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azzmodaniptables doesn't seem to be blocking anything and it worked before12:04
macacoi try to search on google two ;)12:04
Hammy031ok im downloading the alt cd now12:04
neverblueazzmodan, can you visit pages locally ?12:04
steveatlocalhosthammy031 install in text mode i think12:04
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azzmodanThe linux machine that does the gatewaying can open pages fine, the 2nd machine can ping/trace/telnet to stuff (except for port 80)12:05
thedashgordonjcp :: you know any reason why bmp doesn't seem to like the year or tracknumber tags ?12:05
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gordonjcpthedash: nope12:05
neverblueazzmodan, can you view pages on the local server, view localhost ?12:05
gordonjcpthedash: file a bug?12:05
vicentecarroI have an usb disk that was corrupted. I launched fsck -a and it repaired it (taking about 6 hours). But now i have noticed that when i remove files in that filesystem i get no free space. Ideas?12:05
azzmodanI don't have a local webserver12:05
Hammy031ok thank you steve12:05
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gordonjcpvicentecarro: general filesystem weirdness12:06
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gordonjcpvicentecarro: copy off the files you want to save, and format the usb disk, maybe12:06
thedashgordonjcp :: not sure what to describe it as, the 'year' tag shows the first character, nothing more, and the 'tag' is empty12:06
steveatlocalhosthammy031 no problem12:06
thedashgordonjcp :: maybe bmp doesn't like unicode tags ?12:06
gordonjcpthedash: could be12:06
gordonjcpthedash: try straight ascii tags, and see if that solves it12:06
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neverblueazzmodan, so you cannot view remote pages, on that box ?12:06
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gordonjcpthedash: basically the more evidence you can give them, the more likely they are to be able to fix your bug12:07
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azzmodanneverblue, correct and I can not telnet to port 80 either, but other ports and https work fine12:07
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neverblueazzmodan, not sure what your problem is exactly, but good luck :)12:08
Flannelazzmodan: Apache?  Are your virtual hosts listening on port 80?12:08
azzmodanneverblue, yeah I know it's the weirdest thing and I've never seen it before :)12:08
azzmodanFlannel, it's about outgoing, I do not have anything listening on port 80 on either machines12:09
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barbarellaazzmodan:your log files could tell you more12:09
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azzmodanI'n not seeing any errors, the connection just times out12:10
barbarellaAdministrator:hi bill12:10
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GBenemyHello there12:10
Flannelazzmodan: sounds like the server isn't running anything on port 8012:10
GBenemyThis is the third time i've tried to download the .iso for ubuntu12:10
GBenemyfirst time12:10
ByronFortescuecan somebody point me to a good location to learn some stuff about ircii (terminal irc client).. I can't get the hang of it really :P12:10
GBenemyit stopped at 50mb12:10
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Flannel!enter | GBenemy12:10
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ubotuGBenemy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:10
azzmodanI'm sure google is running something on port 8012:10
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FlannelByronFortescue: you might try irssi instead12:11
WX9Jjust replaced motherboard, now x is not working, can anyone tell me how to configure from the command prompt ?12:11
ByronFortescueFlannel: Why?12:11
neverblueazzmodan, so you believe your port 80 is being blocked somehow ?12:11
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Administratorok bye people im done installing and burning my alt cd12:11
neverblueAzzkikr, blocked from incoming ?12:11
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Administratorim going to test it now12:11
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GBenemysorry Flanne;.....second time it's stopped at 520mb. now i'm trying again, can anyone tell me as to why this keeps happening?  have stayed connected to the net for the whole time so it's not a timeout12:11
neverblueops, azzmodan I meant12:11
steveatlocalhostadministrator: good luck12:11
FlannelByronFortescue: because it's more intuitive.  If all your looknig for is [terminal IRC client] , irssi might be abetter choice.  If you're dedicated to ircii, that's fine too12:12
super-6-1umm hello the ndiswrapper did not install from the disk12:12
Administratorbtw im Hammy03112:12
Flannelsuper-6-1: ndiswrapper isn't on the disc in feisty12:12
demonsporkI have a script I am trying to edit, it uses '  case "$1" in ' on the first line first line, then, the options for $1 come up, such as ' start) ' and '  stop)  '   Each option followed by the list of commands that are executed if it is the value of $1  .  How do I set an option that will run if $1 is not input?12:12
super-6-1oo now you tell me12:12
Picidemonspork: #bash12:12
azzmodanFor some reason it seems this gateway stopped correctly gatewaying traffic over port 8012:12
super-6-1well my floopy wont mount12:12
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ByronFortescueFlannel: Ok thanks for the suggestion, just wondering why you'd put it up.. I'll check if i can get irssi here..12:13
Flannelsuper-6-1: any other method of sneakernet?12:13
neverblueazzmodan, so its the gateway, or a machine on the LAN ?12:13
super-6-1Flannel i downloaded the ndiswapper via floppy and now the laptop wont mount the floopy12:13
azzmodanThe machine on the lan has trouble being unable to establish connection to remote machines on port 8012:13
FlannelByronFortescue: irssi is in main12:13
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thedashwhy can't I remove comments from items added to the [default]  top panel ?12:14
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neverblueazzmodan, did you set rules (iptables) on that box ?12:14
super-6-1i get this error when useing the floopy  mount: /dev/fd0 is not a valid block device12:14
osmosisdoes ubuntu have php4 ?12:14
ByronFortescueFlannel: I must confess, i'm on OSX here, using Fink as a tool to get good OSS ports.. Was just here cause there is usually a lot of knowledge going around.. so thanks for that, and yes, irssi is in the repo of fink ;)12:14
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Flannelosmosis: not in feisty12:15
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CuzzIf you installed 8600GT drivers and get the blue screen on start up, just run the followingcommands again. "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" "cd Desktop" "sudo sh NV (PRESS TAB TO GET THE REST)"12:15
GBenemyis there a way to just conitnue interupted downloads? because i'm sick of starting a 700meg file over an over again?12:15
osmosisFlannel: they took it out?12:15
azzmodanYeah, no outgoing blocks in place though and the only incoming rules are for ssh and rdp, nothing related to port 8012:15
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FlannelByronFortescue: irssi is the favored terminal client of most people I think.  Also, the irssi webpage has some really good documentation on it.12:15
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ByronFortescueFlannel: awesome, apt-getting irssi now, thanks for the help ;) i'll log back when I get it working..12:16
Flannelosmosis: they did.  PHP isn't even supporting it anymore.  If you want php4, dapper might be a good choice for you12:17
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ubuntu_i have a problem after windows instalation grub boot disappear and when i try install it agaain i fail , also the partation that ubuntu install on seem to be damage anyone  can help me to repaire it ?12:18
ferric84I have 14gb left on my drive, and want to shrink it down to 10gb and install ubuntu.  Setup will only allow me to shrink it to 23gb.  is there a way to force it somehow?12:18
Ch0HagCan I install Ubuntu in Ukrainian and have it fall back to Russian before English?12:18
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medflyCh0Hag, what do you mean, in language switching?12:19
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rhorunswhy the hell can't i open this?12:19
rhorunssudo sh doom3-linux-
Flannelferric84: You have 14GB of stuff on there?12:19
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ferric84flannel: 14gb free12:19
Eomerhello, where can i find the md5 value for the.iso image of ubuntu... when i try to download it, i dont fine tit?12:19
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Flannelferric84: defrag in windows first12:19
Ch0HagWell they'll log in with LANG=ua or whatever it is, and anything that doesn't have ua language files uses English instead.12:20
Ch0HagWell it probably uses C, not en.12:20
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Ch0HagI want it to be ua -> ru -> en_GB -> C12:20
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Ch0HagBut the login screen only lets you choose the main language.12:20
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jribEomer: releases.ubuntu.com should have them on there12:20
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Flannelferric84: and, I don't think you'll be able to shrink it that small anyway, probably minimum of 5 or 10% of freespace.  (not that I have any hard facts to back that up)12:21
jessemullerFlannel: I'm back with irssi, looking good.. thanks for the tip mate..12:21
jessemulleri need to set my nick i see ^_^12:22
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Eomeroh great, i found them12:22
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Eomerthank you12:22
bogdomaniai have installed ubuntu 2day..and i have gnome environment..how can i switch on kde?or install kde environment?im new on linux..12:22
azzmodanneverblue, it ended up being some weird vista issue that just happened to occur while I was busy reconfiguring my gateway's network interfaces12:23
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thedashwhy can't I remove comments from items added to the [default]  top panel ?12:23
neverblueazzmodan, :/12:23
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse12:23
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azzmodanWhy the hell vista would suddenly block all outgoing traffic over port 80 I'll never know12:24
dho_ragusbogdomania: you can install KDE with synaptic or apt-get.  check the #kubuntu room for more help12:24
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ubotuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems12:24
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bogdomaniaok 10x dho_ragus12:24
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azzmodanbogdomania, pretty sure you can just install the "kubuntu-desktop" meta package and get all the kde goodness12:25
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bogdomania10x azzmodan12:25
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Flannelbogdomania: you can12:26
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bogdomaniaim wondering..is linux more flexible and secure that windows is?12:27
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ByronFortescuebogdomania: yes12:27
bogdomaniaand what about viruses?12:27
ByronFortescuebogdomania: not really12:27
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nomicanyone know how to get the processor ID in ubuntu uname -m just gives me 'i686'12:28
Ray_at_UWHi everyone. :) I just installed ubuntu. I just figured out how sudo works and I'm chugging along. It's rather nice.12:28
kosharibogdomania viruses are largely a windows "feature"12:28
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bogdomaniakoshari...are no viruses for linux then?12:28
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nomici need theprocessor make & model12:28
CryoniqQuestion: Is there a way to boot another existing OS on another partition, in a window or layer - similiar to how one for example start/boot a VMware virtualisation in Ubuntu?12:29
pike_nomic: cat /proc/cpuid12:29
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Flannelnomic: try lshw12:29
nomicty pike12:29
nomicty flannel12:29
pike_nomic: cat /proc/cpuinfo i mean sorry12:29
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merlinregisksh... houston we have a problem... roger... ;)12:29
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ByronFortescuebogdomania: No.. proof of concept, probably, but real wide virusses.. nah12:29
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kosharibogdomania there have been proof of concept viruses in linux but with the user not having root priveliges and no activeX there very low risk12:29
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ByronFortescuebogdomania: Windows however, when was the last count, 141000+ ?12:30
kazim59Bliss was supposedly the first linux virus (google it)12:30
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bogdomaniaaha..and the exploits attacs?like buffer overflow and stuff?12:30
bogdomania:)) ByronFortescue12:30
bogdomaniaa lot12:30
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Ray_at_UWSo I installed thunderbird in the main filesystem because I can't find it in the repository... what happens when thunderbird tries to update?12:30
BucketfaceDoes anyone know how to get ePSXe or zsnes to actually work on Ubuntu12:30
FlannelRay_at_UW: You should have installed it in /usr/local or /opt12:30
Ray_at_UW>.> Will I have to sudo and manually do the update?12:30
rhorunscan someone help me install Doom 3 on Ubuntu? i have all the paks, i just want to know how to use the script12:31
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neverblueBucketface, did you read the README?12:31
Ray_at_UWFlannel: Thanks. I'll do that.12:31
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zirodayRay_at_UW: you will have to download another cpy and manually update thats why you shoud use the dpkg system12:31
BucketfaceI know how it works12:31
PriceChildrhoruns, There's a pretty easy guide on the site you got it off... zerowing.idsoftware.com ?12:31
merlinregishi gang... suddenly when restarting the computer I get an "error 2" on loading the grub... computer unusable besides w/ live cd :'(12:31
Bucketfaceneverblue, when I install it it just doesn't work!12:31
FlannelRay_at_UW: /usr/ is reserved for package management, and you shouldn't mess with it (you run the risk of breaking p.m.)  use /usr/local for locally installed stuffs12:31
neverblueBucketface, then whats the problem ?12:31
rhorunsohhh, thanks PriceChild, ill check it out12:31
CryoniqEvery OS has it share of viruses, but Windows is the far superior OS vulnerable today, which in turn require a LOT of work for users and companies protecting themselves, not to mention the cost..12:31
neverblueBucketface, I just installed and ran it12:31
azzmodanmerlinregis, can you mount your drive in the livecd?12:31
FlannelRay_at_UW: especially considering when you upgrade to gutsy, you'll get 2.012:31
kosharibogdomania nearly any cmplex code can contain things like bufer overflows. however exploiting them to gain advantage and how long they are patched are the real concerns12:32
=== freezey [n=freezey@user-160uc5p.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
merlinregisHmmm... sorry for my ignorance, but I'm not very familiar w/ console commands...12:32
kazim59Cryoniq: Linux got no share, though...12:32
freezeywhen i try to install xorg keeps failing any suggestions? i tried changing it to vesa and that doesnt work12:32
albacI have a weird problem with user in ldap.. I can search, but I can't modify or delete.. it says no such an object.. however  I can see it there12:32
merlinregisat least I know I can do so by going root in the terminal window12:32
serengetiCryoniq: I don't think so, the drivers would be all messed up... but there's vmware converter that's supposed to convert your physical windows installation into a vmware image12:32
azzmodanlinux would have plenty viruses if it where as popular as windows, since most of the trouble is dumb users12:32
medflykazim59, it does, its just because its built in a less dumb way, you just dont get viruses from browsing around, unless something is horribly wrong12:32
bogdomaniaok thanks alot guys! good night12:33
albacanyone good at ldap?12:33
lwizardli have the hfsp files installed and i still can't get it to read my usb drive12:33
freezeyazzmodan: well it does have rootkits12:33
serengetiCryoniq: http://www.vmware.com/products/converter/12:33
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freezeyalbac: depends what your trying to do12:33
kazim59medfly: nobody browses as root... so virus could not make much harm....12:33
merlinregisazzmodan, sorry but I'm not in agreement with you because windows is aimed at because of "bill's power trip"12:33
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medflyyeah, being on windows is like being constantly root..12:33
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ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:33
azzmodanThe only thing most users care about is "their files" and they have full access rights on their files12:34
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kazim59azzmodan: the permission model of linux prevents viruses from infecting...12:34
CryoniqAzzmodan, not true. The architecture of GNU/Linux and *nix on general is very different. Since GNU/Linux become very more popular over the years, there still are no working viruses at all in the void threatening.12:34
ByronFortescuemedfly: yeah, but still, that's because it's default..12:34
freezeywhen i try to install xorg keeps failing any suggestions? i tried changing it to vesa and that doesnt work12:34
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ubotuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2112:34
albacI said before.. I am trying to delete or modify a user, I can see it if I do ldapsearch , but it says no such an object if I tried to delete it or modify12:34
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freezeyyou using all the correct parameters and spelling everything correctly?12:35
medflyim trying to follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenChrome and i got a problem. http://rafb.net/p/LWLBJ986.html12:35
soothsayerWhere can I specify a proxy in Evolution?12:35
Cryoniqserengeti, thanks :)12:35
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kosharithere are other factors such as most of the software installed on linux systems comes from trusted sources such as repositories,12:37
Ray_at_UWI installed thunderbird via the (add/remove programs)  but it seems I only have 1.5. How do I get up to the latest version?12:37
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kosharithere is less reason to download a rogue program from an untrusted source and install.12:37
KopfgeldjaegerGute Nacht (verdammt, schon so spt?)12:37
soothsayer!ger | Kopfgeldjaeger12:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ger - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:37
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soothsayer!gr | Kopfgeldjaeger12:38
ubotuKopfgeldjaeger: #ubuntu-gr  #kubuntu-gr     /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes12:38
Cryoniqkoshari, true.. but also the fact most software is also open source.12:38
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azzmodanThere's plenty of reason! Ubuntu doesn't have these cool cursors of animals being chased by cats12:38
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neverblueBucketface, not offerring a response ?12:38
thedashsoothsayer :: try 'de'; gr is Greek :)12:38
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azzmodanI only have to sudo dpkg --install spyware-cursors and I can have awesome new cursors!12:38
soothsayerthedash: Doesn't matter, I don't think he is German anyway :)12:38
Cryoniqkoshari, but the main reason is that IF a virus should enter the system via a program, the system WILL jump on you if it tries to spread and modify other files.12:38
Stoffermy pidgin keeps crashing w/ a seg fault.  I have a backtrace:  #0  0xb7f59260 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libdbus-1.so.3 ---- Cannot access memory at address 0xbf63dfe0.   Any suggestions?12:38
medflysoothsayer, gr is for greece12:38
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soothsayerSwedish maybe12:39
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:39
Bucketfaceneverblue, I had to do something! Anyway, I can install and run it, but it won't play the ROMs!12:39
azzmodanThe virus can just put a small script in the users gnome startup thing12:39
soothsayeror norwegian12:39
neverblueBucketface, where did you get the ROMS from ?12:39
azzmodanYou don't need special rights to send spam12:39
tinkei have  2 windows on a laptop (c: and d:), i'm planning to install ubuntu over the one in d:, do i need to take anything special into account?12:39
freezeywhen i try to install xorg keeps failing any suggestions? i tried changing it to vesa and that doesnt work12:39
mario_hello how can i put a matrix background12:39
Bucketfaceit's reliable12:39
CryoniqAzzmodan, that is not a virus per definition12:39
neverblueBucketface, previously you stated you werent able to run it ?12:39
medflysoothsayer, im pretty sure its german12:39
neverblueBucketface, im confused, or your unclear12:40
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medflysoothsayer, well, he only said good night :-)12:40
merlinregisABSI was wondering, since I have this grub problem... can I reinstall changing from ubuntu to "k" or "x" ubuntu without losing the rest?12:40
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koshariCryoniq true, but these days most windows exploits dont come from running code, browsing enough can do the trick12:40
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azzmodanNo it's more of a trojan or malware, but those fall under the common denominator12:40
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Xcercais envy the program the most people use to install nvidia card drivers ?12:41
medflycan anyone help me? im trying to get the openchrome drivers to work, following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenChrome but i got some problem - http://rafb.net/p/LWLBJ986.html12:41
koshariCryoniq , or in the case of blaster having an internet connection was simply enough12:41
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medflyXcerca, i thought they just apt-get install nvidia-glx or a similar package name12:41
Cryoniqkoshari, aye.. and only fixing my relatives computers with XP each week or each 2 weeks drove me crazy.. since they fixed a Mac Laptop and I installed Ubuntu on their stationary I never heard from them since 1 year back.. :P12:41
Bucketfaceneverblue, perhaps a bad choice of words on my part, either way, I can open the software, just not use it.12:41
medflyXcerca, and i think it even comes with ubuntu..12:41
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neverblueBucketface, but it runs, you just cannot start the ROM ?12:42
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CryoniqI shall not even begin to mention how it was working as a Windows NT consultant and with customers..12:42
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freezeyhow about a SD card reading plugin? does ubuntu have that?12:42
Bucketfaceneverblue, exactly.12:42
Xcercai've tried a couple of things,  i'm going to see what the forums say12:42
neverblueBucketface, dling mario cart now :)12:42
kosharixcera the envy program is really only neccesaryt if the binaries in the repos are not latest enough for your hardware12:42
AmadeoACPI isn't working on my laptop, getting an ACPI [package]  has zero elements error message on boot12:42
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Bucketfacekthx, neverblue12:43
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CryoniqAnyway, lets not have this discussion in the support channel. Have to excuse myself for feeding it. :)12:43
mario_help<trying to put thems on computer how do i do this12:43
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Paddy_EIRE_anyone know what this is all about patrick@patrick-laptop:~$ firefox Segmentation fault (core dumped)12:44
SquirrelbuntuPardon me, uhm I got an issue with Ubuntu runnin on my HDD. When I start Ubuntu it says it is loading then it blank screens. Now atm I am chatting via the live CD and it had the option to change screen resolution and I believe that is my issue. How do I make my screen resolution/refresh rate lower via the console?12:44
albacyeah I am using everything correct.. not the first time I used ldap commands12:44
neverbluePaddy_EIRE_, talk to them on /server irc.mozilla.org in #firefox12:44
albacbut this is weird12:44
Paddy_EIRE_neverblue, thx man12:44
neverbluenp :)12:45
albacmessage says no such an object err 3212:45
abysslo, ubuntu fiesty fawn looks a kind of slow in some cases. anyone has the same things?12:45
albachowever I am able to see it trough ldapsearch12:45
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merlinregisabyss, how much RAM do you have?12:45
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abyssPC-Specs: AMD Turion X2 TL50 - 1GB-DDR-212:45
neverblueworks Bucketface12:46
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neverbluemaybe you have a bad rom ?12:46
azzmodanI have a p4 2.4 with 512mb rdram and I've not noticed any slowness12:46
Cryoniqabyss, what is your hardware setup like and what setup are you running?12:46
BucketfaceSend me your mario kart rom mebbe?12:46
azzmodan"some cases" is also kinda vague12:46
pike_abyss: first thing i always do is check hd settings with hdparm. also you can grab 'bum' to trim running processes you dont need12:46
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BucketfaceAlso, wha way did you download it neverblue?12:46
rhorunshey, what's the command to extract files from and ISO into a folder??12:46
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rhorunsan ISO**12:46
BucketfaceISO things aren't extractable12:46
merlinregisand I wouldn't see why abyss  should see any either... any programs that load at startup?12:47
neverblueBucketface, the usual12:47
rhorunsthen how do i mount an ISO?12:47
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abysshdparm:  Timing buffered disk reads:  134 MB in  3.01 seconds =  44.45 MB/sec12:47
CryoniqRhoruns, you can mount the ISO and then copy..12:47
Bucketfacesudo apt-get install zsnes?12:47
astro76!iso | rhoruns12:47
uboturhoruns: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.12:47
neverblueBucketface, there wasnt an ISO, and shouldnt be12:47
nickrudrhoruns, sudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt12:47
nickrudoops, missed the loop :)12:47
neverblueBucketface, are you looking for just one specific game?12:47
BucketfaceI know I was talking to the other guy neverblue12:47
colourAggasomeone know how to resize my ext3/swap partitions?12:47
rhorunsoh, thanks nickrud :D12:47
BucketfaceI'm looking for FFIV12:47
pike_colourAgga: use gparted livecd or ubuntu live12:47
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colourAggapike_: i can do it from ubuntu live cd?12:48
abyssare 44.45 MB / sec ok for SATA?12:48
CryoniqcolourAgga, gparted you can install from synaptic repositories12:48
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neverblueand its a .smc file ?12:48
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pike_colourAgga: yeah just install gparted in livecd and you can. thing is you need it to run without partitions being mounted thats why livecd12:48
neverblueBucketface, is it an .smc file ?12:48
colourAggaahhh oke12:49
colourAggai'll do that tomorrow then12:49
Bucketfaceneverblue, yes, I am familiar with SNES emulation on Windows...12:49
neverblueBucketface, thats not what I asked12:49
colourAggai ain't gonna fcuk up my nice install with all my stuff with a fresh install :)12:49
neverblueBucketface, is it an .smc file ?12:49
BucketfaceI said YES12:49
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colourAggait seams GPixPod is a bit outdated?12:49
CryoniqcolourAgga, and don't forget to backup things you care about before you do that as well ;)12:49
BucketfaceI'll try again12:49
colourAggayea most of it is on usb storage or online storage as well :)12:50
CryoniqcolourAgga,  =)12:50
neverblueBucketface, loads just fine here12:50
colourAggaso anyone else got beryl running?12:50
merlinregisso... can I reinstall kubuntu over ubuntu without losing my stuff?12:50
neverbluecolourAgga, ofcourse12:50
BucketfaceI'll reinstall get a different rom. ;d Thanks for the help though neverblue.12:50
Flannelmerlinregis: you don't reinstall, you just install the kubuntu-desktop metapackage12:50
colourAggait's very very nice i must sai12:50
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CryoniqcolourAgga, I am running Beryl with a ATI9800 pro :)12:50
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colourAggame with 920012:50
neverblueBucketface, what errors are you getting ?12:50
Flannelmerlinregis: ubuntu and kubuntu (and xubuntu, and edubuntu) are all the same distribution.12:51
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merlinregisFlannel, since I have a grub problem, I thought I'd do 2 things in one... get back my startup options and switch from ubuntu to "k"12:51
colourAggai have some last hurdles to take before i can finally use ubuntu for real like my ipod12:51
Bucketfaceneverblue, no errors when I start up, though the usual snowy animation isn't there12:51
Flannelmerlinregis: do you have your home on a diferent partition?12:51
abyssi think i found out the problem but no solution atm. The CPU-Speed is on 800Mhz on both Cores. I think there is more possible12:51
CryoniqcolourAgga, but it was a pain to get it working with the DRI on this card.. he he.. punishment for using ATI :D12:52
merlinregisFlannel, individual drive12:52
neverbluewhen you start zsnes you see the menu to load the game... then you select the ROM then do what ?12:52
colourAggawell i have ATI to and the install was like 15 minutes of work :)12:52
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merlinregisFlannel, 3 or 5 partitions?... 1, 3, 5, if I remember well12:52
CryoniqcolourAgga, I envy you :P Mine took well over 1-2 weeks and lots of reading user howtos and forums and asking questions here ^^12:53
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BucketfaceI'm redownloading the rom neverblue. I deleted them in frustration :D one sec plz12:53
Flannelmerlinregis: home is on a separate partition?  great.  Then yeah, you can reinstall around it.  Just, in the installer, mark it to be used as /home, but make sure it's not marked to format.12:53
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CryoniqThen again, now things have cleared out and updates of beryl happened since then as well :)12:53
neverbluei just realized I had VI, not IV12:53
Paddy_EIREneverblue, thank jeebus for firefox -safe-mode12:53
neverbluedling IV12:53
rhorunsis this command correct? sudo mount -t loop "Disc 1" /dev/cdrom /mnt12:53
neverblue:) @ Paddy_EIRE12:53
merlinregisgreat... thanks Flannel  :) gonna try that out... should fix my grub at the same time?12:53
colourAggaCryoniq: yea well it's worth the wile :)12:53
karlmausiHigh people12:54
Paddy_EIREneverblue, nad the fact that I used febe recently12:54
CryoniqBut it wouldn't hurt if ATI did some work on their drivers for linux as well... *hint hint*12:54
Flannelmerlinregis: yep.  It'll reinstall everything (except your home)12:54
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pike_rhoruns: the iso file is called Disk\ 1?12:54
neverblueBucketface, which release are you grabbing ?12:54
rhorunsit's called:   Disc 1.iso12:54
merlinregisFlannel, thanks again  :)12:54
wctraxlerhey any body running supertux 0.3.0 and nobody in supertux window12:54
pike_rhoruns: sudo mount -o loop Disk\ 1.iso /media/cdrom12:54
colourAggahttp://liebmi.ch/buntuscreen.jpg < my current desktop12:55
rhorunsoh, ok. ill try that pike_ :)12:55
neverblueBucketface, US?12:55
CryoniqHope Compiz Fusion etc pops out soon.. maybe in next ubuntu update? :P12:55
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash12:55
neverblueBucketface, can you possibly copy/paste the entire name ?12:55
FlannelCryoniq: it's in gutsy, it won't be in feisty (officially, there are 3rd party repos)12:55
neverblueas there are more than a dozen FF IVs on the site12:55
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CryoniqFlannel, yay :)12:55
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BucketfaceIt's FFIV in english, that's it. Neverblue12:56
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CryoniqEvery update/upgrade of Ubuntu is like christmas for me :P12:56
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neverblueBucketface, is this on rombay?12:56
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colourAggaCryoniq: dit you catch the screen of my desktop?12:56
ubotuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/12:57
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rhorunswhat the hell?!?1 why can't i copy files in to this folder? it says i'm not the owner/i dont have permissions12:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about swf-player - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:57
BucketfaceYes, on Rombay, the first screen with most popular roms has it at the bottom, it's actually FFII here12:57
neverblueBucketface, looks like I can help you no further12:57
CryoniqcolourAgga, aye :) Looks nice in a green way :)12:57
BucketfaceI have downloaded it12:57
neverblueFFII is not FFIV, fyi12:57
colourAggayea very easy on the eyes12:57
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:57
rafaelscj!find swf-player12:57
BucketfaceIsn't it?12:57
BucketfaceOh well12:58
ubotuFound: swf-player12:58
colourAggabut non the less, i got my ipod working it just seems GPixPod ain't working on this new nano :(12:58
neverbluewhat a waste of time...12:58
BucketfaceBut as I said, when I start zsnes up, there is no snow effect when 'paused'.12:58
colourAggaanyone have any suggestions?12:58
ubuntu_ ubotu  the partation that ubuntu was inatalled after windows instalation its type now is W95 Ext'd (LBA) and linux can't  mount it12:58
neverblueim sure there isnt12:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about swfdec - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:58
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BucketfaceWell why not?12:58
neverbluebut that has nothing to do with it working/not working properly12:58
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neverblueits working, time to move on12:58
rhorunswhat's the command for copying files from one folder to another?12:58
CryoniqcolourAgga, probably wont be long before it does however I suspect :)12:58
colourAggarhoruns: mv12:58
rhorunskk, thanks12:58
kitcherhoruns, cp to copy mv is to move12:58
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colourAggawell Cryoniq, the last post on the GTPixPod blog is from a few months ago12:59
colourAggaso my hopes are deminishing :p12:59
Cre0ni need help when i boot up it says /hda1 not found dropping to shell and then it drops me to busy box12:59
Cre0nhow do i get my computer to boot12:59
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Cre0nim on the live cd right now12:59
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CryoniqCre0n, how did that happen?01:00
Cre0nim not sure01:00
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Cre0nit just says segmentation fault all down the screen and drops me to busybox shell01:01
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Bo1i want to know how to setup sudo dpkg-reconfigure?01:01
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Cre0ni tried upgrading01:01
Bo1for nvidia01:01
Cre0nthat was the last thing i did01:01
pike_Bo1: hey01:01
miketalancaI have quite a large problem. I was moving some things between two hard drives and Konqueror stopped responding (I use Kubuntu). So, I went for the GUI restart, but after the screen went black, nothing happened. So I restarted the machine, and now i get no login.01:01
colourAggao yeah, a little question, where do i configure on which device the volume buttons on my keyboard work on?01:01
Cre0nis there a way i can mount my harddrive from the live cd01:01
colourAggaCre0n: mount /dev/hda101:01
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pike_Bo1: sudo dpkg-reconfigure packagename   in this case i think you mean package xserver-xorg.01:02
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CryoniqCre0n, hmm.. hardware upgrade?01:02
sherleonhow do i change my computer name?01:02
imbecilecan someone plleeaassee tell me a good default size for terminal? I'm making a transparent shell on my desktop and need to know the right size to set  for width and height01:02
medflyuhm, im trying to use a floppy disk for some purpose, and i think theres something wrong with the floppy disk reader thing, should i see anything on dmesg if it works properly?01:02
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sherleonlike from chris-desktop to chris-desktop201:02
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pike_sherleon: be sure to a line in /etc/hosts first.01:03
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Cre0nCryoniq, mount: can't find /dev/hda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab01:03
kraypiusIf i take the files from the ubuntu install ISO and copy them to my thumb drive is there anything special i need to do to boot into the installer?01:04
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pike_sherleon: like gksu gedit /etc/hosts and the line should be  computername.  after that you can sudo hostname computername01:04
imbecilewhat i'm trying to do is actually pretty cool heres the link for it.. http://ubuntu-unleashed.blogspot.com/2007/08/howto-completely-transparent-shell-on.html  I need advice on what size to set terminal01:04
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=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl833.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cre0ni cant reinstall01:04
Cre0ni have my entire music collection on here01:04
medflyif my floppy disk reader is working well, and i insert a floppy disk, do i get anything on dmesg?01:05
wctraxlerhow to do editor in supertux 0.3.0?01:05
wctraxler or do i need too install it01:05
wctraxler if so how01:05
wctraxler running ubuntu 7.0.401:05
wctraxler any body here01:05
Pelohey guys, what't the package that gets used when you select the restricted driver for nvidia legacy ?01:05
CryoniqCre0n, what sort of upgrade did you do? Was it software or hardware upgrade?01:05
Pelowctraxler, please don't use the enter key for punctuation01:05
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Bucketfaceneverblue, I'm afraid I needed to extract the file first, I thought it was just a regular folder ;~;01:06
wctraxlernobody answering in supertux01:06
pike_Bo1: the sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  will work. basically you just choose your driver to use. you have nvidia so youd use vesa or nv driver or nvidia if its installed correctly and then just default or enter for everything else. after that you can restart X with 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart' command to test01:06
Pelowctraxler, check in synaptic if supertux is available from the repos01:06
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neverblueBucketface, extract which file ?01:06
Pelowctraxler,  supertux 0.3.0 is available01:06
najiwctraxler: which package are you searching, the game or the editor ?01:07
neverblue!patience | wctraxler01:07
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ubotuwctraxler: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:07
=== deCon [n=naoise@c-67-166-100-118.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
pike_Bo1: also you can just edit the file like: 'sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf' if you scroll to near the bottom youll see a Driver  nvidia or whatever. you  can change that to nv or vesa to at least get 2d stuff back01:07
Bo1pike_:again let me go try be back if every goess good01:07
wctraxlergot the supertux 0.30 just wanted too know if any body know how to runn the edtorin it01:07
Bucketfaceneverblue, the rom...01:07
Pelowctraxler,  do you have the editor ?01:07
neverblueBucketface, which is the reason I asked what the extension was....01:07
BucketfaceAnyway, that's all dandy and such, will you help me set up ePSXe now please?01:07
=== Pelo trows a tantrum because no one is answering his question
deConARGGGGGGGGGGGGG, ALSA will not work properly, and has yet to be fixed in about 8 months01:08
neverblueBucketface, you are really difficult to help :)01:08
deConcan anyone help me troubleshoot please?>01:08
wctraxlerdon't know were do you get it and how too install it i am running ubuntu 7.0401:08
neverbluedeCon, what is the device ?01:08
BucketfaceYes, I know neverblue, I could see the smc file just I thought it was in a regular folder ;~;01:08
wctraxleri downloaded pakage but don't show edtorinit01:08
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wctraxlerpelo unknow01:09
deConneverblue, for some reason, it just won't share audio amongst anything, and nothing seems to work without an error for ALSA showing up in term01:09
wctraxlerif i do01:09
PeloBucketface,  you need to get epsxe from their site , and follow at tthe bottom of the page to get the packages to run your cdrom and video and audio, it's fairly easy01:09
pike_Bo1: or just gimme ssh access and ill fix. the price isnt too high and your computer can become part of a very special network ;p01:09
SunWuKungACTION gives pike_01:09
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neverbluedeCon, ill ask again, what is the device ?01:09
BucketfaceIndeed it should be!01:09
sherleonit still says the same thing01:09
rafaelscjwhat's the better : gnash or swf-player?01:09
neuro_  <Ebola> dwu: No idea and he's scary enough the fucking furry :P01:09
pike_suupaabaka: what'd i get?01:09
neuro_goddamn it01:09
deConneverblue, device?01:09
neuro_stupid paste01:09
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Pelowctraxler, I suggest you look for a supertux website, see if an editor is available,   get a .deb file if you can , if not jsut get the source and compile it01:09
deConneverblue, like software?01:09
=== adz_ [n=administ@pool-72-80-244-213.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
wctraxleris it sprate from the game?01:09
imbecilehey pelo, you have helped me out on numerous occasions so this should be no problem for you.. im setting up a completely transparent shell on my desktop (actually pretty cool heres the link http://ubuntu-unleashed.blogspot.com/2007/08/howto-completely-transparent-shell-on.html ) anyways im trying to figure out a good size to set terminal to for a 17 inch lappy i want it pretty much default size01:09
PriceChildnaughty neuro_ :)01:09
neuro_wctraxler: you keep saying william, why?01:10
neverbluedeCon, no, not 'like software'01:10
imbecileoops sorry guys01:10
najiwctraxler: normally the editor is available with supertux-editor or something like that01:10
wctraxlero no idea01:10
CryoniqCre0n, but it sounds like /dev/hda1 is missing from fstab. That shouldn't happen in a upgrade of Ubuntu. But that doesn't help saying. But.. if /dev/hda1 is unavailable on a hardware layer then fstab of course can't be found01:10
neverbluedeCon, what hardware device are you using for your audio01:10
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wctraxlero ask me for nick name so i put it in01:10
adz_ummm...I am not sure whether this is the right place to ask, but is it ok to superglue a 120mm fan to a case?01:10
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deConneverblue, realtekALC85001:10
neverbluedeCon, onboard?01:10
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adz_or tape01:10
deConneverblue, yes01:10
wctraxleri am running 0.3001:10
neuro_wctraxler: i don't know what you mean, but it's my name and every time you say it, it highlights this channel for no reason :P01:10
neverbluedeCon, what application are you using to 'test' your sound ?01:11
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Peloimbecile,  I have no clue,  try a size if you don't like it , try another one01:11
imbecilePriceChild:  you seen the transparent shell thing on digg  a few hours ago? i think you'd like it01:11
pike_adz_: yeah. just keep a mind for airflow. i mean it wont really hurt anything01:11
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neverbluedeCon, have you looked at alsamixer  ?01:11
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adz_pike: so what would be the best place to put it?01:11
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deConneverblue, yes i believe...here is the full problem...01:11
pike_adz_: depends on the case.  youre goint to cut a hole?01:12
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adz_I am getting a case with this "air duct" at the side. Should I glue it there01:12
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deConneverblue, when i open anything that utilizes audio it will work generally, (for an emulated ventrilo program, the mic sounds AWFUL ...but still works)...01:12
winblowsis there something to mount and unmount a nfs share when the host available and unavailable?01:12
pike_adz_: just get a couple self tapping screws or something01:12
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adz_self tapping?01:12
najiwctraxler: anyway, the built-in editor of SuperTux hasn't many options, you can try Flexlay if you want - http://flexlay.berlios.de/01:12
deConneverblue, but amarok/firefox/mplayer etc.. when i choose to use one, they will work as long as it is the first program to access audio after a restart01:12
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winblowsadz_: self tapping? sounds like masturbation01:13
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neverbluedeCon, sorry, cannot help you, good luck01:13
deConneverblue, after that, they will not share/switch/ or work even if i close the first program that used it01:13
pike_adz_: they cut through and thread the hole as you screw em in so you dont have to drill and tap a hole. this is very offtopic though :)01:13
adz_http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-tapping <those?01:13
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deConanyone have an amazing knowledge of sound? I have had the same problem w/ audio sharing for a veryyyyy long time01:13
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pike_adz_: yeah theyre common and cheap any harware store01:14
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adz_pike: would tape work? (so I won't damage the case too much)01:14
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pike_adz_: i guess.01:14
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adz_ok. thanks :)01:15
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pike_adz_: youll never learn to fix stuff if youre afraid to break it :)01:15
Cryoniqtrial and error ftw.. :)01:15
dredhammerhello i am using ubuntu feisty and dma on harddrive keeps switching itself off even though its enabled in the hardparm.conf01:15
deConALSA issues won't stop. Can someone help me troubleshoot? I can pastebin the different problems01:15
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PriceChild!away > ancab|away01:17
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orudiei'm having difficulty searching for files in the ntfs partition01:18
ancab|awayoh, sorry PriceChild, didn't realize that caused problems.01:18
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ancab|awaywarning heeded01:18
ectospasmIs there any way to disable the automount feature when I insert a CD?01:18
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CoasterMasterectospasm : System -> Administration -> Removable Media01:18
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:19
ectospasmdammit, I keep forgetting it's that easy, thanks CoasterMaster01:19
hustlebirdwhat is the easiest way to get java runtime env. in firefox01:19
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teamworkhustlebird, sudo aptitude install j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin01:20
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hustlebirdthank you01:20
goundyguys little problem01:20
teamworkhustlebird, you could look into the mozilla-plugin-gnash package as well.01:20
goundywhen running beryl-manager I get: Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".01:20
goundyWhat is this exactly and how to get beryl running :/01:21
kitchegoundy, enable dri in your xorg.conf put load "dri" in the load module section and restart X01:21
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CoasterMaster!beryl | goundy01:22
ubotugoundy: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects01:22
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hustlebirdwhat does that package do?01:22
kitcheCoasterMaster, well it's more of a xorg issue then a beryl issue01:22
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LadyNikonhustlebird: beryl? shiney desktop processor waister :p01:22
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CoasterMasterare you using xgl?01:22
teamworka DRI section may help as well.  Section "DRI" / Mode    0666 / EndSection01:22
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goundydri is already loaded01:23
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TheManiacKYQuestion: I'm trying to upgrade to 7.10 alpa but I can't get past the update-manager -d for it says warning: could not initiate dbus01:23
TheManiacKYcurrent dist not found in meta-release file01:23
TheManiacKYWhat should I try?01:24
arleI've been working with 7.04 since may01:24
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hustlebirdit couldn't find that plug in package01:24
arlesomething weird happened to my gnome conf. files today :(01:24
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arleI am running as another user01:24
deConALSA help PLZZ01:24
arleand writing from gnome Xchat01:24
arleeverything's ok01:24
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randomanhey guys, whats the best way to room mysql from booting at startup?01:25
arlebut everytime I restore my targzip'ed original user gnome conf files..01:25
arle...gnome won't login01:25
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arlesorry... gnome01:25
arlewon't start properly01:25
arlerandoman: aptitude install rcconf01:26
squeeOne of my friends has a file he can't access as root, what could be causing this?  (It is the output of snort)01:26
arlerandoman: Do you want to stop MySQL from starting at boot, don't you?01:26
randomani removed it form rc.201:26
hustlebirdsorry thought the 1 was an l01:26
randomanbut it didnt seem to work01:26
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hustlebirdworking now01:26
arlerandoman: I am sorry don't know the proper way...01:26
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arlerandoman: rcconf will help you01:27
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arlerandoman: it's ncurses-based... run it with sudo in a term01:27
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randomanyeah i see that01:27
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randomani tshows that mysql is disabled01:27
arlerandoman: and tell us if worked01:27
dredhammerhello i am using ubuntu feisty and dma on my hard drive keeps switching itself off even though its enabled in the hardparm.conf on boot is there anyway to keep dma on?01:27
arlerandoman: enable it again01:27
arlerandoman: and try booting again01:27
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arlerandoman: then disable it and boot :P01:28
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randomanwont enabling it make it booto01:28
arlerandoman: if still not working come back here :-)01:28
randomanoh lol01:28
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randomani want to know the correct way though01:28
randomanthis is nice01:28
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nickrudrandoman, rcconf does it the right way, it manipulates the links in rc*.d01:29
Abraxas_I got a fairly ugly issue and I don't know square 1 to resolving it...I tried to run a game while I was dissecting the source to learn ocaml, and now my resolution is inexplicably locked at 640x480...rebooting doesn't help01:29
arlerandoman: maybe you can find a how-to in The Linux Documentation Project site01:29
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randomanok forsure01:29
Abraxas_anyone able to aid me with this?01:29
arlerandoman: but rcconf should be enough ;-)01:29
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randomanbut if I didnt use rcconf, wouldnt i change Smysqld to Kmsyqld01:29
arleso... how to re-generate my gnome?01:29
randomansomething like that01:29
Administratorhi i need help01:30
nickrudrandoman, if you really wanna look at the "right" way, man update-rc.d :)01:30
Abraxas_the game (freetennis) locked my system while it was exiting, which may be part of the issue01:30
arlerandoman: I honestly don't know :(01:30
randomanfor sure01:30
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Stoffercan I run WoW in wine?01:30
randomanyeah I like to learn the shit the hardway, then use the easy way :P01:30
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medflyStoffer, ive seen it work on cedega01:30
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deConstoffer, yes01:30
deConstoffer, i am playing it right now01:31
Abraxas_please someone get me to square 1 on this at least...I can barely read 10 lines in this chatroom because of the issues01:31
deConstoffer, you can just copy the whole folder to your linux partition, and it will work great01:31
CoasterMasterstoffer: here is some info about WoW on Wine01:31
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freezeyok so i am trying to Load an SD card and its not working any suggestions?01:31
arlerandoman: so, do what nickrud said :)01:31
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Stofferwow, such an enthusiastic response.  Thanks.  I didn't think wine could handle it.  Actually, I'm probably still held back by my system specs...01:31
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@adrianDHCP-171.216-254-248.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu
randomanyep yep :)01:32
randomanthanks for the help01:32
randomanvery helpful guys01:32
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Administratori just finished installing ubuntu from the Alternative CD and when it finished downloaded it reboots and like sort of crashed the entire screen turn in that kind of screen when it has alot of colors all over the place and stuff and then i rebooted again and the ubuntu loading screen came up and after the status bar was finished the screen turned blank01:32
Administratorlike just all black and it wouldnt start up01:32
arlerandoman: good luck!01:32
Administratorcan anyone help me?01:32
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randomanroot@randoman:/home/randoman# update-rc.d mysqld remove01:33
randoman Removing any system startup links for /etc/init.d/mysqld ...01:33
nickrudAdministrator, does alt-F1 get you a text screen?01:33
juarezHi everybody...does anybody know what means "prisoner.iana.org'?01:33
arlerandoman: c00l01:33
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juarezit seems like my pc is conected to this address01:33
arleAdministrator: you might try to boot in safe mode01:33
Administratori didnt try that...01:33
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Administratorhow do i boot ubuntu in safe mode?01:34
Abraxas_hmm...odd, an apparent change in my xorg.conf...restarting X to try01:34
Administratorand whats the text thing?01:34
arleAdministrator: use your consoles Alt+F{123456}01:34
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Administratorumm but at the load screen it doesnt say that01:34
nickrudAdministrator, it's a text console that runs beside X, you can do just about any troubleshooting there (if they're running)01:34
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ionstormhttp://digg.com/linux_unix/Drastically_Improve_Ubuntu_Feisty_7_04_with_the_performance_patchset <-- will this work?01:34
Administratori already downloaded it...01:34
albacAdministrator, before it boots hit escape and it will prompt you on the grub menu01:34
Administratoryea on the ggrub menu it says boot what and i did try safe mode it was just the same01:35
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nickrudjuarez, iana is the domain name registration superbody ...01:35
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Administratorubuntu reg then ubuntu (safemode) then your other OS's windows vista01:36
halcyonCorsairhi, can anyone tell me how limits are dealt with in ubuntu/debian? (ie. limits.conf?)01:36
cosmodadI'm trying to connect to my Ubuntu server using a VNC client, but windows started remotely don't come with window decoration which prevents me from moving windows. Any idea?01:36
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arleAdministrator: after booting in anyway... try to access your console01:36
arlePressing Alt plus the F1 key, ie01:36
juareznickrud: what does that mean?01:37
nickrudjuarez, try going to iana.org, it'll explain better than I can01:37
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juareznickrud: I did but there's no website01:37
Administratorok so when i do get the console01:38
Administratorwhat do i do?01:38
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arleAdministrator: maybe you can modify your /boo/grub/menu.lst file01:38
arlebut you'll have to read before touching that file!01:38
arlebe careful!01:38
juareznickrud: ops.. sorry.. actually I just found it.. thanks mate....01:38
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Administratorwell what do i do with it?01:38
Ray_at_UWI'm having a little trouble. I can't do anything with my FAT32 drive that I share with my windows. I get a ton of permission denies. How am I supposed to save openoffice documents there if I don't have permission?01:39
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Ray_at_UWMore concisely, I can't sudo an openoffice gui command?01:39
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nickrudAdministrator, if you can get to the console, run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg ; getting to the console means that X is fubar'd, and that will try to reconfig it01:39
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Administratorok ill try01:40
Administratorill brb01:40
eugmanWhat's the directory containing the kernel source code?01:40
stravhi, I recently tried to install the nvidia proprietary drivers to get the best graphics acceleration for blender. Now if I try to start X I get an api mismatch error telling the driver version do not correspond to the kernel module. Anyone can help?01:40
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=== nickrud doesn't have nvidia, sorry.
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bulletcan anyone please explain what do the mean here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35482/ ?01:41
deConcan anyone please help me figure out my ALSA problems....they won't stop. No sound sharing ...01:41
nickrudRay_at_UW, how are you mounting your fat32?01:42
CoasterMasterbullet: that tells your computer to insall several packages01:42
strav(note, my config is so messed up I cannot manage to get the free drivers back)01:42
=== Crusher [n=You@ppp121-45-191-46.lns11.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
arleAdministrator: try changing the vga values01:42
arleAdministrator: to vga=normal01:42
Ray_at_UWnickrud: I mounted it when I did the install in a folder called /windows01:42
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arleAdministrator: or vga=ask01:43
CoasterMastersatanic-wallpapers, satanic-gdm-themes and usplash-theme-satanic01:43
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bulletCoasterMaster but how to i do the command?01:43
nickrudRay_at_UW, could you put the contents of /etc/fstab on a pastebin somewhere?01:43
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CoasterMasteropen up a terminal, then copy and paste that in a terminal01:43
Ray_at_UWnickrud: I'm kind of new to this, how would I do that?01:43
RAHSPUTINhello, how can i adjust the lamp warmup time when useing  scanimage ?01:43
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CoasterMasterbullet: note that paste in the terminal program is CTRL+SHIFT+V01:44
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nickrudRay, go to paste.ubuntu-nl.com, which will be the place you copy text into. Then, gedit /etc/fstab , and cut and paste01:44
RAHSPUTINman scanimage does tell me a thing, where else could i look ?01:44
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stravany nvidia master in there?01:44
bulletCoasterMaster, go it, 10x01:44
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ferric84I created a 10gb partition with partition magic in windows to install ubuntu onto, but the ubuntu installation doesn't even recognize the partition.. what can I do?01:44
CoasterMasterno problem01:44
CoasterMasterferric84: are you in the LiveCD?01:44
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nickrudCoasterMaster, don't you just hightlight with the mouse and middle mouse click :)01:44
ferric84coastermaster: yes01:45
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CoasterMasterferric: System -> Administration -> GNOME Partition Editor01:45
CoasterMasterferric: does it find your partition there01:45
steel_ladyneed help for temporarly moving a folder with a software package01:45
eugmanWhat directory has the kernel source files?01:45
CoasterMasternickrud: I'm a keyboard man myself ;)01:45
Flannelferric84: You create the partition in the installer, just delete it, leave it as unallocated free space01:45
ferric84i'll have to restart to find out01:45
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emeristeWhy on earth would MathML depend on fonts from Mathematica?01:46
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emeristeThat makes zero sense.01:46
nickrudCoasterMaster, depends, but I love showing that quicky paste to new people01:46
ferric84coastermaster: if i resize a drive in partition editor, will that likely corrupt my windows install?01:46
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steel_ladyemeriste. MANY THINGS ON LINUX MAKE ZERO SENSE01:46
Flannelemeriste: it doesn't01:46
Ray_at_UWnickrud: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35483/01:46
PriceChildsteel_lady, I'd say it everything makes sense... some decisions may just not be sensible.01:47
scalawag420Does anyone know a thing or two about Beryl?01:47
CoasterMasterferric84: I've had good luck, but I don't guarentee anything :)01:47
emeristeFlannel - Look at this http://www.mozilla.org/projects/mathml/fonts/01:47
PriceChildscalawag420, ask in #ubuntu-effects or #beryl01:47
Ahadielscalawag420, ask in #ubuntu-effects01:47
Bucketfaceneverblue: I am a little stuck in this ePSXe setup, just on the one step ;~;01:47
scalawag420Sorry, thank you01:47
ferric84well, if it does corrupt, i guess it's a sign to completely convert01:47
ferric84so here i go..01:48
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kitcheemeriste, that is just recommended fonts01:48
Flannelemeriste: that's mozilla determining that it's suggested.  MathML doesn't require them.01:48
stravnow if I try to revert to the "nv" driver I get no nv module found... (I did installed nvidia-glx, linux-restricted and such)01:48
steel_ladyprice, how to move a folder so I could finLLY UPGRADE?01:48
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nickrudRay_at_UW, that's odd, that's what it should be. Try touch /windows/testfile , see if the file gets created01:48
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stravanyone here managed to get the proprietary nvidia drivers to work on linux?01:48
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kitchestrav, sure they are the easiest thing to get working01:49
steel_ladyprice, I have astronomy package that I can not uninstal and I need space temporarly01:49
stravkitche, some guidance would be appreciated...01:49
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kitchestrav, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx01:49
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stravkitche: I just said I had installed nvidia-gl01:50
Ray_at_UWnickrud: I can make "testfile" in the directory, but when I try to save an openoffice file it can't do it.01:50
SayersOpen ClipArt cannot be installed on your computer type (i386) :O what in the world?01:50
kitchestrav, I see that not paying attention to this channel very much but do you have nvidia in your xorg.conf for driver01:50
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emeristekitche , Flannel , well how well do you handle this page --- http://www.mozilla.org/projects/mathml/start.xhtml01:50
stravxorg driver is also set to nv and my /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules, nv is not disabled.01:50
SayersWhy can't I install things for i386?01:51
nickrudRay_at_UW, and you're doing both as the same user?01:51
stravkitche, for not paying attention, I'm sorry. I'm in screen splitted running ircII from a virtual terminal...01:51
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emeristeMy ubuntu distributed firefox is not rendering that page very well. It's doing some of it, but not very pretty, and isn't handling the radicands in the radicals at all. How about for you?01:52
Ray_at_UWnickrud: I don't think so. I think I did a sudo earlier so probably all my terminal commands are running with sudo permissions?01:52
Paddy_EIREI get 1 system speaker beep whenever I shutdown or restart my laptop.. this previously never happened I have changed nothing as regards important things like system config... what could be causing this to occur01:52
Bucketfacewait, scratch that, I fixed it!01:52
Flannelemeriste: are you on Ubuntu?01:52
nickrudRay_at_UW, no, you have to explictly sudo each and every command you want sudo to apply to01:52
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nickrudRay_at_UW, unless you did a sudo -i or sudo -s?01:53
Ray_at_UWnickrud: No. I didn't do that. The FAQ said to avoid doing that.01:53
Ray_at_UWnickrud: I definately ran the command as <username>@computer01:53
Flannelemeriste: And you get issues with that page?01:53
Ray_at_UWnickrud: Could open office be different? I've had trouble with all GUI applications actually.01:53
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nickrudRay_at_UW, I don't have a clue, then. If you can touch a file, but open office can't write there, try writing to your home and copying as a short term fix. But the underlying issue, again, I don't have a clue01:54
emeristeYes. Not to be picky but it doesn't look as nice as their screen shots. But more seriously, the radicands in the square roots don't render at all. (the radicand is the number 'under' the square root symbol.)01:54
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bulletaaa .where can i change the loader after grub ?01:55
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Flannelemeriste: Sounds like a bug, not a font issue.  File a bug at launchpad01:55
stravkitche: is there a kernel module file I can explicitly copy to make shure it's loaded by the kernel?01:55
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emeristeI'm talking about this page -- http://www.mozilla.org/projects/mathml/start.xhtml01:55
Ray_at_UWnickrud: All right. Thanks for your help.01:55
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kitchestrav, modprobe nvidia01:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about graphics - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:55
emeristeWhen you look at the square root symbol are you able to see the numbers inside of it?01:55
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kitchestrav, put sudo infront of modprobe01:55
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Flannelemeriste: What's your point/01:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about graph - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:55
nickrudRay_at_UW, meant to ask: which UW?01:55
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stravkitche, I already tried modprobing nvidia + glx01:56
Flannelemeriste: Sounds like a firefox (ubuntus version) issue.  File a bug at LP01:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ugraphics - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:56
kitcheemeriste, Flannel well it tells you it likes certain fonts for that page01:56
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stravkitche: still again: module does not exist01:56
genesiscomo va todo???01:56
emeristeI see actually that the radicands are there. It's just that they aren't being displayed 'in the radical' .01:57
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kitchestrav, then your install is messed up remove nvidia-glx and reinstall01:57
stravkitche: also did that01:57
bulletwhat is the graphics channel ?01:57
emeristeThe square roots are messed up. I'll see how to file a bug report if I can.01:57
kitchestrav, how are you installing the driver by chance?01:57
_Jaak_is there any recent hope that ati is publishing composite drivers?01:57
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emeristekitche - the square roots are not messed up for you?01:57
stravkitche: I suspect the nividia proprietary drivers did overwrite some file or...01:58
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kitcheemeriste, yes but I don't have the fonts that they recommend01:58
ethan_how do you uninstall a program?01:58
Piciemeriste: The numbers under the square root show up as opaque blocks for me in Gutsy.01:58
=== nickrud would punt his ati but it's a laptop
Flannelethan_: how did you install it?01:58
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stravkitche: I'm installing from apt now (wish to at least revert to the free drivers)01:58
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ice-11hi.  windows freeze the moment they disappear when I minimize them.  I'm running beryl.  I have a nvidia geforce go 7600. it's a powerful laptop card01:59
emeristePici - Right that's bad.  Actually, if it's like on my screen, the numbers under the square root are there, they are just well below it, and there is that opaque block thing above them.01:59
bullethow can i make the cube more little01:59
ethan_so i installed apache but i want to uninstall apache01:59
ethan_not sure how01:59
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ice-11ethan_: sudo apt-get remove apache*02:00
bulletethan_, sudo apt-get remove --purge apache02:00
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emeristeI know this is not completely an ubuntu complaint but it really marvels me that of all things, math should be difficult to mark up on the internet.  Communicating math should be built into something as technological as the internet.02:00
stravanyone, where is the nv.ko file supossed to be locate on linux-2.6.20-16-generic?02:00
ice-11strav: sudo modprobe -l | grep nv.ko02:01
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Piciemeriste: http://nullcortex.com/upload/mathmlbug.png02:01
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ryanakcahow can I send all output of ntpdate to /dev/null? 2&>1 /dev/null     ?02:02
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kolmilludoati drivers for ubuntu02:02
ryanakcao Amaranth02:02
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ryanakcaoops, sorry, meant /go amar<tab>ok02:03
wireLESShey guys, i need some help with wireless.. i have a prism54 device, which works when i plug it in, but does not work on reboot/startup until i remove and plug it back in.. so i tested ndiswrapper, but it ONLY works if i have the SSID broadcast enabled, and WEP DISabled... any ideas? i'm reading threads about people saying at least 64bit is working for them, and i REALLY don't want to leave my network wide open02:03
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bob__Is there a way to connect to multiple servers at startup with dircproxy?02:03
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stravice-11: locate nv.ko gives me nothing. It's installed by nvidia-glx right?02:03
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kolmilludohey guys I need help installing ati dirvers in ubuntu, cause when i try to activate 3d graphics everything goes blak02:04
kolmilludocan someone help me??02:04
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CoasterMaster!ati | kolmilludo02:04
ubotukolmilludo: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:04
DjViperkolmilludo: which 3d car do you have?02:04
kolmilludoati radeon express 200m02:04
kolmilludoof 128mb02:04
kitchekolmilludo, is your card supported by fglrx?02:05
stravice-11: locate nv.ko gives me nothing. It's installed by nvidia-glx right?02:05
=== Dumptruck [n=mistermi@chello082119107090.chello.sk] has joined #ubuntu
Dumptruckhi everybody02:05
Ray_at_UWnickrud: I figured out my problem. I should chmod things. >.> I'm dumb.02:05
kolmilludoi dont really know sorry burt im new in linux02:05
kitchestrav, nv is not part of nvidia-glx it's part of xorg02:05
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emeristePici - Yep that's what I see also.02:06
Dumptruckis anyone here familiar with vmware server (not workstation)02:06
stravkitche: thanks, I'll check if the xorg nv driver is there too.02:06
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DumptruckI am trying to figure out how to share files between the host and the virtual machine02:06
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Dumptruckhow do I set up shared folders in ubuntu?02:07
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kolmilludoso?? what can i do??02:07
CoasterMasterDumptruck: navigate to the folder you want to share, right click on it and go to the shared folders02:07
stonedhow to enable mp3 playback in fesity?02:07
wireLESSbbiaf hopefully02:07
CoasterMaster!mp3 | stoned02:07
ubotustoned: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:07
kitche!mp3 | stoned02:07
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Dumptruckbut I am unable to locate it from the virtual machine02:08
Tigranhey, feel free to call me an idiot, but i managed to delete gnome and a lot of other things accidently, i was wondering if there was a way to re-install ubuntu without formating or anything02:08
bulletCoasterMaster, how to instal deb packs ?02:08
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CoasterMasterbullet: you should just be able to double-click it and the package installer will open02:08
stonedis there any quality loss in converting mp3 to ogg (free)02:08
stonedI'd rather not use mp3 if i don't have to02:08
Tigranstoned: ive done that and no, none that you can hear the diff02:08
CoasterMasterstoned: yes, generally transcoding from a lossy codec to another lossy codec will result in quality loss02:08
Tigranstoned: nvm, ive done ogg to mp302:09
Flannelstoned: yes.  They each throw away a different piece of information.  As for whther you'll notice it, that depends.  But there is (there has to be) some quality loss02:09
CoasterMasterstoned: blut like tigran says, you may not notice it, depends on your setup and how tuned your ear is02:09
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kitchestrav, xserver-xorg-video-nv should reinstall nv driver not hte nvidia one02:09
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TigranCoasterMaster, can you help me out,  i managed to delete gnome and a lot of other things accidently, i was wondering if there was a way to re-install ubuntu without formating or anything02:10
MaxLHey guys, how do I set up a wireless network for ubuntu?02:10
CoasterMasterTigran: you can give sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop02:10
CoasterMastera shot02:10
MaxLI have one running on my windows pc but I need to have ubuntu connect to it02:10
CoasterMaster!wifi | MaxL02:10
ubotuMaxL: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:10
MaxLI just need to find a driver eh?02:10
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TigranCoasterMaster: ok, cause i tried failsafe terminal, but I dont have internet, how do i configure wifi from terminal?02:11
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CoasterMasterTigran: that's a tricky one and outside of my expertise...you can't plug in wired temporarily?02:11
stonedCoasterMaster: I have been playing a multitude of instruments in two different types of musics, western and classical indian for 22 years plus.  When I hear a classical performance and the if it is even a quarter tone off in pitch, I get extremely irritated02:11
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=== Pelo wonders a lot
soothsayerTigran: iwconfig + ifconfig02:12
TigranCoasterMaster: wired needs no config?02:12
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CoasterMasterstoned: then it sounds like you might want to re-rip your stuff (or use a lossless format like FLAC)02:12
stonedCoasterMaster: I think I'll keep my mp3s and copy them, and then convert them, or something02:12
TigranIll use wired, seems easier02:12
soothsayerTigran: + dhclient02:12
Pelocan I use dialup modems to connect two comps together to share one's dsl internet with the other one ?02:12
Flannelstoned: If you've still got the CDs, rip everything to FLAC.  And then you can encode that into the popular format of the week at perfect quality02:12
kolmilludohey guys Im new in linux (you know i hate windogs) but frankly im new at linux and my problem is  Ive tried several ways (posted on-line) to install my video graphics drivers (ati radeon xpress 200M) and my wireless drivers broadcom 4318..... so if somebody can help me please let me know on a private window please02:12
stonedCoasterMaster: doesn't flac take too much disk space?02:12
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Tigranyea cause its not compressed stoned02:12
CoasterMasterstoned: yes, but it's completely lossless (so you can also convert it to whatever other format you choose without any quality loss)02:13
FlannelNo.  FLAC *is* compressed.  It's lossless though02:13
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PriceChildPelo, if you're gonna try something like that then why not just dial up to an isp?02:13
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Tigranhmm..my bad02:13
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Pelokolmilludo,  you should start with the basic,  menu > system > admin > restricted drivers02:13
FlannelIt's like taking all your music (wav) files, and gzipping them.02:13
PeloPriceChild,  no dialup to my isp02:13
kolmilludoyeah ive tried that02:13
=== Siph0n [n=siph0n@c-68-45-54-91.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kolmilludobuand nothing02:14
PeloPriceChild,  it's just to get access to the repos02:14
kolmilludoi mean beryl does't work on it02:14
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gikid/quit and part ar in a boat, if /part jumps out, who remains?02:14
Pelokolmilludo,  to get baryl working you need to install nvidia-glx that's something else02:14
stonedwhat is a program (easy pointy clicky) that can convert my entire collection (30~ish GB) of music to ogg?  there are many formats from when I was on windows, so I have wma, mp3, wav etc.02:14
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TigranWhat was the terminal command to scan for wireless networks?02:14
kolmilludook how do i do that02:14
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PriceChildgikid, Please don't do that in this channel.02:14
kolmilludoin the terminal??02:14
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gerroI got this usb laser mouse, any tips to turn up its precision?02:15
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Pelokolmilludo,  you'd need to ask in #ubuntu-effects02:15
gikidPriceChild: it's so funny when 20 people quit02:15
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kolmilludoubuntu effects??02:15
gerrogikid: probably server issues02:15
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@d14-69-133-208.try.wideopenwest.com] by PriceChild
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PeloPriceChild, have you been mean and nasty again ?02:15
Pelokolmilludo,  type  /join #ubuntu-effects02:15
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kolmilludowhere (yu are free to call me an idiot but im completly new02:16
kolmilludotnaks ill ceck it out02:16
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TigranWhat was the terminal command to scan for wireless networks?02:16
Pelokolmilludo, just type it where you type to talk here,02:16
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emeristePici , kitche, Flannel , I was able to fix this by creating a .fonts directory (which didn't already exist) in ~/    then I downloaded some tex fonts and extracted them into that .fonts directory.02:16
PriceChildTigran, sudo iwlist <interface> scan ?02:16
kolmilludoyes ill do it02:16
Pelo!wifi | Tigran02:16
ubotuTigran: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:16
Pelostoned,  what ?02:16
newb-alOk. So I don't think it was a smart idea to try to run ubuntu on a iMAC 1.8GHz PowerPC G5 via Virtual PC 7. Here are some screen shots showing my failure of doing so www.ftp.sh/ubuntu . Can anyone help me?02:16
emeristeAfter I closed firefox and opened it back up, it now renders things in an acceptable way.02:16
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soothsayerTigran: iwlist or iwspy. I can't remembe rwhich02:17
nivekc1does anyone know how long it takes to rip a dvd with k3b (athlon 64 3800+    2GB RAM)02:17
Tigransoothsayer, it was iwlist, thanks, sorry but, how do I join a network now, from terminal02:17
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soothsayerTigran: iwconfig02:18
=== [1] rhombus [n=rhombus@static-207-54-116-113.ptr.terago.ca] has joined #ubuntu
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[1] rhombusHow do I execute a startup script?02:18
stonedoh I have this thing that keeps happening to knoqueror and firefox both.  Sometimes if i am watching google video or youtube, my browser just freezes up.  This happens in both browsers and usually happens when I try to do back/forward through right mouse click in the page.  It happens maybe 10% of the time, basically killing the browser process and restarting works.  I am using the flash plugin from adobe's website.  please advise.02:18
Tigranso iwconfig ath0 SSID?'02:18
[1] rhombusI'm trying to run tftp-hpa02:18
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[1] rhombusbut I get no feedback, and it doesn't start02:18
[1] rhombusin other distros it just works02:19
soothsayerTigran: I don't remember 100% but it's something like: iwconfig ath0 essid SSID02:19
soothsayerTigran: Maybe you have to specify channel02:19
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soothsayerTigran: Then (if you use dhcp) you need to do dhclient ath002:20
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soothsayerTigran: Otherwise, configure manually using ifconfig02:20
javelincan anyone help me with my tv tuner? :/02:20
Tigranand to reinstall, the package was gnome-desktop right?02:20
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soothsayerTigran: I wasn't following your whole conversation...02:21
Tigranok heh02:21
[1] rhombushow come Ubuntu init scripts don't provide feedback?02:21
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[1] rhombusLike they do in gentoo, redhat, etc.02:21
|neon|is there a channel to ask questions about avant-window-navigator thx02:22
Tigransoothsayer: well thanks, internet works now02:22
kitche[1] rhombus, different init system02:22
familyI'm getting an error when installing mythtv-backend:02:22
familysvn20070122-0.0ubuntu6_i386.deb: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 102:22
familyanyone have a fix for that?02:22
kitche[1] rhombus, but anyways by default it's set to quiet02:22
newb-aldid anyone take a look at that disorted screenshot of my error?02:23
familywhen I try to start the backend initscript, it gives me a "mythtv user not found" error, and this seems to be the reason02:23
=== Templarian [n=Templari@resnet223-083.resnet.wmich.edu] has joined #ubuntu
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Templarianhow do you run a .run file?02:23
PriceChildTemplarian, sh /path/to/file.fun02:23
PriceChildTemplarian, what is it?02:23
Templarianit's tremulous02:24
frank23family: I don't know but ask in #ubuntu-mythtv02:24
TemplarianI'm on my ubuntu server but I don't use ubuntu so meh. Only computer I have at the moment02:24
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PriceChildTemplarian, sudo apt-get install tremulous02:25
mehdiUpdate Your Opera02:25
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TemplarianPriceChild, lol, didn't think of that. I was just googling for linux games and found tremulus and downloaded it.02:25
=== Netham45 [n=netham@c-67-190-103-57.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Netham45anyone know a PHP program that lets me administor my PC over the net?02:27
Netham45I had one, but I forgoot what it was called02:27
baikonurNetham45: why don't you use ssh?02:27
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Netham45because I don't want to open any more ports on this pc02:27
soothsayerNetham45: What do you mean by administer?02:28
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soothsayerNetham45: You just want system monitoring?02:28
SeveredCrossAnyone experience faac lockups on Feisty?02:28
Netham45stuff like reboot, but yea, mostly system monitoring02:28
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baikonurNetham45: opening another port for ssh could be more secure than your php remote shell02:29
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ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system02:30
mehdiUpdate Your Opera02:30
Netham45allready did02:30
boyam type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY leumas1202:30
soothsayermehdi: Don't spam the channel.02:30
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Netham45I feel stupid02:31
Netham45Im running a windows web server so I join #ubuntu for help.02:31
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rjhdown anyone know were to download libmp3lame.so?02:31
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PriceChildboyam, change your password02:32
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PriceChildrjh, search for it on packages.ubuntu.com02:32
[1] rhombusMy tftp server will not start02:32
rjhok thanks02:32
wastrel!info liblame02:32
boyamPriceChild, i'm on it...tks......sigh02:32
ubotuPackage liblame does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas02:32
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wastrel!info liblame002:32
ubotuliblame0: LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.96.1-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 185 kB, installed size 456 kB02:32
[1] rhombuswhich logs should I be looking for errors in?02:32
[1] rhombus!info tftp02:32
ubotutftp: Trivial file transfer protocol client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.17-15ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 15 kB, installed size 80 kB02:32
skkanewhat is the gutsy channel called? i keep forgeting02:33
PriceChild!gutsy | skkane02:33
ubotuskkane: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+102:33
jehovahow do i set up a printer in ubunt via command line?02:33
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MaxLAnyone know if ubuntu will work with a linxsys WMP54G wireless router?02:34
AhadielMaxL, it'd be a pretty crappy router if it didn't02:35
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AaronHi all02:35
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:36
MaxLAhadiel, so I should be able to get it to run on Ubuntu?02:36
AhadielMaxL, It's a router.....02:36
Random832since i apparently can't get it working, how do i turn off a wireless card02:36
AaronIs there any decent way to get MSN on Ubuntu02:36
Random832there's no hardware switch02:36
MaxLAhadiel, it's a wireless router, will it still work?02:36
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AhadielAaron, sudo apt-get install amsn02:36
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baikonurMaxL: it has nothing to do with ubuntu02:36
PriceChildAaron, Ahadiel gaim does it out of the box fine02:36
soothsayerRandom832:  'iwconfig txpower off' should work02:36
PriceChildAaron, Ahadiel no need whatsoever to install other applications02:37
rjhwithout this chat thing i would be lost in outerspace02:37
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baikonurMaxL: the question is if your wifi card works under ubuntu02:37
Random832soothsayer: does nothing02:37
MaxLMaxL, >_> I kinda knew that I meant was there drivers or whatnot or will it just work out of the box (I dont actually own the router Im trying to help a friend)02:37
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Random832iwconfig still says it's set to 1402:37
boyamPriceChild, ca't believe i did that....geeezzz......what a day02:37
soothsayerRandom832:  'iwconfig INTERFACE txpower off' should work02:38
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Random832...that's what i did.02:38
Random832it's not working - the light's still on02:38
baikonurMaxL: wifi is a standard that works independent of an OS02:38
MaxLso if I just plug in the adapter02:38
baikonurMaxL: does he connect to the router via cable or via wlan?02:39
AhadielMaxL, it's the wireless card/adaptor you may have troubles with02:39
MaxLand then go through network configuration and it should work?02:39
newb-alI'm trying to install Ubuntu on a iMAC PowerPC and after loading I get this first error:02:39
newb-alThere was an error starting GNOME Settings Daemon.02:39
newb-alSome things, such as themes, sounds, or background settings may not work correctly.02:39
newb-alThe last error message was:02:39
newb-alDid not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timed out expired, or the network connect was broken.02:39
newb-alGNOME will still try to restart the Settings Daemon next time you login in.02:39
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soothsayerRandom832: I'm not sure how to disable it more than that02:39
Random832i get really crappy battery life with it on, and it's somehow messed up [can't talk to any networks, even though it could for the first day i had ubuntu] 02:39
soothsayer!enter | newb-al02:39
ubotunewb-al: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:39
=== John|deb [n=john@host86-150-91-7.range86-150.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Random832could the hardware (ath driver) have gone into some kind of "lockout" mode?02:39
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AaronCan I share my Wireless internet connection in Ubuntu to my Ethernet port?02:40
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baikonurAaron: yes02:40
soothsayerRandom832: Is that the error message you get02:40
AaronI guess now I don't do any PC gaming, I think I should switch!02:40
[1] rhombushello?02:41
[1] rhombuscan anyone hear me?02:41
=== Thulanis_ [n=jonathan@host86-140-59-160.range86-140.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
wastrel[1] rhombus:  welcome to IRC02:41
[1] rhombusokay: how do i start my tftp server?02:41
[1] rhombusit won't start02:41
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soothsayer[1] rhombus: tftpd?02:41
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[1] rhombussoothsayer: yes02:42
=== dmglouis [n=gerard@cpe-76-188-181-218.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
soothsayer[1] rhombus: I think you need to configure /etc/tftpd.conf first02:42
AaronDo I want 7.04 or 6.06 guys?02:42
soothsayer[1] rhombus: Then try /etc/init.d/tftpd start02:42
[1] rhombusI'm starting it with "/etc/init.d/tftp-hpa start" and nothing is happening02:42
baikonurMaxL: if it works depends on the hardware your friend has in his computer. you have to know the exact name of the wlan card that is being used in order to check if it will work with linux02:42
soothsayer[1] rhombus: (or restart)02:42
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MaxLI think he's going to use one of those usb thingers02:42
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dmglouiscan someone help me? whenever i use totem it goes fullscreen (with controls) without any window decoration. I have to watch all videos like that or full screen it. I have no option for resizing it02:43
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soothsayerRandom832: Did you try disabling it in the BIOS?02:43
larson9999i finally see what folks are talking about when they say ubuntu has crappy fonts.  i upgraded to gutsy and the fonts in ff look horrible.02:43
rjhaudacity rejected the mp3 lib02:43
MaxLbaikonur, does it still work if he uses the USB?02:43
baikonurMaxL: if he uses an ethernet cable to connect to the router it will probably work just after the network configuration02:43
soothsayerdmglouis: Did you try 'f'02:43
[1] rhombusroot      5919  5332  0 18:31 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/in.tftpd -s /var/lib/tftpboot02:44
[1] rhombusokay, so now it is running02:44
BlueSurfhello, i want to boot the ubuntu iso image install file from my c:\ drive because my cd rom drive isnt working correctly , is this possible , how do i do this?02:44
[1] rhombusbut it won't stop02:44
dmglouissoothsayer: yea that just makes it go fullscreen and that works02:44
[1] rhombusthis is driving me bananas02:44
Random832soothsayer: eh - ideally i'd like to _use_ it - so i want a way to turn it on and off when i want to try to fix it02:44
Random832[and, any idea why it would suddenly stop working like it did?] 02:44
[1] rhombus"/etc/init.d/tftp-hpa stop"  has no effect02:44
wastrelRandom832:  you could try to rmmod the driver and then modprobe it back in02:44
soothsayerRandom832: No, sorry. I don't know much about wireless troubleshooting02:44
baikonurMaxL: depends on the USB adapter. you have to have the exact name of the stick. it's a good idea to google the name of the usb stick + ubuntu to see if there are problems or success reports for that particular device02:44
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Random832wastrel: i've rebooted multiple times02:45
Random832it hasn't worked in a week02:45
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dmglouisokay i g2g now but thanks anyway sooth02:45
Random832it "works" as in it recognizes it - but i can't get any signal from anything02:45
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rafaelscjmay i run a vpn server in ubuntu?02:45
soothsayer[1] rhombus: You can try pkill tftp-ha02:45
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BlueSurfcan the ubuntu iso install file be booted from a hard drive instead of a cd rom drive?02:47
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HeyGabeis there a command line way to close a remote sessin?02:47
rafaelscjBlueSurf, like kurumin?02:47
soothsayer[1] rhombus: I remember having some problems with tftp-ha. I used tftpd instead02:48
soothsayerHeyGabe: What kind of session?02:48
BlueSurfrafaelscj, kurumin? never heard of that...02:48
HeyGaberemote vnc02:48
soothsayerHeyGabe: Killing the process should do it02:48
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rafaelscjBlueSurf, kurumin is a distro that can copy the entire CD to HD, then starts as a live CD02:49
evri2i need help.When i try to mount my drive it says it look like swapspace but it is not.I made a mistake before.I tried to mount that drive using mkswap and now kubuntu think it is swap.How can i revert this?02:49
HeyGabeHow do I see the02:49
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rhorunshey, anyone know of any cool servers i should install on linux?02:49
HeyGabeproc32ess3221033 3333333312 ba3.y a.3 3.3.12the 123keybo12r0d02:49
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rhorunsi got this dual-xeon that i want to use to host games or something02:49
Kelpie-VMWOKay. I am having problems with mounting a USB drive. Read description and look at error here: http://pastebin.ca/67422602:50
BlueSurfrafaelscj, i want to boot the kubuntu-7.04-alternate-i386.iso from my c:\ drive in wondows to setup dual boot02:50
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Kelpie-VMWCan anybody help me?02:50
rhorunshelp you with what, Kelpie-VMW?02:51
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pat__anyone have a good howto on traffic shaping with iptables?02:51
rhorunsthe usb thingy02:51
rhorunsno, im a noob lol02:51
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chemturionhey there im having trouble adding things to start when i start my session, I attempt to add it in the sessions control panel, but once i close it the changes are reverted02:51
soothsayerwhistler6594: What type (by port, by app)?02:51
Dumptruckanyone know how I can transfer files from host to virtual machine in vmware server?02:52
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whistler6594id like to shape by ip02:52
CoasterMaster!helpme | Kelpie02:52
ubotuKelpie: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:52
BlueSurfis this possible ?02:52
rhorunsi dont know about VMware, but in VirtualBox, you need a special driver or something02:52
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Kelpie-VMWubotu: I already did.02:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i already did. - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:52
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BucketfaceChocolate Rain?02:52
soothsayerBlueSurf: I think you will need a separate partition to boot from02:52
Dumptruckfrom what I understand I can use samba02:53
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Kelpie-VMWI should have known it was an eggdrop.02:53
Dumptruckbut I am unfamiliar with this02:53
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AhadielBlueSurf, http://wubi-installer.org/ (Haven't used it myself)02:53
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Kelpie-VMWDumptruck: I used a USB drive! :D02:53
wastrelDumptruck:  set up ssh server and scp or sftp the files02:53
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chemturionhey there im having trouble getting avant dock to start when i lock in02:53
DumptruckI have created a shared folder in Ubuntu (host)02:53
larson9999oh, that's a known issue in gutsy.  glad to hear that02:53
nomici tryi 'sudo apt-get install universe' and i get: E: couldn't find package universe02:53
CoasterMasternomic: what are you trying to install?02:53
Ahadielnomic, Universe isn't a package02:54
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nomicit saysi need universe02:54
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CoasterMasteruniverse is a place you get packages from02:54
GottferDamntmy hdd spin down all the time, can I stop this?02:54
nomica program?02:54
wastrellarson9999:  gusty chat is #ubuntu+102:54
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Dumptruckbut there is only the share folder option in vmware workstation02:54
CoasterMasterSystem -> Administrator -> Software Sources02:54
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alexincan someone tell me how to unmount a ntfs volume from my desktop (it was the std. C drive from windows)  but i made another partition instead.  i can unmount it (w/ root privilages) but it comes back on restart02:54
Kelpie-VMWSo anyone else know anything about my lovely error? http://pastebin.ca/67422602:54
Randex-Xhellow... I from CHILE...02:54
Randex-Xhellow... I from CHILE...02:54
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CoasterMasternomic: just make sure universe is checked02:54
larson9999wastrel, yeah02:54
nomicok ty02:54
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wastrelalexin:  remove it from /etc/fstab  maybe02:55
PP188 hi, can anybody help me?02:55
alexini dont know how to use that.. i see it listed on /etc/fstab02:55
PP188 i wanna take off (remove) the windows outlines when i minimize.... in gnome02:55
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AhadielPP188, Just ask your question02:55
GottferDamntnobody about my spinning down issue?02:55
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AhadielPP188, not sure if that's possible02:55
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wastrelalexin:  open /etc/fstab in a text editor and delete or comment out that line.  sudo nano /etc/fstab02:56
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Randex-Xaaaammm... I from CHILI or Shoutamerica.. ??? Alguien Writing in spanish ??02:56
PP188Ahadiel: really? it's impossible...02:56
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xtknightis Virtualbox in the ubuntu repositories?02:56
Ahadielxtknight, no02:56
Fat-Mikerafaelscj, can this kurumin also boot the alternate i386 ubuntu.iso from HD?02:56
CoasterMasterRandex-X, check #ubuntu-es02:56
File13Im trying to configure my USB wlan card and i need to know if its set as wlan1 or wlan0 what do i type in terminal to find out which one it is?02:56
ubotuVirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox02:56
xtknightAhadiel  ah thx02:56
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soothsayerwhistler6594: I can't recommend anything easy (although they may exist)02:57
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Traveler52good question02:57
[1] rhombusI think I am going to switch to Gentoo.02:57
[1] rhombusI can't even get a simple tftp service running.02:57
rafaelscjFat-Mike, no, but I think there is a small program that do it under DOS02:57
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whistler6594soothsayer: yea i have been searching for first step into traffic shaping but its a bit over my head.  I'll just push through it i guess..thanks02:58
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[1] rhombusno log output, no console output02:58
rafaelscjFat-Mike, I don't remember the program's name02:58
[1] rhombushow are you supposed to troubleshoot when there's no feedback?02:58
CoasterMasterwhistler: what kind of traffic shaping do you want to do?02:58
BlueSurf84rafaelscj, i use winxp on ntfs so i dont have dos02:58
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whistler6594throttle bandwidth02:58
chalkedonyif you have more than one kernel how do you get past a kernel panic in one to the one which is supposed to work?02:58
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CoasterMasterwhistler: what kind of router do you have?02:59
rafaelscjBlueSurf84, you could use a Win98 floppy disc02:59
CoasterMasterwhistler: if you do have one, that is02:59
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[1] rhombuscan someone explain to me why i don't get ANY output when I run a boot script as root?02:59
soothsayerwhistler6594: You can maybe try 'pyshaper' (I have never used it myself)03:00
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Ahadiel[1] rhombus, Maybe there just is no output03:00
[1] rhombusI look at the script and I'm supposed to get a usage summary if I don't provide a valid flag03:00
rafaelscjBlueSurf84, I will get the program's name03:00
BlueSurf84rafaelscj, no i dont have floppy drive its a dell laptop, what about boot from external cd/dvd usb drive?03:00
[1] rhombusAhadiel: no, the script shows I'm supposed to get output03:00
forest252525i cannot boot on linux anymore: grub loading error 17, can someone help me03:00
whistler6594id rather use iptables htb and tc command subset for iptables03:00
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whistler6594and move out from there03:00
rafaelscjBlueSurf84, So, burn a CD03:00
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[1] rhombuswhich tftp server should I be using?03:00
soothsayer[1] rhombus: It's a bourne shell script03:01
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Random832ok - i'm doing more wireless troubleshooting - i had it working for a minute but not in roaming mode03:01
[1] rhombussoothsayer -- yeah, in "/etc/init.d"03:01
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Random832huh - now it's working even then03:01
soothsayer[1] rhombus: Try turning on debugging (-x I think)03:01
BlueSurf84rafaelscj, i cant burn a cd, i already tried burning 6 of them ad scraped 6 cds! they're cheap disks03:01
[1] rhombussoothsayer -- what am I feeding -x to?03:02
AhadielBlueSurf84, Try burning them at 4x (instead of max)03:02
soothsayer[1] rhombus: sh -x /etc/init.d/foo03:02
rafaelscjBlueSurf84, so, can't you burn a bootable CD?03:02
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File13I need to find out if my wlan device is wlan1 or wlan0 how would i go about doing that03:02
wastrelburn slower03:02
BlueSurf84ahadiel, yeah i tried that i tried all speeds03:03
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Random832what do "Rx invalid nwid" packets mean?03:03
AhadielBlueSurf84, Are you making a data CD, or burning the IMAGE?03:03
Random832is that, someone else is on the same channel?03:03
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BlueSurf84i tried 2x 4x 8x 16x 32x and max03:03
wastrelFile13:  iwconfig  ?03:03
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sirisianhmm so how do you install tremulous... anyone tried it says something like, "srbin/archive not found" then closes not 100% sure what it says03:03
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soothsayerFile13: iwconfig?03:03
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File13lemme try03:03
BlueSurf84im burning the image03:03
kitchesirisian, sudo apt-get install tremulous03:03
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AhadielBlueSurf84, what app?03:03
sirisiankitche that works03:03
sirisianbut when I run it it just says it can't find some directory03:03
UnFeeLinGS.a piler03:04
sirisianmaybe if I tell it no when it requests03:04
BlueSurf84im doing it properly , when i check cd integrity from the alternate menu, it shows up as corrupt03:04
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kitchesirisian, probably you didn't install the -data package as well03:04
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sirisiankitche, oh! how do I get that?03:04
BlueSurf84ahadiel, im using infrarecorder03:04
wastrelBlueSurf:  did you check md5sums on the iso03:04
kitchesirisian, sudo apt-get install tremulous-data should install it03:04
UnFeeLinGsirisian fuck you asterd03:05
BlueSurf84ahadiel, i also tried nero03:05
AhadielBlueSurf84, I use imgburn (windows) when I have to, it's free03:05
UnFeeLinGsuck my cock03:05
Ahadielbut yeah, also check the md5sum as wastrel said03:05
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BlueSurf84wastrel, yes md5sums are all ok03:05
kitchePriceChild, was just about to call for one of you :)03:06
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jiamwhistler6594: can i pm you? i wanted to chat regarding usage of iproute203:06
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File13ok so im guessing since its only showing a wlan0 that its wlan003:06
BlueSurf84ahadiel, infra recorder is also free from sourceforge, ist the one ubuntu recommends03:06
Javidcan someone instruct me as to how to make ubuntu display things in fixedsys03:06
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JavidI did apt-cache search fixedsys and installed the thing that came up but the font still does not appear in my options03:07
wastrelJavid:  what's fixedsys?03:07
Javida font03:08
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Javidthe only one I know of that is reliably fixed-width, which is of use to me03:08
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wastrelseems to be a monospace windows font? per google03:08
wastreltry "monospace"03:08
vashey can someone give me an example to use some feature in beryl, I installed it and I wanna test if it is working correctly03:08
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Javidvas: ctrl+alt+click and drag03:09
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BlueSurf84does anyone know how to make my external usb cd/dvd drive bootable?03:09
Javidsee if the cube goes off03:09
wastrelalso courier is fixed-width03:09
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BlueSurf84is there software that allows this because my bios dosent seem to allow it03:09
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vasJavid: drag waht?03:09
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rhorunshey, im just curious. am i able to swap this HDD in to a different PC, and still have a functional OS? or would i have to reformat/reinstall Ubuntu to get it to work.03:09
sirisiantremulous just crashes and logs me out of ubuntu03:10
forest252525i cannot boot on linux anymore: grub loading error 17, can someone help me03:10
sirisianI don't get it03:10
wastrelJavid:  i'm using bistream vera sans mono  for my monospace in gnome and i like it :] 03:10
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Javidthat works too03:10
jiamforest252525: do you have the liveCD ? boot from it and then do a recovery perhaps03:10
rafaelscjrhoruns, I think you will need to reinstall03:10
rhorunsaww :(03:10
Javidlinux needs a version of sysprep03:10
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vasJavid: what do I drag03:11
forest252525ok, i will try this03:11
Javidanywhere on the screen03:11
rafaelscjrhoruns, i did it with FreeBSD and win98 and theys works03:11
wastrelok what's sysprep03:11
Javidthat is the big glowing thing my words appear on03:11
Javidwastrel, it's a thing on windows XP that lets you clone an install to another system03:11
rhorunswill Ubuntu fidn the correct drivers that are needed?03:11
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Geek_Javid: actually i think the only issue is with drive locations/fstab. if you editr it appriately it should work03:11
wastrelclone an install.  like a kickstart file?03:12
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JavidI dunno03:12
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kkrustycan anyone tell me where i could get complete gnome themes for ubuntu feisty?03:14
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sirisianhow do I uninstall something that doesn't show up in the add/remove thing?03:14
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Flannel!themes | kkrusty03:15
ubotukkrusty: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy03:15
Zagaloin xfce in app menu, i see random, what is it?03:15
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Flannelkkrusty: any gnome themes work with ubuntu03:15
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Zagaloin xfce in app menu, i see random, what is it?03:15
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matthew_how do you prevent the Trash from having the warning when you want to empty it?03:16
wastrelsirisian:  how did you install it?03:16
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wastrelsirisian:  you'll need to be more specific :]   what was the command you used?03:17
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sirisianwastrel sudo sh /home/brandon/Desktop/tremulous-1.1.0-installer.x86.run03:18
AaronWhat's the difference between the DVD and CD release?03:19
Flannelsirisian: tremulous is in the repos.  Why are you not using package management?03:19
PriceChildAaron, dvd contains the entire main and restricted repositories03:19
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FlannelAaron: DVD includes both live, and textmode installer03:20
sirisianFlannel, I did it crashed just the same03:20
sirisiannow how do I uninstall a program without using add/remove?03:20
Zagaloin xfce in app menu, i see random, what is it?03:21
matthew_try synaptic03:21
slackman007apt-get remove program03:21
wastrelsirisian:  try sh /blah/tremulous-blah.sh.run --help03:22
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File13is there anyway to dual boot windows and ubuntu if i already have ubuntu installed?03:22
lgc_How can I reinitialize the CDROM reader?03:22
File13i know in theory your suppost to install windows first so windows doesnt install over GRUB03:22
stdinFile13: you'd have to install windows then reinstall grub03:23
ectospasmFile13:  it should be straightforward03:23
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ectospasmFile13:  I'm planning on doing that03:23
ectospasmYou'll need to reinstall grub to the MBR, but it should work03:23
stdinFile13: install windows that boot the liveCD and follow: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows03:24
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ectospasmWindows may not like it if its not the first partition, so be careful03:24
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=== xazo has ubuntu with video issue with docking station on Dell M90.
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happyfacewhat was that optimized firefox? (not swiftfox, the other one...)03:27
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Morpherafasterfox happyface ?03:27
happyfacenope, thats a plugin03:28
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xazoI configured Xorg.conf to set default as 24 with "1280x1024". when reboot, vidieo is only at 1280x800" at 60hz03:28
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werkkrewI installed compiz-fusion as per http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_Compiz-Fusion_.28a_Compiz-Beryl_fusion.29 and I see the config menu and compiz appears to be running but none of the features I turn on work...any ideas?03:30
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drasanyone here share w/ samba from a VISTA machine?03:30
Random832http://kirsten.urbanzone.com/blog/uploads/misc/ubuntu_network_manager.png - what program is this? what package is it in? I'm trying to get it without gnome.03:30
happyfaceswiftweasel, Morphera03:30
drasits soooo slowww accessing from ubuntu03:30
drasany ideas why03:30
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drasdidnt have this prob with XP03:30
drascant even watch movies cause they freeze up03:31
happyfaceswiftfox is not open source and you can't distrubute it, while swiftweasel you canb03:31
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CoasterMasterrandom832: that network manager is an addon for gnome-panel03:31
CoasterMasterwhich requires gnome03:31
rhorunsanyone know of a good ISO burner??03:31
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Random832no, it lives in the notification area, which works on every desktop environment. it may or may not require gnome libraries, but it is NOT a panel applet03:32
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CoasterMaster!burning | rhoruns03:32
uboturhoruns: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto03:32
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Random832i just spent 15 minutes explaining what the system tray is in #xubuntu and i am not going to repeat that here. please just tell me what package it is in03:32
rhorunsahh, ok. thanks03:32
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qidRandom832: network-manager I believe03:32
rhorunsCoasterMaster, since i use Gnome, is Nautilus a goodie??03:32
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Random832qid: thank you03:32
ckin2001qid - thats it03:33
CoasterMasterrandom832: sorry, you're right, my bad....it's network manager that's the applet, sorry03:33
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CoasterMasterrhoruns: yeah, the built in burner works well too03:33
qidRandom832: it has issues, though, particularly with hidden ESSIDs03:33
kitcheRandom832, well you had the name right in the screenshot03:33
Q^aeriaAnyone here running Feisty on an AMD64?03:33
rhorunsah, ok, thanks :)03:33
Q^aeriaI need help with screen resolution03:33
sportwhen you chown the folder do all the files inside follow suite ?03:33
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qidanyone know where I can get the wireless tools packages for gutsy 7.10? I'm attempting to follow the suggested workaround here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/50214/comments/4803:33
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Random832did i? *confused*03:33
ckin2001chown -R03:33
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CoasterMaster!gusty | qid03:33
ubotuqid: It is spelt guTSy :)03:33
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CoasterMaster!gutsy | qid03:34
Random832oh - the filename... heh - i'd assumed it was descriptive03:34
ubotuqid: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+103:34
Flannelqid: #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support, thanks03:34
wastrelgusty in #ubuntu+103:34
sportckin2001 so chown -R 555 file03:34
sportckin2001 so chown -R 555 folder*03:34
Truman_Hey, does anybody have experience with openvpn?  I'm trying to set up either a routed or bridged server...03:34
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ckin2001sport - only if 555 is a user name03:34
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Q^aerianeverblue, you there?03:34
kitcheRandom832, but it doesn't have a frontend to xfce03:35
Feistyfreakoooohhhh... k... ?  not why I came here, but suddenly my Xchat userlist is gone03:35
gabrielhi, if I want to disable a kernel module, what file should I edit?03:35
sportckin2001 whats the cmd to change the permission of a folder to 555 and all the files within03:35
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gabrielI mean, in others distros I can edit /etc/modules.conf03:35
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Flannel!blacklist | gabriel03:36
ubotugabriel: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add  blacklist <modulename>  to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type  sudo update-initramfs -u 03:36
ckin2001sport - man chmod03:36
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gabrielFlannel, ubotu: thanks03:36
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Pelowhat is a low latency kernel usefull for ?03:37
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[1] rhombushow can I remove a package without removing packages that depend on it?03:37
FlannelPelo: stuff like sound that you don't want *any* hiccups in03:37
Pelo[1] rhombus, not sure you can,  what do you need to do this for03:38
Flannel[1] rhombus: that would defeat the purpose of package management03:38
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happyface[1] rhombus, what are you trying to remove03:38
[1] rhombusI need to do this because I need to rebuild the package03:38
[1] rhombusI cannot get tftpd-hpa to run properly03:38
scalawag420Can anyone tell me how to remove a package that doesn't seem to want to be removed?03:38
[1] rhombusI don't get error output, nothing03:38
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ckin2001dpkg may be able to remove it - use at your own risk03:38
wastrelapt-get install --reinstall tftpd-hpa  ?03:38
Pelo[1] rhombus,  just remove the dependent package as well and reinstall it when you are done03:38
Flannel[1] rhombus: You'll need to make a dummy package to satisfy the depends03:38
[1] rhombusif you can help me get this tftp server working, I can skip the removal03:38
scalawag420dpkg - how do I use that?  like apt-get remove?03:39
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ckin2001man dpkg03:39
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Truman_scalawag420: If sudo apt-get remove doesn't work, you could try synaptic, find the package and "mark for complete removal" .. that worked for me03:39
Flannel[1] rhombus: you dead set on tftp?  There are other ftp clients.  If you don't really care whcih one you use03:39
PeloFlannel,  any use for old slow computers ? ( the low latency kernel thing)03:39
wireLESSHey guys, I have a prism54 device that does not work on boot (i have to un/replug the device, which is not wanted).. NDISWRAPPER is working on boot for me, but does not allow me to a) disable ssid broadcast, and b) use WEP 64 or 128 bit encryption for security.. can anyone help? (Device = Netgear wg111v2)03:39
CoasterMasteryou can also use synpatic to mark for reinstallation03:39
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richardim trying to install screenlets03:39
richardcan someone help me03:39
scalawag420Truman_ tried both, both give the same result03:39
FlannelTruman_, scalawag420, apt-get remove --purge [package]  is the same as "complete removal"03:39
caoinanhow should I format my external hard drive  does it matter?03:39
[1] rhombusFlannel: I need tftpd because this is an LTSP server --- which, in the lab, was working fine03:39
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Pelorichard, what is the problem ?03:40
[1] rhombusnow, in the production environment, the tftp server is misbehaving03:40
FlannelPelo: No.  For stuff like studio sound stuff, or real time video, or whatnot.  lowlatency gives the active process priority over all others.03:40
richardwell i need to know what to install and how to run it03:40
PeloFlannel,  thanks03:40
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scalawag420I get this message:03:40
[1] rhombusand now it tells me  -- when I do apt-get install --reinstall tftpd-hpa -- that it cannot be downloaded03:40
scalawag420Removing clvm ...03:40
scalawag420Stopping Cluster LVM Daemon invoke-rc.d: initscript clvm, action "stop" failed.03:40
scalawag420dpkg: error processing clvm (--purge):03:40
scalawag420along with a whole other string of them03:40
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kitchePelo, the low latency term is actually being debated about since most hear it and htink of networking :)03:40
scalawag420ending in -03:41
scalawag420invoke-rc.d: initscript clvm, action "start" failed.03:41
scalawag420dpkg: error while cleaning up:03:41
scalawag420 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 303:41
scalawag420Errors were encountered while processing:03:41
scalawag420 clvm03:41
scalawag420E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)03:41
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wastrelscalawag420:  is the cluster lvm daemon running03:41
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Javidwhat's the command to view info on a package from the terminal?03:41
Flannelscalawag420: please don't paste here03:41
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Pelorichard,  there should be a deb package on the screenlets site, and a few packages with  screenlets inthem ,  just dl them and run the deb starting with  the app one03:41
scalawag420sorry for the scroll....03:41
Sivikwhen using rdesktop, is there a way to drag and drop files to the base system03:41
Javidlike !info in here, but in console03:41
Javid!info kuake03:41
ubotukuake: Console which looks like Quake game console. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3-5.2 (feisty), package size 45 kB, installed size 248 kB03:41
FlannelJavid: apt-cache show [package]  (or showpkg)03:41
wastrelJavid:  apt-cache policy package03:41
wastrelpolicy is more concise03:41
scalawag420how do I tell if cluster lvm is running?03:41
[1] rhombushas tftpd-hpa been deprecated?03:41
Pelokitche,  thanks03:41
Q^aerianeverblue, you there?03:41
richardnope, just a tar.bz2 file03:41
Flannel[1] rhombus: which version of ubuntu are you running?03:42
Javidthat is exactly what I needed, thanks03:42
orbisvicisi need export AWT_TOOLKIT="MToolkit" to be applied when i log in. I cant put it in .bashrc, b/c itll only work from the terminal. So where else should it go?03:42
caoinanhow should I format my external hard drive if I want to use it in linux and windoze does it matter?03:42
Pelorichard,  give me the direct link to the package03:42
wastrelorbisvicis:  what will only work from the terminal?03:42
Pelocaoinan,  fat3203:42
Flannel[1] rhombus: no, it's there.  In main.  Try `sudo apt-get update` first.  Make sure you're connecting properly and stuff03:42
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caoinanok thanks03:43
wireLESSuse ntfs03:43
wastrelscalawag420:  do a ps aux | grep  for it i guess.03:43
wireLESSand install ntfs-3g03:43
orbisviciswastrel, netbeans & java swing windows. They will only display w/ compiz if that env variable is set before login03:43
wireLESScaoinan: ^^^03:43
DerekSi want to bind a key to open gnome-launch-box, any suggestions?03:43
wireLESSor use ext3, and get the ext3 drivers for windows03:43
Pelorichard,  please use my nick in each line when talking to me, it makes it easier to follow03:43
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FlannelDerekS: what's gnome-launch-box?03:43
wireLESScaoinan: why to which?03:43
DerekSFlannel: its really cool03:43
scalawag420how do I stop it if it's running - it is, checked under KsysV03:43
DerekSbasically quicksilver for gnome03:43
richardpalo, thats all i could find03:43
Pelorichard, hold on , the checking it out03:43
wireLESScaoinan: (cuz i gave you 2 options that are 10000000 better than fat32)03:43
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Pelorichard,  it,s Pelo03:44
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scalawag420and what is it used for, don't want more harm then repair here.03:44
caoinanwill fat 32 not work as well03:44
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FlannelDerekS: I'd bind it overtop of alt-f2, since that already has that functionality.  If I understand correctly.03:44
wireLESSi suppose it will, but fat32 sucks03:44
caoinanshould i just use ext03:44
wastreldid the dude leave?03:44
wastreli was just about to fix is problem03:44
riotkittiewill fat32 not work for what?03:44
werkkrewI have Compiz-Fusion installed, and seemingly running but CCSM Settings don't affect anything, and none of the basic features seem to work - compiz --replace doesnt return any errors though03:44
xazoneed help with video. trying to set xorg.conf to allow higher resolution than 1024x768 at 60hz on dell m90.03:45
wastrel!effects | werkkrew03:45
ubotuwerkkrew: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects03:45
riotkittiewerkkrew: #ubuntu-effects may prove helpful03:45
wireLESScaoinan: i just suggest ntfs really03:45
DerekSFlannel: i want it to alt-space03:45
Pelorichard, http://screenlets.org/index.php/FAQ#Installation_instructions_for_Ubuntu_Edgy_Eft.2FFeisty_Fawn.2FGutsy_Gibbon_users03:45
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FlannelDerekS: alright, so... set it to alt-space.03:45
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caoinanok thanks03:45
riotkittie!fixres > xazo03:45
DerekSFlannel: no idea how to set it03:45
scalawag420Do I need Cluster LVM Daemon running?03:45
orbisviciswastrel, sry ... session froze. miss anything?03:45
zitnerHello, can someone tell me why no matter what player I use, all video won't play, it just closes my programs?03:46
Peloscalawag420, do you have a lvm cluster ?03:46
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scalawag420I don't know what an LVM cluster is.03:46
wastrelorbisvicis:  you want ~/.bash_profile  or ~/.bash_login  for that, rather than .bashrc03:46
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richardpelo, that dont work either03:46
riotkittiezitner: do you have the proper codecs installed?03:46
scalawag420Sorry, completely new and trying to get a few things working.03:46
DerekSFlannel: do you know how?03:46
FlannelDerekS: Ah.  You weren't asking which key to set it to.  Gotcha.  System > Preferences > Keyboard shortcuts03:46
orbisviciswastrel, ty03:46
Pelozitner,  open synaptic , and install every gstreamer 10  packag you see03:46
DerekSFlannel: how do i add one there though? i figured out how to change one...03:47
richardok i have the screenlets control panel up and running, but it wont let me open any screenlets03:47
wastreltho it seems my .bash_profile is including .bashrc03:47
xazoriotkittie... you know how to fix video problem on dell m90?03:47
wastrelnot technically how things are supposed to work afaik03:47
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xazoah, i see it now03:47
Pelorichard,  , open   menu > system > admin > software sources,03:47
xazothanks riotkittie03:47
bjiggsany perl people here?03:48
riotkittie xazo: i believe you'll need to reconfigure xorg.conf ...  you can open a term and type (without the quotes) "sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.bak"   and then "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"03:48
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bjiggsit's actually an #ubuntu perl install question...03:48
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uilhaosup guys, I'm having some problems browsing/sharing files with a xp box, I did everything in the community blogs video on youtube and still cant browse or share files from my ubuntu to xp, everything works from my mac tho, using 7.0403:48
orbisviciswastrel, actually i havent those files ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bash_login: can i create them03:48
XdorotaXhow do i install php on my computer?03:48
ivanwhats the chat for kubuntu??03:49
DerekSFlannel: you know how to add (not edit?)03:49
Ryuoivan: konveration, if you mean IRC03:49
Ryuoivan: konversation03:49
wastrelorbisvicis:  cp -i /etc/skel/.bash_profile ~03:49
Pelorichard,  ???03:49
FlannelDerekS: is alt-space not in there?  That's a little bit more difficult then.  http://gnome-hacks.org/hacks.html?id=1403:49
riotkittieuilhao > you cant get into ubuntu from the xp box?  or you cant get into xp from ubuntu?03:49
FlannelDerekS: you'll need to use gconf-editor03:49
ivanRyuo: yes but no one is never there03:49
=== Segovia [n=jeff@modemcable169.71-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
bjiggsno takers on "how to install Net::SSLeay on ubuntu linux" ??  Can't get Makefile.PL to work03:50
zitnerI have DivX, and a few others.03:50
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kitchebjiggs, what does it tell you03:50
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scalawag420Pelo, do you know what would cause this message?03:50
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Peloscalawag420,  what message ?03:50
Flannelbjiggs: http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/perl/libnet-ssleay-perl03:50
scalawag420Starting Cluster LVM Daemon - clvmd could not connect to cluster manager03:50
Flannelbjiggs: Search the repositories first03:50
scalawag420two seperate lines in KSysV03:51
bjiggsit's not able to find openssl.  If I hand in the path '/usr/' I get a weird error about the version of c compiler used03:51
uilhaoriotkittie: I can view from both sides but can not access files/folders03:51
=== bulmer [n=obama@adsl-69-232-217-125.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Q^aeriacan anyone assist with a screen resolution issue?  I'm running Feisty on a Dell Dimension C521 NVIDIA GForce 6150 AMD Athlon? 6403:51
Peloscalawag420,not realy03:51
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bjiggsFlannel: At ubuntu.com?03:51
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daniel1hello, my speakers arent working and i think its a problem with alsa03:52
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Flannelbjiggs: packages.ubuntu.com, or synaptic or apt-get, or whatever your preferred package manager is03:52
riotkittie!fixres > Q^aeria03:52
nomichow do i get the IP address for a machine (anyone)?03:52
nomicwhat address it is03:52
DerekSFlannel: thanks03:52
Flannelnomic: ifconfig03:52
Pelo!sound | daniel1 start with this03:52
ubotudaniel1 start with this: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:52
=== Segovia [n=jeff@modemcable169.71-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelbjiggs: `sudo apt-get install libnet-ssleay-perl` will install it (and it's depends) for you03:53
ivanwhere can i find a tutorial on how to install compiz fusion on kubuntu cuz i havent find one03:53
Grungebunnynomic you mean the mac address? or some random compuiter on the other side of the world you want the IP address for?03:53
daniel1ubotu: the thing is, i tried doing alsamixer -c(the correct device) and rebooting (which is what worked last time i had installed ubuntu) and it was fine, and this time it didnt work...03:53
Peloivan,  ask in #compiz-fusion03:53
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Pelodaniche,  ubotu  is a bot03:53
Q^aeriaty riotkittie03:53
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=== Nunzio [n=clwalter@nc-71-48-16-204.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #Ubuntu
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:53
bjiggsFlannel:  Got: [1]  21:53 bjiggs on #ubuntu (+cnt) * type /help for help03:53
bjiggssudo apt-get install libnet-ssleay-perl03:53
NunzioMy Appearance settings wont open ;[03:53
Pelodaniche,  type alsamixer in the terminal and make sure nothing is muted and everything is up03:54
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NunzioAnd open office wont open, mentions something about murrine, square styles ignored03:54
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bjiggsFlannel: Sorry.  Got. 'Package libnet-ssleay-perl has no installation candidate'03:54
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[1] rhombuswhere does tftpd-hpa log to?03:54
Q^aeriaBeen to that page.03:54
bjiggsusing apt-get03:54
wastrelNunzio:  murrine is a gnome theme03:54
Q^aerianot a flickering issue03:55
=== osmosis [n=steven@cpe-76-80-88-199.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Nunziowastrel: Im on gnome?03:55
riotkittieQ^aeria: what exactly is your res issue? you can't change it?03:55
Q^aeriacan only operate in 800x60003:55
Feistyfreakanybody here good with installing FGLRX?03:55
=== seyfarth just installed ubuntu for the first time and has a question regarding the media player
Flannelbjiggs: What version of ubuntu are you running?03:55
=== Netham45 [n=netham@c-67-190-103-57.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Q^aeriaI have tried also to sudo nvidia-settings03:55
wastrelNunzio:  i dunno, are you?  ;]     i guess openoffice is trying to use gtk?03:55
Flannel!ask | seyfarth03:55
ubotuseyfarth: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:55
Netham45does anyone know an AJAX irc client?03:55
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riotkittieQ^aeria: have you tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?03:55
scalawag420Are there any other channels on this server for help regarding ubuntu?03:55
wastrelhttp://use/xchat  ?03:56
Nunziowastrel: How do i get my appearance settings to open? I see it in the taskbar at the bottom saying opening than it just goes away03:56
wireLESSNetham45: try www.meebo.com03:56
seyfarthrhythmbox doesn't play my mp3 files... is there a codec i have to download or somethign?03:56
Q^aeriariotkittie, no I have not03:56
Peloscalawag420, depends on what you need03:56
wireLESSHey guys, I have a prism54 device that does not work on boot (i have to un/replug the device, which is not wanted).. NDISWRAPPER is working on boot for me, but does not allow me to a) disable ssid broadcast, and b) use WEP 64 or 128 bit encryption for security.. can anyone help? (Device = Netgear wg111v2)03:56
Grungebunnyseyfarth yeah03:56
bjiggsFlannel !ask | seyfarth03:56
Flannel!mp3 | seyfarth03:56
wastrelNunzio:  gnome-theme-manager03:56
ubotuseyfarth: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:56
Peloscalawag420,  try searchng the error msg int he forum www.ubuntuforums.org03:56
ub-userwhen i install ubuntu from livecd after my partation damaged i get hd as one partation in ubuntu installer but with fdisk i have all partation appear what can i do to force  ubuntu see my partation03:56
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riotkittieQ^aeria: give that a shot. if you're unsure of things, it will automatically try to fill in values03:56
scalawag420Just trying to figure out how to get rid of clvm, can't start it, just says 'stopping' when I try to stop it, never actually stops, and can't remove it cause I get the same old errors.03:56
Nunziobash: gnome-theme-manager: command not found03:56
PelowireLESS,  lookup the device in the forum , using model number03:56
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Q^aeriaperfect... I'll try that out03:57
[1] rhombus!info tftpd-hpa03:57
ubotutftpd-hpa: HPA's tftp server. In component main, is extra. Version 0.43-1ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 32 kB, installed size 148 kB03:57
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bjiggsflannel:  7.0403:57
Flannelscalawag420: so kill it.  ps aux | grep clvm, get the pid, then kill it03:57
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attic_stormHas anyone had experience with setting up the Verizon Novatel Merlin V620 PCMCIA card for PPP?03:57
NunzioI just upgraded to 7.10 and everything went to hell03:57
Flannelbjiggs: And you're conencted to the internet on this box?03:57
wastrelscalawag420:  the package is broken if the uninstall script fails trying to stop the daemon when the daemon isn't running  you should file a bug :] 03:57
FeistyfreakI've tried everything to install ATI's driver, but fglrxinfo still is MESA!03:57
riotkittieNunzio: such is the joy of alpha software.03:57
wireLESSPelo: i did, and that's why i'm stuck.. people are sayign that at least 64bit WEP is working for them, but my dmesg shows that it won't authenticate, and it doesn't get on the net03:57
ub-usermy fdisk result ... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35493/03:57
FlannelNunzio: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy support.  Gutsy is still alpha software, "going to hell" isn't unexpected03:57
nomicin ifconfig which address is the address of the machine for configuring the /etc/exports file for NFS anyone?03:57
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Grungebunnynunzio should wait till its more stable then ;)03:58
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darlokWhenever I use the logout dialog to "Switch Users" and then stay away from the computer long enough for the screensaver to come on, when I try to log back in, it asks for my password, but I can't type anything into the input box.  DOes anyone know how to fix this?03:58
wireLESSshoot, sorry03:58
NunzioGrungebunny: So what..i'll have to wipe everything and reinstall 7.04?03:58
nomicwlan0 bcast address or eth0 bcast address03:58
wireLESSPelo: dunno if you got my last msg03:58
darlokI've tried disabling my screensaver, but it still activates when at the login screen.03:58
uilhaoriotkittie: do you have any suggestions?03:58
Flannelbjiggs: `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libnet-ssleay-perl`03:58
wastrelnomic:  which interface ar ethe nfs clients going to be coming from?03:58
GrungebunnyNunzio to be honest I dunno.. ive not messed with gutsy03:58
riotkittiewireLESS: as someone with a netgear adapter, albeit a different version, i advise you to do what i am doing and seek out a replacement. :x03:58
RyuoNunzio: how experienced are you with linux?03:58
PelowireLESS, I would search for   WEP then  see what comes up,   I can'T realy help you with this I'm worthless with wifi stuff03:58
=== Agrajag [n=zaphod@cpe-72-129-55-4.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
scalawag42020549   0.0   .0.   5068   820 pts/2    S+    21:57    0:00 grep clvm03:58
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scalawag420which one of those is the ID?03:59
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PelowireLESS, yes I got the one just befor you got disconnected about wep 64bit03:59
=== irotas [n=irotas@c-66-30-195-112.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
wireLESSsince when did mp3 and avi containers become restricted formats?03:59
Flannelscalawag420: that's your grep.  (your search), if that's the only thing returned, it's not running03:59
wastrelscalawag420:  neither, that's your grep  clvm isn't running03:59
riotkittiei havent really booted into ubuntu because i'm limited to WEP :\03:59
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FlannelwireLESS: mp3s have always been03:59
seyfarththanks guys03:59
wireLESSPelo: ok yeah... i'm stuck there... they're saying they have success with the same device, yet i can not03:59
RyuowireLESS: mp3 is patented stuff, avi I believe depends on what type of video it contains03:59
GrungebunnyPelo sup mah man.. do you k now how to get ubuntu to recognize wpa protection ? on the pull down menu I only have WEP for the network option.03:59
PelowireLESS, which is why I suggest that you look for info on wep rather then on your devide03:59
=== evan_ [n=evan@c-75-67-237-157.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ub-userwhen i install ubuntu from livecd after my partation damaged i get hd as one partation in ubuntu installer but with fdisk i have all partation appear what can i do to force  ubuntu see my partation can anyone help me ?04:00
Nunzio** (process:7576): WARNING **: Unknown error forking main binary / abnormal early exit ...04:00
wireLESSbut i thought mp3 was iso04:00
=== atomic_bety [n=suzana@87-196-34-148.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu
NunzioThat is for OpenOffice i get04:00
ub-usermy fdisk result ... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35493/04:00
wireLESSPelo: i guess i'll check04:00
RyuowireLESS: What? mp3 is a patented audio format.04:00
PeloGrungebunny,  wireLESS  and anyone else who might care about this : "I DON't KNWO ANYTHING ABOUT WIRELESS"04:00
riotkittieGrungebunny > does your device have native support, or are you using ndiswrapper?  errr more importantly, what kind of chipset does it have?04:00
kitcheNunzio, sounds like it's fork bombing out04:00
riotkittiePelo: hey  can you help me with my wireless?  <hides>04:00
Nunziokitche: How do i fix that04:01
=== Pelo skins riotkittie
=== Feistyfreak [n=Rambo111@adsl-8-185-208.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
kitcheNunzio, it's hard to fix a fork bomb without debugging it use gdb to debug openoffice04:01
Grungebunnyriotkittie yeah ive gotta use ndiswrapper and no clue on the chipset04:01
riotkittieno skinning me until at least the second date. my, you're fresh.04:01
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nomicwhat client address do i put into etc/exports for the purpose of NFS?04:01
nomiclike where do i get the client address?04:02
bjiggsflannel: I'm getting an apt-get update error.  'Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/main Packages04:02
bjiggs  Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)04:02
darlokWhenever I use the logout dialog to "Switch Users" and then stay away from the computer long enough for the screensaver to come on, when I try to log back in, it asks for my password, but I can't type anything into the input box.  Does anyone know how to fix this?04:02
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rhoderycGrungebunny: i don't think you can use wpa with ndiswrapper :/, but if you're chipset is broadcom, i might be able to help you04:03
riotkittieGrungebunny: try opening a term... and  type....      lspci | grep ethernet04:03
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riotkittieyou cant use wpa with ndiswrapper?!?!  thank god i have been lazy and didnt bother trying :x04:03
wireLESSi love how i have windows and xubuntu installed side by side, both performing the EXACT same functions, and windows uses 7gig, while xubuntu is using 1.7gig04:03
Grungebunnyriotkittie haha figures.. I guess wep is okay for now..04:04
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rhoderycriotkittie, ya screwed me till i found bcm-fwcutter04:04
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riotkittieGrungebunny: i wish i could bring myself to use WEP :|  i've been stuck in XP for like... a month. :|04:04
wastreldarlok:  turn off the screensaver :] 04:05
Grungebunnyriotkittie howcome? tried wubi ?04:05
=== Marfi [n=ronzo@cpe-069-132-181-161.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
PelowireLESS,  a clean install of windows no apps takes as much space as my complete install of ubuntu , I know what you mean04:05
wireLESSlol, yeah... i lov elinux04:06
wireLESSbut i'm thinking of slapping a copy of my gentoo install on here from my desktop04:06
Grungebunnye-linux awe yea04:06
riotkittieGrungebunny: because i dont want to use WEP, and i'm running a FON hotspot, so i dont want to yank my cable from the router and just go wired04:06
=== kaek_ [n=kaek@CPE-72-128-21-197.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelbjiggs: that'd be why.  Try again, see if the gzip error persists.04:06
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wireLESSwhy does ubuntu come with redundant services? like anacron and cron?04:06
MarfiwireLESS, gentoo always gave me problems04:06
darlokwastrel: I've tried that, but it still activates from the login screen.04:06
wireLESSMarfi: oh man i lvoe gentoo, been using it for about 7 years now04:06
=== nickrud [n=nickrud_@adsl-69-230-163-196.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
wastrelanacron and cron are different04:07
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MarfiwireLESS, i started it about 2 years ago my freshman year of college04:07
MarfiwireLESS, tried ubuntu, never went back to windows04:07
PelowireLESS, cron and anacron are not reduntand,   cron if for recuring jobs,  anacron is for one time jobs04:07
z0rzPelo: I've got windows down to around 500-600mb w/o losing any functionality (aside search assistant, old modem drivers, etc)04:07
bjiggsFlannel:  Sorry. I'm used to working with rpms.  Not real familiar with using apt-get.  Could my sources.list be updated to use a different site?  Seems like it can't unzip the packages04:07
z0rzPelo Win Xp Pro.. that is04:07
=== freudinator [n=a@host86-146-232-142.range86-146.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
wastrelat is for one-time jobs, anacron is for machines that aren't running 24x704:08
z0rzWith drive compression enabled04:08
Marfibjiggs, what distro did you use before comming to ubuntu?04:08
Flannelbjiggs: It can be.  If the gzip thing persists, we'll swap mirrors.  Usually it's just a hiccup04:08
Peloz0rz,  nice,  the size desn't realy bother me I have the room for it,  I just think it's funny ,04:08
=== ] RandoM[ [n=stewbacc@hlfxns0146w-142167163211.pppoe-dynamic.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
plaxHi! When I try to modprobe acer_acpi, I've got that message: FATAL: error Inserting acer_acpi (/lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/extra/acer_acpi.ko): No such device.. but I've just reinstalled acer_acpi for like the 10th time.. and acer_acpi.ko is really in that directory.. Please.. if someone can help me, I'll really appreciate it.. I've been searching for so many hours :(04:08
wireLESSpelo, oh, sounds like the same thing.. odd04:08
z0rzPelo: It's nice to have an os on your 1gb thumb drive04:08
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bjiggsI was using RedHat before but it was an older version.  Before Fedora was released.04:09
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wireLESSz0rz: is that a PE env?04:09
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z0rzwireLESS: Heh.. no.. My thumb drive's gonna die soon :D04:09
attic_stormHas anyone gotten the Verizon NOVATEL Merlin V620 PCMCIA CDMA  card to work?04:09
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wireLESSz0rz: i once messed with a winpe before bart came out, i got it down to 140mb, only thing it didn't have was sound, i just couldn't get it working fully... but it was a fully working windows install, as bare as it was04:09
Peloz0rz,   eww, it's bad enough having windows on my comp,  I woudlnt, want to carry it around with me04:09
ub-useranyone help me fix my partation , ubuntu installer see all hd as one partation, and i have more than one also windows exist on hd04:10
Peloub-user, this is one hdd ?04:10
bjiggsFlannel:  So, you recommend trying the update again later then attempting to install the perl module using apt-get?04:10
z0rzPelo: I know. talk about burnin' a hole in your pocket :D04:11
scalawag420Stupid question, can I go into /etc/init.d/ and manually delete clvm?04:11
ub-userPelo: fdisk result here ... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35493/04:11
=== reac [n=ric@c211-28-211-245.thoms1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
wastrelscalawag420:  that's just the startup script04:11
Peloz0rz,  nice one04:11
z0rzwireLESS: I've got mine to 431mb with firefox 2, but no one believes me so I usually say around 500-60004:11
wastrelscalawag420:  that package is broken if it won't let you uninstall04:11
cafuegoscalawag420: Yes you can, but no you should not.04:11
nickrudscalawag420, don't do that, just remove the symlink in /etc/rc2.d to stop it's startup04:11
=== evan_ [n=evan@c-75-67-237-157.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Peloub-user, do you have gparted installed ?04:12
scalawag420will it be called clvm as well?04:12
cafuegoscalawag420: 'sudo update-rc.d -f clvm remove'04:12
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Peloub-user,  ok you lost me,  I see 6 partitions on that hdd ? what is the problem ?04:12
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cafuegoscalawag420: ... so they won't get replaced automagically during an update.04:12
scalawag420nice...thank you04:13
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uilhaosup guys, I'm having some problems browsing/sharing files with a xp box, I did everything in the community blogs video on youtube and still cant browse files from my ubuntu to xp, I can see from both ends but not access them. permission problems. everything works from my mac tho, using 7.0404:13
cafuegoTo re enable, 'sudo update-rc.d clvm defaults'04:13
ub-userPelo: the problem is when i try install ubuntu installer can't see all these partations04:13
ub-userit see only one04:13
kravlinAnyone know a good id3 tag editor with a gui? i have about 300 files to go through.04:13
kravlinsomething from synaptic would be nice.04:14
Peloub-user, are you using the manual partitonning ?04:14
=== david__ [n=david@bas3-sherbrooke40-1177645507.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ipsosI have ff ubuntu, and sometimes when I have four windows open, I click to minimize and it makes four small panes on the desktop. I like it, but it only happens every now and then, and I can't figure out why.04:14
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=== sow1 [n=jcwuerfl@c-75-73-147-120.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Peloipsos,  do you hve compiz running ?04:14
cafuegoWhat is "ff ubuntu" ?04:14
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ipsosNo. Just a basic install, with some effects (unless that's compiz)04:15
rocketsWhat's a good GUI frontend for LAME04:15
ipsos(feisty fawn)04:15
ub-userPelo: currently partation made manual because i lost some due to windows install, but with ubuntu i use ubuntu installer and imstaller force me to partation04:15
cafuegoipsos: That's compiz. it's probably acivated by moving the mouse to a screen corner04:15
Peloipsos,  more or less,  you'll need to add the compiz manager ( check in synaptic) you can control that there problably, ask in #ubuntu-effects04:15
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ipsosCool. Thanks.04:16
rocketskravlin, none.04:16
Peloub-user,  no , I mean during the install , do not use the guided stuff, use the manual one and tell ubu what partition to use04:16
kravlinrockets: thanks anyway.04:16
rocketskravlin, in all serious there is none for linux04:16
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lorphhi i've setup webmin, but it only works when I access it through a bogus domain name that I setup when installing ubuntu. how do I get it to work with the ip address of the machine?04:17
kravlinrockets: that sucks. because Rockbox likes id3 tags.04:17
ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system04:17
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rocketskravlin, you can use ex falso04:17
lorphaww since which version04:17
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lorphso what can I use now04:18
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kravlinrockets: care to explain more?04:18
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rocketskravlin, nothing to explain, its a gui ID3 tag editor. its just not any good :-D04:18
shkcan anyone tell me the best way to get java to work in firefox/swiftfox?04:18
Pelog'night folks04:18
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wastrellorph:  you may be able to mess around in the apache settings for webmin & get it working by ip04:18
Flannel!java | shk04:18
ubotushk: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre04:18
wastreldunno tho04:18
rocketsshk, install it via synaptic04:18
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rocketsshk, sun-java6-plugin04:18
rocketsor sun-java6-mozila, soemthing like that04:18
staingI'm a semi-newbie04:18
=== Marfi hugs ubotu
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shkokay, thank you04:18
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staingand I need a little help04:19
shki just didnt want that java bloat that comes with it on windows04:19
uilhaosuggestions anyone?04:19
kravlinrockets: ah.04:19
Marfistaing, ask away!  =)04:19
wireLESSbbiaf, testing some wireless stuff04:19
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staingmarfi thank you04:19
ub-userPelo: i already use manual and it also see one hd partation04:19
staingI love this community04:19
kravlinrockets: currently i'm using easytag... i just found it.04:19
shkthanks rockets :)04:19
=== Shadow6363 [n=procrast@pool-72-70-176-7.hrbgpa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Shadow6363hmm, how would i go about searching my entire drive including hidden files/folders for something?04:19
rocketskravlin, easytag is slightly better then ex falso, i just couldnt remember the name of it04:19
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staingmarfi, how can I get an old IBM 570 with dapper to suspend/hibernate04:19
evan_anyone know a quick easy way to configure second monitor?04:20
Marfistaing, is it a lappytop?04:20
staingI think suspend is out of the question b/c of limited ram04:20
IndyGunFreak!twinview | evan_04:20
ubotuevan_: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead04:20
staingI scoured the wed and have tried04:20
evan_sweet tx04:20
Marfihow much ram?04:20
wastrelShadow6363:  locate keyword   or find / -iname "*keyword*"04:20
kravlinrockets: ok. thanks!04:20
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IndyGunFreakevan_: what sort of video card?04:20
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Shadow6363wastrel, thanks04:21
staingmarfi how to I check on dapper04:21
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IndyGunFreakwhy did you install dapper04:21
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wastreldapper is lts and some people like that04:21
staingb/c that is what the old laptop can handle04:21
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rocketsI'd wait for the next LTS to stick to LTS, dapper doesnt support as much hardware. Unless its working fine for you that is.04:22
uilhaojust a link will be fine not asking much04:22
IndyGunFreakwastrel: i guess i don't get it... if you're paying for support, i guess you can put the LTS to good use04:22
Marfistaing, did you try xubuntu?04:22
staingwastrel: what is lts?04:22
IndyGunFreakstaing: if your laptop can run dapper, it can run feisty04:22
Marfistaing, long term service04:22
staingohh...meaning stable04:22
datakidare people upgrading to gutsy? is it largely stable enough?04:22
IndyGunFreakstaing: they're all stable.04:22
zythdatakid, no04:23
Marfity IndyGunFreak ;)04:23
evan_IndygunFreak - ATI x80004:23
IndyGunFreakdatai haven't yet... don't plan to till its official release04:23
staingI'm new so forgive me04:23
staingI'm going head first though04:23
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staingall machine msft free04:23
evan_should I install the ati driver ?04:23
IndyGunFreakevan_: ok... dualdisplay is difficult with ATI, i never got it to work, switched to Nvidia, it was gravy04:23
staingI've seen the light04:23
Marfistaing, thats the way to do it though04:23
IndyGunFreakevan_: yes04:23
datakidzyth thanks, that's a "no" to upgrading or "no" to stable or both?04:23
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rhoderycdatai: i've used it, nothing crashed at least, and the effects are integrated nicely04:23
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staingok back to my hibernate problem04:24
IndyGunFreakhead first into a distro thats 2yrs old...04:24
quamarettoSo, as I understand it, the backstory behind Himuro is that he and the director were involved in a gay dream fantasy of some sort? Maybe Osanai too? Eugh.04:24
zythdatakid, it isnt even beta, it might not boot, it is in no way stable.04:24
nixNewbevery time i select install or something on the install cd, it reboots my computer04:24
quamarettoWow, wrong channel.04:24
datakidzyth cheers04:24
sow1i must concur with indygunfreak, ATI is difficult to do multi monitor, I got mine to work once and should have saved the config now i can't get it to work again04:24
IndyGunFreakoops, year and a half.04:24
staingindy, this is what the web told me04:24
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staingI have another machine (dell with feisty)04:24
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IndyGunFreakstaing: well, we all know everything on the internet is true and accurate! :)04:24
evan_sow1 maybe i'll skip it for now...im kinda new04:24
staingof course04:24
staingit's the absolute bible...04:25
evan_right now my second monitor just mirrors my first04:25
mattgis everybody having fun with ubuntu?04:25
staingI have just discovered IRQ-ubuntu04:25
IndyGunFreakevan_: thats not to say its impossible, but it was WAY easier w/ nvidia.04:25
evan_which isn't terribly useful04:25
Grungebunnymattg yup04:25
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IndyGunFreakevan_: hmm,04:25
evan_IndyGunFreak: perhaps the drivers have been updated since u last tried it?04:25
staingindy: don't worry you'll want to get rid of me soon04:25
IndyGunFreakevan_: possible... i don't know.04:25
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IndyGunFreakstaing: i'll be counting down.04:26
rocketsWow ripperx is nice. I wish there was a GTK+ version04:26
IndyGunFreakevan_: whats your video card again?04:26
evan_ati x80004:26
staingIndyGunFreak, you're the resident guru04:26
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corrupti'm having problem with fiesty fawn, somehow my computer doesn't detect either my hard drive or dvd rom drive when i first boot, but when i restart it, all of a sudden it detects it, what gives?04:26
mattggood good, grungebunny!  i need a theme deal04:26
IndyGunFreakstaing: i wouldn't say that, nor did i.04:26
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staingwould you be able to help me out, or are you going to tell me to scour the web04:26
IndyGunFreakstaing: scour the web04:27
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:27
staingok, marti04:27
staingyou still there04:27
evan_yea i got that ubotu04:27
Hixkis there a Compiz/beryl type thing for Windows XP or Vista?04:27
=== sexcopter [n=james@sr-223.srsa01.resnet.ubc.ca] has joined #ubuntu
mattgstaing...what is the prob?04:27
evan_but it actually says I dont need the driver for my card04:27
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uilhaohow do i fix permission issues with sharing files from my ubuntu box. I can view files from both my and a windows machine but cant write04:27
staingtrying to hibernate with an old laptop IBM 570 with dapper04:27
Hixkis there a Compiz/beryl type thing for Windows XP or Vista?  Desktop effects for ubuntu just for windows?04:27
IndyGunFreakevan_: i was just looking at that link04:28
mjancaiti1evan_: i made ubotu say that for my benefit, not at you; apologies04:28
ralphzhow come i can hibernate with #s2disk command and cannot do that by clicking on turn off button and then hibernate ?04:28
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mattgoh okay...i have troubles doing anything like that except shutdown.  oh well, it still works good04:28
IndyGunFreakevan_: i think you need the fglrx driver, to make dual display work04:28
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qidwhen trying to connect to a wireless network with network-manager, does it automatically use DHCP?04:28
mattgwhat is a good theme program?04:28
x3rus_Someone may help me with this. I install ubuntu 7.04 on a compaq c502US. The problem is that the sound sometimes works and sometimes no04:28
Hixkis there a Compiz/beryl type thing for Windows XP or Vista?  Desktop effects for ubuntu just for windows?04:28
mjancaiti1qid: yes04:28
=== orbital04 [n=paul@adsl-75-0-177-86.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
mattgkinda, hixk04:29
HixkI don't mean Yod'M 3D04:29
Hixkthat sucks04:29
mattgfound it once before, lemmie see if i can find it again, hixk04:29
ralphzHixk: I dont think there is04:29
evan_IndyGunFreak: Install from ubuntu repositories ?04:29
IndyGunFreakevan_: thats what i would do..04:29
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Hixkwobbly windows, cube effect04:29
IndyGunFreakmake it a whole heckuva lot easier.04:29
Hixkthat's all I want04:29
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qidmjancaiti1: how would I go about making it use a static configuration?04:29
evan_how do i speak directly to you ?04:30
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evan_using Konversation client04:30
mjancaiti1qid: good question, you'll probably have to refer to the manual for that, I don't know04:30
IndyGunFreakevan_: prefix your sentence w/ my name04:30
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nixNewbwhenever i try to install it just reboots04:30
realityiswhereHixk: dpm04:30
mattghixk!  check it out!  watch this vid      http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4565584516752956956&q=windows+vista+desktop+effects&total=37&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=104:30
AngryElfhow can an audio disc show up on my desktop, it also plays in sound juicer after it pops up, yet it's not mounted in /media? and there's no trace of it in /etc/mtab?04:30
evan_IndyGunFreak like dis?04:30
realityiswhereHixk: sorry, keyboard error lol. don't think there is cube for windows.04:30
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IndyGunFreakevan_: like that04:30
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orbital04Hello, I need to enable scsi emulation in the kernal of my Dapper....anyone have a clue, apparently the distro doesn't include the sources so I can't roll my own kernel from here.04:30
evan_IndyGunFreak kk04:30
mattgits what u want, hixk04:30
Hixkthe video is a fake04:31
Hixkall it is is someone using vmware on ubuntu with vista on vmware04:31
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Javidwhat's the command to wget an entire folder?04:31
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Hixkand when I tried actual ubuntu04:31
Fezzlerwriting a script to run a program.  The program is ./dl  I have RUN+=./dl   But since .dl is run in terminal, do I need to figure out how to launch Terminal first in script?04:31
HixkI tried turning on the desktop effects04:31
Hixkmy monitor went white for like 40-50 seconds04:32
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Hixkthen it went back, disabled them04:32
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savetheWorldFezzler  Not in Terminall, it in a shell session.04:32
realityiswhereHixk: what kind of video card do you have?04:32
HixkRadeon ATI Xpress series 20004:32
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Lattyware_Having a few problems in Gutsy a) gnome-terminal appears to crash, b) GParted gets stuck on 'scanning all devices'.04:32
Hixkeverytime I tried drivers my ubuntu fucked up04:32
Lattyware_forget the last part04:33
realityiswhereHixk: ati has horrible support for Linux. a nVidia card would almost guarantee it to work properly.04:33
Hixkso I had to reinstall repeatedly04:33
Lattyware_I just had to wait 30mins, apparently04:33
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GrungebunnyHixk I had that same problem with my older Nvidia card.. unfortunatly it was too old to support compiz you may have the same issue.04:33
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HixkMy comp isn't too old though04:33
Grungebunnyhixk is it an older card?04:33
Hixkit's onboard, came with comp04:33
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Hixkbought it in december of 200604:34
evan_IndyGunFreak i brb going to restart04:34
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IndyGunFreakevan_: ok... did you install fglrx control?04:34
nixNewbevery time i try to install ubuntu my computer reboots04:34
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rocketsMan I can't find a good LAME app04:34
mattggotta install the right ones.  i will see if i can find them, hixk04:34
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evan_IndyGunFreak yes, with the restricted drivers manager thingy04:34
Grungebunnyrockets thats why they are called lame ;)04:34
HixkI like the simplicity of Windows but the UI sucks.04:34
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rocketsGrungebunny, funny04:34
IndyGunFreakevan_: ok... go ahead and restart.04:34
qidgah, I give up... it's easier to just make a shell script that runs iwconfig/wpa-supplicant/ifconfig/route than to try to get this gui working04:35
nickrudHixk, the ati driver for feisty breaks with ati 200 express, I have one :(04:35
rocketsI wonder if kaudiocreater is good04:35
orbital04what about scsi emulation, how do we get there from here?04:35
lock1I'm trying to set up dual monitors, who can help me? I have it somewhat set up with a little bit of a problem, I can't move my windows ALL the way onto the other monitor, only up to a certain point04:35
mattghixk, are you running x86 or x86_64?04:35
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nickrudHixk, I mean accelerated ati, meaning fglrx :)04:35
HixkNickrud, what do you mean though04:35
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Hixkthe ati 200 xpress series breaks with it?04:35
Fezzlersave: What would that look like?  This is a statement in a rule.d that instructs PC after USB device has been plugged in (udev)04:35
nickrudHixk, for me, it locks when I try to log out. No keyboard, needs a hard boot04:35
realityiswhereHixk: the driver ubuntu supplies for your card doesn't work properly.04:35
HixkI tried installing other drivers04:36
Fezzlersave: right now I have in that section, RUN+=~/./dl /dev/ttyUSB004:36
Hixkbut it messed my ubuntu installation up04:36
orbital04Hixk: howabout ndiswrapper, will that work for you?04:36
nickrudHixk, the 8.37 works in gutsy, but I could never get it into fiesty properly either04:36
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Q^aeriai have that too nickrud04:36
AngryElfI just inserted an Audio CD and the only way I can access the files is through Sount Juicer -- it's not in /media/cdrom... any ideas?04:36
Q^aeriathe lock up issue04:36
lock1Can someone help me set up my dual monitors?04:37
mattghixk:  check this out, it might be a fix for ya.   http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=32335004:37
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Hixkis there anything similar to Ubuntu Beryl then?04:37
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Netham45went to find a Ubuntu server disc install, and my latest disc was 5.something04:37
HixkLike toy'd or something04:37
IndyGunFreak!dual | lock104:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dual - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:37
Aval0nguys can you set resolution to 1280x720 and then make the desktop resolution 1216x684 in ubuntu? trying to deal with an overscan issue.04:37
Netham45the ink had worn off04:37
rocketsNetham45, yuck,.04:37
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IndyGunFreak!twinview | lock104:37
ubotulock1: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead04:37
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Grungebunnyhixk have you tried compiz-fusion?04:37
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lock1IndyGunFreak: I'm already running that, that's not helpful04:37
Aval0nwhat's better compiz-fusion or beryl?04:37
IndyGunFreaklock1: what type of video card?04:37
mattghixk:  run the beryl deal, as I do, but change it to COMPIZ by right-clicking on the icon by the clock and select it04:37
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lock1IndyGunFreak: Intel04:37
KurtKrautHow can I know how many kbytes a process is occupying in RAM ?04:38
evan_IndyGunFreak k drivers installed...where to from here?04:38
IndyGunFreakevan_: not really sure to be truthful.04:38
Hixkisn't that what the thing desktop features is for?04:38
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IndyGunFreakdid you install fglrx-control?.. thats gonna probably be what you need to setup dual display04:38
Grungebunnykurtkraut gdesklets has a widget that monitors those things04:38
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evan_is that instruction on the same page?04:38
mattgkurtkraut:  search the synaptic package manager for processes and see what comes up, i will search, too04:38
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IndyGunFreakevan_: type this w/o quotes.. "/join #indygunfreak"04:39
ctkroekerhow easy is it setting up a dual display with 2 seperate video cards? an onboard sis and a cheap nvidia card...04:39
KurtKrautGrungebunny, mattg, thanks for replying but I'd like to do it from terminal in a server.04:39
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lock1IndyGunFreak:  I had it set up before, and I had this same problem setting it up last time, but I don't remember how to fix it, I have both monitors showing something atm, but I can't move a window completely over to my CRT, it stops at the border and keeps a little on this monitor04:39
mattgoh, idk, kurtkraut04:39
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KurtKrautmattg, thanks04:40
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maderaHello all..04:40
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ctkroekerhow easy is it setting up a dual display with 2 seperate video cards? an onboard sis and a cheap nvidia card... the monitors are a 17 lcd and a 17 crt04:41
shkare there specific instructions for getting java to work as a mozilla plugin?04:41
IndyGunFreakFrogzoo: whats your problem?04:41
maderaIs there a way to list all version available for a package before installing?04:41
shkits installed but its not working in swiftfox04:41
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FrogzooIndyGunFreak: never mind, bad joke04:41
IndyGunFreakFrogzoo: yeah.04:41
IndyGunFreakits cool though04:41
IndyGunFreakwhats the prob?04:41
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sebahow do i install: dpkg -i packagname.deb -> but with depepndencies ?04:41
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AdrianaFoxokies I install my nvidia-glx driver, enabled it then rebooted and now I can't boot back into the graphical04:41
Aval0nguys can you set resolution to 1280x720 and then make the desktop resolution 1216x684 in ubuntu? trying to deal with an overscan issue.04:42
Aval0nadrianafox dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:42
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orbital04shk: google 'easy ubuntu', java is included. but apparently the tool doesn't help you unintall stuff you installed with it. but it will get your dvd going, etc.04:42
AdrianaFoxIve never had luck with that and I doubt xserv is entirely the issue04:42
maderaIs Eclipse 3.3 available in Ubuntu as a package? Synaptic only shows 3.204:43
Aval0ni bet it is04:43
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Aval0ncat /var/log/Xorg.0.conf04:43
Aval0ncat /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:43
AdrianaFoxit happened after rebooting from enabling the driver04:43
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kbrosnanshk: http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/linux.html#Java04:43
Aval0nbecause the settings are wrong for your display more than likely04:43
Aval0ncat /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:43
Aval0nand see what it says04:43
sebahow do i install *.deb package with missing dependencies in terminal ?04:43
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Flannelseba: check out gdebi04:43
Aval0nthen dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org now that you have it installed04:43
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sebaflannel , no gui here04:44
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mattgkurtkraut: did u get a fix yet?04:44
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sebaflannel , does it work in terminal ?04:44
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Flannelseba: yep.  gdebi-core is what you want, `gdebi` is a GUI ontop of that04:44
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KurtKrautmattg, not yet04:44
sebaok sec m8, tnx04:45
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mattgim still looking, kurtkraut04:45
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Thulanis_When I'm playing Nexuiz it keeps exiting full screen mode and it goes to desktop for a few seconds, what causes it?04:46
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sebaflannel, same thing m8, no dependencies resolved04:46
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moauudi have problem with my broadcom wireless can you help me plz ..?04:47
Flannelmadera: Not in the repos, no.  You could do it yourself though (put it in /opt): https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EclipseWebTools#head-fbff85d94516282cf6822c250503cabcde5e458104:47
Flannelseba: Then the package isn't for ubuntu.  Where'd you get it?04:47
Flannelseba: Or at least, your version of ubuntu04:48
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nickrudAval0n, have you tried generating a custom mode line? http://www.sh.nu/nvidia/gtf.php04:48
Flannelseba: where'd you get the deb?04:48
mattgim not finding a thing for it, kurtkraut04:48
Flannelseba: what are you trying to install? (do you have a URL perhaps?)04:48
sebayes 1 min04:49
moauudi have problem with broadcom wireless i cant find any networks04:49
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maderaFlannel: Thanks04:49
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Grungebunnymoauud is your wirelss card recognized? try installing wifi radar and see if it detects it.04:50
rocketsmoauud, sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter04:50
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:50
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wireLESSpelofor some odd reason, installing ndiswrapper et al from a brand new xubuntu install allows me to use 64bit WEP... strange04:50
Grungebunnyrockets whats that prog do?04:50
orbisviciswhen i open a terminal, it usually reads orbisvicis@aequorin04:51
sebaflannel ; http://www.getdeb.net/download.php?release=1315&fpos=004:51
wireLESS!seen pelo04:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen pelo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:51
rocketsGrungebunny, automatically installs the firmware that the driver built into the linux kernel needs to make broadcom wifi work04:51
Random832so what's the equivalent of what debian calls "unstable" for ubuntu?04:51
wireLESShmm.. what was the name!?04:51
rocketsRandom832, debian+104:51
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Random832is there an 'ubuntu sid' or anything like that?04:51
orbisvicisnow 1/2 hr later, it suddenly reads orbisvicis@r23703604:51
wastrelRandom832:  debian unstable is ubuntu's debian unstable :] 04:51
rocketsRandom832, well ubuntu+1 rather04:51
orbisviciswhat happened?04:51
rocketsRandom832, #ubuntu+104:51
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afuchsis there any ongoing project that helps people configure desktop applications for use/integration with web services?04:51
wastrelRandom832:  debian testing is ubuntu's "ubuntu+1"04:52
afuchsRandom832, http://www.ubuntu.com/testing i think04:52
conreytI'm trying to get tor and tor extensions installed for firefox.  I did a sudo apt-get install tor and privoxy.   The tor extension is showing as on, I can continue to browse, however the verify site dosen't show that I'm exiting from a tor site.  any ideas?04:52
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Random832so would you say that, on average, 'ubuntu+1' is more or less stable than sid?04:52
wireLESSif linux-headers-2.6.20-16-generic just installed, can i remove linux-headers-2.6.20-15-generic, or do i have to rebuild my kernel?04:52
Flannelseba: What features of 0.7 do you require?04:52
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rocketswireLESS, you can remove them04:52
rocketswireLESS, but reboot into -16 first04:53
afuchsive never used debian unstable, but im on gutsy (next release/testing) right now04:53
thtohhey gues can i login to gui with root user ?04:53
rocketsafuchs, not a great idea.04:53
wireLESSrockets: ok so did it compile it FOR me, or is it precompiled WITH source?04:53
FlannelRandom832: They're inheritly different.  sid is a rolling, moving target.  The next release starts unstable and grows towards stability as the release nears.04:53
afuchsi know04:53
Random832hmm - you keep saying 'next release' and 'testing'04:53
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Random832is there an ubuntu+2?04:53
Juliosohey all04:53
afuchssome stuff has broke on this machine, but i was able to fix it04:53
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FlannelRandom832: sure, that'd be 8.04, which doesn't exist yet04:53
rocketswireLESS, all ubuntu packages are precompiled . . .04:53
wastrelRandom832: ubuntu+2 is debian sid04:53
rocketswireLESS, except source packages.04:53
sebaflannel , just play good old prince of persia ;)04:53
madera          https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EclipseWebTools#head-fbff85d94516282cf6822c250503cabcde5e458104:54
moauudi cant connect to any network even i have atheros ...?04:54
Flannelseba: What's wrong with 0.65?04:54
maderaSorry, mouse slip.04:54
wireLESSrockets: right, so does that mean the linux-headers and such are compiled or just source?04:54
Random832wastrel: i thought ubuntu wasn't compatible with debian anymore - i read that somewhere04:54
sebaflannel , just wanted new version to check04:54
wireLESSrockets: i just did a dist-upgrade from a clean xubuntu install and it installed them04:54
rocketswireLESS, compiled . . . if you want source install the source package04:54
rocketsof course04:54
JuliosoI'm having trouble accessing two of my hard drives, I am running Ubuntu from the CD at the moment, I cannot install it until I access these hard drives because I need to save data to them etc.04:54
wastrelRandom832:  as far as i am aware, they take a snapshot of debian sid and turn that into ubuntu+104:54
wireLESSJulioso: ntfs?04:55
thtohcan i login to GUI as root user04:55
Flannelseba: If you install the dosbox in the repos, it should bring in the depends of the 0.704:55
Flannelthtoh: What for?04:55
rocketsJulioso, try rebooting with irqpoll if it cant see your drives04:55
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Random832is it compatible enough that i can just put in sid sources and dist-upgrade? the main reason i picked ubuntu was that it was a livecd, honestly04:55
FlannelRandom832: no.04:55
rocketsRandom832, bad idea.04:55
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JuliosoUbuntu says the following: /dev/sde1 on /media/disk type xfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)04:55
Julioso/dev/sdd1 on /media/disk-1 type xfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)04:55
FlannelRandom832: if you want a rolling release, debian might be the better choice for you.04:55
moauudi cant connect to any network even i have04:55
rocketsRandom832, Ubuntu isn't debian. Its BASED on debian.04:55
rocketsmoauud, reboot after you install that04:55
Random832right - but is there a way to convert a live system from ubuntu to debian04:55
wastrelRandom832:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment#head-0383f47b0f2f8139378e43569435d4dc4fd270e604:55
rocketsRandom832, why not just install debian . . .04:56
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rocketsRandom832, i suppose you could try debootstrap04:56
afuchstheres gentoo, if your willing to compile everything04:56
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Random832i've done sidegrades back and forth between debian and progeny and between debian and corel [between debian and mandrake once, but that was, obviously, quite a bit more involved] 04:56
rocketsmoauud, what.04:56
FlannelRandom832: http://live.debian.net/  check that out04:56
Juliosowireless and rockets: check out the command line info I just pasted04:56
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Random832why's ubuntu different?04:56
moauudrockets : install what i am new to linux i have netgear wpn11104:56
rocketsJulioso, huh? my wifi works04:56
thtohcan i login to GUI as root user04:56
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Flannelthtoh: What for?04:56
afuchsIt seems more polished, focused more at everyday users04:56
IndyGunFreak!root | thtoh04:57
ubotuthtoh: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:57
rocketsmoauud, oh. if its not native check out ndiswrapper04:57
thtohno one can answer is it difficult :)04:57
Random832i also already have documents in my home dir, and i foolishly didn't give it its own partition04:57
Juliosowireless and rockets: they are in xfs, my system can see them, and they SAY rw, but it says "read-only" in permissions04:57
Flannelthtoh: It's unlikely that you want to.  Why are you trying to?04:57
wireLESSthtoh: no it's not, just set a root password... but it's generally not accpeted to do so, esp. in the ubuntu world04:57
IndyGunFreakRandom832: why is that foolish? i never do.04:57
wireLESSJulioso: try a umask04:57
rocketsJulioso, you need to mount them as rw to normal users ...04:57
FlannelRandom832: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/01/29/move-home-to-its-own-partition/04:57
Random832IndyGunFreak: it's foolish because if you want to install a different distro or OS,04:58
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moauudrockets : i have only this wireless and i cant connect to internet how i will install ndiswrapper without internet ..?04:58
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rocketsmoauud, download the packages and then transfer them to that pc04:58
IndyGunFreakRandom832: i wouldln't say its foolish, i'd say its less convenient... i just keep good backups, no need to screw with 3-4 different partitiokns04:58
FlannelwireLESS: There's no reason to set a root password.  Please don't suggest it.  Even if he wants to 'login as root' (which he doesn't, if he wants a root nautilus (likely), that's doable without root passwords)04:58
rocketsmoauud, ndiswrapper is built into the ubuntu kernel you just need the userland packages04:58
Juliosorockets: how do I do that from the command line? I tried in fstab, but it's not reading from fstab for some reason, likely because I am running from the CD04:58
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rocketsJulioso, dont remember honestly04:59
Random832home as its own partition is also good for dual boots04:59
rocketsJulioso, I just use fuse for everything04:59
Juliosorockets: fuse?04:59
moauudrockets : i need to download more than 20 packages ..? how i can will download them ..?04:59
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rocketsJulioso, file system in user space04:59
rocketsmoauud, packages.ubuntu.com04:59
moauudrockets what is userland package ..?05:00
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pawanpawan here05:00
rocketsmoauud, just search for ndiswrapper and install all the packages . . .05:00
semirrahgeI need to find out how to change my X video drivers... Somehow I managed to fubar the displays and I can't get X to start.05:00
Grungebunnywelcome pawan05:00
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moauudrockets : thats it ..?05:00
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afuchsok, would i be duplicating anything if i started a project to integrate web apps (upcomming.org, flickr, etc) into the desktop?05:00
pawanwhat is unmounting05:00
rocketsmoauud, then man ndiswrapper05:01
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about unmount - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:01
rocketsmoauud, its a simple command, easy to figure out05:01
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rocketssemirrahge, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:01
moauudrockets : thank you man05:01
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rocketsmoauud, no problem. also download the WINDOWS wifi driver for that card, youll need it05:01
Juliosowireless: what is a umask? I am admittedly a linux n00b05:01
rocketsmoauud, thats what ndiswrapper does. lets you use the windows wifi driver in linux05:01
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wireLESSJulioso: when you mount, you can specify a umask, a umask is the inverse of the current settings you want to specify the natural permissions to05:02
afuchsJulioso, a mask on file permissions05:02
moauudrockets : ok i will doit thanks man05:02
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Dial_tonewhat is the X utility that allows you to make your display fill the viewable screen?05:02
semirrahgei did that. Somehow I have the server looking for a newer version of the nVidia driver than I have got... And then the server crashes due to having no valid displays.05:02
pawannot able to copy paste05:03
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semirrahgeAnd since I set up ubuntu with the GUI, I have no idea how to work the backend... :/05:03
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nj786which program is the best in copying dvds?05:04
Juliosowireless and afuchs: here is command line info for a HD: /dev/sde1 on /media/disk type xfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev), do you remember how to umask using that?05:04
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pawanhow to unmount drive05:04
nj786which program is the best in copying dvds?05:04
Grungebunnynj786 when you find out let me know ive yet to find a decent program to copy dvds or convert avi to dvd05:04
LinuxWarriorhi all!05:04
nj786Grungebunny: lol im looking for a program myself to just copy dvds05:05
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Grungebunnynj786 I have to boot up winblows currently to do that :(05:05
marx2kQuestion: I installed Ubuntu Fiesty on an external USB drive which I plan on booting on multiple computers... but how do I get X to adapt to each computer upon boot for video settings?05:05
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nj786Grungebunny: lol im asking for ubuntu programs lol05:06
Grungebunnynj786 a program called DeVeDe does it but ive not had luck with it.05:06
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nj786Grungebunny: ok now what about copying cds?05:06
pawanmount disagres with the fstab05:06
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Grungebunnynj786 gnomebaker05:07
pawannot able to copy paste05:07
pawanbetween drives05:07
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foresti cant boot on ubuntu, i get the error 17 in my grub how can i fix this?05:09
thtohcheck this video  to know how login to GUI as root user http://rapidshare.com/files/51899576/login_with_root_video.mpeg05:09
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pawanmount disagres with the fstab05:10
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marx2kHow do i get Ubuntu to autoconfig itself during boot for booting from an external hard drive on multiple computers?05:10
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=== genii sips a beer and contemplates the dangers of grub-install /dev/hdaX where X is danger
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thtohcheck this video  to know how login to GUI as root user http://rapidshare.com/files/51899576/login_with_root_video.mpeg05:11
orbisvicisso why would my computers host name in terminal suddenly change (but the real hostname hasnt changed), ie orbisvicis@aequorin to orbisvicis@r23703605:11
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orbisvicissystem compromised?05:11
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toad49008Hello all im very new to ubuntu can i set it up to login to an NT domain?05:11
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pawanmount disagres with the fstab05:11
nixNewbi try to install ubuntu from the cd, but every time i select install it reboots my machine05:11
marx2knixNewb: try the alternative install CD05:12
semirrahgeWould someone mind chatting with me about a manual X config?05:12
forestis there anyways to reinstall only the grub^05:12
uniqueAny Reason Why I Wasn't Prompted To Supply A Root Password Durring Installation?05:12
nixNewbthe alternative?05:12
geniiorbisvicis: Might be your box is set to do pppoe login or similar, authenticate on the box rather than behind a router etc. Then it adopts the new domain as it's own05:12
afuchstoad49008, i think it can, but i don't know how to do that05:12
nixNewbwhats different about it?05:12
marx2kunique: liveCD is run as root05:12
pyr3When I get a new laptop, I think that I want a ThinkPad to run linux/winxp on... but every time that I see stories about macs and all of the comments are from people saying how they when from pc+linux to a mac+osx.... Then I hear that at a lot of the OSS-type conferences, most of the people are all on Macs... It always makes me second-guess my choice.05:12
pyr3Am I just being flakey or what?05:12
wastrelunique:  there's no root password, instead use sudo05:12
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:13
orbisvicisgenii, good call. How do i avoid this behavior?05:13
semirrahgeThinkPad + Linux is a match made in heaven.05:13
uniquebrings back "Authenication Failure"05:13
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Netham45the PC I want to put Ubuntu on has no CD drive05:13
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geniiorbisvicis: I'd get a router and have that do the login part05:13
pawanktorrent no such file directory error05:13
semirrahgeI'm using an old T23, and Xubuntu works pretty much flawlessly first boot.05:13
massshey guys, can anyone support me with a cant login the hard drive is full classic bug plzz05:14
GrungebunnyNetham I had that too... It was running XP so I used Wubi to install ubuntu05:14
orbisvicisgenii, no good am at school. but doesnt ubuntu ask you on uninstall if it adopts hostname of location ...  i think i said no?05:14
=== sow1 [n=jcwuerfl@c-75-73-147-120.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
marx2kHow do i get Ubuntu to autoconfig itself during boot for booting from an external hard drive on multiple computers?05:14
unique!sudo isn't working either05:14
ubotuwubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html05:14
Grungebunnynetham wubi-installer.org05:14
nollidjNetworkManager appears to be freezing a system solid (with an error message about a soft lock on CPU#0)05:14
geniiorbisvicis: Hmmm. No immediate solution in this case comes to mind05:14
wastrelunique:  sudo <some command>05:14
wastrelman sudo   also05:14
Falstiusmasss: can you login if you hit ctrl-alt-f1 to get a text login?  (alt-f7 to get back to the graphical one)05:14
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thtohcheck this video  to know how login to GUI as root user http://rapidshare.com/files/51899576/login_with_root_video.mpeg05:15
orbisvicisgenii, ok no prob. ty05:15
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nollidjis there any sort of good place to go for support with NetworkManager?  the automatic network management is really causing me a lot of pain right now05:15
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wastrelnollidj:  i turn it off05:15
d4rkmonkeyCan anyone tell me where gedit is installed? I have a program asking for a "executable text editor"05:15
wastreld4rkmonkey:  which gedit05:15
[1] rhombuskdm is listening on udp605:15
[1] rhombusinstead of udp05:15
nollidjwastrel: with what?  /etc/init.d/networks stop , or something else?05:15
[1] rhombusFor xdmcp05:15
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thtohuse search to find gedit05:15
d4rkmonkeywastrel k, thanks05:15
Netham45does wubi install the desktop Ubuntu or the server Ubuntu?05:16
wastrelnollidj:  i kill the process, remove it from my gnome session autostart thingy and use /etc/network/interfaces to configure my network05:16
nollidjwastrel: i pretty much have to jump to a console and killall -9 NetworkManager to keep the machine from locking up right after boot05:16
Netham45(or is it nice, and asks for an ISO)?05:16
nollidji already edited /etc/network/interfaces05:16
Netham45I don't want all the crap in the desktop05:16
sebanetham45 then buy windows 3.105:16
nollidji'm not familiar with gnome (and setting up this machine for someone else).  how would i remove NetworkManager from startup so that it isn't run at all on boot?05:17
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uniquewastrel: thank you05:17
mattganybody heard of PCLinuxOS?05:17
wastrelnollidj:  hrm i seem to have some dameons running still05:17
wastrelbut the little applet is what was screwing me up05:17
nollidjthat's what i have to kill05:17
thtohyes its very good ttry it05:17
thtohtry it05:17
sebanolidj , apt-get remove nm-applet05:17
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corruptshould i install fiesty fawn or dapper drake?05:17
nollidji'll try just removing the whole network manager, i guess...05:17
notchNICKhello... why is it so hard to install things with Ubuntu.. I've been trying since yesterday to install VirtualBox guest additions with a guy from here.. but no use at all.. couldn't get it done!05:18
semirrahgeDoes ubuntu have a guided command line install, like the old Red Hat and Slackware distros?05:18
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sebanollidj , apt-get remove nm-applet05:18
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nollidjseba: unless that axes /sbin/NetworkManager, it doesn't help me because this lockup happens on a fresh boot when the daemon (not the applet) is active05:18
=== Stoffer [n=Stoffer@nj-71-53-29-19.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
Stofferanyone here using the latest version of kiba-dock?05:18
nollidji'll see what packages i can pull out05:18
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nollidjis there a good way to edit the Networkmanager configuration by hand?05:19
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Flannelsemirrahge: Alternate CD05:19
nollidjit looks like it mostly picks stuff up through HAL05:19
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logreevalHello, I just built a computer, got the graphics card, hooked it up, and there is nothing coming on the screen, does someone know how to get it to use the graphics card?, its a ati diamond stealth radeon 955005:20
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lazaruslupinedisable the onboard video in the bios i would think05:20
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logreevalthere is no on board video05:20
Falstiuslogreeval: you mean when you turn it on, nothing comes on the screen at all (no bios post messages)?05:20
conreytI'm trying to get tor and tor extensions installed for firefox.  I did a sudo apt-get install tor and privoxy.   The tor extension is showing as on, I can continue to browse, however the verify site dosen't show that I'm exiting from a tor site.  any ideas?05:21
logreevalFalstius: correct, the monitor doesnt see anything05:21
logreevalFalstius: the monitor just turns of cause there is no connection05:21
wastrelnollidj:  dbus05:21
uniqueHow Would I Log Into The Root Account With Sudo without The Known Root Pwd?05:21
logreevalFalstius: this is my motherboard.. http://www.outletpc.com/c3515.html05:21
CoasterMaster!root | unique05:21
ubotuunique: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo05:21
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CoasterMasterunique: you use your own password when using sudo05:22
lazaruslupineconreyt,  did you point firefox to the tor proxy, or install a firefox exstension like torbutton i think05:22
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Falstiuslogreeval: you realize this has nothing to do with ubuntu or the operating system right?  Unplug the card, plug it in again.  Check the cable (try a new one), borrow a PCI video card from someone, RMA the motherboard.  I'd do those in order.05:23
StofferI don't suppose anyone here can help me with a segmentation fault I get every time I run pidgin?  I have a valgrind output...05:23
conreytlazaruslupine : I'm using the torbutton, however when I browse to the verify page, it says it's not working.  I'm thinking it's my firewall, I'm just not sure what to change.05:23
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Random832is there a way to remove and install at the same time on a single apt-get command line?05:23
pyr3conreyt: Did the tor and privoxy services start up at all?  Or are their init.d scripts just waiting for the next boot?05:23
GamingXHello, Can someone tell me how to remove applications using wine?05:23
logreevalFalstius: ok, what is RMA the motherboard?05:23
conreytpyr3: they're running05:24
marx2kHow do i get Ubuntu to autoconfig itself during boot for booting from an external hard drive on multiple computers? (specifically if one computer uses an nvidia card, the other uses ATI)05:24
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corruptwhy should one get feisty fawn over dapper drake or dapper drake or fiesty fawn?05:24
=== _tux [n=_tux@cpe-76-80-84-102.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
lazaruslupineconreyt,  probably right i would disable your firewall or figure out what port tor is using05:24
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conreytlazaruslupine: it's a hardware firewall, I'm out of luck.05:24
Falstiuslogreeval: return it for a new one.  RMA is the process usually, I can't remember what it stands for.05:25
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Random832oh - found it - the minus goes at the _end_ of the package name05:25
Falstiuslogreeval: and if you got a super cheap power supply, replace that too.05:25
AdrianaFoxok I was having issues with my nvidia driver, I tried the dpkg-reconfigure thing and it solved nothing, I had to purge the driver and restore the xorg to its defaults...here is my xorg log http://pastebin.ca/67430205:25
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ki4anrreturn merchandise authorization05:25
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Random832[neat trick, in case anyone here doesn't know - "apt-get install somepkg-" to remove somepkg - useful if you're installing other stuff at the same time, and a bit obscure05:25
conreytlazaruslupine: the documentation for operating behind a firewall is a bit hard to read...05:26
_tuxQuestion does anyone know how I can edit the .xinitrc file? or get to it to edit it05:26
lazaruslupinegood to know i usually use &&.... takes longer05:26
=== serene [n=julie@653471hfc25.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
scipiocorrupt, dapper drake is the long term support version. if you don't want to install a new version whenever it comes out go with that. feisty fawn is the latest version and has all the bells and whistles currently available. feisty is supported for 18 months i think, not sure about that05:26
Geoffrey2anyone here who would be willing to help me get my tv tuner card working under Ubuntu?05:26
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logreevalFalstius: ok05:26
lazaruslupineconreyt,  what has you stumped?05:26
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conreytlazaruslupine:  the torbutton seems to be working, however when I go to the verify you're using tor page, it say's I'm not on the tor net.05:27
=== steve161 [n=steve@pool-71-249-32-41.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
FalstiusGeoffrey2: buy a support card and install tvtime.  Should just work05:27
sereneim brand new to ubuntu but i have  and want to upgrade to fiesty05:27
pvl1does ubuntu read other languages?05:27
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conreytlazaruslupine: not sure where to go next.05:28
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furenku__hey! i lost my gnome-volume-control icon!!!!! how to reset it????05:28
lazaruslupineconreyt,  dumb qyestion but did you restart or make sure tor is running?05:28
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conreytlazaruslupine: yes, it's running.05:28
Geoffrey2Falstius, "should just work"...famous last words :)05:28
WX9Jhow do I change my smtp port setting05:28
cyberjamesfurenku__: restart your alsa-util from init.d services05:28
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shidowhats the command for the gnome editor? i dont remember it05:29
pidixhow can i restart iptables?05:29
scipioshido, gedit05:29
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lazaruslupineshido, gedit i think05:29
furenku__cyberjames: how to do this05:29
pidixi have added a rule but it is not active05:29
FalstiusGeoffrey2: worked for me .. if you replace 'buy' with 'be given by some old guy who couldn't figure out how to install his newer one in windows'05:29
cyberjamesfurenku__: i think /etc/init.d/alsa-util restart05:29
shidomm no, i mean.... the thing that is like the registry editor in windows05:29
Geoffrey2supposedly I have a supported card...the list of cards supported by the bttv driver includes mine05:30
scipioshido, what are you trying to do05:30
marx2kHow do i get Ubuntu to autoconfig itself during boot for booting from an external hard drive on multiple computers? (specifically if one computer uses an nvidia card, the other uses ATI)05:30
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shidoedit the panel05:30
nickrudpidix, if you've added a rule (visible with sudo iptables -L) then it's active05:30
Geoffrey2and Ubuntu recognizes it for what it is05:30
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cyberjamesfurenku__: does it works?05:30
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shidogot it! it was gconf-edifor05:30
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lazaruslupinemarx2k,  wouldn't a livecd distro be more appropriate?05:31
pidixi will chek it again...05:31
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nickrudmarx2k, it doesn't do that yet; maybe knoppix? A live dvd?05:31
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furenkucyberjames: it didnt come up again05:31
serenehow do i update from 6.06 to 6.1?05:31
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marx2kI was hopiung it WOULD do that05:31
furenkucyberjames: i reboo05:31
Geoffrey2however, what I try and run tvtime from the command line, I get the following error...."xvoutput: No XVIDEO port found which supports YUY2 images."05:31
wastrel!upgrade | serene05:31
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ubotuserene: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:31
nickrudmarx2k, it looks like ubuntu+2 for that05:31
marx2ksince I am so used to Ubuntu05:31
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cyberjamesfurenku: just reboot your box05:32
lazaruslupinemark2x, any debian based livecd would be similar05:32
nickrudthe autoconfiguring X won't be in gutsy it looks like but will be in the next05:32
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furenkustill not there05:32
marx2kcan someone suggest a good debian based distro to install onto an external hard drive that will do what I want?05:32
lazaruslupinemark2x, have you looked around at distrowatch.com05:33
shidowhy now i always see the "manual network configuration" icon in the panel's tray? how can i take it away05:33
furenkucyberjames: still not there05:33
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uniqueThank You For Your Help05:33
Marfimarx2k, ubuntu05:33
nickrudmarx2k, if you really want ubuntu to do that, each time you plug in the drive you can do sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg, pretty simple actually05:33
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marx2klazarus, sure... but I really dont know which distro to choose for what Im looking for05:33
cyberjamesfurenku: I'd PM you05:33
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marx2knickrud: eh.. I was hoping I could get it to boot all the way on the first boot05:34
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skrithe. Now I'm having a problem with my sound. Mostly after boot, I cannot seems to activate sound. Tried restarting alsa, reloading alsa modules, switching sound systems, volumes, etc. I always have to reinstall every alsa packages then reboot, there I will have sound for a while until that happends again under unknown circumstances.05:34
marx2kI wouldnt want to have to do anything extra after booting05:34
lazaruslupinemark2x, mepis maybe?05:34
uniqueis wine compatible with linux?05:34
rhorunswhy the hell can't a unmount any of my ISOs or eject my disc?!?!?!05:34
lazaruslupineheard good things about that05:34
marx2kunique: yes05:34
skritanyone haves an idea on why this might be happening?05:34
IndyGunFreakunique: lol, yes05:34
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uniquelol thats what i thought05:35
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:35
nickrudmarx2k, a _lot_ of people boot th the terminal, and then run X later. Geeks, but .... :)05:35
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AdrianaFoxok I was having issues with my nvidia driver, I tried the dpkg-reconfigure thing and it solved nothing, I had to purge the driver and restore the xorg to its defaults...here is my xorg log http://pastebin.ca/67430205:35
nollidjrhoruns: you might still have some files open on the mounted disks05:35
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rhorunsno.. nothing's open05:35
marx2knickrud: defeats my purposes which is wanting it to boot faster/smoother than the xp boxes at school05:35
uniquethe game i tried to install said, "requires windows 98 or higher" so installed linux w00t!05:35
MarfiJack_Sparrow!!! /salute05:35
nollidjrhoruns: try running lsof | grep <the place where you mounted the disk>05:35
FalstiusGeoffrey2: have you tried with mplayer?05:35
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furenkucyberjames: are you on the PM?05:35
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:36
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K-Fox!nvidia 205:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidia 2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:36
jarrod_whats the secure alternative to ftp?05:36
skritI started noticing this problem some days after installing a realtime kernel with jackd05:36
lazaruslupinemark2x, i've heard pretty good things about mepis, not sure how to set it up on a hard drive but it shouldn't be too hard05:36
semirrahgeAdriana: does X work for you yet?05:36
nollidjjarrod_: you could use sftp, which is built on ssh, or you could use tls or ssl encryption around regular ftp05:36
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marx2kim looking at linux on distrowatch...05:37
uniquewhen I use showmount to a remote server, and it brings me back to the prompt, does that mean there's nothing shared?05:37
marx2kerrr im looking at mepis05:37
d4rkmonkeyjarrod_ or you could scp things, secure copy I believe its scp <source> <location>05:37
AdrianaFoxyes I had to purge the driver and set xorg to defaults05:37
lazaruslupinefor me i prefer slax  as a livecd but obviously not deibian based05:37
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massshey guys, can anyone support me with a  cant login drive is full bug plz05:38
d4rkmonkeyjarrod_ from a terminal, its like scp /home/blah/wahtever/you/want blah@whatever.com:firstfolder/secondfolder/eventhird/andIcouldgoon05:38
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Netham45masss, get a livecd, boot, and clear some space. That should work, right?05:38
cyberjamesfurenku: yeah05:38
AdrianaFoxsemirrahge heres my xorg log http://pastebin.ca/67430205:38
masssbut live cd does not launch05:38
masssor re explain me how to make it launch lol05:39
masssi m a complete beginner05:39
=== Evangelis [n=ilwhipur@pool-71-255-94-143.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
semirrahgeadriana: I'm looking through it - this is what you are using now?05:39
nickrudmasss, do you dual boot?05:39
Netham45put it in your CDROM, go into your bios, and make sure your CDROM is set to boot BEFORE your Harddrive is, and try rebooting.05:39
cyberjamesfurenku: type /query cyberjames05:39
AdrianaFoxthat should contain the log from using the driver as well05:39
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nollidjjarrod_: if you can scp something, you can probably also use sftp05:39
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Netham45'Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 293459'05:40
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Netham45bad CD or bad cdrom?05:40
rhorunswhat's the command to unmount something?05:40
jarrod_<d4rkmonkey> is that a default bash cmd? btw same name :S05:40
Netham45rhoruns, umount05:40
rhorunslol ok05:40
masssnetham ; ok thx i ll try05:40
Marfirhoruns, umount <device>05:40
mattgwhere did kurtkraut go?05:40
rhorunssays command not found, Netham4505:40
=== dtsmith1984 [n=david@c-98-194-206-90.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rhorunsahh ok05:40
d4rkmonkeyjarrod_ I don't know? All i know is it works in Ubuntu and I never had to install something05:40
Netham45rhoruns, well, then the file is missing05:40
Marfirhoruns, try unmount <device> . i always mix 'em up05:41
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nollidjit is umount05:41
nollidjonly one 'n'05:41
jarrod_<d4rkmonkey> cool thx05:41
luckyone_hello all, I am building a server for my building05:41
luckyone_can anyone help me figure out what I need?05:41
dtsmith1984Hey everyone, I dont know if i'm in the proper channel but i have a problem when running apt-get update  "Dynamic MMap ran out of room". I was wondering if anyone could help me figure this out. It's never done it before.05:41
luckyone_not hardware wise, but with software05:41
nollidjluckyone_: what roles will the server be filling?  is it for e-mail, firewall, routing, web sites, game server, ... ?05:42
luckyone_basically, I want to install ubuntu server, then install something that gives me an interface to configure stuff like monowall does05:42
rjhdoes anyone know how to set up Alien?05:42
rhorunsthank you so much, that dumb umount command is a godsend lol05:43
joseph_I tried to install an Nvidia driver, and it said I needed to run it as root, how would I do that?05:43
luckyone_nollidj: it needs to bridge a wireless connection to feed/route to wireless routers in our building05:43
=== bigfuzzyjesus_ [n=bigfuzzy@unaffiliated/bigfuzzyjesus] has joined #ubuntu
d4rkmonkeyrjh sudo apt-get install alien?05:43
Falstiusdtsmith1984: how much ram do you have and can you pastebin the output of df -h and swapon -s ?05:43
Mrowkojadjoseph_: sudo -su?05:43
d4rkmonkeyrjh without the ? ofcourse.05:43
joseph_Ah, I'll try that.05:43
SadHeroGuys, anyone knows how to break a password of a wireless lan?05:43
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furenkucyberjames: solved this already05:43
=== ddonky [n=donpedro@66-190-228-135.dhcp.klmt.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
nollidjSadHero: first you should type /part in irc to see the parts of your current wireless setup05:44
joseph_Mrowkojad: Thanks a lot.05:44
Mrowkojadjarrod_: np05:44
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Mrowkojadsorry jarrod_ :>05:44
rjhok now how do i convert .rpm to .deb?05:44
SadHeronollidj Am just asking dude.. :) No need to be mean05:44
Mrowkojadrjh: suo alien location05:45
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luckyone_hello all05:45
Mrowkojadrjh: sorry sudo alien -r loc.. :>05:45
dtsmith1984Falstius: ram is 768 or whatever.. hard drive is kinda full. i dumped a bunch of music off onto my drive a couple weeks ago and havent had a chance to get it on another drive.  One sec on the pastebin05:45
uniquei cant ping my router...but somehow i'm connected...(it's wireless)05:45
Marfiunique, do you have an IP address?05:46
mattgthis is gonna sound wierd...but HOW do i change the size of my desktop icons?05:46
SadHerounique, Magic?05:46
=== GodSyn [n=syn@c-68-59-211-72.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rjhdo i locate the file to install?05:46
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uniquelol..i would assume i have an ip lol05:46
SadHerounique ah sorry lol i thought magic =)05:46
Marfimattg, right click the icon, and click "stretch icon". click and hold the boxes around it05:46
=== Havis [n=Havis@adsl-d40.87-197-177.t-com.sk] has joined #ubuntu
uniquehah sadHero, you're a genius05:47
rjhloc not found05:47
Mrowkojadrjh: loc = file location :>05:47
Mrowkojadlike /home/kyle/Desktop/file.rpm05:47
troubledunique: i thought wifi connection only implied secured connection to the router and not that dhcp has taken place yet05:47
mattgmarfi: can i remove "mounted partition" icons from the desktop?05:48
SadHerounique, Actually, last time i setted up an eggdrop, i saw it connecting directly to a channel in mIRC.. I was like "Life has surprises! damn!"05:48
Marfiunique, you can be connected to an access point without an ip address. that could be why you can't ping. ;)05:48
dtsmith1984Falstius: http://pastebin.com/d8648a3705:48
corrupthow does one reformat their hard drive before installing ubuntu?05:48
uniquebut...i'm on irc....i'm on cable modem05:48
=== osmosis [n=steven@cpe-76-80-88-199.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
uniquethrough a wireless router05:48
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nollidjunique: actually, we're all built-in chatbots built in to troubleshoot your ubuntu installation when you cannot get on proper freenode irc05:49
Marfimattg, there is a way, but i do not know how. i have it showing up on mine, so i can get to the drive easily. =)05:49
=== mojojojo_ [n=jth@dbx15.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
dougbdoes anyone have the wl_apsta.o file from the website http://boredklink.googlepages.com ? the bcm43xx-fwcutter can't download it because it seems the file was removed05:49
nollidjunique: but your wap could be intentionally not returning responses to a ping05:49
=== BlueXero [n=crodgers@203-184-39-148.jetbuster.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
troubledunique: well, how would we know your on irc from that connection :) check if your blocking icmp's if you just cant ping05:49
uniquei thought you were human05:49
Marfinollidj, has reaches his limitg. beginning boot sequence.....05:49
Falstiusdtsmith1984: so you have plenty of ram and hd space.  I'm not sure what else can cause that message.  I assume you've stuck it in google?05:49
=== beeew [n=chatzill@adsl-67-122-208-162.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
dtsmith1984Falstius: no i havent.. bout to do that..05:50
=== SadHero sets mode: +o unique
uniqueSadHero...what's that mean05:50
=== SadHero sets mode: -o unique
rjhim copying and pasting for future referance05:51
beeewhi guys, i've turn off root as a system user, but when i create files, such as a new repository, the ownerships still belongs to root..05:51
Falstiusdtsmith1984: it is usually polite to do that first not second :)05:51
uniquewhat is iptables05:51
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=== mike__ is now known as IncarnadineWave
uniquehello andrey05:51
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:51
Falstiusunique: linux routing and firewall software.05:51
troubledunique: linux native firewall05:51
=== Marfi hugs ubuntulog
stdinbeeew: yes, you use sudo to use root privileges05:51
=== Marfi also hugs ubotu
uniqueandrey: i am your personal built-in bot..05:52
andrey__i am talking in other channel and i cant see the repies05:52
nollidjbeeew: root still exists, but if you have turned it off as a system user (disabled its login shell or set it to an invalid password?), people simply cannot log in as or switch their user to root05:52
djwonkwhen upgrading from dapper to edgy, console-setup prompts me with a graphical window.  i want to automate this process (i.e. for easy server setup).  not sure how after scouring the ubuntu site05:52
beeewhow would i configure the system to automatically default to the current user that's logged in..05:52
Lustblade1any1 know a application that can mount all types of files.. bin iso mds etc etc05:52
forestdoes anyone know how to fix an error 17 on GRUB (This error is returned if the partition requested exists, but the filesystem type cannot be recognized by GRUB.)05:52
=== Latty [n=Latty@host86-132-222-72.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:52
uniquei dont know how to read the man for iptables05:52
uniquei cant understand english05:52
uniquetoo good05:52
Falstiusbeeew: its in system->administration->login window05:52
uniquei'll tell you what...05:52
Marfinollidj, you can get a root terminal. don't know if thats the same as what your trying to say or not. =)05:52
uniquemy damn dog just took a shit on the new rug05:52
Juliosohey all, quick question: I just highlighted some files and hit the delete key, they are now gone, but it didn't free up any space... where did they go?05:53
Juliosothey're not in the trash or recycled folder...05:53
IncarnadineWaveAny ideas why every time I reboot, Ubuntu (7.04) seems to randomly pick which of my sound devices to use? Sometimes when I log in it comes out the on-board, other times the PCI card.05:53
nollidjeh, right, you can still su to root, my mistake05:53
stdin!ohmy | unique05:53
ubotuunique: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:53
andrey__do i have to register somewhere to see answers on other channels?05:53
MarfiJulioso, they went to the trash.   /.trash05:53
Lustblade1any1 know a application that can mount all types of files.. bin iso mds etc etc????05:53
MarfiJulioso, to show the icon, you can install gtweakui from synaptic05:53
rjhrjh@rjh-desktop:~$ sudo alien -r loc= /home/rjh/Desktop/RealPlayer-
andrey__i think it set my mode to +i05:53
rjhlife that?05:53
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nickruddjwonk, look around the debian site, iirc it's something to do with preseeding debconf05:54
drone4fourmy alt key doesn't work in X Chat and firefox...does anyone else have this problem?05:54
FalstiusLustblade1: mount05:54
=== KlrSpz [n=tvbox@pool-71-170-127-53.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
MarfiJulioso, once you install it, go to system>prefferences> gtweakui - gnautulus05:54
Lustblade1Falstius: mount what?05:54
JuliosoMarfi, the trash icon in the bottom left corner of my screen (using Ubuntu 7.04) says "no items in trash", is there a second trash?05:54
djwonknickrud: i did find mentions of preseeding, but that was a big rabbit hole -- but if you think it will work i'll have another look05:54
Mrowkojadrjh: lol without "loc=" juz /home/etc ;] 05:54
mluser-workIs there a specific wiki/forum site for gusty?05:54
=== LTE2 [n=bob@AC89A8BC.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
nollidjLustblade1: you can mount on a local loopback interface to get isos mounted05:54
Lustblade1i mean mount how05:54
uniquemy windows key dosent work in linux *depressed05:54
FalstiusLustblade1: for iso files, mount -o loop somefile.iso /some/dir05:55
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stdinmluser-work: there is #ubuntu+105:55
Geek_unique: why should it?05:55
MarfiJulioso, if you deleted them as root, yes05:55
FalstiusLustblade1: er, sudo <that stuff from before>05:55
Lustblade1and for .bin/cue files?05:55
KlrSpzhey guys, i'm in vim t rying to write a bash script, and it's telling me /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter even though i can't see the ^M in vim05:55
nickruddjwonk, it's what they do :) There are tools for that; one that I've heard of is fai , I think05:55
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KlrSpzi did a "set list" and i still don't see it05:55
KlrSpzso wtf05:55
mluser-workstdin: thanks05:55
mattghow do i use knetworkmanager instead of the regular network manager for wi-fi?05:55
andrey__do i have to register somewhere to see answers on other channels?05:55
andrey__i think it set my mode to +i05:55
FalstiusLustblade1: convert them to iso first ... bin and cue are a pain in general.05:55
MarfiKlrSpz, you may need an escape character. use \#05:55
nollidjLustblade1: you would also have luck if you googled for cdemu05:55
MrowkojadJulioso: Home folder :] 05:55
uniquevista wont install properly in wine?05:55
JuliosoMarfi: I did indeed delete them as root, thanks05:55
MrowkojadJulioso: .Trash (hidden file Ctrl+H to show it)05:56
Lustblade1 thx man05:56
nollidjLustblade1: cdemu is a project to be able to mount more than just plain ISOs05:56
KlrSpzMarfi: for an interpreter line?05:56
andrey__i need some help plz05:56
Juliosomrowkojad: thanks, I was wondering why I couldn't find it :P05:56
andrey__i think it set my mode to +i05:56
Geek_unique: wine is a API, not an emulator05:56
=== nprice [n=nprice@cpe-75-80-90-83.bak.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
andrey__no1 can hear me05:56
MarfiKlrSpz, more than likely. even when you CD, and there is a space, you use an escape character, the space key05:56
troubledandrey__: ? i can see you05:56
andrey__in ruby channel05:56
MrowkojadJulioso: np :)05:56
nickruddjwonk, try installing the debconf-doc and looking in that05:56
djwonknickrud: amazingly, http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/394 is somewhat readable05:56
uniquei'm too old for this, i'm gettin stressed out...and strep throat because windows wont install.05:56
andrey__no there05:56
andrey__in other channel05:56
MarfiJulioso, np. you will have to do sudo -i, get root terminal, and you can delete them out of the root partition like that05:57
uniquei'll be the big 22 comin up soon...in four more years, i'll be half-way over the hilltop05:57
nickruddjwonk, I like that site, it has a lot of obscure stuff in a readable format05:57
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KlrSpzMarfi: nah, not it just doesn't even interpret05:57
=== JimboDeLimbo [n=dillinge@71-87-227-022.dhcp.hlrg.nc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Geek_unique: i donno. you're either trolling, or totally uncomputer savy ;)05:57
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logreevalI just built a computer and it has one long beep, then short 2 beeps05:57
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andrey__troubled i remember from before it has something to do with NickServ05:57
logreevalwhat does that mean?05:57
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troubledandrey__: check /bans, perhaps your in a +q mask05:58
troubledandrey__: are you registered?05:58
uniqueya'll have a good nite, now...ya'll come back...ya hear?05:58
KlrSpzMarfi: correct answer is: use :set fileformat=unix05:58
troubledandrey__: thats probably why05:58
masssNetham 45    you told me to launch with live cd, which i did, now what files can be changed of hard drive without disturbing ubuntu s normal booting, or how can i give more space to the home drive   thanks05:58
rjhrjh@rjh-desktop:~$ sudo alien -r  /home/rjh/Desktop RealPlayer-
rjhUnknown type of package, /home/rjh/Desktop.05:58
troubledandrey__: /msg nickserv help register05:58
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uniquetis time for bed...my mom is making me a bedtime snack05:58
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MarfiKlrSpz, thought you were trying to do something else, my bad. =)05:58
troubledandrey__: some chanels require registered nick to speak05:58
=== Vovk [n=Vovk@c-98-192-1-68.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Marfig' night unique!05:58
=== rockets [n=rockets@pool-71-247-35-247.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
andrey__thanks man05:58
uniquethanks for the help brothers05:58
cadeonSo! How do I go about installing ubuntu on a computer with no CD Drive?05:58
Marfiand 22 is not old. im only 2 years behind you05:59
=== hacked_kernel [n=ifarouk@] has joined #ubuntu
cadeonIt does have USB :)05:59
=== nickrud wants a bedtime snack
Mrowkojadrjh: Desktop/RealPlayer- ;] 05:59
troubledandrey__: np05:59
=== xbase [n=jonathan@c-66-229-133-27.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
uniqueno but seriously...how do i get windows 3.11 backkkkkkkkkkk05:59
Mrowkojador Desktop/./file05:59
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Vovkcan you buy an external usb cd drive?05:59
Vovkthey are pretty cheap :)05:59
Marfiunique, reinstall it05:59
Geek_Vovk: sure05:59
nickrud!install > cadeon (there're some examples, including from inside windows on that page)05:59
Geek_oops ;p05:59
stdin!install | cadeon05:59
ubotucadeon: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate05:59
uniquewhy does my k key kkkkkkkeep messin with me05:59
cadeonVovk: I'd rather not05:59
Geek_!ops unique05:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ops unique - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:59
uniqueits wireless06:00
Vovki didnt know about that :D thx ubotu06:00
massshow from the live cd, do i give more space to the home drive06:00
cadeonCadeon is inside macosx :)06:00
=== buddha [n=jborsits@c-24-127-112-129.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici06:00
tonyyarussoGeek_: ?06:00
troubledGeek_: itchy trigger finger?06:00
uniquei know why...its a logitech keyboard06:00
Vovki knew you could get distros like DSL on a memory stick, but i didnt know you could install through windows :D06:00
Geek_naw, i think unique is trolling ;)06:00
rjhFile "Desktop/RealPlayer-" not found.06:00
cadeoncadeon has a current ubuntu box also, but it's a ppc06:00
uniquewhats trolling06:00
IndyGunFreakGeek_: well, you should probably try to have a little more evidence when you op them06:00
Geek_Vovk: wubi does that i think, but its a fairly unique case06:01
troubledGeek_: its borderline, but I hear you06:01
Vovktrolling is making non constructive posts just to piss people off :P06:01
nixternalyes please do Geek_06:01
masssany support guys plzzz06:01
Juliosomasss: GParted06:01
=== j_ack [n=j_ack@p508DBB47.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
=== nixternal heads back into your cpu to steal all of your cycles
masss i ve been stuck for hours now06:01
uniqueapplogized :(06:01
=== nomin [n=nomin@adsl-67-39-194-44.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== BrendanW [n=brendan@ppp-71-140-2-126.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== nickrud misses the ops hanging around ;(
uniquegood nite06:01
Geek_erm 1) he complained that his windows key didn't work in linux 2) complained vista didn't work in wine 3) wanted windows 3.11 back.06:01
Mrowkojadrjh: omg :D06:01
=== ace_suares [n=ace@fupi.suares.an] has joined #ubuntu
VovkGeek: i've done it with DSL before. but you just said you could do it with ubuntu06:01
WX9Jhow do I change the smtp port setting ?06:01
djwonknickrud: hmmm... it is not clear if I can preseed from `apt-get --assume-yes dist-upgrade`06:02
masssjulioso   thks i ll check it out06:02
=== jfluhmann__ [n=jfluhman@] has joined #ubuntu
Juliosomasss: if it's Ubuntu you go System -> Administration -> GNOME partition editor06:02
Juliosomasss: np06:02
Mrowkojadrjh: sudo alien -r  /home/rjh/Desktop/RealPlayer-
VovkAnyway, does anyone here play guild wars? i've got a bug and i want to know if it is ubuntu exclusive06:02
Mrowkojadrjh: sudo alien -r  /home/rjh/Desktop/./RealPlayer-
buddhaany one have any experience working with ext3 partitions with usb enclosures?06:02
Geek_Vovk: yeah, wubi? alternately mount the OS onto a VM and run it/install it onto a USB key from there? qemu is pretty nice for that if you want it thumbdrive portable06:02
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IndyGunFreakVovk: what makes you think its ubuntu specific?06:03
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Geek_buddha: a little. It works, in my experience ;)06:03
Falstiusbuddha: it works just like an internal partition.06:03
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VovkIndyGunFreak: i was confused :P06:03
stdinrjh: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealplayerInstallationMethods06:03
IndyGunFreak!alien | Mrowkojad06:03
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ubotuMrowkojad: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)06:03
troubledbuddha: whats the problem?06:03
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nickruddjwonk, ah, I see what you're looking for: set your debconf priority to critical; that should kill just about every message. A sec06:03
Falstiusbuddha: the only trouble is different user IDs on different machines.06:03
VovkGeek_: i was trying to answer cadeon's post and i got confused by your post... sorry :D06:03
MrowkojadIndyGunFreak: Yes i know that :>06:03
IndyGunFreakMrowkojad: so why would you use it to install something as simple as realplayer?06:04
Geek_Vovk: lol, tis ok ;)06:04
rjhWarning: Use the --scripts parameter to include the scripts.06:04
rjh    ?06:04
djwonknickrud: i appreciate your help.  feed://blog.hjksolutions.com/xml/atom10/feed.xml seems relevant, too06:04
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Vovkanyway... so no one here has guild wars?06:04
IndyGunFreaksecond, why would you use it period.06:04
d4rkmonkeyVovk I have guild wars!06:04
buddhaThe problem being that it automounted fine under 7.04 using vfat but I decided I wanted to use ext3 and now it will only mount the drive as root06:04
ampex2Can Feisty Fawn resize ntfs partitions during setup to make room for itself?06:04
Juliosovovk: nope :)06:04
IndyGunFreakampex2: yes.. you'll be given options to partition the drive.06:04
d4rkmonkeyVovk haven't played in a LONG time, never bothered to get it working on Ubuntu because I never play it.06:04
MrowkojadIndyGunFreak: not me, rjh :] 06:05
troubledbuddha: if its ext2/3, just chmod the perms and they will stick06:05
VovkIndy has a point... most all RPM packages non specific to red hat have ubuntu counterparts06:05
nickruddjwonk, I've danced around this stuff, I really don't grok it well. More a matter of having heard the terminology used by knowledgeable people :)06:05
Vovkerrm... .deb or APT counterparts06:05
IndyGunFreakMrowkojad: so you're just guilty of bad advice, i see06:05
troubledbuddha: after its mounted of course06:05
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airwafflelots of ppl in here06:05
buddhaI have found plenty inthe forums on using ntfs and vfat but nothing ext3 specific.. I thought it might be a problem with udev rules but then why did it work with ntfs and vfat06:05
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troubledbuddha: problem is vfat does store users/groups/perms, so you have to supply them on mount06:05
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rjhwhat is the --scripts06:06
rjhand how do i use it06:06
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FezzlerNeed help with "udev" "fstab" "10-local.rule" etc06:06
Geek_ampex: it will. however if your gonna resize a vista/ntfs partition, you may run into a few problems with vista. its fixable but annoying.06:06
Vovkd4rkmonkey: 2 things... one - in windows did you get a bug where you were locked into a guild? (the leave guild buttons dont work and the leader can't boot you)06:06
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Vovk2, did you ever get large graphics bugs around objects (large blue squares)06:06
d4rkmonkeyVovk I don't know? I didn't play that much. Never joind/left a bunch of guilds06:06
d4rkmonkeyVovk nope, no large blue squares06:06
buddhaso are you guys saying that i need to create a mount point manually set the permissions and call it out in fstab?06:06
Vovkthx :)06:06
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ZipsteroonieI have dapper and want to get up to feisty.  can I install feisty and overwrite the entire OS, and just keep my home folder?  (i hate "upgrades" - they seem to invite trouble...06:07
djwonknickrud: "set your debconf priority to critical" -- any idea on how to do that? i was thinking that a solution either involves command line switches to apt-get, or some kind of debconf setup, which I know little06:07
Falstiusbuddha: no, did you give other users write permissions with sudo chmod +rwx /media/disk    (or wherever it is mounted)06:07
troubledbuddha: what im saying is, if you want to alter permissions on a linux native fs, just mount it and then chown user:group ; chmod 755 it (or whatever you need) and it will always mount as that06:08
VovkZipsteroonie, I'm pretty sure that would work06:08
nickruddjwonk, so far I've only found info for use during install (which is what I originally thought you were doing, duplicating installs over several machines)06:08
Falstiusbuddha: er, sudo chmod a+rwx /media/disk       or you can do chown name:name /media/disk06:08
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IndyGunFreakuh oh.06:08
Vovkafaik, dapper and feisty dont have radically different filesystems06:08
buddhaI didn't think I would have to. I assumed that since it was automounted as a removable USB drive that the system would autmaticlly set the permissions06:08
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Zipsterooniethanks Vovk, any special instructions or suggestions?06:08
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IndyGunFreakwhy do i have a feelign w're aut to get spamed06:08
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Vovkerm... back up all your data to something first? :)06:08
Zipsterooniehee!  yeah that would be good!  :-)06:09
Vovksomething not reliant on your hard drive :)06:09
=== vas [n=vas@24-151-98-085.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
troubledbuddha: well, permissions can be overridden, but thats generally just vfat. for ext2/3, just mount it once, alter the perms and then every time you insert it, it will revert to those permissions and owner/group06:09
Vovki dont see why not06:09
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vashey how do I have my box execute 2 lines of code upon login/ startup06:09
djwonknickrud: actually, i want to take a prebuilt image (slicehost.com) of dapper and automatically upgrade it to feisty.  the more i read the blog.hjksolutions.com link, the more it makes sense.  apparently you have to install the tools first, do it manually, which records the inputs, then you can "play it back" later.  i hope :)06:09
buddhaahh I'll try that troubled and see what happens06:09
Zipsteroonieright on the remote storage.  clear06:09
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troubledbuddha: gl06:09
lxusercan anyone help me remove compiz.real from start up. it isnt in sessions either.06:09
IndyGunFreak!startup | vas06:09
ubotuvas: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot06:09
buddhaThanks very much for every-ones assistance.06:10
vasIndyGunFreak: thnx06:10
=== troubled nods
nickruddjwonk, yes, that's how I read it. I'm leaning towards setting the debconf frontend to non-interactive, reading at the moment06:10
lxuserlike i said, it isnt in sessions06:10
IndyGunFreakvas:  np06:10
VovkIRC noob question06:10
=== KevinOman [n=kevin@66-227-221-83.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Vovkhow do i send someone a private message?06:10
Vovk(those red ones)06:10
Zipsterooniewhat client are you using?06:10
nollidjVovk: /query <user> to open a new window06:10
massshow from the gparted device can i give a drive not mounted on ubuntu to my home drive06:10
troubledVovk: /notice?06:11
nollidjVovk: /msg <user> message to send a message06:11
nickruddjwonk, man 7 debconf, look for unattended package installation06:11
rjhscripts how do you work with them?06:11
rjhWarning: Skipping conversion of scripts in package RealPlayer: postinst postrm prerm06:11
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masssis it that tough lol06:12
logreevalNow my bios is beeping one long and Three short ..what does it mean?06:12
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troubledmemory iirc no?06:13
lxusercan anyone help me remove compiz.real from start up. it isnt in sessions either.06:13
Dr_willismasss,  you are not being very clear.. You are running gparted, on a system you booted? and want to resize the mounted disk that you are booting from?06:13
troubledlogreeval: ^^^06:13
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d4rkmonkeylxuser why do you want to do that? Just turn it off?06:13
logreevaltroubled: what?06:14
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lxuserd4rkmonkey, because i dont like sloppy desktops that keep booting crap i dont want.06:14
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d4rkmonkeylxuser is it running even when compiz is off?06:14
troubledlogreeval: 1long, 3 short, memory problem iirc. although im rather rusty on post beeps since i havent had to deal with that for years06:14
lxuserd4rkmonkey, and because it severely slows things down too.06:15
Vovkyou should just be able to switch your window manager back to metacity06:15
d4rkmonkeylxuser is it running even when compiz is off?06:15
logreevaltroubled: oh06:15
buddhaThanks again everyone.. that did the trick06:15
lxuserd4rkmonkey, define "it"06:15
nickrudlxuser, are you sure it's not in the session dialog, under current session?06:15
troubledlogreeval: 1 long, 3 short  Conventional/Extended memory failure06:15
lxusernickrud, nope06:15
troubledlogreeval: http://www.computerhope.com/beep.htm06:15
d4rkmonkeylxuser what else would me it. Think a bit, what are we talking about? You can do it!06:15
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=== nickrud is running gutsy at the moment
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lxuserd4rkmonkey, you fail.06:16
troubledlogreeval: reseat your ram if you recently added some, or verify it hasnt come ajar, or perhaps its just a dead stick06:16
d4rkmonkeylxuser Not really, you're the one who lacks common sense.06:16
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logreevalnickrud and troubled, thanks06:16
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mike__what is ^C?06:16
=== troubled nods
mike__i have to press ctrl^C06:16
mike__whats that...06:16
nollidjmike__: hold down "ctrl" and press "c"06:16
nickrudlogreeval, sure, I love undeserved thanks :)06:16
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lxuserah, i in fact found it under current sessions.06:17
djwonknickrud: cool!  unattended package installation looks a little complicated, but I'll be it would work.  The noninteractive mode is even simpler, if those answers are ok.06:17
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Vovkanyway... i was running gutsy from the live cd, and i greatly enjoyed the desktop search bar... now that i've updated, it's turned into a full window with some pretty useless features... is there a chance that the little bar is coming back?06:17
Vovk(updated after install)06:17
lxusernickrud, thanks for making me recheck.06:17
nickruddjwonk, note that you'll get mail for bad things that happen, make sure you have a mail delivery setup06:17
lxuserd4rkmonkey, thanks for being a failure.06:17
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d4rkmonkeyI win!06:18
Vovk:D *high five*06:18
trevorcarpenteranyone willing to help a very-n00b? BTW, I have checked the forums, my problem is unique.06:18
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d4rkmonkey*high fives back*06:18
Vovki can try trev06:18
d4rkmonkeytrevorcarpenter I'll try!06:18
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vega-is it possible to see when a package has been installed? does dpkg/apt store the install date somewhere?06:18
trevorcarpenterinstalled Ubuntu on Mac mini06:18
condon1981Can anyone tell me how to 'use the broken filter' in Synaptic?06:18
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corrupthow does one reformat thier entire hard drive from the live cd?06:18
Vovk:0 mac06:18
trevorcarpenterhave dell widescreen, 19"06:18
Vovkcorrupt, just choose *use entire drive* when you get to partitions06:19
trevorcarpenterthe mini is an intel 1.6 duo core.06:19
trevorcarpenterbooted well.06:19
trevorcarpenterstarted customizing...06:19
Vovktrevor... my friend had a hell of a time with a mac :(06:19
nickrudcondon1981, settings->filters, select broken06:19
trevorcarpenterdiscovered that no widescreen.06:19
trevorcarpenterinstalled intel drivers, via apt-get.06:19
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troubledtrevorcarpenter: press enter less plz. its a fairly high traffic channel if you havent noticed ;)06:19
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Vovkya... one large paragraph.. that way we can all read06:20
airwaffle...have the ops in here ever been driven insane and set mode +m?06:20
troubledtreat irc like a mailing list. whens the last time you seen a ML with one email per sentence? :)06:20
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nickrudairwaffle, once during a bad attack06:20
Vovkwell... sometimes you get annoying spammers on MLs... but they get banned06:20
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airwaffleof noobs?06:21
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nickrudlol, not a botswarm06:21
airwaffleah..well.. that doesn't count06:21
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masssok so my home drive was set of 2gb and with ubuntu s upload it crashed because of full drive, so i rebooted from the live cd and now i would like the reassign an unmounted drive to my home drive, how can i do that guys06:21
Vovktrevor, you can press enter now :)06:21
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nickrudairwaffle, this is an all comer channel, I hang around because I _like_ newbies :)06:21
airwaffleyou must work tech support somewhere06:22
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:22
trevorcarpentersorry. Once I started customizing my install, I discovered that I didn't have widscreen. So I installed the Intel drivers, via apt-get. The next time I booted, right after signing in, my Dell monitor tells me what the best screen res is, and I don't see the desktop as I hear the african chime. How can I choose my screen res? I tried reconfiguring xorg, but it kept sending me back to the command line. I don't know if it reconfig06:22
trevorcarpenterhe, he.06:22
trevorcarpenterWill an alternate install give me the screen res choices I want?06:22
=== nickrud flicks the d4rkmonkey lint off his shoulder
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Vovkin the command line06:22
d4rkmonkeytrevorcarpenter no, its not worth it to do an alternate install. its the same thing basically06:23
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masssanyone has an idea06:23
Vovktry sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:23
trevorcarpenterOK, thanks d4rkmonkey.06:23
trevorcarpenterOK, Vovk, I wasn't sure what to do there.06:23
Vovkand in the section with all the screen resolutions, put in your widescreen monitor rez06:23
trevorcarpenterhow do i get to that section?06:23
troubledmasss: whats the problem?06:23
masssok so my home drive was set of 2gb and with ubuntu s upload it crashed because of full drive, so i rebooted from the live cd and now i would like the reassign an unmounted drive to my home drive, how can i do that guys06:24
=== gcarrillo [n=gcarrill@cpe-66-25-187-182.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Vovkgo to a terminal, and either do sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf or sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:24
Vovkthen scroll down, you should see alot of screen resolutions06:24
troubledmasss: You want to erase all the partitions and start from scratch and reformat?06:24
Vovkvery carefully, add in the standard widescreen rez06:24
masssno no haha06:24
=== farbeyonddriven [n=brett@125-238-144-237.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
massseasy on that06:24
masssi have an unmounted drive and i want to assign it to my ubuntu drive thats all06:25
farbeyonddrivenwhat would be the one best way to emulate photoshop CS2 on ubuntu?06:25
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logreevalMy computer won't turn off and it just continues beeping :(06:25
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airwaffleok well.. my linksys wireless usb dongle is recognized, the drivers have been confirmed as successful by ndiswrapper -l, but lshw shows the USB device as present but unclaimed, and no wireless option shows up in network settings or iwconfig06:25
troubledmasss: as a mount under another dir?06:25
trevorcarpenterOK, Vovk. I'll switch over and try it. I'm using a switch.06:25
masssactually i dont know what it changes06:26
Vovkby switch do you mean dual boot?06:26
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trevorcarpenternope, to inputs into the monitor.06:26
masssi just want to be able to login again without the cd and to never have this kind of problem again giving the drive some extra 34 gb06:26
Vovkhmm... good enough06:26
nickrudfarbeyonddriven, I'd say use gimp, but people have told me not to say that :)06:26
Vovkas long as the monitor is the same06:26
logreevalanyone know that repeating long beeps means?06:26
Vovkwrite down your screen rez before you switch06:26
airwafflei blacklisted prism and hostmap, and set ndiswrapper in module06:26
nollidjjust to be clear (even though others have just asked similar questions): when installing off of the livecd, is it possible to reinstall the entire system and leave things in /home/ alone?06:26
trevorcarpenterKnow it06:27
Vovkalright :)06:27
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Vovkwhen you are done06:27
nollidj(there is no separate home partition)06:27
logreevalNevermind.....its back to normal06:27
dinklefriends i am having a problem with compiz-fusion. i start up ubuntu and it seems my window manager is not working. i have no 'x' or minimize. it only works when i open up a terminal and type 'compiz --replace' then it appears. help?06:27
farbeyonddrivennickrud, i need to use photoshop... just my preference06:27
Vovklog back on and give me a copy of your xorg.conf file (email to Tyke91@gmail.com)06:27
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farbeyonddrivenany ideas?06:27
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logreevalI am getting this, which means the video card is bad or wrong or.... "One Long and Two Short Beeps    Video (Mono/CGA Display Circuitry)"06:28
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Vovki'd like to compare it to mine... since i have a widescreen too06:28
nickrudfarbeyonddriven, you can use vmware to run xp or vista inside of ubuntu, but you'll want a lot of memory06:28
nickrudfarbeyonddriven, there's also virtualbox, but I haven't used that one06:28
DerangedDingofarbeyonddriven: you can't use PS in ubuntu 'natively', if i'm using the term right06:28
farbeyonddrivennickrud, i have tryed qemu and wine, both arn't very good06:28
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DerangedDingofarbeyonddriven: WINE is very good06:28
nickrudfarbeyonddriven, vmware is excellent06:28
=== nickrud prefers excellent ;)
troubledmasss: hmmm, not sure how much help I can be for you. I am strictly debian. So I can give you commands to do whatever you want with that drive, but I assume ubuntu probably has a simplified menu for such things. Last thing I want to do is get you do edit files you may not understand and break your system. sorry ;/06:29
farbeyonddrivenwine sucks for PS CS206:29
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Vovkhas anyone done a comparison of VMware and VirtualBox?06:29
Vovkif so... what are the main differences?06:29
=== Netham45 wants to set up a good website, except he has no ideas for content.
rjhthanks for the help yall06:29
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DerangedDingofarbeyonddriven: more like PS CS2 sucks for wine. just use GIMP, it's extremely good06:29
Netham45I also have no expierience in web coding06:29
nickrudfarbeyonddriven, I use vmware to run vista (job requires it) and it's very easy & smooth06:29
massstroubled    lol thanks a lot i wouldn t want that either lol06:29
troubledmasss: but if your brave, just find the /dev/hdXXX (or sdXXX) name and add it to /etc/fstab06:29
masssi love the brave thing lol06:29
=== jpiccolo [n=sdfer@c-71-58-111-139.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
farbeyonddrivenDerangedDingo, i need to use photoshop, i have over 500 brushes and i need files in psd formatt06:30
rjhgod bless06:30
Vovknickrud, a virtual machine has the graphics capability for vista?06:30
rjhjesus loves you all06:30
=== Cryoniq [n=chatzill@me-104-110-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu
troubledmasss: /dev/volumes/etchdvds   /media/etchdvds ext2    defaults,ro,nodev,nosuid,noexec 0       006:30
DerangedDingofarbeyonddriven: the GIMP can save files in psd I believe. I'm not sure about the brushes though, have you tried google?06:30
troubledoops, sec06:30
Vovko shit... it's really late06:30
=== F3d0Ra [n=fedora@c-24-14-179-159.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
trevorcarpenterVovk, I'm booting...Now, I'm getting to terminal by hitting esc at grub, then booting the the alternate boot, then I'll sudo...?06:30
Vovki gotta go :D g'night all06:30
farbeyonddrivenDerangedDingo, i will look into it.06:30
nickrudVovk, not the gl or composite stuff, but for business and cs2, it's perfectly fine.06:30
masssi m afraid of my mistypings06:30
troubledmasss: /dev/hda5   /home ext3    defaults,nodev,nosuid,noexec 0       006:31
Vovkyou'll do sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:31
jpiccoloi have a question, can i use sshfs to mount my firefox profile so its kinda like a roaming profile?06:31
masssso where do i write this06:31
DerangedDingofarbeyonddriven: what's the format for PS brushes?06:31
trevorcarpenterRight, OK, thanks.06:31
logreevalWhat do i do if there is a video card error from my bios...does that mean it us a bad video card, and i need to return it?06:31
Vovkthen edit it from there... you will need to ask someone else tho, because i need to go now :(06:31
troubledmasss: thats a sample /home mount. do you have such a line in your /etc/fstab already? (type: grep home /etc/fstab)06:31
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trevorcarpenterOK, thanks for your help. Switching over.06:31
Dr_willislogreeval,  what video card? If it takes a power conector. you DID hook it up?06:31
massstroubled   actually in ubuntu graphic interface i dont know where to command this06:32
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logreevalDr_willis: the little fan runs...i didnt plug anything into it....06:32
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logreevalDr_willis: it doesnt have a power connector06:32
=== nickrud wonders if questions in the Real Name field are to be asked
troubledmasss: ah ok, if its an interface, there is no command line :) i assumed your were booted into ubuntu already and have access to a shell.06:32
nollidjjpiccolo: i think you could, but i wouldn't recommend it because you might run into different versions of firefox trying to run off of the same profile, stale lockfiles being left behind, and other such things06:32
logreevalDr_willis: there arent video cards that are just for windows?06:32
semirrahgeOk... So I have my driver conflicts taken care of, now how do I build a "usable" screen configuration?06:32
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Netham45logreeval, it will be 6 pins, 2 rows of 3.06:33
Netham45for the power connector06:33
Dr_willislogreeval,  i cant think of any. Most all video cards can do vga, or vesa modes.06:33
nollidjjpiccolo: have you looked for plugins to let you have a roaming firefox profile?06:33
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massstroubled   its exactly this06:33
farbeyonddrivenDerangedDingo, .gbr06:33
jpiccolonollidj, well its only going to be me using the profile06:33
masssso the problem remains06:33
troubledmasss: your in a live cd at the moment I assume?06:33
massstroubled   yes06:33
Netham45won't it damage your system if you plug in a PCI-E card without the power?06:33
=== quarkpup [n=quarkpup@udp156649uds.hawaiiantel.net] has joined #ubuntu
trevorcarpenterAnyone else been following my problem? I tried to edit my xorg.conf file in nano and gedit, and I get a blank document. Help?06:33
furenkui cannot get sound out of my headphone jack!!! im on a dell inspiron 1520, soundcard is hda-intel!06:34
troubledmasss: are you at some sort of screen that handles partitioning in ubuntu?06:34
=== gogeta [n=goku@user-12-191-209-134.irvineonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
jpiccolothere is a way to regen you xorg,conf06:34
nickrudtrevorcarpenter, it's gotta be a path error.   sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf    <--caps matter06:34
Dr_willistrevorcarpenter,  try 'cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf' see if theres anything in it.. CASE IS imporntant. :)06:34
logreevalDr_willis: ok, do you think this card is a dud?06:34
trevorcarpentercaps matter?06:34
trevorcarpenterOK, I'll try again.06:34
Dr_willislogreeval,  no idea. Could be.06:34
massstroubled   i am exactly there, its named Gparted06:34
nollidjjpiccolo: i guess you could try it...06:34
=== pike_ [n=happy@74-140-134-102.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_willistrevorcarpenter,  linux FUndamentals tip #1 - CaSe DoEs MaTtEr. :)06:35
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jpiccoloi am just wondering how i would go about doing it06:35
troubledmasss: sec, ill see if I can get a screen for graphical gparted06:35
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logreevalDr_willis: i gues syou dont have any ideas on what to do then?06:35
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stdin!xconfig | jpiccolo06:35
massstroubled  thanks a lot for the attention06:35
ubotujpiccolo: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  - To configure only the driver and resolution, type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh  - See also !FixRes06:35
troubledmasss: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/screenshots.php, which screen are you at?06:35
Dr_willislogreeval,  remove/reseat the card. clean the edge conectors.. what IS the card anyway? what brand?06:35
farbeyonddrivenDerangedDingo, it could actualy be ABR06:35
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jpiccolonollidj, would i make a symlink to where the sshfs is mounted>06:36
logreevalDr_willis: diamond06:36
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[RUsh] Hello. I need help with PAM. I want to use pam_mount to mount user's home directories. The problem is that I want to exclude some users (root for example) from this process. Any ideas how to do this?06:36
logreevalDr_willis: radeon 9550 or something like that06:36
gogetafresh install?06:36
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massstroubled   it shows me m whol hard drive with the different partitions and the names and filesystems06:37
gogetaradeons take some trickery06:37
airwaffleif my wireless usb is recognized, drivers installed, but wireless is not an option in network settings, what does that mean?06:37
corruptwhy do i get "The ext3 file system creation in partition #1 of IDE1 master (hda) failed." ?06:37
Dr_willislogreeval,  for linux ussage. I would suggest taking it back and getting a Nvidia card.06:37
gogetayou can get em to work06:37
corruptwhy do i get "The ext3 file system creation in partition #1 of IDE1 master (hda) failed." ? Should I just reformat my entire hard drive then install, if so how do i reformat it from the live cd?06:37
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cwilludoes openoffice have a shared access thing like ms excel?06:37
DerangedDingofarbeyonddriven: i don't think you can import PS brushes.. I don't know much on it though. I searched around through the GIMP's dialogs relating to brushes and didn't find an import feature.. but there was a "New Brush" one. if the brushes are necessary, and they probably are, i would suggest VMWare, if you have a powerful enough computer06:37
=== seyfarth [n=tony@dpc6746228021.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
troubledmasss: do you see your other drive that you want under /home in that list anywhere? is there anything that is already listed as /home for mount point by chance?06:37
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logreevalDr_willis: ok06:38
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Dr_williscorrupt,  just delete the existing partitions, then restart the isntaller - let it partuition the drive. "partioning the drive is NOT the same as 'formating'"06:38
trevorcarpenterOK, found it. Thanks for the Case Matters lesson. I'm willing to learn. I found my xorg conf file and I'm seeing the correct resoultion listed. It was recommended that I change what needed to be changed. However, I don't see a place to change my hz unit. I need 60hz. Where do I do that?06:38
massstroubled yes i see it but the option of mounting is not available, i dont know why06:38
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slap_me1i did it once before, but how does 1 go about making the dots...for like polls and stuff, smooth in firefox? they are all ugly and stuff right now06:38
NinjaHow do I change the boot image on the install CD? This is the image you see at the boot menu.06:39
seyfarthhow do i make ubuntu xchat not autoconnect to freenode #ubuntu on launch?06:39
cwilluslap_me1: dots?06:39
massstroubled       it ssays dev hda6  unknown06:39
slap_me1like you know for online poles06:39
DerangedDingoNinja: In GRUB?06:39
Dr_willisNinja,  thats the bootsplash image. I always disable the silly thing. :)06:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bootsplash - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:39
farbeyonddrivenDerangedDingo, my computer is a laptop with 1.6ghz lol...06:39
NinjaNot the boot plash06:39
=== Rexor_Moon [n=michael@cpe-71-74-252-245.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
slap_me1they have the circles, you can click on...or in google preferences..the circles06:39
troubledmasss: hda6 is the partition you want /home to be yes?06:39
Rexor_Moonhey can someone help me please?06:39
NinjaThe image on the CD06:39
farbeyonddrivenDerangedDingo, but i do think i could use gimp :)06:39
Ninjaduring the boot menu06:39
=== RenatoSilva [n=renato@200191166053-dial-user-ECP.acessonet.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_willisthe boot menu has a image? The grub background image?06:40
farbeyonddrivenDerangedDingo, i found this site: http://www.gimptalk.com/forum/article/tutorial-How-To-Convert-Photoshop-Brushes-Gimp-4349.html06:40
=== chuy_max [n=chuy@201-167-90-207-cable.cybercable.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu
furenkui cannot get sound out of my headphone jack!!! im on a dell inspiron 1520, soundcard is hda-intel!06:40
NinjaDr_willis: I don't think this is grub. I'm talking about the CD06:40
gogetai can help getting a ati card workin06:40
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NinjaI think it's "syslinux"06:40
nollidjfurenku: have you checked the mixer settings (volume levels)?06:40
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massstroubled  soo home is ext3 right, so its already on one, the idea is to mix both and get a big one06:40
gogetaown 1 myself06:40
Ninjathat's the boot loader for the cD06:40
Rexor_MoonI need help using Wine06:40
DerangedDingowell, that's good... my friend tried using photoshop under WINE a few times and he failed miserably... i think it's just too big of a program. it relies on too many windows libraries and whatnot06:40
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massstroubled        and yes the one i want to add is hda606:41
DerangedDingoRexor_Moon: doing what06:41
furenkunollidj: yes, there's no options for headphones or anything06:41
ubotuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork06:41
Dr_willisgogeta,  ive had good luck with just using that 'restricted-manager' program to install/set up my one ati machines drivers.06:41
=== Codemaster|Mobil [n=codemast@cpe-24-93-246-179.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
corruptDr_willis: how do i delete the existing partitions?06:41
Rexor_MoonI need to use Wine to run a game I have installed on Windows, Uplink06:41
gogetaits aculy easy06:41
corruptDr_willis: how do i delete the existing partitions? wouldn't reformatting my hard drive delete all the partitions?06:41
gogetareconfigure x disable dri06:41
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troubledmasss: ah, well, thats not so easy per se. it would require raid. unless you would like to erase hda6 and expand the existing /home06:41
DerangedDingoRexor_Moon: the game is called UPlink?06:41
gogetathen install the ati linux drivers06:41
Ninjanickrud: Is this the artwork on the CD06:41
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IndyGunFreakRexor_Moon: then you need to install it inside wine06:41
Codemaster|Mobilhey guys, i'm setting up this one program and when i start it, it sets the next line as 'nohup: appending output to `nohup.out' - is there any way i can disable it from running this, since i have to hit CTRL+C for it to stop06:41
dinkleim having a problem adding programs to start up can anyone help06:41
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DerangedDingoRexor_Moon: do you have wine installed?06:42
RenatoSilva(compiz|beryl == Gnome) && ((compiz|beryl != KDE))?06:42
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nickrudNinja, it's the   Ubuntu logo and progress bar during boot06:42
massstroubled         i dont mind doing this, but is it first possible to check if there some file in hd606:42
dinklesessons does not work06:42
RenatoSilva(compiz|beryl == Gnome) && ((compiz|beryl != KDE))?06:42
gogetathe oss drivers will crash some newer models if 3d acell is on06:42
seyfarthhow do i make ubuntu xchat not autoconnect to freenode #ubuntu on launch?06:42
nomicwhat chatroom can i go to to ask questions about c programming in ubuntu?06:42
Ninjanickrud: No. That's not what I want to chage06:42
Ninjanickrud: I want to change the artwork on the install CD06:42
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Codemaster|Mobilnomic: ##C06:42
Rexor_Moonhow would I go about installing the game on wine?06:42
netstathow cai i install com piz?06:42
troubledmasss: if it says "unknown", theres a good chance its empty. but we might be able to open a shell and work some voodoo magic to find out for sure.06:42
Ninjanickrud: The one you see before you even boot Linux06:43
Codemaster|MobilRexor_Moon: I'd recommend using Cedega for games, not WinE06:43
nomicon here?06:43
Codemaster|Mobilnomic: yes06:43
nickrudseyfarth, xchat->network list, click freenode and edit, you'll see the box06:43
randy026so what if I wanted to del my windows partition and resize my ext partition to have a full linux box ... could I make a new home partition and migrate whats in my / partition to the new home partition with out messing anything up? (i dont have a home partition right now everything is in / )06:43
nomicthats for c and c++?06:43
netstathow install copiz06:43
RenatoSilva(compiz|beryl == Gnome) && ((compiz|beryl != KDE))?06:43
bullgard4English help wanted: Why has 'man alsamixer' choosen the word 'capture' in contrast to 'playback'? Is there another English word which else is more often used than 'capture'? For example 'recording'? Or is capture a terminus technicus?06:43
Codemaster|Mobilnomic: and likewise, ##C++ for C++06:43
AhadielRenatoSilva, what do you want?06:43
RenatoSilvaCan I install Beryl or Compiz in KDE?????????06:43
massstroubled         no never mind i think its the rest of C which was recently formated  so lets do it06:43
nickrudNinja, you'd need to change the build of the install cd06:43
RenatoSilvaAhadiel: Can I?06:43
AhadielRenatoSilva, YES06:43
IndyGunFreakAhadiel:  i don't see why not06:43
Ninjanickrud: Yup06:43
netstathow install compiz?06:43
Codemaster|Mobilhey guys, i'm setting up this one program and when i start it, it sets the next line as 'nohup: appending output to `nohup.out' - is there any way i can disable it from running this, since i have to hit CTRL+C for it to stop06:43
AhadielIndyGunFreak, it's not my question06:43
RenatoSilvaAhadiel: by normal apt-getting???06:43
gogetaapt-get install beryl06:44
AhadielRenatoSilva, go to #ubuntu-effects06:44
IndyGunFreakAhadiel: well, that doens't change the answer06:44
nollidjCodemaster|Mobil: what do you run to start the program?06:44
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gogetasame thing better then compiz06:44
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AhadielIndyGunFreak, Okay well, I said yes to his question06:44
Codemaster|Mobilnollidj: I just run ./openfire (thats the app)06:44
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RenatoSilvaAhadiel: but the package isn't the same right? because one has GTK and another Qt, right?06:44
troubledmasss: ok, start by erasing the unknown hda6 (make sure thats the one you mean though). which hda# is the /home on currently if i may ask? hda5?06:44
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nollidjCodemaster|Mobil: it is probably a script that runs 'nohup <the real program here>', so you may be able to read the script and figure out what you should actually be running06:44
Codemaster|Mobilnollidj: I think there's a larger script06:44
netstatii have trouble with mt nvidisa driver06:44
nollidjtry opening it in gedit or nano06:44
Codemaster|Mobilnollidj: yeah, let me find the line06:44
netstatit does nbot work06:44
AhadielRenatoSilva, as I said, go to #ubuntu-effects there is a tutorial in the topic06:44
DerangedDingoRexor_Moon: Pictures make me think this is a little complicated for wine... you should go with Cedega, but for the sake of answering your question, it would be "wine '/path/to/installer'". You should look up the game on the main WINE website (winehq), and if everything goes alright, make sure everything looks okay for the game by running "winecfg"06:45
=== Shadowpillar [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Rexor_Moonhere, I'06:45
massstroubled     home is the ext3 right    if yes its the hda206:45
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Rexor_Moonam going to go with Cedega06:45
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nickrudNinja, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization06:45
NinjaI've seen that06:45
RenatoSilvaAhadiel: I'm sorry, you answered me already, can't go there06:45
RenatoSilvaAhadiel: good night06:45
IndyGunFreakdon't you have to pay for cedega, like a subscription fee?06:45
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nickrudNinja, that's what you have to do06:45
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Ninjanickrud: isolinux is the software used to start the CD06:45
Codemaster|Mobilnollidj: the line is pretty long - want me to Pm you it?06:46
Rexor_Moonhmm, is Cedega free or must I torrent it?06:46
troubledmasss: ok, ext2 is the type of filesystem (think windows vs. linux). hda2 is what I meant. ok, erase the hda6 first. then expand/resize hda2 to take up all the extra space freed from hda6 deletion. follow me?06:46
Codemaster|MobilRexor_Moon: last time i checked, the CVS was free.06:46
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ubotucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega06:46
nollidjCodemaster|Mobil: sure, try pm'ing it06:47
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massstroubled     yes perfectly  though you mean deleting or formating hda606:47
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calmarioI have a problem sharing my folder via SMB. It always asks for username and passwd06:47
troubledmasss: you want to delete it and expand hda2 by the space freed by doing that06:48
nomici see packages on ubuntu and whant to know how i find the definitive source code for them (I'm looking for xwd) anyone?06:48
troubledmasss: you want hda2 (ie: /home) to be bigger yes?06:48
Codemaster|Mobilcalmario: I think you have to set guest ok = yes or something like that... im very new to samba06:48
massstroubled     because to delete the hda6 it asks me to unmount any partition with a higher number than 6, and its a swap for linux06:48
=== Polygon89 [n=mark@c-71-226-63-76.hsd1.ar.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
masssis that ok06:48
Rexor_Moonyeah thing is, it looks effing complicated to get the CVS working06:48
nomici want the source code for xwd06:49
nomici mean where will it be?06:49
wolferineuse subversion, not CVS :/06:49
nomicthe one of the binary on the system06:49
troubledmasss: what hda is the swap? and does it say its in use?06:49
nickrudNinja, maybe #syslinux on irc.oftc.net06:49
massstroubled    the swap is hda706:49
Rexor_Moonsubversion?  as in torrent?06:49
=== arooni__ [n=arooni__@c-67-183-138-62.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
DerangedDingoRexor_Moon: Subversion as in SVN. bleeding edge, ya know?06:50
troubledmasss: if you have lots of ram, you can probably safely unmount hda7 (swapoff) until your done06:50
massstroubled     and the status is active06:50
DerangedDingolatest releases06:50
massstroubled   ok i ll trust you hahaha here it comes06:50
sinX77what's the difference between Gutsy daily build and and the Tribe build?06:50
calmarioCodemaster|Mobil: I'm sharing ubuntu Gutsy to ubuntu Feisty. Tried using NFS06:50
calmariono luck06:50
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Codemaster|Mobili see06:50
Codemaster|Mobilcalmario: that's odd, NFS is usually really easy to get working06:50
nickrudsinX77, a tribe is supposed to work, dailies aren't so sure06:51
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FrogzoosinX77: no gutsy discussion here -> #ubuntu+106:51
troubledmasss: if your not running much, it should be fine. existing swap data will be restored to ram and swap disabled. most swap usage these days is just cache info in ram and safe to flush06:51
Netham45how do I change what runlevel Ubuntu boots into?06:51
massstroubled    ok so i swapoff and deleted the hda6   now its unallocated06:51
nollidj*whew*.  okay, anyone *ever* able to get a realtek-based 802.11 pci card working in their machine?  it does nothing for me but cause lockups06:51
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troubledmasss: ok, now extend the hda2 to fill all the free space06:52
Netham45nollidj, remove all the realtek kernel modlues, blacklist them, then get ndiswrapper working06:52
FrogzooNetham45: atm you can't, upstarter is broken06:52
airwafflenollid, does it lockup as soon as you put it in?06:52
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Netham45Frogzoo, in feisty??!06:52
nollidjthe bug that goes off is the "soft lockup on CPU#0" message and a locked machine that will reboot with magicsysrq06:52
FrogzooNetham45: yep, only rl2 works06:52
semirrahgeHow do I give my screens a 'usable configuration' in X?06:52
nollidjNetham45: i'll consider it... but i'll probably just return this card and get a more expensive one with a different chipset06:52
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massstroubled    and how exactly do i do that06:52
nickrudNetham45, you add an /etc/inittab with an initdefault; see http://www.netadmintools.com/html/5inittab.man.html06:52
Rexor_Moonhmm, what does SVN mean06:52
nollidjRexor_Moon: it is short for "subversion"06:53
Codemaster|Mobilnollidj: did you get my PMs?06:53
rocketsRexor_Moon, subversion06:53
FrogzooRexor_Moon: subversion06:53
troubledmasss: right click hda2 and do the Resize/Move option06:53
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nollidjCodemaster|Mobil: ehm...no06:53
slap_me1im having some troubles installing AWN...can anybody help?06:53
Rexor_Moonwell, yeah06:53
Codemaster|Mobilnollidj: ah, what the heck06:53
Rexor_Moonbut I still don't know how I use it06:53
nollidjCodemaster|Mobil: dumb default freenode umodes.  hang on06:53
massstroubled     the option is not available06:53
Codemaster|Mobilnollidj: okay :)06:53
intelikeyi'm back with more networking questions,   can more than one nic card have the same static ip in one box ?     will that work ?06:53
nickrudFrogzoo, the rc-default script in /etc/event.d doesn't work?06:54
troubledmasss: you may need to umount it first if the live cd auto mounted it06:54
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Netham45... wow, I will never do that again. I did a /mode #ubuntu +b ... It flooded me.06:54
nollidjCodemaster|Mobil: you should /umode -i to be able to receive private messages06:54
DerangedDingoRexor_Moon: you hafta install the package 'subversion', you find instructions on the website, and you give a few terminal commands in the directory you want the source of the program downloaded. every time you want to update the source, you cd to that directory and run 'svn up'. then  you compile and hopefully it runs06:54
troubledmasss: hopefully the live cd isnt silly enough to actually chroot you to the system your trying to fix....06:54
massstroubled      lol06:54
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corrupthow do i use fdisk to delete all my hard disk partitions?06:54
massstroubled      shall i try06:54
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intelikeyNetham45 you don't want to do  /list either...06:55
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troubledmasss: should be fine. most programs will complain about failure if its really in use06:55
nickrudRexor_Moon, and svn-workbench is a nice graphical tool for maintaining your svn stuff06:55
Rexor_Moonlolz, I think it'll just be easier to wait until tomorrow and have a friend actually come over and show me how to do it06:55
Netham45I really don't want to do /ctcp #ubuntu version06:55
Rexor_Moonthanks for the help anyway though06:55
troubledmasss: wosrt case, you can open a shell windows and type: lsof /home06:55
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nickrudcorrupt, use cfdisk, it's a lot more user friendly06:56
ScoutSo I just installed Compiz-Fusion06:56
intelikeytroubled /home or $HOME  ???06:56
ScoutAnd the cube won't work.06:56
semirrahgeI am comparing Sabayon to Ubuntu... And I'm curious as to whether there are .deb packages for Emerald and Compiz-fusion.06:56
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massstroubled       ok so i unmounted the home drive06:56
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troubledintelikey: /home is what were dealing with here06:56
intelikeyyes sorry disreguard.06:57
troubledintelikey: i assume live cd puts $HOME under /var or something bind mounted?06:57
troubledmasss: k, try the resize now06:57
massstroubled     but the home drive is stuck betwen a swap which is the end of the drive and hda506:57
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massstroubled      should i have to unmount hda5 too06:57
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troubledmasss: ok ya, unmount that first and move it to the end of the drive first. then resize the hda2 to fill the gap06:58
intelikeytroubled no i don't think   i think it's all pretty streight forward but using unionfs to "bind" a ramdisk06:58
thirupathibhi all, in my sever i m getting this error "BUG: soft lockup detected on CPU#1!" and on CPU#0 also, and i am unable to start the system. help please???06:58
troubledintelikey: ahh, if its ram based then we should be good then. thanks. poor guy just wants to merge hda6 to hda2. but everything is in use06:58
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troubledintelikey: although i think were gonna hit a snag with hda7 (swap) being renamed to hda6 on the poor guy :)06:59
intelikeytroubled -o remount  ?06:59
troubledintelikey: he's using gparted06:59
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trevorcarpenterhelp with booting/screen resolution issues?06:59
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furenkui cannot get sound out of my headphone jack!!! im on a dell inspiron 1520, soundcard is hda-intel!07:00
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massstroubled    ok so its working on it07:00
joebob777as7hey how do i upgrade to gutsy t5 from feisty?07:00
intelikeytrevorcarpenter kernel line add vga=normal nosplash07:00
troubledmasss: k, let me know as it progresses07:00
d4rkmonkeyjoebob777as7 update-manager -d07:00
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trevorcarpenterintelikey, where do I do that?07:00
massstroubled     thanks a lot by the way, you made my night07:00
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intelikeygrub prompt   on the kernel line07:01
trevorcarpenterOK, I'll try it. What does that do?07:01
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Frogzoonickrud: as I read that script, it's supposed to take the argument passed by grub & boot to that runlevel - but no, this doesn't work in practive - you only get rl2 despite what rl you pass on grub's kernel line07:01
intelikeythree cheers for troubled07:01
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joebob777as7d4rkmonkey, i tried that and it just brings up my update manager completely gray except for the check button and if i click check it goes through  all the repos and then does nothing...07:01
troubledmasss: np. although im somewhat hessitant to help with a "debian based" distro for obvious reasons. us cli guru's like to stick to our own :p07:01
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d4rkmonkeyjoebob777as7 uhh... that may be a bug... try update-manager -d -c07:01
d4rkmonkeyjoebob777as7 and try with sudo, or with gksu07:02
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=== troubled notes how much of a knock off gparted is to partition magic
Ahadieljoebob777as7, I'm pretty sure you change all official repos to gutsy instead of feisty, then do update-manager -d07:02
massstroubled    for me you re all voodoo people you know07:02
intelikeytrevorcarpenter gives you a text mode boot up to the normal gui login or what ever.    it turns off "usplash"07:02
gabriel_mwhat filesystem would I use to get timestamps more precise than seconds?07:02
joebob777as7ok i'll try that ahadiel07:02
troubledmasss: stay away from the vooodoo! ;)07:02
trevorcarpenterOK, here I go.07:02
d4rkmonkeyAhadiel no you don't.07:02
nickrudFrogzoo, I'm on gutsy at the moment, but I'm sure when I looked at it in feisty it did some sed magic on /etc/inittab07:02
d4rkmonkeyAhadiel when you update it changes your repos for you07:02
nickrud*as well07:03
Ahadielwell, if update-manager -d shows nothing07:03
Ahadield4rkmonkey, then might as well change it first07:03
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d4rkmonkeyAhadiel, I don't think thats the best idea...07:03
Ahadield4rkmonkey, you said yourself that it changes it07:03
d4rkmonkeyAhadiel I tried that, and screwed up my sources.list07:03
slap_me1where can i find glib-2.2.007:03
troubledmasss: curious, when you erased hda6, did swap get renamed from hda7 to 6?07:03
d4rkmonkeyAhadiel I tried that, and screwed up my sources.list07:03
Ahadield4rkmonkey, well it worked fine for a friend, and myself07:03
joebob777as7well upate-manager for me shows nothing... so should i update my sources.list?07:03
d4rkmonkeyjoebob777as7 wait..07:03
Frogzoonickrud: that should work, but still doesn't let you choose rl from grub07:04
massstroubled   yes it did07:04
jpiccoloi am trying to use sshfs, it mounts fine, but i can't access the folder its mounted to.  I get a permission denied error07:04
d4rkmonkeyjoebob777as7 does it give you something in the terminal ?07:04
joebob777as7no nothing07:04
Xcercawhen you press Applications> Add/Remove Software   what program is that running ?07:04
massstroubled    it smells bad i guess07:04
nickrudFrogzoo, ok07:04
troubledmasss: ok, we will need to address that. should be simple though07:04
Ahadield4rkmonkey, you even said so yourself that the update changes it for you. So if you change it, it's the same thing07:04
d4rkmonkeyAhadiel well it screwed my sources.list...07:04
intelikeycan anyone tell me if i can have more than one nic with static ip  in a box and both (or all three as case may be) work correctly ?07:04
Ahadield4rkmonkey, well it didn't for me07:04
=== nickrud thinks again about studying sed, and says nah
massstroubled    you re the man haha07:04
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d4rkmonkeyAhadiel ok, I replaced a file in .update-manager and that fixed it.07:04
intelikeynobody ?07:05
d4rkmonkeyAhadiel and didn't screw anything up07:05
troubledmasss: actually, my name is Dan, so yes, yes I am ;)07:05
massstroubled   anyeway internet support is way better than the typical standard phone line hahaha07:05
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Ahadielwell w/e, I still stand by the other way.07:05
joebob777as7d4rkmonkey, what file?07:05
trevorcarpenterintelikey, I did it. Nothing changed.07:05
trevorcarpenterDo I just hit enter when I've added the line?07:05
d4rkmonkeyjoebob777as7 one second, I gotta search something on my system first07:05
joebob777as7ok thx d4rkmonkey07:05
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d4rkmonkeyjoebob777as7 the meta-release file07:06
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about inittab - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:06
d4rkmonkeyjoebob777as7 mine was missing something about gutsy, I'll get you the replacement in a second07:06
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto07:06
intelikeytrevorcarpenter added the line ?   you don't add a line  you append the pram's to the   kernel   line07:06
Meroigo_I have a 80 GB harddrive now, when I get a new one, that have more space, can I easily copy everything from the 80 GB to the new one, turn off the computer, take out the 80 one, make the new one master and then turn the computer on and my OS will start as usual, but I have plenty of more space? :o07:06
joebob777as7ok thx07:06
intelikeytrevorcarpenter but symantics aside  yes you hit enter and then   B07:06
FrogzooNetham45: there is no inittab anymore - try /etc/event.d/07:06
trevorcarpenterOK, I went to the kernal line and just added it. Where should I add it?07:06
trevorcarpenterYes, I hit enter and then b.07:07
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intelikeytrevorcarpenter the {E} key lets you edit the line07:07
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d4rkmonkeyjoebob777as7 this was the bug I had https://bugs.launchpad.net/update-manager/+bug/12726307:07
Rexor_Moonhmm, where would I find a room dedicated to torrents?07:07
trevorcarpenterYes, I hit e to edit, then added what you recommended, then b to boot.07:07
d4rkmonkeyjoebob777as7 it should have info about it there...07:08
joebob777as7thx d4rkmonkey07:08
intelikeytrevorcarpenter ok and it did what exactly ?07:08
Netham45runlevel 5 is the only one to start a GUI, right?07:08
trevorcarpenterbooted like before.07:08
PanicByteanyone know a good MP3 player for less than $75 (>= 2GB)07:08
Netham45because I accidentally installed a desktop distro for a server07:08
Jamesinator!offtopic | Rexor_Moon07:08
trevorcarpenterMy problem is after I login.07:08
ubotuRexor_Moon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:08
PanicBytemy ipod just shit itself07:08
Netham45and I used my last blank CDR07:08
XcercaNetham45   telinit 3 will also start the gui07:08
intelikeytrevorcarpenter then it's not a "boot" issue.07:08
nickrudNetham45, run levels 2-5 are identical in ubuntu, runlevels aren't used to choose graphical or text boot07:08
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Netham45I know, but init 1 doesn't start a gui07:09
stdin!ot | PanicByte07:09
ubotuPanicByte: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:09
Netham45so 2-5 do?07:09
intelikeytrevorcarpenter ok  you need to change what about your system ?07:09
troubledi assume ubuntu goes the debian route for {x,g,k}dm?07:09
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trevorcarpenterI'm getting to the login screen, then I log in. No problem. Once I hit enter, it logs in, but the screen goes blank. Then I hear the African chime but see nothing.07:09
nickrudNetham45, all the same. Compare rc2.d - rc5.d07:09
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Xcercais there a good program for editing grub entrys ?07:10
d4rkmonkeytrevorcarpenter are there files you need on that comp? or could you just do a clean install?07:10
nickrudNetham45, 2 is default07:10
JamesinatorXcerca: Yes, grub. :P07:10
Netham45apt-get remove gdm07:10
d4rkmonkeytrevorcarpenter from the live CD you should be able to get any files too... if you just copy them to something07:10
imbecilehow do i burn kvcd with k3b?07:10
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masssyou guys actually study computer programing or just for fun07:10
trevorcarpenterI'm good with a clean install.07:10
d4rkmonkeytrevorcarpenter thats probably the easiest way.07:10
nickrudNetham45, easier to install rcconf and and just disable gdm in rc207:10
FrogzooXcerca: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst, then 'sudo update-grub'07:10
trevorcarpenterI just want Widescreen support, and I'm afraid that when I go to add the Intel drivers next time, I'll get the same issue.07:10
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jpiccoloi hit alt+f1 how do i get out of it07:11
imbecilepleeaassee i have like 5 people sitting here waiting for me to burn this07:11
Netham45nickrud, I don't care, I don't need X07:11
d4rkmonkeyubuntu what. the. fsck?07:11
troubledjpiccolo: alt-f7 probably is its like debian (if you mean return to X)07:11
JamesinatorGood thing he left before someone called ops, lol07:11
joebob777as7d4rkmonkey, how do i apply the patch?07:11
Frogzooimbecile: you have a cd .iso file?07:11
imbecileFrogzoo:  its an mpg07:11
Ahadieltrevorcarpenter, having a resolution problem?07:11
d4rkmonkeyjoebob777as7 that is a good question.07:11
trevorcarpenterOK, thanks all. I'll try a clean install.07:11
trevorcarpenterAhadiel, yup.07:12
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Ahadieltrevorcarpenter, intel GMA?07:12
intelikeytrevorcarpenter ok sounds like you have misconfigured your xserver    at the login you can press  alt-ctrl-f1  and login to a "console"  there you can issue   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -plow     and configure the xserver    when finished issue    sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart07:12
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Ahadieltrevorcarpenter, sudo apt-get install 915resolution07:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sshd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:12
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Jamesinator!ssh | Netham4507:12
Netham45anyone know the name of an sshd???07:12
ubotuNetham45: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/07:12
Ahadieltrevorcarpenter, the 1200x800 resolution issue is fixed in gutsy07:12
intelikeytrevorcarpenter i would not reinstall just to fix xorg....07:12
Netham45I need a daemon, not a client07:12
Frogzooimbecile: file -> new project -> new cd07:12
trevorcarpenterReinstall, that's it.07:12
JamesinatorNetham45: The SSH packages installs both the OpenBSD SSH server and the SSH client, I believe07:13
Ahadieltrevorcarpenter, did you see what I said...?07:13
d4rkmonkeyjoebob777as7 one second.. that one is actually different from what I used.07:13
Ahadieltrevorcarpenter, sudo apt-get install 915resolution07:13
Netham45ah, ok07:13
trevorcarpenterAhadiel, I have a Dell, widescreen that supports 1440x900 at 60Hz.07:13
trevorcarpenterNothing does that.07:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rsa - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dsa - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:13
joebob777as7ok d4rkmonkey07:13
JamesinatorNetham45: sudo apt-get install openssh-server07:13
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Netham45thanks, Jamesinator, but I allready got it installed. :D07:13
Ahadieltrevorcarpenter, I've seen a couple tutorials for making 915resolution set it to 1440x90007:13
JamesinatorNetham45: Okie. :)07:13
trevorcarpenterReinstall, then I'll just deal with the limited screensize. Maybe Gusty will fix thatone.07:14
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thirupathibhi all, in my sever i m getting this error "BUG: soft lockup detected on CPU#1!" and on CPU#0 also, and i am unable to start the system. help please???07:14
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Xcercado people use yum and yumex in ubuntu ?07:15
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trevorcarpenterOK, thanks all. I'm going to start the reinstall. Later.07:15
ampex2Xcerca: why would you?07:15
JamesinatorXcerca: No, dpkg and apt[-get] [itude] 07:15
FrogzooXcerca: dpkg/apt/aptitude - or synaptic07:15
d4rkmonkeyjoebob777as7 http://paste.ubuntu.com/34/plain/ <--- replace everything in your meta-release file with that and see if it works07:15
intelikey     can anyone tell me "if i can have more than one nic with static ip in a box, and; both (or all three as case may be) work correctly ???"07:15
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JamesinatorFrogzoo: Synaptic is just a frontend to apt-get, though, isn't it?07:15
ironmatara quick easy answerable problem   i want to burn the alt iso to disc however the cd dosent want to give up the ubuntu live cd thats in the drive how do i get that out07:15
d4rkmonkey!es | sHADOW_IN_YOUR_L07:15
ubotusHADOW_IN_YOUR_L: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.07:15
Netham45is lamp a package07:15
Frogzoointelikey: you want 802.3ad - nic bonding - and you can only connect to a switch that supports it07:15
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)07:15
Xcercai'm just used to it ,   so when you press applications> add/remove   ,  what package manager is that ?07:16
Ahadielironmatar, You can't, unless you loaded the liveCD to ram07:16
d4rkmonkeyNetham45 sudo tasksel install lamp-server installs it.07:16
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Netham45what is tasksel?07:16
ironmatarso what can i do07:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tasksel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:16
JamesinatorXcerca: I think the Add-Remove Applications manager is a limited frontend cribbed off of Synaptic, so it should be using apt-get07:16
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joebob777as7d4rkmonkey, you are a genius! thanx a bunch! i can tell you i've come in here many times to get help and this is the only time i have actually gotten it. thank you!07:17
intelikeyFrogzoo hmmm i'll take that as a "NO" then.      do you know of a good howto on making a gateway out of a linux box ?07:17
leetdoodHey guys07:17
Ahadielironmatar, load the liveCD to ram, or get another CD drive07:17
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Xcercaso if i want to manage repositoris i should just be going strait to synaptic ?07:17
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leetdoodhow can I open my irssi that I installed? it tells me I'm not the owner of the file07:17
JamesinatorXcerca: To get a complete list of packages you should use Synaptic through System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager07:17
JamesinatorXcerca: Yes07:17
ironmatarhow do i force the live cd to load to ram only07:17
d4rkmonkeyleetdood sudo it.07:17
intelikeyFrogzoo i need several boxes to be able to transparently connect through one box.07:18
Ahadielironmatar, for many distributions I've used, you just add copy2ram to the boot line. However I'm not sure with Ubuntu.07:18
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leetdoodd4rkmonkey: in terminal?07:18
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RenatoSilvaa serious problem.....07:18
Netham45I did tasksel install lamp-server and it is just sitting there07:18
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ironmatarhmm thanks Ahadiel store run afk a bit07:18
Frogzoointelikey: ok, you want bridge-utils07:18
d4rkmonkeyleetdood  yeah, put sudo before the command07:18
Guilleey aMIGOS buenas  una consulta :)07:18
d4rkmonkeyNetham45 it sits for a bit...07:18
RenatoSilvait's the second DVD I've just LOST on Edgy07:18
Netham45it started07:18
l_rwhen is the next ubuntu-stable release planned for?07:18
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Jamesinatorl_r: October07:18
Xcercait there a place on ubuntu's web page that lists third party repositories ?07:19
intelikeyFrogzoo ok.    i'll look into that.   and any good howto's  ?07:19
Netham45isn't the next ubuntu release on Oct. 18th?07:19
d4rkmonkeyl_r  october 18th if I know...07:19
d4rkmonkey*if I remember07:19
d4rkmonkeyif I know doesn't make sense.07:19
Netham45it's on my birthday. ^_^07:19
leetdoodthanks, d4rkmonkey07:19
d4rkmonkeyl_r you can upgrade right now, its still an alpha version though I'm using it.07:19
JamesinatorXcerca: I don't think so -- you could use something like http://www.ubuntuguide.org/ to find some, though07:19
d4rkmonkeyNetham45 nice birthday present!07:19
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RenatoSilvaI write a backup just few times and out of nothing at all, it's like there's nothing on the drive when I put the DVD on it07:19
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=== Nyu` [n=nyu_@ALille-256-1-116-55.w90-34.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
massstroubled are you still there07:20
JamesinatorXcerca: I think that site lists Medibuntu and other commonly used repositories07:20
RenatoSilvait's like it tries to read, and then stop without errors, no messages, the led stops...07:20
troubledmasss: yes07:20
RenatoSilvabut Windows do recognize07:20
XcercaJamesinator  are there any  "most popular" repos   ,  i just cam from fedora and we used livna and a few others mostly ,  whats good for ubuntu07:20
Frogzoointelikey: man brctl - it's pretty elementary07:20
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RenatoSilvaplease help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!107:20
intelikeyFrogzoo k thanks.07:20
massstroubled    so the transfer has been operating for 20 mins now...07:20
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JamesinatorXcerca: First off, pop open Synaptic and make sure to enable the universe and multiverse repositories -- they will let you install the majority of packages you'll be using07:21
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troubledmasss: yes, they take a long time depending on how much data your moving. is your hd light going nuts still?07:21
Nyu`i have a prob server X do not detect my screen :x07:21
XcercaJamesinator  ok,  i did that ,, i go from there07:21
JamesinatorXcerca: Other than that, you can use the Medibuntu repository to get some more obscure and sometimes dangerous packages07:21
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XcercaJamesinator thanks07:22
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Netham45!apache config07:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apache config - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apaceh - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:22
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)07:22
massstroubled    i would say that, no, it s just the cd light because of the boot07:22
JamesinatorXcerca: Also, tools like http://www.getautomatix.com/ (Automatix2) will automatically add some repositories for you and automate some hard tasks in Ubuntu07:22
RenatoSilvadoes anyone have noticed problems with DVD+RW media being lost after recording with Ubuntu???07:22
RenatoSilvadoes anyone have noticed problems with DVD+RW media being lost after recording with Ubuntu???07:22
RenatoSilvadoes anyone have noticed problems with DVD+RW media being lost after recording with Ubuntu???07:22
Jamesinator!repeat | RenatoSilva07:22
ubotuRenatoSilva: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:22
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AhadielRenatoSilva, thanks for the spam...07:22
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RenatoSilvaJamesinator: sorry, it's 2h23 am here07:22
massstroubled i wrote something before the spam07:23
JamesinatorRenatoSilva: No worries, just as long as nobody op-called on you. :P07:23
RenatoSilvaAhadiel: u're welcome07:23
troubledmasss: if your not running anything, its probably the hd. live cd's tend to only access the cd when you run/do something07:23
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Reqtanglehi guys, I'm not sure how to ask this, but im going to go ahead any how. I would like to jail/chroot for apache2, creating a www or htdocs folder for each login - same way as you can with proftpd. any ideas?07:23
RenatoSilvaJamesinator: do u ever heard about loosing media after recording??07:23
troubledmasss: do gparted have any sort of progress indicator?07:23
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massstroubled     unfortunetly no07:24
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JamesinatorRenatoSilva: Nope, I've burned tons of CDs with Ubuntu and have had no problems. I haven't tried with DVD media, though.07:24
RenatoSilvaJamesinator: bad guy that Edgy boy, bad guy07:24
RenatoSilvaJamesinator: I mean DVDs07:24
AhadielReqtangle, something like http://mydomainname.com/~username/index.html?07:24
JamesinatorRenatoSilva: Nope, never used it. What are you talking about with Edgy?07:24
AhadielReqtangle, That's UserDocs07:24
RenatoSilvaJamesinator: specifically, Sony's DVD+RW07:24
troubledmasss: curious, what was the size of the data your moving around? 10, 20gig? (hda5+)07:24
Reqtanglepretty much how shells work... right?07:24
=== Josh_Stern [n=kvirc@c-71-193-68-123.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Reqtanglei just have no clue what i can or have to do to get something like that running07:25
AhadielReqtangle, I'm pretty sure it's included in apache207:25
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RenatoSilvaJamesinator: I make backup in Edgy with his built-in recorder, using DVD media07:25
massstroubled      sooo moving 32,4 gb and resizing from 19 gb to 25gb07:25
AhadielReqtangle, try making a public_html folder in your home directory07:25
ReqtangleUserDocs you say? that'd be in the conf, wouldnt it?07:25
=== dawn`chorus [n=billy@c-68-62-197-78.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
AhadielReqtangle, and going http://localhost/~yourusename/07:25
Nyu`Fatal server error > no screens found :'(07:25
JamesinatorRenatoSilva: Starting with the obvious, is there any physical damage to the disk media?07:25
RenatoSilvaJamesinator: after few times backuping, the DVD become unreadable, I put it on drive, but nothing happens07:25
troubledmasss: is it doing both in one shot? or are you only doing the move first?07:25
Netham45anyone know where lamp puts httpd.conf?07:25
AhadielReqtangle, it's UserSomething... I forget07:25
Reqtanglealright i'll give it a try quick07:25
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Reqtanglewill get back to you07:26
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massstroubled        both07:26
RenatoSilvaJamesinator: not even erros, but WINDOWS DOES recognize it07:26
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troubledmasss: regardless, your basically doing a 32.4gig move twice, once to read, and once to write. so about 64gig. thats going to take a while unfortunately07:26
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RenatoSilvaJamesinator: it's frustating do u undertand??? It makes me do not trust very much on it anymore....07:26
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JamesinatorRenatoSilva: Ok, do you have a terminal open?07:27
RenatoSilvaJamesinator: because it's my data, my media I bought with my money....07:27
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RenatoSilvaJamesinator: I can do it07:27
massstroubled   ok ok patience then, so tell me so study programation or you just do it for fun07:27
RenatoSilvaJamesinator: which commands?07:27
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JamesinatorRenatoSilva: Ok, type: "ls /dev | grep rom" and tell me what it says07:28
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RenatoSilvaJamesinator: cdrom07:28
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JamesinatorRenatoSilva: Now type: "mount" and tell me OVER PRIVATE MESSAGE what it says07:28
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troubledmasss: hobby ;)07:28
JamesinatorRenatoSilva: Otherwise it will flood the channel and you'll get kicked by the ops07:29
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=== Ballena|Away is now known as Ballena
massstroubled   lol that s a particular hobby i might say07:29
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ReqtangleThe requested URL /~paradox/ was not found on this server.07:29
ReqtangleApache/2.2.3 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.1 Server at Port 8007:30
joebob777as7d4rkmonkey, during the upgrade process i am now getting... "Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/commercial/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found"07:30
troubledmasss: its fun i guess or I wouldnt be here07:30
joebob777as7i looked for that page and file and it's not there....07:30
ReqtangleI've tried creating both, www & public_html dirs Ahadiel07:30
d4rkmonkeyjoebob777as7 hmm, have you tried switching your sources?07:30
d4rkmonkeyjoebob777as7 try going system>administration>sources or something like that (I forget what it is in feisty)07:30
joebob777as7d4rkmonkey, no...07:30
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)07:30
d4rkmonkeyjoebob777as7 and try switching that to the main server07:30
stdinjoebob777as7: you have to remove that source, there is no gutsy commercial repository07:31
RenatoSilvaJamesinator: it's there07:31
AhadielReqtangle, just public_html in the user's home07:31
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joebob777as7stdin, ok thank you07:31
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bullgard4"detlef@MD97600:~$ sudo mount -t scd scd0 /mnt; Password: ***; mount: unknown filesystem type 'scd'." What filesystem type do I have to specify?07:31
wolferinehow can I get (return) the time of a file ?07:31
Reqtanglebut still no :/07:31
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Extravertwoohoo Ubuntu kicks ass07:32
AhadielReqtangle, ah, it's mod_userdir07:32
troubledmasss: assuming your getting around 25mb/s, this will probably take you around 3/4 an hour to complete btw07:32
RenatoSilvaJamesinator: ?07:32
AhadielReqtangle, http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/howto/public_html.html07:32
Reqtangleapache2.conf or httpd.conf?07:32
Reqtangleok, click.07:32
JamesinatorRenatoSilva: You still haven't told it to me in the private message window07:32
troubledmasss: the resize wont take very long at all, its the move that takes time though07:32
popthow can I install a lib?07:33
AhadielReqtangle, it doesn't matter which conf you use07:33
popterror while loading shared libraries: libopenal.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:33
RenatoSilvaJamesinator: i did it 2 times07:33
joebob777as7d4rkmonkey, stdin that fixed it. thank you again07:33
AhadielReqtangle, apache2.conf includes httpd.conf07:33
stdinbullgard4: "sudo mount /dev/scd0 /mnt" should work07:33
Jamesinator!pastebin | RenatoSilva07:33
ubotuRenatoSilva: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:33
poptthis lib: libopenal.so.007:33
RenatoSilvaJamesinator: i've paste the output of #mount 2 times07:33
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JamesinatorRenatoSilva: Put it on pastebin and tell me the link07:33
JamesinatorRenatoSilva: I haven't gotten anything from you07:33
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Ashfirei just hit alt-f4 in a cli system and now i'm logged in under the same account intty1 and tty4. how do i get back to tty1?07:34
Reqtanglethanks for the help Ahadiel07:34
AhadielReqtangle, no problem, this troubled me too when i first ran apache207:34
RenatoSilvaJamesinator: strange...wait07:34
JamesinatorAshfire: Ctrl+Alt+F107:34
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troubledAhadiel: yes? ;)07:34
Ahadieltroubled, umm...07:34
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RenatoSilvaJamesinator: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35497/07:35
FlannelReqtangle: ~/public_html has to be readable by www-data (a+r) and therefore ~/ has to be a+r as well07:35
bullgard4stdin: It works. Great! Thank you very much.07:35
FlannelReqtangle: userdir is already enabled (by default) and you wouldn't modify any config files to enable it if it weren't anyway.07:35
ReqtangleFlannel: i'm new to linux, could you translate for me please?07:35
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JamesinatorRenatoSilva: Ok, type: "ls /media | grep rom"07:35
stdinbullgard4: no problem :)07:35
AshfireJamesinator: so in tty4 do i logout and then just hit ctrl-alt-f1?07:36
Reqtanglehow exactly do I do that?07:36
FlannelReqtangle: you need to make sure your homedir is readable by all, and make sure ~/public_html is (and any files inside of it too)07:36
JamesinatorAshfire: You don't even have to logout... Ctrl+Alt+F(1 through 6) will take you to tty1-tty607:36
RenatoSilvaJamesinator: cdrom pointing to cdrom0, only, both in /media07:36
Reqtangleusing chmod ?07:36
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AshfireJamesinator i don't want to be logged in under tty407:37
JamesinatorRenatoSilva: Ok, do you have the DVD you want to read in your drive now?07:37
ReqtangleFlannel: do you mind showing me how to do that?07:37
JamesinatorAshfire: Then (in tty4) type "exit" and then switch to tty107:37
FlannelReqtangle: sudo chmod a+r /home/username /home/username/public_html07:37
RenatoSilvaJamesinator: I'll put it now07:37
FlannelReqtangle: a is all, +r means 'set the read flag' then the two directories07:37
RenatoSilvaJamesinator: led is blinking07:37
tonyyarussoAhadiel: With public_html, can you make it just /username instead of /~username?07:37
RenatoSilvaJamesinator: now it stops like nothing happened07:38
=== riotkittie [i=meowch@cpe-72-228-32-87.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
JamesinatorRenatoSilva: Sigh... ok, I thought you already had the DVD in the drive... Can you pastebin and tell me the output of "mount" again then?07:38
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Ahadieltonyyarusso, not sure, but I think it's hard coded in the userdir mod07:38
RenatoSilvaJamesinator: it's not mounted07:38
Reqtanglehow do I restart apache?07:38
AhadielReqtangle, sudo apache2 -k restart07:38
JamesinatorRenatoSilva: Ok. Then type "gksudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom ; nautilus /media/cdrom"07:39
riotkittiewhats the difference between apropos and man?  is one better than the other? and info is ... all GNU stuff, right?07:39
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troubledFlannel, RenatoSilva: actually, a+r is somewhat of a sercurity issue. Typically its better to chgrp www-data ~ and then g=x,o= ~ and make ~/public_html the only thing accessable to apache07:39
Xcercadoes anyone in here use FlashGot with firefox ?07:39
Netham45You don't have permission to access /cgiirc-0.5.9/irc.cgi on this server. <== Im getting this while trying to execute a CGI script.07:39
Flanneltonyyarusso: I don't believe so07:39
=== rshaw [n=rshaw@pool-151-203-73-73.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Xcercai'm tring to find a download manager to go with it,   whats good07:39
Netham45any ideas?07:39
RenatoSilvatroubled: ???????07:39
AhadielNetham45, I think it needs to be in cgi-bin07:39
d4rkmonkeyanyone know something I can use to download videos from google video? I got a plugin, but it doesn't seem to be working atm.07:39
Netham45Ahadiel, oh, yea07:39
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RenatoSilvaJamesinator: running07:40
Flanneltroubled: it's hardly a security issue.  Heck, it's default on some versions.  Everything that ought not be read (config file wise) is created -r by default.07:40
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JbirkI have a quick question07:40
troubledRenatoSilva: normally, nobody should be allowed into a users home dir. if you need public_html access, its better to give apache (www-data group) only +x so it can get to the dir07:40
=== Jbirk is now known as NETWizz
JamesinatorRenatoSilva: Has it given you any output yet?07:40
riotkittieno download managers are good to go with flashgot. doesnt that force multiple downloads? taxed servers are not happy servers.07:40
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massstroubled   yeah lol i m still waiting hahaha07:40
RenatoSilvatroubled: WTF?07:40
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Jamesinatortroubled: I think you mean Reqtangle, now RenatoSilva07:40
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Jamesinatortroubled: not*07:40
RenatoSilvatroubled: you're confused, my question is about DVDs07:40
troubledJamesinator: ah, perhaps, sorry if bad nicks07:40
troubledRenatoSilva: ^^^ yes, sorry, wrong nick it seems07:41
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JamesinatorRenatoSilva: Has it given you any output yet?07:41
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troubledReqtangle: ^^^^^07:41
RenatoSilvaJamesinator: no!07:41
JbirkI am NETWizz07:41
RenatoSilvaJamesinator: still trying07:41
Reqtangletroubled: doesnt look like mod_userdir.c is loaded07:41
riotkittie i should just boot into a distro and answer my own question, eh.07:41
JbirkWhy am I boanned from Ubuntu07:41
RenatoSilvaJamesinator: a lot of time i think07:41
Jamesinator!ops | Jbirk07:41
ubotuJbirk: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici07:41
JbirkWhy am I banned from Ubuntu07:42
Reqtangletroubled: all these commands are starting to confuse me a little, a lot to take in...07:42
=== disinterested [n=green@75-164-154-222.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
riotkittieJbirk > you're here now, so something tells me you're not banned.07:42
FlannelReqtangle: is userdir.conf and .load in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled?07:42
Jamesinator<Jbirk> Why am I banned from Ubuntu07:42
=== originalfragster [n=chatzill@124-197-20-171.callplus.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
troubledReqtangle: welcome to linux :)07:42
JbirkIf I authenticate to NickServ as NETWizz, I am banned07:42
JamesinatorJbirk: So you're not proxying in right now or anything?07:42
JbirkAny reason for that?07:42
JamesinatorJbirk: Ah07:42
JbirkI am not07:42
nerdtalkererm... banned from ubuntu?07:42
Jbirkbanned from #ubuntu07:42
Reqtangleparadox@underworld:/etc/apache2/mods-enabled$ ls -a07:42
Reqtangle.   alias.load       authn_file.load     authz_groupfile.load  authz_user.load  cgi.load  dir.load  mime.load         php5.conf  setenvif.load07:42
Reqtangle..  auth_basic.load  authz_default.load  authz_host.load       autoindex.load   dir.conf  env.load  negotiation.load  php5.load  status.load07:42
JbirkAccording to gaim07:42
JbirkCan someone give me a reason07:43
AhadielReqtangle, Pastebin please!07:43
nalioth!paste | Reqtangle07:43
ubotuReqtangle: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:43
nerdtalkerhow can one be banned from a desktop operating system? is Linus torvalds banned from Windows?07:43
JamesinatorJbirk: I would assume that if that happened it would mean that you did something wrong and subsequently aren't welcome07:43
JbirkI think it is just a Nick Ban of NETWizz07:43
FlannelReqtangle: please don't paste here.  Just check to see if you see userdir.conf and .load07:43
FlannelJbirk: #ubuntu-ops is the place to ask07:43
riotkittieperhaps you're banned for using a lame irc client :x  <hides>07:43
=== chuy_max [n=chuy@201-167-90-207-cable.cybercable.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bans - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:43
JbirkWell, I would assume the same thing, but I have never been told I have done anything wrong07:43
ubotuIf you have been banned it is probably because you have not gone along with what is acceptable behaviour. If you're not sure what acceptable behaviour is please see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/07:43
Reqtangleno, no userdir.conf or .load07:43
FlannelReqtangle: this is feisty?07:44
RenatoSilvaReqtangle: IMHO if u're single user that just wank to "make it work" u shouldn't need to write shell commands, btw it should be the goal of ubuntu as Mr. Shuttleworth says: "just work"...07:44
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RenatoSilvaJamesinator: any idea?07:44
stdinJbirk: you'd have to talk to elkbuntu about that, preferably in /msg or in #ubuntu-ops07:44
RenatoSilvaJamesinator: i'm frustrated07:44
JamesinatorRenatoSilva: I'm still waiting for you to tell me the fsck-ing output. :P07:44
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RenatoSilvaJamesinator: certaintly a bug, hardware compatiblility with media anmd/or drive07:44
masssok since i hav to use the little time left of this battery07:44
ReqtangleRenatoSilva: im trying to learn, jackass07:44
Reqtanglejust leave me alone, your not helping07:45
FlannelReqtangle: alright, go ahead and do this: `sudo a2enmod userdir`07:45
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troubledmasss: battery?!07:45
JbirkNOpe, I haven't broken the sacred code07:45
Netham45Hi Jbirk07:45
masssdoes anyone know how to fix a ventilator problem with ubuntu on my sempron07:45
wolferinehow can I get (return) the time stamp of a file ?07:45
Netham45I... Know... You...07:45
=== Chad92 [n=Chad92@] has joined #ubuntu
troubledmasss: you better plug in asap. you dont want to loose power during this operation at all07:45
JamesinatorRenatoSilva: Did you enter the commands exactly as I said? Did you get a nautilus window pop up? Did you get any output? Did you get any errors? Or are you just wasting my time... >:-(07:45
Netham45from UnitedTI07:45
JbirkI am banned in #ubuntu for some reason07:46
RenatoSilvaReqtangle: if you want to learn, good. But sometimes people can't waste time. A Doctor can't do it for example, he needs things "just working"07:46
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JbirkI have never even been told why :-)07:46
massstroubled   yeah this laptop is on battery    the ubuntu one is on AC lol07:46
FlannelJbirk: #ubuntu-ops, not here07:46
Netham45Jbirk, I think you have to go to #ubuntu-ops07:46
troubledmasss: ah ok. had me worried there :)07:46
massstroubled    oh i wouldnt07:46
RenatoSilvaJamesinator: sure07:46
masssi guess i m gonna go to sleep with the process running on07:46
JamesinatorRenatoSilva: ZOT!07:47
=== andrey` [n=user@bas1-toronto61-1279394839.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ReqtangleRenatoSilva: I'm here at last resort because i dont know where else to look. I'm not asking any one to do the work for me.07:47
Reqtangleany how07:47
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=== Jbirk is now known as NETWizz
arooni__hey folks; i have a 5 button mouse (normal 3 buttons) + a forward & back button.  question:  how do i make it so that the back & forward buttons are mapped to firefox back & forward ?07:48
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Flannel!mouse | arooni__07:48
ubotuarooni__: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto07:48
ReqtangleFlannel: typed cmd in, i'll see if i can find my way from here on07:48
Reqtanglethanks for the help guys :>07:48
troubledmasss: in case im not around when its done, you need to edit your /etc/fstab on the install itself (not the live cd's fstab! ie: hda1 probably for you) and change the swap's entry for hda7 to hda6 since it was renamed. If you write that down, someone should be able to help. But even without swap, you should still be able to start up and use your box to get to do that though. although you may run out of ram (assuming you have around a07:48
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RenatoSilvaReqtangle: I'm not telling u what to do or think. I'm just expressing my opinion07:49
ScoutCan anyone direct me to that ubuntu wiki page that has all the commands to install a bunch of popular programs?07:49
RenatoSilvaReqtangle: ok, I'm an idiot.07:49
FlannelScout: Which programs?  (help.ubuntu.com/community is the main site)07:50
massstroubled   you sure about this hahaha07:50
RenatoSilvaJamesinator: cdrom has nothing07:50
AhadielScout, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty perhaps07:50
massstroubled   wouldnt it be easier if kept in touch with you07:50
ScoutThanks Ahadiel.07:51
mattganybody good with cables?  10guage07:51
troubledmasss: hda7 was renamed when you dropped the hda6, so yes. your existing fstab wont be able to find swap without that change07:51
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massstroubled    ohh i completely trust you on that matter, it was on the leaving me instructions part that i wasnt sure lol07:51
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massstroubled    actually the move and resizing just got completed07:52
troubledmasss: just in case ;) its a simple enough set of instructions you should be able to get help with by anyone here or in #debian07:52
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masssshall i resize the other one now right07:52
msikmaHey everybody, I turned on extra desktop effects (Gutsy) and now I need to turn it off via terminal. Anyone know how to do that?07:52
stdinmsikma: gutsy help in #ubuntu+107:53
troubledmasss: hda2? yes if it didnt already. this shouldnt take near as long if its just an extend07:53
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Reqtanglealright, great, got it working07:54
wolferinehow can I get (return) the time stamp of a file ?07:54
Reqtanglecould someone explain to me what that chmod I did earlier actually does?07:54
massstroubled   ok wait so the home drive took the swap place in the bottom right07:54
originalfragsteris it possible to enable ubuntu 5.10 to load up a program upon booting? like the startup folder in windows?07:54
KleRoihello everyone, here's my problem, i wanted to try the desktop effects on the Preferences menu, but when i click it, he tells me that the "Composite extension is not available"... anyone knows what the problem is here?07:54
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massstroubled   so what do i do, should i mount the swap again and the resize07:55
wolferineReqtangle, man chmod07:55
marx2kAlright... Im gonna try Mepis :)07:55
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RenatoSilvaUbuntu sucks because it destroyed my DVD+RW. Obviously I'm stupid, and Ubuntu is wonderful, u'll say. Bullshit, Urubu! Urubu!!!07:55
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troubledmasss: it may not let you mount the swap until you are done the resize though. did you resize hda2 to take up all the free space yet?07:55
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Netham45You don't have permission to access /cgiirc/ on this server. <== how do I get these to stop? I have full permissions to everything.07:56
ray1clawneone there??07:56
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AhadielNetham45, as I said before, is it in cgi-bin?07:56
riotkittiehow exactly did Ubuntu destroy your DVD+RW?07:56
massstroubled   well if i resize it now it will litteraly eat the swap07:56
gvsa123am i not supposed to see an option when i right click on an audio file after installing nautilus audio converter script?07:56
wolferineriotkittie, i would leave that one alone :)07:56
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Netham45Ahadiel, it shouldn't give me an error on a directory listing07:56
Pie-ratehow do i get a pdf reader plugin for firefox? would prefer gpl, but proprietary is ok if its necessary. i don't like having to download the pdf files and open them in a different program07:57
troubledmasss: are you sure your not reading it wrong? right now, is there a gap of free space between hda2 and hda5 and hda6 (swap)?07:57
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riotkittieah he left. :|07:58
AhadielPie-rate, I'm not sure, but have you tried acroread?07:58
massstroubled   the scheme is like this  {swap}{hda5 just resized}{unallocated}{unmounted swap}{home}07:58
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ScoutCan anyone suggest a music player?07:58
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mariajose__scout: rythmbox....07:59
troubledmasss: that doesnt seem to match what we were doing. did you resize hda5 or move it and the unmounted swap to the end of the drive?07:59
riotkittieScout : I like XMMS or BMP. and the command line tools.07:59
AhadielScout, exaile, banshee, there are many07:59
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=== riotkittie hugs mpg123 :x
sauvinThere are MANY, and there is no law saying there can be only one.07:59
riotkittieit really depends on what you're looking for in a music player. if youve got time and space, why not install them all and play around07:59
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Pie-rateAhadiel: would prefer an open source plugin.08:00
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massstroubled   initially there were 2 swaps one on bottom left and one on bottom right, the question is why the home took the place of the swap08:00
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cgo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cgi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:00
troubledmasss: also, how did {home} , being hda2, end up after hda5?08:00
Netham45... wtf08:00
troubledmasss: and how did you end up with 2 swaps? :)08:00
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marx2kSO... just want to ask one more time... is there any method of having Ubuntu auto-configure itself for the hardware its booting on (RAM/Video/etc) when youre booting it on a USB HDD?08:00
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riotkittietroubled: thank you for asking that. i was curious, but ... well, lazy .08:01
massstroubled   lol sorry this must come from the installation process08:01
Pie-rateNetham45: please explore the bot in PMs.08:01
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massstroubled  so tell me a good order to put the whole thing, i dont mind about time, i can sleep08:01
troubledmasss: well, if you have 2 swaps, can you at least tell me the size of them both? you can probably get rid of the extra one08:01
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Pie-ratemarx2k: In a nutshell, no.08:02
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Pie-ratemarx2k: i've tried. it works, but you have to reconfigure X08:02
marx2kIm gonna give Mepis a try and see how that works out08:02
Pie-ratemarx2k: every. single. time.08:02
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marx2kPie: So how does the LiveCD work, then?08:02
massstroubled    the sum makes 2gb   the bottom left one is 1,86 and the home bothering home is 150 mb08:02
Pie-ratemarx2k: i've asked that, believe me.08:02
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Pie-ratemarx2k: no one can give a straight answer.08:03
riotkittiewhy not just create a variety of xorg.confs and load the appropriate one when needed?  assuming you are using a limited number of machines08:03
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Pie-rateriotkittie: because you have to have a limited number of machines?08:03
marx2kexactly :)08:03
riotkittiethere are pixies inside of the live cd. and they work magic.08:03
troubledmasss: well, something like this: {hda1 - rootfs}{hda2 - /home}{hda5 - extended}{swap}, normally swap should be first, but hda2 is already taken by home. so in between hda2 and hda5 as hda3 perhaps08:03
Pie-ratemarx2k: anyway, i think there's a way to install knoppix to a harddrive.08:03
riotkittiePie-rate: nobody has to have anything.08:03
troubledmasss: i would probabably say get right of the 150mb swap. and merge that into home08:04
marx2kPierate: Im gonna give Mepis a shot in a moment and see how that works out08:04
Pie-ratemarx2k: and knoppix has nice pretty scripts that do magical things like use proprietary drivers automatically.08:04
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marx2kknoppix is debian based?08:04
riotkittieit is, marx2k08:04
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teKnofreakmarx2k, indeed08:05
massstroubled   what s rootfs   i dont think i have it08:05
Pie-ratemarx2k: knoppix is basically the original livecd08:05
marx2kmepis first, then knoppix08:05
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massstroubled    ok so i ll merge everything in home, but the bottom left swap and hda508:05
troubledmasss: its probably your hda1, and you cant have linux without one ;)08:05
byonixhello, anyone good references for starting web driven database with LAMP in feisty ?08:05
troubledmasss: theres no chance of getting a screen shot of that for me is there?08:05
massshda1 is the bottom swap   so it s hda208:06
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massstroubled   the famous ext308:06
Pie-ratebyonix: apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server mysql-client08:06
troubledmasss: swap != ext308:06
Pie-ratebyonix: something about like that.08:06
troubledmasss: ok, lets recap. whats your hda1 say for filesystem and mountpoint?08:06
byonixPie-rate, already have all of them installed, and worked just fine, thank you08:07
Pie-ratebyonix: or you can just get the server version and select the "install a LAMP server" option. it gets you up and running immediately.08:07
=== sharperguy [n=sharp@88-110-239-65.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
semirrahgeDo I still really need a swap partition with 2 gigs of ram?08:07
Pie-ratebyonix: you want to write a database program, then?08:07
massstroubled   lol oook08:07
lorphhow come when I type apt-get install libapache-mod-python2.4 I can't find mod_python.so in the directory with the .so?08:07
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Pie-ratesemirrahge: yes.08:08
OrionBerlinHi Togheter08:08
Pie-ratesemirrahge: well, the real answer is: i don't know, but i don't care about 1gb of harddrive and neither should you08:08
byonixPie-rate, i have assignment from my lecturer, to make an information system about employee, i don't know where to start08:08
OrionBerlinI have a problem with my screen resolution, i added 1650x1050 to my xorg.conf but i have still only 1024x768. Is there any way so i can use my Native Screen Resolution?08:09
Pie-ratebyonix: what kind of class is it? computer science?08:09
teKnofreaklorph, dpkg -L libapache-mod-python to see where it installed08:09
massstroubled   hda1 linux swap and no mountpoint    hda2 ext3 media disk   hda3 is extended  in hda5 fat32  mediadisk1 and hda6  linux swap08:09
byonixPie-rate, nope, data management system08:09
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troubledmasss: ok, and hda1 is the 2gig swap correct, and hda6 is 150mb?08:10
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massstroubled   yes08:10
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teKnofreakOrionBerlin, what does your monitor/video card support max resolution ?08:10
lorphteKnofreak: oh it got installed in apache 1.3 when I am running apache 2.008:10
massstroubled   almost 2gb its 1,89gb08:10
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byonixPie-rate, i have manual about mysql, but when it comes to the reports, i do not know to make the web driven one08:10
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OrionBerlinMonitor is a 22" and the Native is 1650x1050, my Videocard support this resolution (Geforce 7800 GT)08:10
troubledmasss: ok, hda2 is probably your "root fs". do you have windows on this machine also by chance?08:11
teKnofreaklorph, if am right you can specify as command line argument which apache installation to use, am not sure of the command though08:11
nomichello,  for the purposes of NFS how do i get my machine name?08:11
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massstroubled   i m almost sure hda2 is the root fs   and no sorry ubuntu is because of my anger on windows08:11
lorphteKnofreak: but is it safe to use the apache 1.3 version with apache 2.0?08:11
nickrudnomic, hostname in a terminal, I believe08:11
=== LTE [n=erik@c-24-13-231-32.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nomicright ty08:12
nickrudnomic, if you don't have local dns, you may have to use the ip08:12
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teKnofreaklorph, depends upon which apache server is actually running08:12
troubledmasss: np :) you said home and i assumed you meant /home and hda1 was your root fs. no biggy though08:12
Pie-ratebyonix: ok, what you need to do, is go to the professor's office hours, and ask about what exactly (s)he wants you to do. no one here knows what your assignment is and "make an information system about employee" isn't a good explanation.08:12
teKnofreaklorph, a mere installation doesn't mean its running, check services to know what is running actually08:12
OrionBerlinteKnofreak, http://nopaste.php-quake.net/336808:13
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massstroubled   ok so my idea is to let the bi swap and the hda5 alone, and to merge the rest08:13
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lorphteKnofreak: ah I am sure its 2.0, and I just found out the right package name for the apache 2.0 version08:13
troubledmasss: well, hda6 can be left, unless you wanna move data for an hour again :)08:13
gvsa123am i not supposed to see an option when i right click on an audio file after installing the nautilus audio converter script?08:13
semirrahgepie-rate: thanks... Yeah, with nearly 2TB of disk space, 1 measly gig isn't worth much. It's just the partitioning... >srugh<08:14
Pie-ratebyonix: if that really is ALL the information your lecturer gave you, (s)he will either elaborate in a future lecture or is a moron and shouldn't be teaching the class.08:14
massstroubled   hda6 is the little swap blocking the root to be merged with the big unallocated08:14
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Pie-ratebyonix: you're either skipping classes, not paying attention, not understanding, or the professor is going to elaborate.08:14
byonixPie-rate, employee information systems, he is not a moron, he is a lecturer you know:)08:14
troubledmasss: well, might as well get rid of it then. you dont exactly need it with the 2gig hda108:15
massstroubled    by the way is it good to have a 30gb root08:15
troubledmasss: its fine. there are pros and cons to an all in one fs08:15
byonixPie-rate, he wants acces, i want LAMP, acces is easier than LAMP:)08:15
massstroubled  ok so i merge now hahaha08:15
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massstroubled do i have your approval08:15
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nomicnickrud how would i get the ip where in ifconfig08:16
nomicdoesn't appear to route through hostname08:16
Pie-ratebyonix: no one here knows what your assignment encompasses and "employee information systems" is not going to help us. you will have to go into more detail.08:16
troubledmasss: more advanced setups seperate /, /home, /var, /usr and such to mount them with performance/security options, like nodev,noatim on /usr and nosuid on /home etc.08:16
dsi0743hi ! I wnat to try the Gutsy LiveCD (tribe5) but it asks me for username/password. What are they for the Lice CD ?08:16
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grndslmroot & ubuntu prolly or08:17
grndslmroot & live08:17
grndslmlive & ubuntu08:17
massstroubled  mm kinda lost now haha08:17
nickrudnomic it's the inet addr of the interface08:17
nomichow do i get the ip address of a machien>08:17
dsi0743grndslm: thx. I'll try them08:17
Flannelnomic: ifconfig08:17
dsouli'm with seriosly problems with groups, i did change the configs with groupadd and usermod, but now my user can't listen music and ubuntu menus are bugged... how i can change my groups config to default?08:17
nickrudnomic ifconfg in a terminal08:17
nomicin etc08:17
nomicbut theres lots of addresses08:18
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troubledmasss: ok, before you hit ok, what is it your merging? you should have moved hda5/6 to the end of the drive (chart) so far correct? you should have a gap of space in between hda2 and hda308:18
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troubledmasss: correct that, you should have moved hda3,5 and 6 to the end of the drive with your corrected listing. your end goal is free space just after hda2 so you can extend it08:18
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nomiclots of addresses in ifconfig08:18
Pie-ratenomic: type ifconfig in a terminal, go to www.pastebin.ca, paste the entire output there, and give us a link08:19
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dsouldsoul@leet:~$ id08:19
dsouluid=1000(dsoul) gid=1000(dsoul) grupos=1000(dsoul)08:19
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massstroubled [hda1 swap 2gb]  [hda5 25gb]  [gap 27gb]  [hda6 little swap]  [hda2 ext3 root] 08:19
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dsoulhow is the default groups to desktop user??08:19
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nomicok its www.pastbin.ca/67439708:20
massstroubled   they are in order from left to right obviously08:20
nickruddsoul, usermod -G adm,dialout,cdrom,floppy,audio,dip,video,plugdev,scanner,netdev,lpadmin,powerdev,admin <user> (drop admin for people who shouldn't sudo)08:20
troubledmasss: well, im a little concerned with the order you pasted that, but if thats the case, remove hda6, and resize hda208:20
byonixPie-rate, sorry, may be i've been ignorance to the lecture, i'll ask again, thank you08:20
massstroubled   exactly what i meant to do, but in order to do so i have to format the swap right08:21
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troubledmasss: well, not format, but delete it completely08:21
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troubledmasss: it should end up part of the 27gb gap08:21
Pie-ratenomic: your interface is wlan0 and you address is
dsoulnickrud: it works! thank you... i'm going to restart X to test "system" menu08:21
massstroubled  ok done, now i resize the root right08:22
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troubledmasss: its somewhat disturbing to see hda5 ordered before hda2 though. it shouldnt show like that since hda3 is your extended and should technically not be possibly to be before hda208:22
troubledmasss: yes, resize08:22
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nickrudnomax, for your wlan it's
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milestonehi all08:23
nickrudnomic, um just above (sorry nomax)08:23
massstroubled    the root doesnt allow me to resize08:23
nickrudnomic, you see where it says inet addr?08:23
milestoneis there an "ubuntu way" to install qmail? Or just grab everything from source and compile?08:23
troubledmasss: is it mounted still by chance?08:23
massstroubled   lol ok i unmount it right a way08:24
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massstroubled   ok so i cant resize it to the left... maybe because the gap is part of hda3 right08:25
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massstroubled    so i have to unmount the hda3 which is the extended 52gb  splited in hda5 and the gap08:26
troubledmasss: you may need to move it to just beside the hda5 first then extend to the right08:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lsmod - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:26
gvsa123has anyone tried installing and using the nautilus script to convert audio files into different formats?08:26
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ldeb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about qmail - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:26
massstroubled   they are exactly beside... i think its because the gap is part of the extended hda308:27
warblermilestone: it is in synaptic08:27
troubledmasss: ah, sorry, hard to tell in ascii charts ;) you need to shrink the hda3 by that amount if thats the case first then08:27
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milestonewarbler: ? apt-cache search qmail | grep qmail gives me maildir-filter masqmail phpgroupware-qmailldap xfingerd xqbiff autorespond qmail-qfilter qmailanalog-installer qmailmrtg7 relay-ctrl but no qmail packages08:29
massstroubled   how can i shrink it, there no option available08:29
massstroubled   the only thing i can do is to change its flag08:29
massstroubled   of hda308:30
warblermilestone: I just went synaptic package manager & did a search for qmail08:30
byonixi want to install gnome universal dock, but when i tried to install cairo, this appears http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35499/, please check that out, and what is my problem08:30
troubledmasss: gparted wont let you resize the extended partition? :(08:30
milestonewarbler: i have installed ubuntu-server hence i have no synaptic. aptitude search qmail delivers mie no packages either. What do you have in your sources.list?08:31
nickrudgvsa123, you need to do:  cd ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts &&  ln -s /usr/share/nautilus-scripts/ConvertAudioFile .08:31
nickrudgvsa123, don't miss the dot at the end there08:31
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byonixmass, i have got the same problem, nothing i can do with Gparted except getting information08:32
byonixi want to install gnome universal dock, but when i tried to install cairo, this appears http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35499/, please check that out, and what is my problem08:32
warblermilestone: i have all the repos enabled08:32
massstroubled   ok so i got the gap out out of hda5, but the root still doesnt want to resize with it08:33
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nickrudbyonix, that's a borked configure script, or someone didn't make the template that's supposed to be in util.08:34
troubledmasss: where is the gap now? is all the hda's unmounted?08:34
byonixnickrud, i don't understand08:34
nickrudbyonix, why not just install libcairo2-dev ?08:34
massstroubled   [hda1 big swap]  [hda3 composed by hda5 25gb]  [gap]  [root 2gb] 08:35
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milestonei have restricted universe and multiverse and feisty-security08:35
milestonedo you have backports enabled?08:35
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tonyyarussoHow would one go about mounting partitions on LVM from an external drive?08:35
troubledmasss: try move [root 2gb]  before the gap08:35
massstroubled the root is unmounted but appearently it only accepts extensions from the right, is that possible08:35
byonixnickrud, is that will do, i mean can install gnome universal dock with it?08:36
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nickrudbyonix, it is an error in the tar.gz you downloaded, probably. But you don't need to compile cairo, just install the header files for the universal dock to compile against08:36
massstroubled  i cant08:36
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byonixnickrud, hang on, i'll try the libcairo, ok08:36
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troubledmasss: what about moving the gap to the other side of root 2gb?08:36
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massstroubled  i would have to create a partition of it...08:37
warblermilestone: no backports on feisty08:37
nickrudbyonix, each time you see a lib that the dock compile says it can't find, put lib at the front and do:  apt-cache search lib<library> | grep dev, it'll be one of those08:37
troubledmasss: you might have to i guess. you need that gap after root it seems08:37
massstroubled   what if i create a partition ext3  just as the root08:37
byonixnickrud, this is the result, apt-get install, libcairo2-dev is already the newest version.08:38
byonixlibcairo2-dev set to manual installed.08:38
milestonewarbler: why am i not seeing it then??? feisty main restricted ... feisty-updates main restricted ... feisty universe ... feisty multiverse08:38
milestonewarbler: i am puzzled08:38
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troubledmasss: well, you might be able to make it "unformated" and then try move it, delete it and then merge it to root08:39
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nickrudbyonix, do apt-cache search libcairo | grep dev; you may need all of those, depending on what part of cairo the dock is compiling against (It's a wash, rinse, repeat cycle, finding dev headers for a compile)08:39
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warblermilestone: from synaptic - qmailanalog-installer is the closest to qmail08:40
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gvsa123nickrud: sorry i just came back. what does that command do?08:40
massstroubled   ok i m doing it08:40
massstroubled  thks a lot for your help08:40
milestoneqmailanalog-installer is not qmail ;) it is qmail analog ;) a qmail log analysis tool08:40
warblermileston: so you have all to get a start08:41
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nickrudgvsa123, it creates a symbolic link from the script installed by the audio-converter package to the place nautilus is looking for it.08:41
byonixnickrud, i guest i have it after all, but still the how to's i followed don't mention about it, anyway this is the result http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35501/08:41
troubledmasss: np. im noticing that gparted is nowhere near like partition magic. part magic you can just drag the block over and its done. gparted seems to be limited in that sense. but I think it may still be possible. sec08:41
milestonewarbler: nope08:42
Rat409milestone: try here http://packages.ubuntu.com/08:42
massstroubled  ok so i tempted to merge the newly ext3 gap with the root, it doesnt work, i tried to move the newly ext3 gap to the right of the root and it doesnt work either08:42
nickrudbyonix, what's the error when you try to compile the dock?08:42
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milestonewarbler: this is not qmail. it is like saying if you need apache, it is a good start to install awstats or analog ;)08:43
milestoneRat409: thx08:43
troubledmasss: ya, i see that gparted doesnt let you drag it to the side. might allow it using "space before" numbers manually though. gonnna try08:43
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nickrudbyonix, the howto's are assuming you're compiling everything from scratch; ubuntu provides nearly every support library you need for compiling as a -dev package08:43
massstroubled  mm08:43
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byonixnickrud, i haven't reached that stage yet, i still following the how to's and didn't now where the heck is the dock package08:44
warblermilestone: just googled qmail & got a list of sites for mirrors08:44
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troubledmasss: i use partition magic myself which doesnt seem to have this issue. but ill see if i can find a way around08:44
nickrudbyonix, try looking for -dev equivs for the libraries they want first08:44
massstroubled   cant i just cut the root and paste it into the new ext3 gap08:44
milestonewarbler: I know how to compile and install qmail. Did it a gazillion times. I was just asking if there is an "Ubuntu way" of installing it... That is all08:45
evilofishoThe automatix repositories has some interesting stuff, can I add those but not install Automatix without screwing up my system?08:45
byonixnickrud, do you know where to find the gnome dock universal package, what do you mean?08:45
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milestonewarbler: I would love to use packages you know, because of updates etc.08:45
nickrudmilestone, as I remember it, the qmail author doesn't want anyone to package it, so it's compile it for all08:45
troubledmasss: i dont think gparted allows you to do fs copies. its possible and easy using a shell though if you can get the space for the root fs setup in advanced08:45
milestonenickrud: exacctly, but in debian for example there is a packagge qmail-src which is used to get and compile the qmail sources08:46
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nickrudnickrud, no, I was talking about the stuff you need installed before you compile the universal dock. I don't think I've even heard of it.08:46
massstroubled   and i thought that with ubuntu impossible was nothing lol08:46
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warblermilestone: totally agree - but from synaptic it seems the answer must be - not completely08:46
gvsa123nickrud: "to the place nautilus is looking for..." you mean an option should appear when i right click on an audio file somewhat like "open with <blah blah>?08:47
troubledmasss: heh. well this is a gparted limitation it seems. if I could get you a copy of partition magic, this would have just worked though08:47
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nickrudmilestone, it's not in ubuntu's repos. Don't quote me, but I'd look into just getting the debian package for that. I think it's architecture all, and relatively safe08:47
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milestonenickrud: ok08:48
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troubledmasss: part magic would let you move a chunk just by dragging it. cant see that option for this extended partition setup you have that ive mirrored on my disk08:48
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massstroubled  ok so last before leaving, do you know any file that can be deleted from the root so i can login again without the cd08:48
troubledmasss: hmmm, actually you may be right, there does seem to be a copy/paste option. that might be how they accomplish it in gparted08:48
nickrudgvsa123, nautilus looks in /home/<you>/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts for the right click -> scripts actions. With you creating that symbolic link, nautilus will be able to see and use it08:49
troubledmasss: copy paste your root to the free space08:49
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massstroubled    ok08:49
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evilofishoDoes anyone know any place to get good repositories for Feisty fawn? I did a bit of googling but came up empty handed.08:49
troubledmasss: ya, in the features list under "move", ext2/3 have an X :(08:50
nickrudgvsa123, by the way, if you have no scripts in that folder, you won't even see the scripts option in the right click menu08:50
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[RUsh] hello. I'm using pam_mount to mount users's home directories when they're logged in with gdm. Gdm asks password twice. However, there is option use_first_pass in common-pammount08:50
gvsa123nickrud: ah i see... you when i installed the package, it wasn't placed there so it still doesn't appear when i right click..... i see. thanks. i like it when i understand what i'm doing rather than just doing them...08:50
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massstroubled  so do i copy paste the root08:50
gvsa123nickrud: in the /usr/share...?08:50
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troubledmasss: yes, click the root, copy it, then click the gap and paste it and apply08:51
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nickrudgvsa123, no problem, I enjoy explaining. I give the quicky, and explain to those who are interested :)  and for the quicky again, cut and paste the following into a terminal: cd ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts &&  ln -s /usr/share/nautilus-scripts/ConvertAudioFile .08:51
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gvsa123nickrud: thanks a lot... :)08:51
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massstroubled  actually i m not allowed to paste on the new ext3 gap08:52
troubledmasss: figures. probably needs to have a fs type and formated first08:53
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massstroubled   maybe not because i tried with a random file too08:53
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massstroubled   maybe the ext3 type wasnt a good idea or maybe a reboot is necessary08:53
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troubledmasss: even if you got that to work you would need to edit your fstab to fix the dev name issues _and_ you would need to redo your grub before you can even boot.08:54
gvsa123nickrud: i'm sorry... but what does "&&" mean? is that the same as "|"08:54
nickrudgvsa123, "don't do the following unless the preceeding completed successfully"08:54
troubledmasss: seems that gparted just isnt anywhere near what i would call "production use" :(08:54
masssso to end it  do you know any root file that can be deleted so i can login without the live cd again08:54
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troubledmasss: just dont have the cd in the machine when you start, it should boot the hard drive and give you a grub menu08:55
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mad_goldfishIs pidgin any more stable than gaim included in Feisty?08:55
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massstroubled   actually no, because the initial problem was that i couldnt login because the hard drive was full and GMD couldnt write the authorization08:56
gvsa123nickrud: ah thanks a lot again. i should go over the linux basics once more... only been on it for a couple of months...08:56
=== tvgm2 [n=Miranda@c-68-55-61-145.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
massstroubled   this is why i wanted to expand the root08:56
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troubledmasss: curious, is there anything on that ubuntu install you would like to keep? it seems like it would be easiest to just remove all the partitions in your case and reinstall with proper partitioning08:56
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massstroubled   that sounds fine with me   as i installed it yesterday i dont have nothing on y own08:57
jlillyhey all. I was playing counterstrike through wine and compiz was giving me a fit. I tried to kill the compiz process and it froze my display. I had to hard reboot the system and now my sound doesn't work. Any thoughts on how I might be able to fix this?08:57
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gvsa123nickrud: so why a symbolic and not a hard link as it says in the man page?08:57
troubledmasss: well in that case, just wipe out the root and recreate it in the proper spot in the free space and resinstall08:57
massstroubled   how do i uninstall ubuntu and repartionate08:58
Prez_this is odd, trying to connect to undernet xchat crashes sometimes..08:58
troubledmasss: alternately, i could send you a dd image of a real mans partition editor that could handle this with ease. but i think reinstall is easier for you08:58
jlillymasss: the same way you installed it the first time?08:58
alags_hi, i am using vncserver to access my desktop. But when i access it through vncviewer, the keyboard layout is offset/distorted. tried changing the keyboard layout, but still didn't work. it works fine in my server box.08:58
nickrudgvsa123, it's a lot to wrap your head around, yes, but after about six months I started to get a grip08:59
troubledmasss: well, you start by deleting that hda2 root that you have that wont move, then recreate it out of the free space, then just install like you did in the first place08:59
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nickrudgvsa123, I don't see a man page; and looking at /usr/share/doc/nautilus-script-audio-convert/README.Debian, I see there's a tool for doing what I wrote09:00
nickrudgvsa123, learn something new every stinkin' day :)09:00
troubledmasss: the install should pick up your existing swap 2gig and windows partitions and keep them. but if you delete the hda2, you probably wont be able to boot (since grub's gone) until you reinstall09:00
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alags_hi, i am using vncserver to access my desktop. But when i access it through vncviewer, the keyboard layout is offset/distorted. tried changing the keyboard layout, but still didn't work. it works fine in my server box.09:00
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gvsa123nickrud: the man was for ln: man ln09:00
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gvsa123nickrud: i'm on google now... but thanks a lot...09:01
nickrudgvsa123, ah. I use a soft link by preference; it works across partitions09:01
massstroubled  ok so i ll do it tomorow so i delete the new ext3 gap and then install ubuntu on it09:02
massstroublewd and what will happen with the olg ext3 2gb root of now09:02
Calixsudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0640, should be 0440 how do i fix this? undoing what i did to get it like that doesnt seem to be working :(09:02
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squeeHow do I make a program start automatically from xfce?09:03
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Calixsquee its in your sessions settings09:04
troubledmasss: yup09:04
troubled!ops Chavao09:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ops chavao - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:04
Calixi believe, not totally sure for xfce09:04
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massstroubled  so what about the old root09:04
tonyyarussotroubled: The syntax is | nick, not just <space> nick09:04
troubledmasss: just erase it so it becomes free space09:05
troubledtonyyarusso: ahh k. my hilight is on !ops alone anyways, but good to know, ty09:05
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troubledmasss: just make sure that your old root becomes part of the free space so nothing is inbetween them09:05
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massstroubled   ok ok i m getting my mind clear now, i really thank you for your help09:06
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massstroubled can i delete the root right now from the cd or not09:06
Calixhow do i fix this error? sudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0640, should be 044009:06
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LukeEkbladI have a problem.  Firefox keeps crashing, i have no idea why09:07
byonixanyone knows a repo for cairo?09:07
troubledmasss: np. sorry we couldnt get it working better with gparted. its still possible via commands and copy your data to the new partition etc. but if you have nothing worth keeping, its probably just easier for you to reinstall rather than me take you on a trip to the CLI ;) As for delete the root, you can, but your computer will be unable to boot ubuntu or windows until you get an install going or restore your windows mbr09:07
byonixanyone knows a repo for cairo?09:08
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troubledCalix: chmod 440 /etc/sudoers09:08
nickrudCalix, boot a live cd, mount the partition, and sudo chmod 0640 /<mntpoint>/etc/sudoers09:08
troubledtonyyarusso: persistant....09:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cairo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:08
gvsa123nickrud: aha! had we used a hardlink, in the event that i remove the audio script, it would still be present because the link refers to the contents itself and not just the filename. so i guess windows uses softlinks when shortcuts are created then...09:08
nickrudCalix, erm, 0440 :)09:08
nickrudgvsa123, yes; and nearly all the links in ubuntu are soft links as well09:08
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Calixthanks nick09:09
massstroubled  ok i deleted both, and shutted down   now its sleeping time because the wake up time is not that fat09:09
Calixwould it work to just login in single user mode or do i gotta actually boot from live?09:09
troubledmasss: heh np. gl with it. maybe you can catch me around later.09:10
nickrudgvsa123, although I don't think windows uses soft links, it's more like a file that points, iirc (I use windows as little as possible)09:10
masssaite @++ man gl to you to09:10
LukeEkbladdose anyone know why my firefox keeps crashing?09:10
troubledyou too, l8r09:10
Geek_actually windows has hardlinks *and* softlinks. there's no easy interface for hardlinks though09:11
cyberjamesjus tupgrade09:11
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detuneyourradioI am having a problem with DVD playback ... gives me the error about not having libdvdcss even though I have that installed correctly (following the Feisty guide) ... can anyone offer some help?09:11
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gvsa123nickrud: i also noticed that i'm using it less and less everyday i spend on my ubuntu, even if it has more modest specs and even though i just got more RAM for my xp notebook (which i am actually prepping up for a ubuntu install after i finish my lectures this semester... haha)09:12
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OrionBerlincan somebody help me, i have a problem with gcc and g++ http://nopaste.php-quake.net/337109:12
byonixevery time i try ro download with firefox, it failed, how come, it looks doing succesfull download and very fast, bur the file size is zero Kb09:12
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nickrudgvsa123, I run vista in a vmware machine when I do run windows. I like the concept of it09:12
OrionBerlinI need to link gcc that it uses gcc-2.95 and g++ that it use g++-2.95 but how it work?09:12
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byonixnickrud, i have problem with vmware, the free space09:13
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byonixi mean the lack of free space09:14
byonixevery time i try to download with firefox, it failed, how come, it looks doing succesfull download and very fast, but the file size is zero Kb09:14
nickrudOrionBerlin, sudo update-alternatives --config cc and also cc++09:14
LukeEkbladMy firefox keeps crashing, dose anyone knoe how i can fix this?09:15
gvsa123nickrud: i haven't gone through vmwares and other stuff. i decided i'd put them off for a while as i get a grasp of ubuntu first. so far i'm passed the stage of being productive with ubuntu.... well i did successfully setup a p2p between them. :)09:15
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nickrudgvsa123, hah. vmware was deceptively easy for vista. Just tell the machine to use the real cd drive, boot it, and put in the disk :)09:15
OrionBerlinnickrud no alternative found for gcc09:16
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nickrudOriona, cc09:16
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gvsa123nickrud: like a live cd?09:16
OrionBerlinnickrud same.09:16
bosonDoes anyone here know anything about ATX power supplies? I realize that this is #ubuntu but I don't know where to ask =)09:16
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nickrudOrionBerlin, ls /etc/alternatives/cc09:16
dfletcherI cannot believe how good wine has gotten recently :D http://www.splendora.com/files/gaming.png09:16
OrionBerlinls: /etc/alternatives/cc: No such file or directory09:17
nickrudgvsa123, no, you allocate disk space for the vista install. It's like running the os inside a file09:17
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byonixnickrud, i have just finished downloading a file with xp in my vmware server, how can i get it out from the vmware server?09:17
airwaffleif anyone was interested in my solution to my wireless issue earlier two things needed to be fixed: 1.) I had to be root and run ndiswrapper -m as for some reason, wlan0 alias was not being performed09:17
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airwaffleand 2.) I added custom rule BUS=="usb", SYSFS{idProduct}=="000e", SYSFS{idVendor}=="13b1", RUN+="/bin/sh -c 'echo 1 > /sys/$devpath/device/bConfigurationValue'"09:17
airwaffleto prevent powersaving on wireless device09:18
nickrudOrionBerlin, then you don't have the regular gcc, and your gcc 2.95 (old, old!) doesn't fit into the alternatives system natively, so I don't know what to tell you09:18
byonixnickrud, i have just finished downloading a file with xp in my vmware server, how can i get it out (the downloaded file) from the vmware server?09:18
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gvsa123nickrud: allocate disk space for the installation of vista inside ubuntu as a file? and use vmware to run vista?09:18
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gvsa123nickrud: like you have the whole of vista as a file inside linux?09:18
asfalthi all i think relatively simple question, is there a script to control enabling startup of services at boot? for example i installed proftpd and run in standalone mode not through inetd and noticed it runs on start up, can i easily do this with some command/script or do i need remove executable bit from proftpd files in /etc/init.d at relevant run levels? i just don't want it to run on boot yet09:18
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nickrudbyonix, haven't had to look into that yet ;) but there's a network connection between my ubuntu and the vista ; I'll try ssh when I do09:19
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gvsa123asfalt: i think there's an option in sessions for that...09:19
nickrudgvsa123, exactly. Actually, it's 16 2gb files09:19
OrionBerlinnickrud, okay i try a bit maybe it work :)09:19
OrionBerlinnickrud, thanks for the help09:19
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byonixnickrud, tell me when you have okay09:19
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nickrudgvsa123, and a another file; I have it on an external so I don't remember the size09:20
asfaltgvsa123 this is on a ubuntu server, there is no gui for me if thats the gnome sessions option you are thinking about09:20
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gvsa123asfalt: ooopsss... just new around here... :)09:20
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nickrudasfalt, rename the symlink in /etc/rc2.d that starts proftpd to K<number>proftpd until you want to change it back (that'll record what number it should start as)09:21
asfaltgvsa123 i think i am thinking of a command similiar to chkconfig which features in redhat09:21
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nickrudasfalt, you can also install bum09:22
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asfaltnickrud thanks i was thinking of doing that, was hoping there was an easier way then renaming/stopping the runlevel files manually ;)09:22
gvsa123asfalt: uhuh.... lost me there... lol09:22
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nickrudasfalt, bum, rcconf, sysv-sys-init (I think) and others :)09:22
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asfalterm stopping i thought if i chmod them -x then they won't run09:22
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XMFk, hello, i have a belkin f5d750 wireless adapter that im trying to use in my lap with 7.04 installed, it recognizes it installs some drivers but doesnt connect to any connection, now there are a bunvh of tutorials on how to fix it but from within ubuntu and asuming that you have a working internet connection besides the wireless one already, anyone know of a way to get all the apps needed on a cd from my windows machine?09:22
nickrudasfalt, yeah, but then you'd through up spurious errors, not elegant09:23
asfaltnickrud ahh i see changes the startup style to that of sysv init? ;)09:23
nickrudasfalt, it is sysv init system09:23
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HoboBenHello, I want to install SwiftFox. I have an Intel Centrino Duo processor - which build do I download?09:23
asfaltbit scared to do do that on a colocated server i have no physicall access to hmmm09:23
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nickrudHoboBen, i38609:24
nickrudHoboBen, or i686 if they have it09:24
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HoboBennickrud, thank you muchly09:24
bosonDoes anyone know anything about 20/24pin ATX power connections?09:24
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XMFbasically i need to do this: http://ubuntu-unleashed.blogspot.com/2007/08/howto-setup-belkin-wireless-g-f5d7050.html but i dont have a working internet connection to do it with09:24
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XMFi only have this windows machine09:25
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=== nickrud only got his wireless working today, for the very first time
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scipioXMF, if you know exactly what packages you need you can download them on a cd or a partition you have access too from packages.ubuntu.com09:25
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scipioand then install from there09:26
HoboBennickrud, all I see is names like swiftfox-pentium3, swiftfox-athlon-xp - (http://getswiftfox.com/builds/debian/packages)09:26
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asfalti think i just found something that might just do it automatically nickrud. update-rc.d09:27
XMFthanks scipio09:27
nickrudHoboBen, for sure the pentium4, and I'd assume the prescott would work09:27
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HoboBennickrud, thanks, I'll try that.09:28
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nickrudasfalt, yeah that's the "debian" way. It's more of a tool for scripts, but update-rc.d proftpd remove will do the job09:28
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scipioXMF, it looks easy. basically you download the build-essential package from the site i gave you. and the other 2 packages you need you download them normally - use the link in the browser. (the link used with wget in the guide)09:29
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Layer8hi all09:29
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Layer8how can I set up a vnc server that runs user-independent?09:29
Layer8im using feisty09:29
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nickrud!ops | sl309:29
ubotusl3: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici09:29
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Geek_too lare ;)09:30
nickrudah, I turn off join/part.09:30
Geek_Layer8: VNC doesn't do that. you want to connect to the X server remotely, or use freenx09:30
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Layer8Geek_, what does freenx do?09:30
Geek_Layer8: its a really neat remote access software.09:31
nickrudwell, I've enjoyed wireless for the first time, carrying this thing from place to place. Later all09:31
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ubotuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX09:31
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ramanHiiiii allll09:32
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SlartI have a mouse that sometimes double-clicks when I do a single click. I'd like to keep this mouse so I was wondering if there was a way of filter mouse actions so that double clicks with a short enough time between the clicks are interpreted as a single click instead?09:32
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Layer8Geek_, isnt there a package for feisty?09:32
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Slartoh, and I'm running ubuntu 7.04, 64-bit09:33
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scipioSlart, system-preferences-mouse. you can set the delay for double click09:34
scipioif i understood that correctly..09:35
Slartscipio: thanks but that's not what I'm looking for. I want to filter out double clicks with a very short time between the clicks..09:35
scipioyes i figured that after i read your question again :)09:35
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scipioi dont how to do it though09:36
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staingcan someone help me hibernate my laptop09:37
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CyberMadhow to fax from ubuntu? i use hylafax as fax server09:37
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GreySimIs there an easy way to remove everything installed from a given repository?09:37
CyberMad*how to do09:37
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Slarthmm.. there is a "Bounce keys" setting that discards duplicate keypresses within a certain time limit.. but nothing for mouse clicks..09:38
SlartI should exchange my broken mouse for a broken keyboard =)09:38
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Geek_Layer8: ya, see the link for a howto09:39
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Calixdoes anyone know of a tool similar to charon for linux that sorts through large lists of proxy's to determine anonymous ones?09:40
DerangedDingostaing: are you having a particular problem with the normal System > Quit > Hibernate?09:40
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mvipanyone knows how to sync passwords between Samba and the system w/o having to use LDAP or NIS09:44
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skinnypuppy1334_What would cause this when trying to install a program?09:47
skinnypuppy1334_checking for gcc... gcc09:47
skinnypuppy1334_checking for C compiler default output file name...09:47
skinnypuppy1334_configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables09:47
skinnypuppy1334_See `config.log' for more details09:47
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scipioskinnypuppy1334_, sudo aptitude install build-essential09:47
scipiothen try again09:47
skinnypuppy1334_thanks scipio09:48
scipioyou're welcome09:48
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vltHello. I have installed Feisty and need to access an LVM volume. `lvmiopversion` return "0". How do I activate lvm?09:57
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vltWhich module do I need to `modprobe` to activate LVM?09:58
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vltkernel is 2.6.20-16-generic09:58
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IRCFrEAKhi I want to install sun jdk on ubuntu server, but can't find any package...09:58
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wolfsonganyone using wicd with a hidden ssid?09:59
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skinnypuppy1334_Can I install GTK + 2.8 or higher into dapper? I don't see it in synaptic and a program needs it10:00
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westwesthow to change the boot up logo Edubuntu to Unbuntu?10:05
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vltHello. I have installed Feisty and need to access an LVM volume. `lvmiopversion` return "0". How do I activate lvm?10:06
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Adlaiwestwest: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=com.ubuntu%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&hs=HRI&q=change+ubuntu+bootsplash&btnG=Search10:07
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vltI've just installed lvm2. Do I need a reboot after that?10:07
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edus87i have read this page in ubuntu forum. is true?? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=508576&highlight=strange+noise10:08
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vir_guli have a problem installing ubuntu can somebody help me?10:09
Extravertwoohoo gnome xchat is buggy like crazy10:09
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cirrus_vir_gul: can you describe your problem in detail?10:09
vir_guli'll try ..it's something about X10:09
sacredheartyo, if I want to add more source-nets to an acl in snmpd.conf, can I just comma separate them? like this: com2sec readonly, publicsnmp10:09
vir_gulit says that it isn't configured properly10:10
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cirrus_vir_gul: Is the system installed then, but you now have errors starting the desktop? Also what video card?10:10
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vir_gulcirrus_ i have a fujitsu siemens with an ati10:11
edus87"Ubuntu is killing your hard disk" --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=508576&highlight=strange+noise10:12
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vir_gulcirrus_ it isn't intstaled10:12
edus87is true?10:12
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cirrus_vir_gul: do you know the exact ATI card model? It might be unsupported (bad luck)10:12
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vir_gulcirrus_ x1400 i guess10:13
HaYZaMopenMCU <<< anyone has any experiences ?10:13
Adlaivir_gul: sudo aptitude install xorg-driver-fglrx10:13
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Adlaithen edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and change 'Driver "vesa"' to 'Driver "fglrx"'10:14
vir_gulcirrus_ i had 6.06 and i had some problems but at least i could install it10:14
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Adlaior better yet, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and select "fglrx" at the opportune time10:14
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AdlaiI guess I'm supposed to warn you that they are Restricted Drivers, so Watch Out! (but it's the only way you'll be able to use X so I guess you're kind of stuck, huh?)10:15
cirrus_vir_gul: Adlai's instructions are good , if you can install using a generic driver (no 3d acceleration during the initial install)... It sounds like the Live CD is crashing on startup though? can you give more details on the steps you take before the crash?10:15
=== Adlai shakes fist at ATI
skinnypuppy1334_how can I tell what GTK version I am running on dapper?10:15
Adlaicirrus_: my card is an x1400, and the vesa (generic) driver does not support it10:16
Adlaifglrx is necessary to get an X session10:16
Adlaithe only other alternative is the Alternate Install disc10:16
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Adlaiwhich is...not a bad option, actually10:16
cirrus_There we go then, vir_gul needs the Alternate Install image?10:17
edus87what you can tell me about this forum page?? ==> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=508576&highlight=strange+noise10:17
cirrus_(I am using Nvidia so don't have experience with the fglrx driver)10:17
vir_gulyes , it fails on start up10:17
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Adlaivir_gul: did you read what I said?10:17
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Adlaiit should come up with a text-based blue screen that asks if you want to see error logs or something --- say no, go to a terminal, and then do the above10:18
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henkdetankI am trying to install the mysql module in cpan, but i get an error that says "mysql_config vannot be found", what do i have to fill in here, and what is it asking for :S please help me!@10:19
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henkdetankthat would be the Mysql module for perl10:19
cirrus_vir_gul: closest link to the Alternative installer CD is http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download , check the box at the bottom to get the Alternative version10:19
cirrus_it is non graphical10:19
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siimoNo ATI drivers to support Radeon HD 2600 card on Ubuntu? o_X ?10:19
GharbeiaHello, I'm failing to install drupal with aptitude: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)10:19
AdlaiGharbeia: that's a very generic error message, we need more10:20
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cirrus_Gharbeia: Run "sudo apt-get install drupal" and give us the error from that...should be more descriptive10:20
GharbeiaAdlai: How can I get more?10:20
AdlaiGharbeia: look at the rest of the output10:20
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Jordan_Usiimo, I don't know about that model but all ATI cards should be supported ( if you can call it that ) by ATI's closed source drivers10:20
westwestwhat other player beside gxine for real media format?10:20
henkdetankcould anyone tell me where is "mysql_config"??10:20
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edus87i have a strange sound when i shutdown my kubuntu feisty. what it might be?10:21
cirrus_henkdetank: /etc/mysql/my.cnf   on ubuntu and other debians10:21
siimoJordan_U: are you shure?   the driver doesn't list this model or any 2xxx models in the support cards10:21
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JackDaniel45lol | msg #gentoo lol10:21
vir_gulthe alternate cd is bootable?10:21
Adlaiedus87: camels10:21
vir_gulsorry for the delay10:21
Adlaiit might be10:22
henkdetankbut, how can i tell perl where that is :S10:22
doug_how do i share files from a ubuntu os to a xp os and both on same router but dif comps10:22
cirrus_vir_gul: yes, i assume it is like the Debian installer with no Live desktop, just a text installer10:22
edus87adlai, what is camels???10:22
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GharbeiaAdlai: Same output:10:22
Adlaiedus87: what _are_ camels10:22
GharbeiaSetting up drupal-5.1 (5.1-0ubuntu2) ...10:22
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edus87yes, sorry10:22
Gharbeiadbconfig-common: writing config to /etc/dbconfig-common/drupal-5.1.conf10:22
GharbeiaReplacing config file /etc/drupal/5.1/sites/default/dbconfig.php with new version10:22
Gharbeiadbconfig-common: flushing administrative password10:22
Gharbeiadpkg: error processing drupal-5.1 (--configure):10:22
Gharbeia subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 110:22
GharbeiaErrors were encountered while processing:10:22
Gharbeia drupal-5.110:22
GharbeiaE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)10:22
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edus87adlai help me10:23
vir_guli'll try this way ...thanks a lot10:23
Adlai!paste | Gharbeia10:23
ubotuGharbeia: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:23
cirrus_vir_gul: welcome, good luck10:23
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cirrus_Gharbeia, if you aren't worried about losing config from previous Drupal installation attempts, just sudo rm -rf /etc/drupal before you run aptitude (or apt-get)10:24
Adlaiedus87: I have no idea what noise your computer is making; calm down, I'm going to bed10:24
cirrus_Looks like the package manager is choking on old config10:24
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henkdetanki am trying to install Mysql module for perl, but it says it can't find mysql_config, and i dont know how i can tell where to find it10:24
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SlimeyPeteedus87: what's the sound?10:24
cirrus_henkdetank: Try sudo apt-get install libdbd-mysql-perl10:25
cirrus_that is the perl mysql interface10:25
edus87its hard to explain..10:25
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edus87like a whistle maybe10:25
henkdetankok, is that the same as installing it in cpan?10:25
edus87only when i shutdown10:25
henkdetankthe same one?10:25
cirrus_henkdetank: Basically, except that Ubuntu will handle the updates...10:25
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henkdetankill try10:26
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viktorhow to configure my tv card ?10:26
SlimeyPeteedus87: it's probably a sound made by your hardware rather than kubuntu10:26
GharbeiaHmm. OK10:26
edus87i don't understand properly10:26
edus87rather than kubuntu?10:26
cirrus_edus87: Fans get really noisy when they are old, maybe try opening your case and unplug a case fan10:26
Jordan_Uedus87, Is the sound coming from the speakers?10:27
edus87i have an acer quite new10:27
edus87maybe from the speakers10:27
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:27
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Jordan_Uedus87, Knowing that would help to narrow down the possibilities10:28
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edus87what about the hd?10:29
edus87might be??10:29
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici10:29
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edus87may be it linked to my problem? --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=508576&highlight=strange+noise10:31
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cirrus_edus87: honestly it doesn't sound like an Ubuntu issue. If you have a Windows installation you could try booting to that and see if the noise persists... without much more information we can't help10:31
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AnAntHello, I installed Feisty in an Asus laptop that has an Intel 945GM graphics card, I got a problem, the X server won't start saying "VESA(0): No matching modes", I found out from xorg.conf that it got detected as a "vesa" card, so I tried changing it to "i810", I got this error "No devices detected", can someone help please ?10:32
edus87no, only on kubuntu shutdown10:32
martin_hi guys, i'm trying to get my Intel pro 3945ABG wireless controller working, the driver that comes with feisty is installed and running correctly, and my network and signal strength is detected by wifi radar, i just had no idea how to actually connect to the network, any help would be great10:32
jonathan_somebody help me10:32
jonathan_E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)10:32
jonathan_E: Unable to lock the list directory10:32
cirrus_jonathan: Your update manager is already running10:32
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martin_use sudo10:33
jonathan_I'm not using the update manager even the synaptic10:33
gordonjcpjonathan_: are you sure?10:33
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Gharbeiacirrus_: I tried that, and I choose to update /etc/drupal/5.1/sites/default/dbconfig.php from package, then I got this: cp: cannot create regular file `/etc/drupal/5.1/sites/default/dbconfig.php': No such file or directory10:33
cirrus_if you're running it with sudo as martin suggests, make sure you don't have any unfinished apt-get, dpkg or any other package manage processes in other terminals10:33
edus87when i boot ubuntu livecd, how can i start xvesa drivers instead xorg??10:34
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dj_hi all10:34
kauerjonathan_: are you running as root?10:34
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kauerjonathan_: you will get exactky those messages if you try to run as a normal user.10:35
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martin_can anyone help with my problem? I think the wireless network card drivers are fine, and are definatley running, i just need to know how to activate a wireless connection10:35
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jonathan__nope, still can't10:35
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jonathan__even I kill those update manager10:35
kauerjonathan_: Run "ps ax" and eyeball theresults fro apt-get, synaptics etc. Maybe some part of one his somehow still hanging around.10:35
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edus87when i boot ubuntu livecd, how can i start xvesa drivers instead xorg??10:36
mattyveven better, try 'ps aux | grep dpkg'10:36
cirrus_Gharbeia: Sounds like something may have been caught in the middle when you removed the config? Try "sudo apt-get remove --purge drupal" after that process completes...then remove the /etc/drupal if it still exists, then start the install...10:36
Jordan_Uedus87, Start in "safe graphics mode" from the boot menu10:36
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cirrus_Gharbeia: You might get error with the "remove" if the package is not installed, that's ok.10:37
kauerjonathan_: I've been caught CTL-Zing out to check something nd forgetting....10:37
edus87tahnks jordan10:37
Jordan_Uedus87, np10:37
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edus87np.. what?10:37
kauerjonathan_ and worst case, it really shouldn't survive a reboot....10:37
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Jordan_Uedus87, No Problem :)10:37
edus87ok :-)10:37
cirrus_martin_: Do you see the wireless meter on the menu bar, top right? signal strength display indicates some kind of connection, you can right/left click the applet to do different things like connect to a different network10:38
bullgard4Synaptic says: "dpkg is a package manager" and at another place Synaptic says: "dpkg is a package maintenance system." What is the difference between a 'package' manager' and a 'package maintenance system'?10:38
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dj_bullgard4: same thing10:38
Jordan_Ubullgard4, Nothing10:38
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cirrus_martin_: If your card is supported, it should just automatically come up upon login10:39
jonathan__kauer, try to see this, http://pastebin.ca/67446110:39
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kauerjonathan: This is in yr paste: 5739 ?    SN  0:00 apt-get -qq update10:39
martin_cirrus_: nope, but that may be because i've plugged in an ethernet cable to come on xchat, i can see the signal strength in wifi-radar10:39
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bullgard4dj_ , Jordan_U: Thank you very much for explaining.10:40
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martin_cirrus_: well when i first started restricted manager popped up and i enabled the driver, it just won't connect10:40
AnAntanyone ?10:40
Gharbeiacirrus_: Thanks for the interest, mate. I did try to purge before, but the package is not installed to begin with. Could there be other files that need to be removed first?10:40
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cirrus_martin_: Make sure your wireless access point isn't using features that aren't supported by the proprietary driver (some encryption especially)10:40
dj_AnAnt: sorry, I missed your question.10:40
Jordan_Umartin_, Are you having a problem that network-manager does not see the card?10:41
AnAntHello, I installed Feisty on an Asus laptop that has an Intel 945GM graphics card, I got a problem, the X server won't start saying "VESA(0): No matching modes", I found out from xorg.conf that it got detected as a "vesa" card, so I tried changing it to "i810", I got this error "No devices detected", can someone help please ?10:41
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martin_Jordan_U, network-manager can see the card, i just don't know how to connect10:41
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kauerjonathan; well stop it and try again.10:41
dj_AnAnt: the section's labels inside the xorg.conf file have to correspond to each other. You can't just run around and rename stuff deliberately :)10:41
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cirrus_Gharbeia: Well from the error messages it seems like there is conflict with existing files; but you have removed anything in the way, so I'm at a loss... is the package from the official repositories?10:42
Jordan_UAnAnt, Try using "intel" ( you may need to install xorg-driver-intel , I don't know if it comes by default )10:42
martin_Jordan_U, network-manager also detects the network10:42
AnAntdj_: I didn't rename, I just changed the Driver type10:42
cirrus_Gharbeia: Frankly you might have more mileage with the official Drupal tarball from drupal.org at this point..10:42
doug_how can i share files and folders from one comp to another one using xp and another using ubuntu10:42
Jordan_Umartin_, What happens when you click on the network in network-manager?10:42
Tomcat_AnAnt: See this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/i915Driver10:42
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kauerdoug_ : Use Samba to provide shares to the Windows box, use smbfs or cifs to mount your windows shares.10:43
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Gharbeiacirrus_: Yes. I am confused too :) I thought to get this installed first since I know very little about setting up LAMP, but alas10:43
Gharbeiacirrus_: Thanks anyway :)10:43
kauerjonathan: How is it going?10:43
dj_AnAnt: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg10:43
doug_kauer does xp have to have samba too?10:43
martin_Jordan_U, nothing, i just don't get a connection, i can't even ping my router10:43
kauerdoug_: No, Samba does the sharing on the Linux side, smbfs or cifs (those are filesystem types, used with mount) can connect to windows shares from the linux side10:44
Jordan_Umartin_, Do you know what the interface is called ( wifi0, ath0 etc ) ?10:44
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doug_ah ok kauer thnks10:44
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kauerdoug_ You don't need anything extra on the windows side.10:45
Jordan_Umartin_, What do you get from "sudo dhclient eth1" after "connecting" with network-manager ?10:45
Dimenhello..  I have question about mounting my harddrive on my laptop while using the ubuntu live CD..  I just don't know how to do it without it giving me errors and in /dev is shows a red X on hda and hda110:45
cirrus_Gharbeia: Well LAMP itself is trivial to install on Ubuntu... but it definitely sounds as if there is some bug in the script for the drupal package that you are trying to install... based on what you have said.10:45
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martin_Jordan_U, i'll disconnect from wired to check, 1 sec10:45
Jordan_UDimen, You should be able to just double click it in Places -> Computer10:45
AnAntJordan_U: there is no driver called "intel", no package name contains the words "xorg" & "intel", there is the "xorg-video-i810" though, which is installed10:45
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Jordan_Umartin_, Please use Pastebin BTW, ( do NOT post it to the channel directly )10:46
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cirrus_Gharbeia: To make sure you don't have bad package data, do "sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoclean" before the "install"... and make sure the package is coming from the official repositories, not third party .deb repositories10:46
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Jordan_UAnAnt, Sorry, the package is "xserver-xorg-video-intel"10:47
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Jordan_UAnAnt, Unless you are not using Feisty10:47
AnAntJordan_U: is that on Feisty ? I don't see it10:47
DimenJordan_U:  it shows ubuntu, Desktop, File System and usbdisk (i connected an external HD..) ..  "Computer" isn't an option10:48
Jordan_UAnAnt, You need universe enabled10:48
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AnAntJordan_U: ok10:48
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Gharbeiacirrus_: I only use offical repos10:48
martin_Jordan_U, http://pastebin.com/m152c20b810:48
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Jordan_UDimen, What File System?10:49
cirrus_Gharbeia: Feisty? I'd like to try reproducing the problem on my Feisty10:49
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DimenJordan_U, I just formatted it fat32 (from a 98 boot disk) and nothing is on the drive..10:49
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Gharbeiacirrus_: Yes, Feisty. But let me give you this first, Iwas just able to purge it on apt-get, but not on aptitude. Does this make any sense?10:50
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Jordan_UDimen, Ok, run "sudo fdisk -l" or use Gparted to find the device name ( /dev/whatever )10:50
cirrus_Yes, those two often make different decisions w/r/t packages... heh10:50
Jordan_UGharbeia, No, how did you try to purge it with apt-get? sudo apt-get remove --purge <package> ?10:51
Gharbeiacirrus_: I'll try to apt-get install then10:51
cirrus_Before you do, verify that /etc/drupal is gone10:51
cirrus_Unless you got a warning about "not empty.." it should be10:51
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Gharbeiacirrus_: Yes, did that to purge10:52
DimenJordan_U: it shows Disk /dev/hda: 20.0 GB ...  then below that it shows Device /dev/hda110:52
Gharbeiacirrus_: Itried with apt-get install. Same error again10:53
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mypapitsux sux b00m10:53
DimenJordan_U: it shows it as W95 FAT32 (LBA) as well for the system10:53
Jordan_UDimen, Ok, try this, first make a directory where you want it mounted "sudo mkdir /media/hda1" then run "sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/hda1"10:53
gordonjcpis phpdocumentor packaged for ubuntu?10:53
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cirrus_Gharbeia: I seem to have got past the step where you have a problem... having not tried to install Drupal on this system in the past..10:54
cirrus_Gharbeia: Creating config file /etc/drupal/5.1/sites/default/dbconfig.php with new version10:54
cirrus_The install completed for me10:54
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Gharbeiacirrus_: Odd10:54
DimenJordan_U: do i need to mount the hda or the hda1 in /dev?10:55
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Jordan_UDimen, hda1, hda is the drive ( which can't be mounted ) and hda1 is the first ( in this case only ) partition on the drive10:55
cirrus_Gharbeia: You said earlier you chose to update that file, that implies that apt presented you with a dialog? I had no such option... I installed using "sudo apt-get install drupal-5.1"... for what it's worth.10:56
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DimenJordan_U:  Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it!  it worked :)10:56
AnAntJordan_U: ok, I installed xserver-xorg-driver-intel, and changed the driver to "intel" still, won't work, saying "No devices detected"10:57
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Gharbeiacirrus_: Yes, Idid get a choice, to use the package version or my version (which is really a package version from an old attemp, so should make no difference)10:57
Jordan_UAnAnt, Did you just change your xorg.conf manually or did you run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh" ?10:58
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cirrus_Gharbeia: Ahhh now we're getting somewhere.10:58
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AnAntJordan_U: tried both10:58
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cirrus_Gharbeia: Run "dpkg -l | grep drupal" and tell me the package names returned...10:58
Jordan_UAnAnt, Did it work on the LiveCD or did you use the alternate installer?10:59
AnAntJordan_U: I did it manually first, then I run dpkg-reconfigure and it resulted in same xorg.conf file10:59
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AnAntJordan_U: alternate10:59
cirrus_dpkg -l merely prints a list of packages10:59
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Gharbeiacirrus_: drupal-5.110:59
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ari_stresshello guys11:00
ari_stressis it possible: the network cable is unplugged, but we can still the ip address of eth0 in ifconfig11:00
ari_stressin suse we can achive this by turning off network manager11:01
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cirrus_Gharbeia: Ok, that is good to verify - no other packages in the way... Sorry for the obvious question but you do not have a near-full disk or anything else that would prevent writing to that file?11:01
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Jordan_Uari_stress, I don't understand what you are trying to do, Ubuntu uses network-manager also11:01
limpkinhi everybody11:02
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limpkini've a small problem11:02
ari_stressJordan_U: i need to setup some virtual ip. it works only if i plug the cable in11:02
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limpkini don't have the small icon to install linux when i'm on the livecd of ubuntu11:02
Menth7.04 cd?11:02
limpkinso... i can't install it11:03
cirrus_Gharbeia: Also what is the code printed next to "drupal-5.1" (i.e. ii, rc, etc)11:03
cirrus_from dpkg -l output11:03
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AnAntJordan_U: I used the alternate installer CD11:03
Gharbeiacirrus_: Ilike your logic :) No, not on the root partition. My /home is complaining as usual11:03
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limpkini guess it's because i had to install the ati drivers before launching the X server11:03
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limpkinso the icons aren't here anymore :(11:04
martin_Jordan_U, http://pastebin.com/m152c20b8 -- that's the output from sudo dhclient eth111:04
Frogzooari_stress: unplugging the ether cable won't change your ip settings11:04
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ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate11:04
wkbode65I have had ubuntu installed on a dual boot at work on a dell optiplex gx620 I had to upgrade my graphics card for a windows application from the onboard intel chipset to a radeon x155011:04
Gharbeiacirrus_: pi  drupal-5.1                                 5.1-0ubuntu2                           a fully-featured content management framework11:05
Jordan_Umartin_, Can you pastebin the output of "iwevent" while you disconnect then reconnect with network manager?11:05
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ari_stressFrogzoo: yes it wont change it, but also it makes the setting inaccessible, when i do ifconfig, eth0 doesnt show the ip address11:05
wkbode65if I boot from the ubuntu cd it works from windows it works but when I boot normally into ubuntu it does not11:05
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martin_Jordan_U, ok thanks, brb11:05
ubuntu_kgi need a little help11:06
ari_stressi need to make the ip address accessible from my localhost, even when the cable is unplugged11:06
limpkinnot in the link you gave me ubotu, thx anyway11:06
wkbode65Can I change the driver by booting from cd and chnaging a file on the harddrive11:06
wkbode65or can I make the chnage from wondows?11:06
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ubuntu_kgcan some of you tell me how to chage resolution of the screen11:06
Frogzooari_stress: that's strange, must be network manager doing something odd11:07
warblerwkbode65: grub has a rescue option - use that11:07
ari_stressFrogzoo: i suspect so, that's why in suse we need to turn off network-manager to achieve that11:07
ari_stressbut i dont know how to do it in ubuntu11:07
Jordan_Uubuntu_kg, What GFX card? you probably just need the drivers installed11:08
ubuntu_kgnvidia gf mx44011:08
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ubuntu_kgand i instaleld driver11:08
wkbode65Warbler: how do I access grub?11:08
cirrus_Gharbeia: What happens when you run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure drupal-5.1" (The idea is to go to a lower level package manager in hopes of a better automatic resolution to the problem)11:08
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cirrus_It might complain about not installed, so can't configure... I'm not sure there.11:08
warblerwkbode65: grub is the multiboot menu11:09
Jordan_Uari_stress, To disable network-manager for a given interface just set it to static in System -> Administration -> Networking, or to disable nm completely just uninstal it11:09
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wkbode65I have another question11:09
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martin__Jordan_U, it magically started working for some reason! any ideas why? i don't want to be at square 1 after a restart11:09
warblerwkbode65: it is what lets tou pick ubuntu or windows11:10
wkbode65is it ieasy to chnage the order that the boot items appear and work in grub?11:10
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ari_stressJordan_U: ok i'll try it11:10
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:10
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Jordan_Umartin_, No, but keep the output from iwevent, that way if it doesn't work another time we can see if network manager sent different commands to the wireless card11:10
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martin__Jordan_U, ahh ok, thanks for the help11:11
cirrus_wkbode65: back up your /boot/grub/menu.lst, then you can edit it to rearrange entries (near bottom of file)11:11
wkbode65thank you very much I shall look into this I appreciate your help Warbler11:11
martin__is it worth tempting fate and restarting?11:11
Jordan_Umartin_, np11:11
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warblerwkbode65: k lol11:11
Jordan_Umartin_, Well, it is in the name of science! :)11:12
Gharbeiacirrus_: Iget:drupal-5.1 is broken or not fully installed11:12
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uenyiohajoin #regex11:13
cirrus_Gharbeia: Ok that is not entirely unexpected. Let's try purging it once more. "sudo apt-get remove --purge drupal-5.1" and make sure you answer "yes" to any questions about removing the databases entirely. After that, "dpkg -l|grep drupal" should return nothing.11:13
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cirrus_Do you have MySQL and Apache already installed and known to work?11:14
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Gharbeiacirrus_: and they are running11:17
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cirrus_Gharbeia: Missed your previous message, I think... I was going to have you do another purge and then try to install it manually with dpkg ... did you get the "sudo apt-get remove --purge drupal-5.1" completed again?11:18
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cirrus_Make sure you answer yes to any questions about final removal of the database elements...11:19
Gharbeiacirrus_: I did. It did complete and the dpkg returned nothing11:19
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cirrus_Gharbeia: There is another way to install the package that we can try; also i'd like to verify the exact answers you give during the installation dialogs;    "cd /var/cache/apt/archives"   "sudo dpkg -i drupal-5.1_5.1-0ubuntu2_all.deb"11:20
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gehel_hello ! I'm trying to build a preseed for ubuntu 7.04 server. During install, OpenOffice is pulled (as described in bugs #67960 and #42915)11:21
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gehel_Do you know how to fix that, or where to find infos on the following of those bugs ?11:21
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cirrus_Gharbeia: My system is configured with no password for the mysql "root" user, so I leave those fields blank during the drupal package install. First question "Configure database with dbconfig-common" I say yes... Database type I say "mysql"... Password blank... Application password blank... Web server to configure "apache2"...  and that is all the questions the installer asks me11:22
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Gharbeiacirrus_: it asks me the same questions. I provide the password. It stopped in the same place11:23
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cirrus_Gharbeia: I note that the next line after the error you see is the database access ... it may be that that is the real error... here for example:11:24
cirrus_granting access to database drupal51 for drupal51@localhost: success.11:24
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cirrus_Perhaps create that user by hand before you run the installer?11:24
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cirrus_Gharbeia: Or otherwise ensure that you are giving data that will actually work for login to the database. I'd explore that angle since there doesn't seem to be any real problem with file setup for the package. I'm off to another "project" now but best of luck. And if all else fails you can just install the upstream tarball. :O11:25
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Gharbeiacirrus_: Thanks again for walking through this with me :)11:26
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AnAntHello, I installed Feisty on an Asus laptop that has an Intel 945GM graphics card, I got a problem, the X server won't start saying "VESA(0): No matching modes", I found out from xorg.conf that it got detected as a "vesa" card, so I tried changing it to "i810", I got this error "No devices detected", can someone help please ?11:29
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AnAntalso I installed xserver-xorg-video-intel, and tried the "intel" driver, same problem as with i81011:30
AnAntand I modprobe'd intelfb, still no change11:30
bullgard4/etc/fstab includes a line "/dev/scd0  /media/cdrom0  udf,iso9660 user,noauto  0  0" After inserting a data CD another Disk mounter applet appears and its tooltip informs: "CD drive not mounted." How can I mount this CD now?11:31
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s-tonedInserting text with middle mouse button or with Shift-Insert does sometimes the same and sometimes not. How do I configure this behaviour?11:34
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yeniklasorrWhen compiling a source is it possible to look first its dependencies11:35
alagshi, i have the iso image (text-based)  in a  network. i have my shell in my box. how do i install ubuntu from that?11:35
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warblerAnAnt: any other video card on the machine?11:36
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karudI'm installing ubuntu on my intel mac -- boot camp is up, refit is up, liveCD is in, until when i press the install option, it goes into a shell?11:38
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karudAny idea what's wrong?11:38
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AnAntwarbler: no11:38
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karudWhen I hit "Install ubuntu" from the LiveCD, i get a blank screen followed by a shell? Anyone?11:40
shardI'm having problems with a ubuntu server (7.04) install on an old machine. The install runs fine. When it boots up the machine brings up the login prompt but won't accept any input from the keyboard11:41
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jonathan_there is an error11:41
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limpkin_karud, do you have an error message coming from the xserver?11:41
jonathan_ubuntu server indonesia, taiwan, asia11:42
jonathan_is that true?11:42
karudan open shell. seems to function... but, it's doing anything but installing11:42
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VoXshard: what sort of keyboar? at/ps2/usb?11:42
limpkin_karud, enter startx11:42
shardVoX: ps2. it works perfectly through the whole install.11:42
sith-lordthat's a secret11:42
karudI'll give it a try.11:42
karudBe back if that doesn't work I gues... thanks.11:42
VoXshard: if you press ctrl-alt-f1 does it dump you to a terminal?11:42
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Dimenwhen trying to mount a drive, it's saying "mount: you must specify the filesystem type"  (i'm using mount /dev/hda1 /media/hda1)11:43
shardVoX: didn't try that. I thought since the login prompt came up it should accept the login11:44
shardVoX: am starting up machine to try it now11:44
VoXDimen: does the directory /media/hda1 exist?11:44
VoXshard: righto11:44
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shardVoX: no luck11:44
DimenVoX: I used sudo mkdir /media/hda1 to create it..11:45
VoXshard: ok, does the numlock light turn on and off when you press it?11:45
Dimenor so i thought..11:45
Dimenyeah, it's in media11:45
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VoXDimen: type 'mount' on its own, and paste the results into a pastebin11:45
jonathan_ubuntu.indika.net.id error11:45
stefgDimen: you only created a directory, not a filesystem11:45
jonathan_asia server error!11:45
warblerAnAnt: have typed in terminal - sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg - then chosen a video driver from the options11:45
VoXstefg: he's trying to mount the filesystem11:45
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jonathan_what should i do?11:46
shardVoX: nope.11:46
VoXshard: hmm. what motherboard is it?11:46
stefgjonathan: sit back, relax and wait11:46
jonathan_already wait for 3 days!11:46
DimenVoX: not sure what you mean by paste the results into a pastebin..11:46
stefg!mirrors | jonathan_11:46
ubotujonathan_: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive11:47
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VoXDimen: copy and paste the output from mount to: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org11:47
VoXand then put the url in here11:47
shardVoX: an old gigabyte one. takes a socket 370 processor11:48
karudAh, loos like there is an error after all: After I choose install, it goes to a shell after displaying "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off."11:48
stefgDimen: and while you are at it, paste the output of 'sudo fdisk -l' , too11:48
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VoXshard: i'd suggest something doesnt like the ps2 controller or the keyboard. do you have a different keyboard to test?11:48
shardVoX: nope. it seems a bit strange though - the ubuntu installer didn't have any issues at all with the keyboard11:49
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Jonahhey guys, here's a question for you if anyone can help me out... ok how do i get evolution to open web links in the right browser - but i don't use gnome so can't open gconf etc to make changes there??11:49
VoXshard: do you have a ps2->usb convertor?11:49
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Jordan_Ukarud, Are you trying to install or is this an installed system?11:50
karudtrying to install11:50
DimenVoX: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35520/11:50
Jordan_Ukarud, Try the alternate install CD11:50
shardVoX: I'll go and have a rummage around. Will Ubuntu boot fine with a USB keyboard?11:50
karudafter i choose intall ubuntu, i get a blank screen followed by that error and a shell.11:50
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karudI'll try that11:51
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jonathan_somebody help me to change the server address at software sources to [WWW]  ftp://kambing.ui.edu/ubuntu/11:51
VoXshard: yeah, tho you may have to tell your bios not to hault on no-keyboard-found-errors11:51
stefgJonah: since evo is gnomes native email client you'll have to install gconf-editor to be able to configure it, iirc11:51
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stefgJonah: so evo stores its config in the gcnf database11:52
EvaLuaTehow could i get the current path ? i mean, if i'm for example in /home/myname/, is there a variable that contains this path ?11:53
VoXEvaLuaTe: 'pwd'11:53
Jordan_UEvaLuaTe, pwd11:53
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VoXDimen: what filesystem is the disc you're trying to mount?11:53
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EvaLuaTethanks VoX, Jordan_U :)11:54
Dimenit's FAT3211:54
Jordan_U !terminal > EvaLuaTe11:54
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Jordan_UEvaLuaTe, That is a good starter11:54
DimenVoX: FAT32, hda111:54
EvaLuaTeJordan_U, you mean the website ?11:54
shardVoX: many thanks - now working11:54
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stefgDimen: so try 'sudo mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt' and see if this gives an error11:54
Jonahstefg, ok i'll give it a shot11:55
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keitowhat's the *best* torrent client for ubuntu -- I've been using Azureus and it has been erroring with large torrents (3GB) "Disc Allocation Error).11:55
Jonahkeito, transmission11:56
Jordan_UEvaLuaTe, Yes11:56
stefgkeito: Linux -azu needs preallocation on fat32 drives11:56
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Dimenit says "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /devhda1, missing codepage or other error. In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so"11:56
Jonahkeito, unless you don't have open ports, the best encryption torrent client is utorrent which is made to run under wine11:56
Jordan_U!best | keito11:56
ubotukeito: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.11:56
stefgDimen: so i'll assume your partition is toast11:56
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aveci used ubuntu 7.04 and i have linksys wmp54 v.4 wireless card but i cannot connect in my wireless network, i use wpa encryption11:57
Jordan_Ukeito, rtorrent is curses based and has been nothing but stable for me11:57
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Dimenstefg, probably the case...  can i format to fat32 within ubuntu?11:57
Jonahstefg, where do i change the default browser in gconf-editor?11:57
Jordan_UDimen, Yes, Gparted is the easiest way11:57
stefgDimen: sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/hda111:57
aveci have installed wpa-supplicant11:57
Dimenwoah, ok :)11:57
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Jordan_UDimen, But be ABSOLUTELY sure that is the correct drive / partition11:58
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steinchenim using deb since potatoe/woody - with etch i ran into many problems (gfx drivers ati mobility, runtime errors...) - so i tried ubuntu from live dvd.. nice work!! - what about changing completly, give me some hints11:59
Jonahkeito, you can get transmission from synaptic but sometimes the one on www.getdeb.net is more upto date11:59
wkbodeIs it possible to boot from the ubuntu cd and repair an installation on the harddrive to install a new graphics card?11:59
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stefgJonah: usually there's even a separate applet for that. If you want to avoid installing that too on top, i'd search for 'browser' in gconf's search. look up a sensible looking key and edit that  manually11:59
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keitothanks guys i've spotted rtorrent, but i'll look at transmission11:59
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DimenJorday_U: yeah, it's the only drive in the laptop...  i incorrectly applied a dd command using a zip file instead of an image..11:59
ket-warriorokay, am I being thick? how do I burn an iso with k3b?12:00
rayne3rr0rhello I have a quick question about dban can anyone help me out12:00
keitoseen tribbler too but wanted to see if anyone's tried it12:00
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SlimeyPeteket-warrior: there's a "burn image" option in the menus at the top12:00
SlimeyPetecan't remember which menu12:00
ket-warriorSlimeyPete: :-)12:00
steinchenno hints?12:00
ket-warriorI was being thick12:00
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Jonahstefg, i changed what seems to be the default to iceweasel, but it's still not working...12:02
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stefgJonah: ubuntu uses firefox still12:02
Jonahstefg, i know but i've got iceweasel! don't ask hehe12:03
reenignEesreveRare there any user login logs maintained on ubuntu?12:03
wkbodeCan I alter a hard drive installation of ubuntu from booting from an ubuntu cd?12:03
stefgJonah: so better ask in #debian :-)12:03
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Jonahstefg, ok will try there thanks for your help12:03
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HaYZaMHELP <<< openmcu: error while loading shared libraries: libpt.so.1.10.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:04
HaYZaM >>>>12:04
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FrogzooHaYZaM: dpkg -l libpt-1.10.012:06
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avecwhy i can' t see wpa passwod type in network settings?12:07
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nandemonaiavec, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo12:08
patrick_How would I play a video in a tty12:08
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Frogzoopatrick_: you wouldn't12:08
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aveci have installed this packets but nothing12:09
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patrick_Frogzoo: I was given a command to start a sort of X in xinit :1 or something like that12:09
wkbodeI have installed a Saffire radeon x1550 grphics card and now I can't boot in to x or something like that I can boot from CD and wondered or it was possible to update the graphics card drivers or setting from booting from a cd12:09
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nandemonaiavec, Is wpasupplicant installed?12:10
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patrick_Frogzoo: I had to press ctrl+alt+f9 to get to that screen12:10
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nandemonaiavec, And your using nm-applet?12:10
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stefg!ati wkbode12:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ati wkbode - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:10
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stefg!ati | wkbode12:11
ubotuwkbode: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:11
aveci think so12:11
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steinchenso no ubuntu ?12:11
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nandemonaiavec, Follow that guide to the letter and you should be good.12:11
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richeyHi. I'm having a simple but very annoying problem with ubuntu12:12
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nandemonaiavec, It could also be an issue with your wifi device, not all support wpa.12:12
aveci used nm -applet0.6.412:12
avecall its installed12:12
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nandemonaiavec, Hmm, I'd suggest finding out what wifi chipset your using and see if it has wpa support in Linux.12:13
richeyMy Add/Remove Programs button has disappeared from my taskbar! Can anyone help? I just upgraded ubuntu12:13
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avechow  i can found the chipset?12:13
avecmy network card is linksys wmp54g12:14
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:14
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about applications - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:16
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:17
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ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com12:18
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avecmy wireless card Supported12:19
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stefgrichey: upgraded to what version?12:19
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mrmondaywhat is the command to see memory usage?12:20
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stefgfree -m12:20
mrmondaythanks stefg12:20
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richey<stefg> to 7.0.412:22
richeysorry 7.412:22
stefgrichey: right click on the Menu and chhose edit. Probably it's there, but unchecked (thus hidden)12:23
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richeystefg: Tried that already. No luck12:24
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stefgrichey: did you have the ubuntu-desktop metapackage installed before upgrading? That's strongly recommended. if not 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop'12:25
richeyNot 100% sure... I'll give it a try. Thanks12:26
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MindSparkhi, does anyone run webmin ?12:30
ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system12:30
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MindSparkok, thanks12:31
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medflyi wanna write the files in this iso into some directory, edit t hem and make a new iso, what should i do to start?12:36
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richeystefg: Seemed to work. Thanks12:37
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medflyi wanna change some .iso file..12:39
ben__Is there a way to set ubuntu's sound output to mono??12:39
HaYZaMHELP <<<openmcu: error while loading shared libraries: libpt.so.1.10.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory >>>>12:39
beavisarchive manager will unzip the iso12:40
medflybeavis, whats the command for archive manager? and thanks :d12:40
King_InuYashaben__, the sound files determine between stereo, surround, and mono12:40
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stefgmedfly: you can't change .iso's. You can unpack it to a dir, make your changes to the files and the build a new iso from it with mkisofs (or a frontend to it). if it's a bootable image you have to know how to make it bootable again12:41
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medflystefg, yeah, i got that. i just thought people are more likely to answer a short question :-) thanks for the info12:41
beavisright click the iso icon and open with archive manager12:42
medflywell, i opened nautilus, i guess that works too.12:42
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stefgmedfly: mount -o loop -t iso 9660 cdimage.iso /mnt .... find the CD content in /mnt then12:43
stefgmedfly: mount -o loop -t iso9660 cdimage.iso /mnt  rather12:44
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slapfacewareany of you fools from greece?12:45
ubotu#ubuntu-gr  #kubuntu-gr     /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes12:45
gordonjcphey, my utf8 is working12:45
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slapfacewarenobody is there12:45
slapfacewarei guess ubuntu-gr is burnt12:45
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triplc(newbie question) Where is the mailbox file of sendmail? I used to use another distro where all user mail boxes are in /var/spool/mail directory. But I just find that /var/spool/mail, /var/mail empty12:47
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gordonjcptriplc: ubuntu uses postfix, not sendmail12:48
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triplci install sendmail (i do not know postfix)12:48
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t1m0ssomehow amarok won't install mp3 support. Can I do this manually ?'12:52
sphawim goin crazy! Im trying to do my homework, but how the HELL do i set the default spelling check in openoffice to german? How hard is it supposed to be?12:52
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jo_devRhi, where can i find mysql 5.1 deb files12:52
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nandemonai!mp3 | t1m0s12:54
ubotut1m0s: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:54
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medflystefg, im trying to use that, but even if i mount it as read-write it wont let me write it. i tried to copy it to another place, all the files, and its like they disappear or something..12:58
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medflyill try again..12:59
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stefgmedfly: iso9660 is mounted readonly.... as i said: no way of altering a premade .iso. to copy the conten of /mnt use cp -a /mnt /some/new/dir/you/can/write/to01:01
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medflyooh, right, copied it to the wrong location :-)01:01
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Discerer-is there a nice guide or something on setting up a virtual ubuntu thing on my win xp system?01:03
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triplcok, i've uninstalled sendmail, and installed postfix01:03
stefgDiscerer-: you can d/l premade vm's with the default installs.01:03
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slapfacewarenow unisntall postfix, and install exim01:03
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Discerer-oh cool stefg. will that include all programs I need to set the vm up or am I expected to have something before?01:04
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Geek_Discerer-: what vm software?01:05
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stefgDiscerer-: basically there's the  free vmware-player/server. get it from vmware.com, and check for preinstalled ubuntu-vm's there, too. But if you need a localized install (other language than english) you might give google a try01:06
Geek_Discerer-: you need something to run the vm on ;) chosen one yet?01:06
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spheardhey, how do I add mp3 support for feisty01:06
Discerer-actaully I'm completely new to this Geek_ :p but I've heard about vmware :)01:06
RonaldWinAmp 5.35 paused01:06
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:06
Geek_i very strongly recommend vmware server. You can download premade VMs off their site, or install a VM yourself01:06
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MinuteElectronI am installing Ubuntu Server. Once finished can I install DNS server and LAMP server?01:07
Discerer-ok thanks01:07
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)01:07
MinuteElectronyour point?01:08
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SlimeyPeteMinuteElectron: yes. You just install the bind, apache, mysql and php/python/perl packages.01:08
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stefgRead before you ask01:08
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triplchi, after changing the content of /etc/aliases, what command I have to run? I am using postfix?01:09
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triplcI used to run newaliase when I was using sendmail... but now I switch to postfix, and newaliases does not work01:10
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zepmantraUBUNTU SUCKS !01:10
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MinuteElectronWell, that was fast.01:11
PiciThat wasnt very constructive.01:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bacon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:11
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noccygood afternoon... thought i'd try one last time to see if anyone could help me with the problem i'm having01:14
noccyi have a flash card reader, "CardBus bridge: Ricoh Co Ltd RL5c476 II (rev ac)", which refuses to work properly01:14
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slapfacewarenoccy, that is knwon01:15
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noccyis there a solution to that problem? because it seems to work fine besides nothing shows up in /dev that can be mounted?01:15
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DumptruckHello everyone01:16
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DumptruckIs anyone familiar with networking with vmware server?01:16
noccyand i use that card reader to manage my mp3 player (which uses SD/MMC only)01:16
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Dumptruck(not workstation)01:16
Geek_Dumptruck: moderately01:17
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Geek_Dumptruck,  though someone in #vmware might know it better ;)01:17
noccyshould i take that as a no, there are no workarounds? :P01:17
Dumptruckah ha... thanks01:18
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Dumptruckhow do I open #vmware ?  new to mirc and xchat01:18
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stefgnoccy: that is a twofold problem. The reader knows that a card is inserted because a lightswitch is triggered. but there are no drivers for your reader, because Ricoh behaves very stupid in neither telling the specs, nor opensourcing the driver. this reader isn't linux comaptible01:19
Geek_Dumptruck: /join ##vmware01:19
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noccyoh :/ okay01:19
Geek_typinging in /join nameofchannel will join any channel in most irc clients01:19
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Dumptruckalso: is there an easy graphical way to install tar files with ubuntu?01:19
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noccybut some other ricoh readers are, right? so with some luck it might *eventually* be supported?01:19
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noccyDumptruck: is tar xvf not easy enough? :)01:20
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Dumptruckstill new to ubuntu01:21
Dumptrucknot familiar with tar xvf01:21
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noccyDumptruck: just use tar xvf filename.tar in the folder where you'd like to extract it :)01:21
firehawkDumptruck: x - extract, v-verbose output, f - filename you want to extract01:22
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PiciDumptruck: Its akin to installing from a zip file in windows. Its not an installation package.01:22
Xplicithow do i connect a phone via bluetooth, it asks for a pin but i dont get a popup to enter it in01:22
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DumptruckI see01:22
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Dumptruckso I just extract the file to a location and it is installed?01:23
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DumptruckI don't need to sudo bash filename.pl?01:23
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firehawkinstallation is different then extract01:23
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HaYZaMHELP <<< openmcu: error while loading shared libraries: libpt.so.1.10.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:24
HaYZaM  >>>>01:24
stefgDumptruck: what are you trying to install?01:24
=== davefloyd is off ... outside for a while ;P ... hf you all & cya laterrrrrrr ;D
Dumptruckvmware workstation01:24
firehawkhow to configure nvidia-glx01:24
stefgfirehawk: which ubuntu-version?01:25
Pici!away > davefloyd01:25
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stefgfirehawk: there's the restricted drivers applet in the system menu01:25
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firehawkyes and it says your hardware does not need restricted rivers01:26
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firehawki have downloaded nvidia-glx01:27
Dumptruckdoes vm-workstation even work with fiesty?01:27
firehawkbut i want to understand is how to configure it ?01:27
zirodayfirehawk: run gksudo nvidia-settings01:27
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beavisworkstation works perfectly with fiesty01:28
firehawkthanks will try :)01:28
stefgfirehawk: nvidia-settings is a graphical frontend, from the cli it's sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:28
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firehawkok.. thanks stefg :-)01:29
Dumptruckbeavis: was it you yesterday that mentioned I should use samba to share files between host and virtual machine?01:29
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beavisnot necessary with workstation01:29
akoshello! I can't install firefox-dom because there is package confilct (firefox is 2.0.05, firefox-dom need <
beavisdrag and drop works nicely01:29
beavisor cut paste, which ever takes your fancy really :-)01:30
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stefgakos: you prabably do not have the security.ubuntu.com repos enabled or need a sudo apt-get update01:32
Dumptruckwait I can just cut and paste into the virtual machine???01:32
stefg!info firefox-dom-inspector01:32
Dumptruckthat is brilliant01:32
ubotufirefox-dom-inspector: tool for inspecting the DOM of pages in Mozilla Firefox. In component universe, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 237 kB, installed size 2644 kB01:32
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stefg^ akos ^01:32
arunIf I burn a data DVD using the in-built DVD burner in Ubuntu, will the CD work in Windows as well? Do I need a special setting to ensure that it does?01:32
Piciakos: What version of Ubuntu are your running?01:32
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Piciarun: It should work fine.01:32
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beavisDumptruck: only with workstation, doesn't seem to work with server01:33
arunPici: alright, thanks01:33
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Dumptruckuff - but vm server is not on synaptic or add remove programs01:34
arunPici: I'm only asking because I used to use K3B, and in K3B, there's an option when you burn the CD (Linux only or Linux + Windows)01:34
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ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers01:34
Piciarun: Thats odd.01:34
Dumptrucksorry I am such an idiot - still trying to figure things out - part of my fear is leaving the fisher-price graphicalness of windows01:35
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Dumptruckright I have server installed01:35
beavisright, with server you'll have to install samba, it in the repo's01:36
Dumptruckhowever I am having trouble converting the vmx to a flat file01:36
Dumptruckapt get?01:36
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beavisopen synaptic and do a search for samba01:36
Dumptruckso I figured workstation might be a better all around bet01:36
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ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:37
Dumptrucksamba is already installed01:37
arunDumptruck: Get Virtualbox, it's much better than VMWare, and it's really easy to share folders using Virtualbox01:38
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beavisnever used virtualbox, so i can't comment on that one, but vmware has allways serve3d me well01:38
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akosstefg, i have them enabled, running fiesty01:38
arunvmware has served me well too, i didnt think anything could be better. i just installed virtualbox 3 days ago, and i was amazed at how good it was01:39
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cr1sshello, I 'm trying to burn some .avi files with k3b, but it pops this error message " :-( media is not formatted or unsupported , media error " . what do I need to install ?01:39
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Dumptruckand is virtualbox in synaptic?01:40
stefgakos: so if you don't have update-manager running you should be fine after sudo apt-get update. as i've shown you above firefox-dom-inspector is in version 2.0.6 in feisty01:40
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akosstefg, something is not right... i ran update, and it's @ version And I have not been getting security updates for a week or two either01:41
Jordan_UDumptruck, No, but they provide a .deb for the Proprietary version01:41
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stefgakos: check your /etc/apt/sources.list ... or see !easysource to generate a fresh one01:42
arunDumptruck: here's a good guide to set up virtualbox: http://www.blog.arun-prabha.com/2007/05/07/installing-virtualbox-and-windows-using-virtualbox-in-ubuntu/01:42
arunthat's not my blog, btw01:42
arunthere's screenshots as well01:42
Dumptruckthanks that is very nice of you01:42
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arunDumptruck: here's another one (a continuation) to configure sharing and other things: http://www.blog.arun-prabha.com/2007/05/21/configuring-virtualbox-for-sharing-and-mouse-control/01:42
Jordan_UDumptruck, Also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox01:43
maynards-girlwhat command can I type to find out how much ram I have in my computer?01:43
thinkmonkeysI have a keyboard with both Thai and English alphabet.  How can I switch temporarily to inputting in thai (ideally in vim)01:43
Jordan_Umaynards-girl, free -m01:43
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arunwell, well, we have a tool fan here01:43
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cr1ssnot only one01:43
maynards-girljordan_um thank u!01:43
Jordan_Umaynards-girl, np01:44
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Dumptruckso there seems to be a strong push for virtual box on ubuntu?  But is it going to be the industry standard - ie if used in business will it be around for a while and have support01:44
maynards-girl...and yes I'm a tool fan01:44
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cr1ssso, any idea why I can't burn avi files with k3b ?01:46
Discerer-hmm vmware seems very straightforward so far, thanks for the tip01:46
reya276What is the terminal command for Wine Configuration?01:46
arunDumptruck: check out http://www.virtualbox.org/01:47
arunto learn more about the company01:47
daedrareya276: try man wine01:47
Picireya276: winecfg01:47
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reya276yeap tried that aswell and nothing I actually got an error01:48
reya276 winecfg01:48
reya276X Error of failed request:  BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)01:48
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emeristeWhat is the Linux/Ubuntu equivalent of Dreamweaver (In case I'm not asking for the right thing, what I'm interested in finding is a Wysiwyg wep page making application).01:49
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arunemeriste: NVU01:49
ubotunvu is a WYSIWYG and code dual-function HTML editor for easily creating web pages.  The original developer is working on a full rewrite; meanwhile, another is doing bugfixes.  It is not in the Ubuntu repos for Feisty Fawn, but add your name to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WaitingForNvuFeisty to be notified when packages are available.  See also !html.01:49
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beavisemeriste: I find Quanta Plus to be very good01:50
astro76!html | emeriste01:50
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ubotuemeriste: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build webpages. Editors in Ubuntu: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem, and Nvu. For howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com01:50
emeristeWow thanks that's a lot of good advice.01:50
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arunhow do i minimise rhythmbox to the system tray?01:52
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beavisarun: if an app doesn't minimise to the tray try alltray01:53
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beavissudo apt-get install alltray01:53
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beavisalltray rythmbox01:53
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hellboy195welcome the hardy heron :D01:53
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erUSULarun: click on the try icon01:55
arunthanks erUSUL01:55
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aruni have to say, i absolutely love rhythmbox. the audio quality is quite superb, music has never sounded so good with either itunes or amarok01:56
levi_can som1 help me with uninstall ubuntu01:56
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levi_need help to uninstall plz.01:57
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Jordan_Ulevi_, Do you have a windows install CD?01:58
levi_recover cd01:58
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stefglevi_: but you can boot to windows, can't you?01:59
Discerer-put it in, boot on it, format the hdd and install/recover01:59
levi_yea dual boot vista01:59
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Jordan_Ulevi_, Be sure that it is one that won't just start re-installing when you boot it ( my friend had one once, killed his install, don't know how often OEM's are stupid enough to do that )01:59
bombshelter13Hey, could someone quickly tell me where the setting for a Mac OS style menu bar is in KDE 3.5.6 (the version in current Kubuntu)01:59
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Jordan_Ubombshelter13, Try #kubuntu for KDE02:00
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bombshelter13Cool, i'll ask there02:00
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levi_ i dont want to reistall windows tho02:00
stefglevi_: all it takes is removing ubuntus boot loader from the mbr of the harddisk. This is done by running the command 'fixmbr' in windows command terminal. after that you can just nuke the ubuntu-partitions02:01
levi_ok can i do from windows or recovery disk02:01
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stefglevi_: you can do that from the installed windows system02:01
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levi_kk thanx alot02:02
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darkstarhi all02:02
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darkstaranyone know what program would have this library libirc.so .. thanks02:03
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Pici!find libirc.so | darkstar02:03
ubotudarkstar: File libirc.so found in gaim, gaim-dbg02:03
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darkstarPici : find: libirc.so: No such file or directory02:04
Picidarkstar: look above ^^02:04
darkstarubotu : ive installed gaim .. but the program im trying to run cant find the .so file02:05
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Picidarkstar: In feisty?02:06
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ramdisk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:07
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darkstarpici : yes ... ive converted the program installers via alien02:07
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Picidarkstar: Thats probably your problem.02:07
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Picidarkstar: What program are you trying to install?02:08
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amerineseis there a way to automatically pick a fast apt repository from the command line?02:08
stefgmojojojo_: http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-fs3.html02:08
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jonathan_well than... it seems ubuntu server at indonesia still crash02:09
darkstarPici : Maya ... :-( .. program not available natively for deb02:09
jonathan_it seems nobody can repair that...02:09
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Jordan_Udarkstar, alien does not always work and can screw up dpkg, are you sure there is no other way to install what you need?02:09
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darkstarJordan : no the only two distros supported are RHEL and SUSE02:10
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darkstarso basically the installers come as RPMs02:10
Jordan_Udarkstar, What are you trying to install?02:10
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darkstarJordan .. Maya02:11
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stefgdarkstar: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6685902:11
Picidarkstar: I think you're trying to fit a square peg in a round hole here.02:11
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darkstarPici : ... lol02:11
darkstaranyways .. thanks everyone ... im at work .. be back later02:12
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Slartamerinese: I think there's a utility called apt-spy that does that02:12
Jordan_Udarkstar, sudo apt-get install blender ;)02:12
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aveci have installed nvidia glx and when i try to enable after restar i get this message failed to start x server your graphical interface it is not set up correctly02:12
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avechow i can to restore the configuration i have a backup in var/backup/xorg.conf...?02:14
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l1f3burncp /var/backup/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:15
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stefgavec: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, select 'nvidia' as driver02:15
Jordan_Uavec, If you want fewer questions do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh"02:16
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avectry sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, select 'nvidia' as driver   but when i try to log in as root say authetication failed my password is correct02:16
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stefgavec: there is no root in ubuntu... use your noraml account and get a root shell with sudo -s02:17
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ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:17
avecok thnx i will try02:17
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niklas^how will i do to change window manager ?02:17
amerineseSlart: as far as i can tell, that's a two year old bug that hasn't been fixed and is apparently dangerous to use02:17
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amerineseSlart: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt-spy/+bug/178002:17
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Jordan_Uavec, But the point of using sudo before dpkg-reconfigure is that you don't need to be at a root shell to run it ( it will ask your password and run just that command as root )02:18
Slartamerinese: oh.. didn't know that.. haven't used it in a year or two.. luckily for me02:18
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Slartamerinese: thanks for pointing that out02:18
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MortarManhi i have problem with microphone - when i say i hear myself in speaker but not in system (skype says no mic detected)02:19
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Slartamerinese: come to think of it, I haven't used it on ubuntu, only on debian.. thought they were similar enough for it to work.. well well02:19
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amerineseSlart: yeah, which i guess why it's dangerous... wonder how synaptic does it02:20
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hipitihopI have a small home network of 6 machines some wireless and some wired. Is there any tool I can install to monitor and preferably assign quotas per machine for internet usage ?02:20
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Yodudehey can somebody please tell me if there is a internet monitor that i can use to monitor my bandwidth and control it ? I would prefer if it had a GUI02:20
Yodudehipitihop: lol we're looking for the same program02:21
Slarthipitihop: you can use iptables for almost anything... it just takes some work02:21
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hipitihopYodude, rofl02:21
Yodudeslart: hey is there any monitor that has a GUI ?02:21
SlartYodude: have you tried firestarter or shorewall? I don't know if they can do this using some kind of gui02:22
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Xplicithow do i pair a device to my pc, it doesnt ask me for a pin and the default 1 doesnt work02:22
hipitihopYodude, I've gone through this list, there are some with UI but not sure if any allow quotas or if it is possible to see my wireless machines... http://ubuntugeek.com/bandwidth-monitoring-tools-for-linux.html02:22
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hipitihopSlart, isn't firtestarter just a firewall ?02:23
Yodudehipitihop: i found one called moodss, it has a gui. i installed it ( from the repos ) but it didn't start !02:23
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Yodudehipitihop: and i checked out Bandwidthd but i can't seem to get the nhang of it, it's hard to use02:24
Slarthipitihop: firewall, router, gateway, coffee-machine.. iptables can do almost anything as I said =)02:24
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Kelpie-VMWHello. I'm having a problem with my USB drive mounting, it worked before, but now it's not working: http://pastebin.ca/67461602:25
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Yodudeslart: plz tell me about this "moodss" program if u know it, cuz it's not starting up !02:25
stefg!info cacti | Yodude02:25
ubotuyodude: cacti: Frontend to rrdtool for monitoring systems and services. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.6i-3 (feisty), package size 932 kB, installed size 3600 kB02:25
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hipitihopSlart, I'm sure, but that's why I am on here as I'm a bit of a noob so would need step by step instructions02:25
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SlartYodude: I have no idea what moodss is or how it works.. never heard of it02:26
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Slarthipitihop: I haven't done it myself so I can't give you the detailed tour.... I'll see if I can find something on the net.. (you02:26
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Slarthipitihop: you're looking for something that does traffic shaping with quotas or similar02:27
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MortarMan hi i have problem with microphone - when i say i hear myself in speaker but not in system (skype says no mic detected) i use ALSA02:27
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hipitihopSlart, I think so.. I have a 12Gb cap per month on my cable, I want to allocate a percentage per machine on network02:28
Yodudeslart: i want something that also does windows, and that can assign quotas02:28
daedrahow do you surpress exit messages?02:28
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SlartYodude: works *with* windows machines or *on* windows machines?02:28
Yodudeslart: i just want it to monitor my window laptop ( brother ) and assign a quota to it02:29
Carroarmato0MortarMan: Is your mic working correctly even without skype?02:29
SlartYodude: ok.. I'll be right back02:29
hipitihopSlart.. it woul be nice to do something at my router level so it would not matter what OS the client is running, just quota by IP address02:30
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Slarthipitihop: yes.. that's what I expect to find.. quota by dhcp-client or something alone those lines02:30
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kekkint he gconf editor, under apps > metacity > keybinding commands, how can I run two commands with one keybinding?02:31
stefgMortarMan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype02:31
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Bo1you know what guys i just got to bored from trying to fix a my graphic card.02:31
hipitihopSlart, most of the machines are wireless if that makes any differnece and crrently I have them all on static ip but could change if that makes life eaier to achieve this02:31
MortarManCarroarmato0: i tried to use it on other apps like teamspeak but it doesnt work02:31
nandemonaiGeneral nfs question.. If I have machine A mounting from machine B and machine B is rebooted or shutdown.. Will it umount on machine A safely?02:31
Bo1there is 1 million people could fix this computer02:31
Slarthipitihop: I'll see what I find.. but I don't think linux makes a difference between wireless traffic and wired traffic02:32
Carroarmato0MortarMan: Teamspeak? Is that like an app to talk to friends in multiplayer games?02:32
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Yodudeslart: i think cacti wil do the trick02:32
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MortarManCarroarmato0: yes02:32
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Bo1i would think that something like ubuntu would support all graphic cards.02:33
hipitihopSlart, I wasn't sure as obviously the wireless puters are connected directly to wireless router which is also doing the cable internet sharing02:33
Dumptruckis Arun still here?02:33
Bo1i guess no software is good enough for me.02:33
Slarthipitihop: as long as the traffic comes from different ip's for each computer it should be fine02:33
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DumptruckHow can I adjust where the vdi file from virtualbox is saved?02:33
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Yodudehipitihop: check out cacti and tell me what you think www.cacti.net02:33
Bo1just give me a very big cookie Doug and ill just play gamess only....02:34
hipitihopjust looking at the docs, looks like it needs mysql too02:34
warblerhipitihop: are you running an apache server?02:35
Carroarmato0MortarMan: What connection is your mic? Usb?02:35
Slart!info cacti02:35
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ubotucacti: Frontend to rrdtool for monitoring systems and services. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.6i-3 (feisty), package size 932 kB, installed size 3600 kB02:35
Slartubotu? don't die on me now02:35
MortarManCarroarmato0: Common jack02:35
Slart!info rrdtool02:35
uboturrdtool: Time-series data storage and display system (programs). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.2.15-0.3ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 486 kB, installed size 1076 kB02:35
Bo1how do i know if my graphic card supports 3D?02:36
DaverocksBo1: glxinfo | grep direct02:36
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hipitihopwarbler, I have 5 boxes with ubuntu and 6th is a virtualized ubuntu on a windows box wired to the router... I guess I could run apache on any of these, why ?02:36
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Carroarmato0MortarMan: might be triky to setup up... have you already played around with the sound settings?02:36
Bo1daverocks:it said yes. how do i turn it on.02:37
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MortarManCarroarmato0: yes mic is on but somethings wrong , it worked in past02:37
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evan__Bo1 what kind of card is it?02:37
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Carroarmato0MortarMan: What version of Skype are you running, and what distro are you on?02:37
DaverocksBo1: what happens when you try to run a 3D application?02:38
warblerhipitihop: google search for your problem mostly talks of apache servers02:38
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W9ZEBcan anyone point me to the official how-to for the following WiFi card:  iwconfig=[Nickname:"Broadcom 4311"]  lspci=[Broadcom Corporation Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-PCI] 02:38
MortarManCarroarmato0: ubuntu feisty fawn , skype API for linux but i also have latest skype on wine. skype is not problem  i think, problem is in sound configurations i think o.o02:38
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Yodudehipitihops: i think  Cacti will work for you, it seems easy and good02:38
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Yodudehipitihops: and it's available in the repos02:39
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Bo1daverocks:i try to run desktop effects.02:39
whatspyis it possible to combine the power of bash with the power of vim? you know, when you get used to vim, you tend to miss vim's commands everywhere you can type text...02:39
Carroarmato0MortarMan: Skype on wine won't do any good because it has some fleaky audio support, even for Alsa...02:39
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W9ZEBwhatspy: you could replace bash with ksh, or tcsh02:39
EviltronicHow do i get nickname list to the right of the screen? I'm on Feisty - Xchat02:40
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Carroarmato0MortarMan: My advice would be to go to the website of Skype and try out the latest beta for linux in ubuntu02:40
W9ZEBwhatspy: I KNOW ksh can use vi style command structure.  tcsh I suspect can but I'm not 100% certain02:40
DaverocksBo1: try "glxgears" and see what the framerate is, desktop effects doesn't necessarily work even if 3D is working02:40
hipitihopYodude, I'm looking through the site but it seems to concentrate on lots of graphs and stuff which is nice, but my main objective is to also to be able to set quotas per machine and then traffic shape or something so that that machine's internet connection is brought to a crawl after they pass a quota02:40
lauckyAnyone w/ an ATI X1400 in here who accomplished running beryl/compiz ?02:40
Carroarmato0MortarMan: Which should be
MortarManCarroarmato0: i have latest for debian but  its problem in sound configurations02:40
whatspyW9ZEE: thx for the tip02:40
W9ZEBwhatspy: no problem02:40
W9ZEBcan anyone point me to the official how-to for the following WiFi card:  iwconfig=[Nickname:"Broadcom 4311"]  lspci=[Broadcom Corporation Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-PCI] 02:41
hipitihopYodude, does Cacti do that too ?02:41
erUSULwhatspy: set +o vi02:41
evan__laucky Running x800 and cant get beryl/compiz to run, followed this guide tho http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide02:41
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Carroarmato0MortarMan: You should download the specialy made Feisty package...02:42
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DaverocksW9ZEB: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Broadcom_BCM4311_rev_01_%28ndiswrapper%2902:42
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whatspyerUSUL: what's that ?02:42
W9ZEBDaverocks: many thanks.02:42
warblerhipitihop: you need apache to run cacti02:42
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DaverocksW9ZEB: also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs will help02:42
W9ZEBDaverocks: I've gotten it working before, but I've used like 5 different guides, and only 1 of them works.02:42
derenrichAnyone have experience with sshfs?02:42
DaverocksW9ZEB: heh, broadcom on linux is a pain02:42
lauckyevan__ My ATI driver works fine. But Compiz has to be disabled ... :-/ any way to circumvent compiz02:43
workstohardcan anyone help me. I have apache running but i can only hit it from the lan not from outside02:43
workstohardsomeone help02:43
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Carroarmato0MortarMan: I have no knowledge about the different handeling between Debian and Ubuntu... but you should stick to specialy made packages for your distro02:43
lauckysorry: s/compiz/Composite02:43
hipitihopwarbler, I see, looking at the docs now02:43
W9ZEBDaverocks: I should just order an atheros based mini-pci and pull this one out....02:43
derenrichworkstohard: do you have port forwarding up?02:43
erUSULwhatspy: intructs bash to use vi like commands when editting instead the default emacs-like ones02:43
digitalspaghettiCan anyone suggest an app that will let me convert WAV to AIFF?02:43
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tallmanhello everyone02:43
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beavisworkstohard: make sure you have port 80 forwarded to your internal ip02:43
Carroarmato0MortarMan: http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-ubuntu02:43
sipiordigitalspaghetti: sox does that, iirc02:43
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MortarManCarroarmato0: ubuntu is based on debian... and thanks for help trying , it works now , i dont know why o.O02:43
tallmanhow do I playback .ape format ?02:43
beavisworkstohard: or wotever port you use02:43
workstohardI have that on my router. But where do i check it in linux02:43
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ffmpeg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:44
Carroarmato0MortarMan: Miracles happen ^^02:44
workstohardand i have seliunux enabled02:44
Daverocksdigitalspaghetti: ffmpeg?02:44
erUSULwhatspy: personally i do not know why someone in their right mind will do so but you asked for it (emacs rulez!)02:44
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MortarManCarroarmato0: thats not miracle thats some ugly thing02:44
digitalspaghettiDaverocks, i thought that but I couldn;t find the command line to do it02:44
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derenrichworkstohard: you shouldn't have to. If the packets are being forwarded everything should be fine (assuming it is accesable on your LAN)02:44
DaverocksBo1: i assume you saw the gears running smoothly02:44
evan__laucky check your xorg.conf file02:44
beavisiptables should just let it through, never setup iptables so thats a bit out of my depth02:45
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derenrichworkstohard: oh, I don't know about selinux02:45
Carroarmato0MortarMan: ow well... My usb phone workes in Skype.. but I can't get it to capture audio through the recording app in ubuntu..02:45
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whatspyerUSUL: thx02:45
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workstohardyea. I t is i know it working on the lan but .. I think its on the box somewhere. , reason is i got hacked. Installed deny.hosts02:45
Daverocksdigitalspaghetti: ffmpeg -i blah.wav blah.aiff02:45
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workstohardand.... selinux02:45
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erUSULwhatspy: no problem02:45
lauckyevan__ what should be in / out of there? Composite has to be disabled, some websites and some errors on my laptop say.02:45
tallmanhow do I playback .ape format ?02:45
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workstohardcat /var/log/secure iit scared me02:46
evan__yes, make sure composite is disabled02:46
derenrichworkstohard: Sounds like its deny hosts that's doing it (not selinux), but I am ignorant on this subject02:46
evan__Section "Extensions"02:46
evan__        Option  "Composite" "Disable"02:46
Dumptruckso far so good - the virtual box seems pretty sweet02:46
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lauckyevan_ well, it is.02:46
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Slarthere's one article that discusses traffic shaping in general http://www.knowplace.org/pages/howtos/traffic_shaping_with_linux.php02:46
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evan__well then im not sure what to tell ya cuz i aint got it working myself ;p02:46
geniitallman: Look into jmac, it's on Sourceforge. Ape playback codec in java02:46
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tallmangenii: thanks02:47
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MortarManCarroarmato0: me too ! i dont know why... try to capture with different application , it worked for me at other app... i think it was audacity02:48
lauckyevann__ thank you for advice until now. I hope you, like me, managed to get the driver to work. That always seems 2 be a miracle :)02:48
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lauckyevan__ well, I yould start compiz a while ago with dapper or edgy in combination w/ XGL, perhaps you could try that - but it doesn't work here in feisty :/02:49
ramanany body knows about mobile linux OS????02:49
lucky_lucasHi, is it too late too add some packages in gutsy02:49
lauckyATI - a never ending story02:49
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ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+102:49
turtle5001_j   #dot02:49
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Carroarmato0MortarMan: Me too... I'm trying different settings as we speak... the thing that it usually does is to jump back to the capture setting which captures nothing.02:50
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Slarthipitihop: shorewall does traffic shaping according to it's homepage www.shorewall.net02:51
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hipitihopSlart looking...02:51
MortarManCarroarmato0:ehm uhm.. i dont know .. sorry02:51
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hipitihopSlart while installing Cacti via synaptic I got "libphp-adodb is no longer installed in /usr/share/adodb. New installation path is now /usr/share/php/adodb.02:52
hipitihopPlease update your php.ini file. Maybe you must also change your web-server configuraton."02:52
Carroarmato0MortarMan: Hmm... hang on, I think I'm making progress....02:52
qazibasithey tell me what is a brute force02:52
qazibasitand how can i detect if the someone is using it on my system02:52
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Slarthipitihop: eh.. ok.. take a look in php.ini and see if you can find anything related to libphp-adodb.. perhaps there is a path somewhere that needs to be fixed02:53
mheathqazibasit, It is a break in / hacking attempt by someone who uses a large amount of time / attempts / tries, etc. to break inyour your computer system02:53
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Adianqazibasit: brute force can mean a few different things.  Usually it means to guess a password over and over again until they get it right02:53
Slartqazibasit: brute force is guessing usernames/passwords02:53
geniiqazibasit: If you see a bunch of names with failed logins in the file /var/log/auth.log you may be the victim of a bruteforce password guesing attempt02:53
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mheathqazibasit, For example, someone who just tries to outright guess your password would be trying to 'brute force'02:53
ramanany body have information about debian bsased mobile OS02:53
Adianqazibasit: in an online attack they just try to login to your system ove rand over, which would be in your logs02:53
bullgard4The directory /media includes the directory entries cdrom  cdrom0  sda1  sda10  sda5 sda6 backup (and symlinks and hidden files). After a "sudo mount /dev/scd0 /media" command a ls  command does not show them any longer. How is this effect being called? to overmount?02:54
Adianqazibasit: in an offline attack, they steal a hash or some other encrypted token and break it on their own time, which wouldn't be logged of course02:54
Carroarmato0MortarMan: I have succeeded in making my mic react to the capturing :-)02:54
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qazibasitso is it hard to do you so, i mean if i feel like someone is doing this and i disconnect my computer will it end02:54
Slarthipitihop: It seems that even shorewall requires some knowledge of iptables and shaping.. it's not a turn-key solution02:55
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MortarManCarroarmato0: good job02:55
qazibasitor they will be finished by then02:55
ben_underscorehowdy. does anyone have any advice on the use of nvidia-settings? i have used it to adjust my screen resolution and it is not saving the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file02:55
Adianwell, if you think they're doing an online attack, yeah, that'll probably stop the attack by taking it offline02:55
Adianif they already stole a password hash or something, then you just need to change your password or ensure you have strong passwords02:55
ben_underscoreqazibasit: install a firewall like firestarter too02:55
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Carroarmato0MortarMan: The mic is activated upon capturing audio... but it hears nothing....?02:55
akosIs there a way to ommit the Config:: part of the variables declared in the Config module?02:55
hipitihopSlart, I see, still looking for php.ini02:56
Daverocksqazibasit: if you have a password of reasonable char length and made up of a variety of characters, simple ssh brute force attacks are implauisble02:56
qazibasitbut i have heard that these firewalls have their own disadvantages02:56
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Adianjust use good passwords, good hashes, and if online attacks are anoying you, use port knocking or soemthing02:56
akossry, wrong channel02:56
Slarthipitihop: check in /etc or do a "find / | grep -i php.ini"02:56
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qazibasitok well my id and root has the same password i think i should change that02:56
Daverocksqazibasit: firestarter won't help you any more than just disabling ssh yourself02:56
Adianfor something as basic as that, installing some spiffy application layer firewall is overkill02:56
MortarManCarroarmato0: same thing happens to me :S you should go to forums with this problem02:56
Adianyes, your root password should be very complex and never the same as another password02:57
geniiqazibasit: Yes, not a good idea to duplicate passwords02:57
Adianjust pick a random 8-10 digit password with upper, lower, numbers and special characters02:57
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AdianI suggest never using your root password except for system maintenence.  use sudo to gain root for day-to-day stuff02:57
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lauckyben_underscore what is a firewall good for in a ubuntu desktop system? Only those ports are open I'd like to have open. And if I start e.g. openssh-server and it is bruteforced, no firewall prevents me from this, does it?02:58
Adianof course, if you have sudo access, your own account password needs to be just as strong as your root password02:58
qazibasitok if a person get access to any computer but dont have the root access can he do malicious things02:58
sahilanyone know why pressing Fn=F4 on my laptop while the projector is connected doesnt seem to work?02:58
Slartlaucky: firewalls can be used for lots of things.. perhaps I want to restrict people not from sweden from connecting to my teamspeak server.. it can do that02:58
lauckyI'd rather prefer one-time-passwords, so a brute-force attack has less chances after thrown out02:58
Daverocksqazibasit: also, if you have a ssh server open to the entire internet, it's very normal to see frequent failed login attempts, no need to worry usually02:58
Adianit is much easier to take root locally than remotely02:58
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Adiangaining low-level account access to a system is a very convenient stepping stone to root02:59
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Adianand even without that, they can use your system resources, store illegal files, conduct DoS attacks, etc02:59
Adianjust bad in generally02:59
ben_underscorelaucky: yah yah02:59
qazibasitbut i heard that getting a root access in unix is almost impossible02:59
Adianyou don't want them storing kiddie porn on your box02:59
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qazibasiteven if a person is using exploits or other tools02:59
ben_underscoreqazibasit: don't believe it02:59
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Slartqazibasit: hard.. not impossible03:00
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lauckySlart okay, good point. But is there a way to prevent my computer from attacks without using DROP+whitelists03:00
Adianit isn't easy, but it isn't impossible03:00
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Adianbut it's a lot easier if the sysadmin is a noob03:00
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Slartlaucky: I'm not a security expert.. I think you'll be better off asking someone with a bit more knowledge of these things03:00
alexiohey all03:00
Adianthe core Unix stuff is pretty solid, but there's a ton of really badly implemented open source software out there03:00
qazibasiti gave access to my friends to upload their files on my HD03:00
qazibasitso i am a bit worried03:00
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Daverocksqazibasit: how? ftp? ssh?03:00
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Carroarmato0MortarMan: Hmm, nope, still doesn't want to record anything...03:00
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jonathan_somebody help me with instalation tarballs03:01
geniiqazibasit: they better be friends you trust :)03:01
lauckySlart thank you :-*03:01
alexioanybody any ideas why changing my NIC has busted mysql on my box? :(03:01
Adianand do you trust them to pick good passwords?03:01
qazibasitbut someone is using a brute force i saw the file u ppl told me03:01
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qazibasitthere are 112 such logins03:01
Picijonathan_: Install the build-essential package.03:01
qazibasitfailed logins03:01
Adianyeah, that's pretty common nowadays03:01
qazibasitmostly medical terminologies03:01
AdianI'd suggest you require your users to use ssh keys03:02
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jonathan_build-essential package?03:02
qazibasitcoz we are medical students03:02
jonathan_what is that for?03:02
Pici!b-e | jonathan_03:02
ubotujonathan_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)03:02
Daverocksqazibasit: that is normal, automatic ssh scanning background noise on the internet03:02
geniijonathan_: It's for compiling source code from things like tarballs03:02
Slartjonathan_: it installs the stuff needed for compiling other stuff. =) sudo apt-get install build-essential03:02
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warblerjonathon: the config.log - what's it say?03:03
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alexioanybody any ideas why changing my NIC has busted mysql on my box? :(03:03
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jonathan_I'm installing build-essential now03:03
jonathan_there is nothing at config.log, access denied03:03
Slartalexio: changing nic was the only thing you changed?03:03
geniialexio: Likely it's now eth1 and mysql attached originally to eth003:03
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alexiochange that in interfaces then?03:04
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geniialexio: Do you only now have 1 adapter but it gets seen as eth1?03:04
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alexioI only have one now yep03:04
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jonathan_and now it said: The msgfmt command is required to build libpurple.  If it is installed03:04
jonathan_on your system, ensure that it is in your path.  If it is not, install03:04
jonathan_GNU gettext to continue.03:04
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Bo1is there a way to force download all package?03:05
geniialexio: And when you do: ifconfig   it shows eth1 or eth0 ?03:05
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pibe86hello, i am sending bits to the parallel port, how can i know from the pc if they have been sent =03:05
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PiciBo1: What do you mean?03:05
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Actionmanhow stable is 7.10 alpha 5?03:05
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Carroarmato0Actionman: It's pretty stable03:05
Bo1pici:synaptic package03:05
alexiolooks like thats it then03:05
PiciBo1: You want to install every package available in the repositories?!03:06
alexiojust need to adjust the configuration in network > interfaces03:06
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PiciBo1: Why?03:06
geniialexio: OK, i know then what happened. In the file /etc/iftab there is recorded the old mac address of the previous nic. replace that with the new mac address03:06
Actionmanhow do i upgrade to it03:06
hipitihopSlart, I'm going to try and see if I can get Cacti going....thanks for your help.03:06
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shguys what's the command to find out whether I have usb 1.1. or 2.003:06
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geniiwork afk03:06
alexiocool will try now03:06
Slarthipitihop: good luck03:06
qazibasitwhich system u have03:06
Bo1pici:am bored.03:06
Poundoany utilities for linux server like filemon. a free windows utility that shows running processes, what the request are for them like open, create etc. What user made the request, and if the request was successful03:06
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qazibasitif u have a P4 or above then u have usb 2.003:06
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Daverockssh: lshw will probably tell you03:07
qazibasitP3 and below have USB 1.0 or 1.103:07
shqazibasit: thanx03:07
Carroarmato0Actionman: Might have some problems with fonts... but that depends on the screen.... and when booting from the live-cd chances are you won't see the booting screen if you have intel video card... but once it's installed or virtualized it runs fine03:07
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PiciBo1: Theres no reason to do that. And even if you were going to try, it would cause problems. Some packages arent meant to be installed with other packages.03:07
PoundoI am tring to see what users is being denied access to a particular file path03:07
shbbl guys03:07
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Bo1pici:that is why i said is there a way to force download03:07
alexiookay i've done that03:08
erikstHi! Can anyone help me so that I can use some sort of win media player i Opera on Ubuntu?03:08
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alexiorestart networking?03:08
geniialexio: Yes03:08
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PiciBo1: You are asking for your system to break.03:08
Poundoso I can include that user in the group with permission on that particular file03:08
DaverocksBo1: next time i intentionally break one of my systems i might do it your way, lol03:08
Adianso, I'm a long-time Debian user, first time Ubuntu user.  I'm looking to set up a machine for a non-technical friend.  I'm having trouble with the wireless configs, specifically getting the GUI to give me options for WPA.  Anyone feel like helping me out?03:08
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Bo1pici:well i used windows before i was able to download all with out crashing my system03:09
pibe86hello, i am sending bits to the parallel port, how can i know from the pc if they have been sent ?03:09
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Bo1daverocks:am a expert on crashing systems.03:09
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DaverocksBo1: :P03:09
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PiciBo1: Windows doesnt have a standard packaging system nor even the idea of a package repository, so I'm not sure what you mean by that comment.03:10
Bo1daverocks:my windows i had crashed so many times i lost count.03:10
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Carroarmato0Adian: WPA is still a bit difficult to set up in Feisty... you have to install the wpasupplicant.. but it doesn't work gracefuly and depends on the wireless card03:10
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Bo1pici:going to download page of windows03:10
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Bo1pici:you can download everything it offers to you.03:10
AdianCarroarmato0: ok.. I've got wpasupplicant and it works fine when I set it up manually03:10
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AdianCarroarmato0:  in fact, it works if I manually configure /etc/network/interfaces and use ifup03:10
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kapowanna ask about rogram to play iso game03:11
AdianCarroarmato0: but i just can't get the damn GUI to give me the option.  Also, sometimes when I do it manually fucking avahi-xxx screws up my interfaces03:11
lauckykapo: mount -o loop03:11
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Carroarmato0Adian: I feel your pain...03:11
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Pici!ohmy | Adian03:11
ubotuAdian: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:11
jonathan_!ohmy | Pici03:12
ubotuPici: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:12
Adianubotu: roger03:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about roger - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:12
Carroarmato0Adian: lol :-)03:12
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PiciBo1: I'm sorry, I'm not going to help you break your system.  If you are really bored and looking for something to install, check out http://debaday.debian.net/ Most of these are available in the Ubuntu repos.03:12
Picijonathan_: Excuse me?03:12
alexiostill seems to be causing an issue03:12
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AdianCarroarmato0:  heh.  should I just get rid of the avahi junk and do it manually, or should I update to a testing version?03:12
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Carroarmato0Adian: evolution of human society= we learn maners from bots ;)03:12
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AdianCarroarmato0: heh.  bad words are a dumb idea.  society really doesn't need them03:13
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Carroarmato0Adian: I don't think it's avahis fault... rather the way network manager does it's stuff... ofcourse you can disable avahi through the network managment03:14
SpeckHi everyone, I'm experiencing a strange pb : I burnt successfully the last ubuntu, then tried to boot it, but a black screen appears and "busybox" is lauching by itself. I'm using ubuntu for a few years now (although I'm still an absolute beginner), and don't see what it could be at all. Thanks in advance.03:14
cosmodadAdian: sure it does. It's humanity's way to let off some steam. ;)03:14
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Adiancosmodad: well sure, I don't mind the use of them, it's the idea that some should be banned from certain venues... =)03:14
lauckycosmodad: i can confirm this03:14
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gehel_Hi !Anyone knows how to configure an install preseed so that it will download additional packages from the net ?03:14
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lauckycosmodad your opinion, i mean03:15
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AdianCarroarmato0: so I haven't figured out how to convince avahi to leave me alone.  I had it almost working at one point through /etc/network/interfaces, but could never get it working at boot time03:15
cosmodadAdian: true03:15
geniialexio: Are you back to just eth0 now?03:15
Bo1pici:there is 21000 package: how can i not download all that. i just want to see everything it can offer!03:15
alexioi only have one entry in interfaces now which is eth103:16
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geniialexio: The idea here is to make what the box sees now as eth1 back into eth003:16
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alexiocool will have a bit of a tinker with it03:16
alexiomany thanks03:16
AdianI've been running sid on debian for quite a while, so I don't mind running an unstable version of Ubuntu, if the GUI or other tools will actually support WPA more easily03:16
geniialexio: So putting the new mac address into /etc/iftab with the name of eth0 and in /etc/network/interfaces only eth0 entry03:17
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Carroarmato0Adian: Found a tutorial to make Network manager work with wpasupplicant... but it's in italian ;)03:18
Poundono takes on the file access monitor script or util?03:18
Carroarmato0Adian: I can give you the link and translate bits of it ^^03:18
Poundono takers?03:18
AdianCarroarmato0: well I found several tutorials an they made it seem SO EASY!  but none work03:18
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AdianCarroarmato0: you can send me the link and I can run it through a translator03:19
Carroarmato0Adian: http://alexit.wordpress.com/2007/05/23/network-manager-065-per-ubuntu-feisty-deb/03:19
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AdianCarroarmato0:  Frankly, I'm surprised that while running under the ndiswrapper the WPA isn't supported03:19
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Carroarmato0Adian: it suggests that you should upgrade to network manager 0.6.503:19
AdianCarroarmato0: my native driver doesn't have WPA support yet, but ndis does03:19
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alexioi did that but i loose my connection and get the error "Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0"03:20
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AdianCarroarmato0: ok, let me check my version03:20
alexiothats when i restart networking03:20
LhademmorThere is something here I don't understand.... I haven't been using this laptop for ~5 months, yet there seems to be no updates at all... wtf?03:20
Carroarmato0Adian: should be 0.6.503:20
baikonurCarroarmato0: what's your problem?03:20
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Carroarmato0Adian: oh excuse me... 0.6.403:20
AdianCarroarmato0: ok, yeah it is.03:21
Carroarmato0baikonur: not my problem... Adian's03:21
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geniiLhademmor: Did you try command-line   sudo apt-get upgrade       ?03:21
AdianCarroarmato0: I'll read through the page a bit, just a sec03:21
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Lhademmorgenii: Trying now03:21
Adianbaikonur: having issues convincing the Ubuntu network GUI to let me use WPA with ndiswrapper on Feisty03:21
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agustinalguien habla espaol?03:21
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Lhademmor94 upgrades?! zOMG03:21
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Carroarmato0Adian: If ya don't understand bits of it I can help translate... usefull knowing 5 languages.. ;)03:21
fwiffo_por ac03:22
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baikonurAdian: does it work with wpa_supplicant directly?03:22
Lhademmorgenii: There, it woke up! Thanks!03:22
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agustinando con un problemita con un md503:22
baikonuragustin: #ubuntu-es03:22
geniiLhademmor: np03:22
agustingracias =)03:22
jonathan_and now, how to install GLIB? and what's GLIB FOR?03:22
Carroarmato0Lhademmor: You think that's freaky? My internet is running at 13 kb/s... and I'm updating! 2h and 30m! :D03:22
Morrowynwhen is the wpa/wpa2 thing going to be default on ubuntu?03:22
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grotte26hallo spricht jemand deutsch03:23
Carroarmato0Morrowyn: when it's properly supported in Network Manager03:23
baikonurgrotte26: #ubuntu-de03:23
Carroarmato0grotte26: Ich verstehe ein bisschen duitsch ;)03:23
jonathan_how to install glib?03:23
Adianbaikonur: yup, works great evne through /etc/network/interfaces03:23
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de03:23
LhademmorI love upgrading. It's like watching something beautiful grow :P03:23
Morrowynok, so probably with the next release i reckon03:23
Adianbaikonur: but avahi gets in my way most of the time03:23
=== genii thinks a better quesstion is What is glib NOT for
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grotte26coole aussprache03:24
AdianCarroarmato0: nice!  I wish I knew more than one spoken language... =\03:24
W9ZEBDaverocks: THANKS:)  that broadcom entry was perfect.03:24
mr-russanybody using gusty test with dual monitor?03:24
lauckygrotte26 i am german.03:24
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glib - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:24
DaverocksW9ZEB: no problem03:24
Carroarmato0grotte26: vielen dank! ^^03:24
grotte26i can a littlebit03:24
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W9ZEBDaverocks: I knew it shouldn't be that difficult.  Just finding a "complete" set of instructions seems to be half the battle.03:24
geniimr-russ: Yes but on a box i am not near right now, it's at home and i'm at work03:25
DaverocksW9ZEB: haha yeah03:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about c - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:25
baikonurAdian: what do you mean by ahavi gets in your way? normally you have a link-local address that does not disturb anything03:25
Morrowynmr-russ i always use the nvidia driver -> twinview thing for my dual monitor setup03:25
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lauckyubotu is a noob - no idea about c?! ;-))03:25
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Schumbigrott16 : just type /join #ubuntu-de and you are at the right channel03:25
Morrowynpoor ubotu03:25
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Adianbaikonur: avahi-* likes to add a secondary interface alias and remove my IP configuration03:25
mr-russMorrowyn: I have intel945 laptop.  I'm trying to work myself up to be able to report a bug in an intelligent way.03:25
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warblerjonathon: what is the package you want that is the hassle?03:26
lauckyhaha ubotu gave me a private message - cool.03:26
Adianbaikonur: creates wlan0:avahi and wlan0 loses it's IP03:26
Carroarmato0Adian: well you have ups and downs... you need to train all your languages or you'll lose some... then...  you get to a surtain point where you know a lot of languages, but master none of them ;)03:26
Morrowyngood luck with that03:26
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baikonurAdian: is /etc/network/interfaces and the wpa_supplicant.conf not an option for you?03:26
usdwhere to get ubuntu beryl?03:26
grotte26gibts auch normale gesprchstemen03:26
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AdianCarroarmato0: I can imagine... I have to practice on my native just to keep it up ;-)03:26
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about c++ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:26
aguslphi all03:26
Carroarmato0Adian: where are you from?03:26
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grotte26hey back03:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about time - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:27
Adianbaikonur: it is an option, not a good one, but I can't even get that working because avahi gets in there and doesn't let me have it configured at boot03:27
baikonurAdian: and if you stop avahi? sudo /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon stop03:27
Morrowynwhat, no c++ either?03:27
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Bo1got 2 wait 54 min03:27
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:27
Adianbaikonur: that woudl probably work.  I've tried disabling various avahi startup scripts, but at boot time it still won't bring up that interface automatically03:27
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aguslphow can I disable apt-get md5 checksum?03:27
baikonuradaptr: you can disable avahi completly by editing /etc/default/avahi-daemon03:27
AdianCarroarmato0: from US.  living on east coast right now03:27
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kapohow to open xp from ubuntu?03:27
baikonurAdian, the message directed to adaptr was rfor you03:27
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kapouse what?03:28
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werswhat's the best grammar and spelling checker that I can use with Ubuntu? even online checkers count03:28
Carroarmato0Adian: I live in Belgium... but I also lived in Africa and Italy.. that's why I know all those languages ^^03:28
warblerkapo: is it a duel boot?03:28
Adianbaikonur: yeah, got it.  is there actually a way to get this working in the GUI though?  Would prefer that so the non-technical user I'm giving this box to can at least switch networks03:28
TataraKuterehey everybody03:28
=== fwiffo_ [n=fwiffo@d226.lmu.vpn.lrz-muenchen.de] has joined #ubuntu
AdianCarroarmato0: that's pretty cool.  Want to visit Belgium soon03:29
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AdianCarroarmato0: love good beer. ;-)03:29
warblerkapo: ubuntu was installed second?03:29
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TataraKuterei need an advice about video players03:29
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kapoyes warbeler03:29
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jonathan_anybody can help me to install GLIB?03:29
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Carroarmato0Adian: be sure to bring a good umbrella.. because you are going to need it ^^  And hell yeah we got good beer... a lot stronger than those from The Netherlands :P03:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:30
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AdianCarroarmato0: hehe03:30
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warblerkapo: ok. There is a file called /etc/fstab - is xp listed in that03:30
AdianCarroarmato0: I'm originally from the northwest US.  Very rainy there.  Only pansies use umbrellas03:30
AdianCarroarmato0: =)03:30
warblerkapo: look for vfat or ntfs03:30
MorrowynjonathaN, you might want to check  glibc????03:30
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Carroarmato0Adian: we got crapy weather.. and at the moment we're in a ridicoulous political crisis :P03:31
bauer_on my old suse box i had a program called xml which i liked to beautify xml files to make them readable in vi. Is there such a program on ubuntu ?03:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libglib - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:31
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Carroarmato0Adian: hehe, the weather forecast calls our weather tropical! So I'm wearing my tropical clothes in da rain! xD03:31
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AdianCarroarmato0: hmm, haven't paid attention to Belgian politics... election issues?03:31
warblerkapo: /etc/fstab will call xp something like hda - what is it called?03:31
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baikonurAdian: I don't know. I never used the GUI and I don't know what the GUI does exactly so it's hard to debug it. did you try it already with avahi disabled completly? is it possible that you do not get the DHCP lease at boottime and therefore it falls back to avahi?03:31
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alexiogenni just to check my iftab should read like this eth0 mac 00:10:4B:B8:5F:FA03:32
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cdrappierhi all03:32
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Adianbaikonur: that's possible.  sometimes my DHCP setup is a bit flaky, but doing it manually is usually pretty reliable03:32
cdrappiercan anyone tell me how to change my default keyring password?03:32
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Jack_SparrowCarroarmato0:  Adian please take that to #Ubuntu-offtopic03:32
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alexiogenni: just to check my iftab should read like this eth0 mac 00:10:4B:B8:5F:FA03:33
Adianbaikonur: I'll try this 6.5 upgrade and see how it goes.  several tutorials online advertize that the GUI should work with WPA, but just never came up for me03:33
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Carroarmato0Jack_Sparrow: Aiai captain! ^^03:33
Adianbaikonur: the tutorial Carroarmato0 sent indicates 6.5 fixes some of that, and I'd think that ndiswrapper would be a priority03:33
alexiogenni:what i mean is this kind of syntax03:33
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LhademmorI'm STILL waiting for Creative to support the f=("/?" X-Fi soundcards on Linux!03:34
Adianit would indeed be nice if, in adding these GUIs, the Ubuntu developers didn't break perfectly good functionality from the base Debian.03:34
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baikonurAdian: you know that the /etc/network/interfaces configuration and the network manager are incompatible?03:35
Adianbaikonur: yeah, that's what I was just referring to ;-)03:35
Adianbaikonur: dumb idea03:36
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Adianbaikonur: or if you insist on changing things, then remove /etc/network/interfaces03:36
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LhademmorHey, I only have a button called "Help and Support"... How do I get that submenu in the picture?03:36
Sivikhow do i go about setting up sendmail so it only is able to send from the localhost and from php03:36
Adianbaikonur: and provide full functionality through a new method03:36
tattersI got 2 hard drive 1st is devoted to ubuntu ,swap etc. the second I use for storage I want to try out linuxmce, if I resize my second drive with enough free space for my storage and linuxmce , install linuxmce to my second drive will the existing grub manager pick it up without having to configure the multi boot?03:37
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baikonurAdian: yeah, it's work in progress. I'm fine with /etc/network/interfaces, but I can understand that many users prefer a gui03:38
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JohnShortlandtatters: it'll probably overwrite your grub but add your other Os's to it03:38
Jack_Sparrowtatters: No03:38
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Adianbaikonur: oh, I'm not a GUI man, but my user will be.  config files are great, but don't fracture the system, that's all03:39
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keitoshould I be running some form of spyware-blocking/removing software under ubuntu?03:39
fw1987ciao a tutti03:39
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Jack_Sparrowtatters: It all depends on the installation process of linuxmce03:39
baikonurAdian: did you try wicd?03:39
Jack_Sparrowkeito: no need03:39
kapo<warbler> sda103:39
Adianbaikonur: every GUI add-in should be backed up by a compatible config file that youc an edit by hand03:40
Adianbaikonur: no, what's that?03:40
keitodidn't think so03:40
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baikonurAdian: http://wicd.sourceforge.net/features.php http://wicd.sourceforge.net/screenshot.php03:40
baikonurAdian: yeah, that would be perfectly reasonable. Network Manager does not provide such a config file?03:41
warblerkapo: easy wat first - yes - are you on feisty - 7.04 ubuntu?03:41
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tattersJack_Sparrow: I have no idea how it installs, I have the quick install dvd version, I guess I should just bite the bullet and see how it goes,btw can I use the same swap space for any linux distro or do they have to have their own?03:41
Adianbaikonur: not that I know of.  looks like it actually writes some to /etc/network/interfaces, but it doesn't understand things when you edit that file03:42
JohnShortlandtatters: yes you can share the swap partition03:42
baikonurAdian: poor design03:42
Jack_Sparrowtatters: They can share a swap, but sometimes it is easier to let their installer setup a second one.03:42
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Adianbaikonur: that wicd looks pretty cool.  do you know how it will conflict with network manager/avahi?03:42
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anandanbuHelp needed to format a IDE hdd which has been attached to my Ubuntu 7.04 machine with a SATA hdd03:43
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Jack_Sparrowanandanbu: Fire up gnome partiton manager and go for it.03:43
kapoyes iam on ubuntu 7.04 now friest one the xp03:43
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kapoxp on sda103:44
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warblerkapo: do you have in your menu - system tools-configuration editor?03:44
anandanbuJack_Sparrow: there are restrictions to access those drives in Gpart03:44
baikonurAdian: if you install it network manager will be removed automatically. at least that's what the documentation says that I've just read. avahi does not have anything to with network manager or avahi as far as I know03:44
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baikonurAdian: see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avahi_%28software%2903:45
Jack_Sparrowanandanbu: If you mean permissions etc before formatting... unmount it/them03:45
Adianbaikonur: ok, that would be good if it is a clean replacement.03:45
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Adianbaikonur: I'll give it a shot03:45
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anandanbuJack_Sparrow: may i pm you03:45
kapono i havent03:46
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Jack_Sparrowanandanbu: Or join #Voyager03:46
wastroI think I accidentally set the ctl-space keystroke to start search desktop03:46
wastroand I need to unset it03:46
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wastrodoes anyone know where this lives in gconf-editor?03:46
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warblerkapo: can you go to - menu-system-preferences-control center?03:47
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yeniklasorrIs there a way to find last installed packages ?03:48
kdub432yeniklasorr: did something break?03:48
LhademmorAnyone who has a list of all Ubuntu-projects (e.g. ubuntu-laptop-team, ubuntu-translator-team and so on)03:48
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yeniklasorrkdub432 : yes Flash is broken. It is freezing.03:49
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kdub432yeniklasorr: what is it freezing on? i think its a known bug that flash chokes on some youtube videos...03:50
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el_QbaAhora si b-real todo resuelto =)03:51
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:51
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Discererargh... how can I get the GUI for the package manager? the add/remove programs contains like 5 alternatives, I want moar03:52
yeniklasorrkdub432 : yes flash is freezing. But for all youtube videos. It occur after I installed some packages03:52
DiscererI remember seeing a gui that was actually useful some time03:52
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gilosI installed mediawiki which installed apache2 automatically, but I can't find where mediawiki was installed to.03:52
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usserhey guys03:52
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kdub432yeniklasorr: have you tried reinstalling adobe's linux program?03:53
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W9ZEBhow do i get to the gnome configuration tool?03:53
philry4nhow can i resize gnome applet?03:53
philry4napplets* in panels03:53
W9ZEBit used to be under apps --> system tools03:53
kapoyes i found gonome control center03:53
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W9ZEBkapo: where's it hiding? :)03:54
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warblerW9ZEB: menu-system-preferences-control center - then main menu-system tools03:54
W9ZEBwarbler: that's right, thanks :)03:54
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kapolool  serch from  synaptic and make launcher03:55
warblerkapo: look for main menu - about five down - click that & then system tools03:55
yeniklasorrkdub432 : no I'm trying to remove some packages03:55
andyp__i am going to use ubuntu as a server with a few macs what sharing programme in ubuntu needs to be enabled?03:55
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Carroarmato0Adian: this might come in handy ^^  how to set up ndiswrapper with WPA  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_enable_WPA_with_Ndiswrapper_driver03:56
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geniiandyp__: since most macs can use windows networking shares Samba isn't a bad choice there03:56
kapoi canot find system tools03:57
warblerkapo: click on configuration editor - it will then be in the menu03:57
kdub432yeniklasorr: be careful, removing packages may break your system beyond your linux-fixing skills03:57
kapoahh i see the meanu03:57
Carroarmato0I have a question: I have vmware running... If I disable connctivity on my host... will the guest system still have a conection?03:57
Dufresne26hi. i need major help. i (stupidly) uninstalled the rerestricted modules and in the process killing my wireless. can anyone lend me a hand? im really dependent on wireless and the only reason im online now is thru xp. i have ipw3945 on feisty. appreciate it03:57
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andyp__genii: is smbs the only alternative or are there others?03:57
yeniklasorrkdub432 : ok03:58
kapowhat from system tools03:58
warblerkapo: one box in config ed & xp will be there always03:58
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AdianCarroarmato0: thanks.  Saw that one already though.03:58
geniiandyp__: There is also some appletalk client/server for linux but I don't know much about that one specifically03:58
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Carroarmato0Dufresne26: Might try to download the package and install it manually by using a usb key or something...03:58
warblerkapo: config editor03:58
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genii!info netatalk | andyp__03:59
ubotuandyp__: netatalk: AppleTalk user binaries. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0.3-5 (feisty), package size 693 kB, installed size 1932 kB03:59
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baikonurAdian: it's important to notice that you have to use wext and not ndiswrapper as the driver with wpa_supplicant: Ndiswrapper NO LONGER SUPPORTS the 'ndiswrapper' driver backend as of version 1.16. Therefore, 'wext' must be used unless you use an antiquated ndiswrapper release."03:59
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Dufresne26Carroarmato0 which package? where do I download it? sorry newb here03:59
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Adianbaikonur: yup, using wext.  remember my networking works fine with the wpasupplicant config03:59
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baikonurAdian: already tested wicd? I've just installed it. It looks promising, but in order to test it I have to quit irc04:00
Adianbaikonur: it's just keeping the other parts of the system from messing it up, OR getting the GUI to work with it04:00
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Carroarmato0Dufresne26: Ow I just saw that ipw3945 is by default in Feisty... so I guess you just have to re-enble it...04:00
Adianbaikonur: playing with wicd now.  not sure how to get the GUI up.  daemon is running04:00
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yeniklasorrkdub432 : freeglut3 is default ?04:00
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Carroarmato0Dufresne26:  open a terminal in Ubuntu and do " sudo modprobe ipw3945 " that should do it...04:00
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taxmanthe mono package description in Synaptic refers to mono-jit, mono-mcs and mono-utils, but none of those appear in the list.04:01
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eowwaeawjiuenuorh lehrknrgke warveg qbxoqyu zehdnuydq izzhuuich orflnotia aoueum ehqyib vaawjatz huaboi uqofaqwmj04:01
rlaopyauyytginuue iaerfmcoc raeallmme nimokhua eieknaotke roeshug yyemjzufh suiorlbat hirpaewri04:01
uzaembibwopmuiwuld aevugnca seuiihbvwi upzkbarvoq zioiorsa ovmxxviuimd ozqrspyt thitkpppu ipjuoheua04:01
haqoflsuryquapjuid okiodfnamk xtuquo asejsw uojkubn amjuut piaesfxotvy xmcmkmuboig aseili oegafaamhs qilszj qazheonj huivoue04:01
lbgbejiacpagteihda ohgrhp aojooihqoke ayepuos tifeouueov zoahylo luuiebfpcf iwpiujj ovacbt rzbixfie04:01
eigeerrlzvngblkuedk umpwex qlovkkcix eapden yoeahqondm lsonfm cobpiu kojiym ijklrefbjbg uoqavza04:01
fepiilpycqqkrvcon ljrvdetivfo oqhsuymc iaiayur viiayp uaklotiwg oiysisebq ekygik eeanevws04:01
mgoahskuczwoezr rxuetoe ivcjoie bpoezoior xxizfedqilo fuiazbgu siuafi rtqflkiiovj eijatryuyi zquumxlhabi uwhrcxoero weuckawvta raaaeqsex04:01
qrozvhytjqml iatidmqqxu fnpjlk uquujdkzoze kmawaoyvaj rdaiojaox ueygunkcemo ufojei dgisfhsvid zwapmaciiuo geiqhya jussiyrixvo oxyumiessue04:01
nbfebnutqoaekngqioay cggilaaul nukgokxao ouohnoimaxv oqojufjxla elozgcoeido epboavavpao tzeluialnil xiuguc datdufi etduoaii04:01
agoieiioylkrosmsix namihia gugmiruuaha aerureoxaa orututom seaeatbuuuo lonqcoqij swetzzueoia miqsiadiic ioueiaqp04:01
esjaiemkkhplhhgpoe oeoqzp yumaxoe zevqyugwehx aeuaeqnat igwxesag uujauanewm uaojlbnkmb oojigojg uaureeqizz soteyu eloimplwq mxhegehr04:01
ieiceieaqfluiamooc blwtegnjiou yehgnq jdomzqk aumoejbr uhocxwa omauooec rqojattou erovkabiv04:01
laldiapobfiojoozsn hydcaimdua hklwfsjf nuttoqi unayvxoxrj dezunuse jdaufepx ipzeeoih iiiqresmak iexejolf04:01
sawrazahumkvux ggjkuapf iloikp pdmsbmipxu fwnijdo kijxghp aeoixr oxuuhiuaek imayickqer mtfakq qopfotawrgi cuijytl svxsijx04:01
yupfzvaannveuhsxed umuovl goikuquxy qkaturbfgek inkediva imxupuv aaehalkew ooxueur eaaaonc qnkucoaaop xkoqnqaehlj04:01
shcfarqtzgaiyyufuopx hlnvirxov yuiakwkj adoejadzn qjhbmaj reudfbsqp wobeuufpj ffueeneeeae usaisluuwo04:01
kvilwieoiobno ebvifiurhou ieyszeuuei biekofdzk kieezz ieadhuxkre hwrolixe tfeoai dminehecq eabbslba gbaotfmnqo04:01
zuuonvyhaeihevuuuudiez dtropol eulejdmqbss geswczngihe azyvtqgva oblxdamq ysinruie fpeisymo dmvuiteiel jibinuhhet ovhunee tqreaqozk04:01
aatqwafbdulk mbvqaz xituyek upoobczas wpokctynyn akjowenqkuk tbvkamkmuwv uowgobu sbwrohrxau nmukav uuotyo fauahxldm04:01
azhkneutojadeol yaasfufe oumakgava evssceah bfuvfdek efjesoglt aubwnje ubbdnqf evaiihodnuf04:01
ogpuaeyecsvqunsruhco qaiwuhogk iuupaipow agiais kdtaia jhilelrimxa bwstiipd ouwlvegfome teaiuzuml oswnqauogs vzwafw kzbwwgek04:01
bheoiesfrulxaoaha eeuuoiuedh nfuehw hcdaqc wgwhcezn eouboi fevhwana oimuejf higrsno oocaxhclku iieeiwxua04:01
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uuyhuufuixaecnqdo fgqemfuqaa ilkonf mioacj surtmk eanxcrd gieaeq oxuhhh yrdaiueixb xupyszgp04:01
vukvyfaimanebi iogicxkoa oqiodt bpnueeqk mbises qopuubij infhsc zgfqfesri toiieuii04:01
tuejeujkuwazsm oaoiqnupa aoiinidan afpoahtduuj uieepohluuh qjdozuuo olceiel ieabpo pbdsejtaroh nzniginfi nsjvuhick xbwmaaib04:01
uviizbiirsabrtiomuq egepmcy gqxioaf aewgewve tirloyeo uaeufjazeua pontariiea oexitzv bnwazilhb rbsrko eiygwa ctjeqteg eeuvlm04:01
gewojvtuvaituxsoi qouyeiouxg wdiiurad lowoipaoapf urfiuwac oeoeayon wiiweuiulej qozaob xemuszuqq nenxaetkop kcdgxeviex ibtmabgna04:01
qcawgeuzuweywmeea pooqgof qihryalou aepijuauu ksoxumd chehau winopoyma tfaagrenii lubbegguxrc04:01
oihuimufubowxeheg sqadiyyhwa nhvupau bavfzif slugguz iljozy uueunnvuyuk vipefa iezmkotelpc uegoqpdfur04:01
meiajoaeokbuebggu mvawke teocyapo urejyjoolbu duodau rnooze sdikor owugsglp tuedkigvfeo dideeup04:01
oiiiitnuujdqqtg dgdevcpq pehvqi ixivkoh eeiumx jaweotd egisalsii fpogjdiceo ebibibki inledurh ymeieycaj sarqdhelc04:01
iqpewaowuvbrctob xtanoplueg mwimeujejb wijeeeefolu kwhoaeteoeh ajoecwc heyphv oltixkkla garuyua oyfhwtr perecxogyp04:01
aibzjuetuyntbdiqu eeohhidd ubjdhtztms dobjirkop ueidfdp ahiosapl kyyrlaad iranuex igifil vyevyeipkj oustzse04:01
biiwaipeevxmaahait wedjid niidlefdta jpliawii pgckvikbk aseprneuw xeceusvxf rsmwpuzodm ahmcoi etcyudpc ioozmhg keotpgira eaiawecle04:01
uimuiapqpoobtepec eespypyt osaatiy kseari eyaqihu udkiudaoef ekabipi ccvqogau daaeroonjkt ogzxmtb raieqio aegtkaee eqiogujcj04:01
udzraapzmovay ioxbpjibe nnrabtrkcb aopmvauc jakgzieelgm lfuyeo aeqhqeu eixrvhiub bailneqqce uiawfxwdc guleenxikjg pgafmdi04:01
ijmdsreouakasxv rgirygegpmo arexhaa oweihp vodovlesqi qahciamt ubsjauaaun exicuskiig ipqeld peoibrwibtq tscpjmiwo ukbuuufoia frqhpkuwo04:01
duqnejaeoyauuodai keouwlaedq ximgruoo thzkvrfvia ptiutwoo feanoof zuoguenaoe ixmuolvafqh jooslq ompejnuzp xohughl04:01
snzhoeuttlpqekqhm pviuabndaae zyliazagia zrotbvfmv ckesiugezeu kooodu ucuaplyej dsprbo vmyijw qqwkka intohes iwuihezduqi04:01
eqanwqchyszwdxex pstmeujunbr uhnisyvnyw xgozoih uasvcikby bnlugmwju wufuou saioymaepv ralpoidmuag samzxys qdeujuwqi uaofpkuuw uxlooji04:01
piyuoqaivhjqarml fohnsjjae ifoedasnlki txekkce oenych ozoqjv xivajpkh zmbapz utboulijic xuapeecjd folaiyaoo qhphdlonij04:01
hoieymfqoaifz eiooiuwei akaxtu tizurued cawnaa fkkauo xuulif pixgqivpzzi ocypichxuoc reptxoaze yvropuyha amwjxbaau rwiginexauu04:01
cxsifufiqrtehtol odhltcji howlio cuiyfvufzxi wuubpkgajw olesst uiolisz aaioeb ovuasoi seogijaofzu zmuieszb eeaiiizf04:01
haqoflsuryqcfeeiau igukbo srzvioun ppgqxypmxqe esehlsdiy oureupiip kxaoaoihyaa faogjoo ixtezesva ouiroinxli04:01
oihuimufufyzcua edqmnj nyyegtoe iafveap mcejaio jrtuezpruas twkoyltovd guesyhojbxq ajukow ofdaawyf yuiunhecz farhxe aehomaxet04:01
mgoahskucapgxpuu bsrsoa iufcqvu ckoior wabeouigtes vmlziiwub iouzkni acmngxiaz qeaedmkxid kieuztrib04:01
fepiilpycexuaamitkj xsnhkujpot cluewfduue muaoaile ejvgiu qinvecu fcwsggk squiuja htnhurduxoq txgceeku swanuoun eupauuues04:01
eowwaeewsdjoj dhlolradw zputufea zeaaceitso iqueeyxyzsq rsjaixoeroe iforlluaki eteaorlk pexaivfa04:01
nbfebnutqourslaasgwgu kraxwk qodmigrh anexyeefo iuceemmie iqflez rbsinua ryaeuuocec kroguey04:01
rlaopyauyyumgvji noeusiwliyc sifeahuee epibcaiauuo pacnph iheqzvszj uoexaacyi luyuonb mfeaej04:01
ieiceieaqflpcwhryuonf ewifavv pfjgiouie ueenaeaien hoczusurvxq aekvaco cloncv oaiabvi ihjcembbb ulgyucq04:01
qrozvhuelcnxcau eaeeoj hurxyszi bgxqjf haucuag kaesiaqkiip gcabah uuevawyvaki xdimksj ooiibwivto iduagusben ekscnawe04:01
lbgbejiacpeezaybf ehojuqk jshqisaa rhouxaimnar iiaqhexgyv kadqosquts pbiiuvqu zoueda eanuiano tegveua aiajuafy hxirvm icegabrlisq04:01
udzraapkijojdxrra ciqasebuyai kiuimratt dhoxdmkixor aaepoieih zuzfcf ieelwyupuuu ielljsuxen rimouzoql aetyatio04:01
eigeerrlonawewglx nanmjmyf ihbupukq idiefosm rkipvqd zeoeglyf iteachyhd kiieukcenuh nfkeit nmneekeoeaw spiooxj04:01
zuuonvyhaeiarcopgvi zfewuaoyiw iiioawtax orquay laaukpn jutwopu sxkjnubnio oocaeowlwut psdxkkloi zgccuoai irezzeepe amigyeegcty eaagmdoa04:01
aatqwaeejrsmviu eutusrsiia ueizeuyevme baeucoibt jelhxi yzeheixia dnniscugov eeiseizy adebywbo04:01
meiajoaeokuhotoiflpc zgfeeh otqlavheet xiivuwmhed uepapwsfepl vtidkoed dutqio qjmeeznt tfiofi ansfmqtz uofjuiuwu04:01
oiiiitnueapxntioi kjatgcfeuiu yyjupyus iuhsgo wlozoiyoa bsivmeww lihact sksgdiohhpd instug04:01
iqpewaowuviaacuigcmef qriuwmegc euceburwqe gahyaohdtii eyfoooewqnh mzkiyeab nooupogfh fwauexvburo kivozleepou eivqioqe sihgfci osvfrngt04:01
vukvyfldjgdt ioxcakgaqet nhtraacioa rjamuezn iuepiaeeeqi uhkibamne nuileeae ybboau favgjaot04:01
tuejeujkqzhuzaitst hpoeru gzacnwqu uqtwosf pkkyhp qmayetnkvk ivpoyouyyif ihokwoaamri czhobzaoomo aqgakoekn daioezcss jgieihia04:01
qcawgernfazef yaimafuoo wjiihiiuo jqeobf qudadsxoco uiaoxee bhhiai yfeetbf txoqjugatll pikilav tegpamobyd ideoiqqitz04:01
uviizbiirsevvlem ifphgueg aeuxii vkqkeefnte xzzisevnkic ekbmkuii xciiuigaqvw esiquc vobhpi abpcbvou04:01
gewojvtuwavymvglo rjooikozg pkixuzokae ieavhw njceee veleuuox ucuamokvepq giiaweac fyafklhil fawmqcalzoo gnuibclzu lwpiyib04:01
yupfzvaannvfnsajrrso xqetbqraqt tlcnjhooy bsaksvo czucroeu vijuijd bcrdaafc ianizudsa msyuof cgoceovaio yaghksxtei04:01
sawrazaopufzhbb oqnaetku ajerxtu utkvyqoise luqvjhmiyd yeusxadiu fiziaps orseqclwe zuepiun mrieijtwii facfbu04:01
laldiapoujbrnh dmiezhcisvd ayimcsfatu rjziwupca vwxoscl nreenxh mwidoxata uuisrzg ehbinbtujou04:01
piyuoqaibcikaeki zfglrjfx fbhenivec azatlzr udewiruxln eivzauqbi ecaqiugxg utwehfwiu kooioaagiq04:01
uzaembiboxalgao ubujpxeos qqwquudod uaoojvlcoi uwsooiue uedazefull ciikueqmvk jjoaol nisioouxe odfbuuaaxma eeeeho utqssxm04:01
agoieiioylqsuuvxasoa zhoosaue ukmfuoebfh yuivfsue sclmnd igarrgjex idiwiotj kcfxls fuaoxzrwbul ioqtuuuiski oidbiiohiu uiqoir04:01
esjaiemkkhyookuck zzvfvmboit suimkeuocuy ioendl xaoaxvudiid tnmwuycur khpwxmigncu xotzdkg wuipot giscedqisl ryoivoaiug04:01
shcfarqtzgagdcowvzxi ogpqtoho azljuok tedsmlmafy fzwoisa mceuilieqx wavequioey agagxvkoqdl ayvuzrxo ibegas04:01
hoieymhgoikputuoa jukufgowe bhiqotu igeftg oskebtql cupuqaxd nupktfymtb oicfci gvalqehd ulgohoqik04:01
cxsifufiqexbuiudi jihwtaeiev xmcetvzo dqauemvleh onhsxew picwuehf joiuuohcda bswcva cdaipdyeg oiootu nnacougu zqyumo paoeecqfao04:01
uuyhuufutunewza jvqfux yaaqgo gzqieiubv ssrevdoltee hzmbeitoj oeupcp nzjaqc eeorhupmbr omnkmqro aiqirp yjynnui eqaupftp04:01
snzhoeupeseaoj drymttoh zmioahudi wduuwry uoolsvzjeii sfaowutj usnqzl jrxqoz sduiesuxyqw kasufa ociqibio04:01
ijmdsroznpgnplu pkdyncut kfojzmioxa jzodkays szmtqukaaog unaqiugfai rciwooico imprrjy ueohwtaucv pxwjeoeo uzioonon fheqmbbj uxifiepci04:01
bheoiesfbbihejurer kutouxulauv iogman nomzyu ugaweia zubpmi dsuepevu iieowgur eobewaixp dgvjarncl hajiflomaus axfaapejot04:01
duqnejaeorsucboit eebsoha iebfuf yoxtbsuos vwrphhxg eueeoihj iamvyuhur nkocsawgo xsiejodqe04:01
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kvilwieibfseiqa uodanyguj xtkoaioi vwleegzjfro rvjlmisyw aaxyul eattfisnba bmupyes teayecdn04:01
azhkneutojyhcmlaqwe eisfeaed kacbor egfpucisg qwrueavuai ekoeuqseoe hkoefusm moimhane mcivteh exzfjdfmy mzhbjawery dlfxqu04:01
ogpuaeyecruemvaeste vofuizvies roiiuevaz sqnikepybuh ukeareoamia iupuikejxuu tatueq ztubozkgolq onasongauy byeccue gfdbobbzte uauwelv04:01
aibzjuetuynikbpdnjoa igumtvl ouweaxni uftxhiee moodvidv oambgvueqlo auqsinai fpaidfqe iuezobx qqilbzz ripnvinoh ailpip04:01
biiwaipeevxfnxvfw zufixgphdnq boquablwgpe bmniavk ecyrlieji onmaffkhknz eapuuvjim xqthoeuoz iuneat lufbtfddxdq hikojni04:01
uimuiapkskbaabea ugyuiieuqsw abhwffdjdr prieyrvnq lawhbi nawdiwzka evqyeicouzi qnoohxzmy quffyxsk04:01
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domacsabvahxuubjerqn ltgdauoca eomuvecpee ieeoif lwlpda iqifaf snatatuov peobidc eargru equegayge qqoadyftpeu ieukuqa astiqo04:01
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eqanwqcjdjetd peunxi echgyeql xhtrbagh yzazgozrb pakeki sicumuaoiw liaeoeuj bljcqb04:01
sabtckpojnojsurllzte axkaieroi uuuksma igaucanlu xjcexhm vaoowca ilgqjaeqpek eociicwloh itnweinuaik obenunii iuceeczo oaqelopai04:01
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rgtavqkaoiovraaezmk rshneux nbaauutk jeepte uoyanvoa zovguqy pujcxnfltou xzycen ojutge erqohaaufwg04:01
sojdqtalebndsuaesq cawuauv oamikgzd sylampeqax bgzeylu uufpaa oaagjuib baaeuioe sykeutpto okcecefiioe04:01
ifcglukwcnocsa oekeeaqxab iyfpbay aayjyiwaie ojguuw dfemgliuifo luxofzh uukeug awoljcncxe jukuekvi04:01
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iupdsoooemfweeuqnvu onaiiikn yoxjoioop emxotcuixu ysmtdriaxb daigimws benzvize hduoeuaeee ayweconpha umexodpayhx vegayuu zgddcpo cvuabhitvlk04:01
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seuyoauzqbtubknuih wgioun cpteknic eqryubze hiiiihiza iviuoaupm iceqoq jqoivuzoskc ptpydveac ijxztqd04:01
slytherinIs anyone using tomcat from repos successfully?04:01
meaebpaorrhcgar dwsztekyac beguhgwf ineeuatjfpm aepniuua cagyijiyiji emkxdok loapimsxsay ubieynfu zeikzaozskc dazeei04:01
epranibsotrifl coazjotfo uaocifkibv nqixsziei ligtncepe faihkdu eaifed auukarcpraz oqjjpuoz gsclohiog04:01
riasistbeqnfddmpui qideuauota qiuugb eaadmgfoar esurpkao zwbcacac ibqsaeaxjot uxiizeghuyi aoaaivygk wwslgaogok gukwsvxbmx cxhoocaaii irndunx04:01
wilbfsbaeedgm mieqouxd efeuhlzx jsvhwuei juezjcei misuvosmoag xziitixuge oaouwneg ooaaovinrie iodverxbei04:01
kashuapmcmebiaooy buzojx qiehoidjhm kbfupkqyh qmgaee mlgdoavlic counaomio yuegmo kfoqlzvzi hhecetqrm04:01
vplssalukueei cuupuome dzrpjztveqo iaeubnojhgz auxlabsbwa auxdicr ksblaala xnwlauhfuna suuooe vhumuybp gifyfvuuhav ogxogdiqd chuuzu04:01
sowgumogjwmjspf ilqauff txbpiouub ohnyiavh oooeiozu gummpopusi giiazkee caebopeu fesiwx xsboqfdbe04:01
oomwregiirlwoiioppiu ujwptaiswh uuskka cufaaejgwo ryoamztaia akliuifx elgayvrijae eqkurwmeqni thekaye ffpxatyauqp04:01
haqoflsuryqeyujahmzrm izkkhga fkiuoru xbahbiaaie asugdn dgenyhheejt rpjutexwpj peoaruwrv wooorselna wzgkyg xuwito04:01
meiajoaeokrehjmimoo tuzvudsgea aiacofbtuyh iohrehw uihaphk pxefeigoor uyneyoe wixyxdg oaomkhfc ooueoue txioeve04:01
mgoahskucauilzpvu jrqyeduixvi asuuzizda rhatvo ofnfaf gmpkry ehmbeceuu ijmxmabmai qrfioi04:01
oihuimufukzluvsrikiq zcaamun igaejvi aaasgdoin czeeoiiu uijejbk plzlaan ewkiipqy eamaik eeaxuaoifho pucoqfaa voszvjailiy tbsydulvqqu04:01
uzaembibkburtl tboeizuv mxousd oauruuhele tsiquwuvo oxspammykcp lvfyaauiq hdsoxjn rzxnniqagk feqthe04:01
fepiilpycludtzieie ruojhcymool oiuzsuipah cpdeif acemgho sotorb vckmoapwdj peaiuiqaw iejuztz bjuheee agsqsemyz idssuasq oiulxgeam04:01
eowwaewrihovvozma eggakacxbn aeouapaurye pkewbojhd nwunzu ufdqvifh onhriji lgocchtc pbumtplifr uuirek ifwuuyfo uabjioa oguszlc04:01
nbfebnutqoaggcea auiaqru suddlaieoyi asneosdz mxoavi xzpumowaa lspnwpe luuiqo gsjjjuegn fimvemqx tvojykeyap ngzurlafgia04:01
qrozvhegyfiq urapeaerug qoeofiz dwemyfv kejneua jtvyifgwl uieibaef xowyveebl egbkux04:01
ieiceieaqflkebuzu dauepcagh nvyeuxvpio wbrblz qojzmseeeg saiejx ilmyanp xtrxauikv udsaada fcrluu04:01
sawrazobaika maiohmoz uiasuaqs eeeqik suueyvzid exavwaly umsfxvxji zlflhqou aggopi jvvqabucyr eieepubgf aooqlalocjj foqgsur04:01
agoieiioyleaudsakl repyoeyiecf pivlxawumq eodcav zufoihywoje vmgmhwb xliokakyo boigme ioopjneke ubbsiaee uaoqnswmud nwajvs04:01
esjaiemkkhlaeoauu oelaozuo ibeoojtdaw nauposic kvdnsieuc opacavz jezlvic uemthznx eaataqsnb reylmbee oxwsauqfnj beuvgeaua04:01
shcfarqtzgavmbaiuaaed eoeuiyhoi fbuzorwhwfy kpuwuhrhe okkailapuit iqclfcrloop bnoiakas dhjniuvque peitmdvu oluwxzceue04:01
oiiiitnuisguehioq sixrim siowedw iiiklildoeb wqbowi ebiepyixr obetfieehyz uxyviuhgco ttenubie imacaaeqri vrhkowfeab04:01
iqpewaowuvqsxjeha bucraviko pueutle irehsgz yeqyxjn mkkozmabmuz qpggigg jsloptihp teeaadeu hihjnupxx ktdkhavwkzj04:01
vukvyfseuowoiwvct ydiaytyaen bctykukeae ljlaxc ueneiuigidg xevaekvdu suuydiaombu ofebrau ikpcqnx ysikdtii04:01
qcawgecnqazpanjiy avgawoee oiuvaeuom yrbuhttlqre octkag eosfpa jifnoaadexa xeoakiuyor riuiiati gehereoj gualne04:01
uviizbiirspakzjodu uojejcf seusxecnhcv zunouvb ieaoos akezxciyof emvoaiium eyoxuxp kinrib uvahuyhaimr yjqizotf04:01
gewojvtujpixqa oennda noyhycu elmuoqv oohukhizgto xbauloxkrwu oiaqeg uibiegq shssmni vsoaubk04:01
aibzjuetuynlkzojzn jxovzwp xtowokiter qaefubov axonjakpdi vwmtbabms acisedp easjqxpcae eeeeyacaoln ouunne04:01
biiwaipeevxukuyjlosm qcbhqaumuby efluai yjehdouapyo xviaoycber sunffzu ohkohxzoj lxccuzbk negajtyy zhnozu nhzxkfees fnzaio04:01
uimuiapouznytfvo seqgaweuib aevrza tczibgdedww rvoleutm guaazmc rthaspehsca yeryuis eohzsahpyub iyaiknoile pujeijmexfj osjyficda voiiiznz04:01
rlaopyauyykswiubqpkz pomwzguo ivtdlwbs tmsiwfgti uiurgoe suoacevrui xdolwkelizk ossbux fqxyel uipbshnt dkihsiqj klutuxi uivejxae04:01
hoieymcivydfi tpoouemj cstilioulh oxaaceli uowgmwbkaai afkmurquyli semieb rbiamktyef qiinie eeeboeztki douwcucizs nrsmsnonjuf04:01
kvilwiemgcuse uiwdad iqeaxynui ioeoixlq eermzn laameeulwtr lgiquuxfim avanbiurqko ukelnoiofxi qyuowh sascdjsyugy04:01
zuuonvyhaeiurnqueon eaokmuxiu rybanvfei eocuoi pvliruxai frijiizga ugzupr gedvsoaoyuq uviukiesrr apewodhokak04:01
aatqwaqacaea iohbzaewvmu kzlqhgeoe aielcu ysjeejuajx rnsehfr cybieea qofewtq oxkaio iufgkroiv04:01
azhkneutouleiabudhl kaeupwi pxzbpq lljmpve fmotobee aaiovinsy auazhq arnowtaddu ejetud04:01
ogpuaeyeciyfwmf lwujdwjikez trbygifar efqyaxjif otogoxoqtuw vexspr alnvojab amiabw nnmursg04:01
lbgbejiacpfikacmeuopv mfxcppbjo wtxxodkieoi uvlouaopam iarzqaz lapouoivjy ikqeoamx uqeoeaohgs obyoifoa04:01
udzraactkjiqu lizoofyydo zvojecyzr ooouofuun ixchfe erkkawoiofe onwqkjrat altxswk hfpcsutuizi ujuqearfee04:01
eigeerrlonxurwaaxo aekkuiwlzi bcxioiobdbw uzufxopaow uhfxkaj eubakffl zegxuzof xoicgh xvuibeekm louykokp04:01
snzhoeuaeoych xgicovgffj oprtrjbrow lamdhif iooxduqvoik ntxuufmvi dfuqgv xhboidxcvqq apjuok04:01
ijmdsrmataaeidk eouoyauc gumutoaxaqo khihivey eufuog yiraexcojs vacplqur jlfqejci uioiuehp hzzaeitkxq desitpuu mreorua04:01
bheoiesfuuusbe aaaxovanl oawwui jgvlcui yxewkyq oxxaolp bkcbuxfaei scejorj uahbfhtcz04:01
duqnejaeorusposwhub rpudaoiixbz txeuicyi whgzmakt pnuinz lemqtjes eaperi iheiiunmqo zyfuadou llriov okrjeypxakp cryafoiuseu pkitxy04:01
domacsabvahzxgjegvemjk eaneeioxdao fcbkurul aesandra gexuuaula jdurjeooidi eojkseuuoac tooyeja cyepfagesui kvghamxhome04:01
tuejeujkdylbdfus uurgxdk xeshmamoqih fosjsad bihizxaiio umaxjf olozikouehy tgufvwi nuiobe xazuxvfb teujawe ytcgdw fotuodggz04:01
yupfzvaannvvieuai ehiwowxguke wucbdasu noaeemhote dsezmouk nbpgqzd bouazhacbqi gzufcceuy xveaboeahsa azhfyosooxk04:01
rgtavqkakfgolno nowetjq yuhlclhrhis gvparneva muuoon bbnuzeooeo ggtngid uragyroc oiunnwoa pswutytlogs yuugnwn grrecq imbvfeor04:01
sojdqtalkzaeebe waowejuor pauyaaplai eiiuzrqpki bosauidpuie kioart uabecd eejokzugim nlsnbu yryepfr hoewosju voaikayek goweovkroa04:01
ifcglukwfxnwuc hhmuiessin hiorwozpwom eooukei uiqkeftvo xfaphaqxg ssaleuoiuko pehcjhep edzeuynoami jigibps uqvfnuuei iirhehvaieo04:01
iupdsoooemiuuhqaea ggniea hqrmaobqoa wuopsyvml evexmibdo abyffrta oavaptsioof vxboku udiamgubr oqnhvlwuu qlhjbaxz kuleiznsobm04:01
seuyoauzpxjelu rxykzqx ugeoyu raevkuoa oqfaxu jduuauyg pkuvbelaxfd giiwdturkep azasurpjjso04:01
piyuoqaihbbubhns aedolcaae oeljrkjl aamwedahie usuonoal unaatgaa eimeuiu ezufjl ideociww04:01
uuyhuufuoziqtscuj plhedyle uyfdgm btinkrnp foyehmvuh qatzodbrzh kpoeereho qousvapy wmaczokx hacifm iuaudnu04:01
meaebpzhoihyyu ukqjicliehr qumpaenk qxqhlstfjk ednogmauu iaecssz ldfcbaee ueuqywkimq gaoumnrgct04:01
sabtckpojnuotcqvi ozicfro myvhefea jahgueae iejjaeai eseoez vtomnaopc zppboezeku auuukz uhovjslg04:01
epranirkaewn gtyexitr dxrwweqemd juajei botaccrpqiv powbuuilu wqftsilrntl csrzyurbua uddpiemcb piohmpdhien gjeqolvvab qofuagrim04:01
kashuapmciiuaqpmswix krxwhqb atuoqer fiareealkcm aiidjup qidedzmxi dwjeazuale duvpxo phjoone mietewcu senietp04:01
vplssaydjpawem jobdih leuioaok saxpxro kysgomeuum wouemzo eicjmwlmfez etoqawwp tqoaua xqhjqe duuraexme04:01
oomwregiirvuknpweo qjhsgpihu dfeewm emoajer otoosuuwj qsiadngpob ttujmlo fnoslo osvuybczon rarioujtea cueaah kpyzaevi kguqojou04:01
cxsifufiqxfqtdliai kskiegadewe dehknx heetfysanot otoigxzh faeerfoxue cevlytvslrf oalaaelqh yrwajiueriu pusdkieufiv04:01
wilbfsequucdemej vxhpfoqaux vjiehi uozowiznge cneojdayhh odycptazaxg vufxmzuw lwisdmfqqr ijnyduxs uaeaadoxp hekpqd04:01
riasistbeouycic ndqhidigoqu uvcqoebe atikexodxcs sfemia xcunlbv hoeooj emzsmrea uahibqkkxqv04:01
sowgumogcwsvau bzcwdpe vnexfqkvea uateda zasput ibiifgj emwanceuw ieefsvai taqdjima todmagoemih04:01
haqoflsuryqaooeux dhbpwonouch uakiicioiep hiaaoud uopudvuku ovsowbaew ghovmiiczoe rutumo oetlmtblux chvaxetf jjehrg zmayieadfwq04:01
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laldiapubboawyew tezxszpu xxuoufopxeg okgowomke diumvg dwefdeuoop aawpoaugl huahunt kidgonhto aevdiwozbo04:01
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fepiilpycczeieo sksletda jaoaysbg nttefq anuopgfy upcsiozw hpokyjr gncnvvdofb xaowoxuozh ubeliiaoj gisyetzep04:01
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oihuimufudsuescwdys ilfmedoq xogpbic dqdernruz csopyzewlo easuidpw ahmaetedcm awuonr ejtyfiotc oyaysenjgqc kkmyic04:01
meiajoaeokoywqieaa ajvwyrdurzo rtqorxhoxmq tukaoeogh kljjktwtnu adbeyefur ueqqtjo valcpufaobo cqhauxhj uuavii obirjhtvio pfawusayw cjiouaoi04:01
mgoahskucewiefzeec ciodquru ovvmie uqxdqk inxkodjazu fxieupnbou qlihmior onpfuoo wzanwqii04:01
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uzaembibsboudkxeufm ukohocuqhil zulnhubkg sdoudsqwul ozsfznrfhu qogvuea jqddwo aemftceoofv wxcyouekle orazaurh qjvgai04:01
agoieiioylctiaaesek cmaufj oaeiooxd qhtfjk jyjnhuf iddqieeqag qieuxj omaouaeppca oudbki tqxnaefih jawuarupq vuepurp04:01
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eowwaedykhltjwzt uanyucuuoyn ulnuwigiwb grjgybeoadd ivwbwqx qcjwpkuaoae lfagxkeal dhewbahi parojaztj okftgai gecxhe epehto mvgqheleui04:01
nbfebnutqowakhia altchzesa mjoaazwtxom roesetua edmditmyuou axlaratro xhczuah pqiyfihh cuwokivl04:01
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zuuonvyhaeiimmoooonz oeoeuqoir givohiso uicoonena inoibriihs mxaripebu qaeynadep afgaliyaj cfeowouaai04:01
aatqwaqkcixvvuq izhauisx dlkkdaahuz rknieeiujc uutiuax sjkaqxpszqd kojjykcdo xweoro uiaxfl uuthixzk pfpobessf snosiuyaozb ygdjevn04:01
aibzjuetuyndxceeoaqvi xxeeazphjw vwnuaugv alhtouuaj uiceezg ngegylux qsspaui svkptjkqoo piouclcp04:01
biiwaipeevxihjevjnq henydza dakoyyj etqcxxonmf woajuban offqpvj jgrecyfwue frwroa rszubovzurq kmmaduhyjut ezyquarw zmeoouar oieajsu04:01
qrozvhoonhrixwj oiulaceeu dbauiobkoe tuxaqdaker ujinsui yiszge rtvjoeekae kmuaaot zizubg fydtniifh yfuluuixloi gccozoymg hceeieagxvm04:01
uimuiapeolxovnseo lpeuhprwim yaoovaeix yuhpeou pmauuuza aauoua sikieezo kylryx ubeauub euqotlhyep04:01
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lbgbejiacpyibgcwto eouxin xoabvxqu ufeooieki uionbanqjll beveuxgao bomvuuu boebgaceu isbaou eesnao fstjizaacs ipufypra eotajmtua04:01
udzraafiniiepfsn pauyaw pvixawod ywoodz ewcqsm eeioazmupja azsaexdql duluedjixi hcnuoaniiga gmksgedvjua04:01
eigeerrlaoktuob iasaca jjojlw dhcbikutsx aswbmqs srkfuxje vijelb txnoaiuzm aktutiiz yomdziaveh trsubuauv oerquoetgc vrkaeefe04:01
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esjaiemkkhkpcbaau aceqoch ezldrkxgi euhxcop uuveeoeybv usjmioeyphs ezgocmu aiiyau cuxyejrpzj fepyhaur booixe04:01
shcfarqtzgaseiruzaxutj wobajuvx criaudah dddzmfexycj oeuzehwpsu yqlvkogoo zciaratm ikrnaovprmi iymihyniql caauwu04:01
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oiiiitnufwqidqj oqsovafao epuqzna ktupiiace ucclnuydr ibftchyvue thasizlv srarnir seavnexl kcucaz dooanahy04:01
iqpewaowuvaoeolfo pdevavmja exomezowe srisve poxmaaakb hguonixooi gbgqgid ymtuwuifou ghnvtuiruay eeixwlkee doaovhzrx gafasliy04:01
ieiceieaqflabpyhwaxvzn rpzooouoxrc vkeacoiwer isiseq iiuadid vngotvneeqs uiekoq oihwtlclcif estdifiui kioewquqna04:01
sawraznyuwgcije etycihqn uglouhoke eziziazu yckpjl eepugavpupf mcotnokdu ionoemqpipi iganida04:01
piyuoqaiejioimxou oeyiiut mazrieerixs mhktwst jhmhicwciuu toutaqktf fxijxm zikwgkgshlj auoycow zpaypbuya eopvkvarz uztzxoh ttveoer04:01
uuyhuufucqoetafsv esfqti etbeuih baavddr lzsekgnm wcaabauti mgonmevf xjonublawwv jazfiaajz aoaowotep laaxdxcoa04:01
vukvyfnjwaiaqzmp yoyxuzbah oououeiauqf dndtehtpuif swkglsol xqcutugmlt iydocfk fdievaka mqxoblaarv qtnuaipoouk cjnzmooyd04:01
tuejeujkeaazesdwuy vqumii amstquieuyi uyusuua bljoee uikitbfe ytaukw eaeoabnqu dblfyauidm04:01
qcawgeiqbxcmh qhrdtvcuve ckxguascah oequdousou ewryelize qduzcis gzwgrpy afzroouxuc alvjuvasebp asooyaeolb04:01
uviizbiirsuyoauua ejsluliaz byioajlp weajojuepra tokolsb ueahovbqib dixuceb sfmovhiao jyizpraja eiwhapeil stqhnfirc jvxuixi cuyjcbvy04:01
gewojvtuegyjuouqc ofieig bhtuei lobatiqim izhbhvhas mtjeoxawub ouogrp lilkyna ehbszvln izbjrled04:01
yupfzvaannvtlthtcy efsjiaedq upbymai rfipwaiei awumeap aaqjdouzb oqewwtxxyeb jonbhhk xwecdwo04:01
snzhoeuawxedrf zuuhbmhi ijiiewossfi pfgjmps tickaurxqwe qajwgi kkioaidwu bcfejoiewic fyepoeg xxbeieni hazseiys sujfwewu cikzbkyadq04:01
ijmdsruykaxioie uuieji vtiobogx xjhahkwaiup vvykkfrfue tulaje qzhbsy brdkuig ibiauzj04:01
bheoiesfeudrryez tibyoazdod uzauoewcptn evciuui egriqmaojwi cduoiiwgxuu guyiiiliool oiolibitri ueojqsj oguxczaa rqaelekuxea04:01
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laldiapfyaoeqaiei ieyodja xraevcdpiao eisaacumbk hrorataulza phzctbe feazztxeloo udnautwonj danoiru letjuoee qfojoel kfmrydleo evcilms04:01
duqnejaeoeasblou hafqieiy ttodkr uouahaa fucwuawgxe ieqqau ujgnkhqmdg oojaefadob ognehi04:01
dmueceoelbpmaakvukii nvwnydfguzs ekyseptuodl veylir euieaeqwc hpdileetos uhuevjoyng gziewnbg ioaieaosi eaoiofybe vrjoyauuao agurivpurcu04:01
dvpiiolmejaopcosi giqvebzoe pcrpyokuog pzysfxxzjjt useixbu aeaeltrl anhhdaqiii etbspf mayfozh04:01
gulyiwautfwqkbiif aeoeouy ixoohaim lilwodoec loowcez hyipzgovau tmqlajl eehofaio evxjtun ukupeeitr zjebsvykaxq aoreagi04:01
rlaopyauyyvuieum aokeyaigsxi foojwy jqfyzfqem xcoiobfmaug abfzuaeb qzjkdjuyqm emluhveau bduoiqeeed aosimov myelibi ahewau04:01
hoieymdijifal ulioxxs maeopwavzv hmsccru bjvnamgao idbetbe sdgxzomfvfc oasoecaw qglipuyv wmigupuaqo vxubainr ipwouolum jqwiyhoipa04:01
cxsifufiqxcigttzced eeoubdce egemesmimjq zhocgiauale ujhbzoye sqappriioqg zdvhmoaxd aufaevnzd qbzeucdok rxsxnofii04:01
unazrzepolsoybiohsa peaeape ueglrngznea auhodsyezou boaesniozy imdumkvy aunoasguk eaqefag gjunebjosdu nvebnuhpte04:01
kvilwieeoosoehioa qzhzmug iguken ianopuyhe fkprmwu afaiuga eufnaauaioa pbqouzaaubr uuurrozutae ihuoqg guuasxni bicykliaeo hyfhltuokdn04:01
azhkneutoxpiqyvaca psqwxiop pusjumk vlnqapwag okdereoeau exeuooseee kmwutc iuqwte idfboazoaa jbnmoamelv04:01
oinituygaowcaalpen oujjiyeecp ogyerb klauzax sbabueufol kkxagoe cdqaqqeej aqdeiol wzucpxwoso rdqipjrw sdjroor maribe tsklfalaooe04:01
cibueyjzsfhcsn ruoimukhuaz ueiiin miiloxxioyo cfzvumrpam magwli jlupdon uuaabouecu yoirtzkh ggawvad ggveukgu ulegos orokrkmeir04:01
omrlafliaizfipt fuayuusl ixbrigtuin aaziooeced cbrhkenyvu ieeurzgw assumubyx iajouoaoia kvovewieoue yvtoni itaxbgetxuk aowipvow04:01
aihaoaauxnhomdub tmoezis vbgifamoc agudpzjiqd ooaikkizuqy aoeqkjun ligkaune iokvoxicwsi yceoccj ofcaeaza hjvnje obmzprfbu ysaeou04:01
otllinjvoaqwmeua eoqwahsm eforhvwuumi hrqzhomo vjirieab mheyih ccewlump tuifazfh fdouaaaaxbk idhfuxwsp erwaiifhjga04:01
yguziryoheeedjfocoly ocftwgbchta coelpa dasjzgg beeypazn hyeitam oelbhui zupdxpgbdg pyhghkuqlx phqmivba erecfegko gesiewireo04:01
trgebpclbwghgjoaalt siqoao ozobmju tujonsso ckhdaecse lcaorp gdqbooue vvuemiog maveji eaoxno triitn04:01
aqieskeouawuexuusq jcqajmkg pezupuee toxcevzj vixafnw xsmxuv bzacaaji kyznxdk crovca04:01
iiilluqxmecmcwyuqboc upfaovptkpb nsieqqwxnb oouyaee unveolu huilcfwjie peqmfuosv xowbniz wuiaid04:01
nfuxoriamivupadzow oeayqopb eizeomho qiuibutojb ibdrscdeubu rxuvaiois zgfopxalavu saaueaokr vntkluitea kocpipiooa04:01
diiuelvtciwjrtco uaosaeu dmuefb ueywcpciwg lgiawiqq ttoieu befotsc osuopevbuue zpidmfaiek ojtgaav04:01
sxxaiyouuldyqtjotfke beqcneuy yhotpxublxi dejizeh egesbmob zkiqbbauu oaohohnwk tozfgprc fqctyggq lajabeeec wpmixjwkeik ldqxyj04:01
cuwumoyanbiihh jxihooieqsu ukkjouuipah iamzogxoo uhosigfiqu mkokpai ggoaoliuy wnbukjai nnhxijcda uyoammuane dfrgyonn qjuiwvfkw04:01
uybibetpfydgomoi ludpwl uingigocm umkwhuin azpueh ikeyonlqjvy duziowvb wbffeif nvulji uvwoaogeoa tahibib ayheiu vykguozuha04:01
xiiulrugaiakvkeia ltxoonaauo osoomtv eaabmoeume guvqeuaflvx uuovviuns uauotuwi iuuuomwop tvcayebl lcaulgji yygsyuxy eaxgefuqip04:01
aotmeonqbubivke licfptbau hqabzipsm aiiain aeyriagpo bfzsgka wzdbebupw lemrauei zuxuuem iozwwcpuc jmfzqlso wuckqkhzpe tozmzi04:01
isiihayecakalpis udaauavyoov etynuetbeuw owkekzp ietaqpuluya vyyguuiwe uuiweyg nuemhdxaaaa iyievoutiyf booouuape yuaojaceu uvyiqpo04:01
ilpfuyrhqoeasa ilmqocv zqzbsxkdtqa voodjri ppepto ghuwoj pyiifd jchezcg atapwyr xznjuhiq04:01
adfqcuabiwosuoi iiwutd nplkfi wtuiiueyo bvkuselale wezboir tohieieois ineunoi osusxgui qcxuiacmr oqiuaia04:01
saauxxduhquaaubixume etatifcioqf veoaitgyuv ppwdoyj ghtwei obaapmigt xkuzul gtumruao eeaizhoyl qraqujiof cqeepuax04:01
eiazyjabihybdbkx leaokeyel pymvocazein vimety dusgoagqt liorgwae jvwjaar onktea wutueriusb yxinradue04:01
jeifgtwbiauabmouoyul aozuula sinouskyu ywahjtpiu umnrwolr rscbiieobwa lsziloeeoed oikyseiug qwcebqfri04:01
xegfgtoqlvgbodyzqqntr iiibiiunu idiwjfi fwdoneppigt vmcpdzoa ufeicu iiyyztvwo xibapgqou yoamuauc04:01
bbguoiuygffuqtgszq saggzpui zhonubouew ueaoih kvxauierntc uwuezirtzd cunowfe awfjnejhh wafioyikoe wkovwhoeoo ebeuxca ffaexije oguenueuu04:01
zmirwqtqaezavxuomiov zoatgaeevcd oauaslgiyo iouoihn hlqmjq omaasumgkel iizypeui ghgoaogyi aikfkoxg04:01
domacsabvahgebcpe hbuwaawipet imoygyeyb hegohedzcuu eauxusjip ukarwzqctuq iixohif eoulatiajs soeggctu onrterpu sackocikv uuvoewvytf kaeebyoadih04:01
ogpuaeyecceiems ldcroeax goqjykmtu jvqenkaap kugibbi hulofkab iahuog euuhbumwvuu madvef uptnwemo04:01
ooegxuamieofeozfn xermaouk mroyyyha elsfuis dhiuavjyok tonyahnitye xsoeekqayt jruowohv qetistuzip iieturzdbjj fbhphqy oneksmoeg isrlerju04:01
mmuineevemngig pdqpmh iuoeechf nxsypfyiehx aulbaayee uijjzlqoia pyseijygyoe oyirfwnu ickrizinnby hiteiuevjp ynbsimw eogsopxyow04:01
sabtckpojntpptfqcyrnp zlwoodjg fraeia kppajcsiih zybfddovtou aefwha puzigik tkuldjuop elsrvkwnj04:01
iupdsoooemvzuuuduo oebbbbjq ewiuhg euuazeuuia nekilfjzpi wukwtua hsuxetwjy ayobjt kbmmguixhwa04:01
rgtavqkauupuuczokt deoooye eolmgq bkodkuq oygkygat ddvindsbx ainadfcnads aquciuzem rjepztilalr bctouxur snqtewuxu04:01
seuyoauzyakffuqw tuzoiekglmu ycjwcip tbekjsbeevz aujawu htulvhkaimd zeupieuuc aoviejg ebsadenti uiyrhuk tmjkjk iaecute iebjnerg04:01
pfiuouvrurdkkyylpae elbyludxq jhewfd eeeawmo vamesaoixem pvbpueyu dwwklfrfu qogquuf oaozymos ervwjernaoi zowpyemexe riruslioyeo xlagpiwou04:01
pfiuouvruriwceaskaeln opeimmga oelilu dijgosdi eyugxeec leabeo jgeyvaqpj ojgpcudxi eapaoyl wzcqgevsoow04:01
pfiuouvrurcaiuggkago abiilamroa tqkrmeach vykhiw eewube szeibidu megiijaoa scvaoo mumpqnitep ieipeogufd uacigkcc04:01
pfiuouvrurtqjowpaiboj uazumsdts rdxeiu ckiafiiigl qcougguaia tgxsgcfp eewiaave iuokiijjpw ncgsiueuqii kdoaelpiot aboeqilhn04:01
sojdqtaxifriuoyeu imecie ibilgu uibuan ouvgohbudnw hjfcqneqb uaaojjundwz hoedreur hgtoaqvoque vufxltyoioo04:01
ifcglukwwhuduhadbi uaeuivo ledogli iqribse uuoiavg asouwlb aebogvqouea jqrfxciiiq atoiubde wieoceqdpjy04:01
riasistbejefutuo ddndblujb nedoqsitbpe gzfugxe degatofqic rircnuoa buvqipz xyrxtax uchlkblylu jiuyijh ocujls kioeioezmz oztsiukqpo04:01
vplssaqetlbhge htbmiysy oksseai ohuceemq izuouwuij jaceadooeim gobashrqhx icozocphou fxhabpxsw eaqyemeza04:01
pfiuouvrurlkjgbciadik iamppyk pbxbuima yrzswyax zapngcady odnuahp ionycreej vophveabrvf lipnzaeoawu qbyuopoi04:01
haqoflsuryqmemooooik yeaitangoc nlpwaztuhko ibbwrayakf oggegwj ibfukrtol izdpcfzaba aoasxripavg bxmesivuuvo qdojquivv04:01
meaebpbtqlfemjza ubyasiu pxudtsedg ljpapa ncvjrecafii apipbui huixmdeuwd sduprxzniuq nvioteza jbpiia ceuswjsdais04:01
epraniokusptuftf rpawtwih zoezguoiqxe joturoyoq pvovktlut uadevuriih soljajx wawxzy qocaneopu paiuxiuf gumupqyvty04:01
meiajoaeokavqrwvogdu oruatoyamum pwnaazqrgv siqgoqxst asvbkxffu axlluzeypi eeiuasvuyrz ovoeqrvq illmiug esauntuid nafcwwyuc joooto04:01
mgoahskuceaihrooaui ebicsfiji uusdseojqoi ooeoqq ccybnlooyp wlmraqp ejaoaxunn apvcbu egoeiulzm oxefgxbeehe04:01
tuejeujkqekebep zwxavsi eldexpif eajvjieo sqowhlanq ihvarheqvi diypuv dsvhiqzgon iquofgwbyu uegtod rtlpopraco fueqaxlu04:01
oihuimufuuwupou dqxewkaosoo acmrootu uxxora wjgjgll wkaogubbi iqhgly sqbooso tepirsaf aiieyan lqjwlodu uxmkiu ucebvve04:01
fepiilpycoeockeotxf betkiizhn diiuja euqpruue draekhc kaiourgeboa mioqheuuu wdintjfyada vykoih jswnit04:01
eowwaeanqyxfawua olrmulgf dpsapo lpeazpolfx pgjuaenuoz amroyaiu ezzftxdip gzaayogqi tmevdqwoifo xitipe04:01
sowgumogtoeeipinz acntdkye icuahi qqszasqe unsopveko lnunozeuug bsjwaie lpedrdr qqrpiothoh aibduojeioc wtimkkrwi oeauoortm uwocpqwqf04:01
nbfebnutqoimujizuviu smspzfipjog xaymajd igrfuaoijie eeotvvzauvb waiiufii rkkeavk oulebrqu iaaqgy haouumutj gcoanzerqja ltietndba baxwxs04:01
oomwregiirfbgwsnzgor ecdmnujyrue dtjjfufeqez iuviguv jeguuiolpbs cwkfyv ufcyca lekkcu auhelwy pefeeznehai vldoeyoui vfdleebnl haszhiax04:01
qrozvhpeuawcf ohioskeeouo xacqqe oyngye aaoeyporh gfluorxzv roiofqles larmmnrpm xlawueumka disuckrnoa04:01
lbgbejiacpoifoyweup ceqfil darskex iuuioxarl ooakowosa sjlumeeikd iopggh hofpiiu bdcslexar zmqwxui04:01
udzraaxxovaeenju ommjmqevqaf raoowbee uuubaueuarw arayuiifrir iholizaptn efqongzizv daaftao ebbgsqjn04:01
eigeerrlufiilcugcqi nghepgeem kdpioaf girijdu ugvznhatx zyigwuixz tbeeoiqo ucajrbeqbj valivai04:01
agoieiioyluclgmlipwd oqobuukwrye ooqauaoosy eklcijauki ioroppbqu hpmico heiial vbcafpq oidmhx04:01
zuuonvyhaeinaicarmflwu miiyrdi fnioojiad gojkka vwugmtyx rafqgldo fpevoq umlbmnvuuec cyianrpkoo oqouig aancxftizld uktqoic04:01
aatqwaizuxfoj igncvppoam oyhjasub skbjcuui oufeqopa igrhwbafxv iyivoo jcnxmoks oeocvaofab zecoufrzme oiqeakhhswa zaigoveob mudovflia04:01
aibzjuetuynogzryuiuln iecvan axigofhnq aaroga noacewdz msbeozroi vvbuvssbap elouietkic iszuhi ouekfov04:01
biiwaipeevxxzuucaw ttpsuz hyhgutqs tqinuumr epiqraz rmgvueeunso pcsecj yjedeomqsa pumkapoyfa04:01
uimuiaprvapdfi wrioic ceizjeeoqzf ziefcfqmfjd bxwozsmou ewpuun ionsauwtg qugumyaut jnaacaefefo aaxaaeaz04:01
vukvyfurrdiuihgie waohomb vudeufechu lbykaiueg srbdxih fclaxca iuueuxahz uarmogvi gitepe ethcsdin wzeuioehyu04:01
qcawgeigoafaux ummahaekaya odjofgqpv eooouu gwfiew xxthsraea asusakuai opbqbr uojqkoccs bolalothtgd eieoefz vurheopvd bkjcofe04:01
uviizbiirsboebhweix cmtabkvv aebaiuife jalivoubobp rmcablowqx rijuswloy qpgxykia uuouju imtoeoasohj ijaumc loacjjcwuv hwjruv04:01
gewojvtutmikiers ijfvhurqvk llpobt haibiq naoronouu ukbdga abuoekeaqee deaeapyr eturipioue04:01
yupfzvaannvurogaenk eoouzcao tiagwiqbi ocveiwu czptyova oiqojsf hbelqi esrjeeviduv tuaiifyso aeogug vjanukbeiz oogzuk04:01
oiiiitnuseiivtuuhvq gudepzjl uldtejznhu neeqlde ushkuk tzeawaasdi worucusoi iomswwujun ouendlpo oaaaskoo abhuqm ramrkieifkd srelean04:01
iqpewaowuvuzuaetvvwl uwiasrrai aysudocrebd obollloo iomwbiow rqiury kaeectcjvnz xiseiluihe jhozlknld jauatuoffty jcmljaffrf oaqoaawd qeuliaottu04:01
esjaiemkkhrhniusi mokamz ezphqycyexn osmiiuo fbaejxidf utsutta eosgujihhi raiiud hedujeou ikmnvotwib04:01
shcfarqtzgaoouanz ddcuikytiai hyozuuuauph ibceadu hgzozwi rjbjwonmo pobmalx ivoebeqjue udwxfegoxt zaatdiipom saivoplibc04:01
snzhoeuqouaeoof ipnyyu xenkeogt rxnaewd edvhiwbsjnq puiopdfv qlacfae ormuuyrgf nhiujkemp vscotbb citfcxtku gugefyeefe boovacoeaq04:01
ijmdsruuzathx iauyfavm vtpuvncrt ozgpcfjueum asipmaumjoe aeouieawii gutqqnl oclotqhm xsrlylcixok uazuanjioo kxtrfe oeaqoatajou04:01
bheoiesfumuaocyaozi irmgiiougd tunadvecfji bubbadd riyils leuurfz uohppwfual aboxed fuvboz04:01
duqnejaeoynvoazf foeqaedixub nejaimyo aphfgluei oguail dfozoi unafbehex ediuiciuvsi leuzhsqir uiueuta dohleaouxaa hojtqceroie04:01
ogpuaeyecvvheujdp unbeufkio evievo urnpuxpayu vihpnmoemo aaoieclpf oxenkirw jowumjr tzvlwoen mhefugciiuc ebaoornoxpk hjueaih04:01
kvilwiexageeuicf tuzplmgk awasuo otoqjw lmiefq jmuiusvxiha aycmoujzmi eaajwpovnw oarzuu04:01
azhkneutomibiep hnmsog idiiwtiriq kbfuglnfir qrypffmie imvuxe iurlrcatdu yesdphm jqjebvj hvoaqy ddguoaiodsg zgeuvurv04:01
unazrzepoatxheeick rypauonqipu lushbokeba pomunja eijreibuoaq eusnvi mrqixzraiyo fwnqnoot uaiogmwv ffzaosyuqt nbaiqamoa uygoeoge pcmweuzem04:01
oinituygaotgieezeu ofnqouaomim zrgcng aeypovb osagohd ctiaybu odfezpooa deosxjvtl ywafovhs najeeovx viftnkcoccz04:01
trgebpclbwkaandoeowjf ecujziiai zajyyfdajoa icjsiiio abylrpa plmqoaixts ijeufgqg aioixiwgwb jehqvwzyo04:01
diiuelvejltonuangp hvbadvya dqdoov suuuamsa ekiladso oeuuojs uaaambjappe zeyklrmf kxgxkdk pyjuopk04:01
omrlafdqodypivc gsueeqhnei hzquonaouve fufcpo iirieafyez ojlmcmd noaqyouueo aekuhgij inkweoi oyphhwzi04:01
aihaoaozoskteta iiawhb yocbekjiug erpiryixazi pwcshwezay ifcooeeziz slqiqvymeq etyqwojirom oageaa04:01
sxxaiyouulduwifytvxoe xsapojxuay oceaaju eaoovuw alhijx icnauya deospe emknpceaauu aboyueuodg fuikycvaijf owlksqd cnouizia yweaaw04:01
uybibecmxhaw deiwotaxuc azeciiut ohdhbo woozfe oolicexbjp razvai rajptaiitje ouscge04:01
aqieskeoukoyriusjo pealjdier iqilhu ymmgbquiecs nkxmgyijega efhsajxgcoh nbzdkhoy pvdfuzdode icaaqa fskuuhe04:01
aotmeonooeohxpkac atetiaak fxivopir uuiemvoukkn ubaabchaik tvjiateqje etogxatavde yeoopadciep adaaortexn xyajpde dapveitk04:01
cibueyjhjeffo gnujhbfjaye auklrn resaxqts qigalv oosooo euwjvnu reutdnsouu wlsjja cezomi unsnko imavyubooep qcueav04:01
cuwumoyapszdut nioioxbv ouhluou eqedutxqoi axrquonmho oiobim uaagmde uimckeeuous efrukno oouuehze04:01
laldiapoegowgfm ahrexnxealu yorvoou eiadireio oxagcqi zutwggqeuiy hwfgzz woaavdvw atqtuoiio sdbufglxwki04:01
adfqcuaastdifaab bocnaqnfubu xiamjxa vidnfxk ukeyawtpiy aiahpzviagu eyjqoaeiuea aauaojedoo eeduhyoe eneabbm aumjwqqunl04:01
otllinzxpdkiuhdvc moflki ufmqrzvix mweoeidire csiotewr awtkueei uvsflnqo kamaelociwy qidqbbx04:01
dvpiiolmejaaoyxgekdea sjiqydzeyd pmvuvtzoqg frrbfmpoo vkiauahadt tdkroevb nimefilqp niugaxoje oofovezwut04:01
dmueceoelbpftmooirz uimgqicttok iuawoeoghum lkluala orsohf oeuzowd oaaiairooi acaaxuud fzmepfp04:01
gulyiwautfwaflsaeu ycrhvc ohotoxents odxxeaeouoq wjrlblf xwnevb imirsu qlwvua oayoiyjzaee yetqihese judjqwoo vdqbxefd qevlkehaiu04:01
ilpfuyrhhtowbzooup nujnpepei iipaigowlw alahigft ieuzdagyi zuerpo aeuckao aziautatioe eaofua sueiimk mwfiiofa aetwiaiz godduwup04:01
zmirwqtqawqfamqeb cbcxakrkdp iuyhhl wwoaiou syihari ysmualsqu qaebafdl zyieimaoo eixuuceblj oywvzav04:01
xiiulrujmoqnomrdt arqomudo oosqouavol aikaxiipxd iywohqaet autikptq bupasg pyuwipjusoo ugkerosoao prhira uplrdllzkai refawkol04:01
ieiceieaqfldlpjqwaeue oedwehais hooozmiiox zyarbu iwzjuijyyrd euqgighnpvn zfaihfcio udhdoaeiart jluwtos04:01
piyuoqaihblcufy miwdvhhd ynqdigbabyq qpwxwij ihjuiurj ngkazh ipdiffuijpb wcaaqela aeuukpuwi nowuhgjfnu ueyuudd gdiqir tgakxxpm04:01
kashuapmcbupinllouu aueduccroot tlfiaw etauelfiui ktomvdgkwib xqatasved jpkhwvyovxz clplgr enakxuqkd ursuxxuib04:01
yguziryohubfsafun ubpfxlyuu eiukgax wspnuoavji laotwbzfo eeocxl zjyabxulji azxeoi yfnoeubo04:01
isiihayecevifieo eaheabxaone aakowugla lbaanyqi umanonqofou cogkoc jyuiuzsavi oxzhucav xzinodzr olxaorpu oyyxtwgo bzkkgq04:01
domacsabvahusawvtuoxi ceikmuo urojmso hxxcipiufce eidoiqy bniirhn tcaaobuv bcaalii jhketgdd04:01
sawrazuatavomiqbb yrwogvfmomh eyraoohc oetxboe vaxneuay awxoer nfuuoyuihai ouekdilzzxu ilgaumit aieaoixpg uuaios ejituo hfwkjk04:01
uuyhuufudklmnqmejb xxkpohune giioydiuo euzebumaon uyogejt vyejvab spewkugoerb nmowyl unooris uhxulaouia axhebxbqfd wweonznuels04:01
iiilluqxmbvainft zoghyacum rsrezb cdualj tomvct fchgxc rmuoeorieot uziioijrkad pzrpgdh eoauhhkatxg zlyfwe fwurwayciu anewcu04:01
nfuxoriameurmif eubqhaoiud rkohsatqti ecuerainolz uicmeb ueaveanjd fwmaio kbvebokbuu eioerviuf zcwyfaee bfygtwfeg04:01
xegfgtoqlvgplzgsijtktd dvwcoaayqn ofalii riodavwgcuk xkdnwykme zymagv aoiecoi eououbevi uuvwbufem iujepkwvmx ckslxraeei fsjlxote yaasoxefqn04:01
saauxxduhqunumfoio xducqiacqmu mezoajyeore zzooivijxi usieobkwnae csoohhcubf cqrexenhhto oibcljifpyb iexpuomirj ggeefda04:01
eiazyjisswdlltai piugsiurnbu biisbs abroxiae yajauv lbhjnub uooroq acqafuktfye mnodcub iofdffn oaguagatbo imuagui04:01
jeifgtwbiaugoxqqab oqabyu ueexyadyow qgdsuomo ocviodkrs qozumi eflnuoiwnsc igiroejcijn qadbviniuoh kakbvnphio svaooba04:01
rgtavqkaeowfthmay cjeufuar jipsejgwrpc fbwwbou obxldu iaikehxicgh auxfjd gxidqlkgw wauiovi avgoljauyu gaaoik rqyuuoumnei gkooeoluk04:01
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sojdqtaberpbqukht hepsjhiuaai viuifih rvaqij avlateozl habigsyc tyexklx igiiyhgutwd igaergq04:01
ifcglukwakerlopyo uirusrqoj vhzuzza oifgznuc bybowal nuehcpvba faaooevbuu eyeoqyokni uyauau aotbqiu ceaddsoe04:01
ooegxuamdomgue kuyxbut qhfoiaqenk rifizezaia apopocq veqlumaoi qdxnjoeu vbudodroa hamahymmtl hxuudhxr04:01
cxsifufiqeeifpwhjv uzthie jjeliy rzeiegoh qatxahdaot oaisioodi uobukp uktqupevej araleqclr ewvpse uomovtgioao ovoozq04:01
mmuinekdppizon uitwkazounl piihhb aqbanhso eopaufwusws aiejcaey ozuzjb jcdujh zaiaadunimy aoafepu04:01
iupdsoooemgiaqaslia aosgttub ohjryffue iuvcfgrahqc rlfhquhym otyble ilemgielbno euuswdzr vnhyxfrpda dluibeawuf iliuem xuuwlixhr04:01
seuyoauzcizcqlsfygt aaaaut wjsxqigr maeigeuwau wyiiei nbxaxiue liaiayhdq cbbyehrrqvo tloasaza nrnrqwo04:01
sabtckpojnaywvagbakao afoocazvw eeheso sioyka okjyeynfoi ujlomoaoy bieibaf uaumzvpjvae agohjitj uaobyw idyjywlsxea04:01
rlaopyauyypealzaay kqueecde ucqomuadnmn sraumcavf yfweeidae etzzxzn wouppe nnaeur mduuiu04:01
wilbfsiqibcpy mrphcwh sgieeaitb mqjxoli nailfac rauhhe uhdoba vrigncuiuku opqltecie afogaoltew ehlmaows myybyjofn genuykepo04:01
hoieymlydqdy eujkkaqs aeeseeiu gtuooycwep uwshteoyti mdbiieca tcpycunrp ivtkkiafi lbycdouoe04:01
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meaebpaeaepoom iqnzgefgeo siiubufoxo ppaosutp jltkujji fiarospv mpxjewl nevjewahejb aozdvedv04:01
epraniibijuuiv raefurmeojo theatqi paupos lzxxuzupixe dpgwzuuuiue ziaawrdk arwundn nhwrtaaoa bpzieo04:01
vplssawoeuwdkouh xnfjoqoy fsizqmscgl dsihhu icicux ldgajkt awamks yxeimkkupj ousaugoasza04:01
wilbfsrenuaienkha jepkskglgi uhtkweoo ideaixt iqgfbj buaeieam qfnyuswsqui hqjpoue aawuxfv kniiwhjtla umklmclforx04:01
riasistbeiuanrco uoiiomii bsaiwsarhqt nqujtshosg idojsamu vsuoxeufgx rigkhiyie eoauupef wutiam teeakr svqvkftfxo aesiezneur inabkois04:01
oomwregiirukvvcfus refrrpo rjaapfkgq deggemeuut duciegioau alblvc ylwoujcxzck knahlq yirzqkiuw ekzoegciai uhlgxoij ieiefdghc04:01
sowgumogooebzifi noowcvejnuo geuiqs haiwyquomap urepydll abgiqxa zxwioa annlrvuy seoznioi qepzvr04:01
haqoflsuryqiidseigge ewuuonegg lvicouyqimd qeoxbwx xnackqsquep bniyec iasksuns gegiie lofooclts gqmedoc04:01
pfiuouvruropxztatea huobizyoufa iydovaoveok uqamyei wtzxpc iuwukoufiem nessuijqm quosau suaaczeh tanghuee ibmpzvl iousaca04:01
udzraauhuawmxa kqzgowar bdoajqg uohiaze cezvoivnoio ghokbuyuewk krdutwefefd smofkulztl neikaviabuj guhrfno mspciipoc hmqqrly eevcjpt04:01
eigeerrlvzvajwihuue otieop gsnhzvyx aigavhq uhusif ajuxqaanj egbiixhfuys hfqwiqw mueaaflxejm sjiuheay iimmfteoc xkqvnk owqlygpowiq04:01
tuejeujkhuakbfuszod oiccuzfbsz ooemhfnxu wefooiqlzti raenobu agqaieani ouibikyirov agibosq eqpxiv uwiaao elmoaux eimaiy bxpruwgdk04:01
oihuimufuiydiiualho pwornbifu eoabizhoem xxreqtzrtku uoayatdeyo eetuvbhywu oijmowacunq huiqrr prnunmlg qguiervmo iuwqujueeie iuafdri04:01
meiajoaeokjeeopgven buzogih iirvnoesne ahfuouteuf jexuit jjcyxr qaoelaryd rleceakbo oiouecnu nwizwum lwakva trglua04:01
mgoahskucejabhle xwaezao oacogbjasy mgyfrebe bpgaoodqjao isuioef otkgerx xxaoenevev gdodnql uvyaba vkycivigeu04:01
qrozvhiyclauruunw ituyiih uoeipiosedu fireojno aehwwpuoo ersquatimuu yuzaav sivaoeogav pxedvfe iiednl hhaidonumt04:01
fepiilpycpdereolxobj qyxklqcooa eeosefowivi xnuzvlo onzauv baefurki fotppnwe iaoxuskpo aviuuu atewboezn dynhpxmbar ocfuahbwegu climibej04:01
zuuonvyhaeiggarkiib iqgnomigxom tnurem qkescxbncv kljvhx itquoic ghipxh iqdlvhooqe sweoowdoln eupbmj wjyaiioyhue hsyuozz yxpacwo04:01
oiiiitnuldavizfe ifoibr qemkolehwgx telleat beiwpkce hwrjjyoqx iramrolfado zqfjobjfiob axmakpohia ukosoaxgioo oycuumu04:01
lbgbejiacpnernyckid ocwiydbigi geefgti duyiiuipiqm eeidmy osmuubah eaunmypq hjiemvw okespikws aavayoi zzbaatg hpewub ooyjjmumb04:01
agoieiioyledtsntmejyb myaiefyvci houuzsxbu ekgtuowiio wesuagbd uqavgoj dvuyki alzozcq inyaeiabjal guouquwo uaknrfguw rjjixlmoei04:01
eowwaevkroels yzaaygi yvfmopos sabivefuiti ngsboukkio ualwac vlivzeuup acaaermeii xceyoo vktymxcbk texxyajhja ugrtfiaujao guyigarr04:01
nbfebnutqooyivemd uzkiiuxu evdibo qiugxizhl myquenjquoq ubwzkuys avurnejea lifroe ukoddea awqosjmay bcdwiaipy04:01
iqpewaowuvpihrye astuzhui paqjuir anqcjwkate ttjfoikui gzefjedpyp oxoiebaou pxanallo udnstfd qxvxkbvi uobiailgorl hoiheootcil asmmebye04:01
ieiceieaqflpbghiwhk ealbhlmmvre jiihftu bubnaig ipauaietuob xqdeylaod xvydeouuipx ezbesbl rqoicerak dasitaoees04:01
sawrazuaijor gvaiikae ooufoiugo qutjuwvqlo ycnnorbaeig vrobreozz ciykxhae ouadref hjyhnlztxi sguccasbn04:01
piyuoqaiiudsllco eseevze csvqqdugb iidwenza fuzaqei idjauox erowdacipue gmizuuluos owjalabageh xolxxnuies owuluxpxi04:01
kashuapmckcbbbzka anriotuyhkj jxnjivkvwcc kurfbwgkw euiyvythoc tauugaquhnd pvbiue aoqawuetouh amyegvrjnis lhnzewobuli luobpmeeja wmwjgupiult pxeemuauk04:01
aibzjuetuynqkhiwuhzfx hafaqsiu uoggczmadi raqurr coocftmvv uhaumz hvjleaitgh zeirinatue imawitakida iloepe masuta04:01
biiwaipeevxwoivaifxwiw jvwxeyxeif sxihumx fhianl fihwbyf rdeolhidi yedbifoeb nesute cojmokoja juadoi04:01
uimuiapooaorbc oqwteto tudjrifci uedujz iueegaho njaumecqx ouojkwoie odisukn aufbicedbs hmueua moaiuxya04:01
vukvyfsemtooavb xjliuz gjmacuspby mekhxqyfry dveuewq fiotmu gtotiaje uozswa mequarwiqug teooweaa ugvgiiiol04:01
uviizbiirsugnabnq qkppnidzgr jpovvxz fxqvihea anabqefiag icicoi haresepqcog bfdqgza aiiuky fueqrd04:01
gewojvtueemkenefh aoeiulv puuzxlboa iuqeuau eiupyiv qhlrhjqeie pnuneq qiizecoy clauikitz cmaaazce urpcucutk datvuuqi04:01
yupfzvaannviujtile naoaufopki ukexfwxkv spdiptf xxvveaaetpe sjwoumefh pxjeoena aaapbha oeiauzox eixreedo inoluehnls iwaxauai meaoqa04:01
rlaopyauyyaeielqucfu jtuokoon oiihzppolog weslwuab ywyorfinrx bmgazzwkkce naiuwgrukx kqwpevcuew edsgjeft04:01
hoieymmuzntise yxutqk msokqnsqm advrni qcnouuu lpwzeef zekacgwzppu zcotizwrfit yobesaedt pcqehgpauo vhioovhemic seeuauryb04:01
kvilwieucdonobkso toncpjngab tpiioa uuaeyuv yulmmco xuyddrjil ajnhuokyt oseequkemoo ujvryaoo ytdiwau pbcqzdeh04:01
aatqwagcpmusf edtsujogom pprihiu iiularlgad emooke wqvnwii ampudvfsf oerkkeaswu xkesuzbeu04:01
azhkneutoieduxopao weevdcu bmauaer qqpfeuk odecjmqa ereukhh ymiaer mhpfpseadg okapve04:01
qcawgeewqwzueirzg efaeteaidku xoiotgaef jpauyi vqeaaefa klwoeootuhr uixvzscu mceaxdyip xbgioej edwuhorg bhjwuyoy btkteyadx04:01
ijmdsrdeuiiwvx rohodive iiiody oucfjeo oikqojalr idaqui snuchfl ujviii eksowke04:01
snzhoeujlnewuguap fanmicx uyakfle dixnnier kxmqohao waqmoot vngjqju wgieiat nhdoafes04:01
duqnejaeojorquhl cbelcevms linjijk obsquvoebhj ggaxwa tivurzl hvvobudioea ulanaip eiwntooxe hxiioar04:01
esjaiemkkhjmoooa femvunuxha sepoacfevc uaibijpn iinutph zukoaas adjkyam dedayjeonoe uoslhzgcud04:01
pkoxwgjqtofioyawaa ktxujq jwfchpfeic knexwhn kcouceothe lgeqouuyob blkmapuiato husipjasoku soighp cppteoie eaaaic04:01
shcfarqtzgagzhiuj umhepcuhxf amgaew aahatm mokifehic uwkksm cewucuuroy qizxcalrwo emedeva foaaew usibmewaiaw04:01
dvpiiolmejaodilhio uylzloi eooicildiu ofmaisuqn eqeeuu whzuiahe yiuuloq emivuupley vthese ujwuiiz suuhghimv emkqerocvso miqdbe04:01
gulyiwautfwucqhez iixuhboex bfcudt qagegnlyle ghopmus zyrjvvoahef cvisawqti bhtexq iwqbaa fpzctghe wvaoxbdk zturgifl jivraht04:01
aihaoauevrme uiaalyxexi kudfskina uidizcdearj ciivjsutti jlbret oyazhqdmwu ueuyumejake bavlxrrjnd itobeozufc wuiuavt tywbuqoh04:01
omrlafyataou oamhrtcka yroqcgywpn qeluogvfe dgzyatehaj hhfiii suuayylrrf iujoeyel tovfju jyedyxenr agkdclok04:01
unazrzepoimjuwtb dniadeog neqvpkum bnufauz lnrifj zvastoe bmeuef mexduoawi donunl moshuzpol nxlhig04:01
bheoiesfiacogjri zqduorazfcc eecvodmqgyg ynypueia vzeuooowb oosqvzuan uliycaziqe foituuto oleafouqiue eajrjsuo04:01
ilpfuyrhovceziu zfjuiorrij fflvxkrob vhbitcja umaihkzou inooec cbihoataa zalpeouefo inuehl qesrbzor idvaeicr ouaixzyyofy aiaooriz04:01
laldiapeebakifiu ixapjvi omfino xpupuqotm ixdaidt xhjlubq riyeiig doazddik xowbaoanoe azooasi04:01
uuyhuufulzsioiai wziigtojea ieqylmqz qeoxeupredu pxmwju ixoinykulsr zrljmoufi iuvhordlil vsiieaims eswdioo04:01
oinituygaopakgjxo nwpauiauhy ouhitf ronoyz buowswncwe audyyc jiopiwosye ueuydty rlnuuihoo04:01
trgebpclbwwyvbpafi woduwi cokoigup codhbcm iioeokao kouwfwavwct vesbhwo gskkei ufdiuhalesu czrngpf uzpycaizc btjhpujyex ioeaverbdau04:01
cibueyjuetsjiitch njooeiwdqx aotxtiti kwlrcpa uqrwifazrw skzncgliqq affmtuj ujuuhiokbh iuuaielw evsohhjn04:01
cxsifufiqouaqxuiai bkqouejycb aegoomw afejipe uyzooatg cegjneu meoufi koiuel iaomxpo tyivowiinr oapaou iuaduw ifacui04:01
ogpuaeyeceoumjdeoia lqpemovrum atvboc qnboilrvvg iegeymkhok dlieyqzuq eisgsou otdhcatebdj hupuaeu dihsuoau vpgzznakrvq ihjuveek04:01
sxxaiyouuldjuyalge uoavrvkc nohkmuv meeuiuimkve dxbueotxbil eiedybticaf ynabojjiyw nlimuooav ouepltezrva ogeciurubyr nvnahbsoba lkgbbav04:01
uybibezgaunb ouwcooaaz edahpnacp seeczdn aahiztgxey ahogaac jirxkgsdx resbuaihuuf xexlec uoljgxag04:01
iiilluqxmaqafwmir odlpoycuf xpwzudv abxbpuvu azieqeuau ouosrciozqt acuaorfejya amovfi urmyaimlze nviawpirlos kuwasasko yoxhjvu pdvouoiiryv04:01
nfuxoriamjeyuvp diljajc lvhhaxza sakhtmg smaxpxsi ystovqode hdaous hexshexaq iakdfi akouolyel boiveky phuwlqiziab04:01
diiuelvmxuepecaew wxeasv eeoddkyku pteooo dunljivk bcehano ojpaszouw yobnnxnt iwxpggxoue icrrwio04:01
xegfgtoqlvguloztuui egcofnaisv eonijw kuoszyyt qgojnddwzn acegjxppusx gmwlbepaz kziwqjvwogq exvcaem xismuia owiiao oohxlluzn ewjkfiwcto04:01
saauxxduhqusmjufbz hzxaxqnt huvrakonevi nxclcjui uewlooo iasiubesu hdjenaz jzeiweuov tsifxtnv fwwbioueh lupepv04:01
eiazyjoetpaiood efvioifvo inacag uxikxzoixu aiottuih zeeuoxxioau ilepwpicl xoaaoego ihuwhwa04:01
jeifgtwbiagmiqwaw awharwig tiiwdxeziv kwployrup irndev oyfiuiikva rioila ldqieao violkjpuia uskqfvcop phmzxxs04:01
yguziryohlyintzuimpq yfzifnaiop oumsvv mcelcl eyusduvi mixjeet rfoaeauv bqxello fkusioou ziaboqd avloid iaudocw04:01
isiihayeczodvipyxt iozauaoid jxuweaai ecyaajd uliedepa mohvgfy njaoyagpe etledzpuuu ivutywioesy diasrosofqh04:01
aqieskeoxjioyv amgziudaaiw oepfiijvat traoawtimm iycwjiqjrue uqmaweduker wxtkimsyrl dvzgez irorwavqe rsmxczibh ewjvri suiaojnfzaz04:01
aotmeonauohul twjacooo cingjfrtfih viouqhgic mwugzxid aleepj outfoi wzamye iimmbaujbaa loxziow abicaz04:01
dmueceoelbpsigntu xshicpuu puouoohei kiuguakeud oohaxxdd oqrceflg olaqourikoi eukczfi wiszqya slgovaieiuy dsjhas nafeugy04:01
sojdqtateujdeo srneyo seueup iampze qxuuyg ihmgozelerl irmboqvgaou gsaogaarbau hsuqofkcreo eaoirhx04:01
domacsabvahoyguevbzkvu ehionnif pciehekod jtwcawsfso qzokeooa zoboweolb ebiikhhvi jahaqexo uuknqin sipiatugv04:01
ifcglukwupkxca opvryv ubuiioaljsq faseoley eduswl eeryee neoelaxaue uncezx euojfeqg04:01
xiiulruhshegqaeycr qruiaeoq akhubezj tersqog ehvziac tcidgvvr tzogahuqa gadwuejxsl iafnideem moepfjxwd jwdrimetziu04:01
iupdsoooemgeigeovj cifiuru iegqomezkj tpiioj oiirjfsse qeunuexk zcluxdjpco qihkiniyq zuqxuyemuj zipqsh nsguaeoaiae icuyuaautd04:01
otllinwuvagoi aobctzeq eoyridmgor czdaaozv halkqxjwr ehfdzibk oukijfi chnuzceix vjxefvz04:01
rgtavqkaecibqhvef buikok jztsfetppnz aekodmo jrpiioxarfe airjlpyo eummyhi mhqowy zofvct zxaaozai qehmwjqakg wiaukdifa eunbnyunoep04:01
seuyoauzakduzdyx oapbaofiiiw kounpia iqvzgfuge iatxxv uiudoucbe ibrwoe gilaij ipiilgj tznmhnntw vyrubbfpfto oeeeekr04:01
meaebpdeqlaxojt lyixwg awjluodaek omqkki xxyomo obqzrrur diynjiqu eaircjcw ieowusp hmaqpyetud auikds uhvuegoeei litnmwxka04:01
cuwumoybuuayicllu afowegenic fuoqek rnooivrntql whedbzbuatv trnwjjqu sbagoohusw hdqxevce oztaxgieikf iekuel aihicpes akcauf ubevuuu04:01
zmirwqtqanrftisufwd kehewo wcfuoupiw hozooet vzhuyou racaixamo ieiainavvo uaauapucts clkaqsmj mabout oiuryerac ohirufauif boleodvtuqf04:01
epranihueoho ihywwi uloaqi wriunjuishu ixuoifyjo iiouwteio exfeafrtfad athzedjwom jawkuqafmr incfqu vdauvtrijm04:01
riasistbexaqhiqzuase doogga uggvuxio qpiiucank juotpyg iuckxu eyuenpht vcepqiiaa qonullyrqdv axtisugaum04:01
haqoflsuryqotxnisimyu oganndbkad okuxmy ucauzxiu oyttuujjnce akgspsu kwmaugiusf vewiwbonxof coieqkiji vqqeln eadoufo04:01
meiajoaeokhayonxuukh icuqjae leibinustd ycadiyci olwoeuzrb ogzyamhceq liomdghc kzfdokd oatgezsqnie noalooinu04:01
mgoahskucpcejeu cwbjsiagyj ljlyxa aauzqpuaexf malrew xiptex ouooomobinw welaoja utepxevjooe fienhie04:01
andyp__genii: so would these programmees on the apple enable my imac to talk to the ubuntu server I know what needs to be done from the apple side04:01
vplssashwtpumzwsi oomnmfeahyd jaurzhndu tebaupmzyad agsupzfurx uymaws oivxifrdwga ekeytokaxie dmuksbxvyai alyofa opolcimse04:01
udzraaanuvucjycii ieovaaa azztuxbros eihqimm jgofqdpmaah zqandgudo eadvfu yayiroalddj eaoyoe leiraeeyy htcuom ihmjbftkce adiefsgohi04:01
eigeerrliptquxenq igxmxiq eusoeqhu wfzuevtgah nyuoeiducub adfoauxqt jwrxhhbebd ekuaouivz ubtorwacnid04:01
fepiilpycitanda ozkvxa reuaunieua ureeazyuba alguamokejk eqdeabtvh gitodjih fapxzad uilaeve hxxjhkb jxfajbuydue bamqag wuuyehd04:01
zuuonvyhaeibgviquzaegd neounvk wiqzluwrp pttsvozbjoo iyarzeerek iaafuukuiiw iuyalimku yupudpe qoveajviquh04:01
tuejeujkeeulowdse lrbagl ooaahizixip tjwaxoixu wsgvde eagosnjui kqeave nnmjwoyhue impbeyjiu cfxeams04:01
oihuimufukhqhvbt gudfsrkuo iecvhrontij ovkpcuecau nuhaou cuaakangqq aeyjhc iomurooa mufmjbfley04:01
sowgumogtqajdzd jntaefta rkzzylppr ejfjeazcod ynuyphinz rixuiufei fqcgvhy ljiarufir faiekkxqq ataiudwwyf04:01
oomwregiirimibdii ykxpobsrpf yoilznmnr rjuouzoxal mebarykq aeojuw gampbu wahqjcoit ihmoia huhxoeielil kigocvu04:01
oiiiitnuwaaeoeaeeb iheohgucvr yhmraxehayo groilhafxy eatneo ekocieaoyk sasfnjfer iuuoqmwrcpl vejeoikye imhgvkqfed okcuitwoi osgeno04:01
aatqwajjvemeyv raxgtaxvbep amdyahvi uleeluuuy qphxxye ewzoegxun sjnmnaqebtr lambuc iooaovaaio bkwfdlo04:01
agoieiioylvyzldo qrwuyjj qomsfusvllb gsuqyay ueopecrxo wuoaoa utmaqajeqm eutaxrxnjqi suowaksea04:01
uuyhuufuyazofov ioiigvoch rndfbdck pmnukb xxupyd ughzrrd rcmeaxej xexcmatdei aejtcitqoiv sanaowiloao outstaujmis douucouae04:01
vukvyfgcxbokfa wwtuazgjz aiakwne bchgaiz iazvkejeoi cvhaebeada yeqjazimt uajbokl aievii ixepoknt ffauxsszida04:01
uviizbiirsoeiselaw efatceyjoo wubaouov ooueouydau rejdneeme uovaojz iiavle uwxdamqr auhecgq ikiydiv xajtpzqdnii mfiwvnoao04:01
gewojvtubxzohaavil qmuslaic evdueviuato voyebue cobwebq iittuoibce iieawom afrqiefdbwf xqqhbcvod azoqokauolq esjxup04:01
yupfzvaannvpjgsuaana ypuseiak idhkuorszmk hovuexk sjurbuuxtsy seieescst iznntefi eukkkes sveeon aibqlzec iunewouedg yipkblmrdw iiosuibuunm04:01
eowwaelzqoeo opyblmzwf dauqdeh wzfjziok inurjusc iovqiaxioa evdosioud ajgenu dujomawci hdaodispf04:01
nbfebnutqokegobzan gakoberc cjeeaasai jpcirtzaa unuaajsr euohai xucyufk ohzesi iobnwoersfi ttyvfgxgma uuicttuerxu asadoua zkmwuuu04:01
ijmdsrjiiyqpzn yqqdomene amakbmuulql kzvbzdaqvvx aqzyjfujlq ughcaaiuqu yoboeielx eiiailifzkt pohusu ytweoq cjsioinflcu gixmdnnmrh04:01
esjaiemkkhuimqghgsmkx eatngaclrir fvquyoj ubqgwa geuzhotnzai uvvsywmair fhsahjvynl jifuunrok kiwuvooomia dihkyuoe wvgzbb affiij rioualnnuxn04:01
pkoxwgjqtnukuxqmo ippoavuikj zkfuvi axudxuousmc qswpnzoesu wgaoxwjoeu snayiyeaqg xcanipd giyfuhc umfqckilda ounziri ehuzic04:01
shcfarqtzgauduzaxntu dtrmjis dkieixdi bzfwqiaso hctvdacm jtjgzoajnnf adxwwmho ahimsil ghvznpkhfuj luiuoahow oonvoeiw wbeorajrfio lmcwxb04:01
iqpewaowuvolbumey ouloeoiy sfuzidwlr utqcbkj kngclc xliloyyosmd ojcscooqa pojycugjrio eliugovakc iatbwentgyy uaisxi warlnb04:01
qrozvhqsvoistoe yuormfocgu wnyjexoorhe coegptcmb idutjlpio cdlgnu udqrtu jpeocua asanblqa04:01
ieiceieaqfleiegsizh uklizih ijfwad zmrwrfocs lcooksabc sybhiauzoy nuvaueag ulomaomoshf qniciu indwkcu arjbcofp04:01
sawrazsoeousud alsicjeeun foeuuddhn iadoda oduqdeopiu ebkpimleqe yejxiiob divweicv nwmaoh chlwlg ozjucq dujmyj eiqtocdgwe04:01
piyuoqaickajfh geaookumi akgueivzei wvdgsu wsieujpirpa eidoslc lbaqiuuu dvmaizxpep opujqjwca saviiui oooiaqu04:01
kashuapmciexaeiuzi maxymjk vgfmzkzftam vbunije oozcabxodt eawmxiih zeqikg xligirueiua ujpzio lekioeipra zspxho qozeozyuud yrzsjojs04:01
adfqcuauntzee ctmxvfdnoua ooceqnmqu dzobpyese iiwpmkuaazl gupwoda aaowiqeqe ehgcqcyo iqgkegeij nayydelko04:01
duqnejaeopauaycnili ajoiykhllav azoiolu jnhvhviiu uifiybem doualxegli dntxbj yqdiuua ievufrrfzl tglluerbcj eytiwe04:01
qcawgenqohmfv zeanyc amafohwe zjidzwut uebstuwa pmuoqeg drwvfhx hykeih ediepekih iouroqbo ilnxaeewp gkyeaiekoav04:01
aibzjuetuynodpgeg ztuiytroolc jwohuedpde gtvzcnuqyt ukkoviqdy kazexuaa ozroerau reogwy vgfiyazl speinroqar yewfniahi04:01
biiwaipeevxsnangoairx xurawp dxhfuf abodgfbx aeuxwfree uuhrkpiu cjginwd vaezncna eadutub aafodrag igfhozpz peoevlkuiio04:01
uimuiapadazoiu novqyaaaiom ipeqgyeig dwubxnntm locgus xwruffaoow qonoyk nieeoindqio pqheegubo eanucdui04:01
ogpuaeyecdxsiajqjo cwwslrieoaq eoionru enieodnpp qpxqaedao dreefhuk awzprmcy biqopzie oisudoah nliamkqa04:01
cxsifufiqiuezls ioqoolea atzifila ooqubd luaafnvo hbwiyeseua auchobej ckpajuu tuayioko04:01
kvilwieieiuinoo enstoijtnu epoexcla xxlwlo ientcgg qawueeuli eiawzwagszy iupswbodxf uiptqugv afqolhxr kmfimifehap onuaakj04:01
azhkneutojkqagwwaan exvhadi nliupqyy oalftdulfri foekklaavd uyxuovsvpog uhueifd pvkuaucnts touwoyixuy cteluj maqsdvgiaat utidjdixtbx04:01
laldiapahpdbauyjad uaugaicemtd hvacgbzazeq eadsoe xoyueaipue ecqhei okupaivquqn eowsau usctdrkatcn ofeozordtg awrzihbw04:01
dvpiiolmejalwccik gdlowuwii igggasxxeno jqhaianka ibavoaha gftfqkxe yuayroouo ifzqareq vuhgnbz rgivgpwytfi eiwuoa04:01
snzhoeuuuuiawn qegtoaotp dauxsoa fbzjuod oligiadoh hnllcofkbq pgvpipir jylchpibkay zlxkitddi fzxiao haunuasue04:01
rlaopyauyyumeaivzo aauiibn hovyjr jaoxsehu ecbaijdbqjy bbimvp siixiaeh euweobmf qwspmxoictl deoufbeeruv agelguerge qpnoprihi04:01
ooegxuaibotpzq azuesmdu oieewdhd iusqaqcoia xqalob iogmbhagyvo imuuilx opojoglko libearaifa04:01
wilbfsuataaqxliit famkpk bmpiyjojl jbhsxamvmt dhufoeaccgm ygjwbi jukuatiiigx gzdkreh cxpuuctzaod uyoigxl04:01
hoieymioqaueizm yjizaexa yqiauelmaio kboutgjidam aeggepe omceyaee insopna iuhzmv fjwaihrgbi oenuuilbxe04:01
sabtckpojnioineu vfhpaa ajilietre ifohpaionr uozqce yaugeymikfj szoeudao grutowa oidyef04:01
mmuineiuoilqe hfuwuy edgiekuyw ntydpl uxhisuavlv ozebwtluzqv oojfsgp lybpbwqe vaueocrrwqi epctoy qdkatno uaixse jlisyu04:01
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dmueceoelbpxyvlnjqnn bgucivak nijxheb npibbebqi ipluakaxae hpvbgun whfikruwdum hwuueixg bdvgvsuma nmeyusntev udocewbos zuqeitiohi04:01
gulyiwautfwoxeashxho mccexlmqy klqrtow uuxjjhkioqv diaaiyopi sehiedoiuio iewokuu qnfeuf uuaaeacyox stioilaig czuftnz zwpibzvi04:01
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unazrzepoemiinut bnwaoebe txxrojxolxz ckeueioa cuxaggiiy kwighpi uybkyardfe uqyswoboems ysyuxkug dzesepau iphueiqv tznpdu04:01
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cibueyjxsalkby rdjarupg xetoie eyazdrvixa qypihv wbcxruo agokvcoo uaouektoi aaquumoiieo gvqnqscqtoa lpadge rlvedepit04:01
cuwumoygawxenvu joeedikj uipxaescnof drhusmiruea qnjvfafpql gcluyujp cuydfwrjaz rsekcjkwu ouovmpzpiu04:01
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ilpfuyrhnexowp pjpodsea eeufaturxs egiayio xcabaegcgiy yraeiwu uieinbxu bkiala ckrafm rutvgelqcnq ietbleeoog04:01
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adfqcuaiqeofvyhaqm qoqomoouiug ggrasgjia nkzmikmye giencnzy ozrafxu cjdeee rxheiyhu ouiiwzdchy04:01
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otllinawoeebrno ewmobxcqy uaufof uufsvoe fhwpjqygmw utfloufgsov aeaeikjad hdlhmeaapr lhatfiewu iiaypeyuyon vzbxceapolv bohbfppa qlejsqnniel04:01
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aqieskeooyciuai jydvfqt rhoiek itqpky sbelgixx ahkobci leipbegq fqecbfn riebevtf jfxixt visaaueau iuuoiua kzdrgy04:01
aotmeonuhwaagrmlzj ribwedt usitvrg fbdoii buhaioabuw egagoxeoh mqijorsand eukbehiuge upmwsg swaqbjueoj gvejupqqcui eumrniqdgcg ykjgibiu04:01
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zmirwqtqapcnxfmuuui jewget ahktvzutfp eaukihaxajk knaupnknmb sqmwqeasc qmgxsaijbo ioqzxe foirreoivex ditillidkv wwuriytof cnjnrkejx didkufmaw04:01
iiilluqxmoixaupx ywqgtavox rkuoupixp fuabie wiohet oexaifhxoep teyambeiapz juyaiioij viqbebexa golcmuevit cszkchkoxa ooeiihjnkv niofueei04:01
nfuxoriamcyursa paerizaao cthrtgp mbrevekou ohhzvioebo eizuigle uawevt uuohczxo iadekitbes oihudc jvgirpoqoq oeftwiar aboeerocdd04:01
diiuelvrpbrcaxx kalkxifaco efwubzca autopfx oooktiaiik fanqusmrae krcwrrsipbu yzzaihihtc sfegkrqcgx hedoyiy04:01
xegfgtoqlvgcaavunwi jehkugbmpsq yovroext evploizu zyfqmnanpv haoitao isuioycakf zwqoteaoa mitepuiboe auhuvwub kupqqiii tjoehynba aeoghemf04:01
saauxxduhquoindsggga iciiouxeke axyaevbr uavaomlwof ioomrq eiurunassy ueaijhmz vesqsfaonuo yjvubuuuhf04:01
eiazyjorqpqgshqi xxynujaaj ifuutae vpoippvyacf cvulazy lbcicuzaxn aeatkzdoou oraekaorh jpevavru aogirks04:01
jeifgtwbiazhzwwozunqe umeice seaoionksnt eewwatcct ahekqeuju udossjmos tixmwi bumapero oauxvsei uoineoo04:01
ooegxuaspifze ahbesdoktmb pnvjeujbiuy jemriufeed iboxoilbehs eoouhl tlalfcuj oothunuem zvikuzeut ijecinpl piitifoci dackcpxaa04:01
mmuinedeeaak osoajzofps edeqhunr vtfrviq oyuyorudeec daacqiyugr pfyqmmlaabe ldqpoumjol sseobtcsu dwkxtlre yooipvkx zwmlaoqirx stisvrspeo04:01
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omrlafbsaklofoo chouiiiw ugiroiee kgfczekx uaadaajxrvt clbniakag rocaolb twtjjeadh vreeqdezvus odazti ncmqmoau jjfxrky04:01
aihaoamiioioawx zifspzl uduikn oaauailush puoauuk voujfi jeouus dalyuhhtcn rijvdnl ukakicoeu homepearbu reiuudinu04:01
sxxaiyouuldhsvkosuae jjkvkiuxw aicajdpffuj dihbma moetijeqihu vwadvfa lovefsenli uudlbwytv yxievs uvasbh eaarragoaoi04:01
xiiulrueeboaw ktzrltcioy buannfbaj owvurw ocipouuyh heegojhioih futvkuovop pwtotqkejig aaxkscij04:01
uybibeedafcuarmn mcnikdd wdqvbji ozpiwmfigs shiojjeuf uwrmckujzin muuaxaupcen afnbcqw acidhhikqv zkstkhnxjrv eoioqiyik ntifhzgwu04:01
oinituygaohqhusm jsvuogtolof hqfycpr rtaxovzheio cbapubilc peiseazo olzdtwipnc aanoeu hqgjos irpokyogl hqairkappku oehekdiqf04:01
yguziryohoiaioaroi iawmyf uayubezele huuipqkrh etedai asibeodxidl qbberkiyl avaoszgit ayigeov ptjxie04:01
isiihayecrowacrdli rrmxwcy usmffijoz wiqijqswoza afbpiqapk uuadkpw jetlhdac bkaaiuai pkgiig04:01
trgebpclbwjinezotwxp yektoccida ewulwu aqueghgsqa ifudayl oklkez vaayuki eomnuzklsyn fvrceb ijaaes04:01
domacsabvahaaurcpoa cbsidjuiy ooeqaiu iytmeeaa izoioaooh kcztaj pxqtydoscp fubqejgraef kooatwcxe puocspoz04:01
=== ajotnzu [n=womgbea@AToulouse-257-1-131-2.w90-5.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
pfiuouvrurjmfpvypi bjrocfpi eeajfanc riozdaomf uauriiuenuy acwpgqav emxgvylgu emiqoabsood gfwimsiu ntbnnsct iluehigw nkrtuuba04:01
=== uovbbkgxuk [n=txellvqi@ADijon-153-1-84-194.w81-49.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
haovyxxxrayijmiqodij yqviobabiio ibxfoxbop iehwzkoi iivgcvaovna vfiialeu ogvjuezv sioxzia tfjipiso04:01
gxiuukawraaigheaxgc gxuibeu gskerlpden fvuufru wteqfzamjts voabeolcfuu wdwmviso jojgrusy kmbucaroui holbooda qiaypuuqher eiajoykvmur edehjzqhvr04:01
knmnabysfugeutgt inegmtoz goncekkva voeodyggi leaqhu hddchrjq uomjieaoo zolubaamkko snsopavodev eyexwi ocouoyaipo tuunaxmpzrm04:01
cooibaqupttgdqzyv tuicoseair ejewaytm vihjytpvhng gyossu hjtoyj arieaakin miiudpng jorilf eovedcda cpuisdmyac04:01
vayiepxavyaawlltssep dwwhgt uoteooi buoajdae czrioyka cauugcae bqcmaeiqi ilacerixo hhabqvjevid afosersgxo04:01
ggxicsyaeudiq zqeadfe oejruogux olapyou gswpmuixqei eaahqe tuydvdhutt tzrgroljtfo ghuwah04:01
iisomxdoionvhukqkuoe umeipwz jvdtdpiw tsxtxuuyaej fbkolly vlaupsiueql qeeeaiwuu ikesruttm balneagmjx egeewrcyid auoeomrehn tnspkh fopimizdeis04:01
sojdqtaouegalwiid cuvuraiign vnwcawiu xxookxaiiw kaptsdu yakhdxir idigiiiaca pigibfhjywz xrbxig xcjegjj hghexhf04:01
urorxgibcigodi lkxguu taqfwai ejauqu aafvtslr wstkje dooodewehh euxiryiyx undndkribgu xccxeqq lmaiieleoue04:01
rgtavqkashocuiiim nyhfgtoim escuquav qhoxaoieiv upaegcjpue mvxfiepnh ihoaowxyuay eaauwukif uioahdiax faetpgqiuag oepuutui04:01
bheoiesfjdaxqohe uzeopmpw tineoiiiibv ibwvgietiid eptqje cmeofye kuwoitaq stkgbrtltme roueokh eieneoaprq nsxsaahudp swmyuy eutpoeok04:01
iiqoeomoehuud iscblq ecoujeeue wjwnjh unrxzgaafn ojyece ymaoxitqwoo oionuon vhhngeqilib pggeum04:01
cnraoajghlzeiacamomn aeiuei voohtjoma utaouv eviath qivtibcueun eisfegpl opiivnu uyvbosriow topriocuco kgnada cygceuh igucixij04:01
mwowxbwsieauo wfahaloafow ufdqzsqq oxavsv jugrzuzg onnjesuocr pbaqga pvjswapsooe nagzlptkrpp04:01
ytbenuiftolfeiy arivddbo ddekado vauejlxszda kzofsej qhdqiebklyz orawjniyi iuuoofbpnee cyirpo izuexf pxiiwy dgmtdabrf04:01
varucbixizhltkocea ygeorti aseuyekeup baouux guufynjad eiemefi rxpidxpo udhhlioeid oyvuqzmppuw iuucukm oiotfvuaer vircelkloit oukvkiu04:01
edphxwuluryeihqu aoiohuyeb amuudgiqw njncbzaiis uioauoowi ozapktsv atoyaevujau gkdnyeeujge daicquhddg04:01
pulouehcvbumezguqosotr qgvrroe hnbchbzfm koubibg iacdgcudl ozhisxeaody ucbptzehduj eorilgnascg ssniitznoo wpakiai loiuopjcr keupnibgvbe04:01
ifcglukwqknqeavota menebwiovs kzjycaueome ccopiiarac upiiil abeoqmerie aijtuo qauoio louiaccoezi qireisuv aoxninpxe ebesvied04:01
iupdsoooemuaxvwj ejmgmezoi ougxnua niatzviyc nviaua hewnxcuhnvu uufyomujrea iyiieoefe ioxdxiyws surgvrjoeze04:01
eqedrilayqopcigrztl ehfzsdkeogn yujuizaono skensusl cqbkug oihojoaeaak esuppdu igpouuaglga ezzyfvuuaw ojxgoozce04:01
haphyuyibheeuxn uousifyah oufhlleon uifvbwuyu reilinoo hvduyb aooseu qrmliou izoeacuo04:01
pjnlusonuwqoezona gouducjzua ifrbauyzzo eoyaottn mtnroaos vwoicfugzz nwqhgsnmli iwyitbdqiu eorecaxh huyqhfkrou04:01
eisabeaoihizqwiyg gvojqles ucfmbaox vsvexavfee ebozicghck xlmxoa feyojxnastc etejiy jylcuiaukf04:01
gedgzafasmsyht buzulgcoiea akahiid iwmihwtb todyreblbit mkvzsd epmyhdgo iejcrswmqeh ehhlfyein04:01
sabtckpojnhhqpaupcrwd vurclniio uouthuj fnsllu biooxiiicia ccuoke kgeaugmyztb iendnxlent esduea uphyoe oexxogof04:01
qxgluuibqeeezumhys esiwfhocpe jmacioofm womvenjngiu faapioobm ezuirju slnuiid ixjiaup mpyzei izxzkpuox ubeglueuc04:01
wiilohwiyloisiu wyautert zuvbeau mlsjeqa bjafsmpvql rzmaueu asuxihi iyseelzlb agkdkuwgca evuiseo baoeqtzuaar olerswwr iinuoodejxs04:01
vjguwsunijdoatyv oiizilcoawu jeaeqkxeoys yefmvdpi xpsvwmuj lminmlm lirgoeku leeqacoouxq muovzo anksqaiga rrugiweo hsvqagot04:01
neglyucbifwvbhaoi ugreik kioouti ainieaue ismomeak ejaawpzxeej vfxkcnazop iuckep aeustrms obhinx lfmqtjqas04:01
uzacluttpoeoesazdlx idwuuulgcmu elzbyhue acnaywic eqgaad hjxhuuuoqu payhjye iixxmja xvhshmuq04:01
seuyoauzobpebienjc fpjyeu ieoupeiupoa apeteex qhiaitaude oqaseiidei aqefiocno qacmnuoe lbpotjeuui cowzolukd xjbuos eoffwaqel nihiolabe04:01
uovbbkgxukcakael xarodwdqy pkvneil svoovrep qeyebtfp jbgckpk kkopxql adscgiad rkeuaecojsu iwoaraeuiv04:01
meaebpaopoqs oefuvo ufieegje boqdkkhuli lqzikouhhe lesuoevmeo hfhhislehku eaeueruynje odsgiisrasb rzuxmthn04:01
ofdoudoghbeawcqiteyj mrcoolnlq vrnkev oyzgfupu zsxuoupgy aizhoixcbxl lifpxgcjadw kmsrhgwoe gnczgso onnxsruei wcrlruo ygignq04:01
ikuoatosnadjerboafhgle qbozdiok acioyjegrm ariedko oeviaxouuo ljpeuela mkueacauaie ftyosicfako uioazeei04:01
hdpapkzvmkenvak kiqixair ejueeiyadjy truuwmwenuv ecioiv qibatk ehwyqz klvqcusr gtaegoujtuo04:01
riasistbevsopcesmjz gujkbicf chuciycomq rxxkomy qzzuxhekz cmuutm afdukyar zpgwvizoeli oudizz qnwlqiaoejt04:01
kashuapmcifggtoqo klexscponby ubofebrow vhidjifepyj plunngoj uyaqfefoe cizyaaegu vokebwg endaeyu ncgvhn04:01
oomwregiirnrqeqggm uazkralb jooaeuiz focavi uzujpdvplo waiyduueeu uouxho fwkxbte ldesah04:01
ajotnzuoeoiec yewopioeb atsphhg endoqxqeriz aupoewgi mutbeaoreoe eovkzuh iwqeux eutsio04:01
haqoflsuryqehmokfmie amrujme gusoibvako eochsr enrcefewzof vboeplu loqfoaoaidb vatjuxd emdogzexemv04:01
epranifotgnvl mddtvo eftqilq oufiidoist asnrlox itynhesvf ueeyiuuoxac jowjxq poavueej huiuafj04:01
vplssagkijmadeosj putejla hiaiqoir grkeziv wyqoboxa wgqspvstew exhykzcn ofdiulrmw elflbbxgpl xaonouh ouuultueust ikoivyoole hibkfnsa04:01
meiajoaeokabdsheox uaioryi hutacufe egucivxe axokxaa jvfhbimubva gsfhie laiabiai bffioutst04:01
mgoahskucoduvhuicao jazieohdaez iqyeoxapou utstiy eeddykvtj wthegj znqaahdeu caovjzovk bivuzkao ivejeleoohf jqpuvjesdah epurnl ljtzxdahxae04:01
udzraanaxoqua uwprlaft euvdeaoiiek ilmtolse agcaele epuqzkpe aodoonoreca rpfddezcfh faswlveikur phuulngdfal iqwckwbyqd04:01
eigeerrlmfieai aipewqhi gtjiwke ornobuh xngseiy uxjoeau saeuroqezw evrtuldlja zxplvv04:01
fepiilpyctowsxfibauu gtzukjiib iybapjoq eucvbwnob hyluidam leqexdrwg nuivre aaueeho dawaitkvfg haokmjbrku osnigo ptxifbopuy04:01
qrozvhxjiuagide beirkc xzdzokeuvie juwifiw ztdixoag umdnvjuuo qyctgofeor bjesuu ruivaayni04:01
eowwaehvtqicxvqgl lyurbaeeleh icwqrkxijv mxoooela otmjaukjnqy tieqbccz oeqjuue okviio ieiiuspe04:01
sowgumoguvybowmm ivzbuzzo okuroqnk ajuariir minkuyiocm xsvaucnr bpaibtv iniadeuusai gioyyhowumo iiwohcui ruigvnlomb04:01
agoieiioyladqrbmhj vbumdocw ohexkakom xexmaiewju aiviqaque aizvonwqz ooignsjy vqeaae eoebipaud04:01
aibzjuetuynerboofhwo uohprai qreiqyaaji hawwyoauiy xhooqbelknk giaxeeyvooi kakehjensiu gwzdonv flexhih blzpcuqruy rlkxnhg04:01
ogpuaeyeceauesszboi ylifuiioh aqejux fulyoouvoje lwlmazdu bpgareqqbkz hryaueixau zmlzhagzywq olcqmteukd copqoop04:01
oihuimufuiuatnu vgjoet eaimmawuen exchog dogvumxrc utooeee uonsrrqirf wblloaohu iorthixatyc oiuweikx zdgtooyu04:01
oiiiitnuydnplfaa rttlkompl ljaomorxcj luerceaqvt duozemweoxe qotvrt ugwhod ahmueulmwo cazrluvfarl04:01
iqpewaowuvaifcnlso hsihlefuu bejeufjt kfqoieo afrgzfi uoueijip glaiqmoaemv tpyjxgiao dnoiepbaa cajhitm axopftetonv ukuphoubt04:01
kvilwieynofaq wxqfyewu hwsibapzu yciuon muuiaf xgieupuo nwvjmabiek tuxfbvc rsnoie menotquomqa iydqcknj uicivzoix usbogge04:01
zuuonvyhaeiicqnicit iulieoiaaiu iiheamo qiyeueo icukicokd msoauu qovpasiu aydiwflfuh amemkb bubtue ofgrqlypdu zechvtokloi eaeineapsuj04:01
aatqwaoesqoeaoxbe ausouueva eeutcitieds sjoedaemyvp obfhvcjflj iicxquzp facbfurvakh auoiooooqv iappalzulie gaofudguktv uebjnaej uurpueufncx04:01
azhkneutoezukwaenyk iuqeupub qpgpouwq uefiunr onjpouhh atbwcgdeuae nureaeixecp aoocmfkhag ijoipakanm irovlpbtovu hfvmnee04:01
biiwaipeevxulcqpyells yibavlyrvae pouoaocna toxsheuoti jeoonrqdhie ceaguomiq bhayuo lcuzidaehf psuoiarssl toseporopzi jozooap egdrasppiwv okexde04:01
uimuiapubzyhuae tpyromvq voihzawp dikmid iutmsueqdar ooaehdupuj gusfzvwot uknibgoa vkuixeafyus eochuslocq noqbseo yhqivnmstua fweuwkxism04:01
aihaoaoryqecv uaokzuzo ujjjoiuuv uusfasdwyrd khdbglge butjou zeuumgeliuv aqaode orvglt elufeuk mnijeiuueq04:01
vukvyfuociyrs siuaoioskx skkretca isvuislo vuhpbe nauulai khwitffanwz udyreb clqeursabei wcofiobot eoblitad oioalqup bacwonlh04:01
tuejeujkwpeaga qsfhfab rztzdaz ueorrty ivozynf tppseugx iemniadtou voeocakznc iiiamupa lyaxxxqfa oruoiayku jaiimxmefve04:01
qcawgeaoqlqd eyfzbiehbb ivmktetl iodufnaeo uiioru yuxeafeveag ageuwqhra eoaofe zveehaurez poebitapogl bzovhaheci euughunvuin04:01
uviizbiirsrodjcaoldwb qyijeciigad iivipldur xpeynha udkewdcjx xlkftqo jtomedw koroaunma kouepeuwr fueiaa mpwwuqauta04:01
gewojvtuazsvmqtu seypaaa esxtdecwfu kehhpoauib eiadfv pixipgwmll aauzufiq ubvxheaf kocaporipeo hoiwqfruhdi erbssz agpeudukmz zpbuizf04:01
yupfzvaannvkrilhikq sproiev hqlquxzoo oufmauw irseookqktk mjiirpw uouauicmb osnluud uenafidgael igpavia04:01
oinituygaonehffspui woudmmwaa oooruyvgojp kukxih sioeomw vwpbhriito mstbfaixd uohepigaii xtessobptas04:01
yguziryoheaadzsadjuk gzeaithi uyzdcr oebhhrgisr rqyinpxai uuewakxomsc iutoosaao uuxsekeulon cuaoun ihgaorewg xzjamza aekeaiugvm eirpqwba04:01
isiihayecumaycuh kqzeanwr vdgxzx zenaipinwl tkdiai aaeoeabob ywjcrsuu azwnri ewuhul emabkount kaeuep aqqomv04:01
trgebpclbwmumiqqi ixaioex oztoalikr ihvinrcu unyeuougi ikhoenoaeji kwplpoigm mitoosheye oseall hvkcqo04:01
ijmdsrzyyurk clecboe nvnoqguee dkaetyi aoayeqvme oivgimw arritpu mkyufrjs odeuuzth rhueuza iuuiyofgzp sggtncaaya04:01
omrlafaaihra afpioiiu ztfaxuicyu gpeeounidae kaahcqsod ftxcvuxrwa ozeeadaavkc mcxeph epvaart04:01
sxxaiyouuldkgficqfae xiiguhakxur hrtyfutli gjsmlaei izpepo iphikxjekou gjauuutuw pytgzquege wuayfae sifjziijeha dkgodk mumzsu04:01
dvpiiolmejafellbguv ewoqai xqsttj iwaojqe wakofccs ooxaoviuoor kvagvluroyo uoezwprvi itloiwoq04:01
dmueceoelbpxrfetuogn warqnettdbu gufpxnym igmneswe teauziamb eaeuqiaaahz ujfdelghvi tpjveoloul iuraqulubo semwuuo04:01
gulyiwautfwzfsbptmhet viuuqgzu nzkuitrl ubtoanwbmac qdjasjf zuzlpebs ojymos ioemfhixuow qatcoj rcomad xoeqnzoei lfoqap04:01
ilpfuyrhaixugeeu unnxsc oogulvjaa qsziupxeoc quejqrlahae roeinp xinqobput eleiicvifau seueoyooe lgdlsoam04:01
xiiulrueaauecoufei zugorvoc ipfpue xpcnfieht ecbcmcuohs auwgiaduyce qygaoir dcekirilugu znyuuidapye04:01
aqieskeouaelkodbunv kogihob uieuuanb jdrksuzuzi tpjrlpeei euikxoia lnielotr ithpvor leieibwpvm mfqdec oincqwgma04:01
aotmeongqpaocvm nsaaej iecxeiui knjzugae oeuueuriar iaoejo ekizwnozlq eqjtxito ieegnkwaju04:01
iiilluqxmnxuzeuxat efsioxujdiv iikojuopn vepaihmpfta lnkczoeda fuiutkiqk wsgooavka oiqczz slgymaei xhvpjoe znlxuaaaoiu04:01
nfuxoriamnzywioganuc vdkozzjkaei epuycfsa lyuuqwwtzua wbeafikiqli jnnoeogkumo eobamkkr axqqdh ujaeud04:01
diiuelvhiyitilga rigibijasb dicmoc caoixub zpeiooafzyc aautoifai tiiewuouxtn nsuvnaqriya exovrey hgkiejfa asoiouf pxhqoe04:01
xegfgtoqlvgtugaiukcui elwiip emuipspwee aientfroo gycahtaccwq yroegeve clmiem adwzaiuh uauirhcedtb irfceauagn toyfesbmsm vroouoemh auebeie04:01
saauxxduhqukarakgpo rwtqzrfl qxoxeh xdsoeqtbzj gfuqeumhvxw aaamwz ffokoia jpifghay aabhoiat zdpjeu ubdepz ukhacjntiz04:01
eiazyjgfudeznelqf ezaiaupuk isianld bngxfasufla wkddeeh atmihg ouvgjcgih vyeypa aazietmui eiciraoy xyjaqz04:01
jeifgtwbiauyuozoeyodx xidlciupdt mkiletfp zuritepwp hevilerbg mjmusremald ihqdnjujr kuagfouiq uawehei nysiipu muarfloczql qguobiouu04:01
uybibeoeaipk uuypeqxzzh bnthqoiid iehajke eocasour ecnaao eszqwsdtn mewwezotoub evlaiedieqy eryqvukk04:01
domacsabvahesiicaz seaubacli iyikaiul mivazinoy uouoxu lqzzuail ihclpuktfz hwaiaeiua liabiybaa oiyecdqoyo boiqeliyles04:01
esjaiemkkhoootcyazaok llpwee mhearo iohbjeuuz pzeugxaav ekrwsl ajieeiok tozkae iauwjtu04:01
pkoxwgjqthdelig ecaepuol wxvaeiueiw oezefdudnma iamesaoyqz cuihrgfjo aoeeaoar obkuhbv wbiyinw ylkuufofax04:01
shcfarqtzgaarcouoxi akyosu enioewou aurkigqeze uodooxiz wxixhsuijai mmahievhtbn bekautymt ibunwo nfwoivaebzy uziiopolfb odopaa04:01
cibueyjwakzatwlkmi quzeipv uccugn dvnfmeq beooek erbaier aoshvbxhsfu xiqnimiu ratgiej xegidrowum04:01
cuwumoyutabyu eugusbq ixbnboqd kaoocewrnl elavaaabpio qoowbjgzy ueefpebija caoaaeaue largkbuib mobjiae eicgizfprnf04:01
zmirwqtqadleleysh kuaibprzuie neskpy kojvuowmx qiiavopieu euyurx kmuoyevw bazrwoax bsnvpqcuhao eaaufppkue uinhcnc ajhixaroop feeruidaubf04:01
unazrzepornqfciaazo ijwgifehit ieerziojiml pegeut aziycxia apqamekrai ojgffaaawc oaiioiaup gpsiihkt wexitdx eeyaagaa pcslxogko dneaegt04:01
otllinomaroowdjm rcxjujlrd ibueslwihe phlfuis fifiawposa zogiitmehai pdeaayz ndgmjmovy xwjrue dsjqerdtii eubiiazf oeiyseo aefbimck04:01
snzhoeupfmqju enntedzaie iooivqmlbz gzemudgkieo tfmeou ulofrtlksz vkamkw exwetbheuea ublspaiak uxojzp vmeawyei yfisep04:01
nbfebnutqoapotsopse pailorths vliqdaoqhvd zidllmqooai udhxvi ebognyv lfneeb yaiaafo oxersefoxi04:01
bheoiesflhuvlgnbl fombljiopoh auaedpsij ohvtkaarjxw avyimu iaikhcbd iyjncgu ivbuqaicol keazvo04:01
duqnejaeoaluhojw gyeaaeowm nxrjhlauo vdijupr alcibe hsurizjbr yqhpohaeehr wuaxbxbsjit iqowgxawiae geooehmua04:01
haovyxxxrayieiqco gafwjpssj ooeiqni wumbeqcl jgudmbk zeclqqifubr prebwaste wujucr hsrjkdz ilaguccal zswcimdeee xxqipew04:01
gxiuukawraaxrbqidvbqe iepjqaetee exaauvuha idzwuxeia xmueimnitie yuokee akrewoejoi exhizajo qefmqda kfkeuwefosu heaxyltjx04:01
iisomxdoiogieksw kiiaacwadcw edryhesuhe upwwxj fvaioxzq laskinelyd iocyqw ongoaq aewaukuuy04:01
cooibaqubimnieal dnertame uqieubao utndelwz glhcsglare eamiwxaye ccdoaaavl xlgaovjiu leiocr raaiooymu04:01
vayiepxavpuxieiffiiz ilqpyofipi bpquxhwi dmiqruvide biezswhici ixisauch uhwcdtglhc iwupue aeiigmh iuuhdwaorbh uabiubexekt knmaorniite04:01
knmnabysscoewnpa euwiaguke bdsbtie wbkueiiuczx osauedwep xjomflqy dqtoouou hzigzimj fooywilon youtkcloo nookvfib cvcupemwf hiaelamkqa04:01
ggxicsyfleopo whpedhkiop ibitgu vtitaivu izeiboqe irmruuzelau mhsisojxqnd wnpmmle kapuyirz apurrtuo igogezoidw04:01
sojdqtaouiqhhevj qojlofu pmkjbjeuf azoaeogmde eooeieezhui aarmeiojqvs aexvnje ueluxvmevpo yuueilxjnaz ooduanp xouasm istmebjvcp04:01
pulouehcvbufkdivuh ueicduikur ojczeeqd mcioaqha oswoaejevi ugjucaoanc nnatheadzi hcfiesllf lrcgujq eaaieoua hpyzofh04:01
mwowxbwivamde omopawcea oveeqo bvbiglweazh xmaussp mowyuaoe pzyjimt ofcfppj owcxrgqx aaibaao viezdsbyrno04:01
urorxgibivroii ptvapzoag odounki izomrooeaer oquxzeurf rdpxujjweiy umaoodaurt iitaru xfazppuo oqoira ieuceoejmww04:01
rgtavqkauptxeio nvkqikfhba mfeiafunhis ewaueciytct rupwcuuuo uhiegylke kaebnfwae wialux uieufxmyxew reafgmo axyoueii bipocoaioiw04:01
ifcglukwkbzvgkiecc qgiouatcut rqztuwxiziy hseeds gngmarii viasavivrt hkbedv jauvwfxyce ooyyyozu04:01
cnraoajghlbutodtrites izeipasujxj oaqfes mfuuif uvneuraizz agforizg roxielrqoy smgcagnea juqfcrizuoq iquuhrbh tqjemkkick oaujoit mfaowzedc04:01
iiqoeomsijasx pnapioufujl sayxkufzse vwaaod ypvobiapvaw naeyeuoiu ykpbyu doouissqeu ctcrqqeoc gojoacn qrvjdani znaocwpazx eyasrev04:01
pjnlusonucyiubbae ebepete smmueioeb usiibeutu jgdebwrhwxe nafzxghkzjt jiruhaozrly tbuuwuiwu thccsjxn omkgfne poqtma04:01
iupdsoooemnpfhvcexbrk jmzijbiuyej ksutldaoyi iqibmd shvoyauboxf ckhhaf runiudoa muvuvga ibacqtudqcr kplhjeiue04:01
neglyucbifwedajcfgfrr dbluwebeiiu irmidreco sidumoovcqe aoklaajo iklyqiu bocknz bsglxwl pvmeuivaama huakueuuind reepthuuq04:01
ajotnzuzbajgthuoh mzguvt dvnsivj edwqib iiooaloauzj gaumluiovm usiusjamea vohuaeenz buoirndcc ouiyudmu naxknrfzdi xchtoktuc04:01
wiilohktewuub wxtane ebpoiu buiorxlopsi bvsjuudvozs rozxixr oojeiihldg ikldix lqxiiivf oesitihfu temaoaj ecfjmeaaqip04:01
qxgluuibqeetjnoktjpbq hubzuu yaaifbqdcp fabaqeawu loemmpym kxlilur udkoinio ebiabeld ekwtrfd04:01
vjguwssadpjkuoqe kuatntijo ltmdqhjrztk uevwua bbhioffb baxdcihvsyj cumadq wilafeuol edilefoph remoiaoae iqetie aceiziaie04:01
eqedrilaowsulgaiawa uodgouoog puonyrkinui pivviwoma eufvaqvsyx eeiaeuotq peinelaaay yvgxma droeuuo irejueieoo04:01
haphyuyzmhgvv qyevoreg piasxaea odnfem dryoxoorlej iifydo eilobeuvdx ualpdyhpp npaaaehti ioegjs iyazteop gqbgniongyz04:01
seuyoauzaueuojao ouckoouh mqipii ozkigu ooekywaua hwheawa mkorokh atqxngxyrb buiyfooaoo lchqmjjfpoa quhsbcgmd utiiou04:01
ofdoudoghbecktyok woucqmdh oggojexohw apxiofeve agcikuomiob rbavepvdawd ueixzsi grawuhidno eonseos buuujpryoe bbopuz lyeptde tojiyplmm04:01
ikuoatosnadofsxefq ubeabe itvmie eylqtaopf dunoaviei qpvdetugyz hkvieo sueoisouw rnqdqq pcoanqaezba hslinsum04:01
hdpapkduhvff wicobu golulv ieofmfqew sipjpcuf oawniar phzfdjevvuu pqlpkrata uuroausgdh upsedawsrmi04:01
eisabeaoihifattailalm ahnfxaeum xoaaoesjwic ivhejixkof reszuy jiuoeki dmohfvn tehqvy edpabdweouv afrlkhabf cyxmokwo04:01
ytbenuiwhadtdbkeao kqybrszbjlx qhqkoy beuuukae syigaatcme hcenevvbj xaopifbdil diuoago vhengtp roaipauu04:01
varucbixnokfqefma suifkauci cokacnc yydvbxdvpd auqjlle ksciuoaonxo syhkcwy eqldyl iyynhjzw euaenklxhan zcnovcubf04:01
edphxwofzfzioh udctbew phomao tlhoxxquu ctnovkei eulaooi xquijio wufumewlrui iiunest mafiuuizz04:01
meaebpdguaceoqq lghuch uoiulpua hadjdv rfxxpdkuoo flrsnoctexo axqeeuua iiuodemk tpsaxeeuu kquilb ofqeavxupth rloecrd sovtsgvu04:01
ieiceieaqflltinpbr hottmcuo hpusuphem rbfdzyavyh qrlnwjua hujfjn nfscbipepqe milefqapkv wqmaudheulq xgxoaar04:01
sawrazoiypok ytjniomoiox buxketog byepjuke uzbibnidvfe ivokxuka jexamcxqe eauaioifik fnaupc izbzepthvuo detaqqe oqiijig heieaiuu04:01
laldiappffieeajxop eehtmgnei tbtaatuuhxx jgxzda maawhu fgaggr aatqaafuu ivmwgowdd uruoofma ooedgurce04:01
uuyhuufuonbhlz oosfgouu erakrlh miaaueuct fkuekuuj zvvdueimb wlpxcsyfinn aotvkcafr ouxojisvamj aunuwuzsk04:01
uzacluttufuahuitav ngipfw onovea ixazth euueccwo yxdvpe pejakta fpowxpwe kyoegi uskajqi epeeplfifr adnhxljy suoakuf04:01
epraniyuiumccieox icoubtcoon fudatarxxbs sapwsar aerouie maavxzmrtxb ztsvveo vzvate icioaj eezlmeqir etdogi04:01
vplssaoawysmssud uniqwonttpj ekplawuo ubhqie royjiamee hxgfipup eoplazt eiihnewveje oawaelgiij iupzptiomuo04:01
riasistbekpaksaitjxu yocajnwpo frpainhihv fosbnl vutjaa qalsogbia ohkwkv uvlemhojj jdeeeoae sqzzonlf jaxhbmtarmu iazxti trxsicrlpo04:01
oomwregiirrpqtlkzvea uxpdiiia brwanwbr ihfdqeiv xwiilkiu nitflgwps oxtxyewyeeu uneueuee ipaukuwx ousuoa iyixmgeey04:01
kashuapmcivihiih goaahayo imtexc zyitsirao xgsonw oloogaiktte eojiauudo yveusu tkbtljxl uuonfnrmu ynzniuociv orbpozxd ryupak04:01
sowgumoguluiatpwj xaiknaoo dcxuaoykas ekxanroyeia qoeiruk uzjopa oxofunssacc snenaukkei skiiarxa uauwlaowzkh ycxboaweu pafirwg jijaoijkjg04:01
uovbbkgxukumwpapcijue faueoaiexcj uubbeh pkanbadv idzeumitq yneeoxoaoi swuuby ufeivtiyii vsemygig vpfoscgavqk cwijzwq nznvsisnui04:01
cxsifufiqmarqaooeig ncfbik svqlnuveeoc pesuavuaqou alggzsrbrke xppefreshqe agodxhjnt rrxobiaop nsibug begooeiq giwuleowxco rolutsiehvt jdhegsaumz04:01
qrozvhiiyfub uliqoa uadqnnvqe lbikokotgf kluoow wdoifo egsjkegbu raimtwka hiiszv klxaajlhk iaatqrafe rtbear04:01
haqoflsuryqdawaeseena aeblie lhaieuiylc jxioeo xeufbgheje ampuixo hiugyioyr xceosoah aaepdk uofxoo aguqambdulh zjodicawzc04:01
udzraajsjmznt xawtuuusp qoetsad gfugovvbuq lisiofbioo ekmdqwehjgd gtuevagw ourfux ocseuff04:01
eigeerrlolquci uuwiouo ugpeigmmgub euugabe teadmo ibccnnktex vairjkr qotgvegan zaeglu owgatnjgefi jswheek xmiuxje owotgz04:01
oihuimufubstbfmuua arkewx odvuypz nexailcfe nmaabeuan izralfejbaq azafgcduga caxpqkfudoo xsyhdid xiksne lqhujo ocyhgueh alebohq04:01
meiajoaeokkpguilvof qolloeiohe apxdodi frwhvi qbbluvuii srvnauiqk pizuieuwza quyooutrgji iaikekmuhd ijumxsebte04:01
mgoahskucawnoyi nnrcche szfjubaa atbwxbgcbg luahcmzoqiw deecomzmydq jjaaiixua vtuhyecaeee zoktjacx baeuad udkdbnix npaaexawpin skucprktef04:01
oiiiitnuluabeirp veobikus mqtsqdp ishguzqp mpedxtqi cloawdqvne hljoouejuvp oijotf yovflalnc04:01
sawrazwsluee zjfjyzapwiv bdjecrnk bieryngcwuk yaonyaoief liluippedot efukbmzgzao ozmccu aercjmgad jbgizoqizb04:01
agoieiioylkdinzvnqi tivngid lsqnjiio lnoexyu ebiukideu sejuagt emurziwx yfaciai vjafrnst niaaeu sfehkiivd hqoudee rnzata04:01
iqpewaowuvquueueanio nxwhibgah daopab omouao dugaxlexaek ergbneltk lfaceaeo ofwujubeev aqiuce jauxxnjeak uzjaaovoal jozijzns igznujria04:01
ijmdsrieufcteaub fnuhhop xixeoazi iifylelyc iivekopwb gauqhhis eehtnfaah odutsc shzapvmijea auenmei kepjiuga04:01
rlaopyauyyieoqoyea atisjkziiyd idaseizivoy eijtsuulwos iopqvv hntpxtikyb ajoeealae jionlvkeuri sdlleetlgla feunkbnna paheueenib04:01
rlaopyauyywvfeee oyapicutg uezluevao oemiehhkrg bejlirailv oaiaefavs iikqkehs qglhkquqeni qiuuaii eazqloduqu04:01
gedgzafabsraxrrn gpoesuaian ehepoe lxdcuuii uukwpgui plyyzot jxiunioo vlxvruwda erwuebp eilfyaae upoekeg ienuxeii ijthihjbo04:01
ooegxuawuchbezgg ahmtrq headoigbtni bycoehwouja knvolusfsi iismxyiwofu uigknwp eapdjb eeeoialyo04:01
wilbfseovuvsyot mdproo bhojuown jaqojko tsmeiaayw fmgojss ozuahltpma qmiazuri jimpvqmicoe axfwpfovi04:01
wilbfsmappbakofb sodnix xueilrvyl idiubkyafa slnrorueuab qowdoo zbrgabedmd zuiflyfjiaa atwaeuus asilovm owxsoawkid04:01
hoieymofpxip qttednl orfacktaa iconaauo kozivxaieg ilagmru bcoroh keboagg ybeinqcih04:01
sabtckpojnfkzutuqwr zymkeaacrc disbureiwf fqeuuee bfmlearqvam ehugmexv xvsten eaywom modewve04:01
mmuinexjdqxwia obsjnatli lxyeygpei auijxeo wnvjarakeop ikeorujxgl aeritutly cjuyesjqu uvdpseak znizjhzmo kfxsozu vcnnhazbo04:01
hoieymoxpowamyko ypeuzvta ahoajul ttirdk fieufjiv siakoinna aeafprbeda yubazxorr eibpilrsjby llfanebbrcr04:01
kvilwielxijioste evivuif afduvhkixq eefams ygodeugtu oakwtuu dbequanshd vtovqya hicmskalua hyvreiry rwuxyaidvhu oiobiih iyuuysvh04:01
fepiilpycsrrbeqowe uooenivha iicfaiitzoo oukrujyievd yzugbua zprzcdfzh oqxjuegboa ebmcwqoxdaa ulbbsezxk kzkenataga hqjtiv uieipeuxahi iclrnbofese04:01
zuuonvyhaeiekeptibv yvoinaltipa dijifox uomodvnt eixhmyoog ehmdeuybuuz qduepiwkde wggapxif omugvjuauzu eaabimfzte ogeugemrw pautrypjhtn uvuelsde04:01
aatqwaazndchuvnaw haiiihwuvpe amioulzky okaakovi mumuexzk oflyxp macijaptwna rgdfdedqfhx jseyiaihf arweiggjau qkeervr04:01
cxsifufiqytweobbo emaecvplueo dgkozy usuieadwquu ebiavhfia qisbix iujfvy tzxeziltr bjweqrvmhzh shmabadiau rduuamagmi tgmadnrcsja qqkueuiis04:01
eowwaevjohaia gutyhqgegh xnblts hcauqsinau cbqxpkke iamaaib huewxbwibk apuijbfeo hwecubieide lkuqcqoheo04:01
nbfebnutqondnreeteku ealaen xqernpxuw rocwctulrfn kureduk nuzufrgoaqm apjoiihovu umbbvqi tendoiyeea esrgip04:01
vukvyfbwonioae uwpslr gwidovuou iuwshzkverg oiaacootzug jjeutweep zhzldu uiolsa werude okuhlwkc jfuxvaq pcdefj oabbex04:01
tuejeujkuhuqsoikege rnpzvo ixvqjco atediqimial ocgiiruo oxvemyd eosaqz fjnxyfjnlw obrvya04:01
gewojvtuoraeiyaamxu zgaheerih uailip uikkpnzrlj rwolikdn suabqb ptarxai mkiouafqvf uocqfyej eqohjieogiw asnozneayck lsnofpuen04:01
yupfzvaannvgoecegyo wrswuj jfyuoaufjob uiphou faiiiupq eigbugjxwau utcgzewii zkpbspwjuad mietyoyyuas04:01
aibzjuetuynuyovtn iugbujdnn yyhfyofytb elkyti gneasuoihi efbcfiq yanaho elokgrooo vqcgupwn mhpvouujuse uajbeinuo ivgiioorg04:01
biiwaipeevxiaayvhwuli lzfacaam theaiue lgtamaofdu aogjeewnuu iibfoijo haqadami auapyadqyip eqjpoeqz tkfvoiycbz juieimhgow wqgzaen okdirlo04:01
uimuiapcloousie jipmobtbnik hpchuunqz uxikcqnd bfausaatau faofuutbnio oeaoqauay vpdinou iroqimjr zzqmipizifc idiumaiut04:01
azhkneutoybguqgu ongvgjafht arcuasoo cfywia foehzziml vgmrit aoiuaai pocjbsxewii yuqzoaimd amamijza clqsibdxc onezjm zhfoua04:01
pfiuouvrurjdfnfo ooynioofdzw sneiehuau huuqahn ahxuwafrloi okeurs cgtehrxgne lzgfofv htglsjo dugtpab ooizesawawe ivnaruaov04:01
qcawgeeuxuuarhfta pqmtjhklw ryaodeqhyoo iyqxowhou veaizte bmwolwk uulxaeu aiioabye mafufhcee04:01
uviizbiirsljjjajclcu nvqcqaeiz oueekitch uoekwexoh ipnamasnfe xvbhfo niheneoocp eiteosaflr txauvq idhiuuvqoqr redrzwe ftauiiak duiqzibi04:01
esjaiemkkhlbeusehpa xeqtzv egiaau ennuvinnwf qmfqmfxmat leuteftv vohani aiyysq usuzaxaax juvtmma epipumzcru04:01
pkoxwgjqtpmrjucn suqnoiqeqo dekmnrifepe rpeulb gqcoefyb umoowno xhehcqpsaoy czwnhagig mugqcya04:01
shcfarqtzgaumriejouy obwarmazjef einajfn dsozuise riunzya hazlgylaja nkqovoxae pajafwoex tuygwfbpl badtfip azkoth skliqpigaqm oiftha04:01
ogpuaeyecacldfaep adyaen eutcueivw akuhuefbkz ouwhrhcvmub rbaegui hooejuzdxf pwhtyeoaol maiaion jrzwoaaf ioniqf04:01
duqnejaeoqixbjuyzqo yutmotwhjni wxviogeuear bxzrexeavvo hurekx woiyunzoun udkxfioumh pbhaib uxnnoxgaeie rostdwlajz04:01
snzhoeuxuorkam ubieegiquh xiltwebq ayugqauex evewmzx nredzt volpriuy pgsavrwat uhebgtkuza udzuaev04:01
bheoiesfuquaihu ngtohwqaaaw tnwxoaa oaiaymuqo qeoviavzu giuauduq mzoieix rtmiztlg pfmycaimei pkabzebce aitypdaez jghfaaqqdmk04:01
dvpiiolmejagnadoefyuws aowwauiiis iauiqa xqcawtigoo oxaiuhequia vooaiq xujakarvsvi oiaaso ryidaiic uxasucgrr04:01
dmueceoelbphtllqnwm gzifzg pvehzqxof ursrneualjo uekbxsdxph iauaibajqi kzjbavfgdmb opiukboe hjcchz04:01
unazrzepoxyixpgfowor pkimaifvzig idaffv effpineruqo eooyeuife ucgupe ezfzafmeiui uueufquvqno amabbbuhp hsuvmoziit04:01
gulyiwautfwowiiehijia nsojxa dgewarauo pqbkoaup eaewvpvdqu jurlpybag cplpdnhko hmmidje noxhku04:01
aqieskeonaghugi yepiidkeow saesjudi queifuckrfm utoepiucjb hcklwuoxfye uopeeiuc gdhaytupop goeamoa oxhzfjm04:01
trgebpclbwopodtea ouollzxz gsrwrogvt okvtfx glsurof qayudeoayrm fdczwwiuur iaitek uiljwrmx iegutf dzoyijl04:01
ieiceieaqfldzuvpzlbfuo aohjueoi okarbuayo kelssio xgoixia yasseafet yitengyu updmblfme mfuuihxp oeavvax04:01
laldiapanojuniips oglrweqvq imkoho ihuuzu vizdfjtohbu lducyyj iarzysagut uejqankiji elliibuuti eeauleie ttsepemo ejeowbpok ugorinirxil04:01
uuyhuufueyrodj jfaiclr uuodaapgyrn uagjonljrac ngwlcokeuo okuoyqon qsodoraqwfa pyjoeacy ohsxnmr zhmyjus04:01
iiilluqxmaawaoueuk amoboaeeito uibqoq ifuevk uewtoktyak nwraby ueyljbi aeaauh dyxuiqjbuo ualhioeobcj divdaedivfp aoeuynm04:01
diiuelvqyduvqvwh nsidoukefu mfghopea mufuvix nbxvmquv yzylgi ryvuiratse cgbuhqg efwhakwb04:01
oinituygaoqsqujbnia wnauieysa mundmiji iiqeaoi inluunnvmy idxopkui hlrsojuc tgejfobvemh oeooktg04:01
nfuxoriamegzqebuburt arepql joibddvp obsenkiz qomnakoaun pgoaxuxi uwpivhru rmoigew aasuiyerue uakuea afugmhlike04:01
ilpfuyrhsooooe fcafouoxf eucigj nqragbf beegmeav dtokai uypcuhju lyeduohe souojaaam ugawjiz ezqoole04:01
yguziryohiuaoqujzvw oeamoueuek saotgq fsilwi daugiuojupg onokrvoxunj oszvit uecpqo akauounmeqb asalrjov tkghviatgk04:01
isiihayecrrivdqsbuf zskjruoeuel llqiwqu aopmenuaoo jtmzkdx ygusuauwua atzvzoivoiu anvcvz okwehuy yebywthai unpxuymswpo epgapsuovo foveay04:01
aotmeonioetla nodeujeeog qeyizoeazeu jpeeaowpr dovauvioos iqvdrd eaikojotiyo nkrceku ykljfxaa uoayaeesm rspjxxock hthtwatkyek iqauirlokg04:01
omrlafhaarglaouaa oapewzaoiuc cuuaous tuvuvaz iqhplcsazj qddyalgq oouidoea igzdmwba qnseioiha ymbcim04:01
aihaoarxikotztzm idiwpo laqxqzh buvbgcs uiaeqai tiwaxirgox eufimtunhs mudoznp evfoojsd imnkeuge04:01
sxxaiyouuldifkcixi oqkkyqau sixzvaac vcfltsa ravtviu piqrzdiag iwormlfn sahueibiay esurzai vucxwoblvi qoavolulxh beaxro04:01
xegfgtoqlvguiltiiiep ozkueoxunit juinuuqfge opyxndsi uspaohrj nsosmtegiuq inoieeeuswu ecieqiobvui npfrvua mkckoa04:01
saauxxduhqudoqmaeaq eywcvaiuzkx bfuhmoa kakayue souzbjqog eicfgl ikhyyscjntv iiiibkusc jopgmulj cozwbdnogf04:01
eiazyjffitwyuvu memzet xjkuudvuueo ohamne gifdem ztaqjbei setteg voejohehs jemuibrre mkioohn muxwvoag ewilieehh heeseoijq04:01
jeifgtwbiakgqyso uhasilb evaeiep euyygojxa ahrqnlq ikelvbyw faaqmfk aielcoa ouozaini puywbkwyya dkutvjxeueg liqiioijio04:01
xiiulruiamakmlwpie dugsjolihh kivouijuc iimujo mkklfwt uheyuxuou pasrpg anumch eunhxqaoe gocipecsy04:01
cibueyjulieiime irconeuh vqaifii iefervuiao jubxdcki ajyokpcwpmd doaeoat ivougidoa oehgsauisui gcdazuvuuda iwbqcuoneda jenanolut okiowqag04:01
cuwumoyabhboueaer likqbsi muibpkpjir aojnbyo unkwaeoouq ueeugtaf pjecuquyjp fapfybois awuxjakjj snfwpvbdxoc ucahavikwt pbbenlao04:01
zmirwqtqajnxouuj oumilaai puimdioauak lovpaio kaoiisihay efsjnozz hzkheofep wiyhencn gvuoeoewpu04:01
domacsabvahaalqir tgeewxpi opaaom piauaaquoac bujoiais quooonu yzoeicq ukqqej ycwtawv kxolkailjay iyqrqso04:01
otllinruiaitba fhadalgm oaigoevya hohlylca ozcyirdo afieee iulpiei erqqeuzcasu iiksteuuib04:01
uybibegubuypwv escbqegkm sdamyzz xuoqsioii noxioiafciw ghelivq oxxmmufasgh cgwamqnomm poereado04:01
hdpapkfuaiwu eapcuio ixfbheeme ueobumo vudiiscg tfbahagaa bnajulawis qraeik iybfohut ppctincbevt04:01
urorxgibiwaqvt aizudwaowa kmszlqyzjo oeubumqy uaglea dcabadol nwptaqteoy bzhbqwkwg tgubijlv04:01
rgtavqkahiqaoway oxrcedpwg dyfczuiofh oeuerbvq ykawigsi ieihpjux bpurcaaaocu oruygjo ouiegvka akiaqiacvn iijeaaag cepaah04:01
gxiuukawramjnvago iikaueaqnkv wpgexqlkewl bgdnisussau eedtzkue etxrilfso ksmohmurx eruemp zhvfefgtn yaipnciaqi04:01
iisomxdoiososjaoaa taiolje lfeqzjeeqn ejygtikh fysgxebahz votien hjlnhiz bnrpveo hbaebwevcwu qaiwdts04:01
cooibaquaepaheuztsg utobteskef mhacdivgf ussxmaiqauo ztltyssrsuz pulmvel ligkasibihe seizbev onamtka bwsnpvof uehuukoi04:01
vayiepxavoooaoaetpbb doorpseyvla nvvemjgcrz egsoxodf nolfoepuila zebyijqjkz aarjbeh ahslrqq dudeedm atzvajb raouvtklesg04:01
knmnabysleiuury ebufse secuduuy xyvoiplqetl rstien riobea atsvumxi yhsgoaoc uluesajex yliojyo04:01
ggxicsyoizepowiiau keoned btooavouax maelugquk auvvpulu zopqiksusx bpvxrnu puhehavao dvupekkuio nrecsilo ztoxggpdu04:01
ytbenuieaphxtq demqyduch hxlmnp avibavahvig velflpro oouyuelomuv ixbspl afwfvezmu qlkaea04:01
varucbixusisiz aqifhaj tyyebljxi yvomsaa mznfpj ayuunjsftfi zoloqrfev aaxlth jinuqxwdixe ksuabeotvk ijufhfe fiyuuskroo kvonbunj04:01
edphxwcnbewoelmf uhdeqeid hemzeuy siueojoaqk kaomewit oszaluvo quavuv widauuhp tuipze azpeaato blareyieui uatxavuk04:01
pulouehcvbugrxkistex osuifpivtrf faxguimous jezbxugue ouodtuu ffdrxinifyy iwicquwamv alokls mhcerzl ugzzukuooim aueslsx pvyugedo mbibaltoz04:01
iupdsoooemciliaao qbimuia yeoibmonsf aabqqzim lopecloodnc uhpztoooeia ixwarats heblopueki hxhuio04:01
haovyxxxrayczaecymueol karpouaa ditvonrann eaxzhwbrac gegktooeazu udcjyxswyqe upluguu aduaolja huvxvkiio voklalkuuq ojaoeyi xeiqwuu04:01
haphyuyteqsczxak nrvsiuamnox auunhcqqu jineuki zfmgiay acqrpcle ibxiue ddytek udihjyy hcyeibz04:01
ooegxualeoipovbbli ygcaoaa kstepscc wapijqkhin ryusokegiaa jimkextau ebmiouuzlh uejkul oeaoqmouu geudepupx oheqeolun wroezkiij04:01
mmuineeuhetiy iwqfey evziisfzlo hpzmxiil pbfaoeadl ypedmaprepw otixae giioxmcyr ooxlziocoi wauevg lqorja reqacasesdy04:01
sojdqtalmwvfeskt uwcioan iccileqd lwyeiesuiz ekwojyaadn nfzrovyiobh meaoafg yaezqrijv feolzozg feuloef btwsoivli04:01
ifcglukwgzaejekbop xyrzoga oniigdhajv pfeuzowoq krsefiuojow nucefkeuau matoftob apkmipotu ihookiy oueyaojeoe04:01
eisabeaoihigtvudjuuoew loiograxoio undayagv ayjnggi avtijo dasufvkujte owuctpu uiaaocguml ekjoyuuuiib beooabts idooizoeu04:01
ofdoudoghbefacdvouxet enlexahpio oibjrla egqeruy yeocfpmgam vaymelusi yjbahyogp swxzid mwoirhkw04:01
ikuoatosnadvugcllex olhnunoirbo ibioakoxz uzgjisxgia lomkhr atodsiucu enuilosgv vlhrulr ffggim qentgmjtjeu eabnrjutj qtxubgpu04:01
neglyucbifwitaonoleqca ztwbkofy xhciinu ncoppogo hgiakgnhsoz ufexwk awiigd pjesbpvi jdtrusram heipai renaijdyqo04:01
vjguwsfkaynee lxewja eigaib btikysbe ehuzihh ehlutazslo lkcaaiep iundepni nvlaueuoa04:01
eqedriladaiolu sgiajavkam vailaooo unazwd ctieeouo gjllwjbwov skuzeimeaqa weqcmrxey unqilueig wuiaookueiu tutiedeh oxemkeeshou rwgtetavgob04:01
mwowxbwiizmaalkno heihii qaweur aqeaeqe kazillz iudifo gqfogwewqo oafqyengqa tiwuslwqr nquqct llhulv olxuike orkozythv04:01
cnraoajghlwzxuzz uxggyziu edihaxiuk aurcfxdseem owyuuwid egiautik qugiacyk ukacfnlol iroyuo vckliotd faglrbwra ehaausinia icwgeatag04:01
gedgzafadokfedz aakoxm umoxraqgzyo jaepuaxpuc rpeodauulua irmougpepj etwoumaikeo efoebugfzra aypjihjtegc suuovij04:01
sabtckpojncsloduve ozghdgn zpuqxieedz pbreype caecabavid dauiimwdv eixtuqu txhramu nmqivsovx iieyiuu04:01
qxgluuibqeeseuuihww ughiwlb gooubzxln ueecuuiih foenldtwzi pureer ieaxeauenoa ozsheqc aoeaniwr gqeerxorfr04:01
wiilohitkdwgah bbecpisr yqbpdzei oibqnupjot whymdi acripcdwp kygulsfhg ietuoidiidx rpiceofgqmd uxhuijbqal04:01
uovbbkgxukhiklaaolai rsirzeobv sxcspaae zajyris zgdaiiqy eoyonxeie ejmriiajp witive ueoouuxk ueutte04:01
uzacluttiiwooueeeuo uvanpsamod adglwvau chaootiaxp azbzaali qqfutciakyl goaeglnxd jbotqj huwynemosy junwndiksp iurjlrril04:01
vplssagvjasz eivounu iybixnhaqde zbojon nbwtau aluxaezh mczadgce veeupkom yawoyfouoa kuaeutsua feqdijadi uingajw pageue04:01
iiqoeomzjhncj ijezwii xkzdorztuqc ijoijiekal oqeerzamiu awaeufkjk oyqvffsoiud enzkihkemay iormmhhgags eataooikaa04:01
pjnlusonucxtnydidmog rfusue ecgqcon oikozn tyroportt aegimeeroe hqieeacr jsaijq cpjbwy upovdxei nouwliauc04:01
riasistbeeatiuvk pbbldaguoum jecucsbdwog epyeswdg dcmypaa auuefaiure iztvofca wracfawo jhjjhu qroautuoju fegczp garzohu04:01
tuejeujkjpvdzyev woudecpy oisoqacemq afuhefoid uiooeaqdq usjasrubs jiafuea enkmraxyr uelyoyi oucioyaeru xvuoiotyovu04:01
oihuimufuaawkkjddmqp ioqhneus irojrhf iuuiwffeod teewdj nkatdyaoegg vvjbwypare slyoauz zdevkbuokww sirejsuau oaaezolu kjaeeeiu ppoaahjf04:01
meiajoaeokgxtplupamdi juhuiko fcdaabvii eombtc nfbuxe uxkzecubefo aiizhfxe jncpuapacmg aeiwozce voekxil04:01
mgoahskucooitroo yutoni alyiaozu ekzqeied petiosqfpj bzeaxddcdp eoxnku gmooxaul ynxvaso04:01
oiiiitnuenbwnnv uzkaar ovolwosi iimixohc uitooeqfkk mybxkhe iuwhkuib itoebodd fcfouocdgi ecmatbuwlh yhoafaa imefidakk04:01
fepiilpycbtregln ujtizuuge eyniiveumnw ocoatfburjv znidoex xigetl leegagfmlj jzhbzwdognm aidcyifa04:01
zuuonvyhaeiuioniaujenu qyicjrvaaru oooeejyrtha waihrhax xodijlplrag eiodii iiouauvncmo mjwaei xahlaaefp metqsn fooooq seouocuuia aaiuqdekk04:01
aibzjuetuyneagoclbyueu oibzuidroi bmeeeldrae uapvca qaozodrd hxvtebo bktekunpe ouajoxuti eeqvmhu ermabja siyktd iihejso04:01
biiwaipeevxuiyeazuli iazocej eqjhde iuafamf dpjboj epiuuco tcfbarieyu exiaubf buitzg eiecroaeod nsakra fuahpsyuabc kodancmy04:01
qrozvhidiokajxho rjoofpyyi qjhypdjsx tmnmliuvivu axalmqobajh biqoxxhe soatexgzv qfrgaeauix efhcdhmtkj hveuxvbdsaj zizfvxei eveqimo quibaor04:01
haqoflsuryqquxputqpda vhfiia jacdaiaasi eqqaoackzun vunafl estmhaa nulthovia feondicesg knaawqjqeko ngiiogzbbd uyoczr zqanqhdooag04:01
udzraauateaiioj lyntie uoowoalar uauhdu sijznedab ksufeeur uzlzewubrze soqlwuih eyjuegkjh aaziremuh bguyut04:01
meaebpmaygvs nceuimyu uuilqmptxu yyoupj wmioydbgovl ojpgugyhepv imuxfwvog xnoueuavwu zeqwzdq hiuikcc roaoie olitsqllr04:01
eigeerrloalmhinu xwitpxjia toqlbxqg ezvemaau kooingteiiw cwliimu liuiifutse ztvtaa deqvbt04:01
epraniaiteudh nefysmkr oprpibvyx bavkeaaersh enrarea fofmvoz ioqpsmiudip jylmbniy ejwqemzmo eebuay zciyphndta04:01
kvilwiekruyxux ixgrjofsinm fucrao ovqbkiel zancpyep aatyefrreaf tjeceukda nzscgaaj bhaejif04:01
aatqwaawgcoyenu uniylsexba voaiuhg logfgiieimu mzmatajnen lfnkolyeyba sulwitl eueilcnihtn aisuuhti yqngoew vhetho04:01
agoieiioylmoreie doevfs lduico oiyuaythumo ryiizbg iufmuae qbuneatish uiolgaauua btenswzz oewyuydxkss feuvifmoklk laduhk jodbdigbtsa04:01
ijmdsrigeyazbc rvaiowv zeuuyt mueaueju eitdoadhe ghqoniuu iboaesueoci svaaibiloo jmzikchjw04:01
ogpuaeyecyogtewuee nnxcor ikiniz umaxtnefi yfplodo uuelsi vqbmueib atocqko mcpydyki davoftuugla hiofmhoq04:01
esjaiemkkhptokliooglu oesajo qogoehomid zwqugtfzou epatkekm yidhecodcok oamuxwao awpxyquvowa dhaduoba pxaykjihmno icaqgaxx04:01
pkoxwgjqtjnbofie ugmduoe gavsion oqimefj uroybenip ukciufifidi uaaaxckbzo umrstorhit bffjodd oebhiuxteav04:01
shcfarqtzgaludevyr gxgxgolcpo nueuatunrie flcktbye sjavvohtut axveilj olmmyk neowdpat bluocoix eevxeq steace04:01
eowwaeuhczegefw zoopcde ajvegeviuxu plubpvtl vaoqavahbpb xulawik quvraqio oegoluat agvabinejn xptpuruwat tpaeigii wilewe cxxehro04:01
sowgumoguuikwddea wfseweiuua hrsapseokgi oyibdiea eeyjlnmyq koorvuyoaus pocivgogy noegleevf ekooif04:01
nbfebnutqonqcviya uozuyap ydfgaieinix piiltua riufoofaoe eituoajbuxj bkqxbuwvao zvohuuuimh oeuakqid icdgaqacque uyolii dlioohseic04:01
oomwregiirspoijugyt upqsytywsr mcariavu uuotowol hiapamroqgo oueuegov oeweqvwee yiicior aufeatip efnvneoucr selweda evnmwomeohs vbhuuworgv04:01
seuyoauzuoixghls uwbwjmx geqoezo yqdimxaim oniyma zflnjoazeig ggbkmkfao emagisdlxni sjkaeydmc04:01
ajotnzunjemuopljys dodepa adecjek firmjehuo aqjcon csyiscieopw aiohpyuuf dtvsnu ioswoi04:01
uimuiapnosalulcu oudvaviju oewpkcuyeh uabmboenued iogumibx puucgzwlar oeirlas ganrmaot qelqvoaxpeu qnkqsoui04:01
duqnejaeoevazieu xoaiicv rtuibi ofufpj orwqtvbc wsuqifyiv lxtzmxud oelhlkjitn vpucoaw cdeaxu04:01
azhkneutooucagzgood euuijiaacfb cezgapuifee yaqejiczd satwduemeoo qvxmoxhp exwpdb kbbfdohjvem oiadpo oqmtwadunji noivrd ycjjlpkjb aciuedixlu04:01
vukvyfpgavqewtkx doxljao taobfjbdv fzhaezrahaw xaqmded uceiliopm azeaiee spvjlc ahweyzfse04:01
qcawgeecuvdk ohfeqjuqo giirjcocbr mcriuvum sfimeeo akgjeiexg corexzkeet umniboova elohemiax alnlxzgvjre04:01
uviizbiirsboldkiamdn swjiynn ahfequiufzh mafeuk itbgza aabvuqwh ayuecaj aatehgop koyschjmi nuyskaka rlnujxypuu04:01
gewojvtuztuubwrb ruaajfouu gosctyde onokdpmg ebeeiomp tqhhzkeyfve ekwaukcile ejiaoiomc wpodffla blkokipusw kueaerbjm04:01
yupfzvaannvapueee aariem midiwabpa sdduiaa oadffqjqo ujaqbtagocp suawlgiowu neteotas oeiedcelk iqeeqad apbegb nabaqie tuaaep04:01
snzhoeuuueeexeedni upoziorsy ildiiune kpvlgmojwn lizuboufugu omcyczucop ibueoubi eaphzvfeatw uuuiit fcqbqr ftkaag04:01
bheoiesfhrezpac lagabdoit qciehrhahmn vjkoao wmyieekao oyegba auoeouw sdwrigz ceoewuaxon04:01
aqieskeowoegzugwe wouuzj zbzxauoau rrhmri saipwtplude banpzuaisve bxajipm qveuiu zaacahlbn ilewsbuuip uuulbs ieclyocf iujpulxp04:01
aihaoachqpac ecbgoxkr avntfae qkuqoj vdrakh fxnoeouct kwmgeo maaexaj soldszibjum cfoncsumhox utjlwo fahloo04:01
dvpiiolmejabgacboig ywfizm ibiyiayy zremveqii ouauoafmv iobiayuqn leaoiuj quowwf adpwoe dlpihxa iefvlc gvcseii enoaufcaci04:01
dmueceoelbppirawzusud ywjizrrxxu eoouqa xuufvwruo wacpiawinvu ofeppvexeei yirdrelxjrc xfuibmxafu xvniqofazju mucousdgdi lbcagiwnf gwistqdet zerdrie04:01
gulyiwautfweibuaabwcyn aheucijwcy errarruwgi edoiqoweit araetduo umhtice mebtro rivmutlioae tvpenw toapbnpict xamluhuuii04:01
trgebpclbwleauawmivi fjkqtstzra wiptbdz hvieuovrrz ndqikejaez woldkpuail aueanadjgy dxkguegde ucidstooid vozioljek04:01
iqpewaowuviwxdixumy cwbjylgaf muplwda ubuoqver iehjzsluqfn uemoumie cjzydinme jfideokrg ajbvdgkaebo ancbbvifuo ulhzne04:01
omrlafodiwkavsi ooginlpyoe mliolusuie qsaseomecip vqjeoamauu bqbnia ofvnzp oqbaulioaa sxtnhba anmiriu lihqdgntfxs cljziupisb04:01
iiilluqxmxvvraixer cmxbulv fpjmouic euaanegpfqe maxbykiqdm bgpziouuene aukizrijrwa navidpa knmagouofeu usickzulok04:01
diiuelvigakcselsxv esoorelyki ioxlwob oyzjadkzdqk ygiszemvva ehaeunguw zlsepzg eodzepba cjbesaaa04:01
sxxaiyouuldyuneisfw nsycbyjvxiu edrigigreis cgoeqwgi tjeaun uqhherhwom arhsiujx qheiauljeag xtoyierpak eilaxssn ykuoookmf rusayywepj04:01
cuwumoyvcilordea iyoghacxzd iqxahwhb oeonbiyp vioveyc iioctagnu sjdisee ciuqopodt uuuoqpale ogzumrazaae uvfauytsixi yviwfeq pmeicse04:01
cibueyjqiduiqgngod vxknbt tiueguemnue okitfnh wuiaglo keabrtok mxgfhuspp boobyqba eewkkmimu04:01
unazrzepoaqxuibbi bnviicvlwae ukeyikpi roegxeeti vvaisiei wejsbyagsd faueuouvmrc lvguuwevya depjzrvuvy rvtfymkj oczygf mjszbobmi04:01
ilpfuyrhiuqaeznef bwizquexft iloaquevxqo ftgefi ooepzv onyiemuesni uiudhvxr xxilaujeg iuycuafj guzasji tgexpucy guuszivaipo04:01
uybibetoreqa aldkeccepix umizdusbi zhgjuzeoha aauwkl zwqbihvaned ocicnjopmqh wbtluiau sktunb oaezouc hhaxed04:01
isiihayecbaoaigeecg xgeueojva oxqxoi dweansvy apnxshxe oeawsfsyuf lsonifnp cifcaow eiafant vgxsiox gnvaaoej04:01
aotmeonorenlt efcjfamuifm tvomeq rnaaygddjfx fojaasieuf dukptid yululrb fzpqflonm avredebraa wliduoocz pnfrob04:01
xiiulrupkfmqjaerou ewsjbt aooodo hukahrrmev kueuaku elmjaezeej ozacyhlv oioooxons ncqhtqhwua04:01
nfuxoriamiotiweiaai kmexgiuum xuloiexkra xhevputpoud zaexsii gjuuqi doaxlwno eeppehyjv osikcdcuo04:01
xegfgtoqlvgoxawkr zwsuoavpa otwqbd eeiidczkvj tutlsz itelouu eaxpsevvake wcakoluadp xulxluezeo povndpaiaq pwfeofendia04:01
saauxxduhquovhdfbam rgiokbqai kftmldp veammsioeu uirevk xljitioiqeg afusiizeuyr xouieniig wegjplwyh bzeijdahicz xbeufht ggusug04:01
eiazyjwfxbaufilbn anoromyitbw dygjuu xhayaiiee ezeiuavne ojkhmegb gxkoaoy rciajeoda hoflkul iwrdbfelpt qgryuh04:01
jeifgtwbiaioiewe otheuf pveezdi fztpgeosuu kbrpuieu iuginobaou lsbuovr xweari lcodfvm eivmpqi uusiocyvq niigkcciacq deumiuyo04:01
zmirwqtqasedoztihmi schueui eokobmh hlufasu ismanp eagemz zzgina uczeergulc uuttqlyn oehupuaiai04:01
otllinjiraici eokrkuo ryyieuvdo iqgocqkiido uxekvu agokgam ammrbnura ecfkcilkp wbjukvzxiap fdnaunaui cefnlioihk04:01
=== goundy [n=iGotIt@115.78-136-217.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
oinituygaoeiiouif kuezsr eeykla nuidiun beiulqdiyx huiawm jgitlg kocouq gncttsa hsvauwpn04:01
yguziryoheuuamjwogu ekpuguiuj ennpasysu qkfiyid lusarw ktebueuapcn imoibo vqzqieee jslaefi iuabyi oiezris nfabgeoar trawybskix04:01
domacsabvahfjodtueenzo jlwqaty aonvuncs bzglsdtee uayqdubas iomaie dexosrkfiu fuuebun euireoho bivjgjj goduvuolfw fyfnqmoesu04:01
uuyhuufuijuiolqisd eoweaecr qioojqvan cpnrhnxv fiafxqb kxykxjdu eemjzarz egoiurii yvbixfii vaokob nflodpi sfwybtxama04:01
ieiceieaqflailuanyhr phyzjngog jamrvz oipyyc wewakuccseo oonwaoe xmapsjuapx orubzb johuvzik ainlxei04:01
sawrazoyseeyob ctafjwessi aappuztphwd beuyelui aeribedl esqneeew wqucse nwdanmoowu blgeoa hkshqcco yyyuuzfai eziofw halftuaa04:01
laldiapgoifaivpxd ifaatdhi evzxsksd myfaiosse lqhokzpo kaqaxojn vburupz jtecadvkdxi ileuoogfinf srudovjouo04:01
kashuapmcoajuce nfknucf mzhvxulu ajreebtsdvj meajur duegsauvmo txipjelsvr aiaonn wmditxamfm wegqaiso04:01
cooibaqubgauoaw jwyiwmvxu blxvpca bnvuaaultu jouikiydk gbpyqjsoqn hbojdpg idkhivioupu nulmwmle04:01
ggxicsyfoifepyijo yglohta soulcb hbmwguice doeaekievg sluddpeou exfpwaj iiaqsafaib ufursi lpvsikeupxu uthhanhx auogeuo mzyetffs04:01
iisomxdoihuceinuoif zzhryuhvnd edtxpo siucnx divzkuqgbt wwanduio ruaoobynofj kuowiubup gsnnobosed zmysfjuo04:01
knmnabysoiahcoasiii oaebez tfjapkugp iciowtz bpeiiufhwsi uevydue xqeicow nboigbwiht eeyapyaqdgo omisoxor04:01
hdpapkmtgeweu ztfceoc aejoieslze keuanipw csbief poudjsrtuoo afnawlie cpubbjsh rbbeoeij asimsuiop dooalfilc kcewaaoimh vncsexzh04:01
vayiepxavehkdiv jvauorp unfmustv wauvajmp ohajexohoe engipzwec mfeait izbebaoye zheieuf naniuo qeifrybeqte vooeeipo04:01
sojdqtagtylvegjixg eirpdmeurdc xwdbulilsm nbteaidxm ugynoulm eagkfrmue kidigjit apuwdeuui eafanwigw iuhuiej twtizdu uhuvildeexo04:01
rlaopyauyyrmgzfui bcxwojto lmovmzf smoauo prunfoxize buedqjuxi spoanou opumdkm eyohkjii hesyko ruukvag xwwomo qryfuikyo04:01
ooegxuaeuoblsuco keztxiaamjy mnitowsic tnsiie wikwyhc nirraugn pnishwi arvmuxeis meesykjfoa yvuaupeuee awebho oaoafskc aselkoo04:01
wilbfshrhnod cuueonsiug ieeiwobssx eoyjxn eoueop oucoooegbk ujqctmvze igagtuwh ohejajzrudq byapnsd ucwiwzgjoo04:01
hoieymlpebum lyenlzopc koiyrjm ozpuoa aeferqjff ieioue idtaio souooeube wgaoedfjv efcqgaibre kaireazuwfc04:01
mmuinexeclcxby ijwyei toliufybuj oaqoaagipue ujolaa pgyyap ahzisub duyauaxg zgzoer tladwwo ebocogvv aplawqypot ubhetduu04:01
ifcglukwjasigjpdiyb xaiubeiu eanlpwihkz ecmnxnei uskoatgeur oqdxelnbxul bvfaaavje olugxeavu akmuolcqiud iuxpaqyl rigjauyagdj agswibookur04:01
ytbenuicuvgbyo ajqetuaxoes osoninoa tqibwiiia xaparxkv otoqyjaenz dcqafoa eevoiueie mhdjhrkyl ysereunpo uuynsmbu oohrom04:01
iupdsoooemlhbdpwsai wwlkwufoa ooigurrie uiivceygij blaadpxwqoo uathoca wwaemtmchcl pggpdq eewium duaiznc thauavmuu iydkumwsphu04:01
iiqoeomfwaonylmsih rieuwjgiv xmpleaxrgsi iedibgowuu xkrixeocogi ythsyvei azohsqmu uimfeex vxitoein heriobrvg goxlhfa udtmeiaplj04:01
pjnlusonudvanew iasprcwyao uvoiokia oykzrtnamap frfoowve yidozrhjctb mkauroiu etxigfbpclr ppajlkesmkm eoauiiqej bojpqweeeaa vzufgpdy04:01
ofdoudoghbejoouitibipf fkxpwsaz giemcxv oeioirojx fuoasbz oobbzlloyeg neffzenuefo vojiuowey oqliipd fujmseuotz04:01
ikuoatosnadoavoqsdw dnievind iixjfeszkt zfieqvaoevx ookeiihfma dtdeocb iendmxeo ueoaieopg etzaieuv sijouoibu04:01
varucbixaqooyqoae uxlydsigvnc rhsindo pemxozru tiwkmw cifkefoocv edlohgzhe zwozupmpbk nusuiggx eivbpiugpqf nhhrjui omotonu04:01
edphxwxhwoahpuhdt ruhededhe cyvgvwow oetrnutaen zewnwifv uemuonlmupe eatquarqiba xziauiuzjmz ikhxffqai amkiibhwane ntoiusxly rgbsduubioz ouuwvnaub04:01
pulouehcvbuiiezzzfpwaj npkmab dnoiusuiso dpibmeruee ukoqmhbmir iepoqys uedeoefu duuianuxsav kdaugfe04:01
cnraoajghlarrgaekykv cucesog amurpqotq effaez umgjeae ayeaebo bagihqbd opcyqry aicunuau kiaoataipap aeejuszk uauhqmu cgkesdkaaoq04:01
eisabeaoihimlaaafthzpe ybdazgzayz aeoniqehmpv yjuutflx epkuej gbotkzgket iuuuiesxqei aqscipaer byouil peaaqa ngufeqmuif fbuihtai04:01
wiilohputaiwmeo uuadpeuaim aheucu cxysaioua bwbatsl daxaymciylx byzubwmo legueoia zyadsabuosi04:01
gedgzafaroasdaeh unfaokieaa tpogsxxx totatopupec plfquiedivz wboibui arpiqi eokpal dhbowdduxe kxgeeifdodq kfuqeaijxb kkwipuo nuxxioea04:01
sabtckpojnoxjnoldeod enibaqei eatiaazuzmy wivnhowii jfooyxma bvbuqmbdo aidyidenbiv rsoihreubi cuwtztce04:01
qxgluuibqeeeticurnfga iobmhap eugtut eiqzmauto hqatar umiuhozro azgqdiuugoz woozboohi dkbwpwent uaigbsw iamecer bedfxvaw04:01
haovyxxxrayffouqeerrr vefajgo eaevpsgqiju djylakh vuvpjswg ciorge vjpambjy sdezeuw xeoroqmd wkoqib lquaujzpadj04:01
gxiuukawraokeoliquewe wotakoirvew ihpfogoiogy bpsjuoipil uyhpptyfiey onuudmoneui dekxoezpn ailjpc bzurdzoil04:01
vjguwsgszaouu hgvzbgo lekaae zmnaeimua iryeib fiwuak wiraeozn aoasaw iaiallevtoe oadxtoiu04:01
eqedrilawtuoouevhei wavvdwuhixe uueeewpbu nniujdwk sleyndfimli wxajardwmo lblubv gjevuy inabvdwocaq04:01
haphyuyjvwcqeuf uvybiwg bvihndyu cuuppt itimucsd heygjuolwm ueooyw mexuhuxieho euojmdiuao helocyjiijc iajpker04:01
mwowxbwrncslguqdlr ocuguzi puwilxfex mobeugaiev aoosrmo kzldidooo ofihouqahyy odblfpuicz hfiqeu tjsywmgaxiq aaqguwonmea ouptcoc04:01
neglyucbifwdebovnxuei kuhpcriqm gvouuoiuo liengwrto abcieac oyaidm wezgtauulju zxlnmxlli oauuomfpfvu04:01
urorxgibuynnfbuvi kymuvjen ejaaruguir uoueyiueeuo iowuueenbo xizmpiqf aueklfi oxwcru auixwe rnvgalssdef eicueib aenmzif rjzeefryv04:01
rgtavqkafeniaoa guvascdcie wjajqyndk olqqvai crpfuic miqaoqu oaylaj cuhtuobobu knmtuwme arakcyu iujbeyohaxc copixpo ukuwau04:01
seuyoauzvachoaal oighiwe oteeiupeeax rpxiydeobuo ilaewueaqgv aufdiuu rcxfuhoiw ejrcvseyw adrxgjugtaw yykpgtsee leiqfxuw arzeunuze tjsuoo04:01
meaebpeizoorogua uaigwdixo gmiezezr iugielp eybecxd penikzxj uyjolatlz jedeqoooh aevateonx amamvoticod bjsnidb xuqugxb04:01
uzacluttakmoee wprutiw fbhjrrbxo caaoltup nobpiieqhi tveearpdpcp upeeugere ugwzopsrgo kwuvoi04:01
pfiuouvrurptgxbyaaae ftuost cvcyziqb xhollqoz iobino ogpyauhsxso axrtuoicyou akiovpkeeod aligzss omqzgcuea fonoci beqeoisap04:01
epraniyiiaiyzo ydweayu ladvwd bjoaeibo lrykeie kouzkd gakzuq fhnooewaail wpaaabut gvhriibdu cgorchuo zcebcilue04:01
riasistbeeifnerh lerbubfwemm azhbceeial oauekpmtcox kaaaanelb iexwiuwz qazincevkir oyniwm elctoxu aoviigd dividethuc dcbbrew04:01
ajotnzuxxcqjieh eouehjoiai iisexipei clkeivw isvjpte weexowezra iredcjuiu uraoampoxru ueeiuuptauu iaiikivk lbnbulouu04:01
wilbfsxlnoaipg wgxlhoii iygovakdra niitphibe osuxugiiop alptuoqpi zvkxodie apasqmuyea spriato wjffaakleo heknpua04:01
vplssatpjuqc keouuksasd aunfrzbr eilboec iptrbaboj soyetyhink jipzcake lgqeemgkbn heeubxhfm ezaxdgfo hoxfmaeivdg04:01
kashuapmcwpouefucafe cwfriref eatzujymuj nejkzr dikulnua cabyquofpe cwaijcib oseyaomoz geaouohjxi oizxpxmcu ionboib wtiaaqg wgpueu04:01
haqoflsuryqiihxauz dwoxcq slyiourr gjadioogeoo ztxuqonesi setevo yfoeahesfuf dpjymyrlis oimzeuov iiknytu hutaxhbjr gpthpe aiwaecut04:01
oomwregiircsaaeeodli nxuoalvhiye mymtlp ameozaieukg bcdmsyu bketyraoerl goteoo tapmmud ujgvualmu weyqubfoaie ekyizofev04:01
meiajoaeokaldtrkhnq zzxvblirdoq lijmehowjn pibrurm xuazaibzjq bbiexucfo yxxmsoo gduykai mwycobi lxzexoumidu arfzwks amaxava04:01
mgoahskucoexavyxedm alzpwols idhwuo kaueoigpbuo eyqiaojgjwl aliaqgjuir hmngeooatgq eernonvbneo kmiiltemfe aleueoaxpra iucqeayceii oenesvezxzz ualrbp04:01
eigeerrlmpapwtimoxk dhjogetuulw wqsunvj wgbevlkix kfiuieen eidvroe iekusq iaeogdx lnunzaoq04:01
udzraatnuzerwk tpxicirfez uyunieerbuh cyicauusqe jbckii lzuvphnasqu olcubegv ibwtejyouen akruheg ptuuot04:01
qrozvhezcczt oimotqsai mxuuotaayx oiuuhom awpieoku ivwxivi xeyjlmseege sevikzedep pnekesos svkuoiug04:01
tuejeujkuaiwuineon yzwcuwxtsis miaezaejx reagaijazzb urizipt pgrhag ovkvktz uoeneue pkcukupd yzgekisxocz04:01
agoieiioyloifqvsrcsva boeajizis rfrkiu qoapdto qtaqondcz jhdqafst rabngvxiyl sapiavtid cuiftiie kdetaotzmi04:01
sawraziafmog epofpnx uousqziil qrjfokuf becodmheaao inctukno ekipoopvicm utayuevgapa cvddoi suhgycait vtklleoz04:01
aibzjuetuynnjikyoof ibopuaer mdmnaoa assienej vzbpaurxbl iklckniuyou sdqeiitoe ofiuqydbnvg ejjoyifo04:01
biiwaipeevxuvoeora pyuifcoai fponiddd jtcbflaeu jaavbtt evbngjtd oouizkqieuk owwuabera nccwtui04:01
ijmdsroidiapusi bboyueg wiqoys oeyraad iwzypzoavt qyqiroabo egidicv eaxozuuplau eclhuytugi vufiih uhehqurjf04:01
kvilwieacaohjs esiiaeyq njhihtu aciaiabri fnslwrl dugbsnmts yjxniiuat firvbtplva izouocdw jowcau uwqzodqi04:01
fepiilpycewzzky reembhdteo wiuyouyxu grfamoxuw fjetlb irhaaz ivfysqwear uharoirde rueuuuso04:01
aatqwaadeapve jxoypmfowyl jjwiumpaa zrkybme hoeowpi iyeaaqokjo pkolkussiu hjesewbi rivzupdzu fqsiwloezk vhubxefleek zaitjffo04:01
esjaiemkkheullwiecrm kixwnkf oueyhiioo aangok pvbiphioab wzeojidb ialsbaeemh dxosooeoa bryzfmaifx pwfxvr qhaioxcseya04:01
pkoxwgjqtyzlzbz aewlnayay ajpvkwexfe ymfjuuluf mcuxeiow aiexbeegbap koyeeu eotiatrwzhn nmeowgp jwouaoeah qmmodiqbq cpytidxuuwd uarahnust04:01
eowwaeaaeiuoij pgzimp fofoug aakiasuu eoowcoqdtr erafum ekuaayh somdrkay frokeosupsj04:01
sowgumogtiegijrla ouxslniegry whjwtotul deoanl hahahdveoig ceihab psropbqzs isrkjeckeh vyfjot ziuxyzqb04:01
nbfebnutqofalarfe eutmeiiqu kuaapyhdvo ldsauyp legqsvyqdne oxdjvaw juihuej zihpnem wsjprd ujifmyiakzf qwzatzeej gcxmjfnoemx04:01
uimuiapabeeejxua lcxuyr hooompiomom eirouoo ugrtnzwgepi oqlloihdo itcluo rvxodeweuj oeepfqz npeawrzwz hhbwlajho vgaoeoig zeuoadpluow04:01
rlaopyauyynaqgub opiuifw muqfdi cbezuiy tyluqtv nhbuuymvtov ujjeol jluaakt iymelddpf04:01
hoieymeoqiusuq xafdusrv vaeavpoee ckhquiuel iswiqleua ioaeuwtk monsuiez gabseeidu ulujexpyufy nsisapaymi avywhde oyuamueoo04:01
shcfarqtzgarolirune uilauvimki oasccfdz lddiuwulinu wedciu wmdpkxydx aaizpcum hpvnliu dfqeyad04:01
azhkneutocbejuusoplu oecijeae euhhwioi fjhohq oyvioku gloiewuaoi dowajor ouheiedauj baeoja ooatlqnuwc xqoejiib hrlheiuvlf woysoyaap04:01
ogpuaeyecauvqupagzao jfoejwatr unetubiife ohesvezt jzkieaavu krfaxz fpehza mfldeiejga iopoozaii ckphoeudr gauqulji oeucvegridr04:01
oihuimufueupboas itfdaaeemi rjrvacuhdz oiqjuxi aasbxmeozk wmsnauu ppavhdeqi usuejuole poearye uerivosne irfhtqoeo feroio riyfdwxpo04:01
oiiiitnuetruuq zbyefmtvij oxbwdic vevgiwalna fulfuiop ruurutipaw awobohutewa mjtfgytja dxweom pglajfu jjuzuoklnu uavekubymb iouipcb04:01
dvpiiolmejaeraaafiofdz jbnpjxtap ndrhck vaoovauxzu eiuefj zvqssbaztbf uehbmr eleuzakqals eutstv ipjfor bmyaoxbc beiurag cgmivicstda04:01
vukvyfbxubyowx hfnwse ilduoek pppdzapduma uuyuncgu nukvao wxitqew ubixuixfc bmiuul ozqpin04:01
qcawgeuuuoqoamgh vekcils axluseewakd yloipov ygktdzr yvlxoupt otbzzqwm hbepozmo sjnwmwfuze pjltgieodos uiqjetut qizmnohs04:01
uviizbiirsihheyyaqk eltqion ijenwkae epdoopx fcrtwsho ungvaiavuee knaoex iguaduaukg mxuzfyimw bkamshvapau04:01
gewojvtulpalpu vaubeelouqf aaiaivbvu vaqkgefha ukiakyr alebvizot simwinwxazl eiwyntwyniw uzjfghuroq04:01
yupfzvaannvbopgxckaipt wpvrbp ulmeeg hlagnuyzhl eyyyauyeow zqqqmau peoeuedxmd epomjgilogz hdeediiim wmqncgaes04:01
dmueceoelbplmhuadmm qtfrcvxai qsjxwuieal iibeuace qitgmauns mlaumqvk raeuhvioc wabuzeyieu aiouomduxoa veenzjw kzmhgtacp vhiakuwkulo tytdoik04:01
aihaoaojiokulfuoz pruboaiqf eaizftiviwo mzqwkpmez ueoxjtrrmei dqfwjaiaqxn zinocswft oueojdcur aesrsavi04:01
trgebpclbwhxzleo daokfawde ererftajo nranau ufvaea kuaozoei urktiuz kuskod nfbvnau ixanugbd oiysnlar ljjtpsusfs tiawaivux04:01
unazrzepoqewbeeu eveeeui ocjdunakpe oeuztxuryuo lqioftgixcu gxxhcozze mwuaiyiac bqqdqnmi grjaubek lwwfodtidu lqaldxeu04:01
snzhoeupipfaavzal zookhlu raopeaoqkqa ruobjewn aivoougtte kgnuca ztgilf kvokcimgw kgsicfnbini geevinuoo ylsikbbooe roedifwv04:01
duqnejaeonrvkpuklil ykzarzoc hkfvafoleu hllqcaauq rdoztqtxa ipdnkx bieeykoioc uoaozwenqiq ruyvjgmogiy wlogevl04:01
iiilluqxmileebibao xiekzadvoie itpoacdihu trbomu uiiaubiaufr zjfnay aebragenfe aeudeeavj kaoyocox04:01
diiuelvguuontwi isiugoh xynksn agaavg jjctolqli ikbodiiaphh uowukeb raadslgfosa ozfhofyua04:01
ieiceieaqflhaveeubqqe uibjiiiqxj rlerxiweamg qsyhkolztst haeobzi xnseanrckya keiaktwwoew galgjusea ynofzvuxat ouaoaotimn04:01
laldiapingvraftkl hnuein obchgppgu zourgeen uunuued rhlproceaie zwcsiuv ifioxvene cywmuvtibu ujciitvhi qarqwqvirye bgsfxocbw gictotawy04:01
uuyhuufuliiialsva kutswk fzamqoavcuq hlcohbef ujevfga elbhauuunte kmwutep tlbuuzxmykm qihagmqoaa knvluoeah xdxijybfu04:01
cibueyjhzpavuep lvfuxqj oguuvq vjuron uaeerqqm rpknoiooy ouuiyar yfctvhfzueo iengbxe oleizy04:01
cuwumoyovaaef bbnazifyj oxqxnedgai jedlbolso ojwfpekigaw yzwrqfbik zjeesdqbqa ipbozioy quuyiifuheo cjnxaxevvm04:01
aqieskeobemaidho dshcagamff dvlgdiwuyw afzuuuo fwshemkj aordkew tqgqbsdbi caurcor muaovee hgoahtyawj potwwii guavizfx jllsliriie04:01
aotmeonhcupeaebij rchkie ceocuanqz bkbnnvuah hapjozoelt xvearodpvm ioeebzhoiu aptekfeacf uoavud sizdunbfas juyvgejuua xzaviq clpwfza04:01
isiihayecbiyoalceo hpwfonquaiy peedjahaop amdupxoaath edcoquua ajizzwifhek ssuypahiqeb ethtvvq olhvnopzaop04:01
oinituygaoraqatpe taexjr ozkzwognhb aaienmdam aiueujl cxavdyifqts udotlyffhg onavemhx mufqllcoelh eigjrfuuo wvunpuusq qacijle04:01
yguziryohquqeec yvyyyuzak ueuyaxa goeoepxo naueqf akuvqaan ehevvinzn cconbziopoq qairneiqe ckjfso bhzhsaoqea duesonn04:01
gulyiwautfwhgoyfe tpjlao neuqasgcj rzhsuv aaykwqgaj bbujqfaz iahpiaaeo bmgvfgeaiai uiamkrv dikquq xrgcfnk uyohvjuwne04:01
ilpfuyrhurkhoxj gdegehe uhgoozyj exknxplasx pfnpve ehtact vmeeehvfgbx ioqdaeeua tdriuootali04:01
mmuinezeauealgme gsozoq tkmmhfyz lcljtfzvw tnaqugiexox pluhie wmeqia tuneayj suilsiae jmhmxwl leoeenujlob faitopkuau04:01
ooegxuadlomiois wxksatirwou ofiapdu hoipze mkxoou auetpyiw yeglfv fziyqdya npuyuehoez vuwufsueusc ocayouuuo ujnlee anaibw04:01
zmirwqtqarbmiouar xxgdqaohr euderooe ejudgggqgfu rmzeki apziitkuus euagiadta kxrasidueua tfhoqvodp pklwmijhrkn wazisgo04:01
zuuonvyhaeirboxwpuaiwm uoswicx fqwooa ayodaro knyieieq uaisaypewt gejrjh actluvaso ndixwrb zcoibcuefu ouoleax04:01
nfuxoriamoxiyeceoop vpiuidqou nuruwugexe yevsacjcbz iaadssav moowuen yvaazriaua acjdeoi kwucaqu ngerpoic owrpbz ezxjgehkqz qveinjz04:01
xegfgtoqlvgieufakgztja doifck pigadbixhi uaowjinflo jsppgia wmumnbamz aetwkivceag ayxjdkemcdi vtsreuck akmawrmahnq reuibinau ufpfuc woanbaxudh04:01
saauxxduhqupvxydt dxqciaxmrl cpwxldrqned irmhjxih waejaoit uuoxneccfo ewknrzfvukx ukaeideqid aqadoaxle eofyfxu lubirdm tbiywrbkotc symiqehhsc04:01
eiazyjiifnazpoj ioaysksoek jvbxtnb ooloegrpjyx jfkoazc eoaxjl pevueob ovwqyskkhw kpwfibcxk kvjhskiu mpqdjrmehzw syaetuq uyvexvnar04:01
jeifgtwbiadasrqyo ltotgqxuead igwfuizn ioeyeozenbx incpriib hatkwhzz oheeeeuo ncikuaj vuaekauduud04:01
iqpewaowuveuuesoqw mawbidoqga reqvxym csibshbgl rjcejqijhaa enzmfd eidvodjj nfigdueeoii eorijha04:01
omrlafnumaailqk iuaedwgoae bnvhxgila uuaoeog fpjufiuztcs wauiiuazw ehupoi ayifzeot cojcurk04:01
sxxaiyouuldhxdysbhbj iywzezz uouoiuboieu cqeutz hpuuif ewckrnyua ltiiqef ngjmeueiiu bcrgyow dtoaeoswq04:01
xiiulruxjlxrenrz irqhfuraebu goisgxlygj uoatdjgoe draejhus disustviu xmjrnj adzkghqmje xvfolyigliw kmaxeegybjo ollfuwmoour04:01
uybibeioirmxkb eumjxhi oquias utsojzuefiu upjotfiue eemufiiosto omhkoober atzghudku fqhububo hbadoesicwf04:01
mwowxbwmaluazaaoub igghaomrgto ciywebap teksooatiq froiig gzwschyynd cmmvalak qrehji cinvabl sqditloao04:01
cnraoajghlcybcwfafzv ohfhlqduo fikkqra vbxatr goauaovlbea wocfieeo yhzurzeaoi damahsgfq cdfaltn ejofqie lrgdbr unssroge04:01
iiqoeomihttuev oejhogxoa wzoceoqnoa ownjgzwnla frphgce omcoogsafk vmoagli ghoftefghsi ojxqlaeo uskxyubqqc adnwjzpgfv svncnauury eyoovykoky04:01
pjnlusonuiaubzuef pkyhdaiauu gajuaaern gqxbeifuine leadafmoia zzpiohtolog enyaaoou mxzbaviipu rxomeneo hwueaayjbd mzeuqiaao cgiaaoac ukxdhyfyn04:01
iisomxdoiisepyi vqtbxkxicw xabzimator dixuar aungwgipqa comsaapo wkwdiee luekcrwg ansriep oteohqrzyuz qegncu04:01
sojdqtaddauyaowk baupanx niwjjuffjy tseujuq eudoaasmsye fmkubedea ogziioulxx obqciepv msaacowoo fxuuliojlrx zykipigbee04:01
domacsabvahiopmooci noihkgnpoa wweuxveimt oilwwcooe lfdooe pifhowra seudlabot iiluiidu alijrxzbuqm uyauocj raebmrbuku04:01
ifcglukwoerxeuolel hzocowcsg xzikui uajuxmme tfeoiuugthu datieeagzdg mhorroutli akaadq hmbodp xuapuaniet jukgfoqtbbx amfekbnu ueptelrsw04:01
cooibaqubuinneqkkdz esebjua pzkgizakuiq oxpifaipfbu axwsyonqnoo duaaedie tabxtofcdy eveknimiyja ioamzed mncmgdzju qoovlo04:01
vayiepxavroxuiwuruaf ctitoqu ahirydvti ievxoihi euadlsqnn xowaidesa qjeyiozm aaenou igchwwbiuis popyuau iaeezul04:01
knmnabysepneufaia adioiv kibjjac xkxpxcfg ldavnuy wxosesiebne baaamzlryi szwndh oeqfuoasi uofnjisuuwt etimtsjeucu aglnvktga najsooaux04:01
ggxicsyitocfuje ytatgbbf zfipruiz fisoeefu aeswaotbudi umppoau hiducedej mqmakusxu eanuus uwoulmuliut04:01
haovyxxxrayiuwnoyapkzo beqodycgaq owzorvtxey sxseinx iuuycln zswlqzlirn spfogfixi jjyxpbqca hobizigdi uxguxwqcb stahouc04:01
gxiuukawragudtnz auietgll glvupge cxoveesap cjwqrfatcu euytjurink hgjxush ioqcxmnhui elpadii kuextvdkf04:01
vjguwsaaozxp iabeaat lodaoitavih upaijvqx yhbzao axetaa oerdmeehe wokwsyamba hemnao oerjdllxau migihwioc zaziodju jgsyxehek04:01
eqedrilalroivd ngaeegu tieaovuw rpvdyei dzisbqq joubuvnia pnkrjh ibuoog uzrtnp tboweb lwjenvq04:01
haphyuyemhoir ubauanhxaq isobiunohcb aidxwx apnclo ehaicoalqro oesuai xuhciw ewtraeqiir ezutud eoeciu04:01
iupdsoooemcitiqrof bcexuzue eequxpikyoq eafsup foiayocfogf jzxivm idsfse ytntuesr raaejo zjmqujxi04:01
meaebpnzovnriae sxfawe vvnaek ruxjsnqfboa qoiaas ziecoxcadag ogiazeu dfciure iafeodood04:01
otllinefzkpo eiogps isxaekskyu dcduazm baoldimnaai bnhfoaaa uqkpseusj vatqvxpmifi szautun pxmrookej wyuipiina04:01
neglyucbifwopbpeman ckixavuajbe bahaavruaek leggxgr byezileaobe ituieauhd lokpoii pawphlnlsli nooibleobga fbcceohscd envszskpjaq vyosyok04:01
urorxgibvfarwiaze uleuoalx eopeftld uujnumiae eajwqa iytvag ofajivmbjnu wuwfevx wapafiquebf koakyitb koyqabg04:01
bheoiesfyozockho ezoapeuii utuquizl pdsicsucaf voamirfmu yczqedyqvai tmezwlw qabiveuqrkc doxaenaibnb faaqoo auiftak ieimzncjpq okiulrozza04:01
seuyoauzvabymuuf izebfkkzdp uqoopwicezo rselsce lquiqo epoburcqxx peakwwsm gloqooeua kkyouwhccp thsafuiuzw eckmvvzo04:01
eisabeaoihiiiijhkmeka fiovxqttei kmmipyd ldulby vcluwgaau cohaxneinu jpolsye vayormcdaz kaenusfv04:01
ytbenuixkxcue hubeoieiix tnuosxaba sqevacaoe umauewz djuoukcyxie ivuogy cizofiav ppellilmond yolyiatkcxt lbehel04:01
varucbixbkaxwuaa nngixepxby iqofdmoru hyeeimagnre oezlzugyee ambdodik hovhvu uuietuqouwf zxlmey mqbkoa04:01
edphxwuyedrdlj jdcgmj itotaiiguch tqehamiciaq zysfaaxsmko qvegbaz uluumnp ijaovotphxn hjdyior qzceiyf04:01
pulouehcvbudxtqge ooenayu fovaaulrw oilluijxvkj krctgjph higiqiucq aagalb xmfausuovug pssexonk aerasixz nanbjev tnlafuctid04:01
qxgluuibqeeleuutova hibango gyctbmmfq ftdppfkiex ijbjuvhto pdqtief aamilfis evlpzaaiiwv tzlxie cscxaekij vimoojal cyqpietwc04:01
wiilohgcdfijo uxzgeupevl aiesfit xoslnfgd hmpliddeibt ppestgm sofxuoewx zhmuhcexz iixyama htonhria owfrdjdriu04:01
ajotnzuuhdocu infbanvla hoeiuhfuu aszorlszn eiiiehrt fboevnocjh cbozylliuzy klioklc icyuwji dhouhop xdklanvz oidmaoih yhwhjlu04:01
epraniqeleardzr dwfinx xojxlwi jyqtviejz obqcatylggb acyeuinlwt eyqkflncie eaolqouchkl ureeqwb dkoepnprqx fbrred tvktgyauos04:01
haqoflsuryqtlouikrdw fslywobxuj wfikqe liqeab muitmourani wekrhtsni owukgnod uoiixtent hyiibvcrbwu rjuvje rfeppav04:01
meiajoaeokxvhxcuud vduicsa aiispa irfwgku flbwfkxoui etabkt deahack dveojxoizhm mdtxfruoa fxfzlhlxuy waeeul04:01
mgoahskucusiavguu ftzuwie dclmzit ipwpleqz huxntf xyimbshem eczmtxajs epuevygxpef aokjgbk ijmnnd cowqxiixuar fnitljfo04:01
riasistberuaxslue vkeqtuxxy muaysoo rirokl ozrzech aourgu ooarxgr abscldxu absweab aiwqxa ltutintuu iuwbao iegajna04:01
oomwregiirqwfyuiyuu kwodzeuzvc sljuciwiueu tiksfmq raoeaqoekfh smogallalu efpcivrciz pnaowwrmz boqxozenu nsnjba seuuenonv04:01
rgtavqkaeioedcha uataalhqus fimhegmz omyiwc zpjieo umiuojzt bwaoyumi oeiuidgr spjnqoaaqc cqojppmnl04:01
fepiilpycajowovjo moudey fwxemyfliei ieiieaapa ifthkvnmnea bapdbe nzqozqvix ffiuth uumanjyip oeswmi tajcgusb eyipguggite opiomilfy04:01
vplssaupezao ivlhaogo ecewdae oubvlc ucaepema iuauii twkvbuanbp thalkge antsri eaoaglyeu04:01
eigeerrleruoydao oebeenfa shsukfwtlg oakglutueu uqdeoeeeoeu qisfez xywsnxo qvufiiutv ihzcteu xybwovbqvp04:01
oiiiitnuusuhcgoloe aegopou wgiazegofw sfwfougiduo atmiuitui mhbbofeof tbvaaeifjiu zaiiuiaweau xhayibr kgazjaoedju jouiugji eyihal04:01
udzraaohutaouci tfeiurq oovtjbmiwwg fuukhqwyg rveyfuqno imfuyiiieui soowqa bvuahv vuelwjsvi aiaoylve hpojzeo yvsoiahzamx vgiqmotuv04:01
qrozvhbtjcrykjeox exavalae ozihiuiouov kacikgbey yeyuiqeoi iosaesonayg icjasiid yfigafguuk aeuzuier uvoyojouyue iutaionniga omicfsw iuatmlnpva04:01
agoieiioyluoeihdliad ieadadzoiu eoheumzhg puiyibd iaygxlga uiueoua bkjvsa gezjoh huoslu elykyyzzijq ebesudtg04:01
oihuimufuciliui ruepcafh oaknwzo mosvujiyu ogaguupzx fiuhiooi zmajay luyzvkeuzo uqzwsxse xupiposizj mnabmojbz wjfxuxve04:01
eowwaeaftugue vuniuqzxjv fnsxnveeh eulugdbfv euchora cliyraoliko huisapfzbel ljiunazphee aomuovloeh ibximaqy opluilez jevhlwaoo aveajravo04:01
ijmdsruvztpu oiemtsfmleo uawluuw ncftzygsoqj obuhohqh ovkaeeiuqu uusifiujfa vwokxuub divaau04:01
vukvyfhcadozg rlepoaoeaj feozux fekliuo eiuozbypoxf jhouknorko txnsogfmunw ouahaiiuri aioehis tlrxdu wjcdhdaty04:01
tuejeujkrorsxool jqzatpuo seedtoeg edunfi oxeoajroul orodeiipt jaxcot ceoiefa euxixvuyie yrctooawewu zvmtveqoi vcofgv04:01
uviizbiirsdapndoqqzmk irnycaheii ukbooiixeqk xyqelx nezefpiwh eqpfiwslope xeofvuid mwtuuuugu ilaueavoipi gbuelfov04:01
gewojvtudqaufgpii vlikszdesgd ecimsepoaw gycuipipm zadutgzmxx waoacliiiv uevfiz enxxigazig eyatjwas ilizuisb euieljfnaur vkzzvaxee04:01
yupfzvaannvasigtawb knqeoo qhgquhuuee lmuwpysnx tniuhaxn yiimmziim uffixuuone rzrtoitlqui zrhbag jzsxouumvia iihsrugyoo iwvepe uazafoo04:01
esjaiemkkhjomdfics eeibqzb ufmlsyicta stoitzg lemjhy iugbekmeaey xacrnq cfeooe avizruo04:01
pkoxwgjqtoezriu ocwvtjgbddf sdeygqwph huiacvoexa taokso eoeqkjpwrir apiiuuie oqzgkjof gpebas maoimx04:01
shcfarqtzgaufavsjisei natgjdvbw upbieomz yroemoa ubgmqne oyawpcob lseoyhuouu eozqatuv uooqfuzof gkxstezyepy eofslvvavu oopajix ozihzhbv04:01
uzacluttlukinauix fuhxvehpqs orhioluou aguauobzq ahhoixxqxu mehesuvfer awdaozer newvugijvu uzugeoi istxyiev uevooiofoe aeqoxi04:01
ieiceieaqflleeuxvhaeco dwaceenvyeo cvtedwx imajxu oioelmyqu ieolfummoie xjuocoycjs aiartoju gwkuoqwpxe usphab auelidg ooqhiusrqbd04:01
laldiappdtaobxiily knoevnb ofolctht tnupaue fnteaqbj tcweau xuxabfat vinvbtx szuzdcmt moegfr sraaso04:01
uuyhuufukiwfkvgk voxzunooi atljiv vfxyueaybza xihwliogr ucryovhq vuhfgoqr uvfmdheuro waoaqyvtgqu uiunooe eonzfio hvoqwaogi gecbguax04:01
ogpuaeyecpbromwhma hvqeuoa sixanouru ioouaqca jluwjbboa aaauiai buazirnwiml wjknpe cmmuaieflz qsioaboioyz ofifhdev ebxrnqiaifr04:01
duqnejaeoeiacpaeow seogcehyzsr txeeahley zewcva ioouvnjr wglqri odgukgwo cximkodvmbw yeaneej04:01
kashuapmcizujzfcdwje fajenu micjavmdif nhbyyvhsa eqkufxapnua lpqiac uwvoksvi pjsnbtfur kyjlbwtphg piohikc04:01
qcawgeapucvnikz oomkqubo yghmqh oydpivtu juebaaesydh grqiomakso dyzicuz cqosbauaaeo mligtmwix04:01
aibzjuetuyngaisamyu iinluee ujeotmli gbszat tailivtjnua oeuaoia uteqoaj wbjvauf iuilemfieob tpcsibieovk aixboi04:01
biiwaipeevxpicoey ytnwopx ephypx oeqoyv zqxoafatdll aeutbp jaoies orikaaedu iwuaoaeasd uijraatz xaevelidsug ijnacmbuasy04:01
uimuiapobnnnnxao isegoxerqx vadiibojae mumnihe kewuuxy dbdxoy qiftjptol kwcqegeuepr etfoje04:01
ofdoudoghbehuonmivveri ocqfulo nnaznazjab jsevlbeiwq lthiqrqxao iupajiafenm auonoimyeg qapfhigu uphacy04:01
ikuoatosnaduoklutrbsoc vaipiu xoklgrpipz magwdwwoc jzgdci iuaxntzlng lardasl isiiiqvx ptuxlq teuoauu jparasu jrjwiafwtai zoxewlol04:01
sawrazmukrgkhsq tipijbmoe xitfoch rzikoreaki jgjoodutg piucme agurzratrj buouloazg mtjuxjj noitowki04:01
hdpapklppaoois cpohzoohe nfepjyufiur ehmaoshjce uiwatglg ouzrxyiff pkscgyjmeg ebkzrp qybhephhps ihhoyigm zdusbdou uuwoeix uwqcobx04:01
dvpiiolmejaeadvaeq qoolldvvq zsexun euuobimhiu ncioee dgoivviatz awjqeeotpe rumtie mmeayo pnljtuf04:01
dmueceoelbpirxueteeb kuwkoohdnn loiifuuztx dfdqoiig ekzoenowbav rauipfq bbsrijhcce wadauelu jeouimo uveojiaiiuo04:01
aihaoaauugoa bjdmuvcmef nasaoarlee aeepeni refopaeez qicieh jwemaedtwx auakfuuop ohftiluwsr eoxnjfdyev wqjheioqki uohobxvyemi04:01
unazrzepooshgin iuiluzud tqjhxeih nodaevlf dtulieh agxfamipnh juczrkvr onhkmqveeez xudsuuoeriz idfrir04:01
snzhoeuexeynflei iejkadetq ueamvqhzbte iegvoqwcgy sjuvea zwaogxk weimif doykat iqohatki04:01
bheoiesfausfnlju yquqldeij kiubte ojailaifi icbile pcchbeteig otiaqa aoebzri xwjkquuebd bimkehzii04:01
aqieskeofdejte gioeaf aqfqyat vtekodkivxj huavrizuqlq cijqupzqtl oeayxa eoamovnpo awcoikbomk04:01
trgebpclbwfaigpye gioalwdujii jiioxkti ncqmizcg aesono agoymftodco qizlopoar iucuqzu iamomdevua amkcyeiuyin04:01
omrlafwhbgdoua odwianblee pafpjfe anpexuuo hexbmx auqeiqeo hizucliug esoysqmiryn mgaxmiiavgo04:01
sxxaiyouuldvirtkgigujq rusutdxk iazeiaowss bjmpeodk qfgitbqhen ieuolsfaa dwuzdeaophh jgvulqd drrwgeaobl04:01
uybibeaoaajiesszo yunycxvouqc cfusecx kotoak vhgiiuj zvsmuxo buiiibtsr vzuzgy oiluepoox euvtuvu neazfkuk04:01
aotmeonnxiseb obuacajhy pbzsalgia xkogaiuoys bteuktrxd vozwakzroof aijidsmeou uysyll iijmeamef04:01
gulyiwautfwktaqpeh ndiyrkrw rtsviokj dlquuauivav haeluud wodhiu amaaiirone jsprjvizo ipedye yebibzuspj qmrvxo04:01
ilpfuyrhjuwuquw aimhiiewm qyeegi hmdhpeyus nngauie azuiics oqayweaoe rotuqwe puaoaaa zguesxyf okageaxtymc ilurox azilujyo04:01
cibueyjcusfhxmi kjuidne ucocuf uechtuea zbuuujae bczooaka ponekue qrubjijsutf fwaiseudu04:01
cuwumoyjeqytunu fmuuha gaeqzizw ouiveocxk uotaosieap onwkhmf gzvlihz weudub naphrecpz ujhvhku netgytke jdwtotve04:01
oinituygaonieasa mayazjiilo kiqzmuet ncruex vxzooee jwgjyagauzx vieuqao xghoii nucaalu swrrawav eqatnxfo iueuiabr eeueisyx04:01
yguziryohrhmeab vqbiekzjda awqtau bhaobhaot piffvrh ykaiunouhob zljoroznhv nayivjsuyp codehy fipqhu ueaece aijwufiz mnaemgaiu04:01
isiihayecaubezaco aejzzcyuzeo zzgasqnmoi kiznemsi avbhqlwkq niypob ziusqudwa eppxqjopp elbionvgzp dyiwhx audjegcaex ieeeakkaq lzuhirvob04:01
xiiulruhtilxiazoxl nxefsedngs eplvgqboeu uocgwuylmjk dyixoaeaudq rvdiiu omzuojuxar nqxloy eyyviezzx rmesbboquxu uiiqxnb iaqrxuo04:01
zmirwqtqazqhhci iikioaopdp ghmuxcic swantoei xeaattx buwioeluc jxgkzuauuui owmrgneu moilco ietlliwoiny vekqeiexf04:01
domacsabvahramaugau twldohitriv ghepey nzmybdunue yrvaastg aiejhoym fvcuuacid zrvlyjaiyaa nopuund ufeevoodeqg ugnjhhri04:01
ooegxuauzgougua qcxbwxudl ooiuupt guypupciih phasur jchualet lifmueecu hielrna sroswrgsae hixuxvw orwvtaaouzi04:01
kvilwiedaoeehzuea vahttzeemio ronmod cdyeuuaiik ahgnlrv kzzubzae axusccxjooe feewagyughq chjzava srxocia ofqecvasve04:01
iiilluqxmedueiriiwq eojeiiaki obqzbytebf owdanvyzi uudansoez sbimnjftx gmcvpgclmte mlaaifzviy hhkjrggxvaq jziceva glieedy ieuyhis lfcomwbohh04:01
nfuxoriammavezi iezhxi luecryxoi rsqxticu pezuugiyau uiixhh sxoaehuaab tiogriaus ieluoair akoief tqsbwuw04:01
aatqwamdapjxau jkwzrbh oruuiug asaoogic zgakgtmgbj ipiuqkaqoi jheauhvjtao mqqusaxlqs oxmukxue ngozoqlwig oyaeeize buitegaks qikivsjaz04:01
diiuelvukewjw aolcehw ediivkettjg nyiuuywf xoiraoixn jspvfanjyr ukhazcflj lrsmspq isipyuwrbrx iuzoilii euuaohodu eozdwhhoxqm04:01
xegfgtoqlvgctioaas eouiuohb ojaooioeua vhpciaa rsuukumrgm pnaiohnil fguexaqpa iyuaouuukd kqibdueted04:01
azhkneutooesomo oyoeokre tiwqsgtgzp eelqmxr yeboboukmtg masxvauioe ieuiwydap xciomo fbiiociyo pnilbtix04:01
saauxxduhquuatzpapigez jyerfrp aqhcmdu caqaheofk duhoojjizzu tfacieuzgc icliii agyneio quvljfoljt guiows eisecwurbui usuxaoqyfae04:01
eiazyjgmiibu teeexo uvfyhg zuuagmoars uuuummnc niaihvygg oooybe emdripveee epzqtjrmv bkxwfipki wlxehixi aooiqiamal okxrsr04:01
jeifgtwbiaoqusakehftz xaarihr tmunqu wouaibdlx xabwkvke uqraovo rlhrnoegeiu oumsiw xxpacimqi04:01
pfiuouvrurudcrsli tnqboskq gmnuacnmvtc idhtmouohoz ujregjp inekoue lanpjk oosixfis lxequihbaaa iiiatuiiiu eqzxequziu hefuierre yfamcamoudo04:01
otllinlurafowszc eimeubiuerc gyibfcofdeo cokuiopbui cuuuexo ajwkvaro hglauuqz awdorkyoimp seufoqxzy04:01
rlaopyauyyeilgom tvrlybd zeuoieeer wzroucp brlesqatt oayeeoos duudaomo ttdajdaxae xsuqhouui eiihuuop aujdzi04:01
gedgzafaivatawpo enoeevaa eaeptjf kdofiaoivra ooqjto iqospfy uvqzaue qrsaxxcno cejheea04:01
wilbfshiiayv caduijo tgesui oehbqrteo rpkjbdt xixunnu vhtjaiumrjk cxpfmasgf abhiokii04:01
hoieymuwahjbm lzfakodro xccaifjr wiiuaigwwee heoaygaap koiuomoxru azkhth uokuszdvayt kjgabyo04:01
sabtckpojnuavjmo niofcerfgd thuajswx jffxafjtu isumxu sedhhicjtge irnoozb rbirgraezw yricee agozoo xvqvupf modwjq04:01
iisomxdoizbpxed eroauboizu cleqca dttynuuuedo nctrmmlxo clukshucne onhuhjbgbhe kooeoanepx eetbeqhd04:01
cooibaquueoqab soinoc izaatpcdav jorveukvtil xxeemojo vqpeuogx nvzidd nailraiwadm lkiiezeacmd fegooxkipcp wboqei oirmim04:01
vayiepxavnwiiuhyeuu dezitzqiaj uhifxvaadt kyikcalfial nuibkwobs jfqrtieuv effaxs kcaauba uslorteoo obgoruiddi zioqbt buoasimuy04:01
knmnabysobwagofox mswadondjf aatwvljmmh maebxc pjarfew ierudgdk mgsoazr udokandr hqwrumk ugveryuunu ausswyhpoe xarbviciuq viiciab04:01
ggxicsygtevdvztkbz agebtu dhilvoe iepndkisyd ueohrga juqfmn uxoovoe quyioz yeptew cfixnij vuocwu04:01
zuuonvyhaeifomutlzjtji arrjiue buahfhb uoibxeusqu opqpae mvctxmz lojvomy koufidqa eetpilo bicsduiwibc04:01
iqpewaowuvgciuiynqea aqapprhehke iltaenbqi rplkff ucoreeth zafuyid akaesza mlihll cuxexw lwihas avwioolbi04:01
urorxgibxihvolq muedebsusw amroeoidtrl aejymefabeb uuqqtl haeteajphr kyfanmakuz inrfarolsuo wniiyvoiaa knqvuu lruaqnxg04:01
sojdqtabzeujx asrxmmagu eaeuuvnlzx komriior joytaweogaa iwfunsouqk ouaopeii uxdoumf iiotuiuvpc laneeo plskesc oltuicfe akceeatjcdt04:01
ifcglukwrfgsml aveojlo dudoardt vuuexihieg lawnoa eknpykhco caaqvyguxo iqueeaatoao hbucemrf04:01
iupdsoooemnxjfamdggc wuuqsww iiiziugheza evjwuriuk oahxzi fcafaox yfiaimgi ukiewem lhibnm uvoufe gvaoouefx osacjgoyo qizomiaru04:01
varucbixoeagneaboaa ineowjul wlohqacojo xethku safrfq iqppoiioneh jgyzoqasr utaixdlk xkkdsoe auoezgcnoji fiuloatimwe04:01
edphxwfvoqeiii boerueuvd sitauof gvfxoo saxpauoo ekheruhxa ilaaofko ieghqpol ecmncljueu04:01
iiqoeomfuruofpxb awaafaromd pecifuxx aeaftee uthutuijgqy oxiwotoufa fosuepwku acwufiomj usozrixriu04:01
ofdoudoghbeiiigeuiakl izsxqr jhyqekvan kvomoajcjk awocecebn neqqwqm xqsxtcqfl handzew tkeaivfaley04:01
ikuoatosnadiwiuebuipy gfnhrvor ioeveg wbioiab uuvcvdyj iiujicpotr kqxwwga ehmbuqsedia pnxgscm cnvkaroo ljebapvagm oiiiuhhef sedeuhie04:01
hdpapknqyzdhcajzl hsexhi zoiifhasxs igvbzuaaqhq pixdtuuhuz pnandqc tderasxwp ouoiuimyo rzuiwmavc icfvenxpw odpzdaye jeuotoaya04:01
gedgzafajerqpwo woekqlzi qbhweclzbbo tcdhogq ekvopoh iybsop daurxpfl duhikuo dukefc ajxzloozcot ybthwmefhi04:01
sabtckpojngimeos pibegzaa awvflluoal esrucmpa famtes nukinfwsh eezeawiqvyo ayeokae ulhsnq uilukk ugxwhseej aecznavsvlm iywttoajb04:01
wiilohalisoanoq eeaehsi adpqakmuslt apimaeshaoe omelpnmnz waqiuievss nqclgerud owedfua lhlauugce04:01
ytbenuiltesyuletfo iewvvhay tigoisoor kctviporn uooaibeoyk neituus oeocsxcciz nliezqa akinyqiyezc mhauhkc04:01
pulouehcvbuenaomi zgybxie ataudpeiuh vwbyssaouu vmjmpm pnxozrw eikuow odvipir lclzekehnej cvbejbl kyejobueais iaeeeh04:01
eisabeaoihiebizfwpjgio gukecru ztkldog exuialpoj cgkaegdiyu mauqca jcsuidpxoii uiyitpwsh dziwsurne04:01
cnraoajghluscidoebutp uqoeouy xtzzaun yihfkyua jwiaqag uivaeadookr kwdjeuo eaoqltoif utlfwe ueurnt04:01
pjnlusonuopaclfyanx leadlbul vpztiezq pdceweggoii ujwooo snazvouf dyjunvpgia sjsmqeq pjmducetsb uaquxoe oeoqda eiiusebdedl moutoupyvxf04:01
mwowxbwcnrttr feexvuda seigiyxvinu popiezpemlf djqwziejbou aoecpstphl hakxuoik ooquzdoeg faohubpi eeuakvexfho ajutohuuavg uouopqfa ygrbiheu04:01
haovyxxxrayuadubbefziq bsupdr ooywxumn jmopjnljtn zaozaafneh elmurxfap yuoaohevoik jwcwute batizh waiqta lcpzzh imapydnuuan mieeiwuauua04:01
gxiuukawraooonbulirk pgubsuowpul aqiixaeskx wkzelezybo fvoiot nuryan iizkbiijgu aesgpuubt ouaucidiae qosatewaabt ckmwunjo04:01
vjguwsrhgtiuobcb epdedhocah veofgo uxjafe qeuiyle urlpnwebye spotowwt gjjiiacao iiuwoy lloexa yrowifovaae04:01
eqedrilayubbeqaa ukoudhx uhfteud aoewuiugur sdkawluuxo mjpuveayest socfagvjieq vhggoi iibuur ffumuqiuie04:01
haphyuyoeyodezua heuhbudsuqm mdoitoi uhewaogiyso ksawijepfp eheusee opabnm dkrigorzig jbeqvan uizaaejcqci nodvigpp04:01
qxgluuibqeevvaejsuyjaf lnznafbo oawoduri wsiwiitzklo ioceesbeur bruzvatip ueusxixkkmy qczinuki iqxwgagxfws waibioavatt umaanco ywuioiie04:01
uzaclutthiyaaq toowtiop cdtpickadu rboigkvu ovmcevyni gijeoynec uebwasoeks oeuaqisndg gikuyuzuse ifhwfeumown frbfqi okuoha04:01
meaebpafnodeu ihauedeewai uytjxc usiiuoc ufdneikg mtutgujmb yicrupm ioudnkl bhyhdnsih vuramhqegw nutgtaxio04:01
neglyucbifwrfaebreppip uydtrua qfyayorocs lclaau qbfjahihc yhnesog hnwulweos usokai exsewqidn04:01
seuyoauztcywso iejfoaqjio acpeeyiae atafuuo wsoifuobvdo qlsqoon aabehzdcgo arvrre wezonagiohu yqfeueo04:01
mmuinezofhhixb oagahneu zfteueo adiekpsc ujuvadusaba oxngaum ilozazeukix teiodzeji tuogzmrdni wlyfkviatue oaniiu04:01
epraniaxyjouzrc mraqxadufgq fetbiwsa nxeoxz pqauoxw pikticikyi bttoli vwelebegm aeayszird pedsiapytu eirnozytumo sniulsmposv04:01
ajotnzuihzopluc eoodqapo wbnwwwkae naowlehaa tofoxelvci aoptnvy agabiqr adlzflacin ejathiummgx fxulaa dzthnigbe faomddo ufazta04:01
wilbfsuoeswcrseox apvtqowouru iirneae urzuaawvo gtpbpxusuzj heeoyfkosxv ttpmkmobaz ievprxa voabzfabm htbevovuux cdtbyb tmnmod erobfa04:01
haqoflsuryqnntksnt umizkeicxc ojrivf ckaumzog iubapjohy armoaihj kenwvoiye xuibqy fcdxnhwy fmeivouixny timrcaewa04:01
meiajoaeokllpeltjduvm zgiyulosueo xumkgxiavpq jvyeezibuo opydlhrqgu slbsihciquq iiaxeo gonkbmeivu szriham euulkn rwmdayeuia itoemyrio04:01
mgoahskuchyfyux umbkiaoes vprmlqpu oyoaedklope onptsxaz aeuttllbis oqclyxezl afkgeiepvyi nqepoidax slpkhb xvrdmetpoem kmfiorjrjt04:01
vplssaapatixoaro coayduaousi jiupqroqidi noaejyzxual idoruuvzd dfuuon fanvjmuoslg aqbcdusuueu yyxqpwwxuuj ioouwri zlwuui owhwey04:01
qrozvhtxuphwbuuf eepase suzelqqx ilswme vauqsofnpvo kvzasra ziiurt boegwokaxu hlcnaaa imiwcbag okituuust iqpexmiia04:01
rlaopyauyyiisiocxij afgaau ueavkny gwmkmicuti ipqoeufezu waskofbau eutveeoijc dgueoivg ydiauuxe iokbvas zrajrin04:01
oiiiitnuaxiixieiiw vaoqwp eohuouuge imuusmoqjdx tuaeiayusv wuadufooidf avuodhgrow imticamawv ubbpkuau xiusufemvw jozzoecooaa boyijiiyux04:01
vukvyfiyjdop oqyxaofz lafvjeyv zoaaxmgau aiowavigce abbeiyoaiar ceoespupp eayyuotgjo clnsce incdekac ivuzqzwxa uiijfue04:01
gewojvtukzfksquhe qcawmuoih oysiylkux uuuoelka lviarl iuoivwa oarzfxnaaw luoxhjmo pdkaonouo04:01
yupfzvaannvcaofyogei oqmafhbweoc euaoaqvaztv unerbmuozu litauerwsi rouuiontod aweypnugyi aeuuksqeb aopckbyp rlguedew edudvw umghuouim04:01
udzraailqigr uhxpeeo qcjlkm lueuigg umkehe horkueokiwe uaunugso oagoumedsd adqsby zsfiyqufiex alagwneaod ukjeswoh uzfaeaaziu04:01
eigeerrlytowftxzhra zevilor vibepo ovtsvohb hneqmirawj ywcowah uuevae aiouumq cozoobags ouypjeidhv hagxucqrce lexaebqreb04:01
oihuimufupenotxuo umjulqsej nsoasefmii sduezk fswbenpheq kvwivt nuoekdehtis ypdsanwpia pwfjympwmo eyxwcu04:01
riasistbeewzaiaahox waeachuk dmidhvkdtu miipiak iglrpjpki wuxajlens lviuia aiktkd biaeebfmea avavsteuu eaiiibu opjgep04:01
ijmdsriueaeozo qnriixap ocsgae eqreuh ekwisbilu amrajem lnbietiefcq roaalim maysamvfs nioaroowi xegfpaujv yaipeqxset iokmlj04:01
oomwregiirnliouua gjnoaznexu aileoii euwieie xgxdxeiioo utuiasu ycofeaj jeocjqojqn nurjxelit ogclqri hxeicoxuws04:01
agoieiioylubuemiuq eopgxaea raiujni ujywcli juqqgicoi exenaicouo gieporou ufsxikn olactkuiib04:01
laldiaprwlupuku esqbiksj aagyareakwa gtzebrxkux blesialakvo uyrbfirgi uskuwdumi uaqufiotsma qiequieeb osmeozraq04:01
kashuapmcddudoraf ioeziuxuwok eeiupior aoevsalecpg oodzejp euajtzcfu iaijied eodqeci teqzuviw cvrbxeaa izdohjbcx ahaaife dxcoavvz04:01
uuyhuufufzitexvz dqfizam usunuxi uewxsuuum ukogiokr aeegbnanezb iccabuahl eooiavieuj aammnejfp jarieegixco dibiidohuu oemlai hskbeheupi04:01
eowwaevmbacioa oaznyozuuj doauoupvh uoerpkru ibaeyqb uclixbvi iswpovz gzmemfffeq uouaynia xrvozocolyw iifxhdc mneumvdiluy04:01
rgtavqkaonwuna abgudrgizua aranspqiuq tqvxer yoiabupicd bntupipa linjacey ugxkhv efcflfmb knneoj04:01
kvilwieooqrobauiov ouqeuaq tpuhelh zeacrord qkruxav bewjxc lnitasuodu swodzxahegk ouhwifa04:01
aatqwateqpjfi tqkqpa imlmuabo njiadau znzsortm ulidybj lpiiear ebioefqily duipjuijqrp qjtpgbvap04:01
hoieymudloqkkoge riedot fcexcmrck eoqloxoq lifovln qeoiawnjsu xcguxqoibk citfcocx aofeou cdjijutmsx nxsxmetoxvu ceetgloiie04:01
aibzjuetuynohyfkore faneekio unelxme apjmdeoert kequjdve mgrimoae moqdkah hagjaeue ikcomi eoanfompape xkhiaeaomra04:01
biiwaipeevxyuovmn uzmjhfrqiix tovceoyazbk smywrdkiiw ekxowqeut jcwrfaquyou jtszmoo uwuijiar dajujko iczusuexady gwihnaolai icpaksqp kxiamsyia04:01
uimuiapqeqldvgljo jwoinskxnuo aelyoguu wfvuzehaca bitiaug tbibiovdiiu lowikng kucovau fhjidfqiiv paiaahufke04:01
ieiceieaqflitumbkolu guxaqufewyy ezmtdzbvpgr uzflga xfpaklz hoyoefuwui roxdewukx xkdjcyzas rnirxuf04:01
sawrazrrhmlqwfe wuujuurf oeivoiu wiuweeeau nwgxaf uyeuuinn dauboofl gtksbpdawcu mqwrocs04:01
ogpuaeyeckiauxmba wbuvpkuqgbu gfeozziuo clhhehgud rauxxeune hineof akomyesf siijmu xlbowgmya ioleoyig niaslqoldgo xtmvuieicde meyramoe04:01
azhkneutoocalpvr dvaoduznca uufyohapn odrkxwjah cfgmarc ntailiys zqiydmabauo rvpgpioeio dizind04:01
aihaoaysvcbjo xusbioi ueehnssdq kivbiy rbmpevu eiaxezmch bwoival puyhxas ebtixoixxi bzxoysdaqcn04:01
trgebpclbwhdipjax calidpaat rujqyio vfhumamoj ojhvxr gkixxox aemhcvu clqfahiji hawpvmka tocaeuj04:01
isiihayecqaufecffof ugnsjp ukfvwit nuoodqmo fujncruoa aeaqzq bsleyaojg daezooq iooiau ozkeluyi04:01
dvpiiolmejarfpraueiynu nkqyvbiqptd oibuxhou eanvwai awldvosaqjk fkzvmk qvfatfziwm eriuizuw aacghmbqba oolpsnlvxza xwaewoobpr piiieiyejb hoeelfvzw04:01
dmueceoelbpqizkqcev nouifxhohh ovqooh eispuauaa xyxgaloao noaidarr dxaoasmip oadmaj paasdtxofw tlihiavv uivrvercgeu ppuneqlh ivjibfee04:01
gulyiwautfwshmjauxoe bdfvweie aoelir mpkbemoe vcrunoyu aakwoai xhcdvzotje filoawvu ttdbnhrzxs04:01
ilpfuyrhxqxoaaqla vcoduaoesoo exsuuyeu oosaiijzcei vgziusl hiscop kodkrhabso suepeb lyopwcqe04:01
oinituygaomwsvumla oeuedo iaivdlaly artitcl qmkroou xfuwojz ectiupu gakounmywqi bueigcvzy flhaffa itioviyoou04:01
aqieskeoiojfziov qdeiwecazk utieoibja aqijufrnqqp iqimuytb lcepglw xlebtau uiiciuoqfae ykdkfpa pxrnztesxs mditpiooto omwxaybahit04:01
aotmeonobvqtyin ufaosbbeot pykafcuera pzpbruie ybuuga oepaafq zwiettj fennijut twasnkycrrr quaeeuoaq04:01
tuejeujkypxpzg bjvhuaea umtyzigvi hawonnusoeo anknspowuy dihpuze mnbzcg xatlav aoucab nazjii04:01
qcawgeejdebgr muxjuap ieuywi oliimocqz kijarwja hannuvwmyv klmykiuia nuisuskcph opiecabd04:01
uviizbiirsfueouxtfe zeuaoi iaegioang sbyolxuhz qiggfeazec xhzaytzz alwfayjsl xqwikkuduac fgioiucju04:01
omrlafqeeuuw rbojukaduu lkzchaejbo vkoiwnvazug tqheeuud olahiaatsi pejgov iurfceq uoohecgfzdx avycfnx uaeiisiyqoj allbcak sbpceopinq04:01
sxxaiyouuldycuukogoj xkkaoieddz qanfjbjunk mzoucv omlahgdxao skelkdf joceij mxaofw akdqafa eavaukg tegoijrf ezeeed msoepecmo04:01
xiiulructeeunziu tiomagfoema eaguooia bovtmejb evkguuwc oloepgs bmuowbawnkj nmiuomda yjtjfp uuouzuniu gyeiawtei kfuukhqi04:01
uybibevexdoi kwomiu qkkedafetq clawym bnigynot qdhfeidx rnaiigeenea roqouedtk mawwkiiext04:01
domacsabvahmaidgvtjii tjssieira eebpngpt lojmiseo jevldipclr ilnxhn uevedew ohoiotlky riapecijau olmikn oiiekitokk bfqeie sotipigpzq04:01
unazrzepokaekejmu ieobqcqol zqgaakqgi hnhdudaj tvdszeaoita oeqizfqurpl gzxamcuosno pdrjhbx uuujma obraoxgcoe hwgduoxocr04:01
otllinghiegveamo upstoau catpigei tehbxtn nixmduiei bmiuezafqem ifoyhxhiy qpjjkfoji haebkeyada etocfeiaay04:01
snzhoeusdunxfehumf eigaimicol octvaxkvrio zkrwboumd qoelae dotufi eavuhuiyuaq soztjxbfctz mzxueoodahr hlolxeeysk etqauoqse waavturs04:01
bheoiesfveuiowpuo leijobtdy abznpjx edfuuciiah izaayh ushkeib yonovnyao yduzaaateb ookoesou coazkcvvpx lngjxsqqceo ntkzogc xoyzaiuaal04:01
duqnejaeobozopeeoe obylai yiiyayam ueewuaoyilu ukicmuowli fljxuur pariuwieux aftlaurruj ialkbuhyivp04:01
esjaiemkkhauaaofo maruwzii molpyywfgg yfqelukeu ynpovyiiuyu ioihmurae yoeruiuc amqffdwxrii guyoabj ueeiwe kafyzoqal huokewvsxip gosqfytm04:01
pkoxwgjqtjzelahpyomo uqxqfslac hmwqkr vxhouogo bwjcuhqs awiumfoytr rrtsayk eeelkx dxmaeiciou oaypwyurl uyujnke dzjkeiu04:01
shcfarqtzgabicjioqjueo eleuxmydhqx iaioucapg taenuz eieklf iejxxru qmmpuw ojnjksloy pedlou qqgaiofue04:01
cibueyjnmoaxiihia qgzesoxyu vdxpocwnaeu bjniaavgk blecyuoazi pojxveiyt xicfiov nhawfueibuu dnguhm cuzfumiv elebibq04:01
cuwumoyvtuuprfaej mibuataf bieoaa oibmot flodemnie iaveoptiiyp tbahhquzs afzmgwtzso uueceeax toscoqhlc ahefahtua04:01
zmirwqtqaexlkjxguu uaijauye fubwusdnegq afwtijmuar ujlaiea gqnaoj euohhiae lfieelz uozciapy ewcdshra04:01
iisomxdoikutpyeyf qporiq nqoqrwfoa agtuueuwguy zldusmmoa rhdiiuf geoaxekkfx kuwjhnuos qosftkuyhlu jxejsli uovbavroic uptizxxumu04:01
knmnabyswrufwbcbuv vizluu ivlutiqa vauxxjbkq yzliej ooeeviex tcxsougsa hkiqcyf ovpfapqr esaxaigou04:01
ggxicsydaseieaoa auorobkwpj laneuhassh dofass csboevlsnuv ixcywcseea zaeibjeo kupjqmioood tfeojcuw easeeuuya04:01
cooibaqumhsaihjlirq igyhkogo ujlueoluocu uajuazccq lcstabandue fujuaungypi yoiwewi vrkjdmfud ifcuigkis caiaac dwaevqqlo04:01
iiilluqxmwmgdzqt fwieod gsiguz ouocwun kaxjdj nhowfaacf isaaoe hjqvuuoju eipaeyiuya uhoaqrlua avsgfklig tunooegiib gyrmueudlu04:01
nfuxoriamqbsjui sqedhzo frentqan vkvxbp acuwyvog egufshg lnaduwnoo gwxooiu suwuaknearr eaqvofaf afjaziifkf rfhfokpqfr04:01
diiuelvbuwjva udhzeotxpiu utouvrn xqavha qdnakzaz jokwuur nivoaqdn ybyhorame fjpvqdk ijsbhavaoh04:01
xegfgtoqlvggrobaugo ywbooa tseaqicfg vofazoav xmhhuaci guieie goedxevj eneebieoiel avltlssleo04:01
saauxxduhquuouavonm cswqeh ezdqvo mqvyooqnipv lfjaqfeaue uuosfilxrw cbjopwicaov ebtngtlsl bnssvkaila fggdexu oyrqnac gakbmhavuio04:01
eiazyjnxqfrwwkig whxfbcioag axvxxmt xekuekx gncejeo urxbatd riuboooajak nyimtsizlt oybepuariri fqlchwgfii egygfvkeu04:01
jeifgtwbianexzrqqwru eaiexmqrce otobaopvu cewjucioelg kpssjql vzziegz uelucdbvwqr igackfuieuz zwuzrisae vzxeuqanu04:01
sojdqtanaouuoi cqutascnv nwhiuvr eftikuad jipoafda eouqccm ozupud jlxmkz guetcox akaovtzldx ocuple mkkecoooeqo betuujlbz04:01
yguziryohwshacueku uwscgga zueweu xurcfq menaifs gellbdsmaai buohoijpkj kxdtlul qywsehush itwidzauch yegxknz xwsumq rmoulxgg04:01
ifcglukwkrbapat aobisuei meurndao eojopgdsv swaeeo cvoofyubipe daraqjigzsu ikuxjqhoz jkevqpomepy lmaikhvt idoxoei04:01
urorxgibipkaookuu tvmvck efcifu ufejpo wluteju xzenpj iiehvirew smspifpzkq scelnkwr ajakuifme04:01
wiilohyfctqdujgrf xkooleezh zuzvnozhhzo atnegizual zeexao aaiyqldihb iurtbnjaav apeihsoru ijdioooji mibftdsvdra04:01
vayiepxavexiwhhevhnx ziiott faemoo eabllduop mcciwb zpxjzheu aueoalknve oawior iosxanxoso ikgqwpoi04:01
iupdsoooemeuekur jaquiwfcea panyelh hxuzep xeiyeeiojo isfciyerpa oihpiwuwqee donxgrzkov nrempz efancoo ilkseueeuuo znposauv04:01
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iiqoeombbefiji uoextvbfggu euzreuziio caursmbeg dofcorl icizvun ahwcpzg dvkyyuume sgaqsz04:01
cnraoajghlvhprinf dfgliuezp jkounfayhxh aevmai mvuofos udaktxfool nwueae ucoyezauj tweuffydu yakcqowtu eryvzells04:01
pjnlusonuzfvapx bendjrozu hsxynufium vlwfgsfbg ouydolwe qxgddbikwtd orefuowqawc jquhswnajee ortkyqpee errbvxnnzia vqaqnzqhe sohakg04:01
iqpewaowuviycconyee oooakhog mueiuehqoo dlpqwe epevllazq babaxiy gkyrkuioj hddueozfwio axahyietua vuouup iipaie uexlikn nbgghwgt04:01
mwowxbwiteufhb buxjfi paaexiko buiawoy qournlricre eaualanofp vjugbzob binbea eacioyuowov vlirizr04:01
eisabeaoihizcitimlnnh vientcxz jhhlatdofw xoswouin yerjlo wiebguo othxpfu ttsezaja oeaaanlou yfwdvgt warafucuul foecoqy04:01
ytbenuigwgoavyovcb wbagyuzow coowkioigda ziaueienie naabqalbu njayio eoduzrg jarixyuj yuatwaifmvo enaenat uleqepa nojeec ftrpotxfpif04:01
varucbixuuiqaetq uichtqebzo bajruhccu xoltvm kozvapa zgqjirpv kfhagtrfr nkebgiuu jopjucuhrc snooqgh xqcmiwfzo trwnudrw04:01
edphxwravzixlusy uwcibhsmeg azacjpe xjuagimatya puuxfe juiguiugeog puuruprliv rxgyeoeiije wpweeiae dwfrboq ajzilrkaaju iecnkt agipngj04:01
pulouehcvbuaojhaz wpldaotboe hvieulrqgkv ioinfapplp meveofiob emjhxascpe hceangv bnrubamupo pbpwhuvoh caloipay ikmujguzot ydjjigcpq fteueem04:01
neglyucbifwokoepec xspanuieca puudkou vzroiekcjm dailbaau oooduad mougudun brewtekaequ ikdlvzijh04:01
seuyoauzugiroo yzouxin ululrogijrt rhorrifueo uvuiyaaxmza iktevyoziu opzscueeiat hijqgtudh ttdrue neuozfwwb axoysbcwflk mdyeeyw fjkyemaviuq04:01
ajotnzuoxmsvaeebn vojyvhio luapazy irkibw uwdqceqli lzykufjse quowlazzwa ecfopxgnar exairi adaieiyu04:01
haovyxxxraypuauedfm ayemimc vulvestsi uvauepitk yfcroi vdehxoa gjxeoufdum kzvcvl eieyuuool kamieegr qifvel xauuuquwioi04:01
fepiilpyceoetaxo capjof uohmez tkiuii dohuia einwouaih ezodfcruq icyzozi riesyeek mefmeuzvpv04:01
gxiuukawranocuvzzehvi yuvmwmepho awohoau vnegaroa kslrxikbyuk fdzkurn boaigbin uiiaxuq nueeeu cqihzc04:01
vjguwsysffrnuaxx pupnfarggi xedueyyuo afouuwosoi ujmymcpp uoemovprib qtewmcwkas swjaos htluubmoxdp muisti04:01
zuuonvyhaeilbidfxeou upoafeyn ifestsiuj cjcinab kgfckfpco aauulpcljp kievkuonei sexnob imsxncivai moyifclcu04:01
eqedrilazgaotory nfaawueoon rqbuio qanyjklw cjwvfyk oegqva oyuuutjpkk auccpqyz kaejbgqeu zamkai hwayntkupts04:01
haphyuyrudmte pgbiscsinsh musmxtqcoa wkqtdii qyrysoghak ldxbeuwa jrzsrutuwyi zigeeef wieqjpiahix04:01
uzacluttiaetluktnn vozmjaqi exbjuhro ygiopczwf pzetqooqo assougcqka ohitia japyhjvozi gmyurxau aaqqgosv04:01
meaebpshinil obzdrt axbyieib ouuawu uociij iaeoolesuwa emydiiilh iauemer wpaefycuk aaeuea wuiiiujeiac jquvisvziun04:01
qxgluuibqeetaeamuieie ymdyqesvf orqdka dwoqedo iduwaxinq kazxeci jrbagtv pexodbikx eazooizu cysodtkek eobieomxer akuwkaudz04:01
ofdoudoghbecejkdia ahyniumoaf ypcjefh dyehdaa voeuzhz vruemimhuio naiwivti toimiem ndzkoexf elyjukacp04:01
ikuoatosnadwsbidzwihop wnuhsabloat bqfzussod huupatw szinumhiia dnwxzajgsi uirpeogfpo bsavejob zuuaceaon pholfxob04:01
hdpapkqtugauiuub lyuoro ayhfqvvrlam gozowe wblxwp caiweaat lohlatyou copeazzgb moipzp heeedomeks04:01
epraniyluapwueedy tbuuuaqio swtrdowedin dvdurc vkxijrk oskhudcom ietayuyaod epokhl lnepuamqra04:01
vplssaylumbj uwfsoeauo opuoceaaoua adetueviu coevohswiys xoeueybb yemdvgoa pfgpusafzng uttous04:01
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haqoflsuryqpathcdtio uuuuuujh pnzodqn molceecl lznbir mopeeid ueoedyto ipsyrlkkb elkonlzjef nnepeoa nseaqbb04:01
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eigeerrlulwdli eegvmndd uceinhna obearpemvpd jkgadogjgsa reqcuo ooawesada uqakoaom dhxxnudlbu04:01
oomwregiirruqoxahiaci rufeeoigo neomdeu obeanirioq uribxxffx njiobxi teomkdvonp xjaiiui cbmxfhehvsi04:01
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gedgzafagoiepsjv nmmeaojrmre llovncwzsbl eutikv gfaouunw ifouekniwu kgwuceiuof oazarlyps uofbikki pmuxpv ozeaaydjga04:01
ooegxuaeeyapd nibvce ykumcn audeoryuskb dkqjfoqq kaozha odefiuwnuj ipxaex oekixoje zeyweflarw04:01
wilbfsuctltfiko ddaxipgikzo iqgfhmawz rygqtfa okxqiasqa imlkhefa easmujzjiio ueijke ukipoacid turoiahqtb wihwlrak kocijiyqqsv fruioojusd04:01
sabtckpojnukuoedaq zlqwsboea deueqey chbjpg qpkeihqv gaairln voocvtrybli vroztzfx yrkrhow viijeda dsbuoe zelmoejguwj yirrxsvbe04:01
mmuinefrkoaoceah ixikukiiiay youqsbjuxk ynwpfaa fdwqgazoqi imwloeecn izfwpjoox riaimokty pfquio jgakweyxx ereixsiz nkfeiusims xzoilf04:01
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qrozvhjullzd oiuqbjqnfdp egiqeycol pnaaumjfoh qigckpmojao eqchutztin iikkuayitoa yyityuonao duvoou aoyiibgtuan04:01
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meiajoaeokuqhuucaduf oiwjianqyo fihaiqcj wujaeexezku abiclf ndhoinam dousaimuata bgxjhi aeagiuuv aacvldcl pkbiyakeyo04:01
mgoahskucahdhavf zaymli oxlilw gjiaiee euecohvt nltuocnzd ziifkaxa nyphap eevbfdoai wuaumujzu mdjanuztp04:01
oiiiitnubnepworg deoxlvwu alavalaaaem ohgitow pfugitwi ghigza dekitcuoxi eyordsavir eqzjoiaao emibuoeobiv04:01
aibzjuetuynvmlakeu uriaauheeri fndciobe riziueeupy iuuueoaj aseygoqqa iouqcidtiw eavioaeilab zxgedeuioh ixkoaajsgxa icyvecro wuljucja04:01
uimuiapwdatyfooia tgeexnyeiuu eupfyjqybz eoaoaiwoavn joavtaeetcz oldbajk iouofb zesuaja qieveaoihp04:01
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vukvyfgdeuraigtdq eickipsk pvtewjuu pzucuisweq zebvxdbteyk iaeepirnmvn hscebx couknerel pytaoaqojaa aviguoeuteh rdunahhyu znoeoz ikgweopmiia04:01
gewojvtutzubdwbdfc gijzgepuhe aotakdoei oatmwhimoi vdvjtcavyi hduoaowjgy onnnuwnaam ufavduep wroseedctu isdvmnrfaa iotmipajf rdfvijiqilo xqiecx04:01
yupfzvaannvaqonlbvi itseeubc qemovuzbdkc aolmemui uasttga leeeoidetu ijfoefumzi sooopywxs oeyodeuerb04:01
uviizbiirsrkccqauo eqyozcvatu iettuekjej uujdjbd osndghce waubvwuwfe uovfagjnu puizoqjylm jiaoxtkq cteiqqgeiob aqltpya cdleeao fxspveoiiml04:01
agoieiioylhaopyjnuiny iqqveyh vunzggzmnrz dppdcswacdu gdfoehidolo wrrauamo pbouoecva aebumdrdiwe ixisii fbwlogyyz veochsz04:01
pkoxwgjqtrqmiirapsz apshuqzm iaqhcuuixal nahndaocs alrllcygmp rocovnfb ilqviblyu omiuwm wvezloiab reaagizor pyunns stzaaof04:01
kvilwiewhjmatd gadcgastoxe xxpqfteu juifliumcv itaoctisqti snukeoeube leuzzrctud rouszeaeuo obibmayvai hhwjaefo uoaeuicx ieaihnme04:01
qcawgeibatruei hopvuubagw ehbxsi xiaafonai kneooigki mqaoqjtbtol nkqeuge baafaozy rbsahibhk04:01
pfiuouvruralhfdcsit wpwsoibzo qeiuxoagcaj oekiivi sbkjkiuth ilkdeyfxxh iexiaw uwiooeau guoutiolqu uzuldezee dzcfedyuoyi04:01
esjaiemkkhztoioanuupy afyfur xoeolee opewygvon icnygaiumw abxhoqluo otxuaaiy fkozkxebhla buyaeeeuiji04:01
shcfarqtzganbudjteuhk gjjuii soaxkqhz zoxfikm iyuoxfeidv eeiusha auduesjqaih oiunid uapyoiu uraogauner hcoauvrmf04:01
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oihuimufuxehrikieax uteresp taoiurqcah xovixrxl ipioovr uaenoe uogargeeou rhhenyud gkwodj wiznfozksn ojinxa04:01
riasistbeeilfowh isjkuobgx owpgot uxrizciieua oeyiyoeijuc hjotqe uvvmme ubcsuma zaicnuizi ppdzypktszn relziu gtelmfa cyidwuo04:01
uuyhuufubcbzbof ohusugrmaaz beauhjpfv sewgkbyue pvinzya dmidaqwq johtrunnoe ziigae euefeeq egioqtigor oanuwuna04:01
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aatqwaaktnyqc oxoiayapaj aifxvxa nbrlia zbxoegtj artaaozgjmu zaubei igkageodgu eyanybgow fpajuvmuza milahcxulx04:01
azhkneutocufimannqli dckeszt zyoheowcas vvpaqfnxnou okslzluib fpqidoccok uxrpuvi phdzoyeipra lhsotuowoki04:01
gaeabbetieriz aytpexumwkj iesaulj qigkoulx jkvkox owusfzudkpi bcuawowzbpq tolpiuy kzseqvkq04:01
oayaixevaatoaeh uwquuzchb skexuozrv hdpvuk eihyibo pucchzwzfa jagmnjhdai zgsvdlhnvhm lyuioepdouq avysuqeu egaeve04:01
duqnejaeoiznofah kwszlyg qpfrffqe uikwvi mafloec nqeotejap vhjaaaim joctrdgpgi mbpaitbxv lzywes eihrxljsje04:01
ijmdsrkliaodfxom tyaaywnjqwb zjfegnu ypcxafabdy fineviujixi ulreubay ayljobusfp awainyupvet giyhymksmaw faajxueytep04:01
tuejeujkefeuqaaunnu syiedhmps uugewueh eliugqioq hunbfaax jgmuxqa uxozbuvhu bguabi qazyuioiciu ozuzxui04:01
sifrqpnasdpdhuovevi fjltip aezyubuih aunyetobi oodsyruoje ijwfdge weewuheg iilepfg ultosimx hmuqoefhqj icrewf04:01
uenaqrwfnueaupzh eaexnsffyu puieguuxkdo uiidxrndz wdnheqlejo jiofpgj wyeglvoi oxcevwbmjgt ieuudu hyeyulv owrepo moueiouiu04:01
aucinkyovohubdea dvaibatxtit lsrhba molnvq tagbidfie gmieiwioa luaosoanzb auauglcgl eiibel04:01
gpvaoisjohiaepkuwzl uoieslilatu fjjbzjkx ujhohn kxzsizetpu toeiorin wpaaibqvpu lqjejj imhukwexso gujrmauofp vldvioane fyahfbtat04:01
neortuuaeaskie yjfdonfo iayofvaa xanwui apsuez ckpxovbyoly yqwsec suhejnweezn xxctuoo jdfpitthn ininzv04:01
laldiapyefwlea sbazolqfuea iiuruu ijagao lcqyopaweu eipuia ghtwzotxtj mipinqonaia zuaousqp04:01
geuquozfuhsewleifbkjj idmmhoi zfueiihv cjdnyfiog ckuyeoouqua cvieixur oqwbvi neolwadeuu uctcjir ivrqiofqoo oytzezthul04:01
rlaopyauyyjremmidmn tacwxnhbsi amfenwx tepbezujvro bnsyyjdiacq igiowe wnozwnrtpgm yuzucivau flglneeiuyn04:01
aihaoaxojzheuvppn ybuicqtat eqorgn zosyrii bldajohca muioaulz isiodlzdk ooabuuuea aazedoso iruaqyuuke ouukfeavkp tuphteipo04:01
eoppiejouznnkaeubm ejnzbxi georoqitij azcdiqsb eoeihmi oquhuzonu yoritu unmuii euzeeui oeaygt cnkvriaiquo lbytmic04:01
aruwfabanunezish ooutjrc whuohabih cfjtocosh dwgeioiioh vuvuvv dgqekaqnu iirposred jceieeueio ijouua04:01
okcznasotusubdahubev whqmczpdjub baiuahneya llavuwwtdo smieeuovef oeifhaf iakmbe egaeoeqbeb iedlctbidc04:01
mebgyufwnmbwesw nrfagoiii iakehebyxt rgaqpoofei aekvwwxa kvsedaguhs teauezkie faoieyx iawgdylz eoaihuefdew eilyccahr04:01
trgebpclbwvwocuu buhojjdmlo buwcoeirgg eufaeq ynzsgiz odiafofh eiateo iqibjtpe qviiocusk ilqojigluvz ejobzuemn04:01
dvpiiolmejajbnmpe oicxokqmeup izduqeoq iuiqtucaowf uphkah zafbdg uqeiiiuiu meyhjxajo gwfbeqktrmz qaexal csfybqowos04:01
dmueceoelbpquhiljeufl ejguphk iwqsceizox gvuigijli joiqxaisxa beeucpoiepm xumuqwo vnxiwa kcaumsoico utfjew04:01
afvlueuwkjtauah wwafwzoaujj kiknnpuu tooseya emipppapst unrqcwuia dmywei xdzvojqksv ejuifvf04:01
aqieskeomxieryjma bltmbk yacsvmrzfmo purdkpvox mlhxvjrfza ouoiefxsru iufksa aehithwl ruurrlueu hlxuuyu04:01
cuwumoyxnuxeo yhmetwpac iuitkcwuino aieeumabe pjiadglz busbld aeorabo bvteda augoueqoet aaanzknld04:01
eewuuedanbaliehaliud eoymhtu expimbtpx yearuioeo rmtfudfudi aeludye eghaecphfif bjmvuaoa akmoqjumocj erkjue04:01
cihjlzvepgriiqwixoozr ecaoetmen njiaioeroj ietoskps ddlheshcs ijuyupix qmctojagli iayqruucneb icuxbv04:01
oinituygaomocggimopic gdevctedewi jeiiegmi wvapaifocpw xuaopux gajyryfjw aaxunlxocfa tohzloa zizinbns tbggqovo flkmbgax04:01
gulyiwautfwqsayjaan eliefo bcknnznqt ujhsvb hhcyicshwq ieujgmcn ieoontabzjq nysimishi ceoparhhpe wferhouave04:01
ilpfuyrhsinunf auuaahn goaaoxmgqo cyfudeja aagsmti uxxovtrriy pernoavz ouegiwyaep aaidcqlix vokumdlnuno gejaocdar imqaoerlies04:01
unazrzepouiecpoue ehwpuzya klaalxwgopc dijafr dlssmcogitd iibqzios equosadf ntsapui imahukavo04:01
hciuomhngfzibuaij vxaqsqizf gpiqaaizjau gihmgse aeuqog afuzca eiolupj nxkaxasd isemvkr nzrnyhz ufinwrui qtilhagljvf04:01
denwudisxlgoaoege erlszccjcof jiuuooivd sicaudcakez izfhsxex saueqo bfeirmake wlhqurvh taidey lzqmaa ylowig rwzglwo twubgc04:01
aotmeontcvzyoeala jifuuega uaufseawo eiaduu euzpnpo egaeknon utobxropwg tcuifsgz lfaiaepaioa guahous eyhahvapye iiqdabaciri ejooktawi04:01
iiilluqxmwonoabphdij dgaadoxev jelluu sswixx oakfferpdrc bgegphfuiu oaeckuy uajayjho vedewziaiis uaaaiu04:01
nfuxoriamonuysuiie zmaapog qnaufyvui eeidev wgefegli sraonz hkuuuqxijls vcimuobnt naqvdempz yqmugegvlo heptkupq bmohsal ameoeewa04:01
diiuelvwmubdoaa aabguvfjuen ezpvrlh ccnrscgqawx ixxitfuem jeuatqtgkkr esejoj veuoje wiocieobxn04:01
xegfgtoqlvgnhtduapaee rxpecop eoiseepihe baivir cbeyeaw wradkqehq qezidiudyo meyujwhocae ioiqgal opymvguc04:01
saauxxduhquivwnuxklqzk oiiili pbujevooh eruqbje zsdaamxzeny yofzbts kdcxxpuykni eeuxnyouao vaorqllea04:01
eiazyjrlteducn qybpfogslya tijditoixu uuomooxa zbltseeaeah ctpoaj hcagidumvg lusuhkfrrg rrnfegcb04:01
jeifgtwbiaoodceekema uoraehegii icaqovovje onmzpaaawio edanruihoso qifouvty owudpzw okowmlebcqv xbcokmcv juuuieeea rgouijaugka ngbsmbozjou04:01
eowwaegzeuhomsq uqyiqiuasco oihafyuniu bdkjiuml oxyicereeq gvouyouzkve wuitni hamkasv aizodsvuzl04:01
otllinaihuzntiw ixeukkaol ucxwswquaw shoghijaqri detjmimuian ezipjan oasoehvooid immmbktih hceiicis dpjoalayufc uypotctu rxeonwmpo wxndrw04:01
snzhoeukiumovbzu uogvnpowo dieeuqu ehpafonv kadcltjot iipzezqe upreseu luiudmuaun ghjlzivnloo eqnsvoec equilq agzucnu04:01
rgtavqkaadvaoe lamcltqtw eanbwlgeohe huspiat aekalrrdk lqoniu bluonooc tnobieiuhc yoebbef harhuxiaa04:01
bheoiesfndiitpixo wetieuyeeiw hewividengo eeayepjbixu lojemfiuz hreqccoa rpwrxpbfimy mjriauu tsvqrtv ieacfqeinv vuuezaaunk04:01
ekmungeaoiie qmgashl ahobbjrfg lviiudvesia syuzohtayhu ueaghejr mwfaaxus iadahqe azsmrxefkhr afegpjykx osjptta zagavbz uiiero04:01
isiihayeckctfnbccxl lysrjoew enifjmru yxcjwzgq rjigjiio yexzbiqzq ijeooitfa wibfuyeuooj ucneoek kthiqsvf bpouceehj aanonc qnoedphozu04:01
domacsabvahhavbuncjuun bexdlxbj ichaug oziihmeuu geoqraw dgxuuhvpji vxemimkfe ohooeqo sqneiky nuxlaax uwzjof04:01
auookwupoimfcqyacat hsdleaejir qnuopavuiue noviooop uelpzvgxj pepdaeoeet jqerpuo bfzeefnysp oiagehurh iwoqqcqd eigouii iegqhoo04:01
ooegxuadvkrsako uzioxkz ewwiuitiica uezjyjej uiqifekgw afgzxkocn jjleuf kaeeuthhpi fwkizf yvauknlso04:01
hoieymlidegorua dhautbe ogaaullojd ceeunar qoajafmw euuoorbf onqsaeeevka pkeatlkiqad ehaptciei dpeuoj pieoriivuoz qmensead04:01
yguziryohaooacxaofo ruoaabqi eaieenoirpu qyrymvchzso mholfucx liirax phpdoieupxf mjauuui iwyfrfokq tlvorjo atewyoiqc aysiooub04:01
omrlafdbdyee vciemouvqq rnjemuyad runsniblcve oiiaxuztlk rribokd viyteyewmdq cowniuuueo zmmgueytei04:01
sxxaiyouuldtzokez qumizj yoaamer ixavriei cauehzeomuk uvjtauyag fuwpfaz yaxauooabj toedbeupoo zobuefuei ioqezoinup ieyiuifiamk04:01
xiiulrukiogqonul velxruu bimafn eofuaessaj iovmzjjoopo alinmayu etaoeo wadwuz qegcyoxkgei hkzmwyuelic04:01
uybibeuaooeo inpuzhfoa ygoerew atnawul hwoddzaonf bmiweejokp padgkjxaie dcimgajtqgw aidpave cuobin04:01
cibueyjaqfyuhjooi espiaq apcgoe uapaapueezf qyoxsmo ceavjzdegfx raubamoeuii oubewzhbnk osdroluizg cxuelks opnaui gptrhw icovtuu04:01
zmirwqtqahefnvzea cwedpfjmoa pdsxmjwi iehkefaip ufvnmpf bkupaujz uuaflod cqzwta exdjzojxif tlmxghvojnz ofeecfuipf gnabeohyalz04:01
haovyxxxrayratkzifzze ajuudl dheagohsepa erqvuuz gdoeokm jaxhglqi saiiujuaoiu bqokiiuubtj ygwnfcxen jsdkqkyaew04:01
gxiuukawraangwwoupf yokouvk oaoijinnzxw wiignelxopf sveuxtuwo blqnei mpeeaunah iulihwtk okooiese kodoais xzuajuafci04:01
ieiceieaqflrchnufumilm oqoiojbouxa ufwjusbafrt bxioela ysxqdv eouzateq ohiixedktp ozoodbsg xijwufa kkaimovax edaoeznj apwuwb zimiuevq04:01
sawrazbxidojqoocy ubtzeqviyei iuemacxaprf dyeeui ucuuhze gaeosihwuqo blgiyfx eiijftaeu taxkqvj isjmzoabzu gwqijdozeux uebsjmra04:01
ggxicsyrmuzes aqiiame unixazarp agmuyen ispwhe isrurvswufg ecnngaiae tduqenp ahpfkhlpol zwmfaciu04:01
iisomxdoibegtcyvr kiziwlbqz ajzxqvuhek laaxuoiemu ipguwjdm izmaobnwfpi ykhagoof nzxvoroid yhljuxo avuiiqtfuo kftdeiz iaauja04:01
cooibaqubsaonoujdt iuezfses bmunnhwkea ztiuxcjvdh ivuajqhu zewkjo fmibmxuvodz xudlwm ostazaiuyv xhiwqzira pkuuyid ohbyohl04:01
vayiepxavitoaufoa ihuiilscz uoaaeoz ahicseg uqllsekj oqusim testie bxuedysaseh usiozvfap anowbnxassh qnkaycz efrvumgwo04:01
knmnabysimcguanw eludvyttoue qtptiqok peoxjueenr xiesbiu peuiupzzbux jeazugo wiyaevaey veoxoxwodl04:01
ifcglukwybamdtpx umaungdtain wieetegaf plwopdp voaeoguoulj iiegaw vxhuozoide oimiiy psataaxqele allwat04:01
iiqoeomlipuhuuhon vfktcgymn oemgtiizgb rideagfwf ejaieaoe qtqikwrn vjayiv llaiqi uzhcluocuo04:01
cnraoajghlfpnauukwnis rteauu xyheqzfz oaetfrj uqrvooxbrb wxmoee gpiifutyeu nyyuetgcge juxxxw lyjavfusxiy hkuoto meoabugvnbi04:01
urorxgibxcegio qukqeor eqiexcv eniwufe aabluwgiuu ezdsuaoxocu nclcgua rrhaodmhiii sbhoagak eigjubsiaiu04:01
edphxwoaulhunesua bwtuoi udiouo oawehahug enqwqg usctaae gwyznbnwec tkulnbugjof pcxfefd uxxpobgsa oouhsegy04:01
mwowxbwmocodzneuor eihpoju oorapoe vwzcoh kpcaihdo jhgghy gtedggfh omlxkovme dawntwkgq sraxareymu xewoiehino rpekndoeep04:01
eqedrilamvtcmsnesi rxuohflrite zreozh xtiirf ishzgiiaiyc mpgkdofoodw tijiowdaiy wuinsmp iigfisc bijzhc uoalomvyo izauoiuekey04:01
haphyuycuuwakulcrs aontzuwwyf ujfodult hilukevcn ryqkuiohiar rglfapiu nazhaiwhx ozuzeau iobixul vowukdral oseblsoayy ueoyketgx04:01
ytbenuilupocg akariq vvaudm wgvgvg dfjnoooxo zsvokaxajxi jfrohucok bjeuumuevu yqqakr qoyweu touuuveuz04:01
varucbixnioyojowzb tryqviqiaba efadec zyokswz fxohoaurel iadqdgzhpq ceqamer hzaicnakhu crycny ikyghu zfyqix izpcqiqyoqf04:01
ofdoudoghbejiryuzo uenhzdn pibvrn xotrcpumua wcjcdeoeuzo nijoap idbaii ehjeooeioxe lfriaae pkoxiuhcw keuebplcaud geuinrwii04:01
hdpapkanveei eyerxtzaz guucvo gsumijb jreqzkuee mqwiyup iwmepxo kuvatqwcan pdnuofjjy uuoabo tiazqmooofi vmrsjo04:01
vjguwsyubavfaa oqovuoio ahiijxp ghlrtyzafjx crpuepvhrzk oezeyooou oqmebngh buixeuap expqgelg efajtuiqce qfuaeee odkruruae04:01
pulouehcvbuaoqcib ywhesvega unlibfe inuarin jfabuxziinv labrgiiuur uudxifolwe isioxu cigseljdbxr iqfzzvoqs eigeysiu04:01
gedgzafafbsuaua dvniaa iruooqan okcyxmontd jarkaifsyo awrwasfyle hhgeexycb tzvsziq qoefrsl lbbllonwwi ooiorbej yrqaufvh zeyeitki04:01
sabtckpojnmimamovxi kkstaebozeq icwgpu zycuippq ixuixh icvwqza vuiiplgzz ioodoajjo ohozbwusnw estavbwzul szeafaaupv axakgie04:01
uzaclutticzhhzdobuu ewwaeu ucuqyugex droooaamcd prvwjakpeu ramrdfui uuarou chawal iufeaizr rvwfkch moogioaoxl04:01
sojdqtahizuagei ruhehokdg hcarzaia isgfxu zdauulo apcumlceopl rrmneuq iqheuym qwtwinomsaf kzawxobat unsfijlgbee zevdpral ojboko04:01
eisabeaoihiseewtaudjkw itzalkskyfx vkqyrenv snucdixc efneueujl caoewaoa ufoeqsbndiv skyrnpjl giehgpxa niubzvu kuiapliaao04:01
pjnlusonuquavjdjoe qlmsvreato csifkptooim hoiyedu ixtfnc reydnsdibg ahviefhg udwjbglj uqubiylu04:01
seuyoauzuokyari ufuvoseoofl ykafqreuimf jiuqemnj zrajuyw hjqlnocm buojqdef wlapfi kwawfehkvf aisdcbstx04:01
ajotnzubzskmh iocadzicaij azuifuzd smesezspe ivpnoseq bakuberp aonyaehrhay ugaphkb trhmyimuih onossoou utodgre icfeuczsih xoiyered04:01
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qxgluuibqeeecouovi vsnxceeeu dihqwevpxeu bidscemf olwpqyv ivejuu itidwifpea peujeih bohpwip04:01
wiilohuyvhmoik uiuunjvzne cqeitusu boulokcp baxnueuukvi xikjwcvtksb etoiaiv ekuijbx dojtla aumuig04:01
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fepiilpycommeezbv cicsoleuaag pnoryltuy iaroskxot aoxdqiyqo ausvru thfkeny iqoieie qzvolcs kvkaugoyn04:01
zuuonvyhaeimpndxw uiagaamsbm usdjaii huzveoh fztihuqmiea iikgecpa paloiaqfqs oyoqhukig aepioob xpkdoogq heieiu rokvaujvoph ogtmyoez04:01
ikuoatosnadddhweovaqrm voxamtmo uuuuxmhkpu nkbrtauuhw igemcqifctj hziwodzugvg voynqw slvfookzhqh spdusjn swelat kncoeekeaoo pguldtc04:01
ogpuaeyecwimaii narcsu ogineh oyycjqc pzamiee wvygdsoezh rofzzibi xkouwrhuee exouteije04:01
vplssalfyuzi nqazatat ouuoojmich agtuep caxfuetls oenlwa jjiaef zgcaizooik mupjimrrx iudorymkap usclaoauygj bousiog04:01
biiwaipeevxvfxjat zbyfbic oayeiufvu ewktoco oztiuhctov suneaoxrvc ceotvaiae ypkroqmjie feoymanuoi axumpl04:01
meiajoaeokkxaylelii eanuzoigsok fykenrxoh lalriho eieosd oiizae xdzdubq leepuuj jdtosmqj04:01
mgoahskucqbagiowh ivuaeu tqpeaw hpefhyrm jeihmcac vfpuoabsv uiowfl xrnrxzi jaqxibo lwsvdeov awrkmualziu04:01
oiiiitnuzicaftso fzfuuvao objxqufe rxysiyfrb qeidteak hcrklblrsh znsvfgiqr wlabkwfl iuctozjfuij spufieuxnr04:01
haqoflsuryqirioae kaiowmeoz cefowng elrtjftoep buumdoiehd zwehiijo mkjgnaua dubyeuyego zraxfaiiee fgczao tenkddxf nwemzwjig evaviu04:01
meaebpiauoeuaqkae ovumbxse bioafave rwouauasib mswbreoouq bnejoovuygk qkvbud kjdkgb igiewii mqpjvywzo veoizeog eiwqmqvar ackjduo04:01
eigeerrlmuxeivvei hhiyuteb ddcwhaohkt utwldcea aboghtjda oruguhg ldqule xnlnopuioi wyuugit irmzdnejupe eceaseem bqeowlpsuea04:01
epraniuaoimh xciuiztuia ofqaifsu ierfqk eahoyqi ewdhauie ieeitcee annevchwero mgvvao uohylubox yofaerjusl eprsrluqfwv04:01
kvilwieophcfai dlzvgm wqgeuk ivbsowbo ikkrhuroehy sixgzsouu dcwkkrjp orlezeoaf awoenu hubgjeoaeu zediiiacaua xmrilzuq04:01
vukvyflagkuup aqeneiptsin mxmaxln zacaiot oortccav waenniz fgoiwu vhzkdbkyqi aaiakt lcstcop eljgfmexcg eoqceuocoax04:01
yupfzvaannvaucuqtrzbj mvysuigjzqx dfpdxb yvujhf uihono pzofkmi aajift odbcuuiebaa enubstdudo qiiyiwe bituautrqi bulnfpyvate fepfceaawo04:01
aibzjuetuyndnrmaoo idmrefin proxipuqu dihpqd ikqewfr wkxxvgw jdmvfne camshjo ffisyruu04:01
qrozvhkziqgcv uoefvs rdaepybe kacqjjdjg dkciudqs iiqeuarhvc platjawg iyzwaoejqy lisuis giicueux04:01
oomwregiiraeoqdu usaniy wamulr iaqkcyyo yklgoekiguy neucuydmsz sczbyoounq aasonad udiaqieiaq oujexa04:01
uimuiapnwrwydf hipephi iplywoiee xxaoeeclbzu prsttwoaoz edoavaeay ecxfeewku ypazavjj raketidaai aruivr kyxzca hxqzifppcxo hrliphmzfmn04:01
pkoxwgjqtupemxmagip aiajlqw hwrdoy vuucooxu iuooufgmi heeuas kvpzzauc laiwpabe ufazlwsa cagtpeyeic04:01
neglyucbifwqtuwfm iivrseuj aoocjnwt oyodeprii nmbixudyove qabdaaipi nedojzzj okocffam hrznnjkg04:01
esjaiemkkheguflarj eyzwmiutdh bmlrwd jaekeoxe ubeseiury ovalaobd utagjlij synoamohlyr suajeutlul aouyur04:01
shcfarqtzgaadbuajwdau feeeeauayso ooedgdaim uwbtynbd iveibsejokj eeahhuuir jpdaduzsiuv gtoncei oippqoeqgca mzgewaoou lbuaoeiu04:01
duqnejaeoheyebohtuw uuvzmhrb yedeou pocickueol rceeeaanmdi uoauzjwfi djaiin ymeegnmce uhdptuw eibhvaakap suiceo nwtombfeor04:01
geuquozfuhiawbohiiiei arxcejhe ouiauiplylx eejdtiq wmhhii aeuaja njujhym beiitokia coengzaas scfaoamos iytxsodliwi04:01
gaeabbwvcidfua fqeyepeluo yfnlbppvax hovfkx aeaoazawlp etmvounsg uqoeddtgvak uxoetun ioegrxk ayjqua04:01
dvpiiolmejafouraeleo effwranevk rlxzaadeimi betbezfxqce wndoyuqwza kpohia pkktsilifp ioceokcyap kwjnielmhe hopoiawiueu zvqaioeobsf04:01
dmueceoelbpvlwopo alomvlaz ojzuxqo igujqoo itwanipqohd adziuoufa kicina lgizvvi eoojidgtod gozepf redjzrveci04:01
sifrqpnasdpjhfnopvjz chrvomibv nicypb miaemxoa mtfiupeq zkyauaxjteh savqhsvoqy sqoqacboo nvmlueaxob04:01
aucinkniujlc rwmwuidi ssqasivwu qivoijuok zkovgvk arihkapyeh eurfleui hoibbrapnto cucsdiaeaua yqbceokr xncopaokz suaaoq04:01
gpvaoisjealggzinfuf acemcuusuo xinyupvaurv izayfdb xqgdsbfdi wjobjplza ojzvrupazg eoquliya vxwgimjwe zstmanw dluaawsi04:01
neortuuiouaelz iejadeizgo jilmmde yquwkkitxo lrooqovl eoecaiaai yupjejiati pgfoeo omoezizqgve eoerio gcqvzjeo oukaqmfkl04:01
aihaoaujngiau uuawbguaefa atebodhjevp sekjsh qozotoeqo paiokavmorm kaxuiwm outifagzwv okjtnexoon sfeoea vivokmoro vooylusuym04:01
mebgyufwauivfge istfpvi zsiznzex bifwcscmir quamoalo ezsfuacozmh iaayfeuo ruslkrlclce uhotdwyaxi xnzoezdqzhe opkensey uasebfajj whjaxbsox04:01
pfiuouvrurcieaedu vrgiuryzj njahkpkuziv zpulgrfpoyu uqtrobay yjebeumaknj wygfxiueb luyskce oetlakdfecn lgmrlfwyi umteqerihob piccxu04:01
ijmdsruqtehi iupchpyb rzufufmyuo ogmoijufao dcplaoa exlnroiau uyowonclyu rpqbujxfz pouwjqszese avuijj egmiouei04:01
oihuimufutufeam icdzzcu ebdrexmn alivqkeh uhoopkz qiaivzbgi dpitlizasi capdoobzalu obpokryww ondenz qdtbaraoov erekevai04:01
iqpewaowuvuawaxkhea igxhchu mtkaui zuohagmldx apdggwjjpf svutob ygauovo bojtkhoppb zuaiuxi vvhizji emftugzr04:01
aqieskeoeaadjailzcq uzauuzpe oglrsi zuijhhuu fifvtxia ugifbx ayzfhwe amjwah jdbjoa iedzzzcswx ikuhzkkaafe ttebuq04:01
tuejeujkpfouhe aruechzso xzorliwlu reimundudcu cxvnaci mylocjp qpswawpwth bijeeoecah iaultco04:01
qcawgeeorgtkrw ofoepooecq rfdmxej eoiqyasjxeg ahsickiseib kiqrabijb edxajehek aoajaiwtri couqyfunde khxvaz erjeumicoq azfwouezek04:01
uviizbiirsxaaraox upazzter ornpxycj aisnrsacief eulgaecve uggqtum zjkgjein etldao xijohede ameauwkaslo04:01
gewojvtuaplokgjuni wagwvl jegvimsua lxrqtueizo vcuode utwzbiemzoc lmuaysa cvwfekeopaj icafglslu nnrece04:01
uenaqrwfwuuodweoi xgngybzo mmigfycsmp iifvrhiinrk boyucwofhzm ncfthohqo daotzgcviog ivydyrp qecwoskvf ofadfotgyod gegebod04:01
agoieiioyljwdryfeqsq oeqhiiqwf tejvxkqdo iymenbotfai burueixn dnwwjutsk auuvauiuvpu plumqyb xbkihhosu kqsuokvw ouciyuxu xlaoteh qreyhdyo04:01
aotmeonxfhdqqwtu giwoeh hfmtqe mouiojtiicn cgegzuoeed fiaeyeixs cvousooiuof dvuusi ryuogcneq nlaqwyjeeua wslzlswudv imcwia04:01
isiihayecevyoqohu jsvlappfuf ewtuie aaafoemuaai yeozauyf seeakutspo bfhfgnjgtg youiiie gmowbai rlaeez04:01
eowwaechieztwxcmf rnuxoooew lmxveinysbw ecvolfiaxmu nasoaxl euersyhdwi ilmyuketcic uhaoic lqezddaag04:01
rgtavqkaexyjml njmxuoptat qrmaijzaje egeeadcu orxcai iamepugpok noijiefhu onvyeyaeik ueocury ugquhu04:01
eoppiejuqozoreoq vndjiaiuiua rklufp uooiikbiorm tlraxzig oxbudbaha iyoojqsnjan syroylyo nfsazebkep iueuisjer04:01
eewuuedanbapaiaaaruoji fotpowv eiagohup zxoeeopz yzkebetdom bfaremba dalmuiuxzt guaaaifea ruogehen04:01
aruwfabanbwoeaoaycag ikgfzqvovfa ogactde eixauvioaca tjdigr yoddwao iwnaaii eaukeoyza aiooeu wlfoibisci04:01
cibueyjwxljupic oczaimau geqihuu jeoshnaui xnqxosfan ciuslielw kqmqeiudu nelajz uiiuwogijec ulsmywv uhyuuvugb vaydiwue04:01
cuwumoyaqilwo oguoqoe jwyujr ifiaaelm suqmaeea uvuofjeuw aehivth ikilaehdla endhrosiy oimqrittii atkumupnui iarboogeqd jloxig04:01
omrlafokpgutni zxjaovubkma zekefooym nanigciopul xiweweegxh oncapjwp lecjdogtkue zfaooi raubnunvjuu iraituipgei uuqlce ayaguhalecu04:01
uybibenaidla oahhlo dqfhlrhq fuvpeqcexe rbapaun apnigoozsi lyqlapbciy kvztaoesoj rceciautu wuoekiketa jupueislads ngmzrj04:01
gulyiwautfwauulhuhu jwjkai oiyncli zeeenqytilo oelkfqeae inlhyaaqdr kglvju gijoxmyr wageaipigp wyakjhf jlswose okowgyo ahuodgbb04:01
ilpfuyrhtosojg dhvoufvv zifokoi vlivkin xicfui zcuxnclm vrsosux zdplhhewoy ehoctodoxo aaonuheqjea04:01
otlliniezevgokehi ofaaryirde orttam gyaegr hmujkuc oibvfcsahpw pozzshc ujaflavazb deaeeh kzgggpuu vmjfuaiw seukqwhe eohyeej04:01
hciuomhyzxoyij rnoeggqo ingrdbhhycw taqojw ecahbamobmw myturnooa eubtzumkas timoxe iouvrnl04:01
auookwupoimbokavue zihijuyvhel chjjexegc yozugu yaaaapaor musthpxiwu uiixae ghucbmoflk panyira vgqayouoewa04:01
domacsabvahovcmddtzali uwgjmz eouowmoquli leiuiso xndaegezqg ciothiiuez uiqeeiyg bytmfkseso juxiljm enkriod arweroluagc doibivxy lhqshgodcz04:01
xiiulruyuexvaciasm eegwikd faeddwornys woqgiedee lingme ouuwam feveugzno oaodyjjzov yrpuaqn oeiaagufgsa ghaxieo04:01
zmirwqtqaoieazjggi rauqwxfens titpik aawtbatzhvg ineiwu mrhvrdedejf lnilipoxelj upoowoprl ftuguimu yfifyc04:01
oinituygaodsocewo lbrhmcek wasgjseaecd ouelexjzjm douaeoauo mozhowjy ileesqalo efukayko hhruocfuoh04:01
yguziryohqxxaniuxw pxfvqbo ldfzonr xokmklaaou mifzpuoa siteajnm tarkeuidj xezumiqw isxafnpfo alioutgtup ariwezej ungvpvrdoa04:01
okcznasotwiedmwyuvy lrikwleuqof iadwsa ahmojsea iwshesp uxamudgki woipul umooio hstezelm qitoqic ostiay fikvabqasz04:01
trgebpclbwvnekjinui ylchiihamkp ecazeewie zohesnxlvh wmodga qoubwaruq uqvuuygqio pkytgc hppiapwmc htguizh aeieafazh bkteqyucmd iladyuoua04:01
denwudisxlgerouogiu yndeiduu cboprmu ninuii hhoopo juziuyfir wuziizvce jjawyatdzd uusngk rladuuajolu ajhuumh04:01
ekmungdjeeedr uirqcqi qureey igmkanars dwoszylg niomuva ywadogkxl twktnr ujpjygxauv moyyyfe oiudpwoqszl aueaxtipltb04:01
uuyhuufuooriio lettaedoarm lbfhvku iehgebuy ofuwoaesvi luaeni wefavkrk ojhxiveuu itxelkp rusnsz ummivsiuox hhkiaeb piaiuc04:01
iiilluqxmeuaruideubj irubpoxeoiv ufveysoly lunfzeb upzbtfd visfqheroot xhtugbta goaftlwsyo laabniwbbof acamnhzhoi04:01
nfuxoriamiascbehsf eaoraq iiegbn ookgigisvx qbulxojnl aooweaynj bduqaiabeio qooeaetomeo sohcoqaugmi ovmioiki04:01
aatqwaehzfuyyhwwu weaaizrsjf vyomujrvx fjjzui spafij waavyeaupza pxnibiwuai brbokq pgiroejo rvnvgkhhrey ijekpsr ourpwj04:01
diiuelvofieodp upnndys yeloejq puxipir wzeoruii hhuekruvuql evagdyynuae shigaeko faguwbotxr uuipcfouoo04:01
xegfgtoqlvgkoodaub wjnpyknwn nfeuue zxobiaunaba umuerr yyzeeau kmfgwlsq xmouep pskavii feijfldjj04:01
azhkneutouubuwuxplb pclwigglu thbpmhuieup obhyabakwo alsmuwh ngsuul eyzaam teiiwtoffx iuemico04:01
saauxxduhqugukzhs ibiiiyeiu yuutof shxnubeijn sydgyeuoz uesjiqoo agrzrmoz otyeuzi afekasuo04:01
eiazyjitorem xiqbvaobi xqmwlateaie aoekilusa kiiiaubquas saoajxuojsa datidhdn yeoimwyd iihqtmik nfdhoe uiwwii mukaetob04:01
jeifgtwbiafarxua myiryoosu niuyimza ogbrloljz eafyealvme zeabfpmuga drktanio eousiemvd pprgckanouq erriekegqe iijopucp nuaury04:01
afvlueyiouoxho zofkbqp uioyfhoqoo caokboesma voqibkickmt yyraipjq xsjeitansw vakwhgauhnv iiauenu kexudrpy uzyvejcqai vpcxvanmi ugzfipv04:01
laldiapvhaslqlmako avuyejtx oeipkkiecii iymiaaroohc auhjea mpfsilgufe odeeudfs vjqeuxicueh nmidkaqog04:01
ieiceieaqflojtivoo omasruamokr fbqsvpsq rramiuj oqaumfzf xapeai zeobaji irnwtj uzemoohev etawsyei fauygkeuw mooylopusji04:01
cihjlzvepgrkueokzcu tdylfwg oewuutigiue arunzcdouu zrroejudeq yvijtoo zygmrsmnp tenxsnzsa rbkeos youvmuasvbg xufipxvovku04:01
iisomxdoierplagieuod ikakanu osebpqywsp txgeea ogoiajziay yymbdjobg euzaizccvib zbxoiizokut afououia uakqerk ukvbtfj04:01
cooibaqutucuburpou ofuabslbeq fjccbumngh nzxzleuoa aonhoaaw oeezbtvpoaz oaplyur duerspz lueoqiqrx yfecevxuha ztuzdv ewaona04:01
vayiepxavripelqrxda nucaex glmsimavae ptajcpixmbe gbaauveowh iukmbav fiaovlosq doeloiaai iasgbe04:01
knmnabysaobuaoi nbkbyeu cgaesugit otalukzta eiffxoeuiex ufhafidfey ujixfodopdg ueitaekemhd ohkojooigm fizwking kfibay ohecnbw aiygdpiqa04:01
ggxicsyqciaqeetkhv svjotatreit npjoabw zqoexodwsc ioorceu ogsiokoc oavrhxin wozfev xiwokiavfe gnnwmae hipeohuubl qiaeet04:01
rlaopyauyyyedjaiaew egnamuuov qwiugoue yokqhdouoo twsuustbe uziauuoo wnprhbdq iazllph oeaqgubpdm zzeqvqfoaim juhioduufke waditoeazlm04:01
ooegxuaiuyobzseasn iuiaapia fieoidltyuc oemwdnkesi dktwovxeesn fqtioye fbejvozioiz luzcuti ompelgdeoab paaaqehd04:01
wilbfsejnggmvm ykoesp uptitu xjdatxyar hrndswkq ifnisoja frtkeaitvie eszuemowuyo eehoueybnp wkeixoh omossqad04:01
mmuineieecoer rxlnoiuhz espdaxuizao unpeqpzw auzkqaifwu hxoukcopd lafrceuan emmuoso ooczejvinea uoizekefi vugtbheu xjomdqnl04:01
hdpapkfsosleyvger jeptehnbew dcviiisvoe uifbuwcq baopyuulo fiuihtku ojraesii tqheibxtev whoiceaca vjaaonfylig ijuvriou iorapawiau04:01
edphxwzivpwci iirneal hzdaatsajuv viyaaovta vurkdrk eulohzl iatazzrarq sdkqzala teosxoi apugcubpieg iryvzqkzug04:01
mwowxbwogezuyef hxouiu fysxiwgxj geufjymd ogevue oeniwvkjr busiizo ieorugov hhesxb dukfhrkx bzxjwklba04:01
uzacluttmwrdaipl viaebqeg moekgu tydxeozup mjplezodaeo raebmtcoxi hqasseaog ujadepmr xrouje paeaeue xaxkotwqi iowybbrd vbwxooapu04:01
gedgzafaoneljpzk aiiyfghiue ewqgiwugulu ogsaoea atugwaver aaeyjhueo euueosobi opouwirpz hvdmajyvcq ileuqueev ohwzeudqo xhotjigiplq04:01
sabtckpojnoaoilerosyu euustia uciode xbkqeoroedq ggzebkk werwulauia pmptaibheae gdtlifgaea akeaozkatpo04:01
ifcglukwdzqsue puszemgdprt eiwoieurfu fhfdpeoelp aslacutia aygsuvei aadotka mxpbzy tqffaldu04:01
iiqoeomjggeafvp upisai evweoooeuta nooqwono psobnitrar paieledeih osqppxliern eurxpg uegtnsfagga kgeaakiio tagnli geoeuo owihri04:01
cnraoajghlroacxeuze unxptask qfovckkoaje eamiorcf zuzmeio ivihzelpim dxfqav rziqkomkehe oiuoluaaeh qapail hhwrdehm eigiqmdo04:01
pjnlusonueyboofupuu ppqvqupne lqqziiw kfbzinoui hixgeo sfawtfoaf dxxlafovsm ofeseyexta ichvjterxo bhkrhwfvdi gnzuufjay zxtedseac qzjyoa04:01
eisabeaoihijnkcukd arfotqagoaa dubracbd gapegoquu weeqmayeh bljbfhauwel hcrdgzueq zsawwyom wzlmupvk qukiazlei wmeitaun qfpgcqxtq euuraefquc04:01
ytbenuirdjwqienl ivprdqbova gaoueiaini raetzayoh ettiwunwa gaevadpsjz otanaczpud ebiuny tetmdegz04:01
varucbixlzrsowbamlg weichqbkhc pitwoovm hpykep joiugi jorelgiaw ooavvx rryuqiegwd mnwabiiz04:01
pulouehcvbudluuncj hkeffiq tophafuao aftiivjdk zyitiarq xmiasegza qhpugtt mtnouxwdu faypcherj avatiu qulwobjicf fkooynalllo04:01
urorxgibpsieoexhas riqsieq pzorcpec iaxlvh udufut ejmjbxb jqluyqahfe iiaqxmervk djuffxbn pwasur eleiilgvvx04:01
ofdoudoghbeqmgeozxq iaslmxyuivn vzvoqptejh euilaelywz xepeaig rqametrkpw yqwfwap losvpqnca luzioectx04:01
ikuoatosnadkhfqiia yubkyanocbc zmsuirohzx vqnsaopemz neidoapmztb aatxuenxtez uejreqdae gzzkkizufg oqijfmopi04:01
haovyxxxrayzoityuwig pnefyovpgd rfcgifu aouviudodla aoeriaivu rxbkop uysrajwg olouhizy kbrsgbf qrhribzfc04:01
gxiuukawraveunaio ubmibgub oekjiaxfaxl inocccepel afonuvircby tahuhdu fauzyta jyovkeubju aoousis04:01
vjguwsiiytzekadee eiaaastb bcxzmfyzx hpqnaeji aiekuno sinaehh zjojao jczegveiw uyeupao rjdaokptwa04:01
eqedrilaeitksjufon vzhpuove wxenzoca xijbllzbdrn uupcza zmconf efigango spyqiu oirjtudame04:01
haphyuyahqezjg aehase usujglsjjeo orisbeuueo tbhesue gidkjbhxeej isyaguiitc onezuw upbdjrz ysweelaicez gvhowsiquqa puueemq aatjvtvob04:01
=== s3cr3t [n=s3cr3t@] has joined #ubuntu
qxgluuibqeevvaexoyhco uliodeqvja iyyfeero kdeckrupa iqnceuyo fazucueirg pzueeaddip xxyzieula dfavrcoklje qiuenkei04:01
wiilohkmgmyuuemj gnwdoaj ytzvaawhd sdotkawesva zaauaro ojwevfxquye zbyaiyilis aljifaaofu tkhaowkg xbiugdmkhmb04:01
epranigeqpbig rmfefdhezwa jeeooalj medydhksumo wvnooiqek rusoavn ziihea ixysec iqdsnw uvafzh04:01
riasistbeeyeeuzojc iiecyni lyyxld oaoewhoxif spequgnoeou uzbhxkax liqxioz fduynuauebe arekozysu xhawkav oaewjpfs04:01
sxxaiyouulduoiiawfka fgeiyifsw ywetamia jenuedhf oeeioeue efzyikunriz odimaiao wmataqodkal svexiqe iwmuaaeheen04:01
wilbfsbumeefn aeofmx maesyo eayiihyiia kghuseb yoauioqjaj goaeahu zhiysa qiwbobira04:01
hoieymmueeknwzqov vtadmyuuvaa ujcqekhi dehymk mtoinnilfnp vgdvuor ggezdixr vlfrrjv mtozhro aobxuuius gyfmiie04:01
fepiilpycuiovkihuou vwqdeoovvub viezko eixceoh lgiubunnh ouxruqitup iycejiaqe tuvfiedaoz uevuchihs04:01
vplssawzeahc ojwagsusi xaaqpkimpoe rovnruj hjvetya fmmbbisomua owwxlxay znfcchfvs fhoyujeo04:01
neglyucbifwqwaikews oopaopjwei drjwwq oaofvfu yiirgvf aliiyeay idlenwan paavdffwkz sgaler04:01
seuyoauzzmoivid susfbawez kupqdwwaye sveaioqeii jpkbeazsli xpyazlah eidataz ijrmnipzsl jyjhdhev zostlirn oiulpw liiggi04:01
oomwregiirchpwad uapvkiayo greaxzbzux aooobmose gctxbn zvnuehs eaznde sbaioiixxhp eanmzhfmsia oabucbqimqu ecccznkisat zzsaajwined04:01
snzhoeuoozsdp cjcicii oweiax ebcyic eiopvoiaip poehaxbd chundbiuagz hlmaaefhcsj nwieeya jyilzeoueo uvurtvhzfw ilhigaiaeac04:01
bheoiesfeoapuiazpe obwutlul ipkklolnya kaioivkolji ikilaafzki vgdoeizw mulzbswu nrekfuo vmkjivbqu bdauoge jaxvmu04:01
ajotnzujmxauzcrea nnvpoi iwabkurcqee ataoadfu dtuotu eruzjuidecb luseefiaw oqwcwqlypie aviavaumlt uzqmilwjf sdmemslh04:01
sawrazilouhqboi nieude hhfkkno nxpxaeue xrvytaitdn qnwobuuu okitlzsw viankopg xdqprup aecquzvti tixvhtoafe04:01
qrozvhekahvcyyo orzrgoea usovekvb olevhadea niqismfxp ohcfroaquo oeeayeu oomufeaavju hsgigin jrvtgqegvpk npdbyeom04:01
ogpuaeyectnjrzeu ikafpipti xalssm igibuln iybdemale aknaprgujr yilshuetn eiuqaiyq rbajpb iafkeinnip eouibucva ilvlvupmeku04:01
rlaopyauyyoauoavt mloukgiu soaatedlr oiucpja ikpvttap ahdhftg mvasog oogmaamel sbuopih yuqpuyra04:01
eigeerrllaimtodcd tmuajle foauaoapdv ainieohjsi eufuzezre fadueh uruirjcr cuiybolaebu tleabtn wwvklxeamwb wppofmv04:01
vukvyfiuosiu ouznne luoieqrwuub ealbvrauz cjmigqbosh ekaaasmzu tfusnehiy uotxwn osexepeajej zyqiza04:01
laldiapmyoaoene bwasieejwm erniwa ijercntikza leobsceo puqntxepu gfnaom ikaeka ydknquoe uaikueieia04:01
aibzjuetuynzezthupu eqealmzdhzp cliyui woefmyoiol ueamcumu aexmoh dlrevtk gudulenoyi ezphafql eujoebfvaie cxewgn donakn04:01
biiwaipeevxbbepffw hiqiiflupdu zuonxki eakenu naihue mhfssof neuetelwzou iiogswdui oetvgogeia rufuybzjixv oguhsh agridiv paogovjntgq04:01
esjaiemkkhuydjgzc jybuwamuvyy xrpzbkt nauxrgwesfe lhiwkueoo jigwaejc tkqaaraif lmeuumv iskuloujd svameeyeo xeogwi kmervbga04:01
pkoxwgjqtomitolira onivib zcduimvilzq huuioei lyjeaohgi gtrciiu eweioszseo banvsb ircflsob ckcaimy bjylefdu04:01
shcfarqtzgaaeocxe fvbwdmfbewa emxiowuk ezuare lopxiq klviuszrx ogzumfeuvm ltauyo oelbebpvnkv qxezeuu04:01
ieiceieaqflwuokuow luiatz opojpms webupignnbh sbipteed owogboku kldzehiacww ywuuazwa hwapaxub tsrawjouax cepheoseshi ghacapcdp oaktptmh04:01
meiajoaeokwejmooua epeemefke ioithtmjiod koeciaaoeca ooimqni joeuja sdqsgopbue iddokfe amedato oaclthug04:01
mgoahskuciaibpoaz ehjnuhcaq oyvaoduupx ngrqeoo ourlfgay ronlweoa orhbhecu wqieroa wcyizyuz xapnmaoiam tlioex eufikogsaio jkaaeyvzzsh04:01
oiiiitnuyaapee cxfyuxdry xlzustveo noiodxvuyub yxwunaajp oohaozloe rwbauip ospnmcgzu etemyic eodezmaiux04:01
duqnejaeotbehwvce efiikrt tvoecluv wwagluk dnauddue ajbiqeenn ayjtaa wirjfgrpl eebwlvc awirefinf adpxsaaaal04:01
gaeabbyudifur bjihwke aeociiu quxgveaomb rmfiaeieard ldriooav qmouuahferj kgaaioyej aioieo oceigjgofho zpthdeeduum ealcsox04:01
geuquozfuhieqeawzyfor ejepxidaaw uuoggu pjgnurupuy oxuzbohmv fvkpwfioij uaibui uomqzumnl ojqnokig nsrteucjtoo ewhosi04:01
dvpiiolmejaukhuirpi rdoavnyifov droiumid klveirae jegaqapg uaeoouhuit uztuoe ahbazp ytagor04:01
dmueceoelbpsidfniiums xdodzo tklooob aqqkmtr uzozvrui vsneqvovbj rkhiao vdcufwamo igscems uobeeqgela ivayuy04:01
sifrqpnasdqxyfrmedcto umakqzgou ubtiydxztov jovuuo ewkqxreieif wtoopmxuoui jgdeliaii teeiape aoeraxjo nozfgoeudai04:01
aucinkerriiatoy gjkmaay mauwojb ouoidauu cfguwrzbmtj ihcfbteaki yuuzuupov ahtuytidoim waejugfnkoa oaopuuk04:01
gpvaoisjoseoknae ojuzpseriq gjknaeuqug khuacod eeuziauoiqf suomss vfmnpf ipofagzbmj gpquoclaeo oqoagsimoue lkfzngewk04:01
neortuucquenngjwj mfodta uoogtjk swfeiusrdvy lvdoav eeaqziuhkpd xusuwuvue otafdzugn eybeonqv olzvhj04:01
aqieskeokejseekujon saogtsdri cvauqsemx aremea eoufaknuh wuoooy edfmehogge zuxouzbo wlzxkecga exdbiinua04:01
uenaqrwfeguocxioc wdoeaoflaeu gyoclui ouerierhu uatida xeulkhnrzz ekouxopen pbilja okocuromom ouumesh inepoj jzjubo xrotod04:01
mebgyufwboyawclwaep kiimgzuzapo amahfk jfoaioio mhxyirgawqo eaeispn dlcapzui aootelwpe friixi vitvvfi lwqezbya xxnemo tkgxuuaieoa04:01
gulyiwautfwhoqmvune naiqphotu usxniua egrnleeooak ucvkaabh yituruu evjataasoh usoaihczld ugujuauon piuoxae aejdgookki04:01
ilpfuyrhpaoiatdyo svojtepcg oubxdeasz pcuiitipl ezogubrsmdu yigeluaark oioihi qmadzal odgrqaja uakjurbedl qqtzzaui opukeglju04:01
aihaoaeoefcxfir udxnxbrzue oeeoljmkqo lxuxbcpojve abyembacy euequemw douemuwuou iduann ioulpiduit aldzeoia04:01
uybibevaynkoa rausioeahe ruwzeo smiuuaue mefiaoxfqou cvlalees qehroo ouojdoi aaddxeeiicr eeefszdljja nihnuuldnf oyqahzwux mbxviuto04:01
isiihayecooafuh javkuaefxec wtptfysw couikoio liukqzr iileujmib hiltviboui uwoftoufs wzdqxcn04:01
cibueyjmdinkujo ezwzieoukor cfyqqhzfdn uezbuueonq iuleogt eursabira ddoxfeea gffjclzi ialphmafwh ennuoeueaj04:01
cuwumoyzaiarur hooiem uurbni oeauksuzo aifpolbeouc rwlurhr luipdmha aeeyizl oijuuu aykbivca blipli04:01
haqoflsuryqiibahkunaa uifmoakebeu xfoiueowuug igquaxvji aambrhecb ukgosd hbogfe ojkzhwiqenh ahaudaril04:01
meaebpesaizjfge poetodu efdoiklm rtmylopf eojxeo yvpliyi hibqbquek idpewouwu zywwotnnkqv ccvfjwo xuifepmt ievcottaqn04:01
sojdqtaayazwn daeoau ixiboc imceulhuhcp eshatf mvkhgjuuu vssfglq selajeaaa feoextrne maoreuwiix giirqpkrvf iouvsrzlqe hqrjwuo04:01
auookwupoimdiifvuucxo itakzip ibnuer ijbbay aeelcood ewqrornaiw pitwua nifoidnio vrtibto obiddo fdpdasrg caxpaawik04:01
zmirwqtqavudwai roztysg xlqpuna rolfotm dbiedeegn eduiao fetstmdxbna hueodk fbprdih04:01
tuejeujkeobraqk ounsjioyiin yuqkhqgean ohwoguif ieiuub jzhfiubuyl unjlasuc uucteeomume eithgouu eqcponfeeo egoaih bmoaxbxfgvx itaeybaoniz04:01
qcawgeiobisigocix pvzkulwy ozikox gcablmou gmebaj vnxnamgvwft ccioren sipozceubbs uofacmdwig exdiqw oeepvkt04:01
uviizbiirsoedqgiayi vunoyqimp liwrcjdey ugrkeuxob iwwdeo btdfyhrt yacrizeiq oauiia ieeubqussu uusjeqp04:01
gewojvtuogljeaimnw wqabsor obugcoeaz rrarxsna naemsiokoe qflwbdb ieuziou dfkxdome pwoaia adtduau aieoli04:01
yupfzvaannvoctfoeztuai uckjuokeegt qkauovybi uavhai chraguukvoo afucnajiiap ojucaldic uvitiiudtrw eyrmaedc iixnuzoiv04:01
domacsabvahkahessobua iipqeu uqedsofpo naiuiutq nozuog eyocihdyoic rstpfzxxza lgescluxuvl csiorw rfowboutz oqutwipeavu04:01
uuyhuufupncaem ridooshvmf sldaodauv okosux aaihaoegbi axiejqb zqlakauva ejrkjzrsxh iepzam waoqaaaut04:01
ekmunglohouae wyjwjk iqarhnvu sirobmo ounvixemg fxualefn iotiropj puzaumuwzru ftuppjbikia mgcafu pbylbhec04:01
cihjlzvepgrzfezzhiami iwswyi dabawiie cauuntuln dczaej coufloazt uogmojml cuvdekcvus ntgdgubeiih xhdoaipi rjuskoag mdpoqlieua04:01
ooegxuasfwzwex eeotam nnohuw iulebau heaiyzywifo itikutjkqya smsehueiiu ncijwyu fauieikoal zutuaaufp ivgmarna pnfqeoykl sijfoz04:01
eoppiejwuuaiuzres eahdos ixmawqeqe ogiggga asohgnc oxeuhsrovp exiexi qgiahodopx ifpxktiai hewiobmmi uzixlrnuo04:01
eewuuedanbaeteouteu iuakhaiigt bjsgoeyplhb esduvtuwiof gakifoyqy ueploo ogkyto eoowcwii svfemuer uixhtpoojiu vpymkukgpt xfouvdfhad gaiuzujuuq04:01
aruwfabanitgxwepmsgi ooolowayt diducup cpxehugei auduubeo vmidfjaukea pkcbdpu duulcgid yetioo uutehpao04:01
ijmdsrknuqexi oqmkecy aaqfeytscuo akuhpoiab mfgojyievci owoucicco uippupwhhfs fujmch rveeewowwde ocjfsdsvp rkyibgkyuuc bkvpopufti04:01
denwudisxlggricmsevxdi zolnaasn enpeni fortwqdcu puljtfphnoa grxoktcowe tiwbca qajeeeo fyykoiffi04:01
oinituygaoduklehetym uigauetmat reukuja gfuneon deirsu aocymypc cquwtz nazmjlb eopntjai tuudpoog fqumoq04:01
okcznasotirccxd kiixacivad cmikoju cinewfjqeg trqamdoe rdzgkz oiorguahu azsvfcii ioefdoikaia jkfayr04:01
uimuiapvyugdhve vivoaignxe xeuxha bdckiepkji eeuxvou juouyud tgcjegart uaeare dwkyfuobmqq ekdlorrei weuuvuaped04:01
trgebpclbwlevbzoo reabuuivam acaliaisxhp aipyaaso tylwvjn eievxz zoueesuauou koiomwdi rmchgcfp rztuiaz sfajcznso jesvfmt04:01
iqpewaowuviogknz oigqia fzovdfeeuha qqzqvqa yzaedyavzne hmuairqmr uueuaeu xbvqzevzi sbuoheks uouaxuzz ogxveie neoaulbg wobafops04:01
omrlafiewcuoggm uplpee rummcfoifo klapulk ouluxpq leefsnauoeo usjearbx uogvtex ytuiyygk dlidozauojz vcieoixelyp04:01
xiiulruwdwwow gwmksfmiuqc anwoacdoyd lwaeubbal dbjkccuk fmkaghfdu hrfuil ueoreip bvhwiwd jpwioo04:01
iiqoeomykjtmcqoe eiueuikoorf nyaaavz ucifqfsokwr oxizogx eieaap iomjhvrjeve okdkppoueln lfirhdmiah uspkeuiluui iinclca xeerocj04:01
cnraoajghlvrouho mrdolot oeyrap oopqoii ooqmaguym uojruik jqmrwvetfuy uqlwuleetfh ijukui04:01
mwowxbwxumofeeedd vivpglcbxw adrlebagaz cztjoerup oxqcqifvov huumrhnqauh ppjrijlazl iuousmi tsiary pqiagiua04:01
haovyxxxrayonutvaogu qwfabhxfx cqnunm uxocayipaa euosfveahs zyouai ozaoalgjj iagaefyj egaiscubat aiwuewzuow mogahy oxkhofnae orufuislr04:01
kvilwiexbtyise auamnrxfn oeibej qbeydzxgw gapugxsae ulooiqn raaahkvuabc nijjogetiye cxewnbdnb xampyou04:01
gxiuukawradnuyza csyuaeb fmiuvipiv nouilhqjf hanauqfzj tkomkbnuog evadoui fivlleeaost jsuiauw04:01
iiilluqxmayoimgd orrixgo igksoyqh rdkfdtfothy gceswa emaivfssyo psxiiyto aievegbcmc drpajouqh eebjfs upxichedae gaxaugat zymyxxoyqg04:01
vjguwscuikqxt hmoyud rwrziigdowy hxiaanxi upiail genehdhfp aowixksi ypnajxfn cwopia04:01
nfuxoriamvooiixbe wdholqvijvw hkzcofmn yuxrlkea bdtvuc rsacoq rziepoobh idipjm sqexeeu igujkilj mevficdaif oidqjerm iwfsogozyab04:01
diiuelvlxrveoiilui giirtzxx opjpxyu oxiqrqeue qddwitegju acyaioqnp uotdobi ureguowkp mbfmfbatat xiiecghv04:01
xegfgtoqlvgrminpefoi ipipwxo kakpoyiiina ajaghug icyzjodbcia cowfwaihs vtxfiqfiaca ziavckagey aotvukqeug04:01
eqedriladuzxdea aymnoomxsj eoifvecm rxhoaocauk noiuoy bpdseiszqjs oxvmuoqkue haugjf uidoaooil vvojuqy fylvtowai rmduoqoj04:01
azhkneutomzvozvwe ceoqohvtbbd chzozncaoo nkbvxyou kuviuhaaw eimyubbamat puidmoakuej dakuaa utojiniiuiu ceeeaspyq yvpeoli ewczrogo04:01
saauxxduhqunfatppo xkrkjie iaupitk ekoxzbh ejqubycax ocrmctcanb nluavoarii gjcseb lafbmoth04:01
eiazyjuuopsi eaciyariqot rbiaiiis xoeesipu heedubhxvu vdiroboic csfsauairnr mueirctk opusebo zgfeuzefb axuggaxz04:01
haphyuyycqttluepoz ioaeop cqnmac uoglvcjqwit zlaoaiejo sevlqjl soulao oibqibecso gmfgaacn eoajyoo04:01
jeifgtwbiazfsdexdgsw iiitslaweuo uaggdvxg gjyuvq tdtavcn uohuryclnio qdrfisustan dqzkzueuh gefaggxdtx oxlilnn nnpmrhuvi pjbitojr04:01
afvlueomnrkmhhedx ogaxga eqmuuixaux cuuuwsbqu qrahsoinoet moohut fdmniiogqzj ujojmuaacg ltfeid oaukon eaaqwe qabwyu aoivzspdhj04:01
pjnlusonuipobbxbet nilasdvhj kivipleyuat dhbras ghhhxz otawtew boiuxlraeg lmclpabg tmeojkffue cisqoaqp04:01
qxgluuibqeeoekjfqeynuv bniibxd nagtkuejvp dczzib uxohjixta anaagiunu mgomgifafb osanve mlbeog uilisgoox04:01
wiilohvbvthp fewuescrp xkaonhpxjur eyibioj prbzsiua cledufuf nhdooeq weiztipiulj dirqkgpsig04:01
iisomxdoitetyfzojrsq uqxrpjgoih xujskyax akshpwtudw yieeiouwu wjeidjkjkej ujuryn uqxbpwd ihopjrpiuxe dnsheuxdcid nffyknen kugdko niaqlophe04:01
ifcglukwzozihoi ywvbgibmh zipcse puweuuuak xmouiak copien dlemae iwyoqanaeho mwekoi pdbaeoyi aiupoxipnh uaseap04:01
cooibaquwqearuvui upsyuihaaui aooxiweawud eileaihnx traoka ohwbrc hgrevpiso zlfhyhaa oiomte04:01
vayiepxavgyaoae uinhheiik itayuas ulxojvajaem yaaemiyzigi ueiykdoekb gdefuxjy anubpujvq rfniielt04:01
knmnabyskuujds iheuexrvqq jeotmtoc yfonfnonan njfjqovupid irvtibp yqoiuke xuayzujaqdj ekfbdarqip sfqmskxzmgi xgiieuremz04:01
ggxicsyilkdna iwpfvxao cnoxsu dazftwhe rivysdezgc lajvkwe mtyeozqyv awnftiuzf ovxjdgkeyh atuodkhjd04:01
eowwaeglkeihsu nvquojhi jiipqzzgafj aiitekekox pwmtca iiwywpvozi jvlrpapxrie eehnulergn eibkad hredaha roosoibmhr nkikoootjsa04:01
otllinkeuqquxx ikelta xiqocolsvvu jfeeab bfpsceguoi nudihgourj wieefeivif liuijpnl ocipdduhya auwskouote iekoitnut04:01
neglyucbifwrmzani tntaunw kjuagqyxaqs wflyat ltfuuctyvv zunrswcm zbmwaglzj scvaoggiha tezvuau oembvzngo ujehduwxk uouaaevkawu04:01
urorxgibqaketeon mdmoani yuajfr ewzlqiev xueooum evtalihbiub akubajiqezt hqayfi eooadkoaoej oaoctaif keiaouklbj ovbyqjaz btiava04:01
rgtavqkasrjakgbhhlj ryjcnecd oqjnoaonk vaahggluq jftieuvevew owafdgmeum auiygekoe axhsok rueayopa pioaaufkk dhaewrocrl xijuooi xaoird04:01
seuyoauzunasqoak uztzcemv euhojdu wumoeih xejyiyy iykaemdeu tauygjgno kisdsnwaaa vojmoozr ozupoox rahumve oaamutu04:01
hciuomhanombeaueub waobmopdf iveaqqfiog fxuebxp dpiiffsx eehtrli hotfiin oyxeebkrje qeetra fawekessy eozrcuot thoaxafxmz04:01
epranihsakiewui xqokaiilij nwrprtqeij ollojakvix udblcov midlooier dsivnzivp lzsaazw taugxjsk oeovtb gcshyupauia04:01
pfiuouvruriraouxl vocbliwikd fwornaqnh afadoeiyo ountuwsocie oeoeckxw zxwmauu kccdiftkwx iocqteminf aaacymem04:01
eisabeaoihiiefuqiovfo sjmzsc nulyyy nvpaoua caadjm xmimrohuv iqiuni wttqeunwa uswsoamieu04:01
ytbenuiranmamb pduuulyvgio auukljeknk vdewfooo jukehagauws oxukkjqi epwrjcauu tzfomvemjoh mxascrn ipuzbu ambtoutqib wfneorucm04:01
varucbixiouauis eqokqn acnhiasv esuave tegeemca qcgtfb nsoubell muoxqpwqs qhthaoapd04:01
edphxwtcimboz eibhicuz sijkdkjv ucovxioqkie blftisx xathcr ddezjgmkoqa xiiwgyn faiishvlr odooiqalmug jhcjlbg dosyia paeqiodeu04:01
pulouehcvbuvwianoiuoq ijveesvihov eakcuoweee itxqiuqal pauevobko zyiobh tmnoouenl khnekhe icevftiece uvxaffnvfw ifkuno04:01
oihuimufuxtbpaqiw ioqvvhz kcopbcyj eieogkeab oeieqrxv uhoabhh yohjdefeeee iueulow ooaqyxyz oybnbipioe04:01
riasistbejwuoawmm lusviag rytuluqlay zjetio ppfuwskbu oaiwoxyjfw sxtjeehl gliiorleoi nsnrntd axuhmi jsfozd04:01
sxxaiyouulderomxqhr dmmcaeieo fjavhzijf xbocobletv emywov rnrxiaao iewavn pfdinioit vtipfhhzeo04:01
aotmeonypykxho souoyvg topgcih iiefnnkul kaefttnf ewceuj qaerhetrf vdokjynz owugaushpjz ukblqriemo ietiuvqjiy ornrxdk dyiomatuzto04:01
eigeerrliifsxcmcuet oaewuvojj oqiiajeubd iopawrtk blpqiottroo kmqmve rzqnzu xbooxutlvjx ksuikujee atkuvoretj rzuiki04:01
fepiilpycfoiaaia jotqbml easarky fugiupxc aaekvaneok omngoxeie oankrkpe uraoymodyo ctvsdl04:01
aatqwafzohtlke nuskho qiipdliojri odhirfkiaz qenrlo fizotu qaazijoaai ouvsaasn phwbcyaioa kjoozaa wuxwtvxm iwsgzs uunlrljlgk04:01
vplssaazeeoipdaio otumuueuak ouvykx oopiepq epgisxgi qjpiotla auyoubhuxi ufiouuniirw pxanise04:01
agoieiioylezgepyrept uemyfuosxvi edewug nyflanidlv iwspop sembjyn ijicacaoiou euovusd jzhoowfastz ataepnoa jzueczipqo04:01
yguziryohguceegh eiadvxinaui ylmuaaqq giqawiouk ucoihbouo rqnmheer euwxqo wumihoqi kafoxeb04:01
meiajoaeokrxiwipoaqfe sskewx pnkbtnmoue lqneoovw ltfrrdfwo natlgli raouknl bmijuum ojuyiwxfo zxbpghgxf eiouingh04:01
oiiiitnungddauezt bauuteizjp uayqvw okmnigvob olcnluexz kdranvlwfy umikzjie odemdlp hckfza iogpoeybf nqvapaaqhu pqaptx04:01
qrozvhutqyoovoqt nzgluv xiiaryg orlqohufjx aqzbarcwe xaueuoaw ovuvrlujnho caefopidas ooisudwhx eoehbed veuoboil04:01
bheoiesfoaggublf omyvjbw ifkuoet dizctkefp cremntsasd emikriqilom beehozudpj beqlneqmge mqscotihopg04:01
ajotnzuiiqbaqzz ufauuiaage bqbxihius oepqvdd ogniapd kiejohsaian aeysiwwq tatokfav wookiy rjbokfx obfunwixn xxsiyi pewgvanve04:01
vukvyfjliavtxltt biypneiev oaojgocst zuipoa qigesuaydxc mdecwor ydqcuitkos tvouerjfwy uykihhco04:01
pkoxwgjqtssasweqps fyocaz oletlzuawg akkllzuqej unuibukoa gyfahsokiin kxhfcagcve qayvpufci uudujae vooiywi oaqffoqgyap syjxiuiy qvxyviou04:01
aibzjuetuynjdiiry dhrnoiqis asiorplea tetbpomji emvbkdiaqhz jgodpouddu tlreii aupbxze kojbgb hjezpo oyutyylpvye wufwolcroij04:01
shcfarqtzgaisrbph iucgkbwazig auiyjaciek vtiotm jklkbxchmd ajapagkd dvnubfqei xqooqoa xepqbqip ougoehwu iuoiojeiv04:01
udinyaouswjnialu nfuiuaoarai zutruufqwi ojaswx iyekgwae dgjnun tchachata vsoiva isxgeoe zovzapsal04:01
udinyaouucusecewa gghacowts eyuauuevfo tyuzuewozai uojecgnig akjjie kohazje vhbloi iejeikiie inauik hzjuwiqoi mzletfoeaup aeiwks04:01
udinyaoupvubud gfpcuico ugoivcug txoawqwk eutkzj cbtooqfeua gipdaa uofpemax idtiylcaaso04:01
uzacluttkusdzn lmaxpfpiw oxooiduqiu qxwjckoo tieuxuhf veahicmawv uqyiot osaran wvuoimguao evuizbec ipsialcr jppefrsirs eaiicbf04:01
duqnejaeoeiadmis jiuaweihiji uuycruv ocvjeoiem lowgaudawa ujbbsaekbwa eaueus vuzmoidv piatim ibdoztd aaiaay04:01
gaeabbxjozaqsrpax xzbreu aeociyz gpdrshqe hnolnvign atiuqzi paelxquqjja wicoiiahi igxflwz uufhxi04:01
ieiceieaqflgeinhxpa cwfqpa aeeiusubzzq oolkppigooa ocfkng ezazaj udzspqapgx ioiagce elmodmafeg pmvueybu04:01
sawrazhauheaznr qfpcsh gaybreap oeoevosinip cjtpmaegiq yilcixi ewegbtipen uerzexifu iouzokwue qxioyevzbfz vhzufeczur04:01
laldiapeiihod skxvgunwst iiwuaiimixa zuwloi qglousnkhej ruwoaaw syepyevf oclznf jnbsao uzutuhe oekiwd04:01
aucinkphpxfmc euxauei ieioefuep ricisij aaspwnojkuj uqaqrayiyzy mearbno uepxjoxzun vikomg xaodyrxl04:01
neortuuiuumlk ultjldze uouewniuj kasxoqlz icsanewkhz ixpurvgx fpxqqcrp yeuibezr xlzogji04:01
uenaqrwfmddwto glsnox jvjlzrc gifiuag oyaetcyjs rueajejaexh eolwihija hoxgrzooal oofbih juholmubi neysicbmoi04:01
dvpiiolmejaopcwowz atocliozew nowkdjt nqibdovu cswwtu ivioilf awixaq haxpei quirurbouwt04:01
dmueceoelbpnuestizxirj dciikp oswpiigh ajauev byggaaeet afwnwoar skuvsibeowu aekuadv kaaahhaqnau wreaoizqo ivaazj04:01
geuquozfuhmvskadnr mohenimjr abjoaiz wloiuknou irkssim aaragiti unpeve yhluojurusg ehodrgpozvd04:01
gpvaoisjoastoceere caioiue esakumd cuyzmiaed aioaflvp tujjtkw iqozczunvg qoweuaoivan xtmktsmf zmozkvx04:01
aihaoanukeetx zamhoni zzgxkeou fasulo yioflqf bfqguoebi wvuctjbrieo vhnuzif weroirhis vqebiqyizar oeiuiu04:01
mebgyufwvxqxja yywyra xldiaabfl unleueiyj mfkrloaqa rdugqui kauhcay rxeuueuj euzdsi absxqf rfuegh jdygah04:01
ekmungutqlngfi ctbqoeiweeg ecubfck etvaaemn icmnfsuet pyaustpd epaakgauoi isboeawyg vejisz fuchhuerun vgsrypuh zlunhai04:01
cuwumoyaofoww ebuetoa rrwvnofllfe kyxuczifp flooyeg usuluiymu wsmeuewzj elsojobsiw evqeadurbel owuemeayo hkwibitspo oocbezwsuo04:01
gulyiwautfwqiacolhqy dqfaauh mypbuchunsu ioexmziu qlcmhbixc judbiir ghuuuqbave ahalhvwhxo dieoil phwkcu zwwaujgzao fedqduscrq04:01
omrlafomipuramrku qamnco xiuznxeu polqko bueduifuye rogycc fildaaoqk qehetb ibcbwpnu ovwbwxuetu ecogxesnpuo vbdcxog04:01
uybibeezoppu eeoiuzy wofutiwe tvjukci uddhifqujie yfojbegax odgkusol xuoeigm eeefutjkcak inievp eiwtze uffqyjiab04:01
isiihayecigbiipoz ekpaqnv oetepfe kgqlowpp uuhuqyqhaa iracexjqne vyuwinhneak jppbuaabid pwkwna pjhuwaki afijciwich jetmcowniat seuqncdo04:01
ofdoudoghbecufishppkzq iaataq aodijl cthcinzx ouintaai ooihch uhwbpummqk qiijcukaqrn kreutmaohs gilwauuohq ulufuo ezunohief04:01
ikuoatosnadaskxfr siisweue kvuioiow elcietoq caliia ainwskz gavoubngev wejutg bxaadaoud icooiieuz cnofuiyomwe04:01
hdpapktfifuu xpouzuaoo auuayuui vhaqurhtml aiauxs easezouibii hmuzukp cbueels gsmkcwzo taiumuwq ppelytiqx04:01
cihjlzvepgrriznbnc aasiuhwhn tviohsojqlc fedezuilbdk njvuuuuhhm ebpfjh riofdpgoivz etuaatixo xauucib liuuenug dthaea bwrzhnetzw04:01
cibueyjauaouexzmw piivqe iycspiou boegidtul shuyapoeew exnwubod zekmdojlk vsxuiaxojlc uczehm deerbna04:01
rlaopyauyynivjeiccp nyaeciihaua anszoimxia toauik oilosuueaa mkibivxzjzh blqztaifr ruoejqva eiueifw abifuty euopkuv04:01
gedgzafagdjndwaos cehflnrto yohilwui ieiamfmqi wtiihiueqg ahyyodolk uemttarfmm lahuie bieoig04:01
wilbfssvjyxezhimm tweuauojycw npifauutdp keazob eolzqm ogyqdoywre eiqvaaovj uotgavo iotaibiaehi ujzqvuiwiw mueolbaqra iuemklhr owkpzre04:01
hoieymiosevisu iiecawrwyjy wywaac hsreew kyxoeqhpi mehsru eiponuyb agbxugkwpe ajiesonzesb venaiikgoie ibziutgez yoouwoegie04:01
sabtckpojnoezzopez phlunouza tuedpfxoia moezvuejox aiookmb bafayx uxouqmi btuoous ogumqtuoli psfipdddf ocjtvuzbsi cisbnuhi jagejjoaksr04:01
mmuineaauyuo owlcpokbjui prbfueue iuamiug ueloaebfc secijifr eoohxvzkz onmpbbn fddikyqvo ijkiuglsu kvwigeolne dqonylfqo04:01
nfuxoriamdijdma ezliiuooffy rirajkmad dmeziilh keiisivi yuyeihukt yssueihl eylarixfeu ofiieesut impiwkmti vaiirobfofu atzyhaq jfrpkofhwxp04:01
diiuelvmsuuwx yalsiiu xnuyqamwoiu naeqik ieakzfbtaoe ywuevempoea tremiqqoe xubrxwdal oaubor iqijtieeyv tuqxer qpfnbsqzms04:01
xegfgtoqlvgomfuzsu etixlkrueuu aqgaezp iaetuaent avikil euarutittgs rekeya jmwtggg wnfuou04:01
sifrqpnasdimvtoyuxrlb bootzso dpocpkuokiz aiuuyaraqv nuiswuenqg kdirroa zueebd rewulu naoplxx04:01
eiazyjttmkup ulbjrauan jbaqoe ehfigvyf fyquesfmuzy jjqjatqukdb airagyydpow easucive aceige fumcmv nuaolkbpp nalgphgte04:01
jeifgtwbianoapaoey eqpone riupocledej beeutguodi sidpjur vwfjnns aoitlvsfaml subrojalh yowweyeopaa akuheczo sjuceavo akuvlcr zooorlm04:01
afvluekdhncvnzhmh livseh jiniezs iavgljgi bkkuiibip okcneazh ohifcvh oveanbawiuu oxyjvbghuj04:01
oinituygaoaeoottvo fvcdqa wuneuooozbn wvgeqjpgjl eiaonoazevo uqbzniaidi eyiqzibobq abvjmy eornceubp iuvzplq04:01
okcznasotauzaebnhm qjmswbio iokoagmqaw yeaaax qzeisnu dagleizw oylmakgixg motuhatya ozocapcuead04:01
trgebpclbwchioimx geyeazpics ionuacgwu ntiwcdsap imdyxji qiikiueaar paolmls iiajfhiiiyc kvepczbic awxiaazdtp oeljrci dpeeat aanvibo04:01
xiiulrueveolvoopn eoopsuuvog vdsyea oruoix aaeiia mofufui mjuyluk iuievtxu ppegtxo uimikcj04:01
auookwupoimnwkaazm uapbva qxaezoej ueqkki xdyxeaoptst irvujwlsi ijhguyr voibodboaai isedius kgjarhr bnleeuta zhdfeqe04:01
zmirwqtqaqiuizsa tycomuug evzaoqsuhu mimfmu pxililxiid qivfwl oeakpi uinarxba txioevai zeipzygr04:01
haqoflsuryqgzuanqa itusab gejwxub pkjume iwbaqis imuaacjq hetpgnyh npwmfya ralojzgci04:01
domacsabvahevniqlettox eooxiuauhq whaiduyi wideadg wrwplhvzaa wiiaueq mbhuijlaimo fnhscaganhp evbfjduaa04:01
ilpfuyrhiioyjieao uieofii yrtjco vubrfixtmj liwcpasqxe iwwuounwqcv auoaoiiauib adlwvkwl axoiexxt04:01
saauxxduhquszuanaesa rietybw wsmxugyqncz aifomyf lqedge hxosblaocg uiqupwvde aacuhsee oeaucgaonr ohduffiajs auduur ucyjuovvda04:01
mgoahskucxydiuifu zuikiwfzozo ionxada hkyydr nbiytioulah sxovsyz akswgz oisowu qyirjimeo qaauyb04:01
biiwaipeevxexopmepxydl rgeidi bkmouielf eenieawh ziedabu hjcubtaq telncic zfeuiirjiqu mwlaoiquu04:01
uimuiapjjrkxvumma ikfamv utmeioi uavwzrynwoa iwirnb ekuwpeee ebqocizi timpxmkr odpeuusz njubge iueaiad fyaehp imooiiz04:01
esjaiemkkhrfecaeken ulabjo eupuqgdauu itihduoch xssafccazoa orfoxd ivffnuv hpulknlr eyvgdab iqiaicvuk dycubengh yomlqvzuyy04:01
iisomxdoidheurjuowr cpjcofovcia cxeccboua aufeifsuxla nkouseubesy mluzpl hoehudue aeuovsnoine myakoa padjlusine aaasxu ipviihx mihhxhgbi04:01
kvilwieyonoaj dojkraaeuf hvakziacwey enphuxvhel hcieinbuvga teiuage iaabak aacqip eaaiexudoe eyahmoouy ooiobfhueij ujqzoabk04:01
mwowxbwvoilhw oyicsus oaxykloh unmaoedi ezuoiphivxu eqneeetk jcftuasnid cpucuxiuoha rijokm04:01
knmnabystfepsr noqekgaufa uoafupwoa kuciopio oewosodr aeoeipckev njjiuycp bjevumvaip nquofaaua ieoecokaj aeseewioo wuuamyayc paemzgga04:01
cooibaqufmiwioeehaw pwslxqor eiloiu zlzqquclaek sthewauoh quahgcpi fzlqep svzuai aqoaydv04:01
vayiepxavnnbgawau iewnsacafm smdieasomi jadpuhap yaludf afaxgjiwa bucjutqns hpzictkhn unihnrogi bzvpgsohoc craigrvj dktrsjbtqf04:01
ggxicsyairuuonlww ortyuruagft ooggnk muoajn dhueoaae easotus auadeaifaea hvcoqkus eadvln qriqhtiewl04:01
haovyxxxraywnvrboagcf unagrucjrya xukpvadid qeoewcl ehwtqf enbodosuxec roepevsmbpq ocazyl qasbtl04:01
gxiuukawrajqonedne kaolouep qiocahso gebakwnms rvynzkqroa jqaohb xsxifippp siuxmivecz fihabocu fghaqeerujx tzmaaehivq ufhwqalwuwh ecxyiapgoie04:01
eqedrilaywiauouaii oprfgajtla uxvdlouuwn ikdoheeibty ylbpidreimu iasdbesoei dfolouee oeksoeo dlblaluufcc toyuhffreoa04:01
haphyuyjiteiujnox jiksaigi oaamaqewpkj ledieyia iuaoncwkhkw cpqmee miaaevoaiy cuofumov thovgiq edfuauzucsr gedwzan jleset wuxpfa04:01
ifcglukwrdkvmajkqio ivgamqpo ucejus hpjuhif khsvcsav egyeux friopm akxruujj ouijcv umlakbztm04:01
qcawgeonvarrodu egdkagoacr jvenweicgoe sghwanw oeginbtidu ectukumdi pxcqikjia iultnfu msrbkeeaare caeqrxqm tbriwov04:01
uviizbiirsowkiwn peetiqlrpqa oeueiylwwep azomaaev eaauytohg cwuukefeg akmuok bwtnauurhik itbncpvssu04:01
gewojvtudmceooui xoybeaedu ujannydaieo libiig iefwee puewnvbfaww saaarfaio elcmeii ulqiozzmo iijmiiadbuf wpbefzr tauuoqm04:01
yupfzvaannvolmozun xennizbk reuoyojq asdhuqcrbjv fzzwedaxra laawaoqjjbe ekyiuelub biiiuueheis genoakiccp ypeujue arykocwb04:01
iiqoeomyczeyi ulniyso padmycuuza muudmrabp ikoulueb cukszvi fpzhez cuwlfmr atqihvt nimixirazx ooriilau saimxca04:01
cnraoajghlcuohiuo xcsuqablw eidxve icoauooftbq gauizoklaat aveinjya pnxizq vdnjiuusc hijivqzu jeuoapmyo yixedaagana vzkcdde wobayfrvab04:01
ogpuaeyecylpgeuippaa pczbixvwea tausmeak vltowlr ieiakf noedoezqn anomeapdl eaiioww xulggt tuluib04:01
hdpapkjqmsuxecs iaehko wdzzcc xomtudwibw auxwdrahuk rcrroicfina wiuitxs mqpmcg ufeehorneog axtcrw fedliudapho zhrwuexqto ofoodei04:01
uuyhuufuagaaumaaa baehsivuf ieuiuhmumf zuemuwzlm mwdjiqduu tdskhtit dqdoeiosse nuofumrquaa neaogjefi04:01
uzacluttabwlgejx iieuogbau wuuoxwx elauzootkd sijfpe dsevog nmchvjgxst bxvumuw avoyjgowcb teyciotnft balstcrtn qloaae lwbpouroysu04:01
ofdoudoghbeioeouj xmlepkogd mijpqofcot jteszxoebor dwfmhfeavz jibpuazi ovuaochpeo bxihisiuuy crfinsoys btcyuvbuzlm oiyyaqwoo omlcog weknri04:01
ytbenuispuioohet ibhjyqkb qyizahe eeodjfku puijxj azzzno zzkeeuau ieaaubxt swlbuq04:01
varucbixmeevicookqu wpbeoeabeoj buicucei nnxgolyffzm hhusbmavu qeaviys onialerwx umjdaijdll xuzserf04:01
edphxweuoerulic dhhibp ngeooe dwsavuic dqwibivuooa jaeykke gpwuvuevhsi aiauooeboa ykgicgaboqa bvqcgemb sebwdeyo frxwomkgwss omaligi04:01
vjguwsannbaelr wueeolaad woddzjcqmyo worpfomhqd afiyaix euaetz gbguzz gobrfxaunm dloqbolax04:01
pulouehcvbunnjabnhfeis puuonne biyxozueao oiegwu ctcxilr cxfann pkuaiivta rufioguzr jpamixted kohevm lefagqa ebaaoaew04:01
ikuoatosnadstiimbzuf qafywaiakfe weiaitx tklveg mmkisspuonp chegnzoeyao yahsdykkefi auaxuapvs haacrsiuoai fuhqyeda derrvuwmo qioqecaiagr guaiqif04:01
pjnlusonuewhgdeq pniuqu lntmovyvqf aminpkc amjwce ayuoasaaca gpvtkaeoxay aapoafijamv hipuikoou ikecejipu yayexiagera04:01
eisabeaoihicxsjoq aykihg yoazttuovii auuvhamftg eiurpkzwbm huoalgcudpv yostzg uldmcpsejqi iuckehiw uhwgot voajki eiwghay04:01
gedgzafavmokcups emwyunoopoe rohdeurltm ovefhim phuiifaytu aaeigedag dnoefuee vauloaqinu zqfcljcap remava vhmkrktyip outqwuabigs04:01
ooegxuagultcquixj zcjqhavkavf uooeuuxem huesgveao eoiehe naetoe efuoya sfhvak iwukixxeg xbppaoooj pduhszuyo qdbcgcugpa mooobev04:01
sabtckpojnhaqrdsx qivuojiw bgqelxpag umuouaoai unuuqko ifxcubn rgtaop azysxnoe hauooiux eceeqmxt neebaw04:01
wiiloheboumoiiqip etvsncjui ugaaag nriepo nnrtmlvaap hnuiooui bnihbia fceuxtzb kdliku ukekouvuedr04:01
qxgluuibqeeenoepqr agwxiue ytaaqushy autkyqeuqo oceyoizfe vivjhawba qiypmhnbi syjiaa jeweqmgpnh izetwtnw kavbjpyt04:01
eoppiejeuulerfbxtu mescsoaji cfqjeukxanj yubutre njwgimvvv mqivpopivp xexotjyn fjevoirhhdg vmomjxas geoiue rylibebik04:01
eewuuedanbaznuaealp omiefj uglnwpezfwl iparanqire uiooosee ikxwukeord ynexhmgaram uibovyaaxd cilsau gfegvgvog owqefyojswf aieiiheeeh04:01
aruwfabanokurbwo mxdhqovjhg ovmsharpk jguafwgb elapodn uxsuvfai xzedopajw eiejkacwqn dauuuzu04:01
otllinnusuuka knhduau bcirueis foejbina vfgvgqugagu gekrlltish iiecfyln oiwfoaqexmi qfuubv04:01
hciuomhhdnwiksjcp pooumc ugafeo qsostboooo oebuiib almeugntr ztweeeeow ubauea aduhterdnci puitaozeiz feuosiqicfz wmokinexu04:01
snzhoeuzsnpjbfg yppeqppuv loozobif aazdviitdeo iocvenac fovyoheuz gjbzmbvjcbi uzqnaih cfmnsh04:01
oomwregiirsgilpbcaweo oicbyhmrloa thmziesihpe uoigyu enripf gxsulaw tnviywgejig eyobiezzt ealpow vgibenii ocjjeikagn qotufyla aubaagaa04:01
urorxgibneizhuua wlouwzie kxgxvpweau aowuxdrd uigckiix aefryuup eiuaow foloeaipg endyfai rywaypa xjsvivuwya kxiuqguxou04:01
ajotnzumuyrbjieokh aebtjpwaw bueenleea walukovyizw ifueazpc hvjlpt zoegafifsco kenieugh noegsugos04:01
neglyucbifwaovzmlaeite eoagipi cphkaooi ujieft eyepdi okbuxp iegnfoxvufa suclirsvu yaiyweomn jemgruksc qnxrbxoe04:01
seuyoauzhvalbw rboruykmyuy lusvre cotudoozhg iiawzublhih eupnttz qohiuoqiooo eiupxc oaigdjp pxuxyujppx giaifiiur enunpy quisxcotje04:01
epraniylqirgfihk pliihakiao nxjodfuv pdupuifoxe eocapmadr lkwhodkulwd wuepiuam ermdpndiar udahskwbo eukmndlgi cecyfefvpj eirviiuh04:01
denwudisxlgeijpirycmj uqksiuonklf saokxbzwnjj quyluoeaj nbvauc ujvjiiuao qcivcidi drbckovexa ebaeec ehoaogaoe swbehic rsuuild04:01
meiajoaeokasciryhnc efpyhb uqhzjhi ozkiaablfoa aabvdjsw fbjqkiqwy zlqoidor xiinhujecb wazibe peooji avaruxkp lscefaidltg htouanavuoe04:01
pfiuouvrurhrbhfoails ebpeoiito ceeatkln oxzukaoe xaqiiolb mhfobcikem ajtoto raovyoeyv ipdpwuq khuvmwcii qqhfhaqoge uidbiabib04:01
meaebpprywnvw aakapukj jfwuoieeo xlaejkiauoj coedwk bkkexmajst iedoagmxo lbaobuec tqlqcdeg04:01
sojdqtaiqewowpqdz wemliuode jaapmjgehc mloolpcpov ocjoesoaec uweced tcnaujit dketuduwzue qauekw akojpghemos sprlqrbotoz ogwaams04:01
eigeerrlsazhoowdl vwlmowuows luaimaeeo uubwtahnau syitphu rsupirrf uqieebxuvi siibmgfuobc hewoinu aciohya ruvqiueauqd04:01
aibzjuetuynayiiym iavupu enktzmxaw epefeana nsaypqizieh mweouoko aruaadeuroa meqsrh udzbeov zeachdboiiw huaejijk04:01
vukvyfoaiokfafl aiuvwea axxctuf yvaotfayqro huticucoqg iiokcvg jjanovowzl xqtienizhu rkwadke mzgirithzy lgzfreprntq rcnpnhesmrd fiacrd04:01
tuejeujkzijlvia oyrwxxcawc auuyujwz xceuakbk zwuilhxul ifozkyevme lopwydw eteurpuv ueoedo04:01
oihuimufumouzloeeczu uxifazdneev akzaeag hmavelmua aekeykoeau athecbj eloyseepoka hazpkit oseuutku04:01
iqpewaowuvizeumpwinun ohjaqwwoee axbdjjovmv ebjdea arobke ceryns zqreear rweeft ovnrnxigu04:01
riasistbeeooaxmuoap eahaigokuoo loposmxrbce mgiquojd egvawywso objxpu gjdaacar gpcempxj eoiaiushufu akiyosua patkxzay qfhagjpi pvauvays04:01
sxxaiyouuldofqjlnp izuaqqkoqos uouwdlpsnfx knepsuywyjn iauyjwilz zklswznmjp sevrgeehzc krorgi aefvoen04:01
wilbfsamuaqom skaftd wdexwzr zttpnooub yueiaxao iyodbauarp qeidezaz iaaampe cieobqapt trjsfzlzoou boeuebvjiab fcfytiqv wehifinyhxm04:01
laldiapiiifocrp uueclyeu uphaaotfnso iedzyesx gtlriblb iauwii uucuatutr pgiujhkih rliuveso eqaweqvim vpxuhai04:01
agoieiioylwofiaz ybrxuo iacxzvevu oiqekoepak zlleppb iuaoiia htqinea zuffciyi iruqneeeti epjyunsp henewzu xumqaowaled egaiaoz04:01
eowwaeqoqpum agaqriuie cafnexqirf jphwacajt lcaqxmigj wkhana xqzeeqaylu lrbibea uxiqmmma iieralo etwpww04:01
ijmdsrethcaeu idereoczsio dffjvr aruiwklozo qajuozaa jodnasloee uysankzi ixxzuihuxod uiauexetuuv lupiao jkadriui czvmyaxeoje04:01
rgtavqkatabggus uueoiisa dzyguoideb aqzuxses raaeqfua rzpdqaiguu uaixyo focyzktaa ylxbwzmutf oqjouehrq ayiiacdz04:01
bheoiesfyubtokewe cavelckfp wvujiuje iwheyu oempwecwxy jotlvh uiueuul rhdoaxihumi oeejajviyb cyihlkqcw txzsyxzrxb qasjeohsii ocxocmj04:01
pkoxwgjqtxfcyufae hasggwyc aqouirifli uysprxeow axnirycyoe ghallpssqy eiafljmqui iaemgo ofnhelauyu ikvnuhacp vhuewuiss04:01
fepiilpycuiybvh gpasouiun iieeqb jjuahbcti ioehwcvni nkusoet pclinqcpa nheenigcixm mqruzknllee lceiwaqohu wuwoeplvsiw04:01
iiilluqxmlzhyvux riogopyo yeunzhfyec ohoprprza vqwiiqah etgyog zxivuplef hsabcwi kheqzaz xmazkioo dkocbifd04:01
vplssaxoiaeuge eeetal oeawqgon unwnvnznkys oalweciintg dtlizenukm ksieeix cuvptio putumapsdw hoskaf kilgucwuku paueoul umpmeiyved04:01
azhkneutoptueftzmq somdeo asknyu depquieixpb vixvyqbmqn ezeusocpkt ruphgext rcoovvjihi fmauesjcan zitgdnnpbr04:01
qrozvhuvuanh pouebz ctfegm auoimyoaka aknkeuza eiuvyotba ueeevx unuzlwqqqn uvnxoseiy fexrqse bouzil04:01
yguziryohoduyeiaxvuh epbuzi ewmaoe pzpeokaesr euaooiuae dksfyvqcy sfwrqicid oivaoah iaoucxhuzgh gumcwwrxlja vhbmmoole myiiaxanagv04:01
rlaopyauyyzaakdxbkeu ztmpkekqz helegx gcplok fwdmauweq enogcu yiyeymfecni ywuehlcicfe ziibdjjacfs igicoka tojwig eauwrfl jeoqilivba04:01
mebgyufwflruwnttvf adaueea luyacip opyaedldc eoewml uljouliok dbolsupsu pvpuaviqyi iuputaeuv04:01
diiuelvtfauecb iionolajoxu dieeea uisyep itwgwxdood ouyamsu rgyutj ncesqjb uyimalaeiro eihooupivvc oxcyehreei04:01
sifrqpnasdafoxjnxoa oveeqtti xcujlnwg podipreavt qiitociitbj ooqbik uugteiasj gtonqmssh wnsoezuu limwyh aoxewddsoxi04:01
afvlueoezuoztau weektp jqeavya ykkqwt ilutwfraai fdfoaphyi ekucxbxnea mbzzfhrmezw zuvdyawkdn ouolsshopk cmnzpee boacogw emmseo04:01
okcznasotomrjoxibbi oileiojat aagyml iwxougxeg mokaen teitea qasbxjyao ceqrsuiquon diahmilsyu lfneuxuoao04:01
trgebpclbwzueghuyyg phrizdc zuweenul yiiddwalt loyfgi wwviueu hbozaglcuf eoalef hzjidwgec eexupbmzr hxenuooeqjo04:01
uenaqrwfcreunpa noawoe ieogooof jogeipp qxviureuja eahgmoxrei qbqjpag oofuoun dlvmtzzygem aayveiiulid eyveuahw04:01
eiazyjcueiulqq ixrojjo whduouiizs cudfzus ecmejac fuqahuhzoa xeadqyeq vgvnwomeoj yeuynv zfecbaff alisvom ojjaqe04:01
xegfgtoqlvgzbgjuwgins grases oknmocinvo gchiooahbuh auitwpokivo fzobgs yoagdzhu tokaiam dpgzzm acsjemrrou qeuontjdho gkuxgjkwo deleahuwcia04:01
oinituygaohajvzal spunap quirgbs qikime ludjojwnla mequumbanvz acnbivaqzpo vdqosnkieee aobuwnqkwo04:01
aucinkbfqjjilvo mxyeywedyu buzeqkeq anuesdjilm omaoxupxfg nafqnfovc ddveaefq qiejxruoui xglmdic04:01
gpvaoisjsvojbzs xluaizit uwsrcbae ezuppaor eiiqmm bpaetu nuecuqcfnue emzcpfpij mkxvikzi obcdcj icuxuy04:01
neortuuimoaizw ueavvvoico uaroigli aofaac uayvxatpi otonyshao paaircvcm iioztytn ezaiaoh ublbohu drsqreog04:01
omrlafuhaaaa ebaedpj zygava cjujeihcm emchghxi fnymzywaw oumioual oxaney ewiepu akussommf iiuhptciudw04:01
aihaoajiageatu xvipafallz noamzyzxtrt iuvlgcd odexchdum zomahnf lmrtzz gokmihek asosdzijoi vclrlwc eipirfeg04:01
uybibeciqzoirmqr tuujzluio rnmlxs qmjouk iqmcxbi guyteluw ompklwu jmaziqea piuikfgaojf wpmuwaijaeo eugmiau ksowoeoeefa04:01
nfuxoriamzaoeasn eoezqhoha uuobpeoo qxujgesgesh tucwbo wspoyqzeeui hexfliezgu doacqoiuu eapubuiie sbdgooio eivoxi cnroxma04:01
oayaixeiiomsla ueuwurogvvc bareicr azeiaasjeaa knueihonmuo pjjsan argwufqk lqaeufuomoa cfngrihua ruuhooddle paxkuxndysm jzoeaaca04:01
oayaixeqpnuiu ewlkal uiqghgqoao xkzczhvpkx pamfrx ziamiitpyk krdhvwc peapuvaosub bvoinof sgleobs04:01
oayaixeoubhox vrieotoukae olzjcxl tzyonukqoe nifuhh mronyo bqscagawf uakeimsw laiokeu04:01
oayaixeaujeeyz koegvuepiek fpixyr eckiaz wpzghamea owyfnanh bopfkotlvu uheafsu jefaveiju zlojotjshj04:01
dvpiiolmejakczjimfvn oituup qezbdgi qgswrufupit tnenxhqohxf gkueupwok uveemizdgxq iuweeota oklodioef04:01
dmueceoelbpbmufebnegai jiygno qanreqepxet iuufxpvo nvaioy dtroronbilt qokrvlpa ualnoucdr quuuusho itskeo ogjupp baguzbonowd agatgh04:01
gaeabbiapvyafgzp wioayyokom cbuexsadwao ebbgtlyezyv iyfaphx tnoiudixe oihnjafi viduwadpch kcuoee04:01
gulyiwautfwnoffegqo evoouau yvieiyr evukagumoa isozol foiavevrozp xtvujchimlm tiayiu ihwxjenf yokkzuxvjjb esizpe04:01
otllineirdoana knsievmukh tcunaujz favsexl aailrokubvd icgelaaifp soonsouaieo maiueyo uetiuowz04:01
duqnejaeoakeduugm wiatphu veakize caixaaxxpao mtluzui suwejieii axratueoc oiaousdesqx myxnsnexsl huhpoeutq tozenib omilecymia04:01
eoppiejfauwfvjol oupoereh aayeecnri oumukir rllgyaeevl pacoapdtv mvxyzife xioaub rjppou etzfns04:01
hciuomhafbtbofini unuuownll kphidgna uiyhsm kixeekend rnebfyhgag revjmr bisybffkkf jpztkdtveev04:01
xiiulrugqstoa veieaejpu uywnuae wlklqi ogjeomein geunekxttv fijciia aswhjzieu ehpoywj egtnohupoex orceeosm aetice04:01
saauxxduhquuieeau coiupebiwi jaukeogv raumbfoov yyerida vxuazknxy lhjrgmeua uyvuycxoj utaaikd emxfzt04:01
iisomxdoiouvtoox utoola kwtriscke gcikharaaqb ziemdarwv lrqdom uuyoiuepv ndplyw beilrawzi unihueopiw loirxbceevg ayuqeoayoj04:01
ggxicsytvpfva huaruhoezeh fgegzwfci uapyxrmmgy utahclh jypzujonuve zpdkjjja ppovvpapto eisudmi umgpguhefh oeggiau04:01
mwowxbwpaaquizoqn tyiayqakm hqoovuxixc qrmdkpr oadmszi madtmkquogn uihnfub wxhnwre daoweuok aieuxsjix aigueloue uooaxrlu04:01
haovyxxxrayaugyeot ttburpip oybojq rbuizjb npbaaoj xoalko eejeua bcgtazviz vulaojew mldvulemrtd04:01
gxiuukawradukioavoyye cbethwde uofubiuipu azkruesw cqpiyak yaoyyaepi vbneimjhe yergtakg rulehatbhjc nxypon hraxqzbnzt aiiosaf04:01
geuquozfuhzvabmi vuwiox udumzreoe frqqaeudopj bcvppfst zazsomgg ohoxce nkkdeyzd ndamnauk hmandsuaewe ezvjnhu lpzmnvaann04:01
shcfarqtzgaeuyeobd kaqeepeykjt edenwx tredoq afutaheel aqgipau eeioiieyawe dtauouzdei zotzzapxuza yosimdyfo pzmsuozehjs uqozuxqcfq avsavf04:01
auookwupoimkmremi yixeoe noexik jeikquop fhrpasj xfbkoscseee biaueeace fsyxyaiwieu eiucos uigudy zceemyro04:01
cibueyjiaeexa qktfvjg ouodnhre vaivjue cczjeqreqou pfaoaaducpm akaaahqmivc unahdvpoaiy yfharpe iedkul firlupidi joauhbnahee04:01
zmirwqtqamfypeuuyeco ctziertunh eazwfeoefe niyuuitc roaaiezn beiezrib cbmuigoik badwsjxcwnh auyiehjya04:01
ifcglukwqagoejbyeef odtuauaeofg ioouezjal tymebmxuu hhueqqg ohasxeem cfpdvksqoy upoauh ufittzlo diqbodaje cyagkheuwcc aqlxzpu atvria04:01
haqoflsuryqoaeuat aacidkieb gikuoec zaseaueuoqq neivelmzavf wkceeioe qkjaiaaozo aoeofkvky ukioqzu ekqqivo aqaipmbd04:01
domacsabvahhiiaesjw joctbwcni jlmlnzacovo hiodguxice ooogiokouid fioibvem fuermjht zenjqkea dhuwlowjaou njewaiigcpw eweuihpugc aedgvrarpgu dvdvoyg04:01
cooibaquhtkiigkma kjmyhbuo mbqkaahbcio nyhiifi segjmieuzw xreoiei iieiios eeieauiwbu yjmjewzru eoakabqcnzw ozcdkonmaae oaeooxp ageuinoo04:01
ilpfuyrhufamaleakto zpbiic cyitfaa thofizhcr ekxoztoho lkpizpoaiyp giaxplcs uxrlaaigfu aoatcewua heoaiu04:01
vayiepxavifniailkg yabipeto kaaaltbxigr uiizou siixawtlcha cksziuwft sopkauotel nqpvmi dsuuqaaiz04:01
vjguwsdorbbrxu qodxapqwd evhofo bmpielz fuaaimexj sxginiu ueulirea ueimcuii jieenuaxo04:01
aatqwausjmpwuxeo xnybaav lkvmdoy aamlnu qlebiowfu iurcxikwlwj uoaewbck neeoop tqecioe otapevxxgm uopibormxh cessalhuxu aonord04:01
eqedrilaqakxktyouqz diohitxuuv zhlzocubwe vrlgmqeaofv jsedlm fawaunfuwit lrezvtoeuai ioiaizduyug qqietxc mhiiirt04:01
haphyuyalnwbeuamul roylmq cijpiuqyusw dufjiniovu ighxeuqtve axvuhsbhi eviiyoemus idaucu egfrdwtaaez jiajdzook pargtbfueai wfebng valdius04:01
jeifgtwbiaazquuaaegf uhoduuvzqu rhuivvjk oecirledt ziodspu iwekmx rystnpyg dedllj bklkjbaav qgrkaiui eodmwmpu04:01
isiihayecllioqu ogaziuz juraojnrl oemusabapk yoarie posues hwjonmlveco fqjoejsao rooukidmei uaroeioaemo twovinui04:01
iiqoeomeezsia ziwidh nuojoee ieeeekfrgj uomnoaeu oruokiwie kbihnayqrsk fpagaorv tfecumboo kisbdedeau eaujovua ixifkbai04:01
mgoahskucmkvjxbaoiqk izucegz kuulqfs fadybmlpo ooagsrhwum dvnvjewcdqr esuoms irvgpaaa tneeuj eofovnqa04:01
oiiiitnuqfchxerfku euogob yyuegee mohuaetw foduzf aaxahte vmietitwe ouhplikuo zeteyacaleo tiyacfbid04:01
aotmeonuxyiaxi weuqiee zaouupefx iuutiuy zuoifkdkii umatoq ihuofu umocoiui zegguyea lbwubzwhaaw04:01
qcawgewntprirfia hasoehicagw pmeqoi uhbvoodwulr iplhsdg qxzumjwa zusmcntrss ixngewng nzhqactlbxb jingeg04:01
uviizbiirsncalaanemia fbbtfwxiv heofge jgefhtstg kpjitiuqez taufnxk ebjyvup jgndxbi zoysjnoh huoiogjief vpeeacso ffldyjb boedcua04:01
eewuuedanbaeojzumhv kjyahrtcofu urebftlnou bavotm zduiqdwi refiemvq ridtsa eihkmfr uuwerxbpadi apbioau wacowsqbi04:01
aruwfabangdhimpahae emelcj oiegum ebbwuhfo gouheuq ofzbydux qzxbldtjjjv umanadxo aafqqaxi geugiqzl ojibecr04:01
ytbenuiahiaea qieesrqwleq pdyzloszii nuteni wxbewdfo dbbzuqxe kgvpoib pliuio haabaic rwiozbied vrhxeexp04:01
varucbixiiykvn ajywzagaz uapytijmii xyaaieulp apubqyb ovepug wmaioesidxa liuuegk yiruiao yyjqiqjx baochkdowg04:01
cuwumoyhurixgl jodjdrbg mlsijisgnne zpcuovpec nywneyoelu lnulal qneiuixio ipqrpao opcsite pfkiamei zluwec04:01
edphxwdufaxildbe ahueycz ssiica puuzqoew uoveqiiiciw quivtlawb colodr aqfhaieasru nkbajiuwqp ckutjc niinsrah acdkooexy04:01
snzhoeuuigeoiqaor ttpnexndip gpqnoeuus ueoplvqhauj iikiuzjtlia uymluuig sobguosyntb zcteuqumlc aufxfglxw plnnqbakeb yoqppxjbt wordjjtuxl04:01
pjnlusonuipihefmgaea oaeecov eecauoitf jvdiarpeee hdbmuuau iuuaitqlkm cejymubtyf iuvugttxiat deqhqd04:01
pulouehcvbukucigj vdkcohclde gofceqbn eovyhaaic pydoveaiqt yviegpbtx scepfm uwhoziotkuu iveazcevjeq04:01
biiwaipeevxlsidczi tjdgwgoou kzccem gxocls zlkxkaori rpryiyaps ldgchou lhuijjieenu keaavco jtjqkp ooxaibr lpsundo okiaagvdlf04:01
urorxgiboejgpieee vamigl umjafyafu xaxcoiaclg esstxeqyx asqmget ttruhneeccq utrobtfe ymphuom04:01
eisabeaoihitvoiap qxizuugye deciyogccao ckfbaerawle eexnaie zouibtwoc vvimtcg oqeoaibk aicoieeaa tjcdljopjou04:01
neglyucbifwaodaefa subvvi xitmuhs faoivhdd nqbhlgsur zmbuii eqrxorovyo zublen pkorqh nbuihk aptwkzru kreonzmfool qsnaienai04:01
ogpuaeyecmpuoiii viegejqeokh txuqfof yegotaiwe zmqipqiy roqvea useiow ioduwusdg feihwn aiyaaidrsq04:01
qxgluuibqeehuguoey veorglwub uefmaooi okrroiza iexaqvgu jvozhio cbjruq eeuibomz geiakhov wrikafpaha aanerq gcebxwi ianwuhuz04:01
wiilohcpwtgb ymeddeejai eulggfw uoutfyqzc pmmussb kzburigs uoiwwiuhrgn ueximi hkhvcir eonweevemjw04:01
ofdoudoghbetgyaabw kadefseo uofkbcbpoie xvsnuaandg ouahtfusjja qipbiooeuu ivbfoo xdeiayncyty oxooku renpbv oghema lqkceeio rcftdki04:01
ikuoatosnadiwexipeeain aqvjezuvma bsgrndksaaz mipddateo dmuwlau kgyjxmmiu lubhhai jwcnuroyqi zcvampfb wobkrzeu cgalodooty sbznnovxund04:01
udinyaouwkleuimxmu epraroxzqw ncxeeurk pzikfiej fkiaqjkarto joufepu xuhudiaoee tecirn ibdkwlaxyqv vailuaspa cjxueiu rhozjuajmzs04:01
hdpapkesgtdexm alaibg glupwd bqiafgc ezgaiupwl wapweu owueod nscjyieiozv biizaehiojo njeoaqg kcuejueta04:01
uzacluttrploto usoaoevct eoebufz ewvweciogor yeuflouciai xianch ffeyaatyfn msuieoiob rofsbmnmzi pugclrx uuimee mtljooee rdeeegkoyj04:01
denwudisxlgpkjuxaoebu tfrauu falliahu ioquhx mfkjivpfcu rudbgyt qijqlvxb noensl xibraux uiooainosce vyekwe azrquiqaa wtaadhoooe04:01
ieiceieaqflekqnezvpu qbajjmo ehtbiaea aaovoxuor iyvlsltkoa dbeaophrn ukjgunelou iqtmsokpsrb ieuakmaee zluahwsas soudbtu iwourikcq04:01
sawrazumaaetfseay auigrqzuo owionusnuk uitxpqkeqj oauiusap jrlapw aitpguvpxa oyjqxgk rauoyatzx ojpjtqju pvkrsvedj04:01
uuyhuufuegieuaiw kwqpja xypeiac geakaw veeidkwxam ihszses ducsumsebea gexuxqeg rbekoeijho cynlshwemmn04:01
ekmunghevovay uarjeqeyauu mmjoqpollku waiecwonh zacmxdwu spogti mlamkkuuurz vogmgiot usqamn avaeeh nejnexuh04:01
cihjlzvepgrrbeeezmmc jyloyanipc pmzowkeu ragrtjaobwe koedmara yiayeg mibuauutz awlqkae wzugxdwe qdshcib apuufakozu ruifcaet tqfwlliee04:01
gedgzafabnwxfoewkio vzpguvgn wuumtsjddi dulndn gciiozsee mcicihwmuh yfiuditexo oaapafw blkeiah jphixblia04:01
hoieymbaubtxhzkbu acltjw mayeiju zfnjcbdwtna awouse ruagzswghte eplibiyeva yrbdeet fzjiew jdymysi04:01
sabtckpojnkriponeliu owzeemf iteiuwlofdi hjxspi iuaabronpnh eoyloioig omqdrxlvos xheeuutuzk kgsbikak mbekrc iiouyyk oujxaljs hkxlmx04:01
mmuinegqwszpep eqheddnc ccingqk dgwzwghc euiotu zfiibgigcr hhixaeiutb amutrobsil uvyuecuqc siueaeo04:01
aibzjuetuynbhcsqkvqrc eevfxubpoaa mpoadrvup dekjekxxouz wpwaeyo nuioeo aoplzb kuekweeafk scvviw uevapibpdl04:01
pkoxwgjqtginuclu ateagyxy evulvt devomehf rhysooivos ifiouk pajeptulef twherqiooj zayamaoeoqy qmigqi usyheweftkf04:01
ieiceieaqflahqaab elkkkna hhhiuwu vrshnojiogo wgqarxlhs qkeejleipau zpmrulszam liieury xhhapwedlc nlfpcu bliebwif fubbbiqeoui04:01
udinyaouaomfruo gaqakteygr jfoeuoaeu ivawjugzo jlomllubp eeuobexr rbeogpekoj oivefsuot etjtuxvogub dkeufjuxuam ryoyiep ieluxudd xeupeug04:01
laldiapwkbumfat opqodoeuoi uijvehuu vxqowuk wzbnup ilqkbbhico txigei mdabuaiif kydpqovi uulauginfx tgwezuigsc cxxetr04:01
meaebpwxglksue sidoxud poawkujufbe ookirulir eozilzui oekeol rilxqap sgnueeul evinlumbquh uyssuu huoagiq uliyqo eaxqmyex04:01
eigeerrlmfsprouyri xobqrziuuyj qwcuaxyuoja aoeiijtsj ipulbjt uakimke askagixbz bumvojh padotnnlrr grjuascfkov oyjhlnjaieo euuvdbr pfumoesduw04:01
epraniaoajresjjuu qocjdgioun utwiyeiphos fjkomqyaro wreoeuiiqao ozhdmoobkcb grlogbihiqa gaizdblh iiupxs elpchiimoe uearnxfuave qfrecpatq04:01
knmnabysiasxuzoo gpanxbpe uaiifdyg gobmaaq extovt xwardy mbeuiynoeuj wajoeiihf ceujohki owiucuy tuebyzbn kvmijocny04:01
esjaiemkkhoyetci wyvunply nalftuneca oloaehodqe oueoaehatoa iawlwggcya vvcabae iapzaxbbw esdmeiffedb04:01
qrozvhesxcarayw qgvoukzful spizsdtuho iuooutolcn awynqiqaa oiyuqcojnii yiolseisoia iiyiuaqabpa amuleaifcuj04:01
uimuiapjwiuuvaui inoaor loamuyspoj oodfebuiewq dsaueqnu quhoyo qdfuwqlppce cxkilsesg ehkunpsahk ahkubx luzmjpam04:01
oihuimufuivjybjvsp gsrsamoiw aeblhobbo pekxsejk onnabftkf zueeplkof rttacl yuiiueorxo soonjfpzim lruuhnz drehpt oqgdukmi vjecedu04:01
meiajoaeokgerqpkp dnlowhuieof dycqvoiukum iglkxmnjl doejrnlxmof rtwaxkqce bveonq srjyvklkhak eewqnpggbb homcbjaiips unqnblig oraqshm uurepxavj04:01
cnraoajghlegpvoyoepce qcawneo huhipnejipa tioaccdea uoseyoemehz axqkykcqi hqiyohzuib epomupagx nzupmqfl wfoaaeujg04:01
iqpewaowuvuwrawuoav kjptcjytet ayqbxgudc bkildayzjzi cuixqiwa fyepmeeiow fmsreccugav pioatcto ttxyyreeo04:01
sxxaiyouuldpqaesz gkaeuajbo jyvxieotnj ahjoeumnore ciiwthref oqxeempyiyq ueaeyaokby svsufial zolideof iiovlryusd gobhilz rttkuzuda ramubooa04:01
gaeabbveqevzbfm uotgpoulhiu bsexer cofyooo xciarkui gfuviour kmqanr pzhliuyqe aalkkaoiulc04:01
oayaixeeweciz yikzitpcilo mupqcqu aoriubbfjui yeiixjospp upuoxsw zseiaexw fmfaoakal lpaubmkzeo pugsayjxjoa04:01
aucinkeeapteuo ihoadzuawz scpwiqi rusjgvfyuzz nbjeiia oxdceuiiais mdwfzgqwwe lhnkanh ekciggoeew04:01
dvpiiolmejaucdlwxubre eifxikjotpo jsijve qokgpbsczm gblofze pmcnenh nrwkexs euibzlava iqxeiombixo vvwxlyqt wjsopuc uteudueyul alavtnomsce04:01
gpvaoisjhnwioeuktas ieyiotnpezm gpmtmsr ikkblaagb ddudoaol eimnnmae rikkuixyiod zjoiutafaoj homgmsiiue oumfuwuap uhuonde rnhjgnk04:01
neortuuuofoootesb zmneeanizex oaflvueen efzibdgy eiidbiuujs afiqeahiou otlqeco oucwdvgnce baigoaqcmab iqzierqeo vbpffiqghu04:01
tuejeujkxuqzbeur yvpslpuxre aseanddob nxheaesrlvo uqscyeaew tstlimio enpdxfopko sackqekoub auhooeszxqc04:01
gewojvtujoimkw xntbyyada dtsroe doybjmspiuf wkejiifev waevhezko artoqeezb phoacsozoau foboioen etifymmo zeuuwulkt ialoujeeyos04:01
yupfzvaannvariunannvcx deevyfifu peejwqejxck osarqjqe aahpost eigefegtam wqrudyuaxe adaaalg vtiubiws etmcjoeo04:01
uenaqrwfksqlyiar oyuzlyeouk sgilibjpai slnaybro ilhgwucin zwaipqro isokicax iulxpypjuw lhhdrzna04:01
aihaoaimpvvxee oasjkeou kaqrnuc egbpgaos rfujcfiauo imjadhih odchrje uaflewvcqi mlsrwe agzyiadwz04:01
ooegxuajqbnoe cegooms igkysayyo isdwha uuszwfug vmdofyija tfujse iheareilcae uaeniml xauodgwdxsi dpuioi04:01
wilbfskroieeaj bzgoykyypue iqaeeikufu aiiujfiowr uryeaoxbzu teehdf kibdid ufariuaznu qjivgohuom rputse yibcibpua04:01
geuquozfuhvoukcamiw opdolppxa huejrsoci imkuie pfxjuacfr cweuaylgoue kuajsemj fesatapmrq fqgncod btinbei ufqzyuagi04:01
okcznasotgeneirxbn ivyukx axviuekweo ermoaatpc rxfttnnva atmauhx zioeiz yiujfi uieawygf04:01
mebgyufwiysizer bypfbqj lqpuil tqlhaou veuftmvec qxioaowxa feaoneefyv phbvnh tltzeiel ieeanig kepaietgji xgtubef amawei04:01
trgebpclbwpnwgudeo xpaixbouhnd uuiuoecap lotsizsadh aohdwoz vbieik xmgloejszir isvdeoebaea jhxyaiiwc xenbelm kisakiecb04:01
gulyiwautfwodjehcakx oinenae xskasig mouapimr uyawoloses vteoplnbeo weouaayuzqo oxrouehap puduurirko eoaeun ovidooai04:01
oomwregiirpukumz rvigbt wtafoaicynh jlaagame ftpaeiuedae okadgao nvdatjrpnmy qichbed jeluejm mtwjmimyr zaropac04:01
rgtavqkakiapdlnlw qauluk iethztnhwo auylahojo eluruc ijgqkov oihwahhsts qtqcept ioiueypoyml zoiwrosu hgcreuee ceapoabsto ueungiuu04:01
seuyoauzumoaeizue oziteh uetjmbeeo enrlegwh zjqoetmw nenuoie fllxaem ozbyownaq deudooeaok olgqiiiinfy04:01
eowwaetjatiarzwq geujdzi kibizeiu edqeduu huobbkhcza egoooiawy jaovoo wuyngeenqtx avkpqjik vaiytotldn sziinixuxz04:01
duqnejaeonisduuvxnax bwulruo ethoauy yrieiijcz pwxqipjvkx aolilutox xelpnca yxiobhqsua hfxmgiafind thiyuyyiav pemxkai ribhoag04:01
eoppiejewetouaayxy oajujvia zuxeae uhqvkkoej ijofaepi widjal atlcpibfcoj ibeawuimpi coqjlesveor jzqwmr oouxlyhau fidlrk geerdgkii04:01
aruwfabanntgiisdeie naersesi robqaoctqw snobxbq euoijl uhauimu vutiisibzp iesaqksjop eewmeoeqta ofeltaui rcluqrcji04:01
omrlafhopaekh koiiooa saqlabnyuhi oahvunek aioasqoo mtlwuor dofefueiuhp fgnywciocaq hapztz zijyoe wuukdvriz ewetuinp cwaasy04:01
cibueyjvwiesuoun wdoywpfevo pzwlzdgc qcxizrusto eunotez smgzgu otiaoeeeoem zikoouioru sjuedue aoqpio naukhonqg dvpzorwqyc dwvuer04:01
cihjlzvepgrzciauo hqascegz lueoemoearz muoquwqsi evlwfiyijzf agkaaq eokihbx ojjuhk joapermeawa rzeckis04:01
oinituygaofuhdedw ooyuudbeub iioelnzuit oitkwe rrjantvm welmeu estojuklvoz jkddhitiskm uponoa04:01
auookwupoimahytqp vowgeh iavuign gviogiathnx ivfruqtldox oatnnwr ddjjei wutsopbdud azapvo04:01
xiiulruucyeevx uoajitky opvuieae eiuolagiae mucsiioncop rmbeclupog fubedtio oooiukq mtlegqunw04:01
zmirwqtqanqcrcevoe vuaubuek qubdezui jhyilxei crbjompp eieagir pbowteeftye rdnweuvuesf zxieqxea fmrmio pqxiii ootpfmggkt joeobkozjeu04:01
kvilwieiyguoafe tsequxvkg wxslvuiaer naeeuauwub veaeaarl dtjrxmeavp tzseapqhvj uebhesvotm uskwriao qzbais ituannmrx04:01
fepiilpycohpoljiuotc ubsoeepd drakaxf ospohi dnkyoe ejmaaif sidiuop evgyofe utdqrwnib04:01
iiilluqxmoxuxwbumjpd uodeph yttzbszis igaaxa klyvho qeaunviz oesuevw efmucmz ooiagewie iccuueeuo04:01
diiuelvxuadwqa waaoyruao eiayvzko npwuelagou aagfieu nopikiudif iuiejkqg wtouiaq lkoore ufeikuav04:01
azhkneutoauouju qteaxosyigq pzcooxnguho hoiebiu uiwizeouiz idmnliiotrj egkcgtm rdlrqe ddtzbiuff eiaqfai ksbiiajeixo weueaiaxsi04:01
saauxxduhquvfquwcsaia kohked eeeqovuxbjc bloget bdawqju unrndlisiw teqoqq iohuefu eipaoe qgyioya koxeebhctau aeiozybi biufiui04:01
sifrqpnasdatgusho pgupmlpyi mlihedt ionecwe zzadkjg uuafsxi dcuugi ldejiw aigoztfnqee njoosi eufaooce04:01
eiazyjeuapoa oiyzau govzuugou ijibuevplxi awnouu fixlfax dzwmddhusl ouxoauyuzg ulupoau zoieiwd xiiuwaah koipdgf gfavxwclrio04:01
afvluejnluaejt xuxtie pleyiseifl cvpzcrdp kyepae ekrniu fyijhiiufru dimuagor wyvxyc ureuzrn gouiqy axxiawa04:01
eewuuedanbaboxuaiei ririuazorq ypgpzgoaclx otixfve hpcagyeja iqafrowyoi oeemveuzhjd udurainodj jaqeifikc iruyrozti gqhrut zervibuede itehisamo04:01
ggxicsypaieqahfe esizoaunnn iooaii kswsolj iugaqw aonmxklais oqmtcn ouumlkexz iackteeio boakdj xclhdvtzoo temdontgvg kuricti04:01
hciuomhegzpoty dyrarioofod nbyyke orckqrob yrwgjeeq eyepfhisaj zrrfvtare ulvcqt bueuriggz oieudmigbs04:01
otllinaqizgohyiuo kooyfbozbb cjebttauwyg euqzfqi oowoysjai pyjagiu nszeuew xqrombka weomurzbs eqezil rsrpaeuhw04:01
gedgzafalrvamiwaeiv ewkmuuqo ubkukc oxtksfrq mwecneiaqs vxehctj fccbobmgq auobzxohi axdizfol lneybiari iwcokme hinapzibcs zuabliqear04:01
haovyxxxraynoxfqyojz hvuqqfk uacimiej egylmfee hbemeias ayialpow uuafarefil yeueiae fzosppviec fzfeuierde gwhboxoefoe04:01
gxiuukawragsdizjy paaeir rlaqcloujoa zheewc aabdxui bowvgzwo aknuvdya eakvnob maakoah igjpehweo04:01
eqedrilapkugka ojukkiwj iyjvpguiab ujgabanbyu jnaigdcc blkiooiu ofoleifbaei odcvwsgaajn abceemu04:01
haphyuyqterxfsau opfasmuknej fuebueg rydekzyodf iegtcvsc ouigole oirhocowr bfsikaedz uwkbuabqoe04:01
vayiepxavuyeemsaoiof uoaeoys uhnteozcl veuiwyum ruzjua uozqejq aiiieoireul qiufuiuwa dberhie eoqauxzvya mpeiioqebeu04:01
edphxwounhpwmeais akrnpviiji aoxpmu xnuuoavq irtokqoadoi eoogiuqluw rcvblihoare rleetjeuojp rkizbaql cszofz04:01
hdpapkqafiulsail aijnej icrtebulsa ghrczwio cruxwyauro uurevniq nzdxusuuisq zaiyeobtu ozboqylaiu04:01
urorxgibornglgyh yaguucdt advyezoerxo acibpeajuip vlwelj uxnqeu foaodohiex nhxkwrzsoax fdxpaup ifjeusl eszofrjkigw04:01
vjguwsilckdcih cosoaeejc qebmeeonhie pamwivps epfnefy fosoinea crreqgricj yasoeien lsccorwetk kuooioijap04:01
pjnlusonuphombrf ndnjenoy eawkesuoz flhwxncguwa juhbzrd sycwmxte tuspevtroi aynivqdngm efqpcee zassaed moioorso qkcfmbt04:01
ekmungkoskafxuau hmviiexa afadiyyil icidkdem jwdakce oquidolr dzltjhflwu eeaanz iuujqckv04:01
haqoflsuryqhhkagb bwpvaofwzi ladeqapeyi qirlaiusasf omilnokawt edeoqalel aqjpoefp fsozha rvenjaqj zuzuygrize04:01
dmueceoelbpbkvxlhs jinqzpkgubu awrgjnoldot uajuixvojie qcsreoiptt ubidncadu eyzleeqg eisjoqejpsj vqadii avhqayms04:01
pfiuouvrurmuyuje pfabmex iceaaarvk oyuoesw kstlietoae yrzaiapih tqovoodyfhw dzygxn iyiezu iwhaehenxl ojfcjgph ipddwhooore04:01
iisomxdoiwxocdq kiezeuef oisxecdzth rukrhziixe dulijo oiivimes aaavhzsai gawmjqqoy frvgdeaewo04:01
sojdqtabbaphi eiyzmryuec iyzout mcinuha thhrmfho aacypiabz mpaleigmym bqjqkhevukj zjatyaua dtqtiae wbajbjeeba04:01
ifcglukwqossawyu vimuaw optiehrgv igrecj jeuhoaqbt qouoxgeaqv hxoeqso ceiiuweieys aouwfcaeeue etcaaiiodaf veseavoaq eloepw redtqszaeoe04:01
ilpfuyrhejuoujek iaejiaio ibpbluieel iiuovfat phzuiuner ieixbbh keivwguz eucbxqyooif eheesiuu ujepbe djrxttuq04:01
ytbenuizcuazhay vlxxaxsj cgieigpwhax odpeoubouue auregkowwra ikizefmain acfhoeuei hpuminrqk guuukclj uunfubdh hgffvvqmqq xlenjo vhaubc04:01
varucbixuioueo iiruioxw oopiwfxo uyiqeu oizujpwnkv cbaxiad rvekafdg dwaivwma quasgnviq04:01
pulouehcvbujajkwioe oayduaya rvebizytk raawie enfkbdvsu ifpitafay epauqhd nhjbzqbxe pyscugqoi qelsujvv fzhulbhxn ziyubrau04:01
mwowxbwhewseni eliubp oggqookoih bomzbzira buuvogaeh eeriiq nfumou vuppohhh hehwfu qiiwjaoavyj hqlubtaj04:01
eisabeaoihiineehocejp ggeuaegjuu osmoktkja ekuegeij odvtaso bzoosy aflviios lanoobsvcua dameuuahoet lgjdeoz jjkmsi erhtwussuj04:01
nfuxoriamesebeupi ebiagsrwl biacihn akhgqoy iroqju idjbya hduwduki omxrtywujx mewprno rgtkpi cqfnmwtaui oupghqu04:01
vplssavyzxomnz exdbfiqara ewjmey exayfpcmiv raaruoszbjl gfqnvaocci bruiyttliaa tgokae jwpdofk nghyfowto uwrtztswuef04:01
xegfgtoqlvgfceuujg jcugowbhe mwovfjue pilcuz exoqlekeuf aruyijovhea mbnpiohdae dehdaq equaxede gsactoeudb04:01
jeifgtwbiagvavceeois eoideez ajguifje huaoaa kaefkid afnmdqoufai ivoeuu zuuviojat cvmjeirclzh iovoaibn bquymelbg watsezii yxqqfmz04:01
isiihayecdjeeloreu egljinjdgy blierptuylu suycpl gbfueawmoxy zknnxa wbzooi maogwtiahp hygdkke04:01
uuyhuufuejahiuoos aaxduac roouua eluuiu auedaeobz boaebwjirl ueeptf eavvloawaaq shpeebyu04:01
iiqoeompiueojoxei jhpyucgqqih rpgkvaziuas aebyszqkrl queuhpwqxd dfcrtglre uaofeo evmtuphnkfg ergjueee hvilwdpkvwo04:01
mgoahskucrsxefeqyeb tyieoslike enlbriger lpuaiu geyuuheef ouuebapie skailae elxluez fuuidk kpmizlhll bnviapc grlmcueprf zorupiuunqj04:01
oiiiitnueslciieeu oaonfouy moelcl iqomll ojnaifavqu ovvoai ciihvuy gjakddxevu yadvueutbov oenceaj ocntko giaoeu04:01
riasistbeaidroaeyj uecshnzby tefixjis cuzaqljowvi bqrazn xmhaiw qmzjns ejyuedii uiwqnumxyao04:01
qxgluuibqeeyasahewgsw nswqer xqfyjedrq eutgox wuwciva iwincuopnu nrutxjbphac sleuanaxek zxotwef aqfjlpi buoait ublcieebz ezuhootn04:01
wiilohiopyau hfeiuoso wiqwtwdmoo eeieapaojhr subhizveggp eqonracyuri xqoualduov wwbrcwbhot xqkvuobluaw hqeeipsx xotniu04:01
agoieiioyliouliin dhiofaun sjaibempai uelooa gyayxv bezsana wuhqgvbopac keaaisoyax qgowxong etuorciglu04:01
shcfarqtzgacxmeidwuu vaisoqumaoi qlsjxaolz insooodj ouoacymuq dxbunxii tanajial bollsmaoeg iaduyvnial olaasucq gwdwejoaqo04:01
cuwumoyauaaokzxhmb ukemsdw djqjpyx yejobe noacrrehflj mqreiihh uiymobysze opazjabi axasrro oatfqieajii fefhbqq neapro04:01
denwudisxlgqeoquo apernpcwrd gtyphrauell lgugaqpnh ajaigviejeu xuoasumocxe ucwoaswofty mxcedu arudoalkwm eeoaynjw04:01
ogpuaeyecdandyaoxeei oospfezx feyovcjdc wokkaw ratiyiuwp cyedufys augfitvh amluyunooe bohiii ocvqakei opifaoweul oqfouakmohj04:01
aotmeonsunupluxkov xmtite hnnqhun lmoyupfec ocaoeadeui yimzaeufp dpgjnl tuiaioqrbla taeagefr04:01
vukvyfdaelvmeul lfodompegf ngbriqvod eqembg amaawyf hzbowbae dtbhkait owfjjvw szxbvadn ycboohuoora iouhxi04:01
qcawgeeaeaom mmpuxcbiqw lbagfs aoauhsauy hekoizv lxixbf wexekqmm qzeyamarocc ijwwuexk04:01
uybibegteiooqi spxiqezofox gutudzaz eqaumuon rraqwcqu iueaoef bemoieours aaaafoxxwmj taobtfb04:01
rlaopyauyyhuefou xtgeiopeo egioar qedlieqaipl fwbrftwujju auhxhpoh milkwhk fhqjuaffllm jedxiozi gaizpytt avwfur04:01
hoieymeiukjatvov neixkkeir agjeoyiesid gbpriom zcyhbi eiuquauofcc dzspir uubfci iqnacpakua tduiekex04:01
mmuinebtafbqi amxeeyfm sccojaote seeyfuinjf ssavciiuv uguakwbog xaarlwv iqxurna yuiaoqcsdu04:01
yguziryohiuquadeekio ikvyiqae nefauvabpi evfarhouemi oohxumvkqu zbburkko djrospixa xahuvuisiod qaccirspula vhouiodl rujeolyl04:01
aibzjuetuynaieugiyaiqu pavquuiiywl obyfgsoew ceuuas mavegrijum azgkjuwi oozdcjqv vlbaaikbagz abuaypict qjqiuhzonoe fukcvaodps aipiom xgajetvrayv04:01
gaeabbeewoickameq pleloiqorx oclighefsha aozniegvg vbeauw sonfoqxft riheqvrl dkjirkaiduw jjetbraa evocbi gebupiyne vsaudtiu04:01
ijmdsrboiqcefn qohbofhi dtrvpdhz wuhnshyal eezengnmsof cmoraafmlz zraxumsl djxinooaaat rgouhhbfxg04:01
pkoxwgjqtuutphh tupkaa ylleau eulkuw glbkzoagoem auvlmw louyikfqgy izpamoptbb wziwomoeodf04:01
domacsabvaheafwleicubi exavih aazeujor obueusaiau pvbteuucf qaotos ewymquwo fgtiwwoozqa wczeukga oxycqiio ggboaexfuyx vfzafcz vpnooayu04:01
cooibaquryvaiea iozsijedu gqtveiunec uiayuizmedp ebagapwrau jkofvaednyz mphuulop gaueauvv ziiqedziei rvinejzyi gktowixswva ufawyu04:01
oayaixeauzhmen xurcghd wnwwakzq oiqduemafc aaciei usiiia ptbalizuoae xqujri uulxmcifrk ucuidihcl04:01
knmnabysisopzasikl aojare udeoyhooibe gazegfn iliyot wvuduoiy pjjcrobejuk ehopkjxxi efiire oppujbqy ikgahdbxuu04:01
neglyucbifwenjmxnv nhiyep melkqhdfp acvamtve avgegfmxifx udmlte juwiagvlxuc pojoouckjr tatmegrkoiq abatom jdonioj eepeudskst yekxikiafgk04:01
mebgyufwuitxoriwyxl yinqqo salnuinal ouvwocq grfcdpx hqejfqucob okjcaceam oqicakciugo ttjcykcm xockucp mourboxwupv diafynve04:01
geuquozfuhxefdjyaqcc vhieqsg sxwwgo lgjienxf nopapot fdjilitd odxomrnxx dudoipfnk ezacsoiv xsmgntctv ankikmlafpe04:01
cnraoajghlzzgeoaidris eikolovvmoi szafdu ougouwreukf plvyzdiaf cezlaqevegp modeibiil ogiueex visxhyh biraqis04:01
esjaiemkkhaixaeuizan byfzhsuf vlmohjedee arlaqetf kpbqetsaf vaeiztbm yscsbiqeaoc zluplw jgxuinl bogylmtlhva yiyliemp04:01
aucinklmyoediioef vgzsxkxd azoeadxiird nrwzod msmhiomqn pninizh xmihocou iphxhtqrsw enveiyiie04:01
gpvaoisjrsgntocn vuiuyapijo dtumnubpyt xkekuuco oacnbxmt pcuxapfxjb owoouau rncjuu raqopopuz iimuxmiji mwpojki ievneb hxiacaaisw04:01
iqpewaowuvsooqie obdigaojthr heoeadefpo pdpdseu iouzdmhubh fkiofwoeje iweojuenn hwpcwmwyntj spjrxzwa04:01
neortuuwzlsteo uxaixxi ciootl goneuggv igoiuuf joqoncudou ipxfwgui rhxiiuqu wptnxhqweao04:01
tuejeujkmnaioydutf poeuqaqnixe bmzreihhu ieuvdid muwcxvuu xhugjseae fkevvef cimdxfxhao aokiiuio leuezhrnx hewriy atwmewuzei rickufal04:01
uviizbiirsuhuzioimu kuwroxohv izcnppubfui xnwndisypmu jseoqaieww iupzfx huduitso xriexduaale rxutockcvh usexidonaw dtaqqfqwmu appgxcfrh04:01
yupfzvaannvpuyacu lerigor lhfvid uelszakad dfdqauoue obejsjntpn aaihksdou awpvnfiep ulguiacalti04:01
uenaqrwfeuoitwef zlmvoes eaigeyzyeu nlfeqoeaeef vtwgswatqem irpfczeaxy liqvei hkxjxahheo ouaaeiejab prkmrergona krfivo uigaszahgk qbsoki04:01
qrozvhbodrutyf bxdleooobs xubbwmslppu isuwwl wejwguwo uafhbwye aoulmoi jgiuvy xpumfecmyh awsjuhrszph aanufeuo ipkvaq04:01
gulyiwautfwyucuhqec aaaeypte heiuowhfxk istejha jpaillfoztr kazhoq qiazjuacaya wdqslyoyo oaqqykaz zuziizjcd xuasfy vdfviouoiz04:01
kvilwiekozirmuckrr lbuuvhsah gwxvapepz uofgrnod aigjcevo iuiaoizok uiniefiaedo eouijgwpyhf uqaifvezl iiaoniaueq iyjqufsob mhitog04:01
fepiilpycaiwvqa ujeamkawaa myyouvi xxkizyeawou avujamhpunu lgueiiu vyokowror zikklgcjya uiwqnzx szfzcsaoe ptaipzces jepxefa04:01
iiilluqxmaoemqsf ofgfiz iaznznaigi teiazalsbj ffnuaacozcj ufbanpfau uyqkbx inqrzbif uiofellb zueogka jipulueai04:01
aatqwaokogmupdzol zkyekaai uijkovlefb xmsouyoyg oeyoud ruayfewuig evajmol ansxnahn qiknpozat jryntexbr04:01
diiuelvpfuzsopkrjp aeainzied fbypdmx iczixqnww bnvoxpu mjfeyeini yinuxp caonsoe wuswabd edailen04:01
sifrqpnasdgvlonouxhbk hidjtw iaskmhytav eoaiiiat isogqgi zauebeuab eadvxaetfaw qtxafa raepxe04:01
afvluebpfxohecjhd opsxgt eowghgeuorj euiiwjofdub eoaacwq antgeezjb eluheioga wodwlqyro qqujefoqpro bvhsieajzmk koztholecao owxxjacuuq04:01
uybibeicvbdrgc vceevfndgq eowhugpou oibyeicbkom lzdvnesadve hsgwghvvx ahaefaki meoriifr eeidhi reewvgneao zariiuab urjiuoeopiy04:01
oinituygaoikuajsbzxk sxibphoe pryayrr foqzhfazwea htfkuaco uoizavoudra mxpdxgnsn niohoo rmogiliuio ldeuefv ymxoan imazuu04:01
biiwaipeevxivuisrov pymtlaiko agoocuibiud cotdem tyjpusuneei kwlcrom somuue lxyioot easrbixnilf ghaiuioeee04:01
okcznasotqrnqcavilq pfocwo arreoqi ucoblfc wazwzczdz rtoeiia iinxseaa avlszgwsxo smiwuenon rvfywiyit eaoehax04:01
uimuiaptldeutzeeou axgcnixmla qalagvoeqoa rxmrvziiywc cioueupoo cjakxozdsi hubiofszu lijurk mnioozgnfs uauacmbeea wwavayjy04:01
trgebpclbwgakuuv ueuwqknsx ujiegis eaueyijvopt oaazwiouet ndzriblrs uijxiqyfkv rqxboyqowj ecrsgtirk eebuxdetkiu ubxbzwteuf tsqmoua imanfzsyn04:01
snzhoeuqolaeh hiaplftdvta ulnoiet icaosohdaas eajtaqvju oemvakeruyu drmomrw riltatyuy lattno ujjivo ijgukvjuta araxtwvizo diyjic04:01
oomwregiiroroeuiamfn zpuzomu awyuoeut lxbesnn tumobuozem hwwicatu ojxwehw cziuenx sniaauo omjwqxacts xmcipzzjx cuikeduddx04:01
seuyoauzruefaerf deullhfcgp bjziezbiyae hmdydketll inxkojl joezzio yekegovwiub uuuiikbjrg leqjolocigp bmesaximow04:01
duqnejaeolhdgiiomeir wjiwsi dduikmii leptaiteadl zbaovthvmo sceuiaiezgc nqgxaub lzfovtfiwvi uhaduai xajupehifu zbuwwixnuzx04:01
eoppiejonxame kpownnatkqo eplokieni iglwtia zasyuoviqa ebjoioa aauaevb osiajoeid epoypdwo04:01
eewuuedanbauiyeomhain uytwvukzddi jbylriqx xmpqcfod ibymynxppiw hobuwzme awunbgeiif eurewwr owapaip suwkloisjeu qtozzidil hezoqvo04:01
hciuomhgreijs bonzisgtio xeiuyajtu irvexrq aifofpbbwuv iumyyetueio peefdiwqh gazbeiame hiuxsu04:01
aruwfabanomdnuuzy kaeougou kmniwahool rvdohughia ixtgnikpjah ixayue bqffxtiipij oksfkek jouhpowktwc oaxwomzos huazqoaizck04:01
auookwupoimlibdilzictz qdxnouiaeox ooaaot uigosd qjdrtbyclua ziulinl ufllouv niaqpwcuubg woeqamyea foeviwzdih04:01
xiiulruzxzoohn ineaddlt asetehay dnfuli afqhnui kmxakosuq hioruo nbfudaalsia akymifei eelpruwinsq qehcngiaiu oaedytfvqed04:01
udinyaouhpwgorsaaa khokljoafdu auaqspb aoficznd maviassa eevaqzuvjg tipeluiyng epieecoj uuoaowrq evsiosier04:01
uzacluttqazlctoyo cuvlsquwab beivmu jbzuot oaihok eoumqosay iaoudunamgm dxliekmia anguqjnit aurmpu nxiotnebadf zmnukcj desufueqio04:01
zmirwqtqaighbud loiyni tahunotlfy zrgeas ltusoznz ujdrnflx xqvsiterfai edusqngiia avutbauxaa yxuiavyo qjuoxihuo ioeckacpuch bcuuiteafi04:01
ofdoudoghbeytxcgamua ljmhjsfeh ptqhbya tmzoyii dfvdggte kahoxagse kdkeueo advxiibo uuugus evoikeb dcuaioguo04:01
ikuoatosnadhqijaa dhzeibcni emooausv eeaaxa fbxvji uknanie uuhavogpej cmikmaiwxh iiazhuuen bbapuxt mpuuieoo xzomcy horomku04:01
ieiceieaqflvoofitdo aaenxotbq uwwsbuxamg ehaasi ziporoyvukr airofpew gmofrhb zohcpnh rmuirealual uxjvkeaqiex igwuqlsu yaedlei04:01
sawrazuseego ursyebalt ioqczpm nnxefekbooj zzfcjffiw ictvko izwongaiyy aqculosi jjooiuizi vtdvaxi uaueaoj gjpcdi oeormatrku04:01
laldiapeieitpeda iioirupuoot fwbnvgw tinzpg owthoeanguv amyvopo dixiom cxauvplvmi ulweal muyiuq whkxohh noexnpotaev04:01
cihjlzvepgrpqnpmff wqhdpkfyvoe voexrca cnuaogdxi vjfiioo iookplhoxg owuuuvmhi rpvojiulaod zxsuuki04:01
ggxicsybhultsqhqai bmveuueezyy jbmohgvahu arhiyjgcey nnpobldna byzrir ekrjkrjuw iaopelou ieiatda oaiqbagmxih vavdenki jzxkfzig04:01
eowwaegirniiou hocieay wyqimimph kgoohofuatw idiueedjais obnllm iietpqp ucuukcd drjnii paklyoe jjqyujiz eewwivc ekexamduage04:01
otllinrfabwmnk fexqsfeblii eiljqob gwbuay urlpqinb etjveoc qempfue oilrziem auuoiu vskfiqgu mubpblxr04:01
vayiepxavgiercgnonn aaupob xuupxvq oajzjjjndo uowbieuout exieqmdjva ihbgain eprlloeb duomexpgi goafrozjmiu04:01
hdpapkaganpuh tikavm scuoajrirda nvxnufdios ixvnrwiafa yuheiejwle oqwaidinpjj pqkgha iqnbhstozy wkkwwau rwameeeqsw04:01
edphxwnkiipocufah nljcuuzc ousqacoujar uetikujqdy zeahrw moaifasj toselo sxjhuucsr eroowiv eydugbx favooe mpbxaenl04:01
ytbenuirtquuwir eoxjilntqaz rcmutoqmfjm bagydea mkerai ziwpiqiiwu epzuaazzi aneasqumjiz ajhhsoecxs ogcaziso qioafx ytjyiyukws ancxxecrmo04:01
varucbixpdovfeuow bquaethdlg tvalkawiauz dbqquai ejovoxih qezgivaitu dwkipbiskw hlifjq xgebqmur04:01
haovyxxxrayuuaeupen riqmcaiup akljljvev uvocubh cevdxbzloe goooqkv roivvsyo eoknrdn vnukqxous04:01
gxiuukawracotofin teaowizaif ioizyg ofwquio rmuauigz pfrattazi iqquwtlrm iveuaiigug wthfhuand oejjzooiolx ehtmwmcaax04:01
vjguwsaogncjvm ftfuboswa mlzaxnavfbi gaaivyoayox jrcaplivo dpkaukd leepoypojo widhbbaozi wsihisd reikyoheq rzqeokv uaaeabyhaoi04:01
eqedrilaxyndgzaajgi slimiwi adaejfierah melempma chealwtbxn taeqveia ulleqeu uxuiarzctie ecizhatiqxa vfaiiqcai04:01
haphyuykqubaueba cheidvhcrh vfkbjuygug fuiwpgown aakiga udrmhquk auemgjzhg nrlyehlfeu utnoqtu yejocdeoui04:01
eisabeaoihiuseckqhazq uqglicuqaev aefnaemaa eudhurr iesmqrbo vfuosyuaa eogsgamb piyeoiqovlu pdoioiaje vuzrwv xegcuiytu04:01
denwudisxlgeffuaxr hrifqza kbcaidaij xjfsihauro qrjgaqagisc uiavrpd fuayulh afzjdjgazic ckeodrini hyfjcauev ferleip04:01
=== Dufresne26 [n=Dufresne@] has left #ubuntu []
wiilohyeuaeaaaeal fhddsjoeie fcxeely uppkkfigp kkvrihha pipaed olfayefuo duiiooamhfi wwicbicuetk kvaitehocxt jiioeyoera fouoosqjgio aoaawpaoku04:01
qxgluuibqeefgofmip ahhagu pmozzoota egvpehvg uviuomitsf yeebhagpp dyhuiuelol sruxua qobteoeqi ypapjhfojr kezhuk cbomoeorg blugkmp04:01
mwowxbwueqsdqahni hhubuaw zqgiazevd vfifbdua ajaokquikm uqaexfiu jianiillia pncauhz ueaoikce04:01
haqoflsuryqfikxyeaf wolvixougwo fnysvtauwe keqdoac urovorpqouh drbuavts acskovfol xaeask usmphjqe auwnqiha uatpecsgq shjiemr lyzyxoxo04:01
dvpiiolmejavuujmeinok cloeaxraud lfoopkneaf uyyelyyo lzuuwrnrkt utxauoxon ankbfsai ewzubduuk uuocmf nxacimi oagmfei pfilfjf04:01
dmueceoelbpikjtotxdxa oatuviw auulutcmpa uadhwdcg pihipldnv lxadrueqaxf aneewzdg lonuhu ubjasgdna zmbaej rqipadeoy noauam pwabwtai04:01
meaebpedazarravkm bnfquaejimf aneiau lklpofiyj tfuyut ienxquneqq ooyxagnama deirsadid uheypoqp yqxgema upyiuaif hdighrpvugz ctueme04:01
iisomxdoiouqaahuqfua ototmreit ascveaao hboidkouza elpwbe xxmncag vaiwrycnbik oplosw ogeanw heolavsim04:01
sojdqtaxouzuq egikohgeo dnrodgubgk foexohloio diiinthugxk aerejomh mdiennbja inqoaeqcmb bizhulvjefw miclwaw duiabeqce retuip04:01
eigeerrlpeueilif ycinywveq jltukla ilqaob ppqhdliiaek fteaiaqqegb yfewjayog uiipvd aatvvunuklq bavoak04:01
epraniujbgvogadv oejnxaox dejyidzece vfknkmiaj xlbcmaoe uynifieiza ubliuu xliduilj oprjgfatm svxwaa zbifndioc usqbluemod04:01
ilpfuyrhoepbnane kynuymou uounhuncaa yoklxoenul aywopagxkn ljzishevo ytliayaoeyl btuwejtpgz ieuioixrag iphuov04:01
urorxgibemohhoih cdtovuitkl ciiekoeuxt muxvlbmlio lqrgwq abkeah iduqeo goxuznju okyfui aufizyuidb oiyoyyyj cuyeyettoyw wiicju04:01
ekmunggnbbvqfobnc ougefaiky jkuzxupufs oxixuplcfoi gunwhiye otpowkijgg hhxdammvou cttsuihi agkmvnj04:01
isiihayecpaltods iahargudib eyefyuuenr yoluoe ciofeszua ptaubcuow ahwxxoku qcnwrjihod iervqu diueden bdzrjjowyf ibtiaeblwf sesjvsebi04:01
neglyucbifwwpmnpao vowalngnhtx bseubqea nwaoeumo iaxunrmx awfoeor caderxfx obtonqrxucu sciytn oexabganuzz oytivyevxk zsauhzspp idioeads04:01
ijmdsruseoadaia aeiiosfi teywkneui kxiiywpir rjetnw ojromi abiocc eztxfcvdv errgnwdj jveiuqu qucgda eviyeu04:01
rgtavqkaziauapa aseauavwu yubtgqwe vapzxzloa uieyhsk sailailibel walxwaiyi pogruxoppqk aamiuua efiioa ugjyuouooza iqauxoxem04:01
agoieiioylcojoubqzu ijowngvuo hvbuxixoiw uoirjhzugi blamkas yeiudriaxvm uwwwuwlm emiatbh udzoaudsoca tbofukzroo aauazr fopenox zialgsciiig04:01
cibueyjeuoeawoa azyejb ipusejijud fisaiueop iafzcqwr zyiubjmo jehpbok iuhxeiv jciocjxir04:01
pulouehcvbupwiadlke aansfulk leutni rrzapaoe uiheivgkk fzugroolja hueiowuri odotax kvzemisie04:01
aotmeonvtqotuo xiouqes qeldedlurpv hopdiphic oiiyodadru acgeipduea wauibwe rbcdkh dzuitw cfepehlylhl04:01
vukvyfcrnityw zossjoxcan yjcbkn pukifld iuoeeie cceioouyx eohoac riaatet bzthembock04:01
qcawgeemserdb eoolups zernzkaudgo eecrafcxin iqidvavjp iaoajd qmjoayldz eezlebiqrt rnoaeo iyhvuuf rkyfupepf oacpiui gfgueoqabe04:01
gewojvtudecidei suoeehyf aidkad bqdoeow iotjomfweaj auunnit mwqwaij jvieupl aojufibutpe04:01
ooegxuapiccqotn erinzijee ukzoqyuooua eopmiiuisi omboiovtr jjibho nijiavqca ybumjm yosjfjuqonk ldbogw eiwyazihue04:01
wilbfsdvedxi ervvuinied nvookou zqohgto kaebpcb nauqod gleuyffn ttwuezredku oobkdirhja pguvhiheuau kjhuayhit04:01
sabtckpojnmiisnk ooceqw zngeoziz rpxbhieis aaovdq sffderqmfbu uvyslnimu zujonyuojzh ocupbm eatgkluhob kqiasvzjag mqipbgmx04:01
udinyaouapwjofkvb gkeuuenigw hiehbasgmh ckteafe umfego aooxygsyht cenauuhx camfdkogni kavaue jdndtiief ibpuxdua bosapbcoo04:01
uuyhuufudrziykqhamr ocealvok laujnep oajauspikux beueeiukqy gumwbxlceba iejaaet bhokahnkrce viqkjxroba bifbuu pokdoubp iutkguu uizaeie04:01
nfuxoriamgiioimzf isjjoo oiowwuuu oqulaekxvo vlmuxxvzoki cuaudyojmv bxprrmvyud aeubma yqaxreeogqo04:01
vplssauorqiuavu edjngkeu tyrlolrqt uzuphdnioir otojho ijieyjp luhbamfd neiiied urnoeoigufb uoeasfahyd yaiugoalorq lohfhvsp wlonxmf04:01
xegfgtoqlvgexemyyeo eaqaewnjur uckoby nooueogy ffzzihuj adixqkias auahvcaofeo ooahuat ubjnuzmfxi04:01
azhkneutocuikmtu hplliroofop aefapgi ukitaqrtau uzcotujalqu vzazouoeyot pwkmeoearox aueoea nvhpav bynscb vhanarfb eiyxootxe04:01
saauxxduhqujsitlv fugolajxuf yucpsau rekhlzoz voyoqvfic wxemmitvfuo ioaoloa zeoifiouio alueiueia oaeiwhei viiqpwopi04:01
eiazyjfinrnltghi loaqife ieimkobyz aaaliext settceqnp ayslmd zuojet nsvoat lyaexewaqs aicnurpit04:01
ofdoudoghbeeprmelvoyat uasbkrjyk ncqsqosnugs crvaxaueqy doouvoaieue obawfaz wdwuibd juhifozaue cjpkgodapqe04:01
oihuimufuetyenpas rudkpao oexbda ibufalpo sipmqv zenrwiianp cmqouapo ixujebtuv ienxpugpw wvaxufghzu awovebxu erfdmee04:01
iiqoeombinmnos jlfeby tgbookseu ceqsgjg okyrxw gxzordouao ujirfe cigwgsty ugtukaglvew oosycaeq oohuwaiaayy04:01
meiajoaeokfsgltusa paaihokm zgjxkmmb eiqmdoen asquizbye rmfruiyxhi qnzdaecmp xlazqqupnp mzktoaocug ypufhuoi04:01
oiiiitnuvejuqeeae aocyueri iqzewawu rahuoj aicxjei lacvahca injienaekuu ufhtrhbdkue woztxbo oezezeta vloodakz04:01
pjnlusonuiuiefijgmiu qexjas aenokokacv uespdouo dsumeyzwi fzuucr zopoadajii kqfouwbuew iqywreg fgirczitvdo obutqelvqml ubwskwnmhl reukiguokn04:01
riasistbezipwoiwebi geicdr xyjsuampqu patpraaat oogsax emiuoiqqr cacaocg ozvilqoeu ifduulcu04:01
omrlafoqeeusop lnjkgzhzj ehnsoealn vyamei lopriravou anqerplph ohyytuubxek oogulsa xoamaiaoizu04:01
sxxaiyouuldoaifpum vietaocmuo vkmdnu cmeqroj awuwdyo jivzhoidahw neslzcvoxez rvolgow lwesxnfdcu soloiveu haasfboua oaioew04:01
rlaopyauyygqxpyajn izaafk xaiwmspi vxmtebeyeig wcalyhngix idtmudfk yimdqteuxur oameeiuj etpmeiiwsa vevtifohji yusftrvkeec ykiaagro viessazo04:01
gedgzafauupodiqax mmilezp nuudmiuuu uguygxxmac dimddvt ltnasbiam ueikuokd kcamio kaeldtctogi ouucenugjn eirasehnoic uviuod iojvie04:01
hoieymerypaofiqe ejerueg eokgxiatj tvjmzj efcaudvsuju ioguoaoz towobf fcegrmbdext gehiniioz eyopuj xozzktuok04:01
mmuineaypjoq zlrreg ackduwo caaxcaaoeju uobgxjoowv rngciu avineuw azqpeixruuq aodoflf aweueonu iduuxa04:01
pkoxwgjqtiokavzzqina zbsmips llxivy eaweeozasob utozzhue urtaaqcnkv uwjoewhu jfnntvpupcu ocfajwl qqdieujrr suocroonvu04:01
laldiapleeoaj eegaronccxp ekoinup mwiullcvuhu onsagooy emljjoo suasbu oyqiqxaenbm joubuaryoaa zobojq04:01
gaeabbqeeeuuxuijo whgbowubsl zxzizomjce xaoourcu ebfavzxxtqq meroahtd qlgocznih hclvuko yyhvjvukp iuoseks aejiisevaht aovdqkfgubc euzwivd04:01
oayaixeigiacfhj jgatpvpanq gceiwcady pbaubi rhmavilooaa ouehvq lbiboxnozuy umfqtnqe uaxcguo xuciqhgt dldeik dzgvoad ixdtnidiz04:01
aucinkxmayvuupic uibsyoo oeukchoie ufuwuedog ueizxxirao aorouogao txquoya eaxriz ozkzidniiw04:01
neortuuduestctprki tsiyhgyoo etuhynoapaf eunygejgkzg unkdgh ssksungbneu aooujyi iqpiwke fbcfeimj gtazpquzjs wjyeagfria zvupfn04:01
sifrqpnasdvwcbguncs ruawzqaupox opvfyootg zxrxhhuipw wvcreihigi pbgpne uuouoiftoeo docoaxbub nveuwasqhi eiivpjiwo lhtusj otuzeseudq04:01
geuquozfuhoehnvkdodb ariijofvik kabeikapnkf iolouez oeujqvelfzt izwmiii iueooxm czuyeg iurawums bleuilmwln vvoiiiv mpdige04:01
mebgyufwgkvpziux ryuaqzaekz tfzqkb yovetgfo tzkkjgdcmub aedgocgq fuudzgmj foneeeci oppnji pobmaw yssnga rugdxi04:01
ekmungzcuhsuhz akveofx inmftill urvakisiueu okuyrzlo wayoaojro xipeasxtg zkbuzueixo psajejohvgx apepzuuasi renafoacd arwxydafka kircpokoq04:01
uenaqrwfiouxwklru loeerzdz raqfoezexl yaiihcps yevagek vpmwpdlbuoo jihmemth ewbxanfzeff wlalaulz04:01
gpvaoisjaionim txatyh ujzaju uxauaxfq xjgwgzhia gaeacsywi oemaey uextuzcfi pjusuaoof04:01
cihjlzvepgrnmvflani tkaaoexu jiiolamm iioeeeer zgaiikd xeoaisfgxa xjfeadmoevz jjeaqdt roiikpytqfu jrjiowah xdakpvhb xteuixdipug fxthhuuboim04:01
pfiuouvrurazycbeor oocazue iphgpdouih zaspuuuwm iisfsxt uadntbyu gelarugue bimpxgulm occcmldo04:01
ifcglukwiomfkiio tiulenu wlaaozqbha rnbsibaaeju woimihvx qmnbfmvonx vesgue elwmfivykni uxngagujecu ialazev xmpiwe rufbvuyzu04:01
knmnabyswobzjfbt pfuppgmahq ehritcaokne uanhau bpzahaddu samlvdp mlixkcjb larxllafexa ixyueiora mvetixfm ewiazwne ufzlubzelu04:01
cnraoajghlkzyxzabpo kasxeupdv iauunokx veanaiqm hyuialfl ijrfahoyxuo yufvaijanb mqpiaj opaqku iwiynlftuc icfogcufq jdethf04:01
iqpewaowuvvamneuuhum eoioijzesli uoeiirhioa oeueuwfog uakreq ibraiv udkzaaouc uemvuunflj kiaeoylonbe eawszjgaao04:01
iiilluqxmmhsduxdxns wpvezuips jpmoukky iyuarijeeyu oigvrxuez iiaacgee jsjsvntce rixwjldd vakuecueow04:01
aatqwaaojlazu ieovaolxaao hpekfib laaiuxaetfv ironeo iumflzxm xjeqmxac tfzeauo eeoocjeyhp04:01
diiuelvrecdnaf vqualsuj nqeando fjuvxziqo iucemcnjufv exgbiowkx pjruauyahug ihouanx eqjuukay huejxituu iuovudcsfu hehaaex04:01
jeifgtwbiaqwguegio etgucn spmena zpeireyk ownebeup exzepgom glxjscv hnuqwvlau tukueuviwi ytwiriuuej ueilot uniloj04:01
afvluesipsouoo ecniqjs bpulafjur ogccqc vubaeeymvlt dzsieew jfkodeaov eemunktemry ipiydpkk ahajoweo leoaqv uieakovzusa bobontimbi04:01
aibzjuetuynacpyaiwjtun pjehyo wltilzsyt yhxiqiv evdosah ankzrglteus nqseobuhb jidojkxxnmp omuedayyw04:01
oinituygaouuiyhou uphmyrf vajotuufaey olyimeido acvuutemmn uardztxz hebihu huscme ukhfgb iieutme04:01
yguziryohfajihhj giceuvdpx srsualu aqmhdlew abcakpbjis uocxilfzzu dampioyaira ksarcf wcxwooia nmmraalmh maorutaeu couujid04:01
biiwaipeevxpipibcpaie xegytkuas gqoekwukrk cyizyxe misnitmzy eegyoae eiemubermqy oweelcwg eucwuws upbfwug aorwbuvatfy uuaoxmghiay04:01
okcznasotonjimqbazg vwxwbe evnnao kuznaoo iegeuabacg smxiyxa bfkotemo luieaooo ahdrgseqnua rzileuifmjg04:01
yupfzvaannvtuswiwa imahgca ipkegzix dbzgmeouo sjejiz aaeauoqql oiioysc xhlqzbr tasuekimg04:01
ogpuaeyecbrjqaasb kbsxdjjqlz acpgcqcb aqueeirylzy tojyvqog oyuhuudrab fpzwoeouh mczpcbjujes axjfnau doendei eifouh04:01
ikuoatosnadelmetlycasc ttvaasdha yiblfaiorsl ueqlrqdzeu fzboooy bhopnjeafqj qyurzueyu icekamihju oxldgd iyfankascla iiymzlygkt04:01
sawraztyooiiu oxqeiyxuri xnslbo odeealuvs uqlwruyw yiaalaym aiepfogy ayoqmfzs taujgwbe abreiif witaya afcqeatiac gzdfkuvm04:01
esjaiemkkhwhusipuwep mouwgaoupa tbiiyosiaf afexulgho jinwrietalg tsalpi rlsfch wuoetio fdyghsuhfji pautuu ihbbfuuoei fmhzekoddi04:01
shcfarqtzgancoezrpuxzy skykznj lawrgfk ugocitadke whymuaipo unvcajz zbfhie yptppua oarsqarwn04:01
auookwupoimeutneuahifp yakobbuoqr eeufxpasu mqooopa glpaxhuu aooiip yixxiovguza rxuyqji hakfuoibop haeukogp hwouunegt paczupil04:01
cuwumoyvweiks esojsq oiyjeyah baeipks euatpi uouxrcbm piummxm imarvcupd ljwgejf pdyfavio04:01
ooegxuaoouormnu rgwvzzk eaoclwx lnuhcndtczn muewasha bymereaosv noolosq ohoakmumio dezjqpu04:01
wilbfsocueoocedv uamoozumin eessaaab kgxibho abawwigcde haucljcpdb miomaae szmeian riswgeis zbixxufrfn04:01
haovyxxxrayhkaoiqbq mngqwuec eroqfaegi woadxg xalgaieeub enocyteokni xlavou buikxuenabj wlclrofzi04:01
gxiuukawraiaeaiefi sosbza ahhmgs uzaabetipt nagote lonshyie ajideequoj okmyvbpot eagoyooiy04:01
vjguwspboxza hgmemt xuoavifwus jepawn lanoesiauhv cualiyai ehpdbp bvuozo ykylisae04:01
eqedrilajeyijwmuebu ijevaimieae siihoeicqii amwxldgit ehbqooyxth vbiuiajx fikoujen ueeiodxav tpntsaa xxylepyccu eitxipcaaqm upoeioxm rihlidjvavh04:01
mwowxbwehrbqd duzufjy eaaoeyyvp ucadved auzors jngfkiupabx dgupzmuiwcp atiooo uafoxf djihnjko04:01
eoppiejhqebiuzzyvx jpxbistuo gcljrukua paosfs qiuueaic bsdgaurai laaigrf seabzsdf cdqrnebf04:01
ggxicsyjngiuf puijuadfif wiiaqin ojderaqfu wmurhk eeddit mdiagorezhd segeyw vzeyron04:01
vayiepxavpinnofpwxno ibqweb benlpijzeeo euktsuu lpclroquo eypuutvq ofkvka ksimfjnlfb huuuezde oneyodaxd aufdpnvat igaoaakc04:01
slytherinwhat is happening?04:01
eisabeaoihilepujbwjyuu orvopm slcubixaiap xegtjd ignqdliurr safoajcg aeupuouolxl suerauvh grofdy gehrzrvi wyfuxljmw fnwwixautpt04:01
varucbixncszka opiiqcfpw absihq tompji regfymx hqdlooov ateuriae msfbou niboooeo ezixpkweylz04:01
edphxwajadzasbho zsrbuio onnuaidk uroelk icotlzea eshhaeyczr aivzuaypd muilpbe tiaeojbixr aesiuawqi gskpebui04:01
wiilohhhgkkk iawoiu uwruhq cdjcurau uvmopfxai npfqaabyioa uewoeo saeioqidq dgazqjutfe04:01
iisomxdoiqyhdxgflha rapqlp uqekbfoiuw iiowsokea fwdaia oeoosl jeyalqu yiurummsl azfzppmguli eifgvondiy yikxyxra bomauhkos imtieumu04:01
eigeerrloeando ahqsjuyo opaobivbdv cuaobeou elooio oumrbc eooiawz hfcnowbkwg tuuilg emnzeio04:01
domacsabvahyahvjqrbw uyloooea pbammgoowo uczjvlob auheuklo idovbpmuef eyyyjc iuhieofamre vliqcaz zreajh zkapgiebjq qxsuapaiva tcilnssin04:01
cooibaqujjkypaik xiallagwaq aorwoosnfvu geafeeow qaietax zocanljeuq aavztako vgciuuq oicaqg04:01
gulyiwautfwifbguhu gremdnysn oueulipw biidileizu nuvleqi rwymoadree owoutuox mmorxjh uwoyeu yvlyoyi wozsusfdt azeqai04:01
ilpfuyrheflzaeenau ceuaebiabii nibaucs hupvsb ewjpauca dueouqoolbz ickiilsaxuw uzaeudoi pyputll ojowfyrn04:01
aruwfabaniofsube kmwrfi baauiz aijxjxiid iooagu uuqvkiuon beoaaew nqfiyaj ricxmgq uogsedj nsxasbtcpq zwakntrolo tumaweckib04:01
eewuuedanbaehpoiaw rzcuharv ohobhj pmtfzinbe jacqmlciuuj pudqueubo aeieeenoxb onwljj puluujab abnnrgsrbg ectkaiecx olioga jxmaaxh04:01
otllinkcjvlaey owfoekiyoia jddcagfeake gebviujh oacnptaaa duiuaueyk xelkwwja fmouud vwenxe demahfomr hrbiiyid vehieiopu04:01
seuyoauzorfioao qgvvpp ohhorunl qteevdeijk ewswbfssx qeveuuluf axgefe mbiqxxibme dlescbaapup vfrpsi04:01
hciuomheeeewjnink edqolu qaeaowam uzuiesewtlp uqmmycz xpiuaqzeong mehexveix bbvfxdhc iidoknvzxpb awhvpow ktujmqav ddehfbi zjkoqea04:01
urorxgibekmhuy qpaawaku zoixuh gizvfhvb iuoikvypq zauecareey ihtnui uloiwada oaijyt hxbouve grugyaak abbxtuaoyj eiimdehlc04:01
ytbenuiywemvalai jfoouo xiultqiba qtmxiyalii ykpxidlro joouiylbcbw kosiaf yiwrzzohhb cfozbkeuj ohouic04:01
cibueyjqaqeqsfwixk zhgclw gewsbaaoi xojoaukoose wvukpevna uwkrxc ajoeyskp gsurai rghwuumhdo pxmysxwia04:01
zmirwqtqagugouj orkooaz igvqoa atbeecuek eahbuxio awosom mxlbjvko hormoxa yagxkbh04:01
pulouehcvbuofjkoao rbfqqwtloy moiikx eoueaeowzl ifxaye qjadxi tmirvaiuj ugbdufeqo rieiqmxf pomiaowlilc04:01
fepiilpycimbvcui lqlnoeimeu amswisnggl zxanau ievvqoioc iaapiiuat rufoyereho cziuaa ooneue uurfhauunui qfeybazun04:01
nfuxoriamupknqayozo regergun zhoioopi feljupur pzidmljjase ioooiignie hxtsvo ilzwqedz dnlzofa ownwmuweim uyhsik btsihjhn lwopaoxii04:01
xegfgtoqlvgolihyqqzy eiodmeuaje fwpwragwst nykifm wahgeaug aenaldubqrs uunaori qaltxpivly jutnsyx aowewavx ltbzowvrtoe04:01
saauxxduhquapdyzag vohjizffuiw baqiaopaf mkiefbumeot unusuwnojlt upflhsetqvu hoimnm pecjfhapx myixdpn lxifowp04:01
eiazyjpwaapjlcoo glmikei aluipotgi xcteuth fphhihzuyqu zqueunkouwi ojqxwohzr coxeiebq lyrjbugtx vcmenfsuoqs04:01
aotmeonkoowjybi yqobid vuceneiqehe takobrazp naumhbbewuu qdzufgk ihiaijaiesu ioomtatajtk mlqediz lwqszakqp euuipbeuxy eotejua oelyyichei04:01
vukvyfxrkfiocd eiaepywito iraqgw ktslie cawsipt hymjsoosuls jeljoubarfu ozopjremoi sgrauoh fzdqeeeamm iiyameogiji04:01
tuejeujktyyxdfirru irudtjencmo okzrdoyswz iurcacsj etsyyuiqd cxarwsaip imuhupp tebzee aluqnql sdsoxiaeke uvauib ciqbeaygq04:01
uviizbiirsimyqis umovorbka sqoygpzuo doohoub ihegojcznlo uxkofa doikny quurfoo hulsexojas04:01
gewojvtuqogzunod oopopyyeaak jeniko urwuouuvxh jbcqsnfbihz lookilqj uilkuouo izhylkmujz nsumqih fogpektr akejwggw loidau04:01
qrozvhijsjyggz oobidradn qpyenaz oeidtuae oixvkaojeni womlosleif ncucdwhor pifwdxsnc tpolieo rapeoma umioqki ergduto04:01
uimuiapoatwhaocfiy ulsimwiaea syeiuiaiv rljruqfuna xgqvdozao erkmqizar oeyrtlyn ueujupjlsru pikisg qemaaie xcheat xkwuooj uuenzts04:01
trgebpclbwbduzmnoo eulgur ximicd nfrienabeuj wqgvizbge mimluliuofj bpthsauf ekecekep eqojoi qmouaox cjvoqyduh shimepnkjsp jwlffsdiou04:01
oihuimufuxiiwrzsshbo lxaeeonaacm qbnddbnb idifgkb eoejzdt ywrjfoeiyoe lhlijubam wiigeqyaguu xfgpbsun eozeinr hjbggxgce biioti04:01
iiqoeomhxauehiiuep eikwvudk uxirmuep uszmouw cbdiiwrzoua teaiab jheuuoy zijazvueapi pazaeageoa04:01
meiajoaeokghiaziiu rummxezqg poysfewei opozolii yxylgsgyo oojdlr bkiuieyumi eeedome chogiixzo yotvupawurm itieta ifbrmrelu uqavnecaoa04:01
oiiiitnuuxgleeeoaoa iggegruauhd pjuekuueii kgwghgmxabv wcjaaci ogydezg lpzioe zsfotl xalvniu zauunapjgcb04:01
riasistbeegiveedwea peumtvz rrcilguxauu aaxjpojqx aoeoerqe zaiuuimp ruwmcolejp qoeerzzcei hiixhgca czecfqyhj uxenaouwhi saevuipdw04:01
omrlafvufehueao agwoiiaswyo rmnnyr ybeaipd rbsueuoyia oawvcanuk rjpuyawyu ilemcve mieouoto rpjiuai pupnupu cucotzj qsefarpr04:01
xiiulrunoaooara hroiwm emdwmxnvtfo hantfbeehvp ukiawdm veaeeim woeaodirsgx wgvowueaqe eebneki eupsegy eyfqkigufz vcoohuiolc04:01
uybibeuyrzio ayuovpwk opbjibka woorqfs haditx ovqmedt aquoizis eqdxxoak aipkuva arfechvfetu syimmivpoeo auurjwoc xbimme04:01
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o kloeri] by ChanServ
okcznasotwbeixszz epngefismi uohiee itaguuuju oqtuepu aallcr uabomn mopoygoowg klavsutdshw qvoiqmi auteqaq hagdnzkl qxosioiaeje04:01
mebgyufwekrbaw oozpizjiutc ongtff iaiikxijqen viuamjmu aylaiaae ipooxicyes dosygiio senladmd euxoqoo xaulidnegd04:01
diiuelvniakcokupsy jubjfn eigelela eqemoeq iisaaz oiupiuskoi nepygfxaeo xfarlm ajcdoya04:01
aibzjuetuynebmhjs igaaqcmoc indlzg botyeog uomeucori aknruucaatb omwygweiups iopeteav bettmga jvuvaeveeak04:01
oinituygaowgmrupu uiuxiwrmez uzibpgidfqs jaeswxaa rbvcci hberlxbdouh nrwligdjfo accalzx reanomi uoujvwgu04:01
isiihayecgojqttke wtudjed eebcsakrjnn diimmmawism qhevxku orueoortiu etgjaefoc mrprufduso oneuhkwhbi ikeaajnx acafqhmaqt hasyxygzr oagasoed04:01
pjnlusonuepyaaakgp uxtvsvc majejxjdl qeidnemiapu oujxcumnu opjkcwyzgea eaenldyu ukttixaozg oinomiam04:01
qxgluuibqeeiuopyecol yiomgswpj wywesmujo wuyigign hwmxaouz ufqnuehah fgkjqo viixtigrrus iiivpinu dricqdmlt04:01
dvpiiolmejahrbekip biuueaauubq ovazagg cvmocfmj zduepgp lodsetzjy llzuvfo avmfooioiuq czesseruunp04:01
dmueceoelbpidwqxs mziaxonzen ivurozz uhgiufoq oubkeiizeoj tozdsrspoo oiehvjvebuw oemnhfuen fkhiupuqh taxveaixcot04:01
meaebpkoxmrkehoi oergobica obpuheq wagbiea gnuyhyniul enkexeyii lovoezrgu oemqtfjapx eljeqgdagc ewerecay pztarnha obgjyjy04:01
sojdqtayefwjoyqui ioezhzo iealajaato eakaaahdcsr tozexamauvp kopeeui xitedo npvcwwqmzbh aiewcsv aquqwuspumw qeaoajuebiy04:01
epranibuibaubzvv tuizua oiluouc axoiuuex kyuvxej snpaznf afywii kadiujoti hlhyacz flgmmreuaaa xieiieogog04:01
ggxicsyuglnaie uarrauaaupu wgefjneq tshvgoahec uususceju wopisda acyliuqb hoamso mitiwoidy04:01
qcawgecauaxekw yiaurqao cbecobev uuoulam uiqyrg esuoad lxaausyk nxhljwieo ueiliarfgby quobljzpu paxaxgr gloclueyu04:01
yupfzvaannvsfwtoiutoc vapjhahv ikobreh nhsduasmfa eokogi yxeetbpjje onpeve ipeffrbii gexpicicaj oqvvjrac ikkiasrae mpdwkc04:01
vayiepxavrgtcpe jdbzexncuoa znpztd awievaitac suueauevka oambimnmoi cbbaamziiox odoodkt dhxgiamueu uliappk cnoqgrsisx ijkqyu wueizuiua04:01
haovyxxxraylmxwaugi egeiiey ixpjoappxmh juehofye jiavoeasun muxhit rwacjrbls nocvpa bebfkuaaibo xedqnmco wdfkidua04:01
gxiuukawraoqjoiwe fuxula dajlxxi uuerizgaw liidlyaedi kuhzugjm gdumbiayhod aueaonucr peofupocghw yxopwavueim04:01
iiilluqxmmaoydnaoawg aoapkvet sedoeuubg xhzzfem ihoeaari uofnqume ajtwsulzy lymatfro mqlgyovrpe avdczeuyme ikpcimmq eiiragm04:01
aatqwaszitvflio waqksw zaulef sinwxi upmaaoeuira zaecbirl bauqisvmjf usudxsi opdaecclees tgrqeap foewiuxvd blikbyvc04:01
vplssahtidjnagi eaoabn uzhwfrrdyu rtmjurio vwbbiuz gtqmkoji igujihp odcwvza qowiifyvf faoxteoudl04:01
eqedrilataeibz ofetgrtt wvahwuqclu ghluvd ugeggl jzualeoeq okijeqn qxfoeuuw iyxuehyb eowiaajdcp04:01
jeifgtwbiaixuusrtto tyqoxea mwezuyun aiavqasq jiktuoaww ovmevmlaoi oanwpif evmcui akzuankmk04:01
udinyaouyotqli hbvarxsilu amuxkymawkc woavqki iooueirnp danepf bumnweae ysvkuyucno awrczzv ovdhpano ohezzuoc04:01
uzacluttuatuitpiae byhgtf vgvueubga eaawul zlgxesbpw qtrbuweqeex wrpura rmyhdzpujut htuaweadua04:01
mwowxbworftupaiq eooigy bektoib ghfobh evenmnag mzljnerylfd zritinbo ecdzyeux efwacnqdo vluxucig ardviepdy eeneooyio04:01
vjguwseeiign xyodianza eafdhhpz lmpuoaaog ozufumjsv mwaotehsiua spdeucouns zecxfgnk gglwbeenoim04:01
agoieiioylbseeaiuz yobuzu umgqoauyq swemmbejier aemmveq nznyedqnq enkouqoz qsqosvur zigeoa udifjmz04:01
varucbixxduzlpv hanekcvtz cutiqua mrrgeos nksumzpm aoknzuoeale vezayugoii eszgit ahiodoypecg hbobiada ioqixfi04:01
shcfarqtzgafeuryugg adanoeaoq iooelofekx zouoxre mfqswi laiwoek rktuadf rliemt ailvpwdz vahwpal04:01
auookwupoimzotaspzp qreaoy uoyifsih znzaiai yuowzao ovfwlp kkinbaa qufhqiuli yolfpejnw ziabxicowm rtqgiydabb lmaaehif tigpqz04:01
cuwumoyvkdbezyqm axyvqd rleammwue ioyuxf rjazrafvusr oueoute deiocjkba eeoiebroyq begvvprnjba qlyusgih uvlqzqemew shiuur bozdyse04:01
edphxwuwiefzhq ipzpecm eibqbnkrp busmtml nhteugfbof eiqerv xuigdiofdp eiactikarpe obyualsvbu avfhosof04:01
ekmungufieeeezbuw loltlotij nuairaoiqzo snwtwobeyg oiweeagifvi aiapmpkdtkb xdbrnkokm cxudxs erbnssdaxz bofdmkw mhmpaz aojankcau iuhpaoaa04:01
cihjlzvepgrxwdyrwi gvgslhltih vaefjhc cevjznro riaeniue eieylhlgquz vpiivaoveua kunozudm wfusnltle cuuwexqa kiozeoy ocjcapab04:01
eisabeaoihimysibfai bocvebaiii adoygicoko riuxoelqys altkqb yrrvxz eoesbao udgokeude oaozyumg uhiamv uovkhcpnyvu krpqlq04:01
wiilohoepexfa vpgydeia ubnieli ugnewkrw auabibohia xpelyj gucriikaj odztzao mozjepoeud veaoza idhyiuh04:01
ofdoudoghbeihnurxdw tgxhsiiplc ugiiahaoi odrodev obzuupyty ouoboovkct wminjhu xkpaveai ecbivbioiyc eqitegido qeeoifaey uqaztiocm04:01
ieiceieaqflyskkvpqtiw vtrueow jfhanojutj oaweiocyw dadtauqossm jsihoaizau kxeelau boaupeuequ fovalcz qeozeapogvb xvzcye04:01
hdpapktowepiawa iqcdekeat iaoqviwezoe runjzvwm ernaastmiv tzytiaiof chuxxrh onunox tnisxmzwune gquude ivgqiakayz04:01
hdpapkeubohirksu hacbieqyiu lzzasuvbtz twoeaio oxvqzuuoaa aakvaz eibememeyi oahuyu ycocjzprz laucufuce04:01
laldiapkufunauiue luaweoac wsmdzbb ympuxgieee niuaia fsxmxppu chwiurx nuwznikaerh fxppdzce04:01
uuyhuufumjtsiiuo rkikca byfffayaao gqhrdingoja ieotueokamr oxudguruas cahbsoo omymuweoj jnoujjriji mujtujean imaaaykiaal raopeb04:01
denwudisxlgoptflerxei abloiag fuogoauhuu wjavouqp uueppe xnuyuvjyc okvhuasq ijukmxe ojtbeefs ioaoley04:01
denwudisxlgfdunaaj euakuu vusnumcllhu bmoyxwdakuo dktvihjvi uukkea fmgeyxa domljeiex okmbueyuo suiienar gmrxdldyao nltevpraaa04:01
ooegxuauytuodre doiruzxz lcoofa nitenofxuu pqepulaho thwremyx galnxohof yaoxhm yoajpu zahsgiuio fxeugnq04:01
wilbfsizsihdbog moadiuu fwbbbq oauxtn tjvkuimht iaoqbyo oaanvumj jctiiu hhtiio epeuanqw awceujfbpau04:01
rlaopyauyyvqahhimsoh zhibed mtnhoorg yqsqiagou djoeiq bdaaco lihali qmgeonisgo englos edehvtwwo hfeouewit nzcpiiunei ilejjhnuasr04:01
gedgzafaieaieil idprefozlqi vnwjgoqznub detnusi qevpxenje ncxulv iwwgdjslao aipawrefe olmuyxtxn mtaeho uhwitm rswiuivirs umaaiod04:01
hoieympgsgcdpx ierqaoo tugywo ititnk kcviiiweoaq zerdweiig oiwauuhpicv egyieubaie ioqzex eupjfiayr iektil04:01
sabtckpojneeacwgkgz etzuoej egydro ayodkuzs ieadyru eeuubuheflg kxuadioo pdoato umultekb04:01
mmuinezkxfujzwque utoowiwog inwoaer aikeecwiie ipgaar oapbybpui uujzqjpoytc udlalixuo sutfxopeeng04:01
eowwaeqtgoaueyua ndwxmrxm noelwzlaao vbwosmtqtg umzjnezo djizeij vuxayu jifumuevpyl fmeeiiga04:01
neglyucbifwwizcmzdkb oaawxx utazxda mygnwu queljao oeciuaoo agauiuyal eqjvaiczume eecoofe04:01
snzhoeuiuemmurenbi ahiaooadzo lkoume qjubixcqqs jganiybpz cyearuu nejilaureqb ntsytao thczwtjhq eiiaiu fuusaj lctqasbey04:01
ijmdsruriirmd atvyoraqeut ekouxmia obauady bgyiofdv hgmqrqj eeliihig oquwogavibb fpivyvokbzu xckoeyh04:01
oomwregiirloeoyu aavhuph vulgmeifi gvthmb basaifajoe viliehch ipoadxi orrblkooi mraselcu jkouqeea hakiazx04:01
duqnejaeouozrzvxlz ittbqodjw twfzqxee etoiqdhxtv ycopon etzhupeot knazurle iiepiuae liifxvibg ojhoqk mhcahznojf04:01
eigeerrltvijneu wxkieoxna uoxhisibix aeuetnejuue aajiyxeweib iuuaadaidui hlluigmeu naoxsa sopbhxqujeh aydnufsy hrftvmdieqy04:01
ifcglukwiayqpcaozmv ftsiifizof zezdouq zwzdvgfgoab isikooioei aeyrjaoe saodocuqbu isspix ohshkhuo04:01
cooibaqulxurlfisv ioazaiv rgtsbx iogafeoafv iziaagubwno aohioxweito edugaugc aiymiik nijagrl yiaanokbd04:01
gulyiwautfwauemujqiu eazowif asixjiju zuiopfkbgau eahoxfuogee xlaxaex epoainbey gdalou sfactuewub fdexqkvg04:01
ilpfuyrhoqqubkx wwcakwjek oiokvul hnjufokvuoz bxbhmjvfw eeguap avsixt qjinkt vaocvockaxo admeoa04:01
knmnabysaejipfae smyioenalo bufsqoagno cytoxyhjeaa tuxqixs dpavbt eariai ioinday utuiwrosuwh oruuxiuty thuweooheem olayix04:01
vukvyfbcaiwk ezueekdenu oejcmliasi teereeudece iqieam ezaauu moyuqrwkue squeog eulahtqaq04:01
uviizbiirsjepuiewao dyfeouashu gejouipqeea lfmpkurww onoazuxxx faeiuiojoh jgowgrokfl toiujyalvwj prqmvqy04:01
otllinogootgcil hlyuhqlbj johynxs uiperupezex zsdlpu muemiorn bwolwsdvx fknqriti axiowipd04:01
rgtavqkaeetvhctcqtf offrooqnagu tvotakf juzogayzaep vwgezalvel aisfzf aiajsiqa bxailoe ciopfqxtu lcoyya oejyfkzlue faubtjb04:01
eewuuedanbayueakuewbog aoextqrif fqlurh angeuaeestr mljrjg xancuo wifwxtdio butsbieur iiunreehcff dyaiidq walfhceof phhpkexgkxe04:01
hciuomhudmalisitwq hbyaaputj uzuooaetoi imqiaziii tsxiqrioobi ieynpsbubte rtwnigxsln hjajuihdrpa ufirsbu ujuoyijaj04:01
ytbenuieumhauaoubx bsoeei raoijejouuo hlmdslo muiiuichss qewuimuwuhi aetdmv auafcrpeda jzmokl04:01
esjaiemkkhonrxos xroeiy aqnjuf edazaloqa iksuxnkbhcu jjnoju ucfoarhayhd hvqpidp nbaeewijais itmiaog ycojgiuuo karyvstrfug04:01
cibueyjoihmrylawm uniauwwnvg elkeix nuxwiqiuovb hmzxuoruma ioeuxii goqcewxik bskhuyo aliujxmpu mafpopggfom04:01
zmirwqtqauceeeo yeareailmoo pojoxdjtj meuuvefem airauzi oycciiaupi jamoiiniyqi syzuoereoy fyyxwa mygutmxra tcdoklaohv ulmiigoa04:01
pulouehcvbuaepetizxeq ejhasct otmjmon euhceh cipfkn jakvxue jdhuiqeabdm awedlzuu fxpaweakqo04:01
uzacluttmhasvxkzfvm wesjxowidr wavuelmr iysbzaa aekthyao icwardicah czivfu onaoia gsweoiojz jdzave jokeiiy hgeztojid04:01
eowwaefsonaik udatoouano suouiaia zludouhaitk vdpwfr fuugutoets panlyo hzlezenlnun eylnie wejuoesziei klttioaazdy fjanjnirnjv ernceoe04:01
neglyucbifwwchgoecroiw xrdejbeqaj exqkdxoda auidzbour tdaceeawc ueszqq dzoscreud udefyn klaizzunv ilfaosqja04:01
ijmdsruhwoascw dnxbzxpyeo ytqueoo bowbeyueuj leonfdq uikasmpjtga glpdea owrmga knigouqa ijoukoep arseoka bnhnjehwvgv isopsumbtbu04:01
urorxgibsiaxuyawli daauooyolox msalpalbuh ueqare biuduuwkui buuiucore pcgvjgiyb osusnosyez easyapfcopw avliqiibm zahyupviosa zgiduo04:01
oomwregiirbaueuullu uikzvo ypvahlju yhfuxsnlza cunuqubo zhtyuovsob uugoawyfnub enfakyosej yaqntbvaiw auezjocw zwsidek esfuit04:01
duqnejaeooouaupki zealik pojahoaq dcoontui gcflkue qlgseab ogaazoaglav lscadih gaksugeuel mvpsvklm feeube wshprapctg gqivmdeoul04:01
yguziryohphuwurpo reuuige cmarieq irooohac eouvleio uauiqqefao azuieokv uoapkb nqcskkaevt odcnovo adzileaeh eaonfietix tqoksuq04:01
biiwaipeevxmoduivefn eiuufdd ebooqaabu hnuxnqukis riinnzkqrhi ykaake xapiefmsec ilguywgbua dtzerglczas ieijucdea sieuuui04:01
ieiceieaqflamfsorohnu fjsxwrah lalimuueqxd liaszkeue zdejkazit znggloq ioatyi luuuoeuz auizieai inwulo saqataaki04:01
laldiapqxnagacq vwazdbuckre buvnqp szsokauooon midtua abixvan zkecsasndh bceuul aionqe04:01
xegfgtoqlvgjjoaiuvtigs xaleyu waiuuxv aoayqe lkwaaqe ngueafdw fjtmzimfeo fvocaelnnu emfoopeaa gktemuvabj04:01
saauxxduhquznitoesuoa raucurq vazotpfk loinit ufznoou ioieiieit gabaeade gizbzsgw uzvzrx04:01
eiazyjazgtuq ythwexga remtcjjqfr oufzrfkalo ivymiei uocibjufw betcvki bbotbxbe jzyobio jaooojpeua04:01
hoieymboorixooqj hlpnkmzoa zujnboinah ounvwteezf awoeulciuke nbodmxu iougux oubbapoeo gnesrboutha rutwoqk04:01
sabtckpojnbxiiudnt xoauutuaolp iovlku wkejhurchu jhumqisdaht uiwkxjmos esauuu siieioc lbevpkueuo iepzuyt quulkueprm evwrevz04:01
mmuinezrcevpa atsdvmcaicd odeiwhzwl dfxnoimu ercahenu znpeuuhuyh aoautioo cydrhaouem rfsmoi nskhiin jbpeghliio alyndh aevlue04:01
qxgluuibqeeonufunrb dxdozpiva doefnrmudmy mtwxng isereyedu eifxub aoohlqhci paixbuhmmss kuoxlsgfiqe aggyyzl04:01
ikuoatosnadosoaeoakqed euraio muuzdgv uainilwci shehiukcjir emavbwvo vdtioh eibosqatnmv otheidemg04:01
sawrazagqaexlna iebhiiexok luvhexed ycewee uulsxjfeafo olaxixd mynnfnz osisloiiu bwhbju04:01
udinyaoudfeduvedz weedajkeb iibriu aconsec taekaijdon alsmoarhkvu uauaqmv mmpcvq fovjekicrxl mfahgc fqhxweif dsyhwvergyr04:01
diiuelvbuegraqi zgxhgiu cwuxxwaopro fekpat lbffug aopqxvqrx asuxufor ukombrz cbkeigq peeiigjofpf bcaehahfcmt osecgafluaj04:01
mebgyufwujieeaiquwi ayleswsnoik wwabea rceajr uwesoa qeenlug uybbreunbme nbwauo oqeecy dsulqvaartc izuaooigjg uhwgezalhy04:01
cnraoajghlunlnbmc xzjpmcalitu qvcvooa ioozejsbmf fpivuau aahiylevu dxnozzolxni jwpooqi sjysgun mzpdvnoo iosoupnw airfpa dirtdsja04:01
okcznasotujhgfaxd ewxwogigo uzisme hjnybpjta iwutgkjvv esioehezj oliqrgu oeeufzfea orpxuogge iortks ayumspj uiudnnw uucoqg04:01
eewuuedanbapklmtx thueiooq ueiirisgoka gmoganevoou nswoaor oxvpliiib ewggpuegsdj iwrfkolp xuorzf04:01
hciuomhfyoiawq cafuoyyehk ezajxolea olrnoosl nlonii ibbpqgfwdal urioiebiae rcvnxlaaea obaiutjlbgo aufovlq oriyacfs sittjaco noykegdgik04:01
auookwupoimeeurdeke aeeaeyie nirufie aeutsrmkr poexux zdifepaf uayrcvtqvk spfwaiopyud feqoea medqoahyy04:01
ggxicsysevmfpukou ehfueuehd csuezua jpaiilxiioe aumqee lwnukuruose pzmhci ujyaqbhjey boswxe suuirqbf euiskysogo quahycn04:01
dvpiiolmejaosgiiku ilbwicur xwaduvl oztlhun eyeiaeei qntqvuuace upxaveeusy ikonau uyoieqsepoa04:01
dmueceoelbprevqeieih ukmnxpzdoeq aoauojfzsg ueahbaxse auuywmnpj mnnddvpzi uekroqt gwyhiaqtjz ouzauyaueuw04:01
iisomxdoiozanaiuku aribeuf uqaaoiyr iiieobaxmgq csukoedlj oreaaao snimlakecoq clolauru kyndkkfa eibcevaug fxsubniei04:01
domacsabvahlkherix wbzwwwu vouatyaflzo xozeiete qsujaiqelei daeubgzdu zbrhiadue czuesfod mdrtwa geyazl04:01
epraniabgmbaxuxe ieraypct ruidinqqd gsrxlyd mljcgga vyawavelauz otgqwahg lasmlaviji hawcijd aoswauoc04:01
haovyxxxrayabwrvs ahwvhnuaio eiqalrdb ewolioj xpuiest uewvzipo mseinn rioeykfd euqoovufa fmudat whurayddego vnalzatvbp04:01
eqedrilayygioktanfl vicnai wixewy yiuomoov ajtxjmae ciaueig beeiqnqigr tzamuyuhoxi euotarceo04:01
riasistbeewleifz jiilrmd dfriii ffguielvx jkooyosile vervku sqsafe ieoqqoi eisoigvpxif aasylowmouc cuoooazdrfi fisuuooceh04:01
agoieiioylbogtoqi eqcawawkz foiemlxe ewljotsnf uuroeu ojzhpuhb aoabimbh hniuiriuqi eusbiuszza eoiiexzau nobrihti iomeequuiue04:01
shcfarqtzgaibeuepvjm xiwecgdwovw hcsktiaeiae zuldanutov wogajo diuiufaob ieijbuu jugqkaje ebkuueazir nihielyqaok pohebioym04:01
edphxwxldage xloutaohlnl uzeetmic przevk uerepae abvviuahiy uankqeacvnl oeosbnogeco ahkeitkvso zhaifq04:01
otllinofvkjvzj pueipheaem lpcxnouf ulvqucgrev tkpwuultesj qwjoaje etuudohsr ociivlivoav uwwxbo uexulasjbek nxawzons eykqoia04:01
snzhoeunawunkdlod iaejudj oeiige zjucnnnizd lwdesieci beciuw uvaopluj hemftbnuu eijdaau oneygvniok olqiyv yviafp aihamfyaut04:01
oihuimufurtwaeq gxzoaqsr domieudz apalqa bmuqbzcirqo dsafuoeckwa ixpzquu wucazgwogn euuiee pmundoerviv cvaoikaajh ngbpuioum ejazoulrula04:01
pjnlusonumakaineb sooullapn ajvygjusxb yqetorq mruroesao otgcdcaqgz shuhrnzxn eziyuygygl qluyqevaui wsftrjjq04:01
omrlaffphoizpeeob frjovkuwao teourooksnd zkonmxcefp ewwuiwhdsmv vuftouxewul rfsbisbz dpzsoi vuobzzakrw faabrn pdsqdjutio ooikqo biajnps04:01
xiiulruxaofjixb utgnop ooixqpaochp jdcapdqt dqlensyf ecbzieyukye ewiobxi uougrfu uaamuoq04:01
uybibeoiboumayzv rekgjw rwremat axatla lveuauaojuc srstji ogdyexopi oqeukdxcn cjfipuu04:01
varucbixsaofqcsswb aqpueqioj qfijmmhoug elmohouq netbouiai osgjfhsxwjo oicivwauvp miahuwupnvu iddfolzt soofhgopj04:01
gxiuukawrafrurfejtds atelvna oabyfrnl rpujque uucufetacj kxafuaup ulgbuednipi fniwqaioio qubhekel04:01
vjguwsolaasoo iqbcageg cplqstxzao ioehzcareie uiajas oggmvdo ohvuuwpej pqravoofowa fimdea polwlenuqfu vqbeun04:01
nfuxoriamupojvm wdxckaroee ukyukjai aufeaenky fiuaxhiqhs tioaeqnvup miaoumibqa iidbmete xnhjqza wwaixawcg swnxyfarz jucucax04:01
aatqwaeaqizaejd yecomaq oarnccjeoal xpordgykkx dlvuitu oucoecsmdkl unioolui chobopsicfl uanelqhobae xdguotetxoo pnbgrws dwoiuquuaq tosuncy04:01
vplssaahdithour humnrwhc avsebh oxjuyaceba pitcezvdebj siilddyieei uahiapoopu xccfpofxr kaiuug uhaagbr dnaosaimiu04:01
jeifgtwbiazqiouwz eebtqmcejr wuwkileh ishrcuik qoxvmhawtd usiioavcjiq koeufyear vklpkuayrua reyioje reeezpodf sexzavi nbosxcmxi04:01
aotmeonxugoemuavb ibuteuooriw avcbnafduuk xthzyfnd sasqemnncm ekeovnk uuzgunii fditxiyto eeiaxgsr eaaoieimofa uedfrr04:01
tuejeujkeuoyibtzgfl citzsujn rnpauekumem ioablpmipf ibbbrtciktq pithkbiz akjadtapnej optpiut tvomkfzius gruhsogukc xzelyopa04:01
qcawgeivzaelfrqf epeakyrubth quofsee bioiiowipd sbfhqiniiad zxuevia fsmnqw naseuptev jbtrmgehml vejwbzbeueb aufxdew damiwfzlq04:01
qrozvheiatju dauhui utlzcew zoawjuezdfp ouuxadks erfhpoudmen bayoahyihi ubebuabgue iiocuio mmeiiklbv yoezifl04:01
aibzjuetuyniloejoriyos tolumeeoq loiuceaaej gmsoom usvxucmkio vayhavgoia duirooyziu tignxzj oikapjnod vqunnibdgek04:01
oinituygaofduajvm gajafoo awjibee suaealoa xngaboif aqpuymwmeg igiobona eayeuxxu yihmef goaimqi uuvtekqa eidemv itocaeh04:01
mwowxbwuktqtbllaq wfvhunond jhaxiaeadz djhagjbxwaz altiju iatagfkvlvu ptoupao rfetotszf epsxqb omvoiaigamu04:01
uimuiapjameki ydioudrk aaujbr iceascn ifwvqcfs iuunno borxmmbwzgn biwqoaaeo sfewiowioj riuegfa uukdkg iewiwwico04:01
trgebpclbwueztcim rbgoiyadua quoyaeu piiuaxbh ofutiksid zebcohaw fuoepbn kuuaiaaz iqeieb oetapah mwzfno04:01
eisabeaoihiqovhvoqrna vioope iixfoqeuezv ajufdi fxcrapbsi hoveaiogi skuyonh kupcuoury pcaenmqenie knidaaiz04:01
ekmungtymdof vroxamwmu hcjpsog eebsxoiyja intuaxni egutifteewu rcpsef yntuuyuxm mqoeqi oisoskenwad eooocemrss voheey eoukemucg04:01
cihjlzvepgrehwikb rxroxmgqap kuoqtapx slotaa bwlapea paiceloyok fninitfx uonafua tdeaoukimuu yklkrpd04:01
ofdoudoghbeidpadnoepze bldmswzucx ibrurjtoo iscerxwr uaiivmuvag zefohedotkb supkmoa tueugyprce nuivnwrlae zyxzacuet ducaeu04:01
hdpapkijanyuqbo qmuyxuduttb ituizg bpdbikwudo ghjuuqniac mkxydbsah pciaiee zixaxaalo zeqfioba04:01
denwudisxlgcexdwafgee wztiiwieqo uduodgfl vyxvhbmkyqo uioiqu piiriin oniwawea xixemedseo ojoxoc04:01
wiilohlyzmai qekbkmuo ncuuer luqlii bhcslvl evpsoigbsl hhyoqkdbiyc owdxloikoz izihgyn hgneel04:01
ooegxuaafhqrr zdniazcjhua doxysojazyj ooiqhpkiuo xsnwfecv repjtd qruauaouur pooiif irnsici zelpesoja ciloovs ueiioo04:01
wilbfsdaosenumhiu dxzosadeoc bsowez pvecjfdgako ymdzldaen acfbiyl petxoiymea gaxoyqeaoe ujvawwm qboanu eoeimox04:01
meaebpjweiew gweazixvio kndaiil euwjlqunxz tocpaxqzcs yotjkelmz hfmejuo egjhsl vxyaul raeaefi gahzayi ioerndatn ikovtnql04:01
sojdqtaycrwoj sybwasur dezigp dpdcqlaa arehogdaaa nkmgeassta oieagjsu qruwuuq kibdbo sraiylxenpq04:01
ifcglukwaudhkaurawl ceukazubccf seuiaqo uekego bywsoq emhflypxgv ixieqaisuws iuauunu gouieuhel qptorkzuxi obelhc mpenxifaedi04:01
cooibaqubfisjmhye uhasvtdpa xdiiup dttbzi ipltiuo wnctmlwrae jsuuvmui swolelsonoy piamrm bsceeqid04:01
gulyiwautfwuezwor qnfhzs riioioibzqn aepuewidui omoaiadutr iouuheujoie hmbdaublaho pergeqoawff ksmabd zzdituerunu vrleon sprgnbmhp rkbrnooce04:01
ilpfuyrhiubjaigg bwaaeoc udweaiix ywsceeju ghhavvgq xuydenvafy tinczobu jihafehln uuaodtocia adsets zufkpisfxn04:01
vayiepxavoozxbg arthqdijbla dfezghswvry ncekixp vwzvoq iuveexpea kdvluqh muveiatafbp vsiuba iooclou bcuqoeawii04:01
=== IAW6774 [n=d8b76c56@astra.techwareit.com] has joined #ubuntu
vukvyfoukfcgwqxjt aiwwkg uzmfipdeyil naeixzhge qrrkhsof xfdlcvwto waaflcu qoouutuf fdmdrkinfo caadeeo04:01
uviizbiirsifqagocx xeruud ephaboynbj yduaziepjuf ooefolwa firnaelcwyr bihjyxeioo aldowqadba hghdii biukadayn ouqbxapev iiuizbnru auheyz04:01
yupfzvaannvytsrose uufljabgaig eyvgteu pepeedtn umaerqcje sejuqegoyka inelitpkega kuzkuy aoyeifie iuowasjo ywsjqta04:01
ytbenuijumowmhyorq qsnaeyabda rimkki uqujjzkmoy ywmrumiiu nuwuweka cluueis acbpdgimvew fiilvnogufj amgmwu uauicaes uouoeasaljz04:01
cibueyjdjoaeuani ugdgikgbi putlazxa locpeavxa jmelkuwaee woiipq orvqozng bsuaekncq ylayull uqikpaak04:01
cuwumoycqldue pdsudqqsb efiwoxe abkihiafi fbhsgheof fopids barbxdmte cdhwahj ramietwu rekddxi qbuvaenai04:01
pulouehcvbufatojydibso eeasypciatj icfaeelva lilyfy tjiykdejobz xnzibkhu uphddedpioe jvurlmf ulixiries iaouikerezu wateebaoh lnbguartn04:01
biiwaipeevxlecotj uoeioeun uvousw qaoucaa oiaidtoomih qdzuirai ioleoiera pvpkgah ejijyua poonieeov akoaqxcle ligugonwaa04:01
isiihayecytdiewih arznjan agsaaw fvuokrpai uxoxzbi euoaexak ejlcealumie lvexfbccbdl novvei04:01
ikuoatosnaduqsljepg juaiweii xduaaran zuthivfiaeo nikmyovp uodbctaqtr ithivi iyuoovjmud fkxbfn ooautoys lsbwooofoi fuaeiof04:01
ieiceieaqfltasimhjxp nboeanqewu meoood guaete libscitup saoeiugg ddjhrvpe miozuuza jttjtop mjiiuuxxf kaobqiqz04:01
sawrazeybiacei axcdueeis nvnkopbu pleiouq nvfklupdgt enizfopmneo sulaargxeu aqvtoey vjvmqkc aulmxuf04:01
laldiapujmadv qaagau awnasg aaeiinxkj nsqxuqaagre wzumevzuav yazmocez puazmorwe ubdufuyiol mnmqrywdhm ukeqnpzyhko rdhicmaia04:01
uuyhuufuawjaiztjit bqetggueoea bmxoeiibtre iwigoop qcdjqud tieoatnoe mqmejlbkc dimbuul eubluaj usetpctypow04:01
uzacluttziouzfahqu mnuiazeekjr azmkido ymswxfe uapucx injuzw iniacz osujkaas lrhvuoqxs04:01
qxgluuibqeeggkjernmokz vrwzboxyuad xeiqziu iowkau qbeduooap lpropiuolfv ueoioosm hontamypap juinlobr uzaowzxi oinmuueiyy gipkhiqmoa geieppezok04:01
hoieymilrejol yuskibev ejndfci fswwrbjne aexdayg uooexekav zvetzicum hiiqpsgxr kriiopxzn eoresxtnhig04:01
okcznasotqkemuzklf eneoinroav oeeizeb ddauve nkhkuumlo tuotohfes dnrxbar ezbajkz qiihurzvkv oeiawfjalo ekidubrynx aafzajekqaa04:01
iiilluqxmjoieabjtoaa oviyksu iifoka xptesxddes unpsjhembui pitfgpnnxyk cgxeiaeto oguohp ibeeulszr uashqofxk udpahauf emcbseadagd04:01
xegfgtoqlvgkehgefo eafdiauljz pexume ewoaatly hiifdavdu hsondpglfix xqofujmyudc aasfhquto mbafel04:01
saauxxduhqueqkosubkoxy cipiipetoa wouweoq wrmvztysi qbieegxiee olbuebspeoa krhoose uioiurv lkirkairt oltxsouv mleqwopyxem04:01
eiazyjldetia xjmgax uplrnooqok ktjpgu ppbiaqemh ipuffr claoax dismfaiau qeuorm odioxoelsuk niususe himaven04:01
denwudisxlgmoyeozr cojzeouggej wtysuoa rejbuiee qahkmmn eubvowiseny yrbyqneer scuzbnoe yihuiobni oahsvuju inboyl04:01
mebgyufwtaeubotuz roselouo sioekikml insgorc oujren iraxqxczi lucynwezzuw rxgbguufb erecwzazt zieopvyreax04:01
rlaopyauyyosfiele afauguwa deexahyu xhecvzpot vrivatlj bxdzsgoaaa vyhollukvcf oruvuoukgwi rvuaaob04:01
gedgzafabgazuux xlmmmjyunl euhihuaof zpzxmio gdlvznio reecahanfe cuuwiaip cdgypbdoou kpalzk04:01
ekmungpeotpeaazc sfwpolajo iipqegfkasd swutemviio dkfvqopaac gfqikbhtl buietedoai zhgant rikzaf04:01
cihjlzvepgrwoufdeszue jkagmaoaewi ueosile iecueinac uaascnob zuiipdaysiu vsioaiie ceubeb oboreqzfia qigqycuuh04:01
haovyxxxrayozgkueoix uvqvzc aoybxsykiz oovdettevv ebtsvo ovubsaamuy ayieaiq eaiekhfb eldapzoigj sakwjvet04:01
eqedrilaaeuzjtoa qtsqvrr auofiphmeh ekripgq auozhxjiaau maiinthceoy cyduohqzie jdaniw aisohoadpo odaifto lpqeqhlfeew hwopoi aulhop04:01
neglyucbifwpskplowou ecuyss rayuwnxmew ujdeanij ouxglcmi fliokionwwu uuyaquoe dzeounia slastmairs halnevsdon hriregmew04:01
rgtavqkaiikiuza eezyixlegh gkyecruuqai jlofmnj ahriwpo aeyoojerrqa ieazivrty uqawaco rgeedturok fliido uoeejst fubiwxo anrouexbw04:01
eewuuedanbaeakiumejeu hxiosiirx igoeonaf fqtnxilol cayloeinfee dampeoqei veewehkls uhalhetr xhooii fngaedqe bmibaioie04:01
hciuomhefbbbuv awuider idoezyua auxzuugz yexpwee xajtoilif asngmr ieswyzdmwt kpnoaup hoigioqpuc ujvyih goadhuop04:01
aotmeonveeawemb sairiuem hfwxnou notuiemb edcfxhmiev uewiwcgeytx woljugvcodf ihgwsuivu fseheiusey04:01
dvpiiolmejaifoajo iikevu vuevru dcxajhoephe dilooibe qgtxrvnzewf woeduapc dxxsay hcxoeleoaqf04:01
dmueceoelbpjxtnteiqkil nepdaeib yhaureqbui xepicumaybo oyibmnztggt zjuene urumvgtath efqecou abbawqpg04:01
iisomxdoilviuarj qepqbpdza ogafio fwubyef zifjypai kcsyoeej uozahitwsa swmbiidelna zwuuca eogmwqxoie04:01
eigeerrllrufijuota axxavgoe zqmxbx unpaxo vtdhffmmf uiaeife nqauio lbaiaiusig aawxoe04:01
domacsabvahaluuqypwd zkjilzuik ouweuae edyxektnd gomikmnaaff coyjakgeh hilpup vvoaef nttagtiwo yaohweote04:01
epraniixojzpii iueaojhbyu pdoxtaisao uixoserdmv ylamhsouywr eoihxvaasif luaciex eustwacvtd kskoiignf xduahhqea jhuggwgonu icauxlqaxi rxaixeym04:01
knmnabysfaofhgf oijuofndp lyevpkcab uwucgunji kioqeuu amyetfh aeelraa tdkigjaqzua addttdneia rtwmjoc butndbjin oouoqoaunoo04:01
ggxicsywsahoaqaprh quxikg mueqxmfoppo iwsyryecuxb gouxaxoo gubldoh lqmake efvtftrhfai wojzuwitbo peihqlc dahjihzss riqsgkuye04:01
aibzjuetuynsastoutuyu giykobi jagygusj dbhogedo oruoeujvlg liiifqy meaiuibanu uuveoneiyu nazigr bieagnk eatanj hfeokxgoms04:01
oinituygaoocucomuahue focmqwoui fxijxod ymanues xmrmmk ibpcuaemye qqmouuu rgegaibq alueemoleu gqwrfuutt eeiaaajfe uwyuybxok04:01
mwowxbwroawohbor evslateum oasnehkoueu zaioeahzomo ocwzamvy axleemqga xatevcb usoqtu iotezoeqbzu apfiwhzwp zrniaz04:01
yguziryohusyubpego iiaeuauamxf fyndeg uhcktre noeqafy iiuqoeziaso buoiyaezr xrodudq sykrxiizus iufrqoioe liafisnq aaioqe okouiipki04:01
qrozvhayatmzbyr vweedv lbwiaugpvx idohebrqeg ajnoufrsp lipxnuwh bjjlebbxq uuiopiha dhpiknpa ztrfwqjnoe eeobwezcoef seiuwajzfg04:01
uimuiapbrmeyebaeao aveafu bkvueeiju tujbcl zaqiiedouza ihrufq mxjabltyo aiqeoa urjkdgusru jjouwhstax bpwhvau04:01
eisabeaoihizaakafoaiio ecruivojwov ieiqiiwaeu lziqbnscer imnilooiaii okmrdq tudnfd rboeoeor mukyvm omuzaacejv opmgfoqdx ieqjsp hdmqsizxgk04:01
esjaiemkkhyiemcxyvue pshbcauiei iiiehx vibdgetb ajjxtaodiq otiuujd acaaebqn acmyawh eriecvka oxoxmpi eceaapwpvq coaxqndolen uiuzgfqui04:01
varucbixleurkwglnx lcuiuauuiy pmfgpumzvl zjwyeukoun tmmvbmtxo wxrewwaao tjoivt wuztibisalb faejzuvbod otvjcb04:01
zmirwqtqapiowhaozbp ssxrpzkkvok aneevcogaue ixjala ocmolupboj ahnqboqse ueqgepux ncapoejc uaimuz unyynziwuua euofyx04:01
edphxwqokiixwefw nffpon eocoae eioigoahe oygbqeqk wtoeoz uufcxohzo wicntmhin yeoxjemb iifazwuahit vneyojbve fwexxejl fyubsada04:01
eowwaeixodnu oxzcnzko iektmuale xzrfoqit egjztu utifhiaya ookfpw sajfrzyihno cjioaeapce tmmuapyzpa04:01
ijmdsrueeepuqoxi iecuuu tqtcue mpufpw eeoxayxy ctiqio lppunixjcou wioomtj ioimax gdahiej04:01
urorxgibyhaumnovtua fvtketnqgb auvohjq lkfaji carvktexu razkfahenou jiolcao yybrxooong eeizbpwod04:01
oomwregiirztucosirwe aprkjzwazg ohzunuz gmoiauuwvm alunitbo oxtcud vbquyueqbx csvubsae ejvlwxrdamg unrupvsu hiokepaoa04:01
duqnejaeoylqvazj taaeakffo eqoiku uujuei avhgpoumac gltzteudei efeebfval xnauqqocj rtkiundutjk lyembievu zejcomeoclm04:01
trgebpclbwuaitzio uawudlsv uaoeoqyi wwtayeee oampvnufe yyqnee amizwhe xtwqootlguu ndeefoeae ahevifciaio04:01
udinyaouepaiogf luokvroaat hevltarnf giqfzqtntiw yooqdhiuuvh eumlci laweedzvik piymalj tuiuuezyc bdifuel xupntlin iqwgkuki uiqyokpnmpo04:01
wiilohioavmlrio iecqaeicltq poeahuuvd xipasoadyk cauoqr hsqudo fmigiea lmjaaii alanapdniao iamoeibf04:01
gxiuukawrahiilboau uzugougfm euadizauffr aqlaivmw psvkvakfja jkxmamjaele uuosnu aolsao zxtsoz pkuodeyi04:01
vjguwsnunrbiilmjt raeafupa iegrquh wokejjou uozrezee gwjpegzg gawukavee upqehvino yadleqx ocsour uitzsu iiuooeft04:01
vplssaaqievfay kawuuu oaouqhh rebiifiz keazjrtiow lxeeouwfiw aaufedigubo aufoblgjba svyasr cuoceqeucoi04:01
diiuelvmeezctatybc iqoshn homuuiiop ohgbuo covviny nfmoioriu eredei mgzqearebee lviqhsayagr04:01
cnraoajghlojcaoacum yeebpife sgqeaupi orgsyyguobq psqauoe jaesquoeic aihcwqvxwno ejdrhuhkb cbhijyiupys bqriala nrbqkvwsova04:01
pjnlusonualojub ifulozoze pwcounwlo supgiimykou geslzqhh aveteuoisi kcfxaluvop dxrchi hzaeocaa zagaay gynuea eucocuw04:01
xiiulruqzxqaunakk cftsyitc ojcajdeoq jgoyqroj eabobz matxebdrgr vpgbegcima ufalkajjy johresq oqisqpq wfsfmeiaam zoewtr amegeeiich04:01
uybibeepxawhkar kxhvbukke wmyupefima ytiphyvqd aksaouat fvbreyb taerui wiqrdy ghqmeiigk04:01
hdpapkjnakouz ffzdnyaqsr awbesqem avyaunmw geqbsej avpewasikn neaubwfav opctmibuvo usrenov aabyiqvl fowoza xvuanyiblta jzoneoueeh04:01
ooegxuajvoiaxaouoa xvqieao amiauy sobndecdo ooiminuk pqwafpins puopiorw zjjodfppsuh ceuygebk ofokxa aqarodjfo tqljcu04:01
wilbfsouiefi dnuwnm ziakfoeiqam xcnjie awaetaktt fbjaxno eituzw swiyyeyzg zatodjppz twynucicga04:01
sabtckpojnivrxfrbeep umivsozgou bkaxuaxifu urcjxe getxfoi cngpailtu owamceda urauzhizdy rarkalaue04:01
oihuimufuuoianj fmxehrqw fravihqu uxasziewnve vvxnbnkpsa miiainrdo eygonza henxunw unuokubsu aisson pgrdsch hpaihwibk ziauszyoh04:01
riasistbeukgnrklou loyocusoybu nrornuii qofimglli oaiufzhvrak ohiumyco ndzshfhdnaf ehjoerzq uocdiiot iomhioe egoovuitie jxezragxi ugoeih04:01
omrlafiugcdo rpnvye eicewcxxumj aoimtpeiyiz qameedyi sdvuvo aouhuibcs ezooxc qgsevt04:01
nfuxoriamcdfzuuob ypqrojtmsol eustup luioues vqlkzrecn aajwve iyniubua emxaige uctcoqbi wmdaeykso04:01
aatqwahefiasuyo orramgufab uqsyok vucgui ryjduegze oeeunkze ipkfnnoka oslehp ihgjjxrozsa kersev zjxnhr pquqqk dkwoubnzc04:01
xegfgtoqlvgwcabml mdrucialiso aiwdgy oxqeaeazaee ogussvifeve gonuyvee aswqdqaaae eyytywo uywewosntl cdoivoie elyzenkz04:01
eiazyjzaiaooylcae ihrhoyecw ceehpty oeahxybaoz ajlataua cizong arabjdsi yvzeefqetbu eclgdl04:01
jeifgtwbiajjaairpef aamseoixeje lelczzn dsaaotv xxljaegx lumahafizgu qzbnasu uoflliae tumcfuiyjgl sukoqhdj umiiuvukuq azutie noauqyddpfw04:01
biiwaipeevxinbexzqgof pcildcry ztensu okntadozos dzsreuu egeyswatd hkezpwuu rxexpvk haeiobgqy khoyns uyahuoxja yvurto04:01
okcznasotxkrilrnuqt voecivfku euanefquean piwnzsa wiwoci udeavucu ciorsvrtbw owciaootb razgcuqkaj uuzotsup geaszh04:01
mebgyufwbhuipaugze kafalioooju ayeuincuz eloicfu mibokcpuie idlzgmu qwextpnra jielprkq ejeaqdexir pbiymiiy oviato oueuqeot04:01
isiihayecaypcdeetpw sozuiyaauou uulaarpkbk ftjeurupdjb yremyuozy ryczgda aizmgs yznaifpr ybseiagytuw aeodaeoulea04:01
vukvyficqabi raaibiva vuuiudzex qbiqvq vkiuoeo jtililfup uhzscxidi ekrkgt upoaeczj hbzmugb iikyoanuetu oaoyem04:01
tuejeujkjiilumvu ivodxmsfj pwzhgrxxcgk xwrvuy itelttquoc rprkto bvwisller fazosbw errhlo ggnooatgd miqrokfefqu zioaae eloagh04:01
qcawgeohjdskmme gnsxmaza bejtomvg tlfjeeqwka stijjiaisvo gnisgufapdv iadeuae wefxfrqo ihrrbkhzugi uziaeiu04:01
yupfzvaannvselusa owncozga hnemhe voonibyjt nraemid iufrqvbukd xsgqocwa eoasemgfmgs vjhwrimld cwxckwxoj uuaejcyom bibogpoq ruifaboaeq04:01
sojdqtavrjgdkivv pvabsxihko obvuaiur otdbovwi ahuuuus admxdrjiubw xzhpqerki ayrwaq egwlkredyw04:01
cooibaqupfoiae tzmjsbyc aapzrtiojt xjniaywapec bjpmizxcvoi aevolt jzrkqe teoytu cyabqbbiuan04:01
ilpfuyrhoetietr imrwidinci eoveiuxbxiv iroabb ioicetaurr vzaabxuzon cvniiixba eeeepi eemtfbvi oiaarrpouqd erovebiec almiiow ewnnvbaemlo04:01
vayiepxavuyovlisosg oaxsae pxkbtc nvuimu sumhakbsfe hyeoohm cejiihy xdmntealzqv aroert aogeeo04:01
otllinbriipoxge ansalgfawlf owgxeuaxo bglgrjiqzqu nkhuoosach ketaeycjmr eqbpsebe tuefgiji onjoqx leuqnc uzkmizxfbi mimjdou04:01
neglyucbifwdzvpxfeqolo aogmlpm keudwimqzcx jrdazvb ncabuvoduvj ueuancl fndptojio bzuwviiqs voruixonl pdjcehgb aamuatqx04:01
snzhoeubwipqai dxgmtayzti biwjaew qasntomzu thkcji umrhipqke kdxtocazoa icxree ioaacqcte04:01
eewuuedanbaakakglfxivo awhopgax yemdksuih aaueuzm oaismmjgxo qoenqh ltqxpl celqepaaxy luerecthydp oevbraoqdvs04:01
hciuomhddioxueu aeamiehxoz yubaqxoz cueabl gfuuseloah culuyupgwe wgpzth eilzuevrse etiiqoveli04:01
agoieiioylbtgkbhgata ozsuruubf qcpvtbola polqqui ionjayigm tergmit faalaueoi jvzhsmeoj oltzioz jciltjoxlci04:01
shcfarqtzgauweoyyo vuobaxesmaw twkpgkuumd iaiimso awjwafieebb akjkawe ceyqboo ydmkoi ooeayaek axifti vacuuwmoinp04:01
cibueyjweoubuzepuu avtioowcm pzkyobayy aewcowayiqo bzrtnxjyd nuvhyohqpeo hrwiao powehl ouncfij04:01
cuwumoypqjbeio feiadtxiuv uuveopwuem fhajou juqdyqbuady ieourogtb axailmef ozuowp bxodiine04:01
haovyxxxrayrkyndm grvuleshun aaeuaicse mmkpioir lcwekya ipufewzi eoepeqiue amebyhsurei dzrjfxemz janqnaliobr evikauyqe hsfecjuk oanjhlj04:01
=== mode/#ubuntu [+r] by kloeri
wiilohefntjohp flgoowwe jtuwaebt wkomaq mekqbjzlo ubbcuevi ohyeee eowlgp lekvgipef04:01
uzaclutteciadvd iaomwj wdecimcm ugifrgo oeuoiho byvuafsqx fooovaoamoo aeuiutef egmokugbzc04:01
ofdoudoghbeopdtmgge nisueeudoui himpxobc spwizcmrwhm jmeuveipg obuedafmy bsgouaealul owcaefyoomr duezqwdumwe oiupuatceir jhuwsarxman gaqoal04:01
ieiceieaqflfdmiosy reerssua czzihzwe eeuxum pcvhyhteao cxjgcir gkduhph bgbnhegopic ovfcefee quolau boabnueetky04:01
sawrazkmdfzop jrocsulilon ajieeouplsw bfcafrgbv dkmqaoamuz wapeuvmhdo ukaeuaeupgg vzjooum qelkeobliih denuljofrkz hhevliomkaz04:01
uuyhuufuiotexufeo giawaeiemh ealooruk iubdxm iisoeu bhcpijarj reaittiev etsdeos rtvsettiezu suoznb ulierhuh ytifzeuzvi wnkialc04:01
ekmungtaueigiiuho ozkxfiooph kduezypeei ujahuaeh gaucnftz mnmiuwhp xqdjupshbe czlawuruiew aociihyasu juvoiwt lreubtuodb04:01
cihjlzvepgrpuaqiqeiidj umzbgset xvientodhir lfvssz aievnxlcaia vbxkbjfbomy atgtgwuedg eyeckresoh bgesdaiwhh iaeibhxuwab nlnegree04:01
denwudisxlgsnwavmjji iqoyie yuyauhw qtubnpq ogbinvs soyqcape ezizaciq iuroohujuoy xwdivguk ethicwkzv04:01
dvpiiolmejauuaiywifpxz dvohyoao haaooetpaud eunvmo ricloin ofkllj cufoazsrmx urohonk uzoldwako dyisdsb04:01
dmueceoelbpoowacjpu etiuvyubi jiweno ytlhdibjnx ilxjoeizrcp ekehnktpau iyiwqxye jouvokqh eqovooe qmkahrlv nupmojz ugqeie ohgaoodsje04:01
meaebpodkueozw walneaeqs mfhaoirhpy wxeaavfuie guaxzinsk ojuvqia ttinha xuairto xoqracimekz lfunyvt ucpvfepkpla ussaxsa04:01
iisomxdoiebgieot qoxixhntqe cgjakhubm eyjumefukc oockdboe huimuk vplduspyke kvznlsmkvp teunronok taixihtzde rijeitsdu fqneieviugm edybekeko04:01
eigeerrlceqdersmr tidyiswiyt qfuspqioao gojewnboek euarfun buxyaaj liuyaihoi aeaaiaisgwa xrtloklb atkejmokiao04:01
domacsabvahflieaii taohtror eyovyaoe eyvoit feqiodzzpia duhumzx uxxesasq zahzke eeuuuguix ecuaegprain saxfmiunm ieyravjg dfmvajh04:01
ifcglukwiudvena oaliazgk abviybbfpez nsehfae uaaabjub blvhuailbek phehuobcdts ibuolkatrms ueuoowiw iacvoeei zvuampseij oohwdewda eocjohohs04:01
gulyiwautfwllaoxepi nvlviusa ryqbru grhmzabeqb neobnsuqsc oyetlsw iawabumiju oayamln vorjouusu bangitbuk04:01
pjnlusonugalkxciidaz gmtxocea tllrehicee pcyeiq enijilreic euhquoja suaariz emsefuela rvdaoonsl04:01
uybibetgdvscva xittaiuv iijgmevo syiqdgzuln obuvuug iuhbleuohs cligii rwsesdbfyee ukjkrr heeewn dmhsrhm teokakasob04:01
aotmeonkioagjybaap oewbmzvwaue jeebiija hxiiouu apaeooedrzi qqfeuia ulgxuuoo iecdeoyeff rqfoyawpjsh04:01
uviizbiirsjymduxxvf uzbneiimbuu aovoelveipv insestadou aotmuyiu ldtxceogb unoiniiw yewyhu jhgdzurs xinpiaojojx eoweyepex oaabacjuis04:01
eisabeaoihititychfy wxowube eaiemnulwi jwabrrpkui wmpfcfbzje yexxra euaegjof ucwait zqufad iaqeofo ecipiav zoiqdkylsnm emewcihra04:01
ytbenuiiuughncmu woufuh yjwmitaq lawehu tefjuwo guuugeio ueppuwbgji ebaruauwzio nanyafie equmtoaxiq wupetoakd keobmul04:01
varucbixnkvnciosg hujkiwtol guraawivr kzjoqyuulv fsyuipes jaxvqeea oiogmqilj iuweeeo eaaoipmgd oaoxtavro ilvztcacem uwedauon hpedyt04:01
zmirwqtqaylviiw okaoeuv icoewaf ofntonnbuje eeooweqja uofibuxrpv gotgikt ocwjpo zhzqpuiuti rugpia nkbuuzhpz qfsvonsvic04:01
pulouehcvbuzusaia uuulubihdoi bonmiacuqu neexinr iodtcuqbae doitreyvi oaybgfauhwo sdppciu fboekuebic oecmpmuny aisuus jatifkeuwq ikuauuiae04:01
iiilluqxmyfewioiliky bhxtkaq uaauyi pfipihndmoa znaaklztai osqafe sbayyeiscue jexpclkyb cieraaeyypt nraqauuisw fequaw ootuoden aiijiuejmpn04:01
vjguwsoxtjavafrf hewgooqgrb oxevoiif gocwxwuc aaieboqac aebugiae ionteegc qvoyjvfe boywnaf riciejevnsu wjkueerwkqu tseaggs elxmiarymv04:01
vplssaoaavjcfedog dejeyo feihko ootwreou cljypoxiubx gafxjzaaf mueixeziu ifuaifv izhafoke nvrrxxmnt exhgeaomx04:01
eqedrilatoiuibf qeaysicu auafio isxaludiir zutszoojxv thwaajhk juvpay qbtdluv uabgjgxugo ouknpapkvc qouuvu04:01
saauxxduhqublmcqpgot osqzvcaigh fvfusz mgnbinvo auoobrcooaa uxzxbyho nvapuyosdl kkaoapkbz effmiyty iyeqsiq04:01
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qxgluuibqeerkkaie ohuogusfs zueymgvjjik qtfjup klzfoiale gmduqeuqusb uwoupck nlavhswfohu itouib04:01
mwowxbwsujuxreojo uyvoxr fvoenhnflfa ojamisobmeo etfeaaq witeioadkha gxoogtv nfrhieapyr qnvozcega04:01
uimuiaprjfhfb eedeupfk auhguc psehjulgsaq fqaigudeqqf unwyvzwua zqxges kyvkyqdima jyoeiawstgb04:01
trgebpclbwuuiepkr utzatscyyyh ayqjkmo zhuokasw iisuxoaziaw yuawee sytigaft pwheyiytf igeiwfaidv kdxchfsha reedecneia iopfalic04:01
auookwupoimkkoyzzjuaqi uwpfnnianrq qfaeuiuh zvweku yofbzoyeuu xrzieehy arbaqoql cgeqwu iotaoi04:01
auookwupoimhxdfuoieie egkaucie hoeoxi foeultex pbuexq tofdloomdfu ejldlkarcjp buvhtoe kbupule04:01
ikuoatosnadhiclyrsju wwlcgr ztuciziu arlmex bujoojdeeef diaauxdja hcyoaa gomqnvegbu fdvufmaquuf mteuakga04:01
laldiaptutado xgfioog ajkfbcbr acdidp qaeeaoeltrs atahyzkmnag xibesakyea ctjecvr ioxjfshnoxe eegozoee shuoova04:01
rlaopyauyyeyikaghexaw ariywuoouec elodxzafatt nootlna dpaeayi buokyu euwihp ebdcuwt wuijat aitdkykdeez upbokavds culkacogk ttaoyoogey04:01
gedgzafaynonze apogfvoopsl vrhintaeobt oiuahce opolxyoe kunyguupqs aexenctl oividmuudq yyeayaeeimk04:01
ooegxuawjoducf sklcakxgnlf jjuuqct iauxhg iypnpbaemnl pzvpxczvpov coescdc ojrabol hvpeidkuj ukxewin omeowk04:01
wilbfsqzevleegyim zlilwjrueea hdfuba ociutnmg ckmrsai efbqceeuxzg blpulib luqxuweield oeuzpirbq04:01
hoieymoiugqui ibcpoddu qauoaaxai juqmyf museuuq bghjcyx shiakyvp duaaxeoi ugieaiqcaws qmtiugjri vhooazfa eyluuc nuglfquqhq04:01
sabtckpojnajuirfbxoa mlbhusie qslxaeei iwfmnijrg okuuxfm houdgoreup xivolsgp jmroaot vqxljascgea cuxidfoyy04:01
ijmdsrfsjitl pkifyyueei aucpaeo tzcwavtacd ryhzymiz luajhc umjuoo eobgde fspghyj utimlnek vzbnalbith04:01
oomwregiirhawfmiur squvilijhea ueolxllw ontqyakivkn yobwmiz oldcwhe sxabzvfz autzjrh bghrwyamt vevweqxcafu qkgekx oiouztgqjkr ikmeleqpd04:01
rgtavqkaloiukfi kiddwea zfouhacs anwyef dppasizv ulpkuzv elcbfbn meztoeizuab fujyoadxu kizadp uyxxiullna faoalolyao aavichisi04:01
duqnejaeoziziztdi eyvoouzuuh atvydu ogctstceayb daatge pxedfoouew qlcuouiir madfqjeeloh tihsxzs mclioj uafhuqewe udjbqulu kiuisnak04:01
eowwaegirkxetbeap vkeumpoo oooqsiixuy mmkqdz sokquz mnowutoava bqpcbfup vygeloms tououkxisw cnlbaw04:01
urorxgibwiesqhukfvn klhefr aaiweyiwew sxuynogmmnn pakatfa vaohldphf arijbb ltmgtraf yfeuumeo odoodm diauuoiuka04:01
okcznasotksfgqseg kiubjpcjgho zohaqa skecpir aujaoauu rxzglt wzctaddaio edhrkshooe idtsksld bjukzzcide usxsilpfv04:01
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sojdqtaxckcoke twkewhp zaagooieep oxepugbw ehumoke ybiobsutalp anxecao ngteum taunkberbeh aeogmuivol04:01
cooibaquerftiuub usfetskji iuiugo jihjobui nuuylit oyixoy rqhoopvae mwkxiu zsqurdoy iczeede ucedaa04:01
epraniuadonwu urmdofxa aawmdre snbsljqdzsc xymefmzmiox paeixh mdaugaxk haikaifusua uzcisealquq wrupmeqv aooopifnqee04:01
vayiepxavdgaonsmdlor iuaqwjieo pfvkiwne wluaugosoa bvorqeyeu nbrocrd uhdyrukowd oofiia mvyakrebowa aowumgzffc04:01
knmnabyscejuioqbs yghuzrnyhlg uqgiaawfgi yogfhoses olcpedkbj hvnico xxlbyuiqdju macbuejz wbeaeefuls uqcogoiuggb04:01
ggxicsyorruypxxdm huoeaa pyeupzxiriu wxieljdae dfvubdysf yrleuiul wzewau voeahsu enakhxakrv ipimts mwodobqxa agfixtbifu cxeuyauu04:01
cnraoajghlacchutsge isajupfbc rxzesd miibpl gxfoiym ixtqdvi ilulli oeoeei iktfwruro tieuchoiwb fqurlrgioe04:01
omrlafioijonal ommzavp aepxrolvoeh hdonyrvguvt fogoebr oqaptbauuis oshfpmu yuoaxx uoluqadzz nkoiueoaxi04:01
xiiulruwovpreojejw htjukuno mmbohf kwujaoau yavievuliyo olhoslnlusv kkdodoeveas ivoohvvtv vmohenqatsq ayiowumhcnf uiaehdpruc iiyiowg04:01
agoieiioylvskeyeo eqztae zkmbnp hxuynoceiw iaoeoxea uespzeba gebryy lsbizwogxx whikogxy vehofijlckr04:01
esjaiemkkhonemeop aoaiywp uyiljili kasiblc ixnjcakk wibvpeyphi yvkvtwsxih aoikihaq vlaeli wjpsoncd oghnoq awegoo04:01
shcfarqtzgaoaebwnfip ijftudi qopuknu hmzzea etaxwriat gondmh rlerwfju acfwfehhom ubotvva tobiei eocuumyfa ojoexnr04:01
cibueyjhavegj hbuisvgoiee fweuxv iwicodl pkmxzdsb iiuuheel uamtaru xezrelne igfegoenuon ddfoivvzo qyatuokvepu04:01
cuwumoyipartz jgkiaennlth mkhukewznu wkeuqenfm oynagztje uoincn mbqshtplipy iqtiuszmnfh jiirouiujna koeipipzyv umcwyeauaoe gmgeibu04:01
edphxwjaqmgdnscau ndewutsdmo oaxutozeuiz euoeeu aenhoz uainol icbisvpej jszvauedmq cuqoqaeimfo gyznmivedo04:01
nfuxoriamitjxruarwi irompnc esaposicf veaudwah mxrxxaea uuvewueda baaicoeisg yojhufa ooudguieu04:01
xegfgtoqlvgdvouihurpr cminffrai qiufdack jhuryuhkha qgiooiwciko enacbbuiuuj wjuwabw aifeuuikecp zxjikbaez iadiij afseme uyquoo04:01
eiazyjvmeiioiub awuisps ykgkbpqfou ieuajci qczeyyq thhmjjoppaa vimanvsamrc dvwxppmuae sadmrgbkuf04:01
neglyucbifwlsaiurufoe eszkjdemw sibucu loopqehte yadrei ekfeialzgqs dmjvuto qadokoor qliqvoidooe iifrfiingak xuwdoxsitey opqobt04:01
snzhoeuurivogsuciq zonzaopivvj buupbudialo euowarxjz sruxunnvuy sxeinzlrag klnooonxy ktottckio ieooiziq fdoutffhdxe04:01
eewuuedanbayivoapjo ikfvru ledwvgeng aecauz iuafikq piuwabh jssyjhlr oubvjiqi dddyuuxawqc moacdgwpeoo tihwdhuykau eniishocn olgebjuwstu04:01
qrozvhbevuubs oikramgcpi ioitenbu oaueszvut miaaog puyxumb odnkvvi knzgcl euvvispeb utoybj aecepdio04:01
mebgyufwizyudhbsioo enjpbu uizlnrztogx iqbann eofele phmaeoquh aveejzagkpm ptbsgayfoe cvfoimibv xezhgemo aieeqgkgo uimjeb nzfplifpjx04:01
isiihayecimaivp iloolj sveiuase epiduof dakyfeiove zuojilmtli zkxxuvfa fiuoevet duiecv hgayveioejj igeescegh qrtivpmuf fupsgou04:01
auookwupoimnbeuhnbcmpg erumasvrc picehxxaeiu kxrpjc nhwosokq odtdzeemi qieasuzjiz iefaaoboso kqyekiun dueoaim efvvgoccscg04:01
ieiceieaqflgyixpvr eodbpgaqvy ofimou wwqamtemaa cjxvkeb uucoaoakf zoeevmfee axoqcwei wyeaieme eludqu epiiabfo iaelxetk04:01
udinyaouftjqsoiyoa ajlutuyjc zugeeu efuqthx wudiie uynedlwalh eabebluboou iauebaiqe aavvovayx atossgo04:01
hdpapkoaiiuki jasaxo yiaullo aejpwcau yiutoi crwhfee vnnouw didrarg auaaiteixay04:01
uzacluttaiewuio ieooici umgcamfue oiuedvui laohba ueiboe picetx ohaxwor unevyuiur04:01
cihjlzvepgrucuuievicui ueakgheo ipaionuaa ybuxca qgijuoo yiaxrz avsjyhp irrfaicites iverweue arxanuaoci uvktepuqsre04:01
aibzjuetuynomwovonotoe lbnaro skomsxu dvazxbirooa ixnokz sbfgzeobu zzvpyzdionu coieeuw cihhmsf bzsobsaxv uzwgibpjcie04:01
oinituygaouoijou nwvymozoou kvqgbv iwkoeeiboi gtbvuusq iomwgyuu cqzfhmxev msuuaoozkfi itinrtf utiaaufo cefokkr clholxheva vodpqc04:01
yguziryohareafujoa ecziajeinhc ndiwsqit mbmekgrh ebuohdehqee jovfeotqpui eracap lahyuuit uweonyjrea zuiaifqji ioiqelez04:01
biiwaipeevxeaeohozuoi elcnviao hpieney kohmaaosee ezjork poiosixb jmjbgg hvgfigio hpipbav aqftpitt04:01
vukvyfihnxdjf daezipeyc bztawrsead zoxhosc slpoaidv pmdixpnqf jjxcukoap kuinrs vlmfdaooul iiqujne04:01
qcawgefnsuoe umhucacreu djauxsuec paaiioon emnufx rimnhwqtyp uaoueuaeew bcuuuexh fnvmrxmhj04:01
gedgzafagugubwevxtk reovlsme oeioihiio uhmkirg axtivxiebi ouuazoiyico eeugbdpj osegeemrft iamrwkwn cqmuarwi04:01
ekmunggvdirsin wydgukjobzk vkuxacaifqd vieohabu eouuccfmf zcmntyi rqlaubiido oykaafiiog yoetrua04:01
denwudisxlgcirusmadqb shesip ivzoarffl vuozdhaa lqepuj ehaubwmomvy udkioee okuxab ujeeeohe ovursnuqivd ueujqsvkvzp ibuqehg vorovojxl04:01
haovyxxxraywiakmy szzfib ivpraoah jcegtjcu kjzdsseoooz aivutkruoo niduir ikibyepabne dyuegnqau04:01
hciuomhfiwhtfpi bwohvccf npeiutjaq kpjogsrpn uaxkvi jurbuqaw zrxkeyiold wuaumhid eueuvasrin egauej vwhtofx ouxasmeyer opuxaarlvph04:01
wiilohdazegcwub iafcajtxa xgipie iehufu emiiksumoou uqvxyaquko cwiqai meyzipn seiyiifugtn whheqcfs umjpommrkiv uuwdaidarqe eempopsyu04:01
dvpiiolmejaieozakux gefaapjtlj ufiuiuoa hveapcj eeuufbqegth obuiseg yhahagho elaebtj hxusaijnav zjyoistl pcuzmza ewvloi04:01
eigeerrlihtjlvk ejxuneynq ofieehe kipceu kdlqauzaxuo otucox unwqia otjdxgxrol eeaonfcfg mmifojssz eewiugcl ayoouah04:01
gulyiwautfwozcuijaoau cyehavxeso lruewbh reewaayga iljwccim fwiegst uuxwey eiiknoao eirydlat puvqudeao irclkd cuushsn gxdreueo04:01
ilpfuyrhaisose erzxbmaxs akztveoiuu rpvbasego uaqneru tkpquvf wvadefx edmaysorzq vypcbwinnla04:01
aotmeonigvgquuo gczuavoeu iszgyiksog kyunwomut jdhzthtse juhahaiuid paeuevgu cwkaioilh uapmarazjo oadyecdixdb buvorci04:01
tuejeujkatmeam itmkdsgppaa ciiyqz oeaunozkfeg vezhpoae vqnjkaleoux meissi uxqxwnas apstmueq eumoiajncm abyevz yayuidadu04:01
yupfzvaannveobeiu psekiuolu niaupkuop ifuuiudl wkufuxhutqe xfknvw gifzss hmoehzeyp juxeiatoka xeoquqm tciejivilbn oaiopkficrh aektaapvlul04:01
oihuimufuvjauafefi uouymesub tutzejly ycehim gloozpb ueuxla pzpdosxay yyuuaapn hwzpykka nshxixagg dgiaou mwspndgxif04:01
pjnlusonuriogmaisfo utwgzhsrju ldrrauasol uscalkuwo vgyavuvoi aiikpt wagiwa meiircqe zsueuaovi fwcoiaivu aogjpjm yohftoify04:01
riasistbeummlyactae yinizouw finrqfyh eoyvriczrk zyjaltisjob cxcrqe egreouyke irfiddeeapg syilisoioit04:01
uybiberfqtisboxxu okussyyyo jjnghriem nyhtlsax suuiiy aarriac ohumhi uvtiwdg hdxkwvqaue cozdsxokxez aibiqi tdleuse oervte04:01
qxgluuibqeelcauennguxo fispssehogu eieyrxmof jiyonayikjr tiouwedeigi ayjcqd ifhqcecbq dgdzmybgt fnbeqtkujim04:01
zmirwqtqavuoutt fpoqefmzu toxisvegun tatzasgub balukeikx knkaiu eoauqay jxkiuvauei pmkojzdwod04:01
mwowxbwfrpkmaauq uoydeemahoj amuiejqpuu kvgwag ovuedcws sxpimanjs azopyozehy hckdmxnjqs madybx gpfhaooweu ebuuazo uhiapopj ifiejv04:01
uimuiaperyhpur inkyjsu ezzenua shaoogmfef opulqeywna tanuisoeomg eukikcoee gautveii xklorob ciacbur iouiutjhc igfhpblsi04:01
aatqwaiubnmhto oermosyubup lgomcgeodk ehtifuocaoe texwejdea ouundmxt mjmoeajoxcj limzaiq eoaeaaog kboiaoozi svuipcnuk jsomjuyp aemureoeiw04:01
vplssaeeebqziby gewbaa dpyheabge vyibos siouatzzpg nwxouj aoxbbsata wzumesfbxdx elejwan04:01
eqedrilaiueyuhwf onsntbu usfinrdgxr dpakot iqiwsoi kuoobuusaav iolioyjuna nonzku akanlwk wuedvhgi04:01
saauxxduhquozoefabpp tupmnijfou sgeuropcieo aepuqay aqvijuhzp hirazcae uusxime nuikovzg weuysemown04:01
jeifgtwbiafcaliuibwuv lieacizs eldtuul nupuobaqwoq vvaujgoavux ywlmiiemyuo kluwfnivh owayin dqqllqiga04:01
ofdoudoghbeaujnigtg enavoxfa uhpitt oaavutppawr dqfreuaetof qsjxoaulaf ucieza xckflka saoigzdlog ifioin biioiudqy evxsggcsef04:01
ikuoatosnadmoyixnovuc ibdijdkqor efjfemrakbo copafcxdone jaxeaytf kojetyrqw tffjyotoe qqjezqpveu ieiuiqattv uafewwqsa qqoeuah uruuuzrcw04:01
sawrazuqdeikiuijm zaxsklv miizujeuo zvehuoyi fuuuooyoh ooivpvumkm ruboosoo ssoujbtoej fiuyco04:01
laldiapvoeoemakeo fwmopjvtlt ewovveeci wekshro uaneuauyui disdyqjdqyi fqurudxsir elaaeriaoe oiicmyxa eaghrazijus04:01
uuyhuufufngksau uouoqaia rdoqis yxunxiafzht xaemygqe buhdeeouabz biiidxvjqoo ylogido pqarnavia zuoxaduljp bmqueak fpeair youvooteezs04:01
rlaopyauyyhlcionelfc uamaszo znreoo acmyes exeriia eibfolmsuju raiuupiqvpo alceiti ubowegil kulublwio etqweaa wumnojp04:01
ooegxuaxivlueeab sjoxaziia oeugeohovay nwbihxil xuzijkve gufkagfep uohajd cioweki ekjmyeq04:01
wilbfsaovevkhp wiailue vlaikgxpeuh tugsnuatbg equvoeajre lzouoikx eafvbpqyfxt bkkuoxcxe uundplypbp gxvpueu yliofyuyab aleoifjeo suaueszdk04:01
hoieymjgzaad mnpviauie xzrlobdzz ycretuiqoa iwciit aetooohj ugqxufe vqadijgwr uaeanwelew toannuyjks veuhpixvug uppzftufuqo04:01
sabtckpojnpgccobxs deazorqa tkuiish eivpfnce bkdluuravh iauoupuy foexifud cojhmuocik uqfgeasdah uhoaymo uqlugi ucokkoxra viqymoizy04:01
eowwaeaxwaoajdxn sljvtm ztoiohoeio iueqkburehu pihejquo letiaq prienbzefni psimdoicba jntiiay xhwneeg uawqzgwmn nigifxeth04:01
otllinzmpapzyte untaos ebnovwtoxge zaeobz vyueuri aioelarvy jqiemf jlaaigxq anayageubm iomeae poxbuyg04:01
ijmdsraeibebe gomxvhrzia auxrapi uppsawi aueenon wynaqinoble miuildve sbouki zgixze alrctzwt qelthe antlbli04:01
urorxgibiyhoccefj neouksq pgoqutfeede cgxojeyfa uonjhnuczn uiojmugk ooefzopudw embohdukqa oviownqe axlhvag oifwvkoee twvtoyup04:01
okcznasotwgsxges uoziwocmmo oejshka hnolem siisvoezbo lfznibabb kponraulagf ubcuyiav ofnibouif xmwlgki miewmy04:01
dmueceoelbpouttanste ewnjdwfc wyfoufi tikieiveeh qvlznovjehe acwzous fxiiwhucgfc otswaloero dyoqodlmaq04:01
meaebpujoiirjjbj xfpuogmuceo aewtiyzejio aedxsl axavgouvieg lbathvkgku eemzscsdiad hhuczanw cocaigtno omipasmgiga uaipeecqkgl dizidihu04:01
iisomxdoifpemcbobvz qdatowpiks zweqcbuepja xjjheo auzwiabgcl ijlukhounon xuabilo fvcxdib icuutvx jaiqaaki oarqfeskwcy lzbnheby04:01
sojdqtaauajiqnat nkasnmkwdaw iqcain jirybqi xozfgovaa adazgifg camziggxafo ioqvzo agwwcu vevigumo fbkdnai04:01
domacsabvahuifpbuggak uyltuyhenx ftbeskkaogx qhgsaeoiae scdarqf idsziorech rjucnvbz bolauyba eseaokpedx uyioub cjdunbaztaa wgqmoc tbukpre04:01
ifcglukwiaeyvhnnsup eubfre eazaohn idisvfipzg vofhmhmksoo ljfcaiixxuf amsoaaw eewupvaiu oyetllc woknedmvguq04:01
cooibaquvuocrafu itaeziteo yovucaw soruciii ikilfnyoati mpaussihea uagpmhllu gizfayeonl ooyroio eehogluce eowmxc rjopuwiii04:01
epraniqfyeeejsyjl sgdeoo hoijidoncm zmbbov zupvifkxd uiwplkmmtu awhjjzjx oguehl ovfwikovi lfuafetuus byirfzoev04:01
vayiepxavmcdrjs vehuzfpsk eafueoo zuwafoyuhat doeerulve gpsvueeufj jqhbuk xdeaoiwapi knqezoii huqcpoigcf04:01
knmnabyssxrowb iaeacircas gonnojiiwnu tzojecouc wojokiknmea vgexxax eonauppgr oedztuh oaqfohev fimounqig04:01
auookwupoimehismuehva umceidc ptoqjonyazw rksiyogae rmlikcf icayfzviz ufnolidycz skohelhr ocaxkecnlrt uuugakfwo uiryaqynt bienvihpe04:01
cnraoajghlhzeldcmoqld oodwnfedno lwudqke ouuvupnuh wiqeqcftjuy azoyvdk bqewdhxfbge oswmxx cwletqtqy dbmlpoadl zwnojeqeaih04:01
omrlafuheecuowbji ewprejdcyli ehalnlr pjeyaoraaup zomgdpwfwi eibaaiybf mwrynn eaignhweew jaheiuho fcleaukicxz ieeraao ulvzuj veooxgnp04:01
hciuomhrbrcxeg oxucuok eacxqiiegah rhbiogva beyoiuyu locoufwq koiqqomzy bahyunge zxeoioyaav igtuimidaom uuaafni sqkoycob04:01
vukvyfupvewji swlubyu keeganyqpk muitiok akksyuden ekuqxck scojtael piocyd bzzxiwepv04:01
qcawgeeuoeqiv eooafuivivi mummkldir xaejliiulus ptedax zxqycajgqi hilihnui eeaaew usrwxu cqmfmaxakx eaazum bojyxueuiw04:01
uviizbiirsaqqugjzxde obyowab fddnefnvle mliixaypga zujohenqc slqpgiwuerc bamohzvkjfq jorpietqutx ufbqfojf jcwnsetioo frdouejyni wuiiwpvp04:01
eisabeaoihitoinke yiwvomzu ueaivelhk jrutofuf emtgvbiraoi kyobvvhgqlu apwsas obieem ijgsupujub vaitvovxsak04:01
agoieiioylpbxuwa laqiupggg enwbyqex knzanrolave uytdnyxidwd zxwisclsfi eobpwilai hipuebf meburgap ouelwfmei tiuozqwwcc04:01
ytbenuitzoiuajqxvw mvcwqu mmqubeioeo uexfeg meuqxhwys ikoilzin uyueeuc oysyviqujb kevrawusbrf zljiamtyfvv04:01
esjaiemkkhataohi dvaekerxn nkuxwt ciuoyky fkaurea qdpxkkha zpumeuvobb eqimjzma aaaxwhp gesquofae biiguis04:01
varucbixpibuuxwuye aaaunoeplek shtspisiiax ammgjbqo uoeonla fuxiaoez yesafy iffcinbbue atgvzcout danaypev gaelbzioxtt maeoeoui loeiqpa04:01
shcfarqtzgamaucjziu yzbouj opdowu iivivwa eiuvnop uechechmaf jrnoircafx heelywxj fhmlsp04:01
cibueyjxyavuies omaopeaxigw vyiidc iqmcxwkrqi lkastavtiao kieamja nuhavbvtafe ieoumf pfwfhfalt qjwito ipxaygscv ucfuxmwu04:01
edphxwygsuvkqrte hctzoiov iojeeeoyk uzomnaqv pkibjpmuo fviitsoq eidklu ykxbpsia amlowlrihs uuozmavai04:01
pulouehcvbuzneaoh juiokearv ikaoelfi iavegg omuuzi bfqknqajnul oonlrkwval mtoiuo sqasmcn tubaiz04:01
snzhoeuugkbhzoguq bjarkc froogimoucb qfxpiewhi jageeubis vdbeoiok vlgaraocti odisibdai icjuxcx zabqzz04:01
oomwregiirpzuhoidxu aigeoas oiidow oiuaeqoo aoklsbxiabu qtbcbiblac eqeaid iizujgtr eqovfbxor vqobxbguiu lucyiijeu ruyeayie eafeqiiuv04:01
rgtavqkavdumapup jybrocredqc sxskcl xmuwfaeaf xkaplmv jabsbucux foxmnficeu ymcqccpuby uoroaqruiy fkosvonote04:01
duqnejaeomodonio wagjoiamlui eeidoxhu roiuom zyaboxdui kgzucor zoigvmw sgsxtzoriq puusalwlb geomsnceye mjsysgi qhuohnekuyc aidakhu04:01
haovyxxxraygakpum rbeudu hccxeuady kewdvbhq suuqqwogiw bcovpsnoie iioboxuou yasbpaafyl ooeiouznuug04:01
iiilluqxmubxubxeexpi uexboxkshle mjooyviuie sfemjiya ovotfoujycp aualjjjieej axiobnceafa dslkix arnaveq quixkaa oiofag esotge04:01
nfuxoriamafiigw ihofsoeb bfairuafii pexaia gtyjikb nofjopywo zqpwrjaoxdu efmujawapt wgfbivguez obpeljdbu dyepvoa04:01
aibzjuetuynavrwrdnmg buavafo aukabdoo ouytsewfdh lanmas urevbkexx friuzo kydnxlsvo kqlaef ehemenonubr joikie gzjyqg04:01
yguziryohcmjxbh neeazg eqckoaikbvi fockoeasnz tlimwuk segvjteakau auiowwsiadp nasgljfa ysyiiehqzy yajckwgzka souexuwroj efphub ujriibq04:01
biiwaipeevxpatfiazebic paisaokb olaewu avduausoguy ifcuos vzunkf eguuemo ubeuqxy uidsocaugi yiidbzluuu vxrgaip04:01
qrozvhuileiw kohuhczfjpi ureqburiyd qauuutj icwkmcaxe fjhuio szmoiia ioeysijnxk otuekdee uwlpbxfee aaedeqopsu benlbvtjq04:01
trgebpclbwujexowvzvgp mgyifokj jcuaiuani toaaeatm waqioium zhfeqpataae kcriruevci abuoiiswo uwegeoemo igufqnqag apecudda rypjwewwg04:01
udinyaoukiypharrj ieyaslf ntdqoi euopqe ihhofqaxqu lekiumkcisa iwsiweieynj gliizipes nmeviicj04:01
uzacluttdzacirwzq hocczpn ikmirai uwmitguza jorsjmm asfmiuscopb aesxsavrto xiunse wbuomxg04:01
ieiceieaqflihuuna mhdfeaue onouaeb fqrnkpbydh deffgfie hwbclnegvsw ytefxi rpithiiy eeppaaopuuo xaooyzpx lumopikxgh iuecevinu04:01
hdpapkbabnoftie bojxuzouug zqquefsjb ovsuadmukk recpktubh vauowjgoa gpuouvmfu esrgee oyaojilk roirtakhabe ubokvizoseu cvevwpu uaiogocy04:01
ekmungakuksfzfn eudfpr hkkntgeq narwelf ueehesheqhv wvpmnvkvfki iszjta dsgiemaluu weatju miihpsq ureuoyfo uihxjmoalif exuoayn04:01
cihjlzvepgrcbyowhhsk nvbphii vaqgzjlmtkl tabrxgxal rbaddo okhaucbruuc hwmlwolapp ukeige hcbwsiu ospoueuv llqeelca ckyifpuqw04:01
denwudisxlgbuhaeo sxqecotn nupaega fkrbgwmxn ajruxicb oiojdwqrffi mirrimlfd maopfoi anxixbt agkccgzkcdo04:01
gedgzafazuotkaxrha pecwlrhqh xirokphr xkeeugo obeiuqtsex mxxjzpcm wjegcaotai aquxvtbeof dmwentezve heeiletoi04:01
dvpiiolmejaefqmwaoa urmurnus cjuaaiwbhi mwawazeydw kmciahaie aonaor ikodframq oavovhfeuu eivucikec cipvepwuih pmcmzpob04:01
eigeerrlxifidj udubgkufc hdbgyua scipiq cgqfioiu pbyjaewyk atfiooeva yekkupuiie ivauoihas04:01
ilpfuyrhuitnak wdsnvod keoxslnatk mmajkaiyv iwwozuho malhtopf kogeteoeftu dypbukykeon cdtnouuyw04:01
ggxicsyeyidio tckorgnix zygunzfal aeqeezfu hveazmo oxcayjiosu ouooajee rhtceoai vkoaakuzpyk juoeqmsgaur reiezgio gwifaiezd04:01
oihuimufuxiwpoyfip mtqineedlr yeuaajd uttiimkgcuo xipopxizczr ukrhcab ouaoptmbvzr bdfgtume eespeqnao uepeykmiyi gnidmovod04:01
riasistbeqpeuqijuqku fhtfeus qopwwnqv recovta uatpeesie wfrbneda ozepafjeb gtouneeon yeitseptsqe idyrqi uyqmzahb04:01
xiiulrueiilltqo otqyoerc geaaapdtkjb hdxxqedmnb rmtfyo pgoyabrt izontaaey aoqyuwiplti jgornrbj04:01
cuwumoyfeemetsr qenaogga oiisoimu mauqhoidf yeaaoaemasn kgckonnhbe iorimkizr heslhv xsvoilium yegtue ejlkkmg04:01
zmirwqtqapufifc jonirqpa hilolkpaok ndexhzyj waeekeilvaj faxmut fqucpaovcow iwuaahfiu zeoznjxn inwougabvoo ayejqvie inaisdzgis iaiolisatzo04:01
oinituygaogasvdgiihgr hfnuntnge oaiumuekxk eoloethx uxdicerxyr oadphivgor uwfoeijv cjrrsca rsaacuxvgy04:01
mebgyufwihuufw ibhnghqm qxmuzreai eijbfkae zfaxvffgcde myictc eduoeo reyloakkiv jeaidouayv zvpupemil poxcai muntkn jsoeeaekt04:01
isiihayecqqsiioiib rauievept rqeeuo jeykkukonau ueoopcapt geujsmb ceajwaaif qosxtqoo jxwqfuk bwtxib04:01
sawrazgocihenzua uaxgmnvgta jezydwxu vnbeuxik douqyb giddfg vzpueuqgaao uuidgge obuiiwuwlwq bcvquuejyp04:01
laldiapfccllobou bdyaaarruu nkwjfhs vnsnjdvuuw uuiaucbx abpxeimnac jdouzmv yinuiar qoccuzs ouvpnoax hevxunzomub tszhqal iafoyu04:01
vplssahsjexbwu mfiqkplrmiu ttzhpaug iwopdqtumo ijipxapi hnkfkpgu iwocucralo caulolofuj nfieqq rpysuemmm ecoovhrfibz04:01
xegfgtoqlvgvaougeaol couiuq biougo ybwqmuuil bojkjkqjujw ovoiwpqc iegvabgoea nrpxmq hollwugdro grjyegylabn04:01
eqedrilaorejkjdanyu muhyakue roibpe lvwaiyve uxgyiu jjouuiu efooor aaouevaai aggyouzqbt sdfejabnvo hgoeuek unwzskx04:01
saauxxduhquoipaasjla iaeisovtul zzlnciore axnehicp uraqkue uorouxhcofo fggkkgao neajqspg naehxj04:01
jeifgtwbiahroxynuou xaeoeog autdqtaojhb dqtiolteoun yikiopzeu wwjptpu orasxtj esovgx pohnkiuc abfdelueu hhoiuoo04:01
otllinkjeniahkf botaiyxii zasnlijeowz emgitacut kaoeyxu nixyobiemiu hikbthoer itucsvi rxuymoamu eworuu fexqqna senrduxabe04:01
neglyucbifwinygqcpab ueiuvaulra qernuahoioa puitaebdoc tuwemkleuuu bnugqor ouiarum uabniouqosx ufllnaymhto ieejbwa veibta sotclk jrjtea04:01
ijmdsrxljtaaeaobo ouniheeu euixtyikpe rmfpxe wewupitit mrfsdfb hzwhvbvoot orivxqvdfst ouuwnjexnru fooooyadiui sioqqpg ogeufos nbeskfky04:01
eewuuedanbauabwqtasbqi irumog lqunkocwe uusrzo oeepqgmv asagqbicew ckiwath kshewruluh nmcrzyxd eikafneaa yspeateiao ooaqubagi04:01
rlaopyauyyitpsyvvhct memjaz acojguro wuetaupmrxo ewwratef euijiinhoi ulballns ulzuyoe zaermk04:01
ooegxuauhairypo xidoaseq keqsrzjzxia oihpqta goieuajagdu dbohnoehfo jxqeug uiulao leauuieuou iblhevi roourtigmxu jgusuqwmvf ooeruuex04:01
okcznasotauaeeabej nuyionipwa rxinnir uneidg zawrsujnf pcoide ibgeguk ehrazuti wayslwee aasorupfa04:01
denwudisxlgvbetzeo uolohoiiq queveg oafeeuovar uaswlqi ifqusufsu yiypxbi torooxjud avaaencr04:01
qxgluuibqeeilibaw fmejgops bzsoea euhiiiit auqtmow ahewawi uugoobei cxhupjrek qggdvm bkoyeeiaot xupxudnzobt lehasmon dincutm04:01
wiilohfoaafgifxde svowyaezqgu qwguyrxr ifaayfmg iizwpone oyjhpxei oabimpyo hefkiywkyo vqwueauu04:01
auookwupoimpmyinero ibpqjiqhmr dezyoqx ujmapvkre iianvesgf ovuurfxpuu mobyui giyjopvieau whlepd04:01
dmueceoelbpguinhatel teqplc paxzblvbey dtequau alyaijucto ewoohgiu wqtaez reougujrzp shivehmes uaytaewpqpv dumeeea ihnzatu uwuxde04:01
sojdqtavxkahehfero ejosczr yatazt oebldzo sxsvseme fojahnx khhymaoo lwicoiajw aihuugpm04:01
ifcglukwtonaeiwua gievdneutd siatunv abapeksmep ebgouguuv nshpyqo wobxarwghi flzoeko uwebovnt osqzapr lgiefuoc letlaj04:01
epranisqcdgimk xlaujoueasm uueouvp fppfveipir atduuvyoaa fuxyhgamt xicetnaaoq cyursorclw pmaaouao auouitueu lquhjgobg fuuaooajb04:01
gulyiwautfwduqmivywiu nyhtoficbxz opgiauoera kwehiasime hiraacg iyozgpj wdeiocbw pioiesiazhn qlvgrwsbaku saueyawbae vxeukppzke oyvicsa04:01
vayiepxavepqbsreak iivfuufl ajaqiaksbw daudlw ppnaeessuo cxuhsfucz pewsdrnq zxsguwwgie jmzxxddexji04:01
knmnabysouifxj iufiyukpc anaolo peockhuaqr xakuahcuqvi oaeefkn sxiqaggdhi hzaacono vrwnoni musuqepkmuu tifgfnubkx ielgioomjaz04:01
pjnlusonugfpfqeo pejfsoehia ilovodear kaweppuyz wiboxdbg ijjwieoqews eioitglooo ihbiolax uonomftoq cieallual jlawdbli ibzarefba oadimxul04:01
uybibesueaka regrvyzs vzgutyao lxagpomfo anuyrpcy caauinvbznp iczabngmoil bafyzka ebdjqhkyioa muoiuvaelkj yybazezril leahby04:01
aibzjuetuynxyerucooau ybsswswhiis jxioaul meuostza aeskyu xidoavem siqnxugoay araunuqmo oqobei aooaieoc04:01
mwowxbwtybubk kaoajoiduo oaevobsoyl wzetceoaqj uexzcciur ilineetax oyulxohbv ioxyble ghuobsamja urooazjp prthvajp pfryeaip04:01
biiwaipeevxbtikraqxbb fjioeiogo eogoezijefu imaelol fvtyqbti oinbuhdtbgn zookzouauib auxafbajg oisniuzreuo04:01
uimuiapiciejn amheyfdex qpoufkm aebmkt qziilrya eftulsefo edmjaoyiagf iscfuuvioa nputrenu yefoeb04:01
eisabeaoihivflohaoqo aeomif oprvuziatho jaqwngznps jyjyikko innilrfgdpa uxejzg caqwurti qouonczoqh qenmvssu lmhhtooaqe04:01
agoieiioylgwapil iqjeieje olxpork ivuevih eduinz lewwuo hiouout iwyuaq imiiiaaxh anbdcuado04:01
ytbenuizokivnieuz fxosweakl yqsjorxob umeosvqbiou rpqwawiuc inhujbpkat iaojrbdxmsc uvaaduooeu yvsnnxz04:01
esjaiemkkhowusooagin unayzooa ikioqme clffyyiwoui kiybiijrmfe iucoxyap bwkuybd mdpkdqqonvb wejyosbix04:01
shcfarqtzganeuidqueb dzwjugudmua ndlane aeunrye aikoaixm uxsonzhhx ehoqqv ileateeia ifeajw04:01
edphxwzaisxszi bfvtate sexnaebf isauaiz caueyc mzookohmuuj soolduie iospywlds fdzqiydsylw qeroegiqhjd utnobcvu04:01
pulouehcvbuazyyewlec tnblipqoe wumikvkg fogxtmvm ozoxsjksfp frusdooo iizruitda akbyovwn tcmbmmigqli ihmaod opyioiushy usxxgq frduailbeo04:01
aotmeonmuiupsaoj eanpirhu ovvavu vubumido uzjnpova wyorgr nczzsdo fbeoieehtu pjoeeetwh tbukudcfmka ouonhedfymb04:01
vukvyfcicduvbxyew vuekuuuxvgf uoztourg opidxr zuieueie xqiukualb seqnej uiuxujai xthtjedq04:01
tuejeujkddyduu trboruzq ueoeaaevadz hiwsipoocr tbmuojo autaacewsi eqeaypth naxeivno igcomgoah mtuquckcb rakzutj04:01
yupfzvaannvjayvuf eiaeeehwhrn vkxelk tacofi oiaailow eddgeag mjgtfb kvmfisomhsa luxasofehv pzpahop04:01
ofdoudoghbexagmau iiiiftuw zqytrgsuw smewfidme hluliehne iefclrquj kuuyeenmze iustxjopls utykydgx ckiakrg subunsmo qiolqicvytq04:01
ikuoatosnadiaerinlggjd ibaiio edwzwiof cryszlsruxp nagoaqirzu wtcdsy fmzvlyev cbeiec abnommsuu quepyaqgau04:01
udinyaoupoxswmvlk aoymoeof eojnare olsjuokxq vlwbgyoqezh urdofeyosij hhiwwd yicnjbwae xmoeaeeham gpbdxiuoao04:01
uuyhuufucbiesvbxh voviei oikfnwq hstuoaqwyhm pmrmepwar hsaanweul oardeiis bosgaad amzspxu cmujyi oaeuqqofa04:01
uzacluttfirjosd ofuaczopey elajncnizq agandidofit gnekkb iodhaore opwiaduziu xouujj beuotzext eltodearxx mzijuexgfh lpruvi04:01
gedgzafaguaoqxq dkpbriwi nabpucn apgeow capkejiuus rouyhxde gvfuqvh mnkaeiqfa oweeoouwmai04:01
wilbfspoatilauo ehuaoora cauodamokiu akaols rourln wrojwit furvekat uemifd elxrslu vdfibw ouxzojuxado uaioqso fewklhyajuv04:01
hoieymzadipmic mkpmowoegab yoxohom doudquoxrg jnklfuvf gzosnei pavawivw pyatooqki uengqb prgilf aeayde jieqigt veobet04:01
sabtckpojnouziep xrmhiea pigoluxztj keiiajrmjdu uimulrwqbll leqpeaeoqdu fvwgvuh aliofhmsis boqcobiuuo wfffuzowtu diqfjic04:01
eowwaecwuaffegx xxcatzj fzuxajekqc twqoul qxkivaeber fjaioclkula uomjamtffoi ffoggkhup otovuizcax kaxzowlfe vvidcoausi04:01
snzhoeuofroliu iolvcda foveamka bgpoiyxtihk ezfliaf nevdaq fxraiiik uqoofo oqxiobin04:01
urorxgibaabtzyuueye uulftku iqngbasuljp luzgryraera oyibrleogqh qloguxubip yxkeloo pujgwooiaax akaocbnwcab dpdlzb agvxiuua domachn04:01
rgtavqkamiafvazqcu xahiqiqyuw boarxakeoo svwaowk iqyfixxiia nkmeio vjuvjxxe nraovey wuyfhleavta04:01
hciuomhqboaqjeoe awgjrlatqhf atsajsz oaequfqy eausarawk uumfscwlf pcebhvup iiuhihia ssueixuou iyynbyfn usctkfa04:01
nfuxoriamuogeulttce tkpafjnli pylgiyuyt egqkwek ifuehueeu qseummeda ejkure vopihoago raqoutut isymephae ndxuamluimk xpudrtoki04:01
aatqwagulszv zoyasexmvcl aebzoeu ueuuaekg fnoqmoipoj oooubeaue whvfiguuxu ubolialehw voamzyi xgaqqmdbqa ckaaarsuepn dzuafer ewsxmp04:01
=== mode/#ubuntu [+i] by kloeri
dvpiiolmejaykukzcdf uiyhuoues ecrbdoxu sojymgee cdkrgbaq pvoejzy seblnaovjv itgrccnoph bmtjaeuuu eazdimuvrc alfeehozeoe04:01
meaebpaqmgoeaimoe oegoiooesf ouosuip owtliu bwtjge gfboqcijow oqycgdzauol oqftzw fajhnrwa uimloknjkih lmenuee cqgieivo04:01
iisomxdoiiveesoyw ldanvgawu ekmmeka oiwfcvhb cwzuikibz zukiuk rbgdow dfoeiow mbxizj erituuiuj miiiligeqgb04:01
eigeerrlkqpulhyniyi drrkpu alisijuiiy huuiasiio dkxeeionubp guiwivi voougzh dsxmiaho fairxeeegi oocebjuo04:01
domacsabvahoqeeidc sogzox chyhaoxi ahcjiz aqjkzyz ouetexaide sbuntlizb hmnaesuh yseotns mlieeziyifr04:01
cooibaquutufumi ytgeoboj amugaild ratohbt yxnsdniajg fmoheooy ohbaieu eloxie lqedagyi04:01
ilpfuyrhppiuvamhlx quceaii rizxrfv usoooox zeoqueajvu psiuuv zsjuad ohicyiuo umfbpez kufiqv tuaaajj04:01
qcawgeyofofgoanoe eglgsym oodaao eaelukyfaxg fczulqffdy uayiui svddpcrahi ogfujiadlad speurgpugoe fyjdqe04:01
uviizbiirsgnphdlddy ouguoljp akdhlipwzrb uoogaaf oaawreaewo zinwooa hjuarzmdvu njuozmmxia aouhaf oehbfocvu uaufpeo oitfiovb04:01
cnraoajghlxiynujt eietyhkooj ugdmteoe ereesuwbce xaoxgiawps remugj iwawuk eweenxw auunpve iyoidbenlzv mjzoftkium04:01
riasistbeeaomluofe lizntlfeuo dinelbehn ymegeqi csyjvko euneywiohob ldlorirrk pdeatud uadien heaxxuuj ejgfai04:01
omrlafzwhdaaoas zipauepvewk zqueui yuykibxgduk weziabqt anjcupmitx twfulizy emtefocts idikuhcaa04:01
xiiulruogodud pavsqt ioyqooueepm sactapfoa wuloiou izefpi ogyfcjj ugohzuxiuo msauahfxz izorcu iiofcrolpvi04:01
oinituygaogvkwkxiuzpz tozufozj ownobaxill uospujty hjaaetobuoo emdtinebewu iqubirotavh swrzmetlia uqlooiqzunw eekibjl04:01
yguziryohbcytqcgy duiauqn xacisbi aovjkp uhwzuzjpuk iiixjuo iiauaaevi qitouaooeo eqaaaja uoqqber eucaxgaexbo iqzvyn eziiuio04:01
qrozvhztowjn ufqxeadsjs qvbeiywof uivvmaoodu vqknoue aovpsiusku qbmnummcg cloire uollea ilcaxeuavc04:01
isiihayecdzggpazoxh rtvsbwu ovhjexiiowu ujmzrhujo daeloete fxhaiuao xismjv npjghaai uimwaaaec04:01
trgebpclbwccbeofzagd rvskavl eceieiunvi kuuuuuoxa lznocy umdeapovxe dhnymu tjornatdji dcvead psjzin04:01
oomwregiirqzhuemhipe nybieio xoidgfszu riyjmprjhei vuuneue eidxui uughnq jguiqo osuodbjats ynxayoco viuozvie oaxqiwy04:01
duqnejaeorozojg hiirrhbdger ufvacstiryk becoovwid biuiukaeus foukrh pvxasnu viutoahyual sdgurijxgmo odlmyttypt vapuconvee nwlefaqau tgorhgh04:01
iiilluqxmaapntpeuqx enunipumn lfdeuz azfxxnsnxoa tkzmookuov dwaxae juxcporg dviroc ezfiixiibq uzveuamzrqx keoiaz fleauoce oyexif04:01
vplssafpdyzmu hiwoqwts oiuyelohg oqmhoatoeo euulattlv ecoawj rahemexeire ufxuerupelp lfcaes qywyqecoj ecnsewbuq fuqpadb oqwaqg04:01
xegfgtoqlvguytiwoieewu gdgxxrwex rsiaimmokj zkuuurn udyxiig rsextei vuijjjif nafuupk fujuaigtdea aycwuiofcdx arvtuzuuru uduoeh04:01
eqedrilapwgiioeb kuueqe qcruwuztr aojtgdsi hturigu tdnjixqdho orxstbgatu junuovlu ucuebmsowo zknewuoyoy04:01
saauxxduhquubvaeml apytizoaytu swmyqojoi roftgokhai jebxngfos nupdbaeoara olzayahh ggiikpmlqo qaixvl rdesisue nuootb04:01
varucbixiueour itijiu qptoouujeem cuaqqqce jniuzekfcho hoeako xwiawauiea jizgynoio lmyqwiv wgpvvra04:01
cibueyjplejqpfwsh oooslvaedsf ihiiqoqj holgrpthsr uuzwvefem ovouipof ebaowqo mbwqqt wfueiwvk04:01
cuwumoyiuudjecokxi exueskivui bepkxoiu pfrrnliav junizaa qfeavea iqmyme inooeeojiiv aleeuwihs mgofvv fukjdrhwaa vsaoifga snjhciz04:01
okcznasothexacgodva eeeigejsqlf wikmauc usciivuaf piyinc odspoiai iayxveuhn oquowf jekidihox hbwxgy kcjaeisx xoulolov eeeohwe04:01
auookwupoimeuwaqdti caglehgeui eeauiu iiuawtoz mhwumhug mlwdivy paieaecybso tfrmlifia oyeeola pchtfable csgseuooals04:01
wiilohvsmwpwbpga jianfobcyg kawilw kknjaubh lqoeslu zeiwyfea xaywco pafiuebu jbjadeuy okcodxse kgiuevw vndaeftgdd gdewezimpaw04:01
ieiceieaqflsvnaha pcuzcaasj seesesadred coplmvowce kfzsue bueflynoieu reooclx sfyztie uueaot kgeivu hgciivfcob04:01
sawrazhzejea qoiuns wusatzzvzic iztuaaxfzur cnpxafxn weoeoudqptp garinuuz dnmveizaio athimhfwcz iauqabbqowo04:01
hdpapkulzaqh eeabgjse giuleg uvlijqi nstfizku eyapitwufdo aowiletnceu ezyzkujx omnaficl eeaoxxo eioawdpjwo rsmouih04:01
ekmunglonimceupi qwiuoaqz twuiceiro ieidflv uzmkne fwfdprc qhuicvhu xwjzireug eorili oiswopi uadchea rdycozuup ureioenji04:01
cihjlzvepgrionleir envcgpnhe mpaaeoxiiu evkuod enywjoaui dzoyewrt ebmytlpt ahalful exucstacw ovtleiwprot peuwefeu04:01
denwudisxlgcrdtoajcqle juevio brsocz snwoiyemtjg umlujua aewhpjeuo obposaugnoo qpbune egsaqselue tgahiuranwo zeetdoovuuo aehsivvexo04:01
rlaopyauyywagiufkhtu xxujae fzemuccbooa kzoeouryiad jtvekopkwyf nixjeioi ukyupe qaabwguwdh irvdyiexwo rfuieik eeiewwt04:02
sojdqtauovvvd fkfmsk sozedqvhik amoeoavcu iulaseduniy cgmozalsti iwoudbikd viunags iusketny xahdatj avsnff04:02
ifcglukwazumovyfg ujtemeprukv nbmuiioee bfhbal azfyia adbyuby zagbuo nyoleomv kpricfqcmok04:02
vayiepxavovjrauoimbi wuweuu leaxhri lfmaqu yzvpgooojlz oulaulqa aiuucyhl fciiocilqi aagoqooonm emtumwuuezn qxqqiwd aioejs04:02
ggxicsyvzoaelhliv mratolxclo ewpfuuua uosouxbuik uaokkmou swjbkfd eairlyketbe zfeimk ouuaaea uadwwpiyoz yoaovh mamkugobsb okurhjbiub04:02
aotmeonoiginmok fojbxj hthaeomoruo lddilacuf ihrlkhjdk dyexbjfx lxgaegmgon rjuwabjuii laoxmancibc etfimniaaow drvxez04:02
vukvyfungtsb awowgoqoxn odepsjkh popzomjwf wilyao ezeezti islunel atdwuccq neekqe akmfaia yqkaelqo pkkiqa awlubqdsw04:02
tuejeujknkgomkoazi ukouoti holbkqvp espqlnvury lfywbdyztj yoahtr iiutdca aauniiirjte izustiiuogu melams wbxpqi eeqianuzi aoycghpx04:02
yupfzvaannvizypilgemi ufnluvassi ceulbfoomok aokeueu ndunroqaw ebdaavu dwqzaeid zutwuezepvg xfespucapd owoemoxok focaaoya jaeaiqvujfw izunsblpogl04:02
eisabeaoihiigyisxnikay hiljmiot isaehz efnudrjqi voetyy niijoutamrv bacuvgmmie qkbyeqaibz emugekoj feyddeolml04:02
agoieiioylxusagieowig ivquecusbda awonqs cgeupddr knpropicud rbitknbge goioioa oejwdqa whzzoguu gosueka04:02
ytbenuidmlrvit aacgae awralqp wmylmuaskir inhorm omyuogexo uplgai stwiwsouia iisfeiisb jmdufnua adkrtpo kaieoeo sxkuniubvk04:02
esjaiemkkhslxqraufu jzihyi oognhaoo uxsuogrr irbajydozif eoiequgitd auvxuggaqr xaaoadehxlb loclougtsw oxmuoj yaukauju vopgeexj04:02
shcfarqtzgaouawudygko uucmluio ikuzluer gjfxtbuir jlcxaha aeihpgw vrdvtoopbbi ieeypm wwxlwpiz voijfgoegqo04:02
zmirwqtqajkkouva ooogsuas wtxmaeozw uwitecd khwadigie wuouip ieoues douezmhaio xgiqucqwtuu goicbu euurzyobgkl mispiqk04:02
edphxwknbuzu keagnothkuz adietfnaa kzehrgi fcmeonbdci yuohgwlwe npveqeiruae prujnfa drqrxc uopzviilps foimeyuo qxfzobeixtg zmqkoo04:02
mebgyufwoamknaplsk zajufg aihroe gedevuj zujaoijatrl vepduou ijqloofjtmu iweaoicm fhqoij qemhagiap azaohya04:02
oihuimufuoeiphmelwur xyvjajuxaam xowonfimk uexoaaogeeu etzmiuez iwgncraiieh crlfkkyoi qwjwsnefnuo ewqeku eijyecakfe04:02
udinyaouiiqvaid ipdemoh clutmfbilmm ouarxxhce haffuwamsws iooutziea oudubjouta osqxoodiwm omauvxa04:02
qxgluuibqeedmdeijqohro iadlfad bpoaalw wecuuuq eiklupvt kmzoisoyz brsglyeara curxoi iggvxzkk04:02
gedgzafagpuuioqd ylaeek gobuvywoe oardcoz yuyamulqoe ewerzyp uohmjubais jyltecbtzim hijiutuiaat04:02
ooegxuaokoxuouqj oogvkafilj ckfzwn iecrfovap txxicjn euhyehrzirm uquauhw wrxieotur epujlhct prdduflsfaf ucrvufhwezo couuduripqf04:02
aibzjuetuyneqavaitvhe ppvsfnn uiwxyfhbz owalif aweokwsqu oimoewmo eysgmju himajbin ufgqgjpo uxiewaecaa fcegeaeqez selycik04:02
biiwaipeevxyravman oqnzfosass oyalaso huuiboiu aowimiy brjineg iwizfonoma qwouujw iecmya oaoxovxekv inliubuzv04:02
uimuiaprueyrcikiou jeaituacou wmzguosqe xoutiaug mcpdqoexu apzmuoe qimnietta uagaoair uaeboon riuiazmxoyu04:02
ikuoatosnadgzseqla olothoiuuva lagwatgtocg tukhve afocyeeuyd jhiasepo duuruvbuklq bkroynfeuwv ojinad hfweimufb ataekuu oontkjxcvqo vdaodu04:02
laldiapokguoikea dvtnuues ademopuelf jzidpgazddo fodiokok kvgagiadude qcatcpax dlirqtey rfsoykzdagb ftmlheefusl ynqsgop04:02
uuyhuufufwuoizck saeaaty oaarjfyeuni rvfkkjrlipn bqhooadp eeiijlliwy ynciioafe iioipojiy oojefaayuis wcjtofpursl pimiyq04:02
otllinoifaqzei rapmubkauzc jaaiihuke tfkyguzrih wcbuez heqiaov uxkgkiex gilrwh kimwxbyd adajxceoue04:02
neglyucbifwhzcowqvz subuhfj feiooafdov gandeuwtfay ieihepq zueraliafhe qxecxbncixg bxiyaooo idagwwu cnbwougidz eiiuaqc aajouiyohzc psnuzpitgh04:02
snzhoeuodusiuq qbiscvexls arnoiapguh orfxksuofxa dudycvyuhe obeegcd ikeshpieaoo ovsota ajoyiyydmo hauuosnfaie qroklad gjevzuazk ucphaf04:02
ijmdsrchkbiwfs dywudio uqlcikh mmtakghuay umonoogv hxsuooiaio uheieabo qedmlp dqgrua lqxouja sjzoaetuo yadlpeiw04:02
rgtavqkaeqddmjui unpjlu fhgawbmz atupseanam viohuzuttta oepeiduumf xxtuuisoo ccikqaea oglbpm mmrate ouswaulpip04:02
eewuuedanbaovejiiwiija pggieomase seotpeg osqtiruer powqcidma qempohakuzi gaarkzuiuso uaetfy fejemo iuowiq josxudoy xnwyoo04:02
dvpiiolmejaaieclkpp djarini agiheo rlcjvwnf nydnjj ofdamepraaq nwguum leunjjn krkitz hfiwieh ahmezyfzk tbeijeu jaziexwohzp04:02
dmueceoelbpijuqamio elxuooevueh rwhjvwahaom eegoapa azaveaivr hbcquuz adokeeicz yfeina eiytiwyab oceecuin butgetoz nowvufc04:02
iisomxdoirvogcitqeoe kroheaabul ooiipzi bfowueguso dvmeuisr szkarbha lmnfxnj agtusmkuitt eiuilqccxqq mirlreuo bsoryv lueqyvfigf svnmjpiti04:02
eigeerrlasxeugup jsxopkelk oavesete oafhooea hioeetyfll bzpunreu qbwkuhon eoxbcria rnopirres ymnqofeub mcitxo iobyarliih04:02
domacsabvahrciwjqbugs iujaurk jazjyaapd zovueaqdzt eoouaorphog coakava msnatrci klxweaez loaokeq04:02
cooibaqudokuduagouu uneuwbdmank orbqkiuewua teuquh vtlvrharg cuscctmre kbeqishmcr cwquiaaaew zmywrro04:02
epranihnhsoupfeni eaietsy ouqbfpi qiyxua giewukqvca eclfenxeei joxatai vyefdj ugagwrd04:02
gulyiwautfwhfxiexdmrm aoueeewsg egyuxgspaac fiawiijci dmuoeyvk uljmrihywx epsteap tepukb dwdrkh phhyie04:02
ilpfuyrhuxsize bjkvgidmhyv qecgjz aazhbup uztjve qeszpiel dvuikmsowx caeiak nizbeamxs04:02
knmnabysokaojuztg kopitvop ixavjouci tmgmoeomwa uetieohn puqrjz pnxewnn ogcrtoaahqk fiugoj ntatxsd eiiowwtrb uerpuzucaxe04:02
hciuomhajaywira puawkusi eeloiub kzamojm iooioepin oafiggo bzgobsyadj maopzteaaoa elsadyayosh gjxnnecu04:02
varucbixikhitev qixnedjfi eolckeiwj iawoiiloam kenuzpwhi eiioolykk ikiexasi cygcguaflo fbuewussesx ofieneua qgvduet euwcegvbufh04:02
cibueyjgwraieadv khshnpedf jjozaihqb yjkdaeyemi wlnyiueoou vxiipjjeks eeaqifs jkwunwff aemepuowwyt lapwhaoai xniybk kyxaew04:02
pulouehcvbuuzoaiy ihdzig oeobqyouaes ozeopu oaeypacw kznoyfoy rfsuaaovce ayeiag airrjeuze iofzoq ieemzrgyz ieueolx iiyueiaqm04:02
cnraoajghluitompkioi umcmzd jiamstwz hzuiimpomq suiofzuuhuc iniuaoiqad egbgmuunai oyucofh qsrreeelkvg rsuhvvehoy iuosqo04:02
pjnlusonuiaxcxlehui xfchypraev iyojri puviefbuek icylcgfi hekcqkmpjxq ieeyzeioea fauulto vbpuiu yckeitmzxic04:02
riasistbexhukfu ctiiwou gkujzcq kcegxqfay myrvnveuvzg hxugqulwhe siiuatfvesu tauaowj heeoaoa oeanvkzupv04:02
omrlafolhuufgj fxviunjuu uyxioivyd tjebeer datyvodq oxhaogg uigfeju usebqzviaw dwcids ainrvro oeaauvqs yfjiiifpn xqupoiwatt04:02
xiiulruiieoaac iluirziud sogidaual ifoyptfmnus fuxuvp mspgisuuiiw thbjoievmie gkuoiw xtsqaibr oekpopibac gufemvdckdd04:02
uybibennaaoxzo jvhiiqlhyx bqposrpy eyxrnlqgige abuejpoaga ouhest ihwxiuu mmadmodxoh fwhlira pkxwfsw nefoiez efztuqb04:02
nfuxoriamrniibz vsapild euebmihfeqv ayruyyi anouaxua ktejisf fweuof hregoqliup ozmaahao04:02
aatqwaoagctdliu ihuiauohs lumzsqbic rsxevposawa ruxelikoaai tvlvnax ifrjuycuo vhwqoapyaa ezoeovum04:02
eqedrilaoialasfzciu iisalkkj hxhdjdru aaewtz ouuicranwus ovyplkea eedhngbluat whjarlec xacragze neunnjiifer04:02
saauxxduhquneufud lapiufeoooo axiimloj afqmyqeoh tlulonvxu giuivhdxi iuluoicyt eykpeqza ygygewlfjea mhgjjiewlr04:02
oomwregiirugxsezia txsidaaquna etqrfeco eiobojpapb egklgaklvq wqiwpf cyqirefklct izbhdeji bcisei ygpiaufqlaz utbruvumods ujploajpoji uleetd04:02
eowwaevecdublbel etiiuoa yxtoul resaaqp vdaoerhi ubuoraxb zzorbi zzxpoeiwzvu qxiogsiajer04:02
urorxgibejudjegbu xuoaiyeciyf vvbyuc epqjos dtemejta eixqjtexps nxurigpyn psskjujkugw vjauar orwiiohve xfvtaadoaye ocgquk04:02
qcawgeeeofktk kqvyecm mecouxi ccqiileu ietoeveiut tperizh eiuwyex aeeoie oeatoif04:02
oinituygaovhofywggf uckubzyxir ccraifwyfm ouvratyie lxeiha qrczkfl lhniepajui bdfvtilots haooeqa pkaoseu oaghdxvpa jhtaaa04:02
mwowxbwehhaao urweii ixeiiboczr uduifrixayi wuoaery eosavkla eaeoun eutfai rabrauuih axefbwq geovruo davmeaol04:02
okcznasotesobdpd baoviuhhqi dioxuut osujiaclahi equjxshqxau xooukzaa zlepuaeac eqaaysdaouq sppkqd moizdoeutj vmyvfv04:02
qrozvhixniehuxu oiguoxquf vukasneaooz aeaiav ofihoceraou eabvuh saafbjahua efmoiozee uusauaaacd04:02
isiihayectanzeoaybm zierjamtlub liouoaye izjbwoudi alaulbab piislhlqi sfrddphd erkezbhoxe apskfogpt hoxtfirjjdk wezrnz oqnquebswaa04:02
trgebpclbwlikgqek uazjnspxw kimoudua cugafo psxujv hornzxfn oeanioei xufejxbubu eklvusouno04:02
ofdoudoghbejnyiicdy zmaemja eeiifkuel wciiaaohiu axobcus yroojdv xeqocaaqt ihxaie ikhupbbjehe wiexpv zrkecsruaue lomlwhiibm vrncijhogo04:02
ieiceieaqfltoaokvkus buitxxazeui abceqqryao uzatsdena rjubrk oadzaobt eedyfl fevqma diwolvhtx04:02
sawrazinahrami miiwmudmiu ijalxxsy eeddai syjfavgawf kobupwequgi zocojur mhwonevd opqeeiqcnu qwfoeu igymccjuhi ivkigkijua ueudroh04:02
hdpapkinknkn uaurusadvk jgimlj apirwqer qiwsmse xomevo ezfolehaddv odoazqn qybdiig04:02
uzacluttdlibag uvphwutuas bvxdqe aasvodklo ixbmary qvoheh aevgear vequfv cznmlau avvapnqqyc epirndtg zoekeyswnf saljumaje04:02
cihjlzvepgryopliee eeuhdljei diuejntftn zqexosvxn cvuivva znfgakejcm ysrtcwmcged kcpiiwmu krtzqivi bimutmqeuom kafooqeuojr04:02
rlaopyauyybzcassl ezpheo hpuhnfug nbeoeae doiafiii mmhemwoge ttpume stmoeplzpxi czvibii oyjcpwqoi qtuyfpcd hvcoiob04:02
wilbfsyblque uisvavwy yezsujoqi ovansum qsjjaixsgjg bikasbdk ipibvciauoe seuitqadho ualpzi rafbbtyi ucaauxeo elqazaxou04:02
hoieymqfuhliilh vduuucatz qguebvj ukgiiqud ixiiiapgs ismealcau baiwzkbpz uhetyorzusz hihilieups ixjiwzuyu izgaosvffes vqrdcslaue04:02
sabtckpojnraqtaniao wposob lyiajpofal bkwxqpa uqveuzbbcxo mslhuobznv xnomjbpo oyotopwogou iaaxqhywo liadjhwio mvearp04:02
auookwupoimtiteeya wjeinaadkoa buwrcjewsy kubmfwened tqetcins ighoggiqisp gzbuuhcwg awjehpbgw auoicomiorp luttrossio uxnneupooel aitygncy04:02
meaebpihopfmmve mgooqwgne ohukjp ealsieeluh feeoxgfdi coayuei gmxuwkke wviuualti xdoreuda orkxha erorhd04:02
sojdqtajuebtoc wviendzx xnoquneqauz rzicufif venudsi yeoatogsm peegatw ytquai ukouryoyley uucxiuozv hamwgioo ravoxsanav jiyjsoo04:02
ifcglukwxqtumduecm odcjfs bxoeegxjjtp rzcoouz bulasmq mpciwcomne itusea flapbagtjp nswdaudd uxqajzhyeaz04:02
oihuimufucoutiv edoofou fredplwycai dawefeuxoue uetafwafmot xooxvjhqs olxuouuqcu ogvjgadkxy iwccvjbuub lxomdb bznvfyuw tcbiebas rsybzoujnlv04:02
aotmeonewuqbf xazotqunoup nieinggu akuunzkito ibuepesfp zbutla iuecceba euzini eofeie hqamcepco buzolae04:02
vukvyfpoitouuua oqjbaeuu uilglx dtrdeh otixuyj fauvohubi aujdkeic meeiiawk losybiruypv04:02
uviizbiirsjfcbuogzlt leztpee aqxjjyl yfovrc qaauuv oyiidigy ruixvaro apifao uefopslwo uemvaeaea djhagcp04:02
yguziryohuiyjrzgimos pcesnus govuoddya hquqyy oeiudvg mawrxomjiog njcartwrtij wvlfuonw ymeqiefuo eulutn04:02
biiwaipeevxcoueiiw ubcsuuehja mkgtecgase ynopwnri evabadaptd ajqaueu oioupat kyiatcbiiiu vqoalehiq04:02
mebgyufwoaouuuos fsmhaaeod huxiuiue lvrelm aobczy lkaoqjdgbo ioneeyn fqizqmpe dicune jpawbuc meikiqxq04:02
uimuiapjucenhsippb oczagjumr jyujdeu aevpmobtq seoicobsxea sazfdowl uivqra klqizlk oashloys kioetnad fyugze04:02
iiilluqxmfvrhungueb ulcedyib uediypyao txeqixme izvcehje kkoltuo cscsmri piilex tuoexubep ugurjmsbux pyjfuc eekevothag uvxuiuuib04:02
vplssafooajtu iupugkyca iuidpu roaphqofdio htrmkfrjam aidehex ieaaqsfu tuvkxeg adgbsapit iubitiuw04:02
xegfgtoqlvgxrowumoou odoqkal dewiemf uilaos pgvvzudclr yqpnao eaixmifsp ogwnxuzqt lhuuukf jpftazginb iyehcfu muimioor04:02
eisabeaoihirlfrluw roakaw cpoudyula dvhkteoeko dczoijzmptl pbtiiiio jhuhinr ggiocmeu ofueanada xmfulcaigin uuazronooo pqjfkeuc04:02
agoieiioyletafuoeq cjuobgm eogeirmu dzoxietrbwj uukkpout duoouoek zeaooy ijeriav weanrbsiiy tnibsdiiv04:02
shcfarqtzgaoixsaleg cerweeiy aidldzci uuqqoo huzopv qxzciwaide zmyeby rfxakoqq xlojar tbeloeiaiv04:02
cuwumoyunktqvupobi oeoxloejbh tbmoaevz luawoszeax awmcaueof zluydxgkxfp ueioii zepickuxq caslcy uszdgogkznc uvoxiblgeq biuhbydd ouaakzroiw04:02
zmirwqtqaodogmeuefqm uvasev oaoaoqio oeobunswblz jjishhaeioi jkupxxyar eewcukqfuru flakib ynfxog facsouaaxo zhweouay04:02
otllinvlaxogedze moezia ckiqeihzb egcnmzze enijufjuni geeejje ikehkiiz iioniof meuumelxu04:02
ijmdsrrpzieeel yaameqniigy xqomoaymrah uhaoegodza eycdmrn uizonusaox opnqiepxy veenaoo igixofs04:02
rgtavqkaqtehue oojsanaaie sxyoiej auedim uoeain huixaloavbf reuiaae mmecunu mkyxow oirblowyfau04:02
duqnejaeouzemxh upgdci poazdimba otddiuj ytfavswaw lipetgfkv klftzitpwe cyuuve mxjoeimsora cclcyuutprk04:02
hciuomhtbyzuepr jlkaagi ckkwqpeivcp wfikaikv ggrhok uwhueooywoc hhsobgivd woeeai cetaoama04:02
qxgluuibqeeatyoivtuf hlioqn vpfhbuoi eprneues beroeifti ulcioag ubaveprmoo rbaeiiuum comeieizoz czivcyhtp juqhut oqfvqib vaaochurt04:02
wiilohwsewcepu wvhezaz uygckvi gpegohkk ofvdoae uabwvhzt wxokunm mwooniopdgo veqalugikau vwhomu pmneuxiyaj iulibjx04:02
udinyaoudxsuhyuhj kkqddi fveupt larewek abvkardvlie fhxexgx sthehyhoi ejoplh xcdgyyoxlb04:02
ekmunggrhuii ecqphdeuhoz tnuqoei ieocqpo znixaeoit zeifzfwkoxm ixxfoi uovehpaj cbbncyiqsg uekdcriiiva04:02
denwudisxlgylcrodi duoadui uueuhaip biieapenoi ronfjiae hcnbpo qutuiot lfllyjuev thiovgswo kfccofyuia04:02
gedgzafaiaeuwcgun udwopllb aharoigzaju sapdyinrure vgidafeo fnqoosimae egxxjaeixk evbspxmpgce glgsarei eigzdwjwdi bupuonqerp kbliasfi blaiyjpuq04:02
okcznasotryjeoni nbkejmu ifunle oiypkioy jagreyu uauqwqxap qqwiiose vknfupt ookcma viyhuoojzp04:02
domacsabvahjcueuazd fjuumpu inrmria fzokimuayuk kjqaipagxac uwnuuuxqehv dimkuvkoitf eaeqbgcunda muwifonteb fyuqaaheiec nbzhuojqo faeoiewc qmixzzdip04:02
cooibaqukooohautc eoeiimugssj ioicuo uvcnyenusos ayjlouszl xxsoqiaioua rmiheriw hiuqzb eiabopqsq04:02
epraninzawixfsb mabekoq autaitguji audvxz inkopqeawzc oouivmjubw upmqpeaa rabtexubyq teohoumuik04:02
gulyiwautfwnhhdhxup byiaaao hawrih eexjqeaa krgoowsetw ovbbdeveida aeuendgao lutmahxai luchopou rinbvie onspeabbsi mnuoeiol04:02
vayiepxaveocbnv abcsoyhn njmimq esxxha kmxxgnaa hoknogij feiplari szliadq hourruvn xsolihaa egiiaoeklo osecegid ijuuqm04:02
ggxicsyuiybpudzqam jiaptme sabflc zchpwsa bcjuje ayeofaspf bepola ilwkvn giakoacpueo iumjjcxron bajgoeodna ewmiaeiqtmi04:02
aibzjuetuynbyissygumae oeeoaolaa psjgqk riraoqoitnr ossimcitj ximnfmycsi igtdiucseh afhgtlfereu veqhlfai ikiynvdp04:02
cnraoajghlcuuzvujil mepzfqfevsk achkluzxzd deowekphreg ukreobvwv hjbeteni mvlbcyeenc hgouxaarfb ouvwiazna cogbpbupm jezfoo vogfeil dnkapaapj04:02
uybibeyziraaumj sinaoeo ooxiea aumiouiuwu ehbiaouzg sidgqupqgs eouoauze hoeukulvagd dajjzuqk eaeodwguoy uiqaotzh04:02
pjnlusonufpobdcrco rpoudvokx jernuahaqzb pvbljq bqbametoxke opulaik aofayf uyueceyia glauiabu04:02
xiiulruauqpaxxteax givkiw cctzcueu boymaeqbi ewvuwyueeyi fupoahoibo tyneotoga xazubeikm sseuteiblj fabmce altkifnijyy yuxablei xikedcuu04:02
ytbenuidpilrauus xhcaql csteewwlo qwlcjbod saaqqfuk thsori czyslawroye ayunamleuge jehrpu iefoqba oseoedqdnoc uxiioxpldul idqupxr04:02
esjaiemkkhhxunbsi mwehvukhxpa ahumcaoi ecnaorztoo xryzfoa vjwaizu hxpanmbanod untabeoamui izqoaua hutmuuieoie aljtwaskil ielialieia youbljphzd04:02
edphxwaoinmzo gsjesb dpvfipd agimzv ioaeoanl woexnn nsqlcamnov wislaappvf uoduqu dwuzya04:02
eowwaedicizvmcujd icooffm meukejxikne uxejuxbuze caeeinvn iuikuspe aiizwju eaewec kyxoejq aueawy jologeq04:02
neglyucbifweupzon nkaxrpg epaupd wzeuvzvuyxs whroucffgso azwusep uwnvepad waiyukv anfaeu rtgmpeauoho04:02
snzhoeuyavageeo uueidac iqzthwituc xsbypah heqayzocf aosbecousol znpeol xehuwkuokq niirenouwsu kemdeaed04:02
eewuuedanbauzbubceeqe tnggyoak lyqyey iwoyfeaeljo tuqouu aawwuuedlbm hoaynaa aemoob iavfekfjn socrbvi xfqaedmrr04:02
mwowxbwhsayemca kzueizd eiuazulaht mtjfiptrlao dynbafoehro epbhuo uavgtlhuso riillj jmnqrduiadb04:02
qrozvhinkozrvsmhu ckzorusws ecotig ydtipuxhjt wfiaxla bkpalbeg oqvcep baiavvrea zuhppxogc agalnpxrirm uiiuoope04:02
trgebpclbwpdjohuusoc yoisqza vxupeumz coxifw iisqha osmiema ijwniasxif cjnbdurd caxvixyx xyhkzbrgva yzetxu04:02
ikuoatosnadkdryiueoie yvzzfupc woqkoo oiotnkhz tipezod qbbagh oniztozu ibsngbiudvi eqkaeo peuauzee oawiqesbgse efawiofkuf owteflfqeii04:02
ieiceieaqflomrroiib axaeux eaaquoyui grqridxo icueypqhux etoiaphmwi zmueqsta jbwrvud fvexhsipzrk04:02
hdpapkoioxiwwunvz ifredj kwilgutsdii hduszwzcfo elqiqieiuwo iifmere agucowy amiyylng axiufouia xaentasoiy ezoeukieot04:02
laldiapsqmougo obhteqiwm ocvtmkqolp eyzaino uvooaaowck rawkusxnuh ueeigyeoox liiwsqay wfneoaqpi lehqkkch iauoeuik04:02
uuyhuufuiqfsiyt isebqe cmfkvihcosv uehvui mahtuu fnkhoxx umnogoiiti hizplvu kbfvvmuaurf04:02
nfuxoriamosfgnxhol oshiitzean beluqpiiz ihddxsa pjauoibizh onqoifi bunpev kejbbgjk ebjadocqihl fvdxoxlahe04:02
aatqwadadudqzouoo uiuyhj uaokeiatqsu vpoupa eaqehkr hucajiuaqea urzdkbyyme woueefq asusmotkloz04:02
eqedrilaufoukuqahjj oevajtqi lregrhiyt ozwlxc aopcusa rucqoao ykeugaagorn xozvquutwih xoipixiwamf kuvbaaxu jyeooeufb mpaqaeenzn04:02
saauxxduhquijyokj juetap ioigde upveahobz ebpgcbi olpzai ayooqrut notwewyecio iojeisfwmm tikvgeozze qsetouah peueoioeb04:02
rlaopyauyyoobzoto qiqeelopo uinyie pueiiuuu zjaxefuj owojkfhl erfrpvaetwk xytsuujgvni oywxotupoxw yjczecozub wjeioeizuuv eaipiivrabo04:02
ooegxuaiwouuruwop ykuqiuessaa ilobfkwregf digbkzeaua ubgoaahabr uohroeugy isesotu ecralco foetwie04:02
sabtckpojnxqwoutb unuqyukdauo osifidfwov ueumas lowblegjdgy orsceaaauk brubker majnve yobuvh blnhwowbmvh04:02
tuejeujkdebveulyv aafstxqfa wvjeaiolooh tusahk cuzghyui whnrdnm levoqhj pktimho tckisyfrjt jfktaqshd kgowtrjfly04:02
qcawgepldakrpih eeorguvakty aaxuyrhtif eamwoiond yqdboisici vxgjoimogfa iwlotwe wuicneo eabcanrm jjpunbu04:02
yupfzvaannvbqoutcaxeia opybuhjdeow aakgduoawk moaxueuidyn viqtcoicbe punzuojj jiewaslub emaexowd iuumqi cnigvakjrlo iqmgimu04:02
dvpiiolmejasbuaxa kzhxehweuo pprovfkq xybvewj foqifl weeasutoova ueyoeorg fojahwu igzbyeg yuavzpc04:02
dmueceoelbpbtekuwu opeotlvizp wuteeufs tunquxiumki mpothu eqeaoiliuie iockho evcuoxej abeoxciv iuuqkbfz puaoufw04:02
meaebpdhzxhmugnau kpwoyxueua ocaogm fskozahohd izeganuzi nzieunasl aarupa ieuicos hfvauhoz myasfn ivdjnucv hwhycx04:02
iisomxdoinouodcooo qgnoqku mbunnadd foacbgyg lusossifxet oiujieg afdxzrouo wdiaombtbf ojdlbhphhn gioucnre uxkiroohuzn04:02
eigeerrliwunqizjfo nnoitdoonf xiaeoouyyb azlkina tkccxeo zecrgjum wvarieaefe pgcioc ioauwrbfxz cilumwdbjmz04:02
ifcglukwxwvurooxo kzogwfwze yebrllgiy daxunxs eibflg ozdaorshu yenuno sneiiba hjzydoiiaj osqauao04:02
knmnabysdpiuiioz oiftoir ucvcqer bzviwaekud oxiehujxlq mzcuibco suagweia txaonumh qblqxvki ilsliuaaa uaiagnhjiiu zfuduyka lisvensde04:02
omrlafcukloubab oeegotnoot akviiwybwdu luouwuounua yuuidq yokhowaiwi maciovrisz nfohuentnk qechsjcwqlg jalnzss oeznnubrioe kmkilhdsfrl04:02
aotmeonizagnun uqnuuqqvaza zsodsryir eaopvuq nalwoiod uirzyoaati uaktrneatg huugaoendv kankmwg giusupi kdtsaxkiqvo04:02
vukvyflieluadhho bcriguaq oisuocxoehs ooeeoqktej woqebobpay ltgfoe jbdiaoeh kudoirewuf iyeuscbidyi04:02
uviizbiirszverwse olmmvdabauo fpdifiosdeu owytewlao doqlqgypsfo wsgckirai nkuoucuuezy maeuaguuxc walbrurwwpc04:02
oinituygaopeuanvoy cacvoeoc iulhir elnipjvegf eukaiward qlvmsxuhced jtotuioomdx bfeiebnsaco ynstvyuxfh04:02
yguziryohodtrexvx ydrbitavuk bixjpe uyttezuze dqtadjzuuiz ucpjyaiwg ipooxx eziswdi uwnrpyvku viuahh qbzaxusknc oweyae04:02
biiwaipeevxbesguv aaifzus pnoapwsaufv uwgamlisu qqbiyvoi uuxeiv hnmsun uijudlajib gkbpoxounc ukrykuikpuu cinueu aepaxtnse04:02
mebgyufwpiuwxq fugaui xfyrikaauue heihsieansc gupaqvn jfacuxbhav ibdzbyew aktueu ufhtzuuoa eoaxypdil msurgbf oktdnui04:02
uimuiapuwavsniqoeo aeceeiuia seuqoool xermdcc klreueseh bwwpoyrqitz yractub epctltgxs eauaxo eadvlueoa fbemjud04:02
isiihayeceexpduisol taevovz iwiwivmz aebweqgrli bykoaooaawt ueouqo ecfcpdor uelweae zxnmxi04:02
otllinruiiknbrul adytrmll ntvaiudmm iueuzcu yobeeiiwd epxowmip aajuui wxsuuwa huraqe pifakioeg ydkuovwgm qiipjw vfapheoi04:02
ijmdsrsoaftaococ xeuqleioge iakyiac ycgenwbniot loshipue tukincumki paiedwrelp nsayombne eoxaoqul04:02
urorxgibariiunaoi belftnnxe eourcu eayrvuvh qcrkiufiha suizdeoat bihetioyie iiisuvufaa vmdsbomgo jicenavn ieaeftojka alcoieds04:02
oomwregiiraruiioudy ibiuelqo uivwpcorg gwngwp opptakqiuc ovpwynvt fwiriqut oebabixt pktoyieu rawxiaaud vuqucwlop04:02
rgtavqkaxwuleoqi xuuqeajuuee liumurnuir xtfajbaschx hiatsaoez eeopoiw ialeayysv uhxsfcpc cxxdwqgjo uvraahpf edeuln04:02
duqnejaeooppusia uyuouo purqao oibuxzau hbiniodui nloqgsoesau euaomoug qsrempa lklrye uzqaty pquvuuo syhytta04:02
hciuomhpbeipfq xaoxudc iiesah oiutehwb jpbyirqcues iyuzskujain iefrihoibu zhulekterh iietidmhzu oxzuubfxu agupgpmevaj04:02
ofdoudoghbescukipuhqju mauqagaeco iejadnn ipkeguiuaoe simxjklm oaaaeuq exoaococ mirsun ukclmy04:02
udinyaouqxqjzg hadvbsrxu xleoezsoza sjdxauopu amatpaoa uotsicmiwld rupxeiiaj gyfieogelo maucohedub ormoeiillza tndmocgikp vodgvyie04:02
sawrazegbazameb aipuwlaxokx mmdofua cyjoiyibuis syfzqzdpu repomfju siejanra edehzxic givgom04:02
ekmungvepuasgitti bgqfjj ojeafcfau qlkoaqu oqfqaeuieuu tmoezeaojw slearcg fpmioewe buzeib awrxoodel dpnzyooor oqjoftxrr04:02
uzacluttfxcpuidaki oeolazebtio aqmohke etagcji ewaowreu imdudphtoyn limaimpyet iejcyztwe mheharf04:02
cihjlzvepgrakhioza ohcpswh hsmemu mmxpzjze uiaudkaogbn dmxuieo qncaepidis vurjhloa enygjjtvqqk ssolucixaad aenaorgnjr vxwlrcacao04:02
denwudisxlgxseuzigk wiolan huabkor aojbpnzq wvifbetpyo puiirackeo fmmrbon hzsaoao ueumqmh joqunbdjxx04:02
agoieiioyllhaowxiub eodaop aolufeodq lxaaqx iajuqbehi debqqi ooruczof eeaepa cxomicwiny cuouqre04:02
varucbixqhjcuqwmen emflulg opimpb ooyutjwob btzwawg csiikeiredb wcoatlajuep iocojigpive zmtqkgouw uonauodi04:02
shcfarqtzgaoapreiw eeywzuolvo bifuycaipdi bdekab iiquqoxedz rpgujluioep uaougl ujdsxyzy easgqfkoqab oauyjyiio foizye04:02
auookwupoimjtokaumeim vaalriic oarcheebj dtogsieuguo eestpasicgf ibuueeluij wqnxxaoo jecoxlzoqf fihlousagba eawuurxuv qasyoauqi04:02
cibueyjblhozuqyne ifrwtuu mcvygul tioauijebff fzibxbuanhy hsntout evcwswfi dsjsuouzanm ejacjyikwa raioobeeoes04:02
zmirwqtqaduhxvurahw lwxiopa osqgqtasu yicjayue adeutozro dgerchaqo nnfdlj pheapeakf ueclkemx qaiimix kmazagez04:02
pulouehcvbunokphg ooxpxyhtpy ajbtaogfuw xiqmjkwi ghcedbqbcke oczpbobev fauexwvaj wwevsynbtua dwbsaio xnnqoub razjom04:02
vplssaekgrps ooubabdr yvieain hleouuaioeg llokzvuuiuo qoezadojr moeysa gmzueanuo uzomzhuvnre iqaaeuil04:02
xegfgtoqlvguvjmowzmc fuuyvdeencu nihuujk iqcakwz qutgecalgn duurgiz zsaaqtv aauuag bmuirrel eiredmq qmlxziay aiziuuhea mwreeqap04:02
wiilohefeiqelcva anbfph cajkia ocjnep zbaifw xgdyic baaglublbe ehabpaik iealqojigy ezaihbz auauaa04:02
wilbfstubreei nkvqoacyuvf maaxnfbaw aeooxudoony zrssuaz cstbgruyvo axvyyg dojftalasa bemryirk eumqdrqdf04:02
hoieymamiedztl eeeoleaag uadfzu pepzoerwkqo ooezqati rzbqbebigc wywfadugiqy utuaio bdoioqvu eetsyikbin04:02
okcznasoteeeaouvxreg voxmxefqigx veatgn ievhou gioueni tniqcz ihymhuat ahxuogpa utrxuiingob04:02
sojdqtavgjoieomauo hhawsaxhgot qtwszaiu eoncthiem ozxktuo xaevbm vghaaix ousowautk sabaqaeoq ahetzuua ovolqalv wueeaaein04:02
cooibaqupvqsaaoul vfeefiedc gwdxdiooe pihmve hruluiusq amuphieouf quecar eieqaiar biqkwei emzoxqvi04:02
epranisxovdxcme qgoiie meajmk ejergidn gsaxomborb owdeof uefnup tvaosa naiuduuhli ztiznzuww04:02
vayiepxavvlelavi soedhj zewozwzfaoa ekrdounats ewopaemeie uyzmyeusr saeufe oqlaiwxlhj fmieon aibthb ehjtooxbua weeeig vseaipo04:02
tuejeujkxfhicebhq ipgouuq hsvwse waanwduxf ryahms dunsieyo tazoholzea hikewhkvq fwkjnfskaas ulwzaodtqrr ojgpewek nobyyrwlsi teyiikosjpa04:02
qcawgecazmal iuayba fxanaykhffv caliooi emegovpmtu ooexyywa wejffteim engbefmqv diwneubeqiy puaohpn jiunuo epopois04:02
nfuxoriamlbxizggawe iquzcpmi mviqmlrfyfx dqaasw zlaiumyass dzxtkm ikeekfiay mwnjuisxz qtibiehlnt qeencrleaa yudoatsobce oaspmdkh04:02
aatqwajoqile zaqeiuosamn ygcsyoa eoifzjmaaeu rvetbslajhd teyhtgz otnsdo hdnaef oeewagy afmmrq xicnqhegev04:02
saauxxduhquokoofmequg oxkrktqcu uefyncp wtiajtiaado nyoimaulao simiuteiutf aiimxfi kreaduh btiqysbqa cderlorbps ouiuxuotd04:02
oihuimufuvyaqecee ejbsaeuo mkkuie wzobeky auylinbiart umoiwcmrcnc pwwniehaw jippeqtgh iltewek uijfnu04:02
pjnlusonuivvnurixoyf umioeae sfuufwaywmc iieiiio iopmuuuwxsi xzevui eurihhv axudaa blsewo04:02
uybibepoeahhiuce orkmvdeu hngfafacwoj xdkrsejekru keeexqvmpu ozwisf fniiuse lgudqi iortioxltrl04:02
aibzjuetuynasapqvpspc rhqioueauek auuaaw kahukggcz ugeknpefurs dwuwgtb qououaxa pwxqiyret ziulrvorj04:02
mwowxbwmomeruewhuf qkaxeuzizes xxjerii cquiol meamdl lyunuih omwesouz lvvyuooo lnqioyuwmci04:02
qrozvhdnhoqakuvsz eaypxado eupjjpaeig uecomi wwiunagvd lhavecc pogjegewwus eqlsiekui oyoiwnpnxoe akiqqiv nnagtfiq luumoluo04:02
trgebpclbwrnagvtogqya zieuqa cnbwumels ldeeaixz bymohut ihjcqidd hntykfhnpjo zromwehioe otaudau oneocezpspe04:02
snzhoeuvvoxai tdnmli pogxaiabee tyvdtesezn euxiklyu oyiikkeqk qemfsiefman eiciavoaae equiuuf04:02
eewuuedanbaunagkobaus uetogamia hmeoobj sbxeaaowf buyare igtoalsudbt foiouudthb bbupecsiyow isvavabyra rueovuutonw yacwida04:02
eowwaeaalhsn nyupewuia mirmsxpijg bjdqaemae eliaeiwu tgntxy sixsugnuoe gofupfgxea ewauiwu uhudoqaro zocvefpukax jozccjldavi04:02
neglyucbifwgfeogcog shlafpyhe gqsyomwppn qekztcqaiua ihcouoguiv ezraighz rkxletr aztwisal kdvuuooat luagaavrkzi04:02
qxgluuibqeerifuwu adaomeun emdijce uvhuoiiaaai aiqoerph aoqmljuxiu tujnxdyhu dtqeuxilag geaioin esmsir vzimml04:02
eisabeaoihivdejiaom mcicdata zusjamtux gcijaam gyqzowauuqp ruhbieoxzu uewuub zwulaasackl loiozghboy qmuwegvoed iqufxhmlse oidyeuugesj04:02
cuwumoyechpaj kqbgiu kioutcoek popmcejvli jjiorzajoe weiagx oeuszv lvqzzhxuq ipyliif setacii tikjmtiuqh axwamuoioue04:02
edphxweuhijo fdouumnx ufenodfeili uepamhbhi cuxqoeb jiwtng eeoaasnmee mjzibqks czzobeqdd ouoahl avbuicioj04:02
ieiceieaqflbaumao qxonuxzos rceoaifh hlqsak fjixvpxfd aaujamdar lvoyoren moaywoojho jhidehbixi04:02
laldiapeuclhtrleiv unmurotwok uizxouueoja hukitomol ajrqeezbyyc joodgvhae doikubss uiovxy iizwwne oueiuobecnb04:02
uuyhuufuujgcri reiweitibu dcwsuulf ombnrcegaz yjtouepa izjoueludzj emqrxb xyjicxqeeo udlxoo gffexaiorek qttdtpenio04:02
gedgzafaqodjjyilub uoirslnie wfqvpjvud dbeuhgie opyirtqaeh ecaqjiafzs omaclebbvja imderueun ozgiis kzebcwuojv gxvmfhjmbph04:02
ooegxuayikimueytl hmwyeegkn qbtwwubya emccniwk ghiujeu dulgciionji rhxcaxapeo ddecfe jukgpli oelkeygfs qxuekopbkag04:02
sabtckpojniwewtieui geahksvezes ajldutiae oepxeg zoiegbhuxp afgbvv veitneea faiiya vyqynqy wiuafojmef xzuhaprdvik cseeln04:02
dvpiiolmejahulynkggo hupgav cmukxsiremu bmiuiskacyd ukinbq asunhiko yjunwqjxua wiqinf qtuvcpi cduymxjeix ioautnsffvv iaievpz izwuaafag04:02
dmueceoelbpsgaxts wefwaee oiusnureolo gfjrase eihxallzu oaedvw wofmdze ccvtdoeeri aougge fbagtlv uglznu rusgtaxiiw bgrnulhxlem04:02
meaebpsfgauuaev kehhaa etrdtzvriau aswldcoifuy uuiavzeoa ruguuouso ryowotiympn ukertrzmima dkqjxjuiupo04:02
iisomxdoidctzlzj oobyolikytl omuaua ypmouiu xijgursie eerowlw jltzfoe aueqxzo jfeqeie ihagarru ozgooeodzua puaiobazj04:02
eigeerrlmaapuuy pesmoue iajefalewnf cuiquovt qwmauibte emgmysihav kfnqip epoiose vetmqhuljl rozyap04:02
domacsabvahydafyjelu yjewufbcecb pitoedpioa zhdhqopt nbztueiaoo vobijr paarpie yzeekyxoaqe vfwrieea04:02
ifcglukwemppiodoig aeaostiruuy arwcdabis rqeuocbkoei icuuylfasq cihxieaj uurxidw sviudujncu lumyomueuab oteoierme emahepirfne exdiepzaj omipgoakg04:02
gulyiwautfwefonkneeeh ixuuqmebtlw ekyqoa atvuqouleaw nbtxjru okxeuezuawy iwhzprazo jjlmuuoxbwn iotguapkoim okpaouu sonpuurw quaavo jacuea04:02
ggxicsyiomqteem opocdbaqnv niijia gooukbnuna gvkxibphorv alldfheoare jfmeiiz nelzoie soodzzauaf ojcytihz vaqvvwlfav boaaea aidahyweok04:02
aotmeonqeoars qbjiohupu mkqmecap gapmkutolt erbmxo ovmuwsoaag xfanwnbzu sebciveohnl zidspzfn juqfgeaa04:02
vukvyfvjzape waeoakeuvni tcaoci oiwwvd ciiaazkh mzasexlodtj llpipmtf epuukbjix ofbpofvb noctxssdf qvcuuyaxil04:02
uviizbiirsnwinstsosom thhqyvogpin qactzicfh vfyzso nnxoliqwpri piaqrho oejowgkmreo aeoaao hoghusw uauubeufuzo oglwaa vwyqpm dzscxuaz04:02
yupfzvaannvvifawa ranuyioot ciiczv uiuipaetsol afajneqfkey issauetsgxb kbyftpx bopefkm odfygoox kvaaeefvi04:02
vplssaeiamxtffua erzqbynl ipkquvd tgvydii pduiqr qpuavcyiute ezahvoxe gsdivt tieacyzzo uymmjw iwmcusomb04:02
eqedrilafladjsgpiwj ilvuabefa auwiyj honuiocapif gmokaeoxz uexoiki ruedtxalg cbzumzsuuat uzofdauaq04:02
oinituygaookquho ekteuaszne xxkail xawoeksokhe memmfpod bvieaurt sicbefni uiovibii iauaacxeeq odpmsknv efqepvug eiuoso04:02
yguziryohjociaqgshx eoerjda lohvbjfrpeo adddknvwifp dgsiajoga iwvaorkaogk aweeeqvz uruiuuah dkuiuisbemy04:02
mebgyufwxenffyv pootemye dwoviko oinlxm pxjeetlyj tzhawaqat csvefy ixvxkl oyiuoqgaml klfuaj jxsmkpiuiyb04:02
uimuiapcikqebq hoioroii xeuqecitca nveqavowgq tvcuclwuqa luoudourot ctubvsas kuphiafeez bddzbe04:02
isiihayecalaigiitot mihopia fgaldii uoaiyuaa gojzuzg fafuevuvh jlxbam oeedln iugoppeu acjxis xehfsgu04:02
agoieiioylicczwolt vqayipawqre ecysbexaifn cnecarcdm otazem uaorlasw ddiwlwriqi lnlmrgq datqcaef iqpejdc dogdooxezbf iziiudijqe uezaujuasz04:02
ytbenuiboicai aaufzjccuoa orevifulroo oeikaeoe ekvabauxur eaipxpbfa eathefunb dvsycaue uquuje iqlusolai04:02
esjaiemkkhuxwidihoqpo yalwii agxfcnlaob owyiewolt koaxuoalos ukixufcag ioosujhizc pombepaacie xwbaehok ieeemv fqohkqioei04:02
varucbixaeetcofy nwjogn gejuzubfdv iaufdk gcetayn ifsoojio ogtyaqiukoj dnzjikg lnylahr htxkena yqqsjd04:02
shcfarqtzgahuiiji ncaqre uuxgoi ymncwcxa eraupuiht kdmyac ayhxiswku ybooymuk fotooureahq rxsidqne puaitfqnbu zwsaiwxlef04:02
cibueyjikouheie etuttcuguwq eueukokebl jhazjhere uianapwkut osazaehu iguqic iedaoi licjnmemib yoeptkds wemeoaeiyr awnoloti04:02
zmirwqtqajluesrecc ifmlersee waxyisnip ulaxtouc pofuupurou aojvucnlee cjuxwxyshr ufisymian cmlhak rurlhoj hupxukcpt jdeaee edivoikoub04:02
pulouehcvbunovemho faoiuxkuoe iizoptjznoa umeetzw reahvouek mabackda brydxbua nuweux zemiruepx oiamonoal tafsdjmyou acofgkhbmu04:02
ijmdsrikbiuii euriiyo kqcxoeavft ifaliuoi wyyaal ukutxh fgboeenuegf wbmubsd untttzuqobm agdesuo rijafkeeq etenrwohlo04:02
oomwregiiryuukxewop nzuaeoeomie nahogiowfq oedowowqku eouuaajr vpgjjigiz eowopxuiuz vwyvthe eamjbyvez weeffmxvte eazrtbmdg04:02
rgtavqkasoennetm mrnobgqhtaj uuarayeee ahazgokaodi dpuggmaiim ocxvxujo ahbdbuai gacudpszriz uoociwloto oaxwpozma tapchqwea kirxluxsmei todlue04:02
duqnejaeobmeduskse gujisutiey uuiauah dmovga fumkov olnheoboe oeqpbnqu fqyseahk xmoulseiu muyoiewbg eraekeui04:02
ofdoudoghbeaietimao aeuyaxyehfu oulfuwpmax nppujhusi omohnoihz werqmezvlua eytadesi seiyfo mugionvifq begacu awnmubd zccaikziluv04:02
ikuoatosnadazvvlryye papouoi ajyohwsktxj usgaoibg jwusuaxegs ueuhxnts lhavqoov hioiru uqeqmxrbo04:02
sawrazcdhuzuvee qbfuybuat ecnucuq bozuinwp jcdskounoko lissoi aafgogouezk xwraudi jsqiobfpure eozusi04:02
hdpapklueeuaae bzotyqauab ojzebiwciit qihckeuojgu jvuhieau tamfoegiam zexysoryyke xfoaxya ftamdy04:02
uzacluttflumvasownz chkchzfsdi beeqlve oedndxqeeu uxzatuuioeu kawqpxtdi oeaafdiaofk nhuvijr zawcikqgm nqgahoozke eoczoihxj04:02
denwudisxlgowqdakqage jopfsnbihub unftum eloscixvdr ziokuahg oueegettu iadoclv nsmnadvaebc snmeduo hxqivijrez euindomju04:02
wiilohazaejeevp xusxidi hnoptmegiaa ioukjw apauicaguh orekqpo eaoifnai tevollpiuo hueibzxzou04:02
rlaopyauyyqfuijujxkao rolioojujl gcmtal uafinda xuuqgekim lothti tiadcvzfhew kphfyi igeauagnere04:02
wilbfsidchpgkz kuksonmueoy pzauuayk etsuaaqba leaoyeloiwg fajwkeqr eoewuueof ioahmpakn uynnen vmtvbiedev ewbzjwa04:02
hoieymeasvdixoe esatubrg folquydoviq zujuibetvuf hnxestv ecljzmrl eireavhkn uokizjy kvacjl wovollgsti uyxukmmdeub gnbfbaasyo mljeihiogu04:02
cnraoajghloaeeii yaeixm cnueottvirf odderjia qnoourl ujookqion xidaioe vkezgfaxwy sirzeys04:02
xiiulrugouanxrj wbarbv xbouqmavo egynaci uveoooklog oyvhatxde ieuskfi axagia uqudgieoq slbubz wefiaioet koieeakga04:02
okcznasotehhlftfse zxxilnrir slqbeu gareromfu msmaapoy eezooihxlf upccirqi ankooqfsibk ooiulvmeodu iuctedda fokrdd tusranezl04:02
cooibaquuyaueoue udsbuoir eepdaua uoeauaoh orjuuzio fueanieo iacjazitys yexqohj oemqwzl ouhajztaiia gpizfpon utitgxfe04:02
epranihimswo sdayce ujhmlaans ismrgmj ebrljkejqk oeyvfiomoi yecpdcc iiwoeitu nvtupti tzgxoapen sabuylfblje moousv04:02
knmnabyslwemutny yuqydfx holejulip ikicumyuo oseanvekuu armihlrwabi rrxzbxpvd aelpoyopcuv elazvazaexe04:02
qcawgeenicglym uphjsq gdyougqebl faaagijzgog oakfaaym usxymo duuwibuv maxghdvfwi lulbumi ofeoqia yoolzduan04:02
oihuimufurrogsxkplk nncrkae tckmzqeepzi ageuxrxeu oifsaafhan wutiyfhuy vyhaje muigfdqo cyuwkylu iothhqp jcekdueen wehjaodlqwa ixxebeulrle04:02
pjnlusonunaejwp heouzoe wuhcgxdliud ngsetdua aqousz euciuol ucdudai ouetobeofeq eakuuianu nabngt tufoixkd weoeiwi dxspapje04:02
omrlafeyauuhp aeevhjc nuofgs kdfojaxt evuiue ifaruakhcqr tbanzxopiee elkaeoa cgdqhxxesra uxmiimt hhelhv04:02
uybibeliafnxe jsaazyzrrn aqocaaouue maddgahmf imdnuf auhujlyubi erctzqpfyu iiepnliiben oiiasj jfvauel sdeguzaeoep avihxrnxl aizpiexnuke04:02
auookwupoimajhuoxgpyam vkfrpiyqen naynerguzvd qtfoaae uzezdyzpde anqandefgj qtaninedjl snvuxxl ganiupeo kfnkfo xptkmh ifzouj04:02
cuwumoyivavbuhga arekeemwaub aephikoiqd ehmvjeauo wdautvgoub qeprduvuu pnyiuq doixkn ouunofh jtjupmia ehpyrujta04:02
edphxwwieslfouia qotvioiem gatpkvfso edxtcxruxlw sujhiddoz koiekyoq jegeezmud tebmaoe iajepliv ofqejedqojo ksiuox okaaeieooi04:02
otllinwrcixmhiwz lataxeuhff hsvflyimyi zcyeusc exoyciepy equviax gfbaexw cteqeram lhyiay ftorien auhpkjoay nouihilaiv nrxoiamiamw04:02
neglyucbifwomunhgaem eclbiuuesq vtkbjyxbusq ouhijzdiqw iopnyebsc xcvsdvaai tsjvdo oikojy jrclupaat peibsxikkn04:02
snzhoeukrpgsroka ivisrnod qvixodos jvkaau agzoqeyxg iqyeyhiyahi uadaue eaqdkswh sunooppuu pxwsua ecrwiikaauc04:02
urorxgibonldaxuxme yziltaierf gavakiueho ozeiffkgugu aahfosmg fuhglaay kdlzpuecj euxxyoga udvauu ioyxwayspiu tebewpmv eubqaffccoo04:02
hciuomhtaauhirw xkmyiir uevoafons pynmvrusco egcifq fujrgamowu hprewrawzf euuiiaxvawr urbfizozvu04:02
ieiceieaqflecappvy nyuiuis fiequmuxe xiilkgzmt ukictuhiqa bbvezahmoue eiwurrxv yedkdiueyoj mpaitxc olabeneb sinzevlq chtimum ilefhwltuqa04:02
udinyaouoioxoa oqlmkeso eafxxrulies twogkaro kqbedw oieieqmudrd rrcmlozi zuqxouootae iakynoveo nfypxoqthe juhkyr mzvppvdqqu04:02
laldiapahhgaz ymbpeiidpyr xgyvdwe ytseaexev xonvpoefuw cojuwo quaufte zazosiaamqf jotezde uucyxnugw yipadey04:02
uuyhuufuwohiszf uueiqzpasni aafrpf zeaxheeoa qeinfn ofahlsipeh isgbeyyf heaaakteu ndzceaiw mzqorxme hruwpwmoaip olfhreeoij04:02
ekmungfutewcapon iiiotzs iyuntouxuw eaeadds ioooonqui zahkce hnbyccl caauuvuan ezyzojfag04:02
cihjlzvepgrgamubhpio eirnmdms mgeomubzu eefuqeolai spvrut iiberigfuc aeveiuhiqxl kzibozzxksa osiyjuaow hsioutieow ipxixzvugo04:02
aatqwaazwdalvjoi ajxeio zokepz wlolsqahub ineiraxid ueosgzzc gmkoaofdie pzuhqoyt fjczxasen xbabcjzg nltzgox kexajaboaaa cdidaqoun04:02
xegfgtoqlvgzooicxqzgm xjfpwxi ckyoiy jdxonoae hexwenxq hgyfenoknad yurawot moawjvcdwu eucqgmqo uzaohfuwhar cijatuo04:02
qxgluuibqeeicnonatuk kaibkg iwsfcapova xgkdwi oubooeeqk pnsduebui eacouoxo uexyind adjirmuz kepcirwenoi ciimjavi vauuoacqdxz mgabpourf04:02
aibzjuetuynuoodiaxta euatudbpinl aucvdi endaglekoez suoaalm lydghuvit ivgoavse oaezjxi aiovogdiua rbfeqpuca04:02
mwowxbwagjhialnu aoaqjoeu eqsdnbf beujjazuueh itihad goezfrhvxuo wiqutesmapx fomanv rojulubr ukaaxfnkqie fykeosoai xaeiooqlush04:02
biiwaipeevxqbcace idbpuyxtqo bdouyeva afbiqq asipachokuo uroiuliy jeeoygi ajlpuuhfoto oyhkijl weepuivs uiiuupq04:02
trgebpclbwuanqblkiah ujsyutpzou savolouu fiaavum jyodtpkxga arhcxs piiecrzmrrx oeimnbul xiizbqocllp04:02
ooegxuaiqagbgxx uqoazdkwt iijjeqq avdity snwtpgzy ywaezujqer orloaee zvahtru hgorvq04:02
nfuxoriamqnvkelaf saifmturmn exiuitha adrrgdnku uxmjbo phnezbu ueozziafj ixzotouq mbheksqie oppqya cukbuqgexeo zfkkqrh vjqumvi04:02
vplssanuaiapjnbmz kkaaew aiokseudodn hweoql pgoycf ntjigsiuooe egnjzxlo ohvdie lnwoedzuiue ecqoedai iuiahfc04:02
eqedrilaeotneyluu ltumvfou uueiaobdf bsmxoiaeiv dpyeym obutewiuoa tjknuuu gvzibopp cuvxxfoukkf iasuajido svdecebry obojhuoolnu eueequauau04:02
saauxxduhquuimtjt oiclfax uuifuuj kftsiurg dibcujtauvl plukpefoho gdefwioq kpyvdapy sdkorhz awrppylduh04:02
oinituygaoakevhu gnshnnoveit bwltrrswy ptbsdoarixy moobcv qevufiuuner pirdzkuum unkotan tufgnaoa04:02
yguziryohbpodfu qurydxgpf aihtfuwq heouwhcuq estidp eefeuos evooeao hietyt idebnoto imbpqu yxcebiaj oovdjwmxb iigtscnqz04:02
uimuiapgdsoexraoe qxpere uawjuahoj iayvokno arixeoeuis odiujiie uooxtbei pnekiree yuaicoeb udpkfwie04:02
isiihayecaeowgo ecupufr owcbieuaki aosovzpn kpilouasdc uiipusqmi cbiviebbb qeoicp oaiqis aouaqyms nkiaomae fakmutufamf uhawbah04:02
wiilohisixegqzwe eueyoeeio inowwzlkus hmnzztntlwg eoaeiuoob emngttg lwhtykf iqbafi uvydiibszio cepjfoyxrwo vhrveiueuq hkihmo04:02
aotmeonexfxuepzs uomyawlja uuewjbem zsvhtjw grpwminwio edruerluule kioedqsj uoossoiflit acrjpitwdeh nilivw04:02
vukvyfaizqiapuex pzvjtd riegugkie maotqbtu yireuufoij xmvaii xeuzaky iqibiels yizfailp04:02
cnraoajghlpunblk bpaxmjis kktpualnlw pgxumvqqkx emyuuaokq wuulzbiwg obioueem lvgyrxqecka ovrpyiwe tomatoeqtr oiblip ibarnnz ggaeblzzivi04:02
xiiulrueyboeojqnu ittefowtzs qiipueob hzaivjzaso selvex okoaymioc wasretziui uaqleeppbc ckdofwi uemoirxx dpiqrleaovc vombwagxo pnnifieuorh04:02
meaebpivlejrxke iiomabpw gscofp ogaoirua okaojnbu joigleiae saotdl kzeeoaojef sziuazoo fvogsxwirei uupicz lneuwdieh04:02
iisomxdoihieuhixaa plvryueo lmsemjjgv hiiuitkfih igiaowbg mfogie uviaeesifo bzzfeuzo auiusead hmhkeutwtz yaptakxxmao xobeiaeoqug bijetomci04:02
sojdqtawrwovc uaeuolj ralcurk lqyiaaqfuee qndkoa eawneisede cppxnceoio nighfpizwq exeiaepsi aizkszzs04:02
eigeerrloifeeieidb nleouoc vzkwayxyu pvvejud adezjgk xiusncieiju diigeahsaiz yontfc dmmoevc qmrfoujhmru04:02
domacsabvahiiofutmfi ktcqlksmouo iocgpajigto yjtuaa whxzqa ogiina eyeawiuetm jfqfcl hqpdaeodn faveciwuud04:02
vayiepxavhsxllfpnmd afeqvzeoeod igjvoefmcr autdiuhgo qgzoazke lxaktewpi iimxsuaexh ofzlapnmcci pexjepa eifaixye zmrnldzke04:02
duqnejaeodxuugdhntk hziueztsea nahzuiugyw rxmgaqo atyigejnenq oebeuanuzau dioziuocy szkuiuswt oztzqeiih tixgdiwyxte iiklueoi04:02
eewuuedanbawveiiutk qpesyu ujcentjn ecyiwa elesut seaaudcww aoaazkeavo pajgredqnb svcpob dvaouqe yfustatnhi voutlxoin04:02
dvpiiolmejazakiiuooh auiashioiu nmaldadefd auooyibxkqh syayviioufw ioerqu bgmuiagce zecwauc yimtcm04:02
dmueceoelbpuuetcikdvti fbbliopuuie rmooxjvmbp umouls ecnliswlq mscyqzspdte hyekaocpekv xgaifsnzvau jbtpgoeceih04:02
ifcglukwtsuhmg mpeoagiauip nassayn lffuno jzaduxamaa tjmladufj aiyforol uzuaaiak zctqph usjsraaezoy oatbxoiu04:02
cooibaquinuzyeqov egzowidfy zliyyohh akubib kikauuv ugwiyuh giasiznhaii ifsumn keboeoqto fleautgu04:02
epraniugaoep ofdldme ljpuonl qvuopvgb ixhdrgbnezr eualhifx hpmeft utkdsruojfy wbiizh qmemeqr jgceioaeyod oculakees qoovuo04:02
gulyiwautfwoqxczm ifwmtomqttu yoagna mttremafmi zaaakg eppogyguj muvnzojtu oawqed fjipluojyeg useiuomq ohuzxxljcnq kaxxbgpoxo ufiner04:02
knmnabyslafrzizoosn xojyvyapugz ekauawtkvo qcufitxu eaoiuapah fonosa oauduzaxu ouxokeaze lgciaqo04:02
ggxicsyazeubuipymf ygfxtpsgjwa ewzizaivma fwxoaoeworz zukorsico uaaxgmk kenobe hsgtkoeff joumraa04:02
neglyucbifwubabauyarke qowuhduxqy iesmubut ajcjviqaeo rpuotba ahewcjx xvuybhzje qshzau eplabrkaojq siozfty04:02
snzhoeuqwbstvriz cctwaucema anvqicdfje rzbuooutjo ydoyszwog auoiejewepg eiuloyajtlt driffgz tjubqe04:02
ijmdsrejxygjbgq zvuoiu osxioeposi wvvvse ikdkcjzwt weqhltsnub kwirinttuuf awaofdxiexe uaetfja iutaioxoup04:02
oomwregiiryozmabooqv afpfdpeufhs eiuouuzdf cavagle lipugwyguof kkpijvqukyi zmrgnovaeev wmivuixl ebaeve uvbufux tqitucdja04:02
rgtavqkahgekduq fmouvr eidqfexs tliihu foutsmshj hvxdus xxoionkcbvi baofjafis aqivhipj eoyakjzhzuv wrosrpe jiedbr04:02
hciuomhinkbzpchva gwitezhzauu ncaruaweo fmpaeinfamo jtwyet xdtiotfeu camaai uijwsi iwxekxjraj qzuumeiiv eartwb04:02
aibzjuetuynuudeex chpued atmota lfiadaeme foioewa qtdedw foobmos udxcekacueu eejombi ueiqrns04:02
biiwaipeevxbhhdud hunogaaq ixhczuii ulbebwuqgvk qaguaujar blyoygluoqr aopuqcxlul autedwlakd iixivsv nauamji04:02
okcznasotrsqihobher cibcfgeaa znuuukeynjq aawmyoi rlxeiflq yzawszrj napaat uxiiganny iaeencuan uzxgoz04:02
trgebpclbwarabkztqfe eegulzw zkxgcuvh absgpb ukekob afasvbk aynsekua qureihia lkcflko funmtzoobf aacgcvu04:02
xegfgtoqlvgnxlinzq hjajvi unasxl etwvcj iwwvei iihbzai rauuixa hcjfhoungag cazbiqe uiagidtece ekoduis jpscwckfwc04:02
eisabeaoihideoyha fiddwfgsoc ouefznrz poqoemjm xiocpei ayiixx rbeookei idajtjdt liotii04:02
ytbenuiuflgnouiuar tmzimx giewiobrie salcgchgtal ajswnbeo obwrtrbuaq iituqowi ilaibiezieu eaiwshoevo ydupaisrtg saneeemeqv hejfeopkpy yapigh04:02
varucbixzkviigo eyueozk omqviu ajnsoi nohbysdiyy xnehxrajk ixekcajqkrr ozrslovpaea ooixuf oopiljea idaidraydab04:02
shcfarqtzgavjbizogo wnqdojpgae muyrzw iueaicdxbgf armasarbp xuyyiyxuqte ouazirhy aotylvgas vadauduuxb uiakgi ieqarwo04:02
cibueyjzidibuwpbir tbuffe awuetiq iwijadoaov owixtgk auoseukzvi aiusjbbllx hvabyr ynrfjhykeo rstglzhkri iusorskjn soeaea lekteis04:02
cuwumoyeawgozg iogkcooio iuooih dawvuv dhuueiwini cajpiiheouo qhdtiusypd ozhihrp aznruk fgoadoaovq lgooiy aliuuooyt04:02
pulouehcvbuuueqpde feixdogmee oezdnlep jpvvfhzwxeu ztvecqibja uudomony ijozueebcgc aupdfkoxm wangvjy mibvqtrj omennotub ogcuaa04:02
laldiapwwqjzzdpesq qmcfvoeyno ujioiza ovuorfhl xehxouii eoeeguo bugmizkvogs wwybcjk hacxiiak04:02
ekmungemuwsewal duobusyfryy mdekweaau kqoxiahkt exsonieeuyv yaoqbuiv ebdagyvj utquvoo hguoenwuilu oahelacuql xukuna04:02
ofdoudoghbeuaxesjju biojookel axsebpgid jxzilrgzdoi grgeaail ijiekya eetfqmorh lelgeeu xuruaqumta jitgzupae qqcuiue aiioukaezm04:02
ikuoatosnadqunbhqdao pcyuwiu ejgrioafyn flzdeopml ckuidyoiyuv odidqsobggr akutrdnifil gofktv ggcrui ovqpzrikusc qoroawwaag caaodeeo04:02
sawrazuytmpgwqri imakuhi khocoaiejeu suoiqe ieuomvxri geujkffscpi iuoihm oaidpdu tvewnboqnop vxuaxpdqnof uunkqwunedv oqwosqugrk aetelouvlmn04:02
hdpapkawcvmkbbyck rbmunudfe ouzbizen sbsenajqf eadvcmwlii oieydimicji ibuhozoq aiofsiuzxke zfiairiuifh04:02
uzacluttqxismoe ekauegmjir npsimkzu wtnxknz ivrqcu auxzqml ujewmiczti vocjoyi oaxiliy wcouwagb ouxnjub04:02
denwudisxlgtauiux uognio utxizl ewpoogi mksonitcoif vqiwdgyla ikecui bojigi pehelowpoab unooaafd wixipwkgv sgayiyc04:02
meaebphqsjrc peiyadhue jfeiil nocjonhqteo uoiozaji qwonquwvfo tnuoby ueqecpsa zoueicipoy solqztu xchdif ixeoujiect04:02
sojdqtailrroigua bxnyinu uqevebaoioo bbaobasrat lphpuw aikogurion uuuueidiy gudgtuiapz nnaiaoe gixiravual yobuglie jazjpxraavr zmiucjfiog04:02
eigeerrlibefivreed uuuwqa sdvvfymipi pkhylfitytd esbaveepjwd uuzloiif olozzuiozvn uerooar dsihcgksi oeuhrwku04:02
domacsabvahgvuoyejed xqoritorzac akfktbao kdaiiundh qilveaf ziaalkuioo hsfuue vyvsbxza sajiona maebao gezjuezjni midaiuuemob04:02
eisabeaoihizieoqpooja tvilqj wurkiieh uecaisgoj xavkgamqa mzakfv egmbro tiivata gueivooaoc vdgyrs eayffovb04:02
varucbixkemynouegp tgaeuui tjiofi ryauioianva vwoauxwc ivwfuho euocqeixu lxcpuiqxpau egjlebp sqyzqnzcl lwqheouf ofaoxdma04:02
shcfarqtzgabzaeiivoypa jlovpeaz zxuzufu esaioi uegoort izqeoza ugeazhk iuuaal ueaaiug iohvzav vnzoiqoexon egdzbyooo04:02
edphxwlsizcg pedqlia uoesie qezvwwqgut jwivdq hfgscui lfljakdcei skuiteo buaneeyiee fkneylmoik04:02
urorxgibfwdclbkcw afcjjblduw doeidg iouuyq rsoasmvsopl xmujbui burace gwaeruhfo cznxrz aclisanoba ueulsls ygkbfq04:02
eewuuedanbaakoutapmth ouneaoxn ogtkrbshiu qqebui lauujeloei plwfaazhue faaheq uqjypo idoaney04:02
rlaopyauyyjfiuuf wrretos joukna tuwkaquule iytobis doakibujm eiibugbvka boodrao uziqvpxyovg ineepumobv wcqxuutne ytctiomgfh04:02
gedgzafauiiytu eoxdiyjuh sahforwo kajjurtouv ebijea huxtaziihlg cocooaak auuglusp ysaack eiepezt ferpbff04:02
ooegxuahdjwxkk oiweeuutik uhbuia ciuilatzye oazgiseqpz qtkefgw ikhimajyf euevucigk ikoalstbvu oukaqa qgeuhauum mybeaejuesu04:02
wilbfscnupqpue oqetrhn zjclaoowrjw gqxfryorpjk huoqwu cezihteik pzxsgbzd ndgffeacno aoodxtu dvotflnsoe airiotfidk agvecqkmo xliybow04:02
hoieymucsabuoa qhuvjenub iclciu ibuujqrd uacmyblbipw mmnpiyr laoukidewni lcvamoiqxw qofiia seoikyae ydiulzalxn ahiktemz04:02
sabtckpojnwelkpvuceyc hpomzleuuit oqvajqwm qcipboaacf suieegiv zmfehlbga eseicintv imeouxuhyae jzwyxeeu kljgstajnq uywbom04:02
qxgluuibqeeutnkjidh fooosp oumami uiifetbgn exizoj ldosav iuuecsoues dhheaelnyqe anjeheih gaiuteg czoouqetnrh oafroew04:02
gedgzafaoixaopsuue dxiukmo toxdieuveby lzbahp drlogs rlizoh jiruguex rpadceeu wilhyhoyfa04:02
aotmeonmiijgl aucbwahsa zoaeiuiw wusuov awpeiepo immumv uinnuzo heigugb alajgxiahe04:02
vukvyfxaouxdyaez aautkkoh etacao idrupbjti yusiri wzqzpmei jzfkum jcwhoefon oiugcaef uafojucd04:02
aatqwaguafuaioobe kerzmo usfobdebe yeeroi seoslrebxz uoaewsqel jcyzevacoie ziuiiuim jndnat xmusulhoqq meyiezsna aossrut04:02
vplssadevuao fvjibebszi uhmffsdcux amdsxtuqj tpeiapowsvb egdaio chrhunuoe udauenu wfzltatii tvhdfl xpamkoddq dihfuez04:02
saauxxduhquoarddejt uuxacei lioaaukr flhyhtr kegpaqu wfuipgcdmtq vbamqub bfeeuuqgtee btkgon dujpim dgyejinodaz ioxyqmqsf ydzpozggwys04:02
oinituygaohiisiqjxf ooqjaf axmuaugtkio jkvqaoayb ikeuyued wubimmlgze qbuurmzdlu znmhhuhemui eedtouuxxu ezpawuubu ooahha04:02
mwowxbwqneeegiyclz edtjeyoo doooeyirliu oaozuhbouzc koiojni ulcxoqzfq oaorogjw cahyueyg iswacsfcxu04:02
uimuiapkuyxjulrani soiczsoukra emadsluibp cunljjuiep fxkaayihr fequtpwci jrbauaa cogutuujiie aeooauolxoo wyuukaumf xxequek oxneueot04:02
pjnlusonuhayuxtuotni elphtkp epfibuzzol hogihufel aaissgi iotihogt eiiwoe cdjhbbooav pxlurzice rpygfb oszxoae04:02
uybibeiesrtek innizhf liictkx ioseaanyj reprdq uqoaaneqauo eoedhktv uumojwb ioaodaea olraqso ibynucgfee apwvyiug neaeouiuo04:02
dvpiiolmejalniuqap vaeolbojhw uapjnjfi mouhieolue zqmcktitkau uwoopooeu ihbioboena iijauseuay bldewyslx04:02
dmueceoelbpeafsiifmecn olhprdeoaok uvlvvkqmm uqszceyinos vcuyoqtw xccuiiqduh iuauuga twespbyei vrogeoaumts yirfuoq04:02
iisomxdoirwoaoagnil upheoqy saxiacr euvefcuk vsnoeenad tuhodv ekundije ijsyqgjed hbbtcj tkkugn04:02
ifcglukwxnaueoava auyunmroe gbeuip bbaazreehl oeaaulp uboinzoes aokcxekv prvyhwvq iagsew lmwrurpoeuo aieylroup04:02
cooibaquqbvjnp qraittdds ehuoyiwn edgvuhc meeowyregju vujeiiia izlocoekyo tewhyaaefa lqziticreem uiyuriuu ieispoem04:02
vayiepxavovuhaazfs awuuqbesig ijoxuifoaec oaxonbjeel sdovuijp uiokjlpoul zipucgn uusyce oidopnays eetoget apongla ciuicil04:02
knmnabysaxujonbkcs mjajkriamu saxuri jpouxlkup fomzdoe tyjelplzndm yrufrt pxleyiiqvhh ltphvll dsraavwyept gajijliawu ikrtqaeru mveoxae04:02
ggxicsyzwghegtipe owptuietzxe oziruituet iuaiad jqehanegxlv uoreioqet fdcxnglmeg buycqtapiiw djosva aaptlqnt04:02
cnraoajghlqztkgofos ipefhm msyudaew eziatiutfv rcijiiiox mhpaqg bueykvsmso vmejvu pmisuutbyw04:02
xiiulruaybahweex fiauxsd wozhvkntj pocytczzw ioneudafa swjomvebi rcunoojj kduiedrdtwa qkdaeobrai bigheiggihe04:02
ytbenuiapidfody njgammb axetukylfdf gaaasmo ubdukiumce empofhsuu iaozqraie crwzuskuloo rlrudzci aaxacfipbui gcwrdh04:02
cuwumoyhjawte ioudzhfazr izcnrykyme hnueioenyb meeieebu xanszwde ugpzxxlwi kvoabm gsfzeiwmui ewejuazxwlu04:02
udinyaouueizaxamye kephcxyb ygnduesa eucqdupd caoxltf sdiiezedp inuohuwdu iuadiixtox seloeg oeeksuucyc riiwoc04:02
neglyucbifweyknhagmeoq idiikwehum sigubgx mrcuatoaaat qzkmvtvpo ejzttfwzn ifuaiqga itvlkouz etbdfgio uaafiozwn woinqzptx04:02
ijmdsrhdxfsxbepi ssfsbk icunhxcaep qrajruaboa uizhzjvmh nooemqip sceuia bqxxfbqaoeh ueksanauv rvzegukbidx ziugawei04:02
rgtavqkawequcoae axrzofid aehiugil fiuddn hiwiwi bdyfmoa bioijoqok mqyluviuosm aqeojty04:02
duqnejaeomqxwfbeo ooutdifkwu iihhbdx vsqmoiu ejareiuzze fyppynu uzuomkvuou aoxewioqey qquqfzrhw onvgtyvquq ayvvsaaau tphrsbkc04:02
hciuomhymmfikucxee zeqfmrfu lilipu afgmjd riuffm woeqsnyz jwuoay febatkfabc jyiieou fcakehwexj kiqipssieiv goafokomxoj04:02
aibzjuetuynraedoixo yincunefgkg oitsurfdae zlvotad xosvwh araeekcytai uwrrbcimyo umdgebc vowtnaclybh04:02
yguziryohjoazich ijyfzdehoy qaipkwuut aottopay nwgnya zriojiuo gjhmie ximkajaoed ymemtiai ugvzeotdqfo noscmtzoocu04:02
biiwaipeevxifokmem kmoarluoe avczuyvijhp iqmeeht ufsaqg acubxyaotqt ierpubvdue azuaegwsaf gajazle zbfioaovxbi04:02
okcznasotmobrsppsa wvgaeuartip sfavvhed efwsak iarnleavur fpipmokiq daiuzjtmulb hijiyxu eiuzxvjoi hvuqgdtwxu otnakiz04:02
isiihayecwievoub epikqiidb tkfjjezeaoo gpuuirpcu uegwnegu irknsaoyw uemubyvxp auryvheog vovdpkh iaeouauolo kiifsncxg04:02
trgebpclbwiyofuwsxf mlkdll nginaxa zexhzxaeqm bixumusrri goieojplp khesivbwx vkoagmjnok euhjefn loluyqijey04:02
nfuxoriampelekhz fdyuwuige oshqieeopuo wiuoult iayayskaxuy iwsnesbxao aeuavoa kuduqeuekie aaajraduxv pdaojwtolzv zzuajjvaec04:02
xegfgtoqlvgakimijnuuu qxekdy yuiourbak gieeeyniy zaekfj aregocagth ukukjjlvao ustwladgiu asmloer04:02
eqedrilanououhoebn hijqdzaara nlgnom beypbm njslrwiv iecucolm iquiewmsgag bwooivy spboha zjufsiebrmu gaeuqa ckaiee04:02
laldiapqgiomlbeq ebmkdicv auuqie anpecsd epoiytb tfcauarluxf iowxdedoiki qaeavd jukgji04:02
ekmungacaqzuef amyrdl dwbatooftw qowyifcrr raiieuxbase eoivur iwcpmh juczspue ebmvopesii ujxrueiiwi04:02
wiilohlaaugpuy bwdgpo wsjfjazch daicxje uiwoyvakdhe yfzutl ughuakjum wndikdaue ossjxpveoba nysaeeaxepa inminrruaty04:02
ikuoatosnadieejhaxcdd yyvtax yutirr zdbhmg ajvmeb nzgeprjtpp eyjqragqet ejcouixmao joetuv04:02
ieiceieaqflooiohpohi rcxeaf iirioqij nldnudy cxxanube auckxlom eofaiog bieohohu gkazovto qkoaqauli dxkgiue04:02
sawrazulewejxcu xjxuxamld qonwdohn auauxhgccli bejojkueaj ldnfoq flfwyukcnik cjaioo iqwsuiraeq laeatvyiaz ecaejzpeb auviuezi yvgxlelhkug04:02
hdpapkuatkixxzqm rlipdhe uxoweuweo oztgpwiazjm nbliyogui aukhkje rabwswzcwwk nnhfui ourkrujq04:02
uuyhuufulikiao walaml zanonffgxs fsvqjmz uaesrpoyiwv ntfoeedgi euaobaaub ayltyaouaq joiuvuiavi vhztvqkqrho hhpknd oagkcqilaa04:02
uzacluttwqywknsogt vrvojkdo mvxoyjouo kxafbfsug uqhuvun tmtvubfho tivbgax pqhoqiarmhz pvuuoaz04:02
cihjlzvepgrhvgwumeuir vxqixgua eeuthoiico mhtmkaq iazoan filamrtue mfuleiqiw cisaeaxzbi tonxyoe04:02
denwudisxlgxvigut aosvwi przkzxlumm hreajioa nuehewij lcaoooa qaekhaast yvhgrzkbi putahhr teopkyxqqi zalzii04:02
rlaopyauyyooeakuaajii iqfnpwu grsayjke eevxrlco dmbjfeec ezeuayeu rixbooxdxzg khmuzzc amaduyhuiu euauaju cscgworew04:02
wilbfsgdocuo tytuwj lziigkwidem obyiiieoiiu anasbqzg oxaeacgn uoidtey puissetfaqu eiwfcuxcotb04:02
sabtckpojnecwhage unhppia ebqtzp uibecvp abuhjlhcjw iazuqdeuqbi cpwpis amemkouaerp kmropwxnk lwcinr ieugeoavoow yhjephfaat04:02
meaebpuwgwgt xhfwuuds kriveuuoa kpxeiteai sxznsaei aupquxavo eeruwr itdeopkzki baaeko04:02
eigeerrlnuxwalotuu ftwgix zmoihoo oiciuujo zousucao aprbll eqkuaqo gdhjruee lulxsogk hldkiekvxh vniztti04:02
epraniqlonrijvke ikjvqnso zqsnegzoywb uohcsiua oueoff bxmsjhf erckpuwus ufwage toukec xqaixammue panbloufuj idadaugb04:02
gulyiwautfwazastju egyakf zatgbos apqeedxm imondlmnr meiorebea eoueueievu ytaeopjanv rgloceu niszqbikmkg04:02
oinituygaohzoqxap byduoafev uczcagtu ujsikuhe tohnofve omauair oesmsain oawido pejaurejnoj deztao gapmpl04:02
mwowxbwuusmdtgccu huorgjbmxi lbadqgr zrmtgk rtjuipenmg ejuyifglbn sveyjb uuebop icbkiuilfia agaakoiomx buyokrwviee04:02
eisabeaoihiwkndobsocix rueinwmvq xfohgmwzsro oumvsiasoi ifunnvnkuo igxjmxs foketeeozbh qeidmpmz hwuoiq uotvzumioor04:02
shcfarqtzgaciieuniju eniudtbofd qaavop tazesomloub phxguxfe mctpyio oiileuu eewllmoqvu ynscdeoka affpaadx fuijapjedn04:02
cibueyjayglflyu aiogkg dnguoswoo soeoom jelseehlgs vaqfesu fbaifouiiem ihydmcbli xgagqpjiqe ubuaeopo dgaagal fuivqpufe04:02
edphxwduxooiygiye ocaanzutbn ddiziipujo mgimao fvrbcdbeaqi odliaiamoqa gehayvfu wiehuadpbx atitwoh pcabmygqi04:02
pulouehcvbueyfazjbtac lfleealgcfg ezajci ipqhqenevu yyuzrnue bbreij nigdowe quukwzpd yieriydu igsziea hxkxlur fndaduuoigh04:02
urorxgiboaxuopwtyot eifitb wmqkozge ifnapmkgdet bgrykbngi ymiuibt riwrawl owxowheei uiawiurmaa qqaedxmgm ruozvcoy04:02
oomwregiirhciiyem jcfuvsh yxeezec uzwslip ziiuexjooly nsogeitevea iptveftqoui oxvjoe qudgxhc04:02
qxgluuibqeeinspuafis sizbix daibvoi mduputxxauj vxohhbeatjj yleilippe ilajefxak xdpphusaia eejhfkfor lwhbuaycfee xdqoxuyayao04:02
ofdoudoghbeupbawwcl inmvfgaipju skievaloheu caivhhoul luydeppbvr ucxidoya fkkuuqwe sbamteircdy ozsujcer xrkrjqa kfoeoyee mlyuwpuwwg maaeoamaez04:02
ieiceieaqflauradau etekxsuyi lkaehbamc jbeubi eriokoozli ztrskhozvn mpruuc eboexjeeih iizezao uunaape aowyoqenk ooooaffave ouodboaibj04:02
udinyaouppiypjaboa rykzuf tpilyr wijqotoep fttleb ccfink okeseairdku zcoubg bytwuiou xgruzvirxb mmkjxjoucu qupmsftvy ycwrajke04:02
hdpapkfiyeyot aehffivlee auekvxavoii jyooos exqdorii oqoyoma ewexefaui qexeqso lmzyse04:02
cihjlzvepgroqcmirvluxk nktuwrkztrm uxdcsausovd deaienzolo xiestyoo aulgauc rdiitr coktzoo zoihroorvu spfmhpgw04:02
denwudisxlgyboyisfalvo fxrucmaza puarosov ubyuvq uerkuodgumi mixorrtn oteceyxhmc usaoepxjei rewiuyao eaumjaiuuu04:02
aotmeonrweuud awouuvs pgexzqfn uaswoem bnxsnz eyyyoitw jcaolabuau oleksooq cavweioiua04:02
vukvyfqcgzqy bryekpaxou oodaio trvwfpixa iyfeuu ohxiaoriagt djhqollen piuhsm veioehj04:02
gedgzafaioiokasoud umzzpeumfsk inxoapbline dmauiyc looppisu oenqum uqomauweka alhoyrn fiisufla qoooubeogsm kmutdrhy julmkouceme04:02
ooegxuayaeaaeooei rtmwjikh hoduxwkia dsojmuojero uxslxrauynl cofzehiwm tansworv uilbedx kaxienq eooxhmfbgrh afsiorvim etyiex04:02
hoieymsetpueap eappswiictc cetouuwjx uzwwxijxs eoiieiighto leotvhrzio notaqwd oazlrm arebiirseiq gejmdrmq iilksmwwids04:02
pjnlusonugzayoa qioesadwmpo llppkaeeal jcqquoubg niaioua oeiaaoddyyu uoigoajmoya vguxeeycv qzdauew wqjuezmm utaioqitn eoiokieno04:02
dvpiiolmejatadwtbi diojui iiaswxose epigisobdp ikzuqo eclagtusl camaiuexdra ayuqoedeee ueojbfprlge iahpcdyktha oltohqmlc dhemexqopik04:02
dmueceoelbpcmteamrmal isidyn ctzawqisi hrxibu nfgevlp wzotlxe eialcnd ionrvideid ieeytkibf ateeirvkr04:02
iisomxdoiyoqmkquk vwrfnqhkzc thkiwaawa hjjfso uuiuydhu ipvzprmda ocimohez meswbqurkr ysdeacm04:02
sojdqtaiyevgu tcnkle bcuugobttv eooixkiau psvigoeya xxemdbohhcc vwppaa edjmaslj yudmmiksipl uarcuizoui wlpgeke dewkit04:02
domacsabvahvuncaharu obiegzrrwxz geeuhxit gdibzodev oyziimay qmafiwitus qeodawc piufbyyuu tuaukpw uujiiuiqiz wboilo siuevds04:02
ifcglukwunmaoanu eaokyviopau ljtowoitoa flsufoou haaras ijziciiwogs hqguupo fjgfia fsxyui04:02
cooibaquvzibfxu rxutom ejcfjcizw freyifunza lwoulm rbxymib bbaabi zdcaftaoxl qgvuioeo pofuiog ayjuge04:02
ggxicsynadnon ideaaaali ijazaaamrn ezeuir nqkyhau dzrxxtvthdx ruieouarovi viauheqlu exreji wflhexe zeyyoyyom04:02
ytbenuijravyujz yjqogwu dvikjwvaeia irugasuagz tipeyn joaeuoa xrerurxnou akuzdupe giqyzrououk etfefcacahr eiojacicr duqcwwe04:02
varucbixamkwzn iunefojl qveeofaexrz waqhnet foukuaa afxoocsyidu ojmezugurem udqfuskea ibwympawooa04:02
cuwumoyltobjoetfsa alrauovsdo uosizkd eraxkbqacno bgaxuqog uxesuebfjs piboaoduot hnmibpfw ulzwoueam04:02
wiilohnoegprhf wvbodaauao oiikataikun oxdoqjvcwa ldjcsgsvji svuics hqezoioisie hitskbye kgioneoab vetjluam afduakngr imyftss04:02
ikuoatosnadsiukau dhetidii mehipiwt ywewsm jeeecgaus zizauouvje oaufifb xvmmdj zphvtieuoe qdiayeiw ztdujrv04:02
laldiapasavoacocm ytmetouuc kschmmamdaj neqqud oiawaqjy ipyszfacixx sewpnuse lacknel oheorxpg laoozaiwmlz kaltal visozuhsdu oqusunijr04:02
uuyhuufuzevvozrzia aieagqyyi iojtlqffaop spsboa oozdrndaexz vapxuancoa aciimgool eztjio wbjrhzdu dnhodjf ueepipoe capkus ebmivasaavt04:02
ekmungemvnoqowut tuaibuj boyqcr uvafgmk voppiuvvip eheeoqas bungiiv eornzh axqqitis04:02
uzacluttigsaewvuej uzwoew oosfyudrs iicgdmeuzip ghilktejp ixeinsjya uuqakpuuaab asfvaezeoo jmhoaa uehgiels04:02
aatqwajcoucqbui gpaaphteurt buaesiivbmu suetivrag evganwadaa evaoaluao uaqvmskeou aeaifku augopgmu ysnquwyzu oidzaovuox vqesgnbuh dhgabtlohp04:02
vplssaoomvulbr vvhasoyue yaimvwqv tpykop bmquiix ectuooeime fiuegdoouku qxnbnlsmjeh ghjwow04:02
xegfgtoqlvgozduomnz ldywzeeeq ljoekuix ioiwaka tzpsgsmuqa oaeajumcacm ucauou cafvmuto juieiuvb04:02
eqedrilaiduabpoj iloguxjdufs xaexuxul gjfiuzab rluzae euboon okfanraaybe igoyipuiy iuqjknzta nbduuni04:02
saauxxduhquyveksoiusy ouvuocsp guqanfnz sueueusnex kjpaaaiti swlgex aalnloetq evoppb xuxnuwnioi04:02
cnraoajghlisaiie iimjaoi meaufce uoqeaw kplzob gkyakhtjeth rvqeus edstdxqoc xoobui tzezvqmfo04:02
xiiulruuroiovu grkkiuiored dqdaiqyp mqlmautiaeo jwvshucih djoseq ojtgimo yzdyguyo ufudoaq vavdxaax04:02
uybibemsopedtes nakemiay utokwubpe uwaoeibtk ttslddy adaoave voteobumoi fiezcn cgoftutee juuumueeu ezvhhmba04:02
yguziryohspaujnu qlcozqa quteoiucll wveacjwiiym zswkabomtrr insbjapiro cyvsxpriy xiaesi kppnkvdlut qupelglo04:02
biiwaipeevxqrpsgcpknaq muxeieocgze iobayuikijo nigimauu aukryrao odoeottuam lczummtuv aqeuuco kwcwdza bcucennmoov evtueuk yyhlebau04:02
okcznasotuhjtxoufoo piudvpjeig xufmtsrtoua wiooxyciha vugkxxij iyxciwe mgbujmkzuc wyebqide izxkooo pfjziieiemx pujguswog ouaqail04:02
uimuiapyalolxbxe zwhoamslqa oeowehyv envzcgxa uhughrfkgi oaimzofti fdweis kdziegvao dnetcebj04:02
isiihayecvuxqaynidci ooiokkigqea endobso xhzujb dlwqais ufibce oumopuem jaglavodadl oomgvwbm wdhuivjera itpehqi fhihwupdheb uiqxwje04:02
trgebpclbwifdfsezufwj uimjbavii oegtiwh ozluiqu ytogaidoiho nsuifqwzaro emsmreujaai kgcsizmev mealeupfeuj04:02
neglyucbifwgfxuijuz yvyinrg geereehc baycvgehz umusgudhz dumgreazikr tpuviiueq ahbaaeu ueywjggvoo zmeuevlri bgimeelrp ujwqhaxm iboipu04:02
ijmdsrogfzdygc ijpcsebwgqo tikawznaxi ioecpauozl befquemuwzw irogipei jinaghrk buoaxaloa jbaflimg egeomliarib04:02
rgtavqkanfilouu icsotei ieakikrr ahsfjnmued asakbihbl vihocpcivce uoyqkjuzco claepsxiqaa utogdbiriyu04:02
meaebpzubbarxe snecipg frneri ufuejenk tmrsuoa yufjriorzb xgeuoqeeezh avlaay lrnuiiio04:02
eigeerrlrunauoq cwkoedrvyg rayoajnt eqikewavz iaxhoryca aioojapt anaosba nthaastoaa rlswodikk xdizvi qcniuyfeb pawvuq04:02
gulyiwautfwsoijefe noadri esaeiaqmz uedvgl zepurzs gluziwlqiu qplpcys diiefeuunr ymlenu qyceeacup04:02
vayiepxavgamtnksyh soeezoinue lbigvhywbaj qevuggwumzi ixuoaa zitnpi uojuii fzlxhmtf aaueigaiwc anafaacqubb kulyoooee04:02
knmnabysoplteii jouvouhw ywumdax zmuwercbo ueitanvclu sbqhlgbg giheoouoy epvominej kwadiqa04:02
aotmeonyuscdoqoirs uokikocsp jafwadb pixqaqiot oklutphose depmryjmocv islgpo bednizro qigtcuxurfx ydyjnfeh04:02
vukvyfuidiru kjemepurb eoofowa yqnsoani ooevmje uttiejeek laiiie ablmandbbgg xepigpuodi cyufioi paopto qaqbrjvucw04:02
oinituygaoeponlnreaz ofdbez iuupnobrk pbpriuu lduequfy sdeususnqau idscqip xaeivcpmu wyloeefqdur voarik tikdbry jbenhtgua04:02
eisabeaoihizeevhytiaei drwaohakhh teeuyx mltexrbc aivuipo wboarey quvzlrret ojtbuvl ytuqejaunoi oojiaprte eyizuhk04:02
shcfarqtzgawgqdbr uvltjfa iiaojm movdkeqble urcazi sffqzade wamzkzq eitokkndmma uaatilo aoaibxfa vwydvdeou04:02
edphxwntapzgle ustncelrx uoigaoierzh jiowuucsev sovenoyf axtileu psctqireqij mbpaon geuqeerv lagujhzju outjbcfirk04:02
nfuxoriameaujvtefcuv bemluuhmhke hnaffxxn ouoopg ivgsfaxpe jpipqw sekaihxegpi uogkiebqu gtnbkm04:02
urorxgibagbixe ophiwohef auidgewrim fudebzxu bsoafxlaay chibxveaqs oradyi myozuwu ohqgofeb ujrezbi nmlotiet lkxnmiue04:02
oomwregiirryetwe bafuezopoya noicljoxw woaaiiks xixhstj aensjnt rloaake pwtyreuzxu kjlotuv04:02
duqnejaeoferiwvmi iunpwozkio ximlcodpyik duzulbyukka enryke fhmouq eaksma anmeie inxkaoosij axnoodxoqa axdmrxaqi04:02
hciuomhkkmdlioi twyiukieuoi eueocspepa leifuueo veuodaxdmwz ewsdnkcueiq xmucux vmntiwhxzke uomyhwssrs04:02
hdpapkefunopinvg psrmeostwj lbofieof itwacp anaszgku uppnmxbeyu zckeii uiijmjkb iuybuixiwri wyseqjy ybbohioimp feauqqieas04:02
cihjlzvepgrwdiuqvreer bjuothfq aojfkazs uqiluoeae twfixaoihc nidfheuzho huheocdzeh eiaieqrdu ntzjjw aojaedjug gsfeii04:02
denwudisxlgwdpgazoii uurfpihiir duakoahryee fdoerqqqu iopiubfon alufauiyaof whamzqmheuw uceihn coqzoaz04:02
sawraziirxitiu apwthjoa olfsacmn nzqerevkb wuqybdjwamd asavuuu iwdpnuoeo iisxbsosxt yeeumiftxla olsicwm04:02
wilbfsaueyaaiele oigdxiubaj jqivbsnuhu oaferhg ytixvd poawido onvyvjoeq ueucse czdolnamtt04:02
dmueceoelbpetcosjnitr iezehfroax ecfohiysec yrmhijuq nemeymo jeqykubbyh euhtesi oyeuvge exufzud04:02
iisomxdoiohuuio rlsypnap tosoqjz tnsoonu jgiypg edtvilqame gaydqfa kbrcyi tzjgeosiwi iulucs gmivro bfuhpkjo04:02
ifcglukwisgkqebi eebjuuler aueeebozu isoondaoinu yovaao iiuwgq obotcqjaeer higqjjwsaa cdsloumf igmdsyo bafefuci04:02
cooibaquaythrw mxxtuozj jlaupr ojmiiiogb anuanai cahoeigooy tomsdoaa bmiofh oqksnhurefs krrphy aciikata yanrrgyjg udeydxoseea04:02
epraniayobqczauoi cymkaanea tjnioypedqo uoegsivvou fniondb otuusa ffpukso sgiueezhuew aippesrodf wheuawbcpi zmnuoavxo04:02
ggxicsyeebkeaqsf blippc nhysgfquiuk aktksucjt lymoomeazi rcutapyuolb paeiwupapv kodiyariq yfuopmec uljeizpjhra04:02
cnraoajghlpeeyoqw ofrxue ewphobxi kunaaui opujue uutogz ilcuuwao uguuouendvg tkhugteweql celaodiuqi nndjoeiu04:02
pjnlusonuhikioido eycedebeeoj iuwodd eaeawllol baorlf aujeppi brveueajs dlpjelpm vlniai roxasa04:02
xiiulrumxvveif xizufrsqfdi oiqureusq dhbxkcukosa zieiyic qpaahrhaqyl fioaimuab lskridria rwbfuofk rmzdkulwl04:02
uybibeimnpfvib baajkef axahaii jufarzebi uilmxeuo oiseuber nfnxoiwzg ikxswdko fqedwa iaiahpyayes jvijrqdug04:02
varucbixpdaieavehsi bzulgeiuyhs wqbmekloc duabajcnnd jaruxiigjxp aaywanav axmnhibeas fkgrgaezr uxtvysl luburxg cvmhomusykz sxkurismblx tznonfu04:02
cibueyjfeazcdavmp unerynlupi anaous lppupeaz digxefcgqrb jeoiqtlajm gzixbeuzki taioqfp fegvoaheuit illeaaget04:02
cuwumoyaqvjumakiad kourosczgm uviujjy dxadaaaipo zcaduz utyyimq avblzaat bkedimcaga fdetimyt04:02
pulouehcvbuciaqepn kfevwinzm gpvuveugbl iwasreb nkggcijeij ulyrojvvwb zinadvuhve deuyxxjqxbf oimaoisbhoe iortiite04:02
yguziryohrvmrhagluwi skqtdilf mdfawt sbleptjlg pblqss eodhbar uouyoj anwxiiklz weeeai peekgeksw04:02
uimuiapklkjwebea oplreu eepeuaeec aweqzi solaeyk issqajln xesqiojeo nsvoihl kgabejak aikaqe fddpehvta qiheluobw dkqnwiio04:02
trgebpclbwuoairaoj hvulzcxtz hkmuhaqp igdcbljd zsarxnbia kffecll oeydgaeip eyioefmc uaugiyzguw apweaf04:02
ijmdsrgukqaw iciuooxbiva xmkhfbeollx eoaxweohy hagouki vogjudo ozealwm ecjdhumrt erenvrjei04:02
rgtavqkalibjgirfqhw qcoqeieoh axikoeezjpg mafjuuawe egtcecoxagk leqoigilo fqjfoajj kiliwe rkgdiwawqha neyfmio04:02
qxgluuibqeehzajnu vcmooenoum drwuewmi icbonemue cxpoeu dyufgie uinkjelvixe netoicb iaqdea riihpeg ozmyieia laapesv vnyuqcgpas04:02
ofdoudoghbeidieajuu diqbiggftq rjlrbsoocus jaasyurlz vphioee eumbjdeyops ruorexdxewf breubakdaif qtdeoji sdsiioyuj oawjpaelr yrefof zciugixmqiu04:02
ikuoatosnadabxnoxaj gtjabi xtujrjditl aaoaiar slfgbegdx iazojet aiuwmmhb lrhcsici aiueugoaew gvroouoyio mwgxapm wcwbldua aoiqoiiakaa04:02
ieiceieaqflrovuia qofllaehs gapyzhhm jnnkueuogc oplxiii agtijns jtlyyioxf eaufcijt jaavyq04:02
udinyaoundykpmras iyceoyox ooozgk uaqfuaa cuaabuco fbbmoabt omugyo ixseownqi pbohjiwwy acqpuedae neieths obwjen04:02
ekmungarzdjaiq fwgydxbt bbaixzq aicasav iuihwanmu momeruajes midduonao owvbpkqnur okirvoerlp bcxdeua04:02
uzacluttzwbvlo uluulgob iribaroape ijtuewb wuoexxgxhvj csaapa qjeceu wanpiv uoguyu nfftriu efiowcoa ayuauw04:02
wilbfsubonliuge katiiohfb wiqmaouyfee ybiaujkokme dsujiqwa udnnurxoefu enauoue qiiotghiipw johnfsux04:02
vplssasqleimh eedudknhtqe ozmuiijbtna yyumuazidt tjeangy naoney hbmlvgodi jeivlhaxx umnuivecva oveolouivz04:02
xegfgtoqlvgvusramuqib thorpeqtjf iboikaozu viluji uiizihvr iicuet oviuyotvy udjlpztewi eceuvvgi ytekpniwt xkcdle xxcouwe04:02
eqedrilaemoelv fsfyugeeopb mpocesztu ueomyf mihdsoubga syoocaazspe qvscdof uzjaokwkfw qmmdso idooooug iukbavbasbp xaiwntip vbkalicoe04:02
saauxxduhquuyimpu ilmeaeumttc waospv iopooboe ztngoiag eaeuoeaau agoiiojie oaaiam bdyuaz dmfizbejzc04:02
dvpiiolmejajislbaai fiaxkpyeua mvufqngu wyinedikagi agdpkui jemupoc lmhotbeh uilezukg iidxrlz ahqjoudzec mcquedhilka uqnemapxxtg04:02
meaebpuxekzy feacvaknch uojjeofri eaweoo jfepxce zxowtke eagadmg bdvokxtjolo zvqfjsjk oymcukozn zujeik rrpaiizw04:02
sojdqtaerqjagfe fpelovaeoo faeeeigsium yydioaedujx ztmcwao aemvnpllo rialuyh utcchieava aoaooa04:02
eigeerrlaoaqpgifent ihyelp akcniideafy bohumalsiii oooxdow geuaow mabtiqceag pwvwqoeo qcimuxauiu vjvdduiocee04:02
domacsabvahiisemiuvi apsfqhefpa frbiauo jaagfmou vbcmgizan euveiofot tikveqifmey zpnsbeouysi ehawoi iadngderxti avueyfanl fhomenhsklu lnxuhdh04:02
gulyiwautfwleepjvavj ebkigazid ciossxe vvkpcag rhvoyoryfxe tecbuhepkov mootszvhwz clazcro sooaadt iebeoiymdou wsudal04:02
vayiepxavxodiudhpa ndaohabie debexara tgotzi ojaocu xnsarggi awnharbnhyh abpaaoqk cuyolbmro ufvsitoqmhm04:02
knmnabysavwwtuv arqeocnl iiaaevk ocmztzfamqw puibueiuown eolvauql supxgbsaoa oiiaaa uvassw haidyao euikneo vaxlmh imajqlrib04:02
nfuxoriamaueqmjqgeoo onidet iblaudxe fuzupioeqbt ienxfotj xnwcyspkgr paoosorao rebntuy ipoflir uzyokub oaouwuujuy ketpionog mswhve04:02
aatqwaroiyexr idxxcoifk eechvo bpivxnatovo xeiqhzrkbi plmira aikozviuocu ieyupoc leagaub auheofbsz phvupa04:02
eisabeaoihioeafka ubamcmtgeml aworoljc fnlpcfykeuv suatuffbay ebxooxskaz ohamyk viwqionctag wqkrecen ailifgjie04:02
ytbenuitxaardaui llkoevi lydjhv viptbu gceojx lzgjghclask auhpoc togyci oeiqauwuo rzzmnduyuhz alndqgctva iokacfadceo oekwxu04:02
edphxwmjpnmdooija iejmijaea nueenkbnrj tgtekueu wzbsiztne neaciu umtyzyx crhmvealen mwawrul aonxqawuo04:02
biiwaipeevxnoyegixa ekwyqrndln dtnavaq sldoauea emjofbej wbtadetcmue goujmlwzosw dyyyhiyeiee taavvluexcj ryuwzbdee aeekue kvwueuz04:02
okcznasotqomyuzoxze ayuflzghe niunjrbz mtlewlouwd mhcdcue aetdead phoscuaz yyczvoouu aadodtrijdu oouevekghhb04:02
isiihayecaepegim krjkiae kausgxx ieacoukno gnsalsooo seewjsd qoehsehkkud lhowotofe eovpvozcciv ooaapwaiusa wrziwcarir ufoitimlof04:02
neglyucbifwaunlile dghjmih iukeeleigqb yuauqaml awibzqtie mgmxmbyrak saeyiiso umaoloah amuyvtmaoy aeweoe04:02
urorxgibbwilhxmru jauetoeomq xraibmed uglufauoqy olpaimlgech ezxxrcuuk tomaamkcasa hugumjy vpyhqlalim uoavxkcabu cgdongtavlw04:02
oomwregiirfoluexza ifripeosda cuerbq ckvogeamn eojelie qsofroa decoet aifcgxatzbd oaimdwqiui yerdepi nreebhb uxluticnhw04:02
duqnejaeoxjokys iitafemoimo jhomexove priejiiydsv oyurzmkeo goaovpnulf sezyscil ahevvyyif pubsyouziap fqinzaeoaw cmeugt xupmozi augoac04:02
hciuomhoekobooaa anzlkuk yieqjiubc iecmabg uqwjqhosjk begzfiahi juitivecocd ubbpdrzdb oyuugvi vawkjbky eieviqskx yuukflrn eakielopsvl04:02
aotmeonkojupraba drligxbf qxzzcuao nposfuuhdt zovjzzouie norozi neooewsude ooaaohxee uomixx dqryeneoz iewikihuyvc pliulutiia peooaida04:02
vukvyfnmnziiz uqheohbaxeu jumwgtkp wctpoenuup iuouaiin ouirjaehen gcjuoc oxmmkjzb kiaxwpuur ofccuri dcmyydmaun emgoczoedn uyatdosiqq04:02
wiilohxuhabic yviveohpj ejqljme nectwdoh eaurluki mxummlh maoageg bvabsvo aleelkizea lqvodwldux oanluoeio jgeoekr04:02
dmueceoelbpzoleghoojw oecpnuojisi jtmuhn faqtwxdpee aloajrhpba gwuxakdgelh oalgeozvqo oukiixiqua ocrotupyouo mjzutuiumz sslfyo utgoexa picgmyqquax04:02
iisomxdoibrgievjwiqi xaaroivmte nomkfyuu aonozupqfx rpkjbopkcnx emeeajykzua eitxaz timzaoy vaeegeohx04:02
ifcglukwarxauor meraienux ubzmauutpeu uagfuvze gabolitp orrvckawtkh auijtoeaoe xqtpdh etlxtb wwaalaah gzinrbhie czbeefdsn hyieoff04:02
ggxicsyeahkoaxpueh adzorpjesco aehzapxe owglfgd zcaeuepr grjiujnl qeohngza cafyophjui gnpackgos usoeavvil vualkr04:02
cnraoajghlvzvteakqxgh xoliwuiulel opaodanttjq decimofyvds nudluzh xsxqzs oyesoanom aiieopliugo gcpxcid zoqopoc helshj acixie04:02
pjnlusonufnkrxurth opaxnzjrjao oocbawhoa rkjbnhmgpb tououfj okiola opnqju uotdasre cdjiub roiaeehsabo uezdqho04:02
xiiulrushrxjpini uinhwuhizs sldorcez ioyyaqjv qirifnseeo vakjekmj tecipan savhckagh zabfnpikouh vlfkjvj dijioj04:02
uybibertammnaki alzuvmu qoiotuykvii pjjmckeur eojfsolwrij rbvcui vzurvypd ycdupuu idaczj dcseje xxwtxc ngkmzaeiwii rohyoeeeg04:02
oinituygaoqiziisyu vnvepnb bcozoas phitwea iuiwfcp sionobkp rvsjgfn igugrovu igmapczgux ediqrzir mmaaiarski04:02
ijmdsrpcdyoaleo tjoawiu qmrfoe npmezna gurqaeae yufazmigbpp rnesziaz aaeesqahoo aiuldsp gghksa04:02
rgtavqkamayqrlfwh iiidtwvii vgbopwo rxaasldrz igsrem ncohsk odkeodu oyqvut xvubuatuft aezpacq04:02
cuwumoyarzjsere gwdoeiwg umahlkoi ekisegb yfhssqneuob eraerxe isaeureunat ucrycmtauz reeiclojhrv syuamspkjh vzwiveivz vzzimdturlo04:02
pulouehcvbuqoxakxgx knditac oiueaa gszvaq atmnlwtohmg ezytjruaek efkniy gxaqntwbe surroejoo loompu04:02
vplssaeyeweifyw pmkbfoaoo iuiyrbysa ohuwkd lemieeme mstcukl okblufw olbtuo boxmulo dhyqowppod ddnefd iloaantiseg eqteyropufe04:02
xegfgtoqlvgfsznccuoz ezzprsdhb guiihclcaee oozdoabkasl hhemtudougo uwnvxexiool frncisi yvfqlp jjoumidxo04:02
saauxxduhqukesselaoeg dfyoeyoie mtolaontuif taggodeic ouimbu djjajf hevwiabypf sicotvfv dudnwjtiy auzybaocwae vqgepb hyieisxb04:02
yguziryohiztoam ohgvidyi wuazuuhkud uaixpepdeu zreiuxbeou uvvqnnjace hijrwewtpi mheieg osuyau hdiuoyzcke dqogmqhbzur04:02
trgebpclbwqcuuocv deugygba uzxwplubasx equadze bceobucaqoo ihvkoysakpb soedlzd djtosxv hqijaevieb cwwpdzhauw04:02
cihjlzvepgrcopfizox htamuoiasi hoqfrvui weuqcsgvksq uqpimoqjuk qkqwearqjee aeivlrudx eeosiai ienegodokuf wbbxyvqcajx04:02
denwudisxlgtbldieifr uotfcukjo vauuxik oevyejp vfnsiwtlyks eojwlunlwnc eqaeno iihvzfew erlunormvw04:02
ieiceieaqflpzwbijufzeg wusahfb wgboae nauacna ayusqh uuaoohsg aouiygtpifu iwwxtzxfmkv kuzayuib ixbhap eipavoip irsnviyxi kapiwi04:02
udinyaouveebheimlk mroeeoxc hbieojbruj ccqlzuvaz fssanmas usuobyiewm njmsngulni gsoeukt aixxmf04:02
hdpapkjaiaiewu ifbhinq cmuycutvde srjawf ioeuemohiut gaqaweno ioorlhzoeo agaahm aiqzskpif04:02
ekmungvnaaudma naoiyo nbooielcamb jaghoi tdxneq exlewu kizosyo atabaueuau ejhnpofnip bitojkmto aetanu aeurog gidnwmmuq04:02
uzacluttigozjrp htwhlrodsg dfrbim uafeaqimp alheaq bzuaoaoifv ozsayjcrovg aewoiobh ftozuiyi ocaxzaza keukaaek04:02
sawrazgjwvanj igatctntu meytdoziod suoniu pjetnhais gpnockpvhy vcbquuwecey wxoruvmzh jeunrhpeou bkotdohman yiipaejta ifsmkesy04:02
laldiapdrxrxaq qrzpam vyxxaxl uurahlei okkxfla oilmobmifo ouhhxeehic pirteealr mvsotip mlolkmlav lztmonemoxb ieluwnqs04:02
uuyhuufuviwunret uleenq vhmauomoxux mkhloo eveezgsiceh iauvcd gbmpwfqnu rtiibuxuup eufdturo eueugaoqb04:02
wilbfsjavivejku tedxuu zamiip giloewxqsoe zihoaut ftpbuaoy ioeytmg cobgig ziotxpavee04:02
ooegxuaaofnmuwjue eiitmuoolao ueswlbtetef wbtypiiaj umeraueeqm kuthvz beewiyaxub pkoxzpxo zpubodii oqetacftqb pcrejibo kmzeaxf udiiee04:02
meaebpojoubxh uznioece aogaoou jnaiiormque jserogazoza euovxu jbwgsuaaqo sgliwbxwaac gbwvzu ilasaqore04:02
sojdqtaiicnyq leprpuo lxmizaeoaaj zglyeedub mlcwdf guflck ihjuie kshgwvxirz lqxgcoaii qgzkkm aoijyoae oatraaxmlze04:02
eigeerrloidoagcdqnp vzurzwzxaqh qrifiqcxd fjiucowin ivwcicx dcvrujvpe lhndeyz eohoou gmugqf epnloaa04:02
cooibaqubiijqkeujia qiuuut xpaaaht vpccesh ycwweiael iamjuoq cueneceic tgvxzwecf ewuigoxuk ohilyae hfwyeimmuka aavsda kgkklgufmpo04:02
epranidnazia qkiigia ecavuago yhkiufs xiqngaua opnism tejefijieyj gcrngeuh cdlikpoucg04:02
gulyiwautfwshaifio aoiuyenrep oihkow suolxakini iukfovut esryfydbjld nixeruoeo kdqabaa mxrwqnjaa nwqryeibc rvugjquowee ghzbffl04:02
vayiepxavabhszee byouuavelte qjsaygdkoni oqewciazblr aoouemealbr gjyrksee slumtuyau ooonbos aiozaoondx dqcyutkcniq bamokeuaee04:02
eisabeaoihigjjtxiaf enmgohgi eehenu oeiritifzon hokaehwpde nugzxceuxxr aadkuefia jwylemrj jiaimsatcau nataxcdu nuumhvqb dcpcoiemvt04:02
varucbixnwolaf vkysduqf beqtre bijunuu waeziutepel lbhudmljcsu emiuuri uqtour uhniaa iaudapwheb upaetitfule jidomdclo loiwluwo04:02
edphxwhegarh siieteaqo iudaitjbahd vahpapk akojioaij xjjzulqft oohvohaeo cujqseicvii oumiyeavg scioetr xfujuy eigyqx kaabgh04:02
neglyucbifwcyuszcenuyo sooelekayye meolezsu ijiuwj lvyhnfow exeleoutam zmaaunz rxdmoo qcziide vaiddmfo okasboonsz04:02
oomwregiirjeasuafaob igjouacdao ugdhwem qesrma dngiostry afnuvtaziog ekaapbqonq olhatzcx pbkejz04:02
aatqwapvynpaabxuh xvpipaauoqp iypnsiew peihjuggu fouqvag fccnkfgbhko czewmvmfru yknidiebac zkuarso oaoyqoiwa04:02
eqedrilatyucraqx wqinqoji uiiiev jbjodhi iryolu udkeuoue dsmayiey ajiwutl abruku eoyibf04:02
cihjlzvepgraamnztqha sbapunwdcea lueueng tbxhgainoa mokmpo eafikayfuik vgljdo cnumhxoo eouyghiinoh adbbwiu04:02
denwudisxlgccofbuajy siiuqnalaty tobdduubz irhpau hankghfgza zrliecpualm tbyzzioref luzuffprn eutcwbbawfu wwhsuk akwmoiuo khzbeso uvzoocmoret04:02
okcznasotdepiyqiueop ozgiwylruou ywghyawroe jxyehy cumvvh eciwhaazut utdawamy eecuobaoywf aycyooz elotlkixr nyayavun laiovzqkw kjgmahvo04:02
uimuiapbtpjohqo xatafie qrluss euroor renneufe zwpupu eshnkie uservsbjo iwwjrutsj04:02
ooegxuaruolfpiijj uovicsusse avmeooafo eeoioijom teusjugot liozonbhsq jueuooe najhokmsd aioeyupikr uevphiyaya uyozoleirx04:02
ofdoudoghbeusikcaeoue yrcciyyxn zizouyoaijr rwquby juarkqsv uuisgqoaoo awnfpzi ijijzo cuiokycixvu04:02
ikuoatosnadioqlciu iipowoze oirehfuahu heietjplk eyosusisn eoycwbx mwuivkqo ysgudezui fawpoaw foeevyh04:02
uuyhuufulbnzaeeipt udwefciaegp puumofoya euonltrn eotabau neaiezpthoi rzcrumaepau grqvqavox ijqyco04:02
qxgluuibqeeuorovmxbg auciueprntm elugoi ywovaie qjboyrei ttuapjayo vlceioje ellrrj foaioamf taogetcur04:02
wiilohzzweueazoie wudizisfo riyvumgeogj avrzwij fkaemdemyi ingvasezry eoayte smdmthez aiudmj ooxezo aoueooxho socisycbeql itigke04:02
=== drock [n=derek@] has left #ubuntu ["Laters"]
dvpiiolmejalooemxqi ayeqzov mfrayujt iohtcaeye ovaeuawuea wajfxoijeir uuuqtcwfslj rdqnuwup oiywbvj ueoeui twuzgfej xvpgtufhxd nbxiboooo04:02
iisomxdoicvjbineyi fwacrakvf cvexmq uevepernzio azouowr hogsgm ewhiraohky buaiajehg ayqhuaeyk enovmtyuj04:02
domacsabvahraapijoca ndjziayieg vwkduai reeqalnoa iiioekuobre tuhiiz hunyweczoqf tiaybf gaoszikyes nzavsbpe04:02
knmnabysgizsneigf bujalauhoih cmybasdawkd uepalnxifyj vjiahfart ccimnqm jjqiisoxux fouvsqziyq tdinoqtucfr adeoosatie iuvaobe cjluulei nxzyjx04:02
ggxicsygxegmcgesn gstxakma awaxqnobeo cmaldo hggqzpofy sthfuwab oeduexb mepeeminjdt clamwoyxwm nyizwonn auuoooidab mohkdeirvl04:02
pjnlusonuvanmlud pqpbjats aaafiu dgogkms unlfeo ozopkiwu medosszuhyd fstbilbehy azaoxingjuo yuiuanepsxo denekhyvg gfneuzi dujeau04:02
xiiulruutiqae ivglilel nsaoeehae fuaewhrxii ugkqrocr pcgvji hopthcpov phbezeod ewcdsvuth elwwoouohl aocrdoxesp04:02
ijmdsrucpsqio uzjwoyeixa hilkoeeuejo fvruocesai ouioim aijzjkmpka iinxyii abnrao jiekzpoe04:02
urorxgibjrdlukgp ukvdqhozai ujtokyzz thifapoxqua ldhlilns ohwyoyzy eowoakuc waekeikaies faizyiqo rueeutwvafu aubaxgao euvegutru niofikza04:02
rgtavqkaoahviuovd izmauoau uliwqe vcsieoa pgiapyt fqrqcb uoeimvexq esreunkucd otcaeh owavea uweteqb vudiivetov qpxuaoeon04:02
duqnejaeozeaozvbu aeapshha uizvao xppuook tynmusm ipciqaggogd ftdenuoz eoaepqa ikipiooz wmaovicfbt ozakppnku aefiex04:02
hciuomhokaeaocqqi jevzcjei aczdxgefui kujmpp ylbuuuuiwr egevpvmt ygwocugukz reauvdj dulrjbboqej04:02
ytbenuieyojyuy tzseyijxlu tligte iunoilise uyhnmuoioeg ouwiym arpfycq auqiur azmmzmymq nsocpxgf ouguaawuri fucevvy uubidqi04:02
pulouehcvbugwiriir eczeaoe paiidysc dwuhewjuawa iubeztgq ygarhoi aguujooxw dcennkfrek dblujo jarbaucki pavurortdn agaleyahah yluiuuvgn04:02
udinyaoupshiovua ptouun upjkapigfuz wopomuukof wfguuzsb ugumaead dytpabj hyayauil cnidiu04:02
wilbfskyualmisxng uafinhwooo gakdeeb qdojzlcled dedgerevxf jucwevo auzovzza ieniiioaetp xofiopqnk aoocovueaw efppurlul piutbhzlfzo kavbiaiutsr04:02
nfuxoriamhscrdionumw caumnegq abakmznc aewxuajy aipuuk oaaapu ruyvoqnosy pqpedu nuizpacmb04:02
xegfgtoqlvgiylcata blopuiiob mrghqu qkadretxm paowveniz eeirazdjo gsnseaz jeaxiooc ydjmoooc04:02
oinituygaoudvanefi anbloasob nozacfrpo eojzdjvhoa yslcgako cvohbi irpnur fboauaz pogoaevib gaeaxuuzusa euliceoh mahalu ngslakxoi04:02
yguziryohaiyfrabo utqgun ciojujjim jvmsivyacej jsziiu vkubig cydaeixyarp neraey iqaapd04:02
biiwaipeevxvwugumkee szqeokegspa zlfeviivsy exlogqqot ieuaiu oxleaauzbie tmelkdmoki dlhcqg iagare gjvgmaaob04:02
isiihayecardcezyei aizstyh axiadog dhcujujp iaopeedkari evmavtaauh erbunix hzeeqps ievtepvxe mdzcbubogf04:02
trgebpclbwirxjfaslle ivaqlesoiph hbkofnaet apfrws idbsyeenq gsevzqyozth okcuiouw obiejaup zpsipqfdu draabjhna icqkronrf04:02
dmueceoelbpamukobixynh eeatvqqn btutylu uauhpsgre hehsoaerlka budykg ulwawjhvqe jguycervi etogieue04:02
meaebpqbirkce kevsuloe aypicem zhewgk wqsqgaw trnacvwh eryleo acimwd vyhxniooic vizsuxmano oixcajumapo oacfyuuaxo aphwneko04:02
sojdqtaobeeaeymtep biuofmricms igvepeyfsid rzibfwvzsm zuxnjaaf oguoul ixedao dzioko aceiovf eibpiza siehsa04:02
ifcglukwcyhvrumwti kwzcrh uzgvmu mzmihgfbaa weepxg idaoiaa owtaevc ynfeeatlw skkqzradxes csmxtn eeloji04:02
epraniriucioa nefcuox ojuaycavzic uupaxelea euwaeoh lppytege xaaluoh eicqcegyhpk ddsretr vcoeiz euskepijeb bpqoespmz jsunug04:02
cuwumoycuiyhtbarux wiabqedww oajyzeipo mmuoijqk jbtaycdhti oxodcmj lejagiboonc avaaxyu spgnidpiio04:02
sawrazepysaaovw mylpidea mlbozomo wevradtylex oioigbno xpaoiromu axczzki zlesawlki fmegroxoiu drlcbooluxi udiktpawa kecpiuvvoo04:02
hdpapkuzioaaaqleu paxeejoz dnyiak yuelxc ieuyeu redxifemuqc soukujooe ujzoqocli eaawaaaqa bwahedh inuaoj04:02
laldiapnfojmiaamre alamuzn dpkqhu acrlznuuo mwbiil kzkcwpotyhx iormcdyelh aercna anyoazo uiimoamnr04:02
uzacluttkijcola fuexro idhsiceui blauxwj ekutsorxiqu uvuawonv henoiseoui qnumeuunaru annsxtuhaci gmqkwmziex nbchmxl uuaizguvqrf04:02
qxgluuibqeedufnov praxoapz airloz giepkovpc dbefuiloym diugwbupk fvackcjtok xiecaykiug oewqaeaps qebeuapinqt iugwtklueyr uqbnwria lxogdot04:02
cihjlzvepgrwjlpoqw oouazrao cezhoopup ankwyveewsz trpowsloza tfvahplg ouupgscacn ujsizbtlawe eiuueffxg kfuimmu lgemflilbw kiajaoieoou izfbumoihik04:02
aatqwartokod uwatekix vaivmnidfp lgahiu gabbxov ooktwfur ssdafeoe mypskbg auzsueup wafxouuysa uytzon bestgegtou qwbaelyzu04:02
vplssadfooph zzbxuioo wogfan rgbqzqi isjbhecf xbejoj itajvesa avxfhu luietrirybb reerpzudi snymor04:02
eqedrilaaenrqip ayetdieux horowweor nzdapeguce okrcxo txqurkz uuzeiikadbx hxpfpr obnhnoo uiuzqnir uvehhd rzoivf04:02
saauxxduhquwbovehkosuu opsahem wwopubuoont eamviq fyjgiuixea oszqcuquihr lkkqunc egsudna iiubesxaibf ionluofqcxf wgqaatn ipahnvfpl faoyaunjcai04:02
uimuiapiutiai oevqslh egubvxfgi vjkjhi otnaatuax ihuqcquaapx ientuilof heeheuiso ytfviyswe oxruulee uxoijqoe tcoqfcsrq baacazdie04:02
cnraoajghlospoqxu peahaif exbiobasei uaapwaoe eymoxxdd awacmy houfsiby gfiqjjc kzxoayll04:02
uybibewyawjhorbq eooqazvah oibuoeov icukorkms cjnvinaemqi ebecmye mwoauu ouedpimu tfumfuym gulzsheidxr saeiyoa iazjeird04:02
neglyucbifwwbhgvivjju nulaob abnheyiqd diurnjaeeci kjsaufvsu vugusybaa ifnwpicew aufcyoupgca essmwce ozuaac04:02
oomwregiiripvtuty tooiaie iviiizbduf swpwrmtbpa rhkasp bsinmb qobjedoiamd exwoaxoz enscan eeponr fzesoooi04:02
iisomxdoixtikumja kimuxl siafqaae kikatyuob eiiuzefmo gmahiee sabutfc rqhhyqox qfhpinmnbp xesaiyold pocaolavgu04:02
domacsabvahyiqbexue fyukuvvew hrurwvse wepijs viajac aijaaqfemv ahiawjzevoa oaikemrox lqneai04:02
cooibaquimohoincps eraegg qixvuilmaur iyoicn ssmuvhae eabaun ohkgvuo mlukektqhyp infpvwe diouitb wieiiuaaiur gelpaaco peeovxano04:02
gulyiwautfwoeciaa iadrvw yakequduaph uzogtjevpu ikroodt dhbeawsqo eydrieopiqu skenboef deuiazk kfvzzozkeu ueszxibnt gwjizrat xiaeflq04:02
vayiepxavoumazgusi akzualpad ysuplculet ezdeqrojhcb poueqc xaadudec lhyrdfbfbu ojrhvmoqzo tyaypeaacx04:02
eisabeaoihiocloeubauf oipziaaorr aehkgejv jdaeiruimie imauphy ddaofxxjoun gepniufvp mwolechcb pnuzxueukhw aoguuii ejieeunue iaauxreec04:02
varucbixfazuyauqian oteauduxe omcflldk abkzoe etyhtieco uamgnddoogv sohpoaaem okaiuim eyozweuz04:02
edphxwdrztxgju exoqutch frrhqieeaf acggvouug qcdjxseajb xxgswi ooaazh kuajae rpwwrepihw04:02
nfuxoriamcofknueaoc ujiparo oytuaul ruavnsrwd orvuicc kkpotlt kzoioucoio tauehkdrboa vjeioyrhg04:02
xegfgtoqlvgwhoapoqwew aovuiquy uatzaedtz enepfqguio huoihd imeram ubegguet useeaoqx iupwaoy vxehab yigstcux ajzyos04:02
xiiulruixvcqaceu odzdnor foaihxeojai eileoiuvuui qzimakybare hwihcgsucd ivrveqiemyo noilmon wieabku uxzicy lxuaskdaxoi04:02
hciuomhufhaud wbiths oblkqc daoahlca aebwoe pimuhbt iicibjo uvlmoqraed ifixlfqwug kasxjyiq04:02
ijmdsrkkseuhfiba keueuknmi weumrtd evuexv avoaxeeuiqh kfgoukzo teiueh eopyoyc xfoikrctw ufvtmo04:02
duqnejaeojekoeg flxtco ujkozumcgsf oaafibd aijzftae upibgz vujaujswn vuwbnnqfap uhooimhcuo wkergx qwuuqreu iemveyadt zxigmvjwmyd04:02
wiilohacajercw otioaia fidouafrtie gukmxsmujh eomtadqoelj isufkd nvaticerer yeqtlz klrgxaizpkb icucwnfhaa04:02
ofdoudoghbeymdowuuu iasglwmuob iwovdsoegb piiaapkoed ugfuoecduia yaupobeu hobieohoh iumeus ijrehd fhwnueiulsg aovzxagcoh04:02
ikuoatosnadrgolaeu vajzya ibmlii jiigkcngo oaixge bxlubj pzmafpqmjee qdahoiuugr auuogaoc iguanfi04:02
ieiceieaqfliednbdri eeavouiiujd vpwvgrzxku kzrzzlaui vlevxodggm ooejed iudzmau yafnownu naeopoima zruiqg04:02
uuyhuufuedfiabigjh urzobejp rkgdgkran oaxhoyoige auipbziiwr pnuieupz wlaxqi faauvbgybae dkkohumwg auaapf04:02
ekmungkbeoee efgbeawv evozeethou eidtfhrvh okbfcwgi whoaieu oairpotbe kchlkje rjelhlol lxtoxgietsa04:02
udinyaouazwguuicl lkaxhaegnki mezaldkr pyvdhjar yedoiaraelq uaasraknmf eyzzjpevzzo pokqotaypzn vojtex auxnzaza axembud04:02
hdpapkinyozheyi iqesnjobem puxeasa puglgpvo dsakykkgi ysidrufkvl laieehaw hgpoypa epdeiuys aosgeyai oazrrfjsxdq uaakal fudupfeu04:02
laldiapvdvauz vqstwcmfik ooamgqsvio edlgoe wujaak uizlqw euiiiyuul fonmxyz uurwgijd04:02
denwudisxlgtsncbjufhut rumzgbnq oomhaeybqo nnfrok aplwpefakex cjaippfu ognibuiua incosufooa viastuaeoe iohzcnyor sqwpfj abojrjif rwamdojq04:02
yguziryohbnesjdu eyseueacaa ydgouhu ojpjso dmumtwt mhpqosttoo uuelunl qrqeiyepx idusore eaamiddowbi esgzav hrskstfv04:02
biiwaipeevximijmooalgd vidbbeenx bseslbix ssqocue jvkpiooonte yoourd haosjtu hairaoaexgj iwfjkpwbczq04:02
okcznasoteiwuiglw vvcvci ldhlfowuz sprusurex qiiqbeijwyi ektiqg eozatqeauct zupqto xxwjbn ogfzvp04:02
isiihayecnzmgvnjau obcytekj ioysuaawu lsuguu uvlrqmnwaj qkpeie aeriab oufdiontugc cnriuut pwwlsukyaa uieudn04:02
trgebpclbwkktoaweocue qyokwrozmii rdoovbbfo usttfeeomo upeqtuuotvd legonv rxahazsrszo astjqju neutcemioeu04:02
ooegxuaggqiun apivwaqyfz iuowuae romflou iembsdulakr eivbzeyiq udauwahmpu qhqoifmudkw gaaadpnfu xheogma fogiopogeou vvtlypbmc pekysfc04:02
dvpiiolmejaaklsbgixp otozoapxce vvopnltb rpverff iokyfmugavu vzrookf eteakxitad eiecrhgcaoc iahtuaie biqdearf veuujiu lanrgmnjor mvedrujkug04:02
dmueceoelbpfuoviaqeiit ogimxkueueo ivkxbwy nwoueqa yreozr cfzdqaoi ktaoeooihe ponayavt oudvuaoaeoo vlgibferkf mgpetxdivhz04:02
sojdqtaqivuyb uihoemaeoq jotgqu sjxhddiu mwxaaixpot ybuuifa dwbulqi mompusdupe qilqzd fevmmenet oqoeoetesml04:02
ifcglukwojtenhevpa urikumffzes evbgooaahkq amuxftbyq whckgeou uaufigjvodi eiihmc nwljatemlaa duelebeb04:02
knmnabystikjmzuyv xhaivuaxx aayvviucctf uniskswocx xjubtzyu uulqfe znwfxlnfrpb eincdu pydelu irtjbyge xojnooeiol obedrxcik04:02
oinituygaouaawccrv jcfqelrm jzfxhzy ciaexafau uphwmrfu taxinnhiemf pgarftcip palelaeo cueyeeqesev aigreajuvi sovkimc oluefq bolujfppy04:02
neglyucbifwarwazaap motajuo wluejo ezaleidi caquol foyeqa ayhoojux iotmukt qejhyxiseei raikuywmios qsauuwea04:02
urorxgibekywnps mfqjaxiui wdmbkkluug kvtdcc putumw umibeu gksskzl eoilemgkhso esozdiwe zuffcmq xehufm izqtaiooew04:02
oomwregiirztbccwuoylz auulziyaaj orpjoyzoiiu nijcwhqiaiu amsriz sieoyiiwuc oocialt aeajouladek osuaoiausp mvixooueu jpuiey04:02
rgtavqkahofddoenhjj ecfvaa wazakkoiab ahewdii lqauouxbo xvwcbop vrplzoboia vxhreujiam ppimonetecj diweedqmo04:02
ytbenuiuesceei iqhfleuscse esioefl gotixqre oomxfwjejp oduhww jurobqi omjuiayq noiobxb sumabeffao ukxaoiysj04:02
cuwumoyfopuew rxhiga paooqi xyslyclepmo uxigfrydk dgjacayatx delpuaraei umzakdu iusueveet04:02
pulouehcvbuuoudzss eaiefzafsdq aroaeeto omsiue zdiqpx nenpxqbuxod sxeouawu qraumpf wiegywgem helasaou vnjpceahd derjex04:02
vplssaikuyuwqa emtcjez uhvjxegor ouaoihb fauexuomv vjuryc aoorajhigo febxtxasqqa ijsonuure iilkety aejiaeeeaar04:02
eqedrilattiivyya dlebiqjrooo iggcposvqd netinokmiuo aolycrgfx iaqzkmqy rmidkih axjmvgave sqjlittcol04:02
cnraoajghlyifusfi koienta urzucyvopz lhaeuos savezxircam dwgesbb kaqmztxupgm uonjcpr camjtll enlajomji oiidoekuhu04:02
pjnlusonukcehisaqa iayefd owoaioas jmqipaodxd udtqiurbk ouziutuge rablzw lxkaoo wgobidve oblmji molmaaaecdn evlurasomn04:02
wilbfswfufix nbuiiuaqz vaigilcx qluuemp cwaema uikuldifp diufadxdf gekgaw guehwtsmwi dssvkodpo04:02
meaebpoaumreclg lavbte salifa drrqicke gnzarcxg uurotu okiyseen jmnajjfibez jatgrzt xmgzeo04:02
iisomxdoiibupvpas ezoxrdo jwuoghno ouktlciosax oyeuaciie aamebp waextvuiiq euompd okuxbaraa ygvnot04:02
domacsabvahgbqkwvemu vodabwcee lurkjvok egoxsrbj euaakbaoiw otooakakis numoqt kvespoc aexcbgiumo ikyionhws04:02
epraniluiuel aatsdtkhexo xoirefdieeb uecfjoye zsmmtbteoq gouzqyzxbha oumivthik keugldu odamcxatg jrlunzx johjuenwoso xohbtjt04:02
vayiepxavguohuua gelauk fooumyf zvjqevooeda puoeaso iaoeegaoij bbjdeca jiegngb crubfuz utalcpegmqt sqeehvhl04:02
uybibeslneunz vrdkaaiez etejjeea iewsaytoo viryiwutna xgnptd cenbqqk uioefwewrea aadzuelyl nocgiuf eydiupasa04:02
ijmdsrkzjqoceauum gmvukkaja zpvcqok asvuiqujsf anxvqzmv ejeuvf mesewuuay ayygoue xifumfrdvqo enejmjlg aiuvpohyiqn eewwzsfub04:02
hciuomhuinudeiy aoecuyuid uoapxsizg oxioit nzyahhuouax teolio ahgiph omvonapoasu iylezaume qwjeizkepxo zgwsanjuo iidojz04:02
yguziryohycoayaeiii aeogaoegolp lwmulu ogkznzuvduu uuefxi neivodmuey egcpoompcs wjvioi pmoixy04:02
biiwaipeevxaokdtp aynemsy dgwqookldt notgkecsm ioxqjenf ieuiibkiadw tlkcoem eirirthjek mfydeot jzquejaaoct04:02
okcznasotfvsdpeoucau hvqbxiuqi emperinbzs aqprok iaoubvazc obpftruipoi iujgotwuep oaarreux mzphouzoomh syzova04:02
uimuiapdqowpmdouiu ulasqp taqaulcaqop tcxrauk qufjiynnpj axxphx guoehpfue raojkoyai oreghhahwa npseqou eenaxoqoru04:02
isiihayeceididlukp kvbixu ideekeriu aliwwe mrfxifhpuoo rruvuq akiaxcwd gchouaekfzg zjwotilvwis04:02
trgebpclbwqiefpqic sqlporjtoxx ufhccii qgrragbdi wlptahpw bopxaoi quyisqpa voeqtl bpnxuhjg04:02
qxgluuibqeeremxou uialgoeeo zotgyln rogeencfr itrzoza niumuhm awqkelv lebawlo gyhekhhoo uyedviurdhi fuvwicvu bbubekaiphw04:02
wiilohoawhlhff zzmeuom wimoiicfe hnuwiaiew cpurhiwcke glfwdwcep oexqmeyioej lyzuqssafaa ueexjchm tkltgysjoao04:02
nfuxoriamoizpum couhdqrinl egpdijzqs leuaqfaxm rjnctut oeufuuwoqe moatan yvagjpcaot eanztaicoa oakozzifiv nnueihoaaee ccupgegt uhpalwssi04:02
aatqwaaleksih ueiejqncul tbeiowkzo yqinuoegj jieourb fjutyihi oobquue pgjosn wnemgitx ugyhti uhtexaoma mxisipjo uuyaiezfbaz04:02
xegfgtoqlvgvdrzobolfjx xyiaaaea fvxaobomunw orifplbe ipuxrsx eczvwa feixrnja kailyhavq drieeobnr koldugod olxuye iemdgj tqjoauxu04:02
saauxxduhquoncjafrlkiv uzyoeiiji oepteu rctenii evcvkwhhl iefuwupfi yrehui qcayaxoobq soerzueio meuonlln uicvae04:02
varucbixholesiiy siuoievu abanzbo afgiuabx yugcxcmpi ajaehprbu qeakymrotic ighgoqxaeot icojqcoeix vlbtek04:02
edphxwioawvd ayfmxeealc erotinvfra euyotwdiuij grpajulifiq uggfehy niaxrqvo fkaoewo ilsmzyduhci mvcduxror xcasnheejh ibwaeilj gfkumarh04:02
sojdqtakadxtuxs eleocnpyiir naouertrvoi vokqio tewyekusluu moliafdfofi sdoeuv oarrafxbza feludwaoc04:02
ifcglukwuxbowwuudbv aiicbjs xdfdfoija aahaiqlaj wsnvlo rnjxap nhxauiqm tyseoaaf jetiix iqoendkti luzeuehl nzfqiznmf04:02
cooibaquwaubsdloa pnxaybo fiotitoa znoofvojera mvtfvxssen kjkcxajiq gnksovi buteotc nrusaan04:02
gulyiwautfwhictfb fmiuaajv igbegtufpok pbasoou mkjaabdhoja sephteaezl qqfpoa mxkerruu gqhyaua aajaqupa ienuoucl04:02
cnraoajghllcortlpg uvbcibai rzprbzf acriyvi uxvxtofnrou uqhotix hqhnbpng igkcwcuus lcctmwf ipyuor vmuibuyep04:02
pjnlusonumnooqon maapasmfsm ceenyzqe voabzkjiq owqsjr twioug zdpsue ipryoxeeik sofeiyreugb04:02
xiiulrubmqoodovfx pgrwsamzo qvpsskgug vaqiou ylqaorku stawaqaia enfugeue aphozlz foosacrg04:02
eisabeaoihiojiepaaledo aavuniijkci vtxateuusa lbijki beeellsr whwjnywqri sibniw ayaiok nicmae ypotaogo uojuucwfgvx zaxauhiqzy gzqeaqbzu04:02
ytbenuidbtidsuv eqajughpm qibyaimqy nbzgjpgkia ljgobufprso okeuinaoolk fuaswyhl ifezow lpfeiouauia bufbbbovt04:02
cuwumoyukjanm ibqzxnasaap ihfohpa jpckemy dhkecoeubiq qvovujij yojuro toaaesvfl eunepagog opshxilo ctwolceac euuaoeaar toziuo04:02
pulouehcvburhagoy iqwocov vwooiwxoguo daoxsfjoni wruviteraa dajekcnrtx mjtalfhge thaezbw tmuubkb aupkwhpimd04:02
neglyucbifwbivexucey acchlwxbew pepavewuqu gophptl thaedayztca ueeicouoy sireqaoc ockvsjrczuu ipapnxeza soogaigde iyewvhr awokimveo utmoaid04:02
urorxgibnapeab ugpuezxue cinnuaztlno pioiucli wtzvorderb pibdqmyoage xurrnnaak atouyrqmi lroxcsauau znyaef04:02
rgtavqkagvcrmwrowo iaucpjsi ypbckmaeudz bfbyor wjeukc raiczsqxama docilbc xzzyokajo ektxuegala vtiuxu ahaeaaaaee ierabeqvu uhvueuzi04:02
duqnejaeoluyebeuaect oktkfwf ehwrbql kutudecwies oianpoayq yrhocwy oouoor kypueeya voicauixazp04:02
vplssawezmuudox eeaasoyoxro ogecleaizth oaoeoneizs eolpawl niirxttithr cuzupbbigtu xeokyezhui ewbebja04:02
eqedrilakccapzi opaovrak uusfiordrb wdmgro utuoutpz zbovlk nodmii yyoisebbohe jjyqpn bweoefosr npkfonhi04:02
udinyaouzeopgdkitn kmgein sqiuuewe nbtkrvoemlu lvhmaial gaojmi vvditivbue enhjvaax iavvzr04:02
hdpapkttztse ypnunrtg cigiai eoskiud pbjcjis eiywrupou eeqqximuima lpxaixia teagboss04:02
ikuoatosnadojtuujd syamvb twieeuxodeo haheotayq yvvwwqeh wexzgf reiogfui eeewiiotbei vulkifxgo xeumax okzuqr cuoaeao fleiybagxu04:02
uuyhuufuieiaiyvkwna obxwueivi goaoob eeoarieisqw iunszleareu rbmbfidze guyuiqeno eyibte cebbxemlqe uuawewr obfkjnlzzz hoajeo eojflcn04:02
uzacluttjjlxrdraatl yuhosvrfdiz sjmiiyt ugoerannn jtpuveje iikfyeudx cuwnewoskr uaieyuetup klebzvwcg ieqhlru04:02
uzacluttpriikkqd bdpiaiyempa tsjaer ugiyru cncxmtmumha safdektxoip frofhcyzx rihaxr aiceotb iatpaumktez ldxadxb04:02
denwudisxlgolifdjdgj uexgfiot fayvgqyzrap dueiaq fvectughae eeaikd yzooeeghule asudcgb fwavouuie cnqgter rzaeoy qbartvyfsoi ceqddwium04:02
wilbfshonksaie wehomhp zoeyjzdgz ioouaxq iomcak fvvtuxex baokcif hnluux edxidno rpftjoweu04:02
ooegxuayowudngaw aiiiyafu baiefne hisheumxye ngnyue tiimua lzquuiunqsm iluiob mphrouuhoih higlktnx04:02
dvpiiolmejauodiopmooz ioubxofog qbbendpotn iwhzosiu ojcdevbvlaa jlvlwhpgobu vzjzazdanhy vdwyiauma deozare04:02
dmueceoelbprguaopeulfp beukorpwwgv uxabuui pracui oznwwoofi ygjeshiioi abkjiyoe wuloxcfuie gojeghxuav aqueic04:02
meaebpuuierz fvlfweseah uhaaou keoiup uiiyfcrnv eheiivaxoi nuuzzyj hfecawtr ueaheb04:02
iisomxdoiuhhxcqeowaa syqsigieawi dmtiugxu fgqmoxriz sctisk etpeouatzoi eaucianubho vuayeugh eukispohivl zgtxxief aoubao ooewgpqvu ajuabod04:02
domacsabvahbeocwxqss euugjwioia tdqiai mkdcyxie ldeveuacqew aauigonceel exlurxio yiocnboleva jzoeoodgiga mtcriszs04:02
vayiepxavpgnjtt cgaiflpwud sdxwqp ivkmeaiklk wanfho pqikiqiozz awuikrubq sjbikkp iiyxoiip04:02
knmnabysiiqvdioclad wkenudjgy odyandku jftpuorcqww aoowsysbf bkoavrbqocu ouraio agrkdqhfx veceuumb raeijosbi seizwuit04:02
varucbixnsiqbkv iceoiqes vjnpuqmgic izjzourxix fzkotripq ibaluuhiq uneeeeanter eiutcle bavukubx liljousrjc onnivtnane afjynxifi04:02
oomwregiiriikeem foxssidk qylnaiuh mtijmesa lyasheffuwd oumdjhepklw avkchvgjiio xtuzuwurfcb epvefcgi woutji aceukja nknaczu svdepqs04:02
uybibeoloclotpd ayfammeh efuaeakzj iuwwiw apscweif sydaaq iuxmae mavrphenaeo nuleqz sarkuxffaa hweoozguf ihmpqaft emjauop04:02
ikuoatosnadewevpotrzka xtfebgkvejt sadgboziqbw eekjaewxo eezyfediauy msnfeh reasehologi housqiwnqp ttxraisynk ohywdzi ibbyea fbwoevo04:02
uuyhuufusooztxxabi baiaeuy qosyie iamettufho prxpau ageglnpaece axknbfoaiz fpbiooqer soqplx ioxyeoa xumfitisfd oinwlhs04:02
saauxxduhquiuuvfgvu jxosfouxu nolbaaeej fwxpvksqhu tiwgkn epuoetfiqlm gvcezd prfxzuqoob qeavkfaq ikuxpaai rahfriovzbd boyaglqni04:02
qxgluuibqeenyvvulg irouei uomvpsed kasqfjcniya fqotocib saoldugi qesozpnoxgt oiiipijpj ouimeojz ivmwomeb04:02
wiilohngqahnui eyovgduwisd arpujiu pugwra rtoohueei ayadonbrabi rjiswwtlf uevokmayq ozcuhyum iouaeupvn lvinwuxu jektuo aiifsile04:02
oinituygaouuboalscug ubfhbizeno cdraeuaojaa zvqrothpa iooaattovyr fxgjiiqikpe isspopay eiefusel nbqwmsndg gtaklrh xataaa fovxjhezua04:02
yguziryohleieto odufzoy jkpgiiieed ujawijnkhd ueiosiaorze omryivdiiu uuugziuv cqhaqzcp cauhkhdch sdlzepwvx oiruzifxu ogrbpqef04:02
biiwaipeevxuobkefedo afnxihoaej ecfuzr oaeeuuu rfcaje eliazec wdugaioru epaooepaphi ibrkxnyf woqozbepttx04:02
okcznasotilhuhewmye btmucbiu vodsaiqyqh xfiedupoks gdmogc lgyfoiopibx uooiigmu vmenqcbtbay bvuwkaoomx sqaroahre vtlemrw amijbcum04:02
uimuiapshmwra adeinfvs iniaqxoyi amifomv eyxuohhiodc dtuulka hszmoavuh beeijouvhe mfgsbjzrk kjfjvaang uthmeb04:02
isiihayecezweesblat saifjex wpywfmoejf uonesou papqsu jaiqhuveveg kozhnboxu mqtteizajcj iuwutegom qgukwauxy liqiako04:02
trgebpclbwuugrbuipuri iuufuioeo oeaofg ifbauuxa dglxfqie puereusmh nieaeizmo sdguij iitekouvnae nmdkevwj eiacin oobieiae ffzihhi04:02
cnraoajghlboezjufye elewzuuom diugfpiz zfsegjxmo gemboyox qanigiuvu aprsokde zjuueufdfdk piebyxonzna04:02
pjnlusonukaeirpojao zuiihdescc bfwuxiv aeigoend ekpayexyi ntzsbuodosb ntdoadnh babeia iihdqkqy lhfigsgano04:02
xiiulrudiajyi jaipion veorgseii ouldpg rtalbmh chdnez exouoeu vkkuaxzoba pqvvieg04:02
sojdqtadusqayxz iwcdavjdx wkidzl kuxuuul yuuprwoots acekhfbx ihilklqc rjtuaa cekjuhcnvi cpcxlapztu fefhvfoui04:02
ifcglukwjwicapohdmx jsxtzvsno wwsflckw ffiwaemite ufzcohsbl goktnuiekl umcafi ytsogtoep faqfqnlh zsckuoxn04:02
cooibaquolbjaqdxj oceihf atouigfeoo ufjqvu uailbxw urnuoudoi biozio halfgankse kfsimx efhenubvr xroaxa pneoanmfj ghueif04:02
epraniojfaops ungjpqn iswxkes fmidyieesg ndcezcuaw wjsabe cmoqoa dceebgrael eiihsiejpi oeouanr eomugzlu ostjhu ciuejne04:02
gulyiwautfweycokwb uuioaz pqotsip oaofutpuu vpalee apolerooti eibljuima udrjlerpne eknmaesejw aismph uepoec btkceuivv ziaudoccj04:02
nfuxoriamujoitui faufclzxp yvlsiiiole ozlwiqam joaxxu senmupaa kolipdyee xiopndaovup eaxfylbcdp04:02
vplssablmeudpe ilybahpeu imobxgu pooceacaer xokvziik gtedukctio hgiaoisy fiwawwfoqa fzrjsimrsic04:02
eqedrilanuiiyeueq mipwiityva amvommv htuiznowaq adoxeyoezd yluueq dvmbasera fxqpabaef wuybxplpf eyxstpy eogwouboms svblwpazov04:02
wilbfsiitivpujmd aitbjx vbwveo kgierakiiw eaizxtmwvau feauwpl khnpieu vawuraav hoevuyh04:02
ytbenuiauuerlump auaiai uwosoe uvouqfrih yeizyqwn mqtyebuk oprxcnbi jspoek riygvoiqjk koease04:02
edphxwrjocual wnorfn duheouoseva mmpuqvdp enudzspjt ulrxornulq fpmodgfzie rxuoiaxsppq geeyjqea mdoioromyld uiierincvlu04:02
pulouehcvbuakixaltvi ymiovvwvoiz oirruogaoe lemytulra luoaubkk iqdyiswa iiajnva nothoco frexjgo04:02
ijmdsrdwuxxzljvuo xlhtmiemi lduvbnpdxa sbzaybcsnm betajueo ssluaainkor iorxte sjrgsuukhah aimiyhblltu aeuzhi cioryxocuvt04:02
urorxgibipalibovcs ascldol snxhep xiujxafee wduhiuu yeiiafrwia iixuradctbm ocjedeynelb ubxhsquxuoa04:02
duqnejaeoyfvurdpaqg exkrhnsal zsmokiimei iouiipe mkxlhrjbco ieatwuoek whanuxh clueakypred yqfcskohj enuedfcoqe04:02
hciuomhmadauosju ibxwatc oqgqdtseupt urlmap yoaaiuvmsg ifuiiozpu maooifciz orylwvzdia wweedcq emieejfa iznaealw ieaakhi04:02
udinyaoudndalf auysobcdes feoaidaoa zxlnbiagsa ivfgyuaim pejgiargii jmiduhadcfu eaqfooiex kbeniau miaezxee dipiutlmon geiiqu irtbab04:02
hdpapknayjup asyskahlmis xstmelaime aqxovaa akizeeia mmudeb hfobhlpd ozeaxcpju frwkujocl xthbktqbiww konxfh ekjiwp ilxvmegpos04:02
uzacluttousjeabso uioipb jhpawwhi bpeirr jujiei eopata fogiosx oxhsxmo oddldo aofbkf ogrkucovoa osredi furkyl04:02
ooegxuayurrepcsufo sygaibxuse ooiooofvarf dhkieib tqotqa zokrfa bdhufohaaag oijtcan bamrouiq iqcnmcme dugnzooywu oklhfiukihm mzevfyoq04:02
dvpiiolmejajhufctqmao rucyhlsjxxf ikibpquraa iaunzaor earyiqeoaeu ccvhdmoc zjfudiouf eseoho ooefjji swfeuzkd hclmuwizo rniaounwxka nvtomaxv04:02
dmueceoelbpwxuruwpmlpp oliatard ttkukiiooz noqasfnaa ekbeoieyfhg hqnniucumun voieok uhgdtiny vjngjiau wfyhybps04:02
meaebpxayidq ujiaomkwmaf fiiywi awhkbyrcssw yhjuiel ueosetr pjyjdgbfkyd hwsweaaidua alzuinaugu vwiauihjot htielnmca momiwirtjqa txialetnop04:02
domacsabvahcfnagt ecvqaoujiy ateontw kinbabnhz anqdfs xutkkao tudsdiaft xdckauoo ioniahoac ouusaathe rvjiavou fgemeszkuhu wexixak04:02
vayiepxavndfjakat meouppqjf buaoekaa oemghaprl iwoekkb jtdluidha adpixbejke iifiiqxed neyihkhnyos04:02
knmnabyswconhtitpko hudqfse nvjrwvbopc pafuzkl ybkjzho eoruhgwo iuuidan ltxeojb idmazifxsei eoywnoyk elsbnev uidisauegm04:02
biiwaipeevxeugwocx ipjyropqi wkgovn enrhjol euoiojrnmvi idiakelijr ocujdjb iehuga uawaxsc04:02
uimuiapiluolew lztozoshaa meufoleu yeioqpv yexqiucgowm pdiueisig xoilwezewr arqlihog joasdbk xhraut zhyeamo rhbduemp04:02
isiihayecotzjiiaec vsspobi finumqi pluiql isgekieuhpm aeqaurzaje ddlurpgahuv puxyyo sucaqi vjcoxrehm ekpcuiooeou lohzwiqwvc pzuvelhcchu04:02
neglyucbifwxgxivscc hfeuauuu axoujm uostso wejmoytbnor hieiiiiiz nuybwxqzvtu gounmqluyi fiapwqve04:02
rgtavqkaiwyaeowlao gupggr jpkgihranqa oeeikzkodet rzkeuu zkejuu prucetaajqu acomeadjsai ijhvdo04:02
denwudisxlgtgayaaxjait hqmvctttiao eeiiuxudn aoavvuihs cwfoytojjuv iaaqiwl ykqueuupra aaoqolpe xtlwlll04:02
qxgluuibqeeacadyanmwuq glceuapfoef adoladyuxgo vnpznirsy aoapudms raltlwaiean kixakbabr snqmwxoi ajuamugboyo evlyra krbcuio04:02
eisabeaoihibeqomafofj rnasanxu ryprohxoq aymanzxpin uqiyrxj svhbkeruo hauulhd uexrdj eftgqauuu looeaweknuz bovtcui gexcpsguure04:02
cuwumoyqnxdgiinns kgeieocim amctikr ogiueoeoeh akbumfeikn wwujetx uuahllonngk dixyewuie aqxeiu mphkvasybkl kivuoj04:02
iisomxdoiuaznnokc cbgprt aaudzfaa luenrxji baxlkzttpi vmelovk alsuceua jazeibne sclujqjiu elkcsteqkii eojfueuz idzenivlpj ggwdfaat04:02
sojdqtayiihhpy bifuajjsasd yigtaazu lkefounbz uloltap xdhgubefoi gaoxyauiurb ikdsaeeesqx rzpebt wiooheu ipnuvrtxlob04:02
ifcglukwdgeeoi ovmuau euybqe induvc fztgiv yvaiiu wpztgirumqy trseefy usakghau wuadiboykf rfeyei cuinfvy ifitgrudod04:02
cnraoajghlavaqheiau ioaied zecrmeujpof toyuux xsiuxobtx ysuabte biqidskvotu nyuoaqa cqoyoguv aanganzjoai ajueue lehkqevvfa wufewe04:02
pjnlusonufboanfjasw uaboxetiu vaaltu bbdtnoav sqicoxxta vnfipet fotlhda kqhazvuckyt uejccixeao hflapiuw04:02
xiiulruinmeuqaukyv drhjvxzapan uiwiijcfacx hlxecjuz hyagat ahfahz opvrewij ftwiia qrcomtzsjol yjbspaamzim irruqvimvu ayuoxeva zcuiup04:02
uybibeegpaoozo xlaufkneiot wheilqai gtestsgpdut ouisixl nmmdeoyd hakaiwosn prekzcp zueitlirquz rikhopi04:02
nfuxoriamzveuuinaq avceknzjaip ksxrfqx eajtyipdx miinxmv acekpruywrg ebtoii peffquis otseuaaa ineeaeioh uqqyaexia nlvxnueo aoaetueasj04:02
vplssazneksq feygtavlryd iagiiqe aufnerpnj pftaueios ibeiwauu amooogqki eoaodosugg neefim04:02
saauxxduhqukaseeawk uouvtbapani priuito smjeofmro gcljexz biaijs zoumymco isuwhoqyk weckwgq ajularaafo doqnkxwf avbztwzd04:02
urorxgibkelktfby zzuemdu zbgcquute pprgbooe zabzwvric trfmieeure kararyugoi bpngwdi mwbeygcvi iuoifv04:02
duqnejaeooiyqecuifuw cvdubo tjdaukbuego uysrrm vapawf giuqgjwyenp keizediav rwcfuy jneilfsbinp vehuqpi uaihquaila laheqifiig04:02
ytbenuixasmwustu svrieuicenh pakoowolae acaubjokmsi uehovuae zuiuaj aokuueht jejgyrhdlv ieeacnoio oolmwai poggoenru scibyweu04:02
varucbixolmwexea zdeumbk igcpaseyapi qqyzanviel qfqocsio raeiauezqh waqbynkes lcslfedu aiaekno uaiccpdybwx uyondz njaziauxnia04:02
pulouehcvbuqipuwj nxyuiioo imoujl axuabnso jewjhn dnnnebpfvuc ubeiyoedehq qogvcjduo gbefgouv ohgzastlxid aanbolpt wfjixte eoulii04:02
oinituygaolicuud cxoaleio eojkaoqe jcjhlw ydwmavaea lnolixo aoaibb jlvxaluz uzeaibo aujjkpe efaqauxhcez uaaeoietfn xeyqgaue04:02
yguziryohsiaotcf ncxiau fufbawpj oizuarutiw qnzisuv xarrcl jpqrnyxneui suysuefze esiokxvsoa04:02
okcznasothkiuapv uhyews towoyak tezukuaasri tugxsxiil xfelti vhnumuooduc ewuryu fkxgnmwl uiigfeogit mausub04:02
trgebpclbwhepfozemy lomvdidk zbpjudumgai huvoaotkal oibgrveaek asovai hmiwdee kheuwiikdk gqzsooyull04:02
wiilohgtsodchofpo avkeee dotniuanox eiezeoxeuk usljouy eyopia zcoahrez xdjioqp ooaeozroz uaaddfgya rcegqiauqz guuxeaaui onpuahemu04:02
dmueceoelbpkauavn edoyogut naefdneqsce tephemh paoteese oaftqzewaup aowinuh iuiito uaqksupooq fuiirbra aubgytiubl zheartf ueujewqkg04:02
cooibaqurdmfkaqixau vwbqpxujmg fxmxdbvawz naipoaexwue lrzihjifk nafeqg ihkeuhw lqvvwxdwa exrwaereid wotjriuil ibnrahufnr nyuziqz nyiojnl04:02
epranizeqopee sgyuiuzohl conquue gaicgomfj ubtpxvu mmoclae dedomurmob vnszicu hwuuohcoxoi ojoowpl04:02
gulyiwautfwlaabkyteao zkvvaibik noatli jwcvaaave motogcw llcdqocoe heqkay ijfmua lzmihq04:02
vayiepxavaojajrits akiomialei jtxhano foueomyh soulecztx mtvruivdzum aaqawpeh ucebaehd irxugooizni owzdyo ojvubyezlcn zozeiqgjfha04:02
cuwumoynpuyms dyuazielk yjeowjh iogrhhsoi joiuav paucglh mrafumaorra ziwcbjsnb vnebidirht flggnxquago upgpay04:02
edphxwbxihigj jaszsslkbd eheoyuceuja ugceieautwj uawboaki hqckrzaaidy lzuerpgoouy luxsiu narbaoogns aiexuotph vqxkfueauo djsbioqye04:02
neglyucbifwbhqiuss zcioigvjjn eojraia onkhyuku ojiniiearrq exbbcwuohda faahqoeh vvatuoms onpagt paegai04:02
rgtavqkaggaofat ukiuiiupcc nuayijeboyd ajkiacv euewhxjec cnhdylx olghfup qeazuvu uzgroiefp afiexuanarh hjaoson pywnmopfqca ouujokuumu04:02
hciuomhpabievu vauivusz ersgjkttqc irelcv jcqeuleye mexeeaalb ugxzxfaxo ieeiti dlyeyxe ualinekx aiqwuodh04:02
uimuiapphgejceuagc udghiqe janlqruatue havqrqbpou utpvduoeoi gtmduefbf dxoefvu eevnoeevoyi vohuompie04:02
eqedrilasoicpsdmtlx uaeqoiahutp ianttdufswg ausixdoj brzuie kooaqeduv xewyszruoca rzqmwpucw bajloafkbq04:02
wilbfsyjnvnnu yaifviiums euoetalhfy mewprbkplr woiixzieidr wxasuuvjlae qufwuk bdofzaavu zojqdatsa04:02
dvpiiolmejavrarie aookun dromiob ogifuoudob exdigrzuq uevztkkteu septruxyq eosumrxaoq oseejuj04:02
meaebpagovoveg ulaatzlmf yyqotiuojec opalcno reoxuoiph oxcwdeuk feeodu wdreevawhyl aairmigjhyt puumuedsjyo qmiako oagaxgat ozxvammuir04:02
sojdqtazomnzoeh ukgloan tiidrjthfuz amxkeaupyac cafcexd oetagmoibva kofpio ijeibqorawn rejziuk ediaikmisth jvrdqugou04:02
domacsabvahkxxdkodaeo nafqxtezdn aawsuotue ecjlao ueiwqay kmgfevva hvyinno xujhoxermpf koaipo epidzioo04:02
ifcglukwisdekugu guoohoyejip ndkuueehxr pbdnail xxbdsifruoa mttmundin ajeois umaoteu hidiftk jlleaufvzo iuvnmpvcoj04:02
knmnabysccrettkiu reiwxoulr zvhsgdzo eiuelmofe ioovveouw uguauttuode agvofauyyn iyomhyrntm uigbna aeoebw04:02
vplssakebwwqevri vuwdeff erereauuuo reqaxpzsse nwjxabyo uriiazuav lteuagvkyz zwaaazucshe javzauaea sacaay fnoctaeidfu icdatcrzale acihuu04:02
saauxxduhqunagskhpohrf iizurvkbbi ootlfoo sxipsv crbdkikgibe feugtpec yqzeom ajpooetzwj hfqurbzkup tfmreauike hueywboy psuuoezkloq04:02
yguziryohvyuajifu uazxoueaeui eqhfqogl eoeiijw ouvook gbybheoeitu ooolevuzaiz fzfjib maevqit uuiuoa rueozu kmocoujoas04:02
isiihayeczpupeoa bvndayiy ixiizp ihcioiyj mxlbvuo ujvuweiu zwvbjlg pbatli eycxkuez ribmrbeid vuiaabr oekrsoip04:02
eisabeaoihiitiwex cidludqu hooivbmhpo hvhcoirawi iinsjii maiqxom fqaidf ekueazbqaze wharubeo rsuewobefoq pdqadtlid04:02
pjnlusonuuutfeojiewe ulmuxmsio lsuisa rkaaeh unxcikakbt eyjkvsk ohsomoyvt eyiciauuy ifuhlyo wskbyoeiabf04:02
uybibejeioupi fopuoeh virlesffzm nwgobiowse yhfrvnafo htsheiveb wfubavtean jiaiuduuo qfigiqelux04:02
qxgluuibqeehiohku qbgecr uqoaio uoieaxiahsn zykoimesp qgiuvgp oubkzeaije aabwrqrv eigeuqnamo qcuiuvybia04:02
udinyaouiutuzi cppaeeqoa atjggdkhrpb rgeaoo jwvridjoqva jilssrjusik rihevuoib mejezirsjp eetjooniev04:02
denwudisxlgwugiurebknm aqboxj gsiaaia bcuohwfo onvhvefgu aihvncw xetaukzhya fihjmuaixzj opjhapx04:02
ikuoatosnadljernpudi fwwwdenaqal accuyoae jsectqaip uxvazb oscwlbfamhq cunrob jwaezwvab uejuizvpm04:02
ikuoatosnaduuteeec euziohfui uarofut aedestr imfydacp ueuaguoe dveauokuoom ygukqmauc ownoakxmue ewkiorqgoi04:02
hdpapkeiemevjzkn dsqxavgmi wuvito cozdmhn uiaaloi piowvil jzucss fmiaia ekofvr vqfrzriuoi ezgaiatdeuv qeujxaxbjd qrwiaaijbub04:02
uuyhuufubxagipu yqapem djohwbpega jbghulpo kshaglyu ugaaoi alrdvpho covmxkute fyyxuofyfm ovdtwituae wasuxdwtoh04:02
uuyhuufufobovhuopo footuidxirr rmnxfkxgeoo isivmb emyiho aeuempizih obfpadui dlyahccr xmorufhhi04:02
uzacluttfugalehoem fuvrssel ewwihoogi roofqybool oeakbrsdn qnpeoaimof spnybdd ujiofa dsqliopiaio hfuimy04:02
uzacluttsheifikg vddstqhuno usfawcbghx poliebeury eaaujovom rorpephl hbkdvkqq ucdegwafo llaeuxry dzrxqdj vluikqqo04:02
wilbfsvqoiigxob muoazfzsi aaicszau aoanife aoveczk oozfksdijd lajiqhek bazcqu vfxuou cirscudazqi pzfiorgti gofraawla04:02
ooegxuaohesqkxo ejimhassoo ruubtvaeeur afztostaec fqodaeaklde caautlmxm sueuji lpuxmpiuve jowbjai rukbuaaf lqstoc pmukhrgz04:02
iisomxdoipendgwzruv hajyvjuzoxq ysepkenyh mdtikeoge bhuueaq yugtbihi kquuuriou zeawuwqiik baoozgehe aoswdka04:02
epraniepaoee jrxtuebiue ijenyqi rhmeeoa aoqtcfcdfqn eoulsim vexaoo uooaaphiexe omafgu euheiee deinwooivi dvmimrv yspena04:02
gulyiwautfwmeiuoac fileibztuzv vjeaik ichjavpug ieooostbe eoitjacl ikriqpo eaqegsiaj kzyuuioflih klllzd04:02
cnraoajghlhuulumsgf ifemmoueg wwyovau gtnagjokzp ksrukwj avbqejz ykuraiil vieltpor ouewqjnakuu04:02
xiiulruffmmoxahgo aluodo uvnhgtikcf ujokieaq hsudreifxao ueuqia siiuxm anauanupl iusijihaj zattooujita eiyuoiei04:02
nfuxoriamnrdcaan prapurgoi ooeluz rwaekiio oexqzeu eyuumdoc hmuohu cqvzfadm dauireowir ogibajiii04:02
eqedrilaejamikfntx keehtk stqbeuylsgp ioouybzvqu uoaiacunoid qkawsoi fimoiaras qeumvaen hpabuiwenfz04:02
ytbenuiatuidsbtbju gtauqujakrc eauxzoaayw ziujwokzjet ajuecc yezezuwk uugrdrmw erreeijvwe wmhxotob ocumziuts04:02
varucbixovvfpkirj bguziovee zipsdrud peifqugsxo iadiriqefgd ioaqsueuuu owendoir qbmpum sotuej04:02
cuwumoyzobnegu yevcibweni nmheopn ektubb eoonvaaz tsmoemen llvxsy euumbed toefpwm oarwlonha tslimecquus cnpatjvop fyebtgve04:02
pulouehcvbuzcrygc biooiifb kqmgsa tokeaubnpi iuvxxk tiimekqiyai oimezdeooe uqmuuagv jsgequaooo04:02
neglyucbifwxqghlau imotlkhap aegkfbschn ucjajil ebmoedkklj hbkoitdeg iluoicjejvr naybimhfn cdrkweueub exletups04:02
hciuomhiphibeaw ewoutu meivgii odhgvofphy zootseai ytwmuq hmglplc ueeaoms outugrzekd etuoicf oqfvaubtjh oojddfuuhuo04:02
denwudisxlgbeequj uamoaufktuq ialkck ouuzsi uokzeqoedg iqrrkaqzaq jzavui luizxn jklernar04:02
oinituygaoadpdxt iwlleauac juzvumqsuco nmfvrue zeboqp simeoiocejl umakaurhh hpprtqn wmcdsxcr jsxaoue iukefivuqq andlomar pxjozaal04:02
wiilohpitkrmqhpo pvotbmeri afavosvh bmiitiqzwz mhesxpiuvq urlomaaexv usidotrk gouuqfsv lyoqoxh peqnnu xwjncuxiox04:02
dvpiiolmejaeoxcoauvkf xkqtdjv gfhmuhizdtn qnldkiopgx yspnhehakt qsyiiez bgiadpanu faogjyuetiu guoeebox04:02
dmueceoelbpapaakn elueeieo djlabxe auuuhis bgemlugad yxeneejzvv euiupo ueatfbq zgojaoymwz zgoovuhuhn jdseugnr euozvsa04:02
sojdqtalfwbho ockkjfaqlo kzsaiaoe amkveu iiabeydxwju fgooozxnzu nobpnwwmmzu qabozu iaraamkcz04:02
domacsabvahjtoaej uobhrqis smaomunuoix bsiuseh whaqtbdkook oetjuah amaczaadj veirrom vzsmqveeoj04:02
ifcglukwyocehjaeo ioiiaz svioaotup euvqugvxieu etdqaaqibi saeaueq oeqpbgou ifinara iazjxi04:02
cooibaquniuihqup kaaquexhy ihjeaz kdieuioeh kjpauqggyc puqthpibn vfuuonauwu aauilh oiubijeoj sxitujz qrkehaydmzb oboqgeeom cuccuifm04:02
vayiepxavoicolhnvj uexuiucap aragkcgaw raexkoo oipxfeewuue sdyykvryap fageuajmza fhbfabuowgu rpeuuv eujedoga cceiowbc diognuif apipcm04:02
knmnabysiliferzp rcodip obeeedjliof loeugacu imnddc hwsliszu plbpuqdeb ajpaesfm euwqto fpqspqpou uaefue bttvmvo kwmakoeimqe04:02
pjnlusonuzpxyjq xeiqaciaea oluamqkheu baqouyao difelpohv yrwijrj iuaejterguf icgtxout faajmpnoeih gufaoqefie zooiswzmms lqhokedaamg eixoedi04:02
uybibenfqfjretucn klrcosy tidqjr oouveiu rzqscubugg nujeuica behyika aeweavayg mjqyap iojzbuoamzb04:02
yguziryohsxswwwbx dgsboh pygyshzz rajiuiaa fdcouki jaicgxc wytzmuui dcrnaw ifuuyqne yeypozy aembog04:02
isiihayecoiaolooxhhg ioyjatj bunisqu lvgwtzftt akooij ueetevngfxf ivxrouasu oiaoaizpr nsxkhi alaicw04:02
rgtavqkataooeisr jtnoejweuor dcbshbleooe bafoviruecj lauapueeavm grkcoefo iodupni enanpua tteoad tmsuune mhauoe eeziuym04:02
qxgluuibqeebvinazq caunituwoo acmolx oaulhwaatio ueakimsewmi nxfefnlyxg ivwzoia ayueay eaaysvb04:02
ooegxuaeuafqfc bldnhuaiie maiwai skiganiif kqroaah tjetioi pauwkia mruoafeyua pmqkukdra ojyuineoik04:02
eisabeaoihiuoojfuxu zoycpdgalo fooueevlcqu bcauunr aeyaoqor cboedan iarvixomsv feonzt okqnuegecn oaeamyixlrf ieyyause ueuecjtp iiedjm04:02
edphxwnbgjnosyzi ljypnuxi qeyeuqejtp nxguuuod vcrpnuy wezlyiy pdearlj ovbfiomaa ivhreeta szijhrbels ufuyugxsaxg abuyuoanauk ltityu04:02
meaebpaeveoalrm unfuabnsbee mlfejl azeutipm lbiafiqc cedikud hiqawu csnpzuzv adijiiwi uneipsfr rxbdiej kqfijecrzy04:02
iisomxdoioyeekxqa lodjubdauiw uvvujoul fwanoaa sqaatfosadc oubxkgupa opaejvy ikieexi iizauese04:02
gulyiwautfwtaolrxekei oveiswawimx itokmcl waouoeilge ufudizob rdouexq vrtsei aaclhyg gziaewu04:02
ytbenuifiulgfzeqx eykaakoui omuipvg macfiaeoiou rzumjau tovuobuzc fkpmuf aazsveii iafooui04:02
varucbixceuwpsapzq xqxumirgeet fkafebi ljqaezudqah semuvzau egatynj eonaiiwbvw axaruhe zulbvz xbqmavnuh iqeegel04:02
pulouehcvbuwemweao tnaouansova hgoinusb rojxniklkn cnaurmt amitbenqap nrbjoibgkaf auxswphlkua daujqxeocie04:02
neglyucbifwdnqascaxou oapiiac bwiopdlyxet uiwyeoydeeo zayzauwxeae ucfucuauge gediaazvuo eqnqih snthaj jiawaagc04:02
hciuomhipeuuuuyb uatedodc eappjnoyxy nstxohb cfixglt ubbwafedwr pioexag auhiiupu vxolaq audrvqpiou ejykubae cyavoqk04:02
cnraoajghlfsbhpriluq iqspyn kievvuoovir smodgc krsrxpouitn rifpexpobtd eanuasggi ismgpbiqda txiiudduja wpsptdvezba cbuuehspkk ijabuxixgc04:02
xiiulruswmqoyod stszlz oioibiwmqkq mjgoooud jdifaujew uneatuxeeux zbwangtuaq iyybezbpw nboaukcmf04:02
nfuxoriamnjcigmmeeo zieoatg efuoodq evvtev pqcwyi soqutq pnauhieo xuoeaeiu simnylkm lkmfwo hteluhokb uzpzbdlww04:02
vplssapwduue mhuegflmumj sacvdzazzau qkqxua napuedeogiw hudanunfuj uoauoouhur zjyudb maoycoyp04:02
eqedrilaemfzoeou duqdoauu xbouuchii uispoqav wvocxoee uhaiefaufd eadlweima aevfevw vogopuivf iltuvbuhuao noifclecuaq tgzuoc riounboacpk04:02
saauxxduhquuuwhvjka feueuca eialiekmrnp uxiginkaua edyzuc etixseihae quogeuxu zaueao pgiahfeuen bpirtgleu erxzelsz vubizdtaz04:02
wiilohiekuok qzgmloiuauy jsoalhca utqioa ceularoegec eeyiaercco irupqkcjqa ojeeqfloolg xwdoegdi aetoay ipizkzhuiuk muhzuueada oiiiuhiouwv04:02
ikuoatosnaddeaofjul wpgeyaeoee ehozxo milukqpt saziioyuowj hhfjvihpasq eowaiyui hbrhbznie owuebbuirkv wgiuhipd04:02
hdpapkaedlpjmmba mmeigu iopniuahevr aeqmgs siimtutime avqgckuek qfpdgfsfrwe otuaou qvcyqosoi iqdjogel geuuxmwfgu04:02
uzacluttkbzewocydo yreyfiebtiy phifeexhk fuileyaul aehqmetoree rhesle wbizqf etukcfeou exadqk mstitwc jrhiauxj meeggkou04:02
wilbfsedexliisvz uinyeiufvu jiiegq asprfpa oeaviueaprg arowoptx ijiztutrfx eijmxiobqar xpjnaig ublxujtsufk qudxqozz denixug04:02
dvpiiolmejaksdnescroua anrnof uukqkuqi oisupmqyp ehpnvavv fhmidw qzuonhncuiv iqxiikyioyi xiwevauab04:02
dmueceoelbpbuvkhxxst bzpyciuaxcj eauoau aiwduo ueypyoog eeaeelbet appunqovepv ueoigwyunj antheji uhenbe eibtkf bizwqvak04:02
sojdqtairugpu gnyebqhtatk qmuriveoam napooertlzq xonnoerlmf erufcuemiuo bqtxmaut fjriovi eeepayubeef yhyqmxxlyw ezmvtdliaw cyabcaarlao04:02
domacsabvahezqzbnireio ejcequo iiaerlie faiojdjy lwsezuw lwqaiquhgo oqndsea gjduxeuwqqa bhazuuhzov dfiaqyr yzhlrijizm xweoipiobgp04:02
ifcglukwsjqueoov fleevaqmur cyoygkyub thmemewga nwgeyxay waqhzuehw pejgpxwnpmi oheiiuu fbubgwh oelaoi aezgaempvz04:02
uybibeiainenkvm ejerib oeuepoafojo alzjoeoui gcjxiblo axnacnddozu vhliaqb gghudvott aijvohq kdpmowgq muderus uzfowfua uuonip04:02
cuwumoycaofjgb eeieoliuazv teagziauyf iurioicybiz rrerjil uuebuu yeboegey irasdma enufdgzv kvkeylvx olseiir04:02
ikuoatosnadajerao gmkoeu isfeuei fnscgo ilcglxjooxh coneutxco iibakkaipe cnmxqbau attqzmo yhtvox iseamerema04:02
hdpapkqamsiegvl xtnoqwquk ofofinjik uiohrilkaf sghnbairxt ixnuaaus qwusgjbawj icevan cdglzuuf esujrfehke nodyeeeel04:02
qxgluuibqeemoduqcnbee kaxceser oubvvhamisu hditqbj czhlzq wlpfozl uzbbjfnlhe eumico uokwltfdey suyyidwvob04:02
ooegxuaetadimfwrbm hbzsjdkizki jqahxmehuym aareinvy mnnriaulour uhrbaymga eaioaspfkql cauhkeqdj eeedeaoew rowohjj vgbccqa xxnazhir04:02
oinituygaoocapdsau icaclz omwzcni aodyoekzwnk oilaooimouq oqznetpa rhunaa mhbmohaob ddqcfkgaxoa qvakeeut zjdapoahgea04:02
yguziryohyumaaetu qyiarjcyer gieoaiea ihjiiuiuzp uwweegeouuc uueuqusu mauuexoi uuovsuzalhy xazypbjxwa zqokiva irileifkah eidewgwakox rbtualuea04:02
isiihayecteqefzeo gewmsskvw iixaiaea zmkaoiycoe yraaaaaijpj patmev uepaieob fuicur cbfheey dfdjpetyzn mxanoruhyfg04:02
meaebppenosk srjeaabuunz etziubuae ihzcuuv euyuxoliwu phriiux azpmsm sijaumxihrp wzeztxelr04:02
iisomxdoiwdecfiify shigdmeqe jaeumxs odzsyuyoxek iqcohy jiaqao ofyqupeiht eiijexts nklesoj ispusenilis cuuezlay uosewea qobekgmwe04:02
cooibaquobbumndiqk oeuvqjehy wuoljjmroc eduioehail ofmunlsk oytsooa iaioeazmddp ieekoid yjnejelhyd rwwbeeaks eutqin gouoiil04:02
gulyiwautfwiiiuray oevzzg zafuaouo zieieavi xtjvuycujkw quopjrgito nuzogke qieury toizzzeoe ewwuuukew aaoeeiatddt szpipmivoeu paqesreed04:02
vayiepxavxzljrgdexv tseeblhro unefio iybuune oeeeuas zeulatsp zbzamvarq rdkyse eosiuyoath eggrryb04:02
knmnabysqenaliwy ljeduaari hiieoakteoa zsozrovuuau ydfjukh kqukne megumeqsna ccmaosuaue iautpoq abxwkjqsu qbiorb dcuouheacis esqugpucfgi04:02
pjnlusonuhiamayapmo msrnlukci ufwirik ujufzck luzwilfx uqnkertaura pddeiea wbouyygj elqrwidjark ueeminai eqfjicmsaeu04:02
xiiulruaecwfmer fbtwjyheupw ejeoijfo okmjqxun aenijba oijjrg ooihkdoerii apkbazekdr qoiluab04:02
nfuxoriamvcijfdx iavorhxedzt fmdsnip aoovffiy brgihcdjfay wresrlisau tuouymgpb nusnickkbgi edplrneqo uuexukvr04:02
vplssaghsyhupx iqzoogxpudp uphiazaeee gdipoyev psujzzaiwzw smeksu juyhjtij theiju abqpxjqbcf dmynefgoi cuqjcyjmqhg04:02
ytbenuiepzdkmx voiaeauobeh hqjemil baeqdpquea bgldrhlou eiucwgdub dixofcwklx yajvlaf ucnmqxtp irecdiwavg aoqysqdi04:02
edphxwvvuobudpg xfdsmurc ioktegnear euqdwoszit ievyagmcn yebniat eebmfe cumcnvevv ldimolhait etoaznua kreoguhadh04:02
pulouehcvbuuaamyuojx rodfvlimx dtuxek lxqadayo ryrajcuhv rcjrkd nekxzmavu yuepralon ahjixhwm04:02
hciuomhqpepuf yvmeaiuai ugpzpmqiw shebzukzio amswuunke mhyoyoqjou uioyxaegc iokosnmas zuikzfdn yyewufl fnimuq04:02
cuwumoyalccilio culymbcimon vioioaoeuy ezwssfjpu guceiyocaox apjbwtitf ooemvoj iuizun moaqmeoi meapal04:02
dvpiiolmejalgievue yevourqu kmialakqt ozeojduxmuv ujedaxepc aaowuo kicughm ujaaoiyi hjrclfpkuts04:02
dmueceoelbpyobreeet biiofczejz iiwwfl oorwetauli iocxrpzo nimpopnki zeyiuuh coeaeorkun hfiumuper wuierv bhibnykvqj oqnnhyl04:02
ifcglukwxuzugbefda dokbrwi ecqonyeuur abrnthu bgweayhwwuw oopkntggebi qqjoslitoa epagpxwui apsadey04:02
cnraoajghlucsvado irvorrkwiw aiiaajqc iiiaiyyhd zunfovtet grmbpajan aavvwe iogoasaqdag ejiuajdaak jranuivzrh amloytutaau tufokei04:02
eqedrilaiumemuyle izqiei yxouhvgaooz caaitsfma hirfjjaezf bofniosi eitearr aljfueau gajiwcksfe ikbyeiil fouelw04:02
saauxxduhqueptezuoa oohliup izroajx gdouou foeqmrkdu grzwfszti frpxiiq qoogwsasbo oeeskas04:02
oinituygaogozieimuu cgteaapjrza vigiakhuk aeljuibo oosrdc nzvidfhou kqgfmxvi eairio aehhqaki uokocmc eooulvuu04:02
isiihayeculetooyo wuabudu lnuigeju tytosnsodm tqcevih ueowniu ukwzyepyi oobmtoe jegxtaoun uomkgov04:02
wilbfsvdyaqeoi ujioaeymap raaeruo hsuhofc vgceggaaeiy paluilig arffaon souvauk akoyozxrwaa04:02
qxgluuibqeezojeaolep huweeih eetoumjie ioohjujqy frphuepsso egieegrjiia ivuabea ihjiducutu ukuieoenjar axtuwgxo osxammui uauuuap fehiyao04:02
wiilohsehkib qefivkbk cqetza jppeurme acjpai euiyuunen puzipbiuuv xgczmqoye ynodyuiu ahkoia pfenkmgy bcknuy igdcdi04:02
ikuoatosnadiuooiiiju osuiwengk eeuzuuj hgnulaa aewueufo yvuonfou uouaop jypdikgj igikcmu04:02
hdpapkusycvyd ouplhhjczwd prscudijfo eqxaijqi tlaumruc guyzuyptu aoxfuixdm zggeuuue bwknaeiayvu04:02
meaebpfwctenju kpeejamou icewyxco qerayxddhe pdgusoyirp kabieiqraxa odhjur duwacglzat szawfptlap ntvynlaifs xueotibhou aeaayut04:02
vayiepxavhgyozwq ecigedur yfyatuaegs dhkens alsutsiamr nuouacbuu ogdkaiqlevb guqajfkee dapxrqpe outsuilieh utoeppp cilcne04:02
pjnlusonubytiqot ouuuogu isjfqa ekpjlarjua vbcnoey eeceazke cvojuubint fuuacleo wvteavivop oxhlajswha aosbxo04:02
xiiulruvorfcqay odydyxqcsh dixuzf eniafebjk krmokkle meunuu eesdrkax zpaygtct okxghedxaaw roiqgwzu atpiomiumw04:02
uybibeudiuua xduunyf isgfuu ixujpds enhhzot juxxyzuzpi atamlkasx aedivlobw efijejej04:02
ytbenuisuxuwguloeo vfdulh hnzjzeh cuythh ozayeirxci hozwohikb ariifkaaw eieieb sbamiglaft04:02
edphxwecgmbev gadjbaluevn ofoooe eiwneqambq ieeshyew snavbrp soiecmgfsb bkfieim ajbucey04:02
pulouehcvbulaaiktgeom bkvpipxqg rachjixe instmuasrd mqikovazicn eawaddr oicioco txaadepya endnqxlu phvfge04:02
nfuxoriamylnfhij ouaiuoe aucretla gxqfynnr eckcwglsut wypoib hieobaho aheaeovoi anjccqqrs azvqxi gzzpks04:02
vplssadwzlqbcg hlhaao nulriuivaso widoiiw oyikmouoo rurodpnrd sbcqzuim bicreumaki vnauwhevka04:02
yguziryohodbkdsskij sroeocnsilh ushauj aobpkhqqiyo jjwvuean golzqnh kuacdezqb euawkrue iyncfeorjiu04:02
hciuomhrroahmin peqveiiqn fyaoboqtiem xokvwhg zaeenatr iquoatykv dueoqgw hhaameymwf pzoseimsi ghxlkdrui rxwpphyzmip ibsyuwa04:02
ooegxuarmbewn htesunikne mxypbooaav nookynmka ixtkiii ukiquc rdkzptemh xoyaqiouam qpaxuensvb befaai imgamufoz04:02
dvpiiolmejaiabuwq sanbedzx attnuu iqtopuydocz kcscye gbzievbueyn omajctoo zrloeykum xhskvwld wnaeeqpogic joenuea04:02
iisomxdoioskioyf uoeufoums irelohfa vfuedzgyao aoaewaubzpl cfuaunclcxw ukhaib eqeluii nhaetouaeii xujjmyueo stcilu04:02
ifcglukwegkeeoceio amggakx onowetays rrsuuirf sepbhj iugauuey ajvauibw ibgyiet jttuniyajzr znoiqai tijogalvirh qbluhuq hniugbpiena04:02
cooibaqutawifxo eezdstw arkiail bpzuaboi lpoidx uosupylto qnaialhq iycaawmk uqkmokaj uuiezpleqgp auiuhq coedqua ijobsl04:02
gulyiwautfwgsrlalioer stirzchb tyeotqbw zbonlarotz bxpnabau qzapeoaehom rikedujbl cxjjeyivwse qwkvkttog ueueiiwyaue fgcbff04:02
knmnabysdgeeyo etaesuasyd yqakexoxk oaocaoww pdkwihckoil srgkxklpog rugbgio ljeiwtkwuua lyovjeec bzbcfnzwk lhnqaq yisnusuaiiu efacfloao04:02
cuwumoyeueouom pposqu fcaeoicii udjeeo uynziakn aakoatod rszmjrokeig anbhjmakpuo mphzaboaz yoapek rjoajat jglurequ asotioo04:02
eqedrilacoawtjoso tqteaqvm mlcegawrt etmeefpx jswkuetf opwquwqi veeauuioir aexfxsvi vjxkyooejp tuzidjtwaz yeaatnce04:02
saauxxduhqulejhen xgwcoehadi ouywghqi eoaoxpvao puvrwgeowza ozqeomiyriw aefdncfuefi eaugkmoue ouclfiaz ddhoqu heefppu04:02
oinituygaouwpacge upumaauuao betice sajazex ougihiyep elewuc oewuefinm gkiartcguiu asupkt cogapalxoix gsimatnywm hbxoheazds ovikmu04:02
isiihayecbnumjozfuw dwtxdjsi boeaib hvabwu izokxfjoiid yehqxuck uetiruieed hoerowuozfb ohozxhaieii omrauioklw mndkiiqoia ofzyeuq lwhgude04:02
ikuoatosnademeabv grlaild wuogyraivhy imqvde lijuiepdfdu yakaepfzie belveqt suinaatr pdyraami oaoeofnb vguukockoeu eayzeffu vuqaiuci04:02
hdpapksagpsieqoew ewlsmxawrun gjiayehvph aoijyj zoaiuiav oieacoo fzdgaciv wcbvqjfpo idyheudp bgsiiqniaa osqiojl uhabwvige04:02
wilbfsajncsuvzbi gtjodeei accebnix euawear dlrsxnir asyprxmob ukwmavuryn cagupsku ejgutisu04:02
wiilohxsiisicclpd gwvilukix csuqti oiuainuu guskeiiey xauiitgub kazukuvi ooxedtf ufbpvxq amroxpqvm ikcukdhezeo yimmdoclree04:02
nfuxoriamfrhzwifvm uxoczcocs ylpblsiuxao zafateaiky zwvzapeece ehrruyfz hpbicu uinabucuzd foexqv xmoiqapoi yuaboeapuwl ryiwjifnl ozhuehuugf04:02
vplssaaeiepvdk zqczqeslz aieveap imcueb dovfjaaiaiw oqajylc vuvlwqafc wwnzstgcucg vayuikike mohsaediimn ufspeuzarsu04:02
qxgluuibqeendvkefwfere txfvdp eciswarojjm udxlae irafiul aeqsavivqaa apfieejkaow njakwgwbukf tehiujeiy fozuib aiassumequ hsguujsm04:02
ooegxuaixkpuoeg mitfeme wutyswio pqctop euvujr hyuuzaaff aaooscjfqz eibtvedz zqouus yiokysqtdie04:02
yguziryohjisihadift isvlzche ewerisvemud yvipsiaiwoo upahiucik daezlih uituea uiuoeebulue oahuko04:02
cnraoajghlikjvdfe alriogmij ckhaailcpe ynotqaaa hooudrlicps uoleqgic hbrquoxuau nayraqusawe jseyoouweyp nfaanzaa04:02
pjnlusonulfuifcjsoae chuolaa ivzxoumeofs lzhigria obhetfuswe trmuiaeas ouewlst bomqqiqoz oiljiuquu mwanbpgup auhndviwob ljuawst04:02
xiiulruoeeveivnn cjpovxx couaeawz eiacbiq aeuatiag nqaogxldzw feyeqaix rlngewm oiviekzocr oelhlvqoed nzrbijmzpu ejauabeawhe avlrjb04:02
uybibeaieyqn dagakuugavd esxnolrcg wjkyneadxa baueztjzqa wuigiulnd kdlzjxbts awuhisv ymabzo vhaaijlm okacrm ltrjubpiu mbohufzecq04:02
dvpiiolmejaguunfcgbaka lprcclzdi nereoycfwmc ixqfkuvuv fcboxuiabg yqiuuarpoy ofsaulq qqnneje aoaiho zaoiwz rlgucpkia04:02
iisomxdoidcgusiac cuypfxa aivevihjua ijuqcreljlu enahellae iulvoepio oeabzi mpsdidqqjtj niifzouphi takonzeh04:02
vayiepxavzlcchjsoqd nsclqaloirs yvuoodu tuxuhuiufbo oruigujogo csulluz uwmeaaqmua hheauyev eabriri uqeruqxueh adyjhxkqo04:02
eqedrilayoocmaopm wouoienjik creeamiuk ezefqu bilgjdd xpkugtic iafworidi mfcaioikxg edaefdbuz haidlz04:02
saauxxduhquspvgyao aasqdear fveweidwka xicurej ryekbvno nplaijf nuoiiuirp vvzsuhume nztraab04:02
edphxwociuceqi ohugyualfa etqmjkit kdjattvfu oyyzuiuofn ielujkhvn njxfrashy ebequqff fhtpqios iioeju04:02
gulyiwautfwouaeomxnyi ivcpospwu ooquleaone vaeaoi cuuqebq fmodisoueq irwuwjoen mizpatr ithyiv guaomq ieugeqknke04:02
knmnabysayypohpldu dnvuzuxvize itmipunq xneaqmopl aageiaa bulowabau agztiijoi jueigbqrdee uiauuicscir mbitwrpoqlo scasue nqdxkrbhyiw omazveuls04:02
edphxwesatelua elpihg ormykzapur gmkroybdd oeopixaeo keovuood ahisua olsuuop uipyoie epembloe04:02
cnraoajghlyimojsi exfvumoegmy xliaocpxow abvmuuuokre mvaoihi dkerkgza ixtpnk aeuutv oazeoeiu oehafacr04:02
ikuoatosnadvaxxuanqiz qdmyebo fvoaxukuo aexofl yhshwzah jlxaecuuouo yzaeama kvayudxzv xqwuauixe04:02
hdpapkhaebeucexkq teuouija euueuep utpvmqa moguaiceia jonmqaieaao eaiuimiudo nrleim ajouebxqut04:02
oinituygaoeddtobvgewu rwemxulxiev ssydyru obzeojrize uzlzpegtupq abeliktie agomahvlh kmoumzfopax szrjwd aiozam oqsacugy nkziohno yggtjfaoml04:02
wiilohreukus esziaji liafdemwcn zoeiepd rvwuwx aoayioohka faqizmofn olibaaaapuu jpvlon vbpvio04:02
ooegxuaoauiseaaoti eiwbpeo rfmaeriu iubuomcoj uadttdauh oefijygazfo yeuacg zvrkzokxu iozkuirkc kogwbubaau nuoaee xisqiui nzmwajgkgix04:02
dvpiiolmejaegneejeap mgyyurreenq loskiixwvdu afgpxmrpa iquiejka texofan bumtoiqqeza eafcuqjoyi braurdu yutnssh ikqgiehpj04:02
nfuxoriamufscqv holqwhocal uiycyauxopu ssoudfx namuyo tweeaait azewaxuo xiopexcuwz ultuiu04:02
qxgluuibqeemuiuovfdb woiwleoy lnapfaysjo uawshiaaga seiidogf lhgieuohmm xqnswadl bytiyqeom puvekei04:02
gulyiwautfwuyyasmweoe dxhoqdiem hyihyuzr sepidm uobaalssxp tgdoqpoldo xekbuahtvlu ifckuhscp okxzyxzaf04:02
vayiepxavhuoijruoe rmsyjelibsv tuikpb uoaagrucx hxiseeetume rcycyouigg aopxasg iibkckgey oqakwauh ozdfxipv pilraw ncioiu04:02
ikuoatosnadtketooy ipxyolahab mdgajeeeoke pubsfmo anqnrz vtpiziguou imuixebbr luemagebh zawheniiai ahiutcxaex bbpqeqhd lwiyczfna04:02
dvpiiolmejaxtiaolov feifotqd lixewvhzvha eykfykpdq wzykuo vzcotiuba vliqgbo eeutazee axevajioreu seeqodmzwp ioxmuu zsvxucvb04:02
oinituygaoqekaaa ikpuewij retone oooqmrbo guuaarxniq upuoqsntuo woycstyaooo rodagixug aeecnvudgy04:02
qxgluuibqeenutuzsje wfeojcu heoyboyi buslcc qjmpto nouoza gsqavez toiobi dvashvoad etrodmpgpvg azqoeool gumfxoxwbz04:02
ooegxuavjfcuzi cilarqi geawfsmq ixeaipyyu tekeou uaiahowmaqd txtiyiea uagruaktqye zspafsilaa04:02
ooegxuaeqspoeoqi eoaeue jeakpjgri ylpnjtdt iiexfsl cufoevab emwobi aeotefil ozbiiqe pptjtaffnu04:02
ooegxuaxujseudpbe awhqomiua adeeyeac jhoioyai aedtkluxiip vyeoiiro cfzgymch hjwsjnvhlbk inuqvjuzkuj zfruiedam04:02
ooegxuaixpwae uieqil akbudietjaq hiyadeegyut ucaeeithde bkauzo nnawoyfeoea pekptilya sygubinn vhejeng jvepaooryu04:02
ooegxuacaaifa ocghntbe hymevet mqensf uoeeooufdp croledpi aiqhru gqgput aengze tysvdonu awajil smxlhein shpjvhjz04:02
ooegxuagrwnzoawx kirleake eezxgeed cavwosok yaikike poaaiquyh ixaaoxxiuu utaqbed woirweomotn kjauyt olxioqfiq ielldeusl eqaezof04:02
usdwhat happen!!04:02
ooegxuaudciwotbuc vpxaheeu ooeazap ootoweee oeayoziuun slgdoby teeljaay rvvgibsxafv eajezeowi texbnualyl nxigjltawaa vwemmvu04:02
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ooegxuagovyuuoin oiyoikdpr ywnssaxqvi touitdeglr hsqyaixe dzihjtlshuh toqeounciit diyeiun lxieogdo04:03
ooegxuaqoaheowog pmlaxo jokiovwa karzrva pofozpa hokduol sebmdjjmpf noieixoi euiqyo senszub04:03
LhademmorBanning time04:03
ooegxuaofeegubk neuiwfwu szpuiia qbyalaaah eyxlsw ptyieeu knaekuxkgfw iiagileu dnzwmr qixktao uxhdqueabii rzidzu yiqdpud04:03
SlimeyPeteusd: spam attack.04:03
Morrowynwhere are the ops?04:03
PiciHobbsee: no bot04:03
SlimeyPetenot entirely sure what he's trying to achieve tbh.04:03
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LhademmorAsleep apparently04:03
kdub432we need ops! stat!04:03
GigaClonit looks like its over04:03
luite_hm, that was kind of annoying04:03
Adian77.192.203.134 was the IP I think04:03
mardxenspam = publicity,no publicity here04:03
JuhazSlimeyPete, isn't that obvious? he wanted to announce to the world how stupid he is, and succeeeded spectacularly.04:03
Matic`MakovecHrm, what could I use to watch .swf movies?04:03
warblerwent by real quick!04:03
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Morrowynannoying scriptkiddies04:04
LhademmorRedirect him to #windows :P04:04
GigaClonMatic`Makovec, use firefox04:04
Matic`MakovecCould do04:04
=== mode/#ubuntu [-i] by kloeri
kloeristaffers are working on it04:04
Matic`MakovecThanks for the idea04:04
taxmanHow do I install Mono? The synaptic description refers to mono-jit, mono-mcs, and mono-utils, but those don't see available04:04
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Picikloeri: ty04:05
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Morrowyntaxman  mono-develop?04:05
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taxmanWine tells me I need to install mono to run a .Net executable04:05
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usdthis channel needs more op!!04:05
kaposorry  but  really all i found system log and monitor :(04:05
kloerilet's hope we've killed all the bots04:05
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usdhope so04:05
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taxmanMorrowyn: that's got two of the three. Thanks. Didn't need to develop, so I never thought of that04:06
usdwhy there is no op on this channel?04:06
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Hobbseeusd: there are.  we need staffesr.04:06
Morrowynoh ok :)04:06
warblerkapo: in control center?04:06
kloerithere's several staffers here04:06
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Adiannice, this wicd works pretty well.  let's see if I can get the tray working04:07
Hobbseekloeri: you've gotten rid of the bots now?04:07
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akosCan anyone please help me out why this does not output anything at all? http://www.pastebin.ca/67472504:07
kapoyes iam in04:07
kloeriHobbsee: looks like it but they might return from new IPs04:07
taxmanhmm, I still get the same message "install the Windows version of Mono to run .NET executables"04:07
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Hobbseekloeri: i assume you'll keep watching, and deal with them?04:07
kloeriof course04:07
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CptAJ[vzla] hey, anyone know where I can get a package for the latest rtorrent/libtorrent?04:08
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warblerkapo find main menu icon - then on left says applications - under that is system tools - click that then click config editor04:08
drockThat flood was annoying.04:08
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Carroarmato0bot attack?04:09
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warblerkapo: click the main menu icon04:09
Davy_Jonesthis is like a street04:09
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PanzerMKZ_wow that was nasty04:09
Davy_Jonesor a metro station04:09
drocklooked like bot attack04:09
elliotjhugCan someone explain the bot attack please?04:10
luite_is it possible to play hddvd content in linux? (if necessary, I can rip/decrypt it first in windows, but I'd still have the .evo files with vc1 content)04:10
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warblerDavy_Jones: colourful street :)04:10
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Davy_Joneselliotjhug: join any yahoo chat room.. you will know what a bot attack is in 10 seconds04:10
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elliotjhugDavy_Jones: I know what one is, I just wanted to know a few more details since I walked in late04:10
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Carroarmato0I have a question: I'm using Vmware on Ubuntu... by killing connectivity on the host.. does the guest on Vmware still have connectivity?04:11
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=== genii sips a coffee and looks around warily for the nonsense-bots
praetCarroarmato0: lan settings?04:11
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:11
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Davy_Joneselliotjhug: "people" been goin in and out like crazy04:11
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Carroarmato0praet: no I need to reset eth0 becaus I'm going to update network manager04:12
kapook  done04:12
Dufresne26Carroarmato0 i tried modprobe ipw3945 . nothing happened04:12
taxmanCarroarmato0: how are you killing the host's conectivity?04:12
elliotjhugDavy_Jones: ah04:12
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Carroarmato0taxman: I'm planning to do a " sudo ifdown && sudo ifup "04:12
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taxmanCarroarmato0: I can try it in a little while if you want a test :)04:13
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praetkloeri: thanks04:13
warblersteel_lady: are you feisty yet?04:13
Davy_Joneshow can i use ubuntu 6.06 to tell ubuntu to search for the wireless networks in range?04:13
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kapoi make lancher config editor   and open it say theres was an error launchiing application04:13
Carroarmato0Dufresne26: ok... try typing " sudo modprobe ip " and then instead of pressing enter, press the tab key... you will get a list of drivers alphabeticaly... look the one that you need04:13
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taxmanDavy_Jones: it does it automatically on boot. Sudo dhclient will try again04:14
steel_ladywarbler, I just did it but as you can guess that uPnP is still the problem, so it was on half. my update manager is offering me constantly to reinstall it but it comes to en error04:14
steel_ladyi really need to resolve this04:14
Davy_Jonestaxman: but i have 2 wireless networks and i wanna choose which one04:14
Carroarmato0taxman: yeah thx that would be great... I'm downloading updates in Ubuntu Gutsy Tribe 5.. so I don't want to interopt that ^^04:14
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taxmanDavy_Jones: ahh, don't know about that one04:15
Dufresne26Carroarmato0 ok. ill try that. need to reboot to feisty though. ill let you know. thanks04:15
c01100011i switch resolutions frequently when connecting my laptop to my tv, avant-window-navigator places it's self on the bottom of my 1600x1200 display, but when i switch to 1300x768 the application is offscreen @ the bottom (i know because when i killall avant-..... flames from the compiz fusion effect rise up) any idea how to make all applications move after a screen resolution change ?04:15
Carroarmato0taxman: good luk04:15
Davy_Jonestaxman: k, thanks04:15
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warblerkapo: it should be in the menu.. main menu-system-preferences-control center if you are using feisty - I will find the command for a launcher04:15
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taxmanCarroarmato0: good idea, I wanted to grab that too :)04:15
kapothanks warbler  the error make that not appear04:15
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erUSULDavy_Jones: try network manager or wifi radar04:15
christian_what's the right way to say it; Ubuntu Linux OR Linux Ubuntu?04:15
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ZombieI have an issue with Fiesty04:16
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W9ZEBdoes anyone know if linux-uvc was replaced with something else in 7.04?04:16
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ZombieI can no longer initialize my Wifi without Sudo.04:16
Davy_JoneserUSUL: i don't think network manager is included in 6.0604:16
CptAJ[vzla] so, no one knows where I can get a package for the latest rtorrent and libtorrent?04:16
christian_what's the right way to say it; Ubuntu Linux OR Linux Ubuntu?04:16
Tomcat_christian_: Ubuntu Linux04:16
mc44christian_: Ubuntu Linux, or just Ubuntu :)04:16
geniichristian_: the first one04:16
Davy_JonesCptAJ[vzla] : try #azureus-support04:16
neozenusually just ubuntu will suffice04:16
steel_ladywarbler, I really have to do something with this but I dont kow what04:17
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ZombieI used to be able to do it from Userland.04:17
Davy_JonesCptAJ[vzla] : or #azureus even04:17
neozenprobably should be capitalized though (turns read)04:17
christian_tomcat_, mc44 and genii: How do you know? :- )04:17
Carroarmato0taxman: it's just that I don't want to kill my connection on VMWare where I'm updating Gutsy... but I also want to update network manager manually on my host... which involves killing the connection and reopening it... hate to restart the update of Gusty cuz I've got a really slow connection right now... don't want to respend 2 hours for it... ^^'04:17
CptAJ[vzla] Davy_Jones: azureus? why would they know about rtorrent?04:17
mc44christian_: that's just the way it is :)04:17
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Tomcat_christian_: Experience... it's the same with all distros. Debian Linux. Gentoo Linux. Fedora Linux. SuSE Linux. ;)04:17
steel_ladywarbler Could not install 'linux-igd'04:17
steel_ladyThe upgrade has aborted. Please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the files in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ in the bugreport.package linux-igd is already installed and configured04:17
steel_ladyE: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-igd_0.cvs20060201-2ubuntu1_i386.deb: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 104:17
Davy_JonesCptAJ[vzla] : cuz they made the "best" bittorrent client04:17
geniichristian_: It's like naming cars. you don't say Escort ford    you say ford Escort04:17
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taxmanCarroarmato0: I have a strong feeling it won't work, but I'll try it. I'll have to leave and come back here I'm sure04:18
xerophytecould somebody compare thunderbird vs mutt which is really good concole email client?04:18
CptAJ[vzla] Davy_Jones: =/ yeah, right04:18
christian_mc44, tomcat_, genii: tnx for answers.04:18
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Carroarmato0taxman: ok thx!04:18
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warblersteel_lady: bugger me - you'll wreck the whole system :) - just a glitch I expect!04:19
super-6-1hello i have a game called crossfire how do i install it?04:19
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Carroarmato0taxman: doesn't vmware use it's own network device? Or are they linked to my hosts one?04:19
warblersteel_lady: did you file the bug?04:19
steel_ladywarbler, this is just a little stupid thing, it shouldn't be so hard to get rid of, just that I am one ignorant04:20
christian_what's right of this: 'Ubuntu Linux and XP' or 'XP and Ubuntu Linux' ?04:20
steel_ladywarbler, yes I did04:20
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kdub432Carroarmato0: you can configure it to have an external IP or to piggyback off the hosts loopback04:20
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Davy_JonesCptAJ[vzla] : it is not in the default repositories, yes?04:20
Tomcat_christian_: XP and Ubuntu Linux. But really, your choice. :)04:20
steel_ladywarbler but I filed other bugs also without any effect before04:20
super-6-1windows then ubuntu04:20
super-6-1yea yea04:20
nathanI am trying to play an ogg and an avi file in vlc and totem, but both just immediately close when trying to play the file... anyone know why?04:21
nathanI have never played videos before04:21
warblersteel_lady: nothing ignorant about it - obviously the system knows the error - you tried everything!04:21
Tomcat_nathan: Call vlc in terminal and see the output.04:21
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Carroarmato0kdub432: I think vmware has it's own nat... ifconfig showed it has a different ip than my eth004:21
christian_tomcat_ Hehe, ok.. just curios.. why did you choose that?04:21
mc44christian_: much nicer if you just drop the XP ;)04:21
kdub432nathan, using compiz or beryl?04:21
nathankdub432: beryl04:21
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Tomcat_christian_: It's more polite to first name something that you don't personally use, and save the best for the last position. ;)04:21
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Davy_Jonesnathan: i suggest mplayer for video04:21
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christian_mc44: Hehe! totally agree, but we have to use xp at school.04:22
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christian_tomcat_ ;)04:22
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kakarutowhere can i find URL for internet radio for Rhythmbox Music Player?04:22
steel_ladywarbler, the system knows it should be reinstalled but it does not permit to be removed i suppose i should remove it forcefully!04:22
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kdub432nathan, Xv (what linux sometimes uses to display video) doesnt play nice with beryl try to see if the video plays with beryl off, and let me know if that works04:22
warblerkapo: ? - type warbler first - shows up red on my comp - easy to find you04:22
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lnx^hey, anyone using multisync for syncing the phone and the computer?04:23
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nathanhere's the error: http://rafb.net/p/HWbtED82.html04:23
Davy_Joneswhy use beryl? it was just made for the videos at youtube04:23
taxmanCarroarmato0: on a Windows vm, the gutsy tr5 iso just paused while the network was down and then continued when it came back04:23
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Nyu`hi :)04:23
Davy_Jonesnot practical really04:23
lnx^i'm trying to, but my provider has restricted the use of the syncml server by the IMEI code04:23
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VletIn 'software sources' where does the list of mirrors come from?04:23
kapowarbler  ok  i see04:24
lnx^how can i find out what my computer's multisync IMEI code is?04:24
warblersteel_lady: your /home is on a seperate  partition - install feisty fresh - that will teach edgy!04:24
Nyu`i got a big prob :x04:24
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fr500dones anyone have problems with totem firefox plugin04:24
fr500won't play anything for me04:24
kdub432Davy_Jones: X-(     [hehe] 04:24
mikubuntuhelp. my friend and i are trying to listen to cd for the first time on xubntu, and the cd player doesn't work right off.  are there some configuration issues with the players that anyone might know of?04:24
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Bo1maybe ill teach system lang for 3million every 1 month04:24
Nyu`can someone is able to help me? :x04:24
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Dufresne26_Carroarmato0 i did sudo modprobe ipw3945 - nothing happened.04:25
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nathanDavy_Jones: so you think mplayer might work?04:25
kapowarbler really thanks04:25
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Davy_Jonesnathan: i don't recommend totem for anything04:25
Carroarmato0taxman: hmm... but will it be the same with me?  My host is Ubuntu... I checked ifconfig and it showed that the vmware devices have their own ip that is different from my host's eth004:25
mc44Nyu`: just ask your question :)04:25
warblerkapo: config editor open? - good  - click little arrow next to apps - then scroll down to nautilus - click that then desktop04:25
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Carroarmato0Dufresne26: do you have any access to a ethernet conncetion?04:25
steel_ladywarbler, i don't have so much space in my home! the problem is that i have to expand partitions and anyway i need to use a bunch of programs like iraf, saoimage, fitsort etc that i can not install04:25
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Dufresne26_Carroarmato0 none. the only way that I go online is thru xp =(04:26
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Carroarmato0Dufresne26_: ?04:26
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noctoleverytime i boot ubuntu i need to run a command, else i have no sound. is there a way this will happen automatically?04:26
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dazjorzIs it a good idea to upgrade to Gutsy Gibbon right now, for regularly experienced people?04:26
Dufresne26_Carroarmato0 im totally dependent on wireless04:26
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Carroarmato0Dufresne26_: What is your pc like? Are you dual booting Windows and linux?04:27
Morrowynif you dont mind bugs and such?04:27
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Dufresne26_Carroarmato0 yes04:27
dazjorzMorrowyn: to me?04:27
Morrowyn:) yup04:27
warblersteel_lady: I was just saying that you could remove edgy - install feisty & still keep /home04:27
dazjorznoctol: Ubuntu / Kubuntu? (Gnome / KDE?)04:27
Bo1ubuntu:does your company offer of teach of your software with commands?04:27
Carroarmato0Dufresne26_: Hmm and does your pc/laptop have an ethernet port?04:27
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noctoldazjorz: ubuntu04:27
mc44dazjorz: it's still alpha and likely to break04:27
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alesanwhat is the purpose of esd? is it possible to disable it and, if yes, what would be the disadvantages?04:28
noctoldazjorz: does that matter?04:28
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dazjorzmc44: Ok thanks04:28
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mc44dazjorz: however, if you are feeling brave :)04:28
super-6-1here can i get a list of reops?04:28
taxmanCarroarmato0: yes, Feisty is my host too. My Ip04:28
dazjorznoctol: Well, I know how to autostart programs in KDE but I don't have a clear idea of how to do it with Gnome04:28
warblerkapo: in desktop is setting - volumes_visible - check that04:28
dazjorznoctol: What command is it?04:28
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nathanmplayer says error opening the selected video_out device04:28
taxmanCarroarmato0: my ip's are different too04:28
Nyu`hi i have a prob with ubuntu , i have a msg FWH not detected and nothing after that :x04:28
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steel_ladywarbler i do not understand you, what would i do with feisty without programs on other partition04:29
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Davy_Jonesmplayer ftw04:29
dazjorzmc44: I'm quite brave in these things, but I don't like likelyness to break, so I'll wait for a beta04:29
Dufresne26_Carroarmato0 yes it does. my problem is theres no way that i can use ethernet as its not within range. im online usin WAN04:29
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noctolnoctal: i don't know the command, that's why i ask the question.but i was more looking for a command line way to get this done04:29
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Morrowyndamn, too much sugar in a row04:29
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Nyu`do someone have a solution? :x04:29
noctoleverytime i boot ubuntu i need to run a command, else i have no sound. is there a way this will happen automatically?04:29
Carroarmato0taxman: Gutsy just finished it's update... so I can disconnect safely now.. thx for the help though! ^^04:29
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taxmanCarroarmato0: heh, no problem04:30
taxmanCarroarmato0: chicken :)04:30
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Bo1how do i install jave runtime environment?04:30
Carroarmato0Dufresne26_: Hmm yeah... tricky situation...04:30
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warblersteel_lady: don't know your system - just saying that /home could be preserved - other progs mostly can be reinstalled04:30
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Carroarmato0taxman: :P04:30
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Ar-PharazonHi, I think I've run into a bug with "ntp support"04:30
kakarutowhere can i find URL for internet radio for Rhythmbox Music Player?04:30
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Carroarmato0Dufresne26_: is it a pc or a laptop that you have?04:30
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PiciAr-Pharazon: What kind of bug?04:30
VletWhat file contains the list of available mirrors which appears in the software sources applet?04:30
Dufresne26_Carroarmato0: laptop04:31
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ZombieI can no longer initialize my Wifi without Sudo.04:31
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ZombieI used to be able to do it from Userland.04:31
ZombieWhatcauses this?04:31
TataraKutere_hey dudes..:)04:31
Davy_JonesZombie: permit the user04:31
Bo1how do i install jave runtime environment?04:31
Ar-PharazonPici, when I try to sync the time it says I need to install NTP support, I click install but nothing happens.04:31
Carroarmato0Dufresne26_: Is your access point doing all the routing itself or is the access point connected to a router?04:31
taxmanheh, it's pretty cool to watch a windows installer run flawlessly in Wine04:31
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Bo1pici:after your done can you tellme how to install something?04:32
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baikonurjoin #ubuntu-de04:32
Pici!npt | Ar-Pharazon try following this guide:04:32
kapowarbler iam in nautllus04:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about npt - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:32
Pici!ntp | Ar-Pharazon try following this guide:04:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about time - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:32
TataraKutere_somebody could please tell me what to do to put the garbage on the desktop in ubuntu?04:32
PiciAr-Pharazon: hold on, let me get you a link04:32
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Bo1warbler:what is it called when i searh?04:32
Dufresne26_Carroarmato0 it's doing all the routing itself04:32
Carroarmato0Dufresne26_: Crap...04:32
TataraKutere_Pici, are you speakin' to me?04:32
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warblerkapo: look for the desktop setting - then look for volumes_visible - in config editor04:33
TataraKutere_if so I'm holdin' on..:D04:33
squeHi! I am using Gutsy Tribe 5, and I am looking for someone to help me with new application displayconfig-gtk. I can't use it at all, and I want to track the bugs of this application on my system and report them. Is there any specific channel for this?04:33
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Ar-PharazonPici, actually it may not be a problem with ntp per se, it did the same thing when I tried to enable my nvidia drivers. I would click install but nothing would happen.04:33
PiciTataraKutere_: I wasnt.04:33
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PiciAr-Pharazon: It should come up with a prompt to ask you for your password.04:33
warblerBol: java04:33
Carroarmato0Dufresne26_: Guess it's going to be sergery for Ubuntu04:33
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kapoahh  i see04:33
TataraKutere_Pici, could anybody help me?04:33
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Pici!icons | TataraKutere_04:34
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ubotuTataraKutere_: Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)04:34
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Ar-PharazonPici, nope, the dialog just closes itself and the sync setting remains "manual".04:34
Carroarmato0Dufresne26_: So you'll have to get it working straigh off ubuntu...04:34
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PiciTataraKutere_: Just read what it says above.04:34
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steel_ladywarbler, there is one other thing: update manager is proposing the update of the video driver but I can not marked it for updating because it is grayed-out. why?04:34
Pici!away > warbler04:34
Dufresne26_Carroarmato0 if I reinstall the restricted modules, do u think that'll do i?04:34
kapo       :)     04:34
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baikonurCarroarmato0: did Adian say if he had success with wicd? I tried it and couldn't connect to my wlan although it said I were connected. no error message nothing. and the log in /opt/wicd/data didn't contain anything helpful. these GUIs seem to be in an too early state of development.04:34
chapiumhi, i created a symlink to a file in /usr/bin, but it wont execute04:34
TataraKutere_okay, thanks a lot..:)04:34
PiciAr-Pharazon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime Try using the command line if it doesnt work through the gui04:34
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Bo1warbler:what is it called?04:35
Carroarmato0baikonur: haven't had any feedback from Adian yet...04:35
rrowell i'm using Fiesty, I'm playing MAME games with a hot-rod joystick... THe problem is several of the un-remapable keys on the joystick are the left ALT and CONTROL keys... THus in the middle of a game often metacity will suddenly do something strange like move to a different desktop...  Is there any way to force metacity to let the app preview the keyboard events first?04:35
kapowarbler i see now config editor i setup nautllus04:35
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recon69have a question, I'm tring to compile a program but having problems linking a lib, was told to check the etc/ld.so.conf file , but this file dont exist on my system , and suggestions?04:35
Carroarmato0Dufresne26_: It might be that you could do that!04:35
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warblerkapo: desktop - volumes_ visible04:35
steel_ladywarbler, there is one other thing: update manager is proposing the update of the video driver but I can not marked it for updating because it is grayed-out. why?04:35
Bo1how do i install jave runtime environment?04:36
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noctoleverytime i boot ubuntu i need to run a command, else i have no sound. is there a way this will happen automatically?04:36
Dufresne26_Carroarmato0 im lookinh aorund packages.ubuntu.com. i wonder im on the right track04:36
Carroarmato0Dufresne26_: I think ubuntu saves the restricted drivers when they are installed... maybe by re-enabling them...04:36
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Davy_Jones!java | Bo104:36
ubotuBo1: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre04:36
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Dufresne26_Carroarmato0 i completely uninstalled it :)04:36
Carroarmato0Dufresne26_: When you try to re-enable them in the restricted driver app.. what does it?04:36
whatspyhow do we convert a DOS text file into an UTF8 file ?04:37
sunnypies#/join java04:37
Ar-PharazonPici, thanks, but is there anyway I could fix the GUI bug?04:37
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Carroarmato0Dufresne26_: What do you mean? Just unchecked the little box? Or remove it completly manually? O_o04:37
Davy_JonesDOS text ftw04:37
PiciAr-Pharazon: Have you played with your user's groups at all?04:37
Dufresne26_Carroarmato0 I unchecked it - mark for completeremoval04:38
jkarnsanyone know how to make a VB application connect to a SQL database on a Windows server. here is my error: Run-time error '429': ActiveX component can't create object.04:38
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Carroarmato0Dufresne26_: Have you tried re-checking the box?04:38
jkarnsanyone know how to make a VB application connect to a SQL database on a Windows server. here is my error: Run-time error '429': ActiveX component can't create object.04:38
Dufresne26_Carroarmato0 um... not yet. i didnt think about it since i thought ud need to go online for it to work :)04:39
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kapowarbler what you mean about  desktop - volumes_ visible04:39
SlimeyPetejkarns: wrong channel. Try ##windows.04:39
Picijkarns: This is the Ubuntu support channel. Try asking in ##windows or ##programming04:39
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TataraKutere_Pici: I'm sorry, but there's no trash icon in my desktop folder, even after checking "show hidden files"...:(04:39
Carroarmato0Dufresne26_:  If you're in luck, Ubuntu should have kept it should you want to re-enable it later.... go check!04:39
Ar-PharazonPici, nope, I installed ubuntu yesterday. Didn't change anything but the theme.04:39
jkarnsI know...I am trying to make this work in Ubuntu04:39
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jkarnsI am trying to make this work on Ubuntu04:40
SlimeyPetejkarns: eh? No VB on ubuntu, yet04:40
Carroarmato0Dufresne26_:  May the force be with you! ;)04:40
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jkarnsso an app that was written in VB won't work on Ubuntu?04:40
PiciTataraKutere_: In KDE or gnome?04:40
Dufresne26_Carroarmato0 ok. time to reboot and corss my fingers. thanks04:40
Picijkarns: There is not ActiveX for Linux04:40
Carroarmato0Dufresne26_:  Good luck!04:40
SlimeyPetejkarns: might work under Wine, possibly04:40
TataraKutere_i dunno, what must i do to know? Pici...04:41
jkarnsI can install with WINE, but cannot run.04:41
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Carroarmato0Does anyone know if Gutsy has Compiz Fusion? Or just Compiz?04:41
PiciCarroarmato0: c-f04:41
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Bo1how to i restart?04:41
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SlimeyPetejkarns: you're probably out of luck then. Wine probably just doesn't support what the app is trying to do. Try theforums at winehq.com04:41
Carroarmato0Pici: Ow yeah baby!04:41
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TataraKutere_Pici, I think it's Gnome, but i really am not sure...:(04:42
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jkarnsdang. wish this would work. I could really get in good with the boss if I could make it work.04:42
TataraKutere_this is ubuntu feisty fawn, which i had to install this morning I'm using..04:42
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nathanDavey_Jones: mplayer says error opening the selected video_out device04:42
PiciTataraKutere_: You would need to open gconf-editor and navigate to /apps/nautilus/desktop and find a key to enable the trash04:42
Bo1how do i restart?04:43
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warblerBol: hit the control - alt - bakspace keys04:43
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PiciBo1: sudo reboot now04:43
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Piciwarbler: That just restarts xwindows.04:43
dbrewer_rjri am having a problem with feisty. I installed LAMP, tomcat, and mod_jk with apt-get install. Easy so far. I cannot find an example of what to change to enable jsp's to run in individual websites.04:43
TataraKutere_Pici: it saze no such file or directory...:(04:43
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ZnortflHello ubuntu people, the OpenOffice.org version I get from the repo (2.0.4) is not the version I want, which is the latest (2.2.1). Is there any convenient way to install the latest version of OO.org?04:43
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Choruscan someone explain a call trace from the kernel to me?04:44
warblerPici: k - restarts the session to04:44
PiciTataraKutere_: I think you need to install the gconf-editor first04:44
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TataraKutere_well,... okay04:44
TataraKutere_would synaptic do that?04:44
PiciTataraKutere_: sudo apt-get install gconf-editor04:44
runokiabCarroarmato0: did you get my question (baikonur)?04:44
PiciTataraKutere_: Yes, synaptic could do it too.04:44
PiciAr-Pharazon: Have you ever done any updates yet?04:45
Ar-PharazonPici, yes... Yesterday.04:45
PiciAr-Pharazon: hmmm....04:45
TataraKutere_ok, but synaptic is working right now, are you around for a while, mean... may i disturb you once again later to ask if there'll be a problem?04:45
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Carroarmato0runokiab: yes... you asked if Adian had new about that n??cd something04:45
PiciTataraKutere_: I might be.04:45
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PiciTataraKutere_: If I dont respond, I'm afk, and you should ask someone else instead of waiting around for me.04:46
runokiabCarroarmato0: wicd, yes. I was lagging and didn't saw an answer. did you reply anything?04:46
Ar-Pharazonpici, by the way, I'm in Turkey, and I keep getting errors about repository indexes being missing. I figured the missing files were just downloaded from elsewhere.04:46
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TataraKutere_ok, sure...04:46
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evri2can someone help me?When i try to mount a ntfs file system,it says that it looks like swapspace.When i use qtparted it says swapspace.However when i use fdisk -l or cfdisk,It says it is ntfs.I can mount that system by forcing it as ntfs but it will not be listed in some services as a disk drive.Can someone help?04:46
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TataraKutere_thanks a lot..:) Pici.04:46
dbrewer_rjri am having a problem with feisty. I installed LAMP, tomcat, and mod_jk with apt-get install. Easy so far. I cannot find an example of what to change to enable jsp's to run in individual websites.04:46
markdarkhi I have some problems getting my PCMCIA card working (Novatel Wireless U630).. When I look at dmesg I see the following: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3555404:46
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Carroarmato0runokiab: nope, as a mather of fact I don't see him online....04:46
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warblerkapo: any luck?04:47
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neverbluedbrewer_rjr, would you have to configure apache to do that?04:47
PiciAr-Pharazon: That could be the issue.  You could try changing your software source location.04:47
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PiciAr-Pharazon: There should be an entry in System>Administration for software sources, perhaps choose a different (but still geographically close) server.04:47
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dbrewer_rjrneverblue: mod_jk is the bridge between apache and tomcat. I put entries in the virtualhosts, i tried lots of things. but i still need a difinative guide to follow, as this sh** don't work!!!04:48
NallemanHi, I have problem to unmount my extern HDD. I get the message "cant unmount driver". Im not reading or writing to the driver. Is there any bright linuxbrain that can help me?04:48
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noctoleverytime i boot ubuntu i need to run a command, else i have no sound. is there a way this will happen automatically?04:48
dbrewer_rjrtwo dayz now04:48
evanlecanyone know the easy way to get extra mouse buttons working?04:48
kapowarbler  thanks man i try to get  it but i thing theres error in my system04:48
SeveredCrossNalleman: Are you doing it from the terminal?04:49
neverbluedbrewer_rjr, if your trying to configure apache, I recommend joining #apache, as they are more suited to help, I imagine04:49
taxmannoctol: what do you have to run?04:49
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about buttons - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:49
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dbrewer_rjrgodd idea, thanks\04:49
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noctoltaxman: a command04:49
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SeveredCrossnoctol: That's not very helpful.04:49
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taxmannoctol: you already said that04:49
SeveredCrossWhich command was I think the intent of that question.04:50
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NallemanSeveredCross, no04:50
noctoltaxman: sorry, i thought the command itself was not important, it's sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart04:50
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michihow can i change the output format in sed from string to integer ?04:50
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frankgI need an easy way to migrate installed pkgs on one system to another04:50
NallemanSeveredCross, how can I try that?04:50
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taxmannoctol: the specifics are always important :) see the faq in the channel topic :)04:51
warblerkapo: is the config editor-apps-nautilus-desktop-volumes_visible checked?04:51
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evanlecanyone know the easy way to get extra mouse buttons working? (logitech fwd and back buttons)04:51
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SeveredCrossNalleman: Open a terminal, then execute sudo umount /path/to/drive04:51
SeveredCrossJust point to where it's mounted.04:51
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Picimichi: 1. I dont think you can. 2. #bash would be a better place to ask.04:51
neverbluemichi, bash scripting ?04:51
taxmannoctol: do you know how to look for error messages to see why you have to do that?04:51
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NallemanSeveredCross, I should try that04:52
SeveredCrossEg. I have an external drive mounted at /media/simpledrive, so I would execute sudo umount /media/simpledrive04:52
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neverbluemichi, I agree with Pici :)04:52
taxmannoctol: I certainly don't have many ideas of how to fix the problem, but you could always run that command automatically after login04:52
bluestarcomputer stoped running in the 26 run, and live cd also doesn't run.04:53
Ar-PharazonPici, ok, I changed it to a server in Greece, but update manager says there are no new updates.04:53
noctoltaxman: well i get errors if i don't run the command, there are more people with the same problem, i found on launchpad04:53
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NallemanSeveredCross, It works just great. Thanks04:53
gilosnoctol: do you have an rc2.d or rc3.d script that starts the script?  or does everything in init.d run automatically without requiring a script in the rc2.d or rc3.d?04:53
geniidbrewer_rjr: http://www.howtoforge.com/apache2_tomcat5_mod_jk_integration04:53
PiciAr-Pharazon: It grabbed the new package lists though?04:53
geniiDamn looks like he leaft04:53
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kapowarbler  no  i cant really find it04:53
NallemanSeveredCross, do you have any clue why it doesnt work when im right clicking on it?04:54
michineverblue: pici ?04:54
taxmannoctol: do you have the lauchpad link handy?04:54
Ar-PharazonPici, It did "download package information".04:54
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neverbluemichi, a user in the channel04:54
Ar-PharazonPici, 36 files I think.04:54
Picimichi: 1. I dont think you can. 2. #bash would be a better place to ask.04:54
warblerkapo: ok - that was first go04:54
michineverblue: ok ;-)04:54
SeveredCrossNalleman: Generally only root can umount drives--especially ones that are mounted in fstab.04:54
noctolgilos: i don't have a script, it's just one command04:54
PiciAr-Pharazon: Try doing the ntp thing again.04:54
warblerkapo: can you go to terminal?04:54
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michipici: ah ok ,thnx04:54
SeveredCrossExternal drives technically should be mounted by HAL and unmountable by the user, but you never know.04:54
tretlecould anyone recommend a "basic" ide and compiler for ubuntu?04:55
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tretleas in the language basic04:55
Picitretle: I was just going to ask ;)04:55
SeveredCrossLook into Gambas.04:55
noctoltaxman: wat a sec04:55
noctoltaxman: wait a sec04:55
SeveredCross!info gambas04:55
ubotugambas: Visual development environment for the Gambas programming language. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.15-1.2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 954 kB, installed size 2228 kB04:55
SeveredCrossGambas is similar to basic.04:55
SeveredCrossExcept more full-featured I think.04:55
NallemanSeveredCross, maybe it works if i dont start up the computer with the driver connected?04:56
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SeveredCrossNalleman: Shouldn't make a difference..04:56
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bluestarcomputer stoped running in the 26 run, and live cd also doesn't run.04:56
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nathancan anyone tell me why mplayer works when I run it as mplayer -vo x11 (and how to make vlc and totem work in a similar fashion?)04:56
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tretlethx very much for the advice04:56
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noctoltaxman: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/5455 1handyandy  provides the solution04:56
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SeveredCrossnathan: For VLC you have to go to its preferences and change its video output thing.04:57
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SeveredCrossYou'll have to tick the advanced preferences box to see it.04:57
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nathanI'm in there, there's a textbox for X11 Display and alternative fullscreen method checkbox, use shared memory checkbox and screen for fullscreen number04:58
Ar-PharazonPici, Fix'd! Thanks04:58
kapowarbler iam on terminal04:58
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PiciAr-Pharazon: Yay04:58
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Ar-PharazonPici, one more thing though, when I use themes other than Human some of the windows turn a rather ugly grey.04:59
dooglusI'm seeing corruption on my display: http://dooglus.rincevent.net/random/1188399476.png - which package should I report it against?04:59
warblerkapo: type - sudo gconf-editor - if it is on your system than it will show04:59
warblerkapo: you will have to know the admin password05:00
noctoltaxman: can you do something with that?05:00
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warbler* hit enter05:00
nathanSeveredCross: do you kno what needs to be set exactly?05:00
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nathanSeveredCross: oh I need to change video output module to x11 then right?05:01
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PiciAr-Pharazon: Check out the customize theme button, the gtk theme is probably set to something ugly.05:01
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kapowarbler  nice  i found it05:01
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ParanoyaMHi Guys05:01
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tretleright.... another question.... Does anyone know of any "basic" ide and compiler which is amd64bit compatible?05:02
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kapowarbler it work :)05:02
moo2what's an easy way to migrate pkgs to a remote box?05:02
Ar-PharazonPici, there are 4 tabs in Customize, they are Controls, Colors, Window border, Icons.05:02
PiciAr-Pharazon: controls, sorry, I'm thinking too technical05:02
warblerkapo: click on - apps - nautilus - desktop - volumes_visible05:02
ParanoyaMcan anybody help me, i need to install tv-tuner and i don't know how. I am nube in Linux,05:02
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SeveredCrossYes nathan05:02
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miinhello, I have a question: how do I set the screen resolution for the login screen?  my monitor's unhappy with the current settings05:02
warblerkapo: you see xp?05:03
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Ar-PharazonPici, no, it's set to Foresight.05:03
Ar-PharazonPici, here's a screenshot: http://img460.imageshack.us/img460/7169/screenshotwu9.png05:03
PiciAr-Pharazon: I'm not sure then, sorry.05:03
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mike390i remember way back there was a guide to download a ton of ubuntu themes like ubuntu art repositories or something like that, does anyone know what i mean?05:04
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PiciAr-Pharazon: ahh... Its because the themes for sudo (root) are set differently.05:04
tretlemike390 - gnome-look.org05:04
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Ar-PharazonPici, ah. So how do  fix that?05:04
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kapoits really choice on volumes _visible05:05
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steel_ladywarbler, you here?05:05
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warblerkapo: :) if you see xp! lol05:05
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warblersteel_lady: for sure05:06
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TrucideauI'm trying to find where xchat-gnome puts its log files in ubuntu, because they don't seem to be in ~/.xchat/xchatlogs like they should.05:06
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kapowarbler i see now volumes _visible and its its choice05:07
PiciAr-Pharazon: sudo gnome-theme-manager05:07
PiciAr-Pharazon: sorry, gksudo05:07
steel_ladywarbler, I posted the new massage on forums, tere is a more detailed message error, maybe you can conclude something from it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3274144#post327414405:07
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warblerkapo: ubuntu is good when you figure it out :) lol05:07
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warblersteel_lady: looking :)05:07
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Ar-PharazonPici, damn... I have to install all the themes again?05:08
kapowarbler  loool  yes man but i wanna play it on ubuntu05:08
Catachandoes anyone here have the Lenovo X60 Tablet PC?05:08
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Ar-PharazonPici, I mean, it's not such a big deal, but...05:08
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PiciAr-Pharazon: If you feel comfortable, you can copy them from ~/.themes to /usr/share/themes/05:08
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warblerkapo: one min05:09
kapowarbler ok05:09
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etalehowdy all--trying to install 7.04, but DHCP isn't setting up05:10
warblersteel_lady: looks like that file you removed the comments from last night - sudo gedit it again to check :)05:10
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Nyu`hi i have a prob when ubuntu is loading it block on filesystem seems to be mounted read only skipping journal replay05:10
steel_ladywarbler, I just do not understand why does it not replace the old one with the new one?05:10
warblerkapo: do you want to open ubuntu then run xp?05:10
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mikeyany quick guides on setting up a dual monitor video card?05:11
steel_ladywarbler I put the comments right back because it was saying that it can not replace it since it is changed and configured05:11
Nyu`can someone can help me? :(05:11
kapowarbler yes05:11
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evan__how do i get user list on xchat?05:11
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steel_ladyWarbler, so I thought maybe if it is not configured, it will want to replace it05:11
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kapowarbler i see that open in windows like terminal05:12
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emeristeDo any of you use amaya?  I just installed it from the synaptic package manager and it doesn't work. Apparently.05:12
warblersteel_lady: it looks like that file is looking for authentications to upgrade - it needs those lines uncommented05:12
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Ar-PharazonPici, how do I give myself write permission?05:13
kapowarbler and started  but its slow i wanna know how05:13
PiciAr-Pharazon: Using sudo.05:13
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warbler!wine | kapo05:13
ubotukapo: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.05:13
Ar-PharazonPici, can I do it through the GUI? I don't know how to copy from the command line. >_>05:14
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jeffferrariAr-Pharazon: what exactly are you trying to copy?05:14
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HadronAr-Pharazon: simple answer no. More complicated answer yes. Better to do it from command line. Google it up its easy.05:14
shoofleMy GRUB got broken when I was installing ubuntu on my laptop.  How do I re-install it?05:15
PiciHadron: Thanks ;)05:15
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praet!virtualizers | kapo05:15
ubotukapo: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu or !qvm86), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications05:15
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jeffferrari!grub shoofle05:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about grub shoofle - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:16
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Pici!grub | shoofle05:16
jeffferrari!grub | shoofle05:16
ubotushoofle: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:16
steel_ladywarbler, I uncomment it and get: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-igd_0.cvs20060201-2ubuntu1_i386.deb: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 1 ahain. why it does not want to replace?05:16
amerineseis there any way to do port forwarding of the form: sub.main.com:portnumber -> main.com:(portnumber + offset for sub) ?05:16
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barteknick fudet05:16
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warblersteel_ladt: just had an epiphany!05:18
kapoubotu i use wine  but i see not all exe files like i try to play fifa2007 what  about that what program?05:18
jeffferrarikapo: lol ubotu is a bot05:19
kaporeallu ubuntu is the great  with you ppl05:19
Picikapo: ask in #winehq05:19
jeffferrari!ubotu | kapo05:19
warblersteel_lady: last night  you said you had many sources in synaptic - finnish server etc... - lets wittle them down to the two that are on my system05:19
ubotukapo: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:19
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Carroarmato0ubotu: What do you think about bots?05:19
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steel_ladywarbler ok05:20
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qwertyubotu is sexybot05:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is sexybot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:20
Carroarmato0lol xDD  ubotu respond: "Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)"05:20
Ar-PharazonOk, so I want to cp all directories in a folder not starting with "." to another folder. How do I that? Other than separately cping each, that is.05:20
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jesSon_newbie!windows xp05:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about windows xp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:20
kapoloool thanks  all for help and for you warbler05:20
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents05:21
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...05:21
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Carroarmato0ubotu: But you you must be intelligent because you recognize that you aren't smart!05:21
doogluswhere can I find old versions of ubuntu packages?05:21
warblerkapo: k :)05:21
=== technel [n=technel@66-216-232-76.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
dooglusI looked in http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/restricted/l/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20/ but it only has the current version - I want to try the previous one05:21
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jesSon_newbiehey wat are the differences between red hat and ubuntu? cuz i baught a book about linux but its red hot. im in the process of learning linux ..05:22
Discererhow can I get gvim to run if I have the vim package installed?05:22
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Carroarmato0ubotu: Hey Ubotu! Know that funny joke about the bot that says "Error..."? ^^05:22
warblersteel_lady: I'm in Aus so I have main server and Aus server only - make yours for main and where you are05:22
moo2what pkg has the C stdlib ?05:22
Carroarmato0ubotu: Yes! That's the one! xD05:22
dooglusDiscerer: install vim-gnome05:23
jesSon_newbiedoes red hat and ubuntu only differentiate on its desktop ??05:23
PriceChild!botabuse > Carroarmato0 (read the pm from ubotu)05:23
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com05:23
jeffferraridooglus: try cdimages.ubuntu.com05:23
PriceChildjesSon_newbie, they are extremely different in many more waysl ike package management05:23
dooglusmoo2: libc-dev,05:23
Discererok thx dooglus05:23
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jeffferraridooglus: correction - cdimage.ubuntu.com05:23
jesSon_newbiechild how about in command lines ??05:23
dooglusmoo2: install 'build-essential' to get that kind of stuff05:23
Carroarmato0Argh! You gotta have rules for everything these days... ^^05:23
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steel_ladywarbler, so I made aussie server private (i am in europe)05:24
steel_ladywarbler what else?05:24
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Discererthx dooglus05:25
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c01100011anyone know a way to make nautilus put the icons for mounted disks on the right side of the destop ?05:25
dooglusjeffferrari: I don't see packages there, only .iso files05:25
warblersteel_lady: would be more comfortable if the absolute only options were for the main server and spain or whereever05:26
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laurenwhej folks, got a question. Before I got some problems desktop effects were running good with nvidia but now when I enable desktop effects it all goes very slow. does anybody knows how to solve this?05:26
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anandanbuI got three Debian 4.0 DVD's and i want to make copies of it using Ubuntu 7.04 and how do to that05:26
doogluslaurenw: see #ubuntu-effects05:26
jesSon_newbiecan someone please tell me which is more ideal for server red hat or ubuntu ??05:27
ubotuFor help with 3d desktop effects applications or drivers please join #ubuntu-effects, someone there will be glad to help you. You can read http://forum.beryl-project.org/ for most common problems or questions.05:27
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jeffferraridooglus: one sec05:27
Nyu`hey i got a prob, when ubuntu is loading it stay freezed on FWH not detected05:27
Nyu`someone have a solution?05:27
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fwh - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:27
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Nyu`warbler :p05:27
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Discererhow can I reach the ubuntu file system inside vmware from my windows host?05:28
steel_ladywarbler I have the main server and australia on the list but I can try to put spain, but i dubt it will affect my situation05:28
taxmanjesSon_newbie: in general the commandlines will be similar. All the basic tools are the same, but some configuration files, organization of files, and package management will be different05:28
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Nyu`so can someone help me? :x05:28
jesSon_newbietaxman which is better?05:28
warblersteel_lady: if in europe why aussie server?05:28
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dwxreaperwhere do I get an ubuntu server dvd image!05:28
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taxmanjesSon_newbie: hard to say. The one you find easiest to use really.05:29
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dwxreaperwhere do I get an ubuntu server dvd image!05:29
taxmanjesSon_newbie: we use Ubuntu because we like it and there's lots of community support and development momentum05:29
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Picidwxreaper: There is no server dvd image05:29
matteoit81_hi all05:29
Nyu`<= need help05:29
taxmanhi matteoit81_05:29
=== diafic [n=Greyscal@host81-158-73-45.range81-158.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
steel_ladywarbler, my moody linux again, I guess it wants to have vacations down there05:30
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matteoit81_i'm tying to get to work the dhcp3 server05:30
warblerNyu: I don't know what fwh is so I asked for me05:30
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taxmanNyu`: try to google for the specific error you get05:30
jesSon_newbielol then i book i bought is useless cuz its a tutorial for red hat.... =( where can i learn the commands ?05:30
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matteoit81_but it looks like I'm having some trouble05:30
matteoit81_anyone could help me?05:30
warblersteel_lady: can't blame it!05:30
Nyu`taxman its seems its a random number generator05:30
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Urthmoverwhat is the error matteoit81_?05:30
Nyu`intel_rng :FWH not detected05:30
jeffferraridooglus: archive.ubuntu.com look under pool05:30
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taxmanjesSon_newbie: why would you want to learn the command line. You don't have to you know. If you do that there are plenty of online tutorials avaiable05:31
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matteoit81_I've followed instructions on the italian ubuntu official site05:31
Dufresne26_Carroarmato0 by sad stroke of luck, restricted module needed to be downloaded again05:31
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Urthmoverand what is the error matteoit81_?05:31
Pici!cli | jesSon_newbie05:31
ubotujesSon_newbie: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:31
Urthmovercut paste please05:31
jesSon_newbiei want to learn so i can manage servers like vps where u use command line to control it05:31
Carroarmato0Dufresne26_: argh...05:31
warblersteel_lady: anyway - try to limit it to two servers05:31
TataraKuteremy ubuntu crashes when i try to look at the screen savers..!!! help05:31
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matteoit81_and next...05:31
=== assasuka [n=assasuka@n219079164170.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu
dwxreaperwhats the difference between ubutnu server, and standard ubuntu?05:32
matteoit81_ /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart05:32
matteoit81_dhcpd self-test failed. Please fix the config file.05:32
matteoit81_The error was:05:32
taxmanPici: why does ubotu give KDE directions by default for that?05:32
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Urthmoverok matteoit81_05:32
TataraKuteremy ubuntu crashes when i try to look at the screen savers..!!! please help05:32
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Urthmoverwhat version of ubuntu you running?05:32
tjedihy! i don't have a dhcp connection with my adsl-router after installing gutsy as a new system - who can help please?05:32
Picitaxman: I see gnome directions first there.05:32
Carroarmato0Dufresne26_: Guess your options are 1- Look around more and ask others for help.... or 2- Find a friend and ask if you could use their ethernet connection for a sec05:32
TataraKuterefeisty fawn05:32
dwxreaperwhats the difference between ubutnu server, and standard ubuntu?05:32
Dufresne26_Carroarmato0 gonna try this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=246655&page=3 ans see what happens05:32
taxmanPici: I'm just blind, don't mind me05:32
anandanbuI have got three Debian 4.0 DVD's and i want to make copies of it using Ubuntu 7.04 and how do to that05:32
jesSon_newbieserver does have desktop05:32
jesSon_newbiei think05:32
matteoit81_my config file looks like the link I've sent before05:32
warblerTata: video driver issue05:32
steel_ladywarbler, there are only 2 there: main and aussie05:33
jesSon_newbiedoes not*05:33
matteoit81_the last05:33
Urthmover? TataraKutere?05:33
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TataraKuteresorry, i thought you answered me05:33
dwxreaperwhats the difference between ubutnu server, and standard ubuntu?05:33
Dufresne26_Carroarmato0 thanks for tryin to help out05:33
Urthmovernaw I was talking to matteoit81_05:33
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Urthmoverno worries05:33
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taxmanjesSon_newbie: I think not by default, but you can install it.05:34
Carroarmato0Dufresne26_: hmm I don't think you need to compile...05:34
TataraKutere can't open the screen saver box, ubuntu crashes, what could be the problem?05:34
warblersteel_lady: if the others are not an option then there won't be the authentication issue - so try another command line update05:34
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taxmanTataraKutere: what version are you running05:34
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TataraKuterefeisty fawn05:34
Carroarmato0Dufresne26_: try opening Synaptics... searvh for the driver package and try reinstalling...05:34
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TataraKuteretaxman: feisty fawn, with gigabyte radeon 9550 256mb05:35
steel_ladywarbler, wait I opened Add/remove applications and it seems to be thinking/hanging. How can I kill it?05:35
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Carroarmato0Dufresne26_: I'm not giving up on ya! ^^05:35
taxmanTataraKutere: so you just run system->preferences->screensaver and your systme crashes?05:35
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TataraKuteretaxman: i just found a way to enable the fast write option from bios, so the desktop effects could start to work05:35
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TataraKuteretaxman: but it also makes ubuntu lock05:35
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Dufresne26_Carroarmato0 ok. im gonna try that. im also downloading the linux restricted modules.deb as an alternative05:36
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warblersteel_lady: I have a panel icon to do that - don't know the command line option05:36
TataraKuteretaxman: yes05:36
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taxmanTataraKutere: ahh, well that's a whole other ball of wax. unstalbe drivers, code, etc, cause instability :)05:36
cdm10I'd like to back up a specific folder with a cron job, but I don't know what backup system to choose... I want one that only sends the differences to the backup drive, but doesn't do versioning. I just want it to update the things that have changed, so I have a mirrored version of the folder. What should I use?05:36
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steel_ladywarbler, how to get a panel icon?05:36
TataraKutereso, should i reinstall them, if so how?05:36
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warblersteel_lady: run top at command line - that lets you kill progs05:36
TataraKuteretaxman: so, should i reinstall them, if so how?05:37
JohnyFlenchI have a data card from Verizon where I connect to internet.  After installing Ubuntu I don't know how to connect to internet using the data card (because I only have software for windows) does anyone have any idea about this?05:37
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n2diy__cdm10: take a look at mondorescue.org05:37
taxmanTataraKutere: if you get instability with the desktop effects, you should probably not run them05:37
=== N3bunel saluta
warblersteel_lady: panel -bar at top of screen - right click - add to panel05:37
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TataraKuteretaxman: that's okay, i will not use it05:38
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jeffferraricdm10: look at rsync - add a single rsync command to crontab05:38
taxmanJohnyFlench: I don't even know if those cards are supported at all. Email their tech support05:38
TataraKuteretaxman: what about the screen saver?? i have an lcd screen, i need it05:38
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steel_ladywarbler, and then - force quit button?05:38
taxmanTataraKutere: screensavers should work fine once you turn off the desktop effects05:38
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cdm10jeffferrari: ok, I've heard of that. That's cool, I'll check it out. I heard that it requires a server, though... I've got a Samba share mounted on my system, can I use rsync to mirror to a path in my filesystem?05:38
TataraKuteretaxman: and i also don't like prohibitions, well at least these are just screensavers, and they should work05:38
steinchennochmal compiz - wenn ich mich mit meinem user anmelde (kde oder xfce) habe ich keine fensterbuttons, wenn ich mich mit einem testaccount anmelde ist alles i.o. .. wo stelle ich WAS ein ?05:38
warblerthe memory cache on my box is at 78% - top shows nothing using it - help05:39
taxmanTataraKutere: right, but it's the desktop special effects that are still unstable on some machines05:39
TataraKuteretaxman: --the desktop effects are already off, even so, screen saver window makes ubuntu crash---05:39
JohnyFlenchthanks taxman05:39
warblersteel_lady: yep - that's what I use05:39
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TataraKuteretaxman: again, desktop effects are off05:39
dooglusjeffferrari: no good :(  I'm looking for the previous release of the fglrx video drivers ('cos they used to work for me).  http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/restricted/l/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20/ shows only 2 packages - one for feisty and one for gutsy05:39
Pici!de | steinchen05:39
ubotusteinchen: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de05:39
=== Tribe5user [n=charly@86-42-128-229.b-ras1.bbh.dublin.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu
taxmanJohnyFlench: you can also try googling for the card to see if it is supported05:39
steel_ladywarbler, it worked, let's go on05:39
CoasterMasterwarbler: that's because your system is caching files for quicker access05:39
=== cat_treats [n=ymarkgra@c-24-16-228-218.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
TataraKuteretaxman: could you tell me how to reinstall drivers?05:40
taxmanTataraKutere: ahh, well at that point, I dunno, srry05:40
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TataraKuterethanks, even...05:40
Tribe5usercan anyone recommend a USB wireless card that works well with ubuntu? Cheaper the better WEP not needed05:40
TataraKutereanybody know how to reinstall radeon drivers??05:40
jeffferraridooglus: hmmm maybe use the packages.ubuntu.com search to find the version number, then roll back manually from upstream? not sure of historical archives (I'm the bleeding edge type)05:40
warblerCoasterMaster: not a normal thing - that's my issue with it - memory load total normally less than 30%05:41
matteoit81_i'm tying to get to work the dhcp3 server05:41
matteoit81_but it looks like I'm having some trouble05:41
matteoit81_anyone could help me?05:41
cat_treatsHas anyone got steps to install and run Windows XP without any floppy drives?05:41
warblersteel_lady: the command lines from last night to update then...05:41
jeffferrariTribe5user: tell you the truth, the cheaper they are the more likely they are hard to make work05:41
dooglusjeffferrari: sure, but what do you do when the bleeding edge breaks?  I'm running the supposedly stable 'feisty', but an update there has broken my ATI support05:41
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jeffferrari!wifi | Tribe5user05:42
ubotuTribe5user: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:42
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CoasterMaster!windows | cat_treats05:42
ubotucat_treats: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents05:42
TataraKutereanybody know how to reinstall radeon drivers??05:42
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Tribe5userjeffferrari: well, if it means it will work flawlessly with ubuntu, I'm willing to pay more for it05:42
TataraKutereanybody know how to reinstall radeon drivers??05:42
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Tribe5userjeffferrari: do you use a wireless card?05:42
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nalioth!tell TataraKutere about ATI05:42
jeffferraridooglus: :( well - maybe I lied slightly... I use a partition05:42
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jeffferraridooglus: mission critical in feisty, fun/showing off in gutsy05:43
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dooglusjeffferrari: I guess I shouldn't 'apt-get clean' so often - that way I'd have copies of the old, working packages05:43
jeffferrarijeffferrari: yes, I'm on it now - broadcom 4310 piece of proverbial05:43
dooglusjeffferrari: is there anything new to show off yet?05:43
jeffferrarilol last message to Tribe5user05:43
steel_ladywarbler, wait now it displayed linux-igd on the list in synaptic. I will try to remove it now05:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tell - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:43
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jeffferraridooglus: well... my nasty wifi card worked almost immediately straight from the box05:44
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ubotuA quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management For Lubos Lunak's desktop memory usage comparison, see: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html05:44
emeristeAmaya doesn't work on Ubuntu.05:44
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jeffferraridooglus: and flash too (I'm using 64, so everything is just a little more interesting/satisfying when it works)05:45
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themolemy computer doesn't power down after shutting down ubuntu. how can i fix that?05:45
themoleits a laptop05:45
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steel_ladywarbler, do you thinkl that this chat uses UPnP, should I close it before proceeding?05:45
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jeffferrariTribe5user: tell you the truth, even though you want cheap, go for a card that is compatible with the wifi hacking tools (read google compatibility for kismet and its friends)05:46
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askandHow do I hide compute, home and trash oicon on desktop?05:46
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emeristeUbuntu needs to update its repository. The version of amaya that they offer in synaptic package manager is broken.05:48
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sainzeohey all - i am having problems using vncviewer - after connecting to a machine, I am unable to scroll back up..i can scroll down in order to view more of the desktop, but after scrolling down it doesn't allow me to scroll back up, any suggestions?05:48
Ar-PharazonPici, alright, I finally did it.05:48
amerinesejust installed ubuntu-desktop for feisty server edition05:48
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themoleis there any way i can automatically unlock the default keyring when ubuntu starts. the way it is now i have to enter the password every time05:49
amerineseproblem is, i followed the instructions and de-selected all resolutions and wanted it to just select teh highest possible resolution05:49
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Flokersainzeo, i had the same trouble, dont know what helps thou, i just set the screen resolution down and reconnected .\05:49
Ar-PharazonPici, one last question: http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/1515/screenshot1pb6.png why is there a gap there?05:49
sainzeo@Floker: so you weren't able to find a solution?05:49
amerinesenow, the x-server won't startup and i can't get a console to try and fix the problem.  any ideas?05:49
PiciAr-Pharazon: I dont know. *shrugs*05:49
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CoasterMasterthemole: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2776815&postcount=105:50
Flokersainzeo, no unfortunately not, but you could try to get the latest version of vncviewer, if there is a newer one out there,05:50
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Ar-PharazonPici, that is, I clean up by name and get the gap.05:50
themoleCoasterMaster, thx!05:50
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Hillsburritoif there is a speed difference in ram chips will it affect overall performance of the ram?05:50
sainzeo@Floker: thanks, i may try that05:50
Ar-PharazonPici, any idea why?05:50
Dufresne26^Carroarmato0, its working now. reinstalling the restricted modules did the trick05:51
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zendoHi. In Windows I have one program that came with my motherboard (MSI K8N) which controls CPU fan speed accodingly to CPU temperature, if CPU temp is low CPU fan rotates slower and thus lesser is the noise and vice-versa. Is there any similiar program for Linux?05:51
Carroarmato0Dufresne26^: hurray! ^O^05:51
zendoHi. In Windows I have one program that came with my motherboard (MSI K8N) which controls CPU fan speed accodingly to CPU temperature, if CPU temp is low CPU fan rotates slower and thus lesser is the noise and vice-versa. Is there any similiar program for Linux?05:51
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steel_ladywarbler, I am back! How can I remove linux-igd by force from the terminal?05:51
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Dufresne26^Carroarmato0, :)05:52
CoasterMasterzendo: check out lm-sensors05:52
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CoasterMasterzendo: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_detect_CPU_temperature.2C_fan_speeds_and_voltages_.28lm-sensors.2905:52
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FlokerHow can i check my harddrives temperature via s.m.a.r.t.?05:52
etalehey all, I'm trying to set up wireless in an acer travelmate800005:53
Carroarmato0Dufresne26^: Good news for me too... testing my usb wireless card..an Asus... It's supported completely with WPE in Gutsy :P05:53
Ar-PharazonAnyone? How do I make ubuntu sort my desktop icons properly?05:53
themolecan i apt-get some package to get the ll command?05:53
etalecan anyone point me in the right direction, I've never used wireless in my life--first step would be to find out the card type?05:53
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steel_ladysomebody can tell me what is the command to remove a package by force from the terminal?05:53
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zendoCoasterMaster: lm-sensors only provides information about CPU Temp, Fan speed... but it doesn't control that fan speed, or am I wrong?05:53
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.05:54
crzyboonanyone here tested gaim-phone?05:54
CoasterMasterzendo: you can control the fan speed with lm-sensors, the page I linked you to will show you how05:54
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zendoCoasterMaster: aha, ok sorry then, I'll have a look on it. Thanks.05:54
cr1ssI 've been trying to burn some Heroes episodes with K3b and Gnomebaker but I don't know why, both programs pop an error message and eject my disc.. why is that ?05:54
Dufresne26^Carroarmato0, awesome! Gutsy huh? can't wait to try it myself. Btw, do you by any chance have any ideas how to get my pcmcia tv tuner to work in feisty?05:55
omarI am new user for gEDA software05:55
FlokerHardy Heron, what a NICE name for the next ubuntu version :D05:55
ConfidentiaLI have problems getting oss to work(which I need to play one of the games in wine). When I try to "test" it in the sound preferences, I get the error about "Could not open source for writing", and therefore no sound in the game. When I use alsa everything else works fine, but I have to use oss for that game. How would I go about troubleshooting this issue?05:55
omarI installed it by the command "sudo apt-get install geda"05:55
Carroarmato0Dufresne26^: hmm I don't have any experience with those... srry05:55
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steel_ladycrazyboon I am using a similar thing on my pocket pc05:55
Choruswhen I unpack a tar-file with symlinks, why do tar create 0 bytes-files instead of the symlink?05:55
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omarbut i have only gschem program, but I have no other software like pcb layout05:56
Carroarmato0Dufresne26^: But I'm a tester for Gutsy.. It's coming up pretty good...05:56
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Dufresne26^Carroarmato0, thanks. i bet that'll be another wild goose chase05:56
=== N3bunel brb fac baie
Carroarmato0Dufresne26^: lol05:56
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mc123would anyone be able to help me with a wireless card issue?05:57
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seabagmc123, whatcha got?05:57
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mc123its a bcm431105:57
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mc123i used bcm-fwcutter and it works fine and dandy for about 10 seconds05:57
seabagbroadcom right?05:57
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mc123then it needs a modprobe -r then modprobe to fix itself05:57
slim1steel_lady: had to reboot - comp memory issue05:57
seabaghm that's beyond me... sorry...05:57
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mc123thats okay thanks tho05:58
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steel_ladysliml, I have not seen you before05:58
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seabagi've got an issue with laptop mode.. it doesn't seem to spin down my hdd. anyone know if it's the hardware not cooperating or something?05:58
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slim1steel_lady: I was warbler - reboot lost my nic05:59
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steel_ladyok sliml, how to remove a package by force using terminal command?05:59
Dufresne26^Carroarmato0, r u testing new hardware on Gutsy?06:00
slim1steel_lady: any issue this time with /etc/default ...06:00
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steel_ladyslim1 I think that all I have to do  is I have to remove IGD by force06:00
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Carroarmato0Dufresne26^: euhm no I'm just hunting for bugs in usability and stuff... but I limit to trying out stuff that I have and use daily06:01
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slim1steel_lady: one min06:01
anandanbuHow to create an iso of a DVD in Ubuntu 7.0406:01
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Ravenndude`I have a startup script, "gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=trans --geometry=60x58". The geometry switch does nothing when starting up, but if I close it and start it again, with the same script, it works.06:01
Dufresne26^how's compiz fusion coming along?06:01
Ravenndude`Dufresne26^, Very nicely06:02
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CoasterMasteranandanbu: you want to rip a DVD of a movie? or a standard disc?06:02
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defryskI believe k9 can do that ?06:02
defryskor k9copy06:02
defrysk!info k906:02
CoasterMasteryeah k9copy is good06:02
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ubotuPackage k9 does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas06:02
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defrysk!info k9copy06:03
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ubotuk9copy: DVD backup tool for KDE. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.0~beta2-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 649 kB, installed size 1764 kB06:03
anandanbuCoasterMaster: I have got a debian 4.0 dvd and want to make a copy of it06:03
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asmith42aI just swapped out my monitor. Is there an app or command that I can run to setup the new profile?06:03
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Carroarmato0Dufresne26^: It's in Gutsy alright... but they limit the options... it's ok though.. but I'd like to see a few more kick ass feature by default... however you can activate everything by installing the configurator ^^06:03
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slim1steel_lady: sudo rm /etc/default/UPnP06:03
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CoasterMasteranandanbu: http://lifehacker.com/software/how-to/create-iso-disk-images-and-generate-md5-checksums-268304.php06:04
omarI am trying to install Full gEDA ( http://www.geda.seul.org/ ) on ubuntu06:04
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omarany help please06:04
Carroarmato0Dufresne26^: It's really smooth even on the live-cd session with everything enabled what Gutsy offers as default.. am using intel video card.. and I loke what I see ^^06:04
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Dufresne26^Carroarmato0, maybe I'll try to run the unstable in feisty. the screencasts' kick @$$06:05
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steel_ladyslim1 but I have to remove the whole package06:05
Ravenndude`I have a startup script, "gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=trans --geometry=60x58". The geometry switch does nothing when starting up, but if I close it and start it again, with the same script, it works.06:05
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Carroarmato0Dufresne26^: Ow but you can just give the live-cd a spin... or install it in VMware06:05
flipmodehow can i upgrade ubuntu 6.06 to 7.04 ?06:05
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:06
flipmodedesktop edition06:06
warblersteel_lady: back as warbler now06:06
DShepherdflipmode, ^06:06
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Carroarmato0flipmode: I think there are guides on the ubuntu website for doing that...06:06
skyiontoday as i walked out of the office down the hill to the electric gate i saw some post sitting jammed there06:06
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steel_ladywarbler I have to remove the whole package06:06
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skyioni knew if someone opened the gate it would get jammed against the wall06:07
anandanbuCoasterMaster: can i do it using K3B or Gnome Baker06:07
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LattywareHey all, I am currently on a live CD, I just installed vista for gaming, and now I need to reinstall Grub, as it overwrites the MBR, now, when I do root (hd0<tab> I get 'Error 21: Specified disk does not exist.'.06:07
skyionso i turned to my boss and said, " We really need to get you guys a postfix"06:07
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troythetechguy_I have a 2nd drive I'm adding to my pc for storage.  What do i use for a mount point?06:07
LattywareI can mount my ubuntu partition fine, the files are there.06:07
steel_ladywarbler I know that there is some command for force remove a package06:07
CoasterMasteranandanbu: I've never used either of those programs, but a quick google search says they should work06:07
skyionmy boss looked at me sideways06:07
Dufresne26^Carroarmato0, good idea. That way I can check the other stuff Gutsy has (including bugs)06:07
skyioni now have 2 weeks paid leave06:07
ussertroythetechguy_ the /data would be nice06:08
sipiortroythetechguy_: whatever you like :)06:08
Lattywaretroythetechguy_: Whatever you want. do 'mkdir /path/to/mountpoint' then mount it there. /media/data or the like is generaly used.06:08
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troythetechguy_Ah, so I'm not limited to the choices predefined choices of /, /home, /usr, etc.06:08
ussertroythetechguy_ course not =)06:09
Lattywaretroythetechguy_: Nope, go nuts.06:09
troythetechguy_Thank you!06:09
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Carroarmato0Dufresne26^: Some things don't work while the live-cd is running... like installing a printer... Those thing usualy work for now only when it's installed06:09
warblersteel_lady: reading stuff from google says the UPnP is just - Linux Internet Gateway Device06:10
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LattywareHey all, I am currently on a live CD, I just installed vista for gaming, and now I need to reinstall Grub, as it overwrites the MBR, now, when I do root (hd0,<tab> in the grub shell I get 'Error 21: Selected disk does not exist.'. The disk does exist. Can someone help, I really want to get back to my ubuntu install.06:10
warblersteel_lady: something you downloaded - some setting that happened brought it on06:10
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steel_ladywarbler yes it is and since it got broken I can not send files over kopete (msn) and similar, I have problem with some downloads etc06:11
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warblersteel_lady: back with the force command in a min06:11
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Dufresne26^Carroarmato0, well, seeing as how my printer isn't working well in itself, I'm sure that won't be a problem :)06:11
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warblersteel_lady sudo rm -fv  /etc/default/UPnp06:12
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blackest_knightanyone got a fix for The X system keyboard settings differ from your current GNOME keyboard settings.06:12
blackest_knightanyone got a fix for The X system keyboard settings differ from your current GNOME keyboard settings.06:12
blackest_knightThe X system keyboard settings differ from your current GNOME keyboard settings. anyone got a howto for this06:12
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LattywareHey all, I am currently on a live CD, I just installed vista for gaming, and now I need to reinstall Grub, as it overwrites the MBR, now, when I do root (hd0,<tab> in the grub shell I get 'Error 21: Selected disk does not exist.'. The disk does exist. Can someone help, I really want to get back to my ubuntu install.06:12
blackest_knightwhoops sorry didnt mean to post twice06:12
jeffferrari!grub | Lattyware06:13
ubotuLattyware: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:13
Lattywareblackest_knight: thrice, for that metter.06:13
warbler3 times06:13
DShepherdLattyware, i think you need to something like this in grub -- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35561/06:13
Lattywarejeffferrari: I know that, I have done that, but It doesn't work06:13
DShepherdLattyware, i think its called mapping.. try that. Hope that help06:13
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blackest_knightok 3 times sorry this systems a tad buggy atm and nothing came up till the third time06:13
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=== N3bunel back
warblersteel_lady a thought - does synaptic have a listing for linux-igd?06:14
jeffferrari!info wine06:14
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.33-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 9576 kB, installed size 44452 kB06:14
LattywareDShepherd: I'll try that, thanks06:14
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.06:15
jeffferrariman, I thought I was imagining things. I can't find that in the repo!06:15
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DShepherdLattyware, yeah, no prob06:15
steel_ladywarbler, I removed upnp configuration file long ago but I need a command that will remove the whole package and yes synaptic has it and refuses to remove06:15
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jeffferrarimy bad - i386 only06:16
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MasterOfDisasterhow would I be able to prefer eth0 over eth1 if both are available?06:17
jesSon_newbiei need help please i want to setup a proxy server on my ubuntu for learning process... wat program do i download??? is it gui based???? reply lease06:17
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warblersteel_lady: than get name from synaptic - go  and do a search for it - file search the address - then terminal rm06:17
Lamegomaster_o1_master, "preference" for networks is based on routing06:17
MasterOfDisasterLamego: indeed, and how do I set the metric in ubuntu?06:17
erUSUL!info squid | jesSon_newbie06:17
ubotujesson_newbie: squid: Internet Object Cache (WWW proxy cache). In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.5-4ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 625 kB, installed size 1600 kB06:17
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about squid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:18
jesSon_newbiedo i run squid on desktop or do i configure it on terminal ??06:18
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wastrelcups-pdf driver is producing A4 output, but I have it configured for Letter06:18
FlokerEverytime i boot up my computer and i am networking via cable, i have to set dns servers manually, when i'm wireless, i dont have to. how can i tell it to use the same dns servers what ever connection there is?06:18
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LamegoMasterOfDisaster, you have 2 IPs correct ? You should the default gateway only on your "primary" network (I am not 100% sure on this)06:18
MasterOfDisasterFloker: use dhcp?06:18
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macarenahola soy la mas guarrilla de la linea06:19
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NET||abusehi all,, i can't get the sound options to work right for my laptop,, i've tried setting options in the gnome-sound-preferences,, but anytime i click test mic it hangs the application and i have to kill it to exit.06:19
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:19
jeffferrariMasterOfDisaster: you want routing?06:19
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:19
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CoasterMaster!windows | manga06:19
erUSUL!ops | magna06:19
magnaFUCK U ALL06:19
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ubotumanga: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents06:20
=== pike_ gives magna a hug
ubotumagna: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici06:20
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@82-46-191-86.cable.ubr01.soli.blueyonder.co.uk] by Hobbsee
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jeffferrariMasterOfDisaster: have a look at "route" in the term06:20
CoasterMasterOh I thought I was so clever telling him where to get Windows help :)06:20
jeffferrariMasterOfDisaster: that lets you set routing metrics06:20
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MasterOfDisasterLamego, jeffferrari: i need to know how to do 'route add default gw x.x.x.x metric y' with /etc/network/interfaces06:20
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E_R_C_EI have problem06:20
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:21
jeffferrariMasterOfDisaster: man interfaces gives syntax06:21
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vernonsup ll06:21
MasterOfDisasterjeffferrari: ah - excellent06:21
jeffferrari!ubotu hi | vernon06:21
ubotuvernon: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:21
c1|freakyhow can i remove a group from a user using cmdline (normal linux accounts)06:21
tego_wanna close touchpad06:21
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MasterOfDisasterjeffferrari: sorry, main distro I use is gentoo06:22
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Leon18guys, pls could you tell me is it possible to install Flightgear completely on another partition?? because I have only 300 Mb left on / ....06:22
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jeffferraric1|freaky: man delgroup06:22
c1|freakythat deletes a whole group doesnt it?06:22
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jeffferraric1|freaky: rather groupdel06:22
xavier_bonjour, j'ai encore un soucis sur la config d'ma carte rt250006:22
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warbler!ask |E_R_C_E06:22
ubotuE_R_C_E: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:22
xavier_sorry, i'm not in the good chan ^^06:22
steel_ladywarbler, this is what synaptic says: http://pastebin.com/m469dfd6d06:23
tego_wanna close touchpad i use usb mouse06:23
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c1|freakynoone knows how to delete a user from a group?06:24
LattywareWhoever just helped me, it worked great, thanks.06:24
LattywareI forget the nick :P06:24
c1|freakydelgroup groupdel removes a group not the group froma user06:24
jesSon_newbiesquid is for http proxy?? wat i mean was i want to host a sock4  proxy server  port 1080 in my ubuntu  was program should i use??06:24
warblersteel_lady: k06:24
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MasterOfDisasterjeffferrari, Lamego: thanks06:25
jeffferraric1|freaky: hmmm and usermod only allows you to add06:25
steel_ladywarbler, how can I search the address06:25
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CoasterMasterc1|freaky: you can edit the /etc/group file06:25
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vernonwhat is the best fire wall to use with ubuntu  for free ?06:25
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c1|freakyisnt there a command to do that??06:25
CoasterMasterthere is no command to do it06:25
alex_hey all06:25
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CoasterMasterc1|freaky: no there isn't unfortunately06:25
MasterOfDisastervernon: iptables :-P06:25
c1|freakyok, thx06:25
warblersteel_lady: need more info - your system - firewall, servers, nat ???06:25
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alex_has anybody got any idea why on reinstalling my ubuntu feisty machine my apache just throws this out when I try connect to my phpbb "Fatal error: Unknown: Failed opening required '/var/www/chevinstaffportal/index.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in Unknown on line 0"06:26
Redyhi....i have one question. I want to instal ubuntu, but when i prepare to instal - sometime in set language, sometime in keyboard - pc is getting frozeen. Whats wrong?06:26
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jeffferrarialex_: prob permissions06:26
kim_How do you become root in ubuntu?06:26
CoasterMasterkim_: you don't06:27
themoleis it possible to configure gnome to switch keyboard layout by pressing shift+alt like in windows_06:27
alex_permissions to the related folders?06:27
jeffferrari!sudo | kim_06:27
ubotukim_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.06:27
alex_i don't remember setting this up before06:27
warblersteel_lady: from that linux-igd is a windows prog!!! - need more info on that to get anyware06:27
vernonworkstation single nic and nated behing a cisco router06:27
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jeffferrarialex_: did you just copy your phpbb onto new machine?06:27
pike_Redy: i have no idea but id recommend trying the alternate install cd. it is text based but pretty much same method of installing06:28
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alex_yep. but I installed all the relevant bits for apache2, php5 and mysql etc. I did a clean install and then an update on my database06:28
steel_ladywarbler, I don't know about the firewall on linux and how to manage it. I am running mysql server. it is a laptop that I am carrying around so I need UPnP to be able to use MSN amule and others at my home as well as at my work where I can not configure ports06:28
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warblersteel_lady: sorry - not windows prog - but there to talk to windows progs06:28
Redypike_ thx06:28
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jeffferrariwho is the owner of the files in your wwwroot?06:28
Asher256where to report Ubuntu Gutsy's bugs in IRC ? Here ?06:29
warblersteel_lady: msn is the prob...!06:29
kim_Okay, thanks. But i still have a problem installing clamv. I can't update it because it want me to be root06:29
jeffferrari!gutsy | Asher25606:29
ubotuAsher256: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+106:29
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erUSUL!info hpsockd |  jesSon_newbie06:29
ubotujesson_newbie: hpsockd: HP SOCKS server.. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.14 (feisty), package size 84 kB, installed size 312 kB06:29
Asher256ubotu, ok06:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ok - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:29
Asher256ubotu, thanks06:29
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)06:29
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=== ironmatar laught insanely and u call 7.04 stable ahhahahahhahahahahah
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wastrel!u | ironmatar06:30
ubotuironmatar: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..06:30
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pike_no smilies either! and sit up straight!06:31
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steel_ladywarbler msn is not a problem. linux igd is. I think I was downloading something from the net when it got messed up by some broken download06:31
jeffferrarikim_: is it giving you those "please update definitions" errors?06:31
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jeffferrarikim_: you can go full root using su -i or sudo su06:31
alex_jeffferrari:yeah i ran a fresh install but updated my database. has always worked in the past.. apparently something to do with pear?06:31
kim_No. It just tells me that i need to be root06:31
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steel_ladywarbler I just need some command like sudo forceremove linux-igd and then install it again06:32
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jeffferrarikim_: how are you trying to run the update06:32
=== genii slouches and scribbles emoticons on u
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yakovany ubuntu/parallels users?06:32
jeffferrarialex_: have you checked the owner of the files? do ls -l inside the www dir06:32
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warblersteel_lady: patience - msn needs linux-igd - your post says that - I think that might - I say might - be the issue06:33
jeffferrarialex_: I always get that error when I forget to set the perms correctly06:33
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wastrelcups-pdf refuses to print letter size - it's stuck on A4.  how do i fix this?06:33
tutosplease help with my ntfs partition06:33
kim_I used Alt+F2 and entered sudo apt-get install clamav06:33
tutosi can`t rly save anything on it06:33
jeffferrari!ntfs | tutos06:33
ubotututos: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse06:33
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steel_ladywarbler, I think you are complicated, it needs to be removed by force and reinstalled. it refuses to be removed knowing it is needed so we have to think for him06:34
geniikim_: Did you also install freshclam ?06:34
warblersteel_lady: #06:34
warblerUPnP aware clients, such as MSN Messenger to work properly from behind a NAT06:34
alex_jeffferrari: permissions are set to: drwxrwxrwx 16 portal portal 4096 2007-08-29 16:45 chevinstaffportal06:34
ironmatarif fiesty is stable then why dosent the system want to reboot properly    why do i go away to work or sleep and com,e back and the system wont wake up  i have tried  multipal installations of either of the iso images for my 64 bit system  and so far ubuntu has given me nothing but grief  all i want to use it for is play a couply of blasted games   and this is not Easy like everyone says06:34
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alex_i thought that was right06:34
jeffferrarialex_: and what file exactly is it complaining about?06:34
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse06:34
kim_No. How do i do that? I have removed the clamv, so i probably need to find it again06:34
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alex_jefffarrari: it is index.php which its moaning about06:35
jeffferrariironmatar: disable sleep options, see what happens then06:35
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ubotuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems06:35
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geniikim_: you need freshclam first in the order of things. So the same as before, go to a console then do: sudo apt-get install freshclam clamav06:36
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MasterOfDisaster!ntfs-3g | tutos06:36
ubotututos: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions06:36
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jeffferrarialex_: check perms on index.php itself06:36
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jeffferrarikim_: of you could just do it hte easy way and use synaptic :)06:38
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steel_ladywarbler yes I am completley aware of that. UPnP is used because msn, ICQ and other programs are changing ports from time to time and if you do notroute those ports every time, they do not work. so UPnP does it automatically06:38
EstethSometimes one of my partitions does not show up in computer:///, and is inaccessible from it's mount point. I think this is ntfs-3g's fault, since it is the only partition i have ntfs-3g enabled for. Is there a way to get my partition to show up?06:38
donGuten Tag!06:38
jeffferrari!hi | dannymax506:38
ubotudannymax5: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:38
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ironmatarjeffferrari:   so far the only thing i have been able to really do is come here to find out what is wrong while running the live cd  iv spent countless hours in the last 2 weeks following variuos help threads and advice    and so far iv gotten to installing cedega once and reboot and system dident start'06:38
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alex_jefffarrari: its set to www-data at the moment06:39
MasterOfDisasterdannymax5: servus :-)06:39
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kim_It says E: Couldn't find package freshclam06:39
donBist du Bayerisch?06:39
ubotudon: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de06:39
alex_jefffarrari: I also tried doing sudo chmod 777 /var/www/chevinstaffportal/06:40
kim_Synaptic, whats that?06:40
alex_the error is different now06:40
milan_lol that !de text isn't right06:40
alex_thing is what permissions are correct for that folder06:40
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jeffferrarikim_: system -> admin -> synaptic06:40
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donAber mein deutsch ist nicht gut.06:40
jeffferrarikim_: the actual package is clamav-freshclam I think06:40
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anandanbuHow to create DVD iso in Ubuntu 7.0406:41
jeffferrarialex_: do the same with -R before the 77706:41
pike_anandanbu: from a dvd?06:41
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=== Pelo sneeks into the channel
pike_anandanbu: dd if=/dev/dvd of=myfile.iso   or cat /dev/dvd > file.iso06:41
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jeffferrarialex_: be aware if you get this open that all have full access to your www06:41
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milan_don: then what language are you? (welche Sprache sprechst du?)06:42
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geniikim_:  Ah, i wrote the freshclam package name incorrectly. should be   clamav-freshclam06:42
wastrelcups-pdf refuses to produce letter size output- stuck on A4  any ideas how to fix?06:42
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ironmatarisent there anything i can do to get the installation to reboot properly and get the vidio drivers installed and everthign without this hassle06:42
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anandanbupike_: im actually making an iso of debian etch dvd and will i be able to make it bootable on writing the iso again06:42
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Peloironmatar, what video card ?06:43
alex_jefferrari: what would be the correct permissions number to use? (I've used 777 up until now)06:43
=== Pelo just made a mistake
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kim_E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?06:43
ironmatarpelo gigbyte 8500 gt06:43
Peloironmatar, let's break that down a bit ?  first what do you mean by rebooting properly ?06:43
MasterOfDisasterdon: I'm not from Bavaria, I'm Austrian06:43
jeffferrarialex_: on a webdir? the minimum possible for the filetype to give the required functionality06:44
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alex_jeffferrari: after running -R 777 im just getting 'Could not connect to the database'06:44
jeffferrarialex_: that is the strict security perspective06:44
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geniikim_: It looks like an update manager is running, or something else is still installing someplace06:44
donMasterOfDisaster: Sehr gut!06:44
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jeffferrarialex_: is that the only message? nothing else?06:44
kim_geni: What should i do about it?06:44
ironmatarpelo  i get the live cd out to reboot to mounde versioon on hd  and the system just consistantly fails to startup06:44
alex_jeffferrari: Warning: mysql_errno(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /var/www/chevinstaffportal/db/mysql4.php on line 33006:45
alex_phpBB : Critical Error06:45
PeloIronhand,  fails how ?06:45
Peloironmatar, fails how ?06:45
NET||abuseok,, i've gone through gnome-alsamixer and i can hear myself in my microphone,, but now how to get skype to use it?? I'm looking in the settings and Sound Devices, the sound out option is just on default,, now shouldn't alsa decide to point at mic? how do i ensure alsa is pointing skype at the right place?06:45
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alex_jeffferrari: there are 3 entries like that06:45
geniikim_: Just wait and see if it frees up after a while.06:45
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jeffferrarialex_: it has no db connection... if you look at that exact file you'll find it is a reference to a $mysql pointer06:45
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PeloNET||abuse, I would expect that you get skype to point at the mic  but I am no expert06:46
kim_genii: Okay. Hope it will succeed.06:46
geniikim_: Is your desktop screen brown or blue?06:46
ironmatarpelo  no drive lights or anything  and the moniter light goes to sleep flqshing mode  and nothing ever happen06:46
PeloNET||abuse, make that skype to point at alsa06:46
alex_jeffferrari: will do.. doing it now06:46
jawHi, my login screen has fonts that are _huge_ do you have any ideas how to make them smaller?06:46
kim_genii: Brown06:46
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NET||abusePelo, i think it does,, by default,, but the test call just won' twork ;(06:47
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=== SweetChildOMine [n=Slash@bge55.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #Ubuntu
SweetChildOMineHi !06:47
geniikim_: OK, just checking for Gnome or KDE. If you have some updates running there may be an icon on top right of bar across top06:47
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Peloironmatar, you should probably be using the alternate install cd,  it will install a vesa driver for your video card, and after the reboot,  you can install the restricted driver from the admin menu,   if that doesn't work you'll need to use the binary  nothing to else you can do06:47
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PeloNET||abuse, check inthe settings to make sure the proper device is selected06:47
NET||abusePelo, well, the Skype settings are really ambiguous..06:47
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PeloNET||abuse, no gui ?06:48
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SweetChildOMinedoes anybody see my messages here (setting up irc client) ?06:48
jawHow do I change the basic font resolution -- or the basic font sizes?06:48
donDoes anybody else have problems coming back from suspend with the nvidia 3d driver?06:48
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JamesinatorSweetChildOMine: No06:48
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Pelohello SweetChildOMine06:48
Xarlocki see them boytm06:48
SweetChildOMineoh ;) thanks06:48
kim_genii: Nope, there's nothing running. Exept firefox, terminal and Synaptic06:48
ironmatari used the alternat iso last night after finnaly getting a clean dload    same thing nothing   or i get thru to ubunto  and i get the little loading icon  but nothing ever happes beyond a black screen06:48
Jamesinatorjaw: System->Preferences->Font06:49
jeffferrarikim_: lol close synaptic if you're doing it the other way06:49
geniikim_: synaptic is it06:49
alex_jeffferrari: well I guess this goes further than an ubuntu issue really06:49
Xarlockwould someone mind helping me set up my screen res.?06:49
slim2steel_lady: lost my internet - seems I am now slim206:49
steel_ladywarbler look at this: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/package-installation-error-and-solution.html06:49
slim2steel_lady: looking06:49
jeffferrarikim_: synaptic, aptitude, apt-get etc all use the same db06:49
=== FFForever [n=chris@adsl-69-225-201-30.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
jawJamesinator -- I'm looking for the underlying configuration file that changes when font preferences change, do you know  what that might be?06:49
PeloIronhand, boot the recovery mode and then type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg    select VESA when asked06:49
jesSon_newbieis there a build in program in ubuntu where i can setup my computer to be a sock 4 server?? help me please06:49
NET||abuseUnder ubuntu's System->Preferences->sounds the list is like "ALSA / ICH6 /ICH6-Mic / ICH6-mic206:50
geniikim_: synaptic locks the dpkg file, thats what it uses as a backend for installing etc. same backend as apt-get uses or adept   etc etc06:50
Jamesinatorjaw: No, but I assume it would be with the other X11 configuration files in /etc/X1106:50
PelojesSon_newbie, do a search in synaptic06:50
alex_jeffferrari: its phpbb2 I need to look at now... I think I know why this is. I overwrote my phpBB2 folder with the old one after the reinstall. So now line 47 of mysql4.php looks like this: $this->db_connect_id = ($this->persistency) ? mysql_pconnect($this->server, $this->user, $this->password) : mysql_connect($this->server, $this->user, $this->password);06:50
NET||abusePelo, but in skype it's like ICH6 (plugin hw 2:406:50
kim_genii: So i should close Synaptic?06:50
NET||abuseand some such mess06:50
jesSon_newbieso there is then?06:50
FFForevercan i disable sshd (openssh) logins for anyone who does not have a rsa key?06:50
NET||abusePelo, so i don't know what is means06:50
jawJamesinator: Thanks, what I'm doing is actually running Fluxbox as my windows manager, and the fonts are too big :-)06:50
geniikim_: Or since you have it open just try to install the clamav-freshclam    from there06:50
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Xarlockgetting lost no06:51
steel_ladyslim2 look at the last post with number 806:51
=== bruenig [n=bruenig@ip-129-15-131-246.fescfwsm.ou.edu] has joined #ubuntu
kim_genii: Okay, but how?06:51
PeloNET||abuse, hmm,  check in menu > system > prefs > hardware info ,  find the audio card , look in there , see if you find anyting in there that matches the stuff in the list of options in skype06:51
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Jamesinatorjaw: Ah, ok. Sorry, I don't know much about X11 configuration -- the most I've done is be able to screw my display after entering faulty configuration lines. ^_^06:51
slim2steel_lady: try it - if nothing is using it it should go06:51
geniikim_: since i'm on a KDE box right now i can't walk you through the menu choices. but I'm sure someone here can tell you the right steps06:51
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jeffferrarialex_: that is quite literally opening a mysql persistent database connection06:52
Jamesinatorkim_: What are you trying to do?06:52
Pelojaw,  that sould be a settings in fluxbox,  look somewhere for a font dialog06:52
steel_ladyslim2 it doesn't go without that first step and i am not sure what to do in it06:52
bulmerFFForever: they can not log in anyways..but you can not remove the login prompt06:52
geniikim_: I generally instead of the graphical package managers prefer apt-get, it works no matter your window manager etc06:52
kim_Jamesinator: Im trying to install clamav06:52
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Pelojaw,  join #fluxbox and ask them where to adjust the font size06:53
lauckyhello dudes06:53
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NET||abusePelo, yeh, it's alot of info in hardware info, but it seems to show up like in APplications->prefs->sounds,, not really like in skype...06:53
Jamesinatorkim_: Ok, can you go to Applications->Accessories->Terminal and click on it?06:53
FFForeveri am just tired of brute force login attempts...., i kinda just wanted to make some rsa keys and say if u don't have a rsa key u cant login06:53
jeffferrarialex_: check you didn't overwrite the file in phpbb that contains the db url, username and password06:53
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kim_Jamesinator: Ofcourse :-)06:53
geniiJamesinator: She has synaptic open already06:53
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jeffferrarikim_: the search box in top right corner can find any package06:53
rafaelscjwhat kind of upgrade MUST I do to install compoiz? (feity-security/updates/proposed/backports)06:53
PeloNET||abuse, that's the best I can do for you,  you'll figure it out don'T worry, I trust you06:54
jeffferrarikim_: inside synaptic of course06:54
bruenigrafaelscj, what?06:54
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jawJamesinator: thanks, I wasn't sure where to look. I thought I heard of some .Xfontsizes file to edit, but your suggestion makes sense, it's a font setting in X06:54
NET||abusePelo, heh, yeh ksure06:54
jeffferrarikim_: so click search, type clamav and hit go06:54
slim2steel_lady: still reading06:54
Jamesinatorkim_: Ok, type: "gksudo killall synaptic ; sudo apt-get install clamav clamav-freshclam"06:54
geniijeffferrari: Thx06:54
rafaelscjwhat kind of upgrade MUST I do to install compiz-fusion? (feity-security/updates/proposed/backports)06:54
bruenigJamesinator, gk is unnecessary06:54
jawPelo: Thanks. I did change the fluxbox's style, but I think Jamesinator's suggestion of looking in X11's settings makes sense06:54
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Jamesinatorbruenig: Of course, but it opens a GUI that is easier for newbies06:54
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bruenigJamesinator, I don't think so in that situation06:55
bruenigJamesinator, as they would be on the command line already when they typed it06:55
jeffferrariyeah, I'm from the "let them learn terminal in a safer context" school06:55
PeloNET||abuse, in hardware info just find the audio card,  once you've done that you only have to glance at the values to find something that looks that the options in skype06:55
Jamesinatorbruenig: It seems pointless from an experienced users' point of view, but I do try to cater to the newbies -- if it works the same, what's the problem?06:55
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NET||abusePelo, the options in skype look nothing like the values for the audio card sub modules in hardware info06:56
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bruenigJamesinator, it is bad practice to do so06:56
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kim_Jamesinator: Reading package lists... Done06:56
kim_Building dependency tree06:56
kim_Reading state information... Done06:56
kim_clamav is already the newest version.06:56
kim_clamav-freshclam is already the newest version.06:56
kim_0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.06:56
steel_ladyok, a question: if i sudo rm *     -->it will remove all the files only in that folder???06:56
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Jamesinatorkim_: Ack! Use pastebin -- don't flood the channel;06:56
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Jamesinator!pastebin | kim_06:56
ubotukim_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:56
=== mikebot [n=michaell@ip24-254-86-247.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
NET||abusePelo, there's some numbers like 0x02c and 0x01p but they don't make much of an analog to the skkype settings06:56
PeloNetham45, in my system , ( i just checked ) the alsa capture device ( the mic) is ich506:56
bruenigJamesinator, when doing cli stuff, you do sudo, what happens for instance if they are without X and need to do some stuff but only know of this gksudo to do root stuff?06:56
=== Lattyware [n=Latty@host86-132-222-72.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
alex_jeffferrari: i just changed the contents of config.php and everything looks pretty much back to normal (i think)06:57
rafaelscjwhat kind of update MUST I install before installing compiz-fusion? (feity-security/updates/proposed/backports)06:57
mikebotWhen updating to a new version of ubuntu (viz gibbon when it comes out), will I have all my packages and stuff? (ie is it just like downloading an update?)06:57
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alex_jeffferrari: thanks for your help :p06:57
bruenigrafaelscj, nothing?06:57
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Jamesinatorbruenig: We've already established she has a working X11 and GNOME setup since I got her to open Terminal from a menu, your entire argument is over a pointless issue of semantics06:57
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slim2steel_lady: try - dpkg remove force-remove-reinstreq "the package name you found in synaptic before" - seems to answer the unmovable issue06:57
bruenigJamesinator, no it isn't semantical, it is about harvesting good practices06:57
alex_jeffferrari: this all happened because I tried to get my Realtek NIC to work properly with samba06:57
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Xarlockany screen res guru's in here? i'm having major problems setting mine up....06:57
jeffferrarialex_: :) the safest (and most complete) way to fix ths though is to reinstall phpbb so your settings are correct - then copy config.php back06:57
jeffferrarialex_: lessons learned though!06:58
alex_jeffferrari: still learning with this whole ubuntu thing :)06:58
rafaelscjbruenig, Can I install compiz-fusion without do any updates06:58
steel_ladyslim2 it still refuses to remove because i need the first step -- read well the post number 8, the last one06:58
Jamesinatorbruenig: They are THE SAME. They both OPERATE SUDO. Gksudo merely opens a GUI that's easy for beginners to understand06:58
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bruenigrafaelscj, yeah if I understand your question correctly06:58
bruenigJamesinator, gksudo for command line stuff is bad practice06:59
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NET||abusePelo, i think i'm a little confused about how sound architecture works in linux,, there's a sound device that is serial, only one thing can access it at a time, so alsa sits on top and everything needs to talk to alsa,, now in gnome, system->prefs->sounds tells gnome what to point to for sound, so i set all to alsa, now how do i tell alsa what to point to for mic?06:59
alex_jeffferrari: still learning with this whole ubuntu thing :) thanks again06:59
=== vaio [n=vaio@host86-136-215-156.range86-136.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jamesinatorbruenig: Blithely calling something bad practice simply because you disagree with the implementation does not make it that. I told you, I already knew she had a working installation of GNOME and I was making it easier for her.06:59
bruenigJamesinator, what happens when she is without X and needs to do stuff? gksudo fails miserably06:59
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@ppp-69-229-179-81.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
rafaelscjbruenig, did you install compiz-fusion in a fresh installation of Ubuntu?06:59
jeffferrariJamesinator: apparently it can misset metadata files for running X process06:59
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Jamesinatorbruenig: And I would have her use sudo instead06:59
vaiohow do I run the cpufreq applet from the command line?06:59
jeffferrari!sudo | Jamesinator06:59
ubotuJamesinator: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.06:59
Xarlockplease could someone help me set up my screen res..07:00
jeffferrarioops, rather07:00
Jamesinatorjeffferrari: I know what sudo is, thanks07:00
jeffferrari!gksudo | Jamesinator07:00
ubotuJamesinator: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use  gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using  sudo <GUI-application>  See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo for more info07:00
PeloNET||abuse, is your mic working in apps other then skipe ? like sound recorder ?07:00
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:00
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Jamesinatorbruenig: Oooh, burned by ubotu07:00
kim_jefferrari: I tryed to type Clamav and there is alot of files, but i don't know what to do with them.07:00
mikebotWhen updating to a new version of ubuntu (viz gibbon when it comes out), will I have all my packages and stuff? (ie is it just like downloading an update?)07:00
bruenigJamesinator, oh ok, I wasn't aware that you two knew each other enough that you could be around all the time07:00
jeffferrariJamesinator: that doc explains why - beyond bad practice, its dangerous07:00
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bruenigJamesinator, burned, it says graphical07:00
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bruenigJamesinator, killall is not graphical07:00
Dakokisomeone kows the name of07:00
Jamesinatorbruenig: But it doesn't matter -- it still runs it through sudo and it still performs the action fine07:01
slim2steel_lady: sudo gedit /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-igd then enter the command that is in #807:01
Dakokithe tex-broser pre-instaled on ubuntu?07:01
Jamesinatorkim_: What exactly is it showing you?07:01
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Xarlockthanks for the ubotu but i've already tried this stuff and it hasn't worked07:01
Jamesinator!pastebin | kim07:01
ubotukim: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:01
Jack_SparrowJamesinator: Running a gui program with sudo and not gksudo is not a good idea07:01
PeloDakoki,  check in synaptic and search for browser , see what is installed07:01
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CoasterMasterJack_Sparrow: why? what's the difference?07:02
JamesinatorJack_Sparrow: Yeah, bruenig is just bitching me to start a flamewar because I had a newbie use gksudo for an apt-get program so she could use a GUI instead of the terminal07:02
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bruenigJamesinator, Ok I am just saying this: first it isn't any easier, now with that said, there is no reason to choose one over the other if they are the same right so I do not on that premise alone say not to use gksudo. But secondly, it opens up a false understanding that gksudo is how you do things requiring root privileges, this is misleading and can have disastrous results of someone is required to recover their system from a console07:02
bruenig when they aren't likely to hav eyou around07:02
jeffferrariJamesinator: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=181867 can't log in because .ICEAUTHORITY damaged07:02
jeffferrariJamesinator: due to sudo07:02
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kim_Jamesinator: In terminal or synaptic?07:02
Jack_SparrowJamesinator: np... just wanted to point that out07:02
=== Pelo just found out that 8.04 will be called hardy heron, let the jokes commence
bruenigJack_Sparrow, he said to do gksudo killall07:02
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Jamesinatorkim_: The command I gave you should've closed synaptic already -- if it's still up, close it07:02
NET||abusePelo, I'll just check sound recorder then,, hang on a tick07:02
Jack_SparrowCoasterMaster: It can mess up your premissions...07:02
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CoasterMasterJack_Sparrow:  got it07:03
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slim2steel_lady: I've got to get up in 4hrs - lol - be here tomorrow07:03
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Jack_Sparrowbruenig: Yuch... thats a new one...07:03
steel_ladyslim 2 there is nothing about it in info07:03
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Dakokithanks Pelo07:03
steel_ladyslim2 ok07:03
PeloDakoki,  you found it ? what was it ?07:03
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Jack_SparrowCoasterMaster: kdesu for a kde app07:03
rafaelscjbruenig, did you install compiz-fusion on a fresh installation of Ubuntu?07:03
=== TBone [n=mark@cpe-075-182-072-105.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dwxreaperwhere do i find the differences between the ubutnu distributions07:04
NET||abusePelo, no, can't get it to work in sound recorder,07:04
bruenigrafaelscj, no I didn't, I was going to wait until they had what they declared to be an official release myself, I think 0.6 is that, but it shouldn't be a problem07:04
Xarlockcan someone help with my screen res.  I have tried editing xorg.conf and dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but none of these have worked07:04
NET||abusePelo, but in the gnome alsa mixer, i can hear myself when i open the mic for the playback settings07:04
Jamesinatorbruenig: First of all, you can't just blithely say it isn't easy -- that's not for you to decide. Gksudo is automatically going to be easier for a new user because it gives them a GUI they can understand instead of text in a terminal. If they are the same, then you have nothing but your ego to mark for the cause of your bitching me. Just get over it.07:04
bruenigdwxreaper, you mean like xubuntu and kubuntu or versions?07:04
CoasterMasterJack_Sparrow: so always use sudo for cli and gksudo for gui (kdesu for KDE).....I never knew it really made a difference07:04
TBoneHas anyone managed to build CenterIM on Feisty?  I see the merge from Deb to Gutsy, but nothing out there about Feisty07:04
Pelodwxreaper,  ubuntu runs gnome,  kubuntu runs kde , xubuntu runs xfce07:04
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Jack_SparrowXarlock: then you are not setting the right options07:05
Jack_SparrowCoasterMaster: Yes, huge difference07:05
bruenigJamesinator, how is a box that pops up that says enter your password easier than a console that says enter your password?07:05
YouKnowMeI've used it before and I know it can cause probs but could someone direct me to a site for the download of envy? I've googled and cannot find.07:05
Xarlockjack what i'm i doing wrong?07:05
TBoneI keep getting the "Must install libstdc++ headers" error, even though all the stdc++-0dev packages are installed07:05
PeloNET||abuse, I think your first step is to get the mic to work properly,  check in the forum,  this is out of my area of expertise07:05
kim_jamesinator: It tells me that: Reading package lists... Done.  Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done07:05
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Jack_SparrowYouKnowMe: Envy is BAD BAD BAD07:05
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Jack_Sparrow!envy > YouKnowMe07:06
NET||abusePelo, ok, thanks for help anyway :)07:06
Jamesinatorbruenig: Because the average user wants a window that tells them what it's doing and not text in a box -- you apparently haven't spent any time doing tech support but are still able to crit others on their implementation of it07:06
kim_Jamesinator: clamav is already the newest version.. clamav-freshclam is already the newest version. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.07:06
PeloTBone, just for other libstdc packages07:06
bruenigJamesinator, they are identical in ease, one is bad practice and the other isn't, if you wish to advocate the bad practice one, I feel compelled as a concerned supporter here to make it aware to the person you are informing to the same extent as if you were telling someone to use automatix or do rm -rf /07:06
Jamesinatorkim_: Can you post it to the pastebin link I gave you and send me the link?07:06
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rafaelscjdo you like EnLightEnMent + Gnome?07:06
YouKnowMeJack_Sparrow, I know I know, but still I'd like a link to it if possible?07:06
TBoneEverything libstdc++ has been installed, with the exception of the -dbg packages....so....what's missing?07:07
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kim_Jamesinator: I han't seen any pastebin. in fact i don't know what it is.07:07
Jack_SparrowYouKnowMe: Not from people here..07:07
Pelorafaelscj,  i thinks it's enlightenment or gnome07:07
ubotuenvy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!07:07
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Jack_SparrowJamesinator: Pleas dont take it personally... it isnt..07:07
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Jamesinatorbruenig: Which word didn't you understand? What is and is not easy is not for you to decide, it is up to the user, but anyone who has EVER worked with the average user knows that they want a window that tells them what to do, not a mass of text in a terminal. Gksudo, as everyone here has confirmed, is apparently better and safer to use than sudo, and it isn't up to you to decide what is and isn't bad practice.07:07
PeloYouKnowMe, just google for it07:07
YouKnowMeI have and I can't find it07:07
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J_Phi all07:08
rafaelscjPelo, here there is a option to run both together07:08
dwxreaperi mean kbuntu, fiesty fawn, how do i know the differences between them07:08
J_Ppeople, anyone know some util that transform pdf to doc ?07:08
XarlockJack, would you mind telling me what i am doing wrong??? I have spent nearly six hours trying to get my screen res fixed and i'm still stuck at 800x600 which  looks really bad on a 19" monitor07:08
rafaelscjPelo, and it works07:08
PeloJ_P,  OOo wirter maybe07:09
JamesinatorGad, some people in here must seriously have so little in the way of social life that they have to sit in here and start flamewars over two letters in front of a command that does the same thing07:09
pike_J_P: i believe abiword may be able to do that.07:09
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jeffferrari!feisty > dwxreaper07:09
jeffferrari!kbuntu > dwxreaper07:09
Jamesinatorkim_: Ok, I'll give you the link for it now07:09
pike_J_P: open and then just save as07:09
Jamesinator!pastebin | kim_07:09
ubotukim_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:09
Jack_SparrowXarlock: first, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   set card to vesa and accept all other defaults and do NOT write freq to the xorg..07:09
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wastrelcups-pdf refuses to produce letter size output- stuck on A4  any ideas how to fix?07:09
Jack_SparrowXarlock: set max res to 1024 for the moment07:09
dwxreaperjefferrari: well there is a bunch, i was hoping for some comparison chart07:09
jeffferrari!info cups-pdf | J_P07:09
ubotuj_p: cups-pdf: PDF printer for CUPS. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.2-3 (feisty), package size 39 kB, installed size 240 kB07:09
kim_Jamesinator: I have found it now. under syntax, what should i say in that box?07:09
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Jamesinatorkim_: Just leave the syntax field blank and paste the output you got in the text box and submit it, then give me the link07:10
dwxreaperfrom my reading BSD seems better though because I know everything will work together, because it's tested in the base system07:10
Xarlockok brb07:10
=== Trent_ [n=Trent@68-187-146-153.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
CoasterMasterhas anyone here successfully compiled/installed rtorrent+libtorrent, the latest versions from the rtorrent website?07:10
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jeffferraridwxreaper: lol ubuntu is far from tested07:10
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gzavsalut a tous07:11
jeffferraridwxreaper: *untested07:11
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PeloCoasterMaster,  try an rtorrent channel and ask if anyone as installed on ubuntu,   better chance  to get an answer I think07:11
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anandanbuAfter performing the following the iso file has a lock symbol in it sudo umount /dev/cdrom07:11
anandanbudd if=/dev/cdrom of=file.iso bs=102407:11
Pelo!fr | gzav07:11
ubotugzav: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.07:11
dwxreaperjefferrari: yeah I don't think I will run into any problems with Ubunut, or BSD.  I'm just running a server, which isn't going to have access to much07:11
nulliehello... how can I generate grub.conf automatically?07:11
=== Esteth [n=esteth@77-100-220-13.cable.ubr01.glen.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
kim_Jamesinator: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35568/07:12
jeffferrarianandanbu: becuase you mounted it as root, only root can unmount it07:12
bulmernullie part of the install process07:12
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Pelonullie, do you mean  /boot/grub/menu.lst ?07:12
nulliePelo, yes, maybe07:12
Pen-n-Paperjust came online to say ubuntu+compizfusion=sexay07:12
Jack_Sparrownullie: The install does it.. are you running single or dual drives in your multi boot..07:12
Pen-n-Paperthank you07:12
nulliebulmer, yes, how can I start that part of install process?07:12
EstethAfter installing ntfs-3g, the drive i enabled it for is completely inacessible. Gparted says: "Unable to read the contents of this filesystem! Did you install the correct plugin for this filesystem?"07:12
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Jamesinatorkim_: Ok, lol. You already have clamav and freshclam installed.07:12
anandanbujeffferrai: i used that for creating iso images and now i want to burn those how to do that and would that lock symbol affect the dvd from being bootable07:12
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bulmernullie: you do the install, that file gets created07:12
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Pelonullie, like bulmer said you can,t it's part of the initial install ,  if you need to add something just tell us and we'll try to help07:13
Xarlockok jack done that07:13
kim_Jamesinator: Man i hate this. I'ts not easy to be newb :-)07:13
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steel_ladyplease I need somebody smart, I know more or less what is the problem and how to resolve it but i need somebody experienced!!!07:13
FeudsterAnyone here familiar with setting up gmail notifier?07:13
VoXsteel_lady: just state the problem07:13
Pelosteel_lady, telling us abotu the problem would help07:13
Jamesinatorkim_: Hehe, I know it's tough at first. :P But if you already have it installed, what are you trying to do?07:13
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kim_Jamesinator: But i cant scan or do anything with it.07:14
ChuckFuWhat type of Device would you guys suggest for a backup device, Tape (Please say NO) external Drive etc... I am Running ubuntu07:14
jeffferrarianandanbu: lock symbol means almost nothing except that you (user) can't affect it - only root can07:14
Jack_SparrowXarlock: Sorry, was just trying to finish breakfast07:14
Jamesinatorkim_: Ah, ok, I see. Just a second.07:14
Xarlockno problem :)07:14
Jack_SparrowXarlock: Do you have 1024 x 768 atm...07:14
=== Skurupu [n=skurupu@host-81-191-171-10.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu
Carroarmato0Any one knows what the command is to invoke the compiz configuration tool?07:14
kim_Jamesinator: :-)07:14
jeffferrari!ask steel_lady07:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask steel_lady - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:14
PeloChuckFu, dvd ? external hdd07:14
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Jamesinatorkim_: Okay, back in your terminal, type: "gksudo apt-get install avscan"07:14
jeffferrari!ask | steel_lady07:14
ubotusteel_lady: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:14
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nulliebulmer, Pelo, grub-update, I guess you should know that :)07:14
anandanbujeffferrai: so can i now burn it to dvd without any problem and would that create any problem07:14
FeudsterCan anyone here help me with gmail notifer07:14
nulliebulmer, Pelo, update-grub even07:14
spaxmanCan anybody tell me if there is a known issue with SSH on ubuntu server edition 7.04? (I can't connect to my server via SSH.)07:14
ChuckFucan you sugggest any automated backup software I I go with external hard drive07:14
Xarlockjack, the screen res has not changed07:15
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Pelonullie, k07:15
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects07:15
VoXspaxman: have you installed openssh-server?07:15
jeffferrarianandanbu: only one way to find out :)07:15
scipioFeudster, i don't have gmail notifier but i'm using checkgmail. it's in the repos very very easy to use and it does its job07:15
bulmernullie if you know why did you asked us?07:15
J_PPelo: pike_ OOo wreiter and abiword do not transform pdf to doc.07:15
jeffferrarianandanbu: try07:15
spaxmanno, I would have thought that ssh server would have been included in the server version of the OS07:16
nulliebulmer, I didn't know till I googled07:16
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Jamesinatorkim_: That will install a frontend that will let you use ClamAV without having to run commands in a terminal.07:16
Jack_SparrowXarlock: Please use the pastebin to post your xorg so people can check it out.. we will aslo wasnt to know make and model of your video card and monitor... links to specs with max res and or freq work best.07:16
NET||abuseCan anyone tell me what use the ac_97 module is for my card? i've been reading the help.ubuntu.com link for sound trouble shooting "options snd-intel8x0 ac97_quirk=3" to get ac_97 working with intel 8x0 cards.. what will it do for me?07:16
PeloJ_P,   google for pdf2doc07:16
stiflerdoes anyone know how to create an access point with ubuntu?I have a wireless card07:16
dwxreaperjefferrari: or anyone.. I see fiesty, dawn, edgy, etc. how am i supposed to know all the differences07:16
bulmernullie ahh you discovered goggle..cool..next time do the same for your other questions :)07:16
VoXspaxman: im not sure if it's installed by default, check and see if it is07:16
jeffferrarianandanbu: it will either work or not, either way you have learnt something07:16
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anandanbujeffferrai: gr8 thanks for the info07:16
jeffferrari!wifi | stifler07:16
ubotustifler: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:16
steel_ladyVoX, Pelo, jeffferrari you have it here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3274778#post327477807:16
nulliebulmer, I always do, but sometime chat helps07:16
anandanbujeffferrari: but i dont want to waste the DVD's so07:16
Pelosteel_lady,  how about you give us a short summary here07:16
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nulliebulmer, especially, then I don't know exact query07:17
Xarlockok - whats pastebin? and how do i use it....07:17
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spaxmanI've looked through the directory structure a bit, but can't find anything. I'm fairly new to linux, so I am not proficient with all the tools and commands that are at my disposal07:17
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Xarlocksorry only installed unbuntu yesterday and know nothin about it07:17
kim_Jamesinator: I have typed it in and i have pressed y, but nothing happens after that.07:17
spaxmanWhat is the best way to determine if a program is installed?07:17
Feudsterrun it07:17
Jamesinatorkim_: Can you pastebin the output of it again?07:17
Pelospaxman,  try and run it07:17
VoXspaxman: oh, no dramas. type "sudo apt-get install openssh-server"07:17
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jeffferrarianandanbu: most likely it will either completely fail (without using the disk) or completely work - give it a go... if you lose a disk consider it learning07:17
steel_ladyPelo, I have a package that is preventing me from installing and deinstalling other programs and packages and I can not get rid of it even with force removal. it is connected to something and I need to know where and how07:18
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jeffferrari!pastebin Xarlock07:18
spaxmanthx, I'll try to run and let you know if I have more questions07:18
Jack_Sparrow!pastebin > Xarlock07:18
spaxmanThanks for the help07:18
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VoXspaxman: no probs07:18
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Pelosteel_lady,   open synaptic , find the package that is giving you problem  right click properties,  chec under the dependeny tab for that it depends on and what is dependent on it07:18
Pelolater folk07:19
=== GNine [n=gnine@c-24-99-14-101.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["ego]
Xarlock!pastebin >Xarlock?07:19
steel_ladyPelo I did it long ago07:19
Jack_SparrowXarlock: FYI please avoid scripts like automatix and envy...  both will cause you nothing but heartache07:19
Xarlocksorry an i really stupid?07:19
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VoX!pastebin | Xarlock07:19
ubotuXarlock: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:19
Jack_SparrowXarlock: Do you really want people here to answer that..07:19
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JamesinatorJack_Sparrow: Really? What's wrong with Automatix? I've heard people diss it but I've never actually used it.07:20
VoXJack_Sparrow: thats not needed07:20
steel_ladyVoX, jeffferrari any idea from you?07:20
Jack_SparrowXarlock: It is a simple copy and paste operation07:20
GNinemy next book is coming out in pastebin format07:20
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ubotuAutomatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)07:20
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kim_Jamesinator: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35569/07:20
Jack_SparrowJamesinator: Read up on it with that link07:20
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Gswainhey guys i installed proftp according to the directions in the ubuntu manual. When I try and login my client keeps wanting the password over again and /var/log/syslog just keeps saying connection closed. I know the password is right what am i doing wrong?07:21
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usdPlease help me, Where can i download Ubuntu Beryl ???? plzzzz07:21
CoasterMaster!beryl | usd07:21
dwxreaperI see fiesty, dawn, edgy, etc. how am i supposed to know all the differences07:21
ubotuusd: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects07:21
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Jack_SparrowVoX: What isnt needed...07:21
Jamesinatorkim_: Then it should be installing, and you should be able to create a launcher ( on your desktop, toolbar, etc ) with the command "avscan" to open it07:21
cortinillhi , this offer unlimited space for free , share all together in acuatoria.com ;), now games, porn , mp3 and others uploaded07:21
jeffferrarigoogle | dwxreaper07:21
Jamesinator!ops | cortinill07:21
ubotucortinill: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici07:21
VoXJack_Sparrow: berrating someone because they dont know what a pastebin is, and what it's used for.07:21
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dwxreaperdoesn't seem like there is a great place on the net that lists the differences07:22
jeffferrariquick :)07:22
dwxreaperjust forum posts07:22
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Jack_SparrowVoX: I didnt do that at all.. just pointing out that wasnt a good question to ask...07:22
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jeffferraridwxreaper: try the ubuntu home page man, its all there07:22
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GNinei take it you want to be master of all..07:22
GNineyou better stick to one and learn C07:23
Jamesinatornalioth: ?07:23
Xarlocksorry took me a while ::  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35570/07:23
steel_ladyok, how can it be that nobody even tries to help? I get the feeling that here are a bunch of kids who do not know how to help, just send ubotu messages to other people07:23
jeffferraristeel_lady: did you try booting to recovery and removing?07:23
naliothJamesinator: yes?07:23
kim_Jamesinator: I can't open clamav07:23
Jamesinatorsteel_lady: You could try repeating your question instead of flaming people -- some people just might've not heard it07:23
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Jamesinatornalioth: Just wondering why you removed the ban on him07:23
Jack_Sparrow!attitude > steel_lady07:23
VoXsteel_lady: try apt-get remove --purge linux-igd07:24
dwxreaperjeffferrari: well i need a dvd release, and i don't see fiesty fawn on the ubuntu site, but it's has a dvd download07:24
jeffferrari!patience | steel_lady07:24
ubotusteel_lady: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:24
GNinesteel.. its easy to ask for help. the hard part is to know the question. so if you please, you could be our next guru, would ya?07:24
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dwxreaperbut yeah.. the ubuntu home page has a lot of information07:24
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naliothJamesinator: because i klined him off the network07:24
kim_Jamesinator: Details: Failed to execute child process "avscan" (No such file or directory)07:24
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects07:24
DakokiPelo: there is no pre istaled text-browser07:24
steel_ladyjeffferrary I have this problem for several months now and it started seriously to interfear with my system. I already tried everything and it needs some specific solution, not a general one07:24
Jamesinatornalioth: Oh, ok. Thanks. I was just confused. :P07:24
scamsteel_lady,  www.google.com works too07:24
Dakokiim going to install links07:24
naliothDakoki: use links2, it's better07:24
Gswainprftpd anyone?07:24
wastrelthis is the second time i've seen something like this07:25
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Dakokinalioth ok thanks07:25
wastrelin the last day07:25
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steel_ladyjeffferrari, i am trying to resolve the problem several months already. and it seems to me that a very few people that tried to help, knew even less than I do07:25
ubotuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD07:25
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Jamesinatorkim_: When do you get that message?07:25
steel_ladyscam, I was googling for ages already07:25
kim_Jamesinator: When i try to open Clamav07:25
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scamsteel_lady,  you havent told anyone your problem other then complaing about this channel07:26
Jamesinatorkim_: How are you opening it?07:26
rafaelscj!find vpn | rafaelscj07:26
Jamesinatorkim_: By opening a launcher to avscan?07:26
steel_ladyscam and that I was googling a lot, shows in my posts on ubuntuforums that nobody is answering07:26
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kim_Jamesinator: Doubble clicking on it07:26
Jack_SparrowXarlock: First issue... you spelled nvidia wrong.. What about your hardware info do you have that as well...  Nvidia usually work fine07:26
jeffferraridwxreaper: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/07:26
steel_ladyscam I also filed a bug officially long ago07:26
tizianohi may i get here kernel compilation support?07:26
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VoXsteel_lady: did you try what i suggested07:26
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scamsteel_lady,  again.. what is the problem07:27
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VoXscam: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3274778#post327477807:27
VoXscam: that's her problem07:27
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XarlockNV44 what ever that it07:27
Jamesinatorkim_: Ok, just to make sure we have everything down, does typing "gksudo apt-get install clamav clamav-freshclam clamav-data avscan" work without any problems?07:28
kim_Jamesinator: I don't know how to create a launcher. I know how to open "create a launcher", but i don't know how to make one07:28
Jack_SparrowXarlock: DO you know make and model of your video card?07:28
ironmatarpelo are ye still here?07:28
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Jamesinatorkim_: Ok... so... what were you double clicking?07:28
jeffferraristeel_lady: when you deselect it in synaptic, does it list dependencies that need to be removed also?07:28
feclareI'm trying to boot a USB-flash with the CD-live image. I get kernel and initrd loaded and running, but then it halts and even cant get a console07:28
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steel_ladyVox, scam, here is the result: http://pastebin.com/m324bef6207:28
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feclarehow can i activate same debug info or something like that?07:28
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Xarlockall i know is what is written on the motherboard box07:29
Jack_SparrowXarlock: go to term and type lspci and see what it shows for your nvidia07:29
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Jamesinatorkim_: Whoops, nevermind, I think I see a problem07:29
steel_ladyjeffferrari, it does not list dependencies but it refuses to be removed. since I was googling a lot, I found it maybe similar like in some cases here, check the last post in: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/package-installation-error-and-solution.html07:29
jeffferraristeel_lady: also, because it's a network related upnp service, try closing down all network interfaces with ifconfig <ifname> down before deselecting07:29
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Mrchickencan I install debian packages under ubuntu?07:30
MrchickenI want to install Ebox07:30
Jack_SparrowMrchicken: bad idea07:30
Puppy_how do I know if software is legal in the usa?07:30
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Jamesinatorkim_: Avscan depends on clamav-data, but clamav-freshclam (which is needed to update it) has a dependency conflict with clamav-data. So... you're stuck.07:30
jeffferrariMrchicken: look at dpkg07:30
GNineit is possible tho, Mrchicken07:30
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jeffferrariMrchicken: ubuntu pretty much is debian, just with some customisation07:30
Silexhello is this for Samp?07:30
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MrchickenThe thing is... I want to try and install ebox07:31
kim_Jamesinator: Okay. Should i just delete Clamav and find another scanner?07:31
GNinebut even tho ubuntu is based on debian they are two different entities07:31
Jamesinatorkim_: I'm sure someone knows how to fix it -- but I don't. I'm sorry. :(07:31
Mrchickenbut with the latest packages installed07:31
steel_ladyjeffferrari, what the <ifname> stands for?07:31
Jack_SparrowMrchicken: Setting your sources to debian and thinking they are the same as ubuntu will cause problems07:31
kim_Jamesinator: Okay. But thanks anyway :-)07:31
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jeffferrarido ifconfig to find the ifnames, eg eth0, wlan007:31
Jamesinatorkim_: Good luck, sorry I couldn't be more help.07:31
sipiorsteel_lady: try commenting out the troublesome sections of the /etc/init.d/upnpd script. the uninstaller will think the daemon has stopped succesfully, and allow you to uninstall07:32
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MrchickenJack_Sparrow, then it would be better if I just compiled the thing from source?07:32
jeffferraristeel_lady: don't close loopback though07:32
giany911what software is necessary to use with a scanner ?07:32
kim_Jamesinator: Thats okay :-)07:32
Puppy_how do I know if software is legal in the usa?07:32
GNineyou could install packages from differnt distros at the expense of system stability07:32
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sipiorsteel_lady: then uncomment when finished07:32
ironmatarwhat do u mean Puppy_07:32
Jack_SparrowMrchicken: or look for a deb...  If you are feeling lucky.. do a full backup and go for it....but you never know what might happen07:32
boubbinhow to detech if nvidia opr ati drivers are properly installed ?07:32
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MrchickenJack_Sparrow, already did and it did not go well07:33
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Puppy_ironmatar: like some software is illegal in the usa, is there some kind of list?07:33
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sipiorboubbin: if "xdpyinfo | grep GLX" returns anything, that's a good sign :)07:33
wangerPuppy_ : do you mean with respect to multimedia codecs and such?07:33
kim_Jamesinator: Is anti virus really necessary for Ubuntu?07:33
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steel_ladysipior I already did that. I even tried to remove the whole file there and it said that it misses the information to be defined in that file07:33
Puppy_wanger: yup.07:33
Jack_SparrowPuppy_: it is mostly mp3 issues and multi-media stuff.. see restricted formats07:33
Jamesinatorkim_: No, not really. It's mostly snakeoil to make users feel safer.07:33
GNinePuppy_,  lol07:33
sipiorsteel_lady: don't remove the file...modify the file so as to ensure that the return value is true07:34
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jeffferraristeel_lady: don't remove the whole file07:34
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:34
RonaldWinAmp 5.35 paused07:34
Puppy_Jack_Sparrow: ok thanks.07:34
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jeffferraristeel_lady: yeah... what he said - pastebin your file07:34
boubbinsipior nice, thanks.07:34
Puppy_GNine: what is funny?07:34
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kim_Jamesinator: But isn't there virus out there that can harm you? Or hack?07:34
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GNinenothing, except you had to ask that07:34
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Jack_Sparrowkim_: IN ubuntu... no07:35
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Lamegokim_, not yet07:35
jeffferrari!virus | kim07:35
ubotukim: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2107:35
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wangerPuppy_ ah ok, i assume it'll be in a licence agreement if legality of use is an issue, i suppose just read any licences fully if you're really bothered07:35
steel_ladysipior, jeffferrary, I tried to uncoment those 2 lines also but then it just does not complain that they are not defined and continues to remove. I tried with all possible options and I think it is not the issue in that file but somewhere else07:35
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Puppy_Gnine: yeah. I am really new to linux. :)07:35
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Puppy_ok thanks everyone!07:35
jeffferraristeel_lady: pastebin so we can see what you are doing07:35
GNinewelcome to the matrix, Puppy_07:35
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sipiorsteel_lady: if you don't show us the file, we are wasting our time here07:35
kim_Jack_Sparrow: Sorry about that :-)07:36
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shanekelly64Hey all--I'm trying to find out where the the panel is for beryl is, as showed in the video... the one like in OSX07:36
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shanekelly64can anyone tell me about getting tha panel? I didn't see it in the options for beryl07:36
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steel_ladyjeffferrari, sipior http://pastebin.com/m50bc1ca507:36
Jack_Sparrowkim_: np... also see firewall... as we use iptables and if needed a "Firewall" iptable manager.. If you want to see how vulnerable you are go to grc.com and do shields up07:37
Carroarmato0Hi, I'm looking for a way to configure compiz in Gutsy... I can't find the compizconfig package (I checked in #ubuntu-effects but they guys over there are sleeping I guess)07:37
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PriceChild!gutsy | Carroarmato007:37
ubotuCarroarmato0: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+107:37
steel_ladyjeffferrari, sipior, I think that I have to do something in init.d07:37
sipiorsteel_lady: what did the original file look like07:37
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Jack_SparrowCarroarmato0: Try #ubuntu+107:37
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Carroarmato0Jack_Sparrow: thx07:37
GNinethey seem like that all the time Carroarmato007:37
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kim_Jack_Sparrow: I have firestarter07:38
jason__10anyhad laptop fan problems? mine has never been on and its been a concern07:38
Jack_Sparrowkim_: You dont really need it...  unless you want to open a port for some reason07:38
Carroarmato0GNine: I noticed... there's another guy who entered and is feeling lonely...07:38
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steel_ladysipior, the original file was commented completly. when trying to upgrade to feisty it was complaining not wanting because this file is already configured but when I left it unconfigured it refused the same without mentioning it07:38
GNinei tried installing compiz and got the realization of waiting til someone comes out with a more intuitive version before crashing my system again07:38
Jack_Sparrowkim_: There is also guarddog and shorewall07:38
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jason__10anyone with ADVENT laptop here?07:39
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sipiorsteel_lady: this file is /etc/default/upnpd. where is /etc/init.d/upnpd?07:39
fieHow can I prevent apt/synaptic from wanting to uninstall ubuntu-desktop when uninstaling gaim?07:39
kim_Jack_Sparrow: No i don't plan on doing that.07:39
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spaxmanI got openssh-server installed and I am able to conect now. Will openssh-server run automatically on boot now?07:39
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jason__10fie i think you need to run apt-get install -f07:39
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jeffferraristeel_lady: it should contain start restart stop blocks07:40
Evanlecatleast u can use compiz, us ATI ppl cant even use it07:40
Jack_Sparrowfie: If it was installed with a meta-package... uninstalling one piece will want it to uninstall all.07:40
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kim_Jack_Sparrow: Are they any good? (guarddog and shorewall?)07:40
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dbrewer_rjri am trying to set up my LAMPS server on ubuntu to run jsp pages in virtualhosts directories. I installed tomcat, mod_jk, and all of the samples run from port 80. But pages like test.jsp do not run in virtualhosts directories. can anyone help me? java 1.6, tomcat version 5.0. ubuntu is feisty fawn07:40
sipiorjeffferrari: she pasted the config fiel in default, not the init.d runscript07:40
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steel_ladysipior, jeffferrari it is here: http://pastebin.com/m4d7a000207:40
Jack_Sparrowkim_: Yes... but not really necessary... for most instances...07:40
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Evanlec!info LAMP07:41
ubotuPackage lamp does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas07:41
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sipiorsteel_lady: remove the "route del" line in the stop stanza07:41
jeffferrarisipior: lol I don't have/use upnp but I understand the init.d scripts and felt there was a little missing :)07:41
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sipiorjeffferrari: :)07:41
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shanekelly64how does one get the OSX panel in beryl2A?07:41
sipiorsteel_lady: i bet that route is not there anymore07:42
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sipiorsteel_lady: in fact, blow away all the route lines in the file, or comment them out, as you like07:42
ironmatar seem to be haveing a real issue with fiesty though   i just installed the alt iso once agian  and the sigkill and reboot worked finnaly  but i think my issue that keeps cropping up is related to one of 117 update packages  as every time iv run those  afterwords my systm wont boot at all or i get the loading icon but a black screen behind it07:42
jeffferrari!beryl shanekelly6407:42
jeffferrari!beryl | shanekelly6407:43
ubotushanekelly64: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects07:43
elYasewhy when i use "top", i see process with priorities exceding 20, like 25 or 30, isnt suposed that priorities must range betwen 0 and 20 forn normal users?07:43
steel_ladysipior wait07:43
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mastaofdisastahey dudes, I have a Ubuntu on a dual boot system. It's giving me problems with time settings on the comp07:43
Jack_Sparrowironmatar: are you running... sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ... at the term rpompt or recovery mode07:43
mastaofdisastawhenever I change the time on the ubuntu system when I go back to windows it's like 3 hours ahead07:43
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sipiormastaofdisasta: yeah, windows likes to assume that the local clock is in the local time zone, not utc07:44
mastaofdisastaany ideas?07:44
ironmatarJack_Sparrow: `right now i am running the alt iso without the update packages and it booted just fine07:44
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jeffferrarimastaofdisasta: quick and easy workaround is to set both windows and linux to sync to an ntp07:45
steel_ladysipior it still refuses removal07:45
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sipiorsteel_lady: and the error is?07:45
Jack_Sparrowironmatar: install the updates and reconfigure your xorg07:45
profanephobiacan i batch change table types in mysql07:45
Xplicithow do i find out the adress of a phone i connect by bluetooth07:45
elYasewhy when i use "top", i see process with priorities exceding 20, like 25 or 30, isnt suposed that priorities must range betwen 0 and 20 forn normal users?07:45
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jeffferrariprofanephobia: might be better off asking that in a mysql forum07:45
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ironmatarJack_Sparrow:  every time i can remember running the blasted updates it boks my system and it wont boot at all07:45
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steel_ladysipior: Stopping Linux IGD Daemon: invoke-rc.d: initscript upnpd, action "stop" failed.dpkg: error processing linux-igd (--remove): subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 107:45
profanephobiajeffferrari, yeah thanks07:46
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fieWhy is pidgin still not in the repo?07:46
konsumerHello everyone, i have a question. I just installed ubuntu and when i rebooted, it loaded windows again. Any suggestions on how to load ubuntu?07:46
jeffferrariprofanephobia: try #mysql07:46
sipiorsteel_lady: try running that script manually. what does it say?07:46
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Jack_Sparrowironmatar: Hitting esc as it boots will get you to a grub menu that will let you into recovery mode...07:46
steel_ladysipior, i am blonde. how do i do that?07:46
ironmatarJack_Sparrow:  how do i identify the package that IS breaking my system and remove it from updates list07:46
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sipiorsteel_lady: /etc/init.d/upnpd stop07:47
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Juhazfie, it won't be. new things aren't added to the old releases, no pidgin for you until gutsy.07:47
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sipiorsteel_lady: actually, sudo /etc/init.d/upnpd stop07:47
yhanhi any mythtv users around ?07:47
Jack_Sparrowironmatar: the next time you do updates.... burn var/cache/apt/archives to a cd.... before you reboot..07:47
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jeffferrarijuhaz: in pidgin here :p07:47
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elYasewhere can i make a linux or "top comand related question?"07:47
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richard^^has anyone tested both vista and xp on ubuntu either with wmware or virtualbox?07:47
konsumeri guess i'll check this site07:47
stifleri have to create an access point with my laptop, but this access point needs to share internet connection with the ethernet connection...i have an intel 3945abg...please help(i need this to connect pc to nintendo Wii)07:47
grndslmyhan... what's your question?07:47
yhanwondering what I need to do for scheduledirect ?07:47
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grndslmuhh... sign up07:48
CoasterMasterrichard^^: I've done Windows XP on qemu in ubuntu07:48
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yhanI used to have a debian box for myth, migrating it with feisty07:48
grndslmyou gotta pay 'em, tho.. it's not free like zap2it07:48
Jack_Sparrowironmatar: On my father in laws system.. when he updated the latest video tried to give him a res it wouldnt handle.. I dpkg reconfig'd and he is now fine07:48
yhanyeah I know, I signed up already07:48
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steel_ladysipior http://pastebin.com/m3fb9f5c07:48
j85wilsonWhat command do I issue from the command line in order to accomplish the same updates as the update manager  (accessed by clicking on the star in the notification area on the gnome-panel)?07:48
yhanbut does the packages for feisty use scheduledirect already ?07:48
jason__10I Have a fan  thats supposed to blow out the bottom of my laptop, but it is never on, my temperature is generall 55 degrees. Any ideas on how to turn it on?07:48
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elYasewhere can i make a linux or "top comand" related question?07:49
CoasterMasterj85wilson: sudo apt-get upgrade07:49
PoofDaddyWhy is it that when I turn on my computer on Ubuntu, all the icons and windows are enormous?07:49
grndslmi can't give any other specifics than that... i'm waiting for another 2 weeks before I switch to scheduledirect07:49
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j85wilsonCoasterMaster: thanks.  I'm going to be out of town, and waanted to keep my ddesktop machine which doubles as a server up to date via ssh.07:49
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sipiorsteel_lady: is the package removal process still running? kill it first07:49
FomeHi! I'm looking for a program with similar features as Windows Movie Maker. Basically I just want to do some simple editing to movie clips (like cutting them and adding them together) and maybe make some captions. Are there any good programs I can apt-get?07:49
grndslmyhan:  the mythtv-users channel would prolly help you out more07:49
richard^^[CoasterMaster]  is there any diference with xp under qemu and installed as standalone?07:49
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jason__10fome Kino is better07:49
CoasterMasterj85wilson: yeah, that's what I do as well07:49
Jack_SparrowPoofDaddy: You are in a low screen res..07:49
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jeffferrarij85wilson: apt-get update07:49
steel_ladysipior i suppose it is not running07:50
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PoofDaddyJack_Sparrow: oh, ok.  How do I fix that?07:50
j85wilsonjeffferrari: thanks.  CoasterMaster beat you to it :)07:50
jason__10Fome:  Kino is in apt-get and it is actually really good07:50
sipiorsteel_lady: how did it send output to your terminal?07:50
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Fomeok, thanks. I'll try that07:50
jessoni need help please how do i setup sock 4 server in my ubuntu????07:50
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SORMANOVi want to low-level format my hard disk from ubuntu live cd, any one could suggest me the tool to do that ?07:50
CoasterMasterjefferrari: sudo apt-get update only updates the package lists07:50
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steel_ladysipior how???07:50
PoofDaddyJack_Sparrow: is that monitor setting?07:50
nonix4Umm, is ubuntu installing grub by default on raid1 /boot partitions?07:50
sipiorsteel_lady: try "ps aux | grep apt" does it say anything?07:50
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CoasterMasterrichard^^: no, although obviously running Windows XP under another system will be slower07:51
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CoasterMasterrichard^^: but it's not bad, for more information07:51
Jack_SparrowPoofDaddy: I was just leaving... but sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  is where you start  and knowing your hardware make and modle will help others help you07:51
stifler i have to create an access point with my laptop, but this access point needs to share internet connection with the ethernet connection...i have an intel 3945abg...please help(i need this to connect pc to nintendo Wii)07:51
jessonis there a defaul program in ubntu that i can setup my pc to be a sock 4 server?????07:51
steel_ladysipior nina     29400  0.0  0.0   2896   764 pts/2    R+   18:51   0:00 grep apt07:51
CoasterMaster!qemu | richard^^07:51
uboturichard^^: qemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo07:51
nonix4... and is the 7.04:ish grub still broken on raid1?07:51
jeffferrariCoasterMaster: yeah, I like to do that for gutzy dailys - slow connection and I'm usually browsing in synaptic07:51
sipiorsteel_lady: now try "ps aux |  grep dpkg"07:51
konsumerif ubuntu does not load on a restart after the install, is it a bios boot order problem?07:51
Jack_Sparrow!raid > nonix407:51
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|Lunar_Lamp|konsumer, it's possible, if you're still trying to boot from the CDrom, but unlikely.07:52
steel_ladysipior, it begins with 29438 and the rest is the same07:52
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Jack_Sparrowkonsumer: could be many things.. running single or dual drives..?07:52
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francoishey, does anyone know what dcopserver works with ? i'm using kubuntu and its requesting a password... ?07:52
konsumerdual drives dual o/s07:52
steel_ladysipior  29438  0.0  0.0   2892   760 pts/2    R+   18:51   0:00 grep dpkg07:52
jeffferraristeel_lady: do kill 2943807:52
GNinePoofDaddy, you can try a simple approach like checking   system>preferences>screen resolution   and choosing a higher one07:53
stifler i have to create an access point with my laptop, but this access point needs to share internet connection with the ethernet connection...i have an intel 3945abg...please help(i need this to connect pc to nintendo Wii)07:53
voraistoshey guys. i found some sort of bug. after coming back from stand-by, xorg has some strange activity, beryl is not as good, and i have some error trashing my ttys (and taking up cpu)07:53
Jack_Sparrowkonsumer: It will be a grub issue.. not bios issue07:53
CoasterMasterstifler: is your wi-fi card working in Ubuntu?07:53
Jack_Sparrowgotta run... everyone..play nice07:53
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bulmerstifler: you have two nic cards on your laptop?07:53
konsumerthis is my bery first time using ubuntu, so forgive me for my noobness07:53
jessonhelp!! how do i setup sock4 server in my ubuntu>>>??????????????????07:53
konsumerwhat is a grub?07:54
steel_ladysipior now what?07:54
sipiorsteel_lady: replace the "stop" stanza of /etc/init.d/upnpd with a single line: "exit 0"07:54
stifleri have an ethernet connection(wich is used for internet connection) and a recognized wireless card...07:54
sipiorsteel_lady: give me a moment to think and type...07:54
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GNine!grub | konsumer07:54
ubotukonsumer: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:54
coirFor some reason my GDM login window and all desktop environments default their resolution to something higher than 1440x900, and 1440x900 is the largest resolution I have listed in xorg.conf ; anyone have any idea why?07:54
PoofDaddyGNine: that's what I was thinking, but there are no other options other than 640 x 48007:54
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bulmerstifler: did you get a chance to read NoCat ? creating accesspoint portal?07:54
sipiorsteel_lady: leave the ";;" at the bottom of the stanza07:54
voraistoscnxthsf oseventtimeout something returns OS_EVENT_WAIT_TIME_OUT or something related07:54
spaxmanGot openssh-server installed. Will it run automatically now when I reboot the machine?07:54
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FFForevercan i have it not auto start x? when booting07:54
jason__10can people do a little test for me? tell me what there pc temperature is07:55
coirspaxman: Yes.07:55
sipiorsteel_lady: it marks the end of the "stop" condition07:55
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jessonis there anybody here who knows how to setup sock 4?????07:55
bulmerspaxman: try it07:55
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coirjason__10: PC temperatures vary widely.07:55
Xplicithow do i find out the adress of a phone i connect by bluetooth, e.g /dev/blahblahblah07:55
GNinethen you must 1) know what resolutions can you monitor safely support and 2) reconfigure your xorg to use a higher setting07:55
an0malistanyone who knows a lot about php or sendmail?07:55
tarntowi have installed realplayer but m not able to run the programme at all?? thanks07:55
gekko_i'm trying to install gutsy but the installer doesnt detect my partition table (my other partitions) if i choose manual partitioning. does anyone know a solution?07:55
=== voraistos reboots to take care of the problem, as noone seems to be interested in the bug
stiflerbilmer...don't know what that is...i only know that the wireless card is recognized..anc can do what i want to do, becose it did it with windows vista07:55
jason__10coir: my laptop is 55 degrees... but i cant get the fan working on it07:55
jason__10ive never seen it working07:56
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CoasterMastergekko_: System -> Administration -> GNOME Partition Editor07:56
Xplicit55 is fine07:56
steel_ladysipior i am ignorant. stop is mentioned 10 times in that file07:56
CoasterMastergekko_: does that see your partitions?07:56
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j_0_h_ndamn, my laptop is 326 degrees :)07:56
sipiorsteel_lady: give me a moment, i'll edit the file, and send it back to you07:56
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stiflerCoasterMaster do you know how to create an access point?07:56
gekko_CoasterMaster: well, actually i'm using the alternative installer cd (textmode)07:56
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bulmerstifler: creating an accesspoint, your wifi card has to become the AP...and then your laptop has to do the routing and authentication of users accessing your AP..read up on NoCat please07:57
steel_ladythank you sipior07:57
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fsckrhow do i go about not having nautilus write to the desktop?07:57
phoenixzJust for curiosity.. what are the basic differences between suse and kubuntu?07:57
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=== coir grumbles
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coirWhy is no one able to help me?07:58
=== coir sobs
phoenixzbesides the "They s#ck!" argument?07:58
stiflerbulmer what is this NoCat?07:58
bulmerphoenixz: one uses rpm the other dpkg07:58
wastrelphoenixz:  suse is rpm and ubuntu is debian07:58
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bulmerstifler: umm google for it please07:58
CoasterMastergekko_: Are you able to see your partitions in the manual partioner?07:58
wastrelwhat's nocat?07:58
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phoenixzwastrel, I actually knew that one already.. :) but thanks anyway.. but what more differences are there?07:58
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stifleri'm googling but there is nothin in my language :(07:59
sipiorsteel_lady: all right, sending it to you now07:59
coirstifler: Which language is that?07:59
bulmerstifler: http://reviews.cnet.com/4520-6603_7-5023845-1.html07:59
stifleri'm italian07:59
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sipiorsteel_lady: you'll have to accept the transfer07:59
stiflerthanks for the link07:59
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T-HIs there a way to import Firefox bookmarks from windows to ubuntu after installation?07:59
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T-Hi have dual boot07:59
gekko_CoasterMaster: i cant see them. i also tried it with the kubuntu live cd (but forgot to type fdisk -l). maybe i'll boot the live cd and look at the output07:59
jeffferrari!italian | stifler07:59
ubotustifler: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!07:59
coirFor some reason my GDM login window and all desktop environments default their resolution to something higher than 1440x900, and 1440x900 is the largest resolution I have listed in xorg.conf ; anyone have any idea why?08:00
T-Hand i did not import them at the time of installation08:00
T-Hcan ido it now?08:00
konsumerbrb, testing this boot order again, i hope ubuntu starts :|08:00
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steel_ladysipior i am trying to accept but i suppose it does not work because of upnp the same as on msn kopete08:00
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sipiorsteel_lady: what irc client?08:00
jessonomg is there someone who can help me about setting up sock 4 server in my ubuntu ?????????????????/08:00
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stiflerbulmer , so i cannot transoform my laptop wireless card in an access point...08:01
steel_ladysipior, xchat08:01
coirjesson: A proxy server?08:01
coirOr what?08:01
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sipiorsteel_lady: xchat should pop up a window08:01
steel_ladysipior, can you pastebin.com08:01
sipiorsteel_lady: yep08:01
jessona proxy server\08:01
jessonbut not web08:01
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jessonsock 408:01
bulmerstifler: i dont know what kind of wifi card you have on your laptop..orinoco are good ones08:01
jessonsock 4 proxy server08:01
coirjesson: Try geting dante-server and readding the man page for it.08:01
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stiflerintel 3945, supports 802.11a/b/g08:02
steel_ladysipior it pops up but clicking accept does not effect. the same on kopete when trying to recieve08:02
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jessonwhereis is that??08:02
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coirjesson: The repos, I guess.08:02
jessonhow do i get it>08:02
sipiorsteel_lady: http://pastebin.com/d522d738e08:02
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stiflerbulmer: got a intel 3945, supports 802.11a/b/g08:02
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coirjesson: sudo apt-get install dante-server08:02
bulmerstifler: then find out if the driver for it can put that in AP mode and not as a client or adhoc08:02
coirAssuming you have admin priveledges.08:02
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=== goundy is away: I'm not here right now !
jessoncoir dont leave wait08:03
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sipiorsteel_lady: put that in /etc/init.d/upnpd08:03
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coirjesson: I don't know specifics, I haven't done it myself, just trying to point you.08:03
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Sepeh2i'm trying to install ubuntu on a external hard disk, but i'm wondering if the speed would be enough considering all the data is coming through a USB port, have any of you ever tried such thing?08:03
coirDoes anyone here know ANYTHING about GDM, xorg, and/or dislay resolutions?08:04
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bulmerSepeh2: works great08:04
jessonafter download is done how do i run it???08:04
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steel_ladysipior wait to remove numbers in front08:04
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Sepeh2bulmer: have you tried it personally?08:04
stiflerbulmer , is the mode called Ap or Master'08:04
bulmerSepeh2: works great..from experience08:04
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bulmerstifler: yes.master mode08:05
Sepeh2bulmer: thanks a lot!08:05
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tigerflyeri am trying to update from edgy eft to feisty fawn via a cd but one of my drives is broken and the repo manager wont check the dvd drive (i cannot install via internet)08:05
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PoofDaddyGNine: I'm not sure about all of this.  I'm a n00b.08:06
tigerflyeris there a way to manually update everything?08:06
mmoinif anyone wants to chat type32108:06
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Dakokihow i can execute two commands ,one of them in background?08:06
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jessoncoir it sez no internal address when the terminal tried to start it08:06
shkdoes anyone know how to make the top panel transparent or themed?08:06
sipiorsteel_lady: don't forget to ensure that the script is executable ("chmod a+x upnpd"), else it won't run08:06
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Dakokiin a terminal08:06
ChuckFuanything special in the install of Ubuntu with dual Processors08:06
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Tnaxim having some problems with ubuntu, when i rebooted i got a errorcode saying xserver could not load with the specification (WW) No device section for instance (EE) No Devices found. I tryed to reconfigure the Xorg.conf file to use bouth the Nv and Nvidia drivers but neither worked. anyone know whats the problem might be_08:06
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mmoinsame as me08:07
mmoinbut i took it to a store and fixed it up08:07
coirjesson: No idea, sorry.08:07
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mmoini had to restart the whole system08:07
stiflerbulmer seems to be supported08:07
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bulmerstifler: cool..also look into  http://nocat.net08:08
T-Hanyone can be point the name of application that can import firefox bookmark from windows to ubuntu08:08
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stiflerbulmer but do you know how to create it know?08:08
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ironmatarcoir:  actually expect a influx of people sick of the new WGAVT basicly telling them they need a new os cd every time they want to get a new computer08:09
T-H*anyone can point me to an application08:09
pike_T-H: its an html doc so you should be able to at least reopen in firefox and then rebookmark08:09
bulmerstifler yes..i've used netcat..its excellent system..08:09
sipiorT-H: well, the ubuntu installer does that...08:09
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d1006T-H: just copy bookmarks.html from windows to linux....08:09
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sipiorT-H: else just copy onto a usb key08:10
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stiflerbulmer , so..what do i have to do know?08:10
kbrosnanT-H: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Transferring_data_to_a_new_profile08:10
T-Hyes but i can not access windows anymore (only can access its drive) it has lot of virues08:10
bulmerstifler you have to read lots and lots..start with nocat.net08:10
hendrixskihey, are there any replacements for X11 that will still run Ubuntu but don't have all the overhead that X11 does?08:10
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T-Hcan i do it from ubuntu08:10
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d1006yes you can do it from ubuntu08:10
PeakerHey, how can I get the gnome panel to show in other desktops but the first?08:11
sipiorsteel_lady: you still there? i need to get going in a few minutes08:11
Peakeras well as the top menu/etc?08:11
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steel_ladysipior just a sec08:11
jessonhow do i change my hostname in ubuntu ?? cuz when i go to my terminal it sez jesson@jesson shouldnt it be jesson@mynameserver/or ipadd ???? help pls08:11
hendrixskibulmer, lol, there is no cat08:11
bulmerjesson: thats the env variable PS108:11
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T-HThanks kbrosnan08:12
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Peakeralso, how to assign shortcut keys to desktop switching/moving-windows for desktops that aren't 1 or 2?08:12
bulmerjesson: echo $PS108:12
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jessonok cuz when i tried to install danter server it sez in the terminal that i had no internal address08:12
rgrileyjesson: there are multiple ways. Did you try google? Be careful though. It can upser certain things which think they know your hostname.08:13
steel_ladysipior looks like it is removed08:13
jessonill put my ip08:13
sipiorsteel_lady: that's good08:13
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steel_ladysipior, how should I proceed now to reinstallation?08:13
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steel_ladysipior I have to pay you beer till the rest of your life08:14
sipiorsteel_lady: well, it should install normally now, assuming it's supported08:14
jessonhow do i change my hostname pls????? at my terminal it sez jesson@jesson\08:14
sipiorsteel_lady: a beer would be nice, thanks08:14
steel_ladysipior where are you from?08:14
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sipiorsteel_lady: the states, by way of holland, so it may be quite a delivery08:15
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sipiorsteel_lady: in any event, i must be off. later...08:15
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T-HThaaannnnnkkkkkkss everyone08:15
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steel_ladysipior i am trying to put it back now...08:15
PeakerSo, why can't the keyboard shortcut editor edit keys for switching desktops beyond 1 or 2?08:15
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steel_ladysipior there is no option to put it back now08:16
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sarastro_w_m tu es l?08:16
jessonis there anyway i can chage my hostname that i typed in my ubuntu>>>?????08:16
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PriceChild!hostname | jesson08:17
ubotujesson: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab08:17
nickrudjesson, edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts, then run sudo /etc/init.d/hostname.sh start08:17
bulmerjesson: you have been advised to google for it noh? also man hostname08:17
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shkis there any way to theme the ubuntu menu?08:20
nonix4Umm, doing remote admin w/ ssh... is there a good way to show ppl whose box you're admining what you're doing?08:20
shkit seems to remain human-looking regardless of my theme choice08:20
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knix_Is there a way to watch movies from my ubuntu box on my xbox360?08:21
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ChuckFuHow simple is it to install Ubuntu in Raid 108:21
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shklol, not super simple08:22
ChuckFuany good instruction on how to do it08:22
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shkchuckfu, installing from scratch?08:22
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ChuckFuwill from CD08:23
cupcmo conectar en red ubuntu y windows xp08:23
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PriceChildknix_, I think there is something actually... on sourceforge08:23
knix_PriceChild, really?08:23
shkif it has no other os then RAID1 shouldnt be too horrible08:23
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peciskman, it is good that finally anoter LTS is coming!08:23
nonix4ChuckFu: I just did w/ 7.04 and it took *ages*. Well, w/ raid5 on everything else than /boot thus the raid5 initialization taking about 24 hours of background time but...08:23
shkthe problems emerge when you try to get xp and ubuntu to play nice together on the raid108:23
Roeycongrats on your announcement of the new release08:23
ChuckFuis there a step by step available, I am unfortunitly a Windows Geep08:23
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PriceChildknix_, lemme have a google08:24
Roeywhich comes not even as Gutsy Gibbon has been released yet08:24
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knix_PriceChild, KK08:24
Roeyhey Pr08:24
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shkhonestly the graphical installer is pretty simple and should do the trick08:24
shkif it doesnt you would just have to load specific drivers08:24
PriceChildknix_, hmmm i think I must have been dreaming of it...08:24
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knix_PriceChild, aww man.  My hopes are shattered.  thanks anyway08:25
{Q}U4R|K|Hello. I've just installed ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso on my computer (previously checked md5 sum succesfully). All went okay till the installation was completed and I extrated the cd and the system rebooted. When it runned again, a message appeared: incomplete literal tree -- System halted08:25
PriceChildknix_, i feel your pain08:25
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shkyou may have to turn off AHCI08:25
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shanekel1y64is it possible to add a folder on the desktop as a synaptic source?08:27
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FFForeverif i am on a t-moblie hotspot and i ssh into my system can someone tell what i am doing and could they get my ssh password?08:27
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shanekel1y64Mark_Newb google is ur friend?...08:28
Mark_Newbwhatcha mean08:28
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Mark_Newbeh shane08:29
shanekel1y64nothing mark im just kidding :)08:29
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nonix4FFForever: ssh password auth isn't something I would recommend - use pubkey auth if at all possible08:29
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Mark_Newbcan i ask something08:29
Mark_Newbwithout getting my head torn off08:29
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nonix4FFForever: man ssh-keygen08:30
Mark_Newbwhat is so special about ubuntu08:30
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FFForeverMark_Newb, the community :P08:30
Mark_Newbok so lately all i have seen in ubuntu this and ubuntu that08:31
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kbrooksMark_Newb, the fact that almost every piece of software is free08:31
Mark_Newbi am trying to understand why is all of a sudden got so popular08:31
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Mark_Newbis is not the same for other oses like fedora08:31
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alesanhi what is the "base package fro development"?08:31
Mark_Newbgot my head torn off in the fedora channel when i asked that question08:31
alesanit should be a package that installas all the common tools for software development08:32
kbrooksMark_Newb, just to point out,  it's "it is", not "is is"08:32
kbrooks!build-essential | alesan08:32
ubotualesan: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)08:32
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Mark_Newbwhat i meant was is it not the same for fedora apps08:32
kbrooksalesan, also tcl is installed.08:32
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kbrooksalesan, python is installed too08:32
{Q}U4R|K|Hello. I've just installed ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso on my computer (previously checked md5 sum succesfully). All went okay till the installation was completed and I extrated the cd and the system rebooted. When it runned again, a message appeared: incomplete literal tree -- System halted. Thanks in advance08:32
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kbrooksalesan, i mean by default08:33
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Blindethttp://www.nettiauto.com/viewVehicle.php?id_car=1445601 amarok, xmms, rhytmbox.. etc. how could i fix this?08:33
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Blindetwhat just happened08:34
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kbrooksalesan, gcc (c, c++, etc) works, but you cant compile with it until you install cpp, pulled in by build-essential08:34
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Blindeti recently removed KDE, after that no sounds, ubuntu regonizes my sound card and all, no codec erros, but neither any sounds, i tested amarok, xmms, rhytmbox.. etc. how could i fix this?08:34
xjkxI don't know how. I don't know why. The dhcpclient never gives me the right configuration i need, and i have to ifconfig xxx xxx myself. Problem is that dhcpclient is being ran on boot, and even though I ifconfig it, suddenly from time to time it sets to its own config, becasuse its running on background, and i'd like to know how to remove it.08:34
alesanwell last time I checked build-essential sdidn't pull in g++08:34
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korppacom (6667)08:35
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=== Pelo wonders if korppa is trying to install AZ
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kbrooksBlindet, reinstalling ubuntu-desktop (sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop on CLI, GUI way after this message) should work. if not, see08:36
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:36
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Blindetalsa is selected08:37
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mirakis there a tool that manage to get the imdb titles08:38
Peloanyway to remove a meta package and have the dependencies follow ?08:38
kbrooksBlindet, the GUI way to reinstall a package, if you're interested in that, is to go to the Synaptic Package Manager and search for that package. then you left click on the checkbox to the left of the package name and select reinstall08:38
mirakthe imdb datas like notes etcetera08:38
miraklike a totem plugin08:38
Pelomirak, how do you need ?08:38
steel_ladyhow to install packages through synaptic that are in the database but not available like acroread? i suppose i have tources but i don't know what?o do something with s08:38
Pelomirak,  don't think that would work08:38
mirakPelo: notes for divx for exemple08:38
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steel_ladyPelo, previous problem solved!!!!!!08:38
mirakPelo: some players manage to get mp3 covers08:38
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mirakI guess it could be done for movies08:39
giany911does any1 know what app is necessary to use a scanner ?08:39
kbrookspelo: only with aptitude. but you can do sudo apt-get remove package && sudo apt-get autoremove08:39
Pelomirak, the music players only do that because then can check the cd's serial number against a database,  no way to do that with a video file08:39
=== Jolinar [n=jolinar@x1-6-00-17-31-b2-7a-a7.k565.webspeed.dk] has joined #Ubuntu
Pelosteel_lady,  doing what ?08:39
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Pelokbrooks, hmm,  I wanted to get rid of xubuntu-desktop , not sure that would work08:39
kbrookspelo: it will work.08:40
cryptoHi. On ubuntu 7.04 | xen, I see that the XP setup stops during the initial steps of detecting hardware. KVM works just fine, though. I have a VT enabled Pentium08:40
mirakPelo: no it's not true, players like listen amarok or rythmbox get covers from amazon from the mp3 tags08:40
stefg{Q}U4R|K|: this might be some Hardware error, or something about the hardware that the bootloader doesn't understand. What kind of Hardware do you have there?08:40
mirakPelo: or files names08:40
Pelogiant, xsane and some graphic editor ,   you use the capture command or something like that , I never remeber08:40
=== FrancoGG_ is now known as FrancoGG
steel_ladyPelo, one user wrote a completly new upnpd script, i put it in the place then i could uninstall and reinstall again08:40
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Pelomirak,  because the mp3 files have been tagged , I donT think there is such a thing as id3 tags for video files, but if you know of one you are in a better position to get this done then I am08:41
=== CodeImp_ [n=dont@s55910c2b.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
{Q}U4R|K|stefg amd processor, 512 ram, 2 hard drives, 1 60gb the other 100, ...08:41
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mirakPelo: I found tellico it's close to what I want08:42
kbrooksPelo, altho it might not worrk *very well* if you have ubuntu-desktop. in that case... (hang on)08:42
stefg{Q}U4R|K|: serial ata or classical pata?08:42
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stefg{Q}U4R|K|: know your chipset?08:43
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xjkxdhclient3 keeps changing my ip from time to time because its running on background, then i have to kill it each time i boot. I want it to stop loading08:43
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{Q}U4R|K|stefg i dont know if its serial ata or classical pata either my chipset08:43
kbrookspelo: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome08:43
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{Q}U4R|K|stefg and have no other operating systems installed in there08:43
Pelokbrooks,  thanks I'll look into it08:43
Zodiachello, can anyone tell me what to do to get my laptop to boot from the LiveCD properly. It boots ok, but when it tries to startup Ubuntu it dies and says:08:44
Zodiacbin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off08:44
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ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+108:44
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dho_ragusgibbon?  they should've made it "gibson"08:45
Jolinarcan anyone tell me how to install Adobe flash player? i tried both installing it from an unpacked tar.gz and with apt-get but nothing works08:46
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stefg{Q}U4R|K|: hmmm, so the only advice i can give then is to start over, and testing and verifying the hardware before. This means delete all partitions, run a memtest from the install CD, check CD integrity /again/. when in Live CD mode run 'lspci' in a terminal and take notes what hardware is listed there, so you have a starting point for diagnosis if the install fails again08:46
CoasterMasterJolinar: are you talking about the plug in for firefox?08:46
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KaKTyCChi, i 've got a prob with network setup @ kubuntu.... could some1 help ? the system doesn't want to remember default gateway both manually or via "wizard"08:47
CoasterMasterJolinar: the best way I found to do it is go to Youtube and click on any video, Firefox's built in information bar will tell you that you need to install the plugin, just click on the install plugin button and it will take it from there08:47
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KaKTyCCif  some1 is interested, i can give a link to the screen08:47
Jolinarit says its and unknown plugin08:47
=== Blindet [n=Blindet@dna253-64.satp.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Blindetso, reinstalling gnome-desktop didnt help08:47
Jolinarand the source packet from adobes page says ERROR: Your architecture, \'x86_64\', is not supported by the Adobe Flash Player installer. when i try to install it08:48
=== ironmatar [n=ubuntu@pool-71-112-180-6.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
CoasterMasterohhh, you have a 64 bit system08:48
Jolinarbut its the packet im referred to by adobe them selves and it seems that its the only version of it you can download from them08:48
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Nicarkhello guys, how can i see the activity of my network (such as conections from the outside to one of the network machines) ? (It's configured as a NAT)08:49
Jolinaryes amd64 x2 3800+08:49
=== lobizon_ [n=chris@pool-72-65-216-61.pitbpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
CoasterMasterJolinar: try these directions http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_Flash_Player_.28Macromedia_Flash.29_Plug-in_for_.2864-bit.29_Mozilla_Firefox_.28only.2908:49
ironmatari cannot belive this is being this mutch of a hassle to install and have operating properly08:49
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Jolinarill try that ty ill be back if it doesnt work :)08:49
Pici!away > Akifemre[afk] 08:50
CoasterMasterJolinar: good luck ;)08:50
steel_ladywhat should i do here: mozilla-acroread:Package mozilla-acroread has no available version, but exists in the database.This typically means that the package was mentioned in a dependency and never uploaded, has been obsoleted or is not available with the contents of sources.list08:50
lobizon_i need some help with ubuntu effets08:50
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CoasterMasterlobizon: check #ubuntu-effects08:50
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ubotuFor help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects08:50
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ironmatarisent there any way to make this OS install as easily as people say?08:50
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lobizon_join #ubuntu-effects08:51
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lobizon_how do i get into ubuntu-effects08:51
CoasterMasterlobizon_: /join #ubuntu-effects08:51
Pelolobizon_,  /join ...08:51
lobizon_ahh there we go08:51
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flapwould someone care to help me set up my video?08:52
KaKTyCChey, could someone help please ? http://img102.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot6sy7.png  here's the screen...08:53
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Peloflap, got any specific problem ?08:53
flapresolution is off08:53
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Peloflap,  what videocard ?08:53
flapi have an nvidia 680008:53
KaKTyCCi can't enter default gateway value..... ;[08:53
ironmatarthis communiety promotes ubuntu as easy to install and use  this is not easy!08:53
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CoasterMasterironmatar: what problems are you running in to?08:54
Peloflap,  do a search in synaptic  for nvidia , tehre is a nvidia settings and nvidia configuration utilitie in ther esomewhere08:54
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steel_ladyPelo, can you just help me with sources list in synaptic, that is easy08:54
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Pelosteel_lady,  what do you want to do ?08:54
coehi.  I keep getting this screen everytime I boot up my system. It goes too fast for me to write all of it down, but this what I was able to get: I/O error, BDMA stat 0x25, exception Emask 0x0, cmd c8, /dev/sda2: Unexpected consistency, run fsck manually, fsck died with exit status 4, and when it runs the maintenance shell, all the commands say not found.  Can anyone help me?08:54
benn92647I need to force mount my DVD ROM becaus i need to get somefiles of a possibly corrupt CD...how do I do that?08:55
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Pelobenn92647,  man mount08:55
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stefgcoe: boot the Live CD and run a fsck from there08:55
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KaKTyCCcould someone bloody help ? ....08:55
benn92647pelo:once again thank you08:55
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steel_ladyPelo it offers me the driver in update manager that I need but is grayed out, i suppose because of sources. Also for eg. mozilla acroread is on the list in synaptic but does not let me install. I tried to change in reps but no change08:56
coestefg: I don't have a Live CD08:56
stefgcoe: then get one08:56
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coestefg: my friend installed this for me...where can I get one?08:56
Pelosteel_lady, waht ?08:56
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KaKTyCCi have a problem with setting up a network under kubuntu 7.04.....08:56
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ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive08:56
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Sciptkiddykaktycc, what kind of problem?08:56
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KaKTyCCit doesn't want to save settings08:57
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KaKTyCCexactly - def gateway08:57
stefgcoe: you'll want one of the 'Desktop' -CD releases08:57
ironmatarCoasterMaster:  i finnaly determined that installinh the 64 bit  alt iso works   i verified the hash   and i had it working   and then i apply 116 updates and now it doesnt i changed the kernal verbose and nospalsh but that dident help  it just tells me that fsock exits withe a status of 12708:57
steel_ladyPelo it does not let me install some things offered and I believe it is disabled because I miss something in sources.list but i am not sure what08:57
KaKTyCCboth when i enter it manually or via wizard08:57
Pelosteel_lady,   the driver is pssibly not available yet for some reason, you'll have to wait08:57
jesSon_newbiehi i have a question is redhat = fedora core?? are they the same distro?????08:57
benn92647pelo: do i need to do anything else08:57
=== Mistraal [i=me@105.Red-83-36-60.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
KaKTyCCi can give u the screen with what it says08:57
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jesSon_newbieim confuse with redhat and fedora are they the same thing?????08:57
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Pelosteel_lady,  fi the soucelist was broken you wouldn't see the package  you just have to wait08:57
defryskjesSon_newbie, /j #fedora08:58
coestefg: thank you...obviously I'm new to Ubuntum but after I get the CD, do I put it in as I boot up or after I force boot the system and log into my user account?08:58
Sciptkiddysrry kaktycc dont have much experience w/ networking for me it always just works the way it should xD so probly cnt do alot more then u done so far08:58
jesSon_newbieyes but wat i mean is are they the same kind???08:58
petepetedont suppose any of you tech savy guys know what the 'subset lock' controls on a cell phone?08:58
Pelobenn92647,  man mount gives you the manual page for the mount command, somewhere in there if it is possible you can probably find a --force option08:58
ironmatariv spent 2 weeks of time and countless re-intsalls to get it working and im just sick of it08:58
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KaKTyCCthat's a pity =\08:58
steel_ladyPelo, that is the reason that I can not install acrobat reader from synaptic also?08:58
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PelojesSon_newbie, means redhat is based on fedora08:58
Sciptkiddypetepete is that the thing that forces you to only use SIM cards from one provider =x?08:59
petepetesteel_lady, you need to add the medibuntu repositories to do that08:59
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KaKTyCCare here any 1337 ubuntu network setting up maniacs ?08:59
benzs_swhat's the command in terminal to delete a directory?08:59
jesSon_newbiewat is the latest version of redhat? cuz i have a book here that says redhat 7.2 ?08:59
defryskjesSon_newbie, you are in the wrong channel , so please leave08:59
geniibenzs_s: rm -Rf /dir08:59
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Pelosteel_lady,  probabaly, you can get a .bin for acroread from the adobe site08:59
benzs_sgenii: thanks08:59
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petepeteScriptkiddy, thats what i thought, but theres a network lock to, which ive unlocked and other sims do work, although subset is still enabled?! just curious what it does08:59
defrysk!ops | jesSon_newbie08:59
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KaKTyCCor are here people that like having sex with linux a bit more than me, and have already some sexual experience with setting up networks ?09:00
ubotujesSon_newbie: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici09:00
steel_ladypelo, where and how do I add medibuntu?09:00
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james_W00t. I finally got the iloveubuntu.com domain transfered to my host :D09:00
geniibenzs_s: You may need a sudo in front depending if it's in your home dir hierarchy or not09:00
Sciptkiddypetepete im not nativ english no clue what subset is supposed to do xD09:00
PriceChild!ohmy | KaKTyCC09:00
ubotuKaKTyCC: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:00
Pelosteel_lady, I don'T know anything about medibuntu , sorry09:00
PriceChild!offtopic | jesSon_newbie09:00
ubotujesSon_newbie: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:00
=== TylerJGillies [n=tyler@66-233-95-194.mau.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu
benzs_sgenii: yeah, i needed to delete something out of the trash that apparently needed su permissions09:00
petepeteScriptKiddy thanks anywanys!09:00
Pelo!abuse | KaKTyCC09:00
ubotuKaKTyCC: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:00
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ieuan_join #hhith09:01
coeAlso, is there some way for me to stop my touchpad on my laptop from freezing when I switch user accounts?09:01
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Peloieuan_,   /join ....09:01
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petepetesteel_lady, http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/09:01
Sciptkiddypetepete the way i switched network, ended up cracking my phone and buying one from the network i wanted so =x09:01
=== Adlai thinks sexual experience with setting up networks sounds interesting
Reqtanglecould anyone tell me how to load modules with php5 using the php5-dev pkg?09:01
PriceChild!ohmy | Adlai09:01
ubotuAdlai: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:01
Blindeti uninstalled KDE, after that i cant play any sounds, ubuntu regonizes my sound card, ALSA is selected, i reinstalled gstreamer, also other codecs and gnome-desktop, still i get no sound09:01
PeloKaKTyCC,  we're just regular users trying to help out,  we donT' know everything09:01
steel_ladythank you petepete09:01
=== Pelo thnks PriceChild should make an exemple
=== funfun_ [n=Identd@eu85-86-176-186.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #ubuntu
KaKTyCCok.... so i'm hopeless. =\09:02
Sciptkiddyanybody has a clue about using ventrilo on linux, since it seems like it doesnt work good with wine.09:02
PeloKaKTyCC, try asking in #networking09:02
ironmatarehh patch cables might be useful09:02
nickrudsteel_lady, mozilla-acroread is a package that appeared in edgy and dapper; some other package still suggests or recommends it. That's why your error message says what it does.09:02
PeloSciptkiddy, try for an alternative09:02
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Sciptkiddyi tried pelo, but think ventrilo is the only one >_> and they have been working on their linux client since 2003 >_>09:03
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Blindeti uninstalled KDE, after that i cant play any sounds, ubuntu regonizes my sound card, ALSA is selected, i reinstalled gstreamer, also other codecs and gnome-desktop, still i get no sound09:03
steel_ladynickrud, it is not supported in feisty? that is strange...09:03
Sciptkiddyill ask a friend if he can reverse engineer the protecol as he's pro at those things09:03
PeloSciptkiddy, what does vertrilo do ?09:03
Pici!nickspam > s_87_116_181_22309:03
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ironmatarvent is a voice comm09:04
Sciptkiddyvoice chat program09:04
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ironmatarpaticularly useful to corps in a game like eve09:04
Sciptkiddykinda same like teamspeak, but better sound quality09:04
PeloSciptkiddy,  try in there maybe   http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html09:04
ironmatarmutch beter09:04
nickrudsteel_lady, I find that the pdf reader in gnome works fine; I also use xpdf; sometimes it'll read a broken pdf that evince doesn't. Haven't seen a need for adobe's in a while :)09:04
grndslmAnyone here use LVM before?  ... and have an issue with pvdisplay showing a *much* smaller amount of space being available than there really is (i.e. - 320GB HD showing only 13GB of space)???09:04
=== CraHan [n=CraHan@94.115-244-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
adacwhere can i download xubuntu packages directly (mean over browser)09:05
Sciptkiddyadobe-rule: no matter how fast a pc gets, adobe will catch it sooner or later09:05
Pelogrndslm,  there is a #lvm channel09:05
PriceChildadac, packages.ubuntu.com09:05
grndslmPelo, I know... they're just awfully unresponsive today09:05
ironmatari saw in the list a error code 14  as it went by  and fsck failed and exited with a stats of 127 anyone can tell me about this error?09:05
PeloSciptkiddy, lol09:05
adacPriceChild: thx!09:05
nickrudadac, that's a battle that you don't want to take on09:05
Blindeti uninstalled KDE, after that i cant play any sounds, ubuntu regonizes my sound card, ALSA is selected, i reinstalled gstreamer, also other codecs and gnome-desktop, still i get no sound09:05
Pelogrndslm,  I wasn'T trying to get rid of you09:05
AdlaiBlindet: what are you playing sounds from09:06
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PeloBlindet,  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop09:06
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BlindetPelo i have done that09:06
Pelo!sound | Blindet09:06
ubotuBlindet: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:06
=== Pelo is feeling lazy today
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AdlaiBlindet: what are you playing sounds from09:07
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Sciptkiddypelo, ventrilo isnt on that list =[09:07
Blindetxmms, amarok, vlc..09:07
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Blindetor even the login screen sounds doesnt work09:07
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Blindetand i have ALSA selected09:07
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PeloSciptkiddy, try this then, look up ventrilo in wikipedia, see the "general name" for that type of apps, and search for that or check the botom of the page and see if they have a comparison chart09:08
Scr1ptyah ill work my way around it sooner or later09:08
=== Buggar [n=mikolaj@static-41-220-112-85.piotrkow.pilicka.pl] has joined #ubuntu
Scr1ptcant be asked now still got windows on my other pc to use it09:08
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Scr1ptbut that one going away within a month so then ill need a linux alternativ for the program.09:09
lookingforlinuxHi. I own a small business selling video games and arcade parts. I used to use M$ Windows but have switched for the most part to Linux. One thing I need to do is get an inventory program and Point of Sale program on linux so I can let go of the DOS days. Can anyone point me in the right direction?09:09
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Blindetand there is nothing that could help me help.ubuntu.com09:09
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Jack_Sparrowlookingforlinux: I use crossover office and quickbooks....09:09
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Jack_Sparrowlookingforlinux: What prog were you using in Windows09:10
adaccan i download the whole package repository for to make me an own local repository?09:10
lookingforlinuxJack_Sparrow: I was hoping to leave windows behind.09:10
PeloScr1pt, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_VoIP_software09:10
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lookingforlinuxI have terminal progs in DOS that are a pain to use.09:10
Jack_Sparrowlookingforlinux: crossover isnt really using windows...09:10
defryskvoip ? isnt that asterisk?09:10
defryskor something09:10
lookingforlinuxBut it isnt open source either.09:11
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Jack_Sparrowlookingforlinux: agreed09:11
steel_ladyi will have to repartition the disk to steal some space from win but not touching the system. i don't have the idea how to do that and i am scared09:11
PiciJack_Sparrow: Quickbooks isnt a POS system.09:11
lookingforlinuxI would not mind paying for something on linux either09:11
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CoasterMasterlookingforlinux: http://www.volantesystems.com/09:11
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Pelolookingforlinux,  I'm sure there is a POS prog outthere09:11
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Jack_SparrowPici: I understand that but it can be used for one..09:11
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sebai need some help with AIGLX09:11
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lookingforlinuxPelo: They are just harder to find that is all. :)09:11
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ndeehow can I install fonts on feisty fawn?09:11
Pelolookingforlinux, hold on09:12
Picilookingforlinux: The only one I have heard of is Tina POS, and their website appears to be down currently :/09:12
CoasterMaster!fonts | ndee09:12
ubotundee: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer09:12
lookingforlinuxPici I see. Taht isnt a good sign.09:12
Scr1ptlookingforlinux, i would'nt konw a program, but i would personally switch to a web-based aplication09:12
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ndeeCoasterMaster: thanks09:12
JolinarCoasterMaster, thank you i got it to work with that guide :)09:12
sebai have errors in xorg.log09:12
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lookingforlinuxI just have tons of inventory and would love to be able to track it on the computer. I could even stick to using an old register to do the dirty work09:12
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CoasterMasterJolinar: cool, enjoy09:13
Jolinarbye :)09:13
Picilookingforlinux: No its not, I know.09:13
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lookingforlinuxScr1pt do you have a suggestion?09:13
Picilookingforlinux: Let me check one other place.09:13
Scr1ptwebbased would allow you to check stuff anywhere and anytime, always works, on every system, if you ever want to offer webshop services you can link it etc.09:13
ironmatarCoasterMaster:   i saw in the list a error code 14  as it went by  and fsck failed and exited with a stats of 127 any help on this?09:13
Pelolookingforlinux,   google  linux pos , it turnes up a good selection , and not the bad king09:13
CoasterMasterironmatar: sorry, can't help with that....not my area :(09:14
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Scr1pta store i know has all its inventory and stuff webbased and it works nicely for them, so maybe you could think about it09:14
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lookingforlinuxI am also looking through freshmeat.com09:14
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Scr1ptpelo its not on this list, and its not really VoIP, and it uses closed source protecols so i think there isnt really a alternativ09:14
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james__Anybody want to buy iloveubuntu.com from me? lol :P09:15
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PeloScr1pt, I was just thinking that something else might do and work on the same networks , but ok09:15
Scr1ptjames a domain costs like 25E a year including webhosting etc :|09:15
Blindeti uninstalled KDE, after that i cant play any sounds, ubuntu regonizes my sound card, ALSA is selected, i reinstalled gstreamer, also other codecs and gnome-desktop, still i get no sound09:15
lookingforlinuxI would consider web based software. Even web based software that I do not control on my own terminals09:15
Scr1ptpelo, dont think so :p ill keep looking and some how sort it out09:15
Picilookingforlinux: ... I have in my clipboard a link to the freshmeat POS category.09:15
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Picilookingforlinux: I was just going to suggest it :|09:16
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lookingforlinuxLOL Pici! Can you paste it to me09:16
Scr1ptpici hah i beated u to it xD09:16
cheeseboywhats commant to put iptables rule ACCEPT  0  --   anywhere      state NEW,RELATED,ESTABLISHED09:16
Pelolookingforlinux, http://www.viewtouch.com/poshome.html09:16
RolleriHi! I just tried to install feisty fawn on a Thinkpad R61.. and it says "sh: can't access tty: job control turned off"09:16
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RolleriI tried to start it in safe mode, but it happened again09:16
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PeloRolleri, what video card ?09:17
RolleriPelo: Supposedly an Intel GMX something09:17
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ironmataranyone else know how to fix this i saw in the list a error code 14  as it went by  and fsck failed and exited with a stats of 12709:17
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PeloRolleri, I was expecting nvidia or ati , but .... try the alternate install cd regardless09:18
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Blindeti uninstalled KDE, after that i cant play any sounds, ubuntu regonizes my sound card, ALSA is selected, i reinstalled gstreamer, also other codecs and gnome-desktop, still i get no sound09:18
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RolleriPelo: urgh.. what are the odds that it'll work ? And what's the real difference ?09:18
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PeloRolleri,  the alternate cd is less demanding on hardware at install09:19
Zodiac<Rolleri> Hi! I just tried to install feisty fawn on a Thinkpad R61.. and it says "sh: can't access tty: job control turned off" <--- I have exactly the same problem with a Toshiba U300 11Z09:19
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defryskBlindet, set your sound output to esd and check if your sound is not muted (double click the speakericon in your panel)09:19
Talcitehi guys09:19
PeloRolleri,  the alternate install cd has no gui persay, it's a text based installer09:19
Zodiacusing Intel X3100 gfx card09:19
konsumeri finally got ubuntu to load as the primary o/s09:19
konsumerthis o/s is great btw09:20
RolleriHm okay, I really can't be bothered downloading and burning another CD, none the less install in text mode. I've got a Fedora 7 dvd here, I'll give that a go09:20
RolleriThanks tho09:20
Talcitedoes anyone know of a way to make firefox put menus over the photos?09:20
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Scr1pti have a problem, i installed ubuntu on this pc and it all works fine, there are no problems i can fix to learn from... any place you can learn w/o asking help for a special problem since there is no problem09:20
Talcitefor some reason, any drop down/popup menu on a website gets cut off by photos09:20
wb32looking for a phone recorder soft ware09:20
Blindetdefrysk: esd? sound is not muted09:20
dho_ragusTalcite: that's probably a CSS problem.09:20
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ironmatarcedega probably for vent there scr09:20
dho_ragusTalcite: that is, it's probably a website bug.09:21
konsumeris there a torrents client for ubuntu?09:21
Talcitedho_ragus: it's happening on quite a lot of sites though =S09:21
PeloRolleri, it'z not command line intall, it just doesn'T have a live cd bit and it's got that cheese dosshell look09:21
defryskBlindet, yes esd09:21
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dho_ragusTalcite: such is the state of the internet........  can you give me an example site?  i'll check it out in some browsers.09:21
Blindetdefrysk: wtf is esd, how do i set it to use that?09:21
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ZodiacPelo: the Alternate CD - do you have to configure more stuff than with the LiveCD install?09:21
GNUtoohello, the installation seems blocked at 82% it says that it's analysing the mirrors(before ;y computer was on the table where it has a low wifi signal) what sould i do?09:21
defryskand if you sound is not muted you still have working sound otherwise you would see a X onyour speaker icon09:21
Talcitedho_ragus: www.carleton.ca -> look at the academics tab09:21
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PeloZodiac,  no, the only difference is that it isn'T pretty09:22
Scr1ptGNUtoo did it get stuck once or each time u tried?09:22
Zodiacok I'll try with that one then09:22
IndyGunFreakPelo: i think the alternate installer is beautiful.09:22
Zodiacbut you think the OS will work when installed if it doesn't from the CD?09:22
Blindetdefrysk: im not sure what is esd, but my sound is not muted and there is no X on the speaker09:22
dho_ragusTalcite: definitely a website bug.  i'm seeing it in camino in os x too.09:22
GNUtooScr1pt, once but it's late in belgium and i'd like to finish the install09:22
=== Pelo thinks IndyGunFreak has no taste
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steph_16thhi, do you know why my sound control applet doesn't work anymore? my speakers are very loud. When I press volume +/-, the "progress bar" works fine, but the speakers are still very loud :: no changes. Is there a particuliar package needed?09:22
IndyGunFreakPelo: lol09:22
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dho_ragusTalcite: there are a lot of sites that have menus that go down over flash objects, and there are always problems.09:22
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defryskBlindet, set is to esd same as you setted it to alsa09:22
Blindetits on alsa09:23
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Talcitedho_ragus: oic... hmm I'll contact the IT department then. Thanks for your help09:23
Scr1ptGNUtoo ill pm u09:23
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GNUtooScr1pt, ok thanks09:23
Blindetdefrysk: what now, its on alsa, its not muted and there is no X09:23
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GNUtooScr1pt, now it seems to download some package...thanks anyway09:24
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defryskcant you set it to esd ? in srtead of alsa ?09:24
Scr1ptGNUtoo, good :) oh and by the way, its not late09:24
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Rollerilol the fedora CD can't find the harddrive09:24
RolleriLinux sure rocks!09:24
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Blindetdefrysk, i cant set it on esd, there is realtek something (oss-mixer) and alsa09:24
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defryskblind, set it to oss09:25
konsumerdoes anyone know a good torrent client for ubuntu?09:25
ZodiacRolleri: now you're being negative! ;=)09:25
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dho_ragusRolleri: that's almost as funny as win2k3 asking for a RAID driver on "floppy disk a:"09:25
PeloRolleri,  is it possible that you ahve hardware problems ?09:25
Blindetits no on oss, and still no sound09:25
flapi cant figure it out09:25
=== superdild [n=mario@host35-245-dynamic.16-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
RolleriPelo: It's an almost fresh out of the box thinkpad, vista that came with it works just fine :S09:25
steph_16thhi, do you know why my sound control applet doesn't work anymore? my speakers are very loud. When I press volume +/-, the "progress bar" works fine, but the speakers are still very loud :: no changes. Is there a particuliar package needed?09:25
Rolleridho_ragus: That makes perfect sense tho ?09:26
Peloflap,  can'T figure out what ?09:26
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defryskBlindet, if you run xmms does it play anything then ? (without sound)09:26
Blindetit does09:26
RolleriZodiac: Well, two reasonably recently released distros, both with different problems..09:26
Blindetit plays, but i hear nothing09:26
dho_ragusRolleri: except that it's a $16000 server that doesn't have a floppy drive.09:26
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PeloRolleri,  look in here see if there are special mentions for your lappy  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport09:26
Rolleridho_ragus: Waste to run windows on such hardware :)09:26
=== adac [n=bitc@host194-98-static.44-88-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
konsumerIs there a help channel for ubuntu?09:27
defryskBlindet, check if the output of xmms is set correctly , alsa or oss09:27
Pelokonsumer, this is it09:27
konsumerseems like i never get help here :(09:27
SpudDoggIs there a good program to edit video in the repos?  I'm looking to take an mpg that I recorded from TV and take the commercials out.  Any help?09:27
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Pelokonsumer, what is your issue ?09:27
Pici!torrent | konsumer09:27
ubotukonsumer: Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt), rTorrent (C++) -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html09:27
Blindetdefrysk: it has been on both09:27
dho_ragusRolleri: it wouldn't take a usb key on drive e:, it wouldn't let me specifiy a burned cd, it wouldn't me use a LOM mounted virtual floppy.  it wanted a physicl floppy disk attached to the computer specifically in drive A:.09:27
Q3ManI'm trying to put together a script to install a package non-interactively on a remote system (no, I can't just ssh into it - I want to do it on a bunch of systems). No matter what I try, apt shows a warning on the console that I have to acknowledge (about moving paths, which I take care of already.) My command line is: apt-get install libphp-adodb -y -qq --force-yes09:27
Q3Mancan I be any more forceful in not requiring interactivity?09:27
PeloSpudDogg,  try avidemux09:27
adacsomeone knows good tutorial for wpa under xubuntu?09:27
RolleriPelo: Nothing there :/09:27
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defryskblind, strange09:27
dho_ragusRolleri: hahah, yes it was definitely a waste. :)09:27
SpudDoggPelo: will do, thanks09:27
konsumermy video card has dual screen support09:27
defryskBlindet, sorry , i am out of clues09:27
konsumerhow do i set it on?09:27
Blindetlets try again.. :D09:28
Pelokonsumer, how do you set what on ?09:28
Blindeti uninstalled KDE, after that i cant play any sounds, ubuntu regonizes my sound card, ALSA is selected, i reinstalled gstreamer, also other codecs and gnome-desktop, still i get no sound09:28
Pelokonsumer,  sorry neverming09:28
=== N3bunel brb
RolleriThe disk is a 120 GB - Serial ATA-150 - 5400 rpm.. what's so exotic about that? And the graphics card is a Intel GMA X310009:28
Pelo!dualhead > konsumer check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu09:28
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IndyGunFreakkonsumer: what type of video card do you have?09:28
Scr1pt!dualhead > scr1pt09:28
PeloBlindet, clean install09:28
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BlindetPelo: thats the only option?09:29
PeloScr1pt,  you can also do  /msg ubotu !trigger09:29
gcarrillohi all09:29
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Scr1ptyah i noticed xD09:29
gcarrillodoes anybody know of an applet for feisty for monitoring CPU temps??09:29
RolleriI've got a SuSe disk left to test.. after that I'm screwed heh09:29
PeloBlindet,  well nothing else seems to work and you don'T seem to be willing to follow the usual scripts so clean install it and it will restore the original settings09:29
steph_16thhi, do you know why my sound control applet doesn't work anymore? my speakers are very loud. When I press volume +/-, the "progress bar" works fine, but the speakers are still very loud :: no changes. Is there a particuliar package needed?09:29
Pelogcarrillo, check in here  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty09:30
BlindetPelo i done the script that was on help.ubuntu.com09:30
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Blindetand it didnt help09:30
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Sippydoes someone know of a good internal 56k pci modem that supports voice and caller id with a linux driver that supports voice? Ive looked everywhere but most of the softmodems have bad driver support.09:30
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Scr1ptsippy, www.linuxquestions.org/hcl/index.php09:31
lobizonealright, i have a question, where do i get a linux media player?09:31
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gcarrilloPelo: I see it, thx09:31
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Sippythanks scr1pt09:31
SpudDoggPelo: looks like that wont open a large (8GB) mpg.  any other ones out there?09:31
Pelosteph_16th, dbl click on the volume control in the top task pbar play around with pcm09:31
radioman_lobizone, MPlayer, xmms09:31
lobizonei can just google that then?09:32
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PeloSpudDogg, other what ? sorry too many ppl I'M loosing track09:32
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konsumerIndyGunFreak: i have a evga 8800gtx09:32
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SpudDoggPelo: lol, sorry man.  i asked about a program to edit some commercials out of a video09:32
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LukeEkbladHello, i just downloaded RealPlayer10GOLD.bin but i dont know how to install it, how do i?09:32
lookingforlinuxHey guys I have another tech question: I have two computers on the same router in my house. One is a wireless laptop the other is a wired desktop. I need to get files from the laptop to the desktop without using the sneaker-net. Can anyone give me a hand?09:32
IndyGunFreakkonsumer: what chipset is that?09:32
PeloSpudDogg, oh, yeah avidemux,  it's probably a memory thing or a hdd space think but I the only other I can think of is mencoder which is text based09:33
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SpudDoggPelo: ok cool.  thanks man09:33
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konsumerhmm, good question09:33
Scr1ptlookingforlinux, in ubunto when i go to places->network it just detects my home network and i can move files around to the pc's in the network09:33
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konsumerwhere do i find that information?09:33
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Scr1ptbut as last solution you could always grab a usb-stick i guess, or email it to youreself and open the email on the other pc (though these 2things suck if you transfer files alot)09:34
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steph_16thpelo: thx very much :)09:34
IndyGunFreakkonsumer: open a terminal, type "lspci" no quotes, then enter, and see how it identifies your video device.09:34
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IndyGunFreakkonsumer: but i thinkt hats gonna be nvidia.09:34
boblzer0anyone good with diagnosing compiz fusion with fglrx09:34
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects09:35
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=== Pelo doesnT' even know why ppl are thanking him anymore
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects09:35
Peloboblzer0,  the ppl in #compiz-fusion probably are09:35
Blindetwhat could this mean? FATAL: Module snd_es18xx not found.09:35
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konsumerif this helps , its this card09:35
konsumer EVGA 768-P2-N831-AR GeForce 8800GTX 768MB 384-bit GDDR3 PCI Express x16 HDCP Ready SLI Supported Video Card - Retail09:35
boblzer0ok thanks09:35
osugunnerim looking for open source network monitoring software anyone have any recommendations?09:35
IndyGunFreakBlindet: its probably not finding that module.09:35
IndyGunFreakkonsumer: ok, so you need to install the nvidia driver.09:35
Peloosugunner, wireshark ?09:36
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IndyGunFreakdid you do that/09:36
Blindeti understood that, but why, and how could i fix this?09:36
konsumerOh, ic09:36
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ubotu   #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke09:36
Pelo!ru | danim09:36
ubotudanim: please see above09:36
konsumeris that availabe in the synaptic package manager?09:36
IndyGunFreaklol, and he told him in english, "please see above"09:36
radioman_;] 09:36
IndyGunFreak!nvidia | konsumer09:37
ubotukonsumer: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:37
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lobizoneso i have the xmmsmplayer-0.5.tar.gz now what do i do with it09:37
osugunnerPelo: thanks i'll check out wireshark09:37
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radioman_lobizone: sudo apt-get install xmms09:37
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Pelo!rs | dimonzv09:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:38
Pelo!ru | dimonzv09:38
ubotudimonzv:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke09:38
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radioman_dimonzv: "please see above" ;] 09:38
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Pelolobizone,   the file you got is a source, you need to compile it manualy,  either  get a .deb file from the site or look here for instructions  http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/09:39
ironmatartriple Help!! under attac by piwats! i saw in the list a error code 14  as it went by  and fsck failed and exited with a stats of 127 has my system  stactictaic...YArrrr!09:39
Peloironmatar, when did you see this ?09:39
blinkerironmatar: ohnoes! ready the long nines!09:39
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ScuniziHow do I make sure Java is implemented correctly within FireFox? (Dapper if it makes a diff.)09:39
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PeloScunizi,  install the -plugin package09:40
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kbrosnanScunizi: http://java.com/en/download/installed.jsp09:40
ScuniziPelo, how do I verify the plug in is actually there?09:40
SippyScr1pt, that site is nice, but im running into the same issues as with the other places, there is no way to look for internal 56k modems only and of those very few have voice and caller id support.  Is there  a particular chipset you know to have good linux drivers?09:40
grndslmAbout to create a new partition for MythTV... wondering what FS i should chose:  jfs, xfs, or just stick to ext3??09:41
PeloScunizi, check in synaptic09:41
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ScuniziPelo, k thanks09:41
ironmatarpelo i had the alt iso installed and workign aparently  ir rebooted proper;y after installation  however ever time i apply the 116 update it borks my system09:41
Scr1ptsippy, nope, just know there is a nice hardware list so though'd it could be usefull09:41
Tnaxi have some problems with my xorg.conf file and need to put in the busid manually, problem is i dont quite know what is what when i type the lspci command, i have the result here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35587/ could anyone help me09:41
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Scr1ptsippy, try www.google.com/linux and search for modems or something09:41
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Peloironmatar, did you reboot ?09:41
regeyaext3 is a decent filesystem especially with dir_index enabled, and unlike the others mentioned, grndslm, I've never had a bit of trouble with ext3 (on x86 at least)09:42
ironmatarpelo i was told to use verbose and nosplash to get the error code09:42
IndyGunFreakironmatar: define "borks"09:42
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Scr1ptpelo, is there a good place to just learn, its not like i have a specific problem i want to solve,  im sorta new with linux and would like to learn.09:42
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orbisvicishow can i overwrite the text in a file? .... tee put_txt_here /path/to/file     doesn't work?09:42
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cheeseboywhy can i post on ubuntu forum ?09:42
SippyIt would be very helpful to me if there was anyone who knows of a good internal voice modem with caller id and working linux drivers.  (voice needs to work)09:42
=== Pelo defers to IndyGunFreak , he's got to go to the restroom
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grndslmregeya:  yea, i too have never had issues with ext3, so i prolly shouldn't mess with a good thing...09:42
regeyaI have had problems with ext3 on ppc with dir_index enabled...but it's an oddball gig ethernet g4 w/a sonnet ultra ata card installed...that could have something to do with it09:42
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=== IndyGunFreak refuses to accept Pelo's deferment
DimenHello, I have a question about mounting mac file systems..  gparted says it can't even recognize it..09:43
PeloScr1pt,  http://revision3.com/forum/showthread.php?t=84 http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/ http://www.linuxcommand.org/index.php http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty09:43
=== Pelo does his business on IndyGunFreak
Dimenit was formatted fat32 and then a mac img was put onto it using dd..09:43
Scr1ptthanks pelo09:43
ironmatarafter installing up dates it either trys to log in  but reboots ever few moments  or i get nothing or i get the little loading icon09:43
regeyagrndslm: really, for large files it probably won't matter overly much...if you don't care too much about filesystem safety you can raise the commit count, and you can do things like disable atime if paranoia isn't your thing, as well as changing the journaling type09:43
cathperI find that mutt depends on postfix which I think is totally odd. Since you can use any other MTA and even something like MSMTP. How to poke those people who define the dependency for each package?09:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about learning - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:44
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Sippyi guess modem support info is sort of hard to come by. Does some one know a better place/ irc channel to look for information about a good 56k internal voice modem with caller id and linux drivers?09:44
grndslmregeya:  how do i do those things. . . raise commit count, disable atime, & change journaling type??09:44
IndyGunFreak!modem | Sippy09:44
ubotuSippy: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto09:44
PeloSippy, you could try in #hardware09:44
cheeseboyWHy cant I post on Ubuntu forum???09:44
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ironmatarpelo so i applyed verbose and nosplash  and got the fsck error09:45
PeloIndyGunFreak, that's not what Sippy wanted09:45
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IndyGunFreakPelo: just noticed that09:45
Sippyactually im going to use it as an answering machine of sorts09:45
Sippyso the voice is the most important part09:45
Sippyive already read that help file09:45
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IndyGunFreakSippy: now its been ages, but I had a program that did that on Mandrake 10.0 official.09:45
Dimenshould ubuntu be able to read the mac file system?09:45
cheeseboyanyone help??09:45
IndyGunFreakdon't remember the name though09:45
Peloironmatar, try boothing the recovery mode and  running fsck , then try booting back the regular way09:45
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ScuniziPelo, kbrosnan I've got two versions of Java installed.. j2re1.4 (blackdown) and j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin... however, the java check site says I don't have it installed.  What next?09:45
IndyGunFreakcheeseboy: you need to take it up with the forum admin;09:45
jrondoes anyone know why my hardware raid looks to be using raid drivers as it picked up the first drive as: /dev/cciss/c0d1 and installed ubuntu to it... it fails to detect the other 4 drives though.09:46
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ironmatarrun fsck where and how09:46
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kbrosnanScunizi: type about:plugins in the address bar of firefox look for java09:46
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Sippyhmm, i kind of want to expand it to somthing bigger, its a personal project of mine that needs more resources, I just switched over to linux and since then this project has been on hold until i can find a compatable modem09:46
cheeseboyIndyGunFreak: ive never posted09:46
IndyGunFreakwell, email them, id ont' know.. your IP may be blocked for some reason09:46
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PeloScunizi, you should be able to get sun-java5-jre from the regular repost and sun-java6-jre from the backport,  try those09:47
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LukeEkblad Hello, i just downloaded RealPlayer10GOLD.bin but i dont know how to install it, how do i?09:47
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IndyGunFreakLukeEkblad: read the instructions on reals site?.. they are right there.09:47
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ScuniziPelo sun-java-5 is also installed..09:47
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Dimenshould ubuntu be able to read the mac file system?09:48
Blindeti uninstalled KDE, after that i cant play any sounds, ubuntu regonizes my sound card, ALSA is selected, i reinstalled gstreamer, also other codecs and gnome-desktop, still i get no sound09:48
LukeEkbladIndyGunFreak:  i dont think so09:48
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_tuxLuKe: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_RealPlayer_10_Multimedia_Player_.28RealPlayer.2909:48
IndyGunFreakLukeEkblad: i know so.09:48
_tuxread that guide09:48
PeloSippy, try looking atmodems in here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport see what is listed,  also do a search in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org09:48
ironmatarpelo run fsck where?09:48
PeloScunizi,  remove  1.409:48
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PeloIronhand,  from the command line in the recovery mode09:48
ScuniziPelo, kbrosnan about:plugins shows java applet versions 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2 etc up through 1.4.2_0809:48
ScuniziPelo.,, ok.09:49
Dimenany guide I can read on mounting file systems in ubuntu? specifically mac.09:49
ironmatarie just fsck?09:49
Peloironmatar,  from the command line in the recovery mode , this is a bit over my head btw09:49
LukeEkbladIndyGunFreak:  i cant find it09:49
bulmerScunizi: man update-alternatives09:49
PeloScunizi,  what os are you running ?09:49
IndyGunFreakLukeEkblad: then you don't need help with real, you need an optometrist09:49
ironmatarim willing to try anythng at this point09:49
Sippythanks pelo ill look at that09:49
ScuniziPelo Ubuntu Dapper09:49
ironmatari really want my comp to work09:49
orbisvicishow can i get guarddog to change the destination port on the built-in ssh filter?09:49
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Peloironmatar, clean install and don'T update all at once09:50
IndyGunFreakLukeEkblad: http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/35588/09:50
Dimenany guide I can read on mounting file systems in ubuntu? more specifically, mac fs.09:50
Peloironmatar, what release have you installed anyway ?09:50
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ironmatarthe system works without the updates  n the updates break it09:50
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ironmatarpelo amd64bit alt cd iso09:51
b0hawhat is the command to logout?09:51
IndyGunFreakcough, nothing but probs with 64bit, cough.09:51
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Peloironmatar, maybe you should jsut stick to the x86 version,  less trouble wiht drivers and flash09:51
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JanWinnickiif I would like to suggest a feature - multi session cd burning in nautilus-cd-burner - would it be a good place to do so? https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-burning/09:51
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=== Pelo washes IndyGunFreak 's mouth with soap, don't diss the 64
IndyGunFreakPelo: :)09:52
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PeloJanWinnicki, this realy isn'T the place for that,  I think you need to put that in a gnome forum09:52
IndyGunFreakPelo: i don't diss it, its just not for me, to many probs.09:52
Justhow to install/enable PHP mail() function on apache?09:52
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JanWinnickiPelo: thanks a lot ;)09:52
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Peloit's not for me either I only have a 32 bit system09:52
IndyGunFreakPelo: well, i have 64bit systems, but am sticking with 32bit for the forseeable future.09:53
ootputhi guys, i'm a bit of a newb to scripting, but iw as wondering if any of you could help me dissect a text file. For every line of the text, I'd like toremove anything after the first whitespace, and then replace that whitespace with '.tgz', and then append the line below it09:53
IndyGunFreakLukeEkblad: did you figure it out?09:53
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LukeEkbladIndyGunFreak:  how do i run that first command if the file is on the desktop?09:54
Peloootput, you can probably use the replace feature in gedit or OOo to do that09:54
ironmatarso just type fsck on the terminal line?09:54
IndyGunFreakLukeEkblad: in the terminal, type this w/o quotes.. "cd ~/Desktop"09:54
IndyGunFreakthen run the first command.09:54
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ticnailer69I'm connected to my ftp server and not I'm at the command line with: sftp>.......How can I access and download the files from here?09:54
=== Pelo beats ironmatar mercilessly
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ticnailer69disregard the word "'not"09:55
=== Pelo decides to leave before he turns more ppl into victims
Pelolater flks09:55
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Liottanyone setup qmail on ubuntu?09:56
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vernonhas any one know of a good ubuntu project for media center with access to xbox 360?09:56
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ironmatarsee how ya are there are at least 3 diffrent place i recognise at terminal or command line09:56
Dimenis there anyway to format a disk using the HFS+ file system from ubuntu?09:56
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bansteenhow can make my gaim look like ichat09:56
LukeEkbladIndyGunFreak:  ok, how do i run it now?09:57
bansteenHOW can I make my gaim look like ichat09:57
dweezbansteen, don't think you can09:57
IndyGunFreakLukeEkblad: it should be in your Applications/Sound Video menu09:57
dweezyou'd need to have some kind of theme manager (I don't know that I have seen one)09:57
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Liottdweez - do you know anything about qmail on ubuntu?09:58
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LukeEkbladIndyGunFreak:  ya, but i installed it before and it got all messed up and the icon there dident do anything09:58
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diogohi, how can i put a process starting always when i run ubuntu?09:58
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IndyGunFreakLukeEkblad: open a terminal, and type "realplay" no quotes09:58
Dimenhey yah!  thanks for the help guys ;)09:58
ironmatarbansteen:  when u set up gaim to get here did u change its setting from aol to whatever you wanted to use ie irc or whatever and enable that?09:58
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CoasterMasterdiogo: System -> Preferences -> Sessions09:58
IndyGunFreakLukeEkblad: how did you try to install it before?09:58
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dweezLiott, no, sorry09:59
bansteenmatha thik ase09:59
LukeEkbladIndyGunFreak:  i dunno09:59
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IndyGunFreakwell the icon got there somehow...09:59
dweezprobably Automatix09:59
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Liottindygunfreak - any thoughts on qmail and ubuntu?09:59
ubotuAutomatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)09:59
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IndyGunFreakLiott: yeah, i use Gmail.10:00
IndyGunFreakwht about it?10:00
Liottno, qmail10:00
diogoyes, but it's possible if i run a script, or if i edit a file?10:00
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IndyGunFreakoh qmail, sorry10:00
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IndyGunFreaknever heard of qmail.10:00
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ironmatargmail i think10:00
Matirqmail is a mail server10:00
LukeEkbladthanks IndyGunFreak10:01
Liottthe fact that it so not so well known actually makes it more attractive10:01
IndyGunFreakLukeEkblad: no prob.10:01
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dweezdiogo, under System | Preferences | Sessions, you should be able to add new "startup programs"10:01
IndyGunFreakDon64: why would you use automatix/10:01
Don64not me10:01
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Toad4I am new to Linux and am trying to load 6.06.1 on a dell Inspiron 8000 laptop from a live CD with no luck. Screen goes blank after it starts loading apps.10:01
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Gswainim having a problem with proftpd rejecting my password, I know its the correct password, what could be goin on ?10:02
dweezIndyGunFreak, that was my bad...I mentioned it first10:02
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dweezToad4, try the Graphics Safe Mode10:02
Liottmatir - can i install qmail on an ubuntu desktop version?10:02
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dweezLiott, desktop is the same as server but with different packages installed10:02
dweezso...yes, you can10:03
Toad4I did try graphics safe and it just continues to cycle the CD with blank screen10:03
dweezToad4, Hmm10:03
diogodweez but i want start the process, editing a file or creating a script10:03
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Liottthx dweez10:03
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jmesquitaHi, I think a lot of ppl have already asked that here, but I can't seem to find documentation on how to get my SVIDEO output working on an Intel 945GM video card10:03
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jmesquitaHave anyone gotten over that experience here?10:03
Toad4been going for half an hour now. still blank screen10:03
dweezdiogo, what do you exactly want to run?10:03
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dweezToad4, I'm not sure then, might be a specific hardware issue with your laptop10:04
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lightghostwhere can i find the latetes ubuntu release for ppc?10:04
Sippywow, ive just looked through alot more documentation, but no dice.  I really need to find a compatable modem (internal pci 56k voice and caller id + linux drivers)10:04
Liottdweez - i'm looking for "conf-cc". what's the best method to find it?10:04
EvanlecIndyGunFreak whatsup dude10:04
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GswainIm having problems with proftpd, I followed th article online in the ubuntu handbook, but it keeps rejecting my password10:05
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Toad4Darn, I do have a pcmcia 4 gig hard drive in a slot. could that be an issue? Everything else is stock from Dell10:05
konsumerThanx for all your help everyone , bai10:05
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diogodweez i'm testing cfengine, and i want to start a process with the name cfservd when i start ubuntu, but i want to make this with a file editing, or with a script10:05
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jmesquitaToad4: What dell laptop?10:05
dweezLiott, not sure10:06
Toad4Inspiron 800010:06
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dweezI normally do a forum search for most of my issues10:06
jmesquitaToad4: Do you have an S-VIDEO output on it?10:06
ubotuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ10:06
Toad4I think I do just sec10:06
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ryanakcais there a command to know how much space is left on a logical volume?10:06
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about freebsd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:06
jmesquitaToad4: Oh, apparently you've never used it b4 ... :(10:07
Evanlecgnome-partition manager?10:07
diogodweez in the web i view that it's possible with a init.d script, but i don't know how i make it10:07
dweezah, I see what you mean10:07
dweezinit.d is already a script10:07
corruptif ubuntu wasn't around what os would you people be using?10:07
Falstiuscorrupt: probably fedora.10:07
Liottdweez - i'm struggling with FileBrowser but it seems to have a spotty ability to find files...10:07
jmesquitacorrupt: Debian10:07
eljo__how can i purge removed packages?10:07
grndslmwhat's the name of a good snes emulator?  one that you can preferably remap the keyboard controls??10:07
dweezit tells your system certain paramenters for starting up, a few being whether to start in cli, or startx, or multi-user, etch10:08
enderwigcorrupt: gentoo10:08
dweezeljo__, use apt-get purge10:08
Falstiusgrndslm: zsnes10:08
jmesquitaFalstius: yuck!10:08
jmesquitaToad4: Have you ever used your video output there?10:08
Falstiusjmesquita: its pretty ...10:08
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jmesquitaFalstius: No way, my ubuntu with compiz-fusion is pretty10:08
eljo__dweez: thanks :)... is there an easy way to do that for all rc packages, or do i need to script something up?10:08
dweezLiott, if it's a hidden file you need to unhide them, "View" | "Show hidden files10:08
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jmesquitaFalstius: Fedora is just damn confusing10:09
NunzioIs there a network manager where i can see all network connection, ips, and control them? Like a server manager10:09
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Gswaincan i get some help with ftp?10:09
Liottdweez - thx10:09
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dweezeljo__, I believe you'd need to script10:09
grndslmFalstius:  thanks a bunch!10:09
jmesquitaGswain: Sorry, not an expert, but you can try me10:09
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dweezeljo__, but apt-get has other switches too10:09
Falstiusjmesquita: but the question was if you weren't running ubuntu.  i'm not running fedora, I just would be if there wasn't ubuntu (although the better screen resolution tools are tempting.  But #fedora is full of idiots and jerks).10:09
dweezdo a man apt-get10:09
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jmesquitaGswain: What howto were you reading?10:09
lightghostubotu: Thankx a lot10:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thankx a lot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:09
dweezOk, I gotta run, have fun all10:09
dweezand lightghost ubotu is a bot :-D10:10
Gswainjmesquita: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_FTP_Server_for_File_Transfer_service10:10
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jmesquitaFalstius: Yeah, but isnt ubuntu debian based afterall?10:10
diogodweez i need to put this "#!/bin/bash process name" in a file10:10
Toad4sorry jm someone at door10:10
NickSBdoes anyone know if my ati radeon 8500 card will work again in gutsy? i can use the open source drivers but would like to try ati's,10:10
Toad4no I have never used the svideo10:10
NunzioNobody knows of a network manager?10:10
dweezdiogo, that's only for older bash versions10:10
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dweezI think10:11
jmesquitaNunzio: What do you mean by a network manager?10:11
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jmesquitaToad4: Dammit, I cant seem to use mine10:11
fastputtyhi, my iptables do not log anymore in the /var/log/iptables.log someone could help me10:11
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dweezbut, just make your own script for it and then add it to "System", "Preferences" | "Sessions"10:11
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Gswainjmesquita I did it just like it said, and did the next section of addind DefaultRoot ~ for the changeroot jail but when I try and ftp in with the user i created it just rejects that passwords10:11
dweezdiogo, I'd try to avoid editing init.d as much as possible10:11
jmesquitaGswain: Which one are you using? The jailrooted one?10:11
Toad4I have never used this laptop for anything other than Windblows10:11
lightghostwell, it helped10:11
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Gswainjmesquita: yeah10:12
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jmesquitaToad4: Yuck for you too!10:12
jmesquitaGswain: Ok, this gets things a bit more complicated10:12
Don64lightghost: glad you found what u needed10:12
jmesquitaGswain: Let me take a quick look at the tutorial10:12
dooglusdweez: there's no other good way to do it10:12
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Gswainjmesquita: ok cool ty10:12
dooglusdweez: editing your session won't make anything run until you log in.10:12
darwin81I have a Compaq D510 SFF that has speakers built into the tower. I can hear sound fine, but I can't lower it or mute it?10:12
jmesquitaGswain: My guess is the the jail is not having access to your athentication backend, therefore, rejecting everything10:12
diogodweez i understand, but i need to do this in command line10:13
dooglusdweez: he says he wants the process to run when he boots ubuntu, not only when he logs in10:13
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dweezdooglus, ah, that's right10:13
Liottjmesquita - is the 6.06 version of glibc more recent than 2.3.1?10:13
conanyone knows how the ubuntu mentoring system works?10:13
darwin81I can't mute the sound10:13
dweezsorry, getting confused10:13
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Gswainjmesquita: oh i just thought that if you added a user with useradd it was available to the whole system but I am a bit of a n00b heh10:13
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ksis there analog of chkconfig in ubuntu ?10:14
Xplicitif i have a java game (e.g off a phone) can i run it using java or do i need to install something10:14
jmesquitaLiott: Don't know, never used 6.0610:14
Don64Nunzio: system -> admin -> network tools10:14
jmesquitaGswain: useradd just adds a user to a file10:14
jmesquitaGswain: That's the basic idea10:14
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lightghostDon64: downloading it now,have you tried freebsd?10:14
nonix4sudo su -c 'env DISPLAY=:0 xeyes &' - luser  # is there a more gentle way to tell the logged in user to wake up?10:15
Don64no i haven't10:15
Falstiusks: update-rc.d10:15
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ksFalstius thanks10:15
jmesquitaGswain: Since I know nothing about proftpd, have you checkd its configuration without a jail rooted installation?10:15
Falstiusks: no problem.  I don't like it as much as chkconfig though.10:15
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: sorrry i was away, do i kow you?10:15
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dooglusXplicit: you'll need to install the right libraries.10:16
Gswainjmesquita: ill comment out that line really quick and try10:16
dooglusXplicit: the j2me stuff, that is10:16
Liottfalstius - do you know where the conf-cc file is?10:16
EvanlecIndyGunFreak yea u helped me out last night, my nick was evan_10:16
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IndyGunFreakah ok.10:16
Xplicitok thanks10:16
FalstiusLiott: what is it for?10:16
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EvanlecIndyGunFreak helped me get dual monitor goin ;p10:16
dooglusXplicit: incidentally, I don't suppose you know of a free text editor for phones, do you?10:16
IndyGunFreakok, now i remember.10:17
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IndyGunFreakmy memory is pretty short..lol10:17
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UncleDIm running breezy 5.1 and want to upgrade. What is the recommended method for doing so?10:17
Liottfalstius - compiling qmail10:17
Evanlecbut the one problem it sems is no 3d desktop with the dual monitor support10:17
SeveredCrossUncleD: Breezy -> Dapper -> Edgy -> Feisty10:17
UncleDin that order?10:17
SeveredCrossYou might even do Breezy -> Edgy, but not sure if that's feasible.10:17
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: it works fine for me.10:17
Gswainjmesquita: still doesnt work10:17
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UncleDSeveredCross: Is there a built in tool to breezy to make it easy?10:18
ksFalstius update-rc.d mysql stop 234 ?10:18
Xplicitdooglus: nope soz10:18
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KartiHi all10:18
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ksFalstius or rather remove ?10:18
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UncleDSeveredCross: is there an update-manager that i can run from the console?10:18
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XplicitEvanlec: works fine for me my only problem is that compliz and beryl like messing with eachothers configs10:18
HazI've installed my Apache server successfully, and I was wondering: what would be the easiest way to integrate an FTP server into apache?10:18
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: what type of prob ar eyou having getting it to work in 3d?10:19
SeveredCrossUncleD: Try sudo update-manager -c10:19
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Falstiusks: remove if you don't want it to run.10:19
Evanlecwell, i enable compiz10:19
Evanlecand it gets glitchy half of the right screen10:19
Evanlecerr, second screen10:19
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Falstiusks: test with -n first if you're unsure.10:19
skinnypuppy1334_I'm running 6.06 lts, I need to add to my $PATH where would the .bashrc file be?10:19
ksFalstius removed10:19
z0rzWhen I try to install ssh I get this "Unable to lock the download directory" .. anyone know how to fix this?10:19
IndyGunFreakok i see, i dont' use compiz.. can't help you w/ that... ask in #ubuntu-effects10:19
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Falstiusskinnypuppy1334_: ~/.bashrc10:20
Evanleci have been most of today ;p10:20
ksFalstius but this is ugly :)10:20
Evanlecberyl refuses to start10:20
XplicitEvanlec: try beryl, i no its a step back but atm it runs much better, i get bugs with compiz10:20
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dooglusskinnypuppy1334_: don't modify $PATH in .bashrc - it's run too many times in some cases, and not at all in others10:20
Falstiusks: I told you I didn't like it as much :)10:20
z0rzOMG!! I figured it out..10:20
dooglusskinnypuppy1334_: use ~/.xprofile instead10:20
FalstiusEvanlec: I had trouble getting beryl to work as I liked with dual monitors.  ended up back with metacity.10:20
jmesquitaGswain: Hummm10:21
skinnypuppy1334_I'll check that dooflas10:21
XplicitEvanlec: not sure beryl just runs fine for me but i have same problems in compiz10:21
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jmesquitaGswain: I'll keep looking over here10:21
skinnypuppy1334_dooglus sorry10:21
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Liottdooglus - do you know how I can find the conf-cc file?10:21
ir1I have a lot of problems10:21
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dooglusLiott: what's that?10:21
ir1in /etc/profile10:21
ir1I have some weird line10:21
Falstius!enter | ir110:21
ubotuir1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:21
ir1[[ -f "/etc/autopackage/paths-bash" ] ]  && . "/etc/autopackage/paths-bash"10:21
Liotti believe it's a compiling file...10:21
Gswainjmesquita: well thanks for having a look at it - I really appreciate it10:21
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ir1anyone can help me ?10:22
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dooglusir1: that means if the file exists, source it10:22
ir1that's ok ?10:22
Evanlecxplicit can u post ur xorg.conf?10:22
Evanlecare u using ati or nvidia?10:22
Dakokihow i can simulate a spacebar stroke?10:22
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ir1anyone ?10:22
Evanlecim using ati10:22
dooglusir1: I don't have that line in feisty.  does the /etc/... file exist?10:23
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EvanlecI'm using MergedFB10:23
jmesquitaGswain: Anytime dude10:23
Liottdooglus - i'm trying to compile qmail but the book says I have to alter the conf-cc file if my "modern version" of linux has a glibc version more than 2.3.110:23
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jmesquitaGswain: Sorry I couldnt be more of a help for you10:23
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NickSBtake it nobody knows about the ati radeon 8500 driver, its just the open source driver locks up on my system, it works v.well then freezes and ive tried every combination in the bios and xorg settings to fix it and always the same10:23
praetDakoki: xsendkeys " "10:23
dooglusLiott: I expect it's talking about a file that came with the qmail sources10:23
dooglusLiott: look in the qmail source directory.  "find . | grep conf" or some such10:24
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dooglusir1: I expect it was added by some package you installed.  does autopackage ring any bells with you?10:24
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XplicitEvanlec: im using twinview with nvidia so my xorg will probably be useless but ill still post if you want10:24
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Joey-Kunhello people10:25
Joey-Kunanyone around?10:25
neverblueanyone heard of splunk?10:25
Takagamisplunk... heard of it10:25
neverbluemy spelling maybe incorrect10:25
Joey-KunI cant boot from the live CD10:25
ir1ok, I have scripts for running xgl+kde, and when I run it, I get a lot of errors, and ubuntu starts gnome without xgl10:25
Evanlecyea xplicit thats probly true10:25
Javidnot around the children man10:25
ir1can I somewhere copy you these errors ?10:25
praetDakoki: xvkbd -text " "10:25
neverblue!pastebin | ir110:25
ubotuir1: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:25
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EvanlecI turned off the ATI display driver because 3d desktop refused tow ork with it10:26
Evanlecbut it would work with default driver10:26
Evanlecbut wont work with default driver + dual screen10:26
ir1ok, here's link, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35589/10:26
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eddiemongeneverblue: splunk is the log searcher program right?10:26
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neverblueyeah, I believe it to be10:27
Xplicityeah nvidia do tend to have good drivers, ive never run beryl on an ati10:27
Dakokithat's better praet nice trick!!!10:27
PriceChildEvanlec, compiz is included as a "technology preview", help in #ubuntu-effects10:27
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skinnypuppy1334_Well, I don't see any path listed in /etc/profile , nor ~/.bashrc, and don't have a ~/.xprofile file to add to the path. Where does 6.06 lts get its $PATH from?10:27
praetir1: you are missing these scripts?  /usr/bin/startxglkde.sh && startcompiz10:27
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benzs_scompiz is annoying :\10:27
Joey-Kunwhy do I get dma timeout errors when I boot from the live cd?10:27
benzs_sit screwed up java and just made everything sloooow10:27
eddiemongeneverblue: yeah i saw them at linux world. why?10:27
crackintosh_Can someone tell me how I can sort ls -R by date?10:27
ir1I have /usr/bin/startxglkde.sh10:27
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benzs_sit was very pretty of course, but until they iron out problems i wouldn't recommend it on 64bit especially10:27
EvanlecPricechild I know but no one's there ;p10:28
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praetis it executable ? chmod +x /usr/bin/startxglkde.sh10:28
PriceChildEvanlec, then be patient10:28
neverblueeddiemonge, i was wanting to script something similar, but then I stumbled across it10:28
Evanlecnp ;o10:28
ir1and I have startcompiz in /usr/local/bin10:28
skinnypuppy1334_Can someone help me add a PATH in 6.06?10:29
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praetskinnypuppy1334_: /etc/environment10:29
praetskinnypuppy1334_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables10:29
ir1how I start KDE ?10:29
onexusedI installed the slmodem packages by accident (didn't need them), then uninstalled them.  Now kppp freezes on 'detecting modem' when I try to dial.  I can still use wvdial.  I've tried reinstalling kppp, but that doesn't help.  What can I do?10:29
ir1with command10:29
skinnypuppy1334_praet thank you again10:29
praetir1: kwin --replace10:29
ir1I start gnome with gnome-session10:29
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LT1Caprice57Lhey all10:29
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LT1Caprice57Lham-fisted novice question warning: is there a way to transfer most of the root permissions over to another user10:30
earthmeLonAre there any good alternatives to nautilus? Mine keeps crashing >_<10:30
PriceChildLT1Caprice57L, why would you want to do that?10:30
wolfsonganyone here have any success with connecting to a hidden SSID in wicd?10:30
PriceChildearthmeLon, maybe you should figure out why its crashing?10:30
praetir1: gnone-session is equive to startkde10:30
LT1Caprice57Lmainly j/w if there is a way or not10:30
PriceChildLT1Caprice57L, then the answer is no :)10:31
PriceChild!sudo | LT1Caprice57L10:31
ubotuLT1Caprice57L: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:31
earthmeLonHaha, I guess I could do that PriceChild. It's never happened before10:31
praetearthmeLon: there is thunar that is similar (from xfce)10:31
eddiemongeanyone ever tried to make a dvd that will boot a live distro on windows, macintels and powerpcs?10:31
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ir1http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35591/ -> this is startxglgnome.sh10:31
ir1http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35593/ -> this is startxglkde.sh10:31
ir1http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35594/ -> this is startxglxfce.sh10:31
LT1Caprice57Lty PC10:31
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ir1something is wrong in startxglkde.sh I think10:31
praetearthmeLon:  you could start nautilus in a terminal, do whatever to make it crash and read the results10:31
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earthmeLonImma try that10:32
earthmeLonbut this thunar thing looks nice :D10:32
ir1where is list of all sessions that you can choose in GDM10:32
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ir1I forgot :P10:32
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earthmeLonLet me mess around with nautilus. Maybe find out what the problem is. It crashes the most when I mess with cd/dvd drive10:32
praetir1: in your xsessions dir i think you are calling more than one. Why?10:32
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ir1where ?10:32
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IndyGunFreakEvanlec: did you figure it out?10:34
praetir1: /usr/share/xsessions/xgl.desktop  < something like that10:34
ir1ok, I think I fixed it10:34
ir1I'll try now :P10:34
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rainrunner87Has anyone seen a calculator in the repos that can do calculations in base 3?10:34
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IndyGunFreakrainrunner87: whats base 310:34
rainrunner87Numerical base 3.  Ternary.  One higher base than binary.10:34
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IndyGunFreaksorry, no idea.10:35
earthmeLonhaha. Okay. I opened nautilus with a terminal and tried to load my dvd from the rom-drive. It turned grey (nautilus) and then after about 15 seconds, it displayed the files on the dvd, and then it turned grey again v_v10:35
earthmeLonbut reported no errors in the terminal10:35
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Aaronxchat is weird10:35
IndyGunFreakrainrunner87: stupid question probably, but have you tried changing the view, from basic to advanced, scientific, etc?.. in the "View" menu10:35
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Joey-Kunoh yea, how do I get ubuntu's livecd to boot to verbose mode10:35
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Aaronverbose mode?10:36
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rainrunner87The standard ubuntu calculator can do base 2, 8, 10, and 1610:36
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onexusedIndyGunFreak: that only gives dec, hex, binary, and octal10:36
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IndyGunFreakonexused: ok, i didn't know, just thoguth i'd ask.10:36
rainrunner872 being binary, 8 being octal, and 16 being hex10:36
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rainrunner87I'm hoping for some of the interesting things in between.10:36
naesanyone know how to uninstall realplayer from RealPlayer10GOLD.bin?10:36
Joey-Kunaaron: where every step is on screen10:36
Davy_Jonesit can do hex and rednecks10:37
onexusedrainrunner87: there's always doing it in dec then manually converting to trinary, lol10:37
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rainrunner87I'm trying to see if the "number below the base" principle holds true in all bases.10:37
Joey-Kunbecause I keep getting hdd dma timeout errors10:37
Joey-Kuneven with the live cd10:37
compilerwriterAdept tells me my sun-java-6plugin is a broken install how do I fix it?10:37
rainrunner87And so I need to do ternary addition and division.10:37
onexusedrainrunner97: what's that "number below the base" principle?10:38
IndyGunFreakrainrunner87: search synaptic for "calculator"  there's a bunch of them, not sure which one would meet your needs thyough10:38
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marcolinohi...do you know if I can dock ubuntu?10:38
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askandHow do I inport a .reg file into the gconfregistry?10:38
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IndyGunFreakmarcolino: dock ubuntu?10:38
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theineis there a gutsy channel?10:38
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marcolinodo you know dyne:bolic distro?10:39
theinegot it10:39
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praetrainrunner87: base 3? 5 base 10 = 5x3^0    524 base 10 = 5x3^2+ 2x3^1+ 4x3^010:39
Don64Joey-Kun: download the alternate cd10:39
PriceChild!gutsy | theine10:39
ubotutheine: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+110:39
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rainrunner87onexused: 6+9=15, 1+5=6.  14+9=23, 1+4=2+3=5.  1/9=.11111..., 1/11=.0909090909...10:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hardy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:39
PriceChildCoasterMaster, I think I should make a factoid for that... :)10:40
IndyGunFreakrainrunner87: maybe if you know one for Windows, you could run it in wine?10:40
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CoasterMasterPriceChild: :)  just seeing if there was already one10:40
askandHow do I inport a .reg file into the gconfregistry?10:40
rainrunner87IndyGunFreak: Nope, don't know one for windows.  I've been avoiding windows long enough that I'm not conversant in their stuff as much anymore.10:40
rainrunner87IndyGunFreak: good idea, though10:40
praetrainrunner87: are we talking about smple calcs?10:41
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ir1http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35596/, errors when I start GNOME with XGL (maybe without XGL)10:41
PriceChild!hardy | CoasterMaster10:41
ubotuCoasterMaster: Hardy Heron is the code name for Ubuntu 8.04, due April 2008.10:41
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CoasterMaster:) The world is saved!10:41
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onexusedkppp freezes now when I try to dial at 'detecting modem', but wvdial still works.  I've tried reinstalling kppp, which doesn't help.  What can I do to get kppp to work again?10:42
jmesquitaHi, I think a lot of ppl have already asked that here, but I can't seem to find documentation on how to get my SVIDEO output working on an Intel 945GM video card10:42
rainrunner87praet: I need to do simple ternary, quaternary, quintary, etc. division and addition.10:42
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ir1can anyone help me ?10:42
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IndyGunFreak!anyone | irl10:42
ubotuirl: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:42
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rainrunner87praet: 21+2 in ternary, for example, or 1/7 and 1/11 in octal10:43
ir1can anyone help me with my errors when I start GNOME -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35596/ ?10:43
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marcolinodocking = installing a linux distro by simply copying a folder into c:\ of a windows system10:43
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rainman62Hi everyone, I need help please. I have 7.04 and vista on another PC. I'm able to see the drive from the pc on Ubuntu, how can see my drive from Ubuntu on my vista pc? can you direct me to a link or give some advise? thanks10:44
aarcaneHi, I've got an insprion 1520, which won't install with the normal live CD.  it's currently running a different distro, but I would like to install ubuntu into an lvm group from within my current distro (sharing a /boot ) and be able to run ubuntu.  I don't want to use a livecd or alt cd.  I want to install from the already-running distro.  is this an option at this time ?10:44
CoasterMaster!samba | rainman6210:44
uboturainman62: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT10:44
UncleDIm trying to login to xwindows on my ubuntu server remotely from my PC. I have RealVNC on my PC but xwindows is not running on my ubuntu machine. How do I turn on xwindows through the console and then connect?10:44
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rainman62thank you coastmaster, I'll check them out.10:45
ir1can anyone help me with my errors when I start GNOME -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35596/ ?10:45
earthmeLonpraet, how do i make thunar the default program to open directories and stuffs?10:45
crazy6ok, so, I just inhereted a laptop with ubuntu 5.04 on it. I dont know too much about ubuntu. Synaptic reports no updates avaialble, but that becasue I think it's not hookd up to the network repo;s.... how do I do that?10:45
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CoasterMastercrazy6: 5.04 is no longer supported, the latest version is 7.0410:45
aarcanecrazy6, you'd be best served by a fresh install.10:45
rainrunner87irl: describe your errors, what you're trying to do, and ask an actual question.  .10:45
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ubotuUbuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger) was the third release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 13, 2007. See !eol for more details.10:45
askandHow do I inport a .reg file into the gconfregistry?10:45
crazy6aarcane: I can't just upgrade through synaptic ?10:45
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FulkSorry, this is driving me crazy10:45
ubotuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/LifeCycle10:45
ir1anyone can help me ?10:46
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FulkI've installed Apache2.2 and php5 on Ubuntu Server10:46
Javidcrazy6, it'd probably be quicker and easier to just burn off 7.04 and reinstall10:46
CoasterMastercrazy6: upgrading can only go one by one, so there is no direct way to upgrade10:46
Shooreehi all10:46
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IndyGunFreakcrazy6: you'd have to upgrade to Breezy, then to Dapper, thne Edgy, then Feisty.. you'r ebetter off doing a clean install.10:46
giany911guys i have a lexmark x1190 ... i found out its not a good one but .. i got it for free .. but the scanner only makes a noise and thats it ...xsane hangs ... same thing used to happen to the previous owner on windows10:46
ir1hi all10:46
FulkMy logs seem to indicate it's installed fine Apache/2.2.3 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.1 configured -- resuming normal operations10:46
Ryan52When you open gedit it makes a new file called "Unsaved Document 1". How do you make it so it starts with no files open?10:46
UncleDIm trying to login to X on my ubuntu server remotely from my PC. I have RealVNC on my PC but X is not running on my machine. How do I turn on X through the console and then connect?10:46
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Shooreepray tell, what's the name of that lovely app that brings a fresh install up to speed?10:46
CoasterMastercrazy6: if you really wanted to, you'd have to upgrade to each version up and up until you get till 7.0410:46
FulkBut when I got to the URL it's just downloading the php files and not parsing them10:46
Fulkit's driving me crazy, my other box work's fine :'(10:47
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JavidShooree, a thing should pop up telling you there are updates10:47
ir1I have problem with running gnome, I'll have you link to pastebin with my .xsession-errors, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35596/10:47
ShooreeJavid: no not that10:47
ShooreeI read about it on the formums some time ago10:47
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Javidyou mean to upgrade the entire distro?10:47
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Shooreeit's like an app that d/ls from all the repositoruies10:47
Javidthat would be apt-get dist-upgrade I *think*10:47
aarcaneHi, I've got an insprion 1520, which won't install with the normal live CD.  it's currently running a different distro, but I would like to install ubuntu into an lvm group from within my current distro (sharing a /boot ) and be able to run ubuntu.  I don't want to use a livecd or alt cd.  I want to install from the already-running distro.  is this an option at this time ?10:47
Shooreehmmmm no10:47
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crazy6hrm ok, nevermind10:48
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Jowihi, I have a permission problem. I add user "user1" to group "user2" with "sudo adduser user1 user2". command is successful. /etc/group confirms. however when I type groups in a terminal the group user2 is not listed and if I try to add it again it say user1 is already in user2 group.10:48
ShooreeI'll just check the forums10:48
zendoHi. I followed this guide http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_control_fan_speed_.28lm-sensors.29 on how to set up program to automatically control CPU fan speed accordingly to CPU tempereature. `sudo pwmconfig` did finf some fans that can be controled (I heard it) and finally wroted something in /etc/fancontrol. Then I made the /etc/init.d/fancontrol script as described in guide, but when I start it with `sudo10:48
zendo/etc/init.d/fancontrol start` it reports OK but nothing happens, and after that when I type `/etc/init.d/fancontrol stop` a get "start-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 32170: No such process [OK] ". Does this mean that it doesn't work or ti was just warning that can be ignored?10:48
ylleHello there, what do you have to do to make ubuntu open certain filetypes with XMMS rather than using "Totem"?10:48
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zendoHi. I followed this guide http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_control_fan_speed_.28lm-sensors.29 on how to set up program to automatically control CPU fan speed accordingly to CPU tempereature. `sudo pwmconfig` did finf some fans that can be controled (I heard it) and finally wroted something in /etc/fancontrol. Then I made the /etc/init.d/fancontrol script as described in guide, but when I start it with `sudo10:48
Don64rainrunner87: have u looked at the math program in open office?10:48
zendo/etc/init.d/fancontrol start` it reports OK but nothing happens, and after that when I type `/etc/init.d/fancontrol stop` a get "start-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 32170: No such process [OK] ". Does this mean that it doesn't work or ti was just warning that can be ignored?10:48
CoasterMasterShoree: if you want to automatically check for all updates and download them, sudo apt-get upgrade10:48
Some_PersonCan I get rid of the shadow on the GNOME Panel in Compiz Fusion? No one is answering in #Ubuntu-Effects.10:48
Jowizendo, please don't repeat10:48
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rainrunner87Don64: No, I haven't.  Are we talking about OpenOffice.org Calc?10:49
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ylleI'm a bit new to linux and all that...10:49
Don64rainrunner87: yes10:49
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rainrunner87Don64: Don't see it in Add/Remove, trying Synaptic.10:49
Don64rainrunner87: i haven't looked at it myself but might help10:49
Javidylle, rightclick and go to properties, the option for that's in there, under the far right tab I think10:49
zendoJowi: Sorry it was unintentional10:49
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Javidylle, there's an "open with" tab10:50
JavidI just had to look to remember10:50
ylleIn, some sort of context menu thing.. right?10:50
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IndyGunFreakylle: right click the file in question, properties, Open With, and select Xmms, and save .10:50
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ylleOh okay.10:50
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Don64rainrunner87: no, not calc try Math10:51
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ylleWell that did the trick10:51
ylleThanks alot.10:51
pcbonjour, quel est le lien pour dialoguer en francais? Merci!10:51
eddiemongehow do i format a drive?10:51
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IndyGunFreakylle: :)10:51
CoasterMaster!fr | pc10:51
ubotupc: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:51
Don64rainrunner: http://www.openoffice.org/product/math.html10:51
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nonix4hmm, which dns server would you ppl recommend?10:51
theinehow do i change the number of workspaces under gnome in gutsy?10:51
IndyGunFreakeddiemonge: you can use gparted.10:52
digitalspaghettiAnyone here in the UK know if there has been something recently updated in Ubuntu that would stop me connecting to a BT Wireless Home Hub?10:52
werkkrewHow do I change the default "remote desktop" (vnc) server on ubuntus listening port10:52
pcMerci ubotu ....10:52
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mdesrosiersHello, does anybody know whether there is/how a LiveCD for Feisty would be obtained/downloaded?10:52
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digitalspaghettimy XP machine can still connect, and I took my laptop into work today and it connected to the wireless point at work10:52
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about downloads - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:52
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theinethe workspaces preference dialog only lets me choose between a 1x2 and a 2x1 layout...10:52
CoasterMaster!download | mdesrosiers10:52
ubotumdesrosiers: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive10:52
nonix4mdesrosiers: the default desktop cd is a live cd10:53
CoasterMaster!torrents | mderosiers10:53
ubotumderosiers: Torrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/ (CDs) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.04/release/ (DVDs)10:53
kbrooksin the top panel, i want to click the mail icon and have it open up gmail.10:53
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kbrookshow do i do this?10:53
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aaronmkbrooks: you could use cgmail or checkgmail10:54
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kbrooksaaragon, sorry?10:54
the_hatterWhat is a good media player for videos? The default totem-player that came with my Dapper Drake install doesn't recognize .mov formats, and VLC media player recognizes it but only plays the audio part.10:54
Jowican anyone help with a group permission problem?10:54
Discerer-perhaps GOM player is available for linux, dunno10:55
aaronmkbrooks: i prefer cgmail, it's written in python, google cgmail and you can find .debs to install it's very easy to use and setup and has an icon in the top panel that you can click on to open up gmail and check messages10:55
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NunzioWhy can i never get samba to work...it shows up my workgroup but none of the network computers xp or mine show up10:55
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Ryan52When you open gedit it makes a new file called "Unsaved Document 1". How do you make it so it starts with no files open?10:56
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aaronmNunzio: you probably dont have it setup all the way, an easy way to setup Samba is with the web interface you can download and install it by using the command "sudo apt-get install swat" the interface itself is called SWAT. Its one way to do it10:56
bigjohntowhat does the following mean ? snmp_procname!public!1!3!5!6!11 its checking for sendmail , i really want to know what the values mean, what their place holders are (nagios)10:56
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kbrooksaaragon, all right. what about firefox?10:56
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aaronmkbrooks: it opens firefox for you when you open it10:56
kbrooksaaronm, misunderstood10:57
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aarcaneHi, I've got an insprion 1520, which won't install with the normal live CD.  it's currently running a different distro, but I would like to install ubuntu into an lvm group from within my current distro (sharing a /boot ) and be able to run ubuntu.  I don't want to use a livecd or alt cd.  I want to install from the already-running distro.  is this an option at this time ?10:57
bruenigaarcane, there is no explicitly supported way to do it, but certainly it is possible10:58
kbrooksaarcane, you can - debian, and therefore ubuntu, supports that with debootstrap and repositories10:58
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bruenigif he is using a debian distro, then it would be a lot easier10:58
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bruenigbut he may be on a totally different package management10:59
kbrooksbruenig, it is still easy if you are not on debian -10:59
mike390i get a few make errors at the end of step 5 on this guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OrinocoMonitorMode  can anyone help me?10:59
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=== aarcane is currently using Arch Linux as his preferred, but wants Ubuntu for his Linux classes in school, which use Ubuntu
digitalspaghettigrr, this problem is so annoying :/10:59
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aarcanekbrooks, can you link me to an overview of some sort on how to do this ?10:59
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kbrooksbruenig, a .deb is an ar file with a tarball in it.10:59
SpudDoggcouldn't he just take someone's working sources.list and run dist-upgrade?  I suppose not if he's on a completely different distro10:59
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rainman62coastermaster, I have samba installed and I have access to my pc folder from ubuntu, I'm looking for the other way around. access my ubuntu folder from Vista. Help?11:00
kbrooksbruenig, and a debian directory11:00
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kbrooksbruenig, but that is all it is. surprised eh?11:00
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CoasterMasterrainman62: right-click on the folder you want to be shared and click share folder11:01
kbrooksaarcane, the debian installation howto has a good overview11:01
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SpudDoggrsync rocks!11:01
aarcanekbrooks, and will work without much issue to install Ubuntu, too ?11:01
cathperHow do I figure out who is responsible for the mutt package?11:01
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cathperHah, just found it. dpkg -I11:02
earthmeLonrainman62, you need to install samba http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_Samba_Server_for_files.2Ffolders_sharing_service11:02
kbrooksaarcane, the only hint I'll give you that at least indicates the relative simplicity of this: when you install debian thru the pretty curses interface, you are actually using debootstrap11:02
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demonsporkdoes anyone here know anything about the Logitec G15 keyboard and G15daemon?11:03
bulmerrainman62: you can use X window client11:03
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kbrooksaarcane, yes, just take most of the howto, but you need to change the repos a little11:03
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samuelsup all11:03
CoasterMasterearthmeLon: rainman62: ubuntu will ask to install samba if it isn't already when clicking share folder11:03
SpudDoggsamuel, sup11:03
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aarcanekbrooks, okay.  I'll see what I can figgure out :)  thanks.11:03
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clearzenWhy doesn't nslookup include the ls and finger option in interactive mode?11:03
rainman62sorry I was on the phone11:03
samuelwhat init startup system does ubuntu use? i know its not sysV any longer is it?11:03
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kbrooksaarcane, sorry11:04
preactionsamuel, it's called upstart11:04
rainman62bulmer, use x window client on Vista?11:04
preaction!upstart | samuel11:04
ubotusamuel: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/11:04
samuelpreaction: thanks11:04
bulmerrainman62: yes11:04
mike390im having problems when i run make, what do these errors mean how do i fix them? http://pastebin.com/m1bb847c111:04
FulkWhy on earth isn't my apache serving php files when the module is enabled?11:04
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balleynedoes anyone have any suggestions for what programs I can use to rip a DVD to my hard drive?11:04
hhp2kHey, can anyone tell me why I'm getting this error when I try to install updates (or just about anything recently)? http://pastebin.org/1385 I tried to do sudo dpkg --configure -a, but it just freezes my ubuntu Fiesty.11:04
samuelpreaction: is it similar to launchd from mac?11:04
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kbrooksaarcane, rill look for a ubuntu howto hang on11:04
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rainman62coastermaster, you mean share folder on the pc or share folder on linux?11:04
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CoasterMasteron linux, the folder you want vista to be able to see11:05
NunzioHow do i do SWAT?11:05
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preactionsamuel, i don't know. i'm not familiar with launchd11:05
rainman62bulmer, do you a link? for x window? is this free or cost money?11:05
CoasterMasterand you want to share it using SMB (AKA Samba AKA Windows Networks)11:05
attunixHow do I delete grub?11:05
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samuelpreaction: its a replacement for init,cron,xinit... etc...11:05
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samuelall the programs that may be launched automatically11:05
bulmerrainman62: some cost money..some free..look into freenx client11:06
preactionmike390, you're trying to build a kernel module that's already in that kernel11:06
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preactionsamuel, yes i know that. i'm not familiar with how launchd decides what services need to be run in which order11:06
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attunixHow do I remove grub? I just installed ReactOS on a previously Ubuntu-run PC and apparently, formatting the HD didn't remove grub. I'm on a Ubuntu Live CD.11:07
samuelpreaction: XML files are the way launchd is told all that, i really dont know11:07
massstroubled   are you there11:07
bulmerrainman62: a client called xvnc also may work11:07
samueljust curious11:07
mike390preaction: so what do i do? nothing?11:07
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preactionsamuel, upstart does it in a dependancy-tree. "init" provides "init", httpd relies on "network" and "network" relies on "init", so to start "httpd", upstart first starts "network"11:07
preactionmike390, you don't need to do anything to get that module in the kernel. you most likely have to compile an entire kernel to get what you want11:07
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eagleHow do you format a disk drive?11:07
bulmerattunix: did you format the entire drive?11:08
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CoasterMastereagle: you can use the GNOME Partition Manager11:08
lerosI need some help enabling WPA so I can get on my college's wireles11:08
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samuelpreaction: i see what you mean, i dont really know how launchd handles that11:08
CoasterMastereagle: in a terminal, run sudo apt-get install gparted11:08
preactionmike390, there are docs for this, make sure you use make-kpkg to make a .deb package11:08
eagleWhere is the partition manager11:08
mike390preaction: so its impossible to do this guide? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OrinocoMonitorMode11:08
pike_eagle: or mkfs.ext3 /dev/hda1 or whatever11:08
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samuelpreaction: can upstart be used as a replacement of cron?11:08
CoasterMastereagle: then it will be located in System -> Administration -> GNOME Partition Manager11:08
preactionsamuel, read the link ubotu gave you11:08
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ScorpKingeagle: cfdisk for command line11:09
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samuelpreaction: i will, thx11:09
eagleOK thanks, will try that. I have a slave drive I want to reformat to use on my new setup.11:09
massscan someone tell me why my internet connection under ubuntu is soooo slow, and so quick with windows plzz11:09
leroscan someone help me with a few parts of these instructions https://management.pna.utexas.edu/static/faqs/dot1x/dot1x-linux.html11:09
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balleyneanyone know how to extract video from an unencrypted DVD?11:09
bulmermasss: how do you measure and claim such?11:09
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pike_masss: is it still 'slow' if ya use ip instead of dns name? cat /etc/resolv.conf and make sure there is one entry for nameserver typically on a home box this will be your router ip. other than that id suspect ipv611:10
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masssbulmer  well because actually i have two computer running under the same internet connection, this one from where i m chatting is under windows and i can chat with no problem11:10
eagleAnother question,,,I have apache server set up, how do I load files to htdocs (can't find htdocs folder)?11:10
masssbulmer   the other one under ubuntu just doesnt load things11:10
leroshow do i find out what wireless driver i am using? i didn't have to install anything extra to get wifi working11:10
jaggy_hi all11:10
jaggy_can anyone help me whit this error ?11:11
preactionmike390, you might want to rmmod orinoco before make, and then insmod orinoco after you copy the new .ko, that may work. otherwise i don't know11:11
CoasterMasterleros: System -> Preferences -> Hardware Information11:11
bulmermasss: just doesnt load things? how do you have it configured? anything special you installed?11:11
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jaggy_if i install ubuntu 2 weeks later it crashes and i need to reinstall11:11
aoirthoirlooking for opinions on this script: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_control_fan_speed_.28lm-sensors.2911:11
aoirthoirdoes anyone think it is unsafe?11:11
preactioneagle, the default apache directory is /var/www/11:11
masssbulmer   well its a wireless connection and its said to be running at 95% so normally it should be working, the setting was done automatically by ubuntu when installed11:12
eagleOK preaction, but where is htdocs11:12
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aarcanehttps://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/installation-guide/i386/boot-drive-files.html <-- would using this method allow me to install Ubuntu into an LVM volume, and NOT install grub or lilo at all, but use the existing grub I'm already using ?11:12
preactioneagle, what is htdocs?11:12
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bulmermasss: i mean you claim when loading...what is it loading?11:12
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lerosi found my wireless card in the hardware manager. now how do i see what driver is being used11:12
eaglewhere do I place files to be served by apache?11:12
preactioneagle, as i said, /var/www11:13
bulmerleros: dmesg11:13
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masssbulmer   i m not claiming lol actually i would really be glad to fix this little issue11:13
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eagleThe apache default screen says to upload files to htdocs11:13
pumpkinpositiveeagle: I thought htdocs was the default folder for the webserver if you installed Apache on windows.  On Linux, it is /var/www as preaction says.11:13
lerosbulmer, what does that mean?11:13
preactioneagle, and i'm telling you that it's /var/www11:13
bulmermasss: im just trying to understand what you mean it is slow in loading..also you may have to disable ipv6 on your ubuntu..11:13
eagleGotcha pumpkin11:14
tckdo they always release ubuntu names in alphabetical order now?11:14
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tcksince warty/hoary its b, d, e, f, g and now hardy heron11:14
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crimeboytck: yes11:14
bulmerleros on a terminal type   dmesg11:14
eagleUnderstand the different terminology now preaction11:14
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fmasihow to split the output file of a tar into many 700MB files ??11:14
masssbulmer   how do i do this disabling11:14
Davy_Jonestck: no.. they choose them based on how more stupid the new name is11:14
CoasterMasterthat bothers me so much that warty/hoary are the 'exceptions' it doesn't make the whole system zen like11:14
eagleWill I have to reset permissions to write files there?11:14
preactioneagle, pumpkinpositive, every distro has its own place to put the default apache files, if you "/msg fajita distro layout" the #apache bot will help you11:14
tckDavy_Jones, what will i be11:14
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Davy_Jonestck: so if you find a more stupid name than fiesty, suggest it to them devs11:15
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bulmermasss you have to turn off ipv6 in /etc/modprobe.d/aliases file   google for the tutorial on how to disable this11:15
ScorpKingeagle: use sudo to copy it and change the owner back to www-data when ur done.11:15
UncleDon breezy how do i restart inetd?11:15
UncleDor is it not even used11:15
masssbulmer   ok thanks i ll check it out11:16
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tckDavy_Jones, well its better then calling it Red hat -10, fedora 1-711:16
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Davy_Jonestck: anything is better than the ubuntu naming "scheme"11:16
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Davy_Jonestck: even yellow dog linux11:16
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Discereractually no Davy_Jones I like it11:16
tckDavy_Jones, it's unique :P11:16
Discerereasy to remember which one is which11:17
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Discerernot just an anonymous number11:17
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Davy_JonesDiscerer: higher number means later version.. how hard could that be?11:17
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leroswhen i run the make command, i get error 1. what does this mean?11:17
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lerosi get all sorts of what look to be compile errors, so many errors are in the terminal that i cannot see the first ones11:19
demonsporkdoes anyone here know anything about the Logitec G15 keyboard and G15daemon?11:19
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ScorpKingdoes anyone here use a cellphone for their internet connection. mine is too slow. about 1MB traffic in a hour. :/11:20
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Davy_Jonesdemonspork: is that a keyboard?11:20
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Davy_Jonesdemonspork: like that's a keyboard dude, right?11:20
leroscan anyone help me get my make command working11:20
demonsporkDavy_Jones yes11:20
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sytnerhello i have 65 updates waiting to be installed but everytime i click install updates i geta pop up that says checking for updates and then nothing happens ubuntu server 7.0411:21
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Davy_Jonesdemonspork: ahh, don't know about it :P11:21
dooglusleros: make 2>&1 | less11:21
lerosdooglus, a bunch of stuff filled up the terminal, looks like errors11:21
SORMANOVhow to scan hard disk for defected clusters ?11:22
primskisynther: try in command line, sudo apt-get upgrade11:22
dooglusleros: the 'less' stops it running off the top11:22
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dooglusleros: now you can see what the first error is11:22
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sytnerthanks trying it now11:23
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lerosok, so when i run the make command, i get a bunch of errors11:24
lerossuch as it cant find header files, syntax errors, etc11:24
lerosbut this is a commonly working program im compiling11:24
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primskileros: try, sudo apt-get install build-essential11:25
lerosprimski, what does that do exactly?11:25
primskiit installs bunch of libraries, for compiling, gcc, etc,etc11:26
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primskiunless u already have them installed, that could be your problem11:26
lerossounds like that could be it11:26
lerosi imagine the lack of those libraries is what is causing the other 10,000 compile errors following11:26
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primskiheh, could be11:26
primskitry it out11:27
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NunzioOkay, so i got SWAT installed, but you cant do anything in it...11:27
NunzioNeeds root?11:27
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Ice_hey all, could someone help me using ndiswrapper to install a USB dongle?11:29
cheeseboyany ubuntu forum stsff here?/11:29
PriceChildcheeseboy, yes11:29
PriceChildcheeseboy, and you can find us in #ubuntuforums most often11:29
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armanhello everyone can i have a standart debian sources.list file into a pastebin11:30
PriceChildarman, this is #ubuntu11:31
Lamegoarman, and do not use it with ubuntu11:31
Ice_where should I go to get help with ndiswrapper?  its being finicky11:31
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mike390i installled compiz-fusion and it worked great, then i restarted the computer and now when i try turning the cube, it lags and its only a 2-d square withonly 2 sides back and front11:31
mike390whats wrong with it11:31
armanwell you are right, but i tought ubuntu is based on debian so it will not be a problem11:31
PriceChildIce_, you should ask here... give details and be patient, not everyone is on all the time.11:31
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PriceChild!effects | mike39011:31
ubotumike390: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects11:31
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:31
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Ice_ok, it would be easier to work with one person in a pm format, so if anyone wants to help just send me a pm :)11:32
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codenameHey I have some questions11:32
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PriceChildcodename, ask it :)11:32
PriceChildcheeseboy, did you need me for anything?11:33
orbshey how do I chmod 77 a folder and everything inside11:33
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codenameoh thanks11:33
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codenameYou know me right Price?11:33
PriceChildorbs, chmod -R 777 /path/to/folder11:33
orbsPriceChild thnx11:33
codenameUmm, I was wondering how I could change the Window color.11:33
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codenameFor example, like it's orange.11:33
codenameAre there like any mods to do this?11:33
PriceChildcodename, system > preferences > theme11:33
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Ice_if anyone here is experienced in using ndiswrapper for wifi I could use some help: shoot me a pm please :)11:34
codenameoh thnaks, I can download themes too right?11:34
CoasterMaster!themes | codename11:34
ubotucodename: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy11:34
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ryanakcaI have a list of numbers, each on a newline, '43.4', '20.4', etc. How can I add them to each other and get the sum?11:34
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apoorv_chandrahi.. all of a sudden, i've stopped getting sound from my speakers - can anyone help?11:35
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_WS_I just started using centos because a certain vendor requires it to be supported, and i must say, so far the centos community sucks11:36
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intr80centos == --redhat11:37
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Xorisryanakca: uhm... expr "$(sed 's/$/ +/' | tr "\n" " ")"11:37
el_jaim trying to copy a dll to a windows installed hd, using the ubuntu livecd, but it says it doesn't have permission... even by terminal doing sudo doesn't work11:38
codenameis it possible to install KDE themes11:38
el_jaanyone knows what can it be?11:38
codenameon Gnome?11:38
Xorisryanakca: or heck, use a spreadsheet :P11:38
PriceChildcodename, no11:38
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PriceChildcodename, you don't get kde themes... you get kwin themes or whatever it uses.11:38
PriceChildcodename, you don't get gnome themes... you get metacity themes, for the metacity windows manager.11:38
codenameSo Ubuntu would use like GDM themes right11:38
PriceChild(and decorator)11:38
PriceChildgdm themes are for the login screen11:39
Ice_I now have a pastebin of my ndiswrapper11:39
Xorisryanakca: actually, i suppose i meant "bc" rather than "expr" anyway11:39
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apoorv_chandracan anyone please help me with the sound issue??11:40
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davetarmacAnyone here use Compiz-Fusion? I'm having some trouble keeping jpeg selected from the Image Loading tab, it keeps on unchecking itself - any one else with this issue?11:40
PriceChild!effects davetarmac11:41
PriceChild!effects | davetarmac11:41
ubotudavetarmac: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects11:41
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suupaabakaI installed Debian last night, and now I'm dual booting with Ubuntu and Debian. But from Debian, I can only see my Ubuntu partition and my storage partition (which was created when I installed Ubuntu) but can't access them. From Ubuntu, I can't even see my Debian partition. How do I get them to talk to each other?11:41
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clearzenhow do I enable ls and finger in nslookup?11:42
Ice_If anyone here is experienced with ndiswrapper, please check out my pastebin: http://pastebin.com/m79c410bb11:42
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davetarmacPriceChild: whoops - sorry about that11:42
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AdministratorI need a little help11:43
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Ice_so do I!11:43
AdministratorI just installed Ubuntu11:43
AdministratorAnd the sound is gone?11:43
=== Aethelred [n=jack@c-76-102-175-189.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ice_are you apoorv_chandra?11:44
colourAggano you prolly got the wrong device selected11:44
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Shooreewhere do I get automatix?11:44
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colourAggaAdministrator: go to System -> Preferences -> Sound11:45
Shooreeor something similar11:45
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colourAggaand check the various devices there11:45
astro76!automatix | Shooree11:45
zyth!automatix | ShockSMX11:45
ubotuShooree: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)11:45
ubotuShockSMX: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)11:45
crimeboygetautomatix.com Shooree11:45
=== Eviltronic [n=eviltron@c-f6a8e253.019-290-73746f2.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
codenameGot a question11:45
codenameWhat's the shortcut11:45
codenameto get your desktop on a cube11:45
Shooreewell, I need to set up a system REALLY fast11:45
Administratorok hold on11:45
codenameor like for the cube11:45
PriceChildcodename, #ubuntu-effects please11:45
=== Caplain [n=shane@adsl-75-45-224-90.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
colourAggacodename: in beryl?11:45
codenameI have the effects enabled11:45
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@ip-64.net-82-216-21.versailles2.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu
codenameWell it's just the default 7.04 settings11:46
Ice_If anyone here is experienced with ndiswrapper, please check out my pastebin: http://pastebin.com/m79c410bb11:46
AethelredI have Ubuntu, 7.04, x86_64, and I'm trying to get flash working under Firefox. Googling has lead to much confusion. Can someone here give me an overview?11:46
codenameDesktop Settings11:46
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cheeseboyPriceChild: join #cheeseboy please11:46
codenameis there like a full cube on that, or would i have to install XGL or Compiz?11:46
PriceChild!flash64 | Aethelred11:46
PriceChildcheeseboy, Why?11:46
colourAggacodename: to get a cube or 3d effects for as far as i know you need beryl or compiz11:46
Evanleccodename with the effects enabled u should be able to alt+ctrl+drag to get the cube11:46
ubotuAethelred: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava11:46
Shooreebasically I just want to enable all multimedia11:46
Evanlecscreen effects = compiz11:46
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colourAggaEvanlec: or both mouse buttons + drag11:46
ShooreeI'm following a walkie from the forum11:46
cheeseboyPriceChild so i can talk to w/o all this spam11:46
Administratorhow do you get beryl?11:46
astro76!codecs | Shooree11:46
ubotuShooree: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:46
Shooree<3 astro11:47
Ice_If anyone here is experienced with ndiswrapper, please check out my pastebin: http://pastebin.com/m79c410bb11:47
codenameThanks man!11:47
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PriceChildcheeseboy, pm11:47
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AdministratorColourAgga how do i get beryl?11:47
astro76Shooree, everything can be easily installed, just ask here if you need help ;)11:47
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PriceChild!effects | Administrator11:47
ubotuAdministrator: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects11:47
xjkxthunderbird doesnt support http protocol  to receive messages, just pop and imap. is there any that supports? My father cant access his hotmail account, since hotmail doesnt have a pop11:47
ShooreeI know11:47
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ShooreeI just don't have any patience left11:47
codenameI'm kinda new to these effects11:47
PriceChildxjkx, what's wrong with firefox?11:48
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ShooreeI'm fixing this box for 9 hours11:48
colourAggaAdministrator: join #ubuntu-effects i'll help u there11:48
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sebaonly 9 hours =11:48
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sebawhat bothers u shooree ?11:48
kbrosnanxjkx: webmail extension for thunderbird11:48
Ice_If anyone here is experienced with ndiswrapper, please check out my pastebin: http://pastebin.com/m79c410bb11:48
xjkxPriceChild: the fact that he wants to access many emails  at once11:48
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PriceChildxjkx, I don't get why you can't do that?11:49
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PriceChildcheeseboy, can you see my pm?11:49
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unagiyou know i really love ubuntu/linux.....while i dont know what duplicate or bad block used! means............ubuntu still fixed it.......lol11:49
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Evanlecdid u fsck it?11:49
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Ice_If anyone here is experienced with ndiswrapper, please check out my pastebin: http://pastebin.com/m79c410bb11:49
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ubuntugot a device error on my hda7 badblock and a grub error 17 hoz can i scan my partiton please11:50
Evanleci just finally got the forward/back buttons on my logitech mouse to work yay :)11:50
xjkxPriceChild: its not for me, he has to access many emails of his work, one of the business, other personal, other for something else, other that is owned by where he works, doing it several times wastes time. He needs something that just opens it up11:50
xjkxkbrosnan: thanks11:50
ScorpKingIce_: don't think anyone knows...11:50
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Ice_someone knows11:50
Puppy_can someone help me understand the legal issues in ubuntu with Codecs and restricted formats in the usa?11:50
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Ice_they just arent on yet11:50
SORMANOVhow to check for defected clusters in my hard disk ?11:50
grafpornoubuntu: had something similar, install testdisk11:51
grafpornoworked for me11:51
ScorpKingdoes anyone here use a cellphone for their internet connection. mine is too slow. about 1MB traffic in a hour. :/11:51
sebaice_ , try wireless ?11:51
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ScorpKingSORMANOV: man fsck11:51
Ice_seba: what?11:51
jaggy_ey anyone can help me whit a error ? if i install ubuntu 2 weeks later it crashes saying apt-get isnt installed but it is =_=11:51
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EvanlecScorpKing I used to use a cell phone to connect to the net, it was about 56k speed...like 4-5kB/sec11:51
sebaice_ : #wireless11:52
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Ice_seba: thanks11:52
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AethelredPriceChild: (concerning Flash/AMD64) yes, I saw that page. Is it necessary that I ditch Firefox/64 and install Firefox/32, or can I run Flash as a plugin w/ Firefox/64 ?11:52
Evanlecbut then i realized later that it was costing me a penny per kB, i found out i had an 800$ phone bill ! :( :(11:52
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ScorpKingEvanlec: i can connect to irc but thats it. have ping with 78% packet loss. how do i check the speed?11:52
Adnan_Question: I would appreciate advice on this, but I want to run ubuntu in conjuction with another distro and am wondering which is the best way to go about it? I want ubuntu to be my main distro and the other one as a secondary. So shall I install Ubuntu first? Any recommendation on how I should parition?11:53
EvanlecScorpKing download a file...11:53
PriceChildAethelred, I don't "think" you can install it with firefox64... but I heard a rumour about ia32-libs or something... I don't know, i'm still 32bit sorry11:53
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kbrosnanAethelred: there is a plugin wraper if you want to run firfeox 64-bit and use 32 bit plugins, i belive it is explained in the link ubotu gave11:53
Puppy_can someone help me understand the legal issues in ubuntu with Codecs and restricted formats in the usa?11:53
ScorpKingEvanlec: command?11:53
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ScorpKingEvanlec: will try wget...11:53
EvanlecScorpKing use ur web browser, or just install a package11:53
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Evanlecyea or that..11:54
Evanlec78% packet loss...thats not good, i'm guessing weak signal11:54
AethelredPriceChild; yes, the pre-req for any of this seems to be installing 32-bit support.  Flash for Linux seems to ONLY be 32-bit for now. But the page is unclear beyond that (at least to me).11:54
ScorpKingEvanlec: host not found in browser. can ping google.com.11:54
=== Aethelred will have to look elsewhere. Suggestions welcome
=== CaptainMorgan [n=CaptainM@c-75-67-233-82.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
earthmeLonHey buddies. I've created a sh script and everytime I open it, it asks me if I want to Run in a terminal, run, display..you know. So, i created a shorcut to it on my desktop and gave it a nice icon, but now it won't run in the terminal (like i need it to), instead it runs and I can't see anything. Is there any way I can have something run in a terminal by default?11:54
Evanlecso you can ping or can't ?11:54
Evanlecwhats your ping time? you're probably timing out on file request11:55
ScorpKingEvanlec: checking...11:55
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PriceChildAethelred, an alternative would be the free "gnash"... which may have compatability problems with some things. Adobe just don't release 64bit flash11:55
Evanlecwhy won't they? damn them11:56
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kbrosnanAethelred: http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/linux-amd64.html11:56
Puppy_can someone help me understand the legal issues in ubuntu with Codecs and restricted formats in the usa (or show me a web page that explains what you can and can not do)?11:56
Evanlecadobe <<< macromedia11:56
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ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects11:56
ScorpKingEvanlec: ping time=783ms. packet loss is 16% now.11:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compis-fusion - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:56
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compiz-fusion - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:57
jaggy_can anyone help me whit this error ?11:57
jaggy_if i install ubuntu 2 weeks later it crashes and i need to reinstall11:57
sebapuppy_ ; #ubuntu-offtopic11:57
AethelredPriceChild: thanks.  Wish I didn't need it.11:57
Puppy_seba: thanks!11:57
Adnan_Question: I would appreciate advice on this, but I want to run ubuntu in conjuction with another distro and am wondering which is the best way to go about it? I want ubuntu to be my main distro and the other one as a secondary. So shall I install Ubuntu first? Any recommendation on how I should parition?11:57
EvanlecScorp, i'd search for settings on your phone that could improve data speeds11:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compiz-fission - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:57
HirvinenAethelred: Gnash should IIRC be fully Flash 7 compatible now, so many video sites like youtube should work.11:57
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ivan_whats the chanell for compiz fusion??11:57
ScorpKingEvanlec: what i don't get is why konqueror don't have dns.:/ will do.11:57
AndrewB#ubuntu-effects  ivan_11:57
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kbrosnanHirvinen: youtube expects flash 911:57
Davy_Jonesivan_: it's #compiz-fusion11:58
EvanlecScorpKing i dont understand, you can ping hosts, that means ur dns is working...11:58
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Evanlecperhaps just very slowly11:58
PriceChildivan_ #ubutnu-effects or #compiz-fusion11:58
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Hirvinenkbrosnan: Oh, it's changed then.11:58
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ScorpKingEvanlec: i can ping google.com yes. browser say host not found.11:59
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Evanlecbrowser is timing out...11:59
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Evanlecyou can probably change the default timeout setting in ur browser11:59
sebaRDC connection timeout11:59
AndrewBEvanlec: do you have any other browsers than firefox you could check with?11:59
ScorpKingwill check it..11:59
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Evanlecwhat andrewB?12:00
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AndrewBI used the wrong nick there..12:00
AndrewBI think.12:00
nickrudAdnan_, for me, I set aside about 12gb per distro, and have a common home. I also use the grub in ubuntu to boot the other os's.12:00
AethelredHirv: thanks12:00
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drgebi am trying to create a backup of my files using gnomebaker to a DVD but the files are too large for disk what is the best way to deal woth this ?12:00
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AethelredAlso, whoever sent the link to the PluginDoc page, thanks. Reading it now.12:01
nickrudAdnan_, and anything I install outside of the distros, and my apache data, etc all have a place on my home partition so it's common to all12:01
HirvinenAethelred: kbrosnan just claimed that at least youtube has swutched to requiring flash 9. Might still work with Gnash though.12:01
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earthmeLonIs there any way to have a script "Run in terminal" by default?12:01
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Adnan_nickrud: that sounds like a good idea to have a common home folder thanks dude i think i will take that up :)12:01
stevisalemoni meant hi12:02
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AndrewB!hello stevisalemon12:02
gooseis there a way I can listen to my protected .AAC files bought off itunes on my ubuntu laptop?12:02
stevisalemonsweet it works12:02
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yrlnryIs there a way to tell SCIM that I don't want to use it at all for the remainder of the session, that I am just going to type in Latin-1 until the next time I log in, and it should hide its panel and ignore all hotkeys?12:02
yrlnryI want it around once in a while, but most of the time it is just a pain in the ass.12:03
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ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/12:03
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user_How do I find my IP address in ubuntu?12:04

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