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mjg59 | kylem: Yeah, -rc4 works as well as alsa hg does | 01:43 |
kylem | good. ok. | 01:45 |
kylem | should have a fix for that this week. | 01:45 |
mjg59 | Sweet, thanks | 01:46 |
mjg59 | Oh, yeah, the applesmc driver seems to have gone missing at some point | 01:46 |
mjg59 | And I'll try to sort out the uvc/isight issue | 01:46 |
kylem | thanks. | 01:46 |
kylem | appreciate your testing. | 01:46 |
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mjg59 | uvcvideo patch is... awkward | 02:30 |
mjg59 | How about we just jam in an isight driver? | 02:30 |
mjg59 | It'll be a damn sight easier | 02:31 |
kylem | hmm? why? | 02:31 |
mjg59 | The patch is against an older version of the driver | 02:31 |
kylem | arf :( | 02:31 |
mjg59 | And there's been enough internal refactoring that I really don't want to bodge it | 02:31 |
mjg59 | Especially since I have no uvc hardware to check against | 02:31 |
mjg59 | kylem: How are the lum configs generated? | 02:35 |
mjg59 | kylem: Ok, got it other than that | 02:47 |
mjg59 | Oh, applesmc is actually in the kernel now | 02:56 |
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clever | trying to track down a bug in my kernel modules for a card driver | 02:57 |
clever | atm im going thru the current kernels(over 5) and seeing where the problem started | 02:57 |
clever | there | 03:02 |
clever | reproduced it in every installed kernel(including the oldest apt-get will give) | 03:03 |
clever | cant test any farther back without messing with sources.list or building from source | 03:03 |
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clever | installing a 6.06 kernel on 7.04 | 03:22 |
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bullgard4 | !seen mjg59 | 06:03 |
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mjg59 | bullgard4: Hi | 06:36 |
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Endler | Has libata pata_hpt37x been patched in gutsy yet to it initializes the controller properly? | 07:32 |
bullgard4 | mjg59: Resuming from powersave -U does not resume sound on my Ubuntu 7.04 using kernel 2.6.20-16-generic. Gnome menu System > Preferences > Audio tests all do not produce any sound. The linux-acpi@vger.kernel.org seems to discuss kernel version 2.6.22 and higher problems. Where to turn to discuss my problem? | 07:44 |
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Endler | This seems to be a read only room :) | 07:54 |
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kraut | moin | 08:15 |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-kernel: Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | Latest kernel upload: 2.6.22-10.26 | Latest news: -rt and -xen kernels re-added | New Kernel Team machine: http://kernel.ubuntu.com | ||
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Chorus | how do I submit a bug report when I get different errormessages all the time? | 12:19 |
BenC | Chorus: is it an oops, or just an error message from the kernel? | 12:34 |
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Chorus | mostly "kernel null pointer" or "invalid opcode" | 12:41 |
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BenC | Chorus: invalid opcode sounds like a userspace program issue | 01:04 |
BenC | kernel null pointer is an oops, and the backtrace needs to be captured with that for a bug report | 01:05 |
BenC | if you get a spew of kernel messages (multiple oopses, and irrelevant other messages), only the initial msg/oops is important | 01:06 |
BenC | the rest are likely corruption resulting from the first oops | 01:06 |
Chorus | okay | 01:14 |
Chorus | I collect a few of them | 01:14 |
Chorus | I know that the problem is in the highmen-driver btw | 01:14 |
BenC | highmem? | 01:20 |
Chorus | CONFIG_HIGHMEM | 01:22 |
Keybuk | BenC: how awake are you feeling? | 01:24 |
Keybuk | awake enough to discuss /sys/class/usb vs. /sys/class/usb_device? :p | 01:24 |
mjg59 | bullgard4: I've no idea how powersave works, I'm afraid | 02:10 |
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bullgard4 | mjg59: So powersave is a project independent from the main Debian/Ubuntu ACPI developments? How can I differentiate between the two? | 02:34 |
mjg59 | bullgard4: I believe kubuntu might use it, but I don't know the details. It's certainly not used in ubuntu. | 02:42 |
bullgard4 | Ok, thank you. | 02:43 |
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JanDM_ | hi, since alsa 1.0.14 I have a problem with my sound card. So I asked on alsa-devel, and they created a patch, but this patch is not included in ubuntus current alsa version, so i have to compile alsa myself with every kernel update. Would it be possible to include this patch in Gutsy? | 03:05 |
JanDM_ | it's a very small patch, written by an alsa developer | 03:05 |
zul | JanDM_: open up a lp bug report for it and it will get a look at | 03:05 |
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JanDM_ | zul, thanks, I will try it there | 03:06 |
zul | hey fabbione | 03:07 |
fabbione | hi | 03:07 |
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doko | fabbione, BenC: currently have this soft lock / kernel hang again, it's interesting that it always is the very same process, dpkg-architecture ... | 03:13 |
fabbione | doko: we have seen this on debian buildd too. Davem is looking into it | 03:13 |
fabbione | doko: also for kernel sparc now it?s pkl the winner :P | 03:13 |
doko | ok, then. on current kernel. will reboot then to be able to use the machine | 03:14 |
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johanbr | Hi. Is there a place to get the Gutsy kernel source as vanilla 2.6.22 + broken-out patches? I think one of the Gutsy ACPI patches breaks suspend for me. | 04:40 |
mjg59 | johanbr: Nope | 04:41 |
johanbr | Oh. So I have to mess with git? I was hoping to avoid that. :) | 04:42 |
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kylem | johanbr, you can do it pretty easily | 04:44 |
kylem | git log v2.6.22..HEAD -- ${suspicious paths} to see relevant changes | 04:44 |
kylem | things should revert cleanly if you do a git revert ${sha1} once you find a commit you think might have broken it. | 04:45 |
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johanbr | kylem: Great, thank you. And ${suspicious paths} is, say, drivers/acpi ? | 04:47 |
kylem | yeah. | 04:47 |
johanbr | I'll give that a go. Thanks again. | 04:48 |
kylem | np. | 04:48 |
kylem | feel free to prod people here if you have some troubles. | 04:48 |
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arno-t | hi all. I just ran git to get the sources for feisty. should I put them to /usr/src/ or can I compile in a local dir? | 04:59 |
mjg59 | arno-t: Local directory makes more sense | 05:00 |
arno-t | okay thanks. can I just run make? I tried first to customize with make xconfig then make and so on, but I didn't end up with a booting kernel... | 05:09 |
zul | BenC: ping http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/KernelBugTriage (alot of good pointers there for debugging) | 05:21 |
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dholbach | hello | 06:16 |
dholbach | can somebody please take a look at bug 114793? (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-wlan-ng/+bug/114793) | 06:16 |
mjg59 | dholbach: We shouldn't be building the modules | 06:19 |
mjg59 | They're in the kernel | 06:20 |
mjg59 | Just bodge the build system so it skips them and produces the userland stuff | 06:20 |
dholbach | ok - can you follow up on the bug report? - I don't know much about that to be honest | 06:20 |
dholbach | kylem: sorry for badgering you, but can you take a look at bug 57755? | 06:21 |
kylem | it looks fine. | 06:29 |
dholbach | BenC: I'll retarget bug 124855 for 'later' if you don't mind (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/124855) | 06:29 |
dholbach | mjg59: what shall we do about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/laptop-mode-tools/+bug/127273 ? | 06:31 |
mjg59 | Still considering it | 06:32 |
mjg59 | I still lean towards ripping it out entirely | 06:32 |
mjg59 | But that makes for an awkward migration path | 06:33 |
dholbach | hm - can you let the patch author know? | 06:33 |
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dholbach | does a fix of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty/+source/cryptsetup/+bug/82343 in feisty look likely? if not we should reject it | 06:41 |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-kernel: Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | Latest kernel upload: 2.6.22-10.26 | Latest news: -rt and -xen kernels re-added | New Kernel Team machine: http://kernel.ubuntu.com | ||
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zul | rtg: ping | 07:16 |
rtg | zul: png | 07:16 |
zul | rtg: why didnt the xen bits get pulled in? | 07:17 |
rtg | zul: I emailed BenC about them. Its his area of expertise. | 07:17 |
zul | ok | 07:17 |
BenC | rtg: feel free to just pull it in and try a custom-binary-xen build | 07:18 |
zul | it builds as of yesterday and works fine | 07:18 |
rtg | BenC: in a bit then. I've gotta run some errands. | 07:19 |
BenC | rtg: ok | 07:19 |
rtg | zul: I have not built the xen stuff. How do you do it? | 07:24 |
kylem | fakeroot debian/rules custom-binary-xen | 07:27 |
rtg | kylem: Thanks. Almost had it figured out. | 07:28 |
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bdmurray | BenC: ping | 07:48 |
BenC | bdmurray: yeah | 07:48 |
bdmurray | I was looking at bug 133823 and I wanted to figure out if it was fixed in Gutsy but don't understand the relationship between devices and kernel modules getting autoloaded. | 07:51 |
BenC | bdmurray: checking it... | 07:54 |
bdmurray | BenC: Okay, thanks. I'm more curious about the generality than the specific bug though. | 07:55 |
BenC | bdmurray: most likely a quirk of the "p54 drivers are a mess" issue | 07:56 |
BenC | things are a lot cleaner in gutsy | 07:56 |
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