
SlimGI'll setup a vote tomorrow (promise), Have to catch some ZzZ's now (GMT+1). Thanks for all the info people :)12:42
nixternalthere is a KOffice by default blueprint that imbrandon created last year out there somewhere12:49
=== DaSkreech [n=ubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
DaSkreechcan I connect to wifi from the command line?01:42
nixternalifup :)01:45
DaSkreechhow do I choose what ap to connect to?01:46
nixternalsudo ifup ethX01:49
=== nosrednaekim [n=michael@01-100.200.popsite.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
mhbDaSkreech: I usually do iwconfig ath0 essid "essidname"01:49
nixternalthat is another way01:49
mhbDaSkreech: of course, if you want to be specific, do iwconfig ath0 ap "TH:AT:AP:AD:DR:E:SS"01:50
mhband subsitute ath0 for your iface01:50
mhband sudo it01:50
DaSkreechI Can't connect through knetworkmanager01:50
DaSkreechit's getting annoying01:50
nosrednaekimDaSkreech: not unheard of..01:51
mhbDaSkreech: welcome to the club01:51
DaSkreechmhb: that's why you connect from the command line?01:51
mhbDaSkreech: yes01:52
nosrednaekimmhb: thanks to your separating of the backend off the restricted-manager, i'm trying to write a ncurses frontend!01:56
nixternalknetworkmangler rocks!01:56
mhbnosrednaekim: you are?01:56
nosrednaekimtrying :) needs to be done (I think) and I don't have to load any silly VM stuff to work on it.01:57
mhbnosrednaekim: there are some pretty ugly hacks we need to get rid of in the next development cycle01:58
nosrednaekimI'm sure :)01:59
mhbnosrednaekim: but you shouldn't be that much affected if you subclass RMCommon01:59
nosrednaekimthats what I figured... I'd just parallel everything in RMKDE and I shouldn't have a problem with dirty hacks (I hope)02:00
mhbnosrednaekim: right. There's a lot of helpful docstrings in RMCommon and RMKDE02:01
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DaSkreechmhb:where does knetworkmanager fail for you?02:01
LaserJocknixternal: you really think that's wise?02:01
nixternalman, just sell me out from the get go02:01
DaSkreechSlimG: Sorry what was the consensus?02:02
mhbDaSkreech: well, it disconnects every 20 minutes or so ... and my Atheros card needs a special cmd line parameter or it disables itself randomly and I have to reboot quite often02:02
nixternalyou guys, LaserJock thinks that KDE stinks!02:02
LaserJockI didn't say that exactly02:02
mhblet's burn him!02:02
DaSkreechmhb: mine fails on configuring device02:02
DaSkreech well it does at home02:03
DaSkreech it works elsewhere02:03
DaSkreechKrukify him!02:03
LaserJocknixternal: it seems a lot more "in your face"02:03
LaserJockI think it must be the size thing02:03
nixternalok, replacing C with K only works in some instances there DaSkreech02:03
nixternalya, 1024x768 sucks for KDE, I will admit that02:03
DaSkreechnixternal: I know :)02:04
nixternalman, I haven't look at KMenu in a while...it can get out of hand rather quickly02:04
mhbI'm really going to fork KDE one day and replace all those Ks02:04
nixternalyou me forc02:04
DaSkreechbut if we are going to beat him we might as well do it with forke!02:04
nosrednaekimto "m"'s?02:04
mhbwell, I'd vote for some sensible names02:05
nosrednaekimoh come on.... who needs sensible names? open source isn't sensible.02:05
nixternalthere is no such thing as a sensible name in any free software project that I have seen02:05
LaserJockwhat's sensible02:06
nixternaldamn nosrednaekim, we read each others mind there02:06
nosrednaekimyou cursing at me? HUH?02:06
LaserJockI work on Gnome Chemistry Utils, that seems like a sensible name02:06
nosrednaekimI think that deserves.. a.....02:06
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:06
nixternalLaserJock: Gnome isn't sensible02:06
=== LaserJock hands nixternal a bar of soap
mhbPDF Reader, Burning, Text Editor, Instant Messenger02:06
nixternalrename them to their descriptions then?02:07
mhbKopete means "it's kicking you" in my language02:07
=== DaSkreech brings up what GNOME stands for
ryanakcanixternal: your new pass works?02:07
nixternalryanakca: yes, already setup02:07
ryanakca(judging from last log)02:07
ryanakcas/last log/lastlog/02:07
ryanakcagood :)02:07
nixternaljust need to add the new address to my gpg key02:07
LaserJockso amarok -> "Kickin' Audio", kate -> "Editor from Heaven" ?02:08
nixternalso who is going to do the kickoff package for kubuntu? I just looked at it, and I must say, it stinks02:08
ryanakcaoh, thanks for reminding me... I'll be in Toronto in a couple weekends... I'll try to get my key signed02:08
nosrednaekimnixternal: kickoff? that terrible menu?02:08
mhbnixternal: I've seen some .debs in the PPA pool, are the KDE4 packages ready?02:08
LaserJockgeeze, are there any preferences for katapault?02:10
nixternalLaserJock: yes02:10
nixternalLaserJock: alt+space and then once the window is up, do ctrl+c to get the admin menu02:10
nixternalscream at Mez for that one02:10
LaserJockah, that's intuitive02:10
nixternalactually, it is Kubuntu's fault, because we removed the icon from the system tray02:10
LaserJockargg, for goodness sakes02:11
LaserJockcan't KDE make a decent default window02:11
nixternalmhb: I think binner is still working on the kde 4 port02:12
nixternalI was just looking through his work repo on kde svn02:12
nixternalI thought about packaging it, but it would need new artwork and what not...or can you run it w/o that stupid kbfx garbage02:13
nixternalnosrednaekim: it is terrible isn't it02:13
DaSkreechAnyone seen Raptor02:13
nosrednaekimnixternal: I don't like it...02:13
nixternalwhy anyone would take that idea from vista I would never know02:13
nixternaleither do it...to much clicking just to get where I want02:13
nixternalplus, with krunner and katapult, the menu is useless now :)02:14
mhbI wonder how the K menu plasmoid will look like02:14
nixternalLaserJock: it is tough trying to get used to another DE isn't it? it is weird how you can pick out all of the faults when you are used to something else02:14
nixternalI want to start coding some plasmoids...in different languages and see how they rock02:15
nixternalthey say you can do java, ruby, c++, whatever you want..should be interesting02:15
LaserJocknixternal: sure, I must've become more of a DE connoisseur since joining Ubuntu. I ran KDE for a couple years before getting into Ubuntu02:15
mhbnixternal: it should be, but can you use other KDE binding in those languages?02:15
nosrednaekimI want python bindings for it...02:16
nixternalmhb: ruby yes, but I don't know about KDE binding in java...I know with jambi there are at least qt bindings for it now02:16
LaserJocknixternal: where we having the "on DE to rule them all" conversation in #ubuntu-doc the other day?02:16
mhbone DE should rule them all02:16
DaSkreechWhat does the configuring device step on Knetworkmanger do?02:17
mhbof course, the DE should have a *decent* APIs02:17
LaserJocknixternal: then I think I'm making my point to myself02:17
LaserJockKDE is very nice, it just does some things pretty badly :-)02:17
nixternalbadly or differently?02:18
mhband no DE with bindings like: gtk.status_icon_new_from_icon_name() should rule them all02:18
DaSkreechmhb: Wasn't that Raptor?02:18
nixternalmhb: hahaha02:18
LaserJockdifferently I can handle02:18
nixternalthat is nothing, I was looking through the glib and gtk stuff when nsplugin was broke02:18
LaserJockbut some things are just not done very well02:18
nixternalI swear they had a binding that was > 80 columns wide02:18
DaSkreechLaserJock: lke?02:19
LaserJockthe UI02:19
LaserJockin the sense that I'm constantly having to move elements around in a Window in KDE02:19
nixternalheh, and didn't the KDE UI actually score higher than any other Linux UI?02:19
mhbactually what they use in Ubuntu is GNME02:19
nosrednaekimnixternal: on what test?02:19
nixternalthere was a list email a while back about usability and it had like 4 or 5 different DEs02:20
mhbbecause calling it "Object" is an insult to all the other object-oriented APIs in the world02:20
LaserJockKDE seems to have good UI elements, but once you put them in a window they seem to all go to crap02:20
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nixternalLaserJock: that wouldn't be KDE wholeheartedly, that would a developer on a UI rampage..that is why with KDE 4 they have done usability standard tests big time02:21
nixternalyou might be able to code c++ with the best of them, but lord that doesn't make you an artist when it comes to putting the gui together :)02:21
nosrednaekimever seen eric? thats a terrible UI02:21
mhbnixternal: did they? Well, check out KDE4 ktorrent :o)02:21
nixternalnosrednaekim: eric is god awful ui02:21
LaserJocknixternal: yes, I can certainly understand that02:22
nixternalmhb: is it nice or not?02:22
nosrednaekima right click menu 800 pixels high.02:22
mhbnixternal: let me do a screenshot02:22
nixternalactually, I don't like the current ktorrent ui02:22
nixternaleverything I was used to and liked, isn't there anymore or has moved into something else02:22
LaserJocknixternal: but then there are all my pet kde peeves, but thos seem to be more personal02:22
nixternalya, I still have some KDE pet peeves myself02:23
LaserJockKDE has always had a lot of screen artifacts and just looks childish02:23
LaserJockbut I've come across a lot of people that say the opposite02:23
nixternalbut with KDE you can make it look however you want02:23
LaserJockI can make Gnome do the same thing02:23
LaserJockand I don't have to do anything ;-)02:23
nixternalsorry, I will never say that Gnome looks better than any other DE...I think WindowMaker and IceWM looks better :)02:24
nixternalbut then again, that is just me02:24
LaserJock?!? are you serious02:24
nixternaldon't you have to use some 3rd party app with gnome in order to tweak the looks?02:24
LaserJockIceWM lookes aweful02:24
nixternalhaha, I know, and so does Gnome02:24
mhbnixternal: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MartinB%c3%b6hm?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=ktorrent4.png02:24
LaserJocknixternal: what are you smokin ;-)02:24
LaserJocknixternal: I've never installed a 3rd party app in gnome02:25
nixternalmhb: that is a mess02:25
LaserJockso I'm not sure what you're refering to02:25
nixternalI thought I read that about gnome on the mailing list where Linus tore into them02:25
mhbnixternal: yes, especially the sidebar called "Groups" and the whole tab interface02:26
nixternalwow, that is really really ugly02:26
mhbnixternal: I really *don't* know why a torrent app needs tabs02:26
LaserJocknixternal: there might have been some stuff a long time ago02:27
LaserJockI haven't been using Gnome for very long02:27
DaSkreechmhb: cause tabs are hawt02:27
mhbDaSkreech: heh, right :o) It's the "they won't allow tabs in Dolphin, let's stick them into everything else" movement :o)02:27
DaSkreechDolphin won't have tabs02:28
DaSkreechI mean02:28
nosrednaekimno tabs in dolphin ???wow02:28
nosrednaekimfile managers is one place they NEED tabs02:28
LaserJockso do you think KDE4 will actually be very usable for 4.0 or will 4.1 be the one that's gonna kick butt?02:29
mhbhard to guess at this stage02:29
DaSkreechLaserJock: 4.5 will kick butt02:29
nosrednaekimI think KDE4 will be usable since they added the two extra betas02:29
LaserJockI guess with the extra 2 months maybe it'll be be moreso02:30
DaSkreech4.0 will stroke it .....02:30
mhbthey don't have even the K menu plasmoid ready, how can I do any realistic guesses about it? :o)02:30
LaserJockI'd guess that thre being major parts missing/unusable would mean 4.0 is gonna be rough02:31
LaserJocknixternal: see my pm?02:31
nosrednaekimwho said they are going to be missing by that time.02:31
LaserJockwell, I don't believe you can get it ready that fast02:31
nosrednaekima plasmoid is easy to write.02:32
nosrednaekimI think......02:32
LaserJockyeah, but get it properly tested, etc.?02:32
mhbnosrednaekim: I guess so, but they still need to create a functional kicker-replacement that can hold plasmoids02:33
nosrednaekimyeah.... thats a problem.02:34
mhbnosrednaekim: but I'm looking forward to plasmoids, we're going to be able to do a brand new desktop with them02:34
nosrednaekimits sorta like superkaramba, which I wrote a wattmeter plugin for... that was one of the easiest GUI's I have ever written.02:35
mhbnosrednaekim: yeah, it's superkaramba+kmenu applets merged together02:35
LaserJockanybody know if there is a bug about konsole not having a default shortcut for Copy?02:35
ScottKDunno if there's a bug, but it's been that way since forever.02:37
LaserJockimbrandon and I had a fight about it once, it's been like my #1 KDE bug02:38
nosrednaekimLaserJock: use the kde4 version.02:38
LaserJockScottK: oh man, you've gone to the dark side as well?02:40
LaserJockor do you just hang out here to be with the "cool crowd"02:41
DaSkreechScottK: You are apointyclicky lover??02:41
ScottKWhat do you mean?  I've never run Ubuntu.  I've only ever seen it at the library and one the laptop of one guy I work with.02:41
LaserJockScottK: weird, I never knew ...02:41
ScottKMost of the stuff I work on packaging for is server stuff, so it wouldn't particulalry come up.02:42
LaserJockmhm, same here02:42
LaserJockI used to work mostly on Science apps02:43
ScottKMy big Kubuntu accomplishement so far is to get GPG and S/MIME signing and decryption by default in Kmail/Kontact for Gutsy.02:43
LaserJocknow I work mostl on Edubuntu though02:43
LaserJockalthough, it's half Gnome half KDE ;-)02:44
ScottKAlong those lines, keep an eye on Mok0.  He works at some kind of sciency company and his goal is to package all the apps they use for Ubuntu.02:44
LaserJockoh, nice02:44
LaserJockI've seen a bit from him02:44
ScottKThey are also an all KDE shop, so he's doing some KDE stuff too.02:44
ScottKHe's knew to Debian packaging, but very knowlegeable about building software in general.  I recent Red Hat convert.02:44
LaserJockI just get upset having to pick KDE or Gnome02:45
DaSkreechLaserJock: Why?02:46
LaserJockbecause I want to write it once02:46
LaserJockand work for everybody02:46
LaserJockit seems so wasteful02:46
LaserJockto have gtk vs qt02:46
mhbLaserJock: right.02:47
ScottKSure, but the original rationale for gtk disappeared a long time ago, so don't look here...02:47
LaserJockbut now people have "locked in"02:47
LaserJockthe only thing that ties me to Gnome now is I'm working upstream on gchemutils02:47
mhbwell, if I can judge by my unprofessional eyes, there is a bigger chance of rewriting the whole gtk bindings in Qt than vice versa02:47
LaserJockmakes sense02:48
DaSkreechLaserJock: use xlib02:48
mhbit would still be an insane project02:48
DaSkreechdoesn't seem to be a big issue02:48
DaSkreechScottK: GIMP doesn't exist anymore?02:48
mhbDaSkreech: how much code did you write in xlib?02:48
LaserJockwell, the point of depending on a DE is to get integration02:49
DaSkreechmhb: I'm just saying if he doesn't want to be tied into either he has a choice02:49
ScottKThe true fact is that there are two, there will be two, and that's not going to change.02:49
LaserJockScottK: I guess, just seems stupid to me02:50
ScottKAgreed, but today it is what it is.02:50
LaserJockI should just write CLI apps so I don't have to worry about it ;-)02:51
DaSkreechLaserJock: that's close to what I just said :)02:51
mhbLaserJock: it is stupid, but it is even more silly to expect the big GTK/GNOME devs to sit down and say "well, lets talk straight. Their libraries are better than ours. Let's migrate to them."02:51
LaserJockwell, I would rather see a combination02:51
LaserJockas I think qt looks really bad02:51
LaserJockbut it seems like it's better to code in02:52
mhbsomeone still has to solve the GPL/LGPL feud02:52
nosrednaekimqt looks bad? never heard THAT one b4.02:52
LaserJockwell, I've never seen a qt app I'd say looked good02:52
LaserJockthey often work fine, and are well done02:52
ScottKNow it's going to be that QT is GPL v2 only and so now that counts as still evil, so no meger.02:52
LaserJockbut they just look bad02:52
mhbScottK: yeah, that's the non-technical argument we can't do anything with.02:53
mhbScottK: LGPL is more permissive than GPL, and people with influence are happy about it.02:53
ScottKWell it was a similar non-technical argument that caused Gnome to be created.02:54
LaserJockit just seems weird to me that we can't all get behind one system that works02:54
nosrednaekimthats the way Open source works:)02:54
LaserJockit seems like a huge amount of wasted effort02:54
LaserJocknosrednaekim: saddly yes, it seems02:54
nosrednaekimoh.. it is...02:55
mhbLaserJock: yeah, I find it ironic, too. We have one system (GNOME) that big distros seem to prefer, and is more usable (at the current state), but the other DE is really easier to code for.02:55
DaSkreechScottK: Whats the reasoning behind GTK has no purpose?02:56
ScottKThe only reason (originally) for Gnome was that qt wasn't GPL.02:56
ScottKSo it's original purpose is (and has for a long time) been no longer valid.  Not that that stops this or any other project.02:57
DaSkreechScottK: right but GTK existed before that argument02:57
DaSkreechor discussion even02:57
ScottKOK.  I guess I should say Gnome, not GTK then.02:58
DaSkreechthanks :)02:58
mhbKDE was founded first, though :o)02:58
DaSkreechwasn't CDE before KDE02:58
mhbif only GIMP used the KDE libraries :o)02:58
DaSkreechmhb: Wouldn't that be a coup :)02:59
ScottKSeriously though, the competiion between the two, I think, produces a better result than annointing one and "planning" it.02:59
ScottKIf more bodies made better software, then Vista wouldn't suck.02:59
LaserJockyeah, but wouldn't people focusing on the same product help?02:59
DaSkreechScottK: More bodies generally do make better software02:59
DaSkreechthat's kinda the idea behind more eyes make bugs shallow03:00
ScottKBut true competition does push innovation.03:00
ScottKKDE and Gnome push each other to be better.03:00
DaSkreechIt's when no one has a plan for the small parts but has a plan for the large parts that things go nuts03:00
DaSkreech.o0(And E!)03:00
=== DaSkreech grins atta himself
DaSkreech where the heck is Hawkwind?03:01
mhblong gone, I guess03:02
nosrednaekimBye all! have to go do banal things like...ummm dishes..03:02
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=== ScottK has dishes to do and children to put to bed.
nixternalDaSkreech: hawkwind has been gone for a while03:11
nixternalisn't he the one that ran those Mandriva repos?03:12
DaSkreechHe and I were talking about a ebuntu03:12
DaSkreechthe guy who started it left without a word03:12
DaSkreechThough come to think of it so did Hawkwind03:13
=== DaSkreech has the starting of a open-Sorce murder novel
mhba crazy multimillionaire gets several high-profile developers together on an open-source OS ... only to satisfy his twisted mind by killing them03:14
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mhbyeah, that would be a smash it03:14
DaSkreechThey can get out03:15
DaSkreechonly by copperating03:15
DaSkreechand using the source!03:15
mhbDaSkreech: you mistake it with the next sequel to the Saw horror, where MS developers have to choose either death or releasing their code under GPL03:16
mhband time is running out03:16
DaSkreechOr the crazy developer who argues with his wife in a high profile case and she turns up very very missing and he geets arrested for killing her03:17
nixternalmhb: that has got to be the best novel introduction I have ever seen :)03:18
ScottKNo one would ever believe that could happen.03:18
nixternalDaSkreech: that was a little low there, poor Reiser :)03:19
DaSkreechI have no intention of utterly destroying Microsoft03:19
DaSkreech that just happens to be a by product03:19
mhbhmm, a bit offtopic now, but I think we should reach out to the community more somehow03:20
mhbI'm hearing "Kubuntu is not as polished as Ubuntu" from many sides but I haven't seen many bugs about it03:20
nixternalactually, I heard today that PCLinuxOS is more polished than Kubuntu03:21
nixternalI mean, everything does work out of the box, but you get all of the binary blobs, which I know people want03:22
DaSkreechmhb: maybe we should raise the ire of the kommunity ?03:22
mhbhmm, perhaps we could do a Kubuntu artwork contest03:23
mhbbecause the KDE4 contest seemed to bring many answers03:23
mhbat least kwwii said that, AFAIK03:23
nixternalit is funny though, I have been running Kubuntu on this laptop since Dapper and have dist-upgraded at the beginning of each dev cycle, and never once have I had to wipe it out and start over...to me, Kubuntu is polished perfectly for me...but there in itself lies a problem..Kubuntu isn't all about "ME"03:23
nixternalI think we have done artwork contests before and even setup the art.ubuntu.com site, which is rather dead03:24
mhbnixternal: did we?03:24
nixternalI think so..although I am not 100% positive03:24
DaSkreech!worksforme | nixternal03:24
nixternalwait a second, it didn't work :)03:24
ubotunixternal: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/03:24
DaSkreechdamn bot!03:24
DaSkreechok :)03:24
nixternalthere it is03:24
DaSkreechwhat do they mean by polished?03:25
DaSkreechas in functionality or look?03:25
nixternalmy lord, that "worksforme" link is the worst representation of that statement03:25
nixternalSpeeding might get you somewhere faster, but it is dangerous to do so. Sometimes speeding is not really faster, as you still have to stop at lights and others going the speed limit actually catch up to you.03:25
mhbDaSkreech: I think 70% look, 30% functionality (and we lack some when you compare K with Ubuntu)03:26
nixternalthat statement right there is one03:26
nixternalYou may speed occasionally and not crash, however many, many people each year do crash while speeding.03:26
DaSkreechmhb: I know we are about a cycle behind them03:26
nixternaland that one...many people die each year idling in the car and driving slow03:26
DaSkreechmhb: ever tried looking at it the other way?03:26
DaSkreechthey have a bullet point in Gutsy that they can print to PDF03:26
mhbDaSkreech: the other way? What do you mean?03:26
DaSkreechwha? You mean you couldn't do that before that's sad03:27
nixternallets not forget about their X configuration gui now, which we have had for a long time in kcontrol03:27
DaSkreechmhb: people keep looking at the list of new thigns happening in ubuntu and asking where is that in Kubuntu03:27
DaSkreechwhereas if you make a list of things that Kubuntu can do that ubuntu can't we probably have a larger feature set03:27
nixternalwithout a doubt03:27
mhbI think we should hire a graphic artist to work full time on Kubuntu, then we'd look polished03:28
nixternalthen again, gnome does attack their bugs quicker than kde does03:28
DaSkreechnixternal: bigger team03:29
nixternalI don't think so03:30
mhbnixternal: and we're kind of deadlocked with KDE4 underway03:30
nixternalGnome is always looking for more devs03:30
nixternalmhb: that is true...however there are bugs on b.k.o that are 5+ years old03:30
nixternalone being the ability to click a link in Konsole03:30
DaSkreechthat's not fixed yet?03:31
mhbnixternal: we can a) develop (for) something we won't show in the next release b) develop (for) something that is here, but won't be for long03:31
mhbit is, in KDE403:31
DaSkreechah that's what I thought03:32
DaSkreechas an aside strigi still dies on ~/.mozilla-thunderbird on the Live dc03:32
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DaSkreechI think that we should probably be able to move faster though since we only really care about stuff at KDE level and above03:35
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DaSkreechargh still can't connect03:42
DaSkreechSlimG: ping03:43
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Jucatohi DaSkreech03:45
mhbdid you all knew about http://www.kubuntu-art.org/ ?03:51
=== DaSkreech speaks for everyone
Jucatonixternal showed that link a few months ago I think03:51
mhbI've never seen it until know03:51
Jucatoer.. s/yes/I did/03:51
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daSkreechJucato: oh kwick kwestion04:03
Jucatomake it kuick!04:03
daSkreechWhat do you think stands between koffice and a spot in the defaut office slot in Kubuntu04:04
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Jucatoworking with MS formats imho04:04
daSkreechThat includes ooxml ?04:05
Jucatono. just the old .doc stuff I think04:05
Jucatoand afaik, based on the wiki page, when OO.o was chosen to be the default on Kubuntu, KOffice wasn't that good yet04:05
Jucatobut we're planning a transition to KOffice 2.0.. so we're waiting on that04:05
daSkreechhow much has that improved in 2.0?04:06
daSkreechI know that overall it's a new beast04:07
Jucatonot sure about the MS format support. they're not that interested in that aspect from what I know04:07
Jucatoanyway, brb04:08
daSkreechSo we may still not ship04:08
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nixternaloi oi04:36
Jucatohi nixternal!04:37
nixternalhowdy Jucato04:38
Jucatonixternal: env/ and share/ appearing in $HOME.. . is that a known issue?04:38
nixternalI haven't seen that04:38
Jucatofresh new user... so I know I didn't fsck things up04:38
nixternalOK, I do see that04:38
nixternalodd, when did that start?04:39
Jucatoum... since.. I sunday04:39
JucatoI think sunday04:39
=== Jucato is not liking d3lphin right now...
=== mhb is not liking a lot of things
Jucatomhb: btw, someone was ecstatic yesterday about the kmilo patch. your work right? :)04:50
daSkreechJucato: that's not a misspelling04:51
daSkreechthat's the KDE3 dolphin ?04:51
mhbJucato: no, kde-look.org and ryanakca did it04:51
mhbJucato: I was just supporting it very actively04:52
Jucatoah ok hehe :)04:52
ScottKmhb: From the Debian Python Modules Team svn today: * r3164 /packages/python-kde3/tags/3.16.0-1/: [svn-buildpackage]  Tagging python-kde3 (3.16.0-1)04:52
ScottKI wonder if that would help the Konsole pty problem...04:52
mhbScottK: could you test it then? I'm not really available this week04:53
ScottKWhat was the bug number that had your test script in it?04:54
ScottKI've hard a hard drive failure since the last time I tried, so I don't have the script.04:54
mhbbug 11773104:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 117731 in python-kde3 "Python crashes after attaching pty to a konsole kpart" [High,Triaged]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11773104:56
mhbScottK: also check out my latest additions04:56
mhbScottK: the messages04:56
ScottKWe've had a 3.16.0 for a long time, but maybe there's something to be gotten from a merge.04:56
mhbit may be a red herring, but who knows04:56
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daSkreechJucato: Gutsied ?05:00
daSkreechJucato: strigi works?05:01
Jucatodepends on what you mean by work05:02
daSkreechWell I'm on tribe 5 now05:03
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
daSkreechand I can start strigi05:03
daSkreechbut if I start it indexing it dies on ~/.mozilla-thunderbird05:03
daSkreechwhich doesn't exist btw05:03
Jucatoyeah it dies here too05:03
Jucatoindexing. didn't check where. using strigi:/05:05
Jucatoand you can't remove/add directories in its preferences using that05:05
daSkreechSo how do i run it?05:05
JucatoI've always had problems with desktop search thingies... so I'm not surprised they hate me so much05:06
daSkreechJucato: ok when you said depends on waht I mean by work what would I mean that would lead to a yes?05:06
Jucatoif it starts, if you can search "a bit" (depending on how much has been indexed), if it's actually there/installed, if you can add the applet :)05:07
ScottKmhb: Looking at the diff, it doesn't look promising.05:09
nixternalhiya Hobbsee05:22
=== daSkreech hugs
=== Hobbsee waves
Tm_Thi kids05:24
=== Jucato carefully approaches Hobbsee, double checking if he can hug without getting poked :)
=== Hobbsee hugs Jucato :)
daSkreechJucato: careful. She's a stickler05:25
Jucatodo we now install unrar (but not rar) by default?05:28
Jucatoer wait..05:28
Hobbseeit's in multiverse, so no05:28
Hobbseeif you have k-r-e, then yes05:28
Jucatolol yeah. sorry I have that heheh :)05:28
JucatoHobbsee: are you having env/ and share/ show up in your $HOME too?05:29
ryanakcaJucato:  I have it too05:29
Jucatohi ryanakca :)05:29
HobbseeJucato: er, no.  but i havent upgraded to the latest version yet05:29
=== ryanakca wonders about jucato + kmilo ?
Jucatoyou made someone happy yesterday with the kmilo patch :)05:29
ryanakcaAh, hehe :)05:30
HobbseeJucato: there's a bug report for it, i was looking for it last night.  but i cant see where it actually is in the code, from looking at the diff05:30
Hobbseeit's in bzr, so shouldnt be hard to find, i just cant see it05:30
Hobbseeso if you do, yell, and i'll put your patch in05:30
ryanakcaHobbsee: where's it controled? k-d-s? kdebase?05:30
Hobbseeryanakca: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/13656005:31
ryanakcahmm. lp is slow tonight...05:32
nixternallp is down right now that's why05:32
ryanakcadown for maintenaince05:32
Jucatoyay :)05:32
ryanakcaanyways, night night :)05:33
Jucatobye! :)05:34
Hobbseeryanakca: edge is there05:34
Hobbseethe bug says:05:34
HobbseeWith latest update to kdebase 4:3.5.7-1ubuntu17 (AMD64) the "env" and "share" folders of kde are placed directly below the home-folder with no hidden flag. Usually these folders were placed in the hidden ~/.kde folder. This prevents the user for accidentally changes.05:34
HobbseeDeleting this folders results in recreating at next login so I assume that these one are used by kde instead of the (still being there) hidden folders below /home/.kde05:34
HobbseePlease revert05:34
manchickenOooh, Dolphin looks nice.05:42
daSkreechmanchicken: once it starts having porpoise it tends to do that05:42
=== Jucato is still uneasy with the decision to use d3lphin by default on gutsy...
daSkreechJucato: bah05:43
Jucatowell it's just me anyway..05:43
daSkreechall choices between now and KDE4 are going to be stepping stones anyway05:43
daSkreechGuess we might aswell get used to it05:44
Jucatothe problem is not using dolphin by default. my issue is using this version of dolphin..05:44
Jucatoa stepping stone might become a stumbling block...05:44
Jucatobut like I said, it's just me. so I better shut up :)05:45
manchickenI don't mind Dolphin if it's going to rock this hard.05:45
manchickenBecause this is just nice.05:45
Jucatomanchicken: which version are you using?05:45
JucatoKDE 3 or KDE 4?05:45
nixternalKDE 505:45
manchicken091, the one on KDE35705:45
Jucatonixternal: heh!05:45
JucatoKDE 3 version then.05:46
Jucatoyou should see the KDE 4 one. it might rock you even harder :P05:46
nixternaloh it will05:46
daSkreechIt will05:46
daSkreechwhich is why this is stepping stone choice :)05:46
JucatoI'm just worried that D3lphin might give users the wrong impression about Dolphin on KDE 4...05:46
Jucatojust so many things are missing...05:47
manchickenDolphin needs to have an option to ignore backup files.05:47
ScottKDolphin needs to understand sftp.05:47
daSkreechJucato: yeah thcomes outey can complain then be twice as happy when Kde405:47
JucatoI didn't understand that at all..05:48
JucatoScottK: it doesn't?05:48
manchickenIs dolphin C++ or py?05:48
JucatoC++ afaik05:49
manchickenI'm really liking it.  I think I may want to hack on it a bit sometime soon.05:49
ScottKThe problem isn't actually in Dolphin but one of the kdelib bits.  If you make an "SSH" shortcut, it uses Fish and not SFTP.05:49
manchickenI need to finish picking up Python first though.05:49
daSkreechJucato: yeah they can complain then be twice as happy when Kde4 comes out05:49
JucatodaSkreech: not if they've been to annoyed with Kubuntu/KDE for this05:49
daSkreechThey can still use konqueror05:50
manchickenJucato: To be completely honest, I think Dolphin on Gutsy right now is a very nice filemanager.05:50
manchickenI think people may be a little unfamiliar with it at first, but I think it'll grow on them... and fast.05:50
manchickenI really like it.05:50
JucatoScottK: shortcut at the sidebar?05:50
ScottKIIRC yes.05:51
Jucatoworks here05:51
nixternalargh...wth, I have been on the kde-core-devel list for a year, and my posts are moderated...odd05:51
ScottKThere's something there about making an "SSH" shortcut that ends up connecting with Fish.05:51
ScottKWhen I tried sftp:// it popped a Konqueror window IIRC.05:52
Jucatowow! I just realized you can't drag & drop to the sidebar...05:52
ScottKMy gutsy install is currently crushed trying to build stuff, so I can't really try it.05:52
Jucatomanchicken: I'm not saying dolphin isn't nice. but if you've tried to use dolphin on KDE 4, it's a big difference. the problem is that they stopped developing the KDE 3 version months ago. so all we have are patches from D3lphin.05:53
Jucatoenough ranting from me... sorry05:53
manchickenJucato: But if it's better than konq for file management (which I would say it's about the same, but with a couple added features), I see no reason not to get people used to using it.05:58
nixternaldolphin will attract newer users I think...those of us who love konqi, can continue to use it...that is what's nice06:01
daSkreechWonder what would happen if there was a dedicated KDE Browser06:01
manchickenJust as long as konqi doesn't start using gecko.06:02
ScottKAhhh.  My eyes!!!06:02
manchickenI wouldn't be too upset to see konqi import some webkits stuff :)06:02
daSkreechit will06:02
nixternalit is planning on it :)06:03
nixternalso is gnome06:03
manchickenI just don't want konqi to become firefox.06:04
daSkreechI wouldn't mind a Web browser with extensions06:04
daSkreech Web dev firebug and greasemonkey are really useful06:05
=== ScottK really doesn't want stuff like code we aren't allowed to patch.
manchickenI think a kpart to use FF extensions would be better than pulling in gecko.06:05
LaserJockhmm, what is the latest KDE4 version for Feisty?06:13
daSkreechI don't know if Beta2 will be available for feisty06:14
manchickenScottK: What be ye referring to?06:15
LaserJockah, so it's still beta1? would beta2 be relatively straightforward to get?06:15
ScottKmanchicken: The Firefox trademark deal that essentially means that we have to mother may I to mozilla corp to patch FF or we can't call it FF.06:17
daSkreechScottK: I don't think they are that bad about it06:17
daSkreechas long as we push upstream which is a ubuntu watchword in any case06:17
ScottKdaSkreech: They may be more lenient in practice than the documentation, but that's what their agreement requires.06:18
ScottKThat's not what their paperwork says though.  It says you must have permission.06:18
daSkreechScottK: true. but I think that it's not too bad a deal06:18
ScottKYou're welcome to your opinion I guess, but IMO it's fundamentally not compatible with the idea of FOSS.  I thought the way that Debian changed things to make it clear you had a Debianized FF was perfectly reasonable.06:19
daSkreechScottK: people still think there is bad blood in the air cause of that?06:21
ScottKI'm not talking about "people", I'm talking about my personal opinion.06:21
daSkreechAh alright06:22
ScottKIf I were a Debian FF maintainer, I'd be pretty upset though.  Given DFSG they had no choice but to do what they did and it caused Debian a whole raft of work for no real reason.06:22
daSkreechwell they are a brand as well as a product06:22
ScottKYes and so is every piece of software out there.06:22
nixternaldaSkreech: I am working on beta2 for feisty :)06:23
daSkreechWell on the other hand mozilla is now taking steps to make it easier for someone to branch off and expunge Firefox and mozilla for mteh source so that they can do thier own thing06:23
nixternaljust need to know if I am supposed to upload them to our PPA, and if so, what should I rename them too06:23
daSkreechnixternal: nice06:23
LaserJocknixternal: you got them done though?06:23
nixternalI have them downloaded, I just need to build them06:23
nixternalcan't hand them out just yet, beta 2 hasn't been announced :)06:23
manchickenYeah, Mozilla seems to be getting a bit too big for their britches in some of this stuff.06:23
ScottKI guess I get a little burned that Mozilla corp acted like Debian was being unreasonable when DFSG gave them no real choice.06:24
LaserJocknixternal: oh really? I thought it had06:24
daSkreechwell at least have them in higher regard than Oo.o06:24
manchickenI really hope that the kmail problems get fixed here soon...06:24
manchickenAnd fast.06:24
nixternalLaserJock: it was supposed to be the 29th of August I thought, but I haven't seen anything yet06:24
LaserJockhmm, I do like konversation06:25
nixternalit is a slick app06:25
nixternalmy favorite KDE apps are w/o a doubt, konqueror, amarok, kate, and  yakuake06:26
nixternalI am like that one GSoC applicant for KDE...I also love KDevelop because I don't understand it :)06:26
ScottKLaunchpad seems to be back up if anyone cares.06:27
nixternalScottK: wth, you are following LP that close? come on man, you are better than that :)06:27
LaserJockI don't like amarok at all06:27
LaserJockI can kinda do ok with konqi06:27
nixternalyou are the only one in the world I think06:27
LaserJockno, I've found some others06:28
LaserJockamarok is just too much06:28
nixternalplease don't say Banshee or Rythmbox is better06:28
LaserJockI like rythmbox06:28
nixternalactually, ya Rythmbox isn't all that bad06:28
LaserJockhaven't done much with banshee06:28
ScottKnixternal: I was trying to do something and the fact that it was down was blocking me.  I don't normally follow it closely at all (except to complain of course).06:28
LaserJockI just don't do a lot other than listen to some mp3s06:28
nixternalya, it always goes down when I am trying to commit something to the wiki06:29
nixternalI swear someone is watching me06:29
LaserJockI don't need 90% of what amarok offers06:29
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=== LongPointyStick is now known as Hobbsee
nixternalheh, I almost said 'tilda is the most horrible thing I have ever used' in the Chicago GLUG channel...I forgot the author is in there :)06:30
LaserJocknixternal: that's why you gotta be nice all the time06:30
nixternalhe gets upset when I talk about yakuake and how it is better than anything out there06:30
LaserJockyou never know06:30
nixternalLaserJock: he is a friend of mine anyways06:30
nixternalwe were talking earlier about what you and I discussed last night about 1 of this..and he is on your side of the isle on it06:31
nixternalhaha, and I was like, then why did you create tilda06:31
LaserJockwell, I realize that competition is important06:32
LaserJockbut I think it's maybe quite a bit less important as projects mature06:32
LaserJockbecause then you have internal competition and the "good ideas" should be worked out for the most part06:33
manchickenIs there a bug for the kontact/kmail crashes?06:33
daSkreechLaserJock: I think OSS is good for the fights06:33
daSkreechcause the makeups are always on a higher level06:34
nixternalheh, I asked about Ubuntu HQ, and nobody wants to fess up06:34
daSkreechunlike propietary stuff06:34
ScottKWhat's Ubuntu HQ?06:34
nixternalthe new community driven Ubuntu news website06:34
nixternaltalk about reinventing the wheel :)06:34
daSkreechWhich is another reason why OSS will win :)06:34
LaserJocknixternal: nobody wants to fess up to running it?06:34
nixternalthat and nobody wants to fess up to putting in the UWN, where it doesn't belong06:35
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php06:35
LaserJockdaSkreech: it seems like it wil only win if we stop fighting long enough to get something done;-)06:35
daSkreechHow does the ubuntu games team get away with that?06:35
daSkreechLaserJock: no we do. a lot06:35
daSkreecheverytime we make up it's on a higher level06:36
manchickennixternal: Tilda is pretty sweet when you consider an academia and non-gui hacker did it.06:36
daSkreechwhich makes the world much better06:36
LaserJockdaSkreech: you sure?06:36
nixternalmanchicken: I know, I just give kungfooguru hell about it06:36
nixternalcuz it is fun06:36
daSkreechLaserJock: Yeah :)06:36
manchickennixternal: 'tis fun to bug Tristan :)06:36
daSkreechpretty much :)06:36
LaserJockI've seen several fights in FLOSS that didn't end well at all, and only cause dilution/duplication/wasted work06:36
nixternalTristan is freakin' hillarious man...he had me wet myself at BarCamp06:36
nixternalgreat brewer too06:37
daSkreechLaserJock: Yeah I know but when they do make up it puts the platform one ste higher06:37
LaserJockbut again, that does assume that they do make up :-)06:38
LaserJockin my own field I really see it06:38
LaserJockthere are like at least 5 2D molecular editors06:38
LaserJockand none of them are as good as the proprietary ones06:39
nixternalya, sometimes it is insane06:39
nixternalsame goes with CAD apps06:39
LaserJockbut if we all combine forces I would think we'd mabe get there06:39
nixternalthere are quite a few, and all of them suck, and come nowhere close to competing with autoCAD06:39
LaserJockbut instead we are all reimplenting the wheel in a slighty different way06:39
LaserJockwe have gnome vs kde06:39
LaserJocknow we are getting C++ vs ruby vs Java06:40
daSkreechLaserJock: do You have a standard file type in between them?06:40
LaserJocknot so much06:40
daSkreechLaserJock: those are trivial fights06:40
LaserJockthere are around 50 standard file types for chemistry ;-)06:40
nixternalI think we need both when it comes to the DEs truthfully..granted they both skin the same cat, but they fulfill the tastes of their users06:40
daSkreechLaserJock: Solve that first and you will see my point06:40
nixternaloh, the program language wars have gone on since the 70s06:40
LaserJockdaSkreech: well sure, but I'm not seeing them solved06:41
nixternalthere is a publication with Dennis Ritchie where he goes on about it06:41
LaserJockthe best thing I can say is that for my particular situation the gnome and kde guys get along06:42
LaserJockso that's good06:42
LaserJockand we've formed a central data repository06:42
nixternalya, and there has been quite a bit of collaboration with the freedesktop.org stuff, even though I don't particularly care for most of it06:42
LaserJockand both the gnome and kde apps are in C++ which maybe helps06:43
nixternalie. the whole documentation thing and wanting to create yet another language just for it06:43
LaserJockso then it comes down to mostly gtk vs qt06:43
nixternalMFC FTW! :)06:43
daSkreechLanguage arguments are below the source so they don't count :)06:45
LaserJockwell, the only language I have a problem with so far is Java06:45
LaserJocklike around 1/2 of the chemistry apps I see are Java06:45
LaserJockso I can't put them on an *buntu CD06:46
LaserJockI don't like that06:46
daSkreechbut LaserJock if you can find one person from each of the projects that thinks that they way they are doing it is right but there are one or two thigns that are valuable from another project and get them all talking you will start to see the dim light06:46
daSkreechLaserJock: hopefully java going GPL should end that06:46
LaserJockyes, we (gchemutils) have a good releationship with kalzium (our KDE counterpart)06:47
LaserJockbut we can only go until we hit gtk vs. qt or gnome vs kde06:47
LaserJockwhich seems kinda disappointing to me06:47
nixternalwow, I never realized all of the apps out there that use Qt06:48
ScottKCan you get to common file formats?  That in itself is pretty huge.06:48
daSkreechLaserJock: Common file formats that can capture the information will be a boon06:48
nixternalPhotoshop, Motorola apps, Google Earth, Doxygen (I would have never guessed), Nero06:48
daSkreecheven if it's a XML export06:48
LaserJockScottK: we have lots of common stuff. Common format, common data repos, etc.06:49
ScottKThat's pretty good then.06:49
daSkreechLaserJock: once that starts working you will find something else to fight about until that gets resolved06:49
LaserJockit is06:49
LaserJockbut it suprising to see how walled off the two communities are06:49
daSkreechinterface stuff will never be resolved but honestly it doesn't need to be06:49
nixternalwow, NASA uses Qt for their space flight simulator modules..now that is pretty cool06:49
LaserJockbut why should a user have to choose UI?06:50
LaserJockit's not that the have a choice, it's that they *have* to choose06:50
daSkreechLaserJock: users always have to choose a UI once it doesn't involve danger to themselves06:51
daSkreechor others06:51
daSkreechYou know how many times I take up a new cell phone and have to figure it out06:51
ScottKYou should see what my teenagers do to KDE.  It's almost as bad as Hobbsee's myspace page.06:51
LaserJockbut see I just can't think that that is right06:51
daSkreechcause the person chose that UI06:51
LaserJockto make somebody have to choose the UI right out of the gate06:52
ScottKLaserJock: But what's the alternative?06:52
nixternalwhy do people have to choose the clothes they wear?06:52
daSkreechLaserJock: what does it matter if they can switch at any time?06:52
LaserJocka single main DE, a single main UI06:52
LaserJockdaSkreech: yes06:52
LaserJockmost people just use what they are given06:52
LaserJockWindows, OS X, etc.06:52
daSkreechLaserJock: the UI affects how you work06:53
LaserJockonce they hit Linux there is a huge amount of decision making that has to take place06:53
LaserJockand most people don't want to have to do that06:53
nixternaland most people tend to complain about what they are given as well06:53
LaserJockdaSkreech: yes, hence why we should give them the best UI06:53
daSkreechIf a change of UI can make you (that's the personal you not the group you) more effective why shoudn't they have the choice?06:53
LaserJocknixternal: not really too much06:53
daSkreechLaserJock: there is no best UI :)06:54
LaserJockhow many people complain about the Windows UI?06:54
ScottKLaserJock: Most people don't actually decide that though.  I started with KDE because the people I knew that used Linux all used it (vim for the same reason).06:54
LaserJockScottK: exactly06:54
=== ScottK raises hand.
nixternalLaserJock: the Vista UI is receiving an insane amount of complaints because of the drastic change from XP06:54
LaserJockScottK: you don't count ;-)06:54
ScottKHouse full of teenage daughters I get that a lot.06:54
LaserJockyou get more complaints about security than you do UI I think06:55
ScottKYes, but that could still be a lot.06:55
LaserJockthe general user doesn't complain much about the UI06:55
nixternalwell your security complaints aren't coming from the majority of their users though06:55
LaserJockanyway, that's sort of beside the point06:55
nixternalmy mom could care less about security, but the vista change has driven her up a wall trying to figure out junk now06:55
LaserJockmy main point is going from basically any other OS to Linux you are suddendly give a huge amount of choices06:56
ScottKWord 2007 has annoying UI changes too.06:56
nixternalbut I will admit, mom prefers gnome over kde06:56
LaserJocknow we see that as an advantage06:56
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ScottKLaserJock: That's a dood thing.06:56
nixternalomg, Office 2007 is the worst thing I have ever seen06:56
LaserJockbut to a great many users the sheer number of choices puts them off06:56
LaserJock"how do I know which one to use" is a huge thing06:56
ScottKLaserJock: That's life.06:57
LaserJockit makes them feel like they have to be a geek to know the difference06:57
ScottKCarpe diem.06:57
nixternalyes, switching to linux provides you with a huge amount of choices, whereas Windows provides you with 2, to pirate, or not to pirate, that is the question :)06:57
daSkreechLaserJock: no actually most above par Windows users I know compalin about the UI06:57
LaserJockI wouldn't imagine much more than the average Gnome or KDE user06:58
ScottKI do less UI customization of a new Kubuntu install than I used to do on Windows.06:58
LaserJockI would think, but don't know, that that would be a rarity06:59
LaserJockmost people I've seen have the same wallpaper, same theme, etc.06:59
LaserJockI just don't think choice is always a good thing07:00
LaserJockit's good at some level07:00
ScottKChoice can be confusing, but the price to avoid that confusion is generally to high in my opinion.07:00
LaserJockbut heck, that's why Ubuntu exists to a large extent, giving users sane defaults07:00
daSkreechLaserJock: tell new users the same thing I tell them. Find the one with people that will help you07:00
LaserJockI think it was a real shame that we ended up with a derivitzation in Ubuntu based on DE07:01
daSkreechLaserJock: I don't07:01
daSkreechI know personally people who wouldn't have switched away fro mwindows if it wasn't for kubuntu07:01
nixternalme either, otherwise I wouldn't be here right now..I would be over on the slackware channels still :)07:01
LaserJockwell, I didn't say it should've been Gnome as the default ;-)07:02
ScottKI wouldn't be here either.  Even though most of my contribution is in the server area, KDE was a requirement for me.07:02
nixternalor I could be over at Mepis..but I got out of there in a hurry a couple of years back07:02
daSkreechScottK: We are talking about windows switchers here :)07:02
nixternalthen I tried Kubuntu and thought it sucked :)07:02
nixternalI am one of the odd ones anyways, I preferred Gnome when Ximian came about07:03
ScottKMost of the people I know of who switched switched with Xandros first.07:03
ScottKThen they got tired of training wheels and moved on.07:04
nixternalDebian or Slackware for me prior to Kubuntu07:04
ScottKXandros --> Opensuse (KDE) --> Kubuntu for me.07:04
LaserJockI was Gentoo/KDE before Ubuntu07:04
nixternalwell, I was a huge SuSE fan when they were German ran back in the day07:05
ScottKFor servers it was Debian and then Ubuntu07:05
nixternalman, I thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread07:05
ScottKopensuse 10.1 did me in.07:05
Jucatobefore they became Ximian-run?07:05
nixternalGnome and that whole Ximain thing...with Evolution and all07:05
nixternalI used to love Evolution07:05
ScottKNever again will I use a distro that the organization putting it together does not view as their actual product.07:05
nixternaland they had that monkey logo and the ugly theme colors07:06
ScottKGah.  I hated it on contact.07:06
Jucatowhew.. gone for only an hour and look at how much you talked about :P07:06
LaserJockI could totally go for opensuse I think, except the package management is so bad I found it almost unusable07:06
nixternalheh, the first time I seen someone running Ubuntu, I was like dude, is that Ximian :)07:06
nixternalit was just so foogly07:07
LaserJockJucato: sorry, I've been stirring the pot a bit07:07
nixternalya, opensuse package management killed me07:07
JucatoLaserJock: me too07:07
JucatoI mean about the opensuse thingy07:07
nixternalopensuse is a damn good disto otherwise though07:07
Jucatomaybe 10.3 will really fix things?07:07
Jucatoif not, I'm seeing it going down the drain eventually...07:07
nixternalPCLinuxOS wouldn't be so bad if it didnt' look like XP and have all of that binary junk..but obviously people really do want it07:08
Jucatohehe it stopped looking like XP. they changed the logo now :)07:08
LaserJockyeah, there is a guy in my LUG that hates Ubuntu07:08
nixternalI really like the PCLinuxOS configuration system though07:08
LaserJockbut swears by PCLinuxOS07:08
nixternalLaserJock: he is a newb, that's why :)07:08
LaserJockno, he isn't07:08
nixternalPCLinuxOS is the newb OS07:08
nixternalhe likes all of that junk installed from the get go07:09
LaserJockwell, kinda exactly07:09
Jucatodrakconf... quite nice if it weren't GTK :P07:09
LaserJockhe says that Ubuntu is not good enough for new users07:09
nixternalit will be interesting...quite a few of the main PCLinuxOS devs left to work for rPath and Foresight for the upcoming KDE release07:09
LaserJockso he has to give them PCLinuxOS07:09
LaserJockunforutunately the last LUG meeting was Ubuntu 0 PCLinuxOS 107:09
nixternalPCLinuxOS I will agree is probably the best Linux OS for new users07:09
LaserJocka guy brought in a laptop with Ubuntu on it07:10
LaserJockbut he couldn't get his Atheros wifi to work07:10
JucatoPCLOS and MEPIS imho... although MEPIS really needs to start thinking straight...07:10
LaserJockthis guy just happened to have his PCLinuxOS cd handy07:11
nixternaldoes Mepis have any real devs?07:11
LaserJockand popped it in and it worked no problem07:11
nixternalLaserJock: ya, everything almost works out of the box with PCLinuxOS07:11
nixternalI know in order for Linux to be mainstream, it has to be that way07:11
Jucatomepis? aside from woodworth? probably just a few. hehe...07:11
Jucatoooh I see the spirit of ESR in yah!07:12
nixternalbut I am not a fan of the binary components...by bowing down and using them, there is no force on the manufacturers to see Linux as a viable solution, so they don't release open firmware07:12
nixternalJucato: don't ever see ESR anywhere around me :)07:12
Jucatowell, if he's inside you, you won't be able to see him around you :P07:13
LaserJockhe seemed like a decent fellow when I talked with him07:13
nixternalI am helping teach the "Intro to Linux" class at the uni, and on the first night, we show RevolutionOS, and everyone has the same response..."that first guy is an idiot"07:13
ScottKThe real way around the issue is companies like Dell.07:13
nixternaland out of a class of about 30, I would say at most, 1 or 2 people actually know a little of the Linux and FOSS history07:13
ScottKThey are the ones that will solve the driver problem.07:14
=== Jucato crosses fingers...
LaserJockI know Intel is doing quite a bit07:14
nixternalya, and AMD is going the other direction07:14
Jucatoyeah Intel...07:14
ScottKIt's not random that the motherboards on all the PCs I build are Intel.07:14
Jucatowish they had AGP stuff  :)07:14
LaserJockwe are getting some open drivers thanks to Intel07:14
ScottKThey are reliable and support Linux very well.07:14
nixternalthat is why I have gone with Intel07:14
LaserJockwell, not just graphics cards too07:15
nixternalI would rather pay the extra money for free drivers07:15
Jucato(and to think I've been an AMD fan for years because of the price)07:15
nixternalwell AMD typically wins the cpu wars, but I don't care about that anymore07:15
nixternaladd "as well" to the end of cpu wars07:16
nixternalI originally read your statement wrong Jucato07:16
Jucatoheheh :P07:16
LaserJockbut I wonder if Intel will become to dominante, you know07:16
nixternalI think they will07:16
LaserJockit seems like everybody's jumping on the Intel bandwagon07:16
Jucatohm... hope they don't create a monopoly though...07:17
nixternalsee, the cpu market was another market where people said in the beginning that having another processor was unnecessary07:17
LaserJockbut once they dominate will open-source become less important?07:17
nixternaland see how the competiton really kicked arse there07:17
LaserJockJucato: they very much are, in a lot of areas07:17
nixternalI don't think so with Intel07:17
LaserJockI hope not07:17
nixternalLaserJock: well in the Windows world, where it is heavily gamers yet, AMD is the clear winner still07:17
ScottKI buy Intel because it just works.07:17
nixternalI buy whatever is cheapest and will work out of the box with the Linus Torvalds special :)07:18
LaserJocknixternal: Intel is clearly the chip of choice07:18
nixternalhere it is...but AMD still has the market share for custom built PCs07:18
manchickenI buy intel because they don't own ATI, the enemy of freedom.07:18
LaserJockI don't buy :(07:19
JucatoI bought an AMD because at that time I had no idea about FOSS...07:19
nixternalhe steals!07:19
Jucato(3 years ago)07:19
nixternalI bought AMD because it was cheap and crazy fast07:19
Jucatothat too :)07:19
nixternalyou want to read what is hot chip wise, always read HardOCP and Anandtech07:19
Jucatoand I was kinda sick of the Pentium hype here that time...07:19
manchickenRiddell: Just to let you know, I'm making myself a bit more useful and picking up Python.07:20
=== Jucato heads for bed....
LaserJockwell, a whole evening in KDE and I didn't even have a freeze \o/07:21
manchickenJucato: There'll be plenty of time for sleep when you're dead!07:21
Jucatoconsider me dead for now...07:21
ScottKSpeaking of Python, python-kde3 takes a LONG time to build ...07:21
nixternalheh, I have had years in KDE, and just until recently I haven't seen a freeze :)07:21
=== Jucato doesn't feel well
manchickenI'm sorry to hear that.07:21
LaserJockI had constant freezing with Feisty development07:21
Jucatoyeah.. me too... dunno what came over me since this morning..07:21
ScottKJucato: Get some rest and feel better.07:21
LaserJockKDE was randomly hibernating07:21
manchickenI'm writing a little back-scratcher app in PyQt4 for managing my networking stuff.07:21
nixternalonly thing in feisty was the new x release where I had nothing :)07:22
LaserJockand then it'd freeze up hard07:22
Jucatonixternal: when I first tried Breezy January 2006, I have grown to accept Konqueror crashing as the rule, not the exception :)07:22
ScottKnixternal: How's pinentry-qt4?07:22
manchickenSince my work VPN is flaky, I find myself needing to manage custom routing and resolv.conf entries regularly.07:22
manchickenI'm making a little GUI to make life simpler.07:22
JucatoScottK: thanks. I'll probably be back when most of you are already asleep :P07:22
ScottKI find KDE (Kmail imap excepted) to be very reliable.07:22
Jucatonixternal: ^^^^ :)07:23
Jucatojust not on gutsy (yet)07:23
manchickenScottK: kmail is not doing so well right now under gutsy07:23
nixternalScottK: what is pinentry? :p07:23
ScottKYeah.  I haven't tried it later.07:24
nixternalkmail is horrid under gutsy07:24
Jucatothat'd be an understatement :)07:24
nixternalit has almost driven me to thunderbird :p07:24
LaserJockman, I sure wish the KDE menus were better and editing them was better07:24
LaserJockmaybe I'll have to look into that07:24
nixternalLaserJock: kmenuedit07:24
nixternalalt+f2 -> kmenuedit07:24
LaserJockkmenuedit is really nasty, IMO07:24
=== Jucato had lot of wishes for the K Menu. gave all that up...
LaserJockit's not on/off07:24
LaserJockyou either delete entries or add them07:25
Jucatofor one, you can't hide entries07:25
nixternalahh, that is true07:25
Jucatoer yeah07:25
Jucatothat one :P07:25
nixternalLaserJock: damn, that would be a great wishlist item if it already isn't07:25
manchickenMan, this water tastes great after it comes through the brita filter.07:25
Jucatoalthough technically you can hide them I think. just prepend a dot in front of the name...07:25
nixternalheh, the last time I brewed beer, I used a brita filter to remove the floaties :)07:25
nixternalLaserJock: see, I told you Jucato knows everything about tweaking KDE didn't I?07:26
manchickenWell my water softener leaves a nasty sodium taste in the water.07:26
=== Jucato read that as krita
manchickenThis Brita filter gets rid of that.07:26
Jucatonixternal: I'm not exactly 100% sure about it...07:26
nixternalJucato: I am...you know more tweaks than I do for sure07:26
Jucatolol I meant the hiding of menu items hahah07:26
LaserJocknixternal: you shouldn't *need* tweaks ;-)07:26
nixternaloh ya you should07:27
nixternaleveryone wants to be different07:28
LaserJockno, by and large, they don't07:28
LaserJockthey want to be sheep, herded along the path to better computing ;-)07:28
nixternalhahahahaha, whatevah!07:29
nixternaleven windows users want to tweak, and I don't mean crystal meth07:29
nixternalalthough, I would have to be high in order to use Windows :p07:29
LaserJockwell, you should be able to if you *want* to07:29
nixternaldon't even think about it Jucato or daSkreech07:29
Jucatonixternal: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=7478.007:29
LaserJockbut you shouldn't *have* to07:29
nixternalJucato: you goofball...you wrote a damn howto on it...I knew you were genious!07:30
Jucatoit's not perfect. see the note at the bottom :P07:30
Jucatoand I'm not 100% sure of it's reliability/stability07:30
LaserJockoh geeze, I forgot there was a Kubuntu forum07:31
Jucatohah! imagine I wrote that more than a year ago heheh :)07:31
LaserJockhmm, no reason that behavior shouldn't be upstream07:32
LaserJockall you need is a checkbox07:32
Jucatojust need to figure out how to make it work properly... perhaps a .desktop entry like "Hidden=True" would be better than a hack...07:33
LaserJocknixternal: you ever drum up support for Edubuntu in here07:33
LaserJockJucato: that is what gnome does07:33
nixternalLaserJock: nope07:33
=== viviersf [n=cain@gw.impilinux.co.za] has joined #kubuntu-devel
LaserJocknixternal: Hardy needs a good edubuntu-kde :-)07:33
JucatoLaserJock: I wanted to work on that, among other things relating to the K Menu (including the big icon). but practically gave up because of a lack of time to look into the fd.o spec07:34
nixternalargh, and I think I have that as a task...I need to work with ogra and Riddell on that07:34
Jucatodidn't want to do anything "non-standard"...07:34
nixternalsee, if windows users didn't want to tweak, then you would have this -> http://www.stardock.com/about/07:35
LaserJockJucato: I don't think alacarte (the gnome editor) is specific to Gnome on the backend07:35
nixternalI never knew stardock became that big07:35
JucatoLaserJock: I'll take a peek when I wake up07:35
=== Jucato feels a migraine coming up...
LaserJockuh oh07:35
LaserJockgo to bed Jucato07:35
Jucatoheh yeah. I just got all worked up with the menu discussion.07:36
JucatoI blame nixternal :)07:36
nixternallike always07:36
=== LaserJock whistles innocently in the corner
JucatoI blame you for good things as well, though07:36
Jucatolike the kubuntu docs, release notes, etc :)07:36
Jucatoso don't think I'm being unfair hehehe07:37
nixternalis there a such thing as a "good thing" when using my name in a sentence?07:37
Jucatoyes. "I blame nixternal" is a good thing :)07:37
nixternala little insite, Kubuntu docs weren't created by me :)07:37
nixternalhardy har har07:37
nixternalhardy heron har har07:37
Jucatoright, I was referring to the new system07:37
kwwiinixternal: yes, "it is a good thing that nixternal did not hear that"07:37
Jucatowe have LaserJock et al for the rest :)07:38
nixternaloh lord, now we have ol' man Ken talking trash :)07:38
=== Jucato waves to kwwii :)
kwwiihi Jucato07:38
LaserJocknixternal: you callin' him old?07:38
kwwiiif I have to get up early in the morning I get to have some fun ;-)07:38
nixternalkwwii: you missed it man..I made it out to Blarneys last week...they had all kind of crazy things07:38
nixternaland people bet me I would walk back to my car from there07:39
nixternalgrass lake is a tad bit deeper than it used to be07:39
kwwiicrazy things = drunken girls07:39
nixternalyou think?07:39
nixternalman, that place is totally hopping these days07:39
nixternalheh, and if you want to have fun, you can always grab a bag of chips and feed the carp while you drink away the day07:40
=== LaserJock smacks nixternal
JucatoLaserJock: eureka!! so Hidden=True | False in the .desktop file does work! lol I'll take a look at it later. thanks for pointing out that oh so obvious fact07:40
LaserJockyou had to blog it didn't you!07:41
nixternalhahahaha yes07:41
ScottKkwwii is a youngster anyway...07:41
nixternalScottK: ok ol' man ::)07:41
nixternalhrmm, 4 eyes!07:41
kwwiiScottK: lol, I wish07:41
ScottKkwwii: Compared to me, you are.07:41
nixternalLaserJock: I just wanted to see what everyone else had to say about it07:41
LaserJockman, I feel young07:42
nixternalWhile I agree that there are more distros than one could shake a stick at, that is not necessarily a bad thing.07:42
ScottKYou are young.07:42
nixternalhahaha, Joe Terranova is crazy07:42
kwwiiScottK: let's see if I can count that high...how old are you?07:42
LaserJockhanging out with all you old geezers is great07:42
ScottKkwwii: 44 last I checked.07:42
JucatoLaserJock: yeah makes us feel so young07:42
Jucatoand me younger :)07:43
Jucatook really heading for bed...07:43
LaserJockI feel old when I go to school07:43
kwwiiyepp, you are old dude07:43
kwwii7 years older than me07:43
nixternalBUT if one distribution would lead to the end of microsoft and many wouldnt, I would chose to have one, I only hope that it would be a nice on then07:43
nixternalnice statement!07:43
nixternal11 years older than me07:44
nixternalLaserJock: I used to feel the same until I took night classes07:44
Jucatonixternal: I'll reply to your blog later. but basically my statement is "more than one doesn't mean it has to be a thousand" :)07:44
daSkreech!mixternal ;-)07:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mixternal ;-) - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:44
nixternalnow that I am taking day classes, I started college courses before most of the people in my class were even born, and I am only 3307:45
ScottKMicrosoft is dead already, they just haven't noticed.07:45
Jucatoway to misspell :)07:45
nixternalScottK: I love it! I want that as a bumper sticker07:45
nixternalspeaking of bumpers, when is kdepim going to get fixed :p07:45
Jucatowhen we revert to non-enterprise?07:46
ScottKDon't look at me.  I'm working on python-kde3.07:46
LaserJockScottK: for dead people they sure are making a lot of money07:46
nixternalsomeone in Illinois has KDE and KDE 4 license plates..I am upset..and someone already has ubuntu, kubuntu, and xubuntu07:46
LaserJocklike elvis or something07:46
nixternaldon't forget tupac07:46
LaserJockoh, what the heck is the enterprise versioning?07:46
nixternaltupac released more albums dead then he did alive I think07:46
ScottKYes.  I imagine they are like a dinosaur that gets head shot.  It may take days for the body to notice.07:46
LaserJockhas anybody tested that?07:47
nixternalLaserJock: enterprise is supposed to the better version, the more stable version of kdepim07:47
ScottKDoes anyone know anybody that uses MS products because they think they are great?07:47
=== nixternal does
=== ScottK doesn't
nixternalI use 2 MS Products because I think they are great07:47
LaserJockuniversity IT pretty much all does07:47
nixternal1) MS Mouse, and 2) MS Office07:47
kwwiidoes 3rd party software count?07:48
LaserJockMS Office is really good, unfortunately07:48
=== viviersf [n=cain@gw.impilinux.co.za] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nixternalMS Office is the best, just not 200707:48
nixternalI grabbed 2007 from school and I must say it is god awful07:48
nixternal2003 was the best yet07:48
ScottKI was in a meeting last week at a Silicon Valley tech company and looked around and saw 4 mac, 1 ubuntu, 1 kubuntu, and 1 windows laptop.07:48
nixternalya, I think I see more Mac at school than anything else07:49
manchickennixternal: koffice is the best.07:49
LaserJockin my department all the profs have macs07:49
=== viviersf [n=cain@gw.impilinux.co.za] has joined #kubuntu-devel
LaserJockmy lab is all mac for desktops07:49
nixternalheck, even in our local LUGS, I see more Mac than anything else I think07:49
ScottKAlthough that was the lowest fraction I saw while I was there, the rest of the time is was still majority mac.07:49
LaserJockwith a couple linux machines for data collection07:49
nixternalI do like Mac hardware, I just don't like the Mac OS07:49
LaserJockI love OS X07:50
kwwiiif anyone does photo editing I seriously suggest trying Adobe Photoshop Lightroom - it is simply amazing07:50
nixternalwhat about digikam's light room?07:50
ScottKMS Office is good, but overly complex for most needs.  I find the OOO does all that I need.07:50
nixternalI thought that was pretty cool07:50
nixternalScottK: ditto07:50
LaserJockman, the other day I was going to do a PowerPoint07:50
manchickenI actually use koffice for pretty much everything.07:50
LaserJockbut I forgot to convert from OO.o to PP before the presentation07:51
ScottKI like Writer better than word, Calc and Excel are ~ even, and Impress has a little ways to go to get to where Power Point is.07:51
nixternalmanchicken: I started using koffice because of the ooo breakage...and my only problem was kpresenter07:51
kwwiinixternal: digikam does not come close07:51
manchickenI use kspread extensively for my home budgeting and such.07:51
LaserJockso I had to quickly remake my presentation in the 20min before the presentation :(07:51
nixternalI need to get more into photography...I have always been interested, just never any good07:51
kwwiinixternal: digikam does not come close to coming close07:51
nixternalkwwii: and photoshop is qt :)07:51
LaserJockWriter < Word, Calc << Excel, and Impress <<< Power Point for me, unfortunately07:52
kwwiiI think that when it comes to art apps prop. software is simply better because they build their software on two ideas: what does the customer need and 2) how do make that easy to use07:52
nixternalnothing beats latex-beamer for presentations...sorry07:52
LaserJockI did a couple in pure latex07:52
LaserJockand a big poster07:53
kwwiilinux art apps are always: what is theoretically more powerful and how do I do it differently than others07:53
LaserJockthat took me like a month to do07:53
nixternalhahah same here07:53
manchickenkwwii: I think it's actually because they get to license all of the super-slick fonts and encoding and all that crap.07:53
nixternalbut the outcome was beautiful07:53
kwwiiLaserJock: I know people who are amazingly good at latex07:53
LaserJockkwwii: I think that's the case for other areas too07:53
kwwiimanchicken: nothing to do with fonts, I mean real funtionality07:53
manchickenkwwii: If digikam and gimp had access to the same resources, I don't think it would be as much of a profound difference.07:54
LaserJockkwwii: yeah, my boss only uses emacs+latex for everything07:54
nixternalI have to use a combo of lyx and kile :)07:54
nixternallyx to get it going, and kile to fine tune it07:54
LaserJockI've never gotten into lyx07:54
LaserJockI end up just doing it in vim/emacs07:54
manchickenkwwii: I'm not just talking about fonts either.  A lot of those filters are purchased, not built.  A lot of the stuff that is built in there is the same way.07:54
nixternallyx is the easiest latex editor for newbs07:54
LaserJockalthough kile is nice07:54
kwwiimanchicken: what resources? honestly, it is the different style of managing a project than anything else I think07:54
kwwiiinkscape is one of the only apps that comes close to creating something uniquely good07:54
nixternali just started using kile within the past couple of weeks...pretty impressive actually07:54
manchickenkwwii: The copyright sheet for photoshop has got to be pages long of nothing but copyright notices.07:54
nixternalOK, sleep time for me...g'nite07:55
LaserJocknixternal: one of the KDE apps I'll actually use in gnome07:55
kwwiinixternal: nighty night07:55
LaserJocknixternal: night07:55
kwwiimanchicken: sure, because they thought of it first and want to protect their investment as it is a very competitive market07:56
manchickenkwwii: I also think that photoshop has more artist input than Free Software projects have solicited.07:56
kwwiibut that does not mean that OSS cannot be as good or better07:56
kwwiione thing is that we started later so we are always playing catch-up07:56
kwwiibut a large part of it has to do with the people who write OSS, they tend to be idealists and not artists07:57
manchickenkwwii: No, but many of those licensed components also include patent licenses.  Also, many of the folks running those projects keep forgetting who uses the program.07:57
manchickenIt's okay to be an idealist, but it's not okay to forget your user-base :)07:57
manchickenBut I don't think artists were the target audience for digikam.07:58
manchickenI think folks like me and my wife were.  Digikam seems to be a home photo enthusiast program more than anything else.07:58
kwwiinot at all, it is an app for geeks to sort their photos07:58
manchickenIt's fantastic for organizing your home photos.07:58
manchickenMy wife and I use it all the time.07:59
manchickenIt needs rsync backup functionality though.07:59
daSkreechScottK: I know lots of peopel who use MS products cause they think they are great08:00
ScottKIn the tech community, I don't find them.08:00
ScottKIn the more general population, I wouldn't be suprised.08:01
=== kwwii works on making this pic b/w : http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=1305454463&size=l
=== ScottK ponders sleep.
manchickenScottK: I would argue against the "using them because they're great" justification for using them by saying that freedom isn't worth any amount of functionality, regardless of quality.  We should work to make free software better, but also work on getting non-free software to a point where it respects freedom.  Once that is taken care of then quality can come back into fair play.08:05
manchickenkwwii: That's a neat photo.08:05
ScottKAgreed, but the point was about Microsoft.  I think they've already lost.08:05
ScottKThe trick now being to not get caught in the death throws.08:05
kwwiimanchicken: thanks :-) I spent yesterday afternoon at an old-timer rally08:06
manchickenScottK: I'd like to think that taking freedom from users is what makes them lose, not the quality--or lack thereof--of their software.08:06
ScottKI just want them to lose.08:06
manchickenkwwii: If I get you some photos from a demolition derby, could you do something similar?08:06
manchickenScottK: I just want them to respect freedom.08:06
ScottKAin't happening.  So what's your second choice.08:07
ScottKI believe that freedom is good.  I also believe that it works better.08:07
manchickenScottK: I don't know.  I'm an idealist.  I think it's possible to get proprietary software houses to respect freedom once we put them in a position where failing to do so damages their ability to compete.08:08
kwwiimanchicken: sure, if they are decent photos :-)08:08
ScottKmanchicken: They don't and can't think that way.08:08
manchickenkwwii: Well I'm no professional, but I take pretty decent photos for a geek.08:08
manchickenScottK: Then we help them think that way through market pressure by bringing free software to a competitive level.08:08
ScottKEven the people at MS that understand (and there are some) are handcuffed by the system.08:08
ScottKBut their reaction isn't build better software, it's get better lobbiests08:09
manchickenScottK: When free software is to a point where people can do their normal activities without too many hassles and they save money by using free software over proprietary software, then we will have reached a good point to do this.08:09
ScottKI think we are close to that point now.08:10
manchickenScottK: That's why we need more OEMs, more hardware support, and most of all, good desktop software that simply works.08:10
manchickenI agree.08:10
manchickenThis system76 worked beautifully out of the box.08:10
manchickenIt didn't have any problems until I stuck kubuntu gutsy on it :)08:10
ScottKI find Windows significantly more challenging to instal than Kubuntu these days.08:11
manchickenAlthough kubuntu feisty didn't work very well, particularly the power management stuff.08:11
manchickenScottK: Remember, most users buy their software pre-installed.08:11
ScottKThere are hardware specific issues that still need to be dealt with.08:11
manchickenOEM is the key.08:11
ScottKAgreed.  That's why I agree with you on OEMs.08:11
manchickenThe Dell OEM deal is a beautiful thing.08:12
manchickenHopefully Dell fixes their scalability issues across the board and sells oodles of Dells.08:12
ScottKFrom a hardware support perspective, I should be able to put Kubuntu on a Dell and have it work nicely.08:12
manchickenI think Canonical could do well to try to get Dell to market the Ubuntu OEMs more favorably.08:12
=== ScottK tries hard not to think about Canonical business strategy.
manchickenRight now you still see windows ads and "you might not want to do this" notices all over the Ubuntu sales pages.08:13
ScottKWalk then run.08:13
manchickenYeah, but I think it's kinda a slap in the face to have those warnings on the ubuntu page.08:14
ScottKWe had a Dell rep in #ubuntu-motu the other day wanting to package stuff that would be useful for them.08:14
ScottKFirst time that's happened.08:14
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manchickenOkay, I'm gonna hit the hay.08:15
manchickenLater folks.08:15
ScottKMe too.08:15
ScottKHere's a piece of advice: Don't try to pbuild two versions of python-kde3 at the same time on a machine with 256MB of RAM.  It takes a LONG time.08:16
ScottKGood night all.08:16
daSkreechmanchicken: That is to make sure the person wants Ubuntu08:27
daSkreechdamn went to bed08:27
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=== Hobbsee is now known as LongPointyStick
SlimG2I'm creating the following poll on kubuntuforums: "Is KOffice ready to replace OpenOffice.org in Kubuntu?"08:53
SlimG2Should there be any additional answeroptions other than [yes|no]  ?08:54
=== Jucato points to https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKofficeByDefault
SlimG2thanks for pointing that out for me Jucato, no need for pollposting08:58
JucatoSlimG2: I think we're just waiting for how KOffice 2.0 turns out before we can make a switch. A bit too late to make a drastic change like that until then imho08:59
JucatoSlimG2: you could stilll make the poll. might give us a rough idea on how much KOffice is used08:59
LureRiddell: I think we have bigger problems with strigi than just tray icon - I will first try to hunt down bug 12887609:00
ubotuLaunchpad bug 128876 in strigi "strigidaemon causes 100% CPU and crashes after a while" [High,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12887609:00
LureRiddell: any news on kdepim issues? Current version is driving me nuts (it starts to fails pop3 connnections in 30 minutes or crashes - I need to restart it in 30-60 minute intervals to be able to do something)09:01
JucatoLure: are you able to permanently add/remove directories in strigi:/config ?09:01
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Lurehi Hobbsee09:06
Jucatohi Hobbsee!!09:07
LureJucato: tried to reproduce, but now it does not start even (after I have added another dir) :-(09:07
JucatoI'm really worried about strigi... will it make it in time?09:08
Hobbseehiya Lure!09:08
Riddellviviersf: ping09:08
Hobbseehiya Ju09:08
=== Jucato hugs Hobbsee :)
viviersfRiddell, ola ?09:08
Riddellviviersf: you guys are testing kdepim enterprise?09:09
viviersfRiddell, yeah why09:09
Riddellviviersf: can we steal your packages?09:09
LureJucato: I hope so - older versions have worked better for me (just some crashes on strange msword documents), so I think09:09
=== Hobbsee hugs Jucato
viviersfRiddell, for gutsy ?09:09
Riddellviviersf: yes09:09
viviersfRiddell, yeah cool09:10
Riddellviviersf: where are they again?  somewhere on an intervention server?09:10
LureRiddell: steal from where?09:10
RiddellLure: from intervention/impi09:10
viviersfRiddell, their on intevation09:10
viviersfRiddell, but my packages are compiled against gutsy, not debian like intevation09:10
viviersfill give you link in private09:11
Riddelleven better09:11
LureJucato: add directory is persistent here (i.e. it stays after restart of daemon)09:12
JucatoLure: yeah it seems you need to: start daemon to configure, configure, stop or kill daemon, restart daemon...09:13
Jucatojust realized that now...09:13
LureJucato: yep, it seems to write config on shutdown09:13
=== Hobbsee attempts to figure amarok's breakage
Jucatothe problem is trying to restart the daemon, sometimes you have to kill it I think...09:13
LureJucato: I think that is the same 100% clu load problem - I think sometimes strigi gets in endless loop09:14
HobbseeOH SHIT.09:14
JucatoLure: does strigidaemon also die on you when you click on Start Indexing?09:14
LureJucato: no, it just causes cpu load currently09:15
Jucatoweird.. mine dies :(09:15
SlimG2Poll: Is KOffice ready to replace OpenOffice.org in Kubuntu?: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3086293.009:16
LureJucato: crashes are typically result of files that are processed - stream readers for various formats does not seem to be very robust when handling strange formats09:16
SlimG2^^ Is that OK or should I edit it?09:16
LureJucato: there are many crash reports: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/strigi/09:16
Jucatoah I see09:16
=== Jucato checks the bug reports
LureSlimG2: this was discussed in UDS-MTV: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-koffice-by-default09:20
JucatoLure: yeah. pointed him to the wiki page, which he mentions at the end of the poll09:21
JucatoI told him that it would probably be nice if we also had an idea of KOffice usage among are users...09:21
LureJucato: right, did not see the link at first09:22
Jucatojust a rough idea09:22
LureJucato: yep, that would be nice09:22
LureJucato: otherwise we are just trusting our guts feeling09:22
Jucatoor nixternal's... heheh09:22
Jucatooh and of course I asked SlimG2 to add a "Wait for KOffice 2.0" option hehehe :P09:23
SlimG2Jucato: You're everywhere :D09:24
Jucatoalmost :)09:24
HobbseeRiddell: so for the kdepim, are we actually using the normal version at all?09:24
=== jussi01 thinks jucato is god...
Hobbseeor just enterprise?09:24
RiddellHobbsee: we currently have enterprise09:24
HobbseeRiddell: you know about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdepim/+bug/135394 presumably?09:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 135394 in kdepim "kmail fetch mail multiple from server if "leave on server for x days" is enabled" [Undecided,New] 09:25
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RiddellHobbsee: it has lots of bugs, that's why I'm going to sync with impi who have done more QA09:25
HobbseeRiddell: right, thought so.  i think i came in on the backend there09:25
Hobbseeer, back end09:27
Hobbseeas in, of the conversation09:27
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LureRiddell: promising: strigi from svn does not loop or crash (yet) ;-)09:56
Hobbseethe current packages of amarok are at http://ppa.dogfood.launchpad.net/hobbsee/ubuntu/pool/main/a/amarok/ - if anyone feels like making them build, they're welcome.09:57
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Riddell"Rejoice, for PyKDE4 has landed in KDE SVN"  _Sime: awooga10:25
Riddell4:3.5.7enterprise20070828really20070825-0ubuntu1  now there's a version number10:39
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duccioRiddell: Hi..I've done the script about clearing cache...and now?11:20
Riddellduccio: have you tested it?11:26
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Riddellhmm, I may just have spammed all kubuntu-members with reject noticed11:41
Riddellerm, no, it accepted them even with a smaller version number11:43
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duccioRiddell: I've tested it and it seems to work12:18
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Tonio_allee: I noticed that your new kblueplug crashes very often at login, did you notice this ?12:34
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LureTonio_: I did notice that12:51
Lurebut it looks like some dependancy missing (python import error)12:52
LureTonio_: root cause is probably python-qt4 missing dbus-qt loop integration12:53
Lureactually "dpkg -L python-qt4-dbus" reveals it is installed, but not sure by python-dbus does not find it...12:54
Riddellduccio: great12:55
Riddellduccio: now you need to make a debdiff, would you like me to walk you through that?12:55
LureTonio_: packaging problem it seems12:55
Lurepython-qt4-dbus should install it in /usr/share/python-support/python-dbus/dbus/mainloop12:56
duccioRiddell: Yes..it's better12:56
Riddellduccio: you need to add a changelog entry with: dch -i12:56
Riddellduccio: then build a source package with: debuild -S12:56
LureTonio_: and qt.py is probably missing also...12:57
Riddellduccio: then download another copy of the source to do the diff against; mkdir current; cd current; apt-get source kdebase; cd ..12:57
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Riddellduccio: then take a diff:  debdiff current/*dsc *dsc > kdebase.debdiff12:57
Riddellduccio: then check and upload the resulting file somewhere12:57
LureRiddell: i386 kdepim just failed again :-(12:58
LureRiddell: packaging problem with apidoc01:00
LureRiddell: cp: cannot stat `/build/buildd/kdepim-3.5.7enterprise20070828really20070825/debian/tmp////usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/kdepimenterprise20070828-apidocs/': No such file or directory01:00
LureRiddell: missing another really20070825? ;-)01:01
LureRiddell: not sure vy amd64/lpie worked though01:01
Riddellmm, right, easily fixed I suppose01:05
mhbyay, pykde4 is here!01:08
duccioRiddell: thanks for instruction...but I must go now01:08
duccioRiddell: see you soon..and I try to do all01:09
alleeTonio_, Lure: mhb wanted to update python-qt to install qt.so from python-qt4-dbus into /var/lib/... instead of /usr.01:30
alleeTonio_, Lure: This link proposed by mhb fixed the import error: /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/dbus/mainloop/qt.so -> /usr/lib/python2.5/dbus/mainloop/qt.so01:31
alleemhmm, no new python-qt4-dbus over the weekend.  mhb what the status python-qt4-dev?01:33
mhballee: I asked doko (the last uploader of python-qt4-dbus) why he broke it. No answer,though.01:37
alleemhb: k01:38
alleemhb: I can try to pester him tonight (busy right now)01:38
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nosrednaekimyes! pyKDE4 is out!02:06
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=== nosrednaekim does happy dance
Riddellfirst one to make a package gets a biscuit02:07
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=== nosrednaekim give Riddell a box of biscuits
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sahin_wRiddell: Are you working on a newer version of kdepim-enterprise?02:27
sahin_wRiddell: I'm wondering because if you upload it, I'm able to test the IMAP behaviour of the new package.02:28
sahin_wRiddell: Maybe you remember my problem: kmail mark all of my imap mail as unread.02:28
sahin_wRiddell: Don't forget the developers told me it has been fixed in the latest svn version.02:29
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Riddellsahin_w: I uploaded the last stable version from impi, I was told that it was stable, it should be available soon02:36
LureRiddell: btw, where is kdepim enterprise in svn?02:36
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sahin_wRiddell: Good news!02:37
ryanakcawould bug 136560 be medium or high?02:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 136560 in kdebase "kde-base update install env and share folder at wrong place" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13656002:38
sahin_wRiddell: So, am I able to test it tonight? Or tomorrow?02:38
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RiddellLure: branches/kdepim02:41
LongPointyStickoh yay, amarok builds now.02:42
ryanakcaLongPointyStick: :)02:43
=== ryanakca is grepping the KDE sources for the env/ share/ ploblem..
LongPointyStickryanakca: ah, good luck02:44
LongPointyStickyou should just be able to diff the bzr revisions, but i didnt see anything of note02:44
LongPointyStickTonio_: here?02:44
Riddellryanakca: High I guess, it could well be due to my changes to startkde02:44
Tonio_LongPointyStick: yes and no02:44
Tonio_LongPointyStick: I'm there, but not really available02:45
LongPointyStickTonio_: right.  have you seen the bug about your upload?02:45
ryanakcaLongPointyStick: same.. olive-gtk doesn't show anything in the diffs for the past week02:45
ryanakcaRiddell: ok, thanks02:45
LongPointySticki think it is a kdebase change, as i havent upgraded to that yet, and dont have the bug02:45
ryanakcaLongPointyStick: hmm. so, 'apt-get source kdebase && cd kdebase-3.5.7 && rm -fr debian && bzr checkout sftp://ryanakca@bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdebase/debian' ?02:49
LureRiddell: does enterprise branch has some release schedule?02:49
RiddellLure: doesn't seem to02:49
LureRiddell: according to log, Aug-25 (what we will get now) was shakiy, as it did not include even fixes from 3.5.702:49
LongPointyStickryanakca: you cna just checkout teh debian dir from bzr02:50
LureRiddell: but they have merged on Aug-26 (most of it) and added some fixes that sound like my (pop, paste crash) and sahin_w (imap) issues02:50
LongPointyStickyou dont actually *need* the base tarball, per se02:50
LureRiddell: but who is behind this branch, as it have active developers?02:51
RiddellLure: hmm, right.  I'm hoping this weeks build will appear soon02:51
LureRiddell: and it looks like SuSE also pushed it to 10.2 as update02:51
RiddellLure: kdab is, they have people working full time on it02:51
LureRiddell: so they have weekly "semi-stable" release?02:51
LureRiddell: I have seen also compaints from SuSE update, so at least we are not alone ;-)02:52
LureRiddell: if the version from impi will be good, we should do next updates through ppa first to test in smaller audience first02:52
LureRiddell: I do not want to have "Kubuntu Gutsy beta sucks" messages (due to kdepim, bluetooth, strigi...)02:53
sahin_wLure: FYI I encountered my imap problem on 30. Aug. 2007.02:54
=== Lure stares as kmail crashing again... :-(
sahin_wLure: And I did an upgrade before I started to test the kmail enterprise in gutsy.02:55
Tonio_LongPointyStick: about which upload ?02:56
Tonio_LongPointyStick: kdebluetooth ?02:56
LongPointyStickno, kdebase02:56
Luresahin_w: so you first saw the problem on enterprise or just last enterprise broke it?02:56
RiddellLure: there's weekly builds at http://apt.intevation.de/dists/etch/experimental/source/02:57
sahin_wLure: I think just the last enterprise broke it.02:57
Luresahin_w: ok, good to know02:57
Riddelland when they're tested a bit they move to http://apt.intevation.de/dists/etch/unstable/source/02:57
sahin_wLure: I think because when I aksed Riddel, he sent me to the #kontakt channel.02:57
Riddellbut I took the latest one that impi are using02:57
LureRiddell: ok, are these .deb created by kdab or just some debian packager is following svn?02:58
sahin_wLure: And the developers just ask me two thing: Is this enterprise kdepim? Is this Kubuntu?02:58
sahin_wLure: So, they knew the problem. And told me it has been fixed already.02:59
RiddellLure: by intevation, who QA them and move to unstable if they aren't broken02:59
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Luresahin_w: good, at least we have somebody to fix them03:00
sahin_wLure: They told me: The kubuntu version is unfortunatley not contains the fix yet, because it's an older snapshot.03:00
LureRiddell: maybe we should have these uploaded to some ppa on regular basis and have test team around03:00
LureRiddell: just to ensure that kubuntification did not introduce new problems03:00
sahin_wLure: I'm just an user, so I'm going to test it. Personaly I think the cure of this problem having a new snapshot.03:01
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Luresahin_w: I think too, but Riddell made good decision to jump back first to something which is supposed-to-work-for-many03:02
Luresahin_w: we just need to have a better way in future to follow enterprise branch and pick something that is not regression from what is in kubuntu repo03:02
RiddellI see 20070831 is there, feel free to upload to a PPA anyone03:03
Riddellit needs re-versioned03:03
sahin_wLure: Ohhh. Yep, jump back is a good idea too.03:03
Riddellalso debian dir replaced with our one03:03
sahin_wLure: I'm able to test any package however. I use kdepim on daily basis from the prehistoric days. ;-)03:04
sahin_wLure: I would like to see a rock solid kdepim in gutsy.03:04
LureRiddell: will look into this tonight (as it is more important for me as strigi infinite loop)03:05
Luresahin_w: great, we need testers of development versions - developers are sometimes not good testers (as they might not see the obvious) ;-)03:05
Luresahin_w: and do not use stuff that users do ;-)03:06
sahin_wLure: :-D03:06
Tonio_allee: will test the link03:09
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ryanakcaHmm. Anybody mind leaving me kdebase for the day... and if I don't finish/fix it by 8:00ish EST tonight, someone else can take the bug?03:14
Riddellryanakca: go ahead03:14
ryanakcaRiddell: thanks :)03:14
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ryanakcaRiddell: what's the name of your startkde patch?03:35
Riddellryanakca: is was an existing one (or two) that were modified03:35
Riddellchangelog should say03:35
ryanakcaok, thanks :)03:36
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=== Lure hopes that kdepim build finishes before publisher run
Tonio_Riddell: do you want kwallet and gtk-qt-engines to be executable ?03:49
Tonio_Riddell: bug 136560 seems to be related to your latest kdebase upload03:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 136560 in kdebase "kde-base update install env and share folder at wrong place" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13656003:50
ryanakcaTonio_: are each Ubuntu revision a new upload? (-ubuntu15, upload, -ubuntu16, upload, etc?), or can there be more than one revision per upload. And is there a way to isolate what revisions have to do with the upload?03:52
Lureyes! kdepim i386 built successfully!03:54
Tonio_ryanakca: evey revision means new upload yes03:54
Tonio_ryanakca: you can get evey package and all versions on launchpad, on the source page of a package03:54
manchickenLure: Does that mean kmail may work better now?03:54
ryanakcaok, thanks03:54
manchickenThat'd be sweet.03:54
Luremanchicken: we all hope so, otherwise I will test latest branch tonight and provide some test binaries in ppa for wider testing04:01
Riddellryanakca: debdiff with the old version04:02
RiddellTonio_: that'll be the same issue ryanakca is looking into04:05
ryanakcaRiddell: thanks :)04:05
Riddellryanakca: looks like it needs to be $kdehome instead of $KDEHOME for that gtk and kwallet patch04:06
ryanakcaRiddell: yeah... but would that change the whole .kde?04:08
ryanakcaI guess since it's just kwalletrc in ~/share/config/ ... aha, thanks :D04:08
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=== ryanakca tests
ryanakcaRiddell: hmm. mind commiting to kdebase's debian bazaar? the two debians are different... the one in bazaar only has Hobbsee's .Xmodmap as -1ubuntu17, whereas the source package for -1ubuntu17 has your blurb04:12
Riddelljust use the one from the ubuntu archive04:13
ryanakcaokies :)04:13
Hobbseeyes, i've got a change in there that needs to be uploaded.  i figured it could wait until someone else uploaded04:14
Hobbseeoh yay, someone's modified and hastn committed to bzr?04:14
Riddellthat'll be me04:14
Riddellryanakca: feel free to merge if you want04:14
Hobbseeryanakca: please merge it.04:14
Hobbseesome of us dont have unlimited bandwidth.04:14
ryanakcaRiddell: ok04:16
ryanakcaHobbsee: I guess your patch goes into -1ubuntu18 ?04:16
=== ryanakca nods
Riddellryanakca: you can also remove the kubuntu_9902_nspluginviewer_hangs_cpu.diff patch04:17
Riddelland the gtk build-dep04:17
Riddellthat should be fixed now04:17
ryanakcaAnd... in Hobbsee's commit for -1ubuntu17 in the bzr branch, it's UNRELEASED instead of gutsy... do I follow suit, or put gutsy?04:20
Hobbseeryanakca: put gutsy when someone's actually going to upload it04:20
ryanakcaok, thanks :)04:20
Riddellwhich I will if you send me a debdiff04:20
=== ryanakca nods
ryanakcaRiddell: sorry, I have to leave... I'll be back in a couple hours with a debdiff :)04:28
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LureRiddell: new kdepim is slightly better, but still crashes when Ctrl-V into e-mail :-(05:32
LureRiddell: will try to build last snapshot when I get home tonight05:32
Jucatohm...python-launchpad-bugs being held back for anyone else?05:50
=== Riddell doesn't dist upgrade
Riddellthat's one long CC meeting05:54
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Hobbseeit's the first one in how long, though?06:09
Hobbseeirc council is done, though06:09
Hobbseei think this one wins the record, time-wise, though06:13
nixternalhow long ago did it start?06:14
Hobbseeit started at 11pm local, it's now 2.14am06:14
nixternalholy smokes, 3 hours and still going06:14
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nixternalkdepim looks much better today06:42
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Lurenixternal: yep, still crashes on paste (Ctrl-V)06:48
Lurehow can I remove package from ppa?06:48
nixternalyou can't just yet, but you may be able to request someone with admin rights to remove it06:49
nixternalI noticed there were 2 marked with "Pending removal" in the Kubuntu Members PPA06:49
Lurenixternal: does it at least replace old one if I upload new?06:51
nixternalI am not sure actually...maybe someone in #launchpad knows06:51
nixternalI thought about doing that as well, and forgot to ask someone about it as well06:51
Lurenixternal: ok, will ask there06:51
Riddellif the version number is larger sure06:51
Riddellif it's the same, who knows06:51
nixternalbut if it is a larger version #, the old package still remains in the PPA correct?06:52
nixternalor is that how the kde4edu packages had a pending removal, because you uploaded newer06:52
Lurenixternal: yep, that is probably the reason for pending removal06:53
nixternalahh, cool then06:53
Lurenixternal: [18:54]  <kiko> Lure, you can't yet -- you will be able to in about 3 weeks.06:57
Lurenixternal: regarding superseeding: [18:55]  <kiko> Lure, it won't, but it doesn't matter -- apt does the right thing.06:58
Riddellnixternal: I don't know06:58
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DaSkreechhas there been proven benefits from upstart?07:33
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sahin_wRiddell and Lure: I updated my gutsy to check kmail.08:02
sahin_wRiddell and Lure: Unfortunately kmail mark my messages as unread.08:02
sahin_wRiddell and Lure: So this version has this IMAP problem too.08:03
Luresahin_w: I am preparing current snapshot and as soon as I confirm that there is no new regression I will upload to ppa so you can pick it up for testing08:03
Luresahin_w: currenct version at least does not crash on pop3 access, but it still crashes for me on Ctrl-V (paste) into message window08:04
Luresahin_w: it seems Riddell was right to pick up new snapshot, just the time he did it was probably not the best08:05
sahin_wLure: Yeah I saw that, I know the current version is for dubble checking.08:05
Luresahin_w: so I hope today's snapshot (which is friday + some build fixes) should be stable08:05
sahin_wLure: If you finish the upload I will test it.08:05
Luresahin_w: friday builds are used for their qa, so they should be slightly more stable08:05
Luresahin_w: I am currently building here, so it may take some hours to get it on ppa08:06
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Luresahin_w: if you are very eager to test, I could upload my test binary package (i386) asap I have it08:06
sahin_wsahin_w: Well, I'm working here on one of our customer problem, so meanwhile I can test it.08:07
sahin_wLure: Well, I'm working here on one of our customer problem, so meanwhile I can test it.08:08
sahin_wLure: Where could you upload it?08:08
Luresahin_w: I could put it to some web space08:10
sahin_wLure: Ok, thats will be fine.08:10
Lureanybody knows what happend to kde4 beta2 - I thought it should been tagged/released already?>08:17
mhbLure: not released yet08:17
Luremhb: so delay?08:18
mhbLure: but it was tagged, that is true. But I don't know the greater scheme of KDE things08:18
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DaSkreechWhere does konqi stick temp files while it's downloading?09:35
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_StefanS_DaSkreech: my guess is your <username>-local folder in /tmp09:35
_StefanS_DaSkreech: kde-<username> sorry09:35
blekoshello, i've come up with a strange "problem", i'm running kubuntu on a dual-boot laptop.09:35
DaSkreechYeah All I see in there are logs09:36
blekosMy other partitions are mounted (can see them throug /storage media)09:36
=== DaSkreech sighs
blekosbut their icons are not displayed on my desktop09:36
DaSkreechGuess it deleted it before showing the error message09:36
_StefanS_blekos: you should specifically select them to be shown09:37
blekospls note i have enabled09:37
blekosby right click etc09:37
_StefanS_uhm ok09:37
blekosconfigure desktop etc09:37
blekosthe thing is I used to have them on my desktop but after an update there are not there any more...09:38
_StefanS_blekos: uhm, donno. Sorry09:39
DaSkreechblekos: Gutsy?09:39
_StefanS_blekos: well I cant make my harddisk to show either09:39
blekosha! just inserted my usb stick and now everything appeared on the desktop09:40
blekosit must be a short of a bug09:40
nosrednaekimDaSkreech: I think konqueror stores stuff directly in /tmp09:41
DaSkreechnosrednaekim: It deleted it before it threw the message then09:41
=== DaSkreech should patch that
nosrednaekimthat sucks.09:42
=== _StefanS_ is running 1920x1200 .. thats alot of desktop space :D
_StefanS_better use google maps to find my way around09:43
blekosi try to install a .deb package with gdebi but i get the message09:44
blekosThe package file does not exist09:44
blekosA nonexistent file has been selected for installation. Please select an existing .deb package file.09:44
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_StefanS_Riddell: shouldn't we install python-sip4-dev as standard to have Disks & Filesystems (mountconfig) to work out of the box?09:50
manchickenShould we really have Ctrl-Tab as walking desktops when so many users are used to using that key combo for MDI switching?09:51
_StefanS_manchicken: I think it should stay as MDI, and then use the Super (win)-key for cycling desktops09:52
manchickenThat's what I always switch it to.09:53
_StefanS_manchicken: me to ;)09:53
DaSkreechmanchicken: When did Ctrl+Tab become desktop switching?09:53
manchickenDaSkreech: It's the default right now under Gutsy.09:53
manchickenkmail seems to have settled down, which is nice.09:54
_StefanS_what are we doing to solve those high and medium bugs in launchpad?09:54
DaSkreechthat sucks :)09:54
_StefanS_Seems like there's quite a few that needs some closure09:54
_StefanS_like that simple one i mentioned on disks & filesystems09:54
manchickenIf there are any python proggies that need a little attention I wouldn't mind hacking one of them for a little.09:57
manchickenI've been playing with PyQt4 for a few days and I'm pretty comfortable with it.09:57
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Riddell_StefanS_: hmm, I did move a file in the hope that would get fixed09:59
_StefanS_Riddell: still doesn't work unfortunately10:00
_StefanS_Riddell: tested on a few machines here.10:00
DaSkreechYou know what I don't understand10:00
_StefanS_what is that ? :D10:01
DaSkreechICQ almost never logs in on my install of Kubuntu10:01
DaSkreechbut does it easily on the live CD10:01
DaSkreechI think kopete just hates me10:01
DaSkreechanyway :) back to your previous discussion10:01
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sahin_wLure: I have to go... I will test your new kdepim package tomorrow, after your upload.10:08
Luresahin_w: ok, I had to rebuild once, so it is taking a bit long10:09
sahin_wLure: No problem. Bye!10:09
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_StefanS_Riddell: I got a fix for #47412, will mail you the debdiff10:14
DaSkreechbug 4741210:15
ubotuLaunchpad bug 47412 in kde-guidance "Users&Groups: Small error in group handling" [Low,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/4741210:15
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Tm_Thmm hmm10:19
_StefanS_Tm_T: what ? :)10:21
Tm_TI wonder where I could get nice looking Ubuntu contact cards pressed cheapest10:21
_StefanS_gotta sleep. night all.10:25
manchickenLure: So did you not fix kdepim?10:26
manchickenSomebody did.10:27
manchickenAnd it's making my life much easier.10:27
Luremanchicken: no, this is reverted version, but still have issues10:27
Luremanchicken: I am building today;s snapshot just now and will put it in ppa for wider testing10:27
manchickenkmail hasn't done anything insane for a few hours.10:27
manchickenI thought it was your package.  I suppose not :)10:28
DaSkreechGreat Netscape preinstalled Weather bug for me. Thanks Marketing team!10:30
Luremanchicken: does Ctrl-V (paste) into compose mail window crash for you?10:38
manchickenLet me try... it's locking up...10:38
manchickenkontact seems to be completely locked up now that I've Ctrl-V'd10:39
manchickenNot redrawing or anything.10:39
manchickenAnd down it goes.10:39
Luremanchicken: exactly ;-)10:39
manchickenYes, kmail does crash when I Ctrl-V10:39
Luremanchicken: ok, this is supposed to be fixed in today snapshot10:40
manchickenThat's always nice.10:40
manchickenI ctrl-v quite a bit.10:41
Luremanchicken: mouse paste does the same, so no workaround for paste :-(10:42
manchickenright-click paste?  edit->paste?10:42
manchickenIf that's the case it sounds like it may be a kmail interfacing with klipper issue.10:43
manchickenOr does it just use the normal X clipboard?  Dunno.10:43
manchickenI'm guessing it'd use klipper10:44
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ryanakcaRiddell: would a 'bzr diff' on the debian/ dir work as a debdiff?10:57
Luremanchicken: it is X clipboard issue11:02
Luremanchicken: I can paste now with latest snapshot ! ;-)11:02
manchickenOoh, lirc support is much better.11:05
Riddellryanakca: no, although it's usable too11:07
RiddellI mean it's not a debdiff but it'll do the same job11:07
LureRiddell: new snapshot fixed paste bug, but pop3 behaves strange (starts plenty of kio_pop3s)11:08
Riddellsomeone was complaining of that earlier11:10
DaSkreechnixternal: pinf^Hg11:10
Riddellmhb: I compiled kdelibs & base 3.5.5 and python-kde against them on gutsy and the konsole issue is exactly the same :(11:10
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ryanakcaRiddell: I'll run it threw sbuild, and if it builds (which it should), I'll stick the debdiff somewheres11:11
DaSkreechhi hunger11:11
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Luregreat, Hobbsee is in motu-uvf - I hope I still have some bonus points ;-)11:17
LureRiddell: is anybody working on python-qt4-dbus fix for kblueplugd crash on login?11:18
DaSkreechWow I hope xubuntu sorts itself out11:19
LureRiddell: today's snapshot is better for imap, but worse for pop (similar to your last snapshot) and it fixes paste crash11:21
LureRiddell: so not yet ready for archive11:21
LureRiddell: I have uploaded it to my ppa though for sahin_w to test his issue tommorow11:22
LaserJockDaSkreech: what's the problem?11:22
DaSkreechLaserJock: seems to be bleeding users cause it's too similar to ubuntu11:22
=== Lure loves ppa!
ryanakcaLure: how long is the wait to get your package built?11:29
Lureryanakca: probably an hour, maybe a bit more due to xen, but I am also uploading my private build to web space11:30
Lureryanakca: but pop3 is really bad11:30
Lureryanakca: but paste works which makes me happy at work (when I only have imap)11:31
ryanakcapop3? like... pop3, imap, etc?11:31
Lureryanakca: yes, there is a bug with pop3 account - it starts 100s of kio_pop3 processes that hang the system and kmail finally dies (after all kind of wrong errors reported)11:31
Lureryanakca: imap works fine11:32
ryanakcaimap works fine here11:32
LureRiddell: ups, I think I have overloaded muse ;-) - disk full11:32
=== ryanakca sticks to his local sbuild + lvm for testing builds... much quicker
LureRiddell: ok, it was not me - it only has 50M space...11:34
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mhbnixternal: why do you stick with Kubuntu, the distro offering one app for each task? :o)11:36
Luremhb: that is not correct -> only one installed by default ;-)11:37
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bobesponjahey all, I'm using gutsy from today and kmail crashed when I do Ctrl+V to past text, am I the only one?11:39
mhbLure: right, I am just generalizing a bit to make fun of nixternal (but nice clean fun I hope) :o)11:40
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mhbbobesponja: no, you are like the 1000th one :o)11:40
mhbbobesponja: you can be sure that we will do what we can to fix it11:40
LureRiddell: would you fancy an upload of kdepim with just Ctrl-V fix? I can prepare debdiff, but will not compile it as I need sleep?11:41
bobesponjamhb: ok :), thanx11:41
mhbbobesponja: don't thank me, Lure is the hard-working one to be thanked, see his last message11:44
Luremhb: actually I am just testing/building/hunting kdepim guys - they are hopefully fixing it ;-)11:45
bobesponjaok thanx to Lure then11:46
mhbLure: by the way, have you tested pykde4 yet?11:47
Luremhb: no, still did not get my hands dirty with kde4 :-(11:47
Luremhb: but I plan to start playing with beta2, but most probably hacking digikam first (not python stuff)11:47
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RiddellLure: upload, sure12:03
LureRiddell: it is not as simple as I though12:03
LureRiddell: several svn commits needed12:03
LureRiddell: but they have reverted some stuff that should fix pop3, so I am currently working on that and will upload to ppa tonight (hopefully)12:04
nixternalmhb: I use Kubuntu cuz Riddell said he would beat me up if I didn't12:19
mhb_Sime: hi, I'm having trouble compiling pykde4 on a amd64 arch, I've tried to google the issues and it might be int/SIP_SSIZE_T related. Just letting you know.12:21
=== Riddell nice passifist quaker
nixternalwith a mean uppercut!12:21
mhbwasn't that the popular violent video game?12:21
mhbI apologize for the small rudeness of that joke. To say the truth, Quakers aren't really known here in the Czech Rep (central Europe)12:24
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LureRiddell: fyi, source is in my ppa https://launchpad.net/~lure/+archive, I will tell you in the morning about the quality when it builds for me12:28
RiddellLure: ok, thanks12:33
=== Lure -> bed, nite all
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