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mantiena-baltix_ | hi all | 02:37 |
mantiena-baltix_ | there is big problem because 7.04 (feisty) CD doesn't start on lots of new laptops. based on Intel santarosa platform | 02:37 |
mantiena-baltix_ | look at bug #126653 for example | 02:37 |
mantiena-baltix_ | it's interesting, that older and newer Ubuntu versions (see latest comment) , also. it seems, feisty kernels (from Ubuntu 7.04 beta) detects cdrom and starts fine | 02:38 |
mantiena-baltix_ | so, it's important regression - I've tried Ubuntu 5.10, 6.06, 7.04 and 7.10 (Gutsy) and only 7.04 (tried both kernels - from aprils release and from updates) doesn't start on santarosa platform-based laptops | 02:40 |
mantiena-baltix_ | there are several simillar bugs reported already, look for example at bug 126552 | 02:41 |
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BenC | mantiena-baltix_: try booting with all_generic_ide on the kernel command line and see if that helps | 02:46 |
BenC | mantiena-baltix_: we're two months from releasing gutsy, so it's unlikely we'll devote a lot of time to respinning feisty CD's | 02:46 |
BenC | mantiena-baltix_: might be best to just use a gutsy tribe CD instead | 02:47 |
mantiena-baltix_ | BenC: it's not the best solution, problem is not for me, but for lots of users, who get new laptops from computer shops. how I can you help to fix this important regression ? | 02:48 |
mantiena-baltix_ | there are several computer shops in Lithuania who ships new computers with Ubuntu 7.04 (or Ubuntu 7.04-based local distro) CD | 02:49 |
mantiena-baltix_ | so, users buy clean computer and get Ubuntu CD, when they tried to boot they get initramfs command line and think, that Ubuntu is crap :( | 02:50 |
mantiena-baltix_ | so, they have contacted me, asked if I can fix and rebuild Ubuntu 7.04 CD for distributing with new laptops | 02:52 |
maks_ | news at 11 - old kernel seldomly work with newest hardware | 02:53 |
mantiena-baltix_ | at bug 126552 there is comment - Chuck Short wrote on 2007-08-06: (permalink) | 02:54 |
mantiena-baltix_ | I have a patch for this in gutsy which can probably be used as well for 2.6.20 | 02:54 |
mantiena-baltix_ | So, maybe someone from Ubuntu kernel developers could produce patched kernel for testing ? | 02:55 |
BenC | mantiena-baltix_: have you tried the latest feisty kernel to see if it works? | 03:01 |
mantiena-baltix_ | BenC, yes, I though I already told this ;) Your are talking about 2.6.20-16 from updates repository, right ? | 03:02 |
mantiena-baltix_ | I didn't found newer kernel in proposed-updates | 03:03 |
BenC | mantiena-baltix_: You could respin a CD that forces all_generic_ide | 03:04 |
mantiena-baltix_ | I think, that this problem must be fixed in updates repository, because lots of people could upgrade older ubuntu versions (for example 6.06 or 6.10) and get not-working CD/DVD drives after upgrading | 03:05 |
mantiena-baltix_ | to 7.04 | 03:05 |
BenC | mantiena-baltix_: Basically we are two months from gutsy release, and we are putting all of our efforts into getting it as stable as possible | 03:05 |
mantiena-baltix_ | BenC, I understand about gutsy, but isn't all_generic_ide only temporary fix ? | 03:05 |
BenC | mantiena-baltix_: it's enough to get the system working until they can upgrade to gutsy | 03:06 |
BenC | from what I understand, it's only needed for the cdrom, not for the harddrive | 03:06 |
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BenC | mantiena-baltix_: if these are santa rosa, most likely they'll still need updated kernel+packages to get intel gfx working anyway, so you'll need a cd with some feisty updates anyway | 03:07 |
zul | besides the santa rosa stuff got added in 2.6.22.y i believe | 03:08 |
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BenC | mjg59: ping | 03:42 |
mjg59 | BenC: Hi | 03:42 |
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mantiena-baltix_ | BenC, updated feisty cd isn't a problem, problem is, that there are no working kernel on santarosa for feisty :( | 04:06 |
BenC | mantiena-baltix_: unless you add the all_generic_ide work around | 04:07 |
BenC | which is quicker and safer than us doing a new kernel+cd build | 04:07 |
BenC | by safer I mean less prone to other regressions that we would have to test for | 04:07 |
BenC | which is why we can't put a lot of effort into it | 04:07 |
BenC | mantiena-baltix_: it would take us 3-4 weeks to implement the fix, and test it thoroughly, after which we would have reduced effort in gutsy, and would only be a month away from gutsy release...so the pay-off is not good enough to justify it | 04:10 |
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mantiena-baltix_ | yea, I thought it's a simple fix, because CD/DVD drive is detected on all other Ubuntu kernels, even on Ubuntu 7.04 "Feisty" beta kernel (2.6.20-12) | 04:56 |
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bdmurray | Hello | 05:28 |
bdmurray | I was looking at bug 133823 and wondering how the kernel determines what modules to load. | 05:29 |
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elmo | hmm | 08:27 |
elmo | I have a tg3 NIC on my laptop that doesn't appear to work in gutsy | 08:27 |
elmo | given how widely deployed tg3 is, is it possible that this NIC isn't supported, or more likely that the laptop's broken? | 08:28 |
thom | what are the symptoms? | 08:28 |
thom | (JOOI) | 08:29 |
thom | just complete not-workingness, or occasional drops? | 08:29 |
elmo | not detecting a link on a known good cable/connections | 08:30 |
kylem | elmo, which laptop? | 08:32 |
elmo | HP nc6320 | 08:32 |
kylem | laptop of doom. | 08:33 |
fabbione | elmo: hw hates you | 08:34 |
kylem | elmo, plz file a bug with full lspci -vvnn for that pci device | 08:35 |
kylem | elmo, also any of the dmesg from tg3, and ethtool -i | 08:35 |
elmo | kylem: ok - unfortunately I blatted window in a rather blase manner before install, so I can't confirm it isn't a HW problem | 08:35 |
kylem | i wouldn't imagine it is. | 08:36 |
elmo | ok | 08:37 |
mjg59 | elmo: PXE is still a way of testing | 08:43 |
mjg59 | (if you're worried) | 08:43 |
elmo | good point, I'll try that | 08:43 |
kylem | i can see a few commits to tg3 since then that would explain it... | 08:44 |
elmo | hmm | 08:46 |
elmo | pxe failed | 08:46 |
rtg | kylem: I pushed gutsy-lum. Please upload. | 08:46 |
elmo | (oh, but that may be a local issue) | 08:46 |
kylem | rtg, care to add that poulsbo patch and respin? | 08:48 |
rtg | kylem: Can do. | 08:48 |
elmo | anyway, I'll assume it's not HW and wait for kyle to fix my network at some point with kernel magic | 08:48 |
kylem | hehe | 08:49 |
rtg | kylem: Poulsbo patch included. | 09:01 |
kylem | thanks dude. | 09:02 |
kylem | rtg, uploadedx0red. | 09:07 |
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rtg | kylem: Should we also upload the kernel since I merged this morning? | 09:15 |
kylem | have you testbuilt it on lpia/amd64/i386? | 09:18 |
kylem | hmm, it's probably going to be another abi event? | 09:19 |
rtg | kylem: generic only so far. It ought not be an ABI event. | 09:19 |
kylem | er. nobody re-added the abifiles. | 09:21 |
kylem | brb. | 09:21 |
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tormod | dear kernel-team, bug #114793 makes me cry at night and is currently assigned to you. There has been a debdiff for 2 months but nobody has looked closer at it. What can I do? | 09:57 |
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BenC | tormod: not sure why we should fix a failure in a package we don't need | 10:30 |
BenC | we already build prism drivers | 10:31 |
mjg59 | kylem: Did l-u-m build for amd64? | 10:33 |
mjg59 | I have no working sound on an MBP | 10:33 |
tormod | benc, it's not so much the driver building, but the rest of the debdiff - needed for network-manager for instance. BTW, the broken shipped drivers got fixed today - thanks Tim! | 10:42 |
BenC | tormod: anyone on core-dev can do that upload | 10:43 |
BenC | tormod: but we can do it if no one else can | 10:43 |
tormod | benc, I don't care who does it :) but it just keeps being reassigned around... | 10:46 |
mjg59 | kylem: Ah, no, it's just that alsa is *still* broken on the MBP (it seems) | 10:47 |
kylem | well, it's identical to what's in gutsy stock | 10:54 |
mjg59 | Yeah, I can believe that | 10:55 |
mjg59 | Sigh | 10:55 |
mjg59 | Why must this be so hard | 10:55 |
mjg59 | I'll see if I can find a patch to make it work | 10:55 |
kylem | does it work in upstream? | 10:56 |
mjg59 | NFC | 10:56 |
mjg59 | Which upstream? alsa or kernel? | 10:56 |
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BenC | you guys need to remember to run updateconfigs every so often | 11:17 |
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mjg59 | kylem: Works with hg alsa-drivers | 11:52 |
mjg59 | Well, almost - volume is on "front" and "master" does nothing | 11:52 |
kylem | heh. | 11:55 |
mjg59 | But this is better than gutsy, where left speaker is "Center" and right speaker is "LFE" and master and front *both* do nothing | 12:02 |
mjg59 | And I need to select "Line in as output" | 12:03 |
mjg59 | So, on average, hg ftw | 12:03 |
kylem | yeah. | 12:05 |
kylem | can you try -rc4? | 12:05 |
kylem | i need to get off my ass and release a linux-vanilla thing in ppa. | 12:05 |
mjg59 | kylem: 2.6.23-rc4? | 12:09 |
kylem | yes. | 12:09 |
mjg59 | Ok, will do | 12:11 |
kylem | thanks very much. | 12:11 |
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