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lapo | hi | 10:34 |
nothlit | lapo: how is the artlibre set going? i'm still waiting for gimp to get tango icons, i've got them in inkscape and blender already | 10:36 |
lapo | nothlit: not much work going in art libre latelly :-/ | 10:36 |
lapo | nothlit: anyway gimp has tango icons already (2.4) | 10:37 |
nothlit | yeah, i've been waiting for the release | 10:39 |
lapo | nothlit: gusty has ships the latest gimp | 11:50 |
lapo | s/has// | 11:50 |
nothlit | lapo: cool | 11:52 |
andreasn | latest scribus also have updated icons | 11:52 |
andreasn | still in the process of getting the inkscape icons upstream, but hopefully we can get them in the 0.46(?) release | 11:53 |
lapo | andreasn: it would be nicer to have them depends on art libre with a sane icon lookup tho | 11:55 |
andreasn | well, yeah, probably. But we both know that is a complicated process | 11:56 |
andreasn | or, well, we need someone to write a patch | 11:56 |
nothlit | most developers aren't interested in spending their time on that though =/ | 11:57 |
andreasn | well, perhaps proudhike or someone could give us a hand | 11:57 |
andreasn | perhaps we could nail down the no-size-fits-all problem as well | 11:58 |
andreasn | 16x16 vs. 22x22 | 11:58 |
andreasn | I'll see if I can get hold of him | 11:59 |
kwwii | I wish we could just et rid of 16x16 icons and change 22x22 to 24x24 | 12:02 |
andreasn | because it's dividable by 8? | 12:05 |
andreasn | I really don't think icons help in menus most of the time, but I guess we still need the 16x16's there if we want to keep that | 12:06 |
kwwii | yeah ;-( | 12:07 |
nothlit | we <really> need to make launchpad accept standard icon sizes | 12:07 |
kwwii | I talked to them, they blew me off | 12:08 |
nothlit | the devs just blew you off? | 12:13 |
nothlit | wow | 12:13 |
kwwii | more like the head of luanchpad blew me off | 12:14 |
kwwii | he said that is what the design company that made the layout decided | 12:15 |
kwwii | the small icons are like 14x14 iirc | 12:15 |
nothlit | yeah | 12:15 |
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=== zAo^ [n=ask@ip565eef79.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu-artwork | ||
=== Skiessi [n=qwe@dsl-roibrasgw1-fe88fb00-133.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu-artwork | ||
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lapo | hi | 10:16 |
Skiessi | hi | 10:17 |
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agentk_ | ho | 10:39 |
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