
=== Verterok [n=ggonzale@184-220-114-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #bzr
VerterokHi y'all12:05
Verterokbeuno: ping12:09
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beunoVerterok, pong12:25
Verterokbeuno: Hi!12:26
beunohey Verterok, how are you doing?12:27
Verterokworking a bit in bzr-eclipse & bzr-xmloutput :D , how are you?12:27
beunoVerterok, working on my php<>bzr integration :D12:30
beunowhat are you working on with bzrxml?12:30
VerterokI made some changes that modify a bit (actually extend) the generated xml :P12:31
Verterokthese are related to merges and affected files (bzr log -v)12:31
beunoVerterok, interesting, I'm basing the php integration on your plugin, dos it change the format of the zml at all?12:32
VerterokI can pastebin a generated xml, but the change is how the revisions are handled12:33
Verterokthe current trunk handle all revisions as equals (i.e: don't know about merges)12:34
beunoVerterok, would you?  that way I can start crying on all the changes I have to make  :p12:34
beunoalthough it's great you're extending it, if you need a hand, I get along much better with python then with java  :D12:35
Verterokmaybe this is not too big, basically I added two new tags: <merge> and <affected-files>12:36
Verterokboth are child elements of <log>12:36
beunoVerterok, aren't the affected files already shown?12:37
VerterokI don't remember :P12:38
beunook ok, well, you already show the deleted/new/modified12:38
beunoas a child of <log>12:38
Verterokin my branch I added a <affected-files> tag, to group them12:39
beunoah, well, that will probably just me my code cleaner12:39
beunothat's the only bit that's a bit... les the ideal  :D12:40
beunowhat will the merge tag show?12:41
VerterokI think that the *other* change 'll take a bit more of work  (sorry for that)12:41
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Verteroktake a look: http://rafb.net/p/thAACb16.html12:41
beunoVerterok, I welcome any improvements, I really do :D12:42
Verterokgreat to known, but the <merge> is a big change :P12:43
Verterokit group the merge revisions logs12:43
beunoVerterok,I understand  :D12:43
beunoI was actually doing that manully in the PHP code12:43
Verterokah, great then! I think your code could be clean up a bit :D12:44
beunoI'll probably shave off half the lines of code!  yay!  :D12:44
Verterokso, I have your OK to push to trunk? ;)12:44
beunoas I imported I chedked if it was a subrevision, and if it was, associated it12:45
beunoVerterok, I'm pretty sure you don't need my OK, but I welcome it12:45
VerterokI started to work in the same processing (at the java side), but then I changed bzr-xmloutput :D12:46
beunoheh, yes, it makes much more sense12:47
beunoI wasn't as confident to go in and change someone's else code12:47
Verterokyou are most than welcome to do it :D12:47
beunoI have been playing around with bzr code more lately, even got a few patches in  :D12:47
beunoVerterok, cool, thanks, I'll look into what I'm missing/doing on my side that I can do directly in the plugin, branch, and ping you  :D12:48
Verterokgreat! congrats!12:49
beunoI tuhnk I'll be able to release some of my php code in the following weeks, quite a few people have been requesting it, so it doesn't make sense to keep on develpoing behind closed doors12:49
Verterokbeuno: I just pushed those changes. now at revno: 1812:50
beuno(I'm typing horribly today)12:50
beunogreat, LP just emailed me too  :p12:50
Verterokno problem, I type horribly every day :P12:50
beunodo you have any other changes in mind?12:52
Verterokno to the log command, but i need to take a look to annotate12:54
VerterokI have some plans to implement a few more commands12:54
beunoVerterok, if you want to point me at something specific to look into/code, just drop me a line and I'll see what I can do  :D12:57
Verterokfor the moment I have in mind: 'bzr plugins' and 'bzr info' (maybe I'll do a custom info --xml command with more information), both to aid bzr-eclipse12:58
beunoVerterok, ah, that sounds intersting, and bzr status maybe?  or is that implemented already?12:58
Verterokit's already there :D12:58
beunohow efficient of you  :p   I'm going to need that in the near future12:59
Verterokdrop me a line if you need something for: status --xml01:00
beunoVerterok, will do, thanks!01:01
beunoVerterok, what do you think on having a wiki page with ToDo's? that way it might be easier to know what needs to be done01:02
=== beuno just thought of bzr missing being useful too
Verteroksounds great! maybe in the bazaar wiki?01:03
beunoVerterok, yeap, seems like the right place01:03
VerterokI never used yet :P01:03
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beunoheh, I'll create the page real quick, we can both subscribe and spy on what the other one is thinking of  :p01:04
Verterokthat 'ld be interesting01:04
beunoVerterok, http://bazaar-vcs.org/bzr-xmloutput01:06
beunoI;ve subscribed01:06
Verterokthat was fast!01:06
beunoand now, I have to leave for a few hours, but we'll be in touch  :D01:06
=== beuno waves at vert
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nvictorhi guys :)05:42
nvictorI just downloaded the windows version of bazaar05:42
nvictorcan you tell me how it works?05:42
nvictorI'm new to version control :)05:42
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NamNguyenin what encoding is NEWS?07:28
NamNguyenit shows Lukas Lalinsky as garbage07:29
fullermdLooks normal to me, and I'm in UTF-8...08:17
tonyyarussoAren't those things usually gzipped ascii?09:03
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matkorHi ! How can make bzr setup.py install man files in /usr/share/man (FHS) instead of /usr/man/ ?10:47
lifelessnot sure10:48
lifelesspossibly some setup.py install --help info will help10:48
matkormmm I am gonna check --install-data /usr/share ...10:50
AfCmatkor: we did a mv ${D}/usr/man ${D}/usr/share/man in the post_inst part of the Gentoo package10:50
lifelessI don't suppose you filed a bug ? ;)10:50
AfCAgainst who?10:52
matkorAfC: I see similar patch for PLD ;)10:53
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AfC[I mean, sure, _maybe_ FHS would be a strong enough argument to get Python to change ... but at the cost of breaking every single Python derived package out there? I doubt they'd do it, frankly] 10:54
james_wthere should be an option to set the mandir though shouldn't there?10:55
matkorjames_w, Afc : --install-data /usr/share seems to work10:56
AfCmatkor: neat10:57
james_wthanks mak10:57
james_wmatkor sorry.10:58
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lifelessAfC: against bzr11:36
lifelessAfC: its our problem to make our setup.py do the right thing11:36
lifelessor to document how to do it11:36
AfClifeless: ok11:46
AfCmatkor: do you want to file it, or shall I?11:47
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hsn_what i need for syntax highlighting in olive?12:25
datoin debian and ubuntu, python-gnome2-desktop12:25
datothe library is called gtksourceview12:26
datohsn_: assuming you mean highlighting of the diffs12:26
datoI have no idea if other highlighting is supported12:26
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hsn_i get olive errors like: ImportError: No module named dialog or bzrlib.errors.BzrError: must supply file_id or path12:29
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duckxquicksilver: jelmer = jw ?12:40
duckxjames_w: around ?12:41
james_wduckx: hi12:41
duckxduckx = Frederic Brin ;)12:41
duckxYou are the guy behind bzr-builddeb right ?12:42
james_wah, hi. Thanks for your fixes/12:42
duckxNo problem, I enjoy tweeking python12:42
duckxWell, I tried the import-dsc command12:43
duckxAnd I was wondering one thing12:43
duckxWell, it is may be the normal behaviour12:43
duckxWhen you import a dsc, the orig.tar.gz is commited12:43
duckxBut the debian dir is not ....12:43
duckxIs that the normal way to go ?12:44
=== duckx thinks it is not ;)
duckxBy the way I was wondering one thing ...12:44
duckxWhat is the easiest way to get python have my bzr co of bzr-buildep be the python module loaded ?12:45
duckxWell, currently I hack the installed debian package, and port the tweeks back to my co tree12:45
duckx-> that sucks12:46
james_wmkdir -p ~/.bazaar/plugins/; ln -s /path/to/co ~/.bazaar/plugins/builddeb12:46
duckxJust fine for me ;)12:46
james_was for the import let me investigate.12:46
james_wyou're not using --snapshot correct? just import-dsc blah_0.1-1.dsc?12:49
duckxyes indeed12:49
duckxwith the --to flag12:49
duckxbzr import-dsc --to gnucash gnucash*.dsc12:50
james_wI need to pull your fix first. Shows that I need some blackbox tests :)12:52
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james_wI've just imported one dsc and there are no uncommitted changes.12:55
duckxHmm, damn12:55
duckxWhat did I do yesterday12:55
duckxWorks fine for me :(12:55
duckxOk lets try the merge upstream thing12:56
james_wah, merge upstream doesn't commit I think.12:56
duckxYeah, indead, that is the normal workflow12:57
duckxBut I had a wired thing after doing the following workflow:12:57
duckxThen  merge-upstream12:57
duckxbzr status gives me the following12:58
james_wthat looks right for the aim of the command.01:00
james_ware you confused that it added all of debian/ again?01:00
duckxYes ;01:00
james_wok, so I had the same opinion as you at first, but other convinced me to do it this way.01:01
duckxWell, what I don't get01:01
duckxIs that I imported gnucash-2.2.1 over a 2.0.501:01
duckxI should see a bunch of file modified01:01
duckxnont only 201:02
james_wlet me draw it for you.01:02
duckxYeah thx01:02
james_wactually drawing it isn't very useful.01:05
james_wwhat it does is really play with two branches in one, but you never see the second. Let's make the second explicit and then it might be clear.01:05
duckxMy current issue is to get where the debian patch is located ... ,01:05
james_wyou have an upstream branch and a debian branch.01:06
james_wthe upstream branch clearly just has upstream imports on it 0.1...0.2 etc.01:06
duckxYeah That is what I see with bzr log01:06
duckxrevno: 201:06
duckxtags: upstream-2.2.101:06
duckxcommitter: Frederic Brin <frederic.brin@assonetworx.com>01:06
duckxbranch nick: gnucash01:06
duckxtimestamp: Sun 2007-09-02 13:00:17 +020001:06
duckx  import upstream from gnucash_2.2.1.orig.tar.gz01:06
duckxrevno: 101:06
duckxtags: upstream-2.0.501:06
duckxcommitter: Frederic Brin <frederic.brin@assonetworx.com>01:06
duckxbranch nick: gnucash01:06
duckxtimestamp: Sun 2007-09-02 12:57:51 +020001:06
duckx  import upstream from gnucash_2.0.5.orig.tar.gz01:07
james_wso your diff between the 2.0.5 and 2.2.1 lies on this branch.01:07
james_wyeah, so you can see the upstream changes with bzr diff -r1..201:07
duckxI get this01:07
james_wnow your debian changes are based on the upstream code, so that is a separate branch that was "created" with a bzr branch -r 1 upstream debian/01:08
james_wand when you import a new upstream you need to merge the changes together.01:08
james_wthe question is which way you perform this merge.01:08
james_wthe way you are expecting I guess is that you do 'cd debian/; bzr merge ../upstream/'01:09
james_wand then you would see a pending merge of 'upstream 2.2.1', with all of upstream's changes, and whatever changes are made to the packaging.01:09
james_whowever the plugin does it the other way, so you are currently sat on the 'upstream' branch with the 'debian' changes merged in.01:10
=== duckx is trying to understand the workflow ...
james_wthere is no real difference, you can see upstream changes by following one 'branch' and 'debian' changes by following the others.01:11
james_wyou can also get the differences by diffing them.01:11
james_wif you fire up bzr viz (if you have it), you will see that all of the parent references are 'correct'.01:12
duckxOk, let me investigate01:12
james_wthe difficulty comes with bzr's distinction that the left parent is special, in this case that is the upstream branch.01:13
james_wso bzr log etc. emphasise that, showing the mainline as upstream's code, with all of your debian/ changes merged in to the last commit.01:13
james_wbut as I say, topographically all is correct, and you have the desired parent links.01:13
james_wThe left parent distinction is exactly why I was going with 'merge upstream in to debian' at first.01:14
james_wHowever siretart convinced me otherwise.01:14
james_wone moment...01:14
=== duckx is going to install viz
james_wit's useful to have, as it makes the topography clearer than log.01:16
james_wand gannotate is far more useful than plain annotate.01:17
james_wlet me know when you're up to speed and I'll explain the rationale.01:18
duckxWell, I got viz installed01:19
duckxI see the same stuff that what I see in the log01:20
duckxOk let's draw a simple example01:21
james_wif you click on the commits on the debian branch you should see two parents for each new debian version.01:21
james_wthey aren't drawn on the graph, but they are shown in the info area.01:21
duckxWell, I don't get where the debian revision is ...01:22
duckxI muss have miss one stuff01:22
james_whave you committed?01:22
james_wI don't think viz shows pending merge revisions.01:22
james_wyou can always uncommit after if you like.01:22
duckxBut it should have been commited for the first dsc-import ?01:22
fullermdPending merges are figments of the working tree's imagination   ;)01:22
james_wyeah, it was, but the merge makes it a pending merge again.01:23
james_wyou are on the 'upstream' branch, which knows nothing about the debian revisions.01:23
duckxThat is01:24
duckxThe reason01:24
duckxOk let me do a commit01:24
duckxOk commited01:27
duckxbzr viz is a lot clearer right now01:28
duckxjames_w: well I need to read about dir-state tree first01:30
duckxI think it will make the things clearer for me01:30
duckxjames_w: anyhow, thx for your time, and explaination01:31
james_wduckx: no problem. Give us a shout if you want anything else explaining.01:37
james_wand thanks for your fixes.01:37
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denndahey there03:40
denndahttp://pastebin.ca/678878 <-- Nice little bug I get. (Pull didn't work, so i was told to merge. That didn't work either, so i tried to push. That's the result.)03:41
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fullermdWell, the immediate error is that push is a writing op, and you can't write over http.03:42
fullermdBut push isn't going to solve a problem you're having with pull/merge.03:42
denndaThe last line indicated it was a bug03:43
denndaThat's why I ask03:43
fullermdWell, in the sense that we should say "Hey, you can't do that" instead of spitting out 30 lines of traceback, it is...03:43
denndaYou want the whole thing, i guess?03:44
fullermdWell, that part isn't really a bug or anything broken; it's expected behavior, for what you tried.03:45
denndaWhat should I try instead?03:45
fullermdWell, that would require going into the actual problem you're trying to solve   :)03:45
fullermdIt's easy enough to adjust that push so it [probably]  works, but if you're starting out trying to pull/merge something, pushing probably isn't what you want to do anyway.03:46
denndaAh that just was the wrong adress to push to03:46
fullermdYah.  To push you'd use a sftp://-ish (or bzr+ssh://-ish) URL.03:47
fullermdBut what's the problem you have with merge?03:47
denndaYes, i tried that now. It gave me "No new revisions to push.".03:47
denndaThe actual problem is, that pull doesn't work as I would expect it: bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged. Use the merge command to reconcile them.03:48
denndaSo I try merge: bzr: ERROR: Working tree has uncommitted changes.03:49
fullermdOk, let's look at 'em one at a time.  First, the pull.  Do you expect the branches to have not diverged?03:49
fullermd(usually, that would mean that you've made commits to your branch that aren't in the upstream)03:49
denndaAfter I changed the file of my branch the last time, I immediately pushed it. (And that worked)03:50
fullermdYou can try using 'bzr missing' to figure out what revs differ between the branches; that should point you in the right direction.03:51
fullermdAs for the merge issue, it's just what it says; merge by default will refuse to run if you've got uncommitted changes lying around.03:52
fullermdOK, so you made your branch at revno 13.  Since that time, you've made two commits in your local branch (your 14 and 15), and Jason has made two in the upstream branch (his 14 and 15).03:53
denndaI would expect pull to grab the below mentioned two missing revisions.03:53
fullermdPull would do that if you were still at rev 13.  But you have local changes.03:54
fullermdPull only moves you "forward", in a sense.  And since his branch isn't "forward" of your branch (it doesn't include your current head rev), it can't do anything.03:55
fullermdSo, what you need is 'merge', to merge in his revs and create a new revision with joins his changes with your local changes.03:55
denndaWhat would be the command to do that?03:56
fullermdThat's failing for you for the reason above; you've got other changes your haven't committed yet.  So, either commit them (if you want 'em), or revert them (if you don't), then merge should do its work.03:56
fullermd(You _can_ force merge to work over uncommitted changes, but it's almost always a bad idea, because it muddles up your history.)03:57
denndaIs it possible to ask bzr what exact changes those are? I can't remember havn't changed anything that I didn't push.03:57
fullermdMmm.  Two different questions.03:57
fullermdBut this isn't stuff you haven't pushed; it's stuff you've changed but not _committed_.  So, 'bzr stat' or 'bzr diff' will tell you what's sitting around.03:58
denndaI just want to know what bzr wants me to commit.03:58
denndaOk I will try that, just a sec03:58
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denndaah wll03:59
denndaof course03:59
denndaMy programm changes the contents of the files in a directory that comes from Jasons trunk03:59
denndaAnd to test if my programm worked I ran it. So it changed these files.03:59
denndaI don't want to keep them. I just want to take the unaltered files from Jasons trunk. How do I do that?04:00
fullermd'bzr revert' will get rid of uncommitted changes and bring your files back to what they were last time you committed.04:00
denndaWhat if I also changed the files _before_ I committed last time?04:01
fullermdWell, then that's something to resolve during the merge.  What we're doing now is making it so your working tree is the same as it was last time you committed, so that we can do the merge.04:02
denndaok so bzr revert. just a sec04:03
denndaok, done04:03
fullermdThe sitution is something like: http://pastebin.ca/67890404:03
fullermdRight now, we're on line 11; There are two 14's and two 15's, yours and his.  We want to create a new 16 that's descended from both of them.04:04
denndaDid you draw that right now?04:04
fullermd"Draw" is probably an overstatement    ;)04:04
denndaWell it's more beautiful than I would have been able to do it.04:04
denndaSo I do have to always do this merge after I commit a change?04:05
fullermdIt looks something like a juniper bush being hit by lightning...04:05
denndaSo I reverted, merged, tried to pull and still get: bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged. Use the merge command to reconcile them.04:06
fullermdWell, it depends on the situation.  You need to merge when things have diverged.  If you and Jason were both working on a single branch, and alternated commits instead, there wouldn't be any merging.04:06
fullermdRight.  There's no way "forward" from your 15 to his 15.04:06
fullermdSo, now do the 'merge', and let's see what it manages to make happen.04:06
denndaAs I said: I already merged04:07
denndaIf I want to do it again it says: bzr: ERROR: Working tree has uncommitted changes.04:07
fullermdRight.  Merge doesn't create the new 16; it just merges those 15's in your working tree.04:07
denndaSo this seems to be quite the same situation as above04:07
fullermdLook over the changes ('diff'), and make sure the result is what you want.  Check 'stat' too, to see which files, and maybe if there are any conflicts.04:07
fullermdThink you said you wanted his version of a few files, so we may want to adjust those before you commit.04:08
denndaOk it's what I want04:08
fullermd'k.  If it's all how you want it, 'commit' it, which will create the new rev 16 that we want.04:09
denndaWell at least I hope so ;)04:09
fullermdWell, if it turns out not to be, claim that somebody snuck into your office and did it.  's what I always do.04:10
denndaok i did bzr commit and it opened (to my astonishment) vim, showing me modified files, added files, etc..04:10
denndaSounds like a great strategy for all deeds I want to do04:10
fullermd"There's no way I could have made that commit!  I was busy robbing a bank at that time!"04:11
denndaOk, so what do I do with vim?04:12
=== fullermd blinks.
denndait created bzr_log.HOrCoV04:12
fullermdPut in the log message and all, just like you do on any other commit.04:12
denndaand opened it in vim04:12
denndaI don't understand this04:13
fullermdIt's just like any other commit you've made.  It just happens to contain a merge, but that doesn't affect anything else about the process.04:14
denndadoesn't commit need a file specified that shall be committed?04:14
fullermdOnly if you want to commit only a particular file; normally it just checks through the tree for any modified files.04:15
fullermd(and partial commits aren't supported on merges anyway)04:16
denndaso it is "bzr commit 'comment'"04:17
duckxjames_w: Well, I need your advice for this04:18
denndaisn't it?04:18
fullermdWell, "bzr commit -m 'comment'", if you want to specify the log message on the command line.04:18
duckxWhat about chmod 755 debian/rules while import-dsc ?04:18
fullermdWithout the -m, it spawns off $EDITOR for the log message.  I hardly ever use -m myself.04:19
james_wduckx: perhaps that should be added, I'm not sure.04:20
duckxWell, currently When doing this04:21
duckxbzr import-dsc04:21
duckxThen bzr builddeb04:21
duckxIt fails to build because debian/rules not 75504:21
denndafullermd: Ok. So I do push now?04:21
duckxWell, james_w patch is ready , just wait for your agreement to commit ;)04:22
fullermddennda: If you want to push up those combined changes now, yah.04:22
james_wyeah, it seems reasonable to me. Can you add a debian/changelog entry please.04:22
james_wand one for your last fix as well if you wouldn't mind.04:23
duckxYes shure04:23
james_wthanks duckx04:24
james_wis there a test for it?04:25
denndafullermd: /me feels uncomfortable.04:25
fullermdHow so?04:25
denndaI pushed now. Pull now tells me: No revisions to pull.04:25
duckxjames_w: you mean unit test ?04:25
james_wduckx: yeah.04:25
duckxDon't think so04:26
denndaBut I do need to pull in order to get Jasons changes, don't I?04:26
duckxUps my mistake :)04:26
fullermdNot at this point, no.  Look back at http://pastebin.ca/67890404:26
fullermdHis branch is now at his [right-side]  15.  Yours is at the 16.  So, you have all the changes from his branch already (though he doesn't have yours)04:26
fullermdSo there's nothing for pull to do.04:27
denndaok let me see if you tell the truth ;)04:27
duckxjames_w: by the way, what is the next version number 0.90.1 ?04:27
denndaSeems like.04:27
fullermdNow, your two branches look a little different, of course.  His is just a straight line, from 1 to 15, like the right side up through line 11.  Yours now has that splitting apart for two revs on each side then the coming back together at 16.04:29
james_wduckx: it will probably be 0.9104:29
duckxjames_w: ok04:29
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=== dato_ wonders why the chmod is done stat.* instead of just 755
denndafullermd: yes i see. and this will always happen if I change anything from my branch?04:30
fullermdWell, it depends on the particulars of a situation.  If we imagine you made your rev 14, but he hadn't done anything, he could pull from you, and you'd both have the same straight 1->14.04:31
fullermdWhen you need a merge is when you've _both_ made different 14's, because now the history has split, and merge is needed to bring it back together.04:31
denndaI hope I can figure this out on my own next time. (Still seems like "Black wiZzaRdry" to me ;))04:32
denndaBut I think I understood04:32
denndaThank you, fullermd!04:32
=== BrianB04 [n=bbommari@c-69-136-128-216.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #bzr
BrianB04Good morning everyone.04:33
fullermdNo problem   :)04:33
james_wduckx: it would also be good to ensure that debian/rules exists.04:33
james_whi BrianB0404:33
duckxDoing it right now04:33
BrianB04I have a silly question, and despite finding some answers, I'm still a bit lost. I want to put my repo on my website. Now, I know you can copy the files to the webserver, but the problem is I have ignores in there, so it will take the ignored files up. Any other way to put it up on the server?04:34
duckxjames_w: isn't debian/rules a mandatory ?04:34
james_wBrianB04: bzr push04:34
james_wduckx: yes, I guess you don't have to add the check, but you never know.04:35
BrianB04Now, with push, you have to commit the first time before you push, correct?04:35
james_wBrianB04: yes that is correct.04:35
duckxok james_w04:35
BrianB04Then, once I push, do I have to pull it from the server, or is it smart enough to know where it was pushed?04:37
james_wBrianB04: it will know.04:39
james_wif it doesn't then you can bzr pull --remember sftp://... or whatever and it will remember from then on.04:39
BrianB04Very cool. Yea, I think I could get into Bazaar. I work a lot with Rails...and I typically work in what are called User Stories, so each chunk is broken up. With subversion, you have to hold back commiting because you don't want to commit untested code, and blah blah blah...pain.04:40
BrianB04Plus, with Bazaar running so nicely on Windows.04:42
james_wthanks duckx04:47
BrianB04Now, to get my launchpad account.04:56
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BrianB04You know, it's sad. NearlyFreeSpeech.net is such a superb hosting company, and they charge you for what you use, while Dreamhost, which is a touch expensive and oversells like nuts, just...is awful.05:03
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matkorCan I force merge with preserving uncommited changes ?05:46
james_wbzr merge --force?05:53
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matkorjames_w: Thanks !06:00
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matkorjelmer: Could you please merge one more fix for olive-gtk from http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~matkor/bzr-gtk/trunk-matkor ? TIA06:40
jelmermatkor: Done, thanks!06:42
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matkorjelmer: Thanks! Are you planning release 0.91 soon  ? This one with context menu was serious bug ...06:49
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aantnhow can I check the version of a revision I just downloaded?07:04
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matkoraantn: You mean revision number ? bzr log -r -1  ?07:07
aantnmatkor: I need to find out what the number of the lastest revision is07:07
aantnand bzr log gives too many results07:08
aantnif I just run "bzr log"07:08
=== BrianB04 [n=bbommari@c-69-136-128-216.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #bzr
james_wbzr revno?07:10
BrianB04Hello all, again:)07:10
datoaantn: `bzr log -r -1` as matkor said, or just `bzr revno`, which wgives you the number and nothing else07:10
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BrianB04Okay, another quick question: I pushed up the branch, so it's up on the site, now when I work on the copy on my system, and commit, it commits only to that branch, then I have to push again, and it will merge the changes?07:10
datowell, in bzr parlance there will be no changes to "merge", just changes to "push". but yes.07:12
BrianB04I'm an old school CVS/SVN user, so this DRCS is a bit of a mind switch.07:13
james_wBrianB04: yeah, your local changes are a superset of the remote ones, so you can push no problem, and it will be exactly the same as your local branch.07:14
BrianB04Only difference is commiting to my branch will never leave the main repo unstable.07:14
james_wif however you logged in to your server and also made a commit there before pushing the branches have 'diverged', i.e. one is not a superset of the other.07:14
james_win those cases you need to merge.07:15
james_wif you only ever work on one before sychronising then push and pull will be all you need.07:15
BrianB04Well for the moment it's just me working on it, and since it's all based around sftp, I know I'm the only one that will ever push to it.07:15
james_wyou can also move to a more svn like workflow by running 'bzr bind sftp://remote/'07:16
james_wwhich will mean that all your local commits are pushed up to the server as you do them, but that may not be what you want if you are developing experimentally.07:16
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james_whi cnus8n07:19
cnus8nI am looking for setting up bazaar and webdav07:19
cnus8nis there any good tutorial for it?07:19
cnus8ni have installed the webdav plugin07:20
james_wI haven't seen one I'm afraid. Does google have anything useful?07:20
cnus8nI want some help in configuring apache07:20
cnus8ngoogling didnt help much07:20
BrianB04No, I'm thinking I'm going to do what some suggest, having the main repo, branch off that, add features, then merge.07:20
james_wBrianB04: that's the best workflow in my opinion.07:21
cnus8ni want to have a central shared repository - but must be able to push changes from outside07:21
BrianB04james_w: Yea, that sounds like the best idea. Granted, some stuff like licensing and versioning isn't going to be pulled out because that would be...kind of pointless to branch to put in a text file, but otherwise branch.07:24
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cnus8nguys, I tried to setup webdav with bzr and I can do a checkout07:41
cnus8nbut whenever i try to commit, i get an error07:41
cnus8nbzr: ERROR: File exists: 'https://foo.com/bzr/.bzr/repository/lock/ou6zj1ct2u.tmp'07:42
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cnus8ncan someone help07:42
james_wI've never used the plugin I'm afraid, and I'm not sure how up to date it is.07:44
james_wah, vila is the author, but he's not around at the moment.07:46
james_wit should be reasonably up to date though.07:46
james_wcnus8n: can you put the traceback you get in to a pastebin please?07:47
cnus8nI get no traceback - this is the only error message i get07:47
cnus8ni just changed to foo.com07:47
cnus8nafter i checkout, i make a change and then try bzr commit07:48
james_wrun what you were doing with bzr -Derror and you will get a traceback.07:48
james_walso the end of ~/.bzr.log will be useful.07:49
james_wok, you are getting a 405 from your browser when you access that url.07:52
james_wfrom your server sorry.07:52
james_wcan you open it in your browser please?07:52
cnus8nyou mean https://beta.bioask.com/bzr/  ??07:52
cnus8nyeah i can open it07:52
james_wno the one that is in the error message.07:53
james_w405 is "Method not Allowed"07:53
james_wso I guess your dav configuration isn't correct yet.07:53
james_wah, in fact it is doing a MOVE request to the URL in the error, so the browser wont help here.07:54
james_wsorry a MKCOL request.07:55
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BrianB04So, are there any good web frontends to bazaar branches?08:24
james_wloggerhead and bazaar-webserve08:26
james_wsome people prefer the former, but it requires turbogears. The latter is plain python, and can serve an individual branch without apache etc.08:26
BrianB04Can bazaar-webserve serve multiple branches?08:27
james_wyes, using mod_python or cgi I think.08:27
james_wcgi is easy.08:28
BrianB04Or, I could just use Launchpad...which I'm not sure how often they update.08:30
james_wthey pull once an hour when mirroring I belive.08:31
BrianB04Can't you use Launchpad to host bazaar branches?08:33
mwhudsonif your branch is hosted on launchpad, the codebrowse view is live08:33
BrianB04Where can I find info on hosting it at Launchpad?08:34
BrianB04Now, if I can figure out how to unregister a branch that hasn't mirrored yet...08:38
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grimboyHey, I'm having some trouble installing the trac bzr plugin (from https://code.launchpad.net/~jelmer/trac-bzr/aaron ). The exact error is "TracError: Unsupported version control system "bzr". Check that the Python bindings for "bzr" are correctly installed.". I have tracbzr.* = enabled under [components]  in trac.ini. I can import tracbzr and bzrlib in from the python prompt. My path and pythonpath are set up to be identical in the shell and the fcgi script.08:44
hsn_grimboy: what version of bzr you have?08:52
hsn_it worked for me with 0.1808:53
BrianB04This is odd, I go to push to /trunk, it says it exists, I use --use-existing-dir and it tells me it doesn't exist.08:53
grimboyAh, hmm.08:53
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mwhudsonBrianB04: strange09:02
mwhudsonBrianB04: though, hm09:03
mwhudsonBrianB04: it's probably trying to push to a mirrored branch that's confusing it09:03
mwhudsonBrianB04: if it hasn't mirrored yet, you should be able to delete it09:03
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BrianB04Okay, so I finally got one to take, and now it's saying it's not a branch.09:39
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BrianB04I did the bzr init, added, committed then I bzr pushed, now it's saying it's not a branch.09:42
BrianB04It didn't load the files odd.09:47
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BrianB04All it has is a .bzr directory09:50
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james_wa bz push sftp:// will only put a .bzr on the server.10:00
BrianB04So that's okay?10:01
james_wif you do bzr log sftp://... does it show you the whole log?10:01
james_wthen that's ok10:02
BrianB04But, when I pull using this address: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bbommarito/rbnews/trunk it tells me it's not a trunk, and launchpad is saying it can't import it because it's not a branch.10:04
BrianB04Or rather it says: Launchpad could not mirror this branch 30 minutes ago. The error was: Not a branch: sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bbommarito/rbnews/trunk10:05
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james_wthere's a strange error from the http:// url currently.10:07
BrianB04Hrmmm, the branch/branch-name is empty.10:09
BrianB04Oh, so there is an issue with the http connections right now on launchpad?10:10
james_wit looks that way, try opening the http:// url you pasted in your browser.10:12
james_wthere is a #launchpad if you want to try and sort this out, they will have a better idea than me.10:13
james_wI think it's on freenode though.10:13
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BrianB04Yet, the one I have on my webhost works just fine.10:20
lifelessjames_w: this channel is on freenode :)10:21
james_wlifeless: oh yeah :)10:21
BrianB04Yea, I was just gonna say.10:21
lifelessso there is no branch ~bbommarito/rbnews/trunk10:22
lifelesson the supermirror10:22
lifelessBrianB04: ~bbommarito/rbnews/trunk exists, but has not been pushed completely10:23
lifelessBrianB04: you, or the owner, needs to push with bzr to the bzr+ssh, or sftp url.10:23
lifelessthen it will show up on http10:23
BrianB04Oh, is that what's happening? I wonder what stopped it from pushing properly. Can that branch be trashed, or can I just go right over it?10:23
lifelessjust push again10:24
lifelessnote the error:10:24
lifeless51 minutes ago10:24
lifelessifi this is when you pushed first, there is a race condition that you may have encountered10:24
lifelessand if thats the case i don't think we have the 'try now' trigger in place - but it will sort it self out automatically10:25
BrianB04Okay, pushing right now.10:26
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ymlI am trying to publish some change from a remote host to launchpad.net with bzr. The problem is that on that host I do not have access to /home/me so I had to put my ssh key directly on www/.ssh. Unfortunatly when I try to push I get the following error message:here it is the message : http://dpaste.com/18451/ bzr is looking at the wrong place to find the key do you know if there is a way to explicitely specify the path?10:32
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lifelessbzr itself doesn't look for the key10:33
lifelessopenssh does10:33
ymlcould you be a bit more accurate, I am not sure to understand the problem?10:34
lifelessbzr uses 'ssh' to connect to launchpad10:35
ymlok I understand this10:35
lifelessthe ssh key is accessed by ssh10:36
lifelessits not something bzr has any control over10:36
BrianB04Yea...I pushed it again, still not wanting to actually pull.10:37
BrianB04Still giving me the error, but bzr said branch created...so...10:37
lifelessok thats an improvement10:37
ymllifeless: so I guess I need to find quick how to on ssh. do you have any suggestion?10:37
lifelessone thing you could try10:38
lifelessis to set HOME to a path you do control10:38
ymlok :-)10:38
lifelessHOME=somepath bzr ...10:38
lifelessBrianB04: ok if it said branch created, I think you should push one more time10:38
ymlok I am going to try this10:38
lifelessBrianB04: which will trigger a retry.10:39
BrianB04Oddly enough, pulling via sftp is working.10:39
lifelessthats normal10:39
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lifelessif you have write access to the branch you go to master copy10:39
BrianB04Okay, it looks like it's going to wait an hour to grab it, so we will see if it can mirror it in an hour...because pushing again simply says 'nothing to do'10:41
BrianB04Or No new revisions to push10:41
lifelessBrianB04: little big huh ?10:44
lifelessBrianB04: its probably cloning the public copy now10:44
lifelesssorrry, I mis-parsed your statement10:47
BrianB04Yea, it's showing it couldn't clone it like 15 minutes ago.10:48
BrianB04I'm guessing the http doesn't work until it's cloned.10:48
lifelessthats right10:49
matkorHmmm What is meaning of word 'triaged' in status triaged ? TIA10:50
james_wmatkor: it means it's been looked at but not diagnosed yet.10:51
abentleyStrictly, it means a severity has been picked, but it doesn't mean that the bug has been verified or examined otherwise.10:52
lifelessjames_w: it does not imply lack of diagnosis10:53
lifelessmorning abentley10:53
ymllifeless : after some investigation I have found out that the $HOME is pointing to the right place10:54
abentleylifeless: morning.10:54
lifelessyml: I was suggesting changing it to somewhere you can write to so you can use the ssh key10:55
ymlI mean my key is directly located in this directory .ssh/id_rsa10:55
ymlmy key is already there the pb is that bzr /openssh are not looking in that directory but in /home/yml10:56
lifelesswell it was a thought10:57
lifelessyou could try using agent mode10:57
lifelessstart ssh-agent on your machine10:57
lifelessthen ssh -A themachineyouarepushingfrom10:57
lifeless(you need to do ssh-add on your machine too)10:57
james_wlifeless: wouldn't you use confirmed if you had diagnosed it?10:58
BrianB04Yep, there was a race condition on the push, and it will be remirrored in about 5 hours.10:59
ymllifeless : ok I am going to find a how to ssh  :)11:00
BrianB04There is a fix in the works, but it won't be out until 1.1.911:00
lifelessjames_w: you can't triage until you can decide impact within the community11:04
lifelessits unfortunate that the lp devs put it in a spectrum11:05
james_wI thought that the definition of triage (in a wider sense) was a quick best estimate before you had all the facts that you wanted to make the full decision.11:06
lifelesstriage is about allocation of resources based on likely benefit11:08
lifelessbut in bug systems its a little misused11:12
=== dato blinks.
lifelesstriage in bug systems is focused around the importance to the project, not the probability of fixing the bug easily11:20
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