=== astro76 [n=james@unaffiliated/astro76] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
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=== rockets [n=rockets@pool-71-247-35-247.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
squee | I just installed tribe 5 on one of my laptops and when I try to upgrade to the latest version HAL gives me an error "failed to open connection to system bus". Dbus is failing to start. I dont see anything on launchpad about this, does anyone have any idea on what I can do to get dbus running? | 01:27 |
crimsun | by "latest version," do you mean current gutsy? | 01:28 |
squee | crimsun: yes | 01:28 |
crimsun | if so, it works fine here | 01:28 |
squee | crimsun: It works fine on my other laptop as well, but not the xubuntu one. | 01:29 |
squee | alright I guess I'll try feisty on that laptop then | 01:39 |
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=== gonzoism [n=joe@tx-71-2-126-75.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
gonzoism | i got some patches to apply to the kernel. how do i get the source ubuntu uses ? and do i need to apply patches from ubuntu to it ? | 01:46 |
sparr | is it bad that im getting kernel segfaults while doing dist-upgrade? | 01:49 |
sparr | [rhetorical] | 01:50 |
gonzoism | maybe a better question would be: i ran sudo apt-get install kernel-package then cd /usr/src/linux-headers- &&sudo cp /boot/config- .config now if i config'd saved, and built would i have the same kernel as stock gutsy kernel i'm using now ? | 01:50 |
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gonzoism | i wish my name was buttercups. maybe i can get it changed... | 01:58 |
buttercups | you wish | 01:58 |
buttercups | do you watch powerpuff girls | 01:59 |
gonzoism | no | 01:59 |
gonzoism | i would if i had cable. i'm lucky to have lights way out here.... | 01:59 |
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xOR | hi | 02:19 |
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sheldon | Hello, I just installed the openssh-server on here and I cannot connect remotely to it. There is no firewall either. Please help | 02:24 |
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sparr | after a gutsy dist-upgrade, firefox tells me "The URL is not valid and cannot be loaded" when i try to close a tab by middle clicking on it. can anyone duplicate that? | 02:25 |
crimsun | I can't. | 02:26 |
=== sheldon [n=sheldon@c-71-225-101-13.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu+1 ["Leaving"] | ||
sparr | konqueror is behaving much less fluidly also | 02:29 |
sparr | when i move photos out of a folder, the entire folder view is blanking then refreshing | 02:30 |
sparr | and shift+click in konqueror in preview mode is selecting weird groups | 02:30 |
sparr | and konqueror wont 'view' jpegs any more?1? | 02:31 |
sparr | it opens gimp (or one of a dozen other editors, my choice) | 02:31 |
sparr | like half the view modes are gone | 02:31 |
sparr | this is funked up | 02:32 |
=== Qubert [n=Qube@S0106000ea6be3878.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
sparr | i think someone made some mistakes in gutsy's kde packages | 02:33 |
sparr | very recently | 02:33 |
sparr | my tablet running gutsy from 2 weeks ago doesnt look anything like this | 02:33 |
Hobbsee | does the problem still occur when you move ~/.kde out of the way, and restart x? | 02:37 |
sparr | ill check. but this isnt a configuration issue | 02:39 |
sparr | konqueror has fundamentally changed | 02:39 |
sparr | there are new sidebars, different types of views, a different top bar layout | 02:39 |
sparr | it could be that my old config doesnt play nice with the new konqueror, and ill try removing .kde to check that, but this seems deeper | 02:40 |
=== rockets [n=rockets@pool-71-247-35-247.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
roe | what is the ubuntu way to burn a data CD? | 02:42 |
sparr | <bob>reboot!</bob> | 02:43 |
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Toma- | roe: Places: CD/DVD Creator? | 02:55 |
Toma- | or grab gnomebaker <3 | 02:55 |
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sparr | new kde seems to be missing "walk through windows (all desktops)" shortcut... help? | 03:04 |
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tatters | anyone had problem with second hard drive after recent updates? | 03:19 |
tatters | hal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 1000 | 03:21 |
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funkja | How do I find a module that isn't installed? I am running Tribe 5 and am trying to load the module piix to make my DVD drive work, but I'm told Module piix is not found. | 03:36 |
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spaz | hey all | 04:14 |
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spaz | mapp: you remember t install that was broken | 04:15 |
spaz | s/t/my/ | 04:15 |
spaz | ? | 04:15 |
spaz | well i found the problem | 04:15 |
spaz | i just fscked the drive | 04:15 |
spaz | and my god, i dunno how the heck it was doing as well as it was O_o | 04:15 |
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spaz | thought i'd let you know that | 04:16 |
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kousotu | anyone know how I could FTP to an xbox360 hooked on on Lan dirrectlyto my wireles Laptop? | 04:45 |
=== buttercups [n=me@adsl-70-224-40-235.dsl.sbndin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
scizzo- | woho....got xgl going just fine on the machine now | 04:48 |
kousotu | scizzo-: congrats? | 04:50 |
RAOF | scizzo-: that'd be "sudo aptitude install xserver-xgl", right? :) | 04:50 |
kousotu | anyone know how I could FTP to an xbox360 hooked on on Lan dirrectlyto my wireless Laptop? | 04:51 |
=== rvalles sees xgl pointless with current hardware | ||
RAOF | rvalles: You obviously don't use nvidia hardware :) | 04:52 |
rvalles | better use plain xorg's xserver plus AIGLX | 04:52 |
rvalles | RAOF: I curiously use nvidia hardware x3. | 04:52 |
RAOF | Then you don't care about resume-from-suspend? Or do you just not use desktop effects? | 04:53 |
rvalles | and I still think that AIGLX works way, way, way, way better | 04:53 |
=== RAOF finds xgl faster, and has fewer bugs. | ||
rvalles | than xgl, for desktop effects. | 04:53 |
=== rvalles finds it to be the opposite. | ||
scizzo- | RAOF: mostly for doing it auto in gdm and so on | 04:54 |
scizzo- | RAOF: the install of package is no problem...its the automation that is the problem for me mostly | 04:54 |
=== contrast83 [n=mike@adsl-074-236-242-009.sip.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
derekS | i am having an issue with where my notifications (from libnotify) show up. I have 2 monitors, i want them to show up on the right one, but they show up on the left one. is there a setting somewhere? | 04:55 |
scizzo- | rvalles: well the xgl server is actually working better for me in gutsy so.. | 04:56 |
scizzo- | kousotu: no.....have never tried to do that | 04:56 |
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=== t0phr3 [n=tophre@nc-69-68-92-133.sta.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
t0phr3 | hi all | 04:58 |
Kousotu | anyone know how I could FTP to an xbox360 hooked on on Lan dirrectlyto my wireless Laptop? | 04:58 |
scizzo- | Kousotu: no | 04:58 |
scizzo- | Kousotu: www.google.com | 04:58 |
scizzo- | Kousotu: :) | 04:58 |
Kousotu | scizzo-: I looked,found nothing helpful | 04:59 |
t0phr3 | I cannot burn gutsy to a CD, i have tried everything that everyone has suggested and the disks are still corrupt | 04:59 |
scizzo- | Kousotu: then maybe you can't? | 04:59 |
t0phr3 | PCLinuxOS burns fine, Dream Linux burns fine...but Ubuntu gutsy is always corrupt | 05:00 |
scizzo- | t0phr3: tribe 5? | 05:00 |
Kousotu | scizzo-: I'm sure it's possible | 05:00 |
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Kousotu | scizzo-: I just need help doing it | 05:00 |
rvalles | scizzo-: gentoo here... gutsy just on a laptop :) | 05:00 |
t0phr3 | scizzo-: any tribe | 05:00 |
t0phr3 | scizzo-:they all fail | 05:00 |
rvalles | scizzo-: that laptop is ati-based... and works better with free drivers (200M... only from git.) | 05:01 |
scizzo- | rvalles: you are not a full blooded ubuntu freak? damn you! | 05:01 |
rvalles | scizzo-: I'm not a full blooded anything freak. I am a free mind :) | 05:01 |
scizzo- | rvalles: I remember when the fglrx drivers was cause big fuzz....that was a lot of fun.....really long time ago though | 05:01 |
scizzo- | rvalles: a nerd? | 05:02 |
scizzo- | rvalles: :D | 05:02 |
scizzo- | t0phr3: sounds weird | 05:02 |
scizzo- | t0phr3: you trying to burn it in windows or some other system? | 05:02 |
rvalles | scizzo-: here fglrx -> 3d crashes sometimes (gnash and webbrowsing = crash within the hour) and no STR. | 05:02 |
scizzo- | t0phr3: checked the md5 sum? | 05:02 |
t0phr3 | scizzo-: windows, linux, different PCs | 05:02 |
t0phr3 | scizzo-: MD5SUM is fine every time | 05:03 |
rvalles | scizzo-: a disaster... so happy the free driver finally accelerates it. | 05:03 |
scizzo- | t0phr3: hmmmm sounds really crazy | 05:03 |
scizzo- | rvalles: hehe... :) | 05:03 |
t0phr3 | scizzo-: works great in virtualbox | 05:03 |
scizzo- | rvalles: apt-get moo | 05:03 |
t0phr3 | scizzo-: if i burn the iso, the cd is corrupt | 05:03 |
rvalles | scizzo-: emerge moo :) | 05:03 |
scizzo- | rvalles: that works in gentoo also? | 05:04 |
scizzo- | rvalles: haha | 05:04 |
scizzo- | t0phr3: then I would suggest you to get feisty and try to burn that | 05:04 |
scizzo- | t0phr3: then use the update-manager to get gutsy if you really feel up for it | 05:05 |
rvalles | scizzo-: of course, larry the cow loves gentoo after all. | 05:05 |
scizzo- | rvalles: haha | 05:05 |
scizzo- | rvalles: someone must have been a little bored doing that... :D | 05:05 |
t0phr3 | scizzo-: feisty is fine...thats how i got gutsy on my machines now | 05:05 |
scizzo- | t0phr3: well....can't really seem to find out why it would fail to burn the iso | 05:06 |
rvalles | scizzo-: naw, they were happy working on portage itself and so added it in the meanwhile | 05:06 |
rvalles | scizzo-: imagine the ego boost. | 05:06 |
=== buttercups [n=me@adsl-70-224-40-235.dsl.sbndin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
scizzo- | rvalles: haha | 05:06 |
t0phr3 | scizzo-: if PCLinuxOS failed then i would feel so bad about it but its just gutsy | 05:06 |
t0phr3 | scizzo-: wouldn't* | 05:07 |
scizzo- | t0phr3: check if someone might have reported it as a bug | 05:07 |
scizzo- | t0phr3: however...the strange part is actually that all the tribe versions gets corrupt | 05:07 |
t0phr3 | scizzo-: well, tribes and dailies | 05:08 |
scizzo- | t0phr3: my best suggestion is that you check the bugzilla | 05:08 |
scizzo- | t0phr3: if nothing there seems to give you any result...then maybe its time to do a bugreport...:P | 05:09 |
scizzo- | t0phr3: sorry...I am not that good with iso stuff | 05:09 |
t0phr3 | scizzo-: you mean launchpad? | 05:09 |
scizzo- | t0phr3: yeah | 05:09 |
t0phr3 | scizzo-: k | 05:10 |
scizzo- | t0phr3: best suggestion I have really | 05:10 |
scizzo- | t0phr3: I am not a developer | 05:10 |
scizzo- | t0phr3: so dont know that much really | 05:10 |
=== Ahadiel [n=ahadiel@S010600131042857c.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
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=== slavik [n=ubuntu@67-100-227-140.adsl.lbdsl.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
slavik | tribe5-amd64 livecd won't boot on core2quad, gives a message that kernel is alive, gives another line about kernel in mempatch and then black screen | 05:27 |
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=== Stevo [n=chatzill@c-68-59-27-89.hsd1.sc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Stevo | does anyone know what might be causing my screen to go black (like it turned off black) at bootup? i can hit ctrl+alt+bckspc and the CLI shows briefly. i eventually have to power down via the power button. the CLI is shown at that moment as well, but for only a moment. | 05:29 |
=== Nighthawk420_ [n=nighthaw@74-138-185-56.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Nighthawk420_ | hello everyone | 05:30 |
Nighthawk420_ | i was sent here by nickrud of #ubuntu to get a copy of gutsy | 05:30 |
=== Stevo [n=chatzill@c-68-59-27-89.hsd1.sc.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu+1 [] | ||
nickrud | hey, pelo sent you, I said it might be a good idea ;) | 05:31 |
=== Toma- [n=e17@203-59-151-120.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
=== pwnguin has finally packaged up titanion for gutsy | ||
Nighthawk420_ | lol wat ever hehe | 05:31 |
pwnguin | deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/jldugger/ubuntu gutsy main restricted universe multiverse | 05:31 |
Nighthawk420_ | that for me? | 05:32 |
pwnguin | to everyone living dangerously enough to install software from strangers ;) | 05:32 |
pwnguin | but not you direclty | 05:32 |
Nighthawk420_ | wat is it? | 05:33 |
Nighthawk420_ | im trying to get gutsy asa a last resort cuz fiesty wont work | 05:33 |
Nighthawk420_ | and we ahve tried everything | 05:33 |
pwnguin | well get tribe 5 | 05:33 |
=== FireCrotch_ [n=FireCrot@adsl-69-210-54-198.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
IdleOne | pwnguin: what is it? | 05:35 |
pwnguin | IdleOne: it's a space shooter game, like galaga | 05:35 |
IdleOne | :/ cant play games on this old machine. not nearly enogh ram | 05:36 |
pwnguin | it should be pretty light on ram | 05:36 |
pwnguin | but it does need 3d | 05:36 |
IdleOne | enough either. I have so little ram that I cant even type all the leters in wrds | 05:36 |
IdleOne | :P | 05:36 |
IdleOne | no 3d :/ | 05:36 |
pwnguin | (it might even work without 3d hardware, but i sorta doubt it) | 05:37 |
pwnguin | i used to run a different game by the same guy on a k6-2 with 192 mb of ram | 05:37 |
IdleOne | well i got 192mb ram | 05:38 |
IdleOne | p3 | 05:38 |
=== IdleOne gives it a shot | ||
pwnguin | but the 3d is likely end of story | 05:38 |
IdleOne | what was the other game and is it packaged? | 05:39 |
pwnguin | rrootage | 05:39 |
pwnguin | should be packaged | 05:39 |
=== jimmacdonald [n=jim@rdbck-7065.palmer.mtaonline.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
IdleOne | yup it is | 05:41 |
pwnguin | debhelper is pretty nifty. as is the patching system | 05:41 |
=== hydrogen [n=hydrogen@ignorance.campus.alfred.edu] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
=== hydrogen [n=hydrogen@ignorance.campus.alfred.edu] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
hydrogen | heh | 05:46 |
hydrogen | make -j is bad | 05:46 |
hydrogen | :) | 05:46 |
pwnguin | is good! | 05:46 |
DanaG | Aack, I've just now experienced the brokenness that is bcm43xx. | 05:46 |
DanaG | WPA2 doesn't work. | 05:47 |
pwnguin | be lucky you connect at all! | 05:47 |
=== FrankH [n=frank@71-85-110-115.dhcp.spbg.sc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
DanaG | And this cardbus card's newest Windows drivers only support WPA1. | 05:47 |
DanaG | Even if I use WPA1, the connection is slow as hell. | 05:47 |
DanaG | It's not a big issue because I have wired anyway, but it's a learning experience -- now I know what everybody complains about. | 05:47 |
IdleOne | pwnguin: I cant play rrootage graphics are way to slow :/ | 05:47 |
pwnguin | IdleOne: then titanion's likely out of the question | 05:48 |
IdleOne | yup | 05:48 |
IdleOne | I need to upgrade this machine | 05:48 |
pwnguin | too bad intel doesnt make discrete cards | 05:48 |
IdleOne | or maybe just setup a webserver and get a new machine | 05:48 |
DanaG | Isthere any way to find better Windows drivers to use under ndiswrapper? | 05:50 |
roe | anyone else have an issue with the spell check of OOo | 05:54 |
Hobbsee | DanaG: check which chipset, and search by chipset # | 05:57 |
Hobbsee | there are a nice lot of marvell drivers out there that i used for a while | 05:57 |
=== buzztracker [n=buzztrac@pelikan.garga.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
=== Tomcat_` [n=Tomcat@p54A1FB56.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
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=== Adlai [n=leif@] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
=== BentJ [n=BentJ@port46.ds1-esp.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Adlai | on an amd64 machine running gutsy, keyboard shortcuts don't work, the window manager doesn't use the focus settings I've created, and the titlebar is a bit messed up (doesn't show everything) | 06:13 |
Adlai | I have a feeling this is a problem with gnome-settings-daemon, but I'm not entirely sure | 06:14 |
Adlai | has anyone seen something like this before, or know how I could get more debugging information? | 06:14 |
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=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
=== lupin [n=lupin@ip68-226-125-194.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
sparr | just had my first data loss due to gutsy's unstable-ness | 06:28 |
sparr | :( | 06:28 |
=== thumper [n=tim@canonical/launchpad/thumper] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
fignew | sparr, playing with fire ;) | 06:31 |
fignew | awwww | 06:31 |
thumper | I'm getting boot failure with the following message after upgrading: [time] device-mapper: table 254:2: linear: dm-linear: Device lookup failed | 06:31 |
thumper | even on the safe-mode boot options | 06:31 |
randy026 | I know that this is for "effects" but How do I make windows quit "snapping" to the edges in compiz-fusion? | 06:34 |
randy026 | no one there is alive lol | 06:34 |
=== Le-Chuck_ITA [n=Le-Chuck@host251-171-dynamic.17-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
=== Le-Chuck_ITA [n=Le-Chuck@host251-171-dynamic.17-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has left #ubuntu+1 ["Leaving."] | ||
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DanaG | aack, gnomevfs can't connect to my router's embedded ssh server. | 06:41 |
DanaG | gnomevfs-info on the URI gives this, after the password prompt: | 06:42 |
DanaG | Error: I/O error | 06:42 |
DanaG | Wow, that's helpful. :P | 06:42 |
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sparr | can anyone confirm that gutsy konqueror 'rotate' function on xcf images (gimp's format) destroys the file? | 06:45 |
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ironmatar | im about to install gutsy due to the fiesty install not working with cedega and everything for eve -online is there anything anything at all i can do to garuntee myself a properly working OS that wont be bugged in 2 days or a month or whatever...i had a xp install run for 3 years plus on my last system befoer the system died and so far easy ubuntu has been nothing but a non/partly funstioning headach | 06:59 |
ironmatar | fiesty is suposedly a flawless working system with cedega which is supposed to be easy to use so why am i ahveing this headach | 07:00 |
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RAOF | ironmatar: Dunno. | 07:01 |
RAOF | But Gutsy at this point is unlikely to be your answer. | 07:01 |
ironmatar | i want my comp back and my gameing entertainment back i have a decent system msi k9n platinum sli gigbyte 8500 gt w 512 mb cache 2 gb ocz memory wd 16mb cache 250 gb hd so i dont understand how that could be a problem | 07:03 |
ironmatar | amd dual core 3800 | 07:04 |
ironmatar | iv tried both live cd iso's and the alt iso's for fiesty | 07:05 |
ironmatar | iv had this install running for 4 days now without issues but iv not tried to imstall the vid driver or the updates which so far Always borks my install | 07:06 |
ironmatar | my friend has suggested a computer shop might help but how many are conversant with linux | 07:07 |
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ironmatar | i dont understand why the install breaks when i add the updates and the vidio driver | 07:08 |
ironmatar | what can i do"? | 07:09 |
ironmatar | i dont have 200 bucks to go spend on another micoblows xp cd | 07:09 |
randy026 | ironmatar, you do know that gutsy is a alpha OS right? | 07:10 |
ironmatar | yes but fiesty is not working for me and after following help advice for weeks and not getting anywhwere except another re-install of fiesty i need something that works paying for cedega and my time is burning up and the blasted os wotn stay in one piece | 07:12 |
randy026 | ironmatar, and from what I hear eve online has a linux port | 07:12 |
ironmatar | its in the beginnign stages and transgameing are the ones working on it | 07:13 |
randy026 | I see.. | 07:13 |
nanonyme | i've heard eve online works on wine though | 07:14 |
ironmatar | meanwhile i need a os that works with cedega | 07:14 |
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randy026 | so whats the problem with installing cedega? | 07:14 |
ironmatar | if fiesty wouldent break every time i update it id be a lot farther ahead | 07:15 |
ironmatar | but ever time i apply the 119 updates its borked agian | 07:15 |
ironmatar | i attempted to apply the updates in blocks that did not work either | 07:16 |
ironmatar | as some blasted updates are linked to others | 07:16 |
ironmatar | cedega installs and is supposed t5o work flawlessly with eve yet iv never gotten to the login screen it starts up and 30 seconds later the intro screen blips away and notheing happens | 07:19 |
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ironmatar | so what can i do | 07:20 |
ironmatar | is theer some kind of order to installing things im missing here? | 07:20 |
nanonyme | maybe cedega is broken and you should send a bug report? | 07:20 |
ironmatar | after messing around with this for like 3 weeks now iv narrowed the problem i am getting in gernal on my install to the update packages | 07:22 |
ironmatar | some people ahve suggested its my vidio card in general though i cant understand why even though i ahve to full manuel install the driver | 07:23 |
Adlai | sparr: I remember that happening even on non-gutsy | 07:23 |
sparr | very very very bad | 07:23 |
sparr | almost cost me some signed photos | 07:23 |
sparr | now... backups! | 07:23 |
Adlai | yeah, I'm _very_ wary of "auto-rotate" features after that | 07:24 |
RAOF | ironmatar: "Full manual install the driver"? | 07:24 |
Adlai | f-spot photo manager seems to do a nice job | 07:25 |
RAOF | This seems a bad idea, one that will make updates likely to break. | 07:25 |
Adlai | so does imagemagick, but we knew that already =P | 07:25 |
nanonyme | true, better idea to make install packages oneself if you need newer drivers... | 07:25 |
Adlai | speaking of newer drivers | 07:26 |
ironmatar | sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop sudo sh NV tab complete sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start | 07:26 |
Adlai | who else bought an nvidia card two weeks ago because they were sick of awful ati support | 07:26 |
Adlai | and is incredibly pissed at their timing, given amd's announcement today | 07:26 |
ironmatar | sthat kind full amuel install | 07:27 |
nanonyme | hmm, i must have missed the announcement | 07:27 |
nanonyme | what was that about? | 07:27 |
Amaranth | Adlai: dude it'll be a year before you get anything useful from amd's announcement today | 07:27 |
Amaranth | nanonyme: o_O | 07:27 |
Adlai | Amaranth: really? | 07:27 |
Adlai | nanonyme: they're promising decent support | 07:27 |
Amaranth | nanonyme: full specifications for their r500 cards | 07:27 |
ironmatar | and cedega says that a good install passed all tests | 07:27 |
nanonyme | ah | 07:27 |
Amaranth | nanonyme: and a 'framework' 2d driver by the end of the year | 07:27 |
Adlai | Amaranth: why do you say a year? | 07:28 |
Adlai | did they say that? | 07:28 |
Adlai | I had a few months stuck in my head | 07:28 |
Amaranth | Adlai: Because they aren't going to work on it | 07:28 |
Amaranth | Adlai: They're going to release this stuff and leave it to the xorg community to finish it | 07:28 |
nanonyme | Amaranth, sounds good considering it's quite possible drivers for intel cards pass both nvidia and ati with the current rate :) | 07:28 |
Amaranth | Which is fine, that's all we've ever asked for | 07:28 |
Amaranth | nanonyme: if intel (or someone else) put as much effort into the linux drivers as the vista drivers you'd be surprised how powerful an x3100 is | 07:29 |
Amaranth | powerful enough that from what i've heard aero works best with intel | 07:30 |
nanonyme | heh | 07:30 |
Amaranth | even though the ati and nvidia stuff is supposed to be way faster | 07:30 |
Adlai | Amaranth: sure, the open source drivers will take a while | 07:31 |
ironmatar | so i dont know what i am doing wrong with the installing as i get a good install from cd then i run in terminal apt-get update upgrade and install build-essential then the video driver and thinsg seems fine n i hit the updats and its ruined andlong long period of carerfulling installing work | 07:31 |
Adlai | but I'm not _that_ intense about free software | 07:31 |
Adlai | I'll be happy with proprietary drivers that support everything | 07:31 |
Amaranth | Adlai: oh, fglrx with texture_from_pixmap is about a month away | 07:31 |
Adlai | yeah, everything I read said 2007 Q4 | 07:31 |
nanonyme | Amaranth, well, we can't really expect proper drivers from them with all the game producers targeting windows | 07:31 |
Adlai | which is about upon us | 07:31 |
ironmatar | so i rippd the gutsy iso to cd n thought id try that | 07:32 |
Adlai | alright, it's tea time | 07:32 |
Adlai | cheers | 07:32 |
nanonyme | o/ | 07:32 |
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ironmatar | so am i missing anything important in my install methods? | 07:33 |
ironmatar | i went by housecall to get a hd scan but that dosent work without the flash plugins and evrything i hvent even tried to install yet | 07:35 |
Adlai | what did... | 07:37 |
Adlai | wait | 07:38 |
Adlai | _what_? | 07:38 |
Adlai | you're trying to scan your hard drive | 07:38 |
Adlai | with flash | 07:38 |
Adlai | please explain this to me | 07:38 |
ironmatar | Housecall is symtec's online viris scanner it pwnzrz just about every viri or trojan ever invented | 07:39 |
ironmatar | google it | 07:39 |
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ironmatar | i love the thing its updated constantly evr day | 07:39 |
ironmatar | anytime iv suspected a problem of that kind i go there | 07:40 |
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Adlai | but...viruses don't exist on linux | 07:41 |
ironmatar | however if u suspect your irc program has become infected i also suggest #nohack on dalnet if it still exsists | 07:41 |
ironmatar | you really belive that? | 07:42 |
nanonyme | Adlai, worms do | 07:42 |
Adlai | ain't no worms on me | 07:42 |
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nanonyme | maybe not but the claim that there are no viruses for linux sounds like ignorance | 07:43 |
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Adlai | sorry? | 07:43 |
nanonyme | it's just not true | 07:43 |
nanonyme | afaik the first viruses were written for *nixes, after all | 07:44 |
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Adlai | I usually assume people are smart enough to disbelieve any sweeping generalization, at least a little bit | 07:44 |
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Adlai | a fairly foolish assumption, but I like it | 07:44 |
RAOF | nanonyme: It's just that there are, as far as I'm aware, no linux viruses "in the wild". | 07:44 |
ironmatar | 4 rules of alpha city 1 keep your laser handy 2 trust no One 3 TRUST the computer 4 the Computer! is your friend! | 07:45 |
nanonyme | might be true. although running chkrootkit on crontab might be a good idea in any case | 07:45 |
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Adlai | I'm also constantly amazed at how critical most people think their system is | 07:46 |
Adlai | honestly, if someone hijacked my computer, I really wouldn't care | 07:46 |
nanonyme | a system doesn't need to be critical to be hacked | 07:46 |
nanonyme | most hacked computers are nowadays used for ddos'ing critical systems | 07:46 |
Adlai | right, I just wouldn't really mind | 07:46 |
ironmatar | you would when the fed showed at yer door | 07:46 |
Adlai | if I noticed, I would reformat | 07:46 |
Adlai | if not, so be it | 07:47 |
nanonyme | it's not your computer that matters, it's your internet connection | 07:47 |
Adlai | my computer's extra cycles are getting used for something at least | 07:47 |
nanonyme | the computer is just the body that each zombie must have | 07:47 |
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Adlai | personally, I think ISPs should be responsible for that | 07:47 |
Adlai | if they allow malicious traffic to get to my computer and infect it | 07:48 |
nanonyme | ... | 07:48 |
blued | AOL will help you with that | 07:48 |
RAOF | It's not malicious traffic. | 07:48 |
Adlai | I shouldn't be the one held responsible if my computer starts generating malicious packets that they then transmit | 07:48 |
nanonyme | yeah, they should rather cut all connectivity if they think you're being hacked | 07:48 |
scheater6 | Has anyone managed to get 2.6.22-10-rt (the real time kernel from the gusty repos) working on Fesity? | 07:48 |
nanonyme | then see when your uptime drops to 2 hours a day | 07:48 |
ironmatar | you really wnt your isp to be able to cencor what you do on the net? | 07:48 |
RAOF | scheater6: I haven't even been able to get it to work on *Gutsy* :) | 07:49 |
jussi01 | scheater6: not me persoanlly, but I know others that have | 07:49 |
jussi01 | scheater6: it does not have restricted driver support | 07:49 |
Adlai | sure, it's not feasible | 07:49 |
scheater6 | raof: well, that's encouraging! | 07:49 |
RAOF | scheater6: To be fair, that's cause I wanted my nvidia drivers, which don't build against it. | 07:50 |
scheater6 | jussi01: I don't particularly need restricted driver support, at least I'm pretty sure I don't. I just need the newer kernel because of my sound card. | 07:50 |
Adlai | I just don't like the idea that my grandmother sets up her computer and connects it to the internet, and a few months later gets served for computer fraud or something | 07:50 |
jussi01 | scheater6: what sort of graphix cord you have? | 07:50 |
jussi01 | !offtopic | Adlai | 07:50 |
ubotu | Adlai: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 07:50 |
scheater6 | jussi01: dear lord...this is going on a dinosaur that I've turned into a digital audio workstation...I'm pretty sure it's integrated graphics, therefore I'm going with Intel. | 07:51 |
=== Adlai grumbles | ||
jussi01 | scheater6: lol, ok then... :) | 07:51 |
scheater6 | jussi01: the trippy thing is, the generic kernel installs fine, but the rt hits a dependency problem - or at least what seems like a dependency problem | 07:52 |
jussi01 | scheater6: maybe try posting on the rt sticky under Multimedia Production section on Ubuntu forums | 07:53 |
scheater6 | already done | 07:53 |
ironmatar | good install from cd then i run in terminal apt-get update upgrade and install build-essential then the video driver and thing seems fine n i hit the updates and its borked agian with fiesty am i doing anything wrong here ? | 07:53 |
jussi01 | ok, no joy then... | 07:53 |
ironmatar | sequence problem? | 07:55 |
jussi01 | scheater6: try jumping into #ubuntustudio - if abogiani comes in, corner him.... | 07:55 |
scheater6 | jussi01: This is apparently a very weird problem, or else no one but me seems to care. Apparently few are running an Audiophile 192 sound card on ubuntu studio and has figured out that only the newer kernels support it. | 07:55 |
scheater6 | jussi01: thanks for the name. I've been asking on that channel for a few days now with no answer. | 07:56 |
jussi01 | scheater6: yeah, sounds weird. have you tried it on a different machine?? | 07:56 |
scheater6 | jussi01: it's my only desktop at the moment | 07:56 |
scheater6 | I know the card has issues with Linux. The icensamble driver didn't work right with it until 2.6.21, and it wasn't fully supported until 2.6.22-9 | 07:57 |
ironmatar | any ideas from anyone ? | 07:59 |
jussi01 | scheater6: I need to go... work calls. I'll be back on later, if you are around | 07:59 |
DanaG | When I try the -rt kernel, dbus doesn't work. | 07:59 |
DanaG | It's odd. | 07:59 |
scheater6 | jussi01: probably not tonight, but thanks anyway. I'll be around later in the week | 07:59 |
jussi01 | scheater6: send me an email with the errors. jussi01 at gmail . com | 08:00 |
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scheater6 | will do | 08:00 |
ironmatar | is my problem so hard i ghought at least in here i could find some answers | 08:02 |
scheater6 | ironmatar: doesn't mean your problem is that hard man, just maybe no one who is paying attention knows how to fix it. It's asking a room full of random people a very specific question - maybe it's the wrong time or the wrong place. | 08:03 |
DanaG | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/41427 | 08:05 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 41427 in ubuntu ""slow keys" can turn on surreptitiously & cause confusion." [Medium,Incomplete] | 08:05 |
scheater6 | I've asked the question about the real time kernels you just saw me and jussi talking about in various channels and forums for weeks with not a single response until now. Such is the beast of community help. If I understand your explination right, it's a problem with feisty. try asking in #ubuntu | 08:05 |
DanaG | Completely unrelated to any present conversation, but I just ran into it again. | 08:05 |
DanaG | It's quite extremely annoying. | 08:07 |
ironmatar | iv pent weeks of my entertaiment time attempetng to get Easy! to use ubuntu and iv been suggested to try gutsy my system ought to run my fairly uncomplecated requirements of this os with out hassles | 08:07 |
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blued | first thing I'd do if your frustrated is document everything on a webpage. Starting with what you do to build the system, then include the errors your seeing. A detailed list of the hardware as well. That lets you point people to your page and give them an idea of what the issue is. | 08:09 |
blued | plus, if anyone else is having the problem, once it's solved the page would be a good resource for them :) | 08:09 |
ironmatar | if it matters i run a corp ingame with several billions in assets and 10+ members and there are a lot of thinsg already requireing my attiention hassels with the os and just getting ingame is not one of them | 08:12 |
Hobbsee | ironmatar: it doesnt sound like you should be running gutsy. | 08:14 |
Hobbsee | for multiple reasons. | 08:14 |
ironmatar | then i should just ignore the 119 updates? | 08:16 |
Hobbsee | then you should go back to feisty, or use another distro. | 08:16 |
Hobbsee | or if cedega is the problem, then contact them. | 08:16 |
DanaG | Plus, if it works fine on Windows, it may be worth it just to make Windows work well and consistently. And then do everything else in Linux. | 08:18 |
DanaG | I run games in Windows, because I don't want to deal with Wine and/or Cedega. | 08:18 |
DanaG | But I do all my web browsing in Linux, because the windows font rendering gives me bloodshot eyes. | 08:18 |
ironmatar | i would be useing my xp cd now except for the fact that they have broken it by removing sp1 from the updates scheg as its a original xp home cd | 08:19 |
DanaG | Is it an OEM disk, locked to a specific system? | 08:20 |
DanaG | If not, you should be able to use any XP Home cd to install, and just use your product key. | 08:20 |
ironmatar | and in 4 days my case was shuffeled between 6 diffrent departments and 20 people until i dident know who to talk to | 08:20 |
ironmatar | it installed just fine but they have wgav now that installs befoer the updater and borked it | 08:21 |
DanaG | If you still have a working (as in, not damaged) XP CD, you can slipstream SP2 directly into it, so it'll install without dealing with WGA, and with SP2 already installed. | 08:22 |
DanaG | Though that's a topic not so relevant to this channel. The website http://www.msfn.org/ can help. | 08:22 |
DanaG | I usually like to keep both Windows and Linux on my system -- if one breaks, you can use the other to research how to fix it. | 08:23 |
DanaG | Oh yeah, where can I find recent BCM4306 (cardbus) drivers to use under ndiswrapper? | 08:35 |
DanaG | The drivers I'm ndiswrapping (yay, new word) are from 2004. | 08:36 |
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matsalka | hi, does these tribe updates come also by dist-update? | 08:47 |
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RAOF | matsalka: Yes. Because a tribe is just a snapshot. | 08:49 |
matsalka | ok | 08:49 |
matsalka | then i should have the latest | 08:49 |
RAOF | Indeed. | 08:49 |
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ironmatar | http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com who is running this site? and why is it so slow? | 08:55 |
matsalka | is it slow? | 08:56 |
ironmatar | it regularly posts dlods to me at under 30kb a sec | 08:56 |
ironmatar | sometimes as bad as under 10k | 08:56 |
matsalka | PLEASE, DON'T ABUSE OUR SERVER !!! | 08:57 |
matsalka | If you got to this page, your are likely from one of the countries (many from past USSR countries or China) that are frequently abusing and overloading our server. | 08:57 |
matsalka | lol | 08:57 |
ironmatar | i hit the beginning od get apt update pack for that part and the dload just dropps off | 08:58 |
matsalka | dl speeds around 30 KB/s for me | 08:59 |
matsalka | you can always use another archive | 08:59 |
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se7en^Of^9 | if i have 2 computer do i have to update both or is there a way to download the upgrades only once | 10:53 |
pvandewyngaerde | you can copy the content of the folder /var/cache/apt/archives/ to the other machine | 10:57 |
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jscinoz | Has alsa been fixed to work on the santa-rosa platform in the .10 kernel? | 11:17 |
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Eq|work | jscinoz : possibly for you.. it's gone backwards for me.. it used to recognise the card, just not work.. now it does neither. | 11:20 |
Eq|work | i do remember that my sound chipset is different from yours.. mine is sigmatel. | 11:20 |
jscinoz | yeah, mine worked in .9, but nothing in .10 | 11:20 |
Eq|work | i'm just referring to .10 | 11:20 |
jscinoz | tried recompiling alsa drivers from normal source, mercurial, and alsa-source package | 11:21 |
Eq|work | i get the same behaviour in .10 now as i did in .9 - bupkis. | 11:21 |
Eq|work | but just after .10's release i got /something/ | 11:21 |
jscinoz | the ones compiled from alsa-source package are the only ones that the module will load with, the others give unkown symbol | 11:21 |
Eq|work | just no sound. | 11:21 |
Eq|work | did you run depmod -a ? | 11:21 |
jscinoz | well now, if i modprobe snd-hda-intel it loads with no errors, but asoundconf returns no devices | 11:21 |
jscinoz | yes i ran depmod -a | 11:21 |
Eq|work | what if you insmod it with the module parameter you had to use? the 3stack thingy | 11:22 |
jscinoz | i did | 11:22 |
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Eq|work | iirc modprobe isn't very good at passing those options from the command line. | 11:22 |
jscinoz | what command should i use for insmod? | 11:22 |
jscinoz | "sudo insmod snd-hda-intel model=3stack-6ch"? | 11:23 |
jscinoz | eq? | 11:25 |
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Eq|work | yeah, try that | 11:26 |
jscinoz | says file not found | 11:29 |
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Eq|work | ah, yeah | 11:29 |
Eq|work | you need to be in the module dir | 11:30 |
Eq|work | and i think you may need to specify the module filename.. | 11:30 |
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jscinoz | ah | 11:32 |
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jscinoz | "error inserting, already exists" | 11:32 |
jscinoz | did an rmmod snd-hda-intel, now insmod returns unkown symbol | 11:33 |
Jordan_U | jscinoz: What are you trying to do / what was the original problem? | 11:34 |
jscinoz | ALSA wont run on the .10 kernel on a santa rosa laptop | 11:35 |
Jordan_U | jscinoz: Is this a known bug? If so can you link to it? | 11:35 |
Eq|work | i think it depends on the chipset | 11:35 |
jscinoz | the module loads correctly with "sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel model=3stack-6ch" | 11:35 |
jscinoz | I've been told its a known bug, but i cant find it on launchpad | 11:35 |
jscinoz | give me a sec | 11:35 |
jscinoz | nope cant find it | 11:37 |
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Jordan_U | jscinoz: You should file one, by whom were you told it was a known bug? Do you remember? | 11:39 |
jscinoz | nope | 11:39 |
jscinoz | someone in this channel | 11:40 |
jscinoz | they said it was common to all santa-rosa laptops, that they couldnt run alsa with snd-hda-intel post .10 kernel | 11:40 |
Eq|work | don't remember anyone saying that myself.. though i haven't paid that much attention | 11:40 |
jscinoz | gah i hate this | 11:42 |
jscinoz | wait... | 11:42 |
jscinoz | i just ran a dmesg | grep -i "hda" and noticed something suspect.. "[ 2406.732000] ALSA /usr/src/modules/alsa-driver/pci/hda/../../alsa-kernel/pci/hda/hda_intel.c:1020: hda-intel: no codecs initialized" | 11:43 |
jscinoz | apparently i need a codec of some kind :P | 11:43 |
Jordan_U | jscinoz: Sounds similar to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/120305 | 11:43 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 120305 in linux-source-2.6.20 "Cannot modprobe snd-hda-intel following upgrade to Feisty" [High,Triaged] | 11:43 |
Eq|work | ironically, afaict my sound should work.. | 11:44 |
jscinoz | yeah i saw that, but i can actually load the module | 11:44 |
jscinoz | i just dont get any sound or any cards listed in asoundconf | 11:44 |
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Eq|work | jscinoz : which was your sound chipset? | 11:46 |
jscinoz | one sec | 11:46 |
jscinoz | 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02) | 11:46 |
Eq|work | yeah, that's not enough info | 11:46 |
Eq|work | it says that for mine as well | 11:46 |
Eq|work | i happen to know mine is a sigmatel | 11:46 |
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jscinoz | hang on let me check what it said on the config page when i bought it | 11:48 |
jscinoz | gah i doubt this will help, but according to dell its a software card "Sound blaster HD codec" or something like that | 11:49 |
Eq|work | odd.. | 11:49 |
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Eq|work | if you go to the support section of their site and put in the service tag, what does it say it is? | 11:50 |
jscinoz | cant tell you right now, dont have the tag handy | 11:52 |
jscinoz | its an XPS m1330 if that helps you | 11:52 |
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jscinoz | be right back, need to restart X | 11:53 |
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=== Eq|work yawns | ||
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jscinoz | hey again | 11:59 |
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Eq|work | jscinoz : mine is a sigmatel stac 92xx.. | 12:01 |
jscinoz | is it working? | 12:04 |
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Eq|work | jscinoz : no.. but from what i've seen in launchpad it seems it ought to be | 12:08 |
jscinoz | >_< | 12:08 |
jscinoz | games are so boring without sound | 12:08 |
Eq|work | and according to dells website, that's what you get in the m1330 as well | 12:10 |
Eq|work | though i had to choose vista as the os to get that info out of them.. | 12:10 |
Eq|work | useless gits that they are | 12:10 |
Eq|work | jscinoz : try it with model=ref ? | 12:11 |
jscinoz | alright one sec | 12:11 |
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jscinoz | nope | 12:12 |
jscinoz | still no cards listed | 12:12 |
contrast83 | jscinoz: did the work on any other linux installs? | 12:12 |
jscinoz | it worked on the .9 kernel | 12:12 |
Eq|work | contrast83 : it worked with the .9 kernel.. | 12:12 |
jscinoz | it hasnt worked since .10 | 12:12 |
contrast83 | oh ok... was gonna suggest disabling the onboard sound in the bios if there is any - that's what i had to do - but i doubt that's it. | 12:13 |
Eq|work | contrast83 : it's a laptop.. there's ONLY the onboard sound | 12:13 |
contrast83 | oh ok. sorry, came in late. | 12:14 |
Eq|work | np | 12:14 |
Eq|work | jscinoz : looks like we're now both having the same problem | 12:14 |
jscinoz | >_< | 12:14 |
jscinoz | things are so boring without sound | 12:15 |
Eq|work | i may have a look into it a bit later.. but reencoding a dvd atm, so in the wrong os | 12:15 |
Jordan_U | jscinoz: Eq|work You should confirm the bug report that one of you has of course mande ;) | 12:15 |
Eq|work | not made one.. figured someone else would, and wasn't that concerned at the time | 12:15 |
jscinoz | i'd rather not file one right now, i'm half asleep, id sound like an idiot | 12:15 |
Eq|work | heh | 12:15 |
Eq|work | i'll have more of a look into it later, then file one if it's still not working.. else i'll file one w/ workaround | 12:16 |
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jscinoz | slightly off topic but, any of you guys know how to have a checkbox on a table in java? | 12:17 |
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ikonia | very off topic | 12:19 |
jscinoz | :P | 12:20 |
dns_56 | i am trying to compile git compiz-fusion but i need x11-xcb, do i need to rebuild the x packages or something? | 12:22 |
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mon^rch | wonder how long before x gets fixed... it's kinda annoying to have to disable compiz to play a game or watch a screensaver | 12:31 |
Eq|work | mon^rch : that's not an X issue | 12:32 |
mon^rch | oh? | 12:32 |
Eq|work | it's a compiz/gfx issue | 12:33 |
mon^rch | what then? | 12:33 |
Eq|work | mostly compiz | 12:33 |
mon^rch | ok ty fyi | 12:33 |
Eq|work | compiz uses the 3d acceleration of your card, leaving it unavailable for anything else to use | 12:33 |
dns_56 | any idea if there are packages for x11-xcb, which is a build dep for compiz from git | 12:33 |
nanonyme | btw, please don't have compiz on in gutsy by default when it gutsy goes stable. some people wanted that to happen, can't understand why :/ | 12:34 |
nanonyme | -it | 12:35 |
mon^rch | cos it's really pretty? :/ | 12:35 |
Eq|work | nanonyme : afaik it's going to be. | 12:36 |
Eq|work | it's not hard to turn off though | 12:36 |
nanonyme | sigh | 12:36 |
mon^rch | and makes vista's desktop effects look a little primitive... | 12:36 |
dns_56 | it is improving and getting more stable but not stable enough | 12:36 |
Eq|work | dns_56 : look through the xorg packages.. | 12:36 |
nanonyme | 13:33 < Eq|work> compiz uses the 3d acceleration of your card, leaving it unavailable for anything else to use | 12:36 |
Jordan_U | nanonyme: Why not have it on by default? | 12:36 |
nanonyme | that's the reason | 12:36 |
Trewas | http://hoegsberg.blogspot.com/2007/08/redirected-direct-rendering.html <- that extension is needed to X to make windowed opengl apps usable with compiz | 12:37 |
Eq|work | i have to admit, i do agree with nanonyme on this one.. | 12:37 |
Eq|work | Trewas : and what about fullscreen stuff? or did they finally fix that? | 12:37 |
Trewas | Eq|work: I don't know if the problems with fullscreen apps are fault of compiz or drivers, but that does not need new X extensions to work | 12:39 |
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Trewas | many apps can use 3d acceleration at the same time, so one compiz using it all the time does not prevent others from using it too | 12:40 |
Eq|work | Trewas : last time i used compiz for more than 30s it took your 3d card and left it so that nothing else would detect hardware 3d capabilities | 12:41 |
jscinoz | I find to the contrary trewas, if i run anythign else with 3d acceleration while compiz is running, x restarts it self | 12:41 |
elmargol | Is there a specific time set for the Tribe CD 6? | 12:41 |
Eq|work | see the topic | 12:41 |
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Jordan_U | Eq|work: That is not Compiz but XGL | 12:42 |
Eq|work | Jordan_U : i should mention it was around a year ago that i last looked at it much | 12:42 |
Eq|work | possibly more | 12:43 |
Jordan_U | Eq|work: XGL was a hack, AIGLX is not. Everyone but people with ATI cards now use AIGLX, and ATI is *finally* adding support for it in fglrx too now. | 12:43 |
Eq|work | about time. | 12:44 |
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=== Jordan_U remembers the pain of trying to get Compiz working during Dapper testing | ||
Jordan_U | Things have come a LONG way since then :) | 12:45 |
Eq|work | heh | 12:46 |
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ikonia | Jordan_U: an interesting think is that some key distros still use xgl - and some xorg errors still reference aiglx as "xgl" | 12:49 |
ikonia | s/think/thing | 12:49 |
Trewas | heh, compiz does not even start anymore even though the intel driver is supposed to be one the few which actually works | 12:50 |
Jordan_U | ikonia: I havn't seen any errors referencing aiglx as XGL | 12:50 |
ikonia | Jordan_U I'll try to dig a few out | 12:50 |
ikonia | not many, just a few subtle ones | 12:50 |
Jordan_U | ikonia: I am glad that the phase of calling desktop effects "XGL" is over :) | 12:51 |
ikonia | Jordan_U I still see it every now and then | 12:52 |
Eq|work | Trewas : 's working fine for me on the intel driver | 12:53 |
Eq|work | i wonder if i can install straight off the graphical installer yet. | 12:53 |
Trewas | "Fatal: GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap is missing" which exists according to glxinfo | 12:54 |
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crdlb | Trewas, glxinfo|grep direct | 12:55 |
yaccin | i tried adding styleclock to my kicker applet and my xserver crashed \o/ | 12:55 |
crdlb | Trewas, it needs to actually appear in "GLX extensions" | 12:56 |
crdlb | anywhere else doesn't count | 12:56 |
Trewas | crdlb: direct rendering yes, but apparently that extension is only mentioned in "server glx extensions" and "client glx extensions" | 12:57 |
crdlb | indeed | 12:57 |
crdlb | did you compile compiz from source? | 12:57 |
Jordan_U | Trewas: ATI ? | 12:57 |
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Trewas | crdlb: no, whatever is in gutsy, it used to work a month or so ago | 12:58 |
crdlb | Trewas, try this: LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 compiz --replace ccp | 12:58 |
crdlb | shouldn't be needed with packages though (because of the wrapper script) | 12:58 |
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jscinoz | what does the ccp do? | 01:01 |
Trewas | crdlb: didn't work either... not that I care much, when it last worked compiz did not offer anything for me above metacity and breaks keyboard shortcuts etc | 01:01 |
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ulive | Hi : | 01:11 |
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ulive | I'm running tribe 5 and I'm having problems installing the system due to the refreshing of the devices when partitioning. | 01:12 |
ulive | so I decided to download and install the alt. version | 01:12 |
ulive | Now I've downloaded it and I want to burn it | 01:12 |
ulive | but the LIVE cd won't release the cdrom drive.. | 01:12 |
ulive | is there any way to bypass this so I can burn my CD? | 01:12 |
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Eq|work | you can't boot off the livecd and burn something | 01:16 |
ulive | Eq|work: okay :( | 01:16 |
Eq|work | you could try doing the partitioning by hand with the livecd, then using the livecd as normal | 01:16 |
ulive | what do you mean using the live cd as normal? | 01:16 |
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ulive | Eq|work: ok.. I'll have to find a way to repair the grub so I can boot in windows and burn it there. | 01:19 |
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Ayabara | hey. I have a problem with thunderbird on gutsy. when I open some mails it crashes without a trace, while for others it opens fine.. | 01:21 |
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arjayc | does anyone know why sound juicer disappears when i hit the 'edit profiles' button? | 02:02 |
hylje | it probably got an error | 02:02 |
hylje | thats one thing that should get improvement | 02:02 |
snadge | will the new ati drivers make it in time for gutsy? | 02:02 |
arjayc | no errors messages get displayed it just goes silently, would an error be logged any where? | 02:03 |
hylje | i dont know how gui apps tend to do it | 02:04 |
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arjayc | ok thanks | 02:05 |
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hylje | try running the app in console | 02:06 |
hylje | it gets the output | 02:06 |
arjayc | yeah just tried | 02:06 |
arjayc | segfault | 02:06 |
hylje | ouch | 02:06 |
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slytherin | Who handles gutsy Alternate CD ISOs? | 02:26 |
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Amaranth | slytherin: no one here | 02:29 |
Amaranth | slytherin: they're automatically built | 02:29 |
Amaranth | slytherin: like i said, the daily ISOs are almost always oversized | 02:30 |
Amaranth | they get trimmed down around a release | 02:31 |
slytherin | Amaranth: Yes, i wouldn't be concerned if the sizes for both arch were close. Assuming that difference is due to some firmware included for 32 bit release, 16MB is still large. | 02:31 |
Amaranth | 16MB is nothing | 02:32 |
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Amaranth | although usually the amd64 one is the bigger one | 02:32 |
slytherin | Amaranth: Anyway, I will keep watch. | 02:32 |
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contrast83 | Greets, everyone... | 02:36 |
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contrast83 | Is anyone here using Splashy? | 02:36 |
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hylje | hmm how do i install .debs i downloaded | 02:58 |
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hylje | command line preferably | 02:58 |
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Belboz99 | hey all, I hate to ask a stupid question, but what time and time zone is Tribe 6 being released? | 02:58 |
Belboz99 | and would there be any difference if I simply updated Tribe 5? | 02:59 |
Hobbsee | Belboz99: it wont be, see the ubuntu-devel-announce mailing list | 02:59 |
Hobbsee | Belboz99: usually in european timezones, as that's when most of the release team is up | 03:00 |
Belboz99 | thought so | 03:00 |
Hobbsee | and no, there wouldnt | 03:00 |
Belboz99 | thanks | 03:00 |
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slytherin | hylje: sudo dpkg -i file.deb | 03:03 |
hylje | thanks | 03:03 |
hylje | i just managed to look it up at the very second :P | 03:03 |
slytherin | hylje: The package might be dependent on some other packages as well. Check that before installing | 03:05 |
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sque | Hi! | 03:08 |
sque | Did anyone managed to play DVD's from gutsy? | 03:08 |
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mewt | hi everyone | 03:09 |
sque | I think i tried everything, I install libreaddvd3, libdvdnav, I executed /usr/share.../install_css.sh | 03:09 |
Telep | sque: hmm I just installed libdvdcss2 and w32codecs from medibuntu repos and dvds work fine | 03:10 |
sque | ffmpeg.. everything.. but totem keeps complaining that he cant play DVD and every other program just dont play (mplayer, vlc) | 03:10 |
sque | Telep, I did that too :S | 03:10 |
mewt | can I pick an itch with someone ? why does gutsy insist installing a -386 kernel to install nvidia-glx-new ? | 03:11 |
sque | Telep: at medibuntu whuch channel do you use? gutsy? or the previous? feisty? | 03:11 |
mewt | it renders me smp-less :( | 03:11 |
Telep | gutsy | 03:11 |
sque | Telep: me 2 | 03:11 |
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sque | Telep: so it is my fault! I should keep up searching then... | 03:12 |
sque | Telep: which program do you use? totem? or vlc? | 03:12 |
mewt | anyone ? | 03:12 |
elmargol | Is there a way to resize a alternate cd image? | 03:12 |
Telep | both worked fine | 03:12 |
sque | nice... | 03:13 |
elmargol | the iso i downloaded is oversized for my media :( | 03:13 |
Pici | elmargol: Oversized? It shouldnt be. | 03:14 |
elmargol | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/gutsy-alternate-i386.OVERSIZED <- | 03:15 |
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hydrogen | well | 03:16 |
hydrogen | why did you download the one that explicitly says oversized? | 03:16 |
Pici | Yes, that is my question as well. | 03:16 |
elmargol | because it is the only one avaiable | 03:16 |
hydrogen | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/gutsy-alternate-i386.iso | 03:17 |
Pici | I see plenty of other files there. | 03:17 |
hydrogen | if you want an alternative | 03:17 |
elmargol | thats the same file :D | 03:17 |
Toma- | elmargol: you could remaster it and strip the FOSS software from it | 03:17 |
hydrogen | ah | 03:17 |
hydrogen | yea | 03:17 |
hydrogen | so it is | 03:18 |
hydrogen | thats why its daily rather than the file one :) | 03:18 |
Pici | elmargol: Is there any reason you need the daily iso? | 03:18 |
elmargol | No I just build it using jigdo. and the packages for tribe 5 arent anymore on the server :( | 03:18 |
slytherin | elmargol: That is the issue I was discussing a while ago. In any case you don't need to burn it to use it. | 03:19 |
Toma- | hydrogen: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization just skip the customization part and delete the WIndows software | 03:19 |
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sam1338 | does the gutsy install cd support and enable modification of lvm partitions yet? | 03:26 |
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sam1338 | i dont want to have to repartition my hard disk | 03:26 |
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slytherin | sam1338: install as in 'Alternate CD'? The one with text installer? | 03:27 |
sam1338 | either | 03:27 |
sam1338 | slytherin whatever lets me install ubuntu onto lvm | 03:27 |
Ayabara | hey. gutsy is supposed to have better support for using 2 screens, right? I have a Lenovo R60 in a docking station and and external LCD. With the default drivers I only got picture on the LCD. When I installed the restricted ATI drivers I get the same image on both. Is there an easy way to setup "dual screen" or "big desktop"? | 03:28 |
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Ayabara | should I use aticonfig for that purpose? | 03:28 |
sam1338 | Ayabara use the ati control center | 03:28 |
slytherin | sam1338: I think the Alternate CD does support it. Don't really remember. It has been a long time since I installed Ubuntu | 03:28 |
Ayabara | sam1338: there is a control center? yippi :-) | 03:29 |
sam1338 | i could really do with a guide to installing ubuntu onto lvm | 03:29 |
Pici | !lvm | sam1338 | 03:29 |
ubotu | sam1338: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO | 03:29 |
sam1338 | Ayabara yeah the catalyst control center though it pails in comparison to the nvidia setings tool | 03:30 |
Ayabara | sam1338: ok. do I have do download from ati's site? | 03:30 |
sam1338 | Ayabara cant remember i havent used ati for a while | 03:31 |
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mewt | damn 112mb of updates :/ hehehehe | 03:33 |
slytherin | Ayabara: Isn't there a display config tool in System->Administration? It should help I guess. But I neither have ati not dual screen | 03:33 |
lucasvo | hm, I just dist-upgraded to gutsy... I did that before. But it somehow trashed my X. | 03:33 |
slytherin | lucasvo: Which card? | 03:34 |
lucasvo | slytherin: ati r250 | 03:34 |
sam1338 | does anybody know if gparted detects lvm partitions? | 03:34 |
Ayabara | slytherin: hey. there it was. I looked in the wrong place | 03:34 |
lucasvo | slytherin: dapper manages to configure it just fine. | 03:35 |
slytherin | lucasvo: a simple 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and then a restart should do I guess. Tell mw if it doesn't. | 03:35 |
lucasvo | slytherin: I already did that | 03:35 |
lucasvo | slytherin: I get the same error: no screens found | 03:35 |
sam1338 | the alernate install cd uses an installer similar to the debian command line installer? | 03:35 |
slytherin | lucasvo: What was the version of Ubuntu previously? | 03:36 |
slytherin | sam1338: yes | 03:36 |
lucasvo | slytherin: 6.06 | 03:36 |
lucasvo | slytherin: there was an error while upgrading | 03:36 |
lucasvo | dpkg --configure -a won't work | 03:36 |
sam1338 | slytherin so is the partitioner exactly the same as the debian netinst partitioner? if so then i should have no problems | 03:36 |
slytherin | lucasvo: What error? | 03:36 |
lucasvo | slytherin: well, that list is quite long. all sorts of X packages fail to configure | 03:37 |
slytherin | sam1338: Yes, that is what I believe. But look for second opinion | 03:37 |
sam1338 | slytherin ok thanks | 03:37 |
slytherin | lucasvo: Did you try to do 'sudo apt-get -f install'? | 03:37 |
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lucasvo | slytherin: yes | 03:38 |
slytherin | lucasvo: No errors? | 03:38 |
lucasvo | slytherin: unmet depends | 03:38 |
slytherin | lucasvo: For which package? | 03:38 |
lucasvo | slytherin: libxdmcp6 | 03:39 |
sam1338 | im now waiting for tribe 6 to be released so i can install ubuntu | 03:40 |
lucasvo | slytherin: perl, xserver-xorg-core | 03:40 |
slytherin | lucasvo: Se if you have package ubuntu-desktop (or k/xubuntu-desktop depending on your DE) installed. If not do it. | 03:40 |
lucasvo | slytherin: fails | 03:40 |
slytherin | lucasvo: same error? | 03:40 |
sam1338 | does anybody know what time tribe6 will be released? | 03:41 |
Telep | Argh, Thunderbird keeps crashing on me | 03:41 |
lucasvo | slytherin: yes | 03:41 |
Pici | sam1338: Check the release schedule in the topic | 03:41 |
lucasvo | Telep: there's a bug about it, I had the same problem | 03:41 |
Telep | lucasvo: does it simply freeze with you too? | 03:42 |
lucasvo | Telep: I can't tell you which #, it's rather odd to use w3m :) | 03:42 |
lucasvo | Telep: yes, there are several different bugs. | 03:42 |
sam1338 | Pici it says the date but not the time | 03:42 |
lucasvo | Telep: mine freezes immediatly after the start | 03:42 |
Pici | sam1338: When its done. | 03:42 |
Telep | lucasvo: ok thanks for the info | 03:42 |
Telep | yeah | 03:42 |
lucasvo | Telep: there's another one with random crashes | 03:42 |
Telep | lucasvo: with me it works for a while but then when I go back to it after a couple of minutes it's frozen | 03:43 |
lucasvo | slytherin: any idea? | 03:43 |
slytherin | lucasvo: What is version of libc6? | 03:43 |
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lucasvo | slytherin: 2.6.1-ubuntu3 | 03:44 |
slytherin | lucasvo: Do one thing. Try removing all the packages that give you unmet deps. Do an apt-get update and then apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 03:45 |
lucasvo | slytherin: ok I will try | 03:47 |
mewt | why does nvidia-glx-new install a -386 kernel ? | 03:47 |
mewt | can it be used on -generic ? | 03:47 |
mewt | having to use a -386 kernel loses me my smp support | 03:49 |
lucasvo | slytherin: It looks like I'm not even good enough for this simple job... Uhm, when I try to remove them, apt spits me out a 3pages long list of dependency problems | 03:49 |
slytherin | lucasvo: How are you trying to remove? | 03:51 |
lucasvo | slytherin: apt-get remove ... | 03:51 |
slytherin | mewt: File a bug | 03:51 |
slytherin | lucasvo: Leaving the machine as it is in current state, can you paste output of apt-get install -f in pastebin? | 03:52 |
lucasvo | slytherin: I can try | 03:53 |
lucasvo | slytherin: try this: http://wservices.ch/~lucas/ablage/apt.txt | 03:54 |
lucasvo | slytherin: were you able to open it? | 03:57 |
slytherin | lucasvo: yes, I am checking errors. | 03:58 |
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slytherin | lucasvo: Also can you paste your /etc/apt/sources.list? | 03:59 |
mikedep333 | hey, how do I update all packages on my system without X? | 03:59 |
Eq|work | apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; apt-get dist-upgrade | 03:59 |
Eq|work | though try and avoid the last one if possible | 03:59 |
Eq|work | ie just do: apt-get update; apt-get upgrade | 03:59 |
mikedep333 | thanks | 03:59 |
Eq|work | that assumes you're running as root (sudo bash) | 03:59 |
mikedep333 | I know | 03:59 |
lucasvo | slytherin: same path, but sources.list filename | 03:59 |
Eq|work | just making sure :) | 03:59 |
mikedep333 | I thought dist-upgrade was only to go from one release of ubuntu to another (ie feisty to gutsy) | 04:00 |
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Eq|work | yes and no | 04:00 |
mikedep333 | I would have tried to update ubuntu-deskop but that didn't show up in aptitude | 04:01 |
slytherin | lucasvo: Try what I say one by one and tell me if there is any error. | 04:02 |
slytherin | lucasvo: apt-get install x11-common | 04:02 |
lucasvo | slytherin: yes, will do | 04:02 |
mikedep333 | *ubuntu-desktop | 04:02 |
Eq|work | mikedep333 : had you done an update from the sources.list beforehand? | 04:03 |
lucasvo | slytherin: perl depends on perl-base >= 5.8.8 but 5.8.7 is to be installed | 04:03 |
mikedep333 | Eq|work: I don't know what you mean | 04:04 |
lucasvo | slytherin: there's also an error with perl-modulse(depends on perl-base= | 04:04 |
mikedep333 | I have managed my sources.list | 04:04 |
mikedep333 | and I have upgraded everything on my system from synaptic | 04:04 |
mikedep333 | *managed the .list before | 04:04 |
lucasvo | slytherin: and x11-common depens on xserver-xorg(>=7.9.12) but only 7.0.0 is to be installed | 04:05 |
slytherin | lucasvo: I think I know the problem. Somehow, some packages have moved from main to universe in dapper to gutsy. Enable universe repository in your sources.list. do apt-get update and then try apt-get -f install again. | 04:06 |
mikedep333 | it seems like over the last few months the ubuntu repo servers go really slow one second (like 5KB/sec) and then plenty fast (like 150KB/sec) the next | 04:06 |
slytherin | mikedep333: Which server? | 04:08 |
lucasvo | slytherin: ok, I'll try it out | 04:08 |
mikedep333 | well | 04:08 |
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mikedep333 | well, right now I am not sure if this is with us.archive.ubuntu.com or archive.ubuntu.com | 04:08 |
mikedep333 | but I have noticed it on both | 04:08 |
Eq|work | mikedep333 : i mean have you done the equivalent before trying to upgrade in aptitude | 04:09 |
mikedep333 | I am pretty sure those are the servers that you go to when you install something from main/restricted/universe/multiverse | 04:09 |
mikedep333 | yeah | 04:09 |
lucasvo | slytherin: didn't work, exactly the same error | 04:09 |
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slytherin | lucasvo: What the heck. Have you installed any extra packages that depend on x11-common or perl-base? | 04:10 |
lucasvo | slytherin: no, I installed dapper, then immediatly dist-upgraded to gutsy | 04:11 |
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Pici | lucasvo: Ugh. Thats probably your problem. | 04:11 |
lucasvo | Pici: so what do you suggest? | 04:11 |
slytherin | lucasvo: bad thing. But the problem should have a solution | 04:11 |
Pici | lucasvo: I would have suggested either doing a clean install or an upgrade through all the versions then gutsy. | 04:12 |
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lucasvo | Pici: I'll try to downgrade to edgy | 04:13 |
slytherin | lucasvo: Don't do it. | 04:13 |
Lin | there is any tool to play/convert ape to flac? | 04:13 |
lucasvo | slytherin: what else? | 04:15 |
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soc | hi | 04:15 |
lucasvo | slytherin: I'll go to the shop and buy a cd-r | 04:15 |
slytherin | lucasvo: Lets start fresh. apt-get --purge remove xorg | 04:15 |
lucasvo | this is to much a hassle | 04:15 |
lucasvo | slytherin: still the same error | 04:16 |
soc | kde4beta2 has been released, will there be updated packages in gutsy or backports? | 04:16 |
lucasvo | slytherin: xorg ist not installed | 04:16 |
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slytherin | lucasvo: Sorry xserver-xorg | 04:18 |
mewt | the latest xserver update broke xserver..it dies if you try to do anything 3d..anyone got this prob ? | 04:18 |
mewt | i just tried running chromium and got an x restart | 04:18 |
Pici | mewt: In Gutsy? | 04:19 |
lucasvo | slytherin: still about the same error | 04:19 |
mewt | also login page seems to be at a lower res than that of my desktop | 04:19 |
mewt | Pici, ye of course | 04:19 |
slytherin | lucasvo: is not installed? | 04:19 |
lucasvo | no, it doesn't say anything about it's state | 04:19 |
Pici | mewt: I saw you had asked in #ubuntu as well. Have you checked for open bugs on the issue or filed your own bug? | 04:19 |
lucasvo | it only says that there are unmet dependencies | 04:19 |
mewt | pici, went in that channel by mistake :p. no not yet, since i just restarted | 04:20 |
lucasvo | slytherin: I can't remove it | 04:21 |
slytherin | lucasvo: How about apt-get install libxdmcp6 x11-common perl perl-base perl-modules xserver-xorg-core ? | 04:21 |
lucasvo | slytherin: tried that already | 04:21 |
lucasvo | doesn't work | 04:21 |
slytherin | lucasvo: This is insane | 04:21 |
slytherin | lucasvo: what does apt-get dist-upgrade say? | 04:22 |
lucasvo | slytherin: x11-common conflicts with xutils and xbase-clients | 04:22 |
lucasvo | slytherin: the same as upgrade | 04:23 |
lucasvo | I always thought that apt is a good thing, but in this case it's just evil | 04:23 |
slytherin | lucasvo: nope, you handles it in wrong way. You skipped a release | 04:24 |
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Pici | lucasvo: You put yourself into this position. I think the best and easiest thing to do would be to backup and do a clean install. | 04:24 |
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lucasvo | Pici: yes, I will do it | 04:24 |
lucasvo | but shouldn't apt be able to handle it? | 04:25 |
slytherin | lucasvo: Not always | 04:25 |
slytherin | lucasvo: Did you try removing xutils and xbase-clients? | 04:25 |
trixon | Hi will tribe 6 come out today as planned? Im about to reinstall a system and it would be nice with Tribe 6 | 04:26 |
slytherin | trixon: If it is planned for today then sure it will come. | 04:26 |
lucasvo | slytherin: it doesn't work | 04:26 |
trixon | ok | 04:26 |
slytherin | lucasvo: What is the error in that case? | 04:27 |
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Gryffindor | -lul | 04:30 |
mewt | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22/+bug/137758 | 04:31 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 137758 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 "nvidia-glx-new installs 386 kernel" [Undecided,New] | 04:31 |
mewt | just filed the above bug, anyone can confirm ? | 04:31 |
Gryffindor | I use 386 anyway | 04:31 |
Gryffindor | only way to make certain the sources work right | 04:31 |
dfgas_ | is gusty going to have the final release of 2.20 gnome? | 04:34 |
slytherin | dfgas_: yes | 04:36 |
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jsomers | yes? | 04:36 |
jsomers | isn't that freezed? | 04:36 |
Hobbsee | there are exceptions | 04:36 |
jsomers | ah | 04:36 |
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Eq|work | Gryffindor : like? | 04:42 |
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yaccin | i cant set another kdm theme :( | 04:46 |
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zoli2k | Hi, I have problem with gutsy: I have only one workspace available. Clicking on workspace->Preferences there is no option to add other workspaces. | 04:48 |
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yaccin | it told my i should read a readme file and i did | 04:49 |
yaccin | then i first deleted the file ind /etc/default/kdm.d and then i tried just changing it | 04:49 |
yaccin | and nothing worked | 04:49 |
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yaccin | is there some hidden option or soething? | 04:54 |
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Hobbsee | yaccin: it's in /etc/kdm/kdmrc, iirc | 05:00 |
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yaccin | yes i changed that one | 05:00 |
yaccin | /etc/kde3/kdm/kderc | 05:01 |
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Hobbsee | it didnt take? | 05:05 |
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magstina | Hi am trying to play dvd from gutsy but no luck | 05:21 |
magstina | I have added medibuntu and added the appropriate packages (dvdcss and w32codecs) but totem keep saying: | 05:21 |
magstina | Totem cannot play this type of media (DVD) because you do not have the appropriate plugins to handle it. | 05:22 |
magstina | any idea? | 05:22 |
jsomers | magstina: you might need to enable libdvdcss | 05:22 |
magstina | jsomers: how? | 05:22 |
jsomers | sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/./install-css.sh | 05:23 |
jsomers | or something like that | 05:23 |
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magstina | I did this too | 05:23 |
magstina | but this seems alternative to adding the same package from medibuntu imho ^o) | 05:23 |
jsomers | i think this just configures it | 05:24 |
jsomers | otherwise I don't really have a clue | 05:24 |
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leperkhanz | I can't get any 3d things to run. Cannot load opengl subsystem. | 05:29 |
leperkhanz | anybody else having this problem? | 05:29 |
leperkhanz | compiz is running well, but I have that error in metacity as well. | 05:30 |
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tatters | is tribe 6 released yetTT? | 05:31 |
magstina | tatters: 10 sept | 05:32 |
tatters | k,thnx | 05:32 |
mewt | what does sys in top mean ? | 05:33 |
mewt | cpu line | 05:34 |
mewt | cos mine is consuming some 60% of my cpu ? | 05:34 |
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Eq|work | system | 05:42 |
Eq|work | you using an optical drive at all? | 05:42 |
yaccin | Hobbsee: no it didnt :( | 05:43 |
leperkhanz | huh, urban terror works fine. (kinda slow under compiz), but no other 3d apps will run. | 05:43 |
Hobbsee | tatters: read the ubuntu-devel-announce ML | 05:43 |
leperkhanz | maybe I borked my wine. | 05:43 |
Eq|work | leperkhanz : try a linux gl thing.. and are you on an ati card or other? | 05:43 |
mewt | Eq|work, no none at all | 05:44 |
mewt | im also noticing that i seem to have 13 running processes | 05:44 |
Eq|work | mewt : heavy hdd access? | 05:44 |
mewt | all i have open is xchat, rythmbox, gnome-terminal and firefox | 05:44 |
Eq|work | 13 processes is not a lot.. | 05:44 |
mewt | usually i have like 2 running | 05:44 |
Eq|work | according to top i have 136 | 05:44 |
mewt | the rest sleep | 05:44 |
mewt | 151 total | 05:45 |
Eq|work | ah | 05:45 |
Eq|work | hm.... | 05:45 |
mewt | top - 17:45:22 up 1:33, 3 users, load average: 4.06, 4.01, 3.48 | 05:45 |
mewt | Tasks: 151 total, 4 running, 146 sleeping, 0 stopped, 1 zombie | 05:45 |
mewt | Cpu(s): 63.5%us, 33.6%sy, 0.0%ni, 0.0%id, 0.0%wa, 1.3%hi, 1.7%si, 0.0%st | 05:45 |
mewt | Mem: 1035928k total, 856248k used, 179680k free, 9976k buffers | 05:45 |
mewt | Swap: 2176768k total, 35752k used, 2141016k free, 494684k cached | 05:45 |
mewt | 0% idle :/ | 05:45 |
mewt | the user cpu usage is totally un accounted for | 05:46 |
Eq|work | press < | 05:46 |
Eq|work | then R | 05:46 |
Eq|work | make sure it's shift-r | 05:46 |
Eq|work | it'll show the running processes at the top | 05:46 |
mewt | ksoftirqd, acroread,expr,firefox-bin | 05:47 |
mewt | and others moving in and out | 05:47 |
Eq|work | anything in the cpu column for those? | 05:47 |
mewt | preload, gnome-terminal, | 05:47 |
roe | I am having a problem with language files in gutsy, OOo doesn't seem to have any at its disposal to run a spell check against | 05:47 |
mewt | in terms of cpu, they are all showing as 0.0 or 0.something | 05:47 |
mewt | except firefox | 05:47 |
mewt | 9% atm | 05:47 |
Eq|work | hrm | 05:48 |
Eq|work | yet system is still at ~60 ? | 05:48 |
mewt | 40~, user is at 60~ | 05:48 |
mewt | 0% idle | 05:48 |
Eq|work | >, R | 05:48 |
Eq|work | what's te top cpu using process ? | 05:48 |
Eq|work | the* | 05:49 |
mewt | rythmbox and xorg alternativing | 05:49 |
mewt | rythm box at around 9% cpu | 05:49 |
Eq|work | hrm | 05:49 |
Eq|work | something unusual is going on | 05:49 |
Eq|work | how much change do you get if you close rythymbox? | 05:49 |
mewt | could it be that since im running at -386 kernel instead of -generic | 05:50 |
mewt | and i lose smp capability | 05:50 |
mewt | im suffering too much ? | 05:50 |
Eq|work | it shouldn't cause that | 05:50 |
Eq|work | but why are you using -386 ? | 05:50 |
mewt | nothing, closed rythmbox, still same values | 05:50 |
=== tatters [n=test@ACC989A7.ipt.aol.com] has left #ubuntu+1 ["Kopete] | ||
mewt | -386 is the kernel that gets installed with nvidia-glx-new and restricted modules for it | 05:50 |
Eq|work | hm. that's broken then | 05:51 |
mewt | so i have to run the -386 one to get gui | 05:51 |
mewt | ye | 05:51 |
mewt | filed a bug | 05:51 |
mewt | for it | 05:51 |
Eq|work | i might nab the source and create an adjusted package for you | 05:51 |
Eq|work | what cpu are you using? | 05:51 |
mewt | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22/+bug/137758 | 05:51 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 137758 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 "nvidia-glx-new installs 386 kernel" [Undecided,New] | 05:51 |
mewt | pentium 4 3.06Mhz, 2mb cache LGA 775 | 05:52 |
Eq|work | isn't nvidia-glx-new its own package? | 05:52 |
=== SpudDogg [n=spuddogg@c-76-109-159-194.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
mewt | i'v had a similar prob in feisty | 05:52 |
mewt | were a lot of cpu would be used on wa | 05:52 |
mewt | dunno what wa in top is tho | 05:52 |
Trewas | mewt: installing nvidia-glx-new does not install -386 kernel for me (I already have -generic and apt-get is content with that) | 05:53 |
mewt | that's what happened to me :s | 05:53 |
mewt | i tried booting in -generic | 05:53 |
mewt | and running a sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new | 05:54 |
mewt | and it said that the latest version is already installed | 05:54 |
=== hoora [i=hoora@gateway/tor/x-bea27c2ac5c222f3] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Trewas | maybe it resolves to -386 kernel in some cases for linux-restricted-modules-common dependency in nvidia-glx-new | 05:55 |
mewt | it installed a linux-restricted modules for the kernel it installed | 05:56 |
=== BentJ [n=BentJ@port46.ds1-esp.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
mewt | I am really lost ;S seeing 60% of your cpu power wasted is not a nice sight | 05:57 |
mewt | as an aside, anyone know the kernel module for ralink rt2500 wireless cards | 05:58 |
mewt | ? | 05:58 |
mewt | lspci gives this: | 05:58 |
mewt | 02:05.0 Network controller: RaLink RT2500 802.11g Cardbus/mini-PCI (rev 01) | 05:58 |
Eq|work | what does google say? | 05:58 |
Eq|work | i did know, but i can't remember anymore | 05:58 |
mewt | but neither network manager nor another wireless applet cant seem to find it | 05:58 |
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=== buzztracker [n=buzztrac@pelikan.garga.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Eq|work | i do remember having issues with that card in knoppix.. in pci form at least. | 06:00 |
mewt | got rt2500-source from the repos | 06:02 |
mewt | building the driver now | 06:02 |
=== __tim wonders what the 'Access to the internal disk is restricted to the system administrator, please give your password' dialog he just got when dist-upgrading is for | ||
mewt | well card showing up now..so that's fixed | 06:04 |
mewt | cpu prob still there tho :'( | 06:05 |
mewt | interestingly enough..why am I using swap when i have 200+ mb of ram free | 06:05 |
mewt | ;S | 06:05 |
FunnyLookinHat | mendred, because having that ram free allows you to open new applications quickly rather than having to wait for RAM to be moved to SWAPspace and then opening the app. | 06:07 |
FunnyLookinHat | woooops | 06:07 |
FunnyLookinHat | mewt, (see above) | 06:07 |
FunnyLookinHat | sorry mend | 06:07 |
mewt | ic | 06:08 |
mewt | is there any other way to see what apps are eating your cpu | 06:08 |
mewt | ? | 06:08 |
lucasvo | will X.org 7.3 get into gutsy? | 06:08 |
mewt | instead of top | 06:08 |
=== eagles0513875 [n=jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
mewt | lucasvo, afaik ye, but without xserver 1.4 or something onthose lines | 06:09 |
lucasvo | cool | 06:09 |
mewt | damn, i found out what the prob was | 06:10 |
mewt | i decided to kill acroread | 06:10 |
mewt | and now i have 90+ idle | 06:10 |
mewt | and only 6 percent on cpu | 06:11 |
mewt | average load also dropped | 06:11 |
mewt | :S | 06:11 |
mewt | in top it only showing 0.3% usage of cpu | 06:11 |
jussi01 | !enter | mewt | 06:11 |
ubotu | mewt: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 06:11 |
mewt | jussi01, sorry, tend to get carried away :p, my friends say i make them crazy with gaim sounds since i press enter so much | 06:12 |
jussi01 | :) | 06:12 |
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eagles0513875 | lol | 06:13 |
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Dannilion | is build-essential on the gutsy tribe 5 cd? I need to compile the drivers for my 3G modem so I can get internet back | 06:13 |
Pici | Dannilion: It should be. | 06:13 |
Dannilion | oh, goodie :) | 06:14 |
=== Dannilion is on Windows getting everything she needs ready | ||
eagles0513875 | Pici: i dont know whether u would be able to help i was told that my bcm43xx card was supported in the kernel what do i have to do to get it up and running | 06:14 |
eagles0513875 | Dannilion: nice to see the ladies getting into the linux fray lol | 06:14 |
Dannilion | I've been using Linux a while now- Hoary Hedgehog was my first Ubuntu distro | 06:15 |
Eq|work | eagles0513875 : there's a package that specifically dl's the 'doze drivers and extracts the firmware for it | 06:15 |
mewt | Dannilion, ye, if enough girls join in, they might stop picturing IT ppl as freckled nerdy with large glasses ppl | 06:15 |
Eq|work | mewt : pipe dream | 06:15 |
Dannilion | and what bit of that description don't I meet? p | 06:16 |
eagles0513875 | Eq|work: do i just do a bcm43xx apt-cache search for it | 06:16 |
eagles0513875 | lol | 06:16 |
eagles0513875 | out of that description i only have the glasses lol | 06:16 |
=== Dannilion has freckles, is nerdy, and has glasses | ||
eagles0513875 | lol | 06:16 |
mewt | well I have the glasses, but apart from that I'm nature's gift to women | 06:16 |
mewt | *hides* | 06:16 |
=== eagles0513875 has glasses but no freckels but knows a ton bout comps and would love to get wow to work on here so i could chunk winblows | ||
eagles0513875 | Dannilion: j/w do u have a 32bit or 64 bit capable processor | 06:17 |
Dannilion | glasses are sexy :p | 06:17 |
eagles0513875 | lol :) | 06:17 |
Dannilion | 64bit capable | 06:17 |
mewt | eagles0513875, heard lots of ppl got it running with wine | 06:17 |
eagles0513875 | Dannilion: u registered | 06:17 |
Dannilion | yes | 06:17 |
eagles0513875 | mewt: i got it running but for me fps suxs balls | 06:17 |
eagles0513875 | i get 30 fps in winblos and with wine 7 fps | 06:17 |
mewt | aye, i got it running perfectly, without sound tho | 06:17 |
eagles0513875 | whats ur video card and fps | 06:18 |
Dannilion | If the Sims 2 would work in Linux, I'd get rid of Windows | 06:18 |
mewt | anyone wanna see my defunct character ? mewtveetwo on ahn'Qiraj, level 25 warlock | 06:18 |
mewt | :D | 06:18 |
Eq|work | eagles0513875 : what do you get with glxgears ? | 06:18 |
eagles0513875 | lol | 06:18 |
Dannilion | that said, I am glad of it for times like this# | 06:18 |
Eq|work | and re bcm43xx, yes. | 06:18 |
eagles0513875 | right now shit i dont have open gl setup with my pos card atm | 06:18 |
eagles0513875 | ok | 06:18 |
Eq|work | Dannilion : tried cedega ? | 06:19 |
Dannilion | yup | 06:19 |
Dannilion | installs fine, doesn't run | 06:19 |
Eq|work | odd | 06:19 |
Dannilion | known problem | 06:19 |
Eq|work | must try sims2 in cedega myself at some point. | 06:19 |
mewt | *Wishes Bf2 Would run on Linux* | 06:19 |
Eq|work | could have sworn it used to work.. | 06:19 |
Dannilion | no-one has it working in Linux yet, using cedega, wine or anything else | 06:19 |
Eq|work | mewt : i know for a fact that runs under cedega. or ran anyway | 06:20 |
mewt | Eq|work, I don't agree with cedega for the simple fact that i want games to be supportted on linux natively..if we keep on going the emulation way and buying windows games and emulating them on linux | 06:20 |
eagles0513875 | mewt: what video card do u have i have a pos 1 | 06:21 |
mewt | no vendor will ever take linux seriously enough to consider making native games for linux | 06:21 |
Eq|work | who said anything about buying the games ? :P | 06:21 |
mewt | 6800gs eagles0513875 | 06:21 |
eagles0513875 | lol what fps do u get with wow | 06:21 |
mewt | Eq|work, I don't agree with pirating of software | 06:21 |
Eq|work | mewt : unlocked the extra pipelines? | 06:21 |
Eq|work | mewt : i don't agree with paying for software that won't run correctly/natively on my os of choice. | 06:21 |
mewt | eagles0513875, 60-75fps | 06:21 |
eagles0513875 | wtf | 06:21 |
mewt | eagles0513875, on windows | 06:22 |
mewt | eagles0513875, linux around35 | 06:22 |
eagles0513875 | i have a radeon xpress 200m i know how to get open gl working how do i open up the extra piplines | 06:22 |
Eq|work | ewww.. wow. | 06:22 |
mewt | Eq|work, neither do, so i don't buy it | 06:22 |
Dannilion | I'd already bought the Sims 2... and I'm sorta addicted so get the expansion packs too | 06:22 |
Eq|work | heh | 06:22 |
eagles0513875 | in windows about 27fps 7 in linux using wine | 06:22 |
mewt | Eq|work, have you ? | 06:22 |
mewt | Eq|work, was always afraid to brick my card | 06:22 |
Eq|work | mewt : have i unlocked the extra pipelines? yes, the same day i got the card. | 06:22 |
Eq|work | what brand is it? | 06:23 |
mewt | Eq|work, paying my car loan right now, so no spare cash to buy a new one | 06:23 |
mewt | Eq|work, gainward | 06:23 |
mewt | it's the agp version | 06:23 |
Eq|work | they're usually pretty good | 06:23 |
Eq|work | of course | 06:23 |
Eq|work | the pcie one you can't do it | 06:23 |
Eq|work | different core | 06:23 |
mewt | Eq|work, did you see any performance increase ? | 06:23 |
Eq|work | yes, i did | 06:23 |
mewt | Eq|work, what about stability issues ? | 06:23 |
Eq|work | was quite a while ago, so can't remember how much | 06:23 |
Eq|work | it's been rock solid | 06:23 |
mewt | Eq|work, what software have u used ? | 06:24 |
Eq|work | as in games? | 06:24 |
mewt | no, to unlock the pipelines | 06:24 |
Eq|work | ah.. rivatuner iirc | 06:24 |
mewt | anything on linux ? | 06:24 |
Eq|work | don't believe you can unlock them in linux, but once it's done it stays that way unless you undo it | 06:24 |
=== alex-weej_ [n=alex@cpc2-darl3-0-0-cust237.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Eq|work | iirc it's not something that's reset with a reboot or cold start | 06:25 |
=== mewt thinks about having to reboot into windows...nahh next time | ||
Eq|work | heh | 06:25 |
eagles0513875 | so i cant unlock any more pipe lines on my card | 06:25 |
mewt | eagles0513875, what card do you have? | 06:25 |
Eq|work | eagles0513875 : no idea. mobility cards aren't as straightforward. | 06:25 |
eagles0513875 | radeon xpress 200m | 06:26 |
Eq|work | nor are integrated cards. | 06:26 |
eagles0513875 | 128mb card can share ram with it to up it to 256 | 06:26 |
eagles0513875 | damn it mine is integrated | 06:26 |
Eq|work | i suspect it's not got any unlockables. | 06:26 |
Eq|work | it might do.. see what google says. | 06:26 |
mewt | mm dunno about ati really...always been an nvidia fanboi since i was a wee kid | 06:26 |
eagles0513875 | lol | 06:27 |
mewt | paid off when i turned to linux | 06:27 |
mewt | :D | 06:27 |
eagles0513875 | after i figured out wat a b it was to setup open gl on here im goign to nvidia and never coming back | 06:27 |
eagles0513875 | lol | 06:27 |
Eq|work | mewt : same.. i hate ati.. | 06:27 |
Eq|work | ati drivers suck donkey balls | 06:27 |
eagles0513875 | i got a link for u guys that ull find interesting | 06:27 |
Eq|work | i think they tried the infinite monkeys thing, trying to duplicate nvidia's quality.. but could only get 10. | 06:28 |
mewt | Eq|work, they seem kinda flaky to me, altho they do say that in games on windows they put up quite a nice fight | 06:28 |
Eq|work | mewt : they've improved significantly in the last year or so | 06:28 |
Eq|work | but they're still crap imo | 06:28 |
Eq|work | the omega ones are a vast improvement over the standard ati ones, but still not great. | 06:28 |
mewt | can I ask a question ? what amount of cpu does xorg use for you ? when you have compiz on ? | 06:29 |
eagles0513875 | take a look at this guys | 06:29 |
mewt | cos back in feisty i had some probs with cpu usage and ppl blamed it on the manual install of nvidia i had | 06:29 |
eagles0513875 | http://www.overclock.net/hardware-news/233580-amds-new-linux-drivers-offer-50-a.html | 06:29 |
Eq|work | dunno.. not using ubuntu or compiz on this machine.. have it on my laptops, but the work lappy is in 'doze atm.. for encoding purposes. | 06:29 |
mewt | that's from phoronix right ? | 06:30 |
mewt | seen them all this morning during my linux march in slashdot, digg and linuxtoday.com | 06:30 |
mewt | eagles0513875, good for ati either way | 06:31 |
Eq|work | if it's actually true | 06:31 |
mewt | about firkking time anyway | 06:31 |
Eq|work | but it'll only apply to relatively recent cards. | 06:31 |
mewt | after having dell and google plead for drivers | 06:31 |
Eq|work | dell probably went 'either sort your drivers or we'll just stop shipping anything with ati cards' | 06:32 |
mewt | that'd convince them =) | 06:32 |
=== mora [n=mora@c83-254-213-12.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
mewt | i was pretty reluctant to believe they would actually ship them pcs | 06:33 |
mewt | until i read that people recieved them | 06:33 |
Eq|work | heh | 06:33 |
Eq|work | dell can be a bit slow to do things, but once they say they're going to do something they generally do. | 06:33 |
mewt | tought it was a marketing stunt but anyways | 06:33 |
=== mewt hates dell..Im a certified IBM Server service engineer | ||
mewt | I'm an IBM Fanboi! | 06:34 |
eagles0513875 | lol | 06:35 |
eagles0513875 | we just bought a killer desktop machine | 06:35 |
mewt | gz | 06:36 |
mewt | i just found something funny - My BO notes quote Lotus Office as a standard office suite offering | 06:38 |
Eq|work | heh. i like dell laptops | 06:38 |
Eq|work | bo ? | 06:38 |
Eq|work | only thing i can think of is body odour :P | 06:38 |
mewt | business organisations | 06:38 |
Eq|work | ah. | 06:38 |
Eq|work | heh | 06:38 |
mewt | i smell fine thankyou very much =( | 06:38 |
Eq|work | lol | 06:39 |
mewt | so were you guys from ? | 06:39 |
mewt | inthe world i mean | 06:39 |
mewt | I'm from malta (If anyone's ever heard of it) | 06:39 |
Gryffindor | kansas | 06:39 |
mewt | kansas ? that's in the US right | 06:40 |
mewt | ? | 06:40 |
mewt | or was it canada ? | 06:40 |
=== mewt sucks at geography | ||
Eq|work | right | 06:42 |
Eq|work | home time | 06:42 |
Eq|work | kansas == us | 06:42 |
Eq|work | and yes, i've heard of malta | 06:42 |
Eq|work | i'm from scotland, but am in london atm :( | 06:42 |
Eq|work | anyway | 06:42 |
Eq|work | HOME | 06:42 |
Eq|work | back later/tomorrow | 06:42 |
mewt | gn | 06:42 |
mewt | now this is something to be proud of: http://www.computerworlduk.com/management/government-law/public-sector/news/index.cfm?RSS&NewsId=5008 | 06:44 |
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=== lnx^ [i=lnx@zux.sjr.fi] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
lnx^ | heya, can i install a fake raid with tribe 5? | 06:51 |
mewt | what do you mean by a fake raid ? | 06:52 |
lnx^ | i have two 160gb hard disks | 06:52 |
lnx^ | just raid without a controller | 06:52 |
mewt | software raid ? | 06:52 |
lnx^ | yeah | 06:52 |
lucasvo | when I update to gutsy, should I first run apt-get upgrade or apt-get dist-upgrade? | 06:52 |
mewt | lucasvo, I went the official way, sudo update-manager -D | 06:52 |
mewt | lucasvo, I went the official way, sudo update-manager -d | 06:52 |
mewt | lnx^, don't know for sure | 06:53 |
lucasvo | mewt: ok, I'll give it a try | 06:53 |
lnx^ | mewt: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/gobuntu/daily/current/ says that the alternate install cd can do 'RAID partitioning' - i wonder if that's what i need? | 06:53 |
mewt | lnx^, probably is yes | 06:54 |
Pici | !raid | 06:54 |
ubotu | Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO | 06:54 |
mewt | Pici, were can I find a list of commands understood by ubotu ? | 06:55 |
Pici | !bot | 06:55 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 06:55 |
Pici | mewt: First link there. | 06:55 |
mewt | ah! thanks | 06:55 |
Pici | Of course ;) | 06:56 |
mewt | mm, I'm currently remember my first time in #linux, I said 10x to someone for his help and I had a couple of geeks attack me cos they're don't like 10x | 06:57 |
SpudDogg | lol, the medic factiod is pretty funny | 06:57 |
mewt | wanted me to say thanks instead..good old times | 06:58 |
mewt | !medic | 06:58 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici | 06:58 |
Pici | ... | 06:58 |
PriceChild | *growls* | 06:58 |
PriceChild | SpudDogg, Please don't do that. | 06:58 |
dfgas_ | ughhh, esd is not in 7.10? | 06:58 |
SpudDogg | lol, wasn't me! | 06:58 |
=== PriceChild stares down SpudDogg then walks off. | ||
SpudDogg | PriceChild: I won't bring it up again...I am sorry | 06:59 |
PriceChild | np | 06:59 |
mewt | rofl | 06:59 |
SpudDogg | now yell at mewt, Price | 06:59 |
SpudDogg | :) | 06:59 |
mewt | nice way to alert the whole channel | 06:59 |
SpudDogg | just the ops | 06:59 |
mewt | hey I'm a noob..be nice :p | 06:59 |
mewt | (kinda noob anyway) | 07:00 |
=== _dennis_ [n=dennis@78-20-171-151.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
SpudDogg | mewt, nice to see you learning linux. when you get better at it, you'll really enjoy it | 07:00 |
=== buzztracker [n=buzztrac@pelikan.garga.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
dfgas_ | hmmm, can't use my softphone gusty :( | 07:00 |
=== ubu [n=ubu@host-85-27-16-225.brutele.be] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
mewt | SpudDogg, well i can do most stuff with it..The company I work at is a Red Hat partner and we get some work with linux servers | 07:01 |
mewt | mostly red hats of centos | 07:01 |
mewt | currently learning scalix | 07:01 |
lnx^ | Pici: thanks | 07:02 |
ubu | hello,what's the name of the firefox extention manager in gutsy gibbon | 07:02 |
mewt | SpudDogg, so I'm learning linux all day long =) btw scalix rocks! | 07:02 |
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lnx^ | i have SIS 191 integrated ethernet and gutsy and feisty don't detect it automatically, what should i do? | 07:03 |
Pici | ubu: The package that provides the extension manager is called ubufox | 07:03 |
ubu | Pici, how do i run it? | 07:03 |
=== etnoy [n=etnoy@c-1365e455.05-374-6c6b701.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
=== nikolam [n=nikola@adsl-211-220.eunet.yu] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Pici | ubu: There is a button at the bottom of the existing addon window in firefox. | 07:04 |
ubu | Pici, ah found it | 07:04 |
ubu | Pici, thanks | 07:04 |
Pici | ubu: Took me a bit to find it the first time too | 07:05 |
=== GNine [n=George@c-24-99-14-101.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu+1 ["ego] | ||
mewt | Pici, thanks for the extension tip..never noticed it | 07:06 |
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=== jsomers [n=jsomers@d51A50113.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
=== Xemanth [n=xemanth@dsl-hkigw7-fe1af900-42.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #Ubuntu+1 | ||
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=== amias [n=amias@85-211-254-18.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
mewt | ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted <- what does this mean ? | 07:15 |
=== mewt [n=mewt@] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
amias | mewt, you probably have firewall restrictions from internet connection sharing | 07:15 |
mewt | mm dunno, im trying to ping an AP from one of my neighbours, got an ip from his dhcp, but cant ping | 07:16 |
mewt | also resulted in gutsy choosing the wireless connection over the wired one | 07:16 |
=== Xemanth [n=xemanth@dsl-hkigw7-fe1af900-42.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #Ubuntu+1 | ||
mewt | and cut me off | 07:16 |
amias | mewt, sounds like the firewall in the AP is blocking non specified MAC addresses . you could test this by running kismet to find a working MAC and spoofing yours to it | 07:17 |
amias | mewt, or more politely (and legally !) you should just check with them that they are not blocking your access | 07:18 |
mewt | amias, might be, ill try that after next sunday, right now studying for an exam (been wasting enough time already :p) | 07:18 |
mewt | amias, i believe that if he is allowing his radio waves to enter my house, he is breaking and entering and as such I may do what i want with his radio waves :p one point i don't agree on with the law | 07:19 |
amias | excellent work on gutsy guys ! | 07:19 |
=== mewt agrees with amias | ||
amias | mewt, good luck arguing that one , also if there are restrictions in place and you circumvent them you are in the wrong . if it was open access thats another matter | 07:20 |
amias | IANAL | 07:20 |
mewt | no encryption set, but there might be mac address filtering as you said | 07:20 |
mewt | but then again, why would it's dhcpd give me an address | 07:20 |
amias | need to patch the evms bug and get it in the repos | 07:20 |
amias | mewt, because its nice like that , you can make it filter certain mac addresses but not usually on AP's | 07:21 |
mewt | mm ic | 07:22 |
amias | also DHCP uses broadcast , its not supposed to be at all private or secure | 07:22 |
mewt | ic | 07:23 |
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mewt | anyone got some script that authenticated you to nickserv automatically ? | 07:24 |
ShackJack | mewt: You can do a buddy pounce I believe to authenticate automatically | 07:25 |
amias | mewt, x-chat can do this | 07:25 |
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mewt | where do i set a buddy pounce | 07:26 |
mewt | ? | 07:26 |
ShackJack | Under tools - you might want to google for complete info re nickserv... | 07:28 |
ShackJack | At any rate you pounce nickserv to enter the identify string to "log you in" | 07:29 |
mewt | i found another way ShackJack | 07:29 |
mewt | went into the server list | 07:29 |
mewt | chose freenode | 07:29 |
mewt | and chose to edit it | 07:29 |
mewt | and there is a field called nickserv password | 07:29 |
ShackJack | !enter > mewt :) | 07:30 |
mewt | ShackJack, crap sorry again, it's just an old habit | 07:30 |
ShackJack | Guys, my wireless connection to open networks is rather sporatic (nm-applet)... It sees them, but won't connect to them... Any command line or something I can reset to get it to connect (short of rebooting) ? | 07:31 |
Hobbsee | ShackJack: ipw3945? | 07:32 |
ShackJack | Hobbsee: Yep, howdya guess ;) | 07:32 |
Hobbsee | ShackJack: lucky guess. | 07:32 |
Hobbsee | ShackJack: i386 or amd64? | 07:33 |
ShackJack | Works great on home network, but outside, sometimes yes, sometimes no, and a reboot will sometimes fix.... | 07:33 |
ShackJack | Hobbsee: i386 | 07:33 |
ShackJack | Restarting /etc/init.d/networking or dbus doesn't help either.... | 07:33 |
Hobbsee | no, it doesnt. | 07:33 |
Hobbsee | sec. | 07:33 |
amias | ShackJack, i found iwconfig on the command line to be the best tool for monitoring wireless wiredness , what chipset are you using ? | 07:33 |
Hobbsee | amias: see above | 07:34 |
amias | Hobbsee, aah , a known dodgy chipset ? | 07:35 |
ShackJack | amias: ipw3945 | 07:35 |
Hobbsee | amias: no. just doesnt work with the old nm | 07:35 |
Hobbsee | ShackJack: replace the ipw3945.ko in ubuntu/wireless/ipw3945/, then depmod -a, then ipw3945d-2.6.22-10-generic --kill, then modprobe ipw3945 | 07:35 |
Hobbsee | i hope you know hwat you're doing. | 07:35 |
ShackJack | amias: iwconfig shows eth1 - unassociated ESSID:"thessid" and iwlist also shows the network | 07:35 |
Hobbsee | ShackJack: okay, follow this order. | 07:36 |
Hobbsee | ShackJack: install bzr, bzr get https://code.launchpad.net/~asac/intellinuxwireless/ipw3945.asac | 07:36 |
amias | ShackJack, it sounds like your chipset isn't fully supported , what i was talking about was more general advice for troubleshooting bad links due to interference or bad placement | 07:37 |
Hobbsee | ShackJack: install kernel headers at al then: make IEEE80211_IGNORE_DUPLICATE=y SHELL=/bin/bash inside the dir that gets downloaded | 07:37 |
Hobbsee | then, replace the ipw3945.ko in ubuntu/wireless/ipw3945/, then depmod -a, then ipw3945d-2.6.22-10-generic --kill, then modprobe ipw3945 | 07:37 |
Hobbsee | confirm that modinfo does show the right version afterwards (1.2.2d.ubuntu1) | 07:38 |
Hobbsee | ShackJack: then tell me when you get to that point, and i'll copy some debs over for you to install | 07:38 |
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ShackJack | Hobbsee: "install kernel headers at al"? | 07:39 |
Hobbsee | ShackJack: install the kernel headers for the kernel that you're running | 07:40 |
Hobbsee | ShackJack: linux-kernel-headers-$(uname -r) will be the name of the package | 07:40 |
ShackJack | K - will have to get a wireless connection first ... I beleive those are already installed... | 07:41 |
Hobbsee | this is true | 07:41 |
ShackJack | I wonder why the finickyness with ipw3945... Worked great in Feisty... make a kernel interaction? | 07:41 |
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=== amias runs away | ||
mewt | bk | 07:42 |
mewt | how do you disconnect from a wireless network ? | 07:42 |
Pici | Odd. My ipw3945 works fine. | 07:42 |
Hobbsee | oh, wait. | 07:42 |
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ShackJack | In fact it works consistently with my home network, which only uses WEP, but has trouble picking up these open networks... | 07:42 |
ShackJack | *maybe a kernel interaction... | 07:42 |
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Hobbsee | ShackJack: what version of network-manager do you have installed atm? | 07:43 |
Konstigt | hello all.. is tribe-6 beeing released today? | 07:43 |
Hobbsee | Konstigt: no, read the ubuntu-devel-announce mailing list | 07:43 |
ShackJack | Hobbsee: I have 0.6.5-0ubuntu10 for network-manager | 07:44 |
Hobbsee | and it's not currently working with open networks? | 07:44 |
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ShackJack | Hobbsee: Not consistently... I rebooted and now i can see a bunch of networks... | 07:45 |
ShackJack | Hobbsee: Where as before I could only see one open network which it wouldn't connect to... But now I'm connected to that very network... | 07:45 |
Hobbsee | but before, were you using nm -10 or -9? | 07:45 |
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ShackJack | Hobbsee: Before what? | 07:47 |
Hobbsee | the reboot | 07:47 |
Konstigt | Hobbsee: great, thanks. | 07:48 |
ShackJack | Hobbsee: ?? Same package... | 07:48 |
Hobbsee | ShackJack: different versions. | 07:48 |
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Hobbsee | ShackJack: i'm guessing what's happened is that you did an upgrade befor eyou rebooted. | 07:50 |
ShackJack | Mmmmm... I don't follow... It's been 0.6.5.-0ubuntu10 since whenever it was last updated... I don't know when that was... | 07:50 |
Hobbsee | and after the reboot, it all works as it's using the newer version of nm | 07:50 |
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ShackJack | No, this behaviour has been somewhat consistent for a while, reboot upgrade, etc... | 07:50 |
ShackJack | It's not connecting once again, was connected to one open network, then I tried to switch to another and it won't connect (open)... | 07:51 |
Hobbsee | well, try it with the new package that you have there, whether you use the new ipw3945 driver or not. the -10 is supposed to fix it, and was published ~4 hours ago. | 07:51 |
Hobbsee | hm | 07:51 |
Hobbsee | (and does here, and on a few others people's machines when we were testing it) | 07:52 |
lnx^ | hey, i get 'No RAID disks' error when i run dmraid -ay in gutsy, might i not have the right modules loaded or what might be the problem? | 07:53 |
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ShackJack | Hobbsee: Yeah, definately not one mine... Like I said - sporatic at best... and I've rebooted since the -10 upgrade | 07:53 |
=== ShackJack reboots again just for the heck of it (hey - this feels a lot like Windows :)) | ||
ShackJack | brb | 07:54 |
lnx^ | i'm trying to set up a software raid | 07:55 |
lnx^ | do i need to partition my disks before running dmraid? | 07:56 |
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ShackJack | Back... | 08:06 |
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etnoy | I have a problem with logging in since the last five days in gutsy | 08:31 |
etnoy | the problem manifests itself in me being unable to login to gnome the normal way | 08:31 |
etnoy | starting failsafe gnome and running compiz.real works, though | 08:31 |
etnoy | I mean, starting compiz | 08:31 |
etnoy | this machine is a thinkpad t30 and has got an ati r100 card | 08:32 |
etnoy | I believe the problem to be with compiz-fusion | 08:32 |
etnoy | is there any way I can debug the compiz startup while logging in? | 08:32 |
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pepie34 | Hi | 08:45 |
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pepie34 | apparently Xgl is automatic for fglrx | 08:45 |
pepie34 | how can i disable this? | 08:46 |
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pepie34 | How can i make gdm start a simple xorg and not xgl? | 08:52 |
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eagles0513875 | what other mp3 pkgs r there cuz i have lame installed and for some reason i have some audio encoded in some other mp3 format and i cant convert or play them | 08:56 |
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mewt | what is your favorite media player? especially for audio ? | 09:04 |
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eagles0513875 | normally amarok but im having xine issues | 09:05 |
eagles0513875 | how do i add mp3 support to audacious | 09:05 |
mewt | something more close to gnome home ? | 09:05 |
eagles0513875 | ? | 09:05 |
mewt | i have installed: exaile, listen and rythmbox | 09:05 |
eagles0513875 | what u mean | 09:05 |
mewt | I had tried songbird | 09:06 |
mewt | something more gtk friendly i mean | 09:06 |
eagles0513875 | i have a ton of multimedia stuff that i can use but i dunno i prefer audacious cuz it plays flac i tried the other but they dont play flac | 09:06 |
eagles0513875 | well im out for now going to practice some c++ programming in winblows | 09:06 |
mewt | cya | 09:07 |
eagles0513875 | go to winblows play some wow lol | 09:07 |
eagles0513875 | even though im at work and its dead round here | 09:07 |
mewt | what's the time there then ? | 09:07 |
eagles0513875 | almost 2:10 in afternoon | 09:07 |
eagles0513875 | what bout where u r | 09:08 |
mewt | lal | 09:08 |
eagles0513875 | ? | 09:08 |
mewt | 21:08 | 09:08 |
eagles0513875 | kool | 09:08 |
eagles0513875 | im guessing central europe lol | 09:08 |
mewt | malta ye | 09:08 |
mewt | the centre of europe actually | 09:08 |
eagles0513875 | mewt u registered cuz i need to talk to u | 09:08 |
eagles0513875 | lol | 09:08 |
pepie34 | kool in fact there is life here !!! | 09:08 |
asisak | lol @ mewt :) | 09:08 |
eagles0513875 | pepie u from malta too | 09:09 |
pepie34 | nope france | 09:09 |
mewt | asisak, why lol ? :p | 09:09 |
eagles0513875 | ahh ok lol | 09:09 |
asisak | Since when is Malta the centre of Europe? :) | 09:09 |
pepie34 | since india is in europe | 09:09 |
asisak | sure | 09:09 |
eagles0513875 | lol | 09:09 |
=== asisak always misses these announcements | ||
mewt | well they say that the mediterranean is the sea in the centre of europe | 09:10 |
mewt | which is what it's name means | 09:10 |
eagles0513875 | well its a big stepping stone for travellers | 09:10 |
etnoy | funny... | 09:10 |
mewt | and malta is in the middle of the mediterranean sea | 09:10 |
eagles0513875 | lol | 09:10 |
mewt | i live in the middle of malta | 09:10 |
eagles0513875 | what part | 09:10 |
mewt | i'm the centre of europe! | 09:10 |
eagles0513875 | rofl | 09:10 |
ftoo_on_gutsy | roflmao also. | 09:10 |
pepie34 | is there anyway not to use XGl ? | 09:11 |
asisak | TIMTOWTDI | 09:11 |
mewt | pepie34, no idea mate, don't use ati | 09:11 |
eagles0513875 | pepie34: u know how there is a pull down scree choose the session u want | 09:11 |
mewt | well i guess you guys are all jealous cos ur the centre of nothing :p | 09:12 |
eagles0513875 | lol | 09:12 |
lucasvo | If I want to upgrade a system from dapper to gutsy, is there really no way around upgrading from dapper to edgy to feisty to gutsy? | 09:12 |
mewt | lucasvo, afaik, the recommended way to do it stepwise | 09:13 |
=== ftoo_on_gutsy dont care as i'm in the (MID)-lands... | ||
Vorbote | lucasvo: or a clean reinstall. | 09:13 |
eagles0513875 | lucasvo: ya there is | 09:13 |
eagles0513875 | !sourceomatic | 09:13 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 09:13 |
eagles0513875 | try changing ur soure list | 09:13 |
ftoo_on_gutsy | so i guess i'm sort of central also | 09:13 |
eagles0513875 | i will be central in a week and half | 09:13 |
Pici | eagles0513875: That is not reccomended. | 09:14 |
mewt | ftoo_on_gutsy, that means that if we were to cross a line through the world from me to you | 09:14 |
mewt | we'de be in a straight line :p | 09:14 |
ftoo_on_gutsy | hehehehhe kool | 09:14 |
eagles0513875 | Pici: y not | 09:14 |
mewt | so we're exactly opposites | 09:14 |
lucasvo | eagles0513875: well, I can edit my sources.list but that won't help me to fix conflicts I'll have when upgrading from dapper to gutsy | 09:14 |
eagles0513875 | ok | 09:14 |
mewt | that's the whole point of going through each system | 09:14 |
Pici | eagles0513875: It can break many things if you do an upgrade and skip versions. | 09:15 |
eagles0513875 | i have had problems with that yet i still try it to see if it will work | 09:15 |
lucasvo | Pici: is there no way to avoid this? | 09:15 |
=== lucasvo probably doesn't know how complex apt is | ||
eagles0513875 | lol | 09:15 |
=== ftoo_on_gutsy thinks go for broke ie: dont upgrade go for a fresh install and if it dont work wait till it gets fixed...... | ||
Pici | lucasvo: No, there isnt. afaik, since Hardy Heron will be LTS, there should be an upgrade path from Dapper to Hardy, but dont quote me on that. | 09:16 |
mewt | warty suddenly feels so long ago | 09:17 |
lucasvo | mewt: yup, the ugly installation is the only thing I can remember | 09:18 |
mewt | i kinda miss, linux suddenly became so boring, everything works out of the box | 09:18 |
=== DanaG uses quodlibet | ||
lucasvo | mewt: but for me this new versions all transform blurry because as soon as the new repository for the next release is created I usually start using the beta one. | 09:18 |
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mewt | no more fighting it lol :p | 09:19 |
mewt | lucasvo, this is actually the first time im this early on a dev release | 09:20 |
eagles0513875 | lol | 09:20 |
mewt | usually it's max a week before release | 09:20 |
eagles0513875 | i started with tribe 2 | 09:20 |
eagles0513875 | lol | 09:20 |
mewt | so i dont get stuck on the servers with loads of ppl downloading | 09:20 |
eagles0513875 | and i have to say this distro is the best 64bit one out there | 09:20 |
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mewt | lucasvo, then again, who would have thought it was the start of such a great distro | 09:22 |
mewt | ? | 09:22 |
lucasvo | yeah | 09:22 |
mewt | i still have some cds from shipit around here | 09:22 |
mewt | of 5.10 | 09:22 |
joumetal | Could anyone help with bug 137604? It's i810 bug in xorg. | 09:23 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 137604 in xorg "Black Bar Across Screen with latest Xorg Update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137604 | 09:23 |
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rabbit64 | Hi. Bash script1 calls script2. Is it possible to get name and location of script1 from script2? | 09:25 |
Pici | rabbit64: Best to ask that in #bash | 09:26 |
rabbit64 | ok | 09:26 |
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=== mewt eats and eater egg | ||
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PolitikerNEU | Does it cause major problems to upgrade to gutsy one month before its release or is it not recommended (I don't need everything working - but a "usable" system) | 09:30 |
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mewt | imo read the title PolitikerNEU | 09:32 |
PolitikerNEU | It's not a production system, just my private system | 09:32 |
mewt | a production system means a system you use as your main desktop | 09:32 |
mewt | or workstation | 09:33 |
PolitikerNEU | ok ... is there any possibility to downgrade to 7.04 again if the upgrading to 7.10 failed? | 09:34 |
mewt | PolitikerNEU, afaik there arent any ways to do that, apart from that, if something goes wrong in the upgrade it may render your system unbootable which might need special ways to get into your system | 09:36 |
PolitikerNEU | hmm ... I've got another linux system and windows too | 09:36 |
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PolitikerNEU | so that shouldn't be a problem | 09:36 |
PolitikerNEU | if something goes wrong, i just reinstall | 09:36 |
pwnguin | PolitikerNEU: this is why step one is always "back up existing data" | 09:36 |
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PolitikerNEU | my home directory is on a seperate partition | 09:37 |
PolitikerNEU | but backuping could be really useful | 09:38 |
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PolitikerNEU | thanks guys, cu | 09:40 |
Lynoure | I found https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Tribe5 but are there official upgrade instructions for kubuntu somewhere? | 09:40 |
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PolitikerNEU | omg ... 2 GB. I think I'll wait until the release comes out | 09:42 |
mewt | hehehe | 09:42 |
mewt | it increased | 09:42 |
mewt | was 1.6 when i did it | 09:42 |
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DanaG | Oooh, sweet: http://lwn.net/Articles/248227/ | 09:47 |
DanaG | AMD to open up graphics specs. | 09:47 |
DanaG | Sweet, now I can consider AMD/ATI for future notebooks. | 09:48 |
DanaG | But it's still not entirely open. | 09:48 |
rabbit64 | amd to support aiglx in a month, thats sweet too :) | 09:48 |
stdin | open specs != open drivers | 09:49 |
stdin | it just means that we can create open drivers without having to manually probe the device now | 09:49 |
PolitikerNEU | AMD wants to open source the 2D-Functions of their drivers and maybe add 3D support later | 09:49 |
PolitikerNEU | I think I have read | 09:49 |
rabbit64 | open specs = someone will do the drivers | 09:49 |
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mewt | well atleast is better than having nothing | 09:51 |
mewt | altho as someone commented | 09:51 |
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mewt | looks like it's gonna be a minefield of licenses and patents | 09:51 |
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PolitikerNEU | Source: pro-linux.de. Translated Text: Additionally AMD wants to provide a trunk driver. With this, until the end of the year, a free driver for two-dimensional grafik should be finished. 3D-Functions are expected to take longer time | 09:52 |
PolitikerNEU | grafik == graphic, of course | 09:52 |
rabbit64 | skeleton driver | 09:53 |
PolitikerNEU | sorry | 09:53 |
mewt | i still tend to be unsure until i see what licenses etc that are gonna release it under | 09:53 |
PolitikerNEU | translated it fast so i couldn't look up the correct expressions | 09:54 |
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PolitikerNEU | with this == more exactly: therewith | 09:54 |
rabbit64 | i didn't ever hear therewith ;) (i'm not american) | 09:54 |
DanaG | I hope it'll be more than simply 'usable' by next summer. | 09:54 |
mewt | well a skeleton driver would get the | 09:55 |
mewt | the good thing about this is that | 09:55 |
mewt | once ati get their thing going | 09:55 |
mewt | nvidia are gonna feel left out and feel the pressure | 09:55 |
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rabbit64 | and explode :D | 09:55 |
mewt | which will hopefully get them to work more on the driver | 09:55 |
mewt | and maybe help nouveu ppl | 09:56 |
rabbit64 | *implode | 09:56 |
mewt | implode is nicer | 09:56 |
PolitikerNEU | hmm ... in my opinion, nvidia currently produces the better graphic chips/cards | 09:56 |
mewt | a nice black whole never hurt anyone | 09:56 |
rabbit64 | yes of course :) | 09:56 |
Lynoure | For Kubuntu, can I just do apt-get dist-upgrade after changing feisty to gutsy in the sources.list? | 09:56 |
DanaG | Nice, if you like your screen to randomly BLINK under Compiz. | 09:57 |
rabbit64 | Lynoure, apt-get update before dist-upgrade | 09:57 |
DanaG | NVIDIA, I mean. | 09:57 |
PolitikerNEU | I never experienced such problems | 09:57 |
Vorbote | Lynoure: it is better to use update-manager (it it is working) | 09:57 |
Vorbote | (if it is ...) | 09:58 |
mewt | the devs fixed some stuff with keyboard shortcuts i guess ey ? | 09:58 |
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mewt | my shortcuts work in all proggies now | 09:58 |
mewt | before it was jsut rythmbox | 09:58 |
Lynoure | Vorbote: there is one for Kubuntu somewhere? | 09:58 |
Vorbote | open konsole and type "sudo update-manager -d -c" if it is working you'll now... | 09:59 |
Vorbote | know | 09:59 |
rabbit64 | adept is good | 09:59 |
Lynoure | Vorbote: I remember there being talk about one, but still I only find the one that depends on gnome stuff | 09:59 |
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Vorbote | try with update-manager-core That one doesn't depend on Gnome/GTK+ | 10:00 |
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mewt | general question: isnt it easier to install ubuntu then isntall kubuntu-desktop ? or do the kubuntu team make a lot of modifications ? | 10:00 |
Vorbote | I know that one is installed with ubuntu-standard so it should be in kubuntu | 10:00 |
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Vorbote | The kubuntu install is a lot cleaner. If you install kubuntu-desktop on top of an ubuntu install , you'll have lots of cleaning to do | 10:01 |
mewt | mm ic | 10:01 |
Lynoure | Vorbote: it does not seem to be a command... | 10:01 |
Vorbote | Lynoure: lemme check here. | 10:02 |
Lynoure | Vorbote: /var/lib/update-manager , no binary that I could find yet | 10:02 |
Vorbote | Lynoure: you should have a command called "/usr/bin/do-release-upgrade" | 10:02 |
ironmatar | went back and tried thats other os agian another 6hrs down the drain.....so mad....installed gutsy just for the heck of it lot better responce from my system however booting the Hd its gets stuck waiting for file system without verbose and nosplash i think i see segmentation fault flash by what is that and how do i fix it possably? | 10:03 |
Vorbote | Run it with sudo | 10:03 |
Vorbote | ironmatar: try booting in rescovery mode and keep an eye on the output. | 10:04 |
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ironmatar | and? | 10:04 |
Vorbote | And you'll have a better idea of where the system is hanging | 10:05 |
ironmatar | ah | 10:05 |
Lynoure | Vorbote: it seem to check for new version but not upgrade (or maybe just not find one, even with -d) | 10:05 |
Vorbote | Lynoure: and with "-d -c"? | 10:06 |
Lynoure | Vorbote: --help shows no -c | 10:06 |
ironmatar | now when u say recovery mode thats changeing the grub kernal at the reset or the option from live cd. | 10:07 |
Vorbote | Aha.... Hmm... So that's on the graphical client only. Hmm... You'll have to edit your sources file and dist-upgrade then. :-( | 10:07 |
mewt | ironmatar, at grub | 10:08 |
ironmatar | thank you | 10:08 |
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Lynoure | Vorbote: that's considered risky for ubuntu... and I cannot see why kubuntu would be any better at it. No idea of what are the official recommended steps? | 10:08 |
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Vorbote | Lynoure: If you have the bandwith I suggest you download a daily snapshot, burn to cd-rw (no point in wasting a cdr) and pop it in. Adept should offer you to add the cd and do an upgrade (works with synaptic). | 10:09 |
Vorbote | I've always found that safer than doing a dist-upgrade over the wire. | 10:10 |
Lynoure | Vorbote: I guess I'll wait until I find the way mainstream folks will be upgrading. No sense upgrading to report bugs if I do the first step in an uncommon way. I wish they started considering kubuntu users too, in those announcements of Tribes. | 10:11 |
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pepie34 | Hi what is this trackerd that eats 45% of my cpu? | 10:14 |
Vorbote | The indexer | 10:14 |
Vorbote | You can silence it with the applet in System->Preferences->Indexing Preferences | 10:15 |
pepie34 | yes i diable it but it is still runing | 10:15 |
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pepie34 | yes i have disabled it | 10:16 |
pepie34 | an other question, how can i make xorg the default xserver and not xgl? | 10:17 |
rockets | Which version of virtualbox is included with Gutsy? the open source edition or the full version? | 10:17 |
Vorbote | You can remove trackerd with the package manager, there doesn't seem to be any other way. | 10:18 |
ironmatar | 1.716000 input at translated set 2 keyboard /class/input/input1 next line segmentation fault then the startup scripts and it hangs on waiting for file system at root | 10:18 |
ggilbert | rockets: Gutsy doesn't include virtual box as far as I can tell | 10:18 |
rockets | ggilbert, version 1.4 is in the repos right now./ | 10:19 |
ggilbert | What's the package name? I'm not seeing it :) | 10:19 |
pepie34 | killall trackerd | 10:19 |
DanaG | Oh yeah, go into system->preferences->session | 10:19 |
DanaG | and uncheck the trackerd one. | 10:19 |
DanaG | Also remove it from current session. | 10:19 |
Vorbote | Ah yes. it never occured to me that trackerd would be loaded from the session manager. | 10:20 |
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rockets | ggilbert, idk i just read about it on planet ubuntu at some point | 10:20 |
pepie34 | As i wanted to use opengl application i don't want xgl !!! | 10:21 |
Vorbote | BTW, is java working in openoffice for anyone, without installing java-gcj-compat? | 10:21 |
pepie34 | isthere a way to disable it? | 10:21 |
ironmatar | any ideas? anyone? | 10:22 |
Vorbote | pepie34: look in the appearance applet, desktop effects tab. Select disable. | 10:22 |
pepie34 | is it because 3D desktop is mandatory that gutsy starts xgl if you don't have AIGLX extension? | 10:22 |
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pepie34 | I mean it is not compiz that i don't want | 10:22 |
pepie34 | it is actually xgl | 10:22 |
rabbit64 | pepie34, there is a way to run opengl application in newly created X session (even if you are using Xgl), but it's quite unstable | 10:23 |
Vorbote | pepie34: you can always disable the xgl extensoin in the X server by doing a "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" in a terminal and disabling it in the respective dialog. | 10:23 |
pepie34 | i stop my session and go back | 10:24 |
pepie34 | do you know the xorg.conf option ? | 10:24 |
Lynoure | Vorbote: the answer to my question turned out to be adept_manager --version-upgrade | 10:24 |
Vorbote | Lynoure: great! New thing we have learned today. | 10:25 |
Vorbote | Hmm... I'm spending too much time in GNOME to be healthy... | 10:26 |
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pepsiman | why do I suddenly have Xgl? | 10:28 |
Tm_T | Lynoure: yo! | 10:28 |
ironmatar | so i know where the seg fault is happeneing and it hangs on waiting for file system what can i do about that | 10:28 |
Lynoure | Tm_T: that so makes me think about yoyos, every time. :) | 10:29 |
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pepie34 | it is still xgl | 10:29 |
pepie34 | there is no compiz but still xgl | 10:30 |
Tm_T | Lynoure: good :) | 10:30 |
pepsiman | "Checking for nVidia: present. \nStarting Xgl with options: -accel xv:fbo -accel glx:pbuffer -fullscreen -br" | 10:30 |
pepsiman | how do I disable this? | 10:30 |
pepie34 | pepsiman you've got the same problem as me | 10:30 |
pepie34 | i'm on ati though | 10:30 |
Lynoure | Tm_T: I think I'll upgrade the coming weekend and be a productive member of the civilization again, after that. | 10:30 |
pepsiman | why would ever I want Xgl on an Nvidia card? | 10:30 |
Tm_T | Lynoure: nice :) | 10:31 |
Vorbote | ironmatar: I wonder, are you loading from a grub in a different partition? That sounds like you are booting with the wrong root= specification (been there, done that). | 10:31 |
Tm_T | Lynoure: I think I wait week or two yet, still havent got my secondary workstation back :( | 10:31 |
=== pepsiman tries dpkg --purge | ||
ironmatar | Vorbote: no 80gb scsi formated use entire disk guided only 1 part on disk | 10:32 |
ironmatar | 1.716000 input at translated set 2 keyboard /class/input/input1 next line segmentation fault then the startup scripts and it hangs on waiting for file system at root thats what i get | 10:32 |
mewt | last time i had something waiting for file system it ended up being a bad hdd, but prolly it was a one off case | 10:33 |
ironmatar | or if i run normal boot the screen comes up and the orang bar puts a tiny sliver on and thats it | 10:34 |
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askand | How do I turn of "snappines" in compiz? | 10:34 |
pepsiman | well that's got me back to dual head, but all of my gnome applets failed to load | 10:35 |
Vorbote | Ahh, SCSI.... You may need to load up the module for your controller by hand. If the cd boots up, select rescue mode, boot mounting your root partition in the hd, do an lsmod and check the module loaded for your controller. Edit /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and add the name of that module. Also add it to /etc/modules. Then run "dpkg-reconfigure usplash" that'll force the creation of a new initrd.img | 10:35 |
Vorbote | Then you can reboot. | 10:35 |
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ironmatar | ok u lost me a little bit there i am running off the iso disk i burned so the cd does boot dont u mean HD? | 10:37 |
rabbit64 | askand, in woobly windows snap inverted option | 10:37 |
askand | rabbit64: yay thanks! | 10:38 |
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pepie34 | what is this program: | 10:41 |
pepie34 | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Tribe5#head-84a5a13314f156b99fe6a4e57e125e334e603dc1 | 10:41 |
pepie34 | ? | 10:41 |
pwnguin | displayconfig-gtk | 10:42 |
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Vorbote | ironmatar: The installer has a rescue mode. That's what I was referring to. | 10:42 |
ironmatar | Vorbote: ok | 10:42 |
ironmatar | hmmm here goes | 10:43 |
pwnguin | pepie34: that's displayconfig-gtk. its under system->administration->screen and graphics | 10:43 |
Vorbote | Good luck! | 10:43 |
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pepie34 | ok nothing for disabling xgl | 10:44 |
DanaG | Just uninstall xserver-xgl. | 10:44 |
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pepie34 | i have tried but then the xsession last 2s | 10:45 |
pepie34 | :( | 10:45 |
Vorbote | pepie34: you need to install xserver-xorg to replace xserver-xgl. Remove and install in one go. | 10:45 |
DanaG | Oh hey, I have a bcm4306 cardbus card, and bcm43xx driver is annoyingly drop-connection-ey. | 10:47 |
DanaG | I want to use ndiswrapper, but where can I find Windows drivers that support wpa2? | 10:47 |
pwnguin | ive been having a wierd problem with nvidia-glx recently | 10:47 |
pwnguin | i have a widescreen laptop, and if i want to connect it to a 4:3 source | 10:48 |
pwnguin | (and clone the input) | 10:48 |
pwnguin | the smaller screen just shows a window instead of scaling one or the other to match =/ | 10:49 |
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rabbit64 | who had problems with xgl? | 10:55 |
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pvandewyngaerde | how do i start kde 4 beta 2 in a full session ? | 10:58 |
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pvandewyngaerde | To run it as a full session copy " /usr/lib/kde4/share/apps/kdm/sessions/kde.desktop " to /usr/share/xsessions/kde4.desktop << i dont have that file | 11:05 |
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pvandewyngaerde | oops, my bad , apparantly i need kdebase-workspace now | 11:06 |
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mewt | off for the night | 11:15 |
mewt | cya | 11:15 |
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pvandewyngaerde | oops, i overwrited the kde3 xsession startfile too | 11:17 |
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DanaG | Heh, I have texture_from_pixmap but no non-power-of-two support. | 11:34 |
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arooni__ | how can i play .wmv files embedded in firefox? | 11:44 |
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gib | What repo do I need to add to get Opera in Gutsy? | 12:09 |
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arooni__ | folks | 12:11 |
arooni__ | how do i get .wmv files to play back | 12:11 |
arooni__ | i have alredy installed .wmv files | 12:11 |
gib | I can download and install it manually, but I'd prefer to use apt so it gets kept up to date automatically. | 12:11 |
Adlai | !medibuntu | gib | 12:13 |
ubotu | gib: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org | 12:13 |
Adlai | I think that's what you want | 12:14 |
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gib | OK, thanks Adlai | 12:15 |
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[Hyarion] | hi, I just installed Gutsy and I'm trying to get the Cube-effect to work, I've got it to display the workspaces linearly if I hold ctrl+alt+down, but how can I get the cube? | 12:19 |
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gib | I tried it briefly too, and had the same problem. I would rotate front/back of like a two sheeted piece of paper rather than an 8-sided square. | 12:27 |
[Hyarion] | hm, I can't even get it to rotate, what command do you use? | 12:27 |
gib | I don't remember, I only used it for like a half hour and then uninstalled it. | 12:27 |
[Hyarion] | ah okay | 12:28 |
gib | You are talking about compiz, right? | 12:28 |
gib | Because no 3D desktop manager is installed by default. | 12:29 |
[Hyarion] | gib, oh ya there is, I got it to work, I was doing ctrl+alt+down instead of ctrl+alt+left click | 12:31 |
gib | Hmm, I'm not sure what you're talking about then because I had to install it manually. | 12:32 |
[Hyarion] | all I did was enable desktop effects in the menu | 12:32 |
gib | Which menu? | 12:32 |
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[Hyarion] | System > Preferences > Appearance > Desktop Effects | 12:33 |
[Hyarion] | I think I also enabled System > Preferences > Desktop Effects | 12:34 |
gib | Yeah, but that menu isn't there if you don't have compiz installed. | 12:34 |
[Hyarion] | This is a fresh install of Gutsy | 12:34 |
gib | Did that change to installing it by default from Tribe 5 to Tribe 6? | 12:35 |
gib | I installed Tribe 5 and it wasn't installed by default. | 12:35 |
gib | I don't see an announcement on Tribe 6, btw; thought it was supposed to be out Today. | 12:36 |
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gib | I know a lot of updates just came through, which must be for 6. | 12:37 |
Xero | lol someone was using my nick | 12:37 |
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mssnlayam | Does Gnome "grey out" applications that hang/do not respond? | 12:47 |
Xero | Compiz does. | 12:49 |
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mssnlayam | what happens when the app starts responding again? | 12:49 |
mssnlayam | for me, the window stays greyed out | 12:49 |
Xero | mssnlayam, usually it won't ungrey for me either. | 12:50 |
mssnlayam | Xero: don't you think it should? is this a bug/enhancement? | 12:50 |
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Xero | mssnlayam, I think it's an enhancement with a bug. | 12:51 |
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