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halcyonCorsair | i have an HP quad port server adapter that i'm using the intel e1000 driver for, but i want to try the HP driver, which only comes for RHEL3, 4, 5, or SLES9, or 10, would I be able to use any of those? | 03:33 |
kgoetz | doubtfull | 03:34 |
kgoetz | can you get source and build it yourself? | 03:34 |
halcyonCorsair | i don't know....i don't think so, but i'm investigating that | 03:34 |
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fujin_ | anyone here using Puppet? | 04:59 |
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nealmcb | fujin_: Not me. But a more specific question might elicit a response. Seriously good guide to asking questions on IRC: http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html | 05:50 |
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ivoks | grrr | 01:57 |
ivoks | /etc/network/interfaces is bad concept :/ | 01:57 |
kgoetz | :( | 01:58 |
ivoks | if you have 3-4 interfaces set up there, and if you missconfigure one, none of them will start | 01:58 |
soren | ivoks: Yeah.. Who needs network configuratino? | 01:58 |
kgoetz | ivoks: automatically | 01:58 |
soren | ivoks: You'd have to *really* misconfigure it to make that happen, surely? | 01:59 |
kgoetz | they still start if yyou ifup them dont they? | 01:59 |
ivoks | soren something like iface static lo:100 (instead of iface inet static lo:100) | 01:59 |
ivoks | that will crash whole network | 01:59 |
ivoks | and servers are 2000-3000km away :/ | 02:00 |
soren | Yeah. Maybe we could provide a wrapper around it like with sudoers or passwd to avoid that sort of thing. | 02:00 |
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kgoetz | soren: what sort of wrapper? | 02:00 |
ivoks | we should disect it to files | 02:01 |
kgoetz | that knows the syntax of every config files in the archive/? | 02:01 |
soren | kgoetz: You familiar with visudo ? | 02:01 |
ivoks | include files from conf.d | 02:01 |
kgoetz | soren: yes | 02:01 |
soren | kgoetz: Nono, just interfaces. | 02:01 |
kgoetz | hm. | 02:02 |
soren | kgoetz: Just a wrapper script you call that opens an editor and checks that you haven't b0rken your /e/n/interfaces file. | 02:02 |
kgoetz | mmm. | 02:03 |
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ivoks | we shall create blueprint for that | 02:08 |
ivoks | lol, shall... should | 02:08 |
soren | Ah... | 02:09 |
soren | I'm not sure it's possible, actually. | 02:09 |
ivoks | i think that separate files for interfaces would be easier | 02:10 |
soren | Oh, please no. | 02:11 |
ivoks | :) | 02:11 |
kgoetz | how redhat | 02:11 |
ivoks | i'm so frustrated right now, since i can't get to those servers... | 02:11 |
ivoks | kgoetz: all distributions have single file for single interface | 02:11 |
ivoks | iirc | 02:12 |
soren | http://bugs.debian.org/159884 | 02:12 |
kgoetz | ivoks: not sure i follow | 02:13 |
ivoks | you have one file with IP, interface etc... | 02:13 |
ivoks | then you have another file with another IP, interface, etc.. | 02:13 |
soren | ivoks: I don't think the syntax check would be feasible. The way the parser figures out that a new interfaces is being described is by recognising the iface lines. If it doesn't match a set list of patterns, it's considered an option to the previous interface. | 02:14 |
ivoks | then, if there is an error in second file, that error doesn't effect first file | 02:14 |
ivoks | why not? | 02:14 |
ivoks | for every file include file | 02:15 |
ivoks | ifconfig $IFACE up $ADDRR netmask $NETMASK | 02:15 |
ivoks | etc.. | 02:15 |
kgoetz | wouldnt it be better to make ifupdown support not bailing on errors? | 02:17 |
kgoetz | or reverting to last good config? | 02:17 |
soren | That's not the issue. | 02:17 |
soren | The issue is that it's impossible to tell if it's been misconfigured or it's something else that's not working properly. | 02:17 |
soren | The the syntax for interfaces is very forgiving, so it's practically impossible to detect errors in it (since it might just be someone doing something "interesting"). | 02:18 |
kgoetz | agree | 02:19 |
ivoks | i would say that much bigger problem is that mistake on one interface destroys all other | 02:22 |
soren | ivoks: That shouldn't be the case. | 02:23 |
ivoks | but it is | 02:23 |
ivoks | make a mistake in interfaces and try | 02:24 |
kgoetz | ivoks: sure it is? or have you stufffed up worse then you think | 02:24 |
ivoks | i'm sure | 02:26 |
ivoks | that already happend to me once | 02:26 |
kgoetz | i'd test it, but i dont want to loose my connectivity ;) | 02:26 |
ivoks | just add false lines | 02:31 |
ivoks | and try ifdown lo | 02:31 |
ivoks | it won't work, even if you don't do mistake with lo | 02:32 |
ivoks | $ sudo ifdown lo | 02:33 |
ivoks | /etc/network/interfaces:23: too few parameters for iface line | 02:33 |
ivoks | it works if you add: | 02:34 |
ivoks | sdgfsagr rg rg tedfrgb | 02:34 |
ivoks | but it doesn't if you add: | 02:34 |
ivoks | iface ath6 static | 02:34 |
ivoks | funny, isn't it? :) | 02:35 |
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soren | ivoks: Ah... *That* we could check. | 02:55 |
soren | ivoks: But in the real world, a more sensible solution would probably be to make vi hilight it in bright red. | 02:56 |
ivoks_ | eh, wasn't here the whole time :D | 02:56 |
ivoks_ | we should check that | 02:57 |
ivoks_ | and bring interfaces which aren't cripeld | 02:57 |
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soren | omg... Have you ever actually looked at the ifupdown code? | 03:03 |
soren | If you haven't.. don't! | 03:03 |
kgoetz | lol. | 03:03 |
kgoetz | i wont | 03:03 |
soren | I wish I hadn't. | 03:04 |
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ivoks_ | :) | 03:08 |
ivoks_ | i will :) | 03:08 |
ivoks_ | i don't want this to happen again :/ | 03:08 |
ivoks_ | so lame :( | 03:08 |
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m11 | hello all | 04:19 |
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DustWolf | where in | 04:27 |
DustWolf | ubuntu settings | 04:27 |
DustWolf | e.g. what file | 04:27 |
DustWolf | do I find the setting that makes | 04:27 |
DustWolf | ubuntu not start mysql with the --skip-networking flag? | 04:27 |
soren | DustWolf: Which version of Ubuntu? | 04:28 |
DustWolf | 6.06 LTS I think | 04:28 |
soren | You think? :) | 04:29 |
soren | Could you find out? | 04:29 |
soren | "lsb_release -cs" will tell you | 04:29 |
DustWolf | I'm quite sure | 04:29 |
DustWolf | it says edgy | 04:29 |
DustWolf | so.. ? :P | 04:30 |
DustWolf | :) | 04:30 |
soren | ...so it's probably Edgy (i.e. 6.10). | 04:30 |
mralphabet | edgy is not 6.06 LTS ;) | 04:30 |
DustWolf | sorry ;P | 04:30 |
=== mralphabet shrugs | ||
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soren | I'll just fire up my edgy vm. Hang on. | 04:31 |
=== DustWolf hangs | ||
soren | DustWolf: And you claim it's started with --skip-networking? | 04:34 |
soren | DustWolf: As in it has "--skip-networking" on the command line? | 04:34 |
mralphabet | I think he _wants_ the --skip-networking flag, IE to find the place to put it in | 04:35 |
mralphabet | I could be wrong | 04:35 |
DustWolf | yeah | 04:35 |
DustWolf | well | 04:35 |
DustWolf | I want to remove it | 04:35 |
mralphabet | ahh | 04:35 |
DustWolf | it got in durring a software upgrade I guess | 04:35 |
DustWolf | mysql 6329 0.0 1.7 127904 18000 pts/0 Sl 16:17 0:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid --skip-networking --skip-locking --port=3306 --socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock | 04:35 |
DustWolf | this is why | 04:35 |
DustWolf | I assume it's there ;P | 04:36 |
DustWolf | that's output from ps aux | 04:36 |
mralphabet | DustWolf: do you need mysql networking? | 04:37 |
DustWolf | yes | 04:37 |
DustWolf | I can configure it securely.. trust me :P | 04:37 |
DustWolf | but my php aren't very happy without being able to connect | 04:37 |
mralphabet | php on another machine? | 04:38 |
DustWolf | (and I just want to fix this... because it's downtime until I do) | 04:38 |
DustWolf | php on the same machine | 04:38 |
mralphabet | umm, okay | 04:38 |
DustWolf | and the mysql backuping apps on other machines :P | 04:38 |
mralphabet | ahh | 04:39 |
soren | DustWolf: What does 'dpkg -l mysql-server-5.0' say? | 04:39 |
DustWolf | Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold | 04:39 |
DustWolf | | Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed | 04:39 |
DustWolf | |/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad) | 04:39 |
DustWolf | ||/ Name Version Description | 04:39 |
DustWolf | +++-======================================-======================================-============================================================================================ | 04:39 |
DustWolf | ii mysql-server-5.0 5.0.24a-9ubuntu2 mysql database server binaries | 04:39 |
soren | Does 'grep -l -- --skip-networking /etc/init.d/mysql /etc/default/mysql* /usr/bin/mysqld_safe' give any result? | 04:41 |
DustWolf | # grep -l -- --skip-networking /etc/init.d/mysql /etc/default/mysql* /usr/bin/mysqld_safe | 04:41 |
DustWolf | grep: /etc/default/mysql*: No such file or directory | 04:41 |
DustWolf | erm | 04:41 |
soren | Apart from that? | 04:41 |
DustWolf | /usr/bin/mysqld_safe | 04:41 |
DustWolf | this is missing ;P | 04:41 |
DustWolf | irc stripped it | 04:41 |
soren | Missing? The file is not there? | 04:42 |
DustWolf | no | 04:42 |
DustWolf | it's there | 04:42 |
DustWolf | just got removed when I pasted ;P | 04:42 |
DustWolf | or rather.. parsed | 04:42 |
DustWolf | e.g. I got this: | 04:42 |
DustWolf | # grep -l -- --skip-networking /etc/init.d/mysql /etc/default/mysql* /usr/bin/mysqld_safe | 04:42 |
DustWolf | grep: /etc/default/mysql*: No such file or directory | 04:42 |
DustWolf | /usr/bin/mysqld_safe | 04:42 |
soren | In that case, you've edited that file. It's not a conffile and the stock one does not contain '--skip-networking' | 04:43 |
DustWolf | ok | 04:44 |
DustWolf | I'll fix it then | 04:44 |
DustWolf | and it might have been my co-admin playing smart again | 04:44 |
soren | You can find the original one at http://warma.dk/mysqld_safe | 04:45 |
DustWolf | nah I'll just let it be | 04:46 |
soren | Alright. I'll remove it from there again, then. | 04:48 |
DustWolf | :) | 04:49 |
DustWolf | thanks for the help :) | 04:49 |
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mabhobs | I have a problem with my cms. The following code is not parsed: http://test.mabhobs.de/dynimages/100/files/_galleries/gallery/design.jpg . My provider found this out http://pastebin.ca/690295 . The php code is supposed to create a resized image of the original image, this also why there are no thumbnails ( http://test.mabhobs.de ). Does anybody have an idea why this is the case? (I think it is a FastCGI problem.) | 05:01 |
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roadkill | man why dose digg.com make my system jump to max cpu usage | 09:08 |
roadkill | constant, | 09:09 |
mralphabet | all the ajax? | 09:11 |
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roadkill | i dunno it work fine this morning i havnt installed anything since | 09:19 |
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roadkill_ | anyone here know electronics stuff, i have a part i've got a question about | 09:38 |
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=== lamont giggles at #135393 and adds a comment to it | ||
mathiaz | lamont: about bug 135393, what is the security view of it ? | 10:12 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 135393 in bind9 "init.d-script uses control channel instead of signals" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135393 | 10:12 |
mathiaz | lamont: is the control interface opened to anyone by default ? | 10:13 |
lamont | mathiaz: root and/or the user bind, depending | 10:13 |
mathiaz | lamont: the reporter said that most of the user disable rndc by default. | 10:14 |
lamont | yeah, well. if you choose to modify your config away from doing it the right way, then you can modify init.d too. | 10:14 |
mathiaz | lamont: I was wondering if the control channel would only listen to localhost | 10:15 |
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lamont | and I doubt that 'most' is anywhere near accurate | 10:15 |
mathiaz | lamont: agreed. | 10:15 |
lamont | mathiaz: well... | 10:17 |
lamont | anyone on localhost can talk to the control port. and if you have read access to /etc/bind/rndc.key (or can otherwise get the key), then you can tell it to do stuff | 10:18 |
lamont | default is to listen on lo only | 10:18 |
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mathiaz | lamont: ok I see.. Thanks. | 10:19 |
lamont | (and yes, I had to go looking...) | 10:20 |
lamont | bug 82178: I 'm inclined to just not deliver *idn* | 10:21 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 82178 in bind9 "idnconv manual page exists, but no binary" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82178 | 10:21 |
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lamont | manpages that is, we already don't deliver the binary | 10:21 |
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