
PKdoRcan some one help me with the workspaces rotation?12:04
qetuRi cant get my xmms and xmms-scrobbler to send the info12:04
SlartEvanlec: well.. on the serious side.. it runs ok.. I get about 10 fps in some really bad spots (the arena for example) but up to 60 fps in dungeons.. medium bling bling, medium textures12:04
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Jowiafief, any luck with that samsung driver?12:04
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teimuis it possible to start a process on another screen from the terminal? screen as in :0, :1, and so forth12:04
SlartEvanlec: that's running it on my AMD 64x2 6000+ with 2GB and a 8800 GTX12:05
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PKdoRthats a similar setup to mine12:05
elbastardowhat is the current kernel for ubuntu ?12:05
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EvanlecSlart, oh my, i just got a 8800 gts, was playin with it in windows earlier12:06
Slartelbastardo:  2.6.20-16 for feisty I think12:06
Evanlecoblivion i mean12:06
PKdoRill tel you guys that games and work are the only reason i'll be keeping my winblows around12:06
elbastardoSlart: thanx12:06
BalsusCould some one have a look at this problem please. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37056/12:06
EvanlecSlart, did u try running it in windows?12:06
elbastardoSlart: do you happen to know hte current kernel for vanilla-sources12:06
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BalsusUbotu as mentioned http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37056/12:07
SlartEvanlec: I got roughly the same numbers playing it on a 7900 gtx with a slightly slower processor too.. I think there's something ugly in the shader-department.. something just doesn't translate right to opengl shaders or something.. I don't think it's gpu bound12:07
Slartelbastardo: I have no idea, sorry12:07
YendorWhy is my Knetworkmanager telling me Knetworkmanager not working?! all my drivers are installed correctly...what is the problem, how can I solve it please?12:07
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askandAnyone experienced ugly white spaces under panels wirh compiz fusion..=12:07
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Nighthawk420_hey ask12:08
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maxgomesHi guys, Im having trouble with my sound card, ..., it is a Realtek high Definition Audio. Its builted on a Toshiba A 135. Can someone help me? Thanks.12:08
Nighthawk420_askand #compiz-fusion12:08
EvanlecSlart, yea i guess im not all that suprised12:08
SlartEvanlec: nope.. haven't booted into windows for a looong time.. but I'm guessing I get about half the performance or worse compared to the linux-wine version12:08
joshua__anyone got success installing broadcom airforce wlan cards?12:08
Jowi!effects | askand12:08
ubotuaskand: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects12:08
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YendorATTENTION: Why is my Knetworkmanager telling me Knetworkmanager not working?! all my drivers are installed correctly...what is the problem, how can I solve it please?12:08
erUSULBalsus: sorry, no clue (there is no obvious error msg either)12:08
EvanlecSlart, what do u mean compared to the linux-wine version?12:08
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Balsuswell thanks for having a look12:09
erUSULelbastardo: current kernel in feisty is ubuntu's 2.6.2012:09
djtigerwolfdoes anyone know how to copy msttcorefonts to wine?12:09
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SlartEvanlec: windows version would perhaps give me double the performance compared to running it using linux/wine12:09
Evanlecokay yea12:09
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elbastardothanx guys12:09
elbastardonow i have a diff q12:10
loca|hosthow can i block p2p traffic with iptables ?12:10
elzbalBalsus: It looked like it was a normal installation, nothing there to troubleshoot.12:10
chaelot|homeHi, I just followed a "howto" on the Ubuntu forum on how to install and set up vnc on my computer - it all seems to work, but when i execute the command "vncviewer localhost:1" to check that it actually works on my machine, it doesn't seem to launch the GDM login session. Can anyone point me in the right direction?12:10
elbastardoi have a MacBook and thinking of installing ubuntu , i was told that older version of kernel wont be good for my laptop "battery life"12:10
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elbastardois the current kernel for ubuntu safe for a mac laptop12:11
elbastardoi mean for battery12:11
maxgomesHi guys, Im having trouble with my sound card, ..., it is a Realtek high Definition Audio. Its builted on a Toshiba A 135. Can someone help me? Thanks.12:11
chief!sound | maxgomes12:11
ubotumaxgomes: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:11
Jack_SparrowYendor: You might get a better response in Kubuntu12:11
JeevesMosshey everyone!!!!12:11
YendorAhoy.. I am there :)12:12
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JeevesMosscan I get a hand to install/configure ProFTPd?12:12
maxgomesthanks for your help.12:12
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chiefJeevesMoss: look this over: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/settingup-an-ftp-server-on-ubuntu-with-proftpd.html12:13
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erUSULelbastardo: dunno, i do not have a mac (neither a laptop)12:13
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JeevesMosschief:  oohhhhh, thanks.  now I've got somewhere to start12:13
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elbastardoerUSUL: as far as i was told the newer version or kernel are pretty darn good , just not sure about Ubuntus kernel , it might be even better i do not know12:14
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chaelot|homeis there anyone here that might know why my GDM login session doesn't start when i try to login to my newly setup Xvnc ?12:14
elbastardoi mean the battery life is excelent ;-)12:14
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maxgomesone question more... to beryl work well is needed to have a 3d card accelerator?12:15
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StwangeScunizi, thanks for the help, that worked. Is there any chance you could paste your instructions again so I can make a note of them (in case of re-install)12:15
erUSULelbastardo: you can install gutsy kernel (2.6.22) on feisty if you like or jus wait untill october and install gutsy12:15
gnutronchaelot|home - checkout X11 forwarding...maybe.12:15
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JavidOK, how do I make apt aware that I have firefox? I installed from a non-repos source and really don't want to mess with it12:15
thejoeanyone have problems getting an ati radeon 9500 runnin' w/ compiz ??12:16
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someone2005Whats Grub ?12:16
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chief!grub | someone200512:16
ubotusomeone2005: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:16
kbrosnanJavid: you should still update the repo version as there are other programs that depend on firefox12:16
gnutrongrand unified boot-loader = GRUB12:16
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Javidkbrosnan, the repos doesn't have 1.5, which I use12:17
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chaelot|homegnutron: thank you, where do i look up on that ? in the start of this howto i followed on the ubuntu forum it says that i need to go to System -> Administrator -> Login Screen Setup and choose the Security Tab + Enable XDCMP <-- this part cannot be followed in my ubuntu as there is no "Enable XDCMP" switch in the security tab12:17
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tibihchaelot|home: you have to allow remote connection first12:18
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chaelot|hometibih: sounds reasonable, so I did - but still cannot see any trace of the XDCMP thingy in there :(12:18
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killjdeadoops, sory12:18
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Ademanhow is abit mobo support?12:19
gnutronchaelot|home - look in /etc/X11/12:19
kbrosnanJavid: yes you just keep your install seperate from the repos one12:19
pineanyone use mocp ??12:20
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pineits an ncurse base music player12:20
killjdeadquick ?: i am seeing alot on forums how to enable cpu freq/power save but not how to disable. how do you disbale it properly so the cpu runs at full speed?12:20
chaelot|homegnutron: thank you, i will try to figure this out one way or the other :)12:20
chaelot|hometibih: thank you as well :)12:20
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tibihchaelot|home: in the login tab, enable remote login12:20
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gnutronchaelot|home - welcome12:21
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Javidkbrosnan, I didn't know I could do that12:21
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Javidkbrosnan, it won't overwrite anything?12:21
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RxDxplease, what do you guys think that are the best MSN client?12:22
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JavidRxDx, amsn12:22
tibihchaelot|home:  sorry it's in the remote tab, choose "same as local"12:22
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RxDxJavid, thanks12:22
CaBlGuYhavin issues with ktorrent..  any help me?12:23
tibihRxDx: I use Gaim12:23
JavidI used to use gaim until I realized there were much better options :p12:23
RxDxso.. i think that aMSN is too slow and Gaim doesnt has all functions12:23
RxDxlike webcam12:23
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Javiddo apt-cache search msn then12:24
kbrosnanJavid: just install it to /opt or /usr/local or other dir12:24
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JavidI have no idea how to do that12:24
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tibihRxDx: That's why I like Gaim: no wizz, nudge or webcam :)12:24
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StwangeI'm having trouble installing the flash plugin, I've read something about nspluginwrapper?12:24
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CaBlGuYwell, I was..  until I just upgraded to 2.2.1 ..  now seems to be running fine..12:25
VWJ1bnR1Say guys, whenever I try to configure my modem, I get an error message that says "Modem is Busy."  I have the modem link directed to a TTYS#, but nothing works.12:25
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VWJ1bnR1Wait, why did the last half of my message come out?12:26
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djtigerwolfhow do i get msfonts into wine?12:26
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ScuniziStwange: sorry.. been doing other things..  from the command line do a "sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base".. In the file that opens add the line "options snd-hda-intel model=3stack"... save then sudo /etc/init.d/alsa restart.12:27
seraph47high-freq, is there a way to format my external fat32 hdd to ntfs w/o using gparted?12:27
StwangeScunizi, no worries man, thanks a lot for the help12:27
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gnutronStwange - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash?action=show&redirect=Flash12:27
ScuniziStwange: np :)12:27
BalsusI have gone this far on installing vmware tools and i get this What is the directory that contains the init directories (rc0.d/ to rc6.d/)?12:27
Balsus[/etc] 12:27
VWJ1bnR1Say guys, whenever I try to configure my modem, I get an error message that says "Modem is Busy."12:27
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tibihBalsus: just press enter the defaults are fine12:27
VWJ1bnR1What does that usually mean?12:27
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ScuniziVWJ1bnR1: cable "modem" or dial up modem?12:28
Stwangegnutron, sorry I should have mentioned, I need the 64 bit plugin12:28
IgorSobreirahi all...ive installed 7.10 but after upgrade the system it doens't even show the login window....all black...12:28
IgorSobreiraanybody could help me?12:29
gnutronStwange - me too, its there, one sec12:29
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Balsusthanks tibih   I am such a muppet12:29
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chiefIgorSobreira: #ubuntu+1 is for Gutsy support12:29
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Stwangegnutron,  I think i might have found it, cheers12:29
kbrosnanJavid: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion12:29
P-KOn my laptop I am using feisty and my 3945abg wireless card. On the network icon it doesnt show the signal strength. Is there something else I need to start?12:29
VWJ1bnR1Scunizi: I'm sorry: I don't know what you mean.  I think it's dial-up.12:29
gnutronStwange - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins?action=show&redirect=FirefoxAMD64FlashJava12:29
gnutronStwange - it works great.12:29
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VWJ1bnR1Scunizi: Is it a compatability issue?12:30
Stwangegnutron, it tells me to download firefox, do I really need to uninstall it and reinstall the 32 bit version, or is this just if you don't already have firefox?12:30
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gnutronStwange - yes you must. the 64 bit will not work.12:30
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Stwangeaight cheers12:30
ambrose_hey wen i try to  ./configure a tar.gz file its says no zlib found  maybe its cuz i didnt download zlib?12:30
gnutronStwange - no un-installing anything.12:31
ambrose_any help on that fellow ubuntuers12:31
ScuniziVWJ1bnR1: well is it the modem that provides the internet to your computer? or are you going to use it for faxing via a normal phone line?12:31
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kravlinis a link just the same as a shortcut in windows? Cause i have a folder that's used in several different instances and i only want the folder to occur once (less waste of disk space)12:31
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gnutronambrose_ tar -zxf file.tar.gz12:31
Stwangegnutron, I wish I'd read that a second ago12:31
ambrose_ur missing the v12:31
tibihkravlin: no they are different12:31
gnutronv isnt required but its cool. i think.12:32
ambrose_lol and i extracted but wen i try to ./configure it says no zlib found12:32
kravlintibih: so if i have a link to a folder in place of a folder would it work?12:32
kravlinor what's up with that?12:32
rambo3!find zlib12:32
tibihkravlin: yes it will12:32
kravlintibih: Nice! Thanks!12:32
gnutronambrose_ try apt-get install build-essential first, possibly.12:32
ubotuFound: libcompress-zlib-perl, libio-zlib-perl, libruby1.8, zlib1g, zlib1g-dev (and 4 others)12:32
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ambrose_yea i already did that ima recheck stay online12:33
ambrose_ohh and thx12:33
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VWJ1bnR1Scunizi: I'm going to use it as an Internet connection to my computer.12:33
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kravlintibih: so what's the difference besides that? Is there a definition or something?12:34
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IgorSobreirais possible to install somthing in live cd? just to try before install the system...(i wanna install the madwifi module..for my wireless)12:34
VWJ1bnR1Scunizi: I should probably mention I was using KPPP.12:34
ScuniziVWJ1bnR1: so will it have to dial a number or does a cable tv type wire screw into the back of it?12:34
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CoasterMasterIgorSobreira: yes, you can install anything that doesn't require a restart (I'm not sure if installing madwifi does or not)12:34
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tibihkravlin: there is two kind of link: hard and soft12:34
ScuniziVWJ1bnR1: ah.. sounds like DSL.. is that right?12:34
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VWJ1bnR1Scunizi: It will have to dial a number.12:34
Ademanhey i've got a friend who's trying to use ubuntu, but he says the liveCD crashes right after the progress bar completes.  he's got a geforce 8800 gts.  His monitor says no signal detected after that point.  Is there any sort of fix for this?  I'm kind of wondering if it's the mobo since only xorg would crash if, for instance the nv driver doesn't support the 8800 series (which we know it doesnt)12:35
kravlintibih: ok.12:35
tibihkravlin: I allways use soft link (ln -s)12:35
VWJ1bnR1Scunizi: Please don't take this the wrong way, but why are you asking me all these questions?12:35
IgorSobreiraCoasterMaster: hum..ok..but i guess madwifi needs to restart... :T12:35
ambrose_ok yea i already installed it12:35
kravlintibih: and the difference between hard and soft?12:36
tibihkravlin: But i dont really what are the diffence, google can provide you with more detailed answers than me :)12:36
ambrose_did any 1 installed zlib to compile12:36
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gnutronkravlin - a happy gf. :)12:36
kravlingnutron: lol12:36
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kravlinguntron: I figured someone was gonna say something like that.12:36
ScuniziVWJ1bnR1: to determine the right kind of answers for your problem.. You didn't give enough info in the beginning to make any judgements.  There's a big difference between a DSL "modem" and a standard die-in-the-woll modem typically used for faxing.  If it's DSL, sorry I can't help.12:37
gnutronkravlin - my bad, offtopic...sorry :)12:37
kravlingnutron: Hey. Its amusing. You get points for that.12:37
P-Kwhat connection manager does everyone else use?12:37
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Stwangegnutron, I uninstalled 64 bit firefox (I know you told me not to, I just got it a bit late), followed all the instructions, closed firefox, typed firefox32 & and got: james@blackweb:~/Desktop/firefox$ Cannot execute /usr/local/firefox32/firefox: No such file or directory - and now I don't have a browser to check the instructions :)12:38
Stwangeany idea?12:38
tibihkravlin: more at http://linuxgazette.net/105/pitcher.html12:38
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wooooooshambrose_,  you generally just need build-essential to compile12:38
ShiftyPowersanyone having issues with sudo apt-get update?12:38
ShiftyPowersservers are down?12:38
XeroAfter updating nvidia-glx I get a white screen bug. Can I have some help?12:39
VWJ1bnR1I don't think it's DSL, but then again, I'm not sure.12:39
gnutronStwange - you need to mv /your/firefoxinstall to /usr/localfirefox3212:39
kravlintibih: thanks for the link12:39
ambrose_does it activate by itself wooosh12:39
VWJ1bnR1Scunizi: I don't think it's DSL, but then again, I'm not sure.12:39
ikoni need to know how the hell can i see the listening port of my postgreSQL with nmap12:39
gnutronStwange - you need to mv /your/firefoxinstall to /usr/local/firefox32  read the directions carefully.12:39
XeroPLEASE help. I'm very impatient and have been waiting for hours (leaving off and on)12:39
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ScuniziVWJ1bnR1: there in lies the problem.  difficult to fix when the item is a mystery.12:39
kravlintibih: i'm running a series of Counterstrike (A game) servers and i want one maps file. There's no reason to have a file for each server.12:39
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ambrose_becuz i installed it and tryed to comppile and it said no zlib found12:40
JeevesMossok, I have ProFTPd installed, how do I configure users and directories they can access?12:40
tibihkravlin: so soft link enable you to share the map directory across servers12:40
Stwangegnutron, thanks, I think I remember reading a forgetting that (not that I can check lol) so just move the /Desktop/firefox to /usr/local/firefox32 (as in, the folder I downloaded)?12:40
VWJ1bnR1Scunizi: Can we assume I don't have DSL?12:40
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wooooooshambrose_,  did you do tar xzfv on the tar ?12:40
gnutronStwange - correct12:41
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kravlinyeah. But i need it to think its still in the same directory.12:41
ambrose_i thought it was tar -zxvf12:41
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Jack_SparrowVWJ1bnR1: Find the modem by going to a terminal and typing dmesg | grep ttyS12:41
wooooooshambrose_, if one doesnt work use the other :o12:41
ikonhow can i see the listening port of my postgreSQL with nmap?12:41
Stwangegnutron, there's already a file /usr/local/firefox32 (not a folder, a file), does this matter?12:42
VWJ1bnR1Jack_Sparrow: Nothin' on ttyS.12:42
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gnutronJeevesMoss - use the proftp.conf, probably in /etc/proftp.conf file. filename may vary.12:42
wooooooshShiftyPowers, update is working fine for me12:42
JeevesMossanyone?  adding users to a ProFTP server?12:42
ShiftyPowerswoooooosh, yeah working fine now12:43
Jack_SparrowVWJ1bnR1: So if it is a dial up modem it isnt on a standard port12:43
VWJ1bnR1Jack_Sparrow: or does dmesg start from bootup?12:43
gnutronVWJ1bnR1 - dmesg is created every boot12:43
VWJ1bnR1Because I turned off my computer after trying the modem.12:43
Jack_SparrowVWJ1bnR1: YOu run that command from terminal...12:44
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ambrose_creating cache ./config.cache12:44
ambrose_checking for non-GNU ld... /usr/bin/ld12:44
ambrose_checking if the linker (/usr/bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes12:44
ambrose_checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c12:44
ambrose_checking whether build environment is sane... yes12:44
ambrose_checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... yes12:44
ambrose_checking for working aclocal... missing12:44
ambrose_checking for working autoconf... missing12:44
ambrose_checking for working automake... missing12:44
ambrose_checking for working autoheader... missing12:44
ambrose_checking for working makeinfo... missing12:44
Jack_Sparrowambrose_: Please use the pastebin..12:44
ambrose_checking for strerror in -lcposix... no12:44
Pici!paste | ambrose_12:44
ubotuambrose_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:44
ambrose_checking for gcc... gcc12:44
ambrose_checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works... yes12:45
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici12:45
ambrose_checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) is a cross-compiler... no12:45
ambrose_checking whether we are using GNU C... yes12:45
ambrose_checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes12:45
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elzbalStwange: I showed up late to the conversation, but just to add my 2 cents... I assume you're trying to get Flash working on Firefox for 64-bit Ubuntu? I installed Flash on my 64-bit Firefox using nspluginwrapper. It works fine. Forum post here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47692412:45
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Jack_SparrowThanks TOny12:45
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tomawYAY FOR LAG12:45
elzbalStwange: Sorry if I'm off-topic. Like I said, I joined the conversation late.  :(12:45
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gnutronelzbal - thanks for that tip :)12:45
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Ubuntui found out what was causing the white screen12:46
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Ubuntuit was the option gart size12:46
Stwangeelzbal, thanks, I'm having trouble with the 32 bit (because I followed the instructions wrong, and uninstalled the 64 bit so I couldn't check them), I'll try that thanks12:46
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stshello folks. where do i get deb-make from?12:46
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Picis: debmake is in the repos12:47
Picists: see above.12:47
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ZilphanaelI'm trying to patch Wine, what directory should I be patching to?12:47
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Ubuntuim about to install some drivers for my ati,which ones are better12:48
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Jack_SparrowZilphanael: ./wine normally but the patch should have instructions where you got it12:48
Ubuntufglrx or ati ?12:48
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ambrose_did sum 1 kick me12:48
Stwangeelzbal, thanks that did the trick12:48
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PriceChild!paste | ambrose_12:48
ubotuambrose_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:48
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ambrose_mybad i didnt know12:48
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ambrose_i read the the thingy juss now12:49
tonyyarussoambrose_: It's in the channel topic.12:49
stsPici: this doesn't inlcude deb-make, which is needed for perl's DPKG::Make12:49
elzbalStwange: No problem. Best of all was that Konqueror picked up nspluginwrapper too, and is also able to play YouTube videos.  :)12:49
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ambrose_wats in the channel topic12:49
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tonyyarussoambrose_: "Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org"12:49
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elzbalStwange: (I don't spend much time on YouTube, but it's a good solid test of Flash.  :)12:49
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jmirror<Dravas> oh shi12:50
jmirror<Nima> :)12:50
jmirror<Dravas> i want ops12:50
jmirror<Nima> you can't ge tit12:50
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Pici!ot | jmirror12:50
ubotujmirror: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:50
jmirror<Nima> get it*12:50
=== rathel [n=rathel@c-24-9-186-226.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
JeevesMosscan someone help me add a FTP only user to my system?12:51
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jmirror<Nima> Ahadie died12:51
jmirror<Nima> :\12:51
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ambrose_ok its posted12:51
FFForeverhow can i iso a cd?12:51
Picists: Does dh-make-perl look like the right package?12:51
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jmirror<Ahadiel/idn> WHAt12:52
jmirror<Ahadiel/idn> IS THE PROBLEM12:52
stsPici: no. this generates deb from perl packages. so to distribute them. there is a cpan module called DPKG::Make which requires deb-make12:52
enoj_Hi guys. When I try to chose screen resolution, I can only choose between 1024x768, 800x600 and 640x480. I want 1280x1024. Why can't i choose that one? I tried dpkg-reconfigure on xorg-server with -phigh option and chose 1280, but didn;t change anything ..12:52
ScuniziFFForever: right click the icon for the cd you want to create the iso of and say copy, change options to file and go.12:52
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FFForeverthanks Scunizi :)12:53
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techjimboany idea why flash is playing slowly and hogging resources on my ubuntu and my separate suse desktop??12:53
ubotulaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's Bounty and Bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/12:53
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=== Chuck42 is now known as d4rkmonkey
jmirror<Nima> Jordan, don't die plz12:54
jmirror<Nima> lol.12:54
jmirror<Dravas> yeah12:54
jmirror<Dravas> lol12:54
ScuniziFFForever: np12:54
Jack_Sparrowjmirror: Please stop.... This is a help channel...12:54
Stwangegnutron, thanks for the help anyway, it was my fault it didn't work :)12:54
jmirror<Jordan> what happened nima12:54
Pici!ops | jmirror12:54
ubotujmirror: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici12:54
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PriceChildhehe... paste paste12:54
jmirror<Nima> hm12:54
jmirror<Dravas> Jack_Sparrow jmirror is a relay bot12:54
jmirror<Nima> interesting12:54
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jmirror<Nima> Pici, jmirror is a bot12:55
jmirror<Nima> it's a clientlink12:55
jmirror<Nima> we're talking to you from another network12:55
jmirror<Nima> through this bot12:55
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=== Pici waves
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PriceChildPici, pm please12:55
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techjimboany idea why flash is playing slowly and hogging resources on my ubuntu and my separate suse desktop??12:57
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OrangeMonkeyAny one know where apache2 puts httpd12:57
OrangeMonkeyI'm configuring webmin12:57
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CoasterMasterOrangeMonkey, I think /var/www, but I'm not positive12:58
PriceChildOrangeMonkey, /etc/apache2 i think12:59
iTG`NeatcheeHi everyone.  I'm getting a segfault in libc.so.6 when I try to run gnome-keybinding-properties.  I've tried doing a backtrace but I've been unable to find the proper debugging symbols for gnome-control-center.  Any help would be appreciated12:59
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OrangeMonkeyya but that httpd.conf12:59
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OrangeMonkeyis that the same thing12:59
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TUWmzuverink: can I talk to you?12:59
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gnutronOrangeMonkey - in /etc/apache2/default or close to that12:59
enoj_Nobody knows how to be able to set a different resolution than the alternatives displayed in System -> Prefs -> Screen resolution_12:59
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TUWAhadiel, D:01:00
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PriceChild!fixres | enoj_01:00
ubotuenoj_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:00
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iTG`Neatcheeenoj: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:00
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AsukaCould someone please direct me to the link about increasing your screen resolution?01:00
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:00
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Scunizienoj_: that is done in /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:00
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Kinjin/who kinjin01:01
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Stwangecan anyone tell me why my wireless won't connect to the router? It's a D-Link Airplus DWL-520+, and it is detected and it detects the router, but it never connects (it tries for about 30 seconds, then connects to wired instead). There is no encryption/key/any security on this router (I removed it all in case that was the problem). Any ideas?01:01
iTG`NeatcheeHi everyone.  I'm getting a segfault in libc.so.6 when I try to run gnome-keybinding-properties.  I've tried doing a backtrace but I've been unable to find the proper debugging symbols for gnome-control-center.  Any help would be appreciated01:01
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OrangeMonkeywow I can not find this file01:01
enoj_Scunizi, Jack_Sparrow, iTG`Neatchee: thanks01:01
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tarelerulzI got computer with No monitor and keyboard would it be hard to set that computer up so I could control it remotly  so I could use it as file sever and store at ?01:03
OrangeMonkeyall you need it ssh01:03
OrangeMonkeyis there anything one it01:03
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adam__need simpsons season01:03
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adam__where can i get the simpsons seasons01:04
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Jack_Sparrowadam__:  Wrong channel.. this is a help room01:04
Pici!piracy > adam__ (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)01:04
d4rkmonkeyadam__ repeating your question won't get you an answer.01:04
CoasterMasteradam__, from Best Buy or something01:04
nikolamtarelerulz: piece of cake. Control remotely throught ssh console and even start X-windows remotely with applications running on machine with no monitor :)01:04
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neverbluei believe its a taunt ppl01:05
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SpudDoggdoes anyone know if banshee is better/less buggy than rhythmbox?01:05
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Slarttarelerulz: it will simplify things if you can hook up a monitor and a keyboard to configure it.. but after that ssh and vnc will enable you to use it without monitor/keyboard01:05
d4rkmonkeySpudDogg I don't think so, Amarok works well though.01:05
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Jack_Sparrowtarelerulz: You can also look into kvm switches, I control multiple machines with one monitor using hot keys01:06
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=== Norris43 is now known as d4rkmonkey
Asukai opened up sudo nano /ect/x11/xorg.conf and its just an empty screen surrounded by a title bar at the top and options at the bottom01:06
Asukais it supposed to look like that?01:06
Jack_SparrowAsuka: Cap X01:06
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PiciAsuka: /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:07
SpudDoggd4rkmonkey: can you add/remove songs on an ipod with amarok?01:07
SkryptOff topic: PM me if you'll send me a demonoid invite, please. :)01:07
Asukaoh, and i write that in terminal, right?01:07
PiciAsuka: yes.01:07
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CoasterMaster!warez > Skrypt01:07
Asukait says permission denied01:07
Slartisn't there a keyword for remote operation..01:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about remote - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:07
d4rkmonkeySpudDogg I think so, but I don't know how it works, I run rockbox on my ipod, and my library is in .ogg so I don't really use a program to transfer songs01:08
AsukaI'm the admin for this computer though...01:08
tagis it just me or is swing/etc in java-6 buggy as crap?01:08
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SkryptCoasterMaster:  Thanks!01:08
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Jack_Sparrowsudo nano /ect/X11/xorg.conf01:08
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SpudDoggd4rkmonkey: ok, thanks01:08
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habQUESTION: The driver sources that AMD/ATI will release will also affect my poor ATI 9600XT?01:08
iTG`NeatcheeHi everyone.  I'm getting a segfault in libc.so.6 when I try to run gnome-keybinding-properties.  I've tried doing a backtrace but I've been unable to find the proper debugging symbols for gnome-control-center.  Any help would be appreciated01:08
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leftyrightyhow do I set 1440X900 Resolution?01:08
tarelerulzJack_sparrow , I have try I have try controlling like that before and the one thing that don't seem to work is the name of the computer I all ways have to use its ip . how would I set it up for name rather then an ip01:08
SkryptCoasterMaster: I asked about Demonoid you self righteous wank. Not about warez. Not about MP3s. Not about illegal movies. But, how kind of you anyways.01:08
Slarthab: I think you'll be better off asking AMD/ATI that..01:09
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CoasterMasterSkyrpt: either way, it's not for discussing here....01:09
someone2005to get the kernel version what do I type ?01:09
habSlart: You mean that the kind of info I ask for are not currently available?01:09
bunganyone here have any problem getting their ipw2100 (or whatever built in wireless driver for 2100s ubuntu uses) working with WPA ??01:09
habSkrypt: language and the rest..01:09
habor maybe not.. I don't really care.01:10
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nikolamhab: hopely not. I don know reely but I think that 9200/9600 is well supported now01:10
ponchohow do i get compiz fusion and devilspie to work with each other, can someone point me in the right direction01:10
Slarthab: I've just heard them say that "we will get better at linux drivers..mumble mumble open source mumble mumble"01:10
Skrypthab: wank offends you?01:10
Jack_Sparrowtarelerulz: kvm has nothing to do with that... it is like a completly sep box.. just sharing the monitor and key and mouse01:10
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PKdoRcan i use my hotmail with evolution mail?01:10
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IsleVeganaloha :-) any folks know how to make permanent the changes enacted by the command: "sudo iwconfig wlan0 power on" ? right now, it resets to power management off upon reboot01:10
habSkrypt: Not at all.. actually... I'll go right now..nvm01:10
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habSlart: I see.01:10
Jack_SparrowPKdoR: It should work on any pop enabled account01:10
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tarelerulzJack_sparrow , I understand  that ,but I was asking about the name thing becuase I have never gotten that  work and I an wanted to know what I could do .01:11
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Jack_Sparrowtarelerulz: I dont understand the question....01:11
tripte1what's the command to start xterm in specified dir like "xterm -gotodir=/foobar" and an xterm would start with /fubar as pwd...???01:12
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habtripte1: as pwd?01:12
Zampaktuhi, i have a problem with gnome on feisty, when i log in nothing happens, i only see the brown background. i when i ran it in safe mode it works fine, does any idea?01:12
habAw, as pwd.01:12
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tripte1qwd then01:12
tarelerulzThe vnc says the computer should have a name ,but when I try use the name like tareleulz_computer:1 I don't get any thing . I all ways have to use it ip01:12
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habtripte1: Not really the best way but: xterm -e cd /foobar , would do it.01:13
leftyrightyanyone know how to set ubuntu for a higher resolution? I'm stuck at 1024X76801:13
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tripte1hab, I want to start it from thunar01:13
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Jack_Sparrowtarelerulz: vnc is not the same as kvm...01:14
askandAnd can I somehow make the video follow the movement of the cube in compiz..now the video isnt "3d"01:14
habdunno what thunar is.01:14
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Scunizileftyrighty: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and set your perameters there.01:14
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sgtmattbakerI think thunar is a file manager01:14
Jack_Sparrowhab: thunar is a lightweight file manager..like nautilus01:14
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marmerhy all, is it possible to remove all pachages that are not installed but lay in hard disk? Synaptic>Status>Not installed    I need these?01:14
Jack_Sparrowhab: butnot as bloated01:14
aryr100hello all01:14
Evanlechow do i tell what kernel version i hve?01:14
Scunizileftyrighty: then you have to sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart01:14
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habI see, sorry not a GNOME guy. Dolphin does it for me.01:14
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kernel-version - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:14
tarelerulzJack_sparrow , I understand that just asking about why  the name vnc give you not work . anyone know01:14
tripte1hab: yeah, xfce's file manager01:15
ZampaktuEvanlec: uname -r01:15
aryr100got alittle problem01:15
habAw well, tripte1 try: xterm -e thunar /foobar01:15
sgtmattbakerI like Windows explorer for my fm :p01:15
gnutronEvanlec - in a terminal type uname -a01:15
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aryr100delated the bottom bar then readded it but firefox does not min to it ?01:15
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d4rkmonkeysgtmattbaker ... why?01:15
habIs there a package for the flash plugin. Bored going to the macromedia site D:01:15
Flannel!flash | hab01:16
ubotuhab: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash01:16
d4rkmonkeyhab flash-plugin-nonfree I believe01:16
Zampaktuanybody knows how to fix a screwed up gnome session, nothing happens when i log in now.01:16
sgtmattbakerI was being sarcastic01:16
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Evanlecis it cool to update gnome desktop in ubuntu or is that not worth the trouble?01:16
habwith a k01:16
d4rkmonkeysgtmattbaker sarcasm doesn't transfer well over IRC.01:16
tripte1hab: no, it's when I'm in thunar and like to get a xterm from the same dir...01:16
leftyrightyhab: automatix is so much easier01:16
gnutronEvanlec - or, in a terminal type 'cat /proc/version'01:16
habtripte1: Aw sorry, no idea then.01:16
d4rkmonkeyhab automatix is so much worse01:16
ubotuAutomatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)01:16
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d4rkmonkeyNone that fails and breaks system part.01:16
habI prefer to not use automatix01:16
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leftyrightyoh ok01:16
habI don't have bad experiences with it, but I just prefer to not use it.01:17
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nikolamHey, anyone using 2.6.20-16 in 7.04? I switched back to 2.6.20.-15 afte some problems. Is it Ok for security?01:17
Scunizid4rkmonkey: if you're planning on upgrading to Gutsy you might reconsider.01:17
sgtmattbakerautomatix isn't that bad...01:17
d4rkmonkeyScunizi ... I'm already on gutsy?01:17
Scunizid4rkmonkey: oh... well if someone used automatix then upgraded it typically causes some issues.01:17
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aryr100anybody know how to reset the bottem panel bar ?01:18
d4rkmonkeyScunizi yeah I know, I said automatix is much worse...01:18
Zampaktuhow can i make gnome safe mode my default session on the gdm login window?01:18
leftyrightySynaptic and things like automatix are why linux is better than windows for handling software installation. None of those annoying wizards.01:18
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Flannelleftyrighty: Automatix is a good way to make Ubuntu behave like windows -- crashing often and unstable.01:19
wyckedHi everybody, I have a trouble with juK, can someone help me please ? :s01:19
hableftyrighty: Well, synaptic is surely not the reason that Linux is better than Windows, if it is.01:19
Evanlecis it possible to update gnome-desktop through a package manager in ubuntu??01:19
FlannelEvanlec: Update to what?01:19
Evanlecversion 2.801:19
Picileftyrighty: Automatix is NOT good, read http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html for some reasons why.01:19
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StavrosHow can I make dmraid recognize my array?01:20
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StavrosIt's saying device-mapper target type "raid45" not in kernel01:20
JavidOK, how do I make apt aware that I have firefox? I installed from a non-repos source and really don't want to mess with it01:20
FlannelEvanlec: 2.8?  What version of ubuntu are you running?01:20
d4rkmonkeyJavid why did you install from non-repos?01:20
gnewsensicali boot gnewsense(==ubuntu) and it frantically transfers something over the internet - then i get a list of software updates available. good. no problem. but how do i ensure that nothing else is getting transferred?01:20
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JavidBecause the repos only has 2.0, and 2.0 sucks [gherkin] 01:20
elzbalJavid: apt-get unmarkauto01:20
d4rkmonkeyJavid and I think it automatically becomes aware if you use a .deb package, or else it... doesn't.01:20
EvanlecFlannel, Feisty01:21
Flannel!caps | danyboy01:21
ubotudanyboy: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.01:21
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d4rkmonkey!caps | danyboy01:21
Javid!caps > danyboy01:21
Picignewsensical: Its probably just getting your updates (aka, apt-get update)01:21
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gnewsensicalPici: ok01:21
Javidbacon@sporkwieldingferret:~$ apt-get unmarkauto01:21
JavidE: Invalid operation unmarkauto01:21
marmersomeone could say me..01:21
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danyboyhey... someone here can help me to use aircrack??01:22
FlannelEvanlec: You already have 2.1801:22
Troy23anyone know why when i boot my ubuntu it goes to splash screen loads, and then just goes black???01:22
elzbalJavid: Sorry, that was from aptitude. My bad.  :)01:22
EvanlecFlannel, apparently feisty comes with version 2.18.101:22
ScuniziAhhhh... I just told xchat to "not" show the menu bar.. How do I get it back?01:22
EvanlecFlannel, yea but thats older than 2.8 isnt it?01:22
Picignewsensical: I suppose you could check with `netstat -tanp` to check.01:22
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bmartinI'm trying to get my mute button LED to light up... any idea how I can do that?01:22
danyboyhey... someone here can help me to use aircrack??01:22
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elzbalJavid: see   aptitude --help01:22
IgorSobreirahi all..i dont have the icon in my menu bar of network-manager...how can i add it?01:22
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Picidanyboy: Ask in #aircrack-ng01:23
EvanlecIgorSobreira, right click on panel, hit add to panel, it will be in there01:23
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Picidanyboy: or #aircrack01:23
FlannelEvanlec: no.  2.8 is... 10 versions ago.  September 2004 was when 2.8 was released01:23
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Evanlecoh k01:24
danyboyPici: ok thanks01:24
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bmartindoes anyone have an idea as to how I could get my mute button LED to light up?01:24
d4rkmonkeybmartin press it?01:24
Scunizianyone good with xchat?  I'm trying to get my menu bar back.... I accidently told it to not show it.01:24
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bmartind4rkmonkey, it mutes the sound, but no light01:25
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Evanlecanyone know easy way to get hardware temperature sensor on my panel?01:25
allorderScunizi: ctrl+F901:25
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gnewsensicalPici: netstat is cool. thnx. abt synaptic, where do i put a feature request to make th eupdates list sortable by columns like name, size, etc01:25
leftyrightyhow many of you people are paid to sit on this IRC and provide support all day?01:25
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Stavrosis dmraid stable?01:25
gnewsensical!bug report01:26
Stavrosor am i better off not using it?01:26
Scuniziallorder: it just puts a 0;5~ on the screen01:26
Picignewsensical: You could file a bug report01:26
Pici!bug | gnewsensical01:26
ubotugnewsensical: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots01:26
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d4rkmonkeybmartin do you really need the light?01:26
gnewsensicalPici: ok01:26
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jvaihey ppls01:27
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bmartind4rkmonkey, nope... it's just nice to know whether my sound is muted or not without pressing the button01:27
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danyboyPici: hey where did you say?? I mean where can I go there??01:27
d4rkmonkeybmartin well, you could always listen for sounds? :P01:27
enixi have a problem w/ sound that just started last night after an install of avidemux. i followed several guides from the ubuntu forums given to me by a gent named pelo. i have googled myself stupid and everything seems to be present and all options are selected corectly. any ides?01:28
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Scunizienix:  do you have skype, gizmo or something similar loaded?01:28
bmartind4rkmonkey, i could always open up my case to find out the processor temperature but i'd rather have a program tell me01:29
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bmartinthanks anyways everyone01:29
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Scunizienix what's the sound issue?  no sound?01:29
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d4rkmonkeyXD I think I made bmartin a bit angry.01:29
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Geoffrey2is there anyway to set up evince to work with firefox?01:30
enixScunizi: yes01:30
leftyrightyare there ATI drivers for ubuntu like there are NVIDIA?01:30
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d4rkmonkey!ati | leftyrighty01:30
ubotuleftyrighty: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:30
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iTG`NeatcheeHi everyone.  I'm getting a segfault in libc.so.6 when I try to run gnome-keybinding-properties.  I've tried doing a backtrace but I've been unable to find the proper debugging symbols for gnome-control-center.  Any help would be appreciated01:30
gnewsensicalhey! what is with ubuntu? bug #1 is that m$ has a big market share! rofl lmao cool! wow!01:30
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leftyrightywhats that mean?01:30
gnutronleftyrighty - yes and the last time i used ati's drivers they sucked.01:30
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leftyrightySo the restricted drivers, thats a new feature? I shouldn't click that checkbox?01:31
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epidemikcan someone help me install wine01:31
gnutronleftyrighty - i use ubuntu ati driver. your mileage may vary :)01:31
Jack_Sparrowapt-get install wine01:31
CoasterMasterleftyrighty, if everythin works fine, you don't have to worry about restricted drivers01:31
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Scunizienix, right mouse click on the speaker icon next to the clock and choose "Open Volume Control".  check the setting in there.01:31
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jvaiwow is every1 on fiesty n here?01:31
epidemikok, thanks jack_sparrow01:31
Stavroshas anyone gotten dmraid to work with that raid45 thing?01:31
Scunizijvai: nope.. Dapper01:31
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Jack_Sparrowepidemik: or use synaptic01:32
jvai<-- dapper also01:32
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tarishi all01:32
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enixScunizi: everything is maxed out and unmuted,  my device is ALSA01:32
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Pelojvai,  not everyone follows the distros, some like to stick to the LTS for various reasons01:32
Scunizijvai: waiting for next LTS.. but running Feisty in a different partition for testing.01:32
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epidemikhow do you install video card drivers for nvidia?01:32
Drako60CUPS has the web config, now from this i can print a test page, but the rest of the system can not see the printer that its seeing, if i install the printer through gnome, it doesn't work at all but everything can see it01:32
Peloepiclulz, start with the restricted drivers in the system > admin menu01:33
eyptepidemik they have linux drivers available on the nvidia site01:33
jvaioo k01:33
Scunizienix:  does an error pop up when you start it?01:33
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epidemikk thanks eypt01:33
enixScunizi: no errors, no sound at startup or w/ any program. i also reinstalled everything haveing to do w/ alsa via synaptic01:33
leftyrightyEverything doesn't work fine though. I restarted X and I still can't get the higher resolution. I added it under generic monitor. Any ideas what i did wrong?01:33
eyptepidemik i believe to install you would have to run the installation for it it should be in .deb from what ive seen using the system01:33
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Stavroshow do i change the default mixer?01:34
Stavrosperhaps a reboot will fix it01:34
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eyptepidemik if its in .rpm youll h ave to use alien01:34
Peloenix, make sure you have persimission to use the audio devices  check in system > admin > users01:34
bruenig!alien | epidemik01:34
ubotuepidemik: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)01:34
eyptthere ya go :P01:34
Peloepidemik, start with the restricted drivers in the sysetm > admin menu01:34
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eypti believe they auto install those drivers when they find they need it01:35
enixpelo: i will, but this is a brand new problem after about a year of everything working01:35
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Peloeypt,they don't install they just make them available01:35
TerraMasterWhen I go to say sudo python {file} install it says Running build Runing Install and running build_py then it says package directoy src does not exist... any help?01:35
enixpelo: use audio devices is selected01:35
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eyptpelo lol meant that said it wrong but yeah if you go to desktop effects that will show ya they need it to run it01:35
Scunizienix: sorry.. I'm stumped.. unless its a switch in audacity01:36
eyptand will also ask you if you want to inst01:36
eypt+a+ll it01:36
eyptinstall it01:36
Peloenix, it was woth a shot, it's one of those little things that may keep your from using sound that is usualy overlooked01:36
enixScunizi: its all good, everything is backed up and ready for a fresh install. is that possiable w/o a CD01:36
Mark17TerraMaster: did you try to do it as a root with the root commands?01:37
enixpelo: i hear ya and appreciate all your help01:37
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TerraMastersudo python file install01:37
lashmooveI run htop through he applications menu, and get this error "Failed to execute child process "-x" (No such file or directory)"01:37
Mark17so not using sudo [commands] , but sudo -i01:37
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Mark17your normall password01:37
Peloeypt, just for your info ther e is also a trigger for the binairies drivers , with an install proccedure detailed !nvidia01:37
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gnewsensicalon serious reading, with the #1 m$ bug, Mark could have legal problems, no? That is courageous plainspeak at its best!01:37
Mark17and then python file install?01:37
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Jengerernickrud: you there?01:38
TerraMasterso sudo -i01:38
TerraMasterthen all that01:38
eyptpelo im new to it just relating my experience XD01:38
Mark17gnewsensical: i dont see the problem01:38
Peloeypt, just relating the info ,01:38
Mark17TerraMaster: yes, but remove the sudo at the beginning off the command01:38
eyptpelo but that is useful info ill look around for it when i get the chance XD01:38
gnewsensicalMark17: defamation stuff...?01:38
gnewsensicalNever mind.... just too impressed atm01:38
Pelo!ubotu > eypt  check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu01:38
eyptpelo cool tyvm01:39
enixScunizi: its all good, everything is backed up and ready for a fresh install. is that possiable w/o a CD01:39
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Scunizienix, you mean to install Audacity? or the entire system?01:39
TerraMasterStill ways src is missing01:40
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danyboycan someone tell me where can i find help to use aircrack??01:40
epidemikwhat port does bittorrent use and how can i change it?01:40
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eyptpelo only started with the system over the weekend01:40
enixScunizi: whole system01:40
ZilphanaelI'm trying to add a repository on Feisty and it isn't working.01:40
xtknighthow do you grab the ubuntu kernel w/ all patches?  is that linux-source (it includes final ubuntu patches, for sure?)01:40
Scunizienix: without a CD how will you accomplish that?01:40
PeloTerraMaster,  check the site to see what dependencies are needed01:40
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epidemikwhat port does bittorrent use and how can i change it? (on Fiesty, im just using the basic one)01:40
ZilphanaelThe command I'm using is sudo wget http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/sources.list.d/feisty.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list01:41
enixScunizi: i dunno via apt-get maybe. i can make a cd, just wondering if i could save a step01:41
xtknightreason i ask, some patches are applied when you do dpkg-buildpackage/etc.  i'm wondering if all the package are just already all there in the linux-source pkg01:41
Peloeypt,  we all have to start at some point, I started last year, just to try out linux,  I never looked back01:41
tapH20gurugutsy install worked ok using safe graphics mode...  locks up when starting X after install01:41
TerraMasterYes I went though all that, python-glade (I have 2) and python 2.2 or better01:41
ZilphanaelThe error message i'm getting is that there's an error parsing the proxy URL.01:41
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Pelo!gutsy | tapH20guru01:41
ubotutapH20guru: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+101:41
TerraMasteroh and python-gnome01:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bittorrent - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:41
eyptpelo i have to use windows but when i finish my A+ course im switchin over to this ;)01:41
ZilphanaelOr something to that effect.01:41
epidemikwhat port does bittorrent use and how can i change it? (on Fiesty, im just using the basic one)01:42
Scunizienix: my connection dropped for a minute.  how did we get from audacity to reinstalling the system?  Also, from what your saying, you want to reinstall on top of the current installation?  Better to download the cd and go at it that way.01:42
eyptepidemik i believe it is 6667 but i may be wrong01:42
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Peloeypt, i still have windows install I have this one app I need occasionnaly, and it won'T run on wine , but I almost never use it these days01:42
Skyfalcon866if use a journaling file system am i immune to corruption01:42
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eyptepidemik you could change it with the settings tab i believe but i use ktorrent i like it better then most of the bit series01:43
JeevesMosshas anyone installed osCommerce?  I'm having a problem with getting it to like MySQL and cURL01:43
Peloepidemik, the default bttorrent prot is 6667 as I recall no idea how to change it , depends on the client I guess01:43
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eyptpelo i have seen an app that is supposed to run most to all windows programs on linux called codeweaver01:43
eugmanIs there a way I can add a "open terminal in this directory" feature to nautilus?01:43
epidemikpelo eypt thanks01:43
eyptpelo look it up and look under crossover linux01:43
elzbalSkyfalcon866: "Immune" is a strong term. It recovers from corruption much more gracefully.01:43
PeloSkyfalcon866, wrong attitude,  but a better chioce01:43
epidemikeypt not seing a change tab but 6667 is fine01:43
danyboycan someone tell me where can i find help to use aircrack??01:43
Flanneleugman: Yep.  nautilus-open-here, or somethig like that (it's a package)01:43
eugmano rly?01:43
eyptepidemik kk so long as it works for ya ;)01:43
Flanneleugman: open-terminal, I think01:43
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elzbalSkyfalcon866: I always choose a journaling file system, myself.01:44
Flanneleugman: http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/gnome/nautilus-open-terminal01:44
enixScunizi: well i dont have much on my lappy except for music and pics, and all that can go on the external. i figure 3 hrs to do a fresh install and get everything back right or 3 days screwin w/ my sound01:44
eyptepidemik and if ya get tired of it go to add or remove and check ktorrent its a bit basic but if ya got the torrent site links ya good01:44
Peloeypt, the app I need uses .net , it's not a big problem it's only 10 gig out of 16001:44
danyboyanybody here that can tell me where can i find help to use aircrack??01:44
eugmanfriggin sweet01:44
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eyptpelo yeah i am only worried about my games01:44
Scunizienix: ok.. now I understand.. don't apt-get. Get the CD and do it right.. repartition etc.01:44
Pelodanyboy, have you checked on the aircrack site to see if there is a forum or an IRC channel01:44
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epidemikeypt do i need the kde emulatr or something for it?01:45
ZilphanaelCan anyone help me with my wget issues?01:45
eyptpelo i like the mmorpgs and rts but linux dowsnt support em01:45
Scunizienix, on reinstall it might be worth creating a seperate partition for /home01:45
TerraMasterStill not workin01:45
enixScunizi: cool, i probalby will screw around w/ it for at least the rest of tonight tho01:45
neramosI know its not Ubuntu what i ask but I need help. Does anyone know anything about DyDNS....please pm me for a quick question how to make automatic IP change possible with static address !!!01:45
eyptepidemik nah all ya need is to install its already packaged on the sys just need to enable it01:45
Peloeypt, i rarely game so it's not an issue for me01:45
eyptpelo lol im a massive gamer ;)01:45
norrizytheypt, funny, last I checked, WoW and Warcraft 3 and Civ all worked for me.01:45
norrizytheypt, guild wars, eve online, etc...01:45
eyptnorrizyth hmm they do?01:45
epidemikeypt what games do you play01:45
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danyboyPelo: mmm good point i haven't01:46
enixScunizi: that is a super idea, what % should go to /home01:46
epidemikdo you guys play through wine01:46
eyptnorrizth i havent tryed it01:46
Peloneramos, maybe the ppl in #networking might know01:46
epidemikis that what youre doing01:46
TerraMasterDoes anyone have anymore solutions?01:46
neramosPelo thx01:46
eyptepidemik ive played 9dragons gunz and several others01:46
norrizytheypt, yea, just check the forums for help with em.  its easy.01:46
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eyptnorrizyth kk ty ill check around for em01:46
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PeloTerraMaster what's the issue again ?01:46
eugmanHey, what would I have to do to try to get a python game of mine added to the repos?01:46
norrizyth!wow | eypt01:46
ubotueypt: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php01:46
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Scunizienix: the vast majority of it... 10 gigs for /root, 2 gigs for swap and the remainder for /home (typically)01:47
TerraMasterUmm when i go to install a python file it say src directory is missing01:47
PeloTerraMaster, did you do a search in the forum for the error msg ?  www.ubuntuforums.org , give it a try01:47
eyptnorrizyth i will be sure to bookmark it and look through it i got about 10 pages to look thru from DM| last night01:47
jrib!packaging > eugman (see the private message from ubotu)01:47
TerraMasterworth a shot01:47
ZilphanaelAny help with wget issues, please?01:47
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enixScunizi: cool thanks, then if i ever have to a fresh install /home doesnt need be messed with01:47
enixScunizi: right01:48
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Scunizienix: exactly!01:48
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PeloTerraMaster, it's the first thing I do when I get an error msg, most of them seem to be covered01:48
Pc_Darkis there Logitech Wave Keyboard drivers for Ubuntu01:48
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enixScunizi: and of course the partition manager will be able to handle this option01:48
PeloPc_Dark, this would be about multimedia buttons on the keybaord ?01:48
Scunizienix: actually you could use gparted to create the partition now and move home there before reinstalling. Just make sure you don't format /home on reinstall.01:48
rever75Hi I am running Feisty Fawn and I use to be able to connect to my works MS VPN using the network manager applet. I would co to VPNs and connect. When I click on the applet I only get "manually configure"01:49
rever75Can someone help me get my functionality back.01:49
enixScunizi: ok, sweetness01:49
PKdoRwhat is the exsamples folder for? is it necesary?01:49
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Pc_DarkPelo, yep.01:50
PeloPKdoR,  what exemples folder01:50
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Pc_DarkI want to use it with Amarok Media Player01:50
JeevesMosscan someone give me a hand with installing oscommerce?  I'm having a problem with it seeing my working MySQL install and with cURL01:50
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eyptbrb all01:50
askandwhere do i make settings for totem?01:50
PKdoRits located in my destop and /home01:50
PeloPc_Dark,  go to the forum and do a search for multimedia keyboard , there are a few howtos to get those extra buttons working,  you can also try searching for the keyboard model01:50
eugmanFlannel, hmm how do you use it?01:51
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enixScunizi: when in audacity and try to play music it says: error while opening sound device. but cannot select anymore options in edit>pref>audio I/O01:51
Peloaskand,  in the preference menu under edit01:51
PKdoRactually just the /home01:51
PeloPKdoR,  whats, it in it ?  you can probably get rid of it if you didn'T install it01:51
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maxdquestion- compiz- how do i change the keyboard short cut to rotate the cube? why? to set it to one of the buttons on my new mouse01:51
askandPelo:  hrm thanks..but Id like to change video driver?01:52
Pelomaxd, ask in #compiz-fusion01:52
PKdoRno I think its part of the ubuntu  install proces01:52
maxdthanks pelo!01:52
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Peloaskand, don't know about that one,  totem usus what ever video driver X uses as far as I know01:52
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JeevesMossPKdoR:  can you give me a hand with this install?01:53
PKdoRthe one in /home is a link to the actual Exsamples folder the real one is located in "/usr/share/example-content"01:53
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE01:53
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xtknightPelo, maybe he means video output driver like gl or xv, etc01:53
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xtknighti dont think totem can use other ones, possible it's adjustable thru gconf or gstreamer somehow01:53
PeloPKdoR,  you can remove the symlink ifyou want, leave the rest wehre it is01:53
Peloxtknight, ask him01:53
Nylemay I suggest the use of mplayer01:53
Flanneleugman: Just install it, then once it's installed, just right click and you'll have an "open terminal"01:53
vader1102How does one go about installing the KDE desktop in Feisty?01:54
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PeloNyle,  you may not01:54
jrib!kde > vader1102 (see the private message from ubotu)01:54
d4rknorrisvader1102 sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop01:54
Nylevader1102: aptitude install kubuntu-desktop kde01:54
LinuxProbiehow do I totally clean any trace of java out of my system? I've got some error that's making azureus not run and I figure it's related to a glitch in the java install01:54
d4rknorrisvader1102 or what Nyle said...01:54
xtknightaskand, you can't change totem's video output AFAIK (maybe there's a hidden option if you google).  i suggest gmplayer01:54
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xtknightaskand, or VLC is also good01:54
Nylevader1102: kde, kde-core01:54
rever75Also my Alt+Tab is not working. I also check my keyboard layout and shortcuts01:54
Nylevader1102: for a full kde isntall, or just for a kubuntu system use kubuntu-desktop01:54
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PeloLinuxProbie, in synatpic  search for java,  uninstall completely01:55
NylePelo: why not?01:55
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NylePelo: clearly is it a 'superior' application01:55
PKdoRjeevesmoss fire your question01:55
LinuxProbiePelo, I tried that, didn't seem to fix the problem with azureus...01:55
NylePelo: ahaha :)01:55
vader1102I want to be able to choose between KDE and GNOME Nyle01:55
enixScunizi: how do i repartion when i cant unmount my drive becasue i am using it01:55
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PeloLinuxProbie, as far as I am concerned  , azureus is the problem , not to start a flame war but the problem might not actualy be the java01:56
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enoj_Hi guys, when changing to the "intel" driver, the only new resolution that appeared in the choices were "1024x1024" which is useless. I've seen the change resolution wiki page, but I can't figure out how to be able to use a bigger resolution like 1400x1050? It's a thinkpad t60 laptop01:56
TerraMasterPelo: when I go sudo when tring to install that package it does not ask me my password01:56
Nylevader1102: very easy.  aptitude install gnome ubuntu-desktop kde kubuntu-desktop gdm01:56
CoasterMasterIs there a way to upgrade to wine 0.9.44?01:56
Nylevader1102: then you can use gdm (or kdm if you chose that) to change to gnome or kde as you like01:56
Grungebunnya file I installed requires that I run it like ./this and keep the terminal window open.. how do I make an icon for this so I don't always have to run it from term?01:56
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Nighthawk420hey what music player do you all use?01:56
PeloTerraMaster, there is a time limit on sudo , if you gave your password in the same terminal previously ( 15 min I thnk ) , it won'T ask you again01:56
Scunizienix: download the iso for gparted live cd and burn it.  Nice to have in the folder.01:56
eyptcoastermaster have ya tryed the site for wine?01:56
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jribNyle, vader1102: you don't need "kde" if you have "kubuntu-desktop", same for "gnome" and "kubuntu-desktop"01:57
NyleGrungebunny: chmod a+x blah.file.ext01:57
vader1102ty Nyle01:57
onii have a stupid question... i have used unix before, and i just started using ubuntu about a week and a half ago and im trying to install a plugin and i need to do a make command, is it "make install <directory location>" because if so its not working01:57
ikonany knows about openbravo in ubuntu?01:57
vader1102and jrib01:57
enixScunizi: o , ic01:57
CoasterMastereypt: yeah, checking there now01:57
eyptenoj_ do you have all the drivers?01:57
GrungebunnyNyle say wha?01:57
Evanlecanyone know of easy temperature monitoring applet?01:57
eyptenoj_ for your onboard or graphics card?01:57
Scunizioni:  you need to install build-essential if you haven't already.01:57
enixScunizi: thanks, im off for a fresh install. TYVM01:57
Nylejrib: yes, you do. (kind of, because kubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-desktop don't install the full desktop env.01:57
LinuxProbiepelo it's a java error when I run azureus from the commandline...01:57
eyptcoastermaster best bet is to check there if not look around the ubuntu forums01:57
Scunizienix, go luck!01:57
Pelooini did you install build-essential ?01:57
nephishwhat development tools would one go about to design swf (flash) movies or banners ?01:57
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PeloLinuxProbie,  which java ?01:58
NyleGrungebunny: make the file executable with chmod x01:58
jribNyle: a default ubuntu install won't install the "gnome" package, what is missing?01:58
Nylejrib: umm.. a lot.01:58
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LinuxProbiePelo, sun-java601:58
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eyptcoastermaster could check with the update manager too01:58
ikonany knows openbravo ?01:58
Nylejrib: same with kde/kubuntu-desktop01:58
enoj_eypt: well lspci says 'Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML', so I figured "intel" was the correct driver. Downloaded it via apt-get, so I assume I have the necessary drivers ..01:58
PeloLinuxProbie, I'm out01:58
Nylejrib: its very easy, just look at the depends and suggests01:58
jribNyle: I am01:58
Nylewell, depends really01:58
wyckeddoes anyone know how to hide windows of the other desktops on KDE with Compiz-Fusion ?01:59
eyptenoj_ usually resolution errors are graphics driver based try removing the drivers and reinstalling them01:59
Nylewycked: maybe in #ubuntu-effects01:59
d4rknorriswycked you could just... minimize them on the other desktops?01:59
Pelowycked,  ask in #compiz-fusion01:59
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eyptenoj_ or look at sys info for the motherboard and graphics card and search for the drivers by type01:59
wyckedd4rknorris, no, that don't hide windows from the other desktops01:59
LinuxProbieis there a terminal command to list anything that is related to java that I may have installed?01:59
TerraMasterPelo: I FOUND OUT HOW TO DO IT! I need to cd into ther folder first XD01:59
wyckedPelo, Nyle, thank you !:)01:59
d4rknorriswycked k, then I have no idea.02:00
PeloTerraMaster, in the forum ?02:00
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enoj_eypt: hmm ok ..02:00
TerraMasterno just thought of it out of the blue02:00
PKdoRdoes anybody know if the adigy series of soundcard is compatible with ubuntu?02:00
jribLinuxProbie: aptitude search '~i~njava'02:00
HodappPKdoR: should be with emu10k102:00
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oniok, heres a problem. im running the 64 bit version.02:01
PeloTerraMaster,  I'm sorry I should not have assumed you were leet , if I had treated you like a noob you would have had that information  a while ago02:01
oniand the add/remove doesnt have it.02:01
vader1102well the terminal will be busy for a bit lol 473 mb to dl02:01
Nylejrib: look into aptitude manpage, and see the flags for the pacakges02:01
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oniand online link is a 40402:01
jriboni: what are you trying to install?02:01
eyptenoj_ if the drivers are the issue sometimes uninstalling and reinstalling fix the issue if its the right drivers but look for errors when reinstalling them to see if anything happens during the install02:01
Nylejrib: oops02:01
PKdoRand whats the remove command for /usr/share/example-content02:01
Nylejrib: not you I meant LinuxProbie02:01
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enoj_eypt: by reinstall you just mean apt-get remove and apt-get install ?02:01
GrungebunnyNyle okay I did that now where did it stick the icon for me to use?02:01
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=== Pelo wonders if TerraMaster just manage to get his weather machine started, and he's now ready to hold the world hostage
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oniPKdoR,  its -r ./example-content02:02
eyptenoj_ i believe there is another way to work with installers02:02
eyptenoj_ for drivers at least02:02
NyleGrungebunny: it didn't.  just making sure its executable, you said you had to use sh to launch it.  So now make a shortcut for it, thats it02:02
ikonany knows openbravo?02:02
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Peloikon,  it helps to ask specific questions02:02
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jribPKdoR: the "example-content" package is the owner of those files02:03
eyptenoj_ you could try system>administration>restricted drivers02:03
LinuxProbieWow there's alot there...what's safe to get rid of that might cause problems with azureus if it was incompatable/corrupt?02:03
ikonok, i cannot use openbravo on ubuntu02:03
jribLinuxProbie: you shouldn't need to remove anything02:03
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PeloLinuxProbie,  have you tried asking in #azureus-support ? maybe they are aware of the issue and know how to fix it02:03
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bullgard5jrib: Please highlight me for a test.02:04
TerraMasterPeco dont me so mean02:04
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LinuxProbiePelo, didn't know that channel existed....02:04
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KinjinCan anyone tell how I can get my sound out of all of my speakers only this front 2 are working.02:04
bullgard5Pelo: Thank you very much.02:04
=== Pelo points LinuxProbie to the little chat pluggin in azureus
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PeloTerraMaster, look at your nick and your evil laugh and think a little02:05
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PKdoRso i can just revoe the examplepcontent package?02:05
PeloPKdoR,  you're choice02:05
jribPKdoR: yes02:05
ScuniziKinjin: you might want to fill everyone in on the particulars like.. is the sound card motherboard based? What type of sound card etc.02:05
ikoni cant use openbravo on ubuntu02:06
Peloikon,  is openbravo a linux app ?02:06
Kinjinahh sorry its a creative soundblaster audigy SE02:06
PKdoRty jrib02:07
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Peloikon,  how did you install it ?02:07
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PKdoRnow if i can just make my cube rotete again!!!!02:07
gnutronKinjin - right click on the volume > properties, somewhere in there you can toggle front/center/side etc.02:07
sausage1337hi all - i've found out how to use cron and now i want to make things come up on start up when i log in. how do i do this?02:08
ikonpelo: using this guide http://wiki.openbravo.com/wiki/index.php/Openbravo_Command_Line_Installation02:08
eyptpkdor i have been using linux all weekend and havent found out how to even start it rotating XD02:08
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Peloikon, hold on02:08
jrib!startup > sausage1337 (see the private message from ubotu)02:08
leftyrightyMy sisters windows broke and I couldn't reinstall windows for some reason so I installed ubuntu for her, any transitioning tips or software I could give her?02:08
Peloikon,  do you get any error msg ?02:08
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KinjinYeah i looked there but I didn't see anything relating to speakers02:08
gnutronKinjin - right click on the volume > open controls > preferences, somewhere in there you can toggle front/center/side etc.02:09
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ikonnop, is instaled, but i cannot use, when i try to login he sends me a error02:09
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sausage1337 i want to make things come up on start up when i log in. how do i do this (with a CLI only)?02:09
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:09
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PKdoReypt  im pretty close to having my version of the "Perfect Linux/Ubuntu" install02:09
jribsausage1337: but gui programs?02:09
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gnutronKinjin - right click on the volume > open volume control > edit  preferences.02:10
blithenHey everyone!02:10
sausage1337jrib: errrr, well. like, on a server kinda. i'm talking about running a script or something when a user logs in.02:10
=== Asuka [n=lukash@user-24-214-48-43.knology.net] has joined #ubuntu
Peloikon,  near the top of that tutorial there is a requirement section ,make sure you installed all the dependencies listed02:10
sausage1337i want to know how to set it up via the CLI02:10
AsukaHow do I save something I write in sudo nano?02:10
LinuxProbieIs there a torrent client for ubuntu that works like azureus?02:10
jribsausage1337: you aren't being specific enough.  What exactly do you want it to run?02:10
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=== blithen cracks his knuckles preparing for a large amount of tech support.
CoasterMasterLinuxProbie: you can use azureus under Ubuntu02:10
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sausage1337a script02:10
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riotkittiewhen it comes to wireless, ralink chipsets are supposed to be, like, not a PITA, right?  , , ,  just incase i didnt use enough commas.02:11
KinjinAhh well I unmuted the speakers.. but still no sound it coming out of them :(02:11
gnutronAsuka - ctrl^x02:11
CoasterMaster!azureus | LinuxProbie02:11
ubotuLinuxProbie: azureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AzureusHowTo02:11
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blithenLinuxProbie: There is azureus for Ubuntu, but personally I use KTorrent.02:11
jribsausage1337: well ~/.bash_profile will get sourced when you login I suppose02:11
Asukaso, is that ctrl+x?02:11
LinuxProbieCoasterMaster, except that azureus crashes when I tru to run it02:11
Asukawhat does ^mean?02:11
gnutronKinjin - mess around with your mixer, alsa stuff.02:11
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Peloikon what is the error you get when you try to run it02:11
gnutronAsuka - ctrl^x  control and x - same time02:12
blithenLinuxProbie: Java problem, that's why I use Ktorrent.02:12
Peloand ikon  use my nick when talking to me , it makes it easier to follow02:12
eyptpkdor ive only experienced 2 linuxes so far this(ubuntu) and opensuse so if thats another version idk about it XD02:12
riotkittiecontrol and then control x, or just control x?02:12
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PKdoRazureou/vuze works on ubunto right?02:12
CoasterMasterLinuxProbie, what version of java are you using? (java -version in a terminal to check)02:12
riotkittiecause that was confusing :x02:13
LinuxProbieCoasterMaster, presently reinstalling sun java602:13
CoasterMasterLinuxProbie, via "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk" ??02:13
PKdoRI have no Idea im just wondering02:13
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Peloikon,  you can also ask in #openbravo02:13
riotkittieok. i give. i'm going to pay some 9 year old like $300 to fix my wireless.  :|02:13
gnutronin the terminal nano its control and the char 'x' at the same time or better yet, control hold, then x02:13
LinuxProbieCoasterMaster, I used sun-java6-bin02:13
CoasterMasterLinuxProbie, oh sorry, you're right, jdk is the java development kit :!02:14
CoasterMasterLinuxProbie, let me know when it's done, there's something else to check02:14
gnutronemacs in term is ctrl^xc02:14
baronspricht jemand deztsch hier ?02:14
gnutronthats real geeky stuff02:14
riotkittiei thought ^ was ctrl02:14
blithenLinuxProbie, If that doesn't work, then go with Ktorrent. @___@02:15
PKdoRi was of the idea that scince azureus is a java torreent client it would work on anything that runs java02:15
Pelo!de | barnie02:15
ubotubarnie: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de02:15
Pelo!de | baron02:15
ubotubaron: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de02:15
jvaiok cool ppls.. i'm ghost.. & ty uall02:15
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baronPelo thx02:15
gnutron^ is exponent :) but typically used to indicate a combination keyset/stroke02:15
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LinuxProbieCoasterMaster, at 49%02:16
CoasterMasterLinuxProbie, ok02:16
PeloLOWLUX, we can read smallcase02:16
Flannel!persistance | LOWLUX02:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about persistance - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:16
LinuxProbie!caps | lowlux02:16
ubotulowlux: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:16
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blithenNot joke.02:16
Flannel!persistence | LOWLUX02:16
ubotuLOWLUX: To have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence02:16
riotkittieLOWLUX > youre going to need to name the flash drive's volume. i believe you have to name it casper_cow ... but perhaps just casper02:16
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Scunizi!caps | LOWLUX02:16
ubotuLOWLUX: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:16
jbinderI am using Ubuntu 7.04 and GNOME02:16
jbinderHow can I change everything to Spanish?02:17
jbinderLike the menus and stuff.02:17
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Pelojbinder,   look in menu > system > prefs > language support02:17
eyptcoastermaster ever find what you were looking for?02:17
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CoasterMastereypt: yeah, i got it thanks :)02:18
jribjbinder: after doing what pelo said, make sure that when you login, click on "options", and select your language as spanish02:18
eyptcoastermaster anytime :) for stuff like that always check the site for it most likely will be the easiest bet XD02:18
fungoswhat do I need to connect PSP in ubuntu? Its not working as is02:18
=== N3bunel away
=== Pelo throws jrib a dirty look
CoasterMastereypt: yeah, I figured all I was gonna fine was source code to compile, i didn't know they had a nice repository all set up02:18
eyptfungos software comes with it no?02:18
fungosno, its a USB mass storage basically02:19
eyptcoastermaster even if ya found a .rpm use alien and itd work  :)02:19
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blithenAlien is ownage :)02:19
fatcatmattany good places out there to get more debian software?02:19
CoasterMastereypt: i guess that works too.....although sometimes it's not an option (rtorrent/libtorrent, I'm looking at you)02:19
=== JuJuBee [n=ait@24-105-217-35.cm.mhcable.com] has joined #ubuntu
jribfatcatmatt: Ubuntu's repositories?02:19
Pelofatcatmatt, www.getdeb.net02:19
riotkittiewah. i will just go drink. and google. :|02:20
JuJuBeeI just installed sun java 6, netbeans in repo's uses v. 5, is that a big deal?  apt-get is now trying to install sun java 502:20
eyptfungos a psp is a game system also and to put stuff into certain directories  you need software02:20
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eyptcoastermaster lol02:20
PKdoRI just need 2 more thing to complete my install02:20
Pelolater folks02:20
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jribJuJuBee: you can probably have both installed without an issue02:20
eyptcoastermaster i believe that you could compile code through the alien no?02:20
eyptpelo see ya m802:20
jribPelo: later02:20
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JuJuBeeK, thanks02:20
PKdoRhow do i enable NTFS on linux?02:20
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CoasterMastereypt: i have no idea, but that ./configure script is fun to watch02:20
Flannel!ntfs-3g | PKdoR02:20
ubotuPKdoR: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions02:20
fungoseypt: well, it doesnt come with anything for linux, do you know any sw for it?02:20
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eyptcoastermaster lol02:21
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sgtmattbakerhas anyone in here gotten a sandisk cruzer flash drive?02:21
mrcucumberI have to rebuild a package from Gutsy for my fiesty system, so I downloaded the source pieces, and I now need to apply the diff.gz to the source tree, but I don't know the command, any help?02:21
=== Atlantiz [n=atlantiz@pool-71-172-190-114.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
eyptfungos the stuff for windows you can run using wine or vmware02:21
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Pc_DarkWhy won't rhythmbox play my m4a files off of my iPod02:21
LinuxProbieCoasterMaster, 71%02:21
CoasterMastermrcucumber: mixing repositories versions is a bad idea02:21
CoasterMaster!codecs | Pc_Dark02:21
ubotuPc_Dark: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:21
jribmrcucumber: dpkg-source -x  but youa re doing this the wrong way02:21
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begertany suggestions of where to store source code for programs I want to compile , (such as /usr/src?)02:22
sgtmattbakerm4a are proprietary container02:22
VousDeuxcan your use wine for windows device drivers?02:22
eyptfungos but if it doesnt register it as a usb drive it could just not be reading it02:22
CoasterMasterbegert, i just throw it on my desktop for compiling02:22
Pc_Darksgtmattbaker, so I can't legally use them?02:22
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mrcucumberjrib:what would the the right approach?02:22
sgtmattbakerPc_Dark - as far as I know no.  m4a are iPod/iTunes specific02:22
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jribmrcucumber: what are you trying to install?02:22
begertCoaster: do you just delete it afterwards then?02:22
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CoasterMasterbegert, yes02:22
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eyptvousdeux i think device drivers have windows and linux installers02:22
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eyptvousdeux at least the nvidia drivers have linux options02:23
VousDeuxwell, I can't find a Linux driver for this particular device02:23
fungoseypt: it doesnt have sw for windoes either ;)  just mass storage02:23
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CoasterMasterbegert, although if you want to keep the source around so you can play with it, i guess in your home folder would be a nice place :)02:23
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=== riotkittie hugs google
eyptfungos i have no idea m8 lol you could check the ubuntu forums02:23
riotkittiebrb. let me see if this works.02:23
eyptvousdeux which device02:23
begertI was thinking that, but wasn't sure if it was common to store source there02:23
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mrcucumberjrib: I'm trying to write a usb serial driver so I built a vanilla kernel that I can work against. Since I have to do a bit of Reverse engineering I thought I'd run windows in KVM and then snoop the USB traffic, the KVM module in the vanilla kernel requires a newer userspace version of kvm, so I thought I'd just pull the compatibly source from gutsy and build that.02:24
=== Almighty_Henaro [n=a_hen@c-24-98-20-28.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
LOWLUXi need to format the usb tumb drive... how?02:24
Pc_Darksgtmattbaker, would it be legal to burn to a CD and then use them?02:24
LOWLUXwipe it clean02:24
CoasterMasterPc_Dark, I believe it's ok if you use it for personal use02:24
sgtmattbakerPc_Dark : that is called circumventing restrictions02:25
eyptvousdeux ill look into it a bit02:25
Pc_DarkHow about iTunes WINE?02:25
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CoasterMastersgtmattbaker, Pc_Dark : i thought it was ok to use the mp3 codes etc for personal use02:25
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VousDeuxeypt: thanks!02:25
jribmrcucumber: hmm, well I usually just put the gutsy source repo in my sources.list and then do 'apt-get -b source PACKAGE' and then install the resulting deb.  kvm may be tricky though...  Consider virtualbox as an alternative if you run into trouble02:25
Dekkardcan beryl/compiz work with a tnt2 card?02:25
eyptvousdeux but while im at it check the forums02:25
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eyptvousdeux never know may have something ya can use02:25
sgtmattbakeryes, but iTunes is m4a proprietary02:25
VousDeuxAlso, I'm getting ready to download VMware, would it be better it use the rpm or the gzip?02:26
CoasterMastersgtmattbaker, but wouldn't the same rules hold for other codecs?02:26
Pc_Darksgtmattbaker, is itunes in wine okay to use?02:26
sgtmattbakershould be02:26
CoasterMasterPc_Dark, legally yes, but I doubt WINE will run it02:26
sgtmattbakeras long as you dont have it installed somewhere else02:26
eyptvousdeux havent use it as of yet02:26
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someone2005Yea get force apci error...What should i do ?02:26
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eyptvousdeux check that site02:27
sgtmattbakeryou could* technically get in trouble for having two copies of an executable.. but hey02:27
mrcucumberjrib: yeah, I've done that before, but I thought downloading the files from the launchpad (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kvm/1:28-4ubuntu1) might be better02:27
sgtmattbakersome people are overzealous with laws02:27
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eyptvousdeux tell me if its what your looking for because i am unsure of the driver you are looking for02:27
Pc_Darkisnt it free software, so if its on my laptop it doesn't matter?02:27
sgtmattbakerI dont know02:27
sgtmattbakeryou should research some02:27
sgtmattbakerI dont even use itunes02:27
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sgtmattbakerall I know iw m4a is proprietary02:28
mrcucumberjrib: I could only use the free version of virtual box since the binary version wouldn't work with my custom kernel, and it's my understanding that the free version doesn't support USB02:28
Pc_DarkHm, okay02:28
CoasterMasterPc_Dark, if you really want to play those m4a files, you can02:28
Eleafhey everybody, I just got a new harddrive and wanted to reinstall my ubuntu system, should I go with Feisty or Gutsy (I usually go bleeding-edge...)  I'm running Feisty right now.02:28
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iTG`NeatcheeHi.  Is there anywhere I can for higher level technical support with Ubuntu?  I've been popping in periodically to ask my question all day, but it seems there's nobody around able to field my question.  It is rather technical regarding a rather specific problem with a segmentation fault in gnome-keybinding-properties02:29
VousDeuxeypt: I'm sorry, I scrolled up twice...I don't see a site02:29
eyptvousdeux check pms02:29
eyptvousdeux private message02:29
EleafiTG`Neatchee, have you tried the ubuntu forums?  Your question will be more persistent..02:29
CoasterMasteriTG`Neatchee, you can pay for support from Cannonical02:29
teimuim using a modified version of ubuntu that my hosting provider requires. Its very minimal, but fortunatly, I have full control of the server, so I can make it as robust as i need. is there a way to get all the packages a traditional install would have?02:29
LOWLUXis there a porgran that will alway me to save all my setting on a live cd to a usb thumb drive02:29
VousDeuxI don't have any pm02:29
VousDeuxcan you notice it to me?02:30
CoasterMasterteimu, the ubuntu-desktop package has all the packages that are a part of the normal Ubuntu install02:30
teimuCoasterMaster, thanks!02:30
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astro76!persistence | LOWLUX02:30
ubotuLOWLUX: To have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence02:30
Random832my laptop has an sd card reader built in - anyone have any idea what drivers i'd need for that, how to get it working, etc? (it's not working when i put a card in)02:30
eyptvousdeux i sent it in pm because i dont know if they allow posting sites02:30
eyptvousdeux http://lwn.net/Articles/119804/02:31
teimuCoasterMaster, wow! 1.4gb almost02:31
VousDeuxI probably have PMs blocked, and I haven't used this software for so long I'm not even sure where to look02:31
CoasterMasterteimu, yeah, it contains everything :)02:31
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eyptvousdeux check the site ^^02:31
gnutronRandom832 - install usbmount, it rox02:31
Pc_DarkRandom832, SD prevents any open source use.02:32
eyptvousedeux that is a code for the drivers from the look of it02:32
VousDeuxeypt: thanks...looking now02:32
eyptvousdeux np m802:32
CoasterMasterLinuxProbie, how's it coming along?02:32
Random832Pc_Dark: really?02:32
LOWLUXubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk /media/disk02:32
LOWLUXUnable to open /media/disk02:32
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Pc_DarkRandom832, Yup.02:32
gnutronmy sd cards work02:32
Random832how's it do that?02:32
LOWLUXits not working02:32
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Random832[this is actually a micro-sd card in an adapter] 02:32
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LinuxProbieCoasterMaster, It's installed, reinstalling Az present;y02:33
CoasterMasterLinuxProbie, just curious....also before you start up azureus02:33
PKdoRI was reading some some stuff on the net on how NTFS is not safe throu linux is this true?02:33
PKdoRor is it now safe02:33
CoasterMasterLinuxProbie, run this in a terminal 'sudo update-java-alternatives --set java-6-sun' (without quotes obviously)02:33
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radiomani use ntfs3g driver, wrtiting few GB files and all is working pwerfect02:34
eyptvousdeux also what is the adapter for?02:34
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InvisionfreeAnyone here?02:34
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines02:34
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:34
InvisionfreeHoly crap?02:34
LOWLUXi am not typing all that crap in/02:34
InvisionfreeI r still here?02:34
CoasterMasterPKdoR, I use SD cards all the time in Linux....my laptop's built in reader worked out of the box02:34
LinuxProbieCoasterMaster, Ok, what's that supposed to do?02:35
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gnutronPKdoR - Invisionfree - no, these 1,055 clients are illusions ;)02:35
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CoasterMasterLinuxProbie, it tells Ubuntu which version of the Java interperter to use02:35
PKdoRno I mean NTFS formated HDDs02:35
fungosWhen I try to connect my PSP using USB cable:  [ 1489.620604]  usb 2-2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 4  <CR> [ 1501.154848]  usb 2-2: device not accepting address 4, error -11002:35
CoasterMasterPKdoR, oh yeah, those work well too with the ntfs-3g driver02:35
gnutronPKdoR - typo, sorry.02:35
eyptvousdeux err what is the driver for02:35
fungosit goes from address 4 to address 11 with that error02:35
neramosdoes it work to compile truecrypt on ubuntu server ?02:35
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VousDeuxStartech.com USB2VGA02:36
PKdoRso the curupted files is now a thing of the past i takeit?02:36
LinuxProbieCoasterMaster, Well, I think it succeded.02:36
eyptvousdeux ill check it out02:36
CoasterMasterPKdoR, the only time I had a corrupt write was when I accidently cut the power to my NTFS external while I was copying files to it02:36
markelhasI've change same params from a usb disk and know i've a error when i connect it, how can i changes to default settings!?02:36
gnutronPKdoR -  writing to ntfs is supposed to be safe.02:36
LOWLUXis there anyway to automat LiveCDPersistence02:36
CoasterMasterLinuxProbie, Azureus works?02:36
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VousDeuxI remember seeing this page a couple of days ago...just not sure what to do with it, or if it is even right for me02:36
LinuxProbiehang on a sec.02:36
LinuxProbiewhat's the commandline to run it?02:36
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CoasterMasterazureus, i believe02:37
eyptvousdeux yeah dont wanna install the wrong thing XD02:37
joshua__would anyone be able to offer assistance in setting up an ftp server?02:37
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gmachine_24Question about the /etc/fstab file: If there is a # at the beginning of a line to mount a device on the computer, won't Linux ignore that because of the #?02:37
eyptvousdeux its a dual display adapter02:37
PKdoRwell thats it for that one02:37
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eyptvousdeux used for dual monitors?02:37
PKdoRnow my last thingy to set up02:37
eyptvousedeux planning on setting one up02:37
VousDeuxeypt: not by its self, it has a single connector02:38
markelhasI've change same params from a usb disk, how can i changes to default settings!?02:38
gmachine_24For example: #/dev/hda2       /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       102:38
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:38
gmachine_24Linux will not mount /dev/hda2 etc. because of the #02:38
Frogzoogmachine_24: man fstab02:38
PKdoRI want my cube to rotate when i move my mose to the edge but i cant seem to find that option02:38
teimuis there a command to figure what distro of ubuntu i have?02:38
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gmachine_24Frogzoo: I have checked all that and can't get an answer.02:38
LinuxProbieCoasterMaster, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37064/02:38
VousDeuxI use dual monitors now, but I would like to be able to use it on my new notebook when it arrives02:38
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gmachine_24man mount, man fstab, etc.02:38
eyptvousdeux hmm when it arrives it will use linux?02:38
gmachine_24plus various Internet sites02:38
VousDeuxactually, I'd like to have about 4 monitors02:39
s0phismwhich blogs of ubuntu r good?02:39
Asukawhat do I have to do in order to install a game made for windows onto ubuntu?02:39
eyptvousdeux or will you be installing linux?02:39
Flannel!wine | Asuka02:39
ubotuAsuka: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.02:39
VousDeuxeypt: yes, I ordered with no OS02:39
CoasterMasterLinuxProbie, hmmmm, what version of Azureus are you installing?02:39
eyptvousdeux ahh kk02:39
gnutrongot to fly, bye bye :)02:39
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CoasterMasterteimu, cat /etc/issue02:39
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LinuxProbieCoasterMaster, no clue02:39
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CoasterMasterLinuxProbie, is it the one from the Ubuntu repositories?02:40
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VousDeuxI'm installing 64-bit kubuntu02:40
slimjimflimhi. does anybody know how to change window size in wine?02:40
eyptvousdeux i hear its alot better then other 64 bit oses out there ;)02:40
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VousDeuxeypt: I hope so :)02:40
vader1102VousDeux, I am running 64 bit Ubuntu and love it..02:40
CoasterMasterLinuxProbie, (i.e. do you type sudo apt-get install azureus to install it)?02:40
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eyptvousdeux my instructer uses it he enjoys it alot02:41
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VousDeuxvader1102: how much RAM?02:41
LinuxProbieCoasterMaster, yah02:41
osmosiswhy does my /etc/motd  get overwritten all the time to the default?02:41
s0phismdoes anyone know which blogs of ubuntu r good?02:41
vader11021 gb VousDeux02:41
VousDeuxvader1102: ahhh...AMD?02:41
gmachine_24OK, so using a # at the beginning of a line in /etc/fstab or smb.conf doesn't comment out that line? .... I think it does....02:41
LOWLUXubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk /media/disk02:41
LOWLUXYou will not be able to write the partition table.02:41
LOWLUXUnable to read /media/disk02:41
vader1102yes VousDeux02:41
eyptvousdeux honestly im pretty new to linux so i am learning alot from this XD02:41
CoasterMasterLinuxProbie, hmmm, that's very weird.  I'm not sure how to fix it :(  Sorry02:42
jribs0phism: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic02:42
s0phismjrib: thanks}02:42
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VousDeuxI ordered the MSI 1719 notebook with Core Duo 2GHz and 4GB RAM02:42
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eyptvousdeux hmm there should be a driver cd with the notebook it might have the driver you are looking for on there02:42
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CoasterMasterIs there a way to redirect the stdout to a file (i.e. foo > bar), but also have it display on the terminal?02:42
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vader1102VousDeux, it is an HP Presario DV9201 CA and I love it! Most things I have tried work out of the box with Ubuntu02:43
acecaseI have installed ndiswrapper-utils and used ndiswrapper -i to install the bcm driver that I extracted with cabextract from the driver on the HP website but the card just isn't showing up. ndiswrapper module is loading but shows 0 depends02:43
AsukaI'm confused with the wine thing02:43
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AsukaI'm here http://www.winehq.org/site/download now what?02:43
acecaseanyone know anything about ndiswrapper?02:43
Asukapick ubuntu?02:43
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VousDeuxI've seen both Ubuntu and Kubuntu on the live CD...I really like what I have seen so far02:43
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astro76Asuka, yes02:44
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Asukaand then type the stuff it tells me to?02:44
Random832O2 Micro, Inc. OZ711M1/MC1 4-in-1 MemoryCardBus Controller02:44
Random832how do i make this work02:44
astro76Asuka, yeah for your version, I recommend copying and pasting into a terminal02:44
VousDeuxI've always been fond of the Debian-based distributions...I've tried most of them at one time or another02:44
VousDeuxSuSE was my favorite until Novell got ahold of it02:45
vader1102VousDeux, I ran FC6 anf F7 on here, and didn't like it too well02:45
VousDeuxI lothe RH02:45
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askandIs there a command/program I can use so I can see what uuntu is doing with my harddrive at the moment?02:45
askandIm woriet02:46
Asukahow fail-safe is wine? I've heard some bad things about it02:46
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rexy_fail safe how Asuka02:46
vader1102Suse tried to blow away my vista partition w/o asking me,........ last time I use that product02:46
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Asukawell, how good does it work is what I really mean02:46
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rexy_varies, you can check the list of what works on the winehq site02:47
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:47
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vader1102sorry for the off-topic guys won't happen again02:47
VousDeuxI have not used Wine much, but what I have seen was very slow, and lots of programs didn't work at all02:47
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VousDeuxif you want to run Windows programs in Linux, you'd be better off with VMware02:47
AsukaHow do I install a program using wine?02:47
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FlannelVousDeux: It's not slow.  Some apps it actually runs faster.  But you're right about the sparseness.02:47
Flannel!wine | Asuka02:47
ubotuAsuka: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.02:47
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darwin81If I want separate "/" and "/home" partitions, is 4GB enough for the "/" partition?02:47
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fungosnice, psp working, just needed to do a "sudo rmmod ehci_hcd"02:48
fatcatmattanybody know anything about Ultimate Ubuntu02:48
nickruddarwin81: barely, you'll need a bigger partition if you intend to install much02:48
Flanneldarwin81: It will be, although you might fill it up eventually02:48
darwin81so 6GB?02:48
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Picifatcatmatt: Its not an official version.02:48
darwin81I have a 160GB HDD02:49
Flannelfatcatmatt: You don't want it.  Use standard Ubuntu, and install whatever other programs you want (they're most in the repos, and the others are in third party repos)02:49
LinuxProbieCoasterMaster, the guys in azureus support said to use an official build from sourceforge, how do I install that package?02:49
nickruddarwin81: give it 12 :)02:49
Flanneldarwin81: 10GB /02:49
FlannelOr 12 ;)02:49
vader1102does wine work with amd 64? last I knew it really gave problems02:49
fatcatmattthanks pici and flannel02:49
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VousDeuxthe size of / would depend on how much other stuff you plan to partition off02:49
AsukaI'm installing something off a cd though02:49
CoasterMasterLinuxProbie, first uninstall the version you got from the repos (i.e. sudo apt-get remove azureus), and then follow the directions here02:49
CoasterMasterLinuxProbie, http://ubuntu1501.blogspot.com/2007/05/installing-newest-azurues-in-ubuntu-704.html02:49
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Asukait's not a download files from windoes02:50
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askandIs there a command/program I can use so I can see what uuntu is doing with my harddrive at the moment?02:50
FlannelAsuka: that's fine.  That page gives intsructions.  If it's multiple CDs, you'll need to copy them off first.02:50
markelhasi've change setting from a usb disk, how can i restore to default settings via terminal!?02:50
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mav i've change setting from a usb disk, how can i restore to default settings via terminal!?02:50
IgorSobreirahey guys...how can i add to panel the network-admin ??? so i can see the list of wireless networks, etc... :T02:50
AsukaOh, so I need to copy all the files into a folder?02:50
mavany one!02:50
FlannelAsuka: Not unless it's a multi-CD install02:50
VousDeuxhonestly though...I haven't installed a recent version of Linux, so I plan to research the partitioning myself before I install mine in a few days02:51
Asukaokay, it is02:51
eyptvousdeux the one thing i dislike is the installations XD02:51
FlannelAsuka: what is it?02:51
AsukaGuild Wars02:51
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Asukatwo cd install02:51
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VousDeuxeypt: what is XD?02:51
mav i've change setting from a usb disk, how can i restore to default settings via terminal!?02:51
eyptvousdeux a half assed smiley :P02:51
VousDeuxahhh :)02:52
FlannelAsuka: There are instructions (for Wow, but it should be similar/identical): https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft  And also try #winehq, they'll be able to help you far better.02:52
fall-enDoes anyone know where I can get extra screensavers?02:52
nickrudmav: what settings, it'll depend02:52
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LinuxProbieCoasterMaster, will that work for the 3.0 az?02:53
CoasterMasterLinuxProbie, no, these are for the latest in the 2.5.x branch (
=== vecnah [n=vecna@vecna.vecnix.net] has joined #ubuntu
LinuxProbieis tehre one for 3.0?02:54
CoasterMasterLinuxProbie, here are instructions for 3.002:54
CoasterMaster* runrun (n=bobabot1@70-59-143-71.ptld.qwest.net) has joined #ubuntu02:54
CoasterMaster* ruminator (n=zag@CPE000103b9f502-CM0012c90cfcb8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #02:54
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CoasterMasterwoah, sorry wrong thing in my clipboard02:54
fatcatmattanybody ever tried using wine with the game 1701 AD?02:54
CoasterMasterLinuxProbie: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14454602:54
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mav i've change setting from a usb disk, how can i restore to default settings via terminal!?02:55
kravlinI'm having problems with ubuntu 64bit after updating.02:55
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kravlinIt keeps a frame of refrence on gaim or whatever program i start first.02:55
allorderhi everyone, I got a weird problem, when i download/unzip files, folder/file dont appear in desktop, I have to click reload with nautilus /home/user/Desktop, any idea ?02:55
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nickrudmav what settings :)02:55
Flannelmav: If you don't ever answer the questions people ask you, it's extremely difficult to help.02:55
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OrTigaSanyone can guide me how to install grub to my external usb hd.... i cant understant much what ubotu link that gave me... noob on this :)02:55
kravlinand i can't click on any other program until i right click. It started when the updates happened last week. any ideas?02:56
mavnickrud, i've clicked on the icon that was in the desktop and change something cause it was saying that i've no permission to write on it02:56
nickrudallorder: apparently nautilus isn't seeing the notifications; I've found that restarting nautilus usually works.   killall nautilus02:56
guitarboy1016hey does anyone know how to hide the applications in the toolbar in other desktops?02:56
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mavnickrud, know i can't mount it anymore :(02:56
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nickrudmav: , do you remember what you changed. The mount point, maybe?02:57
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allordernickrud: not just nautilus desktop 202:57
nickrudallorder: nautilus writes the desktop02:57
mavnickrud, it was the permissions a think, but know it doesn't mount it02:57
allordernickrud: doh, thx02:57
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kagHi guys, I'm having problem with my sound card. I've pushed all the sliders all the way up in Alsa Mixer and I still can't hear a sound in many applications (like VLC or Firefox). Actually the only applications that are outputting sound are Totem Movie Player and Skype. Any idea on what I could try?02:58
Nyleahhh boy02:58
mavnickrud, it says Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume 'DIGIMATE'.02:58
NyleI am back on ubuntu02:58
nickrudmav, ok. that helps, a sec02:58
mavnickrud, how can i restore this!02:58
=== kravlin [n=kravlin2@c-24-9-93-170.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kravlinthat was fun.02:58
kravlinHas anyone else been having problems with gaim after the recent update (im running a 64 bit arcatecture and i am.)02:59
allordernickrud: thx it works :>02:59
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thedashare there any functions like peerguardian for Linux ?02:59
teimuhow can i set for a terminal to start upon gdm login from the command line (im sure theres some config file for this). and whats the name of the gui terminal that would be typically used by gdm?03:00
kravlincould someone help me fix the problem with Gaim? its driving me nuts!03:00
acecaseam i suposed to load something manualy when using ndiswrapper for a broadcom wireless card?03:00
teimukravlin, dont ask to ask. just ask03:00
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kravlinteimu: i already did.03:01
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nickrudmav:   copy and paste this into a terminal:    gconftool --recursive-unset /system/storage/volumes03:01
teimuheh, uhh, my bad03:01
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eyptlol my term for a cry of help03:01
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eyptturn* :P03:01
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eyptanyone ever try installing JRE?03:02
krammerWhich program can I use to scan a doc.??03:02
kravlinteimu: thats not saying i don't need help...03:02
eypta .doc?03:02
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:02
eyptdid you try openoffice?03:02
krammeri want to use my scanner03:02
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eyptthat i wouldnt know :D03:02
krammeri tried using xsane but the program always freezes03:03
DerangedDingoHey.. everone, sorry to just jump in with a question, but I changed, a while back, my output module in VLC to X11 Video Output, so it wouldn't be buggy with Compiz, and I'm trying to watch an Apple keynot right now, but all I can hear is audio..03:03
eyptdont use scanners03:03
eyptbut check add or remove programs03:03
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krammercheck for which program03:03
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eypt1 sec03:03
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kravlinHas anyone else been having problems with gaim after the recent update (im running a 64 bit system and i am.)03:04
scottywz-iPhoneI remember a problem with vlc where I couldnt watch apple keynotes03:04
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iTG`Neatcheekravlin: what kind of trouble, and after what update?03:04
eyptcould check through the accessibility list03:04
krammergaim is a pain in the ...03:04
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eyptlol ive never had an issue with gaim yet03:04
DerangedDingoscottywz-iPhone: I could before I changed it though03:04
iTG`Neatcheekrammer: that's because gaim is no longer supported by the team that developed it03:04
iTG`Neatcheeand the ubuntu backport team refused to backport it03:04
krammereven pidgin03:04
iTG`Neatcheepidgin is fantastic lol03:04
DerangedDingoscottywz-iPhone: And Totem says the "location does not exist"03:04
scottywz-iPhoneOh, then...03:04
krammersame as gaim03:04
maedhrosI recenty recovered a lot of music from a broken disk with testdisk/photorec, but some of the files are corrupt and incomplete. I've tried to identify the bad files with mp3check, but the documentation is... somewhat hard to understand. Are there other efficient tools that can do this job?03:04
iTG`Neatcheedon't know what you have against it03:04
krammerthe bots took over yahoo chat rooms03:05
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scottywz-iPhoneChanged anything else03:05
kravliniTG'Neatchee: It developed tuesday last week. Whenever i run gaim it makes it so i can only select the text boxes in gaim and sometimes not even that...03:05
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krammerscoot: you bought iphone?03:05
iTG`Neatcheekravlin: PM please03:05
DerangedDingoscottywz-iPhone: Nah.. I even reset all the options to defaults03:05
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kravlinkrammer: the same thing happened with the aim chatrooms.03:05
eyptkrammer lol bots have been taking over yahoo chatrooms for ages now03:05
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scottywz-iPhoneWeird. I dont know then03:06
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eyptits all over with the spammers and the people supposed to admin it dont do they jobs so we suffer as users03:06
krammerive been with yahoo for 6 years03:06
JeevesMosswhat are the packages that you need to unstall a LAMP system?03:06
nickrudDerangedDingo: you could try reinstalling it and the plugins03:06
rawkfistthere anyone here that can help me get java 1.5 or .6 going, this is getting frustrating03:06
acecaseisn't it ironic that an open protocal such as IRC has fewer bots than the propriatary gom that is Yahoo IM03:06
eyptlol rawk thats what im trying to do atm03:06
nickrudrawkfist: what's the problem?03:06
krammerif they can do anything then they need a new team03:06
DerangedDingonickrud: I don't have any plugins ATM except the Mozilla plugin03:06
maedhrosOh, and another issue I've got: Ubuntu seems to hang and crash more or less every second time I boot up. Can anyone point me in the right direction to solve this issue?03:07
=== CSills [n=csills@c-71-59-52-223.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
eyptnickrud the issue with the JRE is that they give you a package ya cant access and cant use ive used the guide to install it but it doesnt work XD03:07
rawkfisti try to run test it on suns site says it is not installed, limewire says it is installed in the terminal but wil not load and frostwire says it is not installed03:07
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nickrudeypt: the ones in the repos install just fine. Of course, the add/remove doesn't include the firefox plugin iirc03:07
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eyptnickrud lostme there :P03:08
acecasemaedhros: try adding noapic nolapic to your boot config at the end of the root= line03:08
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rawkfistcan i install it with apt-get?03:08
nickrudrawkfist: sudo aptitude install sun-java6-plugin03:08
{{Booh}}Hi.  How to configures and select locales?  It seems that dpkg-reconfigure locales isn't the way anymore ?03:08
maedhrosacecase: Whoa.03:08
nickrudrawkfist: or sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin03:08
acecasemaedhros: ?03:08
maedhrosacecase: boot-config?03:08
Surf24Hey everyone.03:08
acecasemaedhros: /boot/grub/menu.lst03:08
mineraleHow do I make ubuntu automatically login when I turn on computer?03:09
rawkfiststill wont verify on java.com03:09
Surf24Has anyone purchased an Ibex 5050 computer.03:09
nickrudrawkfist: and just for certainty, sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre  &&  sudo update-alternatives --config java  , and select the number next to the java6 version03:09
meoblast001can someone help me with wine03:09
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meoblast001i need a program called microsoft data access components03:09
acecasemaedhros: you will see the line that has the "title" that you boot. just look for boot= and at the end of that line add noapic and nolapic03:09
iTG`NeatcheeKravlin: are you getting my PMs?03:10
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meoblast001but mmicrosoft doesnt give away stuff, you have to prove to them you have windows03:10
meoblast001how do i fix this?03:10
LinuxProbieCoasterMaster, Uhm, I got http://www.xbox360fanboy.com/2007/04/18/epic-video-master-chief-vs-samus/03:10
LinuxProbietar: /opt: Cannot chdir: No such file or directory03:10
LinuxProbietar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now03:10
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acecaseminerale: just look for default in /boot/grub/menu.lst and change it to the number related to the os that you want to boot (remember that it is 0 based)03:10
LinuxProbieignore the link *rofl* forgot that ctrl^c doesn't work in terminal...03:10
kravliniTG`Neatchee: no. I didn't auto identify this time around for some reason.03:11
scythetleppoI have an ubuntu system with 2 hard drives; how can I install windows xp on the second drive and have grub in the beginning to choose?03:11
iTG`Neatcheeneither did i apparently -_-03:11
iTG`Neatcheeone sec03:11
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AnimumI had a problem while installing ubuntu03:11
{{Booh}}I would like CF keyboard ... in terminal and in gnome app.  How to?03:11
AnimumAll of windows got erased03:11
maedhrosacecase: But it doesn't crash in grub. What happens is, I get to the login screen, but my mouse and keyboard stops to react (all keyboard LEDS switches off), and the text marker disappears  from the "user"-field.03:11
AnimumCan I restore it?03:11
iTG`Neatcheeah lol03:11
maedhrosacecase: Will your solution still help?03:11
iTG`Neatcheebrb on my proper nick hehehe03:11
rawkfistby god i think ya dun it03:11
Peloscythetleppo, it is installed already ?03:11
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AnimumCan anyone answer my question?03:12
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scythetleppoPelo: is what installed03:12
PeloAnimum, patience this is a busy channel03:12
Peloscythetleppo,  your windows03:12
acecasemaedhros: rite. it may still help. It depends but it is the common first attempt at fixing random crashes03:12
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neramoswhats your question03:12
eyptyep animum03:12
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eyptwb pelo03:12
rawkfistnickrud you are my hero03:12
neramosI wasnt there03:12
markelhasnickrud, the command didn't solve the problem03:12
Pelothanks eypt03:12
CJLucasanyone use rtorrent with xmlrpc in here?03:12
Animumneramos, I'll PM you03:12
scythetleppoPelo: no I have windows disc and I'm wondering how to install it on disc 2 and have grub to choose03:12
nickrudrawkfist: yw ;)03:12
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nickrudmarkelhas: which one?03:12
eyptpelo anytime having fun installing java03:12
markelhasnickrud, gconftool --recursive-unset /system/storage/volumes03:12
rawkfisti worked on that for an hour, you get it done in 10 seconds lol03:12
=== Ignominy [n=ignominy@naidfetg.dsl.xmission.com] has joined #ubuntu
Peloscythetleppo,  ok , unplug the ubuntu hdd, and install windows on the second hdd,  then plug the ubuntu hdd back in , and come back here I'll help you edit the menu.lst file03:13
maedhrosacecase: Okay, looking at the grub config, but the text "boot=" does not occur at all03:13
markelhasnickrud, when i turn on the disk safe msg about mount option error!03:13
kravliniTG`Neatchee: it didnt auto identify me. I should now.03:13
PeloAnimum,  can you state your problem again please in one line03:13
kravlinit should.03:13
NeatcheeI'm on my proper nick now too :)03:13
Peloeypt, what &?03:13
eyptpelo now time to see if it works XD03:13
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scythetleppoPelo: it's on other computer so I can stay here while I do it. starting now.03:14
nickrudmarkelhas: that should have removed any configs set by right clicking. I did it here on my machine first, and it erased all my customization ;)03:14
eyptpelo the jre so i can get onto pogo and play the games :P03:14
=== function1 [i=zoid@grt678.wireless-resnet.upenn.edu] has joined #ubuntu
AnimumPelo, I installed ubuntu and sized the partitions, but I do not see windows as an option at startup03:14
LinuxProbieCoasterMaster, Are you still around?03:14
Grungebunnyhow do you install new mouse pointers? such as the ones on gnome-look ?03:14
nickrudmarkelhas: ok, I need to see the exact error03:14
function1what exactly is a "theme engine" as compared to just a theme03:14
markelhasnickrud, :(03:14
eyptpelo yay it worked ty nickrud :)03:14
CoasterMasterLinuxProbie, what's up/03:14
Peloscythetleppo, it will be easier for you to boot ubuntu on the ontehr computer and join from there when it it time to installed03:14
scythetleppoPelo: they on same desk03:14
johwilGRUB PROBLEMS?03:14
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johwiltry: http://aquariusoft.org/~johwil/Grub/03:15
LinuxProbieCoasterMaster, when following those installation instructions, I got tar: /opt: Cannot chdir: No such file or directory03:15
LinuxProbietar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now03:15
LinuxProbie after putting in sudo tar jxvf Azureus_2.5.0.4_linux.tar.bz2 -C /opt/03:15
=== aguitel [n=aguitel@118-87-235-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
Evanlecwhat does it mean if theres a Boot directory and the file grldr on my windows partition (C: drive) ? this is GRUB right? safe to remove these?03:15
maedhrosacecase: I assume it's supposed to go here, somewhere; "kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20-16-generic root=UUID=5961b2b8-ccbe-43cb-8c18-02d8d6d5fd8a ro quiet splash" ?03:15
IgnominyWho can I talk to about an install problem?03:15
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PeloAnimum,  ok , let's try this first , open a terminal and type  blkid  see if you see a ntfs partition03:15
aguitelhow i see .mov videos ?03:15
Peloscythetleppo, there will be some copy patsing involved03:15
CoasterMasterLinuxProbie: sudo mkdir /opt/03:15
acecasemaedhros: yes make that say "kernel  /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20-16-generic root=UUID=5961b2b8-ccbe-43cb-8c18-02d8d6d5fd8a ro quiet splash noapic nolapic"03:15
markelhasnickrud, when i turn on my usb disk it says: "Cannot mount volume. Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume 'DIGIMATE'."03:16
LinuxProbieCoasterMaster, that did the trick, thx03:16
acecaseI hate this UUID crap. what is wrong with root=/dev/hda1 or whatever03:16
maedhrosacecase: Okay, thanks. Will try that. Have to get some work done, but time will show if it helps :)03:16
Grungebunnyhow do you install new mouse pointers? such as the ones on gnome-look ?03:16
Pelojohwil,  what is the grub problem you have03:16
markelhasnickrud, can i provide some extra info, if yes how?03:16
nickrudmarkelhas: ok, then:   alt-f2  gconf-editor03:16
acecasemaedhros: good luck03:16
ubotuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  sudo blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)03:16
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PeloGrungebunny, copy them unpacked file to home/user/.icons  and then select the pointer from the mouse menu under prefs03:17
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johwilPelo: none i just have a wonderful prog for solution03:17
GrungebunnyPelo u da man thanks.03:17
jamescarrwhat was that command to list the services on my own ports?03:17
jamescarrI need to find out what port tomcat is runnin on03:17
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david___anyone got a link to a fairly updated and comphrensive sources.list for apt?03:18
BuLBanyone here/03:18
=== Pelo is "DA" man , don't nobody forget it
function1what exactly is a "theme engine" as opposed to just a theme?03:18
Evanlecwhat does it mean if theres a Boot directory and the file grldr on my windows partition (C: drive) ? this is GRUB right? safe to remove these?03:18
Surf24Are Ibex computers any good?03:18
scythetleppofunction1: theme = settings for a theme engine03:18
BuLBi just installed my ubuntu ver 7.403:18
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scythetleppofunction1: theme engine = program to take settings and apply them to your desktop03:18
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krammerhow do i install java runtime?03:18
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CoasterMasterkrammer: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin03:19
Pelo!java | krammer03:19
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ubotukrammer: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre03:19
eyptkrammer ^^03:19
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saxartisthi, if my mobo power light is on, but the power button doesn't work, is that more likely a p.s. issue or the mobo itself?03:19
saxartistthe computer won't turn on03:19
eyptlol decided to try doin it on my own i have 2 more useless desktop icons XD03:19
function1scythetleppo: do you mean apply them to gtk2?03:19
eyptthen i used ^ and worked lol03:19
CoasterMasterkrammer, sorry sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre03:19
IgnominyWho can I talk to about an install problem?03:19
cretephow can i tell what version of ubuntu I'm running?03:19
eyptcoaster :P03:19
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krammeri just installed that03:20
Pelosaxartist, I'd say it's a case problem , the power switch it broken03:20
scythetleppofunction1: whatever you are using03:20
Evanlecsaxartist, more than likely its simply a matter of connecting power switch wire from your case to the headers on your motherboard03:20
eyptignominy ask away and someone will get to ya XD03:20
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CoasterMastereypt: all the packages get jumbled in my head03:20
eyptbit busy as ya can see tho03:20
nickrudCoasterMaster: both work, they depend on each other03:20
vader1102saxartist, I would try another known good power supply........if that does not work, then I would start looking into other things03:20
PeloAnimum,  ?03:20
eyptcoaster im a new ubuntu user how do u think im feeling atm?03:20
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nickrudcretep: lsb_release -a03:20
BuLBjust installed my ubuntu03:20
CoasterMastereypt, haha, i know how you're feeling :)03:20
saxartistPelo: I'm ahead of you there, I've tried multiple power jumpers, and the trick with shorting the jumper by way of a metal object03:20
IgnominyWhen I go to boot from the CD I get the following message: "The system memory manager (EMM386.EXE) has detected an error caused by a fault in one of the device drivers or programs loaded in the system.03:20
IgnominyDue to this fault, the system is probably in an unstable state, and you are therefore recommended to reboot the computer immediately. If the problem persists, then try to isolate which program is at fault (if you have loaded several, then load them one at a time until the fault appears), then contact the technical support department for that program.03:20
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eyptBuLB coastermaster just did mine saturday03:21
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Talcitehey guys, is there any reason why I need avahi-daemon and avahi-autoipd running?03:21
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nickrudIgnominy: isn't that a windows error?03:21
LinuxProbieCoasterMaster, Everything works now, thx!03:21
BuLBeypt just did mine the other day03:21
TalciteI have a feeling it's actually conflicting with my network DHCP03:21
Peloeypt, the moment you installed linux you became a 1337 h4x0rs,  you no longer have the right to be wrong, you must now spend all you free time memorising manpages and googling for howtos03:21
krammerCoaster: couldnt find package03:21
scythetleppoPelo: this is weird, xp doesn't recognize my ntfs drive(?)03:21
nickrudrflol, Pelo03:21
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moyeranyone know whats good to  use to run a radio station server?03:21
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holotoneFresh install of Feisty 64 on a  new dual core 64bit gateway desktop - And for some horrid reason, my wired connection is about as flaky as it can get. Other computers connected via cat5 to the same router are fine, but this one in particular says it is connected, but about every other request for a website just loads, and loads, and loads, and loads, etc.. Any ideas as to how I can diagnose the problem?03:21
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EvanlecPelo, LOL03:21
function1scythetleppo: so an engine might give a new set of widgets, and a theme for that engine says what color, border, etc etc03:21
eyptPelo lol takes alot more then a OS to do that but im working on the 1337 part XD03:21
PeloTalcite,  they run your networkcard03:22
eyptpelo jk ;)03:22
scythetleppoPelo: it says I can delete the partition if I want to, but no way since there's massive data on there03:22
Talciteguys, is there ANY reason why I need avahi running on my system?03:22
IgnominyNickrud: possibly as I can't dual boot into WinXP Pro.  I've done three repair installs.  After each repair install I'm able to get into windows but once I restart the computer it goes striaght to a blue screen.03:22
Peloscythetleppo, cause it 's a new hdd and it is not partitionned yet ?03:22
Talciteis it an essential service?03:22
scythetleppofunction1: right and they would call that a widget engine03:22
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eyptpelo and btw i have been memorising alot since i got it and doing alot of freaking howtos -.-03:22
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beeewhi. anyone running on nginx in here?03:22
scythetleppoPelo: it's not new and it is partitioned and has lots of movies and stuff on it03:22
eyptpelo had to bookmark em to look thru em when i get the chance03:22
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mavnickrud, solved the problem, how can i write in this disk know!03:23
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someone2005should grub be installed when I just have the ubuntu os installed ?03:23
Peloscythetleppo, I'M not sure windows partitions drives, if you install it will automaticaly overwrite the partiton you write to03:23
ussersomeone2005: yes03:23
BuLBany software that is like an exchange server here?03:23
nickrudIgnominy: I had a problem like that after partitioning with gparted.  try    sudo fdisk -l   in a terminal , fdisk told me my partition table was fubar'd. I had to repartition with cfdisk and reinstall everything03:23
eyptbut for the most part im doing well with it id say im getting the dling and installing downpact i just wanna grab a couple of the admin programs and play around with my home network pelo :P03:23
BuLBany software that is like an exchange server on ubuntu?03:23
nickrudmav: great!03:24
NeatcheeHi everyone, I'm still waiting for some help with a segmentation fault in gnome-keybinding-properties.  I've made a post on the forums, including a full description of the problem, relevant, a backtrace, and an strace output.03:24
function1scythetleppo: k. er, then what exactly does a theme engine change? i guess, what else is there besides widgets03:24
scythetleppoPelo: so I have to clear all this data off just to install it and move it all back over?03:24
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Peloscythetleppo,  if you need to move some stuf out first, I suggest you plug the ubuntu hdd back in , use gparted to rezise the ntfs partition on your new hdd and then instlall windows on the available space03:24
scythetleppofunction1: you know what emerald is?03:24
cretephow can I see my windows partition in Feisty?t03:24
Neatcheeoops, meant to include the link to the thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3344715#post334471503:24
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function1scythetleppo: themes for beryl?03:24
Peloscythetleppo,  let me try that again03:24
mavnickrud, with the gconf-editor i've found the problem. can i write to this fat32 usb disk?03:24
nickrudNeatchee: have you checked bugs.launchpad.net ; that's where those things should go03:24
usserBuLB: exchange is a mail server right?03:24
nickrudmav: you should.03:24
Ignominynickrud: I can't even get to Grub.03:24
scythetleppofunction1: no emerald is the engine03:24
Peloscythetleppo,  is there some free space on that hdd ?03:24
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nickrudIgnominy: try with a livecd I guess.03:25
mavnickrud, but says that i don't have permissions03:25
scythetleppoPelo: free space on both yes but one partition on each only03:25
BuLBusser : yiup..want to setup a mail server on ubuntu..how?03:25
Peloscythetleppo, do not plug the ubuntu hdd back in03:25
Neatcheenickrud: i'm not prepared to say it's a bug in ubuntu/gnome yet, because i can't reproduce it on a fresh install03:25
function1scythetleppo: ok so if not widgets, theme engine does windows or something?03:25
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Peloscythetleppo,  join me in #pelo please03:25
nugget93hey can anyone help me?03:25
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kagHi guys, I'm having problem with my sound card. I've pushed all the sliders all the way up in Alsa Mixer and I still can't hear a sound in many applications (like VLC or Firefox). Actually the only applications that are outputting sound are Totem Movie Player and Skype. Any idea on what I could try?03:26
Jengerernickrud: You there?03:26
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nickrudmav: delete everything under volumes in the gconf-editor03:26
nickrudJengerer: hey, how are you.03:26
mavnickrud, says "You do not have permissions to write to this folder."03:26
usserBuLB: i dont know much about it, linux has the sendmail server which was around for decades03:26
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IgnominyNickrud: I'm fairly certain I'm using a livecd.  It is possible I jacked up the burn; how, I don't know, but it is possible.03:26
nickrudNeatchee: I can relate to that, I nearly always find it's pebcak03:27
Jengerernickrud: I tried the guide, it didn't work. So I tried opening my DSDT file and recompiling it (after fixing all the errors in it), but it still doesn't work. I think it's a lost cause.03:27
Jengerernickrud: And nobody's replied to my post yet.03:27
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cretepwhat do I need to do to see my windows partition on a dual boot machine (Feisty)?03:27
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saint-takesh4cretep: mount it03:27
nugget93hey guys, I'm wondering a few things before i install ubuntu. They are :  1. Does is have Macromedia Flash Player?   2. Whats the chance i'll lose data from windows XP (im dual booting) and lastly 3. anyone wanna walk me through partitioning?03:27
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nickrudJengerer: some things are hard. That's one of the reasons I try to stay away from compiling where ever possible these days. I compiled up a system a couple times, that was enough :)03:28
eypthmm auto message on private pelo?03:28
Peloeypt, I don'T allow private msg please talk to me in the channel03:28
eyptahh np m8 :)03:28
cretephow do I mount it (this is a newbie help channel, right)?03:28
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mkultrasi was trying to install pptpd server for many hours already, i was going to try webmin to config it so i did apt-get install webmin but no go, and then apt-cache search webmin and its not there, cat /etc/debian_version says 4.0 on my server03:28
Jengerernickrud: I guess I'm going to have to stick with my eye-candy-less XP Media Center and check back until there's a fix.03:28
nugget93so can anyone help me?03:28
mavnickrud, done, only default values know03:28
anandanbuI installed Ubuntu 7.04 as the only OS for my system and the GRUB is not getting detected during the boot Help needed03:28
nickrudmav: unmount the drive, and stick it back in.03:29
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mkultrasany suggetsion now i can get pptpd configed i'm super frustrated now03:29
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Surf24Are Gigabyte motherboards linux compatible?03:29
eypthmm u use the linux irc or mirc pelo?03:29
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Jengerernugget93: 1. yes 2. None if you've done it right. 3. For what purpose?03:29
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PeloSurf24,  you can try looking in here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport03:29
jacob_having problems installing my wireless driver, can anybody help?03:29
Peloeypt,  I use xchat03:29
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nugget93 jengerer: 3. So i can install ubuntu linux03:29
nugget93jengerer: im running the live version right now03:30
eypthmm i find this one easier to manage with the other windows pelo mirc was killin me with the popup windows :P03:30
jamescarrI need to find out what port tomcat is runnin on03:30
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Pelojacob_,  it is better to ask specific questions if anyone can hlep they will try03:30
jamescarrwhat command?03:30
Surf24Thx will try, ayone out there with an Ibex desktop?03:30
Jengerernugget93: Do you have two harddrives installed on your computer03:30
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nugget93jengerer: no just 103:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mov - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:30
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cretephow do i mount my windoze xp partition so I can see it?03:30
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nickrudmkultras: what does lsb_release -a say03:30
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Peloeypt,  that is why I block private msg03:31
adelieevery startup it says the disks havn't been checked in thousands of days then freezes. ???03:31
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eyptahh lol03:31
Jengerernugget93: Then you're going to have to get a program called Partition Magic and resize your partition so that you have a separate partition for Ubuntu.03:31
Thor_does anyone here use WEBMIN?03:31
anandanbuI installed Ubuntu 7.04 as the only OS for my system and the GRUB is not getting detected during the boot Help needed03:31
adelieI love webmin03:31
saint-takesh2cretep: firstly, find out the device name for the partition (/dev/hdxy, where x is the letter of the harddrive {a=pri master, b=pri slave, etc) and y is the partition number03:31
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Jengerernugget93: it's a windows software, and it's not free.03:31
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nugget93jengerer: I've heard with feisty fawn, you can partition from within the installer or use gparted03:31
ckin2001Jengerer, you can use gparted to resize windows03:31
jacob_pelo, can you help me? I'm having difficulties knowing which driver i need to download at step two at this site: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff03:31
nugget93jengerer: btw if you didnt know im using the live version of feisty fawn right now03:32
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WojciechGHi everyone. I just did a Distribution Upgrade on Ubuntu and one of my partitions "lost" all of its data... "Lost" as in the files disappeared but the data appears to be there. How can I retrieve this?03:32
adelieanadanbu did you make sure the boot loader was updated and installed? update-grub && grub-install (something like that)03:32
Pelojacob_, I don'T use wifi myself, and I've never installed it , but I'll give it a look03:32
Jengerernugget93: So press ALT + F2, and type in sudo gparted.03:32
VousDeuxso far, the best partioning reference I have found is titled "Linux Partition HOWTO"03:33
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nickrudmav: ping03:33
Jengerernugget93: Then when you get there, you have to resize the partition that's there. (Should only be one.)03:33
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Jengerernugget93: Then, when you're installing ubuntu, you have to choose the second partition for installing.03:33
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nickrudVousDeux: tldp.org, a great site :)03:33
nugget93jengerer: there is and ive defragged hard drive and its 45% free and its 300gb, how much space do i need for linux and how many different partitions03:33
Jengerernugget93: And if you haven't made a new partition out of the one that was created when you resized, you should be able to just select "largest continuous partition" or whatever the option is.03:34
Pelojacob_,  look up your wifi card in this link and see if it is listed and if they tell you which driver to use  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport03:34
Azerhow do i solve this?  Sep 10 17:32:47 mars kernel: [369696.137150]  NTFS-fs error (device hdb5): ntfs_readdir(): Directory index record with vcn 0x0 is corrupt.  Corrupt inode 0x2098.  Run chkdsk.03:34
{{Booh}}hey... what happen to package "localeconf" ?  I can't find it!03:34
MTecknologywhere are my icons at for items that load into the tray? There one icon shows up blank when my panel is too small b/c it's missing a certain file03:34
nickrudAzer: you should have windows check and fix it's own disk, it's safer03:34
Azernickrud if i had a windows box here.03:34
Jengerernugget93: You only need one partition that's not formatted to any type yet, and it'll automatically create everything you need. Ubuntu takes up maximum 3-5 gbs (I think) so 70-100 would be more than enough.03:34
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MTecknologyi think there's supposed to be something like a 16x16 and a 32x32 directory or something like that03:35
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nugget93jengerer: ok ive heard about a swap thing? whats that03:35
nickrudAzer: then you need to read up on chkdsk or wait for someone who's used it. :)03:35
scythetleppoPelo: I got some errors =/03:35
cretepok, gparted says the windoze partition is /dev/sda103:35
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Azernickrud cool03:35
cretephow do i mount it?03:35
nickrudgotta go eat, bbl03:35
Jengerernugget93: I'm not exactly sure, honestly... but I know that Ubuntu automatically creates it out of the partition that you set for the installation.03:36
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ckin2001nugget93, swap is a swap partition, like windows swap file03:36
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nugget93jengerer: ok ive freed up about 40gb now what do i do?03:36
nugget93so i have 40gb of extra not used partition03:36
xeerhi everyone, i have a somewhat odd issue03:36
Jengerernugget93: First, make sure you've applied the changes in GParted by clicking apply, and then start the Install file on the desktop.03:37
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nugget93so thats all03:37
=== Tombar [n=tombar@r190-64-135-233.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu
eyptpelo np m8 :)03:37
nugget93i dont gotta make new partitions03:37
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xeeri'm using a mounted sshfs resource, which i've given ownership of to my non-root account. i can create a file, modify it once, and then get locked out of the file. what could cause this?03:37
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nugget93i hope thats not gonna delete any of my data that i got on windows, i just hit apply03:38
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JengererIf you did it correctly, it shouldn't.03:38
arkanesdoes anyone know if theres a repo where someone has pidgin packaged, preferably in a package that correcly obseletes the old gaim package?03:38
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ckin2001xeer - can't remember how sshfs works, but is it mounted to quash root (like nfs)?03:38
nugget93ok, thanks jengerer03:38
moyerhow do i set dolphin as my default file manager?03:38
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preaction!backports | arkanes03:38
ubotuarkanes: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging03:38
kanuhaquestion, does Linux work with all SATA? Does it need anything special, I read something about ACHI or AHCI.03:39
Jengerernugget93: No problem. Welcome to Ubuntu. :D03:39
lufisIs there any way in dvd::rip to automatically resize a video?03:39
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MasonUSYes, it supports SATA03:39
PKdoRI just noticed that i can use the back/foward buttons of my mouse on firefox but not on the file browser03:39
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xeerckin2001: i assume you're referring to squash root? either case i'm not familiar with that term03:39
thedashwhy does iptraf need to be run as admin ?03:39
MasonUSCheck out the compatibility listing for your motherboard on the forums.03:39
nugget93Jengerer: lol this seems like its taking a while, i keep getting more and more nervous03:39
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arkanesit's not in backports as far as I can tell03:40
ckin2001xeer - it prevents local root from acting as root on a remote file system03:40
JamesCarrhow do I refresh my shell?03:40
JamesCarrso I can see my bash script?03:40
JamesCarrI mean, my bashrc03:40
PalintheusHow do I enable/disable "tapping" on my laptop's touchpad?03:40
xeerckin2001: ah yes, i've been looking for a way to do that03:40
Jengerernugget93: If your computer is decently new/fast, it should take maybe 5-10 minutes for the installation.03:40
vichPalintheus, usually obtain the correct driver03:40
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ckin2001xeer, duno how it works on sshfs on the remote side, its well-documented and recommended on nfs03:41
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ckin2001xeer, i imagine sshfs has an equivalent03:41
SnarkyTwitHi folks03:41
smickIS there a way to create a text file of a list of files > folders inside a folder?03:41
BuLBhow to format the ubuntu?03:41
xeerckin2001: i would be modifying the GID/UID correct?03:41
ckin2001xeer, i dont follow03:42
Surf24Wish me luck. Bye.03:42
vichPalintheus, for example I had an alps touchpad on my dell and by obtaining a better driver somewhere I had a config which allowed toggle of tapping, scrolling, inertial movement, etc03:42
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vichBuLB, format the ubuntu?03:42
xeerckin2001: nor do i.. searching proves fruitless03:42
arsonxsmik: sudo aptitude install tree03:42
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SnarkyTwithow the hell is everyone tonight??03:42
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BuLBvich : yes...want to format my existing ubuntu and reinstall a fresh one.03:43
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arsonxsmik: tree /somedir > somedir.txt03:43
JoseBravoI don't remember what version of ubunto Im using, how can I check that?03:43
PeloSnarkyTwit, mean and nasty03:43
eypthmm does anyone know a linux based anti virus gaurd ?03:43
BuLBvich : how to format a pc with ubuntu on it?03:43
Neatcheeeypt: clamav03:43
smickarsonx, it says it going to uninstall cabextract to get tree.  Ok?03:43
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eyptneatchee tyvm03:43
PeloJoseBravo, check in the first tab of the system monitor03:43
vichBuLB, just boot from the disc like you did to install it and when you reach the partition section choose manual03:43
ambrose_pelo r u always on03:43
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Peloambrose_, no , I just drop in for a couple of hours every now and again03:44
JoseBravoPelo, thanks.03:44
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vichBuLB, then click the box next to your existing ubuntu partition, make sure the mount point is set to / and away you go03:44
ambrose_ha koooool03:44
arsonxsmik: not sure didn't do it on mine :(03:44
blackmars0I have a quick question, if somebody's willing... I don't want to waste space on the forums.03:44
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Flannelblackmars0: Best to just ask, instead of asking to ask.03:45
smickarsonx: maybe it was just a loose file from something else.03:45
Peloblackmars0,  just ask03:45
vichblackmars0, for best results, just ask03:45
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smickI got tree. Looking into it.03:45
blackmars0I see, thanks.03:45
ckin2001xeer, fuse options of sshfs has allow rootas one03:45
=== DaveyJ [n=daveyj@ool-44c257f1.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Thor_does anyone know how to bring up the gui for webmin?03:45
vichblackmars0, then see your forums if pain persists03:45
arsonxsmick: you can also do ls -R > file.txt03:45
ckin2001Thor_, localhost:(webmin port)03:45
ckin2001in address bar of browser03:46
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arsonxsmick: tree just sorts in a "tree" format03:46
blackmars0ok, so I dual boot XP (hd 0,1) and ubuntu (hd 0,0), I want to resintall ubuntu, can I just reinstall from the liveCD on the ubuntu partition or do I have to wipe the entire drive and start over?03:46
JengererYou can just reinstall to the ubuntu partition.03:46
vichblackmars0, you can reinstall from the live cd03:46
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xeerchkin2001: thanks, i'll look into it03:46
vichjust choose the right partition03:46
smickarsonx:  that pretty good to, it does subdirectories even.03:46
blackmars0Shouldn't corrupt my XP partition at all?03:46
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Peloblackmars0, you can just reinstall ubuntu on the ubunth partition , but be warned if will whipe your /home , unless you copy it first or move it to a diffrent partition03:47
arsonxsmike: y03:47
vichprovided you don't click the format checkbox next to the windows partition03:47
JengererNo, if you choose the right partition.03:47
blackmars0ok, excellent.03:47
blackmars0Thank you very much.03:47
vichI've done it thrice now03:47
Peloblackmars0, unless you pck the wrong partiton your xp partiton is safe03:47
vichso you have my confirmation03:47
blackmars0A++, would ask again.03:47
MasonUSI'm thinking about building a machine just for ubuntu.  I've got a parts list already.  Where would be a good place to have my list critiqued?03:47
Thor_ckin2001 can you give me an example is it like webmin:80?03:47
smickarsonx:  just so I know, where does tree reside now, under a menu?03:47
blackmars0cheers, guys. later.03:47
vichis he giving us ebay-esque feedback?03:47
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ckin2001Thor_, localhost:2000 or
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ckin2001but duno the actual # after the :03:48
arsonxsmick: its a console program you run in a terminal03:48
vichand then the goat grew an extra horn03:48
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scythetleppoPelo: no bootmgr now03:48
Pelovich, it's no worse then  you the man03:48
Thor_ckin2001 ok thx ill give that a try03:48
Peloscythetleppo,  did you plug the ubuntu hdd back in ?03:48
smickahh, just figured that out just as you wrote it.  go into directory, type tree, and I m good.03:48
vichlol Pelo03:48
scythetleppoPelo: no03:48
vichwell, I'm off for a bit03:49
Peloscythetleppo, plug the ubuntu hdd back it03:49
scythetleppoPelo: haven't finished installing xp03:49
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MasonUSno answer on that one, lol03:49
MasonUSthats ok.03:49
Peloscythetleppo, well that's why you get no boot manager03:49
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scythetleppoPelo: ?03:49
Peloscythetleppo, #pelo again03:49
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JoseBravoHow can I clean my ntfs partition, Im trying to do it with ntfsfix, but I get errors, exist other way without start windows?03:50
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Gaidinhello in gnome when i connect to a ftp server (with login) how do i set it to pasv03:51
Gaidinie through places03:51
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JengererIs there a way to change the chip that the alsamixer controls, if it's not using the right one.03:52
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Ravenndude`I have an odd tech question, not ubuntu related: If a packet has a "length" of 66, what is that? 66 bits?03:53
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nugget93jengerer: I got a question can you help me?03:54
Jengerernugget93: Yeah, go ahead.03:54
preactionRavenndude`, most likely 66 bytes03:54
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nugget93ok, after ive installed it, i havent started can i make it so it loads windows automatically unless i hold uhh like enter then it boots into ubuntu?03:55
Nighthawk420_hey can yall help me setup my HP Photosmart C5100 network printer?03:55
PKdoRwould [".*" None,Up,Alt_L|Left None,Down,Alt_L|Right]  Make the back/forward mouse buttons work on the file explorer?03:55
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse03:55
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JengererWhen you start up your computer, does it show you a list of OSs you can boot with?03:56
nugget93idk i havent installed yet03:56
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nugget93but i was wondering if that was possible03:56
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PKdoRcan some one help with  a mouse trouble03:57
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JengererOh, well, when you install it, there's going to be a list of OS's you can boot with, and it automatically chooses the first one unless you say so, so you can just change the order.03:57
orionRavenndude`, I agree with preaction ...though it is more common to refer to packet 'size' vice 'length'03:57
PiciGaidin: I just did some sniffing and it looks like it uses pasv by default.03:57
nugget93ok ill install03:57
nugget93wish me good luck03:57
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions03:57
nugget93oh 1 last thing03:57
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Gaidinwell then that isn't the problewm03:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfs3g - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:57
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Nylecould anyone kindly guide me to ntfs3g RW in ubuntu?03:58
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PiciNyle: read above.03:58
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Blackmars0ok, so I'm reinstalling ubuntu on it's partition as I planned, so I've selected the ubuntu partition, and selected it to be formatted, but when I click "forward" it says "No root file system is defined. Please correct this from the partitioning menu."03:58
Gaidini am trying to connect to ftp.freewebtown.com (the sita says www.freewebtown.com so i am trying that as well) but even though the window is popping up03:58
Gaidini am not getting any content03:58
nugget93i just tried to partition and it said it failed but it still had the partitions and stuff showing that it actually happened, is that good or bad03:58
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Ravenndude`orion, thank you. In the pcap ruby lib, you can do packet.length and there is nothing in the documentation that says what it is.03:58
Nylethanks, I didn't see Azer03:58
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gnurphi had X working properly - then modified xorg.conf to use a serial mouse - didn't work - then i changed it back - and now X won't start properly.  Any suggestions?03:59
Nighthawk420_hey can yall help me setup my HP Photosmart C5100 network printer?03:59
Evanlecgnurph, check for typos03:59
PKdoRwould [".*" None,Up,Alt_L|Left None,Down,Alt_L|Right]  Make the back/forward mouse buttons work on the file browser?03:59
Jengerernugget93: Close Gparted if it's open, and reopen it and see if the changes are there.03:59
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foxrayhmm i emptied my trash bin yet, the icon still says its full, i open it and i don't see anything in there, no hidden items either04:00
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gnurphevanlec:  i copied the old xorg.conf overtop of the current one to make sure it wasn't an issue.04:00
foxraywhats the deal?04:00
EvanlecPKdoR, where/how are u trying to configure your forward/back buttons?04:00
Blackmars0ok, so I'm reinstalling ubuntu on it's partition as I planned, so I've selected the ubuntu partition, and selected it to be formatted, but when I click "forward" it says "No root file system is defined. Please correct this from the partitioning menu.", any ideas?04:00
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Evanlecgnurph, ok, u might have to do a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:00
NyleI have ran the ntfs-config tool, and checked the internal/external write support boxes.  How do I mount the drive now? Should I still use the ntfs fstype or something else?04:01
Pici!caps | LOWLUX04:01
ubotuLOWLUX: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.04:01
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nugget93jengerer: the changes are still there, it said the errors were like checking filesystem and stuff04:01
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Jengerernugget93: Not sure, but if the changes are there, it should be OK.04:02
vader1102LOWLUX, does it not auto mount? They normally do....04:02
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TheMafiaI can only startx as root, I have chowned everything in my directory to me and it still doesn't work04:02
ubotuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info04:02
=== FFForever [n=chris@pool-71-102-119-190.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nylethe ntfs-config tool only lets me enable or disable write support, it doesn't have anything that can let me select a mount point as it says on the wiki04:02
LOWLUXnot the live cd04:02
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nugget93ok ill try it now04:02
Nyleis the documentation wrong or is the software lacking?04:02
Nylewhats going on here?04:02
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ian_I've got a config file that says "checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!" which libraries do I need?04:02
LOWLUXi want to save my settings on a live cd/04:03
ian_or do I have them and the configure can't find them?04:03
TheMafiaMy .Xauthority keeps getting a group of root instead of my user, even after chowning .*04:03
vader1102sorry LOWLUX I mis-read as usual04:04
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bruenigTheMafia, don't sudo graphical applications04:04
LOWLUXi want to save my settings on a live cd? how?04:04
fujin_Hi, what does everyone use for management of iptables via Init?04:04
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bruenigLOWLUX, calm down04:04
d4rkmonkeyDoes anyone here know anything about Fuppes ?04:04
fujin_I'd rather not write my own script to drop in /etc/init.d04:04
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LOWLUXi can't install linux on a 1 gig use drive?04:04
Nylefstype as in mount -t is ntfs-3g not ntfs04:05
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter04:05
bruenigfujin_, iptables is launched by default, are you thinking the rules go away or something each boot?04:05
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Nylewhy is this not ducumented on the wiki link that was provided to me04:05
nugget93jengerer: its asking me for Guided - Use entire disk with a sub option that says SCSI3 (0,0,0) (sda) - 300.1 GB ATA WDC WD3000JD-00k or i can choose Guided - use the largest continuous free space or another option is manual, what should i choose jengerer04:05
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fujin_bruenig, iptables isn't launched, it's a kernel module, but yes. I'm referring to a script which will persistently restore my firewall rules04:05
fujin_from a configuration file04:05
bruenigNyle, heh, the ubuntu wiki is awful, people put stuff on their blogs not on the wiki04:05
fujin_ala /etc/init.d/iptables in Gentoo04:05
Jengerernugget93: Use the largest continuous free space.04:05
Nylebruenig: then discard the wiki ?04:06
TheMafiabruenig, I know, I just need to test to see if it was a permissions problem and it is04:06
PKdoRcan some one help configuring back/forward buttons for file browser please?04:06
Nyleor maybe educate the users a bit better04:06
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FFForeveris there a 3rd generation firewall?, (a software level firewall.........)04:06
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bruenigfujin_, um do which iptables04:06
bruenigfujin_, it is indeed launched04:07
anandanbuI have installed Ubuntu 7.04 in my machine with 100 mb for /boot(pri) and 100gb for /(logical) and 2gb for swap with a 50gb freespace and now when i boot inot my system the GRUB doesn't get detected and shows error04:07
nugget93jengerer is there a way i can pm you?04:07
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LOWLUXwhere can i get a cheap IDE hard drive?04:07
fujin_bruenig, um, no it's not. It's a kernel module. ipt_*04:07
fujin_iptables is a frontend to the kernel modules04:07
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bruenigno shit but it still need be launched04:07
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WaxyFreshwhere does gaim hide the log files?04:07
Nylebruenig: I, a veteran debian user is having trouble figuring out ubuntu.  I can't immagine how a new user must feel04:07
fujin_no, something that controls the rules needs to be launched04:07
bruenigor restored if you will04:07
fujin_and there is not one ;)04:08
brueniglike alsa04:08
fujin_yes, like alsa. There isn't one for iptables.04:08
fujin_no /etc/init.d/iptables or anything.04:08
fujin_dpkg -L iptables04:08
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anandanbuHelp needed, I have installed Ubuntu 7.04 in my machine with 100 mb for /boot(pri) and 100gb for /(logical) and 2gb for swap with a 50gb freespace and now when i boot inot my system the GRUB doesn't get detected and shows error04:08
VousDeuxcan someone tell me how much space each of the directories in the / context is  consuming?04:08
bruenigfujin_, weird04:08
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fujin_yes, well. any suggestions?04:09
anandanbuThis is my fdisk output http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37067/04:09
nugget93jengerer: is there a way to confirm everything is correct b4 i install?04:09
fujin_even debian has one, I'm not sure why ubuntu hasn't bothered to be honest04:09
LOWLUXIDE Ultra ATA100(32)IDE Ultra ATA133 are they the same hard drives?04:10
VousDeuxanandanbu: thanks!04:10
nugget93Language: English04:10
nugget93 Keyboard layout: U.S. English04:10
nugget93 Name: Nugget9304:10
nugget93 Login name: nugget9304:10
nugget93 Location: America/Los_Angeles04:10
bruenig!find /etc/init.d/iptables04:10
d4rkmonkeyAnyone here own an xbox360 and has music streaming to it from a Ubuntu server edition?04:10
LOWLUXwould Ultra ATA133 work on a older computer?04:10
ubotuPackage/file /etc/init.d/iptables does not exist in feisty04:10
Jengerernugget93: Hmm... considering that you selected Use the Largest Continuous Free Space is kind of a failsafe, because that means it'll only use an empty partition.04:10
bruenigfujin_, that's a hell of a question, I am not on ubuntu but that is really bizarre04:10
JamesCarrwhat is the package for the syntax hilighter for vim?04:11
bruenig!find vim04:11
ubotuFound: jvim-canna, jvim-doc, vim-latexsuite, vim-scripts, vim-vimoutliner (and 15 others)04:11
anandanbuVousDeux: whats that for04:11
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fujin_JamesCarr, install package 'vim' instead of 'vim-tiny', and then do :syntax on04:11
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:12
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Jengerer!find snd-hda-intel04:12
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ubotuPackage/file snd-hda-intel does not exist in feisty04:12
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qazwsxis there a way in X/Gnome/Kde to make my window be 12800 x 10240 pixels? (I.e. my monitor is only 1280x1024, so I will have to move around to see the entire screen; but I want apps to think that I am 12800 x 10240 pixels) (i.e. when I move around, my windows pans; and apps thinkgs that my monitor is 12800 x 10240 pixels)04:12
VousDeuxanandanbu: what do you have installed in those partitions?04:12
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scripI've got a config script that says it needs the qt headers and libraries, but I've installed libqt4 and libqt4-dev04:13
scripwhat next?04:13
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VousDeuxanandanbu: is /dev/sda1 /boot?04:13
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anandanbuVousDeux: I have the first 100 mb for /boot and the next 100gb for / of ubuntu04:14
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Jengerernugget93: have you already started the setup?04:15
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anandanbuVousDeux: Yes the /dev/sda1 is /boot only04:15
VousDeuxanandanbu: and the other three partitions?04:15
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VousDeuxanandanbu: well...other two...swap is obvious04:15
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VousDeuxdoes /boot need 100MB, or would something more like 30MB suffice?04:16
anandanbuVousDeux: the /dev/sda2 is my Ubuntu and /dev/sda6 is freespace as i didn't mount anyhting in it and kept for installing debian4.004:16
Evanlec!pastebin | PKdoR04:16
ubotuPKdoR: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:16
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VousDeuxanandanbu: ahhh... Okay, thanks!04:17
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anandanbuVousDeux: But my problemis that when i boot into my system the GRUB doesn't get detected04:17
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craigbass1976I'm trying to salvage files from a windows box.  Is there some way I can mass copy every .doc and .jpg to my own linux box by piping output from find and using ssh, but without having to type my password for every file?04:17
anandanbuVousDeux: But when i boot using a ubuntu cd and select boot from first hdd option it boots well into the system04:17
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Pelocraigbass1976, can'T use gui ?04:18
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WojciechGHi everyone. I have a partition on ubuntu whose files have disappeared... They're there, but don't appear as hidden or anything, and the data isn't lost. Does anyone know how I can retrieve them?04:18
VousDeuxanandanbu: oh, haha...I thought you posted your fdisk in response to my question04:18
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Pelocraigbass1976, sudo cp /path/whatever/*04:18
Random832craigbass1976: looks like a job for tar04:18
bruenigcraigbass1976, why not use find to move them all to the same place and then scp -R or tar it up04:18
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craigbass1976Pelo, for some reason I can't access the ntfs partition as ubuntu, only as root on the livecd04:19
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Random832you don't have to make a tar file - pipe tar over ssh04:19
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Random832tar c | ssh otherhost tar x04:19
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Pelocraigbass1976, can you access your ubuntu partition as well ?  just drag and drop04:19
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craigbass1976Random832, but the files are not all in the same place.04:19
Random832you use the output from find as a file list for tar04:19
craigbass1976Pelo, no ubuntu partition.  It's a friend's xp box; I'm only using livecd because windows is stuck in perpetual reboot04:20
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Pelocraigbass1976, what do you intend to save to ?04:20
craigbass1976Pelo, and no read access by anyone but root04:20
craigbass1976Pelo, dump it over to my box (it runs linux)04:21
VousDeuxI'm trying to determine how much space I should allocate to /boot, /tmp, /usr, /home, /var, and maybe /opt if Ubuntu uses it. I can't seem to find a current document that discusses partitioning. I don't like to put everything in one partition.04:21
Pelocraigbass1976, open the terminal    gksu nautilus   that will give you the file manager as root04:21
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PeloVousDeux, why do you want to make so many partitions ? do you actualy need to do that ? I only hve 3  / ,   /swap and /home04:22
craigbass1976VousDeux, 100mb /boot couple gigs for /, 3-4 for /var and /usr, and all you can manage for /home.  Maybe more for /var/ and /usr, depending on how many apps you're going to install04:22
JamesCarrwhats the command to see what is running on what ports?04:22
PeloVousDeux, I put in 10 gig for / and I'm only using 3 atm04:22
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VousDeuxI like more partitions for security.04:23
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VousDeuxthanks craigbass197604:23
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craigbass1976VousDeux, / doesn't really fill up much if /var and /usr are on their own partitions.  As I said, a couple should do it04:23
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fuliohi, was does it sometimes my wireless card works and it doesnt, example, like it would sometimes connect wireless and sometimes it wont why does it do that?04:23
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krammerwhat is the quickest way to remove gaim in the terminal04:24
craigbass1976VousDeux, /var is going to fill up on a heavily trafficked web/database server04:24
craigbass1976krammer, sudo apt-get remove gaim?04:24
JamesCarrwhats the command to see what is running on what ports?04:24
Pelofulio,  I thin kyou need to rephrase your question04:24
paladin_1991how long should ubuntu 7 take to install on a comp with a pentium d dualcore 2.8ghz cpu and 1gb of ram?04:24
craigbass1976fulio, do you have a dlink router?  THat's what my problem is04:24
FrogzooVousDeux: might be easier to just use 15gig for /, & the rest /home depending04:24
VousDeuxI plan to run LAMP development on this box04:24
Pelopaladin_1991, 30 min ?04:24
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Flannelpaladin_1991: Are you using the alternate CD with LVM?04:25
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PKdoRid say about 15-20minutes04:25
orionJamesCarr, try netstat -a04:25
krammerthanx craig04:25
PKdoRno im using the desop cd04:25
craigbass1976krammer, be careful it doesn't start removing stuff you didn't want though; pay attention04:25
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FrogzooVousDeux: apache/mysql put content in /var - & really ought to be a separate partition/disk/striped raid set..04:25
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craigbass1976VousDeux, are you registered?  I sent a pm04:26
krammercraig: do u know how to install jva jr 6 iv downloaded04:26
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craigbass1976krammer, jre?04:26
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre04:26
VousDeuxcraigbass1976: I got your message and replied. not registered.04:26
FFForevercan i block wine from accessing the Internet04:26
Pelokrammer, you can install java6 from the repos no need to dl anything, you just ahve to enalbe backport in the repos04:26
fuliowhy doesnt my wiresless card work.04:26
PeloFFForever, you need to ask in #wine04:27
PeloFFForever, I mean #winehq04:27
FFForeverthey said no :(04:27
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FFForeveri was hoping there was an ubuntu only solution04:27
vbabiy-LaptopHey does any one know how I can convert an RM file to avi04:27
vbabiy-Laptopor ogg04:27
jordan_Good evening, I installed gusty tribe 5 on my laptop, and wireless (rt73 chipset) worked great, then I updated.  Now wireless wont work!  Any ideas?04:27
craigbass1976krammer, http://candocomputerservices.com/tinapos.html   Check out the Appendix A; I walk through a java install04:27
Flanneljordan_: #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support, thanks04:27
JamesCarrwhats the command to see what is running on what ports?04:27
JamesCarrorion, thanks04:27
craigbass1976VousDeux, you have im?04:27
Flanneljordan_: netstat04:27
JamesCarrdidnt see your response till now04:27
FFForeveris there a 3rd generation firewall?, (a software level firewall.........)????04:28
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craigbass1976FFForever, iptables?04:28
PKdoRany body here has succesfully configured the Back/forward mouse buttons?04:28
FFForevercraigbass1976, iptables is port/ip not program04:28
FFForeveriptables is a second gen firewall04:28
craigbass1976Ahh.  My bad04:28
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FrogzooFFForever: iptables is extremely sophisticated04:29
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Pelolater folks04:29
Frogzooiptables does everything firewalls do & then some04:29
VousDeuxcraigbass1976: no IM...I don't usually spend much time on chat04:29
FFForeverFrogzoo, u know a way for me to only block wine?04:29
craigbass1976FFForever, THere's one I ran in Solaris once.  Ipfilter; it may be the same idea as iptables though04:29
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craigbass1976FFForever, is WINE trying to get out on the network by itself?04:29
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craigbass1976VousDeux, ok.  well, just remember that /var (especially--logs are there) and /usr might get big on a LAMP box04:30
FFForeverno my game is....04:30
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craigbass1976FFForever, Iptables should be able to do that.04:30
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craigbass1976FFForever, I don't know; I'm always trying to keep people out, not in.04:31
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yimmmywhats up dudes04:31
craigbass1976FFForever, I block everything except x, x, and x, etc04:31
yimmmyhavent been around in a while04:31
FFForeveri like keeping people in :)04:31
FrogzooFFForever: if you run wine as a different user, you can block by owner04:31
FFForeverhmmm, Frogzoo how can i do that?04:31
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WojciechGOK! turns out the partition just disappeared -- not loading in Ubuntu, but when I put in the GParted LiveCD my partition appears (though I can't mount it). Does anyone know how I can copy its contents?04:32
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VousDeuxfunny, I have this nick registered, but nickserv says my password is wrong...I'm sure I know my password04:32
VousDeuxoh well, wrong channel for that discussion anyway04:32
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maxdquestion i installed compiz fusion on top of compiz how do i make compiz fusion work?04:33
FrogzooFFForever: man iptables04:33
yimmmyhey guys question about an mp304:33
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NoxicHas anyone used a concept mapping software in linux?04:34
=== vodka [n=vodka@cpe-65-186-78-133.columbus.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
Grungebunnymaxd assume you installed it right.. alt F2, then compiz --replace04:34
yimmmyi have a samsung mp3 player and i connected it and its not showing up any were exvept the terminal04:34
maxdgrungebunny is there a box that suposed to pop up wen i tap alt f2?04:35
Grungebunnymaxd yes the run box04:35
Frogzooyimmmy: try amarok04:35
yimmmyany one   had this problem before04:35
PKdoRhow can i see the task manager?04:35
maxdi think my f2 key is dead04:36
yimmmycool boss let me check it out04:36
leptestI would just like to point out how much i love ubuntu. Thanks.04:36
bruenig!ot | leptest04:36
ubotuleptest: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:36
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Gaidinmy windows hd won't mount its in fat32 when i attempt to mount it gives the error Error org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.PermissionDeniedByPolicy. with detailshal-storage-fixed-mount uid 100004:36
PKdoRhow can i acces the task manager in ubuntu 7.0404:37
maxdgrungebunny i think my f2 key is dead04:37
bruenigwhat are we defining as the task manager04:37
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Grungebunnymaxd you can add a lil run application thingy to your panels .. right click.. add to panel.. then its somewhere in there.04:37
PKdoRA windows with all the tasks currently runing i guess?04:37
yimmmyE: Invalid operation amarok04:37
yimmmy  how do i go about getting amorok04:37
bruenigPKdoR, yeah run top in the terminal04:37
bruenig!info amarok04:37
ubotuamarok: versatile and easy to use audio player for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.4.5-0ubuntu7 (feisty), package size 14853 kB, installed size 33992 kB04:37
Gaidinhow would i go about mounting it04:37
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SonderbladePKdoR: right click top panel -> Add to panel... -> System monitor04:38
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Sonicadvance1A question with Firestarter, is it possible to disable the firewall, yet still allow internet connection sharing?04:39
PKdoRI need to find the name of the actual file browser so i can edit it in imwheelrc04:39
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maxdgrungebunny thx it works!04:40
Sevki installed vnc4server ,but now it not runing . I have only a SSH to control it now ,aforetime I can use vncview:1 before gnome logon. HELP04:40
yimmmyE: Couldn't find package amrok04:40
yimmmyany help04:40
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zetsumeiwhat you need help with yimmy04:40
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yimmmygeting amrok04:40
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yimmmyits not showing up or installing04:40
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Grungebunnymaxd compiz running? hold down ctrl and alt then click/drag your mouse04:41
PKdoRI need help with the mouse and file browsing please04:41
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jarjarbinkscan anybody suggest a good web page design program for ubuntu?04:41
jmichaelxcould anyone tell me how to change my wireless settings from the command line?  i am usung kubuntu, and my laptop does not want to let loose of its old settings (IP address, and so on). if i use wlaasisstant, etc. i can connect, but i can't get the network settings adjusted correctly...  any assistance would be appreciated04:41
=== poncho [n=poncho@adsl-75-54-64-192.dsl.ksc2mo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Grungebunnyyimmmy its spelled amarok04:41
bruenigjarjarbinks, I like vim04:41
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yimmmysudo apt-get install amarok04:41
yimmmyi did that04:41
chuckmonkeyjarjarbinks I like nano04:41
jarjarbinkswhere do i get that?04:41
chuckmonkeyjarjarbinks wait.. I didn't read the question.04:42
PKdoRjesus chirist!!04:42
bruenigjarjarbinks, sudo apt-get install vim04:42
chuckmonkeyjarjarbinks I thought you were askign for console based text editor based on bruenig's response... I like gedit04:42
PKdoRim going bald on ythis one04:42
bruenigvim is better for programming like html04:42
bruenigalthough that is not actually programming but still04:42
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-227-94-40.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
yimmmywhats up PKdoR?04:42
jarjarbinksthanks bruenig check it out04:43
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Jack_SparrowMexel: Are you here?04:43
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=== faileas really wishes there was a edior more like the old dos editor, text based, but with menus
MexelJack_Sparrow: sure am xD04:43
kagHi guys, I'm having problem with my sound card. I've pushed all the sliders all the way up in Alsa Mixer and I still can't hear a sound in many applications (like VLC or Firefox). Actually the only applications that are outputting sound are Totem Movie Player and Skype. Any idea on what I could try?04:43
Kris07Does anyone know how to install Ventrilo?04:43
meezyfuhhi, can someone please tell me how to change my permissions of a dvd drive? i'm pretty sure it's a cd-writer drive but i can't seem to get it to burn a disc.04:43
Sevki installed vnc4server ,but now it not runing . I have only a SSH to control it now ,aforetime I can use vncview:1 before gnome logon. I tuned off the xinetd ,how to tune it on ?04:43
Jack_SparrowMexel: YOur stuf..cd with updates etc was sent out at 10am this morning04:43
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MexelJack_Sparrow: I thank you, i seen your e-mail when i woke up.04:44
Sonicadvance1A question with Firestarter, is it possible to disable the firewall, yet still allow internet connection sharing?04:44
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LeilaSharonUbuntu crashes when using emacs or nedit. I am new to ubuntu and have had several crashes already.04:45
Jack_SparrowSonicadvance1: do a little reading about Iptables vs firewall managers like firestarter and guarddog04:45
Kris07Does anyone know how to install Ventrilo?04:45
SevkI installed vnc4server ,but now it not runing . I have only a SSH to control the server now . aforetime, I can use vncview:1 before gnome logon. I tuned off the xinetd ,how to tune it on ?04:45
meezyfuhhaving trouble telling if my dvd-rom is also a cd write. any way to check?04:45
Random832LeilaSharon: what exactly is crashing? the whole OS? like, it restarts?04:45
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Random832or X?04:46
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vader1102Sevk`no need ti repeat, they will answer if they know04:46
Jack_Sparrowmeezyfuh: Install K3b and see what it shows04:46
michaelScott_Where do I go to find out the differences between different distros?  Like how to choose between Ubuntu and Fedora or Gentoo, etc?04:46
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biggahedhello there. im trying to configure a 22inches lcd panel and i just got the 1680X1050 res working. But ive got some screen missing. Its like 4 or 5cm to the right and i cant use the monitors panel to bring it more to the right. Any ideas?04:46
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Kris07Does anyone know how to install Ventrilo?04:46
LeilaSharonNo, it just freezes, but cannot recover with ctrl-Sys rq-etc04:46
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Jack_SparrowmichaelScott_: Distrowatch is one place04:46
jarjarbinkssays i have newest version of vim, where is that inatalled04:46
orionPKdoR, as for the name of your file manager, you are most likely using nautilus...does that sound familiar to you?04:46
JeevesMosscan someone help me figure out WTF is going on with my LAMP install?  I can't get anything in PHP to connect to the database04:47
meezyfuhJack_Sparrow: thanks04:47
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michaelScott_Thanks Jack, I'll check it out04:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nickserv - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:47
craigbass1976jarjarbinks, vim is a text editor.  Someone was pulling your leg, although vim is how I design html stuff too (and gedit)  You might want something like nvu04:47
JeevesMossjack_sparrow:  can you have a look @ this for me?  www.penn-tawsha.net/test.php04:47
NeatcheeHi everyone, I'm still waiting for some help with a segmentation fault in gnome-keybinding-properties.  I've made a post on the forums, including a full description of the problem, relevant, a backtrace, and an strace output.   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3344715#post334471504:48
jarjarbinksin the regular repositories04:48
josiahwhen I edit my blacklist it doesnt save or it resets after I reboot. Can someone help me with this?04:48
yimmmyguys quick question04:48
yimmmyATI drivers  i need new ones nuthing looks good any more04:48
Gaidini gotta reboot bbiab04:48
orionPKdoR, see if 'nautilus' shows up when you run 'top' or try 'ps -A | grep nautilus' from the terminal04:48
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jstarcherhow do i find out what my dns servers are?04:48
Jack_SparrowJeevesMoss: No idea what i am looking at..04:48
jarjarbinkswhere is nvu?04:49
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:49
KevinOmanwhat is my prefix? python setup.py install --prefix=yourprefix04:49
JeevesMossjack_sparrow:  I can't figure out why I can't connect to MySQL from php04:49
biggahedhello there. im trying to configure a 22inches lcd panel and i just got the 1680X1050 res working. But ive got some screen missing. Its like 4 or 5cm to the right and i cant use the monitors panel to bring it more to the right. Any ideas?04:49
craigbass1976jarjarbinks, sudo apt-get install nvu04:49
Jack_SparrowJeevesMoss: Sorry, not my area...04:49
ckin2001jstarcher, cat /etc/resolv.conf04:49
PKdoRyes nautilus is runing when i run top04:49
craigbass1976jarjarbinks, make sure oyu have all the repos running in your sources.list file; I can't remember which repo this is in04:50
jarjarbinkstried that, says not found04:50
scythetleppoI have windows xp installed on hard drive 2 and ubuntu installed on hard drive 2. what do I have to do to my grub to set it up to choose when I boot?04:50
Kris07Does anyone know how to install Ventrilo?04:50
jstarcherckin2001, thx04:50
SevkI run vnc4server ,then I can connect my server now ,very good!04:50
LeilaSharonrandom832: Ubuntu freezes, almost every time I use emacs, problems with nedit, and gedit too.04:50
josiahanybody know how to edit the blacklist?04:50
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scythetleppoubuntu on hard drive 1 I mean04:50
Jack_Sparrowbiggahed: Look for auto config in your settings, that is how most of the lcd work04:50
PKdoRso I gueess i need to edit noutilus in the imwheelrg?04:50
yimmmyHALLLLOOOO      333333333333333333333333333333304:50
yimmmyggooooooooodddddddddddd caaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnntttt   waaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttttttttt04:50
orionPKdoR, nautilus is the name of your file manager...wasn't that your orig question?04:50
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici04:50
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jarjarbinkshow do i edit sources.lst, did it before, forgot04:51
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PKdoRso i can make the back anf forwar buttons work on the file browser?04:51
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biggahedJack_Sparrow, i did. but then i got the screen to like 30cm to the left04:51
Jack_Sparrowjarjarbinks: gksudo gedit  /etc/apt/sources.list04:51
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PKdoRmy original question was "how to get the back and forward mouse buttons work on the file browser?"04:52
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Jack_Sparrowjarjarbinks: Or sudo nano from cli04:52
FrogzooPKdoR: not sure you can04:52
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ckin2001JeevesMoss, did you install the php5-mysql module?04:52
bruenigPKdoR, you need to figure out what the keyboard shortcut is for that and then bind those buttons to that shortcut04:52
KevinOmananyone know what my prefix means?04:52
PKdoRbut i kind of watered it down to whats my file browser04:52
bruenigKevinOman, you compiling?04:52
scythetleppoI have windows xp installed on hard drive 2 and ubuntu installed on hard drive 1. what do I have to do to my grub to set it up to choose when I boot?04:52
Jack_Sparrowscythetleppo: which did you install first04:53
PKdoRits alt+back or forward arrows04:53
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Grungebunnyscythetleppo it should do it itself..04:53
KevinOmanbruenig: I believe so04:53
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:53
bruenig!mouse | PKdoR those are the keybindings for firefox too, so this should work04:53
ubotuPKdoR those are the keybindings for firefox too, so this should work: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto04:53
KevinOmanbruenig: I am running the command python setup.py install --prefix=yourprefix04:53
scythetleppoi installed ubuntu then xp04:53
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JeevesMossckin2001:  yes I did.  if you want to look @ the output from the PHP script, it's W www.penn-tawsha.net/test.php04:53
Jack_Sparrowscythetleppo: See the link lost grub after installing windows04:53
bruenigKevinOman, yeah, well you know how linux applications are split into lib bin share sbin and so forth?04:53
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orionjarjarbinks, I think Nvu is now called KompoZer...try searching the repos for that.04:54
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bruenigKevinOman, the prefix is the directory containing those, so if you do --prefix=/usr, it will install all the stuff in /usr/lib /usr/bin /usr/share /usr/sbin and so forth04:54
biggahedJack_Sparrow, fixed.. i had setted the screen to 1650x1050 by hand. i had to use auto to make it work. Thanks anyway04:54
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bruenigKevinOman, or /usr/local will do /usr/local/lib and so forth04:54
scythetleppojarjarbinks: kompozer.net04:54
cld2is it possible to get the messages that scroll buy during boot? after the kernel takes over before the login? dmesg is not showing the hardware errors I see. thanks.04:55
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KevinOmanok, where do you recommend I install an app that will be used by other users of this machine?04:55
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xamoxwhat torrent client does everyone recommend?04:55
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bruenigKevinOman, so long as it isn't in the home directory, it is fine, I think you are technically supposed to put it in /usr/local following the FHS04:55
scythetleppoKevinOman: deluge04:56
xamoxI'm trying to use Azureus, as it has always been my client of choice, but for some reason it's bogging down and locking up04:56
bruenigfilesystem hierarchy standard that is04:56
scythetleppoxamox: deluge04:56
KevinOmanok thanks bruenig04:56
someone2005any reason other then chipset not supported I would get a pci error ?04:56
jarjarbinksupgraded to fiesty fawn all repositories are breezy badger, way to change that04:56
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jarjarbinksat least breezy badger list04:56
SkryptWhen using git... do I have to install wine first through apt-get or is there a git install method too? or is that just building from the source and git just applies updates?04:56
Jack_Sparrow!easysource | jarjarbinks04:56
ubotujarjarbinks: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic04:57
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fatcatmattare there any other sites like getdeb.org?04:57
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jarjarbinkstry that04:57
KevinOmanscythetleppo: what does a large downpour of rain have to do with my question?04:57
Jack_Sparrowfatcatmatt: always better to stick to the repos04:57
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fatcatmattwhere at, captain jack_sparrow?  lmao04:58
bruenigKevinOman, he was responding to xamox about bittorrent client04:58
tim_'ello all04:58
KevinOmanok haha04:58
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Jack_Sparrowfatcatmatt: USe synaptic or apt-get... especially if you are new to linux04:58
fatcatmattfairly new, but been thru them04:58
fatcatmatt2months of usage04:58
jarjarbinkswhat sources do i want?04:58
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bruenigfatcatmatt, yeah if you get into getdeb stuff, you really kind of miss quite possibly the greatest thing about linux distros04:58
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fatcatmattyezzir, bruenig04:59
jarjarbinksjust the first 2 ubuntu?04:59
josiahI believe I added my wireless drivers to the blacklist using this: echo "blacklist drivername.inf" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist04:59
josiahhow do I remove it from the list?04:59
Jack_Sparrowg'night all... Play nice04:59
meezyfuhgreat. k3b says my lappy doesn't have a cd burner. darn.04:59
bruenigjosiah, did you literally put drivername.inf?04:59
cld2josiah: vi /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and # comment out the line or delete it04:59
cld2josiah: also, you dont need the .inf just the module name05:00
meezyfuhis there any way to freshly install ubuntu while i'm running it?05:00
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meezyfuhlike, if i have an iso05:00
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ubotudebootstrap is used to create a !Debian or Ubuntu base system from scratch, without requiring the availability of !dpkg or !APT. It does this by downloading !.deb files from a mirror site, and carefully unpacking them into a directory you can eventually !chroot into.05:00
vader1102meezyfuh, ummmmmmm live cd?05:00
josiahbruenig: lol no i didnt put drivername.inf05:00
fougmzuverink_: you there?05:00
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someone2005one of a few upgrades needed...think repos fine though...05:00
bruenigjosiah, well for the sed method or removal, we need the actual name05:00
booster_hey guys can anyone help a noob out with installing zinc ??? its a chat client to use with yahoo05:00
mzuverink_foug, kinda, whats up?05:00
meezyfuhvader1102: ya but i dont think i have a burner. well actually maybe i disabled it in setup, hold on05:00
fougmzuverink_: my ipod stopped working, Could not open "iTunesDB.ext" for reading extended info.05:01
fougExtended info will not be used.05:01
fougiPod Database Import Failed: 'Failed to read from file '/media/FOUG'S IPOD/iPod_Control/iTunes/iTunesDB': Input/output error'05:01
fougmzuverink_: i get that error05:01
fougsorry guys for the flood05:01
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mzuverink_foug, your are going to have to redo the db in gtkpod, make the filesystem05:01
fougmzuverink_: i have no idea what that mean's05:02
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fougmzuverink_: when i try to load it, that's the error i get. I can't load my ipod05:02
bruenigjosiah, sed '/drivername.inf/d' -i whateverblacklist05:02
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josiahbruenig: cant remember the name... i added it to the list last night and then removed it. once i removed it everything worked fine for my wireless however today (after a reboot) im not getting a wireless connection again. I thought it might have not saved when I removed it from the blacklist but it looks like its not there any longer. Any ideas?05:03
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mzuverink_foug, in gtkpod, under the file menu, create ipod directories, or you could try to check them first, its the option below create05:03
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fougmzuverink_: both options tell me to load it first05:04
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mzuverink_foug, what happens if you load the ipod?05:04
mzuverink_foug, errors, the one you mentioned?05:04
fougmzuverink_: i get the error i pasted earlier05:04
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mzuverink_foug, not sure then what to do next, never had that much trouble w/ my ipod....05:06
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fougmzuverink_: figures05:06
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Asukahow do I remove something I installed using wine?05:06
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fougAsuka: wine installer in terminal i think05:06
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Asukawhat do i have to type in to do so?05:07
fougAsuka: wine installer05:07
fougAsuka: or "wine uninstaller"05:08
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LeilaSharonRandom832, anyone? I am very new to linux, my new instalation of Ubuntu freezes frequently, especially when I use editing programs.  How can I pinpoint the problem?05:09
luckyone_can you help me with my bluetooth setup?05:09
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matt3453i keep getting a message that my $HOME/.dmcr file is being ignored, and that my home directory must be writable by user and nobody else... i've tried 'chmod 644 matt' but no luck, can anyone help me out?05:09
josiahI dont even see eth2 listed in ifconfig anymore05:09
luckyone_I can't seem to pair with my phone05:09
Asuka@LeilaSharon: are you running off a live distro?05:09
Random832no idea05:09
meezyfuhok, i checked in my bios setup and my dvd drive is also a cd-rw. yet k3b is not detecting a cd-writer on my system. any ideas what could be causing this, and any idea of a solution?05:09
TheMafiaIf I restart, gdm will come up, if I cold boot it will not and require me to boot to recovery console, startx as the user, then soft restart again?05:09
Asukalike, are you using the live cd?05:09
nickrudmatt3453: try chmod 644 ~/.dmrc05:09
Asukaor have you already installed it?05:09
LeilaSharonAsuka: no, I installed to harddrive05:10
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Asukahmmm, I don't know then. My ubuntu use to freeze up too, but once I installed it, it stopped05:10
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nickrudmatt3453: argh, wrong thinking ;)   sudo chmod 644 /home/matt05:10
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matt3453nickrud: i tried that, still no luck05:11
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nickrudmatt3453: then sudo chown matt:matt /home/matt05:11
matt3453nickrud: ok, lemme try that, and log out and back in, see what happens :)05:12
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nickrudmatt3453: a couple more, just for luck:05:12
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meezyfuhanyone what would cause my cd-rw not to be detected as a write-able device?05:12
meezyfuhanyone know*05:12
nickrudmatt3453:   sudo chown matt:matt /home/matt/.dmrc       and    chmod 600 /home/matt/.dmrc05:12
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xamoxscythetleppo, awesome, thanks man, deluge looks pretty nice, never heard of it before05:13
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matt3453nickrud: nope, no luck.... still getting this message...05:13
matt3453bah, nevermind, clipboard didnt carry over from the login screen05:13
LeilaSharonAsuka: no, it is installed on the harddrive. Thanks for trying.05:13
nickrudmatt3453: you might have missed the last couple just above05:14
meezyfuh<nickrud> matt3453:   sudo chown matt:matt /home/matt/.dmrc       and    chmod 600 /home/matt/.dmrc05:14
matt3453thanks meezyfuh, lemme give that a wirl05:14
meezyfuhthank nickrud he said it first! :)05:14
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matt3453btw, any idea what caused this?05:15
nickrudah, meezyfuh but you realized it might not be on his screen still ;)05:15
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meezyfuhnickrud do you have any idea what would cause my cd-rw drive not be detected as being 'write able'?05:16
TheMafiaso gdm will not start from runlevel 5, only run level 3?05:16
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meezyfuhi just checked my bios setup and it says it's a cd-rw.05:16
FreeDanceg'day guys05:16
nickrudmeezyfuh: I'd look through dmesg, early on it should be recognized as something. There might be a clue there05:16
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JengererG'night here for me.05:16
nickrudnight, Jengerer05:16
FreeDancehey can anyone tell me how to gain super user permissions to install java?05:16
meezyfuhnickrud: whoa, any idea what to grep for?05:16
josiahMy wireless nic wmp54gs which is on eth2 is no longer showing up in ifconfig. could someone help me out with this?05:17
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fatcatmattwhats the difference between ubuntu and kubuntu?05:17
JengererFreeDance: you mean sudo? OxO05:17
arang2guys anyone could recommend me a good webpage/blog anything where to read linux news about different things, any favorites?05:17
josiahfatcatmatt: ubuntu uses gnome and kubuntu uses kde05:17
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fatcatmattwhat's the difference betweek kde and gnome then, josiah?05:18
FreeDanceumm do i?05:18
ambrose_go to examples in in home05:18
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ambrose_that will answer ur question05:18
=== don_pucci [n=kris@S0106001310fe6b52.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
meezyfuhthere are a bunch of errors under sr0, like ioctl error05:18
FreeDancei just need to install java and the install instructions say to get your self some super user privileges or something like that05:19
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TheMafiaHow can I see what is being done during boot instead of the ubuntu bar going across the screen?05:19
josiahfatcatmatt: lol. different gui's for linux.05:19
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fatcatmattahh, what's the one that's totally menus?  ill send u a pic example josiah05:19
it-linuxdear all, how to install a program which have *.run? Thanks05:20
Rictooif I do apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop, and then apt-get install ubuntu-desktop to reinstall gnome, that won't like remember my home folder, right?05:20
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meezyfuhhow do i paste without getting booted for spamming?05:20
meezyfuhisn't there a bot or website for that05:20
nickrudmeezyfuh: I take that back, the disks are being handled by hal now.05:20
nickrud!pastebin | meezyfuh05:20
ubotumeezyfuh: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:20
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josiahfatcatmatt: if you come from windows kde is probably you best bet... would look best to you anyway. I like KDE best but have just switched to gnome05:21
nickrudarang2: linux weekly news05:21
arang2nickrud: care to provide a link if it isnt much to ask :)05:21
Jengererit-linux: It should be sudo sh file-name.run05:21
vader1102night folks....... I am off to bed....... first night off in a while05:21
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arang2vader1102: night05:21
fatcatmattjosiah: how would i add kde?05:21
nickrudarang2: lwn.net05:21
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meezyfuhhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37070/ <- what my dmesg shows over and over and over, etc. could this be why my cd-writer is not being detected? it can read fine, just not write.05:22
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josiahfatcatmatt: its a big pain in the butt man. I would just get kubuntu if i were you. it comes with it installed and configured05:22
matt3453ok guys, still no luck05:22
Jengerervader1102 left the room (quit: "Leaving Ububtu Rox"). Ububtu, haha. Sounds like a nickname for a Ubuntu Beta distro.05:22
fatcatmattalrighty thanx, josiah05:22
josiahfatcatmatt: not a problem05:23
rafaelscjhow do I to extract a .mdf file?05:23
nickrudarang2: linuxjournal.com , linux.com , lxer.com , kerneltrap.org05:23
chief!info mdf2iso | rafaelscj05:23
uboturafaelscj: mdf2iso: A simple utility to convert mdf to iso / cue / toc images. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.0-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 6 kB, installed size 60 kB05:23
meezyfuhany ideas? anyone?05:23
ckin2001josiah, isnt it just sudo apt-get install kde?05:23
meezyfuhi *really* need to burn a cd.05:23
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KasukoHello, I am trying to use Audacity to capture what would be played on my speakers to a file. But when I do I seem to be recording from a mic, I can even hear my self ... big issue I dont have a mic.05:23
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arang2nickrud: thanks, anything more flashy web 2.0 alike  ?05:23
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nickrudarang2: they tend to avoid that stuff, too frilly :)05:24
rafaelscjchief, I don't want to burn, just extract, can I?05:24
nickrudmeezyfuh: you have a plexor?05:24
josiahckin2001: I dont know if ubuntu will do that. Never tried to run both gnome and kde on ubuntu05:24
meezyfuhnickrud: no it's a toshiba, comes with my dell lappy. and bios says its dvd-rom cdrw05:24
it-linuxthanks jengerer05:24
JengererKasuko: You sure you don't have a built in mic somewhere?05:24
matt3453ok so i'm still getting a message that my $HOME/.dmcr file is being ignored, and something about my home directory should be 644, which it is05:24
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chiefrafaelscj: not natively, use mdf2iso to convert the MDF to an ISO file, then you can extract/mount it05:24
ckin2001josiah, its easy - you can pick your session before you log in05:24
Jengererit-linux: NP05:24
matt3453i'm not sure whats going on05:25
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Radonhi all05:25
arang2nickrud: oh well, c'est la vie05:25
rafaelscjchief, okay, so, how do I to mount a ISO file?05:25
cesarandreuok, dumb question... I can't find how it works though... How would I enable emerald?05:25
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chief!iso | rafaelscj05:25
uboturafaelscj: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.05:25
josiahckin2001: and ubuntu lets you install kde? just by using apt-get?05:25
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ckin2001josiah, yes05:26
rafaelscjchief, thanks05:26
nickrudarang2: there's also planet.ubuntu.com planet.gnome.org and planet.debian.org rss feeds; makes good reading05:26
FreeDancehey has anyone here used a JDK?05:26
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chiefarang2: fsdaily.com is like Digg but for Linux/FOSS news only05:26
josiahckin2001: thats cool05:26
TheMafiaHow ironic is this, I turned off splash and quiet to try to see what was causing my machine to lock up, and after doing so it never locks up anymore05:27
ckin2001josiah, you can do the same thing with any window manager :D05:27
arang2nickrud: i was wondering something like engadget for linux , (hope thats meaningful)05:27
JengererHow would I tell my GRUB to point to a Kernel that I recompiled as a BZImage?05:27
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LeilaSharonI am new to linux. I need this box for programming in c++, but emacs, nedit, gedit all freeze my system. Can anyone point me to a good source for help?05:27
LadyNikonLeilaSharon: vi?05:27
riotkittieeditors freeze your system?05:28
josiahckin2001: well i knew that about any other distro but i didnt think ubuntu would allow it unless you added repos05:28
LeilaSharonriotkittie: yes, it seems strange to me to.05:28
meezyfuhplease! someone help me find out why my cdrw is not being recognized as an optical writing device!05:28
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kRushanyone got an idea why ntpd fails to bind to ppp0 on boot? works fine if restartet manually once logged in =/05:29
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nickrudarang2: linuxdevices.com , http://linuxhardware.org/ , http://tuxmobil.org/ http://www.linuxtoys.net/ http://www.linuxtoys.org/ http://www.linuxtoys.com/05:30
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meezyfuhi give up.05:30
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LeilaSharonLadyNikon: I haven't tried vi yet, but I would hope to figure out why emacs, nedit, and gedit freeze the system.05:31
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riotkittieargh. i am so peeved. i bought a new usb adapter because it uses a chipset that is supposed to be awesome and work out of the box. with wpa even.05:31
nickrudmeezyfuh: I put that into google (part of it and ran across a lot of ubuntu bugs , so far none seem resolved: I googledCDROM (ioctl) error, command: <6>Test Unit Ready05:31
LadyNikonLeilaSharon: sorry wish i knew.05:31
LeilaSharonemacs freezes everytime, almost immediately05:31
LadyNikonLeilaSharon: does it freeze the app? or the entire system?05:31
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riotkittienow i'm just going to buy some dynamite and blow it up :|05:31
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Frogzooriotkittie: they changed the chipset?05:32
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LeilaSharonIt freezes the entire system.05:32
riotkittieFrogzoo: no, its the right chipset :P  i researched my revisions05:32
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josiahSo anybody have experience with a Broadcom BCM4318 chipset wireless nic?05:32
riotkittieralink <3  but its not working.05:32
someone2005of supported chipsets ?05:32
Frogzoojosiah: all the broadcom stuff seems hugely troublesome05:32
Asukasorry, what do I do to uninstall a program in wine?05:32
Asukawine uninstall?05:33
Kr00lplatinumWhen will the game companies create games that work for linux?!05:33
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FrogzooAsuka: run the uninst05:33
josiahFrogzoo: it is lol05:33
riotkittiethe game companies will create games that work for linux when linux gamers give them reason to.05:33
ckin2001Kr00lplatinum, they do05:33
someone2005Thought they created them already...05:33
Asukaits says module not found05:33
jstarcherif I can run the live cd on a computer, does it guarantee that ubuntu will work with that computer?05:33
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Frogzooriotkittie: you mean like quake?05:33
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Asukai typed 'wine uninstall05:34
riotkittiejstarcher: pretty much, though you may need to tweak things05:34
Kr00lplatinumnot anything good like BF2 or Company of Heroes05:34
LeilaSharonI cannot use my computer for text editing, but internet chat seems totally reliable!05:34
riotkittieFrogzoo: no, not like Quake.05:34
=== HeatHawk[LI] [n=kevin@CPE0050bffee1db-CM00111ade4d78.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
wweaselHello: I'd like to configure two mice separately in xorg.conf - Is it ok to simply refer to them as /dev/mouse1 and /dev/mouse2, or is this dynamic and subject to change? Furthermore, how will the system react if one is unplugged?05:34
=== Ta1 [n=todd@c-67-172-133-239.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
HeatHawk[LI] Anyone know how to setup wpa_supplicant for wep?05:34
someone2005like ps3 ?05:35
Asukawhat do i type in order to uninstall something in wine?05:35
Asukawine uninstall?05:35
HeatHawk[LI] Do i just make another network entry in the config and use wep instead of wpa05:35
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riotkittiethe best way to get them to start making a wider range of games for linux is to stop buying games for windows :x05:35
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riotkittieif you'll excuse me, i'm going to go douse my latest USB wifi adapter in gasoline and alcohol and set it aflame.  or maybe i'll go google.05:36
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HeatHawk[LI] riotkittie, you try ndiswrapper?05:37
kRushanyone got an idea why ntpd fails to bind to ppp0 on boot? works fine if restartet manually once logged in =/05:37
Ta1I'm having a sharing problem.. I've been able to share all my partitions across the LAN except 1.. it is a single partition covering an entire drive.  When I try to view it from another computer, it says it can't find it, maybe it has been recently deleted.05:37
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=== nickrud wishes he could watch riotkittie
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riotkittieHeatHawk[LI] : no, i havent tried ndiswrapper. when i want to use Windows drivers, i'll boot into XP :P05:38
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FrogzookRush: I'd guess cos pppd's not up when you're starting it05:38
riotkittieho hum. i sense compiling in my near future05:39
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KasukoHello, I am trying to use Audacity to capture what would be played on my speakers to a file. But when I do I seem to be recording from a mic, I can even hear my self ... big issue I dont have a mic. I'm using a laptop so their may be a hidden one on my mobo but not to my knowledge. Can anyone help me get just the sound?05:39
LeilaSharonHow are your experiences with Feisty Fawn- do you find that it is stable?05:39
nickrudKasuko: now there is a scary thought, hidden mic's on the motherboard05:39
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HeatHawk[LI] riotkittie, still new to linux eh? sometimes one needs to make compromises to use their favourite os :P05:39
LadyNikonmust be a sony mobo <snicker>05:40
FrogzooLeilaSharon: desktop's not quite totally rock solid but pretty good05:40
kRushFrogzoo, that my guess too, but I'm literally lost in all the init scripts and networking stuff...05:40
FreeDancehey does anyone know how to get started in making java games?05:40
kRushgot an idea how to fix properly?05:40
=== selliotta [n=sheldon@h-69-3-252-225.sfldmidn.dynamic.covad.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
HeatHawk[LI] FreeDance, buy a java programming book05:40
riotkittieHeatHawk[LI] : the fact that i have no urge to use ndiswrapper does not make me one who is new to linux. it makes me somebody who has no desire to use windows drivers under another OS, as i find it utterly ridiculous to have to do so05:40
fatcatmattalrighty josiah, im burning and installing kubuntu05:40
FreeDancewhat about a program?05:41
Kasukoyes scary but I dont care about that ... big brother's watching... but I just want my not crappy recording05:41
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LadyNikonriotkittie: blame the company who created the hardware.05:41
HeatHawk[LI] FreeDance, I'd bet its the same book. :p05:41
riotkittieand no, i'm not new to linux. i've been using it since 2003, and i started with slackware. so pffft.05:41
LeilaSharonFrogZoo: I am wondering if my freez-ups could be fixed by installing an older distro.  This is my first linux system- two days old05:41
Chuck_Motodoes anyone remember how to ssh into another server from within vim?05:41
FreeDancecan i get a program off the net?05:41
Ta1Anybody good with sharing problems?05:41
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Chuck_MotoI would check, but I'm stuck in cli right now :X05:42
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riotkittieLadyNikon: no need to blame them.  they've got a linux driver. and it's a linux friendly chipset :P05:42
HeatHawk[LI] riotkittie, haha, thats very, um, non impressive, at any rate, I wouldn't push ndiswrapper out the window, its much less absurd then you might think05:42
LadyNikonriotkittie: whey are you using ndiswrapper?05:42
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Sau1hi there05:42
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LadyNikonor did I miss something05:42
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LadyNikonhi Sau105:43
Sau1i have a question05:43
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Sau1...obviously :p05:43
LadyNikonsomeone has an answer05:43
Sau1thanks in advance! here it goes05:43
nickrudkRush: there should be something in /etc/network/ifup-d for ntpd ;05:43
teKnofreakbut for the answer, the question needs to be asked :P05:43
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HeatHawk[LI] FreeDance, The thing about Java, much like other languages, wether its games or apps, its still java. You need to learn java before attempting a project. Perhaps even some web tutorials will put you in the right direction05:43
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shifty-is there a package for openbox and how do i add it as a session?05:44
Sau1well i have constant system hangups. when i check dmesg it says that my cdrom (hdb) is "not ready for command" . after some seconds, perhaps 10 or 15 it just slows down until death05:44
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Sau1sorry for my english i am not native speaker05:44
=== runrun [n=bobabot1@70-59-143-71.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
FreeDanceok cool thanks but....this may sound stupid but where do you type the script?05:44
riotkittieHeatHawk[LI] : it wasnt about impressing you, it was about replying to your statement that i must be new to linux b/c i had no urge to take your suggestion. and i never said that ndiswrapper was absurd, i said *i* didnt care to use it.05:44
=== Marfi [n=ronzo@cpe-069-132-181-161.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
KasukoHow can I record what should play on my speakers to a file?05:45
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nickrudshifty-: sudo aptitude install openbox ; it will appear in the sessions automatically05:45
Marfihey hey, what is a good diagnostic program for recovering formated data from a hard drive? =)05:45
Sau1how can i tell if its a bug or a bad cdrom drive05:45
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teKnofreakSau1, put another CD ROM and check05:45
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Sau1ok you mean changin the cdrom device05:46
modorHello,  I'm looking to duplicate a setup I had in XP, capturing internet radio station to a memory stick05:46
=== Hoosteen [n=home@cpe-075-176-161-082.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
seyfarthi need some major help installing ubuntu, i can't even get the live cd to boot. after it starts loading, x window crashes. the cd worked fine on my desktop at hoem, but i just got to college and this is a problem all the laptops are having. the guys at the school support desk wanted me to change a Horizsync and vertrefresh value in 'xorg.conf' but i'm not exactly sure how to do that... can anyone help me?05:46
FreeDancewheres that?05:46
HeatHawk[LI] riotkittie, well, good luck sticking to gnu05:46
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Sau1well actually i think it is the cdrom drive because i used to have another... the guys at the service changed it perhaps05:47
teKnofreakSau1, if it still tells the same error, then something is wrong, else time to change your CDROM05:47
nickrud!fixres | seyfarth link at the end tells you how to change the syncs05:47
ubotuseyfarth link at the end tells you how to change the syncs: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:47
Ta1I am trying to change the permissions of an entire hard disk... when I attempt to change it, even as root it just changes right back.. any ideas?05:47
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seyfarthnuckrud: thank you so much!05:47
Sau1tknofreak you may be correct. with my old cdrom i didnt had those messages05:47
chief!info streamripper | modor05:47
ubotumodor: streamripper: download online streams into audio files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.61.27-1 (feisty), package size 69 kB, installed size 188 kB05:47
nickrudTa1: you can only change permissions on a partition, not a drive05:47
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Sau1so , how should i tell to the guys at the service that the "new" cdrom drive they put just messed my system05:48
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Sau1... maybe i should just tell them what i have said :p05:48
teKnofreakSau1, first make sure its *the CDROM*05:48
teKnofreakSau1, of course05:49
Sau1YEAH!! it is im almost shure05:49
modorubotu, thank you, can these streams be designated to capture to memory card as an mp3 file?05:49
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Sau1another thing05:49
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Sau1sometimes when i get the error, it appears the "audio cd" icon in the desktop05:49
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chiefmodor: ubotu's a bot ;-), and yes, I would imagine so05:49
teKnofreakmodor, ubotu's knowledge is vast but yet limited, do not ask him questions05:49
Sau1despite the fact i dont have any cd on the drive05:49
Ta1nickrud: any idea why the permissions on one drive would be any different than another?  I formatted both drives with the same user, but one of the drives is only accessable to THAT specific user.  Any other user including root can't access it.. i'm trying to share it on the network and it won't let me because the permissions are drwx------05:49
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nickrudTa1: what kind of partition is it?05:50
logreevalHi, i am having some problems with IEs4linux and ActiveX controls, does anyone know about ies4linux?05:50
Ta1nickrud: fat3205:50
teKnofreaklogreeval, tell your problem05:50
nickrudTa1: ah. you can't write permissions to a fat32, you have to mount them with the permissions you want.05:50
teKnofreakif someone knows, they will answer05:50
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logreevalWell it says my security prohibits active x controls, but i have it to allow everything05:51
nickrudTa1: one sec05:51
Sau1so what do you think05:51
teKnofreaklogreeval, check the permissions, there will be a check box or something to allow or undeny activex05:51
teKnofreakSau1, boot into a live CD and check it05:51
matt3453for some reason, i cannot play mp3's, i've installed the 'ubuntu restricted codecs' package, and the 'win32codecs' package.... still nothing05:51
modorsorry, i have a little lag, so getting this in bunches05:51
teKnofreakmatt3453, using Feisty ?05:52
Sau1so, if the live cd acts as usual it is not the cdrom problem05:52
LeilaSharonAnyone know how to use a text editor in CLI mode enstead of GUI?05:52
logreevalteKnofreak: i have everything set to allow the activex05:52
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fujin_LeilaSharon, 'vi'05:52
teKnofreakmatt3453, when you try to open it in rythmbox, doesn't it ask you to automatically download some codecs ?05:52
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nickrudTa1: /dev/hda7 /vfat vfat defaults,utf8,umask=000,gid=46 0 1 <- put a line similar to this in your /etc/fstab , with the dev corrected for yours. Then everyone can read it05:52
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LeilaSharonfujin, did you find 'vi' works better with Ubuntu?05:53
Sau1but something strange happened las time i tried to boot. i checked the bios, and guess what, it did not detect the cdrom!!!05:53
matt3453teKnofreak: it was opening with movieplayer by default, lemme try :)05:53
fujin_vi is The Only Editor05:53
teKnofreakmatt3453, AFAIK you need not manually d/l it, when you try to open it in the player, it is automatically done for you05:53
Sau1whta do you think!05:53
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teKnofreakSau1, time to get some hardware support ;)05:53
nickrudTa1: the reason for this is vfat32 does not have a permission system in the first place05:53
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Sau1ok so its justified calling the acer guys05:54
=== nickrud thinks !editorwars should be defined again
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teKnofreakSau1, when you have a problem don't think twice to call them, thats what for they exist05:54
matt3453teKnofreak: ok, looks like its working in rythmbox, why not my other playres?05:54
teKnofreakmatt3453, probably should05:55
Sau1hahaha thats right but i hate being laptop-less a week :P05:55
josiahwell i guess im just going to have to get damned suse05:55
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cdm10Are there any GUI DjVu generators?05:55
Sau1ah i forgot to tell you, but i live in Mexico, here we have SLOOOOOOOW service05:55
teKnofreakmatt3453, other players as in - amarok, banshee ?05:55
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matt3453i prefer VLC usually since its small05:55
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teKnofreakmatt3453, try it in banshee for once05:56
Ta1nickrud: thanks05:56
brownie17hi #ubuntu, when i try to launch a rom through KAMEFU, it tells me it couldn't communicate with klauncher and i can't navigate it to the rom file. also there's no way to direct it to the rom file via the CLI05:56
matt3453teKnofreak: its not installed, but i'll give it a shot05:56
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teKnofreakmatt3453, sure :)05:56
Sau1thanks guys05:56
teKnofreakSau1, welcome :)05:56
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chiefcdm10: doesn't Evince open djvu files?05:56
LeilaSharonnidcrud, do you know about text editors? I am trying to figure out why emacs and nedit cause my system to freeze.   Emacs freezes it every time.05:57
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matt3453ok, next item - no sound in flash in firefox05:57
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nickrudLeilaSharon: nothing about why it would be freezing the system, except that maybe it's using it's usual amount of memory ;)05:58
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Sau1im going out , thanks for all guys!05:58
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nickrudLeilaSharon: I'd look for the common packages between all of the editors ; it's probably in one that they all use05:58
matt3453ok, next item - no sound in flash in firefox - can anyone tell me where i should look first?05:59
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echo_I am in need of some help.   I tryed manualy installing the ov51x-jpeg driver on my system.  But it just shows up as a cut off green picture.  But aMSN seems to be alright with the webcam.  I have tryed the webcam on other machines with ubuntu and it worked.  I am stomped.  Please help me. :D05:59
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disinterestedwhat would i need to run to detect a new hd?05:59
FFighterman, I'm on these times when you actually perceive that Windows is crap05:59
FFighterI'm using Windows currently and I **really** miss Ubuntu06:00
FFighterthe issue? Adobe Software (Photoshop CS2 and Flash CS3)06:00
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FFighterI can't feel the freedom06:00
echo_I can't feel freedom on ubuntu06:01
arsonxFFighter: gimp + vim06:01
disinterestedi used to feel it06:01
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nickrudmatt3453: you cound try installing alsa-oss and running firefox from a terminal :  aoss firefox  , see if you get sound that way06:01
Keenan3274feel the freedom? is that microsoft's trademark little cutesy line that they use?06:01
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echo_Is there a guru here who can help me?06:02
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NetslayerI did an upgrade and my 2.6.20 kernel is not finding any disks using the dev mapper uuids! How can I fix that? ie grub has root=UUID=... and that matches I checked. It loads the kernel and goes Waiting for root file system, times out saying it can't find it06:03
FFighterarsonx: It isn't that simple really. But I guess I will just run XP through VMWare06:03
FFighterAnyone here using Vista ?06:03
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nickrudFFighter: yes, with vmware06:03
fishtanki'm using vista?06:03
echo_I am in need of some help.   I tryed manualy installing the ov51x-jpeg driver on my system.  But it just shows up as a cut off green picture.  But aMSN seems to be alright with the webcam, but things like kopete won't work with it.  I have tryed the webcam on other machines with ubuntu and it worked.  I am stomped.  Please help me. :D06:04
nickrudNetslayer: try changing all those uuid's to the actual /dev devices to get the boot back06:04
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nickrudFFighter: different software, same reason ;)06:05
Keenan3274vista..i've heard it requires a gig of ram? could that be right?06:05
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nickrudat least06:05
Keenan3274geez....what does vista do with a gig of ram? come out of the screen and rub your back for you?06:05
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Netslayernickrud: i know when the livecd boots it shows sdc3.. tried it but it wont work. i'll try again (cycle through all my drives i guess)06:05
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JT-BMG-ATS-17750greetings !!!06:06
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nickrudNetslayer: do    sudo fdisk -l to get the actual physical devices06:06
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Netslayeri can only do that when in the live cd, before it showed /dev/sdc3 as my root partition06:07
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Netslayerright now my line reads: kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.20-16-generic root=/dev/sdc306:07
matt3453nickrud: no luck on the 'aoss firefox' command06:07
matt3453any other ideas?06:07
nickrudNetslayer: with fdisk? look at the partition itself, it should have /boot on it06:07
nickrudmatt3453: nope06:07
matt3453ok, back to the intranetweb :)06:07
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echo_I am in need of some help.   I tryed manualy installing the ov51x-jpeg driver on my system.  But it just shows up as a cut off green picture.  But aMSN seems to be alright with the webcam, but things like kopete won't work with it.  I have tryed the webcam on other machines with ubuntu and it worked.  I am stomped.  Please help me. :D06:08
JT-BMG-ATS-17750Is there a utility for linux that can do "shortcut keys" that can replace a key sequence with text ?  I am a tech support rep, and want to auto fill in questions on a ticket06:08
LeilaSharonnickrud, thanks, that sound like a potential lead. My other thought is that it is a memory issue.  Any tips on diagnosing - I am a linux newbie.  My very experience with linux is command line only.06:08
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Lord_Shadowque paso?!06:09
paynek hay06:09
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nickrudLeilaSharon: you could run the memtest on the bootup screen to test the memory. The other, well, it's not something I'd want to do, even though I suggested it06:09
echo_I am in need of some help.   I tryed manualy installing the ov51x-jpeg driver on my system.  But it just shows up as a cut off green picture.  But aMSN seems to be alright with the webcam, but things like kopete won't work with it.  I have tryed the webcam on other machines with ubuntu and it worked.  I am stomped.  Please help me. :D06:09
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=== nickrud needs to get a webcam one of these days
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chiefJT-BMG-ATS-17750: Xnee is one macro recorder that I know of06:10
paynek onda, aguien conoce un software k es para administrar ubuntu06:10
payneno me acuerdo como se llama06:10
nickrud!es | payne06:10
ubotupayne: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:10
paynevirtronix o algo asi06:10
shifty-anyone here use openbox?06:11
nickrudpayne: portuguese ? :)06:11
payneno espaol, ingles y japones jojo06:12
=== No1Viking [n=micke@h-83-140-104-41.auto.rp80.se] has joined #ubuntu
ubotu #ubuntu-jp  #kubuntu-jp 06:12
brownie17can anyone tell me how to compile gamefu from source?06:13
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ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.06:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ch - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:13
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tho1anybody know how to install invidia drivers in feisty?06:14
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chief!nvidia | tho106:14
ubotutho1: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:14
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LeilaSharonnickrud, thanks for the responses.  I do you know how I can open a text editor in CLI /non-GUI mode?  This might help me figure-out if the problem is just with the gui interface.06:15
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paynekiero una serveza!!!06:15
=== rathel [n=rathel@c-24-9-186-226.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
matthew_hi guys, how do I search for a file in Ubuntu?06:15
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overcluckerLeilaSharon, nano06:15
nickrudLeilaSharon: emacs -nw06:15
tho1is there any way to copy from Gnome and paste to the console?06:15
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matthew_there's a search manager, but it doesn't look into individual directories06:15
overcluckertho1, ctrl-shift-c06:16
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Grungebunnytho1 yeah its called ctrl c06:16
overcluckertho1, ctrl-shift-v06:16
paynealguien conoce un softaware k se llama06:16
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nickrudtho1: gpm provides paste between consoles, but I don't remember if it works between gui & console06:16
paynebueno termina en tronix206:16
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overcluckertho1, ctrl-shift-v pastes to console06:16
LeilaSharonthanks nickrud, I will try it now.06:16
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Netslayernickrud: finally back in livecd, fdisk -l shows /dev/sdc1 is /boot /dev/sdc2 is swap /dev/sdc3 is root06:17
overcluckerNetslayer, why swap before root?06:18
Netslayer** shrugs06:18
Netslayerit's a gb or so what diff06:18
LeilaSharonoverclucker: Thanks, I will try nano next.06:18
Grungebunnyfunky question time.. I see alot of screenshots online and I notice a red diamond looking icon.. in many.. what is it?06:18
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chiefGrungebunny: Beryl06:18
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Netslayermy kernel is failing to find my uuid root drive.. it's not even booting with root=/dev/sdc306:19
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nickrudNetslayer: I've never used a separate boot partition with grub, I'm not sure if the root it's talking about is the boot or actual root06:19
chiefGrungebunny: technically, it's the Beryl settings manager06:19
brownie17can anyone recommend a nintendo 64 emulator?06:19
qman2I'm having trouble booting after a fresh install of ubuntu server on an older machine; as soon as grub loads the kernel, the machine reboots06:19
scythetleppoI'm trying to setup ubuntu+windows xp and having trouble, I'm following the directions on help.ubuntu.com and I am getting error 17: cannot mount selected partition06:19
tho1overclucker: that does not work06:19
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qman2I tried adding the options apm=off and noapic, but it still won't boot06:19
craigbass1976qman2, You must have a virus06:19
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craigbass1976This just happened on a windows box I'm reformatting06:20
chiefbrownie17: Mupen6406:20
craigbass1976har har06:20
brownie17chief, thanks06:20
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brownie17chief, is ti gnome?06:20
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chiefbrownie17: this might help: http://www.fsckin.com/2007/09/05/what-do-you-do-when-your-girlfriend-wants-to-play-n64-games-on-linux/06:20
tho1I am trying to copy from firefox and paste to the console06:20
=== DavidCraft [n=g@ip68-110-144-164.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
matthew_qman2: what's the last thing dmesg reports?06:20
qman2it doesn't report anything06:20
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qman2it says "Starting up..." then reboots06:21
disinterestedi got a new ide hd today but i find it in bios but not in ubuntu06:21
ExospaciacHas anyone else had any problems with Firefox being almost completely unresponsive? For a while,  Firefox worked but now it is unusable; I did nothing different to  make it do this, that I know of.06:21
matthew_qman2: throw a livecd in, mount the drive, and look at /var/log06:21
qman2even after removing quiet splash06:21
matthew_qman2: messages in particular06:21
brownie17chief, hahah06:21
overcluckertho1, it should work06:21
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matthew_qman2: you have to look at the system logs, not the messages on the screen. those are garbage06:21
=== napox [n=napox@bzq-84-108-64-118.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
scythetleppohow do I set up grub to see ubuntu on disk 1, partition 1; and windows xp on disk 2, partition 2 ?06:21
matthew_qman2: also, check for bad memory06:21
craigbass1976qman2, You may end up having to boot to a livecd to diagnose06:21
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matthew_craigbass1976, the system doesn't boot otherwise, he's got no option06:22
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craigbass1976scythetleppo, grub does 0 instead of 1 for first partition06:22
qman2memory's good, it passes the test and I was running freebsd on it previously06:22
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qman2unless something happened to it recently06:22
craigbass1976I hadn't heard it mentioned yet06:22
fatcatmattso i have kubuntu installed...how do i get the nvidia go7600 restricted driver installed?06:22
matthew_qman2: I see. then in that case check the logs.06:22
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scythetleppocraigbass1976: whoops I was doing 0,1 instead of 0,0 ~ thanks06:22
chief!nvidia | fatcatmatt06:23
ubotufatcatmatt: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:23
matthew_qman2: let it fail once and then livecd it, mount and logs06:23
tho1overclucker: ctrl+c in firefox then ctrl+shift+v06:23
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craigbass1976scythetleppo, nice when it's something simple, yes?06:23
tho1overclucker: that's a no go06:24
nickrudscythetleppo: and for your windows on the second disk, you'll need to do something like this http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/map.html06:24
ratheltho1, Try shift+ insert, it works for me.06:24
=== WONToN [n=wonton__@66-52-216-96.sttl.mdsg-pacwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
qman2I keep gentoo discs around for just this type of occasion06:24
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qman2PITA to install, but the live CDs are nice and thin06:24
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tho1why do you guys keep calling me "thol"?06:25
scythetleppook now it boots to ubuntu but doesn't stop and ask me to choose either06:25
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faileasit simply means people here are not lazy enough to tab complete tho106:25
mattgyver83Does anyone use pcsx2?06:25
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Netslaye1and why does the error say Check root= bootarg cat /proc/cmd line or missing modules, devices: cat /proc/modules ls dev        << there are no such proc devices...06:27
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qman2all the logs are empty06:27
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brownie17chief, got it running, but it looks crappy with the rom i'm trying. it's conker's bad fur day06:27
scythetlepponickrud: so I should do map (hd0) (hd1) and the other way around? I don't really see what that does06:27
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qman2nothing in messages or syslog, dmesg has one line "(nothing has been logged yet.)06:27
matthew_qman2: even kern?06:27
nickrudscythetleppo: it fools windows into thinking it's booting from the first disk.06:27
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qman2where's that06:27
scythetlepponickrud: that will make grub see it?06:27
chiefbrownie17: reading that article, it seems that running Windows N64 emulators in wine actually gets better framerates06:27
qman2also empty06:27
FFighteranyone have experience running Photoshop CS on Windows XP from VWare on Ubuntu ?06:28
FFighterPhotoshop CS2 I mean06:28
nickrudscythetleppo: but you still have to use hd1,<whateverpartition>06:28
chiefbrownie17: for some people, at least06:28
matthew_qman2: hmm... the sudden reboot might prevent the system from properly writing the files...06:28
tho1i c06:28
scythetlepponickrud: I don't follow06:28
matthew_qman2: or you're hitting problems at grub06:28
qman2I was hoping it was a simple problem with boot options, it's pretty old hardware06:28
qman2but it looks like it might be a hardware problem06:29
nickrudscythetleppo: I know, it's weird ;)  Put your menu.lst on a pastebin, I'll point it out06:29
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scythetlepponickrud: I did the map and map.. ok will do06:29
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bleach46290Is there a way to use Real Player on Ubuntu, or is there an acceptable alternative?06:29
matthew_qman2: I thought you said it runs the live CDs fine06:29
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qman2it does06:29
mattgyver83chief, what n64 emulator are you using?06:29
chiefmattgyver83: i'm not06:29
qman2I installed from CD without a hitch, and was running freeBSD previously, the gentoo disc also runs fine06:29
qman2I can't run a GUI, not enough hardware06:29
chief!reaplayey | bleach4629006:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about reaplayey - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:30
chief!realplayer | bleach4629006:30
ubotubleach46290: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:30
matthew_qman2: there's not that much difference between a liveCD and a boot version kernel wise06:30
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tho1what does it mean when it says "ur hardware does not need restricted drivers"06:30
matthew_qman2: so freeBSD still works?06:30
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qman2well, it did, I had a software issue with it when I swapped NICs06:30
nickrudbleach46290: you can add     deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu feisty-commercial main   to your sources.list and apt-get install realplay06:30
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qman2so I decided to reformat with ubuntu06:30
rock22can i perform a usual partitioning with raiser and swap into a pendrive and install ubuntu and use lilo too?06:31
matthew_qman2: I see... how old is this system exactly?06:31
nickrudtho1: it means you have a card that the open source drivers provide 3d acceleration06:31
qman2about 10 years06:31
matthew_qman2: there's always the possibility it's not supported in 2.606:31
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matthew_qman2: although that's pretty slim... well 10 years is quite a while06:31
qman2could be, does it require i686 extensions?06:31
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tho1nickrud: I have a geforce 760006:32
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qman2because this is only i58606:32
matthew_qman2: i686..? I thought you said it was 10 years old06:32
nickrudtho1: I don't know the cards, just the reason it says that ;)06:32
tho1nickrud: icannot adjust my screen resolution06:32
matthew_qman2: but actually, since it runs liveCD.. it shouldn't be a kernel issue06:32
qman2yes, it's an AMD K6 processor06:32
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qman2yeah, I've had gentoo on it with a 2.6 kernel before, but that was a while ago06:32
nickrud!fixres | tho1: that's a monitor problem, look at the last link:06:32
ubotutho1: that's a monitor problem, look at the last link:: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:32
matthew_qman2: you've checked the bootloader?06:32
scythetlepponickrud: http://rafb.net/p/7ofO8p67.html06:33
qman2framebuffers and X don't work too well on it because of the video card06:33
matthew_qman2: but those come way later in the boot sequence06:33
qman2grub seems to be alright, I modified the boot line06:33
matthew_qman2: you're not even getting a kernel to load06:33
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Ravenndude`Why can't I choose the font Monospace in Openoffice, but I can in Gedit and in terminal?06:33
tho1ubotu: thanks06:33
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)06:33
qman2the disk mounts alright too, I'm looking at the whole filesystem right now06:33
matthew_qman2: perhaps your ubuntu cd is just corrupted? did you check the md5?06:34
WONToNgood job ubotu!06:34
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qman2no, I just burned it though, I can check it06:34
matthew_qman2: I guess we should check everything just in case06:34
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scythetlepponickrud: http://rafb.net/p/7ofO8p67.html06:34
matthew_qman2: there's always the possibility of data corruption... although that's pretty rare06:34
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rock22i saw into the pendrivelinux site that ubuntu can be installed, but some hardwire is required... can i do a clean installation?06:35
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matthew_qman2: so you said you're using the ubuntu-alt install since it can't do gui?06:35
qman2ubuntu server, actually06:36
napoxanyone can please help me with VirtualBox problem ? i wrote the problem here -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=54815506:36
matthew_qman2: I see... hmm well that shouldn't be a problem06:36
tarelerulzI just got 500gb  and I want to set other computer as computer I can control via vnc or ssh .  with out gnome  starting up or remote login06:36
nickrudscythetleppo: http://rafb.net/p/zL8GBh39.txt  add this stanza _after_ the END OF DEBIAN AUTOMAGIC line, edit to match your partition06:36
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tarelerulzdo any of you know a good  how-to telling you how to do that06:38
nickrudscythetleppo: the root is possibly (hd1,0) for hdb1 I'd guess06:38
rock22anyone have a clue on the issue?06:38
rafaelscjhi again06:38
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mineralehow do I make GDM automatically login when I turn computer on?06:38
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash06:38
scythetlepponickrud: winxp is on 2,2 so it would be hd1,1 right06:38
qman2well, the md5sum doesn't quite add up06:39
nickrudminerale: there's a checkbox and a space for the login name under System->Administration->Login Window security tab06:39
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Rubinminerale, edit /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf with your fav text editor, as root. theres comments in there with instructions. its not secure.06:39
nickrudscythetleppo: disk 2, partition 2 is hd1,106:39
scythetlepporight. ok so now it's in there, what now? just reboot?06:39
nickrudyup. And hope ;006:39
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easyeHello ALL. Looking for support on a MX700 mouse in ubuntu, (Back and Forward buttons not working)06:41
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qman2if I run "md5sum /dev/hda", it should come out the same as running it on the iso, right?06:41
nickrud!mouse | qman206:42
ubotuqman2: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto06:42
scythetleppoit said bootloader press exc to enter the menu and then it counted down and started ubuntu..06:42
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nickrudqman2: yes, and sorry about the paste ;)06:42
easyethank you much06:42
qman2yeah, it burned bad then06:42
qman2I'll burn it again I suppose06:42
qman2thanks for your help06:43
LeilaSharonnicrud: emacs is not crashing in without the GUI.  I am trying to look into memory as the issue. In the system manager I see that User memory is now at 40% of maximum.  Is there a way to prevent ubuntu from exceeding this?  Does it make sense that nedit and emacs would overload my RAM when other applications don' t?06:43
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qman2I'll be back if it still doesn't work :)06:43
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nickrudqman2: a sec.06:43
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nickrudqman2: the disk itself has a self test, and I have this feeling that I was told that it doesn't come out the same, so ...06:43
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scythetlepponickrud: ah ok well it works if I press esc i can choose windows. but how can I have a splash screen that comes up, and lets me pick automatically with no esc, and has a default value?06:44
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nickrudscythetleppo: a sec, I know, but must remember ;)06:44
ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto06:44
scythetlepponickrud: actually when I try windows I get error 12: invalid device requested06:44
nickrudLeilaSharon: I'm not that big of a guru ;)06:44
qman2well, I burned it at max speed (48x) so I'll do it again slower and see06:44
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scythetlepponickrud: ok I figured out the right partition so ignore that part about windows not working06:46
overcluckerscythetleppo, i believe you just remove the countdown option from /boot/grub/menu.lst06:46
LeilaSharonnickrud: look pretty good from my perspective :) thanks anyway.06:46
rock22i suppose nobody have issued this tiil now...?06:46
scythetleppooverclucker: ok so that will make a splash screen and a list of the options?06:46
zippyybruenig, you still around ?06:46
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Thurin1Is anyone good at reading Xorg Dumps?06:47
overcluckerscythetleppo, for a spash image, add somthing like this to the front of menu.lst splashimage=(hd0,0)/boot/grub/NightOfUbuntu.xpm.gz06:47
MasonUSI need some help configuring grub.06:48
scythetleppooverclucker: removing the timer doesn't just make it automatically go to ubuntu?06:48
nickrudscythetleppo: look towards the top of the menu.lst, is hiddenmenu uncommented ? (no # at the beginning)06:48
overcluckerscythetleppo, and it's not countdown its timeout06:48
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MasonUSI have Ubuntu installed on an external harddrive that I can boot from when I start my computer with it attached.06:48
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MasonUSbut when I detach it and restart it has an error06:48
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overcluckerscythetleppo, i'm not sure06:48
MasonUSbecause it can't see ubuntu06:48
MasonUSit wont let me boot to windows06:49
disinterestedhow would i move a folder to a different hd?06:49
MasonUScan I have it ignore the fact that ubuntu is missing?06:49
Antsdisinterested: drag it over?06:50
shifty-anyone use openbox?06:50
disinterestedthe problem is i cant find the 2 hd06:50
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scythetleppook I found it I think, there's a command hidemenu06:51
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nickruddisinterested: mv /path/to/folder /path/to/here06:51
Antsdisinterested: linux to windows? windows to linux?06:51
disinterestedjust linux06:51
scythetleppoyep that was it06:52
workmunchAm trying to use Firestarter to share an internet connection to no avail. I can get them to ping each other, and I'm fairly sure I'm starting firestarter from an "empty" iptables setup. Any help?06:52
nickrudoverclucker: there's actually a nice grub options editor in the next version ;)06:52
Antsdisinterested: the hard drive is probably not mounted. you need to have it mounted first06:52
scythetlepponow I need to figure out what that failed to allocate something about memory message is when ubuntu starts06:52
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disinterestedhow do i mount it?06:52
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AA|[russ] _Lokohi06:53
nickrudworkmunch: do you have firstarter providing dhcp and dns to the other?06:53
overcluckernickrud, that's make troubleshooting alot easier, lol06:53
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Antsdisinterested: google 'mount hard drive linux'06:54
workmunchnickrud - I've tried it w/out dhcp too (that's how I was able to get them to ping each other)--but I'm back trying w/dhcp06:54
overcluckeri need to work on my engrish06:54
MasonUSWell hell fellas, I was hoping someone would know the answer06:54
Antsah so, me too work on engrish06:54
nickrudworkmunch: I like dnsmasq06:54
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workmunchnickrud: hmm, I installed that too--that may be the problem, I tried a bunch of things from different tutorials.06:55
nickrudwhy with all the grub questions today, I barely know it ;(06:55
TweegyBlink_hey giys06:55
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qman2I'm running the check CD for defects thing, and then I'll try the repair installation06:56
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tarntowanyone here had sound problem whereby system sounds break off half way through logging in and sound is lost after?06:56
nickrudMasonUS: I'd redo the grub, have it written to the mbr of the external. Have window's bootloader on the hard drive mbr., and set the external as first boot06:56
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MasonUSredo the grub?06:57
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MasonUSIt needs to be able to boot windows without the external attached.06:57
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MasonUSthe boot loader is on the internal harddrive.06:57
mtx1is there a way to copy all programs to a new installation by copying certain directories? or do i need to manually reinstall them? i am going with a new system but same chipset and architecture06:57
sgtmattbakerso .. the college doesnt like people remote desktop to their pc.. what do you think about that06:57
MasonUSI see what you're saying06:57
MasonUSput grub on the external06:57
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nickrudMasonUS: yeah, boot to ubuntu, run sudo grub-install /dev/<whatever the external is> , and then rewrite the windows mbr with whatever tool windows provides06:58
MasonUSso the computer will automatically load windows since it won't see grub at all06:58
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nickrudgogeta: ?06:58
gogetaseems to make sence06:58
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MasonUSI'll give it a try.06:58
MasonUSthanks for the advice, I shoulda thought of that :)06:58
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kousotuWhere might I go to find drivers for a Memory stick/card reader?06:59
RictooGuys, I am having trouble with gnome-theme-manager. It freezes when I open it. HOWEVER it works perfectly when running it as root. Obviously there is some configuration file problem. How do I clear the config files for gnome-theme-manager?06:59
Tr1pXi cant get my 2 ubuntu machines to share files06:59
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gogetakousitu try plugging it in lol06:59
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nickrudkousotu: it should already be in the kernel; your memstick isn't mounting?07:00
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kousotunickrud: if it was, wold I be asking?07:00
gogetatrlpx samba is your frend07:00
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Thurin1Does anyone understand Xorg Dumps well?07:00
Tr1pXeven for linux to linux07:00
Tr1pXwhat about nfs07:00
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Antskousotu: hahaha touchy, aren't u?07:00
nickrudkousotu: heck, I always get tripped up when I assume stuff ;)07:01
gogetanfs is a bit hard to get to work07:01
kousotuAnts: no07:01
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Tr1pXyea i can see that i have been playing with it for 2 hours07:01
kousotunickrud: It's kewl, just givin you a hard time07:01
DjBones253my apt is acting up and saying that it can't find an archive for the newest version of deluge that i upgraded to.. haha any help?07:01
Antsis it just a plain ol' memory stick? no programs on it?07:01
gogetaso most just use samba07:01
kousotunickrud: I need a read/write FAT partions on a ms07:01
Tr1pXcan it be that my usernames are the same on both machines07:01
kousotuAnts: MSD, (for PSP) but yes07:02
nickrudTr1pX: I have never used nfs, sorry07:02
Tr1pXok i guess i will have to use samba then07:02
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Antskousotu: cruzer smart, for example, is not linux friendly07:02
kousotuTr1pX: what are you trying to do withNTFS?07:02
gogetanot ntfs07:03
gogetanetwork file sharing07:03
kousotuAnts: PSP or regular sandisc ones, I don't know what make thereader is07:03
Tr1pXnothing i am trying to share between both of my ubuntu boxes07:03
gogetaits a app likesamba07:03
Tr1pXi was trying to set up my server to share with my other ubuntu box07:03
Tr1pXboth are feisty07:03
kousotuTr1pX: oh.. sorry, no experience there07:03
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nickrudRictoo: gnome theme manager drops stuff all through the configuration system, about the only way to clear it would be gconf-tool --recursive-unset /desktop/gnome  ; that will clear a lot of settings you'd have to redo07:04
Antsmem sticks should just mount. i would try backing up the stick and formatting it after. i think that'll do the trick07:04
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gogetayea it has to be one odd stick07:04
kousotuAnts: it doesn't show up07:04
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Tr1pXeven when i set my folders to be shared on samba my other machines doesnt see them and they are both set for workgroup07:04
gogetayour reader usb or something07:04
=== wizardyesterday [n=chris@adsl-76-238-93-73.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudRictoo: arg, wrong answer :)   Rictoo sudo chown -R ricktoo:ricktoo ~/.gconf07:04
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Antsit's not even in /dev?07:04
kousotugogeta: it's a PSP 32mb stick with the MS  adaptor07:05
SevkMY VNC+VBOX   http://hi.baidu.com/sevk/album/item/74acb235adddd281a61e12a0.html07:05
kousotugogeta: (my laptop reads MS, but not pro duos07:05
gogetawhy not connect your psp via usb07:05
nickrudRictoo: and don't run gui apps with sudo07:05
Rictoonickrud: I already tried rm -rf'ing .gconf07:05
riotkittiesweet. i've managed to lose my wired connection under dapper and feisty too. i'm starting to think i should have just kept my last lame adapter.07:05
Rictoodidn't fix it :(07:05
=== kokotti [n=risto@cs78208052.pp.htv.fi] has joined #ubuntu
gogetalinux should see it07:05
kousotugogeta: Pandora batery07:05
Sevkcan you openit ? http://hi.baidu.com/sevk/album/item/74acb235adddd281a61e12a0.html07:05
=== brunner [n=chris@75-143-97-77.dhcp.aubn.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudRictoo: no, because it gets rewritten from memory when gnome shuts down.07:05
=== Arreis [n=Arreis@201-167-122-15-cable.cybercable.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu
brunnerhi all07:05
kousotugogeta: I don't have a second, and I really don't trust USB with it07:05
Rictooubuntu is too smart for me? :(07:06
gogetadoesent the psp run on usb power07:06
gogetaif its connected07:06
Rictoonickrud: rictoo@rictoo-desktop:~$ chown -R rictoo:rictoo ~/.gconf07:06
brunnerI just installed ubuntu and when I was running off of the live cd I allowed it to use the unsupported X driver.  Now X won't start.  Within xorg.conf, how do I change it back to the default driver?07:06
Rictooand that's it07:06
RictooI restart GNOME?07:06
DjBones253apt can't find an archive and its disabling me from using dpkg, anybody know a workaround?07:06
riotkittieok, i need to build a driver. beyond the driver's source, i shouldnt need anything but build-essential and uhmmmm the kernel headers, right? or am i forgetting something vital?07:06
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kousotugogeta: I could..07:06
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nickrud Rictoo you could log out, change to a terminal, and do    ps aux | grep gconf , make sure it's not running, then rm -r it07:07
brunnersorry, I meant that I enabled the unsupported ATI driver and don't know what to change in xorg.conf to set it back.07:07
kousotugogeta: but getting the PSP on takes a few tries, and it's on japanese mode lol07:07
pattychange the deviche section from fglrx to ati07:07
pattyalthough the open source doesn't work for me07:07
easyeanyone in here have a logitech mx700 mouse07:07
riotkittiebrunner > change the driver to ati07:07
pattyati blows07:07
gogetathats probly why right there07:07
easyei read the tutorial, but it didn't help much07:07
=== buttercups [n=me@c-68-54-116-100.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Antspatty: which card do you have?07:07
=== Telep [n=telep@a81-197-164-45.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
kousotuany info on a ATI Radeon Xpress X1250's compatability with Ubuntu?07:08
=== Rictoo [n=ricto@unaffiliated/rictoo] has joined #ubuntu
gogetagotta use atis drivers07:08
Rictoonickrud: Didn't fix anything07:08
gogetathey suck07:08
=== Lattyware [n=Latty@host86-134-70-140.range86-134.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
DjBones253atleast ati is going open source lol07:09
RictooWasn't I supposed to also rm -rf it?07:09
nickrudRictoo: you could log out, change to a terminal, and do    ps aux | grep gconf , make sure it's not running, then rm -r it07:09
gogetaat leats untill later this year whem amd finnly is relesing good ones07:09
kousotucan's they be wrapped with Ndiswrapper?07:09
=== nvkr [n=rasmilli@S0106001346ffd73d.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Rictoonickrud: last time I deleted the folder I was in IceWM07:09
=== chuy [n=chuy@201-167-106-114-cable.cybercable.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu
riotkittieati's going open source?07:09
nickrudRictoo: running apps with sudo sucks07:09
Rictooit should've been running then, right?07:09
gogetalater this year07:09
pattyamd bought them07:09
pattynot the drm part though07:09
=== Nutubuntu [n=jn@c-24-23-155-42.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
riotkittieoh yea i forgot about that.07:10
Sevkwho can open my web :  http://hi.baidu.com/sevk/album/item/74acb235adddd281a61e12a0.html07:10
pattythere will still be secret parts of it to keep us from doing too much07:10
DjBones253yeah, ati is releasing their drivers.. almost makes up for their lack of support haha07:10
riotkittiemaybe there's hope for my crappy card after all :P07:10
nickrudRictoo: depends on what might have called into action, running a gnome app, maybe. remove gconfd, anything gconf07:10
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Nutubuntuhey there nickrud :)07:10
=== TomasuAway [n=moose@S0106000c765956b8.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
gogetahope for all of us ati cards lol07:10
nickrudhey Nutubuntu07:10
Antsi wish i could get 3d accel with my radeon x1600 under feisty. *sigh*07:10
=== nickrud wonders if amd can be bribed
gogetause atis drivers ants07:10
DjBones253i have a radeon 1600 too.. not the most wonderful driver07:11
easyeSevk, I opened your web07:11
Sevk: )07:11
pattydo you mean the fglrx or the open source?07:11
Antsgogeta: doesn't work for me. i prolly did something wrong07:11
=== Venko [n=sol@colchester-lug/member/Venko] has joined #ubuntu
gogetathey suck but at least you will get some 3d07:11
AntsDjBones253: do you have 3d accel?07:11
DjBones253i meant the fglrx because it doesnt support compositing07:11
pattyi can't even get x to run with open source... i blame ati, not the coders07:11
jpiccoloi am having a problem with grep07:11
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=== Juchipilo [n=Juchipil@cpe-76-87-49-183.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
gogetai use the oss drivers07:11
riotkittiehm. ok. i'm going to go try to get this bleeping adapter running. for the 93rd time.07:11
Nutubuntugrep problem jpiccolo ?07:11
DjBones253haha 3d accel but no compositing.. so no beryl or compiz07:11
nickrudDjBones253: xserver-xgl gives you the pretty stuff07:11
gogetabut my card has 3d support even under oss07:11
easyeThat's too many iterations of Operating systems07:12
AntsDjBones253: yeah, that sucks07:12
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@oul088-gw3.netplaza.fi] has joined #ubuntu
pattywhat exactly is compositing?  i'm running compiz right now on ati07:12
kousotuabout the MC issus?07:12
DjBones253oh really? i didnt know you could get effects with card07:12
DjBones253ive been using envy to do the dirty work for me all these years haha07:12
pattyyou have to use xgl07:12
gogetacompiz fusion rocks07:12
=== mattgyver [n=wurd_pla@pool-71-252-32-189.washdc.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudpatty: doing the screen writes off screen, then blending, and moving to the displayed screen07:12
pattywhich isn't as good as aixgl or whatever the other one is07:12
jpiccoloNutubuntu: i need to tree a directory to get the number of directories, then i need to save the number in a variable in my bash script07:12
Netslaye1when is tribe 6 gusty coming out? why was it delayed?07:12
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pattyenraged debian partisans07:13
gogetanet dont care dont wanna knoe07:13
kousotuNetslaye1: it wo't be untill most of the bugs are fixed07:13
nickrudNetslaye1: I hear that it's going to be the first beta, just before the end of the month07:13
DjBones253oh, gutsy is delayed? ah well, id rather have it delayed than a buggy07:13
riotkittieoh god.  i forgot what version of the chipset my adapter is :<07:13
TomasuAwaycan ubuntu 7.04 be dist-upgraded to 7.10 without any problems once its released?07:13
Nutubuntu:/ jpiccolo you've gone beyond what I understand of grep, sorry07:13
gogetai thionk gust is going to be there next long term distro07:13
shifty-how do i make something start up automatically with a certain session?07:13
=== Rictoo [n=ricto@unaffiliated/rictoo] has joined #ubuntu
riotkittielooks like i'll just download the source for them all. woo woo.07:13
=== nickrud wonders how a beta = release
gogetaso they will get it pretty bug free07:13
Rictoonickrud: nope, still the same problem07:13
kousotunickrud: it's already beta lol07:13
=== marlun [n=marlun@unaffiliated/marlun] has joined #ubuntu
Rictoowhenever I get into gnome-theme-manager, the entire thing is immediately frozen07:13
nickrudkousotu: wide scale beta ;)07:13
Rictoobut if I run with sudo its fine (obviously I can't change themes while running with sudo)07:14
Netslaye1if i install tribe 5 right now, i can just simply upgrade to beta and final release right with apt-get?07:14
kousotunickrud: better answer lol07:14
=== duns_s [n=duns_s@mnhm-590c0bec.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu
gogetayes netslaye07:14
Rictooso it must be a configuration problem, no?07:14
marlunI removed the link to the gnome help from the panel and now I can't find it, how do I get to it? In "System > Help & Support" it's only ubuntu help, I want the gnome help :)07:14
pattyopen source beta is still pretty damn good.  grub's not to version 1 and the whole world runs on it07:14
Netslaye1anyone try gusty tribe 5... does it generally work? ie pretty solid07:14
gogetabut your gonna be using beta nstable07:14
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gogetaso be redy for bugs07:14
nickrudI'm still gonna call gutsy alpha, it'll keep out the riff-raff ;)07:14
Rictoonickrud: ^ :(07:15
DjBones253haha its true though07:15
kousotuNetslaye1: running T5 as we speak,stable fo me07:15
RictooHow do I delete all the configuration files?07:15
RictooI deleted .gconf, but it still is doing the thing07:15
Rictooie freezing07:15
=== OrTigaS [n=OrTigas@] has joined #ubuntu
DjBones253magic of synaptic?07:15
Netslaye1kousotu: cool.. this is for my home server/mythbackend. gotta get it up for the new season07:15
nickrudRictoo: I don't know what to say, remove .gnome* .gconf* .local*07:15
gogetamajic of apt-get07:15
Rictoowhat's .local ?07:15
shifty-how do i make something start up automatically with a certain session?07:15
nickrudRictoo: any custom launchers you've made07:16
DjBones253should be under preferences sessions07:16
kousotuWhere might I go to find drivers for a Memory stick/card reader? My internal isn't working and I want to know why07:16
gogetasystem prefrences sessions07:16
Rictoonickrud: That would have nothing to do with this, would it? :S07:16
gogetayou can add startup programs there07:16
TomasuAwaycan I expect a distupgrade from fiesty to gutsy to work without problems (once its out?)07:16
shifty-gogeta: im using openbox07:16
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shifty-gogeta: i cant get to that menu07:16
DjBones253most likely.. although id give it a few days to let the servers cool down07:16
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nickrudRictoo: heck, I'd expect that if you have an empty .gconf that you'd start with a default menu even07:17
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Antsi'd switch to feisty like that if only i could get beryl or compiz to work with my x160007:17
gogetawell it depends on your window manager then07:17
Rictoonickrud: is there any way to reinstall gnome-theme-manager ?07:17
OrTigaSanyone can guide me how to install GRUB to my external USB HD.... i tried to install but when it comes to installing grub, whatever dev/ i put i doesn't install... Ubotu link very complex to me to understand :)... noob when it comes to this.07:17
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gogetait might not even support that07:17
nickrudRictoo: sudo aptitude reinstall gnome-theme-manager07:17
DjBones253Ants: yeah, shouldnt have to wait long for the ati driver support though07:17
Rictooit isn't a package07:17
shifty-gogeta: it supports it, but theres no nice easy manager for it, which is why i was asking07:18
gogetayou can add it to the system startup but then its always going to start on any user07:18
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pattyOrtiga: it should.  most everything has a boot sector.  how exactly i don't know.  i did it once on accident when i meant to have it on the main hd07:18
prfthello to all07:18
AntsDjBones253: yeah. can't wait. gonna leave opensuse07:18
=== JonTwelve [n=jon@adsl-69-111-244-81.dsl.snlo01.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
kousotuWhere might I go to find drivers for a Memory stick/card reader? My internal isn't working and I want to know why07:19
prftnew around here07:19
OrTigaSso anyone can guide me :)07:19
DjBones253Ants: usin opensuse? ive tried to install it several times, never worked.. is it any good?07:19
NutubuntuOh ... well, if you're new, you gotta greet everyone individually ... by name ;p07:19
Rictoonickrud: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=990707:19
prftcan some one help me with the installation vpnc on ubuntu amd 6407:19
RictooThat guy is having the same problem07:19
Rictoobut got no replies07:19
nickrudRictoo: looking for the package07:19
Rictoooh, thanks :)07:19
FrogzooOrTigaS: grub won't boot if your bios doesn't support booting from usb07:19
pattyapt-get your problems away, and thank god you're not using gentoo07:19
DjBones253hey, i got a prob when i upgraded deluge, kinda messed up apt07:20
DjBones253sayin an archive is missin, won;t let me do much07:20
pattymost bioses do, though...07:20
OrTigaSFrogzoo:  the laptop seems new07:20
Nutubuntuprft, have installed vpnc, once ... if you're having a very basic issue, maybe I can help07:20
pattyonly the really old ones wont07:20
=== BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu
AntsDjBones253: i have the 64bit 10.2. it's sweet. the only reason i want to change is that sometimes restarting gives me butterflies in my stomach. ubuntu didn't seem to do that when i had it installed07:20
pattylike i have an old win 98 box that did07:20
OrTigaSso it support to boot from external drives, like usb07:20
prftwell I have been trying to install07:20
prftthank you very much07:20
=== Android` [n=Android_@81-179-114-132.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
prftbut I get the following error07:21
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nickrudRictoo: it's gnome-control-center07:21
pattyi have puppy on a flash, but it has a special bootloader, not grub07:21
qman2well, I tried repairing with the new disc, but it still won't boot, so I'm running memtest07:21
qman2I don't think that's the problem though07:21
=== nvkr [n=rasmilli@S0106001346ffd73d.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
kousotuWhere might I go to find drivers for a Memory stick/card reader? My internal isn't working and I want to know why07:21
DjBones253Ants: haha yeah.. they can seem pretty shaky sometimes.. never really cared for the .rpm based distros though07:21
DjBones253Ants: bother findin packages lol07:21
Rictoonickrud: I reinstalled that about 30 minutes ago :\07:21
DjBones253as fun as building from source is..07:21
prft/home/prft/vpnclient/GenDefs.h:110:2: warning: #warning 64 bit07:21
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AntsDjBones253: i had feisty installed a few days ago. i don't know it very well, but it seemed SOLID07:21
nickrudRictoo: do you mean you simply can't install themes?07:22
prft/home/prft/vpnclient/interceptor.c: In function handle_vpnup:07:22
prft/home/prft/vpnclient/interceptor.c:313: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type07:22
prft/home/prft/vpnclient/interceptor.c:337: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type07:22
prft/home/prft/vpnclient/interceptor.c:338: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type07:22
prft/home/prft/vpnclient/interceptor.c: In function do_cleanup:07:22
prft/home/prft/vpnclient/interceptor.c:386: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type07:22
prft  CC [M]   /home/prft/vpnclient/linuxkernelapi.o07:22
prft/home/prft/vpnclient/linuxkernelapi.c: In function kernel_alloc:07:22
prft/home/prft/vpnclient/linuxkernelapi.c:12: warning: format %d expects type int, but argument 2 has type size_t07:22
Nutubuntu!paste | prft07:22
ubotuprft: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:22
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overcluckerDjBones253, hey building from source is fun!07:22
prftmake[2] : *** No rule to make target `/home/prft/vpnclient/libdriver64.so', needed by `/home/prft/vpnclient/cisco_ipsec.o'.  Stop.07:22
prftmake[1] : *** [_module_/home/prft/vpnclient]  Error 207:22
prftmake[1] : Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.20-16-generic'07:22
Jouleshey guys so ive been trying to set up encryption on my airport expresss... problem is the software that ubuntu has is way hard to use ... at least to set it up07:22
=== untung [n=untung@70-57-71-110.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
prftmake: *** [default]  Error 207:22
prftFailed to make module "cisco_ipsec.ko".07:22
prftups sorry about that07:22
Joulesim using wicd07:22
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qman2use a pastebin next time07:22
DjBones253Ants: oh yeah, the only way ive borked a debian distro is when i fiddled with the xorg.conf07:22
AntsJoules: omg. feisty was super easy to set up07:22
pattyit's talking about pointers, that's got to be programming error rather than a missed dependency07:22
JoulesAnts: i know how to connect to it07:23
DjBones253Ants: but most of the time thats not a good idea anyway haha07:23
JoulesAnts: the problem is that i want to encrypt it and all07:23
AntsDjBones253: yeah ahahahah07:23
Rictoonickrud: I open the theme manager, all the thumnnails are grey with question marks in them. and the second I scroll the entire theme manager freezes07:23
DjBones253overclucker: of course, as long as youve got a couple hours to burn07:23
Frogzooprft: warning's aren't necessarily a problem07:23
AntsJoules: ah07:23
Rictoobut if I run with sudo, it all works perfectly07:23
Nutubuntuprft, I didn't see *anything* like that ... how are you installing ?07:23
DjBones253overclucker: i kid of course haha07:23
prfthi Frogzoo07:23
prftyeah but I see that it fails07:24
Frogzooprft: here's your problem:  No rule to make target `/home/prft/vpnclient/libdriver64.so07:24
prftlook at the log07:24
Dark_Rainmorning guys07:24
prfthow do I fix it my friend?07:24
JoulesAnts:  i made the big mistake of uninstalling windows.. i forgot my password for the base station and now i cant seem to figure it out07:24
overcluckerDjBones253, it'l take more than a couple hours, lol, takes me about 1007:24
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ktwi got a problem, i installed windows and...07:24
wolferinehow do you get a list of ircops ?07:24
Frogzooprft: read the README & INSTALL files, & make sure you have the right version of make/gcc etc.07:24
prftI'm installing following some instructions07:25
JoulesAnts: so i reset-ed it and now i cant set it up .. its just some generic thing07:25
prftlet me see if I find it now07:25
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Frogzoowolferine: -> #ubuntu-ops I think it is07:25
DjBones253overclucker: lol i was talking about individual programs in the fun dependency pergutory.. but i cant think of a more fun evening than sitting by the fire and compiling the kernel07:25
AntsJoules: hahaha i'm not good enough w/linux to uinstall windows yet. i always have xp and acronis true image installed   ;-)07:25
prftohhhhhhhhhhhh   Frogzoo07:25
pattyktw: get the alternative installer, repair system, reinstall grub07:25
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Joules... k ill ask again .... anyone knows how to set up a wireless router on linux07:25
pattyfor a dual boot07:25
prftyour right I haven't seen the version07:25
Frogzoo!wifi | Joules07:25
ubotuJoules: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:25
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=== Nutubuntu bows to Frogzoo ... he's got it; I don't got it
pattyubotu... heh heh07:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about heh heh - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:25
OrTigaSso nobody? :)07:26
ktwha ya i know was juss joking :P07:26
Antsubotu: you're a nice bot07:26
pattyubotu love07:26
ubotuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.07:26
nickrudRictoo: I'm at a loss, One question though. When you removed gconf , did you get the default panels?07:26
pattyubotu debian07:26
ubotuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!07:26
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pattyubotu peace in the middle east07:26
pattythat one got it07:26
Frogzoopatty: ha ha07:26
Rictoonickrud: i don't know, because before I removed gconf I reinstalled gnome-control-center07:26
Nutubuntubot-poetry ... I'm going to swoon, you keep that up ... ice weasels ... be still my beating heart07:26
Rictooso it was already to the defaults07:27
DjBones253caps lock. cruise control to cool07:27
Nutubuntujjmmma, caps lock.07:27
RictooI use KDM07:27
Rictoomaybe that has something to do with it, nickrud ?07:27
=== davina [n=davina@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
pattyrm patrick07:27
jjmmmaNutubuntu, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23992307:27
untung how can i modify the theme for ubuntu?07:27
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nickrudRictoo: when you remove gconf, you loose any modifications you have. heck, I don't know, but probably. I don't use kde.07:27
Rictoountung: System>Preferences>Theme07:27
jjmmmaNutubuntu, whenever i click the mouse once , it is interpreted as double clicks..07:28
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NutubuntuOhhh ... *that* problem ;p07:28
Nutubuntujjmmma, none of the suggestions in that thread helped?07:28
Antsi love single click07:28
jjmmmayes, no suggestions..07:28
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jjmmmai have the exactly same problem with them07:28
Grungebunnysingle click <-- sounds like a dating site07:28
Nutubuntuprft ?07:29
prftIm not find the url I used to install the vpnc07:29
Antsubotu dates07:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dates - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:29
untungi downloaded theme from website then how can install it?07:29
prftI found a different one07:29
prftbut it was very basic07:30
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prfttar zvf <file>07:30
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prftpatch < <file>07:30
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:30
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prftsudo ./vpn_install07:30
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Nutubuntuprft, was there a reason you did not apt-get vpnc instead? I'm a bit lost here...07:30
Joulesok ... ppl .. pliz help07:31
DjBones253haha thats glorius, any of your guys seen this? type this into the console: "telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl"07:31
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Jouleshow do i encrypt my wireless coming from an airport express07:31
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prftlet me see07:31
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prftI'll try your apt-get07:31
zaid_when does the new ubuntu come out?  like is there an exact day scheduled?07:32
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wolferinenice DjBones25307:32
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user_gusty out??07:32
nickrudDjBones253: where'd you find this???07:32
WONToNDjBones253, dude, that is awesome!07:32
DjBones253haha i was searchin the forums07:33
DjBones253most epic thing haha07:33
DjBones253guy should probably go outside more07:33
DjBones253but it was for a worthy cause lol07:33
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ambrose_hey does any 1 know a good power pc repo website07:33
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prftnubuntu, can I use the Synaptic package manager?07:33
mattgyverwhen running apps in wine i get a Virtual Memory Access Denied message; Failed adding SE_LOCK_MEMORY.  Anyone else come across this before?07:33
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Joulesi hate not being able to connect07:35
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ambrose_hey does any 1 know any power pc websites07:35
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Nutubuntuprft yes, sure07:35
ambrose_if u do it would be really helpful07:35
DjBones253any googlin answers?07:35
prftI tried it, and it installed. How do I get the vpnclient to work?07:36
ambrose_juss give me sum links if u know them by hard07:36
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NutubuntuDjBones253, that's astonishing ... yeah, too much time on someone's hands, but wow.07:36
prftI also installed kvpnc07:36
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rxKaffeeare any of you guys involved in Canonical's project "The OpenCD"? wondering wehre to get a version list of the softwares that are included07:36
`LePGeL[BoY] what visual programming is better and easy in ubuntu? like visual C#, C++, or basic in windoze?07:36
prftbut I tried kvpnc a couple of days ago and uninstalled after07:37
DjBones253probably python is a good place to start07:37
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`LePGeL[BoY] DjBones253: is there a visual programming in python?07:37
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ambrose_no power pc repos websites huh?07:38
rxKaffee`LePGeL[BoY] : pithon can work with tk and gtk visual libs07:38
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Nutubuntuprft, you will need to edit the configuration file; someone here should be able to help, but if not, Google probably can -- it's sleep time where I am... good luck :)07:38
rxKaffee`LePGeL[BoY] : most other linux programing languages can too07:38
nickrudambrose_: don't the standard repos still carry ppc as the community project?07:38
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DjBones253LepGel, by visual do you GUI?07:38
Nutubuntug'night all07:38
DjBones253*do you mean07:38
`LePGeL[BoY] rxKaffee: ow man.. im new to python.. i think it will be hard to start from scratch again07:38
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prftthank you very much my friend!07:39
fatcatmattthe heck with Kubuntu!07:39
rxKaffee`LePGeL[BoY] : what lang are you familiar with?07:39
ambrose_ok well i cant download i386 packages07:39
`LePGeL[BoY] DjBones253: yeah something like that.. doing GUIs on visual07:39
prftGood night nubutu07:39
DjBones253python isn't to hard, if you have C and its variations under control python should be cake07:39
`LePGeL[BoY] rxKaffee: C, C#, C++ and basic07:39
DjBones253try DrPython07:39
DjBones253its in the repos07:39
rxKaffee`LePGeL[BoY] : then use C/C++ with gtk graphics libs07:39
DjBones253although, if you mean an development thing.. you might wanna check out Eclipse, its made for java but it can do most anything haha07:40
nickrudambrose_: if you're running a ppc, it'll feed ppc packages07:40
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`LePGeL[BoY] <rxKaffee>: ok thanx.. sorry for the hustle.. im a newbie at ubuntu07:40
Netslaye1is gusty available on most mirrors?07:40
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rxKaffee`LePGeL[BoY] : cool thing about C, is that if you code well at it, its very portable :)07:40
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fatcatmattlepgel[boy] : it's all good07:41
`LePGeL[BoY] <DjBones253>: yeah, you got my point.. im into developing thing.. ill try eclipse to07:41
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rxKaffee`LePGeL[BoY] : mono or objectc might be similar to C#, I'm not sure what teh avalibility of C# in the opensource world is07:41
nickrud`LePGeL[BoY] : yeah, eclipse is what you're probably gonna like best07:41
ToddEDMhmmm.. hey how do i get a list of channels on this server07:41
DjBones253LepGel[Boy] : killer, if you browse through the gnome-app-install under programming you'll probably find some nice C environments07:41
mindframeis there a package with a lot of fonts in it?07:42
ambrose_naw it says my system architecture isnt 138607:42
`LePGeL[BoY] <rxKaffee>: actually i was a "WINDOZE" user.. unitl i shifted and found out that ubuntu is better.. but still got some problems on softwares..07:42
WONToNbeware tho07:42
mindframelike _ALL_ of the extra fonts?07:42
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Dark_Rain`LePGeL[BoY] ,  you could try gambas... is not c is basic but...07:42
WONToNcause there's alot of channels07:42
`LePGeL[BoY] nickrud: thanks.. is there a repo on ECPLISE?07:42
nickrudambrose_: what are you trying to install?07:42
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rxKaffee`LePGeL[BoY] : eclipse is best downloaded directly from their site07:42
nickrud`LePGeL[BoY] : sudo aptitude install eclipse07:42
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rxKaffee`LePGeL[BoY] : its self-contained in a single folder07:42
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`LePGeL[BoY] Dark_Rain: i already had gambas :P but not to good at basic07:43
DjBones253should be able to do the apt-get magic07:43
rxKaffee`LePGeL[BoY] : and includes its own plugin manager/update downloader tihng07:43
Netslaye1i can only find gusty on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com .. is this the only place to download it from? mirrors seem not to have it07:43
nickrud`LePGeL[BoY] : listen to rxKaffee that's how I got it also ;)07:43
nickrudambrose_: from where?07:43
nickrudambrose_: use my nick, it's red in my client and I won't miss your lines07:43
`LePGeL[BoY] <nickrud: is it "sudo apt-get install 'package name here' "?? :P07:43
`LePGeL[BoY] rxKaffee: thanks dude..07:44
nickrud`LePGeL[BoY] : both work, I like aptitude better07:44
ToddEDMhey, i thought my nephew was the only one named Ambrose07:44
qman2hey, I think I found out what's wrong with my booting problem: http://paradigma.pt/ja/slog/index.php/2006/08/ubuntu-server-606-lts-doesnt-boot-if-cpu-686.html07:44
qman2I'm using fiesty, but it's likely to be similar07:44
ambrose_ok am i using it?07:45
`LePGeL[BoY] nickrud: ow.. is it the same as apt-get? will it find its sources at /etc/repos thingie?07:45
ToddEDMhey guys.. can i ask a totally off topic question?07:45
rxKaffeeToddEDM: you just did, and you're only allowed 1 :(07:45
ToddEDMim looking for a new cell phone.... any suggestions??? i dont want some high priced one, just a good one07:45
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Dark_RainToddEDM, try SE P107:45
nickrud`LePGeL[BoY] : yes, in fact synaptic is based on the aptitude code iirc07:45
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Dark_Rainor nokia07:46
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playerzennokia e7007:46
`LePGeL[BoY] ToddEDM: well O2 XDAs are the better ones!!! hehehehe07:46
SnarkyTwitHi folks07:46
WONToNToddEDM, erikson07:46
Dark_Rainhey SnarkyTwit07:46
rxKaffeeToddEDM: if you're near Fon or other free wif ihotspots, get one of those new nokia that do free-phone-over-wifi07:46
nickrud`LePGeL[BoY] : synaptic's rallying cry when it first got started was,  'synaptic's got aptitude' ;)07:46
`LePGeL[BoY] nickrud: ow!! thanx for that info.. :)07:46
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Antsubotu africa07:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about africa - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:47
SnarkyTwitI love ubuntu07:47
rxKaffeeqman2: you running some old busted-down cpu? ;)07:47
ToddEDMcheck out theses phones.. http://www.telusmobility.com/ab/pcs/phones.shtml07:47
ambrose_ok it wont let me private message u07:47
`LePGeL[BoY] ToddEDM: ill suggest "02 XDA fire"07:47
OrTigaSany can help to install grub to my external drive :)07:47
ToddEDMthey all look sh!tty to me07:47
qman2it's an old machine, 200MHz AMD K6 CPU07:47
nickrudambrose_: xmame-sdl is in the repos, and runs on ppc07:48
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rxKaffeeah, k6 should be 686 I thought07:48
qman2in previous experience I've found it's 58607:48
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ambrose_i dont know how to run that 107:48
qman2I was just unaware that the server kernel was compiled 686 minimum07:48
ambrose_u run it from the terminal right?07:48
nickrudambrose_: and you can also install kxmame07:48
ambrose_i have kxmame but it chrashes07:49
ambrose_i was using it earlier07:49
nickrudqman2: there's the -386 variation for older machines07:49
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Antsnothing's older than my commodore vic2007:49
Antswonder whether linux will install on it07:50
nickrudmy sinclair zx80 is07:50
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OrTigaSwala pa rin :(07:50
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ToddEDMdid anyone look at those phones?07:50
faileasAnts: i doubt. you may be able to use it as a terminal ;p07:50
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prakdoes anyone know how to overwrite the contents of folder a onto folder b?07:51
Dark_Rain:> my HC 85 is much older then yours07:51
ambrose_do u know how to run xmame-sdl?07:51
nickrudheh. My first code ran on an ibm36007:51
Antsfaileas: yeah, that would rock even as a terminal07:51
`LePGeL[BoY] <ToddEDM>: http://www.telusmobility.com/ab/pcs/phones.shtml <<< yes i looked at it.. try googling O2 XDA07:51
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shifty-how do i make compiz run when x starts?07:52
nickrudtook a week to get turnaround on the cards07:52
`LePGeL[BoY] <ToddEDM>: no better phones than O2 XDA at your given site07:52
Dark_Rainnickrud, my first piece of software was running on an emulated CPM07:52
Tech-Mikein session preferences07:52
nickrudlol, ok that's obscure07:52
Dark_Rainthat was loded from a tape07:52
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shifty-Tech-Mike: wheres that?07:52
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Dark_Raini'm F@@#$@ing OLD07:53
Tech-Mikewhat distrabution u on07:53
shifty-Tech-Mike: ubuntu07:53
ambrose_so noboy knows how to run xmame-sdl?07:53
Tech-Mikec00, goto System, Preferences, Session07:53
nickrudambrose_: install kxmame, it'll give you a nice frontend07:53
Tech-Mikeand add compiz --replace07:53
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ambrose_i did it chrashes07:53
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shifty-Tech-Mike: that has to run each time for compiz to run?07:53
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shifty-Tech-Mike: theres no way to just make it start x with compiz?07:54
ambrose_i chrashed on me 7 times now07:54
nickrudambrose_: sorry then. I've never had a ppc to play with.07:54
Tech-Mikeonce added in preferences itll load everytime07:54
ambrose_does any 1 else no how to use xmame-sdl07:54
nickrudambrose_: one last possibility: xmame-x07:55
ambrose_wat is that?07:55
`LePGeL[BoY] guys, is there a minimal instalation for ubuntu? like only running it in level 4?07:55
nickrudambrose_: probably a very ugly front end, you'd run it from a terminal:  /usr/games/xmame.x1107:55
Dark_Rainhey guys.... i got to tell ya smth07:55
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ambrose_ok well if uno a website that can help me juss send me a link i dont want to be a hog07:56
Dark_Rainmy Name is Gabriel Tudoran i'm from romania ... and i just quited 4 ever Windows ... and i feel free07:56
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faileasDark_Rain: this isn't an AA session ;p07:57
Dark_Rainsmth like that07:57
Neatcheefaileas: maybe it should be XD07:57
playerzenWA - windows anonymous07:57
Antsfaileas: rofl07:57
nickrudambrose_: http://x.mame.net/07:57
faileaswell, i use windows07:57
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faileasquite a lot07:57
`LePGeL[BoY] Dark_Rain: LOL same thing with me!!!07:57
ambrose_thx nick07:57
Tech-Mike<-- dual boots07:57
Antsi love dual booting07:58
faileasi also use 2 linux distros fairly regularly, ubuntu being my VM distro of choice07:58
Dark_Rainfaileas, i was .... i'm it manager in an inssurance company07:58
playerzenI have two linux machines and 2 windows machines07:58
Tech-Mike...not so great with vista07:58
=== nickrud runs vista in vmware, no more dual boot, just inner boot ;)
Dark_Rainno more windoze07:58
ambrose_this will tell me everything i need to know?07:58
nickrudambrose_: maybe07:58
`LePGeL[BoY] Ants: no need for dual booting when u got ubuntu running on it is VMWARE..07:58
Dark_Rain5 servers07:58
NeatcheeI wish I could quit windows entirely :(  I still haven't found an video upconverting suite for linux quite as complete as ffdshow07:58
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Dark_Rainand one ubuntu desktop07:58
faileasone windows/wubi dualboot laptop, one mandriva system dedicated to VMs, and a ubuntu dedicated IRC server VM so far07:58
Ants`LePGeL[BoY] : i've never been fond of virtual boxes....07:59
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faileas(laptop  runs mandriva since its the second least annoying distro/os for that hardware...)07:59
`LePGeL[BoY] Ants: the only thing virtuals are not being fond of are people using slow PCs.. :P07:59
NeatcheePlus there are a few MMOs I still enjoy on the PC, and my computers are just too old to make Cedega a viable option08:00
Tech-Mike<-- just switched to Ubuntu a week ago and havnt tried vmware...do i dl the vmware workstation?08:00
FrogzooLegendre: even fast machines are slow on vms08:00
Extravertim getting "Error during device I/O", when launching xsane/sane scanner.  I have installed the appropriate drivers successfully.08:00
=== Ants <-------amd 64 x2 3800...not terribly fast, but not entirely slow either.
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nickrudTech-Mike: no, get the server, it's free and you can see if you like it08:00
Tech-Mikei8 thx08:00
faileas`LePGeL[BoY] :or if you need graphics acceleration08:00
Brazenheadhello, would any body be able to help me with dual booting my ubuntu + ubuntustudio setup with each one loaded on its own hard drive?08:01
Neatcheeactually, i've yet to ask in here...does anyone know of a good linux-alternative to ffdshow?08:01
Dark_Rain09:52:05 up 192 days, 23:36,  1 user,  load average: 0.02, 0.01, 0.0008:01
Dark_RainUSER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT08:01
Dark_Rainroot     pts/0      09:52    0.00s  0.02s  0.00s w08:01
`LePGeL[BoY] Ants: hmmm.. ive got the same thing here08:01
Dark_Rainverrry proud of myself08:01
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faileasBrazenhead: 2 ways to do it08:01
Brazenheadgrub reports the Error 21: Drive cannot be found when I attempt to boot my ubuntustudio08:01
faileasinstall each on its own, and use the bios to select if supported08:01
`LePGeL[BoY] faileas: ok.. so whats the thing you need that ubuntu doesnt have?08:01
Dark_RainNeatchee, ffmpeg08:02
Ants`LePGeL[BoY] : i don't know what it's like under ubuntu, but virtual boxes under windows allows for only one cpu08:02
faileas`LePGeL[BoY] : one obscure windows app. also i'm a lot more familiar with windows08:02
Brazenheadfaileas: ok, I was thinking about that option ... is there a way within grub? or maybe another bootloader that might support multiple hard drives?08:02
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faileasBrazenhead: i thought it usually just worked (tm(08:03
AntsNeatchee: you're ripping dvds?08:03
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`LePGeL[BoY] faileas: windoze appz like what? the only thing i got problem with it is Photoshop cs 2. well i have GIMP in my ubuntu box08:03
NeatcheeAnts: no, i'm using it for live filters on video08:03
faileas`LePGeL[BoY] : HMpro08:03
AntsNeatchee: ah, ok.08:03
faileas`LePGeL[BoY] : its a small issue, main thing is familiarity08:03
NeatcheeAll i really need is filters for a lanczos resize and a denoise08:04
Dark_Rainffmpeg and vlc is a nice alternative08:04
Neatcheevlc supports filters?  since when?08:04
Extravertwhy does xsane only work with sudo?08:04
`LePGeL[BoY] <faileas>: hahaha.. im just trying to argue.. i do to am dual booting with vista :P08:04
AntsOMG, VLC is super, super sweet08:04
faileasi'm really *good* with windows. most of my linux experience comes from futzing around08:04
Brazenheadfaileas: ok, thanks for the info... I'm just going to do the bios way for now I guess08:04
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Neatcheei mean, i love VLC08:04
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Dark_Raini do live broadcast with VLC08:04
Neatcheejust didn't think it supported filters08:04
faileasBrazenhead: check that your bios supports08:04
Brazenheadif bios doesn't support?  (I'm pretty sure that it does though)08:05
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`LePGeL[BoY] totem is as sweet as VLC..08:06
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Brazenheadwould I be SOL?08:06
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Dark_Rain`LePGeL[BoY] ,08:06
faileasBrazenhead: erm... hardware boot select XD08:06
Dark_Raindoes tomem do relay?08:06
faileasAKA, unplug08:06
=== faileas hides
CatoptromancyAnyone happen to know a Video recorder for mpgs?08:06
`LePGeL[BoY] Dark_Rain08:06
Catoptromancyor Video Editor?08:06
Neatcheei don't know, Dark_Rain, ffmpeg doesn't seem to come even close to ffdshow as far as ease of use is concerned08:06
Brazenheadfaileas: lol I think I'd rather repartition primary before doing that way :P08:07
`LePGeL[BoY] Dark_Rain: the only differneces are the libs.. both work the same way..08:07
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=== sharperguy [n=sharp@88-110-158-170.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Neatcheei can't afford new hardware at the moment, so i'm running on some 2-3 year old stuff, and i often have to tweak my settings frequently08:07
CatoptromancyI need make chapters for mpg and make it burn to DVD08:07
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Extravertwhy does xsane only work with sudo?08:07
faileas2-3 year old stuff is alright08:07
Neatcheeso having to use a complicated interface (which it appears ffmpeg has) would be a huge pain08:07
Brazenheadmy stuff is at least 3-4 years old now08:07
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Neatcheeactually, come to think of it, it's probably pushing 4 years now08:07
Antshate to say it, but when it comes to video and codecs and things like that....windows is still the place to be08:07
faileasi once installed ubuntu on a 6-7 year old PII 233 ;p08:07
Dark_RainMplayer/mencoder uses the same open source codecs that are used by ffdshow, and seems to have the same functionality. (just looked at the sourceforge and handfull of pages for ffdshow)08:07
faileas*Piii 73308:07
CatoptromancyAll my Windows video programs want me to pay more money for programs I already bought08:08
Dark_Rainfaileas, my first Gateway/Firewall was on a 486 DX4 - 100 MHz CPU08:08
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`LePGeL[BoY] Ants: slax already got the intervideo package :P08:08
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fooI want to make an ssh user who basically has a dsa key, and access to use ssh... and nothing else. Is this easily done? without making a chroot...08:09
Ants`LePGeL[BoY] :  nice...08:09
kousotucan comeone point me to a linux driver yo match this XP one: HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Gemplus\PCSC_Drivers\UltraMedia"08:09
BrazenheadI run ubuntu on my ibm thinkpad r40 ... it's like a celeron 50008:09
Tech-Mikei tried putn ubuntu on a thinkpad the other day - failed08:10
Dark_RainBrazenhead, do you wanna sell it?08:10
beerfankousotu: google for your hardware model number. no one knows what the windows registry crap means08:10
AntsCatoptromancy: have never even heard of those programs08:10
Brazenheadhaha why Dark_Rain? you lookin to buy?08:10
qman2I have ubuntu on my thinkpad 600, that's a pentium II 33308:10
kousotubeerfan: lol, oh, my bad08:10
Antsoh nm08:10
=== loosecannon12 [n=steve@c-24-8-108-99.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kousotubeerfan: more to that INF08:10
qman2the sound is a gamble at best, but most of the hardware works alright08:10
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Brazenheadhaha it wasn't that hard to setup....08:10
faileasBrazenhead: thinkpads are great for linux08:11
epidemik could someone help me install qBittorrent?   http://www.qbittorrent.org/08:11
epidemikim new to linux and dont even know where to start08:11
Brazenheadalthough I was having troubles with the install cd not reading fully... so I made a bootable usb drive haha that was so pimp :)08:11
kousotu%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\gtipci21.sys" <help?08:11
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Brazenheadfaileas: yeah for sure... when I buy my next laptop, I know which kind to get :)08:12
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Nicarkwhich kind?08:12
Antsepidemik: you want ktorrent. it rocks.08:12
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rrbizepidemik: start here > http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/08:12
BrazenheadNicark: IBM Thinkpad08:12
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meezyfuhhi. i do not have a functioning cdrom. is it possible to install from an iso file on the hd already?08:12
kousotuNicark: who?08:12
BrazenheadI picked this one up used from my school for $50008:12
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epidemikants ktorrent wasnt working08:12
kousotuNicark: nvm08:12
Brazenheadit's lasted me much longer than I would have expected08:13
epidemikants, i went through ad remove programs and it owuldnt download08:13
Nicarki was asking Brazenhead which kind of laptop :p08:13
drukeI am editing my $PATH variable in bash RC, right now I am just redoing the entire 'export' command after echo'ing $PATH in a terminal. This works great but i really don't think its the best way. I know i can concatenate the directories i want with a different command, what would that be?  thanks! ;)08:13
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Antsepidemik: hm. don't know then08:13
epidemikants ill try again...08:13
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Dark_Rainso what do you say braz08:13
sauvinWhat do you mean by "concentrate"?08:14
Dark_Rainare we in business08:14
spiderwor1hi all, can anyone tell me what their /boot/grub/default file looks like?08:14
BrazenheadI did mention it's a celeron 500 right? ... and that I got it used for $500 a few years ago...08:14
faileascontaterate = join ;p08:14
fatcatmatt...installing 377 packages08:14
sauvinLike a file of text.08:14
spiderwor1:) post the text to a pastebin?08:14
sauvinwhere is the freaking bot?08:15
Antsubotu paste08:15
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Dark_Raini need one for testing (electric interface testing)08:15
fatcatmatthe's eating taco bell.  search the goog08:15
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:15
Brazenheadohh.. there are none on ebay maybe?08:15
epidemikants, mm now i remember, it was just gonna take a really long time to download ktorrent, 1hour, grr, i guess ill wait lol, it shouldnt be this long should it?08:15
Antsepidemik: no, not usually. what os are u in?08:16
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v1k1nganyone know how to handle .docx?08:16
epidemikants fiesty08:16
v1k1ngis there some workaround with open office?08:16
Antsepidemik: mine installed in 2 shakes of a lamb's tail08:16
Antsvlklng: i don't think it formats properly08:17
faileasv1k1ng: i don't think they managed to get it working yet08:17
spiderwor1v1k1ng: you can unzip it and browse the contents of the document, but its a pain08:17
meezyfuhanyone idea how to install from the local hd? like, im running another OS on this other machine, which doesn't have a cd, but i can use a thumbdrive and put the iso file on it. can i install from that somehow?08:17
faileasi seem to recall it was readonly ?08:17
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epidemikants, the only reason why i dont use the one that comes with it is cause it dls so slow and i cant change the port, i guess theres something wrong with my internet (in ubuntu)08:17
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v1k1ngi'm dual booting windows so I can work with this doc later i guess08:17
epidemikants, ill work on itt later, thanks for the help though08:17
v1k1ngthanks for the response08:18
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AntsVlklng: save as .doc08:18
spiderwor1sauvin: any luck pasting that file?08:18
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Antsthen you won't have a problem08:18
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Brazenheadok, I'm gonna go see if I can get this studio install to boot08:19
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scythetleppowhy do I have to enter my password to access my second hard drive?08:20
meezyfuhanyone? is it possible to install from an iso located on the hd of the os im currently running?08:20
beerfanmeezyfuh: no. You could install over the network if you were clever but don't ask me for help with that.08:21
spiderwor1can someone paste the contents of their /boot/grub/default file to a pastebin please?08:21
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meezyfuhbeerfan: in other words unless i'm a guru i need a cd. right?08:22
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beerfanyou need some media that can boot and hold at least the minimal installer (10MB)08:22
`LePGeL[BoY] how can i restart audio drives in terminal?08:23
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fatcatmattscythetleppo: i had the same problem.  ended up changing permissions on it with "sudo nautilus" and have reinstalled since.  haven't had any problems and it automounts08:23
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Catoptromancywoooo  devede08:23
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spiderwor1wtf is an audio drive?08:23
Catoptromancymakes mpgs into dvd08:24
brownie17scythetleppo, yeah mine asks for a password, but a sudo chmod or sudo chown should fix it08:24
qman2are you sure you don't mean audio driver?08:24
anonymouseis there a way to sudo the stuff in the applications menu?08:24
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Antsi don't think this should be happening, but it took three hours to rip a 1.5 hour movie yesternight with kb308:24
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qman2anonymouse: yes, open a terminal and use gksudo [appname] 08:24
brownie17Ants, seems a little slow.08:24
un_davehey, i was wondering if anyone has any experience with expanding software raid 5 arrays ?08:24
scythetleppobrownie17: how you chmod a disk?08:25
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spiderwor1can someone paste the contents of their /boot/grub/default file to a pastebin please?08:25
qman2finding the application's name can be done with ps -A at a terminal08:25
scythetleppo mean chown08:25
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qman2while the application is running08:25
brownie17scythetleppo, /media/diskname?08:25
brownie17scythetleppo, or maybe it's in /dev/hdc08:25
spiderwor1scythetleppo: well you dont, you chown the mount point08:25
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brownie17scythetleppo, good luck08:25
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anonymouseqman : i know but its a pain having to go to the terminal for programs in the applications menu08:25
beerfanv1k1ng: http://www.sigmundvoid.com/?p=81 make OO grok docx08:25
spiderwor1scythetleppo: is the disk mounted? if so, where?08:25
qman2anonymouse: you could create launchers for them, or possibly modify the menu items to include gksudo in front08:26
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playerzenhas anyone tried synergy ?  It's a virtual KVM software.  I just isntalled it on my 3 computers I hjave on my desk (2 laptops one pc)08:26
playerzenit's so cool08:26
Antsbeerfan: nice link. bookmarking for myself.08:26
anonymouseqman : sounds promising...how to do that? i'm a noob!08:26
kahrytanAnyone know a good time update app ?08:26
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spiderwor1playerzen: yes it's cool be beware any network lag :)08:26
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fatcatmattWOOT!  almost done downloading my 377 packages!08:26
spiderwor1also, beware cross-os crap08:26
qman2anonymouse: you can add things to the menu by going to system > preferences > menu layout08:27
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Kousotuok, I need a Texas instruments: PCIxx21/x515/xx12 driver for linuc08:27
qman2or, right-click on the desktop and choose "create launcher"08:27
playerzenspiderwor1 lol yeah... both my laptops are wireless so who knows.  Oh, two comps are windows and this is my ubuntu lappy I'm on atm08:27
playerzenwith my ubuntu one in the middle08:27
Kousotuwhere would I find such a thing?08:27
playerzenit's working fine08:27
spiderwor1can someone PLEASE paste the contents of their /boot/grub/default file to a pastebin please?08:27
v1k1ngbeerfan, lol, thanks, i just found that link too!08:27
kahrytanAnyone know a good time synchronize app?08:27
beerfankahrytan: time syncronize app?08:28
=== Neatchee [n=neatchee@c-68-34-170-214.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
spiderwor1playerzen: some of the niceities such as being able to copy & paste from machine to machine i've noticed stop working randomly when going from windows to linux and vice versa08:28
fatcatmattspiderwol: how do i open it and i will08:28
=== ionstorm [n=ion@71-36-164-32.phnx.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
kahrytanbeerfan, I seem to be having issues with time synchronization. Windows and Ubuntu can't keep time08:28
NeatcheeDark_Rain: just spent some time with mplayer and ffmpeg, and I have to say it's far too cumbersome to tweak settings and get it working quite right.08:28
anonymousei'm using xubuntu, there is no preference08:28
playerzenspiderwor1: oh, hrm.  I still have to put it through the grinder, just got it going now (pain-free)08:28
Kousotuok, I need a Texas instruments: PCIxx21/x515/xx12 driver for linux. where can I find one?08:28
spiderwor1fatcatmatt: just open it up in any text editing program08:29
Neatcheeffdshow + zoomplayer on windows is so unbelievably simple comparatively08:29
beerfankahrytan: that's because Linux uses GMT and Windows uses another time zone08:29
Frogzoospiderwor1: dpkg -S /boot/grub/default08:29
Dark_Rainwell it is a solution08:29
spiderwor1fatcatmatt: if you're in gnome, i think programs > accessories > text editor... or somethin glike that08:29
qman2anonymouse: ah, sorry but I don't know much about xubuntu's layout08:29
kahrytanbeerfan, Ubuntu uses timezones08:29
playerzenspiderwor1: just need to be able to alt+tab between screens and I'm set08:29
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qman2anonymouse: you should still be able to create launchers to put in your panel or the desktop, though08:29
spiderwor1playerzen: yeah reall08:29
anonymouseokay i will try08:29
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playerzenanonymouse, did you used to be a internet radio dj ?08:30
beerfankahrytan: no exactly. times are stored in seconds since 1970 relative to GMT and then translated based on your timezone08:30
fatcatmattspiderwol: wont let me open it08:30
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`LePGeL[BoY] how can i restart xine in terminal without my gnome shutting off?08:30
kahrytanbeerfan, Notice I said Ubuntu and not linux.08:30
NeatcheeDark_Rain: not a good enough one hahahaha.  There's also the problem of a decent podcast aggregator that integrates well with both a media player and my ipod08:30
Neatcheeamarok is a wonderful wonderful media player, but it's podcast support is sorely lacking, as i recall08:30
beerfankahrytan: guess you know more than me then08:31
spiderwor1Frogzoo: unfortunately  dpkg -S /boot/grub/default won't work for me because i'm on the live cd08:31
`LePGeL[BoY] how can i restart xine in terminal without my gnome shutting off?08:31
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spiderwor1Frogzoo: i just finished installing ubuntu , performed the updates, rebooted, and not even a grub menu08:31
bobsomebodymy puter talks back and forth with me now!08:31
Johnsonyo can u open shell scripts from anywhere08:31
bobsomebodyi say "stupid computer"08:31
spiderwor1Frogzoo: i'm just trying to figure out if something in /boot/grub became corrupted08:31
bobsomebodyit says "use windows then #(&$ hole"08:31
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Johnsona friend of mine wants to just type in the name of a script and then open it08:31
Frogzoospiderwor1: not even a grb error?08:32
bobsomebodyf($&* yeah perlbox rules08:32
spiderwor1Frogzoo: but if you have any other ideas i'd love to hear them08:32
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kahrytanbeerfan, I'm talking about Date and Time panel08:32
spiderwor1Frogzoo: not even that... the system just hangs08:32
playerzenanonymouse - I recognize your name from the old suprnova radio, could be a coincodence though.08:32
bobsomebodyOMG a borg_08:32
Frogzoospiderwor1: how many drives?08:32
_freedom_spider: where do you install grub... MBR? or else08:32
spiderwor1Frogzoo: there are 2 hd drives and a dvd drive08:32
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KousotuI need a Texas instruments: PCIxx21/x515/xx12 driver for linux. where can I find one?08:33
spiderwor1_freedom_: i installed grub wherever the default was with the graphical installer... the MBR i assume08:33
beerfankahrytan: Ubuntu sets your system clock to a GMT time regardless of the timezone you set in your date and time panel08:33
Frogzoospiderwor1: if you wind up with grub on both drives it can get confusing08:33
beerfankahrytan: your timezone is just an "offset" to the gmt time08:33
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faileasbeefan: i don't think so, you can choose not to during install i think08:34
=== Moniker42 [n=Moniker9@87-194-119-253.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
penguincentral43 gutsy updates today...08:34
spiderwor1Frogzoo: yeah the other drive only has some mythtv recordings on it...08:34
Moniker42hey, what plugin do i need to play kvcd files in Movie Player?08:34
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beerfanfaileas: if I'm mistaken then I apologize for the misinformation08:34
kahrytanbeerfan, Al I know is that it keeps being off08:34
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beerfankahrytan: IF Ubuntu is setting the system clock with GMT then that will confuse Windows08:34
penguincentralMoniker42: i don't think that you need a plugin for kvcd seeing that kvcd movies are essentially mpeg files.  Can you play kvcd files in movie player (totem btw) at the moment?08:35
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anonymouseqman: okay i'm going to create a launcher the command should look like this? 'sudo wifi-radar'08:35
Moniker42penguincentral, nope08:35
Frogzoospiderwor1: check you don't have grub on the 2nd drive with sudo dd if=/dev/sd# bs=512 count=1 | od -c  - a grub binary will show in there "G   e   o   m  \0   H   a   r   d "08:35
Moniker42penguincentral, i'd just use VLC but it's not letting me go fullscreen...08:35
spiderwor1anyways, /boot/grub/default looks suspect to me... the first chars in the file are ^0 and then about 10 line breaks... i'm thinking maybe it got currpted?08:35
kahrytanbeerfan, which Windows is obviously setting system clock too08:35
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Frogzoospiderwor1: that's how it looks - leave it alone08:35
penguincentralMoniker42, do you know how to get into full screen using VLC?08:35
spiderwor1ok Frogzoo i'll give it a whirl...08:35
Moniker42penguincentral, yes08:35
kahrytanbeerfan, It only happens when I log into windows.08:36
beerfanWindows sets the clock to the time relative to the offset (i.e., your local time)08:36
penguincentralmoniker42: hmph, that's odd08:36
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Moniker42penguincentral, i used it for months, now when i double-click or go to view>>fullscreen it just maximises the window08:36
Moniker42penguincentral, it says i need a VCD plugin for totem to play the kvcd file08:36
penguincentralmoniker42, what version of VLC are you using?08:36
Frogzoospiderwor1: you sure it's '^0' and not just plain '0' ??08:36
Moniker42penguincentral, the version in the feisty repos08:37
spiderwor1Frogzoo: will go double check08:37
penguincentralMoniker42: googling...08:37
spiderwor1Frogzoo: my bad, it's 0^@ and then around 10 line breaks...08:38
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penguincentralMoniker42: um, look at http://www.videohelp.com/forum/archive/mvcd-kvcd-t286448.html.  that might help08:39
Moniker42kt ahnks08:39
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mindframehrmm i can't startx.  error: "Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc, removing from list!  Waiting for X server to shut down FreeFontPath: FPE "/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc" refcount is 2, should be 1; fixing08:39
mindframewhat's this caused by?08:39
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penguincentralMoniker42: apparently kvcd files will play fine in VLC.  I really don't know08:40
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Moniker42penguincentral, i already know they do - it just won't fullscreen08:40
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m4st3r"inablility to ship due to normal production "08:41
m4st3rwhat is 'production' mean/08:41
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penguincentralMoniker42: eh, try the forums.  it could be because that kvcd is a non standard video (just chucking in a random guess)08:41
tico1hello everybody08:42
penguincentralhi ticol08:42
tico1how are u?08:42
penguincentralnot bad ticol08:42
penguincentralwhat about u?08:42
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tico1fighting  with my OS08:43
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Antsticol: don't let it slap you around08:44
penguincentralticol, why are you fighting w/ ur OS?08:44
Frogzoospiderwor1: that's most likely ok08:44
tico1I'm trying08:45
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tico1just fe problems with Amsn in dapper 6.0608:45
spiderwor1Frogzoo: runing dd if=/mnt/hdb1 bs=512 count=1 | od -c didnt tell me much08:46
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Moniker42can anyone help here? ^^^08:46
spiderwor1Frogzoo: it did say reading /mnt/hdb1': Is a directory ... this is an error maybe?08:46
fatcatmatthere come the updates...138 more packages08:46
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penguincentralMoniker42: just about to look at ur forum post08:47
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Explosifhey all08:47
beerfanMoniker42: if it works with Ubuntu what's the issue? ;-)08:47
penguincentralMoniker42: seeing that ur sata drive works in ubuntu, it's a software issue, but what it is i dunno...08:47
Moniker42beerfan, i want to install windows08:48
Moniker42penguincentral, no08:48
Moniker42it's not recognised by the BIOS08:48
Moniker42which makes it a very weird issue :P08:48
beerfanMoniker42: try the Windows support then?08:48
fatcatmattNNNNOOOOOO!!!!!  WINBLOWS!!!!!!08:48
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Dark_RainMoniker42, NOOOOOOO no windowsssssssss08:48
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Dark_Rainit is a plague08:48
Samuiif windows doesn't see your SATA drive, you need to have it install a third party driver.08:48
fatcatmattif you want windows, run it as a virtual machine!08:48
Samuiit should have come on a disk with your motherboard or sata card.08:49
ambrose_hey nick rude how do u set up ur xmame-x08:49
Moniker42Samui, the problem is though - the CD doesn't get past the point where it'll let me put the SATA floppy in. if i take the drive out of the computer the windows cd boots okay (but i have no hdd to install it to)08:49
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Moniker42it says "setup is inspecting your hardware configuration..." and then stalls on a black screen forever08:50
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Moniker42but take the CD out, and it works fine =\08:50
Moniker42*take the HDD out08:50
ambrose_and another thing is xmame-x the only thing u have to download?08:50
SamuiDunno what to tell you, then.08:50
johwilMoniker42: could it be GRUB that are causing your troubble?08:50
tico1some one know how to install Amsn 0.97 in ubuntu dapper?08:50
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Moniker42johwil, the BIOS is set to boot from CD -then- HDD so i don't think grub would have anything to do with it at that point...08:51
mindframehrmm i can't startx.  error: "Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc, removing from list!  Waiting for X server to shut down FreeFontPath: FPE "/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc" refcount is 2, should be 1; fixing08:51
mindframewhat's this caused by?08:51
fatcatmatti hate scrolling menus, how do i change it so it shows all the programs in 1 menu?08:51
Moniker42it could be a conflict between grub/windows08:51
beerfantico1: dapper is old. If that's recent software you probably have dependecy issues08:51
johwilMoniker42: ok. otherwise try: http://aquariusoft.org/~johwil/Grub/08:51
Moniker42but that doesn't explain why the bios doesn't even recognise the drive :P08:51
Moniker42johwil, what is that?08:52
tico1beerfan what do you suggest me?08:52
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beerfantico1: compile it from source?08:52
gordonjcpfatcatmatt: menu editor?08:52
johwilMoniker42: it is a iso to a BRUB / MBR fixing prog08:52
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penguincentralMoniker42: how's the hdd problem?08:53
tico1beerfran: but u thing is good idea update to a newer version?08:53
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johwilMoniker42: I lost my winXP too08:53
penguincentralMoniker42, bad bios maybe?08:53
fatcatmattnope, gordonjcp, didnt see an option08:53
johwilbut SuperGrub.iso fixed it08:53
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beerfantico1: Ubuntu doesn't make newer software available for older releases (usually) so upgrading is an option08:54
beerfantico1: especially for dapper since it's a long term supported version08:54
it-linuxhi there, anyone can tell me how to install file_name.package in ubuntu08:54
penguincentralit-linux: what sort of package is it?08:55
marlunhow do I handle multiple network locations manually? I've edited /etc/network/interfaces manually for it to work with my home network, but when I go to school I want to use the school wifi but if I go into System > Administration > Network and use that tool it destroys my settings in /etc/network/interfaces.08:55
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it-linuxa game thunder and lightning08:55
fatcatmattwhen i activated beryl...my computer started acting funny...08:55
it-linuxfile name is TnL.package08:55
tico1beerfan: upgrading to feisty 7.04?08:56
penguincentralwhat is the program it-linux?08:56
beerfantico1: yes, or wait until October and get Gutsy08:56
penguincentralwhat is the game called it-linux?08:56
it-linuxthunder and lightning08:57
penguincentralok it-linux, give me a sec08:57
it-linuxis like flying simulator08:57
spiderwor1is there any way to reinstall grub via the graphical install disc?08:57
beerfanfatcatmatt: Beryl was alpha software and has been merged back into compiz so...don't expect things to not be funny when you install it08:57
tico1beerfan: thanks so much. but maybe the problem will be the configuration of my wireless card(I'm using notebook)08:57
ehci can do shutdown command through the command line can I do a hibernate command also? how?08:57
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penguincentralit-linux: did you download from http://linux.softpedia.com/progDownload/Thunder-and-Lightning-Download-9483.html?08:59
tico1marlun: what version do u have? try using network manager08:59
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beerfanspiderwor1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435108:59
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penguincentralit-linux: check out http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/#autopackage.  it tells you how to do it there09:00
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spiderwor1oh thank you beerfan!09:00
anonymousewhat is the difference between gksu, gksudo, su, and sudo?09:00
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gordonjcpanonymouse: gksu and gksudo are graphical, and may have some subtle difference that I can't detect09:02
it-linuxno, i download it from http://tnlgame.net/downloads/tnl/070827/Thunder%20And%20Lightning%20070827.package09:02
gordonjcpanonymouse: su allows you to actually switch your UID to that of another user (most commonly root)09:02
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gordonjcpanonymouse: and sudo allows you to run a command as another user, again most commonly root09:03
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it-linuxOk penguincentral, I'll try it first, thank you09:04
anonymouseokay i get it now09:04
johwilMoniker42: did you fix it?09:04
anonymousesudo/su & gksudo/gksu are the same!09:04
anonymousesu makes my $ into # for root, rite?09:05
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m4st3rhey marketability and fitness is same mean?09:07
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CoasterMasteranonymouse, that's not entirely accurate09:07
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CoasterMasteranonymouse, generally, you use gksudo/gksu for GUI apps and sudo for command line appls09:08
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John_khocan someone help me with "purge" command ?09:09
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it-linuxpenguincentral: It won't work...so confused09:10
angel25_i have 3 computers with ubuntu server 7.04 , and i want to build NETWORK , what is the best : 1 computer with ubuntu server edition + 2 desktop edition OR it doesn't matters and i can stay with 3 computers on ubuntu server ?09:10
anonymousecoastermaster - is it? i've been using sudo for gui appls as well :(09:11
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ikunatHi all.. anyone here help me with modifying a ubuntu live cd?09:11
CoasterMasteranonymouse, while it will work, it can mess up your permissions09:11
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ikunatI am kind of in the middle of it and um... I am reading documentation and got lost09:12
penguincentralit-linux: i posted a link to the download site.  It offered a bzip2 download.  I think that your best bet is to install from source :(09:12
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overcluckerJohn_kho, do man apt-get | grep purge09:13
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astro76angel25_, it doesn't matter, if you need a GUI install a desktop, otherwise it's all the same09:13
jrsimsIs there a gui tool i can get for GRUB?09:14
overcluckerJohn_kho, or is that not the purge you're looking for?09:14
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anonymousecoastermaster - i see, but everything will be okay after a reboot, right?09:16
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jrsimsIs there a gui tool i can get for GRUB?09:17
CoasterMasteranonymouse, yeah, it usually doesn't cause any major problems....if everything's ok now, I wouldn't worry. just from now on, use gksudo/gksu (they are both the same) for GUI and sudo for CLI09:17
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spiderwor1ok how's this for a strange pattern... everytime i reboot my feisty install, i have to reinstall grub via the installer cd09:17
spiderwor1explain that one to me09:17
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overcluckerspiderwor1, how about you explain why it needs reinstalled? (error codes?)09:18
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spiderwor1overclucker: well i get nothing... absolutely nothing... no grub output whatsoever09:19
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spiderwor1overclucker: i can apparently repair grub via the installer/live cd, then i get to boot into the installed feisty one more time... then the mbr goes bad again09:19
spiderwor1or so it seems09:20
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johwilspiderwor1: try: http://aquariusoft.org/~johwil/Grub/09:20
donkeetwow surprised my internet is working..09:20
overcluckeris this only with grub, or did you try other bootloaders?09:20
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johwilspiderwor1:  Super GrubBootFixing Disk09:20
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elmo_hello all09:21
overcluckersupergrub can be a lifesaver09:21
donkeeti was playing with my screen resolution - now x wont start up anyone know how i can get it back to the default?09:21
spiderwor1overclucker: grub only so far, only just now discovered this pattern (the feisty install is all of 3 hours old so far)09:21
johwiloverclucker: yes!09:21
JorkHello Everyone.I am new in linux and I am wandering how can I uninstall Nvidia system drivers becouse I want them to install manually and how can I backup default x.org an bring them back if x crashes? Thnx09:21
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it-linuxhello anybody can tell me how to install *.package file?09:21
overcluckerspiderwor1, and have you tried other disks?09:22
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spiderwor1other disks? booting from them? no, this is a brand new disk, bought today for this very purpose09:22
spiderwor1i dont have a lot of extra hdds sitting around09:22
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overcluckerspiderwor1, where did u buy it?09:23
donkeetno help?09:23
elmo_could anybody tell me how to check what usb devices are plugged into my machine from a terminal?09:23
spiderwor1what i want to know is, what process writes to the mbr every boot or every shutdown?09:23
anonymouse i suppose i am lucky i don't have any installer hiccups except i have to unmount the hdd for the partitioner to work,09:23
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Jork<it-linux> right click with mouse on package file, then properties, permissions and clikc on execute to allow executing file program.09:23
overcluckerspiderwor1, i can't think of any that do. .09:24
Jork<it-linux> than double click on file i think09:24
spiderwor1overclucker: any ideas as to what could cause this irratic behavior?09:24
anonymousecoastermaster - how come when i do SU my password works, i thought i need to have the root password for it to work09:24
savvaselmo_: you mean lsusb ?09:24
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savvasoh er.. sorry09:25
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overcluckerno clue09:25
donkeetanyone i could talk to in here about display problems?09:25
elmo_that seemed to do the trick09:25
CoasterMasteranonymouse, because sudo doesn't actually log you in as root, it just lets you execute things as root09:25
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:25
it-linuxjork, i did it but nothing happens?09:25
overcluckerbut there are was to narrow down the possibilities09:25
nanonymeanonymouse, and yes, you're right. if you literally use su, you need to input it root password :)09:25
Jork<it-linux> are you using ubuntu?09:25
spiderwor1overclucker: what do you suggest?09:26
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donkeetJork: know anything about display issues?09:26
anonymousecoastermaster : then someone needs to rewrite http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudo09:26
overcluckerwell booting from another disk would be my first tip,09:27
nanonymeanonymouse, no, that is correct09:27
CoasterMasteranonymouse, su is different from sudo09:27
anonymousenanonyme : so ubuntu installs root using the same password as the user?09:27
overcluckermaybe a floppy?09:27
CoasterMasteranonymouse, there is no root password09:27
Jorkdonket : a litlle09:27
CoasterMaster!root | anonymouse09:27
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ubotuanonymouse: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:27
spiderwor1no floppy drive, but i can try another disk09:27
overcluckeror thumb drive09:27
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nanonymeanonymouse, read it better. it's talking about two different programs09:27
nanonymeanonymouse, su and sudo09:27
anonymouse<---- still a noob :P09:28
donkeetJork: i was playin around with my screen resolution and now I can't start x at all, because the parameters are messed up, i just want to return them to normal09:28
nanonymeanonymouse, "Alternatively, one may become root (system administrator) by logging in as "root" or by using the su command. Becoming root requires root's password."09:28
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savvasanonymouse: welcome aboard :p09:28
it-linuxofcourse jork09:28
CoasterMasteranonymouse, we all were at one point :)09:28
anonymouseso when i use 'su' when it ask for password just press enter?09:29
anonymousecoz there isn't one, right?09:29
nanonymeuse sudo09:29
CoasterMasteranonymouse, you can't log in as root at all, the account is completely locked09:29
Rat409by default yes09:29
spiderwor1im afk, reconfiguring the boot loader09:29
it-linuxok jork, after I restart my x server..it run..thank you09:29
nanonymewell, yes. changing the password opens it09:29
overcluckersu works for me09:30
nanonymeoverclucker, depends on what the installer did09:30
Rat409me too09:30
angel25_3 COMPUTERS (ubuntu server 7.04) >> WIRELESS ROUTER DI-524 >> ADSL MODEM , when i am entering on "PLACES - NETWORK" i cant see the other computers why ?09:30
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nanonymeif it set a root password, su works just fine09:30
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overcluckerah i see09:30
anonymousejust kinda confused09:30
nanonymehowever, some people considering root password a security risk09:31
nanonymeso it's often locked09:31
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nanonymeyou can check your /etc/shadow file with superuser privileges09:31
anonymousebenji@benji-linux:~$ su09:31
Jork<it-linux> Are ypu shure you have right package for ubuntu.Becouse ubuntu needs deb. or ubuntu packages09:31
anonymouseso doing that makes me a SU instead of normal user?09:31
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CoasterMasternanonyme, anonymouse : the general consensus around here is to keep the root account locked09:31
anonymouseOIC! hahahahahhaha09:31
Jork<it-linux> sorry for my broken english09:32
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nanonymeCoasterMaster, i know. apparently the installer disagrees09:32
anonymouse<--- noob lvl109:32
overcluckera 'substitute user'09:32
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CoasterMasternanonyme, really, i thought the installer locks the root account by default09:32
donkeetme too anonymouse, and until i can figure out how to get x back up im pretty stuck09:32
Jork<it-linux> what is the name of program you want to install?09:32
anonymouseso is my 7.04 installed as root = lock or how? :S09:32
nanonymeCoasterMaster, apparently not09:33
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CoasterMasteranonymouse, yes, your root account is locked, meaning you can not directly log in as root.  HOWEVER you can prepend sudo (for command line apps) or gksudo (for GNOME GUI apps) to run programs and pretend you're root09:33
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nanonymeCoasterMaster, can't say for sure though. i was about to tell him how to lock root09:33
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donkeetany way to get an automatic setup for display in ubuntu?09:33
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donkeetwithout having to manually set the parameters09:34
anonymousewell the login screen i can't type root and enter, it says i kenot login thru there so i guess it is locked09:34
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CoasterMasteranonymouse, yeah...the way it should be09:34
elmo_i have a usb to serial adapter that is recognised by ubuntu, how do i tell what port, if any that it has been assigned to?09:34
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sacredheartelmo_: Check the kernel log and see what it says09:35
anonymousethats good to know!09:35
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Rat409elmo_ : try dmesg09:35
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anonymousecoastermaster & nanonyme u have ym/msn ?09:35
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CoasterMasteranonymouse, I have AIM, but you can send me a private message over this09:36
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CoasterMasteranonymouse, you can type /msg <username> <message> to send a private message (but it's always a good idea to ask the person you're sending too to make sure it's ok)09:36
angel25_can anyone help me please , i need the steps for building network on Ubuntu server? or link site that explain the steps?09:36
nanonymeanonymouse, if you really want to see if it's locked or not, see a file /etc/shadow. if it shows root:*:..., (* might be another character) root is locked09:36
greedowhat would you suggest for backing up my workstation ?09:36
anonymousei'm not too comfortable wif irc09:36
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nanonymeanonymouse, if it shows a long string instead of *, you actually have a root password09:37
donkeetthis channel has pvt msgs blocked09:37
astro76!backup | greedo09:37
ubotugreedo: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning09:37
astro76donkeet, not the channel, you have to register a nick to PM on Freenode09:37
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greedoah thx09:37
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greedoreading now09:38
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nanonymeanonymouse, i assume you know well enough not to paste any of it to anyone, that would be quite a security risk...09:38
donkeetastro76: ya im kinda stuck here - im runnin bitchx and a barely know how to use it, i normally just go on the computer for the internet, but i tried to change my resolution and now i cant get a display09:38
bullgard4Using busybos-initramfs how can I switch to a German keyboard layout?09:38
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donkeetso im stuck with the terminal09:38
anonymousenanonyme : paste what?09:38
astro76!xconfig | donkeet09:39
ubotudonkeet: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  - To configure only the driver and resolution, type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh  - See also !FixRes09:39
elmo_it says that it successfully mounted as ttyUSB0, but then says that interface 0 claimed by ftdi_sio while 'brltty' sets config #1 , then it shows that it disconnects09:39
astro76donkeet, try that09:39
nanonymeanonymouse, i told you to read /etc/shadow as superuser and see if it shows something like root:*:... on a line. it means root is locked09:39
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ambrose_hey gutsy come on this month or next09:39
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nanonymeanonymouse, that's the system password has file09:39
anonymousei dunno i have two shadow files09:39
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ambrose_does any 1 know if gutsy come out this month or next?09:40
RynooFor some reason, now when I double click on an icon or launcher on my desktop, it doesn't open or run. I have to right-click and open it that way09:40
dgjones!gutsy | ambrose_09:40
ubotuambrose_: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+109:40
Rynooanyone know how to fix that?09:40
nanonymeanonymouse, probably the rest are backups. only one real file09:40
ambrose_yea i kno09:40
anonymousecan't open either one of them though09:40
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ambrose_i ask wen does it release09:40
nanonymeanonymouse, you need to su or sudo first09:40
ambrose_not trying to be rude09:40
astro76ambrose_, read what ubotu said then :p09:41
nanonymethey're protected so normal users can't read them09:41
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dgjonesambrose_, the factoid says when its due for release09:41
donkeetastro76: thanks09:41
ambrose_ahhh im an idiot thx man im sorry09:41
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:41
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anonymousei guess i shouldn't09:41
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nanonymedo what you will. if you just read and don't write/paste stuff anywhere, it's safe09:41
ambrose_how do u make the bot work?09:42
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anonymouse<--- paranoid lvl 100009:42
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nanonymejust please don't go replacing stuff there, it can break an account :)09:42
astro76!ubotu | ambrose_09:42
ubotuambrose_: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:42
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RynooFor some reason, now when I double click on an icon or launcher on my desktop, it doesn't open or run. I have to right-click and open it that way. anyone know how to make it default again?09:42
anonymousenanonyme : can i add u on some messager?09:43
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bullgard4Using busybox-initramfs how can I switch to a German keyboard layout?09:44
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anonymousewhat is bitchx?09:46
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CoasterMasteranonymouse, it is an IRC client09:46
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anonymouseoh....i am also in irc now using gaim, rite?09:47
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anonymousei'm thinking of moving my emails over to linux, which is better evolution/thunderbird?09:50
gaohui 09:50
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anonymousecool linux can see chinese characters09:50
|brad|personal preference09:50
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elmo_where is the configuration file for wine?09:51
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qman2is there any way to allow a non-root user bind a port? I'm trying to run an eggdrop and it's not working because it can't bind a port09:53
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astro76qman2, you should be able to with ports > 102409:53
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qman2I'm using ports in the 62000 range, and it fails09:54
qman2as a user in the "admin" group09:54
astro76admin just means you can use sudo09:54
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qman2I think it's a different problem then09:55
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gregshallardI was just wondering why when I plug my notebook into the dock, why it could be pushing the cpu up to 100%09:55
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gregshallardJust wondering if anyone has any ideas.09:55
wolfwalker What I have: celeron (coppermine) processor, 256 megs ram, Ubuntu desktop 6.10. What I want: to run an IRC chat server.09:56
wolfwalker Is this possible?09:56
savvasqman2: eggdrop is compiled or installed with apt-get ?09:56
qman2installed with apt-get09:56
gregshallardwolfwalker, I can't see why not.09:56
qman2I think I need to set one of the IP settings as the local address09:56
nanonymewolfwalker, depends on the user amount09:56
wolfwalker Less than 20009:56
qman2I had it set to the public address09:56
nanonymewolfwalker, easily09:56
nanonymewolfwalker, if you have fast enough a connection09:56
wolfwalker And do you have to have a static IP to set it up?09:57
nanonymethe computer isn't a bottleneck there09:57
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wolfwalker Connection is 1.5 meg per second09:57
nanonymemight want to check dyndns09:57
wolfwalker !dyndns09:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dyndns - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:57
wolfwalker :/09:57
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nanonymewell, google ;)09:57
wolfwalker What is that?09:57
gregshallardDoes anyone have any ideas over my problem?09:57
nanonymedynamic hostnames you can bind to an ip address and refresh with a client09:57
nanonymethen people connect to the dynamic hostname09:58
wolfwalker Ah09:58
nanonymeand 1.5 symmetric connection is plenty enough for anything :) i've seen some big irc networks accept users with that much...09:59
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johnwayjoin #django09:59
savvasjohnway: /join #django10:00
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johnwaysorry,I am a newbie.and do't know how to join the #django.10:00
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gregshallard"/joing #django10:00
gregshallardignore the g10:01
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wolfwalker Okay, this is going in my bookmarks10:02
wolfwalker Thanks10:02
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gregshallardAnyone got a reason for CPU usage to increase when plugged into the Dock10:03
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m0nk_hey guys10:03
m0nk_i just installed feisty....on a think pad A30 after updating the files though10:04
m0nk_the sound stopped working....anyidea whats going on here?10:04
astro76gregshallard, run top or system>admin>system monitor, see what process is using cpu10:04
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elmo_is there any way to get wine to recognise my com port?10:04
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yaibahello everybody10:05
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gregshallardastro76, done that, its not showing up, but the overall cpu monitors running at 100%10:05
yaibais someone can help me please ,10:06
astro76gregshallard, which one? because system monitor only shows user processes by default unless you go to view> all processes10:06
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m0nk_can someone please help me out it is rather late where i am and i need to get to bed?10:08
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gregshallardastro76, kacpi-notify10:09
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astro76gregshallard, googling kacpi_notify turns up some bug reports with Ubuntu... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46205710:11
astro76gregshallard, that thread suggests to just deactivate the service10:12
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|brad|whats the problem m0nk_?10:14
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Dark_Raincould anyone recomand me a theme with small characters... for my ubuntu feisty - gnome theme10:16
dgjones!sound | m0nk_10:16
ubotum0nk_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:16
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=== _johny waves to everybody -:)
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un_daveif i'm installing ubuntu on a new system, and i'm going to have a software raid setup, can i boot off the raid drive, or do i need to have a seperate normal paritiion to boot from?10:19
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un_daveand if i can do both, what is best practice?10:19
_johnyCan I define a shortcut for switching between keyboard language layouts?10:19
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un_davesorry _johny, i know less than you at this stage10:20
_johnyun_dave: It's fine  -:) I was just asking myself10:20
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m0nk_dgjones: its set to alsa10:21
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[coca1ne] Hello everybody::)10:22
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fatcatmattyeah, good morning.  it's 1:25am here10:23
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qman24:25 here ;)10:23
|brad|fatcatmatt, west coast?10:23
[coca1ne] Ive got a tiny question. i disabled the mixxer-icon in my gnome app-bar i dont know how :) - i can aktiviate the mixxer manually over applications/sound... but i have no icon in the Bar. Does anybody know how i can enable this Icon again :) ???10:23
|brad|same here qman210:23
fatcatmattarizona, |brad|10:23
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fatcatmatti love my ubuntu!10:24
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un_daveno raid users here?10:24
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_johnyIt would be a good idea to add this to "TODO" list, if it's not available yet..10:25
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[coca1ne] does anybody know how to enable the mixxer-application-icon in die upper panel (gnome - desktop) :) ??10:25
qman2nah, partly too much hassle, partly not enough money for disks10:25
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fatcatmattcoca1ne, try adding it to your sessions and open it currently10:25
amunraTo get a proper refresh rate what do I do? - I am stuck in 60hz @ 1024x768 no matter what I do... - I know this monitor can do 85hz easily under 1027x768, all I want is a nice 75.. any ideas?10:26
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qman2amunra: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and enter your monitor's sync range and supported resolutions10:26
devasuraIs there a way by which I can connect remotely to a system though IM service (to remotly execute commands through IM)10:26
|brad|[coca1ne] , right click the bar > click add to panel10:26
fatcatmattim buzzing on this smoke, so i am headed to bed10:26
fatcatmattnight all10:26
qman2amunra: make sure you know exactly what it supports, else you could kill it10:26
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knight9902for backup my ubuntu system on dvd cds which software is good ? (i mean like in windows - ghost)10:27
amunraqman2: Yes, I have learned that the hard way.10:27
_cerberus_I just installed xdm in 6.06 (i forget the codename) to replace gdm and X no longer starts. I get no error messages but the screen flickers about 5 times before returning me to the consol. Does anyone know what could be wrong?10:27
qman2amunra: you can also do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" for a wizard-like interface, but I find editing the file quicker10:27
amunraWell when I looked at a Windows INF file.. it says 30-70H/50-160/V -- Should this apply to Linux as well?10:27
amunraI've done that twice.. advanced and medium10:28
gregshallarddevasura, couldn't you open up rdc and connect?10:28
[coca1ne] |brad|: thx lol :) i knew it must be fuckin easy but i dont found the icon lol :)10:28
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[coca1ne] thx fatcatmatt10:28
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qman2amunra: best bet is to find the make/model of the monitor and use google to find it10:28
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|brad|[coca1ne] , no prob :)10:28
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amunraEven when I entered the information which I got from Windows - 30-70/50-160 --- It would still, in Gnome, not go past 60hz for 1024x768 :|"10:28
qman2amunra: did you also add the resolutions in the lower section?10:28
devasuragregshallard, If there is not way knowing the IP10:29
amunrathe resolutions as... 1024x768? yes that's theer10:29
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fatcatmattyeah, |cocaine|, im marked as away, but i'm headed to bed10:29
qman2amunra: yes, but the higher ones, as well10:29
knight9902there is ghost version for linux ?10:29
_johnyj #/ubuntu-pl10:29
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gregshallardDynamic Dns..10:29
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|brad|amunra, install the  xresprobe package10:30
qman2amunra: if you like, I can pastebin an xorg.conf from one of my machines with a standard 17" tube10:30
gregshallardI'm sorta trying to work out the same thing at the moment.10:30
|brad|then run sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange10:30
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amunraWould be helpful10:30
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:30
|brad|then add that to xorg.conf10:30
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amunraWhat will Xresprobe do? - will it find the proper refresh rates?10:30
amunraBecause I already have the right resolution, it's the refresh of 60hz's that's killing me.10:31
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devasuragregshallard, Has anyone implemented a server program which accepts  connections  though IM10:31
|brad|amunra, if the monitor isnt being detected it needs the horiz and vert sync ranges10:32
gregshallardNot that I personally know of.10:32
devasuragregshallard, there if ISP doesnt provide reverse DNS service10:32
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|brad|that will package and command will help you find it10:32
qman2amunra: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37080/10:32
|brad|once that imported into the xorg's config all should be well10:32
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|brad|bah, i cant type this morning10:32
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PlantainHey, whenever I compile my own kernel, I always miss out drivers that I need, how can I build a kernel not unlike the ones in the repos, with most common stuff in there?10:32
devasuragregshallard, hasnt any one faced this issue. I mean if you wanted to connect to your home PC remotely. what do you do?10:33
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|brad|download their .config and then edit that to suit your needs Plantain10:33
amunraqman2: Hmm that looks, except for the H/V's like my Xorg, - what Refresh rates do you get?10:33
gregshallardI know you can do it...10:33
gregshallardJust I haven't really worked out either.10:33
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Plantain|brad|: Any idea where I can get their .config from?10:34
|brad|devasura, what are you trying to do?10:34
stuart_I cant start GZnome. I get a brown blank screen after login. Can someone plse help?10:34
|brad|Plantain, one sec let me take a look10:34
qman2that monitor will do (depending on resolution) 60Hz, 72Hz, and 75Hz, and sometimes 85Hz on lower ones10:34
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qman2I run it at 1152x864@75Hz10:34
devasura|bard|, I want to connect to my Home PC remotely10:34
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rafael__hello people10:35
devasura|bard|, and I dont have an IP. My ISP10:35
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BoRiS666Buenas dias10:35
rafael__i want to know if its possible to install the ubuntu linux in a external hard disk10:35
BoRiS666saludos desde colombia10:35
rafael__BoRiS666, buenos dias10:35
[coca1ne] rafael__: sure no problem10:35
devasura|bard| ISP's router doest support reverse DNS10:35
qman2devasura: what type of remote connection do you need? ssh and vnc do nicely for me10:35
rafael__BoRiS666, aca hable solo el ingles10:35
BoRiS666rafael como le va10:35
devasuraqman2, ssh10:36
rafael__BoRiS666, muy bien gracias.. y usted ?10:36
savvasstuart_: does ALT+F2 do anything?10:36
samiiii want to use squid on ubuntu plz guide me how can i do ??10:36
rafael__[coca1ne] , are u sure ?10:36
ikunatAnyone: I have a question about installing packages in linux10:36
BoRiS666como entro a otros canales ?10:36
stuart_savvas: 1 moment plse10:36
amunraTime do see if this works... :)10:36
rafael__BoRiS666, /join #channel name10:36
|brad|Plantain, http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/misc/kernel-package check that package out10:36
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qman2devasura: so you have the problem that your IP is dynamic and changes too often to remember? try a free service like no-ip for free, updating, dynamic DNS10:37
savvasstuart_: ok :)10:37
rafael__[coca1ne] , the grub will install on the mbr  the correct paht to my external partition ? because that will not be sda or something right ?10:37
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rdemanI used nvidia-settings to set my screen to 1280x1024 but after reboot it always goes back to 1024x786 ??10:37
[coca1ne] rafael__: you have to edit grub10:37
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|brad|devasura, you have to have an ip. you being here is proff of that10:37
devasuraqman2, dynamic dns needs to be suppported at router level at my ISP, which is not10:37
rafael__[coca1ne] , i see. and how i will know the name of my partition of the external hd ?10:38
nanonyme|brad|, are you talking to some imaginary user again? ;)10:38
devasura|bard| i get a static ip from my ISP10:38
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samiiisquide setting in ubuntu ??10:38
savvasstuart_: it should pop up the "run application". Try type: gnome-panel10:38
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[coca1ne] rafael__ you see by installing10:38
|brad|devasura, i wish i had a static address10:38
stuart_savvas: No, the screen still is (ubuntu) brown and I have a cursor10:38
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nanonymeerhm, why would ISP need to support dynamic dns?10:38
[coca1ne] rafael__ there are many manuals10:38
|brad|nanonyme, ?10:38
stuart_savvas: alt f2 doesn't have any affect10:38
[coca1ne] rafael__ its quite easy10:38
qman2my address is dynamic, but they give me the same one all the time, it only changes once a year or so, if that10:38
devasura|bard|, but dnynamic DNS resolves to my ISP's rrouter not me10:38
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ikunatAnyone: once a package is installed (make, make install) am I able to get rid of everything that is in the folder i ran the install from?10:39
rafael__[coca1ne] , but need i change something on the bios ? or just editing the grub it will work ?10:39
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rafael__BoRiS666, q paso ?10:39
savvasstuart_: are you typing from another computer?10:39
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BoRiS666se me bloqueo esto10:39
nanonyme|brad|, just making up bad jokes...10:39
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rafael__BoRiS666, tienes que escribir /join #ubuntu-ar10:39
rafael__es el canal del argentina10:39
stuart_savvas: yes, sharing a screen with 2 computers10:39
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devasura|bard| I read that dynamic DNS resolution should be enabled in router, isnt it true10:40
[coca1ne] rafael__ PM <-10:40
rafael__[coca1ne] , im there right now10:40
nanonymeokay, this sounds like such a messed up conversation i'm going to eat ->10:40
savvasstuart_: ok great, first memorize 3 shortcuts: CTRL+ALT+F1 goes terminal, CTRL+ALT+F7 takes you back to the gnome, CTRL+C breaks an application. ok?10:41
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|brad|devasura, are you in india?10:41
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devasura|bard| ya10:41
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stuart_savvas: got it10:41
savvasstuart_: now hit ctrl+alt+F1, login and type: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart10:41
vichI switched from ubuntu 32bit to 64bit, and now I get a black screen after boot10:42
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savvasstuart_: it will ask for password again, it will restart gnome, see if that makes any change10:42
stuart_savvas: hang on -- I have to write that doen lol10:42
savvasvich: switch you mean you did a format and installed again?10:42
|brad|devasura, so is not your ip address?10:42
savvasstuart_: take all the time you need :)10:43
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devasura|bard|, no10:43
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|brad|what is it then? something private?10:43
devasura|bard| router IP10:43
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|brad|something like 192.168.x.x or 172.16.x.x ?10:43
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vichyes savvas10:44
devasura|bard| ya 192.168.x.x10:44
Plantain|brad|: kernel-package is what I currently use, but I still am missing several key drivers I can't find in menuconfig10:44
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vichoh I should add10:44
|brad|devasura, eww thats crappy10:44
vichit worked fine10:44
vichbut then I installed the fglxr driver10:44
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vichwhich I had done on the 32bit version fine10:44
savvasvich: well I was about to suggest the format part.. I have no clue :)10:44
vichand that's all I did10:45
|brad|Plantain, they are missing? drivers like what ?10:45
devasura|bard| its a cisco router10:45
vichwell, for synaptic to allow me to install the drivers, I assume they were the 64bit package10:45
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stuart_savvas: no change, it does indeed restart gnome (I get another login graphical login screen as if I'd turned the competer on and it had delivered me to the login screen)10:45
Plantain|brad|: bcm and touchpad drivers (in my case airport extreme + apple touch pad)10:45
administradorhay alguien10:45
vichI checked the config10:45
savvasvich: did you try to restart gnome?10:45
vichmultiple times10:45
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stuart_savvas: still just brown screen and cursor after entereing login details10:45
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vichctrl-alt-backspace ?10:45
greg_Anyone good with vnc viewer?10:45
|brad|Plantain, they are there... sometimes it takes me a while to find things in there.10:46
|brad|Plantain, they have to be in there10:46
devasura|bard|, have you never heard any one inplementing remote connection using IM10:46
vichI'm not sure where to go from here10:46
savvasstuart_: have you tried logging in with the gnome safe mode session?10:46
|brad|well what i was saying to do anywyas.. was to load ubuntu's .config then take out what you dont need10:46
vichI could revert back to the default drivers, but then I can't do the pretty stuff I crave10:46
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Plantain|brad|: I know, but I've searched and searched, even followed guides that say where they should be, but they never are :S10:46
stuart_savvas: is that just a terminal session?10:46
devasura|bard|, Can it be implemented?10:46
stuart_savvas: hang on, ill reboot10:47
savvasstuart_: no, it disables several startup stuff i think10:47
savvasstuart_: no need10:47
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savvasstuart_: do what you did before, restart gnome and select the session before logging in10:47
|brad|devasura, i have no idea. ive never known anyone that had a non routerable address like that. ive heard of it never had experience with it. search dslreports.com10:47
|brad|freaking crap i can not type... wth10:48
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greg_Can anyone help me with vncviewer?10:48
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savvasvich: ctrl+alt+F1 takes you into console if it helps you do anything manually.. ctrl+alt+f7 takes you back :)10:48
|brad|greg_ just ask.10:48
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amunraAhh, 75HZ refresh at last :) - Thanks for the help guys.10:49
devasura|bard|, thanks anyway, Is it disadvantageous for ISP to allow  routable address10:49
bXiany prefered html/php editors?10:49
greg_trying to get the -via command working10:49
=== |brad| cheers at amunra
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greg_can the gateway be an address, say fred.bob.com10:49
turbotoasthey guys, just downloaded kiba-dock via svn on ubuntu...can someone point out to me what I have to do to compile it?10:49
|brad|devasura, they save money on ip space doing things like that10:50
stuart_savvas: too late, i selected the "recovery" option - did not see a safe mode option  -- I'm now at a root prompt. Is that what you meant?10:50
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|brad|amunra, what was the fix action?10:50
stuart_savvas: or is the safe mode an option from the grpahical login screen?10:50
devasura|bard|, thanks I will search for other options if any10:50
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|brad|devasura, dslreports has a lot of good info10:51
_johnyHow can I switch between keyboard layouts using a shortcut?10:51
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savvasstuart_: exactly, you select it in the graphical screen10:51
stuart_savvas: rather from the Grub boot loader menu i mean10:51
devasura|bard|, ya going though it!!!10:51
stuart_savvas: ok, hang on10:51
|brad|devasura, ok cool10:51
savvasstuart_: ok :)10:51
devasura|bard|, thanks10:51
amunra|brad| xresprobe seemed to correct me, my max V was 150, not 160 as I earlier had it - thank god I did not break anything :)10:51
|brad|amunra, :)10:52
|brad|devasura, not a problem10:52
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amunraBut why is it on some monitors Ubuntu detects everything correctly the first time around yet on others it is so far off?10:53
turbotoasthey, could someone maybe help me installing kiba-dock?10:53
vich[18:48]  <savvas> vich: ctrl+alt+F1 takes you into console if it helps you do anything manually.. ctrl+alt+f7 takes you back :)10:53
vichyeah, not even that would work10:53
vichbut thanks anyway10:53
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amunraI have heard that "DDC" has something to do with it, any truth to that?10:53
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vichI'm going to reboot to ubuntu now and try10:53
|brad|amunra, do you have an exotic monitor?10:53
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amunra|brad| Yes I am quite affluent10:53
qman2amunra: glad you got it working...personally, I can't stand to look at a 60Hz tube for more than a minute or two10:53
amunraNo, if by exotic you mean horribly cheap, then yes - very much so :P10:53
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amunraqman2, Same here.. it literally gives me a headache :(10:54
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stuart_savvas: no difference to non-safe mode -- still brown with cursor10:54
|brad|popular hardware seems to have better support for obvious reasons10:54
amunrasome people are lucky.. they do not notice the flickering10:54
nikolameverything below 85hz is unpleasant experience10:54
savvasstuart_: ok ctrl+alt+f1, login, type: gnome-panel10:54
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amunraI have it at 75 at the moment, 85 is an option.. but for this evening at least I am not going to "push it" :)10:55
qman2lucky for me, LCDs don't blink between refreshes, so the problem doesn't exist ;)10:55
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|brad|75 is fine... thats what i run at.  your eyes cant even notice the jump to 85hz10:55
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nikolamLcd do things differently. Crt is different story10:55
qman2depends, everyone's eyes are different10:55
amunra|brad|, Some people can, but not much.. I can't10:55
nikolam|brad| I can shurely notice :)10:56
qman2some people can't even see the flashing effect at 60Hz10:56
amunraI see no difference between 75/85, but I see a big difference between 60 and even 7210:56
stuart_savvas: "cannot open display"10:56
gordonjcpqemu ftw, incidentally10:56
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_johnyHow can I switch between keyboard layouts using a shortcut?10:56
gordonjcpgreat for test environments10:56
|brad|id go blind looking at 60hz all day10:56
nikolamI need advice10:56
amunraIf you see the flickering at 60, does that mean you have good eyesight.. or bad? :D10:56
savvasstuart_: what did you do exactly before this problem appeared? installed a graphics driver?10:57
qman2_johny: you could set up a script with xbindkeys, but there may be an easier way, I'm not sure10:57
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|brad|nikolam, what do you need help with10:57
amunraI wonder.. since it's my favorite yet it lacks a 'screen' control center... will XFCE keep my Gnome refresh settings?10:57
|brad|err advice on10:57
stuart_savvas: I honestly can't remember now - was about a week ago10:57
amunraActually I'll just try10:57
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stuart_savass: There are some similarities with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25937510:57
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_Jaak_When using compiz mode, opensource ati drivers (x600), my computer hangs every now and then, everything freezes except my mouse pointer, Even ctrl-alt-backspace doesnt work... Is there anything i should change in my xorg.conf?10:58
nicioi have firefox playing flash videos but konqueror not playing them(im on feisty 7.04 kubuntu)10:58
=== DSpair [n=dphillip@74-133-148-108.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
|brad|eww ati10:58
DSpairMorning all. Got a question about VPNC10:58
savvasstuart_: same graphics card? ati?10:58
|brad|what the heck is vpnc10:58
qman2|brad|: I couldn't agree more10:58
=== nicio i have firefox playing flash videos but konqueror not playing them(im on feisty 7.04 kubuntu)
stuart_savvas: no hardware changes since installation -- Nvidia card10:59
=== nicio what can i do?
|brad|qman2, i hope amd takes care of the driver problem10:59
qman2yeah, one could only hope10:59
qman2ati's windows drivers are just as bad10:59
DSpairWhen I manually configure vpnc using the /etc/vpnc/*.conf files and place the "Vendor cisco" and "Nat Traversal Mode cisco-udp" lines into the config, it works fine. How can I replicate this functionality using the network connection manager?10:59
nikolam_Jaak_ for all newer Ati cards, use fglrx driver10:59
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=== nicio
Dark_Rainnicio, ???11:00
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nikolamqman2: who cares about windows :)11:00
Dark_Raini don't understand jap man?11:00
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nikolamI have a question :)11:00
nikolamI want to install Iceape from debian and it needs some librarios that I don`t have here in 7.04. How should I go ? Should I add debian repository in synaptic or just add gutsy and stay with 7.04 version in synaptic (while installing app is looking for libraries there).11:00
xp_killerDark_Rain: lol11:00
qman2well, some of us can't ignore windows entirely, unfortunately11:00
stuart_savvas: i remember a year or so ago on an older version of Ubuntu i think i had a similar problem. And it turned out to be something like the display manager thought it was already running and i had to edit a config file to "unlock it". Is that vague enough to help lol?11:00
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_Jaak_nikolam, i use the 'ati' driver, fglrx drivers doesn't support aiglx right?11:01
=== Dark_Rain is bourn again like XP- DISTRUCTOR and Bill Gates eater
xp_killerit seems ubuntu have more people11:01
xp_killerthe kubuntu11:01
_johnyQMario: It works by typing left alt + right alt11:01
DSpairnikolam: Why not compile it from source or get the Debian source package and recompile for Ubuntu?11:01
savvasstuart_: go ctrl+alt+f1, and try this: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep "nv"11:01
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nikolam_Jaak_ right, but you can use xgl :)11:01
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_johnyQMario: Only with aplet active though11:01
savvasstuart_: does it say Driver "nvidia" or "nv"?11:01
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viktor_hey, i want my mp3 files to be automaticly opened by xmms ant not toem player, how do i do that?11:02
nikolamDSpair: beacouse I need to recommend programs and OS I am using to someone. I dont expect everyone to compile. I want to do it in the system way.11:02
stuart_savvas: "nvidia"\11:02
nikolamI have program to run. Ok. how to install without braking system I currently use?11:03
DSpairnikolam: Then I would recommend waiting for the release of Gutsy.11:03
_Jaak_nikolam, but i want to use compiz, btw the official ati driver sucks, video playback is very bad...11:03
stuart_savvas: I did install some stuff, but probably didnt notice the problem until i logged out (may have been severeal days later) and could get back in11:03
xp_killerviktor_: right clic an mp3 file>propeties>there's a little icon look like a key click on it11:04
savvasstuart_: did you try and install beryl/compiz stuff?11:04
stuart_savvas: i can't remember what that stuff was, but it may have included support for 3d effects11:04
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savvasstuart_: heh.. hold a sec11:04
nikolam_Jaak_ I use compiz. And everything from default 7.04 packages. Use fglrx, then xgl and finally compiz. Everything install from Synaptic11:04
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viktor_xp_killer: thanks ill try11:04
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stuart_savass: I may have clicked enable 3d desktop and installed whatever it told me too. If i did... it worked fine as I said until one day i restarted and couldnt log in11:05
savvasstuart_: go in console again and type: sudo apt-get remove --purge beryl* emerald*11:05
savvasstuart_: tell me if it removes anything, if it asks, hit "y"11:05
stuart_sacass: ok11:05
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stuart_savass: ok11:05
nikolam_Jaak_ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=compiz&titlesearch=Titles11:05
qman2I had xgl/compiz running on my crappy dell laptop, celeron M, 256MB RAM, intel 810 graphics11:05
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savvasok ok :p11:06
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xp_killerstdin:lol u all over the place.same question. i got firefox to play the flash but konqueror not playing them11:06
viktor_xp_killer: thanks i got it11:06
|brad|nikolam, DSpair is right... it looks like there is gonna be a package for gusty11:06
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xp_killerviktor_: :)11:06
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nikolam|brad| gutsy is so unstable now. I know i installed and run it for a month. I just need install of a program on current install. Is it that hard?11:07
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DSpairnikolam: I know there is a package for Gutsy as I am using it.11:07
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|brad|anyone ever mess with ubuntu on a sparc?11:08
stuart_savvas: no promts -- some output (scrolls up off the screen) ending in the line "E: Couldn't find package beryl*"11:08
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DSpairnikolam: The dependencies would make it very difficult.11:08
nikolamBut if I try to install Iceape on 7.04, I gett dependencies errors. how to avoid it: By adding gutsy as a repository? Is it ok from stability perspective of 7.04? will it brake my 7.04? Should i add Debian?11:08
bobsomebodyis there a command to mute sound on Ubuntu Gnome?11:09
DSpairnikolam: No, it's not going to be stable.11:09
DSpairnikolam: Heck, I'm running full blown Gutsy and it's not stable yet.11:09
wilsonm6hi, i need to build a linux version that can just load a browser and have flash support, and needs to be pretty small. can any one push me in a good direction?11:09
nikolamSo if I want to add some newer libraries for some program, I need to reinstall whole system?11:09
anonymousedamn....burning a dvd now and i hardly feel any lag on my system :)11:10
DSpairMy wireless connection drops like 10 times a day and my X server crashes at least 2 times a day. Also, DBUS has some issues.11:10
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|brad|DSpair, thats crappy11:10
xp_killerDSpair: lol11:10
bobsomebodyDSpair, sounds like my Dell Laptop running beryl on 8M ATI :P11:10
DSpair|brad|: Well, it's not all that bad with other hardware, it's just that my laptop is so new that it has issues.11:10
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|brad|nikolam, libs are not something that should be messed with a whole lot11:10
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savvasstuart_: ok try this: sudo apt-get remove --purge beryl beryl-core emerald emerald-themes11:11
nikolamDSpair: That is why I am on 7.04 I need to do some work sometimes..11:11
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stuart_savass: ok11:11
DSpairThe real issue is this damnable Intel 4965 A/G/N card.11:11
wilsonm6i need to build a linux version that can just load a browser and have flash support, and needs to be pretty small. can any one push me in a good direction?11:11
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|brad|DSpair, ah... i was suprised that 7.04 worked so well for me on my laptop.11:11
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xp_killersavvas:  i got firefox to play the flash but konqueror not playing them why?11:11
DSpairAnd the AC268 Sound card.11:11
bobsomebodyDSpair, get a cooling pad11:11
savvaswilsonm6: damn small linux11:11
wilsonm6savvas: smaller11:11
DSpairbobsomebody: Huh?11:11
|brad|DSpair, wow sounds like an expensive laptop11:12
amunrabobsomebody, You seriously ran Beryl on 8MB's?....11:12
xp_killer!ohmy | savvas11:12
ubotusavvas: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:12
bobsomebodyDSpair, 80% of wireless issues on laptops are because the cards have a thermal switch11:12
amunraI tryed Beryl on a Radeon 7000, it was horrible11:12
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DSpair|brad|: Nah, Toshiba's aren't that expensive, and they are VERY durable.11:12
nikolamwilsonm6: Go for Xubuntu. it is smaller, needs less memory and have everything you need11:12
bobsomebodyamunra, swear to god the bios says 8M video ram11:12
savvasxp_killer: it's a debian-based linux release - try google it :)11:12
amunrabobsomebody, Damn...11:12
|brad|DSpair, i used to have a toshiba... it lasted 9 days11:12
bobsomebodyit runs fine too11:12
bobsomebodya little slow11:12
xp_killeramunra: ati card beryl works beter for 9200 and up11:12
wilsonm6nikolam: i was thinking that, but i need it smaller. i just don't know what i can and can't remove11:12
bobsomebodynot glitchy though11:12
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amunrawilsonm6, What about DSL?11:13
bobsomebodyamunra, its an inspiron 1100 too (like 2-3 years old maybe more)11:13
amunraxp_killer, Yeah that is what I was thinking.. but anyways for Linux I prefer Nvidia, period.11:13
DSpair|brad|: This is my 7th Toshiba, and they have all been through Hall and back for me without skipping a beat. I had one that fell into a cooler of ice water, and after drying for about 24 hours booted right up.11:13
wilsonm6amunra: i still need to get it smaller than that, i just need to know what i can strip from it11:13
amunrabobsomebody, So did you wait.. 8 minutes between window exchanges :)11:13
bobsomebody|brad|, toshiba kicks a$s11:13
bobsomebodyamunra, nope11:13
|brad|DSpair, lol11:13
amunrawilson, Almost everything..11:14
sixthzhello, can anyone help me? my power got cutted out for like a min or two and when i start my computer up again i get this error msg of grub in stage 1.5 ... can anyone help please ?11:14
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bobsomebodyi cant record the actions it makes11:14
stuart_savvas: all feedback was "not installed, so not removed". Also after saying 0 upgrade, 0 installed, 0 removed, it says 1 not upgraded11:14
amunrawilsonm6, Linux is not really a 'system' it's a kernel pretty much with programs around it - unlike... umm BSD which always has a 'base'11:14
nikolamwilsonm6: Hmm, what is th emachine? You can try DSL (Damn small linux) But I assure you that Xubuntu worked fine on my PIII-700 384MB ram and used no more then 100-on boot for system11:14
|brad|i just bought a gateway... it was on sale at best buy.11:14
amunrawilsonm6, How small do you wish to go?11:14
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DSpair|brad|: Had another one that I forgot was on top of my Explorer and it flew off of the roof at 35 MPH and skidded into the curb (it was 3 days old). The housing cracked a little, but other than that it worked fine.11:14
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bobsomebodybest buy sucks11:14
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bobsomebodyeverything i buy from them breaks or dosent work11:15
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anonymousewhat is beryl?11:15
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bobsomebodysurprisingly walmart seems to get the good stuff11:15
brownie17does anyone know where i can find a package called 'xpm-devel'?11:15
|brad|wilsonm6, there is a version of slackware that can fit on a thumb drive... i cant remembe what its called...11:15
amunraniko, I used XUbuntu on a PII worked pretty good11:15
Moniker42DSpair, you drove off with a COMPUTER on the roof of your car?11:15
savvasstuart_: ok hold a sec11:15
wilsonm6amunra: original goal was <43M, now, anything thats small. Eventually it's to be a livecd11:15
bobsomebodyanonymouse, go google pics search or youtube search it11:15
stuart_savass: k11:15
DSpairMoniker42: A laptop.11:15
amunraI was surprised.. - I actually use XFCE all the time - but mostly on Debian11:15
Moniker42i mean, i've seen it done with pastries before... but a computer?!11:15
|brad|wilsonm6, i think it used to be called zipslack... cause it could fit on a zip drive11:15
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amunrawilson, DSL is like 50megs11:15
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xp_killeramunra: me i perfer ati most of the time linux come with the drives nvidea u have to install them manualy and it doesnt go with some option like one in beryl people who has problem with the cube with a white screen should deactivat the option... that is for nvidea11:16
bobsomebodyDSL is no 50megs :P11:16
anonymousei have used beatrix b4, not bad11:16
amunraSo perhaps your best bet is to take a look at what DSL uses11:16
stdinbrownie17: probably libxpm-dev11:16
nikolamwilsonm6: Get minimal CD and alternate cd and install just things you need11:16
amunrabobsomebody, NO?11:16
k1gwbI've tried the forums but havent reeally found anything conclusive regarding my laptop's built-in SD reader.     "00:09.1 CardBus bridge: O2 Micro, Inc. OZ711M1/MC1 4-in-1 MemoryCardBus Controller (rev 20)"...any thoughts?11:16
|brad|DSpair, thats crazy. we just got in some toughbooks at work... those things are nuts11:16
bobsomebodyits like 1.511:16
stuart_savass: the one thing im sure of it that i didnt do anything "weird" - just using standard repositories etc11:16
bobsomebodyin the US it is11:16
amunraAs in gigs?11:16
wilsonm6nikolam: is that the ubuntu alternate cd?11:16
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bobsomebody1.5 MB to 3 MB11:16
amunraDamn Small Linux11:16
mikes`the old thinkpads were pretty sturdy11:16
amunraNot DSL connections :P11:16
nikolamwilsonm6: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD?highlight=%28minimal%2911:16
|brad|yea, dsl is pretty cool too11:16
DSpairHeck, I currently have 3 laptops at my disposal. I have a Dell Latitude D610 from work, a Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet, and my personal Toshiba Satellite A206.11:17
bobsomebodyi was like WTF?11:17
amunrabobsomebody, I would love a 50mb connection11:17
bobsomebodyfuck yeah11:17
sixthzhello, my power got shut down all the sudden for like a min or two and when i start my computer up again i get this error msg of grub in stage 1.5 ... can anyone help me?11:17
bobsomebodyops sorry11:17
bobsomebody*$&# yeah!11:17
amunrabobsomebody, Let's not get too excited =P11:17
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects11:17
DSpairsixthz: Try booting into one of the recovery options.11:17
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cruocitaeAfter booting the Feisty CD and selecting Start or install I get an "out of range" message on my monitor (a BenQ fp71g+). It works pretty well with Windows, and also worked well with FreeBSD, NetBSD, Slackware, Dapper and a handful of other distros, though older releases. What should I do?11:17
JosefKsixthz, was that during an update, installation or normal usage?11:17
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sixthzDSpair: how?11:17
wilsonm6nikolam: thanks i'll give that a try now11:17
sixthzJosefK: normal usage11:18
bobsomebodyamunra, http://x.jaywebdesigns.com/i_win.avi (how could i not get excited about 50mb connection?)11:18
sixthzim currently on livecd11:18
DSpairsixthz: You don't get the boot menu?11:18
savvasstuart_: try: sudo apt-get install --reinstall metacity && sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart11:18
JosefKsixthz, out of interest, does grub get as far as loading its menu?11:18
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stdincruocitae: try with the safe graphics mode11:18
bobsomebodyamunra, (thats my office, it um, "talks" too)11:18
sixthznope it doesnt JosefK11:18
sixthzDSpair: nope..11:18
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stuart_savass: ok11:18
DSpairsixthz: Hrrrmmm . . .11:18
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nikolamwilsonm6: I`ll suggest to get also alternate cd and add it to apt sources list. To save yourself from much download.11:18
DSpairsixthz: You can boot from the Ubuntu CD and repair it by hand, but that may be a bit involved.11:19
amunrabobsomebody, Very nice indeed11:19
bobsomebodythats when i first put it together11:19
JosefKsixthz, that sounds fairly nasty.  you can run 'sudo fdisk -l' from the livecd, then mount your drives properly somewhere in /mnt, but like DSPair said, that's involved11:19
bobsomebodylooks totally different now :P11:19
k1gwbgreg@gwb02:~$ w11:19
k1gwb 04:16:49 up 81 days,  8:37,11:19
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bobsomebodybut u get the idea, lol11:19
k1gwbI don't think you can do that with windows!11:19
nikolambobsomebody: Wow, 50 mBit.. :)11:19
anonymousedoes my 7.04 have beryl? how to use it?11:19
cruocitaestdin, will try it. If doesn't work, will be back in a minute.11:19
sixthzDSpair: any manual or something? i perfer involved on formatting11:19
bobsomebodynikolam, no not yet :P, just a 6/3 line11:19
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JosefKk1gwb, unfortunately, you can :(11:19
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bobsomebodyperlbox-voice is 100% pure win11:20
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DSpairsixthz: Not really. It's more of a "I know what the heck I'm doing" sort of thing.11:20
bobsomebodymy computer says "all your bases are belong to us" if you say "work stupid"11:20
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amunraAnyone know how 'safe' Gnome's keyring is?11:20
nikolamanonymouse: everyone is saying not to use beryl but compiz-fusion. See #compiz-fusion channel for details11:21
bobsomebodyamunra, about as safe as your password is11:21
brownie17stdin, apt-get says libxpm-dev in the newest version, but ./configure on a game called xrally ouputs this "configure: error: You don't have the Xpm libraries/includes. Please get the package xpm-devel from your linux distribution."11:21
amunrabobsomebody, Excellent.11:21
sixthzDSpair: maybe you can help me doing it step by step? because i dont know what the heck im doing ..11:21
bobsomebodyamunra, ssl seems to help :P11:21
crolle17how to find out if a vpnc is running?11:21
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crolle17i tried vpnclient stat, but that command is not known11:21
nikolambobsomebody U got 3Mbit Up? :))11:21
brownie17amunra, is your nick something to do with egyptian gods?11:21
stuart_savass: "1 not upgraded"  Same brown screen and cursor11:21
bobsomebodynikolam, yeah, cable11:22
DSpairsixthz: Not a chance... It's something you have to do yourself. It's a "feel your way" sort of thing that isn't easy to explain.11:22
nikolambobsomebody Lucky you ;,)11:22
bobsomebodyits a residential line that "knows" if there is a router on the other end11:22
bobsomebodyso its hard to work with11:22
DSpaircrolle17: Type "ifconfig" at a command prompt;11:22
amunrabrownie17, Yes why?11:22
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bobsomebodylinux solved that11:22
bobsomebodymasq FTW11:22
bobsomebodystupid comcast11:22
brownie17amunra, it REALLY makes me wanna watch that movie, 'the mummy'11:22
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amunrabrownie17, Hahaha11:22
bobsomebodyplus i get a pseudo-static ip :P11:22
amunraIt was a good movie11:23
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DSpairbobsomebody: I've been reading about their "RST" method of traffic shaping. Hilarious.11:23
bobsomebodyblocked comcast from talking to the box on any port thats not DNS related11:23
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savvasstuart_: it didn't upgrade?11:23
sixthzDSpair: but i dont know anything.. so whats up with that11:23
stdinbrownie17: look in the config.log for the file it's looking for11:23
bobsomebodyDSpair, its completely dumb-tarded technology11:23
savvasstuart_: did it reinstall metacity?11:23
DSpairsixthz: I wish I could explain it to you, but without doing it myself, I couldn't tell you the steps.11:23
bobsomebodyDSpair, so now for like $30 bucks I get a huge pipe and a static ip :P11:23
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stuart_savvas: i think so, but it said 1 not upgraded11:23
stuart_savass: should i be doing an apt-get upgrade or something?11:24
DSpairbobsomebody: Insight here in the Midwest is giving out 10MBit pipes for like $25.11:24
brownie17stdin, where's that stored? in the folder of the source i'm trying to compile?11:24
sixthzDSpair: okay, thanks anyways.11:24
savvasstuart_: nope, wait a sec11:24
bobsomebodycomcast = error: 1d-10-tx133711:24
stuart_savass: k11:24
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DSpairsixthz: I wish I could help you more.11:24
=== bobsomebody starts packing
stdinbrownie17: yeah11:25
bobsomebody10Mbit where???11:25
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DSpairbobsomebody: I live in Southern Indiana (Near Louisville, KY).11:25
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bobsomebodyi would love that, they have it in the metro areas cheap11:25
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bobsomebodybut im in this rich-hole beach town thats like 5k pop11:25
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c0deanybody out there knowing something about xfs (x font server)?11:26
bobsomebodyso we dont get much for choices :(11:26
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DSpairsixthz: To be completely honest, I just don't know it well enough to explain it.11:26
c0dehmm ok :)11:26
bobsomebodyDSpair, im in central east cost fl11:26
DSpairbobsomebody: How's the job market there?11:26
bobsomebodynot as great as it sounds o.O11:26
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c0dei will still post my problem :)11:26
=== DSpair needs to get back to the ocean.
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bobsomebodyDSpair, but, im thinking of pushing in home open-source support11:27
|brad|bobsomebody, howd you manage the pseudo-static ip address thing... the modem gets the address no?11:27
c0dei have a scenario where a linux box must connect per xdmcp to hpux11:27
bobsomebody|brad|, yeah, but only if there is a computer plugged in11:27
c0de_and_ to solaris11:27
bobsomebody|brad|, so if it dosent see the computer it dosent seem to mess with it11:27
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c0debut i can only set 1 xfs11:28
c0deso i thought i set up 1 linux, playing xfs11:28
bobsomebody|brad|, i assume this is there way of maintaining internal-structure computer IP's in the DHCP range11:28
DSpairbobsomebody: When I was at LinuxWorld this year I got like 20 job offers in the San Jose/Santa Clara area, but it's WAY too expensive to live there.11:28
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c0debut i have to tell this box that it has to ask to other fontservers for fonts11:28
bobsomebodyDSpair, really? i need to go to some conventions11:29
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c0deso it would  be a kind of xfs-gateway11:29
bobsomebodyi can program 8 damn languages and have DOS to now experience11:29
c0deis this possible?11:29
DSpairbobsomebody: There's a company called Pentaho based out of Orlando that offered me a job, but I don't think they're going to last much longer.11:29
bobsomebodynot even radioshack would hire me in this town11:29
bobsomebodyi was like WTF? u stupid?11:29
c0dewhat fonts does xfs provide? all fonts given in xorg.conf?11:29
DSpairbobsomebody: They do Open-Source Java Business Intelligence software.11:29
|brad|bobsomebody, so you are saying the modem only gets an address if there is a computer attached to it?11:29
savvasstuart_: go in the console again, tell me if this returns anything: locate beryl11:30
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bobsomebody|brad|, it wont DHCP you unless it sees the computer on behind it11:30
|brad|DSpair, not when you have big guys like GD and Raytheon in the arena11:30
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boosterhey guys anyone in here ever tried the ubuntu ulimate gamers edition 1.4 ???11:30
amunraHow can I make /mnt read/writable by me the user.. instead of only SU/Root?11:31
amunrachown... recursive?11:31
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DSpair|brad|: That's not really their market. The GD and Ratheons are too expensive for mid-tier companies. Even Business Objects is too expensive, but JasperSoft and Talend have better products in that price range.11:31
SlimeyPetechmod -R a+rw, amunra11:31
ed-dahhakhi....a question about printer located on windows pc in my network.--gateway, i am connected to gateway through router, the printer is on     ----   i can surf but cannot print as the status forever show {connecting to}           \    i've set through all option ipp.url..raw,smb,unix but no luck...can anyone give advice?  :)11:31
bobsomebody|brad|, the comcast install disk has a little short of a virus in it that helps this process out on windows also11:32
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|brad|bobsomebody, lol11:32
stuart_savass: 3 "locations" Do you want to know them?11:32
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bobsomebodybut ive had for like 3 months now11:32
DSpairbobsomebody: Did Sony make it?11:32
bobsomebodyand ive rebooted the server a couple times11:32
|brad|i have cox where i am... they are probably the worst cable company ever11:32
bobsomebodyDSpair, dunno :P11:32
savvasstuart_: /usr/share/app-install/desktop/ ?11:32
Bjornalf|brad|: nope comcast is worse11:33
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bobsomebody|brad|, you might want to set up a masq server and try grabbing an ip, the systems are probably similar11:33
bobsomebodybig companys are all closed source hacks of open source software anyways :P11:33
DSpairI have to say that I like my job and who I work with, but I hate living in Indiana.11:33
bobsomebodyso they all kinda "act" the same11:34
bobsomebodyDSpair, cool, this support thing seems to be gaining ground11:34
bobsomebodythe idea is this11:34
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|brad|bobsomebody, my friends box that we run a webserver off of has had the same address for over a year11:34
amunraOperation 'not supported" --- because the mount is NTFS perhaps?11:34
bobsomebodyif every IRC geek could get paid to support local people with open source software we could all bank11:34
savvasstuart_: is it /usr/share/app-install/desktop/ ?11:34
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|brad|DSpair, what do you do for a living right now ?11:35
bobsomebody|brad|, yeah, its server to modem right?11:35
bobsomebodyno router in between?11:35
Bjornalfwhat's the channel that helps with compiz-fusion?11:35
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stuart_savvas: /usr/share/app-install/desktop/beryl-settings-simple.desktop       then     manager.desktop    then    settings.desktop11:36
|brad|bobsomebody, modem > linux box (being used as a router) > switch > rest of the computers11:36
bobsomebodythat my setup11:36
stuart_savvas: yes lo, (I think)11:36
bobsomebody|brad|, drop most input right?11:36
bobsomebodymasq all out?11:36
bobsomebodyyeah thats how to do it11:36
DSpairbobsomebody: Here's an indication of my past experience supporting Open Source: http://techupdate.zdnet.com/techupdate/stories/main/0,14179,2825019,00.html11:37
bobsomebodyso it should work11:37
bobsomebodymy server is just an emachine 900mhz with 768 sdram11:37
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bobsomebody113 @ that!11:37
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DSpairbobsomebody: BTW, my name is Deven Phillips11:37
|brad|thats all thats needed11:38
|brad|unless its used as a server for other services11:38
boosteri have a question....when i enable desktop effects the window borders vanish and i cant figure out why???11:38
DSpair|brad|: I am the Senior Systems Admin for a manufacturing company which has branches ranging from Anchorage Alaska to Jacksonville, FL.11:38
savvasstuart_: well, about here, I'd suggest a nice format of the root (/) partition :\11:38
|brad|DSpair, sweet, thats what im looking to do11:38
bobsomebodyDSpair, this isnt really corperate stuff im doing though11:39
|brad|right now im a sys ad for the Air Force11:39
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stuart_savvas: really? lol a reinstall?11:39
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|brad|i used to be a network tech. i like the sys ad side of things better11:39
savvasstuart_: that's what I would do, I won't go lurking in the system11:40
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stuart_savvas: ok, im happy to reinstall, but worried it will reccur...11:40
savvasstuart_: you can check /var/log for any errors.. or the command dmesg11:40
DSpair|brad|: I used to do Information Assurance for the US Navy back in the day.11:41
stuart_savvas: thanks heaps for your time11:41
omega45i need to creat a java / mysql database and i'm treing to use eclipse software but it's the first time and i can't put it working with the tomcat server can anyone help me???11:41
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DSpair|brad|: I've been slowly pushed from SysAdmin into Java development over the last year or so.11:41
bobsomebody|brad|, i have alot of crap in my server too, like 3 drives, constant ssh's all over here and the place11:41
stuart_savvas: ill go for the reinstall and take more note of what precipitates the problem (assuming it happens again)11:41
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bobsomebodyehhh whos fuc*in with my windows11:41
savvasstuart_: I hope it won't :) and at least you learned how to go manual :P11:41
bobsomebodyi need that to test my website :P11:41
stuart_savvas: yeah... thanks again11:42
bobsomebodyit will hurt itself all on its own it dont need no help11:42
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savvasstuart_: btw, I wouldn't suggest beryl or compiz or 3d effects anymore11:42
|brad|i never really got into the development side of things... its not how my brain works11:42
savvasno problem :)11:42
stuart_savvas: ok, no problem -- so i had installed it?11:42
|brad|ive hacked a php script here and there but nothing more then that... if thats even considered development11:43
stuart_savvas: i was just curious, i didn't actually think it was that great anyway11:43
savvasstuart_: not sure, I couldn't see any leftovers that could cause the problems, but who knows! :P11:43
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bobsomebody|brad|, one sec11:43
stuart_savvas: the reason im vague -- i installed twice...11:43
DSpair|brad|: Yeah, I used to feel the same way until I started running into problems that there were no solutions for yet.11:43
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stuart_savvas: better go grab some dinner. Ciao11:44
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savvasstuart_: a format and install should fix it. bon apetite! :)11:44
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DSpair|brad|: I got SO frustrated that I just banged my head on an IDE until I got some working code. My boss was so impressed that he handed me more programming projects.11:44
|brad|DSpair, haha11:44
DSpair|brad|: No good deed ever goes unpunished.11:44
Styrbjornhmm anyone know if it's possible to dualboot linux and windows on a system using raid 1 mirror ?11:45
|brad|DSpair, oh how i know that11:45
DSpairStyrbjorn: Only if it is a hardware RAID.11:45
bobsomebody|brad|, sorry someone shut down my windows i think11:45
JC_Denton_ fstab:  /dev/hda6  /mnt/hda6vfatauto,rw           hda6 is mounted as read/write but I can't write to it unless I use nautilus with admin rights..11:45
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bobsomebody|brad|, had to go fix it :P11:46
StyrbjornDSpair: hmm well i have that ich intel chipset11:46
|brad|i hate when i lose windows... and then find then the next day on a virtual desktop11:46
Styrbjornand i setup the raid in the bios but still windows xp needs a individual driver so it's probbaly software raid or?11:46
DSpairJC_Denton_: YOu have to set the rights for the mounted partition. Try adding "uid=xxxx,gid=xxxx" which the uid and gid match your unprivileged user.11:46
bobsomebody|brad|, not "windows", my windows machine :P11:47
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DSpairStyrbjorn: Well, that sounds like a hardware RAID, but I would have to see it to be sure.11:47
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|brad|bobsomebody, lol oh11:47
bobsomebodythey get nailed all the time, i dont care11:48
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StyrbjornDSpair: when i get into the partition table on the installer i see two disks11:48
Styrbjornwith the same partitions exactly11:48
Styrbjorninstaller for ubuntu11:48
DSpairStyrbjorn: Dunno what to tell you.11:48
JC_Denton_Dspair on the end of that line?11:48
bobsomebodywindows is for amusement anyways :P11:48
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|brad|next month i get to go to a windows 2k3 server administration class. thats gonna be cool11:48
amunraIf I wish to access Windows shares... do I installl Samba?11:48
bobsomebody|brad|, meh it sucks11:48
|brad|amunra, yes11:48
DSpairJC_Denton_: In the options part of the /etc/fstab line.11:48
Styrbjornmaybe i should try the unstable ubuntu?11:48
bobsomebodyits bloated GUI-garbage for idiots11:48
Styrbjornis there any raid improvements there?11:49
|brad|bobsomebody, ive used it before... i will probably know more then the instructure again11:49
bobsomebodybut i assume the AF is paying for it so yeah whatever :P11:49
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|brad|during tech school in my operating systems and application software block the instructor started to ask me questions11:49
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bobsomebodyyeah, i used it once, i have all the working iso's and what not11:49
|brad|bobsomebody, you : )11:49
|brad|err yup*11:50
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amunraI have only one thing to say about WIndows and I will stop..11:50
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bobsomebodybuy an old HP11:50
bobsomebodyand beat it11:50
amunraIt has always annoyed me in WIndows where the simple change of a file extension can change a file from a harmless text file - into one that may be executed by the system etc...11:50
amunraWhy they thought that was a good design I will never know11:50
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JC_Denton_dspair, thanks. done. Do I need to reboot to test it?11:51
bobsomebodyalrighty #ubtunu11:51
|brad|well, its time for me to get ready for work11:51
DSpairamunra: That's the least of Windows' problems. The real issue is that they are still carrying around code and baggage from the DOS days.11:51
bobsomebodyhow do i mute from command line?11:51
amunra|brad|, Have fun ;D11:51
SlimeyPetebobsomebody: alsamixer11:51
amunraDspair, Windows will succumb to the same fate as Dbase...11:51
DSpairJC_Denton_: Nope, just run "remount -o remount /path/to/mountpoint" as root.11:52
bobsomebodylike alsamixer -h? and figure it out?11:52
DSpairbobsomebody: alsamixer?11:52
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DuClareJC_Denton_, a fellow dx lover? ;)11:52
amunraToo much backwards compatibility that little people need anymore which wastes space and in turn makes the system progressively slower and slower.11:52
JC_Denton_DuClare, Yup :)11:52
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amunraVista = 15GB for install, that is madness.11:52
Nighthawk420hey yall can yall help me set up my HP Photosmart C5100 thernet printer?11:52
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DSpairNighthawk420: Under Ubuntu, it couldn't be easier.11:53
Nighthawk420i tried DSpair11:53
DSpairNighthawk420: Install the "HPLIP" package and run "hp-setup"11:53
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Nighthawk420HPLIP is the driver package isnt it?11:53
sytnerHi i recently updated my ubuntu 7.04 server running on vmware and after a reboot i now get /bin/sh: cant access tty: job control turned off11:53
DSpairNighthawk420: Not just driver, but a management app for all HP printers.11:54
Nighthawk420whats the terminal line i need?11:54
Bjornalfwhere do i find the gnome sessions file? i need to remove compiz from it11:54
DSpairNighthawk420: As root "aptitude install hplip" and then "hp-setup"11:54
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thx1137sytner: that just happened to me ealier11:55
bobsomebodyis there a command to mute the sound? something not a GUI?11:55
DSpairbobsomebody: alsamixer....11:56
sytnerthx1137:did you get it fixed?11:56
SlimeyPetebobsomebody: just run alsamixer. then select a channel and press M.11:56
Nighthawk420DSpair i got 2 errors in the terminal after running thee first command11:56
Nighthawk420E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)11:56
Nighthawk420E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?11:56
thx1137sytner: after rebooting a few times with the same error, I followed a suggestion which mentioned to either 1) reboot with a blank floppy disk, 2) change your BIOS boot order so floppy is last11:56
bobsomebodySlimeyPete, DSpair what i need is a command with no key strokes involved11:57
DSpairNighthawk420: You have to be "root" or you can put "sudo " in front of those 2 commands.11:57
bobsomebodyits for perlbox-voice11:57
SlimeyPetebobsomebody: ah. Dunno then, sorry.11:57
bobsomebodyi want to say mute, fire command to mute11:57
DSpairbobsomebody: You're screwed!!11:57
bobsomebodywell fork11:57
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DSpairbobsomebody: Don't you mean "well fork()"?11:57
sytnerthx1137: i have changed the flopy to last in the bios and still cant get it to boot11:57
thx1137sytner: what I ended up doing was to goto my BIOS, disable my floppy drive, since I rarely use it anyhow.. rebooted and it started up fine11:57
Nighthawk420lol sorry my friend it is early11:57
Nighthawk420not even 6 am yet god11:57
bobsomebodylol more like form(me)11:57
sytnerthx1137: i will try that now11:58
Bjornalfhi i need to remove the 'compiz --replace' from my sessions since i can't get to my desktop anymore.. where do i find the sessions file?11:58
thx1137sytner: k, good luck11:58
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=== bobsomebody scratches head
DSpairYou know, I never realized how much I appreciated threaded applications until this job and working on an AS/400... Uhg! Batch Queues for jobs running SUCK!11:59
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bobsomebodyi have to use a mute "button" then12:00
bobsomebodythis is so 1992....12:00
|brad|bah, no hot water again12:00
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DSpairHmmm . . . It's about time to start getting ready for work.12:00
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DSpairYet another night spent sleeplessly working on my computer.12:00
|brad|DSpair, im right there with ya man12:00
|brad|gotta work 12hrs too12:01
Nighthawk420DSpair thank you that was a hell of alot easier than settin it up on windows lol,12:01
bobsomebodyDSpair, have a good one man12:01
Bjornalfso no one knows where gnome keeps it's session file?12:01
DSpairNighthawk420: No problem.12:01
DSpairBjornalf: ~/.gnome-session12:01
bobsomebodyDSpair, oh http://x.jaywebdesigns.com is my company (grab a user if u want, its about done now)12:01
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DocTomoehow do I disable ACPI while booting the installation disc?12:02
DSpairbobsomebody: Ugh... I don't envy you my friend. Dealing with users suxors...12:02
BjornalfDSpair: i don't seem to have that file...12:03
DSpairAlthough, I recently switched my parents to Ubuntu, and they call me WAY less than they used to about computer problems.12:03
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rick_2047can anyone help me enabling the framebuffer in ubuntu12:03
DSpairBjornalf: Sorry. It's "~/.gnome2/session"12:04
SlimG2How do I set metric=2 on eth1 (eth1 is to receive ip, dns and gw from dhcp) in /etc/dhclient3/dhclient.conf or /etc/network/interfaces ?12:04
rick_2047been looking for it for a week now12:04
bobsomebodyDSpair, its because people know as much about using windows as they would know about using ubuntu12:04
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|brad|bobsomebody, what forum are you using on your site? it integrates very nice with your layout12:04
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bobsomebodybut ubuntu is alot better because you could always SSH in and work on stuff12:04
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BjornalfDSpair: don't have that either :(12:04
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DSpairbobsomebody: Exactly! And, my Mom mostly wants to print Photos, and digiKam does a great job for her.12:05
bobsomebody|brad|, its drupal12:05
alekosanybody can help me with mutt?12:05
bobsomebodythe whole site12:05
DSpairBjornalf: Dunno then.12:05
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bobsomebodyDSpair, the win with ubuntu is they get anything for free12:05
|brad|thats drupal? hrmm12:05
bobsomebodyno more "you need to buy this software"12:05
DSpairbobsomebody: True. The only problem I had was their stupid WinModem, but a buddy of mine gave me an external 56K modem and it works great.12:06
bobsomebody|brad|, yeah, i can do all the code, but i just dont have the time to devo my own CMS system12:06
bobsomebodyso i used theres12:06
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bobsomebodyDSpair, i dont touch 56k user support12:06
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:07
bobsomebodybut i will install cable for them for free if the buy the service and everything12:07
SlimG2How do I set metric=2 on eth1 (eth1 is to receive ip, dns and gw from dhcp) in /etc/dhclient3/dhclient.conf or /etc/network/interfaces ?12:07
bobsomebodyor dsl12:07
DSpairbobsomebody: My parents live in the middle of nowhere, and the only high-speed that they can get is satellite. WAY too expensive for them.12:07
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:07
bobsomebodyplus its the parents12:07
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DSpairbobsomebody: 'sides, they're happy with what they have.12:08
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bobsomebody|brad|, ive already got write access to the handbook on d.o cuz i learned it so fast :P12:08
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DSpairbobsomebody: Their internet connectivity is also faster under Linux than it was under Windows, so that made them even happier.12:08
bobsomebodybut im lazy so havent done anything yet12:08
bobsomebodybut i did do 1 doc for ubuntu12:09
DSpairAnyhow, have a good morning all.12:09
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bobsomebodyaudiable logs in user docs (mr_d_rico is the auth name i used)12:09
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rafael__[coca1ne] , pm12:10
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SlimG2How do I set metric=2 on eth1 (eth1 is to receive ip, dns and gw from dhcp) in /etc/dhclient3/dhclient.conf or /etc/network/interfaces ?12:11
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Styrbjornhmm where do i download the unstable version of ubuntu?12:11
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alfais any one here...12:12
Styrbjorncan't seem to find it on the ubuntu website12:12
rick_2047can anyone help me enabling the framebuffer in ubuntu12:12
tonyyarussoStyrbjorn: #ubuntu+112:12
SlimG2!gutsy | Styrbjorn12:12
ubotuStyrbjorn: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+112:12
=== GottferDamnt [n=teva@AMontsouris-151-1-15-50.w82-123.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
rafael__alfa, wazaaaa12:12
bobsomebodyalrighty #ubuntu, im gonna go do some "work"12:13
=== bobsomebody download complete
bobsomebodyhahahaha.... nah.12:13
bobsomebodylaters guys/gals/bots12:13
=== Keenan3274 [n=41552240@72-161-9-182.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
alfahehe i'am chinese..12:13
rafael__alfa, nihao ma?12:13
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alfarafeal__, yes i'am so fine..haha..12:14
rafael__alfa, :)12:14
alfabut ,i cant use wu bi12:14
rafael__me too12:14
=== Juki [n=juki@dsl-hmlbrasgw1-ff0ec100-135.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Keenan3274 hey okay i just installed a soundblaster audigy soundcard. it was working fine, but when i rebooted it stopped working altogether. so i went to BIOS and disabled the old factory soundcard. now i have audio but it can't be adjusted by gui controls. it's stuck on max volume. any suggestions?12:14
alfado you have QQ12:14
rafael__not on my playstation 3 :P12:14
alfado you have OICQ num.12:14
rafael__yellow dog linux here12:14
=== yellowChicken [n=goldenpi@cpe-66-8-235-245.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== Bjornalf [n=tgalus@ool-44c74b39.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
alfarafael, do you have oicq.12:15
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rafael__alfa, no12:15
alfawhat ?.nc.12:15
rafael__i dont have oicq12:15
alfamy QQ is: 11260593612:16
alfaoh ,12:16
alfado you have msn.?.12:16
MohdGuys, I got a problem. Youtube doesen't produce any sound while other programs like music does. Can any one help me with this? I went to flash website and it didn't solve my problem, searched the internet and it didn't help me.12:16
=== atamurad [n=chatzill@nusnet-183-42.dynip.nus.edu.sg] has joined #ubuntu
rafael__alfa, yep..12:16
atamuradwhat's the default mysql root password on ubuntu-server?12:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about me - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:17
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alfamy msn is: alfazj@hotmail.com12:17
GottferDamntSeveas, hum thank you to ban me because of my german nickname :] 12:17
=== pyrops [n=nicke@88-196-9-163-wifi.kjj.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu
MohdGuys, I got a problem. Youtube doesen't produce any sound while other programs like music does. Can any one help me with this? I went to flash website and it didn't solve my problem, searched the internet and it didn't help me.12:17
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A2t3c13i am setting up TOR with gui Videlia, can someone tell me if i did it right?12:18
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alfai runing the ubuntu with VMware on win2003!..12:18
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Mohd Guys, I got a problem. Youtube doesen't produce any sound while other programs like music does. Can any one help me with this? I went to flash website and it didn't solve my problem, searched the internet and it didn't help me.12:19
=== Megamannen [n=megamann@] has joined #ubuntu
dgjonesMohd, have a look at this website and search for youtube, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty there's a suggestion on how to fix a problem with no sound in youtube12:19
A2t3c13I put this in the terminal as is sudo apt-get install tor qt4-dev-tools qt4-designer12:19
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A2t3c13wget http://vidalia-project.net/dist/vidalia-0.0.13.tar.gz12:19
A2t3c13tar zxvf vidalia-0.0.13.tar.gz12:19
A2t3c13cd vidalia-0.0.1312:19
A2t3c13export QMAKE=/usr/bin/qmake-qt412:19
A2t3c13./configure --disable-debug12:19
alfarafael__ , are you here ...?.12:19
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Mohddgjones, I'll check this out.12:19
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alfaoh,my god ~..my english is so poor12:19
=== r0bby hugs alfa
rafael__alfa, yes12:20
rafael__alfa, i added u12:20
alfahei , guys ,?.....rafael__ , is here ?.12:20
alfaha , later ,i see see...haha.12:21
A2t3c13como se dice "arriba arriba" in ebonics?12:21
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DocTomoeduring installation, my keyboard/Mouse (both usb) won't work the moment gnome starts up. what can I do?12:21
alfaoh ,you didn't added me .12:21
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alfamy MSN is : alfazj@hotmail.com12:21
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A2t3c13como se dice asi te gustar la Masaquata?12:22
alfawhat is your MSN?..rafael__12:22
rafael__alfa, rafael-r84@hotmail.com12:22
A2t3c13como se dice no mames buey?12:22
|brad|no habla espanol?12:23
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alfayes , i see.12:23
stdin!es  A2t3c1312:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about es  a2t3c13 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:23
stdin!es | A2t3c1312:24
ubotuA2t3c13: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.12:24
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logixoulCan I make everything in /some/path/ have permissions xyz, even files that are gonna be created later? Like, some kind of permissions inheritance?12:24
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tparcinawhere can I find list of supported keyboards? I'm planning to buy - Cordless Desktop EX 110 - http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/keyboards/keyboard_mice_combos/devices/154&cl=us,en12:26
Knight_On_Whitehi all , need some help, i would like to know what is .deb files ?12:26
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logixoulKnight_On_White: software packages. Similar to "setup.exe" files on Windows12:27
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logixoulKnight_On_White: the name comes from the DEBian distribution, where they originated12:28
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Knight_On_Whiteok thanks12:28
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mariaetbabethcoucou mikes12:31
mariaetbabethca va?12:31
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mariaetbabethbonjour mikes de babeth  c est moi et de maria12:32
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Armor_AzraelHey, does anyone know how to make window focus be per-virtual desktop?12:32
mariaetbabethhello Armor-Azrael12:33
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dgjones!mx | A2t3c13 !fr | mariaetbabeth12:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mx - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:33
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dgjones!fr | mariaetbabeth12:33
ubotumariaetbabeth: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:33
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mariaetbabethhello dgjones12:33
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mariaetbabethhein koi?12:33
mariaetbabethah daccord12:34
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mariaetbabethpardon on savait pas12:34
mariaetbabethcoucou aussi ubotu12:34
snorreanyone can help with installing php-motion on ubuntu-server?12:34
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chuxxsssinstead of enter modprobe cx88-dvb how can i set it up in the start up automaticly12:34
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livingdaylightAugustus_Kolya: ping12:35
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livingdaylightcan i speak to you privately?12:36
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livingdaylightAugustus_Kolya: ?12:37
thx1137chuxxsss: add it to sessions?12:37
chuxxssshow do that please12:38
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chuxxssswhere is it localed12:38
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thx1137chuxxsss: System>Preferences>Sessions12:39
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thx1137not sure if that's what your looking for though12:40
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thx1137oh, hmm, I don't know about KDE, maybe try #kubuntu12:40
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chuxxsssok thanks12:41
chuxxsssheloo back12:41
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Augustus_Kolyalivingdaylight: I PM'ed you12:42
DocTomoeAnyone with a hint what to do if usb keyboard/mouse stop working the time gnome starts during feisty installation?12:42
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livingdaylightAugustus_Kolya: didn't get it12:42
DocTomoeis there a way to install ubuntu w/o going trough gnome?12:43
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Augustus_Kolyatry sending me one12:43
faileasDocTomoe: use the alternate install disk, and install kubuntu i think12:43
dgjones!alternate | faileas12:44
ubotufaileas: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal12:44
Augustus_Kolyalivingdaylight: On the server status page it says to stop spam, you need to be a registered user to PM12:44
dgjonesfaileas, sorry that was for DocTomoe12:44
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faileaslol ;)12:44
faileaswas wondering12:44
=== Beno [n=daniel@CPE-121-208-160-53.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
livingdaylightAugustus_Kolya: i thought i was12:44
=== Beno is now known as Dano
=== faileas tends to use the alternate or server install disks almost exclusively ;p
livingdaylighthow do we authenticate our identity again?12:45
dgjonesfaileas, saw your reply & missed the original nick, bad eyesight :)12:45
DocTomoeunfortunately, I'm stuck with an non-working cd burner and a single ubuntu installation disk. downloading a disk and getting it to work is not really possible (i do have seond workung kubuntu system tough). anything else I can try, like some kernel switches or something?12:45
Augustus_Kolyause /ns identify then your password12:45
rafael__into the bios.. usb-zip  is boot for pendrive ?12:45
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chuxxssshi taz12:47
GremzillaMorning, anyone know the key to load ubuntu in safe gfx mode (once installed)?12:47
faileasGremzilla: i think you use a cheatcode on boot12:48
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Gremzillasorry new to linux.. u've totally lost me12:49
erUSULchuxxsss: add the module name to /etc/modules12:49
thx1137chuxxsss: did you figure it out?12:49
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faileasin linux you have an option to press a key just after the bootloader to give additional boot parametets12:49
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Gremzillaoh yeah12:50
chuxxsssused save session in the task bar fix it12:50
faileasthose are called 'cheatcodes ;p)12:50
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Gremzillaoh i see12:50
faileasi *think* it should be frambuffer ode12:51
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chuxxsssnow only got to get samba to print to mp160 on windows box12:51
Gremzillak i'll see what i can find12:51
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chuxxsssand of course nvidia driver to get 3d12:53
usernewbI need to install grub to the mbr of another drive than the one it installed to.  how do I see what devices are mapped to what grub specific HDs?12:53
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dgjonesusernewb, have a look at the file /etc/fstab that'll tell you which drives/partitioned as sda1 along with there uuid's etc12:57
=== Pugnacious [n=User@cpe-71-72-85-230.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
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PugnaciousI hate to ask, but what kernel version does ubuntu 7.04 use?12:58
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Pugnaciousthanks.  much appreciated12:58
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phar0zI'm running Gutsy now12:58
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usernewbdgjones: using the ubuntu livecd to do this12:59
MohdFast question requires fast answer :P, Is it normal not to have this file "/etc/asound.conf"?12:59
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PlantainSo what modules are enabled in the kernel builds in the repos?01:00
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MohdFast question requires fast answer :P, Is it normal not to have this file "/etc/asound.conf"?01:01
Pugnaciouswhohoo, i just downloaded the livecd in 4 minutes.01:01
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MohdFast question requires fast answer :P, Is it normal not to have this file "/etc/asound.conf"?01:03
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dgjonesusernewb, this might help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions there's a section about a 3rd of the way down the page for viewing a systems information (its under the mounting partiitions manually heading)01:03
pyropscould somebody run with me steps to install the ati drivers for x160001:04
thoreauputicMohd: yes01:04
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=== davidw is desperate - does anyone know how to get rid of the POS 'rich' formatting in hotmail?
=== slobodan_ [n=slobodan@196-170-222-85.adsl.verat.net] has joined #ubuntu
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neumindgal kas kokia gera daina pasiulys?01:07
gothecow212has anybody here had problems mounting ipods in feisty01:07
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davidwnever mind: It is not possible to send Plain text-emails using the web-interface. The default in MSN Hotmail was Plain text with an option to change to HTML, but in Windows Live Hotmail the only option is HTML.01:07
davidwwhat a bunch of tools01:07
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gothecow212mine says "you do not have permission"01:07
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modorgood morning01:08
gothecow212good morning01:08
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modorhad a wierd thing happen with streamripper01:09
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usernewbdgjones: thx, but I know what device it is supposed to be.  the installer from the livecd used /dev/hdc mbr to install grub.  it should be /dev/sda01:09
modoris there a proper forum for streamripper questions01:09
modoron irc, that is01:09
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dgjonesusernewb, rite, i'm not sure i can help then01:11
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usernewbdgjones: thx anyway :)01:11
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gothecow212who here is using gusty?01:12
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modorI'm listening to streamripper, and select a shoutcast as a bookmark01:12
modorwhen I want to go to that bookmark, it's incorrectly translated01:12
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modorit puts a comma in the url01:12
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modorseems that would be a bug to report01:13
modorfor example, if I select the radio button for the bookmark I just made....01:13
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modorthis error pops up.....01:13
modorFirefox can't find the server at www.977music,com.com.01:13
modorit adds a comma in the url01:14
modorhow would I report this bug for streamripper?01:14
thoreauputicmodor: all of them or just that one?01:14
modorlet me check01:14
thoreauputicmodor: and the answer to the bug report question is launchpad.net01:15
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skumlesenhi, where do I need to look to change the standard port for the ssh service, I want to change the port 22 to 22000?01:16
modorthoreauputic,   I just bookmarked two additional shoutcast stations, and both of them have similar error, with comma in the  url01:17
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kbrooksskumlesen, /etc/ssh/sshd_config, but PLEASE don't just do that.01:17
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modorcould that be a feisty thing>01:17
kbrooksskumlesen, security solely by obscurity is bad.01:17
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thoreauputicmodor: never seen it myself - I think you mean streamtuner actually?01:18
kbrooksskumlesen, but if you firewall that port based on some condition, it works better01:18
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kbrooksskumlesen, some people DO  port scan for SSH ports.01:18
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modorthoreauputic,  it seems a blatant error for program, that's why I wondered about feisty01:19
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kbrooksskumlesen, even ones that are not 2201:19
wadohi, I would like to ask you, how can I run gnome-commander as a root? I need copy files to folders with root privilege01:19
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=== faileas misread that as security by obsenity o0
thoreauputicmodor: as i said, I haven't seen it - and I use streamtuner and streamripper on feisty01:19
faileaswado: launch it from command line, with sudo?01:19
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skumlesenok thanks kbrooks01:19
kbrooksfaileas, i said 'solely by", which means "only by".01:19
faileaskbrooks: thats not what i misread01:20
kbrooksfaileas, oh ok01:20
wadofaileas: good idea, soory I'm a biginner01:20
modorthoreauputic, okay, I am at launchpad01:20
faileaswado: no worries ;p01:20
modorthoreauputic, one more silly question01:21
ruzawhat is the ubutnu way for using iptables-save and iptables-restore (saving iptables rules)? may i create /etc/init.d/something for myself or add line to rc.local?01:21
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kbrooksskumlesen, the way that some other vendors of products do things is to cover up the problem with mud, thinking that no one will uncover the problem01:22
ruzai found this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo but i dont think pre-up is great solution01:22
modorI selected the interface window to be displayed 'on top' of my screen, it disappeared, and I am not sure how to get it back01:22
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kbrooksskumlesen, but as you already probably know, the uncovering has happened way too many times. :-)01:23
skumlesenkbrooks: I want to change the port for diffrent reasons, but I also only want few ip to be able to connect to the port, but I'll get that setup later01:23
modorthe interface sort of remind me of winamp01:23
kbrooksskumlesen, in that case, look in the file i gave you01:24
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skumlesenkbrooks: thanks for the tips :)01:26
Snobullsi need some help01:26
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Snobullswhenever i startup my computer, it always asks for the internet password.01:26
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modorthoreauputic, thank you for your reference01:26
modorbug reported01:27
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Snobullsis there anyway i can make it automatically connect?01:27
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Snobullsis there anyway i can automatically connect to my internet. I have a high speed cable/dsl with an ativa adapter01:27
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Snobullsi need some support01:29
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Pici!patience | Snobulls01:29
ubotuSnobulls: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:29
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:30
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modorSnobulls, is it cable or dsl?01:30
Snobullsit is dsl01:30
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modorSnobulls, I don't know ppp 0f E, I though dsl was 'always on' connection.01:31
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PiciSnobulls: Do you have auto-login enabled for your regular login?01:31
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PiciSnobulls: We are talking about the keyring password, correct?01:32
Snobullsi fixed that01:33
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gregshallardHow do I change my homefolder from command line?01:33
Snobullswhen i log in, it always asks for my password to connect to the internet01:33
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gregshallardHow do I change my homefolder from command line?01:35
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Snobullsso is there any filesystem file or terminal command i could use to automatically connect to the internet when i log in from anything?01:35
mojo_hello there, has any1 here can hep me out with MPD and Ubuntu?01:35
warblerSnobulls: in users and groups check the properties for you log in name to make sure you are allowed to use a modem01:35
PiciSnobulls: I was going to suggest this: http://johnny.chadda.se/2007/02/21/unlock-the-gnome-keyring-upon-login/   but I'm not sure what to do if this isnt the dialog you are getting, sorry.01:35
thoreauputicgregshallard: that's a very general and more-or-less meaningless question01:36
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Markjguys , is there like kaspersky for linux? although linux doesnt really need av solution, i'm more concerned with files shared over my friends Windows. Or do you know of any good av solution for ubuntu? newbie here  :) thanks in advance01:36
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Snobullsi am allowed to use modems01:36
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dgjonesSnobulls, which password does it ask you for? do you mean your user password, or your dsl connection password?01:36
gregshallardI redirected my homefolder in user admin, and now it wont let me log in using the GUI.01:36
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bauerhow to install dektop on a ubuntu server01:37
jrib!anyone | mojo_01:37
ubotumojo_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:37
thoreauputicMark17: clamav probably - if you want to scan for Windows viruses01:37
Tasmaniacgregshallard, your home dir is set in /etc/passwd01:37
jribbauer: if you install the "ubuntu-desktop" package you'll get the ubuntu desktop (GNOME) and all of the programs it comes with01:37
thoreauputicbauer: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop01:37
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jribgregshallard: you can also use the "usermod" command, see 'man usermod'01:38
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bauerthoreauputic,  thx01:38
mojo_I have succesfully mpd running and now is trying to play an added music file with 'mpc', I tried to 'mpc play' any song, but none play, any idea?01:38
bauerjrip,  thx01:38
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Snobullsmy dsl connection password01:38
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Snobullsit asks for my dsl connection password01:38
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marlunIs there a graphical sudo?01:39
jribmarlun: gksudo01:39
gregshallardThanks guys.01:39
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thoreauputicmarlun: yes, gksudo01:39
marlunthanks :)01:39
warblerSnobulls: is that one you have to enter for your ISP01:39
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jribmojo_: does 'mpc ls' list anything?01:40
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mojo_jrib:here the outputmojo@mojo:~/.mpd/music$ mpc ls01:40
mojo_jrib: I tried to 'mpc play 1'01:40
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jribmojo_: and 'mpc playlist'?01:41
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mojo_jrib: mojo@mojo:~/.mpd/music$ mpc playlist01:41
mojo_ 1) Daniel Powter - Daniel Powter- dp - Bad Day01:41
mojo_>2) jsandman.ogg01:41
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mojo_jrib: what does the '>' mean?01:42
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sadminhi all01:43
mojo_jrib: I hear no sound output01:43
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sadmini am using ubuntu01:43
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sadmini have installed ii  sun-java6-bin                          6-00-0ubuntu1~dapper1                   Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 601:43
sadminii  sun-java6-fonts                        6-00-0ubuntu1~dapper1                   Lucida TrueType fonts (from the Sun JRE)01:43
sadminii  sun-java6-jre                          6-00-0ubuntu1~dapper1                   Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 601:43
sadminii  sun-java6-plugin01:43
sadminwhat java version its using01:44
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Snobullsso is there any way to automatically connect to the internet on login?01:44
dgjones!paste | sadmin01:44
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ubotusadmin: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:44
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bkhow can i set the permissions for my home dir so only i can read it?01:44
marlunWorked great :)01:44
Picisadmin: Do you have sun-java5 installed as well?01:44
jribmojo_: hmm, good question.  I don't see > in my playlist.  Mine just have a # next to all of them01:44
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sadminPici  i delete them01:44
sadminwhen i do java --verion01:44
jribbk: chmod 700 ~01:44
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saint-takesh2brunner: just disable it in the unsupported driver manager thing, then run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"01:45
sadminjava version "1.4.2"01:45
sadminthough i need java 1.501:45
PlantainWhy does the ubuntu kernel in the repos lag so far behind official?01:45
bkjrib: thanks01:45
marlunI've added a shortcut to open up a terminal but when I use it I get the message "No terminal command has been defined.".01:45
Picisadmin: run `sudo update-alternatives --config java`01:45
jribmojo_: you know sound is working though?01:45
sadminif i install sun-java501:45
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sadminwhat it mean01:45
mojo_jrib: totem play well01:45
mojo_jrib: the mpd package is 0.5.201:46
Picisadmin: sun-java5 is Java1.5, sun-java6 is Java1.601:46
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jribmojo_: hmmm, volume doesn't matter for me, but try "mpc volume +100"01:46
sadminbut when i do java --version why it shows 1.4.201:46
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bkjrib: the maching has multiple users, how can i do so only the wner has access to his/hers home dir?01:47
jrib!multijava > sadmin (see the private message from ubotu)01:47
Picisadmin: You need to run `sudo update-alternatives --config java`01:47
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mojo_mojo@mojo:~/.mpd/music$ mpc volume +10001:47
mojo_volume:100%   repeat: off   random: off01:47
kbrooks!stable | Plantain01:47
ubotuPlantain: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.01:47
mojo_jrib: no sound01:47
jribbk: chmod 700 /home/*    and update /etc/adduser.conf to make that default01:47
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bkjrib: i tried that but i think i fucked up everything. now nobdy has access to their home dir01:48
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Plantainkbrooks, thanks, but is there no 'bleeding edge' repo for newer modules? I need features in more recent kernels01:48
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jribbk: what are the current permissions?  pastebin: ls -l /home01:48
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jribmojo_: 'mpc status' currently says it is playing?01:49
bkjrib: the permission for every home dir is set to the group "users" not the user in question01:49
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mojo_jrib:  mojo@mojo:~/.mpd/music$ mpc status01:49
mojo_volume:100%   repeat: off   random: off01:49
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sadminpici see ur private msgs01:50
mojo_jrib: it's like, it's not playing at all01:50
jribmojo_: 'mpc play' again and then status?  still the same?01:50
nanonymesadmin, have you registered with nickserv?01:50
mojo_jrib: i tried to run it with gmpc, same01:50
nanonymesadmin, if not, he can't see your messages01:50
mojo_jrib: here mojo@mojo:~/.mpd/music$ mpc play01:50
mojo_Daniel Powter - Daniel Powter- dp - Bad Day01:50
mojo_[playing]  #1/2   0:00/3:55 (0%)01:50
mojo_volume:100%   repeat: off   random: off01:50
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mojo_jrib: show the playing is 0%. no idea y01:51
jribmojo_: and status now no longer says "playing", correct?01:51
sadminpici u there01:51
Picinanonyme: I have it setup so I get messages from unregged users.01:51
Picisadmin: I answered you01:51
mojo_jrib: yes01:52
jribmojo_: what type of file is Daniel Powter - Daniel Powter- dp - Bad Day?01:53
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bauerjust installed ubuntu server via my cdrom. Afterwards i can't mount the cdrom ? Any hints01:53
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mojo_jrib: mp301:53
mojo_jrib: ogg got same issue here too01:53
nanonymewhy don't you use file on it?01:54
jribmojo_: is this on feisty?01:54
nanonymeit should read magic bytes and tell you what file it is01:54
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mojo_jrib: on gutsy01:54
jribmojo_: ask in #ubuntu+1, could be gutsy-specific01:55
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wat1Hi, does anyone know how to adjust screen brightness?01:56
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nanonymejrib, mojo_: you have a good reason not to use `file` to find out the file type?01:56
mojo_nanoyme: no idea01:56
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mojo_jrib: the error log is a bit crazy, u might have some idea, it complains:01:57
mojo_jrib: Sep 11 21:50 : Error opening OSS device "/dev/dsp": Device or resource busy01:57
mojo_Sep 11 21:50 : problems opening audio device while playing "jsandman.ogg"01:57
nanonymeuse alsa ^^01:57
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mojo_jrib: and here too Sep 11 21:21 : Error opening alsa device "hw:0,0": Device or resource busy01:57
nanonymedo you get *any* sound out of the computer?01:58
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mojo_jrib: please private chat, I will paste the config of audio output of mpd.conf01:58
lucatry this01:59
lucathen look for audio device address02:00
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Tasmaniacanyone here joined an ubuntu desktop (not a server) to a win2k domain (seen plenty of howtos on joining samba servers to domains but not just desktop)02:00
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FlaskOrmTasmaniac: it is the same thing...02:01
PiciTasmaniac: There really isnt that much difference between Ubuntu Desktop and Ubuntu Server.02:01
FlaskOrmPici: there is a desktop package on the desktop, and not on the server. and that's all02:02
TasmaniacFlaskOrm, Pici So basically I got to set up samba to join a win domain?02:02
wat1 Hi, does anyone know how to adjust screen brightness?02:02
FlaskOrmTasmaniac: yes02:02
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PiciFlaskOrm: I know, tell Tasmaniac.02:03
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Tasmaniacdamn. Maybe thats why I havent made much headway in 4 weeks02:03
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Behihi all02:03
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Behiin firefox I have selected the option to open new pages in new tab but left clicking on a link opens it in a new window, any ideas why this is so and how can I fix it?02:04
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TasmaniacFlaskOrm, Pici I realise there isnt much diff I've actually got both running here. Just didnt really think I'd need to set up samba just to join a domain (As the desktop wont be sharing files from it)02:05
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modorstreamripper is so kewl02:06
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aguitelhow delete a list of files ?02:06
jribaguitel: rm file1 file2...02:07
FlaskOrmaguitel: select them, and press shift-del02:07
`LePGeL[BoY] !seen02:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:07
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`LePGeL[BoY] !seen me02:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen me - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:07
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aguiteljrib ,it is large list of files starting with the name realplay02:08
VSpikeIs Thunderbird 2 available for fiesty?02:08
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`LePGeL[BoY] beap02:08
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nuzzyaguitel: rm realplay*02:08
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aguitelnuzzy ,with su ?02:09
alfahello , is anyone here .....02:09
alfasongyi ,.... how can i , print the msg in chinese....02:10
nuzzyyeah, if you don't have the right perms02:10
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jrib!cn | songyi02:10
ubotusongyi: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk02:10
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alfathis is  command ?..02:10
alfa#ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk02:11
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jribalfa: the command to join the channel would be:   /join #ubuntu-cn02:11
AnRkeysongyi, wth is that?02:11
ikoniahelli jrib02:11
alfahow can i do the step first..?02:12
jribsongyi: english only here.  For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk02:12
ikoniahello jbrib02:12
jribmorning ikonia02:12
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ikoniasorry lagging02:12
jribalfa: what step?02:12
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alfajrib , i want to print the chinese word...02:13
alfahow can i do....02:13
TheMafiaI understand how to push a a tar over ssh, but how can I pull tar via ssh, ie opposite direction from this: tar cvf - . | gzip -c -1 | ssh user@host cat ">" remotefile.gz02:13
playerzenjust use scp02:13
alfai 'm  a new player..02:13
jribTheMafia: I would use scp02:13
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jribalfa: ah, I do not know about that.  Maybe someone else here can help, or you can try the chinese channel since most there would know02:14
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alfawhere is the chinese channel?..02:15
jribalfa: #ubuntu-cn02:15
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alfajrib,  i can' t find the chinese channel.02:16
jribalfa: how are you looking?02:16
alfathis command how can i do it .02:16
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alfa#ubuntu-cn , where i print it...?.02:16
dgjonesalfa, type "join #ubuntu-cn" in the freenode channel02:16
alfasorry , i'm a new player..02:16
jribalfa: you type: /join #ubuntu-cn02:16
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alfaok .wait for a moment ,i try it !...02:17
alfathank you for answer.....02:17
kdathi, i somehow damage the grub booter how can i fix it?02:17
nuzzysort of an OT question, but I'm using Postfix with feisty.  I have DHCP with my ISP and use dyndns as well.  Anyone know how to keep my mail server, i.e., mail.server.com updated with the latest dhcp address via my mail.dyndns.org address?02:17
bauerjust installed ubuntu server via my cdrom. Afterwards i can't mount the cdrom ? Any hints02:18
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playerzennuzzy Doesn't mail.<your domain> work ?02:18
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nuzzyplayerzen: yes, but after a while the ip address will change and I have my dyndns with the update client, so just wondering if I can CNAME or something to match the changing address02:19
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nuzzybauer:  is cdrom in /etc/fstab?02:19
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marlunHow can I define a terminal command?02:20
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jribmarlun: like what?02:21
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bauernuzzy,  yes02:21
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TheMafiabut to scp I have to have enough room on the disk for a full backup and I don't02:21
nuzzybauer:  did you try "sudo mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom"?02:21
marlunjrib, I added a keyboard shortcut to run a terminal (in the System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts) but when I try the shortcut it says that no terminal command has been defined.02:21
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jribmarlun: system -> preferences -> preferred > preferred applications02:22
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sadminhey pici02:23
sadminu there02:23
Badzohow can i view www pages in terminal?02:23
nuzzybadzo: lynx02:23
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sadminintsall lynx02:23
faileasBadzo: i'd recommend elinks02:23
bauernuzzy, just tryed it , but it says mount point  /mnt/cdrom does not exists02:23
jribBadzo: elinks, w3m, lynx, links202:23
marlunjrib, ah, thanks, works great now =)02:24
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nuzzybauer:  sudo mkdir /mnt/cdrom02:24
nuzzybauer: then try the command again02:24
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alfaoh my god...i can't find where is the command to print02:25
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bauernuzzy,  thx , :O)02:27
nuzzybauer: no problemo :)02:28
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Kristizzhi all02:30
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Kristizzthis question has probably come up alot02:30
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:30
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Kristizzdoes anyone know a sensible way to upgrade form feisty to gutsy herd5 using apt?02:32
zegevrijttif i exit X screen goes black , if i goto tty.. screen goes black.. after installing ati driver.   but x itself desktop works ..02:32
zegevrijttany ideas02:32
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c01100011i want to run the command compiz --replace when i login, i tried putting it in sessions startup programs, but it doesn't run and the command is remove from the list02:32
Pici!gutsy | Kristizz02:32
ubotuKristizz: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+102:32
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Kristizzok, thankyou02:32
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=== genii sips a coffee
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Knight_On_Whitesomeone know how can i write data (in ubuntu) on DISK-ON-KEY (memory stick) with ntfs ?02:34
[nrx] Hi people. I'm having problems installing ubuntu on a laptop. It hasn't got a great spec  and only 192mb of ram. I've been trying with the alternate CD version. I've created a swap partition on the HDD and made it active. The install uses it.. but it still dies when it's on stage 5 and is trying to format the ext3 partition for the install. Any ideas?02:34
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Zentonhi all02:35
Zentonwhen my laptop detects a wifi network it changes resolv.conf file.  How can I unable wifi network autodetection?02:35
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genii[nrx] : When you are doing this with alternate Cd, go to console 4 by alt-f4 and then see what error messages it may be giving. Perhaps they can enlighten02:37
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linux4mehi guys, i have a new server but it doesn't have a cd-rom. I'm trying to install ubuntu fiesty. i have a usb drive. suggestions?02:37
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whatspyhey, when I uninstall a package using 'Synaptics', I noticed that many dependencies of the package are not uninstalled (ex. uninstalling apache2 does not remove apache2-prefork, apache2-common, etc.)02:38
[nrx] genii, at what stage?02:38
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whatspyis this normal, or even desirable?02:38
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dgjones!installing | linux4me02:38
ubotulinux4me: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues02:38
genii[nrx] : At the stage where it seems to lock up/freeze. Console 4 is where the all the messages about what is happening are going.02:38
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Szakariwhatspy: I'm pretty confident the form "apt-get autoremove something" is the way to go02:39
[nrx] well, wi'm at the stage of selecting the correct partitions.. once i'm there, it wont let me continue unless I let is 'reformat' the main system partition. It then churns along for about an hour then freezes.. during this 1 hour process, the machine isn't responsive at all02:39
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linux4medgjones - tks02:39
genii[nrx] : You can switch between the normal screen and that one by alt-f1 and alt-f4 to toggle02:39
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bp2626Hello, I just installed ubuntu and when gnome starts the screen just gets messed up and nothing responds02:41
bp2626I tried dpkg-reconfgire xserver-xorg02:41
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genii[nrx] : An hour is very long. This process (depending on hd size) should take less than 15 minutes02:41
Lacrymologyis there anyone from israel or that WRITES in hebrew here?02:41
bp2626but it resulted in the same02:41
[nrx] genii, the problem is the machine acts as though it doesn't have the resources to do this - it's going along VERY slowly.02:41
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bp2626I have an nVidia 7800GT so for driver I chose "nv", and went for a low resolution on my monitor02:41
whatspyok, thx02:42
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genii[nrx] : How much space did you allocate for the /02:42
bp2626but it still leaves the screen rather messed up02:42
phar0zbp2626, chose nvidia02:42
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bp2626isn't "nv" the nvidia driver phar0z?02:42
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nanonymenvidia is the nvidia driver02:42
nanonymenv is a *very* old driver02:42
bp2626alright I'll reconfigure again02:42
c01100011network manager isn't working with my non broadcast SSID, is there an alternative ?02:43
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viktor_Hi, does anybody know why my sound doesn work anymore after my laptop "woke up" from the sleep mode?02:43
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Zentondoes anyone know how to disable network autodetection?02:43
[nrx] genii, i've allocated 12gb02:43
[nrx] and the windows partition is 2502:43
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[nrx] i've also created a new swap partition for the install process (because i'm low on ram) and that's 512mb02:44
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ikoniaZenton what type of network autodetection ?02:44
Zentonikonia: wifi02:44
NicknameI have a problem with a new box I've just set up, I can ping the new box but I can't ping anything from within the new box. I've set /etc/network/interfaces but no luck. what am I missing?02:44
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ikoniaZenton there is a check box in the network configuration gui under System -->Administration02:44
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ikoniaNickname you can ping the new box from external servers ?02:45
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genii[nrx] : OK, not running out of space to put the main install then. 192 should still be enought o install without a swap, i did it on this box with 192 for instance then took it down to 128 after the install, no swap.02:45
NicknameI'm not sure about external servers but I can ping from the only other box connected to the network02:45
tegelanehi. my friend has a problem. he somehow has remapped the "p" button to XF86AudioPause. how to get stuff normal again?02:45
TasmaniacNickname, other boxes arent firewalled are they02:45
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[nrx] genii, any suggestions why it's taking so long and struggling so much then?02:45
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genii[nrx] : There may be a hd hardware issue, bad sectors or so.02:46
Zentonikonia: you mean "automatic service discovery" check box?02:46
ikoniathats the one02:46
NicknameThere is a firewall on the one I'm trying to ping but it's set to allow connectinos from the local network02:46
[nrx] a chkdsk before the partitioning/install process showed no errors :(02:46
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Zentonthanks ikonia :)02:47
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c01100011where do i put a command so it runs @ login ?02:47
Pici!startup | c0110001102:47
ubotuc01100011: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot02:47
genii[nrx] : toggling to console 4 on alternate install CD when it's doing the thing which is stalling it should show some kind of informative message which may help decide what to do next.02:47
ikoniaZenton not a problem02:47
TasmaniacNickname sure ping isnt blocked (I know I ran into same prob with me win box firewall)02:47
c01100011Everything i put there isn't run and is missing @ next login02:47
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bp2626"nvidia" wasn't an available choice for video drivers, and nv kept failing. I chose "vesa" and it seems to be working, I'll boot out of safe mode and attempt to install the proper graphics driver and see what happens.02:47
[nrx] can i start the instlal process and then toggle to the console4 and watch it all from there?02:47
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ikoniabp2626 you need to install nvidia-glx package to get teh nvida driver02:48
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ikonia!nvidia >Nickname02:48
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ikoniasorry ni02:48
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:48
[nrx] lol02:48
NicknameTasmaniac, I've pinged the computer from that box before, I've just completed a fresh install/02:48
genii[nrx] : Yes. But it gets a bit confused when it needs input. It may respond to input on the 4th console instead of the first one.02:48
[nrx] genii, i'll give that a go02:48
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ikoniaNickname user the network gui to configure the network card and make sure its setu pok02:48
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ikoniasetup ok02:48
Jack_Sparrowbp2626: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg if it dosent come up.... I assume you already know that02:49
viktor_Hi, does anybody know why my sound doesn work anymore after my laptop "woke up" from the sleep mode?02:49
[nrx] genii, this might sound really, really stupid, but is there anything I can do within the windows install that I can check the status of the HDD or perhaps come up with some answers?02:49
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TasmaniacNickname so you can ping from other to new insatll but not new install to other?02:49
genii[nrx] : Not really. If you resized a ntfs partition and did not do a scandisk/chkdsk this may be causing some issues. but notmally the partition editor will not continue with resizing partition if the fs is ot clean.02:50
Knight_On_Whitei have 2 computers with ubuntu on 1 router, how i make thos computer to be at the same network ? (when i going to >> PLACES >> NETWORK i cant see the other computer) ?02:50
geniibleh typos02:50
NicknameTasmaniac, correct02:50
ikoniaKnight_On_White a service such as samba needs to be running for a computer to advertise its self to the other computer02:50
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[nrx] genii, well I did resize the ntfs partition and it didn't come up with any errors. I've also since rebooted into xp and had no errors.02:51
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Knight_On_Whiteikonia : from where i can get this package "samba" ?02:52
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT02:52
=== hendrixski [n=hendrixs@cpe-74-65-11-58.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dgjones[nrx] , i had a similar problem installing on an old machine, the partitioner on the livecd wouldn't work and just kept hanging, i ended up downloading the gparted livecd and using that to partition and then used the alternate cd to allocate the new partitions to mount points02:52
genii[nrx] : Ok good. Another possible, if your hd is not having bad areas is perhaps the cd drive is not reading properly, or the cd itself may be corrupted.02:52
snorrehow do i uninstall software, apt-get ...?02:52
SlimeyPeteapt-get remove02:52
TasmaniacNickname only time I've had that problem is after a new install has been the firewall on the other box. (other box allowed ping out but rejected incoming ping)02:52
SlimeyPeteor aptitude remove02:52
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[nrx] thanks guys, i'll bear in mind all of you've said and I'll give console 4 a bash, too :)02:52
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geniisnorre: sudo apt-get remove <package>    if you want to wipe the conf files too add --purge02:53
NicknameI can try disabling the firewall once I disconnect from the internet but I really don't think that's the problem02:53
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fastputtycrontab  * * 0 *  * tat mean every day at midnight right?02:53
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TasmaniacNickname you trying to ping ip or name?02:55
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Jack_Sparrowdgjones: I seem to remember something abouyt the live partitioner having issuse with partitions over 150 or maybe 250 g02:56
Jack_Sparrowdgjones: the gparted livecd didnt have the same issue02:56
dgjonesJack_Sparrow, i solved mine, [nrx]  was having problems with their partitions trying to install02:57
Jack_Sparrowdgjones: what size partitions were you trying to make02:57
sinologiclist channels02:57
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TearstoneUbuntu FTW!02:57
Zentonsnorre: menu   System-->Administration-->Synaptic package manager     if you want a graphical tool.02:57
IdleOnesinologic: the command is /list02:58
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NicknameTasmainac, IP02:58
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ubotu        :02:59
ubotu/join #ubuntu-il02:59
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fastputtycrontab  * * 0 *  * tat mean every day at midnight right?02:59
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dgjonesJack_Sparrow, i was making a couple, about 25 and 60gb on a 160gb drive, the rest was either unpartitioned, or a couple of small partitions, apprarantly there is a problem with gparted on the livecd, but can't remember what the launchpad reference was for it03:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about yiddish - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:00
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rum - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:00
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ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...03:00
ikoniagive the boot a rest please03:00
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ikoniapic better factiod...AGAIN. nice one03:00
valdezAnyone that has a recent build of fwbuilder for amd64??03:01
hendrixskibut I was hoping the bot could tell me "why is the rum always gone?"03:01
ikoniavaldez yup, I've built one.03:01
hendrixskior at least get Jack_Sparrow  to make a rum joke03:01
sytnerHi is it possible to invoke ubuntu setup from the commandline , id like to setup the network etc03:01
ikoniahendrixski don't take the channel / mess around in the channel, its pretty busy03:01
Jack_Sparrowhendrixski: Behave yourself...arrrrgh03:01
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valdezikonia, no chance that I can download it? Having issues building 2.1.14 here :(03:01
Dave_hey how can I connect to "irc.freenode.net" ???03:02
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ikoniavaldez I've not packaged it yet, its on my "to do list"03:02
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ikoniadave you already are03:02
BlindetUsing kubuntu and dont get any sounds, soundcard is ALi something, no mixer installed it says, how to fix this?03:02
ikoniadave_ you already are03:02
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c01100011where can i put commands so they run @ login, Sessions is not working properly03:02
bauerhow to start desktop ?03:02
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Picibauer: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start03:03
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cyril_anyone know how to make open office downloading a picture from a web site ?03:03
valdezikonia, ah .. did you have any issues building it? I have set qtdir=/usr/share/qt3 and every dependency should be installed03:03
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CHINASKImi name is ,mariano03:04
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Dave_can anyone tell me the hotkeys for pasting and copying03:04
BlindetUsing kubuntu and dont get any sounds, soundcard is ALi something, no mixer installed it says, how to fix this?03:04
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Dave_and for switching languages?03:04
Jack_Sparrowctrl-v  ctrl-c03:05
dgjones!sound | Blindet03:05
ubotuBlindet: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:05
Jack_SparrowDavePlease dont paste into the channel... use the pastebin03:05
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Dave_yeah ctrl V doesnt allways work in ubuntu for me03:05
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Jack_SparrowDave_: in terminal shift ctrl-v03:06
tdnCan I make wget *not* request /robots.txt?03:06
bauerPici, thx03:06
Dave_ohh thanks03:06
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Dave_what about changing languages?03:06
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Jack_SparrowDave_: What about it?03:06
kitchetdn: well wget has to follow robots.txt so probably can't03:06
Skamanho guys anybody knows how can i check if wpa_supplicant is working?03:06
jribtdn: google "wget faq"03:06
jribtdn: (I assume you mean ignore it)03:07
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tdnjrib, yes.03:07
Dave_what is the hot-key to switch03:07
Dave_I know I can click the language but I want a hot-key03:07
Jack_SparrowDave_: Sorry, dont know hot key to change languages03:07
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minikittenwhere can I download the live cd?03:08
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c01100011why don't i (normal user) have permission to edit /home/username/.config/autostart  ?03:08
jribminikitten: ubuntu.com , the desktop cd is both a live cd and install cd03:08
Dave_is there anyway to make the resolution higher? 1280*1024???03:08
jrib!fixres > Dave_ (see the private message from ubotu)03:09
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jribc01100011: because you probably ran something with sudo that you weren't supposed to.  do: sudo chown -R $USER: ~/.config/           or do it to your whole HOME, if you know you don't want something different03:09
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minikittenjrib: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download ?03:10
hetaumaany ideas how can I make the mousewheel (pressed down) to wrok on firefox?03:10
jribminikitten: yep03:10
Picic01100011: Isnt autostart a directory?03:10
minikittenjrib: thanks03:10
abhiberais there a way to start firefox in fullscreen mode from command line?03:10
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c01100011jrib, nope, fresh install, and i have been fighting to get sessions to work. This explains it.03:10
jrib!mouse > minikitten (see the private message from ubotu)03:10
abhiberawhat is the command to start firefox in full screen mode?03:10
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c01100011Pici, yes, and root owned it. So my sessions applications were never getting added, only temporarily showing up in the GUI03:11
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minikittenjrib: thanks <303:11
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nynyxanyone here have experiance with a wiimote + ubuntu Feisty ?03:11
c01100011Going to see if that fixes everything03:11
jrib!mouse > hetauma (see the private message from ubotu)03:11
hetaumajrib: ty03:12
Piciabhibera: Doesnt look like theres a command line option to do that.  I think there are some fullscreen extensions that might help you.  I suppose you could install them only in one profile and then use the command line profile argument to make it only use that so you dont interupt your normal browsing.03:12
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ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers03:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wii - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:13
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Dave_I didnt know it would restart my system03:14
c01100011sure enough it did, If anyone else comes in with a "broken sessions manager" tell them to give themselves permission to /home/username/.config/autostart03:14
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Picic01100011: Noted.03:14
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Dave_wow im having soo my trouble with ubuntu :(03:15
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Jack_SparrowI would think if it was a true fresh install issue we would have seen more of it03:15
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Jack_SparrowDave_: Start with the problems one at a time.. we are here to help03:16
Dave_for example ive set the desktop effect on - now after everytime I reboot when I try to switch workspaces I have the only one workspace with the panels on the top and bottum03:16
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Dave_bottom *03:16
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Jack_SparrowDave_: FOr that you would go to Ubuntu-effects03:16
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu:  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE) . Latest KDE version is 3.5.7 for Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org) for more information.03:17
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Dave_then another thing03:17
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westwestwondering why when surfing the net half way firefox change to other colour03:18
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Jack_SparrowDave_:    Please help us minimize scroll by only hitting enter at the end of a complete question ... Ok03:18
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A[D] minS!sources.list03:18
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource03:18
bauerHowto configure my X server03:18
dgjones!fixres | bauer03:19
ubotubauer: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:19
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xukunis anybody running windows xp guest under vmware workstation 6?03:20
slashzulhow do you reconfigure monitors when you change it?03:20
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Jack_Sparrowslashzul: in the xorg03:20
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cypherdelicPlease help i can't mount my CDROM as user. This is the fstab line: /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0  udf,iso9660  utf8,user,noauto  0  003:21
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aguitelwhen i try to see movie in totem it say: No accelerated IMDCT transform found what is this ?03:21
A[D] minS!EasySource03:21
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic03:21
cypherdelicmount: must be superuser to mount03:21
bp2626got the drivers sorted out now but have another question, do I have to do something special to xorg.conf to get 1600x900 res? I have "1600x900" added under the select depth but it doesn't appear under available resolutions while 1680x1050 does, I am used to 1600x, is it perhaps the aspect ratio?03:21
Dave_when I start the computer grub starts -> I have two ubuntu options (although I installed it only one time) either one that I press I get an error no. 17 .... now if I edit (press e) this option I see the "root (hd0.6)" and if I edit it to "root (hd0,5)" and press B it does boot but it doesnt change this commant line (meaning next time I try to choose its still "root (hd0,6)" ... I tried some commands in grum like "rood(hd0,5)  <enter> set03:21
Dave_up(hd0,5)" but it doesnt work. anyway to fix it?03:21
amrafetr update i recieved the message during boot and no splash of ubuntu and progress bar and ask me to hit ctrl+D to start x and the message /sbin/apparmor_parser:unable to add "usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-pdf".profile doesn't conform to protocol  profile /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.cupsd failed to load :failed03:21
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cypherdelicPlease help i can't mount my CDROM as user. "Must be superuser to mount" This is the fstab line: /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0  udf,iso9660  utf8,user,noauto  0  003:22
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bauerubotu, it say its missing /etc/X11/X03:22
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kitche!bot | bauer03:22
ubotubauer: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:22
amrafetr update i recieved the message during boot and no splash of ubuntu and progress bar and ask me to hit ctrl+D to start x and the message /sbin/apparmor_parser:unable to add "usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-pdf".profile doesn't conform to protocol  profile /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.cupsd failed to load :failed03:22
geniiDave_: After it does boot, edit that same line permanently by gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst  and same change, save it.03:23
Jack_SparrowDave_ gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst03:23
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gniloris there a repository somewhere with a newer version of parted?03:23
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reonWhat tools can I use to recover files from a formatted HD ? User did not back up all his mail in winxp, hd was repartitioned and formatted to ext3 for ubuntu. Can I recover that mail ?03:23
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xukuncan somebody please point me a howto for running windows xp guest onder ubuntu feisty? I googled for a while but found nothing yet03:23
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gnilorxukun, there are several ways03:24
Jack_Sparrowgnilor: THere is a great gparted livecd03:24
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[nrx] genii, no luck with that :(03:24
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gnilorJack_Sparrow, yeah but i would need to wget it from a server ..03:24
geniireon: Because of all the changes made, not a simple reformat in the same FS for instance, this is nearly impossible. you MAY get something if you send it to a data recovery place.03:24
slashzulhow do you reconfigure monitors when you change it?03:24
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wmd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:24
xukungnilor, I need to install windows xp guest under vmware workstation 603:24
Dave_I cant find "root (hd0,6)" there03:25
genii[nrx] : Whan you go to console 4, is it giving ANY messages?03:25
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Zentonslashzul: if you mean changing resolution  xrandr command03:25
amrafetr update i recieved the message during boot and no splash of ubuntu and progress bar and ask me to hit ctrl+D to start x and the message /sbin/apparmor_parser:unable to add "usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-pdf".profile doesn't conform to protocol  profile /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.cupsd failed to load :failed03:25
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bp2626anyway to get that 1600x900 to appear as available under screen resolution?03:25
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A[D] minSGuys i want to draw design of our network , so which program will be helpful ?03:25
cypherdelicPlease help i can't mount my CDROM as user. "Must be superuser to mount" This is the fstab line: /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0  udf,iso9660  utf8,user,noauto  0  003:25
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reongenii, thx was hoping for a more positive response.03:25
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geniiDave_: It may be there as hdaX where X is a number like 5 or 603:26
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slashzulZenton: the resolution is too low when I installed it. Now I have a new monitor and it resolution is HUGE03:26
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gnilorxukun, stuff like http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183209 should be helpful?03:26
Jack_SparrowDave_: Post your menu list to the !pastebin03:26
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dgjonesamr, are you using gutsy?03:26
geniiDave_: Tho, if it was there when you did ESC then edit manually previously, should still be there03:26
amrI am using gusty03:26
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:27
sadminhey pici03:27
slashzultried system->preferences->resolution and no better reslution03:27
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sadminhey pici03:27
sadminu there03:27
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xukungnilor, thanks I will read that03:27
rafael__how i burn  iso in ubuntu03:27
rafael__i want to make an iso  cd on ubuntu03:27
Zentonslashzul: xrandr gives you several available resolutions   and   with xrandr -s number you can select one.03:27
Jack_Sparrowrafael__: right click the iso and write to disk03:27
dgjonesthere's a thread on ubuntuforums with the same symptoms, not sure if its yours, no replies to it yet, you'd be better trying in 'ubuntu+1 for gutsy support03:27
rafael__Jack_Sparrow, just it ?03:27
rafael__thank u03:27
Dave_how do I post at !pastebin? should I just write !pastebin <paste>???03:28
Jack_Sparrowrafael__: burn slow for best results03:28
Jack_Sparrow!pastebin | Dave_03:28
ubotuDave_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:28
cypherdelicLOL - The Solution is to remove the cdrom line in fstab, so that pmount works for that device03:28
cypherdelicPlease help i can't mount my CDROM as user. "Must be superuser to mount" This is the fstab line: /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0  udf,iso9660  utf8,user,noauto  0  003:28
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xukungnilor, that is not for feisty neither for workstation 603:29
|nol1ght|Hello, anyone connect HTC touch to ubuntu feisty?03:29
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amrdgjones , I am runnig gusty yes03:29
dgjonesamr, there's a thread on ubuntuforums with the same symptoms, not sure if its yours, no replies to it yet, you'd be better trying in 'ubuntu+1 for gutsy support03:29
gnilorxukun, but it's similar, you will have to compensate :) btw i believe vmware server is foss now? so why not use it?03:29
Dave_done (I think)03:29
bauermissing some /etc/X11/X stuff , howdo i get that03:30
Jack_SparrowDave_: If you read the link.. inside the brackets at the end.....03:30
genii[nrx] : Have you tried to install CLI only? afterwards you can put desktop with sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop03:30
dgjonesamr, this is the thread - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=54749203:30
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xukungnilor, the installation is not the problem but I,m having a problem after the installation of xp reboots first time03:30
amrdgjones , what is "ubuntu +1"03:30
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Dave_(stupid me03:30
gnilorxukun, be more specific, what is the problem?03:30
geniibauer: sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg03:30
dgjonesamr, its the support channel for gutsy "/join #ubuntu+1"03:30
dgjones!gutsy | amr03:31
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Jack_SparrowDave_: Line 12703:31
amrdgjones  thank you03:31
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dgjonesamr, np03:31
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Jack_SparrowDave_: and 134 and 139 and 15103:32
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bauergenii, thx03:32
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Minzeits busy here03:33
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xukungnilor, ok I thought I was, when the guest os installs and try to reboot first time I get dark screen even before xp starts. It looks that it hangs03:33
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nynyxeh anyone here that knows some thing about the wiiremote and getting it to work with ubuntu ?03:33
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aguitelyone know this error in totem :No accelerated IMDCT transform found03:33
samii1 hello03:33
Dave_thanks now I understand how to change stuff there03:34
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samii1i need help03:34
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gnilorxukun, you probably want to retry then, perhaps with another version of vmware, or different options i don't know what is exactly causing that03:34
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Dave_another question is can I make my user without a password?03:34
PicisPiTeFuLL: Give the bot a little bit, it has some issues when we netsplit.03:34
Jack_Sparrowaguitel: Did you read the wiki and install gstreamer and all the restricted drivers stuff03:34
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Jack_SparrowDave_: Yes you can set to auto login03:34
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aguiteljack ,no how i do this ?03:35
xukungnilor, thanks anyway03:35
Dave_but I have two users03:35
Jack_SparrowDave_: system...admin...login window...security tab if I remember right03:35
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icecruncherhi, any recomend on something similar to helix? trying to make guitar03:36
ChuckFishDoes anyone approve of my Chuck Norris nick?03:36
Jack_SparrowDave_: NO auto login with two different users03:36
ChuckFishmy normal nick is t00na03:36
aguitelJack_Sparrow ,how i fix it?03:36
Dave_soo I cant make both users without a password?03:36
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javbhow can i erase a complate profile saved for a session?03:37
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Jack_Sparrowaguitel: | !restricted03:37
icecrunchersorry not helix, but the other one03:37
icecruncherdrub thing03:37
AmaranthDave_: Nope03:37
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Jack_Sparrowaguitel: bot is on coffee break... google up ubuntu and restricted formats03:38
javbi have an error when i log in saying : "Your session only lasted less than 10 seconds." .. this happened to me before and i remember i deleted some file wich recorded the profile of the session...03:38
javbany ideas?03:38
ikoniajavb it means probably that your home dir is full03:38
Dave_ok , what about screen resolution.... how can I change it to 1280*1024?03:38
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javbikonia, it is not.. checked that...03:39
Jack_SparrowDave_: Post your xorg.conf to the pastebin03:39
ikoniajavb check gdm/xorg log03:39
Dave_how do I open it?03:39
xukungnilor, you think the server addition will do better?03:39
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javbi made a CTRL + ALT + BACKSPACE, restarted the "X"03:39
ikoniaDave_ a text editor03:39
Jack_SparrowDave_: gksudo gedit  /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:39
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javbikonia, by the way, im logged right now, the session will reload if i click "OK" on the error message03:40
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gnilorit probably should, but i'm guessing it is probably some video settings?03:40
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Jack_SparrowDave_: Your getting the hang of it now03:41
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mineraleI need for this one program to run automatically when ubuntu boots up: vmware-user03:41
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mineralewhat's the easiest way to have it run?03:41
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Jack_SparrowDave_: look at line 139  you want to add in there "1280x1024"  ahead of 102403:42
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Jack_SparrowDave_: You would add that to the other depths as well, but you will probably not use them03:43
Piciminerale: To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local03:43
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optiwhen does tribe-6 get released?03:44
nanonymecheck #ubuntu+103:44
Piciopti: Gutsy Gibbon (7.10) Tribe 6 is not a formal release, but rather a bugfixing milestone. Please see http://tinyurl.com/3ytk9g for more information.03:44
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dgjonesPici, are you taking over from ubotu :)03:45
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Dave_but when I go to sys preference screen resolution I still dont have 1280*102403:45
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Jack_SparrowDave_: This is where I need to to restart.. but not before writing down this command  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:45
aguitelJack_Sparrow ,are you talking about this :http://www.ubuntux.org/node/72 ?03:45
Picidgjones: Yeah :/03:45
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xukungnilor, could it be because the I installed the guest os on different disk and not in the home directory which is the normal way. do I need to change some permissions?03:46
linux4mei'm trying to install ubuntu from a usb drive and i'm trying to follow the "preparing files for usb memory stick booting" instructions.  where can i find the file boot.img.gz? i am trying to run "zcat boot.img.gz > /dev/sda1"03:46
Dave_then it will restart?03:46
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linux4mefeisty btw03:46
gnilorxukun, doubtful, but just chmod 777 it, just to be sure03:46
Jack_SparrowDave_: Just in case something went wrong with your edit.. you can also do sudo nano /path to xorg and undo your change03:46
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Jack_SparrowDave_: You restart manually03:47
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NarutoUzhey guys03:47
Jack_SparrowDave_: I hate this command but.. ctrl...alt...backspace03:47
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HA|Sparkcan anyone tell me how i can connect to my wlan using the terminal?03:47
NarutoUzI've got HUGE problems over here03:47
ikoniathen ask03:47
NarutoUzso bad I reinstalled ubuntu yesterday (and upgraded to Feisty)03:48
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NarutoUzbut many of htem have persisted past the reinstall03:48
NarutoUzat the end of the install I got:03:48
PiciNarutoUz: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:48
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ikoniaNarutoUz why did you not just install fesity rather than upgrading to it03:48
NarutoUzexist status 135 error with ubiquity-frontend-gtk03:48
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NarutoUzno probs tought I - I'll just boot back up and apt-get reinstall it03:48
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NarutoUzbut on booting I'm getting what look to be loads of HD errors03:49
Jack_SparrowNarutoUz: Did you ever run automatix or envy  to install other things..03:49
kilowattciao a tutti03:49
NarutoUzexception Emask03:49
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NarutoUzloads of numbers03:49
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Dave_it should open a blue window and stuff?03:49
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Jack_Sparrow!enter | NarutoUz03:49
NarutoUz'action 0x2 frozen03:49
HA|Sparkhi! can anyone tell me how i connect to my wlan using the console. with iwconfig i found my wlan adapter, searched for avaiable networks but don't know how to connect to one of them..03:50
Jack_SparrowDave_: Just logout and back in/restart03:50
PiciJack_Sparrow: Bot is not here :(03:50
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ikoniaiwconfig --help will give you the options03:50
PiciNarutoUz: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:50
NarutoUznarutouz> don't think I ever did03:50
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NarutoUzjack_sparrow> don't think I ever did03:50
ikoniaNarutoUz you did03:51
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Jack_SparrowMost likely you did03:51
NarutoUzikonia is this a well known problem?03:51
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Picikilowatt: Italian = #ubuntu-it03:51
NarutoUzack> ah.03:51
NarutoUzJack> ah03:51
yaserhi, who can help me configure my mic, somebody help me once but i reinstalled and dont remember how?03:51
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NarutoUzand what do I do now (braces himself for being told to head out the back and shoot my computer)03:51
ikoniayaser unmute it and enable the mic boost03:52
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JamesyCyo peeps03:52
Jack_SparrowNarutoUz: Get a fresh livecd of feisty, format the drive and life will be good again03:52
yaserikonia, let me try03:52
JamesyCwhat chat is this?03:52
JamesyClike topic based03:52
ikoniatype "/topic"03:52
Jack_SparrowUbuntu help like the topic says03:52
yaserikonia, nothing03:53
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JamesyCwhat do u help wiv though :S03:53
Dave_the refresh rate is like 50... is it ok or should It be 60?03:53
yaserikonia, i put both at maximum03:53
ruben-How can I install a package newer then is in my tree?03:53
PiciJamesyC: This is the Ubuntu support channel.03:53
Jack_SparrowDave_: Dont mess... it is fine03:53
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NarutoUzJack> needs a complete format eh? oh dear. Time for major league backuping. Had to use Damn Small Linux to FTP loads of stuff accross last time. Install took hours because of the lengh of time to access my CD rom :-/03:53
JamesyCwhats ubuntu03:53
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NarutoUzis using he non-graphical isntaller quite straightforward?03:53
yaserhi, who can help me configure my mic, somebody help me once but i reinstalled and dont remember how?03:53
Jack_SparrowDave_: np03:53
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ikoniaJamesyC type "/topic"03:53
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warblerminerale: go to !ubuntu03:54
PiciJamesyC: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com03:54
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mineralewarbler: wait what?03:54
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Jack_SparrowNarutoUz: yes altcd is easy03:54
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Dave_what is the channel concerned with beryl again?03:54
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angelhi good day im just wondering how can i access my invidia configuration03:54
JamesyCty pici03:54
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PiciDave_: #ubuntu-effects or #compiz-fusion03:54
reya276Can anyone help confgiure some port on Ubuntu? Yes I tried the IPtable but I don't know how to do it03:54
KenSentMeI've killed nm-applet, how can i run it again?03:54
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lildebHey, does anyone have any experience with a Grub error 2??03:55
Dave_is there a way to make me connect to them automaticly?03:55
reya276I need to be able to listen on port 8500,2930,290803:55
angelhi good day im just wondering how can i access my invidia configuration i got a 640x480 scrren res can i adjust this03:55
warblerminerale: apologies - got called away - came back and typed but had your name from before - oops03:55
Dave_like I connect to #ubuntu?03:55
JamesyCi dnt understand wot ubuntu is :S03:55
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Jack_SparrowDave_:    /j #Ubuntu-Effects03:55
ikoniaJamesyC read the links in /topic03:55
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Jack_SparrowDave_: Depends on what irc client you are using.03:56
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Dave_I mean everytime I start the IRC03:56
Dave_amm Xchat03:56
Piciwarbler: The bot is not working right now.03:56
Jack_SparrowDave_: I use konversation.. and I can do it yes03:56
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reya276when I run the netstat -an command I don't see any of the ports I open on the IPTables03:56
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JamesyCooo its like windows03:56
lildebanyone know how to fix a grub error 2??03:56
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angelplease help me03:57
reya276anybody? :-(03:57
angeli need to configure my nvidia03:57
Dave_I found the option myself ... thanks anyway03:57
Picireya276: ask in #iptables perhaps03:57
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JamesyCthis is like windows xp/vista03:57
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Silveira_NetoWhen I instaled my Ubuntu I forget to create an swap space, now I'm having problems when I use the computer for a long time and my 512Mb of RAM got full. Can I resize my partition to put an swap space on it?03:57
TehRandomhey guys, i'm VERY new to ubuntu, so i'd like to ask some questions about various things.....03:57
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reya276hey Angel03:57
JamesyCmeh :dito:03:57
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ikoniaJamesyC its nothing like it, please read the links on ubuntu.com03:57
angelhi reya27603:57
ikoniaTehRandom ask03:57
reya276yes you can adjust this by reconfiguring your xserver03:57
angelcan anyone help me to configure my nvidia03:58
ikoniaangel what part ?03:58
TehRandomi've got Ubuntu Server installed, and i'm trying to do a "sudo" command for aptitude.... it prompts for a password, but doesnt take my "admin" users password....03:58
ikoniaTehRandom its your current user password03:58
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sgmt_bodecan I reinstall ubuntu from scratch over top of a previous install?03:58
TehRandomi'm logged in as the "admin" user03:58
warblerangel: there is an option in the menu for restricted drivers03:58
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reya276Angel do you have your restricted drivers enabled03:58
angeli need to configure my screen  resolution for nvidia03:58
ikoniaTehRandom why are you not logged in as an unprivileged user03:58
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snorreanyone can help with installing php-motion on ubuntu-server?03:59
Jack_SparrowTehRandom: are you running as regular user and trying to get to sudo using admin password?03:59
GrungebunnyTehRandom use the password you used to login03:59
angelseen some command that need to be type in terminal?03:59
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reya276go into system>Administration>Restricted Drivers Manager03:59
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ikoniaangel https://help.ubuntu.com and search for nvidia for instructions03:59
TehRandomi only configured one login during install, and i'm logged in as that user, and i gave it the same password that authenticated me...03:59
javbany ideas on how to erase a saved state of a session ?03:59
Jack_Sparrowangel: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:59
rick__hi.. i am having a prob installing lilo.. it says the following when i run liloconfig03:59
ikoniaTehRandom then your password is wrong03:59
rick__Your /etc/fstab configuration file gives device                           03:59
rick__  UUID=5f8cd064-dc09-411d-a4b7-298308d3319b as the root filesystem device.  03:59
rick__  This doesn't look to me like an "ordinary" block device. Either your      03:59
rick__  fstab is broken and you should fix it, or you are using hardware (such    03:59
rick__  as a RAID array) which this simple configuration program does not         03:59
rick__  handle.03:59
ikoniajavb .sesssions ?03:59
javbThis is driving me crazy03:59
angelill try04:00
reya276Angel run this sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and follow the instructions04:00
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warblerSilveira_Neto: gparted from the repositories will let you do that04:00
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Jack_Sparrowrick__: please read the topic and dont paste into the channel04:00
javbikonia, i dont have .sessions04:00
rick__oops.. sorry04:00
ikoniajavb have you looked at the log files I requested ?04:00
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reya276Can anyone help me with a IPTables firewall issue04:00
sgmt_bodeor can I repair a hd installation while booted from a cd as I am now?04:00
javbikonia, i have the .xsession.erro log..04:00
javbwould u like to see it?04:00
HA|Sparkhey! i somehow crashed my whole gui and even dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg with usind the standard graphicsdriver doenst bring it back to life. anyone knows how to do?04:00
Jack_Sparrowrick__: FYI, we use grub .. for help with lilo... try asking in #Lilo04:00
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warblerreya276: what do you want to do?04:01
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javbikonia, can i msg you we the log ? (is short)04:01
Jack_SparrowHA|Spark: that command just resets the video display, it dosnet fix everything you could have possibly done04:01
reya276warbler: I need to enable ports 8500,2930,2908 to listen04:02
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mattva01hmm I'm having wierd issues with optiplex  gx270s04:02
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reya276I tried the IPTables tutorial but that did not help04:02
Jack_Sparrowmattva01: how much ram are you running04:02
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Jack_Sparrowreya276: look at firestarter or guarddog04:02
warblerreya276: one min04:02
mattva01512 mb04:02
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mattva01the splash screen doesnt work04:02
Jack_Sparrowmattva01: what kind of problems04:03
FFForeverwhat is the difference from firefox and firefox-dev?04:03
mattva01and the virtual terminals dont work either04:03
reya276when I run this command "netstat -an" I don't see any of the ports I added to the INPUT list of the IPTables04:03
angelnvidia video card is enable04:03
baueri am missing a lot of fonts in /usr/share/fonts/X11. How do e get them04:03
Frogzoothe ubuntu linux-source builds a package for me called kernel-image_2.6... - how to get the build to call the deb linux-image_2.6...?04:03
angelbut the problem is i still have 640x480 screen resolution04:03
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Jack_Sparrowmattva01: Did the splash ever work or did you try to change it04:03
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mattva01never worked04:04
warblerreya276: there is a help file - go to terminal and type " man iptables "04:04
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Jack_Sparrowmattva01: did you install from livecd or alt cd04:04
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reya276Angel: Then you need to reconfigure your xserver by going into your terminal and running this "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" command04:04
mattva01the slash doesnt show on ltsp boot either04:05
Jack_Sparrowmattva01: then I cant help much..maybe someone else will have an answer04:05
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warblerreya276: iptables is a firewall - doesn't listen from what I know04:06
Jack_Sparrowangel: look more at monitor setup than the video04:06
reya276warbler: here is the command I used for the IPtables entry "iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8500 -j ACCEPT04:06
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angelreta276: done that but im not sure howe to use it04:06
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reya276yet this does not seem to be enabling this port to Listen04:06
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mattva01a gx280 works just fine04:07
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aguitelJack_Sparrow ,i installed restrictedformat but i have error in totem :No accelerated IMDCT transform found04:07
reya276Angel just followr the instructions on the screen04:07
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reya276it's a series of prompts04:07
FFForeverhow do i reinstall firefox?04:07
baueri am missing a lot of fonts in /usr/share/fonts/X11. How do i get them04:07
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reya276Angel: read carefully04:07
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Armor_AzraelFFForever: sudo apt-get remove --purge firefox04:08
Armor_Azraelsudo apt-get install firefox04:08
sgmt_bodeAm I able to repair a Harddisk installation if I booted from a cd, when booted from a cd I have a gui  because I changed the graphics card04:08
Armor_AzraelBut why do you want to do that?04:08
RainarrowHello guys, how do I configure my wireless connection without starting X?04:08
RainarrowI know about iwconfig, however after use it to indicate the essid I still don't get connected04:08
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reya276Waebler: can I disable the firewall since we have corporate firewall in place04:08
faileasRainarrow: wouldn't happen to be a ralink would it? ;p04:09
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Rainarrowfaileas, it's not a ralink04:09
faileascause i had a huge headache getting on to work ;p04:10
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Rainarrowfaileas, the wireless adapter is a intel 2200BG, and the AP is a Linksys WRT-54G04:10
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kaigI would like to use encrypted filesystems.  It seems that there are two methods to achieve this: (1) Follow one of the nine "EncryptedFilesystemHowto"s, and (2) use the alternate installation CD.  Which method should I choose?  (Under which conditions?)04:10
faileasok, intels are usually alright IMO04:10
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l3onhi all04:11
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l3onI've some problem with firefox in Gutsy 64bit04:11
Rainarrowfaileas, I could get connecter using the network manager in GNOME04:11
PiciRainarrow: sudo iwconfig ethX04:11
Badzohowdy, i installed enemy territory with sudo (uhm!), how can i remove it f?04:11
Rainarrowfaileas, I just wonder how do I configure that in console04:11
l3onthis is problem: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37105/04:11
l3onanyone can help me?04:11
faileasRainarrow: no clue ;(04:12
Rainarrowpici, what do I need to configure using iwconfig, besides essid?04:12
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mindframe-Can someone please help me get X working?  here is my config: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37110/  and here is the errors i'm getting: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37112/04:12
Rainarrowpici, I tried like "sudo iwconfig eth1 myessid", and double checked with another iwconfig command04:12
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wolferinehow do I install perldoc ?04:12
Rainarrowand the output is same as when I connect using the manager in GNOME04:12
roadfishWhy isn't "apt-get update" doing anything for me? that is, when I do and update, package index files scroll by quickly and clearly aren't getting updated. why not?04:12
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baueri am missing a lot of fonts in /usr/share/fonts/X11. How do i get them04:13
Rainarrowroadfish, I guess you are not using the right server04:13
kaigmindframe: There does not seem to be an error in your output.04:13
warblerreya276: your " -p " looks like it should be " -P "04:13
PiciRainarrow: sudo iwconfig eth1 essid "youressid"04:13
kane77Rainarrow, mode, channel..04:13
faileasroadfish: isn't that what its supposed to do?04:13
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faileasif you want new packages its upgrade04:13
kaigwolferine: perldoc comes with Perl, so install that.04:13
Badzohow can i remove enemy territory from /usr/local/games?04:13
wolferinekaig, its already install, perl that is04:14
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Rainarrowok, thanks pici and kane77, do I have to manually input the address of my AP?04:14
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kane77Badzo, use sudo rm -r enemyterritory (or whatever the folder with ET is called..04:14
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kane77Rainarrow, what address? ip? mac?04:15
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PiciRainarrow: I usually just use my essid name, and it works fine.  You'll need to get an IP address afterwards (if you use dhcp) with `sudo dhclient eth1`04:15
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kaigwolferine: Ah, in Debian it's perl-doc, not perl.  Do you have perl-doc installed?  If not, does it help to install it?04:15
kane77Rainarrow, or us ifconfig to set ip if you use static...04:15
Rainarrowok I see04:15
Rainarrowthanks guys, I'll try that04:16
Badzokane77: it's just removed folder from my home folder, not from a usr/local04:16
reya276warbler: how can I enable the iptables firewall again as I disabled it04:16
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wolferineforgot the '-' kaig04:16
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kane77Badzo, then 'cd' to /usr/local/games04:16
tubbyHi all.  I have a file on my system /etc/group- (that's a dash not a tilde) that isn't mentioned anywhere.  Does anyone know what it is for?04:16
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Badzooh, i did it and it shoudl be working, thanks04:16
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tubby'group-' has permissions 600 in comparison with 'group' that has 64404:17
Ayabaraanyone running ubuntu on the new macbook pro?04:17
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warblerreya276: it is a service that starts when the comp starts - how did you disable it?04:18
tubby'group-' isn't mentioned in any related man pages and doesn't have a man page itself.04:18
mindframe-Can someone please help me get X working?  here is my config: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37110/  and here is the errors i'm getting: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37112/04:18
kaigtubby: group- is a backup file.04:18
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tubbykaig: system-created?04:18
jaggyhey all can anyone help me whit frostwire ??? it just wont run04:18
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kaigCreated when you do vigr or otherwise add users to or remove users from groups.04:19
reya276warbler:iptables -F04:19
kaigtubby: Yes, system-created.04:19
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tubbykaig: thanks.04:19
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kaigHow to install Ubuntu with encrypted filesystems?  Use the alternate install CD?04:20
jaggyhey all can anyone help me whit frostwire ??? it just wont run04:20
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gehel_hello ! dumb question, but how can I do something like : sudo cat > /etc/bla <<EOF ...     but that works ?04:21
mindframe-kaig, theres no automatic option for that04:21
gehel_I get a permission denied ...04:21
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sgmt_bodeI'm  bit lost folks, I have read the guides, I have tried a number of commandline chnages and I am still unable to use my ubuntu installation, I can boot from windows and from ubuntu cd but I have so far been unable to correct the graphics card driver04:21
warblerreya276: a reboot should restart it - have you enabled the ports in your modem/router?04:22
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kaiggehel_: sudo sh -c "cat > /etc/bla" <<EOF04:22
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eigmaI have software RAID-1 on Ubuntu with 2.6.20 between two partitions on SCSI disks; the array is rebuilding, and 'mdadm --examine /dev/sda2' lists 3 devices, in states: removed, active sync, spare.. once resync'ing is done, will the spare replace the removed slot, leaving only 2 devices?04:22
gehel_kaig: of course ... it's been a while since my last bash scripting session ...04:22
kaigmindframe-: Well, there are nine howtos (I like the LVM one), and then it appears that the alternate install cd supports this, too.04:23
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kaigmindframe-: I'm not afraid of doing things manually.  But I want to choose the right manual method :-)04:23
mindframe-dm-crypt with lvm :)04:23
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IdleOnejaggy: you need to install java see !java04:23
gehel_kaig: thx04:23
jaggyidle0ne i installed it ..04:23
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jaggynot working04:23
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kaigI believe that both methods (alt install cd and howto) will achieve that.04:24
reya276warbler: the ports that I need to use are for my local machine only as I installed coldfusion8 server and it gives me an error "JNDI listen port in jndi.properties blocked by TCP/IP filtering or firewall"04:24
rafael__hello people04:24
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IdleOnejaggy: how did you install java?04:24
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redbaronCan anyone direct me to either a forum post, or webpage that explains how I go about changing the mirror I download packages from?04:24
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reya276warbler: so this is why I only need to get these ports to listen only on my local machine, but no luck04:25
rafael__i installed ubuntu alternate on my usb hd.. i made the boot of grub on pendrive.. but when i choose to start linux from this pendrive.. i get a error message like.. cannot amount the selected  something04:25
jaggyidle0ne aptitude install sun-java6-jre ...04:25
sadapor with aptitud04:25
rafael__someone know how to solve it ? need i write the grub of pendrive or something ?04:25
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IdleOneredbaron: /etc/apt/sources.list ( sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list )04:25
Piciredbaron: System>Administration>Software sources can change your package mirrors easily. Its in one of the tabs.04:25
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redbaronThanks guys :)04:25
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warblerreya276:modem/router is a hardware firewall as well - needs the ports opened on it04:26
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KenSentMeMaybe it's a frequently asked question today, but where is the bot?04:26
Stwangecan anyone help me connect to my wireless network? my router detects it, but never connects - this is a linux problem, it connects fine under Windows04:26
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sadapsome body know about... i want to change the font in tty104:26
PiciKenSentMe: It didn't reconnect to all the channels after a netsplit.  We're working on getting a replacement up until it comes back.04:26
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kaigmindframe-: What did you do?04:27
KenSentMePici, ok, thanks for the info04:27
StwangePici, who runs it?04:27
PiciStwange: Ubotu is Seveas's bot.04:27
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reya276Warbler: I know that, but I'm running the Coldfusion Server on my local PC, has nothing to do with the modem/router04:27
rafael__hello ? someone read my question ?04:27
Stwangeis it not responding to him? I'm just wondering why he couldn't just get it to rejoin, instead of finding a replacement04:28
jaggyidle0ne: i installd java6-jre ...04:28
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whatspywhat was that special kill command that could identify & kill a process given it's name ?04:28
reya276so if I'm trying to access a webpage on my internal apache2 server then it is accessing it internally and not going through the modem/router04:28
jribwhatspy: pgrep or killall04:28
PiciStwange: Seveas is not around right now.04:28
rafael__i need help04:28
whatspyjrib: thx!!04:29
jribwhatspy: erm, I mean "pkill", not "pgrep"04:29
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nanonymejrib, you mean pkill04:29
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nanonymemade that mistake myself a few days ago :)04:29
Stwangeah fair enough04:29
nanonymeimo pkill is nicer since sudo killall -9 # is very interesting on solaris ;)04:29
jaggyi installd java6-jre ...  yet my frostwire wont work any help ?????????,,04:29
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jribjaggy: pastebin the output of 'java -version'04:30
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rafael__nobody has an ubuntu installed into an external hd ?04:30
rafael__i have problem with it04:30
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AnisOnei need a little help with ktorrent under ubuntu04:30
lodderNetwork Manager keeps asking for wep key is it possible to resolve this ?04:30
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ikoniarafael__ whats the question04:30
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StwangeSorry to repeat, but this is quite frustrating - can anyone help me connect to my wireless network? my card detects the router, but never connects - this is a linux problem, it connects fine under Windows04:31
jaggyjrib here ist the pastebin output of java version http://pastebin.ca/69200804:31
rafael__ikonia, i installed ubuntu alternate into an usb hd. and i made a pendrive for boot the grub.. but when i try to boot the linux of my external hd there show me cant mount04:31
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rafael__ikonia, need i edit the grub of my pendrive or something ?04:31
jrib!multijava > jaggy (see the private message from ubotu)04:31
AnisOnei can see when i write ps in the terminal that ktorrent runs but i cant see the gui. is ther any command that can show the gui. thanx04:31
ikoniarafael_ is the error from grub ? what the exact error04:32
jaggyi dont got anything04:32
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nbkrStwange, Have you WEP or WPA in use? What card is it?04:32
jaggggyhmm i cant get a pm of that ubotu :s04:33
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mtx1is there a way to copy all programs to a new installation by copying certain directories? or do i need to manually reinstall them? i am going with a new system but same chipset and architecture04:33
rafael__ikonia, let me see. the grub is on my pendrive that list all o.s i have including the linux i installed on my external hd..  the message error is :    error:17 cannot mount selectec partition04:33
ikoniajaggggy the bot is dead at th emoment04:33
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jribjaggggy: oh, right.  Do 'sudo update-alternatives --config java'04:33
rafael__ikonia, do u know whats wrong ?04:33
jaggggyjrib: tty04:33
ikoniarafael__ what point do you get that error from grub or from within the kernel boot ?04:33
jribjaggggy: and choose the sun one04:33
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jaggyk jrib04:33
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Stwangenbkr, thanks for the response. I did have WEP but I disabled it because I thought that might be the problem, it made no difference. The card is a D-Link Airplus DWL 520+04:34
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rafael__ikonia, the list of grub after i choose the linux on my external hd.. i just press enter and its the first thing i can read on the screen04:34
jaggyjrib: it just says this <  thats all :s no sun thing04:34
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ikoniarafael__ it sounds like grub has assigned a different hard disk device id to your disk04:34
jribjaggy: press ctrl-c, then enter the command again without any ''04:34
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rafael__ikonia, i think so, what need i do to solv it ?04:34
ikkinugrub can't see vista, what should I do to fix it? just installed 7.1004:34
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nbkrStwange, What drivers did you use? ndiswrapper?04:34
takabumbahi all! i've wireless mouse genius navigator 5000. how can i make it workin?04:34
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rafael__ikkinu, the grub of my ubuntu 7.04 list my vist as well04:35
rafael__ikonia, do u know ?04:35
ikoniarafael__  you need to edit your menu.lst to point to the correct hard disk04:35
ikkinurafael__, my ubuntu is 7,1004:35
rafael__ikonia, how can i do it ?04:35
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ikoniaikkinu what has that got to do with anything ?04:35
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rafael__ikonia, any editor is ok ?04:35
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Stwangenbkr, I was automatically detected. I had a similar problem with fedora (but it wasn't being used), in that case I copied the firmware for the ACX100 drivers, but I ended up with the same problem04:35
jaggyjrib TY allot it works :p04:35
ikoniarafael__ edit your menu.lst in a text editor and change the boot options for ubuntu to point to the right disk04:35
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aguitelanyone have this error in Totem :No accelerated IMDCT ?04:36
rafael__ikonia, ok i will try.. thank u04:36
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ikkinuikkinu, I've just one hd on my laptop04:36
ikkinu*ikonia, I've just one hd on my laptop04:36
ikoniaki so ? what has that got to do with anything ?04:36
ikoniaikkinu so ? what has that got to do with anything ?04:37
nbkrStwange, Seems to be a bug in the madwifi-ng drivers with those cards: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17/+bug/6617604:37
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RickSeymourjoin #ubuntu-meeting04:38
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Stwangenbkr, what would you suggest? if the drivers are buggy there seems little point trying them, but if they are third party drivers I can't see tech support being much use (not that they are ever much use with linux)04:40
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lodderNetwork Manager keeps asking for wep key is it possible to resolve this ? because it's the only problem that leaves me from completely switching to linux04:40
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nbkrStwange, Personally, I would by a new wifi card if this is possible.04:41
boosterhey guys....how can i update a single installed package such as beryl ???04:41
RickSeymourlodder... i personally use WICD.. a python project.. daemon/gui04:41
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takabumbawireless mouse genius navigator 5000. how can i make it workin?04:41
jribbooster: apt-get install beryl04:42
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boosterok thanks04:42
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jribbooster: you know about compiz fusion?04:42
Stwangenbkr, last resort of the weak :) to be honest though, it doesn't seem a bit of a buggy card - I have problems (albeit different ones) in Windows, and all they say is "update the drivers". I never understand this - how does your hardware always know to start acting up just after a new driver is released? :)04:42
walter_hi room04:42
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VSpikeThe page at http://colonos.wordpress.com/2007/05/30/apt-get-install-thunderbird-2-in-the-feisty-pawn-of-the-fawn/ suggests you can find Thunderbird 2.0 for Feisty at http://ppa.dogfood.launchpad.net/mozillateam/ubuntu/ but the repo seems to be empty.  Anyone know anything about it?04:42
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boosteris it better jrib04:42
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jribbooster: the people in #ubuntu-effects can help you in setting it up.  compiz and beryl joined back together and are now working on compiz fusion04:43
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nbkrStwange, Thats because of the secret "check_for_new_driver_and_if_so_stop_working()" - Function in the old drivers :-)04:43
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linux4mehi guys, where can I find some clear documentation on install ubuntu fiesty via a usb drive?04:43
boosterwell ive seen beryl in action...and i must say its pretty sweet04:43
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Stwange:) nbkr what card do you use, or do you not have one?04:43
jriblinux4me: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation04:44
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pookeyhey all - what's the current project for getting expose style prettyness, beryl, etc?04:44
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jribpookey: compiz fusion, join #ubuntu-effects for help04:44
nbkrStwange, My old one is from conceptronics - I don't know the model right now. The new one is build in my new notebook. Its an Intel Chipset.04:44
pookeyjrib: thanks, much apreciated04:44
mthedHello, how can i change my splash screen for Ubuntu?04:45
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Stwangeah ok. Can anyone recommend a wireless card that linux loves?04:45
jribmthed: did you receive a private message from ubotu just now?04:45
boosterfor some strange reason i installed beryl and i cant get the cube effect to work??? any ideas??04:45
nbkrlinux4me, Tried this? http://pendrivelinux.com/2007/01/25/usb-x-ubuntu-61004:45
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mthedAnd also. Are there any usb-tv dongles that work with ubuntu.04:45
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mthedjrib: No.04:46
nbkrlinux4me, Its for 6.10, but it should work with 7.04 also.04:46
linux4menbkr - thats for edgy04:46
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jribmthed: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork04:46
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boojahhas anyone used pcsx2 (ps2emu) on linux, i'm trying to play Final Fantasy 7, but it wont work in wine.04:46
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DB42is there a good reason to move from a gentoo to an ubuntu server distribution ?04:47
mthedabout that usb-tv dongle thingie, any ideas?04:47
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ikoniaDB42 its personal choice04:47
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DB42ikonia: my comp is old, and i hate re-gentooing it all04:48
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elkbuntuDB42, alot less compiling involved04:48
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ikoniaDB42 so there is your answer04:48
Stwangeif I replace the wireless card, can I use it as plug and play, or do I have to do some special command?04:48
nbkrStwange, Have a look at www.tuxhardware.de - they sell "linux approved hardware". Unfortuntely the site is in german only.04:48
DB42but is it as good as gentoo04:48
DB42package managment-wise?04:48
ikoniaagain  thats personal taste04:48
ikoniadpkg is an excellent package manager in my opinion04:48
Stwangethanks anyway nbkr :) ill see what I can make out from one year of german at school04:48
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DB42can i remove packages safetley / easily with dpkg ?04:49
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DB42also, how is the configuration file going ?04:49
ikoniaDB42 yes04:49
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dgjonesStwange, if you want an english website, try linuxemporium, i bought a wireless card from them to use with linux04:49
ikoniaDB42 the config files are the smae in any distro04:49
DB42but how is theiir managment, on upadtes, etc..04:49
=== tdoggette [n=tdoggett@ffzrouter.yorktown.arlington.k12.va.us] has joined #ubuntu
DB42in gentoo i have etc-update proggie04:49
ikoniaDB42 you manage the files04:49
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nbkrDB42, In Ubuntu its apt-get upgrade - it will run all necessary upgrades.04:50
DB42when i update, it asks me if to chagne the file or not ?04:50
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ikoniaDB42 you going to have to try it and make up your mint04:50
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Jack_Sparrowboojah: Just so I get this right... you are trying to run playstation game emulator pc2emulator...designed for windows, under wine, in linux04:50
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nbkrDB42, If you modified a configuration file it will ask if you want to use the new version or keep the old one.04:50
Martin_-_My workstations are gone, how can i get them back. i only got 1 to put my windows in04:50
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DB42nbkr: k04:50
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Jack_SparrowMartin_-_: You are running effects right?04:51
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Martin_-_Jack_Sparrow yes04:51
Martin_-_Jack_Sparrow only one, not the qube04:51
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algejignore -JOINS04:51
Jack_SparrowMartin_-_: THe channel for those questions is #Ubutnu-effects04:51
Stwangethanks dgjones, I'm hoping to find some cards on there and then use ebay :)04:51
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kazim59How do I setup that all normal users are able to access (read/write) to the pen drives they connect?04:52
dgjonesStwange, no probs04:52
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linux4medb42 - we are in the process of migrating from gentoo to ubuntu. had major issues with trying to get the iptables compiled under gentoo. along came ubuntu fiesty which now only comes with a lamp setup for you but you are done in a matter of mins. approx 15-20mins04:52
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linux4methe ubuntu developers did an awesome job with fiesty04:52
DB42linux4me: i dont have any issues with gentoo too much, besidse now only to update it all04:52
DB42shouldn't i go with 6.06 LTS for a server?04:53
Jack_Sparrow6.06 is very reliable04:53
DB42but as a server 6.10 is better?04:53
linux4medb42 - gentoo's package manager is awesome but ubuntu fiesty 7.04 already came prepackaged with what i needed04:53
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linux4meonly ever tried fiesty (server,7.04) i'm afraid, can't comment on 6.0604:54
DB42linux4me: so i should use 7.04 ? not 6.06 ?04:54
iqagI put a Live CD in someone else's machine, the Desktop came up but the fonts did not render - everything was boxes. I've never seen this before. Is this a common problem? Can anyone point me in the direction of a fix.04:54
Jack_SparrowDB42: I dont run a server, but as a user, I like lts for nothing to upgrade as much04:54
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ikoniaDB42 6.06 is LTS (Long term support) so its up to you waht you want04:55
Jack_SparrowDB42: probably phrased that wrong..04:55
hetaumaare there drivers for HP photosmart printers that would offer options like boarderless printing etc?04:55
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kazim59I've 60 users... 05css01 to 05css60 on my college ubuntu.... What should I do so that they are given access to external storage devices they connect? (without needing sudo)04:55
DB42Jack_Sparrow: yeah...04:55
dgjonesneil_feisty, the bots asleep, Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+104:56
Jack_SparrowDB42: Darn darn04:56
mthedDoes anyone know if there's any usb-tv dongles that work with ubuntu?04:56
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Jack_SparrowDoes anyone know how to disable the caps lock key04:56
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jribJack_Sparrow: http://www.vim.org/tips/tip.php?tip_id=166 is nice04:57
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Jack_SparrowMany thanks04:57
DB42Jack_Sparrow: 6.06 or 7.10 ?04:57
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ikoniaDB42 it depends what your needs are04:57
ikoniaDB42 YOU have to chose04:58
sadhu_s60hello every1 ... this is my 1st experience with linux :)04:58
DB42my needs are basic home server04:58
ikoniaDB42 but do you want bleeding edge packages or stability support04:58
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ikoniaDB42 FYI: the non-server package will also work fine as a home server04:58
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DB42ikonia: yeah, but i dont need/want X-support04:58
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sadhu_s60i am looking for flash plugin for mozilla on my 64bit ubuntu 7.04 ....i might sound very NOOb which i am05:00
Davy_Jonesget slackware then05:00
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Picisadhu_s60: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava05:00
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erUSUL!flash64 | sadhu_s6005:00
PicierUSUL: no bot :(05:00
Jack_SparrowDB42: Personally I would hold off for 7.10 as I think it is lts and you want to set it and for get it...05:01
Picihttp://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi Is avaliable for anyone helping out in here that wants/needs access to the factoids.05:01
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ikoniaJack_Sparrow 7.10 is not lts05:01
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DB427.10 is LTS ?05:01
DB42i dotn think so05:01
DB42LTS is once in a ...05:01
Jack_SparrowDB42: then 6.0605:01
sadhu_s60thank you .... tat looks deep :D05:01
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DB42yeah i think i'll go with 6.0605:01
PiciDB42: Jack_Sparrow: 8.04 will be LTS.05:01
DB42since i dont use X anyhow05:01
Jack_Sparrowthanks pici05:02
NyleI have a Gravis Gamepad Pro USB and I would like to get it to work in Ubuntu.  Please advise as to what I need to do or where I need to look05:02
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rafael__ikonia, if i send to u the information of my partitions and my menu.lst could u explain to me how to write that ?05:03
rafael__i mean what i need to write05:03
NyleIt is listed under joypads i can see the arrows move around in testing when i use it05:03
Nylehowever it won't work with snes9x05:03
DB42i think i'll try archlinux first, and see if it's ok05:03
=== Dave_ [n=dave@bzq-79-180-22-228.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniarafael__ grub is dynamic - so it changes device ID's on external disk, thats why booting from an external disk is not a good idea05:03
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baueri am missing a lot of fonts in /usr/share/fonts/X11. How do i get them05:04
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rafael__ikonia, well. if i can boot at first boot my usb hd .. so i dont need to create an pendrive to boot the grub right ?05:04
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ikoniarafael__ thats right, yes05:04
rafael__ikonia, is it possible ? that i install everything including the grub on my external hd ? or it need to be on my first partitiom  ?05:04
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rafael__ikonia, omg. so why did i thought i needed to create it on a pendrive ?05:04
ikoniarafael__ yes, thats possible, but as I said it is not a good idea to have a boot loader on an external drive05:05
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ikoniaas the external drives device ID's may change05:05
rafael__ikonia, so.. what is the better way ?05:05
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ikonianot use an external disk05:05
rafael__ikonia, need i let the grub to write on my mbr ?05:05
rafael__ikonia,  ahh i need to use05:05
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rafael__ikonia, what can i do to get it working ?05:05
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ikoniano - your still using a USB disk - which can change ID's05:05
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rafael__ikonia, i heard about ids that dont change.. like phisic id or something.. does it exist?05:06
rafael__i knew about this change of ids before05:06
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ikoniarafael__ uuid's don't change thats right but your using grub on a USB device and that does change05:06
rafael__but i think its possible to have linux on an external hd.. i need it05:06
plainashey all05:06
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mojo_has any1 look at my question?05:07
sadhu_s60uuummmm.... so to install 32bit mozilla plugins i hav to install 32bit mozilla first? the default mozilla of my ubuntu64 wont do?05:07
ant30hi all anybody play golf?05:07
rafael__ikonia, would i have some problem with lilo then ?05:07
ikoniarafael__ it is possible, but its effort maintaining it, as you are finding out05:07
ikoniaant30 this is a support channel, please stay on topic05:07
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Piciant30: This channel is only for support #ubuntu-offtopic for random chatter.05:07
plainasi am formating a usb hard drive on windows... does ubuntu comes with full suport for ntfs or should i make it fat32?05:07
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ant30ok, sorry05:07
rafael__ikonia, how about lilo ?05:08
rafael__i mean05:08
rafael__what about05:08
dgjones!ntfs3g | plainas05:08
ubot3Factoid ntfs3g not found05:08
dgjones!ntfs | plainas05:08
ubot3plainas: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse05:08
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ikoniarafael__ same thing really05:08
rafael__ikonia, dang05:09
ubot3ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:09
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rafael__ikonia, but i need the linux on my usb hd... what is the best way to boot it ?05:09
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ubot3FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems05:10
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plainascool... thanks guys... quite impressive what this distro has made in terms of docummentation, hardware support and community suport.05:11
ubot3For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad05:12
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danielroninHELP!! for some reason GRUB is stuck in a boot cycle, and when i fire up qtpart, the partition that i have vista on is showing as busy...can anyone help me fix this, as i can't boot into my machine at all =(05:12
danielronini made no changes recently, could it be that vista didn't shut down properly?05:12
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amrianyone can help me?05:13
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Pici!ask | amri05:13
ubot3amri: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:13
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amriyay,.. how do i prevent gaim from autostarting during startup?05:14
danielroninplease, you guys have been so helpful in the past with even small problems, is there anyone that help me with this huge one???05:14
rafaelscjdanielronin, can't you boot vista up?05:14
Martin_-_Is there any command that brings you back to the desktop05:14
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wbodeCan I reinstall ubuntu over a previous version? I didn't know what to do when it asked about partitions.05:15
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danielronini can't boot anything05:15
Pici!upgrade | wbode05:15
ubot3wbode: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:15
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danielronini installed kubuntu and backtrack over vista, and it all worked fine, once i got a few kinks worked out05:15
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rafaelscjamri, System > Prefe > Sessions05:15
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danielroninnow for some reason qtpartd shoes he vista partition as active, and it's red??05:16
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wbodecan I do this while booted from a cd?05:16
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wbodeWill the changes affect my harddrive installation05:17
danielroninlike i said, no changes were made to the system last night, except there's a chance vista didn't shut down properly05:17
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xfreakkhey anyone im trying to figure out if theres any workarounds for soundcards like the x-fi like using onboard motherboard sound05:17
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Piciwbode: I dont understand your question.05:18
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danielroninrafaelscj: do you know why qtpartd shows the ntfs partition w/vista as currently active, i'm currently on a live cd05:18
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eyec0ndanielronin, because its mounted05:18
elzbal!audio > elzbal05:19
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dinochopinshi everyone. Is there any wiki on how do I have a login session against a WIN2K Active Directory Server ?05:19
eyec0nwouldn't that make it active?05:19
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rafaelscjdanielronin, active is the boot partition05:19
wbodeI am booted into ubuntu from  a cd I had a ubuntu installation on my harddrive which I can only use now with command line since I changed my graphics card, I have tried a number of the commandline edits to chnage to the new graphis card but to no avail05:19
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wbodeCan I make fixes to the harddrive installation while booted into ubuntu from cd?05:20
xfreakkhey anyone im trying to figure out if theres any workarounds for soundcards like the x-fi like using onboard motherboard sound because there are no drivers at all for the soundblaster x-fi05:20
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Piciwbode: Yes, just mount your harddrive and comence editing.05:20
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rafaelscjdanielronin, do you have linux installed?05:21
ziggy23I had to reinstall windows, but this knocked out the GRUB bootloader.  How do I get it back?05:21
dgjones!grub | ziggy2305:21
ubot3ziggy23: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:21
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ziggy23thx dgjones05:21
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wbodeI have tried various edits but have not been successful and was hoping there was a fix back to generic05:22
xfreakkhow do you use oboard motherboard sound instead of a soundcard in linux05:22
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roadfishI want to encode a DVD track as XviD but the instructions in http://k3b.plainblack.com/videoencoding make no sense.05:22
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roadfishI have a project with VIDEO_TS.BUP through to VTS_02_4.vob files. I am doing track2 of the DVD. the instructions talk about a "Tools->Encode" menu entry ... but I don't see "Encode" under "Tools".05:23
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keith4_i'm going to setup an ubuntu box for a windows user.... which version would be most appropriate?05:23
danielroninrafaelscj: kubuntu fiesty and backtrack205:23
keith4_i don't want to have to support it05:23
roadfishwhat am I doing wrong. why is Encode missing from the Tools menu in k3b.05:23
keith4_i'm considering 6.06 and 7.0405:23
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peeps_workwhen I wake from suspend, i found that my network manager would not connect or even show any wireless network.  I was able to get it working again by going into manual configuration and disabling wired connection.  can I do this from the command line/ script05:24
pike_keith4_: 7.04 will be more usable imo05:24
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keith4_good enough for me, thanks05:24
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roadfishcan anyone give me some pointers on making a XviD file from a DVD track with k3b?05:24
rafaelscjdanielronin, so, vista's partition shouldn't be "active"05:24
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Skyfalcon866when will gusty gibbon be released05:25
roadfishit seems that k3b allows me to copy the vob files ... but how do I make a XviD avi file???05:25
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Skyfalcon866roadfish: you have to convert the vob to xvid05:26
dgjonesSkyfalcon866, 18th october apparantly05:26
danielroninrafaelscj: that was my understanding. no to mention i'm on live cd now in memoryspace, so nothing should be active except in /mnt, right?05:26
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xfreakkok does ANYONE know how to use motherboard sound instead of soundcard05:26
roadfishSkyfalcon866: can k3b help me to convert vob to xvid? or should I be using some other tool?05:26
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pike_roadfish: i havent tried it but this naut script may be useful http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19375405:27
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Skyfalcon866roadfish: i havent used k3b so i dont know i know ffmpeg can convert it but i dont know what the command is05:27
ubot3pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:27
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Davy_Jonesxfreakk: that's friggin backwards05:27
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wbodeIf I boot from CD will the update manager make chnages to my hd install?05:27
seanhMy system seems to be set to BST instead of GMT, so xclock and conky for example show the wrong time, how can I change it?05:27
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Jack_Sparrowwbode: no05:27
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xfreakkJones my soundcard the soundblaster X-FI isnt supported by linux05:27
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rafaelscjdanielronin, do you mean "active" as "flag -a"?, I think live cds don't mount partitions automaticaly05:28
Jack_Sparrowwbode: YOu can move the updates to var/cache/apt/archives manually05:28
Skyfalcon866xfreakk: is the soundblaster X-FI card integrated to the motherboard or is a pci05:28
xfreakkSkyfalcon866: its pci05:29
Jack_Sparrowwbode: Is there some reason you dont do it from the hd install or it isnt bootable atm05:29
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Skyfalcon866xfreaKK: I think you have to remove the sound card from the pci slot to use onboard05:29
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rafaelscjwbode, you could use APTonCD05:29
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wbodeI have not been able to cope with the command line chnages successfully05:29
xfreakkSkyFalcon866: thank you i will do that after my interview in a few minutes thnx05:30
wbodeI have tried a few times but with no success05:30
Jack_Sparrowrafaelscj: If you run gparted from the livecd it will mount partitions and show them on the desktop05:30
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danielroninrafaelscj: is that how qtpartd labels an active drive? my memory isn't perfect, but i could swear that any other time i used qtpartd to make any changes, especially from the live cd, the drive wasn't shown as active05:30
Skyfalcon866xfreakk: what is the the integrated sound card on the motherboard05:30
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danielronini don't remember it ever being red05:30
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wbodethis all goes back to a graphics card change which I can't seem to make right05:31
danielroninrafaelscj: i also made no changes other than installing some applications to vista last night, i was not in either linux OS at all05:31
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Jack_Sparrowwbode: If you use a persons nick... rember tab to complete people will know if you are talking to a specific person05:32
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telmichanyone using latest ubuntu on a intel imac?05:32
Jack_Sparrowwbode: as far as the card change... did you try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ... select vesa and defaults on the rest, set max res to 1024 to get back in.05:32
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wbodejack_sparrow I think I did but I will try again05:33
Jack_Sparrowwbode: Or you can post the HD xorg to the pastebin while running the livecd...05:33
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daningwho use 19' LCD?05:33
Jack_Sparrowwbode: select simple for the monitor setup05:33
Jack_Sparrowdaning: lots of us.. just ask question05:34
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daveeDoes anyone know if there is likely to be a planned upgrade path direct from Dapper (LTS) to Hardy Heron (also LTS, in April 2008)?  I know upgrades are only normally supported from one release to the next, but LTS->LTS might be nice ;-)  - anyone know?05:34
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rafaelscjdanielronin, what is happening when you try to boot?05:34
wbodeJack_sparrow: thanks05:34
linux4mei'm trying to follow this link, https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/installation-guide/i386/boot-usb-files.html. i'm at "Mount the partition (mount /dev/sda1 /mnt) and copy the following files from the Ubuntu archives to the stick: vmlinuz (kernel library) etc. Where can I find initd.gz (initial ramdisk image)?05:34
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Jack_Sparrowdavee: It would be nice... but no idea05:35
linux4memake that initrd.gz05:35
daveeJack_Sparrow: :-)05:35
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Picidavee: Hardy Heron is still a bit far off. Hopefully we will know more about the upgrade path once the UDS (Ubuntu Developer Summit) is done.05:36
danielroninrafaelscj: it flashes the loading GRUB for a split second, and reboots in an andless cycle05:36
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sinizzldjupp: u r teh sux0r05:37
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daningI have a new partition. I edit /etc/fstab to auto mount it when start my PC. but how to display it on my Desktop?05:37
djuppshinizzl: stfu05:37
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daveePici: When is that, out of interest?05:37
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djuppis anybody in here 1337 ;) expert with repartitioning?05:37
sinizzli am05:38
Picidavee: October 29th.  More info here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-Boston05:38
Jack_Sparrowdaning: try this Use Terminal and type gconf-editor browse to /apps/nautilus/desktop and check volumes_visable05:38
sinizzli repartitioned my grandmother a thousand times up to now05:38
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djuppyour uberc00l05:38
Pici!offtopic | sinizzl05:38
ubot3sinizzl: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:38
sinizzland she still cooks breakfast for me05:38
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daveePici: Thanks...05:38
PriceChilddavee, as far as I am aware... LTS upgrades from Dapper to Hardy are planned.05:39
plainasthis is supper silly question and it's not directly related to ubuntu...05:39
PriceChilddavee, I'll try and find the spec for you if you want?05:39
plainasI have an external usb hard drive with 2 partitions on it05:39
daveePriceChild: Really?  That's be great :-)05:39
PriceChild!offtopic > plainas05:39
plainashow do i merge them into one?05:39
ubot3#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:39
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Jack_Sparrowplainas: gparted05:39
daveePriceChild: I'd certainly like to read about it...05:39
PriceChildplainas, copy the files from one partition to the other, delete the empty partition then enlarge the remaining one05:40
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PriceChilddavee, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTSUpgrades05:40
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djuppOK I've 6 Partitions (2 logical, one extended with 3 logicals) on my HD.. I'm now trying to enlarge the space reserved for ubuntu, my problem is, that the ubuntu-partitions are at the end of the disk, so I can't just enlarge with free space, as far as I could see from any of the tutorials I read05:40
Dave_what is the super button ?05:40
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Davy_Jonesplainas: do they have the same file system?05:41
djuppany advice on how to do this?05:41
PiciDave_: Usually the windows key.05:41
ikoniada_the windows key05:41
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rafaelscjdanielronin, I think you should install grub again, but before you should use FIXMBR to know if vista is fine05:41
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eMaX_hi guys05:41
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Davy_Jones!offtopic | eMaX_05:41
ubot3eMaX_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:41
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PiciDavy_Jones: ? He just got here.05:42
ziggy23ok, read the faq on reinstalliing grub bootloader on my dual boot box...what's the *easiest, least fuss* way to do it from the FAQ at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows so that I get my dual boot menu back?05:42
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MohdGuys, I got the following problem and I need help. Youtube doesen't produce sound while music does. I searched the internet and tried several ways and haven't solved it yet. Its gettg annoying, I need help.05:42
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eMaX_what is wrong if free -m shows that I have a total of 3042 mb of which 2951 mb are used and 91 mb free and => shared 0 and buffers 0 and the hard disk is dying away writing or reading data?05:42
Davy_JonesPici: he said hi guys05:42
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Davy_JonesPici: that's offtopic05:42
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daveePriceChild: Thanks....05:42
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eMaX_in addition, 2 gb of swap are used (out of 8 gb)05:43
PiciDavy_Jones: I disagree, but no need to dwell on this.05:43
PriceChild!guidelines > Davy_Jones05:43
dystopianrayeMaX_: what are the values on the -/+ buffers/cache line?05:43
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djuppanybody an idea on my partitioning issue?05:43
eMaX_ok used: 1941, +/- used: 110405:43
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MohdGuys, I got the following problem and I need help. Youtube doesen't produce sound while music does. I searched the internet and tried several ways and haven't solved it yet. Its gettg annoying, I need help.05:43
eMaX_free: 1090; -/+ : 193805:44
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elzbalMohd: Is the music outside of the web browser?05:44
eMaX_strange that the buffers are said to be 005:44
danielroninrafaelscl: i'm new to vista, and this is m first dual (or tri) boot setup with it, will fixmbr bugger everything else al up?05:44
dystopianrayeMaX_: there doesn't seem to be anything wrong05:44
elzbalMohd: Or are you talking about music generated from a web page?05:44
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HelzibahMohd: is it flash or the browser that's at foult?05:44
ikoniaMohd what version of ubuntu are you using05:44
Mohdelzbal, no only Youtube.05:44
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ikoniaMohd its most likey a flash plugin issue as you tuve has just done some updates05:44
eMaX_I mean I just started two vmwares of which one takes 400 mb and the other 1 gb and as soon as I started the second one the system goes into hard disk burnin test mode05:44
elzbalMohd: Are you trying to do music and Youtube at the same time? It might be a simultaneous-sound issue....05:44
MohdOnly YouTube, I think its from the flash player. I have downloaded the latest flash player.05:45
danielroninrafaelscj: (SP) i'm new to vista, and this is m first dual (or tri) boot setup with it, will fixmbr bugger everything else al up?05:45
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eMaX_dystopianray: then I looked into free and saw that buffers are reported to be at "0"05:45
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Mohdelzbal, No, I shutted down all my music problems and it wont work.05:45
elzbalMohd: Gotcha.05:45
ikoniaMohd what version of ubuntu05:45
ubot3The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:45
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MohdIkonia, 7.0405:45
gs246hi.i try connect using ssh to my remote computer and i have error ssh: connect to host edison.bath.ac.uk port 22: Connection refuse05:45
MohdIkonia, updated.05:45
dgjonesMohd, has the sound on youtube ever worked?05:46
ikoniaMohd ah, so you're using pretty much the latest flash played05:46
dystopianraygs246: you need to forward port 22 to the local machine05:46
=== kane77 cannot wait for 7.10 beta
gs246any idea what to do or maybe how to enable ssh on remote comp?05:46
ikoniags246 I know bath uni well, its not open to seeh05:46
Mohddgjones on Linux ubuntu? Never.05:46
dystopianraygs246: do you have the ssh server started on the remote machine?05:46
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gs246how to start ssh server?05:46
MohdBut on the same desktop with the same version of Linux it worked untill I formatted.05:46
rafaelscjddanielronin, fixmbr will rewrite your mbr with NTRLD, the windows's boot manager, so you could boot vista up05:46
SvishThis is probably not possible, but im just curious: Is it possible to let the Media Keys fall through a locked screen? And maybe also make them not turn off the screen saver? would be nice to be able to switch songs and adjust the volume even if the screen is locked or the screen saver is running...05:46
djuppI'm sorry if i wasn't nice enough. So once more, the only way I figured out to repartition my HD is to completely erase it and set it up from the beginning. Can I do backup of my system at the moment, and then extract it on a newly partitioned hd??05:46
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ikoniags246 is edison your box ?05:46
Svishgs246: apt-get install ssh05:47
dystopianraygs246: you need to install the openssh-server package05:47
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eMaX_what's your question?05:47
HelzibahMohd: my laptop does that after hibernate, try http://www.macewan.org/2006/06/01/howto-firefox-flash-video-sound-on-ubuntu-linux-dapper/05:47
Svishgs246: think that is what I did today, and it started automatically :) if not you have to start the sshd process or something05:47
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djuppOk, i've 5 partitions, and I have to enlarge 2 of them (one reiserfs one ext3)05:47
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dgjonesMohd, there's a suggestion on ubuntuguide about problems with sound for youtube, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty search for youtube, maybe thats the answer05:47
elzbaldjupp: Yes you can. Good tools for this are "tar" and "dd". You may also be able to change your parition size with gparted, if you boot from the CD.05:48
eMaX_t know whether it is possible to enlarge them live, yet you should be possible to  back them up, recreate them, then copy the content back05:48
elzbaldjupp: I would back up everything before changing the partition size though.05:48
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djuppeMaX_:  problem is, I can't use the space I freed.. so I'm thinking about repartitioning the whole hd.. elzbal: does that mean that I can get it back afterwards by simply untaring it into the root folder?05:48
rafaelscjrestarting X...05:48
eMaX_what do you mean by you cannot use the space you freed05:48
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gs246now i have ssh: connect to host bath.ac.uk port 22: No route to host05:49
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elzbaldjupp: Yes. Look up the tar flags first, by the way... you need to make sure to preserve file ownership and permissions.05:49
djuppit's in the partitions at the beginning (sda1 was vista, deleted, sda2 as well, sda3 is extended with sda4 reiserfs / and sda6 ext3 /home)05:49
ikoniags246 edison is not on the interenet and doesn't have a dns entry05:49
Radeonkaip steam suderinti su windos05:49
Radeonkaip steam suderinti su linux ... :D05:49
ikoniags246 is edision your box ?05:49
djuppelzbal: ok, that sounds very nice05:49
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eMaX_djupp as you do a backup anyways why not just recreate them05:49
dgjones!english | Radeon05:49
ubot3Radeon: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat05:49
djuppelzbal: so I will tar everything up, repartition, untar, reconfigure the bootloader and start up with my old system? :)05:50
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elzbaldjupp: Thats05:50
elzbalthats basically it.05:50
elzbaldjupp: And yes, I've done it before.  :)05:50
gs246edison is on the network but in the different department05:50
djuppelzbal: coool!05:51
djuppso I will get started back-uping then05:51
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djuppah yes, is there a way to omit /home as this should be a seperate backup?05:51
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danielroninrafaelscj: sorry i'm at work trying to get this sorted out05:51
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AndyGraybealwhat is a good program to get photos off of my usb olympus 650z camera?05:52
AndyGraybealer 560z05:52
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pike_AndyGraybeal: you cant mount it?05:52
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ikoniaAndyGraybeal just mount it and use a file mounter to copy them off05:52
AndyGraybealwell i plug it in and i'm confused after that :)05:52
elzbaldjupp: Make sure you use the "p" flag for preserving file ownership/permissions. You may want to use the z or j flag to compress, although it will take quite a bit longer.05:52
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kane77AndyGraybeal, fspot?05:53
djuppelzbal: cool.. how about omitting /home?05:53
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pike_AndyGraybeal: some cams cant be mounted most can though id apt-cache search olympus  or something maybe05:53
djuppelzbal: by now I'd say tar-xcvp /* or smth like that05:53
danielroninrafaelscj: it just barely flashes the "loading GRUB" screen, and then reboots over and over again05:53
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elzbaldjupp: "x" is for extract. I'd omit that one.  I'd use cpf.   Or cpvf if you want to look at the files. Or cpzf/cpjf if you want to compress.05:54
djuppoh yeah, don't know why i messed that up :D05:54
elzbaldjupp: As for omitting home, I'd probably just be lazy and type the name of every directory but "home" into the command I use.05:55
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elzbalTheres things you can do with flags, or the find command... but....05:55
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djuppelzbal: so it'd be tar -cpzf /etc /usr /var etc. without /home05:55
elzbaldjupp: Yup.05:55
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IgnominyI am preparing to format over Breezy (I think) and install Fiesty, but I think that Grub is installed in a hard drive that has WinXP Pro installed on it.  I disconnected that hard drive to prevent accidental loss of information.  Is this going to cause a dual boot problem?05:56
djuppelzbal: cool, thanks very much.. I'll get back to you when I've made some progress05:56
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elzbaldjupp: well...     tar cpf mytarfile.tar /dir1 /dir2 /dir3 /etc05:56
ikoniaIgnominy yes, you will have to setup the grub portiona  manually, and when you insert the disk again05:56
francoisdoes anyone know where i can get help with tomsrtbt to install ubuntu ?05:56
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djuppelzbal: ok, yeah, I think I'll figure out the syntax.. I just wasn't sure if this really works or not :)05:57
nathanif I have apache going, does that allow sql?05:57
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danielroninrafaelscj, still there?05:57
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Ignominyikonia, whould it be better to reconnect that hard drive so that Grub can do its thing?05:57
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ikoniaIgnominy sounds good05:57
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Ignominyikonia, currently grub has like 10 different boot options.  will this reinstall cleanup and remove all the unnecessary entries?05:58
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rafaelscjdanielronin, I don't know how to fix that, If I were you I would use FIXMBR,05:59
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elzbalrafaelscj: To clean up unused grub entries, take a look at /boot/grub/menu.lst (carefully!)06:00
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rafaelscjdanielronin, use the vista's DVD to get a comand line and type fixmbr06:01
annihiluswhats the best way to format a removable disk (say to fat)06:02
rafaelscjelzbal, his grub isn't working at all06:02
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danielroninwhen grus is set up with vista, it's more of an extension to the MBR than an entry itslf, correct?06:02
elzbalrafaelscj: Gotcha. And I just realized I addressed the wrong person. sry. :)06:03
danielroninrafaelscj, forgive my typing06:03
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kl4mFrom what I remember the Vista boot code is on the first sector of its "system" partition06:04
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Ignominyelzbal, I can look at the menu.lst using the live cd in the terminal, correct?06:05
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francoisdoes anyone know where i can get help with tomsrtbt to install ubuntu ?06:05
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jaggyey is it posible to install a lexmark p704 on ubuntu if so how ?06:06
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con^v1rus-afkhello, which version should i choose for sempron 3500+ 32bit or 64?06:06
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kl4mcon^v1rus-afk: 32bit is always a safe bet, especially if you want to run proprietary stuff like Macromedia Flash06:07
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roadfishI noticed that Debian has k3b 1.0.2 in their testing. However, Ubuntu "apt-get install k3b" only takes me to k3b 1.0.0 ... Does Ubuntu have something like the "testing" notion (say by adding something to /etc/apt/sources.list)?06:07
jaggyey is it posible to install a lexmark p704 on ubuntu if so how ?06:07
elliotjhugcon^v1rus-afk: Both should work, but as kl4m says. 32bits will work with almost everything06:08
elzbalcon^v1rus-afk: If in doubt, use 32-bit.06:08
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woooooshI've just started using crontab and understand that it sends an email to root. If this is correct, does my ubuntu act as a mail server and how do I access this email? :)06:08
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ikoniawooooosh ubuntu has postfix installed by default06:08
elzbalcon^v1rus-afk: Some of the sempron processors have been shipped without 64-bit extensions at all (my wife's cpu, for one). So it's difficult to answer.  :)06:08
ikoniamail is delivered to your users Mail directory06:08
Alejandr0hello, i got no sound in Quake 2 and neither can go full screen, what can i do?06:08
elliotjhugcon^v1rus-afk: the 3500+ does have 64bit as far as the reviews say. But I say you should use 3206:09
woooooshikonia, is it ~/Mail ?06:09
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zornychey guys, is there a virtual accessibility keyboard in ubuntu, or is there a package i can install?06:09
ikoniawooooosh spot on06:09
elzbalcon^v1rus-afk: But if you do have 64-bit extensions, you'll get a bit of a boost running the 32-bit anyway.06:09
VSpikeroadfish: you could enable feisty backports repository06:09
VSpikeroadfish: I've got 1.0.3 from somewhere06:09
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woooooshikonia, well I don't have one :O - I think I need to install postfix lol06:09
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kl4mjaggy: "Looking at the above sight I only see a Z735 but it is not working with cups. Unfortunely 85% of the Lexmark printers don't work in Linux due to the drivers that Windows use. Most are considered WinPrinters like reference to WinModems. They lack the needed hardware to run as a printer. They use the driver itself to do the printing versus hardware. I have seen some of the all-inones that would not run by them selfs as a copier unless the compu06:10
kl4mter is on. My guess why theyare cheaper by 40% than HP units." from  http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archive/index.php/t-126373.html, a year ago06:10
ikoniawooooosh postfix is installe by default06:10
zornyci need to press the capslock key06:10
JeevesMosscan I get a hand to figure out why I can't access my MySQL DB from php?  I have all of the extentions installed, but it still won't connect.06:10
woooooshikonia, The program 'postfix' is currently not installed.  You can inst...  not for me :(06:10
ikoniawooooosh how odd06:10
Alejandr0hello, i got no sound in Quake 2 and neither can go full screen, what can i do?06:10
woooooshikonia, well at least i know what to do now ; thanks06:10
jaggykl4m so what ur saying is that its imposble to use it ??? :(06:10
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elliotjhugJeevesMoss: What kind of problem you having with it?06:11
roadfishVSpike: ok, backports. sounds better than what I was contemplating ... installing the deb-file from debian.org.06:11
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Ignominyelzbal, I can look at the menu.lst using the live cd in the terminal, correct?06:11
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kl4mjaggy:  Lexmark seems to rely on the driver very much for its printer, and it has not released a Linux driver. So it seems not06:11
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linux__alieni installed Ubuntu 7.04 and then installed Windows and is there any way that i can recover my Ubuntu?06:12
jaggykl4m ok ty :(06:12
linux__alienor should i install some other distro ?06:12
VSpikeroadfish: if you look in your sources.list file, the lines should be there but commented out06:12
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JeevesMosselliotjhug:  are you going to be around for a bit?  I may have to leave in like 15 mins.  And the problem is that I think I'm missing a program or something on my LAMP install.  I can't connect to the database to install either PHPbb or osCommerce06:12
zornycseems that my capslock is activated at home, now it is inverted thrue remote vnc06:12
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kl4mjaggy: You could try http://users.cybercity.dk/~dko12479/06:12
michael_telinux_alien: try booting from the cd. There should be something like "boot from the hard disk" (don't know exactly)06:12
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zornycit kinda gets on my nerve, i tought it would have some sort of virtual keyboard, but i cant find it06:13
gs246ok. i managed to connect but i have problem with xserwer :MEGAVIEW: cannot connect to X server06:13
elliotjhuglinux__alien: Depends what you did when you installed windows, if you went over the top its gone. Otherwise you need to reinstall grub06:13
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jaggyk kl4m ty :(06:13
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zornyci checked in Accessibilty, i cant seem to find it there06:13
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linux__alienelliotjhug windows did not overwrite Ubuntu but my grub is lost how do i recover it06:13
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roadfishVSpike: excellent, I see backports now ... thanks06:14
Frogzoo!grub | linux__alien06:14
ubot3linux__alien: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:14
JeevesMosselliotjhug:  is there a list, or a "apt-get" to do a proper LAMP install?06:14
elliotjhugJeevesMoss: Thought so. but seems not now. Sorry :(06:14
gs246ok. i managed to connect but i have problem with xserwer :MEGAVIEW: cannot connect to X server .i can connect to remote account via ssh.06:14
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VSpikeroadfish: hopefully that will provide it06:14
elliotjhugbye all. Sorry!06:14
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pandora--can i install ubuntu 7 on top of ubuntu 6 without destroying everything?06:14
asim87i`m using my ds on irc06:14
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michael_teJeevesMoss: You might want to try apache, mysql, php5 and perl06:14
pandora--asim87: kick ass lol06:14
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pike_pandora--: w/out formatting the partition?06:14
VSpikeroadfish: other possible source was "deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-357 feisty main # KDE 3.5.7"06:14
zornychm, or maybe i can send the capslock "signal", what is the code for that?06:15
pandora--pike_: ya06:15
morpheusanyone know of a good media centre app for ubuntu??06:15
asim87its soo kool!06:15
codeane_installing ubuntu 7.04 server, should i set up LVM?06:15
VSpikemorpheus: mythbuntu ?06:15
gs246i managed to connect to the remote account via ssh but i have problem with xserwer :MEGAVIEW: cannot connect to X server06:15
michael_tepandora--: you want to upgrade?06:15
ikoniacodeane_ do you want to use lvm06:15
JeevesMossmichael_te:  I have thow installed.  that's the problem.06:15
pandora--michael_te: ya06:15
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ikoniags246 `stop asking every 2 seconds06:15
codeane_what is it?06:15
ikoniacodeane_ then you don't want it06:15
gs246any adea why?06:16
JeevesMossmichael_te:  but when I run the test script, it dosn't show the MySQL connectors installed06:16
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pike_pandora--: i wouldnt try it.. id move my /home to a sep partition. you can designate that in the new installer and select dont format but for / .. id format it06:16
michael_tepandora--: change edgy to feisty in the sources.list / in synaptic and then update06:16
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Martin_-_How do i change font in the terminal?06:16
pike_pandora--: lol that will work too :)06:16
pandora--michael_te: ahhhhhh!!06:16
Devyllwhat is the terminal command to see in what group am I in ?????06:16
Alejandr0hello, i got no sound in Quake 2 and neither can go full screen, what can i do?06:16
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pike_Devyll: groups06:16
PiciDevyll: groups06:16
michael_teJeevesMoss: Does the commandline tool (mysql -u username -p) work?06:16
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JeevesMossmichael_te:  yes, and I can connect to it from a GUI from an external address06:17
zornycnow its just get messy, going from the remote machine to the one i'm using, i always endup having capslock when i dont want to06:17
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pandora--michael_te: where do i do that? in synaptic or just find the file?06:17
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michael_tepandora--: I just edit the /etc/apt/sources.list06:17
zornychow hard could it be to have a virtual accessibility keyboard06:18
eifelzockerhi guys06:18
zornycit would solve this easily06:18
pandora--oh, its dapper right now06:18
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michael_tepandora--: in synaptic it's under Settings-Repositories06:18
zornycis such a thing exists?06:18
eifelzockerhow to install wine?06:18
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pandora--so s/dapper/fiesty ?06:18
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eifelzockerand also how to run it?06:18
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JeevesMossmichael_te:  yes, and I can connect to it from a GUI from an external address06:18
michael_tepandora--: Then first from dapper to edgy and then from edgy to feisty06:18
kalis it possible to install ubuntu feisty on macbook without mac os x? I  just want a partition for my feisty and another one for Windows, that's all...06:18
pandora--ah gotcha06:18
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Devyllthanks guys06:19
michael_teJeevesMoss: I don't know the test scripts, but have you tried an own script?06:19
JeevesMossmichael_te:  www.penn-tawsha.net/test.php06:19
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michael_teJeevesMoss: The standard Qt3-template in KDevelop didn't work some time ago, too06:19
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JeevesMossmichael_te:  www.penn-tawsha.net/test.php06:20
logik-bombHow do I share (with read/write) a hardrive on my ubuntu with a windows network? It with samba only?06:20
Martin_-_How do i change font in the terminal?06:20
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ikonialogik-bomb samba is by far the best real option06:21
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pandora--michael_te: reload package information -> mark all upgrades -> apply (sound right?)06:21
logik-bombikonia so I can mount a hardrive and add it to the samba conf. And thats only that..?06:22
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michael_tepandora--: Seems to be okay06:22
pandora--michael_te: thanks for your help :)06:22
ikonialogik-bomb no no no, its uch more than that06:22
michael_tepandora--: Just repeat it until no updates are left, then proceed to feisty06:22
danielroninrafaelscj, i just tried restoring grub from the shell, and got the following message: Error 6: Mismatched or corrupt version of stage1/stage206:22
ikonialogik-bomb its much more complex then that06:22
danielroninis this because i've manually made changes to menu.lst?06:23
michael_teIs there any way I can change my architecture from amd64 to x86 without reinstalling?06:23
linux__alienhow do i recover my grub in Ubuntu 7.0406:23
logik-bombikonia can you teach me?06:23
ikonialogik-bomb https://help.ubuntu.com there are guides on there06:23
danielroninrafaelscj: have a look: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37122/06:23
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ikoniano problem06:24
ikonialogik-bomb ask if you have specific questions06:24
ikoniabut the guide should get you 90 of the way06:24
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michael_teJeevesMoss: do you have php5-mysql installed?06:24
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askandWhich of these startup services is unneeded?06:24
askanddnsmasq, xinetd, nfs-common, hplip06:24
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michael_teaskand: depends on wich you use06:25
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_trineI have lost my kde screen ,, no icons but i can get a console is there anyway to get kde back up or failing that can I reinstall and save my settings06:25
askandmichael_te: Hmm i dont really know..im printing on a hp printer in my network..but do I need hplip for that?06:25
whileimhereDoes Bluefish have FTP capabilities?06:25
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michael_tetrine_: When you deinall something, the configuration will be left untouched06:26
linux__alienhow do i recover my grub in my system. Windows XP overwrote my MBR so could someone help me ?06:26
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=== N3bunel saluta
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michael_teaskand: I don't know exactly, but I think it would be more work to figure out, if it does, than to leave it running06:26
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tom__hi, how can i make ubuntu run a command when it mounts my usb stick?06:27
clockwise#join ubuntu-gr06:27
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askandmichael_te: okey..so I dont save so much ram turning om services in ubuntu as I did in XP?06:27
michael_teaskand: Generally it isn't worth the hassle06:27
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rafaelscjdanielronin, let me see06:28
michael_teaskand: how much ram do you have?06:28
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askandmichael_te: 51206:28
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michael_teaskand: with 512mb you shouldn't worry about hplib ;)06:28
tarntowhow should i go about using my backup repository as i think i have completely messed up the current one? thanx06:28
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askandmichael_te:  okok and not the other things I said?06:29
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ubot3For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:29
`Matirother than system 76, what other vendors sell notebooks with ubuntu pre-installed?06:29
=== patrik747 [n=patrik74@c-4c7372d5.09-323-70697410.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
gumby600mI'm running Ubuntu Feisty with the default version of gnome.  I have 2 apps running on two work spaces.  I have a panel that displays the currently running windows on the current workspace at the bottom of the screen.  How do I get the bottom panel to list all windows across all workspaces?06:29
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linux__alienis there any method by which grub could be recovered in Ubuntu?06:30
linux__alieni am using 7.0406:30
linux__alienMy MBR has got overwritten06:30
michael_teaskand: if you use any networkdrives over nfs you need nfs-common06:30
=== Sausage [n=teecee@nigelf1-adsl.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
linux__alienhow do i recover it06:30
PriceChild!fixgrub | linux__alien06:30
ubot3linux__alien: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:30
kl4mgumby600m: there is an option in the panel's preferences06:30
`Matirlinux__alien, grub-install06:30
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ikonia`Matir thats not a great idea06:30
kl4mgumby600m: I mean the Window list preferences06:30
ikonialinux__alien follow the link pricechild gave you06:30
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kl4mMust be something like "show windows from all spaces"06:31
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=== xazo Hello Peeps
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rakymy google bookmarks in the google toolbar are not loading.  what should i do about it?06:31
gumby600mkl4m: ahhh.... cool, tx!06:31
wouterlI can't record sound from my mic. Driver is snd-intel8x0. Capture is set on mic in alsamixer. Playing sound etc works, even playback. Where can I find extra information etc? (i'm using debian etch, but nobody seems to answer me in the debian support channel)06:31
=== preaction [n=doug@static-72-1-4-143.ntd.net] has joined #ubuntu
xazojrib, do you know of linux program that allows for MS Office to run on linux? I open Wine and select executable but nothing happens. Im thinking WINE isnt my answer. or is it?06:32
Piciwouterl: Then ask in #debian06:32
kl4mtarntow what repository? apt sources list?06:32
Piciwouterl: This is only for Ubuntu support unfortunately, despite any similarities between distros.06:33
PriceChildxazo, what's wrong with openoffice?06:33
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scipioraky, are you using the same profile that you used in windows?06:33
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logik-bombadding this /dev/hda1    /media/bakcup ext3  iocharset=utf8,umask=000  0    0   is this ok to add to my fstab? Thanks06:33
rakyyeah, scipio06:33
tarntowkl4m: yes my current sources.list is all messed up...no longer able to load06:34
ikonialogik-bomb looks fine06:34
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scipioraky, i had the same problem. it seems the google toolbar for windows doesn't work that well in linux. so i uninstalled and installed the linux google toolbar06:34
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xazoPriceChild, Open Office doesnt play nice with sharing and collaborating Microsoft Project Files.06:34
xazoOtherwise I would use Open Office.06:34
kl4mtarntow: clear the file /etc/apt/sources.list. You can then set the default repositories back with synaptic06:35
rakyscipio, i use the windows toolbar in windows, and the linux toolbar in linux.  and i never use IE06:35
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tarntowkl4m: as it delete everything inside and leave it as an empty folder06:35
rakyscipio: i think i misunderstood the "profile" reference06:36
kl4mtarntow: wohwohwoh06:36
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scipioraky, if you have the same profile you can't possibly have both toolbars active at the same time. so you either have to use two profiles or give up the toolbar functionality either under linux or windows06:36
mthedHow can i change the default program videos start with? I know the right > open with other application, but what about applications that aren't on that list. For example vlc media player?06:36
kl4mtarntow: /etc/apt/sources.list is a file. Make it an empty file06:36
=== pony333 [n=pony333@dslb-084-060-033-155.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
DjViperwhich ssl package do I need to run MSN over Pidgin on FF ?06:37
ikoniatarntow why do you want to empty sourceslist06:37
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PriceChildDjViper, why pidgin?06:37
rakyboth aren't active at the same time, but they are using the same profile, scipio06:37
PriceChildDjViper, gaim is in ff and works perfectly06:37
tarntowikonia: somehow chopping and changing has damaged to a point where it's just not working at all06:38
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DjViperPriceChild: I want to try it06:38
tarntowkl4m: thx06:38
PriceChildDjViper, its not worth the effort06:38
DjViperoh, why?06:38
PriceChildDjViper, it looks slightly different, and there's a few other changes06:38
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PriceChild!highno | DjViper06:38
ubot3DjViper: A higher version number does not mean that it's better. Especially with packages such as the linux kernel. The packages in the Ubuntu repositories are stable and will work fine. You should have a better reason than "newer" when considering compiling from source or using 3rd party repos.06:38
DjViperPriceChild: okay, either way, I'd like to use it06:39
=== hello_world995 [n=hello_wo@zue-tix-bbcs-dynip-178-248.vtx.ch] has joined #ubuntu
scipioraky, exactly. if you have one profile you can't have installed both. so if now you're using ubuntu and uninstall/install the toolbar you'll see that it's working. when you switch to windows you'll see it's not working there anymore. you can't have both :)06:39
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ikoniaDjViper even if it potentially breaks your whole system if you install it wrong?06:39
DjViperPriceChild: so which ssl lib do I need to grab?06:39
ikoniaDjViper just hang on until 7.10 and see if its fesity06:39
rakythx scipio, that's weird :(06:39
ikoniahello_world995 test worked06:39
DjViperikonia: it is06:39
ikoniaoops gusty06:39
ikoniaok so hang on06:39
ikoniarather than potentially break your system06:40
hello_world995yes, it did06:40
scipioraky, yeah maybe they will fix it in a future release06:40
DjViperikonia: how can it break my system?06:40
ikoniaby installing conflicting packages that other softrware needs06:40
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PriceChildDjViper, because you don't know exactly what you're diong.06:40
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=== riotkittie weeps
goodtodi have a script running rsync with --rsh=/usr/bin/ssh -p 1215 and i understand why that breaks but i dont understand why it would start breaking now when it was working before?06:41
DjViperPriceChild: are you talking about pidgin itself, or the ssl lib now?06:41
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ikoniaDjViper both06:41
PriceChildDjViper, if you really want to do this, I'd suggest either backporting the gutsy packages, manually or using prevu... or perhaps if you want to do it from upstream svn etc. to install the build deps for gaim and that should sort it.06:41
=== jordo23_ [n=jordo23@CPE-65-31-131-130.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
kl4mDjViper: there is a deb there : http://www.getdeb.net/release.php?id=817 I wonder if it'll get the dependencies06:41
Stwangecan anyone link me to a page that takes ages to load? I need to check the stop button06:41
mikes`hi this is mikes  mother, do any one you know where he is?06:42
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ikonia!offtopic > mikes`06:42
Stwangenever mind :)06:42
pillowpantsi just closed a game of armagatron, and my screen went to a really small resolution06:43
pillowpantshow do i fix it?06:43
rakyscipio: i may have another problem with my amd6406:43
mikes`he didnt come home yesterday night, do you know if he is ok?06:43
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pillowpantsso that x is reset06:43
gcrackahhe played too much bioshock06:43
riotkittieok. i /should/ be able to get a wireless adapter with a ralink chipset to work, especially if there are drivers for it, eh?06:43
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riotkittieor is the rt2570 just the root of all evil? :|06:43
AndyGraybealmikes`, does yuo know of any other chat channels he hangs out in?06:43
PriceChildmikes`, we don't know who you or your "son" are... we're all complete strangers and this channel is for support of the ubuntu operating system ONLY.06:43
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riotkittiemaybe he was sucked into the matrix. <hides>06:44
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rakyscipio: i can work around the google toolbar.  thanks06:45
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fenrighi i can't acces the internet using ubuntu06:46
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fenrigfor some strange reason06:47
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eugmanFirstly, can distutils make deb files? Secondly, is there a specifc structure to how files for a game are placed on a system? I want to make a python game into a deb but it needs to know where it's data and local libs are located06:47
fenrigi have adsl and a usb modem of asus06:47
Michae1I need to turn on the "virtual memory" , how do I do that ?06:47
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ikoniaMichae1 its swap space - it should already be on06:47
gcrackahmikes`: we found your son, he's on a different nick06:48
PriceChild!offtopic | gcrackah06:48
ubot3gcrackah: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:48
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rafaelscjsynaptics uses all bandwitch, how can i fix it? is there a way?06:48
Michae1Ikonia: I am trying to run Titan quest in Wine and it is telling me to enable the virtual meory...06:48
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gcrackahdo i need two wlan adapters to run kismet?06:49
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d3ck4_gcrackah, no..06:49
riotkittieanyone know, from personal experience, a wifi usb adapter that will work out of the box? preferrably from dapper upwards. or if not out of the box, with minor beating into submission?06:49
woooooshfenrig, I don't know how to solve your problem (sorry), but what I can tell you is that USB modems are quite difficult to get working on linux - if possible use an ethernet connection06:49
rafaelscjgcrackah, no06:49
=== Skyfalcon866 [n=jack@c-24-218-246-100.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
fenrigwell i tried it and it doesnt connect06:50
PriceChildriotkittie, intel chipset? ralink has always done me fine but not the best...06:50
gcrackahi didn't think so, i need to put my interface into rfmon mode right?06:50
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fenrigi mean i can use an enthernet card06:50
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fenrigbut i can't seem to acces the internet06:51
riotkittiePriceChild: i will look into that :|  i have a ralink now, and got it because it was on a list of cards that were supposed to work. boy, was i surprised :P06:51
neramoshoi hoi guys06:51
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candelaresicomo hagoi para abrir un rar que esta en varias partes???06:51
PriceChildriotkittie, it doesn't work?06:51
PriceChild!es | candelaresi06:51
ubot3candelaresi: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:51
rowdogcandelaresi, unrar06:51
MohammadBoozaryI Need to install VLC and then sudo apt-get install vlc I see this report E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)06:51
MohammadBoozaryE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?06:51
=== Argazm [n=john@77-97-23-241.cable.ubr03.uddi.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
faileasriotkittie: supposed to. i spent a month trying to make mine work, gave up and swapped distros on that box ;p06:52
=== rodserling [n=rod@pool-71-124-243-86.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
d3ck4_cubaan2 satu dua tiga.. ubuntu malaysia kat mana?06:52
candelaresiuhhhh ubot3 escuse me06:52
Argazmhi folks, could someome help me with a wireless problem using xubuntu live06:52
neramosMohammadBoozary: you have add and remove windows open06:52
rafaelscjgcrackah, you need to "disable" network-manager for your card06:52
d3ck4_!my | d3ck406:52
ubot3Factoid my not found06:52
candelaresiexcuse me... i think that i were in the spanish ubuntu06:52
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ubot3Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE06:52
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riotkittiePriceChild > it's there... ifconfig and iwconfig look good, i get signals, i cant connect.  and then it locks my computer up.06:52
neramosMohammadBoozary: you cant login with apt-get into the database twice06:53
MohammadBoozaryneramos: what ?!06:53
ubot3pxe: free PX daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.2-4 (edgy), package size 25 kB, installed size 140 kB06:53
PriceChildriotkittie, ahh.... are you on multi core?06:53
WardjeI got this file for Xchat and it's a .rpm, how do I use such a file? :$06:53
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Argazmis their a way to use ndiswrapper using the livecd ???  I need to test my wireless device *before* installing xubuntu06:53
Wardjefile to install Xchat* rather06:53
riotkittiePriceChild: nope.06:53
neramosMohammadBoozary: do you have the add/remove applications open ???06:53
MohammadBoozaryneramos: why ?!06:53
keitohelp i need to know the default password for the ubuntu boot disc (I need to copy a folder from a ntfs drive to an ext3 drive from the boot disc)06:53
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PriceChildriotkittie, then i haven't a clue why it should be freezing then :(06:53
MohammadBoozaryneramos: no !!!06:53
administratoris there an individual here that knows how to configure ZAbbix server monitor?06:54
gcrackahthanks rafaelscj, how do i "disable" it?06:54
=== usser [n=dmitry@ool-18b8e9e6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
gcrackahand what are the immediate consequences of doing so06:54
keitoI'm using the command su but I keep getting the wrong password!06:54
neramosMohammadBoozary: do you have synaptic package manager open ?06:54
gcrackaher nevermind, i can google that06:54
PriceChild!sudo | keito06:54
ubot3keito: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.06:54
keitoI know06:54
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riotkittiePriceChild> it seems to be a common issue with this adapter, from what i've come across in searching. i was on the forums last night, and apparently, there are people who have gotten it to work... but they never explained how06:54
=== Dr_Willis [i=GillBate@74-140-6-108.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
WardjeHow to use .rpm file? My knowledge of Ubuntu is below zero :(06:54
keitoi keep getting this... ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ su06:54
keitosu: Authentication failure06:54
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usserkeito su dont work in ubuntu06:54
bruenigWardje, you don't06:54
PriceChild!rpm | Wardje06:54
ubot3Wardje: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)06:54
PriceChildkeito, please read the message rfom ubotu earlier06:55
usserkeito instead do sudo su06:55
MohammadBoozaryneramos: no no06:55
keito?! k06:55
rafaelscjgcrackah, right click on network-manager icon, then unselect your interface06:55
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ubot3Factoid skynet not found06:55
MohammadBoozaryneramos: it is close06:55
PriceChildusser, please don't suggest that06:55
keitousser: thats the one... thank you ;0)06:55
bruenigkeito, the root account is locked by default, so you can't switch users to root obviously06:55
ubot3Factoid sfd not found06:55
neramostry it now06:55
Argazmis their a way to use ndiswrapper using the livecd ???  I need to test my wireless device *before* installing xubuntu06:55
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usserPriceChild shhh its cool ))06:56
=== genii hands PriceChild a coffee and some aspirin
usserPriceChild didnt u get the memo )))06:56
d3ck4_Argazm, what chipset?06:56
riotkittieArgazm: do you have a usb stick? perhaps you could try with persistant mode, but i'm not sure. uhmmm, what adapter is it?06:56
PriceChild!sudo > usser (Ubuntu uses sudo for a reason so please read that page from ubotu)06:56
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Argazmit#'s a Belkin F5D7010 54g (BCM306)06:56
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usserPriceChild yes i know that, read that06:57
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ArgazmI just need to get ndiswrapper running on the live cd so I can use the .inf driver I have and see if it works ok before installing06:57
PriceChildusser, then please understand why we suggest sudo over su in this channel.06:57
riotkittiemaybe i should just suck it up and go the ndiswrapper route, as was suggested by somebody last night. but. ugh.06:57
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kousotuArgazm: what driver?06:58
RondomArgazm: do you have wired connection available? download latest ndiswrapper, kernel-headers and build-essential06:58
ArgazmBroadcom Copr BCM4306 driver06:58
usserPriceChild right06:58
tebriotkittie: bcm43xx?06:58
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ArgazmRondom: this is on a live cd, xubuntu isnt installed on the system06:58
riotkittieteb > no.06:59
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=== usser sighs
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kousotuArgazm: I have yet to have any ndis issues with any driver I used it for06:59
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riotkittieArgazm: you should be able to install anyway, live cd or not. iirc, i was able to apt-get and run from the live cd06:59
Argazmman, if only ndiswrapper was installed by default on liv cd's... would make life a lot easier06:59
shal3rIs it possible to compile kernel module on ubuntu livecd? I am trying to compile wireless card driver but got error about missing "linux/config.h"06:59
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RondomArgazm: yes, but you can do so06:59
kousotushal3r: is build-essential installed?07:00
Argazmthe laptop is wireless and the server pc is sharing the .net... if I cant get ndiswrapper running, I cannot connect to download it07:00
shal3rkousotu, on livecd?07:00
riotkittiegranted that you have a decent amount of RAM...07:00
Rondomshal3r, Argazm: you have to install the kernel-headers and build-essential07:00
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shal3rRondom, on livecd?07:00
kousotushal3r: did you apt-get it?07:00
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=== Argazm is booting from the Live CD
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IgnominyI have installed the nvidia-glx package and type the following in the terminal: sudo nvidia-xconfig -add-argb-glx-visuals   it gives me an "invalid option" error.  what gives?07:00
Rondomshal3r: yes07:00
shal3roktanouc, thx07:00
riotkittiei will get this adapter working or ... drink myself to death.07:00
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kousotuArgazm: steal the ethernet from the other one?07:01
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ArgazmI cannot, it's a server PC, cannot be unplugged07:01
kousotuArgazm: ah...07:01
=== BABA_RECORD any one have any CC who work ?
=== BABA_RECORD any one have any CC who work ?
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kousotuBABA_RECORD: ????07:01
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Photonhes asking for credit cards07:02
Photonban the mofo07:02
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riotkittiewell, let me whip mine out.07:02
Argazmit's ok, I'll use DSL instead...07:02
imcsk8hello, is there any guide to install ubuntu server on a sun t1000??07:02
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seraph47hey guys, is there a way to convert a fat32 into an ext3 or ntfs thru linux?07:02
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ikoniaseraph47 best not to convert, backup, recreate filesystem, restore data07:02
kousotuArgazm: I would dls to grab what you need and install the driver on ndiswrapper, it shouldn't have any problems07:02
alyxi have a strange Vmware question07:03
=== BABA_RECORD any one have any Credit card who work ?
=== BABA_RECORD any one have any Credit card who work ?
seraph47ikonia: ??07:03
JeevesMossis anyone here able to help me troubleshoot this LAMP insall problem of not being able to connect to my MySQL server through PHP07:03
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imcsk8seraph47: copy all the files to the ext3 partition07:03
ikoniaseraph47 backup your data, re-create the file system with the correct options then restore the data07:03
shal3rRondom, kousotu: now i have kernel-headers and build-essential installed via apt-get, but error is the same - missing linux/config.h07:03
=== usser furiosly goes thru his wallet to find his credit card to give to baba
ikoniashal3r what are you trying to do ?07:03
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geniiusser: heh07:03
elzbalBABA_RECORD: Sorry, I don't work, nor do I have credit cards.07:03
seraph47let me clarify: i bought an external drive thats fat3207:03
khatahnis there an easy to use "backup/encrypt files to dvd" -system for linux?07:04
shal3rikonia, i need to compile wireless card driver on ubuntu livecd 7.*07:04
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seraph47i want that to be ntfs or ext307:04
ikoniashal3r which card is it07:04
ikoniaseraph47 ahh I see07:04
sumsl<- heim, bis spter *wink* [amsg[07:04
ikoniajust format it with the file system you want07:04
alyxok here go's i have my laptop with kubuntu installed and im happy, I have a Vm for my windows apps, my problem is kububtu doesnt recognize my interal wireless card so i bought the orinoco card and was happy07:04
ikoniaseraph47 which do you want ext3 of ntfs07:04
riotkittieif there's anything on the drive you need to keep, back it up. then use gparted or fdisk or cfdisk or whatever to remove the file sys, and recreate07:04
pike_alyx: now you are sad?07:04
alyxnow i want to be able to use the orinoco while in linux and my internal brodcom while in vm can this be done?07:04
usserseraph47 if u bought it new it should be unformatted ie dont have any filesystems on it07:04
shal3rikonia, realtek 818507:05
logik-bombhow do I change the "myFiles" name on samba?07:05
seraph47ikonia: id prefer ntfs, so that my windoze box can read it07:05
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alyxpike yes slightly lol07:05
ikoniashal3r I thought realteks where reasonable supported07:05
seraph47usser: its recognized as fat3207:05
ikoniaseraph47 best to format it in windows07:05
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ikoniaseraph47 nothing formats a drive like its natuve os07:05
usserseraph47 if theres no info on it just reformat it07:05
ikonianative os07:05
shal3rikonia, but i am trying to compile drivers from realtek homepage07:05
seraph47ikonia: i was thinking that, just wanted to know about any other methods07:05
geniiseraph47: There is an ext driver, as well, for Windows07:05
usserseraph47 gparted07:05
alyxany suggestions?07:05
ikoniashal3r is there a reason your not using the ones in the kernel (assuming its suported)07:05
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usser!gparted | seraph4707:06
ubot3seraph47: GParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type  sudo apt-get install gparted  in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php07:06
shal3rikonia, looks like they isn`t here07:06
-Mez:#ubuntu- PLEASE NOTE: It is unwise and unsafe to give out your credit card details over the internet. If anyone here asks for them, then DO NOT give them out.07:06
seraph47usser: can you format from gparted, i thought you could only resize07:06
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seraph47usser: btw i have gparted running right now on my windoze box :D07:06
civichbI have a quick question07:06
ikoniashal3r which card again, let me take a look07:06
usserseraph47 it can do everything07:06
riotkittiecivichb: and that question is... ?07:06
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WardjeI keep getting this error when doing ./configure in BitchX's folder:07:07
WardjeWelcome to the BitchX-1.1-final configuration07:07
Wardjechecking for gcc... gcc07:07
Wardjechecking for C compiler default output... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables07:07
ikoniashal3r I was reasonably confident realteks are well supported07:07
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seraph47usser: thanks07:07
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Rondomshal3r: sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)07:07
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civichbI installed ubuntu on a 4.5gb partition to test it out on an old machine. Unfortunately, Ubuntu asked me to update when I got online. I did that, and tried to install a few misc. programs. It filled the partition and now I can't log on to the OS.....07:07
shal3rRonald, i got them07:07
Knight_On_Whitei have 2 computer connected on router , (computer names : comp1 , comp2) , when i use the browser and want to go to the other computer i need to type : "smb://comp2" , i would like  if there is a way to avoid type "smb://" ?07:07
shal3rikonia, RTK8185L07:07
kousotuikonia: new realteks aren't07:07
civichbHow can I get in and remove some things to load it correctly?07:07
WardjeI keep getting this error when doing ./configure in BitchX's folder:07:08
WardjeWelcome to the BitchX-1.1-final configuration07:08
Wardjechecking for gcc... gcc07:08
Wardjechecking for C compiler default output... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables07:08
riotkittiegcc's not in build-essentials but is a seperate download, right?07:08
neverblue!pastebin | Wardje07:08
ubot3Wardje: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:08
faileasKnight_On_White: i doubt07:08
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PiciWardje:  sudo apt-get install build-essential07:09
kousotuKnight_On_White: bookmarks, that's it07:09
ubotuWardje: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:09
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uriahheepi'm having a problem booting ubuntu server... it just stays at ACPI: Getting cpuindex for acpiid 0x107:09
uriahheep(there are two more lines like that afterit)07:09
riotkittieare there adapters that will make pcmcia cards usable in PCs? really stupid question, i am sure but... at least my laptop's wireless works under linux :P07:09
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ikoniashal3r there is a binary driver for it07:09
riotkittieunder ubuntu, rather.07:10
Piciriotkittie: Yes, there are.07:10
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Knight_On_Whitekousotu : sorry i am new at linux .. what is "bookmarks" ?07:10
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shal3rikonia, what`s name for it?07:10
pike_riotkittie: they cost about at much as a pci wireless card though07:10
kousotuKnight_On_White: browser bookmarks07:10
ikoniashal3r you get it from the realtek site, but it also states that orinoco drivers should work for basic functionality07:10
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ikoniaI don't know how accurate that is though07:10
shal3rikonia, thanks, i will try07:10
WardjeCan anyone help me with this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37129/07:11
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PiciWardje:  sudo apt-get install build-essential07:11
riotkittienot that i could really go that route anyway, having no free pci slots :|07:11
Knight_On_Whitekousotu : where i can define thats "bookmarks" ?07:11
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elzbalWardje: Why not just apt-get install bitchx?07:12
ikoniaWardje bitchX is in the ubuntu repo07:12
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ikoniaelzbal one step behind you07:12
Dr_Willisor irssi :)07:12
kousotuhow do you go aboutconnecting to the other computer?07:12
civichbhow can I load ubuntu if the partition it is on is full?07:12
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kousotuand what's the os you're familiat with?07:12
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riotkittieirssi <307:12
ikoniakousotu how do you want to auto connect - what service07:12
usserkousotu there are millions of ways samba, nfs, ftp07:12
Dr_Williscivichb you mean Install  Ubuntu to a windows system with no free/unallocated drive sopace?07:12
riotkittiecivichb: you'll need to free up some space and repartition.07:12
usserkousotu u want to connect to the windows machine from ubuntu07:13
Wardjeelzbal and ikonia, I had no idea I could do that.07:13
civichbno. I mean the partition that ubunut is on is full07:13
Knight_On_Whitei have ubuntu server 7.04 , how can i give someone full access to my system ?07:13
civichbso it would let me logon07:13
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Dr_Williscivichb and how big is this partition?07:13
keitowhy when copying would I get an omitting directory message???07:13
riotkittiehow big is ubuntu's part?07:13
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kousotuto all: was not asking but Knight_On_White07:13
ikoniaKnight_On_White you should be very careful doing that07:13
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Dr_Willisit shouldent get so full that you cant login.07:13
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ikoniakousotu let him ask then07:13
civichb4.5 gb07:13
Dr_Willistheres a 5% reserved space normally.07:13
elzbalWardje: No worries. I always look in the repository first.  :)07:13
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Dr_Willisbut egads 4.5 gb is tiny. :007:13
usserKnight_On_White what do u mean?07:14
riotkittiekeito ...  use the -r flag ?07:14
civichbsi.. I know07:14
ubotuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)07:14
kousotuikonia: ....07:14
civichbi wanted to try it.. I didn't mean to fill the partition in 30 mins.. just testing07:14
Mr-Snickdo i have to remove wine for cedega to kick in so i can install games?07:14
riotkittiewait. is it -r?  ignore me. my brain has been liquified07:14
keitoriotkittie: yes07:14
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keitoriotkittie: me stoopid!!!07:14
elzbalMr-Snick: No, you can have both wine and cedega at the same time07:14
administratorcan anyone help me with the program zabbix07:14
Dr_Williscivichb thers should be some rescue mode if the system is not booting to X propelry.  What is it not doing exactly?07:14
elzbalMr-Snick: They do not clobber each others files/07:14
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civichbjust a second I will boot the machine again and type the error on here07:15
Mr-Snickelzbal: then how do i get the game to install. Cedega doesnt seem to noice the Game when i put it in the dvd-rom07:15
rafaelscjis cedega opensource?07:15
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Picirafaelscj: its commericial07:15
NET||abuseHi all.. having an odd one here, trying to connect my psp to rhythmbox, i drag some tracks over and it sticks them under /psp/music/psp/music/podcastname/blah.mp3  where as i've been managing to manually stick files in under just /music/ to allow playback on it.07:16
nanonymecedega is a commercial product which should have its own complaint channels07:16
NET||abuseAm I doing something wrong ?07:16
keitorafaelscj: cedega is a wine offshoot07:16
usserrafaelscj it is based on opensource wine but adds a nice user interface and some various hacks to be compatible with more games07:16
nanonymekeito, it was07:16
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Mr-Snickcedega is wine on steriods basically lol.07:16
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riotkittiei could make my life so much easier if i'd just set my la fonera on fire and buy a router.  then i could just use a wired connection on my desktop when i felt the need07:16
faileascediga is open source but commercial ;)07:16
BaktaahHas anyone gotten Intel 4965 AGN wireless to work in ubuntu and how? Thats all I got a problem with...07:16
shal3rikonia, i modprobed all orinoco modules. What to do now?07:16
nanonymecedega is an offshoot of wine from the eras when it had no directx07:16
keitonanonyme: was... (and always will be?!!)07:16
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faileasriotkittie: get a WRT54gl ! ;p07:16
ikoniashal3r did it load any ?07:16
nanonymewine has come further than cedega07:16
shal3rikonia, all07:17
elzbalMr-Snick: I'm not a cedega expert... but do the mount/detect game disk buttons not work?07:17
Knight_On_Whitei have 2 questions : i have 2 computer connected on router, and i want full access between them, how i can do that ?07:17
elzbalMr-Snick: Are you using the cedega UI?07:17
Mastastealthhey guys, my laptop has lost its hardware acceleration, and now all my 3D stuff runs slow and eats my CPU. this happened after I updated my kernel to 2.6.20-16.31. I tried reinstalling drivers, and using the Envy script to get the latest. X starts fine with the nvidia drivers, it just doesnt have acceleration. any ideas?07:17
keitonanonyme: you sure?07:17
ikoniashal3r did you get an extra device in ifconfig -a ?07:17
keitonanonyme: thought ced was better for games07:17
nanonymedirectx is nowadays more ready in wine than cedega07:17
Dr_Willisthe cedega forums discuss different games and the cd-detection/mounting issues it can have.07:17
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Mr-Snickelzbal: i've tryed to use the mount. and it does nothing after i click it07:17
keitonanonyme: word07:17
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faileasriotkittie: how does fon work? ;p07:17
nanonymeand wine people are starting to make directx1007:17
Dr_Willissome times its the game thats the issue.. they scan for cd change in odd ways.07:17
=== freudinator [n=a@host86-132-143-170.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Mr-Snickelzbal: http://www.cedega.com/support/quickstart/#5.3.Installing%20a%20Game%20|outline07:17
shal3rikonia, no :/07:17
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elzbalnanonyme: For me, Cedega works better for things like Guild Wars and CS. As soon as wine works better, I will drop Cedega like a bad habit. :)07:18
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riotkittiefon would work better if i had people connecting :x07:18
keitothe only game I want is ***ENEMY TERRITORY : QUAKE WARS***07:18
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usserkeito right on07:18
=== keito wets himself
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Dr_Willismost of the id games have naytive linux ports dont they. :)07:18
usserkeito et rocks07:18
nanonymeelzbal, it might have some special hacks that make it work better, true. eventually when wine implements the WinAPI better and better, you don't really need anything else07:19
elzbalMr-Snick: Well, you're beyond what I can reasonably troubleshoot... the cedega forums are pretty good... at least, they have been for me in the past.07:19
ras420anyone running a dual boot powerbook g4??07:19
keitousser: you played qw?07:19
Mr-Snickelzbal: ok thank you07:19
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elzbalnanonyme: And I eagerly await that day.  :)07:19
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keitoI just eagerly await the day when companies make the software for linux in the first place ;0)07:20
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elzbal^ Agreed. And also eagerly awaiting Quake Wars.  :)07:20
ssarangiHi all, my kde display manager crashed and from then on although the display manager for login screen comes its unable to start either gnome or kde07:20
faileasriotkittie: thats half the fun. more concerned about stuff like contracts and cost ;p07:20
usserkeito nah i play original et07:20
rafaelscjBut wine is GNU, so I think cedega must be too07:20
keitossarangi: did you do anything prior?07:20
keitousser: QW should be brill though - the original is still blazing07:21
ssaranginothing.. it was running torrents and then it suddenly crashed07:21
elzbalrafaelscj: Cedega forked just before wine went to GPL. (In fact, I think they went to GPL *because* of the Cedega fork)07:21
Knight_On_Whitesomeone here have littlebit knowledge on the software "SUN GRID ENGINE 6.1" ?07:21
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keitossarangi: ouch07:21
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ssarangikeito: So it gave me the error msg that KDE has crashed or something like that07:22
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:22
vehicl1i just installed 7zip but cant figure out how to use it07:22
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faileaselzbal: i seem to remember someone saying cediga's svn was open to whoiever could find it, and you could do it from there07:22
vehicl1i have a file i want to extract with it, how would i do that?07:22
keitossarangi: not gonna be much help then afraid!07:22
faileasvehicl1: try using the 7zip manager and working from there?07:22
keitovehicl1: commandline07:22
triis there any ubuntu package to take a snapshot of the current installed packages and  allows one to return to it after trying out something new?07:22
vehicl1i cant find 7zip on my computer...07:23
ssarangikeito: no problem07:23
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pike_elzbal: the less than honest also might forward you to a torrent. this would of course be morally wrong07:23
riotkittiefaileas:  i'm supposed to leave this thing on the end of february but other than that, i know nothing about contracts or cost. i got the router for free, my isp and fon have an agreement07:23
ssarangiHow can i read the error log. could anybody tell me which file contains the error log07:23
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faileasriotkittie: ahh07:23
keitoright guys i'm off, cheers for the help07:23
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rafaelscjhow can I shedule a shutdown?07:23
shal3rIs it possible to compile kernel module on ubuntu livecd? I am trying to compile wireless card driver but got error about missing "linux/config.h". I have build-essential and linux-headers installed.07:23
riotkittiei think i'm just going to pull the cord and go wired so i can actually use linux for a few hours a day. not like anybody connects anyway :x07:24
vehicl1how can i open 7zip if i cant find it o my computer??07:24
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Dr_Willisvehicl1 i think the 7zip linux packages are command line.. ark may be able to handle them.07:24
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riotkittieno wait. that is such a defeatist attitude. i will make this adapter work.  <flexes her girly muscles and whatnot>07:25
ssarangirafaelscj: shutdown -10.00 will shutdown the system in 10 mins... just do shutdown --help for advanced options07:25
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rafaelscjssarangi, thanks07:26
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faileasriotkittie: let me know if you do ;p07:26
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DanetDoes the ubuntu 7.04 live cd use 2.6.22?07:26
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Danetgenii: 2.6.21?07:26
ch40swhats the command i should run when installing ubuntu on an old laptop07:26
preactionDanet, uname -a will tell you what kernel is running07:26
`Matirriotkittie, what kind of adapter?07:26
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Danetpreaction: I know, I've yet to download it though.07:26
elzbalDanet: Not sure about the CD, but 7.04 installed uses 2.6.2007:26
Danetgenii: okay, thanks :)07:26
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Knight_On_Whitei am installing some software , and during the installation it require my other computer hostname : should i type : "smb://comp1" or just "comp1" ?\07:27
riotkittie`Matir: D-Link DWL-G12207:27
usserKnight_On_White \\comp1 should do07:27
rafaelscjI mounted a ISO file, is it slower than a real drive?07:27
`Matirriotkittie, any idea what chipset it is?  minipci/pcmcia?07:27
Knight_On_Whitelike this : // or like this \\ ?07:27
Danetrafaelscj: should be faster, assuming your hard drives aren't unbelievably old07:27
Dr_Willisrafaelscj should be a LOT faster.07:28
riotkittie`Matir > ralink 257007:28
Poul^Laptophey, i got an assignment for tomorrow where i need to use a package sniffer like wireshark but i cant sellect any interface to capture on? properly because non is set up or?07:28
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rafaelscjthanks Danet, Dr_Willis07:28
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PiciPoul^Laptop: You need to run wireshark as root for it to work properly.07:28
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Knight_On_Whiteusser : to use thos //comp1 ? or \\comp1 ?07:28
`Matirriotkittie, and the rt2500 driver doesn't work?07:28
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riotkittiefaileas: ralink is that bad? :o07:28
ssarangimy display manager crashed. Help !!!!07:29
Poul^Laptoppici, will try07:29
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faileasriotkittie: i just had shitty luck with mine07:29
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faileasonly vista and mandriva seem to work with it07:29
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:29
Poul^Laptopthx Pici , worked07:29
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faileasfor the s word?07:30
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elzbalfaileas: Yes.07:30
rafaelscjPoul^Laptop, In some cases, you need to disable network-manager07:30
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riotkittie`Matir: the adapter shows under lsusb, ifconfig and iwconfig look fine, i can see networks, i just cant connect. also, the adapter has a lovely tendency to totally lock my computer up.07:30
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vehicl1what is "cd.." in linux?07:30
Mooxhi there. Does ubuntu work with new ipod nano video ?07:31
vehicl1how do i go up a directory07:31
Picivehicl1: cd ..07:31
riotkittievehicl1 > cd ..07:31
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Poul^Laptopoki, rafaelscj   but got it working as root sudo wireshark07:31
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PiciMoox: It should see it as a usb storage device.  I dont know how well the media players will work with detecting it though.07:31
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shal3rIs it possible to compile kernel module on ubuntu livecd? I am trying to compile wireless card driver but got error about missing "linux/config.h". I have build-essential and linux-headers installed.07:32
rafaelscjPoul^Laptop, I mean after opening wireshark/kismet07:32
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Mooxpici it is detected and transfers the music but the xml file in the ipod is still missing07:32
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Knight_On_Whitewhen i want to enter other computer in my network i type in the browser "smb://comp1" if i type the same command in the terminal i get "no such file or directo.." ??07:32
Poul^Laptopoki rafaelscj will remember that if getting problem later07:32
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PiciMoox: What program?07:32
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Mooxpici : amarok, banshee, gtkpod ..07:33
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elzbalKnight_On_White: That's KDE being nice to you, provding access to a smb share that way. You dont get the same option with a command line07:33
riotkittiearrrgh. i should have gone for the linksys. :|07:33
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elzbalKnight_On_White: If you want to access the share from the command line, you'll need to mount it.07:34
rafaelscjPoul^Laptop, here, kismet stops to gather packages07:34
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Knight_On_Whiteafter i will make the mount what is the command i should type in the terminal ?07:34
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PiciMoox: I guess a bug should be logged then.07:34
Pici!bug | Moox07:34
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ubotuMoox: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots07:34
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elzbalKnight_On_White: Sorry, I know nothing about mounting SMB shares... it's nothing I've ever had to do myself. :(07:35
TehRandomanyone gotten Vmware server 1.03 running on Ubuntu Server ?07:35
elzbalKnight_On_White: Hopefully someone else - or maybe google - can help07:35
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sanguisdexanyone know a good commander style interface w/ sftp and external editor abilities, diff a plus.  for linux07:37
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter07:38
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT07:38
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sanguisdexanyone know a good commander style interface w/ sftp and external editor abilities, diff a plus.  for linux.  or where I could look for one07:38
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administratori just installed this instance of Ubuntu onto a compaq deskpro i have no sound help07:39
neramoshow do i delet a dir in terminal ?07:39
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neramoswith stuff in it07:39
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bulmerrm -rf dir/07:39
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Pici!cli > neramos (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)07:39
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT07:39
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neramosthanks all :-)07:40
lil-g-manquick question, is there any better way to find out what's ur video card than using lspci?07:40
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administratormental note ** - Adobe Technical Support sucks...::dancing to hold musik::07:40
UCkenAnyone here have any experience with combining Ubuntu and Elo Touchscreens and have a few minutes to spare?07:41
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UCkenAnd yes I am quite the beginner in the field :)07:41
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ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT07:42
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administratoranyone know how i can get some sound on this Compaq DEskpro with Ubuntu Desktop installed? it says that i am using the Intel Alsa mixer but i can't hear07:42
administratorsound settings are correct07:42
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KinjinI have my music on an ntfs partition, when I try to get mpd to update the database with the music from this partition I get an access denied message. how can I allow mpd to access that partition?07:43
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ziggy23How do I cause ubuntu to manually mount my usb hard drive?07:43
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acronicamanually mount?07:44
KiranAghorhi i want to install postgres in ubuntu 7. should i use synaptic?07:44
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elzbalKiranAghor: Yes.07:44
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shal3rIs it possible to compile kernel module on ubuntu livecd? I am trying to compile wireless card driver but got error about missing "linux/config.h". I have build-essential and linux-headers installed.07:44
[Ramy] my all chat protocols  are disconnected frequently :( ? although i'm using different clients [xchat, pidgin]  ? do u have any idea ?07:44
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ziggy23it does not show up as a clickable icon on the desktop07:45
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nach0sHi all. i have a problem with ubuntu and pidgin, i was using  gaim but i have the same problem... after using it ... it closes... and now i could get this message when pidgin crashed... Segmentation fault (core dumped)   what can i do ?07:45
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VenkoDoes anyone know of any good Linux tools to rip the audio from a video file?07:46
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ziggy23what other term would you use?  the drive, although connected to the pc does not exist to the os?07:46
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pike_Venko: mplayer07:47
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[Ramy] how i can test if my network works correctly ?07:47
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VenkoThanks :)07:47
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naralaskicked from wireless07:47
naralasmiss me?07:47
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Knight_On_Whitei have 2 computer connected with router : (computer 1 -, computer 2 - ) in windows system i used "\\" what is the command in ubuntu terminal ?07:48
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labmicro4hi all.07:49
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labmicro4i had with problems to configure NIS client on Ubuntu07:49
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labmicro4Thank everybody who help me here.07:49
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lil-g-manhow to find out what is the maximum resolution ur video card can support???07:50
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lil-g-mani've got an old video card and not sure if it can support higher resolutions, i've got nice display with 16**x10**07:50
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Kinjin I have my music on an ntfs partition, when I try to get mpd to update the database(as root) with the music from this partition I get an access denied message. how can I allow mpd to access that partition?07:51
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Pici!away > N3bunel07:51
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KiranAghoranyone with ubuntu plz help me. wht packages should select to install a complete eclipse development env in ubuntu 7.04?07:52
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rainrunner87Kinjin: one problem might be that the standard Ubuntu ntfs drivers don't allow write access.  If mpd needs to write something, this could cause a problem.07:52
NBi want to run ubuntu as fil server. is there any tool besides smb?07:52
kramnHow does one move the gnome-panel back to BOTTOM from RIGHT when there is no empty space on the panel to "grab" it>07:52
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IdleOnecsr: #ubuntu-studio07:53
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PiciKiranAghor: Installing the `eclipse` package should pull in everything you need (they are depends)07:53
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stepomaticcmake some space  and grab it07:55
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KiranAghori read at antbook.org that to install sun java 6 i should remove gcj4.lbase. why?07:55
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Pici!multijava | KiranAghor07:56
ubotuKiranAghor: To set which java version/implementation is to be used as default, use sudo update-java-alternatives07:56
kramnstepomatic: isn't there a configuration file or app that controls the gnome-panels "orientation"07:57
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urilockzwhenever I reboot i have to unplug my modem and plug it back in for the internet to work07:59
Knight_On_Whitei have 2 computers : i want to log with ssh to another computer in my local network and i get the msg "connection refused" ?? (ping working ok)07:59
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omturyxhey Knight_On_White : did you enable firewall (iptables?)08:00
Ignominyis there a way to tell if I have the nVidia drivers fully installed?08:00
omturyxTry disabling it.08:00
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Knight_On_Whiteomturyx : no i didnt enable firewall , how can i enable my firewall ?08:00
PiciIgnominy: I *think* that glxinfo will return your driver version08:01
stepomaticci dont think, just try to grab it08:01
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stepomaticcnot kde :)08:01
KevinOmancan anyone help me with apache error? this is the error im getting   [Mon Sep 10 08:03:34 2007]  [error]  (9)Bad file descriptor: apr_socket_accept: (client socket)08:01
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Ignominypici, do I type that in the terminal?08:01
rmlwhat do I have to download to make wmv videos work?08:02
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administratori would like to know how to assign a static address to my ethernet interface08:02
KiranAghorubotu: u mean i dont have uninstall gcj?08:02
PiciIgnominy: yes.08:03
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PiciKiranAghor: ubotu is a bot.08:03
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administratorUbotu is my uncle08:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is my uncle - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:03
Knight_On_Whitecan someone please explain to me how to enable my firewall(iptables) ?08:03
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PiciKiranAghor: You shouldnt have to remove it, just run that command and it should fix everything for you.08:03
joebob777as7can anyone tell me how to mount a squashfs 1.x image or what distro i need to be able to?08:04
Ninesvnsicksgot a quick question08:04
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KevinOmanadministrrun vi /etc/network/interfaces look for eth0 and change the dhcp to static and add the information below it08:04
imcsk8hello, is there any guide to install ubuntu server on a sun t1000??08:04
alyxok vmware trouble shooting question08:04
Ninesvnsicksis there a way to run a program and if it crashes have it reopen?08:04
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NinesvnsicksI have a server i run from wine08:04
Ninesvnsicksid like it to reopen if it scrashes08:04
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:04
HolySheepyhm, hi, i have a problem with firefox + ubuntu :D i installed ubuntu, now in windows my network setting are Static IP:, Subnet Mask:, Standardgateway:, DNS-Server: <- it works with that, i tried to set it on Network setting on Ubuntu, but firefox still wont work...08:05
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KiranAghorpici i got it. i will try it. thnx. whts a bot?08:05
HolySheepy(it doesnt load any website)08:05
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NinesvnsicksI'm running a server from thru wine and I would like it to reopen if it crashes is there a way to do that?08:06
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PiciKiranAghor: All ubotu does is respond to commands that start with !.  So I can do !multijava | KiranAghor and it will tell you about it.08:06
dfletcherNinesvnsicks, well you could make yourself a script that does: while /bin/true; do wine server.exe; done so it just launches forever if it exits :)08:06
hetaumaHolySheepy: hmm do u need to set up proxy? or u have set up a proxy on firefox by mistake?08:06
HolySheepyin ff preferences it has "direct connection to internet" o.o08:06
Ninesvnsicksi have a start script to start it08:06
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KiranAghorPici wow thats great. i did not knew tht.08:06
Ninesvnsicksnot sure what u mean08:06
dfletcherNinesvnsicks, great. so put my `whiel` loop in there08:06
joebob777as7can anyone tell me how to mount a squashfs 1.x image or what distro i need to be able to?08:06
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Ninesvnsickswill it keep opening new ones?08:07
hetaumaHolySheepy: how about your windows browser?08:07
dfletcherNinesvnsicks, not unless you put a & after the wine launch cmd08:07
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HolySheepyhetauma: huh?08:07
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Ninesvnsicksoh ok where should I put that line?08:07
kramnnope, (gnome)panel can't be grabbed, every time I delete a panel applet, something else fills its space, so there is still no space to grab it -- Besides I shouldn't have to deconstruct my panel every time I mistakenly drag it from the BOTTOM to one of the sides. Should I??08:07
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dfletcherNinesvnsicks, well since you've already got a script launching it, try replacing the part that launches wine with that08:07
KevinOmanadministrator did you figure it out?08:07
hetaumaHolySheepy: sorry u are in windows now ?08:07
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yrlnryWhere's a good place to get additional "emblem" icons?08:08
StwangeI'm having trouble emptying the wastebasket, it keeps saying I don't have permissions to modify a parent folder. Short of logging in as root, what can I do?08:08
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rmlhow do I get wmv videos to run?08:08
HolySheepyhetauma: yeah...08:08
Ninesvnsicksso jsut replace wine server.exe with while /bin/true; do wine server.exe; ?08:08
chief!codecs | rml08:08
uboturml: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:08
KiranAghorPici is it possible to copy installed packages from synaptic to a pendrive and take them to another ubuntu installation and install those packages?08:08
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KitsunI get a "Only one software management tool is allowed to run at the same time" error, but I don't have another software management tool running, ive tried restarting08:08
keitohow do i change permissions for a folder from root to user?08:08
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KiranAghoris it possible to copy installed packages from synaptic to a pendrive and take them to another ubuntu installation and install those packages?08:09
hetaumaHolySheepy:  ok then check on ubuntu if ur firefox is set to direct connection. also in ubuntu do u have any connection to the internet at all? or just firefox doesn't work ?08:09
PiciKiranAghor: Check out the aptoncd package.08:09
keitoKiranAghor: select download only.08:09
tibi_keito: sudo chown user dir08:09
Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: so just replace wine server.exe with while /bin/true; do wine server.exe; ?08:09
keitotibi_: cheers08:09
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joebob777as7can anyone tell me how to mount a squashfs 1.x image or what distro i need to be able to?08:10
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tibi_keito: use -R to also change subdir owner08:10
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shal3rIs it possible to compile kernel module on ubuntu livecd? I am trying to compile wireless card driver but got error about missing "linux/config.h". I have build-essential and linux-headers installed.08:11
keitowas just about to try that 80)08:11
keitotibi_: legend08:11
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pike_KiranAghor: you could i guess just move the deb files in the archive folder to the archive folder on the new box08:11
Dr_Willisjoebob777as7 i belive theres a FUSE module to mount squashfs stuff.08:11
Dr_Willis!find squashfs08:11
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ubotuFound: squashfs-tools, squashfs-source08:11
Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: so just replace wine server.exe with while /bin/true; do wine server.exe; ?08:11
madocatim trying to install desktop wiki08:11
joebob777as7Dr_Willis, they don't work with anything under 2.x08:11
madocatand i extracted but it says i dont have a c comiler08:12
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pike_madocat: installed the build-essential package?08:12
Dr_Willisjoebob777as7 beyond my experience then.    ive not messed with squashfs any. Just rember seeing it mentioned on the fuse fs web site.08:12
joebob777as7ok thx08:12
joebob777as7can anyone tell me how to mount a squashfs 1.x image or what distro i need to be able to?08:12
BoRiS666cual es el canal en espaol08:13
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chief!es | BoRiS66608:13
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ubotuBoRiS666: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:13
Ayabaraanyone running Ubuntu on the new MacBook Pro?08:13
BoRiS666ok gracias08:13
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tibi_Ayabara: Does it work well?08:13
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ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)08:14
Secheranyone have any experience with ubuntu on Dell XPS laptops???08:14
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Ayabaratibi_: I havent tried yet. Just want to know if someone has gone down that road before me, and how much trouble I can expect before I make it work :-)08:14
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tibi_Ayabara: I think there is some user feedback on the wiki08:15
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Ayabaratibi_: thanks, Ill check it out08:15
riaal_anyone runnong devilspie?08:16
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joebob777as7can anyone tell me how to mount a squashfs 1.x image or what distro i need to be able to?08:16
doug__how long does it take to rip a dvd with acid rip?08:16
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SecherAnyone that now of an X window error when trying to install ubuntu?08:17
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systestIs esdplay no longer included in 7.04? If so, which pkg has it, if not what's the recommended replacement?08:17
NoWhereManhi guys... anybody has ever configured successfully utf-8 on ttys?08:17
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jaggyey all08:17
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jaggyanyone knws how to add subtitles to a dvd whit ubuntu ??? :s08:17
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Marianoi got a problem, with Beryl on Ubuntu Dapper08:18
Marianocan anybody helpme?08:18
chiefMariano: #ubuntu-effects is for Beryl/Compiz support08:18
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jaggyso anyone for me ??? :(08:18
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lasse_Hi Guys - can I use NEF files from my Nikon D20 with Gimp ?08:19
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Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: you still with us?08:19
keitojaggy: avidemux?08:19
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jaggykeito:k gonna try but i nvr done it :s08:20
keitojaggy: scracth that, you want DVD and not *divx08:20
jaggyjust a movie to watch on the comp ...08:20
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jaggykeito: i down 1 but i need a translation whit it thats all ...08:20
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keitojaggy: you can watch with vid with subs using mplayer surely?08:21
chiefjaggy: look here, there is a sidebar about subtitles: http://www.linux.com/feature/11891008:21
DevideZeroi have installed nvidia on kubuntu ( generic-16 ) and when i boot i get black screen someone know how i can fixit ?08:21
jaggychief: ok gonna look08:21
jaggykeito: mplayer gots build in subs ?? s:08:21
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samiiihow i can play mpeg fils in ubuntu ???08:21
keitojaggy: open>load subtitles08:21
NinesvnsicksI'm running a server from thru wine and I would like it to reopen if it crashes is there a way to do that?08:21
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:21
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jaggykeito: ok ty08:22
keitojaggy: you'll need to find the .sub/.srt files that corresponds08:22
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keitodivxsubttitles in google08:22
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jaggykeito ok08:22
Picilasse_: I'm not sure if gimp can do it, but rawstudio probably can.08:22
keitojaggy: I'm off, easy now08:22
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jaggykeito: bue08:22
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lasse_thanks a bunch Pici :) I'll give it a try :)08:22
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dfletcherNinesvnsicks, yeah except after wine server.exe put "; done" so: while /bin/true; do wine server.exe; done .. but I'm just guessing ;)08:24
dfletcher(sorry @ work, got called away)08:24
PiciNinesvnsicks: ask in #bash08:24
SecherHi people. Im trying to install Ubuntu on my new laptop, but when i try with the LiveCD it stops after a while with a message that is has "Failed to start the X server (your graphical interface)" Anyone familiar with that problem and might be able to help me??08:24
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mactimesOl pessoas!08:24
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Ninesvnsicksso actually put done08:25
=== systest answers own question, "esound-clients"
DevideZeroi have installed nvidia on kubuntu ( generic-16 ) and when i boot i get black screen someone know how i can fixit ?08:25
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dfletcherNinesvnsicks, that's what ends a "while ... do" loop, yeah08:25
Ninesvnsickscuz i tried while /bin/true; do wine server.exe; and nothing opens08:25
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rarjHow do I setup a static ip, gateway and dns from the command line, without editing interfaces file ?08:25
KiranAghorkeito could u tell me whr should i look for the packages if i select them 'download only'?08:26
Ninesvnsicksso i have to write ; done08:26
riaal_Need some help, I have one console(terminal) on my desktopbackground, using devilspie, now I want more then one, Can someone help me with devilspie or is there another way?08:26
dfletcheryes Ninesvnsicks08:26
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Ninesvnsickswell it opened08:27
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Ninesvnsicksso if i jsut right click and close08:27
Ninesvnsicksit should reopen right?08:27
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Ninesvnsickswhat if i actually want to close it lol08:27
dfletcherthe real wtf here is that you're running a windows server on linux ;P08:27
Ninesvnsickslol yeah08:27
alcoholici want to uninstall lamp08:27
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Ninesvnsicksisnt it great08:27
alcoholichow to do that08:27
Ninesvnsicksbtw it reopend your a genius08:27
dfletcherNinesvnsicks, you might be able to kill -SIGKILL the script to stop it08:28
Ninesvnsicksman when the unreal community hears i have a userver for linux08:28
SpudDoggdoes anyone know if my computer will run better with 2GB ram?  i actually broke a dual-channel pair of 1GB sticks.  is that why my computer seems to run a little slow sometimes?  athlon 4000+, Radeon X850XT08:28
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RictooIs it safe for me to have Ubuntu and Gentoo on two seperate partitions using the same SWAP space?08:29
Ninesvnsicksi've recently installed linux again so im a little rusty not sure how to do that08:29
fen1x_ do I install my 32 bit compatabilities?08:29
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fen1x_I'm using Ubuntu x6408:29
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dfletcherNinesvnsicks, well try `ps -A | grep [nameofscript] ` and see if something comes out08:29
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HelzibahRictoo: I think so yeah, as long as you don't want to hibernate one and boot into the other08:30
rarjHow do I setup a static ip, gateway and dns from the command line, without editing interfaces file ?08:30
RictooHelzibah, ok, thanks08:30
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needhelpWhats the disk manager/"partition magic"-like gui app called in Ubuntu/Gnome ?08:31
DevideZeroi have installed nvidia on kubuntu ( generic-16 ) and when i boot i get black screen someone know how i can fixit ?08:31
Dr_WillisLOWLUX not sure thats a feature of the ubuntu live cd's at this time.. Seen other live cd's that can do that however.08:31
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Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: um the name of the script is userver(copy) cuz I was testing it08:31
Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: it doesent liek the ()08:31
dfletcherNinesvnsicks, well ps -A | grep userver should be enough08:31
Dr_WillisDevideZero for a start how did you install them.. and what is your video card?08:31
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fen1x_How do I install 32-bit compatability on Ubuntu x64?08:31
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LOWLUXit can be done... but i lost the pages on it08:31
Ninesvnsicksnope still reopens08:31
dfletcherNinesvnsicks, well that won't kill it08:32
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dfletcherdoes it give you a process ID thought Ninesvnsicks ?08:32
Ninesvnsicksjsut nothing08:32
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Ninesvnsickswhat about08:32
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jaggyhow to let mplayer play .avi files ???? :s08:33
Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: making it open a terminal and if u close the terminal it kills the script?08:33
usserfen1x_ look for ia32 packages in synaptic08:33
Pici!codecs | jaggy08:33
ubotujaggy: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:33
gnudoi have an Alcatel One Touch 801E mobile phone which is not compatible with gammu/wammu .the mobile has neither bluetooth nor infrared. how can i access its phone directory on gnu/linux? is there any gui app for that??08:33
dfletchermaybe ubuntu has some kind of task manager thing. hmm yeah that may work Ninesvnsicks08:33
DevideZeroDr_Willis , geforce 5200 fx , i have installed build essential and the ctrl+alt+f1 , kdm stop , sh the 100.14.11 driver and the i told him to config my xorg.conf08:33
Ninesvnsickstheres system monitor08:33
dfletchercan you kill processes from there? try it08:33
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=== dfletcher is unfortunately on fedora at the office right now... getting a new machine soon though! ;D
Ninesvnsicksi can08:34
Ninesvnsicksand did08:34
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Ninesvnsicksid like to make this for the public08:34
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IdleOnecan someone tell me how do I pin xserver-xorg-core_2%3a1.3.0.0.dfsg-12ubuntu2 so that it does not upgrade to xserver-xorg-core_2%3a1.3.0.0.dfsg-12ubuntu3?08:34
needhelphow do you 'sudo apt-get install app' from CD instead of from Internet ?08:34
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Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: would there be a way to open it in the terminal with a msg saying server started and if u close the terminal it kills the script?08:35
IdleOneneedhelp: add the cd to the /etc/apt/sources.list08:35
bluefox83needhelp, add the cd to your sources08:35
needhelpok, thanks08:35
PiciNinesvnsicks: I'd ask in #bash, I think they'd help you write a script to do it.08:35
dfletcherNinesvnsicks, you haven't been launching it in a terminal already? so how? double click?08:35
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Ninesvnsicksyeah i clicked and opened08:36
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usserfen1x_ ia32-libs08:36
Ninesvnsickssame thing right?08:36
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dfletcherbut Ninesvnsicks yeah that should work... just cd to the directory holding the script and then ./userver\(copy\) or ./userver if you name it back08:36
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fen1x_usser thank you, do you know anything about cedega08:36
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usserfen1x_ oh and linux32 too08:36
Ninesvnsicksoh and then if i close the terminal it kills it?08:36
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dfletcherNinesvnsicks, should do. or even ctrl-c08:37
pattycedaga, bleh08:37
Ninesvnsickshmm let me try running it from terminal08:37
usserfen1x_ nope nothing about cedega sorry08:37
DevideZeroi have installed nvidia on kubuntu ( generic-16 ) and when i boot i get black screen someone know how i can fixit ?08:37
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pattyuse wine... doesn't matter whether you're beholden to windows or cedaga it's still a bitch08:37
fen1x_usser np08:37
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Pici!ohmy | patty08:37
IdleOne!ohmy | patty08:37
ubotupatty: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:37
fen1x_patty wine is cedega I thought?08:38
usserfen1x_ nope08:38
shal3rIs it possible to compile kernel module on ubuntu livecd? I am trying to compile wireless card driver but got error about missing "linux/config.h". I have build-essential and linux-headers installed.08:38
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usserfen1x_ cedega is not free08:38
IdleOnefen1x_: cedega is wine and for help with cedega join #cedega08:38
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fen1x_usser Wine still get updates?08:38
pattycedega is a proprietary version of it... from before wine was Lgpl08:38
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Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: never noticed this before it says: fixme:process:getprocessworkingsize (bunch of numbers): stub08:38
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pattyso it'll have a little more support for the newest stuff because they probably lease stuff from msoft08:39
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pattybut long term wine must be the answer08:39
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dfletcherNinesvnsicks, sounds like a wine warning. I just ignore them :)08:39
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Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: fixme:winsock:ntstatustowsaerror status code c0000024 converted to dos error code 608:39
fen1x_kk i'll get wine then08:39
kane77how can I use my cell phone as gprs modem (via bluetooth)? is there any program that would compress the data sent and received from internet? (maybe something that runs as a proxy on a server)08:39
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IdleOne!wine | fen1x_08:40
ubotufen1x_: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.08:40
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dfletcherwine seems to have verbal diarrhea :P08:40
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Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: i don't liek warnings lol08:40
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usserNinesvnsicks wine will always show them no matter what win pgm u run08:41
dfletcherNinesvnsicks, I believe they do that so they can easily see what parts of windows they still need to build ;)08:41
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Ninesvnsickswell yeah if i run it from terminal08:41
Ninesvnsicksall i have to do is close terminal :)08:41
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Ninesvnsicksnow the userver for windows has a prgram called namedate.exe08:41
dfletcherNinesvnsicks, nice... if you make a taskbar item, check the "run in terminal" button08:41
dfletcherand you'll get the same thing, but with a button :)08:42
DevideZerosomeone ?08:42
shal3ris there kernel source on ubuntu 7 livecd?08:42
IdleOneshal3r: it should be there08:42
shal3rwhat`s name for it?08:42
Ninesvnsicksi wonder if this is possible08:42
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pattyis the live cd specific to the processor architecture?08:42
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pattyi always used alternate...08:43
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fen1x_where do I get Wine?08:43
Ninesvnsicksthe userver for windows has a program called namedate.exe which if the server crashes it adds a name and date to the specified files (server logs) and copies them to a folder08:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about getdeb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:43
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:43
Ninesvnsicksdo u think that woudl be possible in this script?08:43
shal3rIdleOne, what`s name for linux-sources on livecd?08:44
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JamesGIf I wanted to watch real media video files, what's the best way to go about doing that in Ubuntu?08:44
pattyfenlx_ it's in the repositories as community i believe08:44
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pattyor go to wine hq and compile the latest source... but it's only like 0.03 newer08:44
spiderworm2hey all, i just installed feisty and now have the 2.6.20-16-generic kernel... i have an amd athlon 64 3500+ processor and am wondering if there is a more optimized kernel?08:45
chief!realplayer | JamesG08:45
ubotuJamesG: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:45
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DevideZeroi have installed nvidia on kubuntu ( generic-16 ) and when i boot i get black screen someone know how i can fixit ?08:45
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JamesGThanks chief08:45
usserfen1x_ if u have amd64 this is the repository u have to add http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt feisty main08:45
Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: do you know how I would tell the script to do something if the server crashes?08:45
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dfletcherNinesvnsicks, so you just want to launch that program after the server exits? just add another statement between "do" and "done", separated by a semi colon... so like:    ... do; wine userver.exe; wine namedate.exe; done  ... now it does 2 things in the loop08:45
=== PKdoR [n=pk@adsl-69-234-137-174.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
mtx1is there a way to copy all programs to a new installation by copying certain directories? or do i need to manually reinstall them? i am going with a new system but same chipset and architecture08:45
PKdoRhow do I start beryl?08:45
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mtx1open terminal and type beryl08:46
usserPKdoR beryl is obsolete use compiz fusion instead08:46
Ninesvnsicksso that would run whatever after it exits and then reopen server?08:46
fen1x_how do I add that?08:46
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fen1x_i'm a nub do linux usser08:46
dfletcherNinesvnsicks, yeah08:46
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beniHow can I see which RAM I'm using in Ubuntu Linux?08:46
paulcooperoramahow do I get rid of the $home.dmrc  message?08:46
dfletcherNinesvnsicks, you're too easily impressed ;P08:46
Ninesvnsicksyeah i know08:47
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dfletcherNinesvnsicks, it's pretty basic bash scripting08:47
usserfen1x_ do gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and add the line i pasted08:47
danielronincan anyone here help me restore NTLDR on a vista instal...the OEM disc i have will only restore after wiping everything =(08:47
Ninesvnsicksim noobish at linux still but on and off user08:47
usserfen1x_ save the file08:47
omarhajarcan you help me?08:47
Pici!windows | danielronin08:47
ubotudanielronin: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents08:47
dfletcherNinesvnsicks, well you've picked a good distribution ;D08:47
chief!ask | omarhajar08:47
ubotuomarhajar: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:47
usserfen1x_ do sudo apt-get update08:47
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Ninesvnsicksso just add what i want it to do under what i have in the while loop?08:47
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shal3ris there kernel source on ubuntu 7 livecd?08:47
=== gumby600m [n=pschmitt@ntct41-164-dhcp.resnet.colorado.edu] has joined #ubuntu
usserfen1x_ do sudo apt-get install wine08:47
Ninesvnsicksthe same way?08:47
dfletcherNinesvnsicks, I wrote out what you need to do. read it again08:48
mtx1just wipe out vista thats the worst os to date08:48
Ninesvnsickslol ok08:48
pattyME takes the cake08:48
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omarhajarihave this error every time i try to open wireless lan and a lot of applications08:48
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danielroninPici, i should have specified taht i need o do this from a shell, as it's on a tri boot system with 2 linux OSs08:48
danielronin(forgive my typing)08:48
omarhajarihave this error every time i try to open wireless lan and a lot of applications        help please08:48
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Picidanielronin: Its still Windows support though.08:49
kudetaheya, i have a server setup with 1 external ip, yet i have 2 extra avaiale. i need to know how to setup ubuntu to use the other 2 ip's/ in this case i want an extra ip to etup TOR08:49
fen1x_Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)08:49
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ikoniafen1x_ something else is using it or your not using sudo08:49
fen1x_Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?08:49
danielroninPici: fair enough. I just figured there would be enough ppl here with multiple-boot configurations to know where and what i need to mv/cp/whatever would be08:49
spiderworm2 just installed feisty and now have the 2.6.20-16-generic kernel... i have an amd athlon 64 3500+ processor and am wondering if there is a more optimized kernel?08:49
chieffen1x_: do you have Synaptic open?08:50
=== gambix [n=fabien@APoitiers-257-1-28-72.w90-38.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
fen1x_yea xD08:50
danielroninand how GRUB works over a vistal install08:50
usserfen1x_ also look at the faq for amd64 http://wiki.winehq.org/UbuntuAMD6408:50
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Picidanielronin: some of the people in ##windows run alternate OSes as wekk.  I understand where you are coming from though,.08:50
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usserfen1x_ u probably have synaptic open08:50
speerfissureQUESTION: Downloaded and installed Ubuntu Server 7.04. It booted into text mode terminal. Tried "startx" and got an error and a suggestion to type "sudo apt-get install xinit". Did that, now "startx" says "xinit: Server error." Any ideas?08:50
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ikoniaspeerfissure X instn't installed on the server version08:51
jewardCan I play wmv files on PPC Fiesty?08:51
kudetaheya, i have a server setup with 1 external ip, yet i have 2 extra avaiale. i need to know how to setup ubuntu to use the other 2 ip's/ in this case i want an extra ip to etup TOR08:51
DevideZerohow i can fix the display ?08:51
ikoniayou have to install and ocnfigure it manually08:51
speerfissure<- Linux newb, Windows Admin trying to get away from the Dark Side.08:51
PKdoRwhere can i get compiz fusion, I cant find it in the repos08:51
beniHow Can I list my hardware devices??08:51
chiefjeward: nope08:51
ikoniaPKdoR its not in the repo's yet08:51
jewardchief: K, thanks.08:51
Pici!compiz | PKdoR08:51
ubotuPKdoR: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects08:51
ikoniaspeerfissure do you have a question08:51
usserfen1x_ faq is pretty straightforward and pbbly'll do better job explaining wine setup on amd6408:51
speerfissureWhat would I need to run to get X running on this server then?08:52
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speerfissureIts just a play machine for me to learn Linux.08:52
ikoniaspeerfissure you need xorg - minimum, then you need a desktop, and you may need 3rd part drivers dependingo n your video card08:52
fen1x_Reading package lists... Done08:52
fen1x_Building dependency tree08:52
fen1x_Reading state information... Done08:52
fen1x_Package wine is not available, but is referred to by another package.08:52
fen1x_This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or08:52
fen1x_is only available from another source08:52
fen1x_E: Package wine has no installation candidate08:52
speerfissureGot it, thanks.08:52
ikoniaspeerfissure install the desktop version - it comes with X installed and configured08:52
chief!pastebin | fen1x_08:52
ubotufen1x_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:52
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pattywtf?  no installation candidate?08:52
pattyi've never seen that error before08:52
fen1x_srry thanks08:52
=== Loser [n=tom@CPE004005bdb53a-CM00186851f658.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniafen1x_ what are you trying to install08:52
fen1x_wine lol08:53
DevideZerohow i can fix the display after installing nvidia driver ?08:53
ikoniapatty please don't use phrases like wtfd08:53
ikoniafen1x_ what version of ubuntu08:53
=== hugifrb [n=martin@p549FE073.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
speerfissureI appreciate the help you guys provide here. Big thanks. :)08:53
fen1x_sudo apt-get install wine08:53
fen1x_was the command08:53
fen1x_Ubuntu 7.0.4 x6408:53
usserfen1x_ did u do sudo apt-get update?08:53
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fen1x_lol no08:53
ikoniafen1x_ what version of ubuntu08:53
speerfissureIs it possible to install it on the server version? I sense a learning opportunity here for me. :)08:54
willosweet jesus. only 1200 people.08:54
ikoniaspeerfissure not a great way to start. Start easy and work up to it08:54
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fen1x_Ubuntu 7.0.4 x6408:54
speerfissureOk, Thanks again.08:54
ikoniafen1x_ not sure if there is a working x86_64 package08:54
fen1x_the get update08:54
fen1x_it worked08:55
jetscreamerspeerfissure: apt-get install xorg08:55
kramn<back after some networking issues took down my WAN gateway> Was trying to find non-mouse way to move gnome-panel "orientation" (eg. from RIGHT hand side to BOTTOM). Anyone?08:55
fen1x_its installing now ^^08:55
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nathan_anyone know how to stop massive crackling during video playback?08:55
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usserikonia yes theres a wine package repackaged to install on x64 its still the same x86 version though08:56
Grungebunnynathan_ is it from something you encoded yourself?08:56
speerfissurejetscreamer: thanks!08:56
=== ootm [i=ootm@ip-81-170-103-205.cust.homechoice.net] has joined #ubuntu
nathan_Grungebunny: no08:56
ikoniausser its the same version AS the 32bit version, or it is the 32bit version08:56
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nathan_Grungebunny: it works fine in MPlayer but not in vlc08:56
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fen1x_ok after I do sudo apt-get install wine what do I do usser?08:57
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ootmi created a partition with fdisk, how do i format it as ext3 from the commandline?08:57
ikoniafen1x_ have you read the wine docs ?08:57
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ikoniaootm mkefs - j08:57
fen1x_no i have not rtfm08:57
ikoniaootm mkefs -j08:57
usserikonia same AS 32bit version08:57
ikoniafen1x_ read the docs08:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rtfs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:57
ootmikonia, thanks08:57
SecherHi people. Im trying to install Ubuntu on my new laptop, but when i try with the LiveCD it stops after a while with a message that is has "Failed to start the X server (your graphical interface)" Anyone familiar with that problem and might be able to help me??08:57
spiderworm2 just installed feisty and now have the 2.6.20-16-generic kernel... i have an amd athlon 64 3500+ processor and am wondering if there is a more optimized kernel?08:57
ubotuAcronyms or statements like  noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.08:57
ikoniafen1x_ it walks you through it, https://help.ubuntu.com08:57
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=== Masterslave [n=Mastersl@82-197-204-6.dsl.cambrium.nl] has joined #ubuntu
usserfen1x_ run winecfg this will create a fake C: drive in your home directory08:58
usserfen1x_ in folder .wine08:58
primskijfgi ? wtf does that mena ? :P08:58
spiderworm2what does jfgi stand for?08:58
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ootmikonia, mkefs? "command not found"08:58
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administratorwow i love this08:58
primskiootm. mkfs.ext308:58
usserprimski jfgi!!!08:58
chiefjfgi: Just F***ing Google It08:58
ikoniaootm sudo mke2fs -j08:58
usserprimski HEHE08:59
primskii kinda liek that08:59
ikoniachief calm down08:59
ootmprimski, ikonia ty08:59
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nathan_anyone know how to fix vlc crackling?08:59
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Dr_Willishow is the UUID for a drive calculated anyway?  This site implies if you resize a hard drive. its UUID changes?08:59
Masterslavedoes anyone know how to install Oracle developer suite? when I run the runIntaller it says that I have to use redhat or suse08:59
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ikoniaDr_Willis I disagree on that09:00
fen1x_can someone tell me the wine wiki one more time09:00
DevideZerohow i can fix the display after installing nvidia driver ?09:00
basiljohnI have a HP webcam, i am able to use it in aMSN and eKiga on feisty, is there a suitable app to capture images/videos from a webcam ??09:00
ikoniaDr_Willis uuid's are a per device (partition) uuid09:00
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urilockzI need help... I have and have installed my radeon x600 graphics card under restricted drivers manager, although when I play ANY game is lags like crazy and i have to restart X. Any help?09:00
=== cox377 [n=cox@host-84-9-81-70.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ikonianot sure how it will effect a change unless thats a "new" device09:00
benilshw is showing memory banks from bank:0 to bank:3, and :1 and :3 are used. May I assume that my Motherboard has 4 RAM slots and 2 of them are spare?09:00
Dr_Willisikonia yes.. and i know how to get/set them.. but just wondering How are they initially calculated..  DO they change when the partition size changes?09:00
speerfissureIts like the Wild West in here. :)09:00
troughtonhaving a little problem trying to install ndiswrapper on a laptop and when i do it tells me it depends on libc6 >=2.5-5ubuntu but wont install it is running 2.5-0ubuntu and cant upgrade can anyone help ??09:01
ikoniaDr_Willis I wouldn't have thought so, however deleting and recreating - yes probably09:01
ikoniaDr_Willis no fact behind that, just an opinion09:01
Dr_Willisikonia reading at   http://www.linuxmint.com/wiki/index.php/UUID_-what_is_it_and_why_is_it_a_problem   - and I noticed that info. They Imply that they DO...09:01
kramnIs there a way to lock the gnome-panel so that it stays in the orientation you put it in?09:01
Dr_Willisikonia  which is why im researching it more. :)09:01
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ikoniaDr_Willis I only trust respected sources09:01
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Dr_Willisikonia  right. cant seem to find ANY sources that say how its calculated.09:02
primskitroughton....dependency problems couse of versions can be messy, perhaps install gutsy? does it have libc6>=2.5 ?09:02
=== KST [n=kustner@sab83-1-88-173-226-42.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Masterslavedoes anyone know how to install Oracle developer suite? when I run the runIntaller it says that I have to use redhat or suse09:02
ikoniaDr_Willis I may do a resize, see what happens09:02
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ikoniaMasterslave thats what its packaged for09:02
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Dr_Willisikonia thats what i dont get.. i DID a resize and it dident affect anything.. but the HD partition dident really move.. just grew. at the end.09:02
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benikramn: if you shut down your box like you should it should stay, too :o)09:02
benilshw is showing memory banks from bank:0 to bank:3, and :1 and :3 are used. May I assume that my Motherboard has 4 RAM slots and 2 of them are spare?09:02
Dr_Willisikonia so im thinking that info is not correct on the site.09:02
shal3rwhich kernel version is on ubuntu 6.06 ?09:02
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ikoniaDr_Willis thats what I'd effect09:03
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Masterslaveikonia, so i cannot run it on ubuntu09:03
ikoniaDr_Willis I'd expect09:03
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primskiDr_Willis, does it mount ok, after resize? Do you have an UUID in fstab?09:03
troughtongutsy is still under develpment and not stable  enugh to run on a laptop for some one  who is not that confident as my friend is primski09:03
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php09:03
Dr_Willisprimski  pretty sure its using uuid. its on my laptop/ it worked fine. :)09:03
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Dr_Willisprimski not got it running/handy to check however.09:04
nathan_is there any way to move a file with root privelages without using a terminal or having to open a new nautilus?09:04
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primskitroughton, understood, but my experience tells me isntalling newer versions than supported in repo's isnt that safe. first, you must upgrade manualy tons of dependecys and then hope nothing is broke ;) up to you to decide09:04
nathan_like paste as root?09:04
pattynathan_ if you have kde you can09:04
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Dr_Willisnathan_ want to do it with your tounge taped to the ceiling also? :)09:04
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troughtonok thanks09:05
pattykonquerer can do that sort of thing i believe09:05
soulrider_the multiverse and universe repos are enabled by default right ?09:05
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nathan_Dr_Willis: maybe someone could write it like how in windows you can do it in like 3 clicks09:05
riaalWhere do I change the default skin of vlc? =S09:05
pattyyou can run it on gnome though... haven't used it any.09:05
=== Dr_Willis hugs his terminal.
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=== Dr_Willis wonders how many others have a Quake-like terminal popup utilty running.
kramnbeni: its not a shutdown issue. I mistakenly dragged the panel from the BOTTOM orientation  to the RIGHT hand side and there is no room on the panel now from which to "grab" it and move it back.09:06
sm1gOk. What is 'Microsoft Internet Information Services'? Where can i check if i have it(them) installed and how can i configure it right so that VMware server works? If i dont have it installed - where can i download it?09:06
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ikoniasm1g its a windows product09:06
=== jah [n=jah@dslb-084-058-050-198.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
nathan_sm1g: it's like apache but windows version09:06
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sm1gwell... VMware server requiers it09:06
nathan_sm1g: it's usually on server editions of windows09:06
benikramn: hm lol.. why not remove some icons in order to get rome to move?09:06
jahhow can I find out which things a certain .deb has installed?09:06
nathan_sm1g: you can also use it on xp and vista09:06
sm1gok... where can i get it?09:06
sm1gi have XP09:06
Pici!windows | sm1g09:06
nathan_sm1g: in #windows09:07
jahanyone here using IPRINT ??09:07
=== Hatapka [n=marek@svarc.elsatnet.cz] has joined #ubuntu
Ninesvnsicksok if i cd to the directory in a script first will it stay in the directory for all following commands?09:07
=== DigitalNinja [n=dhull@134-7-178-69.static.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotusm1g: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents09:07
=== samikheireddine [n=samikhei@can06-1-87-88-182-141.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu
kramnbeni: looking for an "elegant" solution that doesn't require me to deconstruct then reconstruct the panel. If there is one... ;-)09:07
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sm1gMental Helth? WHAAAT THE HELL?09:07
primski#nearest_health_institute :D09:07
benikramn: lol :o)09:08
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:08
nathan_god this is annoying =/ I just want to drag the xmms skin from my desktop to the skins directory but I have to do it through terminal =/09:08
primskigo make an apointment09:08
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ikoniasm1g clam down09:08
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benikramn: sorry, I dont know any other way :) it's easy + fast *g09:08
=== joebob777as7 [n=richard@yoda.peacefulescape.com] has joined #ubuntu
urilockzI need help... I have and have installed my radeon x600 graphics card under restricted drivers manager, although when I play ANY game is lags like crazy and i have to restart X. Any help? bump09:08
sm1gikonia - i am calm09:08
speerfissureshe said clam down09:08
speerfissuretheres a difference09:08
benism1g: damn, this is LINUX.. not Windows. Go call your Customer Support09:08
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=== Warm_Sauce [n=ildhund@4604ds1-vlb.2.fullrate.dk] has joined #ubuntu
DigitalNinjaI'm having sound trouble with Skype. If I don't use it for a while the sound stops working.09:08
DigitalNinjaAny ideas09:08
torthoAnyone running windows under gutsy/feisty, and if so, what are you using qemu?09:09
=== Tmi [n=tommi@kr-lun-9-144-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu
benitortho: virtualbox is working like a charm09:09
sm1gbeni - im asking about where can i get it so i can install IIS and try dual booting Linux on Windows on VMware09:09
primskiDigitalNinja, yes, Skype is crap and full of spyware....perhaps use smth else ? :P09:09
benitortho: using it with 512 MB and Compiz.. WinXP + Apps work fine09:09
ikoniasm1g your best bet is #windows09:09
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Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: do i need a ; at the end of every command line?09:09
DigitalNinjaprimski: Sure! And what would you have me use?09:10
benism1g: what is the host system? Linux or Windows?09:10
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Turbo1Where is virtualbox located after you have downloaded and installed it?09:10
dfletcherNinesvnsicks, nope, just when you put multiple statements on one line09:10
Picism1g: We are not windows support, please ask in ##windows09:10
nathan_sm1g: you are asking about an optional windows component. talk to windows people09:10
sm1gbeni - Win09:10
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torthobeni: Sounds great, will try it. Compiz is not working here in gutsy for some reason, and qemu is not working either... did work good in feisty..09:10
pattyformat c: solves all problems09:10
beniApplications -> System -> Innotek Virtualbox , its kinda easy to setup09:10
sm1gyou guys dont like windows do you?09:10
nathan_sm1g: I like it09:10
primskiDigitalNinja, lol, sorry mate, actually that was a little not funny joke, i dunno, i don't use it, have no need for it, sory for ur time :)09:11
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benitortho: hm.. The last time i had problems with 3D stuff I was using SuSe ;)09:11
ikoniasm1g its not appropriate for this channel09:11
Picism1g: Our liking it has no bearing on whether we support it here nor not.09:11
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=== GameMX [n=gamemx@c-67-181-239-155.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nathan_windows lets me play warcraft 3 =] 09:11
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:11
speerfissurei think they dont like ppl who cant read when thirty ppl in channel say "go to ##windows"09:11
benism1g: then don't ask in this channel, go into some windows forum or stuff09:11
=== ced2911 [n=ced@sal63-2-88-176-44-40.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
shal3rwhich kernel version is on ubuntu 6.06 ?09:11
pattywarcraft 3 is one of the few things that works well on wine09:11
speerfissureand certain ppl dont listen09:11
pattyif only everyone used opengl09:11
DigitalNinjaprimski: That's okay. If there was an open source application that worked I would switch.09:11
primskinathan_, call blizzard and ask them to port it to linux, ur favorite os ;)09:11
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nathan_patty: it works like crap09:11
benishal3r: 2.6.20-16-generic09:11
ikoniashal3r type uname -a and take a look09:11
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joebob777as7joebob777as7: hey09:12
nathan_primski: If I want to waste my time I'll scratch my butt09:12
=== wolfgang [i=Default@p57B2CB75.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniabeni .20 on 6.06 ? are you sure09:12
Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: oh ok i have each thing on a seperate line so i shoudl be ok09:12
kshow do I know if cron works in ubuntu ?09:12
shal3rikonia, i dont have ubuntu 6 ;)09:12
tobias_i have a laptop w/ubuntu feisty installed.  sometimes it takes me 20 minutes to switch my internet connection, e.g, from wired to wireless or between wireless networks.  the system is very unpredictable and there's no clear path to setting up a new connection.  what am i missing?  i thought all this was supposed to be automatic?09:12
beniikonia: ups sorry, i'm 7.0409:12
Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: how would I print text to the terminal window?09:12
ikoniaks setup a cron job09:12
chief!cron | ks09:12
ubotuks: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm09:12
ikoniashal3r think its 2.6.1509:12
=== ScorpKing [n=ScorpKin@vc-196-207-45-246.3g.vodacom.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
dfletcherNinesvnsicks, echo "something to print"09:12
primskinathan_,  same thing with wining about how stuff works in win here ;)09:12
=== jcb463 [n=blueflop@adsl-70-242-56-153.dsl.ablntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
nathan_tobias_: click the network icon then click on the connection09:12
shal3roktanouc, thanks09:12
Ninesvnsickshah same as dos09:12
benitobias_: the switching between networks is the problem?09:12
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shal3rikonia, thank you09:12
Ninesvnsickswith quotes too?09:12
nathan_primski: you are the one who brought it up douchebag09:12
Dr_WillisDos? *Ack*09:12
DevideZerohow i can fix the display after installing nvidia driver ?09:13
yrlnryIs there some kind of plugin that I can get that will add an "encrypt this file" item to the nautilus popup menu?09:13
nathan_primski: I was saying why I like windows09:13
Picinathan_: That language is uncalled for.09:13
tobias_beni: yes, once i have a network setup it mostly works fine09:13
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dfletcherNinesvnsicks, also, I can tell you how to get those wine commands to be quiet if you want ;)09:13
fen1x_Hey guys, can someone tell me how to run configure?09:13
tobias_nathan_: and then?09:13
Ninesvnsicksoh yeah09:13
Dr_Willisyrlnry at one time there was a menu/script dir - where you could creat/add your own such commands with simple scripts.09:13
=== bernd [n=bernd@M71cc.m.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #ubuntu
primskinathan_, actually u and ur warcraft3 brought it up, and no need for name calling ;) i got plenty in that store too ;)09:13
ScorpKingi have a vnc server running on xp but the firewall only have port 22 open on the router to a linux server on the internal network, is there a way i can connect to it?09:13
Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: yes please09:13
=== troopperi__ [n=antti@dsl-mlibrasgw1-febcc000-95.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
benitobias_: hm.. Often a plain restart of the network interfaces works very nice09:13
dfletcherNinesvnsicks, onesec09:13
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ksubotu let me rephrase it, how I know that script has been executed by cron ? where do errors go ?09:13
ikoniafen1x_ type ./configure when you're in thecurrent directory, OR you can read the docs I point you at that will walk you through it09:13
benitobias_: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart09:13
nathan_primski: please press pgup and see the first mention of wine (hint: it's you)09:13
tobias_beni: the only caveat is that it never associates automatically to the last used connection when i start up.  i have to associate to a dummy network, and then switch back to the real one09:14
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basiljohnany suitable app for capturing a webcam on feisty ?09:14
fen1x_ikonia I'm at the docs09:14
ikoniaks syslog and the seperated cron.log09:14
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yrlnryDr_Willis: Does that mean that you know there is no longer a menu/script dir, or that you know there was once and you are not sure if it is still there?09:14
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ikoniafen1x_ great, so it walks you through it09:14
fen1x_i think <,<09:14
ikoniafen1x_ how can you not know,09:14
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nathan_tobias_: that's it, it will say disconnected then it will spin and find the new one09:14
BeerSercHi there. I have installed kubuntu on my fathers pc this week, to save his soul from eternal torturing, caused by excessive use of mandriva linux. It's a some years old early P4 1.8 with absolutely standard hardware, a 40G hd, partitioned to 2*10G for win, ~10G for /, ~10G for /home and some swap. win is on fat32, ubuntu on ext3. It is running quite well, but it boots extremely slow. After about 1/3 of the loading bar, it switches to verbose mode, and tell09:14
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ikoniafen1x_ your either reading the url I sent you - or your not09:14
Dr_Willisyrlnry it was one of those not very well documented features. I dont use gnome any more.. so i am guessing its still there.. just not well documented. :)09:14
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fen1x_lol i'm at the wine.wiki lol09:14
yrlnryDr_Willis: THanks a lot.09:14
fen1x_is that the link you gave me?09:14
primskii havent said anything about WINE in here in ages ;)09:14
ikoniafen1x_ then join #winehq for support09:14
beniBeerSerc: tells what? :)09:14
Dr_Willisyrlnry i made a script that ran my DOS games in dosbox with it.. ages ago. :009:14
paulcooperoramahow do I get rid of the "$home/.dmrc is being ignored blah blah blah" message09:14
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ksikonia thanks09:15
ikoniafen1x_ no, thats wine docs, thats supported in #winehq09:15
tobias_nathan_: i have everything set to roaming, is that correct?09:15
paulcooperoramahow do I get rid of the "$home/.dmrc is being ignored blah blah blah" message09:15
pike_BeerSerc: well? what does it say? :)09:15
BeerSercbeni: "Checking filesystem". something about fat32 and ext309:15
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fen1x_ooo, mind sending the link again?09:15
BeerSercOK, wait, I'll go and look for the exact output09:15
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:15
dfletcherNinesvnsicks, something like this (crap I forgot the names of your 2 exes. guessing them):   while /bin/true; do wine server.exe >> /dev/null 2>&1; wine nametest.exe >>/dev/null 2>&1; done09:15
=== speerfissure slaps sm1g around a bit with a large trout
ikoniafen1x_ yes, as I've sent it 5 times to you09:15
paulcooperoramahow do I get rid of the "$home/.dmrc is being ignored blah blah blah" message09:15
nathan_tobias_: what is the problem you are experiencing?09:15
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benitobias_: okay sorry, but I dunno why it does so -  i think i wont be able help you any further on this issue, all apologies09:15
fen1x_ikonia kk i'll go look for it09:15
fl33tingtimehow do i make a new project request at launchpad?09:15
sm1gspeerfissure WHAT?09:15
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beniBeerSerc: This comes every 30 startups, doesnt it?09:16
dfletcherNinesvnsicks, sticking " >> /dev/null 2>&1" after some command will send all the output to nowhere :)09:16
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paulcooperoramahow do I get rid of the "$home/.dmrc is being ignored blah blah blah" message09:16
tonyyfl33tingtime: that would probably be a question for #launchpad09:16
Picifl33tingtime: Perhaps you should ask in #launchpad09:16
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Ninesvnsicksso just add >> /dev/null 2>&1 to the end of the wine commands?09:16
m0hello, I am having this issue when installing VNSTAT from repos09:16
chief!repeat | paulcooperorama09:16
ubotupaulcooperorama: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience09:16
tobias_nathan_: it takes me 20 min to associate w/a wifi connection09:16
m0Unpacking vnstat (from .../archives/vnstat_1.4-4_i386.deb) ... Setting up sun-java6-doc (6-00-2ubuntu2) ... This package is an installer package, it does not actually contain the JDK documentation.  You will need to go download one of the archives: jdk-6-doc.zip jdk-6-doc-ja.zip09:16
dfletcherNinesvnsicks, yeah09:16
m0Any reason why I cannot install VNSTAT ?09:16
fl33tingtimetonyy, Pici: thanx09:16
nathan_tobias_: can you elaborate on what you are doing exactly09:16
paulcooperoramahow do I get rid of the "$home/.dmrc is being ignored blah blah blah" message09:16
nathan_tobias_: like what you are clicking09:16
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spiderworm2i just installed feisty and now have the 2.6.20-16-generic kernel... i have an amd athlon 64 3500+ processor and am wondering if there is a more optimized kernel?09:16
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ikoniapaulcooperorama where are you seeing that error ?09:17
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Pici!generic > spiderworm2 (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)09:17
ikoniapaulcooperorama and stop asking every 20 seconds09:17
beniBeerSerc: I think I got it09:17
paulcooperoramaikona -- I see the message when I log in09:17
ikoniapaulcooperorama where, in a popup ?09:17
pattyubotu what is the meaning of life09:17
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spiderworm2hey thanks Pichu010209:17
paulcooperoramaikona -- yes in a popup09:17
spiderworm2er, Pici09:17
dbrunsI'm trying to install ubuntu on parallels on my mac and it gives me a CDROM not found error (emulated from ISO)... so i change the Virtual machine type to Solaris and I can get ubuntu install but it won't boot.. it starts to boot and then stops and restarts the VM... it isnt' slow enough for me to see if there is any useful information that is flashed09:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 42 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:17
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ikoniapaulcooperorama delete the file it complains about, its a legacy x11 file09:17
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paulcooperoramaand just call me paul09:18
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tobias_nathan_: i click the network manager applet in the menu bar and i see no wireless or wired connections.  so i click manual configuration.  i open network manager, and all the connections are there, set to roaming.  there's nothing for me to do!09:18
Secheris there a command for restarting X?09:18
ikoniapaulcooperorama I'll call oyou paulcooperorama so its easy to follow who I'm talking to09:18
beniBeerSerc: try this, it would probably help http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/88818-disabling-fsck-startup.html#post44662709:18
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chiefSecher: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart09:18
Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: so for echo does it need the quotes also?09:18
ikoniachief that won't restart X09:18
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ikoniaSecher crtl+alt+delete09:18
ikoniaSecher crtl+alt+vbackspace09:18
noogamy dvd drive doesn't seem to mount some VCD discs, while other computers read them, i use feisty on athlon 64, what may be the problem?09:18
beniBeerSerc: but always make sure to shutdown your system properly. Only pressing the power button like in XP might not work in ubuntu, but i think you know that09:18
Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: jsut wanna double check09:19
paulcooperoramaiknonia -- where is the file??09:19
ikoniapaulcooperorama it gives it in the error message09:19
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dfletcherNinesvnsicks, it's good practice but not really necessary. your words become arguments to echo, but if you quote it you only send 1 arg. also, sometimes wierd chars can cause trouble. best quote it09:19
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tobias_nathan_: at other times, i see both a wired connection and a list of available wireless networks in the network manager panel applet menu.  then i can /usually/ switch between those fine -- the only caveat being that the machine will not associate with the first selected network when it initially boots up; i have to select a bogus network and then switch back to the real one to get it to associate09:19
Sechernono - im trying to install but i get a message that it cant start x..09:19
Secherbut i get a shell09:19
Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: oh ok09:19
Secheror terminal09:19
pattysecher: what's your card?09:19
beninooga: its a codex problem and stuff.. for me it took an hour to install all the dvd stuff you're missing some (restricted) libaries09:19
paulcooperoramaikonia -- I looked in the "home" directory09:19
beni!dvd | nooga09:19
ubotunooga: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs09:19
tobias_nathan_: i have noticed no pattern as to when the menu is populated and when it isn't.  i want it populated all the time.  how do i do that?09:19
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spiderworm2Pici: what about the 64 bit part of it?  does the generic kernel take advantage of the 64 bit architecture?09:19
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nathan_tobias_: that's beyond me sorry09:20
Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: well I copied the windows script and substituded linux commands basically09:20
Secherits an intel onboard - on a xps m1330 laptop09:20
ikoniapaulcooperorama what is the exact error message09:20
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ikoniaspiderworm2 nopt if you install the 32bit os09:20
Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: so hopefully it should work09:20
kazol_Is it normal that the cmd "su" fails?09:20
nathan_beni: you said you are running xp in untu?09:20
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ikoniaSecher using the same laptop - no problem09:20
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fl33tingtimewhere do i ask to suggest a new ubuntu-related project?09:20
benikazol_: in the latest ubuntu, yes - superuser has no password any more09:20
noogaand another question: how to enable that cool cube in compiz? :)09:20
tobias_nathan_: if no one else experiences this much trouble with a laptop running ubuntu i expect it's some driver issue that's causing problems with the network manager gui09:20
pattysecher: huh that should work, i thought all intel drivers were open source for the most part09:20
benikazol_: use sudo su in order to get root09:20
Aishikoquicky question I need to unmount a couple of volumes what is the command to do that?09:20
spiderworm2ikonia: hmmm you imply that there is a different install for the 64 bit then? dammit09:20
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kazol_beni: thx09:20
ikoniaspiderworm2 there is09:20
nathan_spiderworm2: yeah the one that says 64 bit09:21
pattyjust the daemons on the wifi cards aren't which is why they don't come enabled on most distros09:21
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beninathan_: yep :) with a very basic hardware, iirc 2,6 ghz 512 mb09:21
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berndDj prog fr ubuntu09:21
Secheri would hope so, but it crashes on install with the error "Failed to start the x server (your graphical interface). It is likely that it is not set09:21
Secherup correctly. Would you like to review the X server output to diagnose the problem?09:21
=== BeerSerc is now known as BeerSerc_away
paulcooperorama"$home/.dmrc is being ignored this prevents the default session and language from being saved the file should be owned by user and have 644 permissions home directory must  be owned by and not writable by others09:21
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nathan_beni: can you tell me how to do that? what was the app called again?09:21
spiderworm2hmmm... is it possible to easily switch from the 32 bit to 64 bit os?09:21
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nathan_spiderworm2: as easy as a full reinstall09:21
ikoniaspiderworm2 no09:21
gnudoi have an Alcatel One Touch 801E mobile phone which is not compatible with gammu/wammu .the mobile has neither bluetooth nor infrared. how can i access its phone directory on gnu/linux? is there any gui app for that??09:21
spiderworm2aww shit09:21
paulcooperoramaiknoia -- did you get all of that09:22
paulcooperoramadoes it make sense??09:22
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nathan_spiderworm2: then you find some bugs and things that don't work on 64 I tried it already09:22
ikoniagnudo how do you expect to connect it to your machine ?09:22
kudetaheya, i have a server setup with 1 external ip, yet i have 2 extra avaiale. i need to know how to setup ubuntu to use the other 2 ip's/ in this case i want an extra ip to etup TOR09:22
echo_I need help.  I am using the ov51x-jpeg driver for my creative livecam vista im and it works on other ubuntu systems, but on mine it shows three of me on camorama, and kopete will detect the camera but give me a green screen.09:22
beninathan_: hold on sec09:22
ikoniakudeta ifocnfig $device:109:22
nathan_spiderworm2: just stick with 32 bit unless you got about 8gb of ram09:22
gnudo<ikonia> i have a usb cable09:22
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ikoniakudeta ifconfig the device eith :1 as a virtual address09:22
gnudoif that helps09:22
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pattyi thought the limit for 32 bit was like three and a half09:23
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kudetaikonia can i pm?09:23
ikoniakudeta no thanks09:23
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nathan_patty: it is but if you got 4gb then dont bother with 64 bit09:23
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spiderworm2nathan_: i have 2gb :) why 8gb for a 64bit os?09:23
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:23
beninathan_: http://www.virtualbox.org/ there is everything you need. Read the documentation and If you experience problems with accessing your USB  drives in the howto section there's a tutorial09:23
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nathan_spiderworm2: I was just using a number... 32bit is good for up to 3.5~ gb of ram09:24
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beninathan_: but believe me it is deadeasy to install + run :o) I was really shocked09:24
Turbo1Ok im trying to install virtualbox and do i have to create a new boot hard disk because i do not have one nor do i really know where it is?09:24
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nathan_beni: you have to have xp installed on a partition already / can you do it that way?09:24
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Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: whats unterminated quoted string mean?09:24
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dfletcherNinesvnsicks, that probably means you forgot an ending quote or tried to put quote chars in your quoted string :P09:25
beninathan_: Turbo1: I ran virtualbox in ubuntu and installed a plain new Windows XP "inside" Virtualbox in a Virtual Container. But i think there is a tutorial  on migrating existing XP partitions into it.09:25
nathan_spiderworm2: would you like me to tell you why I picked 32 bit even though I have 4gb of ram?09:25
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beninathan_: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Migrate_Windows09:25
ToolBustI can't turn my wireless card to mode monitor....can any onde help me?09:25
spiderworm2nathan_: yes i think i could learn a lot from that09:25
NinesvnsicksI PUT %DATE%09:25
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echo_I need help.  I am using the ov51x-jpeg driver for my creative livecam vista im and it works on other ubuntu systems, but on mine it shows three of me on camorama, and kopete will detect the camera but give me a green screen.09:25
ToolBustI can't turn my wireless card to mode monitor....can any one help me?09:26
beninathan_: but i didn't try that, i installed windows from scratch09:26
Sechernathan_ > did you have any problem installing ubuntu on your m1330 ? and do you have the intel card og the nvidia?09:26
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nathan_beni: thanks I'm looking it up =] 09:26
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Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: hwo do i echo the date and time09:26
nathan_Secher: must be another nathan09:26
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beninathan_: good luck :o)09:26
Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: if you know09:26
dfletcherNinesvnsicks, just `date` by itself will do that09:26
Ninesvnsicksdfletcher:  oh ok kewl09:26
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paulcooperoramahow do I get rid of the "$home/.dmrc is being ignored blah blah blah" message09:26
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nathan_spiderworm2: 3 main differences between 32 and 64 that you should care about as a basic understanding09:26
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DevideZerohow i can fix the display after installing nvidia driver ?09:27
Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: hmm i got the same thing weird09:27
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paulcooperoramahow do I get rid of the "$home/.dmrc is being ignored blah blah blah" message09:27
Sechersorry nathan_09:27
danielronincan anyone tell me what it means when GRUB hangs at stage1.5, and ust keeps rebooting????09:27
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Sechermeant to write to ikonia09:28
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nathan_spiderworm2: 1 - 32 bit only reads up to ~3.5 gb of ram, 64 goes much much higher. 2 - 32 bit will have much more working software and is easier to find solutions for... way easier. 3 - 64 will be faster since it will make better use of your cpu and if you had more than 3.5 gb of ram.09:28
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Secherikonia > did you have any problem installing ubuntu on your m1330 ? and do you have the intel card og the nvidia?09:28
Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: just echo "words" ?09:28
ltarswitching desktops causes either my top or bottom gnome bar to dissapear.09:28
benidanielronin: probably that your GRUB is f*cked up? ;-) (sorry09:28
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paulcooperoramahow do I get rid of the "$home/.dmrc is being ignored blah blah blah" message09:28
dfletcherNinesvnsicks, should be. that's weird09:28
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pbnHello, what graphical tool for the layman, on a KDE desktop, will show the user how much space is left on the hard drive ?09:28
Ninesvnsicksi bet its the arguments i have for namedate09:28
ltaronly on the first workspace do I have both, and I have to click at the bottom to get the bottom one09:28
spiderworm2nathan_: thanks, that's good information :)09:28
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benipbn: wait i'll grab it09:28
_etotheipnathan_, 64-bit is not intrinsically quicker than 32-bit.09:28
nathan_spiderworm2: however when you weigh the fact that finding any support on 64 bit is probably twice as hard, plus you wouldn't be gaining any ram so.. just stay with 32 bit trust me09:28
pattynathan_ what about the amd stuff?  they go on about how they can run 64 and 32 bit applications simultaneously09:28
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benipbn: http://mybeni.rootzilla.de/mybeNi/2007/how_can_i_view_my_file_system_disk_space_usage_on_ubuntu_linux/09:29
Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: wine ./namedate.exe /Z:"Y-m-d H-M-S" "old.log"09:29
spiderworm2i trust u09:29
danielroninbeni: what gets me is that there were no changes made whatsoever between last night and today, save changes made to vista...09:29
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paulcooperoramahow do I get rid of the "$home/.dmrc is being ignored blah blah blah" message09:29
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nathan_patty: it's not a matter of inability, it's a matter of the platform release as I understand it09:29
Ninesvnsicksoh i found it09:29
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benidanielronin: windows often destroys your grub, thats the bad thing.. Try google this is a very common problem imho09:29
beni!grub > beni09:29
_etotheip64-bit offers a marginal improvement except for apps designed natively for 64-bit. most are recompilations of 32-bit code.09:29
ltarhmm... I alt-f2'd "metacity --replace" on a hunch and it fixed it. I guess GTK was borking09:29
danielronini'm new to dual/tri boot setups with vista, does GRUB act like more like an MBR extension with vista?09:29
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benidanielronin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows09:30
Ninesvnsicksok server started09:30
Ninesvnsicksthats a good sign09:30
echo_I need help.  I am using the ov51x-jpeg driver for my creative livecam vista im and it works on other ubuntu systems, but on mine it shows three of me on camorama, and kopete will detect the camera but give me a green screen.09:30
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pattydanielronin: or just get the alternate, if you used that one, go to repair, and reinstall GRUB09:30
paulcooperoramahow do I get rid of the "$home/.dmrc is being ignored blah blah blah" message09:30
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beniecho_: sorry cant help u with this one :)09:30
nathan_spiderworm2: right, 64 bit software CAN be faster if it is specifically written for 64bit and not just a repackaged 32 bit09:30
danielroninah, but i had everything up and working, i actually installed feisty and backtrack2 over vista09:30
Secheranyone running ubuntu on a DELL XPS m1330 laptop???09:30
=== genii sips a coffee and thinks about sudo chown -R `whoami` ~/
paulcooperoramasomebody please09:31
Kni1Can someone help me with GRUB issues? >_>09:31
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benipaulcooperorama: where do you get this one09:31
danielroninpayy: lsat i time i tried to restore grub, when i ran setup i got an error, because menu/lst did not match up09:31
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danielroninpatty: last i time i tried to restore grub, when i ran setup i got an error, because menu/lst did not match up09:31
paulcooperoramabeni -- i get it when I log on09:31
Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: omg i think everything works lol09:32
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ToolBustI can't turn my wireless card to mode monitor....can any one help me?09:32
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Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: except date and time09:32
AngryElfhey folks, I'm getting login incorrect errors to my server despite explicitly allowing this user I was trying to track down how proftpd authenticates but I don't see that info in the default config file.  So my question is, how does proftpd know where to look for credentials?09:32
Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: for echo09:32
dfletcherNinesvnsicks, awesome :)09:32
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pattydanielronin: okay, then it's probably best to go check out what else there is, i don't know anything more than that because it's always worked for me.  just keep externals and stuff clear as that makes it much more complicated.09:32
paulcooperoramabeni -- when I log on I get the following message:09:32
nathan_well this is odd..09:32
paulcooperoramahow do I get rid of the "$home/.dmrc is being ignored blah blah blah" message09:32
nathan_beni: you there?09:32
slashzulanyone use sbackup with encryption?09:32
dfletcherNinesvnsicks, well if you want a date in a echo statement, put it in backticks: echo "this is the current date: `date`"  .. that will sub the date in the string09:32
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ToolBustI can't turn my wireless card to mode monitor....can any one help me?09:33
ToolBustI can't turn my wireless card to mode monitor....can any one help me?09:33
ToolBustI can't turn my wireless card to mode monitor....can any one help me?09:33
ToolBustI can't turn my wireless card to mode monitor....can any one help me?09:33
ToolBustI can't turn my wireless card to mode monitor....can any one help me?09:33
ToolBustI can't turn my wireless card to mode monitor....can any one help me?09:33
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nathan_Kni1: you try in #grub ?09:33
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beninathan_: yep09:33
ToolBustI can't turn my wireless card to mode monitor....can any one help me?09:33
ToolBustI can't turn my wireless card to mode monitor....can any one help me?09:33
yrlnryThe help pages at http://www.gnome.org/learn/users-guide/latest/gosnautilus-440.html say that executable files in ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/  will appear in the File>Scripts menu.  I've created two such executable files in that directory, and still I don't have a File>Scripts menu at all.  What might be wrong?09:33
echo_I need help.  I am using the ov51x-jpeg driver for my creative livecam vista im and it works on other ubuntu systems, but on mine it shows three of me on camorama, and kopete will detect the camera but give me a green screen.09:33
AngryElfToolBust: probably not09:33
nanonymeToolBust, please spam a few more times09:33
Alejandr0hello, how do i go fullscreen on quake 2 with ubuntu?09:33
nathan_beni: I'm installing package but it's waiting for me to press OK to agreement09:33
benipaulcooperorama: wait09:33
Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: oh so echo "the server was started at 'date' 'time'" ?09:33
noogaHow to install Skype under 64-bit feisty? i tried via --force-arch + linux32 but it doesn't work, also tried 32-bit chroot, but i can't complete the instruction that can be found by google ...09:33
Kni1Er, I'm kinda new to this stuff, just need someone to guide me about something than I'll try that channel or something :P09:33
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dfletcherNinesvnsicks, time doesn't do that :P09:34
ToolBustI can't turn my wireless card to mode monitor....can any one help me?09:34
beninathan_: yep there is some style of EULA09:34
genii!enter toolbust09:34
nathan_beni: thing is it's in the little terminal display that normally shows you the files installing and stuff...how do I click it?09:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about enter toolbust - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:34
dfletcherbut for date, you almost have it --- BACK ticks09:34
ToolBustI can't turn my wireless card to mode monitor....can any one help me?09:34
preaction!ops | toolbust09:34
ubotutoolbust: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici09:34
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Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: aww u cant do time?09:34
dfletcherNinesvnsicks, backticks are under the tilde char - `09:34
beninathan_: press enter?09:34
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ToolBustI can't turn my wireless card to mode monitor....can any one help me?09:34
dfletcherNinesvnsicks, date will output the time09:34
pike_!chroot | nooga09:34
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ubotunooga: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box09:34
Amaranthpreaction: ?09:34
Ninesvnsicksthe tild09:34
preactionAmaranth, spamming / repeating09:34
nathan_beni: one would think that would be it09:34
AmaranthToolBust: There are tools for that09:34
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pike_nooga: sry i dont personally have much exp with 32bit under 6409:34
nathan_beni: I've tried clickign it and enter09:34
dfletcherNinesvnsicks, and you can call it twice with formatting to get a separate date and time09:34
Amaranthpreaction: so answer him09:34
beninathan_: sec..09:34
ToolBustAmaranth: what tools?09:35
dfletcherNinesvnsicks, try `man date` to see how to format, but it's like: date +%Y-%m-%d or something like that09:35
Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: i jsut want it to say  server started at date and time09:35
dfletcherlol man date09:35
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slashzulanyone use sbackup with encryption?09:35
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benipaulcooperorama: tell me what 'ls -ali $HOME |grep .dmrc' is telling you09:35
neehoh_ciao ciao09:35
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Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: ok so echo "server started `date whatever format`" ?09:35
nathan_beni: http://img503.imageshack.us/img503/3267/screenshotbf6.png09:35
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Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: kewl09:35
Secheranyone running ubuntu on a DELL XPS m1330 laptop???09:35
ToolBustAmaranth: what tools?09:36
beninathan_: press tab and then enter09:36
preactionanswering him would reward his bad behavior of copy/pasting his questions 14+ times in 10 seconds09:36
beninathan_: or as long tab until the "OK" button is focused09:36
nathan_beni: that's it thanks09:36
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nathan_beni: delete old modules?09:36
AmaranthToolBust: kismet09:36
paulcooperoramabeni -- it is a long message09:36
Alejandr0hello, how do i go fullscreen on quake 209:36
benipaulcooperorama: it should be just one line09:37
AmaranthToolBust: Don't repeat yourself, if I'm going to answer you only have to way it once09:37
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nathan_Alejandr0: alt-enter ?09:37
Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: oh date has time already sweet09:37
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beninathan_: wait, I would just do what it wants me to :o)09:37
ToolBustAmaranth: I have that...but how can I use it to turn to mode monitor mode?09:37
ToolBustAmaranth: I have that...but how can I use it to turn to mode monitor?09:37
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AmaranthToolBust: I don't know09:37
AmaranthToolBust: Stop doing that.09:37
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nathan_beni: it's asking me09:37
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paulcooperoramabeni -- oh I wish it were... but the message is $home/.dmrc is being ignored this prevents the default session and language from being saved09:37
dfletcherNinesvnsicks, that's what I was saying :P so use a format string to make it say what you want09:37
beninathan_: w809:37
nathan_beni: http://img503.imageshack.us/img503/3267/screenshotbf6.png09:38
AmaranthToolBust: What you are doing is probably illegal so you should find help elsewhere.09:38
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dfletcherNinesvnsicks, or if you're happy with the default then good enough ;)09:38
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echo_I need help.  I am using the ov51x-jpeg driver for my creative livecam vista im and it works on other ubuntu systems, but on mine it shows three of me on camorama, and kopete will detect the camera but give me a green screen.09:38
nathan_beni: whoops09:38
beninathan_: press yes09:38
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nathan_beni: http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/3555/screenshot1xq8.png09:38
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beninathan_: updates = good ;)09:38
paulcooperoramabeni -- it goes on to say that the permissions should be 644 and the directory must be oned by user and not writable by others09:38
beniyes okay good09:39
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benipaulcooperorama: we'll fix this now, hold on :)09:39
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ToolBustAmaranth: you know it is elligal because you do it all the time....09:39
paulcooperoramabeni -- thanks very much09:39
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benipaulcooperorama: type "chmod 755 .dmrc" into your console09:39
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Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: how do i rem lines in the script09:40
Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: for description?09:40
dfletcherNinesvnsicks, you mean comments? start the line with # sym09:40
beninathan_: working?09:40
paulcooperoramabeni -- done that09:40
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nathan_beni: yeah app is up, gotta figure out pointing to hd1,0 now09:40
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benipaulcooperorama: try Logging of and on again to see if it worked :)09:41
nathan_beni: I have xp on hd1,0 and figure might as well use that09:41
paulcooperoramabeni -- thanks I'll let you know09:42
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benipaulcooperorama: np :)09:42
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beninathan_: yeh, look at the tutorial, I won't be able to help you with migration ;)09:42
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DigitalNinjaIs there a way to get evolution to auto filter email?09:43
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basculehi, if I want to stream media on my LAN from desktop to laptop in various media formats what is th ebest way to do it, is there pre written software or do i need to set up my own menuing things?09:43
beninathan_: which theme're you using?09:43
DigitalNinjaI have filters but it's not doing to automagicly09:43
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nathan_beni: thanks again will do09:43
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gnutronbascule - you might try VLC.09:43
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basculegnutron: it can do this, I never knew, the name kinda gives it away though :)09:44
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nathan_beni: a nice comfy mixture09:44
yakovguys could you suggest me a time app which shows several timezones?09:45
basculegnutron: it was more on the server side though, like listing all tunes/films on web browser style format and it streams on click .. that'd be cool09:45
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nathan_beni: http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/272/screenshot2wt0.png09:45
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gnutronbascule - that might require apache web server or other means, not a small task!09:46
nathan_beni: i got a couple users set up for different moods lol09:46
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Secheranyone running ubuntu on a DELL XPS m1330 laptop???09:46
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basculegnutron: I can handle it ..  but if there was some pre-written cool app that eeds apache, I can do it, if not i think I can maybe get started on something09:46
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=== BernardB back
beninathan_: looks good :) damn, you got lunchtime right now? we're at 10pm09:47
gnutronbascule - use synaptic or apt and take note of suggested packages, like mysql etc., it's is  'doable'.09:47
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basculesure, but how hard :))09:48
nathan_beni: yeah I'm on pacific gmt-809:48
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danielroninshi*t, i just tried restoring GRUB through shell, and it's still not working09:48
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willo"try rebooting"09:48
kudetahello, ive added to interfaces anip that my server has been allocated. but its not working (no ping etc) is there something i might have forgotten?09:49
beninathan_: where located? I'm German :)09:49
danielronindoes anyone here know whether NTLDR would keep from running, is GRUB is just installed to the root partition of the ubuntu?09:49
noogaubotu: ok, i followed that chroot tutorial, so now i just need to use chroot command and then install skype as normal?09:49
gnutronbascule - not very hard, time consuming.09:49
nathan_beni: well those steps look complicated and it's just a fake little install anyways just for wc3; so I'll just do a new virtual one =] 09:49
nathan_beni: I'm in seattle washington09:49
noogalol, ubotu is a bot lol09:49
Evanlecdanielronin, !grub09:49
nathan_beni: I have a friend in germany she called me last night at 2am my time09:49
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:49
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nathan_nooga: hah09:50
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:50
noogaso, i've got 32-bit chroot on 64-bit feisty09:50
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beninathan_: kewl, my shouts to georgie boy ;) Are you leaving iraq now or what's the state of the art?09:50
noogaso now i just need to do sth like this: chroot /chroot09:50
noogaand then use dpkg to install eg. skype09:50
danielroninI didn't install anything....this morning i woke up, and all the sudden, nothing would boot09:50
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nathan_beni: nah we're in there for life just like the war on drugs.09:51
kudetahello, ive added to interfaces anip that my server has been allocated. but its not working (no ping etc) is there something i might have forgotten?09:51
orchid`hey err i still ahve an issue with falsh. i am on the 64 bit feisty fawwn distro. anyone ahve an idea that will help?09:51
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basculegnutron: www.fireflymediaserver.org <-- i might be on to something here :)09:51
nathan_beni: they just like to pretend there's any possible change, so people feel better09:51
slashzulhow do you rescan your desktop to view new installed items on your menu?09:51
gnutrondanielronin - what error do you get?09:51
danielronin'm trying to find out more about GRUB so i can fix it...the only thing the restore DVD asus gave me is totally wipe everything09:51
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nathan_beni: many people over here know the truth but we're powerless to change anything09:51
iceghostnooga: mostly right09:51
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danielroninGRUb just keeps reloading, and my laptop keeps rebooting09:52
iceghostyou'll have to deal with using your current x server or it wont run09:52
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noogaiceghost: mostly09:52
slashzulhow do you rescan your desktop to view new installed items on your menu?09:52
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l_rwho are the powers of ubuntu here?09:52
noogaiceghost: what do you eman?09:52
Dr_Willisdanielronin the grub homepage has some very good docs on grub and troubleshooting.09:52
kudeta!ubotu interfaces09:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about interfaces - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:52
iceghosti did that long ago so the details aren't fresh on my mind but...09:52
gnutrondanielronin - looks like a good app., beware of breaking packages, but i would give it a shot.09:53
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kudeta!ubotu ifconfig09:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ifconfig - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:53
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noogaiceghost: but...?09:53
Jack_Sparrowdanielronin: boot a livecd and post your boot/grub/menu.lst to the pastebin09:53
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beninathan_: that sucks, but its the same thing here :) Our government plans to build a Trojan for the state officioals and the Feds in order to spy at computers of Terror suspects. They are destroing our whole social system everything is getting more expensive and there is no end.09:54
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Jack_Sparrowdanielronin: You can also try the super grub repair disk09:54
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iceghosthave you set up everything so you can use /var, /proc and /dev of your original environment in your chroot jail09:54
iceghosthave you done that?09:54
slashzulhow do you rescan your desktop to view new installed items on your menu?09:54
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maedhrosQuick question: Where is a good place to put software binaries that I`ve compiled? Is there like a user-bin that all such software scould go? Or is it common just to create a random directory and include it in the binary search path?09:54
noogado i need to edit bootstrap?09:55
noogafstab i mean09:55
nathan_beni: says I need access to /dev/vboxdrv09:55
Jack_Sparrowslashzul: you dont, they should be there if installed correctly.. What app in particular.09:55
nathan_beni: chmod 777 it ?09:55
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iceghosti am guessing that you have successsfully used debootstrap. right?09:55
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noogaiceghost: i've got 32-bit feisty in /chroot09:55
oandrewwhat time is it??09:55
beninathan_: or just chown that should be enough imho. "sudo chown nathan /dev/vboxdrv"09:55
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beni!time > oandrew09:56
Apa7HYI really need to get my sound card working09:56
basculemaedhros: use something like manual_apps and pass that to --install, all sub-dirs wil be made by make install09:56
noogai was following this tutorial https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot09:56
gnutronmaedhros - /usr/local/newdir4stuff  is a good place imo.09:56
oandrewlol beni09:56
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Juhaz/usr/local should mirror the layout in /usr09:56
danielroninJack_Sparrow: in a livecd atm, one second for the paste09:56
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erik__hi there, getting quite used to ubuntu here, just got a quick question. Got it installed. The only folders I see though, is "Desktop" and "Examples". Where am i supposed to find all the rest of the stuff, like the stuff on my windows drive, and the rest?09:57
nathan_beni: hhaha this is pimp!09:57
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ambrose_hello peeps09:57
beninathan_: wh00t? :] 09:57
iceghostok you have to edit fstab to bind your var, proc, dev and (if you want) home filesystems09:57
Apa7HYerik__: go up a directory09:57
maedhrosbascule; gnutron: Okay, thanks.09:57
tarelerulzIs there a way to format in fat32 ? I think gparted does that ,but I am not sure?09:57
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erik__I only see "erik" then09:57
Apa7HYgo up another09:57
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Dr_Willisgparted is a front end to the backend mkfs commands that does the actual formating - I belve09:57
nathan_beni: can vista work on it?09:57
Jack_Sparrowdanielronin:  also run this as we may need this info...  sudo fdisk -l > ~/Desktop/Partition.Layout.$(date +%m-%d-%Y-%T).txt09:57
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noogaiceghost: will i be able to use my system normally?09:58
noogai eman09:58
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beninathan_: vista is made by the devil, never tried this one ;) After XP I started using Linux, I'm even running steam on ubuntu via wine (never made problems for me that weird ;)09:58
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jeward/usr/lib/perl/5.8/CORE/perl.h:420:24: error: sys/types.h: No such file or directory09:58
noogamean, i need to edit /etc/fstab, not /chroot/etc/fstab09:58
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jewardWhat package am I missing?09:58
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nathan_beni: what's steam09:59
beninooga: what do you wanna use?09:59
Apa7HYsys/types.h, jeward09:59
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noogabeni: skype09:59
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iceghostyes, the "original" /etc/fstab09:59
nathan_beni: you want to see a kick ass video09:59
beninathan_: VALVe's distribution platform for halflife, counter-strike and a couple more09:59
beninathan_: give it to me09:59
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nathan_in #ben09:59
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benipaulcooperorama: did it work?10:00
Apa7HYI could really use some help getting my sound card to work.  Ubuntu doens't detect it and I'm pretty sure the driver isn't on the list of drivers.  Soooo what do I do?10:00
kaos_nkIs it possible to install finch without pidgin?10:00
paulcooperoramanot that10:00
noogaiceghost: something like /home   /chroot/home    none    bind 0 010:00
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iceghostyeah, i was about to paste that same line ;)10:00
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beniApa7HY: sry can't help you with this one :/10:00
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orchid`nis there anyone in ehre who hs an inkling of howto help me with my flash issue?10:01
paulcooperoramabeni -- but what I did was entered chmod 644 .dmrc then chmod 700 ~10:01
tarelerulzI want to format 500 gig hard drive in fat32 so windows can use it if I need to and I was wondering if gparted did so I could download it . I know it srinks ntfs I did that before10:01
yrlnryIt turns out that the  local and web documentation is wrong.  Both say that executable files in $HOME/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts will appear in the scripts directory.  But this is not true; they must be in a *subdirectory* of that directory.10:01
yrlnryI had to go to the source code to find that out.10:01
paulcooperoramabeni -- that seemed to have solved it10:01
yrlnryHow do I submit a doc patch?10:01
iceghosti am no expert but i do now that you share some "sockets" or stuff that way that allows you to connect to your original x server10:01
paulcooperoramathanks for the help10:01
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benipaulcooperorama: so it works now?10:01
veynomhas anyone here installed diablo 2 on ubuntu?10:01
paulcooperoramabeni -- oh yea baby10:01
Turbo1I keep getting this error when i try to access my drive using virtualbox. Can someone assist me please.10:01
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iceghosthence being able to use graphical apps like skype or 32bit firefox10:01
paulcooperoramayou da man10:01
benipaulcooperorama: kewl, i'm proud :) cheers !10:01
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noogaiceghost: and it shouldn't interrupt my normal system ?10:02
paulcooperoramaof course you could be "da girl" but in being that you could still be da man10:02
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paulcooperoramanow for a more difficult one10:02
Turbo1Failed to start virtual drive10:02
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giany911is there any way to get xchat to start minimized ? it's at startup and i dont want it to pop-up in the middle of the screen:)10:02
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paulcooperoramaI need to share files to a windows network10:02
iceghostnot at all, that worked fine for me. dont forget to `mount -a`10:03
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ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT10:03
jessonwhen i installed programs from add/remove program where do they go? i cant find them in application start menu10:03
jesson when i installed programs from add/remove program where do they go? i cant find them in application start menu10:03
Juhazyrlnry, what source file did you (think) you found that in? they definitely should work from the scripts dir itself.10:03
Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: ok this might sound lame but I want to be able to release this to others how should I zip the files?10:03
iceghostah i read somewhere that if you plan to ditch your chroot environment you should first "unbind" your filesystems or you risk losing them10:03
danielroninJack_Sparrow:  here's menu.lst: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37145/10:03
Jack_Sparrowjesson: Depends on the program, some kde or X apps will not show up in the menus10:03
paulcooperoramaI have installed both samba & nfs on this machine but it does not want to let in another person10:03
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sanderHi. Where do I find an ubuntu live cd?10:04
yrlnryJuhaz: It doesn't work from the scripts dir itself; the scripts menu didn't  even appear.   B ut when I created a subdirectory and put the scripts in the subdirectory, the scripts menu appeared with the subdirectory on it.10:04
jessonim using gnome and i installed idle python where can i find it?10:04
jessonif they arent in the menu how can i run them?10:04
danielroninJack_Sparrow:  here's partition layout: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37147/10:04
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MatyoPls click on him afterwards you may quit:10:05
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yrlnryOh, I see.  Creating the subdirectory sent some sort of notification to nauthilus to reread the scripts dir, which creating a plain file didn't.10:05
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noogaiceghost: mount -a in chroot?10:05
Turbo1How do i fix this error10:05
Turbo1The VirtualBox kernel driver is not accessible to the current user. Make sure that the user has write permissions for /dev/vboxdrv by adding them to the vboxusers groups. You will need to logout for the change to take effect..10:05
Turbo1VBox status code: -1909 (VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_ACCESSIBLE).10:05
Turbo1Result Code:10:05
erik__How many % of the earth's population uses linux?10:05
Turbo1IConsole {1dea5c4b-0753-4193-b909-22330f64ec45}10:05
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MatyoPls click on him afterwards you may quit:10:05
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:05
dfletcherNinesvnsicks cd to the directory above the one you want to archive, then do: tar czvf archivename.tar.gz directory-with-files/10:05
Jack_Sparrowdanielronin: Are you running any funky bootloader or are some of those logicals in an extended partition10:06
jessonwhere do installed program from repository go? i cant find them in application menu10:06
Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: oh i got it lol10:06
jessonhelp please10:06
sanderubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso <-- does this cd contains a live os?10:06
Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: i jsut right clicked10:06
bruenigjesson, dpkg -L packagename10:06
Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: i made it tar.gz10:06
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dfletcherhehe thought there might be a right click action Ninesvnsicks ;)10:06
dfletcherbut wasn't positive10:06
Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: heh10:06
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iceghostnooga: no, in the main system10:06
Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: well thansk for all the help10:06
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jessoncan u give me sample command how i can run programs that arent showing in my startmenu/applction menu10:07
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danielroninJack_Sparrow: logicals in an extended..I usually run a linux install on a few different partition so files in var and /tmp get deleted faster...force of habit i guess, there's really no need on this laptop10:07
Jack_Sparrowdanielronin: Where is the real Ubuntu install...  5,6,7,8 10 or 1110:07
dfletcherNinesvnsicks, noprob. glad it's working for you :)10:07
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Ninesvnsicksdfletcher: is there a buddy list somewhere on here?10:07
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dfletcherNinesvnsicks, not really you just need to keep track yourself I believe10:07
danielronindev/sda5, dev/sda11 has backtrack2 and dev/sda2 is Vista10:08
gnutronjesson - in a terminal type whereis your-program, then type the path in a terminal and backround it with &10:08
incorrectis nickserv b0rk3d10:08
noogaiceghost: mount -a10:08
Ninesvnsicksheh okcya10:08
noogaiceghost: and then chroot /chroot10:08
danielronindev/sda1 is some funky hidden restoration partiton that was put there be ASUS10:08
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MatyoPls click on him afterwards you may quit:10:08
noogaiceghost: and then use dpkg to install skype, and then when i want to _run_ skype... i must .. do what?10:08
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Turbo1Can someone please help me with this error msg http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37148/10:09
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bXiare there widescreen framebuffer resolutions?10:09
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bXiTurbo1: you need to add your current user to the specified group10:10
Jack_Sparrowdanielronin: sda5 is your ubuntu / linux ?10:10
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Turbo1Ok how do i do that10:10
iceghostnooga: ok first of all the exact filesystem hierarchies that shoulb be bound are /dev, /proc, /tmp and at your option, /home10:10
Turbo1Im new to this10:10
sanderAnyone tried the ubuntu live cd?10:10
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danielroninJack_Sparrow: yes10:11
benisander: yes10:11
CoasterMastersander: i think most of us have10:11
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iceghostthen... yes, you chroot into your new environment and you install the package... but i don't know if you have fulfilled its dependencies10:11
sanderbeni, CoasterMaster: Wondring where I can find the ubuntu live cd10:11
MatyoPls click on him afterwards you may quit:10:11
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CoasterMastersander, you can just download it from the Ubuntu website10:11
CoasterMaster!download | sander10:11
ubotusander: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive10:11
iceghosthave you run apt-get inside the chroot yet?10:11
benisander: download the normal ubuntu, IT IS the live cd10:11
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sanderbeni, thanks10:11
CoasterMastersander: the live CD is the same as the normal download10:11
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benisander: ubuntu live cd starts up shows you what's going on10:11
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arcihey anyone know how to fix those errors http://pastebin.com/m115111e8     ?10:12
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benisander: and if you wish, just press install and ubuntu will be installed. if you don't press it your system will remain the same as before :)10:12
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gnutronarci- did you use sudo?10:12
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noogaiceghost: yup10:13
noogaiceghost: installed some thingys10:13
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noogavia apt-get inside chroot10:13
gnutronarci- open synaptic and use 'fix broken'10:13
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benanzohow do hold open "dmesg" so i can watch it in real time?10:14
iceghostnooga: nice, then you can attempt to install the skype package and its dependencies10:14
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koluyoeI type in terminal of ubuntu like that "I type like that sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", it is saying that couldn't fine kubuntu-desktop10:14
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noogaiceghost: eg in /home/nooga in chroot?10:14
Jack_Sparrowdanielronin: The first option for Kubuntu is right up to that point...10:14
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koluyoeI type like that "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", it is saying that couldn't fine kubuntu-desktop10:15
noogai mean10:15
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Jack_Sparrowdanielronin: the partition for the others are all wrong10:15
noogai need to wget the deb to that dir10:15
gnutronbenanzo - dmesg |less  dmesg is written on boot-up.10:15
koluyoebut it is saying that couldn't find10:15
koluyoepleae help me10:15
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praetbenanzo: tail /var/log/dmesg10:15
iceghostnooga: did you bind /home? do you have the same users inside the chroot?10:15
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IdleOne!info kubuntu-desktop10:16
iceghostthen I dont think it matters as long as you wget-it inside the chroot10:16
ubotukubuntu-desktop: Kubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.32ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 15 kB, installed size 44 kB10:16
nickrudkoluyoe: go to applications->add/remove, click the preferences button, and make sure the first four items (main, restricted, universe & multiverse) are checked. Then close, and click update10:16
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Slartkoluyoe: sure you spelled it right?10:16
radioaktivstormwhy does the auto configuration on my wireless not work... i have been searching forums etc for weeks and still have not found a resotion.... if i set my computer to manual configuration, i can access networks, but if i put it on roaming, i tend to get infrequent success as far as connections. can anyone help me--this is getting very tedious and i would appreciate *any* help10:17
benanzognutron: but it will still write new messages about hardware while the system is running?  is there a way to just have dmesg open so I can watch the new messages as they come?10:17
Slartkoluyoe: oh.. and listen to nickrud.. he speaks wise things =)10:17
arcignutron: thanks worked ;)10:17
IdleOnenickrud: kubuntu-desktop is in main it should be available to him without universe and multiverse10:17
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danielroninJack_Sparrow: i removed an ntfs partition after I installed kubuntu to make room for another linux os10:17
nickrudIdleOne: prevents other questions later on :)10:17
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jessonif ubuntu has a default java sdk installed ready how can i run its editor? it doesnt show up im my application menu10:17
IdleOnenickrud: true :)10:17
danielroninand configured menu.lst to accomodate10:17
noogaiceghost: im having problems with those dependencies10:18
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arcignutron: it doesnt work after that10:18
gnutronbenanzo - tail -f /var/syslog  for system stuff. dmesg is just bootup stuff. iirc10:18
bruenigjesson, ubuntu does not have jdk installed by default and what is this editor?10:18
benanzognutrom: ok thanks10:18
iceghostnooga: they don't show up in apt-get?10:18
Jack_Sparrowdanielronin: But you only configured the first option to the correct partition... else it is wrong and all others are right..10:18
gnutronbenanzo - tail -f /var/log/syslog  sorry10:18
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theacolyteAnyone know off the top of their head if Adobe is ever going to release a flash player for x64? or are we supposed to keep using nspluginwrapper?10:18
sm1ghey... it was irc.freenode.net or irc.freenode.com?10:19
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bruenigtheacolyte, probably not, there is no reason to10:19
jessonok then i have to dl it anyway ubuntu has a ready python editor? how can i run it?10:19
noogaiceghost: it's like this Depends: libasound2 (> 1.0.12) but it is not going to be installed10:19
leladiahow do i change to c-shell in ubuntu 7.0410:19
sm1gwas it irc.freenode.net or irc.freenode.com?10:19
Slarttheacolyte: last I heard they were working on it10:19
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willopython editor? vim? ;D10:19
nickrudsm1g: net10:19
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noogaiceghost: maybe i shold copy sources.list from the top system to chroot10:19
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danielroninJack_Sparrow: I commented out all the other options10:20
bruenigleladia, assuming you have it installed, just csh10:20
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alcoholicdoes tasksel takes time ?10:20
IdleOnenickrud: you know anything about pinning? I want to pin xserver-xorg-core_2%3a1.3.0.0.dfsg-12ubuntu2 so it does not upgrade? I know it has something to do with setting it in apt-cache policy but dont understand enought about it to figure out a command10:20
Slarttheacolyte: but that could mean anything from "we have 4000 skilled engineers working day and night" to "well.. the cleaning lady said her son would take a look at it" =)10:20
leladiahow do i install it?10:20
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Jack_Sparrowdanielronin: Sorry, but it looks ok to that point...10:20
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nickrudIdleOne: the easy way is to put it on hold, there's a dpkg way that I can never remember, so I open aptitude, find the package I want, and hit the equals sign :)10:21
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Slarttheacolyte: http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=6b3af6c910:21
koluyoenickrud: hello. the four things you said are checked already. but I can't. why?10:21
nnyso I have xmail installed, but I don't think it is sending mail messages, how do I test it further?10:21
gerrohow do I disable firefox's firewall?10:21
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iceghostnooga: oh that might help, you need the right repos10:21
IdleOnenickrud: lemme look10:21
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theacolyteSlart: thanks for the link10:22
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Slartgerro: firefox firewall?? it has a firewall?10:22
theacolyteso somewhere between now and never :)10:22
nickrudkoluyoe: make sure you spelled it right then.    sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop10:22
gerroSlart: do ip:21 in address bar10:22
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Slarttheacolyte: that's about it10:22
gerroSlart: its a recent bug introduced10:22
iceghostnooga: are both systems (the main and the chroot) the same ubuntu version?10:22
noogabut chroot is 32 bit and main is 6410:22
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theacolyteSlart: I work about 5 blocks from Adobe's flash headquarters... I should stop by and ask :P10:23
danielroninJack_Sparrow: if the options are commented out would that affect anything?10:23
iceghostthat makes things smoother. i kind of figured that the main was 6410:23
Slartgerro: ah.. that's not a firewall.. just some kind of silly restriction...10:23
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gerroSlart: if it blocks ports its a firewall10:23
noogaiceghost: bcs skype doesn't want to work under 6410:23
nickrudkoluyoe: if it fails again, put the complete error on a pastebin10:23
Slartgerro: but I've never seen it before.. btw.. do you want to use http on port 21 ? or do you want to use ftp?10:23
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gerroSlart: ftp of course10:23
erik__When I enter my home folder, there is one option, entering the /Erik/ folder, then Desktop/Examples. I don't see anything else. I don't know how to work with this, could I recieve some help thanks? ;)10:24
gerroSlart: and http10:24
koluyoenickrud: arrr........ it works with the command with you said. why didn't it work apt-get intall?10:24
gerroSlart: whatever I make it do?10:24
erik__Using Linux Ubuntu with KDE, not gnome.10:24
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Slartgerro: well... I'm not sure I agree.. but I would say that a firewall does a little more than just block ports but anyways.. try ftp://ip:21 instead10:24
nickrudkoluyoe: probably a spelling error. apt-get & aptitude use the same info for installing10:24
gerroSlart: I been violated :(10:24
Clerichi I've accidentally removed the top panel and bottom panel (where windows are minimised?), how can i replace them please?10:24
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bruenigCleric, right click, add panel and so forth10:25
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nickrudCleric: gconf-tool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel10:25
noogaiceghost: werid, cuz when i try to install something via apt-get it just says NO10:25
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gerroSlart: thanks dude (^_^) 'O10:25
Slartgerro: you're welcome10:25
nooga# apt-get install wget10:25
nooga  wget: Depends: libssl0.9.8 (>= 0.9.8c-1) but it is not going to be installed10:25
noogaE: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).10:25
schwagnerwhat getty-like program should I use to connect a dumb terminal to feisty over a serial link?10:25
gerroSlart: I was thinking of switching to opera just to do this huge download, but omg they don't have an address bar ;_;10:26
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dj_mehanik 10:26
dj_mehanikhi all10:26
nickrudnooga: do what it says,    sudo apt-get -f install10:26
dj_mehaniki'am from Russia, Yaroslavl city10:26
IdleOnenickrud: how do I search for specific package in aptitude?10:26
Slartgerro: opera doesn't have an adress bar?? what is the world coming to10:26
koluyoenickrud: no. I didn't make miss spelling. I typed "sudo apt-get install ....10:26
Slart!ru | dj_mehanik10:26
ubotudj_mehanik:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke10:26
lordfkillerhi everyone10:26
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lordfkillerI used sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg , chose my graphic card manufacturer(ATI), and put a start before all resolutions but 1280*800. I am using this resolution in Windows XP. But after pressing CRTL+ALT+BkSp, I can no more see anything but a blue and white page.10:26
nickrudkoluyoe: it might have needed the update.10:26
Clericnickrud: which sections of that code do i input in the terminal?10:26
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lordfkiller*put a star10:26
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nickrudIdleOne:   help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide10:27
nickrudCleric: the whole thing10:27
Slartdj_mehanik: no need to be sorry.. you're welcome here but I don't think many here speak russian..10:27
dj_mehanik#ubuntu-ru no body10:27
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IdleOnenickrud: ty10:27
noogaiceghost: werit, it runs :D10:27
ubotuConventional P2P clients: Limewire/GTK-Gnutella/Frostwire (Gnutella Network).  -  BitTorrent: see !torrent  -  Direct connect: try valknut.  -  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information.10:27
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Clericnickrud: when i run "gconf-tool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel" in terminal it says could not open location10:28
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lordfkillerI used sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg , chose my graphic card manufacturer(ATI), and put a star before all resolutions but 1280*800. I am using this resolution in Windows XP. But after pressing CRTL+ALT+BkSp, I can no more see anything but a blue and white page.10:28
=== christoffernors [n=christof@0x3e4285bb.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
riotkittiehmm. blue and white telling you theres a problem with xorg?10:29
nickrudCleric: sorry,      gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel    (I always mix that up with gconf-editor)10:29
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koluyoenickrud: can I use "yum" command in ubuntu?10:29
christoffernorsHey. How can i change the shortcut "Alt+Left and Alt+Right" to another key? (im using gnome ubuntu). Thankyou.10:29
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Clericnickrud: beautiful code mate, thanks a lot. im never going to get the hang of this linux....10:29
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lordfkilleri cannot do anything10:30
schwagnerkoluyoe, no, but apt-get is roughly the same thing10:30
basculeexcept much better10:30
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nickrudkoluyoe: no, it's for rpm's not deb's , run      gksudo synaptice10:30
annihiluscan someone recommend a good firewall10:30
nickrudCleric: yw10:30
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bruenigannihilus, iptables10:30
riotkittiedoes it look like there's supposed to be text there?10:30
lordfkilleris there a way to reset screen resolution?10:30
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ConstyXIVis there a way to find out if your processor has SSE3?10:30
lordfkilleri think10:30
nickrudkoluyoe: erm,   gksudo synaptic   that is10:30
Slartannihilus: almost the only one available.. iptables10:30
proqesiare there any plans to support ppc on feisty or gutsy in the future?10:30
riotkittieif you need a front end, try firedog.  wait. is it firedog.  errr.10:30
annihilusbruenig, thanks10:31
basculeConstyXIV: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep SE310:31
_Devious_hello everyone10:31
erik__My friend said linux is just a dying bubble, less and less people use it and windows is preffered in the world, since 98% of the world uses windows, it has to be good, what to respond? ^10:31
annihilusSlart, thanks alot10:31
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).10:31
ootmhow can I see network throughput speed in ubuntu server (just in a bash shell )?10:31
basculeSSE3 even10:31
kane77annihilus, iptables, you can configure it with firestarter10:31
nickrudproqesi: it's a community supported one, it's available in feisty, probably gutsy10:31
koluyoenickrud: you mean that yum=gksudo?10:31
lordfkilleri can type my username, and password, and here the sound for wrong password10:31
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lordfkillerit just doesn't show anything10:31
nickrudkoluyoe: no,  synaptic > yum ;)10:31
kane77ubotu, grr!10:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about grr! - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:31
Slartootm: nload works..10:31
bruenig!ot | erik__10:31
ubotuerik__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:31
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nickrudkoluyoe: gksudo is a tool to get administrative privileges, it asks for your password and runs the program if the password passes10:32
erik__bruenig Okay, sorry :P10:32
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jessoni downloaded anjuta and its  .tar.bz2 how do i untar and install it from the terminal?? reply please, note i have the tar file in my home folder already10:32
koluyoenickrud: arrr.... it is better than yum, right?10:32
ootmSlart, thanks!10:32
basculejesson: apt-get install anjuta10:32
nickrudjesson: why not just get anjuta from the repos10:32
bauerrunning gvim gives /bin/sh: /usr/bin/esd: not found ? howto get rid of that ?10:32
nickrudkoluyoe: actually, I've never even seen yum10:32
kane77jesson, tar xjvf nameoffile10:32
Slarterik__: windows is good enough for many...oh.. and you can always use cheap tricks like "millions of flies can't be wrong.. eat shit today" ;)10:32
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jessonafter i untar? how do i install ?10:33
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stdin!ohmy | Slart10:33
ubotuSlart: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:33
christoffernorsHey. How can i change the shortcut "Alt+Left and Alt+Right" to another key? (im using gnome ubuntu). Thankyou.10:33
kane77jesson, why do you want to compile from source?10:33
nickrudjesson: no, throw away the tar.gz, and run bascule 's command10:33
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Evanlecanyone know easy way to mount/burn/extract a .daa disc image??10:33
jessonim new to linux make it easier to understand please10:33
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jessoni extracter it already its on my home dir wat do i do now?10:34
PriceChildchristoffernors, what do those do?10:34
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kane77jesson, why don't you install it from repository?10:34
christoffernorsgo back and forth10:34
noogaiceghost: lol, it appears that skype is installed but not configured10:34
nickrudjesson: the best way to look for a package is system-admin-synaptic.  Anything you see on the net and want to install, look there before you do anything else.10:34
proqesichristoffernors: xmodmap10:34
koluyoenickrud: please don't mind me for asking like that. Before, I use linux red hat fedoracore. In there, we can use "yum install" like "apt-get".10:34
christoffernorspricechild: go back and forth10:34
noogaiceghost: it runs but hangs immediately10:34
oandrewlol jesson10:34
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christoffernorsproqesi: xmodmap ??10:34
dj_mehanikby all, thank all10:34
jessonwell i have it on my dir already if i go repo then ill have to dl it again10:35
nickrudkoluyoe: true. Synaptic is a gui that installs packages. yum I guess would be the equiv to apt-get and aptitude10:35
ice_ghostnooga: did you succeed?10:35
bauerrunning gvim gives /bin/sh: /usr/bin/esd: not found ? howto get rid of that ?10:35
SlartEvanlec: what is a .daa image? you can mount an iso by doing "sudo mount -o loop /path/to/your/iso.iso /your/mountpoint"10:35
noogaice_ghost: it seems that skype and deps are set up10:35
basculejesson: anjuts is a c/c++ dev app, you need to learn to compile quickly :))10:35
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CoasterMasterHow can I get the LiveCD to work with TV out (NVIDIA 7600GS)?10:35
noogaice_ghost: but not configured by apt, so skype runs and hangs immediately10:35
kane77jesson, so make sure you have these installed: gdl, gnome-build, libopts, guile, autogen, pcre10:35
CoasterMasterIt's hooked up via component (480i though)10:36
nickrudjesson: you'd have to compile anjuta to get it to work; to compile it you'd have to download a _lot_ more than just installing anjuta from the repos.10:36
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EvanlecSlart, kk nevermind i foudn it, .daa is a disc image format used by PowerISO software, but they have a free linux version at http://www.poweriso.com/download.htm10:36
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kane77jesson, (of course also build-essential and linux-headers)10:36
koluyoenickrud: thank a lot. This is the first time of using Unbuntu for me. I don't about Ubuntu :P10:36
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SlartEvanlec: ah.. I tried searching in synaptic for some kind of converter but I didn't find anything10:36
jessoninshort its easier to download it from repo?? i downloaded it on my xp and it worked its just a text editor10:36
nickrud!components | koluyoe let me point you at some reading:10:36
ubotukoluyoe let me point you at some reading:: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource10:36
IdleOnenickrud: hitting = added a h next to the i in front of package name. to save I just quit ?10:36
jessonwait i think it was devc10:36
basculejesson: it's a lot more than a text editor10:37
nickrudIdleOne: yes10:37
oandrewkane77: is the build-essential and linux-headers on the install/liveCD??10:37
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kane77jesson, nah.. anjuta is ide10:37
basculegedit is a text editor10:37
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kane77oandrew, I guess so..10:37
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Evanlecwheres the default location to install stuff? /usr/bin ?10:37
nickrudjesson: yes, you got a precompiled version, just you'll get from the repos ;)10:37
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PriceChildEvanlec, depends10:37
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SlartEvanlec: nah... try /opt/programname instead10:38
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Evanlecwell, wheres a good place to put random stuff?10:38
jessoni looked at the screenshots and it looks just plain editor i didnt know there more on it?  im learning C++ so wats the best way for me to run my 1st program?10:38
PriceChildEvanlec, executables isntall in /usr/bin, libraries in /usr/lib etc. etc.10:38
kane77jesson, if you want text editor you don't want anjuta.. you want gedit (or kate)10:38
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PriceChildEvanlec, /home/yournick10:38
oandrewnice1 >that has been the/my main problems with damnsmalllinux and others, when i first found linux and tried out the "liveLove"10:38
basculejesson: apt-get install build-essential10:38
PriceChildEvanlec, or alternatively /usr/local/foo10:38
Evanlecbut that clutters up my home folder...10:38
SlartEvanlec: usually you install the program somewhere and make a link in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin or any of those10:38
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rafael__ikonia, i did !10:38
IdleOnenickrud: ty for your help10:38
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jessonhow do i get kate? or gedit10:38
rafael__ikonia,  i made that work as i want10:38
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ph8does something as good as outlook exist for ubuntu?10:38
PriceChildEvanlec, or /opt10:38
rafael__ikonia, do u want know how ?10:38
nickrudIdleOne: I'm an aptitude addict ;)10:38
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Slartph8: fortunately not =)10:38
kane77Evanlec, /dev/random ;)10:38
PriceChildph8, evolution10:39
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ph8i'm contemplating running outlook in my VM10:39
ph8which  i maintain to use photoshop etc10:39
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Evanleclol k10:39
oandrewPriceChild: why not thunderbird?10:39
stunatraEvolution is almost like a Outlook clone.10:39
Slartph8: you need the calendar bit or the email bit?10:39
IdleOnenickrud: aptitude runs in terminal. does it have a GUI?10:39
ph8i use google calendar10:39
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PriceChildoandrew, because evolution is installed by default10:39
Slartph8: then thunderbird of evolution will do the trick10:39
stunatraThunderbird is great, too.10:39
nickrudIdleOne: just the one you saw, synaptic I guess you could say is the gui for aptitude,10:39
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noogaice_ghost: id does not work ;/10:39
kane77IdleOne, synaptic10:39
ph8I have thunderbird10:39
jessonok here a quick summary of my problem, i have a C++ book and studying it the only program i know is how to print hello world with #include iostream and on the book it sez i need a C++ compiler and editor to make it run so wat do u suggest? help me please10:39
ph8doesn't feel the same somehow10:39
noogaice_ghost: skype hangs10:39
ph8maybe i'm too used to webmail tbh10:40
ph8i haven't used a client regularly for ages10:40
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PriceChildjesson, sudo apt-get install build-essential10:40
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stunatraOutlook is crappy, IMO.10:40
Slartjesson: "sudo apt-get install build-essential" will install what you need10:40
kane77jesson, okay, anjuta is ok for C++10:40
IdleOnenickrud: kane77 Synaptic use apt-get but yeah I guess that would be it10:40
jessonthats alL ?10:40
koluyoenickrud: nbotu: thanks a lot bro10:40
frenchiehey guys, is there an ubnut help channel for novices?10:40
basculejesson: and a simple text editor like gedit, yes10:40
Slartjesson: anjuta is nice if you want an IDE.. there are others too.. try some and see what you like10:40
xfreakkquestion: How do i find out my motherboard in linux and how do i get sound drivers for the onboard sound10:40
gnutronjesson - apt-get install build-essential, the 'cc inputfile.c' to compile10:40
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nickrudIdleOne: no, it uses apt.  A lot of the code that it uses apt with came from aptitude.10:41
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jessonwats on build essential ? do i have the editor there if i download that? does it show up in my applction start menu?10:41
noogaice_ghost: thanks anyway gtg, bye10:41
Slartjesson: if you can manage to learn emacs or vi, those are considered nice10:41
basculejesson: try Bruce Eckel's "Thinking in C++" it's free and linux based10:41
bzwingzeroIs it possible to default the alignment of the desktop icons to the right similar to how it is on a Mac?10:41
Slart!info build-essential10:41
ubotubuild-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.3 (feisty), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB10:41
kane77jesson, you need g++ package (the compiler)10:41
Slartbah.. that wasn't very informative... bad bot..10:41
nickrudkoluyoe: yw, and welcome. It's different from fedora, but it's consistent within itself10:41
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jessonomg sound to complcated i only want to run my hello world lol10:41
bruenignickrud, apt is the general name giving to the overall package management scheme, dpkg apt-get and so forth, so you don't really use apt per se, you use aspects of apt10:41
kane77jesson, anjuta is fine, however plain text editor will do as well..10:42
Slartjesson: build-essential gets you compiler, linker and the basic stuff.. no editor, but there are plenty of those available10:42
christoffernorsHey. How can i change the shortcut "Alt+Left and Alt+Right" to another key? (im using gnome ubuntu). Thankyou.10:42
nickrudbruenig: apt is the library that everything ties into, right?10:42
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ph8can i get cool plugins and such for thunderbirds a-la firefox?10:42
kane77jesson, you don't need compiler to RUN it, but to compile it...10:42
xfreakkquestion: How do i find out my motherboard in linux and how do i get sound drivers for the onboard sound10:42
bruenig!mouse | christoffernors10:42
ubotuchristoffernors: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto10:42
Slartph8: yes10:42
basculejesson: well you are gonna need a c++ compiler and that is goint to require you to install software, if your gonna cade, need to get used to a least that much :)10:42
bzwingzeroph8: Yes, they are available from the thunderbird website.10:42
kane77ph8,  yes..10:42
ph8i think that'll improve my experience10:42
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TUOkay is there a workaround for the dhclient doesn't set DNS servers?10:43
TUit is hugely pissing me off10:43
kane77jesson, you're not to do Hello world forever, are you?10:43
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jessonpython made it easy for me they have a built in python im my termimal10:43
shemmyMy daughter wants the chalkboard world map wallpaper from Edubuntu 6.  Does anyone have or know where do get it?10:43
ikoniatu careful with the language, tihs is is a family channel10:43
Slartjesson: if you think "sudo apt-get install build-essential" is complicated you haven't installed any windows programming stuff =)10:43
ubuntuhello people10:43
christoffernorsi didn't want to get extra mouse buttons10:43
basculepytho is interpreted and preinstalled, c++ needs a compiler10:43
Teremdhi anybody know if on gutsy alternate cd mdadm raid setup configuration was removed?10:43
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PriceChild!gutsy | Teremd10:43
ubotuTeremd: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+110:43
kane77jesson, well the difference is that python is interpreted..10:43
TUwell regardless10:44
TUany workarounds10:44
xfreakkquestion: How do i find out my motherboard in linux and how do i get sound drivers for the onboard sound10:44
jessonahh wait10:44
ph8anyone used seamonkey?10:44
TUit is like a showstopping bug because i can't dhcp10:44
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SlartTU: afaik it shoudl set dns servers.. I had to do stuff to make it not set dns servers...10:44
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bzwingzeroph8: yes, back before it was seamonkey.10:44
basculeTU: try pump ?10:44
ikoniaTU have you configured dhcp server, is that what you want10:44
christoffernorsI have a IBM thinkpad and would like to use the dedicated buttons for "go forth and go back" instead of the default shortcut in ubuntu: alt+left and alt+right. How can i easily edit this?10:44
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jessoni have devc in my xp and it made cpp into exe. wats the point of making it exe on linux if exe doesnt run on linux10:44
TUno i want dhclient to work like it should10:44
Andy80I'm trying to configure the "TwinView" on my laptop+videoprojector. The laptop has an nVidia video card. This is my xorg.conf: http://pastebin.ca/692582 and this is my problem: the screen zone has been doubled. First is displayed by videoprojector and the second part is shown on my notebook display. I'd like to see the same screen (800x600) on both surfaces (wall and display). How can I fix it?10:44
TUit should set my dns servers10:44
TUinstead it sets them to and search unh.edu (my school)10:45
ikoniaTU ok - is your dhcp server offering dns servers ?10:45
TUresulting in rediculously slow lookups10:45
TUikonia: it works fine under windows so i'd imagine so ;10:45
basculechristoffernors: system - preferences, keyboard shortcuts10:45
xfreakkquestion: How do i find out my motherboard in linux and how do i get sound drivers for the onboard sound10:45
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martin_hi guys, just got a new mp3 player (Commodoore "evic"), and to use the id3 functionality of the media library playlists for files need to be made in the Artist, Album, Track and Genre subdirectories... apparently windows media player does this automatically whilst syncronising... is there any media player on linux that will do this?10:45
TUit is a bug in the dhclient thing10:45
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ikoniaTU can you show me your dhcp config10:45
kane77jesson, it is exe(cutable) but under linux it doesn't have the .exe extension.. (and is in different format)10:45
ikoniaTU its not a bug as I'm using it fine10:45
Slartjesson: you don't make an exe in linux.. but you can make an executable program..10:45
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bzwingzeroIs it possible to default the alignment of the desktop icons to the right similar to how it is on a Mac? Currently running ubuntu (Gnome)10:45
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IdleOnenickrud: ok I put a hold on xserver-xorg-core but update manager still wants to upgrade it.10:45
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rafael__ikonia, maybe u made a mistake.. the grub can boot from the uuid.. in this case i did the pendrive boot my linux on my usb hd  changing the menu.lst :D10:46
rafael__it works !10:46
TUikonia: no it IS a bug.10:46
ikoniarafael__ I know this10:46
TUi think it involves a router being between you and the real dns servers10:46
ikoniarafael__ I didn't say you couldn't do this10:46
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TUbut my router has the right dns servers.10:46
christoffernorsbascule: those shortcuts aren't in there10:46
TUgoogle it10:46
TUit is definatly a bug10:46
jessonhow do i make executable program on linux? like how to make cpp executable?10:46
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TUwhich dhcp config you want?10:46
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Picijesson: you need to compile your c++ programs10:46
preactionjesson, you have to compile c/c++ programs10:46
rafael__ikonia, :) but the most strange.. i needed to copy the boot of pendrive to /   of my usb hd. hahaha it means the pendrive is not necessary.. excet because i will not need to install de the grub in the mbr10:47
ikoniaTU your dhcpd.conf from the server and your dhclient from your machine10:47
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preactionjesson, apt-get install build-essential <- installs the GCC and all you need to compile your programs unless they require other libraries like QT or GNOME10:47
Slartjesson: you compile it.. that's what devc++ does for you when you press f9 or whatever the key is.10:47
TUyou think i have the dhcpd.conf from the server????10:47
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TUit is my school10:47
jessoncant i just make the code on plain text editor save as with .cpp extension then go to terminal type hello.cpp ?10:47
TUi don't know and don't care what it is10:47
jessonwould it run?10:47
basculechristoffernors: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7956010:47
kane77jesson, okay it works like this: you write program in any text editor, save it with .cpp extension. this is your source code. then you run gcc your_file.cpp -o your_file10:47
NeatcheeCan anyone recommend a good torrent client for Ubuntu?  I've tried rtorrent but the performance is suspect10:47
TUmy point is this SHOULD work with no interference so it IS a bug10:47
preactionjesson, no. you have you COMPILE c/c++ programs.10:47
IdleOne!ENTER | TU10:47
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ubotuTU: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:47
TUand i was hoping to talk to someone who would be either able to fix it or at least log it10:47
veynomwhy shouldn't i login as root?10:48
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ikoniaTU its logged a few times in launchpad and most of the reponses are users error, hence why I'm asking to check your configs10:48
ph8bzwingzero: impressed? (with seamonkey)10:48
baktaah__Does anyone know of a good application to have multiple access-points like school, home, neighbour and etc?10:48
ikoniatu chat on irc is not the way to get bugs resolved10:48
bruenig!caps | preaction10:48
ubotupreaction: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.10:48
xfreakkhow do u find out what system hardware u have using ubuntu10:48
kane77anybody correct me gcc  compiles c++, right?10:48
Slartjesson: here's something to read http://users.actcom.co.il/~choo/lupg/tutorials/c-on-unix/c-on-unix.html10:48
christoffernorsbascule: yeah. already installed that.. but i dont wanna add a shortcut i wanna edit one already there..10:48
TUikonia: i havn't touched the config though10:48
TUthe local one at least10:48
xfreakkhow do u find out what system hardware u have using ubuntu10:48
TUi tried to add a preappend statement10:48
ikoniaTU - yes I appriciate that, that can be part of the problem10:48
TUbut that dosn't work.10:48
basculexfreakk: lspci -v10:49
ikoniaTU try sending your hostname in the client10:49
bzwingzeroph8: it is effectively the old Mozilla client. Firefox+Thunderbird+Sunbird+Chatzilla in one. I prefer them seperate. Less load time when I only need one.10:49
TUikonia: how?10:49
ikoniathe servers default config is to not respond properly to none-identfied clients10:49
bruenigkane77, g++ is in the mix too10:49
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gordonjcpjesson: if you're looking for a nice IDE for Linux, you could do worse than try either Anjuta or KDevelop.  I used to use Anjuta but I use KDevelop now...10:49
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ikoniaadd something like send host-name "mybox"; to dhclicent.conf10:49
benanzoI have two kernels installed, can I compile software for both at the same time?  or do I need to boot into each in order to compile a package for it?10:49
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kane77bruenig, i never was c++ guy..10:49
ph8Andy: Do you have the nvidia settings utility?10:50
ph8it's extremely useful10:50
ikoniabenanzo depends on the software's dependencies10:50
TUikonia: is it possible for me to just switch up dhcp clients?10:50
gordonjcpbenanzo: does what you're compiling specifically link against the kernel?10:50
ikoniaTU which other where you thinking of using ?10:50
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TUAnything that works.10:50
benanzoit's a kernel module for my iSight.10:50
leladiapls how do i add universe repository on ubuntu 7.0410:50
bruenigkane77, there is a g++ binary, I think that gcc will call that if it has a .cc or .cpp extension but I am not sure, but it does something obviously10:50
ph8what's their irc like bzwingzero? I still wine mIRC10:50
TUthere has to be another dhcp client10:50
ikoniabenanzo better to use a running config10:50
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benanzoI am testing it with Gutsy/Feisty kernels.10:50
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ikoniaTU there is, but as I say, this is probably not a bug10:50
PriceChild!universe | leladia10:50
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ikoniathere are a few client issues if the server is not confiugred properly10:50
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ubotuleladia: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource10:50
TUikonia: it has to be.10:51
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TUikonia: this is the thing.10:51
ikoniaTU no it doesn't have to be10:51
TUif it works under windows there is NO REASON it shouldn't work under linux10:51
TUmisconfigured or not.10:51
benanzoikonia: OK thanks10:51
ikoniaTU there is a server and a client, if both are not confiugred in a compatible way - there can be a problem10:51
kane77bruenig, I'm sure gcc can handle more than just c, but I just didn't want to confuse jesse...  so I'd rather ask10:51
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leladiashould i run dat from the shell?10:51
TUikonia: i get this.10:51
bzwingzeroph8: it is the chatzilla client. You can try it before downloading the suite. It is also available as an extension for Firefox.10:51
PriceChildleladia, read the message from ubotu10:51
ikoniaTU working under windows doesn't prove anything10:51
TUikonia: you need to slow down and listen10:51
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bzwingzeroIs it possible to default the alignment of the desktop icons to the right similar to how it is on a Mac? Currently running ubuntu (Gnome)10:51
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TUikonia: if it works under windows i expect it (and so dosn't anyone else who moves to windows that unlike me can't mess around and look for irc and help and edit config files) for it just work10:52
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ikoniaTU, I'm afraid thats not how things work10:52
leladia!unviverserepository is not working!!!10:52
martin_does anybody know of a free tool that when i run can extract id3 information from an mp3 file i.e. "id3tool something.mp3 -artist" would print the artist of that file?10:52
TUikonia: i'm afriaid this is why no one uses linux :P10:52
ikoniamany people use linux.10:52
=== Foobartender [n=foobarte@p54A0DB94.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
TUjust tell me what i can install to work around this.  Ubuntu seems to be the only distro with this problem10:53
nathan_I have two questions about virtualbox~ 1. when I run xp, the taskbar is too low and is covered up with my ubuntu taskbar, unless i erduce screen res of the vbox, which makes it too small; what can I do? 2 - is there a way to get warcraft 3 to work on it? it's not working for me.10:53
TUi don't want to solve this i just want it to work10:53
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TUthere already is a send hostname in my dhclient conf10:53
ikoniaTU your not listening so its pointless telling you. I've already given you a possible fix - straight away10:53
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TUit's already IN there10:53
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kane77martin_, there is java library for sure.. I have used it in my program.. it can easily be made into such utility...10:53
ikoniaTU run dhclient from the command line and see if it reports any errors or time outs10:54
IdleOneTU: there are 1177 linux users here not to mention all the redhat mandriva and ..... who are in other channels + all the ones who actualy read man pages and figure things out on theyre own. but yeah you are probably right and no one uses linux10:54
=== Bossmanbeta [n=Bossmanb@ool-182f7f87.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniawhat is the dhcp server your getting information from ?10:54
jessonlst nooby question please. i have both python and C++ book after reading few chapters i  they do the same only diff code example in python just plain print " while C++  print = std :: Cout so wats the diff? can i do the same C++ appliction with python ?10:54
TUIdleOne: NO ONE DOES.10:54
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TUthis is why linux will never be mainstream.10:54
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ikoniaTU - if you want help, lets sort it, if you don't please be quiet and stop disrupting10:54
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martin_kane77, thanks, guess i'll have to do some digging10:54
TUno errors10:54
TUit hits my router fine10:54
Slartjesson: python and c has similar syntax.. but it's very different under the hood10:54
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ikoniaTU your router ?10:55
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ikoniaTU your router is the dhcp server ?10:55
bruenigjesson, they are different languages, its like any difference in language, english and spanish are not the same but they do the same thing in the end10:55
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NMajikMy laptop has a card reader and the cards my camera uses  are recognized automatically. However, a friend gave me a card (of a different style) to download some pictures from but I'm having issues mounting it. dmesg indicates "[37488.232000]  tifm_core: MemoryStick card detected in socket 0:0" but I'm not sure exactly what information this gives me. Can anyone recommend a solution?10:55
TUikonia: i already said that.10:55
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ikoniaTU - no you didn't you told me it was at your school10:55
ikoniathats all you said10:55
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Slartjesson: are you just starting programming? taking a course? or just for fun?10:55
Evanlecokay why doesnt this work?? sudo chmod -rwX /usr/local/games/quake410:55
koluyoenickrud: May I ask u one thing? Fedoracore is come from lnux red hat. and where Ubuntu come from? :P10:55
jessongreat well if i made a program in python can i also make then executable in windows? like make them exe too ?10:55
ikoniathat explains some things10:55
jessonfor fun10:55
ph8NMajikL: is it a sony memorystick?10:55
jessonjust for fun10:55
ph8it might not be supported by the average card reader, i'm not sure10:56
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ph8or perhaps even by linux10:56
kane77jesson, well it depends.. certainly the same app can be done in python and in c++, but they are not the same thing for sure.10:56
nickrudkoluyoe: debian.org by way of canonical.com10:56
oandrewk bye"10:56
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preactionEvanlec, it is working, it's removing the rwX bits from that file. you want a +10:56
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benanzoTU: /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf is where dhclient's DNS servers can be configured10:56
ikoniabenanzo he wants his server to issue them10:56
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ikoniaI've asked for his dhcp config but I've not seen it yet10:56
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Evanlecpreaction, aha! ty10:57
kane77jesson, what books do you have?10:57
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bruenigjesson, for the most part, I mean when you start using libraries outside of python, unless those libraries exist on both and are identical, it won't work10:57
benanzothen that's not his system's fault...10:57
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Slartjesson: python and c are very different.. they might look the same but they are different.. if I were you I'd follow that book (if you think it's any good) and stay with c for now.. you can always try python, c++, perl or whatever later10:57
ikoniabenanzo exactly10:57
jessoni have magnus leitland y? any recommendation?10:57
TUikonia: how do you want it10:57
TUwhere do you want me to paste it.10:57
ikoniaTU put it in a pastebin10:57
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eon_i was wondering if i could get some help from you guys10:57
ikoniaTU any pastebin will do, then post the link please10:57
riotkittieomg. omg. omg. omg. omg. omg. omg. omg. i'm connected.10:57
benanzoTU: why not use OpenDNS servers?  they're faster10:57
Evanlecpreaction, okay, i did sudo chmod +rwX /usr/local/games/quake4 but still cannot install to that folder10:58
Slartjesson: it's been a very long time since I read any books on c/c++.. sorry10:58
NMajikph8: Yes. A "MemoryStickPRO" if it matters10:58
riotkittiebut i cant connect to my private network.10:58
Slartjesson: does it recommend using windows? visual c? something else?10:58
nathan_I have two questions about virtualbox~ 1. when I run xp, the taskbar is too low and is covered up with my ubuntu taskbar, unless i reduce screen res of the vbox, which makes it too small; what can I do? 2 - is there a way to get warcraft 3 to work on it? it's not working for me.10:58
jessonnope its pure python10:58
bruenigjesson, the c programmign language by kernighan and ritchie10:58
preactionEvanlec, you don't want uppercase X, you want lowercase x. and you only changed the permissions for the owner (root, i assume). are you installing as root?10:58
xfreakkhow do i install nforce drivers for my nvidia DXG051 motherboard10:58
TUbenanzo: because i don't want to screw around with this10:58
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riotkittiebut i'm connected. <does cartwheels>. you have no idea how exciting this is. and i have no idea how i did it. but my wireless is working. kind of.  <weeps>10:58
TUi just want it to work.10:58
TUikonia: http://pastebin.com/m7909338610:58
nickrudbruenig: a classic ;)10:58
Evanlecpreaction, no i want to install as user10:58
preactionEvanlec, no, you want to install as root, and run as user.10:59
NMajikph8: I'm sure the card reader supports it (in a physical sense) because XP sees it.10:59
TUalso when i tried to set opendns's servers as a preapend it didn't work.10:59
Ari3show to instal broadcom wirelless drivers in Ubuntu ?who knows?10:59
jessonin bottom line its best for me to invest my time learning C++ than python? python seem easy tho10:59
|thunderSamba says mu user/pass is wrong when trying to access my shares from xp. any ideas ?10:59
Ari3snothing works in ubuntu for me10:59
xfreakkhow do i install nforce drivers for my nvidia DXG051 motherboard10:59
ikoniaTU is this on a wirless lan by any chance ?10:59
preactionEvanlec, that's how best to do it. you don't want any normal user to have write permissions to an executable program (that's how viruses are spread)10:59
riotkittieAri3s: you're going to need ndiswrapper, i believe10:59
Slartjesson: ah.. then you could start with python... no problem... is it a new bok?10:59
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kane77jesson, I guess Slart is right start with c, although pointers can scare you (and the segfaults drive you crazy) but it's good to start with.. I started with pascal, then moved onto C, then php, java, haskell, prolog, ruby10:59
TUikonia: i have wifi on eth1 and non wifi on eth210:59
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benanzoTU: your syntax must have been wrong10:59
TUbut i don't use wifi in my room10:59
nickrud!broadcom | Ari3s10:59
ubotuAri3s: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:59
preaction|thunder, did you set up the user/pass using "smbpasswd" ?10:59
TUbenanzo: http://pastebin.com/m79093386 looks fine to me10:59
Evanlecpreaction, oh, well, i need write permission right now cuz im in the middle of the installer10:59
ikoniaTU so this test is on a wired connection10:59
xfreakkquestion : how do i install nforce drivers for my nvidia DXG051 motherboard11:00
TUi am wired currently11:00
|thunderpreaction; no, thanks11:00
preactionEvanlec, then quit the installer and run it using sudo. going forward would probably be bad11:00
kane77jesson, starting with c++ is not the best idea (in my opinion) it has both the pointers and OOP...11:00
Slartjesson: your best bet is to learn programming.. most schools start with java or pascal.. but I guess anything is good as long as you learn the basics of programming11:00
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:00
Evanlecpreaction, alrighty11:00
TUwifi dosn't work either though11:00
TUfor the record11:00
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xfreakkquestion : how do i install nforce drivers for my nvidia DXG051 motherboard11:00
ikoniatu can you try removing the prepend lines and running dhclient from the command line please.11:00
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Evanlecpreaction, but sudo +rwx should give root write permission to that folder right?11:01
TUikonia: so just delete those lines and do dhclient eth2?11:01
bzwingzeroxfreakk: if it works already, you shouldn't need to.11:01
basculemartin_: a little late but extract looks like the way ahead11:01
ikoniatu yes that sounds good11:01
TUikonia: how about i jsut restore the file to the defualt of debian11:01
leladiathanks everyone11:01
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basculeextract -p artist some.mp311:01
leladiai finally got it to work11:01
ikoniatu show me uname -a please11:01
xfreakkbzwingzero my soundcard the X-FI wasnt supported so im trying to use oboard11:01
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preactionEvanlec, you mean "sudo chmod +rwx /filepath", yes.11:01
martin_bascule, thanks11:01
xfreakkbzwingzero: one sec i will get audio error message for you11:01
Evanlecpreaction, yea thats what i meant11:02
kane77suppose I buy K10 cpu (when they are out) will ubuntu be able to handle 4 cores?11:02
benanzoTU: try this http://pastebin.com/def6740f11:02
preactionEvanlec, perhaps it's best if you always do: u+rwx (which means User, which is the owner, other options include g for Group or O for Others [everyone] )11:02
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TULinux nicholas-laptop 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Fri Aug 31 00:55:27 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux11:02
basculenp, looks like a powerful tool, glad I found it myself11:02
ScuniziHow do I use wget with a variable to download several files ending in .gif?  I've tried "wget http://www.foo.bar/*.gif" with no success.11:02
bruenigpreaction, and a11:02
xfreakkbzwingzero : this is my error "Could not establish connection to sound server"11:02
preactionbruenig, for all?11:02
bruenigpreaction, yeah11:02
ikoniaTU ok - super, so lets drop the prepend lines and run dhclient against eth211:02
Evanlecpreaction, but didnt u just say that was bad to give my user write permissions?11:02
preactionhaven't come across that one yet11:03
ikoniatu while doing that tail the syslog11:03
bruenigpreaction, a = ugo11:03
ikoniatu /var/log/messages11:03
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SlartScunizi: wget comes with a looooong manual... read it.. there are ways of only getting files matching a certain pattern11:03
preactionEvanlec, yes, it is. i was merely giving you information for future reference11:03
bzwingzeroxfreakk: hmm. Not sure. Let me check and see if I can find something.11:03
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Evanlecpreaction, kk11:03
ikoniatu you with me ?11:03
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xfreakkbzwingzero : thnx11:03
kane77Scunizi, I'd say put the filenames in a text file and serve it to wget...11:03
ikoniatu super11:03
TUtheres like 4 people telling me to do stuff11:03
SlartScunizi: I'm not being evil here.. I don't remember the exact parameter myself.. something with "accept"11:03
bruenigpreaction, however simply putting no specification will imply a, so +rwx = ugo+rwx = a+rwx11:03
ikoniatu ok, I'll back away until your ready, work through what you want in the order you want11:03
ikoniatu shout if you want anything11:04
Scunizikane77, unfortunatly I don't know the file names just that they end in .gif11:04
ScuniziSlart, thanks.11:04
TUikonia: i already did everything11:04
TUi reran the dhclient eth211:04
TUand removed those lines11:04
TU(err not in that order though)11:04
TUmy resolv.conf is still bad though11:04
ikoniaTu no problem, I get what your saying. And whats the syslog saying11:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glide - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:04
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basculeScunizi: easy *.gif11:04
kane77Scunizi, there is an option to recursively download... you can try the gwget (if you don't need it for some kind of script)11:04
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about opengl - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:04
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AeroStickhi babes11:04
HoboBenHi, I just installed clisp on Ubuntu 7.04 and I have a textfile called helloworld.lisp allowed to execute as program. What shebang (#!interpreter) location do I need?11:05
benanzoikonia: is the order of the items in dhclient.conf sensitive?  for instance, is it the same to have the "prepend domain-name-servers" line before/after the "request .." line?  that might make a difference.11:05
preactionHoboBen, what does "which lisp" say?11:05
ikoniabenanzo some are11:05
TUikonia: http://pastebin.com/m28dc428111:05
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HoboBenpreaction d'oh, thanks :-)11:05
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HoboBen(/usr/bin/clisp), simple as :-)11:05
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kane77can anybody help with this?11:06
Scunizibascule, mentioned above that syntax doesn't wrk11:06
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ikoniaTU ok so you've now got an IP address.11:06
AeroSticki just downloaded GUTSY GIBBON livecd, the livecd started well, the desktop was okay, the "install" icon were there but when i double click on it; there happened NOTHING. Anybody have any idea why it was so?11:06
xfreakklist users11:06
TUikonia: it is setup static11:06
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preaction!gutsy | AeroStick11:06
ubotuAeroStick: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+111:06
ubotuMythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV11:06
TUikonia: the dhcp server always returns 4211:06
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ikoniaTU does it return 42 based on your mac address ?11:06
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kane77TU, because that is the answer to everything!11:06
HelzibahAeroStick: Gutsy Gibbon isn't useable yet, try Feisty Fawn (7.04)11:06
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TUikonia: yes.11:07
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ikoniaTU I assume your dns servers are now borked11:07
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AeroStickpreaction: i know that it's a development and not finished, and i use the Feisty Fawn now already Helzibah, i's just wanted to know if somebody tried it like me and if could found a solution for that..11:07
ikoniaTU can you run a test for me11:07
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ikoniaTU I need you to "sudo cat /dev/null >/etc/resov.conf"11:08
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bzwingzeroxfreakk: That motherboard is an Nforce4 board. Mine is as well (but not dell brand) and I know to rout the sound to the onboard sound instead of a card there was a jumper setting.11:08
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ryanakcahow can one tell what app is using sound?11:08
bjwebbwhy is there no ffmpeg-dev package?11:08
ikoniaTU then I need you to reboot that box with the dhcclient config you've got11:08
ikoniayou do need to reboot, not just re-run dhclient11:08
xfreakkbzwingzero: some more info i have a dell xps 60011:08
TUi think my resolv.conf is write only.11:09
ikoniaTU exactly !11:09
ikoniaTU read only11:09
TUi set it in an attempt to get it to stop being rewritten11:09
TUikonia: that was recent though11:09
ikoniaTU ok - so lets re-set it11:09
SlartScunizi: here's something http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/manual/wget.html#Types-of-Files11:09
ikoniaTU set it for this test to 75511:09
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xfreakkbzwingzero: do you have the time to explain to me how to rout it and get it running11:09
bzwingzeroxfreakk: I know on my motherboard, with the same exact chipset, there is a physical jumper that needs to be put on a couple of pins to send the audio to the onboard connections.11:09
svuis gupnp .deb available for ubuntu anywhere?11:09
nathan_is there a way to get warcraft 3 to work on virtualbox? it's not working for me. says can't find cd.11:09
TUi get premission denied11:09
bjwebbwhy is there no ffmpeg-dev package?11:09
TUfrom that cat dev null command11:10
ikoniaTU use sudo11:10
TUi did11:10
ikoniaTU sudo chmod 775 /etc/resov.conf11:10
Slartnathan_: why not use wine? doesn't work?11:10
TUnicholas@nicholas-laptop:/etc$ sudo cat /dev/null >/etc/resolv.conf11:10
TUbash: /etc/resolv.conf: Permission denied11:10
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TUikonia: did that.11:10
AeroSticki just downloaded GUTSY GIBBON livecd, the livecd started well, the desktop was okay, the "install" icon were there but when i double click on it; there happened NOTHING. Anybody have any idea why it was so?11:10
bzwingzeroxfreakk: I would imagine there is a similar jumper on the Dell version of the motherboard but without actually seeing the motherboard itself I wouldn't know which jumper.11:10
TUnicholas@nicholas-laptop:/etc$ sudo chmod 775 /etc/resov.conf11:10
TUchmod: cannot access `/etc/resov.conf': No such file or director\11:10
HoboBenOkey doke, I've got the right shebang, for lisp but if I run my program in Terminal I just get an empty terminal with a blinking cursor. What does this suggest?11:10
ikoniaTU ahhhh11:10
SlartAeroStick: gutsy support is in #ubuntu+111:10
cleverTU: redirects open as your user not root11:10
ikoniaTU sudo touch /etc/resov.conf11:10
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lessthanjakeSomeone running Gutsy on an Dell D630? I have a problem with the fan spinning way to often!!11:11
TUi deleted it11:11
TUtouched it11:11
ikonialessthanjake /join #ubuntu+111:11
TUreran dhclient eth2 and i still get unh.edu11:11
xfreakkbzwingzero can it be the cable that was plugged into my soundcard?11:11
ikoniaTU chmod 755 /etc/resolv.conf11:11
ikoniatu then reboot11:11
basculeScunizi: http://rafb.net/p/nj2kTR97.html11:11
TUit is already writable..11:11
TUbe back in a moment.11:11
xfreakkbzwingzero: do i have to plug that cable into my motherboard somewhere11:11
ikoniaTU ok - going nowhere11:11
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Scunizibascule: thanks..11:12
HoboBenIs this the right format for the shebang? #!interpreter [/usr/bin/clisp] 11:12
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xfreakkbzwingzero: i removed my soundcard out of the comp11:12
koluyoenickrud: ubuntu is come from debian?11:12
MersaultDoes anyone here have any experience getting Ubuntu to work well with SATA drives in an nForce RAID configuration? The system disc itself is just IDE, I'm intending to use the RAID for storage only.11:12
Evanlecah, what the terminal command to move a bunch of files with squential names like, game00, game001, etc11:12
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SlartHoboBen: perl just use #/usr/bin/perl ... don't know if lisp is special (probably is =)11:12
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HoboBenSlart, thanks, will try to fiddle it that way :-)11:13
bzwingzeroxfreakk: there is likely a set of pins that would need a jumper somewhere on the motherboard. I know on mine they were near the bottom left.11:13
Chinaski1hello, no activity in #ubuntu-effects, so i post here: anyone know how to set menus' opacity within compiz-fusion?11:13
proqesiHoboBen: that depends on where you installed it.  type: which clisp11:13
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nathan_Slart: wc3 is unplayable in wine since you can't scroll with the mouse you would have to use the keypads11:13
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SlartHoboBen: http://www.xhbml.com/archives/category/linux/ , says here it is #!/usr/bin/env clisp11:13
HoboBenproqesi, I found clisp, it appears to be the right place11:14
bzwingzeroxfreakk: it was a set of like six pins. A certain two would need to be jumpered for a sound card or a different two for onboard.11:14
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HoboBenSlart, thank you, will try that11:14
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xfreakkbzwingzero : just to be sure before i fuck around with it, a jumper isnt connected to a cable its just a thing that goes on the pins? or is it a cable?11:14
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basculexfreakk: isn't just a BIOS setting11:14
IdleOne!ohmy | xfreakk11:14
ubotuxfreakk: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:14
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TUikonia: no go.11:14
xfreakkbascule : completely forgot to check the bios lol should do that11:14
TUi had to manually set my resolv.conf11:14
TUso i could rejoin the channel heh11:15
ikoniatu what was in the resolv.conf ?11:15
TUsame thing as last time11:15
bzwingzeroxfreakk: it is a small piece of plastic (with a smaller piece of metal inside). If you want to see what one looks like, there is usually one on the back of each ide hdd for master/slave setting.11:15
ikoniawhich is11:15
ikonia127.0.0.1 ?11:15
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basculexfreakk: np, easy mistake, go for "load setup defaults"11:15
TUikonia: "nameserver\nsearch unh.edu"11:15
bzwingzeroxfreakk: I wouldn't go randomly connecting pins with jumpers in the computer without a diagram.11:15
HoboBenSlart, it worked! Thank you very much! :-)11:15
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ikoniaTU thats where it gets itneresting11:15
leladiawhat happens when u type 'set' command in bash?11:16
xfreakkbzwingzero : k thnx i had to replace the jumper on my motherboard once to restart it with factory settings or something but i dont think thats the same as switching to oboard is it?11:16
ikoniaTU as its getting the domain name - so your router must be sending something11:16
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SlartHoboBen: you're welcome11:16
TUikonia: does that mean its a bug :P11:16
ikonialeagris try it11:16
ikoniaTU - not nessasarilly,11:16
bzwingzeroxfreakk: That probably just reset the bios settings to the factory default11:16
basculeleladia: it sets an enviroment variable11:16
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xfreakkbzwingzero: yea that was it, is that the same jumper?11:16
jovksy_hi all11:16
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xfreakkbzwingzero: or is it a diff jumper that i need11:16
basculeleladia: help set11:16
bzwingzeroxfreakk: Probably not.11:16
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xfreakkbzwingzero : thnx for all ur help, do u have an email i could reach u at or anything11:17
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bzwingzeroxfreakk; It might not even have an extra jumper to put there. If you give me a sec, I will look at what mine are labeled11:17
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jovksy_I have a lan and I want to connect by ssh to my pcs without knowing ip, they have dynamic ips, how please?11:17
CoasterMasterI have a missing operating system error upon boot after installing Ubuntu (and getting rid of Windows).  Any ideas?11:17
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xfreakkbzwingzero : ok i will wait11:17
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basculeCoasterMaster: cause windows is missing?11:17
CoasterMasterbascule: but Ubuntu is installed11:18
ConstyXIVisin't there some app in ubuntu that lets you make slideshows to put on a video DVD?11:18
TUikonia: can we take this to message11:18
Slartjovksy_: is there a dhcp-server on the lan?11:18
TUikonia: theres so much scroll it is hard to keep up11:18
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basculeCoasterMaster: I don't know grub well but that might upset it, missing an OS that is listed11:18
ikoniatu I agree, but on the client I'm on at the moment it will do the same11:18
Steve^what are Hyper, Meta and Super keys?11:18
jovksy_Slart: no...11:18
basculealt, altgr and windows logo Steve^11:19
HelzibahSteve^: Supor key is the windows logo key11:19
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SlartSteve^: Meta might be alt11:19
TUikonia: lame.11:19
jovksy_sergio@pc3:~$ cat /etc/network/interfaces11:19
jovksy_auto lo11:19
jovksy_iface lo inet loopback11:19
jovksy_auto eth011:19
jovksy_iface eth0 inet dhcp11:19
Evanlecpreaction, why doesnt sudo chmod u+rwx /folder seem to work?11:19
ikoniatu bit of a pain11:19
TUikonia: what client?11:19
proqesiI am upgraded to edgy via apt-get dist-upgrade. there are about a hundred packages which won't upgrade, how do I fix this?11:19
ikoniatu BitchX11:19
preactionEvanlec, does running the installer with sudo not work either?11:19
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Evanlecno i rant he installer11:19
TUikonia: can't you make a window for all the messages?11:19
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TUor move to a real client like irssi :P11:20
Slartjovksy_: you could run some kind of dyndns.org client on them.. it's a free dynamic alias service that works on linux/windows/mac etc11:20
Evanlecbut i need to copy some files into the game directory11:20
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jovksy_Slart: but I want only at LAN11:20
ikonianot on this coniguration11:20
Evanlecbut there's like 15 of em so i didnt wanna use command line...less there's an easier wau11:20
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TUikonia: oh well11:20
preactionEvanlec, use sudo to do that? or "gksudo nautilus" to open a nautilus that has root permissions11:20
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TUikonia: any other ideas?11:20
ikoniatu sorry11:20
ikoniaTu just pondering11:20
Evanlecpreaction, aha11:20
TUeh no big deal11:21
jovksy_Slart: I want to can connect to pc by ssh only with name, not ip, in LAN11:21
TUi'll /lastlog it if needed11:21
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riotkittieive never been so happy to be on my stupid, unsecured network. <kisses it>11:21
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jovksy_Slart: in windows I do \\PC1 for example11:21
gehel_jovksy_: name resolution problems ?11:21
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Slartjovksy_: I would say you'd need a dns server but since you don't have a dhcp server you can't just put up a dns server and expect it to work..11:21
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bzwingzeroxfreakk; On my motherboard the set of pins is labeled JAUD1. There are two rows of pins, the top row has 4 and the bottom row has 5. The gap in the top is above the fourth pin on the bottom. For onboard audio on my version of the board the 3rd pair and the 5th pair are jummpered.11:22
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riotkittiethe fix for my adapter is ridiculously simple or so it seems but none of the threads/how-tos/whatevers i have seen mention it11:22
gehel_jovksy_: do you use static IPs ?11:22
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jovksy_gehel_: no, I want can user dynamic ips11:22
jovksy_gehel_: no, I want can use dynamic ips11:22
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bzwingzeroxfreakk: But before jumpering them, note: I have a MSI board with the same chipset as the dell board (yours). Your jumpers may be need  to be different11:22
Slartjovksy_: on my home lan I have a server acting as a dhcp-server and a dns-server.. it knows what ip numbers it hands out and maps those to dns-records.. but if your ip numbers are handed out by something else I don't know a way of getting the info to the dns server11:22
riotkittiei found it in a thread for another adapter altogether. maybe i should go post to the forums so its more easily found.11:23
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fujin_use dnsmasq; two birds with one stone11:23
fujin_it's a local caching nameserver, and a dhcp server11:23
Evanlecpreaction, okay, files copied, now i need to give user execute privalege right?11:23
fujin_chmod u+x file11:23
xfreakkbzwingzero : what is the worst that can happen if i jumper it wrong11:23
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Slartfujin_: can't have a dhcp server.. something else is already handing out ip's =/11:23
preactionEvanlec, not "user", you want "everyone", so use "a+x" or "o+x"11:24
fujin_so kill it?11:24
Slartfujin_: hehe.. problems are there to be solved11:24
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gehel_jovksy_: then you should have a look at avahi, but name resolution with dynamic IPs is insecured and not widely supported under Linux11:24
Evanlecif i do it to the directory of the game say /usr/local/games/quake4 will that give execute to all files contained within?11:24
drewsci/WHOIS drewsci11:24
jovksy_Slart: so, if I want to connect to my LAN pcs, do I need specify names and IPs to /etc/hosts if I want connect with name not ip?11:24
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xfreakkbzwingzero : what is the worst that can happen if i jumper it wrong11:25
bzwingzeroxfreakk: absolute worst: you fry the board. Likely result: still no sound.11:25
preactionEvanlec, no. you only want execute bits for the actual executables. usually located in /usr/local/games/quake4/bin11:25
HoboBenI'm off. Good night and thanks to all.11:25
Slartjovksy_: well.. yes.. but the ip's will change next time they boot11:25
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Slartjovksy_: or.. they might change.. not will11:25
jovksy_Slart: yeah, that's problem11:25
jovksy_but I need dynamic ips11:25
bzwingzeroxfreakk: Also goese without saying, you shut off the computer first and disconnect powdr.11:25
gehel_jovksy_: you could configure your DHCP server to always give the same IPs11:25
FFForeverhow can i set a cron to open a webpage then after the page finishes loading it ends the cron?11:25
jovksy_what's about avahi gehel_?11:25
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jovksy_gehel_: for the name?11:26
SlartFFForever: use wget?11:26
xfreakkbzwingzero : so i guess ill open it up and take a look, maybe not do anything just yet but ill take a look and do u have an email or should i come back on this irc and message you11:26
ootmwhat can i use to do bandwidth shaping/throttling in ubuntu server?11:26
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SlartFFForever: or.. you want to open it in a browser? not just download it?11:26
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gehel_jovksy_: that's zeroconf for Linux. It *should* do what you need but I've never used it (http://avahi.org)11:26
FFForeverSlart, thanks :), i just need to do a remote cron on a php page since my host does not offer crons :)11:26
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Slartootm: there's something called trickle.. you can do proper shaping with limits and stuff using iptables.. but that's like saying you can dig a hole to chine.. theoretically it's true ;)11:27
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drewsci/leave #ubuntu11:28
gehel_ootm: there is some bandwdth shaping capabilities with shorewall, but not that easy to configure (b/w shaping is always tricky ...)11:28
leladiahow do i use 'filec' variable after setting it?11:28
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jovksy_gehel_: I'll try it, thanks11:28
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gehel_jovksy_: good luck !you'll need it !11:28
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bzwingzeroSo, does anyone know if it is possible to set the default alignment of desktop icons to the right similar to how it is in OSX? Using vanilla ubuntu (gnome)11:29
fujinicons are for weenys11:29
baktaah__Could someone please tell me how to remove old "crap" from gconf editor.. I want it clean, I removed Epiphany but it is still in Gconf11:29
fujindrewsci, /part11:29
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ootmSlart, thanks11:29
Slarthehe.. nice.. didn't know about alt+f211:29
ootmgehel_, thanks11:29
fujinlol, alt+f2 = wins11:30
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ootmi'll have a look at both11:30
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gehel_ootm: if you want a good book, have a look at building internet firewalls11:31
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ootmgehel_, cheers. will take a look11:31
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Slarthehe.. I just had to try if there was other alt+f? combinations.. well.. alt+f4 still worked11:31
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baktaah__Could someone please tell me how to remove old "crap" from gconf editor.. I want it clean, I removed Epiphany but it is still in Gconf'11:32
gehel_baktaah__: xemacs ?11:32
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baktaah__gehel_, xemacs?11:33
cdm10Any GIMP gurus here? I'd like to discard the red and green channels of an image, and copy the blue channel over to them to create a black-and-white image of just the blue channel. How can I do this?11:33
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xfreakkAnyone know what the root password for alsaconf is11:34
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UbotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:34
gehel_baktaah__: sorry, it was a joke ... (though it should work) I have no idea, but dont worry, having crap in gconf should not be a problem11:34
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TUikonia: any new ideas?11:34
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baktaah__gehel_, well I need some space, and Im sorta like of a control freak11:34
kagHi guys, I'm having problem with my sound card. I've pushed all the sliders all the way up in Alsa Mixer and I still can't hear a sound in many applications (like VLC or Firefox). Actually the only applications that are outputting sound are Totem Movie Player and Skype. Any idea on what I could try?11:34
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xfreakkAnyone know what the root password for alsaconf is11:34
ikoniaTU struggling to be honest, I'm seeing sporadick reports of the same thing.11:34
TUi told you it was a bug :P11:34
ikoniaTU mostly related to a bug in the linksys firmware on certain versions11:35
Slartxfreakk: I don't think alsaconf has a separate root password11:35
gehel_xfreakk: ? what do you mean ?11:35
ikoniaTU your not using a linksys reouter are you ?11:35
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TUikonia: netgear11:35
xfreakkStart: i mean whats the root password if u havent specified one11:35
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ikoniaTU different to the reported problems11:35
Slartxfreakk: can't you just run it with sudo?11:35
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CoasterMasterxfreakk, there is no root password11:35
riotkittiexfreakk: there is no root pw, root is locked. used sudo and your password11:35
CoasterMaster!root | xfreakk11:35
Ubotuxfreakk: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo11:35
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xfreakkStart : ill try11:36
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Slartyou do that, yfreakk11:37
xfreakkhow do you execute alsaconf from the term11:37
jovksy_gehel_: ubuntu has activated by default avahi, I need only specify the pc name with .local, for example, pc1.local11:37
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gehel_jovksy_: and that works ?!? So easy ?11:37
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gehel_jovksy_: I should have had a look at avahi before !11:38
jovksy_gehel_: we don't need to know the ip, only name11:38
kabir-!X11 | kabir-11:38
gehel_jovksy_: amazing !Thanks for trying that for me !11:38
jovksy_you don't must configure nothing11:38
leladiahow do i use 'filec'?11:38
nathan_anyone here actually use warcraft and wine?11:39
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gehel_leladia: what is filec ?11:39
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leladiagehel: a variable11:39
kousotunathan_: that would be a topic for #wineHQ11:39
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leladiathat is suppose to enable filename completion11:39
Turbo1Ok i just wanted to know if i have a hd with xp on it and i just installed virtualbox and i wanted to know if i can connect to my xp drive with it and if yes, how do i do this?11:40
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gehel_leladia: under bash ? You should try to use bash_completion11:40
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leladiagehel: i am using csh11:40
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gehel_leladia: too bad, I'm a bash user ...11:41
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SnarkyTwitHi oflks11:41
alyxok guys in my qwest to bridge ath0 for vmware and after an hour of backtracking11:41
leladiagehel: thanks anyways11:41
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anonymous_hey.. I'm trying to install ddrescue using $ sudo apt-get install ddrescue. I keep getting an "E: couldn't find package ddrescue" help?11:41
alyxmy wireless no longer works11:41
micohi.      need a litle help here plz ...  I'm trying to connect my modem umts to the net and share net over wireless to another ubuntu box, but if I connect the net with the netcard in the up state, I can't see any page11:41
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leladiacan someone help me with setting up filec on csh and how it works?11:42
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alyxit hangs at 57% (ip address configuration) if there is no encryption and if there is it hangs at 28% (configuring device) i need help11:42
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niekieanonymous_: have you tried doing a "sudo apt-get update" first?11:42
SnarkyTwitI actually got wireless to work on a microsoft wireless card!  LOL11:42
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micohi.      need a litle help here plz ...  I'm trying to connect my modem umts to the net and share net over wireless to another ubuntu box, but if I connect the net with the netcard in the up state, I can't see any page, I have to put the down state in the network card to be able to brouse the net11:42
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niekieanonymous_: if that works, please tell me :-)11:43
anonymous_niekie.. uh.. nope.. thanks I'lll try it11:43
gehel_anonymous_: you might get around using just "dd conv=sync,noerror"11:43
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niekieanonymous_: also, just wondering, what happened? (for you to need to use ddrescue) (You don't have to answer this :-))11:43
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=== niekie recently broke a harddisk that bad ddrescue probably wouldn't have even worked. :-\
anonymous_niekie: it's downloading updates right now. I'm pretty sure It'll work. Thanks!11:44
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riotkittieyay for harddisk breakage. :|11:44
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niekieanonymous_: nice :-)11:44
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gnewsensicalbest place for reliable torrent meta files for linux iso's? linuxtracker.org is reliable?11:44
niekieriotkittie: I dropped it on the floor accidentally (was an external one)11:44
gehel_anonymous_: spinrite makes wonders ...11:44
niekieA new and nice 500GB one too =(11:44
riotkittieniekie: you're not the only one.11:45
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niekieDamn cables lying on the floor.11:45
=== niekie tripped over the powercable of it.
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riotkittiebut its not so much that i dropped mine, as it is i'm a moron who pulled on the usb cord. :x11:45
gehel_niekie: I broke 3 HDD ... bad electricity in Rwanda ...11:45
riotkittieand it went flying. :|11:45
anonymous_gehel_: is there spinrite for unix as well? I though just ms?11:45
niekieriotkittie: yeah, that happened.11:45
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niekieI tripped over either the power or USB wire.11:45
gehel_anonymous_: OSindependant11:45
Turbo1Let me repeat my question "Ok i just wanted to know if i have a hd with xp on it and i just installed virtualbox and i wanted to know if i can connect to my xp drive with it and if yes, how do i do this?"11:46
alyxok so im going to do a ubuntu reinstall damn it i hate that!11:46
anonymous_okay then...11:46
fooI want to make an ssh user who basically has a dsa key, and access to use ssh... and nothing else. Is this easily done? without making a chroot...11:46
anonymous_gehel_can the drive be external.. or does it have to be IDE?11:46
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ikoniafoo yup just enable ssh keys only in sshd_config11:46
Kabelludo_how change de serv ?  /serve ?11:46
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riotkittiei wish i could figure out of the drive itself was dead, or if it was just the enclosure. but my husband wont let me crack the enclosure open :\11:46
gehel_anonymous_: in some case it works with external, but it works better with straight IDE11:46
niekieKabelludo_: huh? :-)11:46
QueenAnyahow do I uninstall Ubuntu and install windows??11:46
riotkittiealyx: why are you reinstalling?11:47
gehel_foo:what do you mean by "just ssh" ?11:47
niekieQueenAnya: hold on.11:47
riotkittieQueenAnya : just delete the partition.11:47
=== jrattner [n=jrattner@c-71-235-59-206.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
anonymous_gehel_ thanks.. good to know11:47
alyxi screwed up my wireless some how  riotkittie11:47
wazirQueenAnya:send the cd back to Canonical11:47
Jack_SparrowQueenAnya: JUst install windows, it has no problem taking the whole disk and overwriting everything11:47
niekieQueenAnya: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/24780411:47
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fooikonia / gehel_ : hmm, basically, I want to create an ssh portal for someone.. so he can use my system as an ssh gateway to other systems that just has keys setup. So, by "just ssh" .. I mean, ssh program and his key11:47
alyxi followed the instructions at ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28584611:48
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=== Bakefy [n=westjd@74-140-80-88.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
niekieMicrosoft apparently has a knowledge base article about how to remove Linux ;)11:48
=== RedMercury [n=Real@cpc3-glfd3-0-0-cust396.glfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
alyxand everythiing wen smoothly but then my wireless stoped connecting11:48
Bakefydoes ubuntu burn DL disks11:48
ikoniafoo dead easy  - create a user add his key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and then disable other login methods from sshd_config11:48
BakefyDL DVD11:48
RedMercuryhello - whats an easy way to see what my USB drive is mapped to in /dev ?11:48
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=== xfreakk [n=xfreakk@ool-44c7f514.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
xfreakkbzwingzero : you there?11:49
RedMercuryive plugged in my iomega rev drive, i can see it in lsusb but i dont know where to mount it from11:49
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bzwingzeroxfreakk: yes.11:49
niekieRedMercury: it did not automount?11:49
xfreakkbzwingzero : i got it working11:49
fooikonia: Hm, I understand that... but I mean, I want to give them access only to the ssh application via ssh. hm, /me wonders if that makes sense11:49
=== _Ulver_ [n=Genebild@20150168112.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
xfreakkits a 10 pin wire or atleast almost 10 pins11:49
RedMercuryniekie: its not in my fstab11:49
ikoniafoo disable login shell11:49
bzwingzeroxfreakk: congrats.11:49
RedMercuryits not a pendrive, its a UDF file system removable hard drive thingy11:50
fooikonia: I only want them to have access to ssh if they login via ssh...11:50
xfreakkbzwingzero: u plug that wire into the motherboard and also my onboard was off in the bios11:50
niekieRedMercury: this is the only removable drive currently connected to your PC?11:50
xfreakkbzwingzero: thnx so much11:50
kousotucan someone hlp me wih this: http://pastebin.com/d78bf209411:50
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fooikonia: Hm, or... basically, they're going to ssh into me, and I want them to only be able to ssh out with that account, nothing else11:50
bzwingzeroxfreakk: glad I could be of help.11:50
RedMercuryyes, at the moment11:50
alyxbut before i can do anything i have to get a blank dvd so i can save my vm and the stuff i want to keep11:50
ikoniafoo /join #ubuntu+111:50
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ikoniakousotu whats the problem - ie: what are the symptoms, why have you run a strace11:51
niekieRedMercury: try ls -la /dev|grep plugdev11:51
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riotkittiewhy not just kill your wireless set up completely and restart from scratch, rather than totally reinstalling ubuntu11:51
niekieRedMercury: how much output does that give for you?11:51
basculeis there a way f setting custom album covers in rhythmbox11:51
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kousotuikonia: doesn't open, perriod11:51
niekieRedMercury: hrmm..11:51
RedMercuryniekie: i wonder if im missing a kernel module11:51
Steve^If I map the windows key to super or meta.. does it matter which?11:51
Turbo1Can anyone help me i asked my question twice already thx11:51
alyxriotkittie kill it how?11:51
Steve^*hyper or meta11:51
=== xazo [n=xazo@c-71-205-163-208.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
niekieRedMercury: could be.11:51
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niekieIt didn't autodetect it at least, apparently.11:51
=== Manny [n=chris@p5496DEB5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
RedMercurybtw, do you know how i can get and reload the kernel source?11:52
niekieOr it would have tried to mount it, most probably.11:52
RedMercuryi come from gentoo land11:52
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RedMercuryrecompile even11:52
niekieRedMercury: I haven't really ever done that, so I don't really know, but I am sure it's possible.11:52
niekieRedMercury: have a look at the Ubuntu wiki :-)11:52
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bzwingzeroSo, does anyone know if it is possible to set the default alignment of desktop icons to the right similar to how it is in OSX? Using vanilla ubuntu (gnome)11:53
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Ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.11:53
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niekieRedMercury: those links might help :-)11:53
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niekieNo problem at all :-)11:54
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Turbo1Ok i just wanted to know if i have a hd with xp on it and i just installed virtualbox and i wanted to know if i can connect to my xp drive with it and if yes, how do i do this?11:54
=== BOB_SLAYER [n=bob@peteramey.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu
alyxok im off laters11:54
micohi.      need a litle help here plz ...  I'm trying to connect my modem umts to the net and share net over wireless to another ubuntu box, but if I connect the net with the netcard in the up state, I can't see any page, I have to put the down state in the network card to be able to brouse the net11:54
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kyneshey I install various kinds of custom distros based on ubuntu like Mint, keeping my old Home partition11:55
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kynesbut I want to use Mint's custom menus etc.11:55
kyneshow should I reset my Gnome configuration?11:55
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niekiemico: which network card? The UMTS card or the network card to the other Ubuntu box?11:56
ikoniakynes you've just lost support - sorry11:56
=== monkeyBox [n=ben@cpe-76-184-246-206.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
kynesikonia: why?11:56
ikoniakynes your not meant to mix and match11:56
Turbo1Any know anything about virtualbox?11:56
monkeyBoxI'm trying to add my printer and it autodetected two printers (same printer), and one has "HPLIP" on it.  What is "HPLIP" and is that the one I want to install?11:56
kynesikonia: you say I should either keep my Home or do not install another custom distro?11:57
=== Thyrane [n=death@adsl-69-221-152-250.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
unpersonHi, I've just recently upgraded from Edgy to Feisty and now my system won't boot properly.  I have my / partition on a RAID0 device (using  mdadm) and all of a sudden after the upgrade it doesn't seem to be able to mount it.  I don't know a ton about software RAID, so I'm hoping someone could help me troubleshoot.11:57
ikoniakynes on ubuntu - use ubuntu packages only11:57
ThyraneIs there a way to view how much of a file's been downloaded from my FTP (vsftpd)?11:57
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UbotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:57
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xazoCan Ubuntu run virtual server? If so, what program can I install on Ubuntu to run virtual windows operating systems?11:58
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kynesikonia: that's so limiting for linux mentality11:58
ikoniakynes no its not11:58
niekiexazo: there are several ways to run a virtual server on Ubuntu.11:58
kynesikonia: okay have your opinion11:58
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tarelerulzI took out one of my drive and put in one 500 gb and 160 is the drive with ubuntu and windows and I get a error 5 from grub ? any one run into that11:58
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Chousukekynes: On Ubuntu, use Ubuntu packages only; exceptions allowed if you don't have to ask how11:58
ikoniakynes you can't expect packages for other distributions to work on a different distro11:58
niekiexazo: there's Qemu, KVM, and more.11:58
niekieVMware too.11:59
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unpersonRoot was on /dev/md0, and at boot it seems to hang for a bit and then kicks me out  into a busybox shell at the initramfs prompt with the message:  "check root= bootarg cat /proc/cmdline or missing modules,  devices /proc/modules ls /dev ALERT! /dev/md0 does not exist.  Dropping to shell!"11:59
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RedMercurywhen doing an apt-get: Err http://security.ubuntu.com feisty-security/main linux-kernel-devel 2.6.20-16.29 404 Not Found [IP: 80] 11:59
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RedMercuryany ideas? :|11:59
ikoniaunperson boot of the livecd and do an mdadm --manage /dev/md0 --check11:59
kynesikonia, Chousuke : I'm saying this is Ubuntu-based11:59
=== Moniker42 [n=Moniker9@87-194-119-253.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniakynes its not ubuntu - therefore its built/pacakges differently11:59
xazoin general, what is the better VM server? VMware, Qemu, KVM, ...?11:59
ikoniaI'm aware of mint12:00
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ikoniaxazo personal opinion - pick one, try it12:00
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Chousukekynes: but it's not ubuntu.12:00
amidanielDoes anyone perchance know of a way to prevent ubuntu from forcing an fsck of a volume after it's been mounted X number of times?12:00
Chousukekynes: so unless you're aware of the potential problems, you shouldn't use it.12:00
tarelerulzthe ubuntu and windows drive is the master . I boot from my small drive before  then I took it ,but I thought I set up the ubuntu/windows drive as boot drive in case I did this12:00
ikoniaamidaniel tunefs12:00
amidanielI'd much rather it just give me really angry messages than force this check at inopportune times :)12:00
unpersonikonia:  Can I do that from the busybox shell?12:00
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ikoniaunperson no - thats why I said use the livecd12:00
basculeamidaniel: in /etc/fstab set it to 0 0 instead of 1 0 or 0 1 whatever it is now, it s 0 0 you want as the last wto chars12:01
amidanielbascule: Aha, thank you :)12:01
xazowhat application in Ubuntu allows you to manager RAID controller?12:01
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bzwingzeroSo, does anyone know if it is possible to set the default alignment of desktop icons to the right similar to how it is in OSX? Using vanilla ubuntu (gnome)12:01
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Turbo1Ok i just wanted to know if i have a hd with xp on it and i just installed virtualbox and i wanted to know if i can connect to my xp drive with it and if yes, how do i do this?12:01
ikoniaxazo depends on the raid controller, most are configure through an onboard bios12:01
miconiekie the box that has the modem connected to it.    If the network card is connected at the same time that the modem, net doesnt work.  If I put the network card in the down state and connect the net thru modem it work's12:01
xazoadaptec raid controller card12:01
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ikoniaxazo its normally done at boot time12:02
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xazoWhat is this Xen I see, at times. Is this a virtual server?12:02
ikoniathrough the card bios12:02
unpersonikonia:  Ok, I'll dig around for my edgy CD (obviously don't have one for feisty) or else use Knoppix.12:02
Turbo1Can anyone answer my question in here12:04
tarelerulzI thought one you set up a drive as the one booted from and put it as most on the cord  it was all good . even if you booted from a other drive12:04
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gnewsensicalanything to take care of regarding security, if using bittorrent to download linux iso's say from http://torrent.unix-ag.uni-kl.de/ and http://torrent.fedoraproject.org/ ?12:04

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