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attunix | When's tribe 6 coming out? | 01:24 |
PriceChild | attunix, tribe 6 is a milestone, it won't be a release like the others | 01:25 |
Xero | attunix, it is not a release | 01:25 |
PriceChild | ie bugs are targeted for it, but it won't be made into a cd | 01:25 |
attunix | I know. | 01:25 |
attunix | Do you know when it's coming out, though, it's taking a while for the next milestone to come out? | 01:26 |
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attunix | Where can I find the planned Gutsy artwork? (meaning, wallpaper) | 01:32 |
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d4rkmonkey | http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1709545 <--- ben folds is awesome! | 01:35 |
d4rkmonkey | and postal service is ok... | 01:36 |
habeeb | Hello, Gutsy can't mount my external hard disk as normal, I had to tweak it. Feisty does it normally, tho. | 01:36 |
d4rkmonkey | erm. | 01:36 |
d4rkmonkey | wrong channel. | 01:36 |
d4rkmonkey | fuck why do I keep doing that? | 01:36 |
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jrib | habeeb: tweak it how? | 01:42 |
habeeb | jrib, yeah, we get to the problem. I had to wipe my hard drive, yesterday, so I don't remember. But basicaly, I had to install ntfs-3g and the rest, and then modify the fstab entry. Sorry that I can't help you further with what I did (I was searching o nthe forums for liek 1 hour, so I'm not sure what I used in the end), but I can always tell you my HD model | 01:43 |
habeeb | Is this a known issue btw? | 01:44 |
jrib | habeeb: no idea if it's known, best place to check is bugs.ubuntu.com | 01:44 |
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manchicken | So I was hoping that power management might be nicer under gnome. | 01:49 |
manchicken | It appears that I've got no such luck. | 01:50 |
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laptop | how do I upgrade my ubuntu to the unfinished GG? | 02:13 |
laptop | i wont say beta because apparently theres some semantic game with that | 02:13 |
laptop | ? is there a package in synaptic? | 02:14 |
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gershon | hello, i have a broken mkinitramfs | 02:21 |
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gershon | /usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 13: getopt: not found | 02:21 |
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gershon | apt-file search bash | 02:25 |
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=== DarkMonkey is now known as d4rkmonkey | ||
gershon | hmm, so how do u search apt-file? | 02:27 |
d4rkmonkey | gershon have you tried man apt-file ? | 02:28 |
d4rkmonkey | nvm.. | 02:29 |
Xero | Warkrafting tiem!!! | 02:31 |
gershon | d4rkmonkey: yeah, problem is its not syncing, apt-file update | 02:32 |
gershon | so im guessing mkinitramfs comes from initramfs-tools? | 02:32 |
d4rkmonkey | I don't know? I'm not vry helpful most of the time... | 02:33 |
d4rkmonkey | *very | 02:33 |
gershon | coz its broke. | 02:33 |
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Toma- | whos in charge of the souund theme? | 02:56 |
Toma- | -u | 02:56 |
gershon | W: The "upgrade" command is deprecated; use "safe-upgrade" instead. | 02:57 |
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gershon | hehe, commandline aptitude was acting up, so i dist-upgraded | 03:00 |
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Toma- | So canonical are the only folks that choose art? :( | 03:00 |
gershon | u talking about ubuntustudio? | 03:02 |
Toma- | no, the art packages | 03:03 |
Toma- | imo, the apple swirls and waves should be scrapped | 03:04 |
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gershon | in the sound theme? | 03:10 |
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Toma- | in the wallpapers :) i want to get my grubby hands on the sound theme sources | 03:12 |
sid | I have a single layer DVD-R (it's a movie), and I wanted to copy this movie to another DVD-R, I have a dvdrom drive, and an additional dvd-rw drive. What program can I use to easily do this? | 03:13 |
bdgraue | hi, i got this at the last update, some errors with apparmor http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/14914/ | 03:13 |
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aka_youtube | Hi, can someone help me with a nautilus contaxt-menu problem please? | 03:20 |
gershon | gershon is back on track, and out single user :) | 03:20 |
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aka_youtube | my context (right-click) menu works half way only | 03:23 |
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sparr | so, whats the story with massively crippled konqueror in gutsy? | 03:24 |
sparr | someone else has to have noticed it by now | 03:24 |
d4rkmonkey | sparr maybe its just your system for some reason... I've seen many people come into this channel and say that something is crippled when it works fine for everyone else. | 03:26 |
hydrogen | it works fine for me ^ | 03:27 |
sparr | this isnt something small | 03:27 |
sparr | the entire program has changed | 03:27 |
sparr | it has new sidebars that didnt exist before | 03:27 |
sparr | different View->View Mode entries | 03:27 |
sparr | a new location bar widget | 03:27 |
sparr | this is a massive change | 03:27 |
sparr | some of it is better | 03:27 |
sparr | but a lot of old features are missing | 03:27 |
sparr | i dont know how anyone could not get what im talking about | 03:28 |
sparr | its like a completely different program | 03:28 |
hydrogen | not for me.. | 03:28 |
=== maccam94 [n=cam@pool-72-72-13-241.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
sparr | help, about kde | 03:31 |
sparr | 3.5.7? | 03:31 |
sparr | whoa | 03:31 |
sparr | its not konqueror | 03:31 |
sparr | its something called Dolphin | 03:31 |
maccam94 | dolphin? | 03:31 |
sparr | wtf? | 03:31 |
hydrogen | dolphins the new default file manager | 03:31 |
sparr | ive got debconf set to ask EVERY question, and i dont recall being asked about replacing konqueror | 03:32 |
hydrogen | you can uninstall it if you want to keep using konqueror | 03:32 |
sparr | dolphin is insanely inferior to konqueror, i dont see how it could possibly be a viable replacement before gutsy releases | 03:32 |
hydrogen | if thats your opinion, than uninstall it and use konqueror | 03:33 |
d4rkmonkey | ... | 03:33 |
sparr | at least dash ASKED if i wanted to replace bash as sh | 03:33 |
sparr | and thats a hell of a lot less of a workflow-destroying change than this | 03:34 |
hydrogen | ... | 03:35 |
sparr | dolphin doesnt have HALF the view modes of konqueror | 03:35 |
hydrogen | i've already given you the solution | 03:35 |
hydrogen | Instead of ranting | 03:35 |
hydrogen | either fix it, or be quiet | 03:35 |
sparr | i think you misunderstand my problem | 03:35 |
sparr | my problem isnt getting back to konqueror | 03:36 |
sparr | my problem is that dolphin is replacing konqueror as the default | 03:36 |
sparr | everyone ive ever walked through selecting kde over gnome has loved the versatility of konq as a file manager over nautilus. this is a huge hole in kubuntu's edge over ubuntu | 03:36 |
=== DanaG [n=DanaG@71-9-52-25.static.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
DanaG | http://hardocp.com/news.html?news=MjgwMTksLCxoZW50aHVzaWFzdCwsLDE= -- woah, ATI releases 900 pages of GPU specs. | 03:38 |
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DanaG | Sadly, it's only for recent cards. | 03:39 |
maccam94 | i think it'll apply to older cards as well | 03:39 |
sparr | im more impressed by QNX releasing the source to their microkernel, and soon their whole OS | 03:39 |
maccam94 | plus they've already released older specs under NDA before, so they'll probably re-release them without NDA | 03:39 |
hydrogen | sparr: Its a prepatory move for kde4 I believe... I think its a little to soon myself | 03:39 |
hydrogen | but then again I use konsole as my file manager so I'm fairly indifferent | 03:39 |
sparr | hydrogen: ill have to check out the kde4 version of dolphin and see if its better | 03:40 |
hydrogen | it is :) | 03:40 |
sparr | for now, dolphin doesnt even come close to what ive come to expect konqueror to do | 03:40 |
sparr | no 'Image View' and no 'File Size View' make it worthless for me | 03:40 |
sparr | 90% of my use of konqueror is to manipulate my photos in route from the camera to my albums, and to find and manage large files | 03:41 |
hydrogen | so uninstall it :) | 03:41 |
sparr | and the other 10% of the time, for normal file management, i dont think i could live without tabs... | 03:41 |
hydrogen | or you can reconfigure it | 03:41 |
sparr | no tabs, what is this, 1995? | 03:41 |
hydrogen | somewhere | 03:41 |
d4rkmonkey | hmm | 03:41 |
d4rkmonkey | I'm curious as to what this konquerer is... | 03:42 |
hydrogen | tabs are fairly overrated | 03:42 |
=== d4rkmonkey installs it | ||
d4rkmonkey | I don't need KDE for konquerer!!! | 03:42 |
sparr | d4rkmonkey: its the kde file manager / web browser | 03:42 |
maccam94 | d4rkmonkey: well, it's a KDE equivalent of nautilus/windows explorer | 03:42 |
sparr | its by far the most advanced of its sort of app that ive encountered | 03:42 |
hydrogen | well | 03:42 |
d4rkmonkey | I know its the file manager, I meant I was curious as to how well it works | 03:42 |
hydrogen | its not the equivilent | 03:42 |
maccam94 | i think it's a bit more like explorer, since it does both web and file system | 03:42 |
hydrogen | its kind of like the superbetter :) | 03:42 |
d4rkmonkey | ermm.. | 03:43 |
d4rkmonkey | my terminal isn't liking me very much right now.. | 03:43 |
maccam94 | meh, i don't like kde apps, they start too many services (i don't use gnome or kde, i use e17) | 03:43 |
hydrogen | oh | 03:43 |
d4rkmonkey | nvm! it was just being retarded | 03:43 |
hydrogen | you use the constant buzzword | 03:43 |
hydrogen | that will never be released | 03:43 |
=== hydrogen stops trolling :) | ||
maccam94 | what, e17? | 03:44 |
maccam94 | you're talking to someone who enjoys running gentoo unstable | 03:44 |
maccam94 | releases mean nothing to me, just my clients ;-) | 03:44 |
d4rkmonkey | I don't think I'd ever really need konquerer... | 03:44 |
d4rkmonkey | what is e17? | 03:44 |
=== rockets [n=rockets@pool-71-247-28-40.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
sparr | d4rkmonkey: view, view mode, file size view | 03:45 |
hydrogen | its a different window manager | 03:45 |
maccam94 | lightweight, pretty window manager ^_^ | 03:45 |
hydrogen | and desktop environment | 03:45 |
d4rkmonkey | :O | 03:45 |
Toma- | its not a DE | 03:45 |
hydrogen | its very close | 03:45 |
hydrogen | it has lots and lots of applications | 03:45 |
d4rkmonkey | sparr I don't like konquerer. | 03:45 |
sparr | kde is so much more than a window manager. kwin is the window manager, you can easily use e17 instead of kwin. | 03:45 |
Toma- | yeh, but its not :) | 03:45 |
maccam94 | well, it has kind of become a DE | 03:45 |
hydrogen | that are ecentric | 03:45 |
hydrogen | almost eccentric | 03:45 |
maccam94 | it's got a whole bunch of it's own apps (they all start with e) | 03:45 |
hydrogen | :) | 03:45 |
laptop | what is the command for upgrading to the latest build of Gutsy Gibbon? | 03:45 |
maccam94 | and a file manager | 03:45 |
Toma- | go ask if its a DE in #e | 03:46 |
sparr | i like kde because of all the DE stuff, not the WM stuff. i like that kioslaves let me open sftp:// URLs directly in kate and kdevelop | 03:46 |
d4rkmonkey | laptop if you already have gutsy installed, it just updates automatically in the system updates.. | 03:46 |
h1st0 | laptop: aske in #ubuntu+1 | 03:46 |
d4rkmonkey | laptop if not, try update-manager -d | 03:46 |
sparr | THAT feature, more than anything else, is why ive always loved kde | 03:46 |
d4rkmonkey | laptop or update-manager -c -d | 03:46 |
hydrogen | h1st0: where do you think we are :) | 03:46 |
d4rkmonkey | h1st0 this is #ubuntu+1... | 03:46 |
laptop | okay | 03:46 |
h1st0 | hydrogen: lol wow wrong channel | 03:46 |
laptop | which one? | 03:46 |
d4rkmonkey | laptop which one what? | 03:47 |
laptop | with the c or without | 03:47 |
maccam94 | you've got the engage dock, you've got the enlightenment window manager, you've got the new file manager (can't remember the name), you've got the entrance login manager... what does a DE consist of? | 03:47 |
d4rkmonkey | laptop both should work... theoretically... there was some bug though that affected some people where their meta-release file wasn't proper, I can help you with that if thats the case, cus I went through that | 03:47 |
laptop | ahh okkay | 03:48 |
maccam94 | oh shoot... i came in here to ask about some bugs... got sidetracked lol | 03:48 |
maccam94 | i've got feisty upgraded to gutsy on an old latitude | 03:48 |
Toma- | maccam94: no really, its not a DE. yet. | 03:49 |
hydrogen | e17 will be | 03:49 |
maccam94 | brightness control is totally broken | 03:49 |
hydrogen | if it ever gets released | 03:49 |
hydrogen | which is doubtful :) | 03:49 |
maccam94 | it doesn't need to be released, even under development it's stable enough ;-) | 03:49 |
=== tehk [n=tehk@c-68-44-165-48.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
laptop | THAT WORKED THANK YOU | 03:49 |
maccam94 | for me anyway | 03:49 |
sparr | maccam94: a DE is about integration and services, not about applications | 03:49 |
d4rkmonkey | laptop no problem, lay off the caps though ;) | 03:49 |
sparr | maccam94: kioslaves are a major part of what makes KDE great | 03:50 |
maccam94 | sparr: integration with what? | 03:50 |
sparr | maccam94: other parts of the DE :) | 03:50 |
maccam94 | sparr: yes, i just don't like having to run them all for a single KDE app | 03:50 |
sparr | maccam94: EVERY kde application can open sftp:// and smb:// and ftp:// URLs directly, because KDE provides that. | 03:50 |
maccam94 | sparr: i know the concept behind them | 03:50 |
maccam94 | if i was running the whole DE, i'm sure they would be useful | 03:51 |
sparr | i dont know how i would live, as a web developer, without being able to do sftp:// and ftp:// in my editors | 03:51 |
laptop | name os not defined?> | 03:51 |
maccam94 | but i don't WANT it to start all of those "features" when all I want to do is play my local music files in amarok | 03:51 |
laptop | NameError | 03:51 |
maccam94 | oh shoot, what's that fix for the missing release file for laptop? | 03:51 |
laptop | Global name os not defined | 03:52 |
maccam94 | laptop: missing release file? | 03:52 |
d4rkmonkey | uhh | 03:52 |
d4rkmonkey | meta-release ? | 03:52 |
maccam94 | that thingy | 03:52 |
hydrogen | !update | 03:52 |
Ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 03:52 |
laptop | dbus not defined | 03:52 |
d4rkmonkey | http://paste.ubuntu.com/42/ <-- that was my meta-release | 03:52 |
d4rkmonkey | try replacing your ~/.update-manager-core/meta-release file with http://paste.ubuntu.com/42/ | 03:53 |
maccam94 | but yeah, i've got a bug with brightness control | 03:54 |
maccam94 | anyone i should get troubleshooting tips from, or should i submit a bug, or what? | 03:55 |
d4rkmonkey | try submitting a bug, my brightness controls didn't work properly until recently.. and sometimes they randomly go to near-dimmest setting | 03:55 |
maccam94 | another issue i've seen is i've tried the fast user switching applet | 03:58 |
maccam94 | but the new account cannot use the touchpad or mouse buttons | 03:58 |
maccam94 | the push stick works in both sessions, but no mouse buttons or touchpad functionality in the new session | 03:59 |
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h1st0 | debaiting whether I should compile the 2.6.22 from kernel org.... | 04:15 |
d4rkmonkey | no. | 04:15 |
d4rkmonkey | why would you? | 04:15 |
h1st0 | d4rkmonkey: just to add some stuff and get rid of some other thing sthat I don't need | 04:16 |
d4rkmonkey | pffft | 04:16 |
d4rkmonkey | not worth it | 04:16 |
h1st0 | low latency etc.. | 04:16 |
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d4rkmonkey | PFFFT | 04:16 |
h1st0 | lol | 04:17 |
h1st0 | mostly just to do it to learn | 04:17 |
h1st0 | maybe i'll make a seperate partition and point grub at it and play over there. | 04:17 |
h1st0 | idk guess I could build a deb then it wouldnt' matter. | 04:18 |
SeveredCross | Compiling kernels has never ended well for me. | 04:19 |
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SeveredCross | Almost every time, it's been unable to find root fs. | 04:19 |
SeveredCross | Even though I have libata and all the stuff that I should need to read this HDD, but still nada. | 04:19 |
SeveredCross | And when you look at it, compiling your own kernel is hardly necessary nowadays...Most things are modules that you can unload at your leisure. | 04:20 |
SeveredCross | If you don't wanna rmmod session after session, just blacklist it. | 04:20 |
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Toma- | h1st0: if you do want to learn, go ahead. its a fun experience applying patchsets | 04:21 |
Toma- | just keep a working kernel handy, as always | 04:21 |
h1st0 | Oh yeah i still have my kernel know I'm just thinking of doing it for learning experience. | 04:22 |
SeveredCross | Anyone know of a way to get the date the system was installed? | 04:25 |
SeveredCross | (If there is a way...) | 04:25 |
SeveredCross | I could've sworn there was one, but I don't know it. | 04:25 |
maccam94 | there might be a log file created by the ubuntu installer | 04:26 |
maccam94 | i forget where it is though | 04:26 |
h1st0 | maccam94: proly in /var/log somewhere | 04:32 |
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SeveredCross | Ah, found it. | 04:36 |
SeveredCross | /var/log/installer | 04:36 |
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h1st0 | wow they've seriously messed up my video performance with xorg updates | 04:45 |
h1st0 | getting horrible rates in counter strike | 04:45 |
SeveredCross | Hmm. | 04:46 |
SeveredCross | My X performance has actually improved heh. | 04:46 |
h1st0 | I have nvidia using nvidia-glx though | 04:47 |
h1st0 | half tempte dto try the nivdia.com driver though this is just unplayable now. | 04:48 |
xtknight | network manager (nm-applet) is still broken, huh? shows my conn. as d/c when it's really up | 04:48 |
maccam94 | nm works for me | 04:49 |
xtknight | i got to see failsafe X today though. quite awesome (w/ its share of roadblocks of course) | 04:49 |
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=== SeveredCross hasn't seen failsafe X yet. | ||
xtknight | my nm works if i ifdown&&ifup but at startup nm-applet is always showing d/c | 04:49 |
root__ | how without cron do I pass bash a command to execute another command sometime from now? | 04:49 |
SeveredCross | at! | 04:49 |
root__ | nmapplet is broken | 04:49 |
IntuitiveNipple | which version? 0.6.5 works fine for me and always has | 04:49 |
root__ | dont use it | 04:49 |
SeveredCross | nmapplet works for me too. | 04:50 |
IntuitiveNipple | xtknight: I'd check NetworkManagerDispatcher then | 04:50 |
xtknight | root__, i figure as much | 04:50 |
SeveredCross | There was some breakage around tribe 3. | 04:50 |
SeveredCross | But it's been fixed for a long time. | 04:50 |
xtknight | hmm Dispatcher? | 04:50 |
SeveredCross | nm-applet 0.6.5 | 04:50 |
root__ | just remove it from your panel if it shows contrary to the real setup | 04:50 |
h1st0 | root__: sleep? | 04:50 |
root__ | otherwise you have a problem | 04:50 |
IntuitiveNipple | xtknight: "ps -ef | grep NetworkManager" should show two: NetworkManager and NetworkManagerDispatcher | 04:50 |
xtknight | why are there so many regressions ? i just want a working network icon | 04:50 |
root__ | sleep how long ? | 04:50 |
root__ | does it run in minutes ? | 04:51 |
h1st0 | root__: how long do you want it to wait to run the command | 04:51 |
h1st0 | root__: man sleep | 04:51 |
root__ | 2 hs | 04:51 |
root__ | ok | 04:51 |
root__ | thanks! | 04:51 |
SeveredCross | sleep 7200 && command | 04:51 |
SeveredCross | Should do it. | 04:51 |
xtknight | IntuitiveNipple, yup it does | 04:51 |
root__ | just run wine doors | 04:51 |
IntuitiveNipple | xtknight: is this x86 arch with 32-bit or 64-bit? | 04:51 |
Toma- | SeveredCross: you know you can specify minutes and hours? | 04:51 |
xtknight | IntuitiveNipple, amd64 ubuntu | 04:51 |
=== SeveredCross had no idea. | ||
IntuitiveNipple | ok, I'm running 64-bit here, no problems | 04:52 |
root__ | oops | 04:52 |
Toma- | 3m = 3 minutes :) | 04:52 |
SeveredCross | I never bothered to use it for any lengthy period of time, I just figured all it did was seconds. | 04:52 |
root__ | how do I switch back to the other thingy | 04:52 |
xtknight | IntuitiveNipple, so when you restart, nm-applet reports there your interface is up? | 04:52 |
root__ | im in bitchx | 04:52 |
xtknight | if i restart eth0 it will work forever untli next boot. | 04:52 |
root__ | hmm | 04:52 |
IntuitiveNipple | xtknight: After my laptop de-hibernated earlier the nmapplet was missing so I simply restarted NetworkManager... | 04:52 |
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IntuitiveNipple | xtknight: try "sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/26NetworkManagerDispatcher stop && sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManager stop && sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManager start && sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/26NetworkManagerDispatcher start" | 04:54 |
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xtknight | still hear me ? | 04:54 |
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IntuitiveNipple | Yes | 04:55 |
xtknight | ya it acted like it was restarting interface | 04:55 |
xtknight | i guess it was just restarting nm-applet but it shows connected now | 04:55 |
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xtknight | often i get info in network manager that says even when connection is up, this is sporadic | 04:55 |
SeveredCross | Well | 04:56 |
SeveredCross | Restarting NetworkManager won't restart nm-applet | 04:56 |
xtknight | w/e Int typed fixed it for me | 04:56 |
SeveredCross | nm-applet runs on its own process and talks to NetworkManager via DBus. | 04:56 |
SeveredCross | He restarted NetworkManager and NetworkManagerDispatcher | 04:56 |
SeveredCross | I was just pointing out. :) | 04:56 |
xtknight | i'm the only one with this problem i take it ? | 04:57 |
xtknight | lol i'm used to this | 04:57 |
SeveredCross | I've never had it to be honest. | 04:57 |
xtknight | ah. i have had it in feisty when everyone had it, and have had it in gutsy forever | 04:57 |
IntuitiveNipple | xtknight: I'm pretty hot on the bug-tracker and not seen anything similar for nmapplet. The recent issues with NM and open networks with ipw3945 are sorted as of last weekend | 04:57 |
xtknight | my network driver (sky2) is a mess, maybe that's part of the problem | 04:58 |
xtknight | i have lots of network issues too | 04:58 |
IntuitiveNipple | xtknight: I was about to suggest that | 04:58 |
IntuitiveNipple | sounds like you need to solve those first :) | 04:58 |
xtknight | yeah sky2 issues that is although my router/cable modem have been great lately | 04:58 |
xtknight | reported a bug for it, i'm trying a new kernel right now to see if sky2 issues are fixed | 04:59 |
xtknight | i hate to overload them with more bugs so i will wait after i'm not having any more sky2 issues until i report nm-applet bugs | 05:00 |
IntuitiveNipple | The sooner things are reported, the sooner they'll show up on someone's radar | 05:00 |
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IntuitiveNipple | as long as they're definite problems, not just symptoms of another problem :) | 05:00 |
xtknight | ya no idea really. usually i just wait and see if updates fix it | 05:01 |
IntuitiveNipple | Gutsy has started to show some polish this past 10 days | 05:01 |
xtknight | i've reported so many bugs despite my 'wait and watch' approache | 05:01 |
xtknight | i think they will have to have a section on the pie chart for me :p | 05:02 |
IntuitiveNipple | I was working on three ACPI bugs, and fixes elsewere solved them! I still don't know what changed, but at least it eased up my workload :) | 05:02 |
IntuitiveNipple | lol | 05:02 |
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=== xtknight tries to suspend his pc, don't expect me to come back soon | ||
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h1st0 | well the nvidia.com drivers provide better performance but a few other issues have popped up. | 05:20 |
h1st0 | Can switch to a virtual console screen just goes black. And if desktop effects is running switching back to f7 will lock up the pc | 05:20 |
h1st0 | Begining to lose faith in ubuntu | 05:21 |
hydrogen | yea | 05:21 |
hydrogen | i don't blame you | 05:21 |
hydrogen | using an alpha product | 05:21 |
hydrogen | that doesn't work right | 05:21 |
hydrogen | what the fuck is ubuntu thinking | 05:21 |
h1st0 | No thats not the problem the problem is these bugs have been here since feisty yet they are ignored | 05:21 |
h1st0 | in feisty you couldn't even switch users using nvidia card system would lock up. | 05:22 |
h1st0 | ubuntu blames nvidia nvidia blames ubuntu etc... problem never gets fixed. | 05:22 |
h1st0 | So i'm no longer reporting bugs. I don't care anymore. | 05:22 |
IntuitiveNipple | h1st0: the 'black' screen is because fbcon isn't being loaded - kernel has vesafb built-in but doesn't load the text-console driver | 05:23 |
xtknight | im using nvidia.com drivers now on Gutsy. i have about every single issue under the sun but nothing wrong with video | 05:24 |
h1st0 | IntuitiveNipple: which black screen? | 05:24 |
xtknight | dual monitors/etc | 05:24 |
IntuitiveNipple | I solved the 'black windows' issue too, by adding an nvidia module kernel option | 05:24 |
IntuitiveNipple | h1st0: The virtual TTYs being black/blank | 05:24 |
xtknight | suspend made me goto busybox at first lol | 05:24 |
h1st0 | by adding the nvidia module kernel option where? | 05:24 |
xtknight | i thought the black windows prevention was a compiz option | 05:25 |
h1st0 | xtknight: try runnign glxgears | 05:25 |
xtknight | k | 05:25 |
xtknight | ya seems to run here | 05:25 |
xtknight | 65735 frames in 5.0 seconds = 13146.939 FPS | 05:25 |
h1st0 | IntuitiveNipple: and the fix is? | 05:25 |
xtknight | this one: [ 92.577314] NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module 100.14.11 Wed Jun 13 16:33:22 PDT 2007 | 05:26 |
xtknight | but i'm using 2.6.23-rc6 | 05:26 |
IntuitiveNipple | h1st0: I added to /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-nkc | 05:26 |
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h1st0 | IntuitiveNipple: are you using the nvidia-glx package? | 05:26 |
xtknight | pretty sure .22-11 was fine too with planet penguin | 05:26 |
h1st0 | IntuitiveNipple: I have that file. | 05:26 |
IntuitiveNipple | nvidia-glx-new | 05:27 |
IntuitiveNipple | h1st0: I added nvidia module options; checked out what is available using modinfo nvidia | 05:27 |
Aondo | my x crashed when i tested glxgears, just now :P with the newest compiz build from gutsy's repo, self build nvidia drivers | 05:28 |
IntuitiveNipple | that's for the black windows in Gnome, when using GL (such as Google Earth) | 05:28 |
h1st0 | Aondo: it will crash on any app using gl | 05:28 |
IntuitiveNipple | for blank virtual consoles, that needs fbcon loading in initrd | 05:28 |
xtknight | h1st0, X crashes? | 05:28 |
Aondo | didnt use to be like that :/ | 05:28 |
IntuitiveNipple | Aondo: known bug, its in launchpad being dealt with | 05:28 |
Aondo | with beryl atleast, if i remember right hehe | 05:29 |
xtknight | make sure your kernel and library nvidia drivers are the same version | 05:29 |
Aondo | ok | 05:29 |
h1st0 | Aondo: I know but ubuntu devs say its nvidia problem even thought he drivers didn't change | 05:29 |
hydrogen | its a combination problem | 05:29 |
hydrogen | the bug was kind of up in the air iircf | 05:29 |
hydrogen | its only a nvidia problem in the "they use binary drivers" sense | 05:30 |
IntuitiveNipple | There was a change in the latest xorg; Nvidia have apparently said its due to be fixed in upcoming drivers | 05:30 |
h1st0 | IntuitiveNipple: there are all sorts of other bugs. | 05:30 |
IntuitiveNipple | h1st0: It wouldn't be linux if there weren't :) | 05:30 |
h1st0 | true | 05:31 |
hydrogen | the bug being talked about (gl stuff crashing in compiz) is due to an abi change where there shouldn't have been one in xorg | 05:31 |
h1st0 | well i guess i'll try the nvidia-glx-new package now | 05:31 |
hydrogen | and nvidia's drivers, being binary, crash then | 05:31 |
xtknight | glx-new is 100.14.11 too isnt it? | 05:31 |
IntuitiveNipple | Yes | 05:31 |
h1st0 | just going to see if that has the same problems as the one from nvidia's site | 05:32 |
h1st0 | like window contents not being displayed on resize | 05:32 |
h1st0 | glx-new depends on 2.6.11-386 | 05:33 |
h1st0 | wth | 05:33 |
h1st0 | So much for that working | 05:33 |
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user01 | would it be ok to install gutsy on my laptop and it would upgrade to release version in october? | 05:36 |
hydrogen | probably not and yes | 05:36 |
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Aondo | only ok if you can live with some issues, you know you can live with/solv :D | 05:37 |
IntuitiveNipple | user01 Like everything; it depends on the specific hardware | 05:37 |
xtknight | is there a black hole in my HD? /dev/sda4 11G 8.7G 890M 91% / | 05:37 |
user01 | hydrogen: i just didnt want to install feisty now only to upgrade to gutsy in a month | 05:37 |
xtknight | 8.7/11G*100= not 91 | 05:37 |
IntuitiveNipple | Since the last week everything has worked fine on my recent Sony Vaio, for example | 05:37 |
hydrogen | user01: upgrading isn't that much of a trouble | 05:38 |
user01 | IntuitiveNipple: its an ibm thinkpad t40 | 05:38 |
hydrogen | xtknight: sometimes rounding can give you weird things like that... | 05:38 |
hydrogen | try just df | 05:38 |
user01 | hydrogen: i dont know my computer was really slow going from edgy to feisty | 05:38 |
hydrogen | to see it in bytes | 05:38 |
IntuitiveNipple | user01: Should be pretty safe then :) try a recent CD to save on lots of updates after install: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/ | 05:38 |
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h1st0 | Okay explain this to me how this is nvidia's problem? | 05:39 |
IntuitiveNipple | user01: make sure the liveCD is happy first :) | 05:39 |
h1st0 | If I install nvidia.com drivers I have no problem running glxgears. | 05:39 |
h1st0 | If I use nvidia-glx-new glxgears restarts X | 05:39 |
h1st0 | No that is f'd up | 05:39 |
xtknight | hydrogen, well i get 86% that way. still 5% missing, a little odd | 05:39 |
xtknight | /dev/sda4 10562748 9115420 910760 91% / | 05:39 |
xtknight | real is 86 i mean | 05:39 |
Aondo | h1st0 i just recompiled the nvidia.com driver and glxgears crash :D | 05:39 |
h1st0 | and if I use nvidia-glx I get the most horrible video performance | 05:39 |
Aondo | i mean X | 05:39 |
user01 | IntuitiveNipple: it wont keep installing a daily build after the release is set though, right? | 05:39 |
h1st0 | Aondo: I just had it installed | 05:40 |
IntuitiveNipple | user01: The CDs simply contain all the latest updates | 05:40 |
Aondo | you use the latest build of compiz? from the repos | 05:40 |
IntuitiveNipple | user01: so saves on downloads afterwards | 05:40 |
h1st0 | Aondo: i'm using whatever gusty came with | 05:41 |
h1st0 | Aondo: brb | 05:41 |
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musikgoat | looking for help with my audio, my speakers are only outputting at a very low level | 05:55 |
musikgoat | I have set pcm and master at high, on my realtek audio card, and can only get a very low level of audio | 05:56 |
musikgoat | before gutsy, my audio levels were fine | 05:56 |
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musikgoat | I've also tried creating a new user and get the same levels | 06:00 |
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musikgoat | anyone know if this is a known issue? | 06:03 |
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WaxyFresh | hi im trying to do a dist-upgrade from 7.2 and i keep getting these errors:http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37288/ | 06:06 |
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WaxyFresh | no ideas? i know what went wrong,when i was running the upgrade my computer crashed and i had to restart i think this is what caused the problem | 06:10 |
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musikgoat | any suggestions on this audio issue? its quiet tonight | 06:39 |
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bratsche | Hi guys. | 06:45 |
bratsche | I installed Gutsy on my laptop, and it's working great. But for some reason it seems to restrict me to only two virtual desktops and I can't find a way to increase this like I could in Feisty. | 06:46 |
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Netham45 | how do I upgrade to Gutsy from a command line? | 06:47 |
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musikgoat | sudo update-manager -d, i believe | 06:49 |
Netham45 | doesn't that require a GUI? | 06:51 |
Netham45 | yea | 06:51 |
Netham45 | GTK freaks without a gui | 06:51 |
bratsche | I think you have to edit your apt sources and do "apt-get dist-upgrade" or something like that. | 06:53 |
bratsche | But I'm not entirely sure if that's enough. | 06:53 |
Netham45 | ok | 06:54 |
bratsche | (you need to do apt-get update before you do dist-upgrade, but I mean I'm still not sure if dist-upgrade is all you do) | 06:54 |
Netham45 | ok | 06:55 |
Netham45 | if it isn't, w/e | 06:55 |
Netham45 | this is a play Pc anyways | 06:55 |
bratsche | Anyone have any thoughts on the virtual desktop issue? | 06:55 |
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DanaG | !aptitude | 06:59 |
Ubotu | aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT, like apt-get. However, aptitude can remember the dependencies installed with a package and remove them if you uninstall. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide | 06:59 |
DanaG | Plus, it offers suggestions for conflict resolution. | 06:59 |
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musikgoat | hi all, i'm having some trouble with faint audio, similar to this post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=539006 but there is no resolution to that. I've tried using a different user, and it doesn't change. My PCM and master are at max, and I can only hear "faint" audio | 07:04 |
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h1st0 | man my pc is busted to all hell now | 08:03 |
h1st0 | Does anyone know anything about fbconf | 08:03 |
h1st0 | err fbcon? | 08:04 |
Ahadiel | Night all! | 08:04 |
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KenSentMe | Good morning. | 08:04 |
h1st0 | I can't even get nvidia-glx installed | 08:04 |
KenSentMe | Does anyone of you play games in Wine on Gutsy, like World of Warcraft? | 08:04 |
h1st0 | I play counter strike when I have it working | 08:05 |
h1st0 | KenSentMe: I guess there is a problem with wine 9.44 and wow though but 9.43 works | 08:05 |
KenSentMe | h1st0, well, WoW runs fine, but when i alt-tab to some other program i loose the sound in WoW | 08:06 |
h1st0 | That may be one of the problems | 08:06 |
KenSentMe | h1st0, that didn't happen in feisty | 08:06 |
h1st0 | Someone was complaining about 9.44 though | 08:06 |
h1st0 | that only wow was working with 9.43 it appears gusty uses 9.42 but on winehq you can get archive versions | 08:07 |
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h1st0 | let me hopefully reboot here | 08:07 |
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h1st0 | I give i'm reinstalling feisty | 08:35 |
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Enselic | Hello, I have paired my Bluetooth phone and was able to remotely move the mouse using the phone. I am however unable to browse any files on the phone. From what I understand, there should be gnome-vfs-obexfs or similar that would enable browsing files using the obex (Bluetooth) file transfer protocol. I fail to find such a packet or to browse files however. Does this work for someone in Gutsy? | 08:53 |
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slackern | Anyone having problems with installing flashplugin-nonfree ? | 10:17 |
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slackern | update-alternatives: unable to make /usr/lib/midbrowser/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so.dpkg-tmp a symlink to /etc/alternatives/midbrowser-flashplugin: No such file or directory is the error im getting | 10:18 |
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mibuk | Good morning, I have two machines successfully running gutsy, and one server that appears to have broken lvm when upgrading from feisty to gutsy. anybody know enough about lvm to help me identify what's happened? | 10:36 |
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zetheroo | I am wondering when Gutsy is going to be released? | 10:40 |
slackern | Check the topic for a link to release schedule | 10:41 |
zetheroo | also .... whats the best and most fool-proof way for it to be installed? -- as an upgrade from Feisty? -- or on a clean system? | 10:41 |
zetheroo | what topic? | 10:42 |
slackern | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | 10:42 |
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zetheroo | Final Release? | 10:43 |
zetheroo | Oct 18th | 10:43 |
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zetheroo | will it mean better graphic drivers for ATI users? | 10:43 |
slackern | Not sure, im using a X1950Pro card myself and im also hoping for some better drivers :) | 10:44 |
zetheroo | I am using the X1400 card | 10:44 |
slackern | ATi/AMD has just released the specs for the drivers but i guess it'll take a while to make a working driver though | 10:44 |
zetheroo | and its horrible in Ubuntu | 10:44 |
zetheroo | do you use the open source drivers for your card? | 10:45 |
zetheroo | on mine I can only use vesa or fglrx | 10:45 |
slackern | No i use the restricted drivers bundled with Gutsty right now, but they suck badly, i get better 2d performance from the Vesa driver | 10:45 |
zetheroo | so your using the Gutsy drivers? | 10:46 |
zetheroo | and they are bad? | 10:46 |
zetheroo | great! | 10:46 |
Xemanth^ | i'm using open source ati driver atm with mobility x700 | 10:46 |
zetheroo | yes.... good for you! | 10:46 |
slackern | Not much the Ubuntu guys can improve on the drivers im afraid, hopefully there will be an opensource driver available for all the ATi/AMD cards soon now as they released the specs | 10:47 |
zetheroo | all the ATI cards under the x1x00 range can use the ati and radeon open source drivers | 10:47 |
h1st0_ | dystopianray: can both coexhist on the same system or do I have to remove nvidia-glx and install the other? | 10:47 |
h1st0_ | Anyone know if I build my own kernel boot in to it and isntall the nvidia drivers will I have issues because I have nvidia-glx installed on this kernel? | 10:48 |
zetheroo | slakern: but I heard that ATI is only open sourcing their 2D drivers!? | 10:48 |
slackern | http://hardware.slashdot.org/hardware/07/09/12/1747202.shtml | 10:48 |
slackern | check that part | 10:48 |
slackern | it happend like yesterday/during night | 10:48 |
zetheroo | what does this mean? | 10:49 |
Xemanth^ | it means hopefully good | 10:49 |
zetheroo | ha | 10:49 |
zetheroo | I hope so | 10:49 |
zetheroo | whats the R500/600? | 10:49 |
slackern | it's the X1xxxx/X2xxxx cards | 10:50 |
zetheroo | oh yeah? | 10:50 |
zetheroo | oh my lord.... pleeeease let it be good | 10:50 |
slackern | My X1950 card is R570 | 10:50 |
zetheroo | ok | 10:50 |
zetheroo | how about mine? | 10:50 |
zetheroo | how do I know? | 10:50 |
slackern | But it'll probably take a little while but now they have something to work with | 10:51 |
compwiz18 | the next set of drivers should have aiglx support right? | 10:51 |
zetheroo | but it says: The new open-source R500/600 driver will be released early next week." | 10:51 |
zetheroo | so does that mean soooooon? | 10:51 |
zetheroo | ha | 10:51 |
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slackern | the next drivers that ati releases themselfs will be 41.xx something and they will not have aiglx if i understand it right, but the 42.xx drivers should have aiglx | 10:52 |
compwiz18 | 41 was released this morning | 10:52 |
slackern | oh | 10:52 |
compwiz18 | I'm waiting for 42 :P | 10:52 |
Xemanth^ | yesterday | 10:52 |
slackern | hehe i didnt know that :) | 10:52 |
compwiz18 | this morning here :D | 10:52 |
zetheroo | what is aiglx? .... is it better than fglrx? | 10:52 |
Eq|work | Xemanth^ : that'd depend on your timezone :P | 10:52 |
slackern | I just woke up :p | 10:52 |
Xemanth^ | zetheroo: aiglx is eye candy compiz effects | 10:53 |
Eq|work | zetheroo : they're not the same. | 10:53 |
compwiz18 | aiglx allows you to run beryl and compiz and stuff | 10:53 |
compwiz18 | fglrx is the ATI card driver | 10:53 |
zetheroo | oh I see | 10:53 |
Xemanth^ | yeah I'm in GMT+2 | 10:53 |
Eq|work | aiglx is actually a method of allowing multiple things to use the hardware acceleration features | 10:53 |
compwiz18 | I'm GMT -8 or something like that | 10:53 |
Eq|work | LA? | 10:53 |
zetheroo | so where will the new drivers appear online? | 10:53 |
slackern | Atleast ATi/AMD drivers will only get better from now on, i guess thats all we can hope for right now :) | 10:53 |
zetheroo | I am in GMT+10 | 10:54 |
Eq|work | slackern : that doesn't mean they'll be any good though :P | 10:54 |
slackern | Eq|work: hehe true, but it's alot better than we have right now :) | 10:54 |
zetheroo | Eq|work: we are trying to be hopeful | 10:54 |
zetheroo | hehe | 10:54 |
slackern | i would be happy with a little more performance and being able to watch an xvid or anything without everything in the movie having a blue tint. | 10:55 |
zetheroo | is anyone else running beryl on a X1x00 ATI card? | 10:55 |
compwiz18 | Eq|work, to me at least, they work fine now, except for aiglx | 10:55 |
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compwiz18 | oops I'm actually GMT +8 :D | 10:56 |
zetheroo | where do you live? | 10:56 |
compwiz18 | Beijing | 10:56 |
zetheroo | I am in Sydney | 10:56 |
compwiz18 | cool | 10:57 |
slackern | Sweden gere | 10:57 |
compwiz18 | its cold there? | 10:57 |
slackern | uhm here | 10:57 |
zetheroo | I am from Switzerland though | 10:57 |
compwiz18 | I'm actually from America | 10:57 |
slackern | +18 celsius here right now, fine day for once, been raining lots lately | 10:57 |
zetheroo | yeah Sweden is going in to Autumn | 10:58 |
compwiz18 | same here | 10:59 |
compwiz18 | Syndney is going into spring? | 10:59 |
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slackern | Well im off, stuck 4 weeks when friend is away working having to feed his cats :) | 11:02 |
slackern | time to check on them so they don't destroy the neighbourhood :) | 11:02 |
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rambo3 | i cant get 1440x900 resolution to work. Normal "ati" driver . Desktop takes about 80 % of the screen , 20 % is black | 11:10 |
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Xemanth^ | i've had same kind of problem | 11:10 |
Xemanth^ | not anymore :) | 11:10 |
Xemanth^ | rambo3: what gfx chip? | 11:11 |
rambo3 | radeon 9600 | 11:11 |
Xemanth^ | rambo3: i've mobility x700 | 11:11 |
Xemanth^ | ati talk is done in #ati | 11:11 |
rambo3 | it worked with feisty so why would it be ati problem | 11:11 |
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rambo3 | all they are going to tell me i know already , setup vsync and hsync and add 1440x900 to modline witch i did already. | 11:14 |
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tuxcrafte1 | hello guys, i am trying to find the exact difference between the 2.6.22-09-generic 2.6.22-10-generic and the 2.6.22-11-generic kernel | 11:30 |
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tuxcrafte1 | because the 2.6.22-10-generic kernel is the first stable kernel for all my via based mini-itx motherboards | 11:31 |
tuxcrafte1 | http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/l/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22_2.6.22-10.25/changelog | 11:32 |
tuxcrafte1 | but i am not sure this is the correct changelog? | 11:32 |
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tuxcrafte1 | what does this mean: * ubuntu: Remove generic64 for now | 11:48 |
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mibuk | since upgrading from fiesty to gutsy, my /dev/mapper/[VG] has disappeared, my /dev/mapper now only contains a control file. If I run vgs, or pvs or lvs they all successfully identify the lvm drives, so the tools know they exist, but they just dont appear in the mapper. anybody know anyhting about it? | 11:52 |
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mibuk | anybody? lvm and the .dev.mapper interface in gutsy? is it a bug of just something I've misconfigured? | 12:06 |
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mibuk | since upgrading from fiesty to gutsy, my /dev/mapper/[VG] has disappeared, my /dev/mapper now only contains a control file. If I run vgs, or pvs or lvs they all successfully identify the lvm drives, so the tools know they exist, but they just dont appear in the mapper. anybody know where I can raise a bug for this? | 12:13 |
Amaranth | mibuk: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ | 12:16 |
Amaranth | mibuk: dunno what package to file it under though, just go for the kernel | 12:17 |
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mibuk | I filed it as an unknonw package in the end. | 12:30 |
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ccooke | Hmm | 12:45 |
ccooke | Anyone else noticed a 1-2 second delay before opening any gnome menu? (stuff from the panel, right-clicking on the desktop or terminal, etc) | 12:46 |
AnRkey | nope | 12:48 |
AnRkey | ccooke, what does your system monitor show? are there any process' that are hogging the cpu? | 12:48 |
ccooke | Nope | 12:50 |
ccooke | all is normal | 12:50 |
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=== gnomefreak wonders what normal is | ||
ccooke | Specifically, load is between 0 and 1 on a dual-core | 12:51 |
ccooke | (It's just after I restarted firefox, so load is on the way down) | 12:52 |
ccooke | Probably it's a Compiz problem | 12:54 |
ccooke | ... ah, yes. | 12:54 |
gnomefreak | either that or ff has a mem leak that we are not aware of | 12:55 |
gnomefreak | we(ubuntu-mozilla devels) | 12:55 |
jonathan_ | it seems there is nothing significant change from ubuntu gusty | 12:55 |
leperkhanz | I can't run a single 3d app with any kind of reasonable performance, even in metacity. Anyone else have that problem? | 12:56 |
ccooke | gnomefreak: nah. Firefox is affected, but the same problem happens on a fresh reboot without it running | 12:56 |
leperkhanz | Urban Terror was 100+ fps last week, now it's like 15. | 12:56 |
gnomefreak | jonathan_: if your looking for graphical(art) changes your looking in wrong places | 12:56 |
ccooke | and if FF can create memmory leaks that survive reboot, I'm *impressed* | 12:56 |
jussi01 | hehe | 12:56 |
gnomefreak | ccooke: cant | 12:56 |
jonathan_ | not graphically of course | 12:57 |
gnomefreak | jonathan_: than alot has changed | 12:57 |
ccooke | gnomefreak: yes, that was my point :-) | 12:57 |
jonathan_ | it seem all command and repositories same... | 12:57 |
leperkhanz | also: No 3d wine apps work at all (atm). | 12:57 |
jonathan_ | is that true? | 12:57 |
gnomefreak | jonathan_: commands and repos are gonna change? | 12:57 |
jonathan_ | oh ya? | 12:57 |
gnomefreak | jonathan_: what do you mean? | 12:57 |
gnomefreak | commands are linux not so much ubuntu | 12:57 |
ccooke | (actually, it *can*... but only by altering startup scripts to - say - mount a tmpfs and copy a large amount of data into it :-) | 12:58 |
Hobbsee | jonathan_: commands and repositiories should be the same, or close to the same, yes. | 12:58 |
jonathan_ | than... what else that changed at ubuntu 7.10? | 12:58 |
gnomefreak | jonathan_: only real changes are the packages and the way the system runs (kernel and stuff) | 12:59 |
jonathan_ | compiz fusion? | 12:59 |
jonathan_ | I hate that | 12:59 |
Hobbsee | i'd suggest you actually read ubuntu-devel-announce | 12:59 |
=== gnomefreak not sure what you are loking for to change | ||
Hobbsee | and the UWN | 12:59 |
Hobbsee | each tribe, there's a list of new stuff. | 12:59 |
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Hobbsee | hi jussi01 | 01:00 |
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jonathan_ | I'll take a bath first, still downloading tribe 5 | 01:02 |
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leperkhanz | what's the diff between compiz and compiz.real | 01:07 |
leperkhanz | ? | 01:07 |
DarkMageZ | leperkhanz, compiz is a shell script which does all sorts of nice things for users. compiz.real is the actual binary. | 01:08 |
gnomefreak | i think its just a name change or compiz-real is for fusion or something like that | 01:08 |
gnomefreak | DarkMageZ: theres a file called compiz.real? | 01:08 |
gnomefreak | thought the app was compiz-real | 01:09 |
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crdlb | gnomefreak, nah it's compiz.real | 01:10 |
crdlb | and DarkMageZ is correct | 01:10 |
gnomefreak | works for me :) | 01:10 |
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jmg | help i just updated and rebooted and gdm wont launch | 01:13 |
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ziroday | jmg: what errors? | 01:16 |
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jmg | ziroday: pops up with xephyr saying could not run the gtk configuration tool | 01:19 |
ziroday | hmm | 01:20 |
jmg | ziroday: mine was a highly custom gdm.conf and it had been completely overwritten, now i have restored from a backup but it still doesnt work | 01:20 |
ziroday | fresh install | 01:20 |
ziroday | or update? | 01:20 |
ziroday | or upgrade? | 01:20 |
jmg | update | 01:21 |
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daschl | hey guys.. is someone aware of http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=549909 ? :( | 02:13 |
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jmg | pending rebuild? | 02:14 |
daschl | jmg, what do you mean? compile it by hand? | 02:16 |
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slytherin | Does anyone know how to configure Pexelview PlayTV Pro2 M-4500 card? | 02:38 |
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jonathan_ | somebody know how to install kde4 beta 3 for kubuntu feisty? | 02:42 |
jonathan_ | oh | 02:43 |
jonathan_ | sorry | 02:43 |
jonathan_ | wrong server | 02:43 |
pvandewyngaerde | beta 3 ? | 02:50 |
jonathan_ | yeah | 02:54 |
martalli | How can I turn of ipv6 in kubuntu gutsy? | 02:59 |
martalli | s/turn of/turn off | 02:59 |
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nanonyme | why would you want to turn off ipv6? | 03:00 |
nanonyme | it does nothing unless your internet service provider has broken servers | 03:01 |
nanonyme | that is, it does no harm | 03:01 |
Eq|work | it consumes resources. | 03:02 |
Tomcat_ | martalli: Easiest is to blacklist the ipv6 kernel module... that way, it never gets loaded. | 03:02 |
Tomcat_ | If you don't use it, it hardly does. | 03:02 |
Eq|work | some people are quite picky about it :P | 03:03 |
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Tomcat_ | It's not like we're on Gen-"I need that extra 3 byte of memory"-too ;P | 03:03 |
nanonyme | Eq|work, they're just imagining things | 03:03 |
Eq|work | Tomcat_ : lol | 03:03 |
martalli | Is that in the etc/modprobe.d/alias file? | 03:03 |
Eq|work | nanonyme : nope, it does use some. | 03:03 |
Eq|work | just not enough for most people to give a crap | 03:03 |
Tomcat_ | martalli: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist | 03:04 |
nanonyme | Eq|work, well, if you have an embedded system with maybe 16 megs of memory, i agree. then again, ubuntu will probably not run on one ;) | 03:04 |
Tomcat_ | nanonyme: It will soon. ;D Maybe. | 03:04 |
nanonyme | eh, that's why you have stuff like openwrt | 03:04 |
hydrogen | just wsait for embedubuntu! | 03:04 |
nanonyme | >_< | 03:04 |
hydrogen | bedbuntu? | 03:04 |
Tomcat_ | Apart from that, on embedded systems you *need* ipv6 :) | 03:04 |
nanonyme | well, yes | 03:05 |
Tomcat_ | Because there are not enough IPs & DHCP servers for all embedded devices ;P | 03:05 |
martalli | What do I type? "blacklist ipv6" | 03:05 |
nanonyme | Tomcat_, so we came to the conclusion there is no reason to disable ipv6 | 03:06 |
Tomcat_ | martalli: Yes, I think so. Check with Google to be sure. :) | 03:06 |
Tomcat_ | nanonyme: Absolutely. | 03:06 |
martalli | I believe that ipv6 is still conflicting with some devices and services here in the US | 03:07 |
Tomcat_ | But then, people have the freedom to disable it. | 03:07 |
Tomcat_ | martalli: I doubt it, but it can always happen. | 03:07 |
nanonyme | it should only do that with broken devices and services | 03:07 |
nanonyme | that is, devices that adverise non-existant routes | 03:07 |
Eq|work | what, you mean like the .cz nameservers did last week? :P | 03:07 |
nanonyme | naw, i mean worse. giving autoconfigure ip address that has no routing on ISP side | 03:08 |
nanonyme | that has happened at least in germany | 03:08 |
Eq|work | heh | 03:08 |
Eq|work | the .cz thing took out all .cz domains.. | 03:08 |
Eq|work | was fun | 03:08 |
nanonyme | that's why german ubuntu community wanted ipv6 off altogether | 03:09 |
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nanonyme | well, ok. that nameserver issue sounds annoying too... | 03:09 |
Eq|work | yep | 03:10 |
nanonyme | although sounds like something that could well have happened with ipv4 too | 03:11 |
martalli | nanonyme: that is the problem in the US...rare but troublesome | 03:13 |
martalli | It would be nice if it was something that could be turned off from the gui | 03:14 |
nanonyme | heh | 03:16 |
nanonyme | kernel module blacklist could have a very simple frontend, yes | 03:17 |
nanonyme | if it doesn't | 03:17 |
nanonyme | shouldn't be much of an effort to parse the list | 03:18 |
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Eq|work | nanonyme : it affected ipv4.. but basically someone completely misconfigured the .cz root nameservers. | 03:24 |
nanonyme | ah | 03:24 |
Eq|work | the dnstracer logs were amusing :P | 03:24 |
nanonyme | way to go, i'd say | 03:24 |
Eq|work | indeed | 03:26 |
Eq|work | numpty's :P | 03:26 |
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openstandards | hi i've just installed gutsy onto my dell d600 which uses the radeon 250 and cannot get the display to work correctly i'm trying to use the opensource driver so i can then use aiglx and compizfusion | 03:50 |
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openstandards | I'm getting problems mind you ie: corrupted graphics then asks me to select a compatiable driver i've tried all the ati ones and still no luck | 03:52 |
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larsemil | why is the ati driver blacklisted from the compiz package? | 04:16 |
Pici | Blacklisted from a package? | 04:17 |
Hobbsee | because the compiz doesnt work well with the ati driver? | 04:18 |
larsemil | Pici: well i cant run compiz after latest update. | 04:18 |
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larsemil | when running compiz --replace it answers "blacklisted 'ati' driver in use. | 04:18 |
crdlb | larsemil, glxinfo|grep vendor | 04:19 |
larsemil | and then goes back to metacity | 04:19 |
crdlb | afaik compiz just blacklists vesa, nv, et al | 04:19 |
larsemil | crdlb: SGI och opengl vendor string: DRI R300 project | 04:19 |
crdlb | uh wow | 04:20 |
larsemil | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=549886 second post | 04:20 |
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crdlb | either somebody screwed up or I'm missing something | 04:20 |
}^ | the nerve of that guy | 04:20 |
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terlmann | I was on around midnight | 04:21 |
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Pici | terlmann: excuse? | 04:21 |
terlmann | jdcd kicked me for advising a poor n00b stuck in hoary , of all things , to upgrade STRAIGHT to fiesty.. which I have done before | 04:21 |
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terlmann | No , I guess the poor user should suffer through the buggy and typically breaking upgrade path to dapper, the always broken path to edgy , and the sorta works path to fiesty... | 04:22 |
terlmann | you can detect the sarcasm right ? | 04:22 |
Pici | terlmann: This isnt the place to discuss kicks/bans. | 04:23 |
terlmann | could someone reputable help me make a hoary-fiesty straight upgrade *recommended* ? | 04:23 |
terlmann | Pici : bug off, I'm pissed | 04:24 |
Pici | terlmann: This is a support/dev channel. If you have a problem with an op's actions, bring it up in #ubuntu-ops or don't at all. | 04:25 |
terlmann | Piki : yea , its a dev channel | 04:25 |
terlmann | not a support channel | 04:25 |
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terlmann | so I want a dev, preferably someone with some heft , to help me make hoary<->feisty canon | 04:26 |
terlmann | holy | 04:26 |
terlmann | proper | 04:26 |
ikonia | what are you after ? | 04:26 |
terlmann | I want the ubuntu development team to RECOMMEND that hoary users upgrade straight to fiesty. | 04:27 |
ikonia | thats not the recommended path though | 04:27 |
terlmann | not at present | 04:27 |
=== terlmann * grinds teeth* | ||
slackern | lol | 04:28 |
nanonyme | there's probably arguments for it and against it somewhere | 04:28 |
slackern | sorry couldn't help it :) | 04:28 |
terlmann | but I would never recommend upgrading to dapper. then trying to upgrade to edgy. then upgrading to feisty. | 04:28 |
terlmann | 3 times the work to go wrong | 04:28 |
ikonia | its not really relevant | 04:28 |
larsemil | crdlb: you could edit the /usr/bin/compiz file and remove the blacklist for ati | 04:28 |
Pici | terlmann: Please stop this, you aren't going to get anywhere. | 04:29 |
terlmann | hoary is such a simple os that it's limited hardware implemtations are fully contained in an upgrade to any future os | 04:29 |
terlmann | ok Pici | 04:29 |
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terlmann | I will take it to the top | 04:29 |
ikonia | its not relevent to the gusty development channel | 04:29 |
=== terlmann glares | ||
ikonia | take it to the top ? | 04:29 |
openstandards | terlmann: ubuntu really should use lvm and make /home a seperate partition | 04:29 |
crdlb | larsemil, indeed, but presumably there's a reason for the blacklist | 04:29 |
[miles] | afternoon #ubuntu+1 ... guys is anyone running a vanilla kernel off kernel.org ? | 04:29 |
ikonia | [miles] nah, the ubuntu kernels ware what is being tested | 04:29 |
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ikonia | are that should read "are" being tested | 04:30 |
[miles] | hi ikonia ok | 04:30 |
[miles] | what channel would be best ask about kernel / ubuntu related stuff please? | 04:30 |
ikonia | [miles] whats the question ? | 04:31 |
[miles] | ok: | 04:31 |
[miles] | I've built and am running | 04:31 |
[miles] | works fine... only things are this: | 04:31 |
[miles] | 474M /lib/modules/ | 04:32 |
[miles] | 62M /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/ | 04:32 |
[miles] | :-|| | 04:32 |
ikonia | whats theproblem ? | 04:32 |
[miles] | and... | 04:32 |
[miles] | the initrd images are massive | 04:32 |
ikonia | thats most probably with the options you've seletd at the kernel build time | 04:32 |
larsemil | crdlb: yes compiz does not work with the rs480 chipset. and if you have another chipset its fine | 04:33 |
[miles] | 6905652 2007-09-03 09:28 /boot/initrd.img-2.6.20-16-generic | 04:33 |
[miles] | 42337508 2007-09-13 12:35 /boot/initrd.img- | 04:33 |
[miles] | yeah, but the weird thing is I took the .config from /boot/config-2.6.20-16-generic | 04:33 |
[miles] | and did a make menuconfig | 04:33 |
[miles] | etc | 04:33 |
ikonia | [miles] .config files are not portable | 04:34 |
[miles] | now I know obvioiusly there is differences, but I would not have assumed it would do that | 04:34 |
[miles] | oh | 04:34 |
[miles] | :-| | 04:34 |
ikonia | [miles] more so as ubuntu kernels are patched | 04:34 |
[miles] | sorry, on that score im a nob | 04:34 |
openstandards | can someone help me get around graphical safemodei've tried linux framebuffer, vesa and fglxr non have sorted out the problem i'm getting with my radeon r250 | 04:34 |
[miles] | okkkk | 04:34 |
openstandards | i'm using flight 5 right now | 04:35 |
[miles] | mmm any tools to assist me that you know of ikonia ? | 04:35 |
[miles] | to arrange the .config | 04:35 |
ikonia | tools to do what ? | 04:35 |
[miles] | more on par with the ubuntu one | 04:36 |
ikonia | [miles] do you understand how to build and configure the kernel ? | 04:36 |
[miles] | yes | 04:36 |
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ikonia | [miles] so port the .config file and check what patches the ubuntu kernel is usinsg and see if / how they are incorperated into your kernel | 04:36 |
[miles] | ok | 04:36 |
[miles] | ikonia, the kernel is working fine, as I say, it's just bloated to hell... | 04:37 |
[miles] | well, the modules are | 04:37 |
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NessieLiberatio1 | each time i boot, i get the udevd process running, using as much cpu as it can get its hands on, to fix, i have to kill it and restart the process - in which case it runs fine | 04:46 |
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terlmann | Does anyone know why .debs of many common apps released contain TODO's and README's even though the common user never sees them , using a GUI with menus and so on ? | 04:52 |
terlmann | I mean , is it not a concern ? | 04:52 |
terlmann | bandwidth and file size concern that is. | 04:53 |
terlmann | I guess as plain text they don't take up that much room. | 04:53 |
leperkhanz | I keep getting error on boot that my .dmrc file is not writeable or something... and I have to start compiz by hand. Any ideas on how to fix that? | 04:53 |
leperkhanz | terlmann: Generally more information is better. | 04:53 |
terlmann | if you accidentally opened the .dmrc file as root ,I guess you may need to remove it. | 04:54 |
leperkhanz | a couple of text files can help people out who want to know. | 04:54 |
terlmann | perhaps the permissions changed | 04:54 |
leperkhanz | huh | 04:54 |
=== leperkhanz considers how to move it. | ||
leperkhanz | damned permissions!!! | 04:54 |
terlmann | leper : any README in /etc is useful. but things in /usr seem meaningless waste's of space. | 04:54 |
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NessieLiberatio1 | btw terlmann, forgive me if i don't understand something useful, but how come you're using irc as root? | 04:55 |
terlmann | Nessie | 04:55 |
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terlmann | because I am in telinit 1 | 04:55 |
terlmann | faster | 04:55 |
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NessieLiberation | it's still not a particularly good idea, no? | 04:56 |
terlmann | is it insecure or something ? | 04:56 |
NessieLiberation | um... yeah | 04:56 |
leperkhanz | so I need to delete my .dmrc file. How do I do that? | 04:56 |
terlmann | how ? | 04:56 |
terlmann | leperkhanz : sudo rm /foo/foo/file | 04:56 |
NessieLiberation | leperkhanz: hang on... | 04:57 |
NessieLiberation | why don't you just set it as owned not by root | 04:57 |
terlmann | I assume the file is in your home dir ? | 04:57 |
NessieLiberation | sudo chmod [your username] file | 04:57 |
NessieLiberation | terlmann: because if i screw something up, i lose, maybe my $HOME... if you run as root, and you screw up, you can jeopardise everything | 04:58 |
NessieLiberation | terlmann: it's well documented on why you shouldn't run as root | 04:58 |
terlmann | Nessie : I am a god of Ubuntu. I have reformatted my system so many times it doesnt matter. I keep several complete backups and I dont use this machine for anything important except for just using it. like ,to play cube 2 and test gutsy. | 04:59 |
terlmann | I have used Gentoo , Red hat and Ubuntu | 04:59 |
terlmann | I am SU. | 04:59 |
NessieLiberation | terlmann: right, that was part of the "something useful"... but even still it's just plain stupid :P | 05:00 |
terlmann | I am one with the SU. I am one with the SU. Long live the SU. All power to the SU. All power to me. | 05:00 |
ompaul | !su | 05:00 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 05:00 |
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terlmann | its only stupid when someone coerces me into running rm -f / | 05:00 |
terlmann | and it is insecure , yes | 05:01 |
Seveas | terlmann, behave and don't go offtopic please | 05:01 |
ompaul | terlmann, guess what that gets you here | 05:01 |
terlmann | but in telinit one everything is turned off | 05:01 |
Seveas | terlmann, including network so you can't be in init 1 now | 05:01 |
terlmann | I reeneabled it with scripts | 05:01 |
terlmann | ifup eth0 | 05:01 |
terlmann | simple | 05:01 |
Seveas | then it's no longer runlevel 1 :) | 05:02 |
terlmann | it still is. without any user-mode software running there is nothing to make insecure. | 05:02 |
terlmann | no firefox no xorg | 05:02 |
terlmann | no gnome | 05:02 |
=== terlmann starts counting on his fingers | ||
terlmann | lol | 05:02 |
Seveas | there is no such thing as 'user-mode software' | 05:02 |
Seveas | all software runs as a user, except the kernel which runs as OS | 05:03 |
terlmann | I think your wrong on that my friend. there is privledged and unprivledged. there is a difference. | 05:03 |
Seveas | there is no difference | 05:04 |
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vader1102 | night peoples..... someone has to get up for work in 5 hours | 05:04 |
Seveas | not if you run it all as root | 05:04 |
Seveas | get an operating systems 101 book | 05:04 |
terlmann | all ? all as in how much ? I am running about 1% of what a typicall user uses. | 05:04 |
Seveas | terlmann, behave and don't go offtopic please <-- that request still stands. last chance | 05:04 |
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terlmann | Seveas : please don't get ugly.This is +1. Here There is the beyond. When there is no support and we are not supposed to file bugs in channel, what are we to discuss ? future names for 8.10 ? I am going to offtopic. see you around. | 05:06 |
Eq|work | terlmann : that definitely isn't relevant to this channel | 05:06 |
Eq|work | terlmann : the forums. the mailing lists. | 05:06 |
Eq|work | NOT the gutsy channel | 05:06 |
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Eq|work | heh | 05:06 |
=== ompaul helps a little with | ||
jussi01 | now then, does anyone know when strigi will be fixed? or if i can fix it myself? | 05:07 |
ompaul | no +1 is for the next release not beyond that | 05:07 |
jussi01 | lol | 05:08 |
Eq|work | ompaul : bit late.. he's gone now. | 05:08 |
Eq|work | strigi? | 05:08 |
ompaul | Eq|laptop, I know :) | 05:08 |
jussi01 | strigi daemon... for searching.. | 05:08 |
Eq|work | never heard of it. | 05:08 |
jussi01 | kde thing... | 05:08 |
jussi01 | :P | 05:08 |
Eq|work | there anything on launchpad? | 05:08 |
jussi01 | yeah | 05:08 |
NessieLiberation | does anyone know about problems with udevd in gutsy ? | 05:08 |
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jussi01 | bug 135050 | 05:09 |
ubotu | Bug 135050 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/135050 is private | 05:09 |
Eq|work | can't say i've seen any issues with udev nessie.. | 05:09 |
jussi01 | oh.. | 05:09 |
jussi01 | bug 134049 | 05:10 |
ubotu | Bug 134049 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/134049 is private | 05:10 |
jussi01 | ok then... | 05:10 |
NessieLiberation | Eq|work: ok, I'll check bugs | 05:10 |
Eq|work | heh | 05:10 |
Pici | Stop trying to show us your privates. | 05:10 |
Eq|work | NessieLiberation : for clarifaction, i mean i've not seen it behaving strangely myself.. what's it doing? | 05:10 |
ompaul | Pici, behave | 05:10 |
jussi01 | obviously private info there | 05:10 |
ompaul | :P | 05:10 |
Pici | ompaul: I couldnt resist ;) | 05:10 |
ompaul | Seveas, have I got your attention? | 05:11 |
Seveas | ompaul, yes | 05:11 |
ompaul | Seveas, pm | 05:11 |
NessieLiberation | Eq|work: each time i boot, it saps CPU until i kill it, and restart it | 05:11 |
Eq|work | that's very strange. | 05:11 |
Eq|work | definitely never seen it do that. | 05:12 |
NessieLiberation | Eq|work: like today i turned this thing on, carried on reading my book, then came back an hour later... and udevd was hogging about 95% of CPU | 05:12 |
NessieLiberation | sudo killall udevd && sudo udevd fixes it | 05:12 |
Eq|work | that is most odd. | 05:12 |
jussi01 | could it be the command to start it in the first place? | 05:13 |
jussi01 | ie, whatever is in boot | 05:13 |
Eq|work | what, the init script? | 05:13 |
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Eq|work | that would have been spotted by virtually everyone | 05:13 |
jussi01 | yeah | 05:13 |
jussi01 | true... | 05:13 |
NessieLiberation | if it helps at all, i have a slightly uncommon gfx chip on this laptop | 05:15 |
leperkhanz | Where IS my .dmrc file? | 05:15 |
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NessieLiberation | `locate dmrc` ? | 05:17 |
Pici | leperkhanz: or find / -name .dmrc | 05:17 |
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SeveredCross | Damn... | 05:18 |
SeveredCross | Looks like I need to roll my own kernel to get my PS3 controller working right. | 05:18 |
SeveredCross | :-\ | 05:18 |
SeveredCross | Either that or UT2004 just has crap joystick support. | 05:18 |
[miles] | SeveredCross, could you not just build the module? | 05:18 |
[miles] | if there is one that is | 05:18 |
SeveredCross | Well, it requires an update to the hid module. | 05:18 |
[miles] | I'm not saying there is or there isnt | 05:18 |
SeveredCross | Updates hidcore.c and hid.h | 05:19 |
SeveredCross | I'm gonna make sure the patch isn't already there in 2.6.22 | 05:19 |
SeveredCross | Which is possible, and would indicate that Unreal Tournament 2004 is just crap at joystics. | 05:19 |
SeveredCross | *joysticks. | 05:19 |
=== leperkhanz prefers to avoid the console. | ||
leperkhanz | This isn't 1982, for the record. | 05:21 |
NessieLiberation | hang on, my calendar must be wrong... | 05:21 |
Eq|work | NessieLiberation : why? | 05:22 |
NessieLiberation | this is a 25 year old calendar... i thought they said they were built to last! | 05:22 |
Eq|work | lol | 05:22 |
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leperkhanz | Still no 3d under wine. | 05:29 |
leperkhanz | *sigh* | 05:29 |
leperkhanz | I just wanted to play some Mario Kart. | 05:29 |
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NessieLiberation | heh project64 ? | 05:30 |
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leperkhanz | mupen64++ :) | 05:31 |
leperkhanz | FOSS, and way more advanced, stable, fast.... | 05:31 |
leperkhanz | native mupen crashes too. :( | 05:31 |
=== leperkhanz is a sad no mario kart panda. | ||
leperkhanz | also, my framerate is awful in urban terror with compiz on. | 05:32 |
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NessieLiberation | i don't have any 3d on this machine anyway... | 05:32 |
NessieLiberation | you can measure it in spf | 05:32 |
Pici | !offtopic | 05:32 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 05:32 |
NessieLiberation | sorry :P | 05:33 |
leperkhanz | Hey, *I* was on topic! | 05:33 |
leperkhanz | anybody else getting dismal gaming in latest gutsy? | 05:33 |
=== leperkhanz goes to switch to metacity and run more "tests" | ||
leperkhanz | still no wine 3d. instant crash. | 05:34 |
Eq|work | leperkhanz : completely disable the desktop effects. | 05:35 |
leperkhanz | Wow, even worse performance in metacity. | 05:36 |
leperkhanz | How is that possible. | 05:36 |
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leperkhanz | They are disabled. | 05:36 |
=== leperkhanz is checking the system monitor to make sure it is really dead. | ||
leperkhanz | Xgl 156 mb?!?!? | 05:37 |
leperkhanz | But if I kill that, that's restarting X no? | 05:37 |
leperkhanz | and that has not been working for me lately which means full reboot. | 05:37 |
leperkhanz | Sad Panda. | 05:37 |
mluser-work | Will I run into problems if I run Gutsy with the 2.6.20 kernels from feisty? The Gutsy 2.6.22 break suspend on my ASUS M6800N laptop | 05:38 |
leperkhanz | No advice? | 05:38 |
=== leperkhanz goes to kill Xgl. | ||
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NessieLiberation | mluser-work: is that what it is? I've had some problems with suspend on my fujitsu siemens amilo pro v2030 laptop | 05:40 |
NessieLiberation | it managed to suspend once, but the other times, it won't | 05:40 |
mluser-work | NessieLiberation: I did an upgrade from feisty to Gutsy so my old 2.6.20 kernels are still around, if I boot into any of them suspend works just fine, and I have not noticed any problems while running Gutsy | 05:42 |
NessieLiberation | next time i boot, i might try an old kernel to see if mine works then | 05:42 |
mluser-work | NessieLiberation: But I am planning to install Gutsy from scratch once it gets stable, just hope they fix this problem before that time | 05:42 |
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leperkhanz | Yep, as I expected, hard reboot. | 05:43 |
leperkhanz | also: still terrible frame rate in Urban Terror. | 05:43 |
leperkhanz | I was getting 100 fps a month ago. | 05:43 |
leperkhanz | Now it's like 10. | 05:43 |
leperkhanz | Well, that's all the info I can provide I suppose. | 05:44 |
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leperkhanz | so bizarre. i actually get 20-30 fps with compiz, but like 10 fps in metacity. | 06:05 |
leperkhanz | (in Urban Terror) | 06:05 |
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Eq|work | leperkhanz : did you turn off the desktop effects, and check if dri was working? | 06:14 |
leperkhanz | what is dri? | 06:14 |
leperkhanz | yes, i turned off desktop effects. | 06:14 |
SeveredCross | Direct Rendering Interface | 06:14 |
leperkhanz | how do I check that? | 06:14 |
SeveredCross | Usually with glxinfo, you'll get errors about DRI not being able to be loaded or something. | 06:15 |
SeveredCross | glxgears may tell you too. | 06:15 |
leperkhanz | ah, it says no. | 06:15 |
Eq|work | glxinfo | grep direct | 06:15 |
Eq|work | then that's why | 06:15 |
Eq|work | what gfx hardware? | 06:15 |
leperkhanz | hmmm... | 06:15 |
leperkhanz | geforce 6600 gt. | 06:16 |
Eq|work | using the nvidia binary drivers? | 06:16 |
leperkhanz | yep. | 06:16 |
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leperkhan1 | um, yeah. tried to open restricted driver manager, got hard crash, tried to restart X, failed, had to reboot. | 06:21 |
leperkhan1 | *sigh* | 06:21 |
leperkhan1 | still can't fix .dmrc file, either. | 06:21 |
leperkhan1 | though I successfully deleted it. | 06:21 |
leperkhan1 | (them) | 06:21 |
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MTecknology | what's the next version of ubuntu going to be called | 06:27 |
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Pici | MTecknology: Gutsy Gibbon is 7.10, 8.04 is Hardy Heron | 06:29 |
MTecknology | cool :) | 06:29 |
MTecknology | i like that one | 06:30 |
ccooke | Ooh, nice bug in the command-not-found stuff: | 06:31 |
Pici | ccooke: yah | 06:31 |
ccooke | Try typing '] ' | 06:31 |
Pici | I think I saw it logged. | 06:31 |
Pici | ccooke: Anything thats not a command is doing it. | 06:31 |
ccooke | oh *dear* | 06:32 |
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tanath | i have a problem: http://pastebin.ca/695955 | 06:49 |
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MTecknology | tanath, did you try sudo apt-get install -f | 06:53 |
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tanath | same problem | 06:53 |
tanath | always complains about overwriting | 06:54 |
MTecknology | you could try to use dpkg to forcefully remove those packaged | 06:54 |
MTecknology | then reinstall them | 06:54 |
Hobbsee | force dependancies will not solve a file overwrite. | 06:54 |
Hobbsee | MTecknology: that wont work, and will likely break other things. please dont advocate --force-depends | 06:54 |
MTecknology | aight | 06:54 |
Hobbsee | tanath: ah yes. dont file a bug on that. you've instaleld beryl, havent you? | 06:54 |
MTecknology | lol - i should get out of here, i always seem to give bad advice | 06:55 |
tanath | i used to have it installed | 06:55 |
MTecknology | class is over too :) | 06:55 |
Hobbsee | tanath: purge libsvg | 06:55 |
tanath | i use compiz fusion | 06:55 |
Hobbsee | then upgrade. | 06:55 |
tanath | from gutsy repo | 06:55 |
tanath | k | 06:55 |
Hobbsee | yes, but you used to use beryl, and it conflicts with the old beryl | 06:55 |
tanath | still has the same problem | 06:56 |
tanath | can't do it | 06:56 |
Hobbsee | then use sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/libsvg1_0.1.4-1_i386.deb | 06:57 |
Hobbsee | and check man dpkg for other useful options, before you go instlaling things outside of the packaging system again | 06:57 |
r0bby | .topic | 06:57 |
tanath | so this happened because of beryl? anything else that might be left over i can look for? | 06:58 |
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tanath | i thought i purged everything | 06:58 |
Hobbsee | tanath: it seems not. and yes, it's beryl. | 06:58 |
tanath | alright, now i just have this problem configuring tspc. i keep getting a socket error, so it can't finish configuring. :-/ | 06:59 |
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Stormx2 | Uhg! | 06:59 |
tanath | http://pastebin.ca/695972 | 07:00 |
tanath | well, thanks Hobbsee | 07:01 |
Hobbsee | sarah@LongPointyStick:~/Desktop/libsvg-0.1.4$ head debian/changelog | 07:01 |
Hobbsee | libsvg (0.1.4-1ubuntu1) gutsy; urgency=low | 07:01 |
Hobbsee | * Add conflicts/replaces for libsvg on libsvg1. Libsvg is from the | 07:01 |
Stormx2 | Having a bug with my keyboard since doing my updates (updates before then were a week and a half ago). For some reason I lose all use of my keyboard - typing / keyboard shortcuts, whatever, have no effect. On the last restart, I noticed that when I switched to a gnome-terminal, it was constantly creating a newline, as if enter were held down (but it wasn't) | 07:01 |
Hobbsee | unofficial beryl packages, but it is easier to do this than close all of the | 07:01 |
Hobbsee | bug reports that will be filed on this issue. | 07:01 |
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Hobbsee | * Modify Maintainer value to match the DebianMaintainerField | 07:01 |
Stormx2 | My best guess is that this is an X problem | 07:01 |
Hobbsee | specification. | 07:01 |
Hobbsee | -- Sarah Hobbs <hobbsee@ubuntu.com> Fri, 14 Sep 2007 03:00:50 +1000 | 07:01 |
Tomcat_ | !paste | Hobbsee | 07:01 |
ubotu | Hobbsee: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:01 |
Tomcat_ | Sorry Hobbsee ;D | 07:01 |
Tomcat_ | j/k | 07:02 |
Hobbsee | Tomcat_: :P | 07:02 |
jakeg | if i installed gutsy alpha on a box, come official release, do updates come out for packages which means i just do an update, or do i need to reinstall? | 07:02 |
Hobbsee | as much as i'd prefer *not* to clean up after other crack packages. | 07:02 |
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Pici | !final | jakeg | 07:02 |
ubotu | jakeg: If you installed a Tribe/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Gutsy. To make sure, type sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade in a console. | 07:02 |
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Hobbsee | !gutsy | 07:02 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | 07:02 |
Hobbsee | oh yeah, that's what i wanted | 07:02 |
Pici | :) | 07:02 |
Hobbsee | yay for a dodgy changelog entry, though | 07:02 |
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jakeg | ubotu: thanks. that's what i wanted to know :) | 07:05 |
Do`` | what the hell | 07:05 |
Do`` | when i try burning a cd with gnomebaker it freezes as soon as it would start the actual burning | 07:06 |
Hobbsee | tanath: it's https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libsvg/+bug/139035 | 07:06 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 139035 in libsvg "libsvg1 package broken" [Undecided,Invalid] | 07:06 |
Do`` | quickly installed x-cd-roast from this add/remove gui, and it freezes too | 07:06 |
Do`` | there seems to be a bug somewhere with the cdrom | 07:06 |
tanath | try running it from a terminal? | 07:07 |
Do`` | that's for me? | 07:07 |
jakeg | oh man... i was talking to bot. lol | 07:07 |
slackern | Im playing a bit with Dolphin but wanted to ask if it's not supposed to show previews of *,avi files and such if it has playback support installed just the same way they show up with previews in nautilus. | 07:08 |
Leftmost | I just tried to install Gutsy Tribe 5 using the alternate install CD and, when it attempted to configure the X server, the screen showed a variety of brown and particolored boxes and did not appear to update. The CD continued to be accessed. I have an Intel 945GM chip. Is there a way that I can fix this or work around it? | 07:08 |
tanath | Do``, if you run it from a terminal, you can see any errors it spits out | 07:10 |
Do`` | tanath: x-cd-roast had to be run from the terminal (because for the first time it has to be) and it didnt spit out any errors | 07:10 |
cld2 | Leftmost: did you try safe graphics mode? | 07:10 |
Do`` | it just froze when it was starting to scan for devices | 07:10 |
tanath | Do``, you could also try another app. i prefer k3b, but if you want to stick with gnome apps, you might try brasero | 07:10 |
Leftmost | I did not. I assume that's one of the initial menu items. | 07:11 |
tanath | Do``, any problem reading discs? | 07:11 |
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cld2 | Leftmost: yes, try that. I have the same chipset and thats what I have to do to install | 07:11 |
joebob777as7 | hey just ran some updates and i am getting a message "the greeter application appears to be crashing. Attempting to use a different one" | 07:12 |
Do`` | tanath: nope | 07:12 |
Leftmost | Alright, thanks. Didn't take that into consideration. | 07:12 |
Do`` | tanath: they are mounted automatically as i set it, files play, i just cant burn anything | 07:12 |
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tanath | Do``, check dmesg? | 07:12 |
Do`` | what would i be looking for? | 07:13 |
tanath | Do``, anything related to your drive | 07:13 |
tanath | any hardware errors & such should show up there | 07:13 |
Do`` | [97318.207189] cdrom: This disc doesn't have any tracks I recognize! [97650.333992] cdrom: This disc doesn't have any tracks I recognize! | 07:14 |
Do`` | these are the last two lines, and the previous ones are like 67000.600000 so they are relatively far away | 07:14 |
Do`` | the first must be when gnomebaker froze to death, the second one has to be when xcdroast started 'something' | 07:15 |
tanath | i've seen that. i don't remember what causes it though | 07:15 |
Do`` | i'll try to google this error message up | 07:15 |
Do`` | thanks for the tip :) | 07:15 |
tanath | you could try k3b. it seems to have a knack for making things work | 07:15 |
tanath | np | 07:15 |
tanath | i find it's the best | 07:15 |
Do`` | alright | 07:15 |
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tanath | oh | 07:16 |
tanath | try burning as root | 07:16 |
tanath | sometimes that does it | 07:16 |
tanath | may be a group/permissions thing | 07:16 |
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joebob777as7 | hey just ran some updates and i am getting a message "the greeter application appears to be crashing. Attempting to use a different one" | 07:16 |
tanath | when did that start? | 07:17 |
joebob777as7 | tanath, this morning. five mins ago I just ran update-manager update and it asked me to reboot and now i'm getting this | 07:19 |
IntuitiveNipple | joebob777as7: Do you have accessibility enabled? | 07:21 |
tanath | hm. i might have the same prob when i reboot then. :P i just updated & haven't rebooted yet | 07:21 |
joebob777as7 | DON'T DO IT! | 07:21 |
joebob777as7 | lol | 07:21 |
tanath | lol | 07:21 |
joebob777as7 | i'm running edubuntu though... | 07:22 |
tanath | hm | 07:22 |
tanath | i don't think there's much difference | 07:22 |
tanath | extra apps installed | 07:22 |
tanath | but X was updated | 07:22 |
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tanath | how're you on now? livecd? virtual terminal? | 07:23 |
IntuitiveNipple | joebob777as7: check out my comment on this, here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/gnome-session/+bug/129029/comments/31 | 07:23 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 129029 in udev "[Gutsy Tribe-5] No Sound on Login Screen or during Login" [Medium,Invalid] | 07:23 |
slackern | I have been updating like mad here but no error from me but then im running kubuntu right now so might just be related to gdm then | 07:24 |
tanath | i'm thinking gdm too | 07:24 |
slackern | you got into X with startx though? | 07:25 |
AnRkey | Hi every! | 07:26 |
AnRkey | every1 | 07:26 |
AnRkey | :D | 07:26 |
slackern | hey | 07:27 |
slackern | ugh, foggy eyes, though your nick was anykey :) | 07:27 |
slackern | *thought | 07:27 |
AnRkey | My machine hangs after running opengl apps and games, does anyone have any tips for trouble shooting this problem? Booting into windows and playing bf2 gives no problems | 07:27 |
slackern | *smells the air* got an ATi card? :) | 07:28 |
tanath | lol | 07:28 |
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AnRkey | It's just an R key :D | 07:28 |
tanath | my ati card works fine... :P | 07:28 |
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slackern | hehe | 07:28 |
tanath | with the OS driver even | 07:28 |
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AnRkey | Running nvidia 7800GS (agp) | 07:29 |
slackern | I should slap my old 9800pro into the machine again it works nice, but i removed the cooling from it and slapped it on my new card and too much work :p | 07:29 |
tanath | know what driver you're using? try the other? | 07:29 |
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AnRkey | hmm | 07:30 |
AnRkey | the one of the nv site or is there another in the repos? | 07:30 |
amr | I have a question about what happened today in updates of "adding ATI "to compiz-fusion black list | 07:30 |
AnRkey | yeah whats up with that? | 07:31 |
AnRkey | what does it mean? | 07:31 |
joebob777as7 | IntuitiveNipple, still no worky... | 07:33 |
IntuitiveNipple | with a 'plain' gdm.conf-custom ? | 07:34 |
joebob777as7 | IntuitiveNipple, should i rm gdm.conf-custom? | 07:35 |
IntuitiveNipple | no | 07:37 |
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joebob777as7 | any other ideas? i don't need to restart do i? | 07:37 |
IntuitiveNipple | provided it doesn't have those settings in I mentioned in the bug-comment, you've probably got another issue | 07:37 |
joebob777as7 | I just did a ctrl alt bckspc | 07:37 |
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joebob777as7 | it had the two options and i did comment them out | 07:38 |
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IntuitiveNipple | just in case - check /etc/gdm/gdm.conf itself - look for the same lines and ensure they are commented out as they ought to be | 07:39 |
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tanath_ | gah, compiz doesn't work anymore | 07:40 |
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tanath_ | "Blacklisted 'ati' driver is in use" | 07:40 |
tanath_ | wtf? wasn't a problem before | 07:40 |
tanath_ | help! i need my compiz :'( | 07:41 |
joebob777as7 | tanath, what is the last thing you did? update? | 07:42 |
joebob777as7 | IntuitiveNipple, do i actually need to restart? or just restart gdm? | 07:43 |
tanath_ | yep | 07:43 |
tanath_ | er, update & reboot | 07:44 |
IntuitiveNipple | just gdm | 07:44 |
joebob777as7 | IntuitiveNipple, what is under [greeter] in your file? | 07:44 |
joebob777as7 | actually can you pastebin.ca your entire file? | 07:45 |
tanath_ | http://pastebin.ca/696026 | 07:45 |
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IntuitiveNipple | joebob777as7: http://pastebin.intuitivenipple.net/76 | 07:45 |
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joebob777as7 | IntuitiveNipple, gdmflexiserver --command="UPDATE_CONFIG <configuration key>" | 07:47 |
joebob777as7 | what's this line? | 07:48 |
joebob777as7 | i want it to see my changes but what do i put for configuration key? | 07:48 |
tanath | do i need to use the official ati driver now? last time i tried it didn't work w/ compiz | 07:48 |
joebob777as7 | tanath, looks like it is hanging on a couple of settings. why don't you reset your config to default | 07:49 |
tanath | which? | 07:49 |
joebob777as7 | in the ccsm just reset to defaults | 07:49 |
joebob777as7 | just a shot in the dimly lit room | 07:49 |
tanath | nah, it's complaining about the driver. never did that before | 07:50 |
tanath | the two last lines it did do before, but weren't a prob | 07:50 |
tanath | they're just complaining about keybindings. shouldn't prevent it from running | 07:50 |
IntuitiveNipple | joebob777as7: You don't need to 'update' if you're restarting GDM. That is only for altering settings in a running instance | 07:51 |
tanath | ...and it's not working | 07:51 |
tanath | resetting to defaults that is | 07:51 |
tanath | wait, it did, just didn't change what plugins are enabled/disabled | 07:51 |
tanath | meh | 07:51 |
tanath | joebob777as7, no change | 07:52 |
joebob777as7 | IntuitiveNipple, mwuhahhahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahhaha got it | 07:52 |
joebob777as7 | tanath, sorry buddy | 07:52 |
joebob777as7 | i just made my file like yours there was a theme I commented out and it worked like two chams! | 07:53 |
IntuitiveNipple | sorted then :) | 07:53 |
tanath | :'( | 07:54 |
tanath | my screen is blinding me. i need my negative plugin :'( | 07:54 |
joebob777as7 | tanath, lol I know how you feel | 07:54 |
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tanath | yeh, when will people learn the web is not paper. :-/ | 07:55 |
joebob777as7 | I am having an issue with it on this client well it's not a regular client though | 07:56 |
=== tanath sighs | ||
tanath | trying fglrx | 07:57 |
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DShepherd | gutsy is going to have Xorg server 1.4 | 08:01 |
DShepherd | ? | 08:01 |
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hylje | 1.3 | 08:02 |
DShepherd | is hotpluggin available? | 08:02 |
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tanath | http://pastebin.ca/696054 | 08:04 |
tanath | :'( | 08:04 |
joebob777as7 | tanath, you know what your immediate problem that just may be your benefit in the future? | 08:05 |
joebob777as7 | ATI | 08:06 |
tanath | heh | 08:06 |
joebob777as7 | is this a laptop? | 08:06 |
tanath | wasn't a problem before | 08:06 |
tanath | nope | 08:06 |
tanath | was fine with ati driver & aiglx until this last update | 08:07 |
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joebob777as7 | well the best bet is to wait for next update. I think there should be a way to unroll updates | 08:07 |
amr | why ATI did blocked from compiz-fusion yesterday | 08:07 |
tanath | huh? | 08:07 |
amr | I manged to run compizfusion using official ati drivers and xserver-xgl | 08:08 |
amr | but a novice user may shit on ubuntu for this | 08:09 |
tanath | what's this about 'ati' driver being blacklisted? | 08:09 |
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tanath | ok, fixed compiz | 08:20 |
tanath | gotta edit /usr/bin/compiz script & remove ati from blacklist | 08:20 |
tanath | anyone run amsn in gutsy? | 08:21 |
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amr | why ATI did blocked from compiz-fusion yesterday | 08:21 |
amr | I manged to run compizfusion using official ati drivers and xserver-xgl | 08:22 |
amr | but a novice user may shit on ubuntu for this | 08:22 |
tanath | i can't since moving to gutsy. says 'loading tkcximage failed' | 08:22 |
stdin | !ohmy | amr | 08:22 |
ubotu | amr: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 08:22 |
amr | sorry | 08:22 |
amr | ubotu sorry | 08:22 |
ubotu | It's ok, I can't stay mad at you. | 08:22 |
tanath | amr, did you see the solution i posted? | 08:22 |
Tomcat_ | amr: Novice users shouldn't run gutsy ;) | 08:22 |
tanath | 'ati' is the open source driver, no? so why blacklist that? | 08:23 |
amr | i am novice user as i just get to linux 2 months ago but now i am starting to get it | 08:23 |
vader1102 | Tomcat_, this is why I am on Feisty lol | 08:23 |
amr | working and starting being more than a novice :) | 08:23 |
stdin | tanath: because it doesn't have 3d support | 08:24 |
tanath | is it ever going to? | 08:24 |
tanath | at least it runs compiz | 08:24 |
Tomcat_ | Maybe. ;) | 08:24 |
tanath | Tomcat_, any eta? | 08:24 |
Tomcat_ | Eh... no. Not even sure if it'll be that driver... ATI said they'll open up their specs. | 08:25 |
tanath | wait, i remember reading... yeah that | 08:25 |
stdin | ATI released the specifications just, so it's possible one day | 08:25 |
Tomcat_ | The question is if that knowledge will flow into the 'ati' driver, or be a new one. | 08:25 |
fantazyia | these problems dont exist with nvidia though do they ? | 08:25 |
Tomcat_ | It's certainly possible. | 08:25 |
Tomcat_ | fantazyia: What problems? | 08:25 |
Tomcat_ | NVidia drivers are binary-only as well, so that "problem" exists. | 08:25 |
fantazyia | what you guys are talking about revolving around ati | 08:25 |
Tomcat_ | We're not talking about a specific problem, just 'ati' vs. 'fglrx' | 08:26 |
stdin | fantazyia: nvidia keep support for older cards and generally improve them more often, though they are still closed source | 08:26 |
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tanath | they may follow suit with ati though | 08:26 |
fantazyia | i was thinking i read that there would be a new version of the nvidia driver before the release of gutsy .. but that could all just be bs ... who knows | 08:26 |
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stdin | !info nvidia-glx | 08:28 |
ubotu | nvidia-glx: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 1:1.0.9639+ (gutsy), package size 4387 kB, installed size 13352 kB | 08:28 |
stdin | !info nvidia-glx feisty | 08:28 |
fantazyia | btw pici ... running the live cd of gutsy most of the day on this machine and havnt really had any major issues so i might just upgrade | 08:28 |
ubotu | nvidia-glx: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 1:1.0.9631+ (feisty), package size 4387 kB, installed size 13352 kB | 08:28 |
stdin | version is newer in gutsy anyway | 08:28 |
fantazyia | i dont know how brave I am on this machine ... afraid of horribly breaking nagios | 08:29 |
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pwnguin | i accidentally bound d to toggle maximize in compiz | 08:45 |
pwnguin | =/ | 08:45 |
pwnguin | is there a way to reset all the compiz settings? | 08:45 |
pwnguin | (i used ccsm, if that helps) | 08:45 |
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Fracture | !info nvidia-glx-new | 08:49 |
ubotu | nvidia-glx-new: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 100.14.11+ (gutsy), package size 4870 kB, installed size 14800 kB | 08:49 |
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amr | hallo i have a q? i read something about initNG and if makes linux boot faster but i wander if it will be default to gesty | 09:09 |
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hylje | amr: i think gutsy still got upstart | 09:09 |
joumetal | amr initNG is not in gutsy. ubuntu uses upstart. | 09:09 |
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cutekat | mv: inter-device move failed: `Ranma movies/Ranma__-_Movie_02' to `/media/hdf3/stuff/vids/towatch/Ranma movies/Ranma__-_Movie_02'; unable to remove target: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character | 09:09 |
cutekat | any idea how i can even rename it? much less move it? | 09:09 |
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cutekat | ah it wasnt letting me rename last night or so - i think i was using another not-allowed char while i was really sleepy.... | 09:13 |
cutekat | but anyway wth - why cant i use the ? | 09:13 |
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stdin | what filesystem is on /media/hdf3 ? | 09:18 |
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Do`` | when i enable the desktop effects, and the windows get reloaded, all the window frames disappear | 09:47 |
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Do`` | i had beryl installed a long time ago.. maybe those configurations are the cause | 09:48 |
Do`` | how could i fix this issue? | 09:48 |
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Do`` | /usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Fatal: No manageable screens found on display :0.0 | 10:03 |
Do`` | i get this error message when starting compiz manually | 10:03 |
geser | Do``: have you started it with --replace ? | 10:03 |
Do`` | when i started it with --replace, the error was resolved | 10:04 |
Do`` | however i still dont see any window frames | 10:04 |
Do`` | no borders, title, buttons you know | 10:04 |
geser | try now also gtk-window-decorator --replace | 10:05 |
Do`` | http://pastebin.com/m64f3b3b7 | 10:05 |
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DShepherd | Do``, what kinda a card you running? | 10:06 |
Do`` | i started compiz --replace | 10:06 |
Do`` | then gtk-window-decorator --replace | 10:06 |
Do`` | and nothing.. it started but no output, no window frames | 10:07 |
Do`` | DShepherd: nvidia 7600gt | 10:07 |
DShepherd | To fix your beryl/compiz window decorations (titlebars) with an nVidia graphics card, run sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals -d 24 , then restart !X. | 10:07 |
DShepherd | Do``, try that | 10:07 |
Do`` | restart x hmm :D oki | 10:08 |
Do`` | be right back | 10:08 |
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Do`` | so now i should start by compiz --replace? | 10:10 |
Do`` | ye it's the same, it starts without an error | 10:10 |
Do`` | but still no window frames | 10:10 |
DShepherd | compiz --replace? | 10:11 |
Do`` | yes | 10:11 |
geser | let's see if our bling guru Amaranth has some further ideas | 10:11 |
DShepherd | gtk-window-decorator --replace #try running that. | 10:12 |
Do`` | i can see the windows wobbling now | 10:12 |
Amaranth | eep | 10:12 |
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Amaranth | i don't see any errors in the original pastebin so... | 10:12 |
Do`` | DShepherd: it starts without an error, it gives no output, and no window frames appear | 10:12 |
Do`` | Amaranth: ye, that's the problem.. | 10:12 |
Amaranth | wait, now it doesn't output anything? | 10:13 |
Amaranth | or does it still output those checking lines? | 10:13 |
Do`` | lol@wut:~$ gtk-window-decorator --replace | 10:13 |
Do`` | last line in the terminal | 10:13 |
Do`` | 1 break row and that's it | 10:13 |
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Amaranth | gtk-window-decorator --replace shouldn't say anything | 10:14 |
Amaranth | but you should run it with a & on the end | 10:14 |
Amaranth | and actually you don't need to run it, compiz is (you can see in that output) | 10:14 |
Do`` | lol@wut:~$ gtk-window-decorator --replace & | [1] 14711 | 10:15 |
Do`` | that 1 line is the total output, and still nothing | 10:15 |
Amaranth | ok then, that's fine | 10:15 |
Amaranth | compiz --replace & | 10:15 |
geser | Do``: are you using gnome or kde? | 10:15 |
Do`` | gnome | 10:16 |
Do`` | http://pastebin.com/m50ae258e | 10:16 |
Do`` | now i get this in the terminal | 10:16 |
Do`` | (and still nothing) | 10:16 |
geser | does "ps aux | grep decorator" list a running decorator? | 10:18 |
Do`` | lol 14747 0.0 0.4 17272 8932 pts/0 S 22:15 0:00 /usr/bin/gtk-window-decorator --replace | 10:19 |
Do`` | yes | 10:19 |
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seras | excuse have an xfce panel question. Is there any way to modify the base panels without all of them disapearing? | 10:24 |
Polygon89 | nm-applet stopped working and now i cannot get internet on my gutsy computer, every time i try to run it from the terminal, it doesnt seem to do anything... any suggestions? | 10:24 |
seras | more info Doing away with the default panels and creating a new blank one. | 10:25 |
Do`` | Amaranth: got any more ideas here? i'm helpless :/ | 10:25 |
Amaranth | Do``: You could just not use compiz | 10:26 |
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Do`` | tbh i had this issue with beryl too a few months ago | 10:26 |
Do`` | there i simply had to type beryl (even though it was in the session manager to be started on boot) and the window frames appeared alright | 10:27 |
Do`` | i think i did a complete removal of all the beryl related stuff so the config files must be gone too | 10:27 |
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bradmw | any packages for apache 1.3? | 11:25 |
PriceChild | !info apache | 11:26 |
ubotu | Package apache does not exist in gutsy | 11:26 |
PriceChild | !info apache feisty | 11:26 |
ubotu | apache: versatile, high-performance HTTP server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.34-4.1 (feisty), package size 384 kB, installed size 816 kB | 11:26 |
PriceChild | bradmw, not any more it seems. | 11:26 |
jbroome | no webserver for you! | 11:26 |
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bradmw | apache nazis | 11:27 |
PriceChild | bradmw, what's wrong with 2.2? | 11:28 |
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PriceChild | !info apache2 | 11:28 |
ubotu | apache2: Next generation, scalable, extendable web server. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.4-3 (gutsy), package size 40 kB, installed size 92 kB | 11:28 |
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bradmw | PriceChild: nothing. i just wanted to setup a local environment (apache 1.3.37) like my company's production web server for offline development | 11:28 |
PriceChild | ahh k | 11:28 |
PriceChild | bradmw, dapper/feisty still work :) | 11:29 |
stdin | or build it yourself ;) | 11:29 |
Tm_T | bradmw: yes? | 11:30 |
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billytwowilly | Hi, I'm trying to sync my palm pda, but I'm not sure where to point the sync software /dev/pilot doesn't exist and neither does any /dev/ttyUSB*s... | 11:56 |
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cutekat | billytwowilly: does it automount? | 12:02 |
cutekat | http://www.google.com/search?num=100&hl=en&safe=off&q=ubuntu+synch+palm+howto&btnG=Search | 12:02 |
cutekat | click on first link........... | 12:02 |
billytwowilly | cutekat: this is in kde. I think the switch to udev just changed the names around a bit. | 12:13 |
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billytwowilly | cutekat: part of problem seems to be the visor module isn't loaded.. | 12:21 |
d4rkmonkey | billytwowilly then load it... | 12:21 |
billytwowilly | yep, did that. trying it out now. | 12:21 |
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penguin42 | does anyone know what this issue is with Intel graphics that affects Compiz? | 12:46 |
penguin42 | something video related | 12:47 |
d4rkmonkey | penguin42 errr... that the GM965 isn't properly supported in Feisty? | 12:48 |
d4rkmonkey | penguin42 and any 3D programs crash X.org once you finally getting it working with the GM965 chipset... works for me fine in gutsy though | 12:49 |
penguin42 | ah - I've got a 945 not the 965; but I thought this issue was a gutsy issue and was giving some concern about the default choice of having compiz on | 12:49 |
penguin42 | hang on let me find the article that mentioned it | 12:49 |
d4rkmonkey | penguin42 you can always try the live CD to see if you're gonna have any problems with it. | 12:49 |
penguin42 | d4rkmonkey: I have gutsy installed on this machine anyway; I was more interested since there seemed to be a belief there were known issue I wanted to know what | 12:50 |
d4rkmonkey | penguin42 oh ok, well my laptop has the GM965 and 3D programs crashed it on feisty, it works fine in gutsy though. | 12:51 |
penguin42 | ah, 3D has been fine on this 945 on feisty and gutsy | 12:52 |
penguin42 | ok, it's an Arstechnica article talking about accelerated video playback not being doable without some 'exa' drivers that aren't available yet | 12:53 |
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penguin42 | frankly I don't like compiz; it's pretty but doesn't give me anything | 12:54 |
penguin42 | but that's a personal pref | 12:54 |
d4rkmonkey | penguin42 I have no idea what that is, I use compiz-fusion just cus it makes it look pretty ;) | 12:54 |
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penguin42 | d4rkmonkey: Other than wibbly windows (which I don't like) and the cube (which I don't like in preference to the workspace switcher) what other stuff is there? | 12:55 |
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penguin42 | and what is the difference between compiz and compiz fusion? | 12:55 |
d4rkmonkey | penguin42 just effects when closing and opening a window, and that kind of thing. I turned off wobbly windows, cus it started to annoy me | 12:55 |
d4rkmonkey | compiz-fusion is like, compiz and beryl combine. | 12:55 |
penguin42 | hmm never played with beryl; I hear she is nice though | 12:56 |
Daviey | Hi.. Can somebody currently Gutsy check a URL for me? | 12:56 |
penguin42 | sure | 12:56 |
penguin42 | which browser - firefox? | 12:56 |
Daviey | penguin42: yep | 12:57 |
Daviey | can i pm the url? | 12:57 |
penguin42 | ? | 12:57 |
d4rkmonkey | Daviey just put it out here... | 12:59 |
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Daviey | d4rkmonkey: thanks - but penguin42 is helping | 01:01 |
d4rkmonkey | Daviey but its better to keep out of PMs unless you're embarassed of something. | 01:01 |
=== igorgue [n=igorgue@adsl-145-2-121.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 |
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