
=== doko_ [n=doko@dslb-088-073-098-172.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
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lamontdoko: any clues on java/hppa stuff?09:46
dokolamont: sorry, no. I didn't try further09:48
dokoas I say, works for me on the a50009:49
lamontok.  I'll see what I can do about reproducing the failure on my A500 then09:51
lamontdoko: maybe at some point I'll want to steal a tarball of the toolchain on your machine.10:02
dokolamont: sure, /scratch/packages/gcc/10:04
lamontit'll take me a while before I get to it.. hopefully this weekend - no guarantee though10:05
=== aquo [n=aquo@dslb-088-073-249-201.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
aquoanybody awake?11:13
=== lamont [i=lamont@nat/hp/x-401282fa3975c6c8] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
arthur-aquo: yes11:43
aquoI installed ubuntu-minimal with debootstrap and examined the installed packages with aptitude12:16
aquolibgcc1 has version 4.2.112:16
aquoand libstdc++6 has version 4.2.1 too ...12:16
aquoif i would install gcc it would have version 4.112:16
aquogcc depends on gcc-4.1 ...12:16
aquobuild-essentials depends on gcc ...12:17
aquowhich is the official compiler for gutsy? gcc-4.1 or gcc-4.2?12:17
arthur-aquo: aptitude install gcc; gcc --version should give you an answer12:17
arthur-aquo: gcc package come from gcc-defaults source package, which provide a symlink on /usr/bin/gcc to the current default gcc version12:18
aquoarthur-: ok, gcc depends on gcc-4.1, but all the libs are 4.2. why?12:19
aquoshouldn't have the compiler the same version as the libgcc and libstdc++?12:20
arthur-aptitude show libstdc++612:21
arthur-Version: 4.2.1-412:21
arthur-aquo: is g++-4.1 installed?12:22
aquoi just installed ubuntu-minimal, nothing else.12:23
arthur-aquo: this is libstdc++6-4.2-dev for gcc-4.2 and libstdc++6-4.1-dev for gcc-4.112:23
aquoi am just analysing dependencies for some gutsy-based custum installation12:23
aquook, again ...12:23
aquoif i install ubuntu-minimal i get libstdc++6-4.2 and libgcc1 for 4.2 ...12:24
aquobut if i would install build-essentials i would get an gcc with version 4.2, not with version 4.2?12:25
aquobut if i would install build-essentials i would get an gcc with version 4.1, not with version 4.2?12:25
aquosorry for the error12:25
arthur-because gcc-4.2 is not the default in gutsy12:26
aquook, but why doesnt libstdc++6 doesn't match the default compiler?12:27
aquoif i install ubuntu-minimal and build-essentials i get a system wit libstdc++6-4.2 and libstdc++6-4.1-dev12:28
aquoso headers and library doesn't match12:28
aquosame with libgcc12:29
arthur-aquo: maybe libstdc++6-4.2 is a dep providd by dh_shlibdeps, which mean that libstdc++6-4.2-dev was installed in buildd12:32
arthur-I don't know12:32
arthur-so c++ packages depends on libstdc++6-4.212:32
arthur-doko: can you please commit gdc-svn-updates?12:48
=== doko_ [n=doko@dslb-088-073-085-144.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain

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