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tza_ | is there documentation regarding 2.6.20-16+ kernel upgrades and nvidia 8-series card difficulties? | 05:24 |
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defendguin | is there anyway to tell the fan on the processor to kick it up a few notches? | 06:59 |
defendguin | i'm using gutsy and every since the upgrade to 2.6.22-11 i've noticed the fan doesn't come on as often as necessary my cpy is at 67 deg C and the fan isn't on at all | 07:00 |
defendguin | normally it should be blowing really hard right now | 07:01 |
defendguin | now 69 deg | 07:01 |
defendguin | 70 | 07:01 |
defendguin | the fan isn't even spinning up | 07:01 |
defendguin | 72 | 07:03 |
defendguin | 74 | 07:04 |
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bullgard4 | Why is /sys/class/hwmon empty? | 10:27 |
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xhaker | I need to talk to an acpi wiz | 11:38 |
xhaker | mjg59, can I try to show you something? | 11:39 |
xhaker | I think i've fixed an acpi bug, but would like to confirm that the solution is acceptable | 11:42 |
xhaker | anyone? | 11:42 |
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bullgard4 | Wie kriege ich heraus, welcher Treiber bei mir fr die Temperaturmessung zustndig ist? 'lsmod | grep temp' gibt nichts aus. | 11:57 |
xhaker | Bug #116185 | 12:09 |
xhaker | hmm | 12:09 |
xhaker | https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/116185 | 12:09 |
maks_ | bullgard4: english channel also for dev ask on #ubuntu | 12:23 |
bullgard4 | maks_: I have put here a question in English. Why did you not answer it? | 12:25 |
Krystof | Hi. I am interested in working to get r818x support (noted as missing in bug #129407), but I'm not sure how best to help. | 12:25 |
xhaker | Krystof, try to find patches for that feature | 12:26 |
thom | bullgard4: this is not a support channel. it's for development only | 12:26 |
Krystof | what, other than the pages mentioned in that bug report? | 12:27 |
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amitk | bullgard4: do you have a HW sensor on your motherboard? | 12:44 |
mjg59 | xhaker: Sure | 12:46 |
xhaker | mjg59, i've commented on the kernel tracker | 12:46 |
xhaker | mjg59, http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8757 | 12:47 |
xhaker | mjg59, and attached a patch | 12:47 |
xhaker | please read that, and then ask me whatever you need | 12:47 |
xhaker | mjg59, what do you think. I seem to have fixed. I just don't know if i did in the correct place | 01:03 |
bullgard4 | amitk: I do not understand you well: Yes I have, otherwise I could not tell you that at present the temperatur of thermal zone 1 is 46 C and of thermal zone 2 is 43 C. | 01:07 |
amitk | bullgard4: anything in /sys/bus/i2c/devices? | 01:27 |
amitk | bullgard4: do you _know_ what kind of HW monitor you have on your board? | 01:29 |
mjg59 | bullgard4: Because you either haven't loaded a driver for your hardware, or there isn't a driver for your hardware | 01:30 |
mjg59 | We don't expose the ACPI information in there yet | 01:30 |
amitk | mjg59: are there plans to duplicate ACPI information into hwmon? | 01:35 |
mjg59 | Yes | 01:36 |
mjg59 | Everything in /proc/acpi is gradually being moved to sysfs | 01:36 |
bullgard4 | mjg59: Thank you very much for explaining. | 01:37 |
xhaker | mjg59, did you have time to peek at that acpi bug? | 01:38 |
mjg59 | xhaker: I have, but it's too complicated for me to really understand right now | 01:42 |
mjg59 | I'm also not convinced that the patch is correct | 01:44 |
xhaker | mjg59, i've set the bug in ubuntu to high, hope you be alert if something arises on the kernel tracker.. they're probably gonna test that patch soon enough | 01:44 |
mjg59 | RIght, I can see that that patch would avoid the problem, but I don't think it actually fixes it | 01:45 |
mjg59 | Or is that how the code looks in 2.6.23? | 01:45 |
xhaker | mjg59, i haven't checked 2.6.23, i've went another root and it led me that place.. | 01:45 |
mjg59 | xhaker: Right, but I don't know why unconditionally returning AE_OK there would be the right thing to do | 01:46 |
xhaker | mjg59, think about it.. if we're setting the _BST method serialized to avoid future errors it makes sense not to break things | 01:47 |
xhaker | mjg59, yes, i understand.. i'm sure they'll take a look at it upstream | 01:48 |
xhaker | mjg59, they probably will come up with something that does exactly the same in another level | 01:49 |
mjg59 | xhaker: It would be more helpful to find out which bit of code in 2.6.23 fixes it | 01:50 |
xhaker | it's not easy for me to do something like that.. i only have the ubuntu-gutsy tree here | 01:51 |
xhaker | mjg59, can you suggested an easy way to compare | 01:52 |
xhaker | with 2.6.23 | 01:52 |
mjg59 | xhaker: Use git log to work out which commits touch that area, apply each of them in turn | 01:53 |
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xhaker | mjg59, i've found a patch that produces a fix for that problem | 03:24 |
xhaker | mjg59, http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=commitdiff;h=c0d127b56937c3e72c2b1819161d2f6718eee877 | 03:25 |
xhaker | mjg59, i'm not sure if that's 2.6.23 though | 03:25 |
mjg59 | xhaker: Does applying that to our kernel fix things for you? | 03:26 |
xhaker | i'm testing just now.. and it does | 03:27 |
xhaker | i've applied with patch -p1, i'm not too found on git | 03:27 |
xhaker | and it rejected 1 hunk, but i applied it manually. maybe git has some mechanism to apply it cleanly | 03:28 |
xhaker | now running it. | 03:28 |
xhaker | mjg59, i'm kinda astonished at my ability to find a cure 2 times without error | 03:29 |
xhaker | mjg59, i thought i would hit and miss more | 03:29 |
xhaker | i mean.. miss most of the times | 03:30 |
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zul | hey fabbione | 04:35 |
fabbione | hi zul | 04:36 |
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zul | BenC: ping im seeing a couple of bugs about ncq breakage can we add like an optional kernel parameter that disables ncq | 05:05 |
derjohn | zul, what about the -xen kernel on amd64 ? Upload ? | 05:07 |
zul | derjohn: not in my hands right now my tree has to be cherry-picked first | 05:08 |
derjohn | zul, mon cheri ;) Well, who may I bug about that ? | 05:09 |
zul | derjohn: ive been bugging already ;) | 05:09 |
derjohn | whooohooo! fine ;) | 05:15 |
BenC | it'll happen for tomorrow's upload | 05:16 |
derjohn | BenC, whoooo! Ubuntu has Xen Support from tomorrow on? cool ! | 05:20 |
BenC | we have xen support now :) | 05:20 |
BenC | just not 64-bit | 05:20 |
derjohn | Well, I head about it, but seldom use machines < 4GB :) | 05:21 |
zul | we always had xen support at one point another ;) | 05:21 |
derjohn | BTW: on i386 the xen kernel doesnt still boot due to a pae vs. non-pae mismatch. | 05:22 |
derjohn | I use 2.6.22-11 something. | 05:22 |
zul | are you using xen-3.1 or something else? | 05:22 |
derjohn | there was a bug that was resolved, but that didnt fix the problem. | 05:22 |
derjohn | zul, I dist-upgrade twice a day to get gusty running as i like ... | 05:22 |
derjohn | hypervisor 3.1 and sine some days linux-xen | 05:23 |
zul | lets take this somewhere else | 05:23 |
derjohn | k | 05:23 |
derjohn | I'll make screenshot (digicam) and file a lauchpad-bug ? | 05:23 |
zul | sure | 05:23 |
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evand | why was /win 22 | 06:22 |
evand | whoops | 06:22 |
bdmurray | BenC: I've seen a couple of bug reports where people are interested in getting a 2.6.23 patch backported to 2.6.22 is there a special way to identify those bugs? | 06:35 |
BenC | bdmurray: some how marking them as a "patch available" would be helpful | 06:40 |
bdmurray | BenC: Okay, one that I am looking at has the upsteam commit information is that sufficient too? | 06:41 |
BenC | yeah, the commit SHA means it's just a git-cherry-pick command for us | 06:42 |
bdmurray | so a cherry-pick would be easier for you than someone creating a patch for 2.6.22 from 2.6.23? | 06:44 |
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bdmurray | BenC: If so then using cherry-pick as a tag might work well | 06:49 |
BenC | bdmurray: yeah, that sounds good | 06:51 |
BenC | bdmurray: and yes, it is much easier, mainly because it retains all history, and it magically gets merged when we move on to 2.6.2[34] for gutsy+1 | 06:52 |
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newz2000 | just today I started having a problem with 2.6.22-11 that's been fixed for a while. I reported it before for 2.6.20. Should I file a new bug, since it's a new kernel, or should I add comments to the old bug? (problem is that the sound is incredibly quiet, even at full volume) | 07:00 |
newz2000 | old bug is marked "fix released" | 07:01 |
bdmurray | newz2000: open a new task on the old bug for 2.6.22 | 07:03 |
IntuitiveNipple | Probably best to attach to the previous bug, against Ubuntu linux-source-2.6.22 | 07:03 |
IntuitiveNipple | Do we have a known-issue with LiveCD and unionfs BUG/Oops? is it being worked on? | 07:03 |
mjg59 | It's known | 07:04 |
IntuitiveNipple | The bug #138915 report? | 07:04 |
bdmurray | newz2000: if you need specific help opening the task let me know | 07:04 |
newz2000 | bdmurray: I've never opened a task, I'm looking, but I don't see how to do that | 07:05 |
IntuitiveNipple | I was wondering if unionfs needs digging into | 07:05 |
bdmurray | I personally just change the url | 07:06 |
newz2000 | I'm using bugs.edge.launchpad.net | 07:06 |
bdmurray | so if it it says 2.6.20 change it to 2.6.22 and press enter | 07:06 |
bdmurray | Then it'll tell you it doesn't need fixing there and there is a button to say it also needs fixing in blah | 07:06 |
newz2000 | ok, will do | 07:06 |
IntuitiveNipple | newz2000: "Also affects > Distribution/package" then "Ubuntu" then "linux-source-2.6.22" | 07:07 |
mjg59 | BenC: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/125855 - I thought you were going to pull that patch some tiem back? | 07:12 |
BenC | mjg59: ah, will get it | 07:13 |
newz2000 | what's needed for soundcard bugs? lspci -vv, uname -a, anything else? | 07:13 |
mjg59 | BenC: Thanks | 07:13 |
BenC | mjg59: we're doing git work today, pulling, patches, etc...if you see anything you want in, feel free to do a tree and ping me for a pull | 07:13 |
mjg59 | Ok | 07:13 |
mjg59 | I sent a pull request to the list - have you grabbed that? | 07:14 |
bdmurray | newz2000: actually lspci -vvnn is preferred now and DebuggingSoundProblems at w.u.c has the stuff | 07:14 |
amitk | mjg59: i will get that | 07:15 |
newz2000 | bdmurray: thanks | 07:15 |
mjg59 | BenC: Also, ata_ignore_hpa seems to be defaulting to 0 again | 07:16 |
mjg59 | That's a regression from feisty | 07:16 |
BenC | mjg59: there was supposed to be a patch to module-init-tools to default that in /etc/modprobe.d/ somewhere | 07:17 |
BenC | to avoid changing the code | 07:17 |
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mjg59 | That sounds rather more fragile | 07:18 |
mjg59 | Why not just change the code? | 07:18 |
mjg59 | Anyway, doesn't seem to be present in the latest version | 07:19 |
Keybuk | BenC: I thought we agreed that changing defaults of module options was better in the code | 07:21 |
Keybuk | that's what we always did in the past | 07:22 |
Keybuk | (since a package-shipped conffile causes more pain to change or remove than simply allowing users to add a file to change the in-code default) | 07:22 |
BenC | Keybuk: I much prefer to show our changes from default upstream behavior using methods that were meant for doing that :) | 07:35 |
mjg59 | Default upstream behaviour here is broken. We should just fix the bug. | 07:35 |
Keybuk | BenC: patches? | 07:37 |
Keybuk | branches? | 07:37 |
Keybuk | :-) | 07:37 |
BenC | I agree in this case upstream behavior is broken, so we could just change the in-kernel default | 07:37 |
BenC | but I think using modprobe.d files better document cases where we stray from upstream's defaults | 07:38 |
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Keybuk | disagree | 07:45 |
Keybuk | we should never use modprobe.d files to override a kernel default to a different default of our own | 07:45 |
Keybuk | that's why we have our own kernel source tree | 07:45 |
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DexterF | hi | 08:03 |
DexterF | where can I get the patches for the ubuntu 7.04 kernel alone, not the patched kernel src | 08:03 |
zul | you can look at the git tree but you cant get the patches alone | 08:04 |
DexterF | -.- | 08:04 |
DexterF | ok, next: can I install a vanilla kernel or does ubuntu need certain patches at all cost? | 08:05 |
zul | yes you can isntall a vanilla kernel we add patches to better support some hardware but these questions are more suited for #ubuntu or you can check the wiki | 08:06 |
DexterF | the thing is: the 7.04 kernel totally screws my USB subsystem. I'm having all kind of issues with whatever I plug in. wifi stick on a hub - no go. usb card reader only reads cards when it feels like (works a charm on three other OS/distros) | 08:06 |
DexterF | well, the #ubuntu people sent me right here | 08:07 |
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bdmurray | BenC: Did I mention bug 137734 yesterday? | 08:25 |
BenC | bdmurray: can you get ubugtu in here? | 08:44 |
Mithrandir | just ask Seveas? | 08:45 |
Mithrandir | or I can do it | 08:45 |
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bdmurray | BenC: I'll see what I can do. It seems to be a regression in the last feisty update | 08:45 |
Mithrandir | bug 12345 | 08:46 |
Seveas | @config channel plugins.bugtracker.bugsnarfer True | 08:46 |
ubotu | OK | 08:46 |
Mithrandir | bug 1234 | 08:46 |
ubotu | Bug 1234 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/1234 is private | 08:46 |
Mithrandir | bug 12345 | 08:46 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 12345 in isdnutils "isdn does not work, fritz avm (pnp?)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12345 | 08:46 |
Mithrandir | \o/ | 08:46 |
bdmurray | bug 137734 | 08:46 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 137734 in linux-source-2.6.20 "Alsa support for Ensoniq 1371 breaks when updating to kernel revision 16-generic" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137734 | 08:46 |
Mithrandir | Seveas: cheers | 08:46 |
Seveas | np | 08:46 |
BenC | bdmurray: sounds to me like he has a locally compiled module that broke with the ABI bump...not our problem | 08:47 |
BenC | bdmurray: he needs to recompile the module under the new kernel headers | 08:47 |
bdmurray | What ways can triagers determine that modules are locally compiled? | 08:49 |
BenC | Mithrandir, Seveas: thanks | 08:49 |
BenC | bdmurray: the tip for me is the dmesg, where it says "disagrees about version of symbol FOO" | 08:51 |
BenC | bdmurray: that means that the module is not compiled against the running kernel, and that just isn't possible with a module that came with the kernel | 08:51 |
bdmurray | BenC: Yeah, that seems kind of obvious now. Generally speaking though from dmesg we have no way of knowing if somebody compiled a module on their own if it does work though right? | 09:09 |
BenC | bdmurray: not at the moment, but we've been tossing around the idea of signed modules, and tainting for non-ubuntu provided modules | 09:09 |
BenC | which will show up | 09:09 |
bdmurray | BenC: Alright thanks. How could one confirm that it was a locally compiled module? Would modinfo do it? | 09:09 |
bdmurray | In regards to the Feisty soudn bug | 09:09 |
BenC | bdmurray: modinfo may show a path that you can tell isn't installed by our packages...also srcversion in modinfo can be compared to a known good source | 09:09 |
bdmurray | Great, thanks. My lunch is getting cold. bbiab | 09:09 |
DexterF | 1371 fine here on 16-generic | 09:09 |
BenC | DexterF: thanks for testing that | 09:09 |
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DexterF | BenC: np, coincidence, got such a card in my video box. disabled it for anotherr reason tho, onboard sound and the card got confused sometimes. one time onboard was 0 and the card was 1, next boot just the other way round. | 09:09 |
BenC | DexterF: there's a way to force that in /etc/modprobe.d/ with some mod param | 09:09 |
BenC | like id=0 for one module and id=1 for the other | 09:09 |
DexterF | uh huh, but tell Joe User to do that stunt ;) | 09:10 |
BenC | point :) | 09:10 |
DexterF | umm. since I'm here... I got a lot of USB troubles that I don't have when running the live DVD. how is the live kernel different? | 09:12 |
DexterF | is it possible live doesn't have suspend support? I suspect USB_SUSPEND to be the culprit | 09:13 |
Mithrandir | BenC: when do you expect the first 2.6.23 upload to happen? (If you have an date) | 09:25 |
BenC | Mithrandir: very soon after gutsy+1 opens | 09:25 |
Mithrandir | ok | 09:25 |
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zul | BenC: if I find the drivers for bug 139449 could we get it in for gutsy? | 09:34 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 139449 in ubuntu "Lenovo 3000 N200 fingerprint scanner support." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139449 | 09:34 |
BenC | zul: it's not a driver | 09:34 |
BenC | zul: fingerprint scanners are supported with bioapi, a userspace library | 09:34 |
zul | ah ok | 09:34 |
zul | gotcha | 09:35 |
BenC | we would need the library, plus pam_bioapi module to make use of it | 09:35 |
zul | http://home.gna.org/aes2501/index_en.html | 09:35 |
BenC | zul: ah, so I guess some devices require a driver :) | 09:43 |
BenC | ones like mine just require the bioapi, and it communicates through usb device files | 09:43 |
BenC | hiddev I think is what it uses | 09:43 |
zul | yeah so ill try to get a patch tonight hopefully | 09:44 |
BenC | doesn't make much sense | 09:44 |
mjg59 | zul: The aes2501 does nothing useful at the moment, does it? | 09:44 |
BenC | there's nothing in our system that uses it | 09:44 |
mjg59 | It's purely a scanner. We need code that can actually compare fingerprints | 09:45 |
mjg59 | Then that needs to be integrated into v4l | 09:45 |
zul | mjg59: i dont know i havent looked at the code yet | 09:46 |
zul | mjg59: it looks kind of icky.. http://svn.gna.org/viewcvs/aes2501/trunk/aes2501.c?rev=15&view=auto | 09:48 |
zul | right im going home for the day later | 09:50 |
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DexterF | guys where do you store your .config? installed a source package, no .config in there, neither in the tarball it gave me | 10:28 |
JanC | DexterF: did you look in /boot ? ;) | 10:29 |
DexterF | duh | 10:29 |
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mdomsch | BenC: I put a patch in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kernel-package/+bug/120049 | 10:59 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 120049 in linux-source-2.6.22 "header_postinst_hook should use /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d instead" [Medium,Confirmed] | 10:59 |
mdomsch | rtg and I discussed earlier this week when he was here | 10:59 |
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verwilst | hellow | 11:56 |
verwilst | i just git-clone'd zul/ubuntu-gutsy.git | 11:56 |
verwilst | how do i build the xen kernel again plz? :) | 11:57 |
BenC | don't use that | 11:57 |
BenC | oh, wait, maybe that's the one that has the right kind of patch | 11:57 |
BenC | verwilst: fakeroot debian/rules custom-binary-xen | 11:57 |
verwilst | /usr/bin/fakeroot: 152: debian/rules: not found | 11:58 |
verwilst | hm | 11:58 |
verwilst | it exists though | 11:59 |
verwilst | nm :p | 12:01 |
verwilst | misleading error | 12:01 |
verwilst | building ;) | 12:03 |
verwilst | next kernel release is for the next couple of days, right? | 12:03 |
=== rtg [n=rtg@rtg.theglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel | ||
=== BenC_ [n=bcollins@collinsap1.phunnypharm.org] has joined #ubuntu-kernel | ||
=== Abo-Marwan10 [i=sus@gateway/tor/x-463f241cf970f061] has joined #ubuntu-kernel | ||
=== BenC_ [n=bcollins@collinsap1.phunnypharm.org] has joined #ubuntu-kernel |
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