
=== doko_ [n=doko@dslb-088-073-116-100.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
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arthur-doko: cc1: internal compiler error: no multiarch mapping for multilib (32)01:40
arthur-doko: building gcc-4.1 on sparc01:40
arthur-(gdc-4.1 0.24-4.1.2-17~exp)01:40
dokoarthur-: debian/rules2 : s/v9/v8/, or update the svn01:41
arthur-ok, thanks01:43
arthur-doko: D ping05:29
arthur-doko: can I upload something like this in experimental? http://people.dunnewind.net/arthur/doko/05:37
arthur-(won't include orig tarball this time don't worry)05:37
arthur-merge from Unstable package, just add a patch to fix build05:38
dokohmm, I wouldn't use `+ in the release (that's something reserved for binNMUs), plus adding something differentiate your uploads to experimental: -16exp105:39
arthur-doko: ok, I build a -16exp1, I've found an amd64 so I prepare an upload for i386/amd64/powerpc/sparc05:40
arthur-doko: can gdc be called (description) the "The GNU D compiler" since it uses gcc in middle-end and back-end ?06:21
dokoarthur-: hmm, is the FSF copyright holder?06:22
arthur-doko: no06:23
arthur-doko: david Friedman (gdc) and Walter Bright (dmd, digitalmars)06:23
dokoso maybe not06:24
arthur-I perhaps should ask on the gcc ml06:24
dokohmm, maybe not, use the name from the upstream project?06:25
arthur-dmd? yes, gdc uses dmd in font-end06:27
dokobut who does hold the copyright? (I do not mean the authors)06:35
arthur-   Copyright (C) 2004 David Friedman06:39
arthur-   Copyright (c) 1999-2006 by Digital Mars06:39
dokousually the FSF holds the copyright for GNU software, so I wouldn't name it "GNU D"06:41
arthur-I wondered, moreover upstream gcc already recognize D, hold on06:43
arthur-doko: http://people.dunnewind.net/arthur/doko/06:46
arthur-doko: gcc/dwarf2.h:    DW_LANG_D = 0x0013,06:47
arthur-doko: gdc builds fine with gcc-4.0, it would perhaps be useful to build a gdc-4.0 package06:51
dokoarthur-: NO! we want to KILL 4.0, not keep it06:51
arthur-doko: ok  =)06:52
arthur-doko: here will be my changes for -17 http://paste.dunnewind.net/373 (I'll also include them in 4.2 in 4.3 once I would have finish to test it)07:48
dokoarthur-: please send diffs by email08:12
arthur-doko: just done about 1 sec ago :-)08:12
arthur-doko: give --disable-proc-maps to libphobos configure should build fix at least on kfreebsd-{i386,amd64} , but how to give it explicitly to libphobos configure? il Makefile.def ?09:45
dokoit should be propageted from the toplevel configure09:51

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