
LaserJockimbrandon: you send that keyboard?12:58
tonyyarussoLaserJock: for?12:59
LaserJocka sun machine01:00
tonyyarussoLaserJock: Sorry - I'm behind in the scrollback.  gmail filter for?01:01
imbrandonLaserJock: yea about 2 days ago01:02
LaserJockimbrandon: k01:02
LaserJockI'm not sure if this is the most efficient way or not, but I've got this as one filter:01:02
LaserJock((replyto:*@bugs.launchpad.net OR archive@ubuntu.com) OR (to:(@lists.ubuntu.com OR @lists.canonical.com) -(edubuntu)) -("Launchpad Bugs") -("Edubuntu Bugs"))01:03
LaserJockthat's my "everything *buntu except Edubuntu stuff and Launchpad bug" filter01:04
tonyyarussoYou do all of your ubuntu stuff in one filter?01:04
=== tonyyarusso sorts them into one folder per list
LaserJockI cutting down on how many labels/folders I'm using01:05
LaserJock1 per project01:05
LaserJockso I have 10 labels01:06
LaserJockalrighty folks, time for me to go back "underground". cya01:10
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crimsunapologies for the absence; I'm digging through ~15k emails in reverse-chrono.  Congrats to everyone who made -motu and -core-dev!01:54
ajmitchhi crimsun, good to see you alive still :)01:54
ajmitchI know how the mail pile feels01:54
AstralJavaJust survived from about a 10k hurdle... :)01:55
AstralJavaPretty much ready to crash now.01:55
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crimsunnice to see the audio bugs keep rolling in02:09
TheMusocrimsun: Yeah, mostly related to that damn hda-intel module.02:10
leonellooking  at   http://www.ubuntu.com/usn   I see advisories for  security vilnerabilities     how the  non security bugfixes  handled ?02:17
TheMusoleonel: Stable release updates process.02:17
ubotuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates for main and restricted, while https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/SRU is for universe and multiverse.02:17
leonelTheMuso:  thank  you  ..  reading ...02:18
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Amaranthdang, i thought getting 20 mails an hour was bad02:58
RAOFAmaranth: Thinking of which, someone wants to get kvm sync'd from debian to the tune of US$250.03:03
Amaranthdon't we have the latest kvm? i thought it was required for the 2.6.22 kernel03:04
RAOFAmaranth: Not at all.  We've got 28, which is enough.03:04
RAOFBut 36, or whatever debian has, has (1) guest SMP support, and probably fixes some minor bugs.03:06
Amaranththeir website is useless03:06
Amaranthdoesn't tell me anything03:07
Amaranthif it fixes gfxboot i'll be pushing for it anyway :P03:07
RAOFAmaranth: File some bugs, and I'll see if I can make a UVFe case.03:07
AmaranthRAOF: but i have no idea what it fixes03:07
Amaranthso i don't know if i care03:08
Amaranththeir website still says "Installation requires -no-kvm on Intel"03:08
RAOFAHA!  That's why my xgl upgrade testing seems non-deterministic!03:11
RAOFIt's a good idea to test upgrades from the version in the archives, rather than the locally built one I have lying around :)03:11
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ajmitchkeescook: you're brave (pam)03:27
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ajmitchafaik it's only been in unstable for a short time03:29
ajmitchok, 10 days03:30
pwnguinthats long enough to make testing ;)03:31
ajmitchnot when there's been 2 subsequent uploads03:34
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pwnguinwell doh03:36
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ajmitchnealmcb: they probably won't mind too much in the server channel, at least it's about ubuntu still :)03:51
nealmcboops - I meant to delete the maintainer's name from the gdebi package so he doesn't get spammed.....03:53
nealmcbso is there a way to delete ppa packages that don't build?03:53
nealmcbajmitch: Michael Vogt?03:54
pwnguinnealmcb: ive read not yet03:54
Hobbseenealmcb: why are you *uploading* packages which odnt build?03:55
ajmitchnealmcb: yes, I think that he's probably listed as maintainer03:55
ajmitchand I think deleting is still a few weeks away :)03:55
=== tonyyarusso continues to be amused that delete wasn't included to begin with
pwnguinHobbsee: id say half the ppa value is building the package for you. -mobile comes to mind03:57
=== No1Viking [n=micke@h-83-140-104-41.auto.rp80.se] has joined #ubuntu-motu
nealmcbHobbsee: I got encouraged by sabdlf's mail asking folks to test ppa, so I just jumped in, knowing very little about packaging, but more than some others that are gonna jump in soon if it takes off :-)03:57
Hobbseepwnguin: oh, true.  i was thinking failed to build on *every* arch.03:57
Hobbseepwnguin: you know, dos'ing the builds with stuff that fails, and all...03:57
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pwnguinHobbsee: well, it's against the policy to do that, and they're supposed to have some detection, though i'd wager some amount of fair scheduling should be present03:58
Hobbseeas long as they bump the motu's priority... :_)03:59
=== RAOF regularly uploads stuff that FTBFS, due to crappy scheduling.
bddebianHeya gang03:59
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tonyyarussoeh?  PPA won't build for lpia, only the two main ones.03:59
ajmitchHobbsee: and I suppose you'll request a special priority for yourself? :)04:00
RAOFI should really file a bug on that.  If you upload a package, and then packages that are dependennt on that package, the dependent packages get queued first, then go into DEPWAIT... forever.04:00
Hobbseeajmitch: nah.  just motu.  which i happen to be in04:00
Hobbseeajmitch: besides, i have other places to build, if i wish04:00
RAOFOh, that and the crazy timer skew, which is killing all my amd64 builds.04:01
ajmitchI wouldn't mind other places to build stuff04:01
pwnguini wouldnt be surprised to see people use ppas to build custom kernels04:02
bddebianI am wondering.  Should I really be "fixing" these FTBFSs if we already have the binaries?  Maybe I'm causing more greif than solving?04:02
Hobbseebddebian: if we already have the binaries?04:02
RAOFbddebian: What if we later want to fix bugs in them?  It's nice to start with something that builds :)04:02
nealmcbajmitch: I wonder what it would take to put up an ec2 image that could do builds....04:03
ajmitchnealmcb: ec2?04:03
ajmitchbddebian: security or stable release updates will be much easier04:04
nealmcbamazon's ec2 - rent a xen server by the hour - $0.10/hr04:04
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nealmcb"elastic compute cloud"04:04
ajmitchthat reminds me, i need to ask about some hosting04:04
ajmitchthe old days of buying CPU time04:04
bddebianOK, OK04:04
nealmcbIt is expensive if you want to run it around the clock, but cheap for extra bursts of capacity04:04
bddebianHobbsee: Yes in many cases we already have binaries in the archive but the source packages FTBFss04:05
nealmcbI figure ec2 is good for server testing too - don't have to worry about finding or trashing a spare server04:05
Hobbseebddebian: different versions, presumably04:05
pwnguinnealmcb: that's what vmware / xen is for ;)04:05
bddebianHobbsee: Nope :_(04:05
bddebianWhen they sync from Debian do they just grab the existing binaries or do they build the source?04:06
nealmcbpwnguin: yeah, for folks that have the unused memory and cpu04:06
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bddebianOr maybe these are so old we have just had the binaries forever? :-)04:06
RAOFbddebian: I know.  Xgl was an example.  We only sync source packages from debian.04:06
RAOFbddebian: Probably some libraries changed, that's what happened to xgl.04:06
bddebianuclibc hasn't seen an update since 2005 :-)04:06
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bddebianRAOF: Aye.  Lots of gtk related stuff04:07
bddebianI wish I could fix uclibc it's breaking lots of stuff but it needs lots of help04:09
nealmcbso when headers and such change, do ppa packages get rebuilt automatically?04:09
ajmitchthere are no automagic rebuilds04:10
ajmitchI doubt that will be implemented any time soon04:10
StevenKIt hasn't even been implemented for the main archive.04:11
ajmitchthe likelihood of that is still small, i think04:12
pwnguinyou'd have to identify some sort of "rebuild depenency"04:12
TheMusoHobbsee: heh love your post on lp-users. :)04:21
HobbseeTheMuso: :D04:21
nealmcbis there a set of packages that can do remote builds, e.g. as a web service or via bzr/ssh/scp?04:21
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=== ajmitch looks at the entertainment
ajmitchnealmcb: yes, but they're not easy to setup04:22
ajmitchI think falcon might trigger pbuilder now, so you could look for that04:22
RAOFnealmcb: You can actually use dput to do that, if you want.  It can trigger a remote program, I think.04:23
ajmitchmini-dinstall can do a post-upload hook04:24
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nealmcbfalcon looks right-on - http://www.kaarsemaker.net/software/falcon/04:28
RAOFnealmcb: Oh, yes.  Once beta 3 is out.  Poke seveas, and/or hack on the code :)04:30
nealmcbRAOF: great - so combining falcon on a temporary ec2 machine with a mirror to a normal web site for a repository somewhere, and dput  on the client side, and you too can run a build infrastructure on the cheap :-)04:31
nealmcbbut only worthwhile if you need some big builds that would tax your local hardware04:32
RAOFOr you just want to offload a whole bunch.04:32
jmgnealmcb: an ec2 box is not guaranteed to be an faster than an athlon 240004:33
RAOFAlso, you end up with a proper repository.04:33
nealmcbit takes several minutes to just get an ec2 machine up and running04:33
nealmcbjmg: right - individual ec2 machines aren't the fastest.  but if falcon can manage multiple build machines, they'd be great in parallel04:34
ajmitchlike a full archive rebuild?04:35
jmgi imagine one could combine it with distcc04:35
nealmcbbut they're faster than the machines some folks have, like me at the moment...04:35
ajmitchjmg: no, packages need to be modified to use that04:35
ajmitchmake isn't run with -j04:35
jmgajmitch: i thought it was just a matter of an environment flag04:35
ajmitchand many packages can just fail with -j04:36
ajmitchdue to undeclared file dependencies in the makefile04:36
jmgyou could build multiple packages at once across multiple machines04:36
jmgfor sure04:36
jmgand with ec204:36
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jmgyou could just bring up n machines04:36
jmgto compile n packages04:36
jmgat once04:36
ajmitchand lucas runs a full rebuild over many fast machines04:36
jmgif you tried to run a full rebuild of main/universe/multiverse using n machines04:37
jmgit'd probably crash ec204:38
nealmcbso under what circumstances and how often do folks tend to want to build a bunch of packages?04:38
nealmcbjmg: they limit you to 20 at once unless you talk to them....04:38
ajmitchI wonder how many xen domains they pack on a physical box04:39
=== jmg has information disclosure techneeq to glean how many vms are running
nealmcb"equivalent of a system with 1.7Ghz x86 processor, 1.75GB of RAM, 160GB of local disk, and 250Mb/s of network bandwidth."04:40
bddebianStevenK: Nice! (popplerkit)04:40
ajmitchnealmcb: i/o contention with many domains compiling stuff will hurt04:41
nealmcbajmitch: yeah - they've talked about ways to hint to ec2 about which virtual machines you want near or far from each other, but last I heard they hadn't exposed a way to do that04:43
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nealmcboh cool - falcon uses django, my favorite04:47
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bddebianWill archive admins give back packages for rebuilds or are we supposed to still do build1 versions?05:05
tonyyarussoWhy is it that the source packages for universe are processed more slowly on the new queue than other things?05:06
TheMusobddebian: Admins can give back.05:07
bddebianTheMuso: Thanks05:07
TheMusobuild1 is only used to rebuild a package against newer libs, etc.05:07
Hobbseetonyyarusso: because it's on an importance basis, basically05:07
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tonyyarussoHobbsee: ah.05:08
tonyyarussoStill makes a little part of me cry inside when I see "No Currently building builds for The Gutsy Gibbon." when there are 24 waiting in line :(05:08
bddebianTheMuso: What would the difference be?05:09
TheMusobddebian: No need to re-upload a package to be rebuilt if none of its deps have changed is it.05:10
TheMusoThere are a lot of build1 packages in universe. Take a look and you will see what I mean. Rebuilds only to build against a newer library, etc.05:11
bddebianI know because that was how we used to do it but I never understood it05:11
Hobbseetonyyarusso: then that suggests there's something wrong with teh buildds05:12
bddebianIf they will give-back, why would we ever do build1 revisions?05:12
TheMusobddebian: A library that a package depends on has a new ABI.05:12
TheMusofor example.05:13
TheMusoABI bump even.05:13
tonyyarussoHobbsee: oh really?  Not just that they didn't get around to marking things as approved today before going home?05:13
ajmitchbddebian: because you can't replace a binary package with a new one of the same version05:13
ajmitchgivebacks are only used when the source hasn't built for that version on the arch specified05:13
bddebianAh ha, gotcha05:13
Hobbseetonyyarusso: it shouldnt need a manual approval.05:13
tonyyarussoHobbsee: erm, then what's the difference between NEW and APPROVED ?05:14
tonyyarussoHobbsee: ACCEPTED, rather.05:14
Hobbseenew == new packages to ubuntu, ie, new sources, or new binaries05:15
Hobbseethat the source package isnt already in ubuntu for05:15
tonyyarussoright, those are the ones that are just sitting05:15
=== bddebian goes back to his useless work
tonyyarussoHobbsee: Sorry, I'm still confused about how this process works.05:20
ajmitchbinaries aren't built until the source is accepted05:20
bddebianThen the binaries have to be accepted once they build05:20
Hobbseetonyyarusso: right, things only go to the NEW queue, if a) the source package is not currently already in ubuntu05:20
Hobbseeor b) if there are new binaries built from the source package, compared to the last source package.05:21
Hobbseeeverything else goes to accepted, assuming it's with a good key05:21
=== TheMuso wonders if there is a tool, or an easy way to find out whether a package built for a particular arch, without having to go to lp to do so, or other than checking archive files.
HobbseeTheMuso: rmadison -u ubuntu foo05:21
guest22Could someone please explain the implications of the current new package freeze? Does this mean there will be no new Universe packages in gutsy, or just until release? Will all new REVU uploads have to be for the next release?05:22
StevenKTheMuso: rmadison -u ubuntu -a <arch> -s <rel> <package>05:22
ajmitchno new packages in gutsy, and yes, for the next release05:22
bddebianguest22: Yes, pretty much anything new to Ubuntu will not be in Gutsy05:22
tonyyarussoajmitch, bddebian, Hobbsee: So for the ones that are legitimately new, are they looked over and okayd for building by hand or not?05:22
Hobbseeguest22: no new packages in gutsy at all, without a freeze exception, at all.  new revu uploads will probably get archived.05:22
TheMusook will check it out.05:23
Hobbseetonyyarusso: yeah.  although not built by hand - they get thrown to the buildds and such05:23
tonyyarussoHobbsee: Ok.05:23
=== tonyyarusso pictures folks building things with tinkertoys resembling code
bddebianMore like hamsters on wheels05:23
guest22bddebian and Hobbsee: Thanks05:24
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guest22Hobbsee: If new REVU uploads are to be archived, when will the next review cycle start? As soon as gutsy has been released?05:24
Hobbseeguest22: after the toolchain for hardy is built, i expect.05:25
StevenKMaybe the toolchain will be ready-ish when the archive opens, like Gutsy05:26
Hobbseeguest22: basically, it's so that people have time to fix bugs, without having emphasis on reviewing everything.05:26
HobbseeStevenK: that would be nice.05:26
guest22Hobbsee: OK. Another question: do packages submitted for gutsy have to be re-uploaded to REVU for inclusion in hardy, or is that automatic?05:27
StevenKThey have to be re-uploaded, since they require changes.05:27
StevenK(gutsy -> hardy, in the debian/changelog as a smallest case)05:28
guest22StevenK: Understood, thanks.05:28
StevenKbddebian: What about popplerkit?05:28
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ajmitchwe haven't made any rules yet about what will go into hardy or when freeze dates will be, given that it's an LTS release05:29
StevenKCan we boot out php5? Please?05:29
StevenKIndeed ... :-)05:30
ajmitchhow about dropping python2.4?05:30
StevenKI wasn't aware that we'd dropped 2.305:30
ajmitchjust chuck in python 3000, noone will notice05:30
StevenKajmitch: from __future__ import braces05:31
ajmitchwell python 3k just had an alpha release05:32
ajmitchas did samba405:32
StevenKajmitch: Have you tried it? It's funny. :-)05:32
bddebianStevenK: Didn't you just upload it?05:32
ajmitchyes, I've seen it in the past05:32
StevenKbddebian: Yup05:32
bddebianYeah, thanks.  I tried to fix that damn thing back in Edgy I think05:32
StevenKI only had to fix a Poppler 0.6 API change ...05:33
=== ajmitch thinks that python2.4 should be dropped from main at least for hardy
ajmitchI think that the main thing holding it in there is zope305:33
StevenKAhhh, zope.05:34
bddebianStevenK: Well you are still a stud :-)05:34
=== StevenK moves a few steps away from bddebian
ajmitchhe's married, remember05:34
bddebianSo far as you know :)05:36
bddebianDamn you try to compiment someone and what do you get.. Sheesh..05:36
ajmitchbddebian: I've actually met StevenK05:37
ajmitchand survived05:38
Hobbseeand me05:38
ajmitchquite true05:38
bddebianWow, not THATs a feat :-)05:40
bddebianajmitch: Of course you don't take compliments for shite either :-)05:40
ajmitchof course I don't05:40
bddebianOK, spiftacity is borked05:40
ajmitchno kidding05:41
ajmitchit should be removed05:41
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StevenKWhat's a compliment? :-P05:43
=== ajmitch shrugs
ajmitchI think it's something that employees do when around their boss05:44
chillywillyno, that would be ass kissing ;)05:44
ajmitchsame thing05:44
chillywillyhow's it going dude?05:45
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bddebianHeya chillywilly05:45
chillywillyhi buddy05:46
bddebianSo I think I'll file a removal request for spiftacity.  Anyone opposed?05:46
=== ajmitch wants to dump a new package into gutsy
ajmitchnot at all05:46
chillywillyso when's the next release? :)05:46
ajmitchit's only metacity with modified makefiles to generate a new binary with compositing enabled05:46
bddebian"When it's ready" ;-P05:46
ajmitchchillywilly: exactly when it's been scheduled for the last few months05:46
chillywillyour "linux guy" tried to tell me the other day tht edgy was newer than feisty and I was like "I don't think so"05:47
chillywillyajmitch: when is the date?05:47
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+105:47
ajmitchhm, no release schedule link there05:47
chillywillygood enough for me05:48
ajmitchif he tried to tell you that, he's an idiot05:48
bddebian@#$%^ LP05:48
chillywillywell he's normally a pretty bright guy, but I knew he was dead wrong05:49
=== ajmitch is sadly the 'linux guy' here
chillywillyoh well I didn't feel like arguing the point so I just let it go05:49
nealmcbIs there a way to get email when a package successfully builds after a dput?  Or do I have to sit and watch the web status page?05:49
ajmitchnealmcb: unlikely05:49
chillywillygo do something fun and check back later?05:50
ajmitchI don't know the rules for emailing build results from PPAs05:50
Hobbseeyou do get emails05:50
Hobbseeor used to05:50
ajmitchwhether it takes the name from the changelog05:50
pwnguini get emails for failures05:50
nealmcbI didn't get anything for the ppa I just built.  I think this is gonna be confusing for newbies.05:50
pwnguinand for accepting uploads05:51
chillywillyhmm, ok so mid October05:51
pwnguinbut nothing for "it's done"05:51
ajmitchpwnguin: right05:51
ajmitchbecause most developers of ubuntu upload so much that they'd get flooded for every successful build on each arch05:51
chillywillynice nick05:51
pwnguinand the web interface doesn't seem to have anything for "in build queue"05:51
=== chillywilly wants to be a pwnguin
pwnguinchillywilly: be warned, it's a laborious process during which you'll walk over the dead bodies of your friends in combat05:52
nealmcbajmitch: I was surprised it would take the email from the changelog.  I don't _want_ to publish my email for yet more spammers out there, and prefer to put web urls in to take credit for things.  ppa should send mail to the person associated with the gpg key, I would think.05:52
bddebianAre we supposed subscribe UUS or anyone for removal requests or go ahead and subscribe Archive?05:52
chillywillypenGNUin is much more fun than that...05:53
ajmitchbddebian: you're a motu, why subscribe sponsors?05:53
bddebianJust don't want to get in any more trouble :-)05:53
ajmitchyou'll probably get into trouble anyway05:54
=== bddebian gets so much love it's no wonder he keeps coming back
=== chillywilly hugs bddebian
Hobbseenealmcb: which is....you anyway, i'd expect.05:56
bddebianHah, nice bug title on BTS: please update/request removal of your package05:57
nealmcbHobbsee: Sure, the system should send email to me.  I'm just thinking that I shouldn't have to publish my email in yet another easy place for spammers to mine in order to get a notification.  And I wonder if it is time to move to URLs in pgp keys also.  I'm thinking that moving to identity systems like openid make a lot more sense than emails.06:02
pwnguinwhat good is a url?06:04
nealmcbI also filed bug 136593 and wonder if a different submission front-end would work better.  But I expect that changing a well established system like distro package maintenance is, uh, not an easy task :-)06:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 136593 in soyuz "no status update after dput for ppa package" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13659306:06
nealmcbPerhaps falcon is a better model than ppa for what I'm after06:07
RAOFajmitch: Does metacity+compositing actually work in any way?06:07
ajmitchRAOF: not that I'm aware of06:07
RAOFajmitch: :)06:07
nealmcband I'm sorry if this isn't the right place to talk about ppas.  I'm just getting much better answers here than I did in #launchpad....06:08
pwnguinthe motu is in part to help train new packagers ;)06:09
nealmcbpwnguin: I think of urls as much easier to maintain over time than email addresses, and much more in control of the owner06:09
nealmcband spam is a huge problem06:09
pwnguinwho's the biggest openID provider?06:10
pwnguinvery likely06:10
nealmcbbut you can redirect thru your own domain to the current provider of your choice06:10
pwnguini wonder...06:11
nealmcbso you can own the url but outsource the web app machinery06:11
pwnguinah, so you're saying own a uri, but redirect to aol, or lj or whoever06:11
pwnguinthe same can be done with email ;)06:12
pwnguini partly think it's a matter of having a way to contact the maintainer06:13
nealmcbdo you want to answer all the queries by hand, or let people get answers in the middle of the night via your web page?06:13
pwnguini dont have a webpage, but i highly doubt that it would be able to answer questions i get06:14
nealmcbhaving an email is hardly a guarantee that you can contact the maintainer06:14
pwnguinthe best case scenario someone posts on a blog and THAT sends an email06:14
pwnguinand we're back to spam06:14
pwnguinnealmcb: i havent read all of debian-policy, but id wager it's in there06:14
nealmcbI publish my email on my web page in a way that is easy for humans to read but hard for spammers to harvest06:15
nealmcbit == must provide email?06:15
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pwnguinwell, debian provides email06:15
pwnguini meant more along the lines of please respond to bug reports sent to username@debian.org or we put your package on the orphans list06:16
nealmcbI mean, do you mean that debian-policy requires that people sign changelogs with actual email addresses?06:16
nealmcbpwnguin: I would certainly expect responsiveness to be required.  but what if people prefer irc to email?  or blog queries?06:17
imbrandonits all relitive, email is the standard debian/ubuntu way06:18
imbrandonwant other contact options read a README06:18
nealmcbI'm not saying I'm right - just trying to figure out the current expectations and possibilities for change06:18
imbrandonthe conatc is an email, the uri is started in the debian/copyright file where the software was taken06:19
imbrandonso its all a matter of where you are looking06:19
imbrandonrelitive as i said06:19
nealmcband my starting point here was ppa uploads, in which I'd expect more flexibility06:20
imbrandonactualy new uploads like mentors and revu and ppa should be held to even higher standards imho06:20
RAOFNo distribution unless lintian clean?06:21
nealmcbif they are targeted at a distro, I agree.  But _personal_ repositories are at the opposite end, I'd think06:21
pwnguinpbuilder complains to me that gutsy is an unknown distribution06:21
bddebianIs this a bash issue or just broken?:06:22
bddebianSyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xac' in file ./make-doc.py on line 20406:22
imbrandonneeds to be updated then probably, and is it pbuilder complaining or linda/lintian inside the pbuilder chroot06:22
imbrandonnealmcb: personal package archive to work on packages targeted for future release06:23
pwnguinlintian inside chroot06:23
imbrandonthus works in progress06:23
imbrandonpwnguin: ahh then yes update your lintian version ;)06:23
imbrandonor ignore it as most do, its harmless06:24
imbrandonhow are you calling pbuilder06:24
pwnguinsudo pbuilder build foo.dsc06:24
imbrandonsudo pbuilder update06:24
imbrandon^^ run that06:24
imbrandonthen rebuild06:24
imbrandonit should update your lintian amon other things06:25
nealmcbimbrandon: that is not how ppa was pitched to me....06:25
pwnguini dont quite understand. was lintian broke until last week?06:26
imbrandonpwnguin: lintian is one of the last things to be updated06:26
imbrandonand broke isnt quite it, it just dosent know about gutsy yet, as its yet unreleased software06:26
imbrandonis more like it06:26
imbrandonits just a warning in case you typo06:27
imbrandonsafely ignored06:27
pwnguini also get warnings about unstable06:27
pwnguinin change logs06:27
imbrandonusing a sid pbuilder ?06:27
pwnguinno, just gutsy06:28
pwnguinbrought over a package that hasnt even hit NEW in debian yet06:28
imbrandonerrm why are you using a gutsy pbuilder for a sid package ?06:28
pwnguinthe changelog06:28
imbrandoncorrect but the changelog needs to be updated06:28
imbrandonif you are building for gutsy06:28
imbrandonsure its built against a whole new toolchain. definately06:29
imbrandonjust as you wouldent install a bin package directly from sid06:29
pwnguinmy entry is labelled correctly06:29
pwnguinthe older entries are left alone06:29
imbrandonif it says unstable still its not06:29
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imbrandonif you use dch -i and tweak it from there it should set you up correctly06:31
imbrandonwhen making the changelog entry06:31
pwnguinim gonna rebuild locally to double check06:31
pwnguinbut im 99 percent certain i get an error for doing things the way ive always seen it done06:31
imbrandonthe warning looks at the last changelog entrys dist06:32
imbrandonso if it says unstable then you dident change it when making a new entry06:32
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pwnguinE: titanion_0.3~ppa2_source.changes: bad-distribution-in-changes-file gutsy06:33
pwnguintitanion (0.3~ppa2) gutsy; urgency=low06:34
imbrandonyes gutsy is because lintian dosent know about gutsy yet06:34
imbrandonthats not unstable06:34
pwnguinwrong line06:34
pwnguini must have remembered incorrectly06:34
StevenKSigh. gambas2 just built on amd64, but it doesn't appear in the arch list06:34
pwnguini probably fixed that one. but i do get a changelog should mention nmu06:35
imbrandonyea we dont do mnu's in ubuntu , its a debian thing so can also be ignored06:35
ajmitchpwnguin: that's usual06:35
ajmitchStevenK: special!06:35
=== ajmitch reads the latest train crash on debian-devel
StevenKajmitch: Which train wreck?06:36
imbrandoni stoped reading *-devel at the begning of the summer06:36
StevenKI unsubscribed from -devel a while back06:36
pwnguinother than that stuff, i think i got titanion building and working.06:38
ajmitchStevenK: virtualbox maintenance06:39
StevenKDon't wanna know.06:40
StevenKI saw people arguing about it on #debian-devel last night, and I didn't want to know then either06:41
ajmitchexcept it seemed to have a happy ending06:41
ajmitchhow un-debian06:41
ajmitchit's not as amusing as the oversized icelinux threads06:41
ajmitchyou don't want to know06:42
imbrandonugh i think the server overheated06:43
imbrandondamn it06:44
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imbrandonwow looks like AMD took ATI's head out of its ass and released the specs for the R500 onwords06:47
imbrandonso FLOSS drivers acn be made06:47
bddebianYeah, I saw that today06:48
ajmitchreleased, or will release?06:48
imbrandonlooks like "are" releasing now at the kernel summit is more like it06:48
RAOFFuture perfect tense06:48
imbrandonso half06:49
ajmitchnow hopefully nvidia will open up a bit in response :)06:49
=== RAOF prays fervently to the god of fixable drivers.
jmgimbrandon: wow06:50
=== jmg wonders who checked to see what nvidia patents were infringed
imbrandonyea i was suprised too, i read on /. earlier about them "going to" but there is numerous blog posts now from people at the kernel summit saying they have a basic framework for 2d already06:51
imbrandonwonder why the r500 on and not the r20006:53
imbrandonanyhow back to figuring out wtf on this box06:53
bddebianAh well, gnight folks06:55
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asisakHey everyone!07:33
asisakRAOF: congratulations07:33
RAOFasisak: Thanks07:33
asisakIt is very nice to see that we have a lot of "junior" MOTUs07:33
asisakThinking not only to myself :)07:33
=== TheMuso would consider himself junior.
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RAOFNew and diffeerent?07:57
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FujitsuHm, 1100ms to my first hop... this isn't good.08:15
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=== RAOF wonders how bug #104297 got it's "triaged" status.
ubotuLaunchpad bug 104297 in kvm "KVM kernel interface is not loaded" [Undecided,Triaged]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10429708:23
HobbseeRAOF: i think siretart has done that.  as to why, when it's a package outside ubuntu...i'm not sure08:27
ajmitchbecause the bug isn't in the 3rd party package08:28
RAOFWhy didn't it get set a priority, then?08:28
ajmitchbut that the kernel module should load on boot when the kvm package is installed08:28
ajmitchRAOF: he didn't set one?08:28
Hobbseeoh, so the kvm is supposed to load anyway08:28
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RAOFYeah.  Or that kvm should auto-load the appropriate module, or whatever.08:29
ajmitchhi \sh08:29
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=== StevenK sighs.
=== StevenK wants to go home now.
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dholbachgood morning08:51
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RAOFHm.  It seems merging kvm-36 from Debian should fix a couple of bugs we have.08:55
=== RAOF has been doing some kvm gardening instead of work.
StevenKDoes our kernel support kvm-36?09:00
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RAOFStevenK: Apparently.09:01
=== StevenK sighs at gambas2.
RAOFStevenK: The guy who has offered $250 for a kvm merge ran it on our kernel :)09:02
RAOFHe gets it for free, of course, if he gets it.09:02
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StevenKWhat do you mean, no kickback for motu-uvf? :-)09:04
RAOFmotu-uvf is welcome to accept a kickback.  I'll forward his email, if you like :)09:05
StevenKHeh, I so couldn't accept it.09:06
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zorg_the_falseq. is update-rc.d supported by debian too ? or is it ubuntu specific ?10:32
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huatsdoes anybody canhelp me a bit with building on ppa ?10:40
\shzorg_the_false, update-rc.d is debian specific10:40
zorg_the_false\sh: ok thanks10:40
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Lutindholbach: got my mail about human-icon-theme ?10:52
dholbachLutin: yes, thanks a lot10:52
dholbachLutin: I will make the change soonish10:53
Lutindholbach: ok10:53
dholbachLutin: I used ./autogen.sh because the process of rolling a tarball, updating the package and so on was too complicated for the artwork people who just want to get things done10:53
Lutindholbach: oooh ok10:54
dholbachbut thanks again for letting me know10:55
=== dholbach hugs super-Lutin
Lutinlol :)10:55
dholbachLutin: uploaded11:05
AmaranthRAOF: email?11:06
AmaranthRAOF: nevermind, launchpad to the rescue11:07
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Amaranthshould i poke someone after emailing motu-council or just hope they notice my application in the queue?11:09
Lutindholbach: cool, thanks11:09
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huatsnorsetto: Hi11:55
dholbachhey norsetto11:55
dholbachhey huats11:55
norsettohi huats; how's going!?11:55
huatsdholbach: Hey how are you ?11:55
norsettodholbach: morning Master :-)11:55
huatsdholbach: been a long time11:55
huatsnorsetto: I am alright,11:56
huatsnorsetto: what about you ?11:56
norsettohuats: outstanding :-)11:56
dholbachgood good - how are you doing?11:56
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huatsnorsetto:  I've been working a bit on the bug... And I manage with precious help from #launchpad to get my ppa running11:56
huatsnorsetto: so I just get notified by launchpad that a fix has been released11:59
huatsnorsetto: it does not contain the manpage yet12:00
huatsnorsetto: but beside that, is it ok for you ?12:00
norsettohuats: you mean your patch?12:00
zorg_the_falseq. in the /etc/init.d script, which programm parse the ### BEGIN INIT INFO stuff ? nothing appears about that in the man update-rc.d12:00
zorg_the_falsehow come that when i do 'update-rc.d myservice defaults' i always get the error "System startup links for /etc/init.d/myservice already exist". according to example on the web and my reading of the man page, this should work. what i am missing ?12:02
zorg_the_falseand btw, this is not specific to myservice, all /etc/init.d script i tried produces the same error12:04
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zorg_the_falseoh my bad. i misinterpreted the error message12:06
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norsettodholbach: thx for your comment on bug 137476. Can you check my answer?12:09
ubotuLaunchpad bug 137476 in conky "conky (1.4.7-0ubuntu1) do not support rss and wireless variables" [Undecided,Incomplete]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13747612:09
norsettohuats: I see what you mean, I didn't know about that12:11
norsettohuats: was your patch actually working?12:11
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huatsnorsetto: what you mean by working ?12:12
dholbachnorsetto: stuff like dh_gconf makes use of it12:13
dholbachnorsetto: I find it useful to have it in the package12:13
norsettohuats: I mean, can the package be built and is it working correctly with your patch?12:13
dholbachnorsetto: dpkg-gencontrols complains about a lot of things, X*Python* included12:13
norsettodhobach: yes, I know they can, but in this case is not used12:13
huatsnorsetto: the package is building right now... with my pacth... on ppa. I'll tell you more as soon as I have the answer12:14
dholbachalso it's a diff we have to carry vs debian12:14
norsettodholbach: debian is at 1.4.5, we are at 1.4.712:14
dholbachstill we'll merge at the beginning of next cycle12:14
dholbachregardless of the upstream version that is in Debian12:15
norsettodholbach: you mean, they merge?12:15
dholbachwe merge12:15
norsettodholbach: we downgrade!?12:15
dholbachso if there's a new debian revision regardless of the ubuntu upstream version we use, we'll merge12:15
dholbachbut we merge their changes in12:16
norsettodholbach: what changes? they are laggin behind by one year.....12:16
dholbachmerging does not depend on version numbers, but on code diff12:16
norsettodholbach: so the philosophy is only fix what is blatantly wrong, and forget the rest I gather12:19
dholbachno, not really, but in this case I think it makes sense to have misc:Depends in it12:22
huatsnorsetto: the build has been successful12:24
norsettohuats: ok, can you install and is the desktop working, and the icon is there?12:25
huatsthat was my next move :-)12:25
Lutindholbach: why would it be needed ?12:26
norsettodholbach: I can have it back, np, I'm making the debdiff right now. One day perhaps I will even understand it12:26
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sorennorsetto: We will merge Debian's changes. They may have made changes to the packaging or fixed bugs or something. We cherry pick those changes and put them into our package. That's merging.12:29
sorennorsetto: We're not going to adopt their package (thus downgrading). We'll *merge* their changes into our packages.12:30
dholbachnorsetto: if there's something you don't understand, just ask12:32
norsettosoren: I'm being practical here, I see a package which is apparently forgotten in Debian, and I'm trying to clean it up. If Debian is back, we can always revert, no problem. Actually, to me it would make sense to ask the DD to do this work.12:32
sorennorsetto: Yes, and your work is appreciated, and it's not going to get thrown away. Noone is suggesting that.12:33
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norsettosoren: I wouldn't mind actually if this is orphaned in Debian so that at least we can clean it up properly12:35
sorennorsetto: The point dholbach was trying to make (AFAICS) is that we now have a diff between Debian and Ubuntu. Each time Debian touches a package, we merge their changes into our package. We generally want to keep this diff as small as possible as this makes our job easier when we're merging at the start of the release cycle.12:35
norsettosoren: I know I'm a maniac :-D12:36
norsettosoren: yes, I understand this, this is what you will see in the bug report with the new patch12:36
sorennorsetto: ...and since the ${misc:Depends} does no harm, he prefers to keep it. So do I, in fact.12:36
sorennorsetto: Right. I just thought I detected some misunderstanding and wanted to help clear it up :)12:37
=== norsetto hugs soren and dholbach
=== soren hugs norsetto back
=== dholbach hugs norsetto back
norsettoI like happy families :-)12:39
=== norsetto makes note to slow his cleaning impulses.....
dholbachno no, cleaning is fine :)12:42
norsettodholbach: thats what my wife keeps saying too!12:42
sorennorsetto: *G*12:43
elmargolI have to burn a gutsy cd today. Is there an estimated time for tribe 6?12:44
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sorenelmargol: There's not going to be a Tribe-6 CD.12:49
sorenelmargol: You can just grab one of the daily CD's.12:49
elmargolok thank you12:50
sorenelmargol: np12:50
elmargolthere is a OVERSIZED file ist this a problem?12:51
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dholbachnorsetto: uploaded12:59
\shcan someone try to compiles scotts wine package from revu?12:59
norsettodholbach: Danke01:00
norsettohuarts: any news?01:01
=== norsetto keeps writing the wrong name .....
norsettohuats: any news?01:02
huatsnorsetto: sorry I did have the time : I've a serious bug @work...01:02
huatsnorsetto: I let you know as soon as I have installed it01:03
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norsettohuats: I didn't know they worked in Toulouse :-)01:03
huatsnorsetto: but if you want to install it before go ahead...01:03
huatsnorsetto: LOL01:03
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dholbachsoren: can you please add a copyright for submittodebian, also add yourself to debian/copyright, AUTHORS and the script to setup.py in ubuntu-dev-tools/trunk?01:06
dholbachsoren: that way we could do another upload and bring it to the masses01:06
norsettohuats: btw, you should consider sending this patch to Debian01:08
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sorendholbach: Sure. Not right now, though. Gimme an hour.01:08
dholbachsoren: take your time01:08
dholbachsoren: just wanted to make sure we can get it out at some point01:09
huatsnorsetto: ok I will... but you'll have to considerto help me in that :-)01:09
=== dholbach hugs soren
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norsettohuats: of course, pdp01:09
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huatsnorsetto: pdp ???01:11
norsettohuats: pas des problemes ....01:11
huatsnorsetto: why I was searching english, while you speak a fluent french ?01:12
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norsettohuats: btw, you can also check if the files are installed in the right place, by using dpkg: dpkg -c .deb01:14
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norsettohey, I wrote "<package name>" and it disappeared :-(01:15
norsettohuats: dpkg -c package_name.deb01:15
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huatsnorsetto: yep01:16
huatsI will01:16
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\shstrange problem01:24
\shchecking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes01:24
\shchecking for x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc... gcc -m3201:24
\shchecking for C compiler default output file name...01:24
=== norsetto is horrified at the thought of \\sh pasting the whole config.log here .....
\shscott forgot the lib32gcc101:26
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norsettoAnyone want to give a look at: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=206 ?01:45
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deadwillmornin' all02:28
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ScottKsuperm1: The good news is that the xserver-xorg-video-openchrome backport you wanted for Feisty got accepted.  The bad news is that it FTBFS on 3 arch with the same error.  I'd appreciate it if you could have a look at it and see what can be done towards fixing it. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-openchrome/0.2.6+svn357-0ubuntu1~feisty102:45
ScottKSame deal in Gutsy BTW, so it's not Feisty specific.02:46
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nixternalerr, wrong channel :)03:03
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nealmcbajmitch: Thanks for the gdebi suggestion.  Built fine on gutsy and feisty, but for edgy: "Missing Dependencies:    debhelper (>= 5.0.38)"03:18
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\shany objections to update the drupal package to 5.2 (just reading -motu ml)03:43
Fujitsu\sh: Is there any reason to do so?03:43
\shFujitsu, serious security bugs in 5.103:43
Fujitsu(other than a user saying it's a Good Thing?)03:44
\shsee drupal.org03:44
FujitsuGr, why don't they just fix them?03:44
\shFujitsu, what I could do is a quick diff from 5.1 to 5.2 and apply it to our package ,-)03:46
\shwhich could give us more trouble regarding database upgrades03:46
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\shah he talks about feisty I guess03:48
geser!info drupal5 gutsy03:55
ubotudrupal5: a fully-featured content management framework. In component universe, is extra. Version 5.2-2ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 747 kB, installed size 3332 kB03:55
geser\sh: drupal5 is already at 5.2 in gutsy03:56
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superm1ScottK, I didn't request it myself did I? I'll be glad to look it over though.04:06
\shgeser, yepp..I think he talks about feisty04:07
WhoopieScottK: the fix for bug 137712 is quite trivial. Who could update xchat?04:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 137712 in xchat "[PATCH]  XCHATSHAREDIR variable not correct" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13771204:07
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bddebianHeya gang04:11
geserHi bddebian04:11
bddebianHeya geser04:11
geserWhoopie: have you asked the last uploader if he plans to fix it in the next upload?04:13
geserWhoopie: I see he is a bug contact for xchat so he probably knows about your patch04:14
Whoopiegeser: ah, ok. Then, I'll wait for some days. Thanks!04:18
\shgeser, any clue who is doing security updates when pitti is not available?04:21
soren\sh: keescook04:21
geser\sh: keescook04:21
sorengeser: snap04:21
\shsoren, geser thx04:21
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deadwillhey bddebian04:38
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bddebianHi deadwill04:42
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\shshould I file security bug reports as private ?04:44
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geseronly if they are new. imho there is no need to mark them private if the issue is already public04:46
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superm1ScottK, on gutsy i dropped the arch any, and replaced it with i386 amd64 lpia.  The hardware isn't even available on other architectures, so there isn't much of a point to building for them.05:01
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alex-weejanyone know what i need to do to get a package rebuilt for the archives? libapache2-mod-cband needs rebuilding in feisty (it hasn't worked since April)05:04
alex-weejthe so is dated november 200605:04
bddebianalex-weej: Does it build?05:05
bddebianWithout modification?05:05
ubotuLaunchpad bug 96063 in mod-cband "libapache2-mod-cband needs rebuilding" [Undecided,Confirmed] 05:06
bddebianGive me a sec and I'll build it.  If it works I'll ask for a give-back05:06
=== Hobbsee wonders if givebacks actually happen in frozen pockets
alex-weejwhat's a give-back?05:06
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bddebianHobbsee: Mithrandar gave back player for me :-)05:08
bddebianalex-weej: We have the binaries, why does it need a rebuild?  Newer apache2 libs or something?05:08
=== bddebian stops being lazy and reads the bug report
alex-weejbddebian: i guess it's an ABI break05:10
alex-weejEdgy bundled Apache 2.0?05:10
bddebianAre we supposed to update the maintainer field for build1 revisions?05:12
Hobbseebddebian: right, then it does, cool05:13
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bddebianWhat is the exact format for the changelog entry to close an LP bug?05:14
superm1(LP: #XXXXX)05:14
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bddebiansuperm1: Thx05:14
alex-weejbddebian: nice one05:15
bddebianalex-weej: ??05:15
alex-weejbddebian: "thanks" -- i assume you're closing this bug05:15
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bddebianalex-weej: Ah, :-)05:15
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bddebianalex-weej: You know what happens when you assume don't you? ;-)05:19
\shI wonder how we make drupal from dapper security enabled ,->05:20
\shbackporting patches from 4.7 to 4.5 is a pain05:20
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keescook\sh: (just waking up now), hi!05:24
keescook\sh: were CVEs assigned for these problems?05:25
\shkeescook, not that I can see..but the drupal own security announcements05:26
\shkeescook, I attached them in the changelog and in the bug report05:26
=== \sh hates packaged web applications
keescook\sh: hm, these will be tricky to find.  Here's the current list...  http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvekey.cgi?keyword=drupal05:28
\shhttp://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-4363 and http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-406305:29
\shI can add them to the changelog and resend a new debdiff if you want05:30
keescook\sh: yeah, that'd be great; thanks!05:30
\shkeescook, give me a sec :)05:30
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\shkeescook, I'm going to prepare some drupal sec updates for dapper and edgy too...I just need to cherry pick those from drupals SVN05:33
keescook\sh: okay, excellent05:34
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\shkees uploaded..hopefully it isn't doubled, just because we had a small network outage *grmpf*05:37
keescook\sh: okay, I'll get it building and uploaded.05:37
\shkeescook, thx a lot :)05:37
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\shok...going home and playing with drupal svn ... cu later05:41
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\shkeescook, see my comment to the drupal bug...dapper and edgy are clean06:06
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keescook\sh: okay, good06:08
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keescook\sh_away: hm, debdiff seems to include some .orig files.06:10
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ScottKsuperm1: Sounds like a reasonable solution.  Thanks.06:14
superm1np, i'm glad someone requested the backport for it, its quite useful to people with those via chips06:15
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ograsuperm1, ++06:17
ograwill make a lot ltsp users happy to have openchrome ... even in feisty06:18
superm1reminds me, still need to file the MIR for it.  I'll try to put some time aside tomorrow for that06:18
StevenKScottK: Are you happy with my requestsync changes?06:18
ScottKStevenK: Yes06:18
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bddebianGreat sdcc doesn't build with just lyx.. Grr06:22
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alex-weej_bddebian: hey06:30
alex-weej_crap i left xchat on at work06:30
alex-weej_bddebian: can you roll an update for cband for feisty please?06:30
StevenKalex-weej_: ssh in and kill it? :-)06:30
alex-weej_good plan06:31
bddebianI don't normally do SRUs but I suppose I could try06:32
alex-weej_what's an SRU?06:33
bddebianStable Release Update06:33
alex-weej_oh right06:33
alex-weej_well somebody should, feisty has another year of support right?:06:34
ScottKTo the extent Universe is supported, yes.06:34
bddebianYes but I'm still not real clear on what criterea is used06:34
ScottKWhat bug is it that might be fixed?06:35
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bddebianScottK: mod-cband just neeeds a rebuild against the apache2.2 libs06:35
ScottKOtherwise it "doesn't work", right?06:35
ScottKI think that would qualify.06:35
bddebianDo I just prepare a package and throw it on feisty-proposed or something?06:36
ScottKYes and then once it's accepted you send a mail to the motu list asking people to test it.06:38
ScottKNo need to use the ~proposed version numbers anymore.  Just use the version number you actually want it to have.06:38
bddebianBut feisty-proposed in the changelog?06:38
bddebianDo I need to file a bug or anything?06:39
bddebianBetter yet is there a wiki page I should be reading? :-)06:39
geserthe package gets copied from -proposed to -updates if it got tested and accepted06:39
gesera bug would be useful to collect the test result06:40
geseras a record for the archive admins06:40
alex-weej_to be honest, the original debian import got less testing than that06:41
bddebianSee, here is my issue.  From the SRU wiki page:06:41
bddebian    *06:41
bddebian      Bugs which may, under realistic circumstances, directly cause a security vulnerability06:41
bddebian    *06:41
bddebian      Bugs which represent severe regressions from the previous release of Ubuntu06:41
bddebian    *06:41
bddebian      Bugs which may, under realistic circumstances, directly cause a loss of user data06:41
bddebianI don't see it meeting any of those three06:41
ScottKWell it worked before Apache got updated, right?06:42
keescookis this rebuild needed due to the apache security update?06:42
bddebiankeescook: No 2.0 -> 2.2 transition06:43
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ScottKbddebian: Did the package work at any point?06:53
bddebianScottK: In Edgy I believe06:53
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ScottKThen I think it would represent a severe regression (for that package) from a previous release and qualify.06:54
ScottKI'd say go for it.06:54
proppynorsetto: ping06:54
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RainCTif a binary package has not depends, can I just remove the Depends line?06:57
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geserRainCT: what did you package that it has no depends? (just curious)07:00
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RainCTgeser: the -data07:01
geserah, sure removing the Depends line should be no problem (check with linda/lintian)07:01
RainCTok, thanks07:02
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proppyabout bug #13757307:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 137573 in poker-network "poker2d crash (SIGSEGV) at startup" [Undecided,Incomplete]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13757307:04
proppyI've trouble getting a clean stack trace and being able to step into gtk sources07:05
proppyI've installed the following packages apt-get install python-gobject-dbg libgtk2.0-0-dbg07:06
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proppyAnd the gdb stacktrace is still the same07:07
proppythat before I've installed the dbg package07:07
proppyIt just get rid of (no debugging symbols found) warnings07:08
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bddebianSo I just dput my package right to Ubuntu as normal?07:11
Hobbseebddebian: as opposed to what?07:11
geserbddebian: for the SRU? yes07:11
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bddebianGo geser, go geser :)07:38
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asisakHey MOTUs!07:43
geserHi asisak07:44
asisakHey geser07:44
geserasisak: Whoopie looks for someone to upload the patch from bug #13771207:45
ubotuLaunchpad bug 137712 in xchat "[PATCH]  XCHATSHAREDIR variable not correct" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13771207:45
=== asisak checks that now
deadwillhey asisak07:45
bddebianHeya asisak07:46
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asisakhey bddebian, deadwill07:52
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proppycan I generate an apport report from command line ?07:54
proppyGiven a segfaulting program in a gutsy chroot, how can I generate an apport crash ?07:55
asisakWhoopie: you want me to create a debdiff from your patch?07:58
asisakWhoopie: (or not me, just someone)07:58
geserproppy: have you tried running apport-cli inside the chroot?07:59
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proppygeser: root@nekun:/# apport-cli08:01
proppyCould not import module, is a package upgrade in progress? Error: No module named xdg.DesktopEntry08:01
proppyI guess i should apt-get install python-xdg08:01
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proppygeser: but what should I use to generate the .crash file ?>08:03
proppygeser: from a segfaulting program08:03
geserdoesn't the kernel do it and you should have one in /var/crash outside the chroot?08:04
proppynot inside and not outside08:05
proppyIs it able to generate .crash for python program too ?08:06
geserI've seen apport reports with python tracebacks so it works for them too08:07
proppyI'm segfault in a gtk native librairie but imported from python08:08
proppyI'will ask on lp if someone is able to generate .crash file for it08:08
proppynorsetto: #137573 updated08:10
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pkernIs there documentation about the buildds and how to request give-backs etc.?08:31
bddebianpkern: Just poke a buildd admin in -devel08:33
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Whoopieasisak: that would be great!08:54
proppynorsetto: ScottK: new patch for #13757308:54
proppybug #13757308:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 137573 in poker-network "poker2d crash (SIGSEGV) at startup" [Undecided,Incomplete]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13757308:55
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asisakWhoopie: what do you think? Should I use both patches or only the one that patches configure?08:55
Whoopieasisak: only the debian/rules patch08:56
ScottKproppy: I'm having hardware trouble on the box that I've got set up to test, so it'll be a little while (probably not today) before I could get to it.08:56
ScottKproppy: I'll take a look at it, but I can't test/upload it now.08:57
proppyOk np08:57
proppyI'll be busy forwarding it upstream btw08:57
ScottKGreat.  I'd prepare another debdiff, attach it, and make sure UUS is subscribed.08:59
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sistpotyhi folks09:00
bddebianHeya sistpoty09:00
sistpotyhi bddebian09:01
bddebianalex-weej: mod-cband has been accepted in feisty-proposed so if you could test when it hits the archive, I would appreciate it!09:01
norsettohi proppy, sorry, was having dinner09:03
proppynp norsetto :)09:03
alex-weejbddebian: tbh if it's just a rebuild i've already been testing it all day at work09:03
proppynorsetto: I attached a new patch to bug #13757309:03
alex-weejwe use dapper on our servers you see, but my workstation is feisty09:03
ubotuLaunchpad bug 137573 in poker-network "poker2d crash (SIGSEGV) at startup" [Undecided,Incomplete]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13757309:03
bddebianalex-weej: OK, then could you please comment on Bug #137795 ?09:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 137795 in mod-cband "[SRU Universe]  mod-cband" [Undecided,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13779509:04
geserHi sistpoty09:05
sistpotyhi geser09:05
alex-weejbddebian: actually... now that I think about it, i'm not 100% convinced our deployment was working, but at least it let apache load. hm. :S09:06
asisakhey sistpoty09:06
asisakHmm.. I see norsetto around :)09:06
norsettoproppy: ok, just had a cursory look, I still have 9 security patches to prepare, so it maybe a while before I can look into that, but thanks :-)09:06
alex-weejbddebian: i'll try figure it out tomorrow09:06
=== norsetto hides in the corner ....
sistpotyhi asisak09:06
DktrKranzcould a sponsor look at a potential SRU in bug 73722 ? a rebuild is required to use the new version of libpt. thanks09:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 73722 in openmcu "[SRU]  Linked against libpt-1.9, which is not in dapper" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7372209:07
proppynorsetto: np, let me know if I can help :)09:07
=== norsetto bows deferentially to asisak
asisakintegrally or differentially?09:08
norsettoasisak: with a null pointer ;-)09:10
=== asisak catches the exception
=== highvolt1ge [n=highvolt@dsl-241-188-61.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-motu
proppy** Error: error in error handling **09:11
bddebianalex-weej: NP, thanks09:11
alex-weejError: error in retrieving line number on which real error occurred09:11
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deadwillbye all09:18
deadwilla nice weekend09:18
asisakbye deadwill09:18
sistpotycya deadwill09:19
bddebianLater deadwill09:19
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norsettoGot an interesting one, how do you patch the source when the source is a .tar.gz?09:29
asisakyou create a debian .diff anyway09:30
asisakSo you can include actual changes in that. However, using a patch-o-matic is suggested IIRC09:31
norsettoasisak: what I mean is an upstream source, not a source package09:31
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ScottKWhy are you trying to do that?09:31
asisakI guess he wants to fix bugs upstream.09:32
norsettowell, thats what I find instead of the source tree09:32
ScottKnorsetto: Are you the upstream or is this just for your own use?09:32
norsettoneither: I have foo.dsc; foo.diff.gz; foo.orig.tar.gz and after a dpkg-source -x foo.dsc in the directory foo, I have foo.tar.gz and debian ......09:33
sistpotynorsetto: you mean a .tar.gz inside a debian source package?09:33
norsettosistpoty: yes :)09:33
=== ScottK has no idea about that.
sistpotynorsetto: hm... there is one tool which is not unlike dpatch-edit-patch for this. However I don't recall it right now. what are the build-depends of the source-package?09:34
sistpoty(as this tool must be in one of the build-depends09:34
norsettostandard stuff, the package is using cdbs and there are some patches already in debian/patches09:36
asisakI guess it is dbs09:36
sistpotynorsetto: it is using cdbs? iirc I just found it and it should be dbs-edit-patch (or s.th. from the dbs package)09:36
norsettoperhaps a flag of cdbs-edit-patch then09:36
norsettoah, ok, let me check that09:36
asisaknorsetto: which package is that?09:37
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sistpotynorsetto: actually cdbs-edit-patch should do the trick then. Unfortunately it doesn't for me :( (I preemptively blame cdbs for this *g*)09:42
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norsettowell, dbs seems to be doing it :-)09:42
norsettoeven though fails to apply one patch .....09:42
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sistpotyhm... cdbs-edit-patch did apply all, but bailed out later (and dbs bailed out for me as well)09:44
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rocketsWhat's the application that tells me to go install stuff when I type in a command for something I don't have installed09:46
norsettosistpoty: btw, I'm working on the dapper version09:48
sistpotynorsetto: ah, /me looked at gutsy09:48
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sistpotyrockets: I guess it's somewhere in the package command-not-found09:49
rocketssistpoty, hehe09:49
sistpoty(was no joke actually, as there is such a package ;)09:49
rocketssistpoty, yeah i just looked it up, thanks09:50
rocketsive always wondered how that worked09:50
rocketsbtw the description of command-not-found-data still says09:50
rockets"Data for edgy"09:50
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norsettothis sucks the big one09:57
norsettokeescook: hey kees, we stumbled against a little problem here09:58
davromaniakis Sebastien Bacher here ???09:59
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keescooknorsetto: what's up?10:02
norsettokeescook: I'm trying to patch sylpheed too (the others are corrected), but this one is something a bit obtuse10:03
norsettokeescook: the debian source package contains a .tar.gz and nether cdbs not dbs seems to be able to create a patch10:04
bddebianAck I hate those10:04
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norsettobddebian: how do I understand you .....10:04
keescooknorsetto: ew10:04
sistpotynorsetto: cdbs-edit-patch 06mynewsecurityfix doesn't work?10:05
norsettosistpoty: no :-(10:05
keescooknorsetto: if it really isn't in orig.tar.gz form, then just patch it inline.  no other option, really.10:05
norsettokeescook: but they have already cdbs patches in there, there must be a way to have this working .....10:05
=== keescook goes to look
pwnguinwhat's the best way to represent ubuntu specific changes to a package?10:06
keescooknorsetto: hm, I don't think you're right -- I see orig.tar.gz for dapper, edgy, feisty of "sylpheed"10:06
norsettokeescook: thats right10:07
norsettokeescook: try to dpkg-source one of them .dsc10:07
pwnguinfor example, debian has a package called gdc, while ubuntu has gdc-4.1. do i just change the control file, or do i keep a patch for it?10:07
sistpotykeescook: it uses the tarball rule10:07
keescookI must be misunderstanding something10:08
norsettosistpoty: it does, but fails with this: cd: 73: can't cd to /tmp/cdbs-new-patch.J18021/sylpheed-2.2.4.new/build-tree/sylpheed-$(VERSION)10:08
sistpotynorsetto: yes, that's exactly what it does for me from the beginning on :(10:08
geserpwnguin: I can't find gdc in Debian unstable only gdc-4.110:09
norsettokeescook: in the sylpheed .orig.tar.gz there is no tree, there is another tar.gz10:09
sistpotynorsetto: maybe you could fiddle (or temporarily remove) DEB_TAR_SRCDIR from rules?10:09
norsettokeescook: so when you dpkg-source the *.dsc you get a .tar.gz instead of the tree source (rules is made to work with this through tarball.mk1)10:10
keescooknorsetto: oooh, evil.  yeah, you'll likely have to unpack it and play with it by hand10:10
keescooknorsetto: http://people.ubuntu.com/~kees/scripts/u-patch10:11
keescookI use that to "unpack and patch" packages10:11
norsettokeescook: ok, let me check that10:11
sistpotynorsetto: found it, run /bin/sh debian/get-version.sh and replace $(VERSION) from debian/rules, DEB_TAR_SRCDIR line with it, that works for me10:17
norsettosistpoty: yes, but why idt doesn't work with it!? its 2.2.410:17
sistpotynorsetto: not too sure, maybe some evil script looks for DEB_TAR_SRCDIR with grep instead of including the makefile?10:18
norsettohmmm, this obviously was working at least in dapper/edgy/feisty though10:19
norsettokeescook: would that be acceptable for a security fix?10:20
sistpotynorsetto: cdbs-edit-patch, line 66 is the evildoer10:20
=== norsetto checks
norsettosistpoty: you know I wonder, if it will work with a simple assigment10:23
sistpotynorsetto: you mean the sylpheed package?10:25
norsettosistpoty: do you think this changed for gutsy?10:25
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sistpotynorsetto: no idea actually10:26
sistpoty(cdbs-edit-patch just explains why it doesn't work)10:26
norsettosistpoty: you been a great help :-)10:26
=== norsetto hugs sistpoty
sistpotyyou're welcome ;)10:26
=== zxz [n=zxz@modemcable023.30-56-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
asisakWhoopie: uploaded xchat10:32
asisakWhoopie: thanks for your patch10:32
zxzHi, I worked to create locales packages for sunbird for universe and I'll be ready soon to upload. I followed the instructions to be added in REVU but it's been several days and I still don't have access, can somebody help me around that?10:33
geser!info sunbird gutsy10:34
ubotusunbird: Sunbird stand-alone Calendar. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5-0ubuntu4 (gutsy), package size 7506 kB, installed size 22304 kB10:34
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zxzon launchpad, I'm Savann Carignan10:35
sistpotynorsetto: bug #137827 reported :)10:35
ubotuLaunchpad bug 137827 in cdbs "cdbs-edit-patch fails with tarball.mk and a nonstatic DEB_TAR_SRCDIR" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13782710:35
norsettobugger it :-)10:36
sistpoty(needed to write this over a few times, since I only flamed cdbs the first few tries *g*)10:36
norsettosistpoty: :-D10:36
norsettosistpoty: I think I will confirm the bug :-)10:37
bddebianmertiki: Is this just a patch to the existing package?10:37
sistpotymertiki: I'll look over it in a few minutes, but first I'm out for a cigarette10:38
mertikino, it's the locales, to gives langage support to sunbird10:38
bddebianmmm, cigarette10:38
mertikino problem10:38
pwnguingeser: maybe it's a virtual package?10:39
pwnguingeser: gdc-4.1 provides gdc10:39
bddebianDamn I hate little packages with HUGE build-depends10:40
pwnguingeser: it seems i dont need to change it after all10:40
sistpotymertiki: what was the package name that you uploaded to revu?10:47
=== tonyy writes a perl script that depends on ubuntu-desktop for bddebian
mertikiI didn't because I can't have access to revu, it's the first time that I try this and my packages are quite simple10:48
ScottKtonyy: Maybe a script that compares something between Ubuntu and Kubuntu so it needs to depend on kubuntu-desktop too.10:49
mertikiI followed the instructions to gain access for upload to revu, but I'm not able to use it yet10:49
ScottKmertiki: When did you upload your GPG key to launchpad and join the 'contributors' team?10:49
sistpotymertiki: oh. you'll only get an account for revu, once you actually upload a package (since your account can then only be used to comment to packages you've uploaded to revu)10:49
tonyyScottK: haha10:49
mertikithe packages that I'll upload are sunbird-locale-fr_0.5-0ubuntu1_all, etc. for each language10:50
bddebianScottK, tonyy: You two are evil :-)10:50
mertikiah.... goutsh10:50
mertikisorry all :P10:50
sistpotymertiki: just go ahead and upload these. if they don't show up (which they should, because your key is in revu's keyring), please ask again ;)10:51
ScottKmertiki: You do know we are past new package freeze for Gutsy, right?10:51
mertikimy GPG key is uploaded since several months and I joined the team since 1 or 2 weaks10:51
sistpotymertiki: yes, it's already in revu's keyring, I just checked10:51
mertikiScottK : Gutsy won't receive new packages?10:52
ScottKNot without an exception approved.10:52
mertikiIf I upload today, it will only be in the next release right?10:52
sistpotyScottK: but we're not yet past translation freeze? (so this might be worth an exception, though I now absulotely nothing about how translations are or should be handled)10:53
ScottKThe biggest issue is that the archive admins who have to manually review all new packages have other stuff to do late in the cycle so we don't want to burden them unless it's important.10:53
=== ScottK neither.
ScottKNot saying they won't get in, just that it needs to be looked at.10:53
mertikiIt's not critically pressing, I'm new to this so I'm learning too :)10:54
sistpotyI guess we could need someone with knowledge about translations in the motu team *g*10:54
ScottKThat would be good.10:54
bddebianpfft, what else do you need but English? ;-P10:54
ScottKWon't be me.  All I could do are English to English translations.10:54
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asisakDo you need one who can translate or one who can make applications translation-aware?10:55
=== sistpoty considered starting a Franconian (local dialect/slang) for ubuntu, but sistpoty was drunk back then *g*
mertikihaha, I don't know if it looks like I'm french, but I am. Each english phrase is hard to write10:55
ScottKOne who at least understands how the process works.10:56
asisakThe general process or the one with Rosetta?10:56
sistpotyasisak: rather someone who knows how rosetta integrates with all that (which is a superset of both, I guess)10:56
ScottKmertiki: All kidding aside, we do appreciate the extra effort it takes to communicate in a non-native language.10:56
ScottKasisak: Yes.10:56
mertikiScottK :  thanks your welcome :)10:56
=== asisak always welcomes tautologies :)
asisakScottK: bug 137712, can we have a feisty backport now? :)10:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 137712 in xchat "[PATCH]  XCHATSHAREDIR variable not correct" [Undecided,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13771210:58
=== bddebian starts a Klingon translation team
mertikiI think that for Mozilla-products like Sunbird, Rosetta isn't the solution because xpi extensions already exists. the language support for thunderbird is xpi files installed through apt10:58
sistpotybddebian: Kha'Plah!10:58
ScottKasisak: File a feisty-backports bug and test it and yes.10:59
sistpotyok, I'll have to go to bed now... gn8 everyone10:59
bddebianGnight sistpoty10:59
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bddebianNice package name: quiteinsanegimpplugin11:07
mertiki@++ everyone and thanks for the answers11:08
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bddebianWe are supposed to be removing the packages from Lucas's list if we "fix" them?11:11
bddebiangeser: ^ ?11:12
bddebianw00t, rekall finally built11:14
bddebianla la la11:16
geserI've asked lucas if I should remove fixed packages or comment them and he left it to me how to handle it11:17
bddebianAye I saw your comment, hence why I am confirming with you? :)11:17
geserI tried commenting them but I found that is easier to remove fixed package as this way it easier to see which still need fixing11:17
ajmitchgood morning11:19
geserHi ajmitch11:20
geserbddebian: is removing fixed packages from the list ok for you or do you prefer commenting?11:20
bddebianHeya ajmitch11:23
bddebiangeser: No I think it's good.  I was going to do that before but since it wasn't my page...11:23
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asisakScottK: how many testing do we need?11:28
asisakShould I announce the package and let some people test it?11:28
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ScottKasisak: For backports the standard is pretty low.  As long as it builds, installs, and runs, it's good.11:29
asisakScottK: I see.11:30
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asisakI guess I should only change the package to have a proper version then11:30
asisakOr is it automatic?11:30
=== Nightrose [n=lydia@amarok/rokymotion/nightrose] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ScottKAll you have to do is take your Gutsy source package and build it for Feisty and test it.11:31
ScottKSay in the bug you've done that.11:31
ScottKThe creation of the backported package is done via an archive admin script.11:31
bddebiangeser: OK, I've removed all mine11:33
geseryeah, the list gets shorter11:33
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=== asisak has done testing on xchat
asisakScottK: what should I do now?11:34
ScottKFile the bug in Feisty backports11:36
asisakthere is a bug in feisty backports11:36
=== ScottK looks
ScottKasisak: Please say in the bug that you tested it on Feisty and it works and then edit the title to be a backports request for the new version.11:38
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ScottKSet it to confirmed when you are done.  In Progress in backports means it's been acked to the archive.11:38
ScottKGotta run.  I'll look at it later if jdong doesn't get it first.11:39
jdongasisak: thanks,  I was looking athtat bug report earlier today too11:39
asisakthanks ScottK11:39
jdongasisak: it looks good for approval; let me eat dinner then push that through11:39
asisakthanks jdong as well11:40
asisakEnjoy your dinner, jdong11:40
asisakGood night, everyone.11:43
norsettoI have ever say again that I want to do 9 security patches in a row, please, just please, shoot me in the heart11:47
geserthat bad?11:48
bddebianLater gang11:48
norsettogeser: worse :-)11:48
norsettobddebian: nigthie11:48
=== keescook hugs norsetto
=== norsetto is to weak to resist ....
norsettobets are open on the one that I screwed !11:50
keescookthey all look fine to me.  :)11:50
norsettowait, bets are open on the one I didn't screw :-)11:50
gesernorsetto: I hope you don't get nightmares from the patches11:50
norsettokeescook: sorry it took so long, bloody cdbs-edit-patch bug and all, if it wasn for sistpoty (god bless him)11:51
keescookand now i get to go do 8 updates (krb5 & librpcsecgss again -- upstream got their patch wrong)11:51
norsettogeser: heck!11:51
keescooknorsetto: no problemo!  thank you for doing all the heavy lifting!  I'll get them all published shortly here.11:51
norsettokeescook: what is amazing is the amount of time it takes to add 6 bloody bytes .....11:52
keescookyeah, it's crazy.11:52
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=== ajmitch should get patching a package for security updates
keescookajmitch: want to do claws-mail for gutsy?  I think norsetto is tapped.  :)11:53
ajmitchfor CVE-2007-404811:53
norsettokeescook: is it available already from Debian?11:54
ajmitchkeescook: if I do, it'll be sometime this weekend :)11:54
keescooknorsetto: well, 3.0.0 was packaged for Debian, so you'd have to file a UVF exception to merge it to gutsy.11:54
keescookor you can just down (yet another) tiny patch.  :)11:55
=== norsetto checking debian repo :-)
=== ajmitch has to convince ScottK & co of the need for phpgroupware
norsettokeescook: you know, I just patched claws-mail 3 days ago .....11:55
norsettothe story of my life, I'm always a tad bit too late :-)11:56
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norsettokeescook: I don't think the patch for gutsy will be a security patch, right, just a normal patch would do?12:02
=== RobinD [n=robind@69-30-77-125.dq1sn.easystreet.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
keescooknorsetto: correct; regular versioning.  but please still mention the CVE in the changelog.12:04
norsettokeescook: sure12:04
=== hjmf [n=hjmf@7.Red-83-44-173.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ScottKajmitch: Anything with php in the name is by definition crack, so I don't think it matters much which version.12:10
=== RobinD [n=robind@69-30-77-125.dq1sn.easystreet.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchthanks for the useful input12:10
ScottKHey, I'm easy.12:11
ScottKBack later.12:11
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norsettokeescook: done, I guess I don't need to subscribe u-u-s since you will sponsor that?12:29
keescooknorsetto: sure thing.12:29
norsettokeescook: ok, I screwed it up ..... I just nominated it for gutsy :-)12:30
keescooknorsetto: s'okay.  :)12:30
keescooknorsetto: does sylpheed-claws in gutsy need an update too?  I see that sylpheed is already fixed, and claws-mail replaced sylpheed-claws-gtks (which you just fixed)12:32
keescookI'll build it as soon as my builds of krb5 and librpc (for a 3 releases) finished.  I think I need a 6-CPU machine.  ;)12:33
norsettoI thought sylpheed-claws was replaced by claws-mail, let me check12:33
keescooknorsetto: oh, perhaps they were both replaced by claws-mail ?12:33
keescookif that's the case, we should file a "remove" request for sylpheed-claws12:33
keescook(which is still in the archive for gutsy)12:34
geserisn't sylpheed-claws the gtk1 version?12:34
geserand claws-mail the renamed gtk2 version?12:34
ScottKIMO sylpheed-claws should just be removed.12:35
ScottKkeescook: Yes please.  IIRC that's the last rdepend for gpgme.12:36
ScottKThen we can kill that too.12:36
keescookScottK: can you file a removal bug?  I'm juggling a bunch atm12:36
ScottKkeescook: Will do, but maybe not until tomorrow.12:36
ScottKMaybe tonight.12:37
keescookScottK: no rush.  :)12:37

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