
asacso you actually wait till nothing happens anymore ... then you turn off and on and it associates ? e.g. goes to stage3 et al?12:31
asacor does it start from stage 1 again, but this time goes through to stage 5?12:32
stgraberasac: http://paste.stgraber.org/329112:32
stgraberI receive an associated event after switch rfkill back on12:32
stgraberthen it continues at stage 212:33
asacyes great12:33
asaci see it12:33
asacwhy the hell goes all usb down?12:33
stgrabermy kill switch also kills my bluetooth card which is USB :)12:33
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asacstgraber: apparently it doesn't resent the associated event if you set the same essid again12:34
asacstgraber: ah ok12:34
asacstgraber: ok when you hang at stage 212:35
asacdoes setting essid to "" trigger the association even again?12:36
asacstgraber: or better ... set to a not existing one ... then set the right onw again12:36
asacmaybe it just continues12:36
stgrabersetting to not existing works12:42
stgrabersetting to "" doesn't change the essid (iwconfig still shows the same)12:43
stgraberwhen setting to a not existing one, I see a "disassociated event", then a "associated event" and it connects correctly12:44
stgraberso the main problem is that NM try to deassociate using essid "", which in fact doesn't deassociate :)12:44
asacstgraber: i look at the driver code now ... i am not really adept in kernel code12:48
asacbut from what i read it skips reassociation when essid is changed :/ in case you are already associated12:48
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asacstgraber: yeah we should probably set to no-existing instead of any/off12:49
asacstgraber: i don't really understand the logic in this driver code12:50
asac        IPW_DEBUG_ASSOC("[re] association triggered due to BSSID change.\n");12:51
asac        if (!ipw_disassociate(priv))12:51
asac                ipw_associate(priv);12:51
asacipw_disassociate returns 0 iif you are currently not associated/associating12:51
asacfor me it looks like it should just be ipw_disassociate(priv); ipw_associate(priv);12:52
asacwithout if12:52
asacfurther it treats any in the same way as off ... in both cases it runs ipw_associate12:53
asacimo it shouldn#t do that for off12:53
asaconly for any12:54
asacstgraber: wanna try to patch those two places?12:54
stgraberif you have an easy way to rebuild the driver yes12:54
asaceasy way?12:55
asacdoes building modules fail for you?12:55
asacstgraber: have you tried to build the sources from upstream site?12:56
stgraberand had some problem with the ieee80211 thing12:56
asacstgraber: why do you need that? don't we have that installed/build already?12:57
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stgraberasac: what cmd do you use to build upstream ipw3945 ?12:59
stgrabera simple "make" complains about duplicate ieee80211 thing01:00
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asacstgraber: make IEEE80211_IGNORE_DUPLICATE=y  SHELL=bash01:05
asacthat builds for me at least01:05
asacstgraber: make IEEE80211_IGNORE_DUPLICATE=y  SHELL=/bin/bash01:06
asacstgraber: maybe try unmodified 1.2.2 first501:08
asacif that work we can test things01:08
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stgraberasac: http://paste.stgraber.org/329201:11
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asactry to: apt-get install ieee80211-source module-assistant01:13
asacsudo module-assistant prepare01:13
asacsudo module-assistant unpack ieee80211-source01:13
asacafter that it should ubild01:14
stgraberasac: looks like the ieee80211-source isn't complete, net/ieee80211_radiotap.h is missing01:17
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asacstgraber: what did you do?01:20
asacfor me it just builds01:21
asacdid you try to tweak the INC variable? i didn't need that01:21
stgraberI had to as module-assistant extract to /usr/src/module and ipw3945 looks for /usr/src/ieee8021101:22
asacstgraber: did you run module-assistant prepare?01:22
asacstgraber: for me the headers are found ... they are from the unpacked sources (now that i look at it) ... but are in kernel headers directory01:23
asacstgraber: but prepare should have installed the headers for you?01:23
asacstgraber: http://paste.stgraber.org/329301:24
asacstgraber: http://paste.stgraber.org/329401:25
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stgraberasac: I have the same result for the find cmd ...01:30
asacdoes the make command print the same?01:33
asacand you really run: make IEEE80211_IGNORE_DUPLICATE=y  SHELL=/bin/bash01:33
asacthats strange01:33
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asacyou must have someelse messed up ... /usr/src/linux link exists?01:34
asac/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.22-10-generic as well?01:34
stgraberlinux -> linux-headers-2.6.22-10-generic01:35
asacstgraber: make IEEE80211_IGNORE_DUPLICATE=y  SHELL=/bin/bash IEEE80211_INC=/lib/modules/2.6.22-10-generic/build/include/01:37
asacthen i can't tell ... maybe you are not up-to-date or something01:40
asacstgraber: maybe you added some links when you tried to do ieee8... stuff manually in the past?01:44
stgraberasac: I'm downloading the complete source tree, maybe it'll find the required bits here :)01:44
asacstgraber: i doubt that its the required bits01:44
asacyour system has something wierd :)01:44
stgraberI reinstalled all 2.6.22-10 packages this morning after trying to manually build ipw3945 so my system should be clean01:45
asacstgraber: strace -eopen -f make IEEE80211_IGNORE_DUPLICATE=y  SHELL=/bin/bash &> /tmp/out01:46
asacplease post it01:46
asacstgraber: better: strace -eopen -f make IEEE80211_IGNORE_DUPLICATE=y  SHELL=/bin/bash 2>&1 | grep ieee8 > /tmp/out01:46
stgrabercompiled (using linux-source)01:47
asacstgraber: does /lib/modules/2.6.22-10-generic/build/include/net/ieee80211.h exist?01:47
asacstgraber: well please install generic kernel01:48
asacto test01:48
stgraberthat's -generic, I just did : apt-get source linux-image-2.6.22-10-generic and used that as IEEE80211_INC and worked01:49
stgraberieee80211.h doesn't exist01:49
stgraberanyway, I can now make the module so that should be good (even if I normally wouldn't have had to download the ubuntu kernel source package)01:51
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asacstgraber: ok so wait a sec01:53
asacstgraber: http://paste.stgraber.org/329601:54
asactry that patch01:54
asacDISCLAIMER: i don't know what i do ;)01:54
stgraber2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file ipw3945.c.rej01:55
stgraberon clean upstream ipw3945-1.2.201:57
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asaccan you edit it manualyl that way?01:58
=== LaserJock looks a backscrool
asacstgraber: good01:58
LaserJockit's all asac and stgraber for 3 hrs01:58
asacLaserJock: yeah ... apparently everyone else have their issues sorted out already ;)01:59
LaserJockgutsy is perfect! let's go home01:59
asacof course its perfect ... but still there are things that can be improved ;)02:00
asacstgraber: the idea is that you receive an association event in case you set a new essid :) and that you don't try to associate if essid is set to off02:02
stgrabermodule compiled, let's try to replace the current one :)02:02
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stgraberasac: result with NM is still the same02:04
stgraber(and no event received)02:05
asacstgraber: please set iwconfig essid to off02:06
asacand see if it still reassociates (e.g. nm stopped)02:06
stgraberasac: exactly the same behaviour as before, off doesn't seem to make it deassociate at all02:13
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=== Fujitsu wonders which package he should file a bug under about the keyboard accessibility stuff.
asacstgraber: how did you run iwconfig exactly?02:15
stgraberiwconfig eth1 essid off02:15
asacstgraber: in man they say that you should escape if you use the keywords02:16
asacstgraber: iwconfig eth0 essid -- "ANY"02:16
asacis one example02:16
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stgraberasac: well, if I do : iwconfig eth1 essid -- "off" it'll be the essid "off", not the action off02:20
stgraberasac: so -- "off" will work, but "niofnbdiono" would have done the same :)02:20
asacoh right ;)02:21
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stgraberbtw, why does "off" deassociate+associate, shouldn't it only deassociate ?02:22
asacstgraber: well the patch i gave you should fix that02:23
asacstgraber: current behaviour is any+off deassociate + associate02:23
asacso i made this patch :)02:23
asacdid you apply it ;) ?02:23
stgraberyes :)02:23
stgraberhmm, right that's the first part of your script (didn't really read the code :))02:24
asacscript :)02:24
asacthats a .c file patch02:24
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stgraberhe, it's 2 o'clock :), yes it's C :)02:24
asacstgraber: can you please try one more thing for today: build with CONFIG_IPW3945_DEBUG=102:25
asacoh its already the default02:26
stgraberyes, but I'd need the debug value to pass to the kernel module02:27
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wasabiHmm. Looking for guidelines on what's accepted in -updates02:29
asacstgraber: try 0xffffffff or something02:30
asacstgraber: i think its 0x180002:32
asacthat should be SCAN + ASSOC02:32
stgrabertried with 0xffffffff and 8 (which is WX) and I have no output :(02:32
asachow did you load?02:33
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asacstgraber: try echo 6144 > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/ipw3945/debug_level02:34
stgraberI have some debug info with that, but nothing when doing the essid off02:38
stgraberasac: when doing the essid off with debug being 6252 I see : Sep  2 02:39:21 laptop kernel: [52117.597673]  ipw3945: U ipw_wx_set_essid Setting ESSID to ANY02:40
asacyou have a bit more log for me?02:40
stgraber^ a bit :)02:42
stgraberat least it's clear that NM sets the ESSID to ANY and then the driver try to associate02:43
asacstgraber: well ... as you see off is any02:44
asacyou tried it manually right?02:44
stgraberhmm, you are right that could well be OFF too as both shows ANY :)02:45
stgraberlast log line is a manual "iwconfig eth1 essid off"02:46
asaci see in code that i touched AP code not essid02:46
asacfor essid its just zero length string02:46
asacwhich means any02:46
asacapparently wireless tools already does that02:46
asace.g. convert off to empty02:46
asacstgraber: in that log you get an associated event02:47
asacwhat kind of testrun was it?02:47
asacjust setting to off while nm was running?02:47
stgraberit's what I get when loading the module with NM running02:47
asacbut not the complete log02:48
stgraberso NM setting the device to OFF (-> ANY), then scanning for network and finally me doing the "iwconfig eth1 essid off"02:48
asacyes ... stgraber this issue is not really my problem here ... my problem is that we don't get an associated event when setting essid explicitly02:49
asacok now that i see that we cannot differentiate between off and any we have to do try it the hard way02:49
asacstgraber: have you tried that explicitly connecting in applet still doesn't work?02:51
asac(i don't think it will ... but who knows)02:51
asacstgraber: last try for today: http://paste.stgraber.org/329902:53
asacstgraber: its in the ...set_essid method02:55
asacand bascially reassociates explicitly when you set essid explicitly ... even though both are the same02:55
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asacstgraber: still there?03:02
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stgraberasac: yes03:05
stgraberasac: I was just testing03:05
asachave you tried the patch? ... to test just set the essid to the same value like you had before03:06
stgraberit works better (I can now connect to an open wlan)03:06
asacwith that latest patch?03:07
stgraberI just have some weird thing while switching from a WLAN to another03:07
asacwait a second lets try something not so brutal03:07
stgraberas you deassociate+associate, it first associate to the first network it finds, then switch to the right one03:07
stgraberthe other main problem is that it still associate with the first network it finds, even if it now lets you connect to it or to another that still cause a problem03:08
stgraberipw3945 seems not to scan networks the same way if it's associated or not03:08
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stgraberfor example, if it's associated with FON_BEVAIX which is my public WLAN, it will only find my WPA networks after 5 minutes or so :)03:09
asacstgraber: http://paste.stgraber.org/330003:09
asace.g. replae the two lines we just had with the one line in that patch03:09
stgraberI have the same behaviour with iwlist eth1 scan where I need to run it 5-6 times before I see all my networks03:09
asacit should just send a assoc event ... without actually reassociating03:10
asacstgraber: i thought your interface is always associated??03:10
asac(aeh not for nm of course)03:11
stgraberasac: remember, it's always associated because NM first send this essid off, without NM it isn't03:12
asacstgraber: actually i think its not right to call it directly03:12
asacprobably it should be queue_work(priv->workqueue, &priv->link_up);03:12
stgraberhmm, build fails03:12
stgraber/home/stgraber/Desktop/ipw3945-1.2.2/ipw3945.c:12249: warning: implicit declaration of function ipw_link_up03:13
asacyeah try what i said above then03:13
asacwarning makes it fail?03:13
asacmaybe better that way03:13
asacqueue_work(priv->workqueue, &priv->link_up);03:13
stgraberyeah, I managed to do : Wired -> public -> WPA1 -> WPA203:17
asacthen it stalled?03:17
stgraberthen wanted to come back to public but NM had the bug I showed you before (got stuck at Stage 1)03:17
asacwhich bug do you refer to? ... ah the hang03:18
asacthat should be something different then03:18
asacstgraber: so what was the default kernel parameter used for no auto association?03:18
stgraberparm:           associate:auto associate when scanning (default 0 off) (int)03:19
stgraberso currently, except that hang (which is more or less random) and the fact that it real slow to have a full list of network when associated, everything works fine :)03:20
asacstgraber: auto? ... didn't you say its 0 ?03:20
asacstgraber: i found the thing in code ... if associate there is an extra scan suspend_time03:21
asacso it might be reasonable that you don't get lots of results ... especially since ipw appears to jump on the first wifi it sees ... and probably forgets about the scan results03:21
stgraberthat's a problem when the first wifi it sees is a public hotspot and your personal wifi is detected only after a couple of minutes :)03:24
asacyeah we can look into that the next days03:24
asacits probably driver specific03:24
asacstgraber: can you try to not set to auto ?03:24
asac(i wonder why we have that set to auto at all)03:24
stgraberassociate=0 by default so it doesn't auto-associate when scanning03:25
asacthen thats a bug03:25
stgraberthe associate comes from NM doing the essid ANY/OFF03:26
asacstgraber: we can try to fix that tomorrow03:26
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asaci think i know how to make the driver to obey not to do that.03:26
stgrabercool :)03:26
asacwell don't hope too much03:27
asacstgraber: imo when you have associate=0 ... then setting ANY/OFF should not associate03:28
stgraberyes, but that's not the current behaviour :)03:28
asacyeah question is if thats the desired behaviour?03:28
asacif so i see the place to add that03:28
stgraberI don't see why off should associate at all ...03:28
stgrabereven with associate=103:29
asacbut i don't see a use case for auto association at all03:29
asacstgraber: off doesn't exist03:29
stgraberright :)03:29
asacthe difference is probably already eliminated on user-space in wireless-tools03:30
asacthough not really sure03:30
stgraberok, so basically if associate=0 then the driver should only deassociate not deassociate+associate03:31
asacso with associate=0 it means OFF03:31
asacwhile with associate=1 it means ANY :)03:31
asacno idea what that would break ;)03:31
asaci think the only thing that wouldn't happen is that user gets initially connected to some random network03:31
asacwhich might be nice for noops ... but on the other hand often not the right network anyway03:32
stgraberwhich is current behaviour for most other drivers no ?03:32
asacno idea ... i just got dragged into this driver thing ...03:32
asacdo they all get an assocaite paratmeter?03:33
asaccan you see that?03:33
stgraberbcm43xx doesn't03:33
stgraberand same for madwifi03:34
asacstgraber: what parameters do those get?03:34
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stgrabercountrycode (for the channel limit I guess), outdoor (?), xchanmode (extanded channel mode), rfkill (enable rfkill), autocreate (autocreate if), ratectl, ath_debug for madwifi03:36
asacstgraber: so how is the current behaviour?03:37
stgraberlocale (?), country (same as madwifi), noleds (disable led), fwpostfix (choose what firmware to load)03:37
asacif you boot ... you still get an associated wifi next to your connected wired?03:37
stgraberwith bcm43xx and madwifi doing : iwconfig if essid off( or any) doesn't make the card to associate03:38
asacok so maybe its really just off for them03:38
asacand ipw implemented just any :)03:38
asacwell they tried to implement off ... but failed ;)03:38
asacbecause they forget the associate config test when essid is set03:39
asacand associate always03:39
asacwow they even overwrite the associate parameter once you configured essid off/any03:40
asacstgraber: last for real: http://paste.stgraber.org/330303:46
stgraberasac: can you paste your .c somewhere so I'm sure mine is clean :)03:54
asacdoes it fail?03:57
asaci mean we were diverged from the beginning :)03:57
asacstgraber: http://people.ubuntu.com/~asac/ipw3945.c03:58
asacno idea if i edited something else at some point03:59
asac(seemed like i did because you couldn't apply the patch)03:59
asacstgraber: sorry i made a mistake :)04:00
stgraberFATAL: Error inserting ipw3945 (/lib/modules/2.6.22-10-generic/ubuntu/wireless/ipw3945/ipw3945.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)04:00
stgraberoh, saw the mistake :)04:00
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asacstgraber: should work with that imo04:01
asacstgraber: ok reuploaded the .c file (which compiles) ... but still no idea what else i edited at some point in there04:02
stgrabergood this one doesn't auto-associate, I can also connect to a network without any problem, but switching back to Wired, it associates with my Open wifi in the background04:03
stgraberso problem is 50% solved :)04:04
stgraberwell, more 80% I'd say :)04:04
asacdoes it harm your ability to go back to wifi?04:04
stgraberI'll try one more time but I think the only thing it'll cause is that it'll scan less frequently after you did : wired -> wifi -> wired04:06
stgraberargh, no, I can't go back to wifi :(04:07
asacstgraber: well i would need a driver debug log then again :)04:10
asacbut maybe tomorrow04:10
stgraberas usual, as it's already associated with the network it doesn't reassociate04:10
stgraberso problem is half-solved :)04:10
asacstgraber: don't you see an associated evnt in log?04:10
asac(the output we added to network manager)?04:11
asacwhen trying to go back?04:11
stgraberyes :)04:11
stgraber(which is strange ...)04:11
asacyou see it?04:11
asacwhere does it hang?04:11
asacmaybe its again the other hang issue?04:11
asacand next time you try it works longer?04:12
stgraberSep  2 04:09:40 laptop NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: sending command 'ENABLE_NETWORK 0'04:12
asace.g. you can go to wired/wifie more than once?04:12
stgraberSep  2 04:09:40 laptop NetworkManager: <info>  SUP: response was 'OK'04:12
stgraberSep  2 04:09:40 laptop NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (eth1) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) complete.04:12
stgraberSep  2 04:09:40 laptop NetworkManager: <info>  wireless_event_helper - associated event04:12
stgraberno it's not the hang issue as I can go back to wired with having to kill NM04:12
asacwhat happens after that?04:13
stgrabernothing till I switch back to wired04:13
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asacstgraber: but no Activation (eth1) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) successful. ?04:14
asacbefore that?04:14
stgraberasac: http://paste.stgraber.org/330404:15
asacstgraber: ok i think the link_up is not enough then04:19
asacwith disassociate/assocaite instead of the queue_work( ... link_up) it should work i hope04:19
asacbut not today :)04:20
stgrabergood night04:20
asacand thanks for all the testing !04:20
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stgraberno problem04:20
jds663was Xgl made default in this last batch of updates and how the heck do I stop it from trying to load?!? It's way too slow for my card..04:22
jds663the cpu load is at 100% xgl... and I have never run that xserver04:22
mjg59No. It's in universe. We've never shipped it by default04:24
jds663this is strange after an update it's refusing to boot without it.. and ive even removed the package so now it just "stops" when i login and goes no further.. could this have been the kubuntu team? and where might I look to find out where it is executing this.. ive looked in kdmrc and several Xsession/X11 files...04:26
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MaczimusLove Gutsy, was there a recent update that makes ATI cards work with the effects?05:46
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stgraberasac: I've just built the ipw3945 driver with the latest ipw3945.c you've uploaded and it's almost perfect (deassociation works fine when setting any)09:56
=== Hobbsee waves to stgraber
stgraberasac: the only problem is that if I do the following : wired -> public -> private1 -> private2 -> private1 -> public (failed and fallback to wired)09:56
stgraberasac: so I can connect to an open network only if it's the first network I try to connect to, otherwise it doesn't even try to associate (iwconfig shows off/any)09:57
stgraberhi Hobbsee09:57
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stgraberasac: http://paste.stgraber.org/3308 (log of first connect to open network (working))10:10
stgraberasac: http://paste.stgraber.org/3307 (log of switch from WPA to open network (not working))10:10
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StevenKinfinity: Ping, re: libnss-db some more. And I have a question about a promotion.12:01
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asacstgraber: i need the full driver logs01:18
asacstgraber: and how about wired -> public ->  wired -> public -> wired -> public ... i assume it doesn't work as well?01:20
stgraberok, I've the debug message, now let's try to have some interesting ones :)01:34
stgraberasac: http://paste.stgraber.org/331101:36
stgraberbtw, it looks like a wpa_supplicant problem01:37
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asac_stgraber: i was off :/01:41
asac_13:33 < stgraber> ok, I've the debug message, now let's try to have some interesting ones :)01:42
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asac_13:39 < asac> huh?01:42
asac_stgraber: if you have debug=0xffffffff01:42
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asac_then it should be interesting enough ;)01:42
asac_stgraber: ok i think i found the log on your paste server01:43
asac_stgraber: hmmm that run is again a bit strange ... we see:01:45
asac_Sep  2 13:36:07 laptop NetworkManager: <info>  Error opening supplicant global control interface.01:45
asac_Sep  2 13:36:07 laptop NetworkManager: <WARN>  real_act_stage2_config(): Activation (eth1/wireless): couldn't connect to the supplicant.01:45
asac_we didn't see that before, right?01:45
jc-dentonhow can i check if a box is performing well?01:54
asacstgraber: you know our workaround we did in nm to unset the essid in stage1? ... probably we don't want that anymore now.01:55
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stgraberasac: right, I tried to disable the patch but after that I wasn't able to apply the wpa_supplicant patch anymore02:01
Hobbseejc-denton: #ubuntu for support, please see teh /topic02:03
jc-dentonlast time i asked there for something specific, nobody had a clue02:03
jc-dentonhere people know stuff..02:03
asacstgraber: ok will do it02:04
Hobbseejc-denton: run top, and look at the stuff off that.02:04
Hobbseejc-denton: it still doesnt make it the right channel (it's nothing to do with ubuntu development), and it's also a weekend.02:04
jc-dentonwell i did that02:04
Hobbsee"run well" is not very descriptive, either.02:05
jc-dentonwell i don't have anything running on the box02:05
Hobbseedoes a low load mean that it's running well?  no runaway processes?02:05
jc-dentoni tested disk io with hdparm02:05
jc-dentonand it seems to work fine02:05
jc-dentonbut when i run apt-get install something02:05
jc-dentonfor example02:05
jc-denton"building dependency tree" takes some time02:05
jc-dentonand it's a fresh install02:05
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jc-dentonon my laptop it's much faster and i have many things installed02:06
sorenjc-denton: If you want help even though you're asking user questions in a development channel, you could at least have the decency to ask proper questions that we can actually answer.02:07
sits.o0 ( hmm, I wonder if jc-denton can get answers here then maybe I should try too )02:07
sitsjc-denton: I jest I jest02:08
Hobbseesits: that's why we discourage such things02:08
sitsjc-denton: but people do go by convertion02:08
sorenjc-denton: With the information you've given, "you can check if someone has hammered on it with an axe" would be a possible response to "how can i check if a box is performing well?02:08
Hobbseesits: because people *do* do that02:08
Hobbseesoren: *snorts with laughter*02:09
sits(I really did have a question before you arrived but read the topic and thought.. Hmm better not)02:09
jc-dentonwell ok02:09
Hobbseesoren: good thing i didnt have my water in my hand!02:09
jc-dentoni checked disk io with hdparm02:09
jc-dentonit seems fine02:09
jc-dentonalthough hdparm says it supports only 16 bit for io02:09
sorenjc-denton: Well, when you run apt-get update on a machine from the early nineties, it takes some time.02:09
Hobbseesits: what's the quesiton, out of curiousity?  we'll see if you can phrase yours better than jc-denton can02:09
jc-dentonit's not that old02:09
sorenjc-denton: Oh. I didn't know. You didn't say.02:09
jc-denton IO_support   =  0 (default 16-bit)02:10
jc-dentonhowever if i run hdparm -tT speed seems to be resonable02:10
sorenjc-denton: Building dependency trees is not really an io-bound operation.02:10
sitsHobbsee: is gnome-power-manager in Gutsy broken with regard to dbus?02:10
jc-denton Timing cached reads:   624 MB in  2.00 seconds = 311.73 MB/sec02:11
jc-denton Timing buffered disk reads:  172 MB in  3.01 seconds =  57.10 MB/sec02:11
jc-dentonsoren: cpu?02:11
sitsI have just tried compiling the python test example, fixing it because the example I had was old and then testing the gnome-inhibit applet while closing my laptop's lid02:11
sorenjc-denton: Yes. Does it have one?02:11
jc-dentonceleron 2.6 ghz or so02:12
sitsjc-denton: those speeds are very high. Now here's a bit of advice before a flee in terror02:12
Hobbseesits: ah.  got no idea, ask ogra on monday02:12
sorenjc-denton: It's quite possible that people in #ubuntu could actually answer your "question" if it had any information in it.02:12
Hobbseesits: (or wait for an update)02:12
jc-dentonso building dependency tree is a cpu bound operation?02:12
sitsjc-denton: I'd check your CPU usage when you do update. I have used servers with a throughput lower than 311Mbyte/s02:13
jc-dentonthat's already a hint02:13
sorenjc-denton: Well, even with a 100 GHz machine it's not an instantaneous operation.02:13
sitsjc-denton: I would have thought so but this is easier for you check than me. Top will help you out.02:13
sorenjc-denton: You may remember that all you've said is "it takes some time".02:13
sitsif I just couldn't stop myself then I would crack out oprofile and start looking at the performance stats that that produced couple with cachegrind runs02:14
jc-dentonwell on my laptop its less then a sec02:14
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sitsjc-denton: at a more basic level you can go on a syscall hunt by looking at the output produced by strace02:14
sorenjc-denton: That sounds nice. You have still not told us how long it takes on the machine that you think is having problems.02:14
Hobbseesoren: heh.   with this kind of thing, i'm not surprised that people whine about their questions in #ubuntu not being answered.02:15
sorenHobbsee: Quite.02:15
jc-dentonsoren: how can i mesure that?02:15
sitsjc-denton: but the time it should take will be hard to pin down. You will need to do a lot of serious work to be able to answer that with any accuarcy02:15
sorenjc-denton: How did you measure it on your laptop?02:16
jc-dentonerr measure02:16
jc-dentonjust by looking02:16
sorenjc-denton: That sounds like a good starting point. Do that.02:16
sitsOK that's enough spam from me.02:16
sorenjc-denton: Dude....02:16
sitsHobbsee: thanks for the advice - it's a bit busy in here for me so see you round!02:17
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sorenjc-denton: I suggest you stop this, take your time to actually formulate a question with actual information in it, and then come back.02:17
Hobbseewhere 'come back' is to #ubuntu02:17
sorenjc-denton: So far, all you've given us is "'apt-get install' takes longer than I expect it to on a machine with a cpu and a harddrive in it. Why is that?"02:17
sorenjc-denton: With that amount of information, I might as well advice you to check if you're running it on 110 V rather than 230 V.02:18
Hobbseesoren: "because someone smashed it with a hammer out of sheer frustration, due to the user's incompetence at asking questions"02:18
sorenjc-denton: I don't mean to be offensive. I'm just trying to make it very clear that you need to give us something to work with here.02:18
Hobbseejc-denton: you'll probably find http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html helpful02:19
Hobbseeto stop wasting other people's time, and all...02:19
jc-dentonMr Blissex02:19
jc-dentonso can you have a look at this02:20
jc-dentonsoren: heh thx i didn't think about the power02:21
sorenjc-denton: that's a start. Some information about the differences between the two machines might be good, too.02:22
jc-dentonhow can i check the temperature of the cpu02:22
Hobbseejc-denton: now you're *really* getting back to #ubuntu type questions.02:22
jc-dentonwell then thx for first02:22
jc-dentonthe hint that building dependency tree is a cpu bound operation already gave me some hint02:23
sorenjc-denton: Ok, here's a list of info to gather so that you can ask again in #ubuntu and probably get an answer: Contents of /proc/cpuinfo, output from "uptime", those timings you already gave, output of "free". That's just about the minimum of information that is needed to even start helping you.02:24
jc-dentonfree is ok02:24
Hobbseejc-denton: no, no.  you take the list, then you ask #ubuntu.  you dont ask us.02:25
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jc-dentonlol sry02:25
sorenYou can't just say "free is ok". If you want anyone to give you answers, you have to give them information!02:25
jc-dentoni'll stop asking02:25
sorenOh, also add the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list to the list of stuff to provide.02:26
sorenThe *entire* contents, I might add. Not just the stuff you find interesting.02:26
jc-dentonhumm maybe02:27
sorenjc-denton: You need to understand that the answer probably lies in one of those pieces of information, but if *you* look at them individually, they probably will all look fine, but you have a problem don't you. So it might just be that you're misinterpreting stuff, and if there's something that's annoying, it's people asking for help, but refusing to give the information that makes it possible to help them.02:28
jc-dentoni see02:28
sorenjc-denton: More information is *always02:28
soren* better than less.02:28
jc-dentonnot always02:29
jc-dentonif there is too much it's probably not good02:29
jc-dentonbut better a bit more then a bit too less02:29
sorenWhen asking for help, yes.02:29
Hobbseejc-denton: then people can sift through it.02:29
jc-dentoni agree02:29
sorenIn my 13 years in this business, I have only once or twice had someone give me too much information when I was supposed to help them.02:30
Hobbseeoh dear.  people, please stop filing crap bugs.02:31
sorenAnd by "too much" I mean "so much information that it became annoying trying to make sense of it".02:31
sorenHobbsee: do you have a bug number, or is it just a general observation? :)02:32
Hobbseesoren: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/13676102:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 136761 in firefox "Cannot open some website......" [Undecided,New] 02:32
sorenIt's not "too much information" when there's information that turns out not to be relevant to the problem.02:32
Hobbseesoren: there was also one about how windows XP was much more automated and simple, and linux should be fixed to be like it, in this day and age...yada yada yada02:32
sorenHobbsee: Have you fixed that one yet?02:32
sorenHobbsee: Otherwise get on it, and make it snappy!02:33
Hobbseesoren: nope!02:33
sorenAw, come on.02:33
=== Hobbsee has checked for ie-specific code on the website, though
sorenOh, I meant the "make linux more like XP" bug.02:34
Hobbseesoren: ahh.  sure, where fixed is "hit it with the WONTFIX stick"02:34
Hobbseeoh, and telling him to run the command that he was writing over02:34
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Hobbseei'd really like to know why it's telling them to report it, though.02:37
zulHobbsee: there was also a bug report on why cant i fix my windows dll02:41
Hobbseezul: *lovely*02:41
zullemme see if can see still find it :)02:41
zulfirefox has like advocacy bugs where they encourage users to write to the webmaster and ask them to fix it02:42
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Hobbseei'd prefer a stab-over-http for that particular webmaster, though02:44
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zulHobbsee: yes we know how violent you are ;)02:45
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Moniker42hey, are the Gutsy wallpapers going to be available in 1920x1200?03:21
Moniker42because some of them look very nice indeed... but the previous wallpapers haven't been available in double-mega-Dell size :)03:22
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geserMithrandir: please give-back ladcca on lpia. Thanks.04:20
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geserMithrandir: please give-back sdlgfx on lpia. Thanks.04:33
geserMithrandir: please give-back date on lpia. Thanks.04:37
geserMithrandir: please give-back quadprog on lpia. Thanks.04:38
geserMithrandir: please give-back vr and rgl on lpia. Thanks.04:39
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ubotuLaunchpad bug 88677 in mozilla-firefox-locale-all "Georgian Language support." [Undecided,Confirmed] 04:45
AlinuxOStribe 5 is out.04:45
AlinuxOSasac, hello do you have some news regard this ?04:45
Hobbsee!weekend | AlinuxOS04:46
ubotuAlinuxOS: It's a weekend.  Often on weekends, the paid developers, and a lot of the community, may not be around to answer your question.  Please be patient, wait longer than you normally would, or try again during the working week.04:46
AlinuxOSHobbsee, uh... sorry! :)04:46
AlinuxOSHobbsee, + devels, have a nice weekend!04:47
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Mark_27hi all05:06
HobbseeAlinuxOS: :)05:08
HobbseeAlinuxOS: i wish.  i'll have a nice weekend, if you'll do this rotten physics assignment for me?05:08
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Hobbseedoko: please fix gcc-snapshot maintainer field in debian, if you havent done so already.  motu list doesnt need to hear about it05:11
dokoHobbsee: you are not the first one ...05:13
Hobbseedoko: ah cool.  didnt think i would be, i just saw more mail hit the ML05:14
alex-weejHobbsee: are you doing a physics degree?05:15
bddebiandoko: Is there any chance I could bug you about a Java package for a minute?05:15
Hobbseealex-weej: i was.  it's now a computing degree, but i'm still taking bits of physics05:15
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Mithrandirgeser: all given-back05:56
Hobbseegood morning Mithrandir!05:56
bddebianMithrandir: Hi.  jmagick has been in the archive since Dapper at least and was FTBFS.  I got it to build but the binaries are in NEW.  Is that because it has never successfully built before?05:58
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Mithrandirbddebian: probably, yes.05:59
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bddebianOK, thx05:59
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ScottKMithrandir: would you please give-back taskjuggler on lpia?06:01
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stgraberasac: did you manage to disable the patch ?06:26
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mike__deser you around?06:30
mike__desrt around?06:31
asacstgraber: wow :) ... i took some rest, was at sport06:31
stgraberasac: me too :)06:33
asacstgraber: maybe i can get things up later ... i have to cleanup the ipw3945 code as well ... there is still this OFF/ANY thing in place for the set_bssid case ... which might cause troubles :)06:36
asacstgraber: i will let you know06:36
asacstgraber: maybe one thing ... do you always see:06:37
asacep  2 13:36:07 laptop NetworkManager: <info>  Error opening supplicant global control interface.06:37
asacSep  2 13:36:07 laptop NetworkManager: <WARN>  real_act_stage2_config(): Activation (eth1/wireless): couldn't connect to the supplicant.06:38
asacor did it just happen the one time you captured the debug output?06:38
asac(in http://paste.stgraber.org/3311)06:38
stgraberasac: it always happen when I do : wired -> something -> public06:40
stgraberasac: so I have it everytime NM fails to connect06:40
asacstgraber: ok ... what is something?06:42
asacdo you get it as well when you just do wired->public->wired->public ?06:43
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asacstgraber: wow the git branch of ipw is a mess08:15
asacstgraber: it just stopped to receive commits short after 1.2.008:15
asacstgraber: http://www.intellinuxwireless.org/repos/?p=ipw3945.git;a=summary08:16
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asacstgraber: on sourceforge there is no cvs ... so this should be the real home08:16
stgraberasac: that's maybe because intel is developing iwl3945 ?08:17
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asacmaybe ... but still they should push their commits to that repo08:20
asaceven if they don't do active development on it :)08:20
asacthat branch is just stuck at 1.2.0 + 5 commits08:20
asaclast commit 6 months ago08:20
asacwhile last release was on  Jul 31 200708:21
asacemail sent to intel devs ... lets see :)08:23
asacstgraber: can you please apply these two patches (manually) and tell me if they break more things ?08:29
asacstgraber: http://ipw3945.sourceforge.net/patches/ipw3945-1.1.3-2.6.20-register.patch ([PATCH 1/1]  Change call to the deprecated pci_driver_init to pci_register_driver)08:30
asacstgraber: http://ipw3945.sourceforge.net/patches/ipw3945-1.2.1-inta-fix.patch (Fix potential driver lockup problem)08:30
asacoh and:08:30
asachttp://ipw3945.sourceforge.net/patches/ipw3945-1.1.4.essid.patch (bogus character appended to ESSID)08:30
asacwhich i already saw in log08:30
asacto test things like hibernate/suspend would be nice to know as well08:31
stgraberaren't they already included as we are using 1.2.2 and your patches are 1.1.3, 1.1.4 and 1.2.1 ?08:32
asaci don't think so ... if you see that they are ... fine :)08:32
alex-weejis it possible to "burn" ISO files to a flash device?08:33
alex-weejso i can boot from flash instead of wasting CDs all the time?08:33
asacyou can copy the content to a flash filesystem i guess08:33
asacbut i am the wrong person to ask :)08:34
asacalex-weej: you can use RW cds :)08:34
alex-weejof which i have none08:34
stgraberasac: at least I can't apply any of them08:35
asacyeah :) ... but get two and be happy for a long time08:35
alex-weeji'm just thinking it would be cool if we could easily support using flash devices to bootstrap an ubuntu system rather than wasteful (and harmful-to-the-environment!) CDs08:35
stgraber1.1.3 and 1.1.4 seems to be already applied (according to patch)08:35
Mithrandiralex-weej: sure, it's just slightly more fiddly to write an image to a USB device, and in practice I believe it requires a linux machine already present.08:36
stgraberand it's unable to apply 1.2.108:36
asacstgraber: ok fine08:37
asacthey are either in ... or the source-base has drifted away too far to tell from a glance08:37
asaci think its safe to assume that we have them08:37
stgraberasac: manually looking at the code I didn't find where I'd manually patch 1.2.108:37
alex-weeji'd imagine the installer would be much quicker to copy from USB than CD too, or are the reads from CD generally pretty sequential?08:37
asacit should work ... wait till someone who knows the details pops-up08:38
broonieFlash devices aren't usually enormously fast, either.08:38
asacmaybe try tomorrow08:38
asacbroonie: maybe the throughput is bad ... but the access-latency should be better08:39
asac(just out of my guts)08:39
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leip`" gpgme created no signature for './dists/feisty/Release.new'!08:41
leip`Google offers no help08:42
leip`this time..08:42
cjwatsonalex-weej: CD seeks do suck, though we sort the files in the ISO9660 image in an attempt to minimise seeks08:43
leip`I'm trying to add my new package to my new repository08:43
leip`Packaged and " reprepro includedeb feisty <package-name-and-path>08:43
cjwatsonalex-weej: as far as USB goes, depends on the device and whether it's USB208:43
alex-weeji mean i know there are guides and stuff to do this, i just think it would be incredibly cool and edgy if we supported install-from-USB or something08:43
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desrtso... how's the tribe?08:45
leip`No default secret key... hmm..08:46
=== leip` googles
asacstgraber: oh no ... i cannot even clone that git repo ... (while iwlwifi works) ... so i think its completely abandoned08:48
cjwatsonalex-weej: err, we do - it's been documented in the installation guide since hoary or thereabouts08:49
stgraberuhm, so they really want everyone to switch to iwlwifi ? (it's still marked as devel release on their website)08:49
=== alex-weej wonders why he has wasted about 100 CD-Rs
asacstgraber: no idea ... hope the devs reply08:49
cjwatsonif you're using that many, RWs would be a better idea anyway08:50
Mithrandiralex-weej: I wonder why you didn't just get some RWs instead.08:50
alex-weejhyperbole alert :P08:50
Mithrandirit's not like they're hard to get.08:50
alex-weejthat is awesomely, awesomely cool08:51
alex-weejbit hopeless for windows users though i guess08:52
asacstgraber: now that we have ipw3945 improved ... maybe we can do the same for iwlwifi too :) ... wasn't it you who claimed that it works like a charme?08:52
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stgraberasac: no but I heard it does, only problem is that here it creates an interface called wlan0_renamed or something similar that NM doesn't detect08:53
stgraberasac: so I wasn't really able to test it08:54
leip`Man, pgp wants me to do random stuff to seed it's random number generator, but I'm in an ssh session!08:54
asacstgraber: there was a guy in a bug that claimed that it just worked with nm08:54
leip`And it ran out of random bits and is asking me to do more08:54
asacstgraber: ok ... he revised his claim08:55
leip`I tried typing random stuff and sleeping it and doing a find / ... but it's still stuck there08:55
asacstgraber: ok he says that he needed remove iwl again ... and then insert it ... finally he had just wlan008:56
asacstgraber: http://paste.stgraber.org/331508:56
asacstgraber: just look at the bottom of bug 121439 for more info08:57
cjwatsonleip`: I believe disk I/O typically feeds the entropy pool08:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 121439 in network-manager "[Gutsy] Network Manager Applet can't connect wireless with ipw3945 driver" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12143908:57
cjwatsonleip`: (may take a while, but it's one approach you can take remotely)08:58
leip`cjwatson: How can I skim off /dev/random? Perhaps I can create a script08:58
cjwatsonleip`: hm? you shouldn't have to do anything to it directly08:59
cjwatsonleip`: just do stuff on disk, it'll feed in randomness automatically08:59
leip`cjwatson: I thought you could echo random stuff out of /dev/random?08:59
cjwatsonleip`: oh, sure, but that won't help you fill up /dev/random with more randomness :)08:59
cjwatsonleip`: dd is the traditional shell tool for extracting random bytes08:59
stgraberasac: it's still wlan0_rename here :(09:00
asacstgraber: did you try to blacklist as one of the last comments suggests?09:00
cjwatson(obviously it does lots of other stuff too, but when applied to /dev/random - or more usually /dev/urandom if your application is not cryptographic)09:00
siretartasac: FYI, I'm noticing bug #124706 even with wpasupplicant 0.5.8. therefore I can say you that I don't see any regression nor improvement regarding NM and ipw3945 :(09:02
ubotuLaunchpad bug 124706 in network-manager "NM sometimes drops connection before associating, logfile says assertion `dev != NULL' failed " [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12470609:02
asacsiretart: yes ... we are currently trying to improve the driver09:02
leip`cjwatson: Thanks for the info09:03
asacsiretart: however i found in ipw bugtracker that some issues just happen with 0.6.0 ... but in the end those issues should be due to the driver as well.09:03
asacsiretart: so lets first see how far we get with driver fixes09:03
leip`cjwatson: I'm doubling the result of find over and over again switching between two files09:03
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siretartasac: fixes in the ipw3945 or iwl3945 driver?09:03
leip`244M test  336M test109:04
cjwatsonleip`: there's probably little point in that since it will only be hitting the cache, not the actual disk09:04
asacsiretart: for us: ipw394509:04
asacsiretart: as thats most likely what we will ship09:04
cjwatsonleip`: I'd try writing arbitrary (though not actually random) stuff, reading it back, deleting it, repeating09:04
cjwatsonpossibly throw in a sync after each write09:04
leip`cjwatson: Why aren't my two monsterous files hitting disk?09:05
stgraberasac: blacklist + reboot doesn't help09:05
asacsiretart: i will bring up our ipw code somewhere ... will let you know :) ... maybe you can help to test ;)09:05
leip`cjwatson: I "cat test >> test1 && cat test1 >> test"09:05
asacstgraber: hmm ok09:06
siretartasac: sure09:07
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stgraberasac: ok, managed to have it rename to wlan0 using an udev rule09:09
asacstgraber: rock09:10
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stgraberasac: this driver works like our patch ipw3945 minus the daemon, which is great09:11
stgraberIt also fails to connect to open network when doing wired -> wpa -> public or wired -> public -> wired -> public09:12
stgraberwhich tends to show that this bug isn't driver related but NM related09:12
stgraberthis driver also seems a bit faster to associate than the ipw394509:13
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cjwatsonleip`: you may not have forced a sync, so they could still just be in cache ...09:13
cjwatson(conceivably. dunno.)09:13
cjwatsonha! working whatis/apropos for non-English languages09:14
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=== leip` applauds
stgraberasac: same "couldn't connect to the supplicant" thing09:15
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cjwatsononly a 45K diff or so ;-)09:15
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leip`hmmm apt-get remove on my package is leaving stuff...09:18
asacstgraber: i doubt that the above example shows that its not-driver related09:21
asacbut we will see09:21
asacstgraber: i have pushed an ipw branch that contains our current changes (cleaned-up)09:23
asacstgraber: https://code.launchpad.net/~asac/intellinuxwireless/ipw3945.asac09:23
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asacstgraber: can you try to build that and submit a debug log of the wired->public->wired->public testcase?09:23
asacstgraber: maybe its better now ... as the previous log really ran into the code i placed in the wrong method ;)09:24
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asacstgraber: what happens if you try multiple times when you get that "couldn't connect to the supplicant"  thing?09:27
asacstgraber: does it work again? or never?09:27
stgraberargh, it seems that I can't unload iwl3945 ...09:28
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asacstgraber: yeah ... that was pointed out in bug :)09:28
asacyou should reboot i guess09:29
stgraberargh, brb then :)09:29
stgraberok, so I always have that : real_act_stage2_config(): Activation (eth1/wireless): couldn't connect to the supplicant.09:35
stgraberproblem is that I can't really force it to try again as it fallback to wired09:35
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stgraberasac: ^09:44
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asacstgraber: opk i updated the nm ... dropped the hack we introduced et al:09:47
asacstgraber: why not? can't you just click on the wireless network ap again?09:47
stgraberhmm, yes, doesn't help09:48
asacstgraber: ok ... please try the branch above09:48
asacstgraber: maybe it helps here ...09:48
asacstgraber: otherwise ... have you build the ipw branch?09:48
stgraberyes, that's the ipw3945 I'm currently using09:48
asacstgraber: if it works i would ask siretart to see if he can reproduce the "cannot connect" issue and then see if using older wpasupplicant helps09:49
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asacstgraber: can you please post a debug log of wired->public->wired->public as well?09:49
asacstgraber: i just want to confirm that the driver behaves now as i want it to behave :)09:49
asacstgraber: but at best test the new network-manager from my branch09:50
Kanohi, is there a special trick needed to use firmware in /lib/firmware/$(uname -r)?09:51
asacstgraber: hmm i see that there are still two patches in the dev.opennet branch that i didn't want ... anyway they should do no harm for us09:52
Kanohmm maybe in hotplug functions09:54
stgraberasac: I haven't been able to reprodue the wired -> public -> wired -> public problem, it only happens when doing wired -> wpa -> public now09:54
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asacstgraber: ok so bouncing betweek public -> wired works as long as you try?09:55
stgraberasac: http://paste.stgraber.org/331609:56
asacstgraber: what case is that?09:56
asacthe wpa?09:56
stgraberwired -> wpa -> public09:56
stgraberI tried 4-5 times switching between wired and public without any problem, so previous problem might have been the "NM got stuck at stage 1" problem :)09:57
stgraberwhich seems to appear randomly09:57
asacstgraber: does it still appear at all?09:57
asacstgraber: i think yesterday it might have been due to the cruft patch we had09:57
asacstgraber: is all this with opennet.dev network-manager?09:58
stgraberhaven't built it yet09:58
asacstgraber: ok ... the log appears to be incomplete anyway09:58
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stgraberI stopped the log when NM showed the connect to wired icon09:59
asaci mean i don't see that wpa succeeded10:00
asaci think its imcomplete ... because otherwise you would not have seen the wireless icon in nm-applet10:00
asacanyway ... try with new network-manager please10:01
asacthe old one is just two aggressive10:01
stgraberasac: ~line 143710:01
asaci only see 500 :)10:01
stgraberpastebin limitation :)10:02
asacstgraber: try pastebin.mozilla.org10:02
asacor just upload :)10:02
stgrabersame limitation, will upload10:03
asacstgraber: ok we are struck by wpasupplicant cleanup issues as it looks like10:08
asacstgraber: can you try with new nm ... and if we still get that let me know?10:08
stgraberok, just tried new NM10:09
stgraberresults aren't good10:09
stgrabersame problem with switching from wpa to public10:09
stgraber+ had a NM crash10:09
stgraber+ failed to switch from public to wpa10:09
stgraberthe crash happened when connecting to WPA network10:10
asacstgraber: please comment out the last patch in series (41p_set_enc_key_NULL_in_wireless_real_init.patch)10:11
asacstgraber: can you still switch open->wired and back?10:12
stgraberasac: yes10:13
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=== Bsims_ grrs my connection reboots at random and no one in #ubuntu knows why... any ideas I tried reinstalling dhcdbd and all related
Bsims_I want to know what to file a bugreport against10:15
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alex-weejasac: do you know much about rt2x00?10:16
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alex-weejBsims_: just file it against ubuntu if in doubt, someone will triage it10:16
alex-weejor "don't know"10:17
asacalex-weej: don't know the name at all :) ... whats that? realtek? ralink?10:17
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alex-weejasac: yeah10:17
asacalex-weej: yeah doesn't answer my question :)10:17
=== Bsims_ nods I noticed that trying to run BT will automaticaly trigger it but after a reboot it should just work again
alex-weejthe project took the open source ralink drivers and improved them, then they started the "rt2x00" driver which was supposed to unify them all. but rt2x00 isn't finished, it's still beta, and it doesn't work.10:18
asaconly thing i have heard of ralink is that the drivers are a mess :)10:18
alex-weejyet we're bundling it.10:18
Bsims_but that is not the case10:18
alex-weejthe older drivers work better, but they're not distributed anymore :/10:18
asacalex-weej: i guess the older drivers have their own share of deficiencies as well :)10:19
alex-weejasac: at least they associate with WAPs10:19
alex-weej(and FWIW i've had no problems running rt73)10:19
alex-weejwith my linksys usb dongle10:20
Bsims_Ah it is in the buglist https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dhcdbd/+bug/93360 but will someone at least set a importance level for it10:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 93360 in dhcdbd "Dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/eth1 for sub-path eth1.dbus.get.reason" [Undecided,Confirmed] 10:20
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Bsims__sorry it died again was anything addressed to me10:22
=== Bsims__ nods and tries shutting it down for a bit
stgraberasac: it seems that the opennet NM also try to associate in background ...10:24
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asacstgraber: it never was ment to fix anything in this regards10:30
stgraberno, but the driver change fixed that :)10:31
asacyes ... and now its back?10:31
stgraberdoing : iwconfig eth1 essid off10:31
stgraberdisconnect and connect 3s after ..10:31
asacwell ... but with the current gutsy nm that doesn't happen?10:32
stgraberindeed, with current gutsy NM + patched driver that doesn't happen10:32
asacstgraber: could you at least connect to WPA now that you dropped the NULL wep key patch?10:32
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asacstgraber: but this auto-associate doesn't affect the overall usability, right? e.g. open network connecting dstill works?10:33
asacstgraber: maybe its the *NEW* driver that makes this auto-association happen again?10:34
asace.g the one from bzr?10:34
stgraberok, I've reloaded everything and now auto-association doesn't happen anymore (maybe it was caused by the kill+reload I had to do a minute before), I can switch between WPA network correctly10:36
asacok ... and then going back to open doesn't work?10:37
stgraberWPA -> open still fail10:37
asacok ... thats what we need to figure out now ... does iwconfig still show the wpa key for your device?10:38
stgraberbut I didn't have the supplicant error this time, so it might have been the random "got stuck at stage 1" thing10:38
stgraberno it doesn't10:38
stgraberlet me try again10:38
asacso its stuck?10:38
asacand you cannot switch to wired?10:38
asacsiretart: where did you post your wpa 0.5.8 packages?10:38
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asacsiretart: maybe you can push them to a paa?10:39
stgrabersecond try, same result got stuck at stage 110:39
asacstgraber: without the wpa supplicant "cannot connect" ?10:40
asacstgraber: is the process still alive? e.g. can you switch to wired now?10:40
stgraberand finally third try I have the supplicant error ...10:40
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asacso which one is easier to reproduce for you now?10:41
stgraberno, when I got stuck at Stage 1 I can't select wired I have to kill NM10:41
asacso we can concentrate on that one for now :)10:41
stgraberthe supplicant one was less random in the past10:41
stgrabergood, I was able to reproduce the supplicant one10:42
stgraberSep  2 22:42:27 laptop NetworkManager: <info>  Error opening supplicant global control interface.10:43
stgraberSep  2 22:42:27 laptop NetworkManager: <WARN>  real_act_stage2_config(): Activation (eth1/wireless): couldn't connect to the supplicant.10:43
asacstgraber: yes .... thats really interesting10:46
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asacstgraber: both issues could be related if the device worker is not running10:55
siretartasac: the 0.5.8 packages are still at http://siretart.tauware.de/upload-queue10:55
siretartasac: and for the ppa, you still haven't answered me to which ppa we should push it10:56
asacsiretart: ah ... ok i can either upload to mine ... or to yours :)10:56
asacthanks for the info10:56
asacstgraber: can you try the wpasupplicant packages from http://siretart.tauware.de/upload-queue ?10:57
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siretartasac: feel free to upload to yours. beware that the version is currently lower than the package currently in gutsy10:59
asacsiretart: yes thats ok i think11:00
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stgraberasac: same problem with that wpasupplicant11:08
ubotuIt's a weekend.  Often on weekends, the paid developers, and a lot of the community, may not be around to answer your question.  Please be patient, wait longer than you normally would, or try again during the working week.11:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about weekdays - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about weekday - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:09
asacsiretart: do you know how the clean way to shutdown wpa supplicant is?11:11
asacsiretart: e.g. not using kill11:11
asace.g. something like EXIT when in wpa_cli11:12
asacbut i didn't find anything11:12
asacsiretart: another question is if we can stop wpasupplicant from doing anything by DISABLE_NETWORK 0 ... and then set AP_SCAN 011:13
asacsiretart: hmmm we use interface_add ... is there something like interface_RM ?11:14
asacsiretart: ok found interface_remove ... it is11:16
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sorenasac: TERMINATE?11:27
sorenasac: Or is that not what you're asking? :)11:29
asacsoren: yes i found11:29
asacsoren: thanks11:29
asacworks great i guess :)11:30
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sorenasac: np11:30
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asacsoren: you have ipw3945 as well?11:35
sorenasac: Nope.11:35
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asacgood for you ... so you don't need to test for me ;)11:36
asacsoren: does your nm work?11:36
sorenasac: atheros (and access to and ipw2200) if you ever need them for testing.11:36
sorenasac: Yeah, no problems here.11:36
asaci have an ipw2200 bug as well11:37
asacstgraber: i pushed a new patch that should shutdown wpa supplicant more gracefully11:38
asacto .opennet branch11:38
asacstgraber: i think you won't have to test ... i see the wpasupplicant error here as well11:42
sorenasac: Well, "no problems" is not entirely true, actually, but it's not really nm's fault. I've come across a few AP's whose DHCP servers seem to not work with dhclient. I haven't gathered enough debugging info to file a bug yet, though.11:42
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asacsoren: when you are sure that its dhclient ... then i am out of that ;)11:45
=== ScottLij [n=scott@24-180-196-49.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== Martinp24 [n=martinp2@wikimedia/Martinp23] has joined #ubuntu-devel
stgraberasac: looks like "terminate" isn't the right command11:49
asacstgraber: yes it needs to be UPPER case11:50
asacanyway the problem does not really go away11:50
asacstgraber: but maybe try yourself (as you have 0.5.8 supplicant)11:50
asacmy wpa supplicant often gives me busy results when adding the interface11:51
asacstgraber: i often get:11:55
asacasac@hector:~/ubuntu_nm/wpasupplicant.stable.debian$ sudo wpa_cli -g /var/run/wpa-global INTERFACE_ADD wlan0 "" "" /var/run/wpa-run11:55
asac'INTERFACE_ADD wlan0                    /var/run/wpa-run                ' command timed out.11:55
asacon command line11:55
asacbut i can afterwards just go ahead and use it as normal ... and wpa_supplicant actually starts scanning et al after that command11:55
=== sladen picked up another ACM magazine with mako inside the front cover today. And I *still* don't understand the advert...
stgraberasac: http://paste.stgraber.org/331911:59
=== nicolai__ [n=nicolai@p54AD7780.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
stgraberHave to wake up early, see you12:06
asacstgraber: ok night!12:06
=== Moniker42 [n=sean1228@87-194-119-253.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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