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LaserJockmoquist: around?07:32
moquistoddly enough07:32
moquisti want to be asleep in bed but I am not.07:32
LaserJockI'm testing moodle07:33
LaserJockI can't get the mysql install to work07:33
LaserJockafter I install it I go to http://localhost/moodle/admin/ and it's just a blank page07:33
moquistwhat about http://localhost/moodle/ ?07:34
LaserJocksame thing07:34
moquistHmm. That's not great.07:34
LaserJockit looks like it's gonna load07:34
moquistWhich DB type?07:34
LaserJockbut it's just a blank page07:34
LaserJockpostgresql works fine07:34
moquistheh; ok07:34
moquistdo you know if the DB exists and is fine?07:35
moquist$ mysql07:35
moquist> show tables;07:35
=== moquist has been asleep
moquist> connect moodle;07:35
moquist> show tables;07:35
moquistcan I have access to the system? :p (temporary ssh via a forwarded connection would be fine...you log into my network and I log back into your system)07:36
LaserJockwell, I don't know if that'd work very well07:37
LaserJockit's kinda back behind a bunch of stuff in a VM07:38
moquistIt would work jsut fine, as long as that system has access to the 'Net.07:38
moquistthat's the beauty of forwarding ports via SSH.07:38
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lnsReminds me of telnetting to the local library to go telnet from there somewhere else, hop...hop...hop... hehe08:24
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jonkkesorry my bad english, but have anyone got HP laserjet 1020 printer working in ltsp client?12:04
jonkkei read that i need to upload firmware first and then printing works, but i don't know how i can do it. printer is connected to client via USB cable12:05
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juliuxogra, is it right that you want that we test http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/20070913/  ?01:44
ograjuliux, yes01:44
ograbut you need extra big CDs or a dvd01:45
juliuxi will find a extra big CD or an dvd drive01:49
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sbalneavMorning all02:55
Kamping_Kaiserhi mate02:57
sbalneavogra: I'm pushing my tree now for the compiz fix02:58
ograhey, thanks02:59
ograi was holding back the package :)02:59
ogra(fixed the SERVER/nbd issue)02:59
sbalneavI just deleted S15-compiz :)03:00
ograand then ?03:01
ograi tought yu wanted to default to off03:01
ograjust wrap the code in there in "if [ -n USE_COMPIZ ] ;then ...; fi"03:02
ogra"if [ ! -n USE_COMPIZ ] ;then ...; fi"03:03
ograsbalneav, so you wnat compiz on by default now ?03:05
ograon all clients ?03:05
sbalneavit seems to shut itself off nicely on clients that can't handle it.03:06
ograyou tested ?03:07
sbalneav5 clients03:07
ograwe can still add it bavk if needed :)03:07
ograheh, my vitual virtualbox thin client's virtual graphics card has a virtual HW error03:12
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sbalneavHey, I've run into a minor bug last night, ogra, was wondering if you've seen it.03:22
sbalneavOK, so, boot the terminal, everything's fine.03:23
ogratell me03:23
sbalneavLog in03:23
sbalneavSessions' fine03:23
sbalneavlog out03:23
sbalneavI get hung at an X03:23
sbalneavlog in as root on ther terminal03:23
sbalneavthe old X is still hanging around03:23
sbalneavnew X keeps trying to start, and failing.03:24
ograthe ssh session not having been killed03:24
sbalneavkill the old X03:24
sbalneavNo, the ssh session's gone.03:24
sbalneavit's the X.03:24
sbalneavbut get this, the waitpid for it has returned!03:24
sbalneavBecause I do a waitpid for it in the ldm code03:24
sbalneavSo, kill the old X03:24
sbalneavnow, I can log in and log out fine03:25
sbalneavno problems, no matter how many times I do it.03:25
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sbalneavOne final data point03:26
sbalneavthe FIRST time I log in, I don't get a startup sound, but I get a shutdown sound03:26
sbalneavAfter X has been killed, from then on I get BOTH a login and logout sound.03:27
sbalneavWeird, eh?03:27
sbalneavogra: Oh, one other thing.  Minor fix to the update-image.03:29
sbalneavit was failing for me because $CHROOT/etc/ltsp didn't exist, so I added a test/mkdir for it03:30
ograoh, right03:30
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ograeven though we should probably have that as "create-confdir" plugin in ltsp-build-client rather03:31
sbalneavYeah, probably.03:31
sbalneavOh, and there was an extra "/" on the end of the default BASE variable that was screwing things up03:32
sbalneavso I fixed that too.03:32
sbalneavSo, thoughts on that login/logout bug?  You seeing that on your end?03:32
ograi once had the bug where the ssh session wasnt killed properly03:35
ograbut that was in an early version and you fixed it long ago03:35
sbalneavWell, I'll poke around with it tonight.03:36
sbalneavogra: poke, check pvt03:40
ograhmm, am i not logged in ...03:40
ogrado you see it now ?03:41
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erwin_canoHola a todos03:47
erwin_canomuy buenos dias03:47
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ograhey hey04:40
=== LaserJock stumbles in
LaserJockI still don't know why the world isn't on Pacific time ;-)04:44
=== Kamping_Kaiser offers around beer
=== LaserJock is going to strangle moodle
jonkkesorry my bad english, but have anyone got HP laserjet 1020 printer working in ltsp client?04:53
jonkkei read that i need to upload firmware first and then printing works, but i don't know how i can do it. printer is connected to client via USB cable04:53
sbalneavjonkke: Currently, we don't have any provision for printers that need firmware downloaded.04:57
sbalneavYou'd have to code something up yourself.04:57
jonkkeI was afraid of that :)04:57
jonkkelike in hell i know how to code anything. i just need to wait for "official" solution04:58
ograhmm, not sure that works with hplip ...04:58
ograsuggests it sint :/05:00
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vivHi, we have an edubuntu lab running on donated corporate scrap and a dell server at eden campus, serving a depressed rural community in Karatara near Knysna. Thanks to a donation, we can upgrade. Does anybody know of sources for suitable low cost PXE clients?05:30
LaserJockhmm, got any spare PIIIs around?05:31
Kamping_Kaiserviv, are you after replacing your whole clients or just eh NIC?05:31
Kamping_Kaiserif you can reburn the rom in the network cards you dont have to replace the clients05:31
vivI'm in South Africa. I would like to get a small box with a 400Mhz via or similar with mouse kbd and usb05:32
vivI romboot from cd on some machines05:32
vivThe lab is currently on old P2 and P3 machines05:32
Kamping_Kaiserask netday.05:33
Kamping_Kaisersorry, but i cant offer anything past that *grin*05:33
vivThanks. who is netday?05:33
Kamping_Kaiserits a company who run in south africa. iirc funded by shuttleworth05:34
ograhow about ebay ... http://cgi.ebay.com/9-Compaq-Evo-T20-Thin-Clients-238362-001_W0QQitemZ160157008558QQihZ006QQcategoryZ11218QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem05:34
ograyou'll find various like these05:34
vivSuggestions are getting better - thanks ogra, keep them coming05:34
ogra6 clients for $100 ...05:34
=== Kamping_Kaiser waits for link to load
ograwell, thats just an example05:36
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ograjust search for thin client at ebay ... you will find a lot for not much money05:37
Nubaehi there... I'm using samba+ldap to authenticate users, and its working great, but I'm confused with giving permissions to users... I assume using the smbldap-usermod command in the terminal is the way to do this, but I read there is a graphical tool, by idealx05:38
NubaeI can't find this webmin extension anywhere though, anyone got experience with this?05:38
vivOh yes. Thanks for that idea. fine offer. Are there any really neat little units that you know of - like this link http://www.lucidatech.com/product/lt2600.htm that work ok with edubuntu?05:39
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ograviv, very likely, yes05:40
Nubaeidealx.org now goes to opentrust.com05:40
Nubaewith no mention anywhere of smbldap-tools... is this now unsupported... does anyone know?05:40
ograno idea, but doesnt swat have such functionallity ?05:41
vivThanks - I'm off to do some more research. I'd like a South African supplier if possible.05:41
=== ogra is no samba guy
Nubaehmmm, dont think it integrates with ldap05:41
Nubaewell, this was by far the easiest and fastest way to get every non thin client authenticating from the same source05:42
Nubaebut now modifying existing entries seems complicated05:42
Kamping_Kaiserpam ftw05:42
Kamping_Kaiserits not a particularly helpful comment, but its my opinion05:44
ograNubae, edsadmin or lot are pretty good gui tools for ldap management ... not sure how good they integrate with samba here though05:44
Kamping_Kaiserunless its freeradius, in which case its just plain anoying05:44
Nubaeyeah I saw that in the blueprints for gutsy+105:45
Nubaebut this idealx, the makers of smbldap-tools had a webmin plugin, and neither idealx nor the plugin seem to be on the net anymore05:46
ograwell, webmin is dead since quite some time, isnt it ?05:47
ograr did someone final ytake it over ?05:47
Nubaewebmin seems pretty alive to me: www.webmin.com05:50
stgraberogra: want any debian-installer testing on today daily ?05:50
Nubaedaily updates05:50
ograstgraber, any i can get :) but the iso is pretty oversized (/me shakes fist in openoffice direction)05:51
ograstgraber, mkfifo is fixed, but i'm not sure yet that the in-target call of the script leaves enough output through to even read from the pipe and have anything showing up in the progress bar05:52
stgraberogra: I do all testing on DVD+RW so that's not a problem05:53
NubaeI've read that automatix really breaks things, should I disable its use on my client systems?05:54
=== Kamping_Kaiser reads automatix and starts twitching uncontrollably
ograif you have installed and used it you have already lost05:54
Kamping_Kaiser*no one* should ever use it05:55
ograhttp://mjg59.livejournal.com/ for more background05:55
Nubaeyeah read that... I havent installed it, but people here at the school I'm currently setting up, have asked for it05:56
Kamping_KaiserNubae, stand firm... *please*05:57
Nubaeyeah I will... what about oxygen office?05:57
Kamping_Kaiserdont know it - cant comment05:58
Nubaejust a bunch of extensions, clipart, templates, etc for OOo05:58
Nubaeseems allright, but dont want problems :-)05:58
Kamping_Kaisergot a link?05:59
Kamping_Kaiseractually, dont bother05:59
Kamping_Kaiserwith my connection atm i wont load it for the next 15 min :S05:59
=== Kamping_Kaiser is having flash backs to PNG
Nubaejust text no pics ;-)06:00
=== Kamping_Kaiser tries to laod
Nubaehey, I sort of left it alone, cause I was having issues, but my dansguardian starts up saying it cant find the parent proxy, is that a known problem?06:01
Nubaeand squid looks like its running, from processes at least06:01
Kamping_Kaisernever seen that before06:01
ogradevs that have to call their products "Professional" always appear a bit suspect to me ...06:01
Kamping_Kaiserwhat ubuntu are you running?06:01
Nubaeedu feisty06:02
Nubaewell, it was called open office premium before06:02
Nubaenot that much of a change ;-)06:02
Kamping_Kaiserhm. my latest version is 6.06.1+updates.06:03
Nubaewell, gonna leave it till I finish the hundred other tasks I have...06:04
Kamping_KaiserNubae, is dans running?06:05
NubaeI'm not really sure actually, it shows up in the processes06:08
Nubaebut nothing is logging06:08
NubaeI'll show u the output:06:08
Kamping_Kaiserdont flood the channel :)06:09
Nubaeits just 3 lines06:09
Kamping_Kaiserok, flood it :)06:09
Nubaesysadmin@mayserve:~/smbldap-installer$ sudo /etc/init.d/squid start06:09
Nubae * Starting Squid HTTP proxy squid                                       [ OK ] 06:09
Nubaesysadmin@mayserve:~/smbldap-installer$ sudo /etc/init.d/dansguardian start06:09
Nubae * Starting DansGuardian dansguardian                                           Error connecting to parent proxy06:09
Nubae                                                                         [fail] 06:09
Kamping_Kaiserwhats `ps aux |grep dans` give?06:10
=== ogra guesses nothing
ogradans didnt start06:11
ogradid you change your config on either side ?06:11
Kamping_Kaiseri dont like to cut my nose off to spite my face :)06:11
Nubaeeither side? squid.conf and dansguardian.conf?06:13
ograeither of these, yes06:13
Kamping_Kaiseror networking, for that matter06:14
Nubaenot running now... but it has been in the past...  I set up dans with kaiser... so dont think that is the problem06:14
ograeither dans doesnt find squid or squid doesnt allow connections from dans06:14
Nubaemaybe squid not allowing connections from dans...06:14
Nubaewhat should I look at for that?06:14
Nubaeor u mean look at firewall06:15
Nubaebtw... edsadmin is great :-) Was trying to use phpldapadmin before06:15
Nubaethis is much much better06:16
ograsbalneav, hmm, my recent fresh ltsp chroot has (none) as hostname by default06:16
ograand my mouse in virtualbx doesnt work :/06:16
sbalneavI rebuilt my chroot last night, and I'm handing out hostnames, and it was working.06:16
sbalneavI'll have to play around more.06:17
sbalneavShould just be the ip address.06:17
ograi dont hand them out in dhcp06:17
ograoh, you default to the ip ? thats a good idea :)06:17
ograwe can drop the ip from the ldm info line at the bottom then06:18
ograif hostname is set the machine should be reachable by it ... if not you see the ip :)06:18
ograwait !06:19
Kamping_KaiserNubae, hm.06:19
Kamping_KaiserNubae, sorry, but i think i'm a bit drunk to answer any question properly :S06:20
Kamping_Kaiseri might be helpful though :S06:20
ograheh, using the right boot kernel makes the mouse work :)06:21
Nubaehehe drunk on a weekday? must have had a hard day06:21
ograsbalneav, false alert06:21
ograsbalneav, it shows ltsp as name now06:22
=== ogra hugs vitrualbox
ograwhere does the floppy come from ?06:25
ograah, wait, my old image had ltspfsd 4.3 :)06:25
Nubaesigh... access rights are totally not being parsed by ldap... If I add a user, it allows access to the thin clients... but changing the groups does nothing06:25
ogragreat, so even ltspfs seems to work nicely here06:25
Kamping_KaiserNubae, no, i got a call today saying i start work next wed for a few weeks (with more if i dont stuff up), so its worth getting drunmk over :)06:26
Nubaewow great... linux work?06:27
Kamping_Kaiseryeah. setting up etiher a debian or ubuntu server to replace a (rather long in tooth) freebsd server06:28
Kamping_Kaiserit'll be a challenge at best :) but i'm looking forward to it - challanges are up ther eon my 'todo'06:29
Nubaeever worked with freebsd?06:29
Kamping_Kaiseri tried to install it abou 3 years ago (before i started on debian/ubuntu) and never got it to install properly06:30
Kamping_Kaiseri kept running out of inodes06:30
Kamping_Kaisersuch is the arogance of youth.06:30
Kamping_Kaiser'5000 inodes, who the hell would use all of that? who cares what an inode is?'06:31
Nubaeknow a lot of sysadmins that swear by it06:31
Kamping_Kaiseri think it finished installing *once*.06:31
Kamping_Kaiseri know a few, the freebsd culture is interesting06:31
Nubaestill, the times are a changing.... Linux is shinning brighter now06:31
Kamping_Kaiseri'm still not keen on Linux per se, but Debian only (realiistically) comes in linux variant06:32
Kamping_Kaiserwhen hurd actually *works* i'll moving06:32
Nubaeok... so edsadmin + samba dont work06:33
Kamping_Kaisersorry, cant help with ldap06:34
Nubaewas just a statement :-) but edsadmin does look so simple and easy to use06:35
Kamping_Kaiseroh shit. its after 2am06:39
Kamping_Kaiserum... 'oh blast'06:39
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ograsbalneav, so i wonder if we shouldnt submit all the LTSP_CLIENT patches i maintain in GNOME upstream ...06:44
ogranautilus, gnome-vfs, gnome-power-manager, gnome-screensaver, NM since gutsy, fusa as well, gnome-users-admin06:45
sbalneavShoot 'em along, see what they say!06:47
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moquistLaserJock: didja install php5-mysql and have better luck?07:36
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joebob777as7tanath, this morning. five mins ago I just ran update-manager update and it asked me to reboot and now i'm getting this07:41
highvoltagehey moquist and LaserJock07:41
joebob777as7the greeter application appears to be crashing. attempting to use a different one07:41
joebob777as7running gutsy07:41
joebob777as7can someone help?07:41
LaserJockmoquist: one sec07:42
joebob777as7LaserJock, in two secs can you take a look at the issue i'm having?07:43
joebob777as7can someone in here pastebin their gutsy /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom file?07:45
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stgraberogra: did you try edubuntu server i386 daily ? doesn't seem to boot here08:12
ograno, i didnt08:12
stgraberargh, it boots on qemu08:12
stgrabermaybe my DVD is finally dead (it's something like the 200th time I burn it :))08:13
=== stgraber doesn't understand ...
stgraberit also work with qemu :)08:14
stgraberso that's my DVD reader which seems to be the problem (ubuntu feisty cd boots though)08:14
ograUSB ?08:14
ograis a HUB involved ?08:14
stgrabernope, IDE08:14
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stgraberyes, and it directly fails. Usually when it can't read a CD/DVD it takes a while before giving up08:15
LaserJockmoquist: \o/ it works08:16
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LaserJockthis is looking good08:24
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moquistLaserJock: yay! What should we do about the deps? Obviously they're not working out that well right now...08:50
ografor edubuntu its fine, we can make them edubuntu-server deps09:09
LaserJockI don't know why Debian wouldn't have an issue with that09:09
ograi'm not sure we should divert to much from the debian deps ... all docs will be referring to "install php5-mysql" anyway i guess09:09
ograin edubuntu we can rule it through seeds anyway09:09
LaserJockor at least moodle-standalone09:09
LaserJockalthough I'm not sure how to say postgresql|(mysql-server and php5-mysql)09:09
ogranot at all09:09
ographp5-mysql | php5-postgresql, postgresql| mysql-server09:09
ograwell, in better order, but we should leave it like that09:09
LaserJockah, right09:09
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ograi aslo think moodle-standalone is for hardy ...09:09
ograwe can do it through edubuntu-server for now ...09:09
ograelse we'll have to fight them through NEW09:09
moquistYep. I agree.09:09
moquistWhat about moodle-mysql-standalone and moodle-postgresql-standalone for hardy?09:09
ograi like it ...09:09
ograthe moodle package itself shouldnt differ to much from debians dep wise imho ... so all debain install docs will still be helpful09:09
ograand we'll surprise the users with the super easy moodle-*-standalone packages in hardy :)09:09
LaserJockahh, that sounds rockin'09:09
moquistI'll contact the upstream maintainer once our wwwconfigless package is in main.09:11
LaserJockok, I think I'm gonna upload it09:24
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ograyeah, doit09:29
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racteris there a wiki page or some other doc that would explain upgrading my server to gutsy?10:43
sbalneavThere will be when gutsy's released10:44
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LaserJockmoquist, ogra: uploaded, btw11:59

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