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CIA-33Ubuntu Documentation: philbull * r4307 ubuntu/programming/C/programming.xml: Added Geany to list of IDEs11:47
CIA-33Ubuntu Documentation: philbull * r4308 ubuntu/office/C/office.xml: Improve instructions, updates for gutsy, update statuses, some extra material12:30
CIA-33Ubuntu Documentation: philbull * r4309 ubuntu/administrative/C/administrative.xml: Updated statuses and section IDs12:34
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jribHi, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem has a lot of links that don't exist because they are in wiki.ubuntu.com so I'm fixing them.  But https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BackupPC looks like it belongs in the h.u.c. wiki.  Is there a document that explains what steps I need to take to move it? Or, do I need to do anything else other than: 1. duplicate the page on h.u.c. and 2. have the page on w.u.c. redirect to the new h.u.c. page?02:17
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LaserJockso anybody know what the plan is regarding moving to bzr?07:01
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CIA-33Ubuntu Documentation: sbalneav * r4310 edubuntu/handbook/C/server.xml: Finished splitting up the topics, added a section on nbd-swap09:35
mdke_jrib: check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CategoryDocumentation, that should have some info, iirc11:20
CIA-33Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r4311 ubuntu/browser-startpage/index-it_IT.html: new italian version - thanks to Milo Casagrande11:37
jribmdke: thanks11:44
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