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tonyyarussoelkbuntu: how goes the survey results?04:22
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katkinpopey: ping03:55
popeykatkin: pong03:56
katkinpopey: could you give me a contact number for you? We need it for the things we are sending to you03:56
katkinpopey: and do you have one for gary as well?03:56
popey07973 62016403:56
popeyis my mobile number03:56
katkinthanks - and gary's?03:57
=== popey digs
=== katkin is grateful to popey for digging . . .
=== wasikevin [n=kevinh@210-64-60-253.adsl.dynamic.seed.net.tw] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
elkbuntuwoohoo! /me prank calls popey03:59
=== katkin wonders how long popey will need to dig or whether she should mail gary?
elkbuntugary probably wont be far off being online anyway04:01
popeysorry katkin I dont have it04:01
katkinpopey: no worries, thanks for looking04:02
popeyoo oo hang on04:02
katkinwhat is gary's IRC nick?04:02
popeyGary or GazzaK04:02
DavieyGazzaK or Gary04:02
popeyI have one more place to look04:02
katkinok, pretty straightforward then04:02
Davieyi have his mobile number04:02
katkinok . . .04:02
elkbuntuask in -uk, surely someone else there might have it?04:02
DavieyI'd rather not give it out.. but i can pass a message on?04:02
DavieyDo i need to read scrollback, or can somebody give me the hihlights?04:03
popeygot it04:03
popeyDaviey: does the one you have end in 97?04:04
Davieylemme check04:04
popeykatkin: you have prv04:04
Davieypopey: yes04:04
popeyprivate message04:05
popeyI'll mail it to you :)04:05
katkinok, thanks04:05
elkbuntuyou really ought to register your nickname, katkin :)04:05
=== popey also spams Davieys number all over the wiki
katkinregister it?04:06
popeykatkin: if you register your nickname "katkin" then nobody else can use it, and you can receive private messages from people04:06
elkbuntuyep, so nobody else can take it, and we can be sure it's you we are talking to :)04:06
DavieyDaviey's number.... which one?04:06
katkinhow would I do that?04:06
popey /msg nickserv register04:06
Davieykatkin: /msg nick...04:06
popey^ that katkin 04:06
Davieypopey: too damn fast04:07
popeytoo slow Daviey :)04:07
katkinI'm still not following. . . . do I have to type that somewhere?04:07
=== katkin blushes at being so dim when it comes to techhie stuff
elkbuntuirc isnt the easiest thing to learn, so dont be worried about not knowing stuff04:08
popeyyes, type it right here04:08
popeykatkin: irc is somewhat geeky04:08
katkin /msg nickserv register04:08
popeywithout the space04:08
popey / needs to be the first character on the line04:08
katkindo I have to type my nick somewhere in that?04:08
popeyit will tell you what to do04:08
DavieyIf only we had a screencast, showing how to use irc :)04:08
=== katkin is scared
popeyooooooo 04:09
elkbuntuyou mean there isnt one?04:09
DavieyBasic one IIRC04:09
popeythat's a very good idea04:09
katkinIRC for dummies04:09
DavieyIRC for canonical staff?04:09
popeythere is one for joining irc, but it doesn't show nick registration04:09
elkbuntubad popey04:09
katkinso I managed to do this >nickserv< register04:09
katkindoes that mean my nick is registered now?04:10
katkinI'm guessing not . . .04:10
elkbuntudid nickserv reply with anything?04:10
Davieykatkin: What irc application are you using?04:10
popeyyou need to do "/msg nickserv register SOMEPASSWORD"04:10
popeywithout the quotes, and choose your own password04:10
=== popey suspects katkin is using GAIM
elkbuntuprobably, and remembering to the last time i used gaim for irc, nickserv's response is probably in some convoluted place04:11
elkbuntukatkin, you seem to be registered now, excellent. now make sure you remember the password04:14
katkinelkbuntu: will do04:15
elkbuntukatkin, if you tell us what you are connecting to IRC with, we can tell you how to make the program automatically 'identify' you to the nickserv robot04:15
=== katkin admits to cheating by asking Spads to help
elkbuntuif he is there with you, ask him to help you do what i suggested above :)04:16
elkbuntuit will make it alot easier04:16
katkinhe says he will04:18
katkinI'm using XChat - GNOME04:18
katkinbut I have a new machine coming tomoro04:18
katkinso might start using a different app04:18
Davieykatkin: you can't go too far wrong with Xchat04:18
popeyyeah, it's not so bad04:18
elkbuntukatkin, well spads will be able to help you put your password in so you identify automatically with the new machine ;)04:20
katkinelkbuntu: cool04:21
katkinDaviey: thats good to know04:21
katkineven tho I've been with Canonical for 3 months now I still have loads to learn about Ubuntu!04:22
elkbuntukatkin, that's probably an ideal situation for you to be though. you're finding all the cool things about it, and you know how to get it across without the techie bias most of us have04:23
katkinelkbuntu: that's a very nice way of putting it :)04:23
popeywould be nice if new users like yourself could keep a log of those things you find a) difficult b) different c) hard, so that we can fix them, or create better documentation, tutorials, screencasts etc04:26
popeyone of the problems I have as a long term user of Linux and Ubuntu is that i don't know what people don't know04:26
popeyso for example the screencasts I make are made based on my guess of what people want04:26
popeynot through a poll or survey or anything04:26
elkbuntuhmm... well i want either a mouse that doesnt jump all over the place, or some way to make the gnome panel launchers need two clicks rather than one04:29
elkbuntui still dont know if the latter is possible04:29
popeythose are bugs/wishlists IMO, I was more thinking of those moments when you ask "how do I do this?"04:32
elkbuntuyeah, i only brought it up because i just opened openoffice when trying to do something else04:32
elkbuntugreat for efficiency, and all that jazz04:33
elkbuntuanyway, i need to drive 2 hrs to a group interview (oh joy! oh rapture!) tomorrow, so im going to head off04:34
popeyyou're going for a job!04:34
=== popey falls over
elkbuntui go for many jobs04:35
elkbuntumost just never bother to reply to my application04:35
elkbuntuif i succeed with this, i will be working in a call center. ever so much fun04:36
elkbuntui so bags not doing the shifts that cooincide with dinner times04:37
Davieygroup interview... like a support group - but an interview?04:44
Daviey"My name is elkbuntu, and i'm a ubuntu addict"04:44
elkbuntui've been to several where they stick you in a room and make you do personality tests, roleplay and stuff like that04:45
elkbuntusome can be downright ridiculous04:45
elkbuntugiven this is for a callcenter, i'm imagining alot of roleplay :(04:46
Daviey$%^& that for a game of soldiers04:46
elkbuntuanyway, me > bed04:48
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tristanbobis tribe 6 out yet?07:08
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popeythere is no tribe 608:14
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blahdeblahHi.  Is there a 1 or 2 page PDF flyer available that would be suitable for promoting Ubuntu's benefits to the average home (non-Linux-literate) user?11:46

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