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verwilst | hellow | 01:59 |
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verwilst | zul: i seem to be having a problem that i can't start a domU because it cannot connect to the vif ( which is what the message says ) | 02:00 |
verwilst | zul: changing nothing in the configs, but simply rebooting with the official 2.6.18-xen kernel makes it work just fine | 02:00 |
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tseliot | BenC: I need to talk to you about bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20/+bug/98641 | 11:32 |
tseliot | my patch wasn't applied in its entirety therefore the wfb module is still missing | 11:33 |
tseliot | please contact me, even privately if you wish | 11:35 |
tseliot | thanks | 11:35 |
Ornedan | Hi. Which system is used for suspend/hibernate in Ubuntu? | 11:49 |
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tseliot | BenC: I wrote a full explanation of the reason for the changes in my patch: | 12:34 |
tseliot | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20/+bug/98641/comments/101 | 12:34 |
tseliot | and here's the latest patch: | 12:52 |
tseliot | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20/+bug/98641/comments/102 | 12:52 |
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jeromeg | hello | 01:42 |
jeromeg | just a single question | 01:42 |
jeromeg | should I assign hotkeys not working bugs to the kernel ? | 01:43 |
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tseliot | BenC ? | 05:09 |
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BenC | tseliot: it's fixed in gutsy, I plan an upload for feisty with 100 series driver | 05:32 |
tseliot | BenC: no it has a problem | 05:32 |
tseliot | I had a look at the code | 05:32 |
BenC | tseliot: I think you're wrong | 05:33 |
BenC | at least as far as the type of if statement to use | 05:33 |
tseliot | I have described what and above all why my patches did all that in the bugreport today | 05:33 |
BenC | libwfb should be included if it exists, regardless of the version | 05:34 |
tseliot | ok, we agree on this | 05:34 |
BenC | which is why I used the -e test and not a "new version" test | 05:34 |
tseliot | I see your point | 05:34 |
tseliot | and we could keep it your way and add other if-statements | 05:35 |
tseliot | whenever a new module is added to the | 05:35 |
tseliot | latest driver | 05:35 |
BenC | right | 05:35 |
tseliot | but | 05:35 |
tseliot | there is another problem | 05:36 |
tseliot | the links for nvidia-glx-new | 05:36 |
tseliot | should be kept separate from the links | 05:36 |
BenC | which links? | 05:36 |
tseliot | in nvidia-glx | 05:36 |
BenC | not sure what you mean | 05:36 |
BenC | the current package works, right? | 05:36 |
BenC | it is working for me at least | 05:36 |
tseliot | there should be a link to the wfb module | 05:37 |
tseliot | otherwise the driver will crash with geforce 8xxx | 05:37 |
BenC | there is a link | 05:37 |
BenC | I am using 8400M right now | 05:37 |
tseliot | do you refer to version ? | 05:38 |
BenC | lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 26 Aug 27 13:04 /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libwfb.so -> libnvidia-wfb.so.100.14.11 | 05:38 |
BenC | wait, maybe that's a symlink I added manually before the fix in the package | 05:39 |
BenC | Ok, I can fix that now and do another upload | 05:39 |
tseliot | where would you like to add the link? | 05:39 |
tseliot | in the debian/rules? | 05:40 |
BenC | yes, I'm adding it to the if statement | 05:40 |
BenC | give me 5 minutes, I'll have it uploaded | 05:40 |
tseliot | why don't you keep a separate nvidia-glx-new.links.in and a nvidia-glx-new.links.amd64.in ? | 05:41 |
tseliot | so that you can add the links there in the future? | 05:41 |
tseliot | I mean, instead of touching the debian/rules | 05:42 |
BenC | tseliot: because again, that makes it ver specific, when it needs to be file specific | 05:44 |
BenC | this saves us work down the road | 05:44 |
BenC | don't want the same bug report popping up when we get an nvidia-glx-really-new :) | 05:44 |
tseliot | ahhh. Ok, now I do see your point | 05:45 |
tseliot | according to the same logic the script will create the link if the module exists. It makes sense to me now. | 05:46 |
BenC | ln -s libnvidia-wfb.so.$$this_ver \ $(CURDIR)/debian/nvidia-glx$${nv_flav}/usr/lib/xorg/modules/libwfb.so;\ | 05:46 |
BenC | added that, doing a build, and will upload once I verify it works | 05:46 |
tseliot | in the nvidia-glx-new.links I put this link: | 05:49 |
tseliot | usr/lib/xorg/modules/libnvidia-wfb.so.@@VERSION@@ usr/lib/xorg/modules/libwfb.so | 05:49 |
tseliot | which I guess is the same ;) | 05:50 |
BenC | lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 26 Sep 8 11:52 libwfb.so -> libnvidia-wfb.so.100.14.11 | 05:52 |
BenC | works, so uploading | 05:52 |
tseliot | perfect | 05:53 |
BenC | done | 05:54 |
tseliot | BenC: please, remember to put the link in Feisty's restricted modules as well | 05:57 |
BenC | will do | 05:58 |
tseliot | thanks | 05:58 |
bullgard4 | How can I run the SysRq function on a x86 laptop computer using kernel 2.6.20-16generic? Pressing the SysRq key doesn't do it. | 06:08 |
BenC | bullgard4: are you in X? | 06:09 |
bullgard4 | yes | 06:09 |
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ant1 | Hello, I got a problem in gutsy, when I set vga=0x314 I cannot access the virtual console, when I switch from X to virtual console I just get messy colors, if I remove splash option,I don't see boot messages, also I tried with acpi=off, my laptop is of 15.4" screen. Is this bug kernel related ? If yes, is it known to you guys ? | 09:45 |
ant1 | if it is not kernel related, do you know in what component should I report this bug ? | 09:46 |
bullgard4 | How can I run the SysRq function on a x86 laptop computer using kernel 2.6.20-16generic? Pressing the SysRq key doesn't do it. Either in X or in a console. | 09:54 |
ant1 | ctrl+alt+sysrq ? | 09:54 |
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