
mhbnosrednaekim: not a bad language to learn, if you are considering a programming future12:39
nosrednaekimI'm not :) I know python which is pretty much as deep as I want to get.12:39
mhbnosrednaekim: okay then :o)12:40
nosrednaekimbut anyway.... I was looking for something to code on, and I was looking at porting LTSP-manager to QT. But I can't get virtualization working.12:40
mhbnosrednaekim: virtualization? as in?12:41
nosrednaekimvmware doesn't like my machine, neither does kvm or kqemu. :( and qemu is WAY to slow.12:42
mhbnosrednaekim: try virtualbox12:42
nosrednaekimI was trying to virtualize edubuntu.12:42
nosrednaekimisn't that just kqemu with a fancy wrapping?12:42
mhbnosrednaekim: it's not a perfect solution, but many people like it12:42
mhbnot sure, perhaps12:42
nosrednaekimi'll look into it... thanks :)12:43
mhba bit offtopic: could someone explain the new kdebase/ separation to me? apps/runtime/workspace ?12:43
mhbwhy is kdm in workspace and not apps?12:44
=== Lure is getting mad due to kdepim hangs/crashes :-(
alleemhb: kdm is part of the KDE4 workspace becuase not needed by windoof or mac os that have their own12:50
neversfelde|mobifor me kmail works pretty good, surely without marking a message as read12:51
neversfelde|mobithis makes me nervous :)12:51
mhballee: ah, thanks.12:51
mhbthe new kdebase structure -- doof12:51
mhbme -- doof12:51
neversfelde|mobiseems to be more work than it is12:51
mhbI like that shirt :o)12:52
alleemhb: no IMHO makes lot of sense ;)12:52
mhballee: the structure might be, it's just the fact that you can't find anything anymore that I consider doof12:53
alleemhb: hehe12:53
mhballee: and I was referring to that "alles ist doof" picture on T-shirts12:53
=== allee me build(s) kde4snv and wonders: cmakes says optional libfam missing and it's not in build-dep of kde4libs
=== allee has only window^Hof T-Shirt
alleemhb: ah, I know it.  My daughter tried to convince me to buy a puzzle with this picture12:55
mhballee: tried to convince? don't be too hard on her :o)12:58
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ryanakcamhb: what's a doof?01:00
alleeryanakca: stupid01:00
neversfelde|mobia doof01:01
ryanakcaRiddell: did you want admin access to eGroupWare?01:01
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LureRiddell: sounds like SuSE has also problems with enterprise branch: http://frinring.wordpress.com/2007/08/30/wanted-older-packages-of-kdepim-357-for-opensuse-102/01:43
LureRiddell: paste (Ctrl-V) into e-mail compose window causes crash here... :-(01:46
nixternalman, fell asleep on the couch01:47
nixternalLure: I think they might have fixed that upstrea...they were talking about it in #kontact earlier01:47
Lurenixternal: sleep on couch does not sound that bad... ;-)01:48
Lurenixternal: nice to hear...01:48
nixternalI hope they fix the other issues, ie manual mail checks strip incoming email of headers and content01:49
nixternalso you get totally blank emails that end up in the trash marked as spam01:49
nixternalRiddell: starting on KDE 4 b201:51
nixternaldownloading that tarball at a whopping 15k/s :)01:52
jjesseso wife's flight has been delayed for 3 hours01:52
nixternalwhere is she at?01:52
jjesseand she's sitting at the airport waiting to fly to atlanta to see me01:52
nixternalflying to?01:52
jjessegrand rapids01:52
nixternalshe staying the weekend?01:52
jjessewe were supposed to be on vacation this week, but boss needed me to teach the class01:53
jjesseso work is flying her down and paying for the hotel for the long weekend01:53
nixternalnice..you guys like to hike and stuff, go up into the mountains01:53
jjesseyeah we do... if she ever gets here01:54
nixternal3.5 hours to get out to Savannah...very nice out there if you haven't ever been there01:55
nixternalgreat beaches, nice restaurants01:55
nixternalI like that old town feeling in savannah01:55
nixternalyou are only about 1.5 hours to chattanooga which is nice as well..and a lot of mountains01:56
nixternaldon't forget to hit the Waffle House and get the best cheesy grits in the world01:57
jjessemmmmmm waffle house ;)01:57
nixternalI do not like grits, but I love their grits...and their hash browns are out of this world01:58
jjessestill trying to sync svn for qt-copy01:59
jjessewhy is it so stinkin slow01:59
jjessedo i really need all the files before i build?02:02
nixternaldownload one, build it, move on to step two02:05
nixternalor on to the second one02:05
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jjessenixternal: still trying to download qt-copy02:07
jjessewhich is before all the other things02:07
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Jucatoalmost done with my kdebase :P02:08
mhbJucato: eh?02:08
Jucatosame thing as jjesse's doing...02:08
mhbJucato: ah.02:08
Jucatoa.k.a. upstream things :)02:09
mhbJucato: no trouble with "strigiclient.h" ?02:09
Jucatohmm... didn't encounter any errors yet.02:09
Jucatowhere did you encounter this? while building which module?02:09
mhbJucato: I think it was krunner02:10
Jucatoah well I'm still compiling kdebase so I might run into that02:10
mhbJucato: but perhaps you evaded this by compiling strigi yourself02:10
mhbJucato: I was trying to reuse as much packages as possible02:10
Jucatoah I see02:10
Jucatoeverything from Qt upward I compiled.02:11
mhbI did just kdepimlibs-kdelibs-kdebase combo02:11
jjessewow plane is just leaving02:12
jjesseso  i need to have qt-copy from svn checked out first correct?02:12
mhbJucato: plasma is shaping up quite nicely02:12
Jucatoah nice :)02:12
mhbJucato: although the Kicker replacement is showing on the first desktop only02:12
mhbJucato: and it seems to be close to impossible to move widgets from the desktop to it02:13
mhbwell at least they have a system tray :D02:13
Jucatodoesn't work as advertised eh? :)02:13
Jucatooooh good!!!02:13
Jucatosystray is *very very* important02:13
Jucato<---- could easily fill his whole kicker w/ systrays02:13
Jucatojjesse: what I did was to checkout everything in one sitting and sleep through it :)02:14
jjesseJucato: my internet connection at the hotel ends each night02:15
jjessei have to re-"login"02:15
JucatoI'm too spoiled at home :/02:15
mhbJucato: yeah, it's the best advantage over beta102:16
Jucatogonna be difficult when I face the "real" world next year :(02:16
mhbJucato: oh, I wasn't able to get the systray from the desktop to the kicker replacement, I'm afraid02:16
mhbJucato: I think they're saving this feature for the 4.0 "Crazy Developers Only Release" :o)02:17
Jucatoit's ok. as long as there's a semblance of a systray so that apps won't go disappearing...02:17
mhbof course, I'm kidding02:17
mhbI really hope they'll manage to get it all into 4.002:17
=== Jucato thinks they really should... but then again...
Jucatook going to grab some breakfast, then do laundry :(02:18
jjesseon smarter then a fifth grader the person asked if he would win a million what would he do02:18
jjessehe said he would buy a lamborgini and paint it camo02:19
mhbJucato: poke me if you manage to keep the kicker replacement on all desktops02:33
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ryanakcaIs anybody else having kded run at >95% CPU?04:01
nixternalcan't say that I am04:01
=== ryanakca blames kwallet
Jucatoum.. nope :(04:01
nixternalapt-get is running at that right now in a pbuilder :)04:01
ryanakcaAccording to the service manager, it's the only thing running...04:01
Jucatodid we stop installing Krita by default a few releases back?04:06
nixternallooks like it04:19
Jucatoah ok04:21
nixternalRiddell: http://ppa.launchpad.net/nixternal/ubuntu/pool/main/q/qimageblitz/04:22
nixternaltest building kdelibs w/o qimageblitz to see how bad it complains first :)04:23
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Jucatonixternal: did you build KDE 4 from SVN or use Kubuntu packages (Beta 1?)04:34
nixternalbuilt from SvN04:34
Jucatoah kool. just finished mine on my desktop a while ago...04:35
JucatoI have no clue where to get other plasmoids :(04:35
nixternalya, me either..dunno where they are hiding04:36
=== Jucato wonders if it's possible to just copy his kde-devel user from desktop to laptop and be able to run KDE 4 on the lappy too...
nixternallazy, lazy, lazy :D04:40
Jucatoalthough building from SVN seems to be faster now that it was a few months ago04:41
nixternalwell if you are using gutsy, then all you have to do is start at the kdesupport recipe04:42
JucatoI followed the techbases step by step... except for CMake.04:42
JucatoI tried not to compile DBus but got errors when trying to run a KDE 4 app04:43
nixternalyou don't need qt-copy with gutsy04:43
Jucatoheh now you tell me :P04:43
Jucatobut on this lappy I'm on Feisty so...04:44
nixternalwell if you would read the techbase page you would have known that :)04:44
nixternalya, feisty will need qt-copy04:44
Jucatolazy me :P04:45
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ryanakcaOk... hmm. would the kded acting up part be because it was started with 'kded --new-startup' instead of just 'kded'? killing all kded processes, and then restarting one with the latter worked05:03
ryanakcawell, it fixed it :)05:03
ryanakcaAlso, is there a reason KMilo doesn't start at login? (KMilo is required for volup/down)05:04
nixternalman, you are having all kinds of issues :)05:05
=== Jucato just realized he doesn't have vol up/down on his lappy
nixternalI do, but it controls master..which doesn't work with the intel-hda stuff05:05
ryanakcaJucato: what, the buttons, or the working-ness05:05
ryanakcanixternal: change you change the master channel?05:06
nixternalya, but that causes other problems05:06
Jucatothe buttons05:06
Jucatoso I've never seen KMilo since...um.. can't remember05:07
Jucatokdelibs4c2a to be exact05:13
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nixternalRiddell: http://ppa.launchpad.net/nixternal/ubuntu/pool/universe/k/kde4libs/06:36
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alleeHi Tonio10:16
alleeI've another bt item to discuss:  Imaging a user  'I have bt but don't care about it, but everytime I quit kbt, when I login it's back'10:17
alleeTonio_: was it upstream or one of your patches that removed the10:17
Riddellthere is a no autostart key10:18
alleeautostart yes/no question when kbt in quit?10:18
alleeRiddell: ?10:18
Tonio_allee: I removed it10:19
Tonio_allee: simply because that would cause a doule start10:19
Tonio_allee: and also, due to your script, that would have been ignored10:19
alleeTonio_: ehe, we tried hard to no run bt when not available, but when bt is available but not wanted there's nothing ;)10:19
Riddellallee: don't know about that but I'm sure the .desktop autostart file has a key to test10:19
Tonio_allee: if you don't care about bluetooth, you can just disable is hardware on most pcs right ?10:20
alleeTonio_: not every hardware (as you know) has a hardware switch to turn it off10:20
Tonio_allee: btw yes you can just test for the users rc file and grep the setting10:20
Tonio_allee: then start or not10:20
Tonio_then I can remove the patch indeed10:21
alleeTonio_: afaiu this is automaticly done by: X-KDE-autostart-condition=kbluetoothdrc:General:AutoStart:true10:23
=== allee wonders if s/=kbluetoothdrc:/=kbluetoothrc:/
Tonio_well let's unpatch then ;)10:23
Tonio_allee: yep that's to be changed :)10:24
Tonio_allee: I'll remove the patch and provide a new svn snapshot today10:24
HobbseeTonio_: you can disable it via hardware, but kbt still comes up anyway10:24
alleeTonio_: okay,  great.   'cause I'm busy today, and not sure about the WE10:25
Tonio_allee: one thing10:25
alleeHobbsee: no not anymore.  If there no bt device, kbt will no longer start10:25
Tonio_allee: how do we get the initial AUtoStart:true ? :)10:25
Hobbseeallee: since when?10:25
Tonio_allee: what if the file doesn't exist ?10:25
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Tonio_allee: does it consider that no "false" means "true" ?10:25
alleeTonio_: I remove all kblu*rc yesterday and kbt was still started10:26
allee^^ in ~/.kde only of course10:26
Tonio_allee: oki10:26
Tonio_allee: okay so I'll remove the patch10:27
alleeTonio_: I would need to experiment,  I've tried this feature years ago when it was implemented in kbt.  All I remember is it worked at that time :)10:27
Tonio_allee: I'll make tests too10:29
alleeHobbsee: when kblueplugd is running.  I think tonio uploaded it yesterday10:29
Tonio_allee: yep I did10:30
Hobbseeallee: ah, ok, i'll have to update, and will tell you when i reboot10:30
alleeHobbsee: enjoy my first python script :)10:30
Hobbseeallee: :D10:30
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Tonio_allee: : http://paste.tonio.homelinux.org/63311:52
Tonio_allee: ouch !!!!!11:52
Tonio_since yesterday......11:52
alleeTonio_: oiy!  svn log  since yesterday? ;)11:56
Tonio_allee: yep :/ ;)11:58
Tonio_allee: how many things broken ?11:58
Tonio_I bet at least 5 ;)11:58
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mhbJucato, nixternal: plasmoids are available in playground/base/ui/plasma I think12:05
mhbthe default desktop looks kind of silly because it places non-existent plasmoids on the kicker-replacement12:05
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Tonio_allee: interesting new functionnalities :)12:22
Tonio_allee: very cook changes in kdebluetooth I must say ;)12:23
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Tonio_allee: the only thing that frightens me a bit is that they are adding new functionnalities without stabilizing old stuff....01:31
Tonio_allee: thanks to _stefans_ lots of things are fixed, but we should take care to get those patches in svn01:32
alleeTonio_: Stefan can ask on #bluetooth for inclusion.  I assume that when they see his stuff is okay, that he can then commit directly.01:36
Tonio_allee: sure01:36
allee.. without asking first01:36
Tonio_Riddell: I'm working on ktorrent, there is a new bigfix release out01:36
Tonio_allee: well some patches are just fixing segfaults........01:37
Tonio_allee: I see no point not including them01:37
alleeTonio_: 'just' ?   Your joking! Are there more important fixes than segfaults?01:37
Tonio_allee: that's why we should get them in :)01:38
alleeTonio_: :)01:38
Tonio_allee: and there there is more important, as security fixes btw :)01:38
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sahin_wRiddell: ping02:45
sahin_wRiddell: I encountered yesterday a kmail eneterprise + IMAP problem.02:47
sahin_wRiddell: Maybe you are remember... I hope so.02:47
sahin_wRiddell: Shall I open a bug report against?02:47
sahin_wRiddell: Or are you working on it?02:48
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Riddellsahin_w: I'm not, please report to bugs.kde.org on kdepim version enterprise02:49
sahin_wRiddell: Ok.02:50
sahin_wRiddell: Shall I open a bug report on launchpad too?02:50
sahin_wRiddell: Or is this a pure upstream problem?02:50
sahin_wRiddell: In my case kmail useles in Gutsy.02:51
Riddellsahin_w: it's upstream only02:52
Riddellsahin_w: I'll probably revert to a more stable version when I get a moment02:53
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sahin_wRiddell: I see, but the problem has been fixed already. One of the developer told me on the #kontack channel.02:53
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Riddellhmm, maybe I should just take a more recent snapshot then02:55
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sahin_wRiddell: Yes, please take a more recent snapshot.03:10
sahin_wRiddell: Would you take it? In this case I won't create a bug report on bugs.kde.org03:11
Riddellsahin_w: I will03:12
sahin_wRiddell: Ok. In this case I won't finish my bug report.03:13
sahin_wRiddell: I can test the new snapshot on Monday, when I'm going to my office.03:14
sahin_wRiddell: So you have plenty of time. ;-)03:14
sahin_wsahin_w: Testing means: you will upload the new snapshot > I will upgraded on my vmware gutsy > I will connect to my imap account03:17
sahin_wRiddell: Testing means: you will upload the new snapshot > I will upgraded on my vmware gutsy > I will connect to my imap account03:17
sahin_wRiddell: And I will cros my fingers.03:18
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Hobbsee!info lynx gutsy03:33
ubotulynx: Text-mode WWW Browser. In component main, is optional. Version 2.8.6-2ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 1138 kB, installed size 4860 kB03:33
Tonio_allee, or Riddell: ping ?03:48
Tonio_hey Hobbsee :)03:48
=== Hobbsee already has that amarok patch, incidently
Hobbseehiya Tonio_03:49
Tonio_Riddell: as you seem to be there, I'm trying to build latest kdebluetooth svn snapshot, and I have a strange build failure....03:49
Tonio_Riddell: serviceselectionwidgetbase.h: no such file or directory03:49
Tonio_Riddell: I have a serviceselectionwidgetbase.ui in the code, from which serviceselectionwidgetbase.h should be generated, but that doesn't seem to happen....03:49
Tonio_Riddell: where and how is that supposed to be generated ?03:49
Tonio_Hobbsee: if you have any idea on that point that's be good :)03:50
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RiddellTonio_: the build system should know to compile the file with uic03:55
Tonio_Riddell: ok03:55
Tonio_Riddell: so I should see uic somewhere in the Makefile.in I guess right ?03:56
Tonio_Riddell: the point is that ./configure && make works like a charm.....03:57
Riddellwhat's in the Makefile.am ?03:57
Tonio_Riddell: http://paste.tonio.homelinux.org/63703:58
Tonio_Riddell: here is the makefile.am03:58
RiddellTonio_: possibly the .ui file is too late in that list03:59
Tonio_Riddell: but what would be the difference beteween local compile and a deb build ?03:59
Tonio_Riddell: I don't see what can be different on that point....03:59
Tonio_Riddell: trying to put it sooner03:59
Riddellbut that Makefile.am looks fine to me04:00
Tonio_hum true, but then I guess that the problem is in the include right ?04:00
Tonio_bad path04:00
HobbseeRiddell: what's your opinion on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/87299 ?04:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 87299 in amarok "Multimedia keys not working in Feisty (no need to confirm behavior anymore)" [Undecided,In progress] 04:01
Tonio_Hobbsee: they use windows + "action"04:02
Tonio_Hobbsee: oups that's on gutsy04:02
Tonio_Hobbsee: we should take care to change that too btw :)04:02
HobbseeTonio_: i've lost you04:03
Tonio_Hobbsee: don't mind, just in gutsy make right click on the systray icon and you'll get my point ;)04:03
HobbseeTonio_: ah, right, yes04:03
RiddellHobbsee: why did it break in the first place?04:04
HobbseeRiddell: Support for this was broken due to changes in the handling of keyboard shortcuts by gnome 2.18.04:04
Riddelloh, this is amarok running under gnome?04:05
HobbseeRiddell: yes04:05
Riddellso it still works with KDE?04:05
Riddelltrouble with that script is a good bunch of gnome users are not going to have python-dcop installed04:06
nixternalRiddell: http://ppa.launchpad.net/nixternal/ubuntu/pool/   <- main has qimageblitz and universe has kde4libs - both built on PPA04:06
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Riddellnixternal: you rock04:06
nixternalthat is pretty cool, as I added qimageblitz-dev to kde4libs build-dep, and it recognized it via the PPA...impressive04:07
HobbseeRiddell: yes, and whether it needs to be a dep for anything else...04:07
HobbseeRiddell: oh, it's in universe anyway04:07
RiddellHobbsee: what is?04:07
Hobbseehiya DaSkreech04:07
DaSkreechMorning all04:07
Tonio_Riddell: right I can see that, ./obj-i486-linux-gnu/kdebluetooth/libkbluetooth/serviceselectionwidgetbase.h04:07
Tonio_so the inclusion fails due to file missing, but how to fix ? I have no idea....04:08
nixternalcool, they are delaying kde 4.0 for 2 months...good decision04:08
mhbnixternal: link?04:10
RiddellHobbsee: wait, I'm wrong, it needs python dbus which should be fine04:10
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HobbseeRiddell: right.04:12
DaSkreechnixternal: .. where have I heard that before?04:12
RiddellHobbsee: fell free to include it then04:13
mhbnixternal: found it04:13
Riddellthere's a patch for amarok due to go in04:13
Hobbseeyeah, i'm adding them04:14
=== Hobbsee dputs it to ppa to test it out
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alleeTonio_: kdebluetooth is missing Depends: python-dbus04:19
gnomefreakRiddell: you fixed flash right?04:21
gnomefreakfor kubuntu atleast04:21
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gnomefreakbug 136376 is what i am referring to04:22
ubotuLaunchpad bug 136376 in flashplugin-nonfree "automatic update for mozilla-flashplayer make using flashplayer impossible" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13637604:22
Tonio_allee: true, will ad that one04:22
DaSkreechgnomefreak: look at the tribe 6 page04:23
Tonio_Riddell: think I got the fix, but then the problem is in makefile.am04:23
Riddellgnomefreak: yes04:24
RiddellTonio_: what's the fix?04:24
gnomefreakRiddell: what did you do and i dont really see how it would screw up for ff04:24
Riddellgnomefreak: I think his problem is separate, although I've no idea what it is04:25
gnomefreaki was just wondering if you tweaked something that would have caused that04:25
=== gnomefreak still not sure whaat he means by mozilla-flash
Riddellwell, it would help if I understood what was caused :)04:26
Riddell"I found the problem" so what is it?04:26
RiddellProgram updated flashplayer-mozilla in diferent directory as it should so web browsers couldn't find it.04:26
Riddelllet's ask asac04:27
gnomefreaki just did hes kind of loast as well04:27
Riddellgnomefreak: where?04:27
gnomefreaki asked him to come here04:27
gnomefreakwe are both in #ubuntu-mozillateam04:28
nixternalhehe, someone finally noticed the K and gears on my blog header04:29
Tonio_Riddell: the INCLUDES line is incomplete04:30
Tonio_Riddell: added several things and it works, now I have to find out which one fixes hehe :)04:30
HobbseeRiddell: can you give back failed to build packages, in soyuz, or only depwait ones?04:31
RiddellHobbsee: I can't give back anything04:31
HobbseeRiddell: ah, i suspected that.  but the people who *can* give back things...04:32
Riddellbuildd admins can give back either, although depwait ones ought to sort themselves out04:32
Hobbseeright, cool04:32
=== gnomefreak wishes PPA could give back packages sometimes
nixternalgnomefreak: that feature is coming04:34
Hobbseemmm..  will be interesting to see if this actually builds04:34
gnomefreakits handy for the people ther enever used it and forgot to add universe to section lines04:34
gnomefreakor main or whatever other one04:35
nixternalya, I always forget to add the section line myself in debian/control for the ppa04:35
Jucatoyay now I can tell some people "I told you so!" :)04:36
gnomefreaki screwed up a few of them they built bins for main repo so now i make it a point to double check it04:36
Jucatonixternal: 4.0 delayed :)04:36
nixternalJucato: yup04:36
Riddellgnomefreak: I've done that04:36
nixternalwe knew it would happen04:36
Riddellmaybe it went away but I definately could04:37
nixternalas a matter of fact, my ppa now has qimageblitz in main :)04:37
JucatoI was just waiting for it to be announced hehe04:37
Jucatoalthough I was hoping late november though...04:37
gnomefreaki have new nss nspr xulrunner will be there soon i hope04:37
nixternaleven then would be a tight deadline04:37
mhbnixternal: groovy04:38
nixternalwill the real Jucato please stand up04:38
Jucatothat was on the desktop hehehe04:39
JucatoI'm still trying to figure out a nice setup for everything :(04:39
=== Jucato takes cover from a probable streetfight...
Jucatoin the other room :)04:43
nixternalthen it wouldn't be a streetfight would it :)04:43
nixternalI was like, streetfight, PICS!#!04:43
Jucatoscreenshots/chat logs would be ok?04:43
RiddellHobbsee: if you're playing with amarok, the install-mp3 script could do with being changed to use adept_batch update04:44
HobbseeRiddell: instead of apt-get update?04:45
RiddellHobbsee: yes04:47
HobbseeRiddell: done04:47
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bddebianHi Jucato04:49
Jucatohi bddebian04:49
ryanakcamhb: you can ssh into groupware.kubuntu.co.uk if you wish to change your password.05:13
=== ryanakca wishes there was a better way to create accounts than manually running 'adduser' for 35 people
bddebianCan't adduser take a file as input?05:14
=== ryanakca checks the manpage... hehe... oops
Hobbseeoh dear.  http://librarian.dogfood.launchpad.net/7816673/buildlog_ubuntu-gutsy-i386.amarok_2%3A1.4.7-0ubuntu3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz05:15
HobbseeRiddell: why do i get ^ ?05:16
Hobbseewell, how do i fix it?05:16
Hobbseedo i have to relibtoolise first or something?05:16
nixternalthat is an interesting issue there05:18
RiddellHobbsee: I've no idea, maybe it needs buildprep run on it05:22
HobbseeRiddell: i thought that buildprep went and undid it's changes aftwerwards?05:22
Riddellwouldn't be much point if it did05:23
Hobbseewell, yeah...05:23
Hobbseei know it unapplies patches afterwards, though05:23
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Tonio_Riddell: no the fix doesn't work in fact.......05:39
Tonio_Riddell: I can't figure out out this works..... looked at ktorrent code for example, nothing specific and .h generated files are included correctly....05:40
Tonio_Riddell: weird, really05:40
ryanakcanixternal: hmm. looks like the '-f' option has disappeared...05:49
Tonio_allee: if you can help on that point, that would be nice, cause I'm really lost05:49
alleeHobbsee: build prep applies the patches; run make -f Makefile.cvs; reverts the patches; then makes diff of what's changed (Mostly .in files due to .am changes)05:57
Hobbseeallee: right05:57
alleeHobbsee: so all the autogenerated changes are hidden in 98_buildprep.diff.05:57
alleeTonio_: help with what?05:58
Tonio_allee: ftbfs due to header inclusion fails05:59
Riddellallee: it doesn't make this diff05:59
Riddellyou have to do that by hand05:59
Tonio_allee: all include path are absolute, works with relative path, but I don't know how to get them relative :)05:59
Riddellor not in the case of kubuntu05:59
alleeTonio_: ftbfs of what amarok?06:00
Tonio_allee: kdebluetooth latest svn06:01
Tonio_allee: there is a new ui file that generates a .h06:01
=== Hobbsee heads to bed, but will read backscroll
Tonio_allee: the point is that due to srcdir != builddir it fails to be included06:01
Tonio_allee: the key seems to be that in the g++ command all the path are absolute and not relative06:01
Tonio_allee: with relative things that seems to be okay06:02
Tonio_allee: have an idea on how to fix the issue06:02
Tonio_allee: to make it simple, looking at the ktorrent buildlog, the g++ command to build main.cpp has this : -I../../ktorrent/libktorrent06:05
Tonio_I don't have that king of relative thing in kdebluetooth, and I don't understand why since I have the same INCLUDES in the makefiles06:06
Tonio_+ .am files06:06
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alleeTonio_: use one of $(src_dir)/path/to/dir $(build_dir)/path/to/dir or  $(top_srcdir)/path/in/source/tree  $(top_builddir)/...06:23
alleeTonio_: if it's a builddir != srcdir issue   $(src_dir)../../ktorrent/libktorrent should work (but it's ugly)  better get rid of ../../06:24
Tonio_allee: trying06:25
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Jucatonixternal: you're the first to blog about the delay :P06:48
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ScottKWhat delay?06:49
JucatoKDE 4.006:49
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mhbnixternal: speaking of "Kubuntu will produce the packages the day they are released" -- how's the beta 2 packages?06:59
DaSkreechWhats his blog?06:59
ryanakcaDaSkreech: blog.nixternal.com07:00
Jucatoor just see in plante.ubuntu.com :)07:00
DaSkreechduh only the first hit on google07:00
Jucato(you're not subscribed? *shock*)07:00
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TheInfinityhello ... is the adept bug known that in MIME type collumn the maintainer is shown? :)07:45
TheInfinitybtw - MIME type is bad description - is should be description or something like that07:45
ScottKIIRC yes, but check launchpad for a bug.07:50
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RiddellTheInfinity: yes, although we've no idea what's causing it08:20
TheInfinityokay ...08:22
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aantipopi think i found a bug: once you used dolphins option to "open as root", each time you close dolphin in user-mode theres a error: unable to save bookmarks, permission denied, because bookmarks.xml permissions are root then09:18
aantipop(dolphin 0.9.1 on kde 3.5.7)09:18
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aantipopshould i file a bug on this on launchpad ?09:35
=== ScottK would say yes.
aantipopanother thing: i changed dolphin to be the default file manager. if i click on trash, choose "open in a new window" i get the error: invalid adress "trash:/"09:38
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_moose_I was just reading the HelpingKubuntu page on the wiki and I decided to see what's going on in the channel. Really love what Kubuntu does on my laptop!09:56
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mhbmike_moose: what is going on? Well, the usual friday evening. Our BDFL is putting on his pyjamas, and the other Europeans will most likely do the same... the Americans enjoy their productive afternoon and so on10:05
nixternalmhb: we are just starting them now10:08
nixternalkde 4 beta 2 packages that is10:08
Riddellnixternal: I can give you more if you want10:09
mhbnixternal: by the way, is it possible not to be dependent on the Launchpad's building system this time?10:09
nixternalRiddell: sure....10:10
nixternalhey, what's up with KDE on Gutsy after recent updates? I can't paste w/o the system locking up10:10
nixternalin Kontact/KMail especially10:10
nixternalbrb, gotta reboot again10:10
nixternalOK, back10:11
mhbtoday is really a nice day10:17
mhbfull of news :o)10:17
mhbKDE delayed, Python 3000 alpha 1 is out10:17
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nixternalwo0t...I love when people respond to blog posts by joining the channel list and wanting to help out10:36
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kwwiinixternal: be lucky that you can copy..pasting is really an advanced task :p10:40
kwwiierm, feel lucky....man my english is going down the tubes10:42
tmskenixternal: I have this also that I can't paste in Kontact/KMail. Kontact crashes, do still have this?10:43
alleehehe, fun does not stop there. With pop I got 2 time 'list incomplete'  then I only see empty msgs, loosing the real one.  9 msg up to now :(10:45
tmskenixternal: there is a bug in launchpad10:46
nixternalallee: does that happen when you do a manual mail check or when kontact/kmail does an auto download?10:46
nixternalkontact/kmail works fine when I start it up, but afterwards, if I do a manual mail check, I get the empty messages with "no subject" and "unknown" for sender and date10:47
alleenixternal: manual.10:47
nixternalit puts them in the trash and marks them as spam since they are empty10:47
alleenixternal: happened only 2 times so I can't see a pattern yet.  But yes, up to know it was never the first download.10:48
nixternalI have filed bugs on malone and upstream10:48
alleenixternal: no. I see the empty msg in my inbox10:48
nixternalahh, mine gets flagged as spam and the default behavior I have is to move them to the trash10:49
nixternalI forgot that is how I did spam handling a while back10:49
=== ryanakca emails out the passwords/logins
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Tonio_Riddell: just saw you uploaded dolphin with the fix for system in kicker, I forgot to do it..... sorry12:18
Riddellno problem, I made some other changes too12:19
Tonio_yup I saw that12:19
Tonio_kdebluetooth i fixed btw..... strange issue, still I know how to fix, but I don't understand why it doesn't work the same way that with others .ui files... doesn't make sense to me12:20
Tonio_Riddell: I'll prepare a UFV exception for ktorrent tomorrow12:21
=== erov [n=j@c-76-22-137-36.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
mhbis it possible to do automated CD tests on a virtualization level?12:22
mhbKubuntu automated CD test, of course12:22
mhbI wonder if Canonical is doing Ubuntu's somehow12:23
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mhbRiddell: is there a chance you may know about this? ^^ Sorry for bothering you, feel free not to answer12:37

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