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ubotuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: September 10 2007, 08:18:55 - Next meeting: Forums Council in 3 hours 41 minutes10:18
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ubotuSchedule for Etc/UTC: 10 Sep 12:00: Forums Council | 10 Sep 19:00: Screencast Team | 11 Sep 15:00: Server Team meeting | 11 Sep 19:00: Technical Board | 12 Sep 20:00: Edubuntu | 13 Sep 12:00: Canonical Desktop Team10:34
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pochuSeveas: I'm just curious, what is https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-irc-cloaks for?11:15
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ubotuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: September 10 2007, 10:53:40 - Next meeting: Forums Council in 1 hour 6 minutes12:53
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=== Artificial taps on UGs shoulder
Artificialyo Pricechild01:32
Artificial112 people to the meeting?01:32
PriceChildArtificial, a lot of idlers01:33
PriceChildall ubuntu meetings happen here01:33
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ziroday@schedule Singapore01:33
ubotuSchedule for Asia/Singapore: 10 Sep 20:00: Forums Council | 11 Sep 03:00: Screencast Team | 11 Sep 23:00: Server Team meeting | 12 Sep 03:00: Technical Board | 13 Sep 04:00: Edubuntu | 13 Sep 20:00: Canonical Desktop Team01:33
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Current meeting: Forums Council | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 10 Sep 19:00 UTC: Screencast Team | 11 Sep 15:00 UTC: Server Team meeting | 11 Sep 19:00 UTC: Technical Board | 12 Sep 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 13 Sep 12:00 UTC: Canonical Desktop Team
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ubuntugeekHowdy all02:01
PriceChildAgenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ForumCouncilAgenda02:02
ubuntugeekVorian wont be able to make it to the meeting today. Our agenda is pretty light this month, do to my miscommunication to vorian about the meeting date this meeting was put on the agenda a little quick.02:03
ubuntugeekSo I think we plan on discussing Paladine'02:03
ubuntugeekcomplaint next month when he can be here02:03
forumsmatthewfair enough02:03
forumsmatthewChuck Norris didn't want to talk about complaints anyway02:04
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ubuntugeek:) hah02:04
ubuntugeekSo, First item. Allowing users with over 6000 posts a custom forum title.02:05
forumsmatthewI brought that up02:05
forumsmatthewI thought it would be a nice way to reward faithful forums users02:05
forumsmatthewpossible downsides?02:06
ubuntugeekI agree, I think if someone has 6000 posts they should be rewarded some how.02:06
chuckdongI agree too, I think 6000 posts deserves recognition02:07
forumsmatthewIt would be pretty easy to implement. I should be able to get it done today02:07
PriceChildI don't think it'll be abused... there's no chance anyone would get that many posts by spamming etc. without getting bored/noticed02:07
chuckdongthe only "downside" I can think of is users trying to artificially inflate their postcount with junk posts02:07
ubuntugeekDownsides, abuse (ie not following forum rules.) I think we would need to amend the forum guidelines to include a plurb about it02:07
chuckdongbut 6000 times.... nah :D02:07
MikeB6000 seems high to me02:07
BalkhogIs there any number better than 6000?02:08
PriceChildBalkhog, "better"?02:08
ubuntugeek4500 ? I dont think we should go lower then that02:08
forumsmatthewMikeB, I had originally thought 1000, but that's probably too low02:08
forumsmatthewwhat do you think?02:08
BalkhogPriceChild, have some meaning.. or..02:08
chuckdongIMO 1000 is way too low. I'd be fine with something at around 5000 or so, but too much below that, I think, is too "easy" to reach.02:09
PriceChildI say higher the better 8-)02:09
forumsmatthewchuckdong, I agree02:09
forumsmatthewtoo high and no one get it02:09
chuckdongPriceChild: lol then it should be called the ayisu award!02:09
MikeBI would think 2000 shows a highly motivated forums users, especially since we don't count post to the social areas02:09
PriceChildwhat's the highest user rank on the forums atm?02:10
forumsmatthewI'll go look02:10
chuckdongAdministrator! ;-)02:10
MikeBalso does the language filter work on User Titles02:10
PriceChildas in what amount of beans?02:10
ubuntugeekMikeb: Not sure02:10
chuckdonghmm are you thinking to let users specify their own?02:10
forumsmatthewre: language filter...I'm pretty sure it does work on user titles02:11
PriceChildi'll try 8-)02:11
PriceChildyeah it works02:11
forumsmatthewcurrently you need 7470 for the highest user rank image and 10000 for the highest title02:12
forumsmatthewthat may change in a few minutes... :)02:12
PriceChildhaha wow02:12
forumsmatthewI could adjust the default table lower, then allow a custom title after whatever number we decide02:13
ubuntugeekLet me do a quick query on post counts and see what we are looking at in terms of numbers.02:13
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MikeBwell, I think it is a great idea, I say we vote and decide on the number later02:15
ArtificialWhy not let people (members) to allow custom titles when reach 10000th?02:16
forumsmatthewbecause only 3 or 4 people would have it02:16
chuckdongI think 10,000 is too high though....02:16
chuckdongit takes a tremendous amount of motivation to reach 10,000 just by support area posts02:16
forumsmatthewI was thinking something a little more accessible, but still difficult to attain02:16
chuckdongwell Ryan should be able to let us know soon a rough distribution.02:17
ubuntugeekOk after doing some queries, i think 3500 would be a fair number.02:17
chuckdonghow many people are at 3500 or above?02:17
forumsmatthewthat sounds good to me02:17
MikeBfine with me02:17
ubuntugeekabout 6002:17
PriceChildwow that's i?02:17
Artificialwell, we properly see alot post replyies like: "ok", "me too"02:17
ubuntugeekwhen you get into the < 2000 range there are thousands and thousands02:18
forumsmatthewwe might see some replies like that, but I kind of doubt it02:18
popeyhow about speaking to Gerry Carr @ canonical and see if you can get a freebie from the canonical store for people over a certain number of posts?02:18
chuckdongbtw, ubuntugeek, did you kill the forum server? :D02:18
ubuntugeekyes I think i did02:18
chuckdongpopey: ooh that sounds fancy02:18
popeyvouchers for example02:18
PriceChildlol i wondered why it was timing out02:18
popeyhe offered some for something else recently02:18
popeyor at least suggested he would offer some :)02:18
forumsmatthewyep, server's down02:19
chuckdongArtificial: naturally we'd have to enforce anti-spamming...02:19
Artificialjust made a reply on the forum, instead of posting it my gedit pop'd up with the title reply02:19
chuckdongand if it goes on too much, then we should just call it quits.02:19
ubuntugeekYeah sorry, our poor db server :)02:19
forumsmatthewno, not down, really slow02:19
chuckdongmy other proposal regarding to this....02:19
chuckdongwhat about some sort of infraction limit lockout?02:19
forumsmatthewthat might work02:20
chuckdongi.e. after you receive N infraction points in oyur history, you are automatically disqualified02:20
forumsmatthewwhat I was thinking for implementation was to make a new usergroup02:20
forumsmatthewusers automatically move to it02:20
chuckdongI'm thinking N would be somewhere near 3-502:20
forumsmatthewafter posting the right number02:20
ubuntugeek5 infractions sounds good02:20
forumsmatthewthere must be a way to exclude users with infraction points02:20
chuckdongwe could go "all out" and make it similar to a Ubuntu Members interview process at a FC meeting :)02:20
chuckdongthere seems to be few enough people who reach that milestone so we don't get bogged down02:21
ArtificialLongtime trolls should have their own title! Saying: "hey, I'm a troll" LOL02:21
ubuntugeekmatthew: yah i think we just need to make a infraction rule for that02:21
chuckdongwhoo! database error :)02:21
forumsmatthewI'm getting the error as well02:21
chuckdongoh yeah, we should really design a non-IIS style error message ;-)02:22
chuckdonglike a kernel panic mockup02:22
Artificiala Chuck Norris Killroy instead02:22
forumsmatthewryan, I hope your email inbox holds up...here it comes02:22
PriceChildwe're gonna have a couple of threads of "ubuntuforums.org runs on IIS!!!! - see error page!" when it comes back aren't we :P02:22
PriceChildI'm sure we've had a few of those before.02:22
forumsmatthewlol--Chuck Norris wasn't pleased that only a few forums members were participating in his week, so he kicked the server02:23
chuckdongPriceChild: lol remember when people found out we ran BSD at one point? ;-)02:23
chuckdongforumsmatthew: LMFAO02:23
PriceChildchuckdong, I'm too green to remember that :)02:23
chuckdongOOH! a chuck norris error page!02:23
ubuntugeekIt broke02:23
forumsmatthewI remember...02:23
chuckdongPriceChild: ah, well we got a lot of outcries :)02:23
PriceChildway before my time02:23
forumsmatthewchuckdong, do it!!!02:23
PriceChildwooo tis back02:23
chuckdong Currently Active Users: 239 (46 members and 193 guests)02:24
Artificialsomething like Chuck Norris smashed it02:24
chuckdongrecord low :)02:24
ubuntugeekSorry about that, the query caused a backlog :)02:24
chuckdonglol I can imagine!02:24
MikeBwe should make a special link to chuck norris facts in the forums for a week02:24
ubuntugeekOk back to business.. did we decide that 3500+ are eligible ?02:24
forumsmatthewIn retrospect, I probably shouldn't have queried the server at the same time...02:24
forumsmatthew+1 for 350002:24
MikeB+1 for 350002:24
ubuntugeek+1 for 350002:24
PriceChildforumsmatthew, haha02:24
chuckdong378,901 members...  60 out of them....02:24
chuckdong+1 from me.02:24
forumsmatthewI"ll adjust the usertitle table as well02:25
ubuntugeekk, matthew knows how to set it up. Matthew do you want to make an announcement as well?02:25
forumsmatthewand the rank table...since I spilled the beans in this chat on the number needed02:25
forumsmatthewI can make the announcement as well...once it's done you will see a note in the cafe02:26
chuckdongno pun intended...02:26
=== forumsmatthew looks away sheepishly
forumsmatthewpun intended02:26
Artificialdon't feel so baaaahd, matthew ;)02:27
ubuntugeekOk moving on..02:27
forumsmatthewewe are horrible!02:27
ubuntugeekThe next item i just put on the agenda this morning from this post.02:27
ubuntugeekI know pricey has asked me about it in the past and I figured we should discuss it02:27
highvoltageoh cool, a forums meeting!02:27
forumsmatthewI think this is a fair request. We could have a link to email the FC and whoever is around could do something02:27
PriceChildyeah we had a guy in #ubuntuforums about it02:28
chuckdonghi, highvoltage02:28
forumsmatthewto register the user02:28
highvoltagehi chuckdong02:28
forumsmatthewwould we get a ton of spam, though?02:28
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ubuntugeekWell yeah thats the main reason we have the captcha in place02:28
ubuntugeekRemember when we had that bot signing up 1,000's of accounts?02:29
ubuntugeekwe had no captcha in place02:29
PriceChildthat took hours to clean up..02:29
chuckdongI am reading through the alternatives right now.02:29
ubuntugeekyeah it was a pain in the ...02:29
PriceChildstill finding bits weeks later02:29
chuckdongI am not impressed by *ANY* of them personally02:29
ubuntugeekChuckdong, no they require code hacking02:29
PriceChildchuckdong, weekend project?02:29
ubuntugeekwhich is why we never used them02:29
chuckdongI'd love to investigate a better solution but I'd first like to speak to a Captcha expert02:29
chuckdongubuntugeek: not just code hacking02:30
chuckdongI don't think ANY of them perform the fundamental job of a CAPTCHA02:30
chuckdongthat is, test for humanness.02:30
chuckdongthose seem like dummy rate limiters.02:30
chuckdongwhich doesn't solve problems with spammers with an entire /24 address block to themselves.02:30
chuckdong* Tricking bots with dummy "Do not fill in this field" form fields that are labelled as such and also hidden with CSS.02:31
chuckdongI have personally seen this one fail02:31
ubuntugeekSo my question is, in our familiarity of the forums and the downsides to not having a captcha do we need the current captcha is working well? Sure it has down sides but thats a vbulletin limitation.02:31
chuckdongubuntugeek: when a good alternative comes around, I would love to see it implemented02:31
chuckdongbut currently I don't see any alternate proposals that satify that bill.02:31
forumsmatthewyeah. I would love to have a better option, but I don't see one yet02:32
chuckdongif someone knowledgeable on CAPTCHA techniques could come and talk with us about the subject, I'd be more than happy to listen and discuss02:32
forumsmatthewthe spam problem is too big to go without a good captcha02:32
ubuntugeekMaybe in vbulletin 4.x series they will enhance the captcha abilities.02:32
chuckdongfor now, the CAPTCHA has to stay based on past issues...02:32
chuckdongin addition, I'd like to add, if anyone has an accessibility handicap that prevents them from filling out the registration form, they are more than welcome to contact a staff member for assistance.02:33
chuckdongperhaps we should give them a mechanism to do this with02:33
chuckdongI'd expect relatively few people out of our potential visitor pool to need this type of assistance02:33
chuckdongand it probably means less work in the end than to implmenent some fancy unfamiliar CAPTCHA02:33
ubuntugeekChuckdong, agreed. How about this, on the signup page we can direct them to post in the feedback area as a guest user? The guest user would need to be a moderated account.02:34
Seveaspochu, ubuntu-irc-cloaks is purely administrative so we can keep track of cloaks02:34
chuckdongubuntugeek: sounds good02:34
ubuntugeekmatthew, mike?02:34
forumsmatthewthat's not a bad idea...02:34
forumsmatthewwe can watch and see if the post moderation queue fills up with spam02:35
forumsmatthewat least it won't be on the forums at large02:35
chuckdongsounds great02:35
MikeBseems like a good idea02:35
ubuntugeekk, we'll try it out and see how it goes.02:35
pochuSeveas: thanks. I was wondering whether I could leave the team without loosing my cloak, but I guess not :)02:35
chuckdongon a related note.... what's up with e-mail notifications? It seems like some users never get one, despite having a seemingly valid e-mail?02:35
chuckdongi.e. registration confirmation02:36
chuckdongI've had to help several users jump through that one personally...02:36
forumsmatthewI"ve helped one or two as well02:36
ArtificialCould it be specific email adresses?02:36
MikeBspam filters on their end?02:36
ubuntugeekMy guess spam filters. We could turn the email validation off02:36
ubuntugeekbut its a small percent that has issues02:36
chuckdongI recall an incident prompting me to turn it back on.02:36
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chuckdongbut in general, I think it's better with it on.02:37
ubuntugeekIf a user has problems you can just goto into the user manager and change the group to registered user to eliminate the need for the verification02:37
forumsmatthewtrue, it's not hard and not that common of a problem02:37
forumsmatthewanything else?02:38
chuckdongregarding next week's agenda....02:38
chuckdongI don't think the first item is a valid one for the FC to discuss.02:38
=== Hobbsee waves
chuckdongI can't imagine any productive road that discussion would go down02:38
ubuntugeekhi hobbsee02:38
chuckdonghi Hobbsee :)02:38
forumsmatthewI can't see a single reason we can't discuss that now, and quickly02:38
forumsmatthewhi, Hobbsee02:38
Artificialyes, where's my smiley set for the forum, that got promised to be intergraded02:38
ubuntugeek /me runs from Artifical02:39
forumsmatthewI vote to keep Kiwi, he's a great admin and a huge asset to the forums02:39
chuckdong+1 :)02:39
forumsmatthewI have no other comments02:39
ubuntugeekI have a comment on that complaint.02:39
chuckdongbut more seriously, if he actually wants to take that up, it's CC territory, not us....02:39
forumsmatthewchuckdong, agreed02:40
forumsmatthewubuntugeek, please comment as you like02:40
chuckdonghowever, I'd be willing to take a listen to what Paladine has to say regarding the appeal of his ban.02:40
ubuntugeekWhen a forum staff member put themselves out into the general pool of users and enforces rules they will always be the brunt of the complaints. All the admins have seen it. If any one of us handled that situation it would have resulted in the same situation.02:41
forumsmatthewchuckdong, yes. He can present that at the Oct 10 meeting02:41
chuckdongubuntugeek: agreed02:41
chuckdongsome staff members tend to be the ones who act upon the agreement of the concensus, but that's that -- there was concensus reached beforehands02:42
ubuntugeekThe bottom line is, the complaint is week and he was clearly looking to troll based on  his actions which are not defined on that agenda.02:42
ubuntugeekThats all I have to say02:42
ubuntugeekWe can discuss it more next month when he is present02:42
chuckdonglet's reserve specific dicussion on the user for hwen he is present02:42
ubuntugeekThats all I have for this meeting02:42
chuckdongbut for now, I move to reject item 1, regarding KiwiNZ's removal off the agenda02:43
forumsmatthewokay, I'm off to adjust the user title table and to work on a new user group02:43
ubuntugeekI am off to delete 8k worth of forum down emails02:43
forumsmatthewthanks, everyone, for a good meeting02:44
Artificialbefore you leave UG02:44
chuckdongI'll add a summary until Vorian can do a proper one :D02:44
ubuntugeekthanks jdong02:44
MikeBlater all02:44
ubuntugeek roundhouse kicks and vanishes.. chuck would do it02:44
forumsmatthewlagging, sorry it took a minute02:45
ArtificialMatthew = Lag master 200002:46
Artificial(can be bought at TVShop)02:46
Artificialcya all02:46
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 10 Sep 19:00 UTC: Screencast Team | 11 Sep 15:00 UTC: Server Team meeting | 11 Sep 19:00 UTC: Technical Board | 12 Sep 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 13 Sep 12:00 UTC: Canonical Desktop Team | 18 Sep 15:00 UTC: Kernel Team
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ubotuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: September 10 2007, 18:07:14 - Next meeting: Screencast Team in 52 minutes08:07
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ph8i can actually attend the next server meeting08:23
ph8thought i'd share that with everyone :)08:23
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Current meeting: Screencast Team | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 11 Sep 15:00 UTC: Server Team meeting | 11 Sep 19:00 UTC: Technical Board | 12 Sep 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 13 Sep 12:00 UTC: Canonical Desktop Team | 18 Sep 15:00 UTC: Kernel Team
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popeyooo nearly time08:59
popeyAnyone around for the screencast team meeting?08:59
popeygoing to be a quiet one :)09:00
popeyok, lets make a start.09:00
popeyBONG! Screencast meeting begins09:01
popeyAgenda is at:- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreencastTeam/Meeting2007091009:01
popey* Action points from last meeting09:01
popey( which can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreencastTeam/Meeting20070827 )09:01
popeyOk, firstly, no new non-ubuntu-screencast-team screencasts have been uploaded since that meeting09:02
popeywhen they are they will be categorised as such09:02
popeywe now have scp (well I do) access to the screencast site09:02
popey(this makes uploading much easier but I still "only" have 90K/s upload rate so it still takes an age to upload 6 videos per screencast!)09:03
popeysite was getting DOSed, this was fixed09:03
popeydrupal 5 can wait until the canonical system admins have made a theme for it - and definitely until after MoS200709:03
popeyThe rest is all still in progress09:04
popeyOk, onto the next item.09:04
popey* Current status09:04
popeyWe have uploaded 9 screencasts each in 6 formats (3 sizes, two codecs), and they're proving quite popular09:04
popeywe have around 1000 subscribers to the high quality ogg feed through miro/democracyplayer alone09:05
popeywe have been in the "most popular" slow on miroguide for the last week:- https://www.miroguide.com/09:05
popeyyay us!09:05
popey(hi Webspot )09:06
Webspothi :)09:06
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popeydownside is that this week has been madly busy in my personal life - so I am behind - my bad, apologies09:06
WebspotI'm also behind :p09:06
popey(two kids with birthdays in one week and one starting school means I get called away from the computer a lot)09:06
popeyhowever this is not a disaster! :)09:06
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popeyI have decided we need to rejuggle the plan - so we will talk about that in a bit09:07
popeywe have had a fair bit of feedback in the form of comments on the site09:07
popeyranging from "these are great" to "remove this now, you said Linux was an OS, it's a kernel you idiot!" type posts09:07
popeyI am really happy to get both types of comments09:07
popeymeans people are watching them :)09:08
popeyAlso had a comment about the less than stellar quality of the 1280x720 ogg video - and it turns out I had a setting too low in xvidcap for quality09:08
popeyi discovered this 5 mins ago09:08
spd106Which size video is the most popular?09:08
popeyso all screencasts from now on from me will be much crisper09:08
popey1280x720 ogg - easily09:08
popeyand surprisingly09:09
spd106Will the new quality bump up th efile size?09:09
popeyhoweveer that is based only on the feed usage, not the actual downloads of files09:09
popeyshouldn't do too badly no it just means there will be a cleaner master to encode from09:09
popeyso that's the current status - I have one extra one that's not online yet - "installing ubuntu"09:10
popeyI have decided to split it09:10
popeyto have multiple "installing" videos09:10
popeyone for using the live cd, one for the alternate cd and maybe another for server/netinst09:10
popeyso we cover all bases - make sense?09:10
popeythe good news is this pushes back the schedule a bit - and gives you more time to make yours :)09:11
popeybad news is we need to rejig the schedule09:11
popeyi am coming to the conclusion that we should drop the idea of "week 1" "week 2" and just have a steady stream of the screencasts09:11
popeybecause it restricts us having "week of this" or "week of that", I don't think people care09:12
popeyI think they just want the content :)09:12
popeygiven we already have the "month of" moniker, having  a week of sub-moniker is overkill09:12
popeyso, I will edit the wiki page after the meeting to reflect this09:12
spd106It's nice to have some structure, though you're probably right09:13
popeyyeah, structure is good, but not when it makes life too hard for us :)09:13
popeywould also mean we can be a bit more free with the schedule (within reason)09:13
popeyi.e. we can start talking about specific applications at any time09:13
popeywe don't necessarily have to stick to a theme for this week09:13
spd106I think the introduction week was a good idea09:14
popeyyeah, and once people are up to speed with what it is, and how to isntall, we can go anywhere from there really, wouldn't you say?09:14
popeyalthough it does make sense to show how to install apps and installing updates early on09:14
spd106As long as the quality remains high09:14
popeyok, there is an extra spanner I am going to throw in :)09:15
popeyI am on holiday for a week from 14th to 21st, and will have sporadic very low speed internet access09:15
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popeyso this means we either go mad to make loads, or we just announce a "screencast holiday" on the site :)09:15
popeywe will still have the total of 30 screencasts in september09:16
popey(I plan to record some whilst on holiday but cannot upload due to bandwidth limits)09:16
popeyso will play catch up after 21st sept09:16
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popeyI will of course do my best to make as many as I can, and hope others will before the 14th (this friday)09:16
popeybut I don't think we should kill ourselves to do it :)09:16
popeyits all gone quiet :)09:17
popeyok, lets move on..09:17
popeywe've kinda covered the progress so on to the next subject09:17
popey* Translation / Sub-titling09:18
popeyI really wasn't expecting us to get some transcriptions done so quickly09:18
popeywe now have quite a few srt files - subtitle/caption files - which I need to upload to the site09:18
popeyI am thinking we can just put them on the page with each screencast as a link to download - and have a little note that says how to use them09:19
WebspotYeah. Seems the best way09:19
popeyit's possible to upload them to google and the flash player we use can support them but I'm not sure how to get the format right for both09:19
popeyit seemed to barf when i tried - on both09:20
popeymaybe the syntax wasn't right - it's on the to-do list anyway09:20
spd106I was wondering about that the other day09:20
popeythe other thing we have to worry about is audio dubs09:20
spd106google asks for utf-809:20
spd106I'm not sure how to check for it09:20
popeyhow to check if a file is utf-8?09:21
spd106From what I've read it should be standard09:21
popeyI don't know much about that I'm afraid09:21
spd106but when ever I open an srt it says some iso standard09:22
popeylooking at it I think google is barfing at the blank lines in the srt file09:22
spd106oh, ok09:22
spd106I thought that was a part of the spec09:23
popey00:00:00,881 --> 00:00:03,42609:23
popeyThis is Alan Pope with the Introduction Screencast09:23
popeyfor example, google wants:-09:23
popeyjust the timestamp and the text09:23
popeynot the 1 or the blank09:23
popeyI will monkey around with one of the files we have and report back to the mailing list09:24
popeysee if we can get the format right09:25
popeynext thing is audio dubs09:25
popeyfor example I have been sent an audio file for one screencast which i can easily dub and re-encode, so we have a french version of the samba screencast09:25
popeyi guess i could just upload them all and make a french page perhaps?09:26
popeymaybe link to the french page from the English page?09:26
popeyand vice versa09:26
popeyrather than chuck all the languages on one page09:26
popeyso the url might be /samba_filesharing we could have /samba_filesharing_fr  and _es _de etc09:26
popeyas a separate page they would be easier for people to link to09:27
popeyand it woudl be obvious it's an existing screencast but with french audio09:27
popeyhmmm, well it's obvious to me anyway09:27
spd106sounds like a good idea09:27
popeyso long as they are linked to, maybe we should have a block on the side of the site that lists translated ones so far, and untranslated ones09:28
popeyno, untranslated is silly09:28
popeybecause none have been translated to swahili so they are all in essence untranslated09:28
popeynot sure how to display that09:28
popeymaybe a simple table09:28
spd106Are you going to do all sizes?09:28
popeylist of screencasts down the side, translations along the top, links (ticks) in the middle for translations09:28
popeyspd106: it's no extra effort just disk space and time to upload to do all the sizes09:29
popeyI probably won't setup rss feeds and the like09:29
popeymaybe have a category09:29
RobVPerhaps have a note available under screencasts saying "this screencast is also available in ...", as well?09:29
popeywhich would be useful for non-EN planets to syndicate09:29
popeyyes RobV, good idea09:29
popey"also available in chocolate flavour"09:30
RobVi'm more a fan of vanilla, but yeah.09:30
popeyI could tag all the existing ones with "english_audio" and "english_video"09:30
popeyand then add extra tags for the non-english ones09:30
popeymake them easy to find09:30
popeyok, this all sounds groovy09:31
popeywe're SO going to run out of disk space :)09:31
WebspotHow much do we have?09:31
popey/dev/hda1              25G   13G   11G  54% /09:31
popeybut I don't know if that's LVM - it may be09:31
popeyit's xen so i would expect it to be lvm'ed, and more space may well be just a request to the canonical admins away09:32
popeywhen I said to them that I figured we would need 8GB MAX for MoS2007, they said it was fine09:32
popeyok, so the next question on the agenda is how do we manage the translations09:33
popeywill it work just having a page on the site showing translation status?09:33
popeyand ask people to email the srt to the mailing list and/or oggs of dubs to us/me ?09:33
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popeywould be nice to use launchpad/rosetta09:34
popeysuggestions welcome!09:34
spd106I think some kind of version system would be uesful09:34
popeyI am no expert on these matters09:35
spd106People make mistakes, I know I do09:35
popeywe could use an lp ppa?09:35
popeysorry, lp bzarr repo09:35
spd106I'm new to this as well, I'm afraid09:35
popeymaybe a mail to the launchpad-users list might help09:35
spd106What do the docs team use?09:36
popeyi think it might also be useful to mail the loco mailing list - the global one - actually asking for translations09:36
popeyI don't know09:36
popeybut if we ask the loco list - we really need a system in place first09:36
popeyso I think asking the doc team and/or launchpad devs first might be a wise plan09:36
spd106Is the screencasts team part of the docs team?09:37
popeysee if we can organise a revision control system first, then solicit help09:37
popeyyeah, kinda :)09:37
popeythey would like to have some screencasts they can link to from the documentation09:37
popeybrief history..09:38
spd106They have lot's of skilled translators too09:38
popeyI setup the screencast site as a ubuntu-uk thing, Matt East (mdke) suggested it shouild be a global (not UK) thing and thus adopted us into the doc team09:38
popeyi recently setup the irc and mailing list channels for us to discuss separate from -doc09:39
popeynot because I don't want to be part of -doc, just figured we needed a dedicated channel09:39
popeyif there is any help we can leverage from the -doc team then all the better09:39
spd106There was a post to the docs list today asking about screencasts09:39
popeyyeah :)09:39
popeyhe popped into the irc channel too - seems very keen to make a few screencasts09:39
popeywhich is exactly what we need/want :)09:40
popeyok, so summary:-09:40
popeyContact launchpad devs (via mailing list) and doc team to see how they manage revisions of non-structured data like our .srt files09:40
popeyonce we can figure some kind of control system we start asking doc team and loco teams for help translating?09:41
popeymake sense?09:41
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RobVyep; one thing: what about audio files?09:41
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RobVIs there any structure in place for them yet, or will that need to be looked at - in due time ;) - too?09:42
popeyI'll ask about that at the same time09:43
popeythe two are heavily related really09:43
popeythanks for reminding me :)09:43
popeyok, next topic, unless anyone has anything further on translation...09:43
popey* Formats that videos are supplied in:-09:44
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popeytoo many, too few?09:44
popeyi need to get some proper stats from canonical system admins as to which videos most people watch09:44
popeywe could potentially just have 1280x720 ogg and 1280x720 flash, and upload to google video for everyone else :S09:45
spd106I like the small ogg09:45
popeydamnit ;)09:45
spd106I only have a 1024x76809:46
popeyah, ok09:46
popeybut if you grabbed the 1280x720 you could watch that scaled down?09:46
popeywhich would arguably look better than my re-encoded version09:46
spd106Yeah, but it wastes bandwidth09:46
popeywell.. you say that...09:47
spd106I suppose I could cope09:47
popey-rw-r--r-- 1 popey popey 85M 2007-09-10 15:00 20070908_places_and_system_theora_400k_vorbis_1280x720.ogg09:47
popey-rw-r--r-- 1 popey popey 31M 2007-09-10 14:16 20070908_places_and_system_theora_400k_vorbis_512x288.ogg09:47
popey-rw-r--r-- 1 popey popey 50M 2007-09-10 14:26 20070908_places_and_system_theora_400k_vorbis_768x432.ogg09:47
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popeyyeah, you're right09:47
popeywowzers, look at those file sizes09:47
spd106Does anyone download the medium one?09:48
popeytell you what though, I am staggered and amazed we haven't been asked for MOV (H.264/AAC) and AVI (MPEG4/MP3) support!09:48
popeydunno, need to get stats from canonical09:48
popeywell, from the windows weenies09:48
popeyi mean09:49
popeyand the apple ipod users09:49
spd106they're not here09:49
popeyipod video even09:49
spd106Just provide a link to ogg codecs09:49
popeyok, lets defer this item until the next meeting, we'll keep doing what we're doing, and I'll see if I can get some stats about which files are popular from the system admins09:49
popeyheh, the first screencast in the mos2007 has such a link09:50
popeyooo, speaking of which..09:50
popeywe did get a request for a "what if I am on windows, how do i view these" page09:50
popeywould be useful if someone could put together the text for such a page09:50
popeymaybe a couple of screenshots09:50
spd106Surely most people have heard of flash09:51
popeywell, yes, true09:51
spd106There's always one though09:51
popeyok, will put that on the back burner for now09:51
spd106There was that guy who asked about matroska too09:51
popeyit's low priority - only one comment09:51
popeyi don't even know if ffmpeg supports matroska09:52
spd106What's support like amongst the media players?09:52
popeywell, I was surprised that the totem auto codec download thing just worked09:52
spd106Totem plays them, but vlc choked on one I made09:52
popeyI had a copy of $TV_PROGRAMME that I wanted to watch, and totem did the business09:52
popeyback burner then :)09:53
spd106so did mplayer09:53
popeywe know ogg and flv work09:53
popeyi know the suggestion of multiple audio tracks in one video came up too09:53
popeythis could needlessly bulk up the video sizes too09:53
popeyI mean, nobody wants to download a video with 10 languages when they only "need" one do they?09:54
popeyor do they?09:54
spd106Something for the future09:54
popeythen again, do we really want to host 10 copies of the video09:54
popeyfor each of the languages09:54
spd106depends on demand really09:54
popeyok, matroska, multiple audio tracks deferred09:54
popey5 mins left, lets figure out when the next meeting will be now..09:55
spd106Fine with me09:55
spd106When are you back from hols?09:55
popeyis 8pm good or should we go back to the 4pm slot we had previously?09:55
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spd106I prefer this time to earlier09:56
popeykids go to bed at 7pm, so time for me to grab some food and a glass of vino09:56
popeyok, will shedule next meet for 24th@8pm BST09:56
popeythanks for the help Webspot spd106 RobV, much appreciated!09:56
RobVmy pleasure. :)09:57
popeyI'll update the schedule and will mail the list with the thoughts from today09:57
spd106Thanks popey09:57
popey(and now I am a fridge editor I can add my own meetings to the fridge calendar Muhahahahaahaha)09:57
RobVfirst the fridge, then world domination09:58
RobVpopey: one last question/comment from me: are videos already being categorized? I find the website hard to navigate if I'm looking for a specific screencast09:58
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popeynot much, what kind of categories would you like?10:01
popeyhttp://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/1123 woot, added already :)10:01
RobVInstallation / Administration / Networking, etc?10:01
RobVAt least, that's what I'd look for if I were looking for a samba screencast, for example10:02
popeyok, will add some extra categories10:03
popeyi haven't actually categorised any of the MoS ones10:03
popeywhich is daft :)10:03
RobVJust noticed that too :P10:04
popeywell, other than categorising for the purposes ofthe rss feeds :)10:04
popeywhich I had to do10:04
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 11 Sep 15:00 UTC: Server Team meeting | 11 Sep 19:00 UTC: Technical Board | 12 Sep 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 13 Sep 12:00 UTC: Canonical Desktop Team | 18 Sep 15:00 UTC: Kernel Team | 19 Sep 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu
=== allee [n=ach@allee.mpe.mpg.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.student.PriceChild] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== j_ack [n=j_ack@p508DB191.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== Palintheus|afk is now known as Palintheus
=== arualavi [n=Iva@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== jono [n=jono@ubuntu/member/jono] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== riot_le [n=riot@vpn1.hotsplots.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== riot_le [n=riot@vpn1.hotsplots.net] has left #ubuntu-meeting []
=== Tulroe [n=jdong@unaffiliated/tulroe] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== Tulroe [n=jdong@SIMMONS-SIX-EIGHTY-SEVEN.MIT.EDU] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 11 Sep 15:00 UTC: Server Team meeting | 11 Sep 19:00 UTC: Technical Board | 12 Sep 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 13 Sep 12:00 UTC: Desktop Team Development | 18 Sep 15:00 UTC: Kernel Team | 19 Sep 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu

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