in I copy them, and I can't paste them anywhere (the right click option is greyed out)08:36
wolfsongit just takes me back to the prompt08:36
tom17bombadil_where does ubuntu install jdks?08:36
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byonixif i have ran out free space in my ubuntu partition, then i create another partition in the same hardisk using the available free space i didn't use earlier, can i copy the old ubuntu partition to the new one, and can it boot properly?08:36
tallia1what can I use as a ftp gui client in ubuntu - gnome?08:36
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ubotuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd08:37
rosscavdoes anyone know about fixing inode errors? fsck keeps getting an error 'exited with signal 11'08:37
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mjancaiti1Right there, tallia08:37
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slap_meshould i do beryl, or compiz..08:37
tallia1i thought nautilus08:37
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tallia1would work, but when i type an address in GO TO...08:37
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byonixand the most important thing, will i loose my datas, my upgraded kernel, my upgraded software, etc?08:37
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aruntallia1: gftp isn't too good, install the fireftp extension for firefox, it's a good, full-featured ftp app08:37
tallia1it tells me: nautilus cannot display "ftp...." please select another viewer and try again08:38
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warblerwolfsong: just had a look at man dmesg - that should tell you08:38
slap_meberyl or compiz...08:38
aruncan anyone help me? why cant i paste any files?08:39
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wolfsongwarbler: tell me what exactly?08:39
mjancaiti1Have you checked the permissions where you're trying to paste them, arun?08:39
wolfsongwhen i do dmesg by itself i get the expected08:39
arunmjancaiti1: yes, i can't paste them *anywhere*08:39
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arunnot just a particular folder08:39
aruni just cant paste08:39
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wolfsongwhen i enter "dmesg | grep ndiswrapper" i get nothing08:39
MDistanceHello, Im trying to set up a server, however I cant properly edit the vsftpd.conf file. And Im stumped.08:40
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mjancaiti1Jordan_U: you still around?08:40
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MDistanceAny help?08:41
byonixhow do i use my installed ntfs3g?08:41
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BakefyHello, I am wanting to download and install Ubuntu themes, I have 7.04.  Where do I go to get new themes, and what am i looking for?08:44
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DerangedDingoBakefy: gnome-look.org, or art.gnome.org08:44
DerangedDingoBakefy: GTK2 themes for application and desktop appearance, Icon themes for icons, metacity themes for window borders, etc08:45
BakefyDerangedDingo I am currently on that website.  Do I want GTK 1.x or 2.x?08:45
Bakefyoops!  thanks!08:45
DerangedDingoheh, no prob08:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dmesg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:46
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wolfsongwarbler: you're missing the point i think08:46
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wolfsongi know what dmesg does08:46
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wolfsongand the command i'm using should search through dmesg to show instances of ndiswrapper but i'm not getting anything08:47
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mjancaiti1Are you sure it had an issue?08:48
mraustin1337mjancaiti1, thank you.  he's kinda noob and I think it was mostly messed up due to him installing and uninstalling different versions of the kmodule so I advised him to reinstall the system (it was fresh) and linked him to the article.  Thanks.08:48
wolfsonganyone here setup a wireless adapter?08:48
mjancaiti1mraustin1337: no sweat. Fresh installs are always the best anyway, right?08:48
mjancaiti1wolf: yes08:49
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mraustin1337mjancaiti1, my thought exactly.08:49
wolfsongi can see the driver with ndiswrapper -l" but i don't see the adapter with "iwconfig" after rebooting08:50
slap_mei like how ubuntu works right out of the gate for me08:50
slap_mewireless..check......windows mounting...check08:50
mjancaiti1!wifi | wolfsong08:50
ubotuwolfsong: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:50
wolfsongit worked fine before the reboot08:50
mjancaiti1Have you checked those?08:50
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warblerwolfsong: try grep dmseg-options08:50
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warblerbeen reading08:50
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wolfsongit's not about grep08:51
wolfsongmjancaiti1: thanks i have looked at some of them but i'll give another looksee08:51
reflousi just installed awn (while running beryl) & now I can't move windows around (the top bar is missing) any ideas?08:51
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warblerwolfsong: your trying to get whether your system is recognising your wireless?08:52
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decaywhats the difference between wget and synaptic?08:52
Stegerany one have a fix for a PPC Airport EXTREME (bcm43xx)08:52
mjancaiti1wolfsong: it's taken me a damn long time, have faith; ndiswrapper and your windows driver should generally do the trick; wireless got a lot better in feisty08:52
wolfsongmjancaiti1: well i at least "know it works"08:53
StegerI tried ndiswrapper, but I'm on PPC08:53
warblerwolfsong: simple question - is it in system hardware? - doesn't mean it is using it08:53
nbkrdecay, wget is a kind of download manager, synaptic is used for paket management.08:53
wolfsongjust need to figure out how to get it to continue working08:53
wolfsongwarbler: what do you mean?08:54
warblerwolfsong: continue?- it has worked?08:54
kimmey2k3] wget08:54
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wolfsongyes it worked prior to rebooting08:54
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wolfsongi can see it in lspci08:54
Steger... No help for a PPC Airport Extreme?08:54
wolfsongi can see it with ndiswrapper -l08:54
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lspci - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:55
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wolfsongbut network admin does not show wireless08:55
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wolfsongneither does iwconfig08:55
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CerebroJDWhats the best way to update from Feisty to Gutsy (the latest version of it, anyways)08:55
mjancaiti1wolf, have you installed network-manager?08:55
warblerwolfsong: then it needs a driver08:55
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wolfsongwarbler: no it doesn't the driver is found by ndiswrapper08:56
mjancaiti1CerebroJD: generally a network update08:56
mjancaiti1Wired, of course08:56
nbkrCerebroJD, Edit the /etc/apt/sources-list and run apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade.08:56
wolfsongmjancaiti1: nope is there a doc on that?08:56
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wolfsongfound it08:56
mjancaiti1See what you get with that08:56
CerebroJDnbkr, got a link to how I'd need to edit it?08:56
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wolfsongmjancaiti1: will do thanks08:58
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warblerwolfsong: If you had it then lost on reboot you need to add it to preferences-sessions08:59
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ironmatarwhat should be the command string in terminal to input for nvidia blasted drivers setup  so i can run gdm stop manuel install nvidia driver and gdm start09:00
nbkrCerebroJD, Just have a look at the file, you just have to replace all feisty records with the appropriate gutsy repositories. Unfortunately I don't have a link - as long as gutsy isn't stable it doesn't find its way to the mirrors.09:00
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CerebroJDahh ok09:00
wolfsongmjancaiti1: apparently it's installed but i'm a bit confused09:00
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ironmatarand hvae my comp work09:01
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wolfsonghow do i know if i'm looking at Network Administration vs. Network Manager?09:01
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uniquewhats a good ip blocker09:01
mjancaiti1ironmatar: ctrl-alt-backspace to quit x; then run /etc/init.d/gdm stop; sh nvidia-driver-whatever; follow the instructions; sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start should work09:01
Lo_Pan17:01:41 -!- unknown__ [n=unknown@]  has quit [Client Quit] 09:01
Lo_Pan17:01:50 < Lo_Pan> iptables09:01
wolfsongnevermind...found the about09:01
Lo_Panstupid terminal09:02
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wolfsongi am looking at Network Manager09:02
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ironmatar sudo sh nvidia dosent want to tab complete  and reports cannot run09:03
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Lo_Pan!iptables | unique09:03
ubotuunique: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).09:03
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CerebroJDnbkr, can I update from the cd as well?09:03
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mjancaiti1ironmatar: did you cd to the directory that has the nvidia driver in it?09:03
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ironmatari gdm stop..login  ls and the driver is right there09:04
kaushal_i did find . -name "urltracker*" -exec ls {} \; | wc -l09:04
kaushal_it gave me the total number of files09:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jdk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:04
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ironmatarsorry i keep forgetting nick fist09:04
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Lo_Panyou want quotes around {} for a start09:04
kaushal_I want to know the disk space used by this files09:04
Lo_Panls -l09:04
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Lo_Panand drop the wc -l09:05
nbkrCerebroJD, yes you can if you use the alternate CD.09:05
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kaushal_Lo_Pan is it for me09:05
ironmatar mji attempted a direct copy by typing of the driver header  but that said cannot run09:05
davinakaushal_, use: du -sk *   will show u summary size in k09:05
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kaushal_I want to use in conjuction with this command09:06
kaushal_find . -name "urltracker*" -exec ls {} \; | wc -l09:06
GuHHH!motorola mot pci309:06
mjancaiti1!nvidia | ironmatar09:06
ubotuironmatar: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:06
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GuHHHdoes anyone knows where i can find drivers for motorola mot pci3?09:06
ironmatardo you know how many times iv read that09:06
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GuHHH!mot pci309:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mot pci3 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:06
mjancaiti1Heh, probably about as many as I have09:06
wolfsongmjancaiti1: thanks for the hint... i was following the HowTo doc and thought i was using Admin instead of Mgr which has different steps....time to reboot and retest09:06
BlackSlivergot a huge problem :(09:06
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mjancaiti1wolfsong: good luck09:06
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ironmataralways looking for the command i know im missing09:06
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BlackSliverafter booting my ubuntu feisty in normal mode (not safe graphics) i get only black screen09:07
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BlackSlivernvidia drivers are installed09:07
BlackSlivercard is 8800 GTS09:07
mjancaiti1ironmatar: can you get into x at all?09:07
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mjancaiti1Even using the vesa driver?09:07
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mjancaiti1It sounds like a cheap out, but use automatix and get the nvidia driver installed that way if possible09:07
mjancaiti1It's never failed me09:07
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ironmatarmjancaiti1:  ill try anything at this point09:07
mjancaiti1If you can get into X, dl it and try it09:08
mjancaiti1Restricted modules ftw09:08
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ironmatarrestricted modjules saus i dont need any reastricted divers09:08
ironmatarwhich i know is lying to me09:09
mjancaiti1Like I said, try automatix09:09
mjancaiti1And don't tell anybody when you do ;)09:09
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warbler!nvidia | BlackSilver09:10
ubotuBlackSilver: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:10
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mjancaiti1www.getautomatix.com, iron09:10
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mjancaiti1I think you can actually get it through apt09:10
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BlackSliveruhm.. nvidia tells me everything went okay09:10
Invert314how do i tell what version of GTK i have running?09:10
BlackSlivergot driver from nvidia.com09:10
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nbkrInvert314, dpkg -l | grep -i gtk  - Would be on solution.09:12
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warblerBlackSilver: I'd try the drivers from synaptic - they're there because they're stable09:12
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Invert314ty nbkr09:13
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Invert314what is metacity exactly?09:13
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ari_stressi'm feeling blue :(09:13
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mjancaiti1Invert314: the default window manager09:13
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ari_stressInvert314: metacity is gnome's window manager09:14
Invert314ty ty09:14
ari_stressmetacity is not a city09:14
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mjancaiti1That's what YOU think09:14
nbkrIts a city of citys?09:14
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PrimoTurboBesides fglrx and vesa what other drivers will work well with a ATI 9700 Pro09:15
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Briochehello !09:15
mjancaiti1PrimoTurbo: none, and you're lucky you have those ;)09:15
ari_stressOOT: my home :) http://www.wikimapia.org/#y=-6579984&x=106887633&z=18&l=0&m=a&v=209:15
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BriocheI'm coming the french channel where everybody's sleeping...09:15
PrimoTurboI have very poor performance from both09:15
PrimoTurbomy desktop feels slugish while 3d support works well09:16
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BriocheI just want how to set the X server for KDE (I've just installed kubuntu-desktop on a feisty console system)09:16
ari_stressPrimoTurbo: maybe you don't have enough ram09:16
mjancaiti1Primo - I'm by no means one of the actual gurus here, so don't be put off by my answer09:16
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Agent_bobi can't seem to figure this out.   i need some networking advice but i'm so network illiterate i don't even know how to ask a proper question about it...09:17
azzmodanFor nvidia, does the restricted driver install thing correctly detect that it should get legacy drivers?09:17
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nbkrBrioche, if you installed kubunut-desktop everything should be fine. You should be able to run KDE.09:17
mjancaiti1brioche: you'll likely want to run an /etc/init.d/gdm stop and /etc/init.d/kde start09:17
PrimoTurboari_stress: ...yeah I have only 1 GB of free ram09:17
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Agent_bobBrioche sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg        <<< to configure the x windows system09:17
PrimoTurbowith ubuntu using only 150-200mb09:17
PrimoTurboso yeah I need more RAM09:17
PrimoTurboThanks ari_stress09:18
mjancaiti1Bob, what's your question?09:18
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mjancaiti1The one you can't form ;)09:18
Agent_bobcan anyone tell me how to setup a routing table for a box that is behind a nat and is also serving a nat ?09:18
mjancaiti1lol, good luck with that09:18
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PrimoTurboCan someone suggest other possible drivers to use?09:19
ironmatarmjancaiti1:  i hope this works  because i really have things to do in a game09:19
mjancaiti1ironmatar: a game?09:19
azzmodanAgent_bob, the same as when it wouldn't be behind a nat09:19
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mjancaiti1ironmatar: lol, good luck. If all that's depending on it is a game, I wouldn't be too worried, but you seem to be!09:20
mjancaiti1ironmatar: either way, I'm just about out of here, way too tired. Very much good luck to you!09:20
Agent_bobazzmodan so it's just a server.  even though it has to have route add default gw    it's still just a server with ndsmasq   and all  ???09:20
t4m1n0is there an program to backup all my things ?09:20
ironmatarwhent are a ceo and a few bill in ingame assets an corp members yea its important09:21
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nbkrt4m1n0, one? hudrets!09:21
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t4m1n0nbkr: in case I have to gormat disk....how can I backup files ?09:21
t4m1n0gormat=format nbkr09:22
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azzmodanAgent_bob, yeah there's no reason for the 2nd machine to care about the first09:22
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nbkrSimply by coping to another location - a USB Disk for example. You can use cp, rsync for it. If you looking for diskimages google for dd. It depends on how you want your backup.09:22
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demonsporkwhere do I put a  .init script to make it run on system startup?09:23
BlackSliverusing spkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg i can set the PCI-Port (default selected seems to be PCI:10:0:0, but mine is PCI:1:0:0). where can i set this up using nano? within /etc/X11/xorg.conf is nothing about that :(09:23
raddyHello Everyone09:23
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Agent_bobazzmodan well that's not very encurraging, seeing that's the basic idea i started with and it's not working.09:23
raddyAnybody tried cnr plugin?09:23
nbkrdemonspork, /etc/init.d - afterwards run update-rc.d09:23
raddyOr anybody know its status for ubuntu?09:23
demonsporknbkr, thank you09:23
azzmodanYou running different subnets on both? That might help with locating the problem09:24
nbkrdemonspork, Have also a look at /etc/rc.local09:24
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demonsporknbkr, rc.local runs on user login correct?09:24
t4m1n0nbkr: in case I have 60gbs of music, how can I backup this ? or make it ALOT SMALLER09:24
azzmodanI must say that it was suprisingly easy to get my ubuntu running correct by restoring select files from my old crashed debian /etc, now if only I could have restored my home folder09:24
nbkrdemonspork, No rc.local is run at the end of multiuser boot. No when a user logs in.09:25
happyface_0damn linux and its crashing... so much that ctr+alt+bspace doesnt work09:25
BlackSliveranyone has got an answer for my question?09:25
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Briochethx !!!!!!!09:25
BriocheI will come back !09:25
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nbkrt4m1n0, You could tar.gz it. tar -czf backup.tar.gz /path/to/your/music - afterwards test the archive before deleting the music - just to make sure the archive is ok.09:26
azzmodanBlackSliver, under the device of your videocard: there should be sometething like  Busid           "PCI:1:0:0"09:26
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t4m1n0BlackSliver: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg09:26
t4m1n0BlackSliver: I suggest to backup xorg..09:26
BlackSlivert4m1n0: using the dpkg-reconfigure backups it automatically09:27
t4m1n0BlackSliver: I never trust xorg :D09:27
BlackSliverazzmodan: there's nothing about that within xserver.cong09:27
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happyface_0whoa, pressing my PC's power button shutdown ubuntu cleanly when nothing else responded09:27
BlackSlivert4m1n0: lol ^09:27
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BlackSliverthis anoying.. fs is not clean by reiserfs -.-09:28
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azzmodanBlackSliver, then just add the line09:32
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amunHow do I test to see if my Graphics card is HW acceled?09:32
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amunsomething 'grep' ?09:32
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scipioglxinfo | grep direct09:33
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elmargolwhat is the name of this dock? http://bp2.blogger.com/_PqI9QqUU5zo/RtKrhJ7e_fI/AAAAAAAAAx8/Iu73_T8LF4g/s1600-h/compiz+terminal.jpg09:34
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scipioavant window manager09:34
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BlackSliverazzmodan: well.. using vesa everything works, using nvidia nothing works09:35
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BlackSliverazzmodan: some errors and some warnings ^^09:35
CerebroJDAfter I installed beryl (not fusion) on this laptop, the 'Shut Down09:35
CerebroJDand Restart options from the 'close session' dialog disappeared09:35
Agent_bobok this box can ping other boxen on both cables,  why can't it ping google    http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/3922209:35
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CerebroJDI'd like to re-enable those, but dont know how09:36
amunHOw do I check for Hardware accel on my video card? - glxinfo?...09:36
BrianGok i've somehow managed to mark my desktop up with red lines09:36
BrianGhow do i remove the red scribbles?09:36
amunglx - something 'grep' dri?09:36
tarntowi am having trouble getting any sound when playing with rmvb files? cheers09:36
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solid_liqAgent_bob: can it do   host google.com    ?09:36
raddyAnybody tried cnr plugin?09:36
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amuntarntow, Do you have more than one audio capable app open at the same time?09:37
Agent_bobsolid_liq nope   -root: host: command not found09:37
demonsporkBrianG, Alt+Windows Key+K09:37
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solid_liqAgent_bob: ok, then try:    dig google.com09:37
BrianGthanks demonspork09:37
Agent_bob-root: dig: command not found09:37
amuntarntow, If you do not have Gstreamer installed, which I believe controls the whole duplex thing - soon as you load a flash page or have some other program that takes control of the soundcard - you cannot listen to anything in any other program.09:37
tarntowamun:  player avi file is fine...just rmvb file only getting pictures but no sound09:37
BlackSlivernvidia kernel version 1.0-7184, nvidia-x-module version 1.0-963109:37
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BlackSliverhow to fix this? -.-09:37
solid_liqAgent_bob: uh,    nslookup google.com09:37
scipioCerebroJD, try this in terminal gnome-settings-daemon09:37
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disinterestedhow would i start 3d desktop from cmd line?09:38
amuntarntow, Ok and your playing AVI's in RP?09:38
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Agent_bob-root: nslookup: command not found09:38
solid_liqAgent_bob: wait, are you chatting from the box that can't ping google?09:38
azzmodanDid you mix nvidia and the legacy drivers BlackSliver ?09:38
demonsporkBlacksilver, what card do you have?09:38
tarntowamun: i've installed realplayer but application doesnt seem to load up at all??09:38
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Agent_bobsolid_liq yes but through an ssh connection09:38
BlackSliverdemonspork 8800 GTS09:38
CerebroJDscipio, says there is an xsettings manager running09:38
solid_liqAgent_bob: k,    cat /etc/resolv.conf09:38
BlackSliverazzmodan ive installed the "original" ones from nvidia.com09:39
tarntowamun: tested playing avi's on totem ...which is ok09:39
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demonsporkBlackSliver, you cannot use the Nvidia-glx provided in the repository09:39
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Agent_bobsolid_liq i copied that from the server connected to the world  so it should be right09:39
BlackSliverazzmodan and then restriced drivers from ubuntu09:39
Tretetedoes anyone tried to run xubuntu alternate install cd on pIII 800mhz/128mb ram?09:39
demonsporkBlackSliver, it is broken for your card09:39
amuntarntow, Is Totem open at the same time as Real?09:39
scipioCerebroJD, ok let me search some more. it happened the same thing to me but i don't remember how i solved it09:39
solid_liqAgent_bob: route -n09:39
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BlackSliverdemonspork, well.. whats now?09:39
demonsporkBlackSliver, you need to download the driver from the nvidia website09:39
amunTarntow, Soundcards in linux, some.. suddenly become -half duplex, install G-streamer.09:39
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Agent_bobsolid_liq i posted that to start with09:40
tarntowamun: real cannot open at alll...n i just have one app open at a time09:40
Agent_bobok this box can ping other boxen on both cables,  why can't it ping google    http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/3922209:40
TelepTretete: should run just fine09:40
solid_liqAgent_bob: didn't see it09:40
Agent_bobsolid_liq      ^09:40
amuntarntow.. hrmm09:40
BlackSliverdemonspork i did, nothing worked09:40
TreteteTelep: but it doesn't09:40
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BlackSliverbut ill try again =)09:40
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TelepTretete: I've installed Ubuntu alternate on a similar system09:40
amuntarntow, Go to options and see where Real is sending the audio - maybe it's sending it somewhere other than ALSA09:40
demonsporkBlackSliver, did you make sure to remove nvdia-glx and such first?09:40
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BlackSliverdemonspork: how?09:40
solid_liqAgent_bob: ping work?09:40
TreteteTelep: lol my laptop's lcd just turned black09:40
TreteteTelep: nothing happens09:41
demonsporkhold on09:41
Agent_bobsolid_liq yep09:41
TelepTretete: the problem is probably not the low specs as such, maybe some incompatibility09:41
Agent_bobsolid_liq i can ping on both cables.09:41
solid_liqAgent_bob: have you done any other connectivity tests?09:41
Agent_bobsolid_liq just can't reach the world09:41
TreteteTelep: probably. you ran xubuntu alternate install cd or normal one?09:41
Agent_bobsolid_liq as in ?09:41
TelepTretete: the normal one09:41
Agent_bobsolid_liq tried to irc out first.09:42
solid_liqAgent_bob: used a web browser for instanct09:42
TreteteTelep: I'm trying to run alternate install cd09:42
TelepTretete: I mean I ran the Ubuntu alternate, not Xubuntu09:42
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Agent_bobsolid_liq yep09:42
TreteteTelep: oh09:42
Agent_bobsolid_liq nothing outside the dmz09:42
solid_liqAgent_bob: k, what kind of router are you connecting to?09:42
solid_liqAgent_bob: oh, you're on a dmz?09:42
LT1Caprice57Lk, yet another ham-fisted novice question...how does one go about getting a DSDT09:42
TreteteTelep: I'm gonna restart it09:42
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scipioCerebroJD, http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/2387/ubuntu_restore_restart_shut_down_log_out_button09:42
Agent_bobsolid_liq dialup09:42
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CerebroJDthank you for the link :-)09:43
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solid_liqAgent_bob: so what is exactly?09:43
demonsporkBlacSliver, I can't remember the command line for it, but can you get X working on any driver at the moment?09:43
Agent_bobsolid_liq linux box09:43
solid_liqAgent_bob: and that's the one with the dialup connection?09:43
BlackSliverdemonspork, safe mode + vesa drivers is the only way for me to get to gnome / x09:43
azzmodanYou can use the nv driver instead of vesa, but that doesn't solve your problem09:43
demonsporkBlackSliver, so you can get to Synaptic?09:43
qazibasit_man this glib-config sux09:43
BlackSliverdemonspork so theres no way to destroy everything ^09:43
solid_liqAgent_bob: ok, now are you ssh'd into that box for irc?  or one on the side?09:44
BlackSliverdemonspork, yes09:44
Agent_bobsolid_liq yes09:44
solid_liqAgent_bob: which, the gateway?09:44
BlackSliverdemonspork, i can get everywhere :)09:44
BlackSliverdemonspork what now?09:44
demonsporkBlackSliver, search for "nvidia" in synaptic09:44
CerebroJDDammit, I shouldnt have updated beryl, I seem to have somehow disabled it09:44
hammyhow the elhl do you install drivers in xubuntu09:44
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Agent_bobsolid_liq i'm ssh'd into  from the one we are working on, has the dialup line.09:45
demonsporkuncheck all the nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-new packages that might be selected09:45
solid_liqAgent_bob: sounds like the problem is on   have you done:    echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward      ?09:45
BlackSliverdemonspork now?09:45
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demonsporkBlackSliver: uncheck all the nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-new packages that might be selected09:45
TreteteTelep: xubuntu won't work for me, I'm downloading DamnSmallLinux, aww09:45
Agent_bobsolid_liq but i've been using it all day with no problems,   i dont think the problem is on
solid_liqAgent_bob: but have you had any other computers use it to connect?09:46
eddiehow do I use this forum?09:46
Agent_bobsolid_liq yes09:46
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demonsporkBlackSliver, and do you still have a driver you downloaded from the Nvidia website?09:46
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BlackSliverdemonspork: the "setup"-file, yes09:46
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solid_liqAgent_bob: just do this on really quickly as a test:  cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward09:46
BlackSliverdemonspork, how can i proof if everything is removed?09:47
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demonsporkBlackSliver, as long as nvidia-glx is unchecked, and you applied it, it should be fine09:47
scipioeddie, ask a question and if someone knows the annswer they will reply09:47
eddieI am having problem starting ubuntu on acer 235009:48
kevorHow can i install Shorewall-Perl on Ubuntu Dapper, seen a few guys that have it, but nowhere how to do it.09:48
BlackSliverdemonspork, nvidia disappeared from dpkg xserver09:48
eddieit loads up then crashes as gnome starts09:48
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eddietried opensuse10.3 also with same thing09:48
BlackSliverdemonspork: what now?09:48
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solid_liqAgent_bob: what's the output of that, did you try it?09:48
demonsporkBlackSliver, all you need now is the nvidia driver .run package, which version number do you have?09:49
Agent_bobsolid_liq let me more clearly define what is here,  all addressing will be 192.168* so i'll just use the last two fields.     0.1 has a dialup modem and nic connected to a switch  the switch has two other boxes and this one making a total of 4 connected to it.   this box 0.3 also has another card 1.3 and crossover cable with 1.2 on the end of it.  this is the bad link in the chain...  and now i'll try the test.09:49
eddieread after google search that I should do xconfig before xstart on this machine09:49
BlackSliverdemonspork mom09:49
eddiebut unfortunately I don't know how to do that?09:49
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eddiecan anyone help?09:49
Murlismorgens! :)09:49
demonsporkBlackSliver, ?09:49
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IndyGunFreakeddie: why don't you try being a bit more specific.09:49
BlackSliverdemonspork: mom = just a moment, version is 974609:50
MurlisI have strange problem - I need to mount freebsd hardrive under ubuntu09:50
Agent_bobsolid_liq 1 on  0.1  and  1 on 0.309:50
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scipioeddie, did you try the livecd? was it working?09:50
Murlisthe problem is that I do not know what partition drive has, what fs type.09:50
solid_liqAgent_bob: k, now on 0.3, run    iptables -L09:50
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Agent_bobiptables is not even installed09:51
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BlackSliverdemonspork, full name NV-Linux-x86_64-1.0-9746-pkg2.run, system is x6409:51
GNinexserver must be reconfigured on crash09:51
demonsporkBlackSliver, in a moment you need to kill X to install the driver, first, you will press Alt+Ctrl+F2, then you will login, and then type "etc/init.d/gdm stop"  then you will run the driver package09:51
eddieta!  I tried running ubuntu fiesty and tribe from CD but the screen freezes after starting up or part way through starting up. The computer is an acer 2350.  I have also tried installing opensuse 10.3 on it and that installed ok up to the point of opening gnome or KDE (I installed it twice)09:51
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solid_liqAgent_bob: and of course you can't apt-get install any tools on it since you can't get to the wan, right?09:51
demonsporkBlackSliver, did you install the x64 version of Ubuntu?09:51
Agent_bobyou got it09:52
IndyGunFreakeddie: what sort of video device?09:52
BlackSliverdemonspork yes09:52
BlackSliverdemonspork fault?09:52
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solid_liqAgent_bob: ok, try this really quickly, just to see if it helps:    ifconfig eth0 down09:52
eddieit is notebook default I think they use intel motherboard09:52
eddieso probably 85509:52
IndyGunFreakeddie: well, that doesn't really matter.09:52
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BlackSliverdemonspork, hitting ...F2 does nothing, F3 etc. brings me to the console09:53
solid_liqAgent_bob: er, I meant eth1 down09:53
IndyGunFreakeddie: whats the name of the iso file you downloaded?09:53
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Agent_bobsolid_liq and then ?  cause if i do that im disconnected from here09:53
Agent_bobsolid_liq oh ok.09:53
BlackSliverdemonspork F2 back to gnome09:53
demonsporkBlackSliver, just hold on09:53
eddieI have Fiesty fawn which works on other PC's09:53
BlackSliverdemonspork kk ^^09:53
eddieand recently got gutsy tribe09:53
eddiethe opensuse10.3 is the beta 1 version09:53
Agent_bobsolid_liq eth1 is down09:53
solid_liqAgent_bob: k, now try the ping09:53
Agent_bobno change09:53
IndyGunFreakeddie: i don't know.09:54
solid_liqAgent_bob: just a sec09:54
demonsporkBLackSliver, so you are running an AMD processor?09:54
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eddieI read online that you need to start xconfig before xstart as gfk has a problem or something like that.  How would I try that?09:54
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BlackSliverdemonspork I Core2Duo 660009:54
BlackSliverdemonspork I Core2Duo E660009:54
IndyGunFreakno clued09:54
BlackSliverdemonspork bad?09:55
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eddieme either thanks for your time09:55
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demonsporkBlackSliver, what mobo do you have?09:55
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BlackSliverdemonspork, asus P5N32-E SLI, nv chipset09:55
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demonsporkBlackSliver, I have an 8800GTS in mine, I have a Core 2 duo E6600, 2GB RAM, P5N32-E SLI with the Nvidia 680i sLI bridge09:56
demonsporkWe have the same computer09:56
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BlackSliverdemonspork, lol.. same PC, yeah ^09:56
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BlackSliverdemonspork, from? xD09:57
MurlisI have strange problem - I need to mount freebsd hardrive under ubuntu09:57
Murlisthe problem is that I do not know what partition drive has, what fs type.09:57
Thurin1Is anyone here good with monitors, H/V Syncs and so forth?09:57
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BlackSliverdemonspork, maybe same language too ^^09:57
demonsporkBlackSliver, newegg, my monitor is 22", what is yours09:57
OniNekoi understand this is probably the WORST and MOST INSULTING room to ask this in, but can someone either help me, or direct me to where i can get help with Visual Basic. ive hit a brick wall '-_-09:57
BlackSliverdemonspork, im from austria09:57
scipioeddie, how to boot in recovery mode: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode?action=show&redirect=BootingIntoRecoveryMode09:57
solid_liqAgent_bob: hmm, you need to install more tools on that box to aid the diagnosis09:57
BlackSliverdemonspork, 19''09:57
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solid_liqAgent_bob: do you know how to get debs onto the 0.1 box?09:58
scipioeddie, after that you can edit the xorg.conf file with nano if you found a fix for it09:58
BlackSliverdemonspork, its enough to play games ;)09:58
eddiesounds good09:58
eddiemaybe I should just lower the graphics09:58
michael_91.189.88.31 8009:58
eddiehow do I do that?09:58
demonsporkBlackSliver, I don't know what to do with the x64 version of Ubuntu, I just know you shouldn't be using the x86 driver09:58
eddieor should I select VESA or something?09:58
demonsporkI am using the x8609:58
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BlackSliverdemonspork, its the x86_64 driver, for both09:58
eddieor just reduce the resolution options by deleting some?09:58
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BlackSliverdemonspork, what ubuntu are you running?09:58
scipioeddie, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg09:59
eddiewhat after that?09:59
Thurin1When you go into your monitors options and it says something about FV/FH - with their respective numbers, does that represent the monitors set Vertical and Horizontal rates, or is that simply the rates at which it is currently functioning at presently?09:59
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demonsporkBlackSliver, x86 Feisty,   the x86_64 is not for both, it simply refers to a 64 bit x86 processor09:59
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scipioeddie, try booting again i guess09:59
solid_liqAgent_bob: better question, is 0.1 an ubuntu box?09:59
eddiecheers I will give it a go09:59
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BlackSliverdemonspork, oh.. well.. so i should set up the x86 version?10:00
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BlackSliverdemonspork, or what do you think?10:00
bAgent_bosolid_liq all are ubuntu linux  but i have no idea what you might have said between  hold a sec   and that Q10:00
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BlackSliverdemonspork, brb, toilet :D10:01
Agent_bobsolid_liq but just because it's ubuntu don't think it's default anything10:01
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solid_liqAgent_bob: ok, do you have the host utility on 0.1?10:02
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BlackSliverdemonspork, re10:02
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BlackSliverdemonspork, so.. what to do?10:02
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Agent_bobsolid_liq yes10:02
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BlackSliverdemonspork, do i have to clean up anything before installing x86 on that partition?10:03
demonsporkBlackSliver, I got an idea, just go ahead and try to install the driver, dropping to a command prompt and killing X with "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"10:03
solid_liqAgent_bob: ok, then look to see if the package for it is in /var/cache/apt/archives10:03
CorpseFeederIs installing Ubuntu onto a new intel imac as a dual boot with Mac OS X easy to do?10:03
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BlackSliverdemonspork, well, just a moment10:03
faceliftedwhat command should i type to determine if the input is an ip or not?10:03
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demonsporkBlackSliver, because I can't see any other option for a driver10:03
GNineperformance issue:  display freeze for a few seconds.  system is current on updates. any suggestions10:03
GNinealso experiencing a huge lag here ...10:03
loxHi guys. I installed libapache2-modxslt and restarted Apache, but my phpinfo() still doesn't mention XSLT. Could anyone help?10:03
Agent_bobsolid_liq i can copy it by hand  yes  will installing it help figure this out ?10:03
solid_liqAgent_bob: you can copy it over to 0.3 with scp or rsync, then use dpkg to install it10:04
qazibasit_oh man i am ruining my time just to figure out what is glib-config10:04
BlackSliverdemonspork, uhm.. hitting ctrl+alt+F? just pops up a black screen with a blinking "_"10:04
Menthholy cow i just managed to install cedega via cvs :o10:04
qazibasit_is there any way i can figure this thing out10:04
demonsporkalt ctrl F210:04
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Agent_bobi can mount an nfs share too,   give me a sec.10:05
BlackSliverdemonspork, brings me back to gnome10:05
demonsporktry F310:05
BlackSliverdemonspork, uhm.. hitting ctrl+alt+F? just pops up a black screen with a blinking "_", also for F3 ;)10:05
loxNevermind, got it to work by installing php5-xsl10:05
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BlackSliverdemonspork, logging off should stop x and bring me back10:06
solid_liqBlackSliver: ctrl-alt-F7 brings you back to your x server, the others are regular consoles10:06
Thurin1When you go into your monitors options and it says something about FV/FH - with their respective numbers, does that represent the monitors set Vertical and Horizontal rates, or is that simply the rates at which it is currently functioning at presently?10:06
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solid_liqBlackSliver: or do you want a login prompt from them?10:06
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demonsporkBlackSliver, it should be asking for a login on those screens that you were at10:06
eddiealso can anybody tell me if the persistence feature in Fiesty can be fixed for booting from USB flash drive?10:06
GNineperformance issue:  display freeze for a few seconds at x intervals.   system 7.04. updated. glx-new installed. any suggestions10:06
solid_liqBlackSliver: and don't have one10:06
solid_liqBlackSliver: can you get to a shell from within gnome?10:06
BlackSliverdemonspork, im running in save mode, theres no login10:07
demonsporksolid_liq, X cannot be running10:07
BlackSliverdemonspork, yes i can run a shell10:07
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demonsporkBlackSliver, you need a shell with no X running10:07
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solid_liqBlackSliver: then go to a shell, and as root, type:   /sbin/getty 38400 /dev/tty110:07
BlackSliverdemonspork, so.. im goint to just log off10:07
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kblinhow do I found out which deb installed a particular file on my system?10:08
solid_liqBlackSliver: do what I said and you'll have what you need10:08
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solid_liqBlackSliver: actually, add a & at the end10:08
BlackSliversolid_liq where?10:08
gcostellokblin: dpkg -S /path/to/file10:08
BlackSliversolid_liq what?10:08
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kblingcostello: thanks10:09
solid_liqBlackSliver: in a shell from within gnome, run:      /sbin/getty 38400 /dev/tty1       as root10:09
solid_liqBlackSliver: then when you hit ctrl-alt-F1 you should have a login console10:09
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BlackSliversolid_liq got it10:09
solid_liqBlackSliver: again, I forgot the &10:09
solid_liqBlackSliver: in a shell from within gnome, run:      /sbin/getty 38400 /dev/tty1 &      as root10:10
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solid_liqBlackSliver: there, that way10:10
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BlueXeroWhere are the Kopete chat logs kept?10:10
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solid_liqBlueXero: #kde is probably the best place to get that answer10:11
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BlackSliversolid_liq mom ...10:11
solid_liqBlackSliver: hmm?10:12
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BlackSliversolid_liq kk, worked ^^10:12
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BlackSliverdemonspork, so, what now?10:12
solid_liqBlackSliver: k, now from the console, to shut down your x server, yeah, he can take it from here :D10:12
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Agent_bobsolid_liq ?10:13
solid_liqAgent_bob: you get that?10:13
mikkiedude, does anyone know how to install Screenlets ?10:13
Agent_bobsolid_liq what do you want me to do with host now ?10:13
demonsporkrun "sudo sh nvidia-installer.run"10:13
demonsporkreplace nvidia-installer with the filename10:13
solid_liqAgent_bob: now it's a better way to check, see if your dns is working10:13
mikkieyour talking to me  demon ?10:13
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solid_liqAgent_bob: so try     host google.com     now10:13
demonsporkBlackSliver run "sudo sh nvidia-installer.run"10:13
demonsporkBlackSliver replace nvidia-installer with the filename10:14
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BlackSliverdemonspork, kill x first?10:14
Agent_bobhost google.com10:14
Agent_bobgoogle.com A record not found, try again10:14
demonsporkBlackSliver, yes10:14
mikkiedoes anyone know how to install Screenlets ?10:14
solid_liqAgent_bob: ok, now10:14
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Agent_bobinstalled iptables too10:14
solid_liqAgent_bob: try     host
BlackSliversudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop, right?10:14
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solid_liqAgent_bob: what does iptables -L   show?10:15
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demonsporkBlackSliver, yes10:15
Agent_bob192.168.0.1 PTR record not found, try again10:15
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solid_liqAgent_bob: cat /etc/resolv.conf    *please*10:15
equinxpi have a problem i want to install ubuntu 7.04 on my laptop with a ATI graphic card but the x-server dont start and i get in a command line, can i install it from there?10:15
BlackSliverdemonspork, blank line, nothing happens Oo10:15
Agent_bobsolid_liq i can't paste all that.10:15
solid_liqAgent_bob: pastbin it10:15
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Agent_bobsolid_liq i showed you resolv.conf10:15
BlackSliverdemonspork: reboot the system? ^^10:15
OffoffoffHello! Can anyone help me with my problem? After updating my Ubuntu box I found out that I cannot login into my system, system hangs, it is happened when login window appears.... Also when I enter into system and system hangs, and when I read log after that in save mode, I found out that some crap in logs (strange symbols, parts of packages description, some strange text).10:16
solid_liqAgent_bob: no you didn't, you showed me output of      route -n10:16
BlackSliverdemonspork: ill be in the safe mode console without x running10:16
Agent_bobcat: /etc/resolc.conf: No such file or directory10:16
demonsporkBlackSliver, when you reboot the system without recovery mode,so X crashes10:16
madgoathi I installed php on my ubuntu server, but the cli version does not have mysql enabled... even though I have php5-mysql installed, and it works fine for apache2. How do I enable it in the php5-cli?10:16
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demonsporkBlackSliver, that would be perfect10:16
Agent_bobi'll find the V in a minute  :)10:16
solid_liqAgent_bob: :D10:16
BlackSliverdemonspork: sec10:16
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BlackSliverdemonspork: reiserFS: file system is clean --> wow ^^10:17
demonsporkBlackSliver, just tell it to boot normally, only it will fail to load X and you will have you what need10:17
Agent_bobsolid_liq and ?    what now10:17
BlackSliverdemonspork: mom, rebooting again :-\10:17
demonsporkBlackSliver, in the future, I recommend Ext310:17
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solid_liqAgent_bob: try these instead:    nameserver
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solid_liqAgent_bob: and     nameserver
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BlackSliverdemonspork: reiser is faster, sicurity is not the point ^^10:18
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Agent_bobsolid_liq why ?10:18
BlackSliverdemonspork: not for me10:18
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BlackSliverdemonspork: not for this system10:18
solid_liqAgent_bob: those are the openDNS nameservers, they work for anyone for free, so they'll work no matter what if you can route to them10:18
Agent_bobsolid_liq is there something about the address that the nat can't handle ?10:18
solid_liqAgent_bob: it's a test10:18
demonsporkBlackSliver, eh, I like it because I can read and write to it from Windows10:19
BlackSliverdemonspork: thats a point ^10:19
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BlackSliverdemonspork: well.. using normal mode brings me to a total black screen10:19
BlackSliverdemonspork: rebooting after a while10:19
Agent_bobsolid_liq ok10:20
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BlackSliverdemonspork: or the monitor just turned off, dunno10:20
solid_liqAgent_bob: host google.com10:20
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Agent_bobgoogle.com A record not found, try again10:20
demonsporkBlackSliver, why is your computer making it so hard to do such a simple task10:20
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BlackSliverdemonspork: dunno ^^10:20
solid_liqBlackSliver: reiser filesystems have a tendancy to get corrupted10:20
solid_liqAgent_bob: so it still doesn't work...10:20
BlackSliverdemonspork: i know.. all "important" files are stored on fat32 :D10:21
demonsporksolid_liq, so does NTFS10:21
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solid_liqdemonspork: and fat3210:21
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snowglobehow do i increase the size of my home partition?10:21
=== solid_liq recommends ext3 or xfs
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Agent_bobsolid_liq that's right.10:21
=== demonspork concurs
BlackSliverlol.. ^^10:21
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BlackSliverdemonspork: whats bout my prob?10:22
solid_liqAgent_bob: hmmmmmmmmmmmmm10:22
qazibasit_need help10:22
BlackSliverdemonspork: i can boot without any probs into safe mode10:22
BlackSliverdemonspork: but not normal mode10:22
qazibasit_what is glib-config\10:22
solid_liqAgent_bob: and there's no firewall on 0.1 right?10:22
amilahow u i update ubundu 5.04 to 7.04 .. currently i'm using 5.04 and have cd's for 7.04 how do i updat this version10:22
demonsporkBlackSliver, do you get a command prompt?10:22
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BlackSliverdemonspork: normal mode: no10:22
BlackSliverdemonspork: safe mode: yes10:22
qazibasit_just put the cd in and it will ask u to install or upgrade10:22
qazibasit_go for the upgrade10:23
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amilanothing works10:23
qazibasit_coz i case of new install it will format ur partition10:23
demonsporkBlackSliver, try to install it in Recovery mode, although I don't think it will work because the runlevel is too low and the installer doesn't like it10:23
qazibasit_then individually upgrade all ur packages and kernel10:23
BlackSliverdemonspork: i can set the runlevel higher in sage mode ^^10:23
demonsporkBlackSliver, do it10:24
BlackSliverdemonspork: just a sec10:24
amilahow do i do that10:24
qazibasit_well i dont know much abt it i make backup of my files and then reinstall10:24
solid_liqAgent_bob: what's your internet gateway IP?10:24
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BlackSliverdemonspork: telinit 3 -> runlevel 310:24
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demonsporkthat should do it10:24
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BlackSliverdemonspork: logging in..10:25
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demonsporkBlackSliver, run the installer now10:25
Agent_bobsolid_liq you mean the ip that the isp issues ?10:25
demonsporkBlackSliver, what10:25
BlackSliveri get to gnome10:25
qazibasit_just copy ur home folder to any flash drive or portable drive and then del ur partitions and install ur linux again10:25
solid_liqAgent_bob: yeah, and the gateway10:25
BlackSliverdemonspork: i can log off10:25
qazibasit_its the easiest way10:25
BlackSliverdemonspork: will bring me back10:25
demonsporkBlackSliver, but that won't help because even the login screen is X10:25
solid_liqAgent_bob: so, ifconfig for the IP on 0.1, and route -n on 0.1 too10:25
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TheZankeis there a problem formatting a virtual partition in vmware player? i only get to 20% on fast NTFS and dont even get >0% on the non-fast format... Using an XPPro disc10:25
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Agent_bobi don't understand "and the gateway" ???10:26
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BlackSliverdemonspork: will ... interessting...10:26
decayHow do i auto-identify myself?10:26
Agent_bobdialup-* on the ip10:26
decayeverytime i log on irc10:26
BlackSliverdemonspork: ctrl+alt+F2 worked10:26
t4m1n0what does GNU letters mean?10:26
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qazibasit_GNU is a copyright thing10:26
solid_liqAgent_bob: the gateway is where the traffic passes through, it's on the ISP side in this case10:26
demonsporkBlackSliver, don't wait for something else to go wrong, just get that installer running and get X killed10:26
solid_liqAgent_bob: but for 0.3, 0.1 is acting as the gateway10:26
BlackSliverdemonspork: pressed ctrl+alt+F2 and got to console10:27
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demonsporkBlackSliver, "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" quickly10:27
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jetscreameryou can pass xvrefresh and xhrefresh and xmodule to the install cd10:27
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Agent_bobsolid_liq ok and what do you want now?    you know i'm just a little uneasy about posting my ip for a thousand peopel10:27
BlackSliverdemonspork: in setup10:28
demonsporkBlackSliver, wooohoooo!!!10:28
BlackSliverdemonspork: already driver installed10:28
BlackSliverdemonspork: same version10:28
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solid_liqAgent_bob: yeah, so just post the gateway IP for now, easy way:        route -n | grep UG10:28
BlackSliverdemonspork: is displayed10:28
solid_liqAgent_bob: do that on 0.110:28
demonsporkJust rewrite it10:28
demonsporkand have it redo your xorg.conf10:29
BlackSliverdemonspork: "existing driver will be uninsalled" -> yes10:29
solid_liqAgent_bob: and the gateway IP isn't your IP10:29
BlackSliverdemonspork: "no precompiled kernel"10:29
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Agent_bobthere is no UG10:29
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BlackSliverdemonspork: "get from nv.com?"10:29
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solid_liqon the 0.1 box?10:29
demonspork(it isn't there)10:29
demonsporknow it compiles it for itself10:29
Agent_bobthere is a UH10:29
Agent_bobnot a UG10:30
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equinxphow can i edit a file when i have trouble with the installation? im allready in the text menue and want du edit the xorg.conf10:30
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solid_liqAgent_bob: ok, try UH, it's been forever since I was on dialup10:30
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BlackSliverinstall 32bit compatiblity opengl libs?10:30
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BlackSliverreconfigure x?10:31
BlackSliver(setup is done)10:31
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BlackSliverwhats missing?10:32
demonsporkreboot is called for I believe10:32
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demonsporksudo reboot10:32
BlackSliversafe or normal?10:32
BlackSliveri know... -.-10:32
BlackSliverim not that noobish :D10:32
Agent_bobreboot ?   for what ?10:32
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BlackSlivernormal mode: same shit as before10:33
demonsporkfor life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness Agent_bob10:33
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BlackSlivernormal mode: same shit as before, screen gets black, g15 lcd lights up, thats it10:33
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tonyyarusso!ohmy | BlackSliver10:33
ubotuBlackSliver: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:33
demonsporkI am going to pastebin my xorg.conf10:34
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BlackSliveruhm.. in english? ^^10:34
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KJrohi there ... can someone tell me how to delete cups printer jobs that are shared via samba whit windows xp (from a debian server) ?10:36
BlackSliverwell.. at least my xbox has the ability to run dsl xD10:36
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BlackSliverwhy not my new pc? :(10:36
demonsporkcompare that to your xorg.conf10:36
BlackSliverjust a moment10:36
jscinozwhat port does ssh use by default? 23?10:37
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BlackSlivermodule section differs: bitmap, ddc, extmod, freetype, glx, int10, vbe is mine10:39
jscinozhey guys, i need to ssh to my home PC from school, they use a proxy at, however if i try to ssh through this proxy it mentions something about non-standard SSL port. what can i do?10:39
BlackSliveru have i2c too10:39
BlackSliverive got no section "serverflags"10:40
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BlackSliverother sync rates, other resolutions10:41
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BlackSliverother device10:41
demonsporkBlackSliver, do you think you could figure out how to pastebin your xorg.conf?10:41
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BlackSliverthink so10:42
alienseer23i was wondering if anyone could help me with a quick bios update question?10:42
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alienseer23http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/Tech/libsmbios  following this10:42
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:42
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am2Uhi guys. i am on windows right now and i have a ubuntu DVD (live DVD) . i wanted to make a CD from that DVD. So my friend can install Ubunu. He has on a CD ROM10:43
BlackSliverwhat kind of formatting?10:43
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am2Uhow do i make a ubuntu install disk from windows ?10:44
alienseer23in the section for debian/ubuntu, at the "update your bios" step, if I dowloaded the file to home dir, will I need to change the command at all?10:44
am2Uif i use Nero ( make boot disk ) then it install Dr- DOS10:44
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demonsporkBlackSliver, jsut paste10:44
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alienseer23am2u, just download the cd image?10:45
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coolwonderHI, is vmware free of charge?10:45
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am2Uwell i have all the files on the DVD alienseer2310:45
intelikeysolid_liq ???10:45
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am2Uwhy should i redownload all of the files ?10:45
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am2Ui simply wish to make a Boot Disk from windows10:45
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am2Uwill burning  a disk with ISOLINUX in under root directory help ?10:46
alienseer23am2u, it seems it would be easier to just download the cd image from ubuntu and burn than, then convert10:46
coolwonderHI, is vmware free of charge?10:46
coolwonderHI, is vmware free of charge?10:46
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BlackSliverdemonspork, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35354/10:47
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nbkrcoolwonder, The VMWare Server is free of charge.10:47
intelikeycan anyone tell me how to make this box work as a gateway for one nic card but use the other nic card as the gateway   ?10:47
coolwondernbkr, then the VMware server is the same function as virtual box?10:47
nbkrcoolwonder, more or less10:47
alienseer23I have a question regarding the information here http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/Tech/libsmbios if anyone could help, please10:48
coolwonderbut i can only find vmware player on the website, where can i download the vmware server10:48
intelikeyok so that is confusing.   howto make eth0 the gateway for traffic on eth1  and localhost ?10:48
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slapfacewareanyone from greece10:48
teKnofreakcoolwonder, check the vmware web site and get the server from there10:48
BlackSliverdemonspork, damn.. had to change the conf to get into -.-10:48
nbkrintelikey, are you trying to do a kind of network sharing?10:48
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coolwonderok, i'll have a try10:49
intelikeynbkr yes10:49
BlackSliverdemonspork, driver "versa" is the only change, i think10:49
intelikeyBlackSliver "vesa"10:49
coolwonderVMware Server 1.0.3, is it?10:49
nbkrintelikey, Routing is disabled on ubuntu by default. To activate it do: echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward10:50
demonsporkBlackSliver, did you tell The nvidia installer to remake the xorg.conf?10:50
intelikeynbkr already edited /etc/sysctl.conf10:50
BlackSliverdemonspork, y, its because i needed to get into gnome to paste the file10:50
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intelikeysolid_liq welcome back10:50
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solid_liqintelikey: heh10:50
BlackSliverdemonspork, well.. clicked not to save.. but it got saved -.-10:51
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nbkrintelikey, so what does cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward produce? And did you reconfigure the clients so that they use the new router?10:51
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CorpseFeederIs installing Ubuntu onto a new intel imac as a dual boot with Mac OS X easy to do?10:51
demonsporkBlackSliver, so do you still have the file that was made by Nvidia X-config?10:51
BlackSliverdemonspork, uhm.. mom10:52
intelikeynbkr exactly what it should.10:52
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intelikeya one10:52
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nbkrAre the routes added correctly? (route -n)10:52
BlackSliverdemonspork, the appendix is a timestamp?10:52
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intelikeynbkr i have no idea what they should be10:53
kelehi,all,are there some one use xubuntu,and dsn auto change every restart10:53
alienseer23nevermind (duh) solved10:53
BlackSliver20070828104446 is the latest one10:53
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nbkrintelikey, can you draw a diagramm of your network and post it somewhere?10:53
demonsporkBlackSliver, do you have one that says at the beginning "nvidia-xconfig"10:54
kelehi,all,are there some one use xubuntu,and dns auto change every restart10:54
demonsporkBlackSliver, the first line in the file10:54
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BlackSliverthis is the latest back up10:54
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demonsporkBlackSliver, you need to run "nvidia-xconfig" right now and see if it will right a good xorg.conf for you, because the installer somehow never made you a new xorg.conf10:55
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intelikeynbkr t='192.168.'   0.1 has dialup modem  0.3 has also 1.3 with crossover cable and 1.2 on the other end of that.   between 0.1 and 0.3 is a switch with two other boxes on it.   i'm talking to you from 0.3  through 0.1 as a gateway.  but 1.2 can't get out...10:56
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BlackSliverdemonspork, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35354/10:58
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BlackSliverdemonspork, looks bugged :(10:59
BlackSliverdemonspork, all the fonts are missing?!10:59
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nbkrintelikey, so 0.1 is the gatway to the "outside" world. This maschine needs a route, so that it knows that 192.168.1.* is behind
nbkror you do a NAT on 0.311:00
demonsporkBlackSliver, have you tried to use that xorg.conf yet?11:00
zezomdoes any one know how to enable tv out for a nvidia geforce 2 card?11:00
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BlackSliverdemonspork, ano11:00
BlackSliverdemonspork, no11:00
BlackSliverdemonspork, just a moment11:00
intelikeynbkr sorry i'm network illiterate11:00
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BlauhautAnkaradan olan varm ?11:01
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nbkrintelikey, run the command "route -n" on the 0.1 Maschine and paste the result to pastebin.11:01
BlackSliverdemonspork, normal mode: same thing as before11:01
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BlackSliverdemonspork, lets see whats with safe mode11:02
nbkrintelikey, do the same on 0.3 maschine.11:02
leriocan somebody pls tell me where to find an im messenger that supports webcam for my ubuntu feisty11:02
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farbeyonddrivenhello, anyone here know how i could update a package, i tryed this but it won't work: sudo apt-get update kernel11:03
BlackSliverdemonspork, cant start x11:03
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roachmmflhyrim having some compiling problems here with vnc-4_1_1-unixsrc.tar.gz on Feisty Fawn Im getting these errors after i issue a make.....can someone check out my pastebin  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35358/11:03
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BlackSliver(WW) no matching device section for instance (BusID PCI:10:0:0) found11:03
nbkrfarbeyonddriven, the name of the kernel-package is linux-image....11:03
demonsporkzezom, hit Alt+F2, then check the box that says "run in terminal" and then type "nvidia-settings"11:03
domshow do i disable changing desktop background11:04
taffy-nayNot too long ago I found a digg article about an experimental way to load the linux kernal as a windows module but I can tfor the life of me remember the url or the name of the project....does anyone know about this???11:04
farbeyonddrivenso sudo apt-get update linux-image?11:04
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intelikeynbkr pm11:04
BlackSliverError: API mismatch: the nvidia kernel module has the version 1.0-7184m but this X module has the version 1.0-9746.11:04
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BlackSliverPlease make sure that the kernel and all nvidia driver components have the same ersion11:05
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BlackSliver(EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to init the NVIDIA kernel module!11:05
demonsporkBlackSliver, which packages are still installed that have the name Nvidia11:05
demonsporkI think I might know the problem11:06
domshow do i disable changing desktop background11:06
domshow do i disable changing desktop background11:06
demonspork!patience | doms11:06
ubotudoms: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:06
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defryskBlackSliver, did you install 2 versions of nvidia ?11:07
BlackSliverdefrysk: the restricted driver11:07
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defryskBlackSliver, did you use envy or something ?11:07
BlackSliverdefrysk: whats that?11:08
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defryskBlackSliver, doe you have a new or "old" nvidia-card ?11:08
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BlackSliverdefrysk: 8800 gts11:09
defryskBlackSliver, not sure if thats old or not ?11:09
demonsporkdefrysk, new, the nvidia package drivers in the Ubuntu repository don't work with that card (I have the same one)11:09
BlackSliverdemonspork, nvidia-kernel-common, restricted-manager, xserver-xorg-video-nv11:09
defryskah I see11:09
BlackSliverdefrysk: one of the newest ones ;)11:09
SISI can't gt my cd-rom to work....says "mount: special device /dev/cdrom does not exist"11:09
defryskBlackSliver, I am not allowed to say this but ....11:10
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BlackSliverdefrysk: continue ^^11:10
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BlackSliveranyone any idea but installing ubuntu x86?11:11
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demonspork:( sadly, no11:12
defryskBlackSliver, got that ?11:12
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roachmmflhyrim having some compiling problems here with vnc-4_1_1-unixsrc.tar.gz on Feisty Fawn Im getting these errors after i issue a make i am compiling with g++ 4.1.1 .....can someone check out my pastebin  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35358/11:12
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BlackSliverdefrysk: got what?11:13
BlackSliverdemonspork, damnit11:13
defryskBlackSliver, the private messagers11:13
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demonsporkroachmmflhyr, there is a vnc server available through the ubuntu repositories11:14
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demonsporkroachmmflhyr, tightvncserver11:14
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roachmmflhyryes i know i dont want that one11:14
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bz0bhey does anyone here have a dell inspiron 1420?11:15
bz0bis there a dell support channel?11:15
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bz0banyone here11:16
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QwentyHi folks!11:16
nbkrbz0b, What's the problem with your inspiron?11:17
bz0bnbkr: well i am attempting to follow specker's tutorial on how to do a fresh install with an inspiron 1420 but i always get stuck when he says install dpkg -i xserver-xorg-intel i get an error saying the libc6 and xserver-xorg-core are too old and i already removed the xserver-xorg-i81011:18
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demonsporksee ya later11:18
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RioMercHello everyone, I'm having a slight problem with ubuntu on my Notebook11:18
benk_ppl: does someone know what to do when there is no splash screen while booting and shutting down?11:18
nbkrbz0b, You try to install ubuntu on the system? Why not use the CD?11:18
RioMercI was wondering if you guys could help11:19
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bz0bnbkr: yes11:19
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benk_re-send: does someone know what to do when there is no splash screen while booting and shutting down?11:19
nbkrbz0b, Pardon?11:19
RioMercAnyway, I'll just ask :P11:20
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nbkrbenk_, Is there a "splash" option set in the /boot/grub/menu.lst11:20
bz0bnbkr: yes i did11:20
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bz0bnbkr: i did use the cd to install ubuntu11:20
bz0bnow it doesn't cognize my cdrom11:20
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RioMercAnyways, I'm trying to copy some files to /etc/ppp so I connect a modem, but ppp belongs to root so I can't modify it. Is there a way to change the owner to myself, or at least copy files via the terminal (Through sudo)11:20
benk_nbkr: yes11:21
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benk_nbkr: "# defoptions=quiet splash"11:21
BlackSliverdefrysk, nice nice ^^11:21
nbkrbz0b, Ok, than I don't get what you wanted to do afterwards.11:21
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intelikeysame thing it says without --numeric  except it tells the world where to try to crack my server...11:21
BlackSliverdefrysk, lets see11:21
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bz0bnbkr: could you go on the ubuntu forums under dell ubuntu support and see what fix was for the cdrom is was something about adding piix in some file i forgot which one11:21
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nbkrbenk_, And is it also at the end of the "kernel" line?11:22
tjedihallo! how can i erase/format a dvd-rw under feisty ?11:22
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RioMercOh, and it's Feisty fawn Ubuntu :P11:22
bz0bnbkr: the person to search for was specker and the post was colled HOWTO: Fresh install fiesty on 142011:22
benk_nbkr: yes ("/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20-16-generic root=... ro quiet splash")11:22
warblerRioMerc: type man chown in a terminal11:22
mwh_Hello, I have a simple question on installing ubuntu-server ... during the setup the installer halts ...  writing: Initializing gfx code... then static memory: 0x40020 - .... etc ... and some mallocs ... 0, 1, 2, 3 ...  then it just halts ... anyone know what might be the case?11:23
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BlackSliverits not working :(11:23
dthaiplease some one help me config my server11:23
J-_Is there a repository I can enable that will give me the latest/greatest xmms2 for Feisty fawn?11:23
JoeSoaprun the memory test11:23
benk_nbkr: it is a fresh install and has never worked. The display is in 720x400@70 Hz mode11:23
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KalleDK!wireless > KalleDK11:23
benk_nbkr: while booting, that is. X works fine.11:24
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs11:24
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dthaiI have problem with 2 NIC card in my server11:24
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dthaican someone chat with me ?11:24
przemek_plx pl help polend help11:24
BlackSliverhopefully the x86 disc will do it11:24
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ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl11:25
nbkrbenk_, Than I have to say I'm sorry, but I can't help you.11:25
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benk_nbkr: thanks anyway11:25
warblerdthai: #ubuntu-server11:25
benk_re-send: does someone know what to do when there is no splash screen while booting and shutting down?11:25
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ubotuTo change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.11:26
dthaiI have one ADSL router connect to the first NIC in my server11:26
GuHHH-splash on boot i guess11:26
taffy-nayNot too long ago I found a digg article about an experimental way to load the linux kernal as a windows module but I can tfor the life of me remember the url or the name of the project....does anyone know about this???11:26
dthaithe second NIC connect to my switch11:26
dthaihow can I configure them to regconize each other ?11:26
kasinaI'm trying to setup iFolder server on Ubuntu 7.04 but I keep bumping into issues. Please anyone who has an idea how to go about it, please assist11:26
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benk_GuHHH: it is a fresh install, X works fine, just while booting or shutting down there is no splash screen and the characters come out very big when I switch to TTY.11:27
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tjedihallo! how can i erase/format a dvd-rw under feisty - it doesn't work in nautilus for me ...11:27
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VSpikegot a dir with about 5000 files in it ... i just tried "shred --remove *" and it said "argument list too long".  What's the easiest way around this/11:28
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roachmmflhyrdemonspork: could you look at my terminal output when i issue make http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35358/11:29
RioMercHmm, I didn't figure out how to use chown :|11:29
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RioMercAnyway: Repost time11:29
RioMercAnyways, I'm trying to copy some files to /etc/ppp so I connect a modem, but ppp belongs to root so I can't modify it. Is there a way to change the owner to myself, or at least copy files via the terminal (Through sudo)11:29
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VSpikeRioMerc: sudo cp blah /etc/ppp11:30
GuHHHits an example11:30
RioMercWell yeah, but what does blah signify11:30
VSpikeRioMerc:  blah being the placeholder for the file(s) you want to copy :)11:30
warblertjedi: gnomebaker from synaptic11:30
GuHHHblah = the files u want to copy11:30
RioMercMuch appreciated, gents11:31
defryskblah = foo11:31
VSpikeRioMerc: you know how to use wildcards?11:31
dag_hello guys :)11:31
dag_i have some photos i've taken i like to show :) anyone interrested? i've got them on the webby!11:31
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defryskdag_, nope11:31
dag_oh :p11:32
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RioMercNo, VSpike11:32
RioMercI'm still a newbie to the terminal :P11:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about harsh - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:32
defryskdag_, tru #ubuntu-offtopic11:32
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KalleDKHey :) I'm trying to make my Netgear Wireless card to work.. And it should be supported by 7.04 (server edition) though I can't get it to work. Looks like its missing the driver / firmware (newb :D)11:32
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RioMercBut anyways, thanks a ton guys, I'm not going to tear out as much hair as I at first thought11:32
RioMercPeace out11:32
VSpikeRioMerc: they are pretty useful, and work with most commands... * represents any sequence of characters, ? represents a single character...11:32
Po0kyis clamav included on the initial iso?11:32
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tjedi<warbler>: ahh - it works, thank you ...11:33
warblerRioMerc: where is the file - /usr/...?11:33
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zezomis there a ssh server on ubuntu? I can't find it11:33
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taffy-nayzezom: OpenSSH11:34
KalleDKzezom: sudo apt-get install openssh-server11:34
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Bajohi, someone sent me here for this problem. Every time I try mount a ntfs partition, the computer freezes... I can use other programs for a couple of minutes, then nothing works anymore... No one seems to be able to tell what the problem is :(11:34
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KalleDKDoes the server edition of feisty come with NetworkManager ???11:35
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J-_What glib package do I install for xmms2?11:35
warblerBajo: how are you trying to mnt it?11:35
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BlackSliverdemonspork, formatting and installing ^^11:35
Bajowarbler, mount -t ntfs /dev/hda5 /mnt/win11:36
intelikeytraceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets11:36
intelikey 1  * * *11:36
dthaihow can I detect my Ubuntu server version ?11:36
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intelikeyone more timeroot@0[root] # ip route show11:36
intelikey192.168.1.0/24 dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src
intelikeydefault via dev eth011:36
dthaihow can I detect my Ubuntu server version ?11:36
dthaihow can I detect my Ubuntu server version ?11:36
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warblerBajo: is it in fstab - as what?11:37
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Bajowarbler, it's not in fstab... I don't want it to freeze my pc at startup :)11:38
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dthaihow can I detect my Ubuntu server version ?11:38
intelikeydthai server ?   which server ?11:39
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GuHHHdthai: u mean kernel or what?11:39
dthaiUbuntu Server, I set up but now I fotgot it version11:40
warblerBajo: to mnt a device it must be in fstab11:40
dthaiI mean Ubuntu 6.06, or 6.10 ....11:40
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions11:40
intelikeylsb_release -a11:40
dthaithank you11:40
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Bajowarbler, ok, I've tried with fstab, same problem11:40
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Bajono error messages, nothing11:41
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Bajomount seems to overload the system11:41
BajoI can't even kill it11:41
warblerBajo: fstab is a file. It will tell you how ubuntu recognises the partition. That is what you need to mnt it11:41
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Bajowarbler, I've tried putting it in fstab11:42
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hashfreakhow to join german channel ?11:43
warblerBalo: did you install windows after ubuntu?11:43
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Black_Cathashfreak: try #ubuntu-de11:43
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Bajowarbler, nope11:43
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warblerBajo: then there should already be an entry in fstab for windows - try mtab11:44
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drhumanisthi ppl11:44
drhumanistcan i ask a question?11:45
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nbkrdrhumanist, you already did - try another one :-)11:45
Bajowarbler, I actually don't use ubuntu, someone sent me here anyway... I use debian, but people in debian channel and in linux channel sent me here, I don't know exactly why11:45
drhumanist:) ok thanks11:45
KalleDKDoes any have a clue of what this "acx: firmware image 'acx/' was not provided." means11:45
prabsguys does compiling the kernel take an awful long time or is it just me?11:45
nbkrprabs, yes it does.11:46
VSpikelast time I did it, yes11:46
zirodayprabs: yes11:46
warblerBajo: ubuntu is debian based - should work the same11:46
drhumanistwell i installed ubuntu 7.04 onto my Toshiba A-100 599 notebook and enabled Nvidia drivers. Updated my Ubuntu too.11:46
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capiirahmmm hi anyone know a good gtk based cd catalog software?11:46
Thurin1Is anyone here good with Monitors?11:46
prabshow long for a centrino machine with 513 mb ram? :(11:46
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BlackSliverdefrysk, are you still here?11:46
Bajowarbler, in addition, I'm using a self-compiled kernel11:46
prabs512 even :P11:46
nbkrprabs, hours11:46
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drhumanistbut i cannot change my resolution to native 1200x800... it is stuck in 1024x76811:46
prabsbloody hell11:47
drhumanistwhat should i do?11:47
capiiraThurin1, how so ? in build them ? :)11:47
warblerBajo: if the windows install was there when you installed debian then there will be a listing for it11:47
Thurin1When I put on the display of my monitor and it says something like FV 59hz and FH 58hz - does that represent my monitors capabilities, or the current use?11:47
dthaiADSL router <----> Ubuntu Server <----------> Switch : This is my network, I add 2 NIC cards to my Ubuntu server, but I can't config my local PC to connect to Internet11:47
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Bajowarbler, there isn't11:47
nbkrprabs, took me 3 - 4 hours on my Athlon 2400+ 512 MB ram Notebook.11:47
drhumanistany comments? :)11:48
Thurin1Because I cannot seem to find the H/V refresh/sync for a TTX 1770...11:48
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nbkrdrhumanist, Have a look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf - does it stat 1200x800 somewhere in there?11:48
drhumanisti did... no there is no 1200x80011:48
prabsnbkr: no way!! and after recompiling would i need to set everything up again or my setting would still remain intact?11:48
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warblerBajo: then your debian doesn't know it's there - freezes looking for it11:48
capiiraThurin1, what graphic card do you have?11:49
dthaiADSL router( <---->( Ubuntu Server (<----------> Switch : This is my network, I add 2 NIC cards to my Ubuntu server, but I can't config my local PC to connect to Internet. I can ping to and, but can't ping to
Bajowarbler, I see... what to do then?11:49
Black_Catdrhumanist: did you try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?11:49
drhumanistbut there are millions of lines where i should insert "1200x800"11:49
Thurin1On this machine? a Radeon 700011:49
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alli427hi !11:49
drhumanistblackcat: no11:49
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drhumanistblackcat: i am new to the terminal i am afraid :)11:49
Black_Catdrhumanist: in thet case i would recommend you to11:49
warblerBajo: linux gives a unique identifier to each partition - you will need this to mnt your windows11:49
nbkrprabs, You don't have to reinstall the desktop and applications after recompiling the kernel. But you should keep the old kernel just in case the new one doesn't work.11:50
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larson9999here's something that's been bothering me for a while.  i use the smaller, main menu, rather than the default big menu thing.  the issue is there is a consider lag the first time it's clicked.  but the same lag doesn't exist with the default menu thing.  anyone know what's the difference?11:50
Thurin1I know that the monitor can handle 85hz, and of course so can my card.. but I am not sure what the H/V is... so I was wondering if when you display the monitor options if the FV/FH is your monitors capability, or what it is currently doing..11:50
Black_Catdon't worry, it's not really a terminal interfaced operation, quite a user-friendly one11:50
dthaiADSL router( <---->( Ubuntu Server (<----------> Switch : This is my network, I add 2 NIC cards to my Ubuntu server, but I can't config my local PC to connect to Internet. I can ping to and, but can't ping to Please Help Me11:50
alli427i have a question about automounting an external disk with ntfs3g11:50
prabsnbkr: phew :)11:50
alli427could someone help me please ?11:50
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Bajowarbler, like /dev/hda5 ?11:50
drhumanistblackcat: What should i do exactly to run it? :)11:50
capiiraThurin1,  usually its what your using11:51
warblerBajo: no like this UUID=013b13c8-9aa8-4c09-bf10-b3224ac17b8611:51
nbkrdrhumanist, search for the screen section.11:51
drhumanistnbkr: yes and?..11:51
Bajowarbler, ok... I'm quite lost now :)11:51
Black_Catdrhumanist: type in terminal as follows: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:51
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dthaihow can I restart my network ?11:51
Thurin1hrmm ok11:51
roachmmflhyrcan someone help me with this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35360/ i cant make vnc-4_1_1-unixsrc.tar.gz will g++ 4.1.1 for feisty fawn11:51
Black_Catdrhumanist: enter your password and answer the questions11:51
Thurin1This 60hz is killing my eyes, but I suppose I will deal with it until I call the company and get the info, instead of breaking the monitor :P11:51
nbkrdrhumanist, there should be a subsection "Display"11:51
warblerBajo: why a self compiled kernal?11:52
drhumanistblackcat: yes i am trying11:52
drhumanistnbkr: yes i found "display"11:52
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capiiraif you know it can handle 85hz then set it up11:52
nbkrdrhumanist, And in there there should be line "mode 1200x800" if not than the X server doesn't know about 1200x80011:52
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capiirayou should find the info in the manuals11:52
Bajowarbler, because I wanted it :) I've always sped up my pcs recompiling the kernel11:53
capiirausually there is a table showing what resolutions are supported11:53
Thurin1capiira, I know it can do 85.. yes, but I have no clue about the proper H/V syncs, if you put the wrong one - bye bye monitor.11:53
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Thurin1And I do not have the manual, nor do they on their site :| - 60 hz's for now, I will call them I suppose.11:54
capiiraThurin1, just let ati handle it11:54
Thurin1capiira, What do you mean?11:54
Thurin1No... you cant11:54
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capiiralet me see11:54
Thurin1The ATI driver does not work with the Radeon 7000, you need to set it up manually.11:54
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warblerBajo: "self compiled kernal" is probably why the debian people sent you here - what's in it???11:54
capiiraahh ok11:54
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warblerBajo: can you pastebin your fstab file?11:55
drhumanistnbkr: i am trying xwindows now... will let you know about the result :)11:55
JediMasterhey guys, I'm having problems reconnecting a dropped nfs mount that was working fine for a month, but has just stopped, if I try and mount it (it's in the fstab, and also tried manually) then it just sits there, 20 min later the prompt still hasn't returned. I can't think of any changes on either end that would cause it11:55
Bajowarbler, mmmmh... maybe I've expressed myself badly...11:56
Bajowarbler ok11:56
JediMastermount -v only says that it's assuming nfs due to the colon, no other output (still)11:56
nbkrdrhumanist, what is xwindows?11:56
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JediMasteractually, it's just said: mount to NFS server '' failed: server is down.... RPC Error: 12 (Remote system error), system error: 110 (connection timed out).11:57
Bajowarbler, http://pastebin.com/d35cea6ba11:57
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drhumanistnbkr: well xserver whatever :)11:58
drhumanistbut it didn't work11:58
JediMasterI've restarted portmap and nfs-kernel-server on the remote machine. Any ideas?11:58
nbkrdrhumanist, Xorg is the xserver!11:58
drhumanistyes yes i run the application..... but didn't work11:59
drhumanisti think i have to edit that .conf file manually?11:59
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Black_Catdrhumanist: you gotta use ctrl-alt-backspace to apply settings i think11:59
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ruben_Hello, I am using ssh with socket feature to do not reautentificate again if I have a socket,  but I can only to do max 10 connections, any idea?12:00
nbkrIf you have a graphical interface - you are already running the xserver! The xserver is not a configuration system, but the main component for graphical interface on linux12:00
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eXp`iRc|6 Un saluto a tutto il canale! 12:00
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:00
javierhola a todos12:00
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Black_CateXp`iRc|6: ^^^12:01
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drhumanistblackcat: i did!12:01
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drhumanistit did not work12:01
warblerBajo: that UUID that I showed you earlier was from the mandriva partition on my box - you have no UUID's for anything .. hmmm12:01
drhumaniststill no 1200x80012:01
Black_Catdrhumanist: are you sure your graphic card supports that resolution?12:01
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Black_Catperhaps you just need a proper videodriver12:02
drhumanistyes indeed: i have nvidia 7600 working perfectly under Vista :)12:02
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Black_Catand did you install nvidia drivers?12:02
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drhumanistyes i di12:02
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JediMasterdrhumanist: isn't the resolution 1280 x 800?12:02
drhumanistjedi: nope12:02
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nbkrintelikey, Still here?12:03
taffy-nay_can anybody at all answer my question?12:03
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JediMasterodd, happened to setup ubuntu on a geforce card yesterday with a widescreen monitor on 1280x800 =)12:03
Black_Catdrhumanist: 1280x800 aint there too?12:03
javierel programa office org de base de datos no funciona bien en la confeccin de formularios. Me pueden ayudar12:03
nbkrTaffaz, What was your question.12:03
drhumanistnbkr: shall i alter the .conf file manually? if yes how can i enable root previleges to manage that?12:03
Black_Catjavier: espanol --> #ubuntu-es12:04
drhumanistblackcat: no, not even in the list12:04
Taffazi never asked one12:04
Black_Catdrhumanist: what is the highest option then?12:04
taffy-nay_I found an article about an experimental way to load the linux kernal as a windows module but I can tfor the life of me remember the url or the name of the project..does anyone know about this12:04
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nbkrdrhumanist, sudo starts an application as root.12:04
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drhumanistblackcat: 1024x768 which i am using now12:05
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nbkrsudo your_favorite_console_texteditor /etc/X11/xorg.conf - will let you edit the file. Of course you have to replace the your_favorite_console_texteditor with something appropriate.12:05
JediMastertaffy-nay_ I've heard of it, but can't remember where from, sounds scary =)12:05
drhumanistnbkr: ok thanks12:05
drhumanistlike gedit?12:05
Bajowarbler, is it a hopeless case?12:05
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Black_Catgedit ain't really a console texteditor, but it could be used too :)12:06
nbkrdrhumanist, gedit isn't a console texteditor - it only runs if you have a GUI running.12:06
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drhumanisti have gui12:07
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noccyHi, i'm trying to get my Ricoh SD/MMC card reader to work12:07
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warblerBajo: my guess is that you missed the part of the kernal that recognises different partitions??- maybe there is something to add?12:07
noccykinda stuck on that tho :o12:07
JediMasterdrhumanist: but if you break you're gui editing the config file you wont for long ;-)12:07
drhumanistbtw i typed sudo gedit /etc/x11/xorg.conf and it returned a blank page!12:07
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defryskdrhumanist, its X11 not x1112:07
drhumanistjedi: how funny :P12:07
Bajowarbler, ok, that's a possibility... How can I check that? I have menuconfig open right now12:07
taffy-nay_JediMaster: I can't even get a definitive answer from any kernel devs :S:S12:08
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Black_Catdrhumanist: it's case-sensitive12:08
warblerBajo: doing more reading - one minute12:08
drhumanistdefrysk: ah OK OK thx12:08
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constrictordoes anyone know how to restart alsa?12:08
JediMastertaffy-nay_: shame, would love to see it in action, let me know if you find it12:08
defryskdrhumanist, use <tab> button for autocompletion per folder12:08
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aogarahy, I have a pb with ubuntu dapper, i misconfigured my user righst and cant acces back to the user / group management app12:08
aogarais ther someone that knows the command to lanch it ?12:09
taffy-nay_JediMaster: I have been looking for 3 days...not even Google is helping me...i'm starting to thin it may be a lost cause:-(12:09
JediMasteranyone any good with NFS issues here?12:09
aogaraI could use cmd lines but i'm not very familiar with12:09
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chuy_maxaogara chmod maybe12:10
CroXHow do I check what process occupies a port of mine again?12:10
jpwoods_7hi can someone help me with my network really quick12:10
aogaracmod yes and the man12:10
drhumanisti added 1200x800 lines into the .conf file....12:10
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drhumanistnow shall i restart or what?12:10
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jpwoods_7it is NOT wireless yet its acting like it12:10
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chuy_max<CroX> netstat -tap ?12:11
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jpwoods_7the dhcp wont identify my ip address12:11
CroXchuy_max: I'll try that12:11
JediMasterdrhumanist: save anything you have open and ctrl-alt-backspace12:11
aogarachmod* .. but it will take me more time to reconfigure this way than if i reuse the usr/grp admin  pannel :\12:11
drhumanistjedi: ok i am on it :)12:11
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jpwoods_7and on top of that my router wont even recognize it being plugged in12:11
jpwoods_7ummm i can add that i just did a fresh install of ubuntu so it should work12:12
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jpwoods_7but i dunno why its not working12:12
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grndslmhello all... i'm trying to play a 1080p movie encoded with vc-1 codec, and i know that this quad core machine & 8500GT are both powerful enough to decode the video, but i'm not having any luck... any suggestions??12:12
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jpwoods_7what have you used to play it12:13
jpwoods_7or "tried" to use12:13
grndslmtotem-xine & mplayer12:13
drhumanistguys! i did.... still no 1200x800 :(12:13
jpwoods_7I C12:13
jpwoods_7go get VLC12:13
jpwoods_7sudo apt-get install vlc12:13
grndslmhmm... i'll try it12:13
jpwoods_7^^ in terminal12:13
jpwoods_7its teh best12:13
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jpwoods_7it will hard play an .iso12:14
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chuy_max!codecs | <grndslm>12:14
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sphear1how do I just upgrade open office?12:14
chuy_max!codecs | grndslm12:14
ubotugrndslm: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:14
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sphear1I do apt-get upgrade open-office.....12:14
chuy_max<sphear1> apt-get upgrade, or use synaptic12:14
[N] ickhi12:14
warblerBajo: no luck yet - trying to google an answer...12:14
drhumanisthi there :)12:15
gvsa123chuy_max: doesn't it take time for the upgrade to appear in synaptic?12:15
[N] ick^^12:15
jpwoods_7so can anyone help me with my network problem12:15
sphear1chuy_max: that does everything12:15
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noccyokay, "sudo modprobe tifm_7xx1" tells me "insmod /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/kernel/drivers/misc/tifm_7xx1.ko", however, my sd-card reader is still nowhere to be found12:15
taffy-nay_JediMaster: OMG, i JUST found it.... http://www.colinux.org/?section=home12:15
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noccyfeel free to join in on my googling-festival here if you have got any idea :P12:16
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noccyor you could just start speaking polish, that's handy :P12:16
jpwoods_7DHCP wont recognize my ip address in a "wired" network12:16
jpwoods_7no its NOT wireless12:16
Bajowarbler, thanks for your patience12:16
jpwoods_7can someone pls help?12:16
chuy_max<gvsa123> no, you just select the package and mark it for upgrade, at least it worked on debian, I try to use GUI apps the less I can12:16
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nbkrjpwoods_7, What you mean with "recognise"? Normaly you get an ip from the dhcp.12:17
warblerBajo: see if this can steer you right - http://www.linuxheadquarters.com/howto/tuning/kernelconfig.shtml12:17
jpwoods_7i do12:17
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jpwoods_7but this time for some reason it just wont recognize the ip..12:17
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Bajowarbler ok12:17
noccy[1609690.556000]  pccard: PCMCIA card inserted into slot 012:17
noccy[1609690.556000]  pcmcia: registering new device pcmcia0.012:17
jpwoods_7it wont even recognize the ethernet12:17
RioMercHello again y'alls12:17
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chuy_maxjpwoods_7, and how it is not recognized?, did you use ifconfig?12:17
drhumanisthey ppl!  :)12:18
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jpwoods_7im on a different computer atm12:18
jpwoods_7yes i did12:18
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drhumanistanybody there... still cannot change the resolution....12:18
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RioMercI'm wondering if you can change the contents of a text file via the terminal + SUDO, since the file I'm trying to mod is Root Owned12:18
jpwoods_7and i tried sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart12:18
kaushal_find . -name '*.tmp' -ctime +30 -print -exec rm {} \;12:18
grndslmjpwoods_7:  have you actually decoded 1080p VC-1 before??12:18
kaushal_I want to remove files only for the month of Apr12:18
nbkrjpwoods_7, So the problem is that the maschine sometimes doesn't get an address?12:18
jpwoods_7drhumanist enable your restricted manager12:19
kaushal_how can i do it12:19
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jpwoods_7no grndslm12:19
gvsa123chuy_max: but the upgrades don't show up as automatic right? OOo 2.2.1 is out and i have it on XP, but the one ubuntu is still on 2.212:19
drhumanistjpwoods: i did12:19
grndslmbecause no player will actually play this gosh dang movie!!12:19
jpwoods_7what is the exact format?12:19
grndslmand a quad core should definitely cut it.... hard drive spin is my limiting factor anyway...12:19
nbkrdrhumanist, can you post you xorg.conf somewhere?12:19
grndslmVC-1 codec12:19
grndslmcame from a HD-DVD12:19
jpwoods_7so movie.VC-1 codec12:20
drhumanistnbkr: ok..... shall i post from here?12:20
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raf256what email client (GUI) is good for mass sending emails?12:20
chuy_max<gvsa123> ubuntu doesn't package the newest apps usually, you have to wait until some developer decides to use the newest package, this is sometimes convenient12:20
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jpwoods_7thats for HD12:20
jpwoods_7do you have a HD monitor12:20
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raf256that is, collect email addresses from Inbox; then we write an email, and that email get send to each person (separatelly) on the list12:20
nbkrdrhumanist, can you upload it somewhere - please don't post it in the channel here.12:20
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gvsa123chuy_max: how can it be convenient? for further testing?12:21
chuy_max<gvsa123> or maybe you have to wait til the next release, I'm relatively new to ubuntu, I come from debian12:21
drhumanistnbkr: well an email address would be of help :)12:21
yeniklasorrHow can I set auto mount my partitions at startup ?12:21
grndslmjpwoods_7: ehh... well, it's HD, but the monitor doesn't have HDCP12:21
chuy_maxgvsa123, stable packages12:21
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RioMercRepost: I'm wondering if you can change the contents of a text file via the terminal + SUDO, since the file I'm trying to mod is Root Owned12:21
jpwoods_7I C12:21
gvsa123chuy_max: i see. topic shift: how different is debian from ubuntu?12:21
grndslmi figure the software wouldn't care about HDCP, but this is all too confusing12:21
jpwoods_7its the same12:21
nbkrdrhumanist, Sending you an address in private message.12:21
drhumanistnbkr: ok thx12:22
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jpwoods_7ubuntu = debian12:22
nbkrdrhumanist, should have received it.12:22
jpwoods_7well debian based12:22
chuy_maxgvsa123 basically the same, but ubuntu releases are more frequent than debian's, debian policy is to have a very stable system12:22
jpwoods_7i find it easier but this channel is for help12:22
gvsa123jpwoods_7: yeah... i understand, but isn't there a distro that's called debian only... i know that ubuntu is debian based, but...12:22
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gvsa123chuy_max: and it's DE?12:22
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jpwoods_7i've not heard of the "Debian" distro12:23
grndslmanyone actually been able to decode 1080p VC-1 codec on their computer??12:23
chuy_maxgvsa123, I suppose you know ubuntu copies the unstable version of debian, and make it stable12:23
jpwoods_7thers LOTS of them12:23
jpwoods_7but yea12:23
drhumanistnbkr: yes i did.... thanks... sending it now12:23
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chuy_maxgvsa123 DE?12:23
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gvsa123chuy_max: desktop environment? that's the gnome, kde thing right?12:24
jpwoods_7grndslm your best bet (sad as it is) would be to get a different file type12:24
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jpwoods_7as for my ethernet not working....12:24
chuy_max<gvsa123> default at installation is gnome12:24
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jpwoods_7can anyone help so i can start playing with ubuntu and get off of this crap vista12:24
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jpwoods_7its lagging IRC12:24
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nbkrjpwoods_7, Searching for an IRC Client on Ubuntu? Try xchat12:25
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jpwoods_7windows vista is laggin my irc client12:25
RioMercRepost (Again): I'm wondering if you can change the contents of a text file via the terminal + SUDO, since the file I'm trying to mod is Root Owned12:25
jpwoods_7im looking for a solution to my internet not working on ubuntu12:26
chuy_max<RioMerc> yes you can12:26
RioMercOh really? How?12:26
madgoatjust boot into the live cd12:26
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uakkeriwhat is better in ubuntu than in kubuntu?12:26
chuy_max<RioMerc> it has been said a few minutes ago, sudo nano /path/to/file12:26
RioMercOh, thanks12:26
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kaushal_find . -name "urltracker-urls_000_of_001*.0" -mtime "Apr" | wc -l12:26
gvsa123uakkeri: not everything starts with a K... lol12:26
kaushal_find: invalid argument `Apr' to `-mtime'12:26
drhumanistnbkr: i sent the .conf file12:27
chuy_max<uakkeri> nothing, desktop environment is different, that's all12:27
jpwoods_7they are just different programs just the same thing12:27
uakkerii give it a try then12:27
Jared-Moorebasically just personal preference12:27
jpwoods_7ubuntu > kubuntu12:27
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gvsa123uakkeri: i think ubuntu is more simplistic than kde12:27
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jpwoods_7even in ubuntu you can try the k desktop12:27
jpwoods_7do sudo apt-get install kde12:27
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drhumanistnbkr: you should've received it by now i guess12:27
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jpwoods_7or whatever it is now12:27
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chuy_maxuakkeri if you already have ubuntu just install kubuntu packages12:28
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jpwoods_7stop lagging irc ><12:28
uakkerii want to start clean :)12:28
nbkrdrhumanist, Yes I have - looks ok. Have you restarted the Xserver after modifing the file?12:28
gvsa123jpwoods_7: won't that also install most of the KDE apps12:28
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jpwoods_7no no12:28
gvsa123jpwoods_7: then you'd have a messy menu... :)12:28
jpwoods_7yess it would12:28
evocjpwoods_7: when you install kde does it cause problems with gnome installation?12:28
jpwoods_7but there is one where you can just install kde12:28
drhumanistnbkr: well no... shall i ?12:28
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jpwoods_7or you can rip it of the programs (thats fun)12:29
gvsa123jpwoods_7: plus having all kinds of apps that do the same thing...12:29
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jpwoods_7evoc NO12:29
uakkerii like ktorrent12:29
ubotupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o12:29
gvsa123evoc: i don't think so12:29
evocjpwoods_7: ok thx12:29
drhumanistnbkr: i guess i need the terminal line for Xserver again :)12:29
Xmanhello can any body plz help me12:29
jpwoods_7evoc you can just boot into which one you choose at the login12:29
uakkeriit doesn't work "well" with ubuntu12:29
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drhumanistsorry for that12:30
Frogzoolegal practices aren't welcome here? curious..12:30
jpwoods_7Can someone help ME12:30
jpwoods_7so i can play with ubuntu ..12:30
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steel_ladyHi! I am looking for a program, so I need your recommendation. I need something similar like programs on win that take a movie and convert it to pocket format and reduce to some 128MB of size12:30
chuy_max<evoc> no12:30
gvsa123jpwoods_7: you don't have internet connection in ubuntu?12:30
jpwoods_7it will not connect12:30
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nbkrdrhumanist, Pressing ctrl-alt-backspace will restart X - but of course it will kill all X applications and you will have to login again. And to be honest - there might be the risk that the GUI doesn't restart correctly.12:30
GNinethe GL type screensavers are not working. i noticed i dont have gstreamer0.10-gl installed by synaptic, could this be the cause of the malfunction?12:30
jpwoods_7im on windows vista atm and i hate it12:30
chuy_maxjpwoods_7, is the NIC recognized?12:30
jpwoods_7i dunno what you just said lawl12:31
Xmanjpwoods_7 plz help12:31
jpwoods_7i just installed ubuntu12:31
jpwoods_7with what Xman12:31
FrogzooGNine: you mean rss-glx ?12:31
NET||abusegosh dang it.. this firefox and flash business is a nightmare, everything i find online in forums and googling is from last year and very unspecific to the current firefox and flash releases, I have no sound in flash playback,, can anyone help me fix this?12:31
chuy_maxjpwoods_7 network card12:31
drhumanistnbkr: so all i have to do is ctrl alt backspace?12:31
GNinei meant what i typed.  what is rss-glx12:31
Xmanjpwoods_7 i need to setup internet connection in ubuntu 7.0412:31
drhumanistwithout launching the application?12:31
gvsa123jpwoods_7: funny. i installed and reinstalled ubuntu numbers of times, but never had a problem... hmmm...12:31
jpwoods_7same here12:31
drhumanistbecause the app is not running at the moment12:32
FrogzooGNine: gl screensavers12:32
nbkrdrhumanist, In theory, yes - but as I mentiond - this will kill X and all GUI applications - it will kill also your IRC client.12:32
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Xmanjpwoods_7 i have adirect internet connection12:32
nbkrdrhumanist, normaly X will restart after that12:32
gvsa123Xman: that seems to be jpwoods_7's problem... lol12:32
drhumanistnbkr: i did it a couple of min ago .. i can redo12:32
FrogzooGNine: does glxgears work?12:32
jpwoods_7im not connected either thats why im here12:32
GNinescreensavers are currently installed. just not operational.12:32
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drhumanistnbkr: it didnot help12:32
jpwoods_7somethings not right....12:32
kurosakiHiya guys, I'm trying to install the flashplayer via the info ubotu provides, I've followed the page but even with multiverse active apt complains that 'is not available, but is referred to by another package.'12:32
nbkrdrhumanist, You did after changing xorg.conf file?12:32
drhumanistnbkr: yes i did.... now i am redoing it..... be back in no time12:33
GNinenothing that requires OpenGL acceleration seems to be functioning12:33
Xmangvsa123 can u help plz?12:33
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benkong2would somone look here and tell me how to fix my dpkg error? http://pastebin.ca/67335512:34
jribkurosaki: pastebin the output of 'sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree'12:34
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drhumanistnbkr: i re-did12:34
drhumanistnbkr: nothing has changed12:34
gvsa123Xman: i'm not sure i can... not really that knowledgeable. but if you post your problem, someone with the knowledge might read it and know the solution... :)12:34
uakkerihow about the 64-bit ubuntu? is it already working well?12:34
nbkrdrhumanist, Have a look into the file /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:34
Xmangvsa123 where i have to post it12:34
nbkrdrhumanist, Does it state some errors?12:34
GNineflashplayer must be manually installed12:34
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kurosakijrib, will do.12:34
jpwoods_7Yea well ive lost months worth of files and work12:35
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jpwoods_7and i need my computer running now12:35
GNinejust like JRE must also be manually installed12:35
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jribuakkeri: works fine, but proprietary stuff like flash and java plugin will give you extra work.  It isn't worth it if you don't know why you need 64bit12:35
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gvsa123Xman: here. never had problems in ubuntu i didn't cause myself... internet worked right away.12:35
Xmangvsa123 where i have to post it12:35
drhumanistnbkr: yes i have it open12:35
jrib!please > steel_lady (see the private message from ubotu)12:35
nbkrdrhumanist, Scroll down to then end. Does it say something about 1200x800 ?12:36
uakkeriuakkeri:you're right. thnx12:36
jpwoods_7maybe i'll be back............12:36
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:36
warblersteel_lady: ffmpeg can do that but you will have to see their pages for help12:36
kurosakijrib, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35364/12:36
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drhumanistnbkr: yes... it says no valid modes for 1200x800.... removing12:36
uakkeri<- ass12:36
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Frogzooif you need 64 bit, you don't need flash :)12:37
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GNinemessing with compiz messed up my openGL    :-/12:37
drhumanistnbkr: but it doesnt make any sense!!!12:37
drhumanisti am using dual boot vista with ZERO problems12:37
jribkurosaki: are you using 64bit?12:37
GNine1200x800 is some awkward resolution12:38
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kurosakijrib, Nope. Only thing I can think of is the fact I use my ISPs repo. Perhaps it's not quite up to date? Usually it's flawless though.12:38
GNinei use 1280x1024, very nice12:38
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nbkrdrhumanist, You don't speak german, do you? I found a solution in german linux board.12:38
jribkurosaki: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list12:38
zezomdoes any one use tv out on there ubuntu system? I have a nvidia card12:38
steel_ladywarbler, VLC is supposed to do that also, I tried and resulting files were unusable. I tried all possible combinations12:38
kurosakijrib, Will do.12:38
Bo1awwwwwwww come on guys12:38
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drhumanistnbkr: i am sorry - only english :(12:39
jribzezom: I do, I just run 'gksudo nvidia-settins' and set it up with the gui there12:39
nbkrdrhumanist, I will translate it for you.12:39
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jribzezom: I do, I just run 'gksudo nvidia-settings' and set it up with the gui there12:39
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drhumanistnbkr: thanks12:39
jrib!please > Bo1 (see the private message from ubotu)12:39
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boontooI was wondering how i can view the Windows Network of my ethernet through ubuntu can anyone point me to a forum admittedly i haven't really tried google i decided to go strait to the horses mouth so to say12:39
nbkrdrhumanist, one more question. Your xorg.conf states 1024x768 - So you have a screen in 16:9 format?12:39
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nbkrdrhumanist, or is it 4:3 like normal?12:39
zezomjrib, thanks:) I'll let you know how it goes12:40
GNinenvidia-settings messed up my set up12:40
Bo1how do i install e-GeForce FX5200, Step by step?12:40
drhumanistnbkr:yes 16:9 widescreen laptop12:40
gvsa123boontoo: try samba12:40
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jribzezom: there are some more manual instructions on the wiki too if you want:12:40
jrib!tvout > zezom (see the private message from ubotu)12:40
warblersteel_lady: I don't do those things but know from the ffmpeg mailing list that others do so using ffmpeg... all that I can do for now...12:40
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gvsa123boontoo: :)12:40
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GNinethe GL type screensavers are not working. i noticed i dont have gstreamer0.10-gl installed by synaptic, could this be the cause of the malfunction?12:41
kurosakijrib, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35365/12:41
Bo1how do i install e-GeForce FX5200 step by step?12:41
steel_ladywarbler, which mailing list?12:41
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EvaLuaTein /etc/security/limits.conf, what are 'soft' and 'hard' exactly, i can't understand what they actually do ...12:41
boontoogvsa123: im on a shared network, they don't have samba or anything i just want something similar to a My Network Places if your familiar with the primitives of windows12:41
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jribkurosaki: you don't have feisty multiverse.  You only have feisty-backports multiverse12:41
warblersteel_lady: ffmpeg - will get url12:41
kurosakijrib, Aha. I wondered about that. Thanks jrib.12:42
FrogzooEvaLuaTe: soft limits can be bumped up by the user12:42
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GNineffmpeg works well thru GXine12:42
Bajowarbler, I found that my partitions are in the GNOME FileSystem folder... when I double click them, it says hal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 100012:42
gvsa123boontoo: i may be wrong, but it works for me. i am able to view the windows network. you only configure samba on the linux end, but the windows side is good already12:42
Bo1how do i install e-GeForce FX5200 step by step?12:42
drhumanistnbkr: i guess i am NOT the only one with this problem :)?12:42
EvaLuaTeFrogzoo, so if i set a hard limit will that be enough ?12:42
nbkrdrhumanist, no you aren't. I just searched the web for an english howto. Which would be much simpler than translating the german one.12:43
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gvsa123boontoo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20260512:43
GNinenormally dhcp should work for networking , add samba for intranet with windows computers12:43
boontoogvsa123: ooh thanks haha =D12:43
warblersteel_lady: there is even #ffmpeg12:43
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steel_ladyok, thanx warbler12:44
drhumanistnbkr: thanks.... i can get Babelfish to translate your German text..... maybe i can understan12:44
FrogzooEvaLuaTe: should do, I'm tinkering with that atm12:44
nbkrdrhumanist, give it a try: http://www.linuxforen.de/forums/showthread.php?t=23288512:44
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EvaLuaTeFrogzoo, sorry but i'm new to linux and i would like to limit the number of processes for some users, that's all :)12:45
warblerBajo: don't know how to help further - only use distro kernals myself...12:45
drhumanistnbkr: all the page or a specific fragment which might be more closely related to my problem?12:45
Bajowarbler, ok!12:45
boontoogvsa123: my problem i guess is my internet is very much a plug and play, i just have an cat5 port in my appartment that my net plugs into, i cant port forward, set static ips, configure routers or anything =(12:46
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gvsa123boontoo: one thing that was missing with that tut is to add the IP of the windows box in /etc/hosts12:46
kurosakijrib, Okies that seemed to do the trick but, after it downloaded the .tar.gz I got a md5 error :/ md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz The Flash plugin is NOT installed.12:46
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boontoogvsa123: im sure wireshark can do that12:46
GNinethe GL type screensavers are not working. i noticed i dont have gstreamer0.10-gl installed by synaptic, could this be the cause of the malfunction?12:46
nox-HandLet's hypothesise I *accidentally* installed an unstable newer version of libc6 on my Computer and now I need to get the old one back... I downloaded the original stable version, but in gdebi, it says that a newer version is already insatlled. I cannot uninstall the version I got, as 90% of my packages depend on it. How would I replace it? o_o12:46
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boontooespecially as i don't know the IP's theres about 50 of them12:46
FrogzooEvaLuaTe: "@group                hard    nproc           1023"12:47
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gvsa123boontoo: i didn't do those and my xp and fiesty communicates quite well.12:47
jribkurosaki: k, it's a bug that's fixed in feisty-security multiverse  and  feisty-updates multiverse (enabling either one should get you the new version of the package)12:47
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boontoogvsa123: i guess all i can do is try12:47
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kurosakijrib, Righto, was just about to ask that since it's mentioned on that page. Thanks again.12:47
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nbkrdrhumanist, Here is something in english: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2046663#post204666312:49
gvsa123boontoo: the ip's are only needed for name resolution or something like that... well it's supposed to speed up the access times. that's one of the problems i encountered12:49
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kurosakijrib, Viola! Much appreciated.12:49
gvsa123boontoo: no expert here.... just sharing what worked for me.. :)\12:49
GNinenox-Hand,  u still should be to accomplish that thru synaptic12:49
boontoogvsa123: i guess a windows partition would be handy to get the IPs aslong as they are static i guess12:49
drhumanistnbkr: i got it translated.... they say i may need an application called xmode to alter the lines in conf12:49
boontoogvsa123: no problem im far far far from expert so any advice helps12:49
drhumanistnbkr: opening the english one now12:50
boontoonobody stops learning xD12:50
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kevorwhen is cron.daily run, what time i mean12:50
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alimurathey everyone12:50
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gvsa123boontoo: if you only want to connect to the windows network, i think samba should do the trick.12:50
alimurati need some help..12:51
GNineKevor, u have so much reading ahead of you12:51
boontoogvsa123: does it suport a novel client login? or should i not be asking so many lazy questions heh12:51
alimuratsimple things; first, i need to have a root password12:51
kevorGNine: howcome?12:51
gvsa123boontoo: lost me there... haha12:51
GNinehow is12:51
jrib!root > alimurat (see the private message from ubotu)12:51
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drhumanistnbkr: they say i should try automatix.... but should i uninstall Nvidia restricted drivers first? if yes how?12:52
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alimuratok, i read it12:52
nbkrdrhumanist, Here is another one. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115373&highlight=1200x800 - Seems that you need some modelines on the xorg.conf.12:52
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alimuratbut i need to install somn' so need to have have a password12:52
GNineeven if your WAN is down and you are physically connected to any computer on your intranet , you should be able to connect thru samba12:52
alimuratjust installed my ubuntu and did not have a root password yet12:52
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drhumanistnbkr: should i try AUTOMATIX? what do you think?12:53
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GNine!root | alimurat12:53
ubotualimurat: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo12:53
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noctikevor: the timestamp on the /var/spool/cron/lastrun/cron.daily determines when the cron.daily scripts are run12:53
boontoogvsa123: some networks you have to login through a "secure" network identifier Novell is just that but i guess i will just find out12:53
Bo2how do i install e-GeForce FX5200 step by step?12:53
jribalimurat: what do you need to install that requires a root password?12:53
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nox-Hand need help downgrading libc6 from to 2.5-0ubuntu14_i38612:53
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nox-HandAny help?12:53
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nbkrdrhumanist, I wouldn't Automatix just installes the drivers - but you did that already.12:53
Bo2how do i install e-GeForce FX5200 step by step?12:53
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alimuratjrib: i want to install the murrine configurator12:54
drhumanistnbkr: ok12:54
jribnox-Hand: if you don't have backups, make them now.  You can try 'apt-get install PACKAGE=VERSION' to downgrade a package12:54
gvsa123alimurat: it's probably your login password that's needed12:54
alimuratno, it did not work12:54
Bo2how do i install e-GeForce FX5200 step by step?12:54
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GNinethe GLscreensavers are not working. i noticed i dont have gstreamer0.10-gl installed by synaptic, could this be the cause of the malfunction?12:54
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alimuratcan you help me to install it for a couple of minutes?12:54
teKnofreak!patience | Bo212:55
ubotuBo2: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:55
jribalimurat: how are you trying to install it?12:55
gvsa123alimurat: what are you doing?12:55
alimuratwell, first, i tried to find murrine in synaptic12:55
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Bo2be back in 5min12:55
alimuratthan found it, checked for installation12:55
alimuratit said, that it was complete12:55
jrib!enter | alimurat12:56
ubotualimurat: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:56
alimuratso, then i searched the murrine in applications, but could not find it12:56
evocwrong window12:56
drhumanistnbkr: i read both the english ones.... they provide product specific information.... which lines i should append and where - nothing told about that :(12:56
teKnofreakalimurat, try "locate alimurat" in the terminal12:56
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teKnofreakalimurat, err... locate murrine12:57
alimurati teknofreak, i did it now, there were lots of writens..:)12:57
GNinesome packages install programs that can only be run from command line12:57
dewpafter installing the recent nvidia driver, x gives the followin error "this nvidia driver component has version 100.14.11 but the nvidia kernel module's version does not match"12:57
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drhumanistnbkr: is there a script or package to solve that?12:57
teKnofreakalimurat, whereis murrine12:57
alimuratthere's nothing happened12:57
jribalimurat: the murrine engine is in the ubuntu repos, but murrine configurator is not12:57
dewpdoes anyone know this? i can't see the reason, because the kernel module was compiled with the installation12:57
teKnofreakalimurat, what is murrine btw ?12:57
gvsa123alimurat: that mean you have it installed. it's the launcher you are looking for...12:57
alimuratcould someone give a hand to do it in the right way?12:58
tuxcrafte1hello guys, how do i disable aiglx under gusty?12:58
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nox-Handjrib: Excellent :)12:58
gnomefreaktuxcrafte1: ask in #ubuntu+112:58
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aogarauser/groups pb solved12:58
alimuratso, how will i install the launcher.. gvsal2312:58
alimuratgvsa123, sorry...12:59
jribalimurat: usually there are README and INSTALL files with instructions on how to install tar.gz archives and the like12:59
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drhumanistnbkr: so i have to enter lines manually?12:59
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alimurati'm too fresh for that things, believe me i tried..:(12:59
teKnofreakis murrine an app or an engine?12:59
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raf256what email client (GUI) is good for mass sending emails?12:59
raf256that is, collect email addresses from Inbox; then we write an email, and that email get send to each person (separatelly) on the list12:59
chuy_max<teKnofreak> engine12:59
GNinethe GLscreensavers are not working. i noticed i dont have gstreamer0.10-gl installed by synaptic, could this be the cause of the malfunction?12:59
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jribteKnofreak: there is a murrine engine, but alimurat asked about "murrine configurator" which helps to configure it01:00
gvsa123alimurat: usually, you type in the name of the application in the terminal. most often than not how they appear in synaptics is how you type them in... i'm not sure of a command to know the command though01:00
yeniklasorrVSpike : I don't believe it really worked perfectly. That was amazing boot.01:00
teKnofreakjrib, ah ok :)01:00
aogaraanother one for you :  my display resolution is limited to 640x480 ... i modifyed my xorg.conf for 800x600 as minima but it don't works ... I use the default driver01:00
drhumanistnbkr: are we still in touch :)=01:00
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aogaraI would like to set to 800x600 manually01:00
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chuy_maxaogara system -> preferences -> screen resolution01:01
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aogarayeah i tried01:01
VSpikeyeniklasorr: great news!01:01
warbleraogara: what's the card?01:02
yeniklasorryep :D01:02
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VSpikeyeniklasorr: thanks, it was good to learn about that for me too01:02
jribalimurat: http://murrine.netsons.org/?q=node/8 is a simple python executable with instructions in the README file01:02
alimuratok, so where can i ask about it, mean, the murrine configurator?01:02
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teKnofreakaogara, /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:02
teKnofreakaogara, backitup before you edit01:02
yeniklasorrVSpike : thank you too to01:02
aogaradon't really know .. integrated card ... on hp proliant ML 11001:02
alimuratjrib... please01:02
jribalimurat: yes?01:03
alimurati have downloaded it already01:03
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aogaranowhere to find which chipset it is01:03
jribalimurat: did you extract it?01:03
GNinei take it that no one here knows about OpenGL01:03
alimurattell me how to install it in terminal01:03
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alimuratyes, extracted01:03
nox-HandWhat way was it I could list all packages on my system and send that list to a file?01:03
aogarateKnofreak: I did01:03
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jribalimurat: did you read the newmurrineconfigurator/README file?01:03
teKnofreakaogara, restart X then01:03
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:03
alimuratlet me check if i have or not... jrib01:03
aogaraI restarted the whole system ^^ .. that's why i'm supprised and asks01:04
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warbleraogara: system-preferences-hardware01:04
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teKnofreakalimurat, read the INSTALL and README files which accompanies a package, they tell you lot of things01:04
alimuratoff course, now i'm checking it01:04
GNinethat ***ing configurator is a nice topic     lol01:05
iconebood morning01:05
alimurati did not read it because that file had to be extracted twice, but i did it just once for maybe it must kept that way..01:05
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Bo2how do i install e-GeForce FX5200 step by step?01:05
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:06
aogarai'll take a look01:06
ubotuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type  dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type  sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade  - See also !automate01:06
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GNinethere are only a few options for nvidia to work on ubuntu.. they are all in the synaptic package manager01:06
GNinethe rest is to have it properly configured for the xserver01:07
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GNinethe end01:07
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iconeanybody know why I cant download ubuntu 7.0.4 i386 alternate version ?     it returns a error message when i click the download link (error to change directory). Then I accessed thru ftp and the directory v 7.04 isn't there.01:07
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NET||abusethis is sucky , i've been hacking away trying to get my flash sound back,, i've used the alsa-oss and firefoxrc dsp change with no success.. can anyone help me?01:07
ari_stressgood afternoon :)01:07
ShaffoxIs it easy to use photoshop in linux?01:07
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NET||abuseI had sound in flash at one stage in my life,, but it's been gone a month now.. i really need sound01:07
Frogzooicone: get the torrent maybe: http://mirror.mcs.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/DVDs/ubuntu/feisty/release/ubuntu-7.04-dvd-i386.iso.torrent01:07
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teKnofreakShaffox, try Gimp ;)01:08
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ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash01:08
ShaffoxteKnofreak, The photoshop community is a lot bigger than gimp's01:08
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boontoogvsa123: it asks for a password but i have no password policy on that machine this is odd isnt it =(01:09
viktorhow to install Mach TV Tuner card with Philips chipset on Ubuntu Feisty01:09
drhumanistguys.... I have a problem with the resolution.... i have 7.04 updated, with Nvidia drivers loaded. I have Toshiba A-100 599 with Nvidia GeForce 7600...01:09
drhumanistI just cannot get 1200x800 which is the native resolution01:09
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ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:09
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drhumanistthey say i have to define some modes in the xorg.conf file but i don't know how to!!01:09
GNineof course .. i you had set up a user password.. then that is you root password.. go do some reading01:10
gvsa123boontoo: if i recall correctly, when your windows machine doesn't have a password, you leave it blank... or create a password for it would be easier and safer i guess.. :)01:10
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teKnofreakthe intel drivers rock.. they have really transformed my desktop into much better one01:10
iconefrogzoo do you have the cd version ?     (not the livecd, the alternate version) ?01:10
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boontoolol windows..safe =p01:10
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drhumanistanyone who read my question? :)01:10
warblerdrhumanist: one step at a time - open a terminal01:10
gvsa123boontoo: juuuust a little bit... :)01:10
drhumanistwarbler: yes01:10
Frogzooicone: there's torrents for all of them, just look in the directory of that url01:10
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iconefrogzoo tnks man01:11
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boontoomore like sudo apt-get install thchydra01:11
drhumanistwarbler: i opened the terminal :)01:11
NET||abuseGNine, i've already read the ubuntu feisty faq, and tried the alsa-oss fix, my flash will still not play.01:11
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NET||abusethis has to be fixable as flash worked on this install previously without any changes to the default setup01:12
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GNinesome things change01:12
NET||abuseIt just ceased to work one day last month, and i just do not know why it didn't work01:12
GNinewhat you need to figure out is what01:12
warblertype sudo gedit  /etc/X11.xorg.conf01:12
nimbohi, how can i delete my mysql database and reset it?01:12
drhumanistwarbler: yes01:13
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larson9999NET||abuse: flash does have issues.  i have 4 machines.  it hardly ever crashes on 2.  on the other 2 it crashes all the time.01:13
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GNinei dont like flash.. too intrusive01:13
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shadowmancerhey i am trying to use a new mic i bought and feisty doesn't detect it01:14
tuxcrafte1how can i disable the new aiglx in gusty its causing errors on my system01:14
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warblerdrhumanist: scroll down to where it says "section screen"01:14
NET||abuselarson9999, i've run in console, and i'm getting this line output during youtube playback, ALSA lib pcm_softvol.c:606:(softvol_load_control) Cannot open CTL hw:001:14
drhumanistwarbler: yes01:14
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NET||abuseGNine, larson9999, i've noticed mention of hw:0 on my kiba-dock and avant window manager, the volume control widget tries to use hw:001:15
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eniacI have a Canon EOS 300D when I try to import the pictures I get the following error http://kiwi.geiregat.org/error.foto01:15
warblerdrhumanist: at "subsection 'display' - depth 24" - what does it say?01:15
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alimuratteKnofreak, i just couldn't install it01:16
JediMasterI've got a bit further with my nfs problems, I'm now getting this when I mount the nfs share that was working: Warning: rpc.idmapd appears not to be running. mount: permission denied01:16
eniacI've looked at the udev rules they seem right compared to my lsusb output I also belong to the plugdev group01:16
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warblerdrhumanist: mode = ??01:16
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tony_tomatoHey! i want to convert a catalogue structure of html files to a pdf, basically im trying to convert a .chm to a pdf, any tips?01:16
alimuratanybody heeelllpp01:16
shadowmancerwhen i access the sound preference and test it, i get this error "gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat: Could not open resource for writing.'01:16
vivh349j'ai un pb avc cups.. j'utilise cups sur un vieux pc comme serveu d'impression, pour des ordis windobe01:16
drhumanistwarbler: here it is: SubSection "Display"01:17
GNinesorry to disappoint you NET||abuse , but i dont use those programs01:17
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vivh349donc apparament, sa marche avec des ficher noepad, et la page de test  de cups marche aussi...01:17
NET||abuseGNine, ok.01:17
xxxhow to install debian from local network using PXE booting ?01:17
tonyyarusso!fr | vivh34901:17
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NET||abuseGNine, well thanks for the links anyway.01:17
vivh349je la lance dun autre ordi ur mon resau local01:17
ubotuvivh349: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:18
drhumanistwarbler: so i added 1200x800 lines everywher.... when i look at the xorg.0.log file it says "no valid modes for 1200x800, removing"01:18
GNineno problem01:18
warblerdrhumanist: the mode you want is there - correct? - but you can't get it working?01:18
vivh349i have write #ubuntu01:18
drhumanistwarbler: yes, positive :)01:18
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drhumanistwarbler: i am told i have to define a MODE01:18
warblerdrhumanist: are you using feisty?01:18
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drhumanistwarbler: yes Ubuntu Feisty01:19
xxxanyone who know can share his/her exep01:19
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faileasxxx: you should try asking debian qns in #debian ? ;)01:19
xxxi tried that one with ubuntu01:20
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xxxbut its not working01:20
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warblerdrhumanist: go to system-preferences-control center & tell me the resolutions that are available01:20
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drhumanistwarbler: 1024x768 800x600 640x48001:21
shadowmanceranyone got any ideas?01:21
Bo2how do i install e-GeForce FX5200 step by step?01:21
drhumanistwarbler: and there is only ONE option for refreshing rate: 5001:21
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xxxfaileas:nway do u know how to do that one in ubuntu?01:21
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shadowmanceri have tried using the different drivers in the sound preference window01:22
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shadowmancerand it always gives me the same error01:22
shadowmanceri tried using synaptic package manager to find any packages to help01:22
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taffy-nay_dont be so stupid!!!!01:22
shadowmanceri looked at the files it complains about and it has permission to use it01:23
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shadowmancerand i have run out of ideas01:23
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gnomefreaktaffy-nay_: please be civil01:23
taffy-nay_whoops, sorry guys, wrong channel01:23
warblerdrhumanist: ok - no probs - back to basics. The video card & drivers you installed? - that seems to be the next step - we'll get there!01:23
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drhumanistwarbler: NVidia GeForce 7600 ... i installed the Nvidia Drivers Ubuntu offered when i enabled Desktop Effects01:24
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drhumanistwarbler: no problems so far except this resolution thing :)01:24
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alimuratam i blacklisted or something like that?01:24
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alimurator is not here a help channel for amateur user?01:25
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Pici!patience | alimurat01:25
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ubotualimurat: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:25
warblerdrhumanist: if the drivers work right then you have all the resolutions you should have - so... more work01:25
Bo2pici:i am patience for 3 days01:26
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Laughthis makes you paranoid, do you know that?01:26
Bo2pici:all because of my gaaphic card i couldnt install ubuntu01:26
drhumanistwarbler: yes that means there is a problem to resolve indeed :D01:26
jribLaugh: you never answered my question01:26
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Bo2pici:is keep on freezeing the upload screen01:27
Laughi just ask for help here, why... i tried to do it in the language where i live, but there's noone to help, but lots of gays to be touchy01:27
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Bo2how do i install e-GeForce FX5200 step by step?01:27
Laughwhat about here?01:27
Laughsorry? jrib?01:27
PiciBo2: What version of ubuntu are you running?01:27
Laughfeisty fawn01:27
drhumanistwarbler: so what is the next step?01:27
jribLaugh: /join #ubuntu-classroom01:27
Bo2pici:i dont know01:27
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PiciBo2: Are you on it right now?01:28
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PiciBo2: type this in a terminal: lsb_release -a01:28
warblerdrhumanist: in xorg.conf is there a line that says - Option"allowGLXwithcomposite"01:28
Laughjrib, even this could be a help, but could be better before pissing a new user off01:28
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citapahcan anybondy help me. what should i do to install crossoffice 5.0 professional in mepis?01:29
j4n3hello how i can have the bin gnome-volume-control please ?01:29
drhumanistwarbler: NO such line!01:29
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Bo2No LSB modules are available.01:29
Bo2Distributor ID: Ubuntu01:29
Bo2Description:    Ubuntu 7.0401:29
Bo2Release:        7.0401:29
Bo2Codename:       feisty01:29
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PiciBo2: Okay, but next time can you please use a service like !pastebin to paste that many lines :)01:30
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drhumanistlaugh check your special window pls01:30
drhumanisti am trying to contact you :)01:30
teKnofreakj4n3, apt-get install gnome-volume-manager01:30
boontoomy bluetooth device is on my wireless card aswell but i dont think linux is detecting it01:30
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larson9999i wonder if my flash woes stem from upgrading instead of fresh installs.  the 2 boxes that don't have issues are both laptops with fresh installs.  the 2 i have issues with are desktops with years of upgrades.01:31
drhumanistwarbler: Oki01:31
teKnofreakboontoo, you have the bluez-utils ?01:31
Actionmanwhen i boot up how can i see whats behind the boot screen?01:31
boontooteKnofreak: yeh i do01:31
PiciBo2: As of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) the recommended way to install the binary drivers is to use System  Administration  Restricted Devices Manager.01:31
teKnofreakboontoo, is the bluetooth daemon running in services ?01:31
PiciBo2: Do you understand?01:32
boontooteKnofreak: sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart            [OK] 01:32
Bo2pici:i think01:32
j4n3teKnofreak: this not solve my problem. i cannot open "volume control" on the mixer systray icon ...01:32
PiciBo2: Why dont you try doing that and ask me if you need any help.01:32
teKnofreakj4n3, type gnome-volume-manager in terminal01:32
boontooteKnofreak: then hcitool dev reveals nothing =(01:32
teKnofreakboontoo, turn your bluetooth on and off and check dmsg01:32
Bo2pici:how do i install e-GeForce FX5200 step by step?01:33
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Laughdrhumanist: on this xchat application, for now, there is no special window i can see between the tabs01:33
PiciBo2: Is the card physically in the machine yet?01:33
warblerdrhumanist: xorg.conf again - section screen - lines:Identifyer & Device - What's there01:33
j4n3teKnofreak: gnome-volume-manager work. gnome-volume-control not working01:33
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PiciBo2: I think it would be best to consult a channel like ##hardware for issues like that.01:33
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PiciBo2: just /join ##hardware01:34
drhumanistwarbler: here it is: Identifier"Default Screen"01:34
drhumanistDevice"nVidia Corporation G70 [GeForce Go 7600] "01:34
drhumanistMonitor"Generic Monitor"01:34
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teKnofreakj4n3, it works for me01:34
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teKnofreakj4n3, when you execute it in terminal, what error do you get ?01:34
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warblerdrhumanist: & the line for Device?01:34
drhumanistlaugh: dedim ki biraz daha sakin olunca isler kolaylasir ;)01:34
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drhumanistwarbler: here it is : Section "Device"01:35
drhumanistIdentifier"nVidia Corporation G70 [GeForce Go 7600] "01:35
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Pici!paste | drhumanist01:35
ubotudrhumanist: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:35
drhumanistok ok :)01:35
drhumanistwarbler: can  i initiate a special session?01:36
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warblerdrhumanist: just checking the driver is alldunno?01:36
tony_tomatoanyone having issues w gnochm and xchm? I think its a font/unicode issue certain characters turn into white-boxes such as long dash... when i convert to html i can see the character but its no longer a unified book :)01:36
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drhumanistwarbler: i can send the whole file if you want01:37
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boontooteKnofreak: would i be greping for just bluetooth or could theyre be conflicts01:37
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:37
Picitony_tomato: The only thing I can suggest would be to install msttcorefonts.01:37
Picitony_tomato: If that doesnt help, then I'm not sure what the issue is.01:38
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warblerdrhumanist: to me the driver is not giving you yhe options it should - have you -in terminal - typed sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?01:38
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laptopHow do I save the file after editing it using vi?01:38
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boontooteKnofreak: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35376/01:39
drhumanistwarbler: yes i tried it with another person from this channel... it did not help... he told me to DEFINE a MODE by hand.01:39
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larson9999laptop: you should read just a bit on vi before using it.  it's a whole other animal.01:39
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drhumanistwarbler: i did it again...01:40
warblerdrhumanist: if the driver is right it should give the resolutions... - which source for the driver did you use?01:40
danielighi ubuntistas01:40
drhumanistwarbler: maybe i did it in a wrong way last time... could you give step by step info?01:40
jriblaptop: ESCAPE and then  :w        But you should really run 'vimtutor' to learn to use vim01:40
danieligI still have  a trouble compiling a programm with gcc01:41
warblerdrhumanist: when you sudo dpkg - what selections do you make??01:41
danieligI have installed build-essential01:41
drhumanistwarbler: i should probably choose NVIDIA from the menu, right?01:41
stimpiedanielig, what is the error? and did you install g++?01:41
warblerdrhumanist:bloody well YES hehe :)01:41
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drhumanistwarbler: now i am redoing. :D01:42
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drhumanistwarbler: i selected NVIDIA AGAIN :)01:42
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Dumptruckhello everyone01:42
laptopHow do I save the file after editing it using vi?01:42
drhumanistwarbler: it say to give a name to identify my card: i will type NVIDIA GEFORCE 7600, is that OK?01:42
warblerdrhumanist: after hit cntl-alt-bksp to restart x01:42
tony_tomatoPici, already installed :(01:42
Picitony_tomato: I'm not sure then :/01:43
ben_underscorelaptop: <esc> :w01:43
GNineissue: inoperable screensavers.  all packages and drivers installed. no visuals on most titles.  any fixes?01:43
tony_tomatoanyone else.. know how to resolve font issue in gnochm?01:43
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drhumanistwarbler: it says it is being configured: how long should the process take normally??01:43
drhumanisthow long should i wait01:43
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ben_underscorelaptop: vi has a steep learning curve but is indispensable once you're there01:44
DumptruckI know I am late in the conversation, but I used envy to set up my nvidia card and it worked like a champ01:44
warblerdrhumanist: it done yet - if not wait01:44
kauerlaptop: ESC to exit insert mode, then colon, w, ENTER to write the file. The colon q ENTER to quit. Or to do both at once, colon wq ENTER01:44
ubotuenvy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!01:44
laptopben_underscore, kauer thanks :)01:44
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danieligI have installed g++ stimpie and I have following output in config.log: http://pastebin.ca/67015901:44
ben_underscoreDumptruck: I just went through a day of pain after installing a driver with envy. I had to recover my system without x and it was not nice01:45
Dumptruckhmm... maybe I was a lucky one01:45
drhumanistwarbler: there is a last screen giving info.... and an OK box to click01:45
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drhumanistwell i press ENTER but nothing happens... anything else i have to do??01:45
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Dumptruckenvy for me was a last resort01:45
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Dumptruckand it worked01:45
kauerlaptop: unless you are prepared to spend a few hours getting to know vi, you would probably be better off sticking with nano, which is the default editor on feisty.01:45
warblerdrhumanist: click01:45
drhumanisti did01:46
ben_underscorelaptop: or gedit :-)01:46
drhumanisti doesnt propmt me in any way that the process is completed... IS THIS NORMAL?01:46
laptopkauer, actually I was helping my friend edit his .bashrc and he's using RedHat. pico wasn't installed so the only other editer I could think was vi. I forgot about nano01:46
ben_underscoreDumptruck: for sure, i understand01:46
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warblerdrhumanist: I would reboot it now!01:46
laptopIt worked now :)01:46
drhumanistwarbler: ctrl alt bckspc is OK or a real restart?01:47
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danieligstimpie: I really appreciate your help. I have no clue, the error appears on line 6601:47
warblerdrhumanist: I would reboot now01:47
GNineissue: inoperable screensavers.  all packages and drivers installed. no visuals on most titles specially the openGL type.  any fixes?01:47
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Dumptruckis anyone familiar with vmware?01:48
GNinethey were good just yesterday01:48
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ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers01:48
ben_underscoreDumptruck: a little01:48
BucketfaceDid I get D/c or somethingD;?01:48
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danielighas anyone an idea how I can get a movie from a sony handycam to my ubuntu feisty?01:49
Dumptruckif I am running a 32 bit linux can a 64 bit version of Vista be run with vm?01:49
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stimpiedanielig: dont know what could cause that, but gcc giving a segfault is serious01:49
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup01:49
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stimpiedanielig: I would try another gcc version01:50
ben_underscoreDumptruck: i cannot imaging why not -- vmware just does the hardware emulation01:50
Dumptrucki see01:50
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boontoothat guide is completly useless because it assumes that your ubuntu recognises the bluetooht device01:51
danieligexactly stimpie, but no-one else seemed to have this problem. I wanted to test the gcc with a simple hello world programm, but I don't know how this would work, I have written a hellow world, now I want to compile it with: gcc -c helloword.c ?01:51
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Dumptruckwhat is the best way to merge to partitions and set the permissions on hd's?01:51
Dumptruck*two not to01:51
danieligI have tried with gcc 3.4., did not work...01:51
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stimpiedanielig: gcc -o helloworld.c should do it01:51
ben_underscoreDumptruck: have you seen this to create your VM http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml01:51
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drhumanisti rebooted....01:52
boontooanybody been able to install ubuntu bluetooth devices?01:52
drhumanistnothinng has changed01:52
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ben_underscoreboontoo: yes i installed a bluetooth mouse01:52
DumptruckI tried used the Howtoforge website with really good success01:52
regis_hello, how can i use a kernel from gusty guibon(i need that for my N intel wifi)01:52
danieligstimpie: no input files... although helloworld.c is there...01:52
ben_underscoreboontoo: but it was a pain and i abandoned it :-)01:53
warblerdrhumanist: control center01:53
boontooben_underscore: i have a bluetooth device thats the same as my wireless card, its onboard, ubuntu detects the wireless but not the bluetooth any ideas?01:53
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drhumanistwarbler: yes01:53
GNineissue: inoperable screensavers.  all packages and drivers installed. no visuals on most titles specially the openGL type.  any fixes?01:53
kauerstimpie: danielig: "gcc -o helloworld.c" may destroy the source code in "helloworld.c". Try  "gcc -o helloworld helloworld.c"...01:54
stimpieoeps my mistake sorry01:54
warblerdrhumanist: what resolutions are available?01:54
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Dumptruckcan I set permissions in gparted?01:54
danielighelloworld.c:1: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault01:55
danieligPlease submit a full bug report,01:55
danieligwith preprocessed source if appropriate.01:55
ubotuGParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type  sudo apt-get install gparted  in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php01:55
danieligSee <URL:http://gcc.gnu.org/bugs.html> for instructions.01:55
danieligFor Debian GNU/Linux specific bug reporting instructions,01:55
ben_underscoreboontoo: this is what i had to do https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup01:55
drhumanistwarbler: the same: 1024x786 800x600 640x48001:55
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danieligsee <URL:file:///usr/share/doc/gcc-4.1/README.Bugs>.01:55
cromohi. I have some problems with qc-usb-messenger kernel module compilation. For some reason it segfaults (gcc: Internal error: Segmentation fault (program cc1)). Using feisty here and I am wonderign what's wrong. I tried compiling this module on other machine (archlinux, gcc 4.2.1) and it worked just fine.01:55
jribdanielig: use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org please01:55
cromoso I wonder if something is broken in feisty's gcc?01:55
cromobasically, it's enough to download http://home.mag.cx/messenger/source/qc-usb-messenger-1.6.tar.gz package, untar it and exec a typical 'make all' in the directory01:55
Chinaski1does samba protocol save a log file of his activity?(connections, loging etc.)01:55
cromoanyone can please confirm that he gets the error?01:56
cromoChinaski1: not sure if it does by default, but you can enable it in /etc/smb.conf01:56
kauercromo, meet danielig :-)01:56
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drhumanistwarbler: i reiterate i was told to define some modes inxorg.conf by hand01:56
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cromodanielig: u there?01:56
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danieligsorry jrib, I am there01:57
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warblerdrhumanist: OK - setup can take time. Terminal again - up button for last command - in sudo dpkg pick nv driver01:57
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cromodanielig: kauer suggested you might be helpfull (at least I hope so) in my gcc issue.01:58
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danieligso what is your issue?01:58
warblerdrhumanist: define modes to me just means typing them in but that doesn't work - yes?01:58
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kauercromo: No, you were just asking if anyone had seen this. Danielig has. Dunno if he can help though...01:59
cromodanielig: I explained it just a page or two above01:59
cromoI see01:59
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drhumanistwarbler: well NO: i was told i should add some MORE LINES... but he also didnot know how :(01:59
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kauerdanielig, please paste your helloworld.c to thepastebin...01:59
danieligcromo, I have the same segfault error, but I don't know why not everybody has this error...01:59
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nox-HandI *need* to kill the DOS speaker in my Dell M65 laptop - how?02:00
drhumanistwarbler: i did what you said in the terminal: it says : "dpkg: need an action option02:00
nox-HandNo BIOS ways.02:00
warblerdrhumanist: the line depth 24 is the one that should have the res you want02:00
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danieligkauer: helloworld.c is on : http://pastebin.ca/67342502:00
kauernox-Hand: Stick a knitting needle through it.02:00
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drhumanistwarbler: well depth 24 already HAS it... i put it there by myself.. but still no changes02:01
Dumptruckso I have created a vmx file on an external drive but I would like to migrate it to a sata drive, I used gparted to format two partions on one drive, however I am unable to write to those partitions, a few years back a experimented with fedora and I seem to remember using a chmod command as a root - although I don't know how to do this in Ubuntu - there is no way to give gparted root privligages in ubuntu?02:01
warblerdrhumanist: in terminal press the up button on the keyboard02:01
ben_underscorenox-Hand: system --> preferences --> sound --> system beep02:01
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drhumanistwarbler: yeah02:01
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danieligcromo: So I guess that most of the people here with feisty either a: never had to compile a programme, or b: that there is some other conflict with gcc (unlikely)02:02
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ben_underscoreDumptruck: run gparted via sudo02:02
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warblerdrhumanist: looking for sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:02
jribdanielig: g++ helloworld.c  gives you the same error?02:02
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ben_underscoreDumptruck: or copy the file using sudo cp02:02
stimpiedanielig, try to compile with g++02:02
Dumptruckin console just type sudo gparted?02:02
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Dumptrucksorry I am still pretty new02:03
ben_underscoreDumptruck: just let me read what you're trying to do again ... hang on02:03
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drhumanistwarbler: yes i found it... now?02:03
danieligstimpie: g++ works fine02:03
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alecwhHello! I'm looking for a sound converter that can convert a .m4a file to a .mp3 file. Can someone recommend a program?02:04
ben_underscoreDumptruck: have you created 2 partitions on an external drive? do these mount / appear on your desktop when you connect the drive?02:04
warblerdrhumanist: enter & when you can select "nv" for the driver02:04
danieligcould it be that I should have done the compilation of that programm with g++ but somehow it chooses gcc?02:04
Wousserhello, i upgraded from feisty to gutsy but now my system freezes after the ubunu loading bar, before gnome. What can I do?02:04
jribdanielig: what is "it"?02:04
drhumanistwarbler: okay i did, now restart again?02:05
danieligit is alsa-driver-1.0.1402:05
jribWousser: #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support02:05
Dumptruckben_underscore: no - it is an internal drive and no it doesn't show on the desktop02:05
kauerdanielig: See your paste for my results with a clean install of build-essential.02:05
defryskalecwh, audacity ?02:05
Wousserjrib: my fault, just remebered it02:06
danieligI just did ./configure like I am supposed to..02:06
Dumptruckwait when I connect to the drive yes02:06
B_Manhows everyone this morning?02:06
alecwhdefrysk, does auacity do that?02:06
ben_underscoreDumptruck: so you can see it. what filesystem type did you create it as, ext3?02:06
stimpiedanielig try compiling http://www.klaproos.net/helloworld.c with gcc02:06
Dumptruckyes - ext302:06
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defryskalecwh, open it with audacity and save it as an mp302:06
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defryskalecwh, not sure but woth a try02:07
ben_underscoreDumptruck: and is this vmx file sitting somewhere else on another disk?02:07
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alecwhI odn't have audicity, I'll download right now.02:07
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B_Manaudacity is a handy editor02:07
Dumptruckbut before I migrate the file I would like to join the two partitions02:07
alecwhwhat's the apt-get command?02:07
ben_underscoreDumptruck: and so you cannot copy the file from the source disk to the destination disk due to permissions?02:07
jribdanielig: 1. did you install build-essential  2. why are you compiling alsa?02:07
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alecwhOk, installing.02:08
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ben_underscoreDumptruck: then the best bet is to open up a terminal session (applications --> accessories --> terminal)02:08
danieligkauer: what do you mean, my paste: http://pastebin.ca/670159? I don't see anything there.02:08
defryskalecwh, otherwise try soundconverter of for kde soundkonverter02:08
kauerdanielig: The test program in your configure dump compiles just fine for me using gcc after a clean install of build-essential.02:08
alecwhOk. It's only one song. XD02:08
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kauerdanielig: Your later paste, of the helloworld program...02:09
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ben_underscoreDumptruck: and then copy the file using sudo, which essentially executes it as root, like so "sudo cp /source/drive/file.vmx /destination/drive/file.vmx"02:09
danieligjrib: I have installed and re-installed (after purge) build-essential, I have downgraded to earlier gcc version and upgraded again...02:09
ben_underscoreDumptruck: that should do it02:09
t94xrhow do i open a folder window with root access?02:09
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jribt94xr: why?02:09
Dumptruckben_underscore: first I would like to make one big partition02:09
t94xrmounted hard drive02:10
jribt94xr: what filesystem?02:10
danieligjrib: I have a Lenovo 300 N100 Laptop and sound is not working, . researching the web I found that I should recompile the newest Alsa driver in order for sound to come up.02:10
jrib!ntfs-3g > t94xr (see the private message from ubotu)02:10
WooDHi ! Is there any good software to make backup of the /var/www  I mean the website ?02:10
t94xrno im in a live cd02:10
ben_underscoreDumptruck: ah. you'll need to copy off the files on there and then gparted the whole drive02:10
t94xri only want read only access02:10
jribt94xr: gksudo nautilus02:10
jrib!backup > WooD (see the private message from ubotu)02:11
stimpiedanielig: are you running 64bit?02:11
Dumptruckben_underscore and if it is a variable size file - won't the permissions need to be changed?02:11
WooDjrib: thanks02:11
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ben_underscoreDumptruck: no, but you'll need to make sure you have enough space on the drive02:11
Dumptruckben_underscore: that's the thing gparted won't let me format the whole drive02:11
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jribdanielig: that error you have in config.log usually pops up because ld is missing which binutils provides.  If you're sure you have binutils, then try running ./configure in a clean source02:12
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danieligno stimpie02:12
DumptruckI don't have the proper permissions02:12
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danieligwhat you  mean in a clean source?02:12
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stimpiehave you installled, libc6-dev-i386 ?02:12
jribdanielig: tar xf foo.tar.gz  again02:13
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drhumanistwarbler: i did... nothing again :(02:13
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ben_underscoreDumptruck: oh, der. sorry about that .... yes run it using sudo, ie: gksudo gparted02:13
warblerdrhumanist: control center for res02:13
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ben_underscoreDumptruck: gksudo is the way to run x apps as sudo02:13
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steel_ladyok, I need a way to save 4GB SD card. The system doesn't see it. They told me that I should just reformat it but I don't know how02:13
drhumanistwarbler: still the same things... no 1200x80002:14
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Dumptruckstill won't let me unmount to resize02:14
Pelomorning folks ,  anyone know if OOo is default in xubuntu ?02:14
jribPelo: it is not02:15
Dumptruckwhen I unmount one the other becomes mounted (locked)02:15
Pelojrib,  thanks02:15
danieligokay... jrib, no chance, same error.02:15
warblerdrhumanist: had more troubles than this in windows - next - can you open synaptic package manager & search "nvidia"02:15
danieligcromo: what is happening on your side?02:15
Frogzoosteel_lady: gparted should work02:15
Dumptruckand unmounting the extended is not an option02:15
PeloDumptruck,  when playing around with partitions you would do better to use the live cd02:15
kitchePelo, I think it just has OOo word processor02:15
jribdanielig: apt-cache policy binutils  returns?02:15
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drhumanistwarbler: thanks for the consollation :):):)02:15
Dumptruckstill running under gksudo02:15
drhumanistwarbler: i am doing that02:15
ben_underscoreDumptruck: ah, go to system --> preferences --> removable drives02:15
kitcheat least mine did by default Pelo02:15
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jribkitche, Pelo: hmm abiword here iirc02:16
kitchejrib, yeah I have openoffice and abiword and mousepad installed by default02:16
Dumptruckbut the drive I am partitioning is not removable02:16
danieligInstalled: 2.17.20070103cvs-0ubuntu2 jrib02:16
Pelokitche, k,  cause the xubuntu.com screenshots show gnome-office,  and I was wondering for my aunts computer02:16
jribkitche: ah ok, must have missed OOo writer then02:16
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drhumanistwarbler: yes and what next now? :)02:17
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Pelojrib, you have OOo wirter ?02:17
ben_underscoreDumptruck: oh yeah.02:17
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Dumptrucki've been scratching my head for about a week with this02:17
steel_ladyFrogzoo, it does not see it!02:17
warblerdrhumanist: how many boxes checked green?02:17
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jribPelo: I've since installed ubuntu-desktop but I don't remember it being installed02:17
raf256how good is support for intells 950 video card?  does it have full, as-good-as-in-windoze support, also in the OPEN SOURCE driver?  same as i915 ?02:17
Pelojrib, Kitar|st   default  email ?  evolution or thunderbird ?02:18
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kitchePelo, it's kinda easy to miss OOo word Processor in the Office menu I didn't really notice it until I looked at the menu closely02:18
danieligjrib, when I try to compile that helloworld.c from http://www.klaproos.net/helloworld.c I get the same erro, segfault02:18
drhumanistwarbler: seven (7)02:18
IntuitiveNippleDumptruck:  "Mount removable drives when hot-plugged" enabled - it needs to be disabled, I came in late but I'm guessing you're having a problem with gparted remounting drives when you unmount one?02:18
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ben_underscoreDumptruck: it's not your main drive is it? it's a secondary one?02:18
Dumptruckben_underscore: is it possible to chmod the entire disc?02:18
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ben_underscoreIntuitiveNipple: it's not removable02:18
warblerdrhumanist: min02:18
Dumptruckyes it is a secondary02:18
jribdanielig: erm, that's bad then02:18
IntuitiveNippleben_underscore: It'll still do it - I've had that issue in the past, I always disable hotplug and removable and that solves it02:18
danieligI am in trouble, i told you... but I won't give up02:19
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jribdanielig: you have anything in /usr/local?02:19
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Dumptruckok I'll give it a try02:19
ben_underscoreDumptruck: well that is weird ... perhaps try what IntuitiveNipple said02:19
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danieligjrib: you mean stuff like bin  etc  games  include  lib  man  sbin  share  src???02:19
stimpiedanielig: make sure have you have libc6 and libc6-dev installed02:19
IntuitiveNippleIt's caused when gparted 'rescans' the drives every time you make a change02:20
jribdanielig: yes, what's in /usr/local/bin?02:20
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IntuitiveNippleIt'll report the drive unmounted, but in the background gnome-vfs automounts the darned things :)02:20
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Dumptruckholy crap02:20
Dumptruckit worked02:20
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ben_underscoreDumptruck: try it out, then unmount the drives and see if gparted lets you resize02:20
IntuitiveNipplehappy now?02:20
waldoneed a little help, i removed all my ide drives and was about to install a new kubuntu feisty ... however, the setup goes fine, after that, i reboot , at grub loading; it says error 15: file not found. i tried feisty ubuntu and kubuntu02:20
Dumptrucki would have never looked there02:20
ben_underscoreDumptruck: well there you go ... i did the same once too but with a usb drive02:21
waldo.. removed my ide drives replaced them by sata drives02:21
IntuitiveNippleDumptruck: It took me a few hours when I originally had it happen to me to work out what was going on :)02:21
danielig  Installed: 2.5-0ubuntu1402:21
warblerdrhumanist: are you running 64 bit comp?02:21
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drhumanistwarbler: nope 32 bit02:21
DumptruckWill that fix the permission issues as well?02:21
Pelowaldo,  you unplugged your other hdds before installing ubuntu ?   just set the bios to boot from the ubuntu hdd02:21
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IntuitiveNippleDumptruck: I didnt' see anything else mentioned - I just came in02:21
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Frogzoosteel_lady: you can use fdisk to partition it if you can figure out which device it is02:22
danieligjrib, nothing there...02:22
Dumptruckoh I am also unable to write to the drive02:22
ben_underscoreDumptruck: probably not02:22
jribstimpie: danielig segfaults on the c helloworld you linked too02:22
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IntuitiveNippleDumptruck: "drive" or "partition" - what kind of file-system is on it?02:22
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danieligI mean nothing in /usr/local/bin02:22
ben_underscoreDumptruck: you'd need to use sudo to copy files02:22
stimpiedanielig: same for libc6-dev ?02:22
danieligstimpie, same version for libc6-dev02:23
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Pelowaldo,  it's actualy a good idea to have all your hdds plugged in when you install,  that way grub recognises them and also , before installing make sre that the hdd you install to is the boot hdd in the biios, that way alll the pcs of grub are on the same hdd02:23
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warblerdrhumanist: do you have "nvidia x-config" & "nvidia settings" selected?02:23
IntuitiveNippleDumptruck: with ext3 the permissions are controlled by the file attributes, so you may need to have root access (as ben_underscore says, use sudo)02:23
danieligI wonder why this gcc tells me that it cannot write executeables?02:23
Dumptruckok the resizing is completed02:23
Dumptruckah ha02:24
drhumanistwarbler: NO... neither of em02:24
drhumanistwarble: shall i now?02:24
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Dumptruckcan I reformat to make it essentially a dump drive?02:24
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Pelodanielig, sudo ...02:24
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lieterhi all, one of our customers brought us a ubuntu machine which he believes is root-kitted. However chkrootkit and rkhunter dont show anything strange. even in init 1. The rootpass was still correct so we believe the customer accidentally press CTRL+C. but how can i use apt to verify program(ls, netstat,,,) signatures?02:24
danieligsudo what?02:24
danieligsudo ./configure?02:25
danieligtried that02:25
IntuitiveNippledanielig: What does the config.log report in the directory where you're trying to run it?02:25
drhumanistwarbler: shall i select them now?02:25
ben_underscoreDumptruck: yep, that's what i have mine as - 250 gb of dump02:25
warblerdrhumanist: install them reboot & look for them in the index - applications02:25
drhumanistwarbler: ok02:25
steel_ladyFrozgoo, how do I do that? look that thole system does not recognize, win neither. I went before to one shop in another town and they told me they can not read it but it can be formatted02:25
Dumptruckie could I use a different file system like fat3202:26
cafuego!info debsums02:26
ubotudebsums: Verify installed package files against MD5 checksums.. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.30 (feisty), package size 29 kB, installed size 168 kB02:26
Pelolieter,  what makes the customer think he has a rootkit ?02:26
cafuegolieter: ^^02:26
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IntuitiveNippledanielig: And which version of GCC is it ("gcc --version") ?02:26
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danieligIntuitiveNipple, that is the file I posted on http://pastebin.ca/670159, the only change is, that I have since upgraded the kernel to the lates version...02:26
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lieterPelo, cafuego, he was 'kicked' from his console02:26
Pelo!info debsums > lieter  check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu02:26
danieliggcc (GCC) 4.1.2 (Ubuntu 4.1.2-0ubuntu4)02:27
stimpiedanielig: I assume you updated kernel headers also?02:27
IntuitiveNippledanielig: Latest kernel version? which one specifically? Is this Feisty?02:27
lieterPelo, server is 6.0602:27
danieligit is all now: 2.6.20-16-generic02:27
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ben_underscoreDumptruck: the problem with fat32 is it does not support files > 2 gb02:27
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danieligheaders, kernel image and all the rest...02:27
DumptruckI know02:27
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Pelolieter,  try that debsums thing that cafuego recomended , I 'm clueless02:28
danieligfeisty, course02:28
Dumptruckis there another file system02:28
Dumptruckthat doesn't need permissions?02:28
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ben_underscoreDumptruck: do you want to do windows and linux?02:28
cafuegolieter: Not a very smart rootkit that logs users out ;-)02:28
lieterbut does that verify the debs. or the progs itself?02:28
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lietercafuego, thats why we think it isnt rootkitted02:28
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Dumptruckbut windows will run under vmware02:28
Pelolieter,  the ppl in ##linux might also be able to help,  pretty hardcore channel02:28
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Dumptruckso the filesystem for windows is not important02:29
cafuegolieter: Can you just give the machine back and say "there was no rootkit, we checked" ?02:29
ben_underscoreDumptruck: it's a problem - there is an ext3 driver for windows which i've tried but is a bit flakey02:29
lieterPelo, too bad i'm not hard core ;)02:29
lietercafuego, it hosts 80 websites02:29
IntuitiveNippledanielig: what project are you trying to build?02:29
lietercafuego, and 2 very important ones02:29
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cafuegolieter: Did you check the kernel log for oom-killer?02:29
=== raf256 rubs IntuitiveNipple a bit
DumptruckI don't think that would be an issue02:30
ben_underscoreBRB - talking to wife02:30
Pelolieter, I just mean they might just be more informed about this stuff then we are, this is pretty much an installation problem channel,  the ppl in ##linux can compile everything from source02:30
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danieligalsa-driver 1.0.1402:30
Dumptruckas they will be vmx files accessed by linux02:30
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Dumptruckso it can be any file system supported by linux02:30
danieligI want sound on my bloody laptop working!!!02:30
cafuegoPelo: Oi, so can I. Just coz I'm too lazy doesn't mean I don't think anything ;-)02:30
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hello - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:31
cromodanielig: sorry, I had to leave for a sec02:31
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cafuegolieter: Give debsums a go. *if* there isa  rootkit *and* it's dumb enough to log users out, it probably won't have patched md5.02:31
=== Pelo gives cafuego a cookies and tell him to sit quitely in the corner ; " sure you can"
IntuitiveNippledanielig: Try this: "CC=gcc ./configure"02:31
danieligso what did you find cromo?02:31
cromodanielig: what is happening? nothing really, I just wanted to compile that module and get that error02:31
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cromoI wasn't searching a lot yet, wanted to make sure it's feisty's fault and not the software02:32
cromo*not the software compiled02:32
Dumptruckmaybe I am unclear - sorry - so windows proper will never have access to the filesystem02:32
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Dumptruckonly vmware will02:32
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Dumptruckso any filesystem will do that is recognized by ubuntu02:32
beaviswindows doesn't read ext302:32
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beavisnot without dodgy driver02:32
danieligIntuitiveNipple, this didn't work either, I guess that the CC is correctly registered but fails.02:33
cafuegobeavis: for variying values of "doesn't".02:33
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PeloDumptruck,  you only use  ext3 then,   vmware is a virtual machine , it will run on anything and will create it,s own virtual hdds to run windows on02:33
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jribIntuitiveNipple: his gcc segfaults on helloworld02:33
PeloDumptruck,  but you won't be able to move anything between VM window and Ubuntu02:34
IntuitiveNippledanielig: create a new test directory, create a file 'test'c', put in it "#include <stdio.h>02:34
IntuitiveNipple    int main(void) { printf("Hello, World!\n"); return 0; } " then in that directory see what "gcc -v test.c" reports02:34
Dumptruckbut running an expanding and changing file will always require permission02:34
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beavisuse samba to transfer files between vm'd windows and ubuntu02:34
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IntuitiveNipplejrib: Ahh, so, a libc issue most likely...Is there a pastebin URL of the errors?02:34
Dumptruckcan I change the permissions permanently?02:34
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jessie_hey all.02:34
beavispermissions for wot?02:35
PeloDumberDrummer,  vmware will have permission you don'T need to deal with that02:35
jribIntuitiveNipple: I didn't see one02:35
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PeloDumptruck, vmware will have permission you don'T need to deal with that02:35
cromodanielig: are you using any backports or sth?02:35
=== cafuego goes to sit in the corner and compiles OpenOffice.org from scratch
Dumptruckah ha02:35
IntuitiveNippledanielig: Can you pastebin the results of that "gcc -v test.c" if there are errors?02:35
kitchecafuego, that's always fun :{02:35
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Dumptruckbut when I try to create a virtual machine it says I do not have permissions02:36
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PeloDumptruck,  how are you creating yoru vm ?02:36
Dumptruckdo I need to run vm ware with the gksudo command?02:36
beaviswhere you try to create vm machine, on seperate partition?02:37
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danieligIntuitiveNipple: http://pastebin.ca/67344902:37
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IntuitiveNippledanielig: do you have the matching kernel-headers and glibc-devel packages installed?02:37
Dumptruckand seperate drive02:37
beavisyou may need to chown the directory or partition u are using02:37
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ben_underscoreDumptruck: I have to go -- good luck with it all.02:37
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Dumptruckthanks ben02:37
DumptruckI appreciate your help02:37
=== Pelo needs to get ready for a meeting, later folks
Dumptruckwhat is chown?02:38
tmjbi got problem with feisty isolinux fancy splash menu which block when i try to install on old computer with tnt vanta 16 mb card any ideas how to get text menu ?02:38
Black_CatDumptruck: CHange OWNer02:38
jessie_Dumptruck, chown is a command that changes the owner02:38
Dumptruckis it similar to chmod?02:38
danieligIntuitiveNipple, can you help me how to find that out?02:38
Black_CatDumptruck: one might say that.02:38
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Black_Catbut it changes the owner itself not his access rights02:38
jessie_Dumptruck, yes, just that you change who the owner is rather than who can access it.02:38
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Dumptruckwouldn't it be better to just give everyone access?02:39
Dumptruckusers not other of course02:39
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Black_CatDumptruck: completely insecure approach.02:39
beavistry 'sudo chown "your username" "path to v machine"02:39
danieligDumptruck you can use it with owner and group: chown -r user:group file02:39
DumptruckI am an insecure guy what can I say02:39
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Black_CatDumptruck: of course you can have 777 and owner doesn't matter02:40
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Frogzoo777 aiieeee!!!02:40
danieligdon't do it Dumptruck02:40
gvsa123Dumptruck: that's also one of the things that make linux secure02:40
Dumptruckso I type chmod 777 in console?02:40
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danielig(almost never)02:40
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IntuitiveNippledanielig: "dpkg-query -l 'glibc*' " and "dpkg-query -l 'linux-headers*' "02:40
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drhumanistwarbler: i did.... Ubuntu crashed!! now on Vista :(02:41
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drhumanistwarbler: you want to see the error messages?02:41
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gvsa123anyone know why i lost the shutdown usplash after upgrading to fiesty?02:41
warblerdrhumanist: "I did" ... means what exactly?02:41
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Paddy_EIREgvsa123, what does it do now?02:42
bobbob1016How can I download sequential files with wget, as in file01, file02, file03, and so on?02:42
Dumptruckso what commands do I need to use to give all users read write and execute permission?02:42
drhumanistwarbler: i loaded the two packages you asked via the Synaptics manager... and i rebooted02:42
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IntuitiveNippledanielig: Here's what the gcc -v test.c output *should* look like, so you know what to expect: http://pastebin.intuitivenipple.net/6602:42
warblerdrhumanist: then...02:42
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gvsa123Paddy_EIRE: well it shutsdown well but i lost the ubuntu logo with the progress bar...02:42
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drhumanistwarbler: error messages: Failed to load module "nvidia"02:43
Allooshhi guys, Iam trying to paste mysql file in the terminal and its not pasting the file as it should, I think this is a bug02:43
jessie_bobbob1016, well, try something like "wget http:\\placetofilesfile0?.nameofextension"02:43
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Paddy_EIREbobbob1016, not sure it does them sequentially or altogether02:43
saylarhey guys. i need a favor. could someone please give me the ip address of reddit?02:43
drhumanistmodule doesn't exist02:43
Dumptruckand is there a graphic means of setting permissions I know I need to get used to the command line but it still kinda scares me02:43
saylarseems they're having some DNS problems02:43
drhumanistwarbler: No drivers availabke02:43
gvsa123Paddy_EIRE: the unusual line there goes something like: "inappropriate *something* init..."02:43
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jessie_Dumptruck, if you run nautilus as root via "sudo nautilus" from a command line you can right click stuff to change owners and permissions.02:44
Paddy_EIREgvsa123, I would check the forums for this problem.. chances are this has been resolved02:44
danieligIntuitiveNipple: this is whta I get for the glibc and kernel headers: http://pastebin.ca/67345102:44
bobbob1016jessie_, I tried ? and * for the wildcard, and no luck, it's only 8 files, I'll do them one at a time02:44
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BucketfaceUm, I accidently copied an unwritable folder to my  'Musics' folder, I can't delete it. I have tried sudo chown charles /home/charles/Musics/Buckethead02:44
drhumanistwarbler: x server could not initialize during booting!02:44
warblerdrhumanist: is that all - reboot in rescue and type at prompt sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg - remember we changed the driver02:44
jessie_bobbob1016, oh... good to know.02:44
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Dumptruckyour guys are geniuses - thanks for all of your help!02:44
gvsa123Paddy_EIRE: it wasn't last time i checked, i'll take a look now. not that this is a major thing for me though... :)02:44
jessie_Bucketface, try "sudo chown -R charles"02:45
WindowsHaterhi guys!02:45
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drhumanistok warbler - trying now02:45
drhumanistsee you02:45
danieligIt looks to me like there is no glibc installed am I a complete fool?02:45
Paddy_EIREDumptruck, truck use gksudo nautilus02:45
BucketfaceWhat? -R does whatnow D:?02:45
jessie_Bucketface, or what not. the -R makes it recursive and does it to all of the files and folders in that directory.02:45
IntuitiveNippledanielig: Well, that shows you have the correct headers "inux-headers-2.6.20-15-generic"02:45
Dumptruckthanks paddy I thought as much02:45
GNinethe big r is the right way02:45
Paddy_EIREDumptruck, no probs :)02:46
GNineissue: inoperable screensavers.  all packages and drivers installed. no visuals on most titles specially the openGL type.  any fixes?02:46
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IntuitiveNippledanielig: My mistake; try "dpkg-query -l 'libc-*' " :p02:46
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danieligI also have linux-headers 2.6.20-1602:46
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jessie_see you people. i have to go to school now.02:47
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BucketfaceJEssie, that didn't work D;02:47
GNineleave that cellphone02:47
BucketfaceAlso, byebye jessie02:47
IntuitiveNippledanielig: Yes, but according to the config.log it is working with kernel "uname -r = 2.6.20-15-generic" so it shoulf be matched up02:47
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danieligI pasted my libc*s on your pastebin...02:47
AllooshHi guys, is there limit for the number of characters I can paste to the terminal?02:47
jessie_Bucketface, no, try to do "sudo nautilus" in the terminal and just right click the folder to change them.02:47
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GNineyou wanna write a book at the terminal?02:48
Paddy_EIREBucketface, gksudo nautilus02:48
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AllooshGNine: no, I want to create tables in mysql02:48
BucketfaceThat worked~!02:48
danieligIntuitive Nipple: I have pasted the config.log two days ago, now have upgraded to the new kernel and also the config.log, when I try has the new kernel instead the old one...02:48
BucketfaceIT changed it to the root user then I had access to it all amirite :D?02:49
danieligwas lazy to paste again, since the result was no different except the kernel version.02:49
GNinedont know anything about sql.. too windowy for me02:49
GNinei would suggest nano tho02:49
m0u5eim dpkg reconfiguring xorg.conf, anyone know how to find my "video card bus identifier" info?02:49
Paddy_EIREjessie tells you the wrong command then leaves Bucketface , ensure you use 'gksudo' or 'gksu' when launching graphical apps from the terminal02:49
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ckin2001@alloosh - try phpmyadmin for easy mysql administration02:50
Paddy_EIREBucketface, those you wish to run with root privileges that is02:50
beavisit makes no difference, gksudo is just a graphical front end for sudo02:50
kdubm0u5e: you try lspci?02:50
IntuitiveNippledanielig: redo that test, but *comment out* the '#include <stdio.h>' line with surrounding /*    */ and see what GCC says02:50
Allooshckin2001: I have it, but I like using the consol, do you know how can I access the consol?02:50
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KevinOmanhello, I just installed ubuntu server, and I can't seem to connect to it from another pc02:51
ckin2001mysql -u(username) -p02:51
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AllooshKevinOman: you need ssh server02:51
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GNine!samba | KevinOman02:51
ubotuKevinOman: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT02:51
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GNinehowever.. you didnt specify02:52
Cinhi can I change firefox to use mplayer instead of totem movie player?02:52
warblerubotu is wise02:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is wise - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:52
Allooshckin2001: I know this and Iam using it, but there is a limit to the number of chars I can paste in terminal02:52
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Paddy_EIRECin, remove the totem firefox plugin02:52
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Paddy_EIRECin, 1 sec I have a good link for this02:52
CinPaddy_EIRE, is it possible to use mplayer in the browser instead?02:52
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KevinOmanGNine I followed this tutorial http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu70402:53
CinPaddy_EIRE, k02:53
GNine!ssh | KevinOman02:53
ubotuKevinOman: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/02:53
IntuitiveNippledanielig: ok, so it doesn't look to be the linker and standard libraries02:53
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ckin2001you could put the commands in a script and have them be executed - not sure on the syntax,though02:53
KevinOmansorry gnine im running ubuntu on both pc's02:54
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jkraidhey guys, i have had a working s/w raid (md) setup on ubuntu feisty now for about 1 week, i rebooted my server and since my disks span across 2 different drivers/controllers, the new disk that i added whilst system was up, ended up jumping in first in the ordering i guess at device-mapper level (its still coming up as the fifth disk /dev/sde1). The problem is that now my mdadm doesnt see the raid set. any ideas? can i force order?02:54
CinPaddy_EIRE, totem is nice and all the progress bar doesn't actually do anything? all you can do is pause... O_o02:54
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danieligIntuitiveNipple I am for too long on this , what can I do to make sound work another route?02:54
Paddy_EIREhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3036922#post3036922 Cin02:54
GNinessh is not windows specific02:54
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beavisKevinOman: Are both computers on the same internal network?02:54
danielighow can I avoid compiling stuff?02:54
m0u5ekdub: yeah, but it doesnt seem to want to give me my PCI bus information, I tried -x and -G :/02:54
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Paddy_EIRECin, mplayer is soo much better02:54
dinya_hi all. i wanted to build apt-proxy in our local net. recently i made good upgrade. i wanted copy all apt archive to apt-proxy cache by 'apt-proxy-import -r path_to_apt_archive', but it said "... no suitable backend found" for each package and didn't copy anything. can you help me?02:54
CinPaddy_EIRE, I agree02:55
Assassin--ver kosangeles.ca.us.undernet.org 666702:55
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m0u5ekdub: I get this: $ lspci -G | grep -i "vga\|display"02:55
m0u5e00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)02:55
m0u5e00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)02:55
CinPaddy_EIRE, does Stage6 work with this method?02:55
KevinOmanbeavis yes, im connected to a lynksys wrt54g router02:55
IntuitiveNippledanielig: now try this "strace gcc -v test.c" and pastebin the results02:55
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Paddy_EIRECin, also has a nice right click save as feature for embedded browser vids02:55
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KevinOmanbeavis, I have dd-wrt firmware as well02:55
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CinPaddy_EIRE, oh, disregard that last question; mentioned in the article ho ho02:56
GNinecomputers in the same intranet should be able to communicate thru dhcp protocol by default02:56
beavisthen if apache is setup correctly you should be able to enter the other computers internal IP : 192.168..... to access the server, from a browser that is02:56
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Paddy_EIRECin, yeah just for future reference as there is a handy bug fix in that thread :D02:56
beavisKevin: I take it this doesn't happen02:57
kdubm0u5e: 0:2 would make sense, thats what my intel card is on my laptop at home, if i recall. your machine should be able to easily (and with less room for error) be able to identify the bus...02:57
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GNineanother possible way is to manual config of the router02:57
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m0u5ekdub: isnt it in a 3 number format though? xx:xx:xx?02:57
Paddy_EIRECin, you wil most likely need to do it yourself.. I dont think this has been addressed in gutsy yet afaik02:57
teknofonixsuperb....i now have ubuntu and osx dual booting on my macbook02:57
CinPaddy_EIRE, I'm on Feisty02:57
Paddy_EIREeasy fix02:58
AMbrosehow do I prevent grub from being remove when reinstalling windows?02:58
GNineissue: inoperable screensavers.  all packages and drivers installed. no visuals on most titles specially the openGL type.  any fixes?02:58
teknofonixhow do i get a hash key though?02:58
KevinOmanbeavis no, I can't connect to it by browser with ip address02:58
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m0u5ekdub: so for my dkpg reconfigure xorg, do i just type in "PCI:0:2:0 then?02:58
Pici!grub | AMbrose02:58
ubotuAMbrose: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:58
NET||abuseHey Paddy_EIRE how are ya?02:58
Paddy_EIRENET||abuse, hey man... all good02:58
kdubm0u5e: yeah, i'm sorry, i forgot. I wish i had my laptop here, but that should work02:58
KevinOmanGNine do you know which settings?02:58
danieligdid you read that IntuitiveNipple?02:58
KevinOmanI alredy have dmz set02:58
NET||abusePaddy_EIRE, any interesting stuff goin on?02:58
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beavisI presume if you use the server locally you can connect to localhost using a browser02:58
kdubm0u5e: there needs to be an intel graphics channel....02:59
Dumptruckafter changing options in gksudo nautilus do I need to reboot?  I am still unable to wirte to the disk02:59
NET||abusePaddy_EIRE, you participating in the ubuntu-ie group at all?02:59
teknofonixwhere is hash key in ubuntu on a macbook uk keyboard anyone?02:59
GNinecouldnt tell you .. i already threw my 3 pennies about it02:59
m0u5ekdub: T_T i know02:59
Paddy_EIRENET||abuse, selling my sole to the devil http://www.stream.com/02:59
m0u5ekdub: aw crap, do i need to specify ram too?02:59
jkraidanyone know how to force order for a software-raid setup on ubuntu feisty in order to allow mdadm to start up raid on boot?02:59
NET||abusePaddy_EIRE, lol... sounds interesting,,,02:59
m0u5ekdub: how do i tell what my system currently has set for ram for my i845?02:59
Paddy_EIRENET||abuse, I was contributing... kinda dont like the flyier02:59
danieligDumptruck, are you trying to write to an ntfs disk?02:59
Lanfm0use: cat /proc/meminfo03:00
KevinOmanbeavis, if I type localhost in my browser it connects to this computer, I have apache on this one as well03:00
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m0u5elanf: thx03:00
Dumptrucknope ext303:00
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GNine!dhcp | KevinOman03:00
ubotuKevinOman: dhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP03:00
danieligdid you make the disk writeable?03:00
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DumptruckI am done with ntfs... forever03:00
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Paddy_EIRENET||abuse, was waiting for our site to pop up... who is handling this03:00
danieligwhat is ls -al telling you about your disk03:00
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Dumptruckit is writable03:00
beavisI take it you know that apache is working correctly on the other computer, the one you are trying to connect to remotely?03:00
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m0u5eLanf: can i get it to tell me how much mem is allocated to my GPU?03:01
danieligwhat does $ ls -al say?03:01
danieligpaste it Dumptruck03:01
Lanfdunno m0u5e03:01
KevinOmanbeavis, im assuming that, I don't really know how to test it from command line03:01
m0u5eLanf: cause i need to know what my GPU is currently set at for system mem ussage03:01
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fastputtyhi someonecould help me with iptables: iptables -A LOG_DROP -j LOG --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options --log-prefix '[IPTABLES DROP]  : '... this command log my stuff but it echo in the console, i try to avoid it, someone could help me03:01
NET||abusePaddy_EIRE, what you mean, site to pop up?03:01
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IntuitiveNippledanielig: I'm just comparing your results to mine03:01
kdubm0u5e: i never had any problems with the default allocation, but run 'man intel' and scroll through until you see the something about "Option VideoRam [size] "03:02
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KevinOmangnine, I do have dhcp turned on for the thr router03:02
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DumptruckAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.03:02
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Paddy_EIRENET||abuse, http://ubuntu-ie.org/ <---this website03:02
GNinei dont know anything about thr03:02
Dumptruckthe entire thing you want me to paste?03:02
Lanfm0u5e sorry, I don't know how to get that info :(03:02
PureEvilGeekwhats the difficulty level of joining a ubuntu desktop to an AD domain? and are there any features that will be missing?03:03
beavisback in 1003:03
m0u5eLanf: its okay thx :D03:03
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NET||abusePaddy_EIRE, ahh, ok.. :) yeh, it's been up a little while03:03
Dumptruckdanielig: you want me to paste the entire list?03:03
NET||abusePaddy_EIRE, oh,, seems down now.. .weird03:03
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danieligDumptruck just one line with the disk03:03
GNinecan you ping any machine on your intranet KevinOman ?03:03
Paddy_EIRENET||abuse, yeah, thats what I mean03:03
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NET||abusePaddy_EIRE, it was up lastnight..03:04
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NET||abusePaddy_EIRE, ok, brb,, just rebooting, sound issues trying to resolve.. fecking flash03:04
kdubm0u5e: glxinfo may also be helpful in finding that out03:04
DumptruckI don't see it03:04
GNineissue: inoperable screensavers.  all packages and drivers installed. no visuals on most titles specially the openGL type.  any fixes?03:04
IntuitiveNippledanielig: The failure is shown at line 218 where it tries to clone the process03:04
Paddy_EIRENET||abuse, :P03:04
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danieligDumptruck for example drwxr-xr-x 35 danielig danielig  4096 2007-08-28 15:51 yourdisk03:05
danieligwhich means IntuitiveNipple?03:05
ChickenChancehey all, I'm having a bit of trouble getting ubuntu setup03:05
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m0u5ekdub: do you recommend upgrading from the i810 to the intel ubuntu drivers?03:06
ChickenChanceUbuntu isn't seeing my network card03:06
ChickenChancecan you guys give me a little help?03:06
DumptruckI know I don't see it - sorry03:06
GNinei810 is intel03:06
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:07
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m0u5eGNine: there are currently two drivers in the main repos, i810 is the official supported, with debian merge at 2.7.xx something of the sort, and the intel drivers are at 2.903:07
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GNinethen id assume 2.9 as an upgrade. so .. why not03:08
kdubm0u5e: it wouldn't hurt, but probably won't add any functionality you don't already have. I have to use the intel drivers, (with a 2.6.22 kernel) because I have a GMA965.03:08
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Dumptruckdanielig: yeah I've looked through three time now and I don't see it03:08
KevinOmangnine I cannot ping anything but my router03:08
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m0u5ekdub: any performance increase / stability issues you know about? :D03:08
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GNinewhats the known status of your networked puters? they up?03:09
KevinOmangnine it seems I can't even ping my router right now03:09
Dumptruckoh turd03:09
kdubm0u5e: I had difficulties with agpgart (the name for the allocated shared video ram) with the intel drivers and a 2.6.18 kernel, but other than that, not really03:09
Dumptrucksorry I figured it out03:09
GNinebtw.. if you can ping your router.. thats a good sign .. ur closer to a solution03:10
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KevinOmanI can't connect to it from a browser either thru ubuntu03:10
danieligDumptruck. you still have not pasted your permissions  from ls -al... first check where your disk is mounted (e.g. /mnt/hda6) then cd /mnt and do ls -al03:10
KevinOmangnine I have only been able to connect to my router in windows03:10
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Dumptruckno it was my screwup03:10
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DumptruckI changed permissions on the wrong disk03:10
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GNineoh well. .. Gnine is not a guru.  was just trying to point out a few things for you03:10
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DumptruckI'm an idiot03:10
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brad_hey sorry my IRC crapped out03:11
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m0u5ekdub: okay thx :)03:11
danieligDumptruck: we are all idiots, just many of us fail to realise03:11
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kdubKevinOman: make sure through online research, that your specific network interface has support with the kernel you are using. You may need to install drivers, or use ndiswrapper(if its wireless)03:11
brad_I'm looking for some pointers on getting ubuntu to recognise me network card03:11
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:12
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KevinOmanthanks kdub03:12
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KevinOmangnine I appreciate your help03:12
brad_i have no problem with my wireless card03:12
GNinewrong. i dont agree with you statement, danielig ...03:12
NET||abusePaddy_EIRE, hey sorry bout that,, trying to get flash sound back,, havn't been able to watch a good youtube video in 2 months nearly03:12
danieligI gotta go, thanks for your help IntuitiveNipple, stimpie, Cromo, jrib, kauer, good luck Dumptruck see you soon with more trouble03:12
brad_its my wired lan card that ubuntu cannot seem to see03:12
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GNinejust trying to help some, KevinOman03:13
danieliggnine so?03:13
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Dumptruckok so I want to get this right - so I use nautilus to find the drive that I want to change permissions03:13
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GNinethat makes you an idiot.. if you like puttin yourself in that category, fine. dont count me in.03:13
Paddy_EIRENET||abuse, hmm, whats happening exactly03:13
DumptruckI want to add the user to groups and give the user read and write permission?03:13
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Dumptruckor do I want to make the user the owner?03:13
NET||abuseI get this message "ALSA lib pcm_softvol.c:606:(softvol_load_control) Cannot open CTL hw:0" in console when i run firefox from gnome-termianl03:14
WindowsHaterpeople i have a pc sony vaio....with the WebCam motionEye....how can i install he web? (i'm new on linux :s).....03:14
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NET||abuseas well as "ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:914:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave"03:14
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medflyfor some reason glxgears starts showing weird stuff, is generally slow and wont output anything03:14
NET||abusePaddy_EIRE, and then a series of repeating blocks about "no such card" for various function names03:15
NET||abusehere's the paste of it . http://pastebin.com/m451d5b1603:15
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DK_IIhow do I re-detect my new CRT monitor in Ubuntu?03:15
brad_does anyone have a link to some help for getting my network running on ubuntu?03:15
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PureEvilGeekwhats the difficulty level of joining a ubuntu desktop to an AD domain? and are there any features that will be missing?03:15
AnonHi. I think Ubuntu is a great distro and I expect it to be a dominant force in the desktop market in a couple of years, but I have one problem with Ubuntu - the hardware detection. Why not use the Kanotix hardware detection?03:15
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praetmedfly: see if your 3d card is set up correctly with drivers. get info here: lspci |grep VGA   and: glxinfo03:16
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slavikPureEvilGeek: I've done it and not too much of a headache ... but I wouldn't join it to an AD domain :)03:16
Paddy_EIRENET||abuse, have something that may solve your prob..03:16
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Paddy_EIRENET||abuse, 1 sec...03:16
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NET||abusePaddy_EIRE, :) is it the also-oss workaround? firefoxrc change dsp wrapper to aoss?03:16
drhumanistwarbler: hi :)03:16
brad_ok i will reword that03:17
NET||abusePaddy_EIRE, sorry, the "alsa-oss" package03:17
Paddy_EIRENET||abuse, yep... lol03:17
PureEvilGeekslavik: why not?03:17
NET||abusePaddy_EIRE, tried that for ages03:17
PureEvilGeekslavik: would there be features missing?03:17
brad_has anyone managed to get Ubuntu running on an Asus machine03:17
warblerdrhumanist: any luck?03:17
drhumanistwarbler: well the resolution changed to 1200x800 this time... after i configured XServer as needed03:17
GNinei installed ubuntu having no experience with linux and no help.  i found this support channel after the fact03:17
PureEvilGeekAD features that is03:17
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warblerdrhumanist: yaah ...but03:17
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drhumanistwarbler: the problem is i cannot see ANYTHING BUT A LIGHT BROWN SCREEN when Ubuntu boots,03:18
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praetDK_II: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:18
Traeanhyone know of a good GNOME panel applet download site?03:18
medflypraet, well nothing wrong with lspci but glxinfo gives errors.03:18
drhumanistbut desktop is there! i can use it!!!03:18
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Paddy_EIRENET||abuse, this one http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#Install_from_tarball_.28method_3.29    <---Method 3 ?03:18
geniiAnon: Kanotix is another Debian distribution, not just a hardware detection scheme03:18
kdubTrae, i've been wondering where that site is too :-D03:18
praetbrad_: asus mobo?03:18
NET||abusePaddy_EIRE, one sec, i'll read that..03:18
Traeapt-cache search gnome |grep panel03:18
GNinethey shouldve call it furball03:18
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brad_praet: no Asus A8Jp notebook03:19
warblerdrhumanist: excuse my ignorance but how do you know the light brown screen is at that res?03:19
praetbrad_: use lspci to get your exact detected hardware and search online for it03:19
andrei_amatorhello ppl03:19
Anongenii: Yeah, I used to be a Kanotix user. But couldn't you just take Kanotix's kernel, which is downloadable on their website, and then model ubuntu around it?03:19
Traekdub, I want a resolution switcher applet03:19
Paddy_EIRENET||abuse, Im surprised that gnash cant handle youtube.. normally it can but heh... try that site I gave they tend to be very good03:19
NET||abusePaddy_EIRE, cool, will do03:20
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warblerdrhumanist: try cntl-alt-bksp03:20
Paddy_EIRETrae, there is one in the repos... not sure of the name use the add/remove03:20
praetmedfly: are you using an ati or nvidia card? if so check restriced drivers manager for setup.03:20
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kdubTrae, nice!03:20
medflypraet, no. i know theres a problem with the driver tho..03:20
brad_praet: ok honestly this is what kindas shits me about linux, my network card isnt working so i need to search online to find the solution03:20
Pici!ohmy | brad_03:21
ubotubrad_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:21
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praetbrad_: same thing happens in windows my friend :)03:21
brad_praet: Thanks for the help03:21
CinPaddy_EIRE, sweet, got it to open in mplayer03:21
mypapitbrad_,  yup.. most of the time in windows you need to find solutions in the internet too03:21
floresc7Has anyone used DRBL on Fiesty?03:21
padduhiiii everybody03:21
praetbrad_: what comes up for viedo card?03:21
WindowsHaterhi hi03:21
praetsorr network card03:21
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brad_praet: Difference being OEMs hand out drivers with the machines03:21
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Paddy_EIRECin, nice one...is it behaving the way you need it to03:22
geniiAnon: You would need to ask someone who is more involved in the development end of the Ubuntu system to know if it was possible or what the plan is for driver/kernel support.03:22
drhumanistwarbler: sorry i got disconnected03:22
brad_praet: hang on im going to check quick03:22
GNineissue: inoperable screensavers.  all packages and drivers installed. no visuals on most titles specially the openGL type.  any fixes?03:22
drhumanistwarbler: what have i missed???03:22
TraeI hate when things have lame applet icons03:22
NET||abusePaddy_EIRE, yeh, i think i went through alot of that before, but i'll step by step through method 3 and be 100% sure03:22
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drhumanistwarbler: we are really close this time03:22
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CinPaddy_EIRE, I think so. it opens up an mplayer window, so then I have access to all the mplayer cool stuff03:22
padduanybody is working on development of mobile OS??????/03:22
floresc7how about clonezilla?03:23
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CinPaddy_EIRE, I'm using that firefox add-on03:23
drhumanistwarbler: some minor setting in Xserver i suspect...03:23
kdubTrae, the nice thing about linux is, if you know where to look, you can change everything you want ;-)03:23
Paddy_EIRENET||abuse, yeah.. be sure to remove any and all flash stuffs you have done so far including gnash if applicable :D03:23
NET||abuseyup, done that just now03:23
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geniiAnon: Also as i understand, the developer of Kanotix, Jrg Schirottke wrote much of the hardware detection engine.03:23
NET||abusei love--purge03:23
Paddy_EIREyeah :D03:23
Traekdub, heh, tha'ts a big iff03:23
PureEvilGeekwhats the difficulty level of joining a ubuntu desktop to an AD domain? and are there any features that will be missing?03:23
Traekdub, that's like saying, if you know differential equations, you can do them.03:23
warblerdrhumanist: I'm not there so can only suggest -yes it seems a minor setting but don't know how you got there03:23
kdubpaddu, check out Ubuntu Mobile http://www.ubuntu.com/news/ubuntu-for-mobile-internet-devices03:24
NET||abusePaddy_EIRE, had a huge firefight with my desktop a while back though with nvidia drivers.. lots of things were left behind on 32bit libs for nvidia-glx, and the beta i installed a year ago..03:24
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padduthanks kdub03:24
drhumanistwarbler: xserver asked many questions.... i think i replied them well....03:24
tattersanyone familer with tv card n webcams tell me if they know whats going on here ?      http://pastebin.com/m763fbec003:24
NET||abusePaddy_EIRE, nightmare,, --purge couldn't manage everythign for me :( anyway.. right,, back in a bit once i've gone through all of this.. also.. adobe fore linux.. must follow that link also :)03:25
GNineok.. so nobody runs openGL screensavers here or what03:25
kdubTrae, but at least linux gives you the equations to work out. Some OSes (...) dont....03:25
drhumanistwarbler: if we cannot solve this i will have to reinstall everything or maybe try another distro :(03:25
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medflyGNine, i didnt see people using screensavers in years.03:25
floresc7How about using SATA hard drives on Ubuntu?03:25
warblerdrhumanist: the trick is to get to a situation where x can ask again03:25
drhumanistwarbler: oh and you will give commands to me?03:25
Paddy_EIRENET||abuse, nasty.... linux supports hardware acceleration on my desktop with 1280x1024 windows cant do hardware accel with the card and I have tried so many drivers..03:25
GNineok.. how about openGL03:26
kdubfloresc7: the quickest trick with SATA drives is sometimes to put them in compatibility mode in the BIOS03:26
drhumanistwarbler: i can arrange that if you want!03:26
brad_praet: My ethernet controller showed up as a Reltek Semiconductor Co. Ltd RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 1)03:26
warblerdrhumanist: will be here!03:26
drhumanistok than i will go and get another computer ! just wait :)03:26
drhumanistsee you03:26
floresc7kdub: I only have 2 options in BIOS, tried both.  One is normal, the other is RAID03:26
cosmodaddoes network manager not support WPA yet?03:26
tattersI use my TV as monitor in living room and like screensaver playin if not using03:26
GNineam amazed how you guys seem to know everything but a fundamental graphics development tool like OpenGL , disappointing03:27
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Paddy_EIREGNine, why would we want to know that03:27
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slavikGNine: what exactly should we know about opengl03:27
kdubGNine: who's to say theres no OpenGL gurus around?03:27
Paddy_EIREGNine, we all run using terminal sessions here :P03:27
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GNineis it not part of the system.. or am i imagining this?03:28
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medflypfft, youre just upset because you cant waste MORE electricity by having a screensaver03:28
Paddy_EIREGNine, hes trying to gode someone into soving his prob :P03:28
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brad_praet: Sorry a Realtek ""03:28
medflyno, opengl isnt part of any operation system.. wtf03:28
GNinePaddy_EIRE,  is catching up some03:28
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Paddy_EIREGNine, get a decent gfx card03:29
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GNinehowever.. am a graphics oriented entity.. i like flashy things03:29
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KevinOmananyone know why o can't connect to my router with ubuntu, but YOU can with windows, I have dd-wrt installed on router03:29
GNinei already have a nice one of those03:29
praettatters: try commenting out the "v4l" module03:30
Paddy_EIREGNine, what is it03:30
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GNinenvidia type.. my issue is not hardware based tho03:30
tatterspraet give it a shot thnx for looking03:30
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floresc7any other ideas for mounting a SATA HD?03:30
Paddy_EIREGNine, sounds like it is... you dont even know what your card is so how do you know its not a driver problem03:31
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GNinei know what it is .. and i know what is not my problem ..03:31
Paddy_EIREGNine, or insufficent video ram..03:31
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steel_ladyis there some problem in ubuntu handling SD cards?03:31
Paddy_EIREGNine, fancy letting us in on the secret03:31
hacked_kernelI got a server that has only one user "root", but root can't open log files in /var/log/*  even I can't use stat to read file status, it say permission denied03:31
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warblersteel_lady: hows the little movies going?03:32
hacked_kernelany help03:32
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tatterspraet: comment them out where in xorg?03:32
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brad_praet: Could u give me a hand finding a driver for my card?03:32
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geniihacked_kernel: When you set the box up, you chose "root" as the first username to create?03:32
GNinei identified the issue already ...  if there are no known fixes in this room... its all good03:33
steel_ladywarbler, I encoded it as they told me but it does not work. then I dl the win program, encoded to see what is the difference and is it working and now ubuntu doesn't want to write the file on neither of my SD cards03:33
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hacked_kernelgenii, Yes03:33
floresc7Anyone know anything about SATA hds?03:33
Paddy_EIREGNine, you have not identified anything to me... except that you gfx card is "nvidia type" ..?03:33
GNinebesides.. you admitted you dont know anything about openGL. you wouldnt be much help anyway03:34
GNinethanks for the interest tho03:34
praetbrad_: looking. should use the r8169 driver  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=80679603:34
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warblersteel_lady: It's an issue - but check for drivers for your cards - like win , linux needs drivers03:34
geniihacked_kernel: When you are trying to edit thing, you are using sudo?03:35
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Paddy_EIREGNine, could you stop wasting line after line on trolling or do you actually have an issue you need help with..?  Previously I had been sarcastic because of your attitude to the room03:35
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hacked_kernelgenii, sure03:35
Paddy_EIRE!Patience | GNine03:35
ubotuGNine: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:35
boomh4u3rHow do I update my gfx card driver?03:35
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GNineyou are the one exhibiting an attidute03:35
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steel_ladywarlber, it was working fine before. now I put the card mount, write, unmount and when I put it again -no file!03:36
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praetbrad_: realtek makes a unix driver, that may help: http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=13&PFid=5&Level=5&Conn=4&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false03:36
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UbuntuGuyHi all, quick question: How can I see which package(s) depend(s) on a given package03:36
boomh4u3rI have an ATI x160003:36
Paddy_EIREGNine, you know what man.. I dont even want to help you anymore.. good luck with BOTH your problems :)03:36
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GNineissue: inoperable openGL screensavers.  all packages and drivers installed. no visuals on most titles including the openGL type.  any known fixes?03:37
brad_praet: Thanks, I am going to check that all out. Thanks.03:37
GNinePaddy_EIRE, your welcome03:37
geniihacked_kernel: You are able to use sudo then if you put your password that you set the user "root" up with?03:37
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warblersteel_lady: apart from suggesting drivers I don't know - repost prob - someone here now maybe has experience?03:37
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hacked_kernelgenii, it didn't ask for password03:38
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ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:38
floresc7Help anyone?  I am trying to make cloned images of a HD using clonezilla on DRBL.  The problem is all the computers recieving the images have SATA hds.  Ubuntu is not recognizing these HDs.  I have tried both modes in BIOS, Normal and RAID.  Anyone have any ideas?03:38
praetbrad_: check card driver info like this: lshw -C network03:38
alagshi, i'm trying to set up a vnc  here. When i check the vnc, no window manager is loaded, though i have mentioned gnome-session in my xstartup.03:38
alagscan someone help?03:38
praettatters: should comment that out in your modules.conf i think. let me check03:38
Paddy_EIREGNine, .. do you have a screenshot of any of this03:38
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predaeusUbuntuGuy, synaptic lists dependend packages under properties. But I don't know if this only refers to installed packages or all the packages in the repository.03:39
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Paddy_EIREGNine, I am prettly familiar with opengl03:39
steel_ladywarbler, I don't have other expnanation than it is moody. I do same as always but is just ignores me03:39
GNinethe screenshot would be a blank screen.. there are NO visuals.03:39
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Paddy_EIREGNine, in a terminal type 'glxgears'03:39
IntuitiveNippleGNine: which video driver version are you using?03:39
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geniihacked_kernel: The prudent thing to do would be to rename that user from root (because that is a reserved system name) to something else.03:39
warblersteel_lady: you said you downloaded win version?03:39
alagshi, i'm trying to set up a vnc  here. When i check the vnc, no window manager is loaded, though i have mentioned gnome-session in my xstartup.03:40
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warblersteel_lady: 0's & 1's don't have temper tantrums :) hehe03:41
GNinei got all kinds of glx , the rss package , the mesa glx ..03:41
predaeusGNine, does glxgears show anything?03:41
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GNineeverything needed for openGL to work .. except no dough03:41
UbuntuGuypredaeus: yep, but Actually I need the reverse. I have a package "foobar" installed and I want to see what depends on it.03:41
steel_ladywarbler, I dl the program that encoded the movie differently. it plays fine on ubuntu, now i want to check if it plays on my pocket and if it does, I would try to copy the file parameters to try to do it with ffmpeg03:41
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IntuitiveNippleGNine: If you want help, you need to tell us the *exact* driver version, and the *exact* chipset on the problem system03:41
geniihacked_kernel: eg:    sudo vipw                      then go to where it has name root with something like 1000:1000     and change root to another name03:41
predaeusUbuntuGuy, you can see that in synaptic.03:41
GNinetesting glxgear now03:41
brad_praet: what was i looking for?03:41
predaeusUbuntuGuy, just change the option under "Properties".03:42
floresc7Does anyone boot using a SATA hard drive?03:42
Paddy_EIREGNine, pastebin the output after a little while03:42
warblersteel_lady: k03:42
boomh4u3rI have an ATI x1600..How do i get the driver to install? thx03:42
percan somone please help me install thunderbird- and what to do after the files are extracted03:42
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geniihacked_kernel: normally would want to use usermod but because now 2 names of root don't want to rename the real root account03:42
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:42
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reconDoes anybody know if the ubuntu version of netcat was compiled with GAPING_SECURITY_HOLE?03:42
warblerdrhumanist: ?03:42
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predaeusUbuntuGuy, synaptic/click on pacakge/properties/dependencies-tab/set-dependend packages03:43
geniihacked_kernel: You can exit vipw with :wq03:43
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geniihacked_kernel: If you mess up the edit use :q! to exit without modifying file03:43
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floresc7help please!03:43
geniiwork, AFK03:43
recon!ask | floresc703:44
ubotufloresc7: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:44
UbuntuGuypredaeus: Yes, I see, but that seems to list all packages, not just those installed (which is what I need)03:44
predaeusfloresc7, I boot using SATA.03:44
predaeusUbuntuGuy, ah ok.03:44
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steel_ladywarbler, looks like ubuntu has problem handling card reader. whan I put it to USB reader it saves the file but it throws a bunch of strange garbage on it03:44
drhumanisti am switching to the other computer03:44
warblerdrhumanist: k03:44
drhumanistsee you in a minute03:45
floresc7predaeus: did you have any issues setting it up the first time?03:45
UbuntuGuypredaeus: I found another way.  I did an apt-get -s remove foobar and it listed the immediate direct dependencies.  I'll have to recurse to get them all, but it should work03:45
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predaeusUbuntuGuy, scan the "man apt-get" or "man dpgk" to look for info, I guess synaptic just uses the underlying tools, maybe there is an option to exlude not installed packages on that output.03:45
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praettatters: should comment that out in your /etc/modules file03:45
warblersteel_lady: try to find the right driver - it will work :)03:45
GNinegot a double buffered visual.  xlib is not registering GLX  on display 0.003:45
jkraidHi guys, i'm having some troubles with ubuntu feisty 7.04 + mdadm/device-mapper. Details are at: http://pastebin.com/mfe92816. basically after a reboot, disks of one controller (part of same raid set) misbehave - need to force order03:46
GNinenow i got some reading to do03:46
tatterspraet: thnx03:46
drhumanist2hi warbler03:46
predaeusfloresc7, nah. Just grub messing up harddrive identities.03:46
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praetbrad_: looking for the card driver03:46
drhumanist2i am booting Ubuntu in recovery mode please wait03:46
warblersteel_lady: aaah - a thought - how new is the card?03:46
hacked_kernelgenii, I found root has 0:0 not 1000:100003:46
predaeusUbuntuGuy, ah ok, nice.03:46
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steel_ladywarbler, how do I do that? and what can I do to format the other card that is not recognized by the system not even in gparted?03:46
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warblerhow many drhumanists are there? hehe03:47
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geniihacked_kernel: There should be 2 users of "root" if you created your first user also with that name03:47
steel_ladywarbler, it is not SDHC03:47
IntuitiveNippleGNine: what does "glxinfo | grep OpenGL" report?03:47
drhumanist2this is me again ;)03:47
GyuszkHi guys, can you help? I've got 2 laptops, I swapped the optical units between them, but the laptops bios cant see the new drive03:47
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hacked_kernelgenii, I changed 0:0 to 1000:1000 and now I can't access sudo vipw03:47
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floresc7predaeus: I don't know if it really matters, but I have Fiesty running perfectly on one computer (that has PATA), but I am trying to DRBL boot on another that has SATA (which I am trying to mount) but it is not mounting03:48
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drhumanist2warbler: i started the xserver application... now listening to your commands :)03:48
geniihacked_kernel: There should be 2 users with name root if you created one with that name as default03:48
HelloMeowHello, I would like help installing a printer. I have never done so on a linux OS03:48
ccookeHelloMeow: What printer is it?03:48
HelloMeowIt is a USB printer03:48
drhumanist2warbler u there?03:48
HelloMeowA Canon PIXMA ip 220003:48
ccooketry plugging it in?03:48
HelloMeowYes, it is03:49
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warblersteel_lady: my experience is limited here - apart from the forums, google , or reposting your prob I can't offer more suggestions - apologies03:49
GNineIntuitiveNipple, extension glx missing on display 0.0   -  couldnt find RGB visual03:49
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drhumanist2warbler? :)03:49
Paddy_EIREGNine, that sounds so familiar03:50
warblerdrhumanist2: you look like drhumanist03:50
predaeusfloresc7, hm, sorry I am not experienced with DRBL, what does it report as an error?03:50
drhumanist2yes i am dr.humanist!!!03:50
ccookeHelloMeow: Okay. You're using Ubuntu Feisty (7.04), yes?03:50
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warblerhehe :)03:50
drhumanist2just the machine didnt let me take that nick this time :)03:50
geniihacked_kernel: Due to your inability to follow instructions you may now have locked yourself entirely from your system03:50
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predaeusGNine, have you enabled the nvidia driver in your xorg.conf?03:50
HelloMeowccooke: No, xubuntu.03:50
drhumanist2so i am waiting with xserver open.....03:50
GNineusing gnome right now03:50
ccookeHelloMeow: I'm afraid I don't run that, so I may not be able to help you03:51
brad_praet: my driver version is r816903:51
ycmarvinis there am open source software that works like Visual Basic03:51
warblerdrhumanist2: where which are you at?03:51
tatterspraet: if this right file I have no v4 module   http://pastebin.com/m7200a69403:51
ccookeHelloMeow: I don't know what the printer configuration tool for xfce is, unfortunately03:51
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hacked_kernelgenii, i can open /etc/passwd but i can't write to it, there is only on root in the file03:51
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predaeusGNine, do you have a 'Load "glx"' in your xorg.conf?03:51
drhumanist2i am at the very first window: asking X server driver to choose: there is only nv option i guess?03:51
drhumanist2lets do it step by step this time....03:52
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IntuitiveNippleGNine: what is reported from " grep -i 'glx' /var/log/Xorg.0.log "03:52
predaeusHelloMeow, join #xubuntu or #xfce too03:52
geniihacked_kernel: You just changed the root user's user id and group id03:52
super-6-1quick question how do i mount a iso?03:52
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warblerdrhumanist2: look for nvidia - that is why the last time had probs - yes03:52
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drhumanist2there is NO NVIDIA!!03:53
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predaeussuper-6-1, something like "mount -o loop my.iso" I think, might need to add another option.03:53
hacked_kernelgenii, do you have any ideas?03:53
ccookeHelloMeow: Two links that should help you03:53
predaeussuper-6-1, something like "mount -o loop my.iso /my/mount/point" I think, might need to add another option.03:53
ccookeHelloMeow: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrintersCanon03:53
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HelloMeowThanks ccooke!03:53
super-6-1is it sudo mount -o loop -t (name).iso03:53
geniihacked_kernel: Unfortunately even booting now to recovery kernel will not be useful.03:53
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cosmodadsuper-6-1: add the filesystem too, most likely -t iso966003:54
ccookeHelloMeow: ... damn. One of the pages has been removed03:54
steel_ladywarbler, I already have a book of unsolved ubuntu problems03:54
warblerdrhumanist2: get a shorter name & choose vesa - only thing is to reload the correct drivers?03:54
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geniihacked_kernel: You will need to boot to the livecd and then modify the system from that.03:54
anakaohi all, how many ram to use compiz fusion?03:54
GNinepredaeus, glx is loaded on bootup03:54
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ccookeHelloMeow: ah, here we go03:54
ccookeHelloMeow: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters/CanonPrinters/CanonPixmaIP220003:54
geniihacked_kernel: That, or just reinstall if you haven't done much to the system yet03:54
drhumis this short enough warbler?03:54
IntuitiveNippleGNine: Does " cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | awk '$0 ~ /Load/ {print $0}'" show ' Load "glx"  ' ?03:54
ccookeHelloMeow: Look at thatr link - it should be everything you need. It certainly claims to be :-)03:55
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predaeusGNine, does "glxinfo | grep vendor" report NVIDIA in all 3 lines of output?03:55
drhumokay i chose vesa... and going on03:55
taffy-nay_anakao: 512 mb does me by03:55
hacked_kernelgenii, should I change 1000:1000 to 0:0 again from the live cd ?03:55
HelloMeowThanks alot, ccooke. This definitely helps03:55
warblersteel_lady: I started without even knowing about chat but got there & gave up windows years ago - you can do it- reading will be a common past time tho!03:55
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drhumit asks for the video card's bus identifier.... i will leave it unchanged: PCI:1:0:0 ?03:56
ccookeHelloMeow: No problem03:56
warblerdrtum: yaaaaaa!03:56
geniihacked_kernel: It is not so simple now. You will not be able to run vipw from the livecd onto the old system. we wiull need to directly edit a file03:56
anakaotaffy-nay: thx03:56
IntuitiveNipplepredaeus: He doesn't get a result from glxinfo - he gets " extension glx missing on display 0.0   -  couldnt find RGB visual" which points to glx not being loaded, or having a problem03:56
predaeusIntuitiveNipple, ic thanks for the info.03:56
drhumit asks "use framebuffer device interface"? i did that but it crashed so... i will choose no?03:56
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taffy-nay_anakao: mp03:57
PureEvilGeekwhats the difficulty level of joining a ubuntu desktop to an AD domain? and are there any features that will be missing?03:57
praetbrad_: try this: lsmod | grep r816903:57
steel_ladywarbler, sometimes it is not just that I am new, it is that there are many difficult problems unresolved. there are some major bugs that are not letting me install programs or  update to feisty and I can not reinstall the system every time it snaps03:57
drhumautodetect keyboard layout = no03:57
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drhumXKB rule set to use: xorg03:57
RadicalMEhow to install cdstatus (downloaded the gzipped file from sourceforge.org, and unzipped to /home/user/cdstatus)03:58
praettatters: thats the right file.03:58
drhumpc105 as the keyboard model= is this ok?03:58
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warblersteel_lady: upgrade to feisty is very recommended - glad to give the very basic instructions to help.03:58
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predaeusGNine, what nvidia card do you run and what drivers have you installed?03:58
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drhumit is even asking my mouse protocol.... how the hell i know*?03:59
brad_praet: that displays the following "r8169 32392 0"03:59
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IntuitiveNipplepredaeus: We're still awaiting his reply to that... so far all he says is "nvidia" and "glx". He seems to lack precision in answering :)03:59
warblerdrtum: yep still reading - was going to say listening... I'm here03:59
drhumImPS/2 or ExplorerPS/2?04:00
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tatterspraet: I new to linux my TV card is being detected fine and works as long as I use "xawtv -nodga" it seems the major problem is my webcam causing the error when running xawtv -hwscan, as I have no v4l module to comment out do you have any other idea/suggestion that might be causing this problem04:00
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warblerdrtum: mouse is 3 button04:00
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GNinei take it there is no standard solution.  ill do some reading and figure it out myself.  thank you for your cooperation. i have the jumpstart i wanted04:00
drhumyes ok04:00
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warblerdrtum: nick helps04:00
drhumwarbler: it asks which modules to enable.... i will enable ALL, ok?04:01
predaeusIntuitiveNipple, yup, but I guess that it all boils down to being the wrong drivers. He/she would just not admit the mistake.04:01
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warblermodules for...04:01
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IntuitiveNippleGNine: The solution is to install the nvidia drivers correctly and ensure your xorg.conf is correct, by looking at the Ubuntu Wiki guides04:01
rafaelscjmy laptop don't turn back after stand by, how do I fix it?04:01
warblerdrtum: modules for...04:01
geniihacked_kernel: In this case it would just be much simpler to tell you to reinstall the system, and not to use "root" as the first username you create. Something sane like "user" would be good.04:01
praettatters: not really sure.04:01
drhumwarbler: X.Org server modules that should be loaded by default: bitmap, dbe, ddc, dri, extmod....04:01
mviphas anyone managed to configure Wine to use the buil-in native PostScript driver? (not cups)04:01
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IntuitiveNipplepredaeus: Indeed, it sounds that way04:01
smallfoot-i heard you will remove ctrl+alt+backspace04:02
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smallfoot-why not just change it to ctrl+alt+shift+backspace? nobody will press that by accident04:02
NET||abusePaddy_EIRE, tried it all,, still no joy :( i don't know what to do now..04:02
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praetbrad_: what does sudo ethtool eth0  return?04:02
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gordonjcpThe functionality provided by Ctrl-Alt-Backspace should rarely be needed, and if it is then the same function can be executed from a console.04:02
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drhumwarbler: X.Org server modules that should be loaded by default: bitmap, dbe, ddc, dri, extmod....04:03
warblerdrtum: some will be selected. Can select more if you want but that never works for me - I suspect the ones checked are the ones supported04:03
GNinecould i be able to play DVDs if the drivers were incorrectly installed?04:03
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predaeussmallfoot-, I bet you will be able to re-enable that functionality if you need to.04:03
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gordonjcpthe main reason why you'd use CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE is because you can't get a shell working04:03
drhumbut all are checked now...04:03
gordonjcpor indeed any other X app04:03
Davy_Jonesis there a paltalk client for ubuntu?04:04
IntuitiveNipplegordonjcp: In that case you'd use Ctrl+Alt+SysReq+K then!04:04
rafaelscjI can't turn my laptop back after stand by, How do I fix it?04:04
praetbrad_: try 'ifconfig -a'04:04
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lee_pi am building a custom live cd + installer for a school project::: ubiquity is hanging on step 6 and will not install is there some thing i am missing??04:04
gordonjcpIntuitiveNipple: yeah, that's a great idea04:04
warblersteel_lady: gksu update-manager-c in terminal to upgrade to feisty04:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about paltalk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:04
gordonjcpIntuitiveNipple: break well-documented behaviour in favour of some random thing04:04
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praetbrad_: if a device name shows up (like eth0) then the linux driver is loaded. use ifconfig eth0 to activate it04:05
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Davy_JonesIntuitiveNipple: o_O is that key combination real?04:05
drhumanyhow, i finished.... rebooting....04:05
Davy_JonesIntuitiveNipple: cuz i would need my foot too do it04:05
kekkMythTV installed some windows fonts and uninstalling mythtv kept them I think. how to remove those ugly fonts?04:05
gordonjcpCTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE doesn't do anything in XP04:05
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viktor_i can't get 60Hz at 1280x1024 i only get 54Hz my nvidia driver is correlctly installed any help ?04:05
praetkekk: fonts should be in /usr/share/fonts04:05
gordonjcpso it's unlikely that people are going to hit it "accidentally"04:06
kekkthanks praet04:06
IntuitiveNippleDavy_Jones: There's a whole bunch of SysReq key sequences :)04:06
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GNineviktor, i run the same resolution on nvidia-glx ..04:06
GNineat 60hz04:06
NET||abuseGOd this sucks,, Some one please help me fix my flash sound? Please??? I've tried installing from package, installing the 2 files into plugins from tarball, tried using alsa-oss, tried making links in /usr/lib/flashplugin/ ,,, anything else i can try?04:06
NET||abuseI've also tried gnash,04:07
viktor_GNine, in resolution switcher i only have 50,54 no 6004:07
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Davy_JonesIntuitiveNipple: what does that combination do again?04:07
viktor_GNine, at 54 picture is unstable04:07
IntuitiveNippleviktor_: Is it a flat-panel or a CRT ?04:07
steel_ladywarbler, sometimes it is not just that I am new, it is that there are many difficult problems unresolved. there are some major bugs that are not letting me install programs or  update to feisty and I can not reinstall the system every time it snaps04:07
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NET||abusei Have to get flash sound back or i'll just be well miffed off ,, so much so as to venture into doing all my browsing through a windows virtual machine.. and how sucky would that be.04:07
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IntuitiveNippleDavy_Jones: It's the SAK sequence04:07
viktor_IntuitiveNipple, Fujitsu Siemens H19-1 LCD04:07
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GNinemy monitor can support that natively.. can yours?04:08
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steel_ladywarbler, it says update-manager-c: command not found04:08
predaeusviktor_, you could try to change the resolution setting in xorg.conf to 1280x1024_60 if you know what you are doing, as always make backups of system config files and read up on them.04:08
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Davy_JonesIntuitiveNipple: i did it out of stupidity and my desktop icons disappeared04:08
smallfoot-60 ghz sucks, use 100 hz04:08
smallfoot-60 hz*04:08
warblersteel_lady: do you want to update to feisty - it's recommended for better support04:08
GNinematter-of-fact, i couldnt choose 54hz even if i wanted to..04:08
smallfoot-60 hz flicker like a bitch04:08
rafaelscjI can't turn my laptop back after stand by, what should I do?04:08
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wolferine!language | smallfoot-04:09
ubotusmallfoot-: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.04:09
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Jack_Sparrowsmallfoot-: Try using just a little less colorful language04:09
warblersteel_lady: sudo first - sudo first04:09
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IntuitiveNippleFor SysRq read http://linux.about.com/od/linux101/l/blnewbie5_1.htm04:09
trypglyph@seen PFA04:09
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GNine60hz is default for most monitor types , specially LCD.. running 100hz is a lil out of line04:09
=== RadicalME [n=chatzill@a82-93-38-164.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #Ubuntu
hacked_kernelgenii, bad news, this system is virtual on xen so i can't use the live cd04:10
smallfoot-they should make LCD with 100 hz too04:10
smallfoot-heck, make them 1000 hz04:10
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smallfoot-60 hz is old tech, its 1890 when electricity invented lol04:10
RadicalMEumm i need help guys.. i wanna re-record some mp3 files to ogg or FLAC files.. what program should i use?04:10
VSpike60Hz is fine on an LCD. but painful on CRT04:10
geniihacked_kernel: Well, sory then. You will have to reinstall.04:11
trypglyphthat's because an LCD doesn't have a physical refresh rate04:11
trypglyphit is constant.04:11
smallfoot-RadicalME, transcoding sucks, dont encode from a lossy format to another, and dont encode from a lossy format to a lossless04:11
geniihacked_kernel: Please learn from this.04:11
steel_ladywarbler, of course but it ignores it04:11
trypglyphanything below 70hz on a CRT will make you get headaches.04:11
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GNineyah.. the half life of your monitor just went down 50% running that high04:11
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warblersteel_lady: min04:11
RadicalMEcan rythmbox play mp3 then?04:12
hacked_kernelgenii, Its a hug lesson, unfortunately i can't reinstall the system it holds important data in my company04:12
smallfoot-think so04:12
VSpikeRadicalME: there is a program to do just what you want - read about it somewhere recently, but can't remember where.. let me look04:12
smallfoot-RadicalME, encode from CD to OGG or FLAC is good :)04:12
praetRadicalME: install the gtstreamer plugin for the codec04:12
smallfoot-RadicalME, but encode from CD to MP3 then to Ogg of FLAC is dumb04:12
kdub432RadicalME: use vlc. the command vlc -vvv file.mp3 --sout '#transcode{acodec=ogg}:std{access=file, mux=ts, dst="/home/user/file.ogg"}' should work (if memory serves)04:12
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predaeus!mp3 | RadicalME04:12
ubotuRadicalME: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:13
RadicalMEnow thats cool.. it can play mp304:13
mnkhello all - how can i find out a package version using apt-get pls?04:13
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hacked_kernelgenii, what do you think of mounting that img and editing the passwd file?04:13
brad_praet: It looks like the card is recognized now but web still isn't working04:13
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GNineGNine owns 4 gigs of music in OGG04:13
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praetbrad_: are you getting an ip address from your router / isp?04:14
warblersteel_lady: I couldn't either - I got a dbus error - you got no error04:14
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Davy_Jonesi got a friend of mine who strongly believed that taking a low-quality real player file and converting it to a high-bit-rate mp3 file improves its quality04:14
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mnkhello all - how can i find out a package version using apt-get pls?04:14
brad_my router is setup as a DHCP server04:14
kdub432haha, Davy_Jones04:14
sipiorDavy_Jones: tell him he needs gold-plated connectors for that to work :-)04:14
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wolferinemnk aptitude search key_word04:14
brad_praet: so...04:14
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praetbrad_: right click the gnome panel network icon and click connection properties04:14
brad_praet: I'd imagine so04:14
Davy_Joneslol sipior04:14
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jan_hi there04:14
Polysicsdownload faster, i ORDER you! *sigh*04:15
sipiormore hi-fi voodoo magic04:15
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jan_how do i set up wireless on my laptop ? :p04:15
=== WaltzingAlong downloads faster
wolferine!wireless | jan_04:15
ubotujan_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:15
GNinei also found out that a 128 bit mp3 and a 192 bit OGG are roughly the same size04:15
Polysicshi-fi is a tricky subject04:15
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Polysicsi've come to the conclusion most of it is religion04:15
WindowsHater hey someone know...if it exists one version of "Prorat" for Linux?04:15
Polysicspersonal and non-disputable04:15
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici04:15
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sipiorwhat's the matter, JimQode?04:16
elkbuntuJimQode, how far up do i need to read?04:16
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WaltzingAlongGNine: how important is filesize?04:16
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JimQodesipior, elkbuntu really sorry for bothering, it was a mistake.04:17
WaltzingAlongGNine: i would think that 128cbr would be smaller than a 192cbr file in either mp3, ogg, or any other04:17
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steel_ladywarbler. so I can not update my system, it refuses installing programs but I can not run it over. will there be chance to make it up in the future or it will stay this way?04:17
elkbuntuJimQode, ok, just remember that the ops call is for emergencies only04:17
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brad_praet: I dont see a connections properties option04:17
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Jack_SparrowThanks anyway guys...04:17
GNinefile size is not the issue.. quality is .. the higher the bit rate the larger the end file.  so, you get more quality on OGG with the same file size as an mp304:18
praetbrad_: ok in a terminal, type  'ifconfig -a |less'04:18
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VSpikeRadicalME: http://box.zapto.org/software/dirogg.php is one example, but I don't think it was the one I was looking for04:18
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warblersteel_lady: I think that time of day is the issue - could  be wrong - no reason not to be able to upgrade - let me check for alternates04:18
RadicalMEo.o my rythmbox playlist totaly f****d up..04:18
VSpikeRadicalME: http://freshmeat.net/search/?q=convert%20ogg%20mp304:19
GNinein other words, a 4mb ogg can have a higher quality than a same size mp304:19
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RadicalMEwhy doesnt this thing remove stuff from my rythmbox library.. o.o04:19
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boomh4u3rDoes anyone know if there is a Steam client available?04:20
WaltzingAlongGNine: yes i understand how it works. but you reported that a 128bit mp3 and the 192bit ogg are the same size...cannot be cbr then04:20
RadicalMEboomh4u3r: i dont think so :P04:20
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boomh4u3rRadicalME, damn (:04:20
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brad_praet: OK04:20
predaeusboomh4u3r, I think steam runs fine under wine though.04:20
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GNinei said roughly the same size.. i speak in proportional (relative) terms04:20
BakefyIs there a way I can change the apsect ratios avaliable with the terminal server client?04:20
boomh4u3rpredaeus, oh I'm new to linux..whats wine?04:21
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boomh4u3rpredaeus, lol04:21
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predaeus!wine | boomh4u3r04:21
steel_ladywarbler, I am living with thet problem for a month now04:21
ubotuboomh4u3r: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.04:21
Davy_Joneswine is something you have to consume after you use linux :P04:21
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RadicalMEhow yo remove songs from your LIBRARY in rythmbox?04:21
smallfoot-GnarlyBob, you do 128bit mp3 convert to 192bit ogg? you know nothing about what youre doing04:21
boomh4u3rpredaeus, thx :)04:21
Davy_JonesRadicalME: delete key?04:22
WaltzingAlongGNine: if the items were encoded using a constant bit rate, a 128cbr mp3 is the same size as a 128cbr ogg vorbis04:22
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RadicalMEDavy_Jones, doesnt work04:22
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warblersteel_lady: found a site to help - http://muffinresearch.co.uk/archives/2007/05/15/parallels-tip-upgrading-to-ubuntu-feisty-from-edgy/04:22
boomh4u3rpredaeus, is this hard to set up or run?04:22
GNinesuit yourself..  am not talking about cbr04:22
RadicalMEoh i just saw that the shortcut to edit:remove is gone o.o04:23
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Davy_JonesRadicalME: don't know.. why do you need a program to organize your music... i just put the albums in separate folders04:23
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mnkcan anyone pls tell me how to do a pure remote ubuntu server install? ie without a boot disk / cd rom?04:23
predaeusboomh4u3r, no, but I did not venture far into the land of wine. But I often heard that people are playing Half-life2 under wine and that Steam works too.04:23
Davy_Jonesnot so hard04:23
brad_praet: Yep what am i looking for?04:23
mnkor point me to a url pls?04:23
RadicalMEi did that too.. but i like to have the albums sorted in my library too04:23
RadicalMEbut somehow nellyfurtados loose screwed up and changed into 2 albums..04:24
GNinehowever.. they still shouldnt be the same size04:24
boomh4u3rpredaeus, cool.Well than I'll check it out..thanks again04:24
predaeusboomh4u3r, there is a software compatiblity table on the wine site. There you will see what programs are expected to run fine.04:24
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hacked_kernelgenii, you there04:24
boomh4u3rpredaeus, k thx04:24
warblerdrhum: ?04:24
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GNinemaybe i hacked a way of getting different result on my end, WaltzingAlong04:25
mohamed_afkhi, i install ltsp server and when i boot from another a client i got this error PXE-E32: TFTP open timeout anyone can help ?04:25
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Davy_JonesRadicalME: i'm sure removing a file from a library isn't that hard.. did you try right-click?04:25
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Davy_JonesRadicalME: if it isn't that simple, screw rythmbox04:25
WaltzingAlongWaltzingAlong: it is possible, no doubt, but using average bitrate or nominal bitrate04:25
RadicalMEits gone already :P04:25
arransup fans04:25
RadicalMEyou just cant right click albums04:26
WaltzingAlongGNine: but you already claimed that size was not so important. so can you tell the difference in quality? and were you going from original source -> vorbis or converting from lossy mp3 to vorbis?04:26
arranwhats the best ssh password cracker??04:26
arrananyone know?04:26
GNinei like OGG.  i use mp3 only cuz my car cd player dont accept ogg04:26
hacked_kernelgenii, The problem is solved by mounting the img and editing passwd, thank you04:26
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WaltzingAlongGNine: what is your player?04:27
steel_ladywarbler, my problem is that when i start to upgrade according to oficial instructions, it comes to the point where it says: unable to fetch...04:27
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GNinea sony04:27
predaeusRadicalME, there is similar programs like rythmbox, just try each one of them. I forgot the names though...04:27
ubuntusiemacie ludziska04:27
arranwhats the best ssh password cracker??04:27
GNinebut we are gettin offtopic tho04:27
WaltzingAlongarran: sorry i cannot answer that question until you repeat it 2x more04:27
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arranwhats the best ssh password cracker??04:27
mohamed_afki install ltsp server and when i boot from another a client i got this error "PXE-E32: TFTP open timeout"  anyone can help ?04:28
arranwhats the best ssh password cracker??04:28
predaeus!repeat | arran04:28
ubotuarran: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience04:28
mnkcan anyone pls tell me how to do a pure remote ubuntu server install? ie without a boot disk / cd rom?04:28
WaltzingAlongGNine: what was the topic? 128cbr mp3 vs 192cbr ogg vorbis?04:28
Davy_Jonesarran: i don't think you will find help about CRACKING here04:28
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marmerhy all04:28
GNinethat was MY topic   lol04:28
arranwheres a good place?04:28
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GNineand i succesfully did that04:28
WaltzingAlongGNine: :) and which point did you want  to make? just about the sizes?04:29
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arranwhats the best ssh password cracker??04:29
GNinesound difference is not noticeable in great extent but it does have a nicer sound definition04:29
WaltzingAlongmnk: get the right cd04:29
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mnkWaltzingAlong: what do u mean?04:30
Davy_Jonesarran: probably #hack or #politics04:30
RadicalMEi think arran is feeling quite ignored by now :P04:30
HLMarran: try your local police department  ;-)04:30
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mnkWaltzingAlong: how would i boot into the installer and then where would i put the cd iso?04:30
WaltzingAlongmnk: i mean the alternate cd or the server cd04:30
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WaltzingAlongmnk: as opposed to the livecd04:30
warblersteel_lady: I lost a bittorrent for gutsy for 4 hours. The servers get busy. Leave it till much later & let it go overnight04:30
WaltzingAlongmnk: as opposed to the livecd or desktop one04:30
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marmeri've a problem with my new usb drive samsung yp-u304:30
WaltzingAlongGNine: have you tried speex for talk audio?04:31
mnkWaltzingAlong: redhat have a boot disk that u can boot off that image - then it allows u to do an ftp install - can ubuntu installer do that too?04:31
marmerwhere i can find a good guide for using it on 7.04?04:31
WaltzingAlongGNine: you may be very impressed with the filesizes then of appropriate audio04:31
WaltzingAlongmnk: there are several guides for booting, for example, to computers without cdrom drives04:31
GNinewhat do you mean by appropriate?  sound like proprietary04:32
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mnkWaltzingAlong: do u know of a good one? :)04:32
Davy_Jonesmarmer: try googling linux flash howto04:32
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WaltzingAlongDavy_Jones: unfortunately using google does not work for everyone04:33
Dougiehow do i scan for wireless networks? I manually enter mine but it won't connect.04:33
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WaltzingAlongDavy_Jones: most of the issue though is that 'everyone' fails to use it04:33
steel_ladywarbler, why do I get this: Failed to fetch http://www.elisanet.fi/mlind/ubuntu/dists/edgy/fonts/binary-i386/Packages.gz 403 Forbidden04:33
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GNinea shame, reading doesnt work for everyone04:33
WaltzingAlongDougie: iwlist eth1 scanning04:33
Davy_JonesWaltzingAlong: :)04:33
DjViperDougie: iwlist eth* scan04:33
DjViperor just iwlist scan04:33
Dougieno scan results04:34
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mnkthanks WaltzingAlong04:34
Dougiedoes that mean my wireless card is not working correctly?04:34
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DjViperDougie: is it on? :)04:34
Dougieyeah its internal04:34
KevinOoOgnine i can now connect to the remote server04:34
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Dougiedesktop internal04:35
WaltzingAlongmnk: welcome04:35
DjViperDougie: hmm is it enabled in bios?04:35
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GNinegood deal.  i take it you still dont have a ping on any other machine04:35
drhumwarbler: it just doesn't work04:35
DjViperDougie: which chip?04:35
Dougieyeah its not onboard lol its a pci card04:35
KevinOoOgnine i can ping the router and i can ping the machine04:35
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drhumwarbler: i think i will reinstall and...... consider changing the distro04:35
steel_ladywarbler, I think I have authentication problem?04:36
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DjViperDougie: which driver are you using?04:36
Dougiei didn't install one04:36
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DjViperhm ok04:36
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Dougieit seemed to detect something it self durring install because i have the wireless stuff in networking04:36
GNineso .. the network is up.. can you see the puters on the network?04:36
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WaltzingAlongdrhum: ok04:36
Dougiemaybe it did not install anything though04:36
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smallfoot-Windows vista has encryption and Mac OS X has FileVault, please make encryption for linux!!04:36
drhumwarbler: so i declare Nvidia Geforce 7600 is INCOMPATIBLE WITH UBUNTU :(04:36
WaltzingAlongdrhum: i thought about installing a new brain in my head but i do not have enough upgrade credits for that04:36
smallfoot-encryption for my porno!04:36
smallfoot-ENCRYPTION PLEASE04:36
=== Sleuth [i=sleuj@201.Red-83-39-73.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
WaltzingAlongsmallfoot-: it exists04:36
smallfoot-encryption for my secret stufsf04:37
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smallfoot-WaltzingAlong, its not widely used, and needs configuring and tricky stuff, i dont want to mess with config files04:37
DjViperDougie: okay, check to see if you have either bcm driver or ndiswrapper installed (driver)04:37
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annihilusanyone know of a good program for recording the sounds form the sound card04:37
DougieDjViper, yeah it did. says Broadcom Corporation BCM430604:37
WaltzingAlongsmallfoot-: ok so you want something other than linux support for encrypted filesystems04:37
DougieDjViper, thats what it says in hardware information04:37
warblerdrhum: many have that card & usability - the forums might offer more - but your decision... lol04:38
steel_ladywarbler, I changed from the main server to server in australia and now it looks like working04:38
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WaltzingAlongDougie: so maybe you would use the bcm43xx driver?04:38
KevinOoOgnine, i assume so, im on a vista machine right now and i can ping my server as well as connect to it via putty04:38
DjViperDougie: ok, goodie, check if you have wpa_supplicant installed (for wpa encrypted networks)04:38
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DougieDjViper, yeah it's using the bcm43xx driver right now04:38
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drhumwarbler: well i spent nearly a week and hours......... and looked in many forums04:38
DjViperDougie: okay04:38
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steel_ladywarbler, no, again problem with the finnish server04:38
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drhumcan you offer one forum? - not the official ubuntu one pls :)04:38
smallfoot-WaltzingAlong, i want very easy encryption that just works, with little hassle and configuation, just works, easy04:38
Lutz_Iferyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeha! finally!04:38
DougieDjViper, where do i check that?04:38
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GNinebut the issue is to be able to do that from the ubuntu machine.04:39
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warblersteel_lady: as an aussie I can only say that that is the least you should have expected! hehe :)04:39
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WaltzingAlongsmallfoot-: ok that seems like a better request. now to outline how that should work, in terms of behavior on the user's part for example...then we are getting somewhere04:39
warblersteel_lady finnish!!04:39
DougieDjViper, when i go to manual configuration WPA is in the list so i'm guessing it is installed04:39
prabshi guys, i have finished patching my bcm43xx, compiling the kernel 2.6.20-generic (make modules, make modules_install).. now i need to copy 'Copy the resulting module in the source directory to  /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/bcm43xx' .. how do i do that? i am follwing this guide: http://tinyshell.be/aircrackng/forum/index.php?topic=2045.0 .. any help at all please?04:39
DjViperDougie: just type wpa_ into console and hit tab04:39
steel_ladywarbler, there is some authentication problem with finnish server that holds packages and it refuses me every time04:39
KevinOoOGNine ...yeah04:40
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liberumI don't know what I have done, but Flash player for mozilla has stopped working. Actually, it crashes FF totaly. I'm trying to reinstall flashplugin-nonfree but apt-get cannot find it anymore. :-S04:40
Dougiewpa_action      wpa_cli         wpa_passphrase  wpa_supplicant04:40
DjViperDougie: hmm, do you use network manager?04:40
warblersteel_lady: a check is neede - one mo04:40
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smallfoot-WaltzingAlong, no thats not enoug i dont want to read a 100 page website about howto, i just want "point-and-click" and TADA! IT WORKS04:40
DougieDjViper, yes04:40
GNineall i can say is that youre half way there now..04:40
steel_ladywarbler, can you go to synaptic and tell me what do you have in repositories authentication? I have some   strange personal licence04:40
mluseranyone know of a repository with freenx for gusty?04:40
KevinOoOgnine i think that problem has something to do with my router, but not sure how to fix it04:40
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DougieDjViper, I'm pretty sure my router is setup for WEP though04:40
HaYZaM" add the $OPENH323DIR/lib directory to LD_LIBRARY_PATH so youre be able using the shared libraries. " << HOW CAN I DO THIS ?04:41
WaltzingAlongsmallfoot-:  ok :D04:41
DjViperDougie: right click on the icon and see if wireless is enabled there04:41
DougieDjViper, going to check though04:41
DougieDjViper, yes it is04:41
GNineme either.. am not good at remote troubleshooting04:41
drhumso thanks for spending your time :)04:41
GNineam just another guy04:41
DjViperDougie: are there any networks available if you leftclick on it?04:41
drhumand mine04:41
KevinOoOok, well im gonna reboot and try it again04:41
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DougieDjViper, just the one i added manually with no signal04:42
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prabshi guys, i have finished patching my bcm43xx, compiling the kernel 2.6.20-generic (make modules, make modules_install).. now i need to copy 'Copy the resulting module in the source directory to  /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/bcm43xx' .. how do i do that? i am follwing this guide: http://tinyshell.be/aircrackng/forum/index.php?topic=2045.0 .. any kind soul who can help at all please?04:42
milianhi there, could anyone point me to a howto or something on how I can change the font in my tty's ?04:42
sipiorHaYZaM: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/path/to/lib04:42
warblersteel_lady: I have two entries04:42
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steel_ladywarbler which one, do you have the finnish?04:43
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smallfoot-WaltzingAlong, dont want type any commands and read stuff, just want to Right-Click on "Disk 1" and select "Enable encryption"04:43
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WaltzingAlongsmallfoot-: alright04:43
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DjViperDougie: hm thats weird04:44
prabsguess no help here..04:44
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warblersteel_lady: the one for the cd I used to install & the ubuntu automatic signing key04:44
DjViperDougie: are you sure it's enabled in your router?04:44
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steel_ladywarbler and it does not let you update either?04:44
josh_anyone know how to eject an ipod in amarok?04:44
DougieDjViper, i have a laptop thats connected via wireless04:45
Dougiemaybe this wireless card is dead......should probably check it in windows...04:45
warblersteel_lady: have feisty - updating to feisty - update-manager-c - won't work for me - tried that to see if it would work04:46
DjViperDougie: do that if you can, because it should work if the driver is installed and everything is enabled heh04:46
WaltzingAlongsmallfoot-: ok i do not know of a single point/click method for that at present04:46
DougieDjViper, yeah i'll reboot and boot into windows....if it works there then I don't know whats going on?04:46
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DjViperDougie: then you should probably try the ndiswrapper driver04:47
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warblersteel_lady: in synaptic repos there is a choice for where to get updates04:47
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DougieDjViper, how do i switch the driver it uses?04:47
warblersteel_lady: ubuntu software - download from04:48
steel_ladyI am looking at it but I don't know what to change04:48
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smallfoot-WaltzingAlong, please program a single poing/click method, or tell the other guy who do that stuffs, to do it04:48
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DjViperDougie: download it or install it via synaptic, then remove the bcm43 driver and enable ndiswrapper04:48
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toxerwhats up04:48
DjViperDougie: Ill try to walk you through it when/if you come back04:48
Jack_Sparrow!enter | toxer04:48
ubotutoxer: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:48
steel_ladywarbler there is the main server and australian one04:48
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WaltzingAlongtoxer: not necessary04:49
bobsomebody         (__)04:49
WaltzingAlongtoxer: hello04:49
bobsomebody         (oo)04:49
bobsomebody   /------\/04:49
bobsomebody  / |    ||04:49
DougieDjViper, ok well brb04:49
bobsomebody *  /\---/\04:49
bobsomebody    ~~   ~~04:49
toxerok ok04:49
bobsomebody...."Have you mooed today?"...04:49
steel_ladywarbler in both cases it gets to the finish server04:49
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toxersry sry04:49
Jack_Sparrow!ops | bob04:49
ubotubob: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici04:49
warblersteel_lady: what options do you have in - download from04:49
toxeri noob04:49
DjViper!spam | toxer04:49
DjViperdamnit, didn't work heh04:49
ubotutoxer: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-)04:49
warblersteel_lady: min04:49
steel_ladywarbler, main and australia. they end up the same04:49
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gnomefreaklag :(04:50
Jack_SparrowThanks guys04:50
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josh_anyone know how to eject an ipod in amarok?04:50
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WaltzingAlongjosh_: unmount?04:50
tradinHelp me money, simply click on any link to casino.cutpics.com04:50
DjViperjosh_: unmount?04:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about open-ssh - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:50
josh_diddnt work, works in terminal but in amarok it doesnt04:50
rafaelscj!find open-ssh04:51
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josh_in terminal I have to do sudo04:51
warblersteel_lady: try other - uk04:51
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tradinHelp me money, simply click on any link to http://casino.cutpics.com04:51
josh_I dont think amarok likes sudo04:51
ubotuPackage/file open-ssh does not exist in feisty04:51
zephyroshey you guys04:51
WaltzingAlong!spam > tradin04:51
DjViper!ops | tradin04:51
ubotutradin: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici04:51
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steel_ladywarbler, there is no other for me. I disabled third party to see what happens now04:51
jusoOk so there is this process thats in iniitab for a respawn, how would I stop and start that respawn of a process, anyone have an idea?04:51
zephyrosthanks for your helps04:51
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DjViperops should consider adding !spam to the bots hehe04:52
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warblersteel_lady: it is ubuntu software - download from04:52
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HaYZaM" ./configure --prefix=<folder> " , what the --prefix option ?04:52
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steel_ladywarbler, yes, I have only main and aussie. i removed something and it looks like working now04:52
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sipiorjuso: which process, init?04:53
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic04:53
warblersteel_lady: sorry - I'm on feisty - may be different on edgy04:53
jusosipior: there is a custom line in inittab to repawn a shell script.04:53
sipiorjuso: sure, why would you want to use it?04:53
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jusoWell t started the processes, how do I stop it from respawning?04:54
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sipiorjuso: started which processes?04:54
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prabshi guys, i have finished patching my bcm43xx, compiling the kernel 2.6.20-generic (make modules, make modules_install).. now i need to copy 'Copy the resulting module in the source directory to  /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/bcm43xx' .. how do i do that? i am follwing this guide: http://tinyshell.be/aircrackng/forum/index.php?topic=2045.0 .. any kind soul who can help at all please?04:54
jusoOk.. do you know what I mean whenI said its in iniitab and set for respawn?04:55
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sipiorjuso: yep04:55
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jusoOk so whats the confusion?04:55
jusohow do I "disable" that respawn of the processes04:55
jusoso it doesn't respawn it anymore..04:55
sipiorjuso: man inittab04:55
jusoI did.. this is why I am hear because I dont understand how..04:56
sipiorjuso: i was curious why you wanted to play with it04:56
tabularasais there a good doc on replacing syslogd with syslog-ng ?04:56
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sparrwI have a LCD with an EloTouch USB touchscreen.  The official drivers only go up to kernel 2.6.15 with XFree, are there any unofficial drivers that I could use with newer kernels and/or X.org?04:56
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sipiorjuso: if you don't know what it does, why are you trying to change it?04:56
VenkoIs there a way I can run a program through the command-line so that it can't output sound? There's no options in the program and I'm listening to the radio at the moment.04:56
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about syslog - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:56
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DjViperDougie: did it work in win?04:56
ket-warriorHow do I install skype on amd64 arch?04:56
DougieDjViper, yep works in win perfectly04:56
prabs-WaltzingAlong: the whole src directory?04:56
ket-warriorpackage architecture (i386) does not match system (amd64)04:56
jusoSipior: what are you talking about?04:57
prabsWaltzingAlong: the whole src directory?04:57
jusoI want to STOP the respawn, without completely commenting out and rebooting..04:57
WaltzingAlongket-warrior: install the i386 ver but understand that skype reads the etc /password file and your firefox profile04:57
jusoI put the respawn in myself..04:57
tabularasathat didnt help04:57
WaltzingAlongket-warrior: you can force dpkg to install i386 on amd6404:57
sipiorjuso: change the file, send init a HUP signal04:57
DjViperDougie: hm okay, hang on04:57
WaltzingAlongprabs: the resulting module04:57
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prabsWaltzingAlong: yeah, but i need to know the location of it please?04:58
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DougieDjViper, when i search for bcm in the package manager it brings up BCM43XX-fwcutter but its not selected...don't see any other bcm packages other then BCM5700-source04:58
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WaltzingAlongprabs: wherever you were when you made it. there must have been a command before04:58
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DjViperDougie: okay, try installing WiCD first04:59
the_cyber_guyfrom where to set titlebar double click action ?04:59
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ket-warriorWaltzingAlong - thanks04:59
prabsWaltzingAlong: /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.20 thats where i was at, but in that dir there seems to be no module?04:59
steel_ladywarbler, it says not enough space. I don't know what to do04:59
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DjViperDougie: wicd.sourceforge.net04:59
tabularasaanyone here using syslog-ng in place of syslogd ?04:59
KevinOmangnine I can now connect to my server from ubuntu04:59
WaltzingAlongket-warrior: download the i386 deb, then dpkg --force-architecture -i skypereadsmypasswordfileandfirefoxprofile.deb , something like that05:00
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HaYZaM" root@haytham-laptop:/home/helgharabawy/Desktop/pwlib_v1_10_3# ./configure --prefix=Pwlib05:00
HaYZaMconfigure: error: expected an absolute directory name for --prefix: Pwlib "05:00
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sipiorjuso: "telinit q" may do the same on your system05:00
steel_ladywarbler how can I find and remove things to get some space?05:00
HaYZaMconfigure: error: expected an absolute directory name for --prefix: Pwlib " <<<< anyone can help ?!!05:00
gnomefreaksteel_lady: synaptic is easiest05:00
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prabsWaltzingAlong: there is a module dir in there however, but it contains so many files like cdrom-modules n so on05:00
DjViperDougie: here's the thread on ubuntuforums specifically for your card: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40599005:00
sipiorHaYZaM: you just need to give it the ful path to Pwlib05:00
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DougieDjViper, whats WiCD?05:01
DougieDjViper, and thats not in portage05:01
sipiorHaYZaM: --prefix=/home/whatever/Pwlib05:01
prabsWaltzingAlong: to enable packet injection mate05:01
ket-warriorWaltzingAlong: different package then?05:01
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DjViperDougie: read the forum thread I posted, you'll see it mentioned there aswell05:01
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WaltzingAlongket-warrior: man dpkg would show you the command to override the architecture. then you can install the i386 on amd64. another route would be to install a chroot where you have the 386 version05:02
warblersteel_lady: I remove through synaptic - carefully...05:02
GNinegood to hear KevinOman05:02
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WaltzingAlongket-warrior: another would be to switch to closed source but open standard gizmo project or open source and open standard wengophone/openwengo05:02
prabsWaltzingAlong: i would be nice if u can tell me what a 'resulting module' woule be named in this case05:03
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KevinOmangnine any idea on how to bring up my website now?05:03
warblersteel_lady: no nvidia - remove that , or ATI - those are the things I would look at05:03
WaltzingAlongprabs: yes i do not know where you were when you built it and patching the bcm43xx ... i do not know why05:03
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GNineno, sorry05:04
kshahserver (aka laptop) bit the bullet yesterday, hdd fail, recommendations on a sub $500 machine? where to?05:04
HaYZaM"  /home/helgharabawy/Desktop/openh323_v1_18_0/include/ixjlid.h:277:28: error: linux/compiler.h: No such file or directory05:04
HaYZaMmake[1] : *** [/home/helgharabawy/Desktop/openh323_v1_18_0/lib/obj_linux_x86_64_r/ixjunix.o]  Error 105:04
HaYZaMmake[1] : Leaving directory `/home/helgharabawy/Desktop/openh323_v1_18_0/src'05:04
HaYZaMmake: *** [opt]  Error 205:04
HaYZaM " <<< anyone can help05:04
prabsWaltzingAlong: ah, well thanks anyway05:04
ket-warriorWaltzingAlong, I have installed the 386 on amd64 but it will not start05:04
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warblersteel_lady: movies are a great space user...05:04
prabsguess im stuck now05:04
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WaltzingAlongket-warrior: try from the terminal so you can see any errors. there probably are i386 libraries it needs05:04
Ch0HagI'm intsalling xubuntu-* and it claims a dependency on gnome-session (among other gnome-* packages).05:04
Ch0HagIs this normal?05:05
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bentob0xwhat's the command to check a port against a port list?05:05
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Ch0Haggetent services <port|service>05:05
WaltzingAlongbentob0x: how do you mean? see which ports are open?05:05
Ch0Haggetent isn't used enough...05:06
bentob0xno just to see what port 47939 is used for WaltzingAlong05:06
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prabsWaltzingAlong: /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.20/ubuntu/wire/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.20less/bcm43xx.. thats where loads of .o files are there.. are they modules by any chance?05:06
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WaltzingAlongprabs: :D05:06
dougie_DJViper, ok that worked thanks :)05:06
DjViperDougie: np :)05:06
prabsWaltzingAlong: /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.20/ubuntu/wire/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.20/wirless/bcm43xx.. thats where loads of .o files are there.. are they modules by any chance?.. sorry typo05:06
prabsah wireless!!05:07
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KevinOmanIf I type in the ip address of my server, it brings up my website on this computer?? Any ideas anyone?05:07
dougie_DjViper, haha looks like someone else is having issues with same card ;)05:07
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Ch0HagSo should xubuntu depend on gnome-session?05:07
DjViperDougie: yeah lots of people have that card heh05:07
slavikbcm43xx ... an abortion, not a wifi card05:07
WaltzingAlongKevinOman: so it works as expected and you wonder why?05:07
Ch0HagDoesn't xfce have its own session manager?05:07
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DjViperlol slavik05:08
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prabsWaltzingAlong: yeah of course, very kind.. here: http://tinyshell.be/aircrackng/forum/index.php?topic=2045.005:08
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dougie_did you show him that guide?05:08
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super-6-1quick question where does wine install applications at?05:08
dougie_WaltzingAlong, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=405990 did you try this?05:08
Ch0Hagsuper-6-1: ~/.wine/ IIRC05:08
prabsoh lol i thought that question was for me lol05:08
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KevinOmanWaltzingAlong:  its not working as expected, I have a remote server connect to my router, and when I type its ip address in my browser, it brings up my website on the pc im using now05:09
dougie_~/.wine/drive_c/program files05:09
KevinOmanWaltzingAlong: so im typing and its connecting to
super-6-1where is .wine?05:09
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kinderhi all, I am trying to boot from kubuntu cd copied in a partition05:09
gluttonyhi, i am running ubuntu 64 bit edition on an hp laptop and i am try to have dual monitors using my home monitor, how do i go about setting this up?05:09
WaltzingAlongKevinOman: depends on the router too. the actiontec i have is dumb. all requests from inside get sent to the router's page05:09
dougie_super-6-1, hit ctrl h05:09
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kinderI am able to boot the kernel, but I can not start the install05:10
Ch0HagSo - xubuntu? session?05:10
kinderany suggestion?05:10
dougie_super-6-1 it'll unhide all your folders05:10
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Ch0HagI think my ISP has a direct link to canonical. This is downloading bloody fast...05:10
the_cyber_guyi want to set title bar double click action05:10
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super-6-1i dont see .wine05:10
the_cyber_guyfrom where to set it05:10
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Ch0Hagsuper-6-1: Type nautilus ~/.wine in a terminal05:11
dougie_super-6-1, do you have wine installed?05:11
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Ch0HagOr has that shown all your hidden files and not that one?05:11
Polysicswow, the preview sure looks interesting05:11
dougie_.wine is also in your home directory05:11
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super-6-1hold on ill look05:11
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Ch0Hagsuper-6-1: And have you actually run something in wine yet?05:11
Polysicsi just hope they bundle some better theme than the attractive, lovely, diarrhea-colored default there is now :-)05:11
sparrwi am going to have to downgrade to ubuntu 6.06 to get a proprietary driver to work  :(05:11
super-6-1yea i have05:11
super-6-1iv just installed starcraft05:12
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super-6-1it says its installed05:12
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Ch0Hagtry find ~ -iname '*star*'05:13
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super-6-1~ -iname?05:13
Ch0Hag~ == hame05:13
Ch0Hag-iname == search for name case insensitively.05:13
=== super-6-1 says hes a noob
Ch0HagWell I'm sure there's a GUI find tool somewhere but I wouldn't know.05:14
ByPasSI'm having problems compiling a curse based program under ubuntu :  "tputs" undeclared (first use in this function) I can compile fine on debian (i had the same error before installing ncurses-devel, libncurses5-dev and libncurses-devel though) I installed both libncurses5 and libncurses5-devel on unbuntu put I still have the error Any ideas ?05:14
Picisuper-6-1: its probably in ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Starcraft/05:14
Ch0HagA curse based programme?05:15
sipiorcurses :)05:15
Ch0HagIs that one coded entirely out of expletives?05:15
faileascurses ;)05:15
sipiorsounds like my programming05:15
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faileas/ ****ing code dosen;t ****ing work.05:15
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sipiorByPasS: does it require a specific version of (n)curses?05:16
cavedonhi all!05:16
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ByPasSversion 5 yes05:18
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chamikalpackages.ubuntu.com is down ?05:19
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Flokerchamikal, same here05:20
NET||abuseCan i just delete ESD? or will that totally cork up my system?05:20
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FlokerNET||abuse, why would you want to do that?05:20
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=== liberum solved his problem with http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty
NET||abusedelete as in aptitude --purge remove libesd-alsa005:20
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NET||abuseFloker, I'm desperately desperately trying to find a way to get flash sound working again05:21
Ch0HagDamn there's a lot of background noise in here.05:21
coolbeansHi all.  How can I tell which ttsy/com port a PCI modem is using?  It shows up when I hit lspci but I can't figure out which serial port its using.05:21
NET||abusei think i've added a package somewhere along the way  (about 2 months ago) that killed flash sound playback05:21
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technoBurnNET||abuse, what version of ubuntu are you running?05:21
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NET||abuseSo i'm going through the various sound systems that are in here and trying to see what i can take out..05:21
NET||abusetechnoBurn, on feisty05:21
brainsickcan someone give me a pointer / entry point to start researching developing visualization plugins for rhythmbox?05:22
technoBurndid you install from source?05:22
scipioany ideas why did alt-1 stoped working in irssi? i can change to all windows except the status window which is #1.05:22
NET||abusetechnoBurn, which ? alsa? no i'm using mostly jsut binaries.05:22
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NET||abusetechnoBurn, I think the only thing i've compiled from source right now is kiba-dock05:22
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_abc_wow I've never been on a channel with 1165 users before ...05:23
technoBurnNET||abuse, when I installed Flash 9 from source It worked out of the box could never get it working otherwise05:23
NET||abuse:) popular distro :)05:23
_abc_are there breaks between flame fests _05:23
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_abc_? ;-)05:23
ByPasSchamikal : it is to me too05:23
technoBurnWhat soundcard are you running?05:23
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NET||abusetechnoBurn, emm one sec..05:23
rafaelscjis there a kernel to centrino laptops?05:23
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Flokerrafaelscj, no, is speedstepping running on your portable?05:24
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faileasrafaelscj: the standard one should work05:24
NET||abusetechnoBurn, using "Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03)"05:24
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NET||abusetechnoBurn, I thought flash was closed source,, how'd you compile??05:24
NET||abusetechnoBurn, this is flashplugin-nonfree05:24
rafaelscjFloker, It's because i can hibernate, but not stand by05:25
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technoBurnNET||abuse, your right I think I did that via deb05:25
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steel_ladyif it tells me that I can not upgrade if I don't liberate 400MB in /usr, will it help if I empty /home ?05:26
Flokerrafaelscj, well, the kernel in Gutsy will have some major improvements on Suspend, hibernate and Power Saving. i guess we will have to wait for it05:26
kyjaI am getting an error from gambas05:26
NET||abusetechnoBurn, ;) well there ya are then.. hmmm, ok,, for some reason i've alot of alsas modules installed.. what can i remove safely...05:26
scipioany ideas why did alt-1 stoped working in irssi? i can change to all windows except the status window which is #1.05:26
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rafaelscjFloker, :(05:26
NET||abusetechnoBurn, I may have gone completely nuts and installed stuff that I shouldn't have by just flying through the multimedia sectoin in synaptics ;)05:26
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dougie__there we go now that I got wireless working my phone doesn't have to be next to my computer lol05:27
technoBurntry this05:27
Flokerrafaelscj, there are some howtos on that issue i guess, try searching the ubuntu wiki or ask in the ubuntu forums (clearly stating every aspect of the problem) hope that helps05:27
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sktrdieHow do I change the ubunt icon on the top left?05:27
technoBurnNET||Abuse : sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libesd.so.0 /usr/lib/libesd.so.105:27
steel_ladyI don't understand why is it refusing to install when I have 1.5G free05:27
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technoBurnthen restart firefox05:27
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NET||abusetechnoBurn, I have no files under /usr/lib/ that start with libesd aparently....05:28
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technoBurnare you using firefox?05:28
NET||abusetechnoBurn, wait no i do..05:28
NET||abuseyeh, firefox05:28
sebahi all05:28
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technoBurnyea okay i was about to be really confused there ;)05:28
NET||abusei've seen this fix, symlinks for the esd lib.. and i've done all the suggestions *(all 3 install methods on ubuntuguide.org)05:29
jusoIn securecrt, for some reason some servers I save, wont prompt me for abiliy to save password, and some do.  Anyone know why this is?05:29
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NET||abusetechnoBurn, I already have /usr/lib/libesd.so.1 symlinked to /usr/lib/libesd.so.005:29
rafaelscjlet me understand one thing: why Mobile Intel's driver isn't a "restricted-drivers" while Intel PRO/Wireless is?05:30
technoBurnehhh not sure what the issue is then, I had to do that to get mine to work05:30
sparrwwhat sort of pain am i inviting by installing an old debian kernel package on an ubuntu system?05:30
technoBurndo you have sound otherwise in the systme?05:30
steel_ladyok, can somebody explain to me, the distribution of disk memory in the system, why does it need more when I have 1.5G free?05:30
NET||abusetechnoBurn, yeh, I have sound otherwise, you see the weird thing is I did that symlink to get it working before, and all was well, i had flash for some time, then 2 months back it died.. i don't know why it died though :(05:30
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Paddy_EIREsteel_lady, when ubuntu uncompresses from the cd to your hdd it sonsumes at least 2 gb05:31
slophi all...trying to compile a game with scons, i get TONS of this error : sh: o: not found05:31
slopany ideas?05:31
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sipiorjuso: that's a windows program, isn't it? or is it on linux now as well?05:31
Paddy_EIREsteel_lady, *consume05:31
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technoBurnare you on a laptop?05:31
caneris there anybody who has used gnomad with an creative zen vision m mp3 player?05:31
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steel_ladypaddy, how will I find more space, does /home count to it?05:32
caneris there anybody who has used gnomad with a creative zen vision m mp3 player?05:32
canersorry for repetition05:32
Paddy_EIRE!patience | caner05:32
ubotucaner: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:32
Paddy_EIREoh oops05:32
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Paddy_EIREcaner, search the forums while you wait here :D05:32
CroXAnyones else having problem with the panels in Gnome when playing games using Wine?05:32
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DARKGuythe gnome panel is horrible with fullscreen games05:33
canerPaddy_EIRE o.k i have been searching but i better keep on.05:33
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CroXWhen playing Warcraft III for example, I have to use my arrow keys to scroll around. :S05:33
backbluehi, how can i get any update package? i need something like testing or something! its anything like this?05:33
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NET||abusetechnoBurn, when i run firefox from console to watch the output,, i get this http://pastebin.com/d218164d005:33
DARKGuyCroX: try running it on a separate X server05:33
Paddy_EIRECroX, what sort of problems?05:33
CroXDARKGuy: How do I do that?05:34
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CroXPaddy_EIRE: The panels follow me into the game and lays over the fullscreen game.05:34
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sparrwwill i have problems having multiple ubuntu versions in my sources.list?  feisty+edgy+dapper...05:34
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Paddy_EIRECroX, ctrl+alt+f# up to 6, 7 being your current graphical x session05:34
sipiorsparrw: probably05:34
DARKGuyCroX: switch to terminal (control+alt+f1), login and type "xinit -- :1" ... that'll give you X on ctrl+alt+f8, while f7 being your previos X session05:35
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taime1my trash applet doesnt show me that there is any trash in it by right clicking it. there i salso no option to empty it. but when i open my trash, there is trash... what gives?05:35
DARKGuyCroX: you'll get some white terminal you can use to run war3 through it05:35
CroXOhh. :D05:35
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NET||abuseAwww, he's gone :( ok,, can anyone suggest a course of action here?? flash with no sound, I've performed all the suggestions from ubuntuguid.org and even gnash, and no sound from that either, i've checked /usr/lib/libesd.so.0->1 link is there, i've tried alsa-oss fix in the firefoxrc file, I don't know whatelse i can do..05:35
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sparrwwith packages.ubuntu.com down, is there any easy way to get old packages?05:35
CroXIs there a space between "--" and ":1"?05:35
Paddy_EIREappears so05:36
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steel_ladyPaddy_EIRE, does home counts towards the quota for ubuntu?05:36
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CroXThanks both of you! I'll try that05:36
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=== N3bunel saluta
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PoromenosXorg is giving me 95% CPU usage, how can I stop it for good?05:37
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dougie__Poromenos, you want to stop xorg?05:38
Paddy_EIREsteel_lady, lady if you make your /home directory seperate05:38
Poromenosdougie__: yes05:38
Poromenosit's a headless server05:38
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fsckrhow can i set the number of workspaces I want?  Everytime I reboot or restart X I have to change the workspaces back to 4.  I have put the number of workstations manually in gconf-editor but that hasn't been of any help it seems05:38
dougie__Poromenos, hmm....not sure just was making sure what you wanted :)05:38
Paddy_EIREalthough ubuntu itself requires at least 2gb for the standard install with apps05:38
Poromenosdougie__: ah :P05:38
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dougie__Poromenos, server doesn't need gui thats for sure05:39
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milestonehi all05:40
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PoromenosDougie: indeed, but how can i stop it? :P05:40
milestonei cannot get pam-ldap to work on my ubuntu feisty machine05:40
Poromenosi'm thinking of just removing ubuntu-desktop...05:40
milestoneis there an ubuntu based howto somewhere?05:40
Paddy_EIREDARKGuy, how do I end any other sessions or 'terminals' I have opened from ctrl+alt+f# except for my current X F7 ofcourse05:40
DougiePoromenos, that should work honestly. Thats all the gui and gnome and all that05:40
gnomefreakPoromenos: removing ubuntu-desktop doesnt do anything05:40
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gnomefreakDougie: nope05:40
slopwhy isn't build-essential included with the distro?05:41
Xmancan anybody help05:41
Dougiegnomefreak, hmm well idk?05:41
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slopjust curious...05:41
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gnomefreak!ubuntu-desktop | Dougie Poromenos05:41
ubotuDougie Poromenos: k/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.05:41
neumindwho know pascal?!05:41
neumindwho know pascal?!05:41
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gnomefreakneumind: try in #pascal05:41
neumindi tryeid05:41
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DARKGuyPaddy_EIRE: ctrl + shift + backspace05:42
Poromenosgnomefreak: hmm05:42
rafaelscjmay I use "/join ---" here? (I'am using gain)05:42
Poromenoswell, how do i shut X down?05:42
gnomefreakneumind: this is not a programming channel try #programming #ubuntu-offtopic05:42
Paddy_EIREDARKGuy, ahh.. nice one05:42
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:42
DARKGuyPaddy_EIRE: if you do it on f7 it will always come back because it's associated with gdm and it will restart your login screen again05:42
sipiorpascal? jesus, it's not the 80's again, is it?05:42
DARKGuybut on others you'll just kill 'em05:42
canerare there any gui's for mtp-* programs?05:42
gnomefreakPoromenos: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop05:42
Poromenosgnomefreak: i don't want to restart it, i tried gdm stop but it started back up again for some reason05:42
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gnomefreakPoromenos: read what i typed05:42
ByPasSI'm trying to compile this program from source : http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/net/wy60, make fails with the following error : "tputs" undeclared (first use in this function) any ideas ?05:43
Poromenosyou too :p05:43
NET||abuseahhhhh foooooo,,, i'm so fed up... i've been trying for 5 hours now... I cannot get flash audio to work05:43
Paddy_EIREDARKGuy, oddly when I did xinit -- :1 it opened in F9?05:43
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gnomefreak11:42 <      gnomefreak > Poromenos: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop05:43
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PoromenosPoromenosgnomefreak: i don't want to restart it, i tried gdm stop but it started back up again for some reason05:43
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Poromenos"i tried gdm stop but it started back up again for some reason"05:43
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gnomefreakPoromenos: the command i gave you is to stop it not restart it05:43
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steel_ladyok, is there somebody good-harted to help me to free the space for my update'05:44
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bigdoginstall question,  I have a multiboot machine (Suse 10.3, windows xp, windows xp64, windows vista ultimate).   I ran the ubnutu workstation installer, but it did not recognize my existing LVM structure.   Is this a bug or a feature for 7.04 ?05:44
gnomefreakGnea: it will only work for that session05:44
gnomefreakPoromenos: ^^05:44
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web_knowshow to get esd output support in my libxine?05:44
Poromenosgnomefreak: what's that?05:44
Paddy_EIREsteel_lady, how much sapce do you require05:44
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gnomefreakPoromenos: if you want to permently stop it remove gdm05:44
cyanid3_what file would i edit if i want to spoof my nic's mac address everytime at boot?05:44
Poromenosaha, i'll do that, thanks05:44
web_knowsI mean, I'd like to output amarok sound through esd (eSound)05:44
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steel_ladyPaddy-EIRE it wants about 450MB!05:44
notchNICKguys I need help.. how do I open /etc/X11/xorg.conf  in ubuntu?  I am using virtualbox and I need to add resolution 1280x1024 in this file05:45
PoromenosnotchNICK: go to a command line and type sudo /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:45
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Poromenossudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:45
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canerhas anybody used creative zen vision:m with feisty?05:46
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caneri couldnt make it work05:46
cyanid3_what file would i edit if i want to spoof my nic's mac address everytime at boot?05:46
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Paddy_EIREsteel_lady, ok, well you could try deleting the contents of '/var/cache/apt/archives/' that may free some space05:46
brian1When I'm starting Ubuntu I get an error page saying that /dev/sda2 contains a file system with errors, check failed. After checking it tells me there are a Duplicate or bad block in use. Then it goes to tell me /dev/sda2 Multiply-claimed block(s) in inode 7:231. It continues to tells me about 2 other blocks. Then it tells me an automatic files ysystem check (fsck) of the root file system failed. A manual fsck must be performed in maintence m05:46
brian1with the root file system mounted in read only mode. Once it was in read only and  maintenance shell was started. Then another few commands go across the screen. Then it tells be that the program 'apt-get' is not installed and I can install it by typing apt-get install apt. Though the computer cant find that command even when the computer typed apt-get install by itself. Anyone have any suggestions?05:46
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kakarutoi can't wait for 7.1005:47
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Paddy_EIREsteel_lady, do you know what you are doing...05:48
sipiorcyanid3_: you could make a local file in /etc/init.d that does the mac alteration. just have to ensure that it runs before the network is started. i don't *think* it would reset to the default mac, but i wouldn't swear to it05:48
steel_ladyPaddy_EIRE it is empty05:48
DARKGuyPaddy_EIRE: it05:48
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DARKGuyPaddy_EIRE: it's ok, your machine may vary05:48
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Paddy_EIREsteel_lady, oh, so you must have a fresh install05:48
cyanid3_ok, thanks05:48
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Paddy_EIREsteel_lady, then where is all your space... how big is your ubuntu partition05:49
steel_ladyPaddy_EIRE I can not run over my system, it is for my work and I can not reinstall some programs05:49
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steel_ladyPaddy, where can I check it?05:50
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Paddy_EIREsteel_lady, type 'df' in term05:50
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xtknightis there an easy command to view the changelog of a deb?05:50
xtknight(a deb which is already installed)05:50
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rafaelscjsteel_lady, System > Admin > System monitor05:51
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steel_ladyI have 8 giga with 1.5G free05:51
steel_lady6.5+1.5 -- ubuntu is taking so much?05:52
Paddy_EIREsteel_lady, then you do not need to free space for the updates then05:52
djwonkafter ssh'ing to my ubuntu server from my Mac, bash interprets 'backspace' and 'delete' properly.  nano interprets 'backspace' as 'delete'.  how do I fix?05:52
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steel_ladyPaddy_EIRE it wants 450MB more05:52
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xtknighti guess the best way is "cd /usr/share/doc; man pkgname/changelog.Debian.gz"05:52
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Paddy_EIREsteel_lady, 450 is not very much05:52
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CalinA fouled up gbindadmin has reset every file on my machine to owner:none group:none .... is there a way to fix this? or a list somewhere of what should be set to what?05:53
steel_ladybut where to get it?05:53
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web_knowshow the fstab file is generated during the installation?05:53
steel_ladyPaddy, I was trying to revise to se what programs to remove and I really can not05:53
Paddy_EIREsteel_lady, you already have 1.5gb free so 450 should not cause any problems05:53
aaron_what is the difference between compiz and beryl?  What should I load?05:54
steel_ladyPaddy, it does!05:54
Paddy_EIREaaragon, #ubuntu-effects05:54
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brian1When I'm starting Ubuntu I get an error page saying that /dev/sda2 contains a file system with errors, check failed. After checking it tells me there are a Duplicate or bad block in use. Then it goes to tell me /dev/sda2 Multiply-claimed block(s) in inode 7:231. It continues to tells me about 2 other blocks. Then it tells me an automatic files ysystem check (fsck) of the root file system failed. A manual fsck must be performed in maintence m05:54
brian1with the root file system mounted in read only mode. Once it was in read only and  maintenance shell was started. Then another few commands go across the screen. Then it tells be that the program 'apt-get' is not installed and I can install it by typing apt-get install apt. Though the computer cant find that command even when the computer typed apt-get install by itself. Anyone have any suggestions?05:54
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steel_ladyThe upgrade aborts now. Please free at least 434M of disk space on /usr. Empty your Garbage Bin and remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'.05:54
rafaelscjsteel_lady, do you have only one partition?05:54
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steel_ladyno I have more05:55
sipiorxtknight: bit surprising (i assumed there there was an easy way to do it), but i think your suggestion might be the only option :)05:55
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xtknightsipior, i haven't looked very hard05:55
rafaelscjsteel_lady, so, it's the problem05:55
Span1Hey everyone, I'm new to Ubuntu and Linux in general and I'd like to find out how to get Movie Player to show DVDs05:55
sipiorxtknight: nor have i, but it doesn't look like any of the dpkg or apt- tools do this05:56
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs05:56
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steel_ladyrafaelscj i do not understand05:56
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xtknightsipior, it would probably be one of the developer deb tools05:56
Paddy_EIREsteel_lady, try 'df -hT' in a terminal05:56
steel_ladyrafaelscj I can not move installed programs to the other partition05:56
sipiorahmed_: thanks, i wondered if i could display arabic fonts correctly. now i know05:56
sebaubuntu 7.04 server, on apt-get updgrade it keeps back new kernel from install, what should i do ?05:57
rafaelscjsteel_lady, what partitions do you have ? (/, swap)05:57
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sipiorxtknight: apt-listchanges05:57
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xtknightsipior, interesing.  crashes on gutsy05:58
sebaubuntu 7.04 server, on apt-get upgrade it keeps back new kernel from install, what should i do ?05:58
Paddy_EIREsteel_lady, you have a vfat partition with loads of space05:58
brian1When I'm starting Ubuntu I get an error page saying that /dev/sda2 contains a file system with errors, check failed. After checking it tells me there are a Duplicate or bad block in use. Then it goes to tell me /dev/sda2 Multiply-claimed block(s) in inode 7:231. It continues to tells me about 2 other blocks. Then it tells me an automatic files ysystem check (fsck) of the root file system failed. A manual fsck must be performed in maintence m05:58
brian1with the root file system mounted in read only mode. Once it was in read only and  maintenance shell was started. Then another few commands go across the screen. Then it tells be that the program 'apt-get' is not installed and I can install it by typing apt-get install apt. Though the computer cant find that command even when the computer typed apt-get install by itself. Anyone have any suggestions?05:58
rafaelscjsteel_lady, you can back apt's cache up05:58
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djwonkhere's the line in nanorc that fixed my problem, fyi: ## Fix Backspace/Delete confusion problem.05:58
djwonk# set rebinddelete05:58
xtknightsipior, just apt-listchanges pkgname  right?05:58
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steel_lady rafaelscj  I am blonde, please step by step05:58
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Paddy_EIRErafaelscj, her /var/apt/cache/ is empty05:59
Paddy_EIRErafaelscj, her /var/apt/archives' even06:00
geniiRather /var/cache/apt you mean?06:00
sipiorxtknight: actually, reading the man page, it appears to do exactly what you suggested for the changelog :)06:00
sebaubuntu 7.04 server, on apt-get upgrade it keeps back new kernel from install, what should i do to get them installed ?06:00
jiambrian1: boot using liveCD and then fsck those unmounted partitions06:00
geniiRather /var/cache/apt/archives06:00
xtknightsipior, can you get apt-listchanges to work at all?06:00
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sipiorxtknight: not yet06:00
Paddy_EIREgenii, :P06:00
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rafaelscjsteel_lady, /var/cache/apt/archieves06:01
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steel_ladyrafael it is empty06:01
DougieHey can anyone help me here...for some reason it won't mount audio cd's06:01
xtknightsipior, now im not horrible with google or anything but wow i cant find any instructions on how to use this :p06:01
Paddy_EIRErafaelscj,  /var/cache/apt/archives06:01
floresc7I had to leave to class earlier, anyone here know anything about DRBL?06:01
sipiorxtknight: i think the status of this program may currently be "b0rked"06:01
Paddy_EIRE!anyone | floresc706:02
rafaelscjsteel_lady,is  /var/cache/apt/archives empty?06:02
ubotufloresc7: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:02
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xtknightsipior, i'm going to file a bug about this06:02
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steel_ladyrafael, yes!06:02
sipiorxtknight: hold off on that06:02
Dougiei put in a cd and it just doesn't mount. I go double click the cd drive and it says unable to mount drive possible cause is there is no media in drive. None of my audio cd's will mount at all.06:03
sipiorxtknight: i think you need to invoke it on an actual deb package, not the name of the package06:03
Paddy_EIREsteel_lady, what other data do you have on your ubuntu partition that belongs to YOU06:03
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floresc7I cannot boot a DRBL client with a SATA hard drive using Feisty06:03
kurosakiseba, Try via synaptic.06:03
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steel_ladyPaddy, apart installed programs?06:03
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sebakurosaki , i dont have GUI on server06:03
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Paddy_EIREsteel_lady, yeah apart from installed apps.. just your created content06:03
marginoferrorI have about 5000 pages in 40 PDF files that I need to convert to TIFF (so I can run tesseract-ocr on them)06:03
floresc7Are there compatiblity issues with using ubuntu with SATA hard drives?06:03
xtknightsipior, well if i do this, this is all it says "Reading changelogs... Done" :p06:03
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geniifloresc7: Set your bios for SATA to be in IDE compatability mode06:04
marginoferrorIs there a sane, automated way to do this?06:04
sipiorxtknight: yeah, it assumes that you want to see the difference between a package you just grabbed and the one on your system.06:04
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xtknightsipior, ok i guess this isnt much use at least for me06:04
floresc7I only have 2 modes in bios, normal and RAID06:04
floresc7tried both06:04
sipiorxtknight: yeah, sadly06:04
steel_ladyPaddy linux is confusing because it mounts partitions like folders, so which one is entire ubuntu partition?06:04
kurosakiseba, Ah ok. I've had this issue too. sudo apt-get upgrade -f ?06:04
xtknightsipior, wait06:04
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xtknightsipior, use the -a switch06:04
steel_ladyonly /usr or more?06:04
Paddy_EIREsteel_lady, /06:04
sebakurosaki , 1 min i go try06:04
xtknightsipior, e.g.  apt-listchanges -va /var/cache/apt/archives/bip_0.6.0-2ubuntu1_amd64.deb06:04
xtknightthis works.. thx06:04
kurosakiseba, Or Aptitude might handle things better.06:04
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geniifloresc7: If you have jmicron chipset you may be ok to insert the driver manually. If another chipset like Marvell or so it could be problemmatic06:05
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Paddy_EIREsteel_lady, im talking about music movies documents that belong to you06:05
xtknighti still think the program needs better docs but they probably have more important things to worry about06:05
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steel_ladypaddy it can not be because I have more than 3G free in /home06:05
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sebakurosaki , no go :/06:05
floresc7genii: how can I tell which chipset I am using on the client?06:05
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rafaelscjsteel_lady, /use is in /06:06
rafaelscjsteel_lady, usr*06:06
sebakurosaki , it keeping them from upgrade06:06
Samurai_Danany help for XGL issue ? no answer in xgl channel06:06
marginoferrorIs there any way to convert PDF to TIFF in Linux at all?06:06
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kurosakiseba, Try aptitude, it's essentially synaptic in cli and seems to work better in some cases. It was a while ago it happened to me. Not 100% on what it was that fixed it, either synaptic or aptitude though.06:06
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geniifloresc7: look up your motherboard specs, or try lspci and see if it has some device from jmicron or marvell there06:06
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bjwebbmy x is broke :S06:06
Samurai_DanVideo scrambled in XGL session, looks like no horizontal sync06:07
bjwebbanyone here able to help?06:07
sebakurosaki i go try, tnx m806:07
kurosakiseba, No sweat, hope it helps.06:07
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bjwebb"unable to write to /tmp"06:07
Calinis there a way to reset all group/user settings for the entire installation? (mine are all none:none now..) like maybe using apt-get to reinstall everything...06:07
steel_ladyapplnk  games            include  lib64    local  sbin   src06:07
steel_ladybin     i486-linuxlibc1  lib      libexec  man    share  X11R606:07
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steel_ladyin games I almost do not have anything06:07
Paddy_EIREsteel_lady, I would at least make my root / dir at least 10gb06:07
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geniifloresc7: My Asus mb install cd came with source code for Marvell Sata/IDE controller but it's that catch-22 of needing a working system to compile it etc06:08
steel_ladypaddy should I look in some of these folders? I did not create them!06:08
Paddy_EIREsteel_lady, no06:08
Samurai_DanVideo scrambled in XGL session, looks like no horizontal sync06:08
Paddy_EIREsteel_lady, they are system folders in your '/' root directory06:09
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geniiAFK (ordering lunch)06:09
floresc7genii: ok, I'll look up the specs real quick on the dell support site06:09
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warblersteel_lady: lines 2 - 8 are the one partition06:10
Paddy_EIREsteel_lady, you could resize your / onto some of either your vfat or /home partitions using gparted from the live cd06:10
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karel_Hi, I read that 7.10 will have compiz by default and also an x manager. Now I'm wondering if these will work with my ATI X1400? (for example: for compiz I need to use xgl at this time)06:11
Cyrus25801I shared a folder in ubuntu and i am trying to access it on a windows pc. It asces me for a username and password. What username and password must I use06:11
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cosmodadanyone else experiencing feisty gaim's "could not add the buddy 1" error message and know how to fix it?06:12
steel_ladythe biggest folder is lib. do I need all of that?06:12
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Paddy_EIRECyrus25801, your ubuntu login... or whatever you specified when setting up either samba or nfs06:12
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Paddy_EIRECyrus25801, which did you use06:12
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steel_ladyand what is proc for?06:13
warblersteel_lady: that is a system folder - file system = tempfs06:13
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Paddy_EIREsteel_lady, yes certainly you need that06:13
Paddy_EIREsteel_lady, you need all those06:13
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Cyrus25801Paddy_EIRE: samba. where can i check what user i specified. I tried my normal login and another that i created a while ago. but it doesn't want to work06:13
act1v8How can I open and create Symbian MBM (Multi BitMap) files on Ubuntu?06:13
ramyhi all, how I can install LAMP , on Ubuntu desktop i386 7.04 ?06:13
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Paddy_EIRE!samba | Cyrus2580106:14
ubotuCyrus25801: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT06:14
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bonycan i ask a question related to debian,nvidia,compiz ?06:14
act1v8bony: don't ask to ask just ask because you are already asking ;-)06:14
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ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects06:15
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act1v8can someone help me?06:15
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Cyrus25801Paddy_EIRE: thanx but it isn't a windows share it is a ubuntu share that I want to access on windows. does it matter06:15
Paddy_EIREyeah you need samba client on your buntu box06:16
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Airethce stai ?06:17
Paddy_EIRECyrus25801, why dont you start over and ask about file sharing and networking in general when it comes to windows and linux environments06:17
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aleph0hello everyone06:17
garryfreWow, #winehq has 181 users, that will not respond to any question, no matter what. They won't answer about the new bug in the wine that comes with Ubuntu.06:17
aleph0is there any way I can list the complete dependency of a package?06:17
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Cyrus25801Paddy_EIRE: i am going to read what you gave me and if i dont come right will ask again thanx06:18
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floresc7ok i did run lspci but it doesnt show any devices from jmicron or marvell06:18
Paddy_EIREaleph0, there is although the command eludes me at the moment06:18
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Paddy_EIRECyrus25801, good good :)06:18
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rick__hi.. could someone suggest me a good file explorer...06:19
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Paddy_EIRErick__, nautilus or terminal06:19
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blowerygreetings. is there a FAQ or  HOWTO on setting up a RAID5 array with mdadm on feisty?06:20
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Calinis there a way to re-install ubuntu without loosing additional programs / setup that was done (really don't want to loose my ldap server.)06:20
Paddy_EIRE!es | luchador06:20
ubotuluchador: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:20
=== N3bunel brb mananc
noelferreirai have a package that needs to be reinstaled. however it can't be founded. how can i delete it?06:20
luchadorsabes ablar en espaol06:21
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lgc_What options are there to run Windows software on Ubuntu?06:22
Paddy_EIREyes Cyrus2580106:22
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Cyrus25801Paddy_EIRE: let me tell what I have done. I have right clicked on a file and said share. I then picked samba06:23
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drhumanistwarbler: hi mate.... i fixed the problem ;)06:23
Calinlgc: wine, vmware, and cedega06:23
Cyrus25801I then picked a name that I share it with06:23
warblerdrhumanist: pls tell how!06:23
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drhumanistwarbler: i'd like to share how :)06:23
lgc_Calin, does VMWare need wine?06:23
Paddy_EIRElgc_, wine, crossover, parallels... also consider virtual machines06:23
drhumanistare you ready?06:23
Scunizilgc_, no06:23
noelferreirai have a package that needs to be reinstaled. however aptitude can't find a repository for it. how can i delete it?06:23
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drhumanisti just used AUTOMATIX and it fixed everything....06:24
Paddy_EIRE!virtualbox | lgc_06:24
ubotulgc_: VirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox06:24
steel_ladyok, a question, does the system need that space temporaryly to unpack or it will be spent?06:24
Scunizilgc_, VMWare will run native in Linux, Windows06:24
faileaslgc_: vmware needs windows ;)06:24
karel_does anyone have ubuntu 7.10 tribe 5?06:24
Cyrus25801Paddy_EIRE: when I acess the network from my windows pc I see the linux desktop. when I double click on it to access it it asks for a usename and pass.06:24
kbrooksfaileas, not true06:24
floresc7I am getting a error when trying to boot: ata1: failed to recover some devices, retrying in 5 seconds06:24
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drhumanistthe driver it found was the exact one depending on my very specific hardware settings..... the driver is TOTALLY different06:24
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warblerdrhumanist: must have loaded the appropriate driver06:24
Cyrus25801Paddy_EIRE: I have tried everyone i have ever entered but it doesn't work06:24
ScuniziCyrus25801, provide your uname & pass06:24
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elkbuntudrhumanist, pity it did not work for the guy who lost gnome or the guy who can no longer mount stuff. do not ever recommend it06:25
faileaskbrooks: yeah, it needs windows to run windows apps though. ;) ( i was being silly... don't mind me)06:25
lgc_Paddy_EIRE, Scunizi, Calin, thanks. I'm going to try Wine. Where do I have to put the Windows executable?06:25
Cyrus25801Scunizi: I have but it doesn't take it06:25
VletWhy would I get a ~5 second delay every time I try to ssh into my server? I'm on a gigabit switch with the server.06:25
Calinis there a way to re-install ubuntu without loosing your current settings.06:25
Scunizilgc_, what program are you trying to run?06:25
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Paddy_EIRElgc_, #winehq06:25
drhumanistwarbler: well elkbuntu my friend, i DO recommend it ;)06:25
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kbrooksfaileas, by that argument you make, since XChat runs on Windows, I could say "XChat needs Windows". That does not make it any more true. </rant>06:25
ScuniziCyrus25801, it's probably a samba issue.. sorry I'm not good with samba06:25
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drhumanisti am trying to fix this resolution problem for more than a week!!!06:26
faileaskbrooks: my bad, really06:26
elkbuntu!automatix | drhumanist06:26
ubotudrhumanist: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)06:26
lgc_Scunizi, a WinDig. A small application for digitizing curves.06:26
noelferreirai have a package that needs to be reinstaled. however aptitude can't find a repository for it. how can i delete it?06:26
kbrooksVlet, you get that delay because of the encryption it does.06:26
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steel_ladyPaddy, do I need the space for unpacking or permanently?06:26
drhumanistelkbuntu: i do not ever care.... i could not have solved my problem without it06:26
warblerdrhumanist: you got lucky - well done - enjoy ubuntuing06:26
kbrooksdrhumanist, can i pm you?06:26
kadambiHow to do an apt-setup on fiesty ?06:26
elkbuntudrhumanist, yes you could have. it does nothing that you could not have done for yourself06:26
lgc_faileas, you mean it'll use my Windows partition or I need a 'virtual' Windows reinstall?06:27
drhumanistwhat is pm?06:27
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kbrooksdrhumanist, private message06:27
faileaslgc_: for wine or vmware?06:27
drhumanistyes ok06:27
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kousotuhow do you shut down a prgram from comand line?06:27
Scunizilgc_, do you have a copy of windows?  if so it might be easier to load VMWare and install windows and your prog. there. Especially if your prog uses propitiatory windows code like .net VB etc.06:27
Paddy_EIREsteel_lady, well you will certainly have future updates so I'd use the extra space06:27
drhumanistelkbuntu: don't take all this personal but i am really happy to have solved my resolution problem that is all06:27
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kousotuvlc vanished on me06:28
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kadambiHow to do an apt-setup on feisty ?06:28
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Cyrus25801Paddy_EIRE: did you get all that06:28
s1icknickmy machine mysteriously restarted overnight.  it has an uptime of 7 hour 45 minutes. the top of /var/log/messages is: Aug 28 01:50:27 nbogdanoff-wx syslogd 1.4.1#20ubuntu4: restart.   any other log files to look at ? or ideas what to check to see why this happend?06:28
drhumanistwarbler: thank you btw :) your efforts are appreciated too ;)06:28
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lgc_Scunizi, do I need a disk for that or just somehow clone the partition?06:28
steel_ladyPaddy but I am asking you for right now, will it use up all 2G after this installation?06:28
DARKGuyhey, is it normal that when you have a laptop plugged in to AC, the battery led blinks? what does that mean? sorry for the offtopic but I'm confused o.O06:28
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lgc_faileas, for wine.06:28
faileasvmware perferably SHOULD use a install on a disk image (ie, its own windows install). I tended to use a old win98 disk for it ;)06:28
Scunizilgc_, if you are dual booting and create a VMWare install of the same windows cd you'll have "activation" issues.06:28
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lgc_faileas, sorry, for VMW06:28
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warblerdrhumanist: lol :)06:28
faileaslgc_ wine is an API for linux, no windows partiton required06:29
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Paddy_EIRE!wine | lgc06:29
ubotulgc: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.06:29
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sipiors1icknick: try "last", it should show when the machine rebooted, and possibly why06:29
faileaslgc_ you may be able to convert an install to an image, or mount a raw partition. personally i recommend a fresh install for it though06:29
lgc_Scunizi, you mean license problems?06:29
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kadambiHow to do an apt-setup on feisty ?06:30
lgc_faileas, from the Windows CD, you mean?06:30
sipiors1icknick: but it was most likely a power interruption06:30
Picikadambi: What are you trying to do?06:30
kadambipici, when I say apt-update it says error06:30
faileaslgc_: yeah. i got an... erm, old copy of win 98 for doing vmware installs, unless its an XP only programme ;)06:30
s1icknicksipior: thanks.  i have 2 lines for today but dont understand then.  ill check the man page06:30
noelferreirai have a package that needs to be reinstaled. however aptitude can't find a repository for it. how can i delete it?06:31
Paddy_EIREkadambi, sudo apt-get update06:31
s1icknickreboot   system boot  2.6.20-16-generi Tue Aug 28 01:40 - 09:29  (07:49)06:31
drhumanistbtw guys, i must say i am a believer of free software policy.... it is just that driver support is something beyond us...06:31
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kbrooksapart from <insert program name here that we talked about> being a block of code, it is also non-free. you may think that this doesn't affect you directly, but it does06:31
kadambiPaddy_EIRE: yes, even then it says error - not in gzip format06:31
Vletkbrooks: I've never had that delay with any other ubuntu systems.. this is my first time using ubuntu server though. All other ubuntu systems (except for the first time connecting) allow me to auth immediatly06:31
s1icknicksipior: any way to tell if it iwas power interruption ?06:31
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drhumanistvery few drivers are open-source you know06:31
kbrooksbecause you can't change the code, use it for any reason, etc06:32
sipiors1icknick: that would seem to indicate that the system rebooted normally. maybe somebody hit the power button?06:32
bjwebbcould someone help me with x problems?06:32
Scunizilgc_, no.. When you use the same win install cd for one partition and for installing into a VMWare image, the second one installed will want you to "activate" it. MS will then be informed of the hardware setup. When you go back to the Windows partition and do an update it will want to activate that one again. ping ponging continuously from straight install to VMW install.06:32
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lgc_faileas, there's always a fresh Windows XP CD for a few $$ around....;).06:32
kbrooksthat is all06:32
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Paddy_EIREdrhumanist, #offtopic06:32
drhumanistok ok :):)06:32
s1icknicki sure hope no one was here at 2am pushing buttons ...06:32
Scunizilgc_, faileas was right.  Use a different version of windows for the VMW image.06:32
faileaslgc_: old windows is lighter (especially for a one app install). i'd switch to ROS once its down. its alpha software but they have awesome devs ;)06:32
kousotuhow do you shut down a prgram from comand line?06:33
sipiors1icknick: well, check your logs for around that time, see what was going on06:33
bjwebbcould someone help me with an X problem?06:33
lgc_Scunizi, and if you do a fresh install you don't have the same problem?06:33
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s1icknicksipior: what other log file besides /var/log/messages ?06:33
scipiokousotu, killall programname06:33
Paddy_EIREkousotu, killall app06:33
Scunizilgc_, if you're not dual booting you'll be fine.06:33
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kousotuso killall vlc?06:33
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scipiokousotu, yes06:33
noelferreirai have a package that needs to be reinstaled. however aptitude can't find a repository for it. how can i delete it?06:33
sipiors1icknick: that gets most of it, i believe06:33
Scunizilgc_, of course that eliminates any possibility of playing windows games.06:33
Paddy_EIREkousotu, well whatever the vlc process name is06:33
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s1icknicksipior : and the older things it the line i pasted in my initial question06:34
neverbluecan you get pidgin from anywhere? say SoS ?06:34
Paddy_EIREkousotu, try anyway06:34
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kousotuthat's how I apt-get'd it06:34
scipiokousotu, you can see the exact name in "top"06:34
lgc_Scunizi, I gather that if you buy a legal copy of XP you can register both versions, the dual-boot one and the virtual one. Am I wrong?06:34
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sipiors1icknick: the log entry just shows the reboot, if that's what you're asking06:34
Scunizilgc_, yes...06:34
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:34
Paddy_EIREyes kousotu what scipio  said06:34
ubotupidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info.06:34
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scipiokousotu, run top in terminal. it will list the runing applications06:35
macafe_HI, anyone here already running the kernel 2.6.23 ? I'm think upgrade my release because my sound (Intel Hda alc284) doens't work06:35
kousotuwhat is "top"?06:35
s1icknicksipior: im looking for info right before that reboot.06:35
Scunizilgc_, might be cheaper to buy a version of win2kpro off ebay since it's end of life anyway.  Also there might be a linux program that will duplicate the one you want to use.06:35
kurosakikousotu, Most likely it's wxvlc06:35
sipiors1icknick: you might look at /var/log/dmesg, and /var/log/kern.log, but i believe they all go to messages anyway06:35
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sipiors1icknick: also auth.log06:35
lgc_Scunizi, whenever (original) Windows XP goes down to $10 (which is more or less its real value) I'll think about doing that!06:35
Megaqwertysay I wanted to reinstall ubuntu, but wanted to keep all my settings, as well as the programs I have installed...how would I go about that? (I already have the home folder backed up)06:35
macafe_actually I'm using 2.6.22-1006:35
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neverbluecan you get pidgin from anywhere? say SoS ?06:36
Paddy_EIREkousotu, type 'top' in a terminal06:36
Scunizilgc_, :)06:36
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sipiorMegaqwerty: depends on what you hope to gain from a reinstall06:36
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kousotuit shows up "invalid"06:36
lgc_Scunizi, there's a Linux equivalent, allright.06:36
warblernoelferreira: is it in synaptic package manager?06:36
kousotuwxvlc app06:36
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lgc_Scunizi, what do you mean by "end of life"?06:37
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Scunizilgc_, what's the actual name of the program and maybe manufacturer06:37
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Cyrus25801Paddy_EIRE: got it right thanx06:37
Scunizilgc_, win2kpro won't be supported for much longer for security updates.06:37
noelferreirawarbler: aptitude is giving me that information. i can't install anything else06:37
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steel_ladyPaddy, why when I go to properties it often tells me: some contents unreadable?06:37
lgc_Scunizi, it's WinDig, and it's freeware in Windoze.06:37
Paddy_EIRECyrus25801, glas to hear :D06:37
sunnypiesI just installed the java jdk  anyone know how to compile a java program with it?06:37
sipiorMegaqwerty: if you just need a larger partition, you could copy your ubuntu partitions onto a scratch disk, and then copy them back onto the new one06:37
Megaqwertysipior: okay, I was just putting it in those terms so I wouldn't be kicked into ubuntu+1 ;) I really wanted to use this knowledge to upgrade to a clean install of gutsy once released, but not have to install all my apps and configure them one by one06:37
Scunizilgc_, I'll look it up.06:37
kaje1does anyone know of a fix for the HTML Validator addon for Firefox in Ubuntu?06:37
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warblernoelferreira: "can't install anything else" - what do you mean?06:38
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steel_ladyPaddy, maybe I have some garbage on the disk that is using up space?06:38
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noelferreirai mean that i can't install anything warbler06:38
noelferreirai mean that i can't install anything warbler06:39
s1icknicksipior : this box is on a network of mainly windows machines. its not in active directory (thus, no OUs). last night our windows updates went out and the windows machines were rebooted at this same time. i tried configuring kerberos at one point to authenticate the domain and im wondering if that had anything to do with it.06:39
sipiorMegaqwerty: ah :) well, your personal preferences will be in your home directory, so no worries there. synaptic will kick out a list of installed packages, but i don't know of any way to install them again automagically06:39
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nikinis there any tutorial on using serial port modems?06:39
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lgc_Scunizi, the Ubuntu package is 'engauge-digitizer', and I just installed it. It looks fine... (but why would I want to install an old Windows program then? Just out of fun; I mught end up learning something)06:39
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warblernoelferreira: are you using sudo?06:39
noelferreirawarbler: yes06:39
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neverbluecan you get pidgin from anywhere? not compiling from source...06:40
Megaqwertysipior: yeah, it would use dpkg --get-selections and dpkg --set-selections, then use a dselect upgrade...I guess what I'm asking is if I should just back up all of /etc/ as well, and if I need a conf file....there, just answered my own question ;)06:40
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sipiors1icknick: possible i suppose, seems odd that it should restart the box06:40
kaje1Does anyone know of a fix for the HTML Validator addon for Firefox in Ubuntu?06:40
Scunizilgc_, I might be a good experiment for using wine... I'd try it there first. since it's shareware it may not have much in the way of proprietary stuff in it.06:40
=== N3bunel back
s1icknicki know kinda nnoying06:40
nikini connected the modem, and if i try to use it with efax-gtk the TR light goes on but the modem does not answer06:40
sipiorMegaqwerty: yeah :)06:40
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s1icknickcos this box has sometimes rebooted itself in the past ... i thought maybe because i hadntlogged into it for a few days06:41
geniikaje1: According to their home site, sudo apt-get install libstdc++506:41
s1icknickbut i used it yesterday..06:41
Megaqwertysipior: thanks for helping me figure it out.06:41
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warblernoelferreira: sudo apt-get won't do anything - hmmm - that is why - as a check - I suggested synaptic06:41
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sipiorMegaqwerty: no trouble06:41
noelferreirawarbler:  there's nothing to do with sudo. the problem is that i have a package that needed to be reinstalled according to aptitude. however  it repository  can't be founded.06:41
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geniikaje1: Reference: http://users.skynet.be/mgueury/mozilla/faq.html06:41
sipiors1icknick: any cron jobs running on this guy? any pattern to the reboots?06:41
notchNICKanyone using virtualbox here?06:42
kaje1Yeah, that fix isn't working...06:42
lgc_Scunizi, I'd just want to know if I can install it under my root partition or it needs to be installed under /windows.06:42
Paddy_EIRE!anyone | notchNICK06:42
ubotunotchNICK: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:42
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noelferreirawarbler: synaptic is just a gui. if you can't do a thing manually how will you do it graphically?06:42
warblernoelferreira: just looking for the facts - are all repos enabled?06:42
kaje1Supposed something is different about Debian based distros... I was hoping someone had come up with a solution...06:42
noelferreirawarbler: of course06:42
Scunizilgc_, installing which one.. the windows exe or the linux version?06:42
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lgc_Scunizi, the Windows app., WinDig.06:43
geniikaje1: You could try compiling it from the source06:43
notchNICKDoes anyone use VirtualBox in here?06:43
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warblernoelferreira: your attitude is a disappointment06:43
pcinistroHello, What are the easiest way to download youtube videos?06:43
kaje1aye, I think I'll try that06:43
noelferreirawarbler: somehow that i don't know a package was not completely installed and now it needs to be reinstalled and aparrentely there's no repository for it.06:43
thingynotchNICK: Whats the q. ?? Also there is a #vbox channel if you want to ask there instead06:43
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floresc7genii: i did run lspci, i didnt get any information about the driver from that06:44
Scunizilgc_, once wine is installed (synaptic), then copy the exe file to your /home direcory someplace (desktop).  Then from the command line navigate to the directory the exe is in and type "wine 'prog'.exe"06:44
noelferreirawarbler: synaptic simple doesn't work if i don't correct that situation first.06:44
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warblernoelferreira: OK - what is the package - that may be of use to HELP YOU06:44
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floresc7genii: sorry, i meant chipset06:44
noelferreirawarbler: secondlife-install06:44
geniifloresc7: lspci shows you a list of PCI devices and where possible, the manufacturer names it can deduce for that hardware. it doesn't have driver info, just hardware info06:44
DougieI'm trying to configure how Grip encodes the track names when its ripping right now it does them in all lowercase is there a way to make them uppercase or what not?06:44
notchNICKthingy the max resolution that I would get is 800x600.. I tried modifying the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf   adding 1280x1024.. yet nothing have changed..06:45
floresc7genii: its all intel06:45
lgc_Scunizi, Ah, OK. So it doesn't need to be in a specific place. I drop it anywhere and execute it with Wine...06:45
warblernoelferreira: one min06:45
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geniifloresc7: Likely then Marvell chipset06:45
Scunizilgc_, yep06:45
steel_ladyok, I am going for repartitioning. who is helping witg gparted?06:45
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lgc_Sounds fine. I'll do that. Thanks.06:45
noelferreirawarbler: i use this http://www.getdeb.net/release.php?id=124006:45
Scunizilgc_, np..06:46
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thingynotchNICK: windows guest?06:46
notchNICKthingy yes06:46
thingynotchNICK: installed the additions?06:46
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floresc7genii: so if it is a Marvell chipset, just google to find the drivers?06:46
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geniifloresc7: feisty did not work on my Marvell chipset but Gutsy did06:46
pcinistroThere are any script that downloads youtube videos?06:46
geniifloresc7: You could try to find a deb for that06:47
warblernoelferreira: it is a game. Of course there won't be a repo for it06:47
notchNICKthingy it just says that I need to type the resolution that I need in that file... couldnt find where it says install additions in the manual06:47
mypapitpcinistro,  yeah.. try youtube-dl06:47
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shrimantsim about to attempt to install ubuntu on my vostro 150006:47
mypapitpcinistro,  handy script, written in python.. support restricted youtube video too06:47
GoopI'm having trouble connecting to my access point on the Feisty LiveCD06:47
noelferreirawarbler: where are the deb files stored?06:47
steel_ladycan I take a bit of windows with gparted?06:47
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pcinistromypapit, great. thanks.06:47
sambiasehi..does anyone here run ssl-explorer?06:47
floresc7genii: is gutsy stable enought right now to upgrade to/06:48
thingynotchNICK: in the virtualbox window, in the menubar somewhere is a link which allows you to install the guest additions in a windows os once the os is booted up. Can you do that and then try and change res06:48
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geniifloresc7: I do not think i would recommend it yet for a production machine.06:48
warblernoelferreira: that site says the game will load from the makers site06:49
geniifloresc7: Although i personally have not had any extreme problems with it that were irrecoverable06:49
GoopI'm having trouble connecting to my access point on the Feisty LiveCD, it won't connect06:49
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notchNICKthingy yes I've clicked on install guest additions and a file has appeared.. but how do I install it?06:49
noelferreirabut is it installed via Gdeb app warbler06:49
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noelferreirawarbler: where are deb files stored?06:50
Mba7ethhi guys .... i'm having a strange prob here .... plz help !06:50
=== steel_lady is talking her clothes off to get some attention
neverblue!ask | Mba7eth06:50
ubotuMba7eth: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:50
thingynotchNICK: huh? if youve selected the guest additions menu item, it will mount an iso image as a cdrom in the guest os and auto play the cdrom, which will launch the setup program on the cd which will start the installation of the guest additions.06:50
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floresc7genii: ok, where would i start to find the deb for marvell?06:51
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ThulanisWe're no strangers to love. You know the rules, and so do I!06:51
warblernoelferreira: go to that site - click where it says second life 1.18..1.2 that takes you to where you can install06:51
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geniifloresc7: Perhaps google for such things as: "marvell ide" driver deb06:52
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scipioanyone here has sopcast working? i deleted the channels url field in config tab and now i don't have any channels06:52
DougieI'm trying to configure how Grip encodes the track names when its ripping right now it does them in all lowercase is there a way to make them uppercase or what not?06:52
Mba7ethI updated my box yesterday ... asked me to restart but i just turn it off ... today i bootup the box I got the login screen but once i login the screen turn white and nothig appears except the mouse !!!!06:52
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warblersteel_lady: need gparted help hunh?06:52
mok0!bot |mok006:52
nikini ame setupping a modem wich is on ttyS0 whn i try to connect to it, i get modem not respondig, but the TX leg goes on for some seconds.  and if i try to autodetect it by gnome-ppp, i get "no modems found",06:52
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geniifloresc7: I compiled the source that was on my motherboard cdrom on a second computer into a deb and then transplanted over the deb and installed it that way.06:53
zachalekosanybody gimme a hand?06:53
SunWuKungACTION gives zachalekos06:53
steel_ladywarbler, can't I do it with gparted that is already installed?06:53
notchNICKthingy actually I did not run the setup program.. it just opened a folder which has few files in it06:53
geniiwork, AFK06:53
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thingynotchNICK: ok...well install the guest additions via the setup program and you can then change the res. to whatever you want06:53
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Mba7ethany one ??? hlp06:54
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warblersteel_lady: not on a partition that you are using - I would prefer to use the live cd06:54
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nikini ame setupping a modem wich is on ttyS0 whn i try to connect to it, i get modem not respondig, but the TX leg goes on for some seconds.  and if i try to autodetect it by gnome-ppp, i get "no modems found", the modem is a Mercury external v/d/f 56kbps06:54
steel_ladywarbler, I have to boot frome live CD?06:54
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warblersteel_lady: not at all - just safer - again - can't change a partition you are using06:55
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shrimantsfrick i lost my live cd06:56
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smyclopshow do i configure postfix on ubuntu its says relay not permitted on outgoing mail06:57
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getooi have a macbook and i wanna install ubuntu , will using ubuntu kill my battery power faster then osx or improve my battery ?06:57
steel_ladywarbler, I have: ntfs and one extended that contains ext3 for ubuntu, swap, home and fat32. can I reduce nfts? If I boot from live CD I will not be able to come here to get help06:57
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MotivationNowIm trying to install this tarball. and when i run the ./configure command i get this "configure: error: gretools needs GTK 1.2.3 or higher" anyone know what package needs to be installed to fix this?06:57
nikini ame setupping a modem wich is on ttyS0 whn i try to connect to it, i get modem not respondig, but the TX leg goes on for some seconds.  and if i try to autodetect it by gnome-ppp, i get "no modems found", the modem is a Mercury external v/d/f 56kbps06:57
Mba7ethI updated my box yesterday ... asked me to restart but i just turn it off ... today i bootup the box I got the login screen but once i login the screen turn white and nothig appears except the mouse !!!!06:57
warblersteel_lady: if the live cd is newish , then yes06:58
notchNICKthingy it is one of my first tries to try using linux actually .. I just clickec on install it poped this folder and it has 3 folders in it AMD_PCnet driver gina and 3 files AUTORUN.INF Vboxguestadditions.exe and VBoxlinuxadditions.run.. clicking on vboxlinuxadditions.run would not install the file I guess06:58
steel_ladywarbler, yes to what?06:58
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smyclopswhicf files should i change to allow it to send out emails06:58
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warblersteel_lady: is it a edgy disk06:58
shrimantsok i found it06:58
shrimantsnvm its 6.0606:59
steel_ladywarbler I think it is newer if I will be able to find it06:59
thingynotchNICK: its a windows guest os, you should be running the .exe file06:59
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warblersteel_lady: resizing ntfs is OK but I would back up stuff06:59
notchNICKthingy did that too.. no use06:59
nikini ame setupping a modem wich is on ttyS0 whn i try to connect to it, i get modem not respondig, but the TX leg goes on for some seconds.  and if i try to autodetect it by gnome-ppp, i get "no modems found", the modem is a Mercury external v/d/f 56kbps07:00
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Mba7ethI updated my box yesterday ... asked me to restart but i just turn it off ... today i bootup the box I got the login screen but once i login the screen turn white and nothig appears except the mouse !!!!07:00
thingynotchNICK: what version of windows are you runnign as a guest os?07:00
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warblersteel_lady: you can get here from live cd too07:00
notchNICKthingy using windowxp pro and installed ubuntu on virtualbox07:00
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Mba7ethI updated my box yesterday ... asked me to restart but i just turn it off ... today i bootup the box I got the login screen but once i login the screen turn white and nothig appears except the mouse !!!!07:01
VagantIs someone experienced in OpenLDAP and Ubuntu?07:01
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VagantI would like only to have a directory of phonenumbers.07:01
VagantHow can I do that?07:01
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Vagant3 fields.07:01
thingynotchNICK: ok lemme clarify! The operating system on the PC is Windows XP Pro and the vbox is running ubuntu? for future reference, the HOST= the operating system in the pc, and the GUEST = operating system running inside vbox. Confirm which is which07:01
Mba7ethI updated my box yesterday ... asked me to restart but i just turn it off ... today i bootup the box I got the login screen but once i login the screen turn white and nothig appears except the mouse !!!!07:02
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notchNICKthingy of course the guest is ubuntu07:02
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warblerMba7eth: at the white screen hit cntl-alt-bksp07:03
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Vero1hola, alguien habla espaol?07:03
neverblue!es | Vero107:03
ubotuVero1: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.07:03
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nikini ame setupping a modem wich is on ttyS0 whn i try to connect to it, i get modem not respondig, but the TX leg goes on for some seconds.  and if i try to autodetect it by gnome-ppp, i get "no modems found", the modem is a Mercury external v/d/f 56kbps07:04
Mba7ethwarbler: it is still white07:04
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steel_ladyI am giving up on this update07:04
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SoulChildwhy does network manager ask for acess to keyring at startup? how can i make it remeber the WPA-Key without asking for it everytime ?07:04
nikinMba7eth: do you have other windowmanaggers installed? all do the same?07:04
warblerMba7ethy: never had a white screen...hmmm07:04
cosmodadanyone suffering from dmixing problems after upgrade to feisty?07:04
steel_ladycan't I tell it to unpack temporarily to some other destination? :-(07:04
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warblerMba7eth: what is the video card07:05
Mba7ethwarbler : no only the default one07:05
GoopI have some display probs when using Feisty LiveCD07:05
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thingynotchNICK: in which case, what happens if yuo open a terminal in the GUEST and then run sudo /path/to/cd/vboxfile.run07:05
Mba7ethwarbler : geforce07:05
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warblerMba7eth: "default one" - must have a name?07:06
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GoopI can't change the screen res higher than 1024x76807:06
warbler!nvidia | Mba7eth07:06
ubotuMba7eth: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:06
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nikinGoop: reconfigure xserver-xorg and set the resolutions you know you monitor is capable of.07:07
Mba7ethwarbler : the one that comes with the live cd ... i think gnome07:07
nikinMba7eth: ubuntu? xubuntu? Kubuntu?07:07
nikinboth have live cd07:07
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Mba7ethnikin : ubunut07:07
nikinthats Gnome07:07
Goopbut also compiz desktop effects leaves some corruption on the desktop07:08
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Goopas well as anything 3d07:08
warblerMba7eth: there is a menu entry for restricted drivers - check that out to see if that helps07:08
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Mba7ethubotu : I was just fine yesterday .... i don't know what heppend after that update07:08
nikinGoop do you have the right driver installed for your videocard?07:08
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GoopI don't know, I use the fesity livecd07:08
nikini ame setupping a modem wich is on ttyS0 whn i try to connect to it, i get modem not respondig, but the TX leg goes on for some seconds.  and if i try to autodetect it by gnome-ppp, i get "no modems found", the modem is a Mercury external v/d/f 56kbps07:08
warblerMba7eth: ubotu is a bot - a program07:09
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:09
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Mba7ethwarbler: how can i get all the setting before yesterday's update ?07:09
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notchNICKthingy tried that.. it says command not found07:10
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warblerMba7eth: the update obviously changed the driver - synaptic will have the right one07:10
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neverbluenikin, a modem eh ?07:11
nikinneverblue: yep... an external one with serial port connection07:11
thingynotchNICK: the filename you needed to run is vboxlinuxadditions.run which will be on the cd mounted from the iso07:11
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Q^aeriahello.  is this an appropriate channel for a moderately knowledgeable newbie?07:12
neverbluenikin, what are you using it for ?07:12
neverblue!ask | Q^aeria07:12
ubotuQ^aeria: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:12
WaltzingAlongubotu: we should change that script from factoids to facts07:12
nikinneverblue: i want it to use for faxing07:12
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notchNICKthingy tried to change vboxfile to vboxlinuxadditions.run .. same result07:12
neverbluenikin, ah, good idea07:12
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krzys232yeaH !!!107:12
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nikinneverblue: the problem is what i described... no answer from the modem07:13
thingynotchNICK: open a terminal. cd /media and tell me which dir in there = cdrom...also priv msg me as following the channel is difficult07:13
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neverbluenikin, no idea, i would strongly suggest hitting the web07:13
SniZcan anobody help?07:13
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nikinneverblue: i did it.. but didnt find anyy info... a lot about soft modems, but hard modems... they should "just work" they write everywhere07:14
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sheri_raocan anyone help me with buying a good laptop07:14
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neverbluenikin, maybe the #linux channel then ?07:14
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nikini will try07:15
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neverblue!offtopic | sheri_rao07:15
ubotusheri_rao: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:15
Q^aeriaI am having issues with my screen resolution.  I'm running Feisty on an AMD64 unit, and I'm stuck at 800x600.07:15
MohammadBoozaryHi to all07:15
OldPinklol! http://digg.com/linux_unix/Tux_gets_his_hands_on_a_hammer_PHOTO :P07:15
sheri_raocan anyone help me ubuntu installed laptop (rephrased )07:15
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Q^aeriaI went to ubuntu forums, and confirmed that my preferred resolution is in the appropriate .conf file07:15
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Ar-PharazonHi everyone, my laptops recovery partition messed up my boot record a bit, anyway I can point it back to grub?07:15
neverblueQ^aeria, what hardware do you have, your video card, if not sure, lspci (the shell command) should tell you07:16
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neverblueQ^aeria, /exec -o lspci | grep VGA07:16
Q^aeriavideo is a C521 nVIDIA07:16
neverblueif using xchat07:16
MohammadBoozaryI need a Call Waiting Softeare for Ubuntu07:16
Q^aeria6150 I believe07:16
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dooglusOldPink: silly penguin's smashing the screen?  he needs to buy himself a plane ticket to redmond07:16
kitche] !grub | Ar-Pharazon first link07:16
ubotuAr-Pharazon first link: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:16
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Q^aeriaone sec... I'm on a call07:17
neverblueQ^aeria, your using Feisty, did you enable the Nvidia restrcited drivers, in the 'restricted drivers manager' ?07:17
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Ar-PharazonThat That was quick... Thanks a lot!07:17
SniZ<SniZ> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51943607:17
SniZ<SniZ> can anobody help?07:17
MohammadBoozaryI need a call waiting software for ubuntu07:17
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neverblue!patience | MohammadBoozary07:17
ubotuMohammadBoozary: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:17
sunnypieshow do I look at the "rights" of a file in ubuntu?07:18
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samru130hi i have nvdia 8600 graphic what is the est way to install the driver in macbook pro07:18
sunnypiesi know in suse its "ll"07:18
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MohammadBoozaryubotu: Sorry07:18
ubotuIt's ok, I can't stay mad at you.07:18
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neverblue!nvidia | samru13007:18
ubotusamru130: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:18
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neverblueMohammadBoozary, ubotu is a bot :)07:18
regis2hello, i have just installed the nvidia module from the nvidia website(the module from feisty doesn't support my card and the module from gusty didn't work) now modprobe says:FATAL:error running install command on nvidia07:18
kitche] sunnypies: what do you mean by rights you mean permissions?07:18
sunnypiesanyone know how to look at the "rights" of a file at the command prompt?07:18
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sunnypieskitche] : yes!07:19
kitche] sunnypies: it's teh same as Suse ls -l07:19
sunnypiesi meant permissions07:19
dooglussunnypies: ls -ld file07:19
regis2i have feisty and gusty's kernel07:19
neverblueregis2, take it to #ubuntu-effects, they will be of more help, I imagine07:19
samru130neverblue, thanks i am checking it out07:19
MohammadBoozaryneverblue: fantasic07:19
sunnypiesdooglus: ok thnks07:19
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sebahow can i change keyboard setup on terminal ?07:19
sunnypieskitche] : oh ok07:19
neverbluesunnypies, permissions, use ls -la07:19
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nikini ame setupping a modem wich is on ttyS0 whn i try to connect to it, i get modem not respondig, but the TX leg goes on for some seconds.  and if i try to autodetect it by gnome-ppp, i get "no modems found", the modem is a Mercury external v/d/f 56kbps, na d i want to use it for faxing.07:19
Q^aerianeverblue, I have it enabled in the restricted drivers, but that was to enable the desktop effects07:19
Q^aeriaI had the resolution problem before enabling however07:20
dooglusneverblue: use 'ls -ld', or it won't work on directories07:20
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bauer_i mis my colors highligthts in gvim ?07:20
sunnypiesneverblue, ls -ll works as well07:20
neverbluethere ya go :)07:20
sunnypiesi wonder what the difference is07:20
neverblueman ls07:20
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neverblueQ^aeria, so you have the restricted driver enabled?07:20
Q^aeriacurrently yes07:21
yumiSalut les canard07:21
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neverblueQ^aeria, did you try using nvidia-settings ?07:21
genecoumbasalut tout le monde07:21
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genecoumbac'et jedusor07:21
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Q^aerianeverblue, no I have not07:21
Q^aeriais that something to do on term?07:21
neverbluebonjour yumi et genecoumba07:21
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.07:21
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neverblueQ^aeria, aptitude search nvidia07:22
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Q^aeriaapt-cache search?07:22
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blackesthi any idea why when a wins server is on my lan my laptop can not connect (the wins server ip is actually an ubuntu box)07:23
neverblueQ^aeria, please remember to use sudo nvidia-settings, as you require sudo to write to xrog.conf07:23
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khamaelI can`t play .wav files in audacity. what can be wrong?07:23
Q^aeriagotcha... ty... I'll try tonight when I get home07:23
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super-6-1hello how can i uninstall games from wine?07:23
Johtokhamael: settings?07:23
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freestyle_14596Can everone klick  here pleas i need money http://www.pennergame.de/ref.php?uid=1459607:23
freestyle_14596Can everone klick  here pleas i need money http://www.pennergame.de/ref.php?uid=1459607:23
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freestyle_14596Can everone klick  here pleas i need money http://www.pennergame.de/ref.php?uid=1459607:23
freestyle_14596Can everone klick  here pleas i need money http://www.pennergame.de/ref.php?uid=1459607:23
tomawfreestyle_14596: no.07:23
freestyle_14596Can everone klick  here pleas i need money http://www.pennergame.de/ref.php?uid=1459607:23
freestyle_14596Can everone klick  here pleas i need money http://www.pennergame.de/ref.php?uid=1459607:23
freestyle_14596Can everone klick  here pleas i need money http://www.pennergame.de/ref.php?uid=1459607:23
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neverbluewhat does klick mean :/07:24
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tomawPlease don't click that link - it's how he gains in game credits :)07:24
neverbluesuper-6-1, #winehq07:24
samru130neverblue,i tried the wiki it says 8600 has no binary, do u know any other way to way install the bianry or some way to install my graphics card07:24
sebaban him07:24
autumnxhow do i install an FTP server?07:24
dooglusit's like 'klick' but for the uneducated07:24
neverbluesamru130, #ubuntu-effects07:24
khamaelJohto: I think the playback is set to some alsa device07:24
sebaautumnx - apt-get install vsftpd07:24
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neverbluesuper-6-1, /join #winehq07:24
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Johtokhamael: yes, you need to figure does your system work better with alsa or the oss..cant help you more ..07:25
slaviktomaw: not going to kick him?07:25
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dooglusslavik: could it be that the +b silenced him?07:25
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Johtoautumnx: first you need to decide what of many ftp server would you like07:26
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Johtoautumnx: there are lot of choices07:26
khamaelJohto: when I try to play files, it tells me to check the settings, but I have tried every setting available07:26
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matt___is there any way to undo a patch that I can't think of?  I'd rather not recompile the entire kernel to remove suspend2 and try out uswsusp...07:26
slavikdooglus: but kicking him wouldn't allow him back07:26
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kitche] slavik: sure it will sicne it's +q not +b +q just mutes him not bans him07:27
dooglusslavik: who cares?  he's silent now anyway.  maybe kicking him would make him join somewhere else.07:27
tomawslavik: hardly seems worth it07:27
autumnxok i installed the server07:27
autumnxnow what07:27
=== Laca_ [n=dark@3e70d946.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
slavikany solaris experts here by chance? (#solaris is not a very friendly support channel)07:27
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Johtokhamael: yes..i understand, sorry cant help you more, i  dont use audacity..07:27
slavikfair enough07:27
khamaelJohto: found a setting that worked. thanks for the help07:27
slavikkitche] : it is +b :)07:27
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Johtokhamael: ok good07:28
Johtokhamael: was it just one of the alsa choices? :D07:28
kitche] slavik: no it's not, in the freenode docs it's +q anything % in it for +b is +q in reality07:28
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khamaelJohto: it was /dev/dsp,actually07:28
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slavikI see07:29
alexandrei can see my wifi network but cannont connect to it07:29
Johtokhamael: ok, does your system work with alsa on any apps?07:29
slavikalexandre: what card and is the network encrypted?07:29
autumnxi installed the ftp server07:29
Johtokhamael: i would suggest you to config your system to use ALSA if possible07:29
autumnxnow what?07:29
alexandrei have a broadcom 43XX07:29
=== peepsalot [n=peeps@cpe-70-112-25-110.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Taladanalexandre - check your key type, if it's hex, try changing it to plain07:30
slavikalexandre: which exactly? 4306?07:30
alexandreand yes my netowrk is encrypted07:30
khamaelJohto: ok. I will try to play with the settings07:30
Ravenndude`I'm using using compiz fusion + ubuntu. When I use the volume controls on my keyboard, I get this large 2"x2" box that shows the volume changing, is there any way to change the size of this, or to change it at all?07:30
Johtokhamael: i mean in general in linux, try to use alsa if possible07:30
peepsaloti need an nvidia driver that works, and that doesn't force me to reinstall every odd boot.07:30
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nikini ame setupping a modem wich is on ttyS0 whn i try to connect to it, i get modem not respondig, but the TX leg goes on for some seconds.  and if i try to autodetect it by gnome-ppp, i get "no modems found", the modem is a Mercury external v/d/f 56kbps, na d i want to use it for faxing.07:30
=== steffen [n=steffen@dslb-084-058-209-224.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
slavikis there a generic way to get alsa to redirect stuff going to /dev/dsp ?07:31
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kbrookswhat wireless card would you recommend for a laptop?07:31
alexandrehow can i check the exact version, i remember checking it last week but i don't remember how07:31
kbrooksbecause i want to buy a wireless card07:31
autumnxi installed the ftp server but i don't know what to do next07:31
autumnxhow do i add ftp users???07:31
slavikkbrooks: ralink, prism, realtek, intel07:31
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alexandretaladan: i changed it to ascii and still the same problem07:31
peepsalotalexandre, version of what07:32
slavikautumnx: did you install proftpd ?07:32
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alexandreversion of my wifi card07:32
slaviklspci | grep -i broadcom07:32
autumnxi installed vsftpd07:32
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autumnxi need help with that07:32
=== shadow_max [n=maxime@aul93-2-89-85-221-23.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu
slavikautumnx: if it's anything like proftd, then it uses the system passwd file07:33
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autumnxi am using vsftpd07:33
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dvs01whats a good way to find out why a server rebooted? `last` shows a login by reboot, so it it was a graceful reboot. what should i check to see the possible cause of the reboot?07:33
alexandre02:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)07:33
nikini ame setupping a modem wich is on ttyS0 whn i try to connect to it, i get modem not respondig, but the TX leg goes on for some seconds.  and if i try to autodetect it by gnome-ppp, i get "no modems found", the modem is a Mercury external v/d/f 56kbps, na d i want to use it for faxing.07:33
autumnxi need to add users with vsftpd07:33
luboszhow do i open port 80 for my webserver in my system?07:33
slavikdvs01: /var/log07:33
slavikalexandre: should be working flawlessly then :)07:34
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dvs01anything specific in there?07:34
Taladanautumnx: try man vsftpd07:34
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ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).07:34
Ravenndude`I'm using using compiz fusion + ubuntu. When I use the volume controls on my keyboard, I get this large 2"x2" box that shows the volume changing, is there any way to change the size of this, or to change it at all?07:34
slavikdvs01: system -> admin ->system log07:34
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alexandrei can see my network but when i click on it it told me failed to connect07:34
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kshahis anyone using node cloud that can give an amen to its potential awesomeness?07:34
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steel_ladyok, I found feisty live CD, the original one, I do the command gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" and nothing happens!07:35
nikini ame setupping a modem wich is on ttyS0 whn i try to connect to it, i get modem not respondig, but the TX leg goes on for some seconds.  and if i try to autodetect it by gnome-ppp, i get "no modems found", the modem is a Mercury external v/d/f 56kbps, na d i want to use it for faxing.07:35
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dvs01whats a good logfile analyzer that can let me see what happens at a certain point of time in multiple log files?07:35
doug_You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE ip =       hwo do i fix that?07:35
AquilasI've installed the 64bit Kubuntu... changed the graphics driver and after rebooting I get lines across the screen to the point of not being about to see what I'm doing... how can I fix this without having to reinstall the OS?07:35
doug_how do i fix this You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE ip =07:36
Davy_Joneswhat happened to the english language?07:36
Dougiei get this when i try and open these files i encoded http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35423/ how do i make it stop giving me this error?07:36
Tomcat_doug_: What app?07:36
Tomcat_doug_: Looks like an SQL problem to me, not an Ubuntu problem.07:36
doug_Tomcat its at www.3roms.com07:36
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Taladanalexandre: I suppose you could tail -f /var/log/messages and then try to connect - it may give you an error in there that you can check.07:36
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doug_tomcat how do i fix it?07:36
patrick_Aquilas: why did you use 64bit ubuntu.. unless you need it then I'd stick with 32, less hassle07:36
XdorotaXhow do you list all running proccesses?07:37
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doug_Tomcat_,  how do i fix it?07:37
TaladanXdorotaX: ps -ef07:37
patrick_XdorotaX: top07:37
nikinXdorotaX: ps -ax07:37
Tomcat_doug_: Check the SQL sections of the code running, and fix it. It's an SQL/code problem, has nothing to do with Ubuntu. And please don't repeat. :)07:37
Taladanor top07:37
AquilasPatrick... that's not being helpfull07:37
nikini ame setupping a modem wich is on ttyS0 whn i try to connect to it, i get modem not respondig, but the TX leg goes on for some seconds.  and if i try to autodetect it by gnome-ppp, i get "no modems found", the modem is a Mercury external v/d/f 56kbps, na d i want to use it for faxing.07:37
DagonITIs the Opera install for the 64 bit Ubuntu broken07:37
AquilasI need a solution07:37
kekkdoug_, where do you get that?07:37
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kekkdoug_, unless it's your server you can do nothing07:37
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doug_kekk i get it at this web site www.3roms.com07:37
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patrick_Aquilas: quit ()07:38
patrick_quit ()07:38
ward_i recorded a disc with a DVD recorder, but ubuntu says the DVD is empty (and its the right DVD, its definitely not empty)07:38
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ward_anything i can do?07:38
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kbrooksslavik, ralink looks good.07:38
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JimmeyHow do I set up a 5.1 speaker system?07:38
autumnxwhere in the config do i add users?07:38
Dufresne26hi. I need major help. my wireless in feisty got disabled after i iuninstalled the restricted modules. how do i get it back? i'm dependent wireless so i had to use xp just to go online now and ask. thanks07:38
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Aquilaspatrick... quit () ??? I do not know what you mean07:39
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autumnxwhere on the vsftpg config do i add users???07:39
lindenleis the debian channel having troubles?07:39
kitche] Dufresne26: reinstall restricted moduels from the cdrom07:39
nikini am trying to install a modem wich is on ttyS0 when i try to connect to it, i get "modem not respondig", but the TX led goes on for some seconds.  and if i try to autodetect it by gnome-ppp, i get "no modems found", the modem is a Mercury external v/d/f 56kbps, and i want to use it for faxing.07:39
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steel_ladysh: Can't open /cdrom/cdromupgrade   ???07:40
autumnxwhere on the vsftpg config do i add users???07:40
Ravenndude`Is there a support channel for compiz fusion on this server?07:40
Dufresne26kitche] : the cd rom i had is edgy. is ther anything i can download now thru xp?07:40
AhadielRavenndude`, #compiz-fusion and #ubuntu-effects07:40
autumnxwhere on the vsftpg config do i add users???07:40
TomWorkdoes anybody how I can prepare a default gnome profile for all new users (when they first log in) ?07:40
Ravenndude`Thanks, Ahadiel07:40
kitche] autumnx: vsftpd uses your system users unless you want virtual users07:40
autumnxi didnt know that07:40
nikini am trying to install a modem wich is on ttyS0 when i try to connect to it, i get "modem not respondig", but the TX led goes on for some seconds.  and if i try to autodetect it by gnome-ppp, i get "no modems found", the modem is a Mercury external v/d/f 56kbps, and i want to use it for faxing.07:41
kitche] Dufresne26: yes restricted modules from packages.ubuntu.com for the kernel your system uses07:41
AquilasI've installed the 64bit Kubuntu... changed the graphics driver and after rebooting I get lines across the screen to the point of not being about to see what I'm doing... how can I fix this without having to reinstall the OS?07:41
autumnxok so i just go to ftp://mydomain ?07:41
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Dufresne26thanks kitche] 07:42
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erUSULAquilas: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' (boot in recovery mode)07:42
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kshahwrong chan07:43
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Ivan_no to entendendo nada07:43
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AquilaserUSUL: are there other coding I need to know about before I leave this chat session07:44
Taladanalexandre - not sure.  if it's reading the wireless as eth1 then it's saying it's not ready...you're running broadcom, have you tried installing the ndiswrappers?07:44
=== bib4 is now known as mozkardon
nikini am trying to install a modem wich is on ttyS0 when i try to connect to it, i get "modem not respondig", but the TX led goes on for some seconds.  and if i try to autodetect it by gnome-ppp, i get "no modems found", the modem is a Mercury external v/d/f 56kbps, and i want to use it for faxing.07:44
warblersteel_lady: silly question - did you add the cd to synaptic repos?07:45
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erUSULAquilas: no afaics that command will walk you through a reconfiguration of the X server07:46
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Aquilasthank you very much07:46
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ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto07:47
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pike_channels not very active..07:51
WheelDwellerHey, all.  Got a BIND problem...hope someone can help...07:51
kekkpike_, oh yes it, just the wrong time ;)07:52
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WindowsHater...say ^^07:52
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WheelDwellerMy nameserver (Dapper) is fine to resolve local names....but ask for Google, and it's confused.  I think it's not recursing.07:52
steel_ladywarbler, yes of course07:52
WheelDwellerAnyone know how to turn up the diagnostics?07:52
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recoverWhat's the command that tells you what directory you are in?07:53
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jribrecover: pwd07:53
jrib!cli > recover (see the private message from ubotu)07:53
recoverthank you07:53
warblersteel_lady: scroll down to number 27 on this page for the right commands -http://www.ubuntugeek.com/upgrade-ubuntu-610-edgy-eft-to-ubuntu-704-feisty-fawn-2.html07:53
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_tuxrecover: pwd = print working directory which shows you the directory you're in07:54
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recoverYes, I remember now. I knew that command before but I just forgot what it was called. Thanks07:55
WheelDwellerI've put "recursion on" and "allow-recursion "addr, addr;" but it doesn't seem to open up.  :<07:55
WheelDwellerAt the 'main' host (with all the ldap, email, dns, etc but no monitor) I can resolve, but not at the workstations.  It's nuts!07:55
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nikini am trying to install a modem wich is on ttyS0 when i try to connect to it, i get "modem not respondig", but the TX led goes on for some seconds.  and if i try to autodetect it by gnome-ppp, i get "no modems found", the modem is a Mercury external v/d/f 56kbps, and i want to use it for faxing.07:55
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doug_how do i fix a mysql problem?07:56
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ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)07:56
Taladanalexandre: try reading this howto: http://www.lclue.org/forums/index.php?topic=329.007:57
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nikini am trying to install a modem wich is on ttyS0 when i try to connect to it, i get "modem not respondig", but the TX led goes on for some seconds.  and if i try to autodetect it by gnome-ppp, i get "no modems found", the modem is a Mercury external v/d/f 56kbps, and i want to use it for faxing.07:57
kbrooksssh is a vpn protocol? what?07:57
kousotuhow do you update distros?07:57
kousotuor releases..07:57
jrib!upgrade > kousotu (see the private message from ubotu)07:57
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kbrooks"Various VPN protocols can be used with Linux, such as (...) SSH"07:58
kousotuthx jrib07:58
khamaelwhere can I find the .so file needed for audacity to export directly to mp3?07:58
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rocketsAnybody know good note taking software kinda like one note?07:58
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kbrooksi find it hard to believe that SSH is a VPN protocol. Is it?07:58
rocketsplease dont say vi07:58
kousotu!mp3 | khamael07:58
ubotukhamael: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:58
steel_ladywarbler, doing that appears my old problem:07:59
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jribrockets: gedit if you want a text editor, tomboy if you want something like sticky notes07:59
steel_ladySetting up linux-igd (0.cvs20060201-1) ...07:59
steel_ladyExternal interface not specified in /etc/default/upnpd07:59
steel_ladyinvoke-rc.d: initscript upnpd, action "start" failed.07:59
steel_ladydpkg: error processing linux-igd (--configure):07:59
steel_lady subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 107:59
kbrooksrockets, right click on your panel, add to panel, search for tomboy in the window that pops up07:59
steel_ladyErrors were encountered while processing:07:59
steel_lady linux-igd07:59
steel_ladyE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)07:59
kitche] !paste | steel_lady07:59
ubotusteel_lady: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:59
jrib!paste | steel_lady07:59
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rocketskbrooks, tombody is not what im looking for07:59
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warblersteel_lady: scrolling down :) - or is there an error/08:00
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rocketskbrooks, im not looking for stickie notes08:00
rocketsim looking for CLASS notes. something like MS OneNote08:00
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steel_ladyi am not flodding so much. and maybe somebody will get fed up with my flodding one day and repair this problem that is huge08:00
_tuxkbrooks, ssh seems to be a network protocol according to wikipedia.org08:00
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dmitriyhi all guys08:00
rocketssteel_lady, you ARE flodding.08:00
jribsteel_lady: just use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for your errors08:00
TurtleBootshi all08:01
kitche] steel_lady: well your post in here seems to be garabage since it can't be read :)08:01
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warblersteel_lady: one min08:01
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squeakypantsare there any other usenet binary downloaders than pan?08:01
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squeakypantsi couldn't get bnr2 or klibido to work08:02
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rocketsBasket is more like what i need but its kde08:02
steel_ladyI know what to use, I am just trying to be noticed. I have the same error for more than a month, it is left posted on forums, I have combed everything by google and obviously not being able to install programs on ubuntu doesn't get noticed enough08:02
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TurtleBootstrying to find out why my wireless network connection keeps dropping when using ktorrent. I've got loads of tx overflow errors reported in dmesg - what might this be anyone???08:02
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dho_ragussteel_lady: you're being noticed as an irritant who is screaming for attention when nobody who's listening has a solution to your problem.08:03
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warblerSteel_lady: just to check - the line sudo apt-cdrom add was included?08:03
TurtleBootsis there a network channel to join anyone?08:03
_tuxsteel_lady: what's the issue you're having?08:03
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dho_ragusTurtleBoots: for general networking information, you mean?08:03
joey382how do I block an ip from connecting to my computer?08:04
steel_ladydho_ragus, will it stay there forever or will it be repaired one day?08:04
TurtleBootsdho_ - yes08:04
kousotuhey jrib, how can you check what release you're runing currently?08:04
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dho_ragusjoey382: iptables, hosts.deny08:04
neverbluejoey382, use iptables08:04
jrib!version > kousotu (see the private message from ubotu)08:04
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steel_ladywarbler yes08:04
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freezeyi am lookin for documentation for rancid on ubuntu...08:04
jrib!firewall > joey382 (see the private message from ubotu)08:04
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rancid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:04
neverbluejoey382, let me get an exact command line for you, one sec08:04
dho_ragusTurtleBoots: i don't know of one, but if you join network related project channels you can find help.08:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rancid-core - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:04
TurtleBootsdho_ - how do you join this?08:04
steel_lady_tux, which ever program or update I try to installe it refuses giving error code 108:04
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dho_ragusTurtleBoots: try doing /join #iptables08:05
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TurtleBootsthanks folks08:05
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_tuxsteel_lady: even from deb packages it gives you an error?08:06
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dho_ragusdude, does /list not work in here??08:06
steel_ladyit gives me the same mistake trying to install or uninstal or doing whatever. I can not locate which particular package is making problem to remove it08:06
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steel_lady_tux: ALL08:06
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_tuxsteel_lady: Go in to synaptic package manager and see if there is any broken packages to your left inside of synaptic08:06
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dho_ragusTurtleBoots: a lot of people in vmware know about networking too because they're always trying to hook up vm's to each other, so you might try that channel.08:07
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steel_lady_tux it should warn me somewhere? I don't se anything08:07
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_tuxsteel_lady: click on custom filters to see something called broken08:08
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steel_ladyabove says 0 broken08:08
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TurtleBootsdho_ thanks mate (I think I've located the problem - its a known bug) :-(08:08
steel_ladyno broken for sure08:08
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jribyou're up to date08:09
_tuxsteel_lady: try "sudo dpkg --configure -a" inside a terminal08:09
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steel_ladysudo dpkg --configure -a08:09
joey382is this appropriate to block an ip? /etc/hosts.deny "ALL:"08:09
TurtleBootsanyone know where to locate bug fixes for ubuntu?08:10
steel_ladyno reaction08:10
_tuxsteel_lady: that's inside a terminal though like gnome-terminal08:10
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MorpheraAnyone able to tell me how I can format a memory card into FAT or FAT32 using ubuntu?08:10
_tuxsteel_lady: it won't work inside the chat room ;-)08:10
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steel_lady_tux i missed the window, of course nothing happens08:11
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steel_ladytrying to do sudo apt-get upgrade gives like always with everything else:08:11
warblersteel_lady: in synaptic-repos is a setting for preference for the name for updates if I remember - can you check08:11
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steel_ladysubprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 108:12
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tom__666joey - that should work :)08:12
_tuxsteel_lady: tried "sudo apt-get autoremove" removes certain dependencies from there08:12
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sacamanohey, i just got a message from terminal saying it failed to install a package08:12
sacamano(Reading database ... 178812 files and directories currently installed.)08:12
sacamanoUnpacking gtk-sopcast (from .../gtk-sopcast_0.2.8-1_i386.deb) ...08:12
sacamanodpkg: error processing /tmp/gtk-sopcast_0.2.8-1_i386.deb (--install):08:12
sacamano trying to overwrite `/usr/bin/sp-sc', which is also in package qsopcast08:12
sacamanodpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)08:12
ompaulMorphera, menu: system -> preferences -> removable drives and media08:12
dho_ragus!pastebin | sacamano08:12
ubotusacamano: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:12
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sacamanoerr sorry08:12
ompaulsacamano, usually that kind of thing gets you removed from the channel ;-) two lines max08:12
neverblueJoeSoap, sorry, my history isnt accessible anymore08:13
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neverblueJoeSoap, and man iptables is huge08:13
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|FrOstiE|helooo room08:13
steel_ladyI am doing autoremove now08:13
pcinistrowhat are the best video editor for linux ? Lives, Kino ... ?08:13
Morpherathanks ompaul08:13
kitche] !best | pcinistro08:13
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steel_ladyshit, looks like removing important things08:13
nikini am trying to install a modem wich is on ttyS0 when i try to connect to it, i get "modem not respondig", but the TX led goes on for some seconds.  and if i try to autodetect it by gnome-ppp, i get "no modems found", the modem is a Mercury external v/d/f 56kbps, and i want to use it for faxing.08:13
ubotupcinistro: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.08:14
ompaulsacamano, I would say use "sudo apt-get install package" not this thing you are doing08:14
neverblue!language | steel_lady08:14
ubotusteel_lady: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:14
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_tuxusually sudo apt-get autoremove will remove unnecessary files08:14
steel_ladyit gave the same error again!08:14
sacamanoompaul love to, but its not in the standard repositories08:14
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_tuxsteel_lady: "sudo apt-get check"08:15
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Morpheraerrr... ompaul ... all that does is bring up options on what to do when media is plugged in...08:15
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reD_Fox1hello, I am trying to get ubuntu fiesty going on a thinkpad t20. my problem right now is that it will only fully boot into gnome every second time.08:15
steel_ladyneverblue, I dubt that little kids are playing with ubuntu upgrades for fun08:15
nikinis there anyhere a detailed tutorial on using hardware modems?08:15
steel_lady_tux done08:16
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto08:16
Morpheratheres nothing there about reformatting the media..08:16
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nikinJack_Sparrow: that howto tels me that Hardware modems "should just work".08:16
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Jack_SparrowThey pretty much do just work08:16
_tuxsteel_lady: did it find any broken dependencies or probably nothing but the same error08:17
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joey382what deamon do I have to reset to for my computer to re-read my hosts.deny?08:17
Jack_Sparrownikin: Where are you getting hung up?08:17
Jack_Sparrownikin: No pun intended08:17
steel_lady_tux it didn't find anything. it just wants to make me crazy08:17
_tuxsteel_lady: anyway you can somehow post an image of the error?08:17
tom__666joey382: should take effect immediately08:17
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tom__666joey382: "man hosts.deny" for more info :)08:18
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MorpheraAnyone able to tell me how I can format a memory card into FAT or FAT32 using ubuntu?08:18
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steel_ladytux, I don't have to post an immage, it is always the same text like at the end on my last pastebin08:18
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CharlieSuTrying to figure out why when i switched from gentoo to ubunto i wasn't able to resize splict Screen windows with Ctrl a , - anymore..  anyone?08:18
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_tuxsteel_lady: seems I didn't catch the pastebin url08:18
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steel_lady_tux, look at the last couple of lines08:18
neverbluesteel_lady, thats not really the point though, please watch the language :)08:19
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tom__666morphera: not sure about ubuntu - but used to use a set of tools called something like "mtools" which could do fat32 formatting... use it don't use it08:19
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TeReL50Morphera;  try gparted08:19
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nikinJack_Sparrow: the connection log is like: Cannot set information for serial port; Initializing modem; sending ATX3; sending ATQ0; resending ATX3; Modem not responding08:19
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neverblueshearn89, yes?08:19
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MorpheraI'm trying that now... all the options are greyed out when its looking at the media though.08:19
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neverblueshearn89, /exit08:19
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nikinsherman : use /08:20
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Jack_Sparrownikin: What make and model is the modem?08:20
steel_ladythe name of the package changes depending what I am installing and it says start failed and subprocess etc08:20
neverbluehey Jork08:20
Jack_Sparrownikin: Internal..external... pcmcia08:20
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_tuxseems like it was removing a couple of important things08:20
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reD_Fox1after I shutdown ubuntu, and then turn the thinkpad back on, it hangs on a blank ("dead") screen right before gnome loads08:20
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nikinthem modem is a Mercury 56kbps voice/data/fax modem with serial connction08:21
eldkraftpaddy: man grep08:21
reD_Fox1rebooting manually will then boot fine08:21
TeReL50Morphera;   do you have ntfsprogs and ntfs-3G installed ?08:21
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MorpheraNope... I'll check the repositories for those now.08:21
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Jack_Sparrownikin: Mercury external?08:21
nikinJack_Sparrow: yep08:21
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kitche] Morphera: mkfs.vfat should work08:22
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reD_Fox1I don't get what the difference might be between booting one time versus the second08:22
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Morpheramkfs.vfat ?08:22
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nikini use it on a normal serial port.. no usb2serial thing08:22
steel_lady_tux I am not sure but I think it is not always linux-igd that is mentioned in the error08:22
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nikinin the bios the serial port is set to com108:23
tom__666morph: sounds right08:23
ltracyhey, where can I get the original mysql and apache2 directories?  I have apparently manage to screw both of them up pretty well :)08:23
TeReL50Morphera;   could work08:23
neverblueltracy, /etc08:23
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nikini also have an other modem in the Computer a winmodem... can that couse problem?08:23
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ltracyapparently, deleting them and reinstalling the mysql-server and apache2 packages doesn't fix much08:23
LukeEkbladHello.  I just got Mozilla thunderbird and added a gmail account bye folowing all the derections online.  but now i cant get any messages!  Why is this?08:23
Ravenndude`How can I save the Size of a window?08:23
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duvnellI've placed a .desktop file in $HOME/.share/local/application/  and am expecting an icon to show up on the start menu now08:24
duvnellif I restart gnome it does.. but is there some command I can run to have it rebuild the menus while gnome/gnome-panel is still running?08:24
duvnellI'm placing that file there from an installation script and would obviously prefer not to have to tell the user to restart gnome for the menu item to show up08:24
tom__666luke: did you enable pop in your gmail account?08:24
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_tuxsteel_lady: the linux-headers file seems to be the gnu core utilities includes a bunch of tiny programs for the terminal08:24
kbrosnanLukeEkblad: i belive you need to enable pop connections to your account in gmail08:24
_tuxlike commands08:24
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about netbeans - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:24
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about netbean - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:24
LukeEkbladtom_666 yes08:24
_tuxbut still checking out the error08:24
tom__666luke: get any errors?08:24
LukeEkbladkbrosnan:  i did08:24
tom__666in thunderbird i mean08:24
ltracyneverblue, how can I get the default configurations back?08:25
LukeEkbladtom: nope08:25
MorpheraIt's wierder than I thought... Somehow the device has become read only08:25
ltracywhat packages do the config files come out of?08:25
tom__666click send/receive button ? :)08:25
Jack_Sparrownikin: Wasnt trying to leave you hanging.. but that may be a soft-modem and not true hardware...  the one I found said softmodem pctel..08:25
MorpheraHow can I get it back to read/write instead of read only?08:25
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tom__666is there any new mail in your gmail at the moment? cause i think the default is to get only NEW messages08:25
LukeEkbladsend and recive? i dont see it08:25
LukeEkbladtom: yes there is08:26
bkeatingUbuntu 6.0.6 LTS -- I setup Apache2 + SSL via the docs. I can access it by "" but not "" when i point to https, i get an error "<ip> has sent an incorrect or unexpected message. Error Code: -12263". Any ideas?08:26
orbisvicisanyone would know why netbeans license agreement is a blank window ... so cant get past it to run java ide?08:26
tom__666hehe - sorry don't know thunderbird too well, was just taking a guess on the send/receive button :)08:26
_tuxsteel_lady: I may have found the issue to fix it08:26
ahmedi need a help08:26
neverblueltracy, didnt you back it up, before applying changes?08:26
Ravenndude`How can I save the Size of a window (specifically, the gnome terminal). I have Compiz Fusion, if it makes a difference.?08:26
nikinJack_Sparrow: hmm so there are softmodems wich are connected to a serial port?08:26
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warblersteel_lady: this line - External interface not specified in /etc/default/upnpd - seems to be the prob - paste that file pls08:26
_tuxsteel_lady: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=519070&highlight=linux-igd looking throughout the forum08:26
tom__666there should be something similar tho08:26
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steel_lady_tux if you have done it by googling, I probably tried it. let's see08:26
jribRavenndude`: not the answer to your question but gnome-terminal accepts --geometry as a switch so you can set the height and width explicitly in the launcher08:27
ltracyneverblue, heh, that would've been a good idea, wouldn't it08:27
Jack_Sparrownikin: I was not aware of any... until now... still trying to read fartehr...  what does lspci show08:27
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ahmediam a new ubuntu user and new for linux also08:27
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neverblueltracy, yes, it would 'have' been08:27
neverblue!ask | ahmed08:27
ubotuahmed: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:27
LukeEkbladtom_666: theres a recive mail. but i clicked it and it sais downloading but nothing happened08:27
Ravenndude`jrib, That actually helps a lot. Do you know the syntax for the switch? --geometry x,y?08:28
ahmedhow can i install Mail server on ubuntu ?08:28
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lgc_I need Abiword help: where are the plugins located?08:28
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ltracybut.. the /etc/apache2 dir doesn't come installed with ubuntu originally.. correct?08:28
_tuxsteel_lady: it seems the same exact post you posted on the ubuntuforums08:28
tom__666luke: no idea mate - sure you got the port numbers etc right?08:28
ltracyit's added when the apache2 package first gets installed?08:28
Ravenndude`jrib, or --geometry h,w something along those lines08:28
nikinJack_Sparrow: nothing just my softmodem... wich is an Internal one08:28
jribRavenndude`: --geometry HxW   or something similar08:28
steel_lady_tux, I have been there long ago, the guy lost the problem after reinstalling the problematic package08:28
_tuxI didn't even seem to check that08:28
Jack_Sparrownikin: If you could find a pdf on that modem it would help..08:29
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tom__666ahmed: check out a package called exim08:29
MorpheraAnyone able to help me with this... my MicroSD card has somehow become recognised as read only by ubuntu08:29
ahmedyes i know it08:29
ahmedi get it from internet08:29
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ahmedbut i am a new user08:29
_tuxsteel_lady: wouldn't happen to know what package you installed last or when it occured would you08:29
steel_lady_tux, he knew which package was making problems08:29
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ahmedso could you help step by step08:29
ltracyMorphera, happened to me once when I accidentally pushed that dam switch on it to `lock'08:29
tom__666ahmed: so just install it using your package manager08:29
Jack_Sparrownikin: dmesg | grep ttyS   what does it show08:29
MorpheraTheres no switch on a MicroSD card though is there?08:30
neverblueahmed, setting up a mail server is a very complex process08:30
tom__666ahmed: or from a terminal go "sudo apt-get install exim4"08:30
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steel_lady_tux, it occured like 4 month ago out of the blue, I think maybe after sume regular update of a lot of packages08:30
ltracyMorphera, I guess it was a `non-micro' SD card.. so maybe not08:30
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ahmedyes i know08:30
tom__666agreed - it's a total mission08:30
nikinJack_Sparrow: i did google a lot about it..but there is not much info on it.. nor on the page of the wendor... it claims to be v.90 modem... i has 5 connectors: power, line, phone, nad 2 jacks... mic and headphone08:30
neverblueahmed, you should really read some documentation on the subject, then come back when you have specific questions08:30
nikinJack_Sparrow: i will look just a sec08:30
tom__666and exim is a pain in the *ss to configure :(08:30
Jack_SparrowMorphera: That sometimes happens when you pull it before it is fully ejected/unmounted08:30
ahmedok from where i read alot08:30
jribRavenndude`: http://www.hmug.org/man/7/X.php "GEOMETRY SPECIFICATIONS"08:30
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neverblueahmed, also, if you could insert the person's nick your replying to, so they know its directed towards them, is very helpful :)08:31
MorpheraOkay Jack_Sparrow, that is probably what happened... how do I deal with it?08:31
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Ravenndude`Thanks a lot jrib08:31
neverblueahmed, google is a great place to start, as always08:31
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EstethIs there any way to move the libnotify popup location?08:31
nikinJack_Sparrow: [    2.266494]  serial8250: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A08:31
nikin[    2.268381]  00:0c: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A08:31
Jack_SparrowMorphera: Depends on what format it is?  ntfs or fat3208:31
tom__666ahmed: i think www.exim.org is a good place to start out08:31
Morpherait's currently in FAT08:31
jribEsteth: someone in gconf-editor I believe08:31
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_tuxsteel_lady: try going to synaptic package manager >> click on file >> history08:32
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MorpheraI am trying to convert it to FAT32, but obviously can't whilst it's like this08:32
Jack_Sparrownikin: sudo screen /dev/ttyS0                           then try ATZ08:32
ahmedneverblue but believe there's no time my company was ruining qmail on the fedora but the pc was stopped suddenly08:32
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ltracyThis stupid config mistake is going to annoy me for quite some time.08:32
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laserbeak43hi i took the wireless tutorial here http://boredklink.googlepages.com/ubuntuguide and then my wireless worked, i logged into windows, was forced to use a different wifi network and then logged back into linux and it didnt work. now i've doen the tutorial over again and i can't connect wirelessly.08:32
neverblueahmed, no one in here can give you step by step direction on setting up a mail server08:33
nikinJack_Sparrow: i get an empty screen, and the TX led on the modem is on08:33
steel_lady_tux for some strange rason, it is all empty08:33
reD_Fox1so then I reboot it manually, and it boots fine08:33
neverblueahmed, we are all volunteers, and we do as much as we can08:33
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reD_Fox1before I added acpi=force, it wouldn't boot back up, ever.08:33
Jack_SparrowMorphera: You can use gparted ..but I am a bit busy to help you08:33
nikinsory TR led08:33
tom__666ahmed: if you had qmail running and in a tight spot probably best to stick with fedora and just move the configs over to the new machine08:33
sjbrownwhat's the equivalent of /etc/sysconfig/network in ubuntu?08:33
ahmedcould you send me a pdf with all info08:33
reD_Fox1I don't get what the difference would be when booting it one time, as opposed to the second time.08:33
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Jack_Sparrownikin: Do you get OK after ATZ enter08:33
ltracyhas anoyone replaced the network configuration manager with something that works better on a laptop?08:33
neverblueahmed, also, if your using a specific mail server, there maybe a channel on Freenode for that channel08:33
Drad1k<---- completely new to linux/ubunto who wants to help me =*(08:33
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Estethjrib: I'm seeing a few results for "notify" in gconf-editor, but they're all other apps settings for wether to show notifications :S08:34
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neverblue!ask | Drad1k08:34
laserbeak43ltracy: i'd like to know08:34
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nikinJack_Sparrow: i cant type in anything08:34
neverblueDrad1k, just ask your question please :)08:34
Drad1koh ok08:34
ubotuDrad1k: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:34
Drad1kgetting started08:34
ahmed<neverblue> the problem08:34
Drad1kviewing directories08:34
ltracylaserbeak43, I hate that thing.  I'd like to figure out how to just remove it if there is nothing better :)08:34
Drad1kand stuff08:34
neverblueDrad1k, keep it to one line only08:34
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Drad1ki mean i am NEW NEW lol08:34
Drad1koh ok08:34
_tuxsteel_lady: the guy in the forum that you were talking with thinks you should have to remove the linux-igd file but than again I don't know if its a file08:34
neverblueDrad1k, please08:34
jribEsteth: /apps/notification-daemon/popup_location08:34
ahmedis i should start the emarkting project08:34
Jack_Sparrownikin: You should have gotten a terminal window with the first command08:34
laserbeak43ltracy:  one day my wireless adapter works the next its screwed08:35
ahmedcause we will face real disaster08:35
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steel_lady_tux, I was trying to find it but I couldn't08:35
Drad1kOk here is my situation, I am new to linux, I am trying to get quake 4 and ventrilo set up on this box I have for linux, currently it has ubunto08:35
neverblueahmed, i have assisted with all the knowledge I can, have a good day and good luck08:35
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_tuxsteel_lady: "sudo apt-get remove linux-igd"08:35
nikinJack_Sparrow: i just got an empty screen with the cusor in the upperleft corner. and i ca type nothing08:35
Estethjrib: Thanks :D08:35
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stefg!games | Drad1k08:35
ubotuDrad1k: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php08:35
bkeatingthe 6.0.6 LTS http SSL guide is broken.08:35
ltracylaserbeak43, what is your problem exactly?08:35
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sjbrowndoes anyone know what the equivalent of /etc/sysconfig/network is in ubuntu?08:35
laserbeak43wow this room is like a bunch of fighting stock brokers08:35
neverblueDrad1k, i would use the documentation included with setting up the game08:35
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stefg -> http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html <-08:36
steel_ladyah tux now i see, it is the part for my modem, if I remove it I will lost my connection and downloads08:36
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:36
Jack_Sparrownikin: Use ctrl-a then k to kill that window08:36
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_tuxeh doesn't sound like a good idea08:36
evri2anyone here can help me about mplayer compile?I cannot compile with alsa and xv support08:36
laserbeak43ltracy:  i took the wireless tutorial here http://boredklink.googlepages.com/ubuntuguide and then my wireless worked, i logged into windows, was forced to use a different wifi network and then logged back into linux and it didnt work. now i've doen the tutorial over again and i can't connect wirelessly.08:36
Drad1kthanks ill start reading up08:36
nikinJack_Sparrow: done08:36
jribevri2: why are you compiling it?  It is in the multiverse repository08:36
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_tuxbut it seems to be conflicting with something08:36
ltracylaserbeak43, so, you tried to use the network manager to connect to a wireless network and you have no connection?08:36
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nikinJack_Sparrow: TR led is still on08:37
ltracylaserbeak43, I mean when you returned to Ubuntu08:37
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laserbeak43yeah but it did work at first08:37
steel_lady_tux, it will cut off chat, amule messaging and all08:37
evri2jrib: because it cannot play flv files.08:37
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nikinJack_Sparrow: should i restart the modem?08:37
lgc_Abiword help!08:37
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evri2jrib: i mean it can play but so much problems like do not support seeking08:37
Jack_Sparrownikin: Yes..08:37
jribevri2: did you try the package from medibuntu?08:37
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_tuxsteel_lady: I would say to remove it but don't know if you would be able to reinstall it as it may need access to the Internet for reinstalltion08:37
ltracylaserbeak43, ok.. here's what I do (probably not the UBUNTU way..)  I go into terminal and check iwconfig eth1 to see if the ESSID is set to the right network and to see that any KEY is set correctly first08:37
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steel_ladyall of them are working fine and never had problem with it. and probably you know well that often it points in the wrong direction for errors08:37
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JavidIs there any special steps that need to be taken to install Ubuntu on a mac?08:38
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ltracylaserbeak43, assuming your wireless adapter is named eth1..08:38
jribevri2: I see.  make sure you have the build-essential package installed and do 'sudo apt-get build-dep mplayer' then08:38
laserbeak43ltracy:  i'll try that08:38
jrib!compiling > evri2 (see the private message from ubotu)08:38
laserbeak43it is08:38
nikinJack_Sparrow: its still on08:38
Jack_SparrowIf it didnt take atz then it is on port 1  ie:0   but isnt responding08:38
Javid!compiling > Javid08:38
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ahmedany one can help us on installing mail server on ubuntu08:38
warblersteel_lady: from your post this line - External interface not specified in /etc/default/upnpd - is the prob - what's in that file08:38
ltracylaserbeak43, if not, then set them with iwconfig eth1 essid "NAME OF NETWORK" key "KEY"08:39
ltracylaserbeak43, and then run dhclient08:39
steel_lady_tux, think logically: i can cut of the network and instal say calculator or something from the CD and it will return that error. you really think it is the real problem?08:39
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Jack_Sparrownikin: sudo screen /dev/ttyS0               again...08:39
laserbeak43ltracy: it says ESSID: off/any08:39
_tuxupnpd seems to be a unplug n' play file just by looking at it08:39
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tom__666ahmed: there is tons available on the net for install exim - try even http://www.exim-new-users.co.uk/ it has a beginners guide08:39
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evri2jrib: i have this repo i think it is mediubuntu but mplayer package in package manager is not mediubuntu's.                      http://packages.medibuntu.org/feisty free non-free08:39
ltracylaserbeak43, yeah.. just run     iwconfig eth1 essid "whatever then ame is"08:39
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warblernot on my box at all!08:39
nikinJack_Sparrow: the same as before... empty screen, cant type08:39
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jribevri2: k, my last message should get you started to compiling, but the medibuntu mplayer has worked fine for me in the past08:40
Jack_Sparrownikin: Sorry, but it dosent look like I will be able to help much...08:40
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lucydu69i have made a new website about ubuntu and his security ; http://ganjahouse.antiville.fr/08:40
Drad1kOk, the answer to my previous post was on what games are compatible, I would like to know how to set up a quake 4 server08:40
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lucydu69what do you thing about that?08:40
jrib!offtopic | lucydu6908:40
ubotulucydu69: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:40
slashzulhow do you stop all the startup programs on ubuntu desktop from starting up everytime?08:40
ltracylaserbeak43, you get that last one?08:40
_tuxsteel_lady: couldn't say but certain files require dependencies and each program can use that dependency in order to function correctly08:40
Jack_Sparrownikin: That should have worked if it were a true hardware modem...08:40
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laserbeak43yeah just tried it08:41
slashzulI get all kinds of crap like opendoc etc....08:41
pvl1can some1 help me with gnump3d?08:41
steel_ladywarbler, this is the content: http://pastebin.com/m7bb2cf3a08:41
laserbeak43am i supposed to plug out my ethernet cable now?08:41
evri2jrib: have you ever tried playing flv files?08:41
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Jack_Sparrownikin: the next step would have been to make a symlink...  ln -s /dev/ttyS0 /dev/modem08:41
jribevri2: yes, but not on my current system08:41
ltracylaserbeak43, well, when the essid (and key if it is secured) are set right.. you should be able to do an ifconfig eth1 up and then run dhclient08:41
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pike_slashzul: im not familiar with gnome but any scripts in /etc/init.d/ you dont want to run you can use update-rc.d or bum which gives you a gui08:41
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ltracylaserbeak43, yeah, you'll also need to unplug the ethernet and/or run ifconfig eth0 down before running dhclient08:42
_tuxsteel_lady: so for example if you were to remove say calculator and say xchat needed a file called lib thus if you removed calculator it will remove lib and xchat wouldn't be able to function08:42
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thingyDrad1k: http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/linux/quake4/08:42
lucydu69my blog : http://ganjahouse.antiville.fr/ : it is possible to have it in the planet?08:42
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shirishguys, I have a query, this is for a friend whose grub got destroyed after he put windows xp on top08:42
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nikinJack_Sparrow: thanx for your help.. i try some other things... and go get and beat the head of the computer store guy :) no i wont08:42
_tuxthat's kinda how stuff works with Linux08:42
Drad1kthank you08:42
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Jack_Sparrownikin: If it helps I use the Airlink external although the package says all over it Only for WIndows...08:43
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reD_Fox1hmph. any ideas why linux would only boot half the time?08:43
pvl1i cant get gnump3d to work08:43
_tuxsteel_lady: but I can't be too sure it that's the issue that linux-igd is causing but seems to be the only error occuring for you08:43
warblersteel_lady: sudo gedit that file and uncomment the lines - #EXT_IFACE - #INT_IFACE08:43
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reD_Fox1I shut ubuntu down, and when I boot it, it halts with a blank ("dead") screen right before loading gnome.08:43
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reD_Fox1so then I reboot it manually, and it boots fine08:43
tom__666red_fox: whats the error?08:43
steel_lady_tux, you want to know what is the content of linux-igd file?08:44
tom__666red_fox: what video card u got?08:44
shirishmy query is this, when one mounts the hdd through the live CD, would it be /hda or /hdb or with libata happening it would /sda or /sdb whatever slave master it is.08:44
steel_lady_tux: linux-igd: package-contains-upstream-install-documentation usr/share/doc/linux-igd/INSTALL.gz08:44
Urthmoverlynx is the wave of the future08:44
reD_Fox1tom__666: there's no error08:44
Urthmoverbrowsers beware08:44
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Drad1kthanks for the help08:44
matHi. I have insatlled Ubuntu 7 on a machient that had it before and the network doesnt work08:44
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tom__666red_fox: check you X logs - /var/log/Xorg.0.log08:45
Jack_Sparrowshirish: I usually fire up gparted and it mounts all my windows drives and partitions08:45
stefg!dosn't work08:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dosn't work - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:45
stefg!doesn't work08:45
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.08:45
reD_Fox1tom__666: ok, will do08:45
Bo1is there somebody in this plant that can tell me step by step how to install my pci graphic card?08:45
giloswhat program is recommended for ripping DVDs?08:45
shirishJack_Sparrow: nice name, gparted is a solution but let's say if we go the old route/way08:45
pike_Bo1: what card?08:45
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jrib!restricted > gilos (see the private message from ubotu)08:45
Jack_Sparrowshirish: Then I cheat and use the diskmounter script  :)08:45
blindCan someone help me figure out why no one can connect to my computer? I called my ISP to make sure they don't block ports, and they don't. I'm going straight from the modem to the computer, but people can't connect to me.08:46
laserbeak43ltracy: i guess i dont unplug my ethernet cable yet lol08:46
steel_ladywarbler ok, I did it. what should I try now?08:46
shirishJack_Sparrow: what diskmounter script?08:46
pike_Bo1: older nvidia? what model?08:46
_tuxusr/share/doc/linux-igd/INSTALL.gz isn't located on my machine yet I see that its a UPnP Internet Gateway Device specification (IGD) and allows UPnP aware clients, such as MSN Messenger to work properly from behind a NAT firewall08:46
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jribblind: how are they trying to connect?08:46
shirishJack_Sparrow: some script you wrote yourself or what?08:46
Bo1pike:e-GeForce FX520008:46
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Drad1kOk, my next question is how do I get q4max (a competition mod for quake 4) installed on it and running.08:46
warblersteel_lady: I'd reboot than try to update via the cd using the commands I linked you to earlier08:46
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blindjrib: via http08:47
Jack_Sparrowshirish: wget http://media.ubuntu-nl.org/scripts/diskmounter08:47
pike_Bo1: good card for linux. ive not used it but i hear the restricted manager is pretty intuitive for installing nvidia drivers. youll know it works because when x launches youll get a big nvidia splash screen08:47
R_DaneelHey all, anyone know of any way to get Rhythmbox to allow me to create and manipulate iPod playlists? Or anyone know any other programs besides Rhythmbox that will allow me to use a Samba share as my library location?08:47
steel_ladywarbler ok08:47
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matexcuse my shout08:47
blindjrib: http, ssh, ftp, i haven't found a port that works :\08:47
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blind!fixres > mat08:47
Bo1pike:i don;t understand08:47
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:48
_tuxsteel_lady: if possible to reinstall linux-igd from CD I would remove linux-igd to see what issue it fixes then reinstall if possible from within the CD but its just my suggestion its a risk to take too08:48
laserbeak43ltracy: whats the diff between an SSID and an ESSID?08:48
pike_Bo1: but basially its 1) sudo apt-get isntall nvidia-glx 2) sudo nvidia-xconfig  3) sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart    <-- this is command line youll need to look at the following link for gui because im not familiar with it08:48
steel_lady_tux, there is nothing to reinstall, it contains only that one line I sent to you08:48
pike_!nvidia | Bo108:48
ubotuBo1: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:48
stefgDrad1k: not all windows games are supported in Linux. (Linux is not Windows). Your options vary from wine to cedega, both projects have application databases where you can look up what runs, and how good08:48
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jribblind: did you install openssh-server?08:49
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Drad1kThis is true, but i know linux can host q4max because I know people who have done it08:49
laserbeak43whats the diff between an SSID and an ESSID?08:49
steel_lady_tux, warbler, I am rebooting08:49
Tre1Hi all, can you recommend a good video cutter for my box...08:49
stefgDrad1k: so can you ask them how they did it?08:49
_tuxsteel_lady: I know but just saying if you were to remove linux-igd although it may disconnect you from xchat and the Internet it may fix the issue though just saying if it will possible to reinstall linux-igd once you removed it or will require the pressence of a internet connection to download it08:49
_tuxI gotcha08:50
Drad1kThey don't want to help me which is why I am here08:50
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Bo1pike:i still don;t undestand can you just tell me step by step08:50
reD_Fox1tom__666: uhm, what am I looking for?08:50
ltracylaserbeak43, not too sure08:50
_tuxgoing to check something real quick08:50
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shirishJack_Sparrow: thanx08:51
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ltracylaserbeak43, but ESSID is the broadcasted name of the network.. you can get all of them in range by doing iwlist scan08:51
stefgDrad1k: your best cahnce is to gather information first which route to take (by visiting q4max' website, serching google and so on).08:51
laserbeak43ltracey ok08:51
laserbeak43ltracy: ok08:51
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reD_Fox1tom__666: the Xorg.0.log file gets rewritten each boot, no?08:53
ubotuQuake runs natively under Ubuntu - See http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/linux/quake4/ for details08:53
stefgDrad1k: see above... this may help08:53
LukeEkbladHello, when i plug in my headphones to my laptop i can hear stuff but i have to disable external amp and whenever i want my speakers to play, i enable it.  is there a way to make this atomatic?  like when i plug in my headphones it would disable the external speakers and when i unplugged them it would enable them08:54
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_tuxwarbler: What you think the issue is that steel_lady is having08:54
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Drad1kthanks guys i was helping a customer08:54
knix_anyone know the gutsy irc channel?08:54
=== |FrOstiE| shakes head
pike_knix_: ^08:55
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warbler_tux: earlier she said she had many listings in synaptic as reps. I think they are looking for authentication08:55
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+108:55
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knix_ty pike and stefg08:55
CharlieSuTrying to figure out why when i switched from gentoo to ubuntu i wasn't able to resize splict Screen windows with Ctrl a , - anymore..  anyone?08:55
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warbler_tux: that file she edited had the interfaces blocked08:55
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warbler_tux: couldn't get the auth - no upgrades - maybe08:56
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ubotuTo find out how to switch your keyboard layout, See https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts08:56
Bo1pike:check see if i did it right. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35448/plain/08:56
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ubotuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts (Gnome) or "Input Actions" in KControl (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net08:56
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_tuxwarbler: then I guess linux-igd isn't the issue its frustrating myself too08:57
steel_ladywrabler, _tux I am back. it does not give the error for now, I went to upgrade manually but it didn't do anything08:57
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Ares|Work[14:45:53]  WALLOPS from Md [i=md@freenode/staff/md] : FYI, freenode has just broken the record of 40000 connected users. let's join the party in #defocus08:57
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steel_ladywrabler, _tux: for upgrading over the net I still miss 212MB of space08:57
warblersteel_lady: instead of the upgrade - what happened?08:57
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_tuxsteel_lady: "sudo apt-get -f install" tried that?08:58
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Bo1pike_:are you there08:58
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FlannelCharlieSu: ^a - is move to a blank window.  not resize, ^a , is prompt for a window to switch to08:58
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sahilhow do i get and install new fonts for Ubuntu to use in OpenOffice08:58
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steel_ladywrabler, it was cooking and at the end didn't do anything: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded.08:58
pike_Bo1: you did it right.  umm id try sudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx; sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-legacy; sudo nvidia-xconfig  <-- im not sure if your card is legacy or not maybe someone here knows. to recover and just use open driver do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and choose nv or vesa as driver08:59
Drad1ksorry to be a pain but that doesn't answer my question =*(.. I just want to know how to get a q4max server up08:59
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Drad1ki keep getting linked that one page.. if it has the answers I must keep over looking it08:59
ahmedis it a must to run exim i should have ubuntu server08:59
_tuxsteel_lady: "sudo apt-get upgrade" should upgrade the packages08:59
Bo1pike_:now what i do?08:59
warblerupdate first09:00
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_tuxif not then "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"09:00
steel_lady_tux, not on my ubuntu no!09:00
Flannelahmed: No.  Linux makes no differentation between 'server' and 'desktop' installations09:00
LoneShadowIs there a way to repair an installation, like re-install all the default packages ?09:00
LoneShadowI am having some problems with my sound stack09:00
ahmedthank flannel09:00
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_tuxsteel_lady: did ya give "sudo apt-get -f install" a try09:00
ltracylaserbeak43, problem solved?09:00
ahmedcould you help me in installing it cause i need setup my first mail server09:01
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warblersteel_lady: in synaptic-repos is option for name of distro preference09:01
steel_lady_tux of course09:01
reD_Fox1any ideas why linux would only boot half the time on a thinkpad t20? I shut ubuntu down, and when I boot it, it halts with a blank ("dead") screen right before loading gnome. so then I reboot it manually, and it boots fine. before I added acpi=force, it wouldn't boot back up, ever. I don't get what the difference would be when booting it one time, as opposed to the second time.09:01
LoneShadowAnyone succesfully uninstalled PulseAudio in here ?09:01
_tuxdamn is frustrating me too lol09:01
percan sombody please tell me how to install a *tar.gz file09:01
ahmedflannel i have just downloaded it what the next step?09:02
Flannelahmed: downloaded what?09:02
steel_ladywrabler, I don't see that option. it just says 6.10 on one tab09:02
ahmedi already have downloaded it flannel !09:02
warblerper: sud apt-get install /address/to/file09:02
Flannelahmed: Downloaded what?09:02
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jribper: what are you trying to install?09:03
ahmedexim 4.5009:03
perthanks warbler09:03
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Flannelahmed: How did you download it?09:03
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perjrib thunderbird09:03
ahmedfrom exim.org09:03
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_tuxsteel_lady: try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31110909:03
Flannelahmed: don't do that.  Use the one in the repositories09:03
neverbluereD_Fox1, check your RAM with memtest ?09:03
jrib!software > per (see the private message from ubotu)09:03
ltracydam.. is there a way to figure out what package a file comes from? i.e. /etc/mysql/debian-start09:03
ahmedfrom Add/Remove09:03
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reD_Fox1neverblue: hmm, why?09:03
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Flannelltracy: dpkg -S /etc/mysql/debian-start09:03
LukeEkbladHello, when i plug in my headphones to my laptop i can hear stuff but i have to disable external amp and whenever i want my speakers to play, i enable it.  is there a way to make this atomatic?  like when i plug in my headphones it would disable the external speakers and when i unplugged them it would enable them?   If there is, could someone tell me?09:03
Flannelahmed: Or synaptic, yes.09:04
steel_ladywarbler, there isn't any way to borrow temporaryly 212MB from somewhere? can I temporaryly move some program package to another partition'09:04
reD_Fox1neverblue: not being rude, just curious09:04
ahmedok i will09:04
jribper: on ubuntu, you don't download files to install things.  Instead you use a Package Manager.  You should install the mozilla-thunderbird package from the main repository if you want thunderbird.  Don't bother with the tar.gz09:04
PSILOSSSSSSSSSSSproblem with game guard on c6 lineage ubuntu 7.0409:04
neverbluereD_Fox1, booting errors, right ?09:04
reD_Fox1neverblue: *consistent* booting errors09:04
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neverblueits an option then09:05
retro_LukeEkblad: that should happen automatically, file a bug against your sound driver09:05
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JavidIs there any special steps that need to be taken to install Ubuntu on a mac?09:05
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sparrwi need to downgrade a feisty box to kernel 2.6.17, whats the "right" way to do that?09:05
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kdub432Javid: nope, should just work09:05
warblersteel_lady: I'd just go to synaptic & remove a movie player or something - easy to get it back09:05
reD_Fox1neverblue: I think the ram is fine, I can boot every other time09:05
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steel_lady_tux I think it is resolved since warbler told me to uncomment those 2 lines but now it still doesn not want to update, just ignores me09:05
Javidok, thanks09:05
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perjrib the Package Manager only have version 1.509:05
ahmedflannel please where can i download it09:05
reD_Fox1neverblue: i just need to figure out what the difference is between the first and second boots09:05
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Bo1i install so many time i wonder if the hard disk is crying!!!09:05
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steel_ladywarbler, my sistem is already naked09:05
jribper: why do you need the other version?09:05
Flannel!synaptic | ahmed09:05
ubotuahmed: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto09:05
PSILOSSSSSSSSSSSproblem with game guard on c6 lineage ubuntu 7.0409:05
kdub432Javid: make sure you get your respective version though, ppc or i38609:06
Flannelahmed: you don't need to download it.  Use synaptic per that howto.09:06
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JavidI didn't see a ppc version on the download page09:06
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Javidwill any old program from repos work on a ppc?09:06
_tuxsteel_lady: I think what he meant by uncomment the 2 lines to test what the issue may be still a problem though09:06
ahmedwhere is it synaptic09:06
kdub432Bo1, what's the issue?09:06
Tomas4543has anyone succesfully installed .net in wine?09:06
warblersteel_lady: once updated you will have the room again to return the things you remove09:06
FlannelJavid: PPC version isn't officially supported anymore.  It's community supported: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/7.04/release/09:07
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squeakypantswhenever i try to use par2repair it doesn't work09:07
Javidgood to know09:07
gordonjcpahmed: System->Administration->Synaptic09:07
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Drad1kI know that cd changes directory, what do I do to list directories... and if I know I want to go into desktop how do I do it quickly?09:07
ahmedi found it09:07
squeakypantslike it takes forever to repair, then the files are still corrupt09:07
Javid"we don't like your processor, fuck you"09:07
ltracycan't believe I broke my Ubuntu09:07
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squeakypantsanyone know?09:07
LukeEkbladretro_:  how do i do that?09:07
Urthmoverspicey in here today09:07
PSILOSSSSSSSSSSSproblem with lineage interlude on ubuntu.. game guard error 10609:07
StegerAnyone know how to get beryl/compiz on an ATI X1300?09:07
ompaul!ohmy | Javid09:07
ubotuJavid: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:07
gordonjcp!repeat | PSILOSSSSSSSSSSS09:07
ubotuPSILOSSSSSSSSSSS: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience09:07
kdub432ltracy: what's wrong with it?09:08
StegerAnyone know how to get beryl/compiz on an ATI X1300? I'm on feisty09:08
jribper: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ThunderbirdNewVersion has instructions if you really think you need a new version but honestly, it's better to stick with the repositories unless you really can't.  That way you get free security updates you don't have to worry about09:08
ltracykdub432, deleted a couple things that broke the mysql server and apache2 :)09:08
_tuxit seems doing network upgrades can cause a lot of problems09:08
StegerAnyone know how to get beryl/compiz on an ATI X1300? I'm on feisty09:08
Tomas4543Has anyone successfully installed windows .NET Framework 2.0 in wine?09:08
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Bo1kdub432:everytime i try to install my graphic card it crashes my computer and ubuntu software09:08
ltracykdub432, a late night mistake stemming from frustration09:08
FlannelJavid: no, there just wasn't a whole lot of resources out there to justify PPC.  If PPC has a large community that'll do things like testing and stuff, PPC could come back to full support, but there weren't enough machines to test on and not enough developers to do the same.09:08
sahilSteger !beryl09:08
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects09:08
sparrwwhat is the best way to install xfree86 in ubuntu?09:08
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects09:08
ahmedwhere is it located in any category flannel ?09:08
kdub432ltracy: yikes, i won't be much help there....09:08
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ahmedwhere's exim located in synaptic ?09:08
laserbeak44ltracy: no such luck09:08
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Drad1kI know that cd changes directory, what do I do to list directories... and if I know I want to go into desktop how do I do it quickly?09:09
steel_ladywarbler, when i try to remove things it is refusing for many of them. movie player is one of them09:09
Stegersahil, thanks09:09
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kdub432Bo1, its unneccessary to reinstall the entire operating system everytime the graphical server won't start.09:09
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stefgsparrw: I doubt that this is possible at all09:09
Flannelahmed: Read the page on synaptic, and you'll understand how to use synaptic.09:09
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ltracylaserbeak44, do you see the network when you di iwlist scan?09:09
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neverblueahmed, you really should read what ppl post to you09:09
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jribDrad1k: ls -d */   will list directories.   cd ~/Desktop   will get you to the desktop09:09
Bo1kdub432:well i dont knoe much not 2 reinstall the whole software!09:09
laserbeak44ltracy: yes09:10
Javid!care | ompaul09:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about care - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:10
sparrwstefg: i love that answer  :)09:10
Tomas4543 Has anyone successfully installed windows .NET Framework 2.0 in wine?09:10
Drad1kthank you jrib09:10
ltracylaserbeak44, what seems to be the problem then?09:10
_tuxsteel_lady: my best guess would be to still uninstall linux-igd and reinstall it but than again its your choice09:10
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kdub432Bo1, what graphics card, first of all?09:10
perjrib thanks for the help, but i real want to learn how to do it :)09:10
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FlannelTomas4543: you'll probably get better response in #winehq09:10
laserbeak44ltracy: i don't know how to use the network configurator i guess.09:10
ltracylaserbeak44, when you do iwconfig eth1, does the ESSID match up? And if there is a WEP key or something, does that part look right?09:10
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Bo1kdub432:e-GeForce FX5200 PCI09:10
laserbeak44ltracy: hold on09:10
kdub432Bo1, join me in #nvidia09:11
_tuxsteel_lady: it just seems that linux-igd is only required for certain chat clients09:11
reD_Fox1hmm. would there be a better channel to go to discuss booting issues  on a laptop?09:11
ltracylaserbeak44, well, I try the network manager once, and sometimes it works and sometimes it ignores me.. when it ignores me, I use the commadn like to set it up and then it works fine.09:11
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warblersteel_lady: sudo update-manager -c doesn't work?09:11
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ompaul!bootoptions | reD_Fox109:11
ubotureD_Fox1: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions09:11
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ahmedfirst setup all exim package flannel09:12
Flannelwarbler, steel_lady, gksu not sudo09:12
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Bo1kdub432:am there09:12
hans_how would i normally mount an usb card reader?09:12
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steel_ladywarbler, it works, I just seem to miss some more megas to do the net upgrade09:12
stefgsparrw: ubuntu (debian) uses xorg for over 2 years. I guess xfree86 and xorg have gone separate ways for so long, so i doubt anything dependendant on xorg will work with xfree8609:12
warblersteel_lady: apologies - gksu update-manager -c09:12
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=== Ahadiel [n=michael@S010600131042857c.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
hans_first card then usb or usb first then card?09:12
JavidBut, again, will stuff from repos work on powerpc?09:12
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FlannelJavid: the powerPC repos09:13
sparrwstefg: ubuntu 6.06 used xfree, no?09:13
steel_ladywrabler, something is missing09:13
n4p1-1Hi, How do I give Nautilus root rights?09:13
Flannelsparrw: no09:13
Javidooh. awesome.09:13
ahmedflannel i have selected all exim from synaptic is it like 8 fiels09:13
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warblerstel_lady: one min09:14
Carb0nn4p1-1: gksudo nautilus?09:14
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stefgsparrw: no... xorg and xfree forked around 2005, and noone's using xfree86 no more09:14
n4p1-1Nautilus 2.18.109:14
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autumnxhow do i add virtual users to vsftpd server09:14
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allordera game freezed X and cant kill it, something more i can do ?09:14
Flannelahmed: depends on what you want to install.  If you're having trouble with these sorts of questions, you probably might rethink running a mail server.09:14
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autumnxhow do i add virtual users to vsftpd server?09:15
ahmedflannel really iam very new user it's my 1st day on ubuntu i was runing windows09:15
n4p1-1Carbon nautilus 2.18.109:15
allordera game freezed X and cant kill it, what im suppose to do09:15
driluscan anyone help me set a static ip to v4 instead of v6 only?09:15
autumnxhow do i add virtual users to vsftpd server?09:16
Flannelahmed: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/server/C/exim4.html  But again, you *probably* don't want to run a mail server if this is your first day.09:16
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ahmedflannel but my work has stopped suddenly and i need to continue it09:16
WindowsHaterI want play a game ^^....!09:16
Flannel!repeat | autumnx09:16
gordonjcpallorder: hit control-alt-backspace to bounce X09:16
ubotuautumnx: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience09:16
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Carb0nn4p1-1: Why do you need Nautilus to be root?09:16
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allordergordonjcp there is not other option ?09:16
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warblersteel_lady: try - 'sudo apt-get clean'09:16
gordonjcpallorder: you could try killing it from a terminal09:17
gordonjcpautumnx: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=add+virtual+users+to+vsftpd+server&btnG=Google+Search&meta=09:17
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allordergordonjcp i did it with sudo and it stay open09:17
autumnxkk i'll check those sites09:17
steel_ladywarble I did million of times and it doesn't do anything09:17
ahmedflannel it's finished downloading09:17
steel_lady_tux it can not be reinstalled09:17
ahmedwhat the next step i know my questions are silly but really my work will be collapsed09:18
allordergordonjcp reboot is my only option ?09:18
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gordonjcpallorder: no, just restart X09:18
steel_lady_tux and at the end of that topic there is some advice that is insane09:18
=== yaDa [n=Drad1k@adsl-074-247-081-179.sip.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
allorderalt+ctrl backspace ?09:18
yaDaHello, is there somebody here who can help me set up ventrilo09:18
n4p1-1Carb0n The tutorial says that I need a text-editor with root rights. Nautilus is the only editor i know. (installed ubuntu yesterday first time)09:18
yaDaas a server09:18
ahmedflannel i tried to offer 300$ to get some one install it but i did not find09:19
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=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@host-82-211-220-24.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu
Carb0nn4p1-1: :p09:19
laserbeak43ltracy: sorry if i didnt ask but i pm'd u09:19
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_tuxwhich topic09:19
ahmedso iam forced to learn it by myself flannel09:19
kekkn4p1-1, sudo gedit file09:19
kekknautilus is not a text editor O.o09:19
Flannelahmed: I gave you a page which explains it all09:19
Carb0nYou're grossly mistaken, Nautilus is NOT a text-editor -- it's a file manager09:19
ltracylaserbeak43, did you see my reply?09:19
drilusdo you have to add ipv4 for static?  because dhcp defaults to it, but static defaults to ipv609:19
_tuxfrom my machine which is Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty I can install linux-igd and remove it that's weird09:19
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Carb0nn4p1-1: What was your previous OS?09:20
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MTecknologyhow can i find out what caused my last log out?09:20
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t4m1n0hello there how can I remove the lower applet, so will have at the bottom just awn ??? this is the screenshot: http://shrani.si/f/33/d4/3C0qlmR/desktop.png09:20
ahmedflannel it siad E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)09:21
ahmedE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?09:21
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Flannelahmed: close synaptic.  You can only have one package manager open09:21
BalachmarHi, I am logged in on a remote computer through ssh, and I am compiling something over there, how can I make sure the compiling continues when I log out?09:21
kekkt4m1n0, right click on the panel > Delet this panel09:21
Flannelt4m1n0: that's not an applet, it's just the lower panel, just right click and delete09:21
n4p1-1Carb0n windows xp....09:21
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stefg!screen | Balachmar09:21
ubotuBalachmar: screen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen09:22
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_tuxsteel_lady: was there a link to the topic09:22
MTecknologyanybody? please - i really need to know what caused my last logout... i don't even know if an error caused it or not09:22
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sahilshould'nt this command 'sudo chmod 755 -R '/usr/share/fonts/truetype' change the permissions for this folder so that i can read and write09:22
Carb0nn4p1-1: Nautilus is similar to the Windows explorer.  A text editor is what is similar to Notepad09:22
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stefgBalachmar: so if you haven't prepared your ssh sesion, the compile will stop when you close your ssh session09:22
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Carb0nn4p1-1: Ubuntu has GEdit as a default text editor09:23
Flannelsahil: no.  6 is rw 5 is rx.  But, you probably don't want to recursively chmod it anyway.  Use sudo to modify system files09:23
Balachmarstefg: ok, then I will abort it now09:23
MTecknologystefg, that's one of my main uses for gnu screen09:23
ahmednow iam trying to configure it09:23
Balachmarstefg: and restart my ssh session09:23
ahmedflannel now iam trying to config09:23
sahilFlannel, im  not sure i understand09:23
futileI ran memtest 86 and it said I have errors... 0007 0000 and so on is this motherboard or ram itself(stick)09:23
stefgBalachmar: read about and use screen... one of the coolest tools in universe09:23
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sahilFlannel, i need permissions to write to that directory, and it says that i don't have the permissions09:24
Flannelahmed: That's on that page too.  However, I strongly suggest you *dont* run a mail server until you do some more research about the configuration09:24
t4m1n0Flannel: in case that I wanna the lower pannel back, how can I do this ?09:24
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Flannelsahil: Right, use sudo to do the writing/whatevder09:24
Balachmarstefg: yes, but could you help me out with a command to prepare my ssh session?09:24
ahmedmany thanks flannel09:24
Carb0nn4p1-1: It's not advisable to do *anything* as root, no matter what the tutorial says.09:24
sahilFlannel, i want to just drag and drop stuff in there09:24
Flannelt4m1n0: right click near the bottom of the screen, "add panel" then right click on that panel "Add to panel" to add stuff09:24
stefgBalachmar: read above09:24
luboszhow do i open port 80 with iptables?09:24
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Flannellubosz: you probably don't need to09:24
futileI ran memtest 86 and it said I have errors... 0007 0000 and so on is this motherboard or ram itself(stick)09:24
stefg!screen | Balachmar09:24
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ubotuBalachmar: screen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen09:25
=== _Jaak_ [n=ernst@elanser.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
bk1anyone who can help me installing RT2500 drivers ?09:25
warblersteel_lady: doing some reading suggests that you are not alone in this09:25
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=== N3bunel vam }{ si noapte buna
neverbluefutile, sorry, I missed the question in your post09:25
n4p1-1Carb0n youre right... clicked in the wrong window on info09:25
futileI ran memtest 86 and it said I have errors... 0007 0000 and so on is this motherboard or ram itself(stick)09:25
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Balachmarstefg: I am reading it, but I don't see anything about ssh09:25
neverblue!patience | futile09:25
ubotufutile: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:25
Flannelsahil: alright, then use sudo (for graphical programs, gksu) to open nautilus: alt-f2, `gksu nautilus` then do it (and close that window AS SOON AS you're done)09:25
Carb0nn4p1-1: :)09:25
luboszFlannel: nmap with my lan ip: All 1697 scanned ports on santa-monkey ( are filtered09:25
=== N3bunel away
Balachmarso I guess you meant that I had to use screen before I went compiling09:25
=== File13 [n=tyler@adsl-67-64-105-89.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
warblersteel_lady: synaptic to remove stuff to make space is all for now - but will read more09:25
neverbluebk1, what type of hardware?09:25
Flannellubosz: So?  Are you trying to run apache?09:26
futilenew to this09:26
BalachmarAnd not do something special with ssh09:26
bk1RT2500 Ralink Chipset09:26
FlannelBalachmar: correct09:26
bk1Amd 64 x209:26
luboszFlannel: yes, firefox gets a timeout with my lan ip, localhost works09:26
bk1Geforce 760009:26
futilescreen was moving fas felt I was getting overlooked....09:26
neverbluebk1, please keep your posts to a single line, thanks09:26
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BalachmarFlannel: ok thanks, I already have heard about screen, never actually used it though09:26
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stefgBalachmar: you run your ssh session in a 'screen'd' teminal. the ssh host won't know when you close your terminal, and you can pick up the screen session later (even locally :-) )09:26
neverbluebk1, you have drivers setup for you Geforce already ?09:27
_Jaak_Will gutsy run from usb disk in persistance mode?09:27
Flannellubosz: I think your LAN IP is wrong then.  Unless you've modified apache to bind to localhost.  Either way, iptables isn't the issue (unless you've previously blocked it); it isn't blocked by default09:27
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File13IntuitiveNipple: you there?09:27
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bk1no, do I have to install them before my wireless drivers ?09:27
sahilFlannel, isn't there a way to just change the permission on the entire folder so i can just open it up and put stuff into it whenever i want by just dragging and dropping09:27
Balachmar@stefg so I should run screen locally? I thought I should use screen on the remote server09:27
kdub432_Jaak_: if i recall, i had trouble getting it to run in persistent mode, live mode worked fine09:27
stefgBalachmar: right09:27
neverbluebk1, i didnt realize until now its a wireless driver setup you are requiring09:27
neverblue!wireless | bk109:28
ubotubk1: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:28
Flannelsahil: you can.  But that's the wrong way (and a very dangerous way) to do it.09:28
_Jaak_kdub432, gutsy or feisty?09:28
luboszFlannel: i didn't block iptables, how do i unbind apache from localhost?09:28
velkodoes anybody knows a good ext3 driver for windows?09:28
stefgBalachmar: you need need screen on the remote box09:28
kolmilludohey could somebody help me I have  a compaq laptop of the v2000 series, and ubuntu doesnt have the graphic drivers neither the wireless drivers im kind of new in linux an i need help09:28
Flannellubosz: Did you modify apaches config at all?09:28
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bk1I already read the docu but didn't help much09:28
BalachmarThe box doesn;t have screen... :S09:28
neverblue!wireless | kolmilludo09:28
ubotukolmilludo: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:28
sahilFlannel, why is it dangerous, or wrong. I am the only person who uses this laptop09:28
_Jaak_kdub432, i had feisty run in persistance mode with a patched version, but it wasn't great...09:28
IntuitiveNipplewhat is this, a sance? 'knock once for yes, twice for no' :p09:28
luboszFlannel: no, but i get the message: "apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName" when apache starts09:28
neverbluebk1, check the ubuntu forums, maybe they can give some insight09:29
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sahilFlannel, plus it looks easier when non-linux people do it. Do you know how to do it?09:29
Flannellubosz: ah.  Alright, you'll need to add that to your config.  That's new to feisty, although that shouldn't cause that issue.  I suppose it might though.09:29
ltracylaserbeak43, you gone?09:29
Balachmar@stefg it isn't a ubuntu box, it is in fact a mybook world09:29
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laserbeak43ltracy: no i'm here09:29
mortuis99what is a good HTML editor?09:29
laserbeak43did u get my pm?09:29
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ltracylaserbeak43, yeah, I responded09:29
kolmilludook and what obout the ati radeon express 200m drivers09:29
kbrooksWhat is security?09:30
Flannelsahil: Linux is not windows.  Linux is inheritly more secure precisely because regular users can't modify system directories.09:30
ltracylaserbeak43, did youg et that? :)09:30
kdub432_Jaak_: yeah, I'm only interested in live mode to install really (no cd drive) so i havent messed with persistent much09:30
laserbeak43ltracy:  i dont see the response09:30
Carb0nmortuis99: Emacs? Although asking such a question itself is a flame bait09:30
Exterismortuis99, bluefish09:30
sahilFlannel, i would like to modify the fonts directory, i think its safe can you tell me how to do it?09:30
_Jaak_is there a gutsy channel?09:30
ahmedi have setup exim mail server09:30
mortuis99i know i am tryig to look at a few of them09:30
Flannel_Jaak_: #ubuntu+109:30
_tuxWell I am off take it easy everybody09:30
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ahmedcould any one configure it with me ???09:31
Flannelsahil: I already told you.  5 is rx, 6 is rw.  But again, you really don't want to do it that way.09:31
stefgBalachmar: screen is available on many platforms. See the link. But if you can't get the ssh-server to run screen, there's not much you can do09:31
ltracylaserbeak43, interesting.. you get nothing?09:31
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mortuis99what i am wanting is somehting with some user documentation vs developer docs09:31
Balachmar@stefg I'll download and install screen then09:31
ferric84barring any variables, I can shrink a disk with XP on it by 10GB and install ubuntu on that 10GB, yes?09:31
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Flannelferric84: yes09:32
laserbeak43ltracy: nothing. trying this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40599009:32
laserbeak43gotta reboot09:32
warblersteel_lady: reading stuff - try gksu "update-manager -c" with the quotes - ubuntu geeks list it like that09:32
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ltracylaserbeak43, try  joining #woohoo09:32
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ltracyhow sad.. an easy fix really09:32
ferric84so "shrinking" is the ubuntu term for creating a partition?09:32
sahilFlannel, im sorry i still don't quite get what you want me to do. do you want me to enter "sudo chmod 766 'usr/share/fonts/'09:32
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Flannelferric84: No.  shrinking would be to shrink the XP partition by 10GB, which would leave 10GB of unallocated space, which you'd create a partition in to use.09:33
ferric84ahh, now it makes sense09:33
thiebaudehi everyone.How do I download gutsy from the terminal?09:33
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Flannelsahil: No, I don't want you to do that.  But your previous command was correct except for the fact that you were using 5 (r-x) instead of 6 (rw-)09:33
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Flannel!gutsy | thiebaude09:34
ubotuthiebaude: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+109:34
=== sPooT [n=spoot@e156067.upc-e.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
ahmedi have installed exim MTA09:34
ahmedbut i need to configure it09:34
ahmedhow ???/09:34
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sahilFlannel, can you tell me what the command is, i don't want to mess up anything09:35
Flannelahmed: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/server/C/exim4.html#exim4-configuration09:35
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Flannelsahil: If you don't want to mess anything up, don't chmod it.  use `gksu nautilus` to drag and drop09:35
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sahilFlannel, i meant that i didn't want to mess up the chmod command, but i do want to chmod it, i understand what ur saying, but it is a big inconvience09:36
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Morpherais there a way to "unlock" this memory card so Ubuntu can write to it... or reformat it?09:36
n4p1-1Carb0n Ok, I need the root rights to configure my mouse....so I think root rights are neccessary in this case. But how du I give gedit root rights now? Do I have to type "sudo gedit filename" into the terminal. And filename is the file I want to change?09:36
Exterisgksu gedit09:37
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stiflercan anone help me?i have to share my internet connection with the wii(nintendo console), i have a wireless card on my laptop, all i have to do is create an access point and a bridge between the ethernet and the wireless...can anyone help?thank09:37
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:37
=== pihus_ [n=pihus@80-235-36-155-dsl.mus.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu
Carb0nn4p1-1: What's wrong with the mouse? Which file are you going to edit?09:37
ubotuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use  gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using  sudo <GUI-application>  See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo for more info09:38
n4p1-1xorg.conf  I want to add some extra buttons09:38
n4p1-1Carb0n xorg.conf  I want to add some extra buttons09:38
sahilFlannel, can you tell me the correct command to type?09:38
nandemonaistifler, Firestarter can handle that pretty well if you want a gui.09:38
Flannelsahil: You had it right in your original command: chmod -R 766 /path/to/whatever09:38
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nandemonaistifler, No worries. Ubuntuforums has heaps of guides if you don't suss it out.09:39
Carb0nn4p1-1: Right.  Do a "gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf".  Only if you know what you're doing09:39
sahilFlannel, thank you. I am testing it now, will let you know if it works09:39
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laserbeak43ltracy:  this is very annoying09:40
laserbeak43that did absolutely nothing09:40
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sahilFlannel, that did not work, and in fact it changed all the icons in that folder and did not allow me to access them09:40
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johnyflenchI installed Ubuntu just now and during installation I partitioned my drive manually and set aside 14gig for Ubuntu now when I run my windows xp it gives me a blue screen of death.  Anyone knows what could that be?09:41
ltracylaserbeak43, join the channel #woohoo09:41
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n4p1-1Carb0n At this time I've got no idea what I'm doing :D I do trust ubuntuusers. Hope thats no mistake :P09:41
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Paddy_EIREhey I get what can only be descibed as a system beep when I shutdown my laptop.. this has only started to happen recently and I have made no changes worth consideration.  Would you know what this might indicate09:42
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ConstyXIVif i were to "cat /dev/urandom > /dev/hda1", would that render everything on the driver un-recoverable?09:42
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stefgjohnyflench: what exactly did you do? have you ran a windows chkdsk on your XP drive already?09:42
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neverbluejohnyflench, are you able to boot into Ubuntu, but not Windows ?09:44
johnyflenchyes neverblue09:44
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neverbluejohnyflench, then you should be fine :)09:44
neverbluejohnyflench, did you use the windows partition, to create the ubuntu partition?09:44
bruenigthey are pretty similar anyways09:44
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johnyflenchstefg: how do I run chkdsk?09:45
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FFForeverWhat is the difference from ubuntu server edition and ubuntu regular edition?09:45
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neverbluejohnyflench, u should probably reply to my question first09:45
bruenigFFForever, default packages09:45
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neverblueFFForever, server doesnt have a 'window manager' really09:45
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bruenigFFForever, no gnome09:45
FFForeverthat's it + the lampp?09:45
ConstyXIVFFForever: like no gui by default, but ships with webservers and etc.09:46
FFForeverkool thanks :D09:46
bruenigFFForever, lamp is an install option but not necessarily09:46
stefgjohnyflench: from the windows install CD. But be aware that windows support is in ##windows, in a Linux channel there's no windows expertise09:46
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ConstyXIVFFForever: that's about it.  you can always install a gui on the server, and vice versa09:46
bruenighe's gone09:46
neverbluestefg, speak for yourself :P09:46
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johnyflenchneverblue I'm not sure what you mean but I have a hard drive 60gig and when I was installing Ubuntu it gave me an option to wipe out the whole drive and install ubuntu, to set aside certain percentage of a drive for Ubuntu or to manually install partitions (if I can rmember correctly)09:46
bruenigjohnyflench, always pick manual09:47
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neverbluejohnyflench, well, you can seperate a HD into partitions09:47
=== stefg hacks into neverblue's box and places a trojan on his xp-drive :-)
=== LinuxProbie [n=brasskid@S01060016e34ca1e0.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
johnyflenchoh ok stefg, thanks a lot09:47
Morpherais there a way to "unlock" this memory card so Ubuntu can write to it... or reformat it?09:47
neverbluejohnyflench, and those parititons can be set to the entire drive, or of various sizes09:47
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batrixanyone know how to get sound with the tv tuner card leadtek winfast 2000 xp rm i tried several things like putting the line out from the tuner card to the line in on the sound card and no luck09:47
johnyflenchso what I did is I went to set partitions manually09:47
=== Wanderer_ [i=nomad@24-178-96-163.dhcp.stbr.ga.charter.com] has joined #Ubuntu
MorpheraIt's showing in ubuntu as "Read Only"... but it can be written to by other systems.09:48
johnyflenchI chose that option09:48
bruenigMorphera, what filesystem09:48
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sparrwsupposedly there are sources for the *USB* driver for my elotouch touchscreen for recent linux kernels and x.org.  can anyone help me find them?  ive found binary drivers for old kernels, and source for the serial driver (which i cant find a use for).  help?09:48
MorpheraFAT16 ^09:48
LinuxProbieHey folks... How would I fix being unable to see any of the computers in my local network? The wierd thing is that I can access them my going "smb://computername" but they don't show up in the network window.09:48
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neverbluejohnyflench, am I wasting my time replying to your questions ?09:48
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bruenigMorphera, try writing to it with a better privileged user, root perhaps09:48
johnyflenchwhy neverblue?09:48
neverbluebecause I dont want to reply/explain the entire response you need09:48
MorpheraIt was working earlier bruenig, I must have accidently removed it before it was done unmounting...09:49
neverblueunless you want to hear it09:49
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johnyflenchI do09:49
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bruenigMorphera, there is no logical basis for thinking that your removing before umount would cause that09:49
LinuxProbieThe only computers I can see in the windows network window are the ubuntu computer, and the computer I have running Server 2003.09:49
ket-warriorI cant get skype working on 64 bit ubuntu (feisty)09:50
neverbluejohnyflench, if you used the entire partition (an example) for windows, then you manually formatted the drive for Ubuntu, you would lost the Windows data, as your changing the partition tables on the drive09:50
MorpheraSomeone in this channel earlier said it can do it.09:50
bruenigket-warrior, did you install a 64 bit version?09:50
LinuxProbieWhich means that I'm mossing four computers on the network list.09:50
ipxWINEDEBUG=fixme-all wine C:/Program\ Files/Steam/Steam.exe -fullscreen \09:50
ipx    -width 1024 -height 768 -applaunch 220 \09:50
=== tom__666 [n=tom@dsl-241-215-76.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
ipxWhere do i put these kind of code?09:50
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ket-warriorbruenig: is there a 64 bit version?09:50
neverblueipx, #wine-hq09:50
LinuxProbieipx: in a text file.09:50
neverblueops, i mean #winehq09:50
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bruenigket-warrior, I don't know if there is or isn't, skype is proprietary, what exactly did you install09:50
mugeni'm sorry09:51
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ipxLinuxProbie: ive been googling for it alot, can you pleace help me with it?09:51
MorpheraWhat I need to know is if there is a way to get Ubuntu to actually allow me to write to it and reformat it into the FAT32.09:51
neverbluejohnyflench, so how was your partitions setup before you installed Ubuntu ?09:51
ipxneverblue: thats not the question, its not related to wine09:51
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ThegeektechniqueHello my friends,,, has anyone gotten the restricted drivers/desktop effects working on a laptop with NV17 [GeForce4 420 Go] ? I solved the whole "black screen of death" easily enough, and then all the effects work, but the resolution is stuck at 800x600 and there is a black bar about a half an inch thick on the right side of the screen09:51
bruenigipx, if that is all that there is, that isn't going to do anything09:51
bruenigipx, probably err like crazy09:51
kazim59ipx: those lines are related to configuration of wine09:51
ket-warriorbruenig; sudo dpkg -r --force-architecture skype-debian_1.4.0.99-1_i386.deb09:51
=== FooBarBaz is now known as FooBar_
mugeni have amd athlon 64. if i install ubuntu for amd64 - it will change anything?09:51
rajHi can some one help. I have removed the bottom panel showing all the tasks. How can I restore it?09:52
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johnyflenchI don't know, NTFS?!09:52
bruenigket-warrior, well there is your problem, skype is probably compiled against 32 bit libs09:52
yaDaQuestion if I want to share things over the network from my PC at home to my linux server (which will be on LAN) .. how can I view the files on my computer so I can get them on my linux computer09:52
ipxkazim59: but the answer is not09:52
eldkraftI'm running a dualboot, SUSE [hda2]  and Ubuntu [hda3]  with a shared Home partition [hda4] . Now, I want to get rid of SUSE, is it just to format hda2 and edit /boot/grub/meny.lst so it doesn't show at the startup menu and voila?09:52
cupAlguien podria decirme como sincronizar pocket pc con ubuntu09:52
kazim59ipx: can you explain the problem?09:52
neverbluejohnyflench, did you have your entire drive with windows, on one partition ?09:52
facugaich!es > cup09:52
johnyflenchyes I did09:52
Thegeektechnique Hello my friends,,, has anyone gotten the restricted drivers/desktop effects working on a laptop with NV17 [GeForce4 420 Go] ? I solved the whole "black screen of death" easily enough, and then all the effects work, but the resolution is stuck at 800x600 and there is a black bar about a half an inch thick on the right side of the screen09:52
neverbluejohnyflench, then you have lost your windows install09:53
ltracylaserbeak43, you still here?09:53
pike_eldkraft: pretty much09:53
ket-warriorbruenig: I was told it would work here09:53
=== Zach [n=jaakko@jaakonomakone.yok.utu.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Morpherabruenig, do you have any suggestions on how to get ubuntu to actually allow me to write to the card?09:53
neverbluejohnyflench, as you formatted your drive when you installed Ubuntu09:53
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jaxt0rI just installed Feisty on a brand new machine and everything is working well except when I launch apps in Gnome they all take like 10 seconds to start... even Terminal and Text Editor.  My first instinct was to check /etc/hosts but everything looks okay there.  I was using Fedora last week and it was lightning... my machine has a Q6600 and 8GB of RAM, it shouldn't be slow loading terminal.  Any ideas?09:53
pike_eldkraft: suse isnt hda4 im assuming09:53
johnyflenchbut when I installed Ubuntu I took 14gigs of that partition and it showed it as a seperate partition in Ubuntu install09:53
neverbluejohnyflench, so you would have to reinstall windows, then reinstall Ubuntu to have a dual boot system, which is what looks like you want09:53
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bruenigket-warrior, well people in here don't always know what they are talking about or if they do aren't always right09:53
eldkraftpike_:no that is the shared home partition.09:53
johnyflenchthen I formated in xt3 (I think)09:54
bruenigket-warrior, myself included09:54
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t4m1n0how can I check what is using apt ??09:54
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stefgeldkraft: generally it's as simple as that. the only point is to look which partition grub uses for its config file. if grubs looks at SuSE's partition you'll gett an error 17 if you nuke that partititon09:54
neverbluejohnyflench, you cannot just 'pick' out a partition, you would have to use Partition Magic to not lose any data09:54
kazim59ipx: WINEDEBUG seems to be an enviroment variable... try to set it and proceed09:54
t4m1n0couse  Ican't install a package ... couse something is using apt09:54
neverbluejohnyflench, so you have lost all your windows data09:54
ipxkazim59: i got a bash startup-script from a howto (i can link it) and i want to use it, but dont know how. the only info i got was that text09:54
kazim59ipx: link09:55
dbrewer_rjri installed tomcat with the lamp server feisty. the localhost:8180 comes up. what else do i have to do to run a jsp in an apache webpage directory? test.jsp is not working. is ti listening on the wrong port?09:55
bruenigkazim59, it looks to me like the guy is trying to have the output of that command stored in winedebug perhaps so he can echo it later if need be, however the syntax is all messed up09:55
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MorpheraI've been abandoned aain?09:55
kevevhey all09:55
=== Redneck|Ubuntu [n=clay@74-137-58-235.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
Thegeektechnique Hello my friends,,, has anyone gotten the restricted drivers/desktop effects working on a laptop with NV17 [GeForce4 420 Go] ? I solved the whole "black screen of death" easily enough, and then all the effects work, but the resolution is stuck at 800x600 and there is a black bar about a half an inch thick on the right side of the screen09:55
Redneck|Ubuntuneed help09:55
ipxkazim59: http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO+Steam#preface09:55
johnyflenchneverblue so why does my hard drive in ubuntu shows 15gigs when my hard drive is 60 gigs09:55
kazim59bruenig: no, WINEDEBUG is an environment variable set (that wine looks at)09:55
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bruenig!repeat | Thegeektechnique09:55
ipxkazim59: do you understand now? :)09:55
eldkraftstefg: I've been in /boot/grub/menu.lst in both SUSE and Ubuntu partition and it seems like the Ubuntu menu.lst is the proper one. There is not much text at all in the SUSE menu.lst09:55
kevevanyone get alsa working with sb450 in the Gateway MT3705 Laptop???09:55
Redneck|Ubuntui am going on a plane trip tomorrow and need to disable some devices to conserve some battery power09:55
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Redneck|Ubuntuwhere would i go do that09:55
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neverbluejohnyflench, you partitioned space for Ubuntu09:55
Redneck|Ubuntuor do i need to do that kind of stuff in command line09:55
bruenigkazim59, oh so it is strictly optional though?09:56
ubotuThegeektechnique: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience09:56
neverbluejohnyflench, but in doing so, you lose all your data09:56
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yaDaQuestion if I want to share things over the network from my PC at home to my linux server (which will be on LAN) .. how can I view the files on my computer so I can get them on my linux computer09:56
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kazim59bruenig: yes09:56
stefgeldkraft: even if goes wrong it can be recovered from the ubuntu Live CD09:56
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dbrewer_rjri installed tomcat with the lamp server feisty. the localhost:8180 comes up. what else do i have to do to run a jsp in an apache webpage directory? test.jsp is not working. is it listening on the wrong port?09:56
johnyflencheven though I only partitioned 14gigs09:57
eldkraftstefg: ah ok, great. guess I'm go then, thank you!09:57
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kazim59ipx: you've to write a script to launch Half Life09:57
LordlLnuxi need the last drupal  theme for ubuntu forum09:57
kazim59ipx: oh, actually Steam (if you're trying steam)09:57
ipxkazim59: exactly :)09:57
kazim59ipx: should I tell you how?09:57
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pike_yaDa: well i personally use sshfs to mount remote directories.  or just use sftp or whatever09:58
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ipxkazim59: that'd be great ^^ Ive already saved it into a file and made it executable09:58
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kevevAnyone get alsa working with the ATI SB450???09:58
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kazim59ipx: execute the file (like ./myscriptfile )09:58
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axiodoes anyone know how to convert a filename in html entities back to UTF8?09:58
Redneck|Ubuntuwondering if there was a device manager that i could disable devices and different objects on my laptop to conserve power for a plane trip that I have. any suggestions?09:59
axiolike  VOL28_&#32918;&#37030;.rar09:59
ipxkazim59: it works09:59
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ipxkazim59: is there any way to add it to your bash, i mean like assign a command (like "steam") to launch that script?09:59
ipxu understand me?09:59
randy026_does anyone know where I can get the w32codecs for gusty?09:59
ipxi want to be able to type steam anywhere09:59
LinuxProbieaxio: right click on it, and rename it to whatever you want.09:59
kazim59ipx: yes.. its easy09:59
dbrewer_rjri installed tomcat with the lamp server feisty. the localhost:8180 comes up. what else do i have to do to run a jsp in an apache webpage directory? test.jsp is not working. is it listening on the wrong port?10:00
Bayocomon to http://blow.cdb.org10:00
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cellofellowI just put in a Netgear MA311 PCI card. It's got the Prism 2.5rev1 chipset. My system doesn't recognize it as wireless. What do I do?10:00
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axioLinuxProbie: I am doing it for thousands of files, that's inefficient10:00
Morpherais there a way to "unlock" this memory card so Ubuntu can write to it... or reformat it?10:00
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MorpheraIt's showing in ubuntu as "Read Only"... but it can be written to by other systems.10:00
neverbluejohnyflench, no, because you partitioned the space10:00
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stefgrandy026_: medibuntu has gutsy repos already. but please ask in #ubuntu+110:00
neverbluejohnyflench, you should do a bit of research into partitioning10:00
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kazim59ipx: sudo cp myscriptfile /usr/bin/10:00
randy026_k thx10:00
LinuxProbieaxio: *blink* Eep.... I don't know if there's an eazy way to do that...10:00
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ipxkazim59: its that easy?10:01
kazim59ipx: now whenever you give the command myscriptfile, it will run steam10:01
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cigaI would like to exclude some directories from searching when I use the find command. How should I do it?10:01
=== tom__666 [n=tom@dsl-241-215-76.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
axioconvmv isn't helping...10:01
cellofellowipx: you have to do sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/myscriptfile too10:01
facugaichaxio, LinuxProbie: there's a PHP function that does that10:01
pike_Redneck|Ubuntu: i dont know of a gui. i was thinking of making a little ruby gtk thing that would dim brightness on monitor and toggle wirelss transmit power etc.10:01
ConstyXIVwill "cat /dev/urandom > /dev/sda1" make it impossible to recover data off /dev/sda1?10:01
cellofellowipx: it's also better to put it in /usr/local/bin10:01
axiofacugaich: don't have php installed10:01
reD_Fox1tom__666: was there anything specific you wanted me to look for?10:01
ipxkazim59: thanks alot!10:02
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reD_Fox1tom__666: (in the Xorg.0.log file)10:02
kazim59ipx: enjoy gaming...10:02
ipxcellofellow: already done the first thing. :) Ok, why? Its only for my user?10:02
ipxkazim59: :)10:02
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dbrewer_rjri installed tomcat with the lamp server feisty. the localhost:8180 comes up. what else do i have to do to run a jsp in an apache webpage directory? test.jsp is not working. is it listening on the wrong port?10:02
cellofellowipx: no, it's just /usr/local is for manually installed stuff, while /usr is for the package manager, gererally.10:02
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Meroigo_I have a 80 GB harddrive now, when I get a new one, that have more space, can I easily copy everything from the 80 GB to the new one, turn off the computer, take out the 80 one, make the new one master and then turn the computer on and my OS will start as usual, but I have plenty of more space? :P10:03
kazim59cellofellow: ya i forgot /usr/local/bin... hehe10:03
Morpherameh... I guess no-one in here is willing to give me any help... all I end up doing is going round in circles with people trying to figure out what the problem that I've already described is... -.-10:03
johnyflenchneverblue so you are saying that I lost everything I had on Win XP forever?10:03
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sparrwi have a problem with -dev packages...  /usr/include/unistd.h and /usr/include/xorg/xf86_ansic.h disagree wbout the definition of xf86usleep (and there are other conflicts)...  help10:04
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kolmilludoque tal10:04
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ipxcellofellow: ok thanks :)10:05
kolmilludohey I need help to install ati drivers10:05
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kazim59johnyflench: messed up with partition table? try TestDisk to guess it again (http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk)10:05
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yellow_chickenhow to display multiple desktop background on different workspace in gnome?10:05
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jribyellow_chicken: google for "wallpapoz"10:06
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johnyflenchthanks kazim59 I'm looking into it10:06
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dbrewer_rjranyone here ever configure tomcat?10:06
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jrib!anyone | dbrewer_rjr10:06
jrib!ati > kolmilludo (see the private message from ubotu)10:06
ubotudbrewer_rjr: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:06
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kazim59johnyflench: download the app, run as root, it will try to find your lost partitions... it will guess a partition table... commit it10:06
dbrewer_rjri installed tomcat with the lamp server feisty. the localhost:8180 comes up. what else do i have to do to run a jsp in an apache webpage directory? test.jsp is not working. is it listening on the wrong port?10:06
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yellow_chickenjrib: ok thanks.  i also check synaptic, it's not in there =(10:07
jribyellow_chicken: nope, not in synaptic, but it is just a python script10:07
cellofellowI just put in a Netgear MA311 PCI card. It's got the Prism 2.5rev1 chipset. My system doesn't recognize it as wireless. What do I do?10:07
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kolmilludoim kind of new using linux ubuntu doesn't have my ati drivers I have a compaq laptop of the v2000 series10:08
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kolmilludowhat can I do to getr 3d desktop10:08
futileI i ask a question and did not get a response how long should i WAIT TO ASK IT AGAIN??10:08
bkeatingwhen i execute "mount" none of my NFS mounts show, but they *are* connected. why is this?10:08
reD_Fox1anyone have any idea why ubuntu would boot correctly after hanging during one boot, and visa versa?10:08
kazim59futile: ask now10:08
futilesorry about the caps...10:08
jribfutile: 15-20 minutes imo10:09
futileI ran memtest 86 and it said I have errors... 0007 0000 and so on is this motherboard or ram itself(stick)10:09
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bkeatingreD_Fox1: a service is probably waiting to either active (ie get network connection) or time out10:09
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Bucketfaceuh, how do I get zsnes or snes9x to work oon Ubuntu Feisty10:09
t4m1n0how can I extrac file with extension: .tar.bz210:09
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jribt4m1n0: right click -> extract10:09
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cigat4m1n0: tar -xjf10:09
kazim59futile: are you having problems? (other than memtest says)10:09
yellow_chickenjrib: i hope i don't screw up my desktop.  i had a problem installing beryl, every time i try to compile or upgarde something that's not listed on synaptic, bad things happen10:09
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VletIs there a way to disable ipv6 networking without rebooting?10:10
futileI put live disk in and that is all that will run10:10
jribyellow_chicken: nah, this won't mess anything up, it just watches for your desktop to change and then changes the wallpaper10:10
reD_Fox1bkeating: so, I shut down ubuntu, then turn the computer back on. the boot process hangs right before loading gnome. I reboot the computer manually, and it then boots fine.10:10
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stefgfutile: maybe #hardware can help. Try rearranging the ram sticks in the box, if it#s still the same error number it's probably the board10:10
kazim59futile: most probably RAM... take your RAM out and test on somebody else's computer10:10
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yellow_chickenjrib: as you said, it's a python script.  so i pray for the minimum damage10:11
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futileok thanks I will go there....10:11
reD_Fox1bkeating: where does the service thing you mentioned come into play?10:11
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RohamI have problems with my wlan, worked before, made e reinstall of OS, and now it says that it is disabled?! what should I do?10:11
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pike_Roham: what card?10:12
batrixanyone here get tvtime fully working with their tuner card?10:12
Rohampike_: it is a Prism 2.5 wavelan chipset10:12
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Rohampike_: from device manager10:13
stifleranyone that have a nintendo wii?10:13
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Rohampike_: when i type the **hw command, next to the NIC it says disabled10:13
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Rohampike_: it is a laptop, HP pavilion... it has a on/off wlan button, but I never used it before... and it worked for 2 days ago before the reinstall of the OS10:14
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Rohamthe button should be software based10:15
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ConstyXIVif you "cat /dev/urandom > /dev/sda1", is it possible for anyone to get that data back?10:15
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kazim59Roham: maybe you need packages...10:15
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fyrestrtrits a button ... its hardware. Switch it on, or disable it from the bios (if its an option)10:15
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BucketfaceHow do I install zsnes and make it work?10:15
kazim59ConstyXIV: nice!10:16
vashey can you fix menus on the panels to be activated through certain hotkeys10:16
ConstyXIVkazim59: ?10:16
kazim59ConstyXIV: for how long did the command run?10:16
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Rohamfyrestrtr: can not switch it off in bios10:17
fyrestrtrthen switch it on?10:17
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nandemonaiBucketface, http://www.google.com/search?q=zsnes+ubuntu&inputsubmit1=Search10:17
Rohamkazim59: wait gonna try to press it now and type in the command again10:17
ConstyXIVkazim59: no, i didn't run it by accident.  i was wondering if i could intentionally wipe a drive (to be unrecoverable) like that10:17
ket-warriorchroot /feisty3210:17
ket-warriorchroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory10:17
Rohamfyrestrtr: wait gonna try it... didnt work before10:17
ket-warrioranyone help me with this?10:17
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kazim59i just got disconnected10:18
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CharlieSuHow do I resize split windows in screen??  i used to press ^a then - in Gentoo.  now that I have Ubuntu it doesn't work10:18
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ket-warriorCan anyone tell me why I'm getting this error? $chroot /feisty32, chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory10:18
ackeis there a way to have usb drives not going inactive after a while. (it makes them un-mount)?10:18
myusrnmi'm having a problem with a usb drive. i was using it, and now it's got a folder which seems to contain itself which i can't delete.10:19
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kronosis there a way to install 2 mta servers on the same machine, but running on different ports?10:20
kazim59myusrnm: what does rm -rf folder say?10:20
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myusrnmThe folder takes up over 5000 Gb of space on the usb drive which is 2 GB10:20
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myusrnmhow do i do that kazim?10:20
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kazim59myusrnm: open up a terminal... cd to your usbdrive.. and give rm -rf foldername10:21
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kronosis there a way to install 2 mta servers on the same machine, but running on different ports?10:21
reD_Fox1anyone have any idea why ubuntu would boot correctly after hanging during one boot, and visa versa?10:21
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kazim59reD_Fox1: do you hibernate it?10:22
fantasaiHi, is it possible to install Norwegian keyboard layout for SCIM?10:22
reD_Fox1kazim59: no10:22
Rohamnothing happens it still says network:0 DISABLED when I push the button10:22
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PGhey how is this tool (rocket dock) called10:22
kazim59reD_Fox1: when it hangs, what does it say before hanging itself?10:22
c01100011where are installed gnome icon themes stored ? i installed a new theme and it is not in /usr/share/icons10:22
PGin ubuntu10:22
reD_Fox1kazim59: in fact, I think it will boot after hibernating10:22
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jribc01100011: as your user, they go to ~/.icons/10:23
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reD_Fox1kazim59: it hangs on a blank ("dead") screen10:23
axiois iconv able to convert html entity to utf8?10:23
reD_Fox1kazim59: it appears to be just as gnome is loading10:23
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c01100011jrib, ahh, thanks. are user installed icon themes accessible to other users ? or should i throw it in /usr/share/icons ?10:24
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kazim59reD_Fox1: can you get a login prompt by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1 when it hangs?10:24
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reD_Fox1kazim59: no, and ctrl-alt-del will not reboot, either10:24
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ket-warrioranyone set up 32bit chroot on 64 bit feisty? getting error chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory10:24
jribc01100011: best to put it in /usr/share/icons if you want it to be available to all users, /usr/local/share/icons might work too10:24
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myusrnmrm: cannot remove `School/Delete/Summer/Music/an.prade.ep@': Read-only file system10:24
myusrnmrm: cannot lstat `School/Delete/Summer/Music/\r\n\t\t<pas.swo': Input/output error10:24
Rohamkazim59: nothing happens it still says network:0 DISABLED when I push the button10:25
reD_Fox1kazim59: when I reboot the computer manually to recover from the hang, it boots fine10:25
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PGdid some one knows this rocket dock kindly tool for ubuntu in windows it called (rocket dock)10:25
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kazim59reD_Fox1: can you copy /var/log/messages to a pastie?10:25
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kronosis there a way to install 2 mta servers on the same machine, but running on different ports?10:26
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kazim59reD_Fox1: seems that it hangs after a proper shutdown... right?10:26
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sk1t3llescan anyone tell me why in my kdm settings I have ServerArgsLocal=-nolisten tcp set, but for some reason X still listens on the tcp port, why is this?10:26
Thesedaysif i have a 64bit AMD, can i use the i386 version of ubuntu?10:27
reD_Fox1kazim59: correct10:27
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Bucketfacenandemonai: I did try google you know, otherwise I would not have asked here. the proble was, once I had installed ZSNES I couldn't play games :D10:27
myusrnmkazim59: rm: cannot remove `School/Delete/Summer/Music/an.prade.ep@': Read-only file system10:27
myusrnmrm: cannot lstat `School/Delete/Summer/Music/\r\n\t\t<pas.swo': Input/output error10:27
jribThesedays: yes10:27
nandemonaiBucketface, Then I'd suggest looking for a setup guide. Probably a plugin problem.10:28
Thesedaysso i dont need the AMD 64 dvd10:28
jribThesedays: correct10:28
BucketfaceI did look for a set up guide.10:28
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BucketfaceI have installed and uninstalled twice now.10:28
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myusrnmhas anyone had troubles with a sony microvault before?10:28
kazim59myusrnm: sudo rm -rf foldername10:28
nandemonaiBucketface, Well I havn't used it in years so can't help you I'm afraid.10:29
Rohamkazim59: iwconfig says: lo,eth0 and wlan0 are : no wireless extensions. weird because wlan0 has wireless extensions10:29
BucketfaceOkay, well, someone that can help me then...10:29
kazim59myusrnm: is the filesystem ntfs?10:29
BucketfaceHow to install zsnes and actually make it so it works!10:29
jribmyusrnm: has worked fine here.  Have you tried formatting it?10:29
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myusrnmkazim59: how do i check?10:30
TataraKutereneed some help guys...10:30
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ward_with what software can i make an image from a DVD in ubuntu please?10:30
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eldkraftsilly me thought that it was going to be as simple as format hda2 :)) umount hda2 , mkfs.ext3 /dev/hda2, creating mount points and editing fstab. phew10:30
TataraKuterei resized my hdd for have copies of my important files on ubuntu10:30
sk1t3llescan anyone tell me why in my kdm settings I have ServerArgsLocal=-nolisten tcp set, but for some reason X still listens on the tcp port, why is this?10:30
kazim59reD_Fox1: can you give me contents of /etc/fstab?10:31
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TataraKuterebut i have no root password to get the permissions for reading and writing10:31
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kazim59myusrnm: give the mount command... in the output there should be a line about your usb drive too...10:31
reD_Fox1kazim59: yeah, I think (running a mandriva live cd right now)10:31
Thesedaysok. next and last question, can i burn the i386 ISO to DVD?10:31
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PGschade keine hilfe in sicht10:32
kazim59reD_Fox1: try to run fsck.ext3 on your linux partition (make sure its not mounted!)10:32
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pike_reD_Fox1: make really sure ;p10:33
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Myrthhi, anyone knows how in mc disable 8-bit borders?10:33
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Myrthin Display bits doesn't help10:33
myusrnmkazim59: /dev/sdb1 on /media/RANJAN type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,quiet,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077,iocharset=utf810:33
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reD_Fox1kazim59: ok, but I don't see what that would have to do with only being able to boot every other time :)10:34
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RohamI cant get my wireless to work, I think it is because the "kill switch" but I cant use it, and iwconfig says that wlan0 have no wireless extensions... what should I do?10:34
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mon^rchis there a way I can give my user root privs so I dont have to use sudo?10:35
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ryanal__anyone here?10:36
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arghh2D2Hello, can anyone tell me how to enable the multiverse repositories in Feisty?10:36
ryanal__anyone here good with wine?10:36
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lastenthi, how do I upgrade to a beta release, something like  gksudo "update-manager"10:37
PriceChild!gutsy | lastent10:37
ubotulastent: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+110:37
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arghh2D2Multiverse Repositories in Feisty Fawn, anyone?10:37
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kazim59myusrnm: run the rm -rf command again, this time prefix sudo to it10:38
gikidhow do i wipe the bootloader?10:38
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arghh2D2Hello, can anyone tell me how to enable the multiverse repositories in Feisty Fawn?10:38
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erUSUL!multiverse | arghh2D210:38
ubotuarghh2D2: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource10:38
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myusrnmkazim59: it returns the same result10:38
duvnellI've placed a .desktop file in $HOME/.share/local/application/  and am expecting an icon to show up on the start menu now10:39
duvnellif I restart gnome it does.. but is there some command I can run to have it rebuild the menus while gnome/gnome-panel is still running?10:39
kazim59myusrnm: maybe filesystem is corrupted... do you've useful data on the usb that you want to protect?10:39
duvnellI'm placing that file there from an installation script and would obviously prefer not to have to tell the user to restart gnome for the menu item to show up10:39
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ket-warrioruhm, how do I know my chroot is properly installed?10:39
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ryanal__I'm having a problem with WINE, anyone know enough about it to assist me?10:40
ket-warriorand that Im actually in the chroot?10:40
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reD_Fox1kazim59: ok, I have the fstab file, do you still need it? it only has the mount info for the cdrom (/dev/hdc) and root (/)10:40
albertcan anybody help me with installing kernel headers?10:40
PriceChildryanal__, maybe if you asked your problem (and #winehq could help more probably)10:40
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joey382what's the command to change your volume?10:40
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kazim59reD_Fox1: are you sure its your linux's fstab? and not live cd's fstab?10:40
PriceChildalbert, they're named linux-headers-$(uname -r)-generic10:40
reD_Fox1kazim59: no :)10:40
InDaClubhj !!10:41
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InDaClubcan i make a question to anyone about ACPI on AMD64 X2?10:41
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ryanal__Ok, my problem with Wine is when I get a certain application running...the text entry box just does a RETUrn instead of send the text in the box to the server. Is this something that can be fixed?10:41
kazim59reD_Fox1: make it sure then10:41
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ryanal__by return i mean goes to next line10:42
gikidhow do i wipe the bootloader?10:42
kazim59ryanal__: #wine-hq10:42
xorkalbert: helps if you paste any errors you're getting10:42
myusrnmkazim59: no, i can delete everything on there10:42
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ryanal__thank you!10:42
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kazim59myusrnm: then just format it .. should I tell you how?10:42
albertim not getting any errors, i just am trying to install ndiswrapper and need to make sure that i have them10:42
myusrnmkazim59: yeah10:43
arghh2D2Hello, can anyone tell me how to enable the multiverse repositories in Feisty Fawn?  my Synaptic program doesnt list it with a handy little check box like 6.06's did.  whats up with that?10:43
PureEvilGeekwhats the difficulty level of joining a ubuntu desktop to an AD domain? and are there any features that will be missing?10:43
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xorkalbert: run sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)10:43
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xorkalbert: then sudo apt-get install dh-make fakeroot gcc-3.4 build-essential10:43
kazim59myusrnm: first unmount the device... sudo umount /media/RANJAN10:43
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Bucketfacehow do I make zsnes work in ubuntu10:44
WerkI just set a static IP on my server and prior to making the IP static I was able to access samba and ssh from my local network using the hostname of the linux server, now it only responds to the IP address.  How can I make it accessible by hostname again?10:44
cyril__hello all10:44
xorkalbert: i took that from here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper10:44
neverblueBucketface, run or install ?10:44
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BucketfaceI have installed it twice10:44
BucketfaceIt just doesn't play the games and sometimes closes itself down10:45
myusrnmkazim59: okay10:45
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neverblueBucketface, did you look at the README for it ?10:45
cyril__do you think that is possible to crash soundcard with ubuntu? i mean hardware part?10:45
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BucketfaceUh, I have used zsnes before you know on Windows...10:45
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kazim59myusrnm: next.. give this command... mkdosfs -c -F 32 /dev/sdb110:45
ket-warrioris there an alternative skype client?10:45
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arghh2D2Hello, can anyone tell me how to enable the multiverse repositories in Feisty Fawn?  my Synaptic program doesnt list it with a handy little check box like 6.06's did.  whats up with that?10:46
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kazim59myusrnm: actually as root... sudo mkdosfs -c -F 32 /dev/sdb110:46
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medflyare the ubuntu drivers for VIA cards the openchrome ones or old X ones?10:46
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RohamI get permisson denied when I try to read files from /sys/bus/drivers/../../ how can I fix that?10:46
myusrnmkazim59: /dev/sdb1: No such file or directory10:47
Jack_SparrowRoham: Have you used root access much...10:47
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juesthello,  i am using someone's internet, wireless, for free.  is this 'safe' me to use their connection?10:47
kazim59myusrnm: did you take out the drive?10:47
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arghh2D2Hello, can anyone tell me how to enable the multiverse repositories in Feisty Fawn?  my Synaptic program doesnt list it with a handy little check box like 6.06's did.  whats up with that?10:48
Jack_Sparrowjuest: Yes, safe, but not legal10:48
myusrnmkazim59: no i just used the unmount command, it's still there?10:48
juestJack_Sparrow, but they don't have a password to block people... that's still illegal>10:48
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kazim59myusrnm: does the mount command still shows a line about your drive?10:48
arghh2D2Hello, can anyone tell me how to enable the multiverse repositories in Feisty Fawn?  my Synaptic program doesnt list it with a handy little check box like 6.06's did.  anyone??10:49
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Jack_Sparrowjuest: Yes... you are not the account holder and you do not have permission.10:49
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vrkhansI have a reltek 8185 chipset pci wireless card but it is not detected10:49
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myusrnmkazim59: no10:49
RohamJack_Sparrow: dont know... maybe... used root to open gedit and to open a config file but get the message: could not open the file .../0000:00:09.0/...10:49
arghh2D2Does anyone here know ANYTHING about feisty?10:49
vrkhansany one know how i can fix this problem10:49
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Jack_SparrowRoham: Did you use sduo or gksudo or?10:49
RohamJack_Sparrow: I used gksudo10:49
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juesthow can i use someone's internet, if they have a password lock on it, using the terminal?10:50
yeniklasorrHow can I scan tv channels for Turkish tv's with kdetv ?10:50
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Jack_SparrowRoham: Safe enough...10:50
ashes_wat does gksudo do???10:50
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RohamJack_Sparrow: but why cant I open the file?10:50
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Cr0w-is there any program like DVD Shrink??10:50
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ashes_@crow.... xdvdshrink10:50
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Jack_SparrowRoham: Something has messed up permissions.. usually running as root user or running scripts like automatix or envy.. both bad ideas..10:51
myusrnmkazim59: okay, i did it again and it returns the message mkdosfs 2.11 (12 Mar 2005)  and seems to be working10:51
Jack_SparrowCr0w-: K9Copy10:51
GeoPeoI am using Intel Celeron, with 256 RAM, and installaing through Ubuntu CD (downloaded ISO from ubuntu website) and seeing blank screen, though I have wait more than 10 _minutes_ but nothing happened10:51
kazim59myusrnm: yes... take your drive out now... and reinsert it...10:51
cyril__frarghh2D2 you can do that through synaptic options10:51
kazim59myusrnm: now it should be formatted10:51
ShadowAKFhey guys, how do i change ubuntu to use opendns servers?10:51
Cr0w-thanks Jack_Sparrow, ashes_  :)10:51
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netcrash__Hello, When I start fluxbox in ubuntu the text size get's bigger and looks like some fonts aren't present what can be the cause of this ?10:51
medflyare the ubuntu drivers for VIA graphic cards openchrome drivers?10:51
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DARKGuymedfly: most of the time, yes10:52
myusrnmkazim59: when i took it out it said 597520 bad blocks10:52
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Symons|offic1Anyone know the location of the default bt application?10:52
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ShadowAKFanyone? id like to change the dns servers to opendns10:52
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myusrnmand it seems to be the same10:52
DARKGuymedfly: if your chip is KM800 or something it's usually an S3 UniChrome Pro10:52
ProN00bis there any application to export windows from my ubuntu box to my windows box over the network ?10:52
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medflyDARKGuy, what do you mean most of the time? im wondering if the drivers ubuntu uses are the openchrome ones10:52
DARKGuyI don't think so10:52
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DARKGuyyou have to get openchrome manually10:53
kazim59myusrnm: is the drive now working?10:53
medflyDARKGuy, great. do you know if i can get rid of the current ones and use openchrome?10:53
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RohamJack_Sparrow: it is a freash install of ubuntu10:53
arghh2D2cyril__fr: i see nothing on a synaptic menu called 'options' and my list of repositories is only for the install cdrom.10:53
medflyDARKGuy, mainly, how do i get rid of the current ones?10:53
Jack_SparrowProN00b: windows copy protection would kick in and it would not work10:53
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myusrnmkazim59: it works the same as it did before, i'm having the same troubless10:53
RohamJack_Sparrow: it is imoportet that I open the file hehe10:53
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GeoPeoIs there any issue related to graphics during installation from ISO image based CD?10:53
DARKGuymedfly: don't know how to get rid of it, but I know you can install openchrome this way -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenChrome10:53
Jack_SparrowRoham: Sudo wont let you in either?10:53
kazim59myusrnm: get a new one from Nehru Place10:54
GeoPeoI see a blank screen when I select Install Ubunti 7.x10:54
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regis_hello, what tools are avaliable for gabbing images or videos from an uvc camera(it already works under ekiga)10:54
cheeseboycan someone help me with iptables10:54
arghh2D2freagin frustrationing10:54
DARKGuymedfly: however, don't expect to run beryl or compiz, it'll simply won't wor10:54
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arghh2D2Hello, can anyone tell me how to enable the multiverse repositories in Feisty Fawn?  my Synaptic program doesnt list it with a handy little check box like 6.06's did.  only for cdrom.  anyone??10:54
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RohamJack_Sparrow: how can I open it then?10:55
Jack_Sparrowarghh2D2: remove the # in fromt of the requested repo in your sources.list10:55
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cheeseboyarghh2D2 manually edit your source list10:55
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medflyDARKGuy, hey, im trying to get anything with 3d to not crash my computer.10:55
kazim59I want to make changes to /usr/src/linux-header ... kernel.. and recompile it... is it safe?10:55
Jack_SparrowRoham: Something is seriously wrong if you cant open/read a file with sudo/root user status10:55
DARKGuymedfly: does it crash when you run 3d stuff?10:55
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DARKGuymedfly: say, screensavers or something?10:56
arghh2D2Jack_Sparrow: cheeseboy, where do i find my sources list?10:56
GeoPeogood installation guide for 7.x using downloaded ISo image?10:56
Jack_SparrowRoham: You can run live and read it..but that isnt the issue really..10:56
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ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild10:56
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Prowler_1any SoundBlaster Live Driver for linux ?10:56
cyril__frarghh2D2 i have french translation but you can easily find?10:56
kazim59ubotu: thank you very much10:56
Jack_Sparrowarghh2D2: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources/list10:57
myusrnmkazim59: i live in the us10:57
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Jack_Sparrowarghh2D2: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list10:57
reallyjoelI have mpeglib installed, but no audioplayer can play my mp3's10:57
arghh2D2thanks Jack_Sparrow10:57
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kazim59myusrnm: ok... but your disk has got just too many bad sectors... :(10:57
medflyDARKGuy, yeah, it crashes when i run 3d stuff. i dont use screensavers, but games. sometimes even when just playing the intro of the games10:57
ionstormi need some advice for my site http://ubuntu-unleashed.blogspot.com what should I do with the formatting?10:57
bruenig!ot | ionstorm10:57
ubotuionstorm: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:57
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ionstormwhere is the offtopic chan?10:57
DARKGuymedfly: looks like a common ubuntu issue... mine has the same problems10:58
DARKGuymedfly: both laptop and desktop pc @ work10:58
NikkolaiAnyone running AMD64 Feisty having some mouse/keyboard issue? All my speakers, keyboard,mice run on usb and when I encode or play 3D games, the fan turns on and my mouse freezes. If I exit the game, both mouse and keyboard freezes. Any ideas?10:58
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medflyDARKGuy, oh? what card/10:58
regis_i can't findout myself the programs to use with an uvc camera because http://openfacts.berlios.de/index-en.phtml?title=Linux+UVC is down10:58
cyril__fryou can add or remove universe repositories10:58
bruenigionstorm, there are native applications that do that by the way, devede for instance10:58
DARKGuymedfly: doesn't happen on Windows so it's an ubuntu issue definitely10:58
cyril__fror with commands lines10:58
DARKGuymedfly: VIA S3 UniChrome Pro IGP10:58
myusrnmkazim59: why'd you think i lived near dehli anyways?10:58
ionstormbruenig, ok i'll add that10:58
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cyril__frby editing  /etc/apt/sources.list10:59
kazim59myusrnm: well your name10:59
medflyDARKGuy, well, what chipset?10:59
juesthello,   when i use the free wireless internet at my school,     can they check where i've gone, what i transfered, etc?10:59
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DARKGuymedfly: K8M80010:59
RohamJack_Sparrow: weird fresh OS... it is a driver I try to open... because my wlan is not working and I think its because of the kill switch... and I found a 'state' file which has the value 010:59
Nikkolailol must be illegal...10:59
medflyjuest, if they want10:59
medflyDARKGuy, same thing here man. good to know it works fine on windows10:59
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Jack_SparrowRoham: good luck with that... I need to eat.....11:00
DARKGuymedfly: and hell it does, UT2004, CS 1.6 and WoW say it works ;)11:00
medflyDARKGuy, actually that card is notorious for not working well with 3d acceleration on non-windows operation systems.11:00
reallyjoelDo one need anything else then mpeglib to be able to play mp3's in a media player?11:00
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medflyDARKGuy, woaah. thats great to know11:00
medflyDARKGuy, :-)11:00
DARKGuymedfly: yeah, I bet it's the driver, but dunno what's the problem, and no one seems to be wanting to fix it, nor I know how to help XD11:00
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DARKGuymedfly: :)11:00
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sk1t3lles when I have ServerArgsLocal=-nolisten tcp enabled for kdm X11 still continues to listen on the tcp port 6001 why is this? anyone have an idea to what is going on?11:00
regis_anyone for my very simple uvc problem?11:01
medflyDARKGuy, i was thinking of somehow helping the guys that are working on a driver for linux at #openchrome and they need me to use their driver to be ab le to check it11:01
Symons|offic1Anyone know where the bit torrent program is located?11:01
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miketalancaI have quite a large problem. I was moving some things between two hard drives and Konqueror stopped responding. So, I went for the GUI restart, but after the screen went black, nothing happened. So I restarted the machine, and now i get no login.11:01
miketalanca <miketalanca> The "nvidia" screen comes up to show tha the drivers are working, but nothing more.11:01
DARKGuymedfly: try to get the driver using the link I gave you then11:01
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miketalancaI'm using Kubuntu obviously11:01
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medflyDARKGuy, i am :-) kinda odd theyre asking me to use a package that doesnt exist..11:01
kekkis there a way to disable my mouse (cut off power to it) after a certain period of time and then enable it by pressing a key on the keyboard?11:01
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DARKGuymedfly: o.O..... lol11:01
DARKGuymedfly: how so?11:01
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medflyDARKGuy, on that website. theres two pathways, one is to get a package from the package system, and it just doesnt exist11:02
DARKGuymedfly: nah, try to get it from SVN11:02
DARKGuythe package won't work11:02
medflyDARKGuy, i am :-)11:02
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DARKGuymedfly: and follow the instructions for K8M800 chipset :P11:03
sk1t3lles when I have ServerArgsLocal=-nolisten tcp enabled for kdm X11 still continues to listen on the tcp port 6001 why is this? anyone have an idea to what is going on?11:03
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SeveredCrossIs it listening at localhost:6001?11:03
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ionstormI think ubuntu should ship free cd's to every household like aol did11:03
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GeoPeoanyone faced issues with display getting freezed during start of installation?11:03
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SeveredCrossActually...Even at localhost:6001 -nolisten tcp should override that.11:03
DARKGuyionstorm: great idea XD11:03
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MotivationNowIm trying to install this tarball. and when i run the ./configure command i get this "configure: error: gretools needs GTK 1.2.3 or higher" anyone know what package needs to be installed to fix this?11:04
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Husioany idea what's going on with gtk2-aqg patch?11:04
qazibasithi guys11:04
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fyrestrtrMotivationNow: probably gtk-dev11:04
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sk1t3lles when I have ServerArgsLocal=-nolisten tcp enabled for kdm X11 still continues to listen on the tcp port 6001 why is this? anyone have an idea to what is going on?11:04
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qazibasitwant to know how can i expand my drive with linux installed11:05
miketalancaI have quite a large problem. I was moving some things between two hard drives and Konqueror (I am using Kubuntu) stopped responding...so I restarted X.11:05
Prowler_1any SoundBlaster Live Driver for linux ?11:05
miketalancaNothing happened; a black screen, so I restarted the system.11:05
qazibasitlike i want to move my home folder to a different partition11:05
miketalancaNow I get no login.11:05
AhmedShaikhMI am using Intel Celeron, with 256 RAM, and installaing through Ubuntu CD (downloaded ISO from ubuntu website) and seeing blank screen, though I have wait more than 10 _minutes_ but nothing happened11:05
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fyrestrtrqazibasit: you need to do it from the livecd.11:05
qazibasitwhat do you mean11:05
fyrestrtrAhmedShaikhM: what was the last thing you saw?11:05
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goofykinkyhi, i have a question i've tried to set up my desktop resolution to 1440 x 1990 (wide screen) my monitor in 17'' ,but i cant any ideas? my desktop has an intel integrated 845G intel chip video and i'm using Feisty11:06
qazibasiti need the linux cd11:06
qazibasitor is it something different11:06
fyrestrtrqazibasit: you can't resize the disk which is mounted.11:06
qazibasitthen u are saying that i have to reinstall all this11:06
qazibasitfyrestrtr: i just want to move my home folder11:07
qazibasitto a differnet partition11:07
AhmedShaikhMfyrestrtr: just a screeen saying loading linux kernel, after that it throws some error "Failed Region" and then saying "loading.." after that nothing11:07
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fyrestrtrAhmedShaikhM: sounds like a bad burn.11:07
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dho_ragusgoofykinky: you know, my best results with getting non-standard resolutions working came about by just deleting all of the montior resolutions from the xorg.conf11:07
qazibasitAhmedShaikhM: i think its ur graphic card problem11:07
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qazibasiti think its not compitable with the linux driver11:07
dho_ragusgoofykinky: you might want to back up xorg.conf first.  basically i just found the lines that had stuff like "800x600" and deleted all options11:07
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beeweeHi! I tried shrinking and moving a fat32 partition using gparted and it failed: http://beewee.be.funpic.de/initrd.img.html11:08
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beeweeshould I try to mount it?11:08
Marfihey hey! does anyone know of an iCal equivelant for ubuntu?11:08
beewee or what can I do now?11:08
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goofykinkydho_ragus: ok let me see my xorg.conf  , thankx11:08
Marfior a way to get iCal onto a ubuntu install?11:08
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AhmedShaikhMqazibut, fyrestrtr: its saying "Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0 and then end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 011:09
AhmedShaikhMwhats does it really mean?11:09
amundsencan anybody help me to solve the ttf-opensymbol upgrade problem ?11:09
_blix_Im back folks11:09
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Marfiwb _blix_11:09
_blix_anyone remember me from yesterday?11:09
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_blix_thanks Marfi11:09
arghh2D2Look!  all I'm trying to do is get java runtime environment plugin on my feisty fawn system, is this possible?  if so, please, someone please direct me to the right howto or other sort of documentation.11:09
Marfinope. =) lol11:09
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fyrestrtrqazibasit: create the partition, mount it as /homenew, copy your files there (make sure you use -p), then change your /etc/fstab, create an entry for /home pointing it to the new partition, then reboot.11:09
qazibasitAhmedShaikhM:  its ur graphic card compatibility problem11:09
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_blix_well I've got an urgent problem11:09
The_Machinei'm booted into the ubuntu live CD righ tnow11:09
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_blix_how do I mount my floppy11:10
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The_Machinei really could use some help with doing some partition changes11:10
Marfiarghh2D2, are you trying to code with java and ubuntu?11:10
The_Machineif some one has a second11:10
=== ctAloi [n=ctaloi@rrcs-208-125-53-252.nys.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Marfidoes anyone know of a way to get iCal onto a ubuntu install?11:10
The_Machinei have my regular ext3 parition, and another 200 GB free space on the hdd11:10
qazibasitfyrestrtr: how to mount or point it to a different partition11:10
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dho_ragusgoofykinky: if you edit the file in vim you can make the changes i'm talking about with :g /"800x600"/ s/".*//g11:10
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_blix_mount floppy?11:10
arghh2D2Marfi: no, i'm just trying to get java to run on my web browser11:10
dho_ragusgoofykinky: or maybe simply :g /800x600/ d11:10
qazibasitfyrestrtr: i mean how to edit the fstab11:10
The_Machinei would like to expand the ext3 partition to use all of the disk space, but without creating another partition.  I don't see how to do this in gparted or in qtparted11:10
_blix_I need to copy over important sata drivers11:10
=== caloi [n=ctaloi@nat-66-218-1-239.usadatanet.com] has joined #ubuntu
The_Machinea little help would really benefit me :)11:11
Marfiarghh2D2, if i recall, there is a mozilla plugin in synaptic for firefox11:11
Prowler_1SoundBlater Live Driver???11:11
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BucketfaceCan anyone help me get zsnes to work please?11:11
fyrestrtrqazibasit: the manual page for mount should help;11:11
goofykinkydho_ragus: ok, but should i erase all the resolutions listed there? 'cause i have alot11:11
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qazibasitfyrestrtr: thanks11:11
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fyrestrtrqazibasit: it is just a text file, you need to edit it with superuser privileges.11:12
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qazibasitfyrestrtr: ok now i get it thanks11:12
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dho_ragusgoofykinky: in my experience, deleting all of them and restarting x will automatically find the best resolution for a non-standard display11:12
dho_ragusgoofykinky: rather ironic, but it's worked for me several times.11:12
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steveatlocalhostif your using an intel try the 915 driver in synaptic11:13
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goofykinkydho_ragus: ok, ok let me try it if it works i'll let you know thankx a lot!11:13
qazibasitfyrestrtr:  i have 210 Gb on my PC and this is the max i can put on my PC is there any way i can expand my HD11:13
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dho_ragusgoofykinky: de nada11:13
The_Machineany advice on resizing my ext3 partition?11:13
steveatlocalhostan external hard drive qazibasit?11:13
barbarellaMarfi:What i use is lightning, an add-on for thunderbird. The calendar's are shared with the apache webdav module.11:13
arghh2D2Great!  now i have a 'broken' package, and i dont know what the heck that is or what to do with it.11:13
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steveatlocalhostthe machine- try gparted11:13
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qazibasitsteveatlocalhost: but i cant boot my system from it11:13
Marfibarbarella, ill check it out. thanks!   <311:14
fyrestrtrqazibasit: if it is the max -- then how can you expand it?11:14
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yanek18join #shareosiol11:14
steveatlocalhostquazibasit: are you able to boot from usb in bios?11:14
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wctraxlernew web site too check out tomorow http://i35wdedication2007.bravehost.com/11:14
jribarghh2D2: what was the last thing you did?  what error are you getting?11:14
qazibasitsteveatlocalhost: never check it11:14
_blix_I need to access my floppy11:14
qazibasitis there any such option11:14
jrib!offtopic | wctraxler11:14
ubotuwctraxler: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:14
_blix_how do I do it?11:14
jrib!floppy > _blix_ (see the private message from ubotu)11:15
steveatlocalhostqazibasit: you can boot from an external usb hard drive if you have the ability to boot from it11:15
MrCollins!games for ubuntu11:15
mzanfardinoI've got kinda of an odd question: I have need of a USB floppy, but only have available a USB thumb drive.  Is there a way to make a thumb drive look like a USB Floppy drive?11:15
Marfibarbarella, what is it under synaptic?11:15
wctraxlersorry wrong caht11:15
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_blix_THANX..I will read.11:15
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zoidberg_hey guys11:15
qazibasitfyrestrtr: and steveatlocalhost is there any system available which i can connect to my system and i can put many HD in it11:15
MrCollinsmzanfardino: ubuntu can mount that usb floppy I believe...11:15
qazibasitlike we see in movies11:15
WindowsHaterhi zoidberg11:15
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fyrestrtrqazibasit: google 'NAS'11:15
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neverbluehow do you 'say' ubuntu11:16
qazibasitfyrestrtr:  whats NAS11:16
jrib!pronounce > neverblue (see the private message from ubotu)11:16
arghh2D2jrib: tried to enable multiverse manually by uncommenting any line that said 'multiverse' then tried to install java runtime, didnt work.  then reopened synaptic and it says, "you have a broken package, use the filter to locate it"11:16
zoidberg_i was wondering if someone could refer me to a good source to learn start learning python scripting and programming under ubuntu?11:16
steveatlocalhostquazibasit: im sure there is something available. you can buy external hard drive cases that you can link together, that enable you to have alot of storage on one usb port11:16
fyrestrtrqazibasit: network attached storage.11:16
ubotupronounce is point your movie player at /usr/share/example-content/Experience ubuntu.ogg11:16
jribarghh2D2: "the tried to install java runtime" how?11:16
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mzanfardinoMrCollins: well, what I think has to happen is I think the USB Thumb Drive needs to either be formatted in such a way that it is perceived by the system that it's a floppy device OR the device itself has to report to the booting OS that it's a floppy... if it's the later case, I think I'm screwed11:16
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com11:16
fyrestrtrqazibasit: you can get upto 2TB easily with DAS (direct attached storage)11:16
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jribneverblue: argh to whoever changed that, it's ooboontoo11:17
qazibasitnever heard abt it11:17
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arghh2D2jrib: first through synaptic, no deals, so then through console with: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts11:17
RohamMy wlan dosn't work the syslog says that the wlan0 card can not be set in infrastructure mode11:17
Marfiarghh2D2, if you download automatix2, there is a plugin for it11:17
bruenigboon? I thought bun?11:17
Marfiits sun JRE 1.6, dont know what it is in synaptic though11:18
neverbluei though bun too11:18
bruenig!automatix | Marfi11:18
ubotuMarfi: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)11:18
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bruenigneverblue, clever11:18
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arghh2D2Marfi, where is automatix?11:18
Symons|offic1whats the name of the default bittorrent client that comes with ubuntu?11:18
bruenigarghh2D2, don't do that11:18
jribarghh2D2: what is the output of 'sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin'?11:18
qazibasitfyrestrtr:  where is fstab located11:18
Marfiarghh2D2, google it, and it will come up11:18
neverbluehow can you run the .ogg from command line11:18
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qazibasitfyrestrtr: sorry i missed that part of the chat11:18
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bruenigMarfi, don't recommend automatix please11:18
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steveatlocalhostubotu: its actually a script that runs installers for codecs. the reason it is bad is because it changes system parts that are needed for upgrades from one version to the next11:19
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Marfibruenig, kk11:19
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bruenig!sorry | steveatlocalhost11:19
ubotusteveatlocalhost: It's ok, I can't stay mad at you.11:19
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fyrestrtrneverblue: mplayer foo.ogg11:19
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qazibasitfyrestrtr: ok11:19
arghh2D2just a sec jrib11:20
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ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!11:20
bruenigsteveatlocalhost, the reasons are in the link that ubout gave by the way and they go far beyond your upgrade claim11:20
steveatlocalhostbruenig: thats just what i have read, forgive me if i am wrong11:20
qazibasitfyrestrtr:  there is info abt my drives in fstab how to edit it i mean what to write in there11:21
bruenigsteveatlocalhost, you are right, but it is more vicious than that11:21
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steveatlocalhostbruenig: enlighten me?11:21
MTecknologyanybody in here know anything about relay directory manager?11:21
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bruenig!automatix > steveatlocalhost11:21
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_blix_my usbdisk and floppy drive are both mounted11:22
steveatlocalhostbruenig: thank you11:22
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bruenig!thanks | steveatlocalhost11:22
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ubotusteveatlocalhost: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)11:22
=== soothsayer [n=user@bas16-montreal02-1242357234.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
_blix_how do I copy everything from usbdisk to floppy?11:22
FibresHi all. Can anyone tell me where to find the kernel sources on an ubuntu server 6.06 machine?11:22
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arghh2D2Reading package lists... Done11:22
arghh2D2Building dependency tree11:22
arghh2D2Reading state information... Done11:22
arghh2D2sun-java6-plugin is already the newest version.11:22
arghh2D2You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:11:22
arghh2D2The following packages have unmet dependencies:11:22
arghh2D2  sun-java6-plugin: Depends: sun-java6-bin (= 6-00-2ubuntu2) but it is not going to be installed11:22
arghh2D2E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).11:22
bruenig_blix_, I have never dealt with a floppy, but if it has a mount point like usb, just copy the stuff from one mount point to the other11:22
=== Sivik [n=Clayton@71-11-209-112.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
soothsayer!enter | arghh2D211:23
ubotuarghh2D2: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:23
preaction!paste | arghh2D211:23
ubotuarghh2D2: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gurbpassword - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:23
kekk!paste | arghh2D211:23
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:23
bruenigarghh2D2, did you try the command it gave you11:23
_blix_it just won't..arrgh11:23
_blix_one sec11:23
erUSUL!paste | arghh2D211:23
AhmedShaikhM!thanks | ubotu11:23
ubotuubotu: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)11:23
greenpowersomebody experienced with utms under ubuntu? i got the new card from huawei (e800)11:23
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ubotuhost not found11:23
jribarghh2D2: pastebin the result of 'apt-cache policy sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-bin'11:23
bruenigI thought it used to say pong11:23
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ipxarghh2D2: why dont you try what it told you? "sudo apt-get -f install"?11:23
blitz-redhey i have a jre installed and working with firefox, but when i go to a page that uses it, it just closes firefox. any help?11:24
Sivikhow do i go about creating and making a password required to edit grub11:24
zoidberg_hey guys...i was wondering if anyone could direct me to a good source to pythong programming and scripting under ubuntu?11:24
ckin2001zoid : #python11:24
_blix_why does it saying 'omiting... when I attempt a copy?11:24
soothsayerWhat program can I use to proxy a connection for an application that doesn't support proxies?11:24
bruenigzoidberg_, python scripting is the same period11:24
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bruenigzoidberg_, so any thing you can find11:24
zoidberg_bruenig, but i dont know python scripting11:24
jrib_blix_: full error messages are usually more helpful than abbreviated ones11:25
ckin2001blix : it is probably skipping directories11:25
ckin2001try recursive copy11:25
_blix_which is?11:25
bruenigzoidberg_, I am just saying there is no need to look for "ubuntu specific" things because its all the same11:25
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ckin2001cp -R if i remember11:25
_blix_basically in my usbdisk I have a folder called SATA11:25
bruenig_blix_, yeah you probably aren't cp -r11:25
bruenigor -R11:25
_blix_ah ok11:25
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_blix_ah yeah for folders11:26
steveatlocalhosthas anyone tried live linux scripts on ubuntu?11:26
pike_soothsayer: a tunnel? ssh?11:26
bruenigsteveatlocalhost, live linux scripts?11:26
arghh2D2jrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35462/11:26
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_blix_bruenig and ckin2001 - thank you!11:26
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_blix_it worked11:26
soothsayerpike_: It's an socks SSH tunnel. Anyway, never mind, 'tsocks' does the trick11:26
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jribarghh2D2: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin11:27
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alberthow do i install headers for my kernel???11:27
barbarellaSivik: read the file /boot/grub/menu.lst11:27
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Sivikbarbarella, i found a howto online11:27
fyrestrtr!kernel > albert11:27
barbarellaSivik: ok11:27
jribalbert: install the linux-headers-$(uname -r) package11:27
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PriceChildjrib, with -generic on the end ;)11:27
_blix_how do i force a umount?11:27
bruenigsteveatlocalhost, that's a lot of work for something that seems rather useless11:28
steveatlocalhostbruenig: http://www.linux-live.org/11:28
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PriceChildjrib, wait... no silly me :)11:28
alberthow do i install that package, sorry im a complete noob11:28
steveatlocalhostbruenig: i know, i would just like to try it11:28
jribalbert: why do you want kernel headers?11:28
arghh2D2jrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35463/11:28
steveatlocalhostbruenig: it is remarkably easy, you just execute a script, i just keep recieving errors11:28
bruenigsteveatlocalhost, live cds work mainly due to massive hardware detection stuff, this process will not have that, so differences in computers would make the thing useless11:28
goofykinkydho_ragus: idid what just tell me and it didnt work :(11:28
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albertit says i need them to install ndiswrapper, and since its not installing properly i suppose i dont have them or neeed to install them11:28
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steveatlocalhostbruenig: hmm, i see your point,11:29
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dho_ragusgoofykinky: d'oh11:29
steveatlocalhostbruenig: thanks11:29
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dho_ragusgoofykinky: put your xorg.conf file into a pastebin11:29
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jribarghh2D2: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre    btw do you have any third part repos enabled or have you installed any .deb files manually?11:29
bruenigsteveatlocalhost, now if you had a huge bank of similar computers and you wanted some custom recovery thing, then it might be useful11:29
soothsayerpike_: Actually I'm not sure anymore if 'tsocks' is what I need...11:29
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alberthow do i get them11:29
jrib!who | albert11:29
ubotualbert: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)11:29
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jrib!software > albert (see the private message from ubotu)11:30
jrib!ndiswrapper > albert (see the private message from ubotu)11:30
steveatlocalhostbruenig: i was hoping to use it to create a recovery CD that would run on my laptop, as well as my dads laptop (they are virtually the same)11:30
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steveatlocalhostbruenig: the live distro "slax" was made using those scripts11:30
goofykinkydho_ragus: on wich pastebin?11:31
=== JohnAlpha [n=john@dhcp-lp-26-197.oakland.resnet.pitt.edu] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigsteveatlocalhost, slax has been around for a while but I have never seen this project before, I guess the guy who makes slax made this to speed along the process or some such?11:31
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:31
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steveatlocalhostbruenig: yes, he first created the script, then he used it to create slax from a slackware install with KDE as the DE11:32
bruenigsteveatlocalhost, I have used slax before but it was probably 2 years ago11:32
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steveatlocalhostbruenig: i have used it recently, and it seems to work well from what i've used it on11:33
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arghh2D2jrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35464/   I tried manually enabling multiverse by uncommenting some lines in /etc/apt/sources.list because i couldnt do it in synaptic.  then i tried installing in synaptic and it failed so i tried through apt and also failed, of course.11:33
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jribarghh2D2: join me in #ubuntu-classroom11:34
arghh2D2jrib, ok11:34
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WheelDwellerAnyone good with BIND? (I'm beyond the howto, here...)11:34
=== Charlie_ [n=speaker2@adsl-144-202-39.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrthere is #bind you know11:35
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WheelDwellerYeah?  I guess I'll have to try there; thanks!11:35
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WheelDwellerIf I coulf just get better diagnostics, I think I could figure it out...11:36
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loquitus_of_borgwhat do you recommend for me to use as a nice and reasonably easy to use gui-based torrent client for Ubuntu? I have a bunch to pick from in Synaptic package manager11:36
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barbarellaWheelDweller:just ask the question.11:36
dixonhas anyone tried shaping through htb? I've done one script, but need to tune up some details :)11:36
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WheelDwellerWell, my service is working fine for local resolution...but after hours of research (really!) I can't make it recurse. Ever.11:37
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fyrestrtrloquitus_of_borg: deluge11:37
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WheelDwellerIt worked fine, previously....then my ISP changed it's DNS.11:37
fgfghi, how do i display information about y computer in terminal?11:37
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nico__has anyone tried the new ubuntu beta yet?11:37
darkossaludos desde chile :>11:38
ohadhow do i install a patch -- .c file? i am running ubuntu gutsy on thinkpad x61s11:38
SeveredCrossYep, running Gutsy as we speak.11:38
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fgfgnico i'm in it11:38
dho_ragus!es | darkos11:38
darkosalguien me puede ayudar?11:38
ubotudarkos: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.11:38
steveatlocalhostnico_ i was running gutsy and just swapped to feisty11:38
PriceChild!gutsy | ohad SeveredCross11:38
ubotuohad SeveredCross: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+111:38
goofykinkydho_ragus: ready, paste in pastebin.com under my nickname11:38
nico__well SeveredCross? is it stable? is it any good?11:38
darkosok... gracias11:38
steveatlocalhostnico_ about 3 minutes ago11:38
dho_ragusgoofykinky: link?11:38
PriceChildnico__, steveatlocalhost see the message above from ubotu11:38
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goofykinkydho_ragus:  pastebin.com11:38
SeveredCrossI wasn't offering gutsy support, I was stating the fact that I was using it.11:39
aliciahi, I'm having trouble getting my hardmodem to connect to the internet11:39
darkosgrscias... chaup11:39
SeveredCrossI'm allowed to hang out in #ubuntu, no?11:39
fgfgwhats the command to display hardware?11:39
WheelDweller(And #bind isn't 'there' just yet...)11:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nextrelease - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:39
fyrestrtrSeveredCross: no, #ubuntu-offtopic11:39
dho_ragusgoofykinky: that sure doesn't look like an xorg.conf file11:39
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:39
TorahteenRecently new installation of Xubuntu. I'm trying to compile a program. I ran configure, and got: checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables. GCC is installed. Am I missing some packages?11:39
SeveredCrossYou guys are ridiculous, you know that?11:39
jribTorahteen: build-essential11:39
steveatlocalhostPriceChild, thats why i switched. i went from my desktop to my laptop.11:39
jrib!compiling > Torahteen (see the private message from ubotu)11:39
dho_ragusgoofykinky: ooh, i see it...11:39
fyrestrtrTorahteen: first, make sure whatever you are building is not available as a deb, then install build-essential.11:39
steveatlocalhostPriceChild, arent you like admin on the forums?11:40
PriceChildsteveatlocalhost, pm11:40
TorahteenThanks guys11:40
dho_ragusgoofykinky: ok, so there's still a problem.  you do have a defined resolution, it's just a resolution of " "11:40
goofykinkydho_ragus: yes thats the one11:40
nico__anyway, im not asking suport for gutsy, just want to know some experiences with it, i'm curently running feisty11:40
vrkhanssudo rm -f rtl-wifi/11:40
vrkhansrm: cannot remove `rtl-wifi/': Is a directory11:40
SeveredCrossYou need -r11:40
vrkhanshow i can remove this dir11:40
goofykinkydho_ragus: well i try it without the quotes11:40
barbarellaWheelDweller:what are your allow-recursion settings11:40
dho_ragusgoofykinky: http://pastebin.com/m2727c0611:40
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aliciaWhen I connect to teh internet with my hardmodem, it dials, says connected, and dies about 10 seconds later11:41
dho_ragusgoofykinky: if that doesn't work, just delete the whole "modes" line from each entry11:41
WheelDwellerbarbarella: allow-recursion {; localhost;};11:41
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goofykinkydho_ragus: ok, let my try it11:41
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scorpkingvrkhans: sudo rm -r rtl-wifi/11:42
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WheelDwellerbarbarella: But this setting, versus the defailt, versus :allow-recursion on doesn't change anything.  I really need more diagnostics- can't tell what it's doing.11:42
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super-6-1hello how do i kill a prosses?11:43
WheelDwellerkillall -9 processname   or  kill -9 process-number11:43
jribsuper-6-1: system -> administration -> system monitor  or type 'xkill' and click on the gui app11:43
steveatlocalhostsuper-6-1 is it a window or a terminal app?11:43
steveatlocalhostsuper-6-1 xkill in terminal11:43
fyrestrtror alt+f2 and type xkill11:44
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emeristeHow can I get mathml to work ? It looks like some kind of fonts that have to be installed.11:44
scorpkingsuper-6-1: press <CTRL>+<ESC>11:44
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super-6-1it done11:44
jribscorpking: not in gnome :/11:44
scorpkingo ya, soz11:45
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loquitus_of_borgAnybody know how I can install deluge on my Ubuntu? I tried to download and install it and it said it could not resolve a dependency with lib611:45
super-6-1ii i got a wireless problem with a netgear wg111v2 it is connected but it does nothing11:45
steveatlocalhostloquitus_of_borg, is it designed for debian or ubuntu?11:45
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BucketfaceAnyone help me to get zsnes actually working?11:45
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loquitus_of_borgsteveatlocalhost: no idea11:45
steveatlocalhostsuper-6-1 have you tried ndiswrapper11:46
soothsayeremeriste: I'm not sure, but try latex-xft-fonts11:46
bulio_I am trying to install a PCI graphics card on a machine with integrated graphics on ubuntu 7.0411:46
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super-6-1cant download it no accses to the internet or i would11:46
bulio_how can I get ubuntu to use the new card, and disable the old one?11:46
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WindowsHateroficial website11:46
=== reallyjoel [n=reallyjo@h-89-233-250-125.wholesale.rp80.se] has joined #ubuntu
steveatlocalhostloquitus_of_borg, its probably a debian package not designed for ubuntu. you may have to compile11:46
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reallyjoel!ntfs reallyjoel11:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfs reallyjoel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:46
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse11:46
jribsuper-6-1: it should be in the repository on the cd11:47
hyperbola_i know a one line command that will crash ubuntu11:47
aliciaCAn I get some help with troobleshooting a dial-up connection?11:47
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions11:47
jrib!ndiswrapper > super-6-1 (see the private message from ubotu)11:47
steveatlocalhostsuper-6-1 pm11:47
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jribhyperbola_: not here please11:47
abyssexists a Code::Blocks package in Fiesty?11:47
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jribalicia: best to just state the problem11:47
nickrudbulio_, the easiest if disabling the onboard in bios11:47
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Bo1how can i find the full information about 2 of my graphic card?11:47
steveatlocalhostsuper-6-1 look on the personal chat i will give you instructions11:48
WheelDwellerLater, guys.11:48
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super-6-1jrib huh11:48
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emeristesoothsayer - Okay thank you I will try that.11:48
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super-6-1stevealocalhost ok11:48
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jribsuper-6-1: the cd you used to install ubuntu has a repository on it that you can install packages from, it should have ndiswrapper iirc11:48
nickrudBo1, sudo hwinfo --display11:48
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jribsuper-6-1: and the bot sent you instructions on setting up wireless11:49
eno__Hello, all.  Would someone please let me know how to access the dictionary from the command line?  I am trying to search for a certain word using grep.11:49
super-6-1umm i dont know where to beggin11:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about code::blocks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:49
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Bo1nickrud:trying now11:49
jribeno__: I don't see the connection between using the dictionary on the command line and grepping for a certain word, can you expand on what you want to do?11:49
emeristesoothsayer - That could certainly be it. I am surprised something like that is not pre-installed.  Browsers need these fonts or they won't render math type setting.11:50
=== suupaabaka [n=suupaaba@pr-248-196.ains.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
eno__I want to search for a word in the dictionary11:50
Bo1nickrud:is saying wrong command11:50
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suupaabakaCan anyone tell me how to run a .run file?11:50
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jribsuper-6-1: at the beginning of course :)11:50
BucketfaceAnyone help me to get zsnes actually working?11:50
jribsuupaabaka: what are you trying to do with the .run file?11:50
steveatlocalhostsuupaabaka: sudo sh "/run/file/location"11:50
soothsayeremeriste: I'm not sure if it is sufficient. The test page http://www.w3.org/Math/XSL/pmathml2.xml doesn't seem to work 100%11:50
steveatlocalhostshould work11:50
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sparrwI feel sad.  For the first time I am forced to abandon Linux in favor of Windows or OS X for a work project.  I think I will use OS X.11:51
nickrudBo1, sudo hwinfo --display <-- cut and paste from a successful run11:51
suupaabakaSay thanks. Apparently it's an executable11:51
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nickrudBo1, you may need to sudo aptitude install hwinfo11:51
steveatlocalhostsuupaabaka: alot of sites use run files because they are universal, unlike .deb or .rpm11:51
Phydouxsparrw, I sometimes have to Boot Windows for specific projects.11:51
emeristeYep not quite 100 percent so far.11:52
PhydouxI hate it but sometimes it has to be done11:52
Bo1nickrud:i got this message http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35470/plain/11:52
sparrwPhydoux: windows, on my own computer?  never.11:52
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super-6-1ok so how do i install ndiswrapper from the disk?11:52
=== Torahteen [n=jordan@207-119-159-161.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudBo1, see above about installing hwinfo11:52
steveatlocalhostsuper-6-1, place in your disk, then go to synaptic, then click reload11:52
TorahteenHow do I tell apt-get to use the internet repositories and not the CD?11:53
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steveatlocalhostsuper-6-1: then search for ndiswrapper11:53
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jribTorahteen: system -> administration -> software sources   or edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and comment the cd-rom line yourself and then run 'sudo apt-get update'11:53
Bo1nickrud:i got this message now. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35471/plain/11:53
suupaabakaSo what does "sh" mean?11:53
aliciaI think I'll ask one more time about help with a dialup connection, can anyone be of help?11:53
sparrwPhydoux: i wouldnt mind booting windows on another machine occasionally.  but this has to be a full time solution.  so its a mac  :)  if only because we have a spare mac mini sitting around11:53
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steveatlocalhostsuupaabaka: sh is shell script. it means its a script11:53
eno__I think that you can look for words in the main system dictionary using grep.  does anyone know where the dictionary file is?11:53
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scorpkinghow do i chack the connection speed of ppp0?11:54
soothsayereno__: /usr/share/dict11:54
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jrib!who | eno__11:54
ubotueno__: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)11:54
pike_alicia: best advice i can give is to buy a real modem. they are pretty inexpensive. winmodems can work though11:54
barbarellaWheelDweller:how do your logging options look like?11:54
ubotuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.11:54
aliciapike_: done, it is a hard modem :)11:54
eno__soothsayer: thanks11:54
Phydouxsparrw, I have many PC's laying around so thats why I am still Windows dependent when I cant do what I need to do in Linux11:54
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thedashman, LInux sucks for media players11:54
pike_alicia: that was fast :)11:55
suupaabakasteveatlocalhost: Thanks!11:55
steveatlocalhostthedash: blasphemer! lol11:55
aliciapike: ^_^11:55
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steveatlocalhostsuupaabaka: no problem :D always here to help11:55
sparrwPhydoux: only reason i cant use linux is the hardware acquisition guy didnt ask me which brands to buy this time.  he wont forget that again.11:55
nickrudTorahteen, system->prefs->synaptic ; settings->repositories; check all; hit ok and then reload11:55
=== thedash is debating running winamp through wine
gordonjcpthedash: why?11:55
aliciathedash: did you try xmms?11:55
thedashcan't find one I like11:55
gordonjcpthedash: tried beep?11:55
gordonjcpbeep media player11:56
eno__thedash: beep and xmms are very similar to winamp11:56
thedashI know11:56
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steveatlocalhostthedash: why not use winamp? just google wine doors and you can already. if not try: xmms, beep, audacious, banshee, rythmbox, amarok .......11:56
gordonjcpincredibly similar to winamp11:56
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pike_alicia: so youre wanting to use wvdial or something?11:56
Bo1how do i get all information of my 2 graphic card?11:56
gordonjcpthedash: what's wrong with it, then?11:56
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thedashwith which one ?11:56
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aliciapike_: I want to use anything to get connected..11:56
nickrudBo1, sorry, wrong nick:  system->prefs->synaptic ; settings->repositories; check all; hit ok and then reload11:56
Hammy031i need help11:57
nickrudBo1, then try install hwinfo again11:57
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steveatlocalhosthammy031 whats up11:57
CuzzHi, i installed 8600GT drivers manually by following the yaroman tutorial and installed Beryl. Everything worked GREAT! But when i restart i get the "blue" screen saying "Failed to start X server". Is there a simple command to fix this? Thanx11:57
gordonjcpthedash: I mean if you can describe pretty clearly what you do and don't like, maybe someone can improve it11:57
Hammy031i just got the Ubuntu DVD11:57
thedashgordonjcp :: the main problem with beep is that it's unsupported and not being updated11:57
gordonjcpthedash: maybe you can improve it ;-)11:57
pike_alicia: can you try and tell me at what point do you hit a problem doing this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/SetUpDialer11:57
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steveatlocalhosthammy031, problem being? you wanna install?11:57
Hammy031and when i try to boot it it just freezes11:57
Hammy031iit freeses11:57
steveatlocalhosthammy031, have you tried safe gfx. mode?11:57
gordonjcpthedash: pretty much everyone has moved onto rhythmbox or amarok these days11:57
nickrudCuzz, #ubuntu-effects11:57
Hammy031i tried everything11:58
Hammy031they told me to download the ALT cd11:58
steveatlocalhosthammy031, have you tried the alternate install?11:58
Cuzzi tried, but thanx11:58
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Hammy031so im doing that right now11:58
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steveatlocalhostthat should work11:58
Hammy031yea lolz im going to do that right now11:58
thedashgordonjcp :: amarok is probably my favourite of the bunch, but it's not very personable11:58
nickrudCuzz, ok ;)11:58
Nyu`i had the same probs11:58
Hammy031ok if it works ill come back11:58
Nyu`i tryed with alt cd11:58
gordonjcpthedash: uhm, what makes you think it's no longer updated, anyway?11:58
Nyu`didnt works :(11:58
BucketfaceAnyone help me to get zsnes actually working?11:58
nikinhow can i test whenever my newli installed fax modem is working?11:58
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steveatlocalhosthammy031 lol the alternate install is able to configure more effectively11:58
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gordonjcphttp://beep-media-player.org/site/BMPx_Homepage <-  Latest: 0.40.1 (11 August 2007)11:58
Hammy031well how do i use the ALT CD?11:58
thedashgordonjcp :: that's what I was told a while ago ?11:58
nikini have done calls with it11:58
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Hammy031how do i use it?11:59
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gordonjcpthedash: oh right, it's not been updated in two weeks so it's not updated any more? ;-)11:59
Hammy031the alt cd?11:59
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DrakeJusticeanyone here have a file called /etc/ati/ati-fglrx.sh? plz?11:59
Hammy031just boot with the alt cd?11:59
Bo1nickrub:i did this part "system->prefs->synaptic ; settings->repositories; check all"11:59
TorahteenWhere can I find a sources list?11:59
DrakeJusticei updated the kernel module and it disappears...11:59
steveatlocalhosthammy031 like the normal CD, except it is text not a desktop11:59
gordonjcpthedash: some of my projects have gone over a year without a tarball release... ;-)11:59
jrib!easysource > Torahteen (see the private message from ubotu)11:59
macacoi install ubuntu 7.10 and update compi fuction but i dont know how replace  :(11:59
jribmacaco: #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support11:59
PriceChild!gutsy | macaco11:59
ubotumacaco: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+111:59
Aval0n_anyone know if there is a way to virtually shrink the desktop or move your menu bars down? I have a tv that overscans with no way to turn it off. I've managed to adjust mythtv where I want it but my menu bars are off the screen11:59
emeristeMathML is pointless if browsers don't come able to render it and installing the fonts is not something that average people can do easily.12:00
Hammy031ok so i just insert the cd into my cd-dvd rom and boot?12:00
Bo1nickrub:now what?12:00
nickrudBo1, ok, then the reload button is on the main window menu bar. That will add some more repositories to your system, and you'll be able to install hwinfo12:00
emeristeWhat would be the point in making a page with MathML if no one can see it?12:00
Hammy031i thought i had to boot the ubuntu cd and then click boot with alt cd or something12:00
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steveatlocalhosthammy031 yeah, make sure you select the first option, or you will have a manufacturer type pc, which you need to be a manufacturer to log into12:00
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=== Vern267 [n=edwin@dsl-207-112-43-209.tor.primus.ca] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudBo1, and that's a d at the end, not a b (makes it harder for me to see your messages)12:00
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pike_Aval0n_: just mythtv? thats what you want to adjust geometry of?12:01
DrakeJusticeanyone know a channel where i can get ANY kind of AMD/ATI support?12:01
Aval0n_pike_: no i've done that and it's where I want it12:01
Cuzznickrud: can i ask again?12:01
Aval0n_but I'de like to move ubuntu desktop like that12:01
Aval0n_damn overscan12:01
nickrudCuzz, I'm not an op ;)12:01
=== cris [i=cris@ppp-11-9.27-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu
Hammy031ok so insert the alt cd and boot and select the first option right?12:01
pike_Aval0n_: oh. im of absolutely no help then12:01
Cuzzlol -_-12:01
=== derFlo [n=florian@dslb-088-067-047-241.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
steveatlocalhosthammy031 yeah12:01
Aval0n_ok thanks anyway12:01
Hammy031thank you for your help12:01
TorahteenWhere is the sources list file located?12:01
=== pike_ pats himself on the back
jribTorahteen: /etc/apt/sources.list12:02
Hammy031can you tell me what the first opt is called?12:02
=== Vern267 [n=edwin@dsl-207-112-43-209.tor.primus.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ale_puedes hablar en espaol12:02
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preaction!es | ale_12:02
ubotuale_: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.12:02
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ale_y como se entra12:02
jribale_: /join #ubuntu-es12:03
Hammy031steveatlocalhost can you tell me what the first opt is called12:03
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macacono one talk in ubuntu+1 :(12:03
ale_se encuentra en internet12:03
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PriceChildmacaco, then be patient12:03
PriceChildale_, /join #ubuntu-es12:03
nickrudBo1, things moving along ok?12:03
azzmodanWhat could I have done to cause my 2nd machine to be able to do everything except get webpages over port 80 (even 443 works fine)?12:04

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