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garfieldnotlabled: wa is the buttin super on the keyboard?12:38
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sumguy231garfield: since nobody's answering, it's the Win key.12:40
WaltzingAlongsumguy231: what do i win?12:40
sumguy231A stuffed animal, I'll mail it to you. :)12:40
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WaltzingAlongsumguy231: :812:42
WaltzingAlongsumguy231: ^,^          well i have one such key on this keyboard as well. should have a nice little Tux on it or something12:42
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elite101man, school was a drag as allways12:44
elite101im stuck in grade nine english :(12:44
Biovoreyeah.. english isn't your language..12:45
Biovoremust be a computer..12:45
elite101lol well i felt happy i hooked up my uncles sterio for his car this makes the second time i have done this*12:47
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elite101mhm yeah i dont own a car but yet i can work on one :)12:48
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kkathmanelite and Biovore - hey you might wanna take your convo over to #kubuntu-offtopic since its not exactly kubuntu support stuff :)12:49
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elite101:( err* sorry12:49
kkathmanhey np12:49
BradersHey can anyone tell me how to get into another directory in the terminal please12:49
elite101how long have you been here kkathman?12:49
kkathmanthe --offtopic chann is really kewl :)12:49
kkathmanelite101:  hmm Ive been around on kubuntu/ubuntu since Warty :)12:50
elite101ohh i dont recongnize your nick :\12:50
kkathmanhehe Ive also used other distros too :)12:50
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kkathmani dont usually have the time to chat too much either :)12:51
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mike_mooseWhy are the folders ~/env and ~/share automatically re-created?12:54
kkathmanrecreated when?12:55
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mike_mooseAny time I log in via kdm into kde.12:56
mike_mooseShouldn't those two folders be under ~/.kde?12:56
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mike_mooseThey contain a shell script for gtk-engine and a file called kwalletrc12:57
kkathmanmike_moose:  maybe not, cuz remember kde is in the user space12:57
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thumperis there a nice UI for upgrading feisty to gutsy?12:59
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mike_mooseDoes anyone know why kwallet is putting it's config files in ~/share/config/ instead of ~/.kde/share/config/ ?01:01
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GoodHabitI have a game at /opt/ directory. How to make shortcup in right way to use that game (simple path to bin file doesn't work - I think problem is with working directory).01:04
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Jehovaim an new linux and kubuntu user01:05
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=== Savak kicks his BT homehub
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Jehovanow i have a little action with kopete, please can someone help me01:06
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Daisuke_Laptopgod uses linux.  tell Bill Gates to stick THAT in his pipe and smoke it!01:06
mike_mooseGod smokes?01:06
Daisuke_Laptoponly if you believe bill gates is god.01:06
Savaksomeone didn't read it properly lol01:07
Daisuke_Laptopre-read that sentence.01:07
underdog5004I doubt bill gates smokes01:07
Daisuke_Laptopit's a saying.01:07
Savakbill gates smokes dollar bills01:07
Daisuke_Laptopno, no he doesn't01:07
Daisuke_Laptopbill gates smokes hundred dollar bills01:07
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Savakok what part of guarddog (other then protocol tab) would stop kopete connecting to msn01:08
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mike_mooseNaw, he moved on to grinding gold and diamonds to dust and then free-basing that.01:09
Jehova@savak please im an newbee01:09
Jehovadont make a fool of me01:10
Savakhuh jehova?01:10
Daisuke_LaptopJehova: i don't think he is01:10
Daisuke_Laptophe has his own issue with kopete :)01:10
Jehovao sorry01:10
Daisuke_Laptopbut why guarddog anyway?01:10
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SavakI know it's guarddog, only thing thats changed01:10
Daisuke_Laptopah, shoot.  i gotta get homework done :\01:11
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Savakis there anyway to view connection logs etc in kopete?01:11
Daisuke_Laptopi shall return after i finish reading about the lovely institution of the US supreme court and writing a paper on why term limits on SC justices is a Good Thing(tm)01:11
underdog5004which program should I use to listen to mp3s from the command line?01:11
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underdog5004ty, Daisuke-Ido01:12
underdog5004ermm.... Daisuke_Laptop , even01:12
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Jehovai cant add icq buddys to kopete,, how can i fix it01:13
kkathmanJehova:  whats wrong?  what does it do?01:14
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Jehovanothing it do! i open the add window an put the icq number in. but than i  get no contact in my libery01:15
kkathmanJehova:  works just fine here :)01:16
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kkathmanJehova:  are you setting your icq UIN in the Settings - configure ?01:16
Jehovano i have now installed gaim to get help01:16
Jehovayes i have done01:16
kkathmannot much help there01:16
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ubuntuguys, ive just installed windows and i lost my grub. i tried to recover it using https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows01:17
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ubuntubut... it says "Checking if "/boot/grub/stage1" exists... no"01:17
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andreasdkG`evening. Can someone please tell me how to set Dolphin as default file manager in Kubuntu 7.10?01:18
Savakubuntu, you'll need to boot from a linux CD or grub recovery disc and restore grub01:18
Jehovaand i also can open i irc channel in kopete but  i cant add a icq contact01:18
Jehovasory for my very bad english01:19
ubuntuubuntu? oh! its me! im using kubuntu Gutsy tribe 501:19
ubuntuSavak... K7.10 T5 live CD01:20
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Savakcan you use it to boot into linux?01:21
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mauricioOl, algum do Brasil ae???01:25
ubuntu_Savak... my conection was lost.01:25
ubuntu_mauricio. eu sou01:25
ubuntu_Savak... K7.10 T5 live CD >  i entered in grub (sudo grub), rooted on hd0.0, but when i typed "setup (hd0)" i got the error above01:26
mauricioQue bom que no estou sozinho rs01:26
mauricioAcabei de instalar o Kubuntu, to meio perdido testando as coisas aqui :-P01:26
ubuntu_mauricio... pergunta01:26
Daisuke_Laptopbah humbug01:27
Daisuke_Laptop!pt | mauricio01:27
ubotumauricio: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.01:27
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Daisuke_Laptopmugen64 can't see my controller...01:27
Savakyeah you need to do root(hd0,0) firsrt01:28
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Savakor 0,1... i forget :P01:28
ubuntu_Savak, hd0.0 only. there is no hd0.1 for me..01:29
mike_mooseSavak, Might be good to use 'geometry' to see what hard drive has the boot partition on it.01:29
mike_moosei.e. geometry (hd0)01:29
Bradershow do i change the directory in the terminal? i thought it was dir then the directory name?01:29
mike_mooseor geometry (hd1)01:29
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mike_mooseBraders, use "cd"01:30
Savakyeah prob best, the second digit is refering to partition ubuntu_, so prob 0,1 but try mike_moose's suggestion :)01:30
Bradersarr thats the one lol thanks01:30
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ubuntu_mike_moose: i get 3 partitions. 0 (FAT with windows), 4 (reiserfs with kubuntu) and 5 (linux swap)01:32
Bradersim trying to install a flash plugin and i have extracted the files to a file on the desktop, have gone into terminal and typed cd then dir name and i keep getting -bash: cd: install_flash_player_9_linux: No such file or directory01:32
underdog5004Braders, when you're in the dir above the target dir, do this: ls01:33
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underdog5004or rather, ls | grep flash01:33
mike_mooseubuntu_, did you do geometry (hd0) ?01:33
mike_moosethen it'd be root (hd0, 4)01:34
Savaknot if you want grub installed on first partition?01:34
ubuntu_hmmm the root i put on grub is the linux root partition... it explains a lot...01:35
Savakgenerally it should be on first hard disk, first partition, so usually always 0,101:35
mike_moosesince you don't seem to have the directory /boot on its own partition01:35
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mike_mooseSavak - grub is usually installs into the MBR, unless you need to install elsewhere01:36
ubuntu__thanks guys. i this it will work01:36
mike_mooseright on01:36
Savakyes mike_moose :P01:37
mike_mooseSavak, but you probably knew that. :)01:37
Savakhehe yeah, had a lot of experience with grub01:37
=== mike_moose wonders what if grub supports booting brains...
underdog5004Braders, you figure it out?01:37
Savaknow if only I could get Guarddog to do what it's supposed to01:37
mike_mooseBraders, you can use the tab key to do completion too.01:38
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Fractionhi, got a question:01:38
underdog5004mike_moose, I think that his "flash" dir is in his Desktop dir01:39
underdog5004Fraction, what's up?01:39
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mike_mooseBraders, what happens if you type "ls" ?01:39
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mike_mooseBraders, do you see the directory you're trying to enter?01:39
Fractionunderdog5004 When I use the 2.6.20-15-generic kernel my wlan works fine, but as soon as I use the 2.6.20-16-generic - as soon as I chose a network to connect to the computor crashes and I have to reboot it.. what might be wrong?01:40
Bradersi see it on my desktop not in the terminal01:40
Bradersonly can get on the desktop on terminal01:40
underdog5004Fraction, did you have to compile the driver for your wireless card?01:40
mike_mooseBraders, what does the command pwd output?01:40
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Fractionunderdog5004 no it was included in both the kernels01:40
underdog5004Fraction, do you have to use ndiswrapper?01:40
mike_moosetry cd Desktop01:40
underdog5004oh, ok01:41
Bradersno such file01:41
underdog5004Fraction, did you play around with your kernel configuration?01:41
underdog5004Braders, Desktop01:41
underdog5004not desktop01:41
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Bradersnope still dont work01:41
underdog5004Braders, what are you typing, exactly?01:42
mike_moosewhat's the output from ls?01:42
nosrednaekimBraders: hey... wireless working?01:42
Fractionunderdog5004 no I didnt, just with the graphics card settings everything else is as it was when I installed it01:42
Bradersi have this up though in front of were i type braders@braders-desktop:~$01:42
underdog5004Fraction, weird...which driver does it use?01:42
Bradersbraders@braders-desktop:~$ ls01:42
BradersDesktop  Examples01:42
Bradersthats what i get..01:42
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mike_mooseBraders, type: cd Desktop01:43
mike_moosemind the capital d01:43
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Savaklol was gonna say that mike_moose01:43
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Bradersok there01:43
Fractionunderdog5004: kinda new to linux but is this relevant? :) Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)01:43
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mike_mooseNow type cd <folder name>01:44
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mike_mooseBraders, are you using firefox?01:44
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Bradersok yea that worked01:44
underdog5004Fraction, that's pretty strange...intel stuff usually works nicely...I have no idea to help you, sorry01:44
Bradersyea i am using firefox01:44
mike_mooseBraders, excellent! Welcome to the command line.01:44
Braders:-) thanks01:44
Fractionunderdog5004: alright, thanks for your time01:45
kkathmancli rules :)01:45
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underdog5004Braders, you know you can install the flash plugin for firefox from the repos, right?01:45
underdog5004Fraction, np01:45
NickPrestaBraders, http://www.linuxcommand.org/learning_the_shell.php Check that out. It is invaluable.01:45
Braderscool thanks ppl01:45
mike_mooseIt's easier to use firefox to install it.01:45
Bradersis it01:45
mike_mooseThe built-in installer works fine. Just have to find a flash app, and follow the wizard.01:45
Bradersflash app?01:46
underdog5004Braders, try to watch a youtube video01:46
mike_mooseBraders, a page with flash on it.01:47
underdog5004there will be a yellow bar at the top of the page...click on it, follow the instructions01:47
AirstrikeIvanovFirefox installer for Flash has NEVER worked for me.01:47
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Bradersyea i tried youtube it woudlnt allow me to, have to do it manually01:47
rdvonamarok can play pls files right?01:47
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AirstrikeIvanovit always says manual install required, so where do you get that itd work from01:47
Bradersthats what i got01:48
hayamihi anyone knows how to use eclipse? xD01:48
underdog5004AirstrikeIvanov, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree01:48
underdog5004or something like that01:48
AirstrikeIvanovi already have it installed01:48
AirstrikeIvanovbut Braders cant install it using Firefox01:48
AirstrikeIvanovNobody can01:48
underdog5004I can01:48
AirstrikeIvanovHm, youd be the only one01:49
BiovoreAirstrikeIvanov: flash works here with my firefox using that approach01:49
mike_mooseAirstrikeIvanov, I don't know why it doesn't work for some folks.01:49
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BiovoreAMD64 ?01:50
Biovore^ has problems with that01:50
AirstrikeIvanovNo, Firefoxs automatic plugin installer01:50
AirstrikeIvanovAnyways, on to my own problem01:50
mike_mooseI'm using the regular old i386 binaries.01:50
AirstrikeIvanovI tried to do a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade to upgrade my KDE 4 beta, and it just does this and stops. I cant uninstall or install ANYTHING now, because apt-get -f install just does the same response: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/36387/01:50
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rdvonWhy wont amarok let me listen to shoutcasts/ internet radio stations?01:50
BiovoreAirstrikeIvanov: kde4 is alpha..  only devs should use it..01:51
Biovorerdvon: they work here..01:51
AirstrikeIvanovBiovore: Im learning to dev Plasmoids01:51
NickPrestardvon, what makes you think Amarok isn't letting you? I listen to lastfm radio all the time...01:51
AirstrikeIvanovfor KDE4 Plasma01:51
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BiovoreAirstrikeIvanov: cool.. just remember that everything os broken..01:51
rdvonNickPresta: I get an error, whatever. Have you tried idobi radio?01:52
Daisuke_Laptopi assume you have the proper codec installed for mp3 playback?01:52
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rdvonDaisuke_Laptop: er....01:52
=== rdvon gets codec
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rdvonI'm gettin 'em01:53
rdvonHere's a good question: why did frozen bubble ditch their pretty artistic graphics for the junk they currently have?! >:O01:53
NickPrestardvon, you will have to provide a link for me. I don't know what idobi radio is :)01:53
AirstrikeIvanovBiovore: Yeah, I think my apt is broken now too because of it.01:53
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BiovoreAirstrikeIvanov: yup  it does that..01:54
AirstrikeIvanovOh well01:54
AirstrikeIvanovI just formatted last week01:54
rdvonNickPresta: http://www.idobi.com/radio/ :)01:54
AirstrikeIvanovNot much to lose in a second one, lmao01:54
Biovorerdvon: works here..01:55
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Biovoretakes 2 tires..  because its a aac stream01:56
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rdvonI needed the codecs...01:56
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Biovoreyou have to catch the stream when its sending a header..01:56
=== rdvon browses for more stations
Biovore Now Playing  --  Amber Pacific - Falling Away  --    --  0 ms01:56
Daisuke_Laptoplistening to sky fm01:56
Daisuke_Laptopall 80's all the time :D01:56
Daisuke_Laptopright now kickin some glenn frey01:56
NickPrestaAmber Pacific - Falling Away...Alternative, Rock, Punk...128 kbps... works for me01:57
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rdvonI made a great kicker background. :)01:58
rdvoncouldnt stand the transparent one..01:58
Biovorethere are alot of them out there on kde-look.org.. just search for kicker01:58
rdvonI prefer mine.01:58
Daisuke_Laptoprdvon: http://www.sky.fm/01:59
tininyou all should try the last version of Bmpx, it has some great radio stations lists, as well as lastfm support, I preffer it rather than amarok when I want to listen to some new music01:59
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Biovorerdvon: looks nice..  should post it on kde-look.org02:00
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rdvonI will... later.02:00
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rdvonI got a couple amarok themes, but They dont skin the whole program :\02:01
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rdvonstupid amarok :<02:01
Biovorerdvon: yeah.. there are some more options but it relies on the system scheme02:01
rdvonheh.. :\02:02
rdvonwhat's the name of the codec pack again02:02
rdvonthanks :)02:02
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rdvonnow it's working, thanks!02:04
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Daisuke_Laptopeddy grant right now, time to switch stations :(02:05
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Daisuke_Laptopooh, abba02:06
rdvonIt's weird though, because the internet radio streams played automatically in rhythmbox :\02:06
Daisuke_Laptopnot really, rhythmbox relies on the gstreamer mp3 plugin02:07
Daisuke_Laptopwhich amarok doesn't02:07
elite101#console-bash where we bash on consoles :D02:07
elite101please go there :D02:07
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elite101#console-bash bashing consoles since the atari and intellivision came out'02:09
AirstrikeIvanovi like to bash mine with bricks02:09
ubotuUnsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-)02:10
elite101:( not spaM02:10
elite101but if it is sorry02:10
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ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:11
Savakwas curious hehe02:11
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ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!02:12
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=== dthacker-lt hugs ubotu
Savaklol, now *thats* geeky02:13
rignesHey there, I have a tc4200 laptop w/ a USB external CD drive.  When I unplug the drive it sometimes gets confused and then wont work when I plug the drive back in.  I should clarify that statement in that the drive works and I can manually mount it but the automatic stuff where it puts the icon on your desktop and mounts it does not.  Is there a procedure I should go though to "stop" the CD drive and prep it for r02:13
dthacker-ltrignes: if its already on your desktop you can right click and "safely remove".  That may help.02:14
rignesHmmm, Ididn't notice that option before...02:14
dthacker-ltrignes: there's a bunch of 'em :)02:15
rignesHmmm...I don't see the option but it may be because it's in it's "screwed up" state at the moment.  I might need to reboot to get it normal again.02:15
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rignesdthacker-lt: I better reboot and it it normal...thanks for the tip.  I'll take a look for it after the reboot.02:16
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tattersanyone running tribe 5 with a second hard ?02:22
nosrednaekimtatters: separate partition here...02:23
nosrednaekimtatters: #ubuntu+102:23
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garfieldnosrednaekim: how do i see my contacts pic in kotepe??02:24
nosrednaekimgarfield: dunno, I don't use kopete02:25
garfieldnosrednaekim: witch do u use?02:25
=== n8k99_ [n=nathan@dsl254-078-190.nyc1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #kubuntu
_2anyone know a game simular in look to 'asc' but not nearly as many options ?     i remember seeing a game that i want to revisit  but have no idea what it was called ?02:25
Savakunder settings02:25
Savakapperance -> contact list02:26
Savakcheck 'use contact photo's when available'02:26
_2i might like asc if i could see it   but on this monitor it's way to small to read anything...   15"02:27
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nosrednaekim_2: asc?02:27
_2!info asc02:27
ubotuasc: turn-based strategy game. In component universe, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 2338 kB, installed size 5684 kB02:27
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wesnoth - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:28
Daisuke_Laptop!info wesnoth02:28
ubotuwesnoth: fantasy turn-based strategy game. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.2.3-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 1937 kB, installed size 4396 kB02:28
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pochocloMmm . . .02:30
pochocloY la gente ? ? ?02:30
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.02:30
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frank__how can I prevent the KDE taskbar from appearing on my TVout screen? (DISPLAY=:0.1)02:32
=== Daisuke_Laptop is jealous
Daisuke_Laptopyou have tv-out :\02:32
=== tekstacy [n=tekstacy@207-255-181-030-dhcp.gsv.md.atlanticbb.net] has joined #kubuntu
nosrednaekimfrank__: make your taskbar hide itself.02:33
ch40sturn auto hide on?02:33
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Laptop: that thing doens't have Svideo?02:33
Daisuke_Laptopit *has* svideo02:33
frank__nosrednaekim: will it work just for that screen?02:33
nosrednaekimnope... everywhere02:34
Daisuke_Laptopi have as of yet not been able to get it to work.02:34
tekstacy'lo all02:34
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Laptop: works here with ATI...02:34
=== nosrednaekim sticks tongue out
ch40swhat card is it dais?02:34
Daisuke_Laptopintel 96502:34
=== ch40s 's works with nvidia
Daisuke_Laptopi'm sure i could get it working with nvidia02:34
Daisuke_Laptopbut that isn't an option.02:34
ch40scant use dual monitors and TV-out =[02:35
tekstacyDoes k have any sort of "alarm clock" feature?02:35
tekstacyOr can someone reccomed one?02:36
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nosrednaekim!info kalarm02:36
ubotukalarm: KDE alarm message, command and email scheduler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu6 (feisty), package size 644 kB, installed size 1892 kB02:36
tekstacyer, reccomend even02:36
tekstacyCool, thanks02:36
Daisuke_Laptopwonder how painful upgrading to gutsy would be right now02:37
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BluesKajwell, it was disappointing for me , Daisuke_Laptop, but you prolly don't suffer fromthe AYO blues02:38
_2well i knew it was a long shot that anyone would be able to answer that.   i'll keep looking... although i've been through the package info twice...  nothing sounded familear02:38
=== skate3214 [n=chatzill@C-59-101-82-50.syd.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
BluesKajno 3D or DRI02:38
Daisuke_Laptopno ati, though support for the x3100 in gutwsy is supposed to be far superior02:39
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Laptop: its not the upgrading part... it the sticking through the alphas..02:39
frank__nosrednaekim: actually you were right. Autohide works just for that screen!02:39
ch40sKarti:  does the  -noapic parameter force my PCI drivers out of installation?02:39
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Daisuke_Laptopnosrednaekim: that's why i'm willing to hop on the bandwagon now02:39
nosrednaekimI was wrong then ;)02:39
Daisuke_Laptopthis is about when i started testing feisty :)02:39
tekstacyHmm, I found kalarm, but it describes it as a backgammon game for KDE    :)02:39
nosrednaekimch40s: shouldn't02:39
nosrednaekimtry it anyway02:40
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_2nosrednaekim nice to be right when you are wrong eh ?  :)02:40
ch40snosrednaekim:  my mini pci slots dont recognize my wireless card anymore02:40
nosrednaekim_2: lol02:40
tekstacycurious, I did install it, cause I figured it was a mistake. After it installed, it showed the correct descripton. And I swear I'm not stoned!02:41
nosrednaekimch40s: oh... hmm02:41
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ch40si wouldnt know if the drivers would work had i not used the -noapic, considering it was the only way i could get the Live CD running02:42
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parsniphi all02:42
=== parsnip waves
ch40sor, first thing that allowed me to at lesat02:42
ch40sjust wanted to know if i could factor that possibility in, ty02:42
parsnipcan anyone tell me how to get the app launcher that sits on the panel. It lets you have 4 programs on there02:43
parsnipi removed it ages ago and would like it back02:43
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tekstacyUm, I'm new here, can someone tell me CL command to make amarok play a song?02:44
=== enotee [n=enotee@74-61-31-154.sea.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #kubuntu
manikfoxamarok -play?02:44
tekstacyOr even just make alot of noise, for my alarm clock02:44
ch40sparsnip:  right click>Add Applet, possibly02:44
_2parsnip the desktop switcher applet ?02:44
dudeiclesdoes anyone know of a free driver for canon printers?02:45
manikfoxamarok --play or --p one of those02:45
parsnip_2: it lets you pick 4 apps and it makes the icons tiny in a 2 x 2 grid02:45
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tekstacymanifox! Thx!02:45
=== matthew_ [n=matthew@adsl-76-199-99-75.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
_2i think he may be talking about the default four vertual desktops in the desktop switcher applet    not sure.02:46
parsnip_2: its Quicklauncher02:46
parsnip_2: just went through them all til i hit it02:46
enoteehow do i install an rpm manually....Kubuntu 7.0402:46
parsnipch40s: found it02:46
ch40sparsnip: was it in there?02:47
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_2quicklauncher is not on by default ???     /me is confused again.02:47
parsnipch40s: yeah man, just wasnt sure what it was called02:47
nosrednaekimenotee: are you sure you need to? what app is it?02:47
manikfoxtekstacy, no prob02:47
enoteethe latest flash plugin02:48
nosrednaekimenotee: there is a deb for it..02:48
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nosrednaekim(at least there was for the previous version)02:48
enoteehow do i do that02:48
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash02:49
nosrednaekimenotee: do what?02:49
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enoteeinstall the deb02:49
brewmasteris it possible to hook up an external HD to one of those USB dvd players?02:49
nosrednaekimenotee: "sudo dpkg -i <deb>.deb"02:49
nosrednaekimwhere <deb> is replaced by the path to the .deb02:50
parsnipch40s, _2:thanks for the help guys..peace out02:50
enoteethanks i'll try that02:50
=== Daisuke_Laptop [n=alexbe01@pool-71-97-155-54.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/02:51
Daisuke_Laptopsomething just happened and it wasn't happy02:51
frank__is gnash any good?02:51
_2daisuke electronic or in the real world ?02:52
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manikfoxwhy you need it? just install the firefox3202:52
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tekstacyI have an external hdd, it has 3 partitons, but when I plug it in k only sees one. How can I fix this02:52
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nosrednaekimDaisuke_Laptop: software or hardware?02:53
Daisuke_Laptopi think02:53
manikfoxtekstacy, what kind of partitions?02:53
_2manikfox may not be a case of "need"   possably "want"02:53
Daisuke_LaptopWSOD starting compiz02:53
manikfox__2 true, no real want for it, its a flash plugin, as long as the videos play right?02:53
Daisuke_Laptopthough i'm still using the intel driver...  nothing else bad seems to have happened.02:54
tekstacyI believe it is 2 ntfs and 1 fat32, it sees the fat 32.    It was my old windows system drive02:54
garfieldnosrednaekim:  how do i put beryl back to default?02:54
nosrednaekimgarfield: hmm dunno.02:54
Daisuke_Laptopyeah, gutsy here i come!02:54
_2manikfox no.  could factor in a FOSS mentality and you would come up with gnash :)02:54
tekstacyI really miss those gigs of music on there....02:54
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Laptop: ell me how it goes..02:54
=== scienceboy [n=scienceb@pool-68-239-246-158.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
scienceboyhow do i figure how much ram i have on this laptop? i can't navigate 'hardware information'02:55
manikfox__2 your right, but its not exactly coming out of your pocket to use the flash one02:55
_2scienceboy free02:55
manikfoxtekstacy, you have to mount them02:55
nosrednaekimscienceboy: "free -m"02:56
tekstacyok, how?02:56
_2manikfox free as in beer != free as in speach  :)02:56
manikfoxtekstacy, as ntfs-3g, mount /dev/hda or /dev/sdb1, which ever device it is02:56
manikfox__2, ah, now I understand02:57
_2scienceboy and if you want more info    less /proc/meminfo02:57
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scienceboyis the the number next to mem: and under total?02:57
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tekstacycool, thanks, I will give that a try. Wish I had thought to back all that stuf up BEFORE I broke windows02:58
Daisuke_Laptopthis should be able to be handled by replacing feisty in sources.list with gutsy, and doing an update/dist-upgrade, correct?02:58
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scienceboyallright, thanks!02:59
_2yeah.  but a few things may strill break that have not been ported to the gutsy repos yet Daisuke_Laptop02:59
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dudeiclesis there anything better than TurboPrint for print drivers?03:00
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tekstacyGoodnight all. Thanks for the help03:02
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Daisuke_Laptopwhat's the worst thing that could happen?03:03
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Daisuke_Laptopi get left having to restore from dell's grub option?03:03
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Laptop: I think thats what you do..03:03
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nosrednaekimDaisuke_Laptop: I also think there is an upgrade tool03:04
nosrednaekimask in #ubuntu+103:04
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Max-P_Hi, Can KPPP disconnect from the internet when there is an incomming call?03:05
=== Arwen wants to know why Konversation's autoreconnect sucks so much.
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Daisuke_LaptopArwen: i wish i knew03:07
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Daisuke_Laptopi've lost 3 spots in the idlerpg i play :(03:07
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ArwenIt can't even detect being killed by an ircop.03:07
Daisuke_Laptopbecause it doesn't autoreconnect properly :\03:07
ArwenAnd you can't force a reconnect, you have to wait for it to timeout..03:07
Daisuke_Laptopoh yeah, wish me luck03:07
_2ssh error     Permission denied (publickey,password).03:07
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Daisuke_Laptop25 minutes to go on the upgrade part03:08
Daisuke_Laptopthink i'll throw on some futurama03:08
ArwenFuturama :-\03:08
=== sheldonc [n=sheldon@d64-180-175-69.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #kubuntu
_2anyone have a clue-by-four they can hit me with on that one?03:09
_2Arwen turn autoreconnect off ?03:10
Arwendoes Konversation have an auto-rejoin on kick?03:10
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_2i'm sure03:10
_2Jucato no ?    you mean that konversation is the only irc client that doesn't have that option ?03:11
Jucatothe feature seems to be considered annoying on the part of devs/operators... kick for doing something, rejoin... kick, rejoin...03:12
=== Jucato shrugs
=== contrast83 [n=mike@adsl-074-236-242-009.sip.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
_2like duh.  if the op in Q doesn't want you to rejoin that's what ban is for...03:13
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=== Jucato shrugs
NickPresta_2, usually if you were kicked, it means wait a little while and cool off before coming back. It doesn't mean "Please come back in 3 seconds"03:14
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_2usually if i was kicked, it means i remounted jucato's system nosuid    :)))03:15
sayersIs there a way to take a presentation in Open office or Koffice and make a movie out of it to play on a dvd player?03:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about capture - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:16
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rignesdthacker-lt: Hey there, I'm finally back.  I rebooted but the CD icon on the desktop doesn't have a "Remove Safely" option when I right click it.03:20
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dthacker-ltrignes: then I'm not sure what else to try.   Can you leave it plugged in?  get a hub03:22
rignesIt's not a big deal, I'll mess with it and see what I can work out.03:23
rignesThanks for the suggestion though.03:23
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=== sirius is now known as Sirius
dudeiclesIf I have a printer that is usb what type of driver should I use?03:25
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nosrednaekimdudeicles: depends on your printer03:26
SiriusHi there everyone, got a question anyone avaliable for an hint ? is there any support for the nv GeForce Go 7200 ? Thks03:26
dudeicleswhat's the difference between CUPS, LPD, LPRing, PDQ or what else03:26
nosrednaekimSirius: yup..03:26
Siriusnosrednaekim:  hmmm Remmember me ??03:27
=== nickpresta_ [n=nickpres@CPE000625f47ed2-CM0011e6c456e3.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
nosrednaekimtoo many people come through here03:27
Siriusnosrednaekim:  can you point me into an direction ?03:27
dudeicleswell according to the Openprinting database my recommended driver is bj8pa06n.upp03:27
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/OpenPrinting - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows03:27
dudeicleshow do I install how do I install ah03:28
Jucatodudeicles: just try adding your printer. the driver might be installed already03:28
dudeiclescups how do I install using a cups?03:28
win-X-pertsanyone know how to get all the domain with ebay.com in the ame03:28
dudeiclesit's not03:28
nosrednaekim!nvidia | Sirius03:28
ubotuSirius: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:28
dudeiclesor I didn't see it.03:28
JucatoSyste Settings -> Printers?03:28
Siriusnosrednaekim:  Many thanks, your helping me for the secong time, can wait for me to be able to help someone in this channel :) once again thanks03:29
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-57-89.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu
dudeiclesprinter is crashing03:29
nosrednaekimSirius: lol... I still don't remeber who you are.03:29
=== Skiff [n=SkiffX@cpe-72-225-174-254.si.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
Siriusi meant "CanT"03:29
dudeiclesmay have to reboot03:29
Siriusthat's not qa problem I remmember you03:29
_2_why doesn't   "ListenAddress"  work in sshd.conf ?03:29
Jucatore-what? O.o03:29
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Siriusnosrednaekim:  I was the guy with the SpeedTouch problem that just couldn't use nothing more than w3m and the IRC client03:30
Siriusnosrednaekim:  anyway it's not important :)03:30
nosrednaekimSirius: ah yes! did you fix that?03:30
SiriusSure format new install03:30
Siriusand then03:30
SiriusFu**k speetouch and Welcome Wifi03:31
=== yurimxpxman [n=yurimxpx@pool-71-98-77-181.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
SiriusI do want my machine running Kubuntu :)03:31
yurimxpxmanhow can I setup my own bittorrent tracker?03:31
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Siriusnosrednaekim:  People like you represent the community and this for me is way to important and lets face it I'm far from being and linux guru way way tooooo far but ther's no need to be a genius, Compiz Fusion kick's vista ASS03:33
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Siriusnosrednaekim:  well let me get into that nvidia drive, once again thanks and keep up the god work03:34
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Siriusnosrednaekim: this may make you laught but here it goes I can't find Administration  Restricted Devices Manager03:37
Siriusunder the system menu03:37
nosrednaekimSirius: i'm not laughin.... thats a ubuntu tutorial03:37
nosrednaekimSirius: run "sudo apt-get install restricted-manager" and then "kdesu restricted-manager"03:38
Siriuslol third time :) thanks03:38
nosrednaekimSirius: there is a KDE version coming in the next release03:38
nosrednaekimI have to  modify that wiki...03:38
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hitmanWillynosrednaekim, so again, kubuntu gets the same stuff that gnome ubuntu has had for six months03:39
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SiriusWell on to Reboot03:41
nosrednaekimhitmanWilly: yep..03:41
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hitmanWillysometimes i wish the kubuntu devs would come up with something so the gnome guys could be jealous of us for a change03:41
nosrednaekimlike... umm... KDE?03:42
hitmanWillyoh well, i mainly use gentoo anyway, though kubuntu is nice on the lappy03:42
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hitmanWillyheh, maybe i should learn qt and come up with something03:44
nosrednaekimyou should..03:44
sayersWhere is the Image magick Binary path and also where is the Mjpegtools binary path?03:44
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hitmanWillyahh, intelikey's here :)03:44
nosrednaekimsayers: "type >command name>"03:46
intelikeyhitmanWilly maybe03:46
nosrednaekim"type <command name>03:46
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intelikeyPermission denied (publickey,password).03:46
intelikeyssh error   ^03:47
intelikeyit wont allow login as user   only as root...03:47
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hitmanWillyintelikey, your ssh is set up to allow root login?03:48
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intelikeyhitmanWilly seems  root only03:49
hitmanWillyhmmm, that's weird03:49
hitmanWillysomething off in the config file?03:49
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tzangergood evening03:50
intelikeyhitmanWilly no it's public key issue.    http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/3937803:51
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NickPresta!hi | tzanger03:51
ubotutzanger: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!03:51
tzangerI've got an i950 based video card and I need to override the BIOS modes for my new monitor; the ubuntu bugtracker says I need to use the updatd x11 driver for this card, but do I use xserver-xorg-intel or i850?03:51
intelikeyand don't worry ssh is only listening on 192.168.*.*03:51
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tzangerahh, I'm using i810 right now, trying the -intel driver03:52
intelikeyi have redone those keys though and i still have the same problem...03:53
holymolyhey guys03:53
holymolywhat might be anice simple application to backport03:53
holymolysay from gutsy03:53
holymolysomething that doesn't require too many dependencies?03:53
intelikeyit might be that there is no password on that box maybe ???     maybe pam is freekin' over that or something..03:53
hitmanWillyintelikey, is there something on ssh to update the gpg key ring, like apt-key add?03:53
intelikeyhitmanWilly it's not gpg  but yeah i have rebuilt the keys.   (i use a script)03:54
tzangerthere we go03:54
tzangermuch better03:55
intelikeyi'll rebuild them again.03:55
hitmanWillymaybe, don't know how much help i can be if you use your own keygen algorithm03:55
sayersHello is there any help using digiKam to encode a slide show?03:56
intelikeyhitmanWilly  http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/3937903:56
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nosrednaekimsayers: K3B CAN DO THAT03:57
nosrednaekimsorry caps03:57
hitmanWillyok, are you running this from the proper directory, since the script uses a relative path?03:58
sayersnosrednaekim: well ill look into it03:58
sayersnosrednaekim: any pointers or guides on how?03:58
nosrednaekimactually, I just saw today that it is a plugin...no idea how it works or anything03:59
sayersnosrednaekim: Do you have a link03:59
nosrednaekim!info k3b-plugins04:00
ubotuPackage k3b-plugins does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas04:00
nosrednaekim!info k3b-plugin04:00
ubotuPackage k3b-plugin does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas04:00
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sayersim on gutsy04:00
sayersill cache search04:00
hitmanWillyintelikey, also, ssh have any updates lately? they may have changed some paths around04:00
sayersnosrednaekim: nope*04:01
nosrednaekimdunno what its called... seach for k3b04:01
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intelikeyhitmanWilly yes home dir and no *ssh* hasn't been updated.   odd thing i use the same version on several boxes, works on some not on others   but root works on all....04:05
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hitmanWillyintelikey, hmmm, that is weird, you got me04:06
hitmanWillyintelikey, maybe a UID issue?04:06
intelikeyhitmanWilly maybe.   i though even that i mount "nosuid" might affect it.  just checked that,  no change.04:07
hitmanWillythough I don't really see how that could affect it though...04:07
hitmanWillyfirewall settings?04:07
intelikeywell could be i guess  but how would that deny one user and not another ?04:08
hitmanWillytho that wouldn't allow you to login as root either04:08
intelikeyand i just sshed through one of the boxes in question to another box     so it's not firewall04:09
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hitmanWillyhmm, this is weird04:09
intelikeyyou looked at that script ?04:09
hitmanWillyyeah, seems workable enough04:10
hitmanWillythe relative path thing was the only issue i saw that might cause issues04:10
intelikeyok i run   sshremotekey user 0.1     it makes the key file and asks for the password   works fine..     i run   sshremotekey user 1.3     and it does the same things but still requires a password to login...     idk   it's baffeled me.04:11
hitmanWillyintelikey, is the key file getting written too?04:12
intelikeythen    sshremotekey root 1.3    and it works like it should...04:12
intelikeyyes.   or the next test wouldn't work   ^04:12
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intelikeysee it's user specific04:12
intelikeyand shouldn't be04:12
hitmanWillyintelikey, ok, im running out of ideas here, i'm not really all that familiar with ssh04:13
intelikeylet me check UID   you might have hit it...04:13
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hitmanWillyintelikey, i know that causes problems for NFS mounts04:13
intelikeyno mention of my uid in the conf file04:14
hitmanWillyintelikey, hmmm, there may be a problem there04:14
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^^Varitech-VFX^^buenas noches04:19
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^^Varitech-VFX^^alguien por aca ha usado el pc-bsd04:20
droachanyone know how to get usb game controllers working in feisty04:20
hitmanWillydroach, should be autodetected when you plug it in04:20
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droachwhere do i configure it?04:21
hitmanWillydroach, control center, peripherals04:21
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droachi dont see control center do you mean system settings04:22
hitmanWillydroach, or kcontrol04:22
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droachi cant find it i must be dumb04:24
hitmanWillydroach, try alt-f2, kcontrol, then under peripherals04:24
droachbut its not auto detecting04:25
hitmanWillyhmmm, is it supported?04:25
droachit shows up in kinfo cente04:26
hitmanWillydroach, so it04:26
hitmanWillyso it's not showing up under joysticks?04:26
intelikeywell  i give up  i guess i'll just use the root account seeing that's all i can access,04:26
droachi restarted kcontrol and it fount it04:27
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=== intelikey runs$ for Q in `cut -d':' -f1 /etc/passwd` ;do passwd -dl $Q ;done # and forgets it...
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Mattchewiecan anyone tell me if Kopete supports AIM buddy icons? as in you can an icon to broadcast to other users?04:30
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hitmanWillyok, bbl04:31
intelikeyhowto grep for *.* not regex ?04:32
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garfieldcan someone help me to install my webcam to use it ?it's a creative.04:32
Mattchewieintelikey  to grep for *.* you have to wrap it in quotes "*.*"04:32
intelikeygot it.   ".*\..*"04:33
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ubotuA general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents04:33
intelikeyerr no actually  needed   ".?*\..?*"04:34
intelikeylooks odd works well04:34
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intelikeythat's anything as long as it's something then dot and anything again04:35
kaldrenonIs anyone here familiar with issues between xorg and the Intel 915 display controller? I've got Kubuntu 7.04 running on a Dell Inspiron B130, and I've been having trouble getting KDE to work04:35
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siriusHi fellows anyone avaliable? I've just installed compiz fusion under an nvidia gfx, and I'm experience a bug related to black windows, any clue??04:38
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Mattchewiesirius: does it happen over time?04:38
siriusMattchewie: It pretty much happens every time i open a window still sometimes after a few tries the window renders correctly04:39
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siriusbut if I resize de Window Kaput04:39
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siriusit goes black again04:39
Mattchewiesirius: Hrm, I don't know if this is the same issue or not but I know when I had beryl installed it had an issue that over time, the windows would go black. Apparenlty there something in the nvidia driver and beryl didn't play well.04:40
MattchewieIn which the answer I have heard is "no fix till the driver is fixed"04:41
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Mattchewiesirius: did you run beryl of compiz before hand?04:41
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siriusI was readind something about that when the window faded black can you provide me the command to replace compiz with the other manager? No this is the first time i actually get compiz to work ( the other time i was way tooo busy with my speetouch modem lol)04:42
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siriusMattchewie: any idea?04:43
MattchewieWell I don't know what all has changed in fusion, but in beryl you had the beryl manager and you could just right click on that and go back to kwin or metacity. I'm not sure of the command off the top of me ticker04:43
kaldrenonAdvice, anyone? I'm getting an error when I try to log in to a KDE session, and I don't know why I'm getting it or how to fix it. The error is "(WW) intel: No matching device section for instace (BusID PCI:0:2:!) found"04:44
kaldrenonintel is my graphics driver04:44
ch40ssirius: try alt+F2 then compiz --replace04:44
kaldrenonAnd PCI:0:2:! is my display adapter (I tihnk)04:44
Mattchewieahh yeah thats it, --replace04:44
siriusMattchewie: I do enjoy an fancy desktop can you provide me with some other nice system to replace compiz ?04:44
siriusch40s: thank you04:44
siriusMattchewie: thank you :)04:45
intelikeyanyone want to test a script ?     http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/3938104:45
Mattchewieintelikey: KEYLOGGER!! ..heheh I kid, a little old school WoW forum humor. :|04:45
Mattchewiesirius: well there is another system out there, let me get you the right spelling for it04:46
intelikeyMattchewie :)04:46
siriusMattchewie: Thanks I'll wait :)04:46
Mattchewiesirius: Ok, well there isn't a package for it but its called Metisse04:47
AirstrikeIvanovNice keylogger04:47
AirstrikeIvanovIt seems like one anyways lol04:47
siriusMattchewie: I'm gona try to check it thanks04:47
AirstrikeIvanovAnyone here know how to fix your APT when it tries to install both kde4libs and kde5libs?04:47
MattchewieThey have utube video on it if you want to see it in action04:47
AirstrikeIvanovIm stuck in a infinite dependency-error loop in my APT D=04:48
siriusgona check it :)04:48
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intelikeyAirstrikeIvanov pastebin the error message04:48
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Mattchewiekaldrenon: have you done a "dmesg" and looked at the output? See if there was any issue during boot up etc?04:49
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kaldrenonMattchewie: I haven't, no. I'll go do that now04:50
siriusMattchewie: Hmm thankyou but it is just not what i was expecting, well the 3d and all the compiz plugins are just graet, anyone know about a sucessor for compiz or beryl without an known compatibilty issue related to nvidia cards?04:50
Mattchewiesirius: compiz fusion is pretty much it when it comes to the whizbang factor in linux04:51
AirstrikeIvanovI use nvidia, and compiz fusion wont even install04:51
AirstrikeIvanovAnd #compiz-fusion just ran me around in circles for an hour and a half instead of actually helping04:51
MattchewieAirstrikeIvanov: haha same, but then again, I haven't put much effort into it since its all new.04:51
AirstrikeIvanovthis is old hardware anyways04:52
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AirstrikeIvanovcant support running a Wine game in GL without a segmentation fault04:52
MattchewieReally I just missed the expose` esk feature, so I installed Kompose04:52
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siriusAirstrikeIvanov: I'm not an expert lol not even near that, but I had to install the correct drives for my Geforce go 7200 if you want to try your luck i can point you to the tutorial i've used, still it is in portuguese but I woulb be glad to translate it for you :)04:52
AirstrikeIvanovI used Envy for it Sirius04:53
AirstrikeIvanovIm on the nvidia X server as we speak :P04:53
AirstrikeIvanovBeryl had worked, once04:53
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AirstrikeIvanovN ow it just segmentation faults and crashes04:53
intelikeyAirstrikeIvanov you want me to try to help with dpkg ?  or no ?04:53
AirstrikeIvanovintelikey: I m pasting, hold up04:53
AirstrikeIvanovintelikey: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/36393/04:54
siriuslol that kinda remmembers one thing ... what's the name.... hmmm Windows? lol , joke :))04:54
AirstrikeIvanovi went and installed the KDE 4 beta04:54
kaldrenonMattchewie: nothing's poppoing out at me. FYI, when I log in via console and become root with "sudo su", startx launches a KDE session successfully. But when I attempt to log in under my username from the graphical login, or by logging in via console and NOT becoming root, the session borks04:54
AirstrikeIvanovcause i am trying to learn to develop Plasmoids04:54
Mattchewiekaldrenon: did you just do this install or have you had it installed for a while now?04:55
sparrwhen first running a new version of kde i was asked if i wanted kde or windows style keyboard shortcuts.  how can i change that decision?04:56
wersdaluvis there something like os x's spotlight for kde?04:56
intelikeyAirstrikeIvanov ok you have something wrong in the /etc/apt/sources.list  it looks like.  care to pastebin it ?04:56
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siriusI'm currently evolving from the Windows environment to the Unix systems I guess that it still requieres the time I don't have, I'm losing my hope on Kubuntu, I need and ready and reliable system so that I can get my work done as quicky as I can ( anyway not complaining Im in love for kubuntu, it is just not realiable enought)04:56
kaldrenonMattchewie: It's a new install. I installed it yesterday, and everything worked fine. I made a few minor config changes, but nothing severe. But I had to reboot this morning, and I couldn't get a KDE session to start after that.04:57
intelikeyAirstrikeIvanov ummm how did you install the kde4 beta ?04:57
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Mattchewiekaldrenon: what kidn of config changes? any thing to xorg.conf?04:57
AirstrikeIvanovintelikey: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/36366/ And yes, I followed the link and installed it exactly. Unfortunately, nothing at all worked inside KDE4, including Amarok04:57
AirstrikeIvanovAmarok had just kept claiming that there was no sound engine04:58
AirstrikeIvanov(Im currently listening to last.fm streams and it works fine in non-beta KDE)04:58
kaldrenonMattchewie: yes, but every time I made changes I restarted X in order to test them. IIRC there were no changes to xorg.conf between my last successful session and the reboot04:58
Mattchewiesirius: Linux is very stable but once you start adding all those effects etc you will find some instablity in the Desktop Environment. If you just run it as is, I have never had an isssue04:59
siriuswell guys many thanks for your help, you've been of great help :)04:59
Mattchewiekaldrenon: Did you do these edits by hand or did a tool do them?04:59
=== underdog5004 agrees with Mattchewie
siriusMattchewie: as my RTOS for my PIC 16f84 stable but no that usefull04:59
AirstrikeIvanovsirius: Linux is quite stable indeed, till you start mucking around. It usually ends with extra trips to this chat room D:05:00
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kaldrenonMattchewie: I used dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:00
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)05:00
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Mattchewiekaldrenon: trying to install a driver or change rez for your monitor?05:00
AirstrikeIvanovintelikey: I followed the link in the topic of this channel.05:01
kaldrenonMattchewie: yeah. My laptop has an Intel 915 display controller, so in order to get a rez greater than 1024x768 I had to apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel05:01
siriusAirstrikeIvanov:  the thing is Vista sucks but XP with some nice updates can become a very solid workstation, and it just doesn't requier all this effort I just plug my modem and I'm ready to go, I guess it's manufacters fault to don't provide the fair suport to linux05:01
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Mattchewiesirius: phone modem?05:02
siriusSpeedTouch ADSL modem (st330)05:02
AirstrikeIvanovsirius: Indeed. Best to use wired ethernet with an NVidia graphics card. Least amount of worry.05:02
=== ubuntu is now known as Ayres
siriusI got it work but i just couldn't use konkeror nither anythen apart from the w3m05:03
siriusAyres: Ol05:03
Mattchewiesirius: oh see, I run EVERYTHING through my router. So it takes care of all that fun PPoE sign in stuff :D05:03
siriusAyres:  s portugues, Eres espaol ??05:03
intelikeyAirstrikeIvanov backports may be causing the problem.    here's what i would try,   first comment out the two backports lines in the sources.list  and  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -f      if that doesn't fix it.  you'll probably have to force a remove on the kde4/5 stuff to ever get it streightened out.   (( sudo dpkg --force-all -P kde4base kde4base-dev kdelibs5-dev kdelibs5 kde4libs-data kdepimlibs4 kdepiml05:03
Mattchewiekaldrenon: Lets try this05:03
Ayresma pod esser in Italianao05:04
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Mattchewiekaldrenon: alt+f2, type "konsole" in the run box, then "sudo su -".05:04
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siriuspara que, lol eu sou portugues ;) e o italiano s arranho um pouco05:04
Jucato!it | Ayres05:04
ubotuAyres: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!05:05
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intelikeypossably followed by a -f  ^05:05
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MattchewieGASP!!!! I'm out of smokes05:05
Jucato!pt | Ayres05:05
ubotuAyres: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.05:05
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Jucato(not thinking straight toady...)05:05
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siriusJucato: toady ? :) We can see that05:05
Jucatohi n8k99!!! :)05:05
dudeiclesdoes anyone here use kdm theme manager?05:06
kaldrenonMattchewie: done (Was already there since I was scanning aptitude regarding something else)05:06
garfieldstdin: you there?05:06
Jucatodudeicles: what's the problem?05:06
intelikeysudo aptitude remove -f    might give a different optional course.05:06
n8k99dudeicles: yes i do05:06
siriusMattchewie: well f**k teh fancy desktop I'm with Kubuntu for good :D05:06
dudeiclesJucato: it says to change my them I need to click the "Administrator Mode" button05:07
dudeiclesthere is no button. LOL05:07
Jucatoah yes that bug05:07
dudeiclesbug huh? lol05:07
Mattchewiekaldrenon: "cd /etc/X11/" then "ls xorg.*" and let me know how many files you get :D05:07
dudeicleswhy me?05:07
Jucatodudeicles: press Alt+F2, type in "kcontrol" go to System Administration -> KDM Theme Manager05:07
siriusMattchewie: do you know any good resources for KDE Themes ?05:07
AirstrikeIvanovintelikey: Youre freakin awesome.05:07
Mattchewiesirius: hehe good, If my girlfriend can use it I'm sure you can :P05:07
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AirstrikeIvanovintelikey: Its removing all the KDE4 beta packages now.05:07
Mattchewiesirius: kde-look.org is where I will go05:07
dudeiclesthat's much better05:08
dudeiclesthank you Jucato05:08
AirstrikeIvanovintelikey: Now is the KDE 4 beta actually usable, or is it mostly for development?05:08
kaldrenonMattchewie: I have two. xorg.conf and a backup made by dpkg, timsetamped at about three in the afternoon, which is sadly after this problem started.05:08
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siriusMattchewie: Lol my girlfrind it's on Genetic Research Bioknopixx is it's world lol even her can kick my ass on linux lol :)05:08
dudeiclesif I download a theme from kde-look.org where would I put it to install?05:09
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intelikeyAirstrikeIvanov    when you think you have that sorted out,  run   sudo apt-get install -f     just to be sure everything is ok in the deps department...05:09
JucatoAirstrikeIvanov: http://dot.kde.org/1188928003/ (still mostly for dev)05:09
dudeiclesintelikey: Good evening buddy05:09
Jucato!changethemes | dudeicles05:09
ubotududeicles: To change your themes, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu users should visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu.05:09
dudeiclesHD's still mounting.05:09
intelikeydudeicles how are you05:09
dudeiclesintelikey: Good05:09
Mattchewiekaldrenon: For shatz and giggles. "cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.bak && cp <xorg back up file> xorg.conf"05:09
guymac_tucson...got a guestion about wpa & knetworkmanager05:10
Mattchewieguymac_tucson: SHOOT DUDE!05:10
guymac_tucsondude, recently it just rarely connects05:10
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Mattchewiekaldrenon: I should say that <xorg back up file> ...is the one that the reconfigue did.....or your ORIGINAL xorg file05:10
AirstrikeIvanovAh, damn05:10
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AirstrikeIvanovThen Ill stick with KDE3 for now05:11
AirstrikeIvanovIll wait till the beta is usable for normal users, and not just devs05:11
Mattchewieguymac_tucson: ? like how ?05:11
krisxhowdy folks05:11
AirstrikeIvanov!hi | krisx05:11
ubotukrisx: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!05:11
Mattchewieguymac_tucson: like to your own AP or other aps?05:11
kaldrenonMAttchewie: Yeah, I see what you're going for05:11
guymac_tucsonI can boot into xp, which I would otherwise never do, and it always connects05:11
intelikeyAirstrikeIvanov one reason i didn't answer your Q about is kde4 ready for use or not, is simply because i didn't know.   i don't even use kde...   :)05:12
Mattchewiekaldrenon: if we copy that file back, reboot and it works, then we at least know the root of the issue05:12
AirstrikeIvanovAh, understandable05:12
kkathmankde 4 still has a long way to go :)05:12
AirstrikeIvanovi had tried the beta, and broke my apt, but intelikey fixed it lol05:12
kkathmanyep ditto05:12
guymac_tucsonthere doesn't seem to be any debug capability in knetworkmanager05:12
intelikeyapt / dpkg i do use... :)05:12
Mattchewieyeah, and they put 2 month extension on it too :D05:12
guymac_tucsonand I'm not that familiar with doing it via the command line05:12
kkathmanbut some nice things eventually if they can come through :)05:12
JucatoAirstrikeIvanov: don't worry. when the time comes for KDE 4 beta to be useful (maybe beta 3 or 4), the buzz will be so loud you can't miss it05:13
kaldrenonMattchewie: I should remove root status and try startx after that, yes?05:13
Mattchewiekaldrenon: yes sir, give it a spin, that or you can just type in "reboot" as root :D05:13
kkathmaneveryone should learn cli to some extent - eventually you'll have to fix something :)05:13
Mattchewieguymac_tucson: Its not connecting to your network or other networks? are they using security?05:13
AirstrikeIvanovi want to learn to dev for it too05:13
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guymac_tucsonsometimes there is a eth0:avah device (WTF?) that has a very unusual IP05:13
=== kkathman thanks nalioth for helping him learn that years ago
hydrogenor discover vi05:13
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krisxyeah i love that guy that was my conversion to linux i can game on windows  and i can be an artist sudo developer on linux lol05:13
guymac_tucsonyes, WPA (1)05:13
kaldrenonMattchewie: Alright, I'll give the reboot a go, although since the timestamp is later in the day than the problem, I'ma guess it's no go.05:14
intelikeyyeah scuttel butt always insists we upgrade to the latest *    you'll know when it's ready...    :)05:14
garfieldwho can help me install my webcam? its a creative05:14
Mattchewieguymac_tucson: ahh hell, I don't think I can help then. I could never get wpa to work correctly with my bcm4318 and NDIS05:14
krisxplus linux is so slick i find myself self just doing it05:15
=== kaldrenon borks again. :-|
krisxnot i im a noob05:15
krisx only year for me05:15
AirstrikeIvanovive been using ubuntu/kubuntu since only a week before Feisty was released lol05:15
intelikeyNEW BEE !05:16
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kaldrenonMattchewie: it's a bust. Attempting graphical login causes the screen to flicker between modes a couple times, then it just hops back to the graphical login dialog05:16
AirstrikeIvanovgarfield, you should be more polite to others05:16
garfieldstdin: if u see this msg i need help for my webcam05:16
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AirstrikeIvanovdont call people a noob, it could be offensive05:16
AirstrikeIvanovspecially to gamers05:16
garfieldAirstrikeIvanov: lol sorry .wa is a noob?05:17
intelikeyAirstrikeIvanov is went05:17
krisxwell yeah and im running gutsy and hubbys been ten years he pisses me off when he trys to teach me05:17
kaldrenonAirstrikeIvanov: depends on n00b vs. noob vs. newbie, etc05:17
Mattchewiekaldrenon: can you past your xorg to paste bin?05:17
kaldrenonYeah, give me a sec05:17
intelikeykaldrenon AirstrikeIvanov is went05:17
Daisuke_Laptopfinally finished the upgrade (and went to the store), now doing the dist-upgrade.05:18
garfieldstdin: if u see this msg i need help for my webcam to make it work on kotepe05:18
intelikeygone.  left already05:18
siriusAnyone know a good packet analyser  ?05:18
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intelikeyethreal ?05:19
kaldrenonMattchewie: I need to move the files to this computer - I'm on a college network and I haven't registered the laptop on the network yet05:19
siriusintelikey: Can't get it to work with my ipw394505:19
Mattchewiekaldrenon: np, take yer time, invoke the power of the ssh or ftp :P05:19
Mattchewie........or thumbdrive :D05:19
intelikeysirius hmmm05:19
krisxhey im a noob i can do this for ten years and be proficient or buy lots of object destop  and be dumbed up05:19
kaldrenonMattchewie: thumb drive it is. =P05:19
Biovoreyou can buy lots of object desktops and still be dumb :-P05:20
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BiovoreIts the way of the MAC05:20
krisx))))))))) LONG LIVE KUBUNTU))))))))05:21
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krisxand gnome05:21
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intelikeykubuntu is dead.   long live kubuntu.05:21
MattchewieOne the other hand, its something about the OS if people don't need that extensive knowledge to get things done :D05:21
kaldrenonMattchewie: http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/39382 should do the trick05:21
garfield i need help for my webcam to make it work on kotepe or amsn05:21
Mattchewiekaldrenon: let me peek05:22
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intelikeyMattchewie yeah.   if you want to watch movies get a dvd player and television....     :)05:22
dudeiclesdo I have to reboot to see my themes?05:23
garfieldkaldrenon: amsn is telling me im behind a firewall or a router when i try to lunch my webcam05:23
krisxneed a mac pc linux commercial hi im bill g hi im steve jobs hi im freedom05:23
intelikeydudeicles the only time you need to reboot is to load a different kernel05:23
intelikeydudeicles you may need to "logout / login"05:23
dudeiclesso the themes in KDM don't change your window styles?05:23
Mattchewiekaldrenon: sudo back to root and do a ls pci, look for your graphics drive and past me the whole line in here05:23
krisxhope i didnt offend05:23
Mattchewiekaldrenon: sorry "lspci"05:24
dudeicleswill logout now05:24
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jetsaredimRiddell: any ideas when beta2 will be out?05:24
intelikeylet me recant,  the only time you need to reboot is to load a different kernel or to change non-hotswapable hardware.05:25
Jucatojetsaredim: when the packages are ready and when it has been announced in kde.org05:25
kaldrenonMattchewie: I'll give you an lspci -v (the display part) once I get it from one copmuter to t'other05:26
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jetsaredimJucato: so the tarballs aren't out even?05:26
garfieldkaldrenon: amsn is telling me im behind a firewall or a router when i try to lunch my webcam.what should i do?05:26
Mattchewiekaldrenon: np05:26
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Jucatojetsaredim: probably still being prepared. try checking www.kde.org05:26
jetsaredimJucato: the only thing listed there is the beta1 announcement05:27
kaldrenongarfield: I don't know - frankly, I suck at dealing with network issues. Do you have a firewall or a router?05:27
jetsaredimbut I'd heard that the beta2 snapshot had been taken05:27
wersdaluvdoes anyone here use google desktop? do you prefer it over katapult?05:27
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Jucatojetsaredim: it has been tagged, yes. but not released05:28
jetsaredimand there was that ars technica article05:28
Jucatoand yes, there are still no tarballs from kde.org. they might still be making them05:29
kaldrenonMattchewie: http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/39383 Think that's what you wanted05:29
Jucatoyes. from a KDE developer who is very much capable of building KDE 4 from SVN :)05:29
Jucatohe doesn't need to wait for tarballs05:29
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krisxso can anyone tell me  how to be a motu i know how to basic do basic things in terminal but i want to shine and winters coming here in mn is there a linux for dummys i really love my dual monitor gutsy  got bless ubuntu )))))),,,,,, my enthusiam wants me to cry lol05:29
dudeiclesintelikey: You know how stupid I am, so this question won't be weird. I applied the kdm theme and nothing changed. I logged out and in and nothing changed.05:30
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Jucato!motu | krisx05:30
ubotukrisx: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU05:30
dudeiclesam I cray?05:30
Jucatokrisx: also try to ask in #ubuntu-motu05:30
Mattchewiekaldrenon: what was the error your getting again?05:30
MattchewieI thought motu stood for "mark of the unicorn".....hrmmm :P05:30
_2would anyone care to send me a file to test network settings05:30
jetsaredimJucato: i've built it from svn before - prolly like 6 months ago when there was hardly anything to it05:30
kaldrenonMattchewie: (WW) intel: No matching device section for instace (BusID PCI:0:2:!) found05:30
jetsaredimi suppose i'll wait for the packages then05:31
intelikeydudeicles umm  sorry you need to take that one up with a kde user05:31
Mattchewie:| is that a 1 or a !?05:31
dudeiclesJucato: Any ideas why when I applied the theme nothing happened?05:31
Mattchewiekaldrenon: AHH!!05:31
Jucatodudeicles: nope... sorry05:31
Mattchewiekaldrenon: hey man I'm going to PM you05:32
Mattchewiekaldrenon: Get it?05:32
kaldrenonMAttchewie: yeah, but it gave me some business about registering05:32
kaldrenonMattchewie:Gimme a tick05:32
yurimxpxmanare there any programs designed to rescue scratched CDs?05:32
krisxive read thaT JUST NOT SURE HOW TO  get a mentor feel like i need linux for dummys need a lesson plan my hubby means but he sucks as a teacher05:33
intelikeyok if i dcc send to another box it has to go out to irc and back in to that other box     right ?05:33
siriusAnyone knows how to set a ipw3945 to work in monitor mode sothat can capture live data on Wireshark ?05:33
Jucatokrisx: like I said, ask around in #ubuntu-motu05:34
dudeiclescan anyone tell me what Beryl is?05:34
krisxokty jucato  long day05:34
Jucato!beryl | dudeicles05:34
ubotududeicles: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects05:34
krisxbye and thanks alot05:35
intelikeyJucato can dcc sends bypass the servers ?      you are chan op you are supposed to know these things05:35
JucatoI am supposed to? wow! I should resign05:35
=== intelikey ran a channel for over a year and doesn't know either...
hydrogendcc is direct client to client05:36
hydrogenhence it omits the server05:36
intelikeyso if i disconnect the modem  i can still dcc send to _2 ???05:36
=== Jucato bows in shame before hydrogen
intelikeysomething about that doesn't sound right.05:37
Jucatohm.. yeah....05:37
hydrogenit bypasses the irc server05:37
hydrogenso you can disconnect from freenode05:37
hydrogenand still be connected to this person05:37
=== Jucato never knew that
intelikeyhydrogen i am _@05:37
intelikeyhydrogen i am _205:37
hydrogenthen yes05:37
_2ok i'll test that05:37
hydrogenI thought _2 was over the internet :)05:37
_2i still don't think it will work05:38
hydrogenand I wanted to know where you learned your internets05:38
intelikeyback after some tests05:38
michael_is there a gutsy gibbon chan?05:38
Jucatomichael_: #ubuntu+105:38
garfieldamsn is telling me im behind a firewall or a router when i try to lunch my webcam.i try the command camorama i can see the image etc but not in amsn or kotepe detects my webcam05:39
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intelikeyok that's what i though,   i may send client to client,  but it uses the irc server for dns resolution or something..05:41
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hydrogenit shouldn't05:42
intelikeyjsut because the two clients can see each other doesn't mean they can dcc anything.05:42
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hydrogenit may route through the internet for some reason05:42
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hydrogenbut it connects directly from one computer to the other05:42
intelikeyi tested with and without inet connection  works with   doesn't without05:43
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hydrogenprobably routes the long way for whatever reason05:43
hydrogentry /dcc chat localip05:43
hydrogenbypass the lookup05:43
hydrogenno guarantees :)05:43
intelikeyi sussssspose i can test a big file and see if the transfer rate is local or dialup speed05:44
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intelikeyoh i killed the other client... have to bring that end up first05:44
davo0hola alguien me puede ayudar a instalar una tarjeta nvidia05:45
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:45
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intelikey<hydrogen> try /dcc chat localip <<< are you high ?05:46
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hydrogenit didn't work?05:47
hydrogenit was just a guess05:47
intelikeyoh i guess you are     HY-dorgen   :)05:47
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wckdkl0wnhow do i kill firefox?05:48
kaldrenonshoot it with a water gun05:48
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wckdkl0wni was being serious05:48
savetheWorldkill -9 <pid>05:48
hydrogenDCC uses direct TCP connections between the clients taking part to carry data. There is no flood control, so packets can be sent at full speed, and there is no dependance on server links (or load imposed on them). In addition, since only the initial handshake for DCC conections is passed through the IRC network, it is impossible for operators with cracked servers to spy on DCC messages.05:48
hydrogenfrom the rfc05:48
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intelikeyonly the initial handshake for DCC conections is passed through the IRC network, <<<  yep05:49
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intelikeytesting again05:51
dwidmannack :( how frustrating .... cmake doesn't want to find qmake ...05:51
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_2it may be dirrect in the sense it bypasses the irc server  but it definitely goes out on the inet and back   http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/3938505:54
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intelikeyso all that testing was for this cause.   i wanted to know if a person with nat can test their own firewall by using /dcc send file other_self    and the answer is yes.05:56
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intelikeyeven though it's dirrect client to client it does indeed go out to google and back, just to reach the other box    "google is just an example"05:57
intelikeyso what ever dns you use, i suppose all traffic has to flow through it, on a dcc send.    at least the isp if not the isp's dns...05:58
intelikeyi had a dcc chat and a dcc file transfer both in progress when i killed the modem and both died.05:59
yurimxpxmando any of you know of a way to play RealVideo 3?06:00
Daisuke_Laptop20 minutes until dist-upgrade finishes and we see whether or not i have a usable system06:00
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Daisuke_Laptopintelikey: it has to traverse public routers to get from point to point.  direct client-to-client refers to the fact that the irc server isn't involved except for the ack packets06:00
Daisuke_Laptopthat's...  just how the net works06:01
Daisuke_Laptopwhat do you think time to live is? :)06:01
intelikey<Daisuke_Laptop> what do you think time to live is? :) <<< was that to me ?06:02
Daisuke_Laptopjuuuust checking :P06:03
intelikeywell i'd just be guessing.   don't think i have ever heard it used06:03
intelikeyand no.  i'm not going to read about it for the next 7 hours... :)06:04
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Daisuke_Laptopbasic explanation: number of routers a packet can hit before it's dropped06:05
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hydrogenI'd wonder why it couldn't connect over the lan ip if it knew it was on your lan..06:06
intelikeyDaisuke_Laptop so you are saying basicly that in the sense of /dcc   dirrect means simply two less cyrcles in the path than without /dcc  :)06:06
scheater5Anyone managed to get the real time kernel from the gusty repos installed on feisty?06:06
intelikeyhydrogen probably doesn't know anything about the lan06:06
Daisuke_Laptopyes BUT.  if you get disconnected from the server (not the net) the connection stays up06:06
hydrogenintelikey: right.. but if the ip resolves to alocal ip...06:07
=== intelikey wonders how he can get disconnected from the server and not the net.... without ircops in volved...
Daisuke_Laptopscheater5: i'm just upping to gutsy -_-06:07
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Daisuke_Laptopaccident, perhaps06:08
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Daisuke_Laptopgranted, it's not a wide-range scenario06:08
intelikeyummm lets see if i crack the freenode server i'm connected to and reset it... then i can test that theory ...   hehhe06:09
scheater5Daisuke_Laptop: but, alas, i can't yet, as the reason I need the real time kernel is i run Ubuntu studio.06:09
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ubuntuhey, is there any easy way to "upgrade" from feisty fawn (7.4) to Tribe 5 without having to reinstall all my software?06:09
ses59_printing problem using cups   the test page is fine kword open office and kspread all work fine  but thunderbird and firefox all print landscape not portrait as set06:09
Don_jrI have dual booted my laptop with windows vista and kubuntu.  How can I remove kubuntu without having to reformat and reinstall windows completely?06:10
scheater5ubuntu: the "old" way of doing that is to change every instance of "feisty" to "gusty' in /etc/apt/sources.list06:10
ses59_it seems to be after I upgraded my firefox and thunderbird that it I can not print portrait now.06:10
Daisuke_Laptopscheater5: the old way is the way i'm using06:10
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intelikeyubuntu no.  whether you do it with a clean install or dist-upgrade you do "reinstall all your software" either way.06:10
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+106:10
scheater5ubuntu: when doing a normal upgrade, that's not officially recommended anymore - but it'll get the job done06:11
ubotuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)06:11
hydrogeni know theres a factoid about update-manager somewhere06:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about update-manager - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:11
intelikeyperhaps we should define "software" before trying to answer that...06:12
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Don_jrHow can I remove kubuntu from a dual booted computer without reformatting and reinstalling the entire HD?06:12
Pagan0neintelikey: software... firefox and plugins, kopete, ktorrent, virtualbox, etc06:12
scheater5daisuke_laptop: if only it worked that easy when i'm running ubuntu studio.  But i foresee all kinds of breakage if i tried that - and I'm not even sure there is a gusty repo for studio yet06:12
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hydrogenDon_jr: from the kubuntu livve cd I suppose06:12
hydrogenyou would need some way to resize the ntfs partition bigger06:13
Daisuke_Laptopscheater5: yeah, i could see problems doing it that way06:13
Don_jrhydrogen I didn't see a 'remove' option.  But I'll look again.  I should be able to resize the partition after I get the ext3 partition removed I bleive.06:13
Pagan0nehydrogen: he could always nuke the ubuntu partition, and format the remaning space as ntfs, and just have 2 partitions06:13
hydrogenDon_jr: try running qtparted from the livecd06:14
Don_jrnuke? how so?06:14
hydrogenrather than the installer06:14
scheater5daisuke_laptop: so basically i just need to know why i can install the generic gusty kernel fine, but not the real time06:14
hydrogenit will give you a more direct interface06:14
intelikeyPagan0ne if that's the intended meaning then i stand by my post ^  if it was meant to include +g's of sound/vidio files also  then you wouldn't want to "reinstall" all that either way...06:14
Don_jrhydrogen alright, I'll give that a shot.06:14
Daisuke_Laptopscheater5: i have no idea06:14
scheater5daisuke_laptop: :)  I've been getting that alot lately.06:14
Pagan0neintelikey: i can get gutsy installed w/o formatting my /home directory thats not a issue, but like my sane and cups drivers are VERY finniky to install, and i dont want to go through that again06:15
Daisuke_Laptopi think gutsy replaces cups, doesn't it?06:16
intelikeyyes it does06:16
Daisuke_Laptopso cups drivers are not an issue06:16
Pagan0neDaisuke_Laptop: well does it include support for a brother mfc device?06:16
intelikey!info cupsys06:16
ubotucupsys: Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.8-0ubuntu8 (feisty), package size 1582 kB, installed size 7896 kB06:16
intelikey!info cupsys gutsy06:16
ubotucupsys: Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.3.0-3ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 1976 kB, installed size 11024 kB06:16
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intelikeyPagan0ne basicly   my moto is 'if it aint broke don't put *buntu on it'    err no that's not the one.   'if it aint broke don't fix it'     if you upgrade you can expect to redo what ever you did on that release   except it won't work the same.   if you are lucky it will be easier    if you are one of the many misfortunate ones it will not only have to be redone, something will never work right again...06:19
=== _aaa [n=dac@tx-76-6-82-14.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyso be sure and try the new release,  maybe it will fix your problems........................06:20
Pagan0neintelikey: i understand the if it aint broke motto, i was just having boot issues with my feisty install and was wrestling with the idea of installing gutsy to check it out, since this isnt a production box it isnt a big deal, but i dont want to wipe all my custom work if i can avoid it06:21
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Daisuke_Laptoptwo minutes until the download finishes.  pray for me, fellow ubuntians06:22
intelikeyPagan0ne you can save the configs   and use as referances     tar -czf etc.bak.tgz /etc06:22
donHow can I run something in the graphical mode as root?06:22
ubotuIn KDE, use  kdesu  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use  sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo06:22
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ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo06:23
Pagan0neintelikey: yeah but if you google brother mfc420 driver installation on kubuntu 64bit, youll get loads and loads of little tweaks you have to do to get it JUST right06:23
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.06:23
donintelikey thanks, I'll try that06:23
underdog5004the !root response is awesome106:23
Pagan0neincluding installing files out of a rpm archive and all kinds of nasties06:23
underdog5004erm, awesome, even06:23
=== Noldoaran [n=robb@adsl-69-234-30-25.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
donokay, I go to run, type in kdesu and it does nothing.....I don't know the name of the program exactly to put in with it06:24
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donneed to get into the system settings with root permissions06:24
intelikeyPagan0ne oh i'v played with a brother all in one...  heh  i don't envy you that.        but you'll still have to compile new drivers for the new kernel and such   if you had to build a driver...06:24
=== Tolli is now known as Noldoaran
Daisuke_Laptopunderdog5004: !windows is the best06:24
Pagan0neintelikey: didnt have to compile, but lets just say i made franken-driver and it worked, so i didnt putz with it anymore06:25
Daisuke_Laptopdon: kdesu kcontrol06:25
Noldoarandon: 'kdesu systemsettings'06:25
donThanks you very much Daisuke_Laptop06:25
Daisuke_Laptopyou're welcome06:25
Pagan0neintelikey: anyway im gonna reboot and see if i can fix my grub boot issue, wish me luck, otherwise i may attempt gutsy....06:26
intelikeyPagan0ne yeah tar up your etc06:26
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intelikeyand goodluck to your pinguin06:26
Pagan0neintelikey: actually, i was just gonna create a whole new partition for gutsy, migrate everything over, then delete the old partition and resize the new one06:26
Pagan0neintelikey: thats why i like having 1Tb of hdd space :D06:27
donOKay, I don't seem to have qtparted here, is there a graphical interface I can use to alter the size of the ext3 partition? then I don't have to remove kubunu completely so maybe I can learn it.....06:27
=== intelikey uses different disks for different installs
intelikeyno partitions here mate06:27
donbut my winblows side is almost full, cause I did the partitions backwards...06:27
intelikeydon try gparted06:28
Pagan0neintelikey: well i could take the 2nd drive out of the raid array, and use that, but i have a whole 200Gb partition practically empty...06:28
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Pagan0neanyway, later, wish me luck!06:28
donintelikey should I try that with kdesu or in terminal?06:28
arunAnyone know of any tool to get a full page JPEG snapshot of a web page?06:28
ubotuGParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type  sudo apt-get install gparted  in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php06:28
arunnot just the part visible in the window, the entire page06:28
=== SilentDis [n=alex@wdwi0pool0-a169.wi.tds.net] has joined #kubuntu
donBahhh, says it's not there...so I'll go install it, thank you06:28
intelikeykdesu in the terminal  <<<06:29
hydrogenuse qtparted06:29
hydrogenits much more non communist06:29
SilentDishello, are there any GUIs out there for EVDO connections for linux?  got a parent who will be using it soon, and i don't think executing shell scripts is their cup of tea :P06:29
Daisuke_Laptopand much more buggy06:29
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intelikeyhydrogen he said it wasnt' there  so i said try gparted   maybe he has a ubuntu live06:30
rdvonhow do I make a program run at startup?06:30
donI know nothing about linux, this kubuntu install is dual booted with windows so I can try to learn to use it...06:30
SilentDisi suppose any pppd client will work, so long as i can do the config ahead of time.06:30
ubotuTo make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.06:30
donnot sure if it's my thing or not.  I"m a gammer and linux isn't quite up to that just yet.  But I don't like microsoft....06:30
rdvonI used to no nothing about linux :)06:30
Daisuke_Laptopi see all of these things getting replaced in this upgrade and it makes me a little nervous, but it's too late to turn back now :D06:30
intelikeyrdvon ^06:30
intelikeyrdvon ^ see ubotu06:30
garfieldDaisuke the people in effects are noobs do u know about beryl and the effects and option with shortcuts?*06:31
rdvonI just add programs in this folder?06:31
donvery much to learn to get to wehre I can make linux/kubuntu do what I want it to do I think.06:31
rdvonIt's not that hard..06:32
donrdvon I blieve that the 'Autostart' is a file it's self you'll need to add the path to the program you want into that file.06:32
rdvonit's a folder :P06:32
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intelikeySilentDis put the shell script on the desktop     that's what i do if someone says  "can you make it do ****"    i say sure    write a little script and put it on their desktop06:32
donIt might not be that hard. But when all you've ever used is windows based PC's, it can be confusing for a while.06:32
SilentDisdon: what games do you play?06:33
rdvondon: yes, it can.06:33
intelikey"click that"     they're happy    i'm happy06:33
SilentDisintelikey: that's an idea, yes.  i was just hoping not to take them out of the gui for anything.  a pppd gui would suffice, so long as i can config it ahead of time06:33
donLineage, Ashen Empires, Conquer to name a few.  A few muds.  But I think I can get tintin++ and use it fiarly well if the scripts are set up the same as wintin for my muds.06:33
garfieldintelikey: the people in effects are newbies, do u know about beryl and the effects and option with shortcuts?*06:34
donit's trying to get wine to run the client based cames that I'm having trouble with06:34
rdvonI'd just keep windows xp, wine is rubbish sometimes :)06:34
intelikeygarfield no  never seen beryl compuis06:34
SilentDisintelikey: they get very... techy... around a term screen.  i think they have aversions to flashing cursors lol06:34
garfieldSilentDis: ^^^06:35
intelikeySilentDis kppp06:35
donBah..I installed gparted...when I run kdesu gparted...it does nothing06:35
rdvonjust download the live cd version.06:35
=== Okapi [n=Okapi@ool-4354c718.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu
rdvonor try qtparted, i believe the kubuntu live cd comes with it :P06:36
Okapihello to all06:36
intelikeydon if you are using   ubuntu  it's  "gksudo gparted"06:36
donokay, I don't have the liveCD with me....I'm on a laptop in my truck which I drive for a living.  I got it running, but I can't alter the size of the main partition cause it's the one I'm using and it's mounted......06:36
intelikeyand the channel is  >>>---------->>  over there at   #ubuntu06:36
SilentDisintelikey: i will be using kppp myself (EVDO 'net access from AllTel, already found most of the info on how to do it).  was hoping for something more... gnome... for them i guess.  if all else fails, you can bet they'll be using kppp though.  i'll go bug #ubuntu.  thanks :)06:37
rdvondon: that's  a problem :)06:37
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intelikeySilentDis welcom06:37
rdvonno spare cd's? :<06:37
serginhohi all. Can anybody help me with a simple question?06:38
donall I have is DVD-r's with me and I don't want to waste 4gig cd for the 600meg's.....I can wait till I get home if I have no other choice06:38
intelikeyserginho those are the only kind i answer06:38
donmay try fdisk from the windows side and see if it will allow it or not.......I don't know sheesh06:38
serginhoI try to install a program. UEBIMIAU06:38
serginhoso I put this command06:39
serginhochown -R www-data.www-data /var/www/webmail06:39
rdvonhttp://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s70/rdvon/snapshot1-1.png my desktop!06:39
serginhonow I cant modify any file in this06:39
rdvonIt took me an hour. I wanted to show it off :)06:39
serginhoroot does not do anithyng06:39
intelikeyserginho you are probably not in the  www-data  group06:39
andrew_hey ya'll...06:40
serginhoI try create a user in this group and did not work06:40
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andrew_anyone here knows any burning program for linux that you can actually add mp3?06:40
rdvonserginho: k3b..06:40
intelikeyserginho   kde has an app  "kusers"    or in a konsole type    groups     and see if you are in the  www-data  group06:40
intelikeyyou can add your self to that group06:41
=== rdvon needs a new spash screen..
Okapianyone no what this error means and how to fix it: "E: Syntax error /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01ubuntu:36: Extra junk at the end of file"?06:41
andrew_when I try to add an mp3 to k3b, it tell me that I have to convert the files to wav then try again...06:41
rdvonreally? :\06:42
Okapianyone know what this error means and how to fix it: "E: Syntax error /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01ubuntu:36: Extra junk at the end of file"?06:42
serginhowww-data@serginho-kubuntu:~/webmail/inc$ groups06:42
rdvonyou could always try searching around in adept06:42
serginhogroups result06:42
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intelikeyserginho also of note   not only ownership  but permissions may need set.                                                               sudo chmod 775 -R /var/www/webmail ; sudo find /var/www/webmail/ -type f -exec chmod 66406:42
intelikeythat should fix you up.   ^06:43
andrew_tried... but havn't seen any thus far...06:43
intelikeyhehhe    www-data    is the user name and the group    you chould have full access to that location now...  :)06:45
serginhonothing yet06:45
serginhowww-data@serginho-kubuntu:~$ sudo chmod 775 -R /var/www/webmail06:45
serginhowww-data is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.06:45
serginhowww-data@serginho-kubuntu:~$ postdrop: warning: unable to look up public/pickup: No such file or directory06:45
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serginhowww-data@serginho-kubuntu:~$  sudo find /var/www/webmail/ -type f -exec chmod 66406:45
serginhowww-data is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.06:45
serginhowww-data@serginho-kubuntu:~$ postdrop: warning: unable to look up public/pickup: No such file or directory06:45
intelikeyso run that command from your root jr. account06:45
intelikeyand don't flood the channel06:45
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intelikey run it as    serginho      that seems to be your username and your login acount name06:46
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andrew_I didn't know Nero had a linux version.... did ya'll know that?06:50
serginhoI put the results in private06:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about regester - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:50
underdog5004andrew_, yeah, but I prefer k3b for burning stuff06:50
intelikey!pastebin | serginho06:50
ubotuserginho: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:50
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration06:50
andrew_does the nero linux burn audio good?06:51
intelikeydoes it use cdrecord is what i want to know06:51
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cdrecord - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:51
intelikey!info cdrecord06:52
ubotucdrecord: Dummy transition package for wodim. In component main, is optional. Version 9:1.1.2-1 (feisty), package size 1 kB, installed size 36 kB06:52
intelikeyok wodem  then06:52
Hirvinenandrew_: What would you need Nero for on a Linux system when we have things like K3B?06:52
serginhointelikey, chmod: changing permissions of `/var/www/webmail/themes/uebimiau-2.7.10-theme.patch': Operation not permitted06:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wodim - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:52
serginhoall files06:52
intelikeyserginho with sudo ???06:52
serginhoroot@serginho-kubuntu:/home/serginho# sudo find /var/www/webmail/ -type f -exec chmod 66406:53
serginhofind: missing argument to `-exec'06:53
andrew_k3b can only burn wav files to the cd, I have a hard drive full with mp3... that's why.....06:53
serginhoi try sudo su and nothing06:53
intelikeyoooops turncated that...  i'll repost it.06:53
Hirvinenserginho: add {} \; to that06:53
sumguy231andrew: not so, you just need to install the libk3b-2-mp3 package06:53
andrew_thank you....06:54
andrew_can I get that with apt-get?06:54
serginhoHirvinen ? I understand!06:54
serginhodit not understant06:55
andrew_thnks man...06:55
intelikeysudo chmod 775 -R /var/www/webmail ;; sudo find      sudo chmod 775 -R /var/www/webmail ; sudo find06:55
sumguy231If you have the medibuntu repository, though I could have sworn it used to be in multiverse06:55
intelikey            /var/www/webmail/ -type f -exec chmod 66406:55
intelikeydid it again06:55
intelikeyignore me06:55
intelikeysudo chmod 775 -R /var/www/webmail ;; sudo find      sudo chmod 775 -R /var/www/webmail ; sudo find       sudo chmod 775 -R /var/www/webmail ; sudo find06:55
intelikey            /var/www/webmail/ -type f -exec chmod 664bah06:55
_2when things go wrong...06:56
Daisuke_Laptop...like now :S06:56
sumguy231andrew: If you don't have it already, read about it here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu06:56
_2sudo chmod 775 -R /var/www/webmail ;sudo find /var/www/webmail/ -type f -exec chmod 664 '{}' \;          i believe that's it...06:56
serginhoOperation not permited06:56
sumguy231Also it's called libk3b2-mp3, I don't know how that extra dash got there.06:57
andrew_thanks again...06:57
=== Black5un is now known as Black5un|bbl
sumguy231And NOW I'm done talking about it. :)06:57
Hirvinenserginho: With find and -exec you need to use "{}" where the filename argument to that command would be and terminate the -exec argument with "\;"06:57
serginhosudo chmod 775 -R /var/www/webmail ;sudo find /var/www/webmail/ -type f -exec chmod 664 '{}' \; => Operation not permited06:57
serginhoall files06:57
_2serginho is there something mounted on /var/www/webmail or /var/www ?06:58
_2serginho the mount command can check that for you06:58
serginhoapache2 on /var/www and /var/www/webmail a webmail client (Uebimiau)06:58
_2kill apache and try it06:59
_2and uebimiau    if need be06:59
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Hirvinenserginho, intelikey: Why not use symbolic modes? Far simpler: sudo chmod -R ug+rwX,o+rX /var/www/webmail07:00
=== runlevelten [n=runlevel@88-96-94-193.dsl.zen.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
serginhowith apache stopped, operation not permited. I think webmial did not need to be stoped.07:01
=== soulrider_ [n=soulride@r190-64-143-103.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #kubuntu
serginhoI instal based in this tutorial: http://www.nautilus.com.br/~rei/material/artigos/apache2-php4-uebimiau.html07:01
serginhoI think in Permissoes is the command that block me07:01
HirvinenX means execute only if the file is a directory or already was executable for one of the groups.07:01
_2Hirvinen i wouldn't think there should be anything executable in there    seeing it's a mail dir07:02
serginhoI need to edit the file inc.php but I cant do it. Always recive Permission Read Only, with any user07:02
Hirvinen_2: The directory itself and possible subdirectories?07:03
serginhohere the commands. Before a type its I can edit the files:07:03
serginhomkdir -p /var/spool/uebimiau/database/_cached_templates/uebimiau/07:03
serginhochown -R www-data.www-data /var/spool/uebimiau07:03
serginhochown -R www-data.www-data /var/www/webmail07:03
serginho/etc/init.d/apache2 restart07:03
Daisuke_Laptopif i'm lucky, i'll be able to reboot and have a happy computer.  if i'm UNlucky, factory default reinstall :(07:03
serginhoyes, many subs07:03
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serginhoi try to del all and start again, but I can remove the webmail's dir07:04
serginhoI can't07:05
_2i'd have to look at your file system to have a clue what's going on there07:05
serginhopermission read only07:05
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_2unless something is locking it  or it's a mountpoint and the fs is mounted ro    that should never happen to root.07:06
=== red [n=red@leibniz.catalyst.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu
serginhothere are a way to put it down and clean all,star again?07:07
Daisuke_Laptopwhee, it's getting into the kde stuff now :D07:07
=== garfield [n=garfield@AMarigot-102-1-2-108.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
Daisuke_Laptopthere is just so much stuff that has to be changed :\07:07
_2garfield like the whole installation07:08
Daisuke_Laptopgarfield: i'm upgrading to gutsy :)07:09
Daisuke_Laptopwhy not?07:09
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Daisuke_Laptopubuntu 7.1007:10
Daisuke_Laptopnext month's release?07:10
garfieldit wasnt coming ou in october?07:10
garfieldoh ok07:10
Daisuke_Laptopeveryone...  pray for me.07:11
garfieldDaisuke-Ido: why?07:11
garfieldwill there be a dif in the 7.10?07:11
_2inquisitive aren't we07:11
_2of course there will be changes.  it's a new version07:12
garfieldit aint just like a normal upgrade?07:13
_2that's what it's all about     'quick change something so we can get the next release out' ...07:13
serginhoanother question. If I del the user and group owner's from webmail, who are the new owner? who can control the dir?07:13
garfieldwhats the dif beteewn feisty gusty?07:13
_2serginho no new owner07:13
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serginhoso, who can access and modify it?07:13
_2serginho you have to chown an inode before it has an new owner07:14
serginhonobody, root ?07:14
sumguy231garfield: Read this and the other Tribe release announcements for a list of all new features: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/GutsyGibbon/Tribe5/Kubuntu07:14
_2there is a "nobody" accaunt btw.07:14
_2grep nobody /etc/passwd07:14
garfieldsumguy231: wont it be the same desktop kde?07:15
serginhothere are a way to restart without any process load?07:15
serginhoor stop all proccess?07:15
sumguy231garfield: Gutsy will come with KDE 3.5.7, which I'm pretty sure is the version Feisty came with. It's still the newest verison.07:16
sumguy231garfield: But KDE4 Beta 1 will be installable from the repositories.07:16
=== se7en^Of^9 [n=se7enofn@125-24-150-149.adsl.totbb.net] has joined #kubuntu
_2serginho yeah    drop to a console  [alt] +[ctrl] +[f1]   login and issue   sudo kill -9 -1   will kill everything   then you can login again and issue    sudo init 3      to restart stuff (after you have done what ever)    or   sudo init 6 to restart the machine07:17
serginho:D I will try it07:18
serginhothank u guys, to try help me!07:18
garfieldsumguy231: so its the same it just get little extra then like xp family to xp pro?07:18
_2see ya when you get back...07:18
serginhothank you again07:18
=== _2 watches serginho's system go down like a curd in a churn
=== emonkey-p [n=emonkey@adsl-89-217-18-200.adslplus.ch] has joined #kubuntu
garfieldsergusty is ubuntu?and feisty is kubuntu?07:22
=== Jucato read that as _2 strangles serginho's system... for some strange reason....
Jucatogarfield: no. gutsy and feisty are just code/nicknames for the versions. they apply to all *buntus07:22
Jucatoso there's Ubuntu Feisty, Kubuntu Feisty, Xubuntu Feisty, and Edubuntu Feisty. all of them version 7.0407:23
garfieldso feity and gusty is kubuntu then?07:23
garfieldwhat is ubuntu codename?07:23
Jucatothey all share the same codenames07:23
JucatoKubuntu/Ubuntu/Xubuntu/Edubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn07:24
garfieldoh ok07:24
_2ubuntu is warty/hoary/breezy/dapper/edgy/fiesty/<soon to be>gutsy07:24
Jucato_2: you know, I think this naming of releases creates more marketing confusion that *buntu naming....07:24
_2the release code is    year dot month   7.4  or 7.04 if you prefer is the current07:25
garfieldso the 7.04 will be kde?07:25
_2Jucato concur07:25
garfieldor that brown orange thing?07:25
=== dedi [n=dedi@adsl-62-167-25-82.adslplus.ch] has joined #kubuntu
JucatoUbuntu is that brown orange thing07:25
garfieldwitch i dont like to see07:25
JucatoKubuntu is the cool blue thing07:25
Lynouregarfield: you can make KDE any colour you want, same with Gnome07:26
_2Jucato and if you scroll up and read the trolling questions in order they do have a flow about them07:26
LynoureNo sense choosing based on the colours07:26
_2Lynoure mm uhh huh  there is07:26
_2k is blue and u is brown07:27
JucatoLynoure: never underestimate the power of personal preference and first impressions :)07:27
dwidmann_2: http://kde-look.org07:27
=== _2 always tries to make a good false impression
Lynoure_2: my kde 'is' a pile of autumn leaves, mostly grap and orange07:28
=== serginho [n=serginho@200-233-178-097.xd-dynamic.ctbcnetsuper.com.br] has joined #kubuntu
garfieldso the one coming out 7.10 is the bleu?i install ubuntu my first linux installment it look like window vista EMTY WITH NOTHING IN IT.then i try kubuntu witch was very nice with a lot an option and crashes witch i like very much :-/ witch is the 7.10?07:28
serginhohi again! Nothing new!!07:29
=== Jucato sighs
_2Lynoure my system is gray on black    like most consoles   :)07:29
=== Daisuke_Laptop [n=alexbe01@pool-71-97-155-54.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
Jucatogood luck. I'm off to do something more productive :)07:29
Daisuke_Laptopnothing blew up!07:29
dwidmannJucato: like sleeping?07:29
Jucatolike trying to make dolphin usable for you guys on gutsy :(07:29
dwidmannJucato: or as Daisuke_Laptop just reminded us, blowing things up :P07:29
Daisuke_Laptopwhy am i not getting the new kernel?07:30
Daisuke_Laptopi'm still running :\07:30
Daisuke_Laptopshould have gone to the new one :(07:30
dwidmannJucato: who is you guys, because I'll still be using Konqueror ...07:30
Daisuke_Laptopmaybe i have to select it in grub first.  maybe it's not in grub yet...07:30
LynoureDaisuke_Laptop: Which version number does your 'new' one have? Gutsy or feisty?07:31
Daisuke_Laptopcould you explain that a little better?07:31
=== sumguy231 [n=sumguy23@c-68-52-189-249.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["I'm]
LynoureDaisuke_Laptop: because the one offered by upgrades couple of days ago was a too07:32
Daisuke_Laptopgutsy should be 2.6.2207:32
Daisuke_Laptopand it's not 2.6.2207:32
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Lynoureask on #ubuntu+1?07:32
Daisuke_Laptopit's 2.6.20, and that makes any number of infant deities and/or prophets cry :)07:32
LynoureNot on this channel =)07:33
ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell07:33
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:33
Daisuke_LaptopUbuntu gutsy (development branch), and Lynoure, I would so appreciate it if you wouldn't talk to me like i was stupid.  thanks07:34
=== aeergalus [n=aeergalu@10-238-21-190.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #kubuntu
Daisuke_Laptopi'm still going through the update/upgrade process...  nothing's set in stone yet :)07:34
_2Daisuke_Laptop will ya share that ?   :)07:35
LynoureDaisuke_Laptop: Stop asking questions if you don't want honest answers. Honestly, there is more people that know about the development version kernel non-updatingness on the #ubuntu+107:35
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Daisuke_LaptopLynoure: it was more of a rhetorical question to begin with.  i do that sometimes.  just because i vocalize it doesn't mean i'm asking to be coddled through the entire thing07:36
Daisuke_Laptopand btw: update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.22-10-generic07:36
LynoureDaisuke_Laptop: It's really hard to tell that when you ask what looks 100% identical to a direct question. I'm not only not a mindreader but also not a native speaker and this is a support channel07:37
Daisuke_Laptopall taken care of :D07:37
Daisuke_LaptopLynoure: fair enough07:37
Jucatoglad that ended amicably...07:37
LynoureJucato: I don't think I was talking to him like he was stupid. Maybe like he had been misinformed about what version the feisty update was supposed to give07:38
=== Jucato also notes that uname -r is not the most reliable way to determine *buntu version :)
=== oldboy [n=soviet@CPE0013108b928e-CM000f9fa81f60.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
_2my  /exec -o uname -r07:40
=== Daisuke_Laptop [n=alexbe01@pool-71-97-155-54.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
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Daisuke_Laptopi will say, everything is about 1000% clearer with gutsy and the new intel driver07:43
_2that was the intent wasn't it ?07:44
Daisuke_Laptoponly issue i still have is the kernel updating...07:44
Daisuke_Laptop_2: part of it07:44
Daisuke_Laptopthe other part was...  i was bored.07:44
_2i have done that.07:44
_2blank an hd just to have something to do07:45
Daisuke_Laptopapparently dell left some software here07:45
_2not my own of course07:45
Daisuke_Laptop"prepare for shipping to end user"07:45
_2was that a dell preloaded linux system ?07:46
Daisuke_Laptophence why i said dell left some software here07:46
_2and you already wiped it...   had it what a month ?07:47
=== BetaTester [n=BGmIRC09@] has joined #kubuntu
Daisuke_Laptopi didn't wipe it, i upgraded :)07:47
Daisuke_Laptopand less than a month07:47
Daisuke_Laptopgot it August 1307:47
_2i was about to draw a comparison   but if you are going to get touchy again...07:47
BetaTesterHi all, hi stdin.07:48
=== Juki [n=juki@dsl-hmlbrasgw1-ff0ec100-135.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu
_2you kept that preloaded linux a little longer than i did the preloaded vesta   i wiped it the first day... :)07:48
Daisuke_Laptopbelieve me, if this thing had been shipped to me with windows, i would have wiped it day 1 :D07:48
Daisuke_Laptop...  :)07:48
_2if you didn't have such a long nickname i might like you   :)07:49
=== Daisuke_Laptop points to his clone with the slightly shorter nickname
BetaTesterDid anybody tested the "data=writeback" on reiserfs or ext3? I read some posts this increses the preformance of the FS, but I know if this is stable?07:50
_2i know it's kept me from tab compleeting  all day07:50
BetaTester*don't know if this is stable07:50
_2nope i get the list that way07:50
Daisuke_Laptopunless you have it set on dropdown07:50
Daisuke_Laptopin which case...07:51
Pupenowhat's the name of the program tha shows the batery level of my notebook in the traybar? (it's gone)07:51
=== brigante_ [n=brigante@host26-184-dynamic.9-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu
_2nope   bx   you are thinking client specific07:51
=== melkor [n=melkor@pool-71-185-117-183.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
Daisuke_Laptopin kubuntu i'm used to seeing everyone here (except intelikey with his fear of X) use Konversation07:52
=== _2 is now known as intelikey
intelikeywho did you think you were talking to  ?07:52
=== holycow [n=blah@S01060016b6b53675.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyjsut cause i went binary   you didn't recognize me...07:53
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intelikeypupeno  i can't answer that because of my phear of X07:54
=== garfield [n=garfield@AMarigot-102-1-2-108.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
Daisuke_Laptopintelikey: you know i'm only teasing you :P07:55
JucatoPupeno: guidance-power-manager I think07:55
intelikeyi'd answer that if i could tab complete without seeing [Daisuke_Laptop ]  [Daisuke-Ido    ]  [               ]  [               ] 07:56
=== Daisuke_Laptop is now known as Sierra-X
intelikeySierra-X see07:56
Sierra-Xthis is probably the oldest nick i use07:56
intelikeySierra-X i told you i would07:56
garfieldSierra-X: how did u change your name?07:57
Sierra-Xgarfield: use /nick newnickname07:57
Sierra-Xbut don't do it too often07:57
ubotuYou should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines07:57
intelikeyyeah i keep two nicks registered.      err have had three but i normally don't need more than two so no need "hogin'" names that others could use07:58
PupenoJucato: thanks.07:58
garfieldintelikey: i have no need for xp no more but the website i save in favorit on xp i want to see there names but how?what do i open it with to see the url?07:59
garfieldnick/ peace07:59
=== danielronin [n=daniel@24-216-186-158.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeygarfield what file ?07:59
Sierra-Xthere is no reason grub shouldn't be picking that up :\08:00
intelikeygarfield or are you asking me where to find it in xp ???    that would be a waste of time.08:00
Sierra-Xand that pastebin was in the wrong place :\08:01
garfieldintelikey: i found my favorit website folder allready but what do i have to open it with to see the names of the websites?08:01
intelikeynah  i like that server08:01
danielronincan someone help me resize a partition and reallocate the space from inside kubuntu?08:01
=== garfield is now known as peace
intelikeySierra-X sudo update-grub ?08:02
Sierra-Xif that's all it is i'm going to stab myself in the arm (with something soft, of course)08:02
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michael_ugh why is firefox so screwed up08:02
danielroninI'm trying to ready a partition for a BT2 install08:02
intelikeypeace: try clicking it in konqueror08:02
=== harmental [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-152-1-71-248.w86-193.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
michael_when i play youtube videos i hear this blipping and clicking in the audipo08:02
michael_but just playing mp3's in amarok are fine08:03
=== Sierra-X stabs himself in the arm
=== Sierra-X hugs intelikey
Sierra-Xthank you08:03
Sierra-Xbe right back08:03
=== intelikey wonders why he has blood on him now...
peace*how you do that08:04
danielronincan anyone help me with some partitioning info? it would be much appreciated08:04
intelikeypeace: /me08:04
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peaceintelikey: konqueror dont recogniz the file08:04
intelikey!ask | danielronin08:04
ubotudanielronin: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:04
peacepease: me???08:04
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intelikey/me does something   <<< peace08:05
peacemy name change and i didnt even see that08:05
=== peace is now known as garfield
=== garfield is now known as O_O
intelikeygarfield you might want to check the server window of your client you may find that you are trying to use someone elses name08:06
=== flaccid0s is now known as flaccid
intelikeyor O_O08:07
=== Daisuke_Laptop [n=alexbe01@pool-71-97-155-54.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
danielroninintelikey: sorry for the poor syntax :( here's my q: i have a dual boot notebook with 2 ntfs partitions08:07
Daisuke_Laptopback to the old nick, i know08:07
Daisuke_Laptopbut it worked08:07
=== roconnor [n=roconnor@vhe-540354.sshn.net] has joined #kubuntu
O_OO_O /me08:07
O_OO_O/ me08:07
intelikeyno the /me first then what ever08:08
Daisuke_Laptopreverse that, but this isn't really the place to play around with that :)08:08
O_Ointelikey: nothing happen08:08
=== ekrengel [n=eric@c-68-45-172-173.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
danielroninhow can i see all the partitions and resize one to create free space for formatting?08:08
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flacciddanielronin: not really recommended. there is windows software that can do it however08:08
flaccidyou can grow but only in certain situations and its unreliable08:09
Daisuke_Laptopi have one last thing to try tonight, and i am absolutely sure it will NOT work, and will probably kill X, so gnight, if i don't get through this successfully08:09
danielroninpartition magic or something?08:09
O_OO_O WOW08:09
flacciddanielronin: yes and there is also a free one like that08:09
=== Aranel [n=Aranel@unaffiliated/aranel] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeydanielronin you sould probably first boot windows and scan the ntfs partitions for errors then deefrag them   you'll have to turn off the page/swap file for that,  then the install cd should allow you to resize them08:10
O_Ointelikey: ??? how u do the thing with the blue star **08:10
=== Daisuke_Laptop [n=alexbe01@pool-71-97-155-54.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
Daisuke_Laptopi'm good.08:10
intelikey/me does it like this O_O08:10
=== intelikey does it like this O_O
intelikey/me does it like this O_O08:10
danielroninit's only a week old, it shouldn't be too fragmented, and do you mean the kbuntu install cd or the ASUS OEM vista recovery cd?08:11
intelikeyyes the kubuntu install cd08:11
O_O O_O does it like this08:11
=== O_O is now known as nicio
nicionicio: does it like this08:12
intelikeydanielronin but window probably write to the very end of the partition if its using a paging file and that may keep you from resizing the ntfs partition    so if you follow those steps it should work  ^%08:13
danielroninok, so if i use that to modify the partition table, how do i exit it cleanly (so i can install the OS once i've made space)?08:13
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=== dave_ [n=dave@host81-154-162-138.range81-154.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu
niciointelikey: when u speek to someone its tab u does hit to get there name insted of riten it?08:13
intelikeydanielronin exit which cleanly ?08:14
intelikeynicio yes   ni[tab]    but you may get NickPresta instead ... :)08:15
intelikeyint[tab]   will finish my name08:15
=== ebbu [n=ebbu@a91-153-58-194.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu
danielroninthe shell in the kubuntu live CD,but more importantly, how do i point GURB at the newly installed image?08:15
niciointelikey: yea but i got 2 dots at the end insted of the >08:16
intelikeyshell in the live CD ????    i'm trying to catch up with you danielronin08:16
danielroninit's a slack based OS, and it uses LILO (but i'm not going to let it make a new MBR08:16
danielroninisn't there a CLI you can use from the kubuntu install CD?08:17
intelikeyoh you are not installing form a ubuntu live CD  you are only going to do the partition work   ok i'm with you now.08:17
=== teepark [n=travis@c-76-103-28-63.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyuse the gparted live cd   it's made for that08:17
=== teepark [n=travis@c-76-103-28-63.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
danielroninfor resizing partitions?08:18
=== naomi_ [n=naomi@h219-110-209-175.catv02.itscom.jp] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeythere maybe a better place to look  but   http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php08:19
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=== naomi_ is now known as dds
ddshow can I run the migration assistant from an already running system? I've tried running it via ubiquity but it seems to want to remake my filesystems...08:20
danielroninis there a way to use the kubuntu install image or any CLI utils that i can use from a konsole inside my OS (kub fiesty)?08:20
danielroninto resize the partition...i don't want to d08:21
ddsdanielronin: I don't quite understand. If you already have a running system, you can install ubiquity and use its partition manager.08:21
danielroninownload anything huge just to do this one task08:21
intelikeydanielronin if you umount all fs's except the system  you can install qtparted in the installed kubuntu and do it from there08:21
intelikeythat gparted live CD is only 50m08:22
intelikeyand it's graphical08:22
=== david__ [n=david@75-165-0-124.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu
danielroninintelikey: thanks! that's what i needed to know, i'm still fairly green to 'nix, but loving more every day08:22
ddsI've got a windowsxp backup on USB disk that I want to migrate settings from into an already running system.08:22
dds(freshly installed, but it's a slow machine; I had to install from the alternative disk and it didn't offer the migration assistant)08:23
runleveltenTo a kubuntu system?08:24
=== intelikey knows nothing about "migrating".... copy files ?
flaccidcan you resize in qtparted/gtparted? i've heard if you can it always fail08:24
ddsrunlevelten: yes08:24
ddsintelikey: well, in essence it is just a copy operation, but it's a lot of various locations and I don't know crap about windows, I'm trying to help a friend out.08:25
runleveltenFunnily enough I believe there's some app centered around the whole "migration" thing, intelikey08:25
intelikeyflaccid you can.   but if it's a windows fs you need to turn off pagefile and scandisk/defrag first08:25
ddsright, it's the migration-assistant in ubiquity, but I want to run it independently of ubiquity.08:25
flaccidah ok08:25
runleveltendds: There is an app or two under development, but lots of apps (browsers, mail clients etc) that will have an import option.08:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about migration - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:26
ddsI've been reading the python source and it's simple enough, but I can't find a safe-way to launch it without first recreating my filesystems (the step right before it in ubiquity) that I can't skip and I can't force it to just use the existing ones.08:26
ddsrunlevelten: in kubuntu, most apps don't have an import option to grab the settings from a mounted ntfs partition.08:26
runleveltenWhether it's NTFS makes no difference at all. :)08:27
ddsrunlevelten: what I mean is to grab it from a partition; kubuntu wants you to know the details08:27
ddsthey don't import from windows08:28
ddshence why the ubuntu migration-assistant is a relatively big deal08:28
ddsevolution can import from outlook, that's about it08:28
flaccidopera can import lots08:28
ddsbut as you can see, http://ftp.cica.es/ubuntu/ubuntu/pool/universe/m/migration-assistant/ , it's only udebs, it doesn't exist independently of the installer08:28
intelikeymozillar imports some08:29
runleveltenkmail can import settings, firefox, opera, konqueror, more of kontact etc.08:29
=== leileiloll [n=Hsi@c-75-68-37-174.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
ddsthere is no definitive word on whether it can be used out of the installer, so I'm asking here08:29
=== runlevelten goes to work.
=== belen [n=belen@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
ddsrunlevelten, intelikey: that's fine and good, and you're right, but this program does quite a bit more. You should take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MigrationAssistance to get an idea of what it does08:30
intelikeydds all i know is even if it can   i probably wouldn't...     sorry i'm not more helpful on that08:30
=== intelikey hates ubiquity
ddsok, well like I said, take a look at the link08:30
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intelikeydds the page says      "A stand-alone desktop application..."08:33
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ddsintelikey: which page?08:35
ddsintelikey: where?08:35
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ddsthe wiki page/08:35
intelikeythe one you posted  ^08:36
ddsI posted two links08:37
ddsthe wiki page I guess08:38
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ddsah right under the design heading08:38
ddswell, the thing is, it isn't a standalone application design, it's a module for ubquity08:38
ddsthe question then, is can I make ubiquity present me that one module and not force recreating my filesystems?08:39
=== Dinofly [n=dinofly@mar92-13-88-165-255-149.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
navets_hey if anyone could take a look at my website and tell me how to improve, I would really appreciate it. http://navetz.com08:40
intelikeydds you can run ubiquity and select manual partitioning and make no changes  yes.08:40
ddsintelikey: no08:40
intelikeyand why not ?08:40
ddsintelikey: that still doesn't do it08:40
ddsintelikey: ubiquity wants to recreate the filesystems; if you attempt to tell it that yes, my existing / is the / I want to use and to not format it, it says it can't use it.08:41
ddstry it yourself08:41
ddsinstall the ubiquity package and try to get that far in the installer08:41
danielroninis there a KDE equivalent to gparted?08:41
intelikeyi won't even run ubiquity to install   why would i run it for "fun" ...08:41
intelikeydanielronin qtparted08:42
ddsintelikey: so you don't sound like a horses ass when you make false statements? ;)08:42
=== antares [n=antares@133-230-124-91.pool.ukrtel.net] has joined #kubuntu
ddsargh, and apparently the migration tools don't handle utf-8 correctly08:43
dds(the Windows XP username of the user I want to migrate is $B$J$*$_(B)08:43
intelikeyi can see where that would fail yes.08:43
intelikeytry  \$B\$J\$\*\$_\(B\)08:44
=== matthew_ [n=matthew@cpe-70-122-55-218.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyor single quote it08:44
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spamheadHello everyone08:45
=== rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-46-175.net.novis.pt] has joined #kubuntu
=== Eyeless [n=hjalle@d83-183-204-137.cust.tele2.se] has joined #kubuntu
winbondhow  is kde4 different than kde3 besides the looks?08:47
intelikeydds i'm not going to install that.   to many deps.  http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/3938708:47
intelikeywinbond it's either alpha or early beta  ???08:48
intelikeythat's a big differance08:48
=== blizzzek [n=blizzz@p5B16ADC7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
flaccidwinbond: you can check all that out on the kde site08:49
ubotuKDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4>. The Release Schedule is available at <http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule>. Beta 1 packages can be found at <http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta1.php>.08:49
flaccidor there08:49
spamheadHey there all I ahve a question, I'm kind of new to linux, (this is my first install).  I want to put it on my notebook, but I have 2 questions, 1 how is the wifi support for Ubuntu, and 2) is it possible to write c# in linux and have it compile?08:49
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khaije1can python code completion be added to kdevelop?08:51
intelikeyspamhead the last one first.      linux kinda has one of the best compilers there is...    and there is a couple of links i'll post for you for the first question08:51
intelikey!hardware | spamhead08:51
leriogudday guys pls help i need to know if is it possible to install kubuntu 7.04 in p3 600mhz with 256mb ram08:51
ubotuspamhead: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport08:51
intelikey!wifi | spamhead08:51
ubotuspamhead: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:51
Jucatokhaije1: I think that's in the works already. might want to ask in #kdevelop or you might want to try Eric308:52
intelikeylerio sure08:52
spamheadit's a D420 from Dell. it's got an intel wifi card08:52
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leriobut it cant run beryl?08:52
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lerioor barely launches08:53
intelikeylerio beryl might be pushing it some...08:53
spamheadberyl? or should I google it?08:53
khaije1hi Jucato, i'll check in that channel, eric3 runs *super* slow for me08:53
intelikeyi'm not sure what the threshold is for berly  probably about 900mhz for any kind of smotheness   just a guess08:54
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leriointelikey, wht kubuntu chat mesenger supports voice and video08:54
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.08:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kopete - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:54
leriodoes kopete support voice and video chats?08:55
Jucatokhaije1: Python Support for KDevelop 4 was one of the Google Summer of Code projects: http://code.google.com/soc/2007/kde/appinfo.html?csaid=634886428E6FDB18 http://behindkde.org/people/soc2007-one/08:55
intelikeyJucato might know08:55
khaije1Jucato: sweet thx!08:55
JucatoI don't use kopete that much..08:55
JucatoI just turn it on and forget that it's running...08:55
intelikeyi don't use it at all08:55
Jucatothat is until someone buzzes me...08:56
Jucatoyou don't use graphical apps. period :P08:56
Jucatounless ASCII art is your perverted notion of graphics :)08:56
=== Jucato goes to bed... play nice and behave!
intelikeyi beg to differ!   Y just last week i started X and ummm   can't remember why...08:56
intelikeybut i do watch vidios in vlc sometimes      in the console08:57
Jucatoascii art :)08:57
Jucatoascii video ftw!08:58
intelikeycareful  i'll go back to trollin'08:58
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Jucatothat's what I was hoping you'd do... I'm going afk, and those who will be here to take over are less tolerant than I am :P08:59
intelikeyyou mean Tm_T ?   heh no.08:59
intelikeyor maybe stdin ?    :)))08:59
spamheadI be trollin' they be hatin'09:00
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stdinman, I'm pinged more than google today09:00
intelikeyit seems like it's Jucato that always yells OT at me...09:00
intelikeystdin lol09:01
intelikeysorry about that.   i guess you have it beeping at you ?09:01
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stdinyeah, it's ok now tho, i'm officially /back :)09:01
intelikeystdin (((<intelikey> careful  i'll go back to trollin'<Jucato> that's what I was hoping you'd do... I'm going afk, and those who will be here to take over are less tolerant than I am :P )))09:02
spamheadOkay I just google'd it and Beryl is friggin' cool!09:02
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intelikeyspamhead so i hear...09:03
stdinintelikey: I'll type in the first part of my kick command, just in case :p09:03
intelikeywhy ?09:03
stdinsaves time09:03
intelikeyfor what ?09:03
spamheadbecause I'm a n00b09:03
stdinkicking, what else :)09:03
intelikeywho ?09:04
=== intelikey waits to see how long this takes......
stdineveryone... I won't get pinged then09:04
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intelikeywhen ?09:04
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=== flaccid just got a new job yay
=== stdin is tempted now
spamheadcongrats flaccid!09:04
flaccidthanks very much09:05
lerioguys what is the most stable version of ubuntu/kubuntu09:05
flaccidintelikey: guess what im doing for double my current salary?09:05
AscendedDanielHow do I set up surround sound? I found a few howtos for GNOME, but not many just for kubuntu.09:05
spamheadFeisty Fawn09:05
leriofeisty fawn?09:05
flaccidintelikey: packaging windows software09:05
intelikeyflaccid i wouldn't have a clue ?09:05
intelikeyflaccid and you admit it ?09:05
spamhead7.04 is the latest version09:05
leriospamhead, feisty fawn?09:06
dedimy usb harddisks dont automount anymore. what could that be?09:06
spamhead[02:06]  <intelikey> flaccid and you admit it ? <--- not that there's ANYTHING wrong with that09:06
flaccidintelikey: yerp. less responsibility, point and click job technically and twice the money im on atm. so yeah good money to point and click lol09:06
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flaccidgoing to try to get them to support ubuntu/linux however but yeah. i'll get off the offtopic cya guys a bit later09:07
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intelikeyspamhead depends on perspective09:07
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flaccidgotta run, cyas later09:08
spamheadintelikey well since I don't really want him to be rigid OR flaccid in my company...09:08
spamheadYeah I need to make like a tree and head out too09:09
spamheadPEACE OUT!09:10
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intelikeyso he made like a baby and pulled up roots09:11
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Project_Khow do i get mp3 files to work... amarok says that it does not support the file format09:18
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:19
danielroninintelikey: can you help me with some qtparted issues?09:19
intelikeydanielronin maybe09:20
danielronini tried to remove an ntfs partition before i had the disc unmounted09:20
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=== intelikey hides
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danielronini did unount the partition i was trying to delete, actually i was just trying to resize it, but it got deleted09:21
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danielroninthere was no data on it though, so no loss09:21
GuHhHi know it may sound stupid but... is there any way to discover a possible rootkit on my machine, except from comparing original files?09:21
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intelikeydanielronin ok so what is the problem now ?09:22
stdinGuHhH: chkrootkit and rkhunter are tools to do that09:22
intelikey!info chkrootkit09:22
ubotuchkrootkit: Checks for signs of rootkits on the local system. In component main, is optional. Version 0.47-1build1 (feisty), package size 263 kB, installed size 740 kB09:22
danielroninnow i have /dev/sda-1 listed as free, but how do i assign partitions to it?09:22
danielroninqtparted won't allow me09:22
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GuHhHstdin: okay, thanks. :D09:23
intelikeydanielronin are you sure it's not a partition ?     and the simple answer to your Q is    sudo cfdisk /dev/sda09:23
intelikeyi run several root kits   and niether of those apps bark at them....     well they may not qualify as root kits cause they are non-malisous09:25
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danielronini'm deciphering the man pages, but it's rather ambiguous09:26
intelikeydanielronin manpage on ?09:26
intelikeycfdisk ?09:26
intelikeycfdisk reminds you of the old M$ "fdisk" app09:27
intelikeydon't need a man page for it..09:27
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intelikeysudo find / -exec touch -t 194112070945 '{}' \;  <<<< would that be considered a possable root kit foot print ?09:31
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intelikeyhehhe    touch: cannot touch `./dev/stdin': No such file or directory09:35
stdinI do exist, I'm right here09:35
intelikeynope you don't exist   :)09:36
intelikeyyou're just a figment of O_O's imigenation09:37
=== stdin thinks, therefore stdin is
intelikeystdin accepts input therefore stdin ....09:38
stdinno comment09:38
intelikeywhere's genii with the coffee09:38
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intelikeyoh no.....09:39
intelikeythe network card is going crazy09:40
intelikeyi think that command has filtered through eth1 ...09:40
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intelikeyam i still here ?09:41
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intelikeyok so it's not a good idea to touch /dev/*   hmmmm09:42
stdinprobably not :p09:43
intelikeyi think i need to reload the kernel now.....    some things seem to be acting wierd09:44
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intelikeywell i'll just go  it's too quiet in here anyway.09:44
danielroninintelekey: after messing with my partition tables, i can't login, i keep getting a grub error09:45
danielroninat [art 1.509:45
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danielroninIntelikey is there anyway to restore GRUB, or am i faced with a reinstall now?09:45
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intelikeydanielronin sure09:46
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:46
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intelikeysee the first link   ^09:46
uselessid is it possible to change the output of  my sound, from laptop speakers to phone?09:49
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uselessidis it possible to change the output of  my sound, from laptop speakers to headphones?09:54
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danielroninok i was able to restore grub, but now no matter what i try to boot (in nix. also everything after the partition that was changed) is giving me an "Error 15; File not found."10:10
danielroninthe boot menu that grub loads is even off of my altered menu.lst, so it had to see it, i think it's just not pointed at the image it needs to boot from10:11
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waylandbilldanielronin: sounds like something wrong in the menu.lst or what was written to the mbr cannot locate the rest of the files grub needs. Check the menu.lst and put grub into the mbr again.10:22
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butihi. is it normal that kubuntu gutsy locks me out of xorg?10:34
butiXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server10:34
butiXlib: No protocol specified10:34
butiError: Can't open display: :0.010:34
butinot every time, but often10:35
stdinbuti: 1) gutsy help in #ubuntu+1 2) don't run GUI apps with sudo or as root user, use kdesu10:35
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stdinbuti: 1) gutsy help in #ubuntu+1 2) don't run GUI apps with sudo or as root user, use kdesu10:35
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butistdin, thanks, but i don't think i am running any gui app as root10:37
stdinbuti: that's the error one gets when trying to start a GUI app from the command line when not the user who's running X10:38
butistdin: yeah. i know.10:38
butibut i get it for every app i try to launch...10:38
butie.g. xeyes as the logged in user10:39
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MadCaddiescan anyone help me with a shell script for log rotation? (i want to remove logs older than 3 days).10:53
TidusMadCaddies: logrotate maybe?10:54
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agarfuI need to report a bug related to spanish translation in kio and I don't know what is the best place to do it10:57
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MadCaddiesTidus: it removes older logs?10:59
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sander5hello, yesterday i tried a kubuntu cd, but afterwards i found that my hard disk has shrunk with 100 gigabyte. Does anyone know how this is possible?11:32
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Tomi-idlesander5: if you tried out the live cd it doesn't access harddrives by default. only if you mount the drive and then fiddle with it11:40
taime1after installing nvidia drivers, i have only one resolution, how can i fix this?11:40
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Tomi-idletaime1: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   might automatically detect right resolutions11:41
taime1Tomi-idle, im WAAY past that stage11:41
taime1ive been at this for over 5 hrs now11:41
Tomi-idlewhat resolution you have atm?11:42
Tomi-idleand whats your monitors native?11:42
taime1its 1600x1200 native11:42
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tim_have you tried editing xconfig directly11:43
tim_plus, are you using an nvidia card?11:43
taime1tim_:  oh yeah11:43
Tomi-idlehave you tried adding only "1600x1200@(your hz here)" in xorg.conf in Modes11:43
taime1Tomi-idle: yeah11:43
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Tomi-idletaime1: tried nvidia-settings? :p11:43
buzis there a possibility to do echo, reverb, compress type stuff in amarok?11:43
taime1Tomi-idle: yes11:43
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Tomi-idletaime1: weird :D11:44
tim_because the nvidia proprietary drivers have severely restricted resolutions, although 8x6 is a bit bad even for that.11:44
Tomi-idlethe binary drivers work fine for me resolution wise11:44
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Tomi-idlegot all modes, even ones i've not heard before like 1440x102411:44
tim_and me, but it may be card dependant11:44
KabalSomeone here that uses OpenFTD icw Kubuntu?11:45
solarwaveris anyone knows abour mkv files11:45
taime1i guess its my card... although i cant see why its not supported11:45
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taime1its a geforce 760011:45
Tomi-idletaime1: did you try to let xorg figure out configuration by itself? rename xorg.conf to something different and try to boot11:45
taime1Tomi-idle: yeah11:46
Tomi-idlei got 7600gt and working fine for me :(11:46
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tim_apparantly sometimes xorg removes resolutions it doesnt like, you can find a log of it in: /var/log/XFree86.0.log11:47
taime1this is ridiculous11:47
taime1it worked great on my older card11:48
taime1i get a nice new EXPENSIVE card, and i get 800x60011:48
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solarwaveris anyone knows abour mkv files?11:48
Tomi-idlesolarwaver: what about them?11:49
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SlimeyPetematroska video. Should play fine in mplayer or (I think) VLC11:49
SlimeyPetexine might do 'em too - they're not that uncommon these days11:49
Tomi-idlesolarwaver: mkv is a container like avi that can contain movie files packed with different codecs11:49
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Tomi-idlesolarwaver: also mkv can contain subtitles & many soundtracks11:50
taime1mkv is teh r0xx!11:50
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tim_mkv chuggs my computer11:50
tim_its its way of telling me I need to spend money.11:51
tim_xine plays it, as does vlc. I find that xine is more reliable, although I think the libs are the same they seem to handle it a bit differently.11:52
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sander5Tomi-idle, I'm afraid I fiddled with it, what can i do about it, so my hard disk is restored?11:52
tim_sander5: what did you do?11:53
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solarwavertomi-idle u know how i can make them play i have installed from synaptic mkvtoolvix11:55
solarwavertomi-idle u know how i can make them play i have installed from synaptic mkvtoolnix but still dont play11:55
NiceGuyUKisn't it in FFMpeg libs?11:56
=== Jucato is able to play .mkv vidoes out of the box...
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Tomi-idlesander5: tim_ might be able to help better11:57
tim_tom-idle: what is the question?11:58
Tomi-idlesolarwaver: have you got the w32codecs (or w64codecs if you're running 64bit) installed?11:58
solarwaverthe w32 codecs ?11:58
solarwaverwhat is that?11:58
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs11:58
Tomi-idletim_: missing 100g after using livecd.11:58
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Tomi-idlesolarwaver: use medibuntu repository to get the codecs :)11:59
tim_thats a wireless card right?11:59
Tomi-idlesolarwaver: there's info on the forums too, people have problems running mkv's for some reason. i did too until it fixed itself magically:)11:59
tim_or as in 100 gigs have disapeared?12:00
Tomi-idletim_: 100gb sorry ;=12:00
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Tomi-idleyeah dissappeared12:00
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tim_ok well when he reapears he can pastebin an fdisk list12:00
solarwavertomi-idle i use kubuntu what is medibuntu?12:00
sander5tim, I'm afraid I partioned my hard disk, convinced that it was only virtual. When i realized it wasn't virtual, i canceled. Now my hard disk, normally 250 gigabite, is now only 155 gigabite. How do i restore it?12:01
tim_is there any data on it that needs preserving?12:02
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Tomi-idlesolarwaver: medibuntu is another ubuntu distro. (k)ubuntu by default doesn't have the codecs needed to play video files on by default in their repository. so you need to enable the medibuntu repository to get them installed through adept or apt-get12:02
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solarwavertomi-idle how i do that?12:03
sander5tim, there is data that needs preserving. yeah. You mean i have to format my hard disk?12:03
tim_sander5: also can you run "sudo fdisk /dev/hd?" then v, and tell me what it says12:03
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tim_well the simplest way would be to nuke it, but we can try and figure out whats wrong and fix that. has data disapeared?12:04
sander5tim, hold on i'm trying.12:05
tim_the ? is for "your drive letter here"12:05
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tim_sander5: also the output of "p" in fdisk12:07
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs12:07
solarwavertomi-idle how i do that?12:07
Tomi-idlesolarwaver: trying to find a page with easy explanation :)12:08
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Tomi-idlesolarwaver: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu    there's info on dvd codecs and w32codecs12:09
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sander5tim, it can't find what you suggest.12:13
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tim_in the terminal for the first hard drive you type "sudo fdisk /dev/hda"12:18
tim_you get a prompt where you type in v12:18
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tim_that checks the partition table for errors and tells you if you have unallocated sector12:18
tim_i.e. a bloody great hole from an incomplete write or something12:18
tim_then you run v, and we have a look at the output which will show any holes, and what the HD thinks it is.12:19
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tim_btw, when you say 100 gb missing, I'm assuming you mean capacity in / or something, rather than 100gb of files12:20
sander5yeah, i mean capacity12:21
tim_and er, you ran the  "sudo fdisk /dev/hda" thing, what came up12:21
sander5still trying, i'm not real good in this.12:22
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tim_if fails can you run "vi /boot/grub/device.map" as that will tell us the harddrives name. only one drive right?12:23
sander5yeah, one hard disk12:24
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tim_so the fdisk thing, did it work?12:24
sander5i'm afraid nothing works when i paste it in run12:25
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tim_lol no12:26
tim_this is into a terminal12:26
tim_otherwise it will run but you wont see anything12:27
tim_go in system and choose "konsole"12:27
tim_bring you up a black window like the command prompt in windows.12:27
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sander5i see12:28
tim_terminals where its at ;)12:28
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sander5I give up, thanks anyway.12:37
zszdoes anyone else besides me have a weird 5px wide white box around taskbar and tooltips when using compiz-fusion?12:37
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yamal!ru | user__12:48
ubotuuser__:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke12:48
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kdxxhow should i run / install this  nvidia install script i found in dapper drake,, http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html ?01:00
gnomefreakkdxx: dont01:01
kdxxerrr envy_0.9.7-0ubuntu8_all.deb01:01
gnomefreakkdxx: install them from repos01:01
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kdxxwhats repos?01:01
gnomefreakkdxx: envy wont upgrade with you and you cant uninstall all parts of it once installed and that will only hurt you down the line01:01
gnomefreakkdxx: nvidia is in ubuntu repos01:02
backproi have ubuntu (gnome desktop) did i can install kde desktop ??01:02
gnomefreakkdxx: nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-new depending on what ubuntu version and what card you have01:02
gnomefreaktheres also nvidia-legecy(sp)01:02
kdxxkubuntu dapper drake with nvidia quadro 4 card01:03
gnomefreakbackpro: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop01:03
gnomefreakkdxx: should be nvidia-glx01:03
gnomefreakkdxx: its in multiverse repo01:03
gnomefreakbackpro: once installed you can choose what you want to boot into at the log in screen01:04
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kdxxok so multiverse repo is graphics driver?01:04
gnomefreakit has the graphics drivers in it among alot of other packages01:04
gnomefreakmultiverse == nonfree packages01:05
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gnomefreakjava graphics drivers and like 2000 other packages give or take01:05
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Ben_Csi connected my ipod shuffle to comp, and run amarok, but get the error: Klibloader could not load the plugin: libamarok_ipod-mediadevice Error-message: libgpod.so.1 cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.01:06
Ben_Csplease help01:06
kdxxcan you find me a ultra relevant weblink01:06
sbucatyoutube-dl works?01:07
emilsedghBen_Cs: do you have libgpod installed?01:08
emilsedgh!info libgpod101:08
ubotulibgpod1: a library to read and write songs and artwork to an iPod. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.2-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 168 kB, installed size 360 kB01:08
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Ben_Cswhat do i do?01:10
Ben_Cs/usr/lib/libgpod.so.2  /usr/lib/libgpod.so.2.0.0 is what is installed01:10
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Ben_Csbut it looks for libgpod.so.101:11
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kdxxwhere can I find multiverse repo to install?01:13
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kdxxor can i do it form cl?01:13
Pirate_Hunterwho can help me fix main panel problem on kde?  i removed from panel but every time i start ktorrent it dont show on task bar, how cna i fix this?01:14
erik__witch ati driver should I have to use? ati or fglrx?01:14
SlimeyPetedo you want 3D support?01:14
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erik__of course01:15
SlimeyPetethen you need fglrx01:15
SlimeyPetegood luck ;)01:15
Pirate_Hunterwho can help me fix main panel problem on kde?  i removed something from panel and now every time i start ktorrent it dont show on task bar, how cna i fix this?01:15
erik__is it better than the ati driver?01:15
kdxxoh i c01:15
SlimeyPeteerik__: "fglrx" is very buggy and lots of people have problems with it, but "ati" won't give you 3D support.01:16
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kdxxyea so back to my orig question, how to run this script envy_0.9.7-0ubuntu8_all.deb ?01:16
kdxxsh ./envy_0.9.7-0ubuntu8_all.deb?01:17
SlimeyPeteit's not a script, it's a .deb package01:17
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erik__should i buy a nvidia card for having a stable 3D?01:17
Pirate_Hunterwho can help me fix main panel problem on kde?  i removed something from panel and now every time i start ktorrent it dont show on task bar, how cna i fix this?01:17
SlimeyPeteso sudo dpkg -i envy_0.9.7-0ubuntu8_all.deb   , kdxx . That will install it.01:17
SlimeyPeteerik__: Try fglrx first. If it doesn't work, then buy an nvidia.01:18
SlimeyPeteThe nvidia drivers are OK (not perfect but they usually work quite well)01:18
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emilsedghPirate_Hunter: right click on panel and click on Add Applet01:18
erik__is nvidia faster than ati under Linux?01:18
erik__i mean Kubuntu01:19
Pirate_Hunteremilsedgh: done that but which option do i choose after that?01:19
SlimeyPetedunno, I've never compared speeds01:19
emilsedghPirate_Hunter: find system tray01:19
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Pirate_Hunteremilsedgh: found it i dded that not it shows, kl thanx but i have another question... how do i stop ktorrent from crashing?01:20
emilsedghPirate_Hunter: file a bug report :P01:20
elite101dam i got school in like 20mins :D01:21
Pirate_Hunteremilsedgh: (-_-") where do i do that?01:21
emilsedghelite101: RUN! LP01:21
erik__who is use windows here?01:21
elite101i do?01:21
elite101 "01:21
emilsedgh!bug | Pirate_Hunter01:21
ubotuPirate_Hunter: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots01:21
elite101"/join ##windows" erik__, joinj that channel01:22
Pirate_Hunterwhat are the languages that linux users use?01:23
emilsedghPirate_Hunter: what?01:23
Pirate_Hunterwhat programing languages do linux user use i.e. windows would be C++, c, vissual basic , my sql etc01:24
elite101html screamer?01:25
kdxxi am trying to save the .deb package from this site http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html and then install it but im having trouble, how should i save it to my computer so that it can be properyl installed?01:25
SlimeyPetePirate_Hunter: usually C, C++, Perl, Python, Bash. There are hundreds of languages which you can compile under Linux though.01:25
elite101i find more "hardware hacks" to be coded in Python that i find online anyways01:25
emilsedghPirate_Hunter: Linux Kernel is mostly in C and some assembly, QT/KDE are written in C++, while there are bindings for other languages like Python, Ruby, C# and even PHP, GTK+/gnome is written in C, with Bindings...01:25
elite101:D wow!!!01:26
elite101mhm i wonder if its possible to code a Whole Distro (kernel and all) with just usuing C,C++,Python,Ruby,C#,php?01:26
Pirate_Hunteris python & ruby difficult to learn or are they just another variation  of a different language01:26
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emilsedghPirate_Hunter: i dunno about Ruby, but python is really easy and cool01:27
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Pirate_Hunteremilsedgh: im looking for a new language to learn so how efficient is python or ruby? what can i do with them?01:27
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emilsedghPirate_Hunter: I think you could do everything with python...from web programmin, until kapplication...Ubuntu/Kubuntu installer is written in python01:28
elite101what is a client for windows that shares files with linux what program do i use on windows?01:29
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emilsedghelite101: Samba01:29
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:29
elite101no on windows01:29
Pirate_Hunteremilsedgh: hmm its that powerful/efficient i understand will look into it and give it a try01:29
elite101i dont need a linux program01:29
SlimeyPeteelite101: samba = Windows File Sharing01:29
elite101but a windows program01:29
SlimeyPeteit's built in to Windows01:29
emilsedghPirate_Hunter: Im a web developer, but a few times I looked at python.its so easy...01:30
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Pirate_HunterI read somewhere that pearl is eviil, if i remember it right its a combination of c++ & VB (not sure about this one) with some new features01:30
elite101gotta go to schoo; bye01:31
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emilsedghbye elite10101:31
elite101:D i hate school :D01:31
Pirate_Hunteru hate school but use linux01:31
Pirate_Huntererhm how that works01:31
SlimeyPetelots of geeks hate school. School can be very boring.01:32
emilsedghPirate_Hunter: AFAIK, now perl is mostly used by ServerAdmins for write their administrating scripts01:32
Pirate_HunterSlimeyPete: its easier for me to say that as im in university :)01:32
Pirate_Hunteremilsedgh: thanx thats clearing a lot, im taking programming serious now and thought if im going to be using linux might as well look at how it is written01:33
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emilsedghPirate_Hunter: so $linuxDevs++; ;)01:34
Pirate_Hunteremilsedgh: im not tyring to compile linux or its kernel dont think im ready for that just trying to learn the languages for its programs somehting to add to my list01:35
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emilsedghPirate_Hunter: you need to know what you want to do, if you want to create an Application, you have nothing to do with Linux, you have to know about QT/KDE or GTK+/Gnome01:36
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_4strOemilsedgh: QT and GTK+ are a way to make graphicl apps01:40
XenThraLhi, I'm trying to compile wxSQlite3, but its giving me an error message, "configure: error: cannot run /bin/bash build/config.sub", I have changed permissions on /build/config.sub to see if it would fix it, but it didn't seem to help01:41
_4strOemilsedgh: but behind the interface you have to program instruction01:41
Pirate_Hunteremilsedgh: sorry back had to talk to my grandmother on the fone, now that was unnexpected01:41
XenThraLthis trying to run ./configure01:41
_4strOemilsedgh: some bash, python, ... progs, isnt it ?01:41
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XenThraLcould someone perhaps try to build it and see if they have any luck?01:44
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XenThraLplease? :)01:44
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=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by Arwen at Tue Aug 28 20:08:30 2007
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eduardhello world01:58
eduardi've read on the ubuntu forums that you shouldn't add an entry of you usb stick because 'fstab is for permanent harddrives' is that true?02:00
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=== garfield [n=garfield@AMarigot-102-1-2-108.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
eduardok, thanks02:01
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garfieldstdin: mplayer is not playing the flash videos.when i do play it stops02:02
garfield mplayer is not playing the flash videos.when i do play it stops02:03
=== ArtMoonik [n=artmooni@mar92-3-82-66-233-126.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== Philip5 [n=Philip@c83-253-56-100.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu
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garfield mplayer is not playing the flash videos.when i do play it stops02:09
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indensiffneed help for compiz02:22
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=== boom1992_ [n=boom1992@pD9E1B739.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
indensiffkeine ahnung vom chatten und keine Ahnung von Linux...kann nicht gutgehen02:24
indensiffbin ich hier im privatchat mit mir selber?02:25
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garfield!it | indensiff02:27
ubotuindensiff: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!02:27
=== dwidmann [n=dustin@dpc67142237054.direcpc.com] has joined #kubuntu
sini|work!de | indensiff02:30
ubotuindensiff: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de02:30
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indensiffthanx @ ubotu02:31
sini|workgarfield: That was german, not italian *g*02:31
garfieldsini|work: how i sopose to know i dont speek none of them lol :p02:32
=== genii [n=user@host6411912762.biz.tor.fcibroadband.com] has joined #kubuntu
=== genii sips a coffee
sini|workI just corrected it to direct him to the correct channel02:33
=== Iradigalesc [n=Iradigal@wikipedia/Iradigalesc] has joined #kubuntu
garfieldsini|work: so de is for german ok i'll remember that02:33
=== Jucato sips coke...
sini|workgarfield: yes02:33
=== jimmacdonald [n=jim@138-212-223-66.gci.net] has joined #kubuntu
garfieldgenii:  how do u do the thing with the star***?02:33
garfieldsini|work: and for deutch?02:33
Jucatogarfield: you were already told that hours ago....02:33
=== BluesKaj [n=kaj@unaffiliated/blueskaj] has joined #kubuntu
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garfieldJucato: dont u sleep? and i never got tru to do it02:34
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BluesKajHowdy All :)02:34
garfieldJucato: u does explain up side down lol :p02:34
Jucatogarfield: you remember how you changed nicks? this time, use /me instead of /nick02:34
=== buz [n=buz@84-73-66-71.dclient.hispeed.ch] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
Jucatoall IRC commands start with a /02:35
=== garfield kill Jucato
garfield!ohmy | garfield02:35
garfieldJucato:  are there any others?02:36
sini|workgarfield: What do you mean with "for deutch"?02:36
Jucatosini|work: why "de" is for German02:36
=== juhok [n=juho-sal@83-102-26-125.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #kubuntu
Jucatoit's the ISO thingy for German/Germany I think02:37
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garfieldso de is for deutch?02:38
=== Lattyware [n=Latty@host86-133-33-116.range86-133.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu
sini|workgarfield: yep, it is02:38
=== bart_ [n=bart@89-125-209-128.dhcp-ripwave.irishbroadband.ie] has joined #kubuntu
garfieldsini|work: u send the persone to get lost lol02:38
cinzutocan i've a small help?02:38
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garfieldcinzuto: shot02:38
sini|work(correct spelling is "deutsch" btw.) ;o)02:38
Jucato!ask | cinzuto02:39
ubotucinzuto: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:39
=== ArtMoonik [n=artmooni@mar92-3-82-66-233-126.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
cinzutogarfield: i'm an italian user, my kubuntu don't show icons02:39
sini|workgarfield: No, he is being helped this very moment in #kubuntu-de.02:39
Jucato!it | cinzuto02:40
ubotucinzuto: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!02:40
=== Flegma [n=Michalek@devil.spacecom.cz] has joined #kubuntu
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garfieldcinzuto: witch icons?on your desktop?02:41
=== DexterF [n=dexter@ip76.132.1511H-CUD12K-01.ish.de] has joined #kubuntu
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cinzutogarfield: yes02:41
cinzutoalso that on barmenu02:42
DexterFanyone else having broken mountpoints when mounting smb or sshfs?02:42
=== kde4 [n=kde4@cpe-75-186-20-68.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
garfieldcinzuto: lol did u just install linux?02:42
cinzutogarfield: yes02:42
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cinzutogarfield:'i've installed it now02:43
=== kwilliam [n=kde4@cpe-75-186-20-68.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
garfieldcinzuto: i had the same problem with mine 1day ago.try this sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:43
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MadCaddieshow do i list different levels availables for a man page?02:44
garfieldcinzuto: if it dont works try to upgrade02:44
cinzutogarfield: in wich mode?02:44
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garfieldcinzuto: in a normale konsole type sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:45
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yeniklasorrHow to start an executable file from command line in the background ?02:45
garfieldcinzuto: if it tells u it cannot do it there try the root mode02:46
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cinzutogarfield: i've try but message says that this is th last version02:47
garfieldcinzuto: try to upgrade02:48
BluesKajwhat's the command to open smb in konq ? I've forgotten02:48
XenThraLhi, having trouble compiling wxSQLite, new to linux, was wondering if someone could give me a hand02:49
cinzutogarfield: i've try02:49
XenThraLrun ./configure and it just gives me "configure: error: cannot run /bin/bash build/config.sub"02:49
BluesKajNM i got it02:49
garfieldcinzuto: what did it give as result?02:49
=== Hc [n=toffe@a88-112-4-210.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu
BluesKajthx genii , the locate cmnd was getting in the way :)02:50
geniiBluesKaj: :)02:51
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dwidmannWow, I think I finally found a winner of a webhost, about time ...02:54
BluesKajso genii, I guess using konq on the network is the way to go ..no need for smb4k ?02:54
=== gilles [n=gilles@APoitiers-155-1-150-22.w81-50.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #Kubuntu
melkorIs there a good way to use command line programs with file associations?02:55
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geniiBluesKaj: I just use Konqueror mainly for local browsing, smb, nfs, bluetooth etc02:55
melkorI have mpg321 associated with .mp3 files and it goes fast except it leaves a 'loading mpg321' in my task bar for awhile.02:55
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dwidmannmelkor: well, you could probably set up entries in the kmenu  to run programs in a konsole02:56
melkorkonsole is a little slow too02:56
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melkorIt would still be better than amorak though.02:57
BluesKajgenii, right ..this our lil network here ...mainly 2 pcs and once in a while, one of the kids' laptops.02:57
dwidmannI suppose everyone has different tastes eh melkor02:57
=== bart_ [n=bart@89-125-209-128.dhcp-ripwave.irishbroadband.ie] has joined #kubuntu
geniiOK, asked already in #ubuntu but i'll throw this out here too: When both a nic and a modem, the When both a nic and a modem, the /etc/ppp/resolv.conf at first gets used, then when dhcp refreshes nic IP, pppd DNS fails as the regular /etc/resolv.conf now takes precedence again. Any way around this?02:58
geniiBluesKaj: Just think of it as the start of something larger ;)02:58
geniibleh, messy copy/paste there but you get the idea02:59
=== emonkey-p [n=emonkey@adsl-89-217-160-125.adslplus.ch] has joined #kubuntu
melkorI guess I'm really asking whats the proper way to run a terminal application from an icon.02:59
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melkorOr maybe what is a good lightweight mpg321 player, that goes away when finished?03:01
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xp_killermelkor: hard to answer you might find the answer in www.googlecom . remeber google is your friend :-D03:02
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melkorI'm on it too.03:02
=== belen_ [n=belen@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
dwidmannmelkor: maybe something like kaboodle?03:03
melkorill look at it.03:04
dwidmannmelkor: noatun could also be a winner03:05
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BluesKajya know linux could use some media types to come up with names that have some pizzaz to them ...'noatun' doesn't inspire me to try it even :)03:07
xp_killerdwidmann:  how do i enable the Flash add-on (via --enable-add-ons=kflashpart)03:07
xp_killerin konqueror03:07
melkorwell thanks for the tips Ill keep looking03:08
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dwidmannxp_killer: sorry, I don't think I've heard of that, I just always used flash directly.03:08
Fshhi i have 2 problem frist one with wireless can`t establish connection and secoand problem with limeware i want to remove it03:09
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xp_killerdwidmann: i install flash nonfree but just the sound playin i dont have view of the video03:09
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dwidmannxp_killer: hm, that's odd, is it like that for all flash stuff, or just for a certain site?03:10
xp_killerthis site like u to use real player with it if u got fire fox03:11
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tininHi, does anybody know how to use Nx remote connection software?03:11
dwidmannxp_killer: maybe it's a bug in flash or something, or a problem with linux flash, or something else like that.03:11
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xp_killerdwidmann: it playing in fire fox but a kind of slow and i cant control the viedo or do full screen so i want it to play with konqueror03:12
BluesKajxp_killer, sometimes java is the culprit , make sure you've got java-common and j2re1.4 , for a minimum.03:12
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xp_killerdwidmann: or maybe it's telling me its a bad website that it dont want me to view >_<03:13
=== xp_killer mad
dwidmannxp_killer: that's usually the hint that I take03:13
=== xp_killer where is explorer when u need it :p
dwidmannxp_killer: when a site is a PITA I decide it's time to find another site :)03:13
BluesKajxp_killer, read above !03:14
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BluesKajppl get hung up about flash when java is the cause03:14
xp_killerabon dwidmann but the one i had befor they shut down and the others i find suck this one allmost like my fave03:14
=== BluesKaj shakes his head
xp_killerBluesKaj: java is the cause of me not seing the video just hearin the sound?03:15
BluesKajflash and java work together03:15
xp_killerBluesKaj: so then i'll go in adep n install javas with option of flash then03:16
xp_killerto see if it helps03:16
BluesKajor it could be the cause , not absolutely certain03:16
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dwidmannxp_killer: the sun-java5-jre and sun-java6-jre packages are good bets (or perhaps ia32-sun-java6-bin too if you run x86_64)03:17
kkathmanDoes anyone else have problems with KTorrent crashing fairly often?03:17
=== yaccin [n=yaccin@p57A77CC1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
stdinkkathman: try disabling DHT03:18
yaccincan i configure kaffeine to start in fullscreen if i open a playlist?03:18
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kkathmanstdin:  ohh really??03:18
kkathmanhmm ok03:18
stdinkkathman: there's a bug in one of the versions in DHT that makes it crash after a while03:19
tron__Does anyone know how to setup the smtp on a mail server heeeeeeeelppp03:19
BluesKajwhich client tron__ ?03:20
kkathmanstdin:  ok thanks - I wondered why i never encountered it on my SUSE box, but did here for some reason - the version thing might explain it03:20
savetheWorldtron__: smtp is a protocol used to transfer mail.  all mail server's use it03:20
dwidmannI don't think so yaccin, but you could set a nice shortcut (say the f key), for fullscreen.03:20
savetheWorldtron__: are you asking how to setup a mail server?03:20
Fshis ther anyone can solve my problem03:21
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yaccindwidmann: i dont know if i have a keyboard at the presentation :P03:21
dwidmannFsh: that depends on what your problem is :P03:21
tron__sorry im busy setting up a mail server using webmin03:21
Jucatodwidmann: internet connection and removing limewire03:21
dwidmannyaccin: how about kmplayer? I think it can be set to do it03:21
=== mahdi [n=mahdi@cpe-76-178-196-179.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
Jucato<Fsh> hi i have 2 problem frist one with wireless can`t establish connection and secoand problem with limeware i want to remove it03:22
BluesKaj!wireless | Fsh03:22
ubotuFsh: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:22
Fshok thanks03:22
yaccinhmmm but i like kaffeine more :P03:22
dwidmannFsh: if you installed something like frostwire for limewire, it should be as easy as removing the package with adept/dpkg/apt03:22
yaccindoes kmplayer supports video playlists?03:22
BluesKajFsh, it's not limeware , it's limewire03:22
dwidmannyaccin: yes03:22
yaccinBluesKaj: frostwire? :)03:22
yaccindwidmann: ill try it then03:23
xp_killerdwidmann: stdin is back form land befor time lol.he's good in solving problem with linux lol he does eat,sleep with linux03:23
hydrogendiscover bittorrent03:23
BluesKajor frostwire ..even03:23
hydrogenand be happy03:23
dwidmannyaccin: I like kaffeine better too, but kmplayer I find a little less annoying at times03:23
tron__using dovecot for imap which is working great but now unable to send mail03:23
=== xp_killer need a kick :p
joselinaresporfa... el enlace para espaol03:23
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:23
Jucatojoselinares: ^^^^03:24
=== aguitel [n=aguitel@118-87-235-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu
BluesKajone thing, I have gnormalize installed , but it's broken and refuses to uninstall cuz it doesn't seem to be 'installed"03:24
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xp_killerstdin: i install flash nonfree for konqueror but i only got the sound no image03:25
Fshthis is not the problem the problem is ther is access point but it can`t connect03:25
stdinxp_killer: have you tried in another browser ?03:25
yaccindwidmann: i cant find the option in kmplayer -_-03:26
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xp_killerstdin: yes firefox from wine work with the real player pluging but firefox that i install from adept doesnt play the flash03:27
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tron__Hello anyone know how to setup an smtp on a mail server ive setup the fetchmail and dovecot but now i can't send mail I have postfix installed but have no idea how to setup the smtp03:27
stdinxp_killer: firefox will pick up the nonfree flash plugin03:27
dwidmannfsh, try connecting with knetworkmanagers manual connect option, perhaps it will work then?03:28
xp_killerstdin: well firefox dont play the video only the one i install with wine03:29
xp_killerstdin: are there anymore plugins for flash in adept?03:30
dwidmannyaccin: ack, I thought it could, maybe I was thinking of something else (I have way too many video players installed. In an ideal world you'd think I'd only need one .....) Anyhow, I almost guarentee vlc has such an option. Another way around all of this problem is to use "configure window behavior" to force an app to full screen on start (I think this can be done, but I'll have to check)03:30
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geniiWhen connected pppd, DHCP refresh on eth0 makes /etc/resolv.conf default again when should stay /etc/ppp/resolv.conf until modem disconnects. any ideas?03:30
jhatlelidx2vnc users? My mouse does not position correctly on remote computer03:30
Fshdwidmann where can i found it ?03:30
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yaccinyes vlc does have that option somehow... i think it was editing .vlcrc or something like that... but i dont really want to install another video player :D03:30
=== aimee is now known as m_arias
dwidmannFsh: assuming you have network manager running, there should be an icon in the system tray, right click it, should be an option for manually setting things there)03:31
stdinxp_killer: what's the contents of /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ ?03:31
=== Kr4t05 [n=andrew@dsl-206-251-3-58.dsl0.crls.pa.net] has joined #kubuntu
dwidmannyaccin: there is indeed an option for full screen in configure window behaviour, try applying this to kaffeine, and starting kaffeine to see if it's full screened properly03:32
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xp_killerstdin: theres no flashplugin-nonfree in it03:33
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yaccindwidmann: yay it worked :D thanks :D03:34
dwidmannyaccin: no problem :)03:34
stdinxp_killer: I didn't ask that, I ask what _is_ in there03:35
tininjhatlelid: have you tried Nx?, It is not the same, but gives you remote control and much faster03:35
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xp_killerstdin: do u want me to tell u wa all is in there?it's a hacel to rite all i'll just take a pic and upload it03:36
xp_killerstdin: give me a link to upload the pic?03:37
tron__Relay access denied03:37
=== AngryElf_ [n=jsharpe@ip24-255-126-187.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
stdinxp_killer: open a konsole, type in "ls -l /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/" and post that to pastebin03:37
AngryElf_hey folks, what packages do I need to install to play streams through amarok?03:37
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AngryElf_the error I'm getting is "No suitable demux plugin. This often means that the file format is not suported"  of course it doesn't tell me what type of file it is03:38
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xp_killerstdin: http://pastebin.com/d40a14c3503:40
arkygeekhas anyone here installed kubuntu FF onto a new imac (natively and in parallels?)03:40
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stdinxp_killer: you should probably remove libflash-mozplugin then restart firefox and try again03:41
gilleshello everybody03:42
gillesI have a problem with nvidia driver03:42
xp_killerstdin: I'LL TRY BUT NOT NOW ADEPT IS INSTALLIN SOME THINGS and its takin time03:42
gillesis there anyone can help me ?03:42
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xp_killer!ask | gilles03:43
ubotugilles: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:43
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gillesafter the installation of the free nvidia drivers (nvidia-glx-new) I have a black screen03:45
gillesI can't do anything03:45
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BluesKajgilles, ctrl+alt+f203:46
gillessomeone tell me that I must blaklist some modules but I don't how which and how03:46
gillesctrl+alt+f2 don't do anything: my computer is lock when i have the black screen03:47
WaxyFreshis there anyway to change the kubuntu logo/progress bar that i see when kubuntu is loading?03:47
BluesKajgilles, then type ' dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ' at the prompt03:47
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WaxyFreshi upgraded to kde4 now my kmenu is gone among other things03:48
BluesKajkde4 is not an upgrade , it's still experimental :)03:49
hjalleWaxyFresh: the kde bootscreen?03:49
WaxyFreshum the kubuntu logo that pops up right after grub03:50
gillesBluesKaj: It's the same problem03:50
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hjallelook in system settings -> Splash screen03:51
BluesKajgilles, do you have a prompt ?03:52
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gillesBluesKaj: no03:52
gillesBluesKaj: I have those lines in the Xorg.0.log03:53
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gilles(EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module! Please ensure03:53
gilles(EE) NVIDIA(0):     that there is a supported NVIDIA GPU in this system, and03:53
gilles(EE) NVIDIA(0):     that the NVIDIA device files have been created properly.03:53
gilles(EE) NVIDIA(0):     Please consult the NVIDIA README for details.03:53
gilles(EE) NVIDIA(0):  *** Aborting ***03:53
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)03:53
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BluesKajok, gilles wull need to use the kubuntu live-cd to edit your xorg-xserver file ...is that correct stdin?03:54
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stdinBluesKaj: recovery mode should work03:54
dwidmanngilles: what video card do you have (if you don't know, pastebin the output of "sudo lshw -class video")03:55
frojndHELP PLEASE. when I try to start ntop with specific folder for data saving (Like this: ntop -P /var/lib/ntop")there is somekind of an error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/36432/03:55
gillesstdin: yes i did it to replace nvidia by nv to recover X03:55
BluesKajgilles , did you see that ? .. stdin advises to use the recovery mode at the grub screen03:56
stdingilles: how did you install it?03:56
gillesdwidmann: I have a geforce 7600 gs (reva2)03:56
mrhexhey, i got this odd problem, i have installed compiz-fusion, on kubuntu (feisty) But i seem unable to get more then 2 desktops, even if i set 4 desktops. by rightclicking the desktop icons and configuring them. this causes me to get a 2 sided cube, well a flipping page tbh. Any ideas on what i am doing wrong, cuz it most likely is that which is the problem.03:56
stdinfrojnd: sudo ?03:56
frojndThe error is when I do sudo. If no sudo than nothing executes...03:57
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gillesBluesKaj: yes I did it to remplace nvidia by nv in the xorg.conf, but it's not solve my problem03:57
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gillesstdin: first I try apt-get install nvidia-glx-new03:58
dwidmannhmm, it shouldn't be any trouble... gilles, try doing ctrl + alt + backspace if it doesn't want to let you switch to a tty, maybe instead of dying immediately the xserver hung (happens sometimes/rarely)03:58
stdinmrhex: you have to set the number of desktops in the compiz settings, make sure you have compizconfig-settings-manager installed and run ccsm (from Alt-f2)03:58
gillesstdin: after I try the proprietary driver03:59
gillesstdin: and finally I try envy03:59
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stdinfrojnd: not sure then, you can try creating the directory manually but that kinda defeats the point03:59
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frojndstdin, yep it surely does04:00
stdingilles: sounds a bit messed up, try re-running the envy script04:00
BluesKajgilles, you need to change drivers or screen/monitor settings , the way to do it is edit the xorg file to use the vesa driver to get your screen back first of all , if recovery mode doesn't work04:00
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gillesBluesKaj: the recovery mode work04:01
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mrhexstdin I have done that,, i have Number of desktops 4 set. The odd thing is that in the taskbar i see 6 icons of desktops, but when ctrl+alt+mouse1 i only get a 2 sided one. also when clicking the icons in taskbar portraying the desktops i switch between 2 desktops.04:01
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stdinmrhex: try asking in #ubuntu-effects I don't know that much about compiz-fusion's settings04:02
gillesBLUESKaj: but I don't know what Imust do to solve my problem04:03
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mrhexstdin, will do thanks.04:03
modoroops, i was looking for ubuntu channel04:03
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nosrednaekimw00t!!! new ATI drivers coming!04:06
spawn57what's a good p2p app for kde?04:06
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ubotuConventional P2P clients: Limewire/GTK-Gnutella/Frostwire (Gnutella Network).  -  BitTorrent: see !torrent  -  Direct connect: try valknut.  -  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information.04:06
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dwidmannnosrednaekim: but the question is will they actually be decent this trip around04:07
BluesKajgilles , open system settings/monitor&display/hardware/ admin mode / configure ...choose the nvidia driver that fits your graphics card , and the the monitor driver that fits yours , then "apply"04:07
nosrednaekimdwidmann: phoronix says the performance is from 50% to 10x better performance04:07
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tron__Help with mail server04:08
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dwidmannnosrednaekim: wow, so it sounds like they might be getting the performance nailed down (finally), now how about some stability. Stability would be nice.04:08
dwidmannOr lack of bugs.04:08
dwidmannOr both.04:08
Daisuke_Laptopthat makes me a little sad04:08
MadCaddiestron__: go ahead with your enquiring04:09
Daisuke_Laptopno eyecandy repo for gutsy from trevino yet :)04:09
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Laptop: who needs that? its all in gutsy,,04:09
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Laptop: hows gutsy doing BTW?04:09
nosrednaekimno AIGLX yet though... that comes next month04:09
tron__I've setup fetchmail and dovecot but now having problems setting up smtp04:09
tron__Cannot send mail04:10
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Daisuke_Laptopit's going pretty well04:10
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Daisuke_Laptopthe upgrade was smooth, though not *quite* as smooth as i'd hoped04:10
MadCaddies*inquiring i mean04:11
Daisuke_Laptopand i wanted the eyecandy repo for avant-window-navigator04:11
dwidmannDaisuke_Laptop: it'll probably be smoother at final release time (or so we can hope)04:11
spawn57awn looks awesome =D04:11
Daisuke_Laptopdwidmann: nah, it was my fault04:11
Daisuke_Laptopi did a manual upgrade04:11
Daisuke_Laptopand forgot to grub-update...04:11
MadCaddiestron__: tailf -f /var/log/mail.log04:11
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Daisuke_Laptopso i was getting gutsy, with the old kernel04:12
dwidmannit went relatively smooth for me, though it held back a small handful of packages.04:12
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dwidmannwvdial, parts of guidance, digikam, I forget what else was held back.04:13
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dwidmannOh well, seeing as the large doses of caffeine don't seem to be having any effect, I think I'm going to take a nap.04:14
Daisuke_Laptopbut oh man does the new driver make a world of difference.  the new appearance applet is a bonus, i can see all of my appearance settings now :)  (gnome here)04:14
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tron__Sep  3 09:59:05 TRON postfix/master[8439] : daemon started -- version 2.3.8, configuration /etc/postfix04:18
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nosrednaekimDaisuke_Laptop: so gutsy is pretty stable>04:18
Daisuke_Laptopeh...  so far04:18
tron__MadCaddies Sep  3 09:59:05 TRON postfix/master[8439] : daemon started -- version 2.3.8, configuration /etc/postfix04:19
Daisuke_Laptopand it looks like ati is going in the right direction with its linux drivers...04:21
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Laptop: indeed.. i'm excited04:21
gillesBluesKaj: the module is loaded but it don't find my gpu04:21
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gillesBluesKaj: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/36434/04:21
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MadCaddiestron__: sorry man, i need to go... try #postfix, #ubuntu, #debian04:24
ScorpKinghi everyone. if i grep and filter the output of ifconfig ppp0 to get rx bytes eg 34355 and tx bytes 3456 how do i add them together in bash?04:24
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backproi have ubuntu with gnome desktop and now i install kde (apt-get install kubuntu-desktop) how i chose between kde and gnome when i restart the pc ???04:26
ubunturosbackpro: you should see an option "Session" when you enter your username password in Ubuntu04:27
ubunturosyou can choose a KDE / GNOME session04:27
backprook thank you04:28
ubunturosbackpro: welcome :)04:28
backproi wanna ask you something else04:28
backprothis kubuntu-desktop any version of kde have ??04:29
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ubunturosbackpro: are you asking which version of KDE does kubuntu-desktop include?04:29
yaccinwhats does "intel_rng: FWH not detected" mean?04:29
ubunturosbackpro: which version of Ubuntu are you running?04:30
backpro6.10 edgy04:30
backproand i download kubuntu-desktop now04:30
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ubunturosbackpro: it would be 3.5.x (where x could be greater than 2, the upper bound is not known to me)04:31
backprocan i download kde4 beta ??04:31
ubunturosbackpro: yes, but if you are really sure, you would want to try it04:31
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ubunturosbackpro: beta software is for testers04:32
BluesKajis there a DTS audio player available for linux ?04:32
jorge1966Hola amigos, me llamo Jorge Leon de Ecuador, estoy iniciando el uso de Linux con Ubuntu, soy muy nuevo, un amigo me ayudo pero todavia tengo problemas, porque no funciona la web cam y los audifonos en la compu04:33
ubunturosbackpro: also, if you are interested in just trying out KDE 4, you could perhaps try a live CD04:33
jorge1966podrian ayudarme?04:33
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ubunturosbackpro: (and if you have no limitations on your download) you could download it from http://home.kde.org/~binner/kde-four-live/04:33
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:33
alex85hi someone knows howto configure to start kde without inserting password in prompt like windows?04:33
alex85automatic login04:34
ubunturosalex85: see the control center04:34
kkathmanubunturos: its !es I think04:34
jorge1966ok thank you04:34
ubunturoskkathman: yes, I was trying out if "sp" stood for spanish04:34
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ubunturosalex85: and get to the LOgin Manage04:35
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ubunturosalex85: Login Manager*04:35
mille_what is the best open source gui anti-virus?04:35
ubunturosalex85: and under administrative mode choose the convenience section04:35
alex851 moment04:36
ubunturosalex85: ok04:36
kkathmanmille_:  you really dont need one for linux - but I hear AVG is good for windows04:36
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backprothank you <ubunturos> you are the best04:37
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ubunturosbackpro: don't think I deserve it. :)04:37
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yaccinwhat is "NetworkManagerDispatcher"?04:42
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ivan__anyone who talk italian04:52
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!04:52
ubunturos!ask | ubuntu_04:53
ubotuubuntu_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:53
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gabbydamn, I didn't even notice I was in this room!04:54
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BluesKajgabby, neither did we :)04:54
gabbyBluesKaj: funny :)04:55
=== Dr_willis goes back to work on his new pc.
BluesKaj<--- bored04:56
Dr_willisGateways where on sale thiss weekend. :)04:56
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Dr_willisthis thing has a "Yukon" network card. live cd isent picking it up. Not sure what modules are for it.04:56
BluesKajrainy and cool outside today ...stuck in the house and I'm too lazy to do any honeydoo stuff04:57
Dr_willisGoogling seems to imply a 'sky2' module.04:57
Dr_willisIts cool and nice here.. and im inside cleaning.04:57
Dr_willisconsolidating the fileservers to one server. :)04:57
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BluesKajYukon netcard ...hmmm can't say I've heard of it04:58
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BluesKajwondering ....could be a realtek in disguise ?04:58
BluesKajDr_willis, did you buy a gateway ?04:59
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Dr_willisBluesKaj,  yep.  :) on sale.04:59
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BluesKajlappy ?05:00
eagles0513875BluesKaj: hey05:00
Dr_willis$500, was $200 cheaper then a similer machine. Desktop machine.05:00
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BluesKajhi eagles051387505:00
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eagles0513875long time no c05:00
Dr_willisamdX2 6000 cpu. 3 gb ram05:00
Dr_willisNow i just need a decent video card for it. :)05:00
eagles0513875dude we just bought my dad an insane desktop05:00
Dr_williswhich is as much as the whole machine.05:00
BluesKajDr_willis, what stuff did you get with it ?05:00
Dr_willis300gb hd, 3 gb ram, AMDx2-6000 cpu05:01
Dr_willisthen they tossed in monitor, and a printer that wont work with linux. :)05:01
BluesKajnice !05:01
eagles0513875i think i have u all beat on teh desktop front lol05:01
Dr_willisBack to School Sales.05:01
eagles0513875lol nice05:01
Dr_willisIts where i cant BUILD one cheaper then they sell them.05:01
Dr_willisbut when i go to build the next pc in a year or so. i will at least have a decent video card.05:02
eagles0513875the desktop we bought quad core 2.8ghz 8mb l2 cache 600gb of space that can be raided05:02
Dr_willisI need to open it up and put in an extra hd. but waiting for my video card to arrive05:02
Dr_willisgot a 8800 on order.05:02
BluesKaj18mos ago 600bucks for amd 3200+ , 1Gram, no monitor , justKB and mouse05:02
eagles05138753gb of ram upgradeable to 8gb built in wifi 22inch monitor and a printer05:02
eagles0513875with windows vista  home primium wiht an nvidia 7050 le that has tv tuner capabilities05:03
eagles0513875and built in wifi05:03
eagles0513875all that this last weekend for about 1600 bucks at best buy05:03
BluesKajgoodluck with vista :)05:03
Dr_williseagles0513875,  i saw those also.05:03
eagles0513875so far so good lol05:03
eagles0513875i love it05:03
=== JuJuBee [n=JuJuBee@24-148-102-5.ip.mhcable.com] has joined #kubuntu
Dr_willisSo far with 3gb of ram. vista is doing ok on this box.05:03
eagles0513875i cant wait till friday when we get cable internet05:03
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eagles0513875dude i beta tested vista with 1.25gb of ram and it workd like a charm for me05:04
Dr_willisnow on the wifes 512mb Laptop = vista = DOG.05:04
Dr_willisbut she has XP on her laptop now.05:04
eagles0513875i have duel boot on here05:04
Dr_willisI couldent justify the $1600 for that high end box.05:04
Dr_willisnot when in a year. it will be down to $600 :)05:05
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eagles0513875if i can get someone i met on world of war craft to get her bf to get me a cedega bye bye winblows05:05
BluesKajyeah, i tried vista too, ran fine on my pc...just such a pita , none of my fav software works with it05:05
JuJuBeeHey all.  I think I did a stupid thing and need help to fix.  I changed a username on a computer.  How do I locate and change all files that the old user had perms on and switch to the new username?05:05
Dr_willisWoW never worked very good for me with cedega/wine.. but then again - i got sick of WoW. so i havent tried in  ages.05:05
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eagles0513875this person i know she has it and it runs fine05:05
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Dr_willisJuJuBee,  in 'theory' the users files should all be  in his /home/user dir.05:06
eagles0513875for me wow wont run but then again i do have a pos videocard05:06
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Dr_willisEvery time i used cedega/wine/wow - EVERY update to WoW broke cedega. and had to wait 2+ days for a cedega update to fix theWoW breakage.05:06
eagles0513875its worth the wait05:06
JuJuBeeDr_Willis : I am now unable to run my VMserver.  I changed all file perms in /var/lib/vmware/Virtual Machines to the new username and still cannot run.  THere must be others somewher else.05:07
eagles0513875i hate ati05:07
Dr_willisBut i dont play MMORPGS. I dont find WoW worth ANY wait... or worth playing.05:07
ks3JuJuBee: as in, you created a second user account, or actually just renamed the user account?05:07
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JuJuBeeRenamed the existing account05:07
Dr_willisJuJuBee,  Hmm.. i dident think those were owned by the user, but by root.05:07
ks3JuJuBee: if you just renamed the existing account, the user id should be the same, and perms should be fine05:07
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JuJuBeeIf I change the username back to its original, it works.05:07
JuJuBeeSOmething fishy...05:08
eagles0513875the only difference between the duel core machine adn thsi high end quad core was 300 bucks05:08
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eagles0513875but we cut the manager of the store a deal cuz they were out of 19 inch monitors so we paid 1450 so basically 50 bucks for the 22 inch monitor05:08
Dr_willisquad cores are just too 'new' :)  ive been burnt by such cutting edge stuff now a days..05:08
Dr_willisMy Year old laptop finially runs linux good.  after a year of kernel updates, and bios updates.05:09
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ubotuConventional P2P clients: Limewire/GTK-Gnutella/Frostwire (Gnutella Network).  -  BitTorrent: see !torrent  -  Direct connect: try valknut.  -  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information.05:09
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eagles0513875im starting to get rather pissed with gutsy atm05:10
Dr_williswowsers.. learned to use the ssh-fuse stuff today.. its handy05:10
eagles0513875im still trying to debug a rather annoying situation with gutsy05:11
Dr_willisthis is why i wait about 3 weeks  after the things are officially released.. :)05:11
evri2is there a way to use a webcam which is supported by v4l2 on kopete?05:12
acidBURNgood Idea05:12
nabilhi everyone need help with intel gma05:12
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acidBURNanyone know's why they choosen Strigi over other desktop indexers  :-S05:13
sampanjust got back from china and finally sitting down with my desktop box ... wondering if the adept upgrader (from 6.10 -> 7.04) works well or if there's a consensus thta i should upgrade manually05:13
eagles0513875Dr_willis: lol im helping test out the 64bit release of gutsy i get the impression there rnt alot of people that test 64 bit05:13
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eagles0513875sampan: u have documents on there u need05:13
Dr_willisi dont plan on using 64bit for SOME long time to come. :)05:13
eagles0513875Dr_willis: kubuntu is the best 64bit distro ive found so far05:13
sampaneagles0513875  sure, but i have everything like that backed up to an external drive05:13
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Dr_williseagles0513875,  thats like saying a RootCanal is the best tooth surgery yove tried.. :)05:14
BluesKajeagles0513875, I gave up on it due to it's ATI 3D and DRI probs05:14
eagles0513875sampan: i had some issues updating from 6.10 to 7.04 but im not sure if its fixed cuz i had a really nasty bug when i upgraded to gutsy tribe 2 ended up doing a clean install05:14
eagles0513875sampan: u wont know until u try05:14
Dr_willisall it takes is a few annoyances.. to make ya say.. heck.. back to 32bit :)05:14
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eagles0513875Dr_willis: i cant go back to 32bit05:15
evri2eagles0513875: which distros did you use?05:15
eagles0513875xp x64 which is the worst suse 1005:15
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eagles0513875i have to say 32bit cant compare if u can take advantage of a 64bit processor y not use it the way it was meant to be used05:15
BluesKajgutsy 64bit din't like my monitor , the drivers wouldn't run in X05:16
nabilI installed the intel driver from the repos and changed the xorg.conf accordingly but when I restarted X I finniched having giant fonts05:16
acidBURN32bit seems to be more stable, notice from other distro...05:16
acidBURNplus plugins seem to work.....05:16
evri2well i got 64bit processor,but there are less packages in 64bit version.So i stick with 32bit for now. :p05:16
eagles0513875for me and 64 bit kubuntu is most stabl05:16
acidBURNbeen there done that.05:16
eagles0513875for me its running fine im tempted to try get my wifi and direct rendering to work05:16
acidBURNwifi is another can of worms05:17
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eagles0513875evri2: wouldnt it be better to have it on ur machine05:17
eagles0513875acidBURN: do u have a broadcom05:17
nabilI installed the intel driver from the repos and changed the xorg.conf accordingly but when I restarted X I finniched having giant fonts05:17
acidBURNbut switch it out05:17
acidBURNeagles0513875: get yourself a netgear WG511t pcmcia card, works out of the box05:18
eagles0513875dude i have a pcmcia/compact flash one that works05:19
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BluesKajeagles0513875, 64 bit kubuntu is ok as long as you don't have ATI onboard graphics05:19
eagles0513875BluesKaj: lol well i do lol a radeon xpress200m05:19
eagles0513875BluesKaj: what problems should i expect05:19
BluesKajI like my google earth, and it won't run on 6405:20
eagles0513875lol ahh i like world of warcraft it will run with wine but graphics r shit05:20
eagles0513875!language |eagles05138705:20
ubotueagles051387: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:20
acidBURNeagles0513875: dude, I did get the broadcom to work, but its not as fast as my direct pcmcia card (broadcom buit-in)05:20
eagles0513875u serious05:20
eagles0513875have u seen that reversed engineered driver05:20
BluesKajbah ...wine , might as well run windows :)05:20
eagles0513875i can get wow to work but with really shitty frame rates05:21
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eagles0513875acidBURN: let me hook u up dude05:21
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eagles0513875acidBURN: what they did was took the windows drivers took em apart and re wrote the code in c++ or c not sure which one and recompiled them for linux05:21
acidBURNthere still using a wrapper for broadcom right >05:21
acidBURNokay............cool then05:22
acidBURNbut using the wrapper was bad05:22
eagles0513875lol i know dude05:22
eagles0513875and whats worse is for some reason for kubuntu they decided to chop it into 3 pkgs05:22
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eagles0513875acidBURN: thats the site05:23
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acidBURNeagles0513875: will check it out05:23
eagles0513875make sure ur card is supported05:24
acidBURNoh, is this new driver, going to be included into gutsy ???05:24
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eagles0513875i submitted it lol for consideration but i didnt hear anything from anyone05:24
eagles0513875any idea who i would have to contact05:24
eagles0513875when i can get my programming skills upt to snuff im goign to make my own linux distro05:25
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acidBURNeagles0513875: Riddell would be a start, can point you in the right direction...he is on this chat05:26
eagles0513875Riddell: u there due05:27
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eagles0513875acidBURN: i dont think he is there05:27
eagles0513875should i put it on the wish list lol05:27
acidBURNhe is ...talking with him05:28
eagles0513875im really having one of those off days today first thing that happens is i set off the alarm at work when i was actually thinking about the code while i was standing near my car not far form the back door05:28
eagles0513875now i have a gaming machine thats belongs at the store that is giving me ****05:29
eagles0513875ati x1950 in crossfire mode doesnt seem to like its own ati driver i keep gettin blue screen ofdeath05:29
acidBURNsounds like fun05:29
eagles0513875not really05:29
eagles0513875its got winblows on it05:29
acidBURNoh my05:30
eagles0513875then i have a head ache of seeting up some internet cafe like software on the serer and these machines which rnt working on and off05:31
eagles0513875and adding the games to the list05:31
Riddelleagles0513875: hmm?05:31
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JuJuBeeI am getting an error message with adept.  "There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there wasa problem downloading some packages the commit would break".   How do I fix this?05:32
eagles0513875Riddell: http://bcm43xx.berlios.de/?go=devices can we get those supported drivers added to the gutsy release05:32
Riddelleagles0513875: I've no idea, you'd need to ask a linux person05:33
Riddelleagles0513875: but I think the answer is not directory, but through restricted manager yes05:33
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eagles0513875Riddell: who would i have to talk to acidburn told me to talk to u05:33
Riddelleagles0513875: #ubuntu-kernel05:33
eagles0513875Riddell: ty05:33
Riddellor their mailing list if nobody is around05:34
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eagles0513875it seems rather dead in there05:34
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rusty_help, i cant install an hp Laserjet 1000 printer!05:35
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scribbleswhen I turn my external hd on the window comes up asking what to do I select open in new window then nothing happens05:41
scribbleswhere does it mount to si can point Konqueror there05:41
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mahdiwhat is the metapackage for mp3, mp4, m4a decoders and all that?05:43
mahdiscribbles: probably in /media05:43
jhutchinsscribbles: You can use the command mount to see what is mounted where, but if it were mounting, it would probably be giving you a dialog box.05:44
homepcsome italian here?05:44
scribbleswell it did give me a dialog, but when I click Okay to open in a new window nothing happens05:44
scribblesnothing new is in /mnt05:44
jhutchinsscribbles: You can look at the end of /var/log/messages or dmesg right after you turn it on.  That should tell you what's happening.05:44
Jucatomahdi: libxine-extracodecs05:44
jhutchinsscribbles: It's probably formatted for windows, so stupid kubuntu is mounting it so it's only accessible by root.05:44
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jhutchins!it | homepc05:45
ubotuhomepc: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!05:45
mahdiJucato: thanks05:45
scribblesso how do I get to it05:45
scribblesdmesg shows it mounted and reading05:45
jhutchinsscribbles: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions <= that may help.05:45
scribblesdoesn't hsow where it mounted05:45
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jhutchinsscribbles: mount will tell you where.05:46
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jhutchinshomepc: Buncha dumb monolingual americans here.05:46
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scribbles,,,/dev/disk/by-uuid/B09456269455EEFA on /media/hdb1 type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,allow_other,blksize=4096)05:46
scribblesthat look like it05:46
savetheWorldjhutchins: Warum?05:46
scribbleswait thats my other windows partition05:47
scribblesnot the external05:47
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paradiseHi i have some problem http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/36450/ see plz05:51
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FshHi i have some problem http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/36450/ see plz05:52
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otalivanhello everybody05:54
otalivanI need help with kubuntu and my graphics card driver05:55
Fshcan u help me ?05:55
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otalivanNo, I also need help myself05:55
otalivanI'm a beginner05:55
Fshi dont have any adea with this point05:55
Fshme too05:55
otalivanwell, what is your problem? there is a very remote chance that I might be able to help you05:55
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Fshno body is a live now :Pp05:56
FshHi i have some problem http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/36450/ see plz05:56
ks3Fsh: looks like you'll have to uninstall gaim before installing pidgin05:57
mendredFsh: do u have the gaim package installed? also where did u get the pidgin package from?05:57
otalivanthat's "too much sand for my truck", as we say in Portugal, I really don't know how to help you05:57
Fshok ok ok05:57
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otalivananyway, my case is that I have installed my nvidia official graphics driver, and now it seems I get no Opengl running. Can anyone please tell me what should I do to get OpenGl running in my Kubuntu?05:58
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Fshthanks thanks thanks05:59
Fsh;** alot05:59
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mendredotalivan: can u check the output of glxinfo |grep "direct"06:00
radioaktivstormdoes anyone have an idea as to why my ical calendar  on boxed would be one hour behind the time i put in using kontact?06:00
mendredotalivan can u paste the output of glxinfo in a pastebin :)06:01
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mendredotalivan: also specifically when ur saying opengl isnt working..what are u trying to run? compiz?06:02
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otalivanI will past the output now06:03
Jucato"glxinfo | grep direct". yes or no?06:03
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otalivanwell, I think it wont be necessary to use the past bin because I get "Xlib: entension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"06:04
Jucatootalivan: just install "nvidia-glx" (or nvidia-glx-legacy if your card is very old or nvidia-glx-new if it's very new) and "linux-restricted-modules-generic"06:04
zeemonthe drivers that worked for me came from Automatix06:04
Jucatothen, run "sudo nvidia-xconfig"06:04
otalivanmany thanks!! I'll try to do that06:05
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Jucatootalivan: after that, log out, and press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to restart the X server. if all goes well, you should be back06:05
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otalivanactually I noticed that opengl wasn't working because of the screensavers ;)06:06
otalivanI'm installing nvidia-glx right now...06:07
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Jucatowhat video card do you have?06:07
mendredotalivan: out of curiosity whats ur video card06:07
otalivannvidia 6600 LE06:07
mendredJucato: doesn;t that come under legacy?06:07
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otalivanwell, I think it wasn't working very well06:08
Jucatohm.. I don't think so... is it older than GeForce4 MX 4000?06:08
mendredlemme check06:08
Daisuke_Laptopeww, the mx 4000 :(06:08
otalivanI just installed kubuntu a few days ago06:08
Jucatocoz if it's newer, it's definitely not legacy :)06:08
otalivanI am veeeeryyyyy noobe06:08
Daisuke_Laptopa gf2 with a shader :\06:08
Jucatodon't mock my videocard!!! :P06:08
Daisuke_Laptopbut but but that's what it is!06:08
Fshhow ican remove some program with konsole ?06:08
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ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)06:09
mendredDaisuke _laptop: it runs pretty well at home thank u very much :)06:09
JucatoDaisuke_Laptop: it does it's job well. I don't need too much fancy graphics (yet)06:09
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otalivanok I will now try to restart the X06:09
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JucatoI wonder if he remembered to install the restricted-modules...06:10
mendredJucato: i dont think so..06:10
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JucatoI would give him a D for not following instructions... but I guess that a non-working X is punishment enough :)06:11
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mendredJucato: shouldnt nvidia-glx technically have a dependency06:11
mendredon restricted moduels06:11
Jucato"should" and "does" are two different things :)06:11
Jucatoanyway, that would be unnecessary in gutsy06:11
mendredJucato: true but in his case..hes not gonna be able to log back into X...06:12
Jucatotrue that..06:12
Jucatoif only he followed instructions :)06:12
eagles0513875anyone have any c++ compilers that u recommend06:13
mendredJucato: give him a break, hes a enthu newbie06:13
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mendredthey all make mistakes..06:13
Jucatoeagles0513875: gcc :)06:13
Jucatomendred: I know :)06:14
eagles0513875Jucato: i tried installing that yesterday06:14
eagles0513875but for some reason it wants me to manually install06:14
Daisuke_LaptopJucato: i never said there was anything wrong with it, i own one :)06:14
Daisuke_Laptopwell, i did say eww06:14
eagles0513875Jucato: it wants me to manually install06:14
Jucatoyeah, "ewww" conveys it all06:14
Jucatoeagles0513875: manually install what?06:14
Daisuke_Laptopi'm using integrated intel graphics, i have no room to talk :D06:14
mendredcome now gentleman..the 4000 is a very respectable card..06:14
JucatoDaisuke_Laptop: IGP! eeewwww!!!06:14
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Daisuke_LaptopJucato: i agree wholeheartedly and would like to subscribe to your newsletter :P06:15
Jucatomendred: gentleman was correct. Daisuke_Laptop is the only one complaining :)06:15
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mendredhe shouldn't06:15
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Jucatomendred: I think he only meant that in jest :)06:15
mendredintel integrated graphics *shudder*06:15
fixitHello guys, i have a problem i can't find a way to fixit can someone help me ?06:15
TunaTomfixit; yes06:16
Daisuke_Laptopmendred: just having a little fun, jucato knows i'm not usually actually mean06:16
fixitthis is related to apt-get06:16
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apt-fix - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:16
otalivanhi again06:16
mendredthere used to be these omega drivers for nvidia..used to get a lot of extra oomph out of the card06:16
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ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 06:16
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Jucatootalivan: how did it go?06:16
otalivanI got some problems06:16
mendredotalivan: did u install restricted drivers06:16
Jucatootalivan: did you remember to install linux-restricted-modules-generic?06:16
otalivanI installed the nvidia official driver for 6000 series06:16
Daisuke_Laptopmendred: i used those and they were pretty nice.  i was able to play some games on the 4000 that i wasn't able to play before :D06:16
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eagles0513875Jucato: manually install gcc06:16
fixitTunaTom: E: Le paquet hl1430lpr need to be reinstalled, but i can't find it's archive06:16
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otalivanbut now, after I installed the nvidia-glx06:17
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fixitthis is a printer driver06:17
Jucatoaaah it's conflicting...06:17
otalivani run the "sudo nvidia-xconfig"06:17
mendredDaisuke_Laptop: yeah KOTR could run at full settings on that :)06:17
fixitanything i am trying to install with apt-get after is not working06:17
Jucatoeagles0513875: who/what is making/forcing/telling you to manually install gcc?06:17
Jucatoeagles0513875: btw you might want to install build-essential to get the whole package06:17
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eagles0513875it says build essential is the newest pkg06:18
otalivanthen the nvidia-xconfig installer changed my "xorg.conf" file, and after restarting the X the video mode was not supported by my screen, so I had to manually replace the xorg,conf with the xorg.conf.back06:18
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Jucatoeagles0513875: hm.. ok.. so what/who is telling you to manually install gcc?06:18
Jucatomendred: see? not too newbie :)06:19
eagles0513875im running sudo apt-get install gcc in cli06:19
Jucatootalivan: did you remember to install linux-restricted-modules-generic?06:19
Jucatoeagles0513875: er.. no need. if you installed build-essential already06:19
TunaTomfixit: how do you know the packaet's name is hl1430lpr ?06:19
otalivanthat was already installed06:19
eagles0513875ahhh ok06:19
mendredJucato: t'was not what he claimed, i was mislead :)06:19
eagles0513875Jucato: is gcc an ide06:19
fixitTunaTom apt-get check06:19
Jucatoeagles0513875: no.06:19
eagles0513875Jucato: what u recommend for an ide06:19
Jucatoeagles0513875: it's a compiler06:19
Jucatodepends. what do you need?06:19
otalivanand now I type "glxinfo | grep direct" and I still get Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on displaty06:19
fixitTunaTom: each time i am trying to install new packages it is saying that hl1430lpr is missing06:20
Jucatootalivan: I think the nvidia.com driver is probably conflicting with the ubuntu one... but my knowledge ends there. :(06:20
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mendredotalivan: ok we need to do a little hand tuning..if u have the patience06:20
Jucatootalivan: sure you have restricted-modules-generic installed? (not restricted-headersor such)06:20
mendredfirst before i do that Jucato: is there a quick fix?06:21
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otalivanyeah, pretty sure I have that installed06:21
eagles0513875anyone know of any good c++ ide's06:21
Jucatomendred: not really sure. I forgot how to resolve that kind of conflict between drivers06:21
Jucatoeagles0513875: C++? KDevelop, Anjuta06:22
TunaTomfixit: Check if this helps: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-340848.html06:22
Jucatoeagles0513875: or Kate if you want a simpler one :)06:22
mendredotalivan: firstly whats the monitor ur using? LCD?06:22
mendredand if so whats the native resolution06:22
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eagles0513875i dont lol im teaching myself c++ i need an ide lol06:22
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otalivanit's a 19" widescreen TFT06:23
dwidmanneagles0513875: I'd think the other way around really. If you're teaching yourself c++ I think you need a simple editor :P06:23
otalivanit works on 1440x900 @ 60Hz, I had to manually change the xorg.conf file06:23
Kr4t05I just bought a Belkin USB Wireless Adapter, let's see if I can get utterly PO'ed at it.06:24
Jucatoeagles0513875: most beginner C++ stuff don't even need an IDE...06:24
Jucatotext editor + compiler is usually the way to start.06:24
Jucatoof course, your own  style will guide you :)06:24
mendredah ok.. otalivan: u would have changed the modes in the screen section right in ur original xorg.conf?06:25
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otalivanthis is my xorg.conf file, after the modifications: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/36454/06:26
eagles0513875Jucato: the book im using recommends learning on an ide06:26
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=== Jucato wonders what book does that...
otalivanI just added "06:26
fixitTunaTom: worked ! Thanks ! Now i need to be sure the printer is still working :)06:26
mendredotalivan: checking..this is the one nvidia generated or ur original06:26
milianein supergelauntes "Hallo" in die Runde werf :)06:26
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Jucato!de | milian06:26
ubotumilian: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de06:26
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milianJucato: sry, just a hallo via /amsg... ;-)06:27
dwidmannProbably a book from a windows mentality that won't really use anything more than breakpoints and a couple of its friends ...06:27
Jucatomilian: yeah, and in English channels, too... :/06:28
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mendredOtalivan: u might want to correct the modes for the other depths: they read 1440x1440 they should be 1440x90006:28
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milianJucato: I wont do it again, I promise :)06:28
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mendredthis seems to be the old one..06:28
mendredits using the nv driver06:28
otalivanyes, but I always use the depth 24, but I will change that anyway06:28
mendredcan u paste the xorg.conf06:28
mendredby the nvidia tool06:28
mendredi am guessing u might need06:28
mendredto make similar mods06:28
otalivanok I will do that but it will take a few minutes06:29
mendredsure np06:29
otalivanbe right back, thanks for the help!!06:29
TunaTommilian: Schnes hallo zurck.06:29
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otalivanok, here it is...06:31
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BluesKaj!de | TunaTom06:33
ubotuTunaTom: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de06:33
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mendredotalivan: hmmm i find nothing wrong..its almost identical..even the modes mistake is there.. :)06:34
mendredthe nvidia driver is being used thats all06:35
otalivanyeah, I noticed it ;)06:35
mendredcan u do one thing..06:35
mendredstart X with the new xorg06:35
mendredand paste06:35
mendredthe contents06:35
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mendredI mean "/var/log/Xorg.0.log"06:36
otalivanwell, I've tried 30 minutes ago to start X with the new xorg, and my screen did not support the new xorg, don't know why... had to go to a console and replace the nvidia-generated-xorg with the old-xorg06:36
mendredafter X crashes06:36
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mendredthat should give us some idea of whats happening06:36
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otalivanmaybe the info will already be there, since I have already tried to start X with this xorg.conf, right?06:37
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mendredhmmm it would be Xorg.1.conf i think06:37
mendredthe zero would always have the latest06:37
otalivanok, I will look it out06:37
mendredcheck that file and see if its using nvidia driver06:37
mendredthats the clue06:38
mendredright now ur using nv06:38
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otalivanI have a Xorg.0.log and a Xorg.9.log files06:39
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mendredcan u look through Xorg.9.log06:39
mendredand search for nvidia06:39
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mendredi think it will be something like LoadModule: nvidia06:40
elzbalyou may also be able to run the nvidia-glx-config command to set up the nvidia drivers automatically.06:41
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mendredotalivan: its loadin the nv module06:42
mendredso its not the xorg for the crash06:42
mendredits a nice sane log :)06:42
otalivanwell, I don't think it actually "crashes", it runs well I think, my pc continues to run06:43
mendredi mean X crashes and dumps u back on the console correct :)06:43
otalivanthe problem is that my screen doesn't display any of it because it doesn't support the video mode06:43
otalivanno, that's not what happens06:44
mendredotalivan: oh06:44
mendredthats a different issue then..06:44
mendredblack screen when using nvidia driver06:44
mendredone sec06:44
otalivanyes, well by the way, I think this info might help:06:45
otalivanI never get the "x loading screen"06:45
mendredconfound it06:46
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otalivanwhen you start running x, you get a screen that says something like "kubuntu", right?06:46
mendrednvidia-glx-legacy = 1.0-71xx driver06:46
otalivanI don't get it because my screen doesn't support its sceen resolution06:46
mendredotalivan: apt-gt remove nvidia-glx06:46
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mendredinstall the legacy drivr06:47
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mendredthats the thread06:47
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mendredone sec otalivan: 6200 right?06:49
cheweyI have some trouble with the automounter on Feisty: Every time I put a DVD in the drive, the popup message asks what to do with an "unmounted DVD".06:49
otalivannope, 660006:50
cheweyapparently, I'm affected by https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/95868 , but updating hal from backports didn't help.06:50
cheweyany ideas where I can kick to make it work?06:50
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chewey mounting by hand wokrs BTW, but only if I give the mount destination in the comman line - although the drive is correctly entered in fstab.06:50
mendredotalivan: its listed in the legacy drivers06:51
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mendredclick on the README06:51
otalivanok I have just installed the legacy drivers06:51
JuJuBeeI have a box that is giving an error on commiting changes in adept.  It seems that the changes are taking place, but I get an error every time.  How can I fix this?06:51
mendredalright use the nvidia generated xorg06:51
mendredno wait06:51
mendredgenerate it again :)06:51
mendredjust to be on the safer side06:52
mendredand then check06:52
mendredgood luck06:52
otalivanwell, my card is 6600 LE, but it will work the same as 6600, right?0'06:53
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mendredotalivan: yep shouldnt be a problem06:53
otalivanok, thank you very much!06:53
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mendredotalivan: hopefully keep ur fingers crossed06:53
otalivanyeah ;)06:53
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otalivansee you, and thanks!06:53
JacksLivrfor the love of god and money, please help me. All i want to do is be able to console into a router with my serial port on my PC. Every road i have gone down leads to fervent flames. will anyone just point in a direction?06:54
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otalivanI type "sudo nvidia-xconfig" and I get "command not found"06:55
mendredotalivan: ?06:55
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mendredok i am guessing the legacy drivers06:55
otalivanthis didn't happen before, and I have the legacy drivers installed...06:55
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mendreddont have a config06:55
otalivanyeah that must be it06:55
otalivanso I should just restart, right?06:55
mendredeasiest tjhing06:55
mendredjust change06:55
mendredthe nv06:55
llutzJacksLivr: did you try minicom?06:55
mendredto nvidia06:55
mendredin ur xorg.conf06:55
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mendredwas there any other changes in the generated xorg?06:55
mendredlemme check06:56
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mendredand while ur at it do correct the modes :)06:56
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otalivanby the way, when I want to edit xorg.conf I have to write it on a different file, and then "sudo cp other.file xorg.conf"06:56
otalivanhow can I edit xorg.conf directly?06:56
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llutzotalivan: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:56
otalivannano... ok thanks06:57
mendredotalivan: i suggest u use the new xorg.conf06:57
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mendredotalivan there are some differences06:57
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mendredklike the bus id being removed06:57
JacksLivrllutz: not yet. i will try that now06:57
otalivanok, so I should use the nvidia-generated xorg?06:57
mendredyes pls06:58
mendreddri module also shouldnot be loaded06:58
mendredwith nvidia drivers06:58
mendredthe new one takes care of that06:59
mendredso yeah the new one is probably a better bet06:59
otalivansorry for being "graphical-environmental-addicted", but is there another way to edit xorg.conf directly with other program than "nano"?06:59
mendredotalivan: Alt-f2 kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:59
mendredthat better? :)06:59
elzbalnano is one of the easiest editors for command-line usage.07:00
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mendredur in kde i assume :)07:00
llutzelzbal: not easy enough ...07:00
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elzbalIf in KDE, Kate is pretty good....07:00
mendredelzbal: personally i think vi is as easy as it gets.. but its personal pref :)07:00
elzbalThat's my preference too. All I use from the command line is vi.  :)07:01
elzbalBut I wouldn't force it on anyone else. :)07:01
RurouniJonesDamnit, where is the emacs zealot! ;)07:02
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mendredRurouniJones: yeah just like old times an editor flamewar :)07:02
RurouniJonesand elzbal, stop being so damn sane! Psyche yourself up while I find an Emacs lunatic07:02
RurouniJonesEveryone else: Grab popcorn07:02
elzbalHeh, I'd tell the emacs zealot to be happy using emacs. I'm too easy-going for a flame war.  :)07:03
mendredotalivan: ignore us..is it working?07:03
RurouniJonesAw :(07:03
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elzbalRuro: And in the meantime, nano is a great editor for someone who doesn't want to burden themselves with vi or emacs.07:04
RurouniJonesThere you go being all logical again, STOP IT MAN!07:04
elzbal(My first unix editor was pico, so it brings back memories. :)07:04
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otalivanhi again!07:06
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otalivanthis time the nvidia-generated xorg.conf worked07:07
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otalivanand I corrected the 1440x1440 to 1440x90007:07
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mendredotalivan: cheers07:08
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=== mendred raises a toast to otalivan
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mendrednow wait till i get my hands on Jucato :)07:08
otalivanbut I don't think openGl is working yet!!07:08
mendredwait wait wait07:08
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mendredone thing at a time07:08
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mendredotalivan: check glxinfo | grep direct07:09
mendredwhat does it say now07:09
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mendredotalivan: to be safe u are using the nvidia driver right ? :)07:09
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mendredotalivan: check ur Xorg.0.log to be sure07:10
mendreddid u get the nvidia logo07:10
mendredon x start up?07:10
otalivanjust did, I get lots of lines, all of them saying "Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0" "07:10
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otalivanactually I got no logo, it jumped right to the x login screen07:10
Dr_willistalking about the Nvida logo?07:11
Dr_willisive seen it flash up and close so fast you may not notice it. depending on the monitor.07:11
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elzbalThere's also a setting to turn it off. So I wouldn't rely on that.07:11
elzbaltry this at a command line:     "glxinfo | grep glx"07:11
Dr_willisYep. Not sure why people seem to HATE it so much. :) i like seeing it.. remindes me that i do have the nvidia stuff set right.07:12
elzbalsee what the vendor string says.07:12
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Dr_willisHmm.. some how on this box i dont have the nvidia driver set up Yet. :) On my TODoList07:13
mendredotalivan:ur using the nvidia driver xorg.conf right?07:13
mendredwith Driver "nvidia"07:13
mendredin Section "Device"07:13
Dr_willisgrep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf           To see what Driver you are using.07:14
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otalivanI using the xorg.conf I pasted a little ago, the one modified by the nvidia config07:15
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mendredotalivan: ok can u paste the Xorg.0.log in pastebin?07:15
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otalivanok... going...07:16
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otalivanthere seems to be a lot of error messages07:17
Jucatomendred: just try :P07:17
nadrosimau have original driver  dont touch any config07:18
otalivanthen again, only a few at the end07:18
nadrosimainstall beryl and use07:18
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mendredotalivan: i think i see the problem07:19
mendredJucato: AIGLX doesn't work with the legacy drivers?07:19
Jucatonvidia-glx-legacy? I don't know. probably not07:20
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mendredno thats not the problem..he hasnt enabled the composite extension in his X07:21
mendred(EE) GLX is not supported with the Composite extension07:21
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash07:21
mendredi think thats the issue07:21
mendredand ah07:22
Jucatomendred: I don't think nvidia supports AIGLX. I think it's XGL07:22
mendredII) Initializing built-in extension COMPOSITE07:22
mendredyeah swat i figured07:22
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ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases07:22
mendredi am guessing that his problem is AIGLX is trying to get initialised with a legacy druiver07:22
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+107:22
mendredwhereas he needs to use an XGL server07:22
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mendredwith the legacy driver07:23
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otalivanso, I should install xgl?07:25
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mendredotalivan: are u using compiz?07:25
mendredor plan to07:25
mendredotalivan: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/36460/07:26
otalivancompiz?? hmmm, this probably is a stupid question, but... what the hell is that?07:26
hak5fanHow can I set up sound so I can hear the sound from multiple appz at once.... I have  a sound blaster USB live card07:26
mendredotalivan: ok a small test07:26
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mendredotalivan: add those lines to the end of ur Xorg.conf07:26
mendredand then restart X and then check if07:26
mendredgl works07:26
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otalivanhmmm what was it again I had to type before "kate" in order to change xorg.conf??07:28
Sanneotalivan: kdesu07:28
otalivanohh thanks!07:28
Sanneyw :)07:28
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tstaubWhere are all the users? Isn't anybody talking?07:31
dwidmann[insert convesation here] 07:31
ch40sits nap time07:31
dwidmanngreat, now I'm wanting to take a(nother) nap too.07:32
tstaubCan anybody tell me which software to use to cut dvb movies?07:33
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otalivanhi... it didn't work, X didn't start after the "composite false" adding to xorg.conf07:36
mendredotalivan: ok ditch that..07:37
otalivanI can show you the log file if you want to07:37
mendredotalivan: no i dont think u really wanna do that :)07:37
mendredotalivan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxzv_d4Db-807:37
mendredotalivan: thats a demo of compiz fusion..and yes u will need xgl with ur nvidia-legacy driver07:37
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mendredotalivan: #compiz-fusion channel is where u need to check if u need info on installing it.07:38
otalivanok, thanks!07:39
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BradersHello everyone!!  I have Compiz-Fusion installed now ;-) but only prob i got it everytime i reboot the system or shutdown etc! when i get back into ubunto the compiz-fusion is running i have to do ALT+F2 and enter compiz --replace07:40
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geniiYou'd almost think there wasn't a #compiz-fusion channel07:41
Braderslol chance i got07:41
mendredBraders: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3163821&postcount=807:41
mendredthere is a fusion tray icon07:42
mendredwhen u run it it gets stored in ur sessions07:42
mendredso the next time u start07:42
mendredit starts compiz for u07:42
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Bradersok thanks for your help07:42
mendredgenii: to be sure, though the package is ubuntu specific :)07:43
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gorohi.. i search the italian chat of kubuntu fetsy fawn.. can you help me?07:43
BradersMendred: can you run me through how to install a .deb file i am new to this07:43
mendredpop into a console and do :  sudo dpkg -i <package name>07:44
Dr_willisIts best to use the package manager, and isntall stuff from the repos.. not 'download deb's and install them' :)07:44
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mendredto be sure yes..listen to Dr_Willis :)07:44
mendredthough i am not sure if its is in the repos07:45
mendredlemme chekc07:45
BradersCool!! where do i get the repos from?07:45
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Dr_willisI aint touching the fancy  3d stuff for another year. :)07:45
Dr_willisBraders,  this is when reading the ubuntu/kubuntu beginner guides.. comes in handy. :)07:45
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu07:45
=== genii hands Dr_willis a coffee and some pain reliever
mendredDr_willis : its pretty stable on gutsy...can't live without expo/scale functions :)07:45
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Dr_willismendred,  i doubt if my X200M based laptop can handle it anyway. :)07:46
mendredguess whats mine :)07:46
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mendredits a 4 year old compag07:46
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mendredon its last legs07:46
Dr_willisand the fancy eye candy stuff works on that?07:46
mendredbut the open source radoen driver07:46
mendredworks like a charm07:46
mendredyes sirree07:46
Dr_willisthats scary. :)07:46
mendred512 mb ram07:47
mendrednot any fancy 2 gb07:47
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Dr_willisMakes vista look bad. :)07:47
mendredwell i had to reallly tweak my xorg07:47
mendredbut in the end worth07:47
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sdlnxgkanyone  having USB issues??07:48
sdlnxgkmy digi camera will not mount anymore07:48
sdlnxgkbut if I take out memory card it mounts just fine07:48
mendredsdlnxgk: doesnt sound like an usb issue07:49
mendredsdlnxgk: is ur memory card07:49
mendredworking fine?07:49
mendredi am guessing the camera has some internal mem + supplemented by memory card?07:49
mendredif u are able to mount it without a card07:50
sdlnxgkmendred, memory card is working great and works fine in card reader but when used in  usb reader will not bring up browser :(07:50
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SoulChildOkay,... i just compiled my first kernel but i get this error: "init: unable to open control socket: Adress family not supported" any ideas ???07:50
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sdlnxgkmendred,  was working fine then just stopped about a week ago07:50
ks3SoulChild: you've left out something important, like unix sockets07:50
mendredsdlnxgk: feisty or gutsy?07:51
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SoulChildks3: where to find ???07:51
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ks3it's a config option in the kernel configuration07:51
sdlnxgkmendred, feisty07:51
ks3don't recall exactly where... :(07:51
SoulChildks3: i know but where can i find it ,...07:51
ks3haven't compiled my own kernel for ages07:51
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mendredsdlnxgk: can u do onething..pop in ur card into the usb reader and in a console enter dmesg |tail07:52
mendredand paste the output in a pastebin07:52
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backprohello i wanna install source packages when i configure the package(./configure) its write to me - configure: error: libz is needed07:53
backprowhat configure: error: libz is needed mean07:53
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Dr_willisbackpro,  install the libz and libz development packages.07:53
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Dr_willis!find libz07:53
ubotuFound: libruby1.8, libzephyr-dev, libzephyr3, zlib1g, zlib1g-dev (and 30 others)07:53
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Dr_willisof course WHICH one it is.. is the question. :)07:54
sdlnxgkmendred, what should I be looking for got some stuff that came up in console07:54
elzbalzlib would be my vote...07:54
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mendredsdlnxgk: select the stuff and copy it07:54
mendredand paste it in a pastebin07:55
sdlnxgkyou want it here?07:55
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)07:55
sdlnxgkahh ok ;)07:55
mendredwc :)07:55
backprono package name libz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!07:55
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sdlnxgkmendred, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/36464/07:56
ks3how about zlib1g-dev?07:56
elzbalwell, a few zlib* things came up in the search... it's probably one of those... (not too helpful, I know)07:56
Dr_willisbackpro,  sounds like the progrm uses some librarys thats not in the repos then. will have to track down libz and install it from source.07:56
Dr_willisNow ya know why the package management system is prefere4d to 'source;07:57
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mendredsdlnxgk: well ur device is getting recognised07:59
mendredjust not mounted07:59
mendredopen konqueror07:59
mendredand enter media:/sdd108:00
dwidmannks3: yeah, tha'ts the right one, I was about to say08:00
mendredin the address bar08:00
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ks3dwidmann: great08:00
sdlnxgkmendred, OK08:01
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sdlnxgkmendred,  why i'm trying that look at this tried it with the memory card in the usb reader http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/36465/08:02
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devianceMY PC WORKS YAY08:02
mendredsdlnxgk: tell me something doesnt the icon for the device appear on the desktop when u plug it in?08:02
mendredwhat log is this now :)08:03
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mendredit seems to have entered sde1 instead08:03
sdlnxgkmendred, it used to but now only will show the icon for the card reader not using the usb slow to read the media card :(08:03
mendredyeah sounds familiar08:03
sdlnxgkmendred, tried both says access denied :(08:04
mendredunfortunately am on gutsy now..so cant validate the hunch..08:04
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sdlnxgkmendred,  I mean permission denied08:04
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sdlnxgksomething changed when I did updates i'm sure08:04
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sdlnxgkbut looks as if i'ts permission driven problem08:04
mendredwait...joggin my brain :)08:05
mendredyeah theres a group08:05
mendredone sec08:05
devianceWhats the console command to see what version I am running?08:05
devianceI haven't been on this HD is sooo long08:05
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stdin!version | deviance08:06
ubotudeviance: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell08:06
mendredsdlnxgk: is ur user part of the plugdev group?08:06
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mendredjust check that08:06
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sdlnxgkmendred, checking08:06
sdlnxgkmendred, yes i'm a member of that group08:07
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backpro_i find this package her name is zlib08:07
backpro_but i dont know why in konsole her name is kibz08:07
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mendredsdlnxgk: suggest u file a bug then...08:08
mendredsdlnxgk: something broke with the updates08:08
devianceGuys, I'm running 6.0608:09
mendredin the mean time if u really need to mount it as usb..u can do it with sudo..08:09
devianceShould I reinstall to 7.0408:09
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sdlnxgkmendred,  thanks for your help !! will go file a bug report right now..08:09
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sdlnxgkmendred, not sure if it lets me do it as root either :(08:10
mendredsdlnxgk: we can check... just create a folder xyz in ur home dir do a sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sde1 ~/xyz08:10
sdlnxgkmendred,  I take back my previous statment08:10
mendredassuming its a fat32 partition08:10
mendredok so it does?08:11
sdlnxgkmendred,  mounts  fine as sudo08:11
mendredyeah thought so..08:11
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sdlnxgkcould I add myself to the group root?08:11
mendredsomeone has disabled user mountable pluggable devices08:11
mendrednever do that08:11
sdlnxgkI know it's dangerous08:12
mendredthats just asking for trouble :)08:12
sdlnxgkhow can I enable my user again for mountable plugin devices?08:12
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sdlnxgktrouble is my middle name08:12
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mendredlemme just check the groups..08:12
sdlnxgkoh wait that is at work :D08:12
MarcCis there a program that will tell me which software is blocking my sound card?08:12
sdlnxgkI thought there was a usb group could be wrong08:13
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mendredsdlnxgk: i am not on fiesty so not sure..i was under the impression plugdev took care of that..08:14
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mendredbtw are u able to mount a usb pen drive automatically?08:14
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mendredoh wait heres an idea08:15
mendredmount using sudo08:15
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mendredthen when the icon appears on the desktop08:15
mendredright click properties>mounting08:15
sdlnxgkmendred, don't have a pen drive just  a memory card  with usb reader but should be the same thing08:15
sdlnxgkthat is what I just did08:16
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mendredis there a mount as user  option?08:16
mendredits there on gutsy08:16
mendrednot sure if fiesty has it08:16
sdlnxgkyes the mount as user option is checked08:16
mendredthen its a big08:16
mendredi mena08:16
evri2How can stop my gpu from lowering its GPU speed?08:16
mendredu can just try unchecking it08:17
mendredclicking ok08:17
mendredthen opening it agian and checking it08:17
mendredand see if it works08:17
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mendredbut i ahve no hopes of that :(08:17
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sdlnxgkI just saw a check mark box says mount automatically08:17
mendredyeah thats another option too08:18
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mendredok same as gutsy then..08:18
sdlnxgkbut when I choose that option to mount auto it says: mountpoint: has to be below /media what  does that mean??08:19
mendredok there is a folder called media08:20
mendredso by default all the drives get mounted there08:20
mendredfor eg.08:20
mendredmy usb hdd08:20
mendredgets mounted as /media/PERSONAL08:20
mendredfiesty takes the volume name08:20
mendredand automatically creates a folder there08:20
mendreda minute08:21
mendreddont tell me08:21
mendredno forget it08:21
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mendredfile it as a bug...i have a feeling more ppl would have faced this issue as well..08:21
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mendred*yawn* ok gotta crash...night ppl..08:22
sdlnxgkmendred,  Thanks for you help... will  go file a bug report now08:23
sdlnxgknight mendred08:23
mendredsdlnxgk : i dont think i was all that helpful..but good luck..hope ur issue gets fixed08:23
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Daisuke_Laptopah, i forgot the best part about using a new ubuntu release :D08:24
Daisuke_Laptopdozens of updates daily :)08:25
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alejandro_why kubuntu dont catch my usb portable hard disk?08:29
_4strOis your ubuntu catch other usb devices?08:30
_4strO(i think so)08:30
LogicalDashI'm trying to setup Kate so I can push F5 and have it execute the Python script I'm working on. How do I set up an external tool for this? If I use "konsole -e 'python ./%filename'", it gives me something called a PTY error.08:30
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alejandro_it catches my pendrive08:31
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Daisuke_Laptophi ho, hi ho, it's off to work i go...08:32
Daisuke_Laptophave fun everyone08:32
alejandro_are you here _4strO ?08:32
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devianceHello, I just went on my new Kubuntu pc and even though its running on a Intel Core 2 duo E6420, it seems pretty slow. I'm running an old 120gb hard drive with Kubuntu 6.06 on it, is there any chance its running at the speed that it used when it was in my old machine?08:33
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Daisuke_Laptopuh, no?  the processor isn't in the hard drive.08:33
_4strOalejandro_: if you type : lsusb -v in a terminal, didi you see it ?08:33
Daisuke_Laptopyou would be better served installing fresh on the new pc08:33
devianceI am at the moment08:34
deviance7.04 is installing08:34
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devianceIs using envy reccomeneded for installing graphics drivers? I have a ASUS nVidia 7300gs08:34
alejandro_mmm _4strO No i isnt there08:35
alejandro_mmm _4strO No i isnt thereit isnt there08:35
alejandro_it isnt there, sorry08:35
_4strOalejandro_: no pb08:35
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alejandro_anyone have some kindom of problem like this?08:36
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Daisuke_Laptopno, envy isn't recommended08:37
Daisuke_Laptopnor is it supported08:37
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Daisuke_Laptopnvidia-glx is the package you're going to need08:37
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Daisuke_Laptopand the best part is in 7.04 it's available outright because universe is enabled by default.08:38
alejandro_intall nvidia driver it s easy in this distro08:38
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sdlnxgkDaisuke-Ido, I tried using nvidia-glx and had nothing but problems and envy worked like a charm for me... just my .02 worth08:38
devianceSo, Is there a quick step by step guide to installing nvidia-glx08:39
_4strOalejandro_: try the precedent command with a sudo08:39
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SoulChildhey i just compiled a vanilla kernel but i get: "request_module: runaway loop modprobe binfmt_464c" at boot ,.. any ideas ???08:39
_4strOalejandro_: i think it should be detect, bet not automount08:39
Daisuke_Laptopsdlnxgk: that doesn't change the fact that nvidia-glx is supported and envy isn't08:39
_4strOSoulChild: try a chocolate one :p08:39
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=== _4strO excuse himself ...
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/08:40
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SoulChild_4strO: :D08:40
sdlnxgkDaisuke-Ido,  this is true but if the program works it works.. I  like it because I run SLI mode and was easier for me to set up since the so called supported nvidia-glx didn't work08:41
JuJuBeeI have a routing question (or 2).  I have a network conected to a switch (few computers) and the switch connected to eth0 on a server.  On the server, eth1 connects to my cable modem.  From my computer (not this one) I can ping both interfaces on the server, but cannot get to google,com (by ip or dn).  On the server, I can browse the net.  Any ideas?08:41
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rand_acsdoes anyone know how to setup channels on a sound card so that all of your speaks work? my rear speakers on a 5.1 set doesn't. the wiki guide's suggestion didn't help08:43
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alejandro_no luck for me  _4strO08:44
karlosque saco eesse linux08:44
karlos uma bosta08:44
_4strOalejandro_: did you look on internet about compatibility problems ?08:45
rand_acsKMix only shows a "Front" channel and no Rear, alsamixer confirms this...08:45
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ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.08:45
_4strOalejandro_: as i remember, some HD are not compatible08:45
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alejandro_could be that08:46
alejandro_i my brother windows doesnt ran08:46
_4strOalejandro_: what is the HD reference ?08:46
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alejandro_reference .... buff08:46
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waspiushi can someone tell me what needs to be done so i can find the package midnight commander?08:47
alejandro_i ll search in google08:47
alejandro_thanks for your help08:47
waspiusdoes it have to do with repos?08:48
elzbalmidnight commander: apt-get install mc08:48
waspiusyes i know that but it says cannot find package08:48
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backproi install source package and now i wanna delete it how ??08:49
elzbalhmm... it just worked for me on feisty...08:49
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backproi install source package and now i wanna delete it how ??08:50
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mille_waspius add debians apt server to your source list(dont upgrade and remove from list when done)08:50
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_4strOwaspius: mc is in the universe repo08:51
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waspiusmille_: which is debians apt server?08:52
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waspiushow do you check what you are running?if it is feisty or something else?08:52
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mille_deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ stable main contrib non-free08:52
waspiusmille_: thanx08:53
mille_don't upgrade08:53
_4strOwaspius: lsb_release08:53
mille_and remove it when done08:53
waspiusthanx allot08:53
_4strOmille_: what08:53
_4strOmille_: noway ...08:53
waspiusmille_: why should i remove it afterwards?08:54
_4strOwaspius: just active the universe repo and that's all08:54
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mille_it try to upgrade your system from debian and ruin linux08:54
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_4strOwaspius: what the command lsb_release say ?08:55
_4strOwaspius:  lsb_release -a sorry08:56
waspiuswell i tried it on my debian distro but it says lsb modules unavailable08:56
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waspius_4strO: i will ask my friend to check on his kubuntu to tell me08:56
_4strOwaspius: with the -a option08:56
_4strO(i forget it)08:57
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waspius_4strO: cool it worked..thanx allot08:57
_4strOmille_: is it possible to get ubuntu from a debian ?08:57
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_4strOwaspius: for having mc you can activate universe repo on debian too08:58
mille_however i bet you can mod debian to work like it08:58
waspius_4strO: on debian i have it08:58
_4strOok ok08:58
mille_however you would have to know all the apps08:59
_4strOmille_: easyzer to reinstall all stuff :p08:59
mille_ubuntu comes with it08:59
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mille_i go the easy route09:00
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mille_and install ubuntu09:00
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waspiuswell i found it that debian runs better on my pc09:00
_4strOwaspius: and if you looking for where a package is : apt-cache madison youPackage09:00
waspiusdo you know why this comes up when trying to install mc?09:01
waspiusErrors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/tzdata_2007b-1_all.deb09:01
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waspiusE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)09:01
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otalivanhi people09:01
otalivanin ubuntu there is a restricted driver manager. Does such a tool exist in kubuntu??09:02
_4strOwaspius: a previews bad install ?09:02
waspius_4strO: i doubt it..cause before we put the repo it could not find the package09:02
mille_waspius try using synaptic to find midnight C09:02
_4strOotalivan: if you talk about the video driver just look in K / system settings / monitor and display09:03
_4strOor sometibng like that09:03
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_4strOwaspius: if you have removed the previews repo, try to sudo apt-get update09:05
waspius_4strO: ok we are trying now from adept and i will let you know if everything went ok09:05
mille_waspius did you find it09:05
waspiusmille_: yes09:05
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otalivanok thanks!09:06
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waspiusmille_: we get this error09:07
waspiusThere was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.09:07
BluesKajif some one asks again: in kubuntu it's called restricted-manager09:07
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waspiusi got to go..thanx allot for the help though..i will join later09:09
devianceI have a wireless problem. It can see my wireless usb key, it can see my network, but when I put the WEP in it just gets stuck on 28% configuring the device09:09
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BradersHey can anyone help me with my wireless internet connection? i have installed ubuntu on a dell laptop and says the broadcom wireless is installed but it dont detect a wireless network?09:10
BluesKajdeviance, I'm not totally up on the wireless , but i do know this , WPA is much more secure than WEP09:11
devianceI knoe09:11
BluesKaj!wireless | deviance09:11
ubotudeviance: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:11
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devianceBut not all my devices support WPA09:11
Bradersi have enabled the wireless but still nothink09:11
Bradersmy other pcs are wireless09:12
BluesKajas long as your gateway is using it09:12
_4strOBluesKaj: when i install restricted-manager it install synaptic too ...09:13
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winbondwhats up with that new ati driver, anyone got to use it yet?09:13
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_4strOwinbond: new ati driver from ati ?09:14
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winbond_4strO: yup09:14
RurouniJonesATI is releasing a new driver soon09:14
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RurouniJonesWhich is apparently a HUGE rewrite09:14
RurouniJonesand doesn't suck balls09:14
_4strOi hate ATI !09:14
RurouniJonesIt has been tested by a website that does this sort of thing and it blows the old drivers out the water09:15
winbondyeah i hate ati too, but a good driver is surely needed09:15
BluesKajRurouniJones, where did you see that ?09:15
RurouniJonesI think slashdot and digg have the news09:15
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BluesKajthx RurouniJones09:15
_4strOwinbond: you're right09:15
BluesKajgonna need it for gutsy09:15
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_4strOwinbond: or simply a foncctionnal driver will be enough09:16
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RurouniJonesCurrently I think it is still binary09:16
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RurouniJonesThey are making noises about Open-source but I think that is a logn way off or a pipe dream, like most I think a working driver would be a good start.09:16
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nowYZwhere is the german channel?09:17
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:17
_4strOi win !!!09:17
RurouniJonesI was typing about ATI!09:17
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nowYZas allways ubuntu doesnt use standards..09:17
_4strOi was rolling a cigarette :p09:17
RurouniJonesMoaning about - instead of . eh?09:18
RurouniJonesI don't remember seeing an ISO certified IRC channel naming standard but I'll check again.09:18
_4strOnowYZ: perhaps because the standards need an update :p09:19
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_4strORurouniJones: there is one policy (dont sure about the word)09:20
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nowYZok german channel doesnt help :(09:20
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kaminixWhy is amarok so slow when tagging? Flac files btw.09:21
nowYZhere the problem, i need the default kde key bindings like CTRL+Tab or Konqueror search bar.. is there a way get these kde default settings?09:21
RurouniJones_4strO: Convention or "De-facto standard" is the word you want :)09:21
_4strOthx :)09:21
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pochoclo. . .  hola09:23
_4strOnowYZ: i dont understand, you want get back the kde key binding or just set some09:24
pochocloMmm . . .   no entendo !09:24
_4strOpochoclo: hello09:24
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.09:24
pochoclohola . . .  como estas ?09:24
_4strOhere is MC pochoclo !09:25
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nowYZ_4strO no i just want the default kde behaviour and settings09:27
nowYZ_4strO for example why is in konqueror the search bar disabled?09:27
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_4strOnowYZ: ask to Mark :p09:28
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_4strOnowYZ: it isnt on my kubuntu09:28
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_4strOnowYZ: i have the serach bar active per default09:29
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nowYZ_4strO i just installed gubsy and it is disabled09:29
nowYZ_4strO and CTRL+Tab isnt set09:30
_4strOnowYZ: my mistake, it's the filter bar not the search bar09:30
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nowYZ_4strO you kno the default kde settings are allmost perfect, they have usability experts and so on..09:30
_4strOnowYZ: i saw it before for the CTRL+Tab and i was surprised too09:31
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nowYZ_4strO this really sux09:33
oxymannowYZ: do you mean the search bar with the different search engines (google, wikipedia etc)?09:33
nowYZoxyman exactly09:34
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_4strOnowYZ: i think the reason is to be more friendly user09:34
oxymannowYZ: hm..i know how to enable it but i've german kde so i dont know the exact names09:34
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nowYZ_4strO ? but firefox/iceweasel isnt patched to remove that bar..09:34
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otalivanhi guys09:35
_4strOnowYZ: searching on the web is more frequent than searching files on your computer09:35
otalivanright now I am in real trouble, I need help again with my video driver...09:35
elite101mhm im on live cd and im going to newyork in a bit :D09:36
nowYZ_4strO that searchbar is for internet search engines09:36
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NickPrestaotalivan, which card?09:36
otalivanI finally got the nvidia 6 series driver to work, I get the nvidia logo at startup and everything,09:36
devianceOk, my network is being weird. I can connect to the network, I can connect to my wireless router and edit its settings, but I can't access the internet. Any ideas?09:36
eddy_diocane diocane diocane wah09:36
devianceAlso, when i try to change internet settings I get Conversation with su failed09:36
otalivanbut now the desktop can't fit in one screen. I have a 19" monitor that should be set up to 1440x900@6009:37
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otalivanthis is my current xorg.conf file: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/36478/09:37
_4strOnowYZ: on firefox, the backspace binding isn't set09:37
NickPrestaotalivan, use `nvidia-settings`09:37
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eavilahow change the chat channel???09:37
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oxymannowYZ: ok, rightclick on a symbol in the toolbar then go to "configure toolbars"09:37
NickPrestaeavila, use /join #CHANNEL09:38
tinohola soy nuevo en el ubuntu y es la primera vez que reinicio el pc y me encuentro que en el Kopete todo el mundo esta desconectado.. es normal?? si hace 2 minutos tenia un monotn de gente!09:38
_4strOeavila: /join {channel09:38
NickPresta!es | tino09:38
ubotutino: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.09:38
_4strOeavila: /join \#channel09:38
nowYZoxyman wo isnt dat mit searchbar?09:38
_4strOeavila: without the backslashe09:38
oxymanoxyman: Toolbars: searchtoolbar. and then add search bar to current actions09:38
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eavilaeavila: /join \#edubuntu-es09:39
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_4strOnowYZ: i think i get the answer for the fact the search bar isn't set by defaut09:39
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_4strOnowYZ: they dont want set search engine by default09:40
oxymannowYZ: rechtslick auf ein symbol in der menleiste (z.b. home symbol), dann werkzeugleisten einrichten09:40
otalivannvidia-settings doesn't work09:41
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nowYZanyway it sux09:41
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devianceHow do I get to the recovery console?09:41
_4strOnowYZ: it's opensource law, why they have to make advertise for google or others ...09:41
nowYZ_4strO they dont need to set google as searchengine09:42
NickPrestaotalivan, what do you mean "doesn't work". What doesn't work?09:42
deviance!recovery console09:42
otalivanwell I suppose I could change the xorg.conf to its backup, but I think the nvidia driver would no longer be working09:42
otalivanit's of no use, that's what I mean09:42
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_4strOnowYZ: so wich one ?09:42
_4strOnowYZ: and if no one is set, so why put a search bar ? :)09:42
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otalivan"nvidia-settings" is of no use, it has very few options, and none related to changing resolutions, etc09:42
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NickPrestaotalivan, in the X Server Display Configuration screen, there is the option to change your resolution...09:43
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BluesKajnowYZ, konq/configure konqueror/Browser ID/ check send identification/check that mozilla 5 is your default and that google.com listed in the box below09:44
otalivanyes, I know, but the option I want, 1440x900@60, doesn't show up there!09:44
otalivanI understand I must add that option to xorg.conf, but I don't know exactly what lines I should enter09:45
BluesKajbummer missed him...type too slowly :(09:45
NickPrestaotalivan, and you're using the correct driver?09:45
_4strOotalivan: so you have to put it manually in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:45
otalivanyes, I understand that, but I can't figure out how to do that09:45
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otalivanI have my xorg.conf right here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/36478/09:45
otalivanI know how to edit id, I simply don't know what lines I should type in there09:46
_4strOotalivan: kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:46
_4strOotalivan: and look at the Section "Screen"09:46
otalivanthanks _4str0 , someone earlier today has taught me that command, but I don't know what to type in the xorg.conf file...09:46
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otalivancould you please take a look at my xorg.conf file, and give me a hint on what I should type? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/36478/09:47
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_4strOotalivan: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/36479/ just paste the whole file09:49
_4strOotalivan: copy from the edit field09:49
otalivanI have tried doing that09:50
NickPrestaI strongly suggest against manually configuring X if you don't know how or what you're doing. Try first, `sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg`. Select your desired resolution(s).09:50
otalivanit still didn't work... I think the line "VIRTUAL 1600 1200" might have something to do with it09:50
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_4strOotalivan: so comment it09:53
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_4strOotalivan: where this xorg.conf come from ?09:53
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facugaichguys what's the name of the updater program?09:54
xp_killerhi everyone09:54
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wathekhello all I've installed Kubuntu 7.10 and I've a problem with my sound card it doesn't work09:54
NickPrestafacugaich, adept_updater, IIRC09:54
NickPresta!hi | xp_killer09:54
ubotuxp_killer: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!09:54
NickPresta!sound | wathek09:54
ubotuwathek: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:54
xp_killerfacugaich: ?? up dateter?09:54
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xp_killerNickPresta: tanks09:55
_4strOotalivan: better ?09:55
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_4strOotalivan: where this xorg.conf come from ?09:55
xp_killerNickPresta: u know much about beryl?09:55
facugaichxp_killer: Yeah, adept_updater is what I was looking for09:55
xp_killerNickPresta: like how to use the water effects?09:55
wathekNickPresta: I've already tried that09:56
otalivanwell what I did was executing "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"09:56
otalivanknow I got the monitor working at 1440x900@6009:56
xp_killerfacugaich: oh lol u was just looking for adept09:56
NickPrestawathek, then what seems to be the problem?09:56
facugaichI accidentally deactivated the run on start up option for adept updater, how do I fix this?09:56
NickPresta!beryl | xp_killer09:56
ubotuxp_killer: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects09:56
_4strOotalivan: that what you want no ?09:56
_4strOotalivan: that's what you want no ?09:57
wathekNickPresta: there's no sound I've an Intel 82801  HDA INTEL09:57
otalivanyes, that was my primary concern! thanks09:57
otalivanbut I also need to activate opengl, I'll see if it is working...09:57
otalivanthanks for the help!09:57
wathekNickPresta: when I put a music file in amarok it plays it but there's no sound09:57
wathekNickPresta: the mute is off09:57
NickPrestafacugaich, do this: `cat /etc/init.d/apt-index-watcher`. Do you get output?09:58
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NickPrestawathek, I don't know what your problem could be off-hand. Let me do a quick Google search09:58
xp_killerwathek: are all your volume turn up in the channels?09:58
_4strOotalivan: sorry i cant help on nvidia driver, i bnever had one, and i dont want break all your configuration :p09:58
wathekxp_killer: yes09:59
xp_killerNickPresta: google is our best friend lol09:59
facugaichNickPresta: no such file09:59
=== xp_killer need a kick :p
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xp_killerwathek: your pcm too?10:00
NickPrestawathek, check this topic (http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=579540) specifically posts #2 and #4. Then,10:00
NickPrestafacugaich, you're missing that script then. Strange. I can send you my script and you can place it in there.10:00
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wathekNickPresta: the card I've is a 82801H10:00
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facugaichNickPresta: wait, there must be another way. I exited the update notifier and chose to deactivate run-on-start-up10:01
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NickPrestafacugaich, oh! You should just re-enable it then. It was add the script back to it then10:02
sayersHello I can't export Xvids with DigiKam any and all help please?10:02
_4strOfacugaich: K /system settings / advanced / system services10:02
ScorpKinghi people. what is the best cli torrent client to use?10:02
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facugaich_4strO: It's not there10:03
facugaichNickPresta: how do I re-enable it?10:03
BluesKajnowYZ, konq/configure konqueror/Browser ID/ check send identification/check that mozilla 5 is your default and that google.com listed in the box below10:03
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BluesKajotalivan, open adept or synaptic and do a search for "nvidia-glx". Install that and it should work (you might have to change /etc/X11/xorg.conf to "nvidia" rather than "nv", I don't remember if that's automatic or not).10:05
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xp_killerNickPresta: how do i fix the police for konversation i'm killin my eyes to see what people are saying10:06
NickPrestafacugaich,  K /system settings / advanced / system services10:06
NickPrestaxp_killer, I don't know what you're talking about10:06
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NickPresta!attitude | xp_killer10:07
ubotuxp_killer: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines10:07
NickPresta!caps | xp_killer10:07
ubotuxp_killer: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.10:07
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facugaichNickPresta: It's not there. What should I be looking for?10:07
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NickPrestafacugaich, apt-index-watcher10:08
BluesKajxp_killer, have you considered looking around in konverstaion settings yourself ... it's pretty simple to find fonts idf you just look10:08
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_4str1facugaich: i have the same problem, it's lok like when we desactivate it, it simply remove the apt-index-watcher from the /etc/init.d/ rep10:10
xp_killerBluesKaj: lol10:10
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BluesKajxp_killer, we'renot here to hold your hand , you have to to do somethings yourself10:11
facugaich_4str1: indeed10:11
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Yck-Ptaizais it possible to install kubuntu without having a cd to burn it? (i already have a partition with Ubuntu installed)10:11
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NickPrestafacugaich, you could try removing apt-index-watcher and reinstalling it10:11
WaxyFres1how do i edit what programs start automaticly?10:11
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WaxyFres1Yck-Ptaiza: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop10:11
NickPrestaWaxyFres1, K Menu > Sytem Settings > Advanced Tab > System Services10:11
_4str1NickPresta: there isn't any package with this name :/10:11
Yck-PtaizaWaxyFres1 downloading the iso is not possible?10:12
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WaxyFres1Yck-Ptaiza: no idea.whats wrong with my idea?10:12
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BCMMwhat is the application called which appears when you use the volume keys on your keyboard in?10:13
BCMM(i'm trying to find and install it on a non-kubuntu box, but i've only ever seen it on kubuntu)10:13
mille_waxyfres1 check KCron10:13
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WaxyFres1is there a command that lists every registerd user on a machine?10:14
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NickPresta_4str1, apt-index-watcher was a package in edgy. Oops.10:15
Tm_TWaxyFres1: what you mean by registered?10:15
_4str1WaxyFres1: users10:15
WaxyFres1i set up a friends computer with kubuntu and dont remember what user name i used10:15
mille_open kuser10:15
WaxyFres1cant log in or i would use kuser10:15
SavakBCMM - it's kmix10:16
_4str1WaxyFres1: oups : cat /etc/passwd10:16
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elzbalWaxy: You'll need to start it up from a livecd, open the existing drive, and take a look at /etc/passwd10:17
waylandbillWaxyFres1: even better is: grep "/bin/bash" /etc/passwd10:17
_4str1WaxyFres1: cat /etc/passwd| grep 1000 (if the user you looking for is the first you create)10:17
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mille_cat /etc/passwd | more10:18
xp_killermille_: wa is that?10:18
winbondor cat /etc/passwd | cut -d":" -f110:18
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BCMMSavak: kmix does that? thanks10:18
mcquaidare there any plans for kde beta 2 pkgs?10:19
_4str1cat /etc/passwd | grep 1000 | cut -d":" -f110:19
BCMMhmm, so when forward track and back track work, that's Amarok doing it?10:19
_4str1cat /etc/passwd | grep 1000 | cut -d":" -f1  will give only the name :p10:19
waylandbillgrep -v "/bin/false" /etc/passwd10:19
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Savakdon't follow you BCMM :p10:20
BCMMwell, on my brother's machine, there is a next track button10:20
BCMMwhich just seems to work10:20
BCMMi guess amarok is configured that way by default10:20
waylandbill_4str1: cat'ing something and piping to grep is the same as just giving a file name to grep10:20
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Savakyes, it would be totally seperate to the on screen volume10:21
bona:P i cant write a (at).. but the keyboard layer is correct :(10:21
_4str1waylandbill: yep i know10:21
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xp_killerbona: if the layot is corect then the keyboard is aiming the barbage10:22
devianceConversation with su failed. What does that mean?10:22
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xp_killerdeviance:  google is your friend ;-)10:22
bonawhat is "the barbage" ?10:22
ch40sare there any good dock programs for KDE?10:22
ch40ssimilar to OSX10:22
emilsedgh_ch40s: kxdocker, ksmoothdock and kooldock10:23
waylandbill_4str1: so the cool command would be best written as: grep -v "/bin/false" /etc/password | cut -d":" -f1    :-)10:23
kwilliamch40s: as far as I know... no.10:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dock - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:23
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xp_killerbona: trash10:23
facugaich_4str1: what can we do?10:23
deviancexp_killer I can only find the answer for 6.06, not for 7.0410:23
ch40spersonal favorite emilsedgh_?10:23
_4str1waylandbill: the reason is that often i cat a file to see if it's the good one and then i just use the up arrow to dont have to retype all things and then jst put a pipe ...10:23
emilsedgh_ch40s: none :)10:23
bonaaaaahhh okey...10:23
ch40shaha cool10:23
NickPrestach40s, check out 'avant-window-navigator'10:23
_4str1facugaich: the easyer way is to recreate it manually :p10:23
devianceAnd cat /etc/sudoers/ doesnt exist10:23
xp_killerdeviance: so try sudo10:23
emilsedgh_ch40s: i dont like docks :P10:24
bonahmm whit windows it has work... but now i have linux :P10:24
facugaich_4str1: or to ask NickPresta for his10:24
waylandbill_4str1: oh. interactive. I would think it would be most useful in a shell script for use later, but to each his own. :-D10:24
NickPrestach40s, http://code.google.com/p/avant-window-navigator/10:24
ch40sNickPresta: ty10:24
SavakBCMM, if your talking about a laptop, you may also need kmilo10:24
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deviancexp_killer I was launching adept how do I do it with sudo?10:25
ederhi to all10:25
xp_killerbona: are u shore u put the right layout?10:26
NickPrestafacugaich, _4str1, http://nickpresta.ath.cx/temp/apt-index-watcher . Place that in /etc/init.d/ Then run `sudo update-rc.d apt-index-watcher default`10:26
_4str1facugaich: http://4strO.is-a-geek.org/~cedric/apt-index-watcher10:26
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_4str1NickPresta: :)10:26
facugaichNickPresta, _4str1: thanks10:26
bonahmm not 100% but i think so... i go check it :P10:26
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xp_killerdeviance: to install with sudo open a konsole type sudo apt-get install "name of what u want install"10:27
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devianceWhat does xhost + mean10:27
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devianceIts supposed to fix the SU problem10:27
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:29
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facugaichNickPresta: well that didn't work but I probably have to change 'default' to 'defaults' right?10:29
milian_Riddell: where should bugs in your strigi applet be filed? launchpad or kde bugtracker?10:29
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milianthe problem is, that when you move kicker to the top of the screen (with your tray bar) the input field is still shown above kicker10:31
milianthus nearly outside the screen10:31
NickPrestafacugaich, yes. Sorry about that :)10:31
facugaichNickPresta: np, thank youi10:31
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winbondwhen are the kde4 b2 packages gonna be ready?10:32
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mcquaidanyone know if there are any plans of releasing beta 2 packages?10:33
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deviancexp_killer: A restart has fixed the problem. But on restart I was told my Hard disk has been 49710 days with out a check LOL10:33
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devianceIn 7.04 are restricted repositories enabled by defaukt?10:34
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xp_killerdeviance: O_o all those days10:35
devianceI don't think its quite right :P10:35
BluesKajwinbond, http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-alpha2.php10:35
devianceI did one about a year ago10:35
devianceWow, it looks like they are :D10:35
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deviance116 packages to update :D10:36
_4strOrhooo that's unfair the /usr/sbin/apt-index-watcher didn't exist ...10:36
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devianceRight, on a new install of Kubuntu, what packages would you install first? (After the update?10:37
devianceGraphics drivers?10:37
Savaki usually remove a load of packages first hehe10:37
deviancelol :P10:37
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devianceAlso, if I install nVidia GLX will it automaticly install? or are there alod of commands I have to do myself?10:38
hydrogendeviance: thats completly dependant on what exactly it is you want to get out of your computer10:38
thill2708I have kmail setup to access two of my gmail accounts, and everything was going ok, but now I have two emails stuck in the outbox that won't send. Any thoughts?10:38
deviancethill2708: See if they will send through gmail.com10:38
thill2708deviance: oh, I already logged into gmail over the web and sent test messages as well. All's fine on that end.10:39
deviancethill2708:  Send a message to yourself and see if Kmail will pick it up10:40
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Riddellmilian: launchpad I guess10:40
sambiasehi there...i wonder if there is a kubuntu version for USB? I want to install Kubuntu on my USB stick and run from there10:40
milianRiddell: ok, thanks10:40
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thill2708deviance: Sits in the outbox still :(10:41
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drewcipher_thill2708:  was it working or is this a new set up?10:41
devianceDoes it pick up the incoming mail?10:41
thill2708ah hah! A window just popped up for the first time saying a timeout has occured on smtp.gmai.com10:41
thill2708first time it did that10:41
drewcipher_thill2708:  use pop.gmail.com port 995 SSL10:42
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thill2708drewcipher_: to send?10:43
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thill2708drewcipher_: ok, using that server, that port, enabling ssl10:43
drewcipher_thill2708:  sorry, no you're right.  that's for piick up.10:43
xp_killerstdin: how do i save the rooms so i dont have to type them again to connect10:44
drewcipher_thill2708:  my gmail is set to (outbound)   smtp.gmail.com port 587 using TLS10:44
devianceWhat is the difference between the 5 or so pannels you get to choose from?10:44
stdinxp_killer: in konversation you go to the server list, click edit and you can add them there10:44
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thill2708drewcipher_: ah, mines on 465.10:45
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winbond32 or 64bit?10:46
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_4strOwinbond: wii10:46
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winbond_4strO: got a xbox360 already10:47
xp_killerstdin:  server list???10:47
=== _4strO think he had a clown in his hamburger and he dont see it ...
_4strOhe didn't*10:48
devianceARG How do I make a second pannel and move it to the top?10:48
devianceIt moves the main one and I cant seem to move the second one10:48
winbond_4strO: which one r u running?10:48
xp_killerstdin: do u mean book mark?10:48
_4strOwinbond: windowsXP :p10:49
winbond_4strO: 32 or 6410:49
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winbondi read that 64bit is faster for compiling stuff, so im thinking of using it10:50
_4strOi have a dual boot so ubuntu for working and windows XP for playing10:50
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xp_killerstdin: i lauch real player the logo freez on the screen.i try alt+f4 and alt+ctrl+escap it didnt close it10:50
XeraHow do I remove something that I compiled?10:50
XeraIt has no make uninstall :(10:50
xp_killerstdin: oh wait it just work ouf10:50
stdinxp_killer: for konversation hit f2 then edit10:51
NickPrestawinbond, you rarely compile things in a binary distribution like *buntu. Plus, you run into other problems due to 64-bit (Flash, etc).10:51
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winbondXera: -remove?10:51
stdinxp_killer: also, consider asking the channel the questions, not just me10:51
=== stdin is not always "here"
_4strONickPresta: the updater is called adept_notifier in feisty :p10:51
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xp_killerstdin: :p10:52
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_4strOand to activate it i had just to launch it :p10:52
=== xp_killer hold hands with stdin
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thill2708drewcipher_: what's your smtp settings again? I'm getting not supported errors10:52
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xp_killerstdin: how come your not allways there these days?10:53
winbondNickPresta: i guess u're right, im not gonna compile that much10:53
Xerawinbond: I'm not sure I follow, if you mean "make install -remove" or "make -remove" I tried that10:53
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stdinxp_killer: because I have a life :p and because I like to idle on IRC10:53
drewcipher_thill2708:  checking and doing a test message so I don't waste any more of your time.10:53
thill2708drewcipher_: ... I am... but.. nevermind.10:54
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elite101i have a IRC channel #console-bash and i cant remember on how to sign in and be Op again?10:54
elite101there is a IRC command10:54
thill2708drewcipher_: It would just be faster to ask you, instead of trying each encryption protocol and getting an unsupported error10:54
xp_killerxp_killer: why idle and u can feel much better by helpin people10:54
hydrogenelite101: ask in #freenode10:54
hydrogenits not a question for here10:54
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xp_killerstdin: if u dont speek i dont see why u come here just to show your self10:55
winbondXera: i was just thinking u can try make -remove, but it probably wont work10:55
XeraIn case it helps, it's Lua 5.1.2 that I compiled10:55
stdinxp_killer: I keep an eye on the channel, and kick the baddies out10:55
drewcipher_thill2708:  tested.  My settings:      smtp.gmail.com  port 587   username@gmail.com  TLS10:56
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winbondXera: if there is no uninstall i guess you'll have to delete manually10:56
winbondXera: unless someone in here knows a better way10:56
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_4strOsometimes stdin become stdout !10:57
xp_killeroh stdin10:57
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stdinBluesKaj ?10:57
=== xp_killer hold hands with elite101 and say it me adenicio
drewcipher_thill2708:   checking my headers for my test message.  maybe I'm on the pipe here.10:58
stdinelite101: oh, and it's "/cs op #channel"10:58
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stdin!away > deviance|away11:00
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xp_killerstdin: how do u kick the bad people out?are u a mod?11:01
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deviance|awayWhat packages are needed for MySQL with PHP11:02
mcquaidis a really minimal mp3 player thats qt3 based?  My voip provider emails my voicemail to me, and I don't want to use amarok to play a quick voice mp311:02
stdinxp_killer: if you want to ask general questions, ask them in #kubuntu-offtopic11:02
mcquaiduh is there a..11:02
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stdinxp_killer: and yeah, I am11:02
drewcipher_thill2708:  my system is pretty hacked.  Going to try on a clean system.  From reading, all suggest your initial settings were correct using smtp.gmail.com 465      Can you see if that port is open:   #>telnet smtp.gmail.com 46511:02
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_4strOmcquaid: xmms11:02
xp_killerstdin: lol how do i become one?11:02
dale_could someone help me out with sound problems11:03
mcquaidof course i know of xmms.  I said qt3 based.11:03
=== xp_killer askin stdin how to change color of his nick name stp
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stdinxp_killer: I'll answer that in #kubuntu-offtopic only11:03
BluesKajdale_, describe your problem11:03
ubuntu_does anyone know which file tells X which display manager to use at startup?11:03
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stdindeviance|away: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP11:04
thill2708 drewcipher_: yeah, recieving is perfect. It's the sending that's the problem :(11:04
dale_I've got my sound card recognized, but it only wants to play through the front jacks on my comp11:04
ubuntu_mcquaid: juk?11:04
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_4strOubuntu_: is you want change try to sudo dpkg reconfigure *dm11:04
kkathmanhmm ok whats the secret to getting a sound to play when mail comes in? I went to system settings and turned on the sound, associated a wav/ogg with the event, but when you click thatTest button nothing happens. But when I play through amarok or from Konq its fine?11:04
thill2708drewcipher_: yup, can telnet to it11:04
kkathmanthis a bug?11:04
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dale_i can't have it play through the front jacks though because I lost the install manual and the online mans for my motherboard don't match the pins I have on it.11:05
dale_BluesKaj: think you can help?11:05
BluesKajyeah hangon11:05
XeraWTH Adept started removing my entire system11:06
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XeraNote to self: Do not try and remove a package with the kubuntu logo next to it11:07
BluesKajdale_, ok first of all , open system settings/sound system/enable sound system/hardwaretab/select audio device/alsa11:07
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BluesKajalsa=advanced linux sound architecture11:08
kkathmanlooks as if kde control center doesn work worth a diddly :)11:09
dale_BluesKaj: gotcha11:09
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zlittellhey guys... when i do a PxE install i only get a shell... like i can take the laptop around and stuff but when i boot i just get a shell... am i doing11:10
zlittellsomething wrong11:10
BluesKajok, now open kmix ...the speaker icon in the panel/mixer11:10
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dale_BluesKaj: k11:10
BluesKajoutput tab11:11
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parsniphey all11:11
dale_BluesKaj: k11:11
Alpha_Clusteris there a way to get a button to open konsole when you right click on your desktop?11:11
parsnipcan someone help me with this command I wrote11:11
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parsnipfind -name '*.jpg' -exec convert {} Album.png\;11:11
drewcipher_thill2708:  will take me a few to get a clean system with kmail up.  I'm sure you tried this but not sure about step 15:  http://pastebin.ca/68292611:11
BluesKajsliders , master pcm and iec958 playback at 70% or so.. dale11:11
parsnipI want to go through a folder / subfolders and convert the images (1 per folder) to album.png (I have imagemagik installed)11:12
dale_BluesKaj: no iec95811:12
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parsnipcan anyone advise please11:13
savetheWorldparsnip: each image will be named album.png?11:13
BluesKajok dale whatever the slider to the left of the pc speaker is11:13
parsnipsavetheWorld: yes, there is one in each folder11:14
savetheWorldparsnip: what are those images named now?11:14
dale_BluesKaj:that's "Front"11:14
parsnipsavetheWorld: they just all have random names atthe moment11:14
dale_BluesKaj: which I cannot set up atm11:14
BluesKajparsnip, Album.png\; ?  ... shouldn't it be Album.png/; ?11:14
parsnipsavetheWorld: but are all jpg11:14
savetheWorldparsnip: do they have a common extension?11:14
savetheWorldheh yes.11:14
savetheWorldparsnip - whats the command to convert just one to album.png?11:15
evri2guys i cannot use audacity.It doesn't play my files11:15
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BluesKajok dale , in the konsole type alsamixer11:15
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parsnipconvert input.jpg output.png11:15
angasulehey, --purge only removes stuff in /etc but not $HOME, correct?11:15
savetheWorldparsnip: that converst the format as well?11:15
parsnipyep..imagemagik :D11:15
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savetheWorldlets see- the first part is find . -name "*.jpg"11:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about imagemagik - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:16
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stdinangasule: yeah, you have to remove the files from ~/ manually11:16
dale_BluesKaj: k11:16
angasulestdin: cool, just wanted confirmation, thanks :)11:16
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BluesKajdale use the arrow keys and the M Key to unmute the contrls there and make sure master pcm and line and all the surrounsds etc all hve '00' s in the box ...set the ctrl sliders to 65-70%11:17
savetheWorldparsnip  find . -name "*.jpg" -exec convert {}  Blah.png.11:17
savetheWorldparsnip: we need to replace the Blah.11:17
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parsnipsavetheWorld: with the /; on the end11:17
dale_BluesKaj: done11:18
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savetheWorldparsnip: what does the '; do?11:18
ederHi to everyone11:18
savetheWorldparsnip: what does the /; do?11:18
ederi need some help with a video card11:19
ederplease help me11:19
BluesKajok, dale in the konsole type : sudo asoundconf list11:19
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ederoye BluesKaj hablas espaol?11:19
parsnipsavetheWorld: seems to be on all the examples of a find command with exec in it11:20
BluesKaj!es | eder11:20
ubotueder: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.11:20
ederno, i just was aking11:20
ederno, i just was asking11:20
savetheWorldparsnip: yes - it goes at the end.  so the ";" can be passed to the subshell.11:20
BluesKajdale, did it list the sound card name ?11:21
dale_BluesKaj: yes11:21
dale_BluesKaj: nvidia mcp6111:21
ederPeople, please help with a video card Nvidia FX 520011:21
BluesKajno eder, but my sister does ...she studied spanish in madrid and taught spanish after11:21
blue112_Ayam mon pere \o/11:21
parsnipsavetheWorld: ok man thanks for the help, i can do it with gui but fancied a challenge :)11:22
ederi downloaded this driver from nvidia.com >>>>>>>>>>> NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run11:22
ederand installed11:22
savetheWorldparsnip: by clicking? ewww!11:22
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ederbut the x dont start11:22
BluesKajdale, ok again in the console : sudo asoundconf set-default-card "nvidia mcp61"11:22
parsnipim learning :D11:23
zeemonthe only nvidia drivers that work for me where the Automatix ones11:23
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ederzeemon, now i cant start my X server, what can i do?11:23
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dale_BluesKaj: it only shows nvidia for asoundconf11:24
BluesKajok, that should be ok11:24
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parsnip$ find . -name "*.jpg" -exec convert {} Album.png\;11:24
parsnipfind: missing argument to `-exec'11:24
dale_BluesKaj: it does nothing11:25
edercan anybody help me plz? is that im new in Linux and i dont know what to do11:25
stdinparsnip: put a space before \11:25
parsnipsavetheWorld: whats the difference between " and '11:26
parsnipsavetheWorld: it executes now but does nothing11:27
BluesKajdale , back to the kmix settings , input tab , line cd and any playback ctrls at 70% , then switches playback and mix are turned on11:27
parsnipsavetheWorld: ive got my LPI book out :D11:27
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zeemonhey eder u speak more spanish than english?11:28
edersorry zeemon11:29
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ederbut i can speak some english and undestand it11:29
zeemonok no prob im from mexico11:29
zeemonbut this channel is just in english11:29
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ederOk zeemon can we open a private window?11:29
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zeemonim not registered but join #linux-mexico11:30
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edercan i get help with my problem in linux-mexico zeemon?11:31
zeemonim there11:31
stdinthere is a #kubuntu-es too11:31
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ederkubuntu es is always empty11:32
stdin#ubuntu-es then :p11:32
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bjwebb_ive brocken apt :S11:33
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drif!adeptfix | bjwebb_11:33
ubotubjwebb_: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 11:33
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bjwebbdrif: nah11:34
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bjwebbnot that11:34
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drifbjwebb: then be more specific...11:34
drifbjwebb: broke doesn't mean anything.. at first atleast I think of that scenario above11:34
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bjwebbdrif: for example...11:34
bjwebbapt-cache search test11:34
bjwebbjust hangs11:35
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radioaktivstormis there a reason that i am not able to brows the web with konqueror while all my other programs can see the internet? i changed access points.11:35
bjwebband i get lots of lsb_release apport and apt-cache11:35
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bjwebbdrif: any idea?11:36
parsnipsavetheWorld: thanks for the help dude11:36
parsnipsavetheWorld: i gota split11:36
slougiradioaktivstorm: knetworkmanager can do that if you don't connect through it11:36
parsnipsavetheWorld: peace11:36
slougiradioaktivstorm: it's very very very annoying11:36
radioaktivstormslougi: yes... quite. thanks for the insight11:37
slougiyou're welcome11:37
bjwebbcan anyone help me fix apt?11:38
_2bjwebb are you saying that     apt-cache search '^bash '    doesn't work, sorry i haven't kept up   ?11:38
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bjwebbit just hangs11:38
_2bjwebb sudo dpkg --configure -a11:39
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bjwebband i get multiple listings of lsb_release, apport and apt-cache in ps -A11:39
bjwebband it slows down11:39
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bjwebb_2: i did that, but it didn't improve11:40
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_2bjwebb sudo apt-get install -f ;sudo apt-get --reinstall install dpkg11:40
_2maybe even in reverse order11:40
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bjwebbapt-get hangs like apt-cache11:41
_2bjwebb gutsy ?11:41
bjwebbnah feisty11:41
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bjwebbhmm i think i might have got something to with the kernel over apt-get upgrade recently11:42
bjwebbshould i have done?11:42
_2try booting the older kernel and see if that's it11:43
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brmassaguys, i installed windows after kubuntu on a fat32 partition. now i want to access the partition its saying: "hal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 1000"11:43
bjwebb_2: hmm how would i see if i have infact got multiple kernels to boot into?11:43
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_2bjwebb at boot time hit [esc]    and look    or right now    grep -ve '#' /boot/grub/menu.lst11:44
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_2bjwebb or    ls /lib/modules11:45
_2seeing that you did specify that it was apt that installed the kernel11:45
bjwebbi thing i must have been getting mixed up or something11:46
bjwebbonly one kernel11:46
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bjwebb_2: the moddules things has a newer one11:46
bjwebbi don't know how new11:46
bjwebb-l :D11:47
bjwebbvery new11:47
_2possably not    they have started making kernel patch packages that update the kernel without adding one.   which really sux if it breaks things11:47
_2oh late on that  ^11:47
bjwebbhow do i load the older modules?11:47
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_2ok if there are two kernels   you should be able to boot the older one11:48
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bjwebbnah not in /boot11:48
_2ls /boot/vm*   just to see what's there11:48
bjwebbonly the one afaik11:48
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bjwebbyep only one11:48
rdvonwhere do i get the restricted codecs ?:] 11:49
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:49
rdvonthanky :)11:49
bjwebbbut i have two lots of modules in /lib/modules11:49
_2that's odd.11:49
rdvonwhat is the apt-get line?11:49
_2rdvon should be on the page   ^11:50
rdvon:\ ok.11:50
bjwebb_2: any ideas?11:50
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_2bjwebb not really.     possable  sources.list error11:51
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bjwebb_2: how? i only have one kernel in /boot/11:51
_2has nothing to do with that.11:52
bjwebboh oops11:52
rdvonlatest ubuntu is edgy right :>11:52
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_2see   /etc/apt/sources.list11:52
bjwebbyeah, just realised11:52
_2rdvon no.  fiesty11:52
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rdvonoh yeah.11:52
bjwebb_2: don't think it is tho, cos ive seen when it doesn't parse that11:52
_2bjwebb but i could be parsing something it can't digest11:53
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=== bjwebb bangs head against wall
_2i would look anyway11:53
bjwebb_2: i ran apt-get update11:53
bjwebband now it works11:53
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_2so it was the sources.list    just not a particular error in it..11:53
_2bjwebb >>> "could be parsing something it can't digest"   <<<  so it was11:54
bjwebb_2: hmm maybe11:54
bjwebbthanks for the help anyway11:55
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soulrider__does anyone knwo whatt he begginers team channel is ?11:55
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_2*buntu ?11:55
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gener1cwhats that11:56
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_2soulrider sorry ! i11:57
rdvoner... for someone reason my apt.list isn't workign :\11:57
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rdvonI tried adding a line..11:57
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cloakablerdvon: what did you add?11:57
rdvonthan removed it because it wasnt working.11:57
rdvondeb http://b2cs.delcorp.org/debian/ edgy main11:57
Almighty_HenaroHey guys~ How do I change resolution in KDE?11:58
cloakablerdvon: what does your list say now?11:58
rdvonwait... It must've been the extra enter I pressed..11:58
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emilsedgh_Almighty_Henaro: SystemSettings->Monitor And Display12:01
rdvonE: Malformed line 43 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse) I get this error...12:01
rdvonand this is what is on line 43: deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu feisty-security12:01
Almighty_HenaroWhere is System Settings?12:01
stdinAlmighty_Henaro: in the KMenu12:01
emilsedgh_rdvon: copy whole file in pastebin, please12:01
=== kkathman [n=kkathman@pool-71-170-110-185.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
Almighty_HenaroWhere's the KMenu...?12:02
_2ping: unknown host http://b2cs.delcorp.org12:02
emilsedgh_!pastebin | rdvon12:02
uboturdvon: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)12:02
=== Savak [n=savak@host86-145-30-119.range86-145.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu
stdinAlmighty_Henaro: just above "Actions"12:02
emilsedgh_Almighty_Henaro: bottom, left, where the start button was in xp !12:02
_2rdvon http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-security12:02
rdvonAlmighty_Henaro: if it isnt showing you made need to add it :P12:03
Almighty_HenaroOh wait the Kicker?12:03
rdvonare you in the kmenu??12:03
Almighty_HenaroYeah I guess12:03
_2rdvon and it needs an entry.   i.e.   main universe multiverse restricted12:03
emilsedgh_Almighty_Henaro: go to konqueror-> settings:/ -> Peripherals -> Monitor And Display12:04
rdvonAlmighy_Henaro: do you need the system settings, or the settings menu?12:04
Almighty_HenaroCan't seem to find "Monitor and Display" any where.12:04
rdvonit's in system settings..12:04
rdvonright above "actions" bar.12:04
rdvonor divider12:04
rdvonor whatever you call it :P12:04
Almighty_HenaroI don't have an "Actions" bar12:04
=== waylandbill [n=waylandb@70-101-124-72.dsl1-field.roc.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #kubuntu
rdvondo you see run command?12:05
rdvonit should be above that.12:05
Almighty_HenaroOh that12:05
VirtuoShelp me with this12:05
VirtuoSchecking for rpath... yes12:05
Almighty_HenaroSystem Menu12:05
VirtuoSchecking for KDE... configure: error:12:05
VirtuoSin the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail.12:05
VirtuoSSo, check this please and use another prefix!12:05
rdvonAlmighty_Henaro: press alt f2, and type kcontrol12:05
emilsedgh_VirtuoS: install kdelibs-dev please12:05
=== garfield [n=garfield@AMarigot-102-1-4-219.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
rdvonAlmighty_Henaro: now in the search bar (under file) type panels12:06
rdvonclick the results12:06
rdvonit should say panels :)12:06
rdvonnow go to the menus tab12:06
=== EricL [n=eric@clydesdale.linkexperts.com] has joined #kubuntu
rdvonyou should see all the menus you can add.12:07
Almighty_HenaroWhat about resolution...12:07
rdvon*you dont have the system settings menu in your k menu :P12:07
EricLWould downloading Gutsy potentially make setting up dual-monitor (panoramic not clone) easier?12:07
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EricLBecause it's a PITA on Feisty with a Dell Optiplex 720.12:08
Almighty_HenaroWell I have "Settings" and "System Menu"12:08
emilsedgh_rdvon: your problem is solved? with sources.list ?12:08
rdvonemilsedgh: I'm helping someone :>12:08
Almighty_HenaroNiether of wich contain Display or Monitor12:08
stdinAlmighty_Henaro: under "Help"12:08
rdvonok. than type display in the search :\12:08
rdvonI seemed to drift off your actual problem sorry :)12:08
=== kilrae [n=kilrae@CPE000f66055f14-CM0012256eb698.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
emilsedgh_Almighty_Henaro: press Alt+f2 then run displayconfig in it12:10
rdvonfine. Do it the easier way :P12:10
Almighty_HenaroSays it can't be run12:10
stdinAlmighty_Henaro: see this http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/7602/image14kc0.png ?12:10
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Almighty_Henaro"Could not run the specified command"12:10
emilsedgh_Almighty_Henaro: how did you install kubuntu?12:10
rdvoncan I have someone's unchanged sources.list please.12:11
Almighty_HenaroNo I installed KDE along with Ubuntu12:11
rdvonthere's your problem :P12:11
Almighty_HenaroDon't see a system settings12:11
emilsedgh_rdvon: delete the line 44 please, whats that 'multiverse' doing there? if you want add multiverse in the line 4312:11
rdvoner.. it was just their :)12:11
Almighty_HenaroWell how should I go about fixing the problem12:11
garfieldrdvon: hey12:12
stdinrdvon: have a look in /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list or use http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic to regenerate12:12
emilsedgh_Almighty_Henaro: install kubuntu-desktop please to have a complete kubuntu system :)12:12
Almighty_HenaroOh okay~12:12
rdvonAlmighty_henaro: you could also look for the missing package...12:12
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_2rdvon i told you, line 34 needs args.    i.e.  deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ fiesty-security main universe multiverse restricted12:12
garfieldstdin: can u unset my banded?12:13
stdingarfield: I can't, no12:13
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rdvonyay it works! thanks guys :)12:14
=== rocco [n=rocco@host212-4-dynamic.13-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu
garfieldstdin: ok so how long i have to wait to be unbaned?12:17
roccobuonasera a tutti12:17
NickPresta!it | rocco12:17
uboturocco: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:17
=== EricL [n=eric@clydesdale.linkexperts.com] has left #kubuntu []
roccobuonasera a tutti12:18
_2and a great big howdy back at ya rocco12:18
NickPrestarocco, tipo /join #kubuntu-it12:18
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:19
=== felix_ [n=felix@p57A75575.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
Tm_Tgarfield: this is not a correct place to talk about bans, #ubuntu-ops thank you12:20
=== AirstrikeIvanov [n=Airstrik@unaffiliated/airstrikeivanov] has joined #kubuntu
VirtuoShelp with this now12:21
VirtuoScrystalclient.moc:133: error: 'KDecoration' has not been declared12:21
VirtuoSmake[3] : *** [crystalclient.lo]  Error 112:21
VirtuoSmake[3] : Leaving directory `/home/virtuos/Desktop/crystal-1.0.5/client'12:21
VirtuoSmake[2] : *** [all-recursive]  Error 112:21
NickPresta!attitude | VirtuoS12:21
ubotuVirtuoS: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:21
VirtuoSmake[2] : Leaving directory `/home/virtuos/Desktop/crystal-1.0.5/client'12:21
VirtuoSmake[1] : *** [all-recursive]  Error 112:21
VirtuoSmake[1] : Leaving directory `/home/virtuos/Desktop/crystal-1.0.5'12:21
VirtuoSmake: *** [all]  Error 212:21
VirtuoSvirtuos@lokalna:~/Desktop/crystal-1.0.5$ cd ..12:21
NickPresta!pastebin | VirtuoS12:21
ubotuVirtuoS: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)12:21
gruljag blir fan sur12:23
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NickPrestagrul, what language?12:26
ubotuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se12:26
NickPrestaoh. That works too.12:26
BluesKajya ya12:26
BluesKajor is it ja ja :)12:27
BluesKaji should know ...swedish was my native tobgue til i was 4yrsold12:27
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grulNickPresta, sorry, wrong channel :p12:27
hydrogenor you could have just whois;'d!12:28
BluesKajerr tongue12:28
=== dthacker-lt thinks that cat has BluesKaj's tongue :)
=== waylandbill [n=waylandb@70-101-124-72.dsl1-field.roc.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #kubuntu
BluesKajdthacker ,  I think it's just hunger :P12:29
_2maybe tac ?12:29
=== ra_ [n=ra@ppp91-76-38-182.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #kubuntu
[GuS] guys... now in latest Tribe Dolphin is the default file browseR?12:29
[GuS] how do i change again to konqueror?12:30
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+112:30
BluesKajfile manager12:30
[GuS] ...12:30
NickPresta[GuS] , if no one knows in here (unlikely), check out #ubuntu+112:30
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[GuS] NickPresta: i am doing, thanks.12:31
BluesKajtried gutsy tribe 4, dolphin was the file manager, konq was the browser12:31
[GuS] should be a more visible option to do this..12:31
[GuS] BluesKaj: not my case12:32
[GuS] justa after today updates12:32
[GuS] before TODAY, konqueror was my default file manager yet12:32
_2sudo update-alternatives x-www-broser      maybe12:33
[GuS] no, thats for web browser12:33
ekrengelwhats the best jabber client for kde?12:33
_2oh you're on file man... well set that.12:33
NickPrestaekrengel, I like Pidgin/Gaim, but Konversation is neat too, I suppose12:34
BluesKajfile browser is dolphin afaik, konq is web browser12:34
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[GuS] BluesKaj: again, konqueror (IN MY TRIBE 5) was the default file browser after recently updates....12:34
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emilsedgh_ekrengel: maybe u wanna try Kopete.its the best and official KDE's IM client that supports jabber12:34
ekrengelyeh i have those actually12:34
[GuS] now Dolphin is, which suc** for me12:35
ekrengeli was a little confused on clientes12:35
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NickPrestaekrengel, sorry, Kopete, not Konversation (the latter is for IRC)12:35
=== BluesKaj shrugs
festerHow do I enable cookies in Konqueror?12:35
ekrengeli thought jabber was something different in itself12:35
_2fester they are by default12:35
NickPrestaekrengel, it's a protocol. Like the Oscar, MSN, etc protocols.12:35
fester_2 > not on mine.12:36
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emilsedgh_fester: Tools->HTML Settings->Cookies :P12:36
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_2fester in the konq menu configure12:36
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_2fester they are by default. yes on all kde installations12:36
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emilsedgh_fester: manage them by going to Settings->configure Konqueror12:36
fester_2> Thanks!!12:36
=== amo [n=amo@AClermont-Ferrand-256-1-34-122.w83-205.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
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BluesKajserver bigtime splittsville here12:37
[GuS] what tha hell?12:37
_2called a net split12:37
[GuS] split? sure?12:37
[GuS] i know what it is.12:37
=== edulix [n=edulix@63.Red-83-33-171.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
stdinnot a split12:37
[GuS] i was receiving CTCP12:38
hydrogenthat wasn't a netsplit12:38
hydrogenthat was spammers12:38
[GuS] thats not net split...12:38
hydrogenthe quit message was excess flood12:38
hydrogenso you were replying to them all12:38
hydrogentoo fast for the server12:38
[GuS] exactly12:38
BluesKajsolid on my server12:38
hydrogenand being flooded off12:38
NickPrestahydrogen, yeah. #kubuntu-offtopic just informed me :(12:38
[GuS] how i do disable CTCP on konversation?12:38
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stdin[GuS] : just /mode [GuS]  +C12:39
Nahihello i have kubuntu installed but i need to install windows how can i split my hdd again its only one partition12:39
[GuS] ok thanks12:39

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