=== hugol1 [n=tu@] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
=== batrix [n=tyler@12-219-197-100.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
batrix | can someone here help tell me where i need to have the lircrc for xmms to work? | 01:20 |
batrix | anyone here at all? | 01:46 |
laga | this channel is mostly about mythtv | 01:47 |
laga | it's ~/.lircrc usually | 01:47 |
batrix | yea i know | 01:47 |
batrix | i have it set up there but for some reason it hates me :( | 01:48 |
batrix | i also have ~/.xmms/.lircrc | 01:48 |
laga | what do you have in your lircrc? | 01:49 |
laga | isn't xmms old and not developed anymore? | 01:50 |
batrix | its still developed i think | 01:50 |
laga | hum | 01:50 |
tgm4883 | xmms is still developed | 01:50 |
laga | do you have the lirc plugin for xmms? | 01:50 |
tgm4883 | but have you tried #xmms? | 01:50 |
batrix | begin | 01:50 |
batrix | prog = xmms | 01:50 |
batrix | remote = Leadtek_Y04G0004 | 01:50 |
batrix | button = Power | 01:50 |
batrix | repeat = 2 | 01:50 |
batrix | config = QUIT | 01:50 |
batrix | end | 01:51 |
laga | heh, xmms was removed from gentoo and slackware | 01:52 |
batrix | i compiled it etc.. from sourc | 01:53 |
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batrix | lol laga | 02:03 |
batrix | figured out my problem i think for one irexec wasn't started | 02:04 |
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batrix | can someone please tell me how to run irexec in the background without having to open a terminal using irexec & | 02:15 |
tgm4883 | put it in your session startup? | 02:16 |
batrix | yeah i did i put it in as irexec | 02:16 |
batrix | and it doesn't seem to work | 02:16 |
batrix | gonna test something brb | 02:19 |
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batrix | ok i got it | 02:20 |
batrix | irexec -d /home/username/.lircrc | 02:21 |
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batrix | hey tgm4883 can you show me your dmesg for lirc please | 02:32 |
=== tux_fl [n=joe813@165-238.207-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
tux_fl | hi ;) | 02:57 |
tux_fl | what do i have to edit to connect nvidia to my TV? | 02:57 |
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tgm4883 | !pastebin | 03:04 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:04 |
tgm4883 | batrix, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35996/ | 03:05 |
laga | tux_fl: xorg.conf | 03:05 |
tgm4883 | tux_fl, how are you trying to connect it | 03:05 |
laga | tux_fl: check the nvidia docs and wiki.mythtv.org | 03:05 |
tux_fl | thanks, first try failed after editing section monitor. Guess there is more to go. TV still working ;) ;) | 03:56 |
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tgm4883_laptop | im bored | 04:22 |
laga | go to bed? | 04:22 |
tgm4883_laptop | it's only 7:30, err 19:30 | 04:23 |
laga | oh | 04:24 |
laga | i thought you were in the UK | 04:24 |
laga | it's almost 4:30 am here | 04:24 |
tgm4883_laptop | nope, west coast USA | 04:25 |
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superm1 | hey guys | 05:48 |
superm1 | Daviey, you here? | 05:48 |
=== MythbuntuGuest26 [n=Mythbunt@114M20.oasis.mediatti.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
MythbuntuGuest26 | Haya, is there currently issues with the .iso download (X86)? It says it is done at around 25mb. | 07:10 |
tgm4883 | MythbuntuGuest26, where are you downloading from? | 07:12 |
MythbuntuGuest26 | mythbuntu.org had a link .. I found a .torrent that's cruizing along at the usual 1KB/sec .. lol | 07:14 |
=== MythbuntuGuest26 is now known as NineTeen67Comet | ||
superm1 | did Daviey take down the link directly to the IOS? | 07:14 |
superm1 | ISO | 07:14 |
tgm4883 | yea Daviey took the ISO's down | 07:15 |
superm1 | why? | 07:15 |
tgm4883 | he's switching it to his dreamhost server | 07:15 |
tgm4883 | I dont really know why | 07:15 |
superm1 | well this makes it a bit hard for polorix.net to mirror it | 07:15 |
superm1 | i told them to mirror from Daviey's box... | 07:15 |
tgm4883 | true | 07:15 |
tgm4883 | hmm | 07:15 |
tgm4883 | I don't know if he knew that | 07:16 |
superm1 | hmphf. | 07:16 |
tgm4883 | NineTeen67Comet, yea, you probably got 25MB of it then it was taken down | 07:16 |
NineTeen67Comet | I'm downloading Ubuntu Gutsy herd5 as well just incase. I've just had little luck with Myth/lirc and the like working for me. Usually have resorted to fireing up each part (MPlayer/Xine, XMMS etc) .. | 07:16 |
superm1 | its supposed to be ~413 mb | 07:16 |
superm1 | NineTeen67Comet, what sort of troubles were you having in herd5? | 07:17 |
tgm4883 | Currently can only get them from the torrents | 07:17 |
NineTeen67Comet | Yeah .. the torrent says 'roun 412mb .. | 07:17 |
tgm4883 | superm1, we really need to get it on canonical servers | 07:17 |
superm1 | things should be looking much better now even outside Mythbuntu | 07:17 |
superm1 | tgm4883, yea... | 07:17 |
NineTeen67Comet | No troubles yet with Herd5 (it has been on and off my server for a few days) .. | 07:17 |
NineTeen67Comet | It is downloading. | 07:17 |
NineTeen67Comet | Feisty and I never got along as well as Edgy and I did .. ;) | 07:17 |
superm1 | well gutsy should be a much more friendly experience for lirc especially | 07:18 |
NineTeen67Comet | My current Media box is running Feisty and has done well (no remote, freevo or Myth though) .. | 07:18 |
tgm4883 | arg | 07:18 |
tgm4883 | this hook thing will be the death of me | 07:19 |
=== superm1 fires up his brain to start helping seed alpha4 | ||
=== tgm4883 realized 15 minutes ago that deluge was off | ||
NineTeen67Comet | Do you all know if the PVR-150 is pretty functional w/Ubuntu/Linux? I've had it for a while, but never slowed down enough to fire it up and play with it. That is what I am hoping to get working. | 07:21 |
superm1 | NineTeen67Comet, yes very much so functional | 07:21 |
superm1 | out of the box on feisty and gutsy | 07:21 |
NineTeen67Comet | Shweeew, they don't have much of a selection at the BX. It was that, or the WinTV PVR that didn't look as rich. | 07:22 |
NineTeen67Comet | Or a USB TV deal that I really didn't want to resort to. | 07:22 |
superm1 | well the pvr-150 was a good choice | 07:22 |
NineTeen67Comet | Goodn deal, thanks. I had another one, but the cable connector broke off. | 07:23 |
NineTeen67Comet | Also, do you know how to get the text looking a little sharper on a traditional TV? It is at 600x800 and still bearly legable (Movies and TV look grand though). | 07:23 |
superm1 | mess around with nvidia-settings | 07:23 |
superm1 | assuming its an nvidia card | 07:24 |
NineTeen67Comet | superm1 n'kay .. I will, I used that to get it back to TV from LCD and TV .. | 07:24 |
NineTeen67Comet | Yeah, It is a 6800 I beleive. | 07:24 |
superm1 | when you get alpha4 installed, there is an option in the mythtv menus for "mythbuntu" | 07:24 |
superm1 | choose that | 07:24 |
superm1 | and it will pull up utils like nvidia-settings for you | 07:24 |
NineTeen67Comet | aha .. awesome. | 07:24 |
NineTeen67Comet | WoooHoo .. 1% | 08:13 |
NineTeen67Comet | I lied it is a 5700 AGP card... still 1% .. sigh | 08:30 |
superm1 | i can't seem to help the seeding much either | 08:33 |
superm1 | hmpf | 08:33 |
superm1 | Daviey, get up, we need to get this up somewhere else | 08:33 |
NineTeen67Comet | lol .. Wish everyone was on JST time .. My mid-day is my friends midnight .. | 08:43 |
NineTeen67Comet | I'm trying Azureus now FrostWire didn't seem to be moving along very well. | 08:45 |
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@freenode/staff/gnewsense.ompaul] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
NineTeen67Comet | Looks like Transmission is a much faster client than Fristwire or Azureus... still .. 6 days seems a long time .. | 09:04 |
=== foxbuntu [n=nfoxqci@12-216-16-102.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
foxbuntu | morning superm1 | 09:20 |
foxbuntu | tgm4883, hows it going? | 09:21 |
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=== NineTeen67Comet Wonders if he could swim across the Pacific and download it faster than from his current location.... | ||
NineTeen67Comet | Is the install of MythTV via aptitude easy 'nuff? I've got a Feisty Alternate CD handy .. could upgrade it to Gutsy faster than downloading it all right now. | 09:33 |
foxbuntu | NineTeen67Comet, Its pretty str8 forward, however I would do the upgr to Gutsy first | 09:35 |
foxbuntu | just besure to pick the right backend and frontend packages to use | 09:36 |
foxbuntu | like mythtv-backend-master | 09:36 |
=== Xenocrates [n=dave@c75-110-222-58.amrlcmta01.tx.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
Xenocrates | Is there a way to clear the recording logs for a single show in MythTV? | 09:40 |
NineTeen67Comet | foxbuntu .. Okay, I found a tutorial via the forums .. Since my server lacks a PVR card, I'll just usse my media box as both a front and backend and have it rsync with my server to keep the movie directory populated with current stuff (I don't have TV going just my movies I've ripped) | 09:56 |
=== NineTeen67Comet my media box has a pvr 150 card in it .. | ||
=== MythbuntuGuest12 [n=Mythbunt@s559024e7.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
MythbuntuGuest12 | nvidia propieraty drivers with composite out doesn't work in the installer | 10:55 |
superm1 | NineTeen67Comet, hopefully you just got a spike in speed. I managed to finally get some proper seeding working :) | 11:00 |
Daviey | superm1: :) | 11:06 |
superm1 | hey Daviey | 11:06 |
Daviey | Sorry, I had to remove the mirror for the moment.. It was getting hammered | 11:07 |
superm1 | isn't that what mirrors are for? | 11:07 |
superm1 | :) | 11:07 |
Daviey | heh | 11:07 |
Daviey | At the rate i was serving, I would have been pushing out >700Gb for the month! | 11:08 |
superm1 | haha | 11:08 |
superm1 | wow | 11:08 |
Daviey | Torrent is stable | 11:09 |
superm1 | well should be now | 11:09 |
superm1 | i got majoridiot's server to join | 11:09 |
Daviey | I've pushed >2Gb @ home | 11:09 |
superm1 | so he is pushing out 1200kb/s right now | 11:09 |
Daviey | popey is also torrenting from the same datacentre | 11:09 |
Daviey | I've been asking questions re: Canonical hosting | 11:10 |
superm1 | oh? | 11:10 |
superm1 | with whom? | 11:10 |
Daviey | Trying to get hold of elmo | 11:10 |
Daviey | Askign ie #canonical-sysadmin and adding a note to the bug you raised re LoCo hosting | 11:10 |
superm1 | no luck with elmo as of yet? | 11:10 |
Daviey | no | 11:11 |
superm1 | well i think the more important part at this point is going to be somewhere to put the cdimage | 11:11 |
superm1 | eg if we could get cdimages.ubuntu.com | 11:11 |
Daviey | at one point i was serving at > 16Mb/sec | 11:11 |
superm1 | wow. | 11:11 |
Daviey | probably not | 11:11 |
Daviey | *yet* | 11:12 |
superm1 | well i think to get on cdimages.ubuntu.com in the first place, the build process needs to be migrated to their | 11:12 |
superm1 | which right now its as close as its ever been | 11:12 |
Daviey | probably point cdimages.mythbuntu.org to a canonical server :) | 11:12 |
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superm1_ | hexxeh|work, in the change i'm uploading tonight, i'm fixing mythstream problems as well as adding | usplash to ubuntu-mythtv-frontend dependencies so as to make your backport diff a little smaller | 12:05 |
ubotu | New bug: #135431 in mythtv (multiverse) "mythtv-database depends on update-notifier only" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135431 | 12:16 |
ubotu | New bug: #131092 in ubiquity "multiple copies of install scripts" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131092 | 12:26 |
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ichat | probably im looking in the wrong place - but i couldn't find any info on remote controller suport for pincale controller | 04:13 |
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cornel1 | I know this is a general linux question, but... I want to know the users defined on a linux system, does /etc/passwd have every user? | 04:24 |
=== MythbuntuGuest27 [n=Mythbunt@114M20.oasis.mediatti.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
=== MythbuntuGuest27 is now known as NineTeen67Comet | ||
NineTeen67Comet | Do I have to have mythtv-backend running on the box I'm using as MySQL server? | 04:30 |
NineTeen67Comet | My headless x-less server is where I usually run all my SQL stuff off. | 04:30 |
NineTeen67Comet | If I aptitude mythtv-backend it tries to drag in a bunch of xorg/related stuff... | 04:31 |
=== NineTeen67Comet time for bed .. see you all in the AM .. looking forward to playing my movies on my tv w | ||
cornel1 | Night, NineTeen67Comet | 04:34 |
=== Tari [n=Tari@CPE-72-133-204-1.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
ubotu | New bug: #136785 in lirc (main) "Please include support for streamzap remote in Lirc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136785 | 05:00 |
=== cooper77 [n=ep@siouxfallsDHCP-62.216-254-234.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
tgm4883 | superm1, you around? | 05:48 |
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=== bendailey [n=Jackie@] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
bendailey | superm1, hello | 07:08 |
superm1 | g'afternoon | 07:08 |
laga | hi guys | 07:08 |
bendailey | My ISP was a no go on a mirror but I am finishing arrangements on another mirror as we speak | 07:10 |
superm1 | bendailey, ah very good. | 07:10 |
superm1 | what happened with the ISP? | 07:10 |
bendailey | I saw that you took direct downloads of line | 07:10 |
superm1 | well Daviey did, because they were a wee bit busy | 07:10 |
bendailey | I don't pay them for hosting and they pay metered bandwidth upstream | 07:11 |
superm1 | and would have pushed him over his BW limits at his host | 07:11 |
superm1 | oh that's a pretty good reason | 07:11 |
bendailey | ok I just purchased a hosting packages with 100GB per month of transfer to run as a mirror | 07:14 |
bendailey | brb, need to but my son down for a nap | 07:14 |
superm1 | k | 07:14 |
superm1 | tgm4883, laga did you see my fix for mythstream? | 07:14 |
bendailey | superm1, do you want a specific directory structure for the mirror? | 07:21 |
superm1 | bendailey, for CD images not really a big deal | 07:22 |
superm1 | i'd say just an open directory would suffice | 07:22 |
Daviey | Hey | 07:26 |
foxbuntu | hey superm1 | 07:26 |
superm1 | hi foxbuntu | 07:26 |
superm1 | hi Daviey | 07:27 |
Daviey | superm1: I think we should try and keep them standard - would make it easier to insert links on release notes etc | 07:27 |
superm1 | Daviey, huh? | 07:27 |
superm1 | keep what standard | 07:27 |
superm1 | oh cd images | 07:27 |
Daviey | 17:22 < superm1> bendailey, for CD images not really a big deal | 07:27 |
superm1 | yea... a little slow this afternoon i am | 07:27 |
Daviey | heh | 07:27 |
Daviey | superm1: when are we going to announce signed mirrors? | 07:29 |
superm1 | Daviey, still can't get the one on axel's box to mirror everything | 07:30 |
superm1 | dunno why | 07:30 |
Daviey | -- There was discussion on the possibility of having a generic PPA signature.. I think that would be awful! | 07:30 |
superm1 | where did you hear this discussion? | 07:30 |
Daviey | hmm | 07:30 |
Daviey | wait 1 | 07:30 |
Daviey | btw.. did you see SABDFL's email re; PPA? | 07:31 |
superm1 | yea but it looked pretty generic so i didn't read the whole thing | 07:31 |
Daviey | It was a mail-merge style, and we got a mention :D | 07:31 |
superm1 | really? | 07:32 |
=== superm1 looks again | ||
Daviey | We already have | 07:32 |
Daviey | some fun projects using this, like MythBuntu. You can see their PPA overview | 07:32 |
Daviey | here: | 07:32 |
superm1 | ha fancy that | 07:32 |
superm1 | awesome | 07:32 |
superm1 | well we were the first group to get on the PPA before it was announced | 07:33 |
Daviey | Regarding generic signing; I think it might have been on IRC.. probably just an idea bounce | 07:33 |
Daviey | i *hope* | 07:33 |
laga | superm1: yeah, juski committed the mythstream fix | 07:34 |
superm1 | laga, that was quick | 07:34 |
superm1 | i just filed that like 8 hours ago | 07:34 |
Daviey | juski no doubt wanted to exercise his svn prvs. | 07:35 |
superm1 | amazing how a small letter can make so much trouble :) | 07:37 |
bendailey | Daviey, proposed Directory Structure? | 07:37 |
Daviey | Well.. | 07:38 |
Daviey | possibly mimic ubuntu's? | 07:38 |
bendailey | sorry, have to go for awhile | 07:39 |
Daviey | bendailey: no hurry for structure; just a link woild do for now | 07:39 |
Daviey | :) | 07:39 |
Daviey | superm1: heard from mirror.polorix.net? | 07:41 |
superm1 | Daviey, they can't exactly mirror us when there is no direct link | 07:41 |
superm1 | but chris didn't mail me back | 07:41 |
superm1 | perhaps he's out of town or something | 07:41 |
Daviey | superm1: I can provide a direct link offlist | 07:41 |
superm1 | Daviey, okay | 07:42 |
superm1 | i'll send him that | 07:42 |
superm1 | Daviey, i dont get it, running the mirror script with a clean directory even | 07:44 |
superm1 | its not working | 07:44 |
superm1 | the only debs its pulling are ubiquity | 07:44 |
superm1 | nothing more | 07:44 |
superm1 | not even source packages for anything else | 07:45 |
Daviey | :S | 07:46 |
Daviey | Funnilly enough, i can't get the build script to run on my server | 07:46 |
superm1 | what is with all these oddities | 07:46 |
Daviey | debootstrap segfaulted | 07:46 |
Daviey | Anybody have an experience with throttling apache2? | 07:48 |
superm1 | well see i can blame my oddities on this being a Rhel5 box | 07:48 |
superm1 | and the fact that i had to compile apt and bzr | 07:48 |
Daviey | RH sux :D | 07:48 |
superm1 | :) | 07:48 |
Daviey | compile bzr? | 07:49 |
Daviey | I just assumed it was plain python | 07:49 |
Daviey | Oh.. here's an odd thing.. Liferea RSS reader.. Didn't show the Alpha4 release notes from the ubuntu-planet RSS feed | 07:50 |
Daviey | :S | 07:50 |
superm1 | neither did iGoogle | 07:50 |
Daviey | and.. drupal thought that it was already dugg | 07:50 |
Daviey | with alpha 3 release | 07:50 |
superm1 | hm lots of weird stuff then.. | 07:50 |
superm1 | yea google reader doesnt think its new either | 07:51 |
superm1 | wonder whats up with that? | 07:51 |
Daviey | ffs | 07:51 |
superm1 | it did show up on planet right? | 07:51 |
Daviey | yep | 07:51 |
Daviey | still there | 07:51 |
Daviey | halfway down | 07:52 |
superm1 | hm and its in mythbuntu.org/rss.xml | 07:52 |
superm1 | that's really bzr | 07:52 |
Daviey | Maybe cause the name was so similar? | 07:53 |
superm1 | well that would explain the digg problem | 07:54 |
superm1 | but nothing more | 07:54 |
superm1 | interesting | 07:55 |
superm1 | i think i found what is doing it | 07:55 |
superm1 | its that freaking clean.sh thing | 07:55 |
Daviey | yes! | 07:57 |
superm1 | why though? | 07:57 |
Daviey | I commented it out as it seemed to be rm too much | 07:57 |
superm1 | why does take out so much? | 07:57 |
Daviey | :s | 07:57 |
superm1 | awesome! | 07:58 |
superm1 | things work now | 07:58 |
Daviey | >:) | 07:58 |
Daviey | all signed? | 07:58 |
Daviey | or rather signing work? | 07:58 |
superm1 | okay let me just remove it and add it to a cron a few minutes from now | 07:58 |
superm1 | and make sure it runs out of the cron fine | 07:58 |
superm1 | and then we're golden | 07:58 |
Daviey | remember cron will email you crap, if you don't > /dev/null the cronjob | 07:59 |
superm1 | it .bashrc sourced in cron? | 07:59 |
superm1 | because i need to change LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH when its run from it | 07:59 |
Daviey | no | 08:00 |
Daviey | normally cron has NO env. variables | 08:00 |
superm1 | hm that's not a good thing. | 08:00 |
Daviey | try it tho | 08:00 |
superm1 | well i'll just add it to the start of the mirror script | 08:00 |
superm1 | won't hurt | 08:00 |
Daviey | Can't you just add it to the script? | 08:01 |
Daviey | or make a wrapper .sh? | 08:02 |
superm1 | well modifying the script won't hurt | 08:03 |
superm1 | bzr will still merge the changes locally | 08:03 |
superm1 | if its update | 08:03 |
superm1 | okay brb, | 08:04 |
superm1 | hm still didn't run | 08:16 |
superm1 | didn't even go into a log file like i ordered it to | 08:16 |
Daviey | is cron working for you as a user? | 08:26 |
superm1 | it would appear not. | 08:27 |
superm1 | i'm not sure how i can really check though | 08:27 |
Daviey | set it to output to console? | 08:28 |
superm1 | how? | 08:28 |
Daviey | or echo "test" > ~/sss.txt | 08:28 |
Daviey | * * * echo "working" 2>&1 /dev/console | 08:28 |
Daviey | ^ change for desired setting | 08:29 |
superm1 | i dont exactly have access to the console session | 08:29 |
superm1 | but i followed this: * * * * * echo "test" > /home/mlimonciello/sss.txt | 08:29 |
superm1 | and i sure don't see an sss.txt in /home/mlimonciello | 08:29 |
Daviey | that should work | 08:29 |
superm1 | well i have a feeling something is going into /var/log/cron | 08:33 |
superm1 | because its edit time is every minute | 08:33 |
Daviey | ah | 08:33 |
superm1 | but i can't read it | 08:33 |
Daviey | you might be flooding sysadmin eith erros then @O | 08:33 |
Daviey | :o | 08:33 |
superm1 | well i'll shoot a mail to Axel then | 08:34 |
Daviey | Did axel not want to be a cd mirror? | 08:34 |
foxbuntu | Daviey, where ddi you buy your mirrror space? | 08:35 |
Daviey | foxbuntu: it's UK | 08:36 |
superm1 | Daviey, he only offered hosting weekly builds | 08:36 |
superm1 | nothing else | 08:36 |
superm1 | so i didnt want to push my luck with him | 08:36 |
Daviey | superm1: agreed | 08:36 |
Daviey | foxbuntu: If you want a full ubuntu machine: vpsvillage.com | 08:37 |
Daviey | You get root access etc, so do as you please | 08:37 |
superm1 | okay well if he doesn't get back to me by tomorrow, i say that we'll announce weekly builds and just have it on manual for now | 08:37 |
foxbuntu | superm1, what kind of access would be needed to a mirror server for now? | 08:37 |
Daviey | foxbuntu: user only | 08:37 |
superm1 | foxbuntu, if it does builds, root | 08:37 |
superm1 | if it is just a host, user | 08:37 |
foxbuntu | hmm | 08:38 |
Daviey | superm1: what went wrong with fakeroot building? | 08:38 |
superm1 | Daviey, a lot | 08:38 |
Daviey | oh | 08:38 |
superm1 | Daviey, the plan was going to be to have axel's box build the source package, submit it up to ppa.launchpad.net, and then mirror it 12 hours or so later | 08:38 |
foxbuntu | because there is a hosting service I know for $7/mon you get 2.5TB a month in xfer | 08:38 |
foxbuntu | but I don't think you get root access | 08:39 |
Daviey | foxbuntu: not dreamhost per chance? | 08:39 |
foxbuntu | Daviey, no | 08:39 |
foxbuntu | AN Hosting | 08:39 |
Daviey | bandwidth is much cheaper in the US than UK | 08:39 |
Daviey | and get this, many of out main datacentres have power problems | 08:40 |
Daviey | ie.. not enough plug sockets :D | 08:40 |
Daviey | superm1: I just had a thought.. i have a dreamhost account - that can mirror all day long! | 08:42 |
superm1 | Daviey, dreamhost has no limit? | 08:43 |
Daviey | well pratically | 08:43 |
superm1 | well i dont see why not then | 08:44 |
Daviey | currently naff domain tho | 08:44 |
Daviey | unless bendailey can add another | 08:45 |
Daviey | it's currently: daviey.mooo.com | 08:45 |
superm1 | yea i'm sure he can add another | 08:45 |
superm1 | ask him when he gets back | 08:45 |
Daviey | will do | 08:45 |
Daviey | I've got 2304Gb of bandwith to use with dreamhost | 08:46 |
Daviey | raising by 16Gb per week | 08:46 |
superm1 | wow | 08:46 |
Daviey | but they are not *fast* | 08:46 |
Daviey | feel free to do a speed test | 08:46 |
Daviey | http://daviey.mooo.com/mythbuntu/ | 08:47 |
Daviey | http://daviey.mooo.com/mythbuntu/mythbuntu-7.10~070830-amd64.iso | 08:47 |
superm1 | you kidding? | 08:47 |
superm1 | 400 kb/s | 08:47 |
Daviey | wgetting atm, so the filesize will be small | 08:47 |
superm1 | oh wait its dropping off | 08:47 |
superm1 | it went down to 150 | 08:47 |
Daviey | eeek.. that is better than i thought | 08:47 |
Daviey | oh, accross the alantic i get 50-60Kb/s | 08:47 |
superm1 | yea not bad here | 08:48 |
Daviey | superm1: another idea; will your school mirror? | 08:49 |
superm1 | Daviey, well they don't mirror any other linux items, so i wouldn't think so | 08:49 |
superm1 | and i'm graduating this semester | 08:49 |
Daviey | bet you can't wait | 08:50 |
superm1 | :) | 08:50 |
superm1 | well speaking of which, i do have a few things to attend to today | 08:51 |
superm1 | i'll be back later on | 08:51 |
Daviey | k | 08:54 |
bendailey | Daviey, ping | 09:08 |
Daviey | bendailey: ello | 09:09 |
Daviey | bendailey: when you get a chance can you make another DNS entry? | 09:10 |
bendailey | where should I get the ISO's from? Or can I give you an ftp account and have you upload them? | 09:11 |
bendailey | yeah hit me with the DNS entry I think I am still logged in to make changes | 09:11 |
Daviey | bendailey: http://daviey.mooo.com/mythbuntu | 09:11 |
Daviey | but wait 10 mins for them to finish getting | 09:11 |
Daviey | bendailey: hmm not sure what to have.. | 09:12 |
Daviey | maybe us.cdimage.mythbuntu.org (but i'll happily give it up to somebody else, if requested) | 09:12 |
Daviey | can you make it CNAME -> daviey.dreamhosters.com | 09:13 |
foxbuntu | Daviey, I might need us.cdimage.mythbuntu.com :P | 09:14 |
Daviey | foxbuntu: fair enough | 09:14 |
foxbuntu | but who knows when that might happen at this rate | 09:14 |
Daviey | how are we going to name multiples? | 09:15 |
Daviey | starts to look messy imo -> 1.us.cdimage.mythbuntu.com | 09:15 |
foxbuntu | we could do something like ia-us.cdimages.mythbuntu.org | 09:15 |
bendailey | I am justing going to ask if I should use us1.cdimage.mythbuntu.org | 09:15 |
Daviey | ia = state? | 09:15 |
foxbuntu | yea | 09:15 |
Daviey | foxbuntu: good idea | 09:16 |
Daviey | bendailey: what state is your server? | 09:16 |
Daviey | my us server is california | 09:16 |
bendailey | I am in Indiana I think my server is in Canada | 09:16 |
Daviey | bendailey: would ca.cdimage.mythbuntu.org be better for you then? | 09:17 |
bendailey | scratch that hosted in Michigan | 09:18 |
bendailey | Daviey, Let me know when you are ready for me to grab the isos | 09:19 |
Daviey | 2mins | 09:19 |
bendailey | ok | 09:19 |
bendailey | should I change cname to ca-us.cdimage.mythbuntu.org -> daviey.dreamhosters.com then? | 09:20 |
Daviey | us-ca? | 09:21 |
Daviey | Ready for DL | 09:21 |
bendailey | is tgm4883 taking care of drupal? | 09:21 |
bendailey | yeah us-ca looks better to me | 09:21 |
Daviey | bendailey: i've updated it now | 09:22 |
ichat | just for interest, - what are you guys buiding packages at? | 09:22 |
ichat | (hardware wise) | 09:22 |
Daviey | ichat: launchpad PPA and other servers | 09:22 |
Daviey | i386 and amd64 | 09:22 |
Daviey | if powerpc gets a request it will be built | 09:22 |
ichat | wow. - | 09:22 |
ichat | i ment the building machine realy | 09:23 |
foxbuntu | Daviey, I want powerPC...so i can build an iMyth | 09:23 |
foxbuntu | lol | 09:23 |
foxbuntu | sorry bad joke | 09:24 |
bendailey | Daviey, do you have us-ca.cdimage or us-ca.cdimages? | 09:24 |
bendailey | we currently have uk.cdimages | 09:24 |
=== ichat wouldn't know what hardware would be recuired for buiding - in decent speeds so thats why i asked | ||
Daviey | ichat: not much | 09:26 |
ichat | well i never tried building say, mysql or openbox or openoffice or apps like that, (so i just wondered )... | 09:27 |
Daviey | ichat: until recently we were using 800Mhz | 09:27 |
ichat | hmmzm, thank the 100011100011 god 101 i have little faster than that :blosh | 09:28 |
ichat | lol seeding @ 0,9 kb/s | 09:32 |
ichat | this must be really the slowest i ever seeded in my life | 09:33 |
Daviey | ichat: it's all appreciated ;) | 09:33 |
bendailey | Daviey, What kind of net connection do you have? | 09:34 |
Daviey | bendailey: Home? | 09:35 |
Daviey | 20Mb | 09:35 |
Daviey | (down) | 09:35 |
bendailey | how about up? | 09:35 |
Daviey | my server (located in datacentre) served >38Gb in just a few hours! | 09:36 |
Daviey | erm up, is lame.. 768K | 09:36 |
ichat | lol - usually im not happy at seeding cuz some times it just takes 2 out of 2,5 mbit upstream - | 09:36 |
bendailey | my is lamer 386 | 09:36 |
ichat | but this is the other way arround :P | 09:36 |
bendailey | wow mine not *my* | 09:36 |
bendailey | Daviey is us-ca.cdimages.mythbuntu.org resolving for you? | 09:37 |
ichat | lol <resolving us-ca.cdimages.mythbuntu.org | 09:38 |
Daviey | $ whois us-ca.cdimages.mythbuntu.org | 09:39 |
Daviey | NOT FOUND | 09:39 |
Daviey | thats using opendns | 09:39 |
foxbuntu | Daviey, you wouldnt get a whois from a cname | 09:39 |
Daviey | O RLY | 09:39 |
foxbuntu | CNAME just points to another A record | 09:40 |
Daviey | foxbuntu: ahh yes | 09:40 |
ichat | why not just ping @ host? | 09:41 |
Daviey | bendailey: it's resolving.. thanks | 09:41 |
bendailey | great | 09:42 |
Daviey | $ host us-ca.cdimages.mythbuntu.org | 09:42 |
Daviey | us-ca.cdimages.mythbuntu.org CNAME daviey.dreamhosters.com | 09:42 |
Daviey | daviey.dreamhosters.com A | 09:42 |
bendailey | know if I could only figure out a way to move the iso directy to my host instead of down local then up | 09:42 |
Daviey | need to set up a vhost... | 09:42 |
Daviey | bendailey: got shell access? | 09:43 |
ichat | bendailey: - if you get sh access use wget if not there is this php code that can do it over ftp, now let me thing where it was again | 09:44 |
Daviey | bendailey: if you haven't got shell access, i can upload it via ftp | 09:44 |
Daviey | shell access is best tho | 09:44 |
bendailey | I wish I had shell all I have is cpanel | 09:45 |
Daviey | bendailey: set me up an ftp account and i'll push it | 09:45 |
ichat | me 2 | 09:45 |
bendailey | great thanks | 09:45 |
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ichat | cpannel is nice but a mirror from server option whould have been nice :P | 09:46 |
bendailey | Daviey, pm me a user and pass you want | 09:46 |
Daviey | done | 09:47 |
bendailey | Let me know if ftp works | 09:49 |
Daviey | bendailey: are you identidfied to services? | 09:49 |
Daviey | irc? | 09:49 |
Daviey | I didn't get a reply | 09:49 |
bendailey | yeah irc pm | 09:49 |
bendailey | \help | 09:50 |
bendailey | did you get my pong? | 09:50 |
Daviey | no | 09:50 |
Daviey | /msg nickserv identify PASSWORD | 09:50 |
ichat | or msg nickserv register :P | 09:51 |
bendailey | Daviey, Have I got it figured out yet? | 09:53 |
Daviey | ah | 09:53 |
Daviey | got the pm | 09:53 |
=== MythbuntuGuest30 [n=Mythbunt@ool-457d7cbf.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
MythbuntuGuest30 | most likely a silly question but is there a default sudo password aftering installing mythbuntu or did i miss the option? ive done it twice now and didnt see it | 10:03 |
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MythbuntuGuest30 | just pressing enter isnt working | 10:13 |
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Daviey | MythbuntuGuest30: last i knew, mythbuntu wasn't a sudoer | 10:15 |
Daviey | Installation, set up another user - right? | 10:15 |
MythbuntuGuest30 | ok i just finished completely formatting and reinstalling | 10:20 |
MythbuntuGuest30 | sudo now works with just pressing enter | 10:20 |
MythbuntuGuest30 | but you dont think i should be using sudo at all? | 10:20 |
superm1 | MythbuntuGuest30, the user you made is a sudoer | 10:21 |
superm1 | so the password you gave it will work to get sudo rights | 10:22 |
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MythbuntuGuest30 | perfect, everything seems to be going well, i think i just have one more question is is there an automated way to install the nvidia drivers? | 10:57 |
MythbuntuGuest30 | during install trying to use the "install 3rd party graphic drivers" just caused crashes | 10:57 |
superm1 | Really? | 10:57 |
superm1 | well that's not good. | 10:57 |
MythbuntuGuest30 | so i figured i would just use envy | 10:58 |
MythbuntuGuest30 | but envy complains that it doesnt work with my os | 10:58 |
superm1 | well once your installed, | 10:58 |
superm1 | go into settings | 10:58 |
superm1 | and choose "Mythbuntu" | 10:58 |
superm1 | there is a proprietary graphics drivers option there | 10:58 |
superm1 | and you can open up restricted-manager via it | 10:58 |
MythbuntuGuest30 | i dont know if its possible but i *believe* its my wireless card that was cuasing the crashes | 10:59 |
superm1 | it is crashing restricted-manager? | 10:59 |
MythbuntuGuest30 | let me take the word crash back, it locked up the machine for completely | 10:59 |
superm1 | well very best way to double check | 11:00 |
superm1 | from a terminal | 11:00 |
MythbuntuGuest30 | but i couldnt do anything including ctrl+alt+delete | 11:00 |
superm1 | sudo restricted-manager | 11:00 |
MythbuntuGuest30 | will try (must run downstairs, different machine) | 11:00 |
superm1 | didn't set up VNC? :) | 11:00 |
MythbuntuGuest30 | no not yet although i really should | 11:06 |
MythbuntuGuest30 | that seemed to work perfectly, thank you, i never knew about that command | 11:06 |
Daviey | superm1: Is this working for you:- http://us-ca.cdimages.mythbuntu.org/ | 11:08 |
superm1 | Site Temporarily Unavailable | 11:09 |
superm1 | We apologize for the inconvenience. Please contact the webmaster/ tech support immediately to have them rectify this. | 11:09 |
superm1 | error id: "bad_httpd_conf" | 11:09 |
Daviey | yeah same here.. i think it takes some time | 11:09 |
Daviey | but that should be working in a few hours.. | 11:10 |
Daviey | and mythbuntu.net is working now; bendailey is making a mythbuntu.org subdomain for it | 11:10 |
superm1 | where is that pointing? | 11:11 |
Daviey | mythbuntu.net will = us-mi.cdimages.mythbuntu.org | 11:12 |
Daviey | http://us-ca.cdimages.mythbuntu.org/ | 11:12 |
Daviey | = my dreamhost | 11:12 |
superm1 | woah we're suddenly going to have several mirrors :) | 11:13 |
Daviey | yep | 11:13 |
Daviey | mythbuntu.net has the iso's and is live; but wanted to add the subdomain instead when they are live | 11:13 |
Daviey | the 'load' on my dreamhost = load average: 3.39, 3.87, 4.57 | 11:14 |
Daviey | foxbuntu's should be live 'soon' | 11:15 |
Daviey | so that is 4 mirrors | 11:15 |
superm1 | wonderful | 11:15 |
Daviey | why isn't mythbuntu.org a mirror? | 11:15 |
superm1 | too bad we didn't have this structure ready prior to alpha 4 going live | 11:15 |
superm1 | jumpkick has limited bandwidth as he uses it for other stuff too | 11:15 |
Daviey | yeah.. but i figured this would be ready the following day - and the iso was already getting stale | 11:16 |
superm1 | so the agreement was just the site, and then keep weekly builds and ISOs elsewhere | 11:16 |
Daviey | :) | 11:16 |
Daviey | k | 11:16 |
Daviey | woo, current load is 5.31 | 11:16 |
superm1 | load on what? | 11:17 |
Daviey | my dreamhost | 11:17 |
Daviey | $ top | 11:17 |
superm1 | why are you excited for load on it? | 11:17 |
Daviey | not excited, just worried | 11:17 |
Daviey | waiting for the abuse email ;) | 11:18 |
Daviey | (shared hosting) | 11:18 |
superm1 | oh i see | 11:18 |
Daviey | were you aware of this mirror: http://proyectos.pixelamigo.com/software/Ubuntu/Mythbuntu/7.04/ ? | 11:23 |
Daviey | just found it accidently | 11:23 |
superm1 | Can't say i am | 11:23 |
superm1 | looks like its a bit of an old mirror though | 11:23 |
Daviey | yeah | 11:24 |
Daviey | http://proyectos.pixelamigo.com/software/Ubuntu/ Click UbuntuStudio | 11:24 |
superm1 | hey we made it to phoronix it looks like: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=NjAyMw | 11:24 |
Daviey | Seems that mirror wants to earn money via downloads | 11:24 |
superm1 | haha | 11:25 |
Daviey | A few distro's on that site have that page | 11:25 |
Daviey | *cheeky* | 11:25 |
Daviey | Is phoronix.com well known? | 11:26 |
superm1 | i dunno | 11:26 |
Daviey | Arg! dreamhost want me to change it from a CNAME to A Record.. | 11:29 |
Daviey | it shouldn't make a difference! | 11:29 |
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defendguin | hey half of my mythtv screen is black | 11:30 |
defendguin | what was that x command to make it rethink the picture? | 11:30 |
defendguin | its like the picture was shifted to the left which left the right hand side of the screen black | 11:31 |
Daviey | defendguin: you could try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 11:41 |
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