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sbalneav | Evening all | 02:52 |
LaserJock | hi sbalneav | 02:54 |
sbalneav | Hey there LaserJock! | 02:54 |
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sbalneav | Going out for a walk. Afk for an hour or so. | 03:27 |
sbalneav | New doco package building | 03:27 |
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sbalneav | back | 04:20 |
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LaserJock | sbalneav: package build? | 04:31 |
sbalneav | Yep! | 04:32 |
sbalneav | Day1, I kept my promise :) | 04:33 |
LaserJock | heh | 04:33 |
LaserJock | I would build the packages each day | 04:33 |
LaserJock | they'd just have the same content ;-) | 04:33 |
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sbalneav | !pastebin | 06:08 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 06:08 |
TexasTwister | Hardware recognition problem here: I bought a Dell Inspiron 530n desktop with Ubuntu preinstalled. Worked fine. Then I replaced Ubuntu with Eduntu (I'm configuring this box for a private school). Was unable to install for lack of network connection until I inserted an Intel e100 PCI nic -- integrated e1000 not seen... | 06:14 |
TexasTwister | Install completed, Dell says new kernel should be all that is needed. Updated to that kernel but I still see only the e100. Any ideas? | 06:15 |
sbalneav | What does lspci show? | 06:16 |
TexasTwister | 00:19.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Unknown device 10c0 (rev 02) | 06:16 |
TexasTwister | 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82557/8/9 [Ethernet Pro 100] (rev 08) | 06:16 |
sbalneav | Well, the first line's the e1000 | 06:20 |
sbalneav | so the kernel doesn't know what it is. | 06:20 |
TexasTwister | ubuntu and edubuntu use the same kernel, no? | 06:21 |
sbalneav | Yup. | 06:21 |
TexasTwister | Strange...Dell implies that the current kernel should resolve the problem: http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu_7.04/Issues/e1000_driver_does_not_recognize_network_controller | 06:22 |
sbalneav | So I'm willing to wager that if you re-installed ubuntu at this point, it probably wouldn't work either | 06:22 |
TexasTwister | Yes, I expect that is true. | 06:23 |
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TexasTwister | Unless I installed from the "restore partition". | 06:23 |
sbalneav | dpkg -l | grep linux-image | 06:23 |
TexasTwister | ii linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic 2.6.20-15.27 Linux kernel image for version 2.6.20 on x86 | 06:24 |
TexasTwister | ii linux-image-2.6.20-16-generic 2.6.20-16.29 Linux kernel image for version 2.6.20 on x86 | 06:24 |
TexasTwister | ii linux-image-generic Generic Linux kernel image | 06:24 |
sbalneav | Well, looks like you have the one they want. Just doesn't look like what they SAY it does, it does :) | 06:25 |
TexasTwister | Alrighty... to the forums, I guess... | 06:26 |
sbalneav | hold on, one sec... | 06:27 |
sbalneav | just looking something up | 06:27 |
TexasTwister | ok | 06:27 |
sbalneav | lspci -n | grep 02:00 | 06:27 |
sbalneav | what do you get? | 06:28 |
sbalneav | TexasTwister: What do you get if you type lspci -n | grep 02:00 | 06:31 |
TexasTwister | 02:00.0 0200: 8086:1229 (rev 08) | 06:32 |
sbalneav | k, I'm looking at the kernel source... | 06:32 |
TexasTwister | But that is the e100 | 06:32 |
sbalneav | argh | 06:32 |
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sbalneav | sorry | 06:32 |
sbalneav | 00:19 | 06:32 |
TexasTwister | 00:19.0 0200: 8086:10c0 (rev 02) | 06:33 |
sbalneav | 10c0, ok... | 06:33 |
TexasTwister | What are we looking for? | 06:33 |
sbalneav | Well, I'm looking in the kernel source... | 06:34 |
sbalneav | If you're interested, I'm bombing through /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.20/drivers/net/e100.c | 06:35 |
sbalneav | In there, they basically list a bunch of pci-id's that the driver will respond to. | 06:35 |
sbalneav | 8086 is the intel "vendor code" | 06:35 |
sbalneav | 10c0's the device code. | 06:35 |
TexasTwister | Suppose that vendor code is a tribute to the old 8086 processor? | 06:36 |
sbalneav | ah, wait. | 06:36 |
sbalneav | looks like they've got a custom for the e1000 | 06:37 |
sbalneav | sitting at the command prompt? | 06:37 |
TexasTwister | yup | 06:37 |
sbalneav | do a sudo modprobe e1000 | 06:37 |
sbalneav | did it silently return? | 06:37 |
TexasTwister | yes... but I've done that before... | 06:37 |
sbalneav | doesn't pick up the device? | 06:38 |
TexasTwister | Not in the network settings panel anyway. | 06:38 |
sbalneav | lspci now, see if it looks like it's there... | 06:38 |
sbalneav | we're looking for that 00:19 one to change from an unknown device. | 06:39 |
TexasTwister | nope... still "unknown" | 06:39 |
sbalneav | hm | 06:39 |
sbalneav | ok, looking in the driver... | 06:39 |
sbalneav | one sec. | 06:39 |
sbalneav | yeah... | 06:40 |
sbalneav | * | 06:40 |
sbalneav | * Last entry must be all 0s | 06:40 |
sbalneav | * | 06:40 |
sbalneav | * Macro expands to... | 06:40 |
sbalneav | * {PCI_DEVICE(PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL, device_id)} | 06:40 |
sbalneav | */ | 06:40 |
sbalneav | static struct pci_device_id e1000_pci_tbl[] = { | 06:40 |
sbalneav | INTEL_E1000_ETHERNET_DEVICE(0x1000), | 06:40 |
sbalneav | INTEL_E1000_ETHERNET_DEVICE(0x1001), | 06:40 |
sbalneav | ... | 06:40 |
sbalneav | INTEL_E1000_ETHERNET_DEVICE(0x10BC), | 06:40 |
sbalneav | INTEL_E1000_ETHERNET_DEVICE(0x10C4), | 06:40 |
sbalneav | INTEL_E1000_ETHERNET_DEVICE(0x10C5), | 06:40 |
sbalneav | heh | 06:41 |
sbalneav | you got a 10C0 | 06:41 |
sbalneav | ooooops. | 06:41 |
sbalneav | So, you got a couple of choices... | 06:42 |
TexasTwister | ok... | 06:43 |
sbalneav | 1) file a bug, include the lspci -n line, specifically pointing out that 8086:10c0 isn't in the driver. | 06:43 |
sbalneav | 2) Phone dell, complain :) | 06:43 |
TexasTwister | Alrighty then.... | 06:43 |
sbalneav | 3) merrily dive off the deep end, try to compile your own kernel :) | 06:43 |
sbalneav | 4) Stick with the e100 for now :) | 06:44 |
sbalneav | Let me see if it's fixed in the 2.6.22 series in gutsy | 06:44 |
TexasTwister | Option 4) call my friends in Dell PG and ask for a fix (I'm a Dell employee...) | 06:44 |
sbalneav | Well. | 06:44 |
sbalneav | There you go! | 06:44 |
sbalneav | :) | 06:44 |
TexasTwister | Thanks for your help! | 06:45 |
sbalneav | Hardware vendors change device ids all the time. | 06:45 |
sbalneav | Someone sneezes on the blueprint, or chages one little transistor, and they bump a new number. | 06:45 |
LaserJock | hah | 06:46 |
sbalneav | and if you don't have the EXACT number in the driver, far as the driver knows, it's an unknown device. | 06:46 |
sbalneav | If you wanted to, I'll bet you could just add a line to e1000_main.c that said: | 06:46 |
sbalneav | INET_E1000_ETHERNET_DEVICE(0x10C0), | 06:46 |
sbalneav | and it would work like a champ. | 06:47 |
sbalneav | But there's the whole "now your running a modded kernel and no one will support you" thing. | 06:47 |
sbalneav | Talk to your buddies. see what they say. If not, I'm here every day, come on back and see me, I'll give you a hand if you want. | 06:48 |
TexasTwister | alright. Thanks! | 06:48 |
sbalneav | NP | 06:49 |
sbalneav | Night all | 07:00 |
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raynerd | Hello, few wuestions about edubuntu if anyone can assist, I`m a teacher and been trying to work out linux edubuntu throughout the holiday! | 08:27 |
raynerd | first, I have the edubuntu latest CD, ran it live and it had lots of nice educational functions. When I installed it on my machine, it didnt have these functions automatically, I have to download them/install them via the net. Why is this? | 08:28 |
raynerd | Secondly, we have 15 laptops in the department enough for 1 between 2 in a class of students. My intention is to use the laptops (with windows installed on them!) and run the live CD, so everyone is running Live edubuntu rather than windows. How can I edit the edubuntu CDs perminantly so that the "install" function is removed off the CD, i.e. students cant accidently install edubuntu | 08:31 |
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raynerd_ | anyone in here? | 12:18 |
raynerd_ | ...? | 12:18 |
raynerd_ | holaaa? | 12:21 |
raynerd_ | peeeeeps? | 12:25 |
raynerd_ | guys, question: I am new to linux and a teacher of Chemistry. I downloaded Ubuntu onto my home PC. My home pc does not have net connection and therefore I could not install educational apps. I therefore downloaded Edubuntu and ran it live....with access to all educational apps available. I then installed Edubuntu and when I ran it off the harddrive, the educational applications were missing again!! So as far as I could see, there | 12:52 |
raynerd_ | was no difference between the ubuntu and edubuntu installs! I have managed to get net connection and installed all the apps but I am still confused by the benefit of having edubuntu installed over ubuntu. Anyone please explain...? | 12:52 |
Amaranth | raynerd_: if you couldn't see a difference you must not have actually installed edubuntu | 12:53 |
Amaranth | or you didn't uninstall ubuntu | 12:53 |
raynerd_ | ok, i`ll be honest! I installed on works laptop edubuntu so it was a clean install! | 12:55 |
raynerd_ | hence I have edubuntu on my pc still. I cant see a different | 12:55 |
raynerd_ | sorry Ubuntu on my pc still | 12:56 |
Amaranth | raynerd_: different theme and different default applications | 12:57 |
Amaranth | raynerd_: edubuntu remove some of the stuff ubuntu normally installs by default and includes a bunch of education stuff | 12:57 |
raynerd_ | so i definately installed a clean copy of edubuntu but the educational apps were not there...making it no different than ubuntu | 12:57 |
raynerd_ | this is what I am saying | 12:57 |
raynerd_ | ok, please let me explain again. Sorry my fault | 12:57 |
raynerd_ | I installed Ubuntu on my pc laptop | 12:58 |
raynerd_ | ahhhhh | 12:58 |
raynerd_ | i installed Ubuntu on my HOME PC | 12:58 |
raynerd_ | it did not contain any educational apps, I had no net connectivity so could not d/l them. I then chose to install Edubuntu on my work laptop. | 12:58 |
raynerd_ | I ran the CD live first and all educational apps were there! great. When i installed, the educational apps were not there! | 12:59 |
raynerd_ | the install looked almost identical to that of ubuntu. Luckly with the laptop i can connect to the net, so i just installed them. My question is, the edubuntu install was no different than the ubuntu install as far as i could see | 01:00 |
raynerd_ | ? | 01:00 |
Amaranth | that sounds wrong | 01:00 |
Amaranth | you must have done something weird | 01:00 |
raynerd_ | yes, I thought so! I`m new to linux, but to be fair there are very few choice to go wrong on the linux install! I just followed it through! | 01:01 |
Amaranth | i've, uh, never actually done an edubuntu install so i'm probably the wrong person to talk to | 01:01 |
raynerd_ | lol | 01:01 |
Amaranth | but if you had edubuntu-desktop install you should have gotten some education apps | 01:02 |
Amaranth | installed* | 01:02 |
Amaranth | that's a package that pulls in all the packages that make up the edubuntu desktop | 01:02 |
raynerd_ | yes, I can them on the same CD live run, but didnt get them on the install | 01:02 |
raynerd_ | v strange! | 01:02 |
Amaranth | wait, edubuntu doesn't have a livecd installer | 01:03 |
raynerd_ | say again? | 01:03 |
Amaranth | oh, they do as of feisty | 01:03 |
raynerd_ | edubuntu is a live CD ...I ran it before I installed. | 01:03 |
Amaranth | nevermind | 01:03 |
raynerd_ | yes | 01:03 |
Amaranth | you're not going to find anyone to help you here on the weekend | 01:03 |
raynerd_ | Ahh right, why all asleep? | 01:04 |
Amaranth | i only know about edubuntu as of over a year ago and the rest don't get on here on the weekends | 01:04 |
raynerd_ | i`m new to Irc, who is everyone, like are they teachers or educationalists? | 01:04 |
Amaranth | some of them are around, sometimes | 01:04 |
Amaranth | but i mean the people who work on edubuntu | 01:05 |
raynerd_ | ahh right! So people from edubuntu actually come on here? | 01:05 |
raynerd_ | when is best time to try? | 01:05 |
Amaranth | about 48 hours from now | 01:06 |
raynerd_ | right, Monday | 01:06 |
raynerd_ | you a teacher yourself? | 01:07 |
Amaranth | nope | 01:07 |
Amaranth | student :) | 01:07 |
raynerd_ | ahh ok ....lol | 01:07 |
raynerd_ | age? | 01:07 |
Amaranth | actually not a student anymore | 01:07 |
Amaranth | 20 | 01:07 |
raynerd_ | right cool, u at uni? | 01:07 |
raynerd_ | UK? USA? | 01:07 |
Amaranth | no, i'm out of school now | 01:08 |
raynerd_ | ahh right | 01:08 |
Amaranth | i did some edubuntu-related stuff for the Google Summer of Code when i was a student | 01:08 |
raynerd_ | right I see. I`m a Chemistry/Science teacher - any good apps you would recommend? | 01:09 |
Amaranth | gchemutils | 01:16 |
Amaranth | i think that's a suite of apps :) | 01:17 |
raynerd_ | wow cheers! | 01:23 |
stgraber | raynerd_: the educational softwares can be found on the server-addon cd-rom, there were some space issues on the other CDs (I didn't know that the live one doesn't install the edu softwares too) | 01:24 |
Amaranth | stgraber: it doesn't make sense if they fit on the live environment | 01:24 |
Amaranth | because that basically just gets copied over to the system without changes | 01:25 |
stgraber | Amaranth: indeed but I heard of some problem with the edu software install during feisty devel cycle (but I only installed servers so never really checked) | 01:26 |
raynerd_ | Is there a benefit of running edubuntu over ubuntu other than the educational apps, which you can install on ubuntu anyway then? | 01:31 |
raynerd_ | its just confusing me | 01:32 |
Amaranth | edubuntu's main use is as an LTSP server/cient | 01:32 |
Amaranth | client* | 01:32 |
raynerd_ | right, which is...? | 01:33 |
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Amaranth | thin clients | 01:33 |
raynerd_ | sorry, please I dont know what any of this means in computer terms! | 01:33 |
Amaranth | you have one big server and a bunch of systems that are only network card, and display (well, more or less) | 01:33 |
raynerd_ | right, so basically its just a network?> | 01:34 |
Amaranth | all the processing and such goes on on the server, the clients boot via the network | 01:34 |
raynerd_ | and whats the advantage of doing it on edubutu and not just on ubuntu | 01:34 |
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Amaranth | edubuntu automates it | 01:34 |
raynerd_ | right, making it easier to run? | 01:35 |
Amaranth | if you stick and edubuntu server disk in a computer with two network cards it automatically sets it up as an ltsp server | 01:35 |
raynerd_ | and manage | 01:35 |
Amaranth | they use the same repositories for their software so you can do all of this with ubuntu | 01:35 |
Amaranth | edubuntu just makes it easier to setup | 01:35 |
raynerd_ | so, in a classroom sense, what does this allow you to actually do. It isnt making sense still, sorry | 01:35 |
raynerd_ | why do they need to network...what for? | 01:36 |
Amaranth | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project | 01:36 |
Amaranth | the clients aren't full computers, they're dumb terminals | 01:36 |
raynerd_ | haha...right !!! :p | 01:36 |
Amaranth | they just show stuff on the screen and have a keyboard and mouse hooked up to them | 01:36 |
Amaranth | the server does all the processing | 01:36 |
raynerd_ | right so as a teacher, so what? kids can do what? teachers can do what? I dont see what networking is doing? | 01:37 |
raynerd_ | ahh they are using the same computer?? | 01:37 |
Amaranth | yes | 01:37 |
Amaranth | you can get a bunch of really old computers for the clients and just have one powerful server | 01:38 |
raynerd_ | wow I see | 01:38 |
Amaranth | and it lets you watch what the students are doing | 01:38 |
raynerd_ | so basically your running crappy machines, but using one big machine to do the work, making the rubbish computers useful! | 01:38 |
Amaranth | yep | 01:39 |
Amaranth | instead of buying a bunch of new computers you just get one powerful server and use the old computers as clients | 01:39 |
raynerd_ | are many schools doing this? | 01:39 |
Amaranth | some are | 01:40 |
Amaranth | i dunno about 'many' | 01:40 |
raynerd_ | sounds interesting, but hardwork | 01:40 |
Amaranth | edubuntu makes it not so hard | 01:42 |
Amaranth | but the ltsp stuff is all way over my head | 01:42 |
Amaranth | so once again, ask on monday :) | 01:42 |
raynerd_ | thanks | 01:42 |
raynerd_ | will do | 01:42 |
raynerd_ | tbh no problem now as i have installed all the aps, just dont get why they didnt get done on the install | 01:43 |
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sbalneav | Morning all | 04:08 |
mohamed_ | hello sbalneav | 04:08 |
mohamed_ | my question related to ltsp server, i installed freevo on the server , and when i try to run freevo on thinclient and server only one version working | 04:10 |
mohamed_ | how to make freevo working on both server and clients at the same time | 04:10 |
mohamed_ | this is not related to freevo only but to all programs | 04:11 |
sbalneav | You're looking for local apps. | 04:11 |
mohamed_ | anyone can help me ? | 04:11 |
sbalneav | apps running on the thin client itself. | 04:11 |
sbalneav | We don't support that yet, but you could try to get it working yourself, if you're willing to do some scripting/programming. | 04:12 |
mohamed_ | if there is starting point to start from i can try this | 04:13 |
mohamed_ | because this is why i install ltsp, i want to use it as mediacenter | 04:13 |
sbalneav | No, there's no starting point. | 04:13 |
mohamed_ | that anyone can run the same media application at the same time | 04:13 |
sbalneav | You'd have to chroot /opt/ltsp/i386 | 04:13 |
sbalneav | apt-get install the application you want, and sshd server | 04:14 |
sbalneav | get keys set up in the chroot. | 04:14 |
sbalneav | write a script that would mount /home in the chroot. | 04:14 |
sbalneav | get ldap authentication going. | 04:14 |
sbalneav | then, on the server. you'd use ssh to start the app on the thin client. | 04:15 |
sbalneav | its a big job, and all the pieces aren't there yet. | 04:15 |
mohamed_ | of course i'm sure if my knowledge can reach me to success in this :) | 04:15 |
sbalneav | I'm an ltsp developer, we'd love to have that feature, and we'll probably be working on it for Hardy, but it's not an easy job | 04:15 |
mohamed_ | i'm sure = i'm not sue | 04:16 |
mohamed_ | sure | 04:16 |
mohamed_ | yes, is very good feature | 04:16 |
mohamed_ | i get idea maybe is not correct, ... | 04:17 |
mohamed_ | if i chroot and install freevo on ltsp | 04:17 |
mohamed_ | this can't work ? | 04:18 |
sbalneav | Well, that's the start. | 04:18 |
sbalneav | Think about it: | 04:19 |
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sbalneav | The application needs to know who you are. There are no users on the thin client terminal, it uses the server for everything, so you need ldap | 04:19 |
sbalneav | There's no home dirs on the thin client, so you need those. | 04:19 |
sbalneav | the app has to get started some way, so you need ssh. | 04:20 |
sbalneav | etc. | 04:20 |
sbalneav | There's a lot of pieces to that puzzle. | 04:20 |
sbalneav | that's why we haven't solved it yet :) | 04:20 |
sbalneav | it's a hard problem to solve. | 04:20 |
mohamed_ | yes, :) | 04:20 |
mohamed_ | of course i can't make it if u still think in it | 04:20 |
mohamed_ | this is due to my few knowledge | 04:21 |
mohamed_ | sbalneav, can u look at this link and tell me if this can work .. | 04:23 |
mohamed_ | http://pachikov.com/ablog/posts/2006/03/07/terminal-server-for-home-media-pcs/ | 04:23 |
sbalneav | no | 04:24 |
sbalneav | it won't work | 04:24 |
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LaserJock | morning all | 06:20 |
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moquist | sbalneav: ping | 07:07 |
moquist | LaserJock: ping | 07:07 |
LaserJock | pongy pongy pongy | 07:08 |
moquist | pongo pongo purdy | 07:08 |
LaserJock | that's my impersonation of a pogo stick | 07:08 |
moquist | that's my impression of Disney making up names for a movie | 07:09 |
moquist | LaserJock: any comments on my moodle package? | 07:09 |
LaserJock | I haven't got to it this morning | 07:09 |
LaserJock | it's on my list though | 07:09 |
=== moquist nods | ||
moquist | K. I'm taking a look at the edubuntu doco ATM, just so sbalneav doesn't feel so lonely. | 07:11 |
moquist | At least, I'm trying. I've never worked with yelp-y stuff before, either... | 07:12 |
LaserJock | good man | 07:15 |
moquist | Eh, edubuntu/browser-startpage/index.html says "Welcome to Edubuntu 7.04, the Feisty Fawn!" | 07:16 |
moquist | :) | 07:17 |
moquist | Should I worry about piddly stuff like saying "Edubuntu distribution of Linux" instead of "Edubuntu Linux distribution"? (The latter makes it sound like "Edubuntu Linux" is the project name, and IIRC Ubuntu wants NOT to be "Ubuntu Linux".) | 07:18 |
=== moquist expects to have a largely editorial role here, along with perhaps contributing to an Edubuntu Tips & Tricks section, or something like that. | ||
LaserJock | nah, go ahead and put it together | 07:19 |
LaserJock | and I'll have a look | 07:19 |
LaserJock | I'm working on About Edubuntu today | 07:20 |
moquist | Oh, I wasn't writing new text. I was considering changing existing text. | 07:20 |
LaserJock | we haven't done much with the little docs | 07:20 |
LaserJock | yeah | 07:20 |
=== moquist nods | ||
LaserJock | I'm just saying, put it all together and send it to me | 07:20 |
moquist | Oh, ok. | 07:20 |
moquist | Is there a particular section to which you'd like to point me? | 07:20 |
LaserJock | nope | 07:21 |
LaserJock | just look at any of it | 07:21 |
LaserJock | it all needs to be looked over | 07:21 |
moquist | I grabbed the source from sbalneav's PPA. I should edit those files and then somehow send them to you? | 07:21 |
moquist | Should I just attach the changed files to an email, or create an updated source package, or what? | 07:21 |
LaserJock | hehe, whatever you'd like | 07:21 |
LaserJock | I'm easy ;-) | 07:21 |
moquist | This is all assuming I actually do something helpful, here. :) | 07:22 |
moquist | Agh! I-T-apostrophe-S for ownership! | 07:22 |
moquist | NOoooooo! | 07:22 |
moquist | :-D | 07:22 |
LaserJock | hehe | 07:22 |
moquist | "open source software" versus "Free Software"...? | 07:24 |
LaserJock | hmm | 07:25 |
LaserJock | I'd rather not touch that one | 07:25 |
LaserJock | nor Linux vs GNU/Linux ;-) | 07:25 |
moquist | Well, "About Edubuntu" says "open source software". Hence my question. | 07:25 |
moquist | Yep. | 07:25 |
=== moquist is chaffed whenever he says "Free Software" and somebody corrects him: "You mean Open Source?" | ||
moquist | Apparently not capitalizing "free software" OR "open source software", though. | 07:27 |
=== moquist prefers to capitalize Free Software because it is a clue toward the beer/speech distinction | ||
moquist | Oh, look. The paragraph in question is immediately followed by the Ubuntu Philosophy. I'm all set. | 07:28 |
moquist | No..."Free" is capitalized later. 8-\ | 07:29 |
moquist | Yeah, there's a cheerful jumble of "free" and "open source" on this page. | 07:30 |
moquist | Yeah, there's a cheerful jumble of "free", "Free", and "open source" on this page. | 07:30 |
moquist | I'm going to edit it as I see fit and send you what I think. | 07:31 |
=== moquist is plagued by his/her and the distressing compromise "their". | ||
LaserJock | yep | 07:38 |
moquist | I'm trying to eliminate the pronoun altogether where I can get away with it. | 07:39 |
moquist | I use the feminine pronouns exclusively in my philosophy papers. | 07:39 |
cbx33 | moquist, what's this for? | 07:40 |
moquist | We're discussing the Edubuntu Handbook. | 07:40 |
cbx33 | ahhh | 07:40 |
cbx33 | what part in particular? | 07:40 |
moquist | "Every computer user should have the freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, share, change and improve their software for any purpose, without paying licensing fees." I'm thinking about just ditching "their" and not using a pronoun there at all. | 07:41 |
LaserJock | well | 07:41 |
LaserJock | you might not want to change the freedoms stuff | 07:41 |
moquist | Though it's more compelling with an owership pronoun there... | 07:42 |
LaserJock | that is official Canonical wording | 07:42 |
moquist | LaserJock: Is that ... OK. NM, then. | 07:42 |
=== moquist puts it back | ||
=== moquist wants to change "community driven" to "community-driven", though. | ||
moquist | Same page, hopefully not official. | 07:42 |
moquist | LaserJock: Is this official? " | 07:44 |
moquist | Our work on Ubuntu is driven by a philosophy based on software freedom that we hope will spread, and bring the benefits of software technology to all parts of the globe." | 07:44 |
LaserJock | moquist: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory/philosophy | 07:44 |
moquist | I want to change it to: "Our work on Ubuntu and Edubuntu is driven by a philosophy of software freedom that we hope will spread and bring the benefits of software technology to all people, everywhere." | 07:45 |
moquist | LaserJock: 'globe' doesn't appear on the page you sent, so changing it is probably OK. | 07:45 |
=== moquist nods | ||
=== moquist likes nodding | ||
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moquist | LaserJock: Under "Manageable", what link(s) can we provide WRT re-branding or the addition or removal of programs? It's great to assert how great Edubuntu is, but it's empty marketing unless we actually provide some indication here of how they can do those things. | 07:57 |
LaserJock | hmm | 07:57 |
moquist | Maybe this isn't the place for it, I realize. The "Why Edubuntu?" section is intended to be marketing-ish. But it would seem quite a bit better to provide such links here, IMO. | 07:58 |
moquist | I wouldn't mind dropping that sentence altogether; I don't think it flows well. | 08:00 |
moquist | LaserJock: here's what I currently have, with no links needed: http://n01se.net/paste/cJm?pretty=yes | 08:01 |
=== moquist changes "scarce to non-existant" to something else... | ||
moquist | LaserJock: http://n01se.net/paste/jSH?pretty=yes | 08:03 |
moquist | OK, last time on that para: http://n01se.net/paste/AK7?pretty=yes | 08:04 |
LaserJock | very nice | 08:06 |
moquist | I was wrong. I couldn't help going back just now and changing "increasingly large" to "increasing". :) | 08:07 |
moquist | LaserJock: I just emailed you my current version of introduction.xml. I've gotta run ATM. | 08:16 |
LaserJock | k | 08:16 |
LaserJock | thanks | 08:16 |
=== moquist nods | ||
moquist | :) | 08:16 |
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multik | good evening group | 10:21 |
LaserJock | hi | 10:22 |
john_s | Hi all, can anyone tell me what the ldm file is/does | 10:24 |
multik | LaserJock, hi, what's up? | 10:25 |
john_s | hm, is this too easy or to hard a question? Is it just another display manager like xdm,gdm,kdm etc? | 10:29 |
john_s | never mind. I found it. | 10:31 |
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