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sbalneavLaserJock: Ping!03:44
LaserJocksbalneav: pong, real quick03:45
sbalneavSe my mail?03:45
sbalneavSee, even?03:45
LaserJockI gotta run, inlaws are here03:45
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sbalneavokay, have fun!03:46
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sbalneavBack in a minute, switching to downstairs box.05:04
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mohamed_hi, i installed  eudbuntu and want to add some software to use it as medacenter, i need to upgrade ltsp  server like the main system i mean two systems must be like each others, or i only need to work with main system not on ltsp  ?05:25
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sbalneavmohamed_: Sorry, not sure I understand.  Do you have a couple of workstations, or a couple of thin clients?05:29
mohamed_i have one server and more clients ...05:30
mohamed_on the server i need to install freevo,vdr ...etc05:30
mohamed_my question is that i make this only once ...05:31
mohamed_or i need to chroot for ltsp and install it agaain ?05:31
mohamed_to be able to see   it on the client side05:32
mohamed_i'm sorry for my english lang, if the question is not clear i can write another way :)05:34
sbalneavNo, if you install it on the server, the thin clients should see it.05:34
mohamed_then i don't need  for  chroot and working with ltsp ?05:35
sbalneavYou shouldn't need to, no.05:37
mohamed_thx sbalneav05:38
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LaserJocksbalneav: still up06:08
sbalneavYou know it.06:09
sbalneavNo rest for the wicked.06:09
sbalneavThe new yelp's pretty zoooomy06:09
LaserJockthat's cool06:12
sbalneavAre we going to get the handbook back on the main page again, rather than forcing the users to go to "Other documentation?"06:14
LaserJockI've got to talk to mdke about that06:14
LaserJockthe whole Ubuntu frontpage got wiped out06:14
sbalneavSo, what did you think of my email? :)06:15
LaserJocksbalneav: you know, we could build that package for feisty too :-)06:21
sbalneavWhich, the docs?06:21
LaserJockso people don't have to be using gutsy to test the documentation06:21
sbalneavSure, other than the fact that lots have changed since feisty, so if they install my package, then how to they revert back to the OLD doco later?06:22
LaserJockremove the repo06:22
LaserJockplus, who reads the docs? ;-)06:22
LaserJockit's easy to do a feisty one06:23
LaserJockyou just need to change the changelog06:23
sbalneavsure, I can do that tomorrow.06:24
LaserJockI was just thinkin'06:24
sbalneavIt's a good idear06:24
LaserJockcause a lot of Edubuntu people don't want to upgrade to gutsy just to test docs06:24
sbalneavIt'll be interesting to see if anyone responds with some content.06:25
LaserJockyeah, I need to blog it06:26
sbalneavHmmm, ollie says viewing processes doesn't work under tcm, but I can't get it to fail.06:30
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humboltoHow are the edubuntu FAT CLIENTS plans evolving? Was there anything implemented yet? What about edubuntu LDAP server for example?12:55
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ograhumbolto, the ubuntu server team is implementing it, the client side will be in gutsy ... server in gutsy+101:25
ograsince fat clients 100% rely on a working network auth mechanism we wont have fat clients before that01:26
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ograRichEd, i'll be out early today (my mom's b-day), is there anything urget i'm missing that needs to be done today ?01:44
RichEdnope ... seems fine & quiet01:44
=== ogra made a major setp forward tonight on bug 121547 ... should be fixed over the weeken
ubotuLaunchpad bug 121547 in ltsp "[Gutsy]  LTSP chroot building process hangs at 50% on Tribe1 CD" [Undecided,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12154701:44
RichEdtell your mom I say happy happy01:44
ograwilldo :)01:45
RichEdcool re bug :)01:45
cliebowawhat was hanging?01:45
RichEddoes she also live in kassel ? or will you travel to her01:45
ogratook me two days of work to get that prototype going01:45
ogracliebow, the UI01:45
ogramy parents live in hannover (150km)01:45
ograi havent seen them since a year (i'm such a bad son :P)01:46
highvoltageogra: don't feel that bad. my mother lives 1.5km from me, and there was a period last year where I was so busy I didn't see her for 3 months01:57
humboltoogra: anyhow, having fat clients in gutsy+1 is still cool!01:57
Kamping_Kaisergutsy+1=LTS oder?01:58
humboltoKamping_Kaiser: yes01:58
=== Kamping_Kaiser takes an intrest in gutsy+1
humboltoogra: Since the auth client will already be in gutsy (LDAP I guess), when one sets up the server side himself, do LTPS fat clients already work?01:59
ograwith manual fiddling, yes02:00
humboltoogra: which does not happen to be documented anywhere.02:00
ograyou need to install ubuntu-desktop and the ldap client in the chroot and make some tweaks so it doesnt run as thin client02:00
ograthere was a guy at ubuntulive i still need to contact him, but he wanted to do some testing and write up a howto02:01
humboltoogra: will the fat client mount the servers root and an extra etc or how will this be done?02:01
ograso we'll have the easiest procedure ready for gutsy+102:01
humboltoogra: great02:01
ograit will work like a thin client, mount its readonly root visa nbd from the server and merge that in a readwrite unionfs ...02:02
humboltoogra: I like how you guys think!02:02
humboltovia ndb? why not via nfs? because of the readwrite overlay?02:03
ograwhat we need to do is to suppress the unwanted config changes we need for thin clients02:03
ograwe dont use nfs anymore since gutsy02:03
ogranbd/unionfs is three times as fast02:03
humboltoogra: What is the reason for that?02:03
ograspeed mainly02:04
ograand size ...02:04
=== ogra was able to boot a gutsy client with MEM=24M in the kernel commandline
humboltoogra: You use nbd for the thin client side as well?02:04
ograeven though that has to do with the fact that we mount nbd swap from initramfs if needed now :)02:04
ograyes, you need to use it on both sides02:05
humboltoAnd the transition to that when you upgrade from edgy or feisty is smooth?02:05
humboltoOr some manual fiddling needed?02:05
ograheh, i havent looked at the yet :)02:06
humboltoIs there a place to check what the status of all these things is currently and what your plans are? The launchpad stuff seems somewhat inaccurate.02:06
ograbut since our usual recommendation is anyway to rebuild your chroot on upgrades ...02:06
ograi try to document on the wiki as i implement stuff02:07
ograat least in a rough way02:07
humboltoogra: Not as far as the chroot is concerned, but as far as dhcpd.conf and stuff are concerned.02:07
ograthe server side will be fine02:07
ograand i actually plan to have the client side upgradeable properly (we plan update,-manager integration for it at some point, thats a prerequisite)02:08
humboltoI always tried to follow LTSP specs and blueprints on launchpad to keep track with development. But this is kind of difficult, as they hardly reveal where you guys are in development. Do you guys have blogs or something else, which would give me a little more insight on where you are at currently.02:10
humboltoAnd which wiki docs you add, which you updated, what your new plans are?02:11
ograwell, monitor https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP i usually add them there02:17
ograbeyond that i updated all ltsp related specs last week befopre the edubuntu meeting :)02:18
ograand usually give a report there as well02:18
ograsince will  is gone we dont have anyone doing the meeting minutes anymore though ... we should find someone again for that task and probably send summaries to the ML02:19
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humboltoogra: Found your blog. Like your report about Poland lots!02:27
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ograif i only had more time ... since poland i could have writte at least five more like that one :)02:27
ogramy travelling is always adventurous ;)02:28
ograanyway, time to pack up for me .... back later in the evening ...02:29
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roeare there any first hand accounts or an article about deploying edubuntu successfully?03:11
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sbalneavMorning all03:12
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moquistsbalneav: morning03:33
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sbalneavlol, tried joining, and xchat sigsev'd03:37
sbalneavhold on figuring out what I did wrong.03:38
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sbalneavWhere, oh where can that og-a-ra be?03:48
sbalneavOh where oh where can be beeeeee?03:48
Kamping_Kaisersbalneav, hi03:48
sbalneavWith his hair cut long and his sleeves cut short03:48
Kamping_Kaiseredubuntugirl, other bots, members, and folks, evening03:48
edubuntugirlKamping_Kaiser: I'm not following you...03:48
sbalneavoh wheeeere oh wheeeerre can he beeeeeeee03:48
=== sbalneav bows
=== Kamping_Kaiser aplauds
highvoltageog-a-ra sounds like he's very similar to ogra03:48
sbalneavI'm here all month folks, don't forget to tip your waitress.03:49
sbalneavhighvoltage: yeah, but I had to stretch it to 3 syllables :)03:49
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highvoltagesbalneav: I was talking about the long hair and short sleeves part :)03:56
sbalneavogra's long flowing mane and penchant for muscle shirts.03:56
=== Kamping_Kaiser should find pictures of this o ga ra person
Kamping_Kaiser* og a ra03:57
highvoltageover here, we call them "help-my-sterk-lyk hempies" which translates to "make-me-look-strong shirties"03:57
Kamping_Kaiserme+muscle shirts=not much muscle showing03:58
sbalneavIn north america, they have the awful nickname of "Wife Beaters".03:58
sbalneavOne supposes becase miscreants with the aformentioned penchant tend to wear those kinds of shirts.03:59
sbalneavMaybe it's just a Canadian nickname.04:00
=== highvoltage will ask corey if he knows what a wife beater is when he says in again in ~2 weeks time
sbalneavIn my line of work, I unfortunately see have to deal with that class of person from time to time.04:01
highvoltageyes, very unfortunate. I pity the wifebeaters.04:01
=== highvoltage ducks
sbalneaveeep :)04:02
=== Kamping_Kaiser doesnt live far enough north to worry about those tops
highvoltageit's not easy doing that kind of work, but it's great that we have sbalneavses in this world04:02
Kamping_Kaiser"The hedgehogs delemer" i like that one04:02
highvoltage(apologies for doing that to your nick, btw)04:02
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kslawsonanyone seen david trask recently around these parts?04:09
sbalneavNot for a bit, no04:10
kslawsonok.  i knew he'd had some experience putting ubuntu on mlti ibooks04:13
kslawsoni would try, now that we have an excess of them, but unfortunately i don't have any that use the old password which i knew, these are all imaged with the 2007 hs image.  and i don't have an SO-DIMM to reset the password04:15
kslawsonwhich will make servicing and imaging these machines a pain.  i don't want to have to send them to the depot for reimaging every time04:15
kslawsonwhoa, is that the 2007 hs fw pw?04:31
kslawsoni've been trying to pry that from jeff mao for weeks04:31
kslawsonnot that i heard it from you, of course04:32
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kslawsonthank you.  no numbers in it?  just letters?04:35
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roeare there any first hand accounts or an article about deploying edubuntu successfully?05:32
sbalneavroe: Check out the edubuntu-users mailing list archives.05:50
sbalneavSome were posted there recently.05:50
roesbalneav, thanx05:52
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mcsdquestion, i have a few different models of Dell flatscreens and was having trouble displaying at 1280x1024.  I kept modifying the horizontal and vertical synch values and was able correct the problem...I provided a range rather than set values...is it possible to damage a monitor by exceeding its range?06:04
sbalneavNo, nothing you can do to damage an lcd by over or under driving, I think.06:06
mcsdx.org makes no mention even with crts...or maybe I missed it06:07
sbalneavthat was an issue with tubes, because if you overdrive the horizontal flyback transformer, it'll go into harmonics and make smoke.06:07
sbalneavlcd's are all digital, so worst case, you just get a "can't sync" message.06:07
Amaranthof course i'm pretty sure any monitor made in the last 10 years of so just bails out and says "can't sync"06:19
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LaserJockmoquist: status report sir06:33
LaserJocksbalneav: get a feisty package built?06:34
sbalneavNot yet.  I'm actually doing some doco right now, so when I get some stuff ready for a commit, then I'll cut some pakages.06:35
sbalneavI had a fellow ask me if there were going to be pdf's created ahead of time, so people could read the handbook before upgrading.  That possible/easy?06:35
LaserJockyou're committing to svn right?06:36
sbalneavBut of course.06:36
LaserJockoh, yikes06:36
LaserJockPDFs can be rough06:36
LaserJockif it's in english I think it's possible06:36
LaserJockthe non-latin fonts get really hard06:36
sbalneavI already told him "no", :) so don't sweat it.06:36
LaserJockI think we *should*06:36
LaserJockbut it might be after release that we get them done06:37
LaserJockwe can see06:37
LaserJockafter string freeze maybe we can do it06:37
LaserJockmdke has some stylesheets and stuff for it06:37
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sbalneavOut for lunch06:54
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moquistLaserJock: I think it's done but I have a bug.07:18
moquistdpkg (subprocess): unable to execute new pre-installation script: Exec format error07:19
moquistLaserJock: I can't tell if it's the postinst, the preinst, or the config script.07:19
moquistLaserJock: The error makes me think preinst, of course, but that script is fine.07:19
moquistI replaced the contents of the file with 'exit 0' and I got the same error.07:19
moquistI'm running into the limits of my debugging abilities in this context.07:20
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moquistLaserJock: I'll upload the source package.07:20
moquist...just in case anybody else wants to look at it.07:20
=== moquist shakes his head
moquistNo, not that.07:27
moquistLaserJock: any advice, btw? WTH is "Exec format error"?07:28
moquistLaserJock: http://majen.net/misc/src-moodle-1.8.2.tgz <-- the right thing now07:29
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LaserJockmoquist: not exactly, did you already have moodle installed? i.e. doing an upgrade vs installing fresh07:36
moquistI haven't tested an upgrade yet.07:36
moquisti.e., all fresh.07:36
LaserJockso you remove moodle before trying it?07:37
moquistBeing unsure of whether or not that would be sufficient, I've been repeatedly restoring a VM that has never seen moodle.07:37
LaserJockok, well that's pretty thorough07:38
moquistYeah...I'd like to learn more about the details of debconf so I can cut down on my testing cycle time. ;)07:38
moquistIt's really building the source that takes the most time, though.07:38
LaserJockman this stuff is messy07:39
moquistwhich stuff?07:39
LaserJockI did the GNU hello app debian/rules in 2 lines ;-)07:39
LaserJockanything with DB stuff07:39
LaserJockthe debconf, etc.07:39
=== moquist nods
LaserJockmessy != bad07:40
LaserJockI'm just saying there's a lot to it07:40
=== moquist nods
LaserJockmoquist: what you could to is run the maintainer scripts individually07:40
LaserJockto get more info maybe07:40
LaserJockbut that error really points to preinst07:41
moquisthow can I run them individually as they are? I've been ripping out the debconf stuff and running them like this: 'sh postinst', but that's obviously not testing the "real thing"07:41
LaserJockmoquist:  hehe, #|! /bin/sh -e07:41
moquistOMW. Really??!?07:42
LaserJockmoquist:  btw, do ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/moodle*07:42
moquistnuffink ist der.07:42
=== moquist has looked around in there
moquist...sometimes. I'm sure something is there, sometimes.07:43
LaserJockyou can modify the scripts there and rerun dpkg07:43
LaserJockbecause that's what actually gets executed07:43
=== moquist KNEW this had to be easier...
=== moquist nods
moquist'rerun dpkg' how?07:43
moquistdpkg moodle?07:44
moquistapt-get install moodle?07:44
LaserJockrerun the dpkg -i moodle07:44
LaserJockthe hard-core devs use that a lot07:44
LaserJockwhen the maintainer scripts get messed up07:44
=== moquist wants to grow up and be a hard-core dev
LaserJockand dpkg is throwing a fit07:44
LaserJockthey just mess around in /var/lib/dpkg/info/ until it runs07:44
moquistthat's very good to know. I've wanted to know that but not known who/how to ask.07:44
moquistNo - there's nothing in there for moodle.07:45
LaserJockI've only done it once or twice07:45
moquistls: /var/lib/dpkg/info/moo*: No such file or directory07:45
LaserJockhmm, maybe it didn't make it that far07:46
LaserJockbecause preinst choked07:46
moquistNah, that one didn't make it that far b/c I CTRL+Ced it. I didn't think about the fact that it hadn't unpackedyet.07:47
moquistI've almost got src built again.07:47
LaserJockgreat, hopefully that was the only problem07:47
LaserJockeasy fix07:47
=== moquist hopes
moquistI *think* I've got everything we've discussed except the metapackage.07:48
moquistThat's funny. Every once in a while I start typing shell commands when I don't realize my focus is wrong and I'm in vim, or something. I must've left a pipe in there and not noticed it. I guess.07:49
moquistI even diffed the new and old preinsts and didn't see that.07:50
cbx33LaserJock, this build queu seems never ending07:51
cbx33over 2 hours now07:51
cbx33think something is wrong?07:51
cbx33unless they fix it, it seems like it takes a long long time to build07:51
LaserJockcbx33: not neccesarily07:51
LaserJockI expect this is only the beginning07:51
LaserJockthink of how many people are going to jump on PPA07:51
cbx33i want to try it out though :p07:51
cbx33yeh but it's only beta at the mo07:52
LaserJockOO.o takes 10+ hrs07:52
LaserJockimagine if somebody put that on07:52
cbx33but looking at the build history07:52
cbx33most are like07:52
cbx333-4 minutes07:52
LaserJockthey've only got 1 i386 and 1 amd64 machine it looks like07:52
LaserJockI expect once it's out of Beta they'll have to throw a lot of machines at it07:52
cbx33oh yeh07:52
LaserJockI haven't uploaded anything to the new PPAs07:53
LaserJockbut on dogfood is was pretty fast07:53
moquistLaserJock: looks good so far...07:59
moquistLaserJock: More testing is necessary, but \o/ \/ \o/ \/ \o/07:59
moquistLaserJock: I presume I'm supposed to redirect output from postinst commands, so we don't see stuff like "Not creating home directory '/nonexistent'"08:00
LaserJockhmm, I'm not sure actually08:00
LaserJockyou might see what other similar packages do08:00
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moquistI saw exec 0<&1 in the old preinst; I guessed that's why it was there.08:01
LaserJockcould be yeah08:03
=== moquist shakes his head
=== moquist is getting schooled in redirection...man pages are good for schooling
moquistFirst of all, < is INPUT. Not output.08:03
sbalneavcbx33: Still on?08:06
cbx33sbalneav, ya08:07
cbx33i pm'd you08:07
cbx33i'm not registered08:07
sbalneavThat would do it :)08:07
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=== LaserJock gets a new laser
LaserJockand I just got a 24 page *pre* instillation guide08:15
bddebianStep 1:  DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY INTO THE LIGHT... :-)08:16
LaserJockthis is all before I even get the thing in the room08:17
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=== pauljw [n=paul@pool236.dial1-clec.newalb.win.net] has joined #edubuntu
sbalneavLaserJock: How many watts?08:29
sbalneavCO2? Ruby? Argon?08:29
sbalneavCooling system?08:29
sbalneavC'mon, man, inquiring minds want to know!08:30
cbx33maming capabilities?08:32
joebakerUbuntu Gutsy tribe 5... on my laptop  synaptics touch pad scrolling wheel emulation isn't08:33
joebakerworking because SHMconfig might be disabled.  Any idea where I should file a08:33
joebakerbug report on launchpad?  Or a more appropriate IRC channel.08:33
sbalneavHmm, did you install the synaptics driver?  I don't think it's enabled by default, is it?08:35
joebakerWait...   I realized I munged the xorg.conf file and rebuilt it in an unusual way...08:36
joebakerUsing  Xorg -Configure -Config08:37
joebakerThere used to be a way to re-run the dpkg-reconfigure tool.  But the08:37
joebakerpackage changed from xserver-xorg08:37
moquistLaserJock: moodle package is in REVU08:38
joebakerTo something else.  I'm using an intel chipset  85x  I think.08:38
LaserJocksbalneav: it'll put out 10W, Nd:Yag, air-cooled (which is little different)08:39
sbalneav10 watts?  That should be able to burn holes in 2x4's!08:39
LaserJockok, hang on a sec08:40
moquistsbalneav: no, haaaaaawt08:40
LaserJockit's a pulsed laser08:40
moquistLaserJock: I gotta take off and do the Real Job(TM). I don't know where to go from here except some more testing. I'm happy to work on the metapackage stuff if necessary, but somebody else could probably do it really fast. Also, it's not necessary for gutsy. *shrug*08:41
LaserJockmoquist: ok08:42
moquistogra may want it for gutsy, though. not sure.08:42
LaserJocksbalneav: it's a 10 ns wide pulse, so the pulse it'self is 100MWatts ;-)08:42
joebakerIt was the "Screens and Graphics" tool under Gutsy tribe 5 that munged the xorg.conf file.08:42
moquistI'll take a look at it tonight or tomorrow, though. Wouldn't hurt.08:42
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sbalneavLaserJock: What, not 10 watts continuous?08:43
LaserJock10Hz pulsed08:43
sbalneavHow the heck do you hope to hold the world hostage and blow up the moon with THAT?!?!08:43
LaserJockso 100MWatt pulses every 10th of a second08:43
sbalneavI mean, really.08:43
LaserJocksorry for disappointing you08:43
LaserJockI could get a CO2 from the mech. engineering department08:44
LaserJockit'll get the job done08:44
sbalneavYou also need a white mao suit, a monocle, and a cat.08:44
sbalneavPlease let us know when you have these things assembled.08:44
LaserJockwill do08:45
LaserJockoh crap, I gotta run and get some lunch before all the "kids" get out of class and jam up the mexican place08:45
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LaserJockwew, just made it08:51
LaserJockit's incredible, it's actually drizzling here08:52
LaserJockwe've had not a single drop of rain for almost 90 days08:52
LaserJockand today it's actually wet08:52
cbx33not godd for your laser then LaserJock09:09
cbx33*godd good09:09
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kiteflyer07hello.  I am looking for some help with LTSP.   Can I find that here?11:57
kiteflyer07I first checked with #ltsp, but it's silent.11:58
kiteflyer07I can PXE boot a client box, it detects the DHCP server and loads pxelinux.  I had to add nfsroot=/opt/ltsp/i386 to /var/lib/tftboot/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default, in order for it to find it and begin loading the display manager.  I get a login that looks similar to GDM (presumably LDM) but after I enter a username and password, the displays goes black, flashes, then comes back with the same login prompt.  I get the impression11:58
moquistkiteflyer07: run sudo ltsp-update-sshkeys on your server12:02
moquistkiteflyer07: just a guess.12:02
moquistkiteflyer07: also, FWIW, you got cut off at "I get the impression..."12:02
kiteflyer07ah, hm, ok, well, I get the impression that this is a permissions problem somewhere, but I can't track it down.  I've created an account in the chrooted environment and the /etc/passwd and /home/<username> perms are OK.12:05
kiteflyer07either that, or X is crashing when it's starts trying to load gnome.12:05
kiteflyer07do I run ltsp-update-sshkeys from within the chrooted env or no?12:06
kiteflyer07it appears that ltsp-update-sshkeys isn't even in the chroot, so that answers that bit... :)12:09
kiteflyer07rebooting client...12:09
kiteflyer07do you know how to disable X from starting?12:10
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