=== bruenig [n=bruenig@ip-129-15-131-246.fescfwsm.ou.edu] has joined #ubuntu [12:04] ifconfig [12:04] how do I delete a ubuntu distro on a different partition? [12:04] Anyone know what I need to exactly do, or have a FAQ on how to set up ssh access to be limited to specific IP address? === pbugni [n=pbugni@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:04] if i install ubuntu 2 weeks later it crashes and i need to reinstall anyone gots help ??? [12:04] i can use w3m to access the web but konqueror says host not found. where do i start looking? [12:05] jaggy I've been running for over 8 months on this install, don't worry [12:05] is it just me, or is ubuntulinux.org really slow for some reason ? [12:05] user_ i get it all the time === T-Connect [n=mitchell@adsl-66-138-75-152.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu ["Terminated!"] [12:05] Uptime: 2 hours and 21 minutes [12:05] is there a way to play protected AAC files on ubuntu? === aryr100 [n=wonka071@cpe-24-195-253-196.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:06] user_ : from a terminal, try: ifconfig eth0 === shownowon [n=bmc@pool-71-124-253-202.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] === crimeboy [n=crimeboy@unaffiliated/crimeboy] has left #ubuntu [] === FrancoGG_ [n=Franco@wikimedia/FrancoGG] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] how does one burn large files to DVD ? [12:07] !burning | drgeb [12:07] drgeb: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto [12:07] does compiz fusion automatically work when I boot or do I have to enable it? I have been trying to configure it but I see no change in the way my desktop looks === kmxdot_ [n=skald@] has joined #ubuntu === savetheWorld [n=Lester@c-24-62-239-102.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:08] yokomo, compiz fusion is a window manager and as such must be launched like all other window managers must be launched === rqko [n=rqko@mna75-11-88-161-198-128.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:08] I need to ssh -X into another ubuntu machine on my lan, but I get an error port 22 connection refused === k3td [n=kk@] has joined #ubuntu === Chascon [n=chatzill@pc-110-100-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:08] hello [12:08] bruenig, where do I do that? or rather, how? [12:08] can some one help me right quick? [12:08] I installed ubuntu server on a different partition and now I want to free up that space anyone know how I do it safely? [12:09] !GParted | KevinOman [12:09] KevinOman: GParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type sudo apt-get install gparted in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php [12:09] Kevin use the partition editor gparted === dorana [n=dorana@] has joined #ubuntu [12:09] user_, you need to install a ssh server on that install [12:09] ok i have a 3dfx grapics card and my screen res is stuck on 800 x 600 when i try to get desktops alot of them dont work and when i try to set a screen saver my startx crashes [12:09] cans some one help [12:10] Pricechild, thanks [12:10] If anyone here is experienced with ndiswrapper, please check out my new pastebin: http://pastebin.com/m17c6196a (this is a new one from the one I posted earlier) [12:10] price can you help me? === bz0b [n=bz0b@pool-71-189-130-70.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === s3cr3t [n=s3cr3t@] has joined #ubuntu [12:10] ipconfig eth0 bash returns command not found? [12:10] .... [12:10] ifconfig eth0 === uri [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu [12:11] can some one please help me [12:11] ? [12:11] user_: lol its ifconfig [12:11] ipconfig eth0 does nothing for me === Otacon22 [n=otacon22@85-18-201-171.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu [12:11] oh thanks [12:11] hello, I'm trying to get CCSM === didymo [n=ashley@CPE-61-9-197-223.static.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === freerise [i=1000@dialup-] has left #ubuntu [] === Drevor [n=Drevor@p54B3D5C4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === constrictor [n=constric@5accaaa2.bb.sky.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:11] so can some one please help me? [12:11] I'll update my pastebin with eth0 [12:12] .... [12:12] ifconfig , thanks small fonts ... [12:12] ice_ what seems to be your problem with eth0? [12:12] http://pastebin.com/m2f3699f3 [12:12] I thought you wanted me to type it in [12:12] Im still a linux nubcake === niekie [n=niek@bergman.nl.eu.org] has joined #ubuntu === Xoris [n=noone@81-208-36-87.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu [12:12] Ice_ have you check documentations on ndiswrapper yet? [12:13] yes === emmanuelux [n=emmanuel@76.132.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu === Matic`Makovec [i=biggi_ma@k0x.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:13] hmmm well i havent so :D give me a sec ill try [12:13] after I delete the server partition in gparted will grub still work properly? [12:13] this apparently is an odd problem, especially since the dapper ubuntu folks have it working and Im on feisty === ScorpKing [n=ScorpKin@vc-196-207-45-253.3g.vodacom.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [12:13] k3td https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Voodoo3doesnotdo3d [12:14] nvm i cant help you i need help with my shit first [12:14] ty nick [12:14] lol k === Dromar [n=david@pur31-1-82-224-15-167.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === vortex [i=upLpkXtw@kritikal.v-o-r-t-e-x.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:14] if something works on dapper, should it not work on dapper? [12:14] I mean === demonspork [n=demonspo@d6-71.rb3.clm.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu === |Jason8| [n=j8@154.155-211-66.nh.dialup.FreeDialup.org] has joined #ubuntu [12:14] if something works on dapper, should it not work on feisty === wabble [n=alexande@ti0048a340-0003.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu === nitram314 [n=martin@82-36-72-99.cable.ubr02.harb.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:15] i installed ubuntu this morning, internet worked fine and i auto-updated the software with 120 new items, now with the update going on i cant connect to internet, can someone explain me this plzzz [12:15] Ice_, of course not. different environment. different versions of libraries, different version of kernel. you'd have to recompile everything === Morphera [n=Syruss@bronzeandsilver.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu === Gary [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has left #ubuntu ["now] [12:16] please, where can I find CCSM for Ubuntu? === dorana [n=dorana@] has joined #ubuntu [12:16] Anyone know what I need to exactly do, or have a FAQ on how to set up ssh access to be limited to specific IP address? [12:16] uri, /j #ubuntu-effects for compiz-fusion [12:17] they won't answer me there -_- === deltaphc [n=Delta@66-215-39-203.dhcp.hspr.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] uri, heh. I don't know :) [12:17] rendo, probably better to do ssh with shared keys. let me find a tut for you [12:17] <|Jason8|> Hey all. when I try to activate the restricted nvidia drivers, they actually -don't-. The check box stays unmarked and I can't use 'em. I imagine that the reason for this is that my gfx card is integrated, so the drivers would be different I'd imagine. [12:17] rendo, you need to edit /etc/hosts.deny and /etc/hosts.allow appropriately I'd guess... [12:17] <|Jason8|> Any ideas as to how I could fix this? === halcyonCorsair [n=halcyonC@galaxy.liverton.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu === dorana [n=dorana@] has left #ubuntu ["Lmnar"] === beavis_ [n=beavis@host86-138-47-251.range86-138.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === duns_s [n=duns_s@mnhm-590c1c67.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu === skinnypuppy1334 [n=user@66-168-108-106.dhcp.mdvl.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:18] rendo, http://www.cvrti.utah.edu/~dustman/no-more-pw-ssh/ <- try this? === Leoels [i=Leviel@dsl-241-159-245.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [12:18] PriceChild, let's say I do that, and I only allow X IP where X isn't my IP, would it still allow me to use ssh with my user account or should it not deny me? === pyrak [n=pyrak@ip68-109-193-64.pv.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === Leoels [i=Leviel@dsl-241-159-245.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu [] [12:18] Trying to install a ssh server on 6.06, would lsh-server be the right package? [12:18] rendo, it shouldn't accept the connection unless its from the allowed ip === xander21c [n=xander21@] has joined #ubuntu [12:19] skinnypuppy1334, openssh-server [12:19] skinnypuppy1334, no, use openssh-server [12:19] hmm, what's the best audio cd burner app for gnome/well a K* app would be ok also.. [12:19] openssh then, thank you guys [12:19] i've just used serpentine for a few discs there,, but,, any better ones? [12:19] where can i get help on compiz fusion?? === randy026 [n=randy026@70-58-155-80.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:19] ivan_, #compiz-fusion === VSpike [n=johncc@carlyleclarke.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu === yamaha311 [n=mirco@host-84-222-98-154.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu === errdil [n=errdil@pool-71-127-209-44.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === jfkfhhfj [n=jfkfhhfj@ool-182dc51a.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:21] Does anyone know if there's an email program for ubuntu which supports sending HTML email in a specific font? [12:21] <|Jason8|> Hey all. when I try to activate the restricted nvidia drivers, they actually -don't-. The check box stays unmarked and I can't use 'em. I imagine that the reason for this is that my gfx card is integrated, so the drivers would be different I'd imagine. Any ideas on how to fix this? === ptn107 [n=phil@c-71-58-68-205.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === jarl [i=opera@c-212-031-181-015.cust.broadway.se] has joined #ubuntu [12:22] hello. odd question perhaps, but does anyone here have a 5,25''-diskdrive? [12:22] Hardy Hard-on ? [12:23] ya, but not connected to a machine [12:23] wow [12:23] anyone connected? [12:23] this is taking long [12:24] im trying to install the beryl effects lolz === sharperguy [n=sharp@88-111-40-137.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:24] Why is it when I ping on lan blueubuntubox it returns an ip off my lan, but on the wan cable range? === rockets [n=rockets@] has joined #ubuntu === addajkl [n=baojdk@cpe-76-173-50-24.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:24] hello everybody, good day to you === Riax [n=Riax@c-69-246-200-76.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:24] hi === gandalfcome_ [n=wkerzend@124-168-194-118.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:25] hello [12:25] !hi | addajkl [12:25] addajkl: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [12:25] am i pretty much out of luck running Ubuntu on my powerbook G4 ;( ? [12:25] thanks! [12:25] I use Ubuntu on my iBook g4 [12:25] I can ping ip of blueubuntubox , but its hostname isn't resolving to the local ip lan range... === jarl hope someone will find him a drive === jarl [i=opera@c-212-031-181-015.cust.broadway.se] has left #ubuntu [] [12:25] addajkl, No, just install the PPC version === brian [n=brian@unaffiliated/brian] has joined #ubuntu [12:25] AndrewB: where can i find a download of it? I heard its not supported anymore? i have an aging 667mhz powerbook g4, and i figure linux will run a bit better on it [12:26] jarl: still there? [12:26] <|Jason8|> skinnypuppy1334: sounds like witchcraft. [12:26] addajkl: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/feisty/release/ [12:26] <|Jason8|> Maybe your router has that computer set outside the network? I know my router can do that. === Sn00p [n=fv@bl9-180-241.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu [12:27] whats a good bittorrent client for ubuntu besides the included one?? [12:27] AndrewB: thanks so much i appreciate it, so ican partition and dual boot if i choose to? [12:27] !torrent | ptn107 [12:27] addajkl: sure can [12:27] ptn107: deluge or ktorrent for gui [12:27] ptn107: Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt), rTorrent (C++) - Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html [12:27] Jason8 didn't know I could set anything on the router. D-link cable modem dlink wireless router [12:27] Hello. I'd like to know exactly what I need to do in order to boot Ubuntu 7.04 x86 from the live disc with support for my graphics card. [12:28] whats the most popular client of those listed?? [12:28] AndrewB: last question, i'm sorry if i am interuppting !! i have a linksys pcmcia wireless G card , will i be able to use internet with that? === halcyonCorsair [n=halcyonC@galaxy.liverton.net.nz] has left #ubuntu [] [12:28] Can you telnet into Dlink router? [12:28] ptn107: overhead leaving az up for a few days drives me crazy id stay away from java. probably recommend ktorrent i guess === jshaffer [n=jshaffer@] has joined #ubuntu [12:28] <|Jason8|> addajkl: dual booting is supported pretty nicely. I dualboot windows/ubuntu on this computer, and that works great. Ubuntu > all [12:28] addajkl: yes you can === stephan [n=stephan@c-71-205-20-141.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === malnilion [n=malnilio@] has joined #ubuntu [12:29] ptn107: personally i use utorrent and wine. i think alot of people do [12:29] bulmer: thanks, do i need to download anything for that? [12:29] hey guys [12:29] I dunno bout that one addajkl, bulmer thinks so :D [12:29] hehe, 5.25,, weird [12:29] yeah u need to download wine.. and utorrent but other than that nope [12:29] sorry, was reading scroll back ther.e. [12:29] didn't realize [12:29] <|Jason8|> addajkl: also, I ran ubuntu pretty decent on a 450 MHz AMD K6-2. it was about four times faster than XP and about twice as fast as Win98 === NoxOnLaptop [n=nox@ws220-67.wireless.dynamic.msstate.edu] has joined #ubuntu [12:29] I use rtorrent/libtorrent [12:29] jason8: wow, im really excited then! [12:30] i use azureus [12:30] rtorrent is awesome for cli but i dont know id recommend to a new linux user === Morphera [n=Syruss@bronzeandsilver.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu === AndrewB quite likes rtorrent, though as pike_ says, it is not great for first time users. [12:30] pike_, dunno, i find the default gnome torrent kinda annoying to use [12:30] ..there are cli-torrent applications? === Born_In_Xixax [n=dstaudt@adsl-69-153-251-12.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:30] awesome, as long as i can use the pcmcia linksys wireless g with my powerbook with ubuntu i think i will be very excited! [12:30] yeah, a couple of them [12:30] grafporno: sure is [12:30] time to eat === kevinOman [n=ubuntu@66-227-221-83.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === csc` [n=csc@archlinux/user/csc] has joined #ubuntu [12:30] second that what net|abuse is [12:30] *said [12:30] sorry === Atlantiz [n=tombraid@pool-71-172-190-114.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === lionstone [n=blo@c-67-180-84-37.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:31] rtorrent was the name, right? [12:31] yes, rtorrent [12:31] addajkl: which chip does it use? google for the driver it uses [12:31] and libtorrent goes with it [12:31] <|Jason8|> addajkl: How much RAM do you have? Always partition a decent size swap area. 768 megs should be more than plenty. [12:31] ok i deleted that partition using gparted and like i thought it messes up grub, anyone know how I can fix grub now [12:31] grafporno: the version in the ubuntu repositories is outdated though === runrun [n=bobabot1@65-102-63-17.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu === Lipe_ [n=Lipe_@132-3-235-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu === Grungebunny [n=evil@24-171-65-231.dhcp.mtvr.il.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:31] where can i get the new one then? [12:31] I'd like to know exactly what I need to do in order to boot Ubuntu 7.04 x86 from the live disc with support for my graphics card. === willi42 [n=fabian@bras-co-85-197-0-86.westend.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:32] kevinOman: grub-install ? === willi42 [n=fabian@bras-co-85-197-0-86.westend.de] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [12:32] can i do it from the live cd? [12:32] Riax: if it supports Vesa..your okay [12:32] kevinOman: grub commandline, set root and setup then [12:32] grafporno: you can get it from the libtorrent website (http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/), the latest versions are 0.7.6 for rtorrent, 0.11.6 for libtorrent [12:32] I know, but I want to boot without using safe graphics mode. [12:32] there's a topic on the ubuntuforums === kilian [n=kilian@hyves.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:32] grafporno: you have to compile them from source, though [12:33] grafporno how do i get to the grub commandline? === genii [n=user@206-248-135-210.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:33] CoasterMaster: you got a link? [12:33] grafporno: http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/ [12:33] kevinOman: sudo grub [12:33] CoasterMaster: thanks [12:33] is it hard to install windows/ubuntu with grub? [12:33] grafporno: no problem [12:33] nope [12:33] grafporno, i can do this from the live cd? === DinhaBoy [i=DinhaBoy@bl5-48-178.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu [12:33] hi, i'm having a problem where entries in /etc/hosts are ignored. i checked nsswitch and host.conf and both have file over dns precendece, so what is going on? === DevideZero [i=DivideZe@] has joined #ubuntu [12:34] what is your entry in grub for windows stephan? [12:34] kevinOman: sure, did it about 2 hours ago :D [12:34] Atlantiz: no just install linux last. usually everything is setup for ya. all you have to do is choose between em at boot [12:34] I have a question for when ubuntu 7.10 comes out.. will I have reinstall it? (redo everything ive changed or customized) or can you just upgrade to it without it messing with everything youve done or installed. === pramz [n=pramod@c-24-16-148-178.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:34] awsome pike [12:34] Grungebunny: you will be able to upgrade [12:34] bulmer: i have a linksys WPC54GS ver 2 [12:34] yay [12:34] kevinOman: basically, you want to reinstall grub, right? [12:34] bulmer: I know there's a "driver disc" option in the live boot menu, but I don't know what file(s) I need to put on this disc in order for it to work. [12:34] hi, i would like to keep an eye on my kids' ubuntu pc usage - is there a way to get a screenshot of a remote pc's X session? Prefer not to do a full VNC session... [12:35] grafporno: ok im at the command line, what commands do i use? [12:35] igor47: how did you verify this? did you try to put a different ip address in /etc/hosts from the real one and did it make a difference? [12:35] grafporno: yes [12:35] okay === jrib [n=jrib@upstream/dev/jrib] has joined #ubuntu === prometoys [n=prometoy@dslb-084-060-004-047.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:35] igor47: it should work if you have dnsmaq installed. thats what i use. [12:35] bulmer: my hostname is simply not found [12:35] kevinOman: do you have the old install of grub? if so, use "find /boot/grub/stage1" [12:36] addajkl: find out the chip inside it..and look in /lib/firmware/`uname -r`/ for the drivers [12:36] <|Jason8|> are the ubuntu forums really slow for anyone or is it just me? [12:36] cause youll need the path, where grub's installed === |neon| [n=kvirc@c-67-171-62-118.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:36] Born_In_Xixax: you could setup a script using the info at http://www.linux.com/articles/60722 but thats not exactly a packaged solution i dunno how exp you are [12:36] grafporno: i installed ubuntu server after my orignal ubuntu, i deleted the server edition so my regular grub is broken === madmetal_spyros [n=madmetal@ppp252-101.dsl.hol.gr] has joined #ubuntu [12:36] grafporno: that command says hd0,2 [12:36] bulmer: it is set as an alias: the line is localhost mymachine but 'nslookup mymachine' gives nxdomain [12:36] that's good === madmetal_spyros [n=madmetal@ppp252-101.dsl.hol.gr] has left #ubuntu [""] === DinhaBoy [i=DinhaBoy@bl5-48-178.dsl.telepac.pt] has left #ubuntu [] [12:36] pike_: ill take a look - i can handle a bit of complexity :) thanks === jaggy_ [n=jordi@117.131-246-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu [12:37] <|neon|> how can i determine what speed the network card is connected at i.e. 100 or 1000 under kubuntu 7.04 thx [12:37] next command to use is: root hd(0,2) [12:37] igor47: nslookup always uses dns i dont think it ever uses /etc/hosts === bouffy [n=bouffy@mne69-7-82-243-146-10.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === Dromar [n=david@pur31-1-82-224-15-167.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === Jork [n=jon@] has joined #ubuntu === suupaabaka [n=suupaaba@pr-248-196.ains.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:37] |neon|, sudo mii-tool [12:37] got that, kevinOman [12:37] ? [12:37] bulmer: nslookup uses the resolver libraries. it should resolve according to system resolver preferences [12:37] grafporno: yup it says hd0,2 [12:37] <|Jason8|> aw man, I think it's just my dialups. [12:37] good [12:38] what do i do now === Nyarlathotep [n=Nyarlath@66.Red-83-61-244.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:38] Riax: if you know the driver your video card uses, i guess you can have it in cdrom and load it..but just for test..just use the vesa option [12:38] kevinOman : gimme a sec [12:38] ACTION gives grafporno [12:38] ok [12:38] igor47: am not so sure about that..let me check on mine.. === lionstone [n=blo@c-67-180-84-37.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:38] <|neon|> rockets thx, it says is at 100basetx how can i change it to 1000 since my card is 1000 capable === radu [n=radu@] has joined #ubuntu === radu [n=radu@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === MigChipotle [n=schoense@p548B506F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === antonio_33ie [n=name@] has joined #ubuntu === dar [n=bas@] has joined #ubuntu [12:39] |neon|, I don't think mii-tool is capable of higher then 100, but also its not enough to just have a 1000 card you need a compatible switch === dar is now known as shnastybiznastic === Xorlev [n=raven@unaffiliated/xorlev] has joined #ubuntu [12:39] |neon|, i think ethtool or something like that can do it [12:39] yeah ethtool === Gener1c [n=Generic@89-139-50-3.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [12:39] bulmer: I've been frequently booting off the live disc for over a month now. I'm planning on installing Ubuntu alongside XP SP2, but not until I receive the 64-bit disc by mail. === giany911 [n=giany911@] has joined #ubuntu === secleinteer [n=scl@adsl-70-237-136-76.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu === inbitado34 [n=mano@] has joined #ubuntu [12:40] kevinOman: yeah. next thing is: setup (hd0). this will write grub into the mbr so you can use grub to boot === tjfontaine [n=tjfontai@oftc/staff/tjfontaine] has joined #ubuntu [12:40] <|neon|> i have the switch my entire lan is on 1000 i am running clarkconnect to serve files to everyone and i get 38mb average tranfer rates eexcept on this machine [12:40] bulmer: I know Ubuntu works, I'd just like to be able to boot into it with support for my video card. === kitche [n=dragon@pool-141-149-155-123.buff.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:40] igor47: nope, i put an entry in the /etc/host and used nslookup..it never uses that file [12:40] kevinOman: after that, reboot, you should have the menu and boot options back then === carlosr [n=carlos@] has joined #ubuntu === tjfontaine [n=tjfontai@oftc/staff/tjfontaine] has left #ubuntu [] [12:40] bulmer: but it *SHOULD* [12:41] bulmer: thats the problem [12:41] igor47: im not 100% sure it should.. === Xoris [n=noone@81-208-36-87.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu === VSpike [n=johncc@carlyleclarke.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:41] grafporno: I get: Error 12: Invalid device requested [12:41] bulmer: it shouldn't be up to my dns server to resolve 'localhost' - thats why /etc/hosts exists! [12:41] kevinOman: grub error? [12:42] yep i did sudo grub [12:42] then setup (hd0) [12:42] kevinOman: k, where'd you get the error, where'd it fail === maxagaz [n=g@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === carlosr [n=carlos@] has joined #ubuntu [12:43] grafporno: if i type setup (hd0) it outputs: Error 12: Invalid device requested === Eldara [n=mitchell@user-514f3cb0.l2.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === [BTF] LittleLamb_ [n=jeremy@pool-72-90-76-106.syrcny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:43] i have like 8 proccesses (child forked processes) of sendmail, when i check the pid number to a log of mail it shows that those are related to spam email and that in the logs it shows as rejected... my question is why does the processes still exist? === Synchronicity [n=Stick@] has joined #ubuntu [12:43] kevinOman: hd0 is your primary harddisk though? [12:44] yup i have only one [12:44] igor47 there are some defaults...but again am not 100% sure it has to use /etc/host for resolving localhost [12:44] its an sata drive though [12:44] kevinOman: dunno.. try hd0,0 ? im guessing here === Bulazeem [n=george@c-66-177-188-122.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === JaeSharp [n=jaesharp@wikia/JSharp] has joined #ubuntu [12:44] how do i disable desktop drawing in ubuntu? [12:45] grafporno: nope same thing [12:45] Bulazeem: like, the background? === Jakyl [n=jakyl@67-42-181-66.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:45] bulmer: Ok, I guess I'll just burn the driver file to a disc and try the driver disc boot menu option. But which file do I burn? Is it NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run? That's the official Linux x86 driver for my video card. [12:45] what kernel does 7.04 Feisty Fawn use? === Flegma [n=Michalek@devil.spacecom.cz] has joined #ubuntu [12:45] Adlai: exactly === pavs [n=pavs@cpe-69-203-202-49.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:45] bigjohnto: umm could it be its a daemon and when a daemon child gets killed it spawns another set? [12:46] Adlai: i did it before and cant remember how [12:46] you can either set it to no background, or kill that instance of nautilus === simmerz [n=simmerz@] has joined #ubuntu [12:46] Adlai: i remember setting something to draw desktop false or something like that [12:46] oh, you mean in GDM? [12:46] Adlai: i think so. [12:46] bulmer: ok, i am not on the network. if i don't have a dns server to access, i should still be able to resolve my own name. i guess i'll open a bug report, but this is definetly definetly wrong [12:46] Riax: i honestly does not know which driver..you may have to try them both and see which one is the best for yours..another cd to burn is not that expensive [12:46] that would be no background for the login screen, is that what you want? [12:46] Riax, which Nvidia Graphics card do you have? === Actionman [n=bknox@24-155-224-244.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:47] grafporno did you say i need to set root first? or is that what were doing [12:47] igor47, you have to add the localmachine to /etc/hosts you probably don't have it in there well besides the local.localdomain part [12:47] demonspork: GeForce 6200TC [12:47] it's in /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom [12:47] Adlai: what my ultimate goal is for the compiz-fusion to display my four desktop images. i had it set up before so it wouldnt draw a desktop or icons but i cant remember what i did =/ [12:47] add the line "BackgroundType=0" [12:47] hmm? [12:47] oh [12:47] Riax, does the LiveCD boot in normal graphics mode, at all? [12:47] this is something entirely different [12:47] igor47, before I had to add my computername.domainname to /etc/hosts since the install didn't add it but a reinstall did it's one of those odd little bugs that happen every once in a while [12:47] kevinOman: first you need to tell grub where it's root directory is [12:48] igor47: here use this dns i believe its comcast [12:48] kevinOman: which normally is in /boot/grub [12:48] well for that, you just kill nautilus === f_or_k [n=cd@e179013190.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:48] and tell the session manager not to start nautilus on login === Zofo [n=Bu77onbo@user-0cdvll9.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu === williammanda_ [n=william@c-68-60-199-201.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:48] kevinOman: therefore we do root (hd0,2) === Cryoniq [n=ankan@me-104-110-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu === silverlord [n=silverlo@] has joined #ubuntu [12:49] that worked [12:49] Adlai: ty :) === Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@ppp-69-229-179-81.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu === v [n=v@ip68-9-182-159.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:49] demonspork: No. I have to use Vesa mode or my primary monitor tries (and fails) to display it correctly, and my secondary monitor reports that the refresh rates are out of range. [12:49] kevinOman: it did? good :D [12:49] grafporno the other command worked now too [12:49] i will reboot now [12:49] Riax, so you can boot into the desktop in safe graphics mode? [12:49] kevinOman: good, see you later than hopefully :D === pere [n=pere@] has joined #ubuntu [12:50] demonspork: Yes. [12:50] Does anyone know of a way to install ubuntu from the live cd in a way that would run better on a slower computer? becuse my friend cant burn cds [12:50] How do I install KDE / Make it the default in UBUNTU 7.04? Is there a simple package to download? [12:50] :) thanks grafporno [12:50] np [12:50] Bulazeem: explain to me what it is you're doing, because I want to try it === v is now known as Vasdreft [12:50] How do I install KDE / Make it the default in UBUNTU 7.04? Is there a simple package to download? [12:50] Vasdreft: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop [12:50] hi ...somebody could help me Im working en TLSP proyect.....i have some dobut.... [12:50] Danke :D === z3r0ph3wl [n=karl@user182.77-105-202.netatonce.net] has joined #ubuntu === n00dl3 [n=ctrlx@c-76-110-174-0.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:50] Vasdreft: First show a little patience... [12:50] Adlai: with compiz-fusion you can go to the desktop cube section and then you can set it up under the appearance tab so that each face of your "cube" or w/e shape you have will have its own wallpaper [12:51] oh that [12:51] Zofo: you might want to check out xubuntu for slower computers [12:51] alright, yeah [12:51] Jack_Sparrow -- Apologies, I got a message that I wasn't logged in with the proper password as V, so I changed my name and reposted my comment. I didn't mean to double post. [12:51] np === Trent [n=Trent@unaffiliated/trent] has joined #ubuntu [12:51] === |Jason8| [n=j8@154.155-211-66.nh.dialup.FreeDialup.org] has left #ubuntu [] [12:51] Jack_Sparrow -- Didn't think it posted the first time. === sybesis [n=sybesis@dsl12-198.express.oricom.ca] has joined #ubuntu [12:51] Vasdreft: you select which desktop at login and you can set the default [12:51] Hello === mtappenden [n=maxtappe@5ac71a38.bb.sky.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:51] hi, anybody knows a download manager that utilizes mirrors for diferent source downlads? [12:51] Hi guys === wagner [n=wagner@] has joined #ubuntu [12:52] If I have a file which has video, and one with audio, and they are meant to be together to make up one movie with audio and video, how can I put them together? === gpm [n=gpm@unaffiliated/gpm] has joined #ubuntu [12:52] Most apps I've tried just let me put them one after the other... === File13 [n=tyler@adsl-65-65-223-114.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:52] Ntappenden, message me in private === Yasumoto [n=Yasumoto@trailers79.chapman.edu] has joined #ubuntu === codename [n=codename@c-24-7-133-58.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:52] Is there a way to install from the live cd that would make itrun faster? === dajoker_ [n=bfhicks@169-117.202-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Artimus [n=jared@24-240-63-166.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com] has joined #Ubuntu === dajoker_ is now known as daj0ker [12:53] hey guys. when i run winecfg i don't see an oss option, but all the guides (including ubuntuforums) on how to run steam (lame, i know, but i like to play) say to use oss...how can i install that option? === craio [n=michiel@d54C59912.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [12:53] Riax, if you have the driver file on your Windows partition, Install the system from Safe Graphics mode, then to be safe copy the nvidia driver installer into the /home/Riax/ folder on the new installation while you are still on the LiveCD. the path to it will be something like "/media/hda1/home/Riax" [12:53] Hi im dual booting and i just isntalled windows now onto installing ubuntu, in order to get more free space do i click the windows partition and size it down to the desired size using gpart? [12:53] Vasdreft: Alright === bobgill [n=bobgill@CPE000802b64568-CM0011e6c40b1f.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:53] File13: thats the idea. usually goes well. === PreZLaptop [n=prez@177.sub-70-211-242.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:54] mtappenden -- message me in a private window, i'll explain === user_ [n=user@66-168-108-106.dhcp.mdvl.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:54] Vasdreft: I just did... [12:54] Hi, I need some help trying to install a Emerald theme [12:54] do i keep it mounted at /media/sda1 or do i change it [12:54] File13: it cannot be mounted [12:54] mtappenden -- perhaps private messages are disabled here.. :| ? [12:54] hey fellas i have a 74 gb hard drive divided in half with 2 partitions when i install windows on the first partition how do i prevent it from partitioning the whole drive? [12:54] Vasdreft: Just tried to again you not getting it? [12:54] Vasdreft: You ahve AIM or MSN? [12:54] Zofo: The live cd is a bit slow as it is live , but the installed Ubuntu is faster [12:54] mtappenden -- No, not getting it. I messaged you, too [12:54] well you can mount it with the ntfs plugin later [12:54] Hi, I need some help trying to install a Emerald theme [12:54] or have it viewable rather [12:55] Vasdreft: Didn't get it, weird [12:55] mtappenden -- I have aim / MSN but I prefer to be anonymous. === sybesis [n=sybesis@dsl12-198.express.oricom.ca] has joined #ubuntu === Ralith [n=ralith@soggy202.drizzle.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:55] File13: i mean gparted in order to resize needs it to be unmounted [12:55] Vasdreft: Ok... [12:55] mtappenden -- I have done what you are doing, I use a program that is free called "Virtual Dub" to do it. [12:55] demonspork: Then install the package? But won't I have to reboot after I install the driver, which would just reload the live session from disc? [12:55] Hey, how would I find out which package provides jini.h? === yurimxpxman [n=yurimxpx@pool-71-98-77-181.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:55] ? [12:55] Vasdreft: Join #mtappenden [12:55] ok so just change it down to desired size then make my ubuntu partitions and thats it? [12:55] Atlantiz: THe windows installer lets you pick which partition to use for the install... usually the first one... [12:55] Hi, I need some help trying to install a Emerald theme [12:55] Riax, then when you reboot into the Ubuntu system you just installed, if the desktop won't load, it will leave you at a command line (or you can hit "Ctrl+Alt+F2" if you don't get a prompt) then simply type "sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run" === Drunken-Ktulhu [n=max@] has joined #ubuntu [12:55] ok thanks jack [12:55] Hi, I need some help trying to install a Emerald theme [12:55] do any of you have the game Prey? [12:55] I need to delete a directory in terminal, sudo rmdir --ignore DIRNAME doesn't give any error but the dir is still there... ? [12:55] i'm going to give it a shot [12:56] Riax: this isn't windows; you don't have to reboot for everything [12:56] File13: No need to pre-make your partitions for Ubuntu.. the installer will handle it.. === rossco [n=ross@C-59-101-111-179.syd.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:56] Actually a Emerald Theme Manager [12:56] gah, my kingdom for a blank CD === Ralith [n=ralith@soggy202.drizzle.com] has left #ubuntu [] [12:56] i need to install ubuntu on a slow laptop and i dont have a way to burn cds and all i have is a live cd is there a way t odo this? [12:56] awsome thanks jack [12:56] later guys [12:56] well im manually doing it...im setting it up a special way === Xef|Packetloss [n=josh@CPE-65-30-39-102.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Atlantiz [n=tombraid@pool-71-172-190-114.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [12:56] Zofo: just stick the CD in and install? [12:56] Zofo: The live cd has an install icon... [12:56] Zofo: there are a few options detailed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation === phesto [n=phestofi@24-178-70-192.dhcp.gwnt.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:57] yea i click it and its so slow it freezes [12:57] Actually a Emerald Theme Manager [12:57] the idea is to have windows and ubuntu then a fat32 shareable partition [12:57] rmdir won't delete directory? Need to trash /usr/local/gcam === Ice_ [n=kristen@ip70-171-79-26.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:57] Zofo: What speed is the laptop? [12:57] pike_: thx === phesto [n=phestofi@24-178-70-192.dhcp.gwnt.ga.charter.com] has left #ubuntu [] [12:57] File13: That is the same thing I run here === irotas [n=irotas@c-66-30-195-112.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:57] Riax, When you install the Ubuntu System, you will continue to use the live disk after it is done, it doesn't switch you to the System you just installed until you reboot and remove the LiveCD [12:57] demonspork: I don't want to actually install Ubuntu until my 64-bit disc arrives in the mail. I just want to know if there's a way I can make the live disc load a driver from another disc before it loads. [12:58] Jack_Sparrow: not over a gighz [12:58] Zofo: Still runs decent on a 1 ghz box [12:58] Riax, what are the specs on your system? === jshaffer [n=jshaffer@] has joined #ubuntu [12:58] Jack_Sparrow: yea it should work but its slow [12:58] Adlai: i found an easier way to do it if you are interested. in configuration editor go to apps, nautilus, preferences, and uncheck the show_desktop box === Aethelred [n=jack@c-76-102-175-189.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] === scipio [n=cornel@cpe-75-85-200-99.dc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:59] do any of you have the game Prey? If so, could you /msg me? === pearlbear [n=mpm@] has joined #ubuntu [12:59] Yurimxpxman -- messaging is banned on this server, I think [12:59] Actually a Emerald Theme Manager [12:59] anyone know how to change how frequently fsck is forced to check a filesystem? [12:59] demonspork: AMD Athlon64 3500+ Orleans 2.2GHz, nVidia GeForce 6200TC 256MB (512 MB effective), 1GB RAM === riddlebox [n=james@75-132-225-75.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:59] Vasdreft: no it's not. You just have to be identified. [12:59] Zofo: The live is a bit slow but it should be decent after it installs on the hd [12:59] by default it checks it every 20 mounts .. i'd rather it be every 50 or so [12:59] I have prey === nest [n=axel@] has joined #ubuntu [01:00] I'm not identified, thoguh === nest [n=axel@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:00] Jack_Sparrow: since im manually doing this when i make the ext3 and swap do i mount ext3 at "/" for root [01:00] irotas: It is selectable... === limetang [n=ircwhore@80-45-90-17.static.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu === goedson [n=goedson@] has joined #ubuntu [01:00] File13: yes [01:00] sweet === Jared-Moore [n=jaz@c220-239-80-228.rochd3.qld.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:00] Jack_Sparrow: where is it configured? [01:00] irotas: I think it's e2fstune or something... [01:00] Vasdreft: could you hop into #ubuntu-offtopic for sec? [01:01] irotas: no it's called tune2fs [01:01] what do i mount the fat32 as jack === Tunix [n=tushar@open-100-102.perfigo.csus.edu] has joined #ubuntu [01:01] irotas: I have seen it but dont remember where, I did reset mine... [01:01] Riax, I am Running an Intel Core2duo E6600, Nvidia Geforce 8800GTS 320MB, 2GB RAM. I downloaded the 64 bit disk and installed it, but I kept having problems with the nvidia driver, I could not get it to work [01:01] Jack_Sparrow: i know that is slow on the live cd the problem is is that i am unable to install from the live cd and i was wondering if i could find a way to use the live to install in mybe the way the alternate does that i would be happy, but if there is no way of that then i will have to find a way to get another cd === despised_icon [n=fabian@p4FD4D060.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === despised_icon [n=fabian@p4FD4D060.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu [] [01:02] Jack_Sparrow: I just told him, see above [01:02] File13: Dont worry about the fat32 you can set it up any time [01:02] cosmodad: ah, thanks! === jono [n=jono@ubuntu/member/jono] has joined #ubuntu [01:02] irotas: use tune2fs -i {d|m|w} [01:02] irotas: better check the manpage too [01:02] well wouldnt it be easy to just set up in gpart now? [01:02] Zofo: If the live will not work with F6 and different options like noapic added to the boot line you will need the alt cd [01:03] demonspork: Hmm, so maybe it's just best to install Ubuntu from the 32-bit disc anyway? [01:03] Riax, there is also a 64 bit version of the Nvidia driver that you will need [01:03] how can i tell what error code a program exited with? [01:03] Riax, that Is my conclusion === Cyrus25801 [n=cyrus@dsl-241-184-139.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu === ross [n=ross@C-59-101-111-179.syd.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:03] Riax: not a compelling reason for 64bit unless you have an app that needs more than 4G ram at a time [01:03] how do I send a email to many ppl and let it show undisclosed recipients === defjux21 [i=esoteric@c-24-61-58-233.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:03] or do i even have to have a mount point if its fat32 === SunWuKung [n=SunWuKun@S01060016cbc4c705.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === Sonic1 [n=Sonicadv@] has joined #Ubuntu === Julioso [n=chatzill@CPE00c049ec4677-CM000039b83660.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:04] Cyrus25801: easiest way is to put all recipients in the BCC field and yourself in `to' === goedson [n=goedson@] has joined #ubuntu [01:04] Riax, also, if you want to test it out, it is really easy to install the 32-bit now and then install over it with the 64-bit when the disk comes in, and if that doesn't work out, just reinstall over that with the 32-bit again [01:04] Cyrus25801: most mail servers will accept that [01:04] hey all, I have a quick question about file systems and the boot drive [01:04] Jack_Sparrow: ok thank you that kinda what i thoguth just wanted to cheack. this is for a frend thatl ive far away hes a linux noob and im not the best eather but im speading the love === no_gatez_fan [n=patrick@cpe-069-132-015-252.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:04] Riax, do have 2 computers handy? === recon [n=recon@wikipedia/recon0] has joined #ubuntu [01:05] Hi guys, I'm having trouble compiling GNOME applications. When running make, I always get a strange error - "Makefile:107: *** target pattern contains no `%'. Stop." This always happens in the po/ directory. I have done "sudo apt-get build-dep XX" (where XX is what I'm trying to compile at the time) and I have installed gnome-common and all the autotools packages that I can find. This problem happens both when compiling from t [01:05] File13: sorry, trying to do too many things here... no you dont need a mount point but you can make one.. [01:05] cosmodad: i got it set, thanks again [01:05] I'm getting this while installing Ubuntu: The GRUB boot loader installation often fails or hangs when /boot is on a XFS file system. Using LILO in this situation is recommended. [01:05] Riax: or use same seperate /home partition and install / for 32 and 64 on seperate partitions [01:05] irotas: np [01:05] demonspork: I have my server, but I'm broke, so it's running an 800MHz P3. === Wezz [n=CheeseWe@host86-151-185-108.range86-151.btcentralplus.com] has joined #Ubuntu [01:05] cosmodad: wont the recipients see the other ppls email address then? === ketrox [n=ketrox@Xbc9a.x.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:05] Cyrus25801: nope. [01:05] I would like to use XFS because I have read about its advantages over other FS types, but Ubuntu seems to believe that it isn't suitable to be the FS on the system drive, is this true? [01:06] Riax: pshh thats more than enough! XD [01:06] Cyrus25801: BCC people can't see other people's BCC addresses [01:06] Julioso: if ya lose power one day it could be very bad === jiam [n=obama@adsl-69-232-231-78.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:06] n00dl3: Not when you run 3 instances of HLDS. [01:06] pike_: hmm, always a possibility around here, what does the GRUB boot loader do, anyway? === kalila_ [i=djihed@warhead.dreamhost.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:06] Riax, it is more than enough to run an IRC client [01:07] pike_: actually, I use a UPS, so power outages shouldn't affect my computer [01:07] Julioso: it installs to the first 512 bytes of hd and loads rest from a partition.. hangon gotta call [01:07] !grub | Julioso [01:07] Julioso: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [01:07] Riax, my advice would be just to install the Ubuntu 32-bit, all the 64-bit does for you is make more complications === prometoys_ [n=prometoy@dslb-084-060-004-047.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:07] demonspork: It would be if I wasn't running 3 instances of Half-Life Dedicated Server, web, FTP, and 4 Teamspeak servers. [01:08] cosmodad: thanx a stack man [01:08] Actually a Emerald Theme Manager [01:08] i need help installing a theme [01:08] from emerald [01:08] Cyrus25801: np [01:08] Riax, if it can handle all that why can't it run mIRC === ptn107 [n=phil@c-71-58-68-205.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:08] burning ubuntu live cd for my powerbook g4! [01:08] im excited [01:09] so it doesnt matter if i mount the fat32 at all? [01:09] ahhh, interesting... any FS types other than ext3 good for system drive? maybe reiserfs or jfs? === froyd [n=froyd@www.herzing.org] has joined #ubuntu [01:09] demonspork: I didn't say it couldn't handle it, but if I actually login to Server 2003, it would only cause all 30-some players on my HL servers to lag to hell and back. [01:10] reiser is nice for FS and small files, XFS works great for larger media drives === froyd [n=froyd@www.herzing.org] has joined #ubuntu === Lior066 [i=Lior_066@] has joined #ubuntu === Pricey [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.student.PriceChild] has joined #ubuntu === M- [n=mattm@ppp239-95.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:10] i need help installing a theme === f_or_k [n=cd@e179013190.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu === ex0r [n=m0rgoth@bas13-ottawa23-1088841392.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu === Atlantiz [n=tombraid@pool-71-172-190-114.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:10] i need help installing a theme [01:10] hey ubotu, let's see how smart of a bot you are... what is LILO? [01:11] cosmodad: is their another way of doing it that only the person receiving the mail can see their email address or they can't see any email address [01:11] demonspork: Right now, everything's running as a service. Anyway, I think I've got all the info I need. === froyd [n=froyd@www.herzing.org] has left #ubuntu [] [01:11] !patience > codename === dmglouis [n=gerard@cpe-76-188-181-218.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:11] ok === Jamesinator [n=james@68-113-192-110.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:11] hey Jack Sparrow one more question it will only let me format for ext3 not ntfs on the first partition and the second too === QuITh [n=FlyInDan@] has joined #ubuntu === hashfreak_ [n=adnane@i577BA74A.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:11] can someone help me? whenever i use totem it goes fullscreen (with controls) without any window decoration. I have to watch all videos like that or full screen it. I have no option for resizing it [01:11] yeah i dunno wtf is up === razor-x11 [n=razor@host217-44-171-100.range217-44.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:12] Cyrus25801: using mailing-lists, it's possible too === i3d_ [n=i3dmaste@c-67-160-10-28.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === DShepherd [n=dwight@] has joined #ubuntu [01:12] Atlantiz: WIndows cd will format to ntfs for you, sorry but I was spread too thin... [01:12] cosmodad: how do you do that [01:12] Riax, the live cd doesn't need to load the normal drivers, just install from the safe graphics mode, put the .run file in your new home folder, reboot into the new system, and type "sudo sh nvidiablahblahblah.run" [01:12] Riax, that is just a quick synopsis [01:13] Cyrus25801: that's a little bit harder. You need to set up an MTA like sendmail and do proper configuration. [01:13] ok see ya then after the install [01:13] Cyrus25801: I don't have experience with that myself === Jared-Moore [n=jaz@c220-239-80-228.rochd3.qld.optusnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] === Atlantiz [n=tombraid@pool-71-172-190-114.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [01:13] cosmodad: cool will look it up.thanx agin [01:13] Cyrus25801: an easier way is to subscribe to some free mailing list service [01:13] Alright, I'll try that. === tretle_ [n=tretle@] has joined #ubuntu === Cyrus25801 [n=cyrus@dsl-241-184-139.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu [] === lumgwada [n=lumgwada@unaffiliated/lumgwada] has joined #ubuntu [01:13] I'm gonna go reboot now. My thanks to the two or three people who helped. === bobo [n=razor@host217-44-171-100.range217-44.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === Riax [n=Riax@c-69-246-200-76.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] === PoofDaddy [n=sgpsaros@c-76-112-64-147.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] === zitner [n=zitner@pool-72-82-195-86.cmdnnj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:14] has anyone had a problem with totem opening up without any window decorations and unresizeable? === bobo [n=razor@host217-44-171-100.range217-44.btcentralplus.com] has left #ubuntu [] [01:14] its basically fullscreen with controls and sidebar === brigante [n=brigante@host160-183-dynamic.6-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu === brigante_ [n=brigante@host160-183-dynamic.6-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu === Paddy_EIRE [n=patrick@] has joined #ubuntu [01:15] can you press "f" to get out of fullscreen? [01:16] well its not in fullscreen mode, that mode works fine === jiam [n=obama@adsl-69-232-231-78.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === Varreon [n=Varreon@adsl-68-79-22-44.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:16] its just mazimized without window decorations === russe11 [n=russ@russ-server.student.iastate.edu] has joined #ubuntu [01:16] whats the command to start Transmission Bittorrent? === Zofo [n=Bu77onbo@user-0cdvll9.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu [] === maka [n=maka@] has joined #ubuntu === theroom [n=together@79-73-177-233.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:18] hey how do i get under the modules section? === ch33zer [n=blaise@ool-44c7e6e9.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:18] I have ubuntu running on a desktop and on my laptop - is there a way for me to sync appointments/tasks/contacts between the two? === Bassetts [n=Bassetts@unaffiliated/bassetts] has joined #ubuntu [01:18] I'm trying to install a theme using Emerald Manager any ideas? === sleep[ugaka] is now known as bblugaka === Davy_Jones is now known as Vamp === Mertiki [n=zxz@modemcable023.30-56-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu === Mertiki [n=zxz@modemcable023.30-56-74.mc.videotron.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === Vamp [n=ad@] has left #ubuntu [] === andrea_ [n=andrea@host198-127-dynamic.55-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu === ch33zer [n=blaise@ool-44c7e6e9.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu [] === jesse [n=jesse@ns.detir.qld.gov.au] has joined #ubuntu === Segovia [n=Segovia@modemcable169.71-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:20] ok so last time to be sure, i can just set it to fat32 and not worry about a mount point and it will show up on windows and ubuntu? === azrael_ [n=azrael@jagdsl3-195.smig.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:20] Hello [01:20] HAIII, i needs sum halp [01:21] do any of you have the game Prey? If so, could you either message me or join #ubuntu-offtopic ? [01:21] Sound isn't working on a toshiba A200 [01:21] i've followed all the tutorials out there [01:21] and it still isn't working === Don64 [n=dpowers6@ip68-102-235-221.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:21] how do you turn on Jack audio === david__ [n=david@217.Red-83-60-252.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:21] I'm trying to install a theme using Emerald Manager any ideas? [01:21] are you using WINE? [01:21] azrael [01:21] no [01:21] has anyone had any problems with window decorations/unable to resize on any anything? === Menasim1 [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu === Fulk [n=test@87-194-176-39.bethere.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] === oldskin [n=oldskin@201-27-95-25.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [01:22] i try to open JACK Rack, but it says Jack isnt running === Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:22] how can I create .deb packages? [01:23] I'm out, thanks pike_ [01:23] menasim1: do you mean from .rpm packages? === i3dmaster_ [n=i3dmaste@] has joined #ubuntu === asdf [n=asdf@74-133-197-227.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:23] i just inserted the ubuntu live cd into my powerbook [01:23] does anyone know of a thesaurus app for Linux? [01:23] if all goes well and it runs? what do i do to install it and have it dual boot with os x? [01:23] dmglouis: I mean from nothing [01:23] i got Jack Rack and Jack EQ, is there another JAck program so i can turn Jack off and on [01:24] menasim1: sorry, im not sure about that === bouffy [n=bouffy@mne69-7-82-243-146-10.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:24] addajkl should be an 'install' icon on your dekstop but I know nothing about dual booting with osx [01:24] dmglouis: aha, thank you anyway === macogw [n=mack@unaffiliated/macogw] has joined #ubuntu [01:24] if any one knows please tell me [01:24] Grungebunny: thanks! well hopefully it will load up, im still waiting at the desktop for icons to show up === uri [n=chatzill@] has left #ubuntu [] [01:24] does anyone know of a thesaurus app for Linux? === lakin [n=lakin@S01060013101832ce.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:25] my main task bar is 48 pixels tall. how can i set it so that the Window List can like stack up in there? like instead of single rows in columns how could i do like 2 rows or maybe even 3? [01:25] asdf, moby thesaurus shows up in synaptic [01:26] I just got an ipod nano. I plug it in and rhythmbox recognizes it and I can see the songs that it contains, but I can't copy music to it as root owns the mount and it was mounted with 'ro nosuid nodev noexeec umask=22 uid=0 gid=0 nls=utf8' ... how do I change the manner in which ubuntu mounts it? === jazz_ [n=jazz@gar13-2-82-239-232-51.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === the_hatter [n=merfango@] has left #ubuntu [] [01:27] Can Yahoo messenger be run in wine? [01:27] Bulazeem, why not add another one panel? === Abedegno [n=test@87-194-176-39.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [01:28] Looking fo help with JACK [01:28] *shrug* running ubuntu live cd, i get the mouse pointer and the desktop background, but thats pretty much it [01:28] hrm now i just have the windows displaying twice lol [01:28] emeriste: Probably but why not just use a linux IM client instead that does Yahoo protocol, like pidgin or so? [01:29] I have no problem with pidgin as an instant messenger, but I would like to chat in Yahoo. [01:29] Bulazeem, on the new panel you can add whatever you want. launchers, notification area, window switcher etc. [01:29] addajkl no menus or anything else? [01:29] I think Yahoo has changed something and third party clients aren't working now. [01:29] I'm trying to install a theme using Emerald Manager any ideas? [01:29] Grungebunny: just the background, and a mouse pointer and i can move it [01:29] thats it [01:29] emeriste, yahoo works fine with pidgin for me [01:30] addajkl i'd try rebooting then... === patrik [n=patrik@c-8f98e355.244-2-64736c14.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [01:30] scipio - chat? [01:30] Grungebunny: okay it sa live cd === Cthulhu [n=ren@cpc1-blac1-0-0-cust84.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:30] emeriste, if you mean voice, no. text only [01:30] Im trying to get X to run and I installed a new video card but only know it's made by "Asus" I dont know the model number. [01:30] scipio - I don't need voice chat. I didn't think you could log into chat with pidgin. [01:30] Is there a way to find out the model number of an installed video card without opening up the PC? [01:31] scipio you able to get into the yahoo rooms with pidgin ? === miniju [n=justine@H144.C72.B0.tor.eicat.ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:31] i didn't try geting into chat rooms but i can try now. don't know any chat rooms though [01:31] Hi, does someone know of a 56k internal pci modem that supports voice and has a linux driver that also supports voice? Ive been looking for over a week and I need some halp. [01:31] Just try going into any of them. I don't think it's possible. === dmglouis [n=gerard@cpe-76-188-181-218.neo.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] === Caplain [n=shane@adsl-75-45-224-90.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:31] or even a driver that supports voice would be a good start === Aren [n=aren@d58-106-25-143.sbr2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:31] Looking for help with JAck === Ice_ [n=kristen@ip70-171-79-26.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-76-151.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu === ericx_1 [n=jxtadev@] has joined #ubuntu === secleinteer [n=scl@adsl-70-237-136-76.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu === ross [n=ross@C-59-101-111-179.syd.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === DRP [n=flowman4@] has joined #ubuntu === __LoneWolf [n=momdad@ppp-69-222-71-120.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === Joeb454 [n=Joeb454@host81-132-30-107.range81-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:33] Looking For help with JACK Audio [01:33] nevermind. It's HFS+ ..... === jiam is now known as bulmer === demonspork [n=demonspo@d6-71.rb3.clm.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu === MattJ [n=MattJ@88-111-237-187.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu === frznslyfox [n=thormx@c-68-42-74-210.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Networksettings4 [n=kristen@ip70-171-79-26.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === tim167 [n=485dab31@astra.techwareit.com] has joined #ubuntu === inbitado34 [n=mano@] has joined #ubuntu [01:35] I'm having trouble with my wireless adapter - Ive just completed the ndiswrapper and my device is on and responsive [01:35] but it can't connect to any networks successfully - even the unsecured ones my neighbors have [01:35] hey, i can't seem to use a .package file :S thought that it was meant to be platform agnostic :( === bindasjared [n=jared@] has joined #ubuntu [01:35] Joeb454: what are you trying to install? [01:35] what are the terminal commands to connect to an ssid? [01:35] amsn. the version in the repositories is older than the latest version [01:35] hello === Shooree [n=milena@] has joined #ubuntu === gridl0ck [n=cube@pdpc/supporter/active/radius] has joined #ubuntu === Deryl [n=pgpkeys@CPE-61-9-223-40.static.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === jexsie [n=jexsie@unaffiliated/jexsie] has joined #ubuntu [01:36] hi, is there a sound-issue related tutorial somewhere? [01:36] can anyone help me get wireless working ? [01:36] #wireless [01:36] Joeb454: generally, there's no reason to have the latest version of something. Why do you need the latest version? === Synchronicity [n=Stick@unaffiliated/relate] has joined #ubuntu === ivan [n=ivan@qro-dslcustomer-232.gemtel.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:37] just wanted to make sure that if i had a.package file it would install, and figured being as i don't use it much, i'd try that [01:37] but it won't install, lol === zyth [n=zyth@wnpgmb06dc1-0-221.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #Ubuntu [01:37] hey how do i accept on my terminal when im installing sun java [01:38] Joeb454: I'd stay away from .package, stick to the repos and keep a healthy system :) === malnilion [n=malnilio@] has joined #ubuntu [01:38] azrael_: I don't use that but there seems something on it here, tho not specifically to with jack, it's an incidental subject. But you can get the idea https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToSeq24Introduction and then the link from there on jack specifically [01:38] scipio: please check the pm i sent you if you dont mind. :-* [01:38] ivan: tab, enter [01:38] i cant click on accept iy appears like plain text [01:38] /join #wireless === skinnypuppy1334 [n=user@66-168-108-106.dhcp.mdvl.ga.charter.com] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === dho_ragus [n=dho_ragu@] has joined #ubuntu [01:38] jrib: thanks [01:39] guys. I've got soundcard issues. where do I go for help? === Aethelred [n=jack@c-76-102-175-189.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === jvai [n=jvai@m845f36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:39] !sound > Shooree (see the private message from ubotu) === keegan [n=keegan@CPE-76-178-71-80.natsow.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Varreon [n=Varreon@adsl-68-79-22-44.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:39] Hi I'm trying to get vncserver running but I can't get it to start the gnome window manager. I've edited xstartup as suggested on several websites but I just get an X server with no WM. Any ideas? === gluck [n=gluck@ip-62-235-193-127.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu [01:40] hi I have a problem connecting to networks wirelessly - I seem to have my wireless adapter working - any help would be appreciated === bruenig [n=bruenig@ip-129-15-131-246.fescfwsm.ou.edu] has joined #ubuntu === linux_user400354 [n=chris@208-117-26-76.block5.gvtc.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:40] Bulazeem, didn't get one. anyway i tried to join a chat room but it doesn't seem to work. might be because i never used them and don't know a valid name === Almighty_Henaro [n=a_hen@c-24-98-20-28.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === anathematic [n=anathema@203-217-21-54.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === bruenig|laptop [n=bruenig@ip-129-15-131-246.fescfwsm.ou.edu] has joined #ubuntu [01:41] http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1396/947419831_150f6cc191_o.jpg i cant remember how i set the bottom part up so that the open windows stack like that. i took that pic a long time ago but had to reformat recently =/ [01:42] is there a way to instal from the livd cd? without booting into it [01:42] before i type 'live' === felipe_ [n=felipe@] has joined #ubuntu [01:42] addajkl: not without booting it. you need the alternative CD i believe === cxperl [n=cxperl@ool-18b8d269.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:42] then you get the old installer === bindasjared [n=jared@] has joined #ubuntu [01:43] Bulazeem, oh i see what you want [01:43] Joeb454: :( i wish i could use this live cd, but it only boots up to the background and the mouse pointer === cxperl [n=cxperl@ool-18b8d269.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === bruenig [n=bruenig@ip-129-15-131-246.fescfwsm.ou.edu] has joined #ubuntu [01:43] hi, here(ubuntu feisty fawn) the slides(*.ppt, *.pps) is very lows, in openoffice and power point(crossover), we can help me? === ants [n=tony@wsip-24-234-98-220.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === Reifster [n=roik@212-139-23-58.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:43] sorry my english, I'm brazilian :( [01:44] Hi! I've got a Thinkpad R61 and just installed Feisty.. Whenever I play a sound, I can't hear anything coming out of the speaker [01:44] In alsamixer, nothing is muted and it's all on full === emmc [n=emmc@host28-191-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu === solo [n=solo@c-24-4-201-24.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:44] Anyone got any ideas ? === williammanda_ [n=william@c-68-60-199-201.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === solo [n=solo@c-24-4-201-24.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [01:44] hi I have a problem connecting to networks wirelessly - I seem to have my wireless adapter working - any help would be appreciated === eugman [n=eugene@c-67-171-90-0.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:45] Is there a way to run an old kernel like 2.6.18 ? [01:45] Reifster: Make sure laptop hardware switch for sound is on. FN and some other key like possibly F6 [01:45] genii: It is :/ === ants [n=tony@wsip-24-234-98-220.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === joeeezzzzzzz [n=wnet@] has joined #ubuntu === jazz_ [n=jazz@gar13-2-82-239-232-51.fbx.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === atbnet` [n=abednar@adsl-69-221-156-122.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === TomB_ [n=tomb@host86-145-195-250.range86-145.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:46] Bulazeem, when i right click on the panel-preferences-pixel size if i go over a certain limit they stack === novak [n=novak_br@] has joined #ubuntu === ants is now known as __`ants === doddi [n=mark@dyn-62-56-71-114.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === emmc [n=emmc@host28-191-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:46] Bulazeem, 71 for me. depends on your resolution i guess === tim167 [n=485dab31@astra.techwareit.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:46] 1680x1050 === novak is now known as novato_br [01:47] what is the difference with the alternate install? === BinaryMutant_ [n=cas3@adsl-074-245-016-099.sip.tys.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === jshaffer [n=jshaffer@] has joined #ubuntu === Krtek [n=krtek@tsf-wpa-3-004.epfl.ch] has joined #ubuntu === ectospasm [n=ectospas@c-68-62-214-17.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === felipe_ [n=felipe@] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [01:47] how do i save a nano file in my termnal?? [01:48] addajkl, alternate install is the more conventional ncurses interface [01:48] addajkl: You can install in text only mode and avoid graphic card gotchyas. Also you can monitor error output/progress on console 4 [01:48] ivan, ctrl + w, it says on the bottom [01:48] ivan: CTRL-O [01:48] scipio: ah ok for me its 50. ty vm, you got it all settled for me now :) === emmc_ [n=emmc@host28-191-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:48] Bulazeem, glad it works [01:48] genii: will someone who hasn't used linux before be able to install it using that? === wrecked [n=bradley@83.sub-75-210-99.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:48] addajkl, yes [01:48] addajkl: Yes [01:48] ok thanks i appreciate it maybe that will work [01:49] this live cd is saying no hah === emmc_ [n=emmc@host28-191-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:49] !kubuntu [01:49] Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE [01:49] addajkl, the text interface walks you through most things. There might be a couple questions someone new might not fully understand, but if you can install windows then you can install Ubuntu with the alternate cd. === Frogzoo [n=Frogzoo@] has joined #ubuntu === capiira_ [n=capiira@dslb-088-065-198-231.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #Ubuntu === emmc_ [n=emmc@host28-191-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:50] aoirthoir: im on a powerbook g4 === omateos [n=omateos@] has joined #ubuntu [01:50] hi [01:50] hi I have a problem connecting to networks wirelessly - I seem to have my wireless adapter working - any help would be appreciated [01:51] Anyone else have an idea as to why I can't hear any sounds ? === datakid [n=datakid@ppp166-214.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu === rendero [n=rendero@] has joined #ubuntu [01:51] ??? [01:51] Reifster: you're deaf? [01:51] Aethelred: Not really === enix [n=evan@ip72-202-138-96.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:51] I can hear the TV in the background :) [01:51] scipio did you have any luck getting into a yahoo chat room? [01:51] Then no. Other than a cheap joke, I've got nothing for you. === Aethelred is a joker, not an expert [01:52] Bummer :/ [01:52] Reifster Im new to linux too but [01:52] a lot of people come here asking that === emmc_ [n=emmc@host28-191-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:52] if you wait 10 minutes I bet someone else comes in and asks [01:52] emeriste, no. i don't know any valid name [01:52] !sound | Reifster [01:52] Reifster: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 === wireLESS [n=tvbox@pool-71-170-127-53.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === t_mizzay [n=t_mizzay@192.036.dsl.brs.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:53] scipio: appreciate it, but I've already read all that.. I'm trying wavs and the card is detected etc.. right driver loadded, nothing muted :/ [01:53] Reifster: often the sound is just muted === wireLESS is now known as KlrSpz === datakid [n=datakid@ppp166-214.static.internode.on.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:53] when i goto menu>system>admin>login window i get an error saying that GDM is not running. but i am using gnome display manager. WTF? [01:54] GDM -restart does nothing [01:54] Reifster: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=503233&highlight=r61&page=2 [01:54] pike_: It's not muted in alsamixer or on the hardware === CaptainFrisbee [n=Frisbee@d51A5D232.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu === Welshy [i=bw@ppp-71-140-2-126.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:54] what torrent client is the most like utorrent? i tried ktorrent, but in my resolution the rss feed deal caused some major ui problems [01:54] Reifster, what kind of files are you trying to play? maybe missing codecs? [01:54] KlrSpz, how about Deluge? [01:54] KlrSpz: utorrent is an awful lot like utorrent === Synchronicity [n=Stick@unaffiliated/relate] has joined #ubuntu [01:55] pike_: right.... excpet it's windows based === GoodHabit [n=goodhabi@] has joined #ubuntu === mystic_pinguin [n=opensour@] has joined #ubuntu [01:55] CaptainFrisbee: googling now [01:55] scipio: I'm trying wavs with aplay [01:55] When I go to launch ubuntu, it goes to the orange screen after I login and it stays there and doesn't launch with a I cursor for typing. [01:55] works with the wine in repo with no config [01:55] Reifster, ahh [01:55] neverblue: i saw a message in my away log, when did you type that? [01:56] CaptainFrisbee: awesome, exactly what i'm looking for [01:56] Reifster: the url i gave you has a few different r61 hacks for you, including alsa === fejker [n=fejker@fejker.net] has joined #ubuntu === marcos_ [n=marcos@] has joined #ubuntu [01:56] pike_: sorta, i was having some paint issues with wine === laura [n=dk_zat@] has joined #ubuntu [01:56] how can i see what my ip address is on the local network? === fejker [n=fejker@fejker.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:56] hola [01:56] ifconfig, jshaffer [01:56] Anybody know? [01:56] genii: Cheers, haven't actually seen that [01:56] thanks Azzkikr [01:56] KlrSpz: only 2 torrent clients i ever stuck with in linux are rtorrent and utorrent === SunWuKung [n=SunWuKun@S01060016cbc4c705.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:57] Hello. Help me please. I am updated from ubuntu to ubuntustudio like written on this page - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UpgradingFromFeisty. But splash on boot is steel ubuntu, But splash on shutdown is ubuntustudio. How to fix it? === beavis [n=beavis@host86-138-47-251.range86-138.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@ppp-69-229-179-81.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu === N3bunel away === Je1 [n=tyler@c-71-195-6-47.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:58] !away > N3bunel (see the private message from ubotu) === Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl937.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:58] !usplash > GoodHabit (see the private message from ubotu) === Varreon [n=Varreon@adsl-68-79-22-44.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:58] GoodHabit: but you should ask in #ubuntustudio probably === doug_ [n=doug@] has joined #ubuntu === SeveredCross [n=bojan@dyn-129-64-227-31.wireless-a.brandeis.edu] has joined #ubuntu === Pelo think tonight is the night, he's finaly gonna give the right pcs of advice [01:59] Is that project even still around? === tonyy [n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] has joined #ubuntu [01:59] Last time I checked, last week, the website was down [01:59] Pelo: :) === akos [n=akos@] has joined #ubuntu [01:59] GoodHabit, you can use a utility called Startup-Manager to change the boorsplash === jetscreamer [n=jetscrea@unaffiliated/jetscreamer] has joined #ubuntu [02:00] how do i instal ndiswrapper? [02:00] Pelo: Whats the question? [02:00] !ndiswrapper > tim167 (see the private message from ubotu) [02:00] ive seen so many ubuntu based distros lately. How would one go about making one? [02:00] Still looking for Help with JACk Audio [02:00] tim167, synaptic , or apt-get [02:00] !ndiswrapper [02:00] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [02:00] without internet connection ? === xPlrltu [n=xP@bl10-148-73.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu [02:00] ubuntu based? lol [02:00] no really [02:00] genii, I don'T have questions, only answers === atbnet` is now known as atbnet [02:00] fluxbuntu, elbuntu, etc === steven_ [n=steven@] has joined #ubuntu [02:00] tim167: it's on the repository on the cd I believe [02:01] Pelo: Ah, OK, I mis-read :) [02:01] aaaw, I need to register to the forums to download patch_analog.c :/ [02:01] Hrm it sback u [02:01] Hrm its back up [02:01] http://ubuntustudio.org/ === GoodHabit [n=goodhabi@] has joined #ubuntu === Pelo thinks NDPMacBook should layoff the bottle === Shooree [n=milena@] has left #ubuntu [] === akos [n=akos@] has joined #ubuntu [02:01] I don't drink === dchosenb [n=dchosenb@c-69-248-73-61.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === novato_br [n=novak_br@] has joined #ubuntu === khermans [i=khermans@nat/cisco/x-a48fbe8336b2d04b] has joined #ubuntu [02:02] Sorry, but i steel have problem with splash. === dchosenb [n=dchosenb@c-69-248-73-61.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [02:02] what is a good deb source for the kdar application for feisty amd64 release ? [02:02] GoodHabit, steel = metal, you meant still === detectiveinspekt [n=jonathan@ip-58-28-216-240.ubs-dsl.xnet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [02:03] Oh, sorry, yes, still [02:03] When I go to launch ubuntu, it goes to the orange screen after I login and it stays there and doesn't launch with a I cursor for typing. === makorihi [n=makorihi@ip70-179-109-198.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:03] Whats wrong? [02:03] GoodHabit: did you read what ubotu sent you? [02:03] can some one please tell me how to regenerate the graphical boot screen to 1400x1050 instead of the 1600x1200 it did during the initial install? [02:03] Hi, I can not change the default program that plays videos to mplayer [02:03] Yes. A also did it. === Administrator [n=chatzill@user-12ldksg.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:03] sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u [02:03] I did this and choosed ubuntustudio. [02:03] why we lose so many hours doing something when windows can do it more easy and fast ? [02:03] detectiveinspekt: why not? [02:03] But on boot - ubuntu logo, on shutdown - ubuntustudio [02:03] thanks [02:03] GoodHabit, use startupmanager === salah [n=salah@217-12-140.0505.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu === deMz [n=k@178.Red-81-32-2.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:04] drgeb, try here http://www.getdeb.net/ [02:04] hi [02:04] !offtopic | mystic_pinguin [02:04] mystic_pinguin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! === osxdude|desktop [n=osxdude@adsl-76-240-101-176.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:04] It's supported the TV card Hauppauge HVR-1600 on Linux ? [02:04] :/ Can anybody help me with my Ubuntu problem? :] [02:04] any idea how to get the back and forward buttons on the mouse to work with ubuntu? [02:04] !mouse > salah (see the private message from ubotu) [02:04] Welshy, we'Re not sure we understand your problem [02:04] It's supported the TV card Hauppauge HVR-1600 on Linux ? [02:05] Welshy, you can'T boot into the gui ? what videocard do you have ? [02:05] GoodHabit: does it work if you switch it to ubuntu? === Crusher [n=You@ppp121-45-0-207.lns10.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu === ego [n=ego@host234-136-dynamic.55-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu === Grungebunny [n=evil@24-171-65-231.dhcp.mtvr.il.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === makorihi [n=makorihi@ip70-179-109-198.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:05] Well, I've used Ubuntu before Pelo, but I have an Intel Intergrated. === Thulanis [n=jonathan@host86-140-59-160.range86-140.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:05] jrib, work what, sorry? [02:05] GoodHabit: do you know what resolution it will use when rebuilding the usplash? [02:05] jrib, it opens it in totem and totem doesn't work. When I go to properties and select the video tab it doesn't let me select mplayer, so the radio box is stuck on totem [02:05] jrib, mine have 9 buttons, that's the problem [02:05] Welshy, can you boot the recovery mode ? [02:05] Pelo; when I launch Ubuntu, and type in my login/pass it gets accepted but they it loads into a brown screen and nothing loads. :? [02:05] CaptainFrisbee, startupmanager, sorry? [02:05] properties just a avi video === rendero [n=rendero@unaffiliated/rendero] has left #ubuntu [] [02:05] Hi [02:06] I need help [02:06] mluser, no, i do not know [02:06] GoodHabit: thanks [02:06] Welshy, did you mess with the /init.d/rc stuff ? [02:06] I'm having trouble with my wireless adapter - Ive just completed the ndiswrapper and my device is on and responsive but I can't connect to the networks it has found. [02:06] salah: did you read the wiki page? [02:06] Administrator, we need questions [02:06] !defaultapp > detectiveinspekt (see the private message from ubotu) === Je1 [n=tyler@c-71-195-6-47.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:06] Pelo, I don't think so, no. [02:07] GoodHabit, yes it's a nice GUI tool to configure bootsplash and other things, you can get it at getdeb.net [02:07] ok well i was trying to install the ubuntu beryl desktop effects thing [02:07] GoodHabit: update-alternatives again but this time choose ubuntu instead of ubuntustudio === sexcopter [n=james@sr-223.srsa01.resnet.ubc.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:07] and i was under the ubuntu-effects channel [02:07] Welshy, can you boot the recovery mode ? [02:07] Networksettings4, whats your wireless card? [02:07] !enter | Administrator [02:07] Administrator: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [02:07] but it seems like no one is thier [02:07] jrib yes i try to do that but it doesn't let me select mplayer [02:07] !enter | Administrator === emmc_ [n=emmc@host244-191-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [02:07] Networksettings4, whats your wireless card? [02:07] jrib, so now choose ubuntu, reboot, then choose ubuntustudio? [02:07] I double click and click just doesn't work [02:07] ive tried everything on mine, and it works [02:07] GoodHabit: yes, I think it is worth a try [02:08] Varreon: sorry === Sonicadvance1 [n=Sonicadv@] has joined #Ubuntu [02:08] detectiveinspekt: is mplayer listed? [02:08] I will try now === involved [n=andre@a81-84-103-26.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu [02:08] Administrator, not every channel is as busy as this one, you need to be patient , and you still haven'T stated a problem [02:08] Varreon: It's a Dlink DWL G132 and its atheros based usb [02:08] Pelo; How do I go about booting in Recovery mode? === miniju [n=justine@H144.C72.B0.tor.eicat.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"] === Rorshach [n=aaron@] has joined #ubuntu [02:08] Welshy, usualy the second option in grub , [02:08] And you did or didn't try installing ndiswrapper? [02:08] Varreon: others have gotten it to work with dapper [02:08] Welshy: On the brown screen if you try to scoll the mouse off the screen to top , does it find the bar above that? It may be you have a resolution set the monitor cannot do, so it makes the resolution you asked but you only see a portion that just appears all brown, like the gnome background. [02:08] Ill PM you === Frogzoo [n=Frogzoo@] has joined #ubuntu [02:09] how do i access the modules in sections? [02:09] yes it is listed jrib, mplayer and movieplayer (the one selected) === cishpix [n=Blue@] has joined #ubuntu [02:09] Under the Section Module make sure that youve got the following: === jexsie [n=jexsie@unaffiliated/jexsie] has joined #ubuntu [02:09] thats what it says to do === sx66_ [n=sx66@66-215-33-8.dhcp.arhd.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:09] how do i access module under section? [02:09] Administrator, there are 3 channels that can help you with beryl stuff, #beryl , #compiz-fusion and #ubuntu-effects [02:09] detectiveinspekt: does it work if you use a custom command and make it 'mplayer'? === ycc_ycc [n=yn_lo@] has joined #ubuntu === albert23 [n=albert@] has left #ubuntu [] [02:09] !enter | Administrator [02:09] Administrator: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [02:10] Varreon: can you take Pms from non registered users? === qming [n=info@adsl-ull-41-184.41-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [02:10] !addon [02:10] Sorry, I don't know anything about addon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi === syd [n=syd@h212-73-152-41.markovo.net] has joined #ubuntu === renoru [n=andre@hlfxns0148w-142167249099.pppoe-dynamic.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:10] !enter | Pelo [02:10] Pelo: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! === qming [n=info@adsl-ull-41-184.41-151.net24.it] has left #ubuntu [] [02:10] stop doing that!!! [02:10] i get the pictur [02:10] lol === MissDjax [n=MissDjax@e180004103.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:10] Administrator: please don't abuse the bot [02:10] do it again :D [02:11] haha lolz === wasabi_ [n=wasabi@adsl-69-224-116-62.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:11] no [02:11] Administrator, stop using the enter key for punctuation you disrupt the channel and you are impossible to follow [02:11] !!!!! === mode/#ubuntu [+o jrib] by ChanServ === Administrator [n=chatzill@user-12ldksg.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu [requested] === mode/#ubuntu [-o jrib] by jrib === Pelo saw that comming [02:11] Hello, all. === Administrator [n=chatzill@user-12ldksg.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:11] Varreon: are you here? [02:11] i tried pm'ing you === Relate [n=Stick@unaffiliated/relate] has joined #ubuntu === novato_br [n=novak_br@] has joined #ubuntu [02:11] yeah im here [02:11] uhuh... === Pelo looks at Rorshach suspiciously [02:11] did you get my PM? === Tom-Miller [n=tom@h102.41.16.98.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:12] no === renoru [n=andre@hlfxns0148w-142167249099.pppoe-dynamic.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:12] video playback in compiz is pixelated when i fullscreen. is there a way to make it smooth? [02:12] nope [02:12] im new to irc... [02:12] ok it must not be able to go through [02:12] im using xchat [02:12] Networksettings4, Varreon just create a new channel === novato_br is now known as novak [02:12] I am as well [02:12] don't worry its not that big of a deal [02:12] varreon type /join #ice [02:12] I got a bug to report about compiz-fusion, where should I report it, #ubuntu+1 or #ubuntu-effects? [02:12] easy enough [02:12] detectiveinspekt: what happens exactly, does it revert back to totem after you press "ok" or "apply" and check again? [02:12] Tom-Miller, #compiz-fusion [02:12] Tom-Miller: Depends if Gutsy === musya [n=michael@] has joined #ubuntu [02:13] its using compiz-fusion gutsy uses [02:13] when i use the custom command it says "can't find app in data base" [02:14] got a sound question. I have a sound blaster card, and while I get sound, I have to turn my speakers all the way up, is there a way to amplify it? [02:14] Tom-Miller: Maybe both channels then. It could be one or the other. === ThrobbingBrain66 [n=bradley@CPE-24-208-44-208.new.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:14] Tom-Miller: (where they want to hear about it or perhaps have the fix) [02:14] detectiveinspekt: join me in #ubuntu-classroom === orudie [n=orudie@] has joined #ubuntu [02:15] video playback in compiz is pixelated when i fullscreen. is there a way to make it smooth? === sscssc [n=sclawer-@dyn-83-157-18-204.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu === GoodHabit [n=goodhabi@] has joined #ubuntu [02:15] Rorshach, run alsa-mixer to adjust the volume settings [02:15] does anybody know any good tutorials for setting up a repository server? [02:16] wasabi_, ask in #ubuntu-effects or #compiz-fusion [02:16] I still have ubuntu splash on boot ( === karel_ [n=karel@ip-213-49-225-154.dsl.scarlet.be] has left #ubuntu [] [02:16] Help please. [02:16] like cvs, or svn not sure what the difference is === rpedro__ [n=rpedro@87-196-102-9.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu [02:16] i just need a server where i can update my code to and from, from different machines [02:16] GoodHabit, did you try startupmanager? [02:16] !theme | GoodHabit this may help [02:16] GoodHabit this may help: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy [02:16] okay === beavis [n=beavis@host86-138-47-251.range86-138.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === `davo [n=davookle@68-119-46-037.dhcp.spbg.sc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:16] <`davo> howdy. [02:16] CaptainFrisbee okay, anything else I should check while I'm at it? === Hawk||- [n=Hawk@p5B178957.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:17] GoodHabit, one of the last links on in those that ubotu just gave is a full theming guide including spalsh [02:17] Ty! === DrMitch [n=me@host-230-98-2-96.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:17] <`davo> I'm needing some serious help getting theme engines installed, any help? [02:17] hey kiddies [02:17] Rorshach, I hope that should be it === novak is now known as novato_br [02:17] is hardy heron the next release after tribe? or are they the same release? [02:18] Rorshach, the correct command is alsamixer === alex_ [n=alex@] has joined #ubuntu [02:18] `davo: apt-cache search engine |grep theme === beavis_ [n=beavis@host86-138-47-251.range86-138.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:18] DrMitch, gutsy if 7.10, hardy will be 8.04 [02:18] gusty == tribe? [02:18] Can anyone help me with installing the cisco vpn client? I've tried the patch and it doesn't seem to be enough. === firehawk [n=binvij@] has joined #ubuntu === Spaz1331 [n=cbrown@CPEfeedac1d703e-CM0012253ebdee.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === ycc_ycc [n=yn_lo@] has left #ubuntu [] [02:18] DrMitch, tribe means alpha version [02:19] DrMitch, tribe are ( as far as I know) steps of alpha toward beta === The_S [n=x@r190-64-179-134.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu [02:19] aaaaaaaah. ok [02:19] DrMitch: tribes are gutsy releases [02:19] wtf, gutsy isn't even out yet, why are they working on the next?! [02:19] DrMitch, they aren't [02:19] they aren't, they just have a name and a date === The_S [n=x@r190-64-179-134.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has left #ubuntu ["Saliendo"] [02:19] DrMitch, these things need to be planned out [02:19] DrMitch, but work is a bit of a stretch, write a few python front ends and repackage any new stuff and you have the new release === simmerz [n=simmerz@] has joined #ubuntu === jack_wyt [n=jack@] has joined #ubuntu [02:20] pretty simple [02:20] Rorshach, you can also add a Volume Control setting to the preferences menu, just right-click on System, and the panel edit menu === ikbear [n=ikbear@] has joined #ubuntu [02:21] I imagine they could crank out a new release in a few weeks === lix [n=lix@77-57-8-215.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [02:21] so what? [02:21] CaptainFrisbee: okay, I turned up all the sliders, but to no effect. I know the sound card works, but I'm just curious if it's only a windows card. === KrAmMeR [n=eric@c-68-80-41-15.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:21] hahahaha [02:21] <`davo> I dont think I'm doing this right.. === sumguy231 [n=sumguy23@c-68-52-189-249.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:22] I love OpenSSH's logo === despised_icon [n=fabian@p4FD4D060.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:22] hi, everyone === despised_icon [n=fabian@p4FD4D060.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:22] crap, this is the wrong channel [02:22] Has anybody had any luck using h264 codecs? === sikor_sxe [n=sikor_sx@e180003140.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:22] do i have to open certain ports for apollon to connect to the networks? [02:22] Rorshach, it's a standard soundblaster live? [02:22] suupaabaka: Yes, my h264 stuff works fine. [02:23] hello, quite recently i noticed that evolution stumbles over some spam-mails === nandemonai [n=nandemon@ppp121-45-57-227.lns11.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:23] it hangs for a few seconds === LukeEkblad [n=luke@72-173-46-195.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:23] CaptainFrisbee, no, SB Audigy Gamer. [02:23] Hello === Marfi [n=ronzo@cpe-069-132-181-161.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Lichnet [n=Lishnet@201009095189.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [02:23] now i got got this spam mail in my inbox and evolution hangs at startup [02:24] I just pluged in my printer. how do i get it to work? my computer dosent seem to see it' [02:24] sikor_sxe: Yes, it's annoying. [02:24] sikor_sxe: I switched to Thunderbird. === alessandro_ [n=alessand@ppp-146-38.33-151.iol.it] has joined #ubuntu [02:24] !printing | LukeEkblad [02:24] LukeEkblad: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows === harris2005 [n=haris@S0106001346d2a213.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:24] hello [02:24] LukeEkblad, system > admin > printing, and pick add new printer [02:24] harris2005!!!! [02:24] < ronzo [02:24] is there a way to control my ipod through ubuntu [02:25] its showing up [02:25] cafuego: is there no workaround? [02:25] harris2005, amarok [02:25] CaptainFrisbee, I'm currently checking the alsa site to find out more about the issue. [02:25] !ipod | harris [02:25] harris: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod [02:25] My friend now got DHCP connection again. He did pppoeconf, now to connect he is disabling and enabling the internet using the icon on the gnome panel. So maybe the pppoeconf is affecting it? How to DISABLE the pppoe connection, now its DHCP? === dho_ragus [n=dho_ragu@] has joined #ubuntu [02:25] i can't read my mails rights now because of this [02:25] thanks === synacktion [n=synackti@c-75-71-233-190.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:25] sikor_sxe: None thats I've found, short of removing the mail from the mailbox via some other client. That works for imap, but not so much for local mail storage. === _aussieman [n=bobo@182.Red-88-26-108.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:25] harris2005: also, the built in rhythmbox has iPod support === jean-guy [n=jean-guy@] has joined #ubuntu === flow2fly [n=leucate@pD9E62948.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === UBUNOOBI1 [n=usuario@] has joined #ubuntu [02:25] damn, i got pop3 [02:26] sikor_sxe: You may be able to edit the mailbox file, but if you try that, *back it up* first === emmc_ is now known as emmc [02:26] for some reason, while booting the livecd of xubuntu, my computer completely stalls, mouse freezes, not even the numlock key works. i'm on debian right now. should i work on getting ubuntu or just keep my sexy debian lenny install? [02:26] and i cannot access my fetched mail because of this crap spam [02:26] cafuego: ok i will [02:26] WOW! thats amazing! i dident even have to install printer drivers!!! thanks! === pananoi [n=pananoia@169.Red-83-63-225.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["chao"] [02:27] LukeEkblad, ubuntu = wonderful. =) [02:27] Rorshach, when you ran alsamixer did you adjust the Wave slider? There are more sliders visible if you resize the window. [02:27] thats awesome, on vista i couldent get it to work at all, i spent hours trying to find drivers, awesome === beeew [n=chatzill@c-24-7-43-146.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:27] anyone can help with no-sound ? === Venko [n=sol@colchester-lug/member/Venko] has joined #ubuntu [02:27] I am having trouble using my wireless adapter to connect to wireless networks and have some pretty detailed information at my pastebin here: http://pastebin.com/m5363526f please help :D === Geekosaur [n=dad@CPE001195771be5-CM0011e6c45c03.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:28] I think i found problem. At grub config ubuntustudio changes splash to lowlatency. I will try now. === Administrator [n=chatzill@user-12ldksg.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:28] Networksettings4, ...push the power button [02:28] lol [02:28] no sound: realtek alc861 [02:29] anybody knows how to change samba server string? [02:29] wait, disregard Networksettings4 , lol [02:29] lol [02:29] yeah there is no power button [02:29] cafuego: evolution started now, those mails have 122 attachements! [02:29] and the router is on and has other computers connected :) [02:29] what type of wireless card do you have, Networksettings4 === jean-guy [n=jean-guy@] has joined #ubuntu [02:30] CaptainFrisbee, I'm not seeing a wave slider either in GUI or terminal. [02:30] Once I have connected via sftp and I am at the command line, how can I access files? === LukeEkblad [n=luke@72-173-46-195.cust.wildblue.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:30] Rorshach, if you resize the window of alsamixer in terminal, there is no wave slider visible? === rincewind1013 [n=rince@75-18-36-15.lightspeed.ftwotx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:31] Marfi: I have a dlink card === fleabit [n=fleabit@74-131-133-129.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:31] ticnailer69: what do you mean by access files, You can't open them with an ftp client. [02:31] hello? [02:31] Atheros based, supports up to g === wastrel [n=wastrel@nylug/member/wastrel] has joined #ubuntu [02:31] I need help getting a mic on ubuntu [02:31] Marfi: do you think you could /join #ice and help me there? === Caplain [n=shane@adsl-75-45-224-90.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:31] sure [02:31] CaptainFrisbee, That is correct, what is shown however is a Master, Bass, treble, PCM, etc. === jon_ [n=jon@] has joined #ubuntu [02:32] if i'm using pure-ftpd, how do i start 2 instances of pure-ftpd if its using the /etc/pure-ftpd/conf directory [02:32] Rorshach, That's not so good :( === Ktron [n=khamer@c-24-61-194-197.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === ZaGo [n=ZaGo@] has joined #ubuntu === shk [i=shk@ool-44c2f4bc.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:32] My friend now got DHCP connection again. He did pppoeconf, now to connect he is disabling and enabling the internet using the icon on the gnome panel. So maybe the pppoeconf is affecting it? How to DISABLE the pppoe connection, now its DHCP? [02:32] i am looking for a good music creating and editing tool, is there one available in Synaptic === pearlbear [n=mpm@] has joined #ubuntu [02:33] does anyone know how to get the wifi bars to show up in my system tray? [02:33] CaptainFrisbee: lol I had figured as much. === duud [n=dima@p5088A82A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:33] sikor_sxe: eek [02:33] shk: try the network monitor applet [02:33] different from the network manager applet [02:33] what package to get libdvdcss2? [02:33] anyone know about my mic? I have ubuntu and a realtek onboard card [02:33] !codecs | Lichnet [02:33] Lichnet: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [02:34] !dvd | Lichnet [02:34] Lichnet: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs === dho_ragus [n=dho_ragu@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === caravena [n=caravena@pc-84-203-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:34] thanks wastrel [02:34] i am looking for a good music creating and editing tool, is there one available in Synaptic === m0u5e [n=denniska@c-24-6-100-103.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === usser [n=dmitry@ool-18b8e9e6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu === klepto [i=klepto@insanity.deathwish.net] has joined #ubuntu === Dave123 [n=dave@cpe-66-67-131-67.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === matthew_ [n=matthew@adsl-18-65-164.sdf.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === Sippy [n=zak@r39h123.res.gatech.edu] has left #ubuntu [] [02:35] anyone here use Zim? [02:35] can anyone help?? [02:35] orudie: apt-cache search music | grep edit [02:35] my marfi! [02:35] invader zim? [02:36] orudie, what type of tool are you looking for: sound editor, midi composer, DAW ? === brandon [n=brandon@] has joined #ubuntu [02:36] hey guys I have a question I have all the gstreamer plugins but listen music player plays no sound on mp3's [02:36] klepto: then you're missing something === mycroftiv [n=hagbard@mdsnwikwbas08-pool4-a103.mdsnwikw.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:36] I am having trouble using my wireless adapter to connect to wireless networks and have some pretty detailed information at my pastebin here: http://pastebin.com/m5363526f please help :D === atilathehun [n=christia@] has joined #ubuntu [02:36] sigh [02:37] no, zim the personal wiki. [02:37] CaptainFrisbee, multi-track recording, vocal editing, synth sounds... please [02:37] it's a neat ap but i can't find anything to use it for === popori [i=popori@nat/yahoo/x-8585519e54e3c861] has joined #ubuntu === Administrator [n=chatzill@user-12ldksg.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:37] orudie: audacity? === meho_r [n=dervis@] has joined #ubuntu === andatche_ [n=herb@caw.andatche.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:38] orudie, for multi-track recording I think you can use Ardour. But the latest isn't in the repos yet. You can try getdeb.net [02:38] I wonder if updating to the latest version of alsa-mixer would do the trick. === drew [n=drew@ip70-189-42-99.lf.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === forest [n=Alexandr@bas7-montreal02-1177734149.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:38] am wanting to set my mic on realtek HD and ubuntu any help??? [02:38] i have gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse installed [02:39] Rorshach, I found this at launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/107540 === worried [i=worried@unaffiliated/worried] has joined #ubuntu [02:39] using feisty === tinfury [n=tinfury@] has joined #ubuntu [02:39] My friend now got DHCP connection again. He did pppoeconf, now to connect he is disabling and enabling the internet using the icon on the gnome panel. So maybe the pppoeconf is affecting it? How to DISABLE the pppoe connection, now its DHCP? === Whiskola [n=jpmaizte@] has joined #ubuntu [02:39] Hello? === visualdeception [n=seth@ppp-69-218-57-183.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === mboso [n=mboso@cpe-24-90-218-169.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:39] Hey anyone using beryl? === HLM [n=harold@S01060010dc7ffbeb.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:40] i'm using compizfusion [02:40] !mp3 | klepto [02:40] :> [02:40] klepto: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats === xptical [n=chatzill@p2012-ipbf07yamaguchi.yamaguchi.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu [02:40] Hi all [02:40] tinfury: i'm using beryl [02:40] marko-_-, I guess it's the same thing. I don't understand something === toyimp [n=toyimp@cpe-71-74-145-34.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:40] what [02:40] how do I get themes to work === nomasteryoda [n=nomaster@ip72-210-64-240.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:40] hello [02:40] oh god [02:40] Like for example [02:40] i got the same problem [02:40] here === worried [i=worried@unaffiliated/worried] has left #ubuntu [] [02:40] but i don't care much about it [02:40] I currently use WinXP at home. My wife and I use Fast User Switching to keep separate desktops === dawn [n=dawn@] has joined #ubuntu [02:41] Does anyone know of a linux program that is basically like WinSCP that uses an ncurses interface? [02:41] is there a Linux-based program that does the same [02:41] question, um... [02:41] In emerald theme manager there is no OK button === Marfi [n=ronzo@cpe-069-132-181-161.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:41] allow two users to share one computer without logging the other user off? [02:41] I care.. :) I installed beryl for looks alone [02:41] lol [02:41] tinfury: as soon as you choose a theme, it should change, then you hit quit. === GoodHabit [n=goodhabi@] has joined #ubuntu === luciano25 [i=lucianot@BCA201062208042.res-com.wayinternet.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [02:41] oi === martin_ [i=blutolan@nat/intel/x-bca35af3068289bb] has joined #ubuntu [02:41] CaptainFrisbee, thank you , i'm going to check it out [02:42] xptical: system -> quit -> switch user [02:42] What program gives the feature of the 3D Cube that I see on YouTube all the time? [02:42] CaptainFrisbee, wow, who'd a thunk? that certainly helped. aparently the sound had been rerouted to my digital output. [02:42] I keep getting this error "genisoimage: Value too large for defined data type" when using gnomebaker but the size is < 4.7 any ideas ?? [02:42] It is again me ) Yes, it was low-latency kernel. But now I cannot load nvidia kernel modules. What can i do with it? [02:42] will that kill the programs that one user is running? [02:42] toyimp, compiz! [02:42] xptical: no [02:42] So X do not want to start. === luciano25 [i=lucianot@BCA201062208042.res-com.wayinternet.com.br] has left #ubuntu [] [02:42] it's that simple? [02:42] orudie, also take a look at Rosegarden [02:42] IndyGunFreak, Oh. I figured but it doesn't.... I don't even have the minimize restore close buttons once beryl is managing my X === pyCube-ish [n=jen@ip70-162-117-219.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:42] xptical: yep :) === Whiskola [n=jpmaizte@200-122-61-146.dsl.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu [02:42] and it works? === LukeEkblad [n=luke@72-173-46-195.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:42] xptical: yep... [02:42] marfi, I just install that and shouldn't have any problems? [02:42] Rorshach, glad that it's fixed :) [02:42] tinfury: oh you have a different beryl bug... what type of video card? [02:42] toyimp, do you have 7.04 installed? === pyCube-ish [n=jen@ip70-162-117-219.ph.ph.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [02:43] marfi, Yep I do [02:43] fricking linux people. This thing is just too easy now... [02:43] CaptainFrisbee, which think do you think is better for what i have described to you [02:43] hehe, yeah, tyvm for the help. [02:43] IndyGunFreak, Nvidia [02:43] what ever happoened to linking libs === mon^rch [n=anonymou@S0106000fea33f1bb.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:43] ok. [02:43] IndyGunFreak, 7400 [02:43] and recompiling kernels [02:43] when i upgrade to the latest version of ubuntu (gusty) do I loos all my files? [02:43] toyimp, go to system > prefferences > desktop effects, and enable it, and watch your windows wabble [02:43] tinfury: do you have the little "Diamond" icon in your taskbar? [02:43] thanks [02:43] =) === Atlantiz [n=atlantiz@pool-71-172-190-114.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:43] Yea [02:43] IndyGunFreak, Yea [02:43] xptical: i'm happy enough not to have to rebuild my kernel for new hardware anymore [02:43] hey Jack Sparrow the install worked great [02:43] It's like a Ruby [02:43] LukeEkblad: your computer may explode, it's in development. In short, have backups. Losing all your files isn't intended though [02:43] oh, is that just in mainline, or does Kubuntu also have that? [02:44] does anyone know where is the file containing http://boredklink.googlepages.com/wl_apsta.o so i can replace it [02:44] Marfi, yeah, I have that but that's not what I'm lookin for. :) I want the full cube. === pi3 [n=sebas@13-196-17-190.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu === drew is now known as axxium [02:44] xptical: not sure about kde, ask in #kubuntu if no one here knows === Ice__ [n=kristen@ip70-171-79-26.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:44] thanks === chrisbudden14 [n=chrisbud@dsl-dp-81-140-121-168.in-addr.broadbandscope.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:44] jrib: ok [02:44] tinfury: when i have had that problem, this is the command i ran.. after running it, restart X, then restart beryl... To fix your beryl/compiz window decorations (titlebars) with an nVidia graphics card, run sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals -d 24 [02:44] is there a way to switch into a mode that locks down settings so that you cannot change them at all? [02:44] orudie, I don't think there is one program which can do all those things. You can use for example Audacity for editing, Ardour for multitrack recording, Rosegarden for composing, Hydrogen for as a drum computer etcetera [02:44] LukeEkblad: if you wait until it's released then you should be ok, but backups are good to have anway === eugman [n=eugene@c-67-171-90-0.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:45] hey guys i just got done installing ubuntu, shouldn't i create an account separate from root? [02:45] Yea.. I'm running at 32 right now. [02:45] can anyone tell me the main changes in gusty? [02:45] !root | Atlantiz [02:45] Atlantiz: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [02:45] LukeEkblad: gutsy help in #ubuntu+1 [02:45] jrib: when dose it releas? === FrancoGG_ is now known as FrancoGG [02:45] Atlantiz: Ubuntu doesn't use the root account, and no, you don't need to make another user account [02:45] LukeEkblad: 7.10 == 2007 october === LukeEkblad [n=luke@72-173-46-195.cust.wildblue.net] has left #ubuntu [] === LukeEkblad [n=luke@72-173-46-195.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu === jexsie [n=jexsie@unaffiliated/jexsie] has joined #ubuntu [02:45] awsome [02:46] i love this already [02:46] awesome? [02:46] orudie, you can also try the Dynebolic distro, which comes with a lot of music apps preinstalled. [02:46] toyimp, let me try to find the name of the package that will let you configure it [02:46] dose anyone have that thing where you can wistle to open different things? [02:46] orudie, or UbuntuStudio ofcourse :) === Born_In_Xixax [n=dstaudt@adsl-69-153-251-12.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:46] is there a way to switch into a mode that locks down settings so that you cannot change them at all (i mean gconf settings, it would pop up a msg saying "access denied by system administrator."? === axxium is now known as peanut [02:46] Indy Run the command 1st then logout and back in right? [02:46] )? * === duud [n=dima@p5088A82A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu [] [02:46] marfi, thank you so much. [02:47] tinfury: well, you need to restart X... control alt backspace, after running the command. [02:47] kbrooks, gconf settings are user specific, you don't want the user to be able to edit his own gconf stuff? [02:47] kbrooks: maybe chmod the gnome config files read only? [02:47] toyimp, gnome-compiz-manager [02:47] IndyGunFreak, Yea... that's another question. cntrl alt back never works for me [02:47] CaptainFrisbee, is ubuntustudio preinstalled in feisty === yharrow [n=sysadmin@unaffiliated/yharrow] has joined #ubuntu [02:47] tinfury: well that i can't explain. [02:47] lol ok lemme log back in [02:47] 1 sec [02:47] Marfi, thank you so much :) [02:47] toyimp, once you install it, opens in system > prefferences, and will be GL desktop, or something like that [02:48] <3 [02:48] kk === HLM [n=harold@S01060010dc7ffbeb.no.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:48] kbrooks: read the admin guides at library.gnome.org, that may cover some of what you want [02:48] orudie, look at the ubuntustudio packages in the repositories === Badpenguin86 [n=justin@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [02:48] well, the problem is, i want to take my ubuntu lappy to school, but how do i hide certain things / disable them (NOT remove them) so that i will be dissuaded from changing the settings while I'm at school? [02:48] Just installed quake4.. can't find config file, any help? === osmosis [n=steven@cpe-76-80-88-199.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:49] Badpenguin86, locate in terminal === brandon [n=brandon@] has joined #ubuntu === markelhas [n=mav@89-180-156-135.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu [02:49] Should I use the AMD 64 release? I have a AMD64 proc. I ask because WinXP64 is shit. Just want to know if ubuntu-64 is also, well, you know, shit. [02:49] Badpenguin86, are you trying to run it? === Ice__ [n=kristen@ip70-171-79-26.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:49] i mean things like alt+f2, ctrl+alt+f1-f7, etc === exsequor [n=exsequor@cpe-065-190-024-066.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:49] xptical: no.. stick with 32bit.. [02:49] xptical, from what i have herd, it runs pretty decently [02:49] kbrooks, you can always -w them, but to get that to pop with a custom error or pop up with an error at all might be tough [02:49] omg i need help fast!!! [02:50] disregard that. =) [02:50] xptical: if you're inexperienced, just stick with 32bit, you'll thank us all later. [02:50] Can someone help me configure a wireless connection from command line? === tinfury [n=tinfury@] has joined #ubuntu [02:50] xptical: i generally hear good things about it, but i know that some things (such as flash) aren't supported, as well as some codecs if i'm not mistaken === Rowan [n=rowan@dsl-dhcp-211-039.kpunet.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:50] Marfi, any idea what version is the latest? [02:50] i just got this message from my terminal(it wasnt even open):hammy@hammy-laptop:~$ [02:50] kbrooks: If you removed your write permissions to .gconf, that might do it. They'd still be in the editor though, but you'll get an error when saving. [02:50] !anyone | exsequor [02:50] Message from syslogd@hammy-laptop at Wed Aug 29 20:39:36 2007 ... [02:50] exsequor: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [02:50] kk [02:50] hammy-laptop kernel: [ 444.124000] Disabling IRQ #7 [02:50] thanks all [02:50] I don't know how to enter in the wep key or anything [02:50] um, also another question [02:50] hi ppl, when can i assume that the memtest is finished? [02:50] IndyGunFreak, Hmm didn't work [02:50] what does that mean?!?!?!help!!!! [02:50] tinfury: ok, hang on. [02:50] ubuntu rocks! [02:51] toyimp, mine says 0.10.3 === Relate is now known as Synchronicit === Synchronicit is now known as Synchronicity === clever [n=clever@fctnnbsc16w-156034215107.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:51] markelhas: it runs forever, let it do a few passes [02:51] exsequor, its all done with iwconfig, iwconfig INTERFACE essid SSID key WEPHEXSTUFFHERE [02:51] i just got this message from my terminal(it wasnt even open):hammy@hammy-laptop:~$ [02:51] Message from syslogd@hammy-laptop at Wed Aug 29 20:39:36 2007 ... === Ex-Cyber [n=excyber@c-75-70-146-61.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:51] hammy-laptop kernel: [ 444.124000] Disabling IRQ #7 [02:51] IndyGunFreak, that command should have reduced my color depth to 24bit right? [02:51] i just got this message from my terminal(it wasnt even open):hammy@hammy-laptop:~$ [02:51] Message from syslogd@hammy-laptop at Wed Aug 29 20:39:36 2007 ... [02:51] how would i compare 2 ubuntu kernels to see what changes where made in them? [02:51] hammy-laptop kernel: [ 444.124000] Disabling IRQ #7 [02:51] Administrator: do you want to get banned? [02:51] what does that mean?!?!?!help!!!! [02:51] Administrator: don't worry about it [02:51] Administrator: please don't paste here. [02:51] tinfury: not sure.. i just know i ran it, and it fixed my probs. [02:51] marfi, kk ty [02:51] why?! [02:51] ! repeat | Administrator [02:51] Administrator: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [02:51] well what does it mean === admin__ [n=admin@pool-72-71-24-232.plspca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === steph_16th [n=steph@bas7-montrealak-1088776148.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:51] Administrator: because you were told before not to spam the channel with multiple lines [02:51] jrib, ok then i've got 5 passes [02:51] im sorry but [02:51] admincuz its annoying as hell. [02:52] Administrator: its disabling an irq, which is for input/output, if everything still works, it probably did it for good reason, and everythings fine [02:52] I'm having trouble running startx. I keep getting these errors: http://pastie.caboo.se/92271 === ling [n=ling@] has joined #ubuntu === peanut is now known as axxium [02:52] ok thank you bye [02:52] jrib, i've a problem with mem, my ubuntu don't work fine with 1g of mem === bastid_raZor [n=razor@dynamic-63-173-50-93.tvscable.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:52] Administrator: the sky is falling, i suggest an umbrella [02:52] how do i download data from dict online and then update it when I get home - I want to do all this so that I can quickly retrieve dictionary data while I am at school. === visualdeception [n=seth@ppp-69-218-57-183.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:52] jrib, to os run ok i've to remove a sim of 512 [02:52] ANyone know how I can check my current color depth ? === mannytu [n=mannytu@cpe-24-162-158-232.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:52] IndyGunFreak: i suggest you kill your self === dn__ [n=none@host-87-74-74-5.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:52] kbrooks, rsync perhaps [02:53] Administrator: lol, naa my ubuntu install works perfectly. [02:53] UncleD: O_o, that doesn't look good, have you just flat out restarted? [02:53] !gtfo | Administrator [02:53] Administrator: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. [02:53] Ademan: Think that a reboot would help? [02:53] UncleD: worth a try at the very least [02:53] tinfury: To completely reset all beryl settings: rm ~/.beryl-managerrc; mv ~/.beryl ~/.beryl.save; mv ~/.emerald ~/.emerald.save [02:53] markelhas: and memtest reports no errors? [02:53] UncleD: but those errors concern me [02:53] jrib, i've tested 2 different 512 sim and the os is very very very slow even slower then live cd === Skrypt [n=skrypt@] has joined #ubuntu [02:54] !gtfo | bruenig [02:54] bruenig, is there a dictionary program that can use text files located on the HD for dictionary data? [02:54] bruenig: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. [02:54] !gtfo | bruenig [02:54] !gtfo | bruenig [02:54] !gtfo | bruenig [02:54] UncleD: #xorg might be able to help better than in here, it's probably worth a try asking in there as well [02:54] kbrooks, I don't know any [02:54] !gtfo | bruenig [02:54] !abuse | Administrator [02:54] Administrator: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [02:54] !gtfo | bruenig === mode/#ubuntu [+o jrib] by ChanServ === mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@user-12ldksg.cable.mindspring.com] by jrib === Administrator [n=chatzill@user-12ldksg.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu [requested] === mode/#ubuntu [-o jrib] by jrib [02:54] jrib, no errors. i've put a sim of 256 and os is just fine.do u have any ideia what's up? [02:54] IndyGunFreak, ok lemme try that === nico__ [n=nico@AStrasbourg-151-1-32-118.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === iblicf [n=iblicf@] has joined #ubuntu === GoodHabit [n=goodhabi@] has joined #ubuntu === Xcerca [n=shawn@c-75-70-130-135.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:55] I cannot use nvidia-glx-new. Can smb help me? [02:55] Ademan: machine is rebooting :) === tonyduke [n=tonyduke@] has joined #ubuntu [02:55] markelhas: can't think of anything... did you try a different OS with the 1gb? [02:55] *after ubuntu - ubuntustudio === K-Fox [n=wow@] has joined #Ubuntu [02:55] GoodHabit use the program Envy [02:55] thats what i used [02:55] UncleD: try starx -- :1 [02:55] GoodHabit,dont use Envy [02:55] how would i compare 2 ubuntu kernels to see what changes where made in them? [02:55] GoodHabit, Feisty ? [02:55] UncleD: it will star on tty8 [02:55] Feisty, yes. [02:55] i used envy , it worked [02:55] UncleD: if busy, try :2 === freudinator [n=a@host86-146-232-142.range86-146.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:55] !repeat | clever [02:55] clever: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [02:56] what else can you say... [02:56] !worksforme | Xcerca [02:56] !envy [02:56] GoodHabit, using xchat ? [02:56] Xcerca: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/ [02:56] envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! [02:56] Envy is not on repo, ( [02:56] clever, ask in #ubuntu-kernel? [02:56] jrib, previously i'd windows xp and work just fine. [02:56] clever: The changelog is probably the easiest location [02:56] wolferine, yes, using xchat. [02:56] Why? [02:56] don't ever use envy [02:56] GoodHabit, /exec -o lspci | grep VGA [02:56] i have an email account [02:56] Flannel: i'll check that once i find out which kernels to compare [02:56] I'm doing all the updates for ubuntu since i just installed it [02:56] :D [02:56] GoodHabit, type that in xchat [02:56] markelhas: and 'top' shows nothing out of the ordinary in ubuntu with the 1gb? [02:56] or copy/paste [02:56] 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV43 [GeForce 6600] (rev a2) [02:56] LPCM OR AC3, Which one is the best for dvd playing? My dvd-rom has these two options! === dawn [n=dawn@] has joined #ubuntu [02:57] GoodHabit, post your xrog.conf on pastebin [02:57] jrib, old time i've used knoppix and i didn't have no problems. But it was old kernel version. [02:57] wolferine: hopefully he doesn't have 6 video cards :] [02:57] I runned it under vesa driver [02:57] !pastebin | GoodHabit [02:57] Ok, sec. [02:57] GoodHabit: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [02:57] um, I am getting a 'Sorry try again' when I try to log into Root.. [02:57] wastrel, :) [02:57] wolferine: wow i never knew about /exec, cool [02:57] !root > toyimp (see the private message from ubotu) [02:57] I know I am using the right password === n00blet [n=ryan@CPE-72-135-233-24.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:57] wastrel, if i had 6 cards all connected...i'd take it [02:57] How do I find the essid of my wireless card? [02:57] Ademan, /exec -o posts to the channel [02:57] jrib, top show that if a try to open a terminal it jumps to 100% [02:57] is there a package similar to wine , but it can run mac software ? [02:57] Ademan, /help exec [02:58] Xcerca, no [02:58] Ademan: A reboot fixed the problem :) [02:58] jrib, and the boot takes like 12-15 min [02:58] UncleD: wonderful [02:58] GoodHabit, did you use the 'restricted drivers manager' to setup the driver ? [02:58] UncleD: did you try "startx -- :1"? === bbrazil [i=bbrazil@gnewsense/friend/bbrazil] has left #ubuntu [] [02:58] steph_16th: I didnt even need to do startx at all. [02:58] wolferine, no, i used aptitude [02:58] !root | toyimp [02:58] toyimp: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [02:58] :P [02:58] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35620/ - my xorg.conf === Xcerca [n=shawn@c-75-70-130-135.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:58] GoodHabit, go try the 'R D M' and see if you can get it to fly [02:58] Hit3k, bruenig [02:58] steph_16th: All I had to do was open up my putty port forwarding session and then realvnc from Windows XP to localhost:PORT-FORWARDED [02:59] hey is that new nifty gtk xorg configurator in backports or anything? [02:59] markelhas: I don't know what's going on, maybe someone else can help you. #hardware might have suggestions too but it seems to be an ubuntu/linux issue since windows worked fine for you [02:59] GoodHabit, if not, come back and ill look at your xorg.conf [02:59] jrib, just for remark i'm using a ASUS M3N PM 1.6 [02:59] !root | steph_16th [02:59] I am trying to install my ati display adapter on edgy... command sh ./file.run didn't work. any ideas on what i did wrong or what I need to do? [02:59] *Hi [02:59] GoodHabit, the RDM should do it for you in a flash [02:59] Dose anyone know of any programs that are like windows media center? === bilodeaum [n=bilodeau@dsl-10-130-119.b2b2c.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:59] !ati > n00blet (see the private message from ubotu) [02:59] GoodHabit, go try the 'R D M' and see if you can get it to fly - what is RDM? [02:59] !ati [02:59] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [02:59] GoodHabit, did you use the 'restricted drivers manager' to setup the driver ? [03:00] jrib, i've asked a lot and google to solve this but same result [03:00] Oh, ^) [03:00] RDM== Restricted Driver Manager [03:00] :P [03:00] Sorry. I will try now [03:00] np :) [03:00] salut gang de pd! [03:00] salut bilodeaum [03:00] GoodHabit, I have to run to the store, bbiab :) === spanglesontoast [n=edd@eddland.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:00] Bruenig, How do I find the essid of my wireless card? [03:01] exsequor, essid is the access point [03:01] Can i use sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart instead of rebooting? === diogo [n=diogo@] has joined #ubuntu [03:01] GoodHabit: ctl-alt-bkspc [03:01] :) [03:01] and there he goes [03:01] i have a problem, i have to enable the external speakers every time i want my laptop speakers to play and disable them whenever i want only m y headphones to play. why is this? can i fix it? [03:01] GoodHabit, both will work [03:01] efficently pressed === sumguy231 [n=sumguy23@c-68-52-189-249.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["I'm] === Almighty_Henaro [n=a_hen@c-24-98-20-28.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === alihaajee [n=alihaaje@] has joined #ubuntu [03:02] Ademan: Can I update to the latest version of ubuntu from breezy 5.10 through synaptic? [03:02] LukeEkblad: make a script === __LoneWolf [n=momdad@ppp-69-222-71-120.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === MongooseBob [n=Mongoose@adsl-76-192-51-91.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:02] LukeEkblad, what do you mean enable disable? like plug and unplug them in or ... === stackevil [n=abuse@cm205-85.liwest.at] has joined #ubuntu [03:02] UncleD: WOW, from breezy? i'm thinking that would probably be a rough ride [03:02] UncleD: do Breezy>Dapper>Edgy>Feisty === Mr_Jam [n=jam@] has joined #ubuntu [03:02] mneptok: How do I go from breezy to dapper, to start [03:02] jrib, other kestion what do u use to connect to irc? [03:02] Is there a simple means to doing so. [03:02] Ouch thats a long road === stackevil [n=abuse@cm205-85.liwest.at] has left #ubuntu ["der] [03:02] discrete releases get another victim [03:02] bruenig: yea [03:03] markelhas: I use irssi, xchat is nice if you want a gui though [03:03] UncleD, or create a seperate home partition, put all your data in there then do a fresh install. [03:03] LukeEkblad, so what are you wanting exactly? === GoodHabit [n=goodhabi@] has joined #ubuntu [03:03] rhythmbox doesn't play mp3's either and i have lame and the lame gstream installed too [03:03] UncleD: i've never had a good experience upgrading, i always back up my home partition and just do a fresh install [03:03] !upgrade > UncleD (see the private message from ubotu) === andrewlv [n=andrewlv@] has joined #ubuntu [03:03] UncleD: replace all instances of "breezy" with "dapper" in /etc/apt/sources.lst then "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" [03:03] jrib, i'm using xchat, but missing the user list [03:03] UncleD: I'd take Scunizi 's advice [03:03] !restricted | klepto [03:03] hmm [03:03] klepto: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats === azrael_ [n=azrael@jagdsl3-195.smig.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:03] been there === jexsie [n=jexsie@unaffiliated/jexsie] has joined #ubuntu [03:03] a few minutes ago [03:03] I do use this machine for some valuable stuff I wouldnt want to lose all that stuff. [03:03] markelhas: right click on the right, there should be an option to show it [03:04] I suppose I could do a data-backup first [03:04] bruenig: i want it so everytime i plug in my headphones it disables the external speakers and everytime i plug them in, it enables the external speakers [03:04] klepto: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3 [03:04] will do [03:04] UncleD: well what other people are saying could work just fine, but i've never had a good experience [03:04] !mp3 |klepto [03:04] klepto: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [03:04] i mean unplug them [03:04] Bruenig, it always says unrecognised wireless request [03:04] UncleD, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-87262.html [03:04] mneptok: already have the latest version installed === Reifster [n=roik@212-139-23-58.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:05] but then again i've only been through 2 releases, i know edgy->fiesty was supposed to be easy [03:05] Can someone help me walkthough how to install my Tascam US-122 card [03:05] oh yeah, does anyone know if ubuntu desktop is going to have lvm in gutsy? [03:05] Ive tried every walkthough online and can't get it to work [03:05] edgy->feisty was easy === Bogaurd [n=rootkit@122-49-149-69.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:05] easiest ever [03:05] klepto, its the gstreamer plugins that you need not lame.. lame does mp3 for other things. === Bulazeem [n=george@c-66-177-188-122.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:05] Bruenig, I typed iwconfig eth1 eclipse 0987654321 [03:05] klepto: then Rbox should play mp3s [03:05] klepto: make sure things aren't muted === ryan8403 [n=ryan8403@rrcs-70-62-254-122.central.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === tretle [n=tretle@] has joined #ubuntu [03:05] Hi, how can I run a script with root privileges without having to supply a password? I've written a script to run when I press a key combination.. but it's executed when the monitor is turned off.. so I can't/don't wnat to give a password [03:06] mp3's play fine in mplayer === Evanlec [n=evan@c-75-67-237-157.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === toyimp [n=toyimp@cpe-71-74-145-34.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:06] I've tried putting it in /etc/sudoers with NOPASSWD, but no go ? [03:06] but listen music player/rhythmbox don't play them [03:06] jrib, the proper channel for this is hardware? [03:06] I can't get Compiz to compile === zerobias [n=cms22@] has joined #ubuntu === artem [n=artem@lawn-143-215-204-118.lawn.gatech.edu] has joined #ubuntu [03:06] markelhas: no, here is good too, but both channels may be able to offer suggestions [03:06] klepto: then its likely a rhythmbox issue, not a codec issue. [03:06] Reifster: change the permissions of the script file. [03:06] Scunizi: How do I create that home partition as you suggested. === SiliconViper [n=siliconv@S01060013107698ba.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:06] exsequor, try iwconfing eth1 ssid key === emet [n=emet@unaffiliated/emet] has joined #ubuntu [03:06] n2diy: To what ? [03:06] klepto: gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3 provides mp3 support to any gstreamer apps. if it's installed, both Totem and Rbox will work. [03:06] toyimp: You're in luck! you don't need to compile it. === hou5ton [n=hou5ton@12-219-36-144.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu === krammer_ [n=krammer@c-66-177-57-246.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:06] quick question: what do i need to configure to let bittorrent application through firewall (unmodified ubuntu 7.04) [03:07] How do I install it or get it to work then? [03:07] toyimp: compile? why are you compililng Compiz? === neil_feisty [n=neil@] has joined #ubuntu [03:07] lol [03:07] Evanlec, allowing the application for the ports === yorellz [n=yorellz@] has joined #ubuntu [03:07] toyimp, did you enable desktop effects? [03:07] Yes === DRP is now known as D_ReaL_PuNiShEr [03:07] Marfi can u point me in the right direction to do that? [03:07] dose anyone know how to make it so when i plug in my headphones it disables my external speakers and everytime I unplug them it enables them? === artem is now known as artemd [03:07] I am looking for a program but cannot remember the correct spelling something like pidgeon? [03:07] LukeEkblad: Gutsy? [03:07] Marfi, unrecognised wireless request [03:08] krammer_ pidgin ? === artemd [n=artem@lawn-143-215-204-118.lawn.gatech.edu] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === kintaro0e [n=kintaro0@cebu.exist.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:08] totem players mp3's just fine too [03:08] Reifster: whatever you think is prudent. [03:08] mneptok: huh? [03:08] UncleD, you can use gparted from within Ubuntu or a live bootable version (preferred), make the partition with that. copy your data (don't delete the original data). Change fstab to reflect the new location of /home. reboot [03:08] how do I get my realtek alc861 sound working? [03:08] maybe it is a libxine/totem issue [03:08] Evanlec: open up ports 6881-6889 on router to forward to your internal machine running the bittorrent [03:08] toyimp: If you don't want to use compiz from the ubuntu repos, compiz fusion is available in a third party: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompizFusion [03:08] klepto: then Rbox will [03:08] Evanlec: do you have a hardware firewall?.. you probably need to configure it. [03:08] pidgin [03:08] n2diy: That won't allow me to execute the file as another user without giving a password [03:08] sweet thank you === yurimxpxman [n=yurimxpx@pool-71-98-77-181.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:08] LukeEkblad: what release are you using? [03:08] do any of you know what the status of using OOXML files in OpenOffice.org is? [03:08] IndyGunFreak I have configured my router to forward the ports... [03:08] Evanlec, it will be in the settings for the firewall [03:08] festy mneptok [03:08] yurimxpxman: not implemented [03:08] ty flannel [03:08] exsequor, you'll have to input the ssid and key === Nicark [n=Nicark@adsl-067-034-139-198.sip.mco.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:08] And, what's repos mean? [03:09] LukeEkblad: Intel HDA sound? [03:09] i was wondering if there was a default firewall type thing set up with ubuntu, it sounds like there isnt [03:09] Evanlec: then youu should be fine, the software firewall is "Off" by default, so just set the program to check the ports you've opened in your firewall. === thedash thinks somebody should make a program to identify silence in audio tracks and create a cue sheet from that data [03:09] toyimp, repository [03:09] Reifster: then you'd have to let everyone us it, which isn't prudent. [03:09] Marfi, I did [03:09] ah === nest [n=axel@] has joined #ubuntu [03:09] mneptok: er, i duno, how do i check? [03:09] mneptok: they have a ticket on the site about it.. I'm not sure if anyone's gotten the library to work in oo.o yet or not [03:09] Reifster: Did you get your also situation sorted out? [03:09] !firewall | Evanlec === nest [n=axel@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:09] Evanlec: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). [03:09] right but all 4 bt clients ive tried seem to be quite slow [03:09] how do I get my realtek alc861 sound working on 7.04? [03:09] Reifster: ALSA rather :) [03:09] Marfi, I typed iwconfig eth1 ssid eclipse key 0987654321 [03:09] I'm a nub with linux. I messed with RedHat like 7 years ago. And haven't touched it since [03:09] toyimp welcome back [03:10] jrib: thanks for that bot help but that doesn't really say anything concerning the driver that I had downloaded from ati.com. It mentions doing it through terminal but doesn't say anything about the ati-driver-installer-8.40.4-x86.x86_64.run that I had downloaded. [03:10] Evanlec: well, the software firewall is off by default, are you sure its not a seeding issue? [03:10] genii: Ah there you are, I wanted to thank you, but coulnd't remember the nick :) Yeah that did it, thanks a bunch! [03:10] hehe [03:10] thank you >.< [03:10] positive === GoodHabit [n=goodhabi@] has joined #ubuntu [03:10] LukeEkblad: menu > system > preferences > hardware [03:10] torrent has over 1000 seeders [03:10] genii: Just sleep mode left, then I'm done and everything's working :) [03:10] Reifster: Glad to help :) [03:10] n00blet: because you aren't supposed to use the one from ati.com, use the one from the repos === Traveler0 [n=traveler@c-24-128-181-203.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:10] Evanlec: what client are you using? === boboy23 [n=mathieu@ip062.206-51-69.Sogetel.net] has joined #ubuntu === irotas [n=irotas@c-66-30-195-112.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:10] its gotta be a connection issue, bittornado shows yellow icon, meaning no incoming connections [03:10] !svn [03:10] svn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/ [03:10] hi all [03:10] right now bittornado, but i tried BT, KTorrent as well [03:10] it's just strange.. it sees the mp3's but when playing no sound [03:10] aptitude installed Recommends packages by default, while apt-get does not. What would I need to do to get this behaviour in apt-get? [03:10] but sound works in mplayer just fine [03:11] LukeEkblad: or "hal-device-manager &" at terminal [03:11] i need some help with my sound card :) === nomin [n=nomin@adsl-68-76-118-62.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:11] is there a way i can log the installation process to a file on a usb jump drive? cause my comp freezes right when X starts during the installer process in xubuntu and ubuntu [03:11] Evanlec: i donj't know, i have no probs with KTorrent, after I set it up with my ports. === rustalot [n=harry@bas9-toronto12-1177701346.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [03:11] indygun go #op IndyGunFreak === JDStone [n=JDStone@netblock-208-127-93-196.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:11] err [03:11] is anyone here experienced with wifi and linux? [03:12] hey guys i just installed pidgin from source but im not sure how to get the icon to appear in the applications menu... can anyone help? [03:12] steph_16th: can i search for hardware? cuz i cant find it [03:12] Ice__ just ask your question [03:12] http://pastebin.com/m52dc1308 [03:12] TY very much guys for so lot of help! All done! [03:12] I can't get my USB dongle to connect to a wireless network [03:12] anybody experience for installing pidgin? === Nunzio [n=clwalter@nc-71-48-16-204.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #Ubuntu === Vorian [n=Steve@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.active.Vorian] has joined #ubuntu [03:12] my card is ok and xmms play but no sound get out...im using ubuntu feisty fawns and im on a laptop toshiba [03:12] and Ive been through like 5 people here and they are all nice but they dont know what to do [03:12] is it possible to upgrade to the Gutsy alphas from an existing install? [03:12] krammeryeah, its easy [03:12] you typed "hal-device-manager &" in terminal? [03:12] I will help this problem next time ) [03:12] please guide me [03:12] anybody know how i can backup my system and all of the install/setting? [03:12] anybody can help me? [03:12] rustalot: #ubuntu+1 for gutsy questions === Eldara [n=mitchell@user-514f3cb0.l2.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [03:12] onto a dvd [03:12] or cd [03:12] krammer_: please guide you? === Downix [n=gregory@97-158.97-97.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:12] yes [03:13] IndyGunFreak, do you know how to get the icon in the menu? [03:13] Im attempting to update my packages and I am getting E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temorarily unavailable) [03:13] DrMitch: so my question is, is anyone here very experienced with linux and wifi [03:13] musya, partimage [03:13] Wiseguy: i had that problem, I ended up restarting X after I compiled it, and when i signed back on, the icon was there. [03:13] UncleD: close any other package managers you've got open [03:13] Any word on X-Fi driver support? Or is it a lost project? [03:13] IndyGunFreak, ok cool, thanks [03:13] Ice__, tons of people here probably are. [03:13] UncleD: Likely yopur update manager or package manager is open somewhere, or running in background === VikJES [n=esauve@modemcable183.15-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [03:13] Scunizi: can it be done in terminal? [03:13] i dont have x [03:13] its a server [03:13] DrMitch: are you? [03:13] Can i have program like krusader or windowscommader(totalcomander)? [03:14] I cannot find good. [03:14] musya, not sure, never tried [03:14] how would i go about findoug out which dep line is giving a certain package? [03:14] How do I configure a wireless connection from command line? [03:14] GoodHabit: midnight commander (mc) is in the repos [03:14] exsequor: iwconfig [03:14] mc is console [03:14] musya, its also a live bootable cd === zerobias [n=cms22@adsl-70-233-162-176.dsl.okcyok.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:14] i need gui [03:14] If it says this # DISABLED_MODULES="ath_hal fc fglrx ltm nv" in "linux restricted modules common, would I just take out the fglrx if needed and save? [03:14] clever: dpkg -S /path/to/file [03:14] Flannel: Darn, beat me to it :) [03:14] anybody know how to get the alc861 sound going? I have it listed as a device but maybe the driver isnt on or running... i dunno where to check [03:14] there are so many topics that can be covered in wifi. i know how the process works, i've set it up before. i have it running right now. [03:14] Scunizi: ok, thanks [03:14] musya, another thing to look at is rsync [03:14] clever, I typed iwconfig eth1 ssid eclipse key 0987654321 [03:14] is it the same? [03:14] GoodHabit, take a look at gnome commander [03:14] no [03:14] TY [03:14] steph_16th: intell alsa [03:14] krammer_: what problem are you having with pidgin? === baikonur [n=simon@] has left #ubuntu ["Client] [03:15] clever, It says unrecognised wireless request [03:15] Hi all, my problem is that I have a USB Dongle set up and the wifi radar is working and can see unprotected and protected networks but can connect to no networks and I don't believe this is a simple fix. My pastebin is at http://pastebin.com/m52dc1308 . [03:15] I am use to using apt-get but i only downloaded it [03:15] exsequor: try one peice at a time(iwconfig eth1 essid eclipse) [03:15] new to this scene === novato_br is now known as novak [03:15] krammer_: type this w/o quotes.. "/join #op" [03:15] clever, will do [03:15] "/join #op" [03:15] hardy heron? [03:16] Flannel: that mearly shows me the package name its in(faster then my other methods, but not what i wanted) [03:16] oh [03:16] krammer_: yes [03:16] UBUNOOBI1, I found this thread on ubuntuforums: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-257304.html [03:16] w/o quotes. === zyth [n=zyth@wnpgmb06dc1-0-221.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #Ubuntu === Traveler9 [n=traveler@c-24-128-181-203.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:16] LukeEkblad: tell that to mneptok, he was helping you, but try writing a script for that :) [03:16] IndyGunFreak: i often quote commands with the enter key to help noobs with that probolem:P [03:16] thanks captainfrisbee... will check it out! === wipo [n=wipo@WLL-40-pppoe125.t-net.net.ve] has joined #ubuntu [03:16] !info pidgin [03:16] clever: ...lol never thought of that, it seems common sense to me [03:16] Package pidgin does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas [03:16] Any word on X-Fi driver support? Or is it a lost project? [03:16] !pidgin [03:16] steph_16th: i have no idea how to do that [03:16] pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. [03:17] IndyGunFreak: yeah to some it is [03:17] clever: lol [03:17] LukeEkblad: how do you usually manipulate your sound? === wipo [n=wipo@WLL-40-pppoe125.t-net.net.ve] has left #ubuntu ["Saliendo"] [03:17] mneptok: how do i write a script? [03:17] !nspluginwrapper [03:17] Sorry, I don't know anything about nspluginwrapper - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi === brandon [n=brandon@] has joined #ubuntu [03:17] IndyGunFreak: ive had to teach blonds how to do stuff over irc before though:P [03:17] http://repository.debuntu.org/ for pidgin === mattped [n=matt@ppp121-45-101-41.lns10.adl6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:17] !nsidwrapper > Aethelred [03:17] !flash > Aethelred (see the private message from ubotu) [03:17] steph_16th: by going to the volume controll [03:17] In gnome, if I want to run a script by pressing a key combination, how would I go about that ? === chuy_max [n=chuy@201-130-247-165-cable.cybercable.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu [03:17] krammer_: http://repository.debuntu.org/ for pidgin [03:18] clever: what are you looking for then? [03:18] ahh > pm's [03:18] Can't find anything under keyboard settings or when I create a launcher [03:18] ive a sound card probleme if anybody can help me come in pv [03:18] Flannel: which deb line from sources.list provides that package [03:18] Ice__, sorry, i didn't read all of it, but what kind of wireless usb is it? [03:18] rt73? [03:18] clever: Oh. You want apt-cache policy [package] [03:18] D-link usb [03:18] clever: dep vs deb. [03:18] how i can run program vith root privilegies? (like gnome commander or other) [03:18] you can join me in /join #ice [03:18] LukeEkblad: how do you switch from headphone to speaker usability? [03:18] flamesro1k: sounds new(/me tries...) [03:18] clever: that's not gonna work for me. I'd like to find a repository with nspluginwrapper [03:18] Looking for help with my Tascam Us 122 card [03:18] ahh:S [03:19] and since I'm noob, I don't know how to find, and am tentative editing my sources [03:19] GoodHabit, alt-F2 gksu [command] === brian [n=brian@unaffiliated/brian] has joined #ubuntu [03:19] DrMitch: #ice [03:19] LukeEkblad: is it a PC or a laptop? === ivan [n=ivan@qro-dslcustomer-232.gemtel.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:19] genii is their a quick n dirty (easy) way to install pidgin with that repository website you posted? such as with add/remove ? [03:19] Flannel: im trying ti mix and match sources.list's atm to get non 7.04 kernels into 7.04 === Atlantiz [n=atlantiz@pool-71-172-190-114.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:19] #kubuntu [03:19] steph_16th: bye checking or unchecking the external amp button [03:19] steph_16th: laptop === Atlantiz [n=atlantiz@pool-71-172-190-114.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:19] LukeEkblad: software won't probably control that button === orphe [n=orphe@51-190.si.cgocable.ca] has joined #ubuntu === Atlantiz [n=atlantiz@pool-71-172-190-114.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === dfcarney [n=dfcarney@] has joined #ubuntu === Planet-X [n=joshua@cpe-72-230-22-26.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === lionstone [n=blo@c-67-180-84-37.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:20] steph_16th: dang [03:20] Grungebunny: Yes, at the top of the page there is how to add that repo to your list. Then you can install it with any package manger you prefer === fleabit [n=FLEAS@74-131-133-129.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu === adamsca1 [n=adams@] has joined #ubuntu [03:20] Aethelred: the flash wiki page links to instructions on installing nspluginwrapper [03:20] LukeEkblad: dang? [03:20] hi === caminomaster [n=caminoma@] has joined #ubuntu [03:21] hi [03:21] hi === SpEcKz [n=speckz@] has joined #ubuntu === tehk [n=tehk@c-69-249-157-157.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:21] hi there [03:21] steph_16th: that means i cant fix it,l right? [03:21] need help [03:21] hihi === ari_stress [n=tiger74@] has joined #ubuntu [03:21] LukeEdblad: not with software === fleabit [n=FLEAS@74-131-133-129.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu === Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:21] LukeEkblad: let me understand... [03:21] can anyone tell me the headquarters contact number of ubuntu?? [03:22] I'm using audacity, but there's no source button in the mixer toolbar [03:22] morning [03:22] LukeEkblad: you want headphone, so you put the switch off and it works fine? [03:22] how can i fix it? I cannot record from the pc [03:22] steph_16th: yes [03:22] SpEcKz, try looking in http://www.ubuntu.com/ for it. === snarf` [n=Snarf@ip70-162-201-141.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:22] LukeEkblad: what's the matter then? === erikst [n=erikst@084202233079.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #ubuntu [03:23] help anybody?? [03:23] genii ahh cool.. thankyou.. are there any more good repository sites I can add up while im at it? === beethoven [n=beethove@p508D80D8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:23] SpEcKz: what are you looking for the number for? === genii thumbs through the Yellow Pages under "Operating Systems" [03:23] Grungebunny: Yes, the Seveas repos [03:23] SpEcKz, you want tech support or sales? === mburns_ [n=mburns@wireless-12.media.mit.edu] has joined #ubuntu === Ice__ bangs head against wall [03:23] In gnome, if I want to run a script by pressing a key combination, how would I go about that ? I can't find anything under 'Create launcher' or in "keyboard shortcuts" [03:23] CoasterMaster : i need to talk to anyone in ubuntu regarding some business proposal === DRP [n=flowman4@] has joined #ubuntu [03:23] :( [03:23] steph_16th: its a pain to do that every time i want to plug in headphones [03:23] caminomaster, can you record with the standard Sound Recorder application? === no_gatez_fan [n=patrick@cpe-069-132-015-252.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:23] Grungebunny: You'd need to google for the eact url entries === emmc [n=emmc@host244-191-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [03:24] LukeEkblad: how big is the button? [03:24] SpEcKz: like sales? === eddie77 [n=eddie77@24-197-154-178.dhcp.gsvl.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:24] CaptainFrisbee, let me see... === PaowZ [n=paowz@pai34-1-213-44-222-34.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu [03:24] SpEcKz: http://www.canonical.com/support/webtolead [03:24] thanks CoasterMaster [03:24] steph_16th: er, its not a real button, its in the volume controll [03:24] LuckEkblad: buy another set of speaker, it's about 30$ [03:25] lol [03:25] SpEcKz, CoasterMaster most of those links are email forms.. I couldn't find a direct line. === ckin2001 [n=ckin2001@74-136-196-129.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu === Krtek [n=krtek@tsf-wpa-3-004.epfl.ch] has left #ubuntu [] === eddie77 [n=eddie77@24-197-154-178.dhcp.gsvl.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:25] LukeEkblad: this one seems crapy (sry) [03:25] There isn't a phone number that I know of, all that I can find is this: http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/contactus [03:25] SpEcKz: I don't believe there is a published phone number === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu === beethoven [n=beethove@p508D80D8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:26] steph_16th: huh? === emmc [n=emmc@host244-191-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu === beau [n=beau@c-76-24-193-6.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === dfcarney [n=dfcarney@] has left #ubuntu [] === erstazi_ [n=erstazi@pool-71-253-111-110.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:26] LukeEkblad: i bought mine for 20$ and i plug the headphone without switching or running anything === erstazi_ [n=erstazi@pool-71-253-111-110.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["To] [03:26] yeah that is the problem Flannel [03:26] SpEcKz: Why is it a problem? [03:27] coz i am not looking for support === beethoven [n=beethove@p508D80D8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:27] SpEcKz: the first link is for sales as well [03:27] http://www.canonical.com/partners [03:27] i am looking for somebody in the top brass to deal with some of my business proposal [03:27] steph_16th: its not the headphones, its the computer [03:28] LukeEkblad: sorry, I have no clue :P === __LoneWolf [n=momdad@ppp-69-222-71-120.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:28] CaptainFrisbee, theorically, is recording, but it just don't play anything === Jamesinator [n=james@68-113-192-110.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:28] /etc/modprobe.d/alsabase - I can see it but I cant write to it. Im using gui and dont know command [03:29] steph_16th: ok, thanks for your time [03:29] how can I write to the alsabase file? [03:29] Can someone please link me to an article explaining why Ubuntu isn't susceptible to viruses? [03:29] dear alsabase file, [03:29] caminomaster, try adjusting the mixer settings: In Sound Recorder File -> Open Volume Control [03:29] hi , i installed the abiword ,a lightweight .doc app, but just don't work with 'core dumped', any idea will be appretiated [03:29] !virus | Jamesinator [03:29] Jamesinator: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 [03:29] wastrel: Thank you [03:30] CaptainFrisbee, ok [03:30] wastrel: for a second there I thought dear was the commend! ha! [03:30] iblicf: What version of ubuntu are you running? [03:30] Stormx2: gutsy === warbler [n=cry@] has joined #ubuntu === nickrud [n=nickrud_@adsl-69-230-163-196.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === piratepenguin [n=declan@] has joined #ubuntu [03:30] iblicf: Try #ubuntu+1 - It's probably a known bug. === takamarou [n=takamaro@c-76-16-2-166.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:30] hello? === krs [n=krs@189-10-38-77.cpece700.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [03:30] hello! [03:31] hello [03:31] Stormx2: ...:( ,okay [03:31] !hi [03:31] Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [03:31] YOUR GAY STILL [03:31] iblicf: Gutsy is alpha software, it's not expected to be stable === chrisdpratt [n=chrisdpr@doc-24-206-178-70.kw.tx.cebridge.net] has joined #ubuntu === mode/#ubuntu [+o tonyyarusso] by ChanServ [03:31] you're === mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@74-134-200-227.dhcp.insightbb.com] by tonyyarusso === LGKeiz021 [i=LGKeiz@74-134-200-227.dhcp.insightbb.com] has left #ubuntu [requested] [03:31] I'm looking for suggestions getting a wireless mouse to work... actually, it points, and buttons 1-3 work, but the scroll wheel isn't scrolling... any ideas appreciated === mode/#ubuntu [-o tonyyarusso] by tonyyarusso [03:31] alright, can someone here help me? === eddie77 [n=eddie77@24-197-154-178.dhcp.gsvl.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === stulli [n=stulli@stuwonat.uni-koblenz.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:31] !helpme | takamarou [03:31] takamarou: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) [03:31] takamarou: what's the problem? [03:31] !ask | takamarou [03:31] I'm trying to set up a virtual machine with ubuntu, but I dont know how.. im a newbie :D [03:31] takamarou, what's your problem? [03:31] I can't belive this is not possible in gnome!! It's bloody 2007! [03:32] takamarou: are you setting up the VM in windows? [03:32] takamarou: that's simple, use VirtualBox [03:32] yes\ [03:32] Flannel: i know ;) but i don't think it's the reason becoz the gutsy,,maybe locale..font' [03:32] takamarou: using VMWare? VirtualPC? [03:32] what's not possible in gnome in 2007? [03:32] ehh [03:32] nothing, ive got absolutely nothing set up yet === cjae [n=cjae@142-165-37-205.estv.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu [03:32] my brother told me to get a vitrual machine going for it, and thats as far as i got [03:32] takamarou, VirtualBox is very easy to use [03:32] takamarou: are you just curious about using Ubuntu and want to see what it's like? [03:32] takamarou: why sticks with windows? use ubuntu and run windows in vm :D [03:32] wastrel: Run an arbitrary script when I press an arbitrary keyboard combination === wanger [i=1000@spc1-derb3-0-0-cust26.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:32] what is the name of the LAMP installation in the synaptic package manager? [03:32] is there a mp4 to avi converter [03:32] well, ari, i wanna keep my windows until i can get my feel for ubuntu [03:33] ? [03:33] takamarou: I would suggest using Wubi to install Linux, [03:33] iblicf: Gutsy support is in #ubuntu+1, you'll have to ask there [03:33] Atlantiz: maybe xamp [03:33] clever, says unassociated essid [03:33] thanks ari [03:33] clever, How do I set the wep key === Amo34 [n=juan@] has joined #ubuntu [03:33] or any multi-purpose app that can do it [03:33] cjae:ffmpeg [03:33] Flannel: thank u ,:) [03:33] Reifster: ah well. there's probably a way to do it [03:33] takamarou, you can use the live disk as much as you want without installing ubuntu [03:33] what about deskbar or something [03:34] Atlantiz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP === LukeEkblad [n=luke@72-173-46-195.cust.wildblue.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:34] nope not XAMP [03:34] alt-f2 [03:34] I'm looking for suggestions getting a wireless mouse to work... actually, it points, and buttons 1-3 work, but the scroll wheel isn't scrolling... any ideas appreciated [03:34] wastrel that link read to me basicly "because linux is not popular there are no viruses for it" [03:34] warbler, cli [03:34] cjae, I think mencoder will do that. [03:34] ? [03:34] wastrel: The fact that it's not under "keyboard shortcuts" is nothing short but shamble [03:34] thanks Flannel [03:34] demon, i have no idea what im doing, i dont even have a disk, just doing what my brother instructed === Floker [n=stefano@i53878850.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:34] exsequor: iwconfig wlan0 key ACBD......... [03:34] TheCougar: i haven't read it === n00blet [n=ryan@CPE-72-135-233-24.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:34] wastrel ah ok:) [03:34] takamarou: it will automatically set up your Windows XP/Vista machine to dual-boot (i.e. Windows and Ubuntu will live nicely together). When you start your machine, you can chose Windows or Ubuntu. If it turns out that you don't like it, you can always un install it. As demospork says, the LiveCD is another option (put the Ubuntu CD in your computer and restart). You can fool around as much as you like and when you resta [03:34] rt nothing permanent will be done, but keep in mind it will be much slower than an installed system [03:34] !pastebin [03:34] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) === chad_ [n=chad@cpe-71-64-105-164.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === aka_youtube [n=louis@ip216-239-88-57.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:35] jrib: thanks for the help. that worked good. [03:35] takamarou: if you are interested in the Wubi method, you can check out http://wubi-installer.org/ [03:35] coaster : I suggested a dual-boot to my bro, and he said virtual machine first. Keep in mind that I have no idea what im doing, so im just running off his advice..... so should i DL virtualbox right now then? === amgine [n=amgine@S01060013461d99bf.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:35] n00blet: np, glad you got it to work [03:35] is there any reason why I k3b i got to make a data dvd is it so slow ripping [03:35] takamarou: you can try using a Virtual Machine, but they are often slow and will require a lot of RAM to run well [03:36] takamarou, could you please use the Full name when replying to people? (it highlights the message if you use our full name) === phenom [n=McFly@unaffiliated/phenom] has joined #ubuntu === fourier [n=anguelos@] has joined #ubuntu [03:36] I have it set so it highlights on coaster too :) [03:36] CoasterMaster: wubi is very interesting! [03:36] lol === amgine [n=amgine@wikinews/Amgine] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [03:36] takamarou, to type the full name and save keystrokes, type the first 4 or 5 characters and hit Tab [03:36] CoasterMaster : So you suggest doing a dual-boot either way then? Am i gonna have to back up my stuff, or does it do it for me.. or something [03:36] a virtual machine requireing a lot of ram is a very generalized statement. it all depends on the OS. and most OSes can be set to run in a low memory footprint way. [03:36] Hi all, my problem is that I have a USB Dongle set up and the wifi radar is working and can see unprotected and protected networks but can connect to no networks and I don't believe this is a simple fix. My pastebin is at http://pastebin.com/m6995b8f0 [03:36] CoasterMaster: my pc will beep on my name(and sms my cell if i dont answer within 60 sec:P) [03:37] takamarou: what are you trying to do? run linux on your computer for the first time or ? [03:37] clever: you really live up to your name :) [03:37] I think I have dma and all that enabled it seems to be when i write mp4 and avi to dvd but it not like it encoding or anything so why is it so slow === beavis [n=beavis@host86-138-47-251.range86-138.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:37] TheCougar : yes [03:37] takamarou: the safest way to try ubuntu is to use it's LiveCD. it won't harm your windows in anyway [03:37] like .7xs [03:37] takamarou: using a program like virtual ... you probly wont need to back up anything at all [03:37] takamarou: how much ram do you have on your computer and what OS is your host (meaning the one you have installed now)? [03:37] CaptainFrisbee, ?? [03:37] plis [03:37] ari_stress : but, if I'm gonna use the Live CD, that means I have to use it everytime.. I want to spend awhile messing around with it.. and I dont want to hassle with a CD everytime [03:37] takamarou: using Wubi is very safe if you plan on using it several times, but if you just want a quick look at what it is, a LiveCD would be best. Either way you shouldn't have to back everything up (although it's never a bad idea to keep backups) === toyimp [n=toyimp@cpe-71-74-145-34.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:38] do I need to be logged in as root to change the alsabase file in: /etc/modprobe.d/alsabase? and can I log in from the GUI? [03:38] caminomaster, What's the problem? [03:38] takamarou: i have yet to loose data resizing ntfs to make it dualboot but i think its still a bit risky having linux resize ntfs [03:38] I need advice on a better irc client. Epic4 isn't playing nice in my terminal [03:38] TheCougar : im running windows right now, gimme a sec to check my RAM === kkrusty [n=cache@cpc1-walt3-0-0-cust12.popl.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu [] [03:38] TheCougar: have you tried wubi? [03:38] takamarou: wubi does not resize your partitons, so there is little risk to losing data [03:38] Aethelred: i perfer irssi for console irc'ing [03:38] !root | UBUNOOBI1 [03:38] UBUNOOBI1: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [03:38] irssi [03:38] never used wubi before ari_stress [03:38] yay its me again.. Well I got Compiz installed... And now I don't have the minimize/close buttons on any of my windows, and I only have one workspace. [03:38] UBUNOOBI1, no, you can edit with gksu gedit, and don't log in as root :) [03:38] TheCougar: Wubi does not resize partitions [03:38] ah, you've told me i must open the volume ctrl from recorder [03:39] Ice__, looks like your router isn't providing an IP for some reason.. look at line 40 & 41 [03:39] TheCougar : I have 760 MB of RAM [03:39] Hi...I was wondering if someone could help me with k9copy. When I try to launch it I get an error box that states "The application k9copy crash and caused the signal 11 (SIGSEGV) [03:39] sorry, i mean CoasterMaster :) have you tried wubi? [03:39] caminomaster, and the recording input wasn't muted? [03:39] ok! sudo... thanks and thanks also demonspork === Jack33 [n=michael@pool-71-120-243-69.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:39] takamarou: what version of windows? xp i assume? === richard [n=richard@] has joined #ubuntu [03:39] TheCougar : yep [03:39] toyimp, did you install compiz-fusion? [03:39] Scunizi: it must be a conspiracy since 3 other computers are connected wirelessly to my router and all my neighbor's routers arent providing either [03:39] yep [03:39] CoasterMaster ari_stress looks like a vm product === atarinox [n=atarinox@] has joined #ubuntu === Hogue [n=jack@ip68-7-3-43.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Ubuntu [03:39] UBUNOOBI1, sudo does not play well with gui apps; use gksudo or gksu instead [03:39] TheCougar: it's not, read Wubi FAQ [03:39] toyimp, check out #compiz-fusion [03:39] ari_stress: yes, I used Wubi before completely switching to Ubuntu and my apartment-mate uses Wubi because he needs Linux for work but doesn't want to swtich [03:39] Installed it how the website told me. [03:39] ok [03:40] Ice__, Have you tried setting the ip manually? along with DNS? === Error_ [n=null@pool-71-107-11-119.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:40] How do I clear out apt's cache of downloaded .debs? [03:40] thanks nickrud, will try that [03:40] Scunizi: I'd need someone to tell me what to do [03:40] capt, no [03:40] takamarou: what i would do is lower xps footprint a little (meaning turning off the fancy gui stuff) and then install vmware. or this wubi (i have not fully checked out yet). but vmware would give you the "real experance" all the way through [03:40] Scunizi: I'm in channel #ice if you want to come in and give me a hand [03:40] CoasterMaster : OK, so ur saying use Wubi.. and don't bother backing everything up.. Is wubi fairly simple to set up, or am i gonna have to find a tutorial or something [03:40] takamarou: i would not dualboot. [03:40] Actually dw, just figured it out. === SpEcKz [n=speckz@] has left #ubuntu [] [03:40] CoasterMaster: thanks for the link, wubi is certainly very interesting for new user who wants to try ubuntu. i'll recommend it to my friends [03:40] Ice__, sorry it was just a suggestion.. I'm not that knowledgeable with wireless. I'm hardwired. [03:41] oh ok [03:41] thanks anyway [03:41] its a thought === Mraz [n=dot@88-107-8-204.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:41] TheCougar : Why would u say to not dualboot? [03:41] takamarou: Wubi is very simple, just give it a username and password, a drive you want to install (and how much you wish to reserve for Linux) and that's it [03:41] I just cannot see the button in audacity... don't know why [03:41] Ill play around with that idea for a while bbl === CraZy675 [n=nick@S010600179a9c5969.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:41] takamarou: the entire setup is one window (seen here: http://wubi-installer.org/screenshots.php) === Sexiness [n=fenris@ip68-4-76-246.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:41] ah i get how wubi works. i would go with vmware over that [03:41] CoasterMaster : OK, one more question.. ur saying dualboot over VM because of the ram it will use? or is there another reason? [03:42] I just find VMs to be really annoyingly slow. They take forever to start on my machine [03:42] takamarou: because with dualboot you actually have to leave the windows experance to get the linux experance. and changing over for the first time that can drive you to a frustration to decide not to use linux === Mraz [n=dot@88-107-8-204.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has left #ubuntu ["."] === jmak642 [n=jeff@c-69-255-12-19.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:42] sup gang [03:42] takamarou: most of the downside with dual booting is partitioning and setting up the boot menus, something Wubi does all behind the scenes === Aethelred [n=jack@c-76-102-175-189.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:42] CoasterMaster: is networking working with wubi? === ldaberko [n=ldaberko@c-24-131-208-38.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:43] Ahh. . irssi [03:43] wubi also won't change that feeling. the other issue is the resizing and so forth which wubi does take care of. lastly if you do it in a vm you can do whatever you want with partitions and affect the system in no way [03:43] anyone know anything about building a san on ubuntu? [03:43] even network the two systems which will be possibly a big thing in your life [03:43] CoasterMaster: ive read the entire grub info doc and have built my own kernels from source [03:43] caminomaster, after adjusting the volume levels you still can't record with Sound Recorder? [03:43] CoasterMaster: dualboot i can allmost do with my eyes closed:P === diogo_ [n=diogo@] has joined #ubuntu === buntunub [n=buntunub@c-76-111-22-174.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:43] ari_stress: yes, everything worked just as a normal ubuntu install would, the only thing that didn't was suspending/hibernating from Ubuntu === diogo_ [n=diogo@] has left #ubuntu ["Saindo"] [03:43] TheCougar : OK, so i think im gonna do the VM thing before i mess with dualboots. Is there a certain program you suggest? perhaps a link?" === julioso [n=chatzill@CPE00c049ec4677-CM000039b83660.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:43] clever: I'll get there, some day..... :) [03:44] CoasterMaster: www.linuxfromsratch.org helps [03:44] CoasterMaster: that's good news, because using VirtualBox we need to do additional steps to make full networking works [03:44] CoasterMaster: scratch* === Atlantiz [n=atlantiz@pool-71-172-190-114.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:44] hey all, I just installed Ubuntu and can't seem to change my screen resolution to what it should be... [03:44] takamarou | virtualbox! [03:44] CoasterMaster: to install that distro you build EVERY package from source [03:44] wow that install of LAMP WORKED LIKE 1 SECOND [03:44] CaptainFrisbee, still the same [03:44] this ubuntu is wild === rrowell [n=richard@c-71-205-13-127.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:45] Atlantiz: what deb did you install? [03:45] I have a 1680x1050 widescreen monitor, and the largest it will go under "Screen resolution" is 1024 [03:45] in debian it took me a week === Dumptruck [n=mistermi@chello082119107090.chello.sk] has joined #ubuntu [03:45] julioso: what resolution do you want? [03:45] clever: yeah, i've seen linux from scratch, but I don't like to mess with all that....I found slackware to be a complete pain in the you-know-where [03:45] hello everyone [03:45] sudo tasksel install lamp-server [03:45] ari_stress: 1680x1024 [03:45] that's all i used [03:45] caminomaster, what kind of input are you using Microphone , line-in? [03:45] CoasterMaster: i have 2 lfs systems(one is a laptop with 32mb ram) [03:45] Atlantiz: ubuntu is certainly wild, as wild as a wild cheerleaders :D [03:45] is there a virtual cd drive in Ubuntu? === saritor [n=saritor@cpe-74-71-198-225.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:45] it's amaazing [03:45] similar to daemon tools? [03:45] OK, guys, im doing the virtualbox thing for now. Thanks a lot for all your help, I'll come back for more help if this dosent work :D [03:45] Dumptruck: get cdemu [03:46] Dumptruck, you can mount .iso files directly [03:46] I have a mic... but this time i want to record from amarok [03:46] ah perfect [03:46] And what LAMP stack does it install? Which lang/db ? === FFForever [n=chris@pool-71-108-124-108.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:46] julioso: that's unusual, shouldn't it 1280 x 1024? [03:46] DumberDrummer: no need to simulate the drive [03:46] I need for cedega [03:46] ropero123 [03:46] fudge [03:46] DumberDrummer: mount /path/to/file.iso /media/cdrom -o loop [03:46] ari_stress: I have a 20.1" widescreen monitor, it's a little unusual, but not unheard of [03:46] CaptainFrisbee, I have a mic, but this time i need to record from kaffeina sound [03:46] julioso: you can edit the resolutions available in /etc/X11/xorg.conf back it up first === tck [n=tck@A-109-29.cust.iol.ie] has joined #ubuntu [03:46] takamarou: if you need a tutorial, there is one here (note this uses qemu instead of VirtualBox): http://homepage.sunrise.ch/mysunrise/ekeller00/EricKellerUbuntuPage.html [03:47] jmak642: thanks, I will try that === Grungebunny [n=evil@24-171-65-231.dhcp.mtvr.il.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === vbabiy-Laptop [n=vbabiy@pool-71-244-118-150.albyny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:47] not sure aethelred but tommorrow with more patience I'm going to check exactly what it installed [03:47] julioso: make sure you add the resolution for all the color depth settings [03:48] caminomaster, I see that in volume control you first have to enable the recording inputs. Open volume control in sound recorder -> Edit -> Preferences. Then the capturing inputs === elena_g [n=elena@host180-246-dynamic.12-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu === LeoDioxide [n=root@] has joined #ubuntu [03:48] aethelred: Apache/2.2.3 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.1 Server === randy026 [n=randy026@70-58-155-80.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:49] I've got no sound, both my sound cards are detected and volume fixed, but I can't seem to get any sound from oss or alsa === snowglobe [n=kevin@70-101-214-149.dsl1.pco.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu === ShinSR-71 [n=mb@cm1104936-a.maast1.lb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu === toyimp [n=toyimp@cpe-71-74-145-34.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === spheard [n=andrew@81-86-251-23.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu === krammer_ [n=krammer@c-66-177-57-246.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:49] any ideas? [03:49] anyone tell me what DHT is on ktorrent? === datakid_ [n=datakid@ppp166-214.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu === Hillsburrito [n=mistermi@chello082119107090.chello.sk] has joined #ubuntu [03:49] spheard: Distributed Hash Table [03:50] spheard: trackerless torrents use them http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributed_hash_table [03:50] CoasterMaster: what does that do then? [03:50] LeoDioxide, did you try first disabling one of the two sound cards? === rnavarro [n=rnavarro@cebu.exist.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:50] CaptainFrisbee: in the bios? [03:50] thx [03:50] LeoDioxide, Yes [03:50] LeoDioxide: "/etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart" as root or sudo === aka_youtube [n=louis@ip216-239-88-57.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu === baghyay [n=baghyay@adsl196-1-70-206-196.adsl196-3.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu === toyimp [n=toyimp@cpe-71-74-145-34.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:51] ok, lemme go try === CraZy675 [n=nick@S010600179a9c5969.vf.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:51] or reset [03:52] night guys this OS Rocks! [03:52] or stop one only === tux_fl [n=joe813@165-238.207-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Atlantiz [n=atlantiz@pool-71-172-190-114.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] === File13 [n=tyler@adsl-65-65-223-114.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:52] firestarter users? help [03:53] CaptainFrisbee... still the same === buntunub [n=buntunub@c-76-111-22-174.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] === buntunub [n=buntunub@c-76-111-22-174.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:53] i made a fat32 partition that i mounted at /storage but it doesnt show on my ubuntu desktop how do i get it to show [03:53] tux_fl: what's the problem? [03:53] firestarter gui policy greyed out [03:53] anyone ever try to build a san? [03:53] i know its something stupid === earthen [n=earthen@bas3-sherbrooke40-1177838679.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [03:53] i am hot to build an iscsi san for my data [03:54] I'll tell you, CaptainFrisbee : HEre in volume ctrl i found in file>change device 2 cards: alsa and oss [03:54] alsa appears with cs4236B (my soundcard) and oss [03:54] file13: to show on desktop has to be mounted in /media, /media/storage for example [03:54] File13: mkdir windows in /mnt [03:54] File13: you should mount it in /media/storate === Thurin1 [i=jkj@modemcable138.202-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [03:55] so go back into gpart and just change it to /media/storage> [03:55] ? [03:55] File13: then type "ln -s /mnt/windows /home/you/Desktop" === HiuCD [n=hiu@pc-235-97-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu === buntunub [n=buntunub@c-76-111-22-174.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:55] caminomaster, yes that's normal === LeoDioxide [n=root@] has joined #ubuntu [03:55] CaptainFrisbee: that worked, though I can't figure out why >.< === savetheWorld [n=Lester@c-24-62-239-102.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === BlueStorm_ [i=BlueStor@a88-113-185-196.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [03:55] ok i just got like 3 different way to do it there [03:55] lol [03:56] two ways === icicled [n=icicled@cpe-76-185-100-17.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === buntunub [n=buntunub@c-76-111-22-174.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:56] mount in /media/storage === kyja [n=kyja@c-75-68-187-223.hsd1.vt.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === christoph [n=christop@pD9EB54AF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === kythri [n=kythri@c-71-59-145-69.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === kythri [n=kythri@c-71-59-145-69.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === pike__ [n=happy@74-140-134-102.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:57] do "sudo mkdir /media/storage" [03:57] If a monitor, in Windows can obtain a refresh rate of 85Hz why then does Ubuntu allow no higher of a rate than 60? - Even after performing a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, and choosing my rates etc, I was only able to obtain a tiny 72hz at a pitiful resolution of 800x600. - I have already disabled DDC, same results. --- Is it possible that some monitors cannot reach the same refresh rates in Ubuntu as is possible under the Windows sy [03:57] if i mount it in media/storage will the windows partition read it to === TomB [n=tomb@host86-145-195-250.range86-145.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:57] the partition is already make...its just mounted incorrectly [03:57] File, You cannot read EXT3 in Windows.. [03:57] if you are mounting automatically using fstab edit fstab to point /storage at /media/storage instead [03:57] Thurin1: depends on your driver [03:57] Well you can.. but you need a driver [03:57] Thurin1, are you using a nvidia card? [03:57] im not trying to read ext3 in windows.... [03:57] CaptainFrisbee, i know, but the fact is: oss shows only 5 ctrls, but alsa in preferences lets me see about 10 or 12 channels === MongooseWA [n=evanmeag@c-67-183-188-67.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:57] File13: use explore2fs [03:58] Thurin1, most likely x is not getting the right ddc info; try explicitly defining the refresh rates in xorg.conf [03:58] Thurin1: also you set correct horz and vert rates? [03:58] im trying to make a fat32 partition readable in both windows and ubuntu as a shareable partiion [03:58] Captain, No, I am using a Radeon card, a VE/7000 to be correct. === pike__ [n=happy@74-140-134-102.dhcp.insightbb.com] has left #ubuntu [] [03:58] >_< [03:58] Pike, Yes. === buntunub [n=buntunub@c-76-111-22-174.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] === buntunub [n=buntunub@c-76-111-22-174.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:58] caminomaster, it's the same on my PC === ubot3 [n=ubot3@unaffiliated/nalioth/bot/ubot3] has joined #ubuntu [03:58] Nick, As I said in my post - I have disabled DDC - I also have looked up the proper values in regards to H/V and tripled checked them, alas 60hz :( [03:58] File13: mount it, then link it to your desktop if it doesn't automatically === falstius [n=jeff@c-71-227-120-16.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:59] k ill mount it to /media/storage after i install these updates [03:59] CaptainFrisbee, in dapper, I've seen around 4 channels under "capture" [03:59] Thurin1, what is X saying it sees (in /var/log/Xorg.0.conf) === CineScope [n=the_road@mo-67-77-182-254.sta.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:59] Hello has any one been able to get the ipod video t work with amarok [03:59] now I see only 1, CaptainFrisbee === piratepenguin_ [n=declan@213-202-134-217.bas502.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu === mode/#ubuntu [-b %*!*@unaffiliated/nalioth/bot/ubot3] by nalioth === galpa [n=galpa@] has joined #ubuntu [04:00] lol [04:00] nickrud, It is telling me something about the BIOS... (EE) === adil [n=adil@adsl196-188-191-217-196.adsl196-14.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu [04:00] hey, ive got a question about virtualbox, if anyone knows much about it. I'm making my new virtual disk right now, and it wants to use my C:\ drive. Is there a way to make it use my second hard drive? [04:00] Thurin1, put it up on a pastebin, I'll take a look === cait_sith567 [n=radditz5@cpe-24-58-115-81.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:00] #ubuntu-es === KlrSpz [n=tvbox@pool-71-170-127-53.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:00] But at the moment I am not in Linux so I am passing this to you through my memory, I could not stand 60hz.... [04:00] Thurin1, understandable :) [04:00] ;) === k3td [n=kk@] has joined #ubuntu [04:00] yo [04:00] yo [04:01] takamarou: can't you just change it? [04:01] heh [04:01] yo [04:01] i keep hearing the ubuntu start noise how do i fix it [04:01] ari_stress : im not seeing the option anywhere? [04:01] caminomaster, you should see Volume, Line-in, Microphone, CD inputs using OSS === jexsie [n=jexsie@unaffiliated/jexsie] has joined #ubuntu [04:01] k3td, Start noise? ... === nickrud goes nalioth bot hunting [04:01] k3td:stop ubuntu? [04:01] k3td, The 'start up sound' ? [04:01] the drums [04:01] Or.. a PC beep [04:01] k3td: it keeps repeating nonstop? [04:01] yes [04:01] k3td, Strange.. [04:01] Will a webcam work on ubuntu, more specifically a logitech webcam. [04:01] that's no good === xjkx [n=x@201009107041.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [04:02] takamarou: hmm.. i'm using virtualbox in ubuntu, so i dont have c:\, but, maybe you can just change the drive letter manually? [04:02] I cant make thunderbird read hotmail :< i even installed hotwayd+webmail-extension but it says "you must to pay to access webdav" or something WTF [04:02] caminomaster, you can't add additional inputs using edit-preferences ? [04:02] k3td: try turning it off in system > preferences > sounds [04:02] it wont stfu and it says that my sound is muted [04:02] xjkx, You can access Hotmail through POP?- I thought they stopped that, or made it a pay service... [04:02] n00blet: search for the appropriate driver on goole + a webcam app [04:02] ari_stress there is no where that i see anything about a hard drive.. i choose my size, and my type of drive, and then it takes me automatically to view stuff before i confirm it.. I never come to a place where I can change the drive === Hillsburrito [n=mistermi@chello082119107090.chello.sk] has joined #ubuntu === codecaine [n=codecain@cpe-69-23-245-150.sw.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:03] Ah, so it isn't one of those easy things to do ;[ heh [04:03] thunder|: me myself cant. but thunderbird extentions say i do, if I download webmail extension. But didnt work [04:03] :<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< === rdvon [n=rdvon@c-71-227-255-190.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:03] anybody know a software that I can use my webcam as a camrecorder? === left1 [n=sean@ip70-179-112-120.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:03] CaptainFrisbee, I've clicked on "new" at the recorder, and it closed telling me that "my sound capture settings were incorrect" [04:03] ari_stress nevermind, i think i got it === quarkpup [n=quarkpup@udp156649uds.hawaiiantel.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:03] is there something similar to cdemu with a gui goodness - I like fisher-price sort of things [04:03] then i opened system>preferences>sound [04:03] takamarou: that is certainly a negative feature :( === ubotu [n=ubotu@ubuntu/bot/ubotu] has joined #ubuntu [04:03] I know camtasia caps vids but idk if it is usable with linux [04:03] caminomaster, strange I get that too ... === Ice_ [n=kristen@ip70-171-79-26.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:04] xjkx, I doubt you are able to access Hotmail by any mail client, Outlook included - unless you pay. [04:04] takamarou: yes? how? :) [04:04] I want to cry. [04:04] ari_stress I had my virtualbox folder in my C:\ drive for some reason, so I just moved everything to the second one [04:04] So it's not a problem on your end - perhaps the extension was made when this was still possible, but as far as I know Hotmail changed policy and now you must pay for this 'service' [04:04] CaptainFrisbee, open syst>preferences>sound [04:04] hmm still not working === disinterested [n=green@75-164-154-222.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:04] n00blet: http://qce-ga.sourceforge.net/ === ubot3 [n=ubot3@unaffiliated/nalioth/bot/ubot3] has left #ubuntu ["nalioth"] [04:05] caminomaster, ok [04:05] thunder|: they are gheiz === disinterested_ [n=green@75-164-154-222.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:05] Is there anyone in this channel paying attention that knows ALOT about wifi and ubuntu and can help me for about a half hour === jwtodd [n=james@adsl-67-113-25-210.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:05] steph_16th: thanks [04:05] xjkx, Why do you keep calling me 'Thunder' ? [04:05] :P === niko_ [n=niko@dyn216-8-132-13.ADSL.mnsi.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:05] Thurin1: http://webmail.mozdev.org/installation.html === mode/#ubuntu [+o tonyyarusso] by ChanServ === mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@201009107041.user.veloxzone.com.br] by tonyyarusso === xjkx [n=x@201009107041.user.veloxzone.com.br] has left #ubuntu [requested] [04:05] n00blet: http://www.linux-drivers.org/usb_webcams.html === mode/#ubuntu [-o tonyyarusso] by tonyyarusso === Thurin1 Is Chief Thunder [04:06] :D === cait_sith567 [n=radditz5@cpe-24-58-115-81.twcny.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [04:06] CaptainFrisbee, the really problem with me is that I've never understood wtf is alsa, oss, esd and it's differences :/ [04:06] takamarou: good luck with your endeavor then. enjoy ubuntu :D [04:06] how do i know what sound card i have === illu45 [n=illusha@p-dynamic-border5-21.xDSL-1mm.sentex.ca] has joined #ubuntu === helfrez [n=helfrez@166-82-112-51.quickclick.ctc.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:06] poo, it wont let me DL ubuntu.. too many users... this OS is waay to popular :D [04:06] ? [04:06] how do I replace this sequence of unprintable chars \342\200\231 to its equivalent ' ? [04:06] in sed or vim [04:06] Is it possible (easily) to be able to "suspend" my desktop rather than hibernate? === nowshining [n=nowshini@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [04:06] Hello, could someone help me with a quick question about getting a custom script to run on startup? [04:06] Vorian: [04:06] k3td: terminal: "hal-device-manager &" [04:06] k3td, lspci (if it's onboard or in a pci slot) === anethema [n=anethema@S0106000d3aaa50fa.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:06] takamarou: are you familiar with torrents? [04:07] CoasterMaster : i got it === computerman [n=chatzill@CPE-76-84-196-91.neb.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:07] illu45: yep [04:07] but im out for the night, gonna let it DL over night, thanks for all the help [04:07] Vorian: you here? [04:07] illu45, gnome or system startup? === takamarou [n=takamaro@c-76-16-2-166.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:07] takamarou: no problem and good luck ;) [04:07] nickrud, er, not using gnome, so system startup === ulla [n=ulla@i3ED6D8EF.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu [04:07] what was gutsy released today or some thing? === Q^aeria [n=qaeria@d154-5-169-128.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu === ulla [n=ulla@i3ED6D8EF.versanet.de] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [04:08] illu45, what is it? and does it need to be shutdown when the machine goes down? [04:08] disinterested_ : no, just the name for the followup to gustsy [04:08] !harty [04:08] Sorry, I don't know anything about harty - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [04:08] !hardy [04:08] Hardy Heron is the code name for Ubuntu 8.04, due April 2008. [04:08] hey guys does anyone here know how to get a joystick going? i cant find much on it..i installed the joystick package and its asking for a device..what device would my joystick be? [04:08] illu45: use update-rc.d [04:08] Who here can help with editing xorg.conf? === ekiczek [n=ekiczek@] has joined #ubuntu [04:08] CoasterMaster ty [04:08] nickrud, preferably, yes. Its a mount script. I've got the script written up, but I'm not sure how to get it to run on start [04:08] Is there anyone in this channel paying attention that knows ALOT about wifi and ubuntu and can help me for about a half hour === MarcN [n=MarcN@dslv-1-162.mv.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:08] bulmer, update-rc.d? === lancetw [i=lancetw@pclab.csie.thu.edu.tw] has joined #ubuntu [04:09] Is there a channel for newbies? [04:09] Lol, right here [04:09] computerman: you're in it :) [04:09] illu45: man update-rc.d [04:09] Kewl [04:09] Currently, I have the script in /etc/init.d, and that seems to work fine, but there's a slight problem. [04:09] computerman; this is the one [04:09] illu45, you need to write a script that has a start and stop option then; take a look at /etc/init.d/screen for a simple example === Bakefy [n=westjd@74-140-80-88.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:09] Well, i'd assume none of us are complete nubs being that we installed linux...but I might be mistaken [04:10] is there something similar to cdemu with a gui goodness - I like fisher-price sort of things [04:10] I just got bored with windoze and wanted to learn something new [04:10] is there a way to make text bolder with wine programs? [04:10] Just set up my Unbuntu box the other day, so far works great! [04:10] n00blet: I've used this place for a quick bit of support during the install on the livecd :) === zyth [n=zyth@wnpgmb06dc1-0-221.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #Ubuntu [04:10] Who here can help with editing xorg.conf? I need to confirm something before I save what I got... [04:11] CoasterMaster: I actually found the install to be confusing the first time I did it with redhat...lol [04:11] How do I access this box via Windoz Vista? === novato_br [n=novak_br@] has joined #ubuntu [04:11] Is there anyone in this channel paying attention that knows ALOT about wifi and ubuntu and can help me for about a half hour [04:11] do i have to use the gnome partition editor on the live disk to change the mount point or can i do it in the ubuntu install [04:11] Q^aeria, put it up on a pastebin, several people can help [04:11] !samba | computerman [04:11] wow this is really wierd no mp3 sound in rhythmbox/exaile/listen music player [04:11] nickrud, ah, ok, I'll take a look at it. My problem is, though, that the script uses a sudo command, which makes it prompt me for a password in the boot prompt. Is there any way to give it the password in the script itself? === mode/#ubuntu [+o tonyyarusso] by ChanServ [04:11] klepto: because of patent reasons. [04:11] I know you can access windows through linux but didn't think it was the other way around [04:11] computerman: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT [04:11] Supposedly its installed and set up. I can "See" the other computers on my Lan === mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@] by tonyyarusso [04:11] illu45, if it's running from init.d and is properly linked, you won't need to sudo === mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@m83-188-97-26.cust.tele2.ru] by tonyyarusso [04:11] MarcN: i've installed the gstreamer codecs [04:11] klepto: you can add mp3 support yourself however. === mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@] by tonyyarusso === julian__ [n=julian@adsl-75-10-96-50.dsl.frs2ca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu === mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@p54A8CBDD.dip.t-dialin.net] by tonyyarusso [04:12] nickrud, ah, ok, so I can just remove the sudo? === mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@c-76-30-119-47.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] by tonyyarusso [04:12] illu45, yes [04:12] File13: What point are you at? You've installed ubuntu then created a partition afterwards, is it being auto mounted on startup allready? [04:12] computerman: here is a tutorial [04:12] computerman: http://www.go2linux.org/how-to-install-samba-on-linux-with-swat [04:12] nickrud, ah, ok. I'll try that out. Thanks for the advice :) === mode/#ubuntu [-o tonyyarusso] by ChanServ === jgamio [n=jgamio@] has joined #ubuntu === michael_ [n=michael@S010600131042857c.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:12] klepto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/MP3 [04:13] illu45, when you have the script properly mounting/unmounting (use sudo to call the script during testing) do sudo update-rc.d defaults to link it properly for startup [04:13] MarcN: I've already added the mp3 codecs [04:13] ok i installed the dual boot windows and ubuntu, i created a fat32 formatted partition mounted at /storage when i originally did the install but it doesnt show on ubuntu, so i want it to show in both windows and ubuntu [04:13] and tested gstreamer and it plays a test tune [04:13] I am going through xorg.conf using jed. I am doing this with instructions from an ubuntuforums.org post, and I'm not too clear if I have to add something to xorg.conf with the hash mark or not. === ezra64 [n=luke@cpe-74-69-97-105.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:13] Is there anyone in this channel paying attention that knows ALOT about wifi and ubuntu and can help me for about a half hour [04:13] nickrud, ah, ok. Will do. === boola [n=matt@modemcable108.150-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:13] if you open a home folder, then move up levels until you are / can you see the storage directory [04:14] Ice_: just ask here, someone may answer [04:14] how do you configure a sound card === enix [n=evan@ip72-202-138-96.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:14] i cannot get into my login screen prefs. i get an error that says GDM isnt running. i tried sudo dkpg-reconfigure gdm and get an error that says reload failed [04:14] how do you configure a sound card pretty please [04:14] Ice_: what is your problem? === michael_ is now known as Ahadiel === p0lice [n=lucas@189-015-213-071.xd-dynamic.ctbcnetsuper.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [04:14] I generated a comment in terminal from gtf 1024 768 85 [04:14] enix what grapics card? === the_padawan [n=aniket@c-69-248-27-7.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:14] my problem is rather lengthy to explain [04:14] well what if i want it on my desktop [04:14] hi all, can I somehow check the battery level on my laptop on the command line? === p0lice [n=lucas@189-015-213-071.xd-dynamic.ctbcnetsuper.com.br] has left #ubuntu [] === jackie_ [n=jackie@adsl-71-145-161-213.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:15] Ice_: how about blogging it somewhere? [04:15] I will pastebin it. === Anita_Sempai [n=Anita_Se@] has joined #ubuntu [04:15] enix what grapics card? [04:15] File13: just PM'd you === Anita_Sempai [n=Anita_Se@] has left #ubuntu ["Saliendo"] === Je1 [n=tyler@c-71-195-6-47.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:15] the_padawan: use acpi [04:15] the output has a hash mark and the post says I am supposed to paste the output to xorg.conf "Monitor" section [04:15] the nick isnt registered so i wont get it [04:15] k3td: nvidia i think, but this is a new prob, has worked b4. === thEgg [n=lef@pda57-1-82-231-114-4.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:15] ok [04:15] enix join hbc [04:15] MarcN: thanks! [04:15] aim? [04:15] k3td: i didnt F w/ anything [04:15] hey is there anyone here that can help me with alsamixer? pm me [04:16] k3td: ok [04:16] Any of you use Dreamweaver CS3? [04:16] right, in a terminal type sudo gedit /etc/fstab [04:16] !anyone | Jel [04:16] Jel: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [04:16] wow that is a polite bot [04:16] !feed [04:16] Sorry, I don't know anything about feed - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [04:16] enix, try sudo aptitude reinstall gdm === fiveiron [n=fiveiron@74-137-162-129.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu === MarcN [n=MarcN@dslv-1-162.mv.com] has left #ubuntu [] [04:17] alright [04:17] i did the fstab [04:17] alsamixer: function snd_mixer_load failed: Invalid argument [04:17] thats my problem === niko_ [n=niko@dyn216-8-132-13.ADSL.mnsi.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:17] File13: can you see a line with a reference to /storage? [04:17] yes === pike__ [n=happy@74-140-134-102.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu === emmc_ [n=emmc@host153-191-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [04:18] /dev/sda4 [04:18] File13: change /storage to /media/storage === eric_ [n=eric@adsl-71-157-175-15.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu === dugurama [n=dugurama@ip68-98-50-125.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === joules [n=julian@julian.student.umd.edu] has joined #ubuntu === Je1 [n=tyler@c-71-195-6-47.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:18] the docs read only [04:18] hey on open office my icons are gone... :( anyway to get htem back? [04:19] File13: "sudo gedit /etc/fstab" from a terminal [04:19] @file13 - try gksudo instead of sudo === kd5mwb [n=doug@] has joined #ubuntu [04:19] k i changed it to /media/storage [04:19] I'm trying to set up DW CS3 to FTP files to a site on my server (this Unbuntu box). === kd5mwb [n=doug@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:19] File13: save, quit, in same terminal "sudo mkdir /media/storage" [04:20] anyone know a way i can download src files from a cvs source? [04:20] Was looking for some printer setup help. Is this the right place? [04:20] !printing | eric_ [04:20] ok [04:20] eric_: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows === stefano [n=stefano@] has joined #ubuntu [04:20] File13: then in terminal "sudo mount -a" [04:20] eric_, lease don't say its a lexmark ;) [04:20] haha, and that too! [04:20] media/storage does not exist [04:21] File13: save, quit, in same terminal "sudo mkdir /media/storage" [04:21] Know about cups. When I setup my network printer (http:// etc...) and print to the printer, it just says printing but nothing happens. Any clue? === MoLE_ [n=mole@] has joined #ubuntu [04:21] That include shared printer on Lan? [04:21] ... hey guysssss anyone knows how to get icons back on open office... there is just text now === Okayasu [n=fyrestor@c-68-63-57-53.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:21] nickrud - samsung [04:21] @eric - right print queue? [04:21] eric_, I've never had to set up a network printer, so ... [04:21] Hello again all, my problem is at http://pastebin.com/m43b08461 and I will appreciate your help. This does not seem like something that will be an easy fix. I could really use someone experienced with wifi and linux for this. [04:22] ckin2001 - dont understand your question. [04:22] ok i did the mount and nothing happened [04:22] :'( === joules [n=julian@julian.student.umd.edu] has left #ubuntu [] [04:22] eric - external print server? built in? === P_Kable [n=P_Kable@ip68-228-32-205.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:22] shared printer? [04:23] actually === adrian_ [n=adrian@sos1-1x-dhcp408.studby.uio.no] has joined #ubuntu [04:23] let me fix my grammar [04:23] File13: does other media show on your desktop such as your windows partition [04:23] anyone have a moment to help me verify if I have something working with ubuntu and iptables? [04:23] thats a pain in the ass to read === _aaa [n=dac@tx-76-6-85-92.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:23] Printer is attached via usb to my router [04:23] yes [04:23] sda1 [04:23] eek [04:23] print server / router? [04:23] lol\ [04:23] HELP: anyone have an idea of how to unpack a .zix file? [04:23] what model? [04:24] Hello, i was wondering if anyone could tell me if the linux-386 kernel that is in the feisty fawn repositories optimized for a 686 processor? [04:24] Ice_: first of all, you don't seem to have iwconfig available. === etale [n=achtzehn@m25.net81-64-125.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu [04:24] I mean, Synaptic tells that linux-686 is obsolete. [04:24] stefano, you'll prefer the -generic or -lowlatency [04:24] stefano: i don't believe so [04:24] Ice_: did you install wireless-tools? [04:24] anyone using macaulay2 in feisty? [04:24] yes === delskorch [n=delskorc@d14-69-22-107.try.wideopenwest.com] has left #ubuntu [] [04:24] hold on I will fix my grammar and add iwconfig [04:24] File13: you can read files correctly from the drive by looking in /media/storage now i take it [04:24] and post again [04:24] Why generic? [04:24] HELP: anyone have an idea of how to unpack a .zix file? [04:24] stefano, thru some kind of magic, those will identify your processor and adapt to it [04:24] !repeat | adrian_ [04:24] adrian_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [04:25] Oh [04:25] i have no idea what i just did [04:25] ok [04:25] ugh [04:25] stefano: nickrud: it's really all voodoo === bao [n=bao@cpe-72-229-119-128.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:25] :D file13 [04:25] Router is a us robotics === Yasumoto [n=Yasumoto@cpe-75-84-49-174.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:25] i cant follow whats going on so im sure i just screwed something up [04:25] but hey [04:25] what else is new [04:25] hehe, so there is no performance drop? I thought that if i had it compiled to my specific architecture i could get more juice out of the processor. === Evanlec [n=evan@c-75-67-237-157.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:26] CoasterMaster, I stay away from rituals, so I don't think I'll ever try to understand :) [04:26] adrian_: this might help http://www.winzix.com/index.php?go=expert [04:26] adrenaline: this will give you a starter: http://filext.com/file-extension/zix [04:26] adrian: http://andrewu.co.uk/webtech/archive/?file_extension_zix_2 === sinX77 [n=jarrett@c-67-187-232-149.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:26] File13: wots happened? [04:26] or is anyone familiar with the whole Comcast/bittorrent deal, and the "possible fix" of dropping RST packets? [04:26] and all of a sudden my wlan1 on reboot decides its no longer there [04:26] adrian_: : this will give you a starter: http://filext.com/file-extension/zix === eggauah [n=daniel@] has joined #ubuntu [04:26] Okayasu: i am on comcast and yes it sucks, but there is no fix yet [04:26] i dont know dude [04:26] ahh ok [04:26] nothing, and thats whats bothering me [04:26] so the whole dropping RST packets doesn't actually work? [04:26] is it possible to access a wireless card in virtual guest [04:26] adrian_: apparently, it's some evilish ad-aware packer. Get your warez 'n porn from a decent site ;) === oranye [n=oranye@] has joined #ubuntu === inkululeko_ [n=inkulule@pD9E22574.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [04:27] thanks will try to make it work [04:27] yuli [04:27] Okayasu: just have to tough it out, and hopefully there will be fixes in the next version of torrent clients [04:27] eric - us robotics site says it is an IPP printer === visualdeception [n=visualde@ppp-69-218-57-183.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === MTuXeD [n=MTuXeD@] has joined #ubuntu [04:27] ckin2001 - That sounds right. [04:27] Okayasu: technically it works, but it also sends the RST packets to your partner, so they'd need to know to drop them too === Javid [n=Javid^-@unaffiliated/javid] has joined #ubuntu [04:27] mind if I pm you, CoasterMaster? [04:28] sure, go ahead [04:28] i changed the mount point and now i dunno what the hell is up [04:28] is there a way to rig sudo/gksudo to not need a pass? like including it in the command somehow? [04:28] anyone using macaulay2 in feisty? If not, can someone at least tell me how to install a .deb package... there's a repository on the website for it, but im getting a public key error, and they don't mention keys anywhere on the site. [04:28] Is there any commercial game, other than id soft's, that runs on linux natively? I am trying to find a few games, but they are either vintage or really stupid. If anyone could point me towards a real 3d game, half life 2 or anything that looks good, and is native to linux. [04:28] !games | stefano [04:28] stefano: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php [04:28] cosmodad I it for http://thepiratebay.org/tor/3784432/The.Bourne.Ultimatum.R5.XviD-LionsGate and I would rather admit porn [04:28] !help gestreamer [04:28] Sorry, I don't know anything about help gestreamer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [04:28] ubuntu can be so gay === rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-41-5.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu === [1] Netham45 [n=netham@c-67-190-103-57.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === mode/#ubuntu [+o tonyyarusso] by ChanServ === mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@adsl-65-65-223-114.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] by tonyyarusso === File13 [n=tyler@adsl-65-65-223-114.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu [requested] === mode/#ubuntu [-o tonyyarusso] by tonyyarusso [04:28] eric - does the router setup page have anything helpful? === [1] Netham45 is now known as Netham45 [04:29] etale, if they don't have a key, you can still install the deb by saying yes when it asks. Up to you. [04:29] !k3td | gstreamer [04:29] Sorry, I don't know anything about k3td - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi === dras [n=ytkmifyg@c-24-17-203-47.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:29] stefano: try nexuiz. It installs and runs right away and it's free. === speme [n=speme@] has joined #ubuntu [04:29] adrian_: get it somewhere else. Like going to the movies. Just a suggestion. :) [04:29] ckin2001 - It says the web address. Also, I can print from windows. [04:29] can some one help me set gstreamer up? === rgriley [n=user@e179195251.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu === astro76 [n=james@unaffiliated/astro76] has joined #ubuntu [04:29] nickrud but when i go to install, it says "0 B have to be downloaded" [04:29] eric - whats the web address? [04:30] and when I apply I get errors [04:30] ok [04:30] stefano: try here - http://cubeengine.com/ [04:30] E: I wasn't able to locate a file for the Macaulay2 package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package. (due to missing arch) [04:30] E: Unable to lock the download directory [04:30] maybe download an other file [04:30] etale, what's the url? [04:30] ckin2001 - [04:30] Any racing games? [04:30] for the page itself, http://www.math.uiuc.edu/Macaulay2/Downloads/Ubuntu/ === HLM [n=harold@S01060010dc7ffbeb.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:30] and the repositories are right there === Thmaceisback [n=The_Shiz@c-71-192-91-66.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Ice [n=kristen@ip70-171-79-26.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:31] hey i have a big problem === illu45 [n=illusha@p-dynamic-border5-21.xDSL-1mm.sentex.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:31] quick! could someone go find my pastebin I posted earlier [04:31] and give it to me [04:31] my linux froze so I lost it [04:31] ice - http://pastebin.com/m43b08461 [04:31] ty :D [04:32] i acciendntally chmodded my entire hd to 744 [04:32] as root [04:32] try just [04:32] ckin2001 - Let me try. === `davo [n=davookle@68-119-46-037.dhcp.spbg.sc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:32] Thmaceisback: don't use chmod -R [04:32] <`davo> uh..exactly how do I go about updating GTK? [04:32] Thmaceisback: you're screwed... [04:32] can some one help me set gstreamer up? [04:32] lesson learned! backup data & reinstall === Mgk [n=mgk@AMarseille-153-1-30-59.w86-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [04:33] \o/ === snpz [n=martins@] has joined #ubuntu === HLM [n=harold@S01060010dc7ffbeb.no.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:33] etale, hm. It mentions that you might have an architecture problem; looking at something === datakid_ [n=datakid@ppp166-214.static.internode.on.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === lix [n=lix@77-57-8-215.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [04:34] hmm === Tama00 [n=tama@] has joined #ubuntu [04:34] !repeat [04:34] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience === Falstius [n=jeff@c-71-227-120-16.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:34] isn't this supposed to mean "don't repeat"? [04:34] how do i install xine [04:34] i got an issue, whenever my computer is first turned on and i log in it uses 100% of my cpu for almost 30 seconds [04:34] ckin2001 - Same thing as before. queue says printing but nothing happens [04:34] Guys, thanks for the game links. Can't wait any longer for Gutsy. [04:34] Tama00: sounds fine to me. [04:34] eric - from their page - http://www.usr.com/support/5461/5461-ug/linux_printer.html === computerman [n=chatzill@CPE-76-84-196-91.neb.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [04:34] cosmodad, why is that fine [04:34] i cant tell if its helpful or not [04:34] Tama00: surely there's a bunch of apps that need to be loaded at startup. [04:35] cosmodad: it means don't be obnoxious. you can repeat after a while but don't spam your question 5 times === michael_ [n=michael@S010600131042857c.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:35] Tama00: your system will try to do so as fast as possible. === zarul [n=zarulsha@ubuntu/member/zarul] has joined #ubuntu [04:35] nickrud ya, thanks... this is giving me a headache all day :( [04:35] cosmodad, it logs in and loads up completely [04:35] wastrel: that's why I say that factoid isn't correct. [04:35] is there a way to rig sudo/gksudo to not need a pass? like including it in the command somehow? === Ahadiel [n=ahadiel@S010600131042857c.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:35] cosmodad, but the "system" not the applications just sits on 100% cpu [04:35] Javid: you don't want that. [04:36] Javid: you can do it easily for individual commands. [04:36] ok [04:36] ckin2001 - Thanks for the page. Will try it now. === XMF [n=xmf@ip68-228-33-87.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:36] good luck [04:36] Tama00: erm, you know that apps run by the help of the CPU? [04:36] yeah, for individual stuff, not for everything [04:36] stefano; try here - http://www.linuxsoft.cz/en/sw_list.php?id_kategory=26 [04:36] and yes I do want that :p === zobohobodog [n=zobohobo@CPE-69-76-138-61.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:36] Javid: You can edit the file /etc/sudoers for that. But not recommended [04:36] hrm, gnome panel crashed? [04:36] Tama00: the CPU goes 100% and loads all your apps. Once it's done doing that, it goes back to normal level. [04:36] Javid: you just need to use visudo to edit the config file and add a line. What commands do you want to make passwordless? === rockets [n=rockets@pool-71-247-35-247.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:36] Wireshark [04:36] Anybody just come back from NYLUG? [04:37] #lugradio === qcshzihnus [n=qcshz@] has joined #ubuntu [04:37] since it has to run as root, period, I hate having to do the password every time === gyaresu [n=gyaresu@ppp121-44-223-241.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:37] Javid: a packet sniffing tool? === yUSiyEEE [n=yusiye@cpe-75-84-64-237.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:37] look I didn't design the thing, it sits there like a rock if it isn't root [04:37] Javid: use setuid [04:38] Flannel: it is safer to add it to sudoers. [04:38] Flannel: are you nuts? [04:38] lol [04:38] rofl === cishpix [n=Blue@] has joined #ubuntu === IndyGunFreak doesn't think flannel is nuts. [04:38] where's the sudoers config file then? [04:38] visudo /etc/sudoers [04:38] can some one help me with gstreamer === Johnny_ [n=sparda@d64-180-21-137.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:38] Javid: you access it through "sudo visudo" [04:38] Javid: `sudo visudo` is all you need to know [04:38] Javid: use sudo visudo [04:38] oops === czyx [n=echaveza@] has joined #ubuntu [04:38] sry === Pthag_ [n=Pthag@dyn-62-56-125-151.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === kersinc [n=kersinc@] has joined #ubuntu [04:39] ok, thanks [04:39] #ubuntu-es === k3td [n=kk@] has joined #ubuntu [04:39] you still there File13, had to disappear [04:39] No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found. [04:39] k3td: are you in the audio group? === lobizone [n=chris@pool-72-65-216-61.pitbpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === bbnet [n=bbnet@] has joined #ubuntu === Ultraface [n=charles@] has joined #ubuntu [04:39] what program do you guys recommend for burning .avi movies? [04:39] wastrel come channel hbc [04:39] Falstius: what do you set in sudoers to make certain things not require the password? [04:39] no === illu45 [n=illusha@p-dynamic-border5-21.xDSL-1mm.sentex.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:39] Johnny_: burning in general, use k3b. === MistaED [n=mistaed@] has joined #ubuntu [04:39] Aww cmon i need help === arigold [n=arigold@c-68-41-161-145.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:40] Flannel: I'm looking up the exact syntax again ;) One second. [04:40] k3td: is your user in the audio group? i had this problem earlier because my user wasn't in the proper gropus [04:40] Oh. Falstius, found it, nevermind. [04:40] do i d.load k3b or is it installed in feisty? [04:40] idk [04:40] idk how to tell [04:40] groups username [04:40] !info k3b [04:40] k3b: A sophisticated KDE CD burning application. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 4912 kB, installed size 9404 kB [04:40] or just groups if you're logged in as the user === Thmaceisback [n=The_Shiz@c-71-192-91-66.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:40] Johnny_: just install k3b [04:40] hm, iv'e never had a user not added to the audio group. === soxfor [n=s0x@bl7-182-182.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu [04:40] What a quick way of bringing up the terminal? [04:40] I want to login to X Windows from my school ubuntu machine, and work on my home computer.. but I don't want to use a simple vnc client... Where do I start? (I'd like to do it over ssh if possible0 [04:40] Johnny_: sudo apt-get install k3b === lostcube [n=lostcube@24-151-140-198.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:41] oh but my is gnome interface is that alright? [04:41] it should still work [04:41] z0rz: ssh -X and then just start the gui program you want [04:41] Just wanted to say thanks again to nickrud, the script is working perfectly now :) [04:41] alright ty [04:41] etale, if you download the .9.95, you can dpkg -i it, it installs and runs on my machine (don't know how to use it) [04:41] toyimp: I assigned "+s" to terminal [04:41] Johnny_: it will stil work, but it wil install a bunch of kde dependences.. if you want to stick with Gnome apps, install Gnomebaker.. sudo apt-get install gnomebaker [04:41] illu45, yw [04:41] wastrel What? [04:41] Johnny_: if you want to add k3b support, use sudo apt-get install libk3b2-mp3 [04:41] Johnny_: *MP3 support === illu45 [n=illusha@p-dynamic-border5-21.xDSL-1mm.sentex.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === soxfor [n=s0x@bl7-182-182.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu [04:42] k3td: use the groups command to check what groups your user is in. type groups on the command line [04:42] nickrud... ttttooooo good! ok I'll try that [04:42] Javid: add the line "%admin ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/wireshark" to the end. you can replace ALL with your hostname for some additional security. [04:42] so it's just dpkg -i ...tar.gz ? does it matter where? === geek00l [n=geek00l@] has joined #ubuntu === KevinOman [n=kevin@66-227-221-83.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === anabelle [n=anabelle@] has joined #ubuntu [04:42] that is exactly what I seek, thanks === cheeseboy [n=greg@24-107-235-119.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has left #ubuntu [] [04:42] etale, dpkg -i .deb, never a tar.gz :) === oranye [n=oranye@] has joined #ubuntu [04:43] Hi, if I purge the recent document through the "places" menu. Is there a way to check these document again using some logfile ? If yes what logfile please [04:43] Javid: replace %admin by your username for even more security. [04:43] wastrel: Wow! That's pretty cool [04:43] etale, with sudo of course === Austinhawk [n=chris@adsl-76-244-68-230.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:43] nickrud oops, ya my mistake heh. should I do that in / or does it not matter? [04:43] like where to save the deb to? [04:43] cosmodad: %admin is reasonable, if someone else is already in admin they can just run it with sudo and their password. [04:43] trying to upgrade from 6.10.1 to 7.04. My Distribution Upgrade to 7.04 seems to be stuck on Fetching 59 - get an Error During Update: "Failed to fetch...timed out" errors... anyone have some reliable mirrors I can use? [04:43] etale, anywhere you want to keep that deb (I keep them in ~/archive/software/debs === fender [n=fender@mail.dropletsap.com] has joined #ubuntu === defjux21 [i=esoteric@c-24-61-58-233.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:44] woo, it worked [04:44] thanks [04:44] Falstius: it's added security in a paranoic fashion :) [04:44] wastrel: What if I wanted to have like a preloaded session (with let's say firefox and pidgin and a few other things open) [04:44] when I telnet my server and do ehlo localhost it shows in one of the lines "250-AUTH NTLM DIGEST-MD5 CRAM-MD5 PLAIN LOGIN" I thought it was only supposed to say plain login can anyone figure this out? [04:44] thanks cosmodad [04:44] z0rz: dunno :] what's that new thing everyone likes anymore, freenx? === warbler [n=cry@] has left #ubuntu ["See] [04:45] surabaya [04:45] trying givre.cabspace.com and flomertens.keo.in - bot don't workd... === Evanlec [n=evan@c-75-67-237-157.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:45] cosmodad: it is pointless and adds nothing. Just because you think it adds security and you're paranoid doesn't mean it does :) [04:45] KevinOman, just ways to secure the connection, those are encrypted passwords of one flavor or another. You can use any [04:45] KevinOman: side-note, you really wanna telnet into a machine instead of SSH? === QMario [n=QMario@c-98-200-244-80.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu [04:46] ckin2001 - If your still there, still stuck [04:46] cosmodad: ssh doesn't work for smtp [04:46] Falstius: you are right. === Evanlec [n=evan@c-75-67-237-157.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Ice_ [n=kristen@ip70-171-79-26.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:46] wastrel: ah ok === Xavier_ [n=ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [04:46] Ok I am back and here is my pastebin with my question http://pastebin.com/m32014a85 [04:46] nickrud ! it works !!! thanks so much =) [04:46] folks i need to run this efax program... its an exe..... how can i do this (i have ubuntu) [04:46] KevinOman: i guess you have smtp auth stuff [04:46] etale, yw === LeandroMattioli [n=leandro@20158131037.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu === KrAmMeR [n=eric@c-68-80-41-15.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:47] wastrel: Ice_ it's still "command not found" after you sudo iwconfig... === nickrud considers finding out just what that was, but ... uninstalls :) === cappicard [n=cappicar@CPE-24-163-224-130.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:47] nickrud, thanks.. im following a tutorial and it doesn't show all that, just PLAIN LOGIN, not really sure if its going to effect anything [04:47] arooni__: exe as in windows executable? [04:47] thats what it said before cosmos, sudo iwconfig is worthless now because I had to uninstall my drivers to boot up the computer and take out the dongle too === slimz [n=slimz@modemcable023.68-57-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:48] cosmodad, sure [04:48] KevinOman, no, those are a listing of accepted ways to log in, you can use any one of them === oranye [n=oranye@] has joined #ubuntu [04:48] yeah [04:48] extra functionality provided [04:48] nickrud: oh I see.. thanks [04:48] arooni__: you can run win32 executables only in wine or a virtual machine like VMware. [04:48] I know people have gotten this to work with dapper - Im using feisty - should I just install dapper? [04:48] cosmodad, how do i get wine [04:48] arooni__: consider a native linux alternative === sinX77 [n=jarrett@c-67-187-232-149.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:49] thanks to you too wastrel === dinkle [n=rob@ip70-190-116-139.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:49] arooni__: install the "wine" package [04:49] can anyone help me figure out why my sessions start up programs wont save? [04:49] cosmodad, would you suggest installing dapper? [04:49] Ice_: so you don't have a driver right now? [04:49] Ice_: no [04:49] not in there [04:49] or how to manually add start up programs? [04:49] arooni__, efax is available in ubuntu ... === AutumnCat [n=AutumnCa@] has joined #ubuntu [04:49] Ice_: especially not if you have something bleeding-edge-like [04:50] also is there a torrent app that doesn't suck? i've tried all of them made for linux but no good, im currently wining my utorrent since i really like it [04:50] !startup | dinkle [04:50] dinkle: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot [04:50] Ice_: why did you remove it? you need to have a driver to get this working [04:50] Anyone know how to set up a remote x session? [04:50] I still have it, it just isnt installed [04:50] my computer freezes while its in and the dongle is in [04:50] Johnny_: I use rtorrent. It's a console tool, however. === gdiebel [n=gdiebel@adsl-76-208-67-35.dsl.mdsnwi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu === `LePGeL[BoY] [n=midnitek@] has joined #ubuntu [04:50] What's the downside to Automatix ? === Evanlec [n=evan@c-75-67-237-157.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:50] Ice_: sounds like a driver problem. [04:50] Aethelred: it breaks your system [04:50] Aethelred: it can screw your system [04:51] Johnny, I find Ktorrent to be alot like Utorrent and quite nice [04:51] lol, im not good with console involved tools, maybe something with a powerful gui? [04:51] z0rz: you can use some VNC server/client, or use X directly. [04:51] arooni__, and efax-gtk is a front end you can use for it. (wish it used evolution-data-server as a backend) [04:51] go get ktorrent you will like it [04:51] ok then. Any details on how, or why, or how to avoid lossage? === boyam [i=vircuser@166-82-81-31.quickclick.ctc.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] yeah, but i have gnome sadly [04:51] cosmodad: I'd like to use X directly .. how can I do that? [04:51] cosmodad, my driver works with dapper, why should I not go get dapper === `LePGeL[BoY] [n=midnitek@] has joined #ubuntu === LeandroMattioli [n=leandro@20158131037.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] Ice_: oh I see. === sdouble [n=sdouble@12-216-125-64.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu === zmcbb30_ [n=zmcbb30@] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] flannel, thanks. i guess i need to update sessions somehow because my screen is not the same as the one it shows === anabelle_ [n=anabelle@] has joined #ubuntu === EdisonRex [n=pharrima@] has joined #ubuntu [04:52] Ice_: it's strange that the driver freezes your system in Feisty but doesn't do so in Dapper, but ok [04:52] Ice_: what driver is it? === Dumptruck [n=mistermi@chello082119107090.chello.sk] has joined #ubuntu [04:52] well Im lying kinda [04:52] Ice_: name [04:52] athfmwdl and neta5agu [04:52] z0rz: I'd need to look that up, been a while since I did it === wsgosset [n=tlevine@] has joined #ubuntu [04:52] but Im also using linux mint which to my knowledge is just feisty with pre-installed apps and prettyness [04:52] no one can help me at linux mint though [04:52] ahh - my sound is all gone... could installing cedega killed my sound? everything was working perfect === Talaman72 [n=sparkly@66-215-57-61.dhcp.gvrb.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:53] right .. well could you give me a good search term to use.. I can't seem to get the right set [04:53] Ice_: gosh, never heard those names. [04:53] z0rz: it's called XDMCP [04:53] www.linuxmint.com [04:53] it's quite nice except for this one driver [04:53] !automatix | Aethelred [04:53] z0rz: mind though it's pretty old, inefficient and security-lacking [04:53] Aethelred: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software. When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it. A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme) [04:54] comes with an ndiswrapper gui that doesnt work for me too [04:54] Aethelred: the best wya to avoid breakage: don't use it. === stunatra [n=stu@119.sub-75-213-130.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:54] how do I remove software that I intalled with a debian packet manager? [04:54] z0rz: "'X forwarding' ssh" would probably do it [04:55] thanks === stunatra [n=stu@119.sub-75-213-130.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:55] cosmodad: Yeah.. I planned on doing it over SSH .. I did something like ssh -x mybox.z0rz.com and it was very fast and was practically exactly what I wanted .. except like a session of windows to come up.. === jj_ [n=jj@ks-76.flexabit.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:55] Dumptruck: use package management (whichever package manager you prefer) to remove it [04:55] z0rz: or yeah Flannel is right. If you don't need a full-featured remote desktop, use ssh forwarding (-X) instead. === errdil [n=errdil@pool-71-125-87-157.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:55] z0rz: so what solution do you require? === annihilus [n=annihlus@dorm13033.dorm-net.louisville.edu] has joined #ubuntu [04:55] What is the best way to troubleshoot an X not being able to start out-of-the-box? === genii_ [n=user@206-248-135-210.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:55] cosmodad: Well I know how to do ssh forwarding for single x windows .. but a full-featured remote desktop would be pretty need.. [04:56] jj_: X logs in /var/log/. [04:56] jj_, look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log [04:56] You said it's inefficient though.. I was hoping it would be as fast as ssh -X [04:56] add/remove does not see it === Pthag__ [n=Pthag@dyn-62-56-125-151.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [04:56] z0rz: it is ... ssh -X is very inefficient. [04:56] Dumptruck: Use a real package manager (add/remove is dumbed down) like Synaptic [04:56] cosmodad: what am I looking for in particular...? [04:56] Dumptruck, use apt-get, or synaptic [04:56] nickrud: what am I looking for in particular...? [04:56] Falstius: !! What do you mean? [04:56] z0rz: well it uses a lot of resources. If you have the bandwidth, you might be fine. === BlendArt [n=darren@cpe-76-88-133-64.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:57] jj_, towards the end, there'll be something about why it couldn't start (hopefully) [04:57] cosmodad: Ah! Maybe that's why.. I haven't used it over the public internet... just my local network [04:57] jj_: /var/log/Xorg.* [04:57] cosmodad: So vnc is probably more efficient? [04:57] z0rz: yeah that makes a huge difference [04:57] z0rz: if you're doing it over your LAN, use XDMCP [04:57] z0rz: I'd say so === FusE- [n=Cole@adsl-69-234-119-4.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:57] z0rz: it really depends on the program. It is possible to write a program that works well with ssh -X, but most aren't. [04:57] cosmodad: Well poo [04:57] z0rz: is linux installed on both machines? [04:57] cosmodad, do you know where I can find a dapper download? [04:57] Flannel: yes [04:57] well.. sometimes ;) (Dual booting) [04:57] Ice_: where did you get the driver from? was it in the kernel or in some kind of package? === mattgyver83 [n=chatzill@pool-71-252-32-189.washdc.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:58] I got it from dlink's website [04:58] Depends on the day at school.. but I'm going to push for linux as the primary desktop[ [04:58] That's the one that the dapper people used === cxperl [n=cxperl@ool-18b8d269.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:58] z0rz: Right, on the machine yuo want to login to, go to login window setup, and enable the XDMCP stuff. Then on your other one, at GDM (the login screen), Go down to the bottom left corner, and use XDMCP to connect (up at the top, Id on't know the exact text, maybe 'remote login' if not xdmcp) === weltschmerz [n=weltschm@c-71-202-63-202.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #UBUNTU [04:58] uggh... still no sound - any suggestions for troubleshooting? [04:58] cosmodad, its the ones specifically made for this dongle === fevel [n=renato@] has joined #ubuntu [04:59] Flannel: Right.. but isn't XDMCP pretty insecure over a public network? [04:59] z0rz: X windows is a very good remote desktop like deal -- assuming you have well written X apps...This is not garunteed though. VNC can be vary good and does not depend on the program being programmed "correctly" but will tend to use more bandwidth === Smackban [n=cody@68-184-133-71.dhcp.stbr.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:59] z0rz, Flannel: I think you can enable XDMCP via the GUI, can't you? [04:59] cosmodad: You can. Login Screen Setup [04:59] cosmodad, I got it from dlink's website [04:59] Hey room! When running distros of ubuntu on older machines (p2) is there anything that one can do to speed it up at all, excluding upgrading the physical hardware? [04:59] Flannel: I mean on the server [04:59] z0rz: It is. It also usually wont work (UDP stuff doesn't traverse most routers) === Smackban [n=cody@68-184-133-71.dhcp.stbr.ga.charter.com] has left #ubuntu ["I] === boytm [n=boytm@] has joined #ubuntu [05:00] I don't even get the bongo sound when I am in the login screen [05:00] cosmodad: yes, that's "Login screen setup" [05:00] Ice_: ok, and you're saying that when you reuse it on Feisty, it's freezing? [05:00] Flannel: nice. [05:00] Flannel .. so is there a way to do XDMCP over SSH? [05:00] can't you tunnel xdmcp through ssh? === Polygon89 [n=mark@c-71-226-63-76.hsd1.ar.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:00] you can [05:00] cosmodad, I never used dapper, I found a forums post where 3 people got it to work on dapper, I use linux mint which is a division of feisty [05:00] z0rz: Not that I'm aware of. X forwarding is probably your best bet === wirelessmonkey [n=jeff@dynamic-16.scl.utah.edu] has joined #ubuntu [05:01] I wish there was a screen for X forwarding :D === jfkfhhfj [n=jfkfhhfj@ool-182dc51a.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu === dugurama [n=dugurama@ip68-98-50-125.ph.ph.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] [05:01] z0rz: I've also heard that VNC via SSH can get better compression and performace...I haven't personally tried though [05:01] jj_: I've always got weird color issues when tunneling VNC over SSH === c01100011 [n=c0110001@ool-45711402.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:01] jj_: I have't compared performance, but it does get a security layer which is worth it. [05:01] mattgyver83, use a really lightweight window manager, like fluxbox or openbox or blackbox === SunWuKung [n=SunWuKun@S01060016cbc4c705.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:01] I don't know where to begin other than the obvious when troubleshooting sound on Ubuntu === Polygon89 [n=mark@c-71-226-63-76.hsd1.ar.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["XChat"] [05:02] Okay, thanks nick === Pthag [n=Pthag@dyn-62-56-125-151.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === sparklehistory [n=sparkleh@] has joined #ubuntu [05:02] mattgyver83, and be ruthless about trimming apps that startup on bootup [05:02] z0rz: it is probably downgrading the number of colors to make it more effecient. You can change that. [05:02] z0rz: that's what VNC is! [05:02] cosmodad: Haha.. nah it only does that when I use ssh ;) [05:02] changes gray to purple :D === Floker [n=stefano@i53878850.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:02] z0rz: sorry I meant "screen for X" [05:03] Speakers on and connected - yes [05:03] z0rz: Oh.. MEH! === SinII [n=Sinistra@d055118.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:03] VOlumes up yes [05:03] haha I just talked ot myself... === annihilus [n=annihlus@dorm13033.dorm-net.louisville.edu] has joined #ubuntu [05:03] cosmodad: Oh.. MEH! === Floker [n=stefano@i53878850.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:03] jj_: hard to tell if you can't tell for sure that this linux mint is really comparable to feisty [05:03] default sound card correct yes [05:03] bye now [05:03] cosmodad, I never used dapper, I found a forums post where 3 people got it to work on dapper, I use linux mint which is a division of feisty [05:03] is there someplace else I am missing? [05:03] nickrud, i am actually using xubuntu. If i do that, will the GTK+ libraries which are installed still allow me to use Gnome/KDE applications through those window managers, or do they only work on either Gnome or KDE, any idea? [05:03] jj_: what you could do is watch the syslog while loading the driver and see if anything gets through [05:04] recommendations for video chat program to talk with a windows user ? i am trying to use skype inside vmware but lose too much image quality === wsgosset [n=tlevine@] has joined #ubuntu [05:04] I am using the open source drivers for my ATI card, but sometimes it randomly loses 3d functionality and I have to reinstall to get it working again. Then about 2 weeks later, I have to do it all again. Anyone else ever have this happen to them or know something I could check on? [05:04] cosmodad: I'd like to type ssh -X box.z0rz.com and then when it logins type screen -r .. and all my gui windows pop up.. then when I Ctrl-a-d it'd close all the gui windows.. but keep them open in the background on the server... [05:04] c01100011: ekiga can do that. === phos-phoros [n=donovan@unaffiliated/phos-phoros] has joined #ubuntu [05:04] z0rz: again, if you use VNC, you can close the VNC session and resume it later from possibly another machine. [05:04] cosmodad what client would the iwndows user use ? [05:04] mattgyver83, no, you can run those gnome apps as well === Segovia [n=segovia@modemcable169.71-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [05:05] mattgyver83, and kde, if you must :) === wsgosset [n=tlevine@] has joined #ubuntu [05:05] c01100011: oh sorry, didn't catch there was a windows user involved [05:05] yes, i have linux trying to talk to a windows user [05:05] well im stupid because i just realized that im using xfce as well which would have answered my question, thanks! === fmac [n=fmac@r201-217-166-246.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu [05:05] Right.. but then the physical desktop of the server is effected.. I'd like to login in remotely to a box .. work on a vnc like session.. without effecting the active user [05:05] does anyone know where the plugins dir for gedit resides [05:05] z0rz: you don't necessarily do that! [05:05] i need to remember to think before i speak === felixhummel_ [n=dfm21@p5496D2D4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:06] cosmodad, I found a script which might save my butt but I need you to help me install it [05:06] z0rz: you can run VNC unaffecting any running user === smacknink [n=smacknin@hlfxns01bbh-142068168031.pppoe-dynamic.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu === gordon [n=gordon@71-17-218-90.prna.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu === sdest [n=sdest@c-69-250-163-18.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === rgriley [n=user@e179195251.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:06] or someone here [05:06] can anyone here [05:06] help me install a script [05:06] cosmodad: Link please :D [05:06] z0rz: hold on === halley_ [i=halley@nat/intel/x-7ef9e10b4920258e] has joined #ubuntu [05:06] cosmodad: z0rz: unless the host computer has dual monitors in which case you can screw up their panels (grumbles) === chairat [n=chairatk@ppp-] has joined #ubuntu === fmac [n=fmac@r201-217-166-246.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu [05:06] Ubuntu is stalling at boot and leaving my system in root shell (!?!?!?!) when I turn off 2 of my 3 external USB drives. I have specified them as "noauto" in the fstab. What is going wrong? === poncho [n=poncho@adsl-75-54-64-192.dsl.ksc2mo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:06] Ice_: what is it === wirelessmonkey [n=jeff@dynamic-16.scl.utah.edu] has joined #ubuntu [05:07] Since you guys are on the topic of VNC, is it possible to make a connection through display:0 without the use of x11vnc? [05:07] Falstius: I would be using dual monitors if it wasn't for the stupid 4096 pixel frame buffer ATI cards have... [05:07] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=528238&highlight=DWL-G132 === Frogzoo [n=Frogzoo@] has joined #ubuntu [05:07] Falstius, z0rz: why. VNC works like this: you start a VNC server under your remote user's name and then you your local user's VNC viewer session to access it. No other users involved [05:08] With x11 i can make a connection, however it does not ask me for a password and just assumes the connection without it. Without it I can only create new window manager sessions. [05:08] z0rz: damn those links I have are in German. [05:08] Anyone? [05:09] cosmodad: it is funiness in the gnome settings stuff. When I start a vnc session (running gnome) on this machine, it forces all of the panels to the primary monitor. If I run twm or some such in the session it wouldn't be an issue. [05:09] Falstius: ok [05:09] cosmodad: I guess my main problem is with vnc is the viewers all seem to suck === saeed [n=saeed@] has joined #ubuntu === DShepherd [n=dwight@] has joined #ubuntu [05:09] can anyone hear help me make a pre-written script [05:09] z0rz: I admit, they don't seem highly sophisticated. === deathguppie [n=chatzill@c-24-19-10-43.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === mekyla [n=mekyla@static-66-38-159-33.gtcust.grouptelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu === becker [n=jamiegro@cpe-72-227-41-68.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === mekyla [n=mekyla@static-66-38-159-33.gtcust.grouptelecom.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [05:10] hey.. has anyone here used wine to install a game??? [05:10] z0rz: maybe I'm wrong though. There might be some other remote protocols out there as well [05:10] cosmodad: They don't resize the desktops properly and when I'm at school in the lab computers.. their 1024x768 res doesn't cut it when I'm running at 16x12 [05:10] cosmodad: And autoscaling looks liek shiz [05:10] z0rz: for some reason the ones on ubuntu are especially bad. I've had better luck with RHEL (I can't tell you the exact versions at the moment) [05:10] z0rz: supplying the correct geometry to vnc viewer might fix this [05:10] I can't seem to unmount a cdrom while the game is installing under wine.. [05:11] remote desktop connection on windows, I have to say is pretty amazing === becker [n=jamiegro@cpe-72-227-41-68.stny.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] === cappicard_ [n=cappicar@CPE-24-163-224-130.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === mekyla [n=mekyla@static-66-38-159-33.gtcust.grouptelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu === LTE [n=nerik@c-24-13-231-32.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:11] Does having ssh-daemon on make my linux pc-server more vulnerable to attacks? [05:11] Ice_: so what's that script doing on your machine? === johnp [n=john@pool-70-110-101-230.pghk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:11] jjjsa === Henry-Couch [n=henry@astound-64-85-225-134.ca.astound.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:11] stefano: unless you're behind a firewall or NAT-router, yes. [05:12] cosmodad, it's reconfiguring my adapter every time I start up [05:12] I just love the fact that it brings, sound, printers, drives, and com ports locally.. and also the performance seems pretty amazing.. Full screen support and it automatically changes your resolution. You can also login without effecting the active user with a dll replacement.. oh and it can be tunneled over SSH so security isn't a problem [05:12] I just dont know how to make it === pavel1 [n=pavel@] has joined #ubuntu === kythri [n=kythri@c-71-59-145-69.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:12] I'm in channel #ice if you want to help me there [05:12] cosmodad, how could i tell if i am behind a NAT-router? [05:12] Isn't iptables enough? === MrBrizzio [n=brizz@c-71-199-40-168.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === buntunub [n=buntunub@c-76-111-22-174.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] === dini [n=indonet@] has joined #ubuntu [05:13] stefano: well do you use a router? [05:13] Ice_, try #bash [05:13] #bash [05:13] stefano: iptables is a firewall. === speaker219 [n=speaker2@unaffiliated/speaker219] has joined #ubuntu [05:13] stefano: Do you have a Linksys, Netgear, D-Link, or other branded router between you and your modem? [05:13] stefano: if your IP address is 10.0.xxxx or 192.168.xxx you are behind a NAT firewall === cappicard__ [n=cappicar@CPE-24-163-224-130.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Grell [n=john@ool-44c4c3a8.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:14] Well, my modem and the hub is all i have. === atbnet [n=abednar@adsl-69-221-156-122.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:14] Ok. === rovitotv [n=rovitotv@adsl-75-52-171-142.dsl.dytnoh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:14] Then i am behind a NAT firewall. === rovitotv [n=rovitotv@adsl-75-52-171-142.dsl.dytnoh.sbcglobal.net] has left #ubuntu [] [05:14] stefano: Personally, I wouldn't be worrying about SSH being hacked into.. If you have a good password for your user, then you should have other things to worry about, then if "Secure Shell" is secure or not. [05:15] stefano: Just make sure you run the ubuntu updates to keep it patched [05:15] stefano: right now, I can connect to your IP on SSH port [05:15] "patched" .. heh === SmoothOp [n=no@pool-72-72-215-5.altnpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:15] I have been told that the passwd file could be "decoded" in a couple of hours. === drone4four [n=drone4fo@CPE00146c46614b-CM0012c9dafda0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === drone4four_ [n=drone4fo@CPE00146c46614b-CM0012c9dafda0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:15] stefano: ... How are they going to get your passwd file? [05:15] stefano: only if passwords are picked in dumb fashion [05:15] cosmodad, What does that mean? === Valar [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu [05:16] stefano: it means you're either not behind a firewall/NAT or you are forwarding SSH port to your machine [05:16] stefano: if you meant the password note: it means picking too simple passwords [05:16] I am using the open source drivers for my ATI card, but sometimes it randomly loses 3d functionality and I have to reinstall to get it working again. Then about 2 weeks later, I have to do it all again. Anyone else ever have this happen to them or know something I could check on? [05:16] z0rz: through skype ;) but passwords aren't kept in passwd. === wangyi [n=wangyi@059149228223.ctinets.com] has joined #ubuntu === nickrud_ [n=nickrud_@adsl-69-230-163-196.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:16] cosmodad: You could connect to my ssh server too if you knew my ip... I doubt that many people use some sort of port knocking to open up port 22 === Xavier_ [n=x@] has joined #ubuntu [05:17] z0rz: I was just pointing out that he doesn't have a NAT/firewall protect him from connecting [05:17] stefano: You're best bet is to change the port SSH operates on.. to something between 1024 and.. uhh 65000 or something like that === multiverse [n=multiver@c-76-28-144-62.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:17] cosmodad: Well I do.. but I have a hole poked for it.. so I can get in anyways [05:17] I do too* === the_hatter [n=merfango@] has joined #ubuntu [05:17] anyone familiar with using ekiga to comunicate with netmeeting ? [05:18] stefano: an even better bet is you pick a hard password for your users, restrict ssh to only the users you need and possibly disable password login === nickrud_ is now known as nickrud [05:18] stefano, you want a good secure password, and I suggest setting up ssh-server to listen on a nonstandard port. Like 45760 or whatever. [05:18] Ok, i could change port, but isn't getting a ssh prompt enough for a hacker? [05:18] z0rz: he didn't even know whether he had a NAT, so he most likely didn't forward either [05:18] If he scans ports and finds your box at 22 he will try. [05:18] stefano: unless a hacker knows your password, you're right safe. [05:18] lol, [05:18] I forwarded everything to server. [05:18] All my three machines have ssh on. === k3td [n=kk@] has joined #ubuntu [05:19] stefano: They won't get an ssh prompt unless they try to login in on every port possible until they find that port you have open.. I guess if they are really dedicated to get into your machine they would be able to port scan your whole computer... but most hackers port scan 1 port on a bunch of computers [05:19] stefano: the whole world uses SSH. Just make sure you know how to harden it. [05:19] cosmodad, does the prompt say stefano server? === wirelessmonkey [n=jeff@dynamic-16.scl.utah.edu] has joined #ubuntu [05:19] Yo, anybody familiar with using Rhythm Box? === wirelessmonkey [n=jeff@dynamic-16.scl.utah.edu] has joined #ubuntu [05:19] stefano: it doesn't say anything [05:19] Is there a way to have a different password only for ssh? [05:20] stefano: you don't get that info prior to logging in [05:20] Hello all! === GamingX [n=syed@] has joined #ubuntu === _Smash_temp [n=smash@pD95FFBF0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:20] stefano: not the easy way I think... [05:20] oh :( [05:20] stefano: it's better to make a user only for external logins === JDStone [n=JDStone@netblock-208-127-93-196.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:20] stefano: and give that user a really tough password [05:20] I just bought a new Lenovo Thinkpad R61 with 4 GB RAM. [05:20] oh ok, i see. === ashwino_ [n=arag0rn@] has joined #ubuntu === Icetea [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu === annihilus [n=annihlus@dorm13033.dorm-net.louisville.edu] has joined #ubuntu [05:21] stefano: you should take a look at /etc/ssh/sshd_config, especially AllowUser(s?) [05:21] <`LePGeL[BoY] > help? how can i unmount a hardrive in terminal? [05:21] How could i set ssh to run only for that user or login info for that user? [05:21] help me [05:21] `LePGeL[BoY] : sudo umount === symtab_ [n=symtab@] has joined #ubuntu === xp_prg [n=wgheath@m540f36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:21] anyone know how to install third party plugins in gedit, having trouble finding the right dir [05:21] cosmodad, great... ill take a look at it. Does man pages have more info on it? [05:21] stefano: AllowUser [05:21] <`LePGeL[BoY] > cosmodad: thanks [05:21] how can i install vmware tool on ubuntu 7.04 . I'm using vmware server [05:21] stefano: tons! [05:21] :D [05:21] geek squad told me to get xp or better so i said linux :D [05:22] stefano: you can do an awful lot with ssh. [05:22] how can i install vmware tool on ubuntu 7.04 . I'm using vmware server === Ultraface is now known as Bucketface [05:22] conquer the world? ^^ [05:22] !patience | Icetea [05:22] Icetea: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines === mjancaitis [n=mjancait@c-76-31-12-110.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:22] hello guys, I noticed something surprising, I am the only user on my system who uses ubuntu, and when I logged in and went to access my yahoo mail, I saw that its asking me for to confirm a password for a user I dont know, Any Ideas? === saeed [n=saeed@] has joined #ubuntu === skinnypuppy1334 [n=user@66-168-108-106.dhcp.mdvl.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:23] Anyone know if Gutsy is at a state where i could preform an "distro-upgrade" from feisty? [05:23] [05:23] @gamingX : the same to me :D === jganetsk [n=jganetsk@207-237-65-126.c3-0.avec-ubr12.nyr-avec.ny.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:23] My windows keep opening up in the background, how did I manage to do that and how can I change it back? [05:23] z0rz: this might be interesting for you: http://cyberelk.net/tim/articles/VNC/ [05:23] [05:23] [05:23] [05:23] [05:24] saeed: You're cool === OzRiC [n=OzRic@] has joined #ubuntu === OzRiC [n=OzRic@] has left #ubuntu ["Saliendo"] [05:24] It appears that 7.04 and 7.10 (Tribe 5) doesn't have the 64 bit driver for my nVIDIA card. I'd like to visually check that out, look on the install media, but I don't know how. [05:24] cosmodad: I'll have to read it... === faktorqm [n=faktorqm@] has joined #ubuntu [05:24] stefano: You can. #ubuntu+1 could tell you about the stability of feisty itself though [05:24] Is there a way to get my scroll lock button to light up when I have scroll lock on? [05:24] z0rz: only looked over it, but there're some solutions presented for VNC-likish [05:24] Flannel, thanks. === bullgard4 [n=detlef@p54BF19BF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === yharrow [n=sysadmin@unaffiliated/yharrow] has joined #ubuntu === Toma- [n=e17@i156-171.nv.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [05:25] I want to do as much as I can do inform people on how to deal with this, so I'd like to learn how to solve my own problems. === TinFury [n=tinfury@] has joined #ubuntu [05:25] is there anyone using virtual ubuntu ? [05:25] multiverse: what's the question again? [05:26] It appears that 7.04 and 7.10 (Tribe 5) doesn't have the 64 bit driver for my nVIDIA card. I'd like to visually check that out, look on the install media, but I don't know how. === mekyla [n=mekyla@static-66-38-159-33.gtcust.grouptelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:26] multiverse: In the directories on the mirrors of the CD, you'll find .list files, that's all the files on the CD. For desktop CDs, the manifest files will give you all the debs that are compiled into the image. === osxdude|laptop [n=osxdude@adsl-76-240-101-176.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:26] Icetea: You have any Ideas? === mekyla [n=mekyla@static-66-38-159-33.gtcust.grouptelecom.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === pjman [n=travis@c-75-73-129-110.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === GoodHabit [n=goodhabi@] has joined #ubuntu [05:27] multiverse: for instance: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.manifest http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.list [05:27] For more details on the issue, go here: [05:27] http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?p=2874209#post2874209 === karud [n=kyle@c-67-171-235-201.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:27] gamingX: nope, i'm having prob. When ubuntu asks for the password, i cannot type anything, cannot use the keyboard too [05:27] multiverse: The former has all the stuff inside the liveCD image, the latter has any other packages on the CD [05:27] Is there a way to have a thin-client with ubuntu? I was wondering if i could set up a pc, that from the moment it is turned on it is ready to use, in seconds. [05:27] GamingX: how can I ? [05:27] multiverse: for alternat CD, there are only list files, because there is no image with packages in it === saeed [n=saeed@] has joined #ubuntu [05:27] Icetea: the password doesn't echo on screen. [05:27] hi [05:27] Hello. How i can configure the built-in compiz? How to work "the cube of workspaces" & etc. === Coole^ [n=justin@71-212-52-231.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:28] I just installed ubuntu on my intel mac; screen shuts off after GRUB loads [05:28] i am cool [05:28] !effects | GoodHabit [05:28] GoodHabit: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects === MTecknology [n=MTecknol@adrianDHCP-171.216-254-248.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:28] stefano: Edubuntu has some really neat thinclient installation media. You could obviously configure it to be less edubuntu afterwards. === }btorch{ [n=btorch@] has joined #ubuntu === fender_ [n=fender@mail.dropletsap.com] has joined #ubuntu === lionstone [n=blo@c-67-180-84-37.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === gdb_ [n=cbell@circe.inetdb.com] has joined #ubuntu === rebootjac [n=david@] has joined #ubuntu [05:29] <}btorch{> how can I make an iso image ? I'm using mkisofs but some of the files are longer than 31 chars [05:29] kkkk === {NmE} [n=bradswal@adsl-75-8-53-179.dsl.applwi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:30] fuke me [05:30] <{NmE}> Hello ladies! [05:30] if you can [05:30] I'm getting a dead screen after GRUB loads? What's wrong? [05:30] I got this weird message when doing a routine package update === joris [i=joris@082-146-097-071.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu [05:30] <{NmE}> Are you using a laptop, Karud? [05:30] yeah [05:30] Hi everyone. I'm running Feisty with compiz using Amaranth's Repository. How do I get 3d windows when I rotate the cube? === Fivetwentysix [i=PMA@pcd175066.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu === yUSiyEEE [n=yusiye@cpe-75-84-64-237.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:31] I dont like the fonts and the layout, where do you change this? [05:31] Flannel, thanks for the info. looking into it. [05:31] <{NmE}> Karud, do you have an extra monitor you could plug into the back of your laptop? [05:31] pjman: there's a 3d windows section on beryl-manager, have you tried it? [05:31] yes, i have linux trying to talk to a windows user [05:31] I do, should I try that? [05:31] GamingX: there's a fonts section under System-Administration [05:31] recommendations for video chat program to talk with a windows user ? i am trying to use skype inside vmware but lose too much image quality === steve161 [n=steve@pool-71-249-32-41.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:31] btw, I'm running feisty with beryl. It said to report it as a bug. Seems to not be able to download a critical package or something [05:31] stc [05:31] GamingX, system > preferences > fonts [05:31] kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk [05:32] bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb === defjux21 [i=esoteric@c-24-61-58-233.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:32] anyone know a good CAD program for linux? [05:32] anyone having trouble when using sudo command ? [05:32] Hi, I've decided to install Linux (Ubuntu), however I don't know if my specs are supported. My specs are Asus P5B Motherboard, Intel Q6600 cpu, 4gb 667mhz ram, Asus Geforce 8800gts === mdolan [n=mdolan@ool-4576e35d.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:32] Fivetwentysix: the 8800 might give you problems [05:32] hey with Ubuntu if I want to tell what version of something I'm running how do I do it? === _nuu [n=neuro@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:1893] has joined #ubuntu === jj_ [n=jj@ks-76.flexabit.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:33] What's wrong with my graphic card? [05:33] I usually use rpm -qa program |grep beryl for eg. [05:33] But I use RedHat usually. [05:33] Fivetwentysix: too new === Paracha [i=Coder@Is.A.TclCoder.Org] has joined #ubuntu [05:33] pjman: Compiz Config Settings Manager (and that's all I know) [05:33] Fivetwentysix: check the wiki [05:33] anyone having trouble when using sudo command ? [05:33] !nvidia | Fivetwentysix [05:33] Fivetwentysix: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [05:33] is it possible to use the power-saving features of the geforce 8800/8600 series cards in linux? [05:33] So I can't even get the ubuntu-live cd to start with safe graphics mode...X complains that sreens were found but none were useable, then dumps me to a terminal [05:33] for video chat program I set up amsn and my friend has been chatting w/video to Venezuela from Oregon. === dddd [n=boxubi@c-67-177-174-119.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:34] !anyone | Icetea [05:34] Icetea: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [05:34] if you pass a car when there are no lines on the road, would you expect that to be illegal? === BlueXero [n=crodgers@203-184-39-148.jetbuster.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [05:34] mjancaitis: I'm using Amaranth's Repository so I'm running compiz not beryl... [05:34] dddd, of course, what's not permitted is denied [05:34] Thanks for the information Flannel. I do have one more question: you gave me the information for releases http://releases.ubuntu.com but I am working on 7.10 Tribe 5. Where do I go for that? TIA [05:34] mjancaitis didn't 8800 come out like in january? [05:34] Fivetwentysix, driver support [05:34] Flannel: I must be blind :-) I don't see anything about 3d windows in compiz config settings manager.... === `ph8 [i=henri@] has joined #ubuntu [05:35] when using sudo command, it asks for a password, but i don't know what password is it and i cannot type anything in the terminal [05:35] !sudo | Icetea [05:35] Icetea: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. [05:35] multiverse: Its like that on any mirror. I just picked one, uh, devel is on cdimage: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/gutsy-alternate-amd64.list [05:35] Icetea, it's seeing your keystrokes, not showing them. And use your regular password [05:35] <{NmE}> Icetea, it does not show the letters you type in the password === symtab_ is now known as symtab [05:35] multiverse, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/tribe-5/ [05:36] Thank you Flannel and MoLE_ [05:36] can't install "ubuntu-desktop" package. Says to report as a bug.. any ideas? === `ph8 is now known as ph8 [05:36] <{NmE}> Icetea, you also had to have set a password when installing ubuntu and setting up your accout.. Whatever password you used there type in after sudo [05:36] thanks all === Thulanis [n=jonathan@host86-140-59-160.range86-140.btcentralplus.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving] [05:36] rebootjac, first, check your /etc/apt/sources.list and make sure you have the main repository enabled [05:36] Is there not possibility to run Ubuntu if I can't get the live CD to start an X Server? My graphics card is only an ATI laptop gfx card. [05:36] ok, I will hold on === MTecknology [n=MTecknol@adrianDHCP-171.216-254-248.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu === Rydekull [i=rydekull@luda/rydekull] has joined #Ubuntu [05:37] jj_ : no, you can still run ubuntu [05:37] jj_: easiest way is to use the alternate-install CD [05:37] jj_ - you may have to change the video settings === bindasjared [n=jared@] has joined #ubuntu [05:37] jj_: then deal with your video drivers === Chad92 [n=Chad92@] has joined #ubuntu === bindasjared [n=jared@] has joined #ubuntu [05:38] mjancaitis: ddonky: thanks, I'll give that a try...where does the alternate cd hide, I hvaen't seen it before... === arron [n=arron@76-10-149-145.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:38] is there a another network manager besides gnome network manager and rutilt? [05:38] Can anyone tell me how to check the version of a program? [05:38] jj_: go to the ubuntu site, and where you go to download it, check the box underneath the download button that says "alternate CD [05:38] " [05:38] TinFury, usually --version works [05:39] Thanks. Is there anything like rpm -q [05:39] TinFury, dpkg -l is similar [05:39] Thanks === orbisvicis [n=orbisvic@r237036.res.Lehigh.EDU] has joined #ubuntu [05:39] nickrud: any idea why all my windows are opening without focus (opening in the background)? [05:39] TinFury, apt-cache policy shows a bit more === PAJERO [n=viktor@] has joined #ubuntu === fungalMonk [i=matt@zappa.azrackspace.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:40] Awesome. I like to use apt [05:40] mjancaitis, not a clue (hope I never see that, either ;) === GreenOlive [n=orbisvic@pool-70-21-208-173.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:40] Couldn't figure how to get the ver though.. thanks === the_hatter [n=merfango@] has left #ubuntu [] === yUSiyEEE [n=yusiye@cpe-75-84-64-237.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === qebab [n=robb@136.80-202-209.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu === Zemus [n=Zemus@unaffiliated/zemus] has joined #ubuntu [05:40] nickrud: for once, google is utterly useless too [05:40] Oh my, big channel [05:40] has anyone successfully setup dual monitors with an intel graphics card? [05:40] <{NmE}> ----If I install the 64bit version of Ubuntu am I going to have to make sure everything else is 64 bit, like flash/beryl?? [05:40] I'm using gparted for the first time. It's warning me that if I set disklabel (I currently have an unallocated partition highlighted), I'll lose all information on /dev/hda. Does anyone know if that means I'll lose info on unallocated (none), or if I lose all the info on the entire hard drive? [05:40] TinFury: you can also use apt-cache show [05:40] btw [05:40] fungalMonk, turn off join/part, it becomes manageable :) [05:40] for the q6600 === atbnet` [n=abednar@adsl-69-221-156-122.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:40] Rowan: the updates will do that for you [05:40] eek. [05:40] lol [05:40] do i install 64bit or 32bit? [05:40] Thanks [05:41] mjancaitis, what do you mean? [05:41] ... anyone? === toyimp [n=toyimp@cpe-71-74-145-34.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === raziEL [n=pedrolop@] has joined #ubuntu === ianmcorvidae [n=ianmcorv@ip72-211-151-55.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:41] Hi all === Megaqwerty [n=megaqwer@unaffiliated/megaqwerty] has joined #ubuntu [05:41] Fivetwentysix, use the 32bit, you'll be much happier with the package availability [05:41] <{NmE}> kk [05:41] nickrud, thanks for the tip... even so, big/busy channel compared to most I'm in. :) [05:41] anyone know if I could get "aa" to play a vid in the terminal somehow? [05:41] :| === Dougie [n=dougie@pool-71-240-28-61.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:41] Is there a portable firefox for linux? [05:41] Does anyone know what I'm talking about? [05:42] z0rz: what do you mean portable? [05:42] nickrud [05:42] hmm.. seems to be enabled. I have Ubutnu Studio if that makes any difference [05:42] doesn't 64 bit have better support? [05:42] Megaqwerty, you can use mplayer -ao aa I think === dxdt [n=mrw@76-85-192-52.cable.inebraska.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:42] Zemus: I thnk you'll lose everything if you try and change the label [05:42] Zemus: it sounds like it means the whole drive (not just the unallocated space) [05:42] nickrud: that starts "aa for X though...right?" === user__ [n=user@] has joined #ubuntu [05:42] I need help with formatting a USB stick. It isn't letting me. :( I'm stuck in this hell where it says it is mounted, so then I unmount it, but then mkfs says it can't find the device. Very annoying. [05:42] Falstius, mjancaitis thanks guys :) [05:42] hi all [05:42] multiverse: Well I'd like to go to the school computers and plugin my thumb drive.. and have all my extensions installed on my firefox install.. but I don't want to effect the current version of firefox on the school's machine [05:42] nickrud: hmm.. seems to be enabled. I have Ubutnu Studio if that makes any difference [05:42] Rowan: apt-get will know what version you have and what's compatible when you try and get new apps [05:43] Fivetwentysix, no, for example flash won't work easily in 64bit. === klepto [i=klepto@insanity.deathwish.net] has left #ubuntu [] [05:43] nickrud: and I think it would be -vo, no? [05:43] nickrud, are you sure ? [05:43] My feeling is that you could have a configured Firefox on the thumbdrive. [05:43] yes i know. i use apt-get, but is there some sort of thing i need to apt-get? i don't see any apps to dual-monitor === `LePGeL[BoY] [n=midnitek@] has joined #ubuntu === mehdi [n=mehdi@] has joined #ubuntu [05:43] oh and will 32 bit ubuntu support 4 gb of ram? [05:43] Megaqwerty, you know more than I about that, I see (that's why I added I think) [05:44] Fivetwentysix, I think (again) it's 3.2 gb === reverseblade [n=onur@] has joined #ubuntu [05:44] nickrud: dang...alright. [05:44] recomendations for a cross platform (lin to win) video chat ? [05:44] Anyone else have a clue? [05:44] === cori[s] [n=cori@pdpc/supporter/active/CoriS] has joined #ubuntu [05:44] what kind of packages do 32 bit users get that 64 bit users don't [05:44] exit [05:44] c01100011: Skype [05:44] Why do I have to reset my resolution every time I reboot? [05:44] I installed beryl and now the X, minimize, and maximize buttons disappeared. How can I fix this? [05:45] rebootjac, i've not had ubuntu studio installed; could you post the error somewhere? [05:45] Fivetwentysix: flash and video codecs, other binary only stuff. === nuu [n=neuro@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:1893] has joined #ubuntu [05:45] multiverse, no video support in linux [05:45] but there are workarounds to that right? [05:45] exsequor, disable Desktop Effects from System > Preferences > Desktop Effects === _Paracha [i=Coder@Is.A.TclCoder.Org] has joined #ubuntu [05:45] exsequor: there is a note about that in the ubuntu wiki === barnie [i=thrust@] has joined #ubuntu [05:45] Anyone? ^^ [05:46] Fivetwentysix, yes; if you're even moderately comfortable with a command line it's doable === mehdi [n=mehdi@] has joined #ubuntu [05:46] Sounds good then. [05:47] Megaqwerty: what was your question again? [05:47] exsequor: from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BerylOnFeisty -- sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals -d 24 [05:47] multivers: Yes but how? [05:47] "anyone know if I could get "aa" to play a vid in the terminal somehow?" === LauraJ [n=sparkleh@] has joined #ubuntu === Johnuah [n=johnuah@] has joined #ubuntu [05:47] Ooh [05:47] Dunno === Tama00 [n=tama@] has joined #ubuntu === Rhoruns_ [n=Rhoruns@ip68-230-90-30.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === galpa_ [n=galpa@] has joined #ubuntu === smokestack [n=aaron@ip72-223-93-244.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:48] nickrud: It doesn't really give me a error.. do you know where the log would be kept for botched installs? The message I get when I try to do a partial upgrade says, "Can't install 'ubuntu-desktop' It was impossible to install a required package. Please report this as a bug." [05:48] yeah i am === nprice [n=nprice@cpe-75-80-90-83.bak.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === |neon| [n=kvirc@c-67-171-62-118.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:48] nickrud: btw, thanks for your help! [05:48] z0rz: what you want to do is independent of Ubuntu. I suggest an exhaustive search at a search engine for "firefox usb" or some such combination of keywords. [05:48] rebootjac, try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade === BankHead [n=KiloByte@nv-71-0-36-206.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu === Centaur5 [n=fishman@] has joined #ubuntu === sdouble [n=sdouble@12-216-125-64.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu === Omen_Bearer [n=kaeli@adsl-158-169-63.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:49] z0rz: might look into swiftfox too, it's a smaller package and might be better suited; there's always Tor, too [05:49] yst.org [05:49] hmm can some one help me out with some simple html [05:49] ? === Omen_Bearer [n=kaeli@adsl-158-169-63.mia.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === lordmemo5 [n=lordmemo@] has joined #ubuntu [05:49] toyimp, desktop effects were never enabled so I enabled them and disabled them again and now beryl won't start at all [05:49] i just need to align an img but its not working right === Fivetwentysix doesn't like how Vista made my network card time out all the time [05:50] hey can somebody help me installing cmpiz funsion in ubuntu === houmala [n=mike@c-75-65-139-175.hsd1.la.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:50] mjancaitis, I think I know what you're seeing with your background windows: start one again, but make sure that you don't have a currently opened app focused [05:50] z0rz: Is this what you're looking for? http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/firefox_portable === Born_In_Xixax [n=dstaudt@adsl-69-153-251-12.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:50] exsequor, ask in #compiz-fusion [05:50] I accidentally added a wrong word to gedit. How would I remove it? [05:50] How much memory does a stock standard installation on fiesty 7.04 support?? [05:50] hey can somebody help me installing cmpiz funsion in ubuntu [05:50] exsequor, that's what fixed it for me was disabling that [05:50] nickrud: Also get this when I close out the first message, "Could not calculate the upgrade A unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade. Please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the files in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ in the bugreport." [05:50] toyimp, I'm not using compiz-fusion === Johnuah [n=johnuah@] has left #ubuntu [] === pjman [n=travis@c-75-73-129-110.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] === coded1 [n=mark@CPE000c41762708-CM001225009578.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === user__ is now known as ^_^ [05:51] rebootjac, then if the apt-get dist-upgrade doesn't work, I'd do what the messages say === aoirthoir [n=coscseac@wsip-68-99-156-37.ri.ri.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:51] mjancaitis: And I could put that on a thumb drive and run the whole thing from the thumb drive? === Resum [n=hywang@74-141-211-125.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:51] z0rz: my link will give you what you want [05:52] BlendArt, your question is a bit vague [05:52] Megaqwerty: Exactly... Do you have a link? [05:52] hi all - i would like to remotely monitor my kids ubuntu pc's - need some way to automatically take screenshots of any active X session every X minutes (i can grab the files remotely) - any ideas or other suggestions? [05:52] http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/firefox_portable [05:52] nickrud: ok I will try.. thanks for your kind support! === beavis [n=beavis@host86-138-47-251.range86-138.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === pjman [n=travis@c-75-73-129-110.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:52] z0rz: Tor? Yes, it's designed to be a completely untraceable browser you can bring with you [05:52] z0rz: that's the link [05:52] nickrud: ? [05:52] Megaqwerty: I don't have a Windows box to run it on.... [05:52] rebootjac, support is when it works; all I gave was the moral kind :) [05:52] please help me install comfusion [05:52] z0rz: oh, didn't notice that... [05:52] z0rz: try wine? [05:52] BlendArt, added a word to gedit? [05:52] i reallly need it [05:52] Megaqwerty: Haha, no thanks [05:52] nickrud: Yes [05:52] hey houmala 256mb RAM is required === thiebaude [n=thiebaud@] has joined #ubuntu [05:53] i just installed ubuntu for my first time! all went well. I have 2 seperate video cards though, one agp which it picked up np and a pci, which hardware manager picks up but i dont know how to use it in X, any ideas? [05:53] z0rz: I'll look for a Linux port. [05:53] Megaqwerty: Btw, I already have that exact version of ff on my thumb drive === GreenOlive [n=orbisvic@pool-70-21-208-173.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:53] BlendArt, I don't know what that is. Added a word to a file you edited with gedit? or what? [05:53] I'd like to try deluge-torrent. I don't see it in Feisty's repositories yet it's in edgy and gutsy... anyone know why? Am I doing something wrong? http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=deluge&searchon=names&subword=1&version=all&release=all [05:53] z0rz: so...what are you looking for? === Faithful [n=Faithful@ns.linuxterminal.com] has joined #ubuntu === broedj4 [n=zeux@p54B11359.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === GamingX [n=syed@] has joined #ubuntu [05:53] <^_^> ai................. [05:53] please help me install compiz fusion [05:53] how much memory does a standard install of 7.04 support?? === raziEL [n=pedrolop@] has joined #ubuntu [05:53] hey houmala 256mb RAM is required === ^_^ is now known as name === No1Viking [n=micke@h-83-140-104-41.auto.rp80.se] has joined #ubuntu [05:54] hmmmmmm [05:54] 256 isn't required. But I think he was asking for top end === left1 [n=sean@ip70-179-112-120.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:54] Megaqwerty: sweet link [05:54] hi houmala, using the alternate install cd, i have several pc's running fine on 128mb [05:54] #ubuntu-ops You're banned from that channel what the hell? === Kasuko [n=kasuko@CPE0013ce705cd1-CM0019475dc37a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:54] i have 4 GB does 7.04 support it ?? === maestrojed [n=user@75-164-136-142.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:54] the live cd won't work with that much though [05:54] Hello [05:54] the live cd requires 256 [05:54] Megaqwerty: That link you gave me... is exactly what I'm looking for.. except for Ubuntu [05:54] houmala i think only 64 bit version [05:54] does [05:54] does fiesty desktop effects remove the menu bar for anyone else? [05:54] pjman, probably the package wasn't in good shape when feisty was frozen; if you look around on bugs.launchpad.net you'll probably find out why. [05:54] z0rz: oh, then I'll look for a linux version [05:55] (Of the installer...I hope) [05:55] :/ my ubuntu install went shitz [05:55] oh hey look at that [05:55] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Tribe5?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=displayconfig1.jpg [05:55] what is top end for memory in 7.04?? === atbnet` is now known as atbnet [05:55] gutsy will have what i'm looking for xD [05:55] Megaqwerty: Ideally I'd like to put my thumb drive into any linux machine and have my version of firefox installed with my extensions and bookmarks.. w/o effecting the host os === juest is now known as canabissativa [05:55] @\\ [05:55] z0rz: oh, so you won't be using it on windows pcs? [05:55] how can compiz fusion can be installed??... any body??? === mikubuntu [n=chatzill@c-76-108-252-28.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:55] has anyone heard of being able to use 2 video cards at the same time on linux other than sli? [05:55] Megaqwerty: Nope === fivetwentysix2 [i=PMA@pcd175036.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu === canabissativa is now known as acabinissavant [05:55] z0rz: that's a hell of a lot more feasible! [05:55] !compiz | lordemono5 [05:55] lordemono5: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects [05:56] Megaqwerty: What's that? ;) [05:56] houmala, ubuntu has no top end, i believe. but 32 bit pcs are limited to ~3.5 Gb ram. === acabinissavant is now known as abasinisvacant [05:56] i remember back in 1998 i had a 4gb harddrive [05:56] and tried to install mandrake on it [05:56] !xinerama | coded1 [05:56] coded1: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead [05:56] and my harddrive broke [05:56] during the partitioning [05:56] lol [05:56] Can anyone help me with and internet problem? I seem connected to the router and I have and ip address and a DNS server but I have no internet. It worked for like three weeks and this seems out of the blue. I recently copied a command to open a port from iptables that is the nearest thing I did to the interent [05:56] I am using ubuntu for my first time. I am building a web server. Does Ubuntu Server have a GUI or just Ubuntu Desktop? === nwew [n=sid@] has joined #ubuntu [05:56] !DualHead [05:56] Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama [05:56] that seems to agree with what i saw on a system monitor screen [05:56] nickrud, ubotu thanx === mzuverink [n=mzuverin@adsl-75-40-249-234.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu === thedarkprince [n=thedarkp@] has joined #ubuntu === onats [n=julian@] has joined #ubuntu [05:57] Kasuko: Does the router itself have a ip address assigned to it? [05:57] maestrojed only ubuntu desktop edition [05:57] yes === errdil [n=errdil@pool-71-125-87-157.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:57] I can get on the internet with the windows box im on now === Pie-rate [n=jschall@cust-69-19-214-183.static.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:57] maestrojed i suggest only using the server edition if you absolutely know all the commands neccessary [05:58] Can anybody tell me why I would get stuck at the orange screen after i login on Ubuntu... Is was working fine until it froze and I restarted it. === Wolfsong [n=chatzill@cpe-67-9-242-19.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:58] through the same router [05:58] you can also delete the gui === BlendArt is now known as Extrovery === Extrovery is now known as Extrovert [05:58] if you no longer need it === n00dl3_ [n=ctrlx@c-76-110-174-0.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === craigbass1976 [n=craig@pool-72-73-72-73.ptldme.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:58] hi, which file identifies my machine's hostname? /etc/hostname? [05:58] !hostname | onats [05:58] onats: Use hostname to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab [05:58] onats, maybe /etc/hosts === AngryParsley_ [n=geoff@c-24-4-158-70.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:58] Kasuko: Right, but are you getting a address on the WAN port of the router from the ISP? === dijix [n=slucy@adsl-68-94-230-194.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:58] onats, yes, and it should be repeated in /etc/hosts on the same line as === Extrovert is now known as Extravert [05:59] nickrud: thanks for the info. I'll install the deb. [05:59] i just enabled my nVidia driver and rebooted and now i have a black screen. any ideas how to get it working? [05:59] clearzen, how do I find that out? === Evanlec [n=evan@c-75-67-237-157.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === KoalaCXC [n=KoalaCXC@c9119cdc.bhz.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu === KoalaCXC [n=KoalaCXC@c9119cdc.bhz.virtua.com.br] has left #ubuntu ["Saindo"] [05:59] w00t.. when's the new ubuntu expected to come out? [05:59] Kasuko: Every router is different. You have to login and check the status of the connection [05:59] pjman, what deb? [05:59] oct [05:59] Kasuko: usually via web browser === fod [n=fod@] has joined #ubuntu [05:59] pjman, not a good idea to take one from either edgy or gutsy [05:59] fivetwentysix2: I know almost none of the commands. I am building a test server to my production server which is linux (and managed by a company). So I want my test server to be linux. I was choosing ubuntu because I don't know the commands but I just installed server and saw that it was command line based. If I use Unbuntu Desktop will I be able to turn it into a web server with apcahe and php running on it? === swiftnomad [n=swiftnom@ip72-198-87-89.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:00] clearze, so me being on the router on a different computer connected to the internet doesnt mean anything === jfkfhhfj [n=jfkfhhfj@ool-182dc51a.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:00] thanks, but my router sees only '*' as the hostname of my device.. i dont know why it doesnt see the name. it's already defined in /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts.conf [06:00] nickrud, http://deluge-torrent.org/downloads [06:00] nickrud, yes, you can [06:00] i mean hosts [06:00] maestrojed: You can. There's no difference in "server" and "desktop" versions except the default packages installed from the CD [06:00] Kasuko: It does. If the second router is chained with the first. and router a is the parent. Does that make sense to you? [06:00] Kasuko, usually you get to the router by [06:00] no im on the same router [06:00] craigbass1976, the dependencies and the like are ok? Python didn't change versions again? :) [06:00] nickrud: they have a Feisty deb [06:01] Could somebody tell me if the pxelinux.0 file for thin clients should be located elsewhere on Feisty vs. Edgy? [06:01] Megaqwerty: Find anything yet? [06:01] nickrud: Is there a way to edit gedits dictionary database? === ] eremy [n=jeremy@c-69-242-147-39.hsd1.mo.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === shabboob [n=freezey@user-160uc5p.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:01] pjman, yes, I'd do that too [06:01] Flannel: very cool thank you for the advice === pashashome [n=chris@pool-71-105-191-137.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:01] I would trouble shoot this for you but I'm at work and I just got off. I'll be back online in a while though [06:01] Extravert, ah, added a word to the dictionary. a sec [06:01] clearzen,both computers are on the same router [06:01] z0rz: kind of...found a reference to the possibility existing...just not anything tutorialwise === assasukasse [n=assasuka@n219079164170.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:01] nickrud, all you're doing is adding x and a desktop environment I imagine === Tomcat_ [n=Tomcat@p54A1C160.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:02] clearzen, I dont have access to the router right now. Im at a friends house and I get the same problem [06:02] Then it is a problem with the config of the computer [06:02] Megaqwerty: Yeah.. I think maybe I could just download the firefox source and compile it to a directory .. and then just copy the directory to my thumbe drive.. and then run the executable === demonspork [n=demonspo@d6-71.rb3.clm.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:02] Hello. I have ubuntu 7.04 && I installed automatrix2 and it's not compatible. How do I delete it and download & install one compatible?? [06:02] maestrojed i pmed you [06:02] craigbass1976, we were talking about deluge-torrent from an older or newer release [06:02] I'll be back in a while if you are still here [06:02] Kasuko, this might/might not work ... you might be royally screwed, but iptables --flush ? [06:02] !automatrix [06:02] Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software. When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it. A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme) [06:02] z0rz: yeah. that would work. [06:02] swiftnomad: it is compatible with 7.04, you've done something else wrong, unfortunately [06:03] orbisvicis, whats royally screwed mean? no chance of repair or just a bit more complicated? === Skrypt [n=skrypt@] has joined #ubuntu [06:03] z0rz: I can't believe I didn't think of it! [06:03] yay only 20mb [06:03] left [06:03] on my download [06:03] nickrud, oh, I thought you were talking about running a web server on regular (as opposed to just text) ubuntu. I missed something I guess === Phoochka [n=phoochka@] has joined #ubuntu [06:03] my router sees only '*' as the hostname of my device.. i dont know why it doesnt see the name. it's already defined in /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts.conf [06:03] 10mb [06:03] ok small issue i am trying to burn with k3b... whats happening is k3b sees my cdrom drive when i run it as root .... and when i run it as myself it doesnt see it period evn when i try to add it manually [06:03] automatrix2? no when I start it it.. it tells me that it's only compatible with 6.06 [06:03] 5 mb === radioaktivstorm [n=Charles@c-71-233-161-185.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:03] 4 [06:03] 3 [06:03] 2 [06:03] 1 [06:03] ya downloaded! [06:03] craigbass1976, nah, just another conversation. Your eye lost the scroll ;) [06:03] !automatix [06:03] Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software. When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it. A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme) [06:03] five: stop spamming, christ [06:04] nickrud, smoke got in my eye [06:04] !enter | fivetwentysix2 [06:04] fivetwentysix2: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! === Blackmind [n=allanmur@unaffiliated/blackmind] has joined #ubuntu [06:04] lol [06:04] Fetched 8604B in 5s (1584B/s) === yorellz [n=yorellz@] has joined #ubuntu [06:04] Reading package lists... Done [06:04] W: GPG error: http://www.getautomatix.com dapper Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY CC919A31E23C5FC3 [06:04] Megaqwerty: Heh.. you don't think there were will be any architechure specific problems do you? Like if I switch around to different intel based machines it won't fubar when it sees a different processor than the one it was compiled on? === nickrud reminds himself to be nice to other smokers [06:04] fivetwentysix2: You are making me look like a rookie :) I am using x-chat and did not see a PM. Not sure what to do [06:04] nickrud, and I lost my glasses today. Hey, do I know you from another linux room? Fedora maybe? [06:04] Kasuko, well it means if you execute that command i gave you to delete iptables rules & it doesnt work, well. um [06:04] z0rz: as long as it's still intel you should be fine. If you switch to an AMD pc...problems might occur...and then, maybe not. === XdorotaX [n=dorota@unaffiliated/xdorotax] has joined #ubuntu [06:05] how do you restart the gnome panel? [06:05] z0rz: only used Linux on intel so far. [06:05] Megaqwerty: Eww.. but intel based I meant AMD too ;D [06:05] Extravert, gedit uses a library to maintain local spell dictionaries, I though I knew off hand. I'll have to look (may need to know this myself one day) === csc` [n=csc@archlinux/user/csc] has joined #ubuntu [06:05] I believe there is a IRC related command 'seen'. What is its syntax? [06:05] swiftnomad: go to the automatix site, check out the wiki, and download the deb corresponding with your 7.04 version [06:05] I like AMD but Intel has been out performing them in their recent chips === morlenxus [n=morlenxu@e178011149.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [06:05] orbisvicis, ok well I did it and I didnt get an error, but didnt appear to work should I reboot? [06:05] craigbass1976, no, I was here in 05 & early 06, you probably saw me here then [06:05] Megaqwerty: My test machine is a 3200+ with 2gb of ram.. I test everything out before I put it on my "production" box :D [06:05] z0rz: so you will be using it with both intel and AMD? [06:05] !hosts [06:05] Sorry, I don't know anything about hosts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [06:05] !host [06:05] Sorry, I don't know anything about host - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [06:05] !hostname [06:05] Use hostname to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab [06:05] Megaqwerty: yes [06:06] !7.10 [06:06] Sorry, I don't know anything about 7.10 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi === Shadowpillar [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:06] hello, i have been having issues connecting to available open wireless networks.. for example the one at the airport on which free wireless is available. it sees the netowork, it tries to connect, but never finishes and eventually gives up. sugesstions? I would really love to not have to be forced to use windows >_< [06:06] !gutsy | thiebaude [06:06] thiebaude: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 [06:06] I guess what I could do.. is just ssh -X to my home computer and then run firefox from the commandline.. [06:06] Kasuko, no need. so then. Can you access the router, usually in browser [06:06] craigbass1976, exciting times, right after the warty release :) [06:06] z0rz: you might wanna have two copies, and then have a symlink to your preferences in one of the installs, that way you have your settings working with everything === atrus [n=atrus@d199-126-255-144.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:06] That's a pretty good idea.. as long as it doesn't browse slow as hell [06:06] thanks [06:06] What's 7.10, happy hacking? [06:06] !gutsy [06:06] Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 === pashashome [n=chris@pool-71-105-191-137.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] === blijblijblij [n=rogier@57-154.surfsnel.dsl.internl.net] has joined #ubuntu === du [n=tobias@e180046117.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [06:07] now all i have to do is install a new harddrive in my pc and install ubuntu [06:07] !hardy [06:07] Hardy Heron is the code name for Ubuntu 8.04, due April 2008. [06:07] be back later to spam! [06:07] :D [06:07] :-D [06:07] Anyone know of a GUI GTKrc editor? [06:07] nickrud, must have been in here. I used fedora until FC5, then came in here with dapper [06:07] trying to print a landscape-oriented pdf to a portrait-oriented printer with evince in gutsy, but it stretches it instead of rotating it. suggestions? [06:07] can i download 7.10 from the terminal, just for testing purposes? === erosa [n=soulnet@] has joined #ubuntu === pjman [n=travis@c-75-73-129-110.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] === wvmac1 [n=wvmac@c-71-61-235-127.hsd1.wv.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:07] orbisvicis I cant access the router [06:07] z0rz: it wouldn't be slower than doing it over SSH! [06:07] thiebaude got to #ubuntu+1 [06:08] thnx paddy === BoP [n=wnet@] has joined #ubuntu [06:08] 7.10 is gutsy? [06:08] craigbass1976, yes, I took a sabbatical shortly after dapper, didn't touch a computer for nearly a year [06:08] z0rz: and of course, it would be as fast as if you ran only one copy...the symlink doesn't affect performance noticeably [06:08] craigbass1976: yes [06:08] Anyone know why it's #ubuntn+1 .. I mean +1? Why not #ubuntu-beta or #ubuntu-non-stable or something aside +1 [06:09] z0rz: because it's the next version [06:09] z0rz: for fun === PTEG-RelativeIns [n=gonzalo@217-63-235-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu [06:09] !ubuntu+2 [06:09] Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu+2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [06:09] nickrud, it would have killed me. I'm just about dying now--just got a new job and have to use windows... How do people get anything done with just one desktop? [06:09] ubotu isn't the same bot that was in here earlier .. is it? [06:09] Kasuko, just to double check, instruction for accessing routers can be found http://portforward.com. just pick your router [06:09] do I need 2 nameservers to run a server? [06:09] z0rz: it's the original bot [06:09] nickrud: I think I figured it out. I'll pop on tomorrow sometime if it still gives me grief. Thanks again for all your help. === rebootjac [n=david@] has left #ubuntu [] [06:10] z0rz: it was under a diff name for a bit for some reason...but it's the original help bot [06:10] KevinOman, not that I know of, I'm only running a web server on one [06:10] darn, I hate that when they don't say what they thought it was [06:10] Megaqwerty: Are you an admin/op here? [06:10] z0rz: nope [06:10] how do I set up my nameserver craigbass1976 [06:10] orbisvicis, I know how to access the router, I do all the time and used to be able to until recently === banditti [n=banditti@ip72-208-46-129.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === banditti [n=banditti@ip72-208-46-129.ph.ph.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:11] craigbass1976, I took a nearly 10 year one in the nineties, didn't own one at all :) Needed to get outside again [06:11] KevinOman, heh... biggum pain... Need a walkthrough-ish thing? [06:11] hello, i have been having issues connecting to available open wireless networks.. for example the one at the airport on which free wireless is available. it sees the netowork, it tries to connect, but never finishes and eventually gives up. sugesstions? I would really love to not have to be forced to use windows >_< [06:11] I got one for ya'll .. I asked this in #irssi: when I press Alt+Left or Alt+Right to change between chans it says "3D" and "3C" instead of changing to different chans .. What do I need to change in Ubuntu's terminal to fix this? === Noone [n=None@c-67-188-71-166.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Noone [n=None@c-67-188-71-166.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] === bao [n=bao@cpe-72-229-119-128.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Tama00_ [n=tama@] has joined #ubuntu === marty [n=marty@fl-76-5-60-53.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:12] Can anybody tell me why I would get stuck at the orange screen after i login on Ubuntu... Is was working fine until it froze and I restarted it. === Tonren [n=mcantor@ool-45724cb6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:12] KevinOman, are you registered on freenode? [06:12] craigbass1976: I have all the software installed I just don't know how to set it up === iblicf [n=iblicf@] has joined #ubuntu === Luke [n=Luke@74-132-228-30.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #Ubuntu [06:12] The workaround at this bug URL: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sane-backends/+bug/85488 says to disable something in "linux-source". What is "linux-source" and how do I disable things in it? === marty_ [n=marty@fl-76-5-60-53.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:12] craig and I on my own url [06:12] does anyone know what Ubuntu package contains the "pdflatex" program? I can't find it anywhere === d4rkmonkey [n=Jared@CPE000bcd15b4ae-CM00195efba7ac.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:13] KevinOman, are you registered on freenode? === Falstius [n=jeff@c-71-227-120-16.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [06:13] Why do you need 'pdflatex'? [06:13] craigbass1976: I own a url [06:13] craigbass1976: no === cappicard [n=cappicar@CPE-24-163-224-130.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:13] KevinOman, do you im? [06:13] /join #ubuntu+1 [06:13] yup === tarelerulz [n=tareleru@c-24-22-49-8.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:14] KevinOman, join #craigbass [06:14] orbisvicis, I dont even get the log in page, it just times out === Faithful [n=Faithful@ns.linuxterminal.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:14] craigbass1976: /msg NickServ SET UNFILTERED === RyDeN [n=webchat@pool-70-23-105-194.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:14] z0rz: use alt [1-2] [q-o] to change windows [06:14] craigbass1976: that will allow you to private chat with unregistered users [06:14] mneptok: I know how to change windows that way [06:14] Extravert, its ~/.aspell.en.pws here [06:14] If you're using Ubunutu, Evince handles PDFs. [06:14] errr ... [1-0] === RyDeN [n=webchat@pool-70-23-105-194.ny325.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [06:14] Really,,, [06:14] nickrud: ? [06:15] Kasuko. rather stumped. maybe the driver stopped working, or is no longer detected? try dmesg|tail or lspci ? [06:15] nickrud: oh [06:15] craigbass1976: Yep! [06:15] z0rz: what are you using as a term? [06:15] does anyone know what Ubuntu package contains the "pdflatex" program? [06:15] Extravert, forgot to put a word in my local spelling directory, that's what took so long :) === astro76 [n=james@unaffiliated/astro76] has joined #ubuntu === Woosta [n=rickm@218-214-148-59.people.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [06:15] nickrud: I dont have that folder =/ [06:15] Looks like that guy just asked a question and left... [06:15] Extravert, it's a file [06:15] mneptok: Well whatever is best :D ... Right now just ubuntu's terminal.. but I'd gladly switch to anything that outperforms it === Slaj_R [n=SlyR@cntralbas01-pool2-a85.cntral.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:16] #ubuntu-br [06:16] Where can I find a repos that has older version of some stuff? To match my hosting environment I need mysql 4.1x and php 4 .. but my local distro is feisty [06:16] Extravert, ~ is shorthand for your home directory, if that's what you mean [06:16] Luke: texlive-base-bin and tetex-bin === yang_ [n=yang@] has joined #ubuntu [06:16] nickrud: Found it. Thank you! === Chad92 [n=Chad92@] has joined #ubuntu [06:16] Anyone have a suggestion of a more feature rich terminal? [06:16] Extravert, yw. [06:16] If xmms thinks a program is blocking my soundcard, how can I find out what's doing it? System Monitor isn't telling me much. [06:16] Terminals need features? === thiebaude [n=thiebaud@] has joined #ubuntu === CyberMad [n=cyber@] has joined #ubuntu [06:17] mjancaitis: No.. they just need to work === SinII [n=Sinistra@d055168.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu [06:17] @Woosta: Try looking up 'mySQL 4.1 deb' in a search engine, or something like that. [06:17] nickrud: Now I can just add words directly to it =) [06:17] Megaqwerty: I think the texlive package is for texlive support [06:17] Extravert, I think so, yes. [06:17] Megaqwerty: I'll look at tetex-bin [06:17] @Luke why do you need that package? [06:17] quit [06:17] mjancaitis: And I can't get the default one to work.. so I'm looking for one that let's me edit the key codes it sends to the server.. so It'll work === adient [n=parker@24-197-145-34.dhcp.gwnt.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:17] Luke: according to "command-not-found" that's what contains that command *shurgs* === holotone [n=holotone@host-69-146-25-88.msl-mt.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:17] marty_: yeah, there's plenty of them .. but finding one that's compatible with feisty is the problem .. [06:17] when i goto justin.tv the flash works but the chat area next to it doesn't, it keeps saying Loading... [06:17] Ah === tiarpaijo [n=paijo@] has joined #ubuntu [06:18] anyone know of a fix? [06:18] Luke: command-not-found is a python program built into ubuntu btw === astro76 [n=james@unaffiliated/astro76] has joined #ubuntu === earthmeLon [n=none@12-210-115-95.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu === xoRock [n=xo@] has joined #ubuntu === Evanlec [n=evan@c-75-67-237-157.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:18] For some reason, my Feisty shutdown menu suddenly doesn't include "Shut Down". I only get Log Out, Lock Screen, Switch User, Suspend, & Hibernate - Any suggestions? === sport [n=jarrod@c-67-169-197-88.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Pthag [n=pthag@dyn-62-56-125-151.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [06:18] Megaqwerty: interesteng - thanks === cyphase [n=cyphase@c-71-198-55-219.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:18] orbisvicis, on dmesg|tail I get lines saying [12238.25600] DROPPED IN=eth1 OUT=Mac=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:etc SRC= DST= LEN=78 etc etc === reverseblade [n=onur@] has joined #ubuntu === Zemus [n=Zemus@unaffiliated/zemus] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:19] Megaqwerty: I think it's tetex-bin. Thanks a lot for telling me about command-not-found btw! =) [06:19] orbisvicis, and on lspci i can see my card its a built in wireless card [06:19] holotone: no idea, but poweroff is the terminal command. [06:19] Anybody know any reason my new windows receive no focus? === Paracha [i=Coder@Is.A.TclCoder.Org] has joined #ubuntu [06:19] @holotone: put 'shutdown 0' into the terminal [06:19] Luke: you're quite welcome! [06:19] i have a odd question can i turn the ls of a directory in to a text file? [06:19] rim gung? [06:19] sport: ls > filename [06:19] mjancaitis, did you do that test, the one where you have a focused window when the new one opens? [06:20] sport: that's the command === Ryuho [n=ryuho@adsl-64-164-102-78.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:20] mjancaitis, and the opposite? [06:20] Megaqwerty: that'll do.. thanks! [06:20] marty_: Will this reboot my computer, or help me resolve the missing menu entry? [06:20] holotone: you're welcome. [06:20] Kasuko, ok the drivers work. are you connected to the wireless network? power failure can mess with any router wireless security === Evanlec [n=evan@c-75-67-237-157.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:20] filename being anything and it will save that into the folder its ls'in ? [06:20] nickrud: if I have, for instance, my IM window open and I click for a terminal [06:20] @sport: try highlighting the ls output and right-clicking>copy>paste ;-) [06:21] My IM window stays focused and my terminal comes up in the background [06:21] orbisvicis, and on lspci i can see my card -- Network Controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 8945ABG Network Connection [06:21] sport: yep === TinFury [n=tinfury@] has joined #ubuntu [06:21] nickrud: it's really frustrating with firefox, because the download dialog opens behind the page and I have to minimize/maximize to see it [06:21] you got it === nuu [n=neuro@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:1893] has joined #ubuntu [06:21] I believe there is a IRC related command 'seen'. What is its syntax? [06:22] orbisvicis, I am connected at home I dont have security but here I have the WEP key === oranye [n=oranye@] has joined #ubuntu [06:22] mjancaitis, try alt-tab === evanlec_ [n=evan@c-75-67-237-157.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:22] Alt-tab correctly moves focus [06:22] holotone: it should shutdown the computer, immediately. If you have something to do, 'shutdown 60' will give you a minute :-) === oranye is now known as Shelby === nickrud kicks NetworkManager (again) [06:22] nickrud: it's just when it opens === MilitantPotato [n=Militant@12-202-137-89.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu === sparklehistory [i=sparkleh@] has joined #ubuntu === Shelby is now known as The === bao [n=bao@cpe-72-229-119-128.nyc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [06:23] mjancaitis, it's a feature :) if you have a focused window, metacity politely doesn't say you *must* look at this new window [06:23] ... but I want it to [06:23] I don't recall that being the case the other day === Skurupu [n=skurupu@host-81-191-171-10.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu === ] eremy [n=jeremy@c-69-242-147-39.hsd1.mo.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [06:24] Any way I can fix it? [06:24] Kasuko, ok driver sees wireless & connects(?) but you get no internet traffic? most likely iptables issue [06:24] mjancaitis: using compiz or beryl? [06:24] Megaqwerty: beryl [06:24] mjancaitis, did you change any of the window settings? like sloppy focus, or anything? And I prefer this, since if I'm expecting the new window I just move the mouse pointer to the desktop === The is now known as Shelby === teKnofreak [n=technofr@unaffiliated/teknofreak] has joined #ubuntu [06:24] mjancaitis: minimize all the windows, then unminimize them, the problem should go away iirc === tool [n=tool@201-41-176-128.fozit701.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu === mojo_ [n=mojo@c-68-52-116-85.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Puddle [n=rew@host-65-31.scceuvi.clients.pavlovmedia.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:25] orbisvicis, I installed guarddog recently but unistalled it could it be that thats the problem it left behind closed doors? [06:25] irc.thundercity.net === Puddle [n=rew@host-65-31.scceuvi.clients.pavlovmedia.com] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === mojo_ is now known as mojo [06:25] *spam [06:25] holotone, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/65962 [06:25] nickrud: don't think I screwed with anything big like that, I messed with the cube zoom and whatnot [06:26] mjancaitis, compiz & emerald? Then I have no comments, haven't used them nearly enough [06:26] mjancaitis: did my suggestion work? [06:26] (This happens to me on occasion) [06:26] how fast are fresh ubuntus suppose to start up [06:26] Megaqwerty: no, just did it: minimize and then unminimize, then brought up a terminal again, no dice [06:26] Anyone know how i can force my dvd-r to eject? sudo eject /dev/hdc is not working... "I/O Error"... but it was working fine a few minutes ago... :( [06:26] I've even rebooted [06:26] mjancaitis: no idea then. [06:26] nickrud: it's not technically compiz, it's beryl [06:27] But I get it [06:27] mjancaitis, used that one even less, since my ati card froze whenever I tried to log out to gdm [06:27] mojo: are you sure hdc is your dvd drive? o.0 [06:27] Kasuko, i really dont understand. sudo iptables -F should work? if not, reboot [06:27] Megaqwerty: yeah [06:27] orbisvicis, i ran dhclient eth1 and it found the dhcp and assienged me a ip no problem [06:27] Ryuho mine starting in ~80 seconds, fresh from dell. [06:27] mojo: sounds like a hard drive to me...strange [06:27] meh [06:28] mojo...try unmounting it, and the running mount -a [06:28] Megaqwerty: IDE DVDR/CDR [06:28] mojo: that might work [06:28] How do I tell what version of ATI display driver I have installed. I'm on Ubuntu feisty [06:28] Anyone have a recomendation for a good terminal replacement (aside xtemr)? === Skrypt [n=skrypt@] has joined #ubuntu [06:28] marty_ thanks for the answer === lmr_ [n=lmr@] has joined #ubuntu [06:28] z0rz - konsole [06:28] z0rz: zsh? === evanlec_ [n=evan@c-75-67-237-157.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [06:28] Kasuko, ] DROPPED IN=eth1 OUT=Mac=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:etc SRC= DST= LEN=78 etc etc <-- this is definitely an iptables message; try sudo iptables -F see if that helps [06:28] Megaqwerty: /dev/hdc not mounted [06:28] What log has in Ubuntu 7.04 taken over the role of /var/log/boot.msg which can be found in other Linux distributions? [06:28] ckin2001: I forgot to add that to the "aside" list [06:28] Megaqwerty: hmph! weird, no? [06:29] z0rz: or do you mean the emulator itself? === raziEL [n=pedrolop@] has joined #ubuntu [06:29] Megaqwerty: I want to emulator itself [06:29] z0rz: gnome-terminal is pretty good if that's what you mean === bigfuzzyjesus [n=bigfuzzy@unaffiliated/bigfuzzyjesus] has joined #ubuntu [06:29] I want the emulator* === Frogzoo [n=Frogzoo@] has joined #ubuntu [06:29] Kasuko, try rebooting after sudo iptables -F. dhclient might not mean anything. it might assign a static ip address if not connected. or iptables might allow internet [06:29] *dhcp [06:29] mojo: indeed it is. try the mount -a [06:29] Megaqwerty: Do you know how to enable meta keys in gnome-terminal? [06:29] z0rz GNOME terminal seems fine, bash seems fine. Anything more specific you'd like to ask? [06:29] holotone, fix included in that link [06:29] anyone use Deluge and have it where they could not get web pages [06:29] Megaqwerty: did try; no joy [06:30] marty_: Yeah.. refer to my meta key question ^^ [06:30] z0rz: hmm...haven't ever needed to...but I would guess it would either be done in Edit>Profiles, or it would be done in the .bashrc [06:30] Megaqwerty: i am tempted to do the dreaded reboot :-/ [06:30] mojo: yeah...try mounting the drive manually first. [06:30] Megaqwerty: I'm pretty sure it'd be in the terminal preferences.. but I can't find anything in profiles [06:30] mojo: just out of curiosity. [06:30] holotone, also try reloading/unloading acpi/apm [06:30] z0rz try edit>Keyboard Shortcuts ;-) === CharlesEdwardPax [n=charles@c-68-38-214-81.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:31] z0rz: actually...I think irssi is the problem, not your emulator. [06:31] Marty_ I don't see any option for meta keys.. (specifically the Alt key in combination with the arrow keys) === Ravenndude` [n=matt@brd-dorms-89-190.bradford.resnet.pitt.edu] has joined #ubuntu === sdouble [n=sdouble@12-216-125-64.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:31] z0rz what do you want to accomplish? [06:31] Megaqwerty: In irssi they said it was gnome-terminal not sending the meta key correctly .. plus I don't have any problem with putty.. or Mac OS X terminal, once I enable meta keys === ianmcorvidae [n=ianmcorv@ip72-211-151-55.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:32] z0rz: oh, then yeah, I'd try out konsole. === GamingX [n=syed@] has left #ubuntu [] [06:32] marty_: When I press Alt+Left or Alt+Right to change between chans it says "3D" and "3C" instead of changing to different chans .. What do I need to change in Ubuntu's terminal to fix this? [06:32] Megaqwerty: Meh.. I'd perfer a gnome program.. I haven't had to use a KDE program yet ;D === vexati0n [n=vex@host-69-145-50-116.csp-wy.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu === FusE-- [n=Cole@adsl-69-234-119-4.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:32] orbisvicis, i did sudo iptables -F and it went back to commandline so I did sudo iptables -F -v to make sure and it said it flushed everything. I rebooted and nothing. All i did was fol,low this post to get azureus to work [06:32] Welches Log hat in Ubuntu 7.04 die Rolle von /var/log/boot.msg bernommen, was man in anderen Linux-Distributionen findet? [06:32] z0rz chans? I use the terminal quite a bit, but I'm unsure what you mean... [06:32] eterm! [06:32] orbisvicis, http://www.azureuswiki.com/index.php/NAT_problem#Port_Forwarding_on_Linux.2C_specifically_Ubuntu === dori [n=dori@wikipedia/Dori] has joined #ubuntu [06:33] marty_: Then I assume you don't know what irssi is === CharlesEdwardPax [n=charles@c-68-38-214-81.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [06:33] z0rz I assume you're right. [06:33] marty_: :D [06:33] !info irssi === `LePGeL[BoY] [n=midnitek@] has joined #ubuntu [06:33] irssi: terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.10-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 1010 kB, installed size 2788 kB [06:33] How do I view what video card driver (ATI) version I have installed? === korjjj [n=korjjj@] has joined #ubuntu === Vsop_vsop_vsop_v [n=chatzill@S010600400554cebc.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:33] ubotu well done. [06:33] Sorry, I don't know anything about well done. - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi === FusE--- [n=Cole@adsl-69-234-119-4.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:34] g'day folks [06:34] z0rz, you could ask in #irssi imo some of the ppl in there a a**h***s [06:34] MilitantPotato, did you install the fglrx one, or are you still using the default one from the install? [06:34] marty_: You can still help if you know how to make gnome-terminal send a 'meta' key when I use Alt+Key combinations [06:34] !ubotu mary_ [06:34] nickrud: fglrx [06:34] whoops...meant to use a pipe there... [06:34] Sorry, I don't know anything about mary_ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [06:34] MilitantPotato, fglrxinfo [06:34] Paddy_EIRE: Already, have .. they suggested xterm or konsole [06:34] !ubotu | mary_ [06:34] mary_: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [06:34] nickrud: thank you very much. [06:34] z0rz, odd Im sure you could accomplish this with gnome-terminal [06:35] mary_? lulz === sudhanshu [n=sudhansh@] has joined #ubuntu [06:35] argh! [06:35] z0rz, I have become a big irssi fan myself lately [06:35] sorry bout that :-\ [06:35] z0rz: I'll install irssi...I'm intrigued by this problem === nickrud carefully types each and every nick, to perdition with tab completion! [06:35] irssi is fantastic [06:36] XChat has been fine so far, though I'd like a list of /commands. [06:36] nickrud: you know, I was wondering why my tab wasn't autocompleting his name... ;) [06:36] Megaqwerty: thanks anyway but this is frustrating me, i have several discs to burn. i'm gonna just reboot... (feels like windows, ech!) [06:36] marty_, /help [06:36] Megaqwerty: Please do.. I can change rooms by using Alt+num .. but if I do Alt+Left/Right it says: 3D 3C [06:36] mojo: alright === jon_ [n=jon@] has joined #ubuntu [06:36] getty === tuzhila [n=tuzhila@] has joined #ubuntu [06:36] Paddy_EIRE: lol [06:36] hello [06:36] !cz | yang_ [06:36] yang_: esk uivatele dme, aby mluvili v kanle #ubuntu anglicky. esky je mono se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Dkujeme. [06:36] !cn === LaPe5Te [n=alex@c-24-22-118-188.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:36] For Ubuntu help in Chinese #ubuntu-cn #ubuntu-tw #ubuntu-hk [06:36] meh [06:37] anyone good with wine? === ThanatosDrive [n=edward@c-24-6-131-181.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:37] z0rz: you can switch chans with ctrl + p / ctrl + n as well, but I trust you know that? [06:37] never touch the stuff [06:37] ok [06:37] !anyone | jon_ [06:37] qebab: OoooOO [06:37] jon_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [06:37] I am having a heck of a time getting my wifi working .. any thoughts? [06:37] n for next and p for previous === john [n=ubuntu@pool-70-110-101-230.pghk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:37] alt-n/p, ctrl-n/p is page up down === CharlesEdwardPax [n=charles@c-68-38-214-81.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:37] having a wine problem, $ wine Install.exe [06:37] Warning: the specified System directory L"c:\\windows\\system32" is not accessible. [06:37] Warning: could not find DOS drive for current working directory '/media/sda4/jon/wowcds', starting in the Windows directory. [06:37] wine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\Install.exe": Module not found === tuzhila [n=tuzhila@] has joined #ubuntu [06:37] Flannel: How about a page all the way down? [06:38] Hey guys, kinda a silly question, but, every now and then, when I get the, 'Install _______ [Y/n] ?', I will get instead a [Yn] . Does the missing slash mean anything? === TimeTraveller [n=danny@81-233-102-132-no76.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:38] !enter jon_ [06:38] Sorry, I don't know anything about enter jon_ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi === little_richard [n=tux@] has joined #ubuntu [06:38] orbisvicis, you still with me or should I start asking around again? === TimeTraveller [n=danny@81-233-102-132-no76.tbcn.telia.com] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [06:38] !enter | jon_ [06:38] jon_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [06:38] ThanatosDrive: doubt it [06:38] !paste | jon [06:38] jon: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [06:38] Flannel: I'm nutorious to page back up in a chan to find a link .. and then leave it.. and come back a few days later and have to page down through about a million lines of text === airwaffle [n=WinNT@cpe-075-177-013-070.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === kauer [n=kauer@lochiel-wan-out.nullarbor.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === CharlesEdwardPax [n=charles@c-68-38-214-81.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [06:38] z0rz: I do the same ;) === john [n=ubuntu@pool-70-110-101-230.pghk.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [06:38] z0rz: A scrollbar is handier, in place of the Page Down button. [06:38] Kasuko, do you have bum installed. if not read the man pages for update-rc.d. Need to remove iptables_azureus. then delete the file you created. Btw port forwarding is usually managed by a router. [06:39] ThanatosDrive: Alright.. how do I get a scroll bar in irssi? ;) [06:39] ok here is the short version, he specified System directory L"c:\\windows\\system32" is not accessible. [06:39] z0rz: Hrm. :( === Caplain [n=shane@adsl-75-45-224-90.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu === madmod [n=madmod@ppp167-251-202.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu === MTuXeD [n=MTuXeD@] has joined #ubuntu [06:39] ThanatosDrive: A classic answer: sudo apt-get remove irssi === megaqwerty_ [n=megaqwer@unaffiliated/megaqwerty] has joined #ubuntu === little_richard [n=tux@] has left #ubuntu [] [06:39] I forwarded the port on the router, but it says ubuntu closses all ports === madmod [n=madmod@ppp167-251-202.static.internode.on.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:39] how do i tell which version of ubuntu i have? [06:39] ThanatosDrive, irssi is not a gui app [06:39] How do I force a format on an external device that doesn't want me to? [06:39] chalcedny: uname === Parisi [n=jblparis@pool-71-164-72-155.albyny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:40] chalcedny, usb_release -a [06:40] chalcedny: uname -a [06:40] ~$ uname [06:40] Linux [06:40] ty === jocaamm [n=wookiee@pool-141-151-246-179.altnpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === otlb [n=davideb@] has joined #ubuntu === megaqwer1y [n=megaqwer@ip72-197-252-143.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === Paracha [n=Paracha@Is.A.TclCoder.Org] has joined #ubuntu [06:40] Somebody here already turned Squid, DansGuardian, Mrtg in ubuntu ? [06:40] chalcedny: err you said ubuntu.. that just tells you the kernel.. === otlb [n=davideb@] has joined #ubuntu === mac4be [n=ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [06:40] Is there a way to make my Desktop Icons always appear on the right side, instead of the left? [06:40] chalcedny System>About Ubuntu -- should be in the middle there. [06:41] z0rz: it does the same thing for me in both Konsole and Gnome... [06:41] erm, lsb_release -a chalcedny [06:41] chalcedny: Yeah.. just use marty_'s suggestion [06:41] 2.6.17-12-generic [06:41] Megaqwerty: Look for something about alt, escape, or meta keys in Konsole [06:41] ? [06:41] omebody here already turned Squid, DansGuardian, Mrtg in ubuntu ? ? ? [06:41] omebody here already turned Squid, DansGuardian, Mrtg in ubuntu ? ? ? === mojo [n=mojo@c-68-52-116-85.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === matt3453 [n=matt@c-69-138-224-227.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === nuu [n=neuro@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:1893] has joined #ubuntu === Coole^ [n=justin@71-212-52-231.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:42] Megaqwerty: I also get the problem in xterm.. but I know it's emulator specific [06:42] Whats the channel for Ubuntu Desktop Effects, anyone? [06:42] z0rz: I really think it's irrelevant, as that would be a program specific comamnd [06:42] *command === orangey [n=orangey@dsl-67-55-2-155.acanac.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:42] Megaqwerty: Because I'm ssh'd into a openbsd box.. that I don't usually have that problem on [06:42] !repeat | MTuXeD [06:42] MTuXeD: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience === sboysel [n=sboysel@ip72-205-206-109.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:42] Parisi, #ubuntu-effects [06:42] #ubuntu-effects Paracha === ivanmatsu18 [n=ivanmats@201-27-183-44.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [06:42] !#ubuntu-effects [06:42] For help with 3d desktop effects applications or drivers please join #ubuntu-effects, someone there will be glad to help you. You can read http://forum.beryl-project.org/ for most common problems or questions. [06:42] What does /me do? [06:42] Ok, thanks just checking. [06:42] z0rz: What terminal is OpenBSD running? === z3r0ph3wl [n=karl@user182.77-105-202.netatonce.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:42] Megaqwerty: I know it's not bash .. or whatever shell this bsd box is using [06:42] Kasuko, well whatever the case thats besides the point. you need internet. possibly a quick fix is install guarddog again and make sure to open http(s) ports 80,83. or remove the script from the runlevels. [06:42] z0rz: exactly === nickrud hates tab complement [06:42] Kasuko, its late here gtg. good luck [06:42] marty_: Emote. [06:42] I downloaded the 7.04 iso - how do I keep the image mounted and as an apt source? Hack fstab & sources.list or do it some simpler way? === Paddy_EIRE this marty_ [06:42] Megaqwerty: I'm 98% it's bash [06:42] hey i my usb external harddrive is no longer recognized after a gutsy upgrade [06:43] nite all [06:43] any help? [06:43] can anyone suggest a good beginners program to make a DVD-R, playable in DVD players, from AVI and other format source files? [06:43] Heh.. that sounds like I'm contradicting my previous statement.. but what I was saying before was "I know it's not bash's fault" [06:43] #ubuntu+1 sboysel [06:43] sboysel: #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support [06:43] z0rz you're in BSD? Well, should be sh, the original Bourne Shell, or Kornshell? I think just sh. [06:43] z0rz: ps aux | grep bash === ianmcorvidae [n=ianmcorv@ip72-211-151-55.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:43] ionstorm, could you give mojo your link to your unleashed blog [06:44] Megaqwerty: Yup there it is [06:44] Megaqwerty: With about 30 other users that are logged into this public shell [06:44] mojo, use the forums [06:44] http://ubuntu-unleashed.blogspot.com here ya go [06:44] nice [06:44] z0rz: try typing 'sh' === Prognatus__ [n=irc@147.80-202-51.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:44] z0rz: then running irssi [06:44] Paddy_EIRE: ionstorm: thanks [06:44] K [06:44] hmm [06:44] np mojo [06:45] j [06:45] Hmm .. yeah same problem .. "3D" "3C" [06:45] actually Kasuko just change the script so it does nothing. blank it. === sboysel [n=sboysel@ip72-205-206-109.sb.sd.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] [06:46] Eww.. and in xterm Alt+Num doesn't work.. === nathan_ [n=nathan@70-58-88-192.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:46] z0rz try bash --version, that would tell you if bash is there. === Scorp [n=adit@] has joined #ubuntu [06:46] does ubuntu have Emerald installed by *default* ? [06:46] z0rz: You'll want to bind a key combo to scroll_end [06:46] marty_: 2.05b.0(1)-release (i386-unknown-openbsd3.4) [06:46] nathan_: not in anything before Gutsy [06:46] nathan_, no [06:46] !emerald [06:46] Sorry, I don't know anything about emerald - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [06:46] ionstorm: what am i looking for there? the ConvertXtoDVD under WINE article??? [06:46] !info emerald [06:46] emerald: Decorator for beryl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.1-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 202 kB, installed size 952 kB === FatimaRaja [n=fatima@] has joined #ubuntu [06:47] z0rz well, bash is there, then. [06:47] Megaqwerty: Is Gutsy using compiz-fusion? [06:47] thanks guys! [06:47] #aboutus [06:47] z0rz: yes === sonex [n=sxenos@bas1-ottawa23-1128678677.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [06:47] hey, i need help regarding the speed of the OS [06:47] !info gutsy emerald [06:47] Package gutsy does not exist in feisty [06:47] anyone who can helo me ?? [06:47] !info emerald gutsy [06:47] marty_: I guess my 98% assurity was pretty accurate [06:47] emerald: Decorator for compiz-fusion. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3~git20070717-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 198 kB, installed size 956 kB [06:47] mojo, sure [06:47] devede works too === lowdn_09 [n=lowdn_12@] has joined #ubuntu [06:47] apt-get install devede === sahil [n=sahil@] has joined #ubuntu [06:47] Scorp: Speed of the OS? Can you clarify that? [06:47] mojo: Yeah I'd recommend devede also [06:48] !info prelink | Scorp [06:48] z0rz ? I thout you said you weren't using bash now and wonder what you _were_ using? [06:48] scorp: prelink: ELF prelinking utility to speed up dynamic linking. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.20061027-1ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 676 kB, installed size 1028 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 i386 powerpc ppc64) [06:48] ThanatosDrive, Its lyk, the system has slowed down pretty much... the applications take time to load and even the booting time has increases === mojo is looking for the devedee article... [06:48] increased* [06:48] Scorp: prelink will speed things up for you === OhMyGods [n=OhMyGods@] has joined #ubuntu [06:48] Megaqwerty, wat is prelink ?? === Griver [n=Griver@90-229-133-48-no52.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:48] marty_: You are probably read my "It's not bash" statement.. which I cleared up in my next message [06:48] Scorp: it loads all the libraries needed for your apps automatically, so apps start up faster. [06:49] ionstorm: your blog has a ton of good stuff on there, but no search!! :D [06:49] Where can I RTFM the preferred sources.list editing methods? [06:49] Scorp: prelink: ELF prelinking utility to speed up dynamic linking. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.20061027-1ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 676 kB, installed size 1028 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 i386 powerpc ppc64) === microsky [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu [06:49] nonix4: Do you know what RTFM means? [06:49] z0rz: actually, I lied (I knew there was a better method), /sb end === radioaktivstor1 [n=opera@c-71-233-161-185.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:49] Flannel: WEEEEEEEE I love you [06:49] man sources.list works [06:49] ThanatosDrive: reading more than finding them ;) [06:49] Megaqwerty, thanx... i'll download that... i've got 1 GB Ram and around 2 gb swap space, i guess dat should be fine ??? [06:49] Flannel: Any idea what sb stands for? [06:50] Scorp: indeed! [06:50] strongbad? [06:50] Megaqwerty, but wont the preloading increase the booting time also ??? [06:50] sport: Prally :D [06:50] read the FANTASTIC manual? === berent [n=berent@] has joined #ubuntu [06:50] anybody know why my guarddog can't block dhcp? [06:50] lol [06:50] z0rz: scrollback: http://f0rked.com/public/irssi-docs/help-full.html#SCROLLBACK === intr80 [n=craig@c-24-6-134-169.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === madera [n=madera@] has joined #ubuntu [06:50] Scorp: I don't believe so [06:50] hello any body know why i cannot connect to open networks in ubuntu? [06:50] Flannel: Nice.. I love Matt.. he's an irssi genious [06:50] Megaqwerty, alright... i'll check dat out.. thanx..!! [06:50] Searching for my problem on google is so hopeless... the words "ubuntu," "windows," and "background" combine for endless variations of things that screw up my search :( [06:50] How do I cause Ubuntu to load a kernel module on startup? (I currently need to do a manual "insmod" each time I reboot). [06:50] i have always wanted to know what does web scrapers used for?? [06:51] z0rz: if you look at the bind stuff (earlier on that page) you'll see what I meant about scroll_end [06:51] sonex, add the module name to a line by itself in /etc/modules [06:51] Flannel: I must have missed your message about scroll_end .. did you address me when you said it? === osiris_ [n=osiris@] has joined #ubuntu [06:51] nickrud: Thanks [06:51] @sonex: add the module name to /etc/modules file. [06:51] whats the second widely used shell out side of BAsh? ( for linux) [06:52] Megaqwerty, hey, once its installed, is it active, or do i need to put it d sessions file n all ??? === MilitantPotato [n=Militant@12-202-137-89.client.mchsi.com] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] [06:52] anybody using guraddog? [06:52] z0rz: I did. 5 minutes ago (:46) [06:52] my ipod won't mount "not a valid block device", is this a problem with fstab, or with the device? === Sam_Wesin [n=null@pool-71-106-252-179.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === suryavanshi [n=ranjan@netblock-208-127-119-10.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:52] @sport ksh? csh? two other popular ones not counting bash, though they aren't that popular in the first place ;-) [06:52] Scorp: follow this guide here: http://onlyubuntu.blogspot.com/2007/05/speed-up-dynamic-linking-using-prelink.html === Hudko [n=Rado@nat.wircom.sk] has joined #ubuntu [06:53] marty_ so they probably aren't worth learning? [06:53] Flannnel: Wow! I just realized the server time is 4 minutes off from actual time! [06:53] sport: hard to say, tcsh is such oldschool that it can't really be too popular, zsh is nice but doesn't seem to be catching wind for reason or another [06:53] Ahojte. [06:53] Flannel: Looks like I'll be moving my irssi box to my home machine. [06:53] @sport: that depends, why wouldn't you want to use bash? [06:54] Flannel: Good to know about /sb end though .. thanks [06:54] sport: I love zsh. It's more powerful than BASH! === LTE [n=erik@c-24-13-231-32.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:54] Hello everybody. I have a rather simple question... I installed kubuntu for the KDE libs but now it changed my Ubuntu orange splash screen (when the computer boots). I happen to preffer the orange one to the new Kubuntu blue one. How do I get my orange one back? [06:54] marty_ just trying to learn about alternatives [06:54] !usplash | madera [06:54] madera: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork [06:54] z0rz: Sounds like you need ntpd === jon_ [n=jon@] has joined #ubuntu [06:55] Flannel: Well.. yes.. but I don't maintain this shell server.. so it looks like I'll be using my own ubuntu box [06:55] Megaqwerty: any ideas on whether zsh has those bash-like bugs that attempt to gain sentience when hooked up w/ a terminal that loops input back to bash for reason or another? === longgyifei [n=longgyif@] has joined #ubuntu [06:55] Well, there's bash, ksh, zsh, ksh, and possibly tcsh for GNU/Linux to my knowledge. [06:55] madera: splash screen, the loading screen? dpkg-reconfigure usplash-artwork.so === RedKrieg [n=RedKrieg@ip70-177-204-60.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:55] Hmm so after all this I still can't figure out how to get meta keys working in gnome-terminal.. I guess I'll just use Alt+P and Alt+N [06:56] nonix4: I have no idea what you just said, but I haven't had any problems running it from bash or vice-versa === Coole^ [n=justin@71-212-52-231.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:56] z0rz: /window # also works [06:56] anyone have a min to help a n00b ? [06:56] !anyone | jon_ [06:56] jon_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [06:56] @jon_ ask, n00b -.- [06:57] its wine related , here is problem [06:57] Warning: the specified System directory L"c:\\windows\\system32" is not accessible. === silver_shadow [n=ark4ng3l@adsl-64-218-107-190.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === stickto [n=NickServ@] has joined #ubuntu === orangey [n=orangey@dsl-67-55-2-155.acanac.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [06:57] sport: nonix4: here is part of my .zshrc makes the switch really easy, and gives you a really sweet adaptable prompt. === Hudko [n=Rado@nat.wircom.sk] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] [06:57] jon_: Did you run winecfg before running your exe? [06:57] yes [06:57] sport: nonix4: http://megaqwerty.pastebin.ca/675462 [06:57] Oh great, consider asking WINE users themselves? Try winehq.org [06:57] the "c" is set there [06:57] i have always wanted to know what does web scrapers used for?? [06:57] i have always wanted to know what does web scrapers used for?? [06:57] jon_: Try #winehq, they'll knwo more than I do [06:57] !repeat | berent [06:57] berent: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [06:58] !answer [06:58] Sorry, I don't know anything about answer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [06:58] berent: For getting stuff of the internets. Simple as that. === ThanatosDrive [n=edward@c-24-6-131-181.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] === Hudko [n=Rado@nat.wircom.sk] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] Megaqwerty, cool thanks [06:58] Flannel ; but why do you want to automate and test it? [06:58] Flannel: Too slow for me .. I'd rather use Alt+Num key (which is working.. just not Alt-Left and Alt-Right) === Hudko [n=Rado@nat.wircom.sk] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] === chaky [n=chaky@unaffiliated/chaky] has joined #ubuntu [06:59] How do I add a 7.04 dvd .iso as an apt source? Do I need to manually hack in the loopback entry in fstab? [06:59] z0rz: not if you're on window 7, and have to get to window 17(and don't want to reset status of the intermediates) Multiple methods are good. [06:59] nonix4: you'll mount it, then use apt-cdrom add === becker [n=jamiegro@cpe-72-227-41-68.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:59] nonix4: you should be able to uncomment a line in apt-sources [06:59] nonix4: hold on...I'll pastebin a nice nautilus script for mounting iso files [06:59] Flannel: permanently ;) [06:59] I just checked. My kernel module (fglrx) is already in my etc/modules file. It doesn't load on startup, but if I type "insmod /lib/modules/2.6.15-27-386/misc/fglrx.ko", it loads. Is the module in the wrong spot? === cj__ [n=cj@c-24-1-204-177.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === RikkitProff [n=rikkit@] has joined #ubuntu [07:00] Well, bye! [07:00] berent: test? what? you automate so you don't have to manually browse/recurse through sites [07:01] Flannel : is there any tool in ubuntu like velocityscape [07:01] nonix4: http://megaqwerty.pastebin.ca/675465 that's the mount script [07:01] berent: I've never heard of velocityscrape, what does it do? [07:01] nonix4: I'll get the unmount script if you want as well [07:02] Megaqwerty, how do i save the file and exit in VI ?? === becker [n=jamiegro@cpe-72-227-41-68.stny.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [07:02] Flannel: http://www.velocityscape.com [07:02] Scorp: hold on...I've never used VI === greenpop [n=greenpop@68-189-240-73.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === makuseru [n=max@] has joined #ubuntu === ericx_1 [n=jxtadev@] has joined #ubuntu [07:02] berent: That webpage doesn't explain anything. What does it actually do? [07:02] Flannel: Ahh yes.. I'm always in favor of multiple methods [07:02] Scorp: :wq (hit escape first a few times) [07:02] How to I "install" Ubuntu from a thumbdrive, oppose to a CD-Rom? === kanti [n=kanti@ip72-200-73-97.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:02] !install | greenpop [07:02] greenpop: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate [07:02] Scorp: yeah, what Flannel said [07:03] Flannel: its a web scraper === slapfaceware [n=face@] has joined #ubuntu [07:03] berent: There are plenty (heck, one's already installed), search the repos for one you like === mac4be [n=ubuntu@] has left #ubuntu [] === Steck [n=Steck@c-24-12-49-58.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:03] scorp - press ESC, then :wq [07:03] Flannel : which one is already installed? [07:03] eek too late [07:03] THANX, I'll just do that === tanath [n=user@d36-6-196.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:04] nonix4, just add it to /etc/apt/sources.list: deb cdrom:/ feisty main restricted universe multiverse [07:05] ckin2001, it aint happening... [07:05] suweewb [07:05] berent: wget [07:05] ckin2001, okay ya, it happened [07:05] thanx guys [07:05] thanks [07:05] ok [07:06] Flannel : but that;s a downloader === cj__ is now known as demon === demon is now known as demonspeeding [07:06] nonix4, scratch that, use apt-cdrom to add it to your sourceslist [07:07] berent: It's not just a downloader [07:08] Flannel :is it? === tinfury [n=tinfury@] has joined #ubuntu === left1 [n=sean@ip70-179-112-120.dc.dc.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] [07:08] How I do exit x and get to a console === sonex [n=sxenos@bas1-ottawa23-1128678677.dsl.bell.ca] has left #ubuntu [] [07:08] I want to exit X all together === exoduso [n=exoduso@cpe-66-91-231-45.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === llanes [n=llanes@] has joined #ubuntu [07:09] tinfury: CTRL + ALT + F1 (or F2 - F6) [07:09] to switch back: ALT + F7 [07:09] CoasterMaster, Will that kill x === jarek_ [n=jarek@amh158.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [07:09] I want to be out all togehter [07:10] Flannel : does wget has an UI? [07:10] tinfury, to stop X completely: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm stop === doug_ [n=doug@] has joined #ubuntu [07:10] soo...anyone with ideas on forcing a format on external device? [07:10] ?dm? [07:10] tinfury: in a console type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop (using GNOME) [07:10] tinfury: kdm for KDE and gdm for GNOME [07:10] tinfury, that will work whether you are using kdm gdm or xdm [07:10] /dance [07:10] oh snap, i thought you had to replace the letter, my bad [07:10] How do I start it back? startx? [07:11] same thing, but replace stop with start [07:11] CoasterMaster, Bash does that ;) [07:11] Thanks [07:11] astro76: learn something new every day === panique [n=rechner@dslb-084-060-167-206.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:11] lol how do I know if I'm in kde or gnome? [07:11] :! === hagabaka [n=hagabaka@bp.fiveforty.jp] has joined #ubuntu === xp_prg [n=wgheath@m540f36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:11] are you using regular Ubuntu? [07:11] yea [07:11] if ur in KDE everything will have a K in its name lol ;p [07:12] I am running ktorrent and when I get really fast download I can't get net. [07:12] feisty [07:12] tinfury: then you're in GNOME [07:12] ok thanks [07:12] I mean in the 600 kb ran === korjjj [n=korjjj@] has joined #ubuntu [07:12] tinfury: kubuntu uses KDE [07:12] I don't remember have this problem before [07:12] tarelerulz, using a router? [07:13] ls [07:13] Yes I am using a router astro76 [07:13] berent: No === berent [n=berent@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === korjjj [n=korjjj@] has joined #ubuntu [07:14] is it possible to combine two WLAN netwrks to boost bandwidth without a MIMO card? === Faithful [n=Faithful@ns.linuxterminal.com] has joined #ubuntu === ianmcorvidae [n=ianmcorv@ip72-211-151-55.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === sonex [n=sxenos@bas1-ottawa23-1128678677.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu === gerso [n=gerso@66-215-74-216.dhcp.azus.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:16] hello room [07:16] can someone tell me the command to become root in the terminal please === sapumal [n=sapumal@] has joined #ubuntu [07:16] I am just lost what would make you not get net when downloading [07:16] tarelerulz, a lot of consumer routers have real problems handling lots of connections, some will have a setting to decrease the time for connection states to be dropped [07:16] gerso: Why do you want a root terminal? [07:16] what is the best pdf editor available for ubuntu. [07:16] tarelerulz, which could help, some have to be reset sometimes... [07:16] gerso: try "sudo bash" [07:16] i am trying to install some files [07:17] sonex: no. [07:17] gerso: Use sudo [07:17] !root | gerso [07:17] gerso: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo === KevinOman [n=kevin@66-227-221-83.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] has left #ubuntu [] [07:17] sonex that did the trick, thanks === Kousotu [i=Invincib@adsl-68-79-9-194.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:18] sudo -i is better === ironmata1 [n=ubuntu@pool-71-112-180-6.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === iblicf [n=iblicf@] has joined #ubuntu [07:18] meh. that factoid oughta have something about sudo -i for the impatient === LaPe5Te [n=alex@c-24-22-118-188.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [07:18] if i installed gtalk.. where is it to run it? === Tmi [n=tommi@kr-lun-9-144-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:19] chalcedny: did you use apt-get? [07:19] Can Windows EXEs be run on linux except through wine? [07:19] Kousotu, no [07:19] damn.. === underdog5004 [n=matthew@adsl-76-236-64-64.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu === vicmst [n=v@ip68-9-182-159.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:19] Kousotu: if they were compiled for linux [07:19] can wine give linux any trojans? [07:19] TylerJGillies: sudo apt-get === JCDG [n=jonas@] has joined #ubuntu [07:19] Kousotu, if you really want a decent windows in linux, use virtualbox or vmware [07:20] Kousotu, in rare cases, and only if you run the virus exe manually [07:20] Help! Gnome is no longer my default desktop environment! How do I restore it to such? If I log out, I am in the KDE login screen! [07:20] what is the best pdf editor for ubuntu? [07:20] chalcedny: dpkg -L gtalk|grep bin [07:20] TylerJGillies: ty :) [07:20] vicmst, you can run gnome from that login, look under sessions. It's only a session manager [07:20] sapumal: evince [07:20] at least that is what i have [07:20] Nickrud -- I'm aware of such, I want the "gnome" login, though! [07:21] underdog5004: I have a program that shows up as: Trojan.Delf-72 FOUND [07:21] vicmst, then sudo update-alternatives --config gdm === astro76 [n=james@unaffiliated/astro76] has joined #ubuntu [07:21] I'm back. Earlier I was trying to get the fglrx module loaded on startup and someone suggested adding it to my modules.conf file. It turns out it's already there. When I insert it with insmod, I need to supply the full path to the .ko file. Do I need to copy the module to a particular directory? [07:21] sonex, run sudo depmod -a === Helmi [n=helmi@pD95EF36D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:21] nickrud -- "No alternatives for gdm." [07:21] now some programs Iuse as expansions show up like that, but can a windows exe run under linux using wine give linux a trojan? [07:21] sonex, that should make it work for you [07:21] chalcedny: I can view files in evince but I can't edit them [07:22] vicmst, then sudo aptitude install gdm [07:22] sapumal: oh yeah [07:22] nickrud: I'll try that, thanks. [07:22] Kousotu if you choose to run the trojan? [07:22] vicmst: dpkg-reconfigure gdm === ajmitch [n=ajmitch@ubuntu/member/ajmitch] has joined #ubuntu [07:22] Kousotu and if its compatible with Wine, not everything works with wine [07:22] ? === LaPe5Te [n=alex@c-24-22-118-188.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:22] erh, vicmst sorry, see Flannel :) [07:22] Flannel, thank you :) [07:23] Kousotu if you run wine trojan.exe or whatever the trojan is, and if its compatible with wine, not all programs work under wine. === AliAslam [n=ali@] has joined #ubuntu [07:23] vicmst: and, for the firefox start page, update-alternateives --config firefox-homepage [07:23] is the distribuited free cd for linux the x86 32bit iso? [07:23] d4rkmonkey: ok, let's assume it is, how would I clean it? === RikkitProff [n=rikkit@] has joined #ubuntu [07:23] ironmata1: you can get that one, yes. [07:23] ironmata1, you ask the strangest questions sometimes [07:24] Kousotu I have no idea, I've never been dumb enough to consciously choose to run a windows virus on a linux system... === atoponce [n=aaron@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.bronze.atoponce] has joined #ubuntu [07:24] well i have that cd and i was asking to confirm [07:24] ironmata1: it should be printed on it somewhere [07:24] sapumal: did you find anything that will let you edit pdfs? [07:25] d4rkmonkey: I've had programs that run as a "virus" but they're clean [07:25] ironmata1: if not, what color is it? === sonex [n=sxenos@bas1-ottawa23-1128678677.dsl.bell.ca] has left #ubuntu [] [07:25] I have to reinstall linux anyway, guess it wouldn't kill me [07:25] lol === mattg [n=mattg@ip68-104-158-11.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === mjancaitis [n=mjancait@c-76-31-12-110.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [07:25] hey everybody [07:26] hey mattg [07:26] hello [07:26] i need to know how to make knetworkmanager start up everytime i login because it's not starting for me when i go to configure autostart [07:26] so i need something to force it to start [07:26] sapumal, there's a package called pdfedit, but I've never tried it myself [07:27] I won't be able to VM it, aim won't lie you send anything with a "trojan" [07:27] let* [07:27] red paper cd case 7.04 and it only says this pc edition will run on intel x86 based systems including i pent i core amd athelon [07:27] Kousotu are you saying, that you have windows programs, that are "clean viruses" and for some reason you need to run those in Ubuntu? === suuuush [n=Miranda@softbank220019122174.bbtec.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:28] ironmata1: that's x86 32bit [07:28] let me find something... [07:28] d4rkmonkey: no === sauvin [n=sauvin@74-141-157-109.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu === Rexor_Moon [n=michael@cpe-71-74-252-245.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:28] is there a flash equivalent that will run on x64 ubuntu? adobe doesn't seem offer anything like that [07:28] d4rkmonkey: I have a program I am unsure of [07:28] i dident see the exact iso distro printed anywhere is why i asked [07:28] as I didn't get it the usual way [07:28] Kousotu you said you have programs that are clean but run like a virus... [07:28] nickrud: I ll try that. thanks. === BlindSide [n=halfdemo@125-236-140-107.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [07:28] demonspeeding: yes [07:29] thank u flannel === reyed [n=reyed@66-216-224-25.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:29] really? do you have a link or something? [07:29] d4rkmonkey: I said: some programs that enhance games I have show up as viruses === nuu [n=neuro@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:1893] has joined #ubuntu [07:29] I'd like to configure my 7 button mouse so that one of the buttons goes forward in firefox ... I've already edited the xorg.conf to enable the back button.. what do I need to do to add the other button to work as a forward button? === ironmata1 [n=ubuntu@pool-71-112-180-6.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [07:29] !mouse | z0rz [07:29] z0rz: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto === Paracha [n=Paracha@Is.A.TclCoder.Org] has joined #ubuntu [07:29] demonspeeding: open synaptic and search "flash" [07:29] Kousotu you mean cheats? enhance games isn't very good term... [07:30] right on, thank you === DrPppr242 [n=paul@ip72-201-7-229.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:30] d4rkmonkey: well, sometimes. other times it shows better data, like the actaull health of anenemy === b0xii [n=here@c-76-30-119-47.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:31] Kousotu so hacks... If you game enough to use hacks like that, why run the games in Ubuntu? [07:31] does anyone use a gui lan messenger ? === furenku [n=furenku@] has joined #ubuntu [07:31] chalcedny, no but i'd be interested in my options [07:31] nickrud: Thanks === drone4four is now known as Invert314 === Yasumoto [n=Yasumoto@cpe-75-84-49-174.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:32] matt are you there? [07:32] d4rkmonkey: I game on windows, not linux [07:32] Kousotu so why are you running it in wine? [07:32] Kousotu you aren't making sense. [07:33] d4rkmonkey: you're not reading === pvd2006 [n=aod@adsl-68-95-164-134.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === solid_liq [n=Solidity@client-67-58-246-39.consolidated.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:33] b0ha: looking at gtalk and xphone .. haven't seen what xphone does yet [07:33] Kousotu no, you're not making sense. [07:33] Kousotu try to be clearer when saying something if you think its on my side. === kfmes [n=ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [07:33] [00:24:59] Kousotu : d4rkmonkey: I've had programs that run as a "virus" but they're clean === code_it [n=abrar@] has joined #ubuntu [07:34] Kousotu yeah, I read that. [07:34] Kousotu then you stated that those were game hacks [07:34] Kousotu then you stated that you game in windows [07:34] hey everyone, I need help setting up sources for gusty gibson [07:34] Kousotu but your whole problem is a supposed trojan in wine. [07:34] I guess I have to restart x everytime I edit xorg.conf for the settings to take effect [07:34] pvd2006 update-manager -d should update === kfmes [n=ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [07:35] pvd2006 if not, you need to change your meta-release file then try, I can give you a link to the meta-release that should work if you need it [07:35] d4rkmonkey: what is the chance the troja will be compadable? === furious_gerbil [n=rjb@71-136-216-130.ded.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === furious_gerbil [n=rjb@71-136-216-130.ded.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === iblicf_ [n=iblicf@] has joined #ubuntu [07:35] im actually running on gutsty gibson already, just need to setup the sources file to download from all the repositories again. I havent used linux in a while, haha. [07:35] Kousotu I don't know, I don't know anything about how wine works. [07:35] pvd2006 oh lol [07:36] pvd system>adminstration>sources ? [07:36] pvd2006 ^^ gah, I forgot to tab that time [07:36] Hi all. I want to review the contents of this package: [07:36] /pool/restricted/l/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22/nvidia-glx_1.0.9639+ [07:37] How do I do that? === gnuskool [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu [07:37] I want to see who wrote the package and other biographical information. [07:37] multiverse what happens when you double click it? === Anarch [n=w3@elrond.hsl.washington.edu] has joined #ubuntu === Benalex [n=Benalex@] has joined #ubuntu [07:38] it was clean, as I though [07:38] I remembered my advanced cleaning too [07:38] Kousotu if its clean why are you worried about a trojan? === furious_gerbil [n=rjb@71-136-216-130.ded.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === Nyu` [n=nyu_@ALille-256-1-116-55.w90-34.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [07:38] anyone in here use Beryl? [07:38] I don't have that package on my system yet. [07:39] !beryl | furious_gerbil [07:39] furious_gerbil: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects [07:39] I want to download it and look inside it. [07:39] thanks === slap_me [n=mike@] has joined #ubuntu [07:39] I just ran it a sec ago [07:39] it's clean [07:39] multiverse what happens when you double click it? from what you said, it looks like its on your comp. [07:39] Kousotu so why didn't you do that in the first place? [07:40] I forgot about my tool [07:40] It is not [07:40] lol === Lurkan_papito [n=Lurkan@] has joined #ubuntu [07:40] is there a key combination to swap between workspaces in ubuntu? [07:40] I got it from here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/tribe-5/gutsy-alternate-i386.list === lucky_ [n=lucky@] has joined #ubuntu === mariajose [n=mariajos@pc-58-43-45-190.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu === XdorotaX [n=dorota@unaffiliated/xdorotax] has left #ubuntu [] === t-dawg [n=nasu3313@] has joined #ubuntu === Fivetwentysix [i=PMA@pcd175036.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:43] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IE3KdcTgrno [07:43] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IE3KdcTgrno [07:43] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IE3KdcTgrno [07:43] hey guys i have a problem [07:43] channel #stealthbot [07:43] go now === t-dawg [n=nasu3313@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:43] demonspeeding: I'll check === pyCube-ish [n=jen@ip70-162-117-219.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:43] My monitor doesn't support the default resolution Ubuntu starts in === Lurkan [n=Lurkan@] has joined #ubuntu [07:43] I have two monitors [07:44] Hmm the ubuntu sources.list generator doesnt seem to have all the repositories listed [07:44] :-\ === pyCube-ish [n=jen@ip70-162-117-219.ph.ph.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [07:44] a samsung 226bw and a viewsonic vx922 [07:44] how can i change the default resolution of ubuntu? === Tanman [n=weiyen@203-173-163-38.static.bliink.wave.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [07:44] GoodDay to you all... Can I ask a question? === tinfury [n=tinfury@] has joined #ubuntu === Megaqwerty [n=megaqwer@unaffiliated/megaqwerty] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving."] [07:45] Hey anyone here know how to get this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZD7QraljRfM === pavs [n=pavs@cpe-69-203-202-49.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:45] I'm using beryl [07:45] Benalex, shoot [07:45] how do I install kde4? [07:45] and I want to know how to get those disapearing windows === Rat409 [n=Rat409@bb-205-209-66-178.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:45] gnuskool did you see my question? === BoP [n=wnet@] has joined #ubuntu === buddha [n=siddharu@] has joined #ubuntu [07:46] Like when the windows kinda sparkle away === BrianG [n=pastafzu@unaffiliated/gurt] has joined #ubuntu === summer_s4 [n=chatzill@c-75-72-109-246.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:46] im a boring ubuntu user === Paranoiak [i=syscom@adsl.syscom.nc] has joined #ubuntu [07:46] gnuskool .. Thank you.... I want to know as Ubuntu OS is giving support for free why it has a limited time for support, and what should I do after this period is expired? [07:46] i dont need those fancy window things [07:46] = X [07:46] beryl and compiz are useless to me [07:46] what is the directory of the "user" main directory using cd to get me there from a freshly opened terminal [07:46] ok, 526, you need to install beryl === inzion_ [n=inzion@] has joined #ubuntu [07:46] demonspeeding: try "windows key" + tab [07:46] Anyone know what I should do? I can't see gnome because it starts in a VGA resolution which my monitors don't support. [07:47] it's woth a shot [07:47] lol === furious_gerbil [n=rjb@71-136-216-130.ded.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:47] JCDG yeah but I can't see anything === furious_gerbil [n=rjb@71-136-216-130.ded.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === dvm [n=dvm@] has joined #ubuntu [07:47] what directory does terminal start you as? [07:47] How am I suppose do anything? [07:47] Benalex, you can pay for one of the support packages on the ubuntu site [07:47] summer_s4, /home/username [07:47] !support | Benalex [07:47] Benalex: the official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org [07:47] ehh, didn't work === sin2gen2 [n=sin2gen2@c-71-236-168-52.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:47] I tried starting up with both monitors nothing works === tehk [n=tehk@c-69-249-157-157.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:47] It happened with the live cd too === inzion_ is now known as inzion [07:48] however i was able to fix it [07:48] Fivetwentysix, I would hit Ctrl-Alt-F1, log in, and do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, then select the res you want [07:48] because there was a setting to change my resolution === atdt_ [n=at@user-11fa3g5.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu === BoP [n=wnet@] has joined #ubuntu [07:48] does this limited period support includes system updates? [07:48] demonspeeding: that was a guess === Core2Duo [n=chatzill@S0106001a70fac4b1.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:48] wich graphics card do you have?? [07:48] lol [07:48] Benalex, you always get updates [07:48] Benalex, update are always free [07:48] but the support from actual UBUNTU is done [07:48] !canonical Benalex [07:49] kinda like support from a computer company [07:49] JCDG: 8800gts [07:49] I want to know how I typed an entire essay in Kubuntu, with openoffice.org 2.2 and firefox in the background [07:49] !canonical | Benalex [07:49] Benalex: Canonical Ltd. is committed to the development, distribution and promotion of open source software products, and to providing tools and support to the open source community. It is the driving force behind the Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu Operating Systems. Canonical's website is at http://www.canonical.com/ [07:49] without noticing that my swap wasn't working [07:49] why is it that when i type cd /garnome-2.19.1/desktop (which is a valid directory from /home/my-username that it says there isn't such a directory [07:49] im using pretty high end specs === swarna [n=swarna@] has joined #ubuntu [07:49] I wondered why it was so slow [07:49] Benalex, ubuntu versions that have LTS are Long Term Support, which is 3 years for a desktop and 5 years for servers, so if you want long support get those versions, in other versions development is the goal [07:49] so i guess this is going to be a bit of a pain [07:49] atdt_ Cus Ubuntu is that awesome. [07:49] Is there a way to see what button the ubuntu thinks I'm pressing on my mouse (I have a 10 butotn mouse and it's hard to configure xorg.conf w/o know which button is what) [07:49] lol [07:49] Benalex, what is your business [07:49] you didn't have anny kind of errors when you installed the drivers?? === nickrud_ [n=nickrud_@adsl-69-230-163-196.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === woodturner [n=user@S0106001346efe047.pk.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:49] Fivetwentysix, not sure about dual monitors [07:49] Hey.... I'm just installed ubuntu on my laptop and everything is running fine... but every now and then my screen flashes black [07:49] underdog5004: So how do I change the resolution after i type in that command? [07:49] Should I be worried? [07:49] Well...... Actually I don't know what kind of support these packages will offer...... I have to read and come back to you again :)) [07:49] gnuskool I tried with 1 monitor for both monitors [07:50] Hi good pople. Anyone here knows about the ubuntuhomeserver project? [07:50] Benalex I mean what is your business [07:50] Fivetwentysix, use the space bar to select resolutions, enter to move forward [07:50] underdog5004: is it pretty straightf orward? [07:50] Fivetwentysix, yep [07:50] alright thanks for your help I'm going to try it [07:50] hopefully i'll be back on linux instead of vista [07:50] Fivetwentysix, I would do this, though: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg [07:50] that will be quicker [07:51] i wish my parents would want to use vista [07:51] = X [07:51] why? [07:51] i have dual boot on my moms laptop, ubuntu/vista [07:51] i wanna wipe out vista === underdog5004 takes back the troll bait [07:51] = ) [07:51] wait [07:51] did i say use vista [07:51] i meant ubuntu [07:51] huh? [07:51] :P [07:51] its 12:51 [07:51] My Business is Computer services and Automation Systems [07:51] sorry its late === t_275_kt [n=risko@] has joined #ubuntu [07:52] Fivetwentysix, if you're still around, to get back to a gui, hit Alt-F7 === Fenz [n=matt@CPE-124-185-150-187.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [07:52] ok [07:52] going now [07:52] Does anyone else notice that when the application volume in amarok is at 100% the music becomes distorted? (I'm in gutsy, its an amarok problem, because if I turn the volume down a bit in amarok and turn up hardware volume, I can get it louder with no distortion) === `LePGeL[BoY] [n=midnitek@] has joined #ubuntu [07:52] ok [07:52] d4rkmonkey, I've seen that with xmms as well [07:52] I just don't care, you know? [07:52] underdog5004 any idea why it happens? Its kinda annoying... === zeph^ [n=skottybo@adsl-75-63-191-219.dsl.skt2ca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu === Sensimilla [n=richard@] has joined #ubuntu === donkeegan [n=den@] has joined #ubuntu [07:52] Benalex, Canonical's proper paid support for ubuntu is really excellent, I have not found anything on any other OS that comes remotely close [07:53] and I am just about to leave Microsoft World (AKA Windows) to go to Linux community, and I have been Adviced to start by Ubuntu as it is easy for linux begginers and well documented [07:53] d4rkmonkey, no idea, sorry [07:53] underdog5004 thanks anyways [07:53] d4rkmonkey, np [07:53] Benalex yeah, and the Ubuntu community is great === yharrow [n=sysadmin@unaffiliated/yharrow] has joined #ubuntu [07:53] hello [07:53] Benalex, good for you === ironmatar [n=ubuntu@pool-71-112-180-6.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:53] slap_me, why you gettin rid of ubuntu anyhow? [07:53] d4rkmonkey, that's probably a clipping artifact of the analog amplifier on your machine; keep it at about 80% to avoid [07:53] Benalex Ubuntu has one of the largest communities of any distros I believe [07:53] no no, gnuskool [07:53] i messed up [07:53] i want to rid of vista [07:53] nickrud_ I don't quite understand what you're saying... but that sound good to me. [07:53] im just tired, and typed wrong [07:54] Ok..guys..... I can't read your replies..... it is really crowdy here... would someone please msg me on private? [07:54] All: Btw I figured out how to see what button ubuntu was seeing.. I just installed imwheel and typed "imwheel -c" .. just FYI [07:54] Benalex, the problem with this channel is that you may not get your answer as quickly or politely as compared to finding it yourself w/ google. [07:54] Benalex, done right and with a good attitude and willingness to learn you simply cannot go wrong [07:54] d4rkmonkey, the top of the sine wave gets clipped off, because it runs out of voltage :) [07:54] i have a error code to report from installing and need a fix for the x86 image [07:54] google is great for fixing stuff on ubuntu [07:54] underdog5004, although this channel would not exist if we all just used google now :P [07:54] as is ubuntu's site [07:54] nickrud_ ok, I think that only started happening recently in gutsy too. My sound card had issues around kernel update, that was fixed, now theres this. Atleast this isn't that big of an issue. [07:55] Paddy_EIRE, true, some things are not easily found w/ google. [07:55] d4rkmonkey, I do that just as a matter of course, was an audiophile at one time [07:55] Benalex, www.ubuntuforums.com is your friend, there is a load of up to date info and helpful people there too [07:55] nickrud_ ok [07:55] back when the phono cartridge was a matter of great debate :) === AccessExcess [n=axe@] has joined #ubuntu [07:56] you guys know the guy from ubuntus website, the support guy with the green shirt? [07:56] Benalex, sorry, should be www.ubuntuforums.org [07:56] underdog5004, although I find howtoforge and blogger/blogspot and numerous others excellent.. oh and ofcourse the unofficial and official wikis respectively === macogw [n=mack@unaffiliated/macogw] has joined #ubuntu === JCDG [n=jonas@] has left #ubuntu [] [07:56] I wish some of these bloggers would spend time on the wiki [07:56] yes [07:56] he's on firedog.com too. i think firedog took ubuntu support's picture === fender [n=fender@mail.dropletsap.com] has joined #ubuntu === chuy_max [n=chuy@201-130-247-165-cable.cybercable.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu [07:57] gnuskool, http://ubuntuforums.com/ will automatically redirects to http://ubuntuforums.org/ === Rat409 [n=Rat409@bb-205-209-66-178.gwi.net] has left #ubuntu [] [07:58] dvm, thx for that === elate [n=Elate@] has joined #ubuntu [07:58] actually 2 errors 1 sub-process post removal script returned error exit status 139 and 2 error occured while removing packages e:sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned error code 1 folowing package in broken state gparted === klosterm [n=klosterm@pc076.imfd.tu-freiberg.de] has joined #ubuntu === klosterm [n=klosterm@pc076.imfd.tu-freiberg.de] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [07:59] ironmatar, could you put the entire error on a pastebin [07:59] nickrud_, ubuntuunleashed by ionstorm is very promising.. you should browse about it there are some excellent info [07:59] Paddy_EIRE, I saw that tonight (I think you were talking about it earlier) and that's exactly who I was thinking of :) [07:59] oh... :P === Coole^ [n=justin@71-212-52-231.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:59] nick im not sure where i would find the record of it === fghfgh [n=fghfgh@athedsl-112580.home.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu === llamafier [n=llamafie@c-71-227-151-199.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === fghfgh is now known as koufala [08:00] notify === koufala [n=fghfgh@athedsl-112580.home.otenet.gr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === khermans [i=khermans@nat/cisco/x-534e75cdb69b0d0c] has joined #ubuntu [08:00] ironmatar, you'd run the command again in a terminal, and copy and paste the output to the pastebin === pyrohotdog [n=aaron@pool-71-161-26-133.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:00] I have a dvd .iso that is 4.4 gigs, I have 4.7 gig blanks, and every time I try to burn it, it says there isn't enough space. === buddha [n=siddharu@] has joined #ubuntu [08:01] hi , i need help making my motioneye camera of the sony vaio fz140e work . [08:01] pyrohotdog: what program do you use? [08:01] !kde [08:01] KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE) . Latest KDE version is 3.5.7 for Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org) for more information. === mariajose [n=mariajos@pc-58-43-45-190.cm.vtr.net] has left #ubuntu [] [08:01] pyrohotdog: also.. are yousure you have a DVD burner? [08:01] Gnomebaker, and NeroLinux [08:02] Thank you everybody for your help [08:02] Yes I'm sure I have a DVD burner, it's worked before. [08:02] See you in the Forum [08:02] Sensiva [08:02] how to upgrade to the latest kde release ? === nosoyo [n=zyq@] has joined #ubuntu === Kamil [n=kjiwa@dsl081-166-248.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu === woodturner [n=user@S0106001346efe047.pk.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [08:03] hi , i need help making my motioneye camera of the sony vaio fz140e work . [08:03] nickrud_ hmm i got the error while installing the x86 image [08:03] :-( /dev/hdc: 2295104 blocks are free, 2313101 to be written! [08:03] !wine [08:03] ironmatar, ah. boot the cd, and run the self test on the startup screen [08:03] wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. [08:03] Ipastbin === sharperguy [n=sharp@88-109-69-59.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu === Trent [n=Trent@unaffiliated/trent] has joined #ubuntu [08:04] Ipastebin [08:04] huh === Kamil [n=kjiwa@dsl081-166-248.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has left #ubuntu [] [08:04] ... [08:04] ironmatar what are you talking about? [08:04] donkeegan, http://lsb.blogdns.net/ry5u870/ might have some info for you [08:04] thanks [08:05] i was trying to get the pastebin link [08:05] oh lol... === pavs [n=pavs@cpe-69-203-202-49.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === thedonvaughn [i=jayson@unaffiliated/printk] has joined #ubuntu [08:05] for some reason its not recogniseing my !! === oranye [n=oranye@] has joined #ubuntu === lImItaO [n=adrian@] has joined #ubuntu [08:05] you're typing I [08:05] not ! [08:05] !pastebin [08:05] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) === SORMANOV [n=tux@] has joined #ubuntu === oranye is now known as Shelby [08:05] you were typing Ipastebin [08:05] hi I just installed KDE but I am not sure if it's 4.0? how do I find out? [08:06] pavs: if you don't know, I promise you didn't install 4 === Shelby is now known as ShelBy === Ayabara [n=anr@] has joined #ubuntu [08:06] ok so how do I install 4? [08:07] pavs, 4 is a bit buggy [08:07] nickrud_: thanks === ironmatar [n=ubuntu@pool-71-112-180-6.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] === edman007 [n=edman007@71-88-48-64.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === Exposure [n=exposure@cc569857-b.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu === _max [i=xXx@] has joined #ubuntu === mat|loin [n=mat@home.virgule.info] has joined #ubuntu === Sakarias [n=sakarias@] has joined #ubuntu [08:07] ironmatar, you found the problem? [08:07] I wanna try it out KDM is not my default, GDM is. [08:07] pavs, I doubt you want 4, unless you have something that specifically needs it === harmental [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-152-1-66-98.w86-193.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === Benalex [n=Benalex@] has left #ubuntu [] [08:08] i specifically need to try it out :) [08:08] Does anyone here have experience with the ndiswrapper? Iv'e installed my wireless driver using it and it says the device is present when doing "ndiswrapper -l", but i don't see the wireless extension. === jussi01 [n=jussi@oul088-gw3.netplaza.fi] has joined #ubuntu [08:09] pavs, I woul recommend learning something that works fully before you start messing with something buggy [08:10] demonspork: what isses are you having? === zzhlei_ [n=zzhlei@] has joined #ubuntu [08:10] pavs: google is your friend. I don't think someone is going to walk you through it on IRC. KDE4 is still in beta and is a tedious, somewhat lengthy process. However it has been done and people are using it, and there are many HOWTOs written on the subject === agarwood [n=agarwood@] has joined #ubuntu [08:10] dedemonspork I understand your concern. I still want to try it out. and will probably will remove it later. because I am a full time gnome user. only want to try it out because i have heard some good stuff about it. === agarwood [n=agarwood@] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"] === Rexor_Moon [n=michael@cpe-71-74-252-245.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === jundie [n=jundie@] has joined #ubuntu [08:11] pavs: That reminds me of the time i wanted to try looking glass [08:11] o_O [08:11] hey, I've got an internet related question, I was wondering if someone else had the same problem. [08:11] heh looking glass is def not worth it :) [08:11] ok thanks for the help. === macd [n=d@cl-151.ewr-01.us.sixxs.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:11] Yes thats what i found out :p [08:11] every time I try to go to slacker.com, my internet freezes up === neversfelde|mobi [n=neversfe@] has joined #ubuntu === dougsko [n=doug@unaffiliated/dougsko] has joined #ubuntu [08:12] Rexor_Moon: just your internet? or the whole public internet? [08:12] just mine it looks like === obiyoda [n=jared@24-117-254-140.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:12] oh so that was you? stop it [08:12] So really no one here can help me setting up ndis? [08:12] Rexor_Moon: shame. or you might have just found a career in extortion. === obiyoda [n=jared@24-117-254-140.cpe.cableone.net] has left #ubuntu [] === likwid__ [n=likwid@cpe-66-66-85-66.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === obiyoda [n=jared@24-117-254-140.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:13] hey guys [08:13] im in a bit of a pickle === carter_ [n=carter@74-130-18-113.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:13] likwid__: explain [08:14] i was editing /etc/fstab to automount 2 volumes for me, and when i opened them all the files were locked === markmathson [n=mark@host-69-145-133-42.grf-mt.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:14] likwid__: do you mean you've got a bit of a pickle in you? === karoshi [n=beef@] has joined #ubuntu === mon^rch [n=anonymou@S0106000fea33f1bb.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === carter_ [n=carter@74-130-18-113.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:14] so i ran sudo chmod 666 /media/spare and i think all the data on that drive is corrupt [08:15] if i do ls -l /media/spare it only shows this === markmathson [n=mark@host-69-145-133-42.grf-mt.client.bresnan.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === Fivetwentysix [i=PMA@pcd175036.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu === obiyoda [n=jared@24-117-254-140.cpe.cableone.net] has left #ubuntu [] [08:15] OK [08:15] that didn't work [08:15] moin [08:15] ?--------- ? ? ? ? ? /media/spare/Mp3's [08:15] My problem still is: I can't see anything when I start Ubuntu, no load screen, no splash screen, nothing. [08:15] for all the files and folders on that drive [08:16] My video card is 8800gts and my monitor is Samsung SyncMaster 226BW [08:16] Fivetwentysix, have you tried starting in safemode [08:16] I'm doing a fresh install === sarastro_w_m [n=sarastro@195-111.3-85.cust.bluewin.ch] has joined #ubuntu [08:16] I am able to start in Safemode. [08:16] How do I find out what is in /pool/restricted/l/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22/nvidia-glx_1.0.9639+ [08:16] kraut, python-moinmoin [08:16] And I tried reconfiguring xorg [08:16] But everytime I start ubuntu nothing appears. [08:16] when i try to open something in the file browser it says the attempt to log in failed [08:16] Black screen [08:16] Fivetwentysix, try setting your graphic driver to vesa [08:16] [01:16:08] Fivetwentysix : My video card is 8800gts [08:16] nickrud_: false, greeting-moin ;) [08:16] Nvidia [08:16] I can hear my harddrive working though. === bauer_ [n=bauer@0x535ca889.banxx3.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [08:17] !nvidia | Fivetwentysix [08:17] Fivetwentysix: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [08:17] You won't get good graphics at all, but you can use it to test [08:17] carter_ that's what it was by default. [08:17] kraut, ah, guess wrong ;P [08:17] Kousotu, do you even know what my problem is? [08:17] Fivetwentysix, so why don't you change it to a good nvidia driver? [08:17] anyone have any ideas? im completely stuck and i can't lose that data [08:17] likwid__: do a "sudo chmod +x /media/cdrom" to fix that [08:17] I can't see anything. [08:17] nickrud_: yep ;) [08:17] There for I can't do anything. [08:18] [01:15:50] Fivetwentysix : My problem still is: I can't see anything when I start Ubuntu, no load screen, no splash screen, nothing. [08:18] likwid__: your 666 has simply removed the execute permission on that directory. without execute, you can't cd into a directory [08:18] omg thank you [08:18] try changing it to 777 [08:18] The only way i was able to install ubuntu, was by changing the resolution it started in. [08:18] the question marks confused me [08:18] likwid__: I don't mean /media/cdrom - I mean whatever the path you used with 666 before - use with +x now [08:18] multiverse, you can download the file, then double click it in the file manager === AliAslam [n=ali@] has joined #ubuntu [08:18] i thought i lost everything on that drive [08:18] By default it would load up in VGA. but by pressing f4 with the live cd i could change it. [08:19] Is there any way to do that without using the Live CD? [08:19] likwid__: unlikely. I suspect you've mounted it so that only root can access the files. is it a FAT drive? [08:19] multiverse, or, go to packages.ubuntu.com and look it up there. It'll have a list of files [08:19] Fivetwentysix, do a google search on graphics drivers for your card === jetscreamer [n=jetscrea@unaffiliated/jetscreamer] has joined #ubuntu [08:19] find a good driver, and install it [08:19] dooglus: xfs actually, for my HTPC [08:19] carter_ again, how am I going to install shit if i can't see anything? [08:20] likwid__: ok, I don't know anything about xfs. did the chmod +x help? [08:20] multiverse, on the packages site, you'll need to specify gutsy [08:20] use safemode [08:20] or you could do it via console [08:20] There is no safe mode === borg_ [n=olaf@] has joined #ubuntu [08:20] dooglas: yeah, thank you, i dont kow why i didnt think of that [08:20] likwid__: I wouldn't expect it to fix the original problem, but it should get you back to where you started === viviersf [n=cain@gw.impilinux.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [08:20] carter, how do I set my graphic driver to vesa if I can't see anything and never get a prompt? [08:20] How do I do it through console? [08:20] multiverse, add the text "5" to your grub boot commands on start-up [08:20] multiverse you go into console and do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [08:20] likwid__: and about that pickle, wikipedia says "Medical help should be sought if the object does not emerge of its own accord within a couple of hours, and sooner if it is hard, large, has projections or sharp edges, or if bleeding occurs" [08:20] it will put you in text only mode === Perzon [n=riku@a81-197-119-227.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [08:21] I don't get a console === LeWeb [n=stefan@S010600195b0542d5.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:21] carter_, that doesn't work in fiesty, sadly === Paulman [n=Paulman@OL63-182.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu [08:21] hello everyone [08:21] fuck they took away "5" [08:21] I'm pissed now [08:21] multiverse start up in recovery mode [08:21] dooglas: thanks bud, i'll keep that in mind haha [08:21] !ohmy | carter_ [08:21] carter_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. === pvd2006 [n=aod@adsl-68-95-164-134.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === MadFaxer [n=joe@adsl-147-206-84.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:21] carter_, well, first of all that's never been true in debian/ubuntu, and second upstart broke it [08:21] I'm having a little inconvenience with Gutsy and ndiswrapper [08:21] how do you add a key for a repository? === CraHan [n=CraHan@94.115-244-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu [08:21] That's always worked on my debian distros [08:21] so itll work right [08:21] hello everyone! [08:22] hi, does anybody know how to install libmath and libpthread under ubuntu? im going crazy just to execute gcc -lmath -lpthread [08:22] everytime I boot it changes the name of the wireless interface to a new one === Bogaurd [n=rootkit@122-49-149-69.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [08:22] likwid__: what does "ls -ld /media/spare/Mp3?s" show? === Mandorallen [n=neil@dyn-62-56-126-183.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:22] im loving my Ubuntu installation more and more each day [08:22] and I'm afraid it will run out of names...hahah...I would prefer to have it set at wlan0 and not changing... === abhibera [n=abhi@] has joined #ubuntu [08:22] dooglas: it was showing just a question mark, which scared me. but now its ok, i think that should fix everything :) [08:23] What log has in Ubuntu 7.04 taken over the role of /var/log/boot.msg which can be found in other Linux distributions? [08:23] likwid__: what about your original "everything is locked" problem? [08:23] carter_, S13gdm is still in rc5.d; I remember it that way in debian (but that's a couple years old, and bits rot) [08:23] bullgard4: heh. /dev/null I think. [08:23] okay [08:23] thanks [08:23] dooglas: still there, but ls -l is showing its owned by nobody nogroup, so chown should fix that pretty quick :) [08:23] dooglus: Are you in a good mood? [08:24] bullgard4: I just woke up. My mood is OK-ish. Why? === tobias_ [n=tobias@] has joined #ubuntu [08:24] so do you guys know why is ndiswrapper changing the name of the interface at every boot? === pvd2006 [n=aod@adsl-68-95-164-134.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu [] [08:24] Paulman, do apt-cache search libpthread | grep dev ; and the same with libmath to find the headers === getgoing [n=siddharu@] has joined #ubuntu === Helmi [n=helmi@pD95EF36D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:25] How can I start ubuntu in another resolution other than the default resolution after an install. [08:25] Paulman, and if you haven't install build-essential, do so: it'll pull in the libc6 headers as well [08:26] Because my monitor doesn't support whatever resolution it's default is. === locke_ [n=locke@210.185.airpt.anc.borealisbroadband.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:26] How do I find out what is in /pool/restricted/l/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22/nvidia-glx_1.0.9639+ [08:26] Paulman: libpthread-dev - The GNU Portable Threads (pthread emulation, development) [08:26] multiverse, didn't you see what I put up earlier === Metal_Militia [n=ioppo@host-84-222-24-115.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu [08:26] no [08:26] i'll search === carlesoriol [n=carlesor@252.Red-80-37-184.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === jscinoz [n=jscinoz@202-161-27-45.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [08:26] Does anyone here have experience with the ndiswrapper? I have installed my wireless driver using it and it says the device is present when doing "ndiswrapper -l", but I don't see the wireless extension. === tobias_ [n=tobias@] has joined #ubuntu === branstrom [n=fredrik@ua-83-227-158-67.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu === laban_ [n=laban@ti400720a081-1667.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [08:27] nickrud_, build essential is installed [08:27] Paulman, ok [08:27] dooglus, libpthread-dev is installed [08:27] What's the best way to get streaming QuickTime movies going in Firefox? === Ayabara [n=anr@] has left #ubuntu [] [08:27] nickrud_, im going for apt-cache [08:28] Is there a shockwave player for linux yet (that doesnt involve wine + windows firefox)? [08:28] !codecs | branstrom [08:28] branstrom: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [08:28] jscinoz, no === avec [n=zerg@ppp263-61.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu === ironmatar [n=fred@pool-71-112-180-6.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:28] How can I start ubuntu in another resolution other than the default resolution after an install. [08:28] How can I start ubuntu in another resolution other than the default resolution after an install. [08:28] Because my monitor doesn't support whatever resolution it's default is. [08:28] When i upgrade to the next release of Ubuntu, will I lose any of my files, etc.? [08:28] nickrud_, it got me libpthread-dev and stubs0 [08:28] Paulman, but listen to dooglus: he compiles, I just find packages :) [08:29] how i can start adept manager with root rights? === Rowan [n=rowan@dsl-dhcp-211-039.kpunet.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:29] Paulman: you sure you want -lmath and not just -lm? [08:29] well now i appear to have a working system before installing the updates [08:29] had ti run fcsk 4 times [08:29] dooglus, sorry, that was -lm :P [08:30] Paulman: you should have -lm installed already [08:30] dooglus, but that seems to be working now... it just gives me a warning that gentoo does not give, weird === stimpie [n=michiel@ip565faf27.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu [08:30] any paticular update packages that are not nessary of the 112 listed? [08:30] dooglus, about pthread... still troubles [08:31] dooglus, /usr/include/pthread.h:285: error: conflicting types for pthread_t [08:31] dooglus, like 15 lines with that kind of errs [08:31] ironmatar, they all are important; major bugs and security issues is about all that gets released after the cd is pressed === aa^way [n=erti@217-159-132-50-dsl.kvm.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu [08:31] nickrud_: thanks, I guess I'll go for w32codecs [08:31] branstrom, good call :) === eddie77 [n=eddie77@24-197-154-178.dhcp.gsvl.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:32] how to move files with sudo? sudo mv what arguments? ive reda the manual but id ont get it :( === samiam_ [n=samurai@74-134-144-215.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:32] branstrom, and if I might, I'd suggest totem-xine as well [08:32] nickrud_: well i was running the 64 bit iso and ever time i updes it broke my install === LaPe5Te [n=alex@c-24-22-118-188.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:33] ironmatar, wierd. I always used sudo aptitude dist-upgrade , I believe in overkill [08:33] Paulman: I'm not sure about the pthread package you need. [08:33] sigh [08:33] at suse i got a nice progam called xml. I used it for formating "xml fo " is there such a progam on ubuntu ? [08:33] no one can help me? === mattg [n=mattg@ip68-104-158-11.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === albert [n=albert@adsl-70-241-14-226.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === ArrA_ [n=elev@] has joined #ubuntu [08:33] nickrud i now appear to have a functioning install 32 bit [08:33] what's the command to start up gnome? [08:33] i'm looking for a terminal style irc client...anybody know of a good one? === davefloyd [n=rebel@s5593edbe.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu [08:33] !find xml [08:33] Fivetwentysix: 'startx'? [08:33] Found: docbook-xml, intltool, libruby1.8, libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java, libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java-doc (and 188 others) [08:33] hm [08:33] k [08:33] Fivetwentysix: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start [08:34] Filbert: or do you mean 'gnome-session'? === ari_stress [n=tiger74@] has joined #ubuntu [08:34] anyone here know if its possible to type on windows while using expo plugin (compiz) ? [08:34] how do you run a command in gnome? [08:34] TylerJGillies: Alt-F2 ? [08:34] TylerJGillies, open a terminal, type there usually [08:34] TylerJGillies: or run a terminal [08:34] nickrud_, if you write my name in front then i might se the answer :O) [08:34] dooglus: thnx === gcostello [n=gcostell@i07v-212-195-160-152.d4.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu [08:34] was looking for hotkey [08:35] how to run adept manager with root privileges? [08:35] the guys from ndiswrapper say that udev is renaming the interfaces [08:35] !adept [08:35] adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto [08:35] bauer, I was searching, didn't wanna bother you if I didn't find anything ;P [08:35] TylerJGillies: alt+F2, give "gnome-terminal" [08:35] nickrud_: thanks again [08:35] avec: #kubuntu is for KDE stuff [08:35] dooglus, well, thanks anyway doog, bye! === Coole^ [n=justin@71-212-52-231.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu === shawger_ [n=shawger@CPE-69-76-75-61.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:35] Paulman: cau === _tux [n=_tux@cpe-76-80-84-102.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:35] i have ubuntu [08:36] 119 updates sheesh [08:36] use synaptic package manager [08:36] can anybody help me how to figure out why is udev renaming my wireless interface and to stop it from doing so? [08:36] *avec === LaPe5Te [n=alex@c-24-22-118-188.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:37] <_tux> ironmatar: 119 updates may seem like a lot but you can disable updates you may not need or for instance may not use a certain program that requires an update [08:37] <_tux> ;-) [08:37] nickrud_, okey i have just mede the search too and it was negative. Have you tryed "locate xml" insted off find its pretty fast. === _titanix88 [n=titanix@] has joined #ubuntu [08:37] _tux i just want to keep my working system [08:38] nickrud_, c/mede/made/ [08:38] bauer, i did which xml locally, found nothing. [08:38] <_tux> ironmater: I agree but it displays updates that go by important, recommended or otherwise other updates that may or may not be necessary [08:38] <_tux> it all depends upon the user on what the user intends to do with the updates [08:39] i really need to get my cedega acct that im paying for put in use so i can get back to my corp in eve === rqko [n=rqko@mna75-11-88-161-198-128.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === bentob0x [n=laurent@ip-213-49-72-111.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu [08:39] is anyone here an expert in network translation? === MadFaxer [n=joe@adsl-147-206-84.jan.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu [] === avec [n=zerg@ppp263-61.adsl.forthnet.gr] has left #ubuntu [] [08:39] <_tux> I removed games from my applications menu completely it just was a waste of space and just slowed down the performance on the hdd [08:39] i switched cold turky if you will from win xp === StrongArm [n=slipry@249.193-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu === StrongArm_ [n=slipry@249.193-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu [08:40] bauer, loking elsewhere [08:40] cold turkey is fun :D [08:40] nickrud_, i found this http://xmlstar.sourceforge.net/ [08:40] people said ubunu was east but it hasent been for me [08:40] what's a cool shell? [08:40] nickrud_, did you try the locate command [08:41] it's relatively easy. === mattyv [n=mattyv@220-253-46-108.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [08:41] anyone know if its possible to make your own livecd like on pclinuxos (using remasterme,mklivecd) ? [08:41] bauer, don't have any xml stuff on my machine; I'm doing an apt-find at the moment === user_ [n=user@] has joined #ubuntu [08:41] to be honest though, ubuntu is more different, than it is easy. [08:41] did you automatically know how to use everything when you first used windows? [08:42] i think not. [08:42] ubuntu is very easy === Shadowpillar [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:42] everything worked ootb for me [08:42] = ) === yharrow [n=sysadmin@unaffiliated/yharrow] has joined #ubuntu [08:42] <_tux> Ubuntu is pretty easy when it comes to using the gnome GUI and the apt-get command through the CLI [08:42] if anything, using ubuntu will make you more computer literate. === ironmatar shoots slap_me from long range and gets it over with blaam! :P [08:43] gnome is way better than kde, in my opinion [08:43] lol ironmatar === LaPe5Te [n=alex@c-24-22-118-188.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:43] <_tux> to install something like a media player you could easily type "sudo apt-get install bmpx" and it'll gather the dependencies and install the program for you with ease [08:43] agreed. kde is too bubbly and shiny.. and stuff.. lol === Paracropolis [n=gary@client-82-20-58-225.brnt.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:43] exactly Rhoruns_ === Coole^ [n=justin@71-212-52-231.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu === x_ [n=x@0x57305c83.odnxx5.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu === Shazoo [n=shazoo@] has joined #ubuntu === dav7 [n=dav7@CPE-121-223-223-219.static.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === Gary [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has joined #ubuntu [08:44] <_tux> ironmatar: just gotta get used to the whole UNIX-Like OSs it differs completely compared to Windows [08:44] hi anyone can help me about Sound ?!!! [08:44] whats wrong with your sound [08:44] <_tux> by default the Linux kernel doesn't carry a registry [08:44] bauer, well, I can comfortably say there is no xml command in ubuntu as such; what's it do exactly === Coded [n=mark@CPE000c41762708-CM001225009578.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === RealNitro [n=jens@twize.iic.ugent.be] has joined #ubuntu === tom17bombadil [n=tross@T8ad5.t.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:45] sometimes i haven't sound , not in startup and not in linux , anyone can help me about that ?! === Qodosh [i=Didaskal@linux-security.biz] has joined #ubuntu === veritgo [n=jon@ntsitm234127.sitm.nt.ftth.ppp.infoweb.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu [08:45] turn on speakers/ [08:45] ?* === garteck [n=arturo@] has joined #ubuntu === erikja [n=chatzill@0x57314066.abnxx10.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [08:45] <_tux> x_: type: "speaker-test" inside a terminal to test the speakers === kane77 [n=kane@] has joined #ubuntu === default_ [n=default@pool-71-119-124-149.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:46] i haven't problem with speakers . speakers working fine [08:46] has anyone here installed synce? === tonyy [n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] has joined #ubuntu [08:46] lol, x_ I have only one possible suggestion, do you have two sound cards, including maybe onboard? === dav7 [n=dav7@CPE-121-223-223-219.static.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has left #ubuntu [] [08:46] nickrud yes [08:46] <_tux> the sound is the issue than the problem could be that you haven't set the default sound card in Ubuntu === Shazoo [n=shazoo@] has left #ubuntu [] [08:46] x_, if you can, disable the onboard then === dini [n=indonet@] has joined #ubuntu === buddha [n=buddha@c-67-169-86-25.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === dini_ [n=indonet@] has joined #ubuntu [08:46] Anyone know when tribe 6 comes out? === |Lunar_Lamp| [n=Lunar_La@] has joined #ubuntu [08:47] nickrud how i can do that ?! === matthew_ [n=matthew@adsl-76-195-162-195.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:47] x_, in the bios of the computer, hopefully there's an option. There's a way to do that in the config, but I don't know it === Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu === neg [n=1000@88-104-13-210.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu === SunWuKung [i=SunWuKun@S01060016cbc4c705.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:48] <_tux> x_: type: "asoundconf list" inside a terminal it will display a list of available sound cards then type: "asoundconf set-default-card "NAME" whereas NAME is the sound cards name [08:48] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=180573 [08:48] ... [08:48] nickrud u mean i can't disable it in linux and should disable it in bios setup ?! [08:48] <_tux> but without the quotes that is x_ [08:48] x_, see _tux just above === Sontax`lap [n=sontax@ip5456e030.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu === ant30 [n=aperezar@19.Red-80-59-20.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:48] albert: perhaps you could try isomaster on the existing livecd [08:48] mattg: bash is pretty good. zsh has lots of 'cool' features === Rexor_Moon [n=michael@cpe-71-74-252-245.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:49] _tux ok ... i going 2 check it :-) === Coole^ [n=justin@71-212-52-231.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:49] <_tux> I gotcha [08:49] hmm, for some reason, I can't run uplink through Cedega === _vortex [i=iHlAkx44@kritikal.v-o-r-t-e-x.net] has joined #ubuntu === Adlai votes for zsh [08:49] yea i know just seems like a lot of assuptions going around here about somone underatnding of a diffrent os i remeber watching and waiting everyweek for the next star trek watched people land on the moon in real time...first onling game trek 73 on a hp 36" wider printer term in the back room of the library at 300 baud watched the original star wars on the outdoor big screen at the drive n theater but grow up with compute === _vortex is now known as vortex === nickrud_ adds another note === dini [n=indonet@] has joined #ubuntu [08:50] _tux after that command , i got this : Names of available sound cards: [08:50] Intel [08:50] Audigy2 [08:50] <_tux> ironmatar: Yeah from just using Ubuntu I don't have to really worry about viruses, spyware or much of the stuff that resided on the Windows OS [08:50] intel = onboard === ac-town [n=ac-town@c-24-22-105-68.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === basix [n=basix__@unaffiliated/basix] has joined #ubuntu [08:50] audigy = one you want to use [08:50] Hey [08:50] intel is onboard [08:50] yes [08:50] <_tux> x_: Intel is onboard audio just as slap_me implied [08:50] still wish for the amiga's back [08:50] = ) === rodserling [n=rod@pool-71-124-221-205.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:50] working for gateway helped me with something [08:51] W00t [08:51] or...soon to be acer [08:51] _tux i can't undrestand , i'm new in linux [08:51] <_tux> x_: Audigy2 should be your sound card [08:51] How do i get firefox to output to hw:2,0 instead of hw:0,0? [08:51] thx dooglus [08:51] <_tux> which in turn is what you want to use right x_ === cdiddy1 [n=cdiddy@24-217-146-233.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === AutumnCat [n=AutumnCa@] has joined #ubuntu === nickrud_ thinks the channel has found a new sound guy === d3ck4_ [n=d3ck4@] has joined #ubuntu [08:52] x_ now type in asoundconf set-default-card Audigy2 [08:52] ok [08:52] and you are golden [08:53] in wanna using Audiogy2 [08:53] <_tux> x_: After you typed what slap_me implied type: "alsamixer" inside a terminal to raise or lower the volume controls if alsamixer isn't installed type: "sudo apt-get install alsamixer" than use the previous command I stated [08:53] slap_me what's full command ?! [08:53] _Tux how do i get firefox to use hw:2,0 or what ever [08:53] thats my sound card [08:53] x_ no work? [08:53] slap_me nope [08:53] hmm.. [08:53] nothings hgappend [08:53] tux? [08:53] heh [08:54] <_tux> lol [08:54] <_tux> ac-town: what you mean by hw:2.0 === madera [n=madera@] has joined #ubuntu [08:54] plz tell me the full command line in terminal again [08:54] hw:2 [08:54] it starts at 0 btw === underdog5004 [n=matthew@adsl-76-195-162-195.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:54] <_tux> x_: type: "asoundconf set-default-card Audigy2 === buddha_ [n=buddha@c-67-169-86-25.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:55] What is the "recommended" way to make applications autostart? [08:55] madera, gui apps? [08:55] <_tux> oops without the quotes x_ [08:55] i put em in the sessions [08:55] so when i boot up, it starts [08:55] .. [08:55] Yes [08:55] oh [08:55] <_tux> ac-town: Are you trying to configure your sound work? [08:56] nothings happend :-( [08:56] yes === mon^rch [n=anonymou@S0106000fea33f1bb.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:56] i have a few sound cards [08:56] onboard i dont use [08:56] madera, as slap_me implied, system->prefs->sessions ;) [08:56] <_tux> x_: It should just show nothing after you typed the command [08:56] its hw:0,0 === vecnah [n=vecna@vecna.vecnix.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:56] <_tux> which means it set the default card to Audigy2 [08:56] oh ...ok .. and now i should restart ! [08:56] the pci one on hw:2,0 i do use === Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu [08:57] ahan [08:57] yea x_ a restart may help [08:57] <_tux> ac-town: type: "asoundconf list" inside a terminal to display a list of available sound cards [08:57] <_tux> without the quotes ac-town [08:57] i know === goodwinonline [n=neo@c-67-169-207-57.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:57] so now should i restart ?! .. ok ... just a min ;-) [08:57] What would you guys personally recommend if I was going to get a laptop for Ubuntu? I like thinkpads due to their trackpoint, but I was trying to other opinions [08:57] x_, now I'm in familar territory. type alsamixer in a terminal [08:57] <_tux> x_: type: "alsamixer" in to a terminal then you can raise or lower the volume controls using the up or down arrow keys on the keyboard === FusE- [n=cole@adsl-69-234-99-221.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:57] tux i have 3 it says [08:58] cdiddy1, im using a gateway (maybe cuz i work there) but no bias = ) [08:58] hello === tilman [i=moser@] has joined #ubuntu [08:58] rawr, upgrading Dapper to Latest release: this should be fun [08:58] <_tux> ac-town: do you know which one is the sound card you want to use? [08:58] And what about an app that is to run when GDK (but not before) starts? I use Synergy [08:58] nickrud_ then ?! [08:58] do they have trackpoint -- I cannt deal with freaking touchpads [08:58] nope, touchpad [08:58] i <3 touchpad [08:58] hmm, I guess IBM is the only one === Dave-B [n=chatzill@client-86-31-243-172.oxfd.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:58] x_, as _tux said, raise the volumes with the up down arrows, right left arrows to change bars, and escape key to exit [08:58] i went to this page http://tuxenclave.wordpress.com/ubuntu-customization-guide/ === _tilman [i=moser@] has joined #ubuntu [08:58] Note to Self: Burn ISO of Latest Ubuntu [08:58] my army recruiter has a thinkpad with that damn trackpoint, i was like 'wtf is that' [08:59] <_tux> heh nickrud [08:59] yes [08:59] its on hw:2,0 [08:59] of course, ubuntu works perfet on my old thinkpad [08:59] everything worked but Compiz Fusion [08:59] my amarok is pointing to that [08:59] <_tux> ac-town: then type: "asoundconf set-default-card "NAME" whereas NAME is the name of your sound card [08:59] and theis speakers somtiems switch to hw:0,0 [08:59] madera: you can start apps in ~/.profile at login-time [08:59] i was in the army === nickrud_ always takes the easy questions [09:00] <_tux> without the quotes of course ;-) [09:00] yea goodwinonline im joining. = X [09:00] are you sure you wanna join? [09:00] Thanks for the link, goodwinonline! [09:00] not infantry, gonna do M.I. === emmc_ [n=emmc@host17-191-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [09:01] what the heck is with package 112 27 k/b a sec dload? === Fivetwentysix [i=PMA@pcd175036.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:01] thanks ... i'll be back ... need 2 restart :-) [09:01] Actually, the program must start after GDK, immediately. [09:01] bye 4 now :-) [09:01] To activate the keyborad. [09:01] Hi, How do I disable PHP extensions? E.g. mbstring is active acording to phpinfo(), but in php.ini it's already commented out. (On Fiesty) === thekorn [n=thekorn@a89-182-25-203.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:01] hmm that could be interesting intel right [09:01] <_tux> ac-town: if your media player is pointing to a certain sound card device and the sound doesn't work than you should configure another sound card to Ubuntu === martin_ [i=blutolan@nat/intel/x-891d1ff8ebf9eab7] has joined #ubuntu === halley_ [i=halley@nat/intel/x-a8920d5b5817cdd5] has joined #ubuntu [09:01] yep [09:01] Correction: GDM === avis [n=ident@pdpc/supporter/student/avis] has joined #ubuntu [09:01] i have 2 cards on alas [09:01] i got a 72 on my ASVAB, so i think intel would be in my range [09:02] <_tux> only been using Ubuntu for like 2 months at least and gotta some of it ;-) though gotta love the terminal at that [09:02] how do i do that [09:02] Dave-B, look in /etc/php5/conf.d it's probably enabled in there === michael_ [n=michael@S010600131042857c.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:02] madera: as far as i see, you have to start it via startup-script === Ahadiel [n=michael@S010600131042857c.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === ari_stress2 [n=tiger74@] has joined #ubuntu [09:02] <_tux> ac-town: by typing: "asoundconf set-default-card "NAME" as I implied before whereas NAME is the name of your sound card so something like this [09:02] well good luck slap me do your push ups and sit ups;) [09:02] Ok, thanks all. [09:02] i did === begenxboys [n=laskar@orange.solomedianet.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:03] hehe will do [09:03] and firefox is not outputing sound [09:03] <_tux> ac-town: "asoundconf set-default card hw:2.0" or whatever it was [09:03] i just wish i could get Compiz Fusion the cube to work [09:03] nickrud_, i found it here http://xmlstar.sourceforge.net/ === x_ [n=x@0x57305c83.odnxx5.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [09:03] <_tux> ac-town: try setting another default sound card using that command === tavi [n=tavi@205.Red-88-17-165.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:03] <_tux> ac-town: also try typing "speaker-test" inside a terminal === KenSentMe [n=jeroen@kensentme.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:03] nickrud_: Unfortunately not - there's an entry for pdo.so [09:04] but nothing else [09:04] <_tux> you may receive a playback error or not [09:04] _tux thanks friend , that working now :-) === murrayc [n=murrayc@u25-56.dsl.vianetworks.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:04] nickrud_ thanks friend , that working now :-) [09:04] !find xmlstarlet | bauer [09:04] bauer: Found: xmlstarlet [09:04] <_tux> x_: welcome === KakaRoT-| [n=hoyoyo@unaffiliated/kakarot-/x-28389573] has joined #ubuntu === begenxboys [n=laskar@orange.solomedianet.com] has joined #ubuntu === peter_office [n=peter@adsl-220-90-fixip.tiscali.ch] has joined #ubuntu [09:04] x_, welcome, and thanks for sucking _tux into a new job ;) [09:04] <_tux> ac-town: your sound may be muted, disabled as in (the volume is very low) or something else [09:05] lol [09:05] x_ all good now? === WreckGar [n=latitude@] has joined #ubuntu [09:05] slap_me thanks dude , yeah , it working :-)( [09:05] Dave-B, sorry then, that's about the limit of my php config knowledge ;( [09:05] my music is playing but not firefox [09:05] :P [09:06] <_tux> ac-town: Check your volume settings in the top right corner of gnome is an volume applet right-click on the volume applet and click on preferences make sure the right sound card is set [09:06] so nobody knows about Compiz Fusion? === cdiddy1 [n=cdiddy@24-217-146-233.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has left #ubuntu [] [09:06] !compiz-fusion [09:06] Sorry, I don't know anything about compiz-fusion - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [09:06] !beryl [09:06] beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects === hagedorn [n=hagedorn@dslb-082-083-020-222.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:06] goodwinonline, #compiz-fusion or #ubuntu-effects are better places to ask [09:07] goodwinonline #ubuntu-effects would probably be a good place to ask === ironmatar [n=fred@pool-71-112-180-6.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [09:07] <_tux> ac-town: you can also type: "alsamixer" inside a terminal from there you can raise or lower the volume using the up or down arrow keys and can move from left or right using the left or right arrow keys [09:07] ok [09:07] my internetconnection don't start up after hibernate ? How do i get it up runneing ? [09:07] <_tux> lol nickrub that's my new job eh haha [09:07] yay [09:07] 7 minutes till ubuntu edgy [09:07] its maxed === funbitz [n=marius@] has joined #ubuntu [09:07] _tux, you're following in good footsteps === ari_stress2 is now known as ari_stress3 [09:07] i think firefox in on my onboard sound card [09:07] on oss [09:07] <_tux> :-) === sudhanshu [n=sudhansh@] has joined #ubuntu === animimotus [n=animimot@unaffiliated/animimotus] has joined #ubuntu === riaal [n=riaal@] has joined #ubuntu [09:08] What is the best MSN clone for ubuntu? [09:08] i have another problem with PORT FORWARDing , i donno how i should do that , i have ASUS RX3041 rotter and someone said i need open port to using AZUREUS or AMULE === nickrud_ really misses rob2 also, he knew _everything_ [09:08] (besides aMSN) [09:08] <_tux> ac-town: you think your onboard audio is set as the default sound card? === albreche [n=amergenc@AMontpellier-251-1-37-207.w81-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [09:08] tux i think your the one who did the page ware i got the info on Compiz Fusion I didnt enter the quotes [09:09] it might [09:09] but i changed it i thought [09:09] <_tux> goodwinonline: nope never been able to use compiz-fusion my video card can't even handle it === VARGUX [n=VARGUX@] has joined #ubuntu === keith [n=keith@ppp-70-225-136-140.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:10] <_tux> ac-town: I have yet to see a command to check if the default sound card is enabled but I'll check the man pages real quick for asoundconf === _Paracha [n=Paracha@Is.A.TclCoder.Org] has joined #ubuntu [09:10] ok ty [09:10] tux how big is your video card that might be my problem how much ram [09:10] _tux is leet [09:10] <_tux> lol ac-town [09:11] lol === _nuu [n=neuro@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:1893] has joined #ubuntu === skinnypuppy1334 [n=user@66-168-108-106.dhcp.mdvl.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:11] <_tux> goodwinonline: the VRAM on it is 32MBs its an old outdated ATI All-In-Wonder 128 PRO AGP 4X === AliAslam [n=ali@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:12] if anyone can solve my network translation problem, you get $1 paypal, :D [09:12] <_tux> ac-town: you could try "asoundconf is-active" yet it doesn't give out detailed or descriptive info on it through the man pages === JohanSalim [i=G3b0ys@ip84-223.cbn.net.id] has joined #ubuntu [09:12] _tux .. can u tell me that command for changing default sound card again ?! i wanna write it down somewhere 2 remember that :-) [09:12] tux yeah i have like 256 mg ati radeon [09:12] nickrud_: ok, thanks anyway :-) === kzv [n=kiv@dsl-58-7-119-1.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:12] <_tux> x_: type: "asoundconf set-default-card "NAME" whereas NAME is the name of your sound card [09:12] how do i get xfce on here? [09:12] x_ now type in asoundconf set-default-card Audigy2 [09:12] ... [09:12] dident do anything [09:12] <_tux> goodwinonline: lucky === Zeebo [n=squiller@sangone.polito.it] has joined #ubuntu [09:12] scrolled up. just typed in it all, heh [09:12] <_tux> ac-town: tried the "speaker-test" command yet in a terminal [09:13] yes [09:13] mattg, sudo apt-get install xfce or sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop [09:13] nothing [09:13] tux thank you i dont feel lucky my system is old [09:13] <_tux> ac-town: give you any playback errors? [09:13] but my music works [09:13] nope [09:13] how long will it itake, preaction? [09:13] <_tux> haha goodwinonline you're welcome [09:13] mattg, depending on your connection, probably a while [09:13] <_tux> your music works that's stanger === Havis [n=Havis@adsl-d239.87-197-156.t-com.sk] has joined #ubuntu [09:13] <_tux> strange* [09:13] thanks :_) === Zeebo [n=squiller@sangone.polito.it] has left #ubuntu [] [09:13] more than 6 hours, preaction? DSL [09:13] yep [09:13] <_tux> ac-town: is it for like youtube or something? [09:13] yes [09:13] lol [09:13] <_tux> interesting is flash installed? [09:14] mattg, i don't know [09:14] <_tux> welcome x_ [09:14] yes [09:14] ............. hej!.... anybody has used "Ubuntu Ultimate Edition"????????' [09:14] ac-town, im thinkin you have missing plugins === dini [n=indonet@] has joined #ubuntu [09:14] ... [09:14] thx, preaction [09:14] what plugin then [09:14] <_tux> ac-town: Let's see hmmm [09:14] chian may === zeph^ [n=skottybo@adsl-75-63-191-219.dsl.skt2ca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:14] Is there a way I can play a DVD image without burning it? [09:14] i dont even know how to get to these places #compiz-fusion or #ubuntu-:-[ [09:15] ./j [09:15] without the . === ketrox [n=ketrox@Xbc9a.x.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:15] ./j #compiz-fusion [09:15] <_tux> ac-town: type: "alsamixer" in a terminal then use the left or right arrow keys on the keyboard and find something called WAVE make sure that is maxed out [09:15] hi, could anyone spare some time to guide me what performance tweaks (graphics effects disabling, unnecessary processes that can spare ram, etc...) could i do to make my life easier with a 866 PIII 512RAM ?? thanks === Polysics [n=luca@host69-99-dynamic.116-80-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [09:16] funbitz: what window manager do you use? [09:16] you can also choose join server in XChat [09:16] !mountiso | pyrohotdog [09:16] pyrohotdog: To mount an ISO disc image, type sudo mount -o loop - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. === hero [n=yayan@] has joined #ubuntu [09:16] I know how to mount it, but it's a video DVD, and I'd like to play it as such. [09:16] i just installed ubuntu 7.04 and updated it.. so default i guess [09:16] funbitz try running xubuntu [09:16] <_tux> goodwinonline: usually you create a network in xchat and edit the network then add channel or something like that to it then log in to that network and type: /join #compiz-fusion if that's the name of it [09:17] funbitz window manager uses less I think [09:17] pyrohotdog, iirc totem can open the folder just fine, otherwise try VLC [09:17] <_tux> its confusing [09:17] <_tux> for me that is [09:17] funbitz you just have to install a couple packages I think [09:17] pyrohotdog, there's a .IFO file in VIDEO_TS that is the main one that should just work [09:17] funbitz it should be fairly easy... === tombar__ [n=tombar@r190-64-138-28.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu [09:17] !xubuntu | funbitz [09:17] hmm.. [09:17] funbitz: xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels === Floker [n=stefano@i53878850.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:17] funbitz that should help a bit. === `davo [n=davookle@68-119-46-037.dhcp.spbg.sc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:18] d4rkmonkey: thanks a lot. i'm gonna try that [09:18] yep [09:18] i need to start making my ubuntu look sweet. = X its all plain jane right now [09:18] tux i dont see why it seems so difficult to me I know xp a little I have xp and ubuntu dual boot on my hard drive but i cant figure out how to get to #compiz-fusion or #ubuntu:-$ [09:18] youtube is going to my onboard card [09:19] im not using that [09:19] funbitz I know I have a link somewhere for optimising Open Office, if you want I can search for it [09:19] Open the .IFO in VLC/Totem? [09:19] goodwinonline, knowing os's doesnt mean you know irc [09:19] = ) === gronbaek [n=gronbaek@50A2DCD8.flatrate.dk] has joined #ubuntu === mattg [n=mattg@ip68-104-158-11.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:19] <_tux> ac-town: that's weird on why it would be doing that tried resetting the sound card testing each different one throughout youtube? === drgeb [n=drgeb@adsl-75-54-83-90.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:19] i dont know irc [09:19] d4rkmonkey: if you're so kind. i'm obsessed about performance :) [09:19] goodwin join #channel name [09:19] that didnt take too long, preaction [09:19] <_tux> goodwinonline: you used to using xchat on ubuntu or irc in general === Fjank [n=frankl@a91-153-75-16.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [09:20] funbitz I have nothing better to do at 3:20 AM anyways :) [09:20] funbitz, and choosing a lightweight gtk theme will help a lot; the Ice based themes are pretty fast [09:20] each time i reboot the result of fdisk -l is different. why can this be happening ? === GodTodd_ [n=TheTruth@pool-71-123-207-64.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:20] funbitz just give me a bit to find the link, I forget what I did with it [09:20] <_tux> I like Fluxbox (minimal/highly configurable) [09:20] im new to ubunto i dont know jack i barely set this vchat up :) just when I thought i knew a little [09:20] My Windows partitions are only readable in Ubuntu 7.04. How to make them writable, so I can save files into those partition? [09:20] I can't type in forward slash there b/c it would just add that channel and not appear for you... getit? [09:20] <_tux> but using gnome === speme [n=speme@] has joined #ubuntu [09:20] d4rkmonkey: ok [09:20] <_tux> goodwinonline: using xchat right now or some type of irc on Windows? === ericx_1 [n=jxtadev@] has joined #ubuntu [09:21] mIRC on windows is the best, xchat on ubuntu owns [09:21] irc gaim ubuntu [09:21] d4rkmonkey: can't believe you're so friendly guys around here. nice :) [09:21] xchat rocks [09:21] funbitz Ubuntu community is pretty sweet ;) [09:21] I like xchat a lot, but wonder about their charging for it under windows [09:21] gaim is only good for aol instant messaging = X [09:21] get xchat [09:21] <_tux> goodwinonline: never used IRC on GAIM my advice would be to install xchat [09:22] sudo apt-get install xchat [09:22] in terminal [09:22] hero i think it has something to do with permissions === dwa [n=duwial@hq.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:22] <_tux> ac-town: still alive? [09:22] ok ill install xchat [09:22] how about Konversation [09:22] and goodwinonline when you are done installing xchat, when you set it up, type in "/server irc.ubuntu.net" [09:23] goodwinonline: Would you tell me how, cause I can find the answer in the Ubuntu Help? === eddie77 [n=eddie77@24-197-154-178.dhcp.gsvl.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:23] and it will log you onto this server === furenku [n=furenku@] has joined #ubuntu [09:23] It's as simple as using join channel in the menu of xchat [09:23] then type in /j #ubunut [09:23] and you will be back here [09:23] !ntfs-3g | hero [09:23] hero: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions [09:23] ya [09:23] <_tux> slap_me: dang that looked confusing lol [09:23] <_tux> ac-town: try this link http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#Sound [09:23] what did === devender [n=devender@ip70-162-184-251.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === ironmatar [n=fred@pool-71-112-180-6.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:23] heh [09:24] <_tux> typing in server names and what not through the terminal lol [09:24] no no [09:24] hero all i know is when i try do move files between partitions from windows partition to ubunto it says i dont have permissions even though im logged in as admin [09:24] not in terminal [09:24] i mean in xchat [09:24] <_tux> ahhh I see [09:24] omg! its 2:30am [09:24] funbitz Sorry for taking so long, I didn't actually bookmark it beforem but I found it again! === FusE- [n=cole@adsl-69-234-99-221.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:24] <_tux> its 12:24am and almost time for sleepy [09:24] funbitz http://www.linuxjournal.com/node/8308 that should help you optimise Open Office [09:24] *optimize [09:24] Yay for Edgy Eft, on to Feisty Fawn === shaoli [n=shaoli@] has joined #ubuntu === Greyhound- [i=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu [09:25] <_tux> what about Gusty Gibbon [09:25] ill probably such search google more === bauer_ [n=bauer@0x535ca889.banxx3.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [09:25] ook i still appear to ahve a working system all i got left before cedega is the vid driver [09:25] FusE-, doing it the long way eh ;) [09:25] dafkldh;ieo [09:25] Fiesty + Automatix kicks but for me [09:25] yup nickrud_ [09:25] yup [09:25] Its tedious alright === hero [n=yayan@] has left #ubuntu [] [09:25] imma wait for hardy heron before i upgrade from feisty fawn === dwa [n=duwial@hq.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:25] 8.04 for the win1 [09:26] <_tux> how about changing my irc name to _tux soundcards lol [09:26] couldn't wait, day after gutsy feature freeze, I upgraded [09:26] tux there ya go === hero [n=yayan@] has joined #ubuntu [09:26] What is feature freeze [09:26] d4rkmonkey: cool. i'm think i'm gonna get to it right away. thanks === hades00 [n=chaos@] has joined #ubuntu [09:26] <_tux> I heard Automatix caused a bunch of problems with Ubuntu systems [09:26] !automatix | skinnypuppy1334 [09:26] skinnypuppy1334: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software. When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it. A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme) [09:26] when they stop adding new stuff, and go back to fix everything they broke [09:27] Oh [09:27] i wouldnt use automatix === cobman [n=justinas@] has joined #ubuntu [09:27] heard nasty things [09:27] You can install Gutsy now? [09:27] !clamav [09:27] Use automatix, its great === doug__ [n=doug@] has joined #ubuntu [09:27] !clam [09:27] hmm === hero [n=yayan@] has left #ubuntu [] [09:27] <_tux> FusE: Yeah if you want an unstable branch of Ubuntu Gusty Gibbon [09:27] how do i install java? [09:27] FusE-, read http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and then say that :) [09:27] Anybody here use SoundConverter, (NO I DONT MEAN soundKonverter) [09:27] !java [09:27] _tux, is it that bad to use a unstable release? [09:27] FusE-, depends if you want it to remove all of gnome, or mess up partitoning. Both have happened in the past few days for people [09:27] Jeez, first time I tried Automatix it sucked, Gotta say it's been headache free for me [09:28] rockets, I have it installed, yes [09:28] Sorry, I don't know anything about clamav - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [09:28] Sorry, I don't know anything about clam - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [09:28] To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre [09:28] <_tux> FusE: Yes if the install is through a production system === mikebot [n=michaell@ip24-254-86-247.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === DtG [n=no@pool-72-72-215-5.altnpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:28] nickrud_, do you know if vbr highest quality does a V0 rip === iioran [n=iioran@neu67-3-82-239-83-62.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:28] <_tux> FusE: But if you're just wanting to test the latest features than no [09:28] installing java is fun i forgot how i did it tried limewire? === Kinks_ [n=Kinks@wnklmb01dc1-218-104.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:28] rockets, no [09:28] Hmmm [09:28] I hardly use ubuntu anymore [09:28] nickrud_, any idea how to do that with a gui tool? [09:28] I'm trying to use 'wget' to save a page and all the links on the page, but I'm having trouble getting it to save more than one page... I've been using -r -l 2 -k === Tanman77 [n=weiyen@203-173-163-38.static.bliink.wave.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [09:28] Since my previous upgrade died [09:28] rockets, no :) [09:28] <_tux> haha [09:28] Anyone know why that isn't working? [09:28] I wiped the partitions and started over [09:29] heh [09:29] <_tux> its funny on how when I installed Fedora it detected my sound card automatically but when I installed Ubuntu I had to manually set it up === gandalfcome [n=wkerzend@mithrandir.anu.edu.au] has joined #ubuntu === Battlefrank [n=notroot2@ppp-69-214-1-180.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:29] mine is auto detected >.< [09:29] BALLS OF STEEL [09:29] Although I need some music soon [09:29] BALLS OF STEEL [09:29] BALLS OF STEEL [09:29] Better hook up my iPo [09:29] <_tux> FusE: lucky you [09:29] BALLS OF STEEL [09:29] BALLS OF STEEL === jeffdavis [n=jeff@S01060080c82957f5.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:29] BALLS OF STEEL [09:29] BALLS OF STEEL [09:29] BALLS OF STEEL [09:29] BALLS OF STEEL [09:29] <_tux> someone said something about installing Java? [09:29] BALLS OF STEEL [09:29] BALLS OF STEEL [09:29] BALLS OF STEEL [09:29] my favorite sound story is I had to copy the 20-15 kernel driver to 20-16 to get sound [09:29] Anybody know how to do a -V0 rip with LAME [09:29] BALLS OF STEEL [09:29] Shut up BattleFrank [09:29] !ban Battlefrank [09:29] BALLS OF STEEL [09:29] Sorry, I don't know anything about ban battlefrank - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [09:29] BALLS OF STEEL [09:29] BALLS OF STEEL [09:30] BALLS OF STEEL [09:30] !ops [09:30] BALLS OF STEEL [09:30] Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici [09:30] SHUT UP! [09:30] ok the commands to run the manuel vidio driver install i have are sudo ldconfig or lpconfiggo suck a balls of steel frank === ImANoobieToo [n=zahlerst@64-121-52-134.c3-0.snmt-ubr1.sfrn-snmt.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:30] !ops | [09:30] : please see above [09:30] sup all! [09:30] BALLS OF STEEL [09:30] BALLS OF STEEL === mode/#ubuntu [+o tonyyarusso] by ChanServ === mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@ppp-69-214-1-180.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] by tonyyarusso === Battlefrank [n=notroot2@ppp-69-214-1-180.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu [requested] === mode/#ubuntu [-o tonyyarusso] by tonyyarusso [09:30] damn idiot [09:30] hehe Duke Nukem in our channel, what an honor! [09:30] I'm trying to use 'wget' to save a page and all the links on the page, but I'm having trouble getting it to save more than one page... I've been using -r -l 2 -k [09:30] idiot should be booted [09:30] anyone know how to change the default display on an x700 from VGA output to onboard LCD? === _nuu [n=neuro@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:1893] has joined #ubuntu [09:30] skinnypuppy1334: this is why abortion should be legalized in SOME cases === izi [n=ubuntu@ns.izimobil.org] has joined #ubuntu [09:31] skinnypuppy1334: the idiot *did* get booted. [09:31] tux hows security between ubuntu and xp with a router and cable network? [09:31] FusE-, no, that would be infanticide [09:31] <_tux> ImANoobieToo: I'm not sure but configuring the xorg file should do the trick but who knows on how to configure it to do that [09:31] ok the commands to run the manuel vidio driver install i have are sudo ldconfig or lpconfig i cant read it now and which version of the nvidia driver should i egt for the amd 64 bit sys running 32 bit ubuntu [09:31] he did the same in #debian and #defocus earlier too === frodnxchat [n=pascal@dslb-084-058-163-198.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:31] er eget === frodnxchat [n=pascal@dslb-084-058-163-198.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu ["VTEC] === RandomUsr [n=james@c-67-190-253-98.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:32] nickrud_: fine, not abortion, Pre-Death Penalty will do. [09:32] hello there [09:32] <_tux> goodwinonline: By default Ubuntu is more secure seeing as it doesn't allow the root account to be used other than that its got a built in firewall and doesn't have ports open by default [09:32] hmm [09:32] anyone know how to change the default display on an x700 from VGA output to onboard LCD? === yrlnry [n=mjd@wl121217.wlan.wu-wien.ac.at] has joined #ubuntu [09:32] anyone here have experience installing the official Intel Linux Wireless driver? === Twihh [n=mal@] has joined #ubuntu [09:32] <_tux> using the root account could either damage the filesystem or just damage important system files if the system gets comprised and someone has access to the root account you're better off wiping the hdd === kefka [n=liquiddo@unaffiliated/kefka] has joined #ubuntu [09:33] <_tux> especially if you don't know what your doing or if a user gains access to the root account [09:33] eh damn, ubuntu isn't detecting my iPod [09:33] tux so a router with a firewall as well password protected makes the connection pretty safe right? === zingara [n=zingara@] has joined #ubuntu === Floker is now known as Stefano1337 [09:33] goodwinonline: Yes, it acts as an NAT firewall === dini [n=indonet@] has joined #ubuntu [09:33] <_tux> when in XP you gain complete control over the Admin account which in turn Ubuntu doesn't give you that much power by default === firecraft [i=firecraf@Linux.Radiation.orgz.us] has joined #ubuntu === hero [n=yayan@] has joined #ubuntu === rs3 [n=smrtbomb@CPE-76-178-64-208.natsow.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === KoaL [i=KoaL@c-67-169-41-224.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:33] _tux: how is that different from using sudo? === rs3 is now known as rsthree [09:34] nice === Frogzoo [n=Frogzoo@] has joined #ubuntu [09:34] <_tux> goodwinonline: yes if you got a pretty strong password === rockets [n=rockets@pool-71-247-35-247.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:34] ImANoobieToo, you'll prolly have to edit your /etc/xorg.conf [09:34] hi ......i have a question [09:34] so it's an official help channel for ubuntu :) === n215 [n=lolz@unaffiliated/makaveli] has joined #ubuntu [09:34] _tux: to do the same kind of damage, a malicious user only needs to compromise your user account [09:34] <_tux> gordonjcp: sudo can be temporary === izi [n=ubuntu@ns.izimobil.org] has joined #ubuntu === rsthree [n=smrtbomb@CPE-76-178-64-208.natsow.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:34] _tux: and that helps, *how* exactly? [09:34] <_tux> you can easily kill off the 15 minute limit sudo sets using "sudo -k" [09:34] !ask | KoaL [09:34] goodwinonline: Another good idea is to turn the router's remote access off, to keep others outside your network from accessing its config === D_ReaL_PuNiShEr [n=flowman4@] has joined #ubuntu [09:35] I am new to ubuntu....and dl the cd [09:35] ubotu: Sorry could u tell me once again how to make windows partitions writable in the Ubuntu?:-P [09:35] but it wont boot [09:35] *brb* === LordProfes [n=profes@pc058203.godula.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:35] !ntfs | hero [09:35] !ntfs-3g | hero [09:35] there is absolutely no need to log in with a superuser account, sudo is the way you should operate administrative tasks on your pc, [09:35] <_tux> gordonjcp: not saying it does help just giving out an example [09:35] i updated the bios [09:35] ubotu's down hero a sec [09:35] KoaL, did you download the 7.04 desktop edition or server edition ? [09:35] KoaL: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) [09:35] desktop [09:35] hero: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse [09:35] <_tux> not going to completely type out an entire documentation on how sudo works and how the root account works [09:35] hero: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions [09:35] _tux: there isn't really a practical benefit to sudo, in most cases [09:35] oh man i have to run... i'll brb [09:36] this room is moving way too fast [09:36] i keep trying to boot from the cd [09:36] but windows wont let me === cyanide [n=cyanide@] has joined #ubuntu [09:36] _tux: but anyway, this is offtopic [09:36] Anyone here had the pleasure of installing intel wireless drivers? === cyanide [n=cyanide@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === Heady [n=heady@adsl-dyn92.91-127-33.t-com.sk] has joined #ubuntu [09:36] i was just curious as to how you guys did it [09:36] KoaL: have you got your CDROM set as a bootable device in the bios? [09:36] yes [09:37] <_tux> On Unix-like operating systems, the sudo command is used to run commands with the root user's privileges. This is done by entering sudo at the beginning of each line of commands. Alternatively, one may become root (system administrator) by logging in as "root" or by using the su command. [09:37] tux its like firewall overkill norton firewall and router firewall i wonder if it matters if I hide my ubuntu partion when i boot up i can set xp partition active but then i have to boot to a drive and unhide ubuntu partion but with ubuntu i can just log in withou the partition being active [09:37] <_tux> there === Coded [n=mark@CPE000c41762708-CM001225009578.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu [] [09:37] KoaL: When you burnt the cd, did you burn as an image, or just a data disc? [09:37] hero, ah, ubotu's back up, did you get the message? === rosscav [n=ross@58x156x2x138.ap58.ftth.ucom.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu [09:37] data disc [09:37] nickrud_: He did [09:37] koal: have tou set your boot device to CD Rom? [09:37] data DISC? [09:37] it should be ISO [09:37] aaaaaaaaaah i ceee === exodos [n=notch@mach.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:37] KoaL: that's it then, you need to burn as an image. Which program do you use on Windows for burning cd's? === iioran [n=iioran@neu67-3-82-239-83-62.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:37] sonic [09:38] yikes [09:38] i know [09:38] : P [09:38] How do you rip a CD to an ISO in ubuntu? === davina [n=dave@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:38] yeah you need to get a program that burns a iso image === iioran [n=iioran@neu67-3-82-239-83-62.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:38] <_tux> goddwinonline: By default the Linux kernel as a built-in firewall called netfilter though uses the iptables program for a configuration of netfilter though there are GUIs like Firestarter to configure the firewall for ease of use [09:38] mattyv: maybe he should use the isorecorder from softpedia? [09:38] Ima use PowerISO....i think that should work [09:38] and you dont extract the iso image onto cd rom === atrus [n=atrus@d199-126-255-144.abhsia.telus.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [09:38] skinnypuppy1334, dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/path/to/iso bs=1024 [09:38] THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH YOU GUYS !!!!!!!!!!! === Leviel [i=Leviel@dsl-242-253-126.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu === Shalom-Alejhem [n=ccambra@ccambra-desktop.cpe.cableonda.net] has joined #ubuntu === Leviel [i=Leviel@dsl-242-253-126.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu [] [09:39] nice [09:39] <_tux> iptables just acts as the framework === n215 [n=lolz@unaffiliated/makaveli] has left #ubuntu [] [09:39] <_tux> you can define rules from within iptables [09:39] koal should be back with more questions before things get running lol === deci [n=buttslma@cpe-065-184-246-063.ec.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:39] KoaL: no doubt poweriso will do it, now that you know what you have to do you should find the option easily === Coded [n=mark@CPE000c41762708-CM001225009578.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:39] <_tux> though it is pretty complicated === dgjones [n=Cheshire@unaffiliated/dgjones] has joined #Ubuntu [09:39] he left mattyv [09:39] _tux, sort of [09:40] _tux, there are books i'd need to master iptables. [09:40] RandomUsr: whoops, so he did [09:40] lol === CraZy675 [n=nick@S010600179a9c5969.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === quaker [n=quaker@aanp104.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [09:40] tux i dont even bother with firewall to ubunto i researched it they said its not needed because like you said it doesnt really leave ports open and i dont have anything to hide anyway [09:40] Has anyone installed the Intel Wifi Driver? [09:40] <_tux> firecraft: for the novice/beginner I would agree but someone with experience differs completely [09:41] _tux, of course. === Jack33 [n=michael@pool-71-120-243-69.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:41] <_tux> goodwinonline: though if you have services enabled ports will be left open you can determine open ports using a port scanner called nmap [09:41] tux well you just have to sit there and give permissions right [09:41] i haven't played much with iptables [09:41] <_tux> goodwinonline: netfilter is enabled by default so the firewall is on regradless unless you disabled it which I wouldn't know how to do haha === ironmatar [n=fred@pool-71-112-180-6.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [09:42] <_tux> firecraft: Neither have I just leave it at default [09:42] <_tux> but wouldn't mind learning iptables === DarthShrine [n=angus@pdpc/supporter/student/DarthShrine] has joined #ubuntu === Gaaston [n=hledoux@124.142-65-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:42] <_tux> the more you learn the better [09:42] _tux, on top of which i have zorp installed ;p [09:43] tux ive been so tires of trying to figure out security really for know reason nothing to hide i talked to an it guy who said the only way to be safe is not to be on a network === ComunisTico [n=roberto@] has joined #ubuntu [09:43] omg we are all not safe :( [09:43] goodwinonline, if your box isn't locked into a case that only you have a key to, you're still not safe :) [09:43] pretty much [09:44] wrap your computer in tinfoil that should do it === lc__ [n=lc@host72-43-static.106-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [09:44] well my wife doesnt know to much about it [09:44] haha Menth [09:44] <_tux> goodwinonline: you should be good if its only going to be use as a desktop [09:44] yeah [09:44] <_tux> but if not stay on top of the game === adnans [n=adnans@linuxgoeroe.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:45] tux ok appriciate that ill try to learn more [09:45] <_tux> bugs, vulnerabilities, exploits, sql injections and all kinds of other stuff [09:45] <_tux> welcome === Hit3k [n=allan@243.025.dsl.ade.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === Virus [i=huzz@auh-as50926.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu [09:45] tux in xp i found a program called peer gaurdian it was pretty cool === linxeh [n=linx@88-96-202-38.dsl.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [09:45] _tux, i didn't realize sql injection mattered to linux box === root__ [n=ketrox@X8139.x.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu === Terminus [n=jjereza@] has joined #ubuntu [09:46] <_tux> goodwinonline: never used it before but heard of it === michaelpo [n=presario@] has joined #ubuntu [09:46] i just installed weather wallpaper... why only status icon only? not showing at the wallpaper? [09:46] <_tux> firecraft: it doesn't but if you are going to be using a server and use either MySQL or PostgreSQL than its pretty much a big deal [09:46] I've got mp3s working for amarok, how do I get mp3s working for musicbrainz? [09:46] peer guardian is for p2p programs, it blocks known RIAA/MPAA/govt. IP blocks === CroX [n=tobias@c-b389e255.133-6-64736c12.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu === root__ is now known as ketrox [09:46] <_tux> the only reason I see to use peerguardian is if your residing in a college [09:47] _tux, i do have mysql installed to all fairness, how does that leave me vulnerable ? === SkiffX [n=SkiffX@cpe-72-225-174-254.si.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:47] preaction what do you think of that program peer gard [09:47] <_tux> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sql_injection firecraft here you go === MrLimeni [n=Dino@212-200-196-34.adsl.sezampro.yu] has joined #ubuntu [09:47] goodwinonline, i think it works for its purpose === Surger [n=Surge@dsl-241-199-113.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [09:48] preaction which is what its just good for p2p [09:48] <_tux> vulnerabilities exist in every program every made once you fixed a bug a new one usually appears without the user knowing or with the user knowing [09:48] <_tux> same as bugs === CraHan [n=crahan@cust.fiber-lan.vnet.lk.] has joined #ubuntu [09:48] <_tux> its just the nature of computers [09:48] _tux, thanks and i thought, iptables and zorp then running mysql on localhost only wouldn't give out much security holes. [09:48] <_tux> nothing is perfect [09:48] <_tux> welcome [09:49] <_tux> enable daemons aka services as known in (XP) that you don't use [09:49] folks; i need a ftp client with a gui interface [09:49] whats the best [09:49] tux why cant ubuntu run xp games? [09:49] <_tux> oops disable daemons [09:49] firecraft, just avoid running untrusted programs that interface with the SQL server. it's not the server that's the problem, it's stupid programmers and their "professional web site system" === eallais [n=erik@nap13-4-82-240-85-51.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:49] goodwinonline: install wine [09:49] goodwinonline, linux is not windows. [09:49] goodwinonline, depends, do you have wine installed? [09:50] !ftp | arooni__ [09:50] <_tux> goodwinonline: preaction just answered your question [09:50] arooni__: FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd [09:50] or you can install the cvscedega [09:50] no i never herd of wine [09:50] preaction, ahh yes.. figured as much. :) [09:50] scipio, which is the best [09:50] !best | arooni__ [09:50] arooni__: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. [09:50] <_tux> though Wine can be used to run Windows programs though they won't run as nearly as good as a native Windows OS [09:51] really lenux is not windows yeah but if you wanna play better games than like chess whats a guy to do [09:51] preaction, ok; which is the simplest to use... built in nautifilus? === xipietotec [n=jackfros@] has joined #ubuntu [09:51] _tux, i have a feeling we'll see wine in the coming months mature a great deal and not depend on Windows OS for gaming. [09:51] eh === fabgr [n=fabgr@] has joined #ubuntu [09:51] <_tux> goodwinonline: it all depends some people might just want an OS for games, programming, modifying a kernel like the Linux kernel, or something completely different [09:51] goodwinonline: you install linuxchess [09:51] Ubuntu won't automount my iPod, it used to. === VICZ [n=v@ip68-9-182-159.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:52] dont get me wrong i like ubuntu i just wish i could use it completely which would be run my games [09:52] in the last year i've noticed a lot more *nix-native games coming out [09:52] !games [09:52] Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php [09:52] What is the command to open the quit menu / and or just quit / logout? === ironmatar [n=fred@pool-71-112-180-6.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:52] preaction, not only that but also that we'll have wine support directx. [09:52] wine already does support directx [09:52] <_tux> I switched over to Ubuntu cause much of the stuff on Windows I didn't seem to use [09:53] <_tux> and also experienced nothing but problems === Elischa [n=rassihu@M3693P006.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu === Shalom-Alejhem [n=ccambra@ccambra-desktop.cpe.cableonda.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:53] preaction, it does, but still not polished to the far edges to play some of the games i have on vista meh [09:53] its D3D support is lacking, and it's only at dx7 or so (last i knew) [09:53] i attempted manuel install of video driver however it said something wasent installed lb somebthing? === marl [n=matt@82-40-218-233.cable.ubr01.dunb.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === rathel [n=rathel@c-24-9-186-226.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === pretender [n=pretende@ppp121-45-231-115.lns1.bne4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:53] My ext3 file system went a bit haywire and now every time I run apt-get it moans about broken packages. How do I re-install them? I tried apt-get install -f libmad0 but it says the package is already up to date. === dmb062082_ [n=dmb06208@cpe-24-59-42-214.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === gluck [n=nforget@di-net.ulb.ac.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:53] <_tux> also I love the open-source philosophy === giany911 [n=giany911@] has joined #ubuntu === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [09:54] !musicbrainz [09:54] Sorry, I don't know anything about musicbrainz - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [09:54] need to run sudo ldconfig or lbconfig? is that the right command [09:54] goodwinonline: You can check out Cedega too if you're willing to pay a bit. http://games.cedega.com/gamesdb/ [09:54] you can get cedega for free if you use the cvs version [09:54] i need to output the resauls of the top command (CPU Useage) to post on a forum. How can i do this [09:54] cedega isn't free btw. [09:55] tremulous is about the coolest ubuntu game ive found [09:55] ironmatar, why not install the driver that's in the repos. or follow a guide from the wiki page === skinnypuppy1334 [n=user@66-168-108-106.dhcp.mdvl.ga.charter.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:55] Menth: A new windows user + source code ... :) [09:55] help, what is the command to exit / logout of ubuntu? or at least open the menu to do so? [09:55] <_tux> alright guys time for me to head too bed goodnite everyone and hopefully your issues have been solved ;-) [09:55] i figured it out and im new to linux wasnt to bad === _tux [n=_tux@cpe-76-80-84-102.socal.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:55] VICZ, you don't have the menu anymore? === Tex-Twil [n=jan@gw.xtradyne.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:56] Menth, when it goes good, it's not bad at all. when it goes bad, then it's hell [09:56] true [09:56] preaction -- i'm trying to get rid of the menu to replace it with a macos-like dock. (Avant-window-navigator)... I'm trying to add a "quit" menu to the dock, don't know which command to enter. [09:56] surger thats the thing i dont want to pay ive payed 100's for my favorite ea games and my wifes cheap :) and im 38 too so eh i dont know:-! [09:56] i almost gave up twice :D [09:56] hey in ubuntu 5 . . [09:56] wht is password [09:56] because it wont be in rep until gutsy iv been informed by somone that firsted helped me that teh gigbyte 8500 requires a full manuel install however something sient configued for the file to run yet [09:56] for root [09:56] !enter | ubuntu [09:56] ubuntu: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [09:56] !root | ubuntu [09:56] ubuntu: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [09:56] later tux you rock === fabgr [n=fabgr@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === rosscav [n=ross@58x156x2x138.ap58.ftth.ucom.ne.jp] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === lazz0 [n=lazz0@] has joined #ubuntu [09:57] just do sudo su === Havis [n=Havis@adsl-dyn191.91-127-110.t-com.sk] has joined #ubuntu === Carnage\ [n=carnage@port-87-234-51-211.static.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:57] k thanks [09:57] i finnally have a stable updated ubuntu n i really would love to get my game working [09:57] VICZ, theoretically, CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE does it, but that's the hard way [09:57] preaction -- is that considered an actual reboot? [09:57] ironmatar, then maybe you should use pastebin to post your error and have someone take a look at it === Tex-Twil [n=jan@gw.xtradyne.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:57] VICZ, no, that shuts down X11 [09:57] thanks.. menth [09:58] it worked === helloRobot [n=hellorob@CPE-69-76-34-134.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === goodwinonline [n=neo@c-67-169-207-57.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [09:58] VICZ you can try ~$ sudo reboot === ironmatar [n=fred@pool-71-112-180-6.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [09:58] firecraft -- thanks again!!!!! you saved me last time === Tex-Twil [n=jan@gw.xtradyne.de] has joined #ubuntu === Flegma [n=Michalek@devil.spacecom.cz] has joined #ubuntu === GazzaK [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has joined #ubuntu [09:58] rofl ok VICZ didn't know you were asking for reboot or just logout [09:58] VICZ, for reboot: sudo shutdown -r now [09:59] What game ironmatar? [09:59] sudo shutdown -r now is like telling the OS shutdown then restart .. what's wrong with the similar command sudo reboot scipio ? === Tex-Twil [n=jan@gw.xtradyne.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:59] i need to output the results of the top command (CPU Usage) to post on a forum. How can i do this === ComunisTico [n=roberto@] has joined #ubuntu [09:59] firecraft, nothing didn't see your replied :) === nuu [n=neuro@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:1893] has joined #ubuntu [10:00] scipio ;) [10:00] firecraft: ctrl-backspace === GazzaK is now known as Gary === michaelpo [n=presario@] has left #ubuntu [] [10:00] michaelpo i like command lines better than hitting shortcuts :) [10:01] do you use a shortcut to open up the terminal ? [10:01] i am trying to install my grub .. but i am getting this error.. .grub-install /dev/hda [10:01] /dev/hda: Not found or not a block device. === Tex-Twil_ [n=jan@gw.xtradyne.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:01] /dev/sda ? [10:02] Menth heh good question, that'd be clicking the console [10:02] its /dev/hda only. . [10:02] so you have a ide drive? [10:02] not a sata or scsi? [10:02] ya [10:02] k === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu === ironmatar [n=fred@pool-71-112-180-6.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:03] pretender, "top > topreport" then hit q and open the topreport file with a text editor [10:03] but i hv windows on hda1 .. its file system is ntfs... === kele [n=kele@] has joined #ubuntu [10:03] is it the problem [10:03] hello [10:03] hmm.. know what i think guys? [10:03] ubuntu, no. grub is installed in the MBR, which is "before" any partitions. === haka1 [n=haka1@] has joined #ubuntu [10:04] hi,all [10:04] ubuntu probably has a single drive and forgot to defrag the windows os. [10:04] means.. i didnt get [10:04] the error i gets is libc header files not installed please install libc dev pkg for your distro [10:04] so wht shall i do know === taortan [n=taortan@c213-100-67-98.swipnet.se] has joined #ubuntu [10:04] i have this new HD in an external USB enclosure which is not formatted. i'd like to, but i can't find the correct path to pass to mkfs [10:04] cwe_girll tulen lo!!!! [10:04] ubuntu am i correct what i said? [10:05] iya.... [10:05] ya.. [10:05] its true === jeffdavis [n=jeff@S01060080c82957f5.vc.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [10:05] Polysics, it will probably be one of the /dev/sd* drives, otherwise plug it in and check "lsusb" or "dmesg" to see what node gets made for it [10:06] ubuntu might as well defrag windows fist then install ubuntu otherwise ubuntu installer tends to mess up while allocating space from the shared windows os. [10:06] is sudo lbconfig the command i need to run before gdm stop? === jomino [n=jomi@p5B132577.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:06] ironmatar, did you apt-get install libc-dev ? === GodTodd_ is now known as GodTodd [10:06] ironmatar, sudo apt-get install build-essential [10:06] sudo first! === haka1 [n=haka1@] has joined #ubuntu === rausb0 [n=rt2573@www.linux-info-tag.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:06] ironmatar, for that matter, did you apt-get install build-essential? [10:06] !nx [10:06] FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX [10:06] ok === MissDjax [n=MissDjax@e180004103.adsl.alicedsl.de] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:06] hda5 Logical W95 FAT32 15002.92 [10:06] hda6 Logical W95 FAT32 15002.92 [10:06] hda7 Logical W95 FAT32 15002.92 [10:06] hda8 Logical W95 FAT32 15002.92 [10:06] hda3 Primary Linux ext3 [/] 10010.17 [10:07] !paste | ubuntu [10:07] ubuntu: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [10:07] this is my partition table [10:07] ubuntu, no. bad. [10:07] preaction how are you guys with other flavors of *nix ? [10:07] firecraft, that'd be off-topic in #ubuntu [10:07] ahh [10:07] will build essental get everthing or do i need the lib-devs to? [10:08] but i'm fluent in Open/FreeBSD, and okay in some flavors of Red Hat [10:08] ironmatar, probably. get that and try again [10:08] ironmatar, apt-get install build-essential will tell you what packages it's going to install. if "libc-dev" isn't one of them, do it afterward === mnemonic1 [n=mnemonic@255.Red-88-23-21.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:08] thanks === arun [n=arun@nadeem2.my7star.com] has joined #ubuntu === kreator [n=kreator@] has joined #ubuntu [10:09] is banshee significantly better than rhythmbox? [10:09] !better | arun [10:09] arun: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. === mojojojo_ [n=jth@div186.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu === eddie77 [n=eddie77@24-197-154-178.dhcp.gsvl.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === ironmatar [n=fred@pool-71-112-180-6.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [10:09] arun, freedom of choice. I prefer rhythmbox === jono [n=jono@ubuntu/member/jono] has joined #ubuntu [10:09] yeah, i know that. i'm just asking for opinions :) === ce_girll_tulen [n=haka1@] has joined #ubuntu [10:10] i'm not asking which one is absolutely better [10:10] rhythbox was pretty crap at first, now with feisty i like that whole lot better. [10:10] arun, form your own opinion. run them both for a while === ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@trider-g7.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu === Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ. | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org === Topic (#ubuntu): set by PriceChild at Sun Aug 5 18:04:23 2007 [10:55] (MilitantPotato/#ubuntu) running* :) === Michiel [n=Michiel@] has joined #ubuntu [10:55] (Bo1/#ubuntu) how do i backup my system? [10:55] (Menth/#ubuntu) http://tldp.org/HOWTO/IP-Masquerade-HOWTO/ is that what your trying to do? [10:55] (Paddy_EIRE/#ubuntu) !backup | Bo1 [10:55] (ubotu/#ubuntu) Bo1: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning [10:55] (scipio/#ubuntu) gronbaek, i don't know.. no ideas at this point except to look it up in the wiki and take it from there === Flegma [n=Michalek@devil.spacecom.cz] has joined #ubuntu === surf [n=surf@] has joined #ubuntu [10:56] (Agent_bob/#ubuntu) Frogzoo if not i'll have to change the gateway box too before i reset the network or i can't come back [10:56] paddy:let me check am dwonloading something right now === mactimes [n=mactimes@unaffiliated/mactimes] has joined #ubuntu [10:56] Yeah, I just tried changing KDE's sound system from "auto detect" to ALSA, and now it keeps restarting the sound system. [10:56] It seem like something is missing... === wkbode65 [n=wkbode@194-176-86-66.onyx.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:57] hi, I'm runninging ubuntu feisty with an ATI 1950xt, I installed the latest ATI drivers but fglrxinfo shows I'm using Mesa drivers, how do I fix this? === ironmatar [n=fred@pool-71-112-180-6.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [10:57] paddy:does it work like this. "i check point where i want my system to be back up)(then if my system crash i can restore my system? === [1] andrewlv [n=andrewlv@] has joined #ubuntu [10:57] edit your xorg.conf file? [10:58] !repeat | MilitantPotato [10:58] MilitantPotato: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [10:58] Agent_bob: well as I don't know how your network's setup, I'd be guessing to answer that [10:58] How can I reset the video drivers to look for a new card? [10:58] Bo1, did you read through those links..? [10:58] Frogzoo fair enough. [10:59] Hello. Could someone, please, tell me how to get manual pages for basic C and C++ programming languages? I mean, what's the package I should install to have them? [10:59] wkbode65 have you tryed envy? http://albertomilone.com/latest_nvidia_udsf_feisty.html [10:59] mactimes, build-essentials has the compiler [10:59] for info on it you should search for tutorials === underdog5004 [n=matthew@adsl-76-195-162-195.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu === GNine [n=gnine@c-24-99-14-101.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["ego] [10:59] lieter: I already have the compiler =) I would like to have the language reference pages... [11:00] lieter: I mean, if they exist. [11:00] Menth: I have not tried envy, is that someting I use in command line? [11:00] paddy:for backup? [11:00] eh, Ive got a problem, it seems the upgrader has frozen, and the terminal line says: "* Stopping Bluetooth services..." === brigante [n=brigante@host91-179-dynamic.14-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [11:00] there are no man pages for c or any.. you shoild buy a book or checkout online tutorials === brigante_ [n=brigante@host91-179-dynamic.14-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [11:01] menth: x does not start becasue I change graphics cards [11:01] Bo1, Im flicking between several channels could you complete my name so I know you are talking to me like I am doing for you === mcronline [n=mark@host-87-74-60-30.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:01] lieter: Well, I have a book, it contains the default ANSI and W32 libs references. I would like to know the ones for *nix systems only. [11:01] well you can either change your xorg.conf file === gatita20 [n=jromero@] has joined #ubuntu [11:01] !backup | Bo1 READ THIS [11:01] Bo1 READ THIS: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning [11:01] or if your using a nvidia card try the guide on that website [11:02] olaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [11:02] hey guys. i wanted to play some FPS game that works fine on linux, and ubuntu, and on my computer. and for some reason it changed my mouse sensitivty outside the game [11:02] it is a saffire radeon x1550 [11:02] and my mouse moves REALLY slowly [11:02] apt-get install manpages-dev [11:03] mactimes, i down know really. i havnt done a lot of C devving myself === tvelocity [n=tony@ppp181-249.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu === intelikey [n=_root@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu === lwizardl [n=lwizardl@adsl-69-209-96-171.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === birdmon [n=birdmon@bzq-219-46-202.isdn.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:03] lieter: Thank you for your time anyways =) [11:03] no problem === dimsuz [n=dimsuz@] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [11:03] how do i enable hfs+ read/write [11:03] !hfs | lwizardl [11:03] lwizardl: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse === Lapinou[DoDoDsLe [n=desty@AFontenayssB-152-1-71-195.w81-48.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [11:04] !ntfs | lwizardl [11:04] lwizardl: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse [11:04] oops [11:04] !ntfs-3g | lwizardl [11:04] lwizardl: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions [11:04] can I reset the xorg.conf file from windows so it uses a generic open source driver, the sysytem does bot from the cd [11:04] wkbode65 here is the package envy_0.9.7-0ubuntu8_all.deb its ment to work for ati so i would just hack away at it :D === fly__ [n=andrej@dslb-084-062-042-034.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:05] http://albertomilone.com/ubuntu/nvidia/scripts/envy_0.9.7-0ubuntu8_all.deb i ment that sorry === Nicke [n=niclasa@ua-83-227-140-135.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu === xhui [n=xhui@] has joined #ubuntu [11:06] Valar: Thank you for the tip =) [11:06] Hit3k, dudes! How can I make gnome screen splash will be random? [11:06] how do i make a user have all possible access to a directory? :s === aussiedini [n=dini@60-242-189-128.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:06] how is the ssh server named ? (apt-get install ???? ) [11:06] !fuse [11:06] FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE. Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here: http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems === rdvon [n=rdvon@c-71-227-255-190.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === koshari [n=holto@adsl-4-158.VIC.dft.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:07] medfly, sudo chmod a+rw [11:07] Menth: I have not used any command line linux and am a real newbie, I am working on a dual boot dell computer at work and don't want to mess things up since it is a work computer, windows still works fine and if I boot from Cd ubuntu works so I just don;t know what to do when x doesn't start and have never downloaded a file and tried to hack on it in command line in linux [11:07] novato_br, thanks [11:07] i will cry... === ge [n=ge@45-50-222-209.mycybernet.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:08] where are developers? === xhui [n=xhui@] has joined #ubuntu === hana [n=chairatk@ppp-] has joined #ubuntu === xhui is now known as shepx === ge [n=ge@45-50-222-209.mycybernet.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [11:08] medfly: Alternatively, you can make sudo 666 === Fritz [n=Fritz@p5B06E2DD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:08] sudo apt-get install ssh-server === gwf [n=gertjan@82-170-230-73.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:08] ermm === CSills [n=csills@c-71-59-52-223.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:09] that was for unics eek [11:09] isn't that sudo apt-get install openssh-server ? [11:09] ohh === Shang [n=roywu@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu === Psypher246 [n=ruald@c1-140-6.rrba.isadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu === Haru [n=amitprak@] has joined #ubuntu [11:09] unics is on unix ? [11:11] wkbode65 well doh whats wrong is etc/X11/xorg.conf is where ubuntu reads what drivers to use and its still pointing to your old drivers === MilitantPotato [n=Militant@12-202-137-89.client.mchsi.com] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] [11:11] hmm === Kopfgeldjaeger [n=nicolai@p54AD6081.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === [1] andrewlv is now known as andrewlv [11:12] so if you do cp etc/X11/xorg.conf etc/X11/xorg1.conf to back it up [11:12] how can i see if my internet connection is working ? [11:12] then sudo nano etc/X11/xorg.conf you can read the file and edit it out and try to work out which one will work :D [11:12] hi [11:12] unics, your on cli [11:12] unics: you can ping google in the terminal or open up firefix [11:12] i have 6.06 server btw [11:12] firefox even [11:13] unics: then just ping google [11:13] paddy_eire:read what? === anon43734674 [n=will@pD9E041DA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:13] bleh, I fixed it by killing the proccess [11:13] doesn't work :/ [11:13] oh dear [11:13] what do you get if you do "ip a" ? [11:13] Bo1: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning [11:13] unics: then your internet is not working :) [11:13] ;D [11:13] hey all!! I got an annoying problem, caused by windows obviously ;) i got the following partitions setup. 1st ext3 root, 2nd windows ntfs, and 3rd swap. now had ubuntu feisty on 1st and then installed windows. now almost every boot my startup hangs and i need to force a fsck on root even though it's marked clean. fsck reports that the superblock has been mounted and written n the future. Could it be something with timezones and windows messin === Haru [n=amitprak@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:14] wait, the goddam cable was not plugged in correctly [11:14] woah [11:14] The upgrade aborts now. Your system could be in an unusable state. A recovery will run now (dpkg --configure -a). [11:14] Please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the files in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ in the bugreport. [11:14] installArchives() failed [11:14] hmm [11:14] still it won't ping google === cori[s] _ [n=cori@pdpc/supporter/active/CoriS] has joined #ubuntu === nevermore [n=jrobson@SilentFlame/Member/Nevermore] has joined #ubuntu [11:15] is it getting a ip address from a dhcp? [11:15] wait, i did a restart, it'll be up in a moment [11:15] paddy_eire:not good enlish. i have open synaptic package manager, [11:16] Bo1, what.... I never mentioned synaptic [11:16] Bo1, what language [11:16] paddy_eire:do i download something from there? [11:16] ok, works now =) [11:16] Bo1, are you listening to me [11:16] paddy_eire:armenia [11:16] paddy_eire:am. trying === cana [n=raven@c210-49-245-88.ipswc1.qld.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:17] !ru [11:17] #ubuntu-ru / Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke === VARGUX [n=vargux@] has joined #ubuntu === desti [n=desti@p5B01AC57.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === phos-phoros [n=James@unaffiliated/phos-phoros] has joined #ubuntu === ak_ [i=ak@sieni.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:18] there is very poor support on IRC for people who speak anything other than english... this is quite sad === freeduck [n=kristian@4403ds1-ryv.0.fullrate.dk] has joined #ubuntu [11:19] !ro [11:19] What does this mean:? [11:19] 2007-08-30 01:52:16,384 WARNING no activity on terminal for 240 seconds (Preparing to configure bluez-pcmcia-support) [11:19] 2007-08-30 02:13:00,486 ERROR got ValueError from InstallPrgoress.updateInterface. Line was 'pmerror:pmstatus:bluez-pin:42.1014:Preparing bluez-pin [11:19] ' (too many values to unpack) [11:19] 2007-08-30 02:13:53,417 ERROR SystemError from cache.commit(): installArchives() failed [11:19] Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro [11:19] !paste | FU [11:19] FU: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) === viviersf [n=cain@gw.impilinux.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [11:19] lol [11:19] !paste | FusE- [11:19] FusE-: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) === Tarsinion [n=richard@] has joined #ubuntu [11:20] At least get my name correct.... [11:20] fu you was better === jsk [n=jonathan@client-82-20-9-142.brhm.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:20] yeah I agree === cana [n=raven@c210-49-245-88.ipswc1.qld.optusnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] === ScottLij [n=scott@24-180-196-49.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:21] Menth thanks I have a go and see what I can destroy! :) [11:21] paddy_eire:i dont have ftp === duriantang [n=durianta@] has joined #ubuntu === microsuckskiller is now known as MSSlayer === guardian [n=Guardian@mar44-1-87-90-32-28.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu [11:21] hi [11:21] Good luck wkbode65 [11:21] i installed ubuntu on my mac book pro. how can i have right click ? [11:21] Bo1, I never said anything about ftp??? [11:21] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35639/ [11:22] Now what does that mean [11:22] it doesnt work [11:22] What doesn't? [11:22] guardian, I think its F12 [11:22] i donno you never told us what your doin to get that message [11:22] guardian, there is a guide if you google it [11:22] If you look up, I have, Im upgrading to Feisty [11:23] sorry ok [11:23] Its fine === kahrytan_ [n=kahrytan@pool-71-176-42-144.nrflva.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:23] paddy_eire:i go read page . i download sudo apt-get install duplicity. this then it said backup with ftp === mcronline [n=mark@host-87-74-60-30.bulldogdsl.com] has left #ubuntu [] [11:24] Bo1, that is just 1 of the options there are many others on those pages [11:24] Paddy_EIRE: ok gonna google more [11:24] :) [11:25] paddy_eire:what is why i ask you to tell me which 1 to download that i can backup and restore. === dawn [n=dawn@] has joined #ubuntu === open_ [n=open@host86-133-213-235.range86-133.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === sytner [n=admin1@] has joined #ubuntu === xo_ [n=xo@] has joined #ubuntu [11:25] does anyone here use bcm43xx with a bcm4318 chipset? === budi_ [n=budi@] has joined #ubuntu === ross_ [n=ross@C-59-101-111-179.syd.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === Toth [n=a-chevil@] has joined #ubuntu === croppa [n=stuart@] has joined #ubuntu === phos-phoros_ [n=James@CPE-65-26-75-161.we.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:27] hi does anyone know how to get the lastest version of clamav on ubuntu server 7.04? === Xummoner [n=david@] has joined #ubuntu === yrlnry [n=mjd@wl121217.wlan.wu-wien.ac.at] has joined #ubuntu [11:28] Bo1, im having a friend come and help you === Radiomicky [n=micky@p5484F1F6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:28] :) === nalpha [n=administ@] has joined #ubuntu === Tanman [n=weiyen@203-173-163-38.static.bliink.wave.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [11:29] paddy_eire:thank you [11:29] sytner im taking a big stab in the dark with === chrisjs169 [n=jack@pool-71-114-128-205.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:29] sudo apt-get install clamav === ulla [n=ulla@i3ED6D8EF.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu === JediMaster [n=tom@host-84-9-122-188.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu === kiss_kill_ [n=wangsen@] has joined #ubuntu === Bassetts [n=Bassetts@unaffiliated/bassetts] has joined #ubuntu === kahrytan [n=kahrytan@pool-71-176-42-144.nrflva.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === adamscao [n=adams@] has joined #ubuntu [11:30] and if you type sudo apt-get install clamav then press tab it gives you other things you can install as well === ulla [n=ulla@i3ED6D8EF.versanet.de] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [11:30] *maybe have to press tab a few times === budi_ [n=budi@] has joined #ubuntu === tutu [n=tutu@] has joined #ubuntu [11:30] is there anyone who could give me a hand with a really annoying NFS issue? been trying to fix what was working for months and suddenly stopped working for 2 days now =( [11:30] hey Bo1 [11:31] Bo1: im going to try to help you [11:31] ziroday:hey [11:31] yep i tried that but it only gets version 0.90.3 the latest version is 0.91.2 [11:31] Bo1: so you want a backup option? === znag [n=robin@] has joined #ubuntu [11:31] ziroday:yeah [11:32] Bo1: what do you want to backup everything, or just you r files or yuor preferences or a combination === EXP2 [n=isojussi@213-186-226-203.customers.satakunnanpuhelin.net] has joined #ubuntu === ichigo [n=chairatk@ppp-] has joined #ubuntu [11:33] Bo1: ? [11:33] ziroday:which one is better? me i want to backup all programs. [11:33] Bo1: okay do you also want your files? [11:33] i tried the tab thing but it says i already have the latest version [11:33] Bo1: all do you want just your entire system? [11:33] which is wrong === branstrom [n=fredrik@ua-83-227-158-67.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [11:34] anyone know what is wrong with my ubuntu, when i press red power button system freezes.... mouse works but buttons or kb does not work.... [11:34] ziroday:yeah === erb_ [n=steven@c210-49-113-138.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:34] Bo1: sorry was that your entire system? [11:35] Bo1: so do you want to backup your entire system? [11:35] zirolday:first i want to back all profiles. then i want to back entire system. [11:36] ok === Buggar [n=mikolaj@static-41-220-112-85.piotrkow.pilicka.pl] has joined #ubuntu [11:36] i mean program* [11:36] How do I get totem-xine to play XViD? I have w32codecs... [11:36] Bo1: well when you back up your entire system you will also back that up :) === Xavier_ [n=x@] has joined #ubuntu [11:36] Bo1: is that okay? === qazibasit [n=qazibasi@] has joined #ubuntu === aussiedini [n=dini@60-242-189-128.tpgi.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] [11:37] branstrom: you need a gstreamer package look for xvid in add/remove under Applications [11:37] ziroday:can i make then different? [11:38] Bo1: sorry what do you mean? === qazibasit [n=qazibasi@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [11:38] Bo1: like chose which programs? === nightfreak [n=odeiko@zf58c.pia.fu-berlin.de] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === a-atwood [n=alan@] has joined #ubuntu === Xavier_ [n=x@] has joined #ubuntu [11:39] ok i just installed it sythner and i got v 0.91.1 just have to wait for the repository to get updated i guess === Abu_Hamza [n=ad@] has joined #ubuntu [11:39] ziroday:all programs. [11:39] ziroday: but... I'm using totem-xine, not totem-gstreamer [11:39] branstrom: : then look for a xine package :) [11:40] Bo1, what will you be storing your backups on? [11:40] hm === CSills [n=csills@c-71-59-52-223.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === WhoMe [n=James@CPE-65-26-72-100.we.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:40] Bo1: okay well there is two ways to do that. There is "ghosting" which is copying your entire installation and "AptonCD" which will copy all your programs onto the cd [11:41] Ghosting takes up alot of space === WhoMe is now known as random-nick1234 === d1g1t [n=sandeep@unaffiliated/d1g1t] has joined #ubuntu [11:41] ziroday:ghosting sounds good [11:41] how do i change mouse sensitivity to default? a game i tried to play set it to something else [11:41] menth: thanks i have trying to update for weeks and still get the old version [11:41] tryed sudo apt-get install clamav-getfiles ? === VitaminR [n=tim@cm-24-121-32-157.flagstaff.az.npgco.com] has joined #ubuntu === luxman [n=gael@roa76-7-88-167-36-59.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:42] menth: trying now [11:42] Bo1: well the most well known program for that is "Norton Ghost" however there is also Partimage which is a free open source alternative === hassan [n=hassangh@] has joined #ubuntu [11:43] Bo1: i reccomend Norton Ghost as it has good language support and is well known/supported and works very well [11:43] sytner: failing that you can use this guide to install it from source http://wiki.clamav.net/Main/UpgradeInstructions === VitaminR [n=tim@cm-24-121-32-157.flagstaff.az.npgco.com] has joined #ubuntu === saschahl [n=sascha@dslb-084-056-148-168.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === Tmi [n=tommi@kr-lun-9-144-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu === Moniker42 [n=sean1228@87-194-119-253.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [11:44] where can i locate the 'ubuntu circle of friends' gdm theme image? [11:44] i was wanting to use it for a mock-up of something... [11:45] ziroday:ok === roachmmflhyr [n=roachmmf@] has joined #ubuntu [11:45] Bo1: so which one do you wnat to use - Norton Ghost or Partimage === ProN00b [n=dot@pD9E391DD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === owb [n=dmn@] has joined #ubuntu === owb [n=dmn@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [11:47] quick question: what purpose does /tmp/orbit-username serve?? Can I delete it? Because after I issue ps ax I find a whole lot of entries from there. [11:47] ziroday:norton === Rhoruns_ [i=Rhoruns@ip68-230-90-30.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === tparcina [n=tparcina@cisco16.fesb.hr] has joined #ubuntu === dawn_ [n=dawn@] has joined #ubuntu [11:47] Ubuntu 7.04 for desktop computer is only 730 MB big? [11:48] Bo1: you have to pay for norton however there are other sort of legal ways of getting it do you want me to help you with that [11:48] tparcina: no thats the ISO size [11:48] sorry correction its after i issue netstat -lp [11:48] ziroday:yeah will you === zarul [n=zarulsha@ubuntu/member/zarul] has joined #ubuntu [11:49] Bo1: please go to #getnorton on freenode :) === mik1 [n=mik@p5B048049.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === visik7 [n=dksakd@unaffiliated/visik7] has joined #ubuntu === richard [n=richard@host-137-163-19-198.edu.hel.fi] has joined #ubuntu === kyncani [n=kyncani@bro29-1-82-245-180-190.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === multichil [i=multichi@nova.brewery.b33r.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:51] Corrected: What does /tmp/orbit-username serve?? Can I delete it? Because after I issue netstat -lp I find a whole lot of entries from there. === dkagedal [n=david@dns.vtab.com] has joined #ubuntu === francois_fon_ [n=francois@sev93-4-82-242-17-76.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === OllieD [n=VaDoR@82-71-24-100.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [11:52] roachmmflhr: you could try renaming it and seeing what happens? and if breaks something just name it back === nomego [n=nomego@netzorz.se] has joined #ubuntu [11:53] unless its the keyboard :D === Sam_ [n=chatzill@AC8DA728.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:53] !torrent === Sam_ is now known as SAM[uel] [11:53] !bittorrent [11:53] !azureus [11:53] !bt [11:54] i think ubotu is on vacation === chrisp_ [n=chris@] has joined #ubuntu === Rhoruns_ [i=Rhoruns@ip68-230-90-30.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:54] tampa.fl.us.undernet.org [11:54] ziroday broke ubotu [11:54] im tellling [11:54] i didnt do it i didnt do it [11:54] he probably got abused :P [11:54] nooo ubotu come back [11:55] you have to be nicer than that === saleh [n=saleh@] has joined #ubuntu === boubbin [i=boubbin@80-248-247-190.cust.suomicom.fi] has joined #ubuntu === johnny_ [n=johnny@95.80-202-194.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:55] sing it a song [11:55] or write it a haku === User__ [n=uby@] has joined #ubuntu === sipior [n=sipior@jop56.nfra.nl] has joined #ubuntu === Milux [n=Milux@host-84-221-116-4.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu === neuro|irssi [n=neuro@neuro.me.uk] has joined #ubuntu === carlos_ [n=carlos@] has joined #ubuntu === h4ngedm4n [n=h4ngedm4@dsl093-032-051.snd1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu === variant [n=mrintegr@mrintegrity.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:56] write a hax === boytm [n=boytm@] has joined #ubuntu [11:56] !give ubotu roses [11:56] ACTION gives ubotu some sweets === gcostello [n=gcostell@i07v-212-195-160-152.d4.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu [11:56] lolz === Rhoruns__ [n=Rhoruns@ip68-230-90-30.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === User__ [n=uby@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [11:56] !give ubotu roses [11:56] ACTION gives ubotu cat litter [11:56] thats awesome === mc44 [n=mc44@unaffiliated/mc44] has joined #ubuntu [11:57] !give ubotu gd [11:57] ACTION gives ubotu a hard drive [11:57] i meant hard drive [11:57] heh === f0rqu3 [n=f0rqu3@unaffiliated/f0rqu3] has joined #ubuntu [11:57] !give ubotu internet [11:57] ACTION gives ubotu a spork === francois_fon [n=francois@sev93-4-82-242-17-76.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:57] how do you find dependencies of a binary [11:57] and command? [11:58] f0rqu3: you have to have the package, then double-click it and it shows you any deps it might require [11:58] f0rqu3: if you don't have the file.. google will probably tell you [11:58] no I want to generate them from the binary [11:59] maybe a gcc tool [11:59] i see.. dunno about that === Sam_ [n=atlantiz@pool-71-172-190-114.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:00] Atlantiz [12:00] anyone know, why openoffice had long loading after I'm copyng soma part of website into the word prosessor? are the openoffice loading for the images downladed? but After wait several times it's still long loading if I'm scrollign? any clue? === Sam_ is now known as Atlantiz [12:00] test === lobaman [n=ubuntuus@] has joined #ubuntu [12:00] f0rqu3: probably the devs at #ubuntu+1 would know === Patatenland [n=jschoonh@ip-213-49-238-39.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu [12:00] f0rqu3: you mean figure out which libraries a binary requires, if you only have the binary? [12:01] yes [12:01] f0rqu3: ldd === HOLLOWMA_N [i=HOLLOWMA@] has joined #ubuntu === lothi [n=Este@87-126-166-45.btc-net.bg] has joined #ubuntu === ^^[Bad_Bad] ^^ [n=vatit@202-93-48-86.static.asianet.co.th] has joined #ubuntu === mark__ [n=mark@DSL125-147.hillsboro.mwt.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:01] sipior, THANKS === Carroarmato0 [n=christop@167.155-246-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu [12:02] help plz :( [12:02] I hav e aproblem with ubuntu not being able to acquire new graphical resources after waking from sleep === Carroarmato0 [n=christop@167.155-246-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has left #ubuntu [] === Abu_Hamza [n=ad@] has left #ubuntu [] [12:02] does anyone know what to google/rtfm for that? Some windows (openoffice, nautilus etc.) just don't open, sometimes, after I wake up the laptop. === elliotjhug [n=elliot@] has joined #ubuntu [12:03] Corrected: What does /tmp/orbit-username serve?? Can I delete it? Because after I issue netstat -lp I find a whole lot of entries from there. === ^^[Bad_Bad] ^^ [n=vatit@202-93-48-86.static.asianet.co.th] has joined #ubuntu [12:03] /tmp/ temporary files === ubotu [n=ubotu@ubuntu/bot/ubotu] has joined #ubuntu === Carroarmato0 [n=christop@167.155-246-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu === maxagaz [n=g@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:04] roachmmflhyr: well, it is in /tmp, so blowing em away won't hurt. just kill the ones from older sessions, to be safe [12:04] i want to setup my internet connection in Kubuntu. in windows i dail using pppoe with my user password but its not dailup. Its braoadband. how to setup it up in ubuntu === hassan [n=hassangh@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === zyth__ [n=irc@wnpgmb06dc1-0-221.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #Ubuntu [12:04] I know, I'll reboot this buggy piece of crap... that's what you do on Linux, right? ;-) === Atlantiz [n=atlantiz@pool-71-172-190-114.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === viviersf [n=cain@gw.impilinux.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [12:04] osfameron: whatever works for you [12:05] sipior: thanks....i just wish i knew what that folder was for === loca| [n=tux@] has joined #ubuntu === constrictor [n=constric@82-70-24-5.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:05] sipior: well, that does work... but tis hateful, and it means I don't get to boast about my fantastic uptime :-) === PulLi [n=philip@gtng-4db552ca.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:05] so I miss out on lots of fun... [12:05] !amarok [12:05] Amarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 for Dapper and 1.4.5 for Edgy and packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok === zyth [n=zyth@wnpgmb06dc1-0-221.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #Ubuntu [12:05] the entry in ubotu is pretty old... ;) [12:05] roachmmflhyr: http://www.gnome.org/projects/ORBit2/ === Eviltronic [n=eviltron@c-f6a8e253.019-290-73746f2.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [12:06] thanks [12:06] hi guys, could someone tell me where i need to report that the program "youtube-dl" is not working anymore? There is a new version on the site of the owner but when i use apt-get it tells me there is no newer version for ubuntu? [12:06] hey look ubuntu came back [12:06] ubotu even [12:06] Sorry, I don't know anything about even - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi === askand [n=askar@h123n2c1o1099.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu === krekas [n=krekas@] has joined #ubuntu [12:06] hello help plz :( === Paddy_EIRE [n=patrick@] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] Hm...I screwed up my kernel and try to reinstall but I dont know if I had sucess..is 2.6.20-16-generic [12:07] latest feisty kernel? [12:07] is it a adsl modem hollowma ? [12:07] HOLLOWMA_N: we're not psychic, just ask your question friend [12:07] Patatenland, because apt-get doesnt know about this new version === digitalspaghetti [n=digitals@host217-37-122-77.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] sipior [12:08] i want to setup my internet connection in Kubuntu. in windows i dail using pppoe with my user password but its not dailup. Its braoadband. how to setup it up in ubuntu === Eustachy_Kapusta [i=tomek@dgk123.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu === Neutrinux [n=Neutrinu@64.98.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:08] Can anyone suggest a good WebDav client for Ubunutu? I cannot seem to get it to work with Mount, and the site is a Gallery2, so provides a webdav XML file [12:08] How do I install xchat (not gnome-xchat)? I tryed and downloaded 2 .deb files but some dependecies are missing and i can not install them. I'm on Feisty. [12:08] HOLLOWMA_N: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE [12:08] HOLLOWMA_N: As I Know there must be DHCP networks for ADSL Modme :) [12:08] HOLLOWMA_N, DSL? === Sam_ [n=atlantiz@pool-71-172-190-114.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === zarul [n=zarulsha@ubuntu/member/zarul] has joined #ubuntu [12:08] mc44 i did try this but does'nt work [12:09] you have a router? [12:09] nalpha : no no DHCP === annon [n=manny@cpe-76-174-2-138.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === shinao1 [n=shinao1@] has joined #ubuntu === Eustachy_Kapusta [i=tomek@dgk123.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [12:09] f0rqu3 connected from a fiber optic media converter [12:09] o_O === me1234 [n=ubuntuku@] has joined #ubuntu [12:09] Eviltronic, xchat is in the repos. you don't need to download any package. get it with synaptic or apt-get [12:09] but you connect to a router? [12:10] :(( n e solution :(( === |SlicerDicer| [n=SlicerDi@71-222-185-65.albq.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:10] f0rqu3 i dont know exactly .. do have n e idea about windows :P so thak i can tell u what i do in windows then may be u can help me === Eustachy_Kapusta [i=tomek@dgk123.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [12:11] scipio: I'm kinda new to ubuntu. I tryed to use sudo apt-get but dependecies are missing. [12:11] Eviltronic, sudo apt-get install xchat? [12:11] only thing I know is if you dont have DHCP you need to know your routers ip [12:11] xchat: Depends: libdbus-1-2 (>= 0.60) but it is not installable === elliotjhug [n=elliot@] has joined #ubuntu === Eustachy_Kapusta [i=tomek@dgk123.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu === fejker [n=fejker@fejker.net] has joined #ubuntu === koshari [n=holto@adsl-4-158.VIC.dft.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] [12:12] scipio: Will "sudo apt-get install xchat" install xchat or xchat-gnome. I allready have xchat-gnome but i want to install xchat. [12:12] f0rqu3 when i connect in windows if i type ipconfig i can c my ip and other details === andatche [n=herb@caw.andatche.com] has joined #ubuntu === annon [n=manny@cpe-76-174-2-138.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:12] what is your ip? === neuro|irssi [n=neuro@neuro.me.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:13] 192.168.1.x ? [12:13] Eviltronic, i'm not 100% sure but i think xchat. to be 100% sure open synaptic and search xchat. first result is xchat and third is xchat-gnome. right click and install [12:13] HOLLOWMA_N: use "ifconfig" in Linux === Atlantiz [n=atlantiz@pool-71-172-190-114.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === ronaldo [i=ronaldo@coyote.noc.realroot.com] has joined #ubuntu === h4ngedm4n [n=h4ngedm4@dsl093-032-051.snd1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:13] scipio: Ok. Thnx. [12:13] Eviltronic, you're welcome === Eustachy_Kapusta [i=tomek@dgk123.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [12:14] scipio: Let me get this clear... Synaptic is add/remove software or? [12:14] Eviltronic, system-admin-synaptic === Atlantiz [n=atlantiz@pool-71-172-190-114.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:14] scipio: Oki. Thnx [12:14] search xchat [12:14] :) [12:14] xchat is good :D [12:14] I'm setting it up myself [12:15] I wish someone updated the xchat package to the latest [12:15] yea me too [12:16] f0rqu3 : 202.53.174. [12:16] Amarok 1.4.7 is crashing on me when I drap songs in the playlist === ben [n=chatzill@host86-130-35-23.range86-130.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === Rhoruns_ [n=Rhoruns@ip68-230-90-30.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:16] f0rqu3 : 202.53.174.* [12:16] it is your intenet ip [12:16] f0rqu3 yes i think :S === Eviltronic [n=eviltron@c-f6a8e253.019-290-73746f2.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] How do I stop my external hard drive from opening in nautilus every time I automount it? [12:17] ben: you have to change some options... [12:17] which? === z3r0ph3wl [n=karolis@jeanette.crepido.se] has joined #ubuntu === ubotu [n=ubotu@ubuntu/bot/ubotu] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] ben: go to System -- Preferences -- External Units or something like that === FredricR [i=Fredric@c83-251-203-203.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu [12:18] Thanks :) [12:18] f0rqu3 n e suggestion :( ? === tokj [n=tk@] has joined #ubuntu [12:18] http://img463.imageshack.us/img463/9253/screenshotti9.png [12:18] ben: there you can chose to make external memory not open automaticly in nautilus [12:18] this is my setup but I have a router [12:19] how do i find a program like emule? === D_ReaL_PuNiShEr [n=flowman4@] has joined #ubuntu [12:19] HOLLOWMA_N, did you tried ifconfig? [12:19] what is the name? === tukang_rujak [n=rio@] has joined #ubuntu === Poul^Laptop [n=raider@] has joined #ubuntu [12:20] f0rqu3 i dont have n e router.. :S :S :S [12:20] Amarok is missing Mp3 support in Feisty although the libraries are present, any one have an idea? === Ashley_ [n=ash@ppp121-45-233-233.lns1.bne4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu === redarrow [n=redarrow@dslc-082-082-110-107.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:21] so it is modem connection [12:21] !restrictedformats | Carroarmato0 [12:22] Carroarmato0: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats === mads_dK [n=mads@usrgw.stubnet.dk] has joined #ubuntu === dencrypt [n=dencrypt@c83-249-195-83.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu === Telep [n=telep@a81-197-164-45.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [12:22] Atlantiz, amule or frostwire. there are more search on the forums [12:22] ogg >> mp3 === mraL [n=alan@dsl-145-232-74.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [12:23] thanks [12:23] f0rqu3 : S modem ? dailup ? no i dont need phn lines [12:23] cable modem [12:23] no? [12:23] how do you connect [12:24] what is the first thing your computer connects to [12:24] f0rqu3 what i have in my home is a fiber optic media converter a utp cable come from it to my pc lan thats it :S === soa2ii [n=soa2ii@p5091A164.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:24] zyth: I'll give it a look === Mgk [n=mgk@AMarseille-153-1-30-59.w86-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [12:25] Hi... I am using Kubuntu but i think that doesn't matter here... I just started my PC and my keyboard is really weird... sometimes if i press a key the system prints a lot of chars from that key... [12:25] wow... I really love ubuntu [12:25] entering passwords became impossible [12:26] mouse and everything else is finde... === Psychic [n=dejavu@] has joined #ubuntu [12:26] used win for 15 years, installed ubuntu yesterday and I will NEVER go back :D === Psychic [n=dejavu@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [12:26] heh [12:26] dencrypt, lies === sarts [n=stephan@mocha.foo-projects.org] has joined #ubuntu [12:26] No I really don't :D [12:26] did you use windows 1.1 [12:26] the system is not slowy, too.... === theTrav [n=travis@210-84-13-131.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:26] dencrypt: you may be forced to, though. :P [12:26] dencrypt: but let's hope not. [12:26] even irssi feals like home even though mIRC was a companion for many years [12:27] yeah [12:27] ... i would never get used to the time a dist-upgrade takes... :/ [12:27] maybe [12:27] f0rqu3 i can tell u how do i set it up in windows :P :P === markrian [n=markrian@82-68-11-182.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:27] tell me === pjuvara [n=pjuvara@] has joined #ubuntu [12:27] f0rqu3: no.. but dos though... [12:27] noone an idea?? === gsyvrj [n=gsyvrj@] has joined #ubuntu [12:28] soa2ii: what charset do you use? [12:28] standard... [12:28] i think utf-8 [12:28] I've been watching some videos on my ubuntu box using totem video player lately, and the same files have a significant drop in quality compared to when I watch them on my windows box === Yodude [n=youssef@] has joined #ubuntu [12:28] is this likely due to codecs? and if so, how do I make them better? [12:29] theTrav: is post-processing enabled in totem? :P [12:29] hey can someone please helpo me with my mobile phone ? [12:29] you could use mplayer or vlc too. [12:29] does gutsy come with gtk 2.11? [12:29] theTrav: VLC is gooooooooooooooooooood [12:29] dencrypt: and... some ideas? [12:29] VLC is an alternative player? [12:29] soa2ii: what do LC_ALL= say when you do locale in terminal? [12:29] Yodude: I disagree, but it's adequate. [12:29] does it require much in the way of configuration / codec installations? [12:29] theTrav: yes [12:29] the best media player IMO is still mpc on windows :/ [12:30] VLC is great [12:30] theTrav: no [12:30] yeah... VLC pwns [12:30] VLC doesn't even come close to mpc though :( [12:30] don't know... i cannot login and because this is a really fresh install i haven't set up ssh yet :/ === haka4 [n=haka4@] has joined #ubuntu === Frogzoo [n=Frogzoo@] has joined #ubuntu [12:30] Chousuke: i would prefer simplicity, but not on the ost of power, like Totem not being able to display DVD menus [12:30] it comes with all the codecs [12:30] f0rqu3 n e clue ? :P [12:30] damn [12:30] Chousuke: totem didn't even play DVD when i installed the codecs === sarts [n=stephan@mocha.foo-projects.org] has left #ubuntu ["ok"] [12:30] I have to go to [12:30] Chousuke: libdvdcss2 was nowhere to be found in the repos [12:30] Yodude: Well, totem is... Totem. === marko-_- [n=marko@BSN-61-98-136.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:31] it's in multiverse I think [12:31] !info libdvdcss2 === Nyu1 [n=warenghe@ALille-256-1-116-55.w90-34.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [12:31] i did a search [12:31] hmm [12:31] found nothing [12:31] on 2 ubuntu installations === garyfreder [n=ggf@mail.jsoft.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:32] apparently it's not there ./ === _TomB [n=tomb@host86-145-195-250.range86-145.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === RetLaw [n=RetLaw@082-146-104-088.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu [12:32] tried libdvdread, Yodude ? [12:32] Chousuke: but it really should, i mean cmon DVD's are essential on a computer. Ubuntu should be able to play thm ( in the default player i mean ) === ieuan [n=xer@cpc1-pnth1-0-0-cust447.cdif.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === agustin [n=agustin@] has joined #ubuntu === ieuan [n=xer@cpc1-pnth1-0-0-cust447.cdif.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [12:33] ok, so I couldn't find anything about post processing on totem, tried briefly on VLC but no improvement [12:33] SlimeyPete: I installed all those codecs they tell you about in the manual [12:33] Yodude: Well, tell that to the law makers :/ [12:33] Yodude: libdvdcss is illegal in the US for example [12:33] f0rqu3 :[ === agustin is now known as agus [12:33] Chousouke: no i know about the problem, but i think lawmakers are just with it being in the repo === h4ngedm4n [n=h4ngedm4@dsl093-032-051.snd1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu === agus is now known as aguslp [12:33] Yodude: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/12/04/libdvdcss2-and-w32codecs-for-ubuntu/ [12:33] Chousuke: really ?! [12:33] yes. [12:33] Chousuke: dam === RavenBlu [n=raven@d213-102-122-73.cust.tele2.at] has joined #ubuntu === CVirus [n=GoD@] has joined #ubuntu === FirstStrike [i=Rawr@nv-76-3-150-146.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:34] AFAIK it's illegal to distribute and use tools that circumvent copy protection === dencrypt is now known as dcpt|afk [12:34] mkdir /home/ftp/test && ln -s /home/cvirus/foo/ /home/ftp/test/ ... the foo directory is still not accessible through the browser .. it gives error 550 failed to change directory [12:34] Chousuke: anyway i'm happy playing my DVD's in VLC === stSabri [n=sts@] has joined #ubuntu === RavenBlu [n=raven@d213-102-122-73.cust.tele2.at] has joined #ubuntu === z3r0ph3wl [n=karl@user182.77-105-202.netatonce.net] has joined #ubuntu === dcpt|afk [n=dencrypt@c83-249-195-83.bredband.comhem.se] has left #ubuntu [] [12:34] Chousuke: the important thing is that Ubuntu as a system can play them for u === perrito [n=danco198@] has joined #ubuntu [12:35] though IANAL so what I say might be inaccurate. [12:35] hola === ubotu [n=ubotu@ubuntu/bot/ubotu] has joined #ubuntu [12:35] Yodude: well, it can, but unfortunately it can't be made default behaviour :/ === klos [i=hans@60-241-220-105.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === marko-_- [n=marko@BSN-61-98-136.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu === Amaranth_ [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu === IntuitiveNipple [n=TJ@alexandros.tjworld.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:36] hello [12:36] Chousuke: hey btw even if i did install libdvdcss2, would I be able to see DVD menus in Totem, cuz i read somewhere that the whole totem library that does DVD menus is broke [12:36] Yo i have a prob sometime when ubuntu boot it stay freezed on file system seems mounted on read only something like that === Flegma [n=Michalek@devil.spacecom.cz] has joined #ubuntu [12:37] Yodude: gxine or vlc === soa2ii [n=soa2ii@p5091A164.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu [] [12:37] Yodude: Well, then I suppose they should fix totem [12:37] yeah === perrito [n=danco198@] has left #ubuntu [] === digitalspaghetti [n=digitals@host217-37-122-77.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has left #ubuntu [] === ^woznihack^ [n=woznihac@] has joined #ubuntu [12:37] hey other than that, i have a S60 based nokia cell phon [12:37] HOLLOWMA_N: So your Internet service provider gave you a fibre optic media converter, which you hook up to something - a socket in your house/room/dorm? === Kill_X [i=kill_x@p5B166C4D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:38] and i'm looking for financial management and office fotware for it === rgr [n=user@e179195251.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu === ce_GPIB [n=kiosk@] has joined #ubuntu [12:38] is there any FOSS apps like that for it ?> [12:38] hmm... Xorg is ignoring my screen resolutions [12:38] I'm trying to get it to show 1280 x 720 but it refuses to === ^woznihack^ [n=woznihac@] has joined #ubuntu [12:38] theTrav: run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" [12:38] what is that update --alternatives command to choose your java runtime === albreche [n=amergenc@AMontpellier-251-1-37-207.w81-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === Actionman [n=bknox@24-155-224-244.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:39] Paddy_EIRE: update-java-alternatives [12:39] any suggestions ? [12:39] what's that do Frogzoo? [12:39] kauer, sudo ? === fender_ [n=fender@mail.dropletsap.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:39] Paddy_EIRE: type update_ and press TAB for a bunch more... === alenax [n=amigax@cm85.sigma24.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu [12:39] ahh === cphoxx [n=cphoxx3@d58-110-57-176.rdl8.qld.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:39] Paddy_EIRE: Er, yes. [12:39] Paddy_EIRE: sudo update-alternatives --config java === MeRodent [n=eric@ppp121-44-209-235.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:40] Paddy_EIRE: NO, Frogzoo has misunderstood. Or I have. [12:40] Frogzoo, nice one === jesSon_newbie [n=user@] has joined #ubuntu [12:40] Paddy_EIRE: java will change only the binary "java". update-java-alternatives will swap an entire java system out, like 1.5 for 1.6 or so. [12:40] I'm looking for open source office apps and finance apps for the Symbian S60 3rd edition platform, can anyone help me ? === solin [n=solin81@mail.sns.pl] has joined #ubuntu [12:40] i really wanna use opensource on my phone [12:41] Paddy_EIRE: If you really want to change only the runtime (the jre) then I think there's an update-alternatives link for that - java_vm, from memory. === ben_underscore [n=ben@ppp121-45-174-55.lns11.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:41] how do I know my video cards bus identifier? [12:41] HOLLOWMA_N: You still interested?> [12:42] kauer, no thats fine. thx anyway [12:42] :) === Fusion_ [n=latitude@] has joined #ubuntu [12:42] Morning [12:42] I ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and now it's asking for my video card bus identifier [12:42] when i access my vps via putty after i made the connection am i root user in that remote computer??? do i install software on vps like how i install software in my ubuntu using the command like apt-get install ?? [12:42] I don't know how to find the video card bus identifier [12:43] theTrav: is there a default? [12:43] PCI:3:0:0 === Pevel [n=________@host-ip113-67.sycomp.pl] has joined #ubuntu [12:43] what does that mean? it doesn't look likely === x600 [n=x603@host-81-190-148-25.olsztyn.mm.pl] has joined #ubuntu [12:43] theTrav: chances are it's right === cwillu [n=cwillu@S01060011952cd2e5.ss.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:44] indicates that the card is in the third pci bus. === cwillu [n=cwillu@S01060011952cd2e5.ss.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [12:44] when i access my vps via putty after i made the connection am i root user in that remote computer??? do i install software on vps like how i install software in my ubuntu using the command like apt-get install ?? [12:44] ok [12:44] when i access my vps via putty after i made the connection am i root user in that remote computer??? do i install software on vps like how i install software in my ubuntu using the command like apt-get install ?? [12:44] theTrav: do an lspci to find the correct bus ID === viviersf [n=cain@gw.impilinux.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [12:44] lspci? === theTrav breaks out man [12:44] just type "lspci" === emuse_ [n=emuse@] has joined #ubuntu [12:45] when i access my vps via putty after i made the connection am i root user in that remote computer??? do i install software on vps like how i install software in my ubuntu using the command like apt-get install ?? [12:45] 03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 AR [Radeon 9600] [12:45] 03:00.1 Display controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 AR [Radeon 9600] (Secondary) === arghh2D2 [n=user@cpe-71-67-127-145.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:45] looks like it's in 3? [12:45] yeah, it's in 3. [12:45] ok, here goes [12:45] when i access my vps via putty after i made the connection am i root user in that remote computer??? do i install software on vps like how i install software in my ubuntu using the command like apt-get install ?? [12:45] when i access my vps via putty after i made the connection am i root user in that remote computer??? do i install software on vps like how i install software in my ubuntu using the command like apt-get install ?? === jussi01 [n=jussi@oul088-gw3.netplaza.fi] has joined #ubuntu === zloc [n=zloc@] has joined #ubuntu [12:46] !patience |jesSon_newbie [12:46] jesSon_newbie: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines === b08y_ [n=808y@pc24.riednet.wh.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #ubuntu === rexy [n=rexy@s5591754c.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:47] jesSon_newbie: what is a vps? [12:47] u dont know? [12:47] jesSon_newbie: yes, you do. [12:47] its a remote comupter [12:47] vpn? [12:47] virtual private server [12:47] where u can setup ur own server [12:47] yes [12:47] exactlu [12:47] jesSon_newbie: if it's a debian-based VPS, you use apt-get [12:47] jesSon_newbie: it's best to be sure that YOU know ;-) === Poul^Laptop [n=raider@] has joined #ubuntu [12:48] wat are example of debian based linux ? === motin [n=ubuntu@c80-217-109-23.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu [12:48] jesSon_newbie: ubuntu [12:48] jesSon_newbie: debian, ubuntu, mepis (I think?) [12:48] so when i access it via putty am i a root user on my vps ? [12:48] if you logged in as root, yes [12:48] jesSon_newbie: well it depends - consult with your ISP [12:48] you could try a root task and it'll let you know if your not. [12:48] well if it ask for pass then im root user ryt? [12:48] jesSon_newbie: or rather your VPS provider and see what they say === jesus [n=jesus@97.Red-83-45-235.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === gWe- [n=ubuntu@103.64.90-pky.neo.net.id] has joined #ubuntu [12:49] jesSon_newbie: not necessarily [12:49] wat if the vps o/s is redhat do i use diff command? not apt-get ? [12:49] what username did you log in as, jesSon_newbie ? [12:49] yah [12:49] jesSon_newbie: yes, different command on redhat. it's "yum". [12:50] can u give me example of red hat command like installing software === GoodHabit [n=goodhabi@] has joined #ubuntu [12:50] jesSon_newbie: apt-get is debian / ubuntu specific. on redhat you use a package manager called yum, and you install packages, called rpms, with a command called rpm [12:50] jesSon_newbie: su -c "yum install aptitude" [12:51] jesSon_newbie: try a redhat channel for better help with redhat. === GoodHabit [n=goodhabi@] has joined #ubuntu [12:51] this channel is meant for ubuntu support [12:51] jesSon_newbie: a well-managed virtual server will not be set up to allow remote logins as root. But once you are logged in as yourself, you can use sudo or su (depending on what the system is) to execute commands that need root access. One quick way to find out if you have sudo style root access is to execute (say) "sudo touch /blah". If after entering your password the file /blah is created, congratulations you have root access via sudo. [12:51] anyway wat confuses me is that do i always intall using the terminal? after i install it there will it appear im my start menu?? how about mandriva is the command in it same as debian or ubuntu ? === wira [n=moi1@] has joined #ubuntu === garyfreder [n=ggf@mail.jsoft.com] has left #ubuntu [] === rocky [n=rocky@stjhnf0121w-142163169024.pppoe-dynamic.nl.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu === srivatsark [n=srivatsa@] has joined #ubuntu === duns_s [n=duns_s@mnhm-590c2dbb.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:53] jesSon_newbie: Start menu? You have graphics on your VPS? [12:53] hi all === Deathminder [n=vito@i538752E9.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:53] no lol i mean in my ubuntu [12:53] hmm, ok now I'm up to the video modes option, however the desired resolutions have not appeared [12:53] jesSon_newbie: well no, then. Your VPS is completely seperate from your PC. [12:53] I require either 1920 x 1080 or 1280x720 === crummygummy_ [n=CrummyGu@dsl-242-36-161.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [12:53] please help me to solve this problem: W: GPG error: feisty-security Release: Las siguientes firms fueron invlidas: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key [12:54] it's in aphyscally different location (probably a datacentre somewhere) [12:54] which software could i use to edit videos ?? like croping parts [12:54] I have a 1080i display device and most of the resolutions listed will be munged === haka4 [n=haka4@] has joined #ubuntu [12:54] pete is mandriva also a debian based are the command in mandriva same as ubuntu ?? [12:54] hi all === alanhaggai [n=alanhagg@] has joined #ubuntu === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@adsl-68-79-9-194.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:54] I don't know how to import this key from my repo === ubuntu is now known as Kou [12:54] jesSon_newbie: I don't know. You're best off checking the Mandriva website. [12:55] ok, quick qyestion bout lm-sensors [12:55] jesSon_newbie: does the VPS provider have any tutorials? Maybe you should start there... [12:55] how do you run it? === srivatsark [n=srivatsa@] has joined #ubuntu [12:55] is X not capable of running 1080i resolution? or is this list just incomplete? [12:55] none thats the problem and im also new to commands [12:55] did I answer a question incorrectly? [12:55] X should have no problems with any resolutions. [12:56] please help me to solve this problem: W: GPG error: feisty-security Release: Las siguientes firms fueron invlidas: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key I don't know how to import this key from my repo [12:56] Kou: you don't, AFAIK. It's used by oher programs such as gkrellm. [12:56] my video card is capable of outputting 1080i [12:56] It's getting X to recognise that they are available is the problem. :P [12:56] or 720p [12:56] selia [12:56] ok,wel, I want to see the date for my pc, how do I lokit up? [12:56] data* === freudinator [n=a@host86-146-232-142.range86-146.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:57] jesSon_newbie: The problem is that you are a bit too low on the learning curve at the moment to make good use of this forum. Do you have a clear idea of what, specifically, you want to do on your new VPS: If so, perhaps you could choose one element of that and work through it (seeking help here if needed), By the end of the process you should have a better idea about how stuff works. [12:57] can anyone help me? [12:57] I ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and now it's asking me to pick from a list of resolutions, however my desired resolution is not there, nor is there a resolution of the same aspect ratio [12:57] aguslp: sec === larson9999 [n=larson9@74-129-100-183.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:57] aguslp: what are you trying to do when you get the error? [12:58] aguslp: admin > soruces [12:58] I want a 16:9 [12:58] apt-get update === xoai [n=xoai@] has joined #ubuntu [12:58] ok,well, I want to see the data for my pc, how do I lookit up? [12:58] what graphics card? [12:58] Kou: what data? [12:58] well i want to install a bot there and use the bot as channel operator in my gaming channel at b.net is that even possible bot on linux ... [12:58] jrib: thermal [12:58] so im always 24//7 === balor [n=balor@] has joined #ubuntu [12:58] I need solve by command line [12:58] no need to turn my pc on 24//7 === emmc [n=emmc@host119-192-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [12:59] MeRodent: are you asking me? I'm using an ATI Radeon 9600 [12:59] (30 pcs konsole conected) [12:59] jrib: to see how hot my pc is internally [12:59] yeah. What drivers? === pete_ [n=pete@host86-128-165-202.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:59] whatever ubuntu installed when I said "manage my drivers for me" [01:00] how do i check? [01:00] give me a sec [01:00] "Restricted Drivers Manager" is taking care of things for me === sphaw [n=stian@118.84-234-177.customer.lyse.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:00] I know this may be overkill but it worked for me. [01:00] Kou: my laptop used to have /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/* stuff that would tell me. Otherwise, you might need to install and setup lm-sensors and then either use the 'sensors' command or some frontend for sensors [01:00] jesSon_newbie: I know nothing of bots. Perhaps you could turn to the gaming community, I'm sure someone has done something like that before. Also, if your VPS is not ubuntu, you are rather in the wrong place here. There are subtle differences between distros that will confuse you (they won't confuse you once you start to get a handle on things, but right now they will confuse you). === Kill_X [i=kill_x@p5B166C4D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:00] hello, whats the command that will let me setup things like keyboard, screen ress I think it had something to do with GDM or X Org. lol Sorry this is getting annoing spend hours looking for it === inkompatible [n=claudio@d83-190-90-161.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu === asc [n=asc@24-113-130-152.wavecable.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:01] !xconfig > pete_ (see the private message from ubotu) [01:01] using the latest nvidia drivers automatically set up my 8800GTS with 1680x1050 res. === zinyx [n=zinyx@eit2.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu === inkompatible [n=claudio@d83-190-90-161.cust.tele2.it] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === migman [n=JB@CPE001310db13cd-CM0019474d1556.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:01] thanks [01:02] just got to find the user list on xchat and I'll send a list of instructions. [01:02] !xconfig > kauer (see the private message from ubotu) === bastid_raZor [n=razor@dynamic-63-173-50-93.tvscable.com] has joined #ubuntu === hhlp [n=hhlp@152.Red-81-37-91.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === solin [n=solin81@mail.sns.pl] has left #ubuntu [] === Skyward [n=tinko@lb2.aeye.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:03] brb === blackest [n=john@cpc3-linc8-0-0-cust831.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === MeRodent [n=eric@ppp121-44-209-235.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu === cornell_work [n=40096ac9@ion.openthoughthosting.com] has joined #ubuntu === grndslm [n=grndslm@24-116-87-97.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu === camahuetos [n=camahuet@pc-26-18-45-190.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu === fleabit [n=FLEAS@74-131-133-129.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:05] I'm new to shell scripting and I have a Problem: I want to execute an command, if one or more directories exists in the directory the script is executed. but if [ -d */ ] gives me the error, that an binary operator is expected: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35643/ [01:05] theTrav: you still there? [01:05] jrib: pm ok? [01:06] Kou: here is better [01:06] ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sensors [01:06] No sensors found! [01:06] Make sure you loaded all the kernel drivers you need. [01:06] Try sensors-detect to find out which these are. [01:06] but I alread probed [01:06] Kou: but use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for errors in the future [01:06] why doesn't it wok? === kewl_ [n=kewl@] has joined #ubuntu === f0rqu3 [n=f0rqu3@unaffiliated/f0rqu3] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:07] sorr, this is an important thing to me an I gotta go to bed soon === Bayo [n=blowbayo@dial09-dial.bestnet.kharkov.ua] has joined #ubuntu [01:07] Kou: I never bother with lm-sensors, but pastebinning the output that you got from sensors-detect may help === magic_ninja [n=asdfsdf@ip68-103-20-85.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === hewus [n=hewus@c211-30-215-117.belrs1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:07] !paste [01:07] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [01:07] hey, how do I restart X? [01:07] !sensors > Kou (see the private message from ubotu) [01:07] ctrl alt backspace? [01:07] theTrav: ctrl-alt-backspace [01:07] then will it automatically start again? [01:07] or do I need to do something after that? [01:08] theTrav: yes, as long as you haven't killed gdm (or kdm or xdm) === AndyB [n=Administ@81-86-67-98.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu === DrMax_ [n=Dr@] has joined #ubuntu [01:08] hallo i m not able to see network stats on gdesklet..... === dac_ [n=dac@] has joined #ubuntu === xtr-II [n=94752345@] has joined #Ubuntu [01:09] I've got a small problem with my registration at the Ubuntu wiki, I want to change my user name. Can anyone help? [01:09] #macedonia [01:10] jrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35644/ === camahuetos [n=camahuet@pc-26-18-45-190.cm.vtr.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] === tarntow [n=jaxon@] has joined #ubuntu [01:10] yo all === sytner [n=admin1@] has left #ubuntu [] === AndyB [n=Administ@81-86-67-98.dsl.pipex.com] has left #ubuntu [] [01:10] what are the ubuntuesque alternatives to NFS ? === sebbar_ [n=sebbar@d83-190-79-128.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:11] :( don't work my apt-get update [01:11] hey guys... i'm new to overclocking. is there any way to determine what my cpu's actual clockrate is from within linux? or some other way to determine how much actual speed increase i've gained? [01:11] hi, is there a way to rip a realplay stream? === MeRodent [n=eric@ppp121-44-209-235.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has left #ubuntu [] [01:11] Kou: coretemp probably isn't loaded now [01:11] sebbar_: yes you can use mplayer === [p0uttu] [n=juhani@dsl-roibrasgw1-fe89fb00-245.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [01:11] sebbar_: mplayer -dumpstream [01:12] how do I load it? === MeRodent [n=eric@ppp121-44-209-235.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu === capt_cosmo [n=resu@p54A6D088.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:12] Should i reinstall ubuntu if a program installed wont run...is there a way to fix this problem? [01:12] tnx [01:12] tim__b: for x in * ; do [ -d $x ] && echo $x ; done [01:12] grndslm: cat /proc/cpuinfo - but that will give you the current rate, so it might indicate low if CPU throtteling is enabled [01:12] Kou: sudo modprobe coretemp or just reboot [01:13] sebbar_: read this http://thomer.com/howtos/capture_realstream.html [01:13] asc: so if i OC successfully, will cpuinfo actually show the proper clock rate?? [01:13] great.. [01:13] celc... [01:13] sebbar_: you can also convert real player into mp3 or ogg [01:13] gmdslm: Only if you're using a lot of CPU at the time. [01:13] what's nomal for a CPu? [01:13] grndslm: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-do-i-find-out-linux-cpu-utilization.html [01:14] Kou: depends on the cpu [01:14] grndslm: there's also a CPU frequency monitor applet for gnome-panel somewhere - if you use that and they run a program, it should go to the maximum frequency while launching it [01:14] it's about 500 [01:14] Pent 2 [01:14] maybe 3 === dac_ [n=dac@] has joined #ubuntu [01:14] your cpu isn't 500 celcius, something is wrong there === Kou doubts 3 === dac_ [n=dac@] has joined #ubuntu [01:14] lol [01:14] jrib: mhz [01:14] silly ;p [01:14] Adapter: ISA adapter [01:14] Core 0: +41C (high = +100C) [01:15] 40 degrees is fine. [01:15] and yes, I'm refering to 500mhz [01:15] if it hits 70 then you need to start worrying [01:15] mine's 1.86 GHz [01:15] guys how to test network speed using ubuntu?? [01:15] SlimeyPete: what should a 500mhz usually sit at? === omgwtfbbq6 [n=gaurav@] has joined #ubuntu [01:16] Kou: it's been a while since I've used anything that old but 40 sounds reasonable. [01:16] does anyone know if pinnacle's tv-cards works with linux? [01:16] or is 40 normal for al? [01:16] nalpha: maximum speed, or like a process monitor? [01:16] asc: both if can :D [01:16] *bandwidth monitor [01:16] thanks SlimeyPete === oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:16] that'll help ALOT [01:16] Kou: no problem [01:16] Hi, is there a way to tell ubuntu to stop mounting a drive (windows Fat32 partition) at startup? [01:17] nalpha: bwm-ng is a bandwidth monitor. It's a command like program though. (but it's simple and works good) [01:17] my grandmother's pc keeps overheating [01:17] omgwtfbbq6: put 'noauto' in your fstab [01:17] asc : thanx alot... [01:17] nalpha: For maximum speed, that + copying a file or using an online speed test :p [01:17] SlimeyPete: is there a sensor program that will run constantly? [01:18] ben_underscore: I have this link: http://webcast.berkeley.edu/stream.php?type=real&webcastid=17666 and it doesn't seem to work, do I need the link to the rm file? [01:18] Kou: tell your grandmother not to overclock [01:18] jrib: fstab? I've heard of it but how do I get to it (sry i'm teh windows haxor) [01:18] Frogzoo: shedoesn't [01:18] asc: i want to test the speed betweeen my own network (using wireless bridge). :) [01:18] omgwtfbbq6: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab does it already list your fat32 partition? === greg_0 [n=greg@crb44-1-82-67-124-146.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:18] Frogzoo: and that's rater rude of you to say, considering I MAINTAIN IT [01:19] asc : seems bwm-ng just display my own ethernet card isn't? [01:19] Kou: try gkrellm, or one of the gnome desklets === kbrooks [n=kbrooks@d235-129-204.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu === westwest [n=roy@cable6.dyn47.pacific.net.sg] has joined #ubuntu === [p0uttu] [n=juhani@dsl-roibrasgw1-fe89fb00-245.dhcp.inet.fi] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [01:19] nalpha: Then copying a file to/from the remote computer should do it. === joelliot [n=sgas@] has joined #ubuntu [01:19] hm.. [01:19] thanx.. alot.... === [p0uttu] [n=juhani@dsl-roibrasgw1-fe89fb00-245.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [01:19] jrib: yea its lists it as sda1 [01:19] asc: do you know how intel's throttling typically works? like is it always 66% of max clock rate? [01:20] jrib: where do I put "noauto" [01:20] SlimeyPete: wil the live cd work ok on 50mhz / 320mg ram? [01:20] thanks Frogzoo, i fixed the directory problem :) do you know a way, to test if a certain file type exists in a directory? something like if [ -f *.ext ] ? [01:20] omgwtfbbq6: what is currently in the options column? [01:20] or will itbe a royal pain to use? === [p0uttu] is now known as p0uttu [01:20] Kou: should work OK [01:20] nalpha: Oh. If you have multiple interfaces you'll have to specify the one you want. like 'bwm-ng -I eth1' or whatever. [01:20] jrib: defaults [01:20] SlimeyPete: I hope so.. [01:21] omgwtfbbq6: change "defaults" to "noauto" then [01:21] asc: also, do you know how accurate this gnome applet is? it's just switches from 2GHz to 3GHz [01:21] I can't install ubuntuon the target pc [01:21] lol [01:21] grndslm: Mine always sits at 2/3 except when being used, so that looks about right. [01:21] jrib: Ah ok thanks a lot xD [01:21] omgwtfbbq6: why don't you want it mounted by the way? [01:21] do any visual tools for MySQL database design exist for linux? === Kill_X [i=kill_x@p5B166C4D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:21] wait.. [01:21] even one that simply reverse engineering an existing db would do [01:21] jrib: it shows 10billion error atstartup [01:22] omgwtfbbq6: hmm, weird, but I guess that's a good reason [01:22] but windows isint complaining [01:22] i'd like to make some diagrams to include with docs for some software i'm working on [01:22] why did synaptic not find anything but sensord? [01:22] asc: okey.. it's help me, anyway If I want to monitor all of my network trafice in my office there is a program? with browser interface? === hao [n=hao@123-240-82-66.cctv.dynamic.lsc.net.tw] has joined #ubuntu [01:22] jrib: ok thanks again, i'll do a restart and see how it goes [01:22] grndslm: Can't say for sure, I haven't used any others. Abrupt switches seems like a reasonable solution, though... not sure people would want to implement constant scaling. === takamarou [n=takamaro@c-76-16-2-166.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:22] Kou: have you enabled the universe repository? [01:23] Kou: you got universe & multiverse enabled? === omgwtfbbq6 [n=gaurav@] has left #ubuntu [] [01:23] tim__b: what's wrong with that? [01:23] I have whatever is default in the gutsy Tribe 5 LiveCD [01:23] !universe | Kou [01:23] Kou: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource [01:23] Frogzoo, it always executes else instead of then [01:23] I doubt it's enabled by default [01:23] hi, I'm trying to run ubuntu on a virtual machine, and its asking me for the .iso file. I can't seem to find this in the folder that i extracted my ubuntu download to. Does anyone know where I can find it? === elkadar [n=phorbacz@wn202.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [01:24] nalpha: I'm confident that there is, but I have no idea what its' name might be. [01:24] aything I can run in terminal to check? [01:24] takamarou: extracted? eh? You shouldn't need to extract the download === elkadar [n=phorbacz@wn202.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [01:24] takamarou: did you download the ubuntu CD? [01:24] asc: okey thanx [01:24] SlimeyPete : oh... im retarded.. my bad [01:24] grndslm: What CPU are you using, out of curiosity? [01:25] Kou: "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list". Check that the universe and multiverse lines are uncommented. [01:25] Kou: then run "sudo apt-get update" on you've uncommented and saved. === humbolto [n=elias@] has joined #ubuntu [01:26] asc: Q6600 [01:26] tim__b: [ -f "*.ext' ] && do stuff ; === joelliot [n=sgas@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === dac_ [n=dac@] has joined #ubuntu [01:27] does anyone here use hyperic HQ? [01:27] tim__b: or - for x in *.ext ; do [ -f $x ] && echo $x ; done [01:27] Mehe, lucky bugger. Been thinking about getting one of them, but I haven't been having many slowdowns with E6600. === rodney_ [n=rodney@203-97-217-50.cable.telstraclear.net] has joined #ubuntu === Martinp23 [n=martinp2@wikimedia/Martinp23] has joined #ubuntu [01:27] Frogzoo, sorry my fault, i switched to lines, which made my script test if files exists in the wrong directory [01:27] Frogzoo, thanks! === zyth [n=zyth@wnpgmb06dc1-0-221.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #Ubuntu [01:28] Hey, could some1 please give me a hint about some page that could help in setting up my tv-card? (cinergy 1200 DVB-C) :) === eMaX [n=emax@] has joined #ubuntu [01:28] !tv | p0uttu [01:28] p0uttu: http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out === IRC_help [n=IRC_help@] has joined #ubuntu [01:28] 6 === andrewlv [n=andrewlv@] has joined #ubuntu [01:28] thanks =) [01:29] then sudo apt-get install ksensors or something? [01:29] Out of curiosity, are you using a different cooling system, or what came with the processor? I think I saw where somebody's OCd to 3 with the default fan and didn't have any problems. === kauer [n=kauer@lochiel-wan-out.nullarbor.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] === cosmodad [n=johndoe@dslb-088-066-010-085.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === wanger [n=ian@spc1-derb3-0-0-cust26.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === yang_ [n=yang@] has joined #ubuntu === qwerty123 [n=gaurav@] has joined #ubuntu [01:31] SlimeyPete: E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) === IRC_help [n=IRC_help@] has joined #ubuntu [01:31] nvm, dumb mistake [01:31] asc: yea, i'm using Zalman CNPS7700... supposedly autoclocking is working at 3GHz, but I barely pushed FSB up... so it could prolly make it to 3.2GHz. between the G0 stepping version of the processor and the Zalman, I used to see idle temps at around 32C w/ load at around 35C... now it's approx 2 degrees higher after OCing a tad [01:31] Kou, used sudo ? === Fiskus_ [n=wnet@] has joined #ubuntu === chaky [n=chaky@unaffiliated/chaky] has joined #ubuntu [01:32] teKnofreak: I'm in root === misnomer [n=hc@] has joined #ubuntu [01:32] Are you running updates or anything else? === MeRodent [n=eric@ppp121-44-209-235.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:32] teKnofreak: I'm on the live CD so I'm staying on root === xoferif [n=xoferif@dtmd-4db5e5aa.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu === xoferif [n=xoferif@dtmd-4db5e5aa.pool.einsundeins.de] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [01:32] i wanted to install ubuntu, my keyboard works just fine under XP and right before ubuntu boots into X, but once im in X keyboard stops working [01:32] but I have synaptic open === mattyv [n=mattyv@220-253-46-108.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:32] lol [01:32] and i cant complete an install without it === Krussy [n=CDMA@d220-237-254-64.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === ||arifaX [n=||arifaX@inetpop1.witron.de] has joined #ubuntu === capiira [n=capiira@dslb-088-065-195-191.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #Ubuntu [01:33] grndslm: Righto, thanks. [01:33] any ideas? === viviersf [n=cain@gw.impilinux.co.za] has joined #ubuntu === boytm [n=boytm@] has joined #ubuntu [01:34] misnomer : is it special in any way ? === sandeep [n=sandeep@] has joined #ubuntu === NoFX_SBC [n=nofxsbc@] has joined #ubuntu [01:34] bluetooth ? [01:34] no, i have a bluetooth mouse that works fine, the keyboard is generic brand, PS/2 === xoferif [n=xoferif@dtmd-4db5e5aa.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu === Mgk [n=mgk@AMarseille-153-1-30-59.w86-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === sandeep [n=sandeep@] has joined #ubuntu === qwerty123 [n=gaurav@] has left #ubuntu [] [01:35] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2) === MeRodent [n=eric@ppp121-44-209-235.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:35] i mean it works at the screen were it says install, check disc, etc. === Fiskus [n=wnet@] has joined #ubuntu [01:35] Hi, newbie to ubuntu here, was wondering if it were at all possible to get LaTeX and something like TeXcenter for ubuntu? [01:35] just when it enters X it stops === skull [n=skull@] has joined #ubuntu [01:36] Krussy: yep, there are many, many LaTex packages === didymo [n=ashley@CPE-61-9-197-223.static.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:36] Krussy: Are you in Ubuntu at the moment? [01:37] mattyv i've read about tetex but i was under the impression that it was for unix [01:37] no unfortunately i am not === MeRodent [n=eric@ppp121-44-209-235.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu === lazz__ [n=lazz0@] has joined #ubuntu [01:37] SlimeyPete: you there? === birdmon [n=birdmon@bzq-219-46-202.isdn.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu === wyggler2 [n=mongo@user-0ce2jt0.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:39] Krussy: That's ok. When you're in Ubuntu, simply go to System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager, do a search by name for texlive and have a look for what you need. === Poul^Laptop [n=raider@] has joined #ubuntu === xoRock [n=xo@] has joined #ubuntu [01:40] mattyv you recommend texlive? === ben_underscore [n=ben@ppp121-45-174-55.lns11.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu === Fivetwentysix [i=PMA@pcd175036.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:40] Ok [01:40] i've been trying to install ubuntu all day [01:40] sorry i mean get it to work [01:40] and haven't had any luck === straw_ice [n=kiosk@] has joined #ubuntu === ajmitch [n=ajmitch@ubuntu/member/ajmitch] has left #ubuntu [] [01:41] Anyone think they could help me out? [01:41] Fivetwentysix: It breaks at what point? [01:41] Ubuntu is fine i suppose === takamarou [n=takamaro@c-76-16-2-166.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [01:41] Krussy: texlive is the current maintained version, it has a LaTeX extension to go with it. I'm a bit of a *TeX noob though and am still learning it [01:41] Only problem I can't see anything [01:41] Not even a console === miip [n=miip@p54A54508.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === Trevi [n=Trevi@host22-166-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:41] i cant even tell if it loads right [01:41] misnomer : when you ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, did it detected the right type of keyboard ? [01:42] Yes. [01:42] How about... how to find an admin contact for the wiki? [01:42] DrMax_: ? i never did that [01:42] Fivetwentysix: are you on a second computer, and can work on the computer running ubuntu? [01:42] i'm using the install/live cd [01:42] mattyv I see, in windows, I had to grab MikTex and TexCenter separately so I was wondering what I had to get for Ubuntu === mehdi [n=mehdi@] has joined #ubuntu === Cykus [n=cykus@tkp30-3.rybnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [01:42] No asc i'm on my main computer [01:42] misnomer : ok, then in gnome (if you're using gnome rather than KDE), does the keyboard properties show the right values ? === Flippeh [n=flippeh@p5488C4D9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === Strahleman [n=strahlem@f051079028.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:42] mattyv also had to get ghost for post scripts and all that other jazz [01:42] misnomer : in system->preference->keyboard [01:42] i'm not sure what the right keyboard is the right value.. it reports it as GENERIC IBM 105 or something [01:43] My computer specs are: q6600 intel quad core, 4gb ram 666mhz, 8800gts, 22" samsung [01:43] err.. im not sure what the right value is i mean [01:43] i do know it works fine if i install fedora, i did it before [01:43] Everything performs and works correctly in Vista [01:43] I can [01:43] Run in safe mode in ubuntu [01:43] misnomer : ok, we know your keyboard works, we just have to find out where there's a misconfiguration === Strahleman [n=strahlem@f051079028.adsl.alicedsl.de] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === heh [n=fritz@michal-machacek.tiscali.cz] has joined #ubuntu [01:43] I can even startx and get into something that looks like gnome [01:44] it doesn't even look like it's 'alive' num/caps light go off automatically when it boots X [01:44] But nothing I can do in recovery mode seems to help me get Ubuntu working normally [01:44] DrMax_: well, i gotta run, i'll try the text-based installer [01:44] Fivetwentysix: Okay. Uh, let's see. You probably need to hit control-alt-F1 to get to a console. Then run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'. Select the vesa driver (graphics acceleration will be disabled, but you can reconfigure it at your leisure once you know how). Then run 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart' [01:44] Krussy: there are literally dozens of extra font sets, styles etc easily installable from within Ubuntu. Just install the "texlive" package and it will start you out with recommended fonts and a base system, add to it from there as you need [01:44] misnomer : in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf === adreqi [n=adreqi@] has joined #ubuntu [01:44] Fivetwentysix: Give me a second and I can probably find the right driver [01:44] misnomer : do you have an "InputDevice" entry for your keyboard ? [01:44] asc: but I can't get into console [01:45] didn't check, and the PC isn't booted anymore and i have to go.. i'll try looking at that later [01:45] ok [01:45] good luck ;) [01:45] Fivetwentysix: control-alt-F1 doesn't work? That's, hm, not something I've run into before. === CraZy675 [n=nick@S010600179a9c5969.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:45] no [01:45] i mean === Avec [n=zerg@ppp249-237.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [01:45] I can't see it [01:45] I have no idea if it works or not [01:45] SlimeyPete and jrib: Thanks for your help [01:45] my screen is comepletely black [01:46] once ubuntu starts loading [01:46] k3b: error while loading shared libraries: libk3bdevice.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [01:46] mattyv that hopefully means that everything will be in one package ready to go :) [01:46] Fivetwentysix: What's the last thing you see? Is there an orange loading bar at any point? [01:46] just before the orange loading bar [01:46] i dont get to see the loading screen [01:46] i dont even think it has anything to do with x === Trevi [n=Trevi@host22-166-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:47] Yeah, probably not. [01:47] Asc: This problem also occured with the livecd [01:47] But on the livecd there's a function where u press f4 [01:47] Tried plugging in a different monitor? ;p [01:47] and u can change the resolution [01:47] Krussy: Hopefully, if not, there's texlive-fonts-extra and things like that to add the bits you need. Just checked, a complete install (all extras etc) takes >1GB of space! Seems there's plenty available :) [01:47] Yeah asc. [01:47] Tried my viewsonic vx922 === Flippeh [n=flippeh@p5488C4D9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === Flippeh [n=flippeh@p5488C4D9.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [01:48] Somehow I need this function where u can change the startup resolution [01:48] !enter | Fivetwentysix [01:48] Fivetwentysix: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [01:48] Is the 'kernel command line' the line "kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20-16-generic root=UUID=7b2db282-52a4-4a4b-b1db-032334575de7 ro quiet splash vga=0x0361" in /boot/grub/menu.lst? === sebbar__ [n=sebbar@d83-190-85-163.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:48] Is at least one of them non-widescreen? [01:48] yes [01:49] mattyv hahaha that's huge. my miktex installer was only 45mb... and texcenter was 4.66.. looks like it has loads of extras piled on [01:49] i have install nvidia-glx driver i have (fx5950ultra) and my screen support 1024-768 resolution at 85 hz but with nvidia-glx its 50 hz.i have change the xorg vertrefresh but nothing === Ax-Ax [n=Snorig@] has joined #ubuntu === onats [n=julian@] has joined #ubuntu [01:50] I have no idea what's wrong, but one thing I would try is editing the GRUB settings when you boot and removing 'quiet splash' from the kernel line. [01:50] Krussy: Yep, I've installed a total of about 150mb with my LaTeX setup. Some is probably overkill but I was trying to workout some APA formatting stuff === CodeImp [n=dont@s55910c2b.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu === c0_sby_2007 [n=kiosk@] has joined #ubuntu [01:50] Krussy: you also want some kind of frontend to write the latex in, might want to checkout vim-latexsuite, winefish, and kile or just search for 'latex' in the package manager and try them all === kewl_ [n=kewl@] has joined #ubuntu [01:50] asc I fixed the live cd just by using the f4 resolution function === Fiskus [n=wnet@] has joined #ubuntu === erUSUL [n=erUSUL@163.Red-81-35-216.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === kitche [n=dragon@pool-141-149-155-123.buff.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === Trevinho [n=Trevi@host22-166-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:51] Is there any commands I can type in - in grub that does the same thing? [01:51] jrib and mattyv yeah i read about kile, but that is for KDE? >.< i'm not really understading the whole gnome vs kde deal === billiejoex [n=billiejo@ppp-3-40.21-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu === gana-home [n=ganadist@] has joined #ubuntu [01:51] Fivetwentysix: I really wish I knew, I've been looking for something like that forever. ;p === nico__ [n=nico@AStrasbourg-151-1-32-118.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [01:51] Krussy: you can use kde apps in gnome and gnome apps in kde, it just means you have to load some extra libraries === stephan_ [n=stephan@frnk-4d006265.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:52] jrib got a clue? you seem to be the expert here... === FooBarBaz [i=Username@cpc5-broo4-0-0-cust1000.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === Fiskus [n=wnet@] has joined #ubuntu === reyes03 [n=adrianh@] has joined #ubuntu [01:52] jrib i see, there were screen shots available for kile which looked pretty similar to texcenter so i think i'll give that a try. (didn't enjoy lyx for windows at all >.<) === DrMax_ [n=Dr@] has left #ubuntu ["..."] [01:52] Krussy: I'm using one called Texmaker, seems good. KDE app but as jrib said that's not a problem [01:52] Fivetwentysix: This links turns up, but who knows it it would work at all: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=578046 [01:52] Fivetwentysix: what's the issue? === shinao1 [n=shinao1@] has joined #ubuntu === jinerd [n=stagger@aaek101.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [01:53] Well my problem started with the live-cd, when I started Ubuntu, I get a black screen, not even a loading screen, but I could here my hard disk and cd drive working. [01:53] mattyv great, also, when you do your APA reference, are you using something like endnote? I know endnote works well with microsoft word, but when I use TeX, I go with Jabref === neversfelde|mobi [n=neversfe@] has joined #ubuntu === Zeebo [n=squiller@sangone.polito.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:54] Fivetwentysix: what video card? and did you manage to install ubuntu to your hard drive already? [01:54] mattyv and use bibtex to do referencing [01:54] But never mind, after a few trial and errors, I found a solution by simply pressing f4 on the live cd options and changing the boot up resolution and everytthing worked, I could see the load screen, and see gnome and everything. === manchicken [n=manchick@ubuntu/member/manchicken] has joined #ubuntu [01:55] However, grub doesn't have that feature and when I start gnome, it doesn't work; however in recovery mode I can manage to get into console and even startx. But I can't access the internet, or anything and find my self clueless as what to do. === CicalaMvta [n=CicalaMv@chello062178169104.13.14.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu === Turazoor [n=ubuntu@cpc3-norw1-0-0-cust529.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:55] I'm using 8800gts, q6600 intel quad core @2.6, 4gb 667mhz ram === Ziroda1 [n=ziroday@cm158.kappa176.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu [01:55] Anybody heard anything about bug #93360 yet? [01:55] An issue with dhcdbd not working properly [01:56] Krussy: Haven't written an apa style paper since I started learning Tex so no, haven't look into endnote like progs. A quick search in Synaptic shows a few reference managers fro bibtex though === csc`` [n=csc@archlinux/user/csc] has joined #ubuntu [01:56] manchicken: check the bug report === Zeebo [n=squiller@sangone.polito.it] has left #ubuntu [] [01:56] mattyv: ya bibtex is java so it 'should' run on most things *fingers crossed* [01:56] Fivetwentysix: ctrl-alt-f1 doesn't get you to a terminal? [01:56] manchicken, it's still undecided on the importance and not assigned to anyone [01:56] mattyv: ah apologies >.< meant to say jabref [01:57] hey all, i'm trying to get my Belkin 54g USB Adaptor setup on kubuntu 7.04, however wen i plug it in it lags the system out, but if i boot on to the live cd then it doesn't lag it out... as far as i can find the only thing different is the bus number in lsusb [01:57] kitche: Figured that one out :) [01:57] Krussy: Yep, jabref is one of them === begenxboys [n=laskar@orange.solomedianet.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:57] irc.plasa.com [01:58] Krussy: Installing it will be a simple point & click job [01:58] jrib: it does in recovery mode. [01:58] jrib: However I have no idea if it does in regular more, like i said, I'm looking at a black screen. === FooBarBaz [i=Username@cpc5-broo4-0-0-cust1000.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:59] Fivetwentysix: erm, ok. What if you edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and get rid of the 'quiet splash' options for your kernel and then reboot and try the normal boot again [02:00] mattyv: I see, I have followed the thread in the ubuntu forums that provided a quick crash course on the complete guide to installation (by starcraftman) and followed how to install packages, I guess it's time to really put it into practice [02:00] jrib: Are the 8800 supported now in Feisty? [02:00] Alright === albreche [n=amergenc@ANantes-201-1-4-175.w80-15.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [02:00] Pichi: I'm running one here. [02:00] I'll reboot now [02:00] Pici: wasn't aware of any issues, does it not work with nv either? === heh [n=fritz@michal-machacek.tiscali.cz] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [02:01] Krussy: That's the best way to learn. My Tex journey started a few months back but I got sidetracked by other things. Was hoping to learn it before I went back to uni, but I might have an extra year to learn it now... === Assassin- [n=TimeHack@] has joined #ubuntu [02:01] jrib: I'm looking at something on answers.ubuntu.com asked on 6/27 that leads me to believe that its only supported with nvidia binary beta drivers. [02:01] jrib: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/8866 === eskargot [n=eskargot@101.Red-88-16-231.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === felipe [n=felipe@my.nada.kth.se] has joined #ubuntu [02:02] hi [02:02] mattyv: ah latex isn't that bad, think of it as like html coding :) it's just frustrating when something doesn't 'k'ompile === CraZy675 [n=nick@S010600179a9c5969.vf.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:03] Krussy: lol, indeed === Avec [n=zerg@ppp249-237.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu === chryss_ [n=chris@] has joined #ubuntu [02:03] mattyv: XD thanks for your help! and jrib also! [02:03] Pici: yeah, that might be related, link fivetwentysix when he returns [02:04] i have an internal audio card [02:04] i can hear mi music [02:04] Krussy: any time [02:04] but not sound of videos in you tube for example === switchcat [n=center@pool-71-185-103-15.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === Trevi [n=Trevi@host22-166-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu === manchicken_ [n=manchick@74-134-242-176.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu === bohun [n=bohun@bwd66.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu === emmc [n=emmc@host119-192-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu === oranye1 [n=oranye1@] has joined #ubuntu === Avec [n=zerg@ppp249-237.adsl.forthnet.gr] has left #ubuntu [] [02:07] arif === lmr_ [n=lmr@] has joined #ubuntu === eskargot_ [n=eskargot@101.Red-88-16-231.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === oranye1 is now known as arif === viviersf [n=cain@gw.impilinux.co.za] has joined #ubuntu === arif [n=oranye1@] has joined #ubuntu === eskargot_ [n=eskargot@101.Red-88-16-231.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Saliendo"] === manchicken__ [n=manchick@74-134-229-145.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu === FelipeBare [n=felipe@mail.gestao.com.br] has joined #ubuntu === tripppy [i=polarisx@c210-49-97-52.kelvn1.qld.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === _3v1n0_ [n=Trevi@host169-165-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu === TarasBulba [n=gorkem@] has joined #ubuntu === TarasBulba [n=gorkem@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === Tigge [n=tigge@bacchus.olf.sgsnet.se] has joined #ubuntu [02:10] hey all, i'm trying to get my Belkin 54g USB Adaptor setup on kubuntu 7.04, however wen i plug it in it lags the system out, but if i boot on to the live cd then it doesn't lag it out... as far as i can find the only thing different is the bus number in lsusb === moDumass [n=evilsher@203-214-93-238.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === animimotus [n=animimot@unaffiliated/animimotus] has joined #ubuntu === f6gjs [n=moi@ALyon-252-1-55-208.w83-197.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === grndslm [n=grndslm@24-116-87-97.cpe.cableone.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === phos-phoros [n=James@unaffiliated/phos-phoros] has joined #ubuntu [02:11] Turazoor: do you have an idea about the chipset? [02:11] sort of... i think it's possibly Zydas === Vndmtrx [n=Ox0fff@unaffiliated/vndmtrx] has joined #Ubuntu [02:12] hmm, just installed compiz-fusion and now all is mashed [02:12] Turazoor: does it say so in lsusb? === snarf` [n=Snarf@ip70-162-201-141.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === Vndmtrx [n=Ox0fff@unaffiliated/vndmtrx] has left #Ubuntu ["Fui] === birdmon [n=birdmon@bzq-219-46-202.isdn.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu === master_of_master [n=master_o@p549D7555.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === seanpcrowe| [n=bert@host217-44-98-113.range217-44.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === Shadowpillar [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === ^ubuntu^ [n=matteo@host187-86-dynamic.14-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu === skunkworks_ [n=skunkwor@68-115-41-210.static.eucl.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === [GuS] [n=gdnet@] has joined #Ubuntu === madera [n=madera@] has joined #ubuntu [02:13] Carroarmato0: the device appears in the lsusb list under Bus 004, howver if i boot into my hd copy of linux, it places it on bus 005 and lags out === mattyv [n=mattyv@220-253-46-108.VIC.netspace.net.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving."] [02:13] Hey everyone. === anandanbu [n=phoenix@] has joined #ubuntu === c0_sby_2007 [n=kiosk@] has joined #ubuntu === inkululeko [n=inkulule@pD9E22574.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === virg_ul [i=virgul@] has joined #ubuntu [02:14] I want to use Ubuntu for my server, but I want all the nice GUIs I can have for configuring it. I' [02:14] I'm tired of configuring stuff by hand. Should I use Server + install something or use Desktop directly? [02:14] Carroarmato0: Sorry, nope it's Ralink [02:15] Turazoor: thought so.... [02:15] madera: install the desktop version === e [n=e@adsl-68-126-183-21.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === NDPTAL85 [n=ndptal85@207-172-70-51.c3-0.sbo-ubr2.sbo.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu === e [n=e@adsl-68-126-183-21.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:15] Carroarmato0: .....i'm hoping u know what to do, I will love u forever lol === Ford_Prefect [n=chatzill@p5481947C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === Ford_Prefect is now known as Ford [02:15] it's driving me crazy === NoFX_SBC_ [n=nofxsbc@] has joined #ubuntu [02:15] madera: or install Server and install the ubuntu-desktop metapackage afterwards [02:15] Turazoor: I have an Asus Usb wireless card that is also based on the Ralink chipset.. === sponni_ [n=sp0ng3-b@HSI-KBW-085-216-009-194.hsi.kabelbw.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:16] Hello ... first time for me here [02:16] ah ha! awesome, did u have similiar problems? === tego [n=tego@] has joined #ubuntu === mdolan [n=mdolan@ool-4576e35d.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:16] Turazoor: They are mostly flaky in Feisty... and only work with Wep authentication [02:16] kk.... [02:16] What would be the diff between the two options? What about security? [02:16] madera: no difference in security [02:17] Turazoor: But as a bug hunter for Gutsy I can say that the newer kernel have enhanced support for the Ralink chipset [02:17] madera: the server version is the same as the desktop, without the GUI [02:17] i need some help with sound + ubuntu linux 7.04 64 bit [02:17] madera, use the text version and login using webmin [02:17] Turazoor: I already tested mine and is a lot stable [02:17] cool.... do u know how i can get it to load it onto bus 004 on my main copy of ubuntu then [02:17] gnuskool: good point... === erikst [n=erikst@084202233079.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #ubuntu [02:17] !webmin | gnuskool madera [02:17] gnuskool madera: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system [02:18] Turazoor: I have no idea how to force it into another bus... [02:18] ahhhhh... lol! [02:18] I really can't take it anymore... I've been configuring things by hand ever since I started Linuxing... I need to stop and relax!! [02:18] Turazoor: But I think you don't have to force that === Eldara [n=mitchell@user-514f3cb0.l2.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [02:18] k === fivetwentysix [n=patrick@pcd175036.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:18] Woo, it worked! [02:19] fivetwentysix: really? [02:19] Pici: What would you do in my place? We are talking about a development server for our business. [02:19] Turazoor: support for now in Feisty is flaky... wait for Gutsy to come out... or you can test it out if it works on the live cd of Gutsy tribe 5 [02:19] Subversion, twiki, and some other stuff [02:19] hi. i had this error after instlling ubuntu "failed to start x server. it is ikely that is not set up corectly" [02:19] jrib it worked it worked! getting rid of quiet splash did it! [02:19] Umm anyone know how to find where wine installs stuff? [02:19] madera, there is a way using ssh tunneling, but i'll have to look it up === eMaX_ [n=emax@] has joined #ubuntu [02:19] I just want GUIs. It's what I want. === asc [n=asc@24-113-130-152.wavecable.com] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [02:19] kk.... being a newbie to linux, i'm just check that Gutsy tribe 5 is another OS right [02:19] Yeah pici, who would of guessed such a little change can solve the biggest problems [02:19] Though I know my internals well. [02:19] **** distro [02:20] madera: Okay, so install the ubuntu-desktop package. Thats all the stuff thats normally on the desktop install. [02:20] Turazoor: Gustsy is the follower of Feisty :) === nahkiss [i=nahkiss@dsl-hkibras1-ff4dc300-7.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu === mEck0 [n=mEck0@h137n6c1o1039.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:20] Turazoor: It will be ready for prime time in October [02:20] does it operate/look the same? [02:20] how to convert out.ogg and what to install to show it like viedo? === wayoutthere [n=richard@pool-71-116-23-207.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:21] Ok, will do. I'm leaving Gentoo in favor of Ubuntu. I hope I don't regret it. [02:21] fivetwentysix: something usplash related then. If you want the pretty progress bar when you boot you can search around for people with a similar issue. Check the /etc/usplash.conf has a sensible resolution too === kekZpriester [n=luc@DSL01.] has joined #ubuntu [02:21] Turazoor: Yes, but its buggy, and if you arent ready to deal with bugs, then I really suggest you stick with Feisty. [02:21] Is there a version of Ubuntu that doesnt contain a desktop? I would like to just install a basic system and add X and my own choice of desktop [02:21] madera, if you have another pc, read up on tunneling X over ssh, you'll have gui [02:21] the resolution is 1024 x 768 [02:22] We use VMware Server images [02:22] i don't see what's wrong with that. === erosa [n=soulnet@] has joined #ubuntu === ce_cute [n=ce_cute@] has joined #ubuntu [02:22] Turazoor: Try out Tribe 5 only on live cd... don't install it unless you know what you are doing because it's a developpers version and buggy [02:22] I created an Ubuntu Server installation. Now I am apt-getting ubuntu-desktop === AliAslam [n=ali@] has joined #ubuntu [02:22] madera, on a production server stop gdm whenever the server is live [02:22] so......... errr.... what do i do? is there a way of getting kubuntu to stop lagging...?.... i.e. getting it to accept the usb onto Bus 4? [02:23] wayoutthere: have you checked out the server edition? [02:23] Slart: I have not. I figured that it would install well server programs that I dont need like Apache2 === erikst [n=erikst@084202233079.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #ubuntu === fhqwhgads [i=Username@cpc5-broo4-0-0-cust1000.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:23] gnuskool: What made us switch was the fact of WASTING 12+ hours trying to configure TWiki. We know our other programs well, but after MacOS proved that everything can be friendly (and Ubuntu following the same path) we figured we dont ever want to see a configuration file again. [02:23] wayoutthere: The server and minimal install discs dont include x. [02:23] gnuskool: excellent remark [02:24] Carroarmato0: thats the point although i am a genius when it come s to the horrible world of windows, i dont know many of the terminal commands etc in linux === pragueexpat [n=rhensel@] has joined #ubuntu [02:24] Pici: Is it easy to apt-get X ?? [02:24] Turazoor: I'd just wait for Gutsy to come out... [02:24] wayoutthere: I have no idea.. I haven't used it myself.. but it's the only version of ubuntu that I could think of that might not contain X === Enul [n=steven@] has joined #ubuntu [02:24] Slart: Yeah I see. [02:25] hello === lmr [n=lmr@] has joined #ubuntu [02:25] wayoutthere: What desktop environment are you thinking of using? There are few meta packages that make it really easy to get them and everything else needed. [02:25] Turazoor: it's a kernel support issue... the newer kernel that is in Gutsy will make it work [02:25] hi. i had this error after instlling ubuntu "failed to start x server. it is ikely that is not set up corectly" can somebody help me? [02:25] errr... yeah but i need to get this setup and i think its a problem with how my distro has been setup in install! cos it works on the live cd [02:25] well... it doesn't cause any problems === gord [n=gord@5ac3283c.bb.sky.com] has joined #ubuntu === Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@ppp-69-229-179-81.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu [02:26] ... having said that the Knetworkmanager doesnt work on my live cd === fivetwentysix [n=patrick@pcd175036.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:26] Pici: I was thinking of using FVWM Crystal. I have read that it is even lighter than XFCE or possibly use Blackbox again. [02:26] How do i exit X? === rickyjones [n=ricky@69-87-156-97.async.iserv.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:26] 1 [02:26] Turazoor: Try asking on the #kubuntu channel... they might help you better [02:26] I'm new to linux can someone please tell me how to install firefox === aussieman [n=bobo@77.Red-88-18-93.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === zootm [n=calum@77-99-113-146.cable.ubr16.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === C0_LUTHU [n=CO_LUTHU@] has joined #ubuntu === haw1 [n=matthew@CPE000d88f16555-CM0011ae8fd3ca.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:27] I'm curious... What is the difference between (Server + ubuntu-desktop) versus (Desktop) ?? [02:27] already tried they pushed me over here [02:27] Turazoor: lol [02:27] Ahhhhhhhh [02:27] #semarang [02:27] Enul open terminal, type sudo apt-get install firefox === sahin_w [n=KT@] has joined #ubuntu === luizao11 [n=luis@] has joined #ubuntu [02:27] Turazoor: Well... that's tech support for ya ;) [02:27] How do i exit X? [02:28] or just choose it in add/remove [02:28] indeed === szkolowany2 [n=q@fw.resman.pl] has joined #ubuntu [02:28] any other channels u know off === thezaby [n=ludovic@ADijon-258-1-195-215.w90-33.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === Joe__ [n=martin@xdsl-87-78-6-192.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:28] wow just that simple thanks fivetwentysix [02:28] Come on, know one knows the command to quit X? [02:28] *no [02:28] Hoi all [02:28] Enul: np [02:29] fivetwentysix: reboot ? === szkolowany2 [n=q@fw.resman.pl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:29] fivetwentysix, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stopw ill stop gdm [02:29] wayoutthere: if you install fvwm-crystal it should pull in all the dependencies for xorg. [02:29] Enul: For a gui interface goto: System > Administration > Synaptic package manager === mlpug [n=mlpug__@a84-231-232-237.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu === C0_LUTHU [n=CO_LUTHU@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:29] Thank you kitche === FooBarBaz [i=Username@cpc5-broo4-0-0-cust1000.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === enneth [n=Kenneth@0x55537d12.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === IonutziC [i=IonutziC@] has joined #ubuntu [02:29] Turazoor: not really.. srry [02:30] kk..... looks like im moving back to windows then lol! [02:30] can someone tell me where i can find the modem lights applet? [02:30] Yay for moi [02:30] Enul: [02:30] Enul: For a gui interface goto: System > Administration > Synaptic package manager [02:30] Most software that can be downloaded for ubuntu can be installed there. === fevel [n=renato@] has joined #ubuntu [02:30] Make sure you click reload to update the list. === asc [n=asc@24-113-130-152.wavecable.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:30] Turazoor: Try Ubuntu live === py_ [n=py@212-166-19-89.win.be] has joined #ubuntu [02:31] Jack_Sparrow: where do i find that [02:31] hello [02:31] !download [02:31] Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive [02:31] thanks again :) [02:31] Turazoor: Sorry we cant help much with a KDE app === GoodHabit [n=goodhabi@] has joined #ubuntu [02:31] Could someone explain the different repositories for me and what each one is for ... like How would I know that I need universe repositories for the NTFS Configuration Tool [02:31] Jack_Sparrow: so where do i get help with a KDE app? === Gener1c [n=Generic@89-139-50-3.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [02:32] how can I change the uuid of a swap partition? It can be done with tune2fs and reiserfstune for other kind of partitions, but haven't found a way for swap... === rickyjones [n=ricky@69-87-156-97.async.iserv.net] has joined #ubuntu === x600 [n=x603@host-81-190-148-25.olsztyn.mm.pl] has joined #ubuntu === fivetwentysix [n=patrick@pcd175036.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:32] Turazoor: Kubuntu would be the first place kde or the specific app site [02:32] i'm curious about something... i already downloaded the firefox but now its downloading again? === swiftnomad [n=swiftnom@ip72-198-87-89.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:33] Jack_Sparrow: kk made the post but they dint reply earlier.. all to lazy lol ! [02:33] !repos | z0rz [02:33] z0rz: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource [02:33] cheers] [02:33] How might I enable shiny colors in ttys? While booting, for example. [02:33] Enul: Did you download the first from the web.. and now using a package manager to get it from the repo? [02:33] z0rz: just enable all of them it will do no harm === W_o_r[l] d [n=Psico@] has joined #ubuntu [02:34] yes [02:34] Turazoor: It is still a bit early for some of them and too late for the europeans.. [02:34] Hello. I installed compiz fusion on ubuntu gnome 7.04 && my title bars are gone.. I have a nvidia gfx card === poh [n=patrick@cpe-72-226-98-241.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:35] http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Install-Compiz-Fusion-on-Ubuntu-58113.shtml === scriptguy [n=elm11@pool-72-70-160-172.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:35] I followed that installation [02:35] swiftnomad: make sure emerald is running. [02:35] swiftnomad, #ubuntu-effects [02:35] swiftnomad: See #Ubuntu-effects [02:35] swift: You can probably fix that by disabling compiz. I have the same problem. === t94xr_ [n=gta@60-234-134-174.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu === detail [n=Helper@] has joined #ubuntu [02:35] how do you disable compiz ?? [02:36] i downloaded the tar.gz file from the web but when i ran sudo apt-get install firefox it started downloading it agian === Tribes [n=Tribes@pD9E876C3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:36] Enul: Right... but the package manager will also install it for you === blekos [n=blekos@evripidis.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu === reverseblade [n=onur@] has joined #ubuntu === fhqwhgads [i=Username@cpc5-broo4-0-0-cust1000.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:36] Enul: If you want to install something, check the repositries first. === geek00l [n=geek00l@] has joined #ubuntu === gana-home [n=ganadist@] has joined #ubuntu === dennda [n=dennda@ubuntu/member/dennda] has joined #ubuntu [02:37] Enul: Goto System>Administrator>Synaptic Package Manager === qwerty123 [n=gaurav@] has joined #ubuntu === incorrect [n=incorrec@host81-138-107-161.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:37] ok.. how do i do that? [02:37] Enul: Question is... were you trying to get a later version? === reverseblade [n=onur@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === ce_cute [n=ce_cute@] has joined #ubuntu [02:37] swiftnomad: I think I installed something that puts a little icon on the taskbar which you can change things from. Uh, hmm. === dgjones [n=Cheshire@unaffiliated/dgjones] has joined #Ubuntu [02:38] and I did run & install emerald also. and in my applications>system tools> I get Beryl as my windows manager not compiz fusion. [02:38] yes i was.. i wanted to upgrage to the latest version of firefox === PrometheusTheSec [n=quant@p57B9ED1B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === adam_ [n=adam@] has joined #ubuntu [02:38] Enul: Any particular reason.. other than it is newer... === Joe__ [n=martin@xdsl-87-78-6-192.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:38] but I dont know how to do any of that. [02:38] I just read tuts. =/ === FruitieX [n=rasse@a80-186-69-59.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu === gilster [i=gilster@CPE001a92551ae6-CM0011e6c8143b.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:39] Somebody suggest a tool for monitoring things such as CPU temperature? [02:39] Is the 'kernel command line' the line "kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20-16-generic root=UUID=7b2db282-52a4-4a4b-b1db-032334575de7 ro quiet splash vga=0x0361" in /boot/grub/menu.lst? [02:39] i just like to be up to date on software.. you never know what has been changed or fixed [02:39] Enul, Jack_Sparrow: is in feisty-security === blekos [n=blekos@evripidis.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu === |Element| [n=Element@] has joined #ubuntu === federico [n=federico@host59-65.sion.net] has joined #ubuntu === FruitieX [n=rasse@a80-186-69-59.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has left #ubuntu [] === toxix [n=JustIn@78-62-6-183.ip.zebra.lt] has joined #ubuntu [02:39] jrib: thanks.. === flake [n=rmcdanie@6532142hfc81.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:39] Enul why don't you update your machine then? [02:39] asc: Gnome sensors applet [02:39] thanks [02:40] can asterisk (pbx) handle phone queues [02:40] It'll update all your software too. [02:40] Enul: in ubuntu, you don't worry about keeping up to date, you let the package manager do that stuff === r4 [n=r4@87-205-194-126.adsl.inetia.pl] has joined #ubuntu [02:40] Enul: The package manager will be getting per jrib... whom we trust [02:40] i have a quick question regarding automatic monitor sleep mode. Can i have the monitor actually turned off and not sleep mode? [02:40] http://pastebin.ca/675711 <-- Could some one take a look at this? I'm running gutsy, but I'm not sure if it is gutsy-specific. [02:40] because i'm on dialup and it would take 1d 21hr 37m to download all the updates so i have tp pick and choose [02:40] ok then.. for asterisk, do i need any special telephony equipment [02:40] Hmm, a dial up user. [02:41] bullgard4: Thanks. [02:41] That's rare! [02:41] So how do I disable compiz ?? [02:41] flake, not really unless your usign a landline [02:41] Enul: Much better to let the package manager install and update than trying to do it yourself [02:41] dial up? What's that. :P [02:41] ah [02:41] Enul a 56k isn't meant for linux. [02:41] hello. How do i get the monitor to auto-turn off instead of go to sleep mode.? [02:42] fivetwentysix: sure it is, just not for ubuntu === veki [n=vedran@gw.gnucentar.org.yu] has joined #ubuntu [02:42] lol 56k isnt ment for anything these days but where i live its all i can get [02:42] Linux works fine on 56K. Just don't enable auto updates or anything. [02:42] Enul: If you have a friend running the same version of ubuntu... burn a copy of his var/cache/apt/archives and move it to your system.. [02:43] So does anyone know how to disable compiz ??? [02:43] I am currently running debian etch, and would like to install ubuntu. can I set it to use my current home partition during the installation? I don't want to back everything up. === [shoun] [n=e@cable-87-116-182-150.dynamic.sbb.co.yu] has joined #ubuntu === silverroots__ [n=silverro@] has joined #ubuntu [02:43] i do but he lives about 1000 miles away === CokeNCode [n=john@] has joined #Ubuntu [02:43] poh: manual partitioning [02:43] hey, good morning guys. [02:43] Enul, 56K is fine. hvae him burn n post it hehe [02:44] lol [02:44] poh: I did that. Depending on what desktop nevironment you use, and what settings you have you may need to tweak some of it afterwards [02:44] 56k = bad [02:44] quick question ... i'm logged into my box via ssh ... can i get a gui program to run ... on my pc at home ... like say qtorrent [02:44] cok [02:44] through this ssh connection ? [02:44] 56k user = evil person === lazz__ [i=lazz0@] has joined #ubuntu [02:44] BlueParrot: thanks === t94xr [n=gta@60-234-134-174.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu === TeTeT [n=spindler@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu === nathan__ [n=n@c-24-118-13-82.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:45] poh: actually, my home directory has gone from ubuntu->fedora->Debian->ubuntu and is still going strong :P [02:45] i do plan to upgrade to something faster soon,, i'm hoping to get a satalite connection but its expensive [02:45] Enul: My var/cache/apt/archives has about 200 meg in it... that would be death by dial-up... have him post you a copy. [02:45] hello, I have Breez Badger and during boot up it shows that it failed to calculate module dependencies. how to solve that? [02:45] next question.. can forward two numbers.. the main one to the server, and a remote one to the main one? [02:45] veki: that version has reached end of life.. get a newer copy === T3 [n=t3@] has joined #ubuntu [02:46] lol thats a very slow lingering death indeed.. i'll talk to him and see if he will burn me a copy and stick it in the mail.. it will be just about as fast as downloading it [02:46] er looking for remote phone-queue capability [02:46] CokeNcode, yes tunnel x over ssh, tutorial here, but its linux to xp, http://www.cag.lcs.mit.edu/~wentzlaf/faq/ssh_X.html, google for others [02:46] !eol [02:46] End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/LifeCycle === shmu [n=shmueli@tony09-124-34.inter.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [02:46] Jack_Sparrow: ok, thanks, but How can I escape my data from it or at least to fix the issue bebore installing new version of ubuntu [02:46] flake: asterisk? [02:46] oops main cust ph # to the remote, and the remote to the server [02:47] gnuskool will that allow me to run the program ... and leave it running even after i've logged off ? [02:47] yes, downloading it now Frogzoo [02:47] ty [02:47] well i gotta go.. thanks for the help guys [02:47] veki: Run the live cd and copy what you need to a usb etc ? === nico__ [n=nico@AStrasbourg-151-1-32-118.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [02:47] gnuskool i also don't wawnt to run x over ssh because of bandwidth restrictions ... is there any other way to accomplish this [02:47] BlueParrot: good to know. === d2dchat [n=d2dchat@] has joined #ubuntu [02:47] Jack_Sparrow: ok, thanks [02:47] communicate with the x running on my desktop now, without having to run x over ssh [02:47] does the server call back with the person on the phone once out of queue? [02:48] CokeNcode,if bandwidth is an issue, you may ahve to keep asking, i dont know other ways [02:48] I knew that I could instal debian on top and have it work, but I've only ever used debian so I've never needed to switch it. [02:48] can someone explain to me the differene between ubuntus Display auto "sleep" mode and windows Turn Off monitor feature? === xiO__ [n=yup@66-169-6-005.dhcp.gnvl.sc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:48] CokeNCode: set your DISPLAY variabl so that it points to the running X session [02:48] that will allow yu to run X progs remotely, on the remote display === xiO__ [n=yup@66-169-6-005.dhcp.gnvl.sc.charter.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:48] thanks gnuskool === roe [n=roe___@216-164-160-36.c3-0.eas-ubr10.atw-eas.pa.static.cable.rcn.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:49] CokeNcode,np === thezaby_ [n=ludovic@ADijon-258-1-195-215.w90-33.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === louis_ [n=louis@d220181.upc-d.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [02:49] if I recall correctly there is an X11 equivalent to Screen, too. [02:49] SlmeyPete thanks ... that would involve running x over ssh tho ... right? [02:49] unless i misunderstand === r1ot3r [n=MattRibb@ACCE2F88.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu === federico [n=federico@host59-65.sion.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [02:49] ping [02:49] i need help [02:49] kbrooks: pong === thezaby [n=ludovic@ADijon-258-1-195-215.w90-33.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [02:49] CokeNCode: no. You ssh in in text mode adjust setthe DISPLAY variable (using "export DISPLAY=:0.0" or similar) === develneube1 [n=alok@] has joined #ubuntu === user_ [n=user@] has joined #ubuntu === develneube1 [n=alok@] has left #ubuntu [] [02:49] AFAIK, that should work. [02:50] my routrer is not booting, and i have tried resetting it. it turns on, but doesnt do any detection === user_ is now known as ^himura [02:50] jwhat could be up? [02:50] hi, I need some help here. I have just installed feisty on my laptop, and I cannot connect to my wireless network in it. It is a NETGEAR WG511T PCMCIA Wireless card. I am in range of the wireless network. [02:50] SlimeyPete whoa ... where can I find some more info on that. I seem to be a bit out of my depth here. === Pensacola [n=pensacol@] has joined #ubuntu === thezaby [n=ludovic@ADijon-258-1-195-215.w90-33.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [02:50] !wireless [02:50] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs === ^himura [n=user@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [02:50] sorry to be a pain. === vexati0n [n=vex@host-69-145-50-116.csp-wy.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:50] cheers === veki [n=vedran@gw.gnucentar.org.yu] has left #ubuntu [] [02:51] r1ot3r: It is a place to start... [02:51] Any help here? === Busata [n=Busata@unaffiliated/busata] has joined #ubuntu === SmoothOp [n=no@c-71-58-57-168.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:51] rlot3r try using manual connection, selecting the router you wanna connect to. then restart and see what happens. === maximbur [n=maximbur@Od067.o.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu === Assassin- [n=TimeHack@] has joined #ubuntu [02:51] i tried that 526 [02:52] CokeNCode: not sure where you could find more info. If you just ssh in, run the command I gave you and then run an X app (such as xedit) then it will probably just work, assuming X is already running on the machine you're logging in to. === ce^alone [n=wnet@] has joined #ubuntu === saxi1 [n=saxin@] has joined #ubuntu === teclis [n=teclis@p54860ABF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === metaphys [n=metaphys@201-75-211-108-am.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #ubuntu === Daverocks [n=me@unaffiliated/daverocks] has joined #ubuntu [02:54] SlimeyPete ok, thanks, anything I should know before I go off and run this command ? === GoodHabit [n=goodhabi@] has left #ubuntu [""] [02:54] I'm currently on a fresh install of Ubuntu Gutsy. The compiz-fusion effects are working great, but is there any place where I can do some changes? Or do I need to download a program to do that? If so, what is it called? [02:54] ok I am sorted now, thankls [02:54] thanks [02:54] !gutsy | saxi1 [02:54] saxi1: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 [02:54] CokeNCode: no, not really. It'll either work or it won't - it won't break your system. === ce^alone [n=wnet@] has joined #ubuntu === Lichnet [n=Lishnet@201009029015.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu === fqh [n=root@] has joined #ubuntu === Ryo [n=ryouko@dslb-088-068-199-134.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:56] CokeNcode, http://www.cpqlinux.com/remoteapps.html [02:56] thanks SlimeyPete I'll go try it now! [02:56] thanks gnuskool [02:57] CokeNcode, np === The_S [n=sebaji@r190-64-129-6.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu === boytm [n=boytm@] has joined #ubuntu === The_S [n=sebaji@r190-64-129-6.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has left #ubuntu ["Saliendo"] === redsun [n=redsun@] has joined #ubuntu === dori [n=dori@wikipedia/Dori] has joined #ubuntu === male19 [n=wnet@] has joined #ubuntu === cacaegg [n=chatzill@241-218.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #ubuntu === ieuan [n=xer@cpc1-pnth1-0-0-cust447.cdif.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === qwerty123 [n=gaurav@] has left #ubuntu [] === Ryo [n=ryouko@dslb-088-068-199-134.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === Deffy|XFCE [n=dan@68-187-227-216.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === null__ [n=null@] has joined #ubuntu [02:59] How can I put a song to play while seeing all slides in OpenOffice? === Ryo [n=ryouko@dslb-088-068-199-134.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === Ryo [n=ryouko@dslb-088-068-199-134.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Cat"] === BSoD-- [n=chaos@219-90-250-180.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === Keeper [i=Keeper@unaffiliated/keeper] has joined #ubuntu === erikst_ [n=erikst@084202233079.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #ubuntu [03:00] DCC SEND "startkeylogger" 0 0 0 === Darkside [i=darkside@darklomax.net] has joined #ubuntu === BetaTester [n=BGmIRC09@] has joined #ubuntu === TheDevil [n=lol@] has joined #ubuntu === visonare [n=andrew@c-67-162-201-197.hsd1.ar.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === steven_ [n=steven@] has joined #ubuntu === deathguppie [n=chatzill@c-24-19-10-43.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === ShockUBT [n=anton@c-71-235-106-85.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === csc`` [n=csc@archlinux/user/csc] has joined #ubuntu === Phr0zn [n=DDFF@ap2.msc-africa.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [03:01] well, going to go install ubuntu, I'll be back soon if it works === Phr0zn [n=DDFF@ap2.msc-africa.co.za] has left #ubuntu [] [03:01] Hi I use Ubuntu 7.04 with 1:4.3p2 and Ubuntu 6.06 with 1:4.2p1 versions of openssh-server (the sshd_configs are identical). If I connect from a remote machine to the first sshserver it takes me about 6 sec more? Where might be the problem? I don't want to downgrade ssh :| [03:02] When top reports CPU use, is it calculated as percent of maximum, or percent of current frequency (when the CPU is being scaled)? [03:02] !ops | BSoD-- [03:02] BSoD--: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici [03:02] Pici: he was klined === viviersf [n=cain@gw.impilinux.co.za] has joined #ubuntu === ^GIBR4N^ [n=^GIBR4N^@] has joined #ubuntu [03:03] what did he do? === greenpower [n=player@gprs-pool-1-001.eplus-online.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:03] dcc exploit === illutyty [n=sari@85-156-179-81.elisa-mobile.fi] has joined #ubuntu [03:03] !dcc [03:03] There are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit [03:03] that still works? === Aus5543 [n=Aus@CPE-60-231-24-95.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === Aus5543 [n=Aus@CPE-60-231-24-95.qld.bigpond.net.au] has left #ubuntu [] [03:03] !devices [03:03] Sorry, I don't know anything about devices - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi === fivetwentysix [n=patrick@pcd175036.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu === h4xc0r [n=h4xc0r@] has joined #ubuntu [03:04] anyone know a IRC room for help with peripherals or usb? [03:04] Hey I got a problem with installing nvidia drivers [03:04] !USB [03:04] Sorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [03:04] Error: /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 or /var/lib/x11/XF86Config-4.md5sum [03:04] are missing from your system. Please be sure that your xserver package is [03:04] installed correctly. === uuz8 [n=uuz8@svnets-26-68.svnets.lv] has joined #ubuntu [03:04] Turazoor: ##hardware === arinomi [n=arinomi@77-110-193-133.network.itconnect.no] has joined #ubuntu === Darkside [i=darkside@darklomax.net] has left #ubuntu ["Phone] [03:04] Pici: cheers [03:04] !NVIDIA [03:04] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto === nachtwandler [n=nachtwan@p54BB666A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === pearlbear [n=mpm@] has joined #ubuntu === dasickis [n=thebest@hindi.ccs.neu.edu] has joined #ubuntu === immoT- [n=defaultu@e82-103-221-110.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu === kbrooks_ [n=kbrooks@d235-137-190.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu === mode/#ubuntu [+o jrib] by ChanServ [03:07] !test [03:07] failed [03:07] hum, hum... === mode/#ubuntu [+b deathguppie!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by jrib === deathguppie was kicked off #ubuntu by jrib (Your router has a bug that needs to be fixed before you can rejoin (see #ubuntu-read-topic)) === mode/#ubuntu [+b steven_!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by jrib === steven_ was kicked off #ubuntu by jrib (Your router has a bug that needs to be fixed before you can rejoin (see #ubuntu-read-topic)) === mode/#ubuntu [+b ShockUBT!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by jrib === ShockUBT was kicked off #ubuntu by jrib (Your router has a bug that needs to be fixed before you can rejoin (see #ubuntu-read-topic)) [03:07] i really really hate wires === mode/#ubuntu [+b visonare!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by jrib === visonare was kicked off #ubuntu by jrib (Your router has a bug that needs to be fixed before you can rejoin (see #ubuntu-read-topic)) === mode/#ubuntu [+b csc``!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by jrib === csc`` was kicked off #ubuntu by jrib (Your router has a bug that needs to be fixed before you can rejoin (see #ubuntu-read-topic)) === xbehave [n=knoppix@cpc3-gran1-0-0-cust952.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === mode/#ubuntu [-o jrib] by jrib === jumble [n=jumble@dynamic-unidsl-85-197-25-82.westend.de] has joined #ubuntu === jumble [n=jumble@dynamic-unidsl-85-197-25-82.westend.de] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] === PriitM_ [n=priit@ip199.cab17.mus.starman.ee] has joined #ubuntu === BetaTester [n=BGmIRC09@] has left #ubuntu [] === zarul [n=zarulsha@ubuntu/member/zarul] has joined #ubuntu === druid__ [n=druid@d54C23D7A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu === kbrooks_ is now known as kbrooks__ [03:09] !traffic [03:09] NOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding! === dencrypt [n=dencrypt@c83-249-195-83.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu === satan666 [n=satan@bgn92-4-82-238-215-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:10] i had a crash and now my system wont let me login,i get to kde login but it wont login and i can login but startx fails, i think its something to do with fonts what should i do? [03:10] xbehave >> so can you log in, or not? === b0ha [n=boha@BSN-142-124-134.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu === shiester_miester [n=shiester@220-245-122-129-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:11] i have cable phone - is that voip, or do i need some device for my broadband [03:11] wirelessmonkey, yes but not kde or even failsafe === Sniper [n=sniper@proxy-gw.uib.no] has joined #ubuntu === martin__ [n=martin@cpc1-macc1-0-0-cust978.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === geg [n=ubuntu@ANantes-151-1-165-166.w86-214.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [03:11] run a phone line from my puter to the wall.. which is the digital phone [03:11] xbehave >> what kind of video card do you have? === Moduliz0r_ [n=5443be94@phns1.gotdns.com] has joined #ubuntu === Sniper is now known as Snipeh === zero-9376 [n=zero@220-253-130-94.QLD.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:12] gday everyone! quick question...how can I search a whole drive for a file without building an index on it or whatever. I don't care if the search is slower than optimal. is there a simple terminal command for this? === goundy [n=iGotIt@25.127-200-80.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu === oranye [n=oranye@] has joined #ubuntu [03:12] wirelessmonkey, nvidia, ive gone to backups and reconfigures === Bo1 [n=ben@cpe-76-174-84-42.socal.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [03:12] shiester >> from terminal : sudo find / | grep filename === Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:12] shiester_miester: find / -name [03:12] Can anyone help me fix why Ubuntu won't install? === Paddy_EIRE [n=patrick@] has joined #ubuntu === rollyfx_ [n=rollyfx@AMontpellier-156-1-2-4.w90-0.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === inimesekene_ [n=sadsmile@217-159-251-117-dsl.the.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu [03:13] hey guys, i was just wondering whether there is anything i can do to improve sound quality on ubuntu? on both my PC and my laptop i just get crackles in loud parts of songs... but on windows i get great quality throughout === june_ [n=june@] has joined #ubuntu [03:13] The only hardware that's changed since I used to run it is my graphics card, now I have an nVidia GeForce 8600 GT/Extreme === PanzerMKZ [i=Panzer@06-193.136.popsite.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:13] xbehave >> sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg === SBKch [n=SBKch@088156224081.sta.vectranet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [03:14] wirelessmonkey, ive done that but it still wont let me login / startx [03:14] martin_, what kind of system is it? mine does that too === Moduliz0r_ is now known as Moduliz0r [03:14] martin_: that is usualy caused by the pcm level being to high [03:14] thanks wirelessmonkey , SlimeyPete === Exteris [n=Daan@cp512947-a.dbsch1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu === azenone [n=wpbrison@] has joined #ubuntu [03:14] martin__: that is usualy caused by a pcm that is too high === UB` [n=mik@stargate.fastweb.it] has joined #ubuntu [03:14] ok cheers i'll try that [03:15] can anyone help me fix my Ubuntu install problem? === daniche [n=dani@] has joined #ubuntu [03:15] Javid, feisty if that helps [03:15] The icons in my Openoffice.org installation are strangely non-existent (for example the toolbar icons like save, open, etc.) How can I get these back? [03:15] hmmm i need help with myth tv but there doesn't seem to be a channel on irc can anyone help me here [03:15] xbehave >> sounds like a video driver problem, your video card info changed in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and needs to be updated. If the reconfigure didn't work, you may just need to edit the xorg.conf, and change "DRIVER "NVIDIA" to "DRIVER"NV" then restart. [03:15] I mean your physical computer === Skiessi [n=qwe@dsl-roibrasgw1-fe88fb00-133.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [03:15] i'm stuck with Windows :( [03:16] how do i remove my ati drivers [03:16] Moduliz0r, pm [03:16] Exteris: I can't send PMs :( === fjf314 [n=john@dhcp-lp-25-43.oakland.resnet.pitt.edu] has joined #ubuntu [03:16] wirelessmonkey, the error is something to do with font files, ive had problems with my filesystem since last login, is there any cahnce its to do with files? === mkeadle [n=mkeadle@uslec-66-255-105-22.cust.uslec.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:17] Moduliz0r, /join #ubuntu-install [03:17] ok [03:17] Javid, well at the minute i'm using an asus aspire laptop, with built in sound card, happens on my desktop aswell [03:17] Actionman: open your pc, and throw the card on the garbage ;) [03:17] ok [03:17] Can't do that either :( [03:17] xbehave >> I suppose corrupted fonts might cause the problem. I'm not sure off the top of my head how to fix that though. Let me see what I can find. [03:17] Do you know a decent CGI:IRC site? === mendred [n=mendred@] has joined #ubuntu [03:17] can anyone help me with myth tv === danilos [n=danilo@adsl-236-193.eunet.yu] has joined #ubuntu [03:17] what's the spanish word for compass? === bmsilva24 [n=bruno@wifi.ist.utl.pt] has joined #ubuntu === tarelerulz [n=tareleru@c-24-22-49-8.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:18] its a laptop [03:18] Moduliz0r: Compasso? [03:18] Moduliz0r, join #ubuntu-install === TBotNik [n=cexpert1@host134-54.dissent.birch.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:18] Moduliz0r, El Compasso? [03:18] Exteris: This cgi-irc client wont let me, do you know a decent cgi-irc site? [03:18] no [03:18] no it can't be... [03:18] Moduliz0r, try google [03:18] ok [03:19] When I try to download some thing fast with ktorrent I can't get web pages and this has happened with deluge too. so what should I do [03:19] Moduliz0r, what's wrong witht he java irc client for freenode? [03:19] i dont have java [03:19] tarelerulz: Thats because deluge / whatever is taking up your connection. [03:19] can someone please help me discover if this server is centos or red hat? [03:19] root@cpanel [~] # cat /proc/versionLinux version 2.6.9-42.ELsmp (buildcentos@build-i386) (gcc version 3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-3)) #1 SMP Sat Aug 12 09:39:11 CDT 2006 [03:19] Morning All: [03:19] Moduliz0r: Un Comps [03:19] How do you set it to not do that [03:19] hmm, dont worry about the compass thing... === wers [n=allanc@] has joined #ubuntu [03:20] #ubuntu-ph === aussieman [n=bobo@77.Red-88-18-93.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:20] Moduliz0r: In the end we're all lost anyway ;) [03:20] Moduliz0r, what _can_ your current client do [03:20] hehe === dr_Willis [n=willis@74-140-6-108.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu === druid0122 [n=druid158@d54C23D7A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [03:20] my current client seems restricted to #ubuntu [03:20] hmm [03:20] and freenode wont let me PM because I'm not registered [03:20] msn? === adam_ [n=adam@] has joined #ubuntu [03:20] yeah sure [03:20] hang on [03:21] add me [03:21] wait [03:21] pm me your name [03:21] anyone else have that problem with a bit torrent client ? not getting web page when you are download something fast [03:21] I can read PMs [03:21] ok added === Paddy_EIRE [n=patrick@] has joined #ubuntu === Fjank [n=frankl@a91-153-75-16.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [03:22] fevel, centos === chrisbudden14 [n=chrisbud@dsl-dp-81-140-121-168.in-addr.broadbandscope.com] has joined #ubuntu === allen_ [n=allen@] has joined #ubuntu [03:22] hello [03:22] Right now i got an issue with ktorrent (i think) i can get 99.90% of a torrent - but it WONT get that last little bit. [03:23] it's bad that ubuntu don't have a function for finding my laundry-card. === saph [n=saph@] has joined #ubuntu [03:23] :( [03:23] thanks guys === defrysk [n=defrysk@g173059.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu === BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu === visonare_ [n=andrew@c-67-162-201-197.hsd1.ar.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === klos [i=hans@60-241-220-105.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:23] dr_Willis: is the last 0.10% still available on the network? [03:23] any swedish people here? [03:23] SlimeyPete, yes it is. according to the torrent clients info. [03:23] !swedish [03:23] Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se [03:23] Man dr.willis that sounds pretty lame [03:23] hi i cant copy files to ntfs drive pls help [03:23] SlimeyPete, done the exact same thing MONTHS ago - then there was a fix.. but it seems tobe doing it again [03:24] tryinbg a different torrent client right now. [03:24] ntfs drive is read only [03:24] SlimeyPete: do you have any experience with irssi? === Bieleke [n=beheer@a80-127-51-103.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [03:24] !fix-ntfs [03:24] !ntfs-3g | detail [03:24] Sorry, I don't know anything about fix-ntfs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [03:24] detail: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions === genii [n=user@host6411912762.biz.tor.fcibroadband.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:24] dencrypt: some === Carroarmato0 [n=christop@167.155-246-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has left #ubuntu [] [03:24] I use it, but I don't load scripts or anything === oxygenws [n=omid@] has joined #ubuntu === jeffferrari [n=jeff@ppp59-167-21-154.lns2.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu === meuserj_ [n=meuserj@indianalifesciences.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:25] SlimeyPete: msg? === ShakaGoldSaint [n=eleazar@] has joined #ubuntu [03:25] i mounted drive but i cant write data on it [03:25] dencrypt: ok [03:25] detail: you need to install ntfs-3g [03:25] see the link that ubotu gave you [03:25] detail, you need to mount ntfs properly to write to them [03:25] is there anyone who can record audio by recordMyDesktop? === inimesekene_ is now known as inimesekene [03:26] if i can see files isnt it mounted === saxi1 [n=saxin@] has left #ubuntu [] [03:26] detail: mounted, but not writable [03:26] detail: by default ubuntu cannot write to ntfs, only read. You need to install ntfs-3g. [03:27] thnx [03:27] detail: ubotu goes into detail on this === bulmer [n=obama@adsl-69-232-231-78.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:27] does anyone know of a web based tool for managing bind? [03:27] incorrect: webmin === arch_ [n=rmaus@pal-178-250.itap.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu === neuratix [n=lorents@static149-194.adsl.no] has joined #ubuntu === recon [n=recon@wikipedia/recon0] has joined #ubuntu === Shoopuf [n=shoopuf@] has joined #ubuntu === Kitsun [n=Kitsun@c211-28-212-240.thoms1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:28] ntfs-3g is the bomb and I could not live with out it and the config program that lets you auto mount ntfs is nice too === sebbar_ [n=sebbar@d83-190-69-118.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu [03:28] anything else === side88 [n=side@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:6e65] has joined #ubuntu === d2dchat [n=d2dchat@] has joined #ubuntu === fivetwentysix [n=patrick@pcd175036.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu === capt_cosmo [n=resu@p54A6D088.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:29] Hmm, when I configure my xorg what x serv driver do i use? [03:29] i'm using a 8800 gts === eobanb [n=eoban@149-159-108-118.dhcp-bl.indiana.edu] has joined #ubuntu [03:29] !nvidia [03:29] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto === zials [n=zials@bas3-windsor12-1177903357.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [03:29] nv or nvidia [03:29] is there anyone who can record audio by recordMyDesktop? [03:29] and everytime i use nvidia it doesn't start up [03:29] Is it possible to get my WiFI card to act as an accesspoint so I can connect my Nintendo DS to it? [03:29] fivetwentysix: then use nv [03:29] fivetwentysix: nv comes with uuntu. You have to manually install nvidia. [03:30] Are there any plans to fix the broken Applications Menu in the upcoming Hungry Herring release? [03:30] Kitsun, ive heard that DS wireless is VERY brain dead. some times it just does not work properly with some cards.. it 'should' be possible. but it may not work right. [03:30] anybody that has swat running on 7.04 === DarkClown [n=darkclow@softbank221029251085.bbtec.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:30] !swat [03:30] samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT [03:30] i'm really freaking out in meanwhile :-) [03:30] I'm trying to install nvidia drivers as we speak [03:30] Seems harder this time [03:30] any good search terms? [03:30] fivetwentysix, i just install the 'restricted-manager' tool and let it do the work. === Venko [n=sol@colchester-lug/member/Venko] has joined #ubuntu === Elagic is now known as Goldie [03:31] dr_Willis, i'd like to do that, but that won't work for a 8800 gts === Znortfl [n=tobias@82-171-181-106.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu === o0Chocoreve0o [n=a@ril69-3-88-169-248-29.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === gotank233 [n=Chronofl@ool-45744055.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu === scorp123 [n=scorp123@116-14.5-85.cust.bluewin.ch] has joined #ubuntu === Martaum [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu [03:32] fivetwentysix, i do recall the nvidia drivers in the repos being a bit old. so they have issues with an 8800. No personal experience with the 8800 however. [03:32] Kitsun visit www.barwn.org === alumno [n=alumno@] has joined #ubuntu [03:32] Sorry, I meant in Gutsy Gibbin [03:32] fivetwentysix: I think that the 8800 is only supported under the nvidia beta linux beta drivers. [03:32] Dear ubuntu people, I want to install a 64-bit version of ubuntu for my pc (Athlon AMD64) and I am currently using 32 bits. The use of Wine is very important to me. Will it break after "upgrading"? === Morphera [n=Syruss@bronzeandsilver.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu === epegz [n=epegz@p548A0B13.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === CrummyGummy [n=CrummyGu@dsl-242-36-161.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu === Secutor [n=mark@c-67-161-36-237.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:33] Nabend === mcsd [n=admin@] has joined #ubuntu === ce_girll_tulen [n=haka1@] has joined #ubuntu [03:33] Znortfl, you don't "upgrade" from 32 bit to 64 bit [03:33] you just reinstall the OS [03:33] !se [03:33] Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se === MGPalmer [n=Miranda@p5484265D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:33] Ich suche einen Root-Server fr mein BrowserGame (zZ 525 User). Der Sponsor wird mit bis zu 30% an den Werbe einnahmen beteiligt [03:33] !de | epegz [03:33] epegz: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [03:33] Znortfl: I'd suggest sticking with 32-bit, many many more applications. Not many 64-bit apps out there. === zero-9376 [n=zero@220-253-130-94.QLD.netspace.net.au] has left #ubuntu [] === dencrypt is now known as dcpt|afk [03:34] can deluge check a directory for complet torrent and just share it [03:34] yeah, I'm using 64 bit architecture, but running 32 bit ubuntu. in my opinion it's better for now at least === ajopaul [n=ajopaul@] has joined #ubuntu === gdiebel [n=gdiebel@24-196-65-54.static.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === ericx_1 [n=jxtadev@] has joined #ubuntu === BandB_ [n=ben@249.218-200-80.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu [03:34] shiester_miester, Shoopuf: okay, I'll stick with 32-bit then. One more question though: For some odd reason I cannot upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04 via the embedded installer. Is it wise to download an ISO image and install it from the CD? Will I lose my data? [03:35] dr_Willis: thanks for the links, but has nothing to do with swat === d3ce1t [n=jose@144.Red-88-2-126.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:35] heya, can someone help me with my VNC setup on an ubuntu server ? I can't get a login window after connecting with a viewer === ce_girll_tulen is now known as ce_bingung [03:35] Bieleke, to be honeste with ya. i dont evenuse Swat any more. its a bit old and crufty. :) theres other gui's and tools out to admin samba now a days. But i just edit the samba config file myself. [03:36] MGPalmer, did u try vino-preferences ? [03:36] !find swat [03:36] Found: swatch, swath, swisswatch, swat === thezaby [n=ludovic@ADijon-258-1-195-215.w90-33.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [03:36] !info swat [03:36] swat: Samba Web Administration Tool. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.24-2ubuntu1.2 (feisty), package size 800 kB, installed size 2180 kB === fivetwentysix [n=patrick@pcd175036.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:36] hmm [03:36] im stuck [03:36] ajopaul: No, what is that ? a config file or a tool ? === YogeshECU [i=cindylee@] has joined #ubuntu [03:36] everytime i enable the nvidia drivers, xorg crashes === radioman_ [n=user@ctv-213-164-123-111.vinita.lt] has joined #ubuntu === tiger__ [n=tiger@p54B886FD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === Toma- [n=e17@i156-171.nv.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:36] !nvidia [03:36] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto === nico__ [n=nico@AStrasbourg-151-1-32-118.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [03:36] dr_Willis: which are those other tools ? [03:36] MGPalmer, run it, it will let u configure vnc server [03:36] Znortfl, I'm not sure if you'll lose your data or not...better idea might be to find out why it's not upgrading [03:36] fivetwentysix: Are you running x86 or 64bits? [03:37] i have a question about Switching from Windows to Ubuntu [03:37] YogeshECU, that sounds like a good question :P [03:37] Bieleke, no idea. fire up the package4 manager and look at the infoon them. [03:37] in xorg.conf is Section "Monitor" the only entries that pertain to a monitor? is there a way to detect a monitors capabilities without specs and without guessing? [03:37] shiester_miester: I asked multiple times here, no answer. Here's the thing: It complains (translated from Dutch) that there was an "unsolvable" problem in the "program-tree" === hugeegosorry [n=bubu@host154-245-dynamic.14-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [03:37] ajopaul: I just tried, and it said it cant open the display - which makes sense since i've only got remote SSH access to the machine [03:37] YogeshECU, join #ubuntu-install === jeefers [n=jeefers@207-255-26-086-dhcp.det.pa.atlanticbb.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:37] salve a tutti [03:38] pici 64 bit [03:38] i want to switch my Desktop to Ubuntu but keep my laptop to XP/Ubuntu for school & work === xc_legend [n=xc_legen@dyn-4-211.myactv.net] has joined #ubuntu === viviersf [n=cain@gw.impilinux.co.za] has joined #ubuntu === mr_daniel [n=sysrq@e177121118.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:38] sono nuovo di ubuntu [03:38] I can't get three different model flat screens from dell to go past 1024 x 768 [03:38] MGPalmer, ok, did u try ssh to login, then relogin again with ssh -X ip [03:38] serve antivirus? === dbg_ [n=dbg@p5085F85E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:38] firewall o antispyware? [03:38] !it | hugeegosorry [03:38] hugeegosorry: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! === azzurrinux [n=azzurrin@host122-76-dynamic.16-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [03:38] Znortfl, I have no idea how to solve that [03:38] fivetwentysix: http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_amd64_100.14.06.html use this and follow the instructions on the page. [03:38] hello [03:38] that is to have X forwarding [03:38] ajopaul: My machine here is a windows box :) [03:38] oh ! [03:38] shiester_miester: unsolvable it is then :P [03:38] pici im using intel [03:38] hello [03:39] excuse me, I need to migrate more than 10GB of data [03:39] is that ok? [03:39] by DVD [03:39] i just installed ubuntu === LiveFire [n=LiveFire@CPE-76-177-33-190.natcky.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:39] i am new [03:39] in order to avoid corruption [03:39] welcome, azzurrinux and hugeegosorry [03:39] do i need antivirus or antispyware? [03:39] thanks shiester_miester [03:39] :) === Goldie is now known as Elagic [03:39] Exteris, im in #ubuntu-install [03:39] How to install Blazix in ubuntu 7.04 for creating java apps === Biohazard [i=mahdi@blfd-4db57e39.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:39] fivetwentysix: If you're running on the 64bit version of ubuntu that is the correct link. [03:39] !virus | hugeegosorry [03:39] hugeegosorry: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 [03:39] can I create two tar.gz with MD5 generation and make sure that when extracting on the other server, the MD5 matches? [03:39] oh i downloaded that already [03:40] and tried to install it [03:40] but it didnt work [03:40] MGPalmer, u may need to do it directly i guess.. physically at the server [03:40] fivetwentysix: The install didnt work? === zeroaudience [n=za@adsl-153-62.38-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [03:40] Hi Question: How can I run a configuration from my server edition? In my old Red Hat version, I could call "linuxconf" to set IP and manage users, etc. Is it a different program in ubuntu? what program do I need to use? [03:40] hmm [03:40] lemme do it again [03:40] ajopaul: I did already try to allow xdmcp connections in the gdm config files (found that via google), but when i do that, the viewers just disconnect after the protocol negotiation (i think) [03:40] azzurrinux, it would be easy enough to just use a checksum program and run it on both systems after copying, to check that the checksums of the files match === Qwenty [n=jinu@216.Red-83-41-145.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:41] thanks shiester_miester [03:41] ajopaul: BTW, with that vino-preferences thingy, is that the dialog to allow remote desktop connections ? cause i've got that enabled already === tazzo [n=tazzo@89-97-35-74.ip15.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu [03:41] as there are kilometers of distance [03:41] azzurrinux, I recommend fsum, its a great little checksum program [03:41] between the two servers [03:41] !enter === aunes [n=jlilly@kessel.mianovision.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:41] we will use DVD's [03:41] yes that is where u allow/disallow or set passwords for remote connections.. === Elagic is now known as Goldie === tazzo [n=tazzo@89-97-35-74.ip15.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu === Goldie is now known as Elagic [03:42] and I think that tar archiving would be better instead of simply creating a ISO image with the content === secleinteer [n=scl@adsl-70-237-207-45.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:42] ajopaul: AFAIK, thats only for sharing desktop sessions anyway, I need a full remote login via VNC [03:42] what do you think, sysadministical taking? :D === aunes_ [n=jlilly@kessel.mianovision.com] has joined #ubuntu === jimmy_dean [n=jhodapp@] has joined #ubuntu === Ballena [n=Tybalt@h129n2fls311o1100.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === greenpowe [n=player@gprs-pool-1-001.eplus-online.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:44] MGPalmer, yes that is what required in gnome to setup a vnc session, the /usr/lib/vino/vino-server daemon accepts vnc connections based on preferences.. [03:44] shiester_miester, thanks in advance for your help ;) [03:45] i just ssh in, start vncserver, and have my own independant desktop. :) for my vnc fun. === FLiperz [n=mikelis@] has joined #ubuntu [03:45] np [03:45] hmmm === oxygenws [n=omid@] has left #ubuntu [":)"] [03:45] shiester_miester, there will be some thousand files on each DVD [03:45] ubotu is off :( [03:45] for this reason, the MD5 file would be very big [03:45] How can I find out what my disk driver is? [03:46] Hi Question: How can I run a configuration from my server edition? In my old Red Hat version, I could call "linuxconf" to set IP and manage users, etc. Is it a different program in ubuntu? what program do I need to use? === nox-Hand [i=johnhand@unaffiliated/nox-hand] has joined #ubuntu === Snipeh_ [n=sniper@proxy-gw.uib.no] has joined #ubuntu [03:46] bullgard4, what do you mean? [03:46] pwd? mount? [03:46] LiveFire, you proberly should be checking out the various ubuntu starter guides. === Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu === ronaldo [i=ronaldo@coyote.noc.realroot.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:46] azzurrinux: I meant what I said. What do you not understand in my question? [03:46] LiveFire, theres a great many system admin tools in the menus. I just dontknow their names off hand. === KleRoi [n=mahiko@] has joined #ubuntu === h4ngedm4n [n=h4ngedm4@] has joined #ubuntu [03:46] hello, does anyone knows how can I burn an audio cd in feisty having a .ape and a .cue file? === ksivaji [n=sivaji@] has joined #ubuntu === erUSUL [n=erUSUL@163.Red-81-35-216.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === fivetwentysix [n=patrick@pcd175036.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:47] damn === Webspot_ [n=andrew@unaffiliated/webspot] has joined #ubuntu [03:47] didn't work === zezom [n=zezom@] has joined #ubuntu [03:47] bullgard4, disk driver or disk drive? [03:47] i installed it === anabelle [n=anabelle@] has joined #ubuntu === ksivaji [n=sivaji@] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [03:47] but once it reconfigured my xserver [03:47] azzurrinux: disk driver [03:47] it wouldnt load === asmith42a [n=adams@p248n30.ruraltel.net] has left #ubuntu [] === zenbuntu [n=Ron@cpe-69-200-95-98.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:48] a dmesg should help you ;) [03:48] azzurrinux: A disk driver is a program to control my hard disk. === forest [n=Alexandr@bas7-montreal02-1177734149.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu === FLiperz [n=mikelis@] has joined #ubuntu === Webspot_ [n=andrew@unaffiliated/webspot] has left #ubuntu [] === Coole^ [n=justin@71-212-52-231.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu === Martaum [n=chatzill@] has left #ubuntu [] === madera [n=madera@] has joined #ubuntu [03:49] bullgard4 type dmesg in a terminal window [03:49] azzurrinux: What should I look for in dmesg? === dong [n=jing@] has joined #ubuntu [03:49] Evanlec: And then? === Damn [n=vivien@ALille-257-1-21-193.w83-204.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === KleRoi [n=mahiko@] has left #ubuntu [] [03:49] how to remove shortcut made by wine (for application that have been unistalled)? [03:49] information about the hard drive recongnision === faisal [n=faisal@24-205-94-153.dhcp.psdn.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === Damn [n=vivien@ALille-257-1-21-193.w83-204.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [03:50] well, there's a lot of stuff to look through ;p [03:50] azzurrinux: What format has a hard drive recognition in dmesg? === ShinSR-71 [n=mb@cm1104936-a.maast1.lb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu === egWK [n=evil@athedsl-147252.home.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu === subzero2000_ [n=subzero2@c-69-245-21-249.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === AndrewGee [n=andrew@5acefa15.bb.sky.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:50] i just enabled my nVidia driver and rebooted and now i have a black screen. any ideas how to get it working? [03:50] they are the first things it says when a hard drive (eg. external) is plugged in [03:51] Wolfsong, black screen when? [03:51] it should be a X.org fault === AndrewGee [n=andrew@5acefa15.bb.sky.com] has left #ubuntu [] [03:51] so if you press CTRL + ALT + F1 the system should work in tty mode === Associat0r [n=Associat@d141229.upc-d.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [03:52] #ubuntuforums [03:52] after booting...it successfully gets to the login screen and the desktop since i can hear the ubuntu drums === qcshzihnus [n=qcshz@] has joined #ubuntu === TwinX [n=TwinX@122-046-128-083.dynamic.caiway.nl] has joined #ubuntu === wangyi [n=wangyi@059149228223.ctinets.com] has joined #ubuntu === ubotu [n=ubotu@ubuntu/bot/ubotu] has joined #ubuntu === zeroaudience [n=za@adsl-153-62.38-151.net24.it] has left #ubuntu [] [03:52] Wolfsong, you got a tv hooked up? or any other monitors? [03:52] Some distributions have very intelligent Bash command line completion, some distros dont. Where is this configured or what makes it beter? For example, some completions even know that chown takes a user as a parameter and actually search the /etc/passwd file for valid users. What controls this? [03:53] dr_Willis: no it's a laptop === ssam [n=sam@] has joined #ubuntu [03:53] I can't write audio cds with Serpentine anyone know why? Basically they go all the way and in the end (its writing fixing disc) I get an error === Paracha [i=Coder@Is.A.TclCoder.Org] has joined #ubuntu [03:53] madera: in your .bashrc you can turn on bash completion === stunatra [n=stu@88.sub-70-213-107.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:53] wolferine, Try hitting those keys that 'switch monitors' === FP [n=federico@62-101-126-216.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu [03:53] no other external monitors [03:53] wolferine, friends laptop has/had similer issue it was defaulting to the external montor that was NOT hooked up. [03:53] i can get to a tty [03:54] erUSUL where is .bashrc ? [03:54] .bashrc is in theusers home dir. [03:54] if not make one. === pixin [n=pixin@host81-157-147-90.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === pusat [n=pusat@] has joined #ubuntu === HLM [n=harold@S01060010dc7ffbeb.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:55] what do i do now that i have a term? [03:55] Evanlec: in your home dir or alternatively for site wide conf in /etc/bash.bashrc === blackest [n=john@cpc3-linc8-0-0-cust831.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === HLM [n=harold@S01060010dc7ffbeb.no.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] === MigChipotle_ [n=schoense@p548B6A66.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === Badpenguin86 [n=justin@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [03:55] Wolfsong, you mean the 'console' with alt-ctrl-f1 ? [03:55] yes [03:56] Sure, Bash completion can be turned on or off, but what makes it more intelligent? is this configurable? === the_hammer [n=hammer@S0106000fb0d0a0a6.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:56] Wolfsong, the key combo for the 'change monitors' dident help eh? === HLM [n=harold@S01060010dc7ffbeb.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === Black_Monkey [n=andy@a.andy-smith.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu === novato_br [n=novak@] has joined #ubuntu === boskie [n=ahitchco@CPE-58-170-134-185.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:56] I have a laptop and want to use an external monitor.. not dual.. just other monitor instead of laptop. How would I do that? === luizao11 [n=luis@] has joined #ubuntu [03:56] Bash Completion is a rather complex set of scripts/aliasls/features :) its worht reading about. [03:56] i'm at tty1 right now...i don't have another physical monitor [03:56] I rember when it first came out/commonly sed. [03:57] madera: There are files in /etc/bash_completion and /etc/bash_completion.d/ that control how the completion is done. === the_hammer [n=hammer@S0106000fb0d0a0a6.wp.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:57] Ha!! Thanks =o) [03:57] Wolfsong, right.., Neither did my friend. He just had a black screen, heard sound.. then accidently hit the 'Fn-Monitor' key on his laptop with NO externalmonitor. and it kicked the nvidia driver in the head some how and made the lcd start working. === [coca1ne] [n=coca1ne@p549BA8F0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === Mr_Jam [n=jam@] has joined #ubuntu [03:58] Wolfsong, he had todo that for a day or 2.. then some kernel update some how fixed it.. he dosent have to do it now. === NVL_ [n=kiosk@] has joined #ubuntu === ex0r [n=m0rgoth@cmr-208-124-134-90.cr.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:58] so he can get to X? [03:58] I have a laptop and want to use an external monitor.. not dual.. just other monitor instead of laptop. How would I do that? [03:59] Wolfsong, YES he can. he just had to hit that key combo on first boot. === davina [n=dave@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === radioaktivstorm [n=opera@c-71-233-161-185.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:59] i can't === greenpower [n=player@gprs-pool-1-001.eplus-online.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:59] Wolfsong: the nvidia page on the wiki links to the bug you are experiencing and provides a solution === AndrewLife [n=andrew@CPE00112fa57696-CM0016923fffa8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:59] when i go back to tty7 the screen is still black [03:59] !nvidia > Wolfsong (see the private message from ubotu) === arnox_ [n=arnox@] has joined #ubuntu === perdidonanet [n=rui@] has joined #ubuntu === spacey [n=herman@ubuntu/member/spacey] has joined #ubuntu [04:00] Is there a way to re-size a partition without destroying it's data? [04:00] thanks jrib [04:00] morning all still having issues connecting to open wifi networks under ubuntu. does anyone have experience with this situation? [04:00] i'll give it a whirl === boskie [n=ahitchco@CPE-58-170-134-185.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === cosinos [n=cosinos@] has joined #ubuntu [04:01] Righto, I will use a cd to overwrite my current ubuntu installation, will my files and programs remain on that disk or does it require a full disk format? === fyrestrtr [n=burhan@pdpc/supporter/student/fyrestrtr] has joined #ubuntu === Caplain [n=shane@adsl-75-45-224-90.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu === AndrewLife [n=andrew@CPE00112fa57696-CM0016923fffa8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu [] [04:02] i need help how to resize my root partition [04:02] I always keep /home on its own partition to keepusers data safe === emmc_ [n=emmc@host114-192-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [04:02] Znortfl, you wanting toupgrade to the newest release? or what exactly? === Paddy_EIRE [n=patrick@] has joined #ubuntu === FrancoGG- [n=Franco@wikimedia/FrancoGG] has joined #ubuntu [04:03] dr_Willis: from 6.10 to 7.04 === girish_ [n=girish@] has joined #ubuntu === thicka_2cho [n=ticka@] has joined #ubuntu === Ahmadinejad [n=ali@] has joined #Ubuntu [04:03] dr_Willis, hey man === jernster [n=jernster@ip68-225-200-97.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === Ahmadinejad [n=ali@] has left #Ubuntu [] === fivetwentysix [n=patrick@pcd175036.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:04] hjyuyui === neversfelde|mobi [n=neversfe@mue-88-130-75-102.dsl.tropolys.de] has joined #ubuntu [04:04] i need help how to resize my root partition === luizao11 is now known as luizao_pruebita [04:04] come on help me [04:04] god damn it stupid nvidia drivers [04:04] Znortfl, proberly should check the upgrading docs. Personally - i keep stuff in /home and reformat/reinstall. [04:04] Hello Paddy_EIRE [04:04] cosinos, boot from the live-cd and run gparted [04:04] dr_Willis: Okay I'll find out. Thanks. === Shadowpillar [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:05] anyone know if Ubuntu 7.10 will be LTS? [04:05] YogeshECU: no, 8.04 will be === luizao_pruebita is now known as luizao_va_a_comp [04:05] !info LTS [04:05] Package lts does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas [04:05] !LTS [04:05] LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. [04:05] !lts === Shoopuf [n=shoopuf@] has left #ubuntu [] === luizao_va_a_comp is now known as comprando_glleta [04:05] ah === Chascon [n=chatzill@pc-110-100-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:06] they announced Hardy Heron the other day, and said it would be LTS [04:06] dr_Willis, how well does keeping a seperate '/home' serve? I always wondered would it not cause trouble when installing apps and the like again because of all those '~./' directories [04:06] so all .04 will be LTS? === emmc__ [n=emmc@host228-192-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [04:06] no, 7.04 isn't... [04:06] YogeshECU: no, just some [04:06] Paddy_EIRE, with /home onits own partition, and mounted to /home - theres NO difreranfc the apps can see. === asgoodasgod [n=asgoodas@10ge-2-0.extmedia.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:06] oh ok === jeffferrari [n=jeff@ppp59-167-21-154.lns2.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu === alexp_ [n=alex@66-163-28-100.ip.tor.radiant.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:07] Paddy_EIRE ~ is just a shortcit to /home/username [04:07] hard to tell now, but maybe it will be every 2 years [04:07] Paddy_EIRE, you could have /home on a NFS share, or other thing also. shouldent affect the apps at all. [04:07] dr_Willis, oh... so its handy I suppose if used in conjunction with say 'aptoncd' ..? [04:07] YogeshECU: 8.04 will be LTS. [04:07] all the config files are maintained [04:07] YogeshECU: Thats April (4) of 200(8( [04:07] thanks Pici === NoFX_SBC [n=nofxsbc@] has joined #ubuntu === onechard [n=chard@] has joined #ubuntu [04:08] Paddy_EIRE, you could have your apt archive dirs mounted on a nfs share - so all pc's could use it. :) but theres alternatives to that also. === Moduliz0r [n=lee@user-5443be94.lns5-c8.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === HLM [n=harold@S01060010dc7ffbeb.no.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:09] dr_Willis, you should have a wiki or blog or something I would like to see what kind of things like that are possible... amoung other things I'm sure === alexp_ [n=alexp@66-163-28-100.ip.tor.radiant.net] has joined #ubuntu === comprando_glleta [n=luis@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === slapfaceware [n=face@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:11] Paddy_EIRE, all iknow..ive gotten from reading, reading, and reading.. :) === kwaio [n=kwaio@df01t2-212-195-116-21.d4.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu [04:11] Paddy_EIRE, ive gotten very good at researching/reading/googling. === niekie [n=niek@bergman.nl.eu.org] has joined #ubuntu === kaneda [n=diablo@c-24-10-13-12.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:11] dr_Willis, yes ofcourse.. but I mean presenting thing from your learned perspective would be nice === x600 is now known as x600-AWAY [04:12] dr_Willis: i tried adding 'UseDisplayDevice' "DFP"' to the Screen section and X gave a config error [04:12] how do I set at alt+space as the shortcut for focusing the deskbar? === Cillex [n=daub@12-207-65-65.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:12] did i do something wrong === mannytu [n=mannytu@cpe-24-162-158-232.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === milan_ [n=milan@195-240-86-164.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu [04:13] wers, hmm, I take it you dont like alt+f3 === alex_ [n=alex@66-163-28-100.ip.tor.radiant.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:13] i added before the subsections without quotes around UseDisplayDevice [04:13] Wolfsong, no idea. Ive not had the problem you are experiencing. Ijust know what my friend did to fix his. [04:13] Paddy_EIRE, I'm using alt+j now === banyunet [n=banyunet@] has joined #ubuntu [04:13] but.. [04:13] The shortcut "space" cannot be used because it will become unusable to type using this key. [04:13] Please try with a key such as Control, Alt or Shift at the same time. [04:13] !away > x600-AWAY [04:13] theres example xorg.conf files allover the place iimagine. stuff like that need tobe below the 'driver Nvidia' line I belive === ieuan [n=xer@cpc1-pnth1-0-0-cust447.cdif.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === Urthmover [n=cwesterb@adsl-68-94-224-35.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === Cillex [n=daub@12-207-65-65.client.mchsi.com] has left #ubuntu [] === pearlbear [n=mpm@] has joined #ubuntu [04:14] I still prefer alt+space [04:14] !away [04:14] You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away " to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines === rjune_ [n=rjune@oh-67-77-28-140.sta.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:14] wers, then maybe it would not be a good idea.. unless you want ctrl+alt+space? I'm unsure if this is otherwise used elsewhere === yorellz [n=yorellz@] has joined #ubuntu === xoRock [n=xo@] has joined #ubuntu === clouder [n=clouder@cpe-24-174-204-170.elp.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === swiftnomad [n=swiftnom@ip72-198-87-89.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === vistakiller [n=spiros@ppp136-252.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [04:15] is there a free RAR program? [04:15] yes, rar === sexcopter [n=james@sr-223.srsa01.resnet.ubc.ca] has joined #ubuntu === aguitel [n=aguitel@] has joined #ubuntu === Spikbebis [n=sycster@81-233-242-148-no50.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:15] !rar | Evanlec [04:15] !rar [04:15] it says its shareware === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@p50922824.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [04:15] Evanlec, 7-zip is also good.. are you creating rar files === richard^^ [i=mirc@] has joined #ubuntu [04:15] extracting [04:16] wine winrar.exe :) [04:16] then use 7-zip [04:16] Evanlec: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free [04:16] dr_Willis, how dare you bring that filth:P === ShadowXP [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === capgadget [n=elifino@adsl-68-93-112-227.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:16] Hello. When I turn on my computer I some things open that I dont want too. Like- compiz fusion. I mean, I want it to run but not ccsm & also home folder opens when I start session === Clayton_ [n=Clayton@71-11-209-112.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:17] Paddy_EIRE, right now i got a 200 file .rar archive.. and file # 145 is currupted.. trying to figure out how to salvage the files that are good. :) === boytm [n=boytm@] has joined #ubuntu [04:17] I've looked in sessions and I dont get it. [04:17] Paddy_EIRE, cant figure out how tomakeit skip/ignore the bad ones from the comand line. === yarianist [n=yarianis@] has joined #ubuntu [04:17] dr_Willis, oh dear [04:17] !info unrar-free [04:17] unrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20060609-1 (feisty), package size 17 kB, installed size 80 kB [04:18] Evanlec: don't bother with unrar-free, use unrar from multiverse if you are extracting a rar file. Then just double click on your file or right click -> extract === Manny [n=chris@p5496E084.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:18] Paddy_EIRE, darn split rar.. that contains 10000+ zip files === lImItaO [n=adrian@] has joined #ubuntu [04:18] ok [04:18] dr_Willis, jeeze [04:18] anyone know why I am getting the error mkfs.vfat not found, even though it's in /usr/sbin and a executable? === steven__ [n=steven@host173-250-dynamic.6-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [04:18] Paddy_EIRE, dont ask what it is.. :) heh... [04:18] dr_Willis, split archives annoy the hell out of me [04:19] dr_Willis, cough cough ..porn cough [04:19] lol === steven__ is now known as Stev === dong [n=jing@] has joined #ubuntu [04:19] Paddy_EIRE, its a collection of 'abandonware' stuff. so being zipped is ok.. but the whole .rar split stuff without any parity/salvage data - is getting annoying. === Vlet [n=martian@] has joined #ubuntu === adrian_ [n=adrian@] has joined #ubuntu === detail [n=Helper@] has joined #ubuntu [04:20] Is there a way to set a blank pass? This is just for a virtual machine running in vbox. === mikubuntu [n=chatzill@c-76-108-252-28.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Vlet is lazy === lakin [n=lakin@S01060013101832ce.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === adrian_ [n=adrian@] has joined #ubuntu [04:20] dr_Willis, you wouldnt believe the guy I was helping just the other day, he was trying to watch an embedded web vid and set me the link in prv chat... it was midget porn hahaha === Ex-Cyber [n=excyber@c-75-70-146-61.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:21] I am using litespeed server and trying to send a .dmg file but it keeps saying file not found or I get the index.html file. I checked the permissions, they are 777 on file and 755 on the dir. any ideas? [04:21] dr_Willis, I almost fell over [04:21] Vlet: yes, since the live cd has a blank pass; no, I don't know how offhand === dr_Willis covers his eyes. [04:21] haha [04:21] this is edgy [04:21] bbl [04:21] later === adrian_ [n=adrian@] has joined #ubuntu === yrlnry_ [n=mjd@wl121217.wlan.wu-wien.ac.at] has joined #ubuntu [04:22] jorgp, why no upgrade to 7.04 === muut [n=muut@a88-113-80-114.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu === Bakefy [n=westjd@74-140-80-88.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu === alexp_ [n=alexp@66-163-28-100.ip.tor.radiant.net] has joined #ubuntu === dave_ [n=dave@cpe-75-180-10-156.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === adrian_ [n=adrian@] has joined #ubuntu [04:22] Paddy_EIRE: i'm trying to fix this problem first, or figure out why its doing it [04:23] is there a way to set utorrent to open torrents default? === mdll [n=dml@] has joined #ubuntu [04:23] Paddy_EIRE: is this a known problm with edgy? === Davy_Jones [n=ad@] has joined #ubuntu === fix [n=fix@] has joined #ubuntu [04:23] jorgp, I missed your original problem.. if you dont mind could you repeat it === The_Machine [n=The_Mach@] has joined #ubuntu [04:24] hi, i wanna choose that ubuntu alt-click combination replaced by super-click.. someone said it's in the gconf-editor.. but it's hard for me to find.. does anyone know? === lImItaO [n=Adrian@] has joined #ubuntu [04:24] when grub loads, it says "Grub loading stage 1.5" for about 30 seconds, then "Grub loading, please wait" for about 30 seconds, then eventually boots - does anyone know why it would take so long? :/ [04:24] how do i get wine programs to be default for some file types? === natsumey_ [n=natsumey@] has joined #ubuntu [04:25] Paddy_EIRE: using litespeed http server, I am trying to have someone get a large file with .dmg extension, but I get either file not found or I get the index.html root page instead of getting the file === xbehave [n=knoppix@cpc3-gran1-0-0-cust952.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:25] Bakefy, ask in #winehq === thezaby__ [n=ludovic@ADijon-258-1-108-223.w90-13.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [04:25] really, i cant define di.fm. it the web best radio of world wide web [04:25] thanks wolferine [04:25] Davy_Jones, system > preferences > windows [04:25] novato_br, me likes di.fm to :) [04:25] cool, wolferine [04:26] wolferine, what is your style ? [04:26] ever listen to radio one, the essential mix [04:26] hi [04:26] i like vocal trance [04:26] hey can anyone help me out with pidgin [04:26] u should give it a listen [04:26] Hello. When I turn on my computer I some things open that I dont want too. Like- compiz fusion. I mean, I want it to run but not ccsm & also home folder opens when I start session. I've looked in sessions and I dont know howto disable. [04:26] mdll, tell us your problem [04:26] !offtopic [04:26] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [04:26] by the way Davy_Jones gconf aint that big you could probably find it after a quick browse === alcoholic [n=wickedso@unaffiliated/alcoholic] has joined #ubuntu === ProN00b [n=dot@pD9E3AF4D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:26] essensial mix, wolferine? [04:26] google buddy [04:27] anybody know the command line to install Xara Xtreme? I downloaded it but can't figure out how to get the package managers or gdebi to open/install it... [04:27] laters === Yahooada1 [n=Administ@host81-157-3-200.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:27] i caant install pidgin ,i cant find it on synaptic and i have x64 so i cant install the x32 package [04:27] Paddy_EIRE: wow.. that's a lot easier than going through gconf-editor.. thanks === Mashas [n=mli@] has joined #ubuntu [04:27] no probs Davy_Jones [04:27] mdll: Thats because its not in synaptic. === Moduliz0r [n=lee@user-5443be94.lns5-c8.dsl.pol.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] === bobstro [n=bob@68-116-165-70.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:27] then? [04:27] Paddy_EIRE: i just don't like gconf-editor cuz it reminds me of the winders registry [04:27] i would help you, mdll, but english not good! === Mashas [n=mli@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === zloc [n=zloc@] has joined #ubuntu [04:27] sure no prob === Sdslike [n=anfil025@] has joined #ubuntu [04:27] !pidgin | mdll [04:28] mdll: pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. [04:28] i couldnt tell you === Exteris [n=Daan@cp512947-a.dbsch1.nb.home.nl] has left #ubuntu [] [04:28] ok [04:28] can i install yahoo in wine somehow [04:28] ? === gnuskool [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu [04:28] yahoo messenger [04:28] mdll, you can get a deb at getdeb.net I think [04:28] !enter | mdll [04:28] mdll: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! === Sdslike [n=anfil025@] has left #ubuntu [] [04:28] mdll, its not worth it imao === bluedemon [n=rlozano@] has joined #ubuntu === fivetwentysix [n=patrick@pcd175036.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:29] Uptime: 11 hours and 45 minutes [04:29] my system seams quite screwed after a crash, i had to restore the filesystem, is theyre anyway i can get my install to check itself? === xboxkent28 [n=ksl0769@] has joined #ubuntu [04:29] !smp [04:29] Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed) [04:29] Anyone besides me timing out on security.ubuntu.com ? [04:29] I installed the nvidia drivers and they don't work. So I'm trying to uninstall everything it did === xboxkent28 [n=ksl0769@] has left #ubuntu [] [04:29] and reinstall it === detail [n=Helper@] has left #ubuntu [] [04:29] How do i do that? [04:29] ive reconfigured xorg and restored it, but it still wont start properly [04:29] Paddy_EIRE: the file is 6gig, do you think litespeed needs large file support to handle it? [04:30] does ubuntu/linux utilize dual-cores well/better than windows ? [04:30] genii: working here. [04:30] fivetwentysix, just select the program and uninstall completly and restore the xorg backup it made === manda_ [n=manda@c-68-60-199-201.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === sleeve [n=steve@bas1-sherbrooke40-1177557695.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:30] can I check the remaining time of my battery on the cli ? [04:30] but i didn't install it with the repositry === RikkitProff [n=rikkit@] has joined #ubuntu [04:31] xbehave,what message you getting === DarkClown [n=darkclow@softbank221029251085.bbtec.net] has joined #ubuntu === Harkins [n=harkins@unaffiliated/harkins] has joined #ubuntu [04:31] good question, Evanlec, i would like know, too [04:32] tx ;p [04:32] gnuskool, its something to do with a font file === loca|host [n=tux@] has joined #ubuntu === faust_ [n=willy@] has joined #ubuntu [04:32] What program do I dpkg-reconfigure to set the default kb layout? I ended up with German when I have a US kb. [04:32] Harkins: xserver-xorg [04:32] Pici: OK thanks === loca|host [n=tux@] has joined #ubuntu === Bo1 [n=ben@cpe-76-174-84-42.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:33] how do i force quit a application? === bobsomebody [n=bobsomeb@c-69-254-26-158.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === oso [n=kike@] has joined #ubuntu [04:34] Paddy_EIRE: cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state === sudhanshu [n=sudhansh@] has joined #ubuntu [04:34] bol killall [04:34] acx: got IV_ICV_Failure (crypto) IRQ(s) <----- wth is this? === jatt [n=user@] has joined #ubuntu [04:34] (wifi laptop btw) [04:34] Bo1: hit alt-f2 and type "xkill" then enter, then click on the window you want to kill [04:34] xbehave:let me try === j_ack [n=j_ack@p508DBB91.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [04:35] bash: acpitool: command not found gcostello [04:35] slimeypete:thank yuou === girish_ [n=girish@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [04:35] bol scratch what i said SlimeyPete has a much better way === olis_ [n=root@d38-1-59.commercial1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:35] Pici: Ah, that's so much better, thanks. === aussieman [n=bobo@77.Red-88-18-93.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === bense [n=Andrew@cpe-075-184-092-024.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:35] gcostello, sudo possibly :P [04:35] this sounds stupid, but a core2 duo is 64 bit right? === birdmon [n=birdmon@bzq-219-46-202.isdn.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu === onats_ [n=julian@] has joined #ubuntu [04:36] gcostello, nope === speme [n=speme@] has joined #ubuntu [04:36] bense: yeah [04:36] bense, yes it is [04:36] okay so it's 64-bit but it's still x86? [04:37] it's x86-compatible [04:37] right [04:37] it's emt64, to be precise [04:37] I have a modem in my machine, but it's not showing up in the kde/settings/peripherpheals.. how do I add it [04:37] so would i be best getting the amd64 or the x86 32-bit? [04:37] or check to make sure it is working === juso [n=juso@] has joined #ubuntu === jomino [n=jomi@p5B132889.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [04:37] bense: flash and java are easier on 32-bit. === tarelerulz [n=tareleru@c-24-22-49-8.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] === speeves [n=speeves@] has joined #ubuntu === mdll [n=dml@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:37] can anyone tell me if I can check the state of my battery on the cli? [04:37] but otherwise there's not a lot of difference either way [04:37] Paddy_EIRE: even when alt-right click is off.. i can't use alt-right click to select a loop in blender, you know why? === sudhanshu_ [n=sudhansh@] has joined #ubuntu [04:38] Paddy_EIRE: try cd /proc/acpi/battery [04:38] when i play games my computer slows down. why? [04:38] Paddy_EIRE: acpitool -b [04:38] Davy_Jones, thats a different kettle of fish [04:38] SlimeyPete, would the emt64 code run better for my processor? [04:38] Paddy_EIRE: then ls [04:38] Paddy_EIRE: sudo acpi -b [04:38] paddy_eire:can u help me out again === MrFeetio [n=test@c-68-36-134-143.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:38] Paddy_EIRE: cd to BAT0 or BAT1 or whatever and cat the files in there [04:39] ok [04:39] Paddy_EIRE: hmm, ok.. i'll try the blender room [04:39] Frogzoo, nope === vega- [n=mikko@lotus.puolikuu.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:39] Paddy_EIRE: what you mean - nope? [04:39] bense: 64bit support for proprietary linux applications is poor. You will have trouble getting things like flash and java to work properly. [04:39] why does my my computer slow down when am playing games? === Aren [n=aren@d58-106-25-143.sbr2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [04:39] Frogzoo, sorry command not found [04:39] bense: meh, a little perhaps, but you're unlikely to notice much difference unless you're running physics simulations or something [04:39] how do I disable desktop effects from the command line === ricardo [n=ricardo@] has joined #ubuntu === keks_ [n=keks@pD9E38FF9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:39] in /etc/shadow "test123:$1$6T1qiEWZ$4MXOMIU8t6/C2SFMrDDe.0:13755:0:99999:7:::" whats the "13755" number correspond to? Anyone know === X3 [n=user@8-23-124-91.pool.ukrtel.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:40] gotcha, so i guess at this point it's best to stay with the x86 [04:40] Paddy_EIRE: maybe acpitool's not on the default install, hmm? [04:40] Paddy_EIRE: simply 'acpi' === ShakaGoldSaint [n=eleazar@] has joined #ubuntu [04:40] Bo1 - I don't know, I was playing ET on my media windoze xp machine and it was lagging after pb update, had to switch to linux and update pb to play it smooth [04:40] guys, ubuntu and raid [04:40] juso: man shadow [04:40] how do i get that md device ? === dell_lin [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu [04:40] cause now i see sda and sdb [04:40] but those two should become a md device ? === francis [n=francis@] has joined #ubuntu [04:41] bense: Yeah, stick with x86 unless you have real need for 64 bits. [04:41] gcostello, oddly it says present: no [04:41] flask:am running linux when i play games it slows down and laggs alot. plus is showing 10 fps for games. can you help me out? === balthamaisteri [n=balthama@statip-80-95-134-9.kopteri.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:41] praet, just skips to the next line? === eggauah [n=daniel@] has joined #ubuntu [04:41] how do I disable desktop effects from the command line? === Harkins [n=harkins@unaffiliated/harkins] has left #ubuntu [] [04:41] is brasero better than nerolinux ?? === Miffle [n=christop@77-98-19-172.cable.ubr01.perr.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [04:42] frogzoo: do you by any chance know the command line to install Xara Xtreme? I downloaded it but can't figure out how to get the package managers or gdebi to open/install it... === profanephobia [n=profanep@74-131-141-126.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu === Miffle [n=christop@77-98-19-172.cable.ubr01.perr.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [04:42] gnuskool, the error i get in kde is "Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc" the error in xorg " === RavenBlu [n=raven@d213-102-122-73.cust.tele2.at] has joined #ubuntu [04:42] mikubuntu, get it from the repos [04:42] why does my computer slow down when am playing games? [04:43] Paddy_EIRE: how please? [04:43] sry xbehave, not on registered name [04:43] Paddy_EIRE: still learning here === Ultraface [n=charles@] has joined #ubuntu [04:43] 1 sec [04:43] "reminder" Bob is new to linux" === Drunken-Ktulhu [n=max@] has joined #ubuntu === thezaby [n=ludovic@ADijon-258-1-108-223.w90-13.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [04:44] ? [04:44] mikubuntu, 'sudo aptitude install xaralx' in a terminal [04:44] Bo1 - you mean like multiplayer games? === Elischa [n=rassihu@M3693P006.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu [04:44] soldat === peeps_work [n=peepsalo@cpe-70-112-25-110.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:44] flake:no === peepsalot [n=peeps@cpe-70-112-25-110.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:44] you have nvidia or ati === rejban [n=rejban@h10n2fls33o1010.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === factorx [n=asdf@dslb-084-060-047-003.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === ramoonas [n=ramoonas@81-7-77-9.ip.zebra.lt] has joined #ubuntu [04:45] flake:i got intel === bluedemon [n=rlozano@] has joined #ubuntu [04:45] !xara xtreme [04:45] Sorry, I don't know anything about xara xtreme - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [04:45] eww... === ramoonas [n=ramoonas@81-7-77-9.ip.zebra.lt] has joined #ubuntu [04:45] Paddy_EIRE: shamus said you were a good man. thanks. [04:45] morning === GodTodd [n=TheTruth@] has joined #ubuntu === goodtod [n=goodman@ool-45766d4f.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:45] mikubuntu, no probs [04:45] !info xaralx [04:45] :P [04:45] xaralx: Heavyweight vector graphics, illustration and DTP Program. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.7r1692-2 (feisty), package size 4573 kB, installed size 11776 kB === gurax [n=arne@e179164223.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [04:46] flake:i go nvidia but i couldnt find a way to install without my ubuntu crasheing === weltschmerz [n=weltschm@c-71-202-63-202.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #UBUNTU [04:46] if it's an intel chipset, no wonder [04:46] you need intel drivers? [04:46] Bo1, you installed the nvidia driver but you have an intel card? === girish_ [n=girish@] has joined #ubuntu [04:47] Bo1, using xchat ? [04:47] Pici, I like inkscape myself but xara is only really newly native to linux, so It needs a little more development to reach the level of the windows version === FurryNemesis [n=laurent@] has joined #ubuntu [04:47] neverblue:i got onboard intel and i boughtt nvidia card. === chrisle [n=chris@e178087069.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu === Davy_Jones [n=ad@] has left #ubuntu [] [04:47] Bo1, and you want to dual ? [04:47] Paddy_EIRE: I use Inkscape too, never thought of using anything else. [04:48] neverblue:no [04:48] Pici, nice to have alternatives === xtr [n=94752345@] has joined #Ubuntu [04:48] Bo1, did you disable the onboard video ? [04:48] !inkscape [04:48] Inkscape is a powerful vector graphics drawing application - see http://www.inkscape.org/ for more [04:48] neverblue:no === boozie [n=blouze@its.beeg.org] has joined #ubuntu [04:48] Bo1, are you using Feisty ? === Amo34 [n=juan@] has joined #ubuntu === Shmattie [n=Shmattie@cpe-75-179-191-147.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === DtG [n=no@c-71-58-57-168.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:48] neverblue:what is that? [04:49] Bo1, the latest release of Ubuntu [04:49] neverblue:yeah === Anita_Sempai [n=Anita_Se@] has joined #ubuntu [04:49] Bo1, ok, first you should disable your onboard video === sarts [n=stephan@mocha.foo-projects.org] has joined #ubuntu [04:50] anyone know what sort of difficulties i might have installing vista on (physical) disk 1 over an existing install of ubuntu on (physical) disk 2 ? [04:50] Bo1, then, you want to make sure your xorg.conf uses the 'nv' driver === DtG is now known as BrunnsGentials === sarts [n=stephan@mocha.foo-projects.org] has left #ubuntu [] [04:50] neverblue:bro igot to write all this down === FruitieX [n=rasse@a80-186-69-59.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu === MrFeetio [n=test@c-68-36-134-143.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:50] Bo1, third, Feisty has a 'restricted drivers manager' that will assist with installing the latest nvidia driver === BrunnsGentials is now known as BetterThanBrunn [04:50] Bo1, yes, write it down, thats a great idea === pearlbear [n=mpm@] has joined #ubuntu === humpster [n=josh@d58-108-49-65.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === jelabarre [i=jelabarr@nat/ibm/x-a840f5df91eae4b8] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] Bo1, have you editted your xorg.conf before ? [04:51] neverblue:when i diable the onboard video, the nvidai doesnt let ubuntu load === rdz [i=roman@netpd.org] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] installing windows After ubuntu = problems with grub?? [04:51] Bo1, we are working around that issue as we speak :) === D_ReaL_PuNiShEr [n=flowman4@] has joined #ubuntu === m1k3k [n=mike@border.securityinnovation.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] Bo1, put your xorg.conf on pastebin please [04:52] !grub | Evanlec [04:52] how do i fix this error: "Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc" [04:52] Evanlec: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [04:52] !pastebin | Bo1 [04:52] Bo1: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [04:52] tx === snowglobe [n=kevin@70-101-214-149.dsl1.pco.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:52] Paddy_EIRE: worked like a lucky charm. [04:52] would like some help with ffmeg if possible === hades00 [i=chaos@p83-219-163-135.snwdip.snw.at] has joined #ubuntu [04:52] !test [04:52] failed [04:52] *ffmpeg [04:52] good === Wanderer_ [i=nomad@24-178-96-163.dhcp.stbr.ga.charter.com] has joined #Ubuntu [04:52] how do i find xorg.conf [04:52] !anyone | humpster [04:53] humpster: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? === FurryNemesis [n=laurent@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:53] Bo1: /etc/X11/xorg.conf [04:53] Bo1, sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf === DarkClown [n=darkclow@softbank221029251085.bbtec.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:53] well, gksudo really :o [04:53] -TESTING... [04:53] can i copy knoppix fonts into ubuntu to fix problems, theyre both debian based [04:53] how do i change a partition on my HD so that i can write and execute from it? Its an NTFS partition. === Yahooada2 [n=Administ@host81-157-3-200.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === Converso [n=julio@] has joined #ubuntu [04:54] !ntfs [04:54] To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse [04:54] ty [04:54] kbrooks__: we see you [04:54] !ntfs-3g | snowglobe [04:54] snowglobe: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions === Thulanis [n=jonathan@host86-140-59-160.range86-140.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === neverblue puts his hands over Pici's eyes [04:54] neverblue thanks! [04:54] is there a channel dedicated to open source data/partitions recovery [04:54] np snowglobe === kbrooks__ is now known as kbrooks === Lurkan [n=Lurkan@] has joined #ubuntu === Wanderer_ is now known as Wanderer [04:55] neverblue:be right back in min [04:55] Bo1, np === gazton [n=gazton@] has joined #ubuntu [04:55] min [04:55] 2 min === Bo1 [n=ben@cpe-76-174-84-42.socal.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] === Artimus [n=jared@24-240-63-166.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com] has joined #Ubuntu [04:55] mikubuntu what file system? === FruitieX [n=rasse@a80-186-69-59.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [04:55] i'm having trouble getting xorg.conf setup correctly for a vizio 42 lcd and nvidia 7300 le...anyone advise please === renatofilho [n=renato@] has joined #ubuntu === DTRave [n=david_m_@cpc3-hart4-0-0-cust937.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:56] when trying to encode video using any program with ffmpeg i get error 'ffmpeg: error while loading shared libraries:libavformat.so.50: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory' even though the library exists in usr/local/lib === DTRave [n=david_m_@cpc3-hart4-0-0-cust937.midd.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu [] [04:56] manda_, using Feisty ? [04:56] yes feisty === eichi [n=eichi@p3EE04E10.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === gazton [n=gazton@] has joined #ubuntu === arno-t [n=arno-t@213.80-202-157.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:56] manda_, did you use the 'restricted drivers manager' ? [04:56] why isnt pidgin in the 7.10 package manager? what the hell? [04:56] Is there *ANY* way to unsubscribe from an Ubuntu mailing list through email? I can't use the website, it keeps saying Authentication failed. It won't send me a new password, it won't let me unsubscribe, and it rejects an unsubscribe email. I've got two hundred messages in my inbox and I can't stop it. [04:56] yes...using driver 9631 [04:56] eichi, wasnt available for release at Feisty-time === Xman [i=aman@] has joined #ubuntu === Great_Briton [n=ubuntu@dyn-62-56-84-11.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [04:57] manda_, and the driver took ? [04:57] manda_, what are the issues your finding ? [04:57] neverblue, 7.10, not 7.04 === Yahooada2 [n=Administ@host81-157-3-200.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has left #ubuntu [] [04:57] sorry kbrooks? [04:57] neverblue: but i thought with sudo apt-get update it should be added? [04:57] neverblue, or maybe he typoed [04:57] eichi, there is a deb available on there site, just 32bit though [04:58] oh, sorry, your right === kabtoffe [n=kbergstr@hoas-fe2add00-192.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [04:58] neverblue, he said "why isn't pidgin in the *7.10* package manager" [04:58] eichi, your using Gutsy, my bad === DarkClown [n=darkclow@softbank221029251085.bbtec.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:58] kbrooks, thanks for pointing that out :) [04:58] neverblue: what do i do? === MaCa [n=tmacam@] has joined #ubuntu === m1k3k [n=mike@border.securityinnovation.com] has left #ubuntu [] === arno-t [n=arno-t@213.80-202-157.nextgentel.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:58] !ubunutu+1 === Great_Briton [n=ubuntu@dyn-62-56-84-11.dslaccess.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] [04:58] Sorry, I don't know anything about ubunutu+1 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [04:58] !gutsy [04:58] Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 === banyunet [n=banyunet@] has joined #ubuntu === FruitieX [n=rasse@a80-186-69-59.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [04:59] eichi, please ask in #ubuntu+1, thanks :) === Bo1 [n=root@cpe-76-174-84-42.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:59] when trying to encode video using any program with ffmpeg i get error 'ffmpeg: error while loading shared libraries:libavformat.so.50: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory' even though the library exists in usr/local/lib === rgr [n=user@e179195251.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu === ale_ [n=ale@host170-160-static.4-79-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [05:00] neverblue:http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35658/plain/ === ale_ [n=ale@host170-160-static.4-79-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has left #ubuntu ["Sto] [05:00] neverblue: she is running 7.04 afaik [05:00] is there something i need to install? ffmpeg says its up-to-date === kersinc [n=kersinc@] has joined #ubuntu === Vikcho_ [n=vikcho@] has joined #ubuntu [05:00] nut 7.10 [05:00] the driver is working fine.....I have previously setup the same video card with a westinghouse 42 lcd and it is working great...the "useEDID" option automatically setup the proper resolution....but with the vizio i can't get the 1366*768 resolution [05:00] Does Ubuntu kernels come with lkcd support? [05:00] eichi, 32bit ? [05:00] neverblue: yes === snarkyFish [n=noone@c-24-8-182-34.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Vikcho_ [n=vikcho@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === jason_ [n=jason@static-70-107-239-187.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:00] eichi, check the pidgin site, there is a .deb there [05:01] #ubuntu-es [05:01] Bo1, using xchat ? === sdest [n=sdest@c-69-250-163-18.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === DelPede [i=Exnay@port91.ds1-abc.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [05:01] neverblue:no [05:01] xbehave: well, when i installed this ubuntu i installed over win xp, without saving or backing up. now i wonder if i can somehow recover some of my files. i don't mind having to reinstall ubuntu afterwards, if it means i could retrieve some of my data. figure it will be a learning experience (if it's even possible within my skillset.. :) [05:01] humpster: Are you using Medibuntu? [05:02] k, can you pm me the output for this command ? 'lspci | grep VGA' [05:02] Bo1, pm == private message [05:02] no, ubuntu [05:02] desktop edition === lubosz [n=bmonkey@p54AFE466.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === GigaClon [n=gigaclon@c-24-127-4-194.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === RandomUsr [n=james@c-67-190-253-98.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === giany911 [n=giany911@] has joined #ubuntu [05:02] hello hello [05:03] hi [05:03] humpster: Medibuntu is just some extra packages. They have ffmpeg and some other codecs there. I use it, it might have what you want. http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repository.php [05:03] Bo1, /msg neverblue [05:03] anyone here installed the intel wi-fi driver? === iioran [n=iioran@neu67-3-82-239-83-62.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === lem [n=lem@dyn-91-171-104-121.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu === DarkClown [n=darkclow@softbank221029251085.bbtec.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:03] is it correct that there is no gnome splash screen in gutsy? (i just see a brownish solid after login) [05:03] !anyone | Random832 [05:03] Random832: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [05:03] neverblue:what is that [05:03] thanks for your help Artimus [05:03] Bo1, its a command [05:03] !gutsy | lubosz [05:03] lubosz: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 === CatsceoSSH [i=cats@pool-96-228-163-129.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === toyimp [n=toyimp@cpe-71-74-145-34.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === samuel-away [n=samuel@] has joined #ubuntu [05:04] Bo1, I need to view the output from 'lspci | grep VGA' === Ultraface is now known as Bucketface [05:04] Pici: ok, so its a bug :D [05:04] sup all [05:04] yo [05:04] lubosz: I didnt say that, I said support only in #ubuntu+1 === Gary [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has joined #ubuntu [05:04] ah k thx [05:04] who has gotten the intel wi-fi driver to work? === ShadowXP [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:05] Bo1, can you run that command in a terminal ? === lubosz [n=bmonkey@p54AFE466.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu [] === titun [i=titun@] has joined #ubuntu [05:05] well, good luck Bo1, I have to get back to work, your almost there === Planet-X [n=joshua@cpe-72-230-22-26.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === DarkClown [n=darkclow@softbank221029251085.bbtec.net] has joined #ubuntu === dell_lin [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu [05:06] my laotop's touchpad does not work on cold boot in feisty, what should i do? [05:06] Artimus, will the extra packages require a restart to work? === JosefK [n=Brett@82-42-147-9.cable.ubr01.sprt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === Wanderer is now known as Nomothetes === nasky_ [n=nasky@def92-5-82-227-136-193.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:06] humpster: No. Did you upgrade after running the command? apt-get upgrade? === jack|Helium [n=jack@pool-72-82-88-217.nrflva.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === fivetwentysix [n=patrick@pcd175036.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:07] Is there Virtual Drive Emulators ? [05:07] xbehave: hmmmmm. no comment :) === Nomothetes is now known as Wanderer [05:07] Are there virtual drive emulators? === _Morpheu_ [i=swrvogco@201-43-143-215.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu === xbehave [n=knoppix@cpc3-gran1-0-0-cust952.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:07] Im updating using Update Manager now [05:07] fivetwentysix, like Daemon Tools ? === giany911 [n=giany911@] has joined #ubuntu [05:08] !iso | fivetwentysix [05:08] fivetwentysix: To mount an ISO disc image, type sudo mount -o loop - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. === mykpower [n=mykpower@] has joined #ubuntu === inkompatible [n=claudio@] has joined #ubuntu [05:08] nasky_ exactly what iwant. [05:08] thanks again, it works now === samuel-away is now known as samuel === humpster [n=josh@d58-108-49-65.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === epimeteo [n=aka@unaffiliated/epimeteo] has joined #ubuntu === Shadowpillar [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === z3r0ph3wl [n=karl@user182.77-105-202.netatonce.net] has joined #ubuntu === greenpower [n=player@gprs-pool-1-001.eplus-online.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:08] i cont get a graphical login on my system [05:08] fivetwentysix, actually I use DT with Wine... it works. [05:08] neverblue:dont leave meeeeeeeeeeeeeee... === birdmon [n=birdmon@bzq-219-46-202.isdn.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:08] please somene help me with my touchpa [05:09] <_Morpheu_> cade as mina dessa porra!? [05:09] Does wine work natively in 64 bit? [05:09] Bo1, I am a volunteer, sorry [05:09] so ive followed to the letter the wiki on seamless virtualization, but every time i run an app it shows the whole desktop... not the window of the app, any ideas why? [05:09] Bo1, I have my real job to do as well :) === Anita_Sempai [n=Anita_Se@] has joined #ubuntu [05:10] neverblue:ill send you. 1million. [05:10] <_Morpheu_> Brasil!? [05:10] fivetwentysix, sorry can't tell u... i'm what people call a "newbee" :) [05:10] Is there a way to make my Desktop Icons always appear on the right side, instead of the left? [05:10] neverblue:i felt it that we were close in fixing the drive === Xman [i=aman@] has left #ubuntu [] [05:10] <_Morpheu_> !op [05:10] Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici [05:10] _Morpheu_: ? === t_275_kt [n=risko@] has joined #ubuntu [05:10] ? [05:10] _Morpheu_: ? [05:11] _Morpheu_: ? [05:11] <_Morpheu_> Brasil? === zarul [n=zarulsha@ubuntu/member/zarul] has joined #ubuntu === gnomefreak didnt see anything in scroll [05:11] neverblue:lets finish the job frist then go that is a good ldeal. [05:11] <_Morpheu_> Brasil!? [05:11] !br | _Morpheu_ [05:11] _Morpheu_: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. === titun [i=titun@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:11] neverblue:am very new. [05:11] _Morpheu_: don't use !ops unless there is an issue that needs to be dealt with in the channel by ops [05:12] <_Morpheu_> !op [05:12] Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici [05:12] <_Morpheu_> Founder === gluck [n=gluck@ip-62-235-194-201.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu === mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ === _Morpheu_ [i=swrvogco@201-43-143-215.dsl.telesp.net.br] has left #ubuntu [requested] === mode/#ubuntu [-o gnomefreak] by gnomefreak [05:12] smite thee! === iamchris [n=chris@c-71-205-33-180.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:12] he was tryign to find the brasil channel i think [05:12] does somebody know about graphic card installing?> === dell_lin [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu === Kouryuu [n=mpark@sta-208-139-194-65.rockynet.com] has joined #ubuntu === ByronFortescue [n=ByronFor@h211096.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu === Relate [n=Stick@unaffiliated/relate] has joined #ubuntu === inkompatible [n=claudio@] has joined #ubuntu [05:13] elkbuntu: he was told !br [05:13] he called ops after that [05:14] right, well i just PM'd as well anyway [05:14] elkbuntu: ty === nasky_ is now known as Nasky === vernon [n=vernon@] has joined #ubuntu === stefg [n=stefg@e179144245.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu === ale_ [n=ale@host170-160-static.4-79-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu === Eldara [n=mitchell@user-514f3cb0.l2.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === kakaruto [n=lloyd@] has joined #ubuntu === ale_ [n=ale@host170-160-static.4-79-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has left #ubuntu ["Sto] === enn [n=eli@boris.onshored.com] has joined #ubuntu === hotfuzz [n=stu@15.Red-83-58-226.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:16] how do i install my graphic card? [05:16] what would cause your PC to freeze, using ubuntu 7.04? [05:17] kakaruto, 1000's of things. [05:17] i am looking to install putty for ubuntu is there a new verson ? [05:17] dr_Willis dam [05:17] kakaruto, most likely. driver issues. or powersaving issues [05:17] Hello-- do I need to enable multiverse to enable Sun Java? === Xera^ [i=Xera@79-65-227-54.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:17] kakaruto, given how vague your question was.. the same couldbe said for any OS/Machine. [05:17] enn: yes === x600-AWAY is now known as x600 [05:17] Are there any guides for networking Ubuntu to XP over ethernet? [05:18] dr_Willis ok thanks === anandanbu [n=phoenix@] has left #ubuntu [] === Iradigalesc [n=Iradigal@wikipedia/Iradigalesc] has joined #ubuntu === jj_ [n=jj@ks-76.flexabit.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:18] Xera, there are plenty [05:18] Xera^, by 'networking' you mean seeing 'shared folders' ? [05:18] Sharing internet/files [05:18] jrib: ah ... I thought it was under the GPL now? Will it be moving to main at any point? [05:18] that should work out of the box [05:18] Theres more to 'networking' thenjust sharing files. :) === jomino [n=jomi@p5B132622.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:18] Xera you may want to read up on nfs and smb [05:18] ok [05:18] If I install from the text based installer, will I still be able to keep my Vista partition separate and boot it via grub? [05:18] Xera^, read the various samba docs/guides for shareingfolders [05:19] enn: not sure [05:19] thanks [05:19] How can I do ssh -X through putty? === xxx [n=xxx@] has joined #ubuntu [05:19] z0rz, unless you are running a X 'server' on the windows machine. it wont do much good. [05:19] z0rz: install xmng, then enable x-forwarding in the putty preferences. [05:19] *xming [05:19] z0rz there's an x forwarding section in putting settings, and you need Cygwin / Cygwin-X [05:19] dr_Willis I also want to share the internet connection [05:19] z0rz, i install 'xming' to get Linux apps to appear on my windows desktpop === Smurphy[ACS] [n=smurphy@solsys.org] has joined #ubuntu === batrix [n=tyler@12-219-197-100.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu === iblicf_ [n=iblicf@] has joined #ubuntu [05:20] Xera^, thats somthing totally Unrelated to samba. :) 'ip-masquerading' i think is theinfo you need to check on it. I never do that any more. [05:20] any wireless experts here? === Chad92 [n=Chad92@] has joined #ubuntu === hotfuzz [n=stu@15.Red-83-58-226.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu [] === t4m1n0 [n=wildchil@BSN-77-169-220.static.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:20] how can I start gedit as root in command line ? [05:20] t4m1n0: gksudo gedit === YoZo [n=yozo@call-113.info] has joined #ubuntu === YoZo [n=yozo@call-113.info] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [05:20] Is there a way to make my Desktop Icons always appear on the right side, instead of the left? === Chad92 [n=Chad92@] has joined #ubuntu [05:21] move them over there? [05:21] thanks dr_Willis and SlimeyPete === qcshzihnus [n=qcshz@] has joined #ubuntu === Davy_Jones [n=ad@] has joined #ubuntu === FruitieX [n=rasse@a80-186-69-59.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has left #ubuntu [] === toyimp [n=toyimp@cpe-71-74-145-34.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:21] anyone has experience with openbox? === csc` [n=csc@archlinux/user/csc] has joined #ubuntu [05:22] Davy_Jones, its a well documented window manager.. got a more secific question about it? [05:22] so ive followed to the letter the wiki on seamless virtualization, but every time i run an app it shows the whole desktop... not the window of the app, any ideas why? [05:22] anyone here familiar with sox that can help me get the audio out to the audio in on my soundcard to work? === michael [n=michael@ip70-189-42-99.lf.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === bruenig [n=bruenig@ip-129-15-131-246.fescfwsm.ou.edu] has joined #ubuntu === michael is now known as axxium === fyrestrtr [n=burhan@pdpc/supporter/student/fyrestrtr] has joined #ubuntu === apecat [n=apecat@thrashbarg.net] has joined #ubuntu === Scunizi [n=mark@ip72-197-240-36.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:22] dr_Willis: it seems as though it needs gnome or kde to work.. am i right? === FooBarBaz [i=Username@cpc5-broo4-0-0-cust1000.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === _3v1n0_ [n=Trevi@host21-163-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu === soho [n=user@] has joined #ubuntu === arnox_ [n=arnox@] has joined #ubuntu [05:23] Davy_Jones, openbox is a window manager.. it shouldnot 'need' gnome or kde. [05:23] its a very small/light weight window manager. and a theres a few apps that go with it. [05:23] dr_Willis: http://icculus.org/openbox/index.php/Openbox:Screenshots [05:23] some of the screenshots say.. openbox on gnome, and the lik,e === Shadowpillar [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:23] screenshots are not docs. :) it CAN run gnome/kde apps.. thats the same for any window manger === Avenger_ [n=sarevok@201-23-148-116.sercomtel.com.br] has joined #ubuntu === hobbeswalsh [n=robin@] has joined #ubuntu [05:24] you can replace gnomes Window manager WITH openbox. [05:24] i'm not saying it CAN'T === destiny [n=internet@dtmd-4db5e87c.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:24] i see [05:24] Gnome = a desktop 'set' of apps. window manager + filemanager + others [05:24] so like instead of metacity, yes? === DrFrasierCrane [n=DrFrasie@] has joined #ubuntu [05:24] jrib: heh im trying to fix the wireless driver as we speak, bcm43xx is a peice of crap :< [05:24] hey where can I find some database of gnome applets? [05:24] metacity = window manager, correct. === b08y [n=808y@pc24.riednet.wh.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:24] <----just wants his wi-fi working on a laptop [05:24] csc`: can you join #ubuntu-ops for a quick test? [05:24] hmm, ok.. thanks dr_Willis === hobbeswalsh [n=robin@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === leonel [n=leonel@] has joined #ubuntu [05:25] What is my host exactly? [05:25] anyone here familiar with sox? [05:25] or how can I figure it out what it is? === aka_youtube [n=louis@ip216-239-88-57.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu === JDStone [n=JDStone@adsl-64-170-164-98.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:26] Is my host for example: username@host IN terminal ??? === FooBarBaz [i=Username@cpc5-broo4-0-0-cust1000.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:26] your machines name is the 'hostname' set it to what you want. [05:26] !wifi | RandomUsr [05:26] your machines name is 'host' in your exzample [05:26] dr_Willis, ok tnx [05:26] RandomUsr: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs === axxium [n=axxium@ip70-189-42-99.lf.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:26] is it possible to rename a user? === radhios [n=radhios@96-208-126-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu === leonel [n=leonel@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [05:26] !sox [05:26] Sorry, I don't know anything about sox - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi === rafaelscj [n=rafaelsc@200164051228.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #Ubuntu [05:26] Javid: yep, use usermod (see the man page) [05:27] thanks === sharperguy [n=sharp@88-109-69-59.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:27] !dualboot [05:27] Dual boot instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty === black_death [n=sebastia@e178198241.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:27] !openbox [05:27] openbox is a lightweight window manager. For instructions and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Openbox. To replace metacity with Openbox please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReplaceMetacityWithOpenbox [05:27] needed those links [05:27] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91370&highlight=ip-masquerading === jvai [n=jvai@h-66-166-254-196.mclnva23.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:27] "3. Install dnsmasq and ipmasq using apt-get: " [05:27] who don't use dual-boot (only Ubuntu)? [05:28] How canm I install the packages if the network isn't setup yet? :P [05:28] !offtopic | rafaelscj [05:28] rafaelscj: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [05:28] I use just Ubuntu on this laptop === joelliot [n=sgas@] has joined #ubuntu === kingKonqueror [n=hat@hlfxns0145w-142167130182.pppoe-dynamic.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:28] can* === csc` [n=csc@archlinux/user/csc] has joined #ubuntu === b08y [n=808y@pc24.riednet.wh.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:28] I too === csc` [n=csc@archlinux/user/csc] has joined #ubuntu [05:29] Xera^, id hook it up to the net direcctly to install a few apps.. but ipmasquerading is what linux runs to let OTHER machines get through it to theinternet. === maruto [n=maruto@] has joined #ubuntu [05:29] hola [05:29] Xera^, you might use an aptoncd? [05:29] aptoncd? [05:29] hello [05:29] ?* [05:30] i cant get a graphical login on my system, i get an error for a freefontpath [05:30] how do i run this "NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run"? === n0k1 [n=nok@10001291489.0000039971.acesso.oni.pt] has joined #ubuntu [05:30] Bo1 [05:30] chmod +x NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run [05:30] ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run === VisualStation [n=visualst@121.178-66-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu [05:30] Bo1: why are you using the .run? [05:30] did the restricted manager not work? === basic_ [n=basic@AOrleans-152-1-83-211.w90-21.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [05:30] you know you can just "sh NVIDIA-Linuxx86&" === FooBarBaz [i=Username@cpc5-broo4-0-0-cust1000.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === vina [n=kiosk@] has joined #ubuntu [05:30] i download this file online [05:30] instead of chmodding it to executable status [05:31] !nvidia | Bol [05:31] Bol: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [05:31] i tend touse 'bash whatever.sh' :) [05:31] i cant installed flash in my procesator de 64bit helpme === N3bunel saluta [05:31] Bo1: there is a better way to install, see ubotu's link === Spikbebis [n=sycster@81-233-242-148-no50.tbcn.telia.com] has left #ubuntu ["weee] === mode/#ubuntu [+o jrib] by ChanServ [05:31] Xera^, ATPOnCD is a CD/Iso with the packages === mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@archlinux/user/csc!#ubuntu-read-topic] by jrib === vina [n=kiosk@] has joined #ubuntu === Cykus [n=cykus@tkp30-3.rybnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [05:31] are there any E17 users in here? === csc` was kicked off #ubuntu by jrib (you need to be tested before you can rejoin) === mode/#ubuntu [-o jrib] by jrib === vina_ [n=kiosk@] has joined #ubuntu === atlas95 [n=atlas@] has joined #ubuntu === tehk [n=tehk@c-69-249-157-157.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:32] if there is a better way then why dont you just say it? === hymmm [n=hymmm@gate52.kolornet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [05:32] rafaelscj, is there any way to setup Ubuntu to Windows XP internet sharing without downloading more stuff? :| [05:32] Bo1, follow the nvidia wiki/docs/guide for installing nvidia drivers [05:32] witam [05:32] !nvidia [05:32] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [05:32] jack|Helium, I installed it [05:32] stefg thanks for the link, but my wi-fi card is not native, and mad wifi does not support my card.... I have to rebuild my kernel in order to include it [05:32] Bo1: because I'm at work and can't afford the time to take you through it personally. Just read the link - it'll explain everything. [05:32] not again just tell me how plezzzzzzzz === zarul [n=zarulsha@ubuntu/member/zarul] has joined #ubuntu [05:32] RandomUsr: ndiswrapper? === mr__daniel [n=sysrq@e177155089.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu === BlindSide [n=halfdemo@125-236-140-107.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu === vina__ [n=kiosk@] has joined #ubuntu [05:33] i read i dont under.stand === ArtificialSynaps [n=kevin@c-24-14-65-190.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu [05:33] why you think i keep coming back here [05:33] that mean i dont/ get it === vina_ [n=kiosk@] has joined #ubuntu [05:33] rafaelscj: do you, per chance, know how to make the "Files" entry in the main menu point to a different file manager [05:33] stefg not so much, I want to take advantage of the features of my card [05:33] Bo1: Do you have a problem with a specific step? [05:33] Bo1: run the Restricted Driver Manager from the System Administration menu. [05:33] pici:yeah [05:33] can someone please help me use sox to send sound from my tv tuner card to my soundcard? [05:33] Bo1, personally. i install the 'restricted-manager' tool and just run it. [05:33] stefg http://intellinuxwireless.org/?p=mac80211 [05:34] pici:how do i run this file "chmod +x NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run [05:34] (11:30:25 PM) Xera^: ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run" [05:34] !info restricted-manager [05:34] that's what I wanna do [05:34] restricted-manager: manage non-free hardware drivers. In component main, is optional. Version 0.20 (feisty), package size 32 kB, installed size 300 kB [05:34] Bo1, whgat video card do you have exactly? === Ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-148-89.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:34] chmod +x NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run [05:34] /NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run [05:34] Xera^, I have a Desktop with windows XP sharing its conection with my laptop === Bo1 [n=root@cpe-76-174-84-42.socal.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [05:34] Bo1: Open a terminal, programs>accesories>terminal [05:34] Bo1, using that .run file is the 'hard' way to get the nvidia stuff installed. [05:34] Bo1: you are doing it the wrong way. Don't use the .run file. Use the Restricted Driver Manager. [05:34] rafaelscj, care to explain how? :) === Davy_Jones [n=ad@] has left #ubuntu [] === shagggy [i=shaggy@nat/ibm/x-dbd329014c2f6bb1] has joined #ubuntu === pk_ [n=pk@114-171-124-91.pool.ukrtel.net] has joined #ubuntu === ShadowXP [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === pk_ [n=pk@114-171-124-91.pool.ukrtel.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:35] jack|Helium, no, I don't know [05:35] RandomUsr: ok, i see... seems you're forced into the brilliant opportunity to build a mean and lean customized Kernel for your box :-) [05:35] rafaelscj: tnx anyway [05:35] stefg exactly === vina_ [n=kiosk@] has joined #ubuntu [05:36] stefg I'm running feisty with the 2.6.20 kernel [05:36] Xera^, using something like "network wizard" [05:36] stefg which should work according to intel === ] RandoM[ [n=stewbacc@hlfxns0146w-142167163211.pppoe-dynamic.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:36] hi. can anyone tell me where i could find the doc for kchmviewer ? thx . === earthmeLon [n=none@12-210-115-95.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu === gustavold [n=gustavo@atlas-apm.wrk.terra.com.br] has joined #ubuntu === Flegma [n=Michalek@devil.spacecom.cz] has joined #ubuntu [05:37] stefg so now, in order to get everything my card offers, I have to do it that way === piglit [n=piglit@cc104481-a.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [05:37] stefg any ideas? === msingh [n=msingh@cust0520.wa01.aanet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [05:37] Xera^, Start menu > All programs > Acessories > Comunication === mnemonic1 [n=mnemonic@255.Red-88-23-21.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:37] how can i change the display resolution other than from the System menu? [05:38] (i am booting from CD - and wish to install but cannot see the installation program correctly) [05:38] RandomUsr: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild .... get a vanilla (2.6.22) kernel and patch it. i found the stock ubuntu kernels hard to use anyway, so i'm used to build my own kernels anyway [05:38] rafaelscj, ok, I'm in the setup wizard === Johto [n=whateva@dsl-kpobrasgw1-fedefa00-25.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu === jexsie [n=jexsie@unaffiliated/jexsie] has joined #ubuntu [05:38] um, I want to add a menu entry that opens Gmail into Applications > Internet. What would be the command to use to open Gmail? === snikker [n=IRC@host136-144-dynamic.0-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [05:38] Xera^, what are you reading? === yurimxpxman [n=yurimxpx@pool-71-98-77-181.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === inkompatible [n=claudio@] has joined #ubuntu === alucad [n=amdhan@] has joined #ubuntu [05:38] stefg I have NO clue what I'm doing in the sense of building custom kernel, will that be enough info for me? === ion [n=ion@70-58-119-250.phnx.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:39] how can I mount a .cue/.bin image? === inkompatible [n=claudio@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === Dreamless [n=dreamles@port63.ds1-arsy.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [05:39] yurimxpxman: convert it to a .iso with bchunk [05:39] !iso > yurimxpxman (see the private message from ubotu) [05:39] yurimxpxman: use bchunk or bin2iso to turn it into an iso, then mount that [05:39] SlimeyPete: thanks [05:39] good morning === charlie_21 [n=charlie@ool-44c7e914.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:39] can anyone help me in pptp-command [05:40] rafaelscj I have "This computer connects directly to the internet or through a network hub. Other computers on my network also connect to the internet directly or through a hub", "This computer connects directly to the internet. I do not have a network yet" and "This computer belongs to a network that does not have an internet connection" [05:40] i cannot connect [05:40] the connection get terminated === mode/#ubuntu [+o jrib] by ChanServ === bogdomania [i=shok@] has joined #ubuntu [05:40] Xera^, Chose 1st option [05:40] Ok === mode/#ubuntu [-b csc``!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by jrib === mode/#ubuntu [-o jrib] by jrib === chiafeng [n=chiafeng@218-167-70-166.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:41] I entered a description === JimmyFJ [n=jimmy@0x5733ff9d.abnxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [05:41] hello all!im new on using linux,so i dont know much..im trying to install yahoo messenger .deb package and i get in terminal that the dependencies are not satisfied and then libgdk-pixbuf2..what should i do? === christophe [n=christop@] has joined #ubuntu [05:41] /JOIN #fsslug [05:41] RandomUsr: the steps are easy to follow. The art lies in configuring your kernel right. Leaving out or choosing the wrong stuff will get you an unbootable kernel, or some hardware not working. But see it as a chance to learn. There's alway a 'first time' some time :-) [05:41] bogdomania: use gaim or pidgin. === msingh [n=msingh@cust0520.wa01.aanet.com.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:42] has anyone here successfully configured their tv tuner card here? === fyrestrtr remembers his first time...... === cwadam [n=adam@eiw250.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [05:42] rafaelscj, now it's asking for a network name === staar2 [n=staar2@84-50-128-56-dsl.rkv.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu [05:42] Can I put anything? [05:42] stefg that's helpful *rolling eyes" === cwadam [n=adam@eiw250.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === metaphys [n=metaphys@201-75-211-108-am.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [05:42] Xera^, leave it "mshome" === x-Dieu [n=nBouncer@x64.ath.cx] has joined #ubuntu [05:42] ok [05:42] stefg, can we try it on your computer first? ;_) [05:42] Turn on file and printer sharing? [05:43] Xera^, I prefer no [05:43] Where exactly do I have to put "profile" in my groob.list so indexing will remember my settings and boot time will be shorter?? I write it at the and of line "kernel/vlminuz..." but with upper case so it can be noted. Did I write profile on the correct places ??? [05:43] ok === TelnetManta [n=benwilli@] has joined #ubuntu [05:43] RandomUsr: i already run my homemade 2.6.21... so the test is already passed :-) [05:43] Hi all. I'm trying to figure out who actually owns creating the Ubuntu distribution, the ISOs found at this URL: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/tribe-5/ === spanglesontoast [n=edd@eddland.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu === \oxero [n=stuartca@host86-147-43-82.range86-147.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:43] multiverse: who "owns" it? [05:43] rafaelscj now it's telling me I can make a network setup disk [05:43] <\oxero> hey [05:44] stefg ok you write the how-to and post it ok? [05:44] Xera^, don't do it, ubuntu will automatic detect [05:44] I love a sense of humor [05:44] !canonical | multiverse [05:44] ok === thatsPipe [n=rshaw@pool-151-203-73-73.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:44] multiverse: Canonical Ltd. is committed to the development, distribution and promotion of open source software products, and to providing tools and support to the open source community. It is the driving force behind the Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu Operating Systems. Canonical's website is at http://www.canonical.com/ [05:44] <\oxero> anyone able to give me a small hand with ubuntu, ive done everything but a problem has occured :) [05:44] fyrestrtr: Right. Who creates the ISO? === ekiczek [n=ekiczek@h-72-245-66-3.cmbrmaor.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:44] RandomUsr: the howto is already at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild ... so no further excuses: Get started, man ! [05:44] multiverse: I suppose the release team at Canonical. [05:44] im not getting mi internet connection. the error i get is "MPPE required but peer refused" and the connection gets terminated [05:45] can anyone help === svirdulis [n=namai@] has joined #ubuntu === Tmi [n=tommi@kr-lun-9-144-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:45] multiverse: Or the iso testing team. #ubuntu-iso I think. [05:45] Where exactly do I have to put "profile" in my groob.list so indexing will remember my settings and boot time will be shorter?? I write it at the and of line "kernel/vlminuz..." but with upper case so it can be noted. Did I write profile on the correct places ??? output of grub.list: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35670/ [05:45] Where can I find information about the Release team? [05:45] rafaelscj, nothing happened :P === Anita_Sempai [n=Anita_Se@] has joined #ubuntu === enn [n=eli@boris.onshored.com] has left #ubuntu [] === kdub432 [n=kdubois@] has joined #ubuntu [05:45] Xera^, ? [05:45] oh wait [05:45] multiverse: at the wiki [05:46] "Requesting a network address from the wired network" [05:46] t4m1n0: what tha heck is a gooob.list ? [05:46] OMG, they say DO NOT compile a custom kernel for a special driver and that you only need to install "Linux-Headers Packages"? [05:46] Xera^, I think you must restart before start sharing... [05:46] stefg ^ [05:46] fyrestrtr, sorry grub :P === cowbud [n=fuas@or-76-2-9-200.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:46] t4m1n0: read the comments in the file, it tells you where. [05:46] restart Windows or Ubuntu? [05:46] or both? === Shadowpillar [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:47] Xera^, windows [05:47] RandomUsr: you didn't know that? [05:47] ok [05:47] is there a known problem in XORG with rendering ? seems like every browser turns to a crawl on some pages and pegs the cpu at 100% [05:47] fyrestrtr [05:47] NO [05:47] Back in a sec [05:47] oh. [05:47] oh well, now you do :) [05:47] Broc223, you mean the browsers do it all on the same pages [05:47] t4m1n0: you're getting something really wrong... you don't edit /boot/grub/menu.lst. you only let the profiling run /once/ manually, otherwise you'd slow down the boot by profiling at /every/ boot [05:47] I put the disk in and things just work or they don't [05:47] Broc223, sounds like a problem with the pages then does it not? === Racial [n=Racial@belmoncnas34-1088742219.dial.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [05:48] Broc223: you have a graphics driver problem/ its not installed [05:48] bruenig: no it sounds like a problem with xorg not being able to render them ;-) [05:48] what the H--- is a linux-headers package? [05:48] stefg: so editing grub.list in etc isn't a good idea === freepenguin [n=andrea@host58-173-dynamic.61-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [05:48] what command i must type for build a .deb package from a source (that already have a debian folder inside)? === Haz [n=dot@88-107-8-204.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu === stimpie [n=michiel@ip565faf27.direct-adsl.nl] has left #ubuntu [] [05:49] RandomUsr: its the header files for the linux kernel. [05:49] wow.. [05:49] you guys sit here all day and do nothing. [05:49] <\oxero> i just installed ubuntu on my 80gb hdd, everything installed fine but since it told me to restart it just keeps saying /dev/sda1 clean, 98381/etc etc, it wont leave that screen, anyone? [05:49] which provide what type of functionality fyrestrtr? [05:49] snikker: to build from source with most packages, make will do === noelferreira [n=noel@10001239831.0000018639.acesso.oni.pt] has joined #ubuntu [05:49] !cab [05:49] Sorry, I don't know anything about cab - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [05:50] RandomUsr: wait a second, sudo apt-get install build-essential fakeroot kpkg while you wait [05:50] kdub432: a simple make create a .deb package? [05:50] \oxero, just let it run til its done, should correct your disk errors === ShadowXP [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:50] <\oxero> how long should it take? === freepenguin [n=andrea@host58-173-dynamic.61-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:50] How do you go up in a directory from the terminal? [05:50] snikker: what are you building? The command is (I think) debuild === ant30 [n=ant30@] has joined #ubuntu [05:50] is there a way to extract .cab files? === Racial [n=Racial@belmoncnas34-1088742219.dial.bell.ca] has left #ubuntu [] [05:50] grr.. can someone take a look at a couple simple lines of code and tell me why I'm getting "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}', expecting ',' or ';' " ?? === Xera^ [i=Xera@79-65-150-151.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:50] cabextract [05:50] oh, snikker, i misunderstood. look up the tools, debhelper and dh-make [05:50] RandomUsr: as stated on the tin -- it provides the header files for the kernel. === Hitman-Forhire [n=hitman@74-130-83-64.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:50] something's up with my if/else or something === Guest_253 [n=irc4u@] has joined #ubuntu [05:51] toyimp: cd ../ [05:51] and snikker, with some packages make check will make a debian i think.... [05:51] Javid: thanks [05:51] ty fyrestrtr [05:51] fyrestrtr: i'm tring (for learn) with adduser... [05:51] t4m1n0: there's no /etc involved with grub. you press 'esc' during boot, type 'e' on the line starting with kernel, and write the word profile at the end of the line. So the boot process gets profiled, and after that your boot will be somewhat quicker [05:51] Xera^, ... [05:51] kdub432: ok, now i try... thanks [05:51] rafaelscj, yes? [05:51] :| [05:51] ahem [05:51] Xera^, is it working? [05:52] ignore my last post, wrong chan [05:52] <\oxero> Kdub432, how long should it take to complete? [05:52] maybe i should just fdisk the drive fyrestrtr? [05:52] rafaelscj, requesting network address === zigg [n=zigg@] has joined #ubuntu [05:52] RandomUsr: if that is what you want to do? Why are you getting agitated? === profanephobia [n=profanep@74-131-141-126.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:52] stefg, this or manually once in /etc/grub.list and second time delete profile from list. But ur propably right, making during the bott is less complicated.. [05:52] /oxero, it really depends on what you're compiling. bug preojects take a lot of time [05:52] nop [05:52] * big projects [05:52] not working [05:52] RandomUsr: better link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=311158&highlight=master+kernel [05:52] who's agititated fyrestrtr? this is hilarious [05:52] <\oxero> im not compiling anything [05:52] stefg, sorry for bad english.. [05:53] t4m1n0: there is no /etc/grub.list [05:53] \oxero: the only way that source can go to a binary deb package is if you compile it [05:53] stefg, sorry my mistake again /boot... === SoulChild [n=eshat@dslb-084-060-054-018.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:53] rafaelscj it hasn't acquired an IP address === FreeWheelin [n=spongela@host81-151-38-132.range81-151.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:53] t4m1n0: don't touch it... just reboot [05:53] <\oxero> i just installed ubuntu, installed it on my hdd, done everything then it told me to restart, i did and it done certain things and has come to a certain point [05:53] stefg, ok === tim167 [n=tim@pool-151-203-235-197.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:53] <\oxero> and it wont do anything more [05:53] Xera^, you're using wireless, don't you? so , try restating ubuntu === Dromar [n=david@pur31-1-82-224-15-167.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:54] Not wirelss [05:54] How do i make GRUB write the path of an HD isntead of the UUID ??? [05:54] wireless* [05:54] ethernet === T3 [n=t3@] has joined #ubuntu === mdolan [n=mdolan@ool-4576e35d.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu === Exteris [n=Daan@cp512947-a.dbsch1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [05:54] I'll try rebooting ubuntu anyway [05:54] \oxero: could you be a little less specific? [05:54] stefg thanks for all your help, looks like i have my work cut out for me [05:54] !doesn't work \oxero [05:54] <\oxero> hehe sorry [05:54] have a good day [05:55] !doesn't work | \oxero [05:55] \oxero: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. [05:55] <\oxero> heh [05:55] Xera^, maybe restarting the X server will have the same effect [05:55] Xera^, did you change any network cong? [05:55] conf* === vina [n=kiosk@] has joined #ubuntu [05:55] on? [05:55] Ubuntu [05:56] what's the command to find a file with a specific text in it ? [05:56] no [05:56] Oh btw, Windows isn't saying a network cable is connected ._. === pyrak [n=pyrak@ip68-109-193-64.pv.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === jelabarre [i=jelabarr@nat/ibm/x-ef3d5d4fe0ab0fca] has joined #ubuntu === dell_lin [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu === stulli [n=stulli@stuwonat.uni-koblenz.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:56] Xera^, okay, when it happens here, i restart Ubuntu [05:56] ok, rebooted === linescanner [n=cutter@81-86-244-201.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:57] SoulChild: man grep [05:57] my 3.4ghz goes into 100% to load weather.com, this is crap [05:57] sumone help me out to configure pptp connection [05:57] <\oxero> Right, well Ubuntu installed on my HDD, then i was told to restart which i did - It restarted began to load and done procedures like 'Reading Files need to Boot' It has got to the point /dev/sda1: clean, 98381/9979552 files, 820358/19749901 blocks - below that it says ok and there is a flashing underline cursor but nothing else is happening =( === N3bunel brb fac baitza la ..... === mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@archlinux/user/csc!#ubuntu-read-topic] by nalioth [05:58] \oxero: what kind of computer do you have? [05:58] Xera^, or to invert the ethernet cable windows < > ubuntu === ccarey [n=chris@ip68-100-173-33.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:58] <\oxero> It was spare parts mixed together but i got a new hdd, cd rom drive [05:58] <\oxero> it is up to spec easily [05:58] try [05:58] ok === alkalineX [n=sysop@unaffiliated/iwalker] has joined #ubuntu === w4ett [n=chatzill@24-159-74-250.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === csc` [n=csc@archlinux/user/csc] has joined #ubuntu [05:59] How to I refresh the UUID's of my Partition, cause whenever Grub is updated, they are wrong ? [05:59] !edgy [05:59] Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) is the 5th release of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/6.10/ - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes [05:59] !fiesty [05:59] rafaelscj, Ubuntu picks up that it's a Windows network but Windows isn't saying anything about a network cable being plugged in [05:59] Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Feisty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - For BitTorrent downloads, see !Torrents === Robbie [n=Robbin@auh-as8965.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu === Snipeh_ [n=sniper@proxy-gw.uib.no] has joined #ubuntu === binded2 [i=binded2@wsip-70-168-11-234.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === lmr is now known as lmr[A] === Arcad3z [n=arcad3@] has joined #ubuntu [06:00] !ping [06:00] pong [06:00] hey help me out with this error "MPPE required but peer refused" === Jesus [n=jesus@nl106-133-226.student.uu.se] has joined #ubuntu === gbadolfo [n=gbadolfo@] has joined #ubuntu [06:00] k tall [06:00] ola [06:00] olaa [06:00] <\oxero> fyrestrtr can you help me? [06:00] k tall [06:01] SoulChild: inspect the 'kopt' option in /boot/grub/menu.lst. there are a lot of 'magic comments' in that file that determine how update-grub writes the kernel options === subzero2000 [n=subzero2@c-69-245-21-249.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:01] Xera^, did de network's icon disapear from taskbar (windows)? so you,re connected [06:01] I didn't see one appear [06:01] stefg: ok, i'll check [06:01] \oxero: maybe, did the livecd work fine? [06:01] (system tray) [06:01] ola === fqh [n=root@] has joined #ubuntu [06:01] !es | gbadolfo [06:01] gbadolfo: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. [06:01] <\oxero> can i reformat the hdd and install it again? === xoRock [n=xo@] has joined #ubuntu === alucad [n=amdhan@] has left #ubuntu [] [06:02] sure [06:02] sure [06:02] <\oxero> hmm [06:02] <\oxero> ok [06:02] ehh [06:02] Xera^, system tray* [06:02] donde [06:02] pueto [06:02] estar [06:02] !es [06:02] Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. [06:02] en espaol [06:02] !pt | gb [06:02] gb: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. [06:02] rafaelscj, nothing appears when I plugin the cable === skinnypuppy1334_ [n=user@66-168-108-106.dhcp.mdvl.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:03] Xera^, try open www.google.com in firefox (ubuntu) [06:03] (On windows) [06:03] doesn't work === gdiebel [n=gdiebel@adsl-69-217-146-185.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === axxium [n=axxium@ip70-189-42-99.lf.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:03] would anyone know how can I check what RAM do I have. I know there is 512MBs of ram. But I don't know how fast it is how many HZs ?? === hsy [n=hsy@] has joined #ubuntu [06:03] Could it be because I skipped DHCP network setup when installing? [06:04] could someone please point me to a program to open .wps files (msworks) word2x appears to be one but is not on ubuntu afaict === steph_16th [n=steph@bas7-montrealak-1096597550.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu === ingenieria [n=ingenier@] has joined #ubuntu === scheater7 [n=c7781f13@astra.techwareit.com] has joined #ubuntu === bionoid [i=bionoid@down.in.fragglerock.org] has joined #ubuntu === qcshzihnus [n=qcshz@] has joined #ubuntu [06:04] Xera^, did you chose the corect INTERFACES on wizard? === Anita_Sempai [n=Anita_Se@] has joined #ubuntu === wyn2 [n=riven@dsl-243-127-67.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [06:04] how used ubuntu with asterisk [06:04] Xera did it work for you in the live cd? [06:04] yes [06:04] skinnypuppy1334_, text install [06:05] rafaelscj, I didn't get an option to select an interface [06:05] If you mean on Windows that is === asasad [n=ketrox@Yae30.y.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu === ironmatar [n=ubuntu@pool-71-112-180-6.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:05] <\oxero> my ubuntu seems to get stuck everytime at checking the root file system === cowbud [n=fuas@or-76-2-9-200.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu === asasad is now known as ketrox [06:06] \oxero: obviously the kernel dosn't find its root fs [06:06] <\oxero> so what do i need to do? [06:06] Xera^, wizard might ask you two interfaces, the internet one, and the local network one [06:07] nop === Enul [n=steven@] has joined #ubuntu [06:07] well another day of fighting with ubuntu aparently my x org is broken somehow on startup and needs a fix or modifcation running on live cd so i can get here [06:07] \oxero: could be a bios issue, or some UUID mismatch. See if you have the most recent biso for your board first [06:07] *bios === haven [n=haven@] has joined #ubuntu [06:07] <\oxero> i probably dont === snarkyFish [n=noone@c-24-8-182-34.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [06:07] can anyone tell me how to install a new nvidia driver for a geforce 7100 gs card? [06:07] <\oxero> but how can i even update it :S === Brian__ [n=brian@adsl-68-78-76-100.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === kdub432 [n=kdubois@] has left #ubuntu [] === stefano [n=stefano@] has joined #ubuntu === fyrestrtr [n=burhan@pdpc/supporter/student/fyrestrtr] has joined #ubuntu === gary_ [n=gary@cpc2-colc2-0-0-cust809.colc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #Ubuntu [06:08] Xera^, did you open the corect wizard? :) === Brian__ [n=brian@adsl-68-78-76-100.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === haven [n=haven@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [06:08] the reccomended methods dont work enul? [06:08] !nvidia | ebul [06:08] ebul: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [06:08] !nvidia | enul [06:08] enul: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto === lionstone [n=blo@adsl-75-55-214-60.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu === samurai [n=sam@] has joined #ubuntu [06:09] thanks [06:09] Hi. Before going to bed last night I updated my ubuntu feisty, for the first time in approx 3 weeks. Now this seems unrelated, but when I returned none of the left or right shift, alt or ctrl keys work at all. The rest - including caps - is fine. Would anyone know if any recent updates might have caused this+ showkey says nothing when I press them, so .. dead hardware or what+ .| === Daft_Punk [n=inan@tre93-2-82-231-165-90.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:09] Apologies for the lack of question marks === bruenig [n=bruenig@ip-129-15-131-246.fescfwsm.ou.edu] has joined #ubuntu [06:10] does 64 over 32 bit mean any thing other then more ram support if i support it should i go 64 bit does this effect drivers and other software as well would i needa compile my own stuff or no [06:10] .. === williammanda_ [n=william@c-68-60-199-201.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:10] hello, i am trying to get a netgear wg511t wireless network adapter working on ubuntu, iwconfig gives 'no wireless extentions', can anyone help ? thanks === vistakiller [n=spiros@ppp136-252.adsl.forthnet.gr] has left #ubuntu [] === eracc [n=eracc@72-4-41-2.365-2.jaxnet.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:10] wifi === Iudicia [n=thirsteh@0x535fd01d.vgnxx5.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [06:10] tim167, is there some module needed? [06:10] !wifi [06:10] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [06:10] Xera^, let me understand, you have two ethernet adpters, don't you? or do you use modem 56K? [06:10] Did I disconnect or has the channel gone quiet? :P [06:11] Anyone know why gusty doesn't have the glx extention enabled by default? [06:11] algien sabe spanish === Amo34 [n=juan@] has joined #ubuntu [06:11] !es [06:11] Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. === shinao1 [n=shinao1@] has joined #ubuntu === Iudicia is now known as Thirsteh [06:11] !gutsy | stefano [06:11] stefano: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 === gary_ is now known as GazzaK [06:12] <\oxero> if i cant even get into ubuntu how am i able to format it, use the live cd? === phoochka [n=phoochka@] has joined #ubuntu [06:12] yup [06:12] woah massive lagg [06:12] <\oxero> ah kk [06:12] holy crap [06:12] does 64 over 32 bit mean any thing other then more ram support if i support it should i go 64 bit does this effect drivers and other software as well would i needa compile my own stuff or no === sen3 [n=sen@] has joined #ubuntu [06:12] hahah lol === binded2 hates lag [06:12] bruenig, i think idswrapper or something === tretle [n=tretle@] has joined #ubuntu === cassidy [n=cassidy@126.69-244-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu [06:13] [17:12] Xera^, let me understand, you have two ethernet adpters, don't you? or do you use modem 56K? === IIOOII [n=MJ12@c-67-187-1-134.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:13] morning [06:13] The modem is USB [06:13] !wifi | tim167 [06:13] tim167: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs === benzs_s gives blinded2 a fullstop [06:13] binded2: go 32 bit, and enjoy the available codecs and flash [06:13] binded2: i just spent 2 weeks on the 64 bi distro buggyyyy [06:13] hmm really === fuoco [n=gad@] has joined #ubuntu [06:13] i am using 64bit right now and have had very few problems related to its being 64bit [06:13] does that matter torwards driver or any thing like that [06:13] After doing a dist upgrade how long does a reboot usually take? === FooBarBaz [i=Username@cpc5-broo4-0-0-cust1000.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === tgelter [n=tgelter@c-76-27-104-162.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === MTecknology [n=MTecknol@host-82-211-220-24.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:14] damn windows has spoiled me [06:14] binded2: as long as you don't need 3rd party packages all is well (aside from the codec issue) === gjehle [n=gjehle@p5B1792C9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === Daft_Punk [n=inan@tre93-2-82-231-165-90.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:14] i think i need the xorg mod after nvidia driver install [06:14] ironmatar and i thought that the differents there with the 64 and 32 is there compiled on the dif chips for support and 64 is more ram but other then that is there any reason to use it over 32 bit [06:14] I am goig to have launch... === GazzaK is now known as Gary [06:15] bruenig, the wireless adapter doesnt appear in the Network Settings window... === subzero2000_ [n=subzero2@c-69-245-21-249.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:15] tim167, have you setup ndiswrapper or not [06:15] binded2: all i know is i coudlent get a stable install out of it === black_death [n=sebastia@e178198241.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu === Daft_Punk [n=inan@tre93-2-82-231-165-90.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:16] bruenig, no [06:16] hmm i installed it and stuff but then went to thw 32 bit thinkin that i would have problems with it not sure of it [06:16] tim167, ok ubotu sent you a link I do believe that details how to do that [06:16] but then i tryed to install some stuff like the kwifimanger and it installed but then i couldnt find it in the apps or any were on the system only the icon lol [06:16] binded2: stick w 32 bit === ChakRa [i=UPP@] has joined #ubuntu [06:16] i'm useing pon and poff. is there something else available? === Qwenty [n=engurisu@216.Red-83-41-145.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === evilwinds [n=evilwind@88-138-127-85.adslgp.cegetel.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:17] bruenig, hmm i didnt catch the link, should it be in this room ? === meuserj [n=meuserj@indianalifesciences.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:17] !wifi | tim167 [06:17] tim167: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [06:17] yea i think i will still trying to figure out how to use the damn thing though im a newbie lol but i can get around lol === FFForever [n=chris@] has joined #ubuntu [06:17] bruenig ok that one i got, thanks === CoasterMaster [n=CoasterM@c-67-188-105-119.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === ac-town [n=ac-town@c-24-22-105-68.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === BetterThanBrunn [n=no@c-71-58-57-168.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Exteris is now known as Gary [06:18] how can i use rsync on the server the mirror a samba share (but only copy/delete the new stuff and not recopy everything...) === emmc_ [n=emmc@host177-191-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu === xbehave [n=knoppix@cpc3-gran1-0-0-cust952.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:19] binded2: i got a smoother install out of the x86 and good on the updates and got the nvida driver to install rather painlessly though i sem to have a broken xorg atm from the vid driver install === haven008 [n=haven@] has joined #ubuntu === WW [n=clement@gsy59-1-82-241-152-22.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === GPGEEK [n=joe@adsl-76-241-161-65.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu === paotzu [n=paotzu@] has joined #ubuntu [06:19] and cedega and eve client finna;y === axxium [n=axxium@ip70-189-42-99.lf.br.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === meuserj_ [n=meuserj@indianalifesciences.com] has joined #ubuntu === Artimus [n=jared@24-240-63-166.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com] has left #Ubuntu [] === Daft_Punk [n=inan@tre93-2-82-231-165-90.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === assasukasse [n=assasuka@n219079164170.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu === WW [n=clement@gsy59-1-82-241-152-22.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === Lumio [n=Lumio@cm106-190.liwest.at] has joined #ubuntu [06:20] I'm running out of space on my root partition and noticed that I have large amount of data under /usr, particularly under /usr/lib and /usr/share, how would I "autoremove" unneeded libs and whatever is under share? (I don't want to go deleting "willy-nilly", nor do I want to examine each piece of data there) === n00blet [n=ryan@CPE-72-135-233-24.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === spytrdr [i=slc@host81.201-253-133.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu === WW is now known as EddyWilliamson === kewl_ [n=kewl@] has joined #ubuntu === krzychuu [n=krzychu@host-ip21-133.crowley.pl] has joined #ubuntu === haven008_ [n=haven@] has joined #ubuntu === Siping [n=Sipingal@] has joined #ubuntu [06:22] invidia === sxp [n=sxp@] has joined #ubuntu [06:22] tgelter: sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get clean. Don't delete stuff manually that was put by a package there. see which packages you can uninstall [06:22] !nvidia [06:22] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [06:22] hey! I set up a local-user on my server. I set the home-dir to /var/www but now I don't have any permissions with that user. Is it because the dir was there before I made that user? How can I give that local-user rights, so I can use ftp and ssh and write files === subzero2000_ [n=subzero2@c-69-245-21-249.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Linuturk [n=linuturk@fluxbuntu/developer/Linuturk] has joined #ubuntu === kung [n=kung@twslap.Chemie.Uni-Mainz.DE] has joined #ubuntu === Siping [n=Sipingal@] has joined #ubuntu === kondoor [n=kondoor@12-215-74-46.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:22] tgelter: and consider putting /var on a separate partition if you haven't done so yet === WW [n=clement@gsy59-1-82-241-152-22.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === blackcurtain [n=blackcur@c-24-61-41-105.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === dkagedal [n=david@] has joined #ubuntu [06:23] I recently purchased a Lenovo Thinkpad R61, which has a very new nVIDIA graphics card. I decided to install Ubuntu and eventually had to move to 7.10 tribe 5 in the hopes the drivers were newer too. Ubuntu 7.10 tribe 5 Alternate CD file list - http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/tribe-5/gutsy-alternate-amd64.list - lists only one nVIDIA related package: /pool/restricted/n/nvidia-kernel-common/nvidia-kernel-common_20051028+1 === gary [n=gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has joined #Ubuntu [06:23] You need nvidia-glx-new probably. === haven008_ [n=haven@] has joined #ubuntu [06:23] That's right. [06:23] Try installing that package once you get up and running. === Almighty_Henaro [n=a_hen@c-24-98-20-28.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-148-89.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:23] But it isn't in 64 bit alt 7.10 tribe 5 === avalon [n=avalon@acni166.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu === Bo1 [n=root@cpe-76-174-84-42.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === N3bunel back [06:23] stefg: I've already done the auto-clean, I'm afraid of the clean cause I heard it can bork the system if I'm not careful [06:23] does any one here know how to install geforce fx 5200? [06:23] Oh... === haven008_ [n=haven@] has joined #ubuntu === coocsnake [n=anders@4307ds2-soeb.0.fullrate.dk] has joined #ubuntu [06:23] ironmatar i could not get that ati to install this mornin xorg what ever it was :( [06:24] Can't get it up and running. [06:24] screen goes blank [06:24] I don't even know if nVidia supports X64. [06:24] I'm running Ubuntu edgy server. I've got a package called libgnomeui-common that is marked as auto removable. When I try to remove it, I get the following error message: http://pastebin.ca/675878 Can anyone help me remove this package? [06:24] it does [06:24] tgelter: nooooo... that just empties the cache [06:24] stefg: and /var is only taking up 528 MB, why would I want it on a diff partition? === cowbud [n=fuas@or-76-2-9-200.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:24] umm i think that ima reboot back to linux and see what i can get going === White_Lightning [n=steve@] has joined #ubuntu [06:25] Hey I need to find someone who can help me set up a wireless network. I'm new to networking in general but I think I know enough about it that if someone explains I'll understand [06:25] i cant login but can startx without logging in or as root === gurax [n=arne@e179164223.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu === KenSentMe [n=jeroen@kensentme.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [06:25] tgelter: because apt is having its cache in /var/apt/cache.... apt not working because the drive is full is a major pita, so get thta out of the way [06:25] how can i view a samba share from the terminal? [06:25] I want to swim upstream here and get involved, help resolve this issue. === izzyb [n=izzyb@bas1-montreal42-1178047081.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu === radhios [n=radhios@96-208-126-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu === gurax [n=arne@e179164223.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu === Robby_ [n=Robby@8-81.127-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:25] !gutsy | multiverse [06:25] multiverse: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 [06:25] stefg: I understand. I guess I'll do that when I can resize this partition === rupek [n=rupek@acni166.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [06:25] can anyone explain to me how to start a vpn connection after I configure it in network connections manager, using 7.04 [06:26] does any one here know how to install geforce fx 5200? [06:26] does any one here know how to install geforce fx 5200? [06:26] does any one here know how to install geforce fx 5200? [06:26] dont pam === holycow [n=new@mail.wjsgroup.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:26] er spam === Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@ppp-69-229-179-81.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu [06:26] does any one here know how to install geforce fx 5200? [06:26] does any one here know how to install geforce fx 5200? [06:26] !ops | Bo1 [06:26] Bo1: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici === enabl [n=enabl@host-84-9-93-51.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:26] jack_sparrow:can you hlep me out === gurax [n=arne@e179164223.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu === steph_16th [n=steph@bas7-montrealak-1096597550.dsl.bell.ca] has left #ubuntu [] === ironmatar erects the goal posts and opents the betting booth for distance and times of flight [06:27] Bo1 try google [06:27] !nvidia [06:27] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [06:27] ops are sleeping === binded2 [i=binded2@wsip-70-168-11-234.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:27] stop sending me to website links [06:27] Bo1, dont spam your question or people will ignore you [06:27] elk:ok because nobody is answerint it [06:27] bo1, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto === InfiL00p [n=bowserj@S0106000c418bd9f7.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:27] Read it [06:27] Bo1: Have you bothered to read them..? [06:27] ironmatar have you had problems with the sound drivers for realtek [06:27] Bo1: open the case and plug it in === tck [n=tck@A-109-29.cust.iol.ie] has joined #ubuntu [06:27] my sound is all poppin and stuff [06:28] !patience | Bo1 [06:28] Bo1: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [06:28] any one else have that [06:28] jack_sparrow:i read them but, i dont understand them === ^eRr0r^ [n=wickedso@unaffiliated/alcoholic] has joined #ubuntu === Sevalecan [i=Sevaleca@allegro/user/Sevalecan] has joined #ubuntu [06:28] Bo1: How far do you get.. If you exhibit some knowledge that you treid, people are more willing to help. [06:28] they arent too hard to follow if you have general computer skills [06:28] binded2: idont know persoanlyl iv not been able to play eve so idk if any sound issues are present [06:29] ubotu: the problem exists in all versions of the distro [06:29] I'm running Ubuntu edgy server. I've got a package called libgnomeui-common that is marked as auto removable. When I try to remove it, I get the following error message: http://pastebin.ca/675878 Can anyone help me remove this package? === nixnoob [n=nixnoob@] has joined #ubuntu [06:29] !bot | multiverse [06:29] multiverse: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots === serenityUK [n=serenity@client-82-20-55-14.brnt.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:29] how can i get ubuntu to stop downing wlan0 when i suspend? [06:29] robby_:if it i would understand. then it has pass 5 days maybe more === gurax [n=arne@e179164223.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu === bluedemon [n=rlozano@] has joined #ubuntu === gary is now known as Gary [06:30] nixnoob: i believe it has to down your interfaces so they work properly when you boot back up [06:30] hmm i dont remember if i had that problem with the 64 bit though and i know for sure that i did not have that problem with backtrack [06:30] bluedemon: What is your native language? [06:30] erg [06:30] can anyone point me to a tutorial (aimed towards newbies) on how to set up a wireless network using Feisty? === teb [n=tebriel@c-76-20-250-55.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:30] Bo1: What is your native language? === lordandmaster [n=lordandm@pool-71-161-236-227.prvdri.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:30] Linuturk, when i resume the iface is down [06:30] nixnoob: what version of butnu are you using? === reac [n=ric@c211-28-211-245.thoms1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [06:30] Linuturk, feisty [06:30] pici:turkish [06:30] Linuturk: something might be broken with the package. so reinstall it first with sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgnomeui-common, then remove it agagin [06:31] does ubuntu come with madwifi drivers and wpa_supplicant on the CD? [06:31] nixnoob: network manager doesn't pick back up? [06:31] hi, i'd like to be able to log in remotely to my server box via ssh (already can) and then start a program but then close the ssh box and have the program continue to run, i don't think i can accomplish this with a trailing & to the command, what else do i need? [06:31] stefg: I've tried that, actually. didn't make it happy, sorry I didn't mention it before [06:31] !screen | teb [06:31] teb: screen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen === francis [n=francis@] has joined #ubuntu [06:31] Linuturk, i have an rt61 i dont use network manager [06:31] everbody seems to have networking problems today [06:31] thanks stefg [06:31] teb: You can also do `nohup program &` [06:32] nixnoob: do you have to start the adapter on a clean boot? [06:32] Linuturk, although i have not uninstalled network-manager [06:32] teb: also you can tell it on commandline to detach from terminal. eg: sh -d /thecommand === cox377 [n=cox@host-84-9-80-97.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:32] hmm ima reboot and try to get net workin lol === ironmatar [n=ubuntu@pool-71-112-180-6.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] === ieuan [n=xer@cpc1-pnth1-0-0-cust447.cdif.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:32] Linuturk, yes actually === lordandmaster [n=lordandm@pool-71-161-236-227.prvdri.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === osmosis [n=steven@cpe-76-80-127-252.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:32] blackcurtain, networking and video drivers is about 90% of the channel, when clicking the button on the front end doesn't work, terror strikes the people === ieuan [n=xer@cpc1-pnth1-0-0-cust447.cdif.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === MOTZ [n=riefler@83-215-155-58.hage.dyn.salzburg-online.at] has joined #ubuntu === WeeJeWel [n=WeeJeWel@ip54529f80.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [06:33] Bo1: This might help you: http://www.ubuntu-tr.com/v6/node/488 [06:33] nixnoob: well, that's going to be the normal behavior of a wireless adapter unless a) you can use network manger b) you write your own set of scripts to manage it on boot [06:33] is there a client gui that can be used to map network drives without having to do it under command line? === BetaTester [n=BGmIRC09@87-97-218-119.2072575577.ddns-catv.pl.ekk.bg] has joined #ubuntu [06:33] why are flash sites closing my firefox any idea? [06:33] Can i run the live CD w/o loading gnome and stuff? just a terminal? === ^futuro [n=mario@] has joined #ubuntu [06:33] stefg: my main goal is to start my ftp server (pure-ftpd) and leave it running, can i start it as a daemon or background process? [06:33] WeeJeWel: not that I know of. are you having problems installing? you might want to try the alternate disk [06:33] Linuturk, can you help my with custom scripts i wouldnt kno where to start [06:33] teb, for that you want: sudo invoke-rc.d pureftpd [06:33] Hi all. Can somebody tell me why my print jobs in Feisty are controlled by cupsys and not by lp? [06:34] Linuturk, i just dont wanna wait that long to type grub or so [06:34] teb, er... "sudo invoke-rc.d pureftpd start [06:34] teb: If it's already a daemon you don't need to worry about detaching it [06:34] Linuturk: the error indicates that apt is looking for some (obviously non-existant) gconf data. So you might have to reinstall gconf2 first, and then get rid of the whole shebang [06:34] and i dont feel like downloading 700mb again === Serial [n=panzer@AToulouse-256-1-125-15.w90-45.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [06:34] WeeJeWel, the only distro of late that I have seen that allows you to do that is arch, other distros that go with ncurses technically drop you into tty1 but they seem to lock you ought of the other ttys === EvaLuaTe [n=evaluate@unaffiliated/evaluate] has joined #ubuntu [06:34] hello === Serial [n=panzer@AToulouse-256-1-125-15.w90-45.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [06:34] bruenig: do you know any good step-by-step tutorials on how to set up a wireless network with feisty? === YoZo [n=yozo@call-113.info] has joined #ubuntu [06:34] ok, I'll give that a shot stefg === YoZo [n=yozo@call-113.info] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [06:34] bruenig, ok thanks [06:35] i get a 'tcl header {not found}' error when trying to install something, what do i have to install ? [06:35] pici:now everyhere is makeing me mad i ask how to install my card. but you guys keep on giveing websites.if you dont know just say NO. [06:35] WeeJeWel, the arch cd is only like 50 mb or something for the small one so you could probably use that as a live cd of sorts pretty quickly [06:35] preaction genii: when i issue the command pure-ftpd --userbandwidth 40 it takes the console with it leaving me to believe it's not started as a daemon === gwf [n=gertjan@82-170-230-73.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu [06:35] Bo1: That is in turkish, I thought that you might understand it better. === kondoor [n=kondoor@12-215-74-46.client.mchsi.com] has left #ubuntu [] [06:35] okay, thanks [06:35] stefg: nope, still throwing an error === jurgentje [n=jurgen@d51A502F2.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [06:35] teb: you don't want to directly run it. you want to execute it's startup script which is in the dir /etc/init.d [06:35] Bo1, your question is asked so many times that the website knows every possible way to install the card. === williammanda [n=william@c-68-60-199-201.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:36] teb: with sudo [06:36] genii: ohh okay i'll go do that, i didn't think about approaching it from there [06:36] any idea why flash sites are closing my firefox? [06:36] blackcurtain, I don't know of many, basically it consists of two parts, making sure you have the proper modules loaded so that your wireless card can work and then configuring it to associate with an access point [06:36] teb, and you want to find its configuration file to add your config (--userbandwidth 40) === tuxmaniac [n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac] has joined #ubuntu [06:36] preaction:all i did is ask does "any one here know how to install geforce fx 5200?" if you guys do tell me how if not say NO. === Jimmey [n=james@user-5446bfd9.lns6-c12.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [06:36] oh and I've also already tried "Create New Wireless Network" in network-manager === Jimmey [n=james@user-5446bfd9.lns6-c12.dsl.pol.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] === bentob0x [n=laurent@ip-213-49-72-111.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu === resilient [n=resilien@81-86-252-64.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:36] bruenig: I'm trying to host the network in my apartment [06:36] Hey... is there an easy way to switch from Ubuntu to Kubuntu? (not wanting to start the "which one is better" discussion. Just have some apps - Quanta f.e. - that seem to be working better on KDE) [06:37] the link is how we know, look at it and it will tell you [06:37] nixnoob: I wouldn't know where to start either, sorry. Try searching the wiki and forums for help on scripting [06:37] teb: eg: sudo /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd start [06:37] Bo1, no, you didn't just ask. you were rude about it, which is probably why nobody cares to help you. === resilient [n=resilien@81-86-252-64.dsl.pipex.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:37] try sudo apt-get nvidia-glx [06:37] jurgentje: Install kubuntu-desktop and be able to select which one at boot.. [06:37] genii: but i can't go sudo /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd start --userbandwidth 40 [06:37] Bo1, did you use the Restricted Drivers Manager? [06:37] er sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx [06:37] right? [06:37] any other ideas stefg ? [06:37] bruenig: my computer connects fine to other wireless networks [06:37] could anyone help me install TCL from the command line please ? [06:37] i get this error: FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Invalid argument, what do I do [06:37] Linuturk: a brutal approch would be renaming /var/lib/dpkg/info/libgnomeui-common.prerm .... [06:37] robby_:i try that . it would let ubuntu boot up. [06:37] teb, again, find the configuration file. read "man proftpd", it will tell you where [06:37] ? === askand [n=askar@h68n7c1o1099.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:38] jurgentje: they will work in either. If you install kubuntu, install it over ubuntu. Then use gdm and select the KDE session to switch. === albert23 [n=albert@] has joined #ubuntu === Carnage\ [n=carnage@Xd4ae.x.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu [06:38] apt-get instal tcl ? [06:38] you mean your x server wont work? [06:38] preaction: thank you i'll go do that [06:38] I have connected a mic and hear what I say in the speakers but cant record..what can be wrong? [06:38] i can login as root but startx crashes as a normal user [06:38] Jack_Sparrow: well... atm I'm already running a minimal leftover from my XP ... just kinda lacking space to install another boot... [06:38] anyone know of a program to profile your boot process and figure out what's taking the most time? [06:38] I recently purchased a Lenovo Thinkpad R61, which has a very new nVIDIA graphics card. I decided to install Ubuntu and eventually had to move to 7.10 tribe 5 in the hopes the drivers were newer too. Ubuntu 7.10 tribe 5 Alternate CD file list - http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/tribe-5/gutsy-alternate-amd64.list - lists only one nVIDIA related package: /pool/restricted/n/nvidia-kernel-common/nvidia-kernel-common_20051028+1 [06:38] robby_:when i enable the driver. [06:38] SORRY ABOUT THE REPOST! [06:38] teb: Set any run-time variables like that it may need in it's conf file. [06:38] !info bootchart | ademan [06:38] ademan: bootchart: boot sequence auditing and chart generator. In component main, is extra. Version 0.9-0ubuntu7 (feisty), package size 97 kB, installed size 192 kB [06:39] !gutsy | multiverse [06:39] multiverse: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 [06:39] fyrestrtr: and how do I switch between X-environment in gdm? (I assume I can get KDE using apt then?) [06:39] !nvidia [06:39] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [06:39] jurgentje: It isnt another boot.per say.. it is a collection of apps and an option where you noprmally login to ubuntu [06:39] multiverse: you could always download + compile the latest driver from nvidia.com === hendrixski [n=hendrixs@cpe-74-65-0-48.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === mluser [n=mfindley@ip68-0-70-23.tu.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === finalbeta [n=viper@d54C6865D.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [06:39] stefg: i was sort of afraid you'd say that, i tried it and it's not really working out for me, well, not at all actually [06:39] lemme look at guide a sec [06:39] teb: the init.d script will pull that stuff in for specific settings when it executes === hendrixski [n=hendrixs@cpe-74-65-0-48.rochester.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === WeeJeWel [n=WeeJeWel@ip54529f80.speed.planet.nl] has left #ubuntu [] [06:39] KDE is not a linux distribution; it is just a desktop environment. In gdm, click on 'sessions' and choose KDE. [06:39] is there a channel dedicated to using ubuntu on mac computers ? [06:40] !ppc [06:40] PowerPC. Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ === nelson_ [n=nelson@h163.119.141.64.cable.gldn.cablerocket.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:40] !irc [06:40] A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines [06:40] have you changed the driver name in /etc/X11/xorg.conf ? === Urthmover [n=cwesterb@adsl-68-94-224-35.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === Kwitschibo_ [n=Michael@host-091-096-237-206.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu [06:40] bo1 from nv to nvidia? === sandeep [n=sandeep@] has joined #ubuntu === nelson_ [n=nelson@h163.119.141.64.cable.gldn.cablerocket.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:41] bo1 should be under "Device" === chinawiz [n=chinawiz@] has joined #ubuntu [06:41] robby_:am .lost now [06:41] i have relteck ac'97 sound card not working plzzz help [06:41] i have an agp and a pci video card, both are detected but only the agp works any tips on getting the pci card going? === nelson_ [n=nelson@h163.119.141.64.cable.gldn.cablerocket.net] has joined #ubuntu === scipio [n=cornel@cpe-75-85-200-99.dc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:41] bo1 open /etc/X11/xorg.conf === velko [n=velko@] has joined #ubuntu === Ant1moN [n=danne@fln-161-72-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu === Rowan [n=rowan@229-67-74-65.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu === mirakeke [n=kenneth@217-3-131.0102.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu === blah [n=candyban@178.196-136-217.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu [06:42] Hi guys [06:42] What's the appropriate software to convert from .ram to .mp3? [06:42] bo1 lemme know when you have that open === rafaelscj [n=rafaelsc@200164051228.user.veloxzone.com.br] has left #Ubuntu [] [06:42] try ffmpeg === truthfatal [n=nelson@h163.119.141.64.cable.gldn.cablerocket.net] has joined #ubuntu === GNine [n=gnine@c-24-99-14-101.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === bentob0x [n=laurent@ip-213-49-72-111.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu === destiny [n=internet@dtmd-4db5e87c.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu [06:43] i think that converts them === williammanda_ [n=william@c-68-60-199-201.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:43] does anyone know how to make a boot script which will up wlan0? [06:43] anyone knows why flash sites are closing my firefo? === truthfatal [n=nelson@h163.119.141.64.cable.gldn.cablerocket.net] has joined #ubuntu === Lauree [n=lauree@cpe-66-65-133-77.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === cowbud [n=fuas@or-76-2-9-200.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:43] robby_:be right back in 2min === Bo1 [n=root@cpe-76-174-84-42.socal.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] === laurentmetis974 [n=thierry@Mix-StDenis-106-2-23.w193-250.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === truthfatal [n=nelson@h163.119.141.64.cable.gldn.cablerocket.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:44] ok === stefan_ [n=stefan@dslb-084-060-121-175.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:44] I'm using gutsy for the moment as my adsl modem/router (+nat) ... but performance is sub-par === truthfatal [n=nelson@h163.119.141.64.cable.gldn.cablerocket.net] has joined #ubuntu === scrip [n=ian@c-71-236-147-143.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === truthfatal [n=nelson@h163.119.141.64.cable.gldn.cablerocket.net] has joined #ubuntu === boytm [n=boytm@] has joined #ubuntu === Gary [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has joined #Ubuntu [06:45] it used to be a linksys router, so can't compare versions ... [06:45] Robby_: thanks :) [06:45] can gaim handle google talk? [06:45] is there anything special you have to do in gutsy (or for ADSL) to get proper performance? [06:45] yw === tvgm2 [n=Miranda@c-68-55-61-145.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === chinawiz [n=chinawiz@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [06:46] preaction: thank you for your help, turns out i had to make a file named UserBandwidth that contained only the number 40 and put it in the conf folder === laurentmetis974 is now known as nico97410 === nerdygirl_elli1 [n=ellie@] has joined #ubuntu === neversfelde|mobi [n=neversfe@] has joined #ubuntu === truthfatal [n=truthfat@h163.119.141.64.cable.gldn.cablerocket.net] has joined #ubuntu === assasukasse [n=assasuka@n219079164170.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu === e\ectro_ [n=electro@c-67-167-253-189.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === gottatrieit [n=rick59y@147-113.34-65.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:47] Hi all. I am running 6.06 LTS server. Is there anything wrong with the repository servers? I am getting an error when I try to apt-get install vsftpd === tgelter [n=tgelter@c-76-27-104-162.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:58] what error [06:58] anyone can help me ? [06:58] Coded: i don't know about gaim. but gajim can do it. over so called transports it can handle icq, msn, irc,... you name it === sxp [n=sxp@] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] MOTZ: whats your problem [06:58] Connection Failed [IP: 80] === staar2 [n=staar2@84-50-128-56-dsl.rkv.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] nerdygirl_elli1: server is down [06:58] I'm sure it will be fixed === MaCa [n=tmacam@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === birdmon [n=birdmon@bzq-219-46-202.isdn.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu === kyled185 [n=kyle@] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] my firefox ist closing in flash sites [06:58] velko, thanks [06:58] youtube and so [06:58] Norrel: Sadness and despair. Do you know any mirrors off the top of your head? [06:58] Has anyone used multipath before? [06:58] does anyone here know how to create an NFS share that will allow access to all IP's? [06:58] @ Norrel === jfrench [n=jfrench@adsl-75-30-218-125.dsl.ksc2mo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu === misnix [n=jkr@corona.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] Afternoon. Can some one tell me what I should expect when using NFS? Will I see an icon in the networking window or does the client machine show up on my desktop? [06:58] already reinstalled or even tried ^^ [06:58] kyled185: examine man exports manpage for ideas [06:58] kyled185: make sure you know what you're doing ... NFS was designed back in the days when networks were considered safe === rejban [n=rejban@h10n2fls33o1010.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] nerdygirl_elli1: you could change the address to neightbour countrys adress, like us.something to ca.something [06:58] motz; what version of firefox do u have? [06:58] !paste [06:58] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) === ShakaGoldSaint [n=eleazar@] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] newest [06:58] Norrel: Thanks!! [06:58] 7.04 [06:58] uk servers are working [06:58] nerdygirl_elli1: np [06:58] MOTZ: firefox freezes? [06:58] no === ssn [n=simon@] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] is clis closing [06:58] blah: What's the best way, then, to network three Fiesty machines on a home network? [06:58] hithe === b0c1 [n=boci@gw.boci.ammnet.hu] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] i made a mistake [06:58] no error code at all === TimeTraveller [n=danny@81-233-102-132-no76.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] where can i check version ? [06:58] stefg: I think I got rid of it [06:58] I hope I did, anyway === InfiL00p [n=bowserj@S0106000c418bd9f7.vc.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === InfiL00p [n=bowserj@S0106000c418bd9f7.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] thanks stefg [06:58] somehow i managed to take read permission to a few folders away [06:58] as root [06:58] ... [06:58] is upgrading from dapper to edgy pretty painless? [06:58] how do i change it back? [06:58] MOTZ: thats bad. Flash can bug very hard [06:58] blah, it's only a temporary share so that I can do a net install on a computer that doesn't have a dvd drive [06:58] UncleD: Yes. [06:58] UncleD: very painless [06:58] sudo chmod u+r doesnt work [06:58] ssn: can you ls their contents ? [06:58] reformat ? [06:58] ssn: chmod u+w === Hanno [n=tobias@82-171-181-106.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] ssn: oops. sorry [06:58] ssn: folders need execute permissions for you to cd to them [06:58] is there a key to press to see the boot events instead of the ubuntu image when the machine starts? [06:58] the problem ist since 10min never had before === [diablo] [n=[diablo] @unaffiliated/miles/x-000000001] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] nothing changed ;( === pc_ [n=pc@vil93-10-88-165-109-230.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] CoasterMaster: What command can I type to see the latest version of ubuntu i'm running === pvl1 [n=pvl1@] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] UncleD: cat /etc/issue [06:58] how do i uninstall Envy? === francois_fon_ [n=francois@sev93-4-82-242-17-76.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] Dear Ubuntu peole, after upgrading my system, it once again broke my nvidia config. I do keep forgetting how to put it right again. Could anybody point me in the right direction? Do keep in mind I am using irssi since I dont have an X server... [06:58] bentob0x: ctrl-alt-f1 or f8. or you can remove the quiet and splash options from grub if you want it to be permanent. === Urthmover [n=cwesterb@adsl-68-94-224-35.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] pvl1: You dont... === Urthmove1 [n=cwesterb@adsl-68-94-224-35.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] !envy > pvl1 [06:58] i dont ahve an nvidia or ati card === ShakaGoldSaint [n=eleazar@] has joined #ubuntu === assasuka [n=assasuka@n219079164170.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] upgrading your system how? [06:58] when my feisty server boots up, the login prompt shows up before other services finish loading. Is this normal? === sgtkwol [n=chatzill@cpe-24-198-3-108.buffalo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] Robby_, via the embedded update-manager === SlugO [n=janne@host-212-149-245-138.kpylaajakaista.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] so far Ive gone from breezy to dapper [06:58] today im going to go from dapper to fiesty :) [06:58] why if a "filename.templates" in (in the po folder) start with a comment (#) or a blank line, the templates file in the packaged version (with debuild) start with 2 blank lines? [06:58] UncleD: if you want to see what version you have: cat /etc/lsb-release [06:58] type nvidia-glx --version [06:58] UncleD: you better go from dapper > edgy > feisty ;p [06:58] and see what it says [06:58] Linuturk: yea i'm doing that :) [06:58] lol [06:58] i dont get it [06:58] Robby_: Command not found === eljo__ [n=johannes@p57ADCB94.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] Linuturk: It's doing its upgrade to edgy right now. [06:58] Linuturk: Anything visually different between dapper and edgy/fiesty? === NickSB [n=druidblo@77-98-48-169.cable.ubr05.harb.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] it seems you may need to get the driver for your card [06:58] i own the folder + content and every folder has the right permissions but i cannot access (ls) the folder without root permissions [06:58] UncleD: your usplash should change, but usually it keeps your gnome configs, so you might notice more on a new user account === Asche_83m [n=olli@pD9E09A3F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] Robby_, I did, I tried nvidia-glx from the repo, I tried the official driver from the website. Both failed [06:58] is there an html editor like front page with a split code/preview view? === Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu.log === ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu === Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ. | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org === Topic (#ubuntu): set by PriceChild at Sun Aug 5 18:04:23 2007 === Coded [n=mark@CPE000c41762708-CM001225009578.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu [] === nowshining [n=nowshini@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu === [Major] [n=[Major] @] has joined #ubuntu [07:02] (serenityUK/#ubuntu) Hanno if you try the nvidia website driver you must uninstall the ubuntu restricted driver first === ScorpKing [n=ScorpKin@vc-196-207-45-253.3g.vodacom.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [07:02] <[Major] > fansub-irc.com === hacke__ [n=daa@c83-249-230-81.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu [07:02] (Hanno/#ubuntu) serenityUK: "sudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx", I take it? [07:02] (Gh0Sty2K/#ubuntu) ? [07:02] (cyanid3_/#ubuntu) how do i open compiz config? [07:02] (serenityUK/#ubuntu) Hanno try sudo apt-get remove nvidia* then reinstall the website driver.... [07:03] (Hanno/#ubuntu) serenityUK: will do, brb === Bakefy [n=westjd@74-140-80-88.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:03] Hanno are you still having problems with graphics acceleration? [07:03] ok how do i edit the xorg on the hd from the live cd shell [07:03] where is the c drive... for wine? [07:03] Robby_: If you mean that my X server is not up, then yes [07:03] hi serenityUK === garryfre [n=garry@adsl-63-207-239-56.dsl.chic01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === sc0tty [n=yann@] has joined #ubuntu [07:03] Hanno change it back to NV [07:04] Bakefy: look in ~/.wine [07:04] thats right! [07:04] !ubotu [07:04] I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [07:04] anybody any suggestions on how to backup my .evolution folder, if I try a straight copy of the folder i get an error "Error "Operation not permitted" while copying "/home/dave/...onal_Tasks"" === N3bunel brb ca ma lovi foamea :D [07:04] Why do I have two drivers (ahci and ata_piix) for one ATA hard disk MP0804H? [07:04] Hanno and restart [07:04] Robby_: okidoki [07:04] hey ironmatar [07:04] how do i open compiz config? === kaje1 [n=kaje@] has joined #ubuntu [07:04] Hanno this will at least get x server back === elate [n=Elate@] has joined #ubuntu === BadBoy [n=badboy@host124-245-dynamic.14-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu === MOTZ [n=riefler@83-215-155-58.hage.dyn.salzburg-online.at] has left #ubuntu [] === Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo === nerdygirl_elli1 [n=ellie@] has left #ubuntu [] === winwinwin [n=chatzill@unaffiliated/davidhkmrpowers] has joined #ubuntu === ironmatar sends serenityUK mead for all the help === Proctal [n=proctal@88-137-41-168.adslgp.cegetel.net] has joined #ubuntu === freudinator [n=a@host86-146-232-142.range86-146.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:06] how could i install the htop command ? === reac [n=ric@c211-28-211-245.thoms1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [07:06] what repositroy will i need to add to get macromedia flash [07:06] sudo apt-get install htop doesn't work ... [07:06] Robby_: Restarting now [07:06] Hanno ok [07:06] cyanid3_, look in the System ->Prefs menu === tim167 [n=tim@pool-151-203-235-197.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:06] serenityUK: i believe i ahve a good install and river and that but i appear to have broke xorg with nvidia [07:06] is it only in compiz-fusion? [07:06] i only have compiz [07:06] er driver [07:07] Which dns server would you recommend? (bind9, djbdns, ...?) [07:07] thanks velco! === c0d3r [n=c0d3r@3e44b25a.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu === Linuturk [n=linuturk@fluxbuntu/developer/Linuturk] has left #ubuntu [] === osmosis [n=steven@cpe-76-80-127-252.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:07] cyanid3_, sorry i've only used compis fusion and beryl === siarogka [n=siarogka@150-81.vpn.aichyna.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:07] hi guys, I used to use wine and it added some start-menu items to my xubuntu desktop menu which persist even after purging wine and its config directory. Any dieas how to remove them ? [07:07] ok np [07:07] thanks === ramon [n=ramon@73.Red-83-41-247.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:07] hi i get "Your WEP key is not set properly" how do i set it ? thanks [07:08] ironmatar what happened? === ScorpKing [n=ScorpKin@vc-196-207-45-253.3g.vodacom.co.za] has left #ubuntu ["Gone] === lokiya [n=lokiya_m@] has joined #ubuntu === Chi11y [n=Chi11y@h234n3fls305o1039.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === justas [i=b120-3-8@sl-244.splius.lt] has joined #ubuntu [07:08] _@hotmail.com [07:09] !women [07:09] The women and men of the Ubuntu women project hang out in #ubuntu-women. Encouraging women to use linux? Read http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ for some suggestions compiled by women who use Linux on how to do so effectively. === BadBoy [n=badboy@host124-245-dynamic.14-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [07:09] laloka_105_@hotmail.com === voraistos [n=voraisto@cpc2-staf1-0-0-cust654.sol2.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:09] !badram [07:09] Sorry, I don't know anything about badram - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [07:09] anyone using ubuntu ultimate here? [07:09] Omg, it no longer says "I know nothing about women." [07:09] serenityUK: i beieve i need to edit xorg to say nvidia on the hd install but i cant se how to do that from live cd [07:09] !badmem [07:09] Sorry, I don't know anything about badmem - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi === MohammadBoozar1 [n=mohammad@] has joined #ubuntu === [swb] [n=seb@] has joined #ubuntu [07:09] damn [07:09] I cannot unmount from the GNOME desktop (icon -> Unmount). It complains about a missing /media/.hal-mtab [07:09] no one using ubnutu ultimate? === MohammadBoozar1 [n=mohammad@] has left #ubuntu [] [07:10] !abuse [07:10] The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines === ibara [n=ibara@cpe-74-75-208-191.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === ertay [n=ertay@] has joined #ubuntu [07:10] hi [07:10] ironmatar look in the /media directory see if there is a /media/hda1 or /media/sda1 dir ? === Mgk [n=mgk@AMarseille-153-1-30-59.w86-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [07:10] who is abusing? the channel is empty ?! [07:10] !ramtest [07:10] Sorry, I don't know anything about ramtest - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [07:10] ironmatar if not you can mount manually === BadBoy [n=badboy@host124-245-dynamic.14-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [07:11] ah ok [07:11] what is a WEP key ? [07:11] anyone knows if badram is part of the ubuntu kernel ? or merged with the mainstream? or not ? [07:11] !ultimate [07:11] Sorry, I don't know anything about ultimate - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [07:11] Anything wrong? === Enul [n=steven@host-65-81-252-49.shv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === co_aja^_^ [n=asik@] has joined #ubuntu [07:12] does anyone know where i can find the modem lights applet? === vadash [n=alberto@35.Red-83-38-237.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:12] !botabuse === Curs0r [n=doc@ip68-228-38-31.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:12] Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... === tego [n=tego@] has joined #ubuntu [07:12] GNine : everyone uses the bot for its purpose here. no abuse so far. [07:13] hi to all! === ssn [n=simon@] has left #ubuntu [] === stefano [n=stefano@] has joined #ubuntu === colin_m [n=colin_m@dsl092-066-216.bos1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu === Morphera [n=Syruss@bronzeandsilver.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu === zelva [n=martin@r6ad46.net.upc.cz] has joined #ubuntu [07:13] is it possible to get the correct volume levels for my soundcard [07:13] can someone helpme to share the internet connection of this pc to anothe usinj lan cable?? [07:13] so it doesn't have a crackling sound and there is no reset switch on the gnome audio thing [07:13] how do i enter a WEP key and how do I find what i should enter ? === jughead [n=jughead@kubuntu.roams.utk.edu] has joined #ubuntu [07:13] vadash you need routing software [07:14] how can I tell if my wireless is using interface eth1 or wlan0 etc.? === lexko__ [n=kgrandis@] has joined #ubuntu [07:14] !bind9 [07:14] Sorry, I don't know anything about bind9 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [07:14] i have a ubuntu box i'm trying to find out more about, it is acting act some sort of firewall (2.6.15-26-server), how can i find out the purpose this box is serving? [07:14] serenityUK: ie select mount n then open terminal ? that shows ubuntu as the header though not mine? on volume === lexko__ [n=kgrandis@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:14] jughead, ifconfig === zelva [n=martin@r6ad46.net.upc.cz] has left #ubuntu [] [07:14] wlassistant asks me for a wep KEY === brian__ [n=brian@] has joined #ubuntu [07:14] !info bind [07:14] bind: Internet Domain Name Server. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:8.4.7-1 (feisty), package size 966 kB, installed size 2156 kB [07:14] anybody any suggestions on how to backup my .evolution folder, if I try a straight copy of the folder i get an error "Error "Operation not permitted" while copying "/home/dave/...onal_Tasks"" [07:14] stupid bot. someone must have ereased its memory === phaero [n=phaero@90-227-6-166-no15.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:15] hence your bot abuse === Linux_Junkie [n=Sungbob@bwCable2-142.fctvplus.net] has joined #ubuntu === [HHS] Hanno [n=tobias@82-171-181-106.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu [07:15] gnnnnn [07:15] <[HHS] Hanno> Here I am again.. couldnt use the old nickname though === Xman [i=aman@] has joined #ubuntu === ir1 [n=mfolnovi@38-20.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu [07:15] can someone help me out with desktop effects in 7.04 [07:16] <[HHS] Hanno> Ricky_: I did not get my X back though === tul [n=itamar@bzq-84-108-137-231.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:16] !effects [07:16] For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects === tul [n=itamar@bzq-84-108-137-231.cablep.bezeqint.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [07:16] dgjones: Please paste the line you are using as the copy command === deeon [n=mbecker@pD9E3DE5F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === lexko__ [n=lexko@] has joined #ubuntu [07:16] vorasiots how can i do it i heard that was with the command iptables? [07:16] ironmatar eh? i just meant try and browse to the /media folder it might have automounted the hd i can't remember, if not we can mount manually [07:17] genii, at the moment, i'm just using nautilus to try copy & paste the hidden folder, i'm just trying to tar the .evolution folder as an alternative [07:17] can anybody tell me that a direct internet connection(no router involved) is which typt of connection ADSL connection or PPPoE connection === deeon [n=mbecker@pD9E3DE5F.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === jussi01 [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-184-60.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:17] ? === cyanid3_ [n=cyanid3_@] has left #ubuntu ["asdf"] === alanhaggai [n=alanhagg@] has joined #ubuntu === MaxL [n=max@S010600062582c114.tb.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:17] dgjones: You can do it with the dd command... see !backup === jtshaw [n=jtshaw@69-94-221-229.biltmorecomm.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:17] Xman: PPPoE is a protocol for connecting, ADSL is a connection method === ir1 [n=mfolnovi@38-20.dsl.iskon.hr] has left #ubuntu [] [07:17] mm ok i thnk i see [07:18] PPPoE uses Point to Point uses a username/password [07:18] hmm [07:18] And is usually used in DSL setups [07:18] so when I enable my desktop effects .. everything works except the cube.. my desktop numbers go down to 1 === Lhademmor [n=mp@cpe.atm2-0-1121025.0x50c7b532.kd4nxx10.customer.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu === Guillem [n=Guillem@89.pool85-58-138.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #ubuntu === alanhaggai [n=alanhagg@] has joined #ubuntu [07:18] brian, you are lost [07:18] CoasterMaster i am having a direct connection and i need to know how to setup it in ubuntu [07:18] what do you mean lost gnine === BandB [n=ben@249.218-200-80.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu === herbaliser [n=frederik@dD576D087.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [07:19] !effects [07:19] For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects [07:19] Why do I have two drivers (ahci and ata_piix) for one ATA hard disk MP0804H? [07:19] Can anyone explain to me: Why does Ubuntu Wiki use MoinMoin? Aren't other engines, e.g. MediaWiki, easier to operate? [07:19] no one is in there [07:19] then no one can help you [07:19] ha, alright [07:19] hi i have a Dell Latitude D620 with integrated smart-card reader how do i install this on ubuntu, i use this to read belgian identity card [07:20] CoasterMaster i am having a direct connection and i need to know how to setup it in ubuntu [07:20] how can i rsync 2 folders? and all of there sub items === berent [n=berent@] has joined #ubuntu === felixhummel [n=dfm21@p5496D2D4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:20] Xman: ADSL can use a PPPOE protocol. ADSL is just the way the signals are sent/recieved generally. The PPPOE or so is the specific type of encoding you use to send things over the ADSL === alanhaggai [n=alanhagg@unaffiliated/alanhaggai] has joined #ubuntu === titun [n=titun@] has joined #ubuntu [07:20] brian__: That is still non-supported effects... Mine did that as well.. but I turned it all off then back on and it is fixed..for awhile.. [07:20] what exactly is gobuntu? [07:20] <[HHS] Hanno> I just lost my X server. No driver (neither official nor from the repo) seems to work for me. I am using an nVidia card. Any suggestions? === mattmatteh [n=matt@d192-24-166-89.nap.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:20] Xman: if it's a direct connection, it should automatically be set up [07:20] Lhademmor: There are other aspects to be taken into account also: The Wiki has to withstand high peak loads, for example. [07:20] hi i have a Dell Latitude D620 with integrated smart-card reader how do i install this on ubuntu, i use this to read belgian identity card [07:20] i tried wikipedia, but need a more realistic answer [07:21] titun: gobuntu is a specific version of ubuntu with a heavy focus on free software [07:21] !free | titun [07:21] titun: freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing === Metal_Militia [n=ioppo@host-84-222-127-32.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu === joey382 [n=michael@adsl-215-223-187.aep.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === owb [n=dmn@i3ED6ECA0.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu [07:21] ser [07:21] CoasterMaster its not working in ubuntu but in windows it is working fine === dgjones [n=Cheshire@unaffiliated/dgjones] has joined #ubuntu [07:21] y? [07:21] not there? === yannick_ [n=yannick@nsg93-2-82-224-66-242.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:21] Does anyone know where i could find the FireFox history folder? === toyimp is now known as ToyImp [07:21] bullgard4: And MediaWiki is not capable of heavy load? [07:21] Xman: do you have a username and password for your internet connection? === francis_ [n=francis@] has joined #ubuntu [07:22] CoasterMaster yes [07:22] Hanno try envy http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html [07:22] CoasterMaster: this means as ubuntu 7.04 includes some optional propritory drivers, gobuntu only provides free softwares? right === MetaBot [n=metabot@unaffiliated/ljl/bot/metabot] has joined #ubuntu [07:22] serenityUK: well looking in xorgconfig says nvidia under devide identifier and driver === Ryuho [n=ryuho@adsl-64-164-102-78.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === Rowan [n=rowan@229-67-74-65.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:22] titun: right, everything included in gobuntu will be free in every sense of the word [07:22] hi i have a Dell Latitude D620 with integrated smart-card reader how do i install this on ubuntu, i use this to read belgian identity card [07:22] stefano, there is a hidden folder called .mozilla in your home directory.. open the home folder and click on the View->Show hidden files menu [07:22] Xman: give me one second === _3v1n0_ [n=Trevi@host192-165-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu === britt [n=mbs@pdpc/supporter/active/Britt] has joined #ubuntu [07:23] CoasterMaster i m just able to ping gateway nothing else [07:23] serenityUK, thanks [07:23] ubuntu ultimate someone? >.< I need help.. === fontenwp [n=fontenwp@ip68-106-247-81.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:23] Anyone tracking gutsy have Deskbar problems? [07:23] Xman: go to a terminal and type 'sudo pppoeconf' (no quotes) and follow the directions to set up your connection [07:23] Or *not* have Deskbar problems? [07:23] si i am not shure if thats the issue [07:23] Lhademmor: I do not know all considerations which lead to the final choice. But I do remember that there was a severe blackout when Ubuntu Feisty was about to appear and the high traffic load places severe outage problems. === berent [n=berent@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === Subhuman [n=jack@host217-43-36-191.range217-43.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:23] how do I start compiz fusion? === jay4e [n=jay@c-66-30-64-95.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:23] placed [07:23] (in ubuntu ultimate) === web_knows [n=riba@CAcert/User/web-knows] has joined #ubuntu [07:24] CoasterMaster i did that but it failed after Ist step === acuster [n=acuster@191.Red-81-41-242.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === Aren [n=aren@d58-106-25-143.sbr2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === Nightwalker- [n=omena@a88-114-38-62.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [07:24] Xman: did you get an error of some sort? [07:24] i cant login but can startx without logging in or as root [07:24] !compiz | chilly [07:24] chilly: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects === siarogka [n=siarogka@150-81.vpn.aichyna.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:24] Chi11y: in terminal, sudo compiz --replace [07:24] hmm, where do you report package bugs ? === hsrgeorge [n=hsrgeorg@cable201-233-171-31.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu [07:25] or rather, check if they have been reported already ? [07:25] ironmatar so which driver are you using? from the website? === Dr_willis_ [n=Doctor@74-140-6-108.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:25] !bug [07:25] If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots === christophe [n=christop@ARennes-257-1-56-251.w81-53.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [07:25] CoasterMaster when i typed sudo pppoeconf it asked for ethernet device and i pressed yes and then didn't proceeded === ^eRr0r^ is now known as alcoholic === asterios [n=asterios@p54A9E3F0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:25] hi [07:25] genii: thank you [07:25] welcome === jay4e [n=jay@c-66-30-64-95.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [07:26] Xman: are you on a wired connection (or are you using wifi)? [07:26] hi i have a Dell Latitude D620 with integrated smart-card reader how do i install this on ubuntu, i use this to read belgian identity card [07:26] Chi11y: You may also want to look into that channel, #ubuntu-effects for more compiz related stuff === kalis_bliumkvist [n=patrimpa@ctv-217-147-36-2.vinita.lt] has joined #ubuntu [07:26] CoasterMaster yes my connection is wired === benzss [n=huhu@80-42-246-68.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu === N3bunel back [07:26] CoasterMaster what is wifi? [07:26] Xman: did you try typing in eth0 for your network device [07:27] Xman: Wifi are wireless networks === Baptiste [n=Baptiste@gra94-3-81-56-80-13.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:27] hey === arthur_kalm [n=arthur@] has joined #ubuntu [07:27] I've installed feisty on a computer with a core2duo [07:27] when I launch something like a pi calculator or cpuburn, only 50% of the cpu is used [07:27] just as if only one cpu was used [07:27] serenityUK i have the x86 32bit image and the ix86 nvidia driver good install on the driver full manuel per your previos instruction === titun [n=titun@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [07:27] Highly likely Baptiste by that process/program === Xsylotte [n=smiley@unaffiliated/xsylotte] has joined #ubuntu [07:28] !wifi | xman [07:28] xman: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [07:28] CoasterMaster see this link for the failure of sudo pppoeconf command after Ist step http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35384/ [07:28] gnome system monitor says a cpu is used, not both [07:28] also good driver install acording to cedega [07:28] dr_Willis, I have not understood [07:28] ironmatar when did it stop working? was it after an upgrade? [07:28] Baptiste, programs often need tobe written properly to make full use of multi processor systems. In === attiva [n=ubuntu@0x535fd91b.arcnxx20.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu === kaneda [n=diablo@c-24-10-13-12.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === chrobotek [n=chrobote@eio193.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [07:28] \quit [07:28] Baptiste: If you run top then hit 1 does it show 2 cpu or just 1 still? [07:28] bullgard4: I just thought that I guess Wikipedia experiences that kind of heavy load almost every day...? === co_aja^_^ [n=asik@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:28] dr_Willis, ah. is there any software that uses both ? [07:28] Baptiste, Its possoblle those programs cant fully use them both. === radicall [n=Zynth@] has joined #ubuntu [07:28] genii, I see both [07:29] Baptiste, the rest of the OS. :) the Kernel... === uriahheep [n=alexis@] has joined #ubuntu [07:29] ello [07:29] Baptiste: Then your kernel is using them both. It's something in the apps. [07:29] well if softwares can't use both, no interest that the kernel uses both [07:29] CoasterMaster did u saw that? [07:29] have you an example of software that uses both ? [07:29] 'thread based programing' :) [07:30] for some reason my apache doesn't seem to be listening to my vhost instructions... [07:30] <[HHS] Hanno> Is there any sort of fallback driver I can use so I can at least log onto X? [07:30] I dont have a multicpusystem.. so no. :) I would guess that the Seti@home stuff does use both. [07:30] hello can somebody plz help me, I just bought a new laptop and when I try to run the 7.04 LiveCD I get an error.. I think it might be the X window system because 6.06 said something about it when I inserted that. [07:30] CoasterMaster [07:30] seti@home sucks === faemir [n=faemir@85-211-16-164.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [07:30] serenityUK: i had updated and restarted an went on to install the driver and cedega and then dload and install eve rebooted and x gets shut down === Enul [n=steven@host-65-81-252-49.shv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:30] Xman: yeah, I got it === asist [n=ridvan@] has joined #ubuntu [07:30] [HHS] Hanno: Usually vesa [07:30] Baptiste, whatever.. you askeed for a program... [07:30] does anything need to be enabled for vhosts to work? [07:30] Does anyone know where i can find the modem lights applet? [07:30] dr_Willis, yeah true, thanks [07:30] Lhademmor: And I read every day that Wikipedia needs more money from its readers. How much money did you spend to Ubuntu yet? [07:30] <[HHS] Hanno> genii, just change the driver in xorg.conf then? [07:30] CoasterMaster can u understand anything with it === ibara [n=ibara@cpe-74-75-208-191.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === greenpwr [n=player@gprs-pool-1-001.eplus-online.de] has joined #ubuntu [07:31] Xman: I don't think I'll be able to help, I don't have a PPPoE connection anymore....but I'll keep trying. Are you connected directly into the modem or do you have a router? [07:31] [HHS] Hanno: Or run from commandline the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [07:31] no one knows? === arthur_kalm [n=arthur@] has joined #ubuntu === radicall [n=Zynth@] has left #ubuntu [] [07:31] [HHS] Hanno: Fast way tho is to edit the xorg.conf === furenku [n=furenku@] has joined #ubuntu === Suporte [n=suporte@zeus.vipway.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [07:31] hello!!! i want to install the nvidia drivers, but don't know how [07:31] !nvidia [07:32] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [07:32] CoasterMaster i just have a wire coming into my lan card from outside. === selinuxium [n=selinium@unaffiliated/selinuxium] has joined #ubuntu [07:32] ok [07:32] bullgard4: Point taken. I withdraw my proposal :) [07:32] ironmatar the thing about the website drivers is when you upgrade the kernel or the xserver you need to reinstall the driver.. that's the price for using the latest driver but it shouldn't happen very often once or twice a year [07:32] CoasterMaster can u tell me who is the administrator of the room === masont [n=masont@POLYMER.MIT.EDU] has joined #ubuntu === vitojejo [n=vitojejo@] has joined #ubuntu === [diablo] [n=[diablo] @unaffiliated/miles/x-000000001] has joined #ubuntu === Ez [n=antonio@cvl92-2-82-228-145-127.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:33] !ops > Xman (see the private message from ubotu) === claudinha [n=anaclaud@] has joined #ubuntu [07:33] serenityUK: so i need to run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg? === Alcante [n=ozzie@lon92-5-82-235-211-202.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:33] Xman: you can try using rp-pppoe to configure...it's a free download http://www.roaringpenguin.com/en/penguin/openSourceProducts/rpPppoe === jay4e [n=jay@c-66-30-64-95.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === mbudde [n=mbudde@0x57344dc2.boanxx21.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu === arthur_kalm [n=arthur@] has joined #ubuntu [07:34] ironmatar so when it boots it says failed x server error and leaves on command line? try logging in at the command line and running the sudo sh NVIDIAxxx.run thing again [07:34] Why is it that when I burn a dvd-r movie with cdrecord (without any errors) my dvd-player can't play it, but if I burn it in Windows it works perfect? Am I forgetting something? === Lumio [n=Lumio@cm106-190.liwest.at] has left #ubuntu [] === genii sips a coffee and thinks about raging penguins === Engrad [n=engrad@asy240.as7.cyberia.jo] has joined #ubuntu === arthur_kalm [n=arthur@] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [07:34] ah ok === xRaich[o] 2x [n=raichoo@i5387F9BA.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu === hari_ [n=hari@chello089173040254.chello.sk] has joined #ubuntu === techjim [n=iaintgot@c-68-80-48-203.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:34] who is the administrator of the room? === asist [n=ridvan@] has joined #ubuntu === jay4e [n=jay@c-66-30-64-95.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:35] yea i end up at the command line in black screen [07:35] why isn't pidgin in the repos? [07:35] !pidgin | techjim === bruenig [n=bruenig@ip-129-15-131-246.fescfwsm.ou.edu] has joined #ubuntu [07:35] techjim: pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. [07:35] Xman, I am one, can I help? === tul [n=itamar@bzq-84-108-137-231.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:35] ironmatar try sudo sh NVIDIAxxx.run thing again.. do you still have it? === Athrus [n=Athrus@TOROON12-1279379768.sdsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [07:35] CoasterMaster: thanks. [07:35] Does Ubuntu Server edition support dual core? [07:35] i keep all my dloads [07:35] good [07:35] :] === odom [n=pete@] has joined #ubuntu === velko [n=velko@] has left #ubuntu [] [07:35] techjim: no problem, if you want it as a package, I believe you can add the gusty repositories to your sources.list and install it that way [07:35] Athrus, out of the box yes [07:36] super, thanks === ubuntubobby [n=ubuntu@cpc1-rdng1-0-0-cust56.winn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:36] PriceChild i need tosetup an internet connection in ubuntu [07:36] Xman, then please ask for support and people will help. [07:36] genii: compiz fusion doesn't have any window borders, any idea what the problem may be? [07:36] Can anybody help me please? I get an error just before failing to load the Ubuntu 7.04 CD, but the screen changes so fast that I cannot see it! How can I figure out the problem? I want to give you specific info when asking a question [07:36] CoasterMaster, not a good idea to mix repo versions [07:36] i asked but i m not getting it right === gustavold [n=gustavo@atlas-apm.wrk.terra.com.br] has left #ubuntu [] === daniel_schlederm [n=daniel@port161.ds1-ry.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === miip_ [n=miip@p54A55933.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:37] brenig: ahh, got it.....sorry [07:37] smartcard reader issue instaal pcscd :) === ironmatar [n=ubuntu@pool-71-112-180-6.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [07:37] Chi11y: Nope, i don't use compiz. Best place to ask is in the #ubuntu-effects for anything compiz or beryl related [07:37] techjim: bruenig says it's a bad idea to mix repo versions, I have installed pidgin by downloading it from the website, you can grab it from there === osmosis [n=steven@cpe-76-80-127-252.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:37] Chi11y, #ubuntu-effects, but you need to be running emerald or some other thing like that if there is another one besides emerald I am not sure [07:37] Chilly try typing emerald --replace after you have run compiz --replace [07:38] yeah if it is compiled specifically for feisty, then it should be fine, its just that if you get it from gutsy repos, it will be compiled against other gutsy packages and that is a problem [07:38] Pici can u please help me [07:38] bruenig: asking @ #ubuntu-effects now === asist [n=ridvan@] has joined #ubuntu [07:38] emerald --replace you say? [07:38] CoasterMaster; bruenig: all I would do if I was to mix the repos were to add repo, grab pidgin, remove repo. i'm not finding a .deb @ pidgin.com [07:38] ok will try that [07:38] Hello guys. My buntu is nicely 'pimped', but how do I get rid of the brown background that appears between logging in and the desktop startup? Is there a rc/conf file somewhere? === daniel_schlederm [n=daniel@port161.ds1-ry.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [07:38] compiz-fusion:D [07:38] techjim, it is just that it may be compiled against newer libraries and possibly won't work === asist [n=ridvan@] has joined #ubuntu === MOTZ [n=riefler@83-215-155-58.hage.dyn.salzburg-online.at] has joined #ubuntu [07:39] techjim: yeah, you have to compile it yourself from source [07:39] I see. [07:39] @ all solved the problem wit deleting the firefox cache lol [07:39] can nobody help me at all? I am a linux newbie but at least I know how to answer questions correctly === MetaMorfoziS [n=banyourm@dsl54009F09.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu [07:39] techjim: I can walk you through it if you'd like [07:39] !repeat | attiva [07:39] attiva: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [07:39] sorry [07:39] !attitude | attiva [07:39] attiva: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines === arthur_kalm [n=arthur@] has joined #ubuntu === puffy-san [n=centraln@dsl-jklgw3-fe14df00-200.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu === dell_lin [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu [07:40] Xman, ask your questions and someone might help. Don't just say "help me", give details. === MOTZ [n=riefler@83-215-155-58.hage.dyn.salzburg-online.at] has left #ubuntu [] === ankur [n=ankur@] has joined #ubuntu === aantn [n=natan@bzq-88-155-27-224.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:40] ubuntubobby, sudo apt-get install gnome-spalshscreen-manager then goto www.gnome-look.org to download gnome splash screen pictures [07:40] techjim: i found a deb of pidgin floating around [07:40] I don't have emerald installed [07:40] and it has beryl as dependency [07:40] Does anyone here use falcon? === Shaffox [n=Shaffox@unaffiliated/Shaffox] has joined #ubuntu === lau1 [n=laurent@] has joined #ubuntu === Engrad [n=engrad@asy240.as7.cyberia.jo] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:40] it seems strange that compiz then would need it [07:40] ubuntubobby, gnome-splashscreen-manager without the typo lol === mgrignoli [n=mauricio@] has joined #ubuntu [07:40] can I resize my ext3 partition from inside ubuntu?? === jvlopez [n=Jesus_Ve@] has joined #ubuntu === UB` [n=mik@85-18-201-169.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu === deportista26 [n=voivod10@] has joined #ubuntu [07:41] fevel: check out GNOME partition editor [07:41] !gparted | fevel [07:41] fevel: GParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type sudo apt-get install gparted in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php [07:41] Chi11y, something like emerald, I don't know if there are other emerald type things for compiz or not, I think emerald was originally a compiz derived thing but it may have something else now [07:41] serenityUK Thanks for the reply, will do :) Right now my gutsy is real hot! === n0k1 [n=nok@10001291489.0000039971.acesso.oni.pt] has joined #ubuntu === xyzu [i=greece@host-87-74-16-26.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:41] CoasterMaster: me too. I'll use strange google search syntax for a deb [07:41] is there a place i can find all the packages and drivers installed on the ubuntu livecd by default? [07:41] Chi11y: whats your question? [07:41] CoasterMaster, I meant can I use gparted from inside ubuntu without rebooting? [07:41] techjim: you can grab a .deb of pidgin (plus one with a bunch of plugins) at http://www.kalpiknigam.com/blog/2007/05/12/install-pidgin-200-on-ubuntu-feisty-with-all-plugins/ [07:41] ubuntubobby, makesure you get the gnome splashscreens... they are different from usplash.. they are just pictures === bung [n=bung@S010600195b2791e9.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:41] CoasterMaster: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&q=intitle%3A%22index.of%22+%28deb%29+pidgin+-html+-htm+-php+-asp+-cf+-jsp&btnG=Search nice. [07:41] Hi everyone, I've tried several email clients: thunderbird + sunfire, kontact and evolution. However, the problem with all of them is that they cannot parse an Outlook meeting invitation. This is _very_ annoying since I have to manually enter all of my meetings. Does anyone know of any email client that can handle outlook meetings? Is there a way to get any of the existing ones to handle it? Thank you. === Exteris [n=Daan@cp512947-a.dbsch1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [07:42] aantn: compiz fusion git version from ubuntu ultimate has no windows borders [07:42] Sevalecan: the ubuntu-desktop package is a metapackage containing everything that is installed by default === ilan_ [n=ilan@bzq-82-81-241-238.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:42] oh [07:42] that pidgin is actually out of date but whatever [07:42] Idk [07:42] hello, ive been following the guide to do video ipod encoding, but no matter what i install, i cant get the audio to encode, always get unknown codec aac/adts [07:42] I build from source === deportista26 [n=voivod10@] has left #ubuntu ["Saliendo"] [07:42] How to turn on the radio in notebook with ububtu 7.04? [07:42] serenity ok. I am running xfce4 desktop only (with gnome backends mostly). Hope it works :o) [07:42] techjim: nice bruenig: i guess if you want the latest, you gotta do it yourself :) === xyzu____1 [i=greece@host-87-74-16-26.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:43] Chi11y: you can get the latest version using trevinho's repo === lukasz__210 [n=lukasz21@acgn221.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [07:43] I found something in the faq, will tell later how it went ;) [07:43] Chi11y: although thats not so stable === MattJ [n=MattJ@88-109-153-38.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:43] aantn: I'm using ubuntu ultimate and it came with a relativly stable fusion so that seems good for me [07:44] Chi11y: Amaranth make a stable repository for ubuntu that will probably be more up to date the ubuntu ultimate === pooyak [n=Pooya@] has joined #ubuntu === xyzu [i=greece@silentflame/member/xyzu] has joined #ubuntu [07:44] ubuntu ultimate doesn't have its own repos [07:44] ubuntubobby, ah sorry it is for gnome....... maybe xfcce has its own... there is an zfce-look.org site i believe === hector26 [n=voivod10@] has joined #ubuntu [07:44] Chi11y: Amaranth's version is stable [07:44] !effects [07:44] For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects [07:45] ubuntubobby, xfce-look.org *** === genii hands PriceChild a coffee [07:45] Chi11y: its the first (and latest) stable release === elYase [n=yaser@] has joined #ubuntu === asist [n=ridvan@] has joined #ubuntu [07:45] No worries. It is now installed. will setup, logout and see what happens === aricz [n=aricz@193.80-202-19.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu === jvlopez [n=Jesus_Ve@] has left #ubuntu [] [07:45] how can I install a tarball that doesn't contain a makefile === AccessExcess [n=axe@] has joined #ubuntu [07:45] how can a copy a file to another Ubuntu machine? [07:45] or even an install file === Howitzer [n=sagara@185.52-136-217.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu [07:46] I'm trying to install the beta 3 version of falcon [07:46] elYase, scp [07:46] aantn: there's no readme? [07:46] and the setup.py file gives me an error [07:46] nope === syntux [n=Jad@unaffiliated/madeye] has joined #ubuntu [07:46] aantn: complain to the maintainer [07:46] aantn, python setup.py build does what? === etoo1 [n=etoo1@] has joined #ubuntu [07:46] man ubuntu is shit === boytm [n=boytm@] has joined #ubuntu [07:46] bruenig, ssh is instaled in Ubuntu by default? [07:47] both text and graphical installer wont work [07:47] elYase, no it isn't [07:47] on a 3 year old pc [07:47] hi [07:47] why if a "filename.templates" in (in the po folder) start with a comment (#) or a blank line, the templates file in the packaged version (with debuild) start with 2 blank lines? This happen in dapper [07:47] ben yeni ubuntu kullancsym arkadalar [07:47] misnomer, well instead of appearing to be trolling... could you give details of what doesn't work and ask for help? [07:47] On server sersion not regular install [07:47] bana yardmc oloacak birisi varm sayn arkadalarm [07:47] bruenig, is enough just installing ssh packet? === Advocated [n=Advocate@cpc2-lich5-0-0-cust789.sol2.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:47] (ssh server) [07:47] etoo1: your signal's breaking up... [07:47] elYase, you need to install ssh client and ssh server and use them as they pertain to your two machiens [07:47] graphical install= my keyboard doesn't work, it's a generic keyboard PS/2, wtf! on text install.. no video output [07:48] bruenig: sudo: ./setup.py: command not found [07:48] Does anyone know if it's possible to change Firefox's, default win95-style, buttons to the Gnome theme's buttons? [07:48] hi there, got a fairly urgent email issue. Using ubuntu, with zimbra, and the account on zimbra isnt getting email. Its storing on the zimbra server, yet not delivering === marko-_- [n=marko@] has joined #ubuntu [07:48] aantn, is there a setup.py in the current directory you are in? === francis_ [n=francis@] has joined #ubuntu [07:48] aantn, don't you have to make the setup.py executable? === Alloosh [n=ali@4-104.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu [07:48] bruenig: yes [07:48] Howitzer: hmm... [07:48] aantn, run "python setup.py build" [07:48] any ideas? [07:49] you don't have to just use python [07:49] snikker: Because it just replaces any comment lines with a blank one when it parses it [07:49] misnomer: try another distro, see if it works there [07:49] i thought you had to do 'chmod +x' [07:49] hi guys, where can I found all the external access to my machine? === hari_ [n=hari@chello089173040254.chello.sk] has joined #ubuntu [07:49] sipior: it does on fedora 7 [07:49] installed it like 1-2 months ago === paotzu [n=paotzu@] has left #ubuntu [] === vecnah [n=vecna@vecna.vecnix.net] has joined #ubuntu === asist [n=ridvan@] has joined #ubuntu [07:49] Falcon requires python 2.4 [07:49] Alloosh: Please explain more clearly what you mean. [07:49] I see that my modem is blinking which means that there is upload or download to the computer, where can I see that [07:49] which is installed === hari_ [n=hari@chello089173040254.chello.sk] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === jshriver [n=jshriver@] has joined #ubuntu [07:49] greetings === asist [n=ridvan@] has left #ubuntu [".."] [07:50] misnomer: and nothing has changed since then? keyboard works normally on whatever os you have now? [07:50] why can't I use arrow keys in vi? === mgrignoli [n=mauricio@] has left #ubuntu [] === Beyond_The_Grave [n=greg@adsl-66-136-149-90.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === Znortfl [n=tobias@82-171-181-106.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu === Znortfl is now known as Hanno [07:50] genii: there is a way to modify it? without change the source code? [07:50] sipior: nope === guardian_ [n=Guardian@mar44-1-87-90-32-28.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu [07:50] aantn, that is the error it gives you? [07:50] 1 sec [07:50] misnomer: then i guess fedora 7 is for you [07:50] it doesnt move hte cursor it just spits out a bunch of crap [07:50] bruenig: yes [07:50] snikker: Not that i know of. === sri [i=[k1wKiGW@onyx.spiritone.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:50] well thats what i mean about ubuntu, it's not that great [07:50] bruenig: 1 sec [07:50] Hello, my nVidia card does not show up on the "restricted drivers" menu. Is there any way to make that happen? [07:50] Has anybody heard of a project that is trying to make directx 10 for linux? [07:51] hey folks, I'm wondering if someone can help me. [07:51] bruenig: I'm running it with python2.4 [07:51] !ot | Beyond_The_Grave [07:51] Beyond_The_Grave: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [07:51] genii: ok, thanks [07:51] I had a perfectly working gnome session and today I can't seem to get in [07:51] sir: what? [07:51] misnomer: you're the first one i've heard of with this problem. [07:51] uhm, I disabled a driver in the restricted drivers manager, but it still says "in use" even after a reboot, the "Enabled" box is unchecked thou [07:51] ctrl-alt-backspace [07:51] aantn, the command you are running with python2.4 or you just mean that is the python libraries you have installed? === Havis [n=Havis@adsl-dyn191.91-127-110.t-com.sk] has joined #ubuntu [07:51] misnomer: maybe the motherboard is problematic [07:51] the symptom is very weird. essentailly I get into my session adn then it craps out giving me a dialog box that says my session has lasted less than 10 seconds. [07:51] thanks ubotu [07:51] ARG. work. AFK [07:51] http://darkmonkey.org.uk/4/4/linux.jpg [07:52] bruenig: I ran it with python2.4 === Beyond_The_Grave [n=greg@adsl-66-136-149-90.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu [] === wabble [n=alexande@ti0048a340-0003.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu === Skiff [n=SkiffX@cpe-72-225-174-254.si.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:52] but I haven't changed anything and strangely enough if I'm logged in anywhere else it kicks me out (eg ssh in, or virtual console) [07:52] sipior: doesnt sound right, XP runs fine on it, been the main OS [07:52] some one please tell Alloosh about netstat or some other gui tool please he can understand about [07:52] but ill go back to fedora [07:52] bruenig: I ran python2.4 ./setup.py build [07:52] aantn, do "file $(which python2.4)" === birdmon [n=birdmon@bzq-219-46-202.isdn.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:52] aantn, not ./ [07:52] aantn, take the ./ out [07:52] kk [07:52] this is very wierd [07:52] although I don't suppose it actually matters [07:52] lol funny pic BetterThanBrunn [07:52] so essentaily there is a program that is a) killing X b) just killing session or is crashing gnome-session === tailboom22 [n=chad@host-69-144-197-251.bzm-mt.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:53] bruenig, ok i installed the openssh packet but i still can conect to the other ubuntu machine [07:53] but it dies under xfce so it doesn't seem to be gnome-session [07:53] something is running that is causing it. [07:53] My iPod is recognized but will not mount, i suspect bad format. Windows attempt to format says it is too big for FAT32, how can I force format the entire thing? [07:53] genii, , ok i installed the openssh packet but i still can conect to the other ubuntu machine === anil [n=anil@] has joined #ubuntu [07:53] elYase, the other ubuntu machine needs the openssh server and needs to be running it === jessen [n=jonathan@adsl-71-130-216-245.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:53] when I run compiz without window decorators it works very good, still no decorators, but whit them I get segmenatation fault 13431 @ line 686 >.< === pina [n=pina@c951a901.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu === paotzu [n=paotzu@] has joined #ubuntu [07:53] bruenig: it ran [07:53] bruenig, just install it and restart and nothing else? [07:53] and I was running nvidia drivers, but switched to nv, and it still craps out. [07:53] bruenig: "running build [07:53] running build_py [07:53] running build_scripts" [07:53] so it's not a nvidia driver bug [07:54] sri, have you run out of space? [07:54] elYase, not sure if ubuntu runs the daemon or not when you install it, I would imagine it does, but you can just install it and do /etc/init.d/ssh start [07:54] bruenig: yet nothing seems to have changed === osmosis [n=steven@cpe-76-80-127-252.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Ahadiel [n=michael@S010600131042857c.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:54] elYase, I think it is ssh, it might be sshd on that command, someone using ubuntu will have to tell you or you can look yourself after it installs === [acl] [n=e@cable-87-116-182-150.dynamic.sbb.co.yu] has joined #ubuntu [07:54] serenityUK: no I got plenty of space [07:54] aantn, it doesn't err? [07:54] serenityUK: nothing even close to 90% [07:54] bruenig: and then nothing === williammanda_ [n=william@c-68-60-199-201.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:55] bruenig: it outputs what I said and thats it [07:55] aantn, ok if there are no errors then that is probably good [07:55] I would hate to have to re-install everything.. that would be a pain. [07:55] elYase: bruenig is right about it being 'ssh', but it starts automaticallly after install so you shouldn't have to worry about it [07:55] sri, can you log in as another user? maybe create a temporary account === Alloosh [n=ali@4-104.dsl.iskon.hr] has left #ubuntu [] [07:55] let me try that. === Superpingouin [n=alexandr@dyn-91-168-149-166.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu [07:55] bruenig: its definitely not installed [07:55] aantn, right, that was just to make sure it will install properly without worrying about the mess than an incorrect install can lead to [07:56] elYase: if you are going to run sshd on the net you might want to look at http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net/techblog/article/block_brute_force_attacks_with_iptables/ === ironmatar [n=ubuntu@pool-71-112-180-6.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === thoreauputic [i=peter@ubuntu/member/thoreauputic] has joined #ubuntu === never|mobi [n=neversfe@] has joined #ubuntu [07:56] aantn, you can run the same command but with "install" instead of build and it should work, there are some other options you can set but just doing sudo python setup.py install, will install it in /usr/local usually === Lhademmor [n=mp@cpe.atm2-0-1121025.0x50c7b532.kd4nxx10.customer.tele.dk] has left #ubuntu [] === armanforum [n=arman@] has joined #ubuntu [07:56] bruenig: is there something like checkinstall that I can use? [07:57] paotzu, wich packet do i need to install exactly in order to comunicate 2 ubuntu machines? [07:57] serenityUK: its a api mismatch error [07:57] any1 in here know why my feisty lib6c for pidgin isn't satisfiable to install pidgin_2.1.1-1ubuntu1_i386 . is it b.c lib6c isn't modern enough, isn't gutsy enough? === Filbert [n=Filbert@d54C14718.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [07:57] serenityUK: re running the nvida setup dident do anything === PhilKC [i=PhilKC@freenode/staff/philkc] has joined #Ubuntu [07:57] aantn, you could create a deb, but setting the option --root=/some/fake/directory and then creating a control directory and creating a deb seeing as that is all the checkinstall script actually does but I don't know if checkinstall or anything else does it with python stuff === furious_gerbil [n=rjb@71-136-216-130.ded.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:58] by setting* [07:58] elYase: On the machine you want to connect to , you install the openssh-server. it shoudl run the program sshd waiting for a connection. then from the client machine you need the package openssh-client. When you want to connect from there to server you do like ssh -l where that IP number is the IP of your server machine to connect to. === zelva [n=martin@r6ad46.net.upc.cz] has joined #ubuntu === azzmodan [n=azzmodan@131-50-215.ftth.xms.internl.net] has joined #ubuntu === Sdslike [n=anfil025@] has joined #ubuntu [07:58] ironmatar, ok that is when you have the ubuntu restricted drivers install aswell... you need to remove them before you install from the website.... try sudo apt-get remove nvidia* then reinstall the website driver === osmosis [n=steven@cpe-76-80-127-252.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:58] bruenig: kk === preaction_ [n=doug@static-72-1-4-143.ntd.net] has joined #ubuntu === trumpas [n=vaidas@] has joined #ubuntu === StFS [n=stefan@194-144-6-113.du.xdsl.is] has joined #ubuntu [07:59] Hello, I'M an administrator of xubuntu.xf.cz and I need someone from webmaster of xubuntu.org or ubuntu.com. Thank you. === Gh0Sty2K [n=tahir@host-83-146-61-130.bulldogdsl.com] has left #ubuntu [] === skunkworks_ [n=skunkwor@68-115-41-210.static.eucl.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:00] Is here someone like this? === azzmodan [n=azzmodan@131-50-215.ftth.xms.internl.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:00] ironmatar i have had API mismatch before that should fix it === khermans [i=khermans@nat/cisco/x-2d98e3c806ab200d] has joined #ubuntu [08:00] is that an official ubuntu website? [08:00] hi... can someone please tell me what the "correct" way of adding a second hard drive in ubuntu is now? I was about to add an entry to /etc/fstab but it looks like it's filled with gibberish === timruff [n=tim@gra94-4-82-225-41-224.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:00] serenityUK: that funny im shue i checked the restricted driver install thing before doing this and it said i dident need any [08:00] yes === visik7 [n=dksakd@unaffiliated/visik7] has joined #ubuntu === KNY [n=Evan_Cha@samp.rh.rit.edu] has joined #ubuntu [08:00] bruenig: thanks for your help [08:00] zelva: surely there are easier ways to find the people you're looking for? [08:00] StFS, the UUID is probably throwing you, you don't have to use UUIDs, just do it like normal === jernster [n=jernster@ip68-225-200-97.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:00] genii, it says conection refused on port 22 === Snipeh_ [n=sniper@proxy-gw.uib.no] has joined #ubuntu [08:01] any1 in here know why my feisty lib6c for pidgin isn't satisfiable to install pidgin_2.1.1-1ubuntu1_i386 . is it b.c lib6c isn't modern enough, isn't gutsy enough? [08:01] ironmatar i have had API mismatch before ,, try sudo apt-get remove nvidia* then sudo sh NVIDIAxxx.run [08:01] anyone have a suggestion as to what I should use to theme/replace the taskbars? [08:01] right [08:01] sipior: I dont know [08:01] genii, the daemon is already running === jughead [n=jughead@kubuntu.roams.utk.edu] has joined #ubuntu === bung [n=bung@S010600195b2791e9.cg.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === evri2 [n=evri2@] has joined #ubuntu [08:01] copying [08:01] genii, yaser@auger35:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start [08:01] * Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server sshd [ OK ] === mikl [n=mikl@0x57372ee2.mrbnqu1.broadband.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [08:01] zelva: doesn't anyone answer at "webmaster@ubuntu.com"? [08:01] bruenig: well I wouldn't mind getting to know what this UUID stuff is all about... I'll google it [08:01] I can't install display driver. Can help me? [08:01] I wrote there === SpudDogg [n=spuddogg@c-76-109-159-194.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:02] serenityUK: i like to write the commands down so i ahve them [08:02] elYase: ssh is NOT sshd sshd is the server === rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-41-5.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu [08:02] I wait week for answer [08:02] And nothing [08:02] zelva: try contacting Canonical directly; i'm sure they can sort you out [08:02] genii, ok, but the other machine can conect to me === carlesoriol [n=carlesor@252.Red-80-37-184.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:02] genii, ok, but the other machine cant conect to me [08:02] !apt-install [08:02] Sorry, I don't know anything about apt-install - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [08:02] StFS, run "blkid" to get the UUID if your disk, iirc it is meant to try to get out of the sometimes odd circumstances of drives being given different names during kernel upgrades when they change how things are named in stuff in the kernel, although in that function it is still kind of pointless I would say [08:03] StFS, UUID is the new way of doing /dev/hda etc because they can change when you unplug things.... use sudo blkid to find the UUID [08:03] can or can't connect? [08:03] elYase: can or can't connect? [08:03] genii, cant [08:03] So nobody can say whether Deskbar does or does not work with latest Gutsy for them? [08:03] sipior: I can imagine that webmaster@ gets tons of spam, so mail sent to that address have a chance of beeing lost in "transit" [08:03] genii, it says conection refused on port 22 === tailboom22 [n=chad@host-69-144-197-251.bzm-mt.client.bresnan.net] has left #ubuntu [] [08:03] sipior: Do you know a chat for administrators? [08:03] mikl: quite so [08:03] britt, wrong channel #ubuntu+1 [08:04] britt: try asking in #ubuntu+1 [08:04] zelva: i don't, sorry === kbrooks [n=kbrooks@d235-129-204.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:04] bruenig, serenityUK: thanks === Dumptruck [n=mistermi@chello082119107090.chello.sk] has joined #ubuntu [08:04] britt: my deskbar works wonderfully on Gutsy [08:04] serenityUK: so a new user works fine. === anthony_ [n=anthony@] has joined #ubuntu [08:04] What's #ubuntu+1? === Anita_Sempai [n=Anita_Se@] has joined #ubuntu [08:04] serenityUK: so I have something in my session that is running that is killing everything. [08:04] zelva, the channel that supports alpha versions === ironmatar [n=ubuntu@pool-71-112-180-6.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [08:04] zelva: the next version of Ubuntu [08:04] who can help me conect 2 ubuntu machines so that i can copy a file from one to another === mojojojo_ [n=jth@div186.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [08:05] thank you [08:05] zelva: channel for 7.10 - gutsy [08:05] sri, is it gnome session? === armanforum [n=arman@] has left #ubuntu [] [08:05] Do you know a channerl for administrators ubuntu webs? [08:05] zelva: since the name changes for every release, Ubuntu+1 is used as a general designator for the next release === Terminus [n=jjereza@] has joined #ubuntu === Enul [n=steven@] has joined #ubuntu [08:05] serenityUK: no because xfce crashes too === Toth [n=a-chevil@] has joined #ubuntu [08:05] serenityUK: it's something that is common to both that is running that is causing the problem [08:06] does anyone know if there is a linux driver for the ati all in wonder ve tv card? [08:06] serenityUK: so I have something running that both picks up while running.. === TBotNik_u [n=cexpert1@host134-54.dissent.birch.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:06] /back === sr71_maik [n=marc@P8ada.p.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:06] bah [08:06] Could not open the file /home/vaidas/Desktop/atiler-8.40.4-x86.x86_64.run using the Western (ISO-8859-15) character coding. [08:06] genii: welcome /back :) [08:06] serenityUK: and I can't find out because the session daemon is not running.. a bit of a chicken and egg problem. [08:07] mikl: heh === Drad1k [n=sljdo@adsl-074-247-081-179.sip.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === |FrOstiE| [n=go@host86-129-106-25.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === Bo1 [n=root@cpe-76-174-84-42.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:07] how do i install GeForce fx 5200 step by step? === sr71_maik [n=marc@P8ada.p.pppool.de] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === genericnick [n=zahlerst@64-121-52-134.c3-0.snmt-ubr1.sfrn-snmt.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:07] sri, hmmm.. i know that gnome startup is in the ~/.config/autostart folder.... maybe try renaming that folder or moving the contents temporarily [08:07] any body can help me connect [08:07] serenityUK: yeah I blew that away already or moved it off. [08:07] !nvidia | Bo1 [08:07] Bo1: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [08:07] elYase: Are the two machines connected through a switch or hub, or are they separated in between someplace by a router for instance. [08:07] serenityUK: although xfce4-autostart-editor seems to have it. [08:07] how do i find where a port was opened on my ubuntu box? [08:08] I wonder if it it is the powermanage daemon === av- [n=av@] has joined #ubuntu [08:08] thoreauputic:yeah === NielsE [n=niels@5351BB29.cable.casema.nl] has joined #ubuntu === tom47 [n=tom@CPE-124-183-251-213.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === candyban [n=candyban@141.206-201-80.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu [08:08] linux4me: that does not compute - do you want to know what opened the port, or what it's open for or...? === timruff [n=tim@gra94-4-82-225-41-224.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:08] is gaming on linux just about impossible? I have been so excited playing with Ubuntu the last few weeks and I have everything working that I would want to use in windows (except realplayer - sound issues) but my special lady misses the games of windows. I tried virtualbox and vmware server - no 3d acceleration and cedega which kills all of my sound) any other suggestions? and how do I fix the sound on realplayer? [08:08] sri, what about /var/log/Xorg.0.log or similar? there must be an eroor message somewhere [08:08] anyone know what this error means? : beryl-manager 24603 CRITICAL: cant execute beryl-xgl: Success === WorldDomination [n=Jay@cable-87-244-132-163.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu [08:09] elYase: Because you may need to open up or forward port 22 [08:09] genii, well i dont really know the diference but i can tell you that i connect with a Fedora machine that is in the same conditions, that is in the same local network [08:09] serenityUK: no error that I could see.. let me look again. === poningru_ [n=poningru@] has joined #ubuntu === sipior [n=sipior@jop56.nfra.nl] has left #ubuntu ["Off] [08:09] orlug === nandemonai [n=nandemon@ppp121-45-57-227.lns11.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu === mikebot [n=michaell@ip24-254-86-247.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:09] I'm trying to use 'wget' to save a page and all the links on the page, but I'm having trouble getting it to save more than one page... I've been using -r -l 2 -k [08:09] Anyone knoe how I can make it work? [08:09] elYase: OK, so in same local network. === zelva [n=martin@r6ad46.net.upc.cz] has left #ubuntu [] === tinin [n=tinin@244.Red-88-1-246.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === iKm [n=iK@] has joined #ubuntu === schitzo [n=schitzo@] has joined #ubuntu [08:10] mikebot: man wget - an excellet reference [08:10] hi all === epp [n=epp@c-24-10-220-15.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:10] kljh [08:10] mikebot: you want it to automatically "mirror" a site? [08:10] what is the eyec andy ubuntu channel? [08:10] i have a problem installing ubuntu on a old pc [08:10] sri, or maybe launch startx from a console then it should tell you the error message.... you might need to kill gdm first === ubunturos [n=ubunturo@] has joined #ubuntu [08:10] mikebot: because it has a mirror option :) [08:10] sri: Odd ... mine locks up. [08:10] epp: #ubuntu-effects [08:10] #ubuntu-effects? [08:10] thoreauputic, thx bro === timposey [n=timposey@] has joined #ubuntu === cobman [n=justinas@] has joined #ubuntu [08:11] genii, yea [08:11] it is a amd duron 1,2ghz with 128mb ram [08:11] candyban: Basically, there is a page with like 50 links === casey_lap [i=elcasey@rm-rf.us] has joined #ubuntu [08:11] serenityUK: yeah, I'll try that.. although I've done it with xinit.. and it didn't really give me anything [08:11] candyban: I just want to save the main page with the 50 linked pages === Stuttergart [n=nvalenti@corp.mongonet.net] has joined #ubuntu === majorjrk [n=kjetil@cF52401C3.dhcp.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu [08:11] ikm are u talking about install? [08:11] I'm unable to run compiz on 6.06 after installing compiz-gnome and compiz [08:11] serenityUK: and it kills all login sessions when ithappens so I have log back in again on console. [08:11] mik1, what opened the port and how do I open another port [08:11] where's the official "how to upgrade to gutsy" page? [08:11] <|FrOstiE|> iKm u shouldnt have a problem [08:11] Can anyone help me using test disk to recover a lost partition? [08:11] what is compiz? [08:11] can anyone point me to a stepwise guide to start it [08:11] ? [08:11] casey_lap: ubuntu.com/testing but ask future gutsy questions in #ubuntu+1 [08:11] i know it is strange === Kogs [n=koganei@modemcable095.16-57-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [08:11] jrib: thanks === Erythro is now known as erythro [08:12] what rights and groups should be on the folders within /usr/local/games/ for users to be able to run them? [08:12] <|FrOstiE|> yes [08:12] it is not an install problem [08:12] I need to use intel native wifi drivers, and then i suppose i need to recompile the kernel, will this be a problem in ubuntu, could it cause problems with anything (f.ex apt-get etc), i dont have a clue but just wanna make sure [08:12] bentob0x: probably 755 [08:12] elYase: And on the machine you are trying to connect to when you do sudo ps ax|grep sshd you see it running? === goodtimes [n=divinemy@] has joined #ubuntu [08:12] hey, trying to get my keybard to type in French (Canada) (using Breezy). I added the language support, but can't seem to figure out how to switch to it. [08:12] the gui start to load === casey_lap [i=elcasey@rm-rf.us] has left #ubuntu [] [08:12] bentob0x: try the games group :) [08:12] but stop indefinitely [08:12] sri, you can kill gdm by sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop then try startx [08:12] elYase: Not the one trying to connect but the ssh server [08:12] <|FrOstiE|> did u test the cd [08:13] yes [08:13] <|FrOstiE|> and ??? === Nicark [n=Nicark@adsl-067-034-139-198.sip.mco.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:13] cd is ok [08:13] Bah work. AFK a minute or 3 [08:13] <|FrOstiE|> wht error u get [08:13] nothing === Stuttergar [n=nvalenti@corp.mongonet.net] has joined #ubuntu === _TomB [n=tomb@ACCE2934.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu === [nitro] [n=nitro@] has joined #ubuntu [08:13] <|FrOstiE|> strange [08:13] Kogs not sure but I have a little button at the bottom right of my tray that I click on to change from english to spanish.. maybe??? [08:13] genii, yea it is running === nedko [n=nedko@] has joined #ubuntu === nedko [n=nedko@] has left #ubuntu ["party] [08:14] <|FrOstiE|> does live cde work iKm [08:14] <|FrOstiE|> cd* [08:14] serenityUK: weird, I got it working [08:14] serenityUK: when I got rid of the autostart stuff it seems to work fine [08:14] no [08:14] serenityUK: but I had to use xfce's autostart editor. [08:14] i just select the first option [08:14] it load something [08:14] timposey, I'm trying to get the button on the tray, but can't find it heh === JDLimbo [n=dillinge@71-87-227-022.dhcp.hlrg.nc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:15] sri, did you find the culprit? add anything recent? [08:15] where do I start compiz from using the GUI? [08:15] <|FrOstiE|> and then it just stop iKm [08:15] Kogs, I thought just maybe you were missing that, I don't remember doing anything special to get it there let me look for a moment.. === goodtimes [n=divinemy@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === trumpas [n=vaidas@] has left #ubuntu [] === tomasz__ [n=tomasz@acqb104.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [08:16] than desktop became cyan [08:16] or som,ething like that === Ray_at_UW [n=ruiboli@] has joined #ubuntu === Crustacean-BOB [n=crustace@cpe-66-67-154-20.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:16] how do i install GeForce fx 5200 step by step? === Anita_Sempai [n=Anita_Se@] has joined #ubuntu [08:16] Kogs did you add it under keyboard preferences? [08:16] ubunturos, you start compiz using the command compiz --replace if you mean start it when you boot up goto System->Prefs->Sessions and add a Startup command for compiz --replacce [08:16] and after 4hours the dwsktop is still cyan [08:16] <|FrOstiE|> try more ram [08:17] Does anyone know how to recover a lost partition using testdisk? [08:17] When I try to wget, the only files I get are tomeout.aspx and robots.txt [08:17] ubunturos, replace not replacce lol === FireZ [n=eax@80-242-235-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu [08:17] timposey, got it. Thanks [08:17] how do I make a dual boot machine with ubuntu? [08:17] serenityUK: compiz --replace isn't doing what its supposed to [08:17] Can anyone here help me with festival? [08:17] you think the problem is the ram? [08:17] need a little help to install a patch - where do I put this? --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/92528 === lmr_ [n=lmr@] has joined #ubuntu [08:17] <|FrOstiE|> could be [08:17] mikebot: is robots.txt telling wget to ignore stuff? === beast [n=beast@pool-72-88-163-64.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:17] i was reading that min required is 128 [08:17] Does anyone have a link to how to turn on root for ubuntu? I Need to install something but I don't think I can "sudo" every single step? [08:17] serenityUK: it returns this compiz.real: No composite extension === furenku [n=furenku@] has joined #ubuntu [08:17] <|FrOstiE|> but sure ur sis 128 [08:18] <|FrOstiE|> is* [08:18] hello! how can i install the nvidia module to be used by xserver?? [08:18] jrib: It has disallow [08:18] ubunturos, do you have your 3D drivers set up? [08:18] <|FrOstiE|> ram does drop === darlok [n=elyon@c-71-205-67-153.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:18] serenityUK: you mean xserver-xgl? [08:18] hi, I install the domino theme but I don't really know how to access it through the theme manager. Any help? === Datraxx-Mobile [n=angelus@p508ED215.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:18] jrib: When I refresh the actual page, and run wget again, I end up getting the index, but none of the linked pages [08:18] !festival [08:18] Sorry, I don't know anything about festival - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [08:18] !root [08:18] Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [08:18] i have windows in the other partition and it say 120mb ram === fredddy [n=freddy@p3E9E0A13.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:18] ubunturos, it depends on your card [08:18] <|FrOstiE|> i have 128 but over the years its gone to 116 [08:18] ubunturos, http://forlong.blogage.de/article/2007/8/26/The-best-way-to-install-Compiz-Fusion-on-Ubuntu-Feisty <-- that guide worked for me last night without a single hitch [08:19] ah k [08:19] <|FrOstiE|> thenur losing ram [08:19] serenityUK: I have a SiS 650 card with 16 MB of shared memory [08:19] jrib: Also, the page I'm trying to get ends in: .aspx?SID=64702 [08:19] k [08:19] mikebot: if you want wget to ignore robots.txt, google for 'wget faq'. If you want wget to followlinks then you need to tell wget to be recursive [08:19] Ray_at_UW You can make your own root password but you can't login from boot screen === ieuan [n=xer@cpc1-pnth1-0-0-cust447.cdif.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:19] i think i need to find someone that have an old ram [08:19] pc133 === ieuan [n=xer@cpc1-pnth1-0-0-cust447.cdif.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [08:19] and how do I start beryl? === Hannu-san [n=hannub83@84-253-195-160.satp.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [08:19] Ray_at_UW: what do you need to install? [08:19] JDLimbo: that's for 7.04 - and it is compiz fusion. Thanks for the link anyway === Kogs [n=koganei@modemcable095.16-57-74.mc.videotron.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:19] hello! how can i install the nvidia module to be used by xserver?? [08:20] hey everyone, I need a hand with my keyboard (BTW, sorry about the language I`m not american or english), I`ve got Tracer Illuminator and I can`t get it to shine, when ubuntu stoped loading light is still on, but just when I click the CapsLock it turns off, and I have totally no idea howto make it work correct [08:20] Dumptruck: Sudo apt-get install beryl [08:20] !nvidia > furenku (see the private message from ubotu) === sow [n=jorge@188.Red-213-97-190.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:20] jrib: I used these options: -r -l 2 -k [08:20] oh it is installed === Datraxx-Mobile [n=angelus@p508ED215.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:20] jrib: Wouldn't that make it recursive to a depth of 2? === Datraxx-Mobile [n=angelus@p508ED215.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@ppp-69-229-179-81.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu [08:20] What's the appropriate software to convert from .ram to .mp3? [08:20] I just wanted to know how I start it [08:20] Dumpteruck go to a shell type beryl [08:20] Enter [08:20] <|FrOstiE|> iKm i can`t be certain it is your ram === sow [n=jorge@188.Red-213-97-190.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [08:20] mikebot: yes [08:20] !firefox === Jan_in [n=chatzill@BSN-210-211-101.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:20] firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins [08:20] ubunturos, ah well, sorry and you're welcome [08:20] <|FrOstiE|> but worth a try [08:20] hey === CHILY [n=peyj@h234n3fls305o1039.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === Eldara [n=mitchell@user-514f3cb0.l2.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:21] i need some help whyle installing latest ubuntu server edition [08:21] can someone help me pls? [08:21] jrib: Would it work on a page that I have to log in to view, and that doesn't end in .html, but instead .aspx?SID=64702 [08:21] tnx |FrOstiE| [08:21] <|FrOstiE|> mine didnt install with 116 ram [08:21] Does anybody here use festival? [08:21] ubunturos, i know it worked with my old 64mb card i don't know if 16mb is enough.. can you run the open GL screensavers? [08:21] beryl works perfectly but not compiz fusion :S [08:21] <|FrOstiE|> no probs [08:21] Jan_in: whats up? === KNY [n=Evan_Cha@samp.rh.rit.edu] has left #ubuntu [] [08:21] Can anyone tell me wheter or wheter not recompiling the kernel in ubuntu could cause problems with other things like apt-get and such ? [08:21] Jan_in: I think it's best if you explain specific problems [08:21] serenityUK: let me try [08:21] mikebot: if you have to login, then you'll probably end up downloading the login page [08:21] I installed the domino theme but I don't really know how to access it through the theme manager. Can anyone please help? [08:21] majorjrk: it shouldn't [08:21] that worked - but I lost access to the borders of my windows [08:21] majorjrk: no ... [08:22] majorjrk: as long as you get it to boot properly :) [08:22] Jan_in: please explain? [08:22] Dumptruck, try emerald --replace [08:22] ok [08:22] jrib: But it actually downloaded the front page of what I want... cause I loggoed into it from Opera and then tried wget.. [08:22] |FrOstiE|: isn't a way to install ubuntu w/o starting the live cd? [08:22] but wheni want to boot from hard disc [08:22] ryanakca: ram - a text file that contains a link to the Internet address where the Real Audio file is stored. The .ram file contains no audio data itself. [08:22] ups [08:22] I haven't been able to get emerald to work [08:22] <|FrOstiE|> sure [08:22] serenityUK: no I haven't found what it was. [08:22] i just installed server edition [08:22] to all: I really can`t get it working, so you know, help me with the keyboard , please [08:22] serenityUK: yes. I can [08:22] need a little help to install a patch - what do I do with this? --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/92528 [08:22] mikebot: did you try telling it to ignore robots.txt? [08:22] jrib: No, how do I do that? [08:22] serenityUK: I had a NX session yesterday that crashed when I was logging in remotely. [08:23] can we go to private chat pls? [08:23] mikebot: it's in the "wget faq" [08:23] Jan_in: why? [08:23] <|FrOstiE|> u can get a full install iKm === kabtoffe_ [n=kbergstr@hoas-fe2add00-192.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [08:23] serenityUK: I came in later to find the machine at a the login screen.. and having trouble . [08:23] when I started beryl manager I lost the beryl goodness [08:23] <|FrOstiE|> sure u can ?? [08:23] cos here is a lot of people [08:23] She's embarrassed... === daedra [n=simon@host86-138-151-213.range86-138.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:23] Jan_in: more people who can help (and learn) [08:23] <[acl] > Jan_in, so? :) [08:23] with beryl I have window decorations but not whit compiz fusion what may be the problem? [08:23] <|FrOstiE|> anyone got link for ubuntu install cd [08:23] Jack_Sparrow: ah, ok, thanks === genii [n=user@host6411912762.biz.tor.fcibroadband.com] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [08:23] jrib: Oh, I think that did it, cause it's download a bunch of stuff. [08:23] in KDE, I tried kwin --replace=compiz and the title bar and stuff disappeared [08:23] <|FrOstiE|> not live cd [08:29] ryanakca: You could have found that info like I just did with a quick Goole search [08:29] Jan_in: one-on-one action costs more (usually) ;) [08:29] <|FrOstiE|> guh let me chech === williammanda_ [n=william@c-68-60-199-201.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === effie_jayx [n=valles@ubuntu/member/effie-jayx] has joined #ubuntu [08:29] serenityUK: thanks for your help.. I appreciate the attention. [08:29] ubunturos: I'm using gnome :/ [08:29] ok...i installed ubuntu server edition, i want to boot it from disk (i use wm ware), but then it promps me for username and pass...but i cant write it... [08:29] jrib: AHH NO... it made all the links go to the 'you have been logged off' page.. haha [08:29] glglglglgl sri [08:29] CHILY: ok, are you running compiz? [08:29] if i try with my username and pass...it is not true [08:29] yes, but I have no window decorations :S [08:29] what is compiz? === kouryuu_ [n=kouryuu@host188.natpool.mwn.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:29] beryl has window decorations but not compiz [08:29] CHILY: ogh [08:29] very strange === nbkr [n=nbkr@wrzb-590d936c.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:29] ubunturos, it is a promising sign if you can run the 3D GL screensavers.. but sorry I only know nvidia.. I suggest you search for your card on www.ubuntuforums.org [08:29] yes === bbrazil [i=bbrazil@gnewsense/friend/bbrazil] has joined #ubuntu [08:29] Jan_in: if you "forgot" your root password, there is a simple way to reset it :) [08:29] no i didnt [08:29] serenityUK: ok, thanks [08:29] i can type my username [08:29] !root [08:29] Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [08:29] who can help me copy a file from one Ubuntu machine to another? [08:29] then it promps me for password [08:29] how do i install GeForce fx 5200 step by step? === kouryuu_ [n=kouryuu@host188.natpool.mwn.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:29] but i cant type it [08:29] CHILY: try alt+f2 then type emerald --replace (for emerald or gtk-window-decorations --replace [08:29] elYase use ftp, scp, nfs,... [08:29] Jan_in: so you have a problem with vmware (you can't type)? [08:29] how do I theme the taskbars? [08:29] Jan_in: JUst type it and hit enter... it doesnt show you anything [08:29] mikebot: you have to change wget's user agent and/or tell wget to load the cookies from your browser [08:29] <|FrOstiE|> iKm----->>>> http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download [08:29] yes [08:29] !who [08:29] As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) === dennda_ [n=dennda@ubuntu/member/dennda] has joined #ubuntu [08:29] herbaliser, doesnt work, it is not preinstalled in Ubuntu [08:29] praet, that doesn't help :( === benzss [n=huhu@80-42-219-176.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:29] jrib: How do I do those things? === Sn00p [n=fv@bl9-190-160.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu [08:29] How do I install java for Firefox? The FAQ isn't very helpful. It only lists a bin and that's it. === Lamego [n=lamego@a81-84-231-231.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu === mattmatteh [n=matt@d192-24-166-89.nap.wideopenwest.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:29] !java [08:29] To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre [08:29] Jan_in: I'm not familiar with vmware ... perhaps you should check #vmware or so? [08:29] ray_at_uw:i can tell you how [08:29] jrib: Oh I gotta use firefox for that... OK, I'll give it a try.. thanks. [08:29] !themes [08:29] Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy [08:29] CHILY: sorry that should be: try alt+f2 then type gtk-window-decorator --replace [08:29] ahh... I got emerald working [08:29] Jhttp://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_copy_files.2Ffolders_from_remote_Ubuntu_host_into_local_machine_.28scp.29 [08:29] donno...is this bug in wmware? [08:29] elYase [08:29] you guys are very helpful [08:29] Jan_in: if vmware does it's thing correctly, you should be able to enter your username [08:29] mikebot: first one, I don't remember (check man wget or the faq again), the second is --load-cookies=/path/to/cookies.txt (in your profile folder somewhere under ~/.mozilla for firefox) [08:29] !ftp [08:29] FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd [08:29] just install ssh === ubunturos [n=ubunturo@] has left #ubuntu [] === Tribes [n=Tribes@pD9E876C3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:29] It's appresiated [08:29] The maladies of strangers fascinate me to the point of me adopting them [08:29] herbaliser, yuo mean openssh package? [08:29] i am able to type username, but not password [08:29] Jan_in: didn't you have ssh installed? [08:29] !gftp [08:29] Sorry, I don't know anything about gftp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [08:29] praet, none of that works :( [08:29] Bo1: Thanks, I'll send you a PM [08:29] donno what ssh is [08:29] yes read documentation it is in there how to do it [08:29] jrib: Thanks. [08:29] herbaliser, i already did it but it says "conection refused on port 22" [08:29] !gFTP [08:29] Jan_in: you installed ubuntu on vmware on windows? [08:29] Jan_in: when you type tha password you do not see anything showing up on the screen... that is normal... just type your password and hit enter [08:29] anyone know if the proftpd installed with apt-get in feisty supports mysql out of the box? [08:29] ok one last little issue I am having - how do I get the sound to work with realplayer or is there something similar to the realalternative codec for linux? === Jakke77 [n=Jakke77@a88-113-179-86.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [08:29] Jack_Sparrow: he said he couldn't type in his username either [08:29] i cant [08:29] yes === Rover_ [n=kobe@ip-81-11-211-148.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu [08:30] yes i installed ubuntu on wmware on windows [08:30] candyban: I thought they were able to enter the user name [08:30] WHAT === Dybber [n=Dybber@0x3e42d1c0.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [08:30] jrib: Where is the mozilla folder? === dmitry_ [n=dmitry@ool-18b8e9e6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:30] mikebot: ~ means /home/your_user === ossurayynot [n=student@225-52-77-204.sptc.mnscu.edu] has joined #ubuntu === tomasz__ [n=tomasz@acqb104.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [08:31] mikebot: and stuff that starts with a . is hidden so go to view -> show hidden or press ctrl-h [08:31] jrib: Oh, OK, thanks. [08:31] thanks [08:31] elYase: firewall? [08:31] in between to machines or on the machine you are trying to ssh to [08:31] ray_at_uw:frist go to your "system" then "administrator" then open "synaptic package manger" click search" type firefox then install "j2re mozilla" === Crustacean-BOB [n=crustace@cpe-66-67-154-20.rochester.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [08:32] Jan_in: if you are unable to type your username, it's a vmware problem (inputs) ... (not sure how come it prompts for a password if you have no input though) === shaffox [n=shaffox@unaffiliated/Shaffox] has joined #ubuntu === tonikostov [n=toni@] has joined #ubuntu === rexy_ [n=rexy@s5591754c.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu [08:32] herbaliser, how do i check that, i cant tell you i can connect to other machine (Fedora) in the same network without problem === tonikostov [n=toni@] has joined #ubuntu === kbrooks_ [n=kbrooks@d235-137-190.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:32] the remote server what is it ubunut server? [08:32] how do i install GeForce fx 5200 step by step? [08:32] ok tnx === Charlote [n=Miranda@host169-146.defiant.tvcconnect.net] has joined #ubuntu === Olli_p [n=oliver@dyndsl-091-096-101-006.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu === capgadget [n=elifino@adsl-68-93-112-227.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:33] and i have another question....when i select slovenian keybord i cant type anything, but if i choose U.S., i can [08:33] Bo1: If you read the instructions... where did you stop or NOT understand them. They are no different than the instructions we would type in manually here. === kirt002 [n=kirt@ip-209-124-242-83.dynamic.eatel.net] has joined #ubuntu === dmitry_ is now known as usser [08:34] elYase first check on remote server if ssh is running ps -ef | grep ssh shoudl give you sshd (daemon) [08:34] hi all === capgadget [n=elifino@adsl-68-93-112-227.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === sooth [n=user@bas16-montreal02-1242357234.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [08:34] <|FrOstiE|> http://www.nvidia.com/content/drivers/drivers.asp [08:34] elYase: also check "netstat -ntpl | grep ssh" (just in case it's running on a different port) === GadgetBoy [n=feelgood@ASte-Genev-Bois-154-1-2-164.w83-200.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [08:34] bo1: nevermind. I figured it out myself. === novato_br [n=novak@] has joined #ubuntu === capgadget_2 [n=elifino@adsl-68-93-112-227.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === Anita_Sempai [n=Anita_Se@] has joined #ubuntu [08:35] i have a little problem w/ my laptop and ubuntu [08:35] any1 want to help [08:35] |FrOstiE|: i have to download the alternate iso? [08:35] ps -ef | grep ssh, it is running === riny [n=riny@cc844757-b.deven1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [08:35] I installed the domino theme but I don't really know how to access it through the theme manager. Can anyone please help? [08:35] <|FrOstiE|> kewl iKm === humboldt [n=elias@] has joined #ubuntu [08:35] tnx [08:35] Charlote: explain the problem and we'll see if we can help :) [08:35] jack_sparrow:why cant you just tell me it would be easyer for me [08:35] <|FrOstiE|> lol i didnt do much ,m8 === CountX [n=chatzill@72-48-91-35.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:35] <|FrOstiE|> ;) [08:35] Has anybody had success in using linux-igd? [08:35] Bo1: NOT easier for us.. === xstasi [n=xstasi@85-18-14-24.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu === osmosis [n=steven@cpe-76-80-127-252.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:35] Hi room [08:35] candyban, tcp6 0 0 :::443 :::* LISTEN 4938/sshd [08:36] candyban, that means? === kalaitsa [n=kalaitsa@athedsl-244191.home.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [08:36] excuse me, where do I report bugs in ubuntu [08:36] !jre [08:36] Sorry, I don't know anything about jre - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [08:36] I have two soundcards and I'd like quake 3 to use the second one instead of the first one that it is using atm [08:36] i need a little help with setting up Trac and svn on a new install of ubuntu server [08:36] jack_sparrow:can you write a text for me ill do rest. [08:36] !java [08:36] To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre [08:36] Bo1: You have shown NO interest in fixing it per the instructions we took a lot of time to write out. [08:36] well i just bought a brend new laptop hp 6000z and first thig that i did was to partisioned the hard drive and install ubuntu [08:36] elYase: you have it running on port 443? (which is https) [08:36] every thing works out form the box === kalaitsa [n=kalaitsa@athedsl-244191.home.otenet.gr] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [08:36] ecept my wirless [08:36] jack_sparrow:so if it take long to write that, then it is going to be hard for me right? [08:36] candyban, i dont know, it says that [08:36] elYase: try connecting to that port (or reconfigure it in /etc/ssh/sshd_config) [08:37] and my memory card reader [08:37] !java [08:37] To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre [08:37] and oone small thing [08:37] can anyone help me set up trac and svn combo? [08:37] DAn, still isn't getting the stuff. [08:37] i start reading the forum === bibekpaudel [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu [08:37] *Damn === masamune [n=masamune@cm8-94.cass.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:37] but is soo complicated for a girl [08:37] Bo1: Nvidia are very easy... but there are many cards... it isnt hard... just read the instructions... and ask a question when you dont understand one of the things they tell you to do. === nimbo [n=nimbo@p54887021.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:37] jack_sparrow:can you find some1 that has installed it? === PriitM [n=priit@ip199.cab17.mus.starman.ee] has joined #ubuntu [08:38] candyban, how do i do to reread the /etc/ssh/sshd_config once i have changed it? === StFS [n=stefan@194-144-6-113.du.xdsl.is] has left #ubuntu [] === Shaffox [n=Shaffox@unaffiliated/Shaffox] has joined #ubuntu [08:38] and i really like my ubuntu === boubbin [i=boubbin@80-248-247-190.cust.suomicom.fi] has joined #ubuntu [08:38] and i want to make ot work [08:38] I have a 5200 as well as a 6600 and many others here all work fine... [08:38] elYase: /etc/init.d/ssh restart [08:38] jack_sparrow:ok if you help me when i get stucck then i think i can do it [08:38] exit [08:38] usser: /quit [08:38] jack_sparrow:can you send me a link that helped you. [08:38] best app I found so far is automatix === ubuntubobby [n=ubuntu@cpc1-rdng1-0-0-cust56.winn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === Sdslike [n=anfil025@] has left #ubuntu [] [08:39] Bo1: You have been told that for several hours... if you get stuck, ask a well formed question about what you cant figure out [08:39] Charlote: I don't have a lot of experience with wireless, but you can always try the ndis wrapper ... that usually works [08:39] !nvidia [08:39] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [08:39] i have a problem regarding vlc installation in fiesty fawn === mzanfardino [n=mark@adsl-68-124-176-70.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:39] jack_sparrow:so which website i go? === Rabiddog [n=chatzill@S010600195b4aa288.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:39] there are some unresolved dependencies and apt-get cant install them [08:39] Charlote: basically it takes the windows drivers and uses those (check with google) === Iradigalesc [n=Iradigal@wikipedia/Iradigalesc] has joined #ubuntu [08:40] what should i do ? === ilan_ [n=ilan@bzq-82-81-241-238.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:40] what files would I change if I wanted to change my server hostname? [08:40] where do I find where a port was opened on my ubuntu box? i want to open another port for smtp traffic [08:40] !hostname > mzanfardino (see the private message from ubotu) [08:40] serenityUK and others interested. Here is the solution to annoying 'caramel' background between gdm and desktop :D https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/132833 [08:40] Anyone know if there is a linux application that allows you to run MAC OS X Applications on linux? [08:40] bibekpaudel: did you check all your sources? (you could try adding universe/multiverse/...) [08:40] Bo1: Start with the one I just linked here... find your card maker then the chipset... You need to do some reading. [08:40] candyban, i have added universe and multiverse, but still i have the problem [08:41] bibekpaudel: you did an apt-get update, right ? :) [08:41] candyban, yes i did [08:41] which package? [08:41] serenity Problem now solved. Phew... ;) [08:41] Rabiddog: vmware === Shadowpillar [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === nimbo [n=nimbo@p54887021.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["I'm] [08:41] candyban, which package ?? (i m trying to install vlc) [08:41] but vmware doesn't support 3D? [08:41] <|FrOstiE|> http://ftp.linux.org.uk/LDP/LDP/LG/issue26/dubs.html <--- mac-linux === miip_ is now known as miip === Carroarmato0 [n=christop@167.155-246-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu === Carroarmato0 [n=christop@167.155-246-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has left #ubuntu [] === Nicke [n=niclasa@ua-83-227-140-135.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu === burner_ [n=burner@lin67-1-82-231-72-180.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === Carroarmato0 [n=christop@167.155-246-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #Ubuntu [08:42] bibekpaudel: you also have "restricted"? [08:42] Rabiddog: ah, why not just install mac on a dif partition === samux [n=sam@77-56-157-18.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [08:42] CountX: Cuase I don't run the crappy intel chipset [08:43] salut tout le monde ! [08:43] ok...screenshot of error i was talking about [08:43] y a quelqu'un ? [08:43] http://shrani.si/f/3S/5R/3t8gItPa/error.png [08:43] Rabiddog: ah, amd? [08:43] anyone willing to quid me installing ndisweepper for amd64 [08:43] yes :) [08:43] it comes to here and then nothing [08:43] candyban, yes restricted too [08:43] Rabiddog: nice [08:43] if i press enter then, it shows me "ubuntu login" === execF00F [n=execf00f@c-69-253-51-158.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:44] Jan_in: don't worry about that "error" :) [08:44] quelqu'un pour m'aider ? [08:44] !fr [08:44] Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. [08:44] is there any way i can install trac+svn as easy as possible? [08:44] !fr [08:44] but what can i do? === [nitroXL] [n=nitro@] has joined #ubuntu [08:44] Jan_in: if it asks for your password, just hit enter again and it'll ask you for your login === Jaymac [n=john@host81-129-65-146.range81-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:44] guyz ............? [08:44] yes [08:44] will take another printscreen [08:45] jack_sparrow:you didnt send link [08:45] Charlote: yes dear? === miniju [n=justine@H144.C72.B0.tor.eicat.ca] has joined #ubuntu === abasinisvacant [n=abasinis@cpe-70-120-93-111.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:45] !fr [08:45] Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. === kabtoffe_ is now known as kabtoffe === Budwaa [n=tom@unaffiliated/budwaa] has joined #ubuntu [08:45] so how to install ndisweepper on my amd64 === titanix88 [n=tux@] has joined #ubuntu === knuckles [n=Tails@cpc1-stap5-0-0-cust151.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:46] Bo1: Yes I did... Sorry but I dont have time to help you... === runepeter [n=rune@ti100710a081-6908.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [08:46] #ubuntu-fr === titanix88_ [n=tux@] has joined #ubuntu === Iradigalesc [n=Iradigal@wikipedia/Iradigalesc] has joined #ubuntu [08:46] Charlote: I'm not amd64, nor did I get unsupported hardware (which requires ndiswrappers) ... so can't help with that :( [08:46] http://shrani.si/f/3L/89/NJQ2hhr/error2.png === ironmatar [n=ubuntu@pool-71-112-180-6.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:46] je suis sur le chan fr l ? [08:46] this is 2nd shot === Andria [n=ReVeNaNt@4cb54-1-87-88-243-139.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu [08:46] !fr | burner_ [08:46] burner_: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. [08:46] burner_: /j #ubuntu-fr [08:46] i have download "ndiswapper-1.47.tar.gz" === illriginal [n=illrigin@c-75-74-238-90.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:46] Jan_in: you are able to type in your username? ... === fu [n=rarefuse@kgldgaambas07-pool25-a10.kgldgaam.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:47] what does ndiswrapper do again? that's like fileroller? === Phylactery [n=Phylacte@tweety-65.dynamic2.rpi.edu] has joined #ubuntu [08:47] Jan_in: your password is incorrect [08:47] ubuntu-fr [08:47] hey guys, does the new update consist of only KDE files? === naknomik [i=amitb@nat/intel/x-f170e40aa018963e] has joined #ubuntu [08:47] good work ubuntubobby i am using gutsy but i have wallpapers so I never noticed the colour [08:47] of course is incorrect if i cant type it [08:52] abasinisvacant: it'll let you use windows (network) drivers in linux ... usually for wireless and such [08:52] abasinisvacant: ndiswrapper emulates wireless drivers made for windows [08:52] Jan_in: you typed "jan", no? [08:52] oh, right, thanks === JosefK [n=Brett@82-42-147-9.cable.ubr01.sprt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:52] jan is my username [08:52] !ndiswrapper | abasinisvacant [08:52] abasinisvacant: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs === bibekpaudel [n=chatzill@] has left #ubuntu [] === Phylactery [n=Phylacte@tweety-65.dynamic2.rpi.edu] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:52] serenityUK: well nowi removed restricted and re ran nvidia now fails to load libglx.so and related glx [08:52] has anybody successfully used mt-daapd on Ubuntu server LTS with iTunes 7 on windows? [08:52] any ideas how to install this program w/o all bunch of errors [08:52] Jan_in: the password will not echo anything ... it won't print **** (as you might be used to) ... just type your password and hit enter [08:52] serenity Yep thx It works too ;) BTW I'm going attempt (using remastersys) a remaster straight from my hdd install.... [08:52] just wondering what to do if I'm packaging an app and the upstream author doesn't give out his email address? I seem to be breaking the template :/ [08:52] hello [08:52] gah! anyone please can help me work on my server, im new, i need a lot of help with setting up a server for my small team, we need a trac+svn === SaMuX [n=sam@77-56-157-18.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [08:52] jack_sparrow:which one i download? | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35692/plain/ === Carroarmato0 is now known as Krusty === iKm [n=iK@] has left #ubuntu [] === sr71_maik [n=marc@P8ada.p.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:52] serenityUK: fixed the api issue aparently though === ChuckFu [n=kmiller@wsip-66-210-243-50.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === fu [n=rarefuse@kgldgaambas07-pool25-a10.kgldgaam.tds.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [08:52] hey guys, does the new update consist of only KDE files? [08:52] lol next version of Ubuntu: Krusty Krunch ;) [08:52] is it a big deal to install Ubnuntu with Raid 1 === javor [n=javor@cpg245.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu === Kinks__ [n=Kinks@wnklmb01dc1-219-146.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu === tehk [n=tehk@c-69-249-157-157.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:52] you know [08:52] I was really hoping, just for a little bit, but really, really hoping [08:52] that would of course be a hardware RAID 1 [08:52] CountX: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTracHowto or http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracOnUbuntu [08:52] that the next version would be Hungry Hippo [08:52] lool [08:52] Bo1: What version of Ubuntu are you using === SD_ [n=emma@is.da-bom.com] has joined #ubuntu === Lo_Pan [n=lo_pan@] has joined #ubuntu [08:52] CountX: apt-get install trac subversion ... to create the svn repository ... svnadmin --create --fs-type fsfs /svnroot ... and use the trac docs [08:52] sooth: ive tried the tut on trac's site, i keep running into problems === goticaa [n=hh@0x53584d19.virnxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [08:52] anybody [08:52] ??? === sr71_maik [n=marc@P8ada.p.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:52] Adlai: Yeah, that would have made sense to the corporate ceo of a large business looking at ubuntu ;) === administrador [n=administ@200-71-186-243.genericrev.telcel.net.ve] has joined #ubuntu === flav_u [n=flav@] has joined #ubuntu === fu [n=rarefuse@kgldgaambas07-pool25-a10.kgldgaam.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:52] hola === SaMuX [n=sam@77-56-157-18.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu === Eustachy_Kapusta [i=tomek@dfd243.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [08:52] alguien habla en espaol === fmasi [n=fmasi@20150140015.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [08:52] !es [08:52] Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. [08:52] jack_sparrow:how i find that? [08:52] CountX: If you have a specific problem, ask it === shawger_ [n=shawger@CPE-69-76-75-61.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:52] Hardy Heron.... lol, sounds like something dirty... [08:52] Bo1: You dont know what you installed? [08:53] sooth: a lot of the commands that the tut mentions dont work === Eustachy_Kapusta [i=tomek@dfd243.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [08:53] ok === evri2_ [n=evri2@] has joined #ubuntu [08:53] what to do now? [08:53] http://shrani.si/f/1c/Jt/10ZR81f6/error3.png [08:53] sooth: im not an experienced linux user so i dont know how to work around them [08:53] i am new in linux:D [08:53] jack_sparrow: 7.04 1386 === tmpname000001 [n=Shashank@] has joined #ubuntu [08:53] Krusty: I think it would! === SaMuX [n=sam@77-56-157-18.dclient.hispeed.ch] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === abhi [n=abhi@] has joined #ubuntu [08:53] Anyone wanting to attempt a buntu remaster from existing install? Add "deb http://www.linuxmint.com/repository romeo/ " to sources.list file, then install "remastersys". To use, open console and type "sudo remastersys dist " or "remastersys backup" Enjoy! [08:53] <|FrOstiE|> me too Jan_in [08:53] Im trying to update "update-manager" and keep getting the error: ImportError: No module named pygtk [08:54] CountX: I've never set up trac, so I probably can't help you, but for someone else to be able to help you, you need to be very specific with your problem. [08:54] :P [08:54] Bo1: Type in a terminal lsb_release -a === boytm [n=boytm@] has joined #ubuntu === dgjones [n=Cheshire@unaffiliated/dgjones] has joined #ubuntu === Krusty is now known as Carroarmato0 [08:54] I want to make pcmanfm as my default file manager. how can i do it? [08:54] sooth: ok well i followed the tutorial as best i could until i ran into a problem with apache === razvan23 [n=murat@] has joined #ubuntu [08:54] Bo1: You will see you are using feisty... [08:54] sooth: it says to run sudo apache2ctl restart, but that returns an error === SaMuX [n=sam@77-56-157-18.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [08:54] Jan_in: congratulations ... you are now logged in into your system === SaMuX [n=sam@77-56-157-18.dclient.hispeed.ch] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [08:55] really? but...how can i...go to desktop [08:55] Jan_in: You installed the "server" ... which is without a desktop [08:55] jack_sparrow:http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35694/plain/ [08:55] but how can i use apache and myswl? [08:55] CountX: Which tutorial? What is the error? [08:55] Even though no one is interested in my questions, here is the answer if anyone else is having similar ipod mounting issues [08:55] Jan_in: if you want to use linux, you should get a different mindset [08:55] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3281652#post3281652 === xbehave [n=paco@cpc3-gran1-0-0-cust952.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === xopher [n=xopher@unaffiliated/xopher] has joined #ubuntu === sausage1337 [n=sausagez@60-234-217-170.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [08:56] xorg restarts everytime i login, and i get an error to do with xauth locking ~/.xauthority when i startx while already loged in [08:56] sooth: the one on the trac website, for ubuntu server 7.04 === burner_ [n=burner@lin67-1-82-231-72-180.fbx.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"] [08:56] Jan_in, i would just install the gui by sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop (i believe) [08:56] Jan_in: in windows, you install software and then ask what you can do with it, in linux you should first ask what you want to do and then install software to do it [08:56] ironmatar the missing lib.so is normal you can boot up now? === factorx [n=asdf@dslb-084-060-002-116.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:56] I want to make pcmanfm as my default file manager. how can i do it? === sindre [n=sindre@ti221110a081-7570.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [08:57] ironmatar i have missing .so it never stopped it working for me [08:57] Bo1: If you went to this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto and selected nvidia.. It takes you to this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia You are using 7.04 and the instructions are right there... I have no idea where you are getting that other info you pasted... === Ray_at_UW [n=ruiboli@] has left #ubuntu [] [08:57] Jan_in: use the live cd or install a (k)ubuntu desktop (not server) [08:57] :D [08:57] CountX: And what is the error you get? [08:57] ok === toyimp [n=toyimp@cpe-71-74-145-34.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === JDLimbo [n=dillinge@71-87-227-022.dhcp.hlrg.nc.charter.com] has left #ubuntu ["/lurking"] [08:57] hi, what's a command to open a tar.gz file? i tried "tar file.tar.gz" but it said "tar: Old option `g' requires an argument." how do i extract the contents of the tar.gz file? [08:57] but can i install apache on desktop version? [08:57] Jan_in: if you're just curious what it looks like :) === Lin [n=igor@unaffiliated/lincity] has joined #ubuntu [08:57] Jan_in: sure === Bucketface [n=charles@] has joined #ubuntu [08:57] Jan_in, yeah as well as mysql [08:57] Jan_in: and it won't cost you anything more :) [08:58] courier is causing unmet dependiencies problems on apt-get -f install. Any idea how to fix it? === tax0n [n=dermal@host-84-9-228-242.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:58] sausage1337: tar -xzvf filename.tar.gz === emmc [n=emmc@host177-191-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu === radioman_ [n=user@ctv-213-164-123-111.vinita.lt] has joined #ubuntu [08:58] Jan_in: server is a stripped down version as mostly server admins don't want to waste resources on something as a "graphical environment" [08:58] sausage: tar -xvzf file.tar.gz [08:58] ok tnx, then i'll install desktop version === SaMuX [n=sam@77-56-157-18.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu === fivetwentysix [n=patrick@pcd608135.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:58] Jan_in: different from the windows world huh ;) [08:58] tnx for helping me === kalis_bliumkvist [n=patrimpa@ctv-217-147-36-2.vinita.lt] has joined #ubuntu [08:59] yeah, it is true:D === sooth [n=user@bas16-montreal02-1242357234.dsl.bell.ca] has left #ubuntu ["No] === tax0n [n=dermal@host-84-9-228-242.bulldogdsl.com] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === petekmit [n=petek@TRITON.MIT.EDU] has joined #ubuntu [08:59] sooth: apache2 couldnt get a server name so its using, httpd isnt running, permission denied: make sock: could not bind to adress no listining sockets available, shutting down unable to open logs === ericjuden [n=ericjude@gw-epctech.epconline.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:59] Jan_in: desktop = server + graphical stuff + other useless stuff (openoffice, video players, browsers, ...) === redbawks [n=sanchez8@adsl-76-210-12-196.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:59] ser xorg shuts down on startup === SaMuX [n=sam@77-56-157-18.dclient.hispeed.ch] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [08:59] Pici: it worked. thanks. === tax0n [n=dermal@host-84-9-228-242.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:00] Jan_in: useless (from a server point of view :)) [09:00] i get in to command line [09:00] i really like linux now [09:00] and...wich one is best? [09:00] Jan_in: ? [09:00] wich linux [09:00] which [09:00] !best | Jan_in [09:00] Jan_in: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. === skap [n=skap@] has joined #ubuntu === sr71_maik [n=marc@P8ada.p.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:01] ok, i see === ericjuden [n=ericjude@gw-epctech.epconline.net] has left #ubuntu [] [09:01] Jan_in: like I said ... ask first what you want, then chose [09:01] Im trying to update "update-manager" and keep getting the error: ImportError: No module named pygtk [09:01] yes:D [09:01] how can i access the terminal of my server from a different computer(windows xp) [09:01] is it possible to use pcman file manager in place of nautilus. If yes then how to make it default? [09:01] ^noob question i know... [09:01] CountX: you could use putty === loar [n=leto@frnk-d933cae6.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:02] abhi: yes [09:02] Jack_Sparrow, : how [09:02] Jan_in: if you want a server, you're best with debian/redhat(centos) ... for desktop ubuntu, fedora, mandrake ... for pvr: knopmyth, linuxmce, ... thousands of flavors [09:02] CountX: putty or another ssh client === gord [n=gord@5ac3287e.bb.sky.com] has joined #ubuntu === mondeoscotch [n=andrzej@user-5444e8ae.lns2-c11.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [09:02] !putty [09:02] SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ === zirp [n=kimzii@a91-152-103-110.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [09:02] abhi: I dont know how to make it the default.. I just put it on the taskbar. === svolpe_gerrath [n=Gerrath_@unaffiliated/gerrath] has joined #ubuntu [09:03] Jan_in: it's really important to first determine what you want/need and then make your choices (otherwise you'll end up very VERY frustrated) === emmc [n=emmc@host177-191-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [09:03] abhi: I still prefer thunar for the thumbnail images etc.. === phoochka [n=phoochka@] has joined #ubuntu === bronze [n=fu@static226-137.adsl.no] has joined #ubuntu === wnorrix [n=warren@] has joined #ubuntu [09:03] Jan_in: another option is just to try lots of things and see which you like [09:03] hmm, is AWN runnable on ubuntu? [09:03] furious_gerbil: yes it is [09:03] Jack_Sparrow, : but when u click the folder, it will open in nautilus. === dresbamr [n=dresbamr@adsl-76-223-89-215.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu === NielsE [n=niels@5351BB29.cable.casema.nl] has left #ubuntu ["Bye] [09:04] help me someone. [09:04] Can " Integrated Intel GMA 950" run beryl? [09:04] yeah, i would like to have server on desktop linux [09:04] Does intel have good linux drivers? [09:04] kbrooks_, whats the prob === gamerchick02 [n=gamerchi@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [09:04] bronze: intel has excelent support for linux [09:05] abhi: When I click a folder it opens the folder but still in thunar or pcman. [09:05] Jan_in: what kind of server? apache? === Metal_Militia [n=ioppo@host-84-222-127-50.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu [09:05] Jan_in: ps. apache also runs on windows (even windows xp) === SaMuX [n=sam@77-56-157-18.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [09:05] yeah, i think this is best [09:05] i have it now on windows [09:05] How do I purge? === b4it [n=b4it@] has joined #ubuntu === teb [n=tebriel@c-76-20-250-55.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === FMM [n=paco@68.Red-80-24-78.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === m0u5e [n=denniska@c-24-6-100-103.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:05] osxdude|laptop: apt-get remove --purge package [09:05] Jack_Sparrow, : I mean to say folder on desktop. [09:06] osxdude|desktop: apt-get remove --purge ... or dpkg --purge [09:06] I want wireless, but I don't have a wireless adapter. What is THE best GNU/Linux compatible wireless adapter that is a/b/g enabled? [09:06] gah, i cant log in as root, whats ubuntu's default root pass? [09:06] how can i know if certain hardware components will be compatible under Ubuntu? === askand [n=askar@h68n7c1o1099.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:06] abhi: Right... as in the default... [09:06] !root [09:06] Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo === Randy [n=Randy@adsl-68-124-172-100.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:06] lets say an MSI motherboard [09:06] How do I add ubuntu studio repositories to ubuntu? === tvelocity [n=tony@ppp181-249.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [09:06] Can " Integrated Intel GMA 950" run beryl? [09:06] kbrooks_: I think you should search for ralink chipset [09:06] bronze: yes it can === donchriscoe [n=don@cm-24-121-127-157.flagstaff.az.npgco.com] has joined #ubuntu === zOap [n=zOap@] has joined #ubuntu === batrix [n=tyler@12-219-197-100.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:07] Carroarmato0, like really laggy, or usable? === gamerchick02 [n=gamerchi@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [09:07] kbrooks_: or get a thinkpad (or other laptop which is fully supported) [09:07] just a test, can ppl see what I am typing? [09:07] when i run sudo openssh_server, it asks for a password... [09:07] kbrooks_, the 3com wireless (3CRWE154A72) should be perfect [09:07] hmm...the exact package name? === bobon1100 [n=bobon110@c-69-254-26-158.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === b4it [n=b4it@] has joined #ubuntu [09:07] i keep getting this error from ACX how can i find out what acx is? [09:08] oh crap, now it says its not found === aantn [n=natan@bzq-88-155-27-224.red.bezeqint.net] has left #ubuntu [] [09:08] airwaffle, yes [09:08] i forget the d*&$ command [09:08] thx === ryugaka [i=Skt@c-71-61-214-77.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:08] bobon1100: what command? ;) [09:08] ok...now how do i install openssh? [09:08] bronze: I'm using Compiz on intel 82865G and everything works like a charm.. GMA 950 should work even beter [09:09] so i can connect to it from my windows laptop, through putty... [09:09] candyban, something about grep mod probe or something like that [09:09] CountX: apt-get install ssh === FMM [n=paco@68.Red-80-24-78.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [09:09] dmesg ? === jernster [n=jernster@ip68-225-200-97.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:09] bobon1100: lsmod ? [09:09] candyban: thank you ! === Shadowpillar [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:09] abhi: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/nonautilusplease see if this works [09:10] Since you mention Thinkpads. I have a T42 that isn't being used. Will I be trying to find drivers for days, or will the installer do most of the job for me? === juanhunglow [n=jfk@exchange.quinnfirm.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:10] candyban: omfg thank you, im in with putty now [09:10] https://www.fsf.org/resources/hw/net/wireless/cards.html [09:10] ^^^ :-) [09:10] candyban, yeah that was it [09:10] redbawks: I think you'll be fine [09:10] dont know wtf i was thinking about :P [09:10] redbawks, most everything will prolly be ok and installed [09:11] redbawks: most of it should be configured automagically ... but there's always thinkwiki :) === britt [n=mbs@pdpc/supporter/active/Britt] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [09:11] ok, well here is the deal, i get an error asx: IRQ error something about crypto [09:11] *acx === panique [n=rechner@dslb-084-060-151-055.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === MikeB [n=dbasinge@ubuntu/member/MikeB-] has joined #ubuntu === CraHan [n=CraHan@72.140-243-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:11] redbawks: I have slappad and fingerprint working :) [09:11] acx looks related to my USB, but im not using any of that stuff right now, any ideas? [09:12] thinkpads really rock [09:12] candyban: excellent === marcos_ [n=marcos@] has joined #ubuntu === SaMuX_ [n=sam@77-56-157-18.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [09:12] redbawks: be prepared to do some reading though: www.thinkwiki.org ... excellent site === MilitantPotato [n=Militant@12-202-137-89.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu === dmb [i=dmb@unaffiliated/dmb] has joined #ubuntu [09:13] candyban: thanks, I'll do that. === Rowan [n=rowan@229-67-74-65.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu === zloc [n=zloc@] has joined #ubuntu === SaMuX_ [n=sam@77-56-157-18.dclient.hispeed.ch] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === SaMuX__ [n=sam@77-56-157-18.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [09:13] I'm installing the latest ATI drivers, i'm a little confused at one step. The how-to says to run "sudo mkdir /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/volatile" is the uname bit supposed to be my username, or left as is? === SaMuX__ [n=sam@77-56-157-18.dclient.hispeed.ch] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [09:13] redbawks: bluetooth, irda, ... everything on that thinkpad can be made to work :) === yorellz [n=yorellz@] has joined #ubuntu [09:13] Hey, so, I've been trying to use wget, and I've been doing the load cookies and -r commands, but I still can't seem to get all the pages off of this one website...(and I've been ignoring robot)... anyone have any ideas? [09:13] MilitantPotato, leave it as is [09:13] profanephobia: thank you [09:14] MilitantPotato, no prob === greenpower [n=player@gprs-pool-1-012.eplus-online.de] has joined #ubuntu === linuss [n=alessand@host-84-222-76-249.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu === web_know1 [n=riba@CAcert/User/web-knows] has joined #ubuntu [09:14] MilitantPotato: leave it as it is ... it's a command called "uname -r" ... which outputs the kernel version you are currently using [09:14] candyban: i'm looking over thinkwiki now. looks like exactly what i needed. [09:14] where can I find all package archives? [09:14] bit late with my reply to MilitantPotato :( === Qwenty [n=Kahlney@216.Red-83-41-145.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:15] hm...from ubuntu homepage i downloaded desktop edition, but his is live version === web_know1 is now known as web_knows [09:15] where can i get normal version? [09:15] HelP! [09:15] desktop [09:15] Jan_in: Live is the same thing as the desktop. [09:15] Jan_in: yes, it has an icon called "install" === diman [n=diman@] has joined #ubuntu [09:15] where do I find where a port was opened on my ubuntu box? i want to open another port for smtp traffic, port 25 to be specific [09:15] so how can i install it? [09:15] Jan_in: but it'll install exactly the same thing on hard disk as you are currently on === juanhunglow [n=jfk@exchange.quinnfirm.com] has joined #ubuntu === sr71_maik [n=marc@P8ada.p.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:16] Jan_in: just click on the "install" button ... you should be used to that in windows, no? ;) === mrga_cro [n=legenda@83-131-199-135.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu === Aril [n=aril@] has joined #ubuntu [09:16] Does nvidia + beryl use XGL OR AIGLX?!?!?! === Aril [n=aril@] has left #ubuntu [] [09:16] umm i think in vmware [09:16] or is better in windows? [09:16] It says I need to recompile the kernal after updating the ATI driver, how do I do this [09:16] sorry ironmatar i'm cooking.. so did you reinstall the driver after removing the other thing? === qeed [n=qeed@adsl-146-70-82.mco.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:16] bronze: xgl and aiglx are different implementations ... nvidia+beryl will run both [09:17] ok [09:17] serenityUK: yes [09:17] bronze: neither, but join #ubuntu-effects to be sure. === shape [n=speedo@] has joined #ubuntu [09:17] serenityUK: and then reboot and the glx error === emomo [n=emomo@] has joined #ubuntu [09:17] bronze: last time I checked (admittedly was half a year ago or more) xgl was more feature complete === Tall_Eddie81 [n=eddie@ip72-209-238-224.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === Kendaric [n=kendaric@pD9EBC9AB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === mrga_cro [n=legenda@83-131-199-135.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === tombar_ [n=tombar@r190-64-181-246.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu === W_McL [n=wolfgang@p54A77228.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:18] how do i know my IP address? [09:19] elYase: ifconfig === technel [n=technel@66-216-232-76.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:19] so...do i have to boot desktop cd first to install? in vmware? [09:19] elYase: www.whatismyip.com === freudinator [n=a@host86-146-232-142.range86-146.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:19] elYase: or surf to http://whatismyip.com [09:19] candyban, thnaks === bsheep [n=bsheep@ANantes-252-1-87-116.w86-195.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === cobman [n=justinas@] has joined #ubuntu [09:19] Jan_in: yes ... [09:19] ser dont burn it on my aact :] === ciaron [n=soth@cpc3-broo4-0-0-cust526.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:19] hey guys i have to install my ubuntu distro ..i wish that windows and ubuntu stay on same hd but i don't know how manage the paartition [09:19] elYase: hey I was first :) [09:20] Jan_in: if you just want to check it out, you can just run it on your regular pc ... if you don't click the install button it won't touch your hard disks [09:20] ironmatar ok maybe you could restore your old xorg.conf and start again... when you installed it should have made a copy inside /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak or similar... you may find more than one backup copy.. [09:20] Hey, so, I've been trying to use wget, and I've been doing the load cookies and -r commands, but I still can't seem to get all the pages off of this one website...(and I've been ignoring robot)... anyone have any ideas? === Talcite [n=stephen@] has joined #ubuntu [09:20] could anyone give me a trick? === juanhunglow [n=jfk@exchange.quinnfirm.com] has left #ubuntu [] === gOLdenHaWK3D [n=brutefor@] has joined #ubuntu [09:20] hi guys, there's one point in the boot sequence that takes a very long time, is there a way I can figure out which one? [09:20] Carroarmato0: not from where I'm reading :p ... but you'll get half the credit if you want :) === Erikk [n=erik@adsl-68-124-172-100.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === burner_ [n=burner@lin67-1-82-231-72-180.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:21] candyban: darn! [09:21] shape, i trick for what [09:21] shape: trick for doing what? === gluck [n=gluck@ip-62-235-194-201.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:21] shape: resize your windows partition to free up several gigs [09:21] how manage the partition [09:21] s/i/a/ [09:22] i'vd odne it [09:22] but i've lost everything [09:22] so i had to reinstall windows [09:22] shape, defrag your harddrive, backup the important data. start the install from the livecd and use the partiotioning tool there. make a partition for / and one /swap. and read some guides if you're really not sure how to do it [09:22] hello there [09:23] can anyone help me out? I'm trying to figure out which part of my boot sequence is stalling === xIke [n=xike@24-158-124-25.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:23] shape: when you reinstall windows, you can select your drive size, next time make sure it doesn't take the entire disk ... you can also use partition magic [09:23] Do I need to recompile the kernal after updating my ATI driver? [09:23] is there a way to disable the splash screen when booting? === brian__ [n=brian@] has joined #ubuntu === D_ReaL_PuNiShEr [n=flowman4@] has joined #ubuntu === Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@ppp-69-229-179-81.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu [09:23] hola [09:23] que vuelta [09:24] shape: to be honest, I wouldn't trust the ubuntu installer to touch a windows partition [09:24] ok ok, i need some help with setting up a trac project to work with apache [09:24] boludo [09:24] Talcite, take 'splash' out of the boot line in grub [09:24] u're right === linuss [n=alessand@host-84-222-76-249.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu [09:24] pajarillo [09:24] nandemonai: thanks === ehird` [n=test@user-514f618c.l4.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [09:24] but i have not partion magic === jiphex [n=james@] has joined #ubuntu [09:24] CountX: you'll need to do some reading (I gave you the command on how to setup svn) ... [09:24] !es | brian__ elYase [09:24] where can i find some good info on port forwarding? [09:24] brian__ elYase: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. [09:24] Anyone here tried the musiceditor wired? === quanmec [n=brent@adsl-074-244-033-186.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:25] So I'm thinking about installing ubuntu (well, xubuntu, but my questions are more general than that right now) on my iMac intel again... I did it before when it was nigh-on impossible to do so, it seems it's easier now [09:25] a friend o' mine suggested to use the first slackware install disk with cfdisk [09:25] So: === praet^ [n=praet@wsip-68-15-32-50.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === CupidWolf [n=steph@APoitiers-256-1-163-197.w90-38.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [09:25] - what about airport, i want my wireless :) [09:25] to make the partition [09:25] candyban: "test: Error [09:25] ([Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/projects/test/VERSION')" [09:25] !enter [09:25] - is it still hell to install === CupidWolf [n=steph@APoitiers-256-1-163-197.w90-38.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"] [09:25] Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! === Eltornado [n=jalal@] has joined #ubuntu === immoT [n=defaultu@e82-103-221-110.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [09:25] Pici: i'm not using enter as punctuation === petekmit_ [n=petek@TRITON.MIT.EDU] has joined #ubuntu [09:25] Pici: err, were you referring to me [09:25] shape: you can try to resize it again with the installer ... but don't shoot me if you'll need to reinstall again (just make sure to create your linux partitions before you reinstall windows that time then) [09:26] candyban i get it [09:26] is it a big deal to install Ubnuntu with Raid 1 === praet^ is now known as praet [09:26] Does anyone know if it's possible to change Firefox's, default win95-style, buttons to the Gnome theme's buttons? [09:26] but i've already installed windows === justin420 [n=justin@] has joined #ubuntu [09:26] hello [09:26] ChuckFu: it's not that hard (if you know what you're doing) ... if you can't do it with the live, you can surely do it with the alternate install [09:27] hmm... does anyone know where ubuntu keeps the grub config files? [09:27] my /boot directory doesn't have it [09:27] Talcite: /boot/grub/menu.lst [09:27] Talcite, shoud be /boot/grub/menu.lst [09:27] Talcite, /boot/grub/menu.lst [09:27] ahh [09:27] thanks [09:27] ;) [09:27] hello all. does anybody know of a way to MAKE users automatically logout of a GUI session after X amount of period of inactivity? === NET||abuse [n=lab@ip-83-147-187-216.dub-3rk2.metro.digiweb.ie] has joined #ubuntu === rushingmonkey [n=rushingm@host34-227-dynamic.15-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [09:27] candyban it will be a hardware RAD 1 [09:28] hey guys.. is there an app like the windows "flashget" for linux? === TY81___ [n=ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu === zloc [n=zloc@] has joined #ubuntu === pupeno [n=pupeno@] has joined #ubuntu [09:28] something with multiple "jets" [09:28] ChuckFu: real hardware raid or one of those fakeraid ? === PupUser696bb6 [n=PupUser6@ctv-213-164-123-153.vinita.lt] has joined #ubuntu [09:28] real hardware RAID === Stuttergar [n=nvalenti@corp.mongonet.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:28] shape: he said to try the LiveCD installer to resize, but if that fails and you have to re-install windows, make sure you leave 15ish gigs of unpartitioned space for linux, when you re-install windows === PupUser696bb6 [n=PupUser6@ctv-213-164-123-153.vinita.lt] has left #ubuntu [] [09:29] ChuckFu if the chipset is supported by linux, then it should be extremely easy ... sure it's hardware raid? Which chipset? [09:29] if it's real hardware raid, linux will see only 1 device ... === osmosis [n=steven@cpe-76-80-127-252.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:29] candyban SAS5/iR PCI Express === jsk__ [n=jonathan@client-82-3-89-229.manc.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:29] can i set gwget or some curl interface, to connect with multiple connections for a download? === MAN0WAR [n=alex@] has joined #ubuntu [09:30] brb loading XGL to see if this driver works === rushingmonkey [n=rushingm@host34-227-dynamic.15-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu === MilitantPotato [n=Militant@12-202-137-89.client.mchsi.com] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] === westwest [n=roy@cable6.dyn47.pacific.net.sg] has joined #ubuntu === Sainty [n=sainty@client-82-9-25-193.manc.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu === graulich [n=michaels@] has joined #ubuntu === Talcite [n=stephen@] has joined #ubuntu === jughead [n=jughead@c-68-47-231-107.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:31] jack_sparrow:which 1 i install? | linux-restricted-modules [09:31] in OpenOffice, I get text instead of icons on all the buttons. what do I do? [09:31] ChuckFu: like I said, if it's supported (quickly searching google, it should) then there's no problem. It'll see just a single disk [09:31] does anybody know of a way to MAKE users automatically logout of a GUI session after X amount of period of inactivity? anybody? i have found the TMOUT option in /etc/profile but apparently that is only for the console, I was wanting a solution for a GUI session. === giany911 [n=giany911@] has joined #ubuntu === ShadowXP [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:31] taht great news, I will check it out === titanix88_ [n=tux@] has joined #ubuntu [09:32] If have a Compa nc8430 w. a display adapter that read as a ATI Mobility Radeon X1600, when attempting to install Ubuntu, it will not start up the xserver, stating no screens found, is there a secret to installing with a ati chipset? === cristi [n=cristi@h166453.baiamare.ipn.ro] has joined #ubuntu [09:32] in OpenOffice, I get text instead of icons on all the buttons. what do I do? === ironmatar [n=ubuntu@pool-71-112-180-6.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [09:32] mzuverink: it's a misterious art ;) === Don64 [n=dpowers6@ip68-102-235-221.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === TY81___ [n=ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [09:33] How can I start my wireless (eth1) at boot time without having the line "auto eth1) in my /etc/network/interfaces file? Having that line triples my boot time [09:33] mzuverink: startup with the vesa driver === osxdude|laptop need VMWare help === cassidy_ [n=cassidy@186.201-136-217.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:33] candyban, it wont even start w/ the vesa drivers === osxdude|laptop can't install VMWare Server because VMWare Player remains deeply in the system === Chascon [n=chatzill@pc-110-100-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu === onexused [n=matthew@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu === osxdude|laptop wonders how this can be fixed === phoenixz [n=sven@] has joined #ubuntu [09:34] mzuverink: wow ... nice :) ... perhaps you can use the alternate install cd? (it uses text-mode) ... [09:35] mzuverink: once you are booted in your new ubuntu system, you can install fglrx === Maximillan [n=Maximill@] has joined #ubuntu [09:35] if it supports the x1600 ... === ieuan [n=xer@cpc1-pnth1-0-0-cust447.cdif.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:35] yeah, I guss Ill have to try that, hate to put vista back on this machine....thanks === brendon [n=brendon@mail1.1on1creditrepair.com] has joined #ubuntu === killer [n=killer@pool-96-231-45-173.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === Talcite [n=stephen@] has joined #ubuntu [09:36] osxdude|laptop: maybe sudo apt-get remove --purge vmware-player? [09:36] how do I get icons to show up in openoffice? all I get is text on all buttons. === Blindet [n=Blindet@dna253-64.satp.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu === ruben [n=ruben@] has joined #ubuntu [09:36] Hello, sometime seen youtube firefox crashes, any idea hot fix it? it is normal? === Lattyware [n=Latty@host86-132-220-143.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === infinityxi`work [n=Stat_Wor@cpe-66-65-97-95.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === naknomik [i=amitb@nat/intel/x-f170e40aa018963e] has left #ubuntu [] === Drad1k [n=sljdo@adsl-074-247-081-179.sip.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:37] osxdude|laptop, sudo apt-get --purge remove === ducky_id [n=dna@] has joined #ubuntu [09:37] rc.rizon.et [09:37] I used to be able to use kppp to connect to the internet, but now after uninstalling the slmodem packages (I have a 3Com modem now), it freezes at 'looking for modem.' I've tried reinstalling it, but that doesn't help. Wvdial still works. What can I do? === timposey [n=timposey@] has joined #ubuntu === Dradik [n=sljdo@adsl-074-247-081-179.sip.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === shawger [n=shawger@CPE-69-76-75-61.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:37] does anybody know of a way to MAKE users automatically logout of a GUI session after X amount of period of inactivity? anybody? i have found the TMOUT option in /etc/profile but apparently that is only for the console, I was wanting a solution for a GUI session. [09:37] is there any general NP plugins for xmms that has hotkeys and works with almoust any program, like amip? === intranet [n=intranet@] has joined #ubuntu === shawger [n=shawger@CPE-69-76-75-61.wi.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === attiva [n=ubuntu@0x535fd91b.arcnxx20.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has left #ubuntu [] [09:38] hmm... has anyone here had experience with the ipw3945? === jameskeeling [n=jameskee@host86-149-155-211.range86-149.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === SuPeRhOmEm [n=sphm@unaffiliated/superhomem] has joined #ubuntu [09:38] It's the device that's eating nearly 40 seconds of my boot time [09:38] justin420, gnuskool, I hear it is an extensive process === jameskeeling [n=jameskee@host86-149-155-211.range86-149.btcentralplus.com] has left #ubuntu [] [09:38] which I have time for === kingKonqueror [n=hat@blk-224-235-88.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu === bruenig [n=bruenig@ip-129-15-131-246.fescfwsm.ou.edu] has joined #ubuntu === DaveyJ [n=daveyj@ool-44c257f1.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu === pmatulis [n=pmatulis@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [09:39] I had a dualboot system with 2 disk drives and I removed the windows drive... now my system is trying to boot from hd1,0 and I have to go in manually to edit and change it to hd0,0 every time I boot can someone tell me how to reset this with grub? === vatreni [n=mIRCgv2@ACADB316.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:39] osxdude|laptop, soz wasnt aware of that, what i gave you removes programs and relate config files === burner_ [n=burner@lin67-1-82-231-72-180.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === Almighty1Henaro [n=a_hen@c-24-98-20-28.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:39] yah === vatreni [n=mIRCgv2@ACADB316.ipt.aol.com] has left #ubuntu [] === BlueXero [n=crodgers@203-184-39-148.jetbuster.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [09:39] gnuskool np [09:40] timosey: once you successfully boot, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst to reflect the correct changes === zirp [n=kimzii@a91-152-103-110.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu === hobbeswalsh [n=robin@] has joined #ubuntu === hobbeswalsh_ [n=robin@] has joined #ubuntu [09:41] timposey: hd0,0 and hd1,0 or hd0,0 and hd0,1 ? === sx66 [n=sx66@71-95-5-112.static.rvsd.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:41] anyone? === brainbox [n=daniel@dslb-088-073-074-177.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === Gyabo [n=Administ@ALyon-251-1-52-166.w83-201.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === h1l4nd0r [n=h1l4nd0r@ppp85-140-111-34.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu [09:41] gosh [09:41] ehird`? [09:41] it has hd1,0 and I change it to hd0,0 and it boots [09:41] y a du monde === Shadowpillar [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:42] *se cache* === Gyabo [n=Administ@ALyon-251-1-52-166.w83-201.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu [] [09:42] So I'm thinking about installing ubuntu (well, xubuntu, but my questions are more general than that right now) on my iMac intel again... I did it before when it was nigh-on impossible to do so, it seems it's easier now === alesan [n=root@] has joined #ubuntu [09:42] - what about airport, i want my wireless :) === ieuan [n=xer@cpc1-pnth1-0-0-cust447.cdif.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [09:42] - is it still hell to install [09:42] candyban: it has hd1,0 and I change it to hd0,0 and it boots [09:42] use pastebin and paste /boot/grub/menu.lst === mtgrpg [n=alexis@ALyon-251-1-52-166.w83-201.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [09:42] that's what, candyban :p === xarann [n=wut@modemcable131.236-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu === grndslm [n=grndslm@24-116-87-97.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:42] osxdude|laptop, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=425313 [09:42] timposey, you need to edit the file as root such as gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst === burner_ [n=burner@lin67-1-82-231-72-180.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === deedubb [n=deedubb@S010600055d22c57f.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:42] anyone? ... didn't see you asking a question [09:43] osxdude|laptop, apparently you have to boot into recovery console to remove it [09:43] candyban: welp, i did, those are my questions === cj [i=cjcollie@pdpc/supporter/monthlybronze/cj] has joined #ubuntu [09:43] hello. does anyone know where I might find assistance on setting up open-scsi on ubuntu? the documentation on open-iscsi's website is out of date or the ubuntu package is out of date [09:43] === insomninja [n=leo@kr-lun-254-146-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu === Tmi [n=tommi@kr-lun-9-144-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:43] has anyone had a problem with the X mouse pointer going missing? === omarr_pr [n=omarrpr@adsl-64-237-180-100.prtc.net] has joined #ubuntu === ducky_id [n=dna@] has joined #ubuntu === eddys [n=eddys@81-233-58-236-no71.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:44] hey, do u guyz know hot to install linux-headers for mte instalation disk [09:44] okay i did a search first... but i cant seem to find info of a zune in amarok or some other application (besides rhythmbox) === Manny [n=chris@p5496E084.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:44] osxdude|laptop: a the === _aaa [n=dac@tx-76-6-82-14.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu === lionstone [n=blo@adsl-75-55-214-60.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === Ryan52 [n=ryan@pool-71-182-69-103.ptldor.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:44] hi guys === Ray_at_UW [n=ruiboli@] has joined #ubuntu === Heidi [n=heidi@AStrasbourg-157-1-7-40.w90-40.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [09:44] is there any general NP plugins for xmms that has hotkeys and works with almoust any program, like amip? [09:44] lol [09:44] deedubb: you should compile the iscsi modules from source ... and use ietd to export your targets [09:44] hello... enyone here that can help me or refer med how to install a intel graficcard? === Badpenguin86 [n=justin@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu === mneptok [n=mneptok@canonical/support/mneptok] has joined #ubuntu [09:45] osxdude|laptop, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=425313 === Shang [n=roywu@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu === ompaul [n=ompaul@freenode/staff/gnewsense.ompaul] has joined #ubuntu [09:45] When trying to install packages with apt-get, it sometimes asks for confirmation (Y/n) or (y/N) and sometimes not, why? Is it because of which repo it pulls the packages from or if it's a big amount of data or something else? [09:45] i need some help w ndiswrapper pls === TeTeT [n=spindler@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [09:45] can somebody help me with the broken package? [09:45] omarr_pr, hi [09:45] hello... enyone here that can help me or refer med how to install a intel graficcard? [09:45] oups [09:45] hehe === mtgrpg [n=alexis@ALyon-251-1-52-166.w83-201.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu [] [09:45] insomninja: Some repos are not verified by the ubuntu team, Universe/Multiverse. === donkym [n=donkym@bas1-montreal42-1178047081.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [09:45] hi gnuskool === Balachmar [n=wligtenb@cp1085555-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:45] How do I get my pics and music folders to show up in places? === dEn_ [n=den@] has joined #ubuntu === keito [n=keito@cpc2-leed2-0-0-cust11.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:46] Lattyware: ok, thanks [09:46] come on guys nobody have a minuet [09:46] Badpenguin86: I can help you with that === dazjorz [n=dazjorz@laptop.dazjorz.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:46] hi gnuskool can you help me with broken packages? [09:46] Charlote if you try sudo apt-get install build-essential i think it will sort the headers out for you.. === zOap [n=zOap@] has joined #ubuntu [09:46] welli dont have internet [09:46] serenityuk: thanks, I got it edited now to reboot and see if it works... [09:46] omarr_pr,whats the problem? what mesage do you get? === osmosis [n=steven@cpe-76-80-127-252.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === HiuCD [n=hiu@pc-235-97-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:46] i have only the instalation cd [09:47] Badpenguin86: Open your folder until you see the folders you want [09:47] and i already did that === coragem [n=kurumin@201-89-146-22.smace701.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [09:47] what is the difference between xen i386 and xen PAE ? [09:47] sudo apt-cdrom add === Edward [n=Edward@host86-146-94-97.range86-146.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:47] How can I connect to my network from somewhere else? What I mean is, be able to access my NFS and Samba shares and my Intranet from my laptop when I work from somewhere else? [09:47] Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have [09:47] requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable [09:47] distribution that some required packages have not yet been created [09:47] or been moved out of Incoming. [09:47] osmosis: one will boot and the other one won't ;) [09:48] hello has anyone here got any experience with open vpn to assist me with please ? [09:48] candyban: yah...which one is which ? [09:48] then : sudo apt aptitude install biulding-essentials === Reifster [n=roik@212-139-23-58.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:48] Charlote if you open the sources file such as sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list it says CD rom at the top line... you need to enable it by removing a # sign infront of CDrom [09:48] Edward: sure ... ask your question [09:48] Badpenguin86: still there? === ^futuro [n=mario@] has joined #ubuntu [09:48] <^futuro> Hi [09:48] osmosis: PAE allows 32 bit kernels to adress more RAM (> 1GB) [09:48] <^futuro> when i start my pc [09:48] but i need the headers so i can biuld my ndiswrapper corect [09:48] Hi! Is there any way I can see what commands NetworkManager is running? It feels a bit handicapping not being able to do networking in the console [09:48] i have installed on my server but i am having trouble configuring [09:48] I presume NetworkManager juts runs iwconfig ... [09:48] !automatix [09:48] <^futuro> i must write this code line to works my sound card [09:48] i was trying to install wine [09:48] Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software. When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it. A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme) [09:48] erUSUL: is PAE less stable? Why does it say to use i386 on a desktop machine ? [09:49] <^futuro> #sudo /sbin/modprobe cs4232 [09:49] <^futuro> and [09:49] maybe Charlote .. they should be on the cd... it just want to look online for the latest version [09:49] i have ubuntu installed on my laptop and im traing to fix my wirless problem [09:49] ;) [09:49] yea [09:49] <^futuro> #aumix -L === Shadowpillar [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:49] how to install them from the cd [09:49] osmosis: becouse desktop machines have less memory than servers ;P PAE adds a little overhead in memory operations [09:49] that is my question [09:49] Edward: explain "trouble" :) === killer [n=killer@pool-96-231-45-173.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === timposey [n=timposey@] has joined #ubuntu [09:49] <^futuro> I don't want write this line evertime [09:50] <^futuro> what i can do? [09:50] <^futuro> thanks [09:50] Charlote can you have a look at sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and see if CDROM is enabled at the top line? [09:50] hello [09:50] candyman: is there a good guide on how to configure it ? [09:50] gnuskool Sorry for the misunderstanding...I want to install VMWare Server, but I had VMWare Player installed...and since I have removed it it still lies deep in my system. How do I remove VMWare Player COMP === dfletcher [n=fletch@drupal.org/user/72475/view] has joined #ubuntu [09:50] Is anyone here familiar with using testdisk to find an erased partition? [09:50] LETLEY from my computer? [09:50] Edward: /usr/share/doc/openvpn was always sufficient for me [09:50] I'm trying to install a print driver for the hp laserjet 1020, but it doesn't show up in the kde printer wizard is there a different way to install it? === Eltornado [n=jalal@] has joined #ubuntu [09:50] (i pressed enter on accident [09:50] the whole configuration is not making sense to me [09:50] Charlote if it has a # at the CD line then you need to delete the # save the file [09:50] hello... enyone here that can help me or refer med how to install a intel graficcard? [09:50] let me check it out [09:50] Edward: also check the examples [09:51] Edward: and the easy-rsa scripts [09:51] Edward: or use a graphical tool [09:51] eddys: which graphics card? [09:51] erUSUL: are they equally stable ? === stan-k [n=stan@p50840750.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:51] what graphical tool is there to use please [09:51] Carroarmato0 its a intel 810 somhing. [09:51] hehe [09:51] ibm intergrated. [09:51] can somebody help me with the broken package? [09:51] <^futuro> need help pleae [09:51] Edward: to create/manage the keys [09:51] <^futuro> se [09:52] omarr_pr, what is the error message? [09:52] eddys: What seems to be the problem? === x600 [n=x603@host-81-190-148-25.olsztyn.mm.pl] has joined #ubuntu [09:52] Has anyone ever seen a boot error 1234F: I am getting this during bootup and I never get to grub... [09:52] broken packages serenityuk === pecisk [n=pecisk@purvc-69-54.maksinets.lv] has joined #ubuntu [09:52] <^futuro> help me === Rowan` [n=rowan@229-67-74-65.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:52] omarr_pr, specific error? [09:52] timposey, that is probably from your BIOS...we can't fix that === lnx_ [n=lnx@] has joined #ubuntu [09:52] ^futuro, Ask no questions, get no answers.. [09:52] Carroarmato0: well i have only 1024 in resulotion and no drivers installed... and i dontknow how to install them [09:53] The following packages have unmet dependencies: [09:53] omarr_pr, need more information [09:53] wine: Depends: libasound2 (> 1.0.12) but 1.0.10-2ubuntu4 is to be installed [09:53] Depends: libc6 (>= 2.5-0ubuntu1) but 2.3.6-0ubuntu20.5 is to be installed [09:53] ^futuro: what's wrong? [09:53] and other [09:53] someone have tried Licq ? === hhlp_ [n=hhlp@152.Red-81-37-91.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:53] <^futuro> pmatulis, I' m writing again? [09:53] come on [09:53] Depends: libc6 (>= 2.5-0ubuntu1) but 2.3.6-0ubuntu20.5 is to be installed === jere_ [n=jeremie@bzq-88-153-195-99.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:53] Depends: libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.2) but 1:4.0.3-1ubuntu5 is to be installed [09:53] omarr_pr, is this 32bit or 64bit? [09:53] Depends: libgphoto2-2 (>= 2.3.0) but 2.1.6-5.2ubuntu8 is to be installed Depends: libgphoto2-port0 (>= 2.3.0) but 2.1.6-5.2ubuntu8 is to be installed [09:53] Depends: libstdc++6 (>= 4.1.2) but 4.0.3-1ubuntu5 is to be installed [09:53] Depends: libxml2 (>= 2.6.27) but 2.6.24.dfsg-1ubuntu1 is to be installed Depends: libxslt1.1 (>= 1.1.20) but 1.1.15-1ubuntu1 is to be installed [09:53] E: Broken packages [09:53] eddys: you mean you have a graphical interface but it uses the vesa driver? [09:53] 64 bit === erikja [n=chatzill@0x57314066.abnxx10.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has left #ubuntu [] [09:53] !pastebin | omarr_pr [09:53] omarr_pr: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [09:53] ^futuro: writing again? what's wrong with that? [09:53] <^futuro> everytime in my pc [09:53] well they all start w "#" [09:53] # deb cdrom:[ubuntu 7.04 _feisty fawn_ - realise amd64 (20070415)] / feisty main resticted [09:53] deb cdrom:[ubuntu 7.04 ......................................................................] / feisty main restricted === bruenig [n=bruenig@ip-129-15-131-246.fescfwsm.ou.edu] has joined #ubuntu [09:54] <^futuro> pmatulis, i must [09:54] once again [09:54] osxdude|laptop: it only did this after I used testdrive to restore a lost partition on a second hard drive. I didn't change anything in bios... anyidea? [09:54] <^futuro> start this comand line at boot [09:54] Carroarmato0: yeah somthing like that. [09:54] CharlieSu, use a pastebin [09:54] omarr_pr, i don't think wine works properly in 64bit [09:54] <^futuro> /sbin/modprobe cs4232 [09:54] <^futuro> and [09:54] <^futuro> aumix -L [09:54] <^futuro> what i must do? [09:55] ahh maybe thats the problem [09:55] timposey...then it might be the BIOS telling you that your hdd is corrupt or something [09:55] how can i check that [09:55] eddys: hold on a sec... === Twinxor [n=Twinxor@c-71-198-169-143.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:55] omarr_pr, are you trying to install via apt-get? === ID_ [n=heidi@AStrasbourg-157-1-42-31.w90-40.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [09:55] Edward: if you use the server.conf in the examples page, there is not much you still need to do === burner_ [n=burner@lin67-1-82-231-72-180.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:55] ^futuro, add them to /etc/rc.local [09:55] ok.. I'll look elsewhere === archangelpetro [n=bleh@] has joined #ubuntu [09:55] aight, is there any experienced web designer that can help me design a new website? [09:55] yes [09:55] ok thanks the examples are making more sense to me [09:55] Edward: you just have to make sure you have created your /dev/tun0 or /dev/tap0 device [09:55] Carroarmato0: i need to find a guide or somthing thats helps med find and installs a intel driver. its just the generig driver nov.. like 256 colours or somthing .. [09:55] oh tnx === Drad1k [n=sljdo@adsl-074-247-081-179.sip.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:55] hopefully i can get this going tonight [09:56] ^futuro, That will run what you put there after everything else has finished booting. === Tidus_ [n=Tidus@unaffiliated/tidus] has joined #ubuntu [09:56] Edward: it's really easy actually [09:56] omarr_pr, i have wine installed on my 64bit but only via synaptic... apt-get i had similar error... goto System->Admin->Synaptic and search for wine [09:56] is when i run : sudo apt-get install wine [09:56] eddys: Did you do anything to the xorg configurations or... how did you get this problem? === dantje [n=dvg@HSI-KBW-085-216-055-106.hsi.kabelbw.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:56] Edward: also the easy-rsa (just make sure you read and follow the docs) [09:56] guys i used envy. will is still boot up or is going to crash at booting screen? [09:56] anyone? [09:57] thanks candyban [09:57] Edward: np [09:57] Carroarmato0 well the thing is that this ubuntu is just installed.. and i dont have eny drivers for my graficcard.. ind i dont know how to install it ;) === Latty [n=Latty@host217-43-228-221.range217-43.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === SeaDragon [n=jordan@] has joined #ubuntu === jexsie [n=jexsie@unaffiliated/jexsie] has joined #ubuntu [09:57] o read in the forum and i did this: [09:57] sudo apt-cdrom add [09:57] sudo aptitude update [09:57] sudo aptitude install build-essential [09:57] and installed my essentials form the cd [09:57] now the question is what to do so i can install linux-headers from the cd [09:57] much easier with freebsd terminal *smiles* [09:57] and after that i want ro installndiswrapper === SeaDragon [n=jordan@] has joined #ubuntu [09:58] someone have tried Licq ? === sehku [n=sehku17@] has joined #ubuntu [09:58] using synaptic shows me that i have unresolvable dependencies [09:58] eddys: ok... do this but be careful... open a terminal and enter " sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf " === windustria [n=ghost@pool-72-76-105-124.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:58] they are libasound2 === factorx [n=asdf@dslb-084-060-002-116.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:58] libc6 [09:58] libgcc1 [09:59] yeah well im a old freebsd user so im not a linux newbie.. just in x iam. === pihus [n=pihus@88-196-15-156-dsl.rgu.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu [09:59] hang on [09:59] omarr_pr: don't try to pull packages from other versions of the distro === Makky [n=makurako@cpe-70-124-107-23.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:59] eddys: you will be asked for your pass... and then the editor will open.... don't tweak anything for now because if something goes wrong you might not get a graphical interface... === EvaLuaTe [n=evaluate@unaffiliated/evaluate] has joined #ubuntu [09:59] Charlote the headers will be specific to the kernel you have such as sudo aptitude install linux-headers-2.6.20-15-generic or similar [09:59] hello [09:59] yeah.. got it [09:59] that dependencies are for the instalation of wine [09:59] what do i have to install for 'ncurses' to be available ? [10:00] EvaLuaTe: ncurses5-dev [10:00] bbrazil that dependencies are for the instalation of wine === darkphader [n=smythe@c-68-61-77-153.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:00] !find ncurses [10:00] Found: evms-ncurses, lib64ncurses5, lib64ncurses5-dev, libncurses5, libncurses5-dbg (and 13 others) [10:00] thanx i have the same karnel [10:00] i will try now [10:00] eddys: ok, now scroll down in search for something that looks like your graphics card... something like "Section Device Intel Corporation ...." [10:00] E: Couldn't find package ncurses5-dev [10:00] Carroarmato0: okey hang on === laptor [n=laptor@] has joined #ubuntu [10:00] omarr_pr: where are you pulling it from? [10:00] libncurses5-dev [10:00] eddys: and tell me what it says in Driver === patryk_ [n=patryk@dk.dc.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu [10:01] ohh [10:01] bbrazil from synaptic === jalvarezm [n=jalvarez@] has joined #ubuntu [10:01] thanks guys [10:01] :) [10:01] omarr_pr: please pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list [10:01] How do I register my own channel on irc.ubuntu.com? [10:01] hmm yeah found it.. [10:01] Linux newbie here: Would anyone mind helping me out with a wireless problem? My card seems to be supported but no wireless networks are listed for me to connect to. [10:01] my swap partition need tobe double of my ram memory ? [10:01] Carroarmato0: yeah found it.. it wasent a 810 === Talcite [n=stephen@] has joined #ubuntu [10:01] bbrazil, he is installing wine on 64bit... it's tricky... i've done it but I can't remeber what hack [10:01] it say that [10:01] everythinh is done [10:01] eddys: What does it say as the driver? === laptor [n=laptor@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:01] serenityUK: the winehq repos have wine for amd64 === DRP [n=flowman4@] has joined #ubuntu [10:02] that was it! [10:02] bbrazil sorry im a rookie with ubuntu and all of that,how can i do that [10:02] osxdude|laptop: I found it, the 1234F: code is actually a prompt that after installing a new MBR using testdisk that allows you to enter 1, 2, 3, or 4 to tell the system to boot from the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th boot sector... the F key tells the system to boot from floppy... who would have ever thought that... [10:02] lnx_: not really. the general rule is 1.5 or 2 times ram but its up to you [10:02] w8 ill look... hehe kvm switching === t4m1n0 [n=wildchil@BSN-77-169-220.static.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu === brigante [n=brigante@host41-185-dynamic.0-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [10:02] no packages will be installed upgreded or removed === brigante_ [n=brigante@host41-185-dynamic.0-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [10:02] hello there === zitner [n=zitner@pool-72-82-195-86.cmdnnj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:02] omarr_pr: goto a terminal, then: cat /etc/apt/sources.list [10:02] lnx_: personally i go 1 to 1 for swap and ram [10:02] is that means that my headers are up to date [10:02] omarr_pr, you need to go to www.winehq.org and look for instructions to add the winehq repository for amd64 [10:02] wat windows program is good to copy data from ext3 partition ? [10:02] timposey kewl [10:02] omarr_pr, then you can install the 64bit version of wine [10:02] that is actually cool [10:02] wat windows program is good to copy data from ext3 partition ? [10:03] Carroarmato0: yeah somhting like phics controler : i810" [10:03] omarr_pr: it seems likely that you're included sources that you shouldn't have. anything that has problems with libc6 is very very bad === Zaggynl^Laptop [n=az@dsl-083-247-110-137.solcon.nl] has joined #ubuntu === loran [n=loran@ANantes-258-1-46-52.w90-49.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [10:03] hm, ok, i've tried d4x and gwget, but neither will catch the cookie or whatever mechanism from easynews, so does anyone have a download manager with split parts options? === Gaaston [n=hledoux@124.142-65-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu [10:03] jrib, thanks alot mate! i forgot only a few days ago lol [10:03] eddys: are you trying to configure a virtual machine perhaps? [10:03] Carroarmato0: driver "i810" [10:03] nobody can hear me [10:03] :p [10:03] !ext3 | t4m1n0 [10:03] t4m1n0: ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org === laptor [n=laptor@] has joined #ubuntu [10:03] pike_ , why ? ( i did it double ) [10:03] t4m1n0: there are drivers for ext but they are not reliable. you have to ask in a windows chan maybe === troplin [n=raphael@dslb-084-057-054-137.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:03] Carroarmato0: hmm no no virtual === N3bunel vam }{ si noapte buna [10:03] lnx_: you just dont use it much on a modern system === multiverse [n=multiver@c-76-28-144-62.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:04] Carroarmato0: just my orderary desktop. [10:04] lnx_: for reg desktop use [10:04] Charlote, looks ok have you tried the ndiswrapper yet? === infinityxi`work [n=Stat_Wor@cpe-66-65-97-95.nyc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [10:04] eddys: the drivers you are currently using are correct then. You are using the intel driver and don't need to change it ;) === fly__ [n=andrej@dslb-084-062-006-012.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === N3bunel away === ansque [n=user@dcr211.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [10:04] ? [10:04] now i have ndiswrapper 1.4 on usb, i copied this file to my ububtu machine now what [10:04] how to install this === burner_ [n=burner@lin67-1-82-231-72-180.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:05] Carroarmato0: okey tnx.. the screen is "generic screen" [10:05] yay I shaved 40 seconds off my boot time =D [10:05] i extract the files on my destktop [10:05] and now === troplin [n=raphael@dslb-084-057-054-137.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === Nebby_ [n=nebby@71-37-12-100.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:05] which one i have to run???????? [10:05] anyone know why it says I am not priveledged to mount my iPod? [10:05] eddys: you may quit the editor unless you know what you are doing with the xorg configuration file... [10:05] Carroarmato0 i want to have like 1280 x 1024 insted of 800x 600 [10:05] hehe [10:05] it sucks in 800 === boki_ [n=alejak@smin199-248.vdial.verat.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:05] masamune, you need to have root privileges to mount stuff === ShadowXP [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === Carr-J [n=007@] has joined #ubuntu === tom47 [n=tom@CPE-124-183-251-213.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has left #ubuntu [] [10:06] eddys: I take you have already tried the Resolution app....? === Trini_Man [n=aj@76-10-128-109.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:06] thanks, how do I give myself root privileges? [10:06] Carroarmato0 hmm no this is my first time in x ;) [10:06] !sudo | masamune === Trini_Man [n=aj@76-10-128-109.dsl.teksavvy.com] has left #ubuntu [] [10:06] masamune: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. [10:06] eddys: AAaaah [10:07] that reminds me [10:07] eddys: asking for the drivers is a very advanced question you were asking ^^ === riddlebox [n=james@75-132-225-75.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:07] i know you can run sudo [10:07] but [10:07] can you actually log in as root [10:07] in ubuntu [10:07] Carroarmato0 yeah .. hehe [10:07] !enter | n00blet [10:07] n00blet: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! === cs_ [n=cs@] has joined #ubuntu [10:07] !root [10:07] n00blet, not by default no [10:07] Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [10:07] pike_, if u'll ever need it: http://www.fs-driver.org/ [10:07] eddys: just go to System- Preferences -- Resolution [10:07] Carroarmato0: k [10:07] n00blet: sudo -i; passwd [10:07] n00blet, you can enable the root account but the official line of the channel is that doing so is evil [10:08] Charlote, you need a copy of your windows wireless driver too.. do you have that? [10:08] Carroarmato0 yeah.. the max there is 1024 * 768 and 60 hrz [10:08] yes [10:08] Charlote, somefile.inf [10:08] for the record: I'm not following that "official line" ;) [10:08] eddys: Is that what you wanted? === guardian [n=Guardian@ANantes-252-1-80-60.w86-195.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [10:08] Talcite: how did u shave the time off ur boot up [10:08] i have ony one worries [10:08] Carroarmato0 like 1280 * 1024 [10:09] how to che that i have linux headers instaled [10:09] Carroarmato0: i have a biiiiig screen [10:09] Charlote, i think you do [10:09] don64: there was a problem with my ipw3945 setup [10:09] ok [10:09] ok, i remember ur original question now yhx === tuna-fish [n=tuna@tunamasiina.kortex.jyu.fi] has joined #ubuntu [10:09] Charlote, you want a guide to install ndiswrapper? === burner_ [n=burner@lin67-1-82-231-72-180.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === ruben [n=ruben@] has left #ubuntu [] [10:09] eddys: hmm I think that involves some manual labor... I can't help you any ferther... because it involves telling the x server about your monitor... [10:10] serenityUK: Might I ask for your assistance with a wireless problem I'm having? I believe my wireless card is supported and the driver is installed, but no networks are listed for me. [10:10] *thx [10:10] so im extracting the ndiswrapper file w" tar zxvf ndis....1.47.tar.gz [10:10] Carroarmato0 well i guess i cant edit the xorg.conf and just insert my resulution un there ;) === smejky [n=vojta@wlgwru.omegatech.cz] has joined #ubuntu === Shadowpillar [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:10] Makky, do "iwconfig" and see if there are any interfaces with stuff by them [10:10] c remoi et a marche toujours pas === patryk_ is now known as patison [10:10] !fr [10:10] Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. [10:11] eddys: well you could do that... but you have to be careful or the next time you boot you won't get the x server starting unless you re edit the config file the way it was before [10:11] bruenig: I believe it showed my wireless interface with a large chunk of information next to it === miniju [n=justine@H144.C72.B0.tor.eicat.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"] [10:11] Carroarmato0 yeah som thing u needed to do like a couple of years ago... i did that in redhat 6.2 and stuff.. but dont know how in ubuntu. [10:11] hehe [10:11] Makky, ok, do "iwlist interface scan" change interface to the real one [10:11] eddys: ah so you have so experience! === cosmodad [n=johndoe@dslb-088-066-010-085.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:11] Carroarmato0 i have a backup on the conf at my usb memory.. [10:11] bruenig: Sure, one sec === sear_yoda [n=peplin@c-69-241-225-65.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:11] Charlote, goto step 3 on this tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31926 you might be able to skip the last 7&8 if you don't use encryption [10:12] Carroarmato0: hehe well ill just go ahead and try.. if u dont have eny more sugestions ;) [10:12] eddys: ok, so I figure you know your way with bash to restore the conf file then... [10:12] Carroarmato0 yeah ;) [10:12] Carroarmato0 tnx for the help ;) [10:12] i'm looking for a good comparison of linux shells...anyone know of one? [10:12] yes pls [10:12] i want quid [10:12] ill be back later and say how it went ;) [10:12] cya [10:12] eddys: cool... I'd guess entering the resolution you want in the description for your generic screen === patison [n=patryk@dk.dc.net.pl] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === Dragonborn [n=jack@74-140-65-214.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:12] i tried ones i mess the thing and i reinstalled ubuntu again [10:13] and now i dont want to do mistakes [10:13] Carroarmato0: yeah ;) [10:13] i need somebody to guid me [10:13] eddys: note... this doesn't always work... === Morphera [n=Syruss@bronzeandsilver.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:13] i know for u guyz is easy === EvanCarroll [n=ecarroll@] has joined #ubuntu [10:13] but im a girl [10:13] Hmm, how do I go about setting the default web browser for X-Chat? It's not taking the system default. (Which is Epiphany not FF) === mitsuhiko [n=nblackbi@ubuntu/member/mitsuhiko] has joined #ubuntu === Kern [n=espen@m112i.studby.ntnu.no] has joined #ubuntu [10:13] Carroarmato0 hehe i know.. hehe cya later.. im off trying now. [10:13] ;) [10:13] i read the forum [10:13] eddys: But this issue will be fixed with the new version of Gutsy comming in October. [10:13] ooh [10:13] nice [10:13] Charlote, that's no excuse lol.. it's just practice and reading.. [10:13] eddys: good luck [10:13] but not everything is clear === Levratti [n=Fam0uz@] has joined #ubuntu [10:14] ok [10:14] eddys: btw.. I might be away [10:14] I hope the fonts get a comlete overhaul before gutsy is released. Merge FB puts my DBI at 110, dropping all my default font sizes down to 6, still leaves them entirely too big for my liking. === NoFX_SBC_ [n=nofxsbc@c9066c1e.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [10:14] lol I love how C only has like 30 commands. Sure beats java's 15 000 =/ [10:14] can anyone point me to the path where termcap files can be found in gutsy/feisty? === Levratti [n=Fam0uz@] has left #ubuntu [] [10:14] hello === osmosis [n=steven@cpe-76-80-127-252.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:14] so i extract the files === ShadowXP [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:14] DPI* [10:14] how are you.. [10:14] anyone using ubuntu on a new macbook pro? [10:14] w tar zxvf [10:14] Charlote, so you want to change to the new directory where you just extracted and compile.... cd ndiswrapper.... then sudo make and then sudo make install [10:14] (new -> nvidia graphics) [10:14] yes [10:14] me === oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === Fusion_ [n=latitude@] has joined #ubuntu === EvanCarroll [n=ecarroll@] has left #ubuntu [] [10:15] nandemonai, you set epiphany as the default with alternatives? === Mishaal [i=Mishaal@] has joined #ubuntu === b08y [n=808y@pc24.riednet.wh.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #ubuntu === patison [n=patryk@dk.dc.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu [10:16] bruenig, Settings -> Pref apps. (XFCE) === patison [n=patryk@dk.dc.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu [10:16] lol === Kill_X [i=kill_x@p5B166C4D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:16] i thing this time is ok [10:16] hot to chek [10:16] that is installed correct === nyfaz [n=nyfaz@brsg-d9becb46.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu === mehdi [n=mehdi@] has joined #ubuntu [10:16] is there any messenger in ubuntu supports the voice conversation like msn and yahoo messengers??? === nyfaz [n=nyfaz@brsg-d9becb46.pool.mediaWays.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [10:16] nandemonai, well not sure what that actually does, might try changing the x-www-browser setting with "update-alternatives" [10:17] Erikk: does it work for you? [10:17] nandemonai, it might also use gconf, I am not sure though [10:17] bruenig, Ahh okies. [10:17] Charlote, that just installs the ndiswrapper program ..... you need to use it with the windows driver after === _tux [n=_tux@cpe-76-80-84-102.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:17] ok [10:17] im getting some weird errors with trac, the main wiki page reads "Oops [10:17] so which one [10:17] Trac detected an internal error:" [10:17] i have the vista driver and the xp driver [10:17] which one is best === gdiebel [n=gdiebel@24-196-65-54.static.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === Carroarmato0 [n=christop@167.155-246-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has left #Ubuntu [] [10:18] Charlote, er try xp? change to the directory where you put the somewindowsfile.inf === Latty [n=Latty@host81-157-56-92.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:18] Carroarmato0: well well it worked === wann [n=wann@ANancy-155-1-80-162.w90-26.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [10:18] i now have 1280*1024 @ 85hrz === LukeEkblad [n=luke@72-173-46-195.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu === tretle [n=tretle@] has joined #ubuntu [10:19] i read that i need 2 of them [10:19] please someone help? http://pastebin.com/m28cd9bdf , im fairly sure i put the wrong folder for my svn repository === brendon [n=brendon@mail1.1on1creditrepair.com] has left #ubuntu [] [10:19] Hello, dose anyone know of any good free video editing programs? [10:19] so i have xxxxx.inf and xxxxx.sys [10:19] Carroarmato0: i just added "1280x1024" everywhere infront of "1024*768" [10:20] ok [10:20] and it worked.. of course i rebooted [10:20] ;) === Makky [n=makurako@cpe-70-124-107-23.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === gamerchick02 [n=gamerchi@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu === pihus [n=pihus@88-196-15-156-dsl.rgu.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu [10:20] Charlote, cd into that directory [10:20] hey guys.. trying to see what's going on with a pptp vpn connection here.. how can i see log data about a pptp connection attempt made by network-manager? === Gia33 [n=Gia33@] has joined #ubuntu === dakira [n=daxel3@e177201230.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu === VitaminR [n=tim@cm-24-121-32-157.flagstaff.az.npgco.com] has joined #ubuntu === kabutosan [n=kevin@host109-154-dynamic.5-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [10:21] how might i change the svn reposity for a trac project [10:21] hi. i need help. can someone tell me why the only way i can play VCDs is by typing - mplayer vcd://2 - in a terminal. mplayer, xine ui, gxine, totem, kaffeine - all of these can't. thanks [10:21] hi.. is it possible Ubuntu doesn't support certain CD/DVD-Burners? Whenever I start K3B or GnomeBaker I get the message that my system has no supported devices ;( any ideas? [10:21] bruenig: The command produces "No scan results" === nyfaz [n=nyfaz@brsg-d9becb46.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu === mehdi [n=mehdi@] has joined #ubuntu === burner_ [n=burner@lin67-1-82-231-72-180.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:22] Makky, yeah so it isn't seeing any access points === Xef|Packetloss [n=josh@CPE-65-30-39-102.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === s_ [n=s@] has joined #ubuntu === Calin24 [n=mike@CPE00045ae2295c-CM0013718d6b7e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === kyja [n=kyja@c-75-68-187-223.hsd1.vt.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:23] bruenig: Anything I can do? I dual-boot XP and Ubuntu from the computer and am able to see my wireless network in XP [10:23] Makky, you might need to be root. such as sudo iwlist wlan0 scan [10:23] and [10:23] no you don't need to be root [10:23] serenityUK: I'll try that, thanks [10:23] Can anyone help me with why whenever I try to play a video my media player just opens then closes? All of them, even with the codecs? === mehdi [n=mehdi@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === n0dding0ff [n=hewij@c-71-236-227-217.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:24] what mail server is the best for setting up a complete intranet mail system... and is it possible to make it impossible to send internet mail from that server. [10:24] hello [10:24] Charlote, sudo ndiswrapper -i somefile.inf [10:24] Makky, you can try to connect if you know the ssid and key if there is one === n0dding0ff [n=hewij@c-71-236-227-217.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [10:24] i need a help on beryl theme loading [10:24] !effects | s_ [10:24] s_: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects === nilihanth [n=n@rrcs-74-62-162-14.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === tretle [n=tretle@] has joined #ubuntu === TBotNik_u [n=cexpert1@host134-54.dissent.birch.net] has joined #ubuntu === thedonvaughn [i=jayson@unaffiliated/printk] has left #ubuntu [] [10:25] bruenig: I've tried it, but I'm confused about what type of encryption to select; my wireless network is using WPA-PSK === Eldara [n=mitchell@user-514f3cb0.l2.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === rockets [n=rockets@pat6.baruch.cuny.edu] has joined #ubuntu [10:25] Makky, I've never dealt with wpa on linux, it is a bit different === masamune_ [n=masamune@cm8-94.cass.net] has joined #ubuntu === Atomic-Reactor [n=bilyk@89-113-53-51.dsl.orel.ru] has joined #ubuntu [10:25] is there any messenger in ubuntu supports the voice conversation like msn and yahoo messengers??? [10:25] soory but noone in effects === WW_ [n=clement@gsy59-1-82-241-152-22.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:25] bruenig: Bummer... but shouldn't I still detect wireless networks? [10:25] !info amsn | Mishaal [10:25] mishaal: amsn: An MSN messenger written in tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.96+dfsg1-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 2488 kB, installed size 9108 kB [10:26] I've got a non-password protected network that neither knetworkmanager, nor nm-applet can join, but if I just do iwconfig eth1 essid networkname and then do dhclient it works just fine. What gives? === Jonathan- [n=Jonathan@roa76-4-82-243-102-172.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:26] http://double-anal.miniville.fr/ === mode/#ubuntu [+o jrib] by ChanServ === mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@roa76-4-82-243-102-172.fbx.proxad.net] by jrib === Jonathan- [n=Jonathan@roa76-4-82-243-102-172.fbx.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu [requested] === mode/#ubuntu [-o jrib] by jrib === nachtkrab [n=dane@HSI-KBW-085-216-030-197.hsi.kabelbw.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:26] Makky, there are a variety of possible explanations [10:27] where is the load button in beryl manager?how is a theme loaded === Nicholas [n=email@] has joined #ubuntu === burner_ [n=burner@lin67-1-82-231-72-180.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === greenpower [n=player@gprs-pool-1-012.eplus-online.de] has joined #ubuntu === nandemonai [n=nandemon@ppp121-45-57-227.lns11.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:27] rockets, have you tried changing nmaplet to manual config.. i found if i disabled roaming mode and just connected to my WAP it worked === pepex2 [n=lizardo@] has joined #ubuntu [10:27] rockets, left click on icon for manual === TBotNik [n=cexpert1@host134-54.dissent.birch.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:27] well i run into a problem [10:27] i did that === Great_Briton [n=lewis@dyn-62-56-84-11.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [10:28] hi. i need help. can someone tell me why the only way i can play VCDs is by typing - mplayer vcd://2 - in a terminal. mplayer, xine ui, gxine, totem, kaffeine - all of these can't. thanks === twixi [n=twixi@chb28-2-88-163-36-112.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:28] and it says that is missing a file [10:28] help [10:28] i have this fille [10:28] beryl === Elagic is now known as Goldie [10:28] serenityUK, yes i have === eitreach [n=eitreach@50C55DE4.flatrate.dk] has joined #ubuntu === Goldie is now known as Elagic [10:28] bruenig: Could you possibly point me in the right direction on where to find a possible solution? Or perhaps I may tell you more of what I did in order to find out if I fouled up somewhere... I'm very very new to Ubuntu [10:28] hi there! I'm trying to get a ssh tunnel to a server. the tunnel itself opens but when I try to use the tunnel i always get the following msg: channel 3: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused [10:28] so i copied the missing file into the directori and run "sudo ndiswrapper..... again [10:29] how can i load a beryl theme === keith_ [n=keith@ppp-70-225-136-140.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:29] and i t says that diver is already installed === Snipeh_ [n=sniper@proxy-gw.uib.no] has joined #ubuntu === deltaphc [n=Delta@66-215-39-203.dhcp.hspr.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:29] Charlote, you did change somefile.inf to the name of your file? [10:29] under fedora core it works fine [10:29] Makky, you aren't on ndiswrapper are you? [10:29] here's a daft question for #ubuntu, i'm on gutsy tribe 5, with just one workspace, how do i get more? [10:29] it is installed uncompleated === wann [n=wann@ANancy-155-1-80-162.w90-26.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"] [10:29] is there any standard firewall running on ubuntu? === godstorm [n=godstorm@static-71-245-48-23.sctnpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:29] so how i remove the driver and installed it again [10:29] just wer is da load button [10:29] yes [10:29] nachtkrab, no, but all ports are closed by default [10:29] i have a ?? === vbabiy [n=vbabiy@pool-71-244-118-150.albyny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:29] here [10:29] bruenig: I installed it and tried to install the inf for my wireless card, as ndiswrapper -l did not show any results before [10:29] but it ask for another file [10:30] how do i Use my Sound Card === Tsukasa_ [n=Tsukasa@] has joined #ubuntu [10:30] Charlote, try sudo ndiswrapper -l ((L for Larry)) this should list if it is installed [10:30] !pidgin [10:30] pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. [10:30] hey guys [10:30] for TS and Mp3 [10:30] to listen [10:30] quick question: where can i go to add a command to be executed on user login [10:30] invalid driver [10:30] Makky, I am not certain wpa is friendly with ndiswrapper stuff, the man page is unclear but doesn't list that as being a possible card === Vlet [n=martian@MITERS.MIT.EDU] has joined #ubuntu [10:30] !thunderbird 2.0.06 === goundy is away: I'm not here right now ! [10:30] becouse it was missing a file [10:30] now i have this file [10:30] ? [10:31] i just add it ot the directory === Exposure [n=exposure@cc569857-b.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [10:31] yo [10:31] can you help me for a sec === _jason [n=jrib@upstream/dev/jrib] has joined #ubuntu === xtknight [n=xtknight@c-68-43-122-211.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:31] but when i try to install the driver again it sais that is already install, but i know that is uncompleated [10:31] how do i get multiple workspaces?? [10:31] my sound card is using one TS [10:31] only [10:31] so how i uninstall them form ndiswrapper [10:31] and not Mp3 to listen [10:32] Charlote, i have never romeved i will have to look it up... === huats [n=chris@huats.reponses.net] has joined #ubuntu === _jason is now known as jrib === kraut [i=kraut@blackhole.packetloss.biz] has joined #ubuntu === SunWuKung [n=SunWuKun@S01060016cbc4c705.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === burner_ [n=burner@lin67-1-82-231-72-180.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:33] has anyone here encountered a problem with nuvexport complaining about a missing termcap file when it's run as a MythTV job? [10:33] Great_Briton: right click on the workspace switcher and go to preferences [10:33] serenityUK: Would you have an idea as to why I'm not able to see any wireless networks listed? My card seems to be supported but I can't even see my home network [10:33] jrib: i'm there [10:33] Great_Briton: "number of workspaces" [10:34] Charlote, try sudo ndiswrapper -r somefile.inf === msa_ [n=msa@algieba.intersc.com.pl] has joined #ubuntu [10:34] Charlote, to remove === f_or_k [n=cd@e179043133.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:34] If I insert a second HD marked as slave will Ubuntu still be able to boot? [10:34] jrib: aha, the only option available is for show current or all workspaces [10:34] jrib: i'm on gutsy :/ [10:34] helo [10:34] Great_Briton: ask in #ubuntu+1 [10:35] jrib: ta, i've never been in there [10:35] hmm === joerlend is now known as XiXaQ [10:35] it sais no such file or directory [10:35] Can I dual-boot Feisty and m$ xp on separate HDs? === avalente [n=andre@a81-84-103-26.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu [10:36] Makky, so you couldn't se anything with the scan command? [10:36] im into the directory where my driver is /home/wirless === gilos [n=brad@kccsfw01.sec.sprint.net] has joined #ubuntu === debugme [n=dcheng@] has joined #ubuntu === Yarcanox [n=Lalilala@p57B0EF72.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === atilathehun [n=christia@] has joined #ubuntu [10:36] how can I deactivate the ubuntu desktop without uninstalling it? [10:36] should i cd to the directory whre ndiswrapper is ??? === debugme [n=dcheng@] has left #ubuntu [] [10:37] which is better for a strictly intranet mail server, qmail or sendmail. === Toth [n=a-chevil@] has joined #ubuntu === _reflous [i=reflous@lost.in.space.by.nasa-gov.com] has joined #ubuntu === Balachmar [n=wligtenb@cp1085555-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [10:37] Yarcanox: what do you mean by "deactivate" exactly? [10:37] <_reflous> vers === nickrud [n=nickrud_@] has joined #ubuntu [10:37] serenityUK: Right, it only shows "No scan results" === emmanuelux [n=emmanuel@76.132.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:37] the system should start as fast as possible === debugme [n=dcheng@] has joined #ubuntu [10:37] Charlote, ah my mistake..... you do not add the .inf at the end when you remove... just sudo ndiswrapper -r filename === Cykus [n=cykus@tkp30-3.rybnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [10:37] and should take me to a command line login [10:38] serenityUK: if I put sudo before it, it says "Interface doesn't support scanning : No such device" [10:38] without starting the X server === fuoco [n=gad@] has joined #ubuntu === Kitar|st [i=Kitarist@BSN-77-178-243.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #Ubuntu === Siless [n=jmacsal@] has joined #ubuntu === constrictor [n=kaning@5accaaa2.bb.sky.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:38] Yarcanox: system -> administration -> services tell gdm not to start [10:38] w8 w8 [10:38] I need something for the command line === LukeEkblad [n=luke@72-173-46-195.cust.wildblue.net] has left #ubuntu [] [10:38] as I am going to activate the desktop again [10:38] Makky, what interfaces can you see when you do ifconfig [10:38] I can't use GUI commands then [10:38] ^^ === GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-71-123-207-64.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:38] !enter | Yarcanox [10:38] Yarcanox: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [10:38] !who | Yarcanox [10:38] Yarcanox: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) === samuel [n=samuel@] has joined #ubuntu [10:39] Yarcanox: then read 'man update-rc.d' or install sysv-rc-conf and use that [10:39] serenityUK: eth0, eth0:avah, lo === crazy6 [n=joe@conan.ME.Berkeley.EDU] has joined #ubuntu [10:39] jrib I need something like setting the init level to 3 [10:39] and back to 5 [10:39] ok, so if I have an ancient install, 5.04, how do I set it up for network update? I need to at least partially update it so I can have the ability to write a CD of the newest version so I can just install that === Biohazard [i=mahdi@blfd-4db57e39.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:39] wasn't this possible in the X server config? [10:39] I guess that would be faster === webtech_m33 [n=root@pf1.m33access.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:39] Yarcanox: no, because 2-5 are the same on ubuntu. Why do you want to do this? [10:40] on suse this deactivated the X server === B-rabbit [n=fahmid@host86-150-233-85.range86-150.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === Carnage` [n=carnage@Xd4dd.x.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:40] crazy6, those repos are all gone; but you should be able to just right click an iso you've downloaded and select burn [10:40] <\oxero> i need a quick opinion, kde or gnome? === J-_ [n=justin@unaffiliated/j/x-388422] has joined #ubuntu === Dumptruck [n=mistermi@chello082119107090.chello.sk] has joined #ubuntu [10:40] \oxero: try both and use what you like [10:40] what is the command in bash to unpack .gz files? [10:40] nickrud: negative, cdrecord reports cannot open /dev/sg* , writing process hangs at "Initializing" === IIOOII [n=MJ12@c-67-187-1-134.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === f_or_k [n=cd@e179043133.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:41] heyhey hey [10:41] now how to remove the driver === burner_ [n=burner@lin67-1-82-231-72-180.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:41] does anyone have a core 2 duo w/ cpu scaling working on 7.04? [10:41] ????????????????/// === jerichokb [n=jerichok@host81-153-60-221.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === shevek [n=shevek@] has joined #ubuntu === Joeb454 [n=Joeb454@host81-132-30-107.range81-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === jerichokb [n=jerichok@host81-153-60-221.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === f_or_k [n=cd@e179043133.adsl.alicedsl.de] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [10:41] crazy6, then you will need to find a self contained app, since breezy repos (as far as I've seen) been taken down [10:42] B-rabbit: gunzip [10:42] *have [10:42] hello .. any know of a good ircd program to install on an ubuntu box? === sk1t3lles [n=skittles@] has joined #ubuntu [10:42] Charlote, i said i made a mistake..... you do not add the .inf at the end when you remove... just sudo ndiswrapper -r filename [10:42] Hi I am looking to setup a basic firewall for kubuntu like i want to block X11 ports, disable source routing, icmp packets, syn and smurf attacks, can anyone point me to a site that offers information on doing this for kubuntu or ubuntu [10:42] hello can someone help me with my sound issues? [10:42] god damnit, why do I always have this chicken & egg problem of install linux, why is it so hard === Garufa [n=nevermin@] has joined #ubuntu === hobbeswalsh [n=robin@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === predius [n=predius@] has joined #ubuntu [10:43] Makky, hmm eth0 is for wired network you should have a wlan0 for wireless... what makes you think the driver is installed..? [10:43] yes [10:43] hey, what is suggested for flash plugin these days, gnash or swfdec? (open source only) [10:43] thanx [10:43] sk1t3lles: firestarter is easy to use. [10:43] i finf the way [10:43] then i did the same like u told me [10:43] and i installed [10:43] the driver again === DrFEAR [n=Galactic@] has joined #ubuntu [10:43] and now [10:43] hi. i need help. can someone tell me why the only way i can play VCDs is by typing - mplayer vcd://2 - in a terminal. mplayer, xine ui, gxine, totem, kaffeine - all of these can't. thanks [10:43] !enter | Charlote [10:43] Charlote: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [10:43] debugme, is there anything besides firestarter [10:43] when i run "sudo ndiswprapper -l" === Carr-J [n=007@] has joined #ubuntu [10:43] serenityUK: I used ndiswrapper to install a driver from dell.com for my laptop, ndiswrapper -l produces a result === kraut [i=kraut@blackhole.packetloss.biz] has joined #ubuntu [10:44] Anyone know how I can resize a PDF or make it print smaller? Scaling doesn't help, since evince doesn't scale in the correct way. [10:44] sk1t3lles: shorewall === Gjh [n=ircap@] has joined #ubuntu [10:44] serenityUK: I just removed it though, I'm going to try to follow a guide from scratch === nomasteryoda [n=nomaster@ip72-210-64-240.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:44] it sais" device (14E4:4328) present [10:44] so i made it [10:44] sk1t3lles: ultimately they are all just wrappers around iptables [10:44] Makky, this is the tutorial I have used http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31926 [10:44] now how i have to activate my wirless card === dakira [n=daxel3@e177201230.adsl.alicedsl.de] has left #ubuntu [] === Shadowpillar [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === jumbers_ [n=john@ip64-75-230-45.aloha.net] has joined #ubuntu === gweth [n=george@pool-71-104-137-232.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:45] Charlote, type: sudo modprobe ndiswrapper [10:45] irc server ??? any one ??? something good that ppl can't make crazy bots and hack in to things === soso [n=soso@] has joined #ubuntu [10:45] debugme, with firestarter can i find templates people already made and how do i get iptables to start up automatically when my system starts ? [10:45] serenityUK: Thank you so much! [10:45] I recently still ubuntu 7.04. I add some gdesklets but I have a problem. When I open anything they appear on top of all. Is there a way that you can set them to display allways on the bottom. That you can only see them on the desktop [10:45] ok just sec for my system to reboot === mraustin1337 [n=njkrut@] has joined #ubuntu === Kilroo [n=Kilroo@cpe-071-076-173-175.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === buno [n=bernd@p5494A784.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === soso [n=soso@] has joined #ubuntu === osmosis [n=steven@cpe-76-80-127-252.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:46] lol Charlote [10:46] yesterday I installed cedega - and sound went belly up - removed rebooted nothing - turned off machine and went to bed - powered back on sound worked - today powered off added ram and emerald sound worked - tried to close the terminal with beryl running in it, system froze, hit the power switch now no sound... suggestions? [10:46] hey jrib [10:46] dude u are great [10:46] a simple mv /etc/rc2.d/S30gdm /etc/rc2.d/K30gdm does it [10:46] i dont know what to say [10:46] thanx a lot [10:46] Where can I download GNOME Panel plugins? === Sonderblade [n=fsldfj@host-n79-55.homerun.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:46] u are the only one who help me [10:46] and accept the fackt that im girl === nilihanth [n=n@rrcs-74-62-162-14.west.biz.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [10:47] and i know the teory about girls and linux [10:47] I am a dumptruck [10:47] Charlote, im not a wireless expert but i did ndiswrapper once before === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #ubuntu === GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-71-123-207-64.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:47] Charlote, once it's working it's fine === Tidus_ is now known as Tidus === Pirate_Hunter [n=Pirate_H@host81-156-210-175.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:47] Yarcanox: yes [10:47] debugme, firestarter is kind of wierd I can setup rules like say dont accept syn packets and what not === Evanlec is away: Gone away for now. === Evanlec is back. [10:47] Hello. I've had this problem before but it was in 6.10 and now in 7.04 I'm having the same issue. I installed the nvidia kernel modules from NVIDIA-installer and now I have to run the installer every boot. I added nv to the restricted-modules but no success, any suggestions? [10:47] jrib you could keep this very easy answer for the next guy asking :) [10:47] CoasterMaster, aptitude search applet~sgnome will show you most of the ones already available in ubuntu [10:48] ok [10:48] I just wanted something like that, a kind of switch [10:48] i did that [10:48] Yarcanox: the man page for update-rc.d explains that [10:48] and now [10:48] I recently still ubuntu 7.04. I add some gdesklets but I have a problem. When I open anything they appear on top of all. Is there a way that you can set them to display allways on the bottom. That you can only see them on the desktop [10:48] <\oxero> my ubuntu is messed, it wont boot from the hdd and only on the live cd, how can i remove unbuntu so i try a diff distro? === mehdi [n=mehdi@] has joined #ubuntu [10:48] i have [10:48] i see it [10:48] envy is great for installing nvidia drivers [10:48] but I am sure it explains a lot of stuff I don't need to know :p [10:48] ifconfig [10:48] but use with caution [10:48] and i can see wlan0 [10:48] it scares some people [10:48] Charlote, oooo nice [10:48] !enter Charlote [10:48] Sorry, I don't know anything about enter charlote - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [10:48] is it possible to install Win XP, ubuntu dappper & Feisty on one HD? If so how do I do it or where do I go for instructions?? [10:48] sk1t3lles: if you have firestarter installed, it should already run at startup. check /etc/init.d/firestarter. the gui already has options for most of what you're looking for. [10:48] Yarcanox: fair enough :) === nickrud finds update-rc.d gdm remove very simple :) [10:49] it is traing to connect [10:49] Pirate_Hunter: split you hard disk into 3 [10:49] debugme, I have firestarter installed I don't see many options at all === f_or_k [n=cd@e179043133.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:49] !firewall [10:49] Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). [10:49] hmmmm [10:49] hi nickrud [10:49] !ports [10:49] For instructions on how to set up port-forwarding (for games, torrents, webservers) see http://portforward.com - also see !firewall [10:49] hey serenityUK what's cooking today? [10:50] lots of wireless "fun" [10:50] http://decio.blogspot.com/2007/06/how-envy-blew-up-my-xorg.html [10:50] Charlote, anything? [10:50] lol, I hate NetworkManager, because it's gonna force me to learn iwconfig & friends yet === flowbot [n=shayne@C-61-68-59-50.hay.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [10:50] Hello. I've had this problem before but it was in 6.10 and now in 7.04 I'm having the same issue. I installed the nvidia kernel modules from NVIDIA-installer and now I have to run the installer every boot. I added nv to the restricted-modules but no success, any suggestions? === greyfrog [n=greyfrog@unaffiliated/greyfrog] has joined #ubuntu [10:50] no === zitner [n=zitner@pool-72-82-195-86.cmdnnj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:50] :( [10:50] paotzu: lol I knew I had to partition it but which ubuntu do I install first or it doesnt matter? cause I want Feisty Grub to be in-charge of the partition table [10:51] mraustin you could try envy - worked for me [10:51] Charlote, try: sudo iwlist wlan0 scan === Xerora [n=tylerf@netblock-68-183-117-177.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:51] !envy | dumptruck: mraustin [10:51] dumptruck: mraustin: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! === _tux [n=_tux@cpe-76-80-84-102.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === buti [n=till@] has joined #ubuntu === WEBMASTERS [n=Megabyte@pc26-webmasters.megabyte.gr] has joined #ubuntu === hflappy [n=hflappy@] has joined #ubuntu [10:52] mraustin1337, does it say API mismatch? [10:52] yes [10:52] <_tux> Question is there a program that exist where I can possibility find previous programs I've installed that may have not been added to the Applications menu? [10:52] i can see my network === hbskinner [n=hbskinne@cpe-76-88-31-162.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:52] serenityUK, Let me look. [10:52] _tux: you can look through the synpatic package manager to see what you have installed === QMario [n=QMario@c-98-200-244-80.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu [10:52] interesting [10:52] yesterday I installed cedega - and sound went belly up - removed rebooted nothing - turned off machine and went to bed - powered back on sound worked - today powered off added ram and emerald sound worked - tried to close the terminal with beryl running in it, system froze, hit the power switch now no sound... suggestions? [10:52] Charlote, good! make a note of the accesspoint id i think it is called essid [10:53] on one of my clients machines, the hard disks keep getting their device node changed from 'sda*' to 'sdb*' when there is any kind of usb device plugged at boot, which destroys the ability to resume correctly ... what's the deal with this? is there any way to get uswsusp to use a drives UUID rather than '/dev/*'? [10:53] Charlote, you may see your neigbours aswell... probably choose strongest [10:53] I want to install Win XP, unbutu dapper and Feisty on one HD. I know I have to partition the disk but when installing ubuntu does it matter which version is installed first? [10:53] <_tux> heh thanks that works [10:53] i know how is my network name === who_cares [n=cameron@71-12-166-197.dhcp.gwnt.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === ogra_ [n=ogra@p548AD484.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:53] serenityUK, I'm going to give it a reboot to see the exact error. [10:53] and [10:53] Someone may tell me why gDesklets always appears on top of everything === Ice_ [n=Ice@ip70-171-79-26.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:54] but i have u know the bars in the rightcorner === f_or_k [n=cd@e179043133.adsl.alicedsl.de] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [10:54] the wirless indicator [10:54] sudo nano means "I sweat, dwarf" in Italian [10:54] is half full [10:54] 45% [10:54] mraustin1337, so you tried the ubuntu restricted drivers and the ones from the nvidia website? === Sonderblade [n=fsldfj@host-n79-55.homerun.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:54] but when i open firefox and type google nothing is happaning === zidane [n=zidane@host-84-9-74-187.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:54] !enter | Charlote [10:54] Charlote: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [10:55] Anyone here know how to dual-boot Feisty and m$ on separate HDs? [10:55] sorry [10:55] mraustin1337, you need to remove the ubuntu restricted drivers before installing the ones from nvidia website they conflict [10:55] kazol I have the same question [10:55] I already have Feisty on the master HD, I want to add m$ XP to the slave HD. [10:55] same [10:55] I want to install Win XP, unbutu dapper and Feisty on one HD. I know I have to partition the disk but when installing ubuntu does it matter which version is installed first? === goedson [n=goedson@BHE201062131237.res-com.wayinternet.com.br] has joined #ubuntu === rambo3 [n=stone123@c-b0f871d5.027-6-6b73641.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [10:56] Dumptruck: I found this article but I'm not sure if I should install m$ with the Ubuntu HD connected: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=360878 [10:56] Charlote, try: sudo dhclient wlan0 [10:56] folks, how can i help improve (k)ubuntu on mac book pro? === jsestri2 [i=jj@ks-76.flexabit.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:56] kazol, you tried dual boot msg from ubotu? [10:56] ok so u know the wirless indicator in the right corner of the csreen(4 bars) === mrfr01 [n=mike@] has joined #ubuntu [10:56] !dualboot | kazol [10:56] kazol: Dual boot instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty [10:56] the problems I have had was that it didn't even see XP even when changing the boot priority in bios [10:56] !dev | buti [10:56] buti: Interested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment [10:56] does anyone else have their hard disks getting assigned different device nodes? === didymo [n=ashley@CPE-61-9-197-223.static.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [10:56] is it possible to get a zune wokring on linux/ubuntu, preferably with amarok? === MilitantPotato [n=Militant@12-202-137-89.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:57] [kazol] Install grub on the hda === jaggy [n=ubuntu@218.166-245-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu === FreeLanceTux [n=h4tux@] has joined #ubuntu [10:57] How do I view what modules are running? [10:57] Dumptruck: Did you try changing the grub config? [10:57] nick baderror_linux [10:57] If I try to start my laptop it goes into some weird sleep state (capslock light flashes) and the screenturns off about the time X starts, however if I have a 2nd monitor plugged in, it starts fine with cloned displays. === FreeLanceTux [n=h4tux@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [10:57] I want to install Win XP, unbutu dapper and Feisty on one HD. I know I have to partition the disk but when installing ubuntu does it matter which version is installed first? === greyfrog [n=greyfrog@unaffiliated/greyfrog] has left #ubuntu [] [10:57] still too new [10:57] Gjh: It's already there, I just have to change the Grub config, right? [10:57] modprobe -l [10:58] Pirate_Hunter: install windows first [10:58] Pirate_Hunter I know you can do Feisty second, there are probably tutorials each way though === mraustin1337 [n=njkrut@] has joined #ubuntu [10:58] and the command line scares me still - I am used to the fisher price graphical goodness [10:58] x [10:58] ty Dragonborn [10:58] ok i did that [10:58] serenityUK, Yes, API Mismatch. === Lattyware_ [n=Latty@host86-133-35-95.range86-133.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:58] Pirate_Hunter: yes, windows first. [10:58] ubotu: i got most things working nicely here on gutsy, with little patching. i just hate it's getting overwritten by new packages so often ;-) [10:58] thanx man [10:58] mraustin1337, lol i was talking to you... didn't realise you left so soon .... [10:58] i have internet [10:58] i run google [10:58] !compiz [10:58] damn. [10:58] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects [10:58] i am connect === corrupt [n=user@n128-227-13-70.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu [10:58] cool, i'm now connected to the internet on my laptop; however, why isn't my network manager on any of the panels? why doesn't my network manager show any incoming or outgoing traffic? [10:58] [kazol] yes, change root to the proper location [10:58] DumpTruck: So you didn't change the grub config? [10:59] everything is working [10:59] u are hero [10:59] Charlote, wooo hooo! nice1.... now the test is does it still work after reboot lol [10:59] serenityUK, lol Sorry. My /var/log/Xorg.log was screwed so I wanted to get a clean one. === mx-zoom [n=zupaer-t@bl7-3-26.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu === dre_dog [n=andre@fctnnbsc16w-156034209220.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:59] no === d2dchat [n=d2dchat@] has joined #ubuntu === ivan300 [n=ivan@qro-dslcustomer-232.gemtel.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:59] serenityUK, So what should I do? Easy fix? =) [10:59] mraustin1337, ok API Mismatch is common it happened to me.. === VWJ1bnR1 [n=hewij@c-71-236-227-217.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:59] whats the compiz section?? [10:59] i dont know [10:59] Why can't I access my desktop? [10:59] ivan300: the channel? [10:59] Scunizi, jsestri2, Great_Briton: yeha i know M$ XP is 1st but what about the two ubuntu versions? which comes first and second? is there a specific tutorial on this? [10:59] i read somewhere that i have to make some shanges some where [11:00] hi guys, my computer is having a hard time recognising my sata HDs, are you guys familiar with this? [11:00] MilitantPotato: yes [11:00] to make teverything start after reboot [11:00] Gjh: Ok, so I should connect my second HD, change the jumper settings to accomodate 2 HDs (hda=feisty, hdb=m$), then partition/install windows on hdb? [11:00] coastermaster: i got most things working nicely here on gutsy, with little patching. i just hate it's getting overwritten by new packages so often ;-) === garryFre [n=garryFre@adsl-63-207-239-56.dsl.chic01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:00] ivan300: #ubuntu-effects #compiz #compiz-fusion === sahin_w [n=KT@dsl5400DB62.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu [11:00] yes [11:00] mraustin1337, basically the drivers from the nvidia website conflict with the old ubuntu drivers.. they need to be removed first... type: sudo apt-get remove nvidia* then reinstall the website drivers === osmosis [n=steven@cpe-76-80-127-252.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:00] Pirate_Hunter: i shouldn't think it would matter, but i'm not 100% sure === Ray_at_UW [n=ruiboli@] has left #ubuntu [] [11:00] pirate_hunter...you should be able to do two installations of ubuntu on separate partitions in either order [11:00] Gjh: The m$ XP installation won't affect hda at all? === Lattyware [n=Latty@host86-132-223-121.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:01] is you install it on hdb no [11:01] pirate_hunter, i think there is a step where it tells you want other bootable os's are available [11:01] I can't right click on my desktop. Can anyone diagnose the problem, please. [11:01] wait so I need to install windows then reinstall Ubuntu? [11:01] Gjh: I already have feisty on hda, I'm going to install XP onto hdb. [11:01] im sooo happy [11:01] i dont know what to say man [11:01] thnax [11:01] uff - it has taken me weeks to get this far [11:01] Dumptruck: According to him it's not necessary-the m$ installation won't touch hda. [11:01] im not going to reboot my laptop === lImItaO [n=Adrian@] has joined #ubuntu [11:02] Charlote, yay i glad we got there in the end.. i;ve only done it once before [11:02] until i figer out how to save everthing [11:02] ur the man === greenpower [n=player@gprs-pool-1-012.eplus-online.de] has joined #ubuntu === arnox__ [n=arnox@] has joined #ubuntu === Revel [n=mikeal@] has joined #ubuntu [11:02] serenityUK, nvidia-kernel-common is the only one installed, I'm removing it. [11:02] Gotta kill X for the website driver. [11:02] Great_Briton, jsestri2, kk will do so i only want to give 15GB to dapper im just wondering if both can share the same swap memory, is that even possible? [11:02] Charlote, ok so you did the modprobe thing after reboot yes> [11:02] kazol: you'll choose which OS to load by setting your bios to boot from the XP or Linux drive === D_ReaL_PuNiShEr [n=flowman4@] has joined #ubuntu [11:03] ? === n00blet [n=ryan@CPE-72-135-233-24.wi.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [11:03] Pirate_Hunter, yes [11:03] pirate_hunter, that should be fine since you arn't running them at the same time. [11:03] Pirate_Hunter: definitely. [11:03] I have 2 IDE HDs installed, and /dev has no hd## items. I want to mount an ide device. Am i missing something? [11:03] MilitantPotato: I don't want that, I'll just edit the grub config. === knutin [n=knutin@ti400720a341-0979.bb.online.no] has left #ubuntu [] [11:03] MilitantPotato: I just want to make sure the m$ installation won't affect hda. [11:03] Pirate_Hunter: i think they could share /home too, if you wanted === mrfr01 [n=mike@] has left #ubuntu [] [11:03] Charlote, i think that was it... so to make it load on startup type: sudo ndiswrapper -m [11:03] kazol: if in doubt, yank the Linux drive out during install [11:04] lerot => c'est bon ? === takamarou [n=takamaro@c-76-16-2-166.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:04] MilitantPotato: But the hd will be slave. === h4L1m [i=halim@] has joined #ubuntu [11:04] oui [11:04] MilitantPotato: Won't it mess up the settings? === Ice__ [n=Ice@ip70-171-79-26.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === photovoric [n=askldjfh@68-189-61-77.dhcp.rdng.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:04] Vorian, are you here? [11:04] hello guys [11:05] hi, I just set up my ubuntu via VirtualBox , and I just restarted after doing my setup stuff on the "CD". Now it is asking me for a username and password, but I never set one up... what am i doing wrong? [11:05] welcome dre_dog [11:05] rambo3, jsestri2, Great_Briton: thanx will try... sharing home? sorry but I think im too noob to even pull that off but it would save more space. Im just wondering how thats even possible when they will be using different formats === Urthmover [n=cwesterb@adsl-68-94-224-35.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:05] sometimes I think I should take a bucket of water to it... let it know what the real boot priority is === mehdi [n=mehdi@] has joined #ubuntu === capt_cosmo [n=resu@p54A6DB48.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:05] kazol: depends on how HDA is partitioned I'd think, if there's no file systems visable to windows on HDA, then windows will still be C: when it's on slave. I am just guessing here though. === jonathan__ [n=jonathan@CPE00179ac48391-CM0019474760ba.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:05] Pirate_Hunter: different formats? [11:05] haha Dumptruck [11:05] Hi, I need to know how to get my wireless adapter to automatically connect to my preferred network on startup. [11:05] I'm having a problem with my nvidia drivers [11:05] did not [11:05] rambo3, great_briton, pirate_hunter: sharing home may not be a good idea if you install different versions of programs... [11:06] Every time I reboot I have to reinstall my nvidia drivers... anyone know how to fix this? [11:06] kazol: at most it will break GRUB, that's easy enough to repair [11:06] Charlote, did you catch that? to make it load on startup type: sudo ndiswrapper -m === deedubb [n=deedubb@S010600055d22c57f.vf.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [11:06] jsestri2, Pirate_Hunter: that's true, good call [11:06] jsestri2, i just answerd for swap === daniche_ [n=dani@] has joined #ubuntu [11:06] dre_dog did you install from the nvidia website? === exoduso [n=exoduso@] has joined #ubuntu [11:06] Could someone please help me get my USB dongle to connect to my preferred network with settings at startup? [11:06] what is the ubuntu website that troubleshoots sound issues? [11:06] meh.. ive got apache2 and vsftpd running but when i upload files to the www directory apache cant access them without chmod.. would adding the local user to teh www group fix that? [11:06] Hi, i just finished setting up my ubuntu on a VM, so I restarted like it told me to.. Now that it booted up its asking me for a username and password, but I never made one.. what do i do? [11:06] MilitantPotato: So I should remove the master HD (with Feisty) and connect a blank HD marked as slave and install? [11:06] serenityUK: yep === nomen [n=nomen@] has joined #ubuntu === quanmec [n=brent@adsl-074-244-033-186.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:07] !sound | Dumptruck [11:07] Dumptruck: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [11:07] kazol: without a master drive that wouldn't be wise [11:07] jsestri2: u beat me in typing thats upseting im noob at typing as well [11:07] dre_dog and when you reboot it says faild x server .... API mismatch? [11:07] Dumptruck: Google Ubuntu Forums. [11:07] kazol: Someone said it won't hurt Ubuntu if it's on a seperate drive, I'd take his word over mine :) [11:07] Dumptruck: It's a large forum for Ubuntu issues. === ChrisJTortoise [n=tortoise@] has joined #ubuntu [11:07] kazol: my experiance with installing windows after ubuntu was it broke GRUB, it took 10 mins to fix though [11:08] serenityUK: I'm not sure about API mismatch, but failed x server yes [11:08] MilitantPotato: Ok, I'll just add the second HD and install m$ to it, then change the grub options in feisty. === finalbeta [n=viper@d54C6865D.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [11:08] kazol: but that was when installing both on HDA === mraustin1337 [n=njkrut@] has joined #ubuntu [11:08] ive got apache2 and vsftpd running but when i upload files to the www directory apache cant access them without chmod.. would adding the local user to teh www group fix that? [11:08] serenityUK, Perfection. Thanks man. === Zdra_ [n=zdra@172.210-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu [11:08] kazol: have an alternate install CD incase it does break GRUB? [11:08] hi, i just finished setting up my ubuntu, and when ir estarted without the disk, it asked me for a username and password, but i never set one up.. what do i do? [11:08] hello all, I'm installing Dapper Server and the installation hangs on "Installing GRUB boot loader" [11:08] dre_dog it sound like it if you fix it by reinstalling every boot... the thing is you need to remove the ubuntu driver before installing from the website... === frindou [n=frindou@] has joined #ubuntu === eamonn [n=eamonn@71-35-134-30.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu === fosstux [n=fosstux@] has joined #ubuntu [11:09] MilitantPotato: Thanks for the help. Yes, I have multiple live-CD distros and have edited the grub file before. [11:09] hmmm very good, I'll try that :) [11:09] tx === mondeoscotch [n=andrzej@user-5444e8ae.lns2-c11.dsl.pol.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] [11:09] serenity: tx :) === seuaniu [n=seuaniu@mail.richardmrogerspc.com] has joined #ubuntu === sarixe [n=sarixe@ool-435403e9.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:09] Good luck :) === StoneNote [n=StoneNot@unaffiliated/stonenote] has joined #ubuntu [11:09] dre_dog type: sudo apt-get remove nvidia* then reinstall === windustria [n=ghost@pool-71-127-233-233.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === elate [n=Elate@] has joined #ubuntu [11:09] <_tux> takamarou: when you installed Ubuntu it didn't ask for you to enter a username and password? [11:09] is there a room specificaly for LAMP setups? [11:10] Im running on an IDE device, and I have no /dev/hda(b)(c) listed. is this expected? I need to mount an ide device ; ; === avalente is now known as involved [11:10] _tux : not that i remember.. i did it this morning, and let it install while i was at school [11:10] mraustin1337, great mate... compiz fusion and all the bling should work now.. remember if you upgrade the kernel or x server you will need to reinstall the driver.. so keep a copy === steven43126 [n=steven@82-38-155-10.cable.ubr02.roth.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === fredddy [n=freddy@p3E9E41BA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:10] <_tux> takamarou: that's weird someone may entered the username and password while you were at school maybe [11:10] Could someone please help me get my USB dongle to connect to my preferred network with settings at startup? === joseph1110216 [n=joseph@romeo-3.cs.ucr.edu] has joined #ubuntu === MilitantPotato [n=Militant@12-202-137-89.client.mchsi.com] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] [11:11] _tux: so to fix that, i launch from the CD? Do i have to do a complete reinstall? [11:11] how do i get rid of my network in windows [11:11] hi, can somebody help me with my sound? it works, but my laptop has been crashing a lot more often since I got my sound working === photovoric is now known as photo [11:11] <_tux> takamarou: you can probably login to the root account through a failsafe terminal but a password might be needed in order to login as root [11:11] Could someone please help me get my USB dongle to connect to my preferred network with settings at startup? :S [11:11] I think it might be because two things are trying to use the sound card at the same time [11:11] <_tux> then from there you can add a new username and password to the account [11:12] #bash === grndslm [n=grndslm@24-116-87-97.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu === rockets [n=rockets@pat6.baruch.cuny.edu] has joined #ubuntu [11:12] _tux: ok.. but i dont have ANY passwords.. is there any other way around that? using boot CD? anything? [11:12] hey guys, I am trying to get .wav (MS GSM audio codec @ 8000 Hz) files to play in FF, can someone troubleshoot with me ? [11:13] serenityUK, Yeah. I always do. Note on compiz fusion, is there a way to not have to do a hard power off every shutdown? === strent_ [n=bauerf@dslb-084-058-230-242.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === sponni [n=sp0ng3-b@HSI-KBW-085-216-009-194.hsi.kabelbw.de] has joined #ubuntu === Elagic is now known as Goldie === fosstux [n=fosstux@] has joined #ubuntu [11:13] <_tux> takamarou: not that I know of but you may be able to boot in to recovery mode through the kernel it may or may not require a password for login === grndslm [n=grndslm@24-116-87-97.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu === astro76 [n=james@unaffiliated/astro76] has joined #ubuntu === witaliy [n=chatzill@ppp91-122-83-140.pppoe.avangard-dsl.ru] has joined #ubuntu [11:13] _tux: im a bit of a noob when it comes to linux.. how do i boot in recovery mode.. and how do i access kernel? :/ [11:14] Could someone please help me get my USB dongle to connect to my preferred network with settings at startup? [11:14] takamarou, reboot and you use a recovery kernel or add single as a kernel option [11:14] <_tux> cause usually when installing Ubuntu it always ask for a username and password before it finishes the rest of the installation === grndslm_ [n=grndslm@24-116-87-97.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:14] mraustin1337, are you sure it's compiz's fault lol? is it a laptop? i never got hibernate to work properly [11:14] steven43126: im very new to linux, so I have no idea what any of that means.. === witaliy [n=chatzill@ppp91-122-83-140.pppoe.avangard-dsl.ru] has left #ubuntu [] === z [n=z@p934e0b.kyotnt01.ap.so-net.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu [11:14] <_tux> steven43126: when booting in to the Kernel recovery mode does he need a password to gain access through the root account or it automatically logs you in [11:15] Could someone please help me get my USB dongle to connect to my preferred network with settings at startup? === z [n=z@p934e0b.kyotnt01.ap.so-net.ne.jp] has left #ubuntu [] [11:15] takamarou, when you see the grub prompt when booting press ESC to get to the menu you'll see a list of kernels to boot from select one that contains the word recovery [11:15] ive got apache2 and vsftpd running but when i upload files to the www directory apache cant access them without chmod.. would adding the local user to teh www group fix that? === gamerchick02 [n=gamerchi@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu === rockets [n=rockets@pat6.baruch.cuny.edu] has joined #ubuntu [11:15] hello room [11:15] _tux, no it should log in as root automatically [11:15] welcome frindou [11:15] Could someone please help me get my USB dongle to connect to my preferred network with settings at startup? [11:15] _tux: I just booted from the CD, and im in the login window preferences.. ur sure that i cant just add a user and password right here? [11:15] <_tux> takamarou: by the way GRUB is a boot loader that you should see at startup [11:16] takamarou: hi again [11:16] serenityUK, Well my computer shuts down alright normally but if I have compiz running it locks up completely on a shutdown. [11:16] <_tux> takamarou: Ubuntu is a Live CD but can be installed from the hdd doubt it'll fix it [11:16] <_tux> but you can try [11:16] CoasterMaster : hi coaster [11:16] hey guys, I am trying to get .wav (MS GSM audio codec @ 8000 Hz) files to play in FF, can someone troubleshoot with me ? === mraustin1337 [n=njkrut@] has joined #ubuntu [11:16] Do you guys think using compiz/beryl/etc. will cut down my laptop [11:16] if i am to install ubuntu feisty which version should i get? Standard personal computer (x86 architecture, PentiumTM, CeleronTM, AthlonTM, SempronTM) or 64bit AMD and Intel computers? The processor is Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4. [11:16] pressed alt + f4 on the wrong screen [11:16] laptop's battery life* === cox377 [n=cox@host-84-9-80-97.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:16] takamarou, give it ago if not all is not lost there is still a way you can do it? if you do get access do you know how to add a new user account? might want to check that first === dunder [n=grndslm@24-116-87-97.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:17] rockets: yeah a bit [11:17] steven43126: ok, doin that right now [11:17] pike_, ok but how much is a bit? === Goldie is now known as Elagic [11:17] Could someone explain to me how this script works? http://pastebin.com/mfdaf0bf [11:17] hello, can someone help me troubleshoot with my sound [11:17] I have it working [11:17] but now it crashes all the time [11:17] which is weird because it never crashed when the sound wasn't working [11:17] Pirate_Hunter, standard === furrywolf [i=fuckiden@c75-111-245-210.ablncmtk01.tx.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:17] rockets, unfortunatley but i can't bring myself to turn it off ;) [11:17] !enter | eamonn [11:17] eamonn: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! === Grell [n=john@ool-44c4c3a8.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:17] thanks === clash [n=clash@86-40-103-235.b-ras2.mvw.galway.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:17] steven43126, hehe. [11:18] its so damn pretty === mheath_ [i=mheath@c-98-202-37-249.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:18] Two quick questions... will a ubuntu livecd have drivers for an orinoco wireless card, and will it complain at all on a computer that does not have a hard drive at all? [11:18] <_tux> takamarou: On startup with the CD inside the drive you should see two options the original Kernel and the Kernel recovery mode try booting in to the recovery mode and see if it logs you in to the root account automatically it'll be a terminal with no GUI === Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu [11:18] mraustin1337, i had that but it fixed itself with the latest version. i am using the gutsy gibbon alpha and i didn't know if it was compiz or gnome.. are you using the latest compiz? [11:18] rockets: here's what you do. you run beryl manager when there are prople around to impress. when youre alone you switch back to your trusty 2d fluxbox desktop [11:18] nickrud: why would you advice that, the components are based on 64x module but ive heard that gives a lot of problems, is thta true [11:18] <_tux> without the cd inside the drive** === mehdi [n=mehdi@] has joined #ubuntu === timposey [n=timposey@] has joined #ubuntu === LinAsH [n=missmagu@] has joined #ubuntu [11:18] Pirate_Hunter, you say you have a pentium 4, right? [11:18] lol [11:18] okay, could somebody help me troubleshoot? I just got sound working on mylaptop and now it crashes all the time [11:18] it never crashed when the sound wasn === ericx_1 [n=jxtadev@] has joined #ubuntu [11:18] 't working [11:18] Charlote, did you catch that? to make it load on startup type: sudo ndiswrapper -m [11:19] hey guz how was the command for scanini wirless netowork [11:19] nickrud: yup thats correct [11:19] (have an old laptop with bad hard drive, want to use it as a terminal) [11:19] _tux: ok, ill try that after this.. i just added a new username to Users settings after booting from the disk [11:19] noo [11:19] Pirate_Hunter, then 64bit won't run :) === ivan300 [n=ivan@qro-dslcustomer-232.gemtel.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:19] i just reboot [11:19] <_tux> I gotcha [11:19] and i cant connect [11:19] my husband was browsing to look at some document in a website, it says :Press Escape to Quit .. but nothing happens and is filling his whole screen. How can i change screens or whatever to get out of it? [11:19] takamarou: are you running from the LiveCD? [11:19] Charlote, try: sudo dhclient wlan0 [11:19] nickrud: I understand no prblem will follow your advice === Dumptruck [n=mistermi@chello082119107090.chello.sk] has joined #ubuntu [11:19] serenityUK, I think it is the latest, let me check. [11:19] does anyone have any idea why every document that I try to print from a certain website which uses Java and Viewone shows up as stopped in the printer window status section and I cannot get it to print no matter what... [11:20] Charlote, oh wait you might need to modeprobe again first.. [11:20] CoasterMaster : i just finished installing, and it asked me for a username and password, but i never put one in.. so i just tried booting from disk to fix it that way [11:20] I can't get the thing where I click in the upper right corner and it shows all my windows working [11:20] the expose clone [11:20] sweet mother of perl... the sound guide worked thanks so much [11:20] and... "You will need at least 256MB of RAM to install from this CD"? bloody hell? 256mb of ram just to install it? [11:20] serenityUK, 0.5.2 [11:20] could someone help me troubleshot my sound? please? [11:20] i did thant [11:20] Charlote, type: sudo modprobe ndiswrapper === shevek [n=shevek@] has joined #ubuntu [11:20] how was the command fopr scanning [11:20] <_tux> heh earmonn sounds like I can may be fix that issue [11:20] takamarou: I don't think you'll be able to affect the install on your hard drive in the LiveCD [11:20] !sound | eamonn [11:20] eamonn: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 === stefano [n=stefano@] has joined #ubuntu === sk1t3lles [n=skittles@] has joined #ubuntu [11:21] takamarou: how did you install? === soccermike1337 [i=soccermi@cpe-72-184-113-147.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === mon^rch [n=anonymou@S0106000fea33f1bb.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:21] furrywolf, that's the live cd, right? there are other ways that use a lot less ram [11:21] Charlote, try: sudo iwlist wlan0 scan === mraustin1337 [n=njkrut@] has joined #ubuntu [11:21] CoasterMaster: i pressed the "install" icon.. and filled out all the info.. and then went to school while it was installing [11:21] <_tux> !sound [11:21] If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [11:21] takamarou, you need to add the new user while booting from your installed environment not the cd [11:21] CoasterMaster : i got back and found it like this [11:21] !install | furrywolf [11:21] furrywolf: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate [11:21] <_tux> awesome never knew you could do that [11:21] Wow, compiz cuts my battery life from 3 hours at a full charge to 14 minutes at a full charge. [11:21] !ifuckingsuckcauseiscrewedupwindowswhenflashingmybios | SoccerMike1337 [11:21] takamarou: in the installer, it asks for a username, which defaults to your first name lowercase [11:21] thats bad. [11:22] CoasterMaster: and then my password is...? [11:22] ouch [11:22] nickrud: somehow, that's completely useless for what I just asked. :) === tatters [n=test@ACBD4AD6.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:22] takamarou: it should have asked you for it....that's very strange [11:22] !yeahiknow | SoccerMike1337 [11:22] furrywolf, eh, well you commented, not asked really :) [11:22] how can it really be 15 mins [11:22] still no go [11:22] CoasterMaster: maybe my memory is hazy, it was like 6:00 in the morning.. but I dont remember putting in a username or password.... and i tried my usual login info [11:23] hmmmm === ivan300 [n=ivan@qro-dslcustomer-232.gemtel.net] has joined #ubuntu === stefan_ [n=stefan@BAAbc6a.baa.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:23] if your monitor is filled with a page, how can you get out of it to a terminal or close it? [11:23] CoasterMaster: but u said that it might default to my first name in lowercase.. but then whats my password? === ironmatar [n=fred@pool-71-112-180-6.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === mushroomjay [n=mushroom@ool-18be1e69.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:23] nickrud: heh, before that, I asked about whether the livecd will talk to an orinoco card, preferably by default, as the computer it'd be in doesn't have a hard drive... [11:23] Upgraded to feisty my wirelss card wont work centrino b/g (ipw2200) [11:23] Charlote, did you modprobe.. that was the first thing after reboot... sudo modprobe ndiswrapper === kazol [n=kazol@pool-64-223-153-50.man.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:23] takamarou: the password defaults as blank, but I doubt the installer will let you get away with a blank one, but you could try [11:23] takamarou, you will find it easier to reboot and use the recovery console from there you just need to use the commands useradd and passwd reboot and your new user will be created [11:23] takamarou: not sure if it will work but try enter [11:23] I've already visited those websites tux [11:23] ugh [11:23] yes [11:23] What is a program that works with the .rar file extension? [11:23] so what should i do? === Grungebunny [n=evil@24-171-65-231.dhcp.mtvr.il.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:24] i will reboot and do everhing again [11:24] mushroomjay, unrar, but NOT unrar-free [11:24] I wasn't sure if I needed to reinstall my kernal or something === Xavier_ [n=x@] has joined #ubuntu [11:24] d.com.ar [11:24] steven43126: ok.. ima do that then.. can u instruct me again on how to get to this recovery mode thang? [11:24] furrywolf, ah, no I didn't see that one. And I don't know the answer to it. Sorry === saltyglink [n=glyn@cpc4-hem11-0-0-cust952.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === Xavier_ [n=x@] has left #ubuntu ["me] === Howdy125 [n=Howdy125@c-67-183-90-98.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:24] All right. Thanks rockets. [11:24] I was commenting on the memory, as that number is a bit scary, given the box only has 64mb of ram. :) === mushroomjay [n=mushroom@ool-18be1e69.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu [] === bruenig [n=bruenig@ip-129-15-131-246.fescfwsm.ou.edu] has joined #ubuntu [11:24] Charlote, and is there a wlan when you ifconfig? [11:24] serenityUK, Maybe I'll talk to the compiz-fusion guys. [11:24] yes it was [11:24] (want to use an old laptop, with no hard drive, as a wireless terminal...) [11:24] let me rebot [11:24] furrywolf: lol i know the feeling.. you might try a custom debian install? === chryss_ is now known as chryss [11:25] ok so the first thing I opened was a rm file with Realplayer - sound worked - then I started virtualbox - sound stopped - video works fine just no sound with Realplayer [11:25] takamarou, sure, when booting look for the Grub boot loader it will say something like press ESC for menu get to the menu then select a kernel that has recovery in the title [11:25] chalcedny: no hard drive, and building my own livecd is WAY too much work for this project. [11:25] serenityUK: whats corretc syntax for apt-get build essiental [11:25] Hello ive encountered a funny bug, ive got ubuntu on dual boot with xp.. now if ive loaded windows.. then restart back into ubuntu the wireless doesn't pick up.. I have to reboot ubuntu a 2nd time to get the wireless working.. anyone know how to fix this? === samuel-away [n=samuel@] has joined #ubuntu [11:25] mraustin1337, yes there is a #compis-fusion channel [11:25] it only happens if ive just come from xp === saltyglink [n=glyn@cpc4-hem11-0-0-cust952.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === cliebow [n=cliebow@cpe-72-224-137-51.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === madmetal_spyros [n=madmetal@ppp119-126.dsl.hol.gr] has joined #ubuntu [11:25] the system should boot and drop you into text mode [11:25] ironmatar, sudo apt-get install build-essential [11:25] furrywolf: umm damnsmalllinux ? [11:25] kk, thx === madmetal_spyros [n=madmetal@ppp119-126.dsl.hol.gr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:25] Grungebunny, do you know how to manually configure wireless via command line? [11:25] bruenig nope not done it [11:25] chalcedny: needs X and wireless, and not requiring me to spend too much time on it. heh. [11:26] thanks === ubutom [n=tom@p54A6DC74.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:26] np === Zdra_ is now known as Zdra [11:26] those links with help for sound don't seem to address my problem [11:26] bruenig its already configured just doesn't seem to pickup if ive come from xp. [11:26] Grungebunny, well I am about to leave so I can't go into that, but if you learn that, and then read the networking init scripts and play around with it, you will probably figure it out [11:26] furrywolf: good luck [11:26] takamarou, pm me if you want and ill guide you through adding the newuser it's easy [11:26] Grungebunny, I mean linux is very transparent like that, if you know how stuff works on the command line, you can pretty much isolate and figure out any problem [11:26] bruenig got a url I can brose? === rambo3 [n=stone123@c-b0f871d5.027-6-6b73641.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [11:27] and i will try everything again [11:27] but this time modprobe ndiswrapper is going t o be firs [11:27] becouse after reboot i diid everything on memory [11:27] ok === CaptainFrisbee [n=Frisbee@d51A5D232.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [11:27] no go again === johnon [n=john@acdg112.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu === stefan_ [n=stefan@BAAbc6a.baa.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:27] Grungebunny, just look at ifconfig iwconfig dhclient, and know which module you are supposed to be loading for your wireless card [11:27] hmmm k so i found my devices (sda#) [11:27] there must be a reason nobody is answering me about my problem. i can't remember commands, due to learning disabiity. how do i get OUT of whatever my husband is in and back to a propmt? (without rebooting) ? [11:27] is kubuntu better than ubuntu? or it is based on the user's choice, I wnat to know if kde is more efficient than gnome also if an example could be given === clash [n=clash@86-40-103-235.b-ras2.mvw.galway.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:27] but this ide flash module i had ubuntu doesnt seem to know the file system type === spinzwright [n=arthur@ppp-67-67-132-101.dsl.hrlntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:27] i reboot [11:27] modeprobe nd.... [11:27] wlan scan [11:27] dhcilent [11:27] i run all this and no go [11:28] Pirate_Hunter: it's really a matter of personal choice [11:28] Grungebunny, Windows does a warm restart (you might notice no bios memory check) whereas linux does a cold restart (equivalent to a shutdown) === linxeh [n=linx@88-96-202-38.dsl.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [11:28] Pirate_Hunter: you can have both installed and just see which you like more === francois_fon [n=francois@sev93-4-82-242-17-76.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:28] Charlote, try sudo dmesg after modprobe should tell you if it loaded ok [11:28] Pirate_Hunter: Kubuntu is a larger package than gnome and has some more neat stuff. depends on what you want though i LOVE the gnome desktop [11:28] chalcedny: in command line? or GUI (graphics mode) [11:28] What are some good cd burning apps (other than k3b)? [11:28] hi. can i display the day of month using a command? [11:28] kazol, cdrecord [11:28] !burning | kazor [11:28] kazor: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto [11:28] i mean only a day [11:28] erUSUL: he's in firefox gui .. i can use either on his box [11:28] Grungebunny, so maybe the card isn't getting reset properly, solution might be to shutdown from Windows instead of restarting [11:28] steven43126: ok... i sent u a message [11:28] johnon: date === francois_fon__ [n=francois@sev93-4-82-242-17-76.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:29] syes [11:29] astro ahh that could be it.. cause thats what im doing.. restarting [11:29] erUSUL:yes but i would like only a day [11:29] chalcedny, CoasterMaster: see i understand but how can i install both and still not cause any conflict? [11:29] h vae bdiswapper [11:29] bruenig: Is it cmd line? [11:29] As for Vista vs. XP my second boot I would like to be solely for gaming - which is better? [11:29] not what time is it [11:29] I'm guessing NTFS-fs error (device sda2): read_ntfs_boot_sector(): Primary boot sector is invalid. is the device I want to mount. Any suggestions? (it wont mount file system type unknown) [11:29] Pirate_Hunter: kde and gnome share a lot of the same files/ubuntu/kubuntu [11:29] Dumptruck: XP still has better driver support [11:29] johnon: date | cut -f3 -d' ' [11:29] Help! My cpu runs at 100% once Ubuntu is started, and I can't figure out why [11:29] ah === Ice_ [n=Ice@ip70-171-79-26.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:29] Pirate_Hunter: you can install the package kubuntu-desktop and then when you login, you can choose which you'd like by going to Options -> Session [11:30] Carroarmato0 [11:30] Charlote, so what happens when you tpye: sudo iwlist wlan0 scan? [11:30] Is "cdrecord" command-line not gui? [11:30] !KDE | Pirate_Hunter [11:30] how do I add an executable file to /usr/local/bin and put my code in it using terminal? === Manuel-Relativis [n=manuel@] has joined #ubuntu [11:30] OK, so im booted in recovery mode, what commands do i use to add a username and password? [11:30] chalcedny: Crtl + Alt + will restart X an lando you in the login screen [11:30] Pirate_Hunter: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE) . Latest KDE version is 3.5.7 for Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org) for more information. [11:30] does anyone know of a good website for tweaking xp for gaming? [11:30] it shows me my network [11:30] Why is my laptop crashing all the time? It was fine until I got sound on my laptop and now it crashes all the time [11:30] chalcedny: dunno if that's what you want [11:30] What are some good GUI cd-recording apps? [11:30] I know it probably isn't the right room for that question [11:30] !windows | dumptruck [11:30] dumptruck: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents === tarelerulz [n=tareleru@] has joined #ubuntu [11:30] @@ how do I add an executable file to /usr/local/bin and put my code in it using terminal? @@ === ahmed [n=ahmed@] has joined #ubuntu [11:31] Dumptruck: There is a #windows channel [11:31] Ice_: first step is to fix your sticking @ key. === KiPSeRoN [n=kipseron@bzq-84-108-42-94.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:31] somone can help me restore my grub i try make it from grub command line from grub menu from the system by self with grub-install but nothing work i can boot the system from grub super disk by click at boot from gnu/linux but after make restart and eject the cd the grub dont show up just a windows menu that said safe mode safe mode with networking and other options? [11:31] Charlote, so you can see the name of your accesspoint? [11:31] ? [11:31] chalcedny, CoasterMaster: see i never knew that, have never messed with the session option on the login screen [11:31] spinzwright, open system monitor System->Administration->System Monitor, and look at which process takes the most CPU time [11:31] furrywolf, I found the problem, its gone [11:31] kazol: brasero, gnomebaker, k3b === stefan_ [n=stefan@BAAbc6a.baa.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:31] erUSUL: maybe. i wish there was something to type to just kill firefox and leave the rest of his stuff open, but i culd only do that from command line or firefox [11:31] ues [11:31] furrywolf, could you locate step two also? :) [11:31] i see network [11:32] Pirate_Hunter: youll get there :)) [11:32] but it does not connect [11:32] chalcedny: if you want to kill firefox just do 'killall -9 firefox-bin' [11:32] erUSUL: k3b does not work for me, how does brasero compare to gnomebaker? [11:32] johnon, a better way is date +%d === arinomi [n=arinomi@109.84-234-161.customer.lyse.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:32] Charlote, try: sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid putnameofthenetworkhere [11:32] Pirate_Hunter: yeah, the session menu will let you chose what kind of window manager you would like, also note that the kubuntu-desktop package will change your boot screen to read kubuntu and be blue (instead of the orange ubuntu one). This can be chanegd [11:32] kazol: simpler gui === STE [n=ahmed@] has joined #ubuntu [11:32] erUSUL: the screen he's in won't let me type anything or navigate.. guess i'm back to control- alt -backspace === gdiebel [n=gdiebel@adsl-69-217-146-185.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:32] brb .. going to do that === icon [n=icon@p5091600B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:32] erUSUL: How about in terms of stability/advanced features? === izzyb_ [n=izzyb@bas1-montreal42-1178047229.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu === Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu [11:33] chalcedny: try alt+f2 + xkill ;p [11:33] nothing happand [11:33] err, how do I add an executable file to /usr/local/bin and put my code in it using terminal? [11:33] chalcedny, CoasterMaster: through IRC i will get to know linux and yeha really didnt know that. that option is very useful [11:33] erUSUL and bruenig: thank you for helping me.i respect your skills.you could teach.it would be a pleasure.:) [11:33] Charlote, now try: sudo dhclient wlan0 [11:33] Right, I do that but it shows GNOME System monitor is the one, but only 23%, but on resources tab cpu is stuck at 100% [11:33] for me of course === SidneySM [n=SidneySM@goldenrod-26.dynamic2.rpi.edu] has joined #ubuntu === Enul [n=steven@] has joined #ubuntu === tatters [n=test@ACBD4AD6.ipt.aol.com] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] [11:34] Can someone please tell me how to install flash? [11:34] www.adobe.com ? === Baptiste [n=Baptiste@gra94-3-81-56-80-13.fbx.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:34] !info flashplugin-nonfree | Enul [11:34] enul: flashplugin-nonfree: Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 15 kB, installed size 108 kB (Only available for i386) === cello_rasp [n=cello_ra@] has joined #ubuntu [11:34] oh that works === Bspec is now known as Aspec [11:35] Enul: the best way I found is just to go to youtube and try and view a movie and the follow the built in directions [11:35] how do I add an executable file to /usr/local/bin and put my code in it using terminal? [11:35] spinzwright, do you use an indexer such as Beagle? [11:35] i see.. thanks [11:35] can someone help my troubleshoot my sound problem? I haven't found any helpfull websites [11:35] Ice_: are you trying to write a program? [11:35] kazol: i must admit that for my needs Places>CD/DVD creator is enough so... brasero is very nice. But you do not have to take my word just install both and try out [11:35] Ice_, I assume you mean a terminal text editor, vim or nano [11:35] other than just disabling APIC, does anyone know a fix for "APIC error on CPUx: 40(40)"? [11:35] terminal command prompt type thing [11:35] No, just installed ubuntu [11:35] it won't let me create a file in there, so I have to sudo it [11:35] !pastebin [11:35] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [11:36] CoasterMaster, chalcedny: kubuntu is basically ubuntu with a different file manager? am i right? it is still ubuntu cause originally i wanted to install Feisty and dapper [11:36] Erm, I know this isn't Ubuntu perse, but I'm having difficulty shrinking a Vista partition to accommodate Ubuntu. Could anyone help? I resized it, but it still shows as full size in the installer. === fassbinder [n=johannne@p57AAE5BC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === ewondrasek [n=chatzill@hou159.059.und.nodak.edu] has joined #ubuntu [11:36] Pirate_Hunter, ubuntu with a different desktop environment and different default applications [11:36] Pirate_Hunter: kubuntu is basically ubuntu with the KDE window manager instead of the Ubuntu default GNOME [11:36] kde is more than a window manager === PreZLaptop [n=prez@19.sub-70-211-98.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:36] someone else wrote the code. It's for my wireless adapter. And it apparently works if I could just make an executable file in /usr/local/bin with the script. [11:36] In another partition manager, 1-3 are marked as regular, 4 is marked extended. That manager refuses to touch it. === cerneula [n=rober@177.Red-88-25-157.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:37] Pirate_Hunter: Information on KDE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE Information on GNOME: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME [11:37] Ice_, sudo nano /usr/local/bin/nameofscript, and copy and paste it === eamonnd [n=eamonn@71-35-134-30.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:37] thanks [11:37] hey, im in recovery mode right now.. what is the restart command? anyone know? [11:38] Ice_, put the script in a text file then make it executable by sudo chmod u+x /name/of/file [11:38] takamarou, shutdown -r now === vecnah [n=vecna@vecna.vecnix.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:38] somone got time to take a look at this and tell me whats wrong http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35716/ [11:38] bruenig, CoasterMaster: ok ive got that now im stuck which version of ubuntu i throw away so i cna keep kubuntu? hmmm between dapper and feisty which should i replace with kubuntu? [11:38] I'm almost done with upgrading from breezy->fiesty! === TBotNik [n=cexpert1@host134-54.dissent.birch.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:38] of course i went through the steps :) [11:38] serenityUK, how do I put the text file in usr/local/bin [11:38] bruenig, thanks very much [11:38] Pirate_Hunter: you can have both kubuntu and ubuntu installed on the same partition [11:38] Pirate_Hunter, that sentence is incoherent [11:38] spinzwright, could you pastebin the output of the "top" command? [11:38] bruenig, nano seems to confuse me, a text file would work easier [11:38] Ice_, use sudo [11:38] Ice_, that is a text file [11:39] oh [11:39] bruenig: i know trying to type fast === mojo [n=mojo@c-68-52-116-85.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:39] bruenig, it calls it a .save file? [11:39] CoasterMaster: yeha buth there is no point keeping kubuntu, dapper, and feisty on the same HD [11:39] Pirate_Hunter: So, in your fiesty installation, you can run sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and it will install kubuntu fiesty to live peacefully with ubuntu fiesty [11:39] Ice_, no, just do what I said, copy and paste it, and then exit === Paddy_EIRE [n=patrick@] has joined #ubuntu [11:40] bruenig, I did, now there is a .save file in my usr/local/bin === velko [n=velko@p54BFCA94.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === chickenF [n=chicken@Ledcc.l.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:40] CoasterMaster: thanx very nice thats what i wanted and i cna still keep dapper === GHOST_o_O_o [n=florenti@] has joined #ubuntu === NickPresta [n=nickpres@CPE000625f47ed2-CM0011e6c456e3.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === NMajik [n=nmajik@h57.197.40.69.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:40] Ice_, how did you exit nano? [11:40] bruenig, do I have to include the extention in nameofscript? and the x === metaphys [n=metaphys@201-75-231-20-am.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #ubuntu === Terminus [n=jjereza@] has joined #ubuntu === genii [n=user@host6411912762.biz.tor.fcibroadband.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:40] Pirate_Hunter: yeah youll just select kde or gnome at login screen by clicking 'sessions' button === slipstick1960 [n=slipstic@cpe-65-185-94-53.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:40] Pirate_Hunter: yup you can do that...you can even install kubuntu-desktop in dapper if you'd like the dapper version of kubuntu === SpeakerToSoftwar [n=Raevn@ppp-70-253-90-211.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:41] What would be a recommended way to move a very large file between two ubuntu machines on the same network without an external HDD? [11:41] :D [11:41] Anyone have any debs lying around that will rollback mysql 5 to 4.1? [11:41] Ice_, you can rename the file: sudo mv /usr/local/bin/myfile.save /usr/local/bin/myfile [11:41] NMajik, scp or maybe nfs [11:41] NMakik: how large are we talking about? [11:41] ok, im logging in for the first time, and im getting this error: Your home directory is listed as: '\home\takamarou' but it does not appear to exist. Do you want to log in with the \(root) directory as your home directory? should i press yes? [11:41] CoasterMaster: dapper will be for other work I like the simplistic of it === FirstStrike [i=Rawr@nv-76-3-150-146.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:41] !pastebin | spinzwright [11:41] spinzwright: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [11:41] NMajik: easiest is scp i guess or sftp [11:41] ~5.7gb === TBotNik [n=cexpert1@host134-54.dissent.birch.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:42] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35716/ ? === genii thinks about more coffee === foxray [n=foxray@] has joined #ubuntu [11:42] bruenig, that worked [11:42] NMajik: scp or sftp (like others have said) would be a good idea [11:42] NMajik: use split to make 1.4mb slices and transfer by floppy === davina [n=dave@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:42] !scp | NMajik [11:42] NMajik: SCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/ === osxdude|desktop [n=osxdude@adsl-76-240-101-176.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:42] pike_:Sounds great === Janos [n=cramos@nat1.inalambrica.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:42] NMajik, you can mount network drives as if they were physical drives and just copy it over [11:42] could somebody help me trouble shoot? none of the "!sound" links seem to address my problem [11:43] scp is designed more for non local drives it seems but both will work and probably with equal speed [11:43] bruenig: On the target machine? === SpeakerToSoftwar [n=Raevn@ppp-70-253-90-211.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu [] === ddonky [n=donpedro@66-190-228-135.dhcp.klmt.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === fivetwentysix_ [n=patrick@pcd608030.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:43] !nfs [11:43] can someone please tell me why i cant mount my dvd burner without having to reinsert the disc? === ironmatar [n=fred@pool-71-112-180-6.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [11:43] nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS. [11:43] Outstanding, thank you all [11:44] NMajik: what bruenig said also. but i usually use sshfs to mount and do a 'sudo modprobe fuse; sudo mount username@ /mnt/mountpoint' [11:44] bye ppl changin to xp quickly to get some files === felixhummel [n=dfm21@p5496D2D4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:44] why can't I get any help? [11:44] sshfs for local drives? === W0rf0l0 [n=luca@host79-50-dynamic.8-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [11:44] hi, im loggin in for the first time right now, but im getting this error: Your home directory is listed as: '/home/takamarou' but it does not appear to exist. Do you want to log in with the /(root) directory as your home directory? It is unlikely anything will work unless you use a failsafe session do i want to press yes or no? === milan_ [n=milan@195-240-86-164.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:44] wifi [11:45] takamarou: press no === eracc [n=eracc@72-4-41-2.365-2.jaxnet.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:45] <_tux> eamonnd: what's the problem you're experiencing? [11:45] i'd help you eamonnd but i'm probably newer to linux then you are [11:45] CoasterMaster, ok.. so after i do that, what do i do? [11:45] eamonnd, could you describe your problem in a bit more detail? [11:45] takamarou: you can reboot into the rescue thing and run 'sudo mkdir /home/takamarou' (without quotes) === noah_ [i=29572@WideOpenBSD.ORG] has joined #ubuntu [11:45] CoasterMaster, ok.. will do, thanks [11:45] tux or captainfrisbee: could we do a private chat? this is a little overwhelming === noah_ is now known as noah__ === oxygenws [n=omid@wikipedia/Omidmottaghi] has joined #ubuntu [11:46] hey there! Is there a program where i can check my file systems for errors? === Kill_X [i=kill_x@p5B166C4D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:46] !fsck | fassbinder [11:46] fassbinder: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot [11:46] should i install ubuntu on my school laptop (from my school board)? [11:46] Hey! In Ubuty Gutsy, /etc/mysql/my.cf, the last line says !includedir /etc/mysql/conf.d, but settings in here doesn't get applied [11:47] THANKS === ShadowXP [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:47] <_tux> eamonnd: depends on the situation better off posting here first to see if someone knows how to fix it [11:47] kbrooks_ i have ubuntu installed on my laptop i use for school === ericx_1 [n=jxtadev@] has joined #ubuntu [11:47] !gutsy | noah__ [11:47] noah__: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 [11:47] hello [11:47] welcome [11:47] CoasterMaster, who owns it? [11:47] i'm new to ubuntu and i have a question [11:48] newbies are very welcome :) [11:48] can anybody help? thank you === stunatra [n=stu@181.sub-75-213-179.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:48] dont ask to ask, just ask :) [11:48] thanks [11:48] Is it ok to paste 4 lines in here? [11:48] Revel, no. [11:48] Revel: pastebin.ca [11:48] !pastebin | revel [11:48] revel: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [11:48] kbrooks_: me [11:48] but, my sound had not been working for a while and I finally got it to work following the advice on "http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=87849" [11:48] CoasterMaster, well, i don't own the laptop in question. === involved [n=god@a81-84-103-26.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu === PP188 [n=pedro@201-42-170-55.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [11:49] <_tux> eamonnd: it isn't working anymore? [11:49] I have two hard discs. I have ubuntu installed in the first one and data on the second one [11:49] kbrooks_: then you'd probably want to check with the school on that one === Phrozen_One [n=Root@pool-72-73-115-137.ptldme.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:49] When I try to mount this transcend ide flash device I am finding this in dmesg after fail. Hoping it means something to someone. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35717/ [11:49] the problem now is that, since I followed that advice, my computer crashes all the time. I've picked up on a few patterns, like it'll will crash under specific events, but other times it seems totally random [11:49] Sorry [11:50] Tux: the problem now is that, since I followed that advice, my computer crashes all the time. I've picked up on a few patterns, like it'll will crash under specific events, but other times it seems totally random === ShadowXP [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === Kill_X [i=kill_x@p5B166C4D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:50] cerneula: so, whats your problem then? === Fser [n=Fser@fser.info] has joined #ubuntu === Fser [n=Fser@fser.info] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:50] kbrooks, if the hard drive is big, and youre the asventurous sort, then try dual-booting linux ans windows, you can remove the linux if you have to later [11:50] <_tux> going to check out the link [11:50] CoasterMaster, ok, i just did the recovery thing, now im getting this error: User's $HOME/,dmrc file is being ignored. This prevents the default session and language from being saved. File should be owned by user and have 644 permissions. User's $HOME directory must be owned by user and not writable by other users lemme guess, recovery mode again? [11:50] when i try to install flash i get the following error [11:51] the problem I cannot add, delete, etc directories, files in the second hard disc, because the system says I havent got enough privileges as it is owned by root. What can I do? === izzyb__ [n=izzyb@bas1-montreal42-1178045853.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [11:51] Your architecture, \'x86_64\', is not supported by the [11:51] Adobe Flash Player installer. [11:51] kbrooks, do backups [11:51] cerneula: you can open it as root, or change the privileges [11:51] cerneula, is the second hard drive a windows fat32 or NTFS partition? [11:51] yes it is ntfs [11:52] !flash > Enul (see the private message from ubotu) [11:52] I can open it as root, it asks for the password, I can read the files, but that is all [11:52] Help?!? +something+ is causing my Load Average to top out, and my system becomes painfully slow, even the mouse freezes for long periods. How do I figure out the culprit? Where does "Load Average" in the Gnome System monitor come from? ATM it is at 6.5. I have had this problem for a couple weeks and recently upgraded edgy to fiesty w/o any improvement. Ideas? [11:52] cerneula, you need to install a driver to wrtie to ntfs drives... called ntfs-3g [11:52] cerneula: you need write access for ntfs [11:52] oh [11:52] lol [11:52] !ntfs-3g | cerneula [11:52] cerneula: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions [11:52] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35719/ [11:52] Enul: theres no Flash for 64-bit systems [11:53] takamarou: haha yeah, that's really strange that this all didn't get created at install time... but anyway, back to the recovery console and 'chown takamarou /home/takamarou' [11:53] <_tux> eamonnd: tried changing the preferences in the sound applet? cause maybe there is a bug floating around [11:53] can i do it with synaptic? [11:53] Enul: you can use flash on 64bit systems, but it takes some extra steps (see ubotu's message) [11:53] Enul: check out nspluginwrapper to run 32bit ffox (netscape) plugins under 64bit firefox [11:53] cerneula: follow instructions on the given URL [11:53] chown? crazy sound command.. thanks [11:53] ok i'll do that thanks [11:53] Enul, there is an easy script to install flash on 64bit hang on...; === williammanda_ [n=william@c-68-60-199-201.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === ryugaka [i=Skt@c-71-61-214-77.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:53] ok [11:53] ok, thanks a lot, but what does that have to do with permissions? I am a bit confused [11:53] Tux: how would I do that? and what am I changing them to? [11:53] takamarou: chown changes the owner of files and folders [11:53] oh, you'll have to add -R [11:53] takamarou: CHangeOWNership [11:53] Tux: I've messed around a bit and I haven't found any fixes === rabrol [n=rabrol@] has joined #ubuntu [11:54] Enul, go here it takes 60secs http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=476924 [11:54] mojo, clever... [11:54] takamarou: it's actually 'sudo chown -R takamarou /home/takamarou [11:54] I just installed eclipse and have a ton of problems with it: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35718/ [11:54] <_tux> eamonnd: just to change the sound device and see if any crashes occur when using Ubuntu === Phrozen_One_ [n=Root@pool-72-73-115-137.ptldme.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:54] ok goingk there now [11:54] CoasterMaster, just curious, what does the -R do? [11:54] takamarou: the -R tells it to change the owner of that folder and everything inside of it (the R stands for recursively) [11:54] Tux: so change it from ALSA to OSS? [11:55] <_tux> eamonnd: On the top right corner there is a sound applet right-click on the sound applet and click on preferences change the sound device to something different === izzyb [n=izzyb@bas1-montreal42-1178047301.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [11:55] mm, big words :D === colourAgga [n=vrs@] has joined #ubuntu [11:55] Question about running server edition. Gnome not installed. Is it possible to run a screensaver (without X) on a command line server system? I just don't want to look at blank screens all day!!! [11:55] <_tux> then try recreating the crash if you can [11:55] ok guys, thank you very much for the help, I'll try that, THANK YOU! [11:55] takamarou: unfortunately, I have to run, but there should be other people here that can help === maxagaz [n=g@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:55] CoasterMaster, ok, thanks for all ur help [11:55] <_tux> could either be a hardware issue/drive issue or something in Ubuntu itself [11:55] takamarou: no problem, good luck [11:55] <_tux> driver* === foxray [n=foxray@] has joined #ubuntu [11:56] did you get my paste? [11:56] Tux: okay I'll try that [11:56] Tux: I should let you know, that once my computer crashes, I have to try restarting it two to four times before gnome will load back up === mr__daniel is now known as mr_daniel [11:56] spinzwright, yes looking at it right now === |pluto| [n=acfpaulo@pa-217-129-51-189.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu [11:56] ok [11:57] <_tux> dang sounds like a serious issue right there [11:57] Tux: it'll usually just crash again during the usplash screen, so if it crashes again this time I won't be on again for a while [11:57] <_tux> also could of been a bad install of Ubuntu [11:57] bye === idefixs [n=marcel@lli212095018024.grz.telering.at] has joined #ubuntu === cerneula [n=rober@177.Red-88-25-157.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu [] === runrun [n=bobabot1@65-102-63-17.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu === scotte [n=sd@dsl-244-237-71.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [11:57] herro === mojo hasn't felt this kind of pain since running Windows (shudders) [11:57] Tux: I got it from a CD I ordered [11:57] Tux: do I need to reinstall it from that CD or order another one? [11:57] how do i stop my sound from being so scratchy on ubuntu 7.04 running on MS virtual PC? [11:58] <_tux> eamonnd: even if its ordered from the official web site it still can be a bad CD [11:58] thanks for the script === wyggler2 [n=wyggler2@user-0ce2jt0.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu === medfly [n=lio@] has joined #ubuntu [11:58] ok, so i (finally) got my ubuntu up and running.. do u guys suggest me sticking with the gui, or the terminal? which one will give me a better long term experience? [11:58] <_tux> that's why its always a good idea to check for defects on the CD [11:58] what is the command to make a file an executable file? [11:58] chmod +x? [11:58] tux: okay, I didn't know how to do that [11:58] I can never remember [11:58] Ice_, the command is chmod, yeah [11:58] Ice_, sudo chmod u+x /some/file [11:58] <_tux> chmod u+x "FILE" without the quotes [11:58] takamarou: just choose whatever you like... but the terminal usually gives more options [11:58] Tux: is there anyway to fix the problem without having to through reinstalling it again [11:58] kk [11:58] <_tux> or chmod all+x === lnx_ [n=lnx@] has joined #ubuntu === Iradigalesc [n=Iradigal@wikipedia/Iradigalesc] has joined #ubuntu [11:58] takamarou: learn terminal so you can troubleshoot when X crashes ;) [11:58] takamarou, gui , while you get used to term === jgamio [n=jgamio@] has joined #ubuntu [11:59] i need help in getting a vizio monitor working with a nvidia 7300 le.....xorg.conf http://paste.stgraber.org/3208.....xorg log http://paste.stgraber.org/3207 [11:59] <_tux> eamonnd: Not that I know of cause the issue could be anything === CharlesEdwardPax [n=charles@c-68-38-214-81.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:59] <_tux> the sound driver could be causing the crash, it was a bad install of Ubuntu, its an hardware issue or something else === CharlesEdwardPax [n=charles@c-68-38-214-81.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [11:59] hey.. what driver is ubuntu has for VIA cards? i know it has one. is it open? [12:00] <_tux> you pretty much have to track down the cause of the problem [12:00] graphic cards :-) [12:00] <_tux> also could be bad software [12:00] Question about running server edition. Gnome not installed. Is it possible to run a screensaver (without X) on a command line server system? [12:00] hmm.. you probably could using the framebuffer [12:00] <_tux> I think Ubuntu leaves error logs but I wouldn't happen to know where they are stored === quanmec [n=brent@adsl-074-244-033-186.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@ppp-69-229-179-81.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu [12:00] Tux: I don't know the best way to track down the problem [12:00] i wanna start something and debug it, how do i do that? :D [12:01] _tux: Usually any logs are in the dir /var/log === Hugoh [n=ircap@] has joined #ubuntu [12:01] Tux: I wouldn't think it's a hardware problem because I've never had one before [12:01] medfly, run it from term === forceflow [n=forceflo@] has joined #ubuntu [12:01] serenityUK, could I borrow you in channel #ice for a second to wrap this up? [12:01] gnuskool, well, i am doing that anyway. [12:01] someone may tell me where the kernel logs are? === forceflow [n=forceflo@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [12:01] ok [12:01] <_tux> genii: I would check the debug log in /var/log? or is there an error log === anabelle_ [n=anabelle@] has joined #ubuntu === takamarou [n=takamaro@c-76-16-2-166.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] === forceflow [n=forceflo@] has joined #ubuntu [12:01] rabrol, i don't think so. some programs (including mplayer) can use the frame buffer. so you can watch video on the cosole. but there is no screensaver i know of which can use the frame buffer [12:01] !info tss | rabrol [12:01] rabrol: tss: A Terminal ScreenSaver. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.1-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 19 kB, installed size 160 kB [12:02] _tux: There are a few useful ones there. Depends what you are trying to look for [12:02] kernel logs are located under system - admin - system logs [12:02] medfly, u getting output from the prog? [12:02] <_tux> eamonnd: type: cd /var/log then type: ls after that you should see a list of logs [12:02] gnuskool, not enough === NMajik [n=nmajik@h57.197.40.69.ip.alltel.net] has left #ubuntu [] [12:02] [williammanda_] I mean on which file, /etc/log/???? [12:02] tux: do this in the terminal? [12:02] <_tux> genii: Its not for me but for eamonnd may be a log could help him determine the crash somehow? [12:02] <_tux> yes eamonnd [12:02] _tux: eg: faillog kern.log etc [12:02] Hugoh: /var/log/kern.log or sys.log [12:03] hugoh not sure [12:03] thanks [12:03] Thanks for the tips. Will do some searching on TSS! [12:03] so how can i debug a program? [12:03] <_tux> interesting [12:03] is there a keyboard combination for typing ascii characters? You can on windows press Alt+ to get a character assigned to that number. [12:04] toxic shock syndrome?