
=== Jucato [n=jucato@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== File13 [n=tyler@adsl-65-65-223-114.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
File13hi my ban was suppost to be 24 hours, it was placed somewhere around 4:30 yesterday and its yet to be lifted02:19
Tm_TI'd say wrong arguments02:19
Tm_Tthough I have no idea what you're talking about :)02:19
File13is there anyone who can check into it for me02:20
Tm_Twhat channel?02:21
Tm_Tthen I afraid I cant help02:23
mneptokFile13: one moment02:33
mneptokFile13: please try joining now02:33
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ubotuAndrewB called the ops in #ubuntu02:52
AndrewBWas for zeuszz  sorry he /quit02:53
ubotuJack_Sparrow called the ops in #ubuntu03:59
=== Administrator [n=chatzill@user-12ldksg.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
AdministratorUmm hi?04:05
Administratoris anyone there?04:05
Tm_Tno, never04:06
Administratorwhat do you mean04:06
naliothhi Administrator 04:06
Tm_Tall people are here, not there04:06
PiciHow can we help you?04:07
Administratorwell i was banned from #ubuuntu04:07
Administratori wanted to know how can i get unbanned04:07
Administratorbecause im having some problems with my computer and i cant ask anywhere else04:07
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Administrator___well like i said earlier how cani get unbanned form #ubuntu? or can i ask the quesion here?04:10
Tm_Tthis is the place to ask it yes04:10
Administrator___ok well as you all know ubuntu come with 4 workspaces with out the desktop effects you just click the workspace and it brings you there with desktop effects enabled you have the option of using the all known Desktop Cube to view all 4 of your workspaces...for some odd reason i only have one workspace and cannot switch to a diffrent one04:12
Administrator___any ideas on how to fix that?04:12
Tm_Twell this is not right place for that ;)04:12
Tm_Tbut this is right place to ask to be unbanned ;)04:13
Administrator___well who do i ask?04:13
Tm_Tthe one who banned you04:13
Tm_Tanyway, I'm heading to sleep, so have fun kids ->04:13
Administrator___i dont know who banned me04:13
PiciAdministrator___: it was jrib04:14
Administrator___well jrib I'm sorry for bugging you and being annoying on #Ubuntu and i wanted to know if you could unban me because i always have a lot of questions for the Ubuntu community and i always need help because i am a new user of Ubuntu and i aim to keep it that way 04:16
Administrator___i promise not to overflow the chat and stuff like i did04:16
=== Administrator___ is now known as Hammy
=== Hammy is now known as p19950528a0fe2d3
=== p19950528a0fe2d3 is now known as P19950528A0FE2D3
P19950528A0FE2D3well Jrib are you going to Think about unbanning me?04:18
jribP19950528A0FE2D3: do you remember why you were banned?04:19
P19950528A0FE2D3for being annoying i didnt use the pastebin tool to post bug stuff04:20
=== P19950528A0FE2D3 is now known as MATRIX
jribcan you stick to one name?04:21
=== MATRIX is now known as LiLtRiNiWaRrIoR
LiLtRiNiWaRrIoRsorry about that04:22
LiLtRiNiWaRrIoRi didnt see what you posted im going to keep this name04:22
jribdon't use enter to break up your thoughts and don't abuse the bot as well.  I'll unban you, but understand that you have to follow the rules now or next time will be a lot longer...04:22
LiLtRiNiWaRrIoRthank you very much jrib04:23
jribLiLtRiNiWaRrIoR: try now04:23
LiLtRiNiWaRrIoRok it works04:25
LiLtRiNiWaRrIoRthank you04:25
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xjkxhi, there is a while i was banished, will i be banished forever? please remove07:16
xjkxlike one or two days ago07:16
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=== LewisSharp [n=Lewis@bas3-montreal28-1177918606.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-ops
LewisSharpI'm being automaticly forward to readtopic channel. While I understand the problem and the issue, I can't do a router firmware update for not having access to it.09:00
GaryLewisSharp, you only need to change the port you use to connect to irc, this can be done in the irc client09:06
LewisSharp8001 I already changed to it09:08
LewisSharp-> Your host is kornbluth.freenode.net[freenode.freenode.net/8001] , :)09:09
Garycool, now we need someone on the access list for #ubuntu to check, it is still early and I have not seen any of them talk yet09:10
Garycan you wait for a bit09:10
LewisSharpsure :)09:11
naliothcheck for what, Gary ?09:11
Garythe dcc exploit09:12
naliothyou can test09:12
Garyand if LewisSharp passes, to remove his ban (which I cannot do)09:12
naliothLewisSharp: you can join #ubuntu now and thanks for your patience  :)09:13
LewisSharpNo problem :) thanks for your time09:13
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zelvaGood morning09:49
zelvaIs here anybody from administrators of ubuntu.com or xubuntu.org?09:49
naliothzelva: probably not, what did you need?09:50
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zelvaI need drupal theme of xubuntu.org09:53
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zelvaI'm an administrator of xubuntu.xf.cz09:53
zelvaAnd I'm going to move this web to xubuntu.cz09:53
zelvaBut I need this theme09:53
naliothnot sure where to tell you to ask  :(09:55
=== jussi01 suggest maybe #xubuntu ?
zelvaI'll try10:04
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alsjpelaezTU ERES  UN MIERDA11:18
mc44wow, I worked out what that meant without being able to speak Spanish :)11:22
Garywhats it mean11:26
Garyahhh, babelfish FTW11:27
=== Seeker` [n=cjo20@87-194-205-27.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-ops
elkbuntui could have told your what mierda was without a translator11:58
elkbuntuhowever, the first line was blather in any language11:59
Tm_Twhat's mierda?12:00
=== rob wonders if the Ubuntu oem tool has been updated since Dapper
=== Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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elkbuntuTm_T, it comes out your rear end12:09
Tm_TI see, exhaust12:09
Tm_Tthanks elkbuntu :)12:09
Tm_Toh boy oh boy oh boy!12:10
Tm_TI'm so excited about my new jacket12:10
mc44rob: the live CD should do oem installs in gutsy12:11
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MezTm_T, new jacket ?12:16
Tm_Tjust lovely <312:17
MezTm_T... you wouldnt by any chane have a very very small black moustache do you?12:17
Tm_Tnope, not moustache at all12:17
AmaranthAre you in the military or something? :P12:18
Tm_Tno I'm not :)12:18
AmaranthThat looks like an officer's coat12:18
MezTm_T... good, case if you did... well... it'd be a bit... dodgy12:18
Tm_Twell its close to it, DDR military crew parade jacket12:18
Amaranthplease don't give me the obvious answer :P12:19
mc44I so want a jacket like that12:19
Tm_Tyes, East Germany12:19
Tm_Tmc44: 30  <312:19
ubotuIn ubotu, Asher256 said: lol is apt-get12:21
ubotuIn ubotu, Asher256 said: ubotu is not a bot12:22
Tm_TAmaranth: something wrong with it?12:23
AmaranthTm_T: nope12:23
Amaranthwhere are you from?12:24
Amaranthdon't know the fashion there :)12:24
Tm_Twell thats not fashion12:24
Amaranththat kind of thing is only used in costumes here12:24
Tm_TI don't care about fashion, all I care is to have ONCE a jacket that does fitr12:24
Tm_Tand that looks good12:25
Tm_Tif someone thinks I'm militarian, then he can think so12:25
Tm_TI don't care =)12:25
Tm_TAmaranth: over a year old pic of me, I'm so beautiful girl in meadows http://kiksu.irc-galleria.net/c/images10/01/29/24/82/55146027.jpg12:27
Tm_TAmaranth: you can pull your pants up now12:31
GaryTm_T, you look scared :p12:31
Tm_TGary: you mean scary?12:31
AmaranthTm_T: what?12:31
Amaranthi was in #compiz-fusion :P12:31
Tm_Tno, you're here12:31
Tm_Tdont lie to me!12:32
Amaranthi just around a lot :)12:32
Amarantherr, jump12:32
MezTm_T, I apologise, until now i assumed you were male :$12:33
Tm_Twell I am12:33
Tm_Tor so they say12:33
Mez*looks at picture again*12:33
Tm_Twho knows ;)12:33
Mezwas gonna say, if you're female, the coding has really got to you...12:34
Tm_TMez: you're funny12:35
Tm_Tsilly, but funny12:35
Mezi love the fact that my new boss asked me today when ringing to confirm my start date "you do know we're commercial software right - is that going to be a problem with your open source philosophy"12:35
Tm_Tcommercial can be open, did you say that? ;-P12:36
mc44Mez: I hope you said "Yes it does, however my philosophy can be changed if you add a small percentage to my starting salary" :)12:36
Mezmc44, lmao.... 12:37
Meznah I dont care... theres a need for paid software... It makes the competition better... and to be fair, phpBB sucks12:37
MezTm_T, was that an agreement with "phpBB sucks" ?12:39
AmaranthMez: So you work for vbulletin?12:42
Amaranthdunno their company name12:42
MezAmaranth, will do soon12:42
Amaranthcool i've pirated software you work on :P12:43
Mezhehe, so have I baout 5 years ago12:44
Mezwhere is it installed Amaranth ?12:44
Amaranthno where, it was about 5 years ago :P12:44
Mezah Amaranth lmao - same here  :P12:44
Tm_TMez: for all you say12:44
Mezhmm... I should go get somehting to eat before I go work12:45
Mezoh shit gotta writ up my resignation too12:45
robmc44, nice, thanks, should be using that a bit.12:48
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pleia2gosh, I'm so glad it's friday03:43
pleia2nice, I'm even typing in the wrong channel03:43
pleia2this day has not gone well :)03:43
PiciFriday... long weekend (at least in the US)03:44
pleia2yep :)03:44
gnomefreakyeah :(03:44
gnomefreakmy to do list got very very large yesterday/today so i will have my butt infront of here working03:45
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PriceChildHello axxium. Can I help you?04:43
axxiumPriceChild, just hanging out04:44
PriceChildDo we know you?04:44
axxiumUS LA LoCo leader04:46
axxiumShould I not be here?04:46
axxiumI will gladly leave04:46
axxiumSorry for any trouble.04:50
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Garyit's a local shop for local people...04:52
naliothwas that LA = Los Angeles LA = Louisian or LA = Lower Alabama ?04:56
Tm_Tno idea04:56
Piciwhois says Louisiana04:57
ubotuJack_Sparrow called the ops in #ubuntu05:05
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PiciPeople are stupid.05:38
Tm_TPici: that's the biggest failure of you hu-mans05:39
=== gnomefreak too tired to be stupid
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ubotuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, BearPerson or ompaul! I could use a bit of your time :)06:26
PiciAmaranth: Wou06:26
PiciI was just going to ask you that.06:26
Amaranth--> ooo (n=Herumor@modemcable154.177-130-66.mc.videotron.ca) has joined #ubuntu-devel06:27
Amaranth<ooo>  /server -m irc.master-online.org:1200006:27
Amaranth<-- ooo (n=Herumor@modemcable154.177-130-66.mc.videotron.ca) has left #ubuntu-devel06:27
Amaranth3 different channels i've been in have gotten that06:27
PiciI was going to ask if its even worth banning or if a staff member should be contacted.06:27
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PriceChildI can't make factoids into aliases immediately... I have to "foo is bar", then "no foo is <alias> oof"07:41
PriceChildInstead of just "foo is <alias> oof"07:42
PiciI've had that problem for a while.07:42
PriceChildSeveas, ^07:42
PriceChildBUUUG :D07:42
Piciubotu wouldnt respond if I didnt do `no this is <reply> that` even if this didnt exsist.07:42
jribyes, me too07:42
=== mc44 points PriceChild at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots ;P
PriceChildmc44, he'd kill me07:43
PriceChildon that page the "!seen service" needs to be removed from the description too.07:45
PiciMaybe !seen needs to be set to something.07:46
Piciactually, nevermind, that wouldnt work.07:47
Tm_Thi kids08:01
PriceChildhey Tm_T 08:02
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ubotuIn #ubuntu, Varreon said: !eamonnd: is there a serial on the front?11:09
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ubotuIn ubotu, HymnToLife said: no, iso is <reply> To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - To create an ISO image from a disc :  dd if=/dev/cdrom of=image.iso  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.11:52
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.11:53
PriceyThat sounds ok?11:54
=== stefg [n=stefg@e179146091.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu-ops
stefgubotu quit #ubuntu ... something serious wrong?12:18
stefgahhh... there he is12:18
Priceystefg, ubotu was disconnected, he is resyncing as we speak12:18
PriceyHe just does so veeeeery slowly.12:19
mc44resinking ;)12:19
stefgIs this the hardware he runs is crappy, r is the code so slow?12:20
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Priceystefg, erm....12:20
PriceyHe's in a stupid amount of channels12:21
Priceywhich really slows down supybots12:21
stefgPricey: seems we need either some clones of him, or some damn fast cluster for him to spread his wisdom12:21
stefgseveral instances , but using the same database?12:22
Priceyonce he's synced he works12:23
naliothstefg: you mean like ubot3 ?12:23
nalioththe db for ubot3 syncs hourly with ubotus12:24
stefgyeah, but.... we could use redundancy, really. #ubuntu is useless without bot. why not drop a separate bot on each channel /database still synced) ?12:24
stefg... or write a decent bot ...12:25
naliothstefg: because the two bots answer the same questions12:25
naliothand the immaturity of the populace quickly comes to fore12:25
Priceystefg, ubotu also handles our ban tracker12:26
naliothPricey: to the users, the ban tracker means nothing12:27
naliothPricey: the bantracker is only useful for the ops12:27
Priceyto the users... the ban tracker means we can more easily, and better manage their channel.12:27
naliothbut they don't see it as a benefit12:27
Priceyand that means that it doesn't matter?12:28
nalioththey DO see the lack of !factoids, though12:28
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PriceyIf someone wanted to write something so that a bot could jump in and out when ubotu goes awol then I'm sure we'd welcome it...12:28
Priceybut I'm not so hot on the idea of it being permenant12:28
stefgwouldn't it be feasible to split the overload? one ban-tracker bot, one separate bot for #ubuntu, #kubuntu, blah, bleh, blubb12:29
Priceystefg, no because each bot has to parse every line12:29
Priceyit doesn't really split it... just multiply12:29
Priceythat's why ubugtu and ubotu merged12:29
stefghmmm... so kiwi  is the way. kill it with iron ?12:30
stefgkill it with iron... don't bother about optimal code, just throw hardware at it12:30
Priceya bot that figured when ubotu was present and when he wasn't could be fun... but when ubotu disappears I find #ubuntu is wierd for 5 minutes then continues12:31
=== Pricey speaks for noone but himself
=== jussi01 thinks we need to update the !kde4 factoid
ubotuKDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4>. The Release Schedule is available at <http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule>. Alpha 2 packages can be found at <http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-alpha2.php>.12:36
gnomefreakjussi01: whats wrong with it12:37
jussi01its beta 1 now...12:37
gnomefreakoh just the last link12:37
jussi01see topic in #kubuntu12:37
gnomefreakif someone knows sed thats easy to fix12:37
ubotuGirls dont exist on the internet.  See http://www.escapistmagazine.com/print/17/27 | For more interesting reading, see http://pandagon.blogsome.com/2007/04/13/how-to-not-be-an-asshole-a-guide-for-men/12:40
jdongis that last URL really something we should have in the bot?12:40
ubotugirl has no aliases - added by Hobbsee on 2007-08-12 09:12:4412:45
ubotuIn ubotu, Pricey said: no kde4 is <reply> KDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4>. The Release Schedule is available at <http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule>. Beta 1 packages can be found at <http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta1.php>.12:46
jussi01!hobbsee | jdong12:46
ubotujdong: I phear the stick so shhhhh12:46
ubotuIn ubotu, Pricey said: no kde4 is <reply> KDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4>. The Release Schedule is available at <http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule>. Beta 1 packages can be found at <http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta1.php>.12:46
=== jussi01 thanks Pricey
jussi01Pricey: ??12:46
pricechildRight done12:47
pricechildjussi01, for some reason he doesn't like my "pricey" nick anymore12:47
jussi01heh, ok12:47
pricechildhmm gone again01:01
pricechildhe's coming back though :)01:02
pricechildnalioth, what do you think about leaving ubot3 permenantly in #ubuntu and just muting when needed?01:05
nalioththat depends on 30-odd others01:05
naliothto unmute when necessary01:05
nalioththe last time ubot3 and ubotu shared a channel, i caught parts of the 3 lower levels of hell01:06
pricechildI guess its not the unmuting that matters.. its makign sure there's always someone to mute.01:06
Seeker`How many people can mute / unmute?01:06
pricechildSeeker`, whoever's on the access01:07
naliothSeeker`: /msg chanserv access #ubuntu list01:07
naliothSeeker`: level 10 or more01:07

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