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AethelredI'd like to propose a change in the doc here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins01:29
Aethelred... to include an alternative.01:29
AethelredFor 64-bit users, the existing solution boils down to "There was really no point in using AMD-64, so just regress to 32-bit apps"01:30
AethelredFor Browser Plugins, there is a compatability wrapper01:31
AethelredThe project is here:  http://gwenole.beauchesne.info/en/projects/nspluginwrapper/01:31
AethelredIt's popular enough that there are many entires around the Ubuntu forums recommending it, and also some install scripts being advertised (also in the forums).01:32
AethelredThere are debs available.01:32
AethelredI don't know if it's yet a suitable replacement for the existing g solution (regress to 32-bit browsers), but I think it warrants at least a mention in the official doc.01:33
Aethelredrighty-ho then.  Cheers.01:39
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jjessenixternal: this svn checkout of qt-copy is the slwoest ever02:09
nixternalI am sitting in javascript class right now fighting sleep02:09
jjesseor maybe it just my crappy internet connection02:09
nixternalno, qt-copy is 100+mb I think02:10
nixternalor right around 80mb02:10
nixternalerr, 100mb I mean02:10
jjessewatching family guy right now... man i love that show02:10
nixternalhaha, stuey (spelling?) rocks02:11
nixternalI haven't watched it in a while02:11
jjesseyeah he does02:11
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CIA-33Ubuntu Documentation: sbalneav * r4303 edubuntu/handbook/C/server.xml: Documented NBD chroots, and moved around format of lts.conf section06:08
sbalneav\o/ for docs06:08
nixternalyou go!06:09
sbalneavHey, any idea on how to build the edubuntu-docs package from the svn?06:09
LaserJockgimme a minute ;-)06:09
sbalneavDemanding ***hole, aren't I? :)06:10
nixternalmake all06:10
LaserJockwell, I do a svn export first of all06:10
LaserJockthen I look at the previous edubuntu-docs package06:11
LaserJockand see what I took out last time06:11
LaserJockthen move edubuntu/debian up06:11
nixternalI just pull everything from Kubuntu, run my magic script to remove .svn and the other files I don't need, dch -i, and rock on06:11
LaserJockbah, svn export rocks06:12
nixternalcan't say that I have ever used it06:12
nixternalhow does that work?06:12
LaserJockit takes out all the .svn stuff06:12
LaserJockyou go svn export <directory you want to export to>06:12
nixternaloh, I thought it did more...that is what my script does06:13
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mdke_morning all08:58
CIA-33Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r4304 ubuntu/ (20 files in 20 dirs): updating pot templates09:26
CIA-33Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r4305 ubuntu/hardware/hardware.pot: new pot file for new document09:26
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=== Topic (#ubuntu-doc): set by crimsun at Sat Dec 30 01:13:50 2006
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j1mchi all05:27
j1mci was curious - do you think we'll do a test build of all flavors of ubuntu docs for the tribe 6 release?05:29
j1mcso that we can iron-out any last minute bugs before string freeze?05:29
j1mctribe 6 is set to be released on 9/6, and string freeze is set for 9/13.05:30
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j1mcI guess I'll send a note out to the ML about it.  See what people say.05:33
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somerville32Is the procedure that we wait until the last minute to upload the docs or would it be ok if I uploaded a snap-shot for Xubuntu?06:18
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nixternalthat way there translations can start06:29
nixternalalthough, I am upset with the current status of kubuntu-docs translations06:29
somerville32Do I need the entire repo to build06:30
somerville32I just grabed trunk/xubuntu/06:30
somerville32Or does Xubuntu still not build at all?06:30
nixternalhrmm, Xubuntu needs an updated makefile...reason I haven't tweaked it is because the xubuntu/ directory is loaded with all kinds of stuff and I don't know what needs to be built and what doesn't need to be built06:31
nixternalsomeone needs to do some spring cleaning on that directory06:31
j1mcyes, we need to so spring cleaning on that directory.06:34
somerville32I think I need to get my svn passwd reset06:34
j1mcnixternal: ^^06:34
j1mcshould i just email the doc list about what we want removed?06:35
nixternalj1mc: are you comfortable with knowing your way around svn yet?06:35
somerville32nixternal, What is the status of the bzr migration?06:35
nixternallike removing directories/files, exporting, and other stuff06:35
nixternalI have no idea on bzr06:35
nixternalI tend to hide from it :)06:35
j1mcnixternal: not really.  i haven't done much more than svn co and svn diff06:36
j1mcif i know the commands, i can of course enter them, though.06:36
somerville32svn help06:36
nixternalj1mc: see if you can get access to svn so you can break it, and then fix it...although it doesn't really happen...just need to know how to really move around files/directories w/o doubling efforts and breaking branches06:36
nixternalvery easy though06:36
j1mcwell, i'm up for membership on tuesday.06:37
somerville32basically, svn <unix fs cmd>06:37
j1mcsomerville32: thx.06:37
nixternalsvn rm, svn mv, svn export (this is what some of us use when exporting our branches to build a package)06:37
j1mci'm on a windows box now, though.06:37
=== nixternal kicks j1mc
nixternaldon't ever cuss i this channel again06:37
j1mctunneling through to my home server, which is running ubuntu :)06:37
nixternalOK, I am getting ready to head home...tty later06:38
j1mcnixternal: would i do an 'svn rm foldername' and then do an svn diff on the whole trunk of xubuntu?06:38
j1mcto show that i had removed a folder?06:38
nixternaljust give me a list of stuff to remove06:39
nixternalbecause a diff with rm'ing a dir or file can get very big very quick06:39
nixternalI should setup SVN on my server and hook you up with an account so you can get comfortable messing with stuff06:39
nixternalthat is all you need truthfully...you are getting the docbook/xml stuff and you are obviously making sure that your patches all validate06:40
nixternalanywho, I need to shutdown here and run to my truck which is like 2 miles away from this classromm :)06:40
somerville32If you install svn, you can easily setup an svn repo on your computer06:41
j1mcnixternal: somerville32 i can just set up svn on my server at home.  thanks for the suggestion.06:44
j1mcsomerville32: heh.  i just checked out the most recent version of the docs via my home server.06:58
j1mci could've done that a long time ago, and been able to work on docs from wherever i was, using whatever OS i was on, as long as i had access to ssh into my server.06:58
j1mc*face palm*06:58
CIA-33Ubuntu Documentation: sbalneav * r4306 edubuntu/handbook/C/server.xml: Move more handbook stuff to topic, corrections and additions06:58
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LhademmorHey people. Is the WikiTeam still active?07:43
Lhademmorguess not...07:49
somerville32It is!07:51
somerville32It lives! :)07:51
somerville32You can make it better too07:51
LhademmorCool. I'll see what I can import...07:53
LhademmorIs the gwos.org thing down?07:53
LhademmorDamn, gtg07:56
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nixternalI wish he didn't think we ran gwos08:37
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