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mdkemorning all08:20
CIA-18Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r4323 ubuntu/printing/C/printing.xml: ross' latest patch08:24
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CIA-18Ubuntu Documentation: philbull * r4324 ubuntu/add-applications/C/add-applications.xml: Applying patch from Ben/kenpokarateboy to document offline package installation11:51
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kyleNhey, does anyone know what, if any, blueprints there are for ubuntu docs?09:10
kyleNspecifically, blueprints that define how the whole doc system works09:10
kyleNI understand it's yelp/docbook/xslt/etc. But I want to read any blueprint/spec that may exist. Anyone know of one? thx09:20
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oldmanstankyleN: the doc team wiki page has some info, not precisely a blueprint but you might look over it if you haven't already09:46
kyleNoldmanstan, thx09:50
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