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bdgraueare there known problems with compiz-fusion in gutsy? i have no windowdecorations, worked in feisty, what informations can i give to solve the problem?01:32
FrankHsame problem here. had to disable desktop effects.01:37
AlinuxOSbdgraue, FrankH I have no window borders here...01:39
bdgrauesame here01:39
Arwenare you all on NVIDIA by any chance?01:40
Arwenyou have ADDARBGLXVisuals 24 or whatever, right?01:40
FrankHnvidia here01:40
bdgrauethink so, yes01:40
FrankHArwen: what is that?01:41
bdgraueOption "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "true"01:41
bdgrauein Section "Device"01:42
ArwenFrankH, sets 24-bit glx visuals01:42
FrankHhave to check01:42
Arwenhelps if the window decorator errors out with "32-bit mode, no such thing, blah blah blah"01:42
=== Arwen hasn't used compiz in a while
bdgraueArwen: http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/14343/  this is my xorg.conf01:43
bdgrauesomething wrong in there?01:47
Arwennope, not that I can see.01:47
ArwenThat's a really nice pastebin by the way, really easy to read :-)01:47
bdgraueyes it is :)01:47
Arwenbdgraue, what happens when you run "gtk-window-decorator" or "emerald" from a terminal?01:49
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FrankHdumb question...where did the the device manage go under admin?01:51
bdgrauegtk-window-decorator does not work, cause i have kde, if i type emerald or emerald --replace i get nothing01:51
Arwenabsolutely nothing? because almost NOTHING every "doesn't do anything".01:52
bdgrauei can give you that pastebin of nothing if you wsh ;)01:52
=== Arwen shrugs
ArwenI could help you more if I actually still used compiz :-P01:53
bdgraueit seems so01:53
bdgrauei have the fusion-icon installed01:54
bdgraueArwen: http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/14260/01:54
FrankHfunny thing about the windowsdecorations is that it goes away at lower resolutions01:54
Arwenbdgraue, hmm, no idea01:55
bdgrauethere is an error, but i have no idea how to solve this01:55
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wfarrGstreamer is super bust on this end01:57
FrankHno sound here either01:58
wfarrgetting Internal Data Stream errors using any Gstreamer-using app01:58
wfarrworks fine in non-Gstreamer players01:58
Arwendunno, I don't use GStreamer either01:58
RAOFwfarr: Works for me01:59
wfarrRAOF, check updates - Gstreamer updates came down the pipe like 20 minutes ago here01:59
wfarrafter updating those, Gstreamer has ceased to work for me01:59
RAOFHm, maybe I've missed them then.01:59
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lufisIs kde 4 going to be in gutsy?02:12
RAOFYes, kinda.02:13
RAOFIt's not going to be default, of course.02:13
lufiskind of?02:13
lufisBummer :(02:14
Arwenwfarr, gstreamer0.10 still works here02:14
Arwenalso still has that stupid H.264 corruption bug, but oh well02:14
FrankHlooks like the fluendo mp3 codecs for gstreamer are killing my sound in ubuntu gutsy02:14
wfarrArwen, version 0.10.5.debian-1?02:16
wfarrer hm02:16
wfarrsome odd packaging variations02:16
wfarrin either case, any MP3's I tested with latest GST flopped02:17
wfarrbut they play fine in XINE02:17
snadgei wish kde would just die already.. im so glad gnome is the default ;)02:17
ArwenI think you have problems02:18
wfarrArwen, my plugins-base is the same02:18
wfarrthe 0.10.5 = -fluendo-mp302:19
wfarrbut that's current02:19
wfarrsnadge, I don't even like Amarok, but some music is better than none02:19
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FrankHsnadge:  why do you not like kde?02:20
FrankHlinus does :)02:21
stefanoHello, Is the nvidia module compiled directly into the kernel in gutsy?02:21
snadgei wonder if hes ever actually looked at the source code, or tried to write a KDE application though02:21
snadgei doubt it02:21
snadgetheres no doubt that KDE has a more attractive interface02:21
=== RAOF doubts that, frankly.
stefanoNot really, gnome looks good too.02:21
stefanoJust depends if you mod it or not.02:22
FrankHsnadge: r u a gtk+ developer?02:22
snadgeyes.. i think the gnome philosophy is more inline with what ubuntu is trying to achieve02:22
FrankHi find Qt "easy" to develop in02:22
stefanoCould anyone tell me if there is a way to specify  which location to init gdm?02:22
snadgesimple, with sane defaults02:22
snadgebut admittedly i find some gnome applications a little TOO simple02:23
stefanoI would like it to have it start always on F7 or display :0.002:23
stefanosnadge, simplicity is a beauty :D02:23
snadgeeg.. as far as im concerned theres no better burning utility than k3b02:23
FrankHi'd like to see the same integration in gnome as in kde02:23
snadgegnomebaker, and all those other gtk burning programs.. are rather crappy02:24
FrankH<-- admittedly a former OSX user02:24
snadgeFrankH: are you also a windows developer?02:25
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FrankHcross-platform. yes02:33
FrankHswitched form gnome to kde about a year ago02:33
FrankHbut use both02:33
FrankHthere are a lot of things about gnome, too02:33
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snadgeso why doesnt gnome have a menu editor still02:33
RAOFWhich menu do you mean?02:33
snadgethe applications menu02:33
RAOFRight click->Edit menu02:33
snadgefor example.. under windows you can just delete icons, create a new one etc.. the equivalent of "start" menu02:33
snadgesince when has that been there?02:33
RAOFMaybe Dapper?02:33
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stefanoIs it possible to install the nvidia website drivers on gutsy?02:37
crdlbstefano, can I ask why you want to?02:38
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stefanocrdlb, newer drivers?02:45
RAOFstefano: No, the same drivers.02:46
RAOFAlso, the same *crap* drivers.02:46
stefanocrdlb, I kind of screwed up, does the nvidia driver have an uninstall function?02:46
crdlbyes, but it doesn't work02:46
stefanoHow do i install the restricted drivers from console? I sudo apt-get install linux-rest.. blabla, great! Then how do you get the glx, GLcore?02:47
stefanoand the nvidia module?02:47
RAOFInstall the linux-generic & nvidia-glx packages.02:48
stefanolinux-386 and nvidia-glx... ok. I will try that.02:49
RAOFAny particular reason you're using linux-386?02:50
stefanonot really...02:50
RAOFYou should probably be using linux-generic, then :)02:51
stefanoI though that if i had it to my architecture it would run better?02:51
stefanoIt was all working before.02:51
RAOF-386 is the slow, compatible version.02:51
RAOF-generic is the faster one.02:51
stefanoDummy me. :(02:51
stefanoWow, that seriously bums me out. I had so much fun thinking my pc was faster.02:52
RAOFNope.  Slower, and only using 1 cpu :)02:52
stefanoEven HT?02:53
RAOFEven HT.02:53
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IradigalescHello! I upgrade to gusty and now I can't use phpmyadmin :( The configuration file now needs a secret passphrase (blowfish_secret). It works well with feisty02:54
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stefanoRAOF, hmm you sure saved a life ^^. That's why i always wanted to compile my kernel to a 686, now i don02:56
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stefanoIs the apt-get cache always the same?02:58
stefanoI mean, if i want to reinstall gutsy again from scratch, is it possible to copy the apt cache somewhere else and later copy it back so i don't have to redownload all the updates?02:59
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defendguini updated today some gstreamer packages were included in the updates and now i can't play mp3 with rhythmbox   :-((02:59
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RAOFstefano: Oh, yes you can.03:01
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defendguinanyone else have this happen to them?03:03
stefanoJust making sure, /var/cache/apt, right?03:03
stefanolol, damn i still sound like a noob, even after being on linux for a few months.03:04
stefanoIt's like you never stop learning.03:04
macacoguys can please help me how i can change in session /usr/bin/compiz.real --ignore bla bla03:05
stefanoDoes anyone know why is it that when install the restricted drivers, the console keyboard layout changes to a default one? Not the modified one i had before, and even uninstalling the restricted doesn't bring it back to working state.03:09
stefanoOr even a better way to tackle the problem. How do i set the console (tty1) to have the same configuration as xkb?03:10
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snadgewhen is gutsy being released again?03:34
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stefanoOct something03:37
stefanobetween the 1 and the 30th ^^03:38
Random832not on the 31st?03:38
Random832could throw together a haloween theme03:38
stefanoOne that works throughout the year :D03:39
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Administratori dont have 4 workspaces for some reason04:03
Administratorany idea what happened?04:03
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Alpha_Clusterdid the gstreamer update break gstreamer for anyone else?04:07
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koucan someone help me with lm-sensors?04:17
kouok, well I ran it and the did detecting04:19
kouit detects nothing04:19
kouhow can I force a read on the CPU?04:19
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SeveredCrossI think Gstreamer just broke...04:21
Alpha_Clusterok so im not the only one04:22
bullgard4What does Synaptic mean in its sentence: "For 2.4 kernels, this requires either installing prebuild modules or04:24
bullgard4building them using the lm-sensors-source package. For 2.6 kernels, use the modules that are already in the kernel tree."04:25
bullgard4with 'kernel tree'?04:25
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khermans_where did /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist go in gutsy?04:28
khermans_it is broken up now?  and how does this work?04:28
fignewkou: the temperature?04:28
fignewtry running acpi -t04:30
fignewthat gives me the CPU temperature on my desktop & laptop without lmsensors04:30
fignewthat said04:31
fignewlmsensors does give more info04:31
fignewdepending on the mobo (like fanspeed, voltages)04:31
fignewthough I have seen a few cases where it makes the box unstable :P04:31
koufignew, it's OLD04:31
koureally old04:31
koulike a 500mhz processor04:32
fignewit can't be that old if it supports acpi ;)04:32
fignewbah, tell that to my 40mhz IRC proxy ;)04:32
kouwe're about to fid out04:32
fignewand my old 66mhz email server (RIP)04:32
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koumy first was 64mhz04:33
fignewbullgard4: you need help?04:33
kouoh, btw: no ACPsuport in kernal, or incorrect acpi_path04:34
fignewfigures since it's such an old box04:34
=== SeveredCross wonders wtf is up with gstreamer
bullgard4fignew:  What does Synaptic mean by 'kernel tree' in its sentence: "For 2.4 kernels, this requires either installing prebuild modules or building them using the lm-sensors-source package. For 2.6 kernels, use the modules that are already in the kernel tree."04:34
Alpha_ClusterSeveredCross, i dont know for sure but i cannot get a audio player to use it04:34
fignewkou: you can try setting up lm-sensors using "sudo sensors-detect"04:35
SeveredCrossBoth Banshee and Rhythmbox are busted.04:35
koualready did04:35
kouthat's why I'm here04:35
fignewand it didn't work?04:35
kounot at all04:35
fignewthen your PC is too old :P04:35
kouit's not MY PC that's old04:35
kouI'm on my PC now04:35
kouit's my grandmother's pc04:36
kouI can't make the darn thing work...04:36
fignewgrandmas don't care about CPU temperature ;)04:36
fignewbullgard4: I believe by kernel tree it's just talking about the kernel modules04:37
koufignew, thermal failures are very bad04:37
fignewis it an intel chip?04:37
kouI got  in a row in um.. 30 secs04:37
fignewI'm pretty sure you're fine then04:37
fignew90% sure that P3s will shut themselves down04:38
fignewwhen the overheat04:38
fignewand not fry themselves04:38
kouyea, but why does it overheat?04:38
=== DerekS [n=DerekS@cpe-66-65-46-91.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
fignewbad thermal paste04:38
fignewbad fan04:38
fignewtoo small of a heatsink :P04:38
kouyea, sounds about right04:38
fignewalso, depending on the BIOS, you can set the computer to beep when it starts overheating04:39
koucan you walk me through that?04:39
fignewI know, cause I had a computer at work beeping at me like crazy today :P04:39
fignewsure, but your computer might not support it04:39
fignewstill worth a shot though04:39
fignewreboot, when the 1st screen pops up, see what key it says you need to press inorder to enter setup04:40
fignewand press it04:40
koubios: OptiPlez GX1 450MTbr+04:40
kouversion A0204:40
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kouI'm on the bios04:41
kouthat's how I got the data04:41
fignewohh :p04:41
fignewwell, its sorta funny, at home I have a Dell Optiplex04:41
kou450mhz/320mb ram04:42
fignewthat computer is so solid04:42
fignewI wouldn't worry about it overheating04:42
fignewjust make sure it isn't too dusty ;)04:42
kouwell it overheared twice in less than 2 hrs04:43
fignewhow do you know it overheated?04:43
fignewdid it freeze?04:43
kou"Alert! Previous Thermal Failure"04:44
koushowed up at boot04:44
kouwhat is "Power management"?04:45
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fignewthat computer is funny, it also warns you when the case has been opened04:45
fignewpowermanagement = how long it takes to turn off the Harddrive04:45
fignewwhen idle04:45
fignewor how long it takes to fall asleep / turn off the monitor04:46
kouah... windows does that already though04:46
fignewLinux does that on its own too04:46
kouwhat about the beeping thingy?04:46
fignewthe bios just has it if you're in a DOS application or something04:46
kouyea, well it has XP installed and it's not mine to toy with on OSes04:46
fignewis there a "system health" menu in the BIOS?04:47
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fignewWell just snoop around in it04:47
kouchassis intrusion, DAC snoop, ACPI04:47
fignewand see if you can find anything that looks similar :P04:47
fignewis ACPI turned on?04:48
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fignewdunno then :(04:49
kouwat is DAC Snoop, any idea?04:50
fignewno idea04:51
fignewbut Dell sez: Video DAC Snoop lets you correct video problems that may occur when you use certain video expansion cards. The default is Off. If you are using a video expansion card and problems such as incorrect colors or blank windows occur, set Video DAC Snoop to On.04:51
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fignewDon't ask me what that means :P04:51
kouok, well thanks04:52
kouI can't figure this all out04:53
koufignew, how many numbers in a bios password?04:55
fignew8 is the max normally04:55
koufinally... got it disabled04:56
kouI accidentially set a bios password04:57
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Random832oops wrong channel05:05
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khermans_does anyone have /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist ?05:25
khermans_it seems to have disappeared in gutsy05:25
xtknightkhermans_,  i have it05:28
xtknight(and i have gutsy too :) )05:28
khermans_xtknight, interesting05:28
khermans_xtknight, you have that one file, or somehting like blacklist-*05:28
xtknightyou can just put it in any blacklist-* file05:28
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xtknighti have "blacklist" literally05:29
xtknightwhich i actually dont remember seeing on Feisty05:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rsync - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:29
khermans_oh, i dont know where mine went05:29
shirish!info rsync05:29
ubotursync: fast remote file copy program (like rcp). In component main, is standard. Version 2.6.9-5ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 256 kB, installed size 516 kB05:29
khermans_xtknight, you know what sucks about the blacklist file?05:30
khermans_why does it require you to type "blacklist"05:30
khermans_are there any other possible options?05:30
xtknighti dont know..05:30
khermans_no one knows it seems..05:30
khermans_if you find out, let me know :-)05:30
khermans_whatever, im filing a bug...05:31
xtknightfor that?05:31
xtknightor a missing blacklist file?05:31
khermans_xtknight, yeah, its useless05:31
khermans_no, feature request to remove that05:31
khermans_there is no man page entry for it05:31
xtknightya its a debian thing i guess05:32
xtknight"man modprobe.conf"05:32
khermans_xtknight, yes -- well we're all here ot make it better05:32
khermans_include, ...05:32
xtknightso actually the files dont have to be called "blacklist" at all05:32
khermans_so there are other options05:32
xtknightthey just are, and they just happen to contain blacklist05:32
xtknightanything in modprobe.d is fair game for blacklitsing modules05:33
khermans_i guess so05:33
khermans_now i know!05:33
khermans_i still think the file disappeared05:34
khermans_i had it in warty, hoary, breezy, dapper, edgy, and feisty05:34
xtknighti didnt have it in feisty from what i remember :/05:34
khermans_i definitely had it05:34
khermans_apt-file might tell me05:35
xtknightdpkg -S /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist05:35
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xtknightmodule-init-tools: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist05:35
khermans_feisty: http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/admin/module-init-tools05:36
shirishguys does anybody know ubuntulog works?05:36
khermans_was in there too...05:36
shirishI know it keeps a log of a room/channel05:37
ubotuubuntulog is a logging bot run on various Ubuntu channels. You can read the logs at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/05:37
khermans_oh fabs :-)05:37
RAOFYou can find one of my old passwords in the logs for #ubuntu-devel if you try :(05:38
=== khermans_ google's RAOF+ passwords
shirishRAOF: I was interested in finding something else ;)05:39
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=== Rawr is now known as NastyAccident
shirishROAF: for instance do you know that ubuntu+1 logs for the last 10 days are not present :(05:40
shirishI was trying to find some info. which unfortunately is not in my pidgin log :(05:40
khermans_shirish, just google some of the keywords you typed05:42
shirishkhermans_: I could, but there was some conversation about some stuff which I don't think google will know.05:43
khermans_google knows everything05:43
khermans_speaking of people knowing everything, i just read about this hack that those 3-letter agencies can use to enable your cell phone remotely05:44
khermans_so, unless you take out the battery, you have a mobile microphone in your pocket...05:45
shirishkhermans_: you can pv me the link if you would like, I love reading govt. conspirancy stuff ;)05:47
khermans_shirish, http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20061203-8343.html05:48
shirishno issues, I just hope we didn't offend anybody with off-topic stuff.05:49
khermans_the phone were running ubuntu i think...05:49
voidmagehow do I install eclipse visual editor?05:50
khermans_voidmage, sudo aptitude install eclipse05:51
shirishkhermans_: have you played/worked with rsync or Grsync?05:53
shirishI am looking for a method to do backups for my data.05:54
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stuntany idea Evanlec ?06:00
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Evanlecstunt no i was just suggesting this channel ;p06:00
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aroonihey folks06:03
aroonihow often should i set my update manager to run06:03
arooniand should i download automatically06:03
arooniand hav eit install without my permission06:03
h1st0arooni: thats up to you.06:04
h1st0I wouldn't with a dev release untill its further down the road.06:04
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graftyo - i upgraded xorg and now it's borked - i suspect some tweaks regarding my card (radeon xpress 200M) are to blame06:10
graftanyone heard any such?06:10
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grafthmm seems to be this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-driver-ati/+bug/13321406:22
ubotuLaunchpad bug 133214 in xserver-xorg-driver-ati "[xpress 200m]  doesn't load the gnome desktop" [Undecided,Confirmed] 06:22
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shirishguys is this true that we have moved from bash shell to dash, if so anyway to find out which shell somebody is running?06:24
crdlbshirish, yes06:25
crdlbsince edgy06:26
crdlbls -ld /bin/sh06:26
crdlbwould tell you06:26
shirishcrdlb: oh, didn't know, I was always under the impression that we used GNU bash06:26
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shirishcrdlb: thank you06:26
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grafterr, moved away from dash meaning that dash is now linked from /bin/sh, NOT that dash is the default login shell06:46
graftsince dash has, like, zero functionality06:47
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RAOFIndeed.  It's got less features than bash, and is faster.06:57
RAOFSo we use it for running shell scripts.06:57
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aroonihey folks08:07
aroonii just installed the new compviz updates08:07
arooniand now i dont get cool sexy effects anymore08:07
aroonishould i reboot my computer?08:07
aroonialso; alsa mixer doesnt work anymore :(08:08
aroonimust i recompile from source08:08
jussi01!compiz | arooni08:10
ubotuarooni: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects08:10
aroonihow do i learn the status of a ftp connnectoin i initate with places ==> ftp08:11
arooniits just blue08:11
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snaxhey, anyone using gnome-main-menu (slab)08:16
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kousotuhow would I go about installing flash from adobe?08:47
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jussi01kousotu: why not use the version in the repos? ie. sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree08:58
jussi01!info flashplugin-nonfree08:58
ubotuflashplugin-nonfree: Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 17 kB, installed size 148 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)08:58
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kousotuhow do you repair firefox plugins?09:45
pvandewyngaerde_what is broken ?09:51
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kousotuthey don;t show09:53
kousotunowit does..09:54
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aroonihey folks!10:32
aroonii'm having loads of trouble with my sound card10:32
aroonii have a t61 with intel_hda... and i installed alsa from source10:32
arooniand now i get this error: FATAL: Error inserting snd_hda_intel (/lib/modules/2.6.22-10-generic/ubuntu/media/snd-hda-intel/snd-hda-intel.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)10:32
arooniwhen i modprobe snd_ihda_intel10:32
arooni[  227.536000]  snd_hda_intel: Unknown symbol snd_ctl_elem_write10:33
arooni[  227.536000]  snd_hda_intel: disagrees about version of symbol snd_device_new10:33
arooni[  227.536000]  snd_hda_intel: Unknown symbol snd_device_new10:33
arooni[  227.536000]  snd_hda_intel: disagrees about version of symbol snd_card_disconnect10:33
DanaGOh, have you rebooted after installing the new modules?10:44
DanaGYou may just be having version conflicts -- system has old versions of base modules loaded.10:45
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asisakDo you know happened to the "Hibernate" button in System / Quit ...11:27
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asisakhey Do``11:32
Do``i just found that the pidgin upgrade is being kept back11:32
Do``and when i wanted to force the upgrade to install the missing depedencies11:33
Do``i got broken package errors and stuff11:33
Do``did anybody else exp something similar with it?11:33
Hobbseejust...fix the broken packages?11:34
Hobbseepidgin's showing as installable here...11:35
Hobbseeassuming you do a dist-upgrade, to fix the held back packages.11:35
HobbseeDo``: ^11:35
Do``so far i didnt encounter such errors so i dont know how to resolve it11:36
HobbseeDo``: okay, so you tried to fix it completely wrong11:37
Do``could be11:37
HobbseeDo``: lesson #3 of apt.  if packages are held back, do a dist-upgrade.11:37
Do``huh. :D11:37
Hobbseedont try to download a particular version of it, i'ts not hte problem, and will almost never be the problem.  the only case you'd use that is to downgrade a version.11:37
=== Hobbsee wishes people would learn this stuff *before* running the development version of ubuntu, which has this sort of thing all the time.
Do``so far this solution worked and it's not my idea, it came from here ;)11:38
HobbseeDo``: yeah, but whether the original person had no idea either....11:38
HobbseeDo``: lesson number #4 is dont use --force-depends, btw.11:39
Hobbseeif you were ever told to try it11:39
Do``i learned something new today.. :D hopefully that gtk engine upgrade will fix a bug too :)11:39
HobbseeDo``: parts of apt you dont want to use unless you know what you're doing.11:39
Hobbseewhich you probably dont, unless you do packaging and such.11:40
Do``this kind of forced installation would be 1 part i dont want to use.. right? :D11:40
Hobbseewell, you tried to force a particular version, which was pointless, as that's not where the problem si11:40
Hobbseebut you didnt manage to break things while doing it11:40
Do``got another question now that i'm here11:41
=== jussi01 greets Hobbsee
Do``how come the gnome control center doesnt show up in the system menu?11:41
Hobbseehi jussi0111:41
=== Hobbsee does not use gnome.
Do``i'll try to look for missing stuff then, thanks for the help Hobbsee :) the dist-upgrade just finished11:42
praecoxhey guys11:44
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praecoxany news on correcting problem with KMail?11:44
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Asher256ubotu, hi bot11:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hi bot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:46
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jussi01!bot > Asher25611:49
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Infectoany one have idea how to repair kmail?12:09
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jussi01Infecto: if there is a bug, then the information will probably be on the bug12:14
Dannilionwhat is wrong with kmail?12:15
Infectoyep, its bug but i did not see any solutions12:15
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jussi01Infecto: well the solutions will be there when they are available12:19
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Asad2005synaptic in gusty doesnot seems to display all available apps, anyone knows how to overcome this12:58
Asad2005I have selected all available applications from the list12:59
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mr-russAsad2005: did you enable universe?12:59
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humboltoI would like to bring to your attentlon, that upgrades from Feisty to Gutsy fail due to a problem with upgrading libc6.01:01
mr-russhumbolto: I'd file a bug on launchpad.01:01
humboltoI filed a bug already (already is good, I know this bug since Tribe3 and did not file it until now). https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/13633701:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 136337 in ubuntu "libc6 and/or libc6-i686 upgrade fail" [Undecided,New] 01:02
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h1st0Wow no settings manager with compiz in gusty?01:07
h1st0and enable effects takes you to 2 workspaces with no way of changing it.01:08
h1st0installed it now01:12
humboltoh1st0: I tried to change the number of workspaces as well. Did edit gconf therefore. Unfortunately this did not work very well, since there are different places to change the number of workspaces.01:14
humboltoh1st0: There are also different places to control how to navigate through them. I ended up with a config, that would move 2 workspaces to the left when I would hit <crtl><alt><left> instead of just moving one as expected.01:15
humboltoAlso the workspaces where not recognized as such buy either compiz or gnome, whether I configured it in the one place or the other.01:16
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h1st0Yeah if you install settings manager it works fine01:27
h1st0Now I just have to figure out why my audio is crackling01:28
h1st0Did any one notice there are no start up sounds?  Like when gdm login comes up?01:28
snadgeyou running pulseaudio?01:30
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h1st0Just using rythmbox01:32
h1st0Going to try counterstrike here in a minute.01:32
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h1st0Okay its a codec issue something with rythmbox.  mp3s are completely borked now but radio streams are still crackling.01:42
h1st0VLC has no such problems01:42
h1st0neways gnight01:42
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humboltosnadge: is pulseaudio default in gutsy now?01:56
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hyljehmm, how would i have my ipod be used on banshee instead of rockbox?02:18
hyljei mean, rockbox pops up automagically when my ipod is brought up02:18
PiciIsnt there a preference that deals with that.02:19
hyljeah yes02:20
hyljenot in preferred applications02:20
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jsomershylje: system - preferences - removable devices and media02:26
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jussi01!info xorg02:51
ubotuxorg: X.Org X Window System. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.2-5ubuntu7 (gutsy), package size 29 kB, installed size 56 kB02:51
macacoman how i find where is session file that can change /usr/bin/compiz.real02:51
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macacocan anyone here please help me ???02:58
Picimacaco: I'm not sure what you are asking.02:58
macacolook i have ubuntu gutsy and my CF don't work fine02:59
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macacoi have Nvidia gforce 6600 i enable working fine but CF crash and wen i call ccsm Cube or desktop wall no working03:01
macacoanimate effect working but crash wen i can application amarok03:02
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mathrickhi, did the d-i files layout change between Feisty and Gutsy?03:03
mathrickI'm using https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/installation-guide/i386/boot-usb-files.html to install on my CD-less X6003:03
mathrickand it can't file Packages and Release03:03
macacoi find in Session on current session CF is there but like this /usr/bin/compiz.real --ignore03:05
mathrickit says: Unable to find main/debian-installer/binary-i386/Release in /cdrom/dists/gutsy/Release03:05
mathrickwhich is silly03:05
macacomathrick gutsy is Beta, you have to install fresh i think03:06
mathrickmacaco: ...03:06
mathrickthat's exactly what I'm doing, have you even looked at what I linked to?03:07
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macacoi download Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) Tribe 503:09
macacoyou can find here http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/tribe503:10
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arkygeeki tried suspend on my laptop, and now I can't get back into X :s  even after a full reboot, it is borked.  starts to load X, then breaks and kicks me back to tty03:11
Dannilionit's official- my laptop does not want gutsy on it anymore03:13
arkygeeksounds like you have my condition Dannilion03:14
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macacoyou guys what version gutsy are using?03:14
arkygeekmacaco: not sure...03:15
arkygeekabout a week maybe week and a half old03:15
Danniliontribe 2 alterate Kubuntu worked, but didn't have the graphics fix (that came in tribe 3). tribe 3 Ubuntu, tribe 3 Kubuntu and tribe 5 kubuntu do not want to work- the desktop kubuntu ones won't get past 5% of formatting the partition, the ubuntu one got stuck at detecting hardware03:16
macacodownload tribe 5 and try03:16
DannilionI have a very slow connection- it takes me a long time to download a new copy03:17
DannilionI have tribe 5 Kubuntu desktop already- that got stuck at the partitioning stage03:17
macacoi never like kubuntu  ubuntu is better03:17
DannilionI prefer KDE03:17
Dannilionthe tribe 3 Ubuntu desktop came on a magazine DVD, so it's not my burning that's the problem03:18
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macacoso what is the problem in you lap Dannilion03:19
DannilionI don't know03:20
Dannilionpossibly the harddrive, possibly the dvd drive03:20
Dannilionjust it does not like any of my gutsy discs03:21
macacowhat is installed now?03:21
DannilionNothing properly03:21
Dannilionapart from windows, which I can't access because Grub is dead03:22
macacodo you format you hard driver03:22
DannilionI formatted the partitions03:22
DannilionI'll install tribe 2 and see if I can remember how to fix the graphics03:22
macacogood luck03:23
Dannilionluckily for me the text install is much faster :p03:24
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KousotuI'm having sound issues... AGAIN...03:37
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gnomefreakKousotu: im thinking most people do03:46
Kousotugnomefreak: it's starting to tick me off..03:46
Kousotubecause it only breadks After I update03:47
Kousotuif I didn't update anytihng, it'd be fine03:47
Hobbseesound is a pain03:47
KousotuHobbsee: I'v noticed..03:47
HobbseeKousotu: if crimsun's not around, you could always start debugging it yourself - the docs are quite good03:47
gnomefreakKousotu: mine broke a while ago and i just pinged our sound guy but hes outt of country so i dont know when ill hear back03:47
gnomefreakHobbsee: hes out of country but pinged him anyway :)03:48
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KousotuHobbsee: it workson my "headhones" (old speakers from m fried Emachine T2240) but not from the speakers on my laptop03:49
Kousotubut wait, it gets better03:49
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Kousotuand even on the speakers, it only works on the left side03:49
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Linnetwork-admin is setting wext as my driver (To atheros card), but the driver just DONT works. Changing to madwifi should be better. Is this a bug?03:52
Lins/network-admin/network manager/03:54
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KousotuLin: what atheros card?03:57
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LinKousotu: dlink d-520g03:59
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LinKousotu: in fact, there is no way to configure using network-manager, I always use vi to do the task, no problem for me, but its a problem for users. IMHO, wifi things are not working together. We have to models to configure network interfaces wireless-* or wpa-* (man pages say that both them works, but (again IMHO) i dont think). Any help is welcome.04:03
LinKousotu: this card:  Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5212 802.11abg NIC (rev 01)  Subsystem: D-Link System Inc D-Link AirPlus DWL-G520 Wireless PCI Adapter(rev.B)04:05
Hobbseei didnt think those were even supported by atheros04:05
Hobbseeoh wait, the earlier versions are, that's right04:05
LinHobbsee: they are. I use at home and here04:06
Linbut they aren't VERY stable.04:06
LinI can put 200 computers working fine. but only "vi" configuring it.04:06
LinUsing network-manager is impossibke.04:06
LinAnother thing. network-manager only starts network interface after user login. There is any way to start card at boot time?04:07
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KousotuLin: I don't know about that04:07
LinKousotu: about what? start at boot time?04:08
KousotuAR5007EG smy Atheros card04:08
KousotuLin: yes, boot-time04:08
LinKousotu: should be a nice add on.04:08
KousotuLin: check wifi radar04:09
Lini feel my hands tied, cause I really dont know what to do about network things.04:09
LinKousotu: I will check04:09
KousotuLin: my netowk on Linux is down agian...04:09
Kousotuzd1211rw AND my atheros card(never worked)04:09
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HobbseeLin: er, vi?  what's a text editor got to do with networking?04:10
LinHobbsee: vi /etc/network/interfaces ;-)04:10
LinHobbsee: I can use iwconfig too ;-) but changes are not permanent :-)04:10
HobbseeLin: then you're actually talking about /etc/init.d/network04:10
Hobbseewhich is != vi :P04:10
LinHobbsee: i do not edit init.d/networking  just interfaces file04:11
Hobbseeno, but the interfaces file is called by the above command...04:12
LinHobbsee: I know04:12
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Linin fact they are called for ifup / down04:12
Lininit.d/networking calls ifup/down04:13
KousotuHobbsee: know of any issues with zd1211rw on Tribe 4?04:13
Linand this is called by runit (on ubuntu)04:13
HobbseeKousotu: not offhand, but that doesnt mean anything as to whether they exist or not04:13
LinHobbsee: are you maintainer of atheros driver on ubuntu?04:14
Hobbseei just used to have an atheros card, and looked at buying a later version of the card that you have.04:15
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Linwill bulletproof X comes with 7.10?04:15
KousotuHobbsee: what do you do?04:15
HobbseeLin: that's the plan04:15
LinHobbsee: good.04:16
LinHobbsee: another question. Isn't a REAL BUG. There is any easy configurator to manage samba servar configs? As: Create SMB user, set up domain.04:17
jeffferrari!info wine04:17
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.42-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 31957 kB, installed size 99904 kB04:17
HobbseeLin: unsure, soren would know04:17
Lincause shares-admin (smb) can add a share, ok. But users smb users are not created. Users think that is not working at all.04:17
Linand there is no easy way to change domain name or join a existing domain.04:18
HobbseeKousotu: various bits and pieces.  the non-exhaustive list is:  irc ops, kubuntu development, MOTU, MOTU-UVF, bits on the ubuntu release team, core developer, list admin for a few of the ubuntu lists, etc....04:18
Hobbseei'm missing a few there, i think04:18
Linif there is no such tool, I iwll try to build one this weekend.04:18
Lintrying with python-gtk04:19
HobbseeLin: i dont play with that stuff. soren, or one of the server team will know04:19
Linwhere they are?04:19
Hobbsee#ubuntu-server, i expect04:20
KousotuHobbsee: was referingto inside the os only, but impressive list04:20
HobbseeKousotu: *shrugs*.  well, in that case, here's my package list.  http://launchpad.net/~hobbsee/+packages04:20
=== Hobbsee curses her uplink.
Hobbseecome on...04:23
=== Hobbsee gets out and pushes
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Toma-Hobbsee: just out of curiosity, what kind of job do you have?04:24
HobbseeToma-: i'm a student, and i work at a supermarket.04:25
HobbseeKousotu: i'm uploading a 15mb tarball.  it's slow04:25
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gusty231hi @ all04:25
Toma-wow :) and you still find time for all the stuff you do in ubuntu. kudos to you.04:25
Kousotuthe lexmark issue?04:25
HobbseeToma-: it may not be smart.  *g*04:25
HobbseeKousotu: hm?04:26
Hobbseewhat about lexmark?04:26
Kousotu[09:20:25]  gusty231 : i have a problem setting up my lexmark printer in gusty04:26
Kousotu[09:21:06]  gusty231 : IndyGunFreak: z61504:26
gusty231any ideas here?04:26
KousotuIwas watching that, and was gonna tell you to come here, butI thught Idy was gonna help you04:26
HobbseeKousotu: bah.  no04:26
jeffferrari!info wine04:26
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.42-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 31957 kB, installed size 99904 kB04:26
Hobbseeno interest in printing04:26
KousotuHobbsee: huh??04:26
jeffferrarihmmm wasn't imagining things... where is this package?04:26
Toma-Hobbsee: need to look after yourself before others, otherwise you cant keep looking after them...04:27
HobbseeKousotu: so no, i'm not uploading lexmark04:27
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.04:27
Picijeffferrari: universe?04:27
HobbseeToma-: yeah, well.  this is true.04:27
jeffferrariPici: nope... checked04:27
KousotuHobbsee: wasn't asking you to04:27
jeffferrariPici: at least not in gutsy repo like ubotu thinks04:27
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Kousotujeffferrari: try just wine as the packge04:28
HobbseeKousotu: ah.  i eventually figured that04:28
Kousotutook ya long enought04:28
KousotuHobbsee: who's in chargo of th wifi junk?04:28
Hobbseeubuntu-kernel team04:29
KousotuI'd love to get my atheros card working..04:29
Kousotubut 5 releases of Gutsy hasn't fixedthat yet04:29
snadgejust saw tribe 5 running on a friends laptop.. it has a designed for windows xp sticker on it04:30
snadgeeverything works.. suspend etc04:30
Kousotusnadge: Ubuntu Gutsy vs. XP (since I run both)04:30
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Kousotuyou could call Ubuntu winXP+04:31
snadgebut apparently he has problems in windows xp.. cant set the native resolution of the panel04:31
Kousotuand my reason are simple04:31
snadgeand some other technical issues which i cant remember04:31
Picijeffferrari: I see it there...04:31
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Kousotusnadge: Windows drivers arn't user-firendly04:31
snadgehe told me he had tried several drivers.. including hacked ones which were supposed to work04:32
snadgeand they didnt work either04:32
slytherinIs anybody having video playback problems using totem? Mine is an ATI Radeon 700 card if that matters. In mplayer also 'xv' output does not work.04:32
Kousotusnadge: it tok me FOUR HOURS to find a DVD driver...04:32
snadgewhereas ubuntu just works.. wireless, everything ;)04:32
jeffferrariPici: never mind... I'm such a tool... 64 bit lol04:32
jeffferraricompletely forgot04:32
Arwenslytherin, nope, totem doesn't have any more problems *than usual* here04:32
Arwenstill that stupid H.264 corruption bug04:32
slytherinArwen: Which card?04:32
KousotuArwen: I use vlc, less hastle04:33
slytherinArwen: For me somehow the video playback has stopped. It doesn't show any video. Just audio. In mplayer I have to use 'X11' or 'gl' output04:33
ArwenVLC still has that crappy subtitle renderer04:33
Arwenslytherin, fglrx?04:33
slytherinArwen: No. Free drivers04:34
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snadgewhat i want to know.. is how far off we are from being able to virtualise access to GPU as well as CPU.. ie, we pretty much have virtualisation running at native speeds.. but no 3d graphics? why not?04:34
KousotuArwen: I didn't have anyissues with it04:34
slytherinArwen: 700 doesn't need binary drivers. It doesn't have any.04:34
slytherinArwen: s/700/700004:35
Arwen....stop highlighting my name please04:35
HobbseeArwen: it's habit for irc.  deal.04:35
Kousotunot really Hobbsee, I rarely do04:35
Hobbseeyou can probably disable it if you really want.04:35
Kousotuand I aven't found a way to do that either04:36
slytherinArwen: Only you see it highlighted in your client04:36
HobbseeKousotu: you clearly dont tend to often speak in big channels, or maintain a 24hour irc presense either04:36
Kousotuslytherin: this is true, but it droves some ppl crazy04:36
KousotuHobbsee: big chans ad rougly a 14 hr pressence04:36
Kousotumom gets bitchy if I'm up past 2am04:37
Kousotuso I sty up till 4 lol04:37
Hobbseewhoever said anything about being there the whole time.  just the client being there04:37
Kousotudamn keyboard..04:37
slytherinKousotu: I didn't know that. It is useful feature for me to locate messages sent to me.04:37
Kousotuslytherin: but it isn't rally NEEDED after you get the person's attention04:37
HobbseeKousotu: you clearly are *not* a busy person.04:38
Pici!who | ->04:38
Kousotufor the most part, I'll only useit once, to get their attention, then I don't se it after04:38
ubotuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:38
KousotuHobbsee: of course I'm not lol04:38
Hobbseeah, then if i ever stop speaking to you, you've been warned.04:38
slytherinKousotu: Really? Well hang on #ubuntu for a while and you will know how hard it is to locate messages. :-)04:38
Kousotunothing seems to work, so I end up talking here, ALOT04:39
=== Hobbsee has the 20 channel limit removed, and is serioulsy in that many channels, and active in ~6 of them
Hobbseeat any given time04:39
Kousotuit;s a breeze slytherin04:39
Kousotuand I;m IN ubuntu right now04:40
KousotuHobbsee: huh?04:40
Kousotuhow do you find out what sound card you have?04:41
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Kousotuwindows doesn't even tell you04:41
Hobbseelspci, or run crimsun's script somewhere04:41
Kousotulspci -l ?04:41
slytherinKousotu: just lspci04:41
AnRkeyHobbsee, where do u live?04:45
HobbseeAnRkey: no, sydney04:45
Kousotua good 15 hrs ahead of me04:45
=== AnRkey is a South African in London :(
jeffferrariI'm in syd too - love showing off tribe 5 to apple support :)04:47
KousotuHobbsee: what's the local time down there?04:47
Hobbsee@now sydney04:47
ubotuCurrent time in Australia/Sydney: September 01 2007, 00:47:43 - Next meeting: Community Council in 2 days04:47
=== Hobbsee waits for the ppa's to build amarok
Kousotuwait, 1 am?04:48
jeffferrariI didn't know ubotu did that04:48
Kousotuam here04:48
Kousotuyep, 15 hrs04:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about time - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:49
ubotuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: August 31 2007, 14:49:22 - Next meeting: Community Council in 2 days04:49
Kousotuok, aparently I don't have one lol04:49
Kousotu@time indiana04:49
Kousotu@time cst04:50
Kousotu@time CST04:50
jeffferrariyay - got a 64 bit binary direct from winehq repo - just grabbed the 7.04 ver...04:50
Kousotuwow, bot can't show my time04:51
jeffferrari@time london04:51
ubotuCurrent time in Europe/London: August 31 2007, 15:51:33 - Next meeting: Community Council in 2 days04:51
Kousotu@time USA04:51
KousotuError: Unknown timezone: USA04:51
Kousotu@time CST04:51
Kousotuit's inoring me now...04:52
jeffferrari@time texas04:52
Kousotucruel bot04:52
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...04:52
jeffferrari!botabuse | jeff04:52
ubotujeff: please see above04:52
slytherinKousotu: Please don't abuse the bot04:52
Kousotuslytherin wasn't trying to?04:53
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Kousotuguess I'll just use mIRC's commands then04:53
jeffferrariKousotu: I think you want @time central04:54
jeffferrari@time central04:54
ubotuCurrent time in Canada/Central: August 31 2007, 09:54:11 - Next meeting: Community Council in 2 days04:54
Kousotuyea, that's the one04:54
jeffferrarianyone here tried running wine under gutsy 64?04:54
KousotuCST is what we all say04:54
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jeffferrariyeah we say AEST, but everyone knows it as sydney time04:56
ArwenAEST? Automated Emergency Synchronized Telephone?04:57
Kousotuwhat AE stand for jeffferrari?04:58
jeffferrariaustralian eastern standard time04:59
jeffferrariman, I wouldn't laugh too much about emergency telephones at the moment......04:59
slytherinAnybody having video playing problems with totem on ATI card (Free drivers)?04:59
Kousotuand the otherside is AW I take it?04:59
jeffferrariI work in the hilton buliding in the city and I got an psycho email from the facilities manager warning about special APEC summit preparations05:00
Kousotuslytherin: I'm having issues with todemon INTEL drivers05:00
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slytherinKousotu: What issue? in my case it doesn't display video. Only audio05:00
Hobbseejeffferrari: you poor soul.05:00
=== Hobbsee is further out
FunnyLookinHatIf you guys are running compiz-fusion (desktop effects stuff) you can install mplayer and use the compiz-fusion video plugin to fix it.05:00
Kousotumine is it completely crashes05:00
FunnyLookinHatoh I can't help that.05:01
Kousotuhence why I use vlc05:01
slytherinFunnyLookinHat: Not talking about compiz. Just plain video playing05:01
slytherinFunnyLookinHat: 'xv' plugin in mplayer is also not working05:01
FunnyLookinHatOh...  no clue.05:01
jeffferrariHobbsee: the police xray scanner is downstairs as of monday I think05:01
Hobbseejeffferrari: urgh05:01
jeffferrariHobbsee: and I have had ASIO/CIA hanging around my building for the last 2 weeks05:02
Hobbseedouble urgh.05:02
Kousotuya, that has tosuck05:03
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AnRkeywho does the daily builds for powerpc?05:22
AnRkeythe image is 704mb05:22
AnRkeyjust just just does not fit on a cd05:22
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DanaGHmm, what happened to the nice "symlink" arrow on my icons?05:25
DanaGNow it's this huge ugly grey thing.05:25
AnRkeyDanaG, artwork is not finished yet so don't worry to much05:26
AnRkeywe can hunt them down if it stays like that. Freaken psycho artits05:27
Hobbseeartwork.  bah humbug.05:27
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DanaGEverything else is pretty good to me.05:29
DanaGs/good to me/good, to me/05:29
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AnRkeyI am in love with gutsy (There, I said it!)05:39
AnRkeyI love seeing how it's getting better and better each day05:39
AnRkeywe just need to get it to make coffee now (would fit the theme too)05:39
leperkhanzAnybody wanna help me get midi going?05:42
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AnRkeyand the silence was deafening... :D05:43
AnRkeyok going home, later all05:43
leperkhanzI like the new log off icon.  little green running dude. lol05:44
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roeanyone know when cron.daily runs?05:57
leperkhanzHow can I get Gutsy to have a driver for my viewsonic vx924?05:59
leperkhanzvx900 is listed, but that's it.05:59
leperkhanzI want to up my hz.05:59
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leperkhanzthe terminal says no AWE device found, how do I solve this?  I'm trying to get midi working06:15
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ooo /server -m irc.master-online.org:1200006:21
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KousotuI've one that on acident before06:26
PiciKousotu: in every channel?06:32
Kousotupici: ok, that I haven't06:32
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MenZaHey---I'm having some probs with my sound card. It was installed and worked with both Feisty and Gutsy, but now I only have a USB unit (my webcam with built-in mic) in my gnome applet alsamixer. What gives?07:29
MenZaI'm also getting an error message when attempting to run alsamixer in the terminal: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device07:29
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djdarkman_hy, why is it that the gutsy dev version is more unstable then the feisty dev version back then?07:35
jsomersI don't have any problems with gutsy being unstable :x07:35
Arwendon't know? luck?07:35
Arwenit works fine here actually07:35
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TheInfinityArwen: your so lucky ... ;)07:35
djdarkman_I can`t even install my nvidia driver07:35
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djdarkman_it gives me a lot of debconf errors07:36
ArwenATI, I have my own problems to worry about :-\07:36
djdarkman_I have ATI on this machine07:36
djdarkman_works relatively fine with envy installed drivers07:36
TheInfinitycan someone test something for me? printing www.spiegel.de in firefox via PostScript/default printer?07:36
=== tiziano [n=tiziano@host55-123-static.125-81-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu+1
tizianoGood evening, may I burn a dvd-rw with the cd iso image?07:37
djdarkman_I mean that Nvidia drivers are relatively easy to install in ubuntu, even in a dev version but in gutsy, I don`t even know whats the problem07:37
TheInfinityand - dont have something important open - firefox loops most times07:37
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tizianoi have a rewritable dvd but no cd, may I burn it with the cd iso image of the gutsy installer?07:38
djdarkman_tiziano: you can use that instead of a CD07:38
tizianothank you, take care07:39
djdarkman_tiziano: I did it when I didn`t have a CD too07:39
Arwenassuming your BIOS can boot DVDs07:39
tizianoi have a nice little 1.6 gb dvd07:39
djdarkman_btw when is the release date of gutsy?07:39
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases07:40
Picidjdarkman_: 10/07  since its version 7.1007:41
djdarkman_hmmm I gues than that I`m better off with feisty07:42
djdarkman_forgot the version numbering in ubuntu07:42
TheInfinitygutsy is alpha. that should give you the information you want? ;)07:42
djdarkman_yeah I`ve seen that it`s realy alpha07:43
TheInfinitywriting bug reports is a nice thing you can do if you have time :)07:43
djdarkman_yeah but writing bugs would be much easier if the 60Hz wouldn`t kill my eyes07:44
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TheInfinityvesa? ;)07:45
djdarkman_naaa, I would like to test compiz fusion on a real video card too(nvidia) :)07:46
djdarkman_I have a laptop with feisty isntalled(wich I`m using now) and another PC07:46
TheInfinityfeisty does not run here, so i test gutsy ;)07:47
djdarkman_does feisty contain the newest alsa stuff?07:47
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djdarkman_I think I submitted a bug report about that07:48
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TheInfinitydoes anybody know why this error: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=563910 occures?08:11
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ymlHello, I have a simple question does the follwing 2 scenario are equivalent:08:39
yml  * install ubuntu gutsy tribe 4 + apt-get upgrade08:39
yml  * install ubuntu gutsy tribe 508:39
Arwenevery gutsy is the same gutsy, so you can upgrade between them08:41
ymlArwen  ; that is cool, thank you for your answer08:42
TheInfinityArwen: ... if theres no error because of alpha software ;)08:42
TheInfinityi had in tribe2 + lots of updates no dvd, in fresh install of alpha5 i had :D08:42
TheInfinitydoes flash player installation work in gutsy?08:43
TheInfinitybecause i dont have flash in ff and in konqueror ;)08:44
ArwenI do, some others were complaining08:44
ymlI am facing a strange situation where with the live cd my wifi is working fine but when ubuntu is installed it does not.08:44
jussi01TheInfinity: yes, flash works08:45
ymlin fact my main pb is that when I right click on knetworkmanager I do not have the list of wifi networks available08:45
TheInfinityand why does flash not work here? ;)08:45
ymlis this a configuration?08:45
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ymliwlist eth1 scanning seems to work fine.08:46
TheInfinityyml: then its one of the knetwork manager bugs08:47
TheInfinityhas sometime probs08:47
TheInfinityjust report it ;)08:47
ArwenGAH, my logout icon changed into... A GREEN MAN08:48
Great_Britona little green man?08:48
Great_Britonthen they must be invading.08:48
Arwenit just looks weird, Martian GNOME theme >_>08:48
Great_Britonheh, martian gnomes.08:48
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Arwen<Arwen> /dev/sda5             62579672  61979816    599856 100% /home <-- I'm a noob, but that's not good, right?08:52
hyljenot at all08:52
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sayanrijudoes kubuntu gutsy also include compiz-fusion by default as in ubuntu gutsy?09:14
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Linhi shirish!09:17
shirishLin: hi, do we know each other?09:17
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Linshirish: sure we know.09:18
shirishLin: now I know ;)09:18
shirishok, anyway there is a rumor doing the rounds that the next edition is gonna be hardy heron, is this true :P09:19
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gnomefreaksayanriju: try in #ubuntu-effects09:20
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jussi01shirish: http://www.jonobacon.org/?p=101709:24
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shirishjussi01: I saw the same thing on /. ;)09:24
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cavediverAnyone knows if nfs is broken currently in Gutsy ?10:41
ftoo_on_gutsycavediver seems to be working here10:52
cavediverHm ok.10:52
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cavediverDo i need both nfs-common and nfs-kernel-server ?10:53
cavediverI have portmap up and running I beleive.10:53
ftoo_on_gutsyto be honest i'm not sure.. i10:54
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wardancrHello, I tried booting with the Kubuntu Tribe 5 CD and I get the following error: [0.61600]  PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 1 of device 0000:00:14.010:55
wardancrany idea how to determine what is failing?10:55
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TheInfinitywardancr: i get almost the same message, but ubuntu boots10:59
wardancrNo for me it stops afterwards10:59
TheInfinityits direct after the boot menue, hmm?11:00
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wardancrI had to replace my motherboard (same thing as before, asus m2a-vm hdmi), since then I can't boot in my kubuntu 7.04 install, or the kubuntu 7.04 CD or the Tribe 5 CD11:01
wardancrbut windows is booting fine11:01
wardancrI'm guessing they messed up something while replacing the motherboard, but it's hard to find what11:01
TheInfinitywardancr: tried alternate cd?11:04
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wardancrnot yet11:05
wardancrI also have a gentoo CD and Knoppix CD around here, I'll try those first11:05
wardancrbe right back11:05
SpudDogghey fellas, is gutsy fully usable yet?11:05
TheInfinityit is alpha software.11:06
SpudDoggi mean are there alot of bugs still?11:06
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TheInfinitydepends on what you want. like the topic says - dont run gutsy unless your are familiar with dpkg ... etc.11:07
SpudDoggim not all that familiar with dpkg, but im not afraid to play with it and learn either.11:08
SpudDoggare there any major differences in the new gnome that comes in gutsy?11:09
ftoo_on_gutsyi've not noticed any but then i dont look vary hard :P11:10
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SpudDoggwhat happened to the "control panel" layout that i saw in the version of edgy before it was released?  does anyone remember that?11:11
ftoo_on_gutsyPrefs / control panel ? maybe ?11:13
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SpudDoggnah, i just remember having all the prefs and admin stuff listed like it is now, there was a window that popped up with all the normal stuff there categorized.  it was nice, but actually a little too windows-ish for me.11:15
SpudDoggi meant instead of it being listed now, it was in a window categorized11:15
ftoo_on_gutsytbh: i never really played with the desktop till gutsy just played with the server version.. but decided to try gutsy rather then VISTA..11:16
SpudDogggood choice ;)11:17
ftoo_on_gutsyubuntu only now... xp if i need it is in a vm machine11:18
=== ftoo_on_gutsy is off 4 a smoke ...
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TrewasSpudDogg: gnome-control-center (run from a terminal) gives a very windowish control panel, maybe you mean that... I didn't notice if it can be started from the standard menus11:19
SpudDoggTrewas: that could be it.  Do you know if that's going to be the standard in gutsy?11:20
TrewasSpudDogg: I have no idea, but probably not or it would be used instead of the normal System / Preferences menu structure already11:22
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ftoo_on_gutsygnome-control-center shows me same as system/prefs/control center in gutsy11:31
wardancrwell I was able to boot with the gentoo CD, but I still can't figure out why Feisty or Gutsy won't boot11:31
=== ftoo_on_gutsy thinks i should read what folks type before i open my mouth..."(22:22:01) Trewas: SpudDogg: I have no idea, but probably not or it would be used instead of the normal System / Preferences menu structure already"
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SpudDoggftoo_on_gutsy: i have to admit i use windows too, but only for converting my movies to avi.  all the programs i found for linux are extremely sub-par11:50
Arwenheh, no AVI Synth for Lunix? :-P11:54
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titeuf_87is it possible to install Gutsy's kernel on Edgy without installing the rest of Gutsy? I need this kernel version as this one works with my audio card and the one from Edgy doesn't12:15
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Arwenyes. kind of.12:19
Arwenif you need a newer kernel, it would probably be better to compile a stock one though12:19
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terlmannok , can anyone help me reroute packets on a local ethernet ipv4 subnet (192.*.*.*) to go to from another machine on my subnet to me and then though me on out ?12:20
terlmannI want to examine some packets12:20
terlmannusing gutsy latest12:20
titeuf_87one from kernel.org? And if so, is it possible to use ubuntu's config for it so I don't have to go through all make menuconfig and such?12:20
uniqueim downloading Gutsy Gibbon now....12:21
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uniquewhat is the prefer gui gnome or kde?12:22
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titeuf_87unique, ubuntu uses gnome by default12:22
uniqueis there anyway i can upgrade to Gutsy Gibbon through the console?12:23
terlmannuse /apt/sources.list12:24
terlmannor .lst12:24
terlmannnot certain12:25
terlmannI edited it only 2 days ago ;-D12:25
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Dannilionit's /etc/apt/sources.list12:31
terlmannDannilion : wanna see my list ?12:32
terlmannlet me show you it. let me show you.12:32
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Dannilionerm, you just have to change all the feisty bits to gutsy, then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:33
chrisjs169I had accidentally installed hl1440lpr (package from Brothers site for printer) and it didn't fully install, requiring that lpd be installed, except that lpd requires ubuntu-desktop to be removed.  since I don't need hl1440lpr or lpd, is it possible to force remove hl1440lpr?12:36
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uniquewhat is preferred 64bit os or 3212:41
terlmann32 for me12:42
terlmanndepends on the hardware and whether you want flash12:42
terlmannmacromedia flash12:43
terlmannin firefox12:43
terlmannon 64bit it doesnt work quite right12:43
uniqueok so if you have a 64 bit processor u would want 32 os version for better stability12:43
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terlmannyes for now12:43
terlmann64bit can wait a few years :-)12:44
uniquewhat do i have to do to get wireless support in gutsy?12:45
Dannilionnothing if it's an intel card12:46
Dannilionit just works then :p12:46
terlmannother wise you can google broadcom howto ubuntu or atheros ubuntu howto12:47
terlmannatheros and broadcom12:47
terlmannthose are the major chipsets12:47
uniqueits a wireless router12:47
terlmannin your pc ?12:47
Dannilionthat is odd12:47
terlmannlike a router pci card ?12:47
terlmannwhats the name ?12:47
uniquestand alone12:47
terlmannif its stand alone, how does it connect to your pc ?12:48
uniqueits a belkin12:48
uniquealmost like a linksys12:48
terlmannif its seperate no drivers because it's not part of your pc12:48
terlmannhow do you connect to the internet then ?12:48
terlmannethernet you mean ?12:48
uniquein windows i was required to get drivers12:49
terlmannethernet works fine in ubutnu12:49
terlmannI use it12:49
terlmannlet me guess... Via Rhine ?12:49
uniqueso what are some of the changes in gutsy?12:53
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:53
uniqueoh can i load a iso to a usb thumb drive and install gutsy that way?12:54
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DanaGArgh, when I'm dragging things, my mouse will sometimes drift even when I hold my finger still.01:03
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