
Kamping_Kaiserthe other disadvantage is the doco matches one of half a dozen realitys01:02
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nixternalmdke: what a coincidence, we are have 2 Kubuntu Jonathans who keep losing their svn info :D04:00
=== nixternal picks on jjesse :p
jjessegrin that is funny04:00
jjessenixternal: have some time to help me figure out next steps (ie what i need to check out from svn for kde4?04:00
nixternalOK, here are 2 movies to never rent: "Kickin' it Old School" and "Blades of Glory"04:00
jjessei never wanted to watch eitehr04:01
nixternalI did, because I typically get a kick out of the actors in both movies...but they were both horribly done04:01
nixternaljjesse: you check out techbase?04:01
jjessedang tigers can smoke the new york yankees and lose the next day because to the royals04:01
nixternaltigers lost to the royals?04:01
jjesselosing 6 004:02
nixternaloh wow04:02
nixternalthat is bad04:02
jjessei installed everythiing from Getting_Started/Build/KDE404:02
jjessebut haven't checked anything out04:02
nixternalahh, just follow the rest of the instructions...make sure you create a new user (ie. kde-devel), and setup kde-devel's ~/.bashrc to include the example stuff they provided04:04
nixternaltruthfully, I would probably wait another day or two before doing the checkout stuff04:04
nixternalthere are some broken libs yet which are a pita to get working04:05
jjesseok i'll bug you w/ problems :)04:05
nixternalyou can get the qt-copy installed, kdesupport, and whatever else...kdelibs needs a day or two to settle04:06
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mdkenixternal: I actually thought that it was jjesse writing the email because gmail only shows the author's first name; until I looked at the email address08:25
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sorenWhere can I find a pdf version of the 7.04 installation guide?11:07
sorenIn general: Where are the pdf versions of our documentation?11:07
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sbalneavMorning all03:09
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Kamping_Kaiserwarbler, can you turn that status message off?04:36
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mdkesoren: we don't generate pdf versions of the documentation, although the installation guide is probably an exception: you can get a pdf for it in the installation-guide package, I think10:19
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