
abentleylifeless: So you're saying lines are evil?12:06
lifelessabentley: I'm saying there is a significant cost in changing representations (outside of C ?) and that we probably want to really aim for one representation end to end at some point12:09
=== abentley was kidding
lifelessoh right ;)12:10
abentleyI agree that end-to-end is a useful goal, but it's hard to imagine how to reconcile that with delta compression.12:11
lifelesshg seem to delta on bytes12:12
abentleyI suppose binary delta compression could work.12:12
lifelessthe C library they wrote does a line split without copying12:13
lifelessor something12:13
lifelesscertainly they don't seem to do splitlines() during commit12:13
lifelessI have pack commit at 3.5x hg commit, I'm trying to pull it down to < 2x12:13
ddaais the "atexit.register(_rmtree_temp_dir, root)" in TestCaseWithMemoryTransport still present in current bzr?12:15
ddaait's causing pain with the launchpad test suite12:15
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ddaagenerally, please do not use atexit for test suite cleanup... it's gross12:16
lifelessI don't recall a patch removing that anytime recently12:16
lifelessmind you I don't recall putting that in ;)12:16
ddaalifeless: I know you have better taste that that, I was broadcasting12:16
abentleyTo answer your question "whats the difference between [get_matching_blocks output]  and our deltas today", get_matching_blocks doesn't produce a delta, just match regions.  Knit deltas can't directly produce get_matching_blocks output (but if you have the fulltexts, then they can accelerate that).  Multiparent deltas with a single parent can produce get_matching_blocks output, but with multiple parents, they can't.12:17
lifelessget_matching_blocks is whitespace-ignoring specific right ?12:18
abentleyNo, it's generic.  It's what we use for everything.12:18
abentleyknit deltas, annotation, diff.12:19
lifelessif we implement diff -w12:19
lifelessor annotate -w12:19
lifeless-w ignores whitespace so "    foo = 'bar' "   and "    foo = 'bar'" are considered to match12:19
abentleyI'm not quite sure what you're asking, but having pre-calculated get_matching_blocks output would allow us to dramatically reduce the regions we compare for arbitrary diffs.12:21
abentleyOr annotate, for that matter.12:22
lifelesspresumably via composition of these regions12:22
lifelessI'll think about this some12:23
abentleyIt seems like we may have over-optimized "annotate".12:24
lifelessI think we should be able to get diff performance up to where hg have it on arbitrary texts before we implement caching.12:24
lifelessannotate - possibly yes12:24
abentleyWhile it's nice to be fast, it doesn't have to be as fast as fulltext access.12:25
abentleyAnd for annotate merge, you don't need annotations for most lines, and you don't need precise annotations for lines that were introduced by common ancestors.12:26
abentleySo possibly storing get_matching_blocks regions is better than caching annotations.12:28
lifelessit would be less data for sure12:30
lifelessdo we have an uncached annotate facility still ?12:31
lifelessor do I have to recreate it to disable the annotation cache in packs?12:31
abentleyI thought only bzrtools did that, until we got weaves.12:33
abentleyAnyhow, I do have the bzrtools code, but I bet it's pretty dated.12:33
abentleyThere is the reannotate code, though.12:34
abentleyThat should do the trick.12:34
abentleyIt annotates from parents to children, not from children to parents.12:35
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lifelessso full history ?12:37
lifelessanyhow, we're going to need a cacheless annotate routine somewhere12:37
abentleyWell, if you had an annotated fulltext of an ancestor, it could work from that.12:37
abentleyAnd for merge purposes, you could start at a common ancestor.12:38
abentleyBut if you want the full annotation with no cache, you have to go through history anyway.12:39
lifelessyes full history all sides12:41
lifelesswith the potential to stop early if we go from child -> parent12:42
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BryceLeoanyone had a problem installing the new bzr via synaptic in ubuntu?12:57
BryceLeofeisty fawn if it matters12:58
abentleyWell, there was a problem reported this morning, but I'm unclear whether it applies to Feisty.12:59
abentleyDoes it say "error in control file: `Files' value not specified"?01:00
BryceLeoi think i've got a fix01:02
BryceLeoyup it's super simple01:02
BryceLeolet me pasebin it right quick01:03
lifelessBryceLeo: fixed packages are already building01:04
BryceLeowell i've got a patch if anyone wants it now01:10
BryceLeohaha now if only you guys could fix why the python binding for gtkmozembed crashes with https01:11
lifelessjust figured out why GzipFile is _so_ slow01:12
lifelessit overrides the default compression level for zlib01:12
lifelessGzipFile('foo', 'wb') == gzip -901:12
lifelessq: why is bzr slow01:13
lifelessa: stdlib fuckage01:13
PengDon't the docs say it uses the zlib default?01:13
lifelessit does; but if you aren't the one choosing to use a tool, do you read the docstring?01:14
lifelessits surprising for library bindings to differ between languages01:14
PengOh, GzipFile does say it defaults to 9.01:15
=== Peng wanders off.
abentleyThat doesn't explain why it's so slow for decompression, though.01:15
lifelessI haven't looked into that yet01:15
lifelessbut changing it to the default, we're only 2 seconds slower - 38 vs 3601:16
abentleySlower than raw zlib?01:17
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lifelessslower than 'gzip -c mozilla.tar > /dev/null'01:22
abentleyAh, cool.01:23
lifelessso I'm just testing the change in data size01:24
abentleyWell, I'm kind of at loose ends.  If there's some packs work I can do without sync problems, I'd be happy to join in.01:30
lifelessahha 127MB01:31
lifelessthis patch going up for review :)01:31
lifelessabentley: getting the ability to annotate without cached annotations seems to save nearly 1/5 of our current commit time01:31
lifelessabentley: so that would be a good thing, and seems to be unlikely to collide01:32
abentley127MB is the size change?01:35
abentleylifeless: btw, please review my reconcile change.01:39
abentleyAlso, does your latest in "http://people.ubuntu.com/%7Erobertc/pack-repository.knits/" have no annotation?01:40
lifelessno, I only played with that locally01:42
lifeless127M is the new repo size01:42
lifelessthe old repo size was 140M01:42
lifelessso its actually smaller ;)01:42
abentleyThat makes no sense...01:43
abentleyI'm realizing that child->parent order also matches our expected data ordering better.01:44
lifeless=== modified file 'bzrlib/repofmt/pack_repo.py'01:44
lifeless--- bzrlib/repofmt/pack_repo.py 2007-08-28 02:18:13 +000001:44
lifeless+++ bzrlib/repofmt/pack_repo.py 2007-08-30 03:44:59 +000001:44
lifeless@@ -1035,7 +1035,7 @@01:44
lifeless             self.weavestore._file_mode,01:44
lifeless             index=knit_index,01:44
lifeless             access_method=knit_access,01:44
lifeless-            **self.weavestore._versionedfile_kwargs)01:44
lifeless+            factory=knit.KnitPlainFactory())01:44
lifelessthats the patch to drop annotations - I haven't committed because I expect it to break tests left, right and centre01:44
lifelessyour updated reconcile patch - yes, I will review it01:45
abentleyOkay.  I will go break some tests >:)01:46
abentley!?! "bzr selftest annotate" and nothing breaks.01:48
abentleyI don't think you're intelligent, ubotu, believe me.01:49
fullermdMan, this channel is never satisfied.  Tests don't pass, people complain.  Tests pass, people complain...01:51
abentleyWhy are you guys so intent on changing iter_changes?  The only case where it's expensive to determine whether a file has changed is when the stat value has changed, but the st_size has not.01:51
lifelessabentley: the annotate tests are probably not strict enough then; at the repo level the API call to the knit will work01:55
lifelessabentley: but it will annotate the entire file as changed in the last commit :(01:55
abentleySounds pretty nuts.01:56
lifelessabentley: so that when we hit that case, we don't end up e.g. sha1summing an entire iso twice01:56
lifelessabentley: yeah, supporting annotate() on knits that don't have annotation data in them *is* nuts IMO but its what the original interface offered.01:56
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lifelesspoolie: quick call ?02:07
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spivabentley, lifeless: what's the status of the bad parent references work?  I currently have a patch that's marked "resubmit" because it doesn't take broken history like bzr.dev's into account.02:33
abentleyspiv: robert's said he'll review my new patch.02:34
spivAh good.  Are you still of the opinion that smart server fetching should compensate for this?02:34
abentleyI think it should not fail silently.  It can fail noisily or succeed silently-- your pick.02:36
spivi.e. pulling from a broken repo should not silenty break my repo?02:37
spivMakes sense.02:37
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lifelessspiv: there is a flag on the repository indicating it can suffer from this form of corruption02:42
lifelessspiv: so if it is set you'll need to check that the knit parents match the last modified in the parent's ancestries.02:43
lifelessthis is expensive, so we may want to do a format bump just to ensure that we have a format without the flag set02:44
lifelessabentley: ^ does this make sense to you ?02:44
lifelessspiv: wanna quick chat ?02:44
spivlifeless: yeah, that'd be good02:44
lifelessk, I'll ring02:44
abentleylifeless: Yes, that makes sense to me.02:46
abentleyHmm.  Maybe it could be a supplemental flag?02:48
abentleyBecause it would still be readable by older clients.02:49
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lifelessabentley: I meant a flag on the object, not on disk03:04
lifelessabentley: thinking about it some more with spiv; we think the client can check if the delta basis is present and error if its not03:04
abentleyI meant the format bump you were talking about.03:05
lifelessabentley: no, I don't think it can be a supplemental flag or older clients will write to the repo too03:05
lifelessabentley: and could then introduce this defect03:05
abentleyOh, drat.03:05
lifelessigc: compression fix has landed03:06
igclifeless: excellent - just checked pqm 5 mins ago checking its progress :-)03:06
abentleyAnyhow, I was surprised you said it was expensive to detect this, and I agree it makes sense to error on missing delta basis.03:07
abentleyspiv: Would it make sense to provide a way to do dumb fetch?03:14
lifelessabentley: by dumb you mean the current knit join approach ?03:16
abentleyFor people who can't reconcile the source repo.03:16
abentleyBut I also mean, just using the dumb transport.03:17
abentleyBut this is only likely to affect initial branches anyhow.03:18
lifelessI think that might be reasonable but given that few people run bzr+ssh-only repo's anyhow03:18
lifelessigc: pushed a pack repo that has the compression fix too, to my 'repository' branch.03:24
igclifeless: thanks. I'm interested in a pack repo with annotations separated next :-)03:25
abentleyigc: I'm working on stripping annotations completely.03:26
igcabentley: from knits?03:26
abentleyFrom packs.03:27
igcI guess I was assuming that would be a format bump and it may as well come with the pack stuff?03:27
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abentleyYeah.  We'll see.  It may not be performant without at least caching get_matching_blocks.03:28
abentleyBut since we can extract that from our delta formats, who knows?03:31
PengStripping annotations from packs? As in 'bzr annotate'?03:32
lifelessigc: I pasted the patch for that here03:32
igccode,code,code ... measure,measure,measure ... code,code,code ...03:32
igclifeless: ok, I'll grab it later - just trying to get an options patch out right now03:33
abentleyPeng: yes.  It's a significant cost when committing large trees.  We promise not to break anything.03:34
fullermdIt doesn't break anything; all the tests still pass   ;)03:34
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Pengabentley: But will it make bzr annotate slow?03:45
lifelessPeng: s/?/er?/03:45
PengEven slower?03:45
PengOne thing I liked about bzr was speedy annotations, and now it'll be worse than hg.03:46
PengI know I know, I'd be whining about slow commits if you didn't do this. :P03:46
abentleyWhy do you think it will be slower than hg?03:46
lifelesswhy do you say it'll be worse than hg ?03:47
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PengI don't know.03:47
PengI compared it some time.03:47
PengHold on.03:48
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PengHey, where can I get a copy of the repository branch new enough to access the repository branch?03:57
abentleyhttp://people.ubuntu.com/%7Erobertc/pack-repository.knits/ ?03:59
lifelessPeng: see my dogfooding mails to the list03:59
PengI didn't think that branch was up-to-date enough.04:00
NamNguyenabentley: what does auto_merge.py do?04:00
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lifelessPeng: I've explicitly stated that I keep it up to date enough to read the other branch04:00
lifelessPeng: its the bootstrap04:01
abentleyNamNguyen: It marks merge requests merged if they have been merged into the mainline.04:02
NamNguyenabentley: how is that done? i looked at the code but didn't understand it much04:02
PengOkay, I get it.04:03
NamNguyensomething to do with merge_id, is it supposed to be unique?04:03
PengI need to throw out my old branch of repository, and get it again?04:03
abentleyNo, not merge_id.04:03
abentleyFirst it downloads the latest version of the mainline.04:04
abentleyThen it finds which revisions are newly part of the mainline's ancestry.04:04
poolielifeless, are you going to upload a new 0.90 deb?04:05
abentleyActually, it just finds which revisions are part of the mainline's ancestry.04:05
lifelesspoolie: yes when I don't get md5 errors from the deb archive during build04:05
abentleyThen it looks at the merge requests, and sees whether their head revision is in the mainline's ancestry.04:05
lifelessPeng: Please read the mails with [PACKS]  in the them on the list.04:06
lifelessPeng: they contain all the relevant info04:06
NamNguyenabentley: suppose that two merge requests branched from a same revision04:09
abentleyI don't know what you mean by "branched".04:09
NamNguyenthey come from a same revision04:10
abentleyThe only thing that matters is the head revision-- the newest revision in the merge request.04:10
abentleySo you have two merge requests trying to submit exactly the same change?04:10
NamNguyendifferent change04:11
abentleyWhere they branched from doesn't matter.04:11
NamNguyenisn't the head revision the parent revision?04:12
abentleyThe head revision is the youngest revision.04:12
abentleyIf the merge request has a bundle, all the other revisions in it will be ancestors of the head revision.04:12
NamNguyenand when this bundle is merged, is the revision id kept unchanged?04:13
NamNguyenits revision ids04:14
abentleyYes, revision ids are never altered.04:16
NamNguyeni see, so the idea of automerge is to check all outstanding merge requests' latest revision ids to see if they are in the branch04:18
lifelessPeng: if you've read the mail and are lost I'll happily help you04:22
lifelessPeng: but I don't have time to simply be repeating myself sorry04:22
Penglifeless: Yeah, I get it. I need to get a mail client up and running and start reading the list. :P04:22
lifelessPeng: gmane has it04:23
PengI can't get Gmane to load at the moment.04:25
PengI'm reading the list on lists.ubuntu.com.04:25
poolieare the generated html files going to be called .htm or .html?04:29
pooliei thought we agreed to change it to .html?04:29
PengAnnotating a 1000-line file with 1600 revisions, user time:04:30
Pengbzr knits: 1.1 seconds04:30
Pengbzr packs: 3.604:30
Penghg: 4.004:30
PengBzr 0.90 was a few msec faster than the pack version in a knit branch. :P04:31
abentleypoolie: They're html, but no one has updated the online documentation.04:32
abentleyigc was looking into it last I heard.04:32
pooliethe cron job is running, but maybe it's not copying them across04:32
igcpoolie: the doc usually gets updated as part of the release rollout04:34
lifelessPeng: ms differences are sampling noise04:35
igcI've been meaning to ask you about where James got up to04:35
lifelessPeng: the 3.6 seconds is due to the single text index not doing partial loads04:35
Penglifeless: Will that be improved in the future?04:36
PengYeah, you're right, it was just noise.04:36
Penglifeless: Okies.04:37
Penglifeless: But removing annotation data will make it slower ..04:37
lifelessthats right.04:37
lifelessbut every file version has to get committed by definition04:37
=== igc lunch - bbiab
lifelessonly some get annotated04:37
lifelessso we could for instance have a background task to generate an annotation cache04:38
lifelessfire off a thread as a commit hook04:38
lifelessor cache different data that helps annotations as abentley mentions04:38
lifelesslots of options04:38
lifelessbut removing 20% overhead during commit that is only sometimes used seems like a pretty good idea04:39
PengYeah, it does.04:40
PengI just liked having fast annotations. :P04:40
lifelessif you ask for an annotation of file X, we cacn cache the results04:40
ubotuNew bug: #135770 in bzr (main) "bzr faild ti install (dup-of: 135891)" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13577004:40
PengRemoving 20% overhead from commits won't change if they're "fast" or "slow", but the change will make annotating "slow" instead of "fast".04:41
PengAnyway, I don't want to stop you or anything.04:41
PengJust sayin'.04:41
lifelessthe way you get from slow to fast commits is by stripping overhead thats not needed04:41
PengWell sure. It's a significant improvement and that's a good thing. But commits going from 1s to 0.8 is still "fast", and 10 to 8 is still "slow".04:42
PengBut annotating going from 1 second to 4 is "fast" to "slow".04:42
PengAnyway, I'll shut up.04:43
PengThe change is a good idea.04:43
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PengI just hope that you'll be able to keep annotating as fast as possible! :)04:43
abentleylifeless: Got annotation of plain knits tested and working.  Where do you want it?  Technically, it could even go in bzr.dev, I guess.04:46
lifelessabentley: bzr.dev :)04:47
lifelessabentley: I want to keep the branch as small as possible at all times04:48
abentleyAw, drat.  I'll hafta cherrypick.04:48
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abentleyigc: It seems as though the path must start with 'callgrind.out', not just the basename.05:59
igcin my code you mean? If so, I'll fix that06:00
pooliei'm looking into why the docs aren't visible06:03
igcthanks poolie06:03
pooliethey are being built; they might not be copied to the right directory, or something like that06:04
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poolieok i think that's ok now06:11
abentleyAwesome.  Now we have a copy of NEWS to point people at.06:25
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abentleylifeless: I've got the new annotation code using precalculated get_matching blocks everywhere possible.06:27
lifelessabentley: you're on fire06:27
abentleyThat too.06:27
igcabentley: +1 to that06:27
abentleyBut without matching blocks for the righthand parent of merges, there are still 279 calls.  And that's 40% of runtime.06:28
lifelesswhats your test file, NEWS?06:29
abentleyrevision 200006:29
abentleyThat still takes 13 seconds.06:29
abentleySo I don't want to go higher.06:30
abentleyI'm not storing any new data, just using the knit deltas to extract get_matching_blocks output.  Which is why the 40%.06:31
abentleyBecause knit deltas only tell us about the left parent.06:31
lifelessman python you suck06:33
lifelessa$ python -m timeit 's = [] ; s.append((200, 300)); s.pop()'06:33
lifeless1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.874 usec per loop06:33
lifeless$ python -m timeit 's = [] ; s.append((200, 300)); del s[-1] '06:33
lifeless1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.528 usec per loop06:33
lifeless$ python -m timeit 's = [] ; s.append((200, 300))'06:33
lifeless1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.398 usec per loop06:33
lifeless.130 to do del s[-1] , .480 to do s.pop()06:34
fullermdIf it helps, it takes my system longer to do the pops than it takes yours to do the whole bunch   :p06:35
lifelessfullermd: do you see the same relative costs?06:35
fullermd~1 -> ~2.3.06:35
fullermdWell, ~1 - ~1.25 - ~2.3.06:35
fullermdEyeballs similarish, yah.06:36
lifelesscopy n paste is easier :)06:36
fullermdLittle over double cost for pop, 'bout 25% more for del.  Close enough.06:36
poolielifeless, thanks for making a sid/gutsy repo06:39
abentleylifeless, poolie: I've started work on a NEWS-specific text merge, but no ETA on completion yet.06:41
abentleyAnnotating the latest version of NEWS takes 1m25.767.  Eeps.06:45
poolielifeless, i think splitting the news might make it easier for people developing across releases06:50
pooliebecause their changes would not accidentally end up in a different release06:50
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igcpoolie: thanks for the doc stuff. It looks good except that the 'latest' link is still pointing to some older doc?07:02
pooliethanks, fixed ?07:02
igcpoolie: yes, assuming latest means 'current release', not 'development'07:03
lifelesslatest is not clear07:04
igcwe do have bzr.dev for that07:04
igcI'd prefer 'current' to 'latest' my self07:04
pooliemaybe we should just get rid of that link and let people who want the latest look at bzr.dev?07:04
igcthat would do07:04
igc2nd thoughts ...07:04
igcI'd like a 'current' link07:04
lifelesslatest was meant to mean current release07:05
lifelessI didn't think about clarity enoug at the tome I think07:05
igcit's need IMO, I just don't like the name07:05
pooliecan someone glance at http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/request/%3C2422be180708301335x3103b2c9mbaf318e287b4cf3b@mail.gmail.com%3E07:10
beunoplease :D07:11
beunobtw, is bundlebuggy a custom thing?  it's marvelous  :D07:14
Pengbeuno: Yes, but it's open source.07:17
beunoPeng, aaah, well, it's a great idea/implementation07:18
PengTotally. :)07:18
igcpoolie: that looks fine to me. I'll approve it in BB07:26
poolieigc, thanks07:30
beunoyay!  does the bug close my itself in LP?07:30
=== beuno guesses "no"
pooliewhich bug?07:30
beunothe one that the patch is for, #10715507:31
lifeless python -m timeit '{1:2, 2:3, 3:4}'07:31
lifeless1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.584 usec per loop07:31
lifeless python -m timeit 'dict(((1,2), (2,3), (3,4)))'07:31
lifeless100000 loops, best of 3: 2.15 usec per loop07:31
fullermd'bout the same ratio here.07:32
lifelessjust the inner tuple there is tuple is 0.17707:33
lifelessok, bye. I need to pack07:39
beunoaaaaanyway, time I get some sleep, ping me if you need anything else with the patch, night all  :D07:39
pooliebeuno, i've just sent it off07:40
beunopoolie, great, thanks a bunch, I'll close the bug then07:41
pooliespiv, quick call?07:41
spivpoolie: sounds good.  Two minutes?07:42
pooliesure, call me when you're ready07:42
poolieigc, i like custom_help()07:42
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igcspiv: is http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/request/%3C20070826091222.GC11127@steerpike.home.puzzling.org%3E merged into the bzr.dev yet?08:08
poolieigc, would you like a catchup call? when were you going to finish today?08:09
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spivigc: not yet, thanks for the reminder.08:09
igcpoolie: don't mind either way. Need to wrap up around 6 tonight08:10
poolieok, can we talk about 5:30?08:10
pooliei'm stepping out for a bit08:10
igcpoolie: before you go ...08:11
igcI'm about to do some reviews08:11
igcany preferences for which ones?08:11
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poolienot in particular, though i do think doing some is a good idea08:16
pooliei'm just doing yours08:16
igcok - I'll do the --change one from Lucas and the pre-commit hook one08:17
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NamNguyenigc, thanks for reviewing the patch for pre_commit hook09:32
NamNguyendoes a commit to CommitBuilder actually commits anything?09:32
NamNguyenor does it only flag that a commit is done, ready to be flushed out to disk09:33
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igcfew minutes - on phone09:36
siretartis there a spec or bug or something for the 'bzr cp' feature?09:44
siretartI'm trying to maintain file templates in a bzr branch. after I change the template, I want all changes I was doing there to be merged into copies of that file. is that possible with bzr?09:45
pooliesiretart, i believe there is a spec discussing how it could work, but it is not implemented atm09:46
poolieone of the issues is how to determine what changes should propagate or not09:46
siretartI'd like to subscribe to the spec. do you remember how it was called?09:46
siretartI imagine that it is tough, though ;)09:47
igcNamNguyen: CommitBuilder.commit does the actual commit to disk09:50
igcSee bzrlib/repository.py09:50
fullermdWell, it's probably not especially easy to do, but working out (and agreeing onn) what it should do is even harder   :)09:50
NamNguyenigc: but if there's an exception in a precommit hook, the whole commit seems to be discarded09:52
NamNguyeni can be wrong here, but isn't there some kind of rolling back mechanism?09:52
igcNamNguyen: looking closer, it looks like self.branch.set_last_revision_info is the final piece of the puzzle ...09:54
igcuntil that final bit is written, the data is on disk by not linked in it seems09:54
NamNguyenigc: i'm trying to find out if the file is truncated after all09:55
igcNamNguyen: so apologies - you could be fine after all ...09:55
NamNguyenigc: but that might increase the size of the repo if it's not undone09:56
igcMaybe - we do have a gc command though09:56
NamNguyenbut then, the next time you commit, it will be written over the same place as the discarded commit09:56
NamNguyenso i think it all works out09:57
igcNamNguyen: my suggestion is to ping abentley in a few hours and get his opinion on precise location ...09:57
igche did approve your code *and* he knows the commit code really well09:57
NamNguyenhe reviewed it twice, but no harm pester him to do it again09:57
igcdon't ask him to review the code - just double check on that bit and the consequences of ...09:58
igcan exception in the pre-commit hook09:58
igcI guess he'll say "all ok" in which case ...09:58
NamNguyenalright, i'll ask him09:59
igcthat's great - well done on your first bzr patch!09:59
igcI'll be happy to merge it Monday.10:00
NamNguyeni look forward to handing in more patches :D10:00
igcIf you want to update the hook doc though before then, even better still10:00
igcI look forward to receiving them :-)10:00
igcWell, time to go after another good week in the wonderful world of Bazaar ...10:04
igcgreat to see 0.90 ship and lots of neat stuff coming in 0.91 and 0.9210:05
igcHave a good weekend all10:05
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poolienight all10:18
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mwhudsonis there a way to tell bzr/bzrlib to set a timeout on the sockets it creates?12:14
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mwhudsonor, to ask what i really want to know: not wait for more than some interval (a minute?) for a response from the remote server?12:15
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NamNguyenmwhudson, with python 2.5, yes12:31
mwhudsonNamNguyen: ?12:32
mwhudsonthat's possible in 2.4 already12:32
NamNguyenmaybe you can put it in your sitecustomize.py12:32
mwhudsoni suppose we could do that12:32
NamNguyenoh? hah, my bad12:32
mwhudsonthis is code that calls bzrlib apis, so it could just do that during start up12:33
mwhudsonthis branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~ypodim/teleporter/teleporter keeps tripping launchpad up12:33
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matkorjelmer: Can you merge one typo fix from  https://code.launchpad.net/~matkor/bzr-gtk/trunk-matkor ? I emailed phanatic but seems be busy, TIA12:51
jelmermatkor: sure12:51
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hacklberryhi, where could i get more details about bzr "smart merging"?04:30
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z1pp1tyi'm looking to use bazaar to do something like this...04:40
z1pp1tyworking copy -- bzr --> local svn repo -- svn --> remote svn repo04:40
z1pp1tyI assume it can be done, but are there docs anywhere on how to do something like this?04:40
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hacklberry where could one get more details about bzr "smart merging"?04:55
bwintonHacklberry: Google?05:05
bwintonFrom http://bazaar-vcs.org/BazaarBook#features:05:06
bwintonSmart Merging05:06
bwinton    * Merge knows and merges only whats missing.05:06
bwinton    * Merge minimizes spurious conflicts.05:06
bwinton    * Merge is not tricked by identical changes.05:06
hacklberrywell the reason why i asked is that when i try to merge into a 'main' branch from 2 branches merge is actually 'tricked by identical changes'05:10
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bwintonSweet!  Do you have a test case?05:10
hacklberrywhat i tried is quite simple - i really think i misunderstood something05:11
hacklberryi merge from branch A where i added 3 lines:05:11
hacklberrynow on branch B i added 3 lines as well:05:12
hacklberryand when i tried to merge branch B05:12
bwintonAhhh...  Well, those aren't exactly identical changes...05:13
hacklberryhe - as i said i misunderstood it then05:13
bwintonIf you had committed yyy and zzz in a different step on both branches, then you'ld probably get what you were looking for...05:13
bwintoni.e. branch A gets yyy + zzz, then gets xxx.  Branch B gets yyy + zzz, then gets qqq...05:14
luksjust wondering, what would you expect to be the correct merge here?05:14
bwinton(Now, I haven't tried that myself, but my intuition is that that should work.)05:14
hacklberrywell i was expecting merge to see that those changes are coming from diff sources05:15
hacklberryi was trying to add:05:15
luksI mean the result05:15
luksI personally can see three possible merges: xxxyyyzzzqqqyyyzz or qqqyyyzzxxxyyyzzz or xxxqqqyyyzzz or qqqxxxyyyzzz05:15
luksand all of them seem wrong to me05:15
bwinton(Psst, luks, that's four merges...)05:15
lukser, four :)05:16
luksI had only three initially05:16
hacklberryint foo() {05:16
bwintonNasty off-by-one error you got there...  :)05:16
hacklberryreturn 0;05:16
hacklberryon one branch05:16
hacklberryint bar() {05:16
hacklberryreturn 0;05:16
hacklberryon second branch (both forked from main branch)05:17
hacklberryand then i merged into main from branch A05:17
luksso let's say some algorithm would merge them, in what other?05:18
luksfoo and then bar, or the other way around?05:18
hacklberryso when merging from B i was expecting merge to pickup that the changes are different, and mark the whole05:18
hacklberryint bar() {05:18
hacklberryreturn 0;05:18
hacklberryas a block05:19
luksand it marked only the function definition, right?05:19
hacklberryso i can then manually merge in some tool like kdiff305:19
hacklberryyes exactly05:19
hacklberrythat's how i understood ' Merge is not tricked by identical changes'05:20
hacklberry"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one." :-)05:23
lukshm, I see05:23
luksweave merge marks only the function definitions, merge3 marks whole functions05:24
luksbut isn't --merge3 the default?05:24
hacklberryi tried all 3 algorithms05:25
hacklberrybut kdiff3 displayed the same05:25
hacklberryi thought that bzr uses some unique ids for every change05:27
hacklberryso a line of text like abcd from 2 diff sources will be treated as 2 diff entries even if the content is the same05:28
luksI think the 3-way merge should do exactly that05:28
luks(and it does here)05:29
hacklberryok i m going to try again then05:29
hacklberryi mean in the morning :-) it is 1:30am here, i live in Canberra05:30
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radixI just got a warning saying that my Python interpreter doesn't support en_US.UTF-806:48
radix(during a bzr push)06:48
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radixstrangely enough, python -c 'from bzrlib.osutils import get_user_encoding; print get_user_encoding()' prints "UTF-8" with no warning07:01
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datowas it a bzr push over bzr+ssh? then what matters is if the target system supports en_US.UTF-8, afaik07:03
radixah, interesting, yes07:04
radixthanks a lot dato :)07:05
datono problem07:05
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nxLarstiQ: ping07:44
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synicafter a 'bzr up', how can I see what files were changed?08:09
james_wsynic: do you remember what revision you were on previously? Do the command tell you how many you just got?08:12
james_wif you know then bzr status -r-6.. should tell you08:12
james_wanother way is bzr log -v and then just read the log messages and see which files were changed.08:12
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jelmersynic: we also plan to let it output the changes in the future, unless -q is specified08:28
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synicjelmer: is there any way to output the changes during update with a flag?  -v maybe?08:47
ubotuNew bug: #136445 in bzr "Please provide an easy way to ask "What did you just do?"" [Wishlist,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13644508:50
bwintonNow that's an awesome bug...08:52
bwintonbzr wtf-just-happened-there08:52
jelmersynic: Not yet08:53
synicjelmer: ok08:56
PengThat bug is a good idea. Before I fully got into the habit of using 'bzr pull -v', I wouldn't be able to find out what all was pulled.09:10
PengMaybe just printing the old revision during those command would be good enough.09:10
PengLike, where it says "Now on", it could say "Started at" too.09:10
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syniccan you checkout a specific directory in a branch?09:40
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Pengsynic: No.09:42
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mtayloranybody know what the status of the visual studio plugin - https://launchpad.net/bzr-visualstudio - is?09:46
nxmtaylor: yep09:50
nxI'm the developer09:50
mtaylornx: cool. is it ready for people to use/poke at?09:51
nxgo ahead. it's still lacking some features, but those that are implemented should work well09:52
mtaylornx: sweet. I'll give it a spin then09:52
mtaylornx: should I branch trunk ?09:52
nxbanquet.status is the latest code09:53
nxI haven't managed to create an installer yet; you'll need to have the VSSDK installed to run from the branch09:53
mtaylorok. I think I've got that installed on this box09:54
mtaylornx:  when I try to open the .sln file, I get errors about not being able to open the Project files...10:00
nxwhat's the exact error message? do you have the SP1 installed?10:02
=== Janzert semi, sorta remembers running into issues with hardcoded absolute paths
mtaylornx: Unable to read the project file 'Banquet.csproj'10:03
mtaylornx: but I might not have sp1 installed. let me check10:03
nxright, i forgot you need to set a environment variable named VisualStudioIntegration that points to the VisualStudioIntegration directory in the VSSDk directory10:04
nxor just open the csproj file and replace $(VisualStudioIntegration) with that path10:05
mtaylorah, ok10:05
bwintonHas anyone here run bzr on Python 3.0 yet?10:11
radixit's already started10:12
bwintonHey, give me some credit.  I've had the 3.0a1 announcement page sitting in my browser since 9:00 this morning!10:13
radixwe are doomed, Guido has killed us all10:13
bwintonHeh.  I think you're thinking of Python 4000, with sys.kill_us_all()...10:13
radixbwinton: it is impossible to run most existing Python code on python 310:13
bwintonSure, but the 2to3 tool gets you part (most?) of the way there.  I was wondering how far it got bzr...10:14
radixah. ok. so really you wanted to ask if anybody has ported bzr to python 3 yet :-)10:14
bwintonradix: If you want to be technical about it...  ;)10:15
bwintonActually, I think I was even further behind than that.  I really wanted to ask if anyone had looked into porting bzr to python 3 yet.10:15
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lifelessLarstiQ: ping11:44
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