
=== effie_jayx [n=valles@ubuntu/member/effie-jayx] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== whyameye_ [n=john@ip68-103-181-172.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
whyameye_I have updated my firmware to my router and believe the exploit has been fixed. Can somebody test?03:03
whyameye_ummm...hello? How can I get back on the #ubuntu channel now that I have fixed my router's exploit?03:21
whyameye_please test me...03:36
whyameye_really NOBODY is here?03:36
=== Pici [n=Pici@ool-4355be00.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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whyameye_Pici: are you an ubuntu op? Can you test me to see if I have fixed my router's exploit?03:41
Piciwhyameye_: I only have op priveleges in -offtopic, so I wouldnt be able to check and unban you from #ubuntu, sorry03:42
whyameye_ok. thanks for responding, though.03:42
ubotuThere are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit03:52
=== nixternal [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.nixternal] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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whyameye_nixternal: do you have op privs to help me get back on the #ubuntu channel now that I have fixed my router's exploit?04:09
nixternalwhen were you banned?04:11
whyameye_(I hadn't tried in awhile though)04:12
nixternalI don't even see you in the ban list04:15
whyameye_I'm an idiot. I just joined #ubuntu. Sorry for wasting your time.04:16
PiciI see whyameye!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic from Aug 20th04:19
nixternalya, same here04:19
nixternal01:28 CST as a matter of fact04:19
robheh nick ban04:19
robhe is using a different nick :)04:19
whyameye_ok so whyameye is still banned then, huh?04:20
nixternalwhyameye_: please join me really quick in ##nixternal04:20
nixternalwhyameye_: I unbanned ya in #ubuntu04:21
whyameye_nixternal: thanks! :-)04:21
nixternalno problem04:21
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ubotuoverclucker called the ops in #ubuntu05:40
=== QMario [n=QMario@c-98-200-244-80.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu-ops
=== QMario [n=QMario@c-98-200-244-80.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu-ops
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=== left1 [n=sean@ip70-179-112-120.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
left1can someone help me join #ubuntu?05:58
stdin!staff | #ubuntu06:00
tonyyarussostdin: they're on it06:00
ubotu#ubuntu: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, BearPerson or ompaul! I could use a bit of your time :)06:00
tonyyarussoleft1: why can't you atm?06:00
left1it said to change my port from the default port06:02
left1it redirected me to the router problem page or something06:02
left1something about DCC spamming06:02
=== left1 [n=sean@ip70-179-112-120.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
tonyyarussoleft1: Looks like you didn't fix the problem yet.06:06
left1how do i fix it?06:07
left1I changed the port like it said06:07
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration06:08
robubotu, ?06:08
robleft1, you need to register your nickname with nickserv, we are being hit by bots06:08
left1oh ok06:08
robyes we know.06:08
left1it doesn't say that on the page06:08
robI think I've got most of them now06:08
tonyyarussorob: No, left1 is !exploit vulnerable.06:09
left1!exploit vulnerable06:09
ubotuThere are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit06:09
left1Yeah i did that. This is what is says "Upon fixing this issue you will NOT automatically be allowed to rejoin #ubuntu if you have been temporarily forwarded to #ubuntu-read-topic. You will need to join the #ubuntu-ops channel and alert an op to the situation. An op will then assist you in rejoining #ubuntu.   "06:10
robnow that my work is done, I'm going to change my daughters nappy. If they come back ping me as I'll be afk for about 5 minutes06:11
tonyyarussoleft1: Yes, but you failed the test I just ran (hence your last disconnect), so there seems to be more work to be done.06:12
tonyyarussorob: What's this?  Putting your daughter ahead of IRC bots?  What priorities...geez.  ;)06:12
left1Well i guess i can't join ubuntu cuz i'm not updating my router firmware06:13
robactually I put the irc bots first, but yeah :)06:15
=== left1 [n=sean@ip70-179-112-120.dc.dc.cox.net] has left #ubuntu-ops []
tonyyarussoI was trying to be funny....but now it's sad.06:17
=== tonyyarusso sends an "It's okay..._somebody_ must love you." card to rob's kid
QMarioWhat happened in #Ubuntu?06:40
jribQMario: bots06:40
nixternalI hate people who just sit there an ban evade and make it known06:49
=== Jucato waves to nixternal
nixternalI will ban everyone of that idiots dialup accounts06:52
nixternalhiya Jucato 06:52
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elkbuntunixternal, who?07:20
elkbuntunice to see your connection is a little less epileptic today07:20
DaSkreechHi  Hobbsee07:21
Hobbseehi DaSkreech 07:23
naliothDaSkreech: have a fight with nickserv?07:27
DaSkreechnalioth: IN TERMS OF?07:28
naliothDaSkreech: you make up with nickserv yet?07:34
=== nixternal [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.nixternal] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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nixternalelkbuntu: damn you for jinxing my connection! :)07:54
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Seveas<Zic> hi, I'm a recently approved ubuntu member, and it seems I should told you to activate my ubuntu member cloak, so ... Can you activate it ? thanks !09:57
Seveas<Zic> my launchpad page is https://launchpad.net/~zic09:57
Seveas<Seveas> Have you read and followed http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup?09:57
Seveas<Zic> yes :)09:57
Seveascould you be so kind? :)09:57
ompaulyou ask10:10
ompaulSeveas, :P10:10
Seveasompaul, mornin' :)10:10
ompaulSeveas, morning10:11
ompaulnalioth, I'll do that as you are asleep :)10:11
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-186-176.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ompaulSeveas, done10:13
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ompaulSeveas, is ubotu.ubuntu-nl awake?10:54
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Seveasompaul, it should be11:29
ompaul<ompaul> % btlogin11:29
ompaul<ubotu> An error has occurred and has been logged.11:29
ompaulSeveas, ^^11:29
Seveasit just doesn't like yoy11:29
ubotuAn error has occurred and has been logged.11:29
Seveas@reload LpLogin11:30
ubotuAn error has occurred and has been logged.11:30
SeveasOperationalError: database is locked11:30
=== ompaul is evil :)
elkbuntuit does the error thing randomly to me on a regular basis recently11:32
Seveasompaul, another cloak request: davromaniak11:33
ompaul!lol Please don't use lol and omg and so forth on a regular basis. this is irc not IM and using them lines on their own is not required, it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel thanks11:33
ubotuI'll remember that, ompaul11:33
Seveas!forget lol Please don't use lol and omg and so forth on a regular basis. this11:34
ubotuI know nothing about lol Please don't use lol and omg and so forth on a regular basis. this yet, Seveas11:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lol - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:35
Seveas!search lol11:35
ubotuFound: lol please don't use lol and omg and so forth on a regular basis. this, oneko11:35
Seveas!forget lol Please don't use lol and omg and so forth on a regular basis. this,11:35
ubotuI know nothing about lol Please don't use lol and omg and so forth on a regular basis. this, yet, Seveas11:35
ompaulwhat has oneko to do with lol oneko is very serious11:35
Seveas!lol is <reply>Please don't use lol and omg and so forth on a regular basis. this is irc not IM and using them lines on their own is not required, it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel thanks11:35
ubotuI'll remember that, Seveas11:35
ompaulSeveas, done11:36
Seveas!forget lol please don't use lol and omg and so forth on a regular basis. this11:36
ubotuI'll forget that, Seveas11:36
ubotuPlease don't use lol and omg and so forth on a regular basis. this is irc not IM and using them lines on their own is not required, it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel thanks11:36
=== mc44 [n=mc44@ip-81-170-99-180.cust.homechoice.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Gary [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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ompaul#ubuntu is just nuts12:42
=== ompaul wanders away
ompaulI can't do that any longer12:42
ompaulsanity here I come12:42
ompaulGary, I have logged into work to do some scripting of stuff rather than continue with this :)12:46
Garyit's a sunday, mute the channel, say it is for religious reasons12:50
Garyproblem solved12:51
ompaulthen we would have to mute it friday saturday and sunday12:51
ompaulthat would be cook12:51
ompaulcookie or cool 12:51
ompaulnot sure 12:51
Garydare ya12:51
ompaulnot even a double dare with a curly wurly would work :)12:52
Garytripple dare?12:53
ompaulno 12:53
ompaulhow do they do the upside down p12:53
ompaulsomeone asking how to do they do the backwards   d for do-ob12:54
Gary woooo 01:15
Amaranthbold is fun01:17
Amaranthi forget how to do reverse01:18
Gary pretty pink01:19
=== Gary hides
Amaranthmore of a purple here01:19
Amaranthsort of a mix01:19
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ubotuIdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu02:42
ubotuJack_Sparrow called the ops in #ubuntu02:44
AndrewBWould it not be better to catalyze troll's instead of instant ban if people call it on the channel?02:47
PumpernickelCatalysis is fine with me, so long as it involves nasty chemicals being used on the trolls.03:23
ubotuIn ubotu, zhahak said: who is your Creator?03:26
jrib!ubotu > zhahak03:28
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ubotuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, MenZa said: !copperhead is <reply> Information about Razer's Copperhead mouse and how to set it up in Ubuntu can be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/RazerCopperHeadMouse04:32
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ubotuIn #ubuntu-au, kgoetz said: ubotu: stripping is a feature04:49
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kgoetzbtw, i didnt want ubotu to edit, i was talking to it ;)04:49
kgoetzthats all04:49
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=== Pici blinks
Hobbsee...okay then?04:52
=== Hobbsee thinks that a sunday night is an odd time to be drunk.
PriceChildHobbsee, i think the conversation was actually very honest...04:52
PriceChildthey were talking about stripping =='s from code afaict04:53
ubotudooglus called the ops in #ubuntu05:09
elkbuntuis he *ever* going to learn?05:10
elkbuntuhe does it like every other week still, ffs05:10
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PriceChildI've had a little pm from our old friend "demon" or however he wants to spell it...06:48
Garywas it a nice pm?06:52
PriceChildwas away, seems like he hasn't been up to any mischief though...06:52
PriceChildit was very polite... though a little too informal: "Hello joseph..."06:52
GaryI bought 5 tshirts this afternoon, got to go cut out my transfers and iron them on now06:53
Garythese are for my LUG for software freedom day06:53
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Pici"Hello Joseph" "My name... is... PriceChild"06:54
Picier, sorry, I just watched the matrix the other day.06:54
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=== mc44 hugs Seveas
mc44congrats :)07:13
Garymc44, whats he done?07:15
mc44Gary: check the planet :P07:34
pleia2Seveas: congrats!07:35
Seveasthanks :)07:35
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=== tonyyarusso is in the loop now
tonyyarussoSeveas: yay!07:57
PiciSeveas: Woo! Congrats!08:01
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=== MehdiHassanpour [n=Mehdi@ubuntu/member/MehdiHassanpour] has joined #ubuntu-ops
MehdiHassanpourseveas, can we have ubotu in our loco channel #ubuntu-ir ?08:10
Seveas@join #ubuntu-ir08:10
ubotu#ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast.08:10
MehdiHassanpourI'm there :-)08:11
MehdiHassanpourseveas, ty :-)08:11
SeveasMehdiHassanpour, is farsi a right-to-left language?08:11
MehdiHassanpourSeveas: yep!08:12
SeveasCould you write a translation of the !ir factoid in farsi so we can add it as separate line?08:12
naliothyes, please  :)08:12
MehdiHassanpourpersian/farsi is a right to left lang. but we mostly write persian/farsi with latin characters08:13
Seveasah ok08:13
MehdiHassanpoursure, I will08:13
MehdiHassanpouras some IRC clients don't support unicode or show persian bad08:14
naliothMehdiHassanpour: ours do  :)08:14
naliothMehdiHassanpour: and so do yours08:14
MehdiHassanpour ubuntu-ir#            08:15
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MehdiHassanpournalioth: gaim/pidgin support persian well :-)08:15
MehdiHassanpourthis is the translation of factoid in persian08:16
TheSheepthis line is wrapped wierd :?08:16
nalioth ubuntu-ir#            08:17
MehdiHassanpournalioth: it's fine! and is RTL (right to left)08:18
naliothMehdiHassanpour: i just made an alias of what you wrote in here  :)08:18
MehdiHassanpourSeveas: so that should be fine to be add to ir factoid :-)08:23
naliothMehdiHassanpour: i've added this one along with my others08:25
nalioth      #ubuntu-ge - ~ For Georgian language support, please join #ubuntu-ge08:25
nalioth #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk08:25
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PriceChildaww @pony is disabled :(08:29
MehdiHassanpournalioth: cool :-) seems you're interested in other langs ;-)08:33
naliothMehdiHassanpour: i speak a couple  :)08:33
MehdiHassanpourcool 08:34
MehdiHassanpournalioth: what are they?08:34
naliothMehdiHassanpour: little bit of french, little bit of spanish, some german, and a smattering of others08:35
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GarySeveas, but, you promised me :-D09:27
naliothGary: what were you promised?09:27
mc44a shotgun wedding09:28
GarySeveas said I was the only one for him09:28
GaryI made my SFD t-shirts :-)09:29
naliothalrighty then09:29
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jribhmm, how about having ubotu default to linking to the wiki page for X if factoid !X does not yet exist, but the wiki page does?11:31
ubotumc44 called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic11:41
ubotuIn #ubuntu, gnewsensical said: !downloader is a download manager. To see a comparison of popular download managers for Linux, Windows and Mac, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_download_managers12:23
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=== xp_killer hi
=== Gary [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has joined #Ubuntu-OPS
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Amaranthjrib: but then ubotu has to read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X and parse it to see if it's the non-existent page template or not01:10
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tonyyarussoAmaranth: or it could sync the existing pages list weekly and scan that01:11

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