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dholbach | good morning | 08:41 |
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mdamt | What's the input method situation? I read in the spec that it will use onBoard, but it seems that mb-keyboard is used? | 10:17 |
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Mithrandir | yes, we're using matchbox-keyboard at the moment. | 11:59 |
mdamt | Any plan to change it? | 11:59 |
Mithrandir | not really, unless something better comes along. | 12:00 |
mdamt | Ok, hope this something can come out this week :-) | 12:01 |
Mithrandir | oh, anything interesting happening which I should be aware of? | 12:02 |
mdamt | Well something about input method. We're trying to get it out this week. Watch planet.maemo.org :-) | 12:05 |
Mithrandir | sounds interesting. | 12:06 |
Mithrandir | asac: for #129469 to be fixed, do I need to do anything more than change the build-depends and configure.ac? It doesn't seem like midbrowser-dev ships any shlibs? | 12:51 |
asac | Mithrandir: carl wanted to look into it ... i haven't tried, but he claimed changing build-depends and configure.ac causes crashes | 12:51 |
Mithrandir | asac: ok, anyway I think midbrowser-dev should ship a shlibs so packages built against it ends up having a dependency on it? | 12:52 |
asac | Mithrandir: we don't have soname versioned libs | 12:53 |
asac | if it still works i can add it ... | 12:53 |
asac | and the libs are installed in pkglibdir as well | 12:53 |
asac | Mithrandir: the main thing about all this is that upstream doesn't support using the shared libs directly ... | 12:54 |
Mithrandir | I've read a little bit about it. I think upstream are approaching this wrongly, but it's not a fight I'm willing to take on. | 12:54 |
asac | Mithrandir: the upstream way is to use a static glue which will find and load the proper gecko runtime engine for you | 12:54 |
asac | Mithrandir: right ... however we have now xulrunner-1.9 the upstream way and firefox build on top ... and indeed appears to work well | 12:55 |
Mithrandir | ok, but we don't want xulrunner 1.9 and firefox both in main, AIUI? | 12:55 |
asac | no ... thats just for preview (gutsy+1) | 12:56 |
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asac | but it shows that it works well and that debian claims that its sooo bad are mostly wrong | 12:56 |
Mithrandir | so what do you think is the approach we should take? | 12:56 |
asac | Mithrandir: i think the crashes we see are because LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not set for the panel | 12:57 |
asac | Mithrandir: and basic flash is just a .so right? | 12:57 |
asac | Mithrandir: however carl said if you run the panel with LD_LIBRARY_PATH extended by midbrowser path .... then the whole panel crashed | 12:58 |
asac | ... which i find a bit scary ... if you can do a build an verify that extending LD_LIBRARY_PATH really crashes it then i can take a look. | 12:59 |
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asac | but i always hoped that intel would go ahead and put some effords in it as well :) | 01:00 |
Mithrandir | I won't have time for that today, but I could look at it later this week, sure. | 01:00 |
Mithrandir | I'll put in on my list of stuff to debug | 01:00 |
asac | you don't need to debug ... i just want a senior confirming that behaviour before i start looking into it :) | 01:00 |
asac | if the panel really crashes though ... i would appreciate some hints why it might crash when just adding /usr/lib/midbrowser to LD_LIBRARY_PATH ?? | 01:02 |
Mithrandir | I'd probably do it by adding an rpath for midbrowser to the .so instead, wouldn't that be better? | 01:02 |
asac | Mithrandir: that probably won't work ... as the lib you load wants to load more libs that don't have the rpath set | 01:03 |
asac | Mithrandir: the only option that would work is to link against all libs explicitly | 01:03 |
asac | (only option with LD_LIBRARY_PATH and without using static glue) | 01:03 |
asac | s/with/without/ | 01:03 |
Mithrandir | mhm | 01:05 |
Mithrandir | ugh, but ok. | 01:05 |
Mithrandir | I'll just test with LD_L_P set | 01:05 |
asac | feel free to test rpath as well ... its just that i tried it for something else (can't remember exactly what it was) ... and I ended up linking all libs explicitly | 01:06 |
asac | Mithrandir: my image-creator installed chroot is broken atm ... 1. the application menu is so huge that it doesn't fit on screen and if i click on the application switcher arrow in panel it crashes ... is that known? | 01:25 |
asac | Mithrandir: http://people.ubuntu.com/~asac/screen1.png | 01:26 |
Mithrandir | the second one is known, the first one I didn't know about.- | 01:26 |
Mithrandir | s/-// | 01:26 |
asac | its a fresh image (created about 14 hours ago ... and just dist-upgraded) | 01:26 |
asac | Mithrandir: currently everything is run as root ... how will this be in the end? | 01:28 |
Mithrandir | that's on my list of stuff to fix this week | 01:28 |
asac | oh cool | 01:29 |
Mithrandir | kwwii_: have you looked at the UI for dates and tasks and contacts? At least some people like the openmoko screenshots better than the maemo ones; do you know how much of this can be done with theming and what'll require code changes? | 01:36 |
Mithrandir | kwwii_: or if you have any suggestions as to what the UI should look like. | 01:36 |
Mithrandir | kwwii_: I'm not asking you to whip up something, just wondering if you'd already looked at it and had some thoughts. | 01:37 |
kwwii | Mithrandir: I have never seen the openmoko stuff but I can take a look | 01:39 |
Mithrandir | http://www.pimlico-project.org/dates.html has some screenshots. | 01:40 |
kwwii | Mithrandir: the openmoko stuff looks much similar | 01:41 |
kwwii | erm | 01:41 |
kwwii | simpler | 01:41 |
kwwii | but I think that most of that is coding, not theming from the looks | 01:41 |
Mithrandir | ok; I guess the shiny buttons and such is just theming though | 01:42 |
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dholbach | asac: if you have the time, could you check out the bugs on http://daniel.holba.ch/sponsoring that have 'asac' next to them? most of them should be easy to review, I think | 03:42 |
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asac | dholbach: yes will upload ... for network-manager we probably don't want that fix | 03:46 |
asac | but i am assigned so i will work this out | 03:46 |
dholbach | asac: or just comment on the bug | 03:46 |
dholbach | so the patch author knows what to fix or that it's not the right thing for gutsy | 03:47 |
asac | done. | 03:54 |
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=== agoliveira finally got me menus working... phew... | ||
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Charliefjohnson | agoliveira: Just sent you an email regarding apps and what has been choosen. Can you reply today ? | 08:23 |
agoliveira | Charliefjohnson: Just did | 08:23 |
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Charliefjohnson | agoliveira: Thanks! | 08:26 |
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MTecknology | this isn't really specific to mobile, but maybe somebody in here can help? I'm going to a university that doesn't broadcast their SSID. When I go anywhere else that is, I have a flawless time with wireless. They have two sets of SSID's, student1 and student2. What happens is that the network manager never seems to connect to the university wireless so I need to make separate profile for each. Does anybody know any solutions for | 08:35 |
MTecknology | this? I really want to be able to just use the roaming mode for all of my wireless. | 08:35 |
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bfiller | Mithrandir: are you there? | 10:33 |
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Mithrandir | bfiller: I am now | 10:56 |
bfiller | I wanted to ask you how to use dput if you only have a .deb and not a .changes | 10:56 |
bfiller | Mithrandir: should we just copy the .deb to our repository? | 10:57 |
Mithrandir | that's one way, sure. | 10:57 |
bfiller | Mithrandir: ok. wanted to make sure there wasn't a "preferred" way :) | 10:58 |
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Mithrandir | bfiller: the preferred way is to build the .deb so you do have a .changes | 10:59 |
bfiller | Mithrandir: the package in question here is Skype. They only have a .deb on there site and no source to build from | 11:00 |
bfiller | Mithrandir: we want to include it in our repo and add it to our fset | 11:00 |
Mithrandir | ah, then just including it ought to work. | 11:00 |
mdamt | Where can I see the DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS env used in UME package builder? | 11:03 |
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Mithrandir | mdamt: they're unset. | 11:16 |
mdamt | Ok thanks. | 11:16 |
mdamt | And maemo-launcher support is not enabled either? | 11:17 |
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bspencer_ | no agolivera today | 11:24 |
Mithrandir | mdamt: no. | 11:33 |
Mithrandir | anyway, I'm off to bed. | 11:33 |
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HappyCamp | asac, you online? | 12:15 |
asac | HappyCamp: what about? | 12:16 |
HappyCamp | I just sent you an email regarding a bug we are seeing with regards to network-manager. | 12:16 |
HappyCamp | I attached a patch file that I think fixes the issue. | 12:16 |
asac | HappyCamp: the mail send to mobile list? | 12:17 |
HappyCamp | Basically network-manager is doing dbus restarts in the postinstall script, even though we have setup a policy-rc.d file that says that services should not run. | 12:17 |
HappyCamp | asac, yep. I also CCed you directly | 12:17 |
HappyCamp | It's a fairly simple change to the postinst script. | 12:17 |
asac | "Patch to fix network-manager bug" ?? there is no CC | 12:17 |
HappyCamp | I CCed you and the ubuntu-mobile mailing list | 12:18 |
HappyCamp | I'm guessing you received it? It was to ubuntu-mobile and to you at your @ubuntu.com email. | 12:19 |
asac | yes i received the mail with subject above | 12:19 |
asac | with lsbfix.patch | 12:19 |
HappyCamp | That was from Todd. I sent my own patch which I think might be better. | 12:20 |
HappyCamp | My patch is to network-manager debian/network-manager.postinst | 12:20 |
asac | ok i have it | 12:20 |
HappyCamp | Good :) I was worried our mail servers sucked. | 12:21 |
HappyCamp | I'd be interested to hear feedback on the patch. | 12:21 |
ToddBrandt | HappyCamp: I take it you removed the restart of the network server? | 12:21 |
ToddBrandt | oh, never mind, I see your patch | 12:22 |
HappyCamp | ToddBrandt, I made it honor if we have a /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d file which says, don't start services. | 12:22 |
HappyCamp | Which unfortunately network-manager currently will try to restart dbus services even if we don't want services to be changed. | 12:22 |
ToddBrandt | ok, yea that's another angle at the bug, it's both there and in lsb-base | 12:23 |
HappyCamp | asac the diff is to network-manager-(0.6.5-0ubuntu9 | 12:23 |
ToddBrandt | Mithrandir said he was going to have one of their NM guys look at it but that will speed things up | 12:24 |
HappyCamp | So lsb-base has a bug where it does post-install service stuff? Even if we don't want it to? | 12:24 |
HappyCamp | ToddBrandt, I think asac is one of the Network Manager guy, well at least based on the changelog I am looking at. | 12:24 |
asac | yes probably | 12:25 |
ToddBrandt | HappyCamp: no it doesn't properly handle the case where tput returns a bad value | 12:25 |
asac | ... you don't want dbus to be restarted? how does that fix the bug Todd's patch tried to tackle? | 12:25 |
ToddBrandt | There's probably a thrid bug here too, somewhere in mobin-image-creator that causes the terminal characteristics to be muddled during an fset install | 12:26 |
HappyCamp | asac, No idea on Todd's bug. Todd's patch is probably a perfectly good patch. I am just trying to fix the issue where services are getting restarted even though in our case we don't want it to. | 12:26 |
asac | ok i thought because you replied to his patch mail it tries to replace that patch | 12:27 |
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HappyCamp | I was guessing that if my patch worked then lsb-base would not be getting involved. But to be honest I don't know if that is the case. | 12:28 |
asac | HappyCamp: what breaks for you because nm is restarting dbus? | 12:29 |
HappyCamp | asac, Not that. I think it breaks because of the last two things, where it restarts some of the dbus specific components. If that makes sense. | 12:29 |
HappyCamp | This: /etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManager restart | 12:30 |
HappyCamp | and this: /etc/dbus-1/event.d/26NetworkManagerDispatcher restart | 12:30 |
ToddBrandt | HappyCamp: actually the bug is seen any time a service is stopped, started, or restarted from within package being installed/removed by moblin-image-creator | 12:30 |
asac | HappyCamp: well ... we have to restart networkmanager in postinst | 12:30 |
HappyCamp | I think mess us up. The dbus service itself is called via invoke-rc.d which honors the policy-rc.d file. | 12:30 |
HappyCamp | asac not if I don't want it to restart in my chroot. | 12:30 |
asac | when don't you want that? | 12:31 |
HappyCamp | I would think, if I don't want it to restart in my chroot then it should not. | 12:31 |
asac | i mean postinst is invoked when you receive a software update | 12:31 |
HappyCamp | Moblin Image Creator is doing it inside a chroot environement. | 12:31 |
asac | so it needs to restart | 12:31 |
HappyCamp | Okay, maybe I am confused. I want to stop it when we install the package. Which I thought was when postinst gets called. | 12:32 |
asac | yes, but that doesn't matter much ... the nm service needs to be restarted | 12:32 |
HappyCamp | My patch should not affect anything except for the case when invoke-rc.d says don't install. | 12:32 |
asac | HappyCamp: do you don't want to start it if its not running before? | 12:32 |
HappyCamp | asac, Even in a chroot? | 12:32 |
HappyCamp | I don't want anything things to be running in my chroot, service wise. | 12:33 |
asac | HappyCamp: if you don't restart it in a chroot you cannot test it ... | 12:33 |
HappyCamp | Well we have created /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d to return 101 | 12:33 |
HappyCamp | Which means that services should not be run. | 12:33 |
asac | but we are already running dbus in that chroot, right? | 12:33 |
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HappyCamp | We did this because a lot of applications do a postinstall script which dies when we are doing our install. | 12:33 |
HappyCamp | I don't think dbus should get started, unless we are doing it when we do a terminal. | 12:34 |
HappyCamp | But that would not be during the install. Currently our installs our broken. | 12:34 |
HappyCamp | Now I don't know for sure if dbus is or is not getting started when we install it. | 12:35 |
asac | hmm | 12:35 |
asac | ok i am a bit unsure at the moment ... but its late so this doesn't really mean a thing :) | 12:37 |
asac | i will take a second look tomorrow and if good apply it | 12:37 |
HappyCamp | asac, We can wait until tomorrow. No problem. | 12:37 |
HappyCamp | I just wanted network-manager to honor us using /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d even if maybe we shouldn't be using it in such a blanket method. | 12:37 |
asac | how critical is that? | 12:38 |
asac | i mean i think it should be ok to have this in network-manager ... but i would like to batch this with the next upload i have to do anyways | 12:38 |
HappyCamp | Well we haven't been able to automatically build images since Thursday. We have a workaround (manually install network-manager) but we would appreciate it getting fixed. | 12:38 |
asac | ok | 12:38 |
asac | why did it break since thursday? | 12:39 |
asac | what has changed? | 12:39 |
HappyCamp | Mithrandir, changed the ubuntu-mobile package, I think. | 12:39 |
HappyCamp | To bring in network-manager. | 12:39 |
asac | ok ... good | 12:39 |
asac | (or not so good :)) | 12:39 |
HappyCamp | Before we weren't using network-manager. | 12:39 |
HappyCamp | Thanks for your help. Have a good night. | 12:40 |
asac | HappyCamp: have you tested if it breaks anything in normal gutsy install? | 12:41 |
HappyCamp | asac, I tried it on my gutsy system: sh ./network-manager.postinst configure | 12:44 |
asac | ok | 12:44 |
HappyCamp | And that worked. But no, have not done a complete install :( | 12:44 |
asac | no thats fine then | 12:44 |
asac | HappyCamp: next time please submit a bug and maybe send a mailing list nag mail :) | 12:47 |
HappyCamp | asac, Okay. Will do. I'm guessing bugs are on launchpad.net ?? | 12:48 |
asac | butits fine now :) | 12:48 |
asac | HappyCamp: yes | 12:48 |
asac | bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/%s ... %s=sourcepackagename | 12:48 |
HappyCamp | asac, thanks | 12:50 |
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