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ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases06:28
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ograsbalneav, lol06:30
ograsbalneav, s/\!/\@/06:30
sbalneav@schedule winnipeg06:31
ubotuSchedule for America/Winnipeg: 29 Aug 15:00: Edubuntu | 03 Sep 08:00: Community Council | 07 Sep 19:00: MOTU Team | 08 Sep 12:00: Xubuntu Developers | 10 Sep 14:00: Screencast Team | 19 Sep 15:00: Xubuntu Developers06:31
sbalneavKnew it was something.06:31
sbalneavTime for lunch!!!!06:31
ogradinner, but yeah :)06:31
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juliux@schedule berlin07:58
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Current meeting: Edubuntu | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 03 Sep 13:00 UTC: Community Council | 08 Sep 00:00 UTC: MOTU Team | 08 Sep 17:00 UTC: Xubuntu Developers | 10 Sep 19:00 UTC: Screencast Team | 19 Sep 20:00 UTC: Xubuntu Developers
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LaserJockare we on?10:02
=== LaserJock taps mic
RichEdhi LaserJock10:02
ograHEYA !10:02
RichEdyep ... ogra will chair10:02
RichEdspeak of the devil :)10:02
=== ogra waves
sbalneavHello to all my internet friends10:03
ograsoo, i prepared a report according to RichEd's structure ...10:03
ograles see how that new meeting format goes :)10:03
ograWhere are we in the development cycle:10:03
ogra    What was the last deadline ?10:03
ogra    Item Tribe 510:03
ogra    Date August 23rd10:03
ograWhat is the next deadline ?10:03
ogra    Item Tribe CD 610:03
ogra    Date September 6th10:03
ograProgress over the last week10:04
ogra    * lots of ltsp bugfixes10:04
ograItems needing to be sorted out for the next deadline10:04
ogra    * bug 12154710:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 121547 in ltsp "[Gutsy]  LTSP chroot building process hangs at 50% on Tribe1 CD" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12154710:04
ograIssues needing assistance for the next deadline10:04
ogra    * docs (sbalneav has started here)10:04
ograAny Other Items under Artwork10:04
ogra    * give feedback :)10:04
ograAny Other Items under Documentation10:04
ogra     * new ltsp functionallity needs to be documented /(nbd and friends from my side, ldm from scott)10:04
ogra     * documentation should get a tech review (i.e. our server documentation recommends 60M only per client i just discovered) before string freeze10:04
ograPlanned Activities for coming week10:04
ogra    * main focus for me: fix bug 12154710:04
ograeverybody cheer for sbalneav .... he moved mountains last week in ltsp10:04
=== RichEd leads the cheer
sbalneavI'm moving the doc mountain now :)10:05
ograi'm stuck on the CD building mountain :/10:05
ograbut i'll tackle as many bugs as i can10:05
LaserJockI'm stuck in a muddy creek at the bottom of the valley10:06
sbalneavogra: Don't worry about nbd docs, I'll take what's on the LTSP without NFS page, and expand/add to it, and get it into the handbook.10:06
LaserJocktrying to make it to base camp10:07
sbalneavAls, I'm topicifying some of the handbook, but I'll talk about that wehn we get to that item in the meeting.10:07
ograsbalneav, well, ltsp-update-image has no manpage, wikipages need to get looked over and the new functionallity needs to be described there10:07
ograthere is more :)10:08
sbalneavI'll write a manpage.10:08
ogragah, that was not the intention ...10:08
sbalneavI'll handle the handbook, if someone else can do wiki.10:08
LaserJockwell, we should really make a list of what needs to get documented10:08
=== ogra really starts to fear to tell sbalneav whats missing ... scott will get a heart attack one day ...
LaserJockcan we just throw up a quick wiki page?10:09
LaserJockogra: hehe10:09
sbalneavSOMEONE needs to do it, and you've already got a ton of cd, tribe, and other issues.10:09
ograwe need more blood !!!10:09
sbalneavYou must construct additional pylons.10:10
ograwell ...10:10
LaserJockI guess I should tell the wife it's time to start having kids10:10
sbalneavspawn more overlords.10:10
LaserJockso I can turn them into Edubuntu developers10:10
ograi see that the ML gets more and more traffic10:10
LaserJockwhich one?10:10
RichEdLaserJocklets ?10:10
LaserJockhmm, that doesn't sound right10:11
ograLaserJock, great plan ... they can be devs *and* users :)10:11
RichEdLaserJocklettes ?10:11
LaserJockwell, I was wondering about the CMPC10:11
LaserJockI've got two neices10:11
LaserJockthat are starting to get old enough the might get interested10:11
LaserJockI think CMPC+gcompris would be a nifty thing10:12
RichEdLaserJock: how have you found the usability like of the CMPC device ... size ... robustness  etc10:12
LaserJockI like the weight10:12
LaserJockscreen is a little hard on my old eyes10:12
LaserJockkeyboard is a tad small, as is expected10:12
LaserJockbut there's some real issues with Windows on that thing10:13
ograwho would have guessed10:13
LaserJockI can't install Adobe Acrobat Reader on it10:13
LaserJockit's got no swap10:13
ograhow is the speed ?10:13
LaserJockand I can't seem to get it to make a swapfile10:13
ograits got NO L2 CACHE !10:13
LaserJockI installed pidgin, Firefox, etc.10:13
ograthats way worse than no swap10:13
LaserJockI find it very speedy10:14
LaserJockthe RAM is the only problem10:14
ograyeah, windows ...10:14
LaserJockI've been writing on a book in it even10:14
LaserJockso I've got FF with a few tabs open and MS Word10:14
LaserJockI think it's pretty darn nice10:14
LaserJockthe processors seems fine10:14
LaserJockand when I load it up as a thin client it's rather nice10:15
LaserJockthe screen resolution is going to be a big problem though10:15
LaserJockWindows seems to handle it better than Ubuntu did10:15
ograwith the apps you mean ?10:15
RichEdgen 2 will be 9" and not 7"10:15
LaserJocklike Xcaht10:15
LaserJockI can't reach any of the OK/Cancel buttons in the preferences10:15
LaserJockthe Preference type dialog windows are the worst10:16
ograthats for nearly all settings windows the case10:16
LaserJocksomething with a scrollbar is generally fine10:16
LaserJockbut the make the darn windows so you can't shrink them10:16
ograwill need fixage10:16
LaserJockbut as far as hardware10:16
LaserJockvery nice10:16
LaserJockI'm going to try to pick up a 2GB SD card for it10:17
LaserJockand check that out10:17
ograwill likely be a lot slower than the flash disk i guess10:17
LaserJockwell, I was specifically looking for some faster disks10:18
LaserJockbut yeah10:18
ograget an external USB HD :)10:18
LaserJockwell, I'm not sure if I have money for that10:18
LaserJockbut that's a good idea10:18
ograwell, you can use it for other stuff as well ... its a great backup thingie ...10:19
ograi even do my test installs to one since gutsy started :)10:19
ograwell, anyway ...10:19
ograedubuntu-users has some more traffic since some time imho10:20
LaserJockogra: can you post to edubuntu-devel yet?10:20
ograseems we get more and more intrested users ... we sould channel that10:20
sbalneavIt's been picking up quite a bit.10:20
ograwith my other mail address that should work, yes10:20
LaserJockogra: excellent10:20
sbalneavWe're actively getting K12LTSP users switching now10:21
LaserJockI would like to get -devel picked up too10:21
LaserJockit seems like much of -devel is mostly -users related10:21
ograi'd like to see eric in boston and hear his plans ...10:21
sbalneavProblem is, most devel work goes on in #edubuntu or #ltsp10:21
LaserJockI'll try to use -devel more to spark discussion10:21
ogramost -devel posts are cross posted to -users10:21
ograand get answered on -users then10:22
LaserJocksbalneav: yeah, but some people like Gavin and I aren't on IRC much anymore10:22
LaserJockand IRC is really bad when you need to reference10:22
LaserJockI have such a bad memory10:22
LaserJockit's nice to have an email to go back too10:22
sbalneavPerhaps, when we solve a problem on IRC, a quick "Here's what we decided in #edubuntu today" mail might help.10:23
sbalneavI'll try to remember to do this more often.10:23
LaserJockdoesn't hurt10:23
sbalneavOnly when I breath.10:23
LaserJockI feel pretty left out sometimes because of my TZ and real life stuff10:24
LaserJockI *know* you all are having a blast in #edubuntu ;-)10:24
sbalneavYeah, finish up that degree, and get hired by Canonical, would you?10:24
LaserJockyeah yeah10:24
LaserJockI think I need a bumper sticker that says "I'd rather be pbuilding"10:25
sbalneavRichEd: We need tshirts that say this for the next UDS.10:25
ograthats a cool one !10:25
ograwe should have that in the ubuntu store :)10:26
=== ogra would put it on his car :)
RichEdogra: they should have a suggestion list for new products10:26
sbalneavSo, what part of the meeting are we on?10:26
LaserJockmy big tasks for gutsy are to 1) help moquist where I can on moodle  2) make sure the addon-enhancements are finished off 3) make sure docs get uploaded, etc.10:26
ograsbalneav, well, we only have tech10:26
sbalneavNo doc?10:27
RichEdyes ...10:27
=== RichEd scrolls back
LaserJockI can see if I can get a couple MIRs in, but I'm not sure what I'll get too10:27
ograsbalneav, the new meeting structure has tech once a week and a "normal" meeting twice a month10:27
RichEdwell eduntu-user meeting not "normal"10:28
LaserJockwell, we still talk about the technical doc stuff right?10:28
RichEdwhere are we now on the agenda you pasted ogra ?10:28
ograsbalneav, and i prepare a short tech report like i pasted above and then the meeting is open for tech discussion and questions10:28
RichEdwe need to raise these items first:10:28
RichEdAny Other Items under Artwork10:29
RichEd<ogra>     * give feedback :)10:29
RichEd<ogra> Any Other Items under Documentation10:29
ograwell there are noew images on eh wikiage ... everyone have a look :)10:29
RichEdfor artwork ... see this for samples from our new volunteer10:29
RichEdogra ... you looked during the week, there are new ones since the last meeting10:29
LaserJockoh wow10:29
LaserJockthat first one is fantastic10:30
ograthe first one is perfect10:30
sbalneav++ for the first one.10:30
LaserJockit's got a mature feel to it even, not so kiddie neccesarily10:30
ograbut the logo is a bit to much in the face in all of them for my taste10:30
stgraber+1 for the first one10:30
LaserJockyeah, if you can alpha the logos  a bit10:30
ograadd your comments on the wiki10:30
LaserJockso it's more watermarked10:30
sbalneav3rd one will be nice for the kiddies.10:31
ograso jill can pick them up10:31
LaserJockthe are all quite nice actually10:31
sbalneavThey are.10:31
sbalneavInclude 'em all, says I10:31
ograi'll check the space10:31
ograi'll try to get some samples in for tribe 610:32
LaserJockwe could also make a ubuntu-addon-artwork if we got a good collection10:32
LaserJockI think schools would be interested in having a variety10:32
RichEdcan we all comment on #1 and see if we can get that one good enough for the default ?10:32
ograedubuntu you mean ?10:32
sbalneavYeah, just put it on the addon cd.10:32
LaserJockblah, yes10:32
ograhey hey10:32
sbalneavThere's still lots of room on that, yes?10:32
ograthe addon CD isnt endless10:32
LaserJockwell, yes and no10:32
LaserJockogra fills the remaining space with lang packs10:33
LaserJockwhich I think are valuable10:33
ogra(Laser asked for incliding 140M oo.o clipart today)10:33
LaserJockit was a good idea ;-)10:33
ograit is :)10:33
ograbut the addon CD only has 700M10:33
ograand i'm not sure yet what to do with the DVDs10:34
ograthey are pretty oversized10:34
LaserJockoh really?10:34
ogra(and we have no specific seed to adjust anything on them)10:34
LaserJockI was actually going to have a look at the DVD10:34
sbalneavI think shipit should just send 250 gig preinstalled hard drives :)10:34
ograedubuntu/dvd: gutsy-dvd-amd64.iso oversized by 650883072 bytes (5351256064)10:34
ograedubuntu/dvd: gutsy-dvd-i386.iso oversized by 686366720 bytes (5386739712)10:34
sbalneavThat'd solve the problem.10:34
LaserJockcan we create a dvd seed?10:34
ograsbalneav, that would dissolve canonical pretty quickly as well i guess :)10:35
ograLaserJock, i dont think so ...10:35
LaserJockbah, Mark's loaded ;-)10:35
LaserJockwe should discuss that then10:35
ograi havent taken a deep look at what's on the DVD at all yet ...10:35
LaserJockit's no good having DVD .isos that nobody can use10:35
ograi'll have to do that and plan to do so before tribe 610:36
LaserJockthe live CDs seem to be making it so far10:36
LaserJockwe'll see what else Ubuntu piles in there before release10:36
LaserJockthey've already gotten rid of the lang packs I think10:36
ograthey tend to break every now and then10:36
ograbut we're in good shape atm10:37
ograeven though the langs we'll be able to ship will be very limited on the liveCD10:37
LaserJockare we supposed to get any artwork from the artwork team/Canonical?10:38
ograwell, ken will make the default themes easily changeable wrt color etc ...10:39
ograi'll just apply out colorscheme on top of the ubuntu stuff ....10:39
ograworked well in feisty10:39
ogra(see gdm)10:39
ograwe dont have a desktop splash anymore ...10:39
ograthats makes it all a bit easier10:39
ografor usplash we'll surely get somwthing adapted from kwwii if he changes ubuntu10:40
ograbut we wont get any wallpapers or so ...10:40
ograso what jill offers is whats likely to end up on the CD10:41
sbalneavkwii?  Is that pronounced "kwee", or is it the kde version of world war 2?10:41
LaserJockok great10:41
LaserJocksbalneav: hehe, he gets that a lot10:41
RichEdkwwii = kenneth w**** wimer II10:41
RichEdnor sure of the middle name10:41
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ograsbalneav, thats ken, he likes to play with his nintendo :P10:42
ograkw wii :)10:42
sbalneavOnly buttons10:43
LaserJockI was wondering what you guys thought about doing an Edubuntu Bug Day10:43
LaserJockmaybe after Beta is released10:43
ograafter tribe release would be good i guess10:43
LaserJockor tribe would be good10:43
ograso we catch some before beta10:43
sbalneavesPECially after all the new ltsp improvements.10:43
ograand another one after beta10:43
LaserJockwe'd need to make sure we have the technical backing10:44
LaserJockso people aren't stranded10:44
LaserJockbut I thought it might be a good way to get some bugs crushed and get some new people perhaps involved10:44
sbalneavI could take a day off work, hang around the house.10:44
ograwell, if i'm around i'm in ubuntu-bugs as well anyway10:44
ograi usually catch the ltsp bugs faster there than they arrive in my mailbox10:45
ograbut thats a very limited number anyway10:45
sbalneavYou uploaded the new ltsp stuff yet?10:45
ograeven the amount raised a lot compared to feisty ... thats a very good sign for more users imho10:45
ograwill do right after the meeting10:45
LaserJockI'd like to see what we can do about some edu app bugs too10:46
LaserJockI try to have a look at them every once in a while10:46
ograsqueak could need an adopter10:46
LaserJockand went through all the gcompris ones once10:46
sbalneavyeah, we've got a few of them, and they're not really going down.10:46
ogra(nobody attending the meeting)10:46
sbalneavLot of people using squeak?10:46
=== ogra throws a look at sbalneav
LaserJockI want to grab that other packaging10:46
LaserJockas I think it's better10:47
LaserJockI just didn't have time :(10:47
sbalneavWhat?!?  What'd I do?!? :)10:47
LaserJockbut it might be a fun project for an edu person wanting to get into packaging10:47
ograthere is also a lot of request for an amd64 version10:47
ograsbalneav, nothing10:47
LaserJockyeah, I'm not sure about the amd64 stuff10:47
LaserJockI thought #squeak told me it was 32bit only10:47
ograme neither10:48
ograthe thing is that we by default dont disable possible arches10:48
ograthe ackages with binary blob content we have there are just available on all arches10:48
LaserJocka couple of the bug emails seemed to indicate that it might work on other aches10:48
ograthe vm package isnt since it doesnt build on anything but i38610:48
LaserJockin any case we should fix it so it only builds on the arches it should10:49
ograwe could try to enable it for amd64 and listen for feedback10:49
ogra(if it builds)10:49
LaserJockogra: is there any good day of the week for you when it comes to bug crushing?10:50
ograwednesday is bad if we have the early meeting10:50
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LaserJockwhat about the thursday after Beta?10:51
LaserJockTribe 6 rather10:52
=== ogra_ [n=ogra@p548ACB4F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
ogra_thursdays i have an internal canonical meeting ... (15:00 UTC fixed)10:53
sbalneavHello, evil ogra.10:53
ogra_beyond that i'm open10:53
LaserJockmake it a Fix-it-Friday10:53
ograsounds good10:54
ograso the friday after tribe 6 and the friday after beta ?10:54
LaserJockok, I'll announce and blog?10:54
ograok, we're hitting the hour ...10:55
sbalneavis it can be doco tiem now pleez?10:55
LaserJockdo we need to get out?10:55
RichEdnope ... just trying to keep it to an hour in general10:55
ogranot really, but i expected the new format to srten the meeting, not to make it loger10:56
sbalneavok, gimme 2 minutes, I'll be fast.10:56
RichEdsbalneav: go ahead10:56
=== SpudDogg [n=spuddogg@c-76-109-159-194.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
LaserJockogra: we were running 2 hrs so it's still shorter ;-)10:56
ograLaserJock, 1h for tech10:56
sbalneavok, so doco work has begun, and I'm working on documenting all the new stuff.10:57
sbalneavPart of the whole "topic based help" issue is me breaking up the big "customizing ltsp behaviour" sections into topics10:57
sbalneavso, ldm10:57
sbalneavdisplay customization,10:58
ogrado you know whats involved to build the edubuntu-docs package ?10:58
sbalneavI'm just committing to the svn10:58
ograhmm, me neither ... LaserJock ?10:58
ograwould be nice if scott couls also build the source :)10:58
LaserJockI do a svn export and then move some directories around and remove unnecessary ones10:59
=== ogra secretly points to https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart
LaserJockhmm, good point10:59
sbalneavwhat I was going to ask was, could doco interested people keep an eye over the next week or so (i guess up until the 13th) and send me feedback on how they feel the handbook's progressing?10:59
LaserJockI can add the necessary documentation for building the source package10:59
ograthat'd be great11:00
LaserJockI think we should really be testing the .debs out11:00
LaserJockand how they look in Gnome Help11:00
LaserJockyelp has changed a lot11:00
ograsbalneav, make a call on the ML :)11:00
LaserJockso I want to make sure things don't end up weird11:00
ograso you also get feedback from teh regular user11:00
sbalneavwill do.  Devel or users? or both?11:00
ograor both11:00
ograi see some gutsy tester on -users ...11:01
ograso that makes sense i guess11:01
sbalneavAlso, any good wysiwig xml editors people can recommend?11:01
sbalneavI'm doing everything in vi at the moment.11:01
=== ogra only knows conglomerate ... but that was very crashy last time i tried
sbalneavI looked at that.  It's not wysiwig.11:02
LaserJockthere is *no* wysiwig XML editor11:02
LaserJockthat's been a problem in the doc team11:02
sbalneavvi it is then.11:02
LaserJockit create a definite barrier to contribution11:03
ograLaserJock, nvu/kompozer ?11:03
LaserJocknot for our docs11:03
LaserJockwe have so many includes, etc.11:03
LaserJockmost things just choke11:03
sbalneavok, well, that's all I had.11:04
ogragreat :)11:04
ograany ad-hoc topics ?11:04
SpudDoggSorry to butt in here fellas, but is there a reason you are going to use vi?11:04
LaserJockcause it works11:04
sbalneavSuggest something else.  I'm all ears.11:04
SpudDoggwhat about nano/pico?  too noobish?11:05
ograSpudDogg, cause we know it :)11:05
LaserJockSpudDogg: not noobish, just not as feature full for doc editing11:05
sbalneavUsing vi's like using a steam engine.  Pico would be walking. :)11:05
SpudDoggi see.  i've been meaning to learn to use vi, but i havent had a reason to yet :)11:05
ograSpudDogg, if you want to contribute docs and ant to use nanao for that, feel free, we wont care what you used to create them ;)11:06
ograreally, the outcome counts :)11:06
LaserJockheck, we might even let you use gedit ;p11:06
SpudDoggi'm too much of a noob to write docs for anyone, lol11:06
ograor a secretary if you can afford one ;)11:06
SpudDoggdamn gedit, even I dont use that11:06
LaserJockthere are several Ubuntu Documentation people who use gedit11:07
LaserJockit's not too bad once you get the plugins enabled11:07
ograSpudDogg, well, you could read them and ask about stuff thats badly formulated or sounds weird as well ;)11:07
SpudDoggalright, i'll leave you guys alone...i'll go get a secretary11:07
ograno need to produce anything to contribute time ;)11:08
ograanyway, lets end this meeting (nless anyone has another topic to discuss)11:08
ograspeak NOW !11:09
ogragoing once ....11:09
ogragoing twice ....11:09
ograyou could still speak up ...11:09
ograadjourned !11:09
ograthanks everybody :)11:09
RichEdthanks ogra ... and all11:09
RichEdsee you on the morrow11:09
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=== ogra finally gets some late dinner
=== SpudDogg goes to get a secretary
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nixternal@schedule chicago11:29
ubotuSchedule for America/Chicago: Current meeting: Edubuntu | 03 Sep 08:00: Community Council | 07 Sep 19:00: MOTU Team | 08 Sep 12:00: Xubuntu Developers | 10 Sep 14:00: Screencast Team | 19 Sep 15:00: Xubuntu Developers11:29
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 03 Sep 13:00 UTC: Community Council | 08 Sep 00:00 UTC: MOTU Team | 08 Sep 17:00 UTC: Xubuntu Developers | 10 Sep 19:00 UTC: Screencast Team | 19 Sep 20:00 UTC: Xubuntu Developers | 06 Oct 17:00 UTC: Xubuntu Developers
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