=== Pricey [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.student.PriceChild] has joined #edubuntu | ||
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=== sbalneav skips arount the living room | ||
sbalneav | Yay! New ltsp packages! | 04:45 |
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sbalneav | Hey LaserJock | 06:06 |
LaserJock | hi sbalneav | 06:06 |
sbalneav | Sitting in #ubuntu_doc? | 06:07 |
LaserJock | sbalneav: you're a Launchpad Beta Tester? | 06:17 |
sbalneav | I don't think so. | 06:17 |
sbalneav | I *use* launchpad. | 06:18 |
LaserJock | I think you have to be a beta tester to use PPAs right now | 06:18 |
sbalneav | I suppose if it's in beta, and I'm using it, I'm a beta tester. | 06:18 |
sbalneav | Heh, well, I activated it :) | 06:18 |
sbalneav | Maybe sabdfl likes me :) | 06:18 |
sbalneav | I guess what I was hoping was to do daily pkg publishes of the documents, so people could look at 'em in yelp, and follow allong as I went. | 06:19 |
sbalneav | That way, if someone sent me even just TEXT they wanted included, I could format it, and get it in, and they'd see rapid feedback. | 06:20 |
LaserJock | yeah, I'm thinking of doing the same thing | 06:23 |
sbalneav | Hmm, just seeing if what I think will work, will work. | 06:24 |
nixternal | PPAs aren't beta anymore...they are available for everyone now | 06:26 |
sbalneav | ok | 06:27 |
sbalneav | here's what I've done, which, sadly, doesn't work... | 06:28 |
sbalneav | cd ubuntu-doc | 06:28 |
sbalneav | svn export edubuntu ~/edubuntuwork | 06:28 |
sbalneav | cd ~edubuntuwork | 06:28 |
sbalneav | dch -i <make up lies about my work> | 06:28 |
sbalneav | debuild -S -sa -rfakeroot | 06:28 |
sbalneav | which produces: | 06:28 |
sbalneav | fakeroot debian/rules clean | 06:29 |
sbalneav | debian/rules:3: /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk: No such file or directory | 06:29 |
sbalneav | debian/rules:4: /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/makefile.mk: No such file or directory | 06:29 |
sbalneav | make: *** No rule to make target `/usr/share/cdbs/1/class/makefile.mk'. Stop. | 06:29 |
sbalneav | debuild: fatal error at line 1248: | 06:29 |
sbalneav | fakeroot debian/rules clean failed | 06:29 |
sbalneav | Ah, needed to install cdbs | 06:31 |
sbalneav | ok, so, I've got a targz, and a dsc. | 06:33 |
sbalneav | Now, that's what I upload to the ppa? | 06:33 |
LaserJock | ok | 06:34 |
LaserJock | hang on | 06:34 |
LaserJock | first of all, it's not going to work quit right | 06:35 |
LaserJock | the package needs some stuff outside edubuntu/ | 06:35 |
LaserJock | I svn export the whole ubuntu-doc | 06:35 |
sbalneav | sbalneav@edubuntu:~/edubuntu-doc$ dput edubuntu-docs_7.07.1ubuntu1_source.changes | 06:49 |
sbalneav | Upload package to host ubuntu | 06:49 |
sbalneav | Already uploaded to upload.ubuntu.com | 06:49 |
sbalneav | Doing nothing for edubuntu-docs_7.07.1ubuntu1_source.changes | 06:49 |
sbalneav | Hmm. | 06:49 |
sbalneav | Well, I've uploaded SOMETHING, but my ppa shows no builds in progress, and nothing in my archive. | 06:49 |
sbalneav | Also, they talk about putting ~ppa in the package name, not sure how I'd go about doing that. Editing debian/rules? | 06:50 |
LaserJock | umm, you tried to upload to Ubuntu dude :-) | 06:50 |
sbalneav | That's what the docs said. What would that be, the .dput.cf? | 06:52 |
sbalneav | here's mine: | 06:52 |
sbalneav | [my-ppa] | 06:52 |
sbalneav | fqdn = upload.launchpad.net | 06:52 |
sbalneav | incoming = ~sbalneav/ubuntu/ | 06:52 |
sbalneav | login = anonymous | 06:52 |
sbalneav | pretty much what was in the getting started doc. | 06:52 |
LaserJock | right | 06:52 |
LaserJock | so you need to do dput my-ppa *_source.changes | 06:53 |
sbalneav | ahhh | 06:53 |
sbalneav | ok | 06:53 |
sbalneav | I'm assuming I won't screw anything up for ubuntu :) | 06:53 |
LaserJock | nope | 06:53 |
LaserJock | you don't have rights | 06:53 |
LaserJock | so it'll just reject it | 06:54 |
sbalneav | That's what I figured. | 06:54 |
sbalneav | hmm, ok | 06:56 |
sbalneav | well, went up to my-ppa | 06:56 |
sbalneav | ok, got the reject message on my first blunder :) | 06:57 |
sbalneav | LaserJock: Still awake? | 07:08 |
sbalneav | Rejected: | 07:08 |
sbalneav | Could not find PPA for 'sbalneav' | 07:08 |
sbalneav | Signer has no upload rights at all to this distribution. | 07:08 |
sbalneav | Signer is not permitted to upload to the component 'main' of file | 07:08 |
sbalneav | +'edubuntu-docs_7.07.1ubuntu1.dsc' | 07:08 |
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=== Topic for #edubuntu: Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | feisty (7.04) is released, see http://www.edubuntu.org/Download | Tribe5 development release is out: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/releases/gutsy/tribe-5/ | ||
=== Topic (#edubuntu): set by ogra at Fri Aug 24 09:56:09 2007 | ||
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sbalneav | Morning all | 03:07 |
RichEd | hey hey sbalneav | 03:07 |
sbalneav | How's it going, RichEd? | 03:07 |
RichEd | okay ... and yourself ? | 03:08 |
sbalneav | Doing fine. | 03:09 |
sbalneav | Main development's done, so now I'm working on doc. | 03:09 |
RichEd | good stuff | 03:10 |
sbalneav | Tried to get the new PPA going last night, so I could issue daily updates to people on doc, and get feedback, but it doesn't appear to be working for me. | 03:10 |
sbalneav | I'll snag ogra when he shows up. | 03:10 |
=== RichEd was just getting up of my chair, and misread "snag ogra" as "shag ogra" ! | ||
=== ogra hides | ||
ogra | lol | 03:11 |
RichEd | yep ... better hids ogra | 03:11 |
RichEd | *hide | 03:11 |
ogra | shagged by the bumblebee man .... | 03:11 |
ogra | sbalneav, hmm, dont ask me for ppa ... i havent used them myself yet | 03:11 |
sbalneav | LOL | 03:12 |
=== ogra tries to wrap his head around d-i stuff and is currently redoing the udeb :/ | ||
sbalneav | YOU were the one who POINTED me to it yesterday, you bugger! :) | 03:12 |
ogra | my brain hurts | 03:12 |
=== sbalneav gives ogra a noogie. | ||
ogra | sbalneav, i *will* use them some day :) | 03:12 |
sbalneav | Hey, not a huge panic, but localdevs are borken now, because we haven't updated the ltspfs stuff. All the stuff for gutsy's in my ltspfs-nodm tree. | 03:14 |
ogra | yep, i know | 03:14 |
sbalneav | okie. | 03:14 |
ogra | currently the udeb is more important | 03:14 |
ogra | i need that fixed for tribe6 | 03:14 |
sbalneav | You do that voodoo that you do so well. | 03:15 |
ogra | ah, well | 03:15 |
ogra | the d-i stuff is freaky | 03:15 |
ogra | you cant use stdin/out but need to redirect every bit through fifos | 03:15 |
=== joebaker [n=joebaker@rrcs-67-52-198-66.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #edubuntu | ||
=== ogra has little clouds coming out of his ears if he tries to follow the data flow here | ||
ogra | but hey, we have progress reporting in the installer now :) | 03:16 |
ogra | now to find out the number of lines a ltsp-build-client spills out | 03:17 |
sbalneav | lots, one expects | 03:18 |
sbalneav | certainly one for every one of the ='s, and the spinny thing too. | 03:18 |
ogra | hrm ... why does it stop now ? | 03:18 |
ogra | gah | 03:18 |
ogra | Error: 'C' is not a supported language or locale | 03:19 |
sbalneav | That's bad | 03:23 |
ogra | well, we usually have a locale set if the udeb runs | 03:24 |
ogra | i just need to source /etc/environment i guess | 03:24 |
ogra | grr ... | 03:29 |
monteslu | ogra, any idea how to globally set keyboard type in 7.04 ? | 03:49 |
ogra | for te system of for ltsp ? | 03:49 |
ogra | *the | 03:49 |
monteslu | both, I think. didn't notice if it's wierd on the server | 03:49 |
monteslu | is it in xorg? | 03:50 |
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ogra | no, it gets read from the server by ltsp-build-client and set to the same value in the client chroot | 03:51 |
ogra | if you want to change the default, use lts.conf | 03:51 |
monteslu | cool. I'll try that. | 03:51 |
monteslu | you gonna be around in about an hour and fifteen minutes? | 03:51 |
ogra | likely | 03:52 |
=== spacey [n=herman@ubuntu/member/spacey] has joined #edubuntu | ||
sbalneav | ogra: Something we might want to do, now that we have an rdesktop script, is include the rdesktop application in the chroot by default. It's not that big. | 04:01 |
ogra | is it in main | 04:01 |
ogra | ? | 04:01 |
=== cliebow [n=cliebow@smoothwallkludge.ellsworth-hs.ellsworth.k12.me.us] has joined #edubuntu | ||
sbalneav | Good question. | 04:04 |
monteslu | in ltsp4 i tried using rdesktop on screen_08 and startx on screen_07, worked but it would break after toggling twice or so | 04:05 |
monteslu | probably something that should be tested | 04:06 |
sbalneav | ltsp4? or 5? | 04:06 |
monteslu | 4 | 04:06 |
sbalneav | heh, well, I'll test it in 5. | 04:06 |
sbalneav | In 4, I don't care anymore :) | 04:06 |
monteslu | it would be much nicer than having the teachers login just to fire up tsclient | 04:07 |
monteslu | also, the rdesktop script in ltsp4 wouldn't do the same keyboard mapping as startx... I think the numberpad didn't work | 04:08 |
monteslu | that might have been fixed though | 04:08 |
cliebow | i Love my 4!!and my 5! | 04:09 |
cliebow | be nice to my 4 8~) | 04:09 |
monteslu | is crossposting to edubuntu-users and k12osn a no-no ? | 04:10 |
ogra | no | 04:12 |
monteslu | cool. seems like a lot of the same people on both. | 04:13 |
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bddebian | Heya | 04:29 |
moquist | ogra: how goes it? | 04:42 |
ogra | very bad ... | 04:50 |
ogra | fighting with installer stuff ... weird redirects etc | 04:51 |
moquist | :( | 04:51 |
ogra | seems there is no way to do waht i want due to debconf limitations | 04:51 |
moquist | Ai; that sucks. | 04:51 |
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=== moquist will ask for details over beer in Boston | ||
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=== Topic for #edubuntu: Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | feisty (7.04) is released, see http://www.edubuntu.org/Download | Tribe5 development release is out: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/releases/gutsy/tribe-5/ | ||
=== Topic (#edubuntu): set by ogra at Fri Aug 24 09:56:09 2007 | ||
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LaserJock | hi ogra and moquist | 07:55 |
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moquist | LaserJock: hey | 08:09 |
moquist | does apt-get not handle Recommends? | 08:09 |
moquist | I always get told about the recommendations and think "Gee, it would be nice if I could go ahead and install some of those without re-running my command", but I've never looked into this. | 08:10 |
moquist | Now it's turning out to be relevant for the moodle package, which only Recommends postgresql|mysql-server. | 08:10 |
moquist | Googling for this has not been immediately helpful. | 08:11 |
moquist | Ah - APT::Install-Recommends "true"; | 08:11 |
=== vistakiller [n=spiros@ppp136-252.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #edubuntu | ||
ogra | moquist, if they arent recommends they will always be instaled | 08:13 |
LaserJock | Recommends: are only installed by apt-get for metapackages | 08:14 |
ogra | thats obvoiously not what you want if you have frontend server and DB separately | 08:14 |
ogra | moquist, thas why i said edubuntu-server would care for more details ;) | 08:14 |
=== moquist nods | ||
ogra | it will have a dep on the DB server | 08:14 |
ogra | but the moodle package needs to be installable standalone | 08:15 |
ogra | usually you only put stuff thats really needed to run the app into hard deps | 08:15 |
moquist | it just seems to stink if we have a package that lets an admin type 'apt-get install moodle' and have the installation fail because she didn't install a DB server package first. I guess she should pay attention to the Recommends... | 08:15 |
LaserJock | well | 08:15 |
LaserJock | if it won't install without it it should be Depends | 08:16 |
ogra | build a moodle-standalone package ;) | 08:16 |
ogra | apt-get install moodle gives you the frontend ... needs a webserver and DB client | 08:16 |
ogra | apt-get install moodle-standalone gives you the full fun :) | 08:16 |
ogra | just create it in the control file ... it only needs to have the right deps :) | 08:17 |
ogra | no content or anything | 08:17 |
sbalneav | LaserJock, ogra, can we have a 2 minute discussion on docs, when you're done moodling around? | 08:17 |
moquist | It sounds good to me. Are you serious? I'm for it. These packages could all be built from.... yes, the same(?) control file? | 08:17 |
ogra | right | 08:17 |
ogra | put it in the moodle source ... (have a look at ltsp-server vs ltsp-server-standalone in the ltsp source) | 08:18 |
moquist | ogra: thanks for the tip. that's perfect and saves me asking later. :) | 08:19 |
LaserJock | ok, so where are we with moodle? | 08:20 |
LaserJock | is it basically ready? | 08:21 |
=== effie_jayx [n=valles@ubuntu/member/effie-jayx] has joined #edubuntu | ||
ogra | we're pretty overdue | 08:29 |
ogra | so it should be asap | 08:29 |
moquist | I can delete the upgrade stuff we don't care about from the preinst, NP. | 08:29 |
ogra | which one ? apache1 ? | 08:29 |
moquist | Changing the questions will require me to learn more stuff, and that will take *some* time, though hopefully not much. | 08:29 |
LaserJock | ok, what specifically needs to be done? | 08:29 |
moquist | LaserJock: did you see my email from last night? | 08:29 |
ogra | LaserJock, some debconf templates | 08:29 |
moquist | ogra: do we *need* that stuff before gutsy? | 08:29 |
ogra | (one more question) | 08:29 |
moquist | ogra: though if it's easy...*shrug* | 08:29 |
ogra | moquist, it needs to work | 08:29 |
=== moquist misunderstood ogra's previous comment | ||
ogra | i dont care about apache1 as i said ... but i care about people upgrading existing installs for example | 08:29 |
ogra | so that needs to work as well as new installs | 08:29 |
ogra | if both is fine we can go with it | 08:29 |
ogra | new installs should be fine with dropping apache1 stucc and adding one more low prio debconf question | 08:29 |
ogra | *stuff | 08:29 |
ogra | oh, and the -standalone metapackage | 08:29 |
=== moquist decides to work on this now instead of real work. Real work can wait until a time when ogra and LaserJock aren't both in #edubuntu. | ||
sbalneav | ogra: Who would I talk to about ppa? | 08:31 |
moquist | ogra: I think we should still check for the circumstance where the moodle package wants to "Remove include from httpd.conf when upgrading from older versions", and instead of using wwwconfig to actually muck with the config, we should print a helpful message and stop (as I said in my email). Do you agree? | 08:31 |
ogra | sbalneav, #launchpad probably | 08:31 |
ogra | moquist, stop is bad | 08:32 |
moquist | But the danger is a broken apache config. Surely that's worse? | 08:32 |
ogra | moquist, notify is ok and leave it to the admin to set this specific part up manually | 08:32 |
ogra | but dont stop the postinst for it | 08:32 |
moquist | This will only happen when somebody is upgrading from a system that has /etc/<webserver>/httpd.conf. | 08:32 |
moquist | No, this is preinst. | 08:32 |
ogra | well, preinst then | 08:33 |
moquist | OK, so don't stop. | 08:33 |
ogra | neither should stop :) but dont touch the config .... | 08:33 |
=== moquist nods | ||
ogra | notify the admin, tell him what to do | 08:33 |
ogra | and put the same info into README.Debian | 08:33 |
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moquist | Oh...the installation TELLS you to make sure that mysql or postgres is installed before continuing. | 08:35 |
=== moquist wasn't reading carefully | ||
moquist | Should I do something like this right in preinst, I guess? | 08:43 |
moquist | db_input critical moodle/old_webserver_config || true | 08:44 |
moquist | That's only if we find the old configuration, etc. So it should almost never execute. | 08:44 |
ogra | right | 08:44 |
moquist | Well, it's not tested but I think #1 of my three questions is taken care of. | 08:52 |
ogra | yay | 08:52 |
LaserJock | \o/ \o/ \/ | 08:52 |
LaserJock | oh no, one of my cheerleader's heads fell off :( | 08:52 |
moquist | headbanging? | 08:52 |
moquist | \o/ \/ \o/ \/ \o/ | 08:52 |
moquist | Do packages ever speak in 1st person? ("I can create a database for you, or you can do so manually...") | 08:53 |
LaserJock | not that I know of | 08:54 |
LaserJock | that'd be kinda creepy ;-) | 08:54 |
moquist | OK, no "I". | 08:57 |
ogra | sbalneav, so did you try to upload to your ppa already ? | 09:00 |
sbalneav | yeah, working on it now. | 09:06 |
sbalneav | kiko's giving me love | 09:06 |
sbalneav | ogra: mabey you know: | 09:06 |
sbalneav | dput my-ppa edubuntu-docs_7.07.1ubuntu1_source.changes | 09:06 |
sbalneav | Already uploaded to upload.dogfood.launchpad.net | 09:06 |
sbalneav | Doing nothing for edubuntu-docs_7.07.1ubuntu1_source.changes | 09:06 |
sbalneav | it failed yesterday because I wasn't a beta | 09:07 |
sbalneav | Now I is | 09:07 |
ogra | hmm | 09:07 |
sbalneav | or just dch -i again? | 09:08 |
ogra | dunno, i have no clue how it works internally | 09:08 |
ogra | kiko will tell you if he gives support already | 09:08 |
LaserJock | you don't want to upload to dogfood | 09:09 |
ogra | well, you want to upload to ppa.launchpad.net | 09:12 |
ogra | sbalneav, is your dput.cf ok ? | 09:12 |
sbalneav | yeah, things have changed since yesterday :) | 09:13 |
sbalneav | Sometimes, being an early adopter has it's drawbacks. | 09:13 |
sbalneav | I'm fiddling now. | 09:13 |
sbalneav | The one quiestion is, how do I get the suffix ~ppa on the package, like the doco suggests? Edit debian/rules? | 09:14 |
LaserJock | debian/changelog | 09:14 |
ogra | its part of the version number ... | 09:14 |
sbalneav | so just dch -i, and change the name? | 09:14 |
ogra | you have to rebuild the source package | 09:15 |
ogra | with the fixed version number | 09:15 |
sbalneav | Why do I always think these things are MORE complicated than they are :) | 09:15 |
ogra | than you can dch | 09:15 |
sbalneav | Hmm, how do I build the source package from the doco repo? LaserJock? Last night I just did a svn export edubuntu ~/foo, then I went into ~/foo, did a dch -i, and then a debbuild | 09:16 |
LaserJock | debuild -S | 09:17 |
ogra | or dpkf-buildpackage -rfakeroot -S -sa | 09:17 |
ogra | *dpkg | 09:17 |
LaserJock | but you need to watch watch what debian/ you are working with | 09:17 |
LaserJock | if you do a svn export you need to rm debian/ and cp the one from edubuntu/ | 09:17 |
sbalneav | I was working with the one in the edubuntu directory | 09:17 |
sbalneav | oh, I just exported the edubuntu sub dir by itself | 09:18 |
sbalneav | is that ok? | 09:18 |
LaserJock | no | 09:19 |
LaserJock | let's do it step by step | 09:19 |
sbalneav | Okie doke, I'm with you. | 09:19 |
sbalneav | K, sitting here with an up-to-date repo. | 09:20 |
LaserJock | k, so I svn export ~/tmp/edubuntu-docs | 09:21 |
sbalneav | sbalneav@edubuntu:~/src/svn/trunk$ mkdir ~/tmp/edubuntu-docs | 09:22 |
sbalneav | sbalneav@edubuntu:~/src/svn/trunk$ svn export ~/tmp/edubuntu-docs | 09:22 |
sbalneav | svn: '/home/sbalneav/tmp/edubuntu-docs' is not a working copy | 09:22 |
LaserJock | sorry | 09:23 |
LaserJock | svn export . ~/tmp/edubuntu-docs | 09:23 |
LaserJock | gotta tell it to export the current directory, my bad | 09:23 |
sbalneav | ok, done | 09:24 |
ogra | LaserJock, its just one pixel difference :) | 09:24 |
sbalneav | move the top level debian to debian.foo, and move edubuntu/debian ..? | 09:24 |
LaserJock | ok, hang on a sec | 09:26 |
sbalneav | hanging | 09:26 |
LaserJock | ok, so you can rm -rf debian kubuntu xubuntu teamstuff website-index generic incoming ubuntu | 09:27 |
sbalneav | Ok, so sudo cd / ; rm -rf *, got it. | 09:30 |
LaserJock | heh | 09:30 |
=== sbalneav disconnected | ||
sbalneav | heh | 09:31 |
ogra | bzr revert / ? | 09:31 |
LaserJock | sbalneav: I also did rm Makefile validate.sh yelptest | 09:31 |
sbalneav | cat /dev/random > /dev/eth0, ok | 09:32 |
=== sbalneav is getting goofy | ||
sbalneav | sbalneav@edubuntu:~/tmp/edubuntu-docs$ ls | 09:33 |
sbalneav | build common edubuntu libs | 09:33 |
LaserJock | mv edubuntu/debian . | 09:33 |
sbalneav | done | 09:34 |
LaserJock | go into build | 09:36 |
sbalneav | yup | 09:37 |
sbalneav | edubuntu folder.info generic kubuntu styleguide ubuntu | 09:37 |
LaserJock | and remove the dirs not edubuntu | 09:37 |
sbalneav | Done. | 09:38 |
LaserJock | go into ../libs/ | 09:39 |
LaserJock | and remove pdf/ | 09:39 |
sbalneav | k | 09:39 |
ogra | woah | 09:40 |
ogra | thats a good bunch of work | 09:40 |
sbalneav | It can be scripted :) | 09:41 |
sbalneav | Ok, what's next. | 09:41 |
LaserJock | ok, I think that's it | 09:42 |
LaserJock | it should be ready to dch, etc. | 09:42 |
LaserJock | and build | 09:42 |
sbalneav | ok, lets see. | 09:42 |
sbalneav | Where do I add the ~ppa to the package name, while I'm editing during the dch? | 09:42 |
ogra | to the *version* | 09:43 |
sbalneav | edubuntu-docs (7.07.1ubuntu1~ppa1) gutsy; urgency=low | 09:43 |
sbalneav | like that? | 09:43 |
ogra | yeps | 09:44 |
sbalneav | ok, for my ~/.dput.cf | 09:45 |
sbalneav | [my-ppa] | 09:46 |
sbalneav | fqdn = ppa.launchpad.net | 09:46 |
sbalneav | incoming = ~sbalneav/ubuntu/ | 09:46 |
sbalneav | login = anonymous | 09:46 |
sbalneav | ~ | 09:46 |
sbalneav | ubuntu on line 3? or edubuntu? | 09:46 |
ogra | ubuntu | 09:46 |
sbalneav | okay. | 09:47 |
sbalneav | ok, uploaded | 09:47 |
sbalneav | lets see if it builds | 09:48 |
=== ogra looks at https://launchpad.net/~sbalneav/+archive/+builds?build_text=&build_state=all | ||
ogra | do you know when the cronjob runs ? | 09:49 |
ogra | (did kiko tell you ?) | 09:49 |
sbalneav | No, I don't | 09:50 |
sbalneav | no, he didn't | 09:50 |
ogra | so we'll wait :) | 09:50 |
sbalneav | Maybe on our second date :) | 09:50 |
ogra | hehe | 09:50 |
ogra | i bet you met more than twice already | 09:50 |
=== sbalneav twiddles thumbs, jiggles leg excitedly | ||
sbalneav | yeah, I've seen him lots of times. He's about 1x10^5000 X as cool as I'll ever hope to be. :) | 09:51 |
sbalneav | ooooaahhh! | 09:52 |
sbalneav | Got an email... | 09:52 |
sbalneav | [PPA sbalneav] Accepted: | 09:52 |
sbalneav | OK: edubuntu-docs_7.07.1ubuntu1~ppa1.tar.gz | 09:52 |
sbalneav | OK: edubuntu-docs_7.07.1ubuntu1~ppa1.dsc | 09:52 |
sbalneav | -> Component: main Section: text | 09:52 |
ogra | YAY | 09:53 |
sbalneav | Now, we just gotta wait for it to build. | 09:54 |
sbalneav | This is too sweet. | 09:55 |
sbalneav | So, once it builds, and I'll try a test install, if that works, then I'll email -devel, and -users, let them know how to add my ppa-archive to their sources.list, and we should be good to go. | 09:56 |
ogra | yeah | 09:56 |
sbalneav | Then for the next few weeks, I'll just do a daily braindump of what I'm working on, and we can get some feedback! | 09:57 |
sbalneav | LaserJock++ | 09:57 |
sbalneav | edubuntugirl: LaserJock++ | 09:57 |
LaserJock | sbalneav: got it scripted now? | 09:57 |
sbalneav | No, I'll do that tonight :) | 09:57 |
sbalneav | I'll have to remember to keep the changelog around when I re-export. | 09:58 |
LaserJock | when you do maybe dump it in edubuntu/ when you do | 09:58 |
LaserJock | so we can all enjoy ;-) | 09:58 |
sbalneav | I shouldn't svn commit this ppa changelog, should I? | 09:58 |
LaserJock | nah | 09:59 |
LaserJock | let's just commit them when we actually upload | 09:59 |
LaserJock | changelog would get huge ;-) | 09:59 |
sbalneav | right. | 10:00 |
sbalneav | RAWK ON DUUUDZ!! | 10:00 |
sbalneav | https://launchpad.net/%7Esbalneav/+archive | 10:00 |
ogra | geez | 10:01 |
ogra | cool! | 10:01 |
LaserJock | sbalneav: good, except the version is wrong ;-) | 10:03 |
LaserJock | well, maybe not exactly | 10:03 |
sbalneav | What'd I do? | 10:04 |
LaserJock | hmm, I'll have to think about how to handle that | 10:04 |
LaserJock | well the version is based on the month, like the release versions | 10:04 |
LaserJock | so since it's the 8th month it should be 7.08 | 10:04 |
LaserJock | 7.08.1 since it would be the first upload this month | 10:05 |
LaserJock | it doesn't matter for your ppa stuff until I upload a new version | 10:05 |
LaserJock | but I just thought I'd let you know the versioning scheme | 10:05 |
sbalneav | ok | 10:05 |
sbalneav | Hm, don't think it grabbed it... | 10:05 |
sbalneav | ogra: added: | 10:06 |
sbalneav | deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/sbalneav/ubuntu gutsy main | 10:06 |
ogra | good | 10:06 |
sbalneav | to my sources.list | 10:06 |
sbalneav | however: | 10:06 |
sbalneav | Ign http://ppa.launchpad.net gutsy/main Packages | 10:06 |
sbalneav | on apt-get update | 10:07 |
ogra | sure | 10:07 |
ogra | there is no binary yet :) | 10:07 |
sbalneav | Oh, hasn't built yet? | 10:07 |
ogra | if it shows up here https://launchpad.net/~sbalneav/+archive/+builds?build_text=&build_state=all | 10:07 |
ogra | then you have a binary | 10:07 |
ogra | deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/sbalneav/ubuntu gutsy main | 10:07 |
ogra | should give you a source package to download though | 10:08 |
ogra | (apt-get source) | 10:08 |
sbalneav | What would I apt-get? | 10:09 |
sbalneav | Hmm, cant apt-get edubuntu-docs, that gets the main ones. | 10:09 |
ogra | source should get the new one (after apt-get update indeed) | 10:10 |
sbalneav | So it does. | 10:12 |
sbalneav | ok, so we just have to wait for the package to build on launchpad. | 10:12 |
LaserJock | sbalneav: it's not instantaneous to build packages you know ;-) | 10:13 |
sbalneav | DARNIT, WHY NOT?!?! | 10:13 |
sbalneav | I demand instant gratification. | 10:13 |
LaserJock | sbalneav: you should see what happens when OO.o gets uploaded | 10:14 |
sbalneav | I can only imagine. | 10:14 |
sbalneav | I tried compiling it once, in the old 0.8 days. | 10:15 |
sbalneav | Once was enough. | 10:15 |
ogra | sbalneav, make some billions and push them in the datacenter for faster and more machines ;) | 10:15 |
sbalneav | Dude, how many Billionairs does this project need :-D | 10:15 |
LaserJock | more | 10:16 |
LaserJock | :-) | 10:16 |
sbalneav | Edubuntu: spawn more overlords | 10:16 |
sbalneav | Sorry, starcraft jokes. | 10:17 |
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complique | hello everyone | 10:24 |
ogra | hi | 10:25 |
sbalneav | Alright! | 10:46 |
sbalneav | Binary package built, and it upgrades! | 10:47 |
sbalneav | Whoohoo | 10:47 |
sbalneav | I'll post something to the list tonight. | 10:47 |
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sbalneav | LaserJock: Thanks for your help. We'll be able to get edubuntu-docs package updates daily. | 11:08 |
ogra_ | wow, nice | 11:09 |
sbalneav | I'm thinking we should just leave the current version number until string freeze. At that point, I'll stop with massive updates, and we can release "proper" packages, as opposed to my ppa. | 11:09 |
ogra_ | right | 11:09 |
sbalneav | ogra_: See my docs? | 11:09 |
ogra_ | your ppa should just always have a lower version than the final distro one | 11:10 |
LaserJock | sbalneav: what've you added since the last package? | 11:10 |
sbalneav | A ton, I've documented the nbd root stuff, began docs on the load balancing, but fgiraldeau said he wanted to do something on that, so I'll let him send me someting... | 11:11 |
ogra_ | sbalneav, yup, seeing it | 11:11 |
ogra_ | i havent downloaded it yet | 11:11 |
sbalneav | I've begun to break stuff up into topics, not sure how the whole "topic based help" thing's going to work in practice, but at least the handbooks getting more... err... topicy. | 11:12 |
sbalneav | I'm going to sit down tonight and write up a chapter on some network topologies, etc. | 11:12 |
sbalneav | So lots of good things going in there. | 11:12 |
sbalneav | ogra_: Where are we at with SCP? | 11:12 |
sbalneav | Need a hand, still? | 11:12 |
ogra_ | yeah | 11:13 |
sbalneav | Want me to do a apt-get source, and create a bzr tree for it tonight? | 11:13 |
sbalneav | I'll start fixing some bugs. | 11:13 |
ogra_ | the userlist generation is still not working (actually i didnt look yet and the udeb thing seems to get quite tricky) | 11:13 |
LaserJock | ogra_: oh, I was reading the script that creates the download pages on cdimage.u.c , etc. | 11:13 |
sbalneav | I can fix that, I'm sure. | 11:14 |
LaserJock | ogra_: and I think I could pretty easily hack it to do better with Edubuntu | 11:14 |
ogra_ | talk to colin about that | 11:14 |
ogra_ | he wrote most of it | 11:14 |
ogra_ | afaik | 11:14 |
ogra_ | or it moved over to newz2000 | 11:14 |
ogra_ | not sure | 11:14 |
LaserJock | the issues I see are 1) the desktop CD should *not* be the recommended install method 2) the addon cd should really be Edubuntu Addon CD not Edubuntu Server Addon CD | 11:15 |
LaserJock | ogra_: well, there's a script in ubuntu-cd | 11:15 |
LaserJock | I was assuming it's still being used | 11:15 |
sbalneav | ogra_: You make any changes in your tree today? | 11:16 |
ogra_ | LaserJock, thing with the addon is that you might miss deps that are on the server CD | 11:16 |
ogra_ | sbalneav, ltsp ? no | 11:16 |
sbalneav | k | 11:16 |
ogra_ | LaserJock, so it would need a network connection or the server CD around if you use it for example on a xubuntu machine | 11:17 |
LaserJock | ogra_: hmm | 11:17 |
ogra_ | the name ties it to the server CD somehow | 11:17 |
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LaserJock | we'll we should at least change the description | 11:17 |
ogra_ | and since the liveCD is fixed ... | 11:17 |
LaserJock | since you *can* use it on Ubuntu even | 11:18 |
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ogra_ | hmm | 11:18 |
LaserJock | we should check deps though, it might be that it could be fine | 11:18 |
LaserJock | but it's just a .deb repo | 11:18 |
ogra_ | well, i'm pondering to let SCP die and pull italc in ... | 11:18 |
ogra_ | that would bring for example QT on the server CD | 11:18 |
ogra_ | (no KDE though) | 11:19 |
ogra_ | which then will be missing on the addon CD | 11:19 |
ogra_ | and not be available on xu or ubuntu | 11:19 |
ogra_ | might get users unexpected results ... | 11:20 |
sbalneav | italc? | 11:20 |
ogra_ | so we shouldnt point them to try actually | 11:20 |
ogra_ | apt-cache show italc-master italc-client | 11:20 |
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ogra_ | http://italc.sourceforge.net/screenshots/italc-1.0.0_01.jpg | 11:21 |
ogra_ | sbalneav, ^^^ | 11:21 |
ogra_ | its looking a bit scary on first sight though | 11:22 |
ogra_ | http://italc.sourceforge.net/screenshots/italc-1.0.0_02.jpg | 11:22 |
sbalneav | hm | 11:22 |
LaserJock | well, it seems like quite a few people use it | 11:22 |
ogra_ | right | 11:23 |
ogra_ | but it doesnt go well with ldm connections yet | 11:23 |
ogra_ | that needs a hand | 11:23 |
ogra_ | and i'm not convince by the security model | 11:23 |
LaserJock | it would be nice to be able to have like "we are officially going to make this our default, but here it is" | 11:23 |
LaserJock | I guess that could be an edubuntu-universe package or something | 11:23 |
ogra_ | i played a lot with it when we visited the guadalinex driven school in sevilla | 11:24 |
ogra_ | and it was pretty easy to circumvent the client | 11:24 |
ogra_ | that will need some deep thought first | 11:24 |
ogra_ | i'll put it on the UDS agenda | 11:24 |
sbalneav | Okiedoke | 11:25 |
sbalneav | I'm heading home. | 11:25 |
ogra_ | as nice and small as SCP is, i dont have the time to constantly maintain it and since pete just dropped develpment without and word nobody picked it up | 11:25 |
LaserJock | sbalneav: just a sec | 11:26 |
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sbalneav | okay | 11:26 |
LaserJock | sbalneav: I was going to ask if it was worth me uploading a new edubuntu-docs package today | 11:26 |
ogra_ | s/and/any/ | 11:26 |
sbalneav | Lets hold off on that. | 11:26 |
ogra_ | LaserJock, looks like we might skip tribe6 | 11:26 |
sbalneav | That way, I can post my mailing to the list, and get people using that. | 11:27 |
ogra_ | if so, there is no hurry | 11:27 |
LaserJock | ogra_: how so? | 11:27 |
sbalneav | ? | 11:27 |
LaserJock | sbalneav: no problemo | 11:27 |
ogra_ | we asked for it ... | 11:27 |
sbalneav | edubuntu will skip tribe 6, or Ubuntu in general will skip 6? | 11:27 |
ogra_ | LaserJock, i cant keep up with bugfixing if i build CDs all the time | 11:27 |
ogra_ | sbalneav, not clear yet | 11:27 |
ogra_ | but there was a meeting where the topic came up, will be a mail discussion soon | 11:28 |
sbalneav | ok | 11:28 |
ogra_ | (on -devel i guess) | 11:28 |
sbalneav | keep me posted. | 11:28 |
LaserJock | hmm, so should I still send a Fix-it-Friday mail? | 11:28 |
sbalneav | OK, heading out. | 11:28 |
ogra_ | i'm all for skipping :) | 11:28 |
LaserJock | I think we should still do it | 11:28 |
ogra_ | yeah, in any case | 11:28 |
sbalneav | be on later. | 11:28 |
sbalneav | +1 for still having FIF | 11:28 |
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