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shirishUbulette: you up m8?02:39
shirishasac: Ubulette: maybe something you guys may be interested as a future project. http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ seems to be a nice browser implementation ;)02:41
shirishalso its in debian, we just need to sync with it http://packages.debian.org/lenny/netsurf02:43
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TheMusoasac: re bug 133360, it seems classpath totally failed to build on all arches. I take it from the last comment, that you uploaded it. I can confirm that it won't build on ppc and i386, and it seems that its trying to find a header that should be present, as its from libxul-dev.06:32
UbotuLaunchpad bug 133360 in classpath "added Xb-Npp-xxx tags accordingly to "firefox distro add-on suport" spec" [Undecided,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13336006:32
Mirvasac: thanks!08:57
asacbug 13345211:01
UbotuLaunchpad bug 133452 in flashplugin-nonfree "gutsy amd64: flashplugin-nonfree not working" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13345211:01
asacTheMuso: was xulrunner updated in the meantime as well?11:14
asacTheMuso: my classpath upload didn't change anything (i hope)11:14
TheMusoasac: I don't know if it was updated. The only thing that was changed in the upload you did was what is in the debdiff attached to that bug.11:42
asacright ... that definitly shouldn't cause the build failure11:43
TheMusoNo. Let me check when xulrunner was lat uploaded.11:43
TheMusoah ok11:44
asacdoesn't look like that might be the case either11:44
asacwell classpath upload before the latest was 2007-04-2711:47
asac... there have been a lot of xul uploads in between i guess11:47
asace.g. previous classpath build against 1.8.0.x ... now we are at 1.8.1.x11:48
TheMusoSo I'm guessing its a xulrunner issue...11:48
asaci think we should merge debian classpath?11:48
asaci think its a classpath issue ... e.g. not yet adapted to build against xulrunner11:49
TheMusoDoes that require an UVF?11:49
TheMusoas in debian having a newer upstream version?11:49
TheMusoOr will you pick bits from it?11:49
asachow many rdepends does classpath have?11:50
TheMusoI think I've got that right.11:51
TheMusosorry, seems like the list has dupes for some reaso11:51
TheMusoOk, I'd rde rdeps.11:53
asacapt-cache rdepends classpath-common11:53
TheMusolibgcj-common conflicts with it, and cacao and jamvm both depend on it.11:54
asaci think we should try if they can be properly rebuild against latest classpath before uploading and getting UVFe11:54
TheMusook so 411:54
asacTheMuso: do you want to take care? e.g. bugging motu about this or doing tests and preparing merge et al?01:10
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paranasac: ping01:15
asacparan: pong01:16
paranasac: about your comment on bug 133452, I don't think any special handling is necessary. the prerm-script always seems to remove both alternatives (non wrapped and wrapper plugin)01:17
UbotuLaunchpad bug 133452 in flashplugin-nonfree "gutsy amd64: flashplugin-nonfree not working" [Undecided,Incomplete]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13345201:17
paranasac: the upgrade instead breaks because of some nasty bugs in update-alternatives itself01:18
asacparan: why not?01:18
asacparan: ah ok ... right i just removed both ... :)01:18
asacparan: let me take a quick look if its true01:18
paranasac: the incorrect alternative will always be removed using update-alternatives --remove01:18
asacok right we try to remove both alternatives on all archs01:19
asacparan: so it still breaks?01:19
asacsomeone suggested to run update-alternatives --auto once after installing those alternatives01:20
asacno idea if that makes sense or fixes our issues01:20
paranasac: yes unfortunately01:20
paranwhen the last alternative is removed it seems that it is not removed from the alternatives system.01:20
paranwhat is worse is that the alternative is changed from auto to manual01:20
paranso when the correct alternative is added later it will not get changed01:21
asachmm ... can we see if there is no alternative left (e.g. by --list?)01:21
asacand then try to do some smart manual stuff to fix it?01:21
paranyes, you could run update-alterntives --remove-all, manually when there is no alternatives left01:22
asacwill this remove it for real?01:22
paranbut then off course you should chech using --list before doing that :)01:23
paranhowever this is a ugly hack, it would be much better if update-alternatives did the right thing01:23
asacok so something like update-alternative --list $app-flashplugin | grep -c == 0 -> update-alternatives --remove-all $app-flashplugin might work?01:23
asaci think we want the ugly hack + a bug against update-alternatives01:25
asaci will add that hack for gnash as well then01:25
asacparan: do you want to file these two bugs against dpkg?01:27
asace.g. 1. "update-alternative --remove doesn't remove alternative completely when removing the last installed alternative"01:28
paranyeah, I'l deffinately file a bug01:28
asac2. "update-alternative --remove switches to manual mode when last alternative is removed from system"01:28
paranI will reasearch it a little more first, to try to figure out what is going on01:28
asacparan: thanks ... if you have those bugs let me know so i can bug iwj about it01:28
asacparan: will you update the debdiff and add --remove-all ?01:30
paranasac: I could do that, but I won't have time today I think. would need some testing together with gnash to make sure it works as expected01:34
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UbotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots01:57
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Bateljei need sme help from you guys ...02:02
asacparan: ok ... i can wait another day or two i guess ;)02:02
asacparan: if you cannot work on it, just let me know ... then I would do it :/02:03
asacBatelje: just ask ;)02:03
Bateljemy firefox closes by himself , i opend it via the terminal and it says 'bus error (core dumped)'02:03
Bateljei also have thids problem by epiphany02:03
asacBatelje: gnome?02:03
asacBatelje: in gutsy? or feisty?02:03
Bateljeyes gnome , feisty fawn02:04
asacBatelje: reproducible? or just coincidentially?02:04
asacBatelje: try to start firefox in safe mode from terminal:02:04
asacfirefox -safe-mode02:04
Bateljehe always closes when i typed in a url and he is loading the page02:04
asacdoes that help?02:04
Bateljelets see...02:04
Bateljenope , same problem02:05
Bateljeow yeah , it happens everythime since 2 days ago02:09
Bateljeso reproducible02:09
asacBatelje: what plugins do you use?02:10
asacBatelje: please try if this happens with a new user account as well02:11
asac(or backup your $HOME/.mozilla directory and move it away before starting firefox ... so you get a fresh profile)02:11
Bateljeok i will try that second one first02:12
Bateljewhat do i need to delete ? the plugins ?02:13
asactry to move away the whole .mozilla directory first02:14
asacif that helps remove all content of .mozilla/plugins/02:14
paranasac: ok, I'l try to get it done tomorrow. in the mean time you could perhaps bug somebody to fix bug 138145 as that is also blocking flash on amd64 :)02:19
UbotuLaunchpad bug 138145 in ia32-libs "missing ia32 libXcomposite" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13814502:19
asacparan: so that is an issue?02:20
asacok will bug bryce02:20
paranasac: yup, it needs 32bit libXcomposite to work. is should be quite simple to add libxcomposite1 to the list of packages that ia32-libs is built from02:24
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asacparan: still there? any idea why libXcomposite is not missing or now needed (as it appeared to work before) ?03:12
asacparan: bug 138145 is fixed03:34
UbotuLaunchpad bug 138145 in ia32-libs "missing ia32 libXcomposite" [High,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13814503:34
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paranasac: not sure I understand your question... the ia32-libs-bug was fixed today, after I told you :)04:01
asaci had no question04:02
asacjust stated that it was fixed04:02
paran"any idea why libXcomposite is not missing or now needed (as it appeared to work before) ?"04:03
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Chipzzasac: what I was mentioning used to be a bug in older ubuntu releases04:19
Chipzzthough it may have been fixed in the meanwhile04:20
asacChipzz: so network-manager didn't work?04:20
Chipzznot using nm at all ;)04:20
asacChipzz: so what didn't work before you used /e/n/i ?04:20
Chipzzthis install is from before ubuntu used n,04:20
asacbecause you mentioned that something else didn't work04:21
Chipzzmanually setting the essid/key04:21
Chipzzie doing iwconfig eth1 essid foo; iwconfig eth1 key bar04:21
asacthen lets go back to that square04:21
asaccomment out all eth1 entries in /e/n/i04:21
asacand do it that way04:21
asacwith debug_level=6553504:22
ChipzzI vaguely recall seeing something in a changelog which could indicate that has been fixed in the meanwhile04:22
asacchangelog of which package?04:22
Chipzzlinux-image iirc04:23
Chipzzok this is *weird*04:23
asacplease test if it works manually ... and if not caputre the log ;)04:23
=== Chipzz looks extremely baffled now
Chipzzroot@Vertex:~# iwconfig eth1 essid nighty ; iwconfig eth1 | grep 'Access Point' Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.437 GHz  Access Point: 00:14:BF:A5:49:5204:25
Chipzzroot@Vertex:~# iwconfig eth1 essid chipzz ; iwconfig eth1 | grep 'Access Point' Mode:Managed  Channel=0  Access Point: Not-Associated04:25
Chipzzroot@Vertex:~# iwconfig eth1 | grep 'Access Point' Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.467 GHz  Access Point: 00:13:10:92:E4:0F04:25
Chipzzboth AP's have a WEP key04:25
Chipzzand I did not use any iwconfig eth1 key commands in between04:25
Chipzzhow on earth is that possible???04:25
=== Chipzz puts that up his pipe and smokes it :P
asacChipzz: afaik you can associate with WEP04:26
asacwithout key04:26
asachowever your packages won't be understood04:26
Chipzzasac: as long as I recall, I did not get associated with an AP at all as long as I didn't set a key :)04:27
Chipzzok lets check04:27
asacwell ... that might be something different.04:27
asacplease capture a log from that04:27
asace.g. start wiht essid any04:27
asacobserve that it doesn't auto associate04:27
asacthen run iwconfig eth1 essid nighty04:27
asacand wait till you are associated with the access point04:27
Chipzzcommented out all eth1 related entries in /e/n/i04:30
Chipzzran rmmod ipw2200 ; modprobe ipw220004:30
Chipzzget associated with the wrong AP again04:30
asacChipzz: you have the log of that?04:33
asactry to modprobe ipw{2100,2200,3945} debug=1 debug_level=6553504:33
asac(unless you have setup that module config in sysctl.conf)04:34
asacChipzz: did you run iwconfig at all?04:34
asacok so its just auto associating04:34
Chipzzwell, just "iwconfig eth1" to look at which ap it's associated04:34
asaccan you please modprobe ipw2200 associate=004:34
asacyes ... pleae load the module with associate=0 and debug_level=655... like above04:35
asacand if it still happens bring the syslog up04:35
Chipzzok lets see04:35
Chipzz[ 2358.328000]  ipw2200: Unknown parameter `debug_level'04:37
Chipzz[ 2371.388000]  ipw2200: Unknown parameter `debuglevel'04:37
Chipzzshall I google it or do you know the correct parameter off-hand? :)04:37
asacjust debug?04:38
Chipzzthat works04:42
asacChipzz: its just debug=655..04:42
asacok will update the wiki04:42
Chipzzanyway, not reproducable atm anymore04:42
Chipzz*sigh* :)04:42
asacChipzz: with associate=0 ?04:42
Chipzzwith or without that04:42
asactry with associate=104:43
asacChipzz: do you have a open network at hand?04:43
asacits far better to observe association bugs there04:43
asacWEP isn't any different ... except the key04:44
Chipzzasac: I think I know why I'm not seeing it anymore04:45
Chipzzthe FON_ network doesn't occur in the ipw_best_network scan list anymore04:45
Chipzzalso not seeing it in iwlist scan04:45
asacChipzz: you know how to capture a good log ... whenever you can reproduce and capture such a log please open a bug and state what you did at which point of time ;)04:48
asaci already see a bunch of issues in the drivber04:48
asacbut unless you have a real/reproducible issue, it doesn't make sense to push a test patch to you ;)04:48
Chipzzok :)04:52
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cwong1asac_:   hi, did you have chance to look into the menupopup today?06:51
asac_cwong1: look at WORKING ;)06:53
asac_just define <menupopup>s with class="hildonmenu"06:53
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asacUbulette: hi07:45
shirishasac: hi07:46
Ubulettehi all07:47
shirishhey, cool, so what's up guys?07:47
Ubulettenot much here.07:47
shirishUbulette: btw did you checkout the link I gave yesterday?07:48
Ubuletteshirish, if you're a web developer, you can try ff-trunk-venkman07:48
Ubulettein my repo07:48
shirishUbulette: unfortunately not a web-developer, what does the ff-trunk-venkman fork has?07:49
Ubuletteit's a javascript/xul debugger07:49
shirishthat's cool, is that something which would be shipped by mozilla in the main-stream or is this which would be on the sidelines till some time to come?07:50
Ubuletteit's part of mozilla07:51
shirishok that's cool then, but unfortunately not a web-developer, just a user who's curious ;)07:52
asaci am out for a whil ... will be back later though07:54
shirishasac: take care07:54
shirishUbulette: cool pics.07:54
shirishhttp://www.mozilla.org/projects/venkman/ that's the project & it has been since ff 2.0 it seems.07:55
Ubuletteeven since 0.907:55
Ubulettenot sure it was packaged before07:56
Ubulettemaybe it was07:56
Ubulettewell, project has been lost for a while and moz guys just resurrected it for ff307:57
shirishaha, ok that's why I didn't come to know of it.07:58
shirishalso the UI seems to be something of 80's or something.07:58
Ubulettewell, it's functional08:00
shirishUbulette: are there any bugs which you reported to something, which you want to get confirmed one way or the other?08:03
shirishUbulette: bored to death today ;)08:03
Ubulettestill the flash audio not stopped when pressing back08:04
shirishah, yes, but that is with the flashplugin-nonfree i take08:07
Ubulettewell, if appeared recently in trunk and i haven't touched my flash setup08:08
shirishbut you have been using flashplugin-nonfree or gnash or swfdec?08:10
shirishand a totally off-topic thing is there any free/open source game that you like/play?08:11
shirishby free and open source I mean the game is under a GPL license.08:11
Ubulettecould you try to play today's track on http://chinesepod.com/ then wait a couple of seconds and hit the back button ?08:12
shirishok will do08:13
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Ubulette_gasp, i hate that daily disconnection08:23
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Ubulette_shirish, did it work for you ?08:33
shirishoops, forgot all about it, hang on08:33
shirishUbulette_: on my system, the lesson doesn't play at all  (using swfdec) ;(08:35
Ubulette_hmm. thanks anyway08:35
Ubulette_asac, xul ships tons of .a so dbgsym is not very useful here08:35
Ubulette_asac, did you have a chance to discuss with benjamin ?08:37
shirishUbulette_: completely sorry, it just somehow just went out of my mind, have been trying to find some educational games for my 7 yr. old niece, other than the gcompris & childsplay (but in free software domain)08:37
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Ubulette_sorry, no idea08:38
jneveshi - I was looking for the debs for seamonkey08:39
jnevesI'm assuming that's enough to use a mozilla suite profile, or am I wrong?08:39
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Ubulettejneves, we have iceape08:41
jnevesUbulette: only in gutsy...08:41
jnevesI need it for feisty...08:41
Ubuletteuse our ppa08:41
jnevesUbulette: thanks - it looks like what I was looking for :D08:42
Ubuletteyou're welcome08:42
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Ubuletteasac, we discuss branch renaming whenever you want :)09:37
UbuletteI'm creating a firefox.dev.video branch locally09:38
bluekujaasac: was looking at u-u-s queue10:15
bluekujaI see two packages you uploaded10:15
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bluekujastill on fix committed10:15
bluekujaand one FTBFS I guess10:15
bluekujasame for the other10:16
bluekujahjmf, any explanation?10:16
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fuocowhere are the minefield or trunk packages?10:25
UbulettePersonal Package Archive10:26
fuocoah thx10:26
fuocoany idea at which specific day a8 will be out?10:27
Ubulette(we're behind because our ppa maintainer is not available at the moment)10:27
Ubulettea8 is late10:27
fuocoso the last is from 0829, is that right?10:30
Ubulettein the ppa, yes.10:31
Ubulettedo you need something fresher ?10:32
Ubulettefuoco ?10:32
fuocowell, i'm using only a7 now, but i have quite a few problems, i wanted to know how it's coming along with bugfixes, and i assume the bugfixes are mostly the very fresh stuff10:33
fuocoafter the feature freeze especially10:33
Ubulettewhat's your arch ?10:33
Ubulettehmm, i can't help with debs then. I build daily minefields but for i38610:34
fuocoyeah i build my own anyways, but i like to use the closest to official package source10:35
Ubuletteyou can grab the .dev branches of xul and firefox then10:35
Ubulettethat's what i maintain here10:35
Ubulettethat gets dumped to .trunk about every week10:36
fuocowhy do i need xul?10:36
Ubulettethen end up in granparadiso10:36
fuocoheh, i just thought xul is for compiling other stuff against gecko, no ?10:36
Ubulettebecause with now uses that. ff is now small using xul that is shared with other xul apps10:37
fuocowow, that's a packaging change or upstream?10:38
Ubulettejust packaging change for us, upstream build system is capable of doing so10:39
fuocoand that will stick through the next releases of granparadiso and eventually ff3?10:39
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Ubulettehopefully for gp a8, yes10:40
Ubulette(starting to)10:40
fuocovery cool10:40
Ubulettei'm working on kazehakase and songbird for use this xul too10:41
Ubulettewell, slow progress to tell the (sad) truth. lack of time mostly, and that's a huge work10:42
Ubulettefuoco, if you need the tarballs to build the .dev branches, there're there: http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tarballs/10:44
Ubuletteff now uses stripped sources (as most are no longer needed as they are for xul now)10:44
fuocothe latest stuff right ?10:45
Ubuletteregarding packaging, yes.10:46
Ubulettefor sources, you can get fresher ones and just bump changelog10:46
Ubulettefetch my mozclient branch to build uptodate tarballs10:47
Ubulette(I should really write an howto for that...)10:48
fuocoi should apply also the powerpc fix i suppose10:49
Ubulettehmm, it should be in already10:50
Ubulettelet me check10:50
Ubuletteyes, xul.dev commit #1410:51
fuocois this thing any stabler than alpha7 in your experience ?10:52
Ubulettei'm happy with it10:52
Ubulettei'm no longer using anything else10:53
fuocotrunk you mean?10:53
Ubuletteyes (in fact my daily builds using *.dev branches)10:53
fuocoUbulette: is this what you use actually? http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/minirepos/firefox-minefield/pool/firefox-trunk/10:55
fuocoso i can use the .dsc file to rebuild the same one for my arch - it's extremely simple10:56
Ubulettetry and tell me :)10:57
fuocowill do10:57
Ubulette(hmm, my bot forgot .changes files behind.. I need to fix that)10:58
fuocolol yeah10:59
Ubulettefuoco, one detail though. you'll get versioning from my bot.10:59
fuocoyeah i noticed...10:59
fuocodo you have a record of how long the compile takes on your machine?10:59
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Ubuletteeither you keep that or you change it back11:00
Ubulette1 hour for xul, 1 minute for ff3 :)11:00
fuoco1 minute???11:00
fuocowhat system is that ?11:01
fuoco1 hour is also very short i think, no?11:01
Ubuletteremember everything is in xul11:01
fuocoi don't have much experience with ff building11:01
Ubulettein fact, xul takes between ~47min and 55min11:02
Ubuletteit's not even a fast pc11:02
Ubuletteamd64 3200+ running gutsy i38611:03
fuoconot too slow i suppose either :)11:04
Ubuletteslower than my core2 at home11:05
Ubulettefuoco, you need to build xul 1st11:06
fuocoyeah i know11:06
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asacthis connection is just a mess11:14
asacbluekuja: yes right11:14
asacbluekuja: i think hjmf mark them fix released11:14
bluekujaasac: also if they are both FTBFS?11:15
bluekuja(all archs)11:15
asacah classpath11:15
asacof coruse not11:15
Ubuletteasac, i'm already sick with just 1 reset per day so i feel bad for you :P11:15
asacbluekuja: what about the other?11:15
asacUbulette: the bad thing is that it always happens at bad times11:16
asace.g. when in an irc meeting11:16
bluekujaasac: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/helix-player/1.0.8-2ubuntu111:16
asacUbulette: i consider to drop dsl and just go umts or something11:16
Ubuletteno ftth in your area ?11:17
bluekujaasac: classpath is failed too11:18
fuocoUbulette: i need libnspr updated package too ?11:20
Ubuletteyou need at least the version in the ppa11:20
Ubuletteor mine11:20
Ubuletteas you prefer11:20
bluekujagnight all11:21
bluekujacu tomorrow11:21
Ubuletteasac, I'm testing the video element patch right now.11:22
Ubuletteit's a huge patch for xul11:23
Ubulettehuge because of the 3rd party libs11:23
Ubuletteif it works well, i'll patch it to use --with-system-whatever as it seems we have everything in gutsy11:24
Ubuletteand the drop the 3rd party patch11:24
Ubulettesaving us a 14M patch11:24
Ubulettebefore you jump, it's in a different branch at the moment11:25
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asac_ok tomorrow i will call my isp11:27
Ubulettehm, what was the last line you saw ?11:27
asac_if i can't find a solution for this then there will be more terror in this world ;)11:27
asac_i saw nothing :/11:28
asac_23:15 < Ubulette> no ftth in your area ?11:28
asac_23:17 < asac> ftth?11:28
asac_23:17 < asac> i doubt there is ;) otherwise i would have heard of it11:28
asac_23:17 < asac> university is over the street and i could use their wifi ;) ... but would need to get an  account from somewhere :)11:28
asac_23:19 < asac> bluekuja: hmm is there a new debian version for helix?11:28
asac_23:20 < asac> wow p.d.o got a face lift11:28
asac_23:20 < asac> http://packages.debian.org/helix-player11:28
asac_23:25 < asac_> ok tomorrow i will call my isp11:28
Ubuletteftth = fiber to the home11:28
asac_i doubt there is11:28
Ubulette<Ubulette> no ftth in your area ?11:28
Ubulette* asac_ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))11:28
Ubulette<Ubulette> lol11:28
Ubulette<bluekuja> asac: classpath is failed too11:28
Ubulette<fuoco> Ubulette: i need libnspr updated package too ?11:28
Ubulette<Ubulette> you need at least the version in the ppa11:28
Ubulette<Ubulette> or mine11:29
Ubulette<Ubulette> as you prefer11:29
asac_never heard of anything within reasonable price range11:29
Ubulette<bluekuja> gnight all11:29
Ubulette<bluekuja> cu tomorrow11:29
Ubulette* bluekuja has quit ("Sto andando via")11:29
Ubulette<Ubulette> asac, I'm testing the video element patch right now.11:29
Ubulette<Ubulette> it's a huge patch for xul11:29
Ubulette<Ubulette> only11:29
Ubulette<Ubulette> huge because of the 3rd party libs11:29
Ubulette<Ubulette> if it works well, i'll patch it to use --with-system-whatever as it seems we have everything in gutsy11:29
asac_thanks for the service ;)11:29
Ubulette<Ubulette> and the drop the 3rd party patch11:29
Ubulette<Ubulette> saving us a 14M patch11:29
Ubulette<Ubulette> before you jump, it's in a different branch at the moment11:29
Ubulette* asac_ (n=asac@debian/developer/asac) has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam11:29
Ubulette<asac_> ok tomorrow i will call my isp11:29
Ubulettebetween 30E and 45E per month here11:29
asac_i live in the center of the second biggest city in germany11:30
asac_we don't have something like this here11:30
asac_i know about sattelite cities that have such a thing11:30
asac_e.g. my parents at least have a 4Mbit/s synchronous cable thing11:30
asac_but i won't move outside the city because of this :)11:30
Ubuletteffth is 100Mbit/s over a 1G fiber11:31
asac_more likely i will move out of this country :)11:31
asac_yeah france is ahead of everything afaik11:31
Ubulettelol, no11:31
Ubulettejapan is11:31
asac_i think stockholm has it11:31
asac_as well11:31
asac_... well tokio is no option for me :)11:31
asac_problem her is that its getting worse11:32
asac_i am at the only isp that has one month cancellation ... there is no other provider that has less than 24 month otherwise11:32
asac_i cannot commit to 24 month11:33
asac_at least if there is no guarantee that i won't get disconnected like today11:33
asac_ok back to topic11:33
asac_what are those depends?11:33
Ubulettedepends of ?11:33
Ubulettefishsound ogg oggplay oggz speex theora vorbis11:35
Ubulettethe author bundled all those libs11:35
Ubulette-rw-r--r-- 1 bbot bbot 14637436 Sep 12 20:18 bz382267_video_element_3rd_party_modules.patch11:36
Ubulette-rw-r--r-- 1 bbot bbot   224474 Sep 12 20:30 bz382267_video_element_4th_version.patch11:36
Ubulette-rw-r--r-- 1 bbot bbot   328978 Sep 12 21:33 99_configure.patch11:36
Ubulettewhy configure diffs are always so big :O11:36
Ubuletteasac, u gone once again ?11:37
asacn o11:42
asacreading stuff about connection alternatives11:42
asacUbulette: did this guy ship 99_confiugre.patch?11:43
Ubulettei did it11:43
asaca<h ok11:43
Ubuletteas he patched configure.in11:43
Ubuletteobviously :)11:43
asacactually i have no idea ... afaik its always just the line numbers for error messages11:43
asacno idea if one can disable that11:43
asace.g. don't include line numbers at all11:44
asacbut i doub t it11:44
asacits really sucky11:45
Ubuletteyeah, that and tons of:11:45
Ubulette-    cd $ac_popdir11:45
Ubulette+    cd "$ac_popdir"11:45
asacthe problem here (why there is no progress with broadband)11:45
asacis because the former monopoly refuses to invest because it is forced to sell to competitors at huge discounts11:45
asacso they say: "investing billions just to give competitors cheap broadband isn't worth it"11:46
asacso no fiber ... nothing until regulation stops11:46
Ubulettesame in all countries with a "historical" telco11:46
Ubulettefrance included11:46
asacwell ... but i guess france is even more regulated :)... so they can still be forced to invest ;)11:47
asacotherwise i have no idea why france has this broadband thing11:47
asacyeah ... so you are more deregulated or what?11:48
Ubulette3 operators are fighting hard for this11:48
asacthats good11:49
Ubulettefiber is a new market11:49
asachas france telecom split up?11:49
asacthen i don't understand how there can be more competition then here11:49
Ubulettehard regulation and even harder competition11:49
asacour competitors depend on deutsche-telecom reselling ...11:49
asacso deutsche telekom says: why shall we invest :)11:50
Ubulettecompetition depends less and less of FT11:50
asacthats good11:50
asaci think this will only happen here when dt is split up11:50
asacactually here in hamburg there is competition11:51
asac(i am at a competitor who has its own network)11:51
asacbut you see what happens ;)11:51
asacwell lets see ... if connection would be stable then i would be more than happy with what i have atm11:52
asacjust stable please ;)11:52
asacso tomorrow i call my telco ... ask them to send a new modem11:52
Ubulettegood luck11:53
asacits not a matter of luck11:53
asacbut a matter of stamina ;)11:53
asacthe harder you can shout at the telephone ... the more you get11:53
fuocowhat's this firefox journal thing11:56
Ubulettewhat ? where ?11:56
fuocohere it is11:57
fuocosounds interesting12:00
Ubulettei have 47 tabs right now, i doubt it will produce something good12:03
fuocohow do you deal with so many, is it not extremely slow ?12:04
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gnomefreakhi im not really back nor myself :(12:06
gnomefreakim home and feeling better but still have a long way to go from what dr. says12:07
Ubulettegnomefreak, welcome back12:08
Ubuletteglad to see you're better12:08
gnomefreakme too but if it does get worse ill be gone for a long time as they will have to remove half stomach (its not what was told i had for last month)12:09
gnomefreak280+ updates not one a mozilla update ;)12:10
asacsometimes no news is good news ;)12:12
asac(e.g. no package update)12:12
gnomefreakthats true12:12
=== gnomefreak found out that the dr. is the reason i was having pain and put in hospital so tomorrow i talk to him if nothing gets better im changing drs
asacgnomefreak: get a second opinion in any case iwould say12:13
asacthe difference from a normal doctor and a bright doctor can be gigantic12:14
gnomefreakthe first hospital said when i get out NO NSAIDS my dr read that and put me on one anyway caused a bad ulcer that almost needed surgery right away12:15
gnomefreakopenoffice.org-officebean << scares me badly12:15
asacgnomefreak: i would change doctors ... i mean its too critical to accept any mistake of that magnitude12:15
gnomefreaki agree12:16
gnomefreakalso ntfs-3g scares me that it is installed with one of the -desktop packages i think12:16
asaci think its because of the wubi installer12:16
asacyeah a windows installer12:17
TheMusoasac: I'd  be happy to do the merge for classpath. Anything in particular I need to watch out for?12:17
gnomefreakoh yuck12:17
asacthat allows you to install from windows12:17
gnomefreakah that is was a riddell thing at one point12:17
asace.g. punch in cd ... install ubuntu into a file based fs12:17
gnomefreaki remember the start of talking about that12:18
asacyeah we had discussion about that in seville12:18
asacthere were multiple options12:18
gnomefreakso i guess we support it now?12:18
asacwubi is not from riddel12:18
asacapparently yes.12:18
gnomefreakhe was working on kubuntu one iirc12:18
asacTheMuso: just remember to add the Npp-: entires in control12:18
asace.g. the ones i added in last upload that caused all this12:19
=== gnomefreak still doesnt support writing to ntfs as they still havent released the important bits to write to it safely
TheMusoasac: Yep sure.12:19
asacTheMuso: but maybe try if it builds at all before you put effort in it12:19
TheMusoasac: Of course12:19
asacgnomefreak: i think it should be possible now :/12:19
gnomefreakpossible i agree safe eh12:20
UbotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse12:20
Ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions12:21
TheMusoasac: I'll see about gettin an UVF if one is needed, and this even works, but would you like to have a look before it gets uploaded? I can upload, but just want to be sure I haven't missed anything.12:21
asacTheMuso: if it works, just let me know ... i can get the UVF and do the upload et al12:21
gnomefreakasac: did you work out iceape or do i need to do something later this week? i might do it tomorrow if i feel up to it12:21
asacgnomefreak: i am lost ... i don't know about iceape state at al12:22
asacgnomefreak: what was the latest state?12:22
asacgnomefreak: did you manage to cleanup before you left?12:22
asacor did i say that i would do it?12:23
asacif i said that then i will do12:23
gnomefreakasac: everything should be fine im not sure what you wanted cleaned. afaik what you are seeing is just the commit messages lacking/added text12:23
gnomefreakthe changelog and everything else should be good to go. all i remember is it was missing the patch and i added it12:24
gnomefreakthe commit messages were the way they are due to the way i was feeling when wrote them12:24
asacgnomefreak: last i see here is: debian/changelog: document 1.1.4-1ubuntu2 gutsy upload12:24
asac(revision 91)12:24
asacis that uploaded?12:24
gnomefreakbut it should as is build for (whatever arch it was)12:25
gnomefreaklet me check12:25
asacno it isn't12:25
TheMusoasac: You asked me if I woudl bug MOTU/prepare a merge ee.12:25
asacgnomefreak: i have your branch here with a bunch of commits i did on top12:25
TheMusoSo I don't mind doing a merge/UVF.12:25
asacgnomefreak: i think i cleaned up and just forgot to upload12:25
gnomefreakasac: i dont see your commits there12:26
gnomefreakand yes changelog ubuntu212:26
asacok i did the autoconf run12:26
asacwhich you didn't succeed to do ... now that i remember12:26
asaclet me push this to mt12:26
asacok pushed rev 91 to mt branch12:27
gnomefreakafter fixing the patch i ran it again (removing junk from patch) and it said it succedeed to update and was fine (i didnt open patch to look at it since i most likely wouldnt beable to tell the difference)12:27
gnomefreaki will merge from there tonight or tomorrow12:28
asaci will upload it now12:28
asaci now remember that your problem was that you didn't apply the patch before the 99_configure patch12:28
asacwhich is why your configure patch update was just void12:28
fuocoshould i remove granparadiso before installing minefield from your packages ?12:28
asac(you applied it afterwards)12:29
gnomefreakah after changing the patch i dont think i did apply it :(12:29
asacfuoco: i think they have separate profile directories ... so no ... you should be able to install both at the same time12:29
asacgnomefreak: yes probably12:29
asacanyway i will do the upload now12:29
asacgnomefreak: trunk12:29
gnomefreakok ty12:29
asac== minefield12:29
gnomefreakah ok12:29
gnomefreakused to be for 2.0 beta12:29
gnomefreakgranparadiso now replaces the name minefeild doesnt it?12:30
gnomefreakfor this release atleast12:30
asacgnomefreak: no ... minefield is trunk12:30
asacgranparadiso is codename for 3.012:30
asacbonecho was codename for 2.012:30
asacand deerpark for 1.512:30
gnomefreaknow i remember12:30
asaccan't remember what 1.0 was12:30
asacaviary ;)12:31
gnomefreakold ;)12:31
Ubuletteasac, I need some help for git12:31
asacUbulette: i am not really a git expert ... but give it a try ;)12:31
Ubuletteasac, the guy maintains a full trunk patched with his video stuff12:32
Ubulettehe extracted the 2 patches i've mentioned earlier12:32
asacyou have a link? to the git repo?12:32
Ubulettenow, i need the lastest versions of those 212:32
gnomefreakyay redirect works again12:32
gnomefreakok off to get drugs ill try to stop back by and read mail before bed.12:33
asacgnomefreak: uploaded12:33
Ubulettehe tagged patch4 already 5 weeks ago12:33
gnomefreakasac: ty12:33
asacif it fails to build or something critical bug me please12:33
fuocoUbulette: you should have told me i need to get nspr and nss before xul :)12:34
Ubuletteasac, I can just grab the part that failed to build but I'd better sync the whole stuff12:34
Ubulettefuoco, oh, i thought you knew, sorry :P12:35
Ubulettenspr is fast12:35
asache? apt-get should just pull things in, right?12:35
asacUbulette: i don't understand what you ask :) ... you want to get what?12:35
fuocoUbulette: still, i wasted twice xul just to find out the missing stuff :)12:36
fuocoasac: i'm building from source12:36
Ubulettefuoco, sorry12:36
fuocoUbulette: lol12:36
asacfuoco: k12:36
asacUbulette: ok i didn't see that he has a pristine upstream branch12:37
Ubuletteasac, i want to extract the latest patches12:37
asacyou can just diff those two12:37
UbuletteI want the two patches12:37
Ubulette3rd party and the really video stuff12:37
Ubulette3rd party, i hope to drop it12:38
Ubuletteit's a 14M patch12:38
asacUbulette: yeah ... problem is that i don't see his third-party module branch12:38
Ubuletteit's in the video branch12:39
asacwell then you have no choice but split the patch up on your own12:39
Ubuletteboth are in the same branch12:39
asacthats ugly12:40
asacbut he talks about "Merge branch 'third_party_modules' into video"12:40
Ubuletteso can I just grab the "master" patch ?12:41
Ubulettenot between 2 rev as it contains moz revs too12:42
asacUbulette: you have to diff the whole video branch against the firefox.git branch12:43
asacUbulette: yes he apparently doesn't rebase12:43
asacUbulette: so you cannot just pop the 2 revs12:43
asacUbulette: are all those third party modules below modules?12:44
Ubuletteyep, that patch is clean12:44
asaci would suggest to get firefox.git master branch and the video.git master branch12:44
asacthen do a diff between both12:45
asacthat should give you the full diff12:45
UbuletteI patch xul now so i need to diff with that12:45
asacthen you have to exclude everything below modules/12:45
asacwith filterdiff or something12:45
Ubulettedamn it's ugly12:45
asacUbulette: i think you are better off to diff what he merges ... and then hope that it applies to xul as well12:45
Ubuletteespecially that he stopped updating video 2 weeks ago but the other branches are auto12:46
asacyeah ... maybe you have to do a merge on yourown12:46
asacbut maybe it just applies12:46
asacok i clone firefox.git now12:47
UbuletteI'm in it now12:48
asacthen pull the video branch in it as well12:49
asace.g. as branch video12:49
Ubulette"in" it ?12:50
asacare you in firefox.git cloned dir?12:52
asacgit pull git://double.co.nz/git/video.git refs/heads/master:video ?12:53
asacproblem is that it attempts to automatcially merge this to master (no idea why)12:53
asaclet me try something12:53
asacok i now do:12:55
asacmkdir firefox12:55
asaccd firefox12:55
asacgit init-db12:55
asacgit pull git://double.co.nz/git/firefox.git refs/heads/master:firefox12:55
asacgit pull git://double.co.nz/git/video.git refs/heads/master:video12:55
asachopefully this creates two branches without any conflicts12:56
Ubulettewhat are the refs for ?12:56
asacthey say that you want master branch from remote repo ... and want it as firefox branch in local repo12:57
asaci think cloning creates some messy stuff12:57
asacyou can probaly just say: git pull git://double.co.nz/git/firefox.git refs/heads/master12:57
Ubuletteseems the default to be12:58
asacand then get the video branch12:58
asacgit pull git://double.co.nz/git/video.git refs/heads/master:video12:58
asacah ok12:58
asacits actually the same result12:59
asacthe problem is that it tries to merge it into working tree12:59
Ubulette66 objects were added to complete this thin pack.12:59
UbuletteAuto-merged mozilla/config/autoconf.mk.in12:59
UbuletteAuto-merged mozilla/configure12:59
UbuletteCONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in mozilla/configure12:59
UbuletteAuto-merged mozilla/configure.in12:59
UbuletteAuto-merged mozilla/content/base/src/nsGkAtomList.h12:59
UbuletteAuto-merged mozilla/dom/public/nsDOMClassInfoID.h12:59
UbuletteAuto-merged mozilla/dom/src/base/nsDOMClassInfo.cpp12:59
UbuletteAuto-merged mozilla/layout/base/nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp12:59
UbuletteAutomatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.01:00
Ubulettenot so bad01:00
asacyeah thats not a problem01:00
asacjust say git checkout -f01:00
asacno idea why it tries to merge the working tree01:00
asacmust be some hints he has in his repo01:00
asacfor other repos i use it doesn't do that01:00
asacanyway ... i can now just say:01:01
asacgit diff firefox..video01:01
asacbut i guess you have to merge firefox onto video first01:01
Ubulettefatal: ambiguous argument 'firefox..video': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.01:02
UbuletteUse '--' to separate paths from revisions01:02
asachow did you branch?01:03
asacas video and firefox? or as master and video?01:03
asacuse the branch names you used01:03
asacok i merged firefox on video01:04
asacnow i can diff01:04
asacgit diff firefox..video | filterdiff -x */mozilla/configure  | filterdiff -x */media/modules/* > /tmp/out201:05
asacyields a 300k patch01:05
asac git diff firefox..video | filterdiff -x */mozilla/configure > /tmp/out01:05
asacis 14m01:05
asac$ ls -l /tmp/out*01:06
asac-rw-r--r-- 1 asac asac 14724896 2007-09-13 01:04 /tmp/out01:06
asac-rw-r--r-- 1 asac asac   317033 2007-09-13 01:05 /tmp/out201:06
asacok what i did :01:06
asacgit checkout video01:06
asacgit merge firefox01:06
asaccd mozilla01:06
asaccd ..01:06
asacgit add mozilla/configure01:06
asacgit commit -m "merge latest firefox"01:06
asacthen i can diff01:06
asacmy branches are:01:07
asac$ git branch firefox master01:07
asac* video01:07
asacfirefox, master, video01:07
asacthough i have no idea why the hell master was created01:07
asacis probably a hook he added to his repo01:07
asaci just care for firefox + video01:07
=== xtknight [n=xtknight@c-68-43-122-211.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
Ubuletteasac, i'm lost.01:16

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